BIM to SIM: Trends in Buildings, Technologies and Tools Drury B. Crawley, Ph.D., FASHRAE, BEMP, FIBPSA, AIA Bentley Systems, Inc. 2014 ASHRAE/IBPSA-USA Building Simulation Conference

2014 09 10 ASHRAE-IBPSA-USA Crawley

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Page 1: 2014 09 10 ASHRAE-IBPSA-USA Crawley

BIM to SIM: Trends in Buildings, Technologies and Tools

Drury B. Crawley, Ph.D., FASHRAE, BEMP, FIBPSA, AIABentley Systems, Inc.

2014 ASHRAE/IBPSA-USABuilding Simulation


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Energy End Uses by Sector

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Energy in Our Economy is Complex

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Energy Use and Carbon Emissions are Down

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U.S. Buildings’ Energy Use

Energy Information Administration. 2013. Annual Energy Outlook 2013, EIA-0383 2013). Washington, D.C.

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Building Industry Trends

• Centralization of Ownership (large chains, owners)• Worker Health / Productivity / Comfort• Continuous commissioning, ESCOs, utility programs• Price shocks, energy deregulation • Climate change mitigation / carbon regulation • Green buildings• BIM• Benchmarking/Data!• NZEB/NZEC

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Policy Drivers – Buildings Are Getting Better

• Economic and environmental drivers • Mandatory performance metrics: national and local codes and

standards… but are they enforced?• Voluntary performance metrics (LEED, BREEAM, BEPAC, many others)• National and international policy

• Climate Change but what are nations doing?• Kyoto Protocol• EU began mandatory building performance labeling in 2009 (EPD) …

• US energy policy continues to be voluntary approach, with mandatory minimum standards

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New Technologies: Available Now or Soon to Hit Market

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Technology Penetration is Accelerating

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Technology Change in 20 Years

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New Technology – SSL and OLED

Lighting is undergoing a revolution: LEDs use much lower energy with expected life of years (decades?). New forms (no longer restricted to Edison shape lamps, 4 ft fluorescents)

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Parking Lot Lighting – 50% Savings Today

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Photovoltaic Power

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Fuel Cells, Microturbines, DHCP, DC

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Increased Stringency in Standards 90.1/189.1













1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015


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se In



5 U

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14% Savings 4% Savings

11% Savings

Standard 90.1-2010

Standard 90-75 Standard 90A-1980

Standard 90.1-1989

Standard 90.1-1999

Standard 90.1-2004

Standard 90.1-2007

Standard 90.1-2013

Standard 189.1-2009

Standard 189.1-2011

Source: DOE Building Energy Codes Program

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End-Use Energy: More Details are Better!

Total Equipment


Total Lights13%

Total HVAC59%

Reference: Pless and Torcellini. 2004.

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Building Performance Simulation

• Simulation is still more art than science• Major Challenges:

• Building data maintenance/storage throughout building life-cycle• Training...must train users in simulation methods not tools!• Tools must enable and encourage new technologies--too many

technologies/systems that various tools cannot simulate

• Getting geometry and other data from existing building information models (yes, BIM) is a significant challenge.

• Green/sustainable design and policy are driving simulation more than energy costs (LEED, IgCC, EPC, Title 24, ASHRAE 90.1/189.1, IECC)

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• New tools/capabilities in established tools• Interoperability—IAI IFC, XML, BIM Standards• Visualization/VR• Cloud• Integration—thermal, CFD, electrical, IEQ, visual• Risk assessment (insurance)• Embodied energy, LCI/LCA, toxicity of built environment• Emissions

• More tools, not fewer, customized to user needs• Users continue to want more at lower effort

WARNING! Do you know what default values you’re using?

Simulation Trends

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Traditional SimulationWorkflow Challenges

• Early design through construction documents – with increasing detail, multiple solutions

• Existing buildings with no details (maybe no drawings?)

• Manual input, data re-creation, translation errors and omissions

• Utilizing virtual data (2-D CAD, BIM) geometry robust, other data limited

Nall and Crawley 2011

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Building Information Model/Modeling

• Building Information Model:• Digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a

facility. . . shared knowledge resource for information about a facility, forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life cycle from inception onward.1

• Building Information Modeling:• Using BIM software and other related software, hardware and

technologies in a building information model2

1 National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS). 2007. National Building Information Modeling Standard Version 1, Part 1, p. 21.

2 Jernigan, F. 2007. BIG BIM little bim, The Practical Approach to Building Information Modeling, Integrated Practice Done the Right Way! Salisbury, Md.: 4Site Press.

Information Mobility

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BIM Today is NOT Your Father’s CAD

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BIM to Sim(ulation)

• Translate BIM to Simulation• BuildingSMART IFCs (Industry Foundation Classes)

• Any BIM software that supports interoperability, available since 2001• Limited to what BIM tools decide to export—typically only geometry

• gbXML• Autodesk Green Building Studio

• Web-based conversion of major BIM formats to energy simulation inputs• Limited coverage• Can require users to create their BIM drawings in structured way

(may not follow designer regular workflow)

• Direct from BIM to Simulation• Major tools already have or are adding direct export to one or more simulation tools

• Interoperability is key to getting energy simulation mainstream. Other drivers—zero-energy buildings and green building rating systems

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“Every building is a forecast. Every forecast is wrong.”

Stewart BrandHow Buildings Learn, What Happens after they’re Built

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• Simulation critical in supporting decision-making for building design and operation of low- and zero-energy buildings

Simulation vs. Operating Energy

• BUT, compared to simulations, real buildings– use more energy – produce less power– have worse controls – have more occupant

complaints– GIGO– Not enough information!

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• Changes in building technologies over the next several decades will be significant—driven by:

• Policies (EPD, labeling, carbon regulation, energy standards)• Demand for better buildings from building owners and occupants

• Energy and Green Standards are already pushing significant reduction in energy performance. Increasingly difficult to comply with prescriptive requirements (already 25-30% increased stringency)

• Quality of simulation results only as good as the data entered: GIGO – the more data about the building and how it works, the better.

• Getting data from BIM to Sim through interoperability still a significant challenge – often incomplete, blackbox defaults, insufficient for simulation.

• Interoperability among building software tools will accelerate use of building simulation. Is there enough demand for interoperability to push the software developers?

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So, Is This the Building of Tomorrow?

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Probably More Like NREL RSF (NZEB)

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Or These Recent Buildings

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Or Even Apple’s New HQ

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Business(student, occupied room, sales)

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