QUESTION BANK HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PAPER CODE – 202 (BBA-IV M1 & M2) UNIT-1 1. What is HRM? What are its Functions & Objectives? 2. “The HRM function has acquired strategic importance in organizations due to economic liberalization and globalization.” Comment? 3. Strategic HRM is the need of the hour. Elaborate? 4. Discuss implication of change in the profile of people, technology and environment on managing people in the organizations. 5. How the concept of Human Resource Management is different than Personnel Management. Explain your answer with suitable examples? 6. Discuss the issues that have challenged the HR Managers during the last decade. Examine the relevance of Scientific Management and Human Relations Approaches to the current practices of management? 7. Short Notes: a. Human Capital Management b. Six Sigma c. Emotional Quotient UNIT-2 8. Define Human Resource Planning? What is its Importance? 9. “Human Resource Planning is a pre-requisite for effective management of Human Resources.” In light of the above, analyse the significance of HRP? 10. “Broadly HR Planning is an effort to anticipate future business and environmental demands on an organization and to meet the HR requirements dictated by those conditions.” In light of the above, discuss the interrelated activities that together comprise an integrated Human Resource Planning System?

2012 Question Bank Hrm 20b2 Bbaa IV

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PAPER CODE – 202(BBA-IV M1 & M2)

UNIT-1 1. What is HRM? What are its Functions & Objectives?2. “The HRM function has acquired strategic importance in organizations due to

economic liberalization and globalization.” Comment?

3. Strategic HRM is the need of the hour. Elaborate?

4. Discuss implication of change in the profile of people, technology and environment on managing people in the organizations.

5. How the concept of Human Resource Management is different than Personnel Management. Explain your answer with suitable examples?

6. Discuss the issues that have challenged the HR Managers during the last decade. Examine the relevance of Scientific Management and Human Relations Approaches to the current practices of management?

7. Short Notes:a. Human Capital Managementb. Six Sigmac. Emotional Quotient


8. Define Human Resource Planning? What is its Importance?

9. “Human Resource Planning is a pre-requisite for effective management of Human Resources.” In light of the above, analyse the significance of HRP?

10. “Broadly HR Planning is an effort to anticipate future business and environmental demands on an organization and to meet the HR requirements dictated by those conditions.” In light of the above, discuss the interrelated activities that together comprise an integrated Human Resource Planning System?

11. Define the concept of Job Analysis? Briefly discuss the process of Job Analysis?

12. What are the differences between the Job Description and Job Specification?

13. Explain how you distinguish between Lay-off, Retrenchment and Dismissal?

14. Since tests are objective in nature and interviews are subjective, why not eliminate the interviews as a step for selection of employees in an organization? What precautions you propose to make interviews effective in selection?

15. Discuss the Importance of Psychological Tests and Interviews in employee selection?

16. Distinguish between placement and induction? Explain the contents of an employee induction programme?

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17. What is Reality Shock? Give most promising method(s) for reducing Reality Shock?


18. Define ‘Training’? Distinguish between training, education and development?

19. What criteria would you use to evaluate the effectiveness of a training programme?

20. How can the career planning process be made effective?

21. 9. Define the terms ‘career, ‘career planning’ and ‘career development’? Explain the steps involved in career development?

UNIT-4 22. Explain procedure/ steps involved in the Evaluation of a Job?

23. “Accurate appraisal of performance is very difficult”. In light of this statement discuss the problems (LIMITATIONS) in the performance appraisal.

24. Explain base compensation and supplementary compensation. What is the difference between the two?

25. Describe the process of performance appraisal through ‘Management by Objectives? In what way such an appraisal is an improvement over trait based appraisals?

26. What are the statutory provisions concerning employee health as per The Factories Act 1948?

Prof. (Dr) Pankaj Handa
