PLAIN TRUTH Vol. XI - NO. 2 Circulation 110,000 copies this issue November-December, 1946 Whdt is the PURPOSE Being Worked Out Here Below? 0 longer do news commentators, to military men and scientists sop N “if there is a World Wau 111;”- now thq speak only of when, and bow it shill come1 Leading world saentists say frankly they .rr frightened! With atomic bombs by thousands-with other newly-invented means of mass death md destruction said to be even more hor- rible than the atomic bomb-imagination- defying weapons-an appallin pimue is No one thinks, now, that MEN swayed ions or partisanshi and greed, and Z E m p e t i t i v e nation2 aspirations and iptmsts to work for and protect, will be rbk to prevent the world-cataclysm which “pezts tell us may blast human life from thrs earth! Gloomy picture? Yes, but it’s REAL! Ws the picture we baue to PACE! THIS is the world we shall have to LIVE IN- DIE IN! WHY Does God Permit Such Horror? Is it MY wonder so many peopIc--if and when they do begin to think of the Al- mighty in this connution--&: “WHY, if &KC is a God, does He permit war? WHY docs God allow such unadulterated HELL 011 earth among men? “Surely,” they reason, “if God is good- if He is LOVE--He would not ruisbrple who are innocent victims to endure IS in- deuribable anguish and if He is AC MIGHTY, then He certainly conld prevcnt Of course that’s a slightly unbalanced co(Kcption of God. It emphasizes His love, His tender mercy and compassion, and His power-but it overlooks God‘s righteorrJness ted which ongh to m 9 e everyone EZhJJl! k! why d0eSn‘t H8? ORLD WAR I11 is brewing. But WHY? Why Does God PER MIT wars? WHY did God mrmit the original da? Was He unable to prevent what Batan did? Was Satan stronger than God- is God responsible for the ”Fall of Man?” Is Redemption just a “repairing of the damage” done by Satan in the ”Fall,”--is it all a superstition-or is real PURPOSE being worked out here below, and what is that PUR- POSE f Here is perhaps the most frank, rmazing, revealing article you ever read-an article of plain speaking which dares face and answer the question, ”Did God create Evil?”-an article on the most important quee- tion of all life which will give you UNDERSTANDING. and His wisdom; and it fails utterly of un- derstanding God‘s great PURPOSE in put- ting human beings upon this earth! But people have a right to the true an- swer ! War, of course, is not caused by the Al- mi ty. It is caused by ambition and greed - /$ the wrong thinking and acting of men, swayed by human passions. It is the result of wikf SIN. Still,-God psrmitJ it/ The PURPOSE Being Worked Out Former Prime Minister Winston Church- iU actually gave the answer when he said, regarding the war, before American Con- gress: “There is a PURPOSE being worked out here below.‘’ Of course he implied a HIGHER POWER, above, doing the work- ing out! World War I1 was really a part of the working out of that PURPOSE! But man, it seems, fails to undmtmd that PURPOSE! Naturally, it has to do with the Plan d Redemption. But even that Plan is not very widely understood today, nor rightly preached ! WHY, let us ask, and understand, should man need any redemption? The popular teaching is that one is “saves’ nf the time he accepts Jesus Cbrist as personal Saviour. Well, WHY is it, then, that God does not then and there remove him from this unhappy world of SUPFW- ING? Why not take him immediately to his happy reward? WHY, after he is ‘‘saved,” must he live on in this life of suffuing? WHY is it, that once a man is convc* “many are the af3ictions of the rigbcIowP -“all who will live godly in Christ Jcsar sball suffer persecution/’--”it is t h mcb tribuldtion we must enter the Kingdom of God.” WHY? WHY, 1st) does God permit the world to sder so much; and 2nd) WHY must even converted Cbrhtims go on dering? WHY is them such a thing u sin? We hear it came from the “mi iral fd man:’ well, my the fdl? G ctici3 God prevent that? A Repairing of the Damage? Let’s dare frankly to examine the cam- mOn teaching about that “Pd” The common teaching, as believed md taught by most denominahom, is that God created man evfect and complete, m the very image o Gokd placed him in th beautiful Garden of Eden. It is believed rht GODS CREATION WAS FINISHED COMPLETED ! Everything was And God was able to do dl E%d po start our first parents out all right, when lo and behold! Satan succeeded in indiq P

blowthetrumpet.org · 2005-08-19 · PLAIN TRUTH Vol. XI - NO. 2 Circulation 110,000 copies this issue November-December, 1946 Whdt is the PURPOSE Being Worked Out Here Below? 0 longer

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Page 1: blowthetrumpet.org · 2005-08-19 · PLAIN TRUTH Vol. XI - NO. 2 Circulation 110,000 copies this issue November-December, 1946 Whdt is the PURPOSE Being Worked Out Here Below? 0 longer

PLAIN TRUTH Vol. XI - NO. 2 Circulation 110,000 copies this issue November-December, 1946

Whdt is the PURPOSE Being Worked Out Here Below?

0 longer do news commentators, to military men and scientists sop N “if there is a World Wau 111;”-

now t h q speak only of when, and bow it shill come1

Leading world saentists say frankly they .rr frightened!

With atomic bombs by thousands-with other newly-invented means of mass death md destruction said to be even more hor- rible than the atomic bomb-imagination- defying weapons-an appallin pimue is

No one thinks, now, that MEN swayed ions or partisanshi and greed, and

Z E m p e t i t i v e nation2 aspirations and iptmsts to work for and protect, will be rbk to prevent the world-cataclysm which “pezts tell us may blast human life from thrs earth!

Gloomy picture? Yes, but it’s REAL! Ws the picture we baue to PACE!

THIS is the world we shall have to LIVE IN- DIE IN!

WHY Does God Permit Such Horror? Is it MY wonder so many peopIc--if and

when they do begin to think of the Al- mighty in this connution--&: “WHY, if &KC is a God, does He permit war? WHY docs God allow such unadulterated HELL 011 earth among men?

“Surely,” they reason, “if God is good- if He is LOVE--He would not r u i s b r p l e who are innocent victims to endure IS in- deuribable anguish and if H e is A C MIGHTY, then He certainly conld prevcnt

Of course that’s a slightly unbalanced co(Kcption of God. It emphasizes His love, His tender mercy and compassion, and His power-but it overlooks G o d ‘ s righteorrJness

ted which ongh to m 9 e everyone EZhJJl!

k! why d0eSn‘t H8?

ORLD WAR I11 is brewing. But WHY? Why Does God PER MIT wars?

WHY did God mrmit the original da? Was He unable to prevent what Batan did? Was Satan stronger than God- is God responsible for the ”Fall of Man?” Is Redemption just a “repairing of

the damage” done by Satan in the ”Fall,”--is it all a superstition-or is

real PURPOSE being worked out here below, and what is that PUR- POSE f

Here is perhaps the most frank, rmazing, revealing article you ever read-an article of plain speaking which dares face and answer the question, ”Did God create Evil?”-an article on the most important quee- tion of all life which will give you UNDERSTANDING.

and His wisdom; and it fails utterly of un- derstanding God‘s great PURPOSE in put- ting human beings upon this earth!

But people have a right to the true an- swer ! War, of course, is not caused by the Al-

mi ty. It is caused by ambition and greed - /$ the wrong thinking and acting of men, swayed by human passions. It is the result of w i k f SIN. Still,-God psrmitJ it/

The PURPOSE Being Worked Out Former Prime Minister Winston Church-

iU actually gave the answer when he said, regarding the war, before American Con- gress: “There is a PURPOSE being worked out here below.‘’ Of course he implied a HIGHER POWER, above, doing the work- ing out! World War I1 was really a part of the working out of that PURPOSE!

But man, it seems, fails to undmtmd that PURPOSE!

Naturally, it has to do with the Plan d Redemption. But even that Plan is not very widely understood today, nor rightly preached !

WHY, let us ask, and understand, should man need any redemption?

The popular teaching is that one is “saves’ nf the time he accepts Jesus Cbrist as personal Saviour. Well, WHY is it, then, that God does not then and there remove him from this unhappy world of SUPFW- ING? W h y not take him immediately to his happy reward? WHY, after he is ‘‘saved,” must he live on in this life of suffuing?

WHY is it, that once a man is convc* “many are the af3ictions of the rigbcIowP -“all who will live godly in Christ Jcsar sball suffer persecution/’--”it is t h mcb tribuldtion we must enter the Kingdom of God.” WHY?

WHY, 1st) does God permit the world to s d e r so much; and 2nd) WHY must even converted Cbrhtims go on dering? WHY is them such a thing u sin?

We hear it came from the “mi iral fd man:’ well, m y the fdl? G c t i c i 3 God prevent that?

A Repairing of the Damage? Let’s dare frankly to examine the cam-

mOn teaching about that “Pd” The common teaching, as believed md

taught by most denominahom, is that God created man evfect and complete, m the very image o G o k d placed him in th beautiful Garden of Eden. It is believed rht GODS CREATION WAS FINISHED COMPLETED ! Everything was

And God was able to do dl E%d po start our first parents out all right, when lo and behold! Satan succeeded in i n d i q


Page 2: blowthetrumpet.org · 2005-08-19 · PLAIN TRUTH Vol. XI - NO. 2 Circulation 110,000 copies this issue November-December, 1946 Whdt is the PURPOSE Being Worked Out Here Below? 0 longer

thrt peaceful and blessed retreat. He success- fully ownzhvew the man. Satan succeeded in thwarting God’s will-u setting God‘s Plan

fected humans-alienating the man and wanan from God-introducing the dread- ful consequences of SIN-marring, wreck- ing, Gocl‘s creative handiwork!

And now, according to this PO ular view, God‘s plans for a happy life md Lau- tiful environment for His created humans was all disarranged! Now God had to com- mence all over again, and formulate a new Plan-a PLAN to repair :he damage!

Redemption, then, is pictured as God’s PLAN for re airing the damage caused by

And ever since, God has entered a furi- ous CONTEST with Satan. For six thousand prs, God has desperately been tying to re- deem humnity-to save, and RESTORE mankind back to a condition as good as God had originally created him, before the “Fall.” What’s WRONG With This Picture?

That’s the popular idea being widely p c h e d today !

WHAT’S WRONG with that picture? When stated so plainly, we can see quite dearly something is wrong!

What are we going to do with the “fall of man?” If this popular teaching is correct, it makes Satan more powerful than God. It makes Satan able to wreck God‘s perfected creation, to thwart God’s will.

And, after God in desperation has de- vised a Plan of Redemption, and spent some six thousand years trying to restore the origi- d Edenic perfection, where does this pic- ture leave us today? W h y , with sataa win- 0i.g the contat by a pitifull lopsided score!

epah today t o w notkng d&od Jesm chist -arc blinded by false heathen religions! Oaly a very small percent of humanity could

Can‘t we see that at every turn this belid rents Sdm d~ mwe pow ~l tban GOD?


for a happy and peace P ul life for his per-

Satan in that R original .- Full’’ of man !

At least hul the peo le w L o populate this

daim today to be “Saved.”

coald GOD Be Responsible? Now if Satan did not succeed in thwart-

iag God‘s will, wrecking God‘s perfected and completed Creation, then the only alter- native is to say that it all happened aced- m,$ to God‘s will-exactly r t ~ God Himself mgmallj planned!

But do we DARE make God Himself rrsponsiMe? We have but the two alternatives ! Either

slltan got in there against God’s will, and in so doing proved himself mighiier and more canning than God-or else God Himself pknned and permitted it all !

The answer is a text of Scripture most ministers never dare quote! In it God Al- ms ty does not hesitate to take upon Him- 2 this full responsibility!

Here it is-Isaiah 45-5,7: “I am the Btemd, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: . . . I form the light, and aerrte darkness: I make peace, and crede my: Z the ETERNAL do all these things.”


The True ANSWER to These Questions

The real answer was brought out by Job. “If a man die, shall he live a

appointed time will I wait, till my cbmgs come. Thou shalt call, and I will answer thee: thou wilt have a desire to :he work of thine hands!” (Job 14:14).

The latter part of his quotation, most often overlooked, is the key to this whole riddle! Read it again!

“Thou wil: have a desire to the work of thine hands!”

STUDY THAT! Job knew he was merr- ly the work of God‘s Hands! Merely a iecc

CREATOR ! Merely a iece of plastic CLAY

calling us forth from the grave, in the resur- rection, God is having a DESIRE to PIN- ISH this WORK OF HIS HANDS !

Even the RESURRECTION, then, is a final completing of GOD’S CREATION !

Adam’s Creation NOT COMPLE!CED! Now we come to the WONDERFUL

TRUTH! The first chapter of Genesis does no:

record a COMPLETED creation at all! Adam’s creation was not finished! Read that amazing statement again! Be

sure you mderrtand it! CREATION is still going on! SALVATION is not a “repairing of the

damage,”-a frustrated effort of God to re- store man back to a condition as good us Adam, before the “Pall!”

Satan did not break into the Garden of Eden in spite of God-did no: do one sin& thing contrary to God‘s great PURPOSE! All that has happened had been planned be- fore of GOD-and all is progmsing ex- urtly as GOD WILLS. Oh, what a WONDERFUL TRUTH! What God actually is creating in us

humans is the SUPREME MASTEWIBCB OF A U HIS WORKS OF CREATION! Millions-yes, billions-of perfect, SPIRIT- UAL CHARACTERS! It is a spirit& mu- tion. And God is bringing it about in two pbmes! This DUALMY, in fact carries thru every part and sequence of this tremeadaus work of creation!

The model, from which the finished spit- itual product is to be moulded, is m n t d substance-just mortal, human CLAY!

The creation described in Genesis 1 is the first phase of this creation-the MA’I33- RIAL creation, only. And that is merely the beginnin --the brin into existence of the SUB!fTANCE o u ~ w h i c h a model may be moulded for the linished Masterpiece!

God formed man, not out of Spirit, but “of the dust of the ground” To the man whose creation is described in Genesis 1, and 2:7, God said, “DUST thou art.” Not immortal spirit-just DUST. Man is MOR- TAL, not yet immortal!

Adam did not hvrvs God‘s HOLY SPIR- IT!

asked,-and answered: “All the r ’ ys of ’Ob my

of divine workmanship in the Hands o s the

in the hands of the s aster Potter! And in

H e was a PERFBCT physical s p ! W h a t e v e r G O D u e a t e s b imperfect. But what God createfin Adom, was a FLFSHLY MAN- mortal man of fresh m d blood.

Adam, in other words, was no: complstrl One vital thing was lacking-and this

one thing he was made to NEED--to h u n e and to thirst for!-the indwelling of GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT.

But God provided for that. In the den of Eden was one “tree” which w d d have supplied it! And this, God f d y of- fered the man. But Adam and Eve bad bo make a CHOKE between this “tree” which would have given them LIFE - GOD’S SPIRIT-the one thing that would iill tbat void, that Ion ‘ng in the s d - a n d the “tne” which symbofted the ways of SIN. Adam made the wron choice, as of course, God h e w he w o u d HE NEVER RECEIVED GOD’S SPIRIT! OUR PIRST PARRNTS NEVER RECEIVED IMMORTALITY!

Rather, they were driven forth from the Garden of Eden, lest they now take also of the tree of LIFE, and eat, and gain immar-

REDEMPTION Is CREATION W o n was not completed, as described

in Genesis I. Rather, what God is is a SPIRITUAL CREATION, and God hpr

d out a DEFINITE PLAN, dowing

proccsS! In His great pu2poae, the physical aad

material comes first, and always is the trpI af the spiritual. A day is as a thousand yum to God, and a ttwusand years ru a do. And,

t k s d - y e N ”DAYS’ for its so God used just seven 24- days f a r b first beginning-the MATERIAL creation described in Genesis 1 !

So the seven literal 24-hour days pn 1 TYPE of the seven thousand-yeat ‘*&p.’* &d in this seven-thousand-yeat period, God Himself has deliberately ALLOTTED to SQtaPl the first SIX of those days far f i

d- lennial day &all be the S A B m Th ETERNAL our God, and in it §&n ~ b d l not do any work! God has set a limitatioa upon him! Satan shall be chained fm thpt coming thousand years! (Rev. 2O:l-3).

Christ Jesus will return to earth IN PER- SON, as King of kmgs and Lord of lords, and “the earth s h d be Fuu of the howl- edge of the Eternal,” (Is. 11:9)40 - shall :be Gentiles seek (I=. 11 :lo), and tbe final GREAT harvest of d shsll be reaped! Yes, THAT’S the GOOD NEWS of the KINGDOM OF GOD-Good News the devil does all in his power to supp~csk Good News Satan’s ministers deny! But pise God! the light of HIS WORD still shines for those who will see!

So now let’s look briefly at REDBMP- TION. Wbd is it? ‘‘V GRACB are ye saved thru €pith . . . for we are His wmkmmsbip, CREATED in

Please Contmw on Pdgs 5

Wty (Gen. 3 :22-24).

33% THOUSAND YEARS fat tbc

as God‘s revealed Plan is allotte d seven

labor of dece tiorp--but the S

Page 3: blowthetrumpet.org · 2005-08-19 · PLAIN TRUTH Vol. XI - NO. 2 Circulation 110,000 copies this issue November-December, 1946 Whdt is the PURPOSE Being Worked Out Here Below? 0 longer

N W n - D e c m p b e r , 1946 The P L A I N TRUTH Pam 3

Shozlld Christians TITHE? Here ie subieet,

By HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG N the last Book of the Old Testament is an amazing pRopHEcy. It fore- I tells the cause of a national calamity

SBXI to happen to the UNITED STATES ! It is a WARNING for America m d

Bri&in, now? It is not dead history, not nbolished W g far Jews of a bye-gone dny. It is a live, timely PROPHECY.

To America and Britain of this 20th Gntury, Almighty God says:

“I wiU come near to you to judgment. . . . Even from the days of yout fathers ye SLE gone away from mine ordinances, and have not ke them. . . . YE ARE CURSED WITH A &SE, for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.” (Mal. 3 3 - 9 ) .

But why/ What has brought on thw national curse, soon to bring upon this na- tion a calamity of the most cataclysmic pro-

ions ever to befall any nation in world in many other proph-

have repeatedly

articles in this magazine. “But ye say,” continues the Eternal’s

Message to us, “Wherein have we robbed thee?” And God replies, “in TITHES and O~ERTNGS Y’

Was Tithing Done Away? Now all this, we know, doesn’t make

much sense to the average American today. Many do not even know what Tithing is. Others ask, “Wasn’t tithing just for Jews 04

Or, ‘Wasn’t tithing done away? v$“‘ asn’t ?” it just of the cem- a long-dead

monial system introduced by the Old Cove- nant Law of Moses?”

Others, today, arc taught and believe tithing was merely a form of national m a - tion in the civil government of the one-time nation of Israel. StiU others teach that the tithe supplied the material needs of the poor, and was never put into the minktq. WHAT CONFUSION today! What

ignorance of the revealed laws and com- mands of God! Since this WHOLE NATION is under

a curse, soon to &er un recedented total

standin as well as for disobedience to the laws o f God, it’s certainly about time we opened our Bibles and began to study hon- estly, diligently, prayerfully, exactly what the Almighty has declared on this much- perverted sub‘ect!

God sends a cataclysmic destruction upon the nation as a whole, yet the indiuidd who KeLs understanding. and who heeds God‘s warnings, shall be given full protection, and BSCAPE all these things to come to pas.

national disaster because o P a lack of under-

For,-an d mark this well !-even though

an eye-opening article on a much inisunderstood making the TRUTH plain, clear, INTERESTING!

What the “TITHE” Is But hSt, before looking to the NEW

TEsrMNT TEACHmG to see whether or not Christians must “tithe,” let us make

God says to Britain-America of today: “Ye are cursed with a cxrse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. . . . IN TITHES and offerings.”

what, then, does God mean by that word “tither”?

It is an old English word, commonly used in England three and four hundred years ago. Today it is seldom used, except in this scriptural comection. This old a- pression “titbd’ has been preserved in the

the Bible--translatef in 161 1. The word “tithe” means T-. A

tithe of anything is the tenth part of it. It is well known that the nation kid,

during Old Testament times, was required

come. But the matter of to whom each Is- raelite paid this tenth, which tenth was paid, iuhv and for W h f /‘grpsef seems to confuse a great -Y today- And the New Testa- ment teaching for Christians about tithing is understood only by a few.

The Principle of Tithing

is the very BASIS of right and sound educa- tiM--“the fear of the Eternal is the begin- ning of wisdom.” And that’s why there is so little red understandin and TRUE edua-

colleges almost unioersally ignore this basic foundation of TRUTH!

Who OWNS What You Have? So now in the simplest of language, let

me make plain to you the PRINCIPLE of tithing, as revealed in the Bible. Then we sballlooktotheScripturesthemselves,from which this explanation is derived.

First, then, YOU, or I , actually own mahg,t

“The earth is the Eternal’s, and the ful-

therein.” (1 Cor. 10:26, and Psm. 24:l). In ~ o b 41:11, a d the wOr s”ys: 9qw-

ever is under the whole heaven is mine.” mghty is -TOR. H~ -4

H~ wated man the earth.

It is, therefore, for HIM to say how mu& of you you mag kep & use for yourself. Your farm actually does not belong to GOD is the true owner. your income is not yours,^^ ALL belongs to GOD !

Now in the BIBLE, God reveals to man that He never has given to man the whole

many Places in of what he produces or am. The FIRST the New Testment, as IS in the Old- TENTH of all you prndiice from the ground But first7 a simple ex ‘anation of *e scrip - -of your wages, your salary, your ProfitJ,

mains HOLY to the Eternal, and that He more understandable. to each one has reserved fov Himself-for His boly m d

spiritud use! of us, in a p ain’ and personal manner. After man has PAID TO GOD that first Suppose you own a farm. Does that

fatm, and You raise it, reauY be- tenth which belongs only to Him-and long to you? which never belonged to the mm,-then

It’s a good deal like Adam and Eve in profits, or a pension. When you receive the money, is it redly YOURS? the Garden of Eden-and the iirst sin. The

den was beautiful beyond description. eveqme Will answer imedately, “why, of r& one tree, however, w e d fog course!” But if YOU do, ~ U ’ Z wrong! And Himself. That, =mined HIS. ~hst, H~ this d Y does to show that OIX People a never gave to A h and Eve. That, they had nation haw *rayed so f B from God and IH) right to touch, or use. All rest He His reVealed TRUTH that we are &On- gave to them. But they were not &d

with what was theirs, ample tho it was. isbed, when the truth is explained! Do you know what the Bible i ~ ? It is a Filled wi& greed to possess ,&,

out and took of the fnJt of material and spiritual which man Othernix tree! And that was steuling? It was cowtin 1 could never know* God ld Newton discover It was plucing another god before tbu &- and reveal to mankind the law Of graviq* ATOR! It was dishonorin #huh Crudor- He has left it for OUT chW&& with thek F&,er/ It broke FOUR of the Ten test-tubes and technical equi ment in their man&ents! It was S I N A e oigind i n ! P And today, the same Satan who deceived laboratories to discover the aws of chem- istry. But there are laws rand truths which mothe. E~~ has deceived world man never could discover. God has not left into believing that of 4 -el fpmr us in ignorance of these, but has revealed themJ thru the Bible! That’s why the BIBLE

dear j~ that word “tit&’ means. tion t d y s in a w o d w h ~ &h& d

Authorix4 or Kin James &-ion, of n a thereof; the world and they

tithe,--that is, in me tenth of ALL BELONGS TO HIM!

The subject is

hl‘d PRINCIPLE of tithing make It your INCOm+t FIRST TENTH re-

brin the subject f

SUPPOX YOU work for W ~ B or a * the remaining nine-tenths GO^ gives to thc Or you “dip coupons,” or receive

This seem a bit

revelation from God to man Of things both

Please Confinr/s on Page 6

Page 4: blowthetrumpet.org · 2005-08-19 · PLAIN TRUTH Vol. XI - NO. 2 Circulation 110,000 copies this issue November-December, 1946 Whdt is the PURPOSE Being Worked Out Here Below? 0 longer

Pa& 4 ___ The PLAIN TRUTH Novrmber-December, 1946

PLAIN TRUTH ~ ~ O F U ~ ~ ~


Pnblisbed by The RADIO CHURCH OF GOD

Edded by HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Box 11 1, Eugene, Oregon

Sent FREE to all wbo requust it, as tbr Lord provides. Address all communi-

cations to the ediior.


NOTICE; Be swr to notifv us im- mediately of any change in you; address. IMPORTANT!

* * * There has been no issue of The PLAIN

TRUTH since the March-April number. We hope to publish it monthly here-


A Heart to Heart Talk 1 qwith the Editor

There is only one true Security for the future-knowing God, and faith and trusg in God!

If you could look into this world Tomor- row;-if you could see now what lies in store for this world, nnd for you-then per- haps you a a0 now as men will do then, run frantically and terror-stricken “into the caves of the rocks, . . . away from the terror of the Eternal! Then man shall fling to rats and bats his silver and his golden idols . . . to hide from the terror of the Eternal.’” That’s an actual prophecy, quoted from Isaiah 2:19-21! ONLY ONE has power to protect you from the terrible WRATH to come, and that is our loving, merciful heavenly Father, Almighty GOD !

A multi-millionaire can be wiped out, penn i 1 ess, 1 1 n expected1 y-without wa tning- just overnight! His millions are no security for the future. I have personally known mil- lionaires who were wiped out just that sud- denly-and thereupon committed suicide I

In our own ex erience in conducting this work of Godl now grown into a GREAT work costing several thousand dol- lars a month, reaching a cumulative audience of five million people a week, I have had to learn, by ex erience, how this entire work could E e taken away-put out o ex- istcnce, sudClc.iily arid without warning ! Re- cently, while I was away, a long distance tclephone call came from my office. My sec- retary read to me two telegrams, terminating without warning our contracts on the two most powerful radio stations in this hemi- sphere! At the same time we were uner-


The other day I read a story in the news- paper that I hope will make you THINK!

A woman in the state of Washington returned home from her work in a restaurant at 3:AM Sunday morning to find her four children, ages 12, 10, 8, and 7, dead in their beds of asphyxiation. One of them had turned on the gas stove without lighting it.

But that isn’t all. A fifth child 4 years old had burned to death last year. And her husband has recently been confined in a tuberculosis sanitarium !

A year ago, she was a happy wife and mother, with her husband and five children !

Most of you are having troubles of some kind. Many of you are com laining or pmbling. But few, if any, o f p you have ever had to suffer such tragedy as came to this woman in Washington. Yet this ought to give us all something to think about! What ASSURANCE have you that some such calamity will not strike you? Perhaps when yo# least expect! I’m not trying to fri ten you, but rather to point you to the

cm>y you can have ! Many, even professing Christians, trust

in money as their security for the future. Many lay up this earthly treasure-they skimp, economize undul in order to lay

for tbr future?

on P y safeguard against i t - t he only true se-

op more and more, JO t f ey need not worry

But this is a false security !


The World Tomorrow

Herbert W. Armstronn analvses to- day’s news, with the -proph&es of The WORLD TOMORROW!


XEG--150,000 watts-1050 on dial. 8:PM Central Standard time every night ex- cept Sat., 5 : 30 every week-day morning.

XELO-100,000 watts-800 on radio dial. 8:PM Mountain t h e every night a- cept Saturday.

HEARD ON PACIFIC COAST X E R B - 5 0 , O O O watts-1090 on dial. 9:PM

every night except Saturday. Heard all over Cost.

KXLPortland, 10,000 watts-750 on did. 7:30 AM Saturdays, and 6:30 AM

KVAN-Vancouver, Wash.-910 00. &I. 9:30 AM Sundays.

KVI-Seattle-Tacoma-570 on did, 11 :PM Sundays.


ectedly thrown off the air in the se?tde- tacoma section. Our time was sold out f m under us in the Portland section. Out str- tion in Hollywood had gone out of bush- its physical assets taken over and ~ C V rated into a new station. We were off the in California. We had also suddenly been thrown off the air on another Mexi- stp- tion which at the time was depended on t~ cover the Southern California district!

can strike Yes. the most dire calami anyone. anyplace, any time-su ? denly, with- out warning !

If we become sick, God he& US md restores our health.

But, more than that-if we serve God ar?d put our TRUST in HIM, He often p f i vents these things even from happenmg.

God’s children, and their little ones, from accident.

We have had such experiences, pe’son- aUy,-scveraI times. Once my wife was lying in bed asleep with our eldest daughter. This was years ago, when our daughter was just a baby. The baby was lying on the inside, her head against the wall. Suddenly my wife was startled and awakened with an audible voice, in a dream, commanding her, “Move Beuerly!” Opening her eyes and perceiving it was a dream, she turned ova and went back to sleep. Again a voice spoke in a dream, this time louder, with insistancc, “MOVE BEVERLY!” Startled, frightened, she opened her eyes, reached over and lifted Beverly over on the other side of her. She waa lying there, half frightened, thinking about it, when, a few seconds after she had moved Beverly, a large heavy picture and frame which had been hanging on the wall just over Beverly’s head came crashing down on the exact spot where the baby’s head had lain! Then she knew God had sent an ;mgei to speak to her in a dream and protect OW baby’s life!

Personally, I have learned what it is to FEAR GOD! I have learned that my wife, all my children, could be taken from me suddenly and without warning! I have no earthly treasure to be taken away-we sold all we had and put it into God‘s work-but I have learned that the o portunity for sem-

COMPLETELY, suddenly, with one swift stroke, except for the protection of GOD1

Frankly, I’m afraid-and 1 mean redly APRAID!--to disobey God, or turn from Him, or cease to serve Him in the mission to which He has called me! I’m AFRAID to live contrary to His Word. I’ve learned to TREMBLE at the WORD OF GOD!

Better FEAR God--TREMBLB before His W o r d 4 AFRAID to disobey, and then live in the great and peaceful security that comes from a living FAITH in HIM!

Yes, better a thousand times to have this M y PEAR and TREMBLING to dc, wrong, and then have God’s gift of PEACE, and SECURITY thru FAITH, than to ig- nore God and trust in men or in money!

Often, if we are trusting impliaty in

Countless times God‘s angels have protected

ice in this work could ge taken from me

Pleas# Continnr on Page 7

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November-December, 1946 The PLAIN TRUTH Page 5

Wbat IS the Purpose Being Worked Out Here Below?

Continued from Page 2

Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them!” (Eph. 2:8,10). Notice, there are GOOD WORKS to salvation ! WHY do the preachers always stop quoting at verse 9, never reading this 10th verse?

The “we” in New Testament language always means Christians-those truly con- verted. WE, then, are GOD’S workmanship. Yes, “CREATED” now being created-to what objective - to WHAT PURPOSE? Note it! The PURPOSE Satan’s ministers DENY today--“UNTO GOOD WORKS!”

Unto perfect spiritual CHARACTER! Now Paul here is not speaking of Adam’s

creation 6,000 years ago. He is speaking of Christians, NOW, being created-UNTO GOOD WORKS! We are HIS WORK- MANSHW-the Creator is still creating! He is moulding, fashioning, CHANGING us, conforming up to His own noble, right- eous, holy, spiritual CHARACTER! Yes, creating in us this perfect CHARACTER !

Salvation, then, is a PROCESS!

The Purpuse of Our Living But how the god of this world would

blind your eyes to that! He tries to deceive you into thinking all there is to it is just “acce ting Christ,”-with “NO WORKS” -an8 presto-chango, you’re pronounced “SAVED !”

But the BIBLE reveals that NONE is yet “saved!” “He that endureth unto the end, the same SHALL BE saved.” (Mat. 24:13). Jesus, alone, of all humans, has so far been SAVED! By the resurrertive power of GOD ! When Jesus comes, at the time of the resurrection of those IN CHRIST, He then brings His reward with Him!

Christ, as the Lamb of God--our Saviour -was “slain from the foundation of the world”-it was all planned of God from the beginning,-yes, even before the f‘Fall.” (Rev. 13:s).

Those called, now, in this present age to salvation, were chosen before Adam was cre- ated! “According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foutadatiun of the world.” And WHY? “That we should be HOLY and without blame before Him IN LOVE.” (Eph. 1:4).

“Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.” (I1 Cor. 5:17) Yes, a NEW CREATION!

“And be renewed in the spirit of your MIND! and that ye put on the new man, which after GOD IS CREATED in righteous- ness and true holiness.’’ (Eph. 4:23-24).

It all begins in the mind. Re entance, the first step in salvation, is a c R ange of mind. The receiving and indwelling of the Holy S irit is a renewing of the mind. Grad- d y , gru Bible study, learning to live by “every Word of God,” being continually corrected, keeping in constant prayer, the veay MIND OF GOD is placed within the

yielded man. And thus the NEW MAN-a holy, spiritual CHARACTER-is CREAT- ED in righteousness, and in true holiness!

Born Again.. . HOW? In this NEW CREATION God works

in man, the man must be “BORN AGAIN.” God made Adam solely out of MAT-

TER. Jesus said to Nicodemus, “That which is born of the flesh IS flesh!” Then He ex- plained we must be born again-not again of the FLESH-not again entering OUT mother’s womb, as Nicodemus thought He meant-but born of The SPZRIT-BORN OF GOD! As we were born of the FLESH from a fleshly human father, so now we must be born of the SPIRIT by GOD, the heavenly SPIRITUAL Father.

And this process is brought about, in Gods great PURPOSE, by a man first com- ing to see HOW WRONG are the ways of mortal humans, thinking and living CON- TRARY to the revealed LAWS OF GOD! The first stage is REPENTANCE ! Surrender to Almighty God!

God sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world as a human being, to pay for us, in our stead, the penalty we have incurred by the transgression of Gods spiritual Law. So the second ste in our salvation-our SPIR- ITUAL CRBITION being BORN of the Spirit-is to accept Christ Jesus as personal Saviour, being baptized for the remission of sins. Then God’s PROMISE is that we shall receive HIS HOLY SPIRIT. And that is the entrance of the very LIFE of God-the im- pregnating “germ,” so to speak, of eternal life-the begettal of the life of GOD. We then compare to an unborn babe in its mother’s womb. And, after the experiences of the Christian life, if we overcome, grow in grace and knowledge, and endure unto the end, then at Ihe Lime u/ the RESURREC- TION, this MORTAL shall be instantane- ously CHANGED INTO immortality-this flesh and blood body shall BECOME a SPIRIT body! Then, arid not until then, shall we be FULLY BORN OF GOD.

Then, and not until then, shall our CRE- -4TION be fully COMPLETED !

But we now are the “day models,” in the Hands of the Master Potter !

If in this life our thinking, our ways, are CHANGED until we really do become -in character-new creatures in Christ Jesus, conformed to HIS WILL, then that clay model, worked over, fashioned and shaped as God would have it, is finally turned into the FINISHED SPIRITUAL CREATION !

Begins and Ends in Christ This ENTIRE CREATION begins m

Chist, and is finished BY Him! God created all things by Jesus Christ.

(Eph. 3:9) . Jesus was the workman, then, who created the original Adam. But our SPIRITUAL creation begins in Him, too. He it is who became our living Example- who came into the world to lead the way- and became the first-born from among the dead-the FIRST completed, perfected spir- itual MAN! Now notice,

“But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor; that He by the grace of God should taste deatb for every man. For it became Him, for whom are all things, and by whom are dl things, in bringing many sons unto gloq, to make the captain o their salvation psrfrrr THROUGH SUPP i/ RINGS.” (Heb. 2 9 -

example the only one so far competed- k

became the author of eternal s u! vation unto

10). Look at it! Turn to it, read that in yout

own Bible! Jesus, the captain or LEADER of our

salvation-the one who led of, settin US PIJ

even HE was made perfect, and THRU SUFFERINGS !

“Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience BY THE THINGS WHICH HE SUFFERED; and being d e erfect, He

all them that obey Him.” (Heb. 5:8-9). There it is again ! Jesus is the author of

OUT salvation-He WROTE that salvation BY HIS EXPERIENCE, and that was the first writing of it-He was the firft h m ever to achieve i t 4 0 be rfecied, finished as a PERFECT CHARACTER!


Do you begin to UNDERSTAND? Satan did not upset God’s Plan. All that

has happened, God foreknew and permitted -for a PURPOSE ! Rsdemptian is not a * pairing of the damage-not a restoring to a condition “just as good.” No, that WBS m- ly the beginning-the material creation. Re- demption is the great SPIRITUAL creation ! In it, God is creating in us something in- finitely superior to Adam before he sinned.

Do you see now WHAT God is aeat- ing, in yon and me?

He is creating something higher than angels or archangels! He is &hg the supreme MASTERPIECE of all God‘s crte- tion . . . HOLY, PERFECT SPIRI’IW& CHARACTERS !

out of it came PERFEffION! D o yo11 see?

And what is Character? What CHARACTER Is

Perfect Character, such as God is mat- ing in us, is a person finally made i m o r t d , who is a separate entity from God; who, tbrough independent free rboice has ~ o m c to KNOW, and to CHOOSE, and to DO, what is right.

Inanimate rock will roll down hill power of gravity. Water runs in its channe thru creeks and rivers into oceans. Great planets, some many times larger than the earth, must travel in God‘s ordained course. These things are marvelous examples of the creative power of God. Yet these things arc inanimate-they have no mind, no fre8 choice, N O CHARACTER!

Dumb animals do not sin. They do not know enough to sin ! They act by instinct, or according to training of others. They do not have this Character!

CHARACTER is the possession and practice of love, patience, mercy, faitb, hind-

P1ea.w Continue on P ~ a p 8


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- 6 Tbe PLAIN "RUTH Novembrr-Decembsr, 1W

Should Christians Tithe? Continued from Page 3

belongs to him-that the whole of a man's iocome is his! This divine and original "RUTH of ownershi has been hidden

of thls world! And today, nearly every rim is taking and ding that fir~t

kntb of his income w X B ~ L o ~ G s TO ALMIGHTY GOD!

Actually, in so do' the individual and this whole nation is E B B I N G GOD, 'ust

when they stole the fruit of the one tm which never belonged to them !

WHY God Retains the T ~ h e But WHY does God retain for Himself

the ownership of that first tenth-ht TITHE-of you income?

Here again comes a TRUTH man would wrer know, and could not find out, except

God's revelation to man! What is man, myway? WHY is he? Where is he going? GOD HAS A PLAN! God is working out

GREAT PuRPOsE! He reveals it in His Worb-Hio rcvelatim-the BIBLE.

For the carrying out of His holy PUR- POSE in placing msnkind u p this earth, God bes always had a PRIBSTHOOD-a ministry, representing HIM, serving Him, wing out His mission. Way back in the

antiquity of patriarchal t h God's High Priest-% representative on earth- was Meichisedec. More of Him later-and UL article in the next issue tells who He is.

During the national dispensation of Is- me& under the Old Covenant, known as the Mosaic dispensation - those

stituted the minlst of God, known as the Levitid priestho01 Then later, when Jesus Ch is t arose from the dead, He ascended to beawn as a living HIGH PRIEST. Today He calls ministers as His true representatrves in 1 darkened and Satan-deceived world, to carry on HIS PLAN. Today the Melchisedec Priesthood is restored, in Christ.

Now it costs money to carry on the work of God. God's ministers who devote their d r e time to God's holy and spiritual pur-

are prevented from earning a living in r u s u a l channels. Yet they work. If they ue trw ministers, they are men of ability who WORK HARD, and long, observing m hours. A d l y they earn a l iving-thq lrrw worAed for their food, shelter and dothing and physical need-the same as the farmer, the laborer, the clerk or the mer- cbmt.

And so God, in His wisdom, has pro- dded far financing His w&, and for His ministers' living. In God's program, these tmemiaisters work for HIM, and Him Jm.

In God's great Plan, HE pays His min- isters. It is HE who "hires" them,-He who cdls thcm to their work for Him.

So, in order to provide for the financing of HIS MINISTRY, God has from the very beginning RETAINED for HIMSELF the

from the people thru P e deceptions of the

as surely ou Adam and Eve robbed JTOd

first tenth of the income of every human be- ing on earth. The OWNERSHIP of that first tenth of income is GOD'S.

To WHOM nthes Are Paid But bow on you pay God's tenth to

Him? God is on His throne in heaven. And "no man," suid Jesus, "has asccndcd to heaven.'' You can't go &we. You can't Jet? God or hand your m o m to Him Per- s o t d y . How, the;, can you*pay Him HIS TITHE?

Well, some large corporations, perhaps in a distant city, cannot be directly con- tacted by their many customers. And so they send around representatives, colleckxt, to collect for them what you owe the company. The collector comes in the name of the corn-

y. When you pay the money which real- flanbelongs to the company to the collector, you have paid the company.

God's system of collecting from you HIS titlie is just that simple. Since you can- not see God, or go to God's throne in heaven, God instructs you in His revealed Word to pay it to HIS REPRESENTA- TIVE, who, in recciving it, reprcscnts Cod just as a collector to whom you pay a debt represents the company to whom you owe it.

And when you pay such a bill to a col- lector, you consider you paid THE COM- PANY-not that you made a personal dona- tion of yo^,^ own money to the man the company sent. You paid it as TO THE COMPANY. From there on it is the COM- PANY'S responsibility what happens to that money, not yours. And the company pays the collector his salary. He does not consider that you paid his salary-he receives his salary a~ from the company.

This illustrates plainly God's true prin- ciple of tithing. When you pay tithes today you are instructed by G o d s directions to pay them to God's called and chosen repre- sentative-the true minister of Jesus Christ. But you pay it, not as a personal contribu- tion of your own money to a minister-but AS TO GOD. The minister represents GOD -receives not your money but G O D S money from you for God.

Here again so many in this modern world have lost sight of God's dear direc- tions. When they give the tithe to a minister they seem to feel it is a personal entrusting of their owu money, and they make it theit duty to try to supeMse bow the minister handles it-even, in some cases today, down to the supervision of what the minister and his family may eat, or wear, or have in their personal private family life!

Yes, many a disallusioned minister to- day can testify that some members of his congregation attempt to regulate and super- vise the most intimate and persona1 matters of his private family life. They feel it is their money the minister is living on, and they make it tbeu business to see that he uses it according to their ideas-and to criti- size him and his family aad withhold their tithe unless he and his familv Dermit this insulting intrusion upon their'phate fam- ily life!

When YOUR RespMlsibillty Ceases But God's revealed principle is quite

diflerent. That h s t tenth of p u r income is nut yours-never was pours! It belongs to God. And the metbod God himself lnstG Wed for your payment of His money to Him is to pay it to His calkd and true nrin- ister.

When you have done that, your resporrsi- b a y for that money cea.re.r! You have m further concern, responsibility, or dirrction in the handling of it than you have in money you owe the electric light ox the tele hone

Once paid, you have DONE YOUR PART -you have aquitted yourseIf of your obi& gation.

The telephone company does not expect you to make it your responsibility to s u p vise what ha you have tg. i 8p" it to their repreJentdive aad received e company's receipt. Of course

propriate the money. But if he does YE eheir collector might loeel steal, M

company who employs him wil l deal with him as they wish-& is their responsibility.

Of course you are expected to be sure the collector is the company's approved mp- resentative-not a thieving im ostor tending to be the company cO%ctor. g: your tithe to a 31ed and TRUE minister 9 you should be

Jesus Christ. Satan has many more ministers today than Christ-and Satan's thieving im- posters pose as ministers of Jesus Christ, put on sanctimonious airs, speak in pious and spiritual-sounding language! How are p

you shall know them! The FRUITS "5 o to know? BY THEIR FRUITS, Jesus

God's Spirit, and of Christ's true ministry cannot be counterfeited!

So when you pay tithes to Gods true and accredited spiritual representative, you

y it rss to GOD. It is not a charitable gift Eom you to the minister. It is not y m money-but rather it is God's way for to pay to GOD that which BELONGS GOD.

And from there on, the minister who re- ceives it ir accountable to God. And goa may be sure that GOD'S justice is PW- FECT-that God Almighty will hold every minister far more strictly accountable tban you would be capable of doing!

What GOD Does With His Tithe Once paid, so far as you are concerned,

you have paid GODS tithe to GOD. The question now is what doe$ GOD do

with it? And the answer, which we will show

by the Scriptures inspired of God, k thtt God uses it FOR HIS MINISTRY-for CARRYING ON HIS WORK!

Now the nature of God's ministry 011 earth has changed with changing dispensa- tions. Not much is revealed as to how God's ministry was carried on back in patriarchal times. We know Melchisedec was High Priest-that He held rank qusl to that of Jesus Christ, actually m e of the Godhead!

P l e m Continue on Pdge 7

company which you pay to their colcctor. P

to THEIR money once

ually sure you are pa

Page 7: blowthetrumpet.org · 2005-08-19 · PLAIN TRUTH Vol. XI - NO. 2 Circulation 110,000 copies this issue November-December, 1946 Whdt is the PURPOSE Being Worked Out Here Below? 0 longer

Should Christians Tithe? Continrred fvom Page 6

”be ministry, then, must have been of a rpiritWaj nature. New Testament writings d that thc GOSPEL, God‘s Spiritual &sage, was preached beforehand to Abra- hnm. All we h o w of those days of the dim dirtant anti uity is that the tithes were paid

hr of God‘s ministry for that time. But beginninS with Moses a new and

Werent dispensation was ushered in. God f d Israel as a ad nation, and also as 8 church (see Acts 7:38). But between Moscs and Christ, under the Old Covenant, WS ministry was purely natiwoal, for Is- d alonc,-and purely MATERIAL, not

bo Melcbise 1 ec, a divine Being, for the serv-


Obfkrhgs, carnal ordinances (see Heb. 9 : l O ) -which, NOTE IT!-means of a material, aot a spiritual nature. Israel under the Old thenant was not given God‘s Holy Spirit. They had no promise whatsoever of salva- don, astonishing as that may seem! They were not commanded to go into all the nodd and prodaim the Gospel to other na- LiotLp. On the contrary, they were forbidden bo bave anything to do with other nations!

a d to Israelites ody. There was IK) spread- ing of the Gospel. The ministy, rather, was hrgdy-a matier of physical labor--pre 9 Bnrmal sacrifices, meat and drink OG:

administering the different washings ~ p h y s i c a l ordinances and rituals. Far this mia, God Himself selected His ministers -the people had no choice as to who their addsten were. For this service, God took ONE WHOLE TRIBE of the twelve tribes d W-the Tribe of Levi. Every man bom a Levite was a priest, or minister. The Levita owned no lanbhad no

aaxh source of income--devoted their en-

pawation. Yet, tho a physical minisbcg this &a was d and holy to God. And duriag these years from Mases to Christ God Hhself pajd His Lwilicd priests Sy lrnring over to them all of His Tzth. Today, we arc in the age of GRACE,

&e NBW Testament GOSPHL dispensation. Today, the Levitid priesthood is gone, and JESUS CHRIST is High Priest. Today all W e mhiskrs of Jcsus Christ are cdled, by

spiritual caIl from God thru His ;p“‘ dy Spirit-not by flesh birth& by self- desire to become a minister-not by selec- tion, appointment, or vote of the peo le.

GER, bearing a Spiritual Message from God to man. That Message -His GOSPEL-the Good News of the coming KINGDOM OF GOD, a kingdam of immortals which hu-

flesh and blood can nwer enter! One mwst be h again?

And today, Christ’s Commission to all His true ministers is “Go ye into all the

entl t h e c h u r c h m i n ~ i n I s - rad - P , was ow o ministering to all IsraeIites,

tk time to the physical mini* d that &-

Jesus Christ came as God‘s &EN-

world, and PREACH THE GOSPEL” . . . “Go ye, therefore, and teach ALL NA- TIONS.” And, for our clay now. “This GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the END (of the age) come.”

Today the ministry is a SPIRITUAL ministp-a ministry of PROPHECY-a ministry of SALVATION-a ministry af WARNING! Today it is not physical and national, but spiritual and individual--it is not for everyone in a single nation, but for a witness UNTO ALL NATIONS.

Today, in these critical, chaotic days ap- proaching the END OF AN AGE, the car- rying on of Gods true ministry is a world- wide mission, which must reach MILLIONS of peo Ie and quickly, for the “night com- eth, w k no man can work.”

Today Christ’s true ministry is a huge undertaking. It r uires, not the mere financ- ing of the perso2 needs of a few ministers, but the employing of tremendous available facilities for P R O C L A I M I N G THE WORLD-SHAKING WARNING - for PREACHING THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM into ALL THE WORLD FOR A WITNESS UNTO ALL NATIONS!

And these super-powered facilities God has had invented and made available for HIS F’URPOSILgreat powerful radio sta- tions, and the modern printing press-cost a great deal of money, because they reach vast multitudes of neople never before pos- sible in any past age!

Today, God has PROVIDED for the fi- nancing of His powerful ministry by the same system He has used from the very be- ginning-His TITHING system!

Thus Almighty God has purposed that THOSE WHOM HE HAS SPECIALLY FITTED AND CALLED for this tremen- dous mission in this chaotic and dying world may be FREE to roclaim HIS TRIJl3-l fearlessly, boldly, anawith GREAT POWER!

They cannot be subsidized, controlled, coerced by men or organizations of men. They are not hired by, nor obli led to, men or any organized grou &omination. They are called by Go B , guided, Or and empowered by God, financed by G O D S


published - without subscription price, FREE to all who will request it for them- SaVeS.

Tbd is how the true GOSPEL Message is going out in great power to a cumulative audience of FIVE MILLION EVERY WEEK, broadcast nightly at the mort lis- tened-to haur-8:PM-over the most pow- erful radio stations in all the North Ameri- can continent.

That is Gods way, car ing out God’s. Plan in HIS GREAT P J m s E BEING WORKED OUT HERE RRT.OW! And the Almighty has so guided and directed this great work of His today, that every single doll& of His money placed faithfully in



His work is actually reaching TWO THOU SAND precious souls with HIS MESSAGE1 Yes, it is growing into a huge WQ& It costs today a great deal of money. But it is reaching MILLIONS of oplc with -and at the infinitesimfcost of dollar for each two thousand reached! and all our co-workers together-are ha

have our small part in so glorious a work for HIM! - TO BE CONTINUED-

In the next issue will appear an artide explaining clearly the SCRIPTURES on “Tirhing.” The NEW Testament teachin on this very impartant sub- ject wif be made plain. Many points will be cleared up which seem to puzzle some. Also, in a future number, will appear an artide on “How God PROSPERS the Tither,” showing by Scriptural promise, and by many ex- periences, how the faithful steward is prospered by divine law of God so that he actually has more than be would have if he held on to all :en tenths. This is God’s financial LAW, God has ordained a Plan for h d n g His work wbicb costs His co-workers NOTHING! Rather, it pays them b i ~ dividends! Great and marvelous are the ways of GOD !


to be privileged by the Eternal God to 3

A Heart to Heart Talk with the Editor Continued from Page 4

God, givin our S E L W to Him far Hir

His laws and ways, He prevents wen from striking us.

In the time of the WRATH to c o w , soon to bring such havoc upon this wodd tl to defy the most lurid imagination, thax who trust in God, who ate WATCHING, and PRAYING ALWAYS, sball be UI- counted worthy to ESCAPE dl thtsc thtyp that h a l l come to pass, and to stand, before the Son of God!

Christ Jesus is OUT ROCK of safety- REFUGE in time of trouble-our only tnrst-

stored on tbe rdh stah- new a d ad- ditional time opened up for us in Podland

to send out the Gospel Messrge with TWICE the power of formerly!

for YOURSBLP, w k e mdh a d rust do& corrupt, and whcre thieves can bmlr thm and steal, LAY UP FOR YOURSBLVES TREASURES IN HEAVEN (Mat 6:19- 20) by putting as much lof our earthl money as you can INTO GO L R ? ? ‘S WO for the good of OTHERS (Mat. 19:21). and you shall have REAL SEC”RIlY in- deed-and great shell be your reward in the Kingdom !

tror5%a yenrice, yie B ding ouz wills to His, livin by

worthy securitg for the futun!

--new md powerful stations opened to un

Instead of laying up tteasure an eadfi

T h r ~ tEust in Him, WI bmu N-

Page 8: blowthetrumpet.org · 2005-08-19 · PLAIN TRUTH Vol. XI - NO. 2 Circulation 110,000 copies this issue November-December, 1946 Whdt is the PURPOSE Being Worked Out Here Below? 0 longer

Tbe PLAIN TRUTH November-December, 1946 Page 8

What IS the Purpose Being Worked Out Here Below?

Continued from Page 5

ness, gentleness, meekness, temperance, self- rertrdint, and right self-direction! Character Involves KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, PUR- POSE, ABILITY, all properly controlled and developed, and through independent CHOICE !

Holy, righteous CHARACTER is some- thing even God cannot create instantaneous- ly! It is produced, or developed, only though E X P E R I E N C E ! Experience re- quires TIME, and CIRCUMSTANCES ! And so God creates Time, and God creates Cir- cumstances which produce character !

And so God first formed out of the dub1 - o u t of 16 elements of matter-the flesh- and-blood man, in the IMAGE of God- (and “image” means form, or shape, not composition). And thru seven thousand years of experiences, God is taking the hu- man family thru a process, the result of which, even “as we have borne the image of the earthy (mortal Adam): we shall also bear the image of the heavenly” (Christ Jesus immortal “second” Adam). (I Cor. 15 49).

Yes, once fashioned, shaped, moulded rccording to Gods Purpose, even WE shall be LIKE HIM, for we shall see Him a He irl

WHY All This Human Suffering! There are just two broad principles of

l i f d o d ’ s Way, or God’s T.aw, summed up in the Ten Commandments, and Satan’s way of competition, greed, vanity.

All suffering - all unhappiness, fear, misery, and dcath, has come from the frms-

ression of God‘s Law ! fivinf by that great % w of Love, then, is the only way to peace, happiness, and joy.

God placed man on this planet to learn that lesson-to learn it thru generations of EXPERIENCE !

Yes, we, too, LEARN by suffering! God bas REVEALED the TRUE way-His rev- elation always has been available to man! But man, given the right of free choice, al- ways has turned his back on God, and on G o d s true WAY. And even though man as a whole still refuses to see or learn the les-

son, he bus written this lesson indellibiy in the bistory of human experience!

We learn tbru EXPERIENCE! And thru SUFFERING! This, then, is the very s l d CHARACTER is made of!

And that‘s why we are not taken im- mediately to our reward-may from all the unhappy circumstances of this world-just the minute we “accept Christ,” and are con- verted. Yes, that‘s why “many afflictions” visit the righteous, even as God sent afflic- tion upon Job-tho the Eternal delivers US out of them all! That‘s why God permits Christians to suffer-why God even chastens every son whom He loves! It strengthens us --develops us into the CHARACTERS God is creating! It teaches us to rely on God- and reliance on God is the very foundation of Character.

Jesus suflered, was made perfect thru suffering !

Paul sdered! WE suf fer40 the end that we shall learn. We are beiirg created, in true righteousness and holiness, unto GOOD WORKS! Unto perfect CHARACTER!

And so it is that in His matchless WIS- DOM God has permitted man to sin. God permitr nations to go to war! For almost 6,000 years God has permitted Satan to sway this world, to deceive it into transgression of His Law, that it might learn by reaping that the results of Satan’s way are not good! The RESULTS are the staggering mountain CL woe .--1 hur;irs misery, thz feat tbc heartache, the injustice and the suffering in this world today! A comparatively few true Christians have learned that GODS WAY is good‘

Soon, now Jesus Christ is coming again to earth, to FINISH His tremendous spirit- ual creation on the SEVENTH millenial day, just as Ile finished that of the present world on the seventh literal day. Satan will be restrained a thousand years. As Christ healed the sick and preached the Gospel on the literal Sabbath, so He will heal up these ugly wounds of the whole world during His millenial Day !

He shall rebuke strong nations, until they all beat their swords into plowshares, their spears into pruning-hooks, and the nations learn war no more-but rather find the way of PEACE!

Competition shall be abolished. The pre- mium will no longer be on GETTING, but

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on SERVING. A man will no longer be adjudged successful by what he HAS-what he has been able to amass for himself-but rather by how well, and how much he has served-by how much good he has contrib- uted !

People at last will find the Way to pcacc, the true source of h a p p i n e d e y will be filled with JOY! They will learn God’s laws of health, and they will be vig- orous, filled with joyous vital energy! They will bc active, they will come into a pros- perity we can hardly imagine, now! And they shall find salvation, and ETERNAL LIFE !

After a thousand years of this, we shall all look back and COMPARE:

We shall compare the actual RESULT of six thousand years of being deceived into living Satan‘s way of competition, of strife, of jealousy, bitterness, envy, greed, and vanity, with the HAPPINESS, the WORLD PEACE, the PROSPERITY, and the ener- gized JOY of one millenium liwd GOD’S LAWS!

We shall have learned our lesson! We shall have learned that all Power,

all KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM, d GOOD, comes alone from God. We shall have learned that we are not, ourselves, even capable of knowing which is the right way -which are the TRUE values-unless we go to GOD for that knowledge, and permit Him to reveal it. We shall have learned that the POWER tc become strong and n&b characters also had to come from God-that we have had to receive EVERYTHING from Him! But we ourselves shall have Iearned these truths, and made o w own de- cisions! We shall have had to WANT this righteousness of God with such fervent and burning desire that we have been willing to FIGHT our own selves, to suffer trying to control and to master our selves, and finally to throw ourselves on God’s mercy, trusting in HIS power, in order to overcome!

And we shall give ALL the GLORY to GOD !

Now I think you see God‘s great PUR- POSE being worked out here below !

N O WONDER Paul burst out, when he saw it, with the exclamation: “0, the de,btb of the riches both of the WISDOM and thc K N O W L E D G E of G o d ! HOW UN- SEARCHABLE are His judgments, and His ways past finding out !*’

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SO many ask: “How can you qublish a magazine. without subrcrip tion rice and without advertising.

d e &*wet is sirn le The GOSPEL must o to the whole,pwld and it must ,go m(El? It must not, be sold life merchandise. FrrCt; ye have received. Jesus said to HIS d,~sciples whom He was sendi= to proclaim the Gospel “Freely GIVE. Without moncy and without price is God’s way. ’We proclaim a FREE salvation. Tb&W * cannbt put a PRICE u n The PLAIN TRUTH.

We have been c a l G of God to conduct this work. It is not work, but God’s. We have SK ouc tu cuirdurr God’s work God’s way. We rely, in FAITH, upon God’s

God’s way is the way of LOJE-and that I! the W l of &iring, not getting. God exFcts every true child of HIS to .GI& of tithe and offerings that H i s work may go FREE-that HIS true minkten may GIVE the preclous Gospel to others. We simply TRUST GOD to lay it on rhc minds and hearts of His penlrle 10 aive of theit titha and offerings that we may be enabled to GIVE tbe good things d God’s Word to the hundreds ot thousands who hear the Message over the air, and the scores of thousands who read The PLAIN 7RVTH.

failed us. We must not fail HIM!

romises to supply every need.

Many times our faith has been severely tried. but God h a