2000 Oct_1

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  • 8/8/2019 2000 Oct_1




    Sb.a\oilUCC Ccunty COtJ.:rf'.!lCH1S.e

    200 SL=:7th.. StIne; 04

    tOpeka. Kansas 66603-';96,--35- 23:3-8200-. Sxt . .i004

    DcnaLG - : [o tt . .. _A~du.i !Services

    ~.$:yMoore S~::ll Serv'\ces

    S~...h D ~VS, Juvenile S~ces

    I I

    To. Judge Anderson ...A I.JL t 'J 1"1 f\...t

    Fm: Harey MooreM'v .

    Re: Dombrowski V5 Richardson

    Dtd 12October 2000

    It has been an event filled couple of weeks for tl'Js couple. First, I have been out to t>.1rRichardson':; home Both Mr. ~e-hardson alIa i-.is daughter, Tiffany, were present, along v.'i.th

    Rikki and Tiffanv' s in~ child This is a rather nice modular home located uf! Shawliee HeiQhtsJ -- -

    Road. [was there i~ the middle of the morttinl and Rikki was watching TV with Tiffany a.ndevery1:hing appeared to be perfectiy nonnal m Uit house. I spoke with Tiffany about the day care

    arrangements of v.fhich she is a.'1 integral part and .>he informed me that she had no difficulties \vith

    the daY"cafe arra.n~ements at aU.. '-'

    Sinee late last week, I have also been the recipient of several tax's from the maternalgrandmother, E.G. Stumpf 1am not sure ifl can ~tiil the content of these faxes into a few

    sentences Consequently, Mtave attached copies of'them for your reading. These letters do seem

    to have a te~ common thrtllds First, they are raUler hostile a!1d IPi!dlv thseateninll. The word or~ !/' phrase ;'helli.llc9!!'!!.able" appears frequeclly ,neh~Ol'them-'Sec-ond~he c';;;wn~ of these faxes

    .CC:' J.-- seems to~covel territ6rrw~ was covered in previous hearings, however, she does raise a few

    new ones. For example, she claims "thafme~'was'acElid;scoffiil in J'"Ir Richardson's living room..'~~\,.JL", a.'1d that a firearm IS ai~d to the wail .. ,m tiiat thEse items are "very effective in controlling;'"",\'>-" ~ . . \ ~ ff i d" ~,.. '1.7.,#' purchasea m Mex.lco several years ago and uses as a co ee or en table ot sorts vvere you not'- .~ .,," looking for it, J believe that very few people would recognize it as a child's coffin. Mr

    J .s " ." ~ s .- .# ~ 'i\l .- Richardson has offered to remove the coffin if it is offep

  • 8/8/2019 2000 Oct_1


    issue of the coffin in Mr Richardson's living room.

    Another issue has arisen concerrling a letter which the Court received from a Ms. Quail who is

    Rikki's kindergarten teacher in Tecumseh North Elementary Ms. Quail was the author ofa letter

    which r beiieve is in the court file which indicates that Rikki had not eaten lunch prior to coming

    to schooL Ms. Quail verified that she was indeed the author of this letter and that she had written. \ . . . f " / it at Ms. Dombrowski's .$.Qlicita.tion. Ms. QuaIl also informed me that there was another piece toQ.~\ ~ this issue which was not raised in the letter and that there was a f'Jllow up question to Rikki by

    v school staff. that is, if you have not eaten lunch, are you hungry'" The child resporideu.~. ",o Q IQ . . ?,~I\. 6 - \ . t~ L..QJL.\::,~~rn..~. &- ~~l.a \t f1 hcS, r lQ .c : -t " ;; ;. oC\A \ :; ~ ~ . .~ ~ ~\t t"_yfl\d. \e ()- 4f\ ..I]"cA-

    In an even more novel twist, today (101 i2/00) I received a phone call from a very perplexed

  • 8/8/2019 2000 Oct_1


    ~ '~ : ! < ~ ~J---- -= = --= --_ ,~J-

    -c rf'",',i\ ~v~he~~~h?I(:t:!}~rta, According t? Sheriff Barta ..late ye~terday after ! l e received a phone from a

    woman ldentrfymg herself as Claudme Dombrowski. Shenff Barta advIsed me that Claudine

    0\. complained to him at length about your rulings, both in the change of custody hearing and in the

    'last heanng. She complained to him of being forced to move from Pawnee Rock and of being

    Jrorced to lose her job. She complained at length about prevIous domestic violence between

    iherself and Mr. Richardson and finally she allegedly informed Sheriff Ba..rtathat Mr. Richardsonwas involved drug dealing and use Sheriff Barta claimed to have checked with his narcotics staff

    and that they had no idea who Ital Richar~son is. Th~~11~..:'I5Q!nehQwle'h']1edofmyinvolvement in-this case afil ca,l1ecCJ;e-He' has-~bsoTutely no idea why ,t.his\\IO~~' iscll11inQhim

    Cha~:elnfom1ecCihe' Shenffot Detective Mefi'lrivo'ive~e~t i;;t~ca.;eupto"ih1spolnt.-l)..; ~~;'t.n~ ~ ?..~.,_. r-~-'>"'-~~.l()'~' _.~. -- '0' ''fTI0ttler seem t? be mv~lved m a ra~her :,:~:ve.~~pal~Il~f eVldenc~Jpt~~~~g, regardless of ..vJi~m Iw~ether U le L .e Js..gpys~eu;~Jo ~ gatherei:l It IS pretty transparently ObVIOUSto me that this is \\~\ ; I ,)))c'v' i what was beginninglo happei'i'"'atTecumseh North School until Ms. Quail diplomatically ~,~~ d,,-c,...i\;".'l'/

    7f',y')~\\ I suggested that she did not need to be "filled in" Ms. Stumpfs references to the casket are, in my~,O~~J..( opinion, ludicrous A quick glance at Ms. Stumpf s letter will also show you that numerous

    '~ ("'quotes appear to have been solicited from this child. Considering that Ms. Stumpf resides in

    ..,~'\ ,) Texas one cannot help but wonder fromJX~s.e t~e~e~etiame. I have some concern that Ms

    ~}J:,;"1 Stu11]l'r.~Jet!~r...n~~lrjgg~r~~L~1l~e,4!~ssop~ncas..ewith~~~prote~tive~ Services. ~1r Richardson~\-;~~\Iha"5t.informed~e th~t he alr~e(l~yhaSJe.f.eiv~d~aph~ne~c~U.frorn,aM~.Zeysing at SRS and will be, '"(l~~ I haYI,l}ga,!TI~~Jm.gwlt.phe: 1 ha,:"eleft messages WIththis person and sh~ has not cal1e~back~(.~ ' Perhaps most dlsturbmg IS the dIscovery of what may be contraband which may have oeen planted

    Y :~\\ on.iv1rt Ric~ardson' s vehicle and a ,subseq,.ventphone to Spep~ Barta alleging that Mr. Richardson< t d ' ; ( \ ISmvolved m drug use and trafficking. \r\".~\~I. ' - . ly ~ ' - ""rl'i':> .. !7 1""'b~ ~b.~~b 1 'if- RH~U)s ~t} L;.h\8 ;{.- J4,JA fd;--t6itJ

    This case seems to d e r y the laws of gravit~. It is not taking any rational form or shape, but rather, . I.("isfree wheeling out there: bouncing here, there and everywhere. J;lersonallyI find Ms. ,.~

    !'-~:> - R2-1l1b-L0~~k~s_b."~~:"~.cotUempu~usgfyour ruling, however, !illilarso .w.relha! you may nOKS::"::::.> .....~ particularly see It that way m a legal sense I do know that Ms. Dombrowski's attorney has little~",'7~

    ~'v~v .." ! knowledge of these events and certainly cannot be held responsible for them. I have fa:.xedher a ~~~~'.>-Q ..~'\ number of the documents which I have received from Claudine and her mother, but she seemed o:~~v"S ? ( quite unaware of them. 1 doubt that she is aware of the phon~SgUtC?~h~~ffBarta or the"r~fc.ITal~1'oC..Q fJ1~~\

    i/ j0 s IT ~ ;~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~:;::'~%:\~~Glf;t~:~~~~~;:tJ;~f-~~1 . . , u .~ ~ re,c?mm~ ~ " U \);(\QO~iNl, ~W'\.l~r (':r ('-

  • 8/8/2019 2000 Oct_1


    this case and particularly toward me and what she perceives as my accountability, I will bereported, complained about or accused of something. ~ .....~ Q.~u-->...tl);.,~ ~ \.\~.'I..r e ) ..t. 4 - tt> '\ S '

    1)'('~or.l ttl ?!:'.u ...~~ ~ ~iA1t1~~

    At present I do not believe that there is a.motion befc?J:ethe Court. Consequently this memo will ~

    really not solve much of anything unless someone gets something before you. I th1.nKthat my

    kcapacity as a case manager was ~ut of any semblance ofwhat the statute says a;:~~'\ ' case ma..'1ager should be. No matter-what I recommend in this report, it would probably be< : ' 1 ' : ' \ objected to within hours. At this point, Tsin,}plysee mysel3~jI..I~~ts .ith wbat.l

    ~hope are useful recommendations .~ ""'" ~ . .,." =>-..~ """llor.\.- ~ ; " : ' ~:~""" ' ~" \ ''''"- _, ."""""--",",, "O=US~