2011 UWCO Employee Campaign Coordinator Manual

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2011 UWCO Employee Campaign Coordinator Manual

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Page 3: 2011 UWCO Employee Campaign Coordinator Manual

Table of Contents

1. Employee Campaign Coordinators: A Key Link 1

2. Our 2011 Campaign: liVE unitEd 2 a. Building Blocks for a Good Life b. The Community Impact Fund c. Invitation to Live United d. FAQs 3. Campaign How-to: The Overview 6

4. Campaign How-to: The Details 10 a. Campaign Growth Strategies b. Making the Ask c. Employee Giving Options d. Pledge Collection Options e. Wrapping Up/Thank You

5. Leadership Giving Groups 17

7. Celebration of Excellence Awards 18

8. Additional Resources 19

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Congratulations! As a leader in your organization, you’ve been selected as a United Way Campaign Coordinator. We know you have a lot to offer, and we welcome your leadership and input in our 2011 campaign!

Your Mission:The Campaign Coordinator is a critical link between United Way and your co-workers. Through your communication, organization and leadership skills, you enable your co-workers to participate in the work of strengthening our community.

Campaign Coordinator Tasks:Conducting a United Way campaign should be a fun and rewarding experience. United Way of Central Ohio provides many tools and resources to assist you as you plan and execute your campaign. The resources and tips provided in this guide will help you plan an enjoyable, meaningful and successful campaign.

Campaign Coordinator’s tasks may include:

• Work closely with your CEO and United Way representative to develop an effective campaign plan

• Recruit and coordinate a team of volunteers to assist you

• Coordinate your company’s kickoff and recognition events

• Promote the campaign throughout the company

• Encourage leadership giving in your campaign

• Encourage volunteerism among your co-workers

• Educate your co-workers about United Way

• Attend United Way kickoff and victory events

• Invite everyone to give

• Make a gift yourself

• Thank your donors and volunteers

• Evaluate and make recommendations for next year

Scattered throughout this manual are “best practices” from our 2010 Celebration of Excellence Award winners. You may choose to adapt some of these ideas or create new ones based on the specific needs and culture of your organization.

Let your enthusiasm and creativity shine through, and your efforts will pay off. It takes people like you, who go above and beyond, to make this campaign successful.

1. Employee Campaign Coordinators: A Key Link

1 Employee Campaign Coordinators: A Key Link

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Live United is an exciting way that United Way of Central Ohio is using to communicate our work, and to energize people to give and get involved. To Live United means we each have a responsibility to the community where we live and work, because when we reach out a hand to one, we influence the condition of all.

Building Blocks for a Good LifeAt United Way of Central Ohio, we improve lives in our community. We call it advancing the common good.

We bring together the people and the organizations who have the passion, expertise and resources needed to get things done.

Together, we focus on education, income, health and home. These are the building blocks for a good life: a quality education that leads to a stable job, enough income to support a family through retirement, good health maintained throughout life, and a safe place to live.

Our goal is to create long-lasting changes that prevent problems from happening in the first place. To do this, United Way funds programs that focus on the community’s most pressing problems.

Community Impact Fund: The Most Powerful Way to Make a Difference! By combining thousands of individual gifts, the Community Impact Fund has the power to make a bigger difference than any single contribution. Gifts go to where they will make the most impact – to both proven strategies and innovative ideas that will create lasting change and achieve the following results:

EDUCATION• Young children enter kindergarten physically, emotionally, socially and cognitively prepared to


• Youth graduate from high school well-prepared for additional learning and productive careers

INCOME• People in crisis have access to emergency food, shelter and financial assistance

• People achieve financial stability

HEALTH• People overcome barriers to accessing health and wellness services

• People maintain healthy nutrition and physical fitness

• The community is prepared to respond to disasters and emergencies in a coordinated and comprehensive way

HOME• People live in safe neighborhoods

• People live in safe and decent housing

Our 2011 Campaign: liVE unitEd 2

2. Our 2011 Campaign: liVE unitEd

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The Invitation to Live UnitedHow can people get involved? Be part of the change.

We want to engage more people at a deeper level than we ever have before. Specifically, we want people to Give, Advocate and Volunteer.

GIVEOur donors’ gifts have been improving lives in central Ohio for decades. More children are receiving quality early education, more people have gotten the job training that has helped them find good jobs, fewer children are hungry, and more people are off of the streets and living in places with supportive services because of our generous donors. We are asking people to continue to give, so we can continue to help those in need.

Let people know: Giving to United Way of Central Ohio’s Community Impact Fund is the easiest and most powerful way to improve lives and build a stronger community. The Community Impact Fund supports programs in Education, Income, Health and Home. Each individual gift adds up, no matter the size.

ADVOCATEWe want everyone engaged with United Way to advocate for our work through word-of-mouth, to let others know that partnering with United Way is an effective way to help others. We will also be asking supporters to weigh in on important public policy issues like improving early education and dealing with vacant and abandoned housing.

Let people know: You can make change happen with your voice. Get informed. Tell your friends. Write a letter to the editor. If you are passionate about helping others, our community needs you to speak out. Go to liveunitedcentralohio.org to sign up for our newsletter so you can be in the know about advocacy opportunities in central Ohio.

VOLUNTEERWe want people to volunteer through United Way. Many people know about our annual Community Care Day, which is the largest single volunteering event in our area, mobilizing more than 4,000 people. But they don’t know we also have many other volunteer efforts. For example, this year we helped organize 250 volunteers to provide free tax preparation for 3,635 hardworking low- and moderate-income people, resulting in $4.9 million in refunds and more than $908,000 saved by avoiding tax preparation and loan fees. These refunds and savings help people be more financially stable and strengthen our local economy.

Let people know : Volunteer your time and talents to make a difference in people’s lives in central Ohio. Give an hour. Give a Saturday. Share a talent. Lend a hand. You’ll make a difference.

For more ways to get involved, “like” United Way of Central Ohio on Facebook at facebook.com/unitedwayofcentralohio or follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/uwco.

3 Our 2011 Campaign: LIVE UNITED

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What is United Way?United Way is a nonprofit, volunteer-driven organization led by a local, all-volunteer board of trustees. We focus on determining the underlying causes of the most important issues in our community. Then we engage the community by listening to experts and partnering to get results that no individual or single organization can accomplish alone.

United Way of Central Ohio is working to advance the common good by focusing on the building blocks of a better life: a quality education that leads to a productive career, enough income to support a family through retirement, good health, and a safe place to live.

Why should I give to United Way instead of giving directly to individual agencies?

How does United Way achieve impact?First, United Way assesses the community by bringing people together to identify the issues that matter most. Then, we research the problems, craft smarter solutions, invest funds, deploy resources and evaluate the results. By leveraging partnerships, government funding and grant support, we maximize our impact and find the best, most cost-effective ways to respond to problems. Our goal is to create lasting change and advance the common good.

Why should I give to United Way?Your United Way contribution is an investment in your community. Hundreds of thousands of individuals’ lives are changed each year in central Ohio through services and programs supported by United Way. Your donation this year ensures that the needs in the community will continue to be addressed.

Our 2011 Campaign: liVE unitEd 4

If you give directly to individual agencies: If you give to United Way:

• Supports a single organization or service.

• Helps people needing that particular agency or service.

• Gifts might not be multiplied by leveraging private and/or government matching funds.

• Supports many health and human service programs in central Ohio.

• Helps people who may have multiple health and human service needs, more than any single organization.

• All programs are evaluated to ensure they meet their goals and are providing impact.

• Gifts to United Way are leveraged annually, multiplying the impact of each charitable dollar several times.

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Why should I give to the Community Impact Fund?The Community Impact Fund is the best way to help solve critical community problems in central Ohio. Experts and community leaders right here in central Ohio evaluate the community’s needs and make research-based decisions on where funds are invested. Giving to the Community Impact Fund allows you to work together with other donors to advance the common good.

How do I know United Way is fiscally responsible?United Way of Central Ohio takes our role as a trusted community leader very seriously. As a result, we have a long tradition of adhering to very high standards of accountability and transparency. UWCO is a member of United Way Worldwide and annually completes certification of strict membership requirements. The local organization is audited annually by an independent CPA firm, and the audit results are reviewed by the all-volunteer Audit and Finance Committees and the Board of Trustees. Both our 990 tax form and our annual audit are available for review on our Web site, liveunitedcentralohio.org.

How does United Way’s overhead costs compare to other organizations?The Better Business Bureau states that a charity should spend no more than 35% of related contributions on fundraising. United Way of Central Ohio operates with a 11.6% overhead rate, investing nearly 90% in programs and services.

5 Our 2011 Campaign: liVE unitEd

Celebration of Excellence – Best Practice

Employee Volunteerism - Community Shelter Board

•Participated in Community Care Day (CCD) to learn about other United Way agencies and perform community service. In 2010, 100% of the Community Shelter Board staff participated in CCD.•Employees participated in five different volunteer opportunities in 2010.

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Ten Steps To Building a Successful CampaignImplementing these basic steps will help to ensure a successful United Way campaign. They are based on past experiences of organizations that have had exemplary campaign results.

Before The Campaign

1. GET PREPARED!Work with your United Way Relationship Manager to set goals, discuss ways to communicate the message, create a buzz, and incorporate fun activities that add momentum to your campaign.

How this helps: Having a plan makes the process smoother and easier for you to implement and manage.

Strategies:m Review campaign history with your United Way Relationship Manager, including the total amount

raised, participation rate, average gift and the strategies used last year.

m Set beginning and end dates for your campaign.

m Download a sample campaign timeline at liveunitedcentralohio.org/toolbox.

2. RECRUIT AND TRAIN A CAMPAIGN TEAM You don’t have to do it alone! Having representatives from each department can be very effective. This team can help in all stages of the campaign: planning, promoting awareness, and distributing and collecting materials.

How this helps: This distributes your duties, stimulates more ideas, helps create enthusiasm about the campaign, and builds employee morale.

Strategies:m Form a Campaign Committee that provides leadership from all facets and levels of the organization.

m Recruit people who are energetic, organized and well-liked by their peers.

m Meet with your United Way Relationship Manager and team to discuss your goals and objectives.

3. Campaign How-to: The Overview

Campaign How-to: the overview 6

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3. ENLIST MANAGEMENT SUPPORTLeaders lead! The support of your president/CEO, management team and/or labor leaders is crucial.

How this helps:By personally endorsing the campaign, members of your senior management team demonstrate their commitment both to your organization’s campaign and United Way.

Strategies:m Ask the president/CEO to hold a United Way educational meeting with his/her leadership team.

m Enlist leaders to speak at kickoff meetings, send emails or letters.

m Plan events around the CEO’s calendar whenever possible or call on other senior leaders to represent the president/CEO.

4. IDENTIFY CAMPAIGN ELEMENTS Meet with your committee early and often to discuss goals, communication strategies, incentives and special events.

How this helps:Getting employees involved in various activities helps them feel a part of the campaign and adds an element of fun!

Strategies:m Set campaign goals and publicize them throughout your organization.

m Develop incentives to make influential changes such as early return of pledge cards, first-time donors, using payroll deduction and increased giving.

m Schedule events on the company calendar.

During the Campaign

5. PUBLICIZE YOUR CAMPAIGNCommunicate campaign information and events to all employees through United Way marketing materials, emails, calendar of events, posters and more!

How this helps:Clear communication improves participation and creates a positive response to United Way.

Strategies:m Access the Campaign Toolbox (liveunitedcentralohio.org/toolbox).

m Order United Way campaign supplies.

m Download Campaign Countdown emails.

m Communicate your campaign’s calendar of events.

m Use your organization’s communication tools: email, intranet, newsletters.

7 Campaign How-to: the overview

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6. EDUCATE EMPLOYEES ABOUT UNITED WAY’S WORKOne of the most important elements of a campaign is to educate employees about United Way of Central Ohio’s work. Some people relate to personal stories, while others want to hear about facts, figures and the return on investment.

How this helps: When donors understand the needs in the community and how United Way is addressing these needs, they make a personal connection to the campaign.

Strategies:m Arrange for United Way presentations at staff meetings to ensure every associate understands

United Way’s Community Impact work.

m Invite United Way to a meeting of your top management to discuss the work of United Way and address any questions from your senior team.

m Distribute United Way materials.

7. KICK OFF YOUR CAMPAIGN (ask employees to give)Campaign Kickoffs can be informative and FUN! Kickoffs can be elaborate (with costumes and scripts!) or as easy as snacks in a break room. Do what works best for your organization.

How this helps:By gathering your group together in one place, each person feels a part of the overall goal.

Strategies:m Invite senior management and United Way to join you to make the ask.

m Include your president/CEO in events and communications.

m Use United Way of Central Ohio’s marketing materials to create awareness.

8. ENCOURAGE LEADERSHIP GIVINGUnited Way of Central Ohio offers a number of recognition levels and giving groups for those who lead by example through their giving, and for those who want to connect with others who are inspired by what they can accomplish together. (See page 17 for Leadership Giving group descriptions.)

Campaign How-to: the overview 8

Celebration of Excellence – Best Practice

Employee Education - Alliance Data

•Campaign is focused around United Way’s work, educating their associates and talking about the importance of United Way in their culture. • United Way staff speakers are invited to speak to associates about United Way’s work in the community. • Emphasized year-round engagement by holding volunteer opportunities, agency tours, blood drives and other activities outside of their annual campaign efforts.

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How this helps:Leadership Giving provides the fastest way to help increase total dollars raised in the campaign, and the networking opportunities offered within the groups boost your organization’s presence in the community.


m Encourage Leader’s Circle as an easy and effective way for all donors to make an investment in United Way based on a percentage of their salary.

m Encourage Community Builders to those who give at a leadership giving level but do not qualify for a United Way affinity group.

m Promote the benefits of membership in affinity groups.

m Recognize the people who gave at these levels last year. Others will want to know more about how to get involved.

m Recognize individuals who give at leadership levels through special recognition events, personalized letters from senior management or exclusive incentives.

After the Campaign

9. ANNOUNCE RESULTS AND SHOW APPRECIATIONPlan ways to finalize your campaign, celebrate your accomplishments and thank employees for their participation and contributions.

How this helps:People will have a more positive feeling about their donation, and receiving appreciation increases the likeliness that that they’ll participate next year.

Strategies:m Announce campaign results via email or during staff meetings.

m Create opportunities to say thank you.

m Show how one “small” gift combined with the entire company’s will create a big impact.

m Recognize your own work and submit a Celebration of Excellence award application.

10. ESTABLISH YEAR-ROUND UNITED WAY COMMUNICATIONCollaborate with United Way to provide year-round educational programs to implement throughout your workplace (newsletters, intranet, etc.). Work with your United Way Relationship Manager or Loaned Executive for more information on how to promote awareness about United Way’s work.

How this helps:Year-round communication helps educate employees on the impact of their gift and how integral they are to the work of United Way.

Strategies:m Publish noteworthy information in company newsletters or intranet.

m Lunch and Learn sessions (coordinated by United Way).

m Small group tours of United Way-funded programs (coordinated by United Way).

9 Campaign How-to: the overview

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Key Strategies for Growing your United Way Campaign

Overall• Aim for 100% education. Enhance year-round education and communication.

• Aim for 100% pledge card collection. This ensures that people have considered a gift to the United Way Campaign and made their decision. It does not mean they should be forced to give.*

To Increase Giving (Average Gift)• Communicate increasing community needs to individual donors

• Invite United Way speakers to employee meetings

• Personally ask the donor to increase their gift

• Create or refine leadership giving structure

• Use suggested giving guidelines (i.e., two hours’ pay per month)

• Structure incentives so that they are based on giving levels

• Establish a competition between departments based on total dollars raised

• Personalize pledge cards

• Express appreciation immediately

• Make specific asks at various income levels

• Hold direct report meetings

• Make asks to the next level of management

To Increase Participation (# of Givers)• Communicate senior management’s support – ask the president or CEO to write a letter of support,

attend group meetings, make a personal gift prior to the start of the campaign

• Recruit campaign committee with representation from all levels and departments

• Take campaign committee on agency tours

• Ask ALL employees to contribute

• Invite United Way speakers to group meetings

• Hold group meetings

• Enhance year-round education and engagement

• Develop year-round communication

* The Board of Trustees of United Way of Central Ohio believes that the most responsive contributors are those who have the opportunity to become informed and involved. A well-planned campaign with an effective communications program, conducted by committed volunteers, will ensure responsive contributors. Giving is a personal matter and decision; no form of coercion is acceptable to United Way of Central Ohio.

4. How-to: The Details

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11 How-to: The Details

Making The “Ask”The number one reason why people don’t give is because they aren’t asked. It’s so easy to do! There’s a number of ways you can go about doing it. Let United Way help in making the ask.

Educate EmployeesUnited Way of Central Ohio has many resources available to help you educate your employees and run an effective campaign. Campaign materials, video, speakers, agency tours and volunteer projects are excellent ways to show how United Way dollars are working in our community.

VideoUnited Way’s 2011 “Before/After” campaign video highlights local donors and ways they Give, Advocate and Volunteer. Just five minutes long, this video provides an effective and emotional way to show your co-workers how their contributions make an impact right here in central Ohio.

Campaign Marketing MaterialsUnited Way of Central Ohio offers an array of high-quality printed and electronic materials available at no charge. This comprehensive approach helps to inform, excite and recognize donors and publicize your campaign. Talk to your Relationship Manager or visit liveunitedcentralohio.org/toolbox for more details.

Provide IncentivesFun incentives can motivate increased personal gifts from associates. Solicit donations or think up low-cost rewards.

Promotion IdeasDistribute raffle tickets based on pre-determined increases on pledges

Provide a separate set of prizes for all new donors

Reward the department with the highest dollar increase over last year

Reward the department with the highest participation increase over last year

Give incentives to all employees participating in payroll deduction

Incentive IdeasPaid time off

Day of golf

Lottery tickets

Use of an executive office

Donated prizes from company vendors

Airline or event tickets

Dinner at the CEO’s home

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SpeakersUnited Way volunteers, program volunteers, or volunteer labor representatives are eager to share their stories and are available to speak at your organization. A five-minute presentation by one of these speakers personalizes your employee meeting.

ToursMotivate employees to give by providing a first-hand look at how contributions make a difference in our community. Tours of agencies that have United Way-funded programs significantly impact the results of an employee campaign. Tours usually last 30 minutes plus travel time per agency and can be arranged to accommodate your employees’ schedules. Most groups want to visit with two or three programs.

Community Care DayJoin more than 4,000 community volunteers representing local corporations and organizations as they work at United Way agencies, community sites and schools to make a stronger community on Tuesday, September 13, 2011. This is a great opportunity for your team to see the real work of United Way and can be used as a team-building activity.

How-to: The Details 12

Celebration of Excellence – Best Practice

Best First-Time Campaign - Frost Brown Todd• Asked other Frost Brown Todd offices for their advice and support for their first-time

United Way campaign.• Assembled a committee to help with their kickoff lunch, raffle, publicity and to recruit

members for the United Way’s Women’s Leadership Council.• Held a kickoff lunch to educate the staff about United Way’s work in the community.• Had a jeans day for employees who participated in the raffle.

Celebration of Excellence – Best Practice

Leadership Giving – The Pizzuti Companies

• Encouraged associates to give at the Leader’s Circle level, which earned them extra points to work towards getting a day off.

• Added suggested giving levels on their pledge cards, along with providing incentives for donors who increase their gifts from the previous year.

• Leadership ambassadors within their staff helped to identify and ask other staff members for leadership gifts.

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13 How-to: The Details

The 20-Minute Employee Group MeetingGroup meetings are the most effective way to reach all employees in an organization and make the most efficient use of time. It can take as little as 20 minutes to convey the key messages to your group, make the ask, include an Agency Ambassador, and show the United Way video:

Whenever possible, incorporate the United Way presentation into an existing staff meeting. As employees enter the meeting, distribute personalized pledge cards with a copy of the donor brochure. Employees should turn them in before the end of the meeting, and the employee’s signature is required for payroll deduction. If employees miss the meeting, be sure that a member of your campaign team visits them for a one-on-one contact. Discuss with your Relationship Manager the ways to adapt group meetings to any environment.

Direct CommunicationOne other approach to complement campaign communication is to contact employees individually with personal letters or emails explaining the campaign, United Way activities and how they can participate.

We’ve included a few sample letters that you may use, customize, or adapt. These are available at liveunitedcentralohio.org/toolbox. If you’ve got sample letters that have worked well for your organization, please use the Campaign Toolbox to share them with others!

One more thing: If your organization provides a matching gift, be sure to include a reminder in your communications to employees. “Remember, (Company) will match your contribution dollar for dollar!”

Item Presenter Time Purpose

Opening Remarks Employee Campaign Coordinator

1 minute Welcomes everyone and states the reason for the meeting.

CEO Endorsement CEO/Key Executive 1 minute Demonstrates the support of the organization and its leaders.

United Way Overview United Way Relationship Manager/Loaned Executive

5 minutes Shares the scope of the needs and illustrates United Way’s unique approaches.

Success Story Ambassador or United Way Representative

5 minutes Provides a concrete example of a community need fulfilled.

Campaign Video Introduced by the ECC/United Way Representative

5 minutes Thanks previous donors and sets the tone and focus.

Ask for Donations United Way Relationship Manager/Loaned Executive

2 minutes Solicits the support of individual donors.

Closing Comments & Thanks

United Way Relationship Manager/Loaned Executive

1 minute Expresses gratitude for their time and their participation.

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Employee Giving Options

1. Payroll Deduction• Enroll through your workplace campaign

• Give a little every pay period for a larger annual gift

2. Credit Card ($50 minimum gift)• Use your Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express

• United Way charges the credit card upon receipt of the pledge card

3. Cash or check• Give a one-time gift

• Make checks payable to United Way of Central Ohio

• Use your debit card instead of writing a check – instant tax receipting! Just use your bank statement as documentation

4. Donation of stocks or mutual fund(s)• Transfer stocks or securities through your investment firm

• Instructions available on our website, liveunitedcentralohio.org, or call 614.227.2700

5. Scheduled billing ($100 minimum gift)• Select a one-time annual charge, a quarterly charge, or a monthly charge

How-to: The Details 14

Celebration of Excellence – Best Practice

Innovative Campaign Committees - Bailey Cavalieri

• Assembled a campaign committee of attorneys and staff to discuss and plan its United Way activities and set a fundraising goal.• Held one special event each day during “United Way Week,” including a homemade pie contest, chili cook-off and a miniature golf tournament. • Held a Wii bowling tournament and silent auction for two weeks to raise money for the United Way.

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Pledge Collection Options

1. ePledge SystemMake your United Way campaign run more smoothly by replacing paper pledge cards with the online ePledge system. The ePledge system allows employees to pledge privately and securely from their desks, or even from home. And, United Way of Central Ohio provides the system at no charge. Additional benefits include:

• A personalized pledge process

• Minimal time spent collecting pledge cards, creating reports and following up on outstanding pledges

• Real-time access to campaign progress or results

How to get ePledge.Your Relationship Manager can arrange for an on-site demonstration, assist you with gathering information, arrange for training or answer other questions you may have.

You’ll want to begin discussions at least 6-8 weeks before your campaign begins. Contributor information should be provided to United Way approximately four weeks prior to kickoff.

2. Pre-printed Pledge CardsPre-printed pledge cards are based on our general pledge card. We personalize these cards with your company’s logo and each employee gets their own individual pledge card with their name.

What is the timeline on this process?You can begin discussions with your Relationship Manager at any time. Early planning helps to address any questions you may have, well in advance of your campaign. Depending on the size of your company, we will need the data file 2-3 weeks in advance of your due date in order to produce the pledge cards.

15 How-to: The Details

Celebration of Excellence – Best Practice

Engaged Leadership Team - KPMG

• KPMG’s local leadership team participated in the United Way campaign by serving on their campaign committee and participating in campaign events.• The Office Managing Partner supported the campaign, and the leadership team attended the committee and kickoff meetings.• To encourage campaign participation, the leadership team donated prizes to the campaign to be used in drawings.

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Wrapping UpYou will want to have a formal “wrap up” of your campaign, announcing the results and thanking donors and participants.

• Announce campaign results and accomplishments through newsletters, intranet, email, voice-mail or a memo.

• Blanket bulletin boards and lunch rooms with “thank you” messages.

• Post photos of employees participating in campaign events.

• Include a special message with payroll stuffers.

• Submit your campaign for our Celebration of Excellence Awards (see page 18)

• Recognize Leadership Givers.

Thank YouThe two simple words “thank you” not only show appreciation, but also set the tone for year-round communication and next year’s campaign. Contributors will receive an acknowledgement from United Way, but you can also build more support for future campaigns by acknowledging the work of your campaign committee, as well as each employee who contributes. Visit liveunitedcentralohio.org/toolbox for a sample of thank you letters.

Ideas for Campaign Committee• Ask the president/CEO to host an appreciation breakfast/lunch for the campaign committee.

• Create certificates of appreciation for each member of your committee.

• Give event tickets to each campaign committee member.

Ideas for Donors• Ask senior management to send thank you notes to all donors.

• Sponsor a “thank you” breakfast, luncheon or reception for campaign participants.

• Distribute company pens, mugs, certificates, awards, buttons or note pads to volunteers and contributors.

• Acknowledge donors at an all-employee meeting.

Give tokens of appreciation such as:• Calendars

• Candy Jars

• Paper Weights

• Note Cards

• Pen/Pencil Sets

• Picture Frames

How-to: The Details 16

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5. Leadership Giving Groups

17 Leadership Giving Groups

Key Club – invest $1,000 or more annuallyKey Club is a unique partnership of individuals within the African American community who interact with central Ohio’s most influential leaders, meet like-minded African Americans and work to promote balance and inclusion in our community. Members are invited to participate in networking events, professional development opportunities, educational forums and community service projects.

PRIDE Council – invest $1,000 or more annuallyPRIDE Council brings together the LGBT community to make an even bigger difference in our community – one that can improve the lives of all central Ohioans. PRIDE Council members support the larger “PRIDE Gives” group and connect with other LGBT members in the community to keep our community strong.

Women’s Leadership Council (WLC) – invest $1,000 over your previous gift or renew current WLC giftThe WLC is a volunteer-driven group – one that creates its own initiatives and sets its own goals. WLC members are dedicated to improving financial stability for women and creating opportunities that increase their ability to provide for themselves and their families.

Young Leadership Group (YLG) YLG members are individuals or couples age 45 or younger who want to participate in setting and implementing agendas for change in our community. Members learn about community issues while developing their leadership skills, and are invited to attend community service projects, educational roundtable luncheons and special recognition events.

Cinquefoil Fellowship – invest $5,000 -$9,999 annuallyCinquefoil Fellowship is based on five core values - appreciation, recognition, education, advocacy and inclusion. Cinquefoil Fellowship donors are recognized for their ongoing commitment to being an agent of change through special communications, events and publications throughout the year.

Alexis de Tocqueville Society – invest $10,000 or more annuallyThe Tocqueville Society is a special partnership of individuals who are inspired by what they can accomplish together and commit to a leadership role in giving. Members are recognized in the national Leadership Register and invited to participate in special gatherings and attend select social events.

When you give, advocate and volunteer through United Way of Central Ohio, you’re setting an example by becoming part of a community that lives by its values. United Way offers a number of recognition levels and giving groups for those who lead by example through their giving, and for those who want to connect with others who are inspired by what we can accomplish together.

to learn more about these leadership groups, visit liveunitedcentralohio.org/be-a-leader-in-giving.

Recognition LevelsLeaders CircleLeaders Circle recognizes members who contribute a percentage of their income to support the work of United Way. Because it includes people at all income levels, Leaders Circle acknowledges that one’s commitment to caring is not measured by the size of the gift, but in giving to the best of one’s ability. Leaders Circle giving levels are found on the pledge card.

Community Builders – invest $1,000 - $4,999 annually Community Builders is a new program that provides special recognition for those individuals who give at a leadership level but do not qualify for a United Way affinity group. Community Builders affirms the collective impact these gifts have in strengthening our community.

Affinity Groups

– invest $2,500 or more annually

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When your campaign wraps up, be sure to enter United Way of Central Ohio’s Celebration of Excellence Awards. Celebration of Excellence recognizes top-performers among organizations running United Way campaigns. The awards are given based on exemplary campaign strategies, performance, tactics and initiatives. Organizations may choose to submit applications for any or all awards.

Award of Excellence - Corporate Award & Agency Award The Award of Excellence, the event’s highest honor, will be awarded to a company and an agency in recognition of their overall achievement in their organizational philanthropic efforts. The recipients of this award embrace best practices; educate employees year-round through group meetings, events and volunteer opportunities; and promote leadership giving.

Best New Campaign - Corporate Award & Agency Award This award recognizes two new campaigns, a company and an agency, that have run their first workplace campaigns this year. They have incorporated model campaign strategies and have made United Way a part of their organizational cultures.

Engaged Leadership Team (NEW!) The Engaged Leadership Team award acknowledges the company CEO and management team who went above and beyond in their workplace campaign.

Innovative Campaign Committee (NEW!) This award recognizes the accomplishments of the most innovative and creative workplace campaign.

Employee EducationAwarded to an organization that educates employees on the work of United Way and provides information on how employees can donate. Typically, the recipient holds group meetings, direct report meetings to educate the direct reports of the organization’s CEO, and posts information on its website or in emails and newsletters. Other examples of employee education include kick off events, campaign publicity and year-round education.

Leadership GivingAwarded to an organization that promotes United Way affinity groups and Leaders Circle. Typically, the recipient has a Leadership Giving Ambassador or someone designated to promote UWCO affinity groups, and the organization has a high percentage of Leadership Giving donors.

Employee VolunteerismAwarded to an organization that provides year-round opportunities for employees to volunteer in the community. Typically, the recipient has employees who sit on United Way boards and committees, and the organization participates in Community Care Day or has their own volunteer day(s).

President’s Award (NEW!) The President’s Award, selected by United Way’s President and CEO, goes to an exemplary campaign that went above and beyond in its support.

Please speak with your Relationship Manager about your application, or visit liveunitedcentralohio.org after September 1, 2011 to download entry forms.

6. Celebration of Excellence Awards

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7. Additional Resources

Your United Way of Central Ohio Relationship Manager is by far your most valuable resource for information and materials during your campaign. To contact her or him at United Way, please call 614.227.2700. However, United Way’s website, liveunitedcentralohio.org, is the next best resource when he or she is not available.

Campaign Resourcesliveunitedcentralohio.org/toolbox

This website provides you with the resources and information needed to run a model campaign. The Campaign Toolbox is a one-stop-shop for ordering materials, sharing ideas, and electronic versions of various tools and materials, including a pdf of this manual. You will also find information about agency ambassadors and tours, Leaders Circle and Community Builders, Leadership Giving, Celebration of Excellence and much, much more.

About Us liveunitedcentralohio.org/who-we-are

Information about United Way of Central Ohio including our mission and vision statements, Board of Trustees roster, policies and employment opportunities.

Getting Results liveunitedcentralohio.org/what-we-do

A section on the work of United Way of Central Ohio: improving lives and building stronger communities. Here you will find success stories, results and statistics, initiative information as well as information on how United Way is working with our member and partner agencies to reach our mutual goals.



A complete listing of recent press releases regarding United Way activities.

Events liveunitedcentralohio.org/whats-happening-now

Information on recent and upcoming United Way events, including Community Care Day. Frequently, photos and videos of events are posted on liveunitedcentralohio.org as well.

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360 South Third Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215-5485Tel 614.227.2700 Fax 614.224.5835 TTY 614.227.2710

How to liVE unitEd United Way of Central Ohio is working to advance the common good by focusing on the building blocks for a good life: a quality education that leads to a productive career, enough income to support a family through retirement, good health, and a safe place to live.

Join us. United, we can inspire hope and create opportunities for a better tomorrow.

giVEGiving to United Way of Central Ohio’s Community Impact Fund is the easiest and most powerful way to improve lives and build a stronger community. The Community Impact Fund supports programs in Education, Income, Health and Home. Each individual gift adds up.

adVoCatEYou can make change happen with your voice. Get informed. Tell your friends. Write a letter to the editor. If you are passionate about helping others, our community needs you to speak out.

VoluntEErVolunteer your time and talents to make a difference in people’s lives in central Ohio. Give an hour. Give a Saturday. Share a talent. Lend a hand. You’ll make a difference.

August 2011