2012-Applied Clay Science-Z.zhang, Et Al.,-Potential Application of Geopolymers

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  • 8/16/2019 2012-Applied Clay Science-Z.zhang, Et Al.,-Potential Application of Geopolymers


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    Potential application of geopolymers asprotection coatings for marine concrete III.

    Field experiment


    Impact Factor: 2.47 · DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2010.01.014






    Zuhua Zhang

    University of Southern Queensland



    Xiao Yao

    Nanjing University of Technology



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    Retrieved on: 10 March 2016


  • 8/16/2019 2012-Applied Clay Science-Z.zhang, Et Al.,-Potential Application of Geopolymers


  • 8/16/2019 2012-Applied Clay Science-Z.zhang, Et Al.,-Potential Application of Geopolymers


    Author's personal copy

    Potential application of geopolymers as protection coatings for marine concrete III.Field experiment

    Zuhua Zhang   a,b,⁎, Xiao Yao  b, Hao Wang   a

    a Faculty of Engineering and Surveying, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, QLD, 4350, Australiab College of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing, 210009, China

    a b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o

     Article history:

    Received 19 May 2011

    Received in revised form 27 April 2012

    Accepted 26 May 2012

    Available online xxxx


    Marine concrete



    Field experiment


    Previous studies have shown a high potential of using geopolymers as new inorganic coatings in protecting

    marine concrete. This article reports the results of the experiment on  eld application. Geopolymer coatings

    were in-situ applied on the surfaces of concrete accropodes along the coast. It was observed that the geo-

    polymer coatings set within 4 hours, bound strongly with concrete and were able to resist the wave shock

    in the  rst tide rise. There was a modicum of calcite detected by X-ray diffraction (XRD) but no sulphate

    was found in the coatings within 6 months. One issue raised during in-situ application is the large shrinkage

    of the geopolymer paste under ambient condition. Micro-cracks on the surfaces were observed after 7 days

    although the MgO-based expansion agent and polypropylene (PP)bers were added to withstand the shrink-

    age. The humidity of the atmosphere and the thickness of the coating layer are the two signicant factors af-

    fecting the integrity of coatings. It was noted that the coating with a thickness of 5 mm at the tidal area,

    where contact with seawater periodically, exhibited the best integrity. To solve the problem of large shrink-

    age, it is recommended to use suitable aggregates in coating paste and to develop appropriate shrinkage re-

    ducing agents together with careful curing procedures.

    © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    The concrete structures exposed to aggressive marine environ-

    ment, especially the steel reinforced structures, readily deteriorate

    with time. This is because the cement hydration products and the

    reinforced steel bar in concrete react quickly with aggressive

    mediums. The mechanisms are mainly due to the carbonation of the

    cement hydration products Ca(OH)2   in wet environment with the

    presence of Cl−, Mg2+ and SO42− ions. The carbonation products

    CaCO3  may block the capillary pores at the beginning; however, it

    can be further dissolved when contacting with water. Consequently,

    the pores allow more corrosive ions to move in and meanwhile thedecreased alkalinity of cement matrix due to the loss of Ca(OH) 2 fur-

    ther increases the potential of chloride corrosion. Chloride ion is one

    of most dangerous ions for the reinforced concrete. It acts as a catalyst

    to destroy the passive layer on steel and leads to a continuous corro-

    sion once the pH of the pore water in concrete decreases to a critical

    level. Besides, the reactions between the magnesium and sulfate ions

    with the cement hydration products form expansive products and

    further cause micro-cracks, which become the ingression channels

    for outside aggressive mediums. These corrosion processes reduce

    the life of concretes substantially.

    Surface protection is applied to concrete structures to extend their

    service life. Organic coatings, such as polyurethane coating, acrylic

    coating, epoxy resin coating and chlorinated rubber coating, have

    been applied on the surface of structures exposed to marine environ-

    ment (Medeiros and Helene, 2009; Rodrigues et al., 2000). However,

    since the aging under sunshine condition and the chemical and phys-

    ical impacts of sea wave, the durability of the organic coatings is

    doubtful. Using inorganic polymers, known as   ‘geopolymer’, as pro-

    tective coating materials may be an alternative choice. Geopolymers

    are a family of alkali-activated cements with excellent resistance tosulfate and seawater attack (Bakharev, 2005; Fernández-Jiménez

    and Palomo, 2009). Geopolymer concretes exhibit much lower chlo-

    ride permeability than ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete

    (Bernal et al., 2011). Moreover, the presence of chloride in geo-

    polymer matrix does not seem to affect the strength of concrete in

    the long term (Makaratat et al., 2011; Rattanasak et al., 2011). It

    means that the geopolymer concretes can keep the integrity even

    the diffused chloride ions reach a certain concentration.

    The possibility of using geopolymer as a novel coating material for

    protecting marine concretes has been studied recently (Zhang et al.,

    2010a, 2010b). It was found that the setting time of metakaolin-based

    geopolymer coating can be adjusted by adding slag at an amount

    accordingly to experiment temperature. The adhesion of geopolymer

    coating to cement mortar substrate was appreciated. The shrinkage

    Applied Clay Science 67–68 (2012) 57–60

    ⁎   Corresponding author at: Faculty of Engineering and Surveying, University of 

    Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, QLD, 4350, Australia.

    E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Z. Zhang), [email protected] (X. Yao),

    [email protected] (H. Wang).

    0169-1317/$  –  see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    Applied Clay Science

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  • 8/16/2019 2012-Applied Clay Science-Z.zhang, Et Al.,-Potential Application of Geopolymers


    Author's personal copy

    could be controlled by using MgO-based expansion agent and polypro-

    pylene (PP) bers. However, since the experiments were performed at

    the laboratory condition (Relative humidity=90±5%, 20±2 °C), it

    was dif cult to conclude that the investigated geopolymer systems

    were capable of providing a sustainable anticorrosion coating for con-

    cretes exposed to natural marine environment. The primary purpose

    of this technical paper is to update the research progress and to reportthe results from the eld experiment.

    2. Experimental programs

     2.1. Field location

    The   eld experiment was performed on Shanghai Jinshan coast

    (Hangzhou Bay, N30.705239, E121.334724). The large temperature

    change between summer (up to 38 °C) and winter (low to −10 °C)

    is the reason to select this location for examining the weatherability

    of the coating. The  eld experiment started from 20th August 2010

    (middle of summer) and the observation lasted for 6 months till

    20th February 2011 (middle of winter). During this period, the ob-

    served temperature varied from 38 °C (highest in summer) to−

    4 °C(lowest in winter). A longer observation will be performed after this

    stage when more eld information is obtained and taken into consid-

    eration of geopolymer formulation and coating procedures.

    Three accropodes on the coast were chosen as the concrete sub-

    strates. The concrete accropodes are placed in the tide zone to absorb

    the wave energy, therefore to reduce the impact of wave on seawall

    (Fig. 1(a)). The deterioration of accropods is very fast.   Fig. 1(b)

    shows the damaged accropods after being in service for only

    6 years. Fig. 1(c) shows the characteristics of the three selected sur-

    faces (denoted as SI, SII   and SIII   respectively): SI   does not contact

    with seawater while SII and SIII are immersed in seawater periodically.

    The difference is that SII is back to the wave shock while SIII is face to

    the wave shock.

     2.2. Preparation of geopolymer coating 

    Table 1 provides the composition of the geopolymer coating. The

    chemical composition of metakaolin, slag and sodium-based activator

    solution and the characteristics of MgO and PP were reported previ-

    ously (Zhang et al., 2010a). The metakaolin, slag and MgO expansion

    agent were dry mixed in a cement paste mixer for 10 min at a low

    speed and then the activator solution with well distributed PP  bers

    was poured in and mixed together until homogeneous slurry was

    achieved. This mixing procedure was developed to prevent the aggre-

    gation of PP  bers (Zhang et al., 2010a).

     2.3. Coating procedure and examination

    The coating work was performed in the afternoon of 20th August

    2010, a cloudy and windy day. On the coast, the temperature was

    26 °C, the wind reached to Grade 7 (13.9–17.1 m/s) and the relative

    humidity was ~65%. After ebb tide, surfaces S II and SIII were scrubbed

    with a wire brush to remove the sea shells and the loose mortar and

    allowed to naturally dry for 30 min. The geopolymer slurry was man-

    ually coated on SI, SII and SIII to a thickness of 3 mm, 3 mm and 5 mm

    respectively with a putty brush. After the initial setting (about

    30 min), the coatings were covered with wet straw mats. It was

    noted thenal setting time under natural marine condition was with-

    in 4 h, which is shorter than the half tidal cycle (6 h). After being so-

    lidied for two tidal cycles (24 h), the straw mats were removed to

    allow coatings to be hardened under ambient condition.

    The coatings were daily observed during the  rst month to recordthe change in appearance. To examine the possible phase change in

    the hardened coatings due to the contact with seawater, XRD was

     Table 1

    Composition of geopolymer coating.

    Metakaolin Slag Activator PP  ber MgO

    mass%    42.97 7.52 47.17 0.39 0.95




    SIII: face to wave

    SII: back to wave

    SI: dry

    Fig. 1. Field experiment location (a), the deteriorated accropodes (b), and the surfaces

    to be coated (c).

    58   Z. Zhang et al. / Applied Clay Science 67 –68 (2012) 57 –60


  • 8/16/2019 2012-Applied Clay Science-Z.zhang, Et Al.,-Potential Application of Geopolymers


    Author's personal copy

    carried out. The sampling and testing procedures for XRD were de-

    scribed elsewhere (Zhang et al., 2010b).

    3. Results and discussion

    Fig. 2 shows the appearance of geopolymer coatings on SI, SII and SIII

    at different ages. The coatings bound withconcrete substrates very well(Fig. 3a), although they have been exposed 6 h of wave shocking on S IIand SIII in the rst 12 h. The color change with time at early age and the

    different shrinkage properties were two notable phenomena. After

    being solidied for 24 h, the color of the coatings changed from soil-

    red to azury, a typical color that usually appears in the product of alkali

    activated slag at early age, and then gradually turned back to the origi-

    nal soil-red after being exposed in the marine condition for 7 d. There

    was no notable color change afterwards. The most concerned property

    is the integrity of the coatings under natural marine environment. It

    was observed that the coating on SI   (Fig. 3b) exhibited the highest

    shrinkage, and a few of micro-cracks appeared on the edges after

    24 h. This is because of the fast loss of water under thewindy condition

    (Lin and Ran, 2010) and may also partially be due to the chemical

    shrinkage of geopolymer binder (Zhang et al., 2010a, 2010b). Althoughthe coating on SII  (Fig. 3c) immersed in seawater for 12 h in the  rst

    24 h, it still had shrinkage, which lead to the micro-cracks (the white

    line indicated in Fig. 3c (left)). The coating on SIII had the best integrity

    and no micro-crackwas found in therst 24 h.However, after 7 d,a few

    micro-cracks appeared on the coating but the size and concentration

    were much smaller than those which appeared on SI and SII.

    Fig. 3 shows a piece of 28 d-aged coating chip, which was forcedly

    broken off from SIII. The coating chips being pounded down always

    ripped off some concrete substrate, indicating that the bonding inter-

    face was stronger than the substrate. Fig. 4 presents the XRD patterns

    of the 28 and 180 d-aged coatings on SIII. Calcite was detectable in

    both 28 d and 180 d products. However, sulphate was not found,

    maybe due to the quantity is below the testing limitation of XRD.

    From literatures, the magnesium and sulphate ions have been ob-

    served in the 

    y-ash based geopolymer matrix when the specimensimmersed in seawater, although theses ions seem to have no signi-

    cant inuence on the mechanical strength (Fernández-Jiménez and

    Palomo, 2009). It is reported that the alkali activated slag/metakaolin

    blends possess faster carbonation when more metakaolin is used

    (Bernal et al., 2010). In this study, however, it should be noted that

    the slag used in this system is 12 wt.% of the total solid content,

    much less than those alkali activated slag or slag/metakaolin systems,

    where the slag content is more than 80 wt.% (Bernal et al., 2010). In

    return very limited amount of calcite silicate hydrates (C–S–H) was

    formed. Therefore, the extremely slow ingression of ions and carbon-

    ation are attributed to the compact structure of the coating and the

    less C–S–H, which is one possible ingredient that may process

    a b24 h 180 d 24 h 180 d

    10 mm

    c d

    24 h 180 d 24 h 180 d

    10 mm 10 mm

    Fig. 2. Geopolymer coatings solidied for 24 h and aged 180 d: a whole view on accropods (a); cracks to micro-cracks appeared on coating surfaces on S I  (b), SII  (c) and SIII (d).

    Arrows point to micro-cracks.



    PP fibres

    Fig. 3. Geopolymer coating forcedly broken off with cement substrate bound together.

    The cracked chips are linked by PP  bres.

    59 Z. Zhang et al. / Applied Clay Science 67 –68 (2012) 57 –60


  • 8/16/2019 2012-Applied Clay Science-Z.zhang, Et Al.,-Potential Application of Geopolymers


    Author's personal copy

    carbonation. The white solid product(s) appeared on coatings in the

    early age (7 d) could be CaCO3 or a mixture of CaCO3 and Na2CO3. Al-

    though there is no detectable Na2CO3 in the 28 d and 180 d products,

    it cannot exclude the possibility that the formation of Na2CO3. Na2CO3seems more possible because with the geopolymerization continuing,

    the white product no longer appears as less sodium is available.

    From the above observation it can be concluded that the geo-

    polymer coating develops a high bonding strength within 6 h,

    which is strong enough to resist the wave shock. The chemical stabil-

    ity of the coating under marine condition is also sound. One potential

    problem could be the water stability of fresh coating when contacts

    with seawater (Temuujin et al., 2011). However, from the laboratory

    and  eld experiments in this investigation, the geopolymer coatings

    exhibited good water stability. The only issue noticed is shrinkage,

    which causes a high tension stress on surface, resulting in micro-

    cracks. Small cracks may not affect the bonding strength and the

    chemical stability. However, cracks would allow the aggressive ions

    to reach and corrode the concrete inside, and thus invalidate the func-

    tion of geopolymer coating.

    The humidity of the atmosphere and the thickness of coating layer

    are the two factors that have signicant impacts on the integrity of 

    geopolymer coating. The cracks appeared on SI  are more and wider

    than on SII.  Since both coatings on SI  and SII  are of 3 mm thickness,

    it is clear that periodical contact with seawater reduces the shrinkage

    of coating. Applying geopolymer coating on the tidal concrete struc-

    tures seems more preferred. The thickness factor can be seen by com-

    paring the coatings on SII and SIII. Although they are suffered the same

    tidal cycles, the thicker coating on SIII exhibits fewer cracks and better

    integrity. It is concluded that increasing the thickness of the coatingfrom 3 mm to 5 mm is helpful in reducing the shrinkage of geo-

    polymer coatings.

    The addition of MgO-based expansion agent and PP  bers can ef-

    fectively reduce the shrinkage of geopolymer paste at high humidity

    conditions, reported at laboratory condition with RH= 90± 5%

    (Zhang et al., 2010a). However, this method is less effective in con-

    trolling shrinkage of geopolymer coating under natural marine condi-

    tion. The   rst reason lies on the chemical shrinkage nature of 

    geopolymer binder, particularly for metakaolin-based geopolymer,

    which requires a much higher liquid/solid ratio to achieve good

    workability. The second reason is that the high speed wind on coast

    accelerates the water evaporation during solidifying and causes a se-

    rious shrinkage at plastic stage. The third reason is that the coating is

    usually a relatively thin layer. The fast water loss of thin layer contrib-utes to the dry shrinkage after hardening. Several remedies may be

    helpful to solve the problem. One is using sand or other aggregates

    to reduce the binder content in coating. It has been noted that a

    higher sand/binder ratio results in low shrinkage (Vasconcelos et al.,

    2011). Spraying suitable shrinkage reducing agents (moisturizers)

    on the surface of coating or using viscosity modifying agents to re-

    duce water evaporation may also work (Lin and Ran, 2010). However,

    those commercial agents are only reported workable for normal con-

    crete. Very limited information about geopolymer additives has beendisclosed yet. Further investigations are needed in both the coating

    composition design and the  eld application procedure.

    4. Summary 

    A novel geopolymeric coating material has been proposed with the

    aim of protecting the concrete structures exposed to marine environ-

    ment. The systematical experiments from laboratory and  eld applica-

    tion have demonstrated the coating possesses suitable setting time,

    high bonding strength and excellent anti-corrosion properties. The

    chemical stability under marine condition enables it to provide a sus-

    tainable protection to concrete structures. The large shrinkage during

    setting and hardening can be reduced by adding MgO-based expansion

    agent and PP

    bers but not satisfactory under naturalmarinecondition.Recommendations for solving this problem include: 1) to keep the coat-

    ing thickness>5 mm; 2) to apply the coating at tidal area, where the

    humidity is relatively high and the deterioration of concrete is more se-

    rious; 3) to add suitable aggregates in coating paste and/or to develop

    appropriate shrinkage reducing agents; 4) to apply careful curing pro-

    duces at early age, such as cover wind shields.


    The authors acknowledge the support of the Graduates Research &

    Innovation Program (CX098_126Z) of Jiangsu province, China, the In-

    ternational Postgraduate Research Scholarship provided by the Aus-

    tralia government and the Halok Pty Ltd Research Scholarship.


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    10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


    2-theta (degree)

    28 d

    180 d



    Fig. 4. XRD patterns of the geopolymer coating on SIII  at ages of 28 d and 180 d.

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