2011-2012 Brian Orlauski Associate Dean, Information Technology Mt. San Jacinto Community College District 2011-2012 Mt San Jacinto College Information Technology Tactical Plan

2011-12 MSJC Information Technology Tactical Planv11.17.pdf

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Brian Orlauski

Associate Dean, Information Technology

Mt. San Jacinto Community College District


Mt San Jacinto College Information Technology

Tactical Plan

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2011-12 MSJC Information Technology Tactical Plan



TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................... 1

SECTION 1.0 - DOCUMENT CHANGE LOG ....................................................................................... 3

SECTION 2.0 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................. 4

SECTION 3.0 – INSTITUTIONAL CULTURE OF PLANNING ........................................................ 4

SECTION 4.0 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MISSION ............................................................. 5

SECTION 5.0 - 2011-2012 PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES ................................................ 5

SECTION 6.0 - 2011-2012 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY GOALS .......................................... 5



PRIORITIZATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 6

SECTION 9.0 - STAFFING RESOURCES ............................................................................................. 7

SECTION 10.0 - FUNDING RESOURCES............................................................................................ 7

SECTION 11.0 - INITIATIVES .............................................................................................................. 9

Section 11.1 – POLICIES .......................................................................................................................................... 9

Section 11.2 - PROCEDURES ................................................................................................................................. 11

Section 11.3 - SUPPORT STRUCTURE .................................................................................................................... 13

Section 11.4 - STAFF DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................................................... 15

Section 11.5 - NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE ......................................................................................................... 17

Section 11.6 - SERVER INFRASTRUCTURE ............................................................................................................. 18

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Section 11.7 - ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE – DATATEL COLLEAGUE ........................................................................... 19

Section 11.8 - ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE – Document Management and Imaging .................................................. 24

Section 11.9 - ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE – SirsiDynix Unicorn Library Software ..................................................... 25

Section 11.10 - ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE – Identity Management Domain Deployment ....................................... 26

Section 11.11 - THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE – HR Applicant Tracking ....................................................................... 27

Section 11.12 - THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE – Class Climate .................................................................................... 27

Section 11.13 - THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE – Elumen ............................................................................................. 28

Section 11.14 - THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE – Instructional Program Review .......................................................... 28

Section 11.15 - TELEPHONY .................................................................................................................................. 29

Section 11.16 - DESKTOP HARDWARE .................................................................................................................. 29

Section 11.17 - DESKTOP SOFTWARE ................................................................................................................... 30

Section 11.18 - WEB ARCHITECTURE .................................................................................................................... 31

Section 11.19 – MANDATED REPORTING ............................................................................................................. 33

Section 11.20 - DISASTER RECOVERY & EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS .................................................................. 35

SECTION 12.0 – GANTT CHART ....................................................................................................... 36

SECTION 13.0 – CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................... 37

SECTION 14.0 - REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 37

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Section 1.0 - Document Change Log

Document Version

User Role Date Notes

Version 2011.1 Brian Orlauski AD – Info Tech 08/05/2011 Initial Document Creation

Version 2011.8 Brian Orlauski AD – Info Tech 08/30/2011 Updating descriptions of projects

Version 2011.16 Brian Orlauski AD – Info Tech 09/14/2011 Completion of first draft. Submit to VP

Version 2011.17 Brian Orlauski AD –Info Tech 09/19/2011 Completion of second draft. Submit to VP for approval by Executive Cabinet

Version 2011.17 Brian Orlauski AD – Info Tech 09/27/2011 Approved by Executive Cabinet

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Section 2.0 - Executive Summary

The MSJC Information Technology Tactical Plan for 2011-2012 will serve as the roadmap for resource allocation for the Information Technology Department during the 2011-2012 academic year. Utilizing MSJC’s integrated planning model, this Tactical Plan draws inputs from MSJC’s 2011-2014 Strategic Plan, MSJC’s 2011-2016 Technology Master Plan, and Information Technology’s Program Review in order to determine district priorities and allocate resources for the MSJC Information Technology department. Additionally, in the 2011-2012 Information Technology Tactical Plan, considerations are made for the staff, financial, and system resources required for the sustainability of currently supported systems and processes. The 2011-2012 Information Technology Tactical Plan is an aggressive one year plan that shall be challenging to implement. Staff, financial, and physical resources will be allocated toward identified initiatives based on prioritization, availability of implementation resources, and availability of sustainability resources. The sixty-one (61) projects contained within the 2011-2012 Information Technology Tactical Plan does estimate an over-allocation of approximately 1,400 staff hours towards project implementation. Information Technology will seek to implement internal and external initiatives in order streamline processes and eliminate redundant staff processing in order to mitigate a portion of this over-allocation.

Section 3.0 – Institutional Culture of Planning

Mt San Jacinto College is a student success focused planning institution that has developed and actively practices a data centered approach to continuous improvement. In the spring of 2011, the 2011-2015 Technology Master Plan (TMP) was authored by the Information, Communications and Technology Committee (ICTC) to provide a long term technological vision for MSJC. In support of the Educational Master Plan, the Technology Master Plan advises of resource allocation recommendations for the sustainability of currently implemented technology, as well as, the innovative technologies required to meet the needs of the college community. Additionally, in the summer of 2011, the district Strategic Plan was authored to set the following institutional priorities:

Student Success

Fiscally Sound Position

Systematic Planning and Assessment

Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture

Community Partnerships and Service

The 2011-12 Information Technology Tactical Plan (ITTP) shall be the implementation plan to meet the administrative technology needs for Mt San Jacinto College over the 2011-12 academic year. The goals and initiatives outlined 2011-12 ITTP support five specific categories:

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MSJC’s Strategic Plan

MSJC’s Technology Master Plan

Information Technology Program Learning Outcomes

Technology Sustainability

Regulatory and External Mandates

By developing, adopting, and publishing a Tactical Plan, MSJC’s Information Technology department seeks to provide transparency to the financial, system, and staffing resource allocation related to the Information Technology department for the 2011-2012 academic year.

Section 4.0 - Information Technology Mission

It is the mission of the Information Technology Department to provide an institutional computing environment that manages and maintains accurate, reliable, and efficient technology services for the success of the college community.

Section 5.0 - 2011-2012 Program Learning Outcomes

The IT department will provide a technology infrastructure that is conducive to student learning and district operations, by providing an institutional computing environment that is robust, reliable, secure, and adaptive to the expanding requirement for remote services. The department will continually assess the infrastructure and provide recommendations to maintain currency in the institutional technology needs.

The IT department staff will maintain proficiency in the hardware and software deployed at the institution, applicable to their role at MSJC.

The IT department will recommend and support the software needed for student, faculty and staff communications and operations. (Note, in direct support of ILO #1 regarding “Communication”)

Section 6.0 - 2011-2012 Information Technology Goals

Improve Information Technology Staff Efficiency

Improve District Support Structure for Students, Faculty, and Staff

Improve Transparency of Technology Policies and Procedures

Improve Student, Faculty, Staff, Administrative Access to Systems

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Section 7.0 - 2011-2012 Information Technology Measurable Outcomes

1. Publish and distribute a 2011-2012 Information Technology Tactical Plan

2. Decrease number of helpdesk calls by 5%

3. Decrease number of hours required to manage system backups by 25%

4. Decrease time to provision web based student accounts by 33%

5. Document formal Information Technology Service Level Agreement (SLA)

6. Implement Print Management Solution

7. Successfully submit initial Gainful Employment mandated report

8. Publish web architecture vision within Technology Master Plan

9. Complete and document departmental program review

10. In collaboration with the Research department, develop 15 web based reports

11. Improve department initiated student email communication executing two classes on

utilizing communications management

Section 8.0 - 2011-2012 Information Technology Resource Allocation


Information Technology shall allocate staff, physical, and financial resources for the 2011-2012

fiscal year according to the following prioritizations:

1. Regulatory Mandates

2. Tier 1 System Sustainability and Support

3. Disaster Recovery and Preparation

4. End User Support

5. Tier 2 System Sustainability and Support

6. Staff Development

7. New Initiatives and Expanded Service Supported by the Institutional Strategic Plan

8. New Initiatives and Expanded Service Supported by the Technology Master Plan

9. Tier 3 System Sustainability and Support

10. New Initiatives outside MSJC’s Integrated Planning Model

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Section 9.0 - Staffing Resources

The following table represents an estimation of staffing allocation available towards

Information Technology. As of August 2011, the Information Technology department consists of

the following staffing members:

Category Number of Staff

Position Annual Staff

Hours Available

Est Time Sustaining Current


Est Hrs Available for

New Initiatives Percent Hours

A 1 Associate Dean 1800 75% 1350 450

B 1 Administrative Associate

1840 70% 1288 552

C 2 Network Supervisor 3680 75% 2760 920

D 1 Supervisor of Computer Applications

1840 80% 1472 368

E 2 Computer Technician III

3760 80% 3008 752

F 3 Computer Technician II

5520 90% 4968 552

G 3 Senior Programmer Analysts (permanent) 5520 65% 3588 1932

H 1 Senior Programmer Analysts (6 month temporary)

960 50% 480 480

Total Capacities 14 24,920 18,912 6,006

Initiative Implementation Hours


Section 10.0 - Funding Resources

Funding for Information Technology initiatives are derived from base Information Technology

budget, an annual Technology Reserve, categorical funding, and grant funding. MSJC has

budgeted an annual technology reserve to fund the sustainability of technologies for the

administrative including network architecture, server architecture, disaster recovery, desktop

recapitalization, and telephony. In the 2010-2011 academic year, a portion of the technology

reserve was utilized for the recapitalization of hardware for MSJC’s student information system,

Datatel Colleague, as part of a five year hardware lease agreement. Additionally, MSJC utilized

similar financing terms to recapitalize the aged VOIP telephony system which has historically

provided for reliable district communications. For the 2011-2012 academic year, MSJC’s

Information Technology department will continue to proactively recapitalize utilized

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technologies. The following is a list of initiatives that require funding for the 2011-2012

academic year:

Category Priority Description Funding Source

Estimated Cost

Phone System Routers


The pending implementation of MSJC’s VOIP phone system requires two additional components not previously purchased. Each main campus requires an additional router at a cost of $5000.00 a piece

IT Base Budget

$10,000 One-Time (Five year lifecycle)

Helpdesk Software Licensing


MSJC’s integrated planning model requires additional integration of the Research, Instructional Technology, and Information Technology Departments. Additional software licenses are required to integrate the support of these departments to create a more seamless support model for students and faculty.

IT and ITS base


$5000 Initial Year $800 Annual


Web Reporting Solution


In support of student and faculty success, a secure self-service web based reporting solution to provide on-demand data for faculty, staff, and administrators.

Financial Aid BFAP


$20,500 Initial Year $5000 Annual Maintenance

Web Architecture /

Identity Management



In support of student and faculty success, a secure self-service password reset function shall be implemented as part of a robust identity management solution. Faculty, Staff, and Administrators in 2011-2012. Student functionality shall be in 2012-2013. This solution will assist in providing a stronger and seamless integration of the student networks and web based systems.

IT Technology

Reserve $5000 Annual

Desktop Recapitalization


The district has approximately 125 desktop computers utilized by faculty and staff that are not capable of reasonably supporting district supplied software. MSJC Information Technology intends to replace a minimum of 100 of these obsolete desktops.

IT Technology


$130,000 Total $27,000 Annual

(Five Years)

Library System Upgrade and

Migration 6

In support of student success, the MSJC Library software and hardware requires a system recapitalization and major software update in order to maintain vendor support. As part of this system update, the Library system shall be migrated to a district standardized database and operating system, as well, a high availability architecture.

Library Base Budget and

IT Base Budget

$20,000 One Time

MVC Firewall and Network

Gateway 7

In support of student and faculty success, provide an architecture for access to web based administrative services located on the MVC campus. This service will contribute to a high availability architecture for web based services and provide redundancy for web services in cases of localized system outages.

IT Technology


$25,000 Initial Year $5,500 Annual


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Section 11.0 - Initiatives

Initiatives are new policies, processes, or procedures that Information Technology intends to design and/or implement, in many cases, in cooperation with an administrative sponsor, during the academic year.

Section 11.1 – POLICIES

AP - Email Retention Policy Update Category Policy

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

15 Hours TBD TBD TBD

Start Date 2/2012 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Updated and approved AP related to Email Retention by ICTC

Description This shared governance assignment is designed to clarify the email retention policy and improve the efficiency of staff in the management of email storage resources. This policy will be proposed to ICTC and enforced by Information Technology pending approval by ICTC and College Council

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #5, Strategic Plan Goal #7

Dependencies Shared Governance ICTC deliverable of AP

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Network Supervisor, Tech III

Virtual Resources Committee Charge Category Planning

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

5 Hours TBD 5 Hours TBD

Start Date 10/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Approved College Council shared committee charge for Virtual Resources Committee

Description Develop charge and membership for shared governance Virtual Resources Committee responsible for the oversight of MSJC’s web architecture, functionality, policies, support, and standards.

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #3

Dependencies Shared Governance approval

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT

AP - District Cell Phones Category Policy

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Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

15 Hours 10 Hours 20 0

Start Date 9/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Updated and approved AP related to District Cell Phones by ICTC

Description This shared governance assignment is designed to restructure the cell phone policy to reduce district costs and remove the inconvenience of staff to carry multiple cells phones for personal and professional use.

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #5

Dependencies Shared Governance ICTC deliverable of AP

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Network Supervisor, Tech III

AP - Acceptable Use Policy Category Policy

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

15 Hours 10 Hours 10 0

Start Date 2/2012 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Updated and approved AP related to Acceptable Use by ICTC

Description This shared governance assignment is designed to clarify the Acceptable Use Policy for staff, faculty, students, and administration in regards to the acceptable use of district supplied technical services and resources.

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #8

Dependencies Shared Governance ICTC deliverable of AP

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Supervisor of Computer Applications, Tech III

AP - Tablets and Peripherals Category Policy

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

15 Hours 10 Hours 10 0

Start Date 1/2012 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable AP for district purchase, subscriptions, software purchases, and support of tablets and peripherals.

Description This shared governance assignment is designed to produce a policy for tablets and peripheral devices that documents district policy as to the purchasing, support, and acceptable use of peripheral technical devices.

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Justification IT Goal #3

Dependencies Shared Governance ICTC deliverable of AP

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Network Supervisor, Tech III

AP - Web Account Creation/Retention/Deletion Category Policy

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability

Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

15 Hours 10 Hours 10 0

Start Date 12/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable AP for student/staff/faculty/administrator web account creation and retention

Description This shared governance assignment is designed to document the creation and retention policy of Mt San Jacinto College’s web based faculty, staff, administration, and student accounts within MSJC’s web architecture as an incremental step towards the long range goal of an integrated identity management web architecture.

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #3

Dependencies Shared Governance ICTC deliverable of AP

IT Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Supervisor of Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst

Section 11.2 - PROCEDURES

Project Prioritization Rubric Category Planning

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

40 Hours 20 Hours 40 40

Start Date 9/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Documented Project Prioritization Rubric and initiative approval workflow.

Description This shared governance assignment is designed deliver a project prioritization rubric to objectively quantify alignment of a proposed initiative with the integrated planning model of MSJC. This project has been identified as a 2011-12 goal for the Physical Resources Committee

Justification Accreditation recommendation, Strategic Plan Goal #6

Dependencies Shared Governance IPC deliverable of adopted rubric

IT Staff Resource Associate Dean IT

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Total Cost of Ownership Model Category Planning

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

80 Hours 40 Hours TBD TBD

Start Date 10/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Documented TCO Statement and Model.

Description This shared governance assignment is designed deliver a Total Cost of Ownership definition and model for initiative and procedural sustainability. Information Technology shall actively participate in this planning initiative as a resource for the Physical Resources Shared Governance Committee.

Justification Accreditation recommendation, Strategic Plan Goal #6

Dependencies Shared Governance Physical Resources Committee approval of TCO Model

IT Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Network Supervisor (2), Supervisor Computer Applications

Centralized Project Management Initiative Category Planning

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

10 Hours 10 Hours 0 0

Start Date 3/2012 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Addition of project management content in the Technology Master Plan

Description This initiative shall be an advocacy of a centralized project clearinghouse and project management team within the MSJC department of Institutional Effectiveness. This initiative shall advocate for a standardized project management methodology.

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #6

Dependencies Shared Governance ICTC deliverable of Technology Master Plan update

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Network Supervisor, Supervisor Computer Applications

Information Technology and Research Collaborative Work Order System

Category Procedure

Financial Cost Implementation $500.00, Ongoing $80.00 (Funded by Research)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

4 Hours 1 Hours 1 1

Start Date 8/2011 Expected Completion Date


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Deliverable Single Numara Track-it license for research, installed Track-It instance on Research Director’s desktop, category and priorities defined for research work orders.

Description In support of 2011 Strategic Plan Goal 6, the Information Technology and Research departments shall utilize the same work order management system in an effort to better collaborate and minimize time to delivery for district data requests.

Justification Strategic Goal 6

Dependencies Budget

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Network Supervisor, Helpdesk


Instructional Technology Services & Information Technology Helpdesk Consolidation

Category Support Structure

Financial Cost Implementation $5000.00, Ongoing $800.00

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

30 Hours 50 Hours 40 50

Start Date 9/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Single contact number/email/website for end user level 1 technology support.

Description This efficiency project is designed to consolidate and streamline the support contacts for Information Technology and Instructional Technology Services technical support utilized by students, faculty, administrators, and staff.

Justification IT Goals #3, Strategic Plan Goal #3

Dependencies IT/ITS collaboration, Funding of increased helpdesk software licensing, Service Level Agreement

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Network Supervisor, Supervisor Computer Applications, Tech II

Reaffirm CAST Module Leader Support Team Category Sustainability

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

15 Hours 10 Hours 10 0

Start Date 9/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable 1 podcast by Associate Dean of IT, 1 powerpoint presentation to Dean’s Council

Description Effective utilization of enterprise technologies require continuously updated system knowledge and the ability of users to match department policies and procedures to delivered system functionality. The CAST team for MSJC is charged to meet this function; however, improved administrative empowerment of the team can significantly increase the effective utilization of the Datatel Colleague software.

Justification Technology Master Plan, Strategic Plan Goal #3, Strategic Plan Goal #7

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Dependencies Administrative Support

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Supervisor Computer Applications

Information Technology Service Level Agreement Category Support Structure

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

60 Hours 10 Hours 0 0

Start Date 11/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Documented and published Service Level Agreement adopted by Shared Governance (version 1)

Description This project shall produce a deliverable of a documented Service Level Agreement that clearly indicates the expectations of response times for technical issues that are reported to the Information Technology support staff, including the IT Helpdesk. Additionally, this project shall provide transparency of support processes for faculty and students seeking support for MSJC web services.

Justification Technology Master Plan, Strategic Plan Goal #7, IT Goal #3

Dependencies Approval by ICTC

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Network Supervisor, Supervisor Computer Applications, Tech II

Online Tutorials and Frequently Asked Questions Category Initiative

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

35 Hours 100 Hours 10 100

Start Date 12/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable 10 web tutorials and 1 consolidated faq webpage by 5/2012

Description In support of the Strategic Plan, this project will define standardized web tutorial formats, expectations for online process documentation, and produce deliverables for student and faculty web based tutorials.

Justification IT Goal #1, IT Goal #3, Strategic Plan Goal #3, Strategic Plan Goal #7

Dependencies Delivered Service Level Agreement, Standardized tutorial platform

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Supervisor Computer Applications, Network Supervisor, Tech II (2), Senior Programmer Analyst

Documented On Call Support Schedule

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Category Support Structure

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

5 Hours TBD 0 0

Start Date 10/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Internally documented on call schedule and response expectations for system interruptions

Description In support of student and faculty success, Information Technology will document a formal on-call schedule to respond to system anomalies and outages. Currently, system monitoring communication software contacts a number of IT staff members without a formal chain of responsibility. A documented on-call schedule will document expectations for staff response to system outages.

Justification IT Goals #1, Strategic Plan Goal #7

Dependencies Human Resources policy

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Network Supervisor (2), Supervisor Computer Applications

Section 11.4 - STAFF DEVELOPMENT Staff Development initiatives are designed to improve the efficiency of Information Technology staff in meeting

the implied or stated expectations of MSJC constituents.

Staff Annual Goal Development Category Staff Development

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

15 Hours 10 Hours 0 0

Start Date 7/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Documented staff goals aligned with the Executive Cabinet approved IT Tactical Plan

Description A staff annual goal development and assessment process shall be implemented in an effort to align the development of Information Technology staff job skills with planned project initiatives identified in the strategic and technology master plans. This initiative shall inform staff of planned projects and sustain a process in which short term and long term staff goals, related to the development of job skills, are objectively evaluated as to the proficiency required to meet the technical requirements of pending implemented technologies.

Justification IT Goals #1 and #3, Strategic Plan Goal #8

Dependencies EC approval of IT Tactical Plan

Staff Resource All Information Technology Team Members

Information Technology Staff Training Category Staff Development

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Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

15 Hours 720 Hours 0 0

Start Date 8/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Staff shall spend four hours each month in self-initiated training to meet pre-approved job skill development goals. Two improved or new job skills for each IT employee per year.

Description In support of long term student and faculty success, Information Technology shall implement a formal IT staff training plan to continuously update specifically identified job skills aligned with staff professional goals in order to increase long term staff efficiency in implementing and sustaining district technologies.

Justification IT Goals #1 and #3

Dependencies None

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Supervisor Computer Applications, Network Supervisor (2)

Staff Physical Location Consolidation Category Staff Development

Financial Cost TBD

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

50 Hours 0 Hours 10 0

Start Date 12/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Staff will be located in one building at SJC and one building at MVC

Description In an effort to improve IT staff collaboration and efficiency, IT will consolidate staff physical working locations from two segmented locations at MVC and two segmented locations at SJC, and move staff to a single location at each campus.

Justification IT Goal #1, Strategic Plan Goal #7

Dependencies Funding, Facilities

Staff Resource All Information Technology Team Members

Staff Shared Governance Participation Category Staff Development

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

1 Hours 120 Hours 10 0

Start Date 9/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Minimum of five Information Technology team members as voting members on Shared Governance Committees

Description In support of the Strategic Plan goal of Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture,

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Information Technology seeks to empower team members to take leadership roles at MSJC. As part of this staff development, Information Technology shall recommend/maintain a minimum of five IT team members for shared governance voting membership.

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #7

Dependencies Shared Governance staff participation approval

Staff Resource All Information Technology Team Members


MSJC Police Dispatch Migration Category Initiative

Financial Cost TBD (Funded by MSJC police department)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

150 Hours TBD TBD TBD

Start Date 9/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverables Isolated VPN and VLAN for MSJC police department dispatch. Implementation of segmented T1 communications line for MSJC police electronic communications. Functional use of radio tower.

Description In support of district security and student success, the Information Technology department will implement the network and communications infrastructure required for the MSJC police department to migrate the police dispatch functionality.


Dependencies Defined specifications, funding

Staff Resource Network Supervisor, Tech III

MVC Firewall Implementation Category Initiative

Financial Cost $25,000 (initial year purchase)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

250 Hours 100 TBD TBD

Start Date 12/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverables MVC network gateway for administrative web services, include Institutional Website, EagleAdvisor, Email, and Blackboard

Description In support of district security and student success, the Information Technology department will implement a network gateway at the MVC campus for redundant access for web services. This initiative will also for the sustainability of specific web services and communication tools during localized network outages at the SJC campus.

Justification Technology Master Plan, Strategic Plan Goal #7

Dependencies Funding, Network firewall, Network outage for migration

Staff Resource Network Supervisor, Tech III

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MVC Classroom I Deployment Category Initiative

Financial Cost TBD within Group II allocation

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

200 Hours TBD 0 0

Start Date TBD Expected Completion Date


Deliverable In support of student success, implementation of a functional network in Classroom I and desktop installations for Faculty offices

Description The MVC Classroom I building require network, video, conference call, server, and desktop infrastructure implementations once building construction is complete.


Dependencies Funding, Building Completion

Staff Resource Network Supervisor, Tech III, Tech II


Server Recapitalization/Virtualization Category Sustainability

Financial Cost $80,000

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

300 Hours 0 Hours 0 0

Start Date 7/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverables Implement vendor supported virtualization architectures at SJC, MVC, and TEC. Migrate EagleAdvisor, Hershey Singularity, Student Active Directory, SarsAlert,SarsGrid, SirsiDynix Unicorn, and Sharepoint to virtualized environments on supported hardware.

Description This project focuses on improving system sustainability, cost savings, staff efficiency, system high availability, and disaster recovery through the utilization of system virtualization at each site.

Justification IT Goals #1, Strategic Plan Goal #5, Strategic Plan Goal #6

Dependencies Stakeholder participation in testing, System migration downtimes

Staff Resource Network Supervisor (2), Supervisor Computer Applications, Tech III (2), Senior Programmer Analyst (4)

System Site Redundancy Category Initiative

Financial Cost $0 (using previously purchased resources)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Non-IT

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Implementation Sustainability

300 Hours 10 Hours 10 0

Start Date 7/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable By June 2012, five enterprise systems shall have limited site redundancy

Description In support of student and faculty access, Information Technology shall continue site redundancy implementations of enterprise systems to sustain technological services in cases of localized disasters.

Justification Technology Master Plan, Strategic Plan Goal #7

Dependencies Funding, Electrical Resources, Space Resources

Staff Resource Network Supervisor (2), Supervisor Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst (4), Tech III (2)

Server Standardized Patching Schedule Category Sustainability

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implemenk5tation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

100 Hours 200 Hours 10 300

Start Date 9/2011 Expected Completion Date


Delivery Documented schedule of planned system patching for the academic year. Automated system patching for a minimum of five servers.

Description This shared governance assignment is designed to document the server and systems patching schedule required for systems sustainability. In an effort of providing transparent communications, a system patching schedule shall be documented with planned outage dates. Additionally, Information Technology shall implement automated patching on an additional five servers by June 2012.

Justification IT Goal #1, Strategic Plan Goal #5, Strategic Plan Goal #7

Dependencies Standardized server operating environments

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Network Supervisor (2), Supervisor Computer Applications


Datatel Hardware and Operating System Migration – HPUX to RHEL

Category Sustainability

Financial Cost $220,000 (previously encumbered)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

450 Hours 1800 Hours 700 TBD

Start Date 7/2011 Expected Completion Date


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Deliverable Reliable Datatel migration to new vendor supported hardware/operating system, Decrease time to provision student blackboard accounts by 33%

Description Vendor support of the current Datatel Colleague hardware and operating system expire November 30, 2011. Information Technology, EC and BOT approval, has purchased new hardware and operating system licensing. MSJC will migrate Datatel Colleague from HPUX to Redhat Enterprise Linux in order to benefit from a lower total cost of ownership.

Justification Technology Master Plan, Strategic Plan Goal #3

Dependencies Stakeholder participation, project prioritization

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Supervisor Computer Applications, Network Supervisor, Tech III, Senior Programmer Analyst (4)

Admissions – XAP CCCApply Interface Enhancements Category Mandate (State)

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

150 Hours 20 Hours 60 100

Start Date 9/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Accurate import of MIS SG data elements, declared academic programs, previously attended institutions

Description In support of student access and state mandates, the CCCApply and Datatel Colleague data integration software shall be re-developed to accurately and reliably upload student admissions applications while minimizing manual processing. Recent mandates for state MIS reporting require changes to the data interface for CCCApply in order to capture required reporting data.

Justification Mandate

Dependencies Enrollment Service participation

Staff Resource Senior Programmer Analyst (2)

Instruction – Census Roster Workflow Enhancements Category Mandate (State)

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

60 Hours 10 Hours 30 TBD

Start Date 9/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Documented and automated communications plan for census roster workflow

Description The census roster project is designed to increase the percentage of census rosters submitted by the state mandated deadlines. The project will primarily focus on improving the effectiveness of communication, as well as, identify and mitigating workflow challenges

Justification Mandate

Dependencies Instruction, Enrollment Services, and Faculty participation, Communications Management

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Module Leader

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Senior Programmer Analyst

California Enrollment Fee Increase Implementation Category Mandate (State)

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

50 Hours 0 Hours 50 TBD

Start Date 12/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Registration rate tables updated for billing, Communications plan, Rebilling strategy, Dreg Strategy

Description State revenue intakes will likely trigger a rise in the California Enrollment Fee (CEF) in January of 2012. This increase will require a change to the registration rate tables, a communication plan, rebilling of previously enrolled Spring 2012 students, and a change to the hold/refund/cotop processes.

Justification Mandate

Dependencies State mandate, Enrollment Services and Business Services participation, Communications Management Module Leader

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Supervisor Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst

Financial Aid – R2T4 Workflow Enhancements Category Mandate

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

45 Hours 20 Hours TBD TBD

Start Date 7/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Documented procedural workflow and timeline for R2T4 processing. Developed formatted reports and queries utilized for R2T4 processing by Financial Aid and Business Services.

Description Federal mandates for Title IV student financial aid require specific deadlines for the return of student aid funds in cases in which the student completely drops or reduces enrollment. MSJC received an audit finding regarding this workflow that requires changes to data gathering and processing. Information Technology shall support the changes advised by Financial Aid and Business Services.

Justification Mandate

Dependencies Business Services, Financial Aid

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Senior Programmer Analyst

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Instruction/HR/Business Services – Faculty Load Sheets Development

Category Initiative

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

100 Hours 40 Hours TBD TBD

Start Date 11/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Streamlined Faculty Load Sheet workflow to improve accuracy and efficiency for HR, Instruction, Payroll

Description This procedural initiative is sponsored by Administrators in Business Services, HR, and Instruction. The initiative is designed to improve the efficiency of processing faculty load sheets and decrease the overhead of manual processing for faculty payroll processing.

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #6

Dependencies HR, Instruction, Business Services participation and standardization of data entry

Staff Resource Supervisor Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst

General – Password Management Enhancements Category Mandate (State)

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

70 Hours 50 Hours 5 10

Start Date 8/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable New web based password reset for Blackboard and EagleAdvisor

Description In support of student success, this project will implement a new web based password reset workflow that sends a random password to the district supplied student or faculty email account. This will improve security by removing the ability of individuals to reset a password by simply knowing an SSN and birth date of another individual. This project will require enhanced data integration to be developed between MSJC’s Exchange mail system and the Datatel Colleague Student Information System.

Justification Mandate

Dependencies None

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Supervisor Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst, Tech III

Business Services – 1098T Online Request and Receipt of Tax Documents

Category Mandate (Federal)

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Non-IT

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Implementation Sustainability

40 Hours 15 Hours TBD TBD

Start Date 10/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable EagleAdvisor screen to allow students to opt in/out of online receipt of 1098T tax documents.

Description IRS regulations require recipients of electronic 1098T tax documents to have an option to opt in/out of receiving a hardcopy of the 1098T tax document. This project will implement a workflow in which MSJC provides an EagleAdvisor web form to allow the student to opt in/out of receiving a electronic version of the 1098T. Additionally, MSJC will need to implement hardcopy stylesheet printing of 1098T documents.

Justification Mandate

Dependencies Business Services

Staff Resource Supervisor Computer Applications, Helpdesk

CAST – Implement Datatel Colleague Web-Based User Interface Category Sustainability

Financial Cost $0 (system costs previously encumbered as part of the Datatel Colleague HPUX to RHEL migration)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

170 Hours 80 Hours 100 0

Start Date 9/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Implementation of site wide web user interface for Datatel Colleague and retention of vendor support

Description Datatel is requiring a system architecture enhancement to migrate to a new web based user interface for the Datatel Colleague Student Information System. MSJC must implement this new functionality in order to maintain vendor support for the Colleague implementation at MSJC.

Justification Required for retention of vendor system support

Dependencies Stakeholder participation, user training, user testing

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Supervisor Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst (4), Tech III, Helpdesk

Business Services – Implement Datatel Colleague E-Commerce 4.x Category Mandate (PCI-DSS)

Financial Cost $0 (system costs previously encumbered as part of the Datatel Colleague HPUX to RHEL migration)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

160 Hours 70 Hours 40 TBD

Start Date 8/2011 Expected 10/2011

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Completion Date

Deliverable Credit card processing server, retention of credit card processing, PCI-DSS compliance

Description Increasingly stringent PCI compliance mandates have led Datatel to decide to outsource credit card data collection, that is used for processing credit card transactions, outside of Colleague and EagleAdvisor. As a result, in order to maintain credit card processing functionality for Colleague, MSJC is required to implement an additional server specifically designed to gather credit card data related to ecommerce transactions for EagleAdvisor. Additionally, this new ecommerce service will be required to be integrated with current registration workflows.

Justification Mandate (Required for PCI compliance for credit card processing)

Dependencies Enrollment Services, Business Services, Continuing Education, Module Leader software patch testing

Staff Resource Supervisor Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst, Network Supervisor

Enrollment – Deregistration Enhancement Project Category Sustainability

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

75 Hours 20 Hours 80 TBD

Start Date 8/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Accurate and systematic billing for automated deregistration and complete withdrawal.

Description Policy decisions related to the GoPass initiative require software programming changes that that were not implemented prior to the Fall 2011 registration period. Changes to current processing procedures for deregistration related to parking, SGA, student representation fee, and Help-a-Student fee require implementation in order to automate GoPass deregistration and refund policies.

Justification In support of student access relative to the GoPass initiative changes are required in the automated dreg to maintain automated deregistration functionality.

Dependencies Software enhancement delivery from Datatel, Business Services, Enrollment Services

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Supervisor Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst

Section 11.8 - ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE – Document Management and Imaging

Hyland OnBase Transcript Imaging Migration Category Sustainability

Financial Cost $3,320 (6 month licensing of Anydocs OCR for migration window)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

160 Hours 40 Hours 300 TBD

Start Date 7/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Transcript imaging software migration from Anydocs OCR to Hyland OnBase. Functional

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interface to import hardcopy transcript grades, through OnBase, into Datatel Colleague

Description In 2010, Hershey Systems was purchased by Hyland corporation. As a result of the company merger, Hyland discontinued a business partnership with AnyDocs corporation. MSJC currently utilizes AnyDoc OCR software for electronically capturing grade information during the imaging process for import into Datatel Colleague. Hyland is requiring a software migration to OnBase from Anydocs OCR.

Justification Vendor Requirement, Strategic Plan Goal #3, Strategic Plan Goal #5

Dependencies Funding, Enrollment Services participation

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Supervisor Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst, Tech III

Document Management Evaluation and Roadmap Position Paper Category Plannning

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

100 Hours 0 Hours 10 0

Start Date 10/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Technology Master Plan update to include document management and workflow component

Description This planning initiative shall provide a shared governance roadmap for the functionality requirements of a district-wide paperless document management and workflow solution for inclusion into the Technology Master Plan. Recommended functions may include digital signatures, online forms submissions, federated accounts for High School counselor document submission, school/parent agreements, financial aid document submission, online petition requests, and instruction syllabi submissions.

Justification Technology Master Plan, Strategic Plan Goal #5, Strategic Plan Goal #1, Strategic Plan Goal #12

Dependencies Shared Governance ICTC deliverable of Technology Master Plan update

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Computer Applications Supervisor

Section 11.9 - ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE – SirsiDynix Unicorn Library Software

SirsiDynix Unicorn System/OS/Database Migration Category Sustainability

Financial Cost $20,000

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

100 Hours 50 Hours 10 0

Start Date 11/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Unicorn operating on vendor support hardware and on MS SQL Server

Description In support of student success, the library enterprise software system, SirsiDynix Unicorn, requires a hardware refresh to remain vendor supported. As part of the hardware refresh, a

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database migration shall also be performed to bring Unicorn into compliance with MSJC’s standardization of database systems and disaster recovery model.

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #1, Strategic Plan Goal #3, Strategic Plan Goal #5, Technology Master Plan

Dependencies Funding, Library staff participation

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Network Supervisor, Senior Programmer Analyst, Tech III

SirsiDynix Unicorn Web Services 2.0 Implementation Category Initiative

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

40 Hours 10 Hours 10 0

Start Date 2/2012 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Functional mobile application for library services

Description In support of student success, implement mobile application for the MSJC Library to search for library resources on smartphones.

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #3

Dependencies Server hardware, student utilization, library staff participation

Staff Resource Supervisor Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst, Tech III

Section 11.10 - ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE – Identity Management Domain


Identity Management Domain Deployment Category Initiative

Financial Cost $5000 (initial year purchase)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

250 Hours TBD TBD TBD

Start Date 11/2012 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Robust self-service web and domain based password management for faculty, staff, and administrators

Description This initiative shall be to plan and deploy enterprise class identity management software for the management of usernames and passwords on the administrative network. Identity management software will allow for improved security of network accounts, as well as, provide self-service of password resets for faculty, staff, and administrators. Identity management for the student network shall be planned following the successful deployment of identity management software on the administrative network.

Justification IT Goal #1, Strategic Plan Goal #7

Dependencies Funding, Server resources

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Staff Resource Network Supervisor, Tech III, Computer Applications Supervisor, Senior Programmer Analyst

Section 11.11 - THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE – HR Applicant Tracking

Evaluate and Implement a Web Based Applicant Tracking System Category Initiative

Financial Cost TBD

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

600 Hours (est) 300 Hours (est) TBD TBD

Start Date 9/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable TBD

Description Human Resources seeks to implement a streamlined and transparent hiring process for staff, faculty, and administration. This project will evaluate potential solutions, recommend preferred solution, develop an implementation plan, and execute the implementation provided adequate resources are allocated.

Justification Program Review, Strategic Plan Goal #6, Strategic Plan Goal #5

Dependencies Funding, project prioritization, staff allocation, project sponsorship, identified project deliverables

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Supervisor Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst

Section 11.12 - THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE – Class Climate

Class Climate Implementation Category Initiative

Financial Cost Unknown (Scanners and Software purchased through grant purchases)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

150 Hours 80 Hours TBD TBD

Start Date 7/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Web application of Class Climate accessible remotely for student evaluations. Survey tools for Faculty Evaluations and VTEA operational. No automated data integration will be implemented with Datatel Colleague as Class Climate does not readily support this functionality.

Description Class Climate was purchased as a web based survey and assessment tool for student evaluatins of faculty, MIS data gathering tool related to grants, and as a research tool related to student success.

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #3, Strategic Plan Goal #6

Dependencies Long term funding, project prioritization, staff allocation, project sponsorship, identified project deliverables, PCI Compliance

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Network Supervisor, Supervisor Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst, Tech III

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Section 11.13 - THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE – Elumen

Elumen Implementation Category Initiative

Financial Cost $0 (previously encumbered and paid for through Institutional Effectiveness)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

120 40 Hours TBD TBD

Start Date 7/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Elumen web software available remotely to faculty on a supported platform with integrated enrollment data from Datatel Colleague.

Description Elumen was purchased to support MSJC’s Integrated Planning Model related to Student Learning Outcomes documentation and assessment. Elumen is a web based application that faculty will utilize to document and assess SLOs for each course. Enrollment data will be manually integrated with the Datatel Colleague Student Information System.

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #6

Dependencies PCI Compliance

Staff Resource Network Supervisor, Supervisor Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst, Tech III

Section 11.14 - THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE – Instructional Program Review

Instructional Program Review Category Initiative

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

60 20 Hours TBD TBD

Start Date 7/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Instructional Program Review 2011 web application with refreshed enrollment and student success data for the 2008-2011 academic terms. Additional functionality for team processing of program reviews and aggregation of tops codes.

Description The Instructional Program Review web application was originally developed and deployed in 2008. Rich Rowley and Paul Hert (of the program review committee) requested additional functionality for effective utilization of the instructional program review web application. Additional functionality includes tops codes aggregation and team reviews.

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #6


Staff Resource Associate Dean IT

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Section 11.15 - TELEPHONY

VOIP Hardware/Software Recapitalization Category Sustainability

Financial Cost $65,000 (previously encumbered in 2010-11)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

450 Hours 200 Hours 0 0

Start Date 7/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Robust and vendor supported VOIP implementation including a limited implementation of unified communications

Description The sustainability of district VOIP voice communications requires a hardware/software refresh for which funding was encumbered in the 2010-11 academic year. This hardware refresh requires a ground-up implementation for SJC and MVC VOIP systems. This project requires a new implementation of network switches, server, software, voicemail, call trees, and client phone device software upgrades.

Justification Technology Master Plan, Strategic Plan Goal #7

Dependencies Communications downtime for production implementation (possibly President’s day weekend)

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Network Supervisor, Tech III, Tech II (2)

Section 11.16 - DESKTOP HARDWARE

Desktop Refresh Deployment Category Sustainability

Financial Cost $130,000 ($27,000/5 yrs)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

400 Hours 0 Hours TBD TBD

Start Date 1/2012 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Deployment of 125 desktop computers and removal of low end desktops from production

Description In support of the Technology Master Plan, this initiative will resume the computer desktop recapitalization project to replace 125 district desktop computers.

Justification Technology Master Plan, Strategic Plan Goal #5

Dependencies Funding, Prioritization of desktop placement

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Network Supervisor, Tech II (2), Helpdesk

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Print Management Deployment Category Initiative

Financial Cost $0 for Information Technology

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

90 Hours TBD TBD TBD

Start Date 9/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Implementation of district print server, deployment of 50 managed network printers

Description In support of the Strategic Plan, MSJC shall implement a print management solution in an effort to reduce maintenance and consumables costs associated with printing. Additionally, as part of this project, IT shall align naming conventions of printers for network and enterprise applications (i.e. Datatel Colleague); thereby, improving transparency of printer management for IT staff and end users.

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #5

Dependencies Datatel Colleague Hardware Migration Project

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Network Supervisor, Supervisor Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst, Tech III, Tech II (2)

Section 11.17 - DESKTOP SOFTWARE

Office 2010 Deployment Category Sustainability

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

100 Hours 50 Hours 0 0

Start Date 7/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Office 2010 installed on all district staff, faculty office, and administrative computers

Description The Microsoft Office 2010 deployment seeks to maintain currency of desktop applications and productivity tools through the upgrade of the standard desktop office suite from MS Office 2007 to MS Office 2010.

Justification Technology Master Plan, Strategic Plan Goal #5

Dependencies Robust desktops capable of executing Office 2010

Staff Resource Network Supervisor, Tech II (2), Helpdesk

Adobe Software Deployment Category Initiative

Financial Cost $0 (Site license paid through Instructional Software Budget)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

150 Hours TBD TBD TBD

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Start Date 11/2012 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Installation of Adobe Software site wide

Description This initiative shall be to plan and deploy Adobe software, including Acrobat, across MSJC district computers. MSJC technology staff shall evaluate the effectiveness and validity of digital signatures to support paperless workflows.

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #5

Dependencies Desktop resources

Staff Resource Network Supervisor, Tech III, Senior Programmer Analyst

Section 11.18 - WEB ARCHITECTURE

Portal and Web Architecture Implementation Plan/Tech Master Plan

Category Planning

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

150 Hours 0 Hours TBD TBD

Start Date 9/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Updated Technology Master Plan including an updated vision for web architecture, including single signon, Portal, and federated accounts.

Description This shared governance assignment is designed to document a long-term vision of the district web based portal and architecture design requirements. The Technology Master Plan shall be updated with visionary requirements identified by ICTC to allow for inclusion into the MSJC Strategic Plan, as well as, a future instance of Information Technology’s Tactical Plan.

Justification Technology Master Plan, Strategic Plan Goal #3

Dependencies Shared Governance ICTC deliverable of updated TMP

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Tech III

Web Authentication and Authorization Consolidation Category Initiative

Financial Cost Phase 1 - $0 Phase 2 - $25,000 (identity management software Spring 2012)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

400 Hours 150 Hours TBD TBD

Start Date 7/2011 Expected Completion Date


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Deliverable Consolidated Active Directory implementation for web user authentication and Instructional Technology. Blackboard, EagleAdvisor, SarsAlert, Elumen, Student Labs all use same username and password for each unique individual (Faculty and Student).

Description In support of student and faculty access, this initiative provides students and faculty the functionality of authenticating throughout the ITS network (i.e. Classroom labs) using the common credentials utilized when accessing the MSJC Blackboard system, regardless of the campus.

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #3, TMP

Dependencies ITS Active Directory Schema design, ITS funding of network/server equipment, ITS consolidated network implementation.

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Network Supervisor (2), Supervisor Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst

EagleAdvisor 3.1.6 Implementation Category Sustainability

Financial Cost $360 (SSL Certificate, all other costs have been encumbered as part of the Datatel)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

160 Hours 0 Hours TBD TBD

Start Date 7/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Virtualized instance of WebAdvisor 3.1.6

Description Datatel continues to offer improvements to their delivered technologies, including WebAdvisor. WebAdvisor 3.1.6 includes security updates and PCI-DSS compliance enhancements.

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #3, Strategic Plan Goal #5, TMP

Dependencies Funding, End user testing, Implementation of ecommerce initiative

Staff Resource Network Supervisor, Supervisor Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst, Tech III

Datatel MOX Implementation (Mobile Application) Category Initiative

Financial Cost $0 (additional functionality with future Datatel Portal licensing and implementation in future years)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

150 Hours 20 Hours 100 30

Start Date 2/2012 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Mobile application with campus maps for SJC, MVC, TEC, and SGP

Description In support of the Strategic Plan, the Datatel MOX implementation shall provide a mobile

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application for installation on smart-phones to provide students, faculty, staff, and guests campus maps on smart-phone devices.

Justification Strategic Plan Goal #3

Dependencies Facilities participation

Staff Resource Supervisor Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst, Tech III


MIS Reporting Category Mandate (State)

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

250 Hours 960 Hours 150 280

Start Date Ongoing Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Accurate and timely submission of new SG mandated data elements in addition to existing reporting requirements

Description Management Information Systems reporting is an ongoing mandate required of MSJC by the state of California. Reporting requirements transcend data in administrative and instructional procedures. For the 2011-12 academic year, new data requirements mandate MSJC to collect additional student data, instructional data, and implement data formatting changes. These mandated changes require changes to existing MSJC documented procedures, specifically to Matriculation, Financial Aid, and Admissions.

Justification Mandate

Dependencies Regulations, MSJC Policies, Software Delivery, Enrollment, Fin Aid, Counseling, Matriculation, Continuing Education, Continuing Education, Human Resources, Research, CCCApply interface updates

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Supervisor Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst (3)

320 Reporting Category Mandate (State)

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

0 Hours 140 Hours 0 20

Start Date Ongoing Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Accurate and timely submission of 320 Report

Description The 320 report is a state mandated report utilized to determine funding for California publically funded community colleges. The 320 report is reported three times a year and requires substantial data validation to mitigate adverse impacts to funding due to inaccurate data reporting.

Justification Mandate

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Dependencies Enrollment, Instruction, Continuing Education

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Senior Programmer Analyst

TTIP Reporting Category Mandate (State)

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

0 Hours 15 Hours 0 0

Start Date 8/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Accurate and timely submission of TTIP report

Description This annual mandated report is required by the state of California as part of the TTIP program.

Justification Mandate

Dependencies Input of technology costs from departments outside IT

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT

National Student Loan Clearinghouse Category Mandate (Federal)

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

0 Hours 50 Hours 0 40

Start Date 7/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Accurate and timely submission of NSLC data

Description In support of student access, MSJC actively participates in reporting enrollment data to the National Student Loan Clearinghouse. NSLC reporting is performed throughout the academic year in order to allow for tracking of student educational persistence and allow for deferral of student loans.

Justification Mandate

Dependencies Enrollment Services

Staff Resource Senior Programmer Analyst

Gainful Employment Reporting Category Mandate (Federal)

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

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125 Hours 40 Hours TBD TBD

Start Date 9/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Accurate and timely submission of Gainful Employment report.

Description This federal mandate is a new disclosure and reporting requirement for the 2011-12 academic year required to sustain Federal Financial Aid at MSJC. First year disclosures were completed prior to July 2011. First year reporting requirements are due October 2011. Information Technology will be assisting in defining the data collecting, mapping, and reporting requirements.

Justification Mandate

Dependencies Instruction participation, Financial Aid participation

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Supervisor of Computer Applications, Senior Programmer Analyst

IPEDS Category Mandate (Federal)

Financial Cost $0

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

0 Hours 60 Hours 0 TBD

Start Date 9/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Accurate and timely submission of IPEDs mandated data request.

Description This federal reporting mandate is a re-occurring requirement enforced by the federal government. Research is the primary facilitator of the IPEDs submission; however, Information Technology does actively participate in the validation of submitted data related to the IPEDs data subset.

Justification Mandate

Dependencies Research participation

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Senior Programmer Analyst


Standardized System Backup Strategy Category Sustainability

Financial Cost $21,000 (Server, Storage)

Staff Hours IT Implementation IT Sustainability Non-IT Implementation

Non-IT Sustainability

300 Hours 156 Hours 0 0

Start Date 7/2011 Expected Completion Date


Deliverable Enterprise operating system, database, and data backup solution with off-site backup storage

Description In support of institutional success, this initiative is designed to standardize the server disaster recovery backup method utilized by Information Technology to minimize risk to the

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loss of enterprise system data, reduce licensing costs of enterprise system backups, as well as, increase long-term IT efficiency by decreasing the staff overhead of maintaining system backups.

Justification IT Goals #1 and #3

Dependencies Information Technology system resources for storage of retained data.

Staff Resource Associate Dean IT, Network Supervisor, Supervisor Computer Applications, Tech III

Section 12.0 – Gantt Chart

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Section 13.0 – Conclusion

In conclusion, the 2011-2012 Information Technology Tactical Plan is an extremely aggressive

agenda towards the support of student and faculty success at Mt San Jacinto College. This

Tactical Plan is soundly based on the MSJC 2011 Strategic Plan, regulatory mandates, and

MSJC’s Technology Master Plan draft. Estimated hours for initiative implementations

demonstrate that the Information Technology staff members are in fact over-allocated for the

academic year. Despite the over-allocation of staffing, Information Technology will attempt to

complete this agenda during the 2011-2012 academic year. Significant initiatives within

technology planning agendas, such as the Exchange 2010 migration, SQL Server 2008 migration,

SJC Firewall upgrade, file server upgrades, student wireless expansion, surveillance video,

Financial Aid Annual Setup support, and Portal implementation, have been delayed until staff

and budget can be allocated.

Section 14.0 - References

2011-2015 Technology Master Plan



2011-2014 Strategic Plan

