Session 0413: Increase Stakeholder Adoption by Leveraging Mobile Platform Applications William Newman, MBA, CMC – Managing Principal, Newport Consulting Group Anton Ansalmar – President, Rapid Consulting, Inc. September 10-13, 2012 Orlando, Florida

2012 SBOUC Increase Stakeholder Adoption by Leveraging Mobile Platform Applications

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Session proceedings from the 2012 SAP BusinessObjects User Conference (Orlando, FL) Session 0413 presented by William Newman (Managing Principal, Newport Consulting Group) and Anton Ansalmar (President and Co-founder, Rapid Consulting)

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Session 0413: Increase Stakeholder Adoption by Leveraging Mobile Platform Applications William Newman, MBA, CMC – Managing Principal, Newport Consulting Group Anton Ansalmar – President, Rapid Consulting, Inc.

September 10-13, 2012 Orlando, Florida

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• Review of the changing domestic market of mobile apps and their use, adoption

• Understand who in the organization is responsible for creating versus rendering content

• Develop tactics to form working relationships with stakeholders for continual engagement

• Create a change management environment for mobility • Leverage integration tools in specific use cases or not at all • Understand the five key check-list items for successful

mobile engagement • Consider how to integrate dashboards, metrics and

processes for effective transparency and use of mobile apps

Learning Points

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Changing Environment of Mobile Computing / 1

M-commerce has been slow to make inroads against traditional channels. That appears finally about to change. The next

18 months will be critical as companies position to scale.

- Booz & Company, M-Commerce Comes of Age (August, 2011)

The proliferation of mobile technologies

and the increase in cloud computing

represent the two most significant


- Oxford Economics, Digital Megatrends 2015: The Role

of Technology in the New Normal Market (March, 2011)

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Changing Environment of Mobile Computing / 2

Source: Oxford Economics, Digital Megatrends 2015: The Role of Technology in the New Normal Market (March, 2011)

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Changing Environment of Mobile Computing / 3

Developing regions - No or little current

infrastructure, initial need will be for basic

services such as financial management, banking, B2C and B2B commerce. They will only know life

“in the cloud.”


Mature markets - particularly introduction of 4G into US / NA markets - will allow for greater use of corporate functions and

consumer experience.


As growth matures in saturated 4G markets such as Asia (Japan) and EU, US / NA market resembles more of a “developing” market.

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Changing Environment of Mobile Computing / 4

Applications vary in complexity, from enhanced reality to administrative. Current biz applications focus is administrative workflow.

Administrative Banking, travel and expenses, basic commodity purchases, tracking and

monitoring of purchases and deliveries, basic workflows



Lower complexity

Greater complexity

Business analytics, performance management, sensitivity analysis,

logistics, transport management, mobile surgery (viewing / commenting)

Example applications

Augmented reality, interactive learning, on demand mobile execution (m2m),

mobile surgery, prescription fulfillment (execution)

Source: InfoStretch, SAP, Newport Consulting Group analysis

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Changing Role of Executive Sponsors / 1

• Explosion of Mobile

• Sarbanes-Oxley

• Cool Factor

• Multi-task, multi-use, multi-threading …

• Need for Security (yours not theirs)

This means:

If you want to get a project approved you stand a better chance if there is a mode or channel of mobility you can sell your boss (and their boss, and so on ...)

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Changing Role of Executive Sponsors / 2

The 2 numbers you need to remember if you are a program manager in a large enterprise considering mobility:

Source: Informal crowd poll, ASUG Michigan chapter meeting (November, 2011)

The % increase in the likelihood of a enterprise transformation project being funded if even simple mobile workflow capabilities are included in the scope.

The % increase in the marginal cost to develop one single simple mobile

workflow app based on a $1M project.

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Changing Role of Executive Sponsors / 2

There are a number of “quick hit” areas to consider for mobile business apps, and the list is growing every day on the Apple AppStore ,Google Marketplace, and the SAP Market itself:

• Some emerging “quick hits” for dubious executives: • Expense Approval • Travel Approval • Document routing • Process approvals (PPAP, APQP) • Carbon OnDemand (GHG Demand Forecast) • Sales OnDemand (Sales Demand Forecast)

• Some emerging trends • Business ByDesign • Enterprise Social Business • 2-tier Hybrid solutions (on premises w/ cloud)

Click to read StreamWork


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Communication Best Practices

“Conference Room” Pilots

BYOD programs

Rapid / multiple rendering cycles

Executive Alignment POCs




Click to read BYOD article on searchSAP.com

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“Communication Zone”

Engaging the Team

• As with any systems initiative, “guiding principles” are boundaries or “big rules” that keep your efforts on track, value oriented, and MBO relevant

• Often times these principles can be distilled into sound bites or “elevator speak” to keep different user groups consistently informed, and counteract the “grapevine effect”


Internal Stakeholders


Platform Partners

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A Practical Checklist

1. Don’t over promise then under deliver

2. Don’t let your apps lapse

3. Don’t try to be something you’re not

4. Only release it when it is ready

5. Don’t over-think the development

Source: Five Pitfalls to Avoid when Developing Mobile Apps, Mashable, 2010.

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Demo: Challenges for Executives in Mobility Solutions

• How to leverage the value of mobility to the benefits of the business?

• One single app instead of multiple apps

• How to view key Performance metrics one one dashboard across multiple platforms.

Why can’t business apps be

simple, easy to use?

Business IT

• Need a solution now!

• Security is still priority

• How to manage the mobile landscape (workers, applications and devices)?

• What policies and tools are required

How do I deploy and manage

Executive Apps?

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Demo: Integrating Metrics, Dashboards, Processes

The Executive Suite mobile app for iOS and Android, helps executives access multiple SAP and non-SAP related business processes from within one single application in real-time at any time. Executives can view key performance indicators via interactive dashboards delivered using HTML 5 based technology.

Key Features: • Social Media feeds from Twitter • View Corporate Employee data, contacts, and current location from HR. • View Inventory in your Warehouse based on location and product availability. • Approve or Reject Purchase Order Requests. • Monitor, review, and explore key business reports built using HTML5 for accessibility

across multiple platforms.

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Demo: Integrating Metrics, Dashboards, Processes

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• The environment for mobile computing is changing rapidly, also changing how executives view mobile computing as a possible game changer for business operations.

• Given the proper infrastructure, high program funding chances can increase adoption of mobile computing (50/2)

• Positioning mobile computing in the workplace to allow for open and free conversation on use and implementation increases user adoption.

• Highly accessible, high performing apps – like Executive Suite – can accelerate your mobile computing adoption.

Key Learnings

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Your turn!

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Thank you for participating.

Please provide feedback on this session by completing a short survey via the event

mobile application.


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