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CNBAM 2011 Awards

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Feb. 22, 2010



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A HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA: 1885: Arizona�s thirteenth legislature approves $25,000 for Tucson to build Arizona�s fi rst university while Phoenix is gifted $100,000 to construct the state insane asylum. Arizona State University was also char-tered as Arizona�s �normal school� (teacher�s college) that year. Nov. 27, 1886: Two professional gamblers, E.B. Gifford and Ben Parker, and a local saloon owner, W.S. Read, donate 40 acres of land for the construction of a university. Oct. 27, 1887: Builders broke ground for Old Main, the fi rst building constructed for the new university. Oct. 1, 1891: 32 students apply to attend the UA as part of its inaugural freshman class, but only 6 are admitted with the other 26 sent to preparatory schools. These fi rst fresh-men attended class at Old Main. 1895: Three students, two of them women, become the fi rst UA graduates. Thanksgiving Day, 1899: The UA competes in a football game against the Tempe Normal School (which later became ASU), beginning one of the longest-running collegiate rivalries in the United States. Tempe Normal School won this fi rst clash 11-2. 1900: Quintas J. Anderson, then the UA student athletics manager, is offered a set of solid blue jerseys with red trimming for a low price. The jerseys are greet-ed enthusiastically and prompt the school to change its colors from silver and sage green to red and blue. The UA�s current school colors are navy blue and cardinal red. 1904: �The St. Patrick�s Day Strike�: After petitioning then-university President Babcock to recognize a full holiday on St. Patrick�s Day, many students refused to attend classes and marched downtown to enjoy the holiday they had been denied. February 14, 1912: Arizona becomes the 48th state. June 2, 1914: J.F. McKale is hired as the UA�s fi rst athletic director. November 6, 1914: Civil engineering student Albert H. Condron suggests to a professor that Sentinel Peak should be surveyed so that a large �A� could be placed on it as a show of school pride. The 70-foot wide and 160-foot long �A,� built entirely by students, was completed on March 14, 1916. Members of the incoming UA freshman class repaint the �A� to mark the beginning of each school year. November 7, 1914: After a 14-0 loss to football powerhouse Occidental College, Los Angeles corre-spondent Bill Henry writes that the UA football team �showed the fi ght of wildcats.� The wildcat would become the UA�s fi rst sports mascot and remains so to this day. October 17, 1915: The freshman football team raises $9.91 to purchase the UA�s fi rst mascot, a bob-cat named �Rufus Arizona,� after UA President Rufus B. von KleinSmid. Rufus would later die after accidentally hanging himself while tied to a tree on April 17, 1916. January 31, 1920: The Berger Memorial Fountain, donated by Alexander Berger and dedicat-ed to his nephew Alexander Tindolph Berger, is built in front of Old Main to honor UA students who perished in World War I. Oc-tober, 1926: UA student body president and football player John �Button� Salmon is critically injured in an automobile accident. During a visit with Athletic Director McKale, he reportedly asked McKale to �tell the team to bear down.� Salmon died on October 18, 1926, and a year later the UA would paint the words �bear down� on top of the school�s gymnasium in his honor. 1929: Dug-ald Stanley Holsclaw, UA class of 1925, writes �Fight! Wildcats! Fight!� the UA�s fi rst fi ght song. September 1942: The UA�s Old Main is refurbished to become the wartime Naval Indoctrination School. The project was funded by a grant from the Navy and cost $89,000. July 1946: Thanks in part to the efforts of UA alumnus Wilber L. Bill Bowers, the UA obtains one of the two original bells salvaged from the U.S.S. Arizona after it was sunk during the attack on Pearl Harbor. The bell was hung in the Student Union Memorial Center clock tower and rung for the fi rst time on November 17, 1951. The bell was moved to its current location after the construction of the new Student Union Memorial Center on Aug. 16, 2002 and, on Sept. 11 of that year, Bowers became the fi rst person to ring the bell in its new location. 1952: Former UA band director Jack K. Lee writes the early lyrics for �Bear Down Ar-izona� after seeing the words inscribed on top of Bear Down Gymnasium from his airplane. The song would later become the UA�s offi cial fi ght song and was fi rst played in September of that same year. 1959: UA roommates John Paquette and Dick Heller design the costume for � Wilber Wildcat.� UA student Ed Stuckenhoff would become the fi rst incarnation of the UA�s current mascot dur-ing that year�s homecoming football game against Texas Tech University. October 21, 1967: About 275 students march from Speed-way and Country Club to Randolph Park to protest the Vietnam War. Students would later stage takeovers of Old Main and the cam-pus R.O.T.C. offi ce as other signs of dissent. February 1973: The McKale Center athletic arena opens. It is now the largest arena in the Pacifi c-10 athletic conference in terms of total capacity. November 21, 1986: After almost thirty years as a confi rmed bachelor, Wilbur Wildcat decides to settle down with his wife, Wilma. The two remain happily married (outside of occasional foot-ball game wardrobe malfunctions) to this day. February 26, 2000: The McKale center fl oor court is renamed �Lute Olson Court.� It was renamed �Lute and Bobbi Olson Court� the next January in honor of Lute Olson�s late wife, Bobbi. ARTICLES FORM 1944: 1,747 Students Register For Fall Semester; Now 3 Girls For Every Man - A total enrollment of 1,747 students was announced by C. Zan-er Lesher, registrar. Of the 1,747 students, 1,279 are women and 468 men. The ratio of women to men is approximately 3 to 1. Al-though offi cial registration is over for freshman and old students, Lesher expects the additional enrollment of at least 400 stu-dents. This would bring the total number of students to over 1,800 for the fi fty-third autumn semester. Statistics show that this would be a decided increase of about 400 students above the enrollment at this time last year. This considerable increase over last year�s enrollment was due to several reasons, Lesher stated. INCREASED INTEREST High wages paid in defense jobs and gen-eral pay increases have enlarges incomes and enabled many students for whom it would have otherwise have been impossible, to en-roll in the University of Arizona. He also cited an increased general interest in college as a possible reason for the enlarged enrollment. Another part of this increase is due to the enrollment of the 100 veterans of World War II. Fifty of the 100 men are enrolled under the government program outlines in the GI bill of rights. Another 25 are are registered under the veterans reha-bilitation program, and the remaining 25 are discharged veterans entering on their own initiative. V-Day Plans Made By Univer-sity Whistle Blast, Dismissal of Classes Await Allied Victory - On the University of Arizona capus plans for V-day celebrations were being made yesterday. According to Dr. Alfred Atkinson, president, the shop whistle of the university will blast heartily and steadily as soon as an author many is received from Allied headquarters. Classes will be dismissed immediately, and if word comes before 11:30 a.m. students will convene with the faculty and staff members in theh auditorium at once for assembly. If the news of Germany�s defeat is received is received after 11:30 a.m., classes will be dismissed for the remainder of the next morning at 9:10. In the event Germany is beaten over the week-end, the assembly will be held the following Monday morning. Principal speaker at the assembly will be Dr. Chester H. Smith of the law faculty. It will be conducted with respect to the fact that the war is not ended. Further plans for the program will be made by Dr. Emil Larson of the college of education, chairman of the special occa-sions committee, and Professor Rollin Pease, Dr. Smith and Dr. Napoleon Tremblay. Bell From U.S.S. Arizona To Be Placed In Old Main After Warh By: Margie Houseman October 6, 1944 - The ship�s bell from the U.S.S. Arizona has been promised the University of Ari-zona at the close of hostilities, according to word received recently by Gov. Sidney P. Osborn. The huge bronze bell, was retrieved from the battleship Arizona which was sunk in Pearl Harbor during the Japanese attack on Dec. 7, 1941. An alumnus of this uni-versity, Capt. Wilbur Bowers, �27, is credited by A. L. Slonaker, graduate manager, as instigator of the plan to solicit posses-sion of the bell. The plan was referred to Gov. Osborn who sent a request to Rear Admiral R. M. Griffi n, commandant of the Puget Sound Naval Yard, Bremerton, Wash., where the bell is now located. The commandant expressed approval of the request that the bell of the U.S.S. Arizona be sent to Arizona, but suggested that it remain at the navy yard as an inspiration to service men until the war is over. OSBORN ASSURED Secretary of Navy Forrestal assured Gov. Osborn this September that the bel will be presented to the state at the close of hostilities. � Since the possession by the state of Arizona of the bell of the U.S.S. Arizona would be greatly appreciated by the people of the state for reasons of sentiment and patriotism, the navy department is glad to give its consent to the proposed transfer to be made at the close of the war,� Forrestal advised Gov. Osborn. He added that the bell is a center of attraction at the navy yard, a grim reminder of the job ahead, and is rung daily.�Its presence and tone convey inspiration to the thousands of men working here or passing through on their way to combat ships of our fl eet,� Griffi n declared. There has been scattered journalistic agitation throughout the state that the bell should be placed in a more public site. How-ever, as the situation now stands it will be placed on campus. ARTICLES FROM 1965: Enrollment Predicted at 18,000 Sept. 11, 1964 - Approximately 18,000 students are expected to enroll for the fall semester, according to David L. Windsor, University registrar and director of admissions. Returning students begin registering today and will continue tomorrow and Monday. New student will register tomorrow and Monday. Students in the College of Law registered Sept 8 and 9. The expected on-campus enrollment will ex-ceed the 1963 fall semester enrollment by approximately 800, said Windsor. The fi gures do not include about 2,000 students who take continuing education courses in several places in southern Arizona and student who are enrolled in correspondence courses. ZBT �Kidnaps� Housemothers - Members of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity �kidnapped� sorority housemothers last Tuesday and held them un-til the sororities paid the �ransom.� The housemothers of every campus sorority were invited to a tea Tuesday for the ZBT�s new housemother, Mrs. Ray Fontaine. The ZBT�s informed the housemothers that they would be prisoners of the fraternity until at least 50 members of each sorority ransomed them by serenading the ZBTs. The ZBTs �kidnapped� a student representative of soror-ities who housemothers were not present at the tea. No Dinner - As the sororities members were getting ready for dinner, they re-alized the absence of the housemothers. A phone call from the ZBT house told the girls �to serenade the ZBT house or to miss din-ner and lose their housemother.�It was nearly sunset when the sorority girls arrived in front of the ZBT house, where their housemothers were seated on chairs out on the lawn and heavily guarded by the fraternity�s men. After the sororities serenaded the men, the housemothers were released and peace reigned again in sororities. Final Exams Reduced To 2 Hours Nov. 13, 2010 - All fi nal examination periods have been cut from three hours to two hours this semester at the request for the Faculty Senate, ac-cording to David L. Winsor registrar. This is one of four major revisions in the examination schedule issued recently by Windsor�s offi ce. Many professors feel that a two-hour examination period is suffi cient to determine what a student has learned,� Windsor said. �Also, we want to retain the original eight-day examination period. To do this, the hour reduction is necessary because of the other revisions.�The other revisions are: students in certain sectioned courses will be given the same examination; con-tinuing education (late afternoon and evening) tests will be given in the regular examination period, and no examinations will be held during the noon hour. The important change is the giving of common ecams in certain sectioned courses,� Windsor said. �Many faculty feel it is diffi cult to grade students fairly if they aren�t given the same examination.�Coeds Ask for Permission To Visit Men�s Apartments March 11, 1965 - Permission for women students to visit men�s unchaperoned apartments is one of two suggested changes in the rules in Kitten Klues, Associated Women Students (AWS) handbook, which has been submitted to the Dean of Women�s offi ce for approval. The other change is in regard to Tucson signouts. The approval of the suggestions by Karen Carl-son, dean of women, and University offi cials will allow women students to visit men�s apartments, or stay overnight in Tucson with a relative or a woman town student, providing they have permission letters in the Dean of Women�s offi ce. Charlotte Cleveland, AWS president, said that through these changes the individual will assume responsibility and The University will be relieved of pres-sure. These suggestions were unanimously approved by women living in the residence halls and sorority houses. If the Dean of Wom-en approves the changes, she will present them to the Advisory Council of University offi cials for fi nal approval some time this week. The suggested changes resulted from a special AWS committee formed to investigate the men�s apartment ruling in other schools throughout the nation. ARTICLES FROM 1985: Friday, November 9, 1984 Five Homecoming Queen hopefuls honored to be part of UA tra-dition By Christine Donnelly - Continuing a tradition that began in 1947, the University of Arizona will crown its 37th Homecom-ing Queen tonight at a party at the Ramada Inn, 404 N. Freeway. The Homecoming Queen and Kind and their court will also be pre-sented at tomorrow night�s UA football game. The wildcats will host the Stanford University Cardinal. Five senior women are being considered for the title, which is sponsored by Bobcats, a senior men�s honorary at the UA. The women were told they were fi -nalists on Oct. 29. Since then, they have visited local civic organizations, appeared on local television and attended rallies on the UA Mall. The nominating process began several weeks ago. After being nominated by a UA group or organization, the women fi lled

A HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA: 1885: Arizona�s thirteenth legislature approves $25,000 for Tucson to build Arizona�s fi rst university while Phoenix is gifted $100,000 to construct the state insane asylum. Arizona State University was also char-tered as Arizona�s �normal school� (teacher�s college) that year. Nov. 27, 1886: Two professional gamblers, E.B. Gifford and Ben tered as Arizona�s �normal school� (teacher�s college) that year. Nov. 27, 1886: Two professional gamblers, E.B. Gifford and Ben Parker, and a local saloon owner, W.S. Read, donate 40 acres of land for the construction of a university. Oct. 27, 1887: Builders broke ground for Old Main, the fi rst building constructed for the new university. Oct. 1, 1891: 32 students apply to attend the UA as part of its inaugural freshman class, but only 6 are admitted with the other 26 sent to preparatory schools. These fi rst fresh-men attended class at Old Main. 1895: Three students, two of them women, become the fi rst UA graduates. Thanksgiving Day, 1899: The UA competes in a football game against the Tempe Normal School (which later became ASU), beginning one of the longest-running collegiate rivalries in the United States. Tempe Normal School won this fi rst clash 11-2. 1900: Quintas J. Anderson, then the UA student athletics manager, is offered a set of solid blue jerseys with red trimming for a low price. The jerseys are greet-the UA student athletics manager, is offered a set of solid blue jerseys with red trimming for a low price. The jerseys are greet-ed enthusiastically and prompt the school to change its colors from silver and sage green to red and blue. The UA�s current school colors are navy blue and cardinal red. 1904: �The St. Patrick�s Day Strike�: After petitioning then-university President Babcock to recognize a full holiday on St. Patrick�s Day, many students refused to attend classes and marched downtown to enjoy the holiday they had been denied. February 14, 1912: Arizona becomes the 48th state. June 2, 1914: J.F. McKale is hired as the UA�s the holiday they had been denied. February 14, 1912: Arizona becomes the 48th state. June 2, 1914: J.F. McKale is hired as the UA�s fi rst athletic director. November 6, 1914: Civil engineering student Albert H. Condron suggests to a professor that Sentinel Peak should be surveyed so that a large �A� could be placed on it as a show of school pride. The 70-foot wide and 160-foot long �A,� built entirely by students, was completed on March 14, 1916. Members of the incoming UA freshman class repaint the �A� to mark the beginning of each school year. November 7, 1914: After a 14-0 loss to football powerhouse Occidental College, Los Angeles corre-spondent Bill Henry writes that the UA football team �showed the fi ght of wildcats.� The wildcat would become the UA�s fi rst sports mascot and remains so to this day. October 17, 1915: The freshman football team raises $9.91 to purchase the UA�s fi rst mascot, a bob-cat named �Rufus Arizona,� after UA President Rufus B. von KleinSmid. Rufus would later die after accidentally hanging himself while tied to a tree on April 17, 1916. January 31, 1920: The Berger Memorial Fountain, donated by Alexander Berger and dedicat-ed to his nephew Alexander Tindolph Berger, is built in front of Old Main to honor UA students who perished in World War I. Oc-tober, 1926: UA student body president and football player John �Button� Salmon is critically injured in an automobile accident. tober, 1926: UA student body president and football player John �Button� Salmon is critically injured in an automobile accident. During a visit with Athletic Director McKale, he reportedly asked McKale to �tell the team to bear down.� Salmon died on October 18, 1926, and a year later the UA would paint the words �bear down� on top of the school�s gymnasium in his honor. 1929: Dug-ald Stanley Holsclaw, UA class of 1925, writes �Fight! Wildcats! Fight!� the UA�s fi rst fi ght song. September 1942: The UA�s Old Main is refurbished to become the wartime Naval Indoctrination School. The project was funded by a grant from the Navy and cost $89,000. July 1946: Thanks in part to the efforts of UA alumnus Wilber L. Bill Bowers, the UA obtains one of the two original bells salvaged from the U.S.S. Arizona after it was sunk during the attack on Pearl Harbor. The bell was hung in the Student Union Memorial Center clock tower and rung for the fi rst time on November 17, 1951. The bell was moved to its current location after the construction of the new Student Union Memorial Center on Aug. 16, 2002 and, on Sept. 11 of that year, Bowers became the fi rst the construction of the new Student Union Memorial Center on Aug. 16, 2002 and, on Sept. 11 of that year, Bowers became the fi rst person to ring the bell in its new location. 1952: Former UA band director Jack K. Lee writes the early lyrics for �Bear Down Ar-izona� after seeing the words inscribed on top of Bear Down Gymnasium from his airplane. The song would later become the UA�s offi cial fi ght song and was fi rst played in September of that same year. 1959: UA roommates John Paquette and Dick Heller design the costume for � Wilber Wildcat.� UA student Ed Stuckenhoff would become the fi rst incarnation of the UA�s current mascot dur-the costume for � Wilber Wildcat.� UA student Ed Stuckenhoff would become the fi rst incarnation of the UA�s current mascot dur-ing that year�s homecoming football game against Texas Tech University. October 21, 1967: About 275 students march from Speed-way and Country Club to Randolph Park to protest the Vietnam War. Students would later stage takeovers of Old Main and the cam-pus R.O.T.C. offi ce as other signs of dissent. February 1973: The McKale Center athletic arena opens. It is now the largest arena in the Pacifi c-10 athletic conference in terms of total capacity. November 21, 1986: After almost thirty years as a confi rmed bachelor, Wilbur Wildcat decides to settle down with his wife, Wilma. The two remain happily married (outside of occasional foot-ball game wardrobe malfunctions) to this day. February 26, 2000: The McKale center fl oor court is renamed �Lute Olson Court.� It was renamed �Lute and Bobbi Olson Court� the next January in honor of Lute Olson�s late wife, Bobbi. ARTICLES FORM 1944: 1,747 Students Register For Fall Semester; Now 3 Girls For Every Man - A total enrollment of 1,747 students was announced by C. Zan-er Lesher, registrar. Of the 1,747 students, 1,279 are women and 468 men. The ratio of women to men is approximately 3 to 1. Al-though offi cial registration is over for freshman and old students, Lesher expects the additional enrollment of at least 400 stu-though offi cial registration is over for freshman and old students, Lesher expects the additional enrollment of at least 400 stu-dents. This would bring the total number of students to over 1,800 for the fi fty-third autumn semester. Statistics show that this would be a decided increase of about 400 students above the enrollment at this time last year. This considerable increase over last year�s enrollment was due to several reasons, Lesher stated. INCREASED INTEREST High wages paid in defense jobs and gen-eral pay increases have enlarges incomes and enabled many students for whom it would have otherwise have been impossible, to en-roll in the University of Arizona. He also cited an increased general interest in college as a possible reason for the enlarged enrollment. Another part of this increase is due to the enrollment of the 100 veterans of World War II. Fifty of the 100 men are enrolled under the government program outlines in the GI bill of rights. Another 25 are are registered under the veterans reha-bilitation program, and the remaining 25 are discharged veterans entering on their own initiative. V-Day Plans Made By Univer-sity Whistle Blast, Dismissal of Classes Await Allied Victory - On the University of Arizona capus plans for V-day celebrations were being made yesterday. According to Dr. Alfred Atkinson, president, the shop whistle of the university will blast heartily and steadily as soon as an author many is received from Allied headquarters. Classes will be dismissed immediately, and if word comes before 11:30 a.m. students will convene with the faculty and staff members in theh auditorium at once for assembly. If the news of Germany�s defeat is received is received after 11:30 a.m., classes will be dismissed for the remainder of the next morning at 9:10. In the event Germany is beaten over the week-end, the assembly will be held the following Monday morning. Principal speaker at the assembly will be Dr. Chester H. Smith of the law faculty. It will be conducted with respect to the fact that the war is not ended. Further plans for the program will be made by Dr. Emil Larson of the college of education, chairman of the special occa-sions committee, and Professor Rollin Pease, Dr. Smith and Dr. Napoleon Tremblay. Bell From U.S.S. Arizona To Be Placed In Old Main After Warh By: Margie Houseman October 6, 1944 - The ship�s bell from the U.S.S. Arizona has been promised the University of Ari-zona at the close of hostilities, according to word received recently by Gov. Sidney P. Osborn. The huge bronze bell, was retrieved from the battleship Arizona which was sunk in Pearl Harbor during the Japanese attack on Dec. 7, 1941. An alumnus of this uni-versity, Capt. Wilbur Bowers, �27, is credited by A. L. Slonaker, graduate manager, as instigator of the plan to solicit posses-sion of the bell. The plan was referred to Gov. Osborn who sent a request to Rear Admiral R. M. Griffi n, commandant of the Puget Sound Naval Yard, Bremerton, Wash., where the bell is now located. The commandant expressed approval of the request that the bell of the U.S.S. Arizona be sent to Arizona, but suggested that it remain at the navy yard as an inspiration to service men until the war is over. OSBORN ASSURED Secretary of Navy Forrestal assured Gov. Osborn this September that the bel will be presented to the state at the close of hostilities. � Since the possession by the state of Arizona of the bell of the U.S.S. Arizona would be the state at the close of hostilities. � Since the possession by the state of Arizona of the bell of the U.S.S. Arizona would be greatly appreciated by the people of the state for reasons of sentiment and patriotism, the navy department is glad to give its consent to the proposed transfer to be made at the close of the war,� Forrestal advised Gov. Osborn. He added that the bell is a center of attraction at the navy yard, a grim reminder of the job ahead, and is rung daily.�Its presence and tone convey inspiration to the thousands of men working here or passing through on their way to combat ships of our fl eet,� Griffi n declared. There has been scattered journalistic agitation throughout the state that the bell should be placed in a more public site. How-ever, as the situation now stands it will be placed on campus. ARTICLES FROM 1965: Enrollment Predicted at 18,000 Sept. 11, 1964 - Approximately 18,000 students are expected to enroll for the fall semester, according to David L. Windsor, University registrar and director of admissions. Returning students begin registering today and will continue tomorrow and Monday. New student will register tomorrow and Monday. Students in the College of Law registered Sept 8 and 9. The expected on-campus enrollment will ex-ceed the 1963 fall semester enrollment by approximately 800, said Windsor. The fi gures do not include about 2,000 students who take continuing education courses in several places in southern Arizona and student who are enrolled in correspondence courses. ZBT �Kidnaps� Housemothers - Members of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity �kidnapped� sorority housemothers last Tuesday and held them un-til the sororities paid the �ransom.� The housemothers of every campus sorority were invited to a tea Tuesday for the ZBT�s new til the sororities paid the �ransom.� The housemothers of every campus sorority were invited to a tea Tuesday for the ZBT�s new housemother, Mrs. Ray Fontaine. The ZBT�s informed the housemothers that they would be prisoners of the fraternity until at least 50 members of each sorority ransomed them by serenading the ZBTs. The ZBTs �kidnapped� a student representative of soror-ities who housemothers were not present at the tea. No Dinner - As the sororities members were getting ready for dinner, they re-alized the absence of the housemothers. A phone call from the ZBT house told the girls �to serenade the ZBT house or to miss din-ner and lose their housemother.�It was nearly sunset when the sorority girls arrived in front of the ZBT house, where their housemothers were seated on chairs out on the lawn and heavily guarded by the fraternity�s men. After the sororities serenaded the men, the housemothers were released and peace reigned again in sororities. Final Exams Reduced To 2 Hours Nov. 13, 2010 - All the men, the housemothers were released and peace reigned again in sororities. Final Exams Reduced To 2 Hours Nov. 13, 2010 - All fi nal examination periods have been cut from three hours to two hours this semester at the request for the Faculty Senate, ac-cording to David L. Winsor registrar. This is one of four major revisions in the examination schedule issued recently by Windsor�s offi ce. Many professors feel that a two-hour examination period is suffi cient to determine what a student has learned,� Windsor said. �Also, we want to retain the original eight-day examination period. To do this, the hour reduction is necessary because of the other revisions.�The other revisions are: students in certain sectioned courses will be given the same examination; con-the other revisions.�The other revisions are: students in certain sectioned courses will be given the same examination; con-tinuing education (late afternoon and evening) tests will be given in the regular examination period, and no examinations will tinuing education (late afternoon and evening) tests will be given in the regular examination period, and no examinations will be held during the noon hour. The important change is the giving of common ecams in certain sectioned courses,� Windsor said. �Many faculty feel it is diffi cult to grade students fairly if they aren�t given the same examination.�Coeds Ask for Permission To Visit Men�s Apartments March 11, 1965 - Permission for women students to visit men�s unchaperoned apartments is one of two suggested changes in the rules in Kitten Klues, Associated Women Students (AWS) handbook, which has been submitted to the Dean of Women�s offi ce for approval. The other change is in regard to Tucson signouts. The approval of the suggestions by Karen Carl-son, dean of women, and University offi cials will allow women students to visit men�s apartments, or stay overnight in Tucson with a relative or a woman town student, providing they have permission letters in the Dean of Women�s offi ce. Charlotte Cleveland, AWS president, said that through these changes the individual will assume responsibility and The University will be relieved of pres-sure. These suggestions were unanimously approved by women living in the residence halls and sorority houses. If the Dean of Wom-en approves the changes, she will present them to the Advisory Council of University offi cials for fi nal approval some time this week. The suggested changes resulted from a special AWS committee formed to investigate the men�s apartment ruling in other schools throughout the nation. ARTICLES FROM 1985: Friday, November 9, 1984 Five Homecoming Queen hopefuls honored to be part of UA tra-throughout the nation. ARTICLES FROM 1985: Friday, November 9, 1984 Five Homecoming Queen hopefuls honored to be part of UA tra-dition By Christine Donnelly - Continuing a tradition that began in 1947, the University of Arizona will crown its 37th Homecom-ing Queen tonight at a party at the Ramada Inn, 404 N. Freeway. The Homecoming Queen and Kind and their court will also be pre-sented at tomorrow night�s UA football game. The wildcats will host the Stanford University Cardinal. Five senior women are being considered for the title, which is sponsored by Bobcats, a senior men�s honorary at the UA. The women were told they were fi -nalists on Oct. 29. Since then, they have visited local civic organizations, appeared on local television and attended rallies on the UA Mall. The nominating process began several weeks ago. After being nominated by a UA group or organization, the women fi lled the UA Mall. The nominating process began several weeks ago. After being nominated by a UA group or organization, the women fi lled



Presidents of administrations past

B4The changing look

of campus


UA athletic iconsB10 - B11

125 years of UA history

B13What does the future bring for the UA?

B16Style changes with

campus culture

Page 8: 2011-2d-2

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Volu me 105 I ssue 4 0F R I DA Y, O C T. 29 t o S U N DA Y, O C T. 31, 2 010Ser v i ng t he st udent s of t he Un iversit y of Hawa i ‘ i at M ā noa si nce 19 22

Tasty treatsTh at won’t ruin your appetite

Features 5

Horr- iffic HalloweenTh e sexualization of costumes

Opinions 8

w w w. k a leo.org


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November 2010

Rivalry Guide

Jake HibbardAsst. Sports Editor

Even though it won’t be the last time the Holy War takes place, it might feel like it. The winner of this year’s battle won’t win the Mountain West Conference—TCU already has that locked up—but the game still carries significance, as it’s in all likelihood the last time Utah and BYU will play each other as conference foes.

The Utah seniors will go down as the most successful class in school history during

their time at the U. Head coach Kyle Whittingham offered high praise to the upperclassmen.

“I’m so proud of that senior crew and what they’ve done, and how much they’ve accom-plished in their time at Utah,” he said. “No one has been more successful than they have in the last four years.”

What this team couldn’t ac-complish was a third undefeat-ed season this decade. Losing big to TCU and Notre Dame in back-to-back weeks, the Utes’ offense was anemic, mustering just 10 points in eight quarters.

The Utes plummeted down the rankings following the two losses, dropping from their No. 5 ranking in the BCS standings to No. 23 heading into the match against San Diego State. Things didn’t start out well against the Aztecs, as they fell behind early 20-3 in rainy conditions much like with Notre Dame.

But unlike the trip to Notre Dame, quarterback Jordan Wynn was able to get into a groove, throwing for more yards (262) in the first half than he did for the entire four quar-ters either of the previous two

weeks.“We got our confidence back,”

Wynn said. “It felt good to move the ball and score points.”

Although the season might not have turned out to be as spe-cial as it appeared to be shaping up until the collapse against TCU, senior defensive end and captain Christian Cox said the Utes still had a lot on the line against the Aztecs and for the remainder of the season.

“You lose and no Vegas Bowl, no opportunity to go to a great bowl,” he said. “We know we won’t win the Mountain West,

but we want to take second. We want to finish right, and we want to win these next two games that we have.”

The Cougars’ season, con-versely, started out disastrously before a late-season rally gained them bowl eligibility. BYU dropped four straight after win-ning its season opener against Washington, including a 16-31 loss to in-state rival Utah State. However, freshman quarterback Jake Heaps has thrived against MWC opponents, throwing eight touchdowns and no in-terceptions in the past three

weeks against UNLV, Colorado State and New Mexico—the Cougars have outscored those opponents 144-24.

The Utes also looked unstop-pable against those three MWC foes, putting up 153 points on them and allowing just 20. If they want to finish the season strong with a win against the guys senior corner Brandon Burton says the team refers to only as “TDS—team down south,” the key might be getting the running game going led by

Two roads diverge in the Mountain West

See football Page 9

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341 Knight Hall 1000 E. University Avenue Dept. 3708, Laramie, WY 82071 Phone 307-766-2187

Web InformationUniversity Counseling Center/Lifesavers/STOP - www.uwyo.edu/ucc AWARE- www.uwyo.edu/aware

Cowboy Choices - www.uwyo.edu/aware/choices

E-MailsUniversity Counseling Center - [email protected]

AWARE - [email protected]



University Counseling CenterIt’s OK to Ask for Help

I believe the unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final

word in reality.

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

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I have a



that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sw

eltering with the heat of injustice, sw

eltering with the heat of oppression, w

ill be transformed into an oasis of freedom

and justice.

Dear UW Community:

On January 18, 2010, people nationwide will observe and reflect on the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr. His spirit and strong moral vision helped lead this nation in the direction of greater equality and justice.

To celebrate the life and work of Dr. King, students, faculty, staff, and community members from around Laramie will be giving up their time to serve others. This year, in conjunction with the Center for Vol-unteer Service, the Student Leadership and Civic Engagement Office, ServeWyoming, and Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), I would like to invite you to participate in “Project Energy Savers.”

The project will involve visiting local community members and charitable organizations, installing en-ergy saving light bulbs and window insulation, and providing information on low-cost avenues for contin-ued energy savings. The day will begin at 11 a.m. in the Wyoming Union Family Room. A free lunch will be served during registration in appreciation for your service that day. Following lunch, volunteers will depart in teams of four for their sites. Transportation to and from sites will be provided.

For more information or to sign up today contact Katie Kleinhesselink at 766-6871 or [email protected], or visit https://www.uwyo.edu/uwvolunteers/info.asp?p—6491. I hope you can join the Center for Volunteer Service and others in celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. and his invaluable service to humanity.

Sincerely, Thomas Buchanan | President

Monday plans?No classes are held Jan. 18 and The Branding Iron asked what students plan to do for this commemorative day.

Odion Disamoje | Junior in Business

Holli Welch | Sophomore in Business Marketing

Meredith Pratt | Sophomore in Zoology

I’m opening up at the Union Info Desk at 8:30 a.m.

I’m going to be doing the Project Energy Saver event.

I am finish-ing knitting projects and a scrapbook.

MLK from page 3In the years leading up to the holiday being signed into law by President Reagan in 1983, labor unions in both the public and private sector provided much of support for the creation of the national holiday.

There was resistance by some politicians to both the creation of the holiday and in recognizing it within the re-spective states.

In 1983, Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) temporarily blocked a vote recognizing the third Monday of every January as Martin Luther King Jr. Day on the senate f loor because he claimed King was an advocate of “action-oriented Marxism” and held other “radi-cal political” beliefs, according to a 1983 issue of the Washington Post.

Much of the resistance to the

bill recognizing the Martin Lu-ther King Jr. Day grew out of his criticism of American capitalism, Glocke said. King advocated that only with greater wealth-distri-bution would African Americans be on equal playing ground as whites.

Resistance to the holiday in King’s name was also the result of the civil rights leader’s opposi-tion to the Vietnam War, Glocke said.

“I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos with-out having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today—my own government,” King said in 1967 speech concerning the Vietnam War.

“It was really hard for people to get out [of service in] Viet-nam” because of the draft and

lack of deferments, Glocke said, explaining some of King’s feeling against the war.

There was also resistance in many states from recognizing it as a holiday.

“The biggest resistance was in Arizona,” Glocke said.

In 1990, Arizona Gov. Evan Mecham (R-Ariz.) opposed the recognition of the holiday in the state. Utah celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day, by refer-ring to it as “Human Rights Day” until the day was recognized in 2000 under its correct name.

“God forbid we have a day that’s entirely dedicated to black people,” Glocke said, describing the view politicians held about their decisions of not recogniz-ing the day as a national holiday.

By 2000, every state in the union officially celebrated the national holiday.

Rocky beginning to national holiday

a letter FroM the president:

Page 31: 2011-2d-2

The daughter of Malcolm X, a Muslim leader during the Civil Rights Move-ment, will serve as the keynote speaker at the eighth annual Martin Luther King

Jr. March and Days of Dialogue celebration.Ilyasah Shabazz, the third daughter of Malcolm

X, is an author, lecturer and human rights activist who will speak at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Wyo-ming Union Ballroom.

Shabazz will be part of this year’s MLK/DOD theme, “Poverty, Politics and Race,” where UW will commit to making the campus a more em-powering place for diversity, according to a UW news release. The campus events will celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and ideals and work to welcome people from different heritages, ori-entations and races.

Shabazz was 2 years old when her father was assassinated in 1965. Malcolm X was known as an advocate for African Americans and has been

described as one of the most inf luential African Americans in history, according to a UW news release.

Following in her father’s footsteps, Shabazz visited the Holy City of Mecca and also explored historic and religious sites in Jordan, according to her personal Web site. During her time in Jordan, Shabazz was the guest of her royal highness Prin-cess Alia bint Al-Hussein.

Shabazz wrote the book “Growing Up X” as a coming-of-age memoir.

Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee said the book was “a clear impression of Black family val-ues as any ever written, ref lecting the pride of a child who knows she was ‘raised right.’”

Shabazz is dedicated to preserving her family’s legacy of service to humanity, according to a biog-raphy on her Web site.

“The example my parents set, both in and out-side of our household, helped me to understand

that we all have a specific purpose in life—to give back to society,” Shabazz said on her Web site.

She is committed to developing programs that encourage self-empowerment. Shabazz produces a program entitled “The WAKE-UP Tour” to in-spire youth to think and act critically.

Within the area of education, Shabazz has also organized training programs in order to encour-age higher education to at-risk youth, according to her Web site.

Shabazz also serves as the corporation president and trustee of the Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shaba-zz Memorial, Educational and Cultural Center.

Shabazz holds a Masters of Science in Educa-tion and Human Resource Development and a Bachelors of Science in Biology.

Students at UW can also expect to see events such as an MLK March, book discussion, art ex-hibit and poverty simulation on the MLK/DOD list of activities.

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ilyasah shabazz

by Caitlin White | [email protected]


keynote speaker

daughterauthorcivil rights activist

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83% of UW students always use a designated sober driver3 in 4 of UW students eat before and during drinking

AWARE is committed to a healthy campus community and a drug free learning environment.

The time is always right to do what is right.

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Cowboy CHOICES 180 Proof Peer Education program is an organization for students run by students. It takes a “harm reduction” approach and is designed to help supportstudents making healthy and safe decisions regarding the responsible use of alcohol.

CONTACT INFORMATION FOR ALL PROGRAMS:341 Knight Hall 1000 E. University Avenue Dept. 3708, Laramie, WY 82071 Phone 307-766-2187

Web InformationUniversity Counseling Center/Lifesavers/STOP - www.uwyo.edu/ucc AWARE- www.uwyo.edu/aware

Cowboy Choices - www.uwyo.edu/aware/choicesE-Mails

University Counseling Center - [email protected] - [email protected]

Page 34: 2011-2d-2

that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of form

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SHANE [email protected]

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is rec-ognized as a holiday across all 50 states. Yet, the creation of the na-tional holiday and its recognition was met with resistance.

While King is most famously known for his leadership in the Civ-il Rights Movement, his resistance to the Vietnam War and criticism of capitalism led some politicians to block legislation of the creation of a national holiday, Aimee Glocke, visiting professor in the UW De-partment of African American and Diaspora Studies, said.

“It was almost like it was okay for him [King] to fight for issues of civil rights” but it was as if it was treason-ous for him to criticize America’s economic system or the war in Viet-nam, Glocke said.

The holiday was first proposed in 1968, just days after King’s assas-sination, by U.S. Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) who introduced a bill to Congress to recognize King’s birth-day as a national holiday. The U.S. House of Representatives voted for Conyers’ bill in 1979, but it failed to pass.

The holiday was also supported by labor unions when negotiat-ing labor contracts, according to a 2006 issue of The Nation. In 1969, a small group of workers at a New York General Motors plant refused to work on King’s birthday and faced disciplinary action from man-agement as a result. Management at GM backed down from threats of discipline after larger groups of workers walked out in support of the small group.

See MLK, page 7

Martin Luther King Jr. Day: The progression of a national holiday

Illustration by Dillon Bennett

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• Totally FREE SUMMER FUN•10 DO’S and DON’TS at the bar

page 27 page 29 page 29

no cover with college iD till 11

no cover for laDies till 11


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November 3, 2010



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Matt DixonSports Editor

Basketball at Tennessee has takennational prominence in recent years.

Bruce Pearl has elevated the men’s pro-gram into a perennial SEC title contenderand high seed in the NCAA Tournament.Pat Summitt’s teams are always Final Fourcaliber and set the bar high.

“It’s my favorite time of the year,” Pearlsaid at the team’s media day in October.“The opportunity to put a team together,combining all the different pieces that youanticipate having, both from recruiting tothe offseason workouts and the develop-ment of the players individually and thechallenge of putting them all together andseeing if you can become a competitivechampionship basketball team.”

Summitt’s squad returns everyone fromlast year’s team, which was upset in theSweet Sixteen by Baylor. This year, theveteran team has only one goal.

“When you have an experienced team,you have to look at the history and where

have we been,” Summitt said. “We’re try-ing to get to a Final Four so we have ourfocus very narrow, and we know what it iswe want to accomplish. We’ve had a hardtime getting there, and so now I thinkthey really feel like it’s our turn.

“If we don’t get to Indianapolis, we’renot going to be happy at all. That’s ourgoal. We want to cut down nets.”

The Lady Vols haven’t cut down thenets after winning a national champi-onship since 2008, the last time Summitthad such an experienced squad.

“It’s an experienced team, thank good-ness, finally,” Summitt said. “With thatcomes the maturity and the focus thatthey have and the drive. I know they’reexcited that we’re pretty healthy overall.So I feel really good about them. And Ithink they’re more confident now, andthey’ve earned that right, because they’veinvested more, and they know what toexpect every day.”

The ongoing NCAA investigation hascast a dark shadow on Pearl and his pro-gram. The university self-imposed recruit-ing sanctions on coaches as well as pay

cuts for Pearl and his assistant coaches. Still the talent on the roster has Pearl

intrigued of the possibilities.“As far as the roster’s concerned, this

is the first year I really think since we gothere that we have 13 guys on scholarship,maybe it’s happened before,” Pearl said.“And really 14 guys that have an opportu-nity to be in the regular rotation, legiti-mately. From that standpoint, it is ourdeepest team.”

Despite the abundance of talent, Pearlknows the losses of seniors from lastyear’s Elite Eight team will give the Vols anew look.

“The face of Tennessee basketball haschanged,” Pearl said. “I mean, 80 percentof my career at Tennessee, Wayne Chismhas been a starter — not there. J.P. Princehas played for the last three years. So it’s,you know, we’re going to look different,but I think the guys that return haveimproved, and I think the newcomers willfit in nicely. The face of our team is goingto look a lot different. So it’s going topresent a lot of opportunities. We’ll playdifferently. We’ll look differently. The sys-

tem will be the same.”Even with the high expectations com-

ing off an Elite Eight appearance last year,Pearl looks at each season individually asa new challenge.

“I think you take it one year at a time,and the thing I’m most proud of is thatwe’ve been here five years (as coaches),and we’ve been in the NCAA Tournamentfive years, and we’re the only SEC team todo that, and so, this is the thing you want,you want consistency from some of youryoung people and to continue to have ourteam be in position to compete for cham-pionships,” Pearl said. “Last year waswonderful, and it was special. It had neverhappened before in Tennessee basketballhistory and that was last year.

“There’s no unfinished business, we’renot building on what we did last year, lastyear’s over and now it’s time for this teamand this group to represent the Universityof Tennessee in the best fashion we can.”

Two fiery coaches, two talented teamsand a fan base hungry for championships— basketball season is ready to tip-off inKnoxville.

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Photo Illustration: Michael Rettig

Housing Guide Housing Guide SPRING 2010

A Match Made in Heaven

• Check out some tips of what students have learned about

fi nding the right roommate. See page 5.

Save Some Dough

• Discover tips from Mavericks on how to fi ll your stomach

without emptying your wallet. See page 6.

More Than 4 Walls and a Roof

• Gather what it’s like living in every type of housing out

there. From apartments, to dorms, to houses, we have it

covered. See page 11.

Learn the Legal Lingo

• Find out how to read the fi ne print in leasing agreements.

See page 22.

The Shorthorn: Stephanie Goddard and WIll LaVoncher

Page 41: 2011-2d-2

Page 2 Tuesday, April 13, 2010THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010

BY CHARLOTTE LEEThe Shorthorn staff

Students can hunt for resi-dence halls, apartment com-plexes and hotels at the Housing Fair, The Apartment Hunt.

About 35 different vendors will promote their housing op-tions. The Shorthorn is host-ing the fair, which runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. W e d n e s -day at the U n i v e r -sity Center Palo Duro Lounge.

M i k e Love, The Shorthorn sales manager, said the fair ben-efits students in two ways, es-pecially having several housing representatives in one location.

“It’s a great opportunity for students to talk personally about what they are looking for in housing,” he said. “It’s also a great time saver.”

Some vendors will give out freebies and The Shorthorn will

be giving away door prizes. The prizes will be drawn through-out the fair. Centennial Court apartments will host a drawing for a UTA Bookstore $200 gift card that students can enter by

signing up at the front desk.Kevin Green, The Short-

horn marketing manager, said transfer students and freshmen should come to the fair because it helps them figure out where

they will stay once they come to UTA.

CHARLOTTE [email protected]

All your housing needs under one roof35 different vendors are expected to showcase their options at the Housing Fair.

WHEN AND WHEREWhat: Housing FairWhen: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. WednesdayWhere: University Center Palo Duro Lounge

The Shorthorn: File art

Biology graduate student Angela Fornell talks to Cascades Apartments representative Yolanda Matinez in spring 2009 at The Shorthorn Housing Fair in the University Center Palo Duro Lounge. An estimated 2,000 students attended the event.

Monday-Friday: 6 am - 9 pm Saturday: 7am - 9pm Sunday: 7 am - 8 pm


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LIST OF EXHIBITORS• The Ponde Apartments• Peppermill Apartments• St. Laurent Apartments• Arbrook Park Apartments• Northwood Place Apartments• The Bedroom Shop• Addison Park Apartments• UMoveFree• Towne Place Suites• Broadstone Lone Farm Apart-ments• Springfield Crossing• River Oaks Apartments• Pinewoods Apartments• Sedona Springs Apartments• Wells Fargo Bank• Willows II• Johnson Creek Crossing• Cascades Apartments• Cooper Park Apartments• Bardin Greene Apartments• Off-Campus Mavericks• Horizons at Sun Ridge• Herman Boswell Property Man-agement• Allstate Westchester Insurance• Catalina Apartments• Red River Apartments• Hidden Valley Apartments• Centennial Court Apartments• Maverick Place Apartments• Enclave Apartments• Windridge Apartments

Look for a full map of the exhibitors on page 7

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Page 3THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010

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Page 4 Tuesday, April 13, 2010THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010









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Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Page 5THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010

BY LORRAINE FRAJKORThe Shorthorn staff

The perfect roommate may not exist, but that doesn’t mean steps can’t be taken to make the living situation less painful.

Students who have expe-rienced living with strangers, good friends or by themselves can compare and contrast the ups and downs of these different living situations.

“It’s important to have the right roommate because they can affect your school, social and work life,” aerospace en-

gineering freshman Christian Pundock said.

He said he met his room-mate for the first time when they moved into a residence hall last fall and requested to have a clean, quiet roommate on his housing application.

“My roommate is usually not in our room,” he said. “But when he is there, he’s pretty clean and quiet.”

University spokeswoman Kristin Sullivan said while filing

Finding the right match

Housing applications determine similar qualities for ideal roommates.

Photo Illustration: Raziq Brown

Film senior Bongani Mlambo and computer engineering graduate student Srikanth Polisetty share a single room in a condo near campus. The two also work together in the Multicultural Affairs Office.

MATCH continues on page 6

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Page 45: 2011-2d-2

Page 6 Tuesday, April 13, 2010THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010

for a residence hall, applicants are given a survey that helps pair people with similar needs to their rooms. Questions in-clude topics like when someone prefers to study.

Kinesiology freshman Connie Fair said it’s best to be honest when filling out the housing ap-plication.

“It’s not going to do you any good to not be honest,” she said.

To have a better idea of her roommate’s personality, Fair said they e-mailed each other before they moved into their dorm, discussing their interests and majors. They even coordi-nated what they would be bring-ing to the dorm so they didn’t end up having doubles of items.

Fair and her roommate don’t have any major issues, she said, but no living situation is perfect.

“If there is a problem, we’ll just talk to each other about it,” Fair said.

Nursing junior Jacquelyn Alvarado, an Arlington Hall

resident assistant, said students should make a contract with new roommates to establish ground rules from the begin-ning.

“That way you know what to expect from each other,” she said. “If you’re miserable with your roommate, you’re probably not going to be very motivated in general.”

Business finance junior Sam Galloway used to live in a four-bedroom apartment with four other people, but now he lives by himself in an off-campus apartment.

Infectious habits can influ-ence roommates in good ways — like encouraging them to study — or in bad ways — like encour-aging them to skip class, he said.

“Pot luck is the way to go,” Galloway said. “Don’t room with your best friend.”

Students planning to live on campus can fill out a housing survey to determine what their preferences for roommates are and what they have in common.

LORRAINE [email protected]

Matchcontinued from page 5

BY CHASE WEBSTERThe Shorthorn staff

Students don’t have to live off ramen to save to money.

Surviving college can be a nutritional nightmare, with microwavable dinners, quick snacks and fast food making up the staples of most students’ diets. Though the university has a fair amount of options to help incoming freshmen earn those 15 pounds, students discover that a happy home has a full pantry. Fortunately, there are some do-it-yourselfers who have plenty of advice for keeping both the

Keep Your Stomach Full, Your

Wallet FullerMavericks give tips and tricks for eating healthy and cheaply.

The Shorthorn: Aisha Butt

Software engineering sophomore Lehman Black gets his card swiped before dining on Monday night in the Connection Cafe. FOOD continues on page 8

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 20107:30 TO 9:30 A.M.




Page 46: 2011-2d-2

Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Page 7THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010

TownePlace Suites Arlington Near Six Flags1709 East Lamar Boulevard, Arlington, Texas 76006t (817) 861 8728 f (817) 861 8752 www.marriott.com/dfwta

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Use the spacious work area to get down to business. And the rest of the suite to unwind from it.

TownePlace Suites Arlington Near Six FlagsArlington, TX

2 45 44 42

4 6


5 20







1214 15

17 18 1925 26 27


40 38





Palo Duro Lounge in the University Center


1 UTA Housing & UTA Dining 2 The Ponde Apartments 3 Peppermill Apartments 4 St. Laurent Apartments 5 Arbrook Park Apartments 6 Northwood Place Apartments 7 The Bedroom Shop 8 Addison Park Apartments 11 UMoveFree 12 Towne Place Suites 14 Broadstone Lone Farm

Apartments 15 Spring� eld Crossing 17 River Oaks Apartments 18 Pinewoods Apartments 19 Sedona Springs Apartments20 Wells Fargo Bank21 Willows II

22 Johnson Creek Crossing 23 Cascades Apartments 24 Cooper Park Apartments 25 Bardin Greene Apartments 26 O� -Campus Mavericks 27 Horizons at Sun Ridge 29 Herman Boswell Property

Management 37 Allstate Westchester

Insurance 38 Catalina Apartments 40 Red River Apartments 41 Hidden Valley Apartments 42 Centennial Court Apartments 43 Maverick Place Apartments 44 Enclave Apartments 45 Windridge Apartments

Page 47: 2011-2d-2

Page 8 Tuesday, April 13, 2010THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010

stomach and the wallet full while working for that degree.

The first things students need to do are get a refrigerator and micro-wave and learn how to use them, said roommates J.P. Akinyemi and Jonny Rose.

“The rice cooker is a good item too,” said Akinyemi, an information systems junior. “I sometimes just cook rice and put spaghetti sauce on it. If pasta sauce can go with spa-ghetti, why can’t it go on rice? And teriyaki, soy, and hot sauce. We use a lot of sauce.”

Drinks can disappear quickly too, and the best thing to do to save money and the waistline is cut back on soda, said Rose, an English graduate student.

“Luckily we’re not big soda drinkers,” he said. “We drink a lot of water.”

A drawback to having little time and little funds is eating fast food, which is quick and affordable. Mar-keting senior Bhumi Govani said eating healthier can help students get through their days feeling better.

“Eat healthy food,” she said. “You can get into eating really bad food. Eat fruit. Grab an apple on the way to class. If you have a meal plan, take some fruit with you when you go.”

Fruit is available at the Connec-tion Cafe and the UC food court. There are several meal plans de-signed for students who live on campus that provide a specified number of meals per semester at the café, as well as some money to use at the various restaurants around campus.

There are four meal plans avail-able to students. Platinum and gold meal plans are designed for student

who frequently eat in the Connec-tion Cafe, while silver and bronze meal plans a geared toward stu-dents who eat in the UC food court, said David Ok, Dining Services marketing manager.

“The program is included as a convenience so students can have more than one meal option on their student IDs,” Ok said. “Dining Dol-lars can be used at any dining loca-tion on campus, whereas the meal swipes can only be used in the Con-nection Cafe.”

Rose said that though UC food court is nice for a little while, even-tually students will find themselves in the Connection Cafe. Wherever you choose to eat, the most impor-tant thing is that you take time to enjoy it, he said.

“Make time to sit down to eat in-stead of always being on the run,” he said. “Always have food available.”

Sitting down to eat has addi-tional benefits to just enjoying your food, Akinyemi said.

“If you sit down, you digest bet-ter,” he said. “Also it’s a good time to relax. When you eat in a rush, even good food can turn bad.”

CHASE [email protected]

COST BREAKDOWNFall 2010 and Spring 2011 Meal PlanMeals Per Semester:Platinum: 304Gold: 210Silver: 175Bronze: 150Dining Dollars amount (per semes-ter):Platinum: $200Gold: $190Silver: $275Bronze: $350

Foodcontinued from page 6

Mechanical engineering senior Cole Grandjean and nursing sophomore Katherine Norman eat dinner on Monday night at the Connection Cafe.

The Shorthorn: Aisha Butt

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Page 10 Tuesday, April 13, 2010THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010

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Page 50: 2011-2d-2

Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Page 11THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010

BY VINOD SRINIVASANThe Shorthorn senior staff

When it all breaks down, where you stay in college can decide how well your academic and social expe-riences at the university turn out.

Students interested in living close to campus can choose between resi-dence halls and on-campus apart-ments. Marketing senior Eric Brown

said living in a residence hall is a necessary experience for all students, but moving to an apartment helped him be more independent.

“The transition of moving from the dorms to apartments was a very smooth one, especially because Meadow Run is owned by UTA,”

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Photo Illustration: Michael Minasi

LIVING continues on page 12

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Page 12 Tuesday, April 13, 2010THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010

Brown said. “Price-wise they are very comparable, but I wouldn’t want to be kept under the moni-tored conditions of a residence hall.”

Greg Hladik, Apartment and Residence Life assistant director, said there has been a lot of research done that shows students who live in a dorm do better academically.

“There are student staff that help facilitate and provide a moni-tored environment for academic growth,” Hladik said. “If you lived on campus, you would go to class and then hang out with your friends, but if you commuted to school, chances are that you would go to class and then leave.”

If you live in the dorms or UTA apartments, then you’ll live with students and faculty, however, at an off-campus apartment, there might be families and full-time working people around you, Hladik said

According to the university housing Web site, there are cur-rently five residence halls and 18 UTA-owned apartments.

Living in the dorms, however, puts limits on how long students can stay in their rooms. Aerospace engineering freshman Matthew Johnson said he plans to move to Maverick Place in the fall semester so that he can live in his apartment throughout the year.

“I don’t like being kicked out of the dorm during winter break and having to stay with my parents for five weeks,” Johnson said.

Architecture freshman Travis Tabak said he chose to live in a resi-dence hall because if he didn’t, he would have felt like it was like the second level of high school.

“A big part of college is living in the dorms because it helps me be more involved with campus ac-tivities through which I have made most of my friends,” Tabak said.

Renting or buying a house is another option that some students opt for. History junior Ben Mc-Grath said he has lived in a house near campus for more than a year.

“Living in a house is more ef-ficient and I have my own garage,” he said. “Overall, it just makes me feel a lot more independent.”

VINOD [email protected]

Dormscontinued from page 10

BY CHRIS HUNTThe Shorthorn staff

There are some essentials that a residence hall or apartment can’t be without. Students divulge how the cost of essentials, and even pri-vacy, should be considered as part of the resident package.

Marketing junior Ben Higham said he doesn’t mind parting with some privacy because it saves him money.

“It’s pretty expensive [living on campus] because you’re paying for the convenience,” the Meadow Run apartments resident said. “If you’re

able to split rooms, like I do, it’s re-ally cheap.”

Regardless of price, he said room splitting is a bad idea if you can’t tolerate other roommates’ messes.

He also warned that if you plan to live at an apartment farther from the main campus buildings, be pre-pared to do some walking or get-ting a student parking permit.

Police ticket vehicles with resi-dent decals parked in the regular lots labeled “student.”

“I was surprised. I thought if you had a resident permit, you could park anywhere you wanted

to,” he said.Education junior Morgan

Smith, an Arlington Hall resident assistant, reminds students that they can’t have a coffee pot in their rooms. She also said remembering to bring toilet paper is a big deal.

Graphic design freshman Ale-sha Carter said it’s the other little bathroom things that students often forget. She suggest bringing a personal shower curtain.

“The one they have doesn’t re-ally hit the ground,” she said. “And that little scrubby thing to clean

Essentially essential essentials

Students share tips from their experiences about residence necessities

ESSENTIALS continues on page 21

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Page 54: 2011-2d-2

Page 16 Tuesday, April 13, 2010THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010

BY HANNAH DOCKRAYThe Shorthorn staff

As school winds down and summer creeps up, incoming freshmen and returning on-cam-pus residents should do some se-rious bargain furniture shopping.

Living away from family in residence halls or on-campus apartments can be tough because a strange, new room that needs decorating presents a daunting task. During the flurry of moving out, students may wonder where to find cheap, quality furniture.

Undeclared sophomore Jona-than Moore said his biggest prob-lem was trying to spend as little as possible.

“I really don’t care if my furni-

ture matches, as long as it gets the job done,” Moore said. “I got most of my furniture off of Craigslist and only spent $100.”

Moore said many people don’t know about the free section on Craigslist.

“Many people give away a lot of things just to save them the hassle of having to move it,” he said. “The best items come in late July because a lot of students’ leases end on August 1. I actually got more furniture than I could use and gave some of it to my friends.”

Other students find that thrift stores make for interesting finds. Arlington is home to many thrift

Furniture Bargain Hunting at Its Best

Finding cheap furniture doesn’t have to be tedious work.

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The Shorthorn: Andrew Buckley

The Shorthorn: Andrew Buckley

The Shorthorn: Andrew Buckley

The Shorthorn: Andrew Buckley

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CHEAP continues on page 18


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Page 18 Tuesday, April 13, 2010THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010

stores and charities, such as Mis-sion Arlington, which is located near the UTA campus.

Tillie Burgin, Mission Ar-lington executive director, said she offers anything the students need.

“At Mission Arlington we want to give students whatever they need whenever they need it,” Burgin said. “We want to pro-vide for the students in any way we can, whether it be by giving furniture or by feeding their in-spirational needs.”

Mission Arlington has pro-vided basic household items for many students. Avinash Raghu, mechanical and aerospace engi-neering graduate student, said he knows many people who live on campus who have used Mis-sion Arlington.

“You usually go there to re-quest basic furniture items and then they will deliver it in their own delivery trucks,” Raghu said.

Handmade curtains and other do-it-yourself items can be less

costly than going to the store, but may take up too much time. For biochemistry senior Nicholas Mandich, time was not the issue.

“I got most of my stuff from Walmart,” he said. “I’m definitely not too handy with a needle and thread.”

HANNAH [email protected]

Cheapcontinued from page 16

BY SHAMBHU SHARANThe Shorthorn staff

Campus residents can go green without much effort.

Residents share tips of how to make living green a possibil-ity while living alone.

Turning off lights after leav-ing rooms and unplugging ap-pliances are some ways to save energy. Every light switch in the common areas of Trinity House has reminders for people to turn the lights off, and often when people see these, they will turn them off, said Dakota Key-ser, Trinity House resident as-

sistant.Keyser said his hall has a

special spot in the computer room where residents can throw away old batteries and electron-ic trash.

“At Trinity House, many of our residents contribute to liv-ing green by recycling their goods in the appropriate place,” he said. “There are many places around the residence hall desig-nated for this. Often times, our recycling dumpsters get quite full fairly quickly.”

Bringing sustainability home

Monitoring light usage and recycling all make for greener


“We want to provide for the students in any way we can, whether it be by giving furniture or by feeding their inspirational needs.”

Tillie BurginMission Arlington executive director

The Shorthorn: Andrew Buckley

Craiglist can be used as an option for students to find a cheap alternative for their furniture needs.

GREEN continues on page 21

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Page 57: 2011-2d-2

Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Page 19THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Page 21THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010

Keyser said he is mindful of what products he buys and from where.

“I try to buy things online to save sever-al trips to different stores,” he said.

Jerome Kirby, Ar-lington Hall resident assistant, said some ways of living a more sustainable life within the residence halls in-clude turning off the air conditioning and heating when leav-ing a room, limiting the amount of run-ning water used when brushing teeth and taking more brief, efficient showers.

“I watch my water usage, make sure my lights aren’t constantly on and unplug chargers and different items when they aren’t in use,” he said. “I also recycle old fliers and my drink containers in

the designated areas located around Arlington Hall.”

Kelsey Jackson, Brazos House resident assistant, said her residents recycle materials and earn Brazos bucks at the end of the se-mester.

“It is im-portant for us to live green because this earth we’ve got, we need to take care of it,” she said.

Putti Sok, Lipscomb Hall office assistant, said she reuses items like her grocery bags as trash bags.

“I never throw away nap-kins from McDonald’s,” she said. “Living green saves economically because I don’t buy paper towels and trash bags.”

SHAMBHU [email protected]

Greencontinued from page 18

HOW TO TURN YOUR LIVING SPACE GREENMoving In:Before settling into your new room, get to know your roommate. You really only need one TV, DVD player, rug and micro-fridge, which conserves energy.

Energy savers:An efficient way to use your appliances and charge high-tech gadgets is to plug them into power strips that you can turn off while you’re gone.

Lighting: Halogen lights are prone to cause fires, so they are not allowed in residence halls. Look for compact fluorescent lights when shopping for lamps and energy-saving light bulbs when replacing old bulbs.

Storage:Instead of lugging your stuff in plastic bags or shopping bags, try borrowing luggage or duffle bags from family members to haul your clothes in and later to store out-of-season items. Opt for cardboard boxes instead of bags since they can be broken down and recycled.

Water Alternatives:Make a one-time investment in a reusable, unbreakable stainless steel water bottle. When you drink water from a packaged bottle, you are also drinking some of the plastic.

Linen Alternative:Conventional cotton is to blame for up to 25 percent of the insecticides used worldwide. One hundred percent organic cotton or bamboo sheet sets, organic cotton comforters and recycled polyester-filled pillows are alternatives. Always look for an organic cotton alternative.

Source: Becky Valentich, Environmental Health and Safety recycling coordinator

the toilet.”Civil engineering sophomore

Sarah Chawang said some smaller decorations can help make the place feel like home.

“Some people bring pictures of family and friends to decorate the room,” she said.

Her roommate kept a pet fish at their Arlington Hall room before tragedy struck.

“Once she went out for the week-end and, as a token, I decided to feed them,” she said. “I overfed a fish and killed it.”

The two, who never met before rooming together at UTA, laugh about the incident now and have even become best friends.

Chawang suggested making a list of things originally brought to the room and to add items to it as they become necessary.

“When you move back in after the summer, check the list so you don’t miss anything,” she said.

CHRIS [email protected]

Essentialscontinued from page 11

“It is important for us to live green because this earth we’ve got, we need to take care of it,”

Kelsey JacksonBrazos House resident assistant

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Page 60: 2011-2d-2

Page 22 Tuesday, April 13, 2010THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010

BY JUSTIN SHARPThe Shorthorn staff

The end of the spring semes-ter approaches and with changes taking place in facilities throughout campus, many students will be looking for fu-ture living arrange-ments.

“Lots of apartment complexes around here like to take advantage of students,” said Kei-sha Ware, UTA’s attor-ney for the students.

Ware recently gave a presen-tation titled “How Not to Sign Your Life Away,” in which she

gave advice for the wary home-hunter.

She said there are certain things to look for when moving into a new place and signing a lease agreement.

“Make sure they show you the actual unit you will be living in,” Ware said.

She said a potential tenant will often be shown a space that is different from the unit offered. It may be big-

ger, or have recently undergone

Always Read the Fine Print

UTA’s attorney for the students shares tips on signing a lease agreement

The Shorthorn: Andrew Buckley

When signing a lease agreement, students should look out out for certain things, such as making sure to see the unit they will be staying in is listed.

DETAILSFind Land-lord-Tenant forms online at www2.uta.edu/at-torney

PRINT continues on page 25


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Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Page 23THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010

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Page 24 Tuesday, April 13, 2010THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010


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Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Page 25THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010

renovations not done to the unit specified in the lease.

A lease can seem complicat-ed, but there are simple steps to take, she said.

“If there is a provision you don’t like or don’t understand, you should highlight it and go over it with the landlord,” Ware said. “They can explain it to you, and they may be willing to negotiate.”

You may be able to get a shorter lease agreement if a 12-month agreement doesn’t meet your needs.

“It’s a good idea to ask for a copy of the lease a day or two in advance so you can read over it completely,” the attorney said.

She said she often hears of students saying they didn’t read the entire document.

Nursing sophomore Delia Ramirez moved into Arlington Hall in 2009 and admits she didn’t fully peruse the contract.

“I skimmed through most of it and read the most important

parts,” she said.The treatment of her lease

is common among students and may lead to problems later, Ware said.

“Be wary of a trap when a leasing agent summarizes the lease for you and encourages you to sign without reading it entirely,” Ware said.

She encourages stu-dents to make an ap-pointment to bring leasing contracts to her if there are parts they don’t understand.

“It’s easier to help on the front end than on the back end after the lease has been signed,” she said.

After the lease is signed, the move-in begins and there are important steps to take.

“When they first move in, it is important to fill out that in-ventory sheet of all the existing problems in the apartment,” Ware said.

She suggested taking pic-tures or video when walking through for better documenta-tion.

She said problems might only be found after living in the space. Any issues found after the initial inventory has been submitted should also be docu-mented.

“You have to put it in writing for your rights to kick in under the Texas property codes,” Ware

said. “Always put any issues you have while living there in writ-ing with the date, and give it to the complex manager or landlord.”

If problems cause health concerns, it should be specifically stated in the written documentation that is submitted, the at-torney said.

Once the writ-ten statement is turned in, the owners of the property are le-gally obligated to fix the health-endangering issues.

When the lease is up, stu-dents may want to move or might want to stay, if only for a few more months. Ware said that most complexes have an option for renting on a month-to-month basis, but usually the

rent will go up.They are required to tell you

this verbally and put it in the new lease agreement, she said.

If the plan is to move out as soon as the lease is up, tenants should request a walk-through with the landlord or a complex manager ahead of move-out day, Ware said.

“The lesson is: document, document, document,” she said.

The attorney said it is im-portant to leave a forwarding address so the security deposit, or an itemized list of reasons why it will not be returned, can be mailed. The landlord is required to send one within 30 days. If they don’t, the pen-alty stipulated by Texas law is $100 and up to three times the wrongfully held security de-posit.

Templates for various land-lord-tenant forms, such as re-quests for repairs, can be found at www2.uta.edu/attorney.

JUSTIN [email protected]

Printcontinued from page 22

“The lesson is: document, document, document.”

Keisha Ware, UTA’s attorney for the students

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OFFICE: 972.988.1171 FAX: 972.647.2316

Page 65: 2011-2d-2

Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Page 27THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010


Community Features:• Sparkling Pool with

spacious sundeck• fitness center• Business center• Carports

Apartment Features:1, 2, and 3 bedroomapartment homes

$99 (1st month rent for 3rd floor)

$250 OFF (for 1st and 2nd floor)

$200 OFF (2nd months rent)

4901 Pacific Drive • Arlington, TX 76001(817)-478-9220 • fax: (817)-478-9719 • toll free: (888)-531-0809

and much, much more...

• Walking Distance to UTA

• Spacious Apt. Homes

• Split Bedroom

• Accent Walls

• Sparkling Pools

• Large Closets

• Upgraded Countertops

• Local Management

$249.00 Total Move-In Covers Deposit, Application Fee & 1st Month’s Rent


815 W. Abram St. • 817-261-394101110100011101010111001001101110001000000110111101101110001011100000110100001010011000100110111101101111011101000010000001110101011100000010111000001101000010100110101001100001011000110110101100100000011010010110111000101110 01110100011101010111001001101110001000000110111101101110001011100000110100001010011000100110111101101111011101000010000001110101011100000010111000001101000010100110101001100001011000110110101100100000011010010110111000101110 01110100011101010111001001101110001000000110111101101110001011100000110100001010011000100110111101101111011101000010000001110101011100000010111000001101000010100110101001100001011000110110101100100000011010010110111000101110 01110100011101010111001001101110001000000110111101101110001011100000110100001010011000100110111101101111011101000010000001110101011100000010111000001101000010100110101001100001011000110110101100100000011010010110111000101110 011101000111010101110010011011100010000001101111011011100010111000001101000010100110001001101111011011110111010000100000011101010111000000101110000011010000101001101010011000010110001101101011001000000110

turn on. boot up. jack in.


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Page 28 Tuesday, April 13, 2010THE SHORTHORN Housing Guide 2010

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College Heights Herald Homecoming Special Section October 22, 2010Section A

WKU Homecoming 2010