University of Wollongong Research Online University of Wollongong esis Collection University of Wollongong esis Collections 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab connections under static loading Talaat Nasralla University of Wollongong Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: [email protected] Recommended Citation Nasralla, Talaat, Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab connections under static loading, Master of Engineering (Hons.) thesis, Department of Civil and Mining Engineering, University of Wollongong, 2000. hp://ro.uow.edu.au/theses/2420

2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

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Page 1: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

University of WollongongResearch Online

University of Wollongong Thesis Collection University of Wollongong Thesis Collections


Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slabconnections under static loadingTalaat NasrallaUniversity of Wollongong

Research Online is the open access institutional repository for theUniversity of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOWLibrary: [email protected]

Recommended CitationNasralla, Talaat, Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab connections under static loading, Master of Engineering (Hons.) thesis,Department of Civil and Mining Engineering, University of Wollongong, 2000. http://ro.uow.edu.au/theses/2420

Page 2: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab
Page 3: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab




A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirement For the award of the degree of

Master of Engineering (Honours)



Department of Civil and Mining Engineering

July 2000

Page 4: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


This is to certify that the work presented in this thesis was carried out by the candidate in the Department of Materials Engineering, the University of Wollongong. This thesis has not been submitted to any other university or institution for higher degree.


Talaat Nasralla


Page 5: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


I would like to express my gratitude and deep appreciation to a number of people for the parts that they have played in bringing this work to fruition.

Firstly, to my wife who stood by me during the writing of the thesis. I would like to thank her for being very encouraging and supportive.

I would like to offer my special thanks and express my gratitude to my supervisor Professor L. Schmidt, Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Wollongong for his supervision, generous assistance, patience, perseverance, high quality of editing and recommendations that were very fruitful to produce this thesis. He has also motivated and encouraged me to accomplish the tasks undertaken.

I would also like to offer my very deep thanks and appreciation for the precious assistance given by other stuff of the department especially Dr. M. Hadi for his assistance of running of Strand6 program and Mr. Richard Webb, the technical assistant who helped me with my laboratory experiments .

Also, I would like to thank Mr. Stephen Wilkinson at the Illawarra Institute of Technology (T AFE) and Mr. Didier Debuf at university of Sydney for their assistance to achieve the computer work. Especial thanks to the Librarians of Cement and Concrete Association Mrs. Sheena Simpson and Mrs. Ann Marcus for helping me during the collection of data for the literature review, and to Dr. F. Sidrak during the writing of the thesis at the preliminary stage. Also, special thanks to my brothers, sisters and to all my friends who encouraged me.

Great thanks to Zeolite Australia Ltd. for providing free samples of zeolite material and their supp01i.

I would like to dedicate this study to my children Christeen, Mina and Athnasiouss who helped me during the laboratory experiments on materials, which sometimes extended until midnight. They have been my inspiration to struggle. Also, to all migrant Engineers who struggle to take their place in the different engineering fields .


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Precast concrete design and product qualities are most effective in the growth of the precast industry. Zeolite concrete is one of the factors, which will contribute m improving the quality of many precast structural elements such as walls, beams, etc.

This thesis is in two parts. The first paii presents a study of fresh concrete properties, which are water content, slump, strength and cost of product. Tests were undertaken in four groups of concrete adopted. The first group (B) was of a standard mix proportion of 30MPa. The second group (F) had partial replacement of cement with fly ash. The third group (S) had partial replacement of sand with granulated blast-furnace slag in a concrete mix that had the highest strength obtained from group (F). The fourth group (Z) had partial replacement of coarse aggregate (blue metal) with zeolite in a concrete mix that had the highest strength obtained from groups (F) and (S) to evaluate the effective of adding zeolite in fly-ash-slag concrete.

Zeolite in concrete is seen to improve the freshness (workability) and hardness (strength) properties of the fly-ash-slag concrete.

The second part of the thesis considers a particular connection. Connections are most important for precast structural elements . This thesis presents a study of strength and deformation behaviour of floor-wall connections in precast reinforced concrete walls in a plant building.

Three half-scale walls and floors moulds were designed, built and tested in the structural laboratory to evaluate the deflection, strain and stress behaviour of steel connections, fixing bolts, walls and floor edge beams. The design of the walls was based on the structural analysis of precast concrete walls of a one storey plant typical of a commercial building.

The load analysis and design of the concrete walls, steel reinforcement, steel connection and fixing bolts, their configuration and manufacturing were according to Australian standard recommendations.

The three tests undertaken had different types of concrete strength. The first two walls had different types of reinforcing steel and different steel connections. The third wall, adopted after the first and second walls were tested and evaluated, allowed reasonable evaluation of the deformation behaviour.

The load-deflection and strain curves of wall, floor, connection and fixing bolts were compared between the laboratory tests and the computer analysis using Strand6 program. Also the rotation of the floor slab when failure occurred was evaluated to determine its effect on the behavior of the connection and the wall.


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The connections and walls demonstrated satisfactory moment resistance and shear capacities. The test results confirmed that this connection and fixing bolts would give satisfactory load capacity and ductility performance, and that they can safely carry the applicable loads .. The connection can be safely applied to precast reinforced concrete elements in a commercial building.

The crack behaviour for the three walls was studied, and conclusions were made, based on the test results and the analysis of computer results. Recommendations for future work are also given.


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Title Page .................................................................................... . 1

Declaration ..................................................................................... n Acknowledgments ........................... .. ................................................. 111

Abstract ... . ............................................................... . ................. 1v

Contents Notation

.... .......................................•..... •• .•••••••••••.•.....•••...•••.••••• VI

... ................................................................................... xii

CHA.PTER ONE INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 1

I . I . Prean1ble .. .. .. ........ ..... .... .. ............... ...... ...... ...... .. .. ....... .. ......... .... .. ..... ..... ....... ....... ..... .. 2 I. 2. Objectives ... ...... .... .... ........ ..................... ........ .......................... ..... .. ........ .... .... .......... .. 4 I . 3. Design Versatility .... .... .. .... .... .... ... ... ............ .. .... ... ...................... ............ .. ...... ........... . 4 1.4. Range ofthesis .... ................ .... ...... ...... ...... .......... .... ....... .. ........ ...... ........ ......... ........... . 4


2. POZZO LAN MATERIALS .......... ............. . .. ...................... .. ...................... . ......... . ....... .. .. . .. . .... 7 2.1.FlyAsh ... ...... .......... ........... .... .. .......................... ............. .... ..... ............ .... ....... .............. 7

2. 1 . 1 . Introduction .... ............. .. ....................................................... ..................... ....... ... . 7 2.1 .2. Fly Ash Utilisation in Australia ........................................................................... 8

2.1 .2.1. Historical Developments ............................................................................... 8 Commercial Exploitation ..... .... ...................................................................... 9

2.1.3. Fly Ash Production ... .... .... .... .... ....... ....... .......... ................ .. .. ..... ................. .......... 9 2. 1.4 Important properties ... ........ .... ............................................................................. 11 Fineness ........................................................................................................ 11 Loss on Ignition ............................................................................................ 11 Chemical Composition ................................................................................. 12 Uniformity ... .............................................................................................. ... 12

2.1.5 . Recommended Limits on Properties ....................................................... ........... 12 2.1 .5. l Proposed in New Australian Standard .......................................................... 12 Uniformity Limits for Fineness and Loss on Ignition .................................. 13

2.1.6. Action of Fly Ash in Concrete ........................... ...................... ............... .... ....... 13 Physical Action ............................................................................................. 13 2.1.6 .2 Chemical Action ........................................................................................... 14

2.1.7 . Incorporation of Fly Ash in the Concrete Mix ........................... ....... ... ........ .... .. 14 2.1.8. Use with Chemical Admixtures ................................................ .............. .. .. ... .... 15 2. I . 9. Benefits of Fly-Ash Concrete ............................................................................. 16 Improvement in workability and pumpability .. .. ............... .. ............. .. ......... . 16 2.1 .9.2 Reduced bleeding ....................................................... .. ......... .. .... ....... .......... . 16 Increased cohesiveness of the mix .................................. .......... .................. .. 16 Reduced water demand for constant workability ... ...................................... 16 2. 1 . 9. 5 Reduced Heat of Hydration and Reduced Rate of Heat Generation .. .......... 16 Increased Later-Age Strengths .............................. .. ...................................... 17 2.1.9. 7 Increased Resistance to Alkali Silica Reaction ............................................ 17 Increased Resistance to Sulphate Attack ...................................................... 17 Decreased Permeability .. ............................................................................ .. 17


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2.1.9. I 0 Marginally Reduced Drying Shrinkage ......... .......... .... ...... .. ......... ...... : ..... .. 18 Reduced Creep ............................................................................................ 18 More-Finely-Defined Off-Form Finishes ........................ .. ........................ . 18

2.1 .10. Limitations of Fly-Ash Concrete ...................................................................... 18 2.1 .10.1 Marginally Lower Strengths at Early Ages ................................................ 18 2.1 .10.2. Extended Cold-Weather Setting Times ..................................................... 21

2.1.11 . Curing ............................................................................................................... 22 2.1.12 . Formwork Stripping Times ........................................................... ................... 23 2. l .13 . Applications .. ..... ...... .. .. .. ... ........ ......................... .......... ............ ............ ... ...... ... 23

2.2. Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag ................ .. .. .... .......... ........... ....... .. .... ..... ....... ...... ... 24 2.2.1 . Introduction ........................................................................................................ 24 2.2.2. Historic Use of Slag Products ............................................................................ 26 2.2.3. Australian Slag Industry ........ ... ....................... ...... ... .... .. ............ ........................ 26 2.2.4 . Properties of Fresh Concrete Containing Ground Slag ............. .. ....................... 27

2.2 .4.1. Slump .. .. ........ ... .. ...... ... .. ...................................................... .. ....................... 27 Air Content ... ......... ... .. .. ... .... .. .... .. .... .. .... ............ ........ ........... .. .............. ....... 27 Bleed .. .. .. .. .... ... .... .... .... .. ... ... ... .......... ................................... ......................... 28 2.2.4 .4. Setting Time ........ ... ....... ...... .. ............................................... .. ... ..... .............. 28

2.2 .5. Properties of Hardened Concrete Containing Ground Slag .. ..... ........................ 28 2.2.5 .1. Strength Development .. ........................................................ .. ... ... ............... 28 2.2.5 .2. Heat of Hydration ... .. ...... .. .... .. ... ................................... .. ... ... .... ... ... .. ........... 30 . Durability ................. ..... ... .................................................. .... .. ..... ............... 30 Water Penetration ....... ......... ..... .................. ...................... ... ............... ...... ... 31 2.2.5 .5. Drying Shrinkage .. ... ......... ......... .... ........ .. ............................... .......... ........... 31 Creep ............................................................................................................ 32 2.2 .5.7. Thermal Cracking ... .. ........... ....... ........... ................... .... ..... ......... ........... ..... . 32 Resistance to Sulphate Attack .......... .. ........................... .. ..... ... .. ....... .. ..... .... 32 Colour ..... .... ... ...... .. .. .................................................................................... 33

2.2 .6. Selection of Slag Replacement Ratio ............................................. .................... 33 2.2.7 . Curing ... ... .... .................. ..... ................ .. ..................................... ......................... 34

::. 3. Zeolite ..... ................................... .... .. .................... ............................. .... .................... 35 2 .3. 1 . Introduction ... ............. .............. .......................................................................... 3 5 2.3 .2. Historic Use of Zeolite .. ... .. ..... .. .. ....................................................................... 36 2.3 .3. Commercial Exploitation ................................................................................... 36 2.3.4. Properties of Fresh Concrete Containing Zeolite Mineral Admixture ............... 37

2.3 .4.1 . Slump .. .... ..................... .. ..... .. ......... .. ............. .. .. .... ........ ............... ... ...... ....... 37 2.3.4 .2. Workability and Pumpability .... .... .. .... .. ........... ............................................ 37

2. 3. 5. Properties of Hardened Concrete Containing Zeolite ........ ..... ............. ... ... ........ 3 7 2.3 .5 . 1. Permeability ....... .. ... .. ... ........... .. ..... .. .... ........................................................ 37 2 .3. 5 .2. Effect of Different Mineral Admixtures on Concrete Strength .. ..... ............ 3 7 2.3 .5.3 . Strength Effect of Concrete by ZMA with .................................................. 38 Different Fineness .......... ....... ..... .. ......... .... .... .................................. .......................... 38 Relation between Concrete Strength and Amount.. ..................................... 38 of Cement Displaced by ZMA ................................... ........................ .. ................. .. .. 38 2.3 .5.5 . Strengthening Effect of ZMA on OPC Concrete and Slag Cement ............ 39 Concrete with Different W IC Ratios ................................................. .... ................... 39 Strengthening Mechanism of ZMA on Cement Concrete ........................... 40 . Reaction ofZMA and Ca(OH)2 ....... ... ..................................... .... ....... ... ...... 40 2.3 .5.8. Improvement oflnterface Structure in Concrete by ZMA ........ .................. 40 2 .3. 5. 9. The Effect of FMA on the Pore Structure of Cement Paste .. .. .. ... .......... ..... 41


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2.3.6. Natural Zeolite for Preventing Expansion Due to ............................................. . 42 Alkali-Aggregate Reaction (AAR) ............................................................................... 42 The Mechanisms of Natural Zeolite on Preventing the ............................... 43 Expansion Due to Alkali Aggregate Reaction (AAR) ............................. ................. 43


3. PRECAST CONCRETE ................... .. .. .. ................................. .. .............. .... .. .. . .. .... ... ............ 46 3.1 Latest Developments ... .............. ............ ............... ............................. ... .............. ... ... .. 46

3. I . I Utilization of Precast Concrete ....... .. ................. .. ........... .. ... .... .. ... ... ....... ...... ..... .46 3.1 .2 Steel Reinforcement .............................. ......................... .. ..... ...................... ...... .47 3. I .3 Handling Equipment. ............... ................... .. ........... ........................................... 4 7 3. 1.4 Design Documentation ....................................................................................... 49 3 .1.5 Durability ............................................................................... ............................ 49 3 .1.6 Good Finishes .......... ...... ..................................................................................... 49 3.1.7 Tolerance ...................... .... .................. .. ........................................................ ...... 50 3.1.8 Formwork .. ....... ........ ..................................................... ............ ... ...................... 50

3.2 Tilt-up construction .... ..... .... .... ... ..... ................. ........................... .. .. .......................... 50 3.2 .1 Historical Utilization .... ..... ... ..... .............................................. .. ...... .. ................. 50 3.2.2 Method of Construction ...................................................................................... 50 3 .2.3 Current Delivery Process ... ... ......................... ... ........... .... ..... .... ...................... ... . 51 3.2.4 Joints ... .. ..................... .. .................................................................................. ..... 51 3 .2 .5 Joint Sealing Materials ....................................................................................... 52 3.2.6 Fixings & Connections ........................................................... ...... ... .... .. ............. 55

3.3 Present Study of Thesis .. ...... .......... .. ............ ....... ... ..... ..... ...... ..... .. ... .. ......... ....... ...... .. 62

CHAPTER FOUR RESEAR,CH METHODS ...................................................................... 64

4 . EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM .... ..... . ....... .......... ... .............. . . ....... . ............ .... ............ . ............ 65 -1. J Material Tests Program ........................... .... ...... ......... ............... .. .............................. 65

4.1.1. Experimental Investigation Using Fly Ash, ...................................................... 65 Slag and Zeolite in concrete ........................................................................................ 65 4.1.2. Materials and Effect of Mixing ......................................................................... 65 4.1.3. Specimen Description .. .... .. .. .............................................................................. 66 4.1.4. Fabrication and Curing ... ... ....... .............. .. ....................................... ...... ............ 66

-1.2. Model Test Wall Program .... .... ... ...... ............. ... ...... .. .. ... ............. ....... ... .. ... .... .. ........ 66 4.2.1 . Test Apparatus ....... .. .... ...... ............ .. ............................... .. ....... .......................... 66 Loading Wall ...................... ........................................................... ............ 66 . Knife Joint ....... ............ ............................... .. .................. ....... ..................... 68 4.2 .1.3 . Hydraulic Jack .... ............................................................ .... ........................ 68 4.2 .1.4. Load cell ........ ..... ... ... ...................................... ... ................. .. .. ....... .......... .. . 69 Hydraulic Pump .................................................................... ................. .. .. 70 4.2 .1.6. Wall Support ...................................................................... ... ....... ........ ...... 71 . Fixed Joint ......... .. ....................................................................................... 72 4.2 .1.8 . Loading Frame .............. ... .... .. ................................................. .. .. .. ..... ... ..... 73 4.2 .1.9. Dial Gauges ................................................................................................ 73 4.2.1. I 0 Strain Gauge and Equipment .... ... ............ ..... ............... ...... ...... ..... .. ... ....... 73 4.2 .1.11.Digital Strain Meter (DSM) .................................. ................................... . 74

4.2.2. Test Procedure ......................................................................... .. ........................ 74 4 .2 .2. I . Prefabrication and Construction of Models ................................ .. ..... ... ... .. 7 4 Materials ............... .. ................ ................................ .... ..................... ... 74 Formwork and Reinforcement Work .................................................. 75


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.+ . Casting and Curing ..... ..... .. ...... .. ..... .. ........ ... .. .. ..... .. .... .. .... .... ............................ 76 Loading system .... ... ..... ......... .. .. .. ..... .. .... ....... ... ... ..... .... .......... ........................... 77 4 . . Strain Measurement ... ... ... ..... .. .... ............... ... ... .... ..... .. .. .. ..... ... .. .... ... ........... .. .... 77 4 .2 .2.1 .6 Deflection Measurement .... .......................................................... .............. ... .... . 78 4.2.2. l . 7 Measurement of rotation angle of the floor slab ....... ... .... .................................. 81 4 .2 .2.1 .8.Cracking and the Ultimate Load ... .. ....... .... ......... ......... ... .... .. ..... ... ..... .. ... ....... .. .. 81

CH.APTER FIVE EXPERIMENT AL RE SUL TS ........................................................................... 82

5. PROPERTIES OF ZEOLITE CONCRETE AS MINERAL ADMIXTURE ........................ ............................. 83 5.1. Effect of zeolite admixture on fresh concrete ........ ..... .... .. ....... ............... .. ........ ........ ........... .. 83

5. I. I . Water content .................................................................................................................. 83 5 .1 .2. Slump .... .. ......................................................................................................................... 84 5. 1.3 . Effect of zeolite admixture on concrete strength ............................................................ 85

5 .1.3 .1. Effects of pozzolanic material contents of zeolite, granulated blast-furnace slag ... . 85 and fly ash on concrete strength at seven days ..... .......... .. .......... ... .. .. ..... .................. ... .. .... ... . 85 5 .1.3 .2. Effect of pozzolanic material contents of zeolite, granulated blast-furnace slag ..... 86 and fly ash on concrete strength at twenty eight days .. ........................ ... ................... .. ... ..... . 86 5. 1.3 .3. Influence of zeolite content on concrete strength development ............................... 87 containing 25% fly ash and 30% granulated blast-furnace slag ... ..... .... ........ .. ..... ... ... ...... .... . 87 Effect of Overall zeolite, granulated blast-furnace slag and fly ash contents on ..... 88 concrete strength dev,elopment ...... ..... ...... ... ..... ... ...... .. ....... .... ....................... .. ............... ...... . 88

5 .1.4. Effect of zeolite admixture on density .. ... .. ................ .................... .... .... ... ............. .... ..... 89 5 .1.5 . Effect of zeolite admixture on cost ...... ..... ... .. ... ....... .............. ..... ... ... .. ...... ........ ........ ...... 90

5.2. Presentation of Strain Diagrams to Wall Models .... ................ ............... ... ... ..... .. ...... ... ....... .. 90 5.2. 1 First Test ........... .... ....... ...... ..... ....... ... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. .. .. .................... .. ...... .. .............. ....... 91

5.2.l. l Vertical Wall. .................... ..... .......... .............. .. ............................. ........ .. .................. . 91 5.2 .1.2 Floor Slab ......... ... ......................................................................... .... .. ........................ 94

Con1rnents : ............... ... ...... ........ .. .. .... ..... ............ .... .................................... .... ......... ............... .. .... . 94 5.2.2 Second Test .... .. ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ..... .... ...... .. ... ... ... ......... ...... ...... ..... .. .................... ....... ..... .. 95

5.2 .2.1 Vertical Wall. ... .. .... .. .......... ......... .. ......... ......... ...... ......... .. ....... ... .... ..... .. ....... .... ..... ..... 95 Floor Slab .. .... .... .... ...... ... .. .... ............... ....................................................................... 96

5.2.3. Third Test ........ ...... .. ............ .... .... ............... ........................................................ 98 5.2.3. l Vertical Wall ....... ... ...... ........ ..... ..... ... ..... ... ............ ... ..................................... 98 5 .2.3 .2 Floor Slab .. ... ... ......... ........ .... ........ ... ... .. ... .................................... ............... . 100

5. 3. Analysis of Strain Diagrams ...................... ............................................................ . 103 5.3.1. Walls .............................................. ....................................... .. .................... .. .... 103 5 .3 .2. Shear Reinforcement ...... ...... ................................................ .......... .... ........ .... .. 103 5.3.3. Floor Slabs ...... ..... ..... ....... .. ... .. ...... .... .... ..... ........... ... ... ... ... ... .......... .. .......... ....... 107

5 . ../. Presentation of Load-Deflection Diagrams ..... .... ............... .. ................ ......... ...... ....... ..... ... . 108 5.4. I . The First Test ... ... ....... ..... ............ ............................ ... ............. ... .. .. .. ......................... .. .. 108

5.4 .1.1 . Vertical Wall. .... .. ... ... ................... .... ....... ..... ...... .. ..................... .. ... .... ..... ........... .. ... 111 5.4.1 .2. Floor Slab ......... .. ........... ... ...... .... ..... ................ ....................................................... . 115

5.4.2 Second Test ........... ... ... ... .... .. ... ....... ... ........ .... ................... .... .......... ..... ....................... .... 117 5.4.2. l. Vertical Wall .................................... .... ... ..... .. ... .... ............... .. ... ...... .. .................. .... 118

( ·onunents: .... ..... ........................................ ... ............................. ............. ..... ............ .. ............ .. .. . 123 5.4 .2.2. Floor Slab .. ... .......... ......... ... .... ..... ............. ..... .... .. .. ................... ...... ........ .... ... .......... 124

5 . .J. 3 Third Test ............................... .............................. ............... ...... .. ..... .. ... .... ... ... ............... 125 Vertical Wall. ........... .. .. .. ....... .................................................. .. ......... ... .. ....... ... .. ... 127 5.4.3 .2. Floor Slab .... ... .... ...... .... .... .... .. .... ............................................................................ 134


Page 12: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab Joint ............... ................ ... .... ......... .. ............................ .. ..... ... ... ...................... 135 5.5 Analysis of Deflection Diagrams .... ...... .... ..................................................................... 138

5.5.1 Vertical Wall ..... ...... ..... .. ....... ....... ................. ... .......................... ............... ............ . 138 5.5.2. Joint ................................. ...... ................................................................................ 140

5. 6. Summary ............... ...... ....... ........ .......... ................. .. ...... ... ....... ..... ... ........ .. .. ..... ........... .. 140

CHAPTER SIX THEORETICAL AND COMPUTER ANALYSIS .............................. 142

6. INTRODUCTION .. .. .. .......... ... ...... ... ..... ........ ..... ...................................... ................. ......... I 43 6.1. Computer Modelling .............................................................................................. 143

6.1. l. Measures and Steel Reinforcement of ............................................................ 143 Tested Wall Models .................................................................................................. 143 6.1.2. Units in Finite Element Data .... .. ... ....... ... ........... .... .. ..... ..................... .... ........ 146 6. l .3 . Material Properties ............... .... .............. ..... ........ ............... .... ...... .. ................. 146 6.1.4. Finite Element Modelling .. ..... ..... .............................. ................ .. ................... 147 6.1.5. Geometry of the Finite Element Models ......................................................... 147

6.1.6. Loading Condition .............................. ........................... .......... ............ ........... I 50 6.1. 7. Material Modelling .................... ................................................................... 152 6.1.8. Node Modelling Numbers ........ ....... ............ ....... .. ..... ....... ... .... .. ........ ...... .... ... J 52

CHAPTER SEVEN DISCUSSION OF RESULTS .......................................................... 153

7. COMPUTER RESULTS ................................................................................................. .... . 154 7 .1 Linear and non-linear static Analysis ...................................................................... 154

7. 1.1 Connection behaviour ........... ................................................ ......... .... .. ............. . 154 7. I . l . l Ultimate Horizontal Load ........................................................................... 157

7.1.2 Vertical wall ...................................................................................................... 161 "". 2. Sun1n1ary ...... ...... ... ..... ... .... .... .. ..... ... .. ... ............... ..................................................... 170

CHAPTER EIGHT CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................... 171

8. CONCLUSIONS .. .. ... ............... .... ........ .. ........ ..... ................................... .... ........................ 172 8.1 Zeolite Concrete ...... .............. ........... .... ................................ ..... ... ................... .. ....... 172 8.2 Structural Elements ....... .... ....................................................................................... 172 8. 3 Structural Details of the Real Wall .. .... ....... ....... ... .... ...... ..... ... .. .......... .. .. ... ... .......... . 17 3 8 . ./ Future Research Work ........ ........ ................................................. ..... ....................... 173


A . INTRODUCTION ... .... ... .. .. .... .. ........ ...... ..... ..... .. ...................... ............ .. ....... ... .................. 175 A. l Design of Load-Bearing Walls ... ... ......... .. ...... ............... .. ......... ... ................ ..... .... .. . 176

A. l . l . Effective Height. .... ...... ........ ........ ................... .... .. ..... ............... ........... ... ......... 177 A.1.2. Thickness ... .. ................. .... ...... ..... .................................................................... 177 A.1.3. Design Loads ... ..... ...... ................................... ............. ................ ............. ........ 177 A.1.4 . Bracing of walls ..... ................ .. ... ......... .. ... .. .. .. ..... ............................ ....... .. .... ... 179 A. 1 . 5. Design for vertical forces ...................................................... ............. .. ...... ..... 179 A.1.6. Design axial strength of the wall .. ............. ...................................................... 179 A. l . 7. Design for horizontal forces ................................................. ..... ...................... 182 A.1.8. Reinforcement requirements ........................................................................... 183

A. I . 8. I . Vertical reinforcement ....... ... ......... ...... ................................................ .... . 183 A.1.8.2. Horizontal reinforcement ............. ... ... ....................................................... 184

A.1.9. Check for shear ... .. .. ......................................................................................... 185


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A.1.9. l . Strength in shear .. .. .. ........ .. .. ....... ..... ......... ....................... ....... .......... .. ...... 185 A. l . 10. Design of shear reinforcement.. ...... .. .. .............. ........ ... ... .. ..... ..... ... ..... ..... .. ... . 187 A.1.11 . Deflection design ... .. .......... .............. .. ..... ..... ...... ... .. .. ............. .... ..... ..... .... .. .. .. 188 A. 1.12. Connection Design ........................................................................................ 189

A.2. Design of half scale-model ........... ... ..... ................... ... ...... .... .. ...... ......... ... .... ... ...... . 191 A.2.1. Design Loads ................................................................................................... 191 A.2.2 . Deflection design ....... ... ...... .... ........ ... ...... ... .. .. ..... .. ...... .... ..... .... .. ... ... ... .. ...... .... 191 A.2.3. Design of shear reinforcement ............... .......... .. .. .... .. ... ..... .... ...... ......... .. .. .... ... 192 A.2.4 . Model Connection Design .............. .. .... .' .......................................................... 193

A. .3. Sumn1ary ................................................................ ....................... .. ... .. .. ... .............. 196 A.3 .1. Actual wall panel .. ... ................ .......... ........... .. ....... ... ................. ... ... ........... ..... 196 A.3.2. Actual steel connection ........... .......... ....... ... .... ... .. ...................... .. ........... ........ 197 A.3.3. Wall modelling ..... ... .................. ... ............... ... ...................................... ... ........ 197 A.3.4. Model steel connection ............... .. ......... ........... .... ......................... ........... ....... 197 A.3 .5. Floor slab model and the edge beam .. ...... .. ... ... ... ............ .. .. .. ..... .. .... ... .... ........ 198

A.PPENDIX "B" COl\iPUTER RESULTS .............................................................................. 213

APPENDIX "C" ........................................................................................................................................ 242

PHOTOS OF EXPERIMENTAL ............................................................................................................. 242

EQUIPMENT TEST SPECIMENS AND ............................................................................................... 242

RES UL TS .................................................................................................................................................. 242

A. I . MATERIAL TEST APPARATUS .......................................................................................................... 243 A.2. CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS .............................................................................................. 244 A.3. LABORATORY CONCRETE WALL MODELS .............. . ................. .... ..... . ..... . ........ . .................... . ........... 245 A.4. COMPUTER WALL MODELS .... ... .. .. . .. ...... . ..... . .. . .... ... .. .. ....... .. ....... .... .. ... ... ........... . ... .. . .... .. ... . .............. 248 B.l. MATERIAL TEST RESULTS ... . . .. ... . ........ . ...... . ... . .. ..... .. .. ..... ... ..... . ....................................................... 249


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The notation of the concrete structures standard, AS 3600, and steel structures standard, AS 4100, have been used. However, a number of additional symbols are defined.


Ag = the gross cross-sectional area of a number As = the cross-sectional area of reinforcement As1 = the cross-sectional area of tension reinforcement As = tensile stress area for bolt Ac =bolt minor area A0 =nominal shank area av = the distance from the section at which shear is being considered to the face

of the nearest support. b = the width of a cross-section b, = the effective width of a web for dt: =effective depth of cross-section d0 = the distance of the extreme compression fibre of the concrete to the centroid

of the outermost layer of tensile reinforcement in mm. Ds = the overall depth of a slab e = the eccentricity of the load measured at right angles to the plane of the wall,

determined in accordance ea = an additional eccentricity Ee =modulus of elasticity of concrete fc =the characteristic compressive cylinder strength of concrete at 28 days fsy = the yield strength of reinforcing steel fsy r = yield stress of the stirrup fur = minimum tensile strength of the bolt F 1 = the horizontal force G = dead load Hw = the overall height of the wall Hwt: = effective height of the wall Hwu = the unsupported height of the wall Ia = second moment of area of the gross concrete cross-section about the "' centroidal axis

kr = length factor for lap connection =1.0 for L1 < 300mm

Lw = the overall length of a wall M* = the design bending moment Nu =the ultimate strength per unit length of wall N* = the design axial force Ni/ = design tensile force one a bolt N tf = nominal tension capacity of a bolt nn =no. of shear planes with threads included n_, = no. of shear planes with threads excluded P = the tensile reinforcement ratio


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P w = a reinforcement ratio in a wall Q =the live load (including impact, if any) R = the reaction s =centre-to-centre spacing of shear reinforcement tw = the thickness of the wall v· =the design shear force Vu = the ultimate shear strength Vue =the ultimate shear strength excluding shear reinforcement V us = the contribution by shear reinforcement to the ultimate shear strength of a

wall vj = design shear force on a bolt or pin-strength limit state Vj = nominal shear capacity of a bolt or pin-strength limit state W = the wind load W s = the wind load for serviceability design ~ = a coefficient with or without numerical subscripts; or

=a fixity factor 8 = a deflection 0 = the strength reduction factor


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Chapter l: Introduction




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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1. Preamble

The development of precast concrete is significant for the future of reinforc.ed concrete. Shape, connections, cost of labor, lead-time and short delivery times are advantages for any building elements of construction. Precast concrete can meet these requirements.

The expenditure of precast manufacture and design way for different structural elements and connections will attract precasters to extremely use in different structural elements.

This thesis divided into two major parts: 1. Consider various concrete mixtures using pozzolanic materials with zeolite

for high strength performance and lower cost. 2. Design and test a precast floor-wall connection for reinforced concrete

load bearing walls. One of the most obvious physical properties of concrete is its density. Hence,

concrete is usually classified according to its density.

There are two classifications of concrete: • Lightweight concrete. • Normal weight concrete.

The density of lightweight concrete, which is classified by the Draft International Standard Model Code of Concrete Construction, is between l 200kg/m3 and 2000kg/m3

. The density of normal weight concrete is between 2240kg/m3 to 2400kg/m3


However in this study with the introduction of fly ash, slag and zeolite in concrete, lightweight concrete with a high strength can be achieved.

Zeolite has been used in this thesis with fly ash and slag by mixing as a first application in concrete; its physical and chemical properties can be employed to introduce lightweight concrete with high strength performance and lower cost.

There are advantages and disadvantages in lightweight density concrete. For example:

• Reduction of dead load, • Faster building rates, • Lower haulage costs, • Handling cost can be achieved by using lightweight concrete.

There are disadvantages of lightweight are also obvious. Due to their low strength in compression and bending, they are not normally used in load bearing structures such as supports or foundations, columns and slabs.


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Chapter I : Introduction

The aggregates play important roles in determining the properties of concrete, for example, surface texture and structure of aggregates will determine the strength and resistance to freezing and thawing of the concrete. The hardness of aggregates will affect the abrasion and impact resistance of the concrete. The shape of aggregates will determine the shrinkage and unit weight of the concrete. In short selection of aggregates should be compatible with the requirement of the concrete itself.

In general, aggregates can be classified according to their specific gravity: • Lightweight aggregates, the specific gravity should be < 2.4 • Normal weight aggregates, the specific gravity should be = 2.6 • Heavy weight aggregates, the specific gravity should be> 2.8

Examples of lightweight aggregates are pumice, expanded perlite, sawdust, sintered fly ash and expanded shale, clay and slate. Lightweight concrete can be made not only by using lightweight aggregates but also by using resin, omyacarb, sand and vermiculite.

Examples of normal weight aggregates are granite, basalt, dolerite, gabbro, Marble and Diorite.

Examples of heavyweight aggregates are limonite, goethite, magnite, barite, ferrophosphorous and steel aggregates.

Precast concrete can be applied widely in building elements like beams, columns, slabs, walls, etc, and also in many other structures such as bridges, irrigation structures (aqueducts, culverts, siphons, etc,) and sewerage elements like pipe lines, septic tanks, pits, etc.

However, due to crack development, and different behavior of the two components concrete and steel, a detailed study of deflection versus load, strain versus load and steel connection behavior of floor-wall connections are significant in all forms of analysis and design.

To overcome the difficulties in analysis, many studies have conducted to better understand the critical behavior of reinforced concrete and steel connection under different loading conditions. The finite element analysis method is probably the most commonly accepted method for the analysis of structural elements. It is rapid, accurate and leads to critical evaluation of predicted results, within the assumptions assumed.

1.2. Objectives

This study is in two parts, the first part covers a literature survey and laboratory tests which are necessary to introduce a lightweight concrete by using fly ash, slag, and zeolite in the design of concrete mines as a first time in concrete. The


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Chapter 1 : Introduction

theory of mix design is based on replacement of a part of the cement with fly ash, the fine aggregate with granulated blast furnace slag, and the coarse aggregate with zeolite in order to achieve lightweight high-strength concrete.

It was expected to use this mixture with zeolite in the load bearing wall panels as a first application of zeolite in precast concrete. But, because the research project would become extensive, and it has a lot of points that need to be covered, the thesis was shortened to an investigation of the strength of zeolite concrete, and to consider the wall modeling with fly ash and blast furnace slag concrete only.

The second part is the design and testing of the steel connection of the floor slab-wall, and studying associated static load-strain and deflection relationships. Also, Australia Standard requirements, such as deflection limits under static load, shear strength, tensile reinforcement and shear reinforcement, are studied.

There are many commercial finite element analysis packages available in the field of engineering. In this research, the analysis was carried out with the application of the finite element software STRAND6 (version 6.14) to investigate floor-wall connections. The resulting values of displacement and strain are compared with laboratory test results.

1.3. Design Versatility

Precast concrete changes the way the building industry views the construction of projects.

Precast concrete can provide an innovative external walling system offering new opportunities in fast track construction. It provides speed of installation with visual appeal and cost efficiency, and is well suited to composite construction situations. It provides further installation advantages such as:

• The elimination of wet trades • An efficient concealed fixing system • Compatibility with openings and other design elements m the

building • Minimal mess on site • High tolerance for unforeseen alignment error.

1.4. Range of thesis

The thesis consists of a total of 7 chapters and 4 appendices as follows;

Chapter l presents an introduction to the research, which contains the Preamble, Objectives and Design versatility of the research.


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Chapter I : Introduction

Chapter 2 presents the literature review of the pozzolanic materials of fly ash and granulated blast furnace slag, and zeolite that have been used in the research. As well, as it presents the historic use, commercial exploitation, properties of fresh and hardened concrete containing of these materials, which many researchers have proposed after conducting experimental tests~ the results have been used in curve fitting procedures.

Chapter 3 presents a literature review of the latest research work that has been carried out in the development of the precast concrete industry. It also covers the problems of design, which meet the needs, methods of construction, joints, connections and joint sealing materials that enable the manufacturers to decrease the erection time and cost.

Chapter 4 presents an experimental investigation of materials, mix proportions, slump and compression tests for all specimens of fly ash, slag and zeolite in concrete. As well, it presents the model test program of the test apparatus and the test procedures for various floor-wall connection models, and an investigation of deflection and strain tests.

Chapter 5 presents the material test results of the strength, slump and concrete density curves, and the optimum mix proportion curve. Also, it presents model test results of deflection and strain curves.

Chapter 6 presents theoretical and computer analyses, various finite element models for reinforced concrete walls, modeling of the steel floor-wall connection, and computer results.

Chapter 7 provides a discussion on concrete strength, deflection and strain results obtained from the experimental work, and the computer results obtained from non-linear analyses, which were obtained from three different wall models. These results are compared with the results obtained by design calculations.

Chapter 8 presents a summary and conclusions of the research work and recommendations for future work.


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Chapter 2: Literature Review





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Chapter 2: Literature Review

2. Pozzo/an Materials

2.1.Fly Ash

2.1.J. Introduction

Fly ash and slag are the supplementary cementing materials or mineral additives, which are predominantly used in Australia and overseas. They are used in concrete technology practice to modify a property of concrete or simply to reduce the cost. As Malhotra (1988) has identified, the manufacture of portland cement is a highly energy-intensive process, and in concrete, cement is the most expensive component. Fly ash and slag are industrial by-products, and are therefore less expensive than cement. As a group of material, they are as readily available as portland cement<6


Fly ash is part of a large group of materials known as pozzolanas. Pozzolanas react with lime (CaOH2) in the presence of water to produce calcium silicate hydrates of similar composition to those found in hydrated portland cement. The pozzolana lime reaction is slow, and in modern concrete practice such material combinations have little application. Historically they have a record that goes back to the Roman Empire when naturally occurring pozzolanic soil were used. In recent times, natural pozzolanas, and those produced by calcination of soils, have been replaced by industrial by- products. The reason for this has been associated with cost, availability, and the variability of the naturally occurring or calcined materials. Limited use can however still be found in some countries; for example India, Italy, Germany and Indonesia ( 6).

Fly ash can be subdivided into high-lime or low-lime types; the lime content at which the distinction is made is 10%. High- lime fly ashes are weakly cementitious; i.e., they will set and harden in the presence of water. No high-lime fly ash is currently commercially available in Australia(6


During the past 15 years, there has been considerable improvement in the quality of fly ash available for use in concrete. This has been achieved through the beneficiation and strict quality control measures adopted by the distributors of fly ash in co-operation with the electrical utilities. The energy crisis during the above period, and the guidelines issued by the America Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gave further impetus to the use of less energy-intensive materials such as fly ash and slags in concrete. The above, combined with the introduction of high-range water reducing admixtures (superplasticizers) in the late 1970s, accelerated considerably the pace of improvements in the quality of concrete incorporating supplementary cementing materials.

This chapter describes the developments in fly ash, granulated blast-furnace slags and zeolite, and discusses the use of the above materials to produce high-quality


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Chapter 2: Literature Review

concretes having good flow characteristics, low permeability, high-strength, low density and increased resistance to aggressive media.

2.1.2. Fly Ash Utilisation in Australia . Historical Developments

The first recorded use of Australian fly ash was in 1959 when concrete containing Pyrmont B fly ash was used in part of the construction of the spillway at Keepit Dam in New South Wales. The application was found to be satisfactory despite the variations in quality of the fly ash supplied which would render it an unacceptable source today.

In 1963 fly ash from Wangi Power Station on the Central Coast of New South Wales used in the construction of the new power station at Munmorah some 35 kilometres away. Investigations reported by Ryan and Ashb/7

) in 1966 resulted in fly ash being adopted for use in ready-mixed concrete initially throughout New South Wales.

The demand for fly ash as a pozzolan continued to increase in New South Wales, and when suitable fly ash became available in Queensland and South Australia, late in 1966, market development began in these areas. About this time fly ash from the East Perth station (Western Australia) was investigated but discarded due to poor quality. As the states of New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia contain the major reserves of bituminous and sub-bituminous coal used for power generation; development to the present time had been largely confined to these local market areas.

In 1966 an Australian Standard for fly ash as mineral filler for bituminous concrete was produced and a steady market was developed for fly ash in place of cement or lime dust in bituminous concrete.

Pressure on the cement industry to produce blended cements came from the smaller ready-mixed concrete producers who wanted to use the cheaper materials but avoid having to increase the number of cement bins at their plants.

Of interest is that from the time slag became available triple blends were used; though little of the data has been published.

Standards for the materials were not prepared until sometime after the initial developments. The first Australian Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee on Supplementary Cementitious Materials for use with Portland Cement and supersedes both AS 1129-1971, fly ash for use in concrete, and AS 1130-1971 , Code of practice for use of fly ash in concrete. A draft standard for slag along with a revision of the fly ash standard was issued for public review in 1987, and the preparation of a standard for silica fume was commenced in 1988. Specification has tended to follow British or ASTM Standards. In February 1991 new Australian


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Chapter 2: Literature Review

Standards for fly ash and ground granulated blast-furnace slag<1•2) were published as

AS 3582 parts 1 and 2.

Since that time there have been some new applications for fly ash in Australia developed but the bulk of the sales continue to come from use in concrete.

2.1 .2.2. Commercial Exploitation

The initiative for the marketing of fly ash in New South Wales came from an entrepreneur who because of North American knowledge saw the potential for the utilisation of this material. The fly ash rights were subsequently obtained from the New South Wales State Government power generation authority, the Electricity Commission of New South Wales. The entrepreneur started supplying to the market as a separate material to the ready mixed concrete industry in particular, and also as a constituent for blended cements. Subsequently a large building materials conglomerate bought out this entrepreneur for the fly ash marketing rights as a separate constituent, while a cement company acquired his cement blending and marketing company. Then this entrepreneur went to Queensland and obtained the rights for the power stations in that State. Thus the initiatives in the Eastern States came from groups who were primarily concerned with marketing the material as a separate constituent<8


The cement industry followed suit ultimately by producing and marketing a fly ash blended cement. In Western Australia fly ash has played only a very minor part over relatively short periods of time, but again was primarily in the hands of a marketer of the material as separate material.

In South Australia the cement industry moved very quickly to obtain the rights for the use of fly ash in that State and have controlled it right through to this day. With regard to slag this was initially produced by the steel maker who subsequently despatched the material by rail to a cement producer (in which the steel maker had a significant shareholding), where it was dried, ground and marketed as a separate material. This produced some commercial conflicts and coupled with the technical difficulties referred to later resulted in a rundown in the use of slag in New South Wales until the early 80s. This situation changed at that time when a cement company took the initiative and introduced a slag blended cement in N.S .W.; this company was followed several years later by its principal competitor.

World production of fly ash in 1986 was estimated to be 290 million tonnes Use in concrete is, however, mush less. In Australia some 600 000 tonnes were used in concrete in 1987 out of a total of more than three million tonnes. This degree of use similar to that in the United Kingdom and the United States<6>.

2.1.3. Fly Ash Production

Fly ash is produced as a by-product in the combustion of finely ground coal in electricity generating station. On entry into the furnace, the temperatures are usually


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Chapter 2: Literature Review

around l 500°C; the carbonaceous content of the coal m suspens10n is burnt instantaneously.

The residue melts while in suspension and on rapid cooling forms characteristic spherical particles of ash as the flue gases carry them out. About 80% of the coal ash must be removed from the flue gases; the balance falls to the bottom of the furnace. The definition of fly ash, briefly, is that it is a solid material extracted from the flue gases of a boiler fired with pulverised coal. The term does not apply to ash extracted from the bottom of a boiler (furnace ash) or economixer grits.

Commonly, fly ash used in concrete is removed at the electrostatic precipitators; coarser material is extracted at the mechanical collectors. A scanning electron micrograph of fly ash particles is shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1 Scanning electron micrograph of fly ash(6).

Fly ash particles are most commonly spherical in shape and may be finer or coarser than cement. The colour of fly ash may be grey or brown or any of the shades of these colours. Fly ash is chemically different from cement and in general, chemical and mineralogical composition, morphology, the amount of glassy phase, and fineness influences the reactivity of a pozzolana with portland cement.

Fly ash is also influenced by external factors such as admixtures and thermal treatment. All pozzolanas have a glassy or amorphous structure, and with few exceptions all have a high Si02 + AL203 content. The chemical composition for a range of pozzolanas is shown in Table 2.1.


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Chapter 2: Literature Review

Table 2.1 Typical chemical composition of mineral additives(6J.

Chemical composition(% )

Portland Natural cement pozzo!ana Fly Ash Slag

SiOc 20. l 52.8 49 .8 34.7 Al20 3 5.5 18 .2 28 .2 14.2 Fe203 3.4 4.3 9.4 l .2(Fe0) Cao 64. 5 9.0 2.6 41.0 MgO 1.2 1.2 1.0 6.6 Na20 0. 1 3. 1 0.6 0.4 S03 2.9 0.7 0.7 0.5(s) LOI 1.5 3.0 2.7

LOI: Loss on ignition

The addition of fly ash to concrete influences the properties of both fresh and hardened concrete, as is discussed later in this Chapter. With respect to the hydration reaction, it is generally considered that there are two distinct phases. At early ages, the fine ash particles act as nucleating sites for the hydration of the Portland cement. This function has the effect of accelerating the hydration of the C3S phase while retarding that of the C3A. The second phase is that of the pozzolanic reaction itself. There is some disagreement concerning the time at which these effects occur. Although pozzolanic reaction has been detected as early as an hour after mixing, its contribution to strength development may not be significant until after twenty-one days(6J.

2.1.4 Important properties

The properties of fly ash that are considered to be of the most importance are: • fineness; • loss on ignition; • chemical composition; • uniformity of these three properties. Fineness

The fineness of the fly ash as determined by wet sieving on a 45-micron sieve is considered to be an important property of the fly ash. Fineness is important as this affects the rate of pozzolanic reaction; influences the ability of the fly ash to fill the voids, thus reducing water demand; improves workability and pumpability(JO) . Loss on Ignition

The quality of the fly ash is dependent to a certain extent on the amount of carbon remaining in the fly ash, i.e., other factors being equal the higher the carbon content, the poorer the quality. The carbon content is taken to be measured by the result of the loss-on-ignition test on the fly ash. For the fly ash generally supplied for use in concrete, i.e., where the loss on ignition does not exceed 3%, the uniformity of


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Chapter 2: Literature Review

the loss on ignition is generally more important than the actual loss on ignition as it can cause problems in maintenance of the air-entrainment level in concrete(l 0

l. Chemical Composition

It has previously been held that for a fly ash to be satisfactory, the aggregate of silica, alumina and iron oxide in the fly ash should not be less than 70% for fly ash derived from anthracite or bituminous coal (50% for fly ash from sub-bituminous or lignite coal).

In some circles it is felt that the setting of such a limit is more to restrict the content of substances other than silica, alumina or iron oxide. The practice in Australia has been (and is expected to continue to be) to place limits directly on particular substances and not to limit the sum of silica, alumina and iron oxide<10l.

Complex calcium compounds, which confer cementitious properties on fly ash, are indicated in the formal analysis as ' calcium oxide' .

The magnesia content reflects the tendency of the fly ash to cause expansion. Expansive periclase may be present if the analysis indicates more than 2% 'magnesium oxide'. However, a magnesia content greater than 4% is acceptable provided the autoclave expansion does not exceed 0.8%.

It will be required that the sulphuric anhydride content of the fly ash be such that the total sulphuric anhydride content of the portland cement together with the fly ash does not exceed 3%.

It has also been recommended that where alkali/aggregate reaction is considered likely, the available alkali content (i.e., of total alkali expressed as sodium equivalent) should not exceed 1.5% by mass of the fly ash<10

l. Uniformity

The uniformity of the fly ash in any of these three characteristics could be considered as important as any of the characteristics themselves. The effect of the variation in any of these properties requires careful assessment< 1


2.1.5. Recommended Limits on Properties Proposed in New Australian Standard

The limits recommended in the proposed new Australian Standard for fly ash are shown in Table 2.2(1 1



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Chapter 2: Literature Review

Table 2.2 Limits in proposed new Australian Standarc/10>.

Property Fine grade Medium grade Fly Ash Fly Ash

Fineness-passing 45-micron sieve(%) 75 min 60 min Loss on ignition(%) 4 max 6 max Moisture content (%) 1 max 1 max Sulphuric anhydride(%) 2.5 max 2.5 max Magnesia content(%) 4 max 4 max Available alkali content(%) 1.5 max 1.5 max

Notes: • Both grades are suitable for use in portland cement concrete. • Recent advice indicates this sulphuric anhydride limit will be raised

to 3.0. • Available alkali content; this property specification is optional. If

alkali/aggregate reaction is considered likely, users may require the available content to be determined. Uniformity Limits for Fineness and Loss on Ignition

These limits are as specified in the current Standard AS 1129. Uniformity limits have not been included in the proposed new fly ash Standard because of the use of quality grading.

• Fineness Variation of individual result on 45 micron sieve not to exceed 5 percentage points from the average of the previous ten samples or 10 percentage points if the average is greater than 20%.

• Loss on Ignition Variation from previous sample not to be greater than 3 percentage points(4


2.1.6. Action of Fly Ash in Concrete

Fly ash contributes to concrete physically and chemically.

2.1 .6.1 Physical Action

• Fly ash may reduce water requirement for a specific workability due to the spherical shape of a proportion of the fly-ash particles, and also the void-filling action of the particles in the fine region of the overall particle grading< 12


• Strength is improved by the fine particles filling the voids thus densi:fying the matrix(IJ)_


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Chapter 2: Literature Review

• The bond between the cement and the aggregate is improved due to the presence of the ultra-fine fly ash particle ( 14 >.

• The fly ash particles act as sources of nucleation in the cement paste, which leads to mechanical interlocking of the hydration structure(l s).

2.1 .6.2 Chemical Action

This can occur in two ways, i.e. lime from the cement reacting with the fly ash or a cementitious effect due to the nature and quantity of calcium oxide in the fly ash itself 16


2.1. 7. IncorpQration of Fly Ash in the Concrete Mix

Fly ash can be incorporated in the mix as a separately batched material, or as contained in a blend of fly ash and portland cement (Type FA and FC blended cement) or a combination of both.

The effect of the inclusion of fly ash in the concrete on the properties of the concrete in the plastic and the hardened state will depend on the properties and relative proportions of all of the ingredients, as well as the influence of certain external factors.

When fly ash is used in concrete it is usually incorporated in one of the following three ways:

• As part of the cementitious material without alteration of the aggregate proportion

• As part of the fine aggregate without alteration of the portland cement content

• As a combination of the above.

The effect of the inclusion of fly ash in the mix on the water requirement for a particular workability (and to a lesser degree the air content) should be considered in maintaining correct yield of the mix design.

The properties of the particular fly ash being considered can affect the way in which the method of incorporation in the mix will modify the properties of the resultant concrete.

The properties of fly ash can vary from source to source and even from the one source as illustrated in Table 2.3. In this regard fly ash shares the likelihood of variation that also exists with the properties of the other ingredients, i.e., cement, sand, stone and water( 17



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Chapter 2: Literature Review

Table 2.3 Typical chemical composition of fly ash for different sources(10J .

Compound Fly Ash Cement


Si02 58-63 53-66 54 22 Alz03 24-29 24-29 30 4.5 Fe203 3.0-5.0 1-9 4.5 3.5 Cao 0.5-2.5 0.2-5 5.5 64 .0 MgO 0.5-1.5 0.2-1.5 1.8 1.4 Na20 0.1-1.0 0.1-0.4 3.0 0.2 KzO 0.9-2 .0 0.2-1.4 0.9 0.5 S03 0.2-0.4 0-0.4 0.3 2.4 Loss on ignition 1.0-3.0 1.0-3 .0 0 .3 1.1

The values given are typical values for the fly ash available in the states indicated. Variation from these values should not be taken as grounds to reject a particular fly ash. Fly ash from the typical Victorian brown coal is considered unsuitable for use in concrete because of the presence of a large proportion of soluble salts in the fly ash. Local fly ash has been available in Western Australia for a number of years. However, use of this material has not become general, mainly because it has not been commercially viable. There are no significant local sources of fly ash in Tasmania, ACT or the Northern Territory(!&).

It is necessary therefore to consider the properties of the particular fly ash and the previous results of its use with the other ingredients (or similar) proposed for use.

Designers most probably are interested in recommendations on the maximum amount of fly ash that should be used in the mix. AS 3600 allows normal class concrete to have a maximum fly ash content of 40% by mass of the total mass of portland cement plus fly ash in the mix. At high cement contents such a relative proportion of fly ash may lead to stickiness of the mix. It would be prudent in these circumstances to consider a reduction in the fly ash content. At lower cement contents and (once again) depending on the purpose for which the concrete is intended, a figure in excess of 40% may be satisfactory.

It has been reported that with a given set of concrete ingredients and costs of cement and fly ash, for the least binder cost the fly-ash content ranged from 95 to 65 kg/m3 for compressive strengths of20 to 50 MPa09l.

2.1.8. Use with Chemical Admixtures

Chemical admixtures that disperse the particles of fly ash (and cement) in the concrete mix and do not cause any adverse effects on the concrete provide an improvement in the overall concrete properties. These admixtures must comply with the requirements of AS 1478.


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It has been shown that the benefits of using fly ash and an approved chemical admixture in the concrete mix is greater than the summation of the use of these two materials as separate additions(20) .

2.1.9. Benefits of Fly-Ash Concrete

When correctly used in concrete, fly ash can provide the properties of concrete both in the fresh and hardened state as the following benefits:

2.1 .9.1 Improvement in workability and pumpability

The ability of the fly ash to fill the voids, thus reducing water demands; improves workability and pumpability. Reduced bleeding

For concrete with a similar slump, the use of fly ash tends to reduce bleeding and segregation, though the effect is more pronounced with harsh mixes or mixes deficient in fines. Bleeding characteristics of concrete mixes containing an Australian fly ash are marginal. With the use of higher quality fly ash, bleeding of concretes can be greatly reduced as a result of reduction in water demand for the same slump(6


2.1 .9.3 Increased cohesiveness of the mix

The bond between the cement and the aggregate is improved due to the incorporation of the ultra-fine fly ash particles in the mix. Reduced water demand for constant workability

The improved workability was used to reduce water content in the mix and thus allow lower cement contents to be used to give equivalent strength, and consideration of this led to recognition of its cementitious behaviour.

The magnitude of the water reduction demand for constant workability will depend mainly on the nature of the fly ash and how it is used in the concrete mix. The water reduction will usually rang from 4 to 8%(1 6

, 22

, and 23

). Reduced Heat of Hydration and Reduced Rate of Heat Generation

Pozzolans are noted for reducing the heat of hydration and the rate of heat generation of concrete. The results of the testing of concrete in Port Kembla, NSW illustrate the ability of fly ash to act in this manner(2



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Large concrete cubes (2.5-m side) were made from Type A Portland Cement and fly ash replacing 25 and 30% of the cement. Replacement of 3% of the fine aggregate with fly ash was incorporated in the two fly-ash mixes. The maximum temperatures measured at the centre of the cubes were 62.3 °C for the Type A cement, 52.6°C for the 25% cement replacement, and 47.6°C for the 30% cement replacement. The maximum temperature was reached at 48 hours for the Type A cement mix, 60 hours for the 25% replacement, and 66 hours for the 30% replacement. The total heat generated up to 7 days was greatest for the Type A cement without replacement. During that period the straight Type A cement concrete generated approximately 42% more heat than the 25% replacement concrete, and 74% more than the 30% replacement concrete.

2.1 .9.6 Increased Later-Age Strengths

Under standard moist-curing conditions the compressive strength of concrete containing fly ash could be expected to increase by 50% from the age of 28 days. The corresponding increase for typical Type A cement would be 20%(22>.

2.1 .9.7 Increased Resistance to Alkali Silica Reaction

The various reports published showing how fly ash reduces the effect of alkali­silica reaction have been summarised by Berry and Malhotra, 1987(24

). This source indicated that fly ash could reduce the expansion caused by the alkali-silica reaction when used at cement replacement levels of 25 to 30%.

The alkali-silica reaction in concrete is a chemical reaction between the alkali contained in the cement paste and certain reactive forms of silica within the aggregate and causes expansion of concrete. Low-calcium fly ash are effective in reducing the expansions caused by the above reaction(241

. Increased Resistance to Sulphate Attack

The beneficial effect of the use of fly ash in increasing the resistance to sulphate attack has been summarised by several researchers<25

' 261

. The first source reported in 1970 that all of the 12 fly ashes tested greatly improved sulphate resistance. The second source concluded in 1972 that fly ashes meeting the then­current specifications were prominent in significantly increasing the life expectancy of concrete exposed to 2.1 % sodium sulphate solution. Decreased Permeability

The permeability of concrete is influenced by numerous factors of which the most important are water-cement ratio and the length of curing given to the concrete.


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Given the required curing, fly ash has long been known to reduce the permeability of the concretel27


2.1 .9.10 Marginally Reduced Drying Shrinkage

The degree of drying shrinkage of concrete for a given set of aggregates is very much related to the water content of the mix. In that fly ash when properly incorporated in the mix can reduce the water content from 4 to 8% there is a potential reduction in drying shrinkage in the use of fly ash.

Some early work in 1975 showed that the drying shrinkage of concrete containing fly ash was less than the concrete without fly ash at all ages for which measurements were taken. The reduction after 90 days drying was 3 0%. Other work has shown the reduction in drying shrinkage by the use of fly ash in the mix to be negligible(?) .

2.1 .9.11 Reduced Creep

The committee responsible for ACI 226.JR-87 reported that most investigations using fly ash typical of the fly ash commonly available on the east coast of Australia, showed that fly-ash concrete will exhibit lower long-term creep than concrete made without fly ashc28

). More-Finely-Defined Off-Form Finishes

Better surface finishes arise due to the effect of air-entraining admixtures, in which the ability of fly ash to fill the voids and improve workability is advantageous.

2.1.10. Limitations of Fly-Ash Concrete

On the adverse side, fly-ash concrete may have the following properties: • Higher air-entraining-agent demand for a constant entrained au

content • Floating out of the carbon particles at excessive water contents Marginally Lower Strengths at Early Ages

Under standard condition moisture and temperature the rate of gain in compressive strength of blended fly-ash cement concrete (Type FA) is marginally less than Type A portland cement concrete. The data in Table 2.4 have been extracted from Guirguis<29

l .


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Table 2.4 Percentage of 28-Day Compressive Strength(tO) .

AGE (Days)

Type A Cement (%) Type FA Cement (%)


21 19


44 40


71 62


88 77


100 100

This information would tend to indicate that when adequate moisture is available and the temperature is in the range 23±2°C the difference between the compressive strength of concrete containing Type A cement and that containing Type FA cement at early ages is minimal(29


Another source, Butler and Ashby,(30) has reported the compressive strength development of standard 1 OO-mm-diameterx200-mm-high specimens stored in laboratory air. Two levels of compressive strength were tested. Results are shown in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 ratio of air-cured compressive strength at the indicated age to

compressive strength at 28 days, standard moist cured (expressed as%/10



Plain Admixture

Strength Level 20 MPa

AGE (Days)

3 7

Admixture and Fly Ash

40 46 39

61 57 48

Strength Level 32 MPa

AGE (Days)

MIX 3 7

Plain 48 57 Admixture 51 72 Admixture and Fly Ash 47 63




Water 23±2°C Air 19-29°C RH 47-76%



Air 20-25°C RH 55-76%

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It is believed that the drying out that would occur with the small specimens used would generally be in excess of that occurring in concrete in situ. Therefore, it is expected that the reduction in strength of in-situ concrete would not be as much as for the laboratory- stored specimens. It is interesting to note that the only significant difference in these values between the plain and admixture-with- fly-ash concrete occurred at the age of 7 days for the 20-MPa concrete.

For these storage conditions the reduction in compressive strength at 3 days for the fly-ash concrete was 7 percent at the 20-MPa level and 4 percent at the 32-MPa level. At 7 days the respective reductions were 13 and 9-percentage points(JOJ.

Research has been carried out in Canada (1983) on the properties of concrete containing fly ash when cast and cured at 5°C. The results of compressive strength development of concrete made with and without fly ash are shown in Table 2.6. The effect of reducing the curing temperature was a reduction in compressive strength, but in this research the non- fly-ash concrete performed only marginally better than the fly-ash concrete(32

l. This result is due to the fly ash being of poorer quality than that normally used in Australia, in which loss on ignition 8.65%, surface area 310 m2/kg. The replacement of cement by fly ash was 30% by mass without any reduction in the sand percentage(3 1 l.

Table 2.6 percentage reduction in compressive strength due to

reduction curing temperature from 22 to 5 °C(tOJ .


Plain concrete Fly-Ash concrete


34 50

AGE (Days)


20 23

These results indicate that the lower temperature affected the strength of the fly-ash concrete more than the plain concrete at both 3 and 7 days.

The results of some Japanese research(32) on curing of concrete at l0°C are

shown in Table 2.7.


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Table 2. 7 percentage reduction in compressive strength due to

reducing curing temperature from 20 ° to 1ooe<10>.


Plain concrete Fly-Ash concrete


54 55

AGE (Days)


49 50

Overseas research<33) has also been carried out on the curing of concrete at

8°C. The pertinent results have been extracted and shown in Table 2.8 .

Table 2.8 percentage reduction in compressive strength (at 3 days)

due to reducing curing temperature from 20 ° to 8 oe<10>.

Plain concrete Fly Ash concrete

63 56

In this case the fly-ash concrete fared better than the plain concrete. These data are cited to indicate the order of the effect of low temperatures on early-age strength. The variation between the results of the research is indicative of the influence of the various materials used and the mix designs adopted<33


In the absence of data on concrete containing Australian fly ash cured at lower temperatures, it is not possible to quantify the effect of low temperature on the early­age strength of fly-ash concrete. Extended Cold-Weather Setting Times

Research on concrete containing a commonly available NSW fly ash showed that its incorporation in the mix extended the setting times by 5 to 30 minutes at ambient temperatures in the region of 20°c<22


No research has been located on the effect of low temperatures on the setting time of concrete containing Australian fly ash.

The Canadian source previously cited (JI) reported on setting times for concrete made with and without fly ash at temperatures of 22 and 5°C (the previous comments


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on the quality of fly ash used and the method of its incorporation also apply to consideration of the resulting setting times).

The Canadian research found that incorporation of fly ash in the mix extended the setting time by 55 minutes when the ambient temperature was 22°C. When the ambient temperature was 5°C, the setting time for both fly-ash Concrete and concrete not containing fly ash was in excess of 10 hours. As with early-age strength, due to lack of local data it is not possible to quantify the extent to which the inclusion of fly ash in the concrete affects the setting time of concrete placed at low temperatures.

2.1.11. Curing

Concrete needs to be cured to develop its potential strength and quality. Inadequate curing adversely affects all types of portland cement concrete.

Some early work(7) was carried out to determine the effect of lack of curing on

the compressive strength of concrete made with and without fly ash. Test specimens were de-moulded 24 hours after casting and stored in air, temperatures ranged over 12-l 8°C and RH 50-80%. Under these conditions the compressive strength at 28 days of the concrete made without fly ash was reduced by 22%, while that of the concrete made with fly ash was reduced by 25%.

Normal practice is to use a water-reducing chemical admixture in concrete containing fly ash. It has been shown that the addition of a chemical admixture can improve the strength performance of the fly-ash concrete under inadequate cunng conditions to the level of the concrete made without fly ashC30


Ho and Lewisc34l used water sorptivity as a measure of quality of concrete. They found that after 21 days drying, concrete containing chemical admixture and fly ash lost a greater amount of free water than concrete made without fly ash and chemical admixture. However, they also found that the concrete containing fly ash and chemical admixture absorbed less water than the plain concreteC34l_

When comparing straight portland cement concrete with concrete containing a water-reducing chemical admixture, Ho and LewisC34

l found that interrupted curing had a more favourable influence on the admixture concrete than on the straight cement concrete, i.e., closely following continuous curing as indicated by measurement of water penetration. It would seem therefore that a water-reducing chemical admixture should be used in fly-ash concrete to improve its performance in this area.

The curing of fly ash concrete at temperatures of 55, 70 or 90°C accelerates the pozzolanic reaction, and results in considerable increase in the one-day compressive strength of concrete. Thus, fly ash has a role as a supplementary cementing material in the precast industry. Investigations have been performed by CANMETC47

l to develop heat-curing cycles for portland cement/fly ash concrete for


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use in the precast industry. The fly ash was incorporated into concrete not as a replacement for cement but as a partial replacement for aggregate.

The variables considered were temperature of curing, preset time and duration of heating. The results of the investigation indicate that portland cement concrete (W/C-0.40), in which 18 percent of the fine aggregate is replaced by fly ash, can be heat-cured to accelerate strength development at ages ranging from 12 to 24h, and compressive strengths in the range of 30 to 45 MPa can be achieved at these ages. Two of the most promising heat-curing cycles for the materials under investigation consist of a 12-h cycle at 90°C with a preset time of 2h and a 24-h cycle at 5 5 to 70°C with a preset time of 4h. However, it is emphasised that each precast concrete producer should perform investigations to optimise the heat-curing cycle that best suits his materials and production needs.

2.1.12. Formwork Stripping Times

It has been pointed out(29) that because of slower rate of reaction of blended

cements and other factors relating to moisture requirements and temperature effects, the recommendation has been made(22

> that stripping times for cements containing pozzolanic materials should be 50% more than for Type A portland cement.

A development on this is the provision of AS 3600 that early-age strengths be specified for normal-class concrete where early stripping is required. As normal-class concrete can contain fly ash, the adequacy of stripping times can be established by the testing of control specimens.

The previous discussion on early-age strengths indicated that concrete made both with and without fly ash suffered a reduction in compressive strength at lower temperatures and when moist curing was not available. The magnitude of the reduction depends on a number of factors including the curing temperature; period of moist curing, characteristics of the cement and the manner in which the fly ash in incorporated in the mix.

Where these conditions are likely to occur, prior testing could provide an indication of the extent of the reduction.

2.1.13. Applications

Properly designed fly-ash concrete is suitable for all structural applications such as slabs, beams, columns, bridges, roads, pavement, dams and tunnels.

Concrete incorporating fly ash or slag responds favourably to accelerated curing techniques such as steam curing or autoclaving. For this reason, fly ash and slag have been used in the production of precast products such as bricks, blocks, tiles, walls and flooring units.


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2.2. Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag

2.2.J. Introduction

Granulated blast furnace slags has grown in usage as an equivalent - and many times superior, aggregate in construction. The American Society for Testing and Materials defines blast furnace slag as the "non-metallic product consisting essentially of silicates and alumina-silicates of lime, and other bases, which is developed simultaneously with iron in a blast furnace". Consequently iron producers are now attuned to the production of two prime products, iron and slag. The resultant, consistently high quality of the slag produced today offers tangible benefits both to the contractor and to the owner of the structure<6


Hinczak, 1991 <36), defined the granulated blast furnace slag as the glassy,

granular material formed when the molten iron blast furnace slag is rapidly chilled with high-pressure, high-volume, water sprays. Pelletised slag is a granular, lightweight glassy material, produced with a fine spray of water. Particles are spherical with a glass skin and a vesicular interior.

Quenching with water is the most common process for granulating slags. Efficient modern granulation systems use high-pressure water jets that impinge on the stream of slag with a water/slag ratio of about 10/1 by mass<6

). It can be loaded directly from the pit for shipment to the construction project. Some end uses, however, may require screening of the slag to remove coarser particles. Such screened slag called pelletised slag is used as a lightweight aggregate in structural concrete or in the manufacture of concrete masonry units. Screened granulated slag also has now proven to be a good, economical, fine aggregate in Portland cement concrete. A typical slag granulator and pelletised are shown in Figure 2.2, which presents the granular is less than 4mm while more than 4mm is called pelletised.

To ensure that the slag develops its maximum hydraulic, it is necessary to rapidly chill the molten slag as it leaves the blast furnace. Quenching prevents crystallisation and converts the molten slag into sand-sized particles of predominantly amorphous glass referred to as granulated slag. The cementitious nature of the slag is dependent to a large extent on the glass content. As for Portland cement, the major oxides are lime, silica, and alumina; a comparison of the oxide composition of slag and Portland cement is shown in Table 2.1.

The slag is then rewatered, dried and ground using processes similar to those used with Portland cement clinker. Slag can be blended with Portland cement or interground with clinker. Typically, granulated slag is ground to a fineness index similar to that of Portland cement. The morphological features of slag are shown in Figure 2.3.


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., ~w•le<jet.

slag ~tf,


granules ~ 1- pellets 0-4mm >4mm

Figure 2.2 Typical slag pelletiser by quenching with water (5l

Figure 2.3 Scanning Electron Micrograph of Granulated(6)

Blast-Furnace Slag


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There has been some conflicting evidence as to whether the efficiency of the Portland cement replacement depends on what is being considered, plastic shrinkage is highly dependent on whether the slag is interground or blended. However, recent work by Longo and TorrentC37

) has shown that under laboratory milling conditions, the difference is not statistically significant.

Blast-furnace slag is also weakly cement1t10us, but is rarely used by itself except, for example, in mine back-fill. Hydration can be accelerated by heat or, by more commonly two constituents of hydrating Portland cement. These are lime and pozzolanic materials; they will hydrate in the presence of Portland cement, and as a consequence is used in concrete technology as cement-replacement materials(6l.

2.2.2. Historic Use of Slag Products

From earliest times, slag has been seen as a useful material. Examples cited by Lee(36

) for -UK iron furnace slags go back to the Romans. He cites slag used for the construction of early Roman roads, stating "at the Roman site of Ariconium (the traditional ironworking town in South Herefordshire), a slag road of about AD 200 was uncovered". As in modem times, communities around the various smelting works have found constructive uses for the slag products produced.

Wood in 1873, presented a paper to the Royal Society of Arts, in which he outlined the utilisation of blast furnace slag(38

). Uses he identified included; casting molten slag into building blocks, production of slag sands (granulated slag), the production of bricks and mortar and the manufacture of slag wool. In 1887, Stead presented a paper on Hydraulic Cement, made from 7 5% dried ground (granulated) slag with 25% of dried slaked lime(38


Leec3s) records that in 1890, a large quantity of cement was made from slag

(granulated), with 25% lime, and that efficient grinding of the slag was necessary to ensure the production of good cement. He records that during 1890, ""ten plants in Germany produced 600 000 tonnes of this slag cement. Further, he writes that Wood, in 1901 , just prior to his death was directing the manufacture of slag bricks for building purposes. Slag sand was mixed with a lime mixture; containing 80% unslaked lime, 10% raw gypsum and 10% iron oxide.

2.2.3. Australian Slag Industry

In Australia, ground granulated slag has been available from the Port Kembla steel works since the 1960s. In 1970 a plant based on the Port Kembla facility was installed at Kwinana in Western Australia.

Until its closure in 1982, the Kwinana plant provided approximately 70,000 tonnes per annum. Since that time, slag has been supplied from Port Kembla and more recently, a Newcastle plant came into production in late 1987 and produces about 250,000 tonnes per annum. Use of slag as a Portland cement replacement material is


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produced annually<6). However, the production line closed and it is not available as

mass production since 1999

Utilisation of slag products has always been influenced by the availability of alternate constru~tion materials, costs of disposal , and in more recent times, and the local community s environmental expectations. These pressures have been felt most keenly at the Port Kembla Steelworks, where geographic, environmental and market constraints have forced the need to find a wide range of uses for slag products.

At Newcastle and Port Kembla Steelworks, the stocks of blast furnace slag are small by comparison to the total production over the years. Use in civil construction and later development of higher value added applications such as ground granulated slag cements, demonstrates something of the value of this resource to the Australian Concrete and Construction industries. As more blast furnace slag is directed to higher value markets, basic construction applications open up for steel making slags.

Ste_el furnace slag is gaining increasing acceptance as a construction material. With earlier abundance of blast furnace slag, steel slag was used mainly in land reclamation. Experience of commercial application of steel slag is not as great as with blast furnace slag. Their property, including the possibility of expansion caused by any free lime present is currently being studied. Some markets for steel furnace slag are developed because of the material's inherent properties. Because it is dense, strong and of cubic shape, steel furnace slag makes an excellent rail ballast. Finer fractions of steel furnace slag are used to produce high stability asphaltic concrete and in Canada it is a preferred materia1<39


More recent work in Australia, has involved the development of self stabilising road pavements, using steel slag fines (-20 mm) with around 30% of as - produced granulated slag<40

l .

2.2.4. Properties of Fresh Concrete Containing Ground Slag . Slump

The addition of slag may increase the slump of fresh concrete compared with concrete without it. To achieve the same slump the unit water may need to be reduced<36l. Thus, for equal weight of cement and equal water contents, this increase in paste volume generally benefits workability in mixes with low cement contents or where the aggregates lack a fine fraction<41

). Air Content

Slag has a tendency to reduce the quantity of the air entrained in concrete. This tendency is more obvious when high replacement ratios or slag of high fineness index is used.


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Chapter 2 : Literature Review Bleed

The bleeding capacity and bleeding rate of concrete is affected by the ratio of the surface area of solids to the unit volume of water.

The tendency to bleed is usually not altered by the addition of slag. However, if the slag has a high fineness index or high replacement ratios are used, bleed tendency is usually reduced; if the fineness index is low, then bleed tendency is increased<36


When slag is used as a cement replacement, the effects depend on the fineness of the slag compared with the Portland cement and the combined effect of the total cementitious material. If the slag is finer than the Portland cement, and is substituted on an equal basis, bleeding is reduced; conversely, if the slag is coarser, the rate of bleed increases<41

). Setting Time

Concrete containing slag can exhibit a delayed setting time. This is also affected by the unit water demand of the concrete and the temperature of placement.

An increase in slag content from 35% to 65% increases initial set by approximately 60 minutes.

The delayed setting of blended cements allows concrete to be worked for longer periods. This is of benefit in avoiding formation of cold joints in large pours and in hot weather concreting<41


2.2.5. Properties of Hardened Concrete Containing Ground Slag Strength Development

Early-age strengths, 7-day or less, are usually lower than for normal Portland cement. This is dependent on the fineness of the slag used.

The later- age strength of concrete containing slag will be higher than that of concrete without slag. From a long-term view, with proper curing the strength of concrete containing slag will be higher even if the fineness of the slag was low<36


Slag blends manufactured by collective comminution, produce concretes with higher early strengths than concretes produced by blending the separate components. Figure 2.4 demonstrates the rate of strength development of the two types of blended cements. In each case the clinker component was identical, and slag contents were 35% by mass<41



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90 :::c I- 7' \.!] BO '/ :z: / w / a::: INTERGRIND I- 70 / V1 /

>- / < 60 / Cl /

/ a:> 50 / N

/ u.... I Cl

w 40 /""--BLEND \.!]

< I- 30 I :z:

I w LJ

20 I a:: I w a... I

10 I


3 7 2B


Figure 2.4 Rate of Strength Gain<40l


365 DAYS

ro --~A a... 50 :c

,/ 90 DAYS \ '\ :x: / \ I-\.!] \ ::z:

\ / w a:: I- 40 \ ·v · V1 2B DAYS w > \ V1

\ /

V1 / w \ / a:: a... 30 \/ :c Cl LJ


20 40 . 60 BO 1 0


Figure 2.5 influence of slag content on compressive strength<40l


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Slag cements in current use produce concretes of equivalent 28-day compressive strengths for equal mass replacements of Portland cement. Slag contents are nominally 35% by mass.

Replacement rates above 40% by mass tend to produce concretes that exhibit low heat concrete behaviour<41

). Higher replacement rates of slag for equal binder contents reduce strength at all ages as shown in Figure 2.5

This appears to be due to non-optimum gypsum contents particularly at replacement rates in excess of 50%<43


The relationship between the compressive strength and the tensile strength of concrete containing slag is similar to that of concrete not containing slag<36

). Heat of Hydration

The slag activity index and the replacement ratio affect the heat of hydration of concrete containing slag.

At low replacement ratios, the heat of hydration of concrete containing slag is approximately the same as for concrete not containing slag.

As the replacement ratio increases, the rate of hydration reaction decreases and the heat of hydration reduce significantly. If both the replacement ratio and the fineness of the slag are appropriately set, it is possible not only to delay the time at which the maximum temperature is reached but also to decrease the peak temperature of the concrete<36>.

The hydration of slag is dependent on the breakdown and dissolution of the glassy slag structure by hydroxyl ions released during the hydration of the Portland cement. The hydration reaction with Portland cement is two-staged. Initially and during early hydration, the predominant reaction is with the alkalis plus hydroxide, but the subsequent reaction is essentially with calcium hydroxide<6>. Durability

Concretes containing slag cement blends are better suited to most aggressive environments than are ordinary Portland cement concretes.

The resistance against sulphate attack is improved by the addition of slag at replacement ratios of at least 40% by mass. The replacement ratio depends on the concentration of sulphate ions present, and on the Ah03 content and the fineness of the


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slag. In some instances replacement values of 90% may be necessary; however, 65% replacement is typical<36>.

Marine resistance is improved with slag replacements of at least 40%, but more typically 60%. The improvement in durability is caused by slag having higher resistance to diffusivity of chloride ions than do Portland cements.

Even at high water-cementitious ratios, slag cement concretes present resistance to the ingress of chloride ions. However, for marine durability, low ( <0.45) water- cementitious ratios are recommended<36>.

Generally, concretes subject to proper curing to reach their design strength show only small amounts of carbonation. In high-quality concrete the penetration may be only 5 mm in 50 years of exposure. The rate is dependent on the compressive strength of the concrete, being inversely proportional to the strength<36>.

The rate of carbonation of slag cement has been found to be higher than for Portland cement concrete, especially at high slag replacement, but it is not a problem if properly cured<36

). Water Penetration

The water tightness of concrete containing slag is less than for ordinary concrete at early ages. As strength development increases, the permeability and the sorptivity of concrete containing slag are reduced, and will be lower than for ordinary concrete when cured to the same degree. Drying Shrinkage

It is well documented in literature(42) that creep and shrinkage are related to the

sulphate (gypsum) content of cement, and to cement chemistry and fineness.

The long-tenn drying shrinkage of concrete containing slag is similar to that of ordinary concrete, but shrinkage at early ages may be higher<36

). For 40 MP a concrete with slag contents varied between 0% and 80% by mass, the drying shrinkage

(a) Increased by 11 % at 14 days, (b) Increased by I 0% at 56 days, (c) Decreased by 7% at 365 days.

It follows that as slag replacement increases in the binder, there is a dilution of the sulphate content in the binder, causing higher volume changes to occur. The


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optimum sulphate level is that associated with the lower volume changes of concrete containing the cement alone<43

). Creep

The creep of concrete containing slag may be lower than that of ordinary concrete(36

). Studies show that the sulphate content increases, creep decreases. However, there does not appear to be an optimum sulphate content for creep as had been suggested by Alexander et a1<42

). Increasing slag content decreases creep. Thermal Cracking

Granulated slags and fly ashes have been commonly used as ingredients of blended cements as separate cementitious constituents to reduce the temperature rise in mass concrete.

It is important to note that, although the heat of solution method for determining the heat of hydration of cements indicates the total heat release potential of cement, it unfortunately does not indicate the rate of temperature rise, which is important in mass concrete applications.

Early age cracking occurs when the restrained strain during cooling exceeds the tensile strain capacity<44

l_ The restrained strain is the product of the coefficient of thermal expansion, the fall in temperature during cooling and the restraint factor<44

l .

Blended cements have a negligible effect on the coefficient of thermal expansion and the restraint factor; however, they do affect the temperature fall and reduce the tensile strain capacity of the concrete at early ages.

Ground granulated slag reduces the temperature rise and hence the temperature falls in comparison with Portland cement in concrete of equal strength grade. Construction Industry Research and Investigation Association states in 1981 that in large concrete pours the reduction in temperature fall is about 9% with 40% slag replacement, and about 35% with 70% slag replacement(44

). The degree of temperature reduction is also dependent on the reactivities of the slag and of the cement used<45

). Resistance to Sulphate Attack

Generally, slag cement concretes have a higher level of sulphate resistance than Portland cement concrete. Frearson<46

) found that even mortars containing 30% slag replacement were more resistant to sulphate attack than mortars made from Portland cement alone.


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The reason for the better performance of slag blends compared with Portland cement is unclear. It is thought that the performance is associated with the lowering of the C3A level in the concrete, reduction in the concentration of soluble calcium hydroxide in the paste matrix due to the reaction with the slag, and the changes in the internal pore structure of the paste<47


It must be pointed out that the use of sulphate resisting cement or slag blends in concrete does not give immunity from sulphate attack. Low water/binder ratios and sufficient binder contents are essential for satisfactory performance. Verbeck showed that water/cement ratio (cement content) is a significant factor(4

&l . Colour

Depending on the fineness and the chemical composition of the slag, the colour of exposed concrete surfaces containing slag is usually lighter than ordinary concrete. The colour is affected to a large extent by that of the Portland cement used.

In some instances a bluish aspect results in the concrete. This is caused by the presence of very small quantities of iron sulphides, which oxidise rapidly and become colourless when the concrete is exposed to the atmosphere. The phenomenon is rare with most Australian slags, as their sulphide sulphur content is extremely low(JG).

2.2.6. Selection of Slag Replacement Ratio

Concrete containing slag has characteristics generally similar to those of ordinary concrete. However, the use of slag can produce properties that cannot be easily achieved using Portland cement alone.

The replacement ratio of slag is governed by the properties that are desired in the resultant concrete. The following replacement ratios are given in Table 2.9 as a guide and will depend on the quality of the slag available.

Table 2.9 the Replacement Ratios of Slag and its Use!35>

Purpose of Use

Improvement in chemical resistance against sulphates and chlorides

Control of temperature rise due to heat of hydration.

Control of alkali-aggregate reaction.


Replacement Ratio(%)

40-90 (typically 65)

Greater than 40

Greater than 40

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The choice of replacement ratio must be consistent with all the required properties of the concrete, including strength. The properties of the Portland cement component must also be considered when selecting the replacement ratio, since the combination of these two materials dictates the concrete properties(36


2.2. 7. Curing

Moist curing of concrete has a great influence on the quality of the concrete. Insufficient maintenance of moist conditions will result not only in inferior development of strength, but also may result in low durability, even if the long-term strength is satisfactory.

It has been found that cessation of curing of concrete at three days causes both slag cement and Portland cement concretes to suffer strength loss to the same degree. Due to the lower rate of strength development of slag cement concretes, especially at high replacement rates/or low temperatures, moist curing (particularly in the initial period) has a greater influence on the quality and performance of concrete containing slag than on Portland cement concrete. Throughout the curing period, the exposed surfaces of the placed concrete should be kept wet or the loss of moisture from the concrete prevented or minimised. The recommended minimum periods for effective moist curing of concrete containing slag are shown in Table 2.10.

Table 2.10 Minimum Periods for Moist Curin/36


Average Atmospheric Temperature During Curing

10-l 7°C Abovel7°C

Replacement Ratio(%) 30-40 40-55

7 days 5 days

8 days 6 days


9 days 7 days

Placing of concrete at low temperature (below 7°C) can interfere with the hydration process, resulting in delayed development of strength; and if below 0°C, possible frost damage. It is advisable to maintain concrete above 10°C by providing insulation or supplying heat to the concretec36



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2.3. Zeolite

2.3.1. Introduction

Minerals of the zeolite group are amongst the most important environmental and industrial compounds known, with a potential for increased applications in many areas. The Swedish mineralogist Baron Axel Cronstedht first used the term zeolite in 1756, in reference to minerals, which expelled water when heated. The word zeolite is derived from the Greek "zein" which means to boil and "lithos" meaning rock.

The zeolites are now known to be a group of crystalline hydrated aluminosilicates of alkali and alkaline earth cations with an open framework structure. The zeolite framework structure consists of units of silicon and aluminium atoms surrounded by 4 oxygen atoms. A similar unit shares each oxygen atom. The framework is characterised by a network of channels or pores, which lead into larger central cavities. These cavities are occupied by cations such as K, Na, Ca, Mg and Ba, which are surrounded by water molecules. This open structure permits reversible dehydration and cation exchange.

There are 45 naturally occurring zeolite species, of which 18 have been recorded in Victoria. Over 150 synthetic zeolites have been manufactured for their various absorption properties. Although many are chemically similar, each species has a unique structure and distinctive physical and chemical characteristics. The ratio of (Si+ Al) to 0 is always 1 :2 but the ratio of Si : Al can vary from 1: 1 to 1 :6 within the group(49).

In spite of zeolites having been recognised for more than 200 years, it was not until the middle of this century that the scientific community became aware of the chemical and physical properties of zeolites. Most of the effort has centred on synthetic zeolites (molecular sieves), and it has grown into multi-million dollar businesses in several countries. However, in recent years an increasing amount of effort has been directed towards the natural zeolites, their occurrence in sedimentary rocks of volcanic origin, their valuable chemical and physical properties, and their present and potential applications in different areas of industrial and agricultural technology. Since their discovery in large mineable deposits in the western United States and in a number of other countries, interest in natural zeolites has grown steadily. Within two decades the status of this group of minerals has changed from that of a museum curiosity to an important industrial mineral commodity( SO).

In Australia natural zeolite minerals occur in various sedimentary, igneous and low-grade metamorphic rocks. The major deposits of zeolites in New South Wales occur in rocks of acid to intermediate volcanic origin in the Carboniferous Tamworth Belt(5l).


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2.3.2. Historic Use of Zeolite

Natural zeolite has useful applications in agriculture and pollution control, e.g. in soil conditioning, as an additive in stock feed to control odour, and in purifying water. Zeolites are used in prawn, yabbie farms and in fertiliser to reduce the ammonia and hydrogen sulphide levels of water in which the prawns and yabbies spawn (SI).

Also, natural zeolites are used as a filler in the paper industry, as ion exchangers in waste water treatment, as dietary supplements in animal husbandry, in the separation of oxygen and nitrogen from air, as reforming petroleum catalysts, and as acid-resistant adsorbents in gas drying and purification(So).

In the field of construction natural zeolites are used in pozzolanic cements and concrete, as lightweight aggregate.

In this area of environmental concern and of energy and resource conservation, the attractive physical and chemical properties of natural zeolites show great promise of being utilised even more in the future in the solution to many of these problems(SO).

2.3.3. Commercial Exploitation

Although the commercial use of natural zeolites is still in a state of infancy, more than 300,000 tonnes of zeolite tuff is currently mined each year in the United States, Japan, Italy, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Germany, Korea, and Mexico(SO).

The annual output of cement in China is more than 200 million tons and vertical kilns make two thirds of the output. One third of the cement output by vertical kilns is blended with natural zeolite(S9


In Australia, there is currently one zeolite operation in New South Wales. Zeolite Australia Pty Ltd and J M Stephen Pty Ltd began developing the Escott mine, 5 km Southwest of W erris Creek in 1987(51

). The major present uses of the output are in agriculture and horticulture, but the company has been developing new markets for its products including the right to a process successfully used in Europe to reduce nutrients in sewerage outflows. Sales in 1992-93 amounted to 1 700 tonnes valued at $320 000, an increase of 16 percent on the previous year. The company planned to install crushing and milling facilities at Werris Creek, and to produce value-added products for specialised markets.

Zeolite Australia Pty Ltd has identified further zeolite resources in the Werris Creek area, including the Sheedy deposit. Exploration and evaluation by Zeolite Australia Pty Ltd and other companies of deposits in the Tamworth Belt is continuing<S I).


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2.3.4. Properties of Fresh Concrete Containing Zeolite Mineral Admixture

A study has been carried out by Feng et al., 1990(52), using a zeolite mineral admixture (ZMA) made of a finely divided powder of natural zeolite with a small amount of other agent such as treithanolamine (N(C2H40H)3), ~ which is an organic accelerator used. The principal mineral composition of this admixture is clinoptilolite or mordenite whose contents are about 60%. . Slump

The slump of the concrete with a 10% replacement of the cement by ZMA was 15 to 30 mm less than that of the concrete without ZMA. The higher replacement of cement by ZMA, the more the slump decreased. Because the ingredient of ZMA is mainly natural zeolite that has a large amount of pores in it, the mixing water can be absorbed by it. The viscosity of fresh concrete is increased by adding ZMA (S2


therefore, it is suitable for construction when pumping concrete without need for a larger slump.

2.3.4 .2. Workability and Pumpability

The addition of ZMA also has the advantage that it results in no segregation or separation of the mix, and thus the mix better satisfies the requirement of pumped

. . (52) concrete m construct10n ·

2.3.5. Properties of Hardened Concrete Containing Zeolite

2.3.5 .1. Permeability

ZMA can raise the Si02 / CaO weight ratio in the interface structure of concrete (interface transition zone) to increase its C-S-H (C = CaO, S =Si 02, H = H20) phases and decrease its calcium hydroxide content. Thus, the structure of the interface transition zone is improved. Consequently, the strength and resistance to permeability of the concrete are increased(S?). Effect of Different Mineral Admixtures on Concrete Strength

When 10% cement (by mass) is displaced by clinoptilolite (Zeolite 1 ), mordenite (Zeolite2), slag powder, and the fly ash, respectively, the strength of the concrete with ZMA (No. l and 2) is higher than that of the pure OPC concrete . But the strength of concrete with slag powder and fly ash is less than that of the corresponding concrete with pure OPC at any age. Therefore, ZMA has a good strengthening effect in concrete(52>.


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Chapter 2 : Literature Review Strength Effect of Concrete by ZMA with

Different Fineness

The 10% replacement of cement by three different finenesses of ZMA was also tested. The strengths of concretes made of two kinds of ZMA (Zeolite 1 and Zeolite 2) with three different finenesses for 3, 7, and 28 days were higher than those of the cmTesponding pure OPC concretes. The strengthening effect of the finest grind (average size 5.6 µm) for both kinds of ZMA was improved<52l from 10% - 15% as shown in Figure 2.6.

120 .... 6

5.6 µm {No.9) 6.2)J m ~ __..-- 0 A (No. 11) 5.6 pm (No. 12 l ~ 110 -~~ e 8(:) A- --- ~--::2 =----·-----~-- Q -.s:: 68 (N ?) 6.2µm lNo.8) · ~_.:;: -X ... • .... · µm o. ~6.8µm(No. 10) ;; 10 0 >- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... - - - - - ·- · - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q) L.. ... Ill



0 Q)


90 ,_

80 ....

70 ...

a ( z eo Ii te 1)


3 7

-b (zeol ite 2)


-I I I I

28 3 7 28 a.ge {days}

Figure 2.6 Relation between age and strength of concrete with different fineness of ZMA (Zeolite 1 and Zeolite 2) <52l Relation between Concrete Strength and Amount

of Cement Displaced by ZMA

When ZMA is used to displace 10% of the cement used in concrete, the concrete strengths at 7 and 28 days are all higher than the corresponding values for pure OPC concrete, and are about 10 to 12%, as shown in Figure 2.7. When the replacement increases from 10 to 15% of cement used in concrete, the strength at 7 days is nearly the same as the corresponding value of pure OPC concrete. But when the replacement increases from 15 to 20% of cement, the concrete strengths at 7 and 28 days are all about the same as the corresponding value of pure OPC concr·ete<52l.

Therefore, it appears that the percentage of replacement of the cement with zeolite should not be higher than 12%.


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~ 120 0

Zeolite 1 - age 7 days · age 28 days


~ 110 c C1' .... - 100 .,, C1' > - 90 0



• 0

10 15 20 10 15

Figure 2. 7 Relation between concrete strength and the amount of cement displaced by ZMA(52

> Strengthening Effect of ZMA on OPC Concrete and Slag Cement

Concrete with Different W IC Ratios


The strengthening effect of ZMA on the slag cement concrete with different water-cement ratios (from 0.31 to 0.38) is the same as ordinary Portland cement concrete. The partial replacement of cement by ZMA for each water-cement ratio concrete is 13%; the relative strength of the concrete with ZMA is 10 to 15% higher than that of the basic concrete (without ZMA) at different W/C ratio values, as shown in Figure 2.s<52>.

- 120 ~ !?_.

~ 110 O' c: C1'

~100 (f)


> 90 -0

C1' 0:: 80

• •


•·-- - Port I and Cement

o----Slog Cement



0. 30 0.32 0 .34 0.36 0 .38 0.30 0 .32 0.34 0.36 038

Figure 2.8 Relative strength of Portland cement and slag cement concretes with and without ZMA under different W/C. Amount of cement replacement by ZMA (%f2>.


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Chapter 2 : Literature Review Strengthening Mechanism of ZMA on Cement Concrete

A partial displacement of cement in concrete by a fine mineral powder with the same grain particle size of cement can improve the degree of cement hydration<54>. When the grains of mineral powder and cement are coagulating together, an outside space for the hydration products to fill is offered<55

). Because ZMA has the feature of a large amount of inner surface area and an intense ability for hydration reaction, the strengthening effect of the ZMA on the concrete is much higher than that containing other mineral admixtures. Reaction of ZMA and Ca(OHh

In laboratory tests<52>, test samples were prepared as follows: ZMA : CaO : water = 2: 1: 1.5, a standard curing (20°C) for 28 days, steam curing (95°C, Sh), and an autoclave curing (180°C, 6h) are adopted. The results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analysis showed that the ZMA could react with the Ca(OH)i to produce C-S-H [Cement chemical notation: C = CaO, S = Si02, H = H20]. The result of such a SEM analysis is shown in Figure 2.9(52).

Figure 2.9 SEM image for the hardened mixture of ZMA and Ca(OH)l2' Improvement of Interface Structure in Concrete by ZMA

When a part of the cement in concrete is displaced by ZMA, the existence of Ca(OH)i crystals in the aggregate interface transition zone is decreased and its orientation of flake-like Ca(OH)i is also weakened. Thus the properties of the interface structure of concrete are improvea<52>.


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After the addition of ZMA, the orientation of Ca(OH)2 crystals in the interface transition zone is decreased, and its orientation range is reduced from 50µm of the pure cement aggregate interface to about 40 µm. Thus, the structural nonuniformity of the whole transition zone is also decreased<52>.

The Si02 /CaO ratio in the interface transition zone of concrete with ZMA is higher than that of the basic concrete. The large amount of Si4

+ ions existing in the interface transition zone causes an increased content of the C-S-H (C = CaO, S = Si 02, H = H20) and a decreased orientation of flake-like Ca(OH)i .The SEM image as shown in Figure 2.10 supports the above point of view.

It is also apparent from Figure 2.10 that the calcium hydroxide content existing in the interface of the basic concrete is higher than that of the concrete with ZMA; but the C-S-H existing in the interface of the concrete with ZMA is higher than that of the basic concrete<52>. The effect occurs because ZMA decreases the calcium hydroxide content and increases the C-S-H in the interface of the concrete, i.e., MNA improves the interface structure in the concrete.

a. Basic Concrete above *300, bottom *1500 b. Concrete with FMA above *300, bottom * 1500

Figure 2.1 O SEM of the interface transition zone of concrete with and without ZMA<52l The Effect of FMA on the Pore Structure of Cement Paste

The pore-size distribution, determined · by the mercury penetration method in cement paste, has a large effect on strength and durability. It is known that only pores with diameters larger than 1000 A are harmful to the strength and permeable resistance of concrete<57>.


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Increasing the amount of microspores ( d<625A) and decreasing the amount of harmful large pores (d>938A) in the cement paste with ZMA leads to an increase of concrete strength and an improvement of the permeable resistance(57


Tests by Feng et al, 1990(52), show that the accumulated pore contents of pores

with diameters larger than 93 8 A at different ages of the cement paste with ZMA are less than those of the corresponding pure Portland cement paste. This means hydration products increased, and consequently the number of inner pores with a diameter larger than 938 A decreased, and the total pore contents on 3 days and 28 days were also decreased. Therefore, the strength and the permeable resistance of the cement paste with ZMA are improved.

2.3.6. Natural Zeolitefor Preventing Expansion Due to

Alkali-Aggregate Reaction (AAR)

Research by Naiqian(S&), et al 1992, in China, has shown the effect of natural zeolite prevents expansion due to alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR). The underlying mechanism was also investigated.

Since natural zeolite contains a large amount of reactive Si02 (silicate dioxide) and Ab03 (aluminium trioxide), the strength of concrete with blended zeolite cement increases with age due to pozzolanic reaction(60l. On one hand, the natural zeolite as a blending material of cement is expected to prevent the expansion due to AAR by ion absorption and ion exchange, and on the other hand the high amount ofNa20 (sodium oxide) and K20 (potassium oxide) in zeolite is likely to increase the expansion due to AAR. Zeolite cement (ZC) was used in the research, and the expansion due to AAR was investigated by the mortar-bar testing method.

When Portland cement is replaced with 30% of natural zeolite by mass, it is called zeolite cement (ZC). The total alkali content is 1.42% (K20 1.071 %, Na20 0.716%). The alkali content is raised to 1.82% by adding NaOH in the mortar. Hard glass was used as a reactive aggregate, and sand was used as the nonreactive aggregate. The mortar bar method was used to determine the expansion due to AAR(S&)_ The test results for dam cement (DC) and zeolite cement (ZC) are shown in Figure 2.11. At one year the expansion of the mortar bars made from DC and fine hard glass was about 0.106%, but the corresponding values for the mortar bars made from ZC and reactive hard glass were 0.004% and 0.002% with alkali contents 1.42% and 1.82% respectively.


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0 .10


z 0 0 .06 Ui z ~ GS o.o4 -

0 .02


_._DC (alka:. canlenl 0 .62 'lo)

-0- zc (alkali conlenl 1. 42%1

-6-zc (alkali contenl

1.82 %)

4 8 13 TIME (weeks)


Figure 2.11 The effect of ZC and DC on the expansion due to AAR(sa)

The tests show that ZC blended with 30% natural zeolite is effective in preventing expansion due to AAR. Thus it is certain that there will be no damage from AAR if the concrete is made of ZC with reactive aggregate<58


In the experiment, it was found that the natural zeolite absorbs the alkali ions by exchange; therefore, the AAR can be controlled. The Mechanisms of Natural Zeolite on Preventing the

Expansion Due to Alkali Aggregate Reaction (AAR)

The reaction of silicate and sodium hydroxide (or potassium hydroxide) results in the formation of a gel of sodium silicate (or potassium silicate). The gel absorbs water and swells. The expansion of the gel exerts pressure in the concrete and results in the failure of the concrete. The concentration of sodium and potassium ions in solution in fine pores of the hardened cement paste can be lowered by the ion exchange of natural zeolite, so that the formation of Si-ONa and AAR can be eliminated(SS).

Further research(SS) was conducted on ZC blended with 30% natural zeolite. At a W/C of 0.4, the initial alkali concentration was controlled to 3.5, 8.7, 20.0, and 34.0 mg/ml by adding NaOH (sodium hydroxide). After adding natural zeolite to the solutions, the concentrations of alkali were determined. In order to simplify the experiment, the water solutions with the same initial concentrations of alkali before adding natural zeolite were used. The results are presented in Table 2.13. It shows that the concentrations of alkali are clearly decreased by adding natural zeolite.


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Table 2.11 Concentration of alkalis in water before and after adding natural z.eofite(5


Concentration of Concentration of Alkali in Water before Alkali in Water After

Water, Amount of Zeolite Adding Zeolite Adding Zeolite Balance No (ml) Added, (gm) [NaO(mg/ml)] [NaO(mg/ml)] Na20,%

1 40 30 3.5 0.6 17.1 2 40 30 8.7 1.2 13.8 3 40 30 20.0 4.0 20.0 4 40 30 26.0 6.5 25.0 5 40 30 34.0 11.0 32.4

Note: W/(C+Z) = 0.4, Water mass= 40 ml, C + Z = 100 g, Z = 30 g, C =cement; W =water mass; Z = zeolite.

Three types of concrete were made and cured under standard curing conditions (20 ± 2°C, RH> 90%) for five months. It was observed that the specimens made from Portland cement and andesite are with sodium silicate gel on the surface, but the surfaces of the specimens made from ZC and andesite were free from this gel as shown in Figure 2.12. The results confirm that AAR can be prevented by adding zeolite to concrete<SS).

Briefly, natural zeolite as the retarding material of AAR can eliminate the concentration of the alkali ions in the cement paste mainly owing to the ion exchange. Therefore the reaction between reactive aggregate and the alkali ions in the solution in the fine pores of cement paste is also eliminated, so the condition of Si-ON a formation is destroyed and the expansion due to AAR is retarded(SS>.

1& ............ iaias!!lll&S&Z .. m&iiiiiiiiiiiiiiirs

IO "W/C=0. 4 C•G= IO•l

Alb Ii content 0. 8 %

l I " W /C = 0. 4 c;: : G = l 0 : I

.'\\b li contt·nt 2. 8°~

Csta 11d;ircl curing for S month~)

12" W IC=o 4 · C · G A lk · . ";'lO: J

a /1 conrenc 2. 8 ;~ -;-- 30 % Zeolite


Figure 2.12 Photos of the concrete specimens with and without zc<55)


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3. Precast Concrete

3 .1 Latest Developments

One of the most important seminars held to discuss the latest development of precast concrete design and construction was that b~ the Steel Reinforcement Institute of Australia April 23 , 1996 at Sydney Opera House 61


Product quality and the speed of construction are among the main reasons that precast concrete is currently growing rapidly in popularityC61


Improved quality control and the reduction of trades and labor required on site are advantages which allow precast concrete to become the material of choice for a wide variety of building, structural and civil construction projects throughout the country. Other advantages are improved site safety, or not having to scaffold the entire building. Crema concluded, "Precast concrete is fast, safe and economical"C61

l .

3.1.1 Utilization of Precast Concrete

In the 60s and 70s, precast concrete was mainly used as a cladding material, but since the 80s, there is a much greater use of precast concrete as a structural, as well as a cladding material<61

\ see Figures 3.1, 3.2.

Its application varies from complete structures to componentry in the form of flooring units, balconies, stair flights, lift service cores, stair wells, and wall panels, both internal and external, (see Figures 3.3, 3.4). The use of precast concrete in housing may extend to:

• Walling, both loadbearing and cladding • Floors, a wide choice of options • Stair flights • Core units for lifts and stairs

• •

Balcony units Structural Framesc63l_

3.1.2 Steel Reinforcement

Technical advances in steel reinforcing and prestressing have also seen the development of strong and slender structural components such as roof and bridge beams, which are now available in spans of around 35m<61


3.1.3 Handling Equipment

Smith stated, "One of the major reasons that affect the growth of the precast industry is the development of powerful materials handling equipment such as large mobile cranes. Another major change is the way in which precast is used in the building industry"c61



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: ' . . -:: . ~ : ~ ~: .

·:.?; .. · .. ·

Figure 3.2 Precast concrete cladding panels usin~ "dummy joints" to simulate masonry appearance<61



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Figure 3.3 Fully precast, terrace style housing, North Adelaide(53)_

Figure 3.4 Total use of structural and architectural precast concrete. Precast structural frame, floors, service cores (lifts and stairwells), stair flights and wall

cladding(51 l.


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3.1.4 Design Documentation

Improving the quality of design documentation will contribute in the development of the precast industry. Precast concrete manufacturers spend a lot of time and energy converting insitu designs to precast and this effort could be greatly reduced if designers considered precast much earlier in their design process(61 l.

3.1.5 Durability

Tests on the government offices building at Chifley Square confirmed the durability of precast concrete. "This structure was built in 1960 and, when it was demolished in 1991 , gave an excellent opportunity to see how the precast concrete had performed over its 31 year life span," The tests showed no measurable carbonation and the results confirm that precast concrete offers excellent long-term durability and performance. This is due to the greater quality control possible under factory conditions and the fact that precast concrete manufacturers use high cement contents, low water/cement ratios to gain high early strength so that moulds can be rotated. Good compaction and curing also assist in ensuring a high-end quality product(61


There is a greater awareness of the possibilities as architects and designers to take advanta~e of precast concrete ' s unique properties when it comes to shape, colour and finishes( I).

3.1.6 Good Finishes

The precast concrete industry has access to an excellent range of aggregate such as basalt and quartz and it could be very attractive finishes like granite panels(61


3.1. 7 Tolerance

The industry is now capable of working to very tight tolerance, in flat surfaces it is less than 0.5mm per meter(6ll.

3.1.8 Formwork

Another innovation which is making precast concrete very competitive is the development of hydraulically operated formwork which enables even the most complex of moulds to be stripped in minutes(61



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3.2 Tilt-up construction

3.2.1 Historical Utilization

Tilt-up construction had its genesis in the USA in the early part of this century. Its use in Australia dates from the early 1960s when it was pioneered in both Melbourne and Perth. It has been constant use since that time, particularly in the eastern states. It is only since the early 1980s that it has become a popular form of construction. In Victoria it is now the normal form of construction for lowrise, industrial, commercial, and office buildings, and is gaining increasing use in medium density housing, schools, and other non-commercial buildings (Victorian Department of Labour 1987)(64


3.2.2 Method of Construction

In their simplest form, wall panels are cast on the flat, on a prepared floor slab (Cement and Concrete Association of Australia 1980). Once the concrete has gained sufficient strength, the panels are rotated to the vertical by crane and placed in their final position. The advantage of this system is that the floor slab acts as the base­former, and only light perimeter formwork is required for the edges of each panel. The same team of concretors responsible for putting down the floor slab can place and finish the concrete for the wall panels. Door and window frames can be positioned prior to concreting and built into the panel, reducing the number of tradesmen needed. Many of the finishes can be achieved on site (for example, aggregate exposure by water washing, retardation, or mechanical abrasioni64


The benefits of the tilt-up method of construction, where the floor slab is often used as the casting bed, enables panels to be cast without transport concerns, with their size and shape limited only by the site layout and craneage. Most panels could be between about six and 35 tonne, with only the occasional panel weighing up to 40-50 tonnec61 l.

Smaller mobile cranes, such as a 50 tonne capacity crane, need to be moved a lot as they are not capable of lifting heavy weights beyond their radius, while a larger 200 tonne crane can lift heavier panels without having to move as often. But 200 tonne cranes can be costly if they are not fully utilized. A good idea is to minimise the size of panels in comers where they are difficult to place, Humas concluded<61


On restricted sites, or if it is not feasible to use the floor slab or an adjoining driveway as the casting bed, stack-casting can be used. Tilt-up construction can be economically extended to a full site-precasting operation by casting major beams and complex facade elements for multi-storey buildings at ground level, and then lifting them into position with the wall panels(64


Concrete for tilt-up panels should satisfy the durability requirements of AS 3600. Thickness may be controlled by fire rating requirements. Strength at the time of lifting is a major criterionc64



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3.2.3 Current Delivery Process

Hunton has discussed the current delivery process and problems associated with design documentation, "The problem with the current delivery process is that the design responsibility is not clear. Often precasters are being brought onto jobs long after the design has been finalized and this is creating conflict between the designers and the precast concrete supplier"<61


It is important to get a precast specialist on the design process. The benefits of this approach include enabling the precaster to contribute to the design development, which helps to avoid a lot of problems. And, to give the precaster time to make prototypes, to test the mix design, shop drawings and moulds to be made; and for the design team to work out any problems, any access limitations and plan the construction sequence. When the precast concrete is prestressed, designers must also take creep into consideration<61


3.2.4 Joints

When designing a joint and selecting an appropriate jointing material, Scott stated designers must take in consideration the worst case scenario for opening/closing movements in precast concrete components, due to a combination of drying shrinkage and thermal movements<61


Scott used an example of a 6m wide precast concrete panel with a 20mm joint, and stated it is feasible that the panel could contract by as much as 3.6mm due to drying shrinkage; this is 18% of the joint width. The potential for movement due to thermal effects, assuming a linear thermal co-efficient of expansion, and for a 6.0m panel exposed to very cold or very hot conditions could result in a movement of about 3mm, 15% of the joint width. This means the worst case scenario for drying shrinkage and thermal expansion or contraction could result in about 6.6mm movement in a 20mm joint<6


Nominal joint widths range from 10 to 25mm. The most common sizes are 15mm and 20mm not less than 1 Omm to adequate clearance for panel movement and waterproofing. The three common joint types are open-drained, face-sealed and compression seal<63


Joints are necessary m buildings generally to satisfy one or more of the following requirements:

• To accommodate movement induced by changes in temperature, i.e. expansion or contraction of the structure.

• To accommodate movement associated with the settlement of a new building.

• To accommodate movement induced by variable loadings exerted on elements of a building.

• To facilitate the easy erection of components on site, i.e. to accommodate tolerance and setout variations.

• To provide architectural expression.


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For a building to perform its basic function of providing shelter, any joint between two elements of a building must be sealed from the ingress of wind, dust and rain whilst allowing the elements to move independently of each other. As well as performing the obvious task of excluding weather from a building, the materials chosen to seal these joints may also be required to perform to specific requirements relating to:

• Fire resistance; • Chemical resistance.

The ability to gain future access to the joints may also need to be considered when evaluating sealant materials<62


It must be pointed out that a high percentage of joint-sealant failures occur because the movement in the joint exceeds the design parameters of the joint sealant­the movement accommodation factor (MAFi62>. This factor is the percentage of ability of the sealant material to accommodate joint movement of a structural element over extended cyclic periods.

Designers must ensure the jointing material they select will perform at the worst case scenario and that the material they select should be waterproof, durable, permanently elastic, have high cohesive strength and good adhesion, be non-toxic and easy to handle(61


3.2.5 Joint Sealing Materials

Precast concrete cladding construction has enabled designers to be come more imaginative in their design and as a result, joint details are sometimes complex. Therefore, sealants come in a variety of forms and each has specific characteristics to ensure its suitability in a given structure<62


Field-Moulded Sealants, often known as gun-grade sealants, are the most common form of sealant used today. These materials are applied onto a prepared joint as a semi-viscous compound which cure to a flexible seal adhering to the faces of adjacent panels. Suitable for vertical, horizontal and overhead joints, these gun­applied materials provide an easy, economical solution to sealing mostjoints<62


groups: The most commonly used field-moulded sealants are in the following three

• Polysulphides: Polysulphide sealants have been available for over 20years. They remain flexible over a wide temperature range and are highly resistant to ultraviolet light, ozone. Polysulphide-based sealants bond well to concrete when a suitable primer is used and can accommodate joint movement of MAF ±25%<63


• Polyurethanes: Polyurethane sealants having high resistance to ultraviolet light and will remain flexible for periods of at least 8-15 years because of their stable chemical structure. They have a safe strain capacity of MAF


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±25% and as well as their excellent elastic properties are resistant to abrasion, tearing and indentation<63


• Silicones:

Silicone sealants have the highest strain capacity of all modem sealant materials, being able to accommodate joint movements of MAF ± 100% in many cases. They have good resistance to ultraviolet radiation and a wide range of chemicals and possess good colour stability. Neutral-cured compounds are recommended<63


All have their advantages and disadvantages; however, the following is a guide to the most commonly held views for each:

1. One-part sealants:

Easy to apply, economical, no concerns over mixing (as with multi-parts), wide choice of chemical type (polyurethane, silicones, hybrids, acrylics). Because most of these products cure by reaction with atmospheric moisture, they can be quite dependent on climatic conditions, especially relative humidity, and prone to unpredictable cure rates(62


Some hybrid materials are now available which cure by reaction with oxygen in the air. Most modern one-part sealants will accommodate greater than ±25% movement over extended cyclic periods and this generally relates well with the movement requirements in cladding applicationsc62


Acrylics have much lower MAFs (between 5% and 10%) and are suitable only for low-movement joints. One-part sealants can unfortunately be prone to splitting and adhesion failure due to early movement of the panels being sealed; thermal movement for example is continuous as the ambient temperature rises and falls throughout any day. For a one-part sealant to perform in the long term, it must first survive this movement during its cure period up to three or four weeks in some casesc62).

2. Multi-part sealant:

Although, it is not easy to use due to the need to mix the components, but it can be more economical as far as product cost. The most significant benefit is the cure rate. The mixing of a curing agent throughout the base polymer ensures that the sealant mass cures at rate through the sealant rather than forming a skin and curing inwards as is the case with one-part sealants. This generally means the sealant is able to accommodate earlier joint movement. This is important factor to consider with precast panels. Polysulphide and polyurethane are the most common chemical types(62)_

As with the better one-part sealants, most multi-part sealants suitable for use in cladding application are capable of a ±25% MAF over extended periods(62>.


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3. Preformed strips:

These products may be simple impregnated foams for applications between components where limited movement is expected and generally exposed for less severe weathering. The foam can be placed during or after erection of panels.

A type of preformed strip often overlooked is the preformed mastic strip. These products can be very useful where access to the sealing slot is difficult after erection, e.g. precast panels to a new building being erected alongside an existing building as shown in Figure 3.5<62

). ·

~ Wall ol existing building

.----..- Limited access

Internal air seal with backing rod-- ---,

Preformed mastic strip alter compression

Figure 3.5 Preformed mastic strip(62l

4. Open-drain joints:

This type of joint requires the incorporation of a baffle strip into a slot cast into the edges of the precast panel. Whilst effective in limiting the ingress of rain through a joint, the open-drain joint is more costly and makes the panels more difficult to erect on site. Tolerances are critical to their success, as is a minimum joint width of 20mm to prevent capillary action. It is sealed at the rear to prevent a pressure differential, which would draw water into the joint. The horizontal upstand is usually 50-1 OOmm high. The internal cavity width should preferably be greater than the face opening. Baffle strips are generally made from PVC or neoprene and ribbed on the "weather side" to limit rain being forced behind the strip in high winds. Any rain reaching the strip simply drains down its length to a short length of horizontal flashing 300mm at the bottom of the joint as shown in Figure 3.6<62l.


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Chapter 3: Literature Review

50-mm min. drainage



I If::~,:',"' ml Flashing

Bottom baffle lapped under nasfiing

Neoprene baffle strip (see lapping detail below)

Vertical air seal (eg, sealanl with backing rod. closed-cell sponge or square neoprene strip)

1 Horizontal air-seal (as for vertical)

SO mm 1' minimum,

'- ~she lt ered location: 100mm. exposed

~ k100mm



Figure 3.6 Open-drained joint(62)

3.2.6 Fixings & Connections

The panel fixing must secure the unit to the structure but allow later adjustment so that the crane can be released quickly. Adjustment must be possible in three directions. Restraint fixings should be accessible from the same floor level as the support fixings. The fixing and surrounding panel area must have sufficient reinforcing to be ductile on overload. Lifting ferrules cast into panel edges or m exposed positions should be made of stainless steel<64l.

Connections' shape and type vary in non-load-bearing panels and load-bearing panels; it depends on the purpose and uses to which the element in the structure will be put if it be cladding, external or internal panels.

Non-load-bearing panels should be individually supported by the structure. The preferred support is by a concrete haunch on the rear of the panel, packed off the edge of the slab and located by a grouted dowel. Steel bearing must be protected from fire in some way. Except where exposure dictates otherwise, mild steel is preferred to stainless steel for cost, ease of fabrication, and ductility in a wide range of conditions. Corrosion protection is provided by hot-dip galvanizing<64

l . Various connection types are illustrated in Figures 3. 7.


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Chapter 3: Literature Review

ompr\.·!):-. 1..·J fibr1..· pJCkl·rs Jud groul

JIHkr CUllLrl'll' pJnds

125 m01


75 mn\ widl· pl.ii" (lyp1co l)


25 75-100 mm

Concrttt tuunch

175- :!00 mm


25 111111

--l 1-]II llHll


p.1 \ ~ \ 'h

"'Om 111 j_ - T

+----+ 125- 175 mm llypi.-.ilJ

Rr~tr.:iinl fi1tinK

l ~ - 1: ~m 11 1 r ·l .l h.'ul\

t.J~l '

~ l k)

>-:ll •11lu1r,·. i1 t, ·r

.1l r..:,11111, · 111


Hollo w lU fl'

buttom l ili nK

fl':r: lt•f , ::1 h .._ , .fJ n.l 111 pl.1k

'~'i ' \'•r\ .1 n~I, \\1 ·1, h ·\.l 1111 •!.1;, ·



l I

\· ltp~ .1 1

hOU mmns

\ ' , l \ \ "• l\t·, 1111

tlulluw 1"11r,·

to r fiti11~

I , ,, 2 krruk~

~ll 1, 1 :?..I 11l01

/ J1.1n11.'lt' r

An~I" fv1 l'.1nd 10 .? 1

Figure 3.7 Common fixings for precast cladding and typical dimensions(54>

Structural framed residential buildings are less common, particularly in the low/medium-rise application. If used, panels are most likely to be supported on cast-in corbels, doweled and grouted<63 >.

Cladding panel connection details for intermediate floors as top bracing supports are illustrated in Figures 3.8, 3.9, 3.10<65>.


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Chapter 3: Literature Review

.--------Corbe l may be local o r



continuous NOTE: It con!lnuous. provide mea n s o f draining conde n sa ti on fr om back o f pa ne l (w;ifc h covP. r)

11117.oliO:i---Grouted core -ho le (horizontal and f;if era l ad1u slmenl)

Packe rs (ve r11 ca l ad 1uslmen l) and dry-pack mort a r

i..----- Dowe l casl 1n lloor.

150 -> min.

pre fe rably inside beam reinforcement

THI S ARR ANGEMENT. Medium co rbe l pro1ec l1on. Low f1 x1ng to le rance

a. Corbel support, cast-in dowel fixing

Packers and dry-pac k mortar under corb2 I

'-T--,,....--- Cas l ·1n ancho red p l;ile ex lend ing under corbe l

NOTE: Angle 1n;iy b.:. loca l ed on back o f corbe l to ease fi xing throug h an insi tu wa ll

THI S ARRANGEMENT: Minimum corbe l proj ec tion. Ma xi mum fixing to le ran ce

c. Corbel support, angle fixing

.---------Cont inuous or loca l corbe l (see no te o n Detail Cl)

.------Grouted core-hole

175 min

(horizontal and la te ral ad ju slmen l)

Packers (verl 1ca l adjuslmenl) and dry-pack mortar

R--,--- Loose dowel placed in

' i )

g roul · lilled core- ho le a ft e r panel e rected

THI S ARRANGEMENT: Larger corbe l pro jec tio n. Larger fi xi ng tol erance

b. Corbel support, loose dowel fixing

Ir Anchored angle cas t in pane l w1 lh oversize hole (hor izonta l and lat e ral ad ju s tm ent)

j May be recessed to provide l- uninterrupt ed fl oor area

:i"'--""""""~"'"'--'r_-_-_· --r -------' Pac kers (ve rti cal adjustment) I

~---.-~--Anc hored ang le cas l in floor slab w1lh s il e·we lded s tud (for maximum to lerance) l o lake nul and pl;:il e ·was fl e r

THI S ARRANGEMENT. For lighl pane ls o nl y Ca n provide uninterrupt ed floor area if recessed

d. Fabricated angle support, stud fixing

Figure 3.8 Cladding panel connection details(55l


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Chapter 3: Literature Review

Spandre l panel with lwo nibs

Anchored p late cast on nib------,...::.~~

Bol ts (with plate washers) through oversize holes into inserts cast in fl oor s l ab--~:,W-,,..--"'--"'~~·M·"

b. Local nib, bolted plate fixing

Pa c kers and dry- pa c k mo rt a r

a. . Local nib, dowel fixing

c. Local nib, bolted angle fixing

Figure 3.9 Bearing support details(55>

Note: 1. Detail (a) is the preferred detail. 2. Detail (b ), ( c) may provide some erection and adjustment features but will

generally be more expensive. 3. Fire protection coating to (b ), ( c) fixings may be required if other means are not

employed, e.g., fire-rated wall in front of spandrel.


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Chapter 3: Literature Review

J -Anc ho 1ed in se rt cas t in beam (c heck loca tion o f b ea m re info rce m ent)

Bol t th• ough ho lP. s lo tt ed pa rall e l to panel 1ho 111on1;i1 ad1us1men1J

~---l3oll th rough ve rl•<a ll y slo tted hole (ve • t 1c;i l ;ic11ustmcn l ) 1111 0 111 S(' f I GlS I 111 p:oirwl

~------ I lo 1'. ... 1·~.llc1c f ).1ck1•1:-,

l l:11t •1;1I ;ld JW.lflH'll lt

a. Angle cleat with slotted holes


Ancho red angle cast in edge o l lJeJm

Angle c lea t s it e-we lded to cas t-in ang le (pe rmits large horizonta l and latera l to le rance)

~---- Bolt through oversize hole (ve rti ca l ad jus tme n t) int o in se rt cas t in pan e l

c. Angle clear site welded

Anc l1ored inse rt cas t in bea m (c ~1 ec k loca tion o f beam reinforcement)

-- Boll 1t11 o ug l1 ove rsiz e ho le / (h o rizon to l and la1e1a l adjustment)

Plotc w;isher m ay be tack-we lded to // <ingl~ 10 1nc reas(' l11c l1o n-carrying

capac 11 y

l-i rov1e1 ong le o r IJroc ing if required

-- Goll 1111 ough ove rs ize ho le Iv<? < I 1cil l <id1ustme nl) 11110 1nse • I c.:is t 111 pane l

b. Angle cleat with oversize holes

Fo rm ed plat e c lco l. braced 1f necesso r y. bo ll ed 1n1 0 inse r t cas t in bea m ---------


Bolt thro ugh ove rsize hole (vertica l and horizontal adj.) w ith packers (la te ral ad1) inlo inse rt cast in panel--~

d. Fonned plate cleat and oversize hole

Figure 3.10 Lateral restraint details(55l

Loadbearing panels, both external and internal, will normally be connected using grouted dowel connections, actual details will depend on the panel configuration and loading. A common shape has a top and bottom spandrel connected


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by load-bearing mullions to form a window opening. Vertical continuity reinforcement projects from the unit to engage cored holes in the unit above. The top spandrel may support the floor and tie the facade into the slab. It may provide the fire separation between floors and be profiled to provide the edge formwork<64>.

Structural fixings are designed to suit the circumstances of load and continuity at supports. Simple bearings use a neoprene pad. The thickness and size is chosen to allow for vertical load and horizontal loads arising from shrinkage, creep and temperature effects. Vinje (1985) provides guidance m selecting suitable proportions<66


Dowels grouted into core holes provide a simple connection between load­bearing units. Figure 3.11 illustrates base connection details, and Figures 3.12, 3.13, 3.14 illustrated intermediate floor connection details for thin loadbearing wall pane1s<65>.

Fu ll y-grouled rece ss

'-----AC packers for ini t ial support and leve lling

'------- Recess 1n floor slab

a. Light loads, wide tolerance

r--- - Precast wa ll-panel

.--- - Anchored inser t cas t in pane l

n;D,y·p•ck mon"

19W-- --Grout poured in to core -ho le in slab immediate ly pr ior to p lacing pane l

b. Preferred, good tolerance

,.j------Anchored insert cas t in panel

j ...

.--- --Ang le wit h oversize ho les for adjustmen t

. - ~ '.J "

Recess fil led to protect fi t t ings

~~--Anchored plate cast 1n floor o slab. site-we lded stud

'----'~LLl-__ J_._..___ __ AC packers

-"' '--- ---,-----Dry-pack mortar

c. Good tolerance d. Maximum tolerance Figure 3.11 Panel to insitu floor slab detai1s<55



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Chapter 3: Literature Review

NOTE: Minimum panel thickness 125 to 150 mm

~~---Pressure-grouted core-hole

- "" <,)"·' CJ d

=-""":,,r---- Anc hored insert cast I :~~,;,;,~~ ""' "'° NOTE : !.11nimurn pan e l thickne ss 125 lo 150 mm

.,,,..~,.,;;---- Pressure-grouted core-hole

Floor-slab tie s ca st in haunch on panel

~;.;;;.:,;.:,;;;;:;;;r--An c hored inse rt c;i sl in panel used a lso for lifting

Figure 3.12 Panel to panel at insitu floor detai1s<55l


}:-:. -=--:::._-:::._-::._ -::._-::_-::. = =:: =' ,.~.::::~.:=-..::-..::..J II . --,

--1;-l IJ ,,

f:.:::::£:::-:::-:::::.:::: ::=-=--.:::: If


Exterior lace

., Groul ·filled pocket

High tensile boll and plate washer - ----'

II u

Galva nised plate with oversize hole casl in end of :>anel

Fire -rated 1;1;~r

a. Panel to panel between lateral restraints b. Panel to panel in absence of lateral continuity

Figure 3.13 Panel to panel continuity details<55>


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Chapter 3: Literature Review

Precast panel

~--Tie bars cast in ~~--Anchored in se rt ~~Mr----Anchored inser t

panel (may cause handling difficulties)

cast in panel cas t in panel

Threaded tie bar Threaded ti e bar

0 60


Llns1tu fl oor

Haunch on panel

Figure 3.14 Panel to intermediate insitu floor details(55>

3.3 Present Study of Thesis

From the above review of the research work carried out throughout the latest development of precast concrete constructions, it is illustrated that the methods of design should consider in closer detail the need to decrease erection time and cost. As well, technical details should be considered by designers to tum connections into architectural features to encourage precasters in their market and to develop architectural imagination.

It is also illustrated that although a considerable number of experiments have been carried out to develop satisfactory moment resisting wall-floor connections in the last decades, certain aspects require further research. On the other hand, theoretical calculations have been basically limited to the assessment of the strength, deflection, ductility and deformation behavior of the connections under service load.

Since the performance of the connection is affected by many factors, it is not enough to use the theoretical value for comparisons, particularly, while evaluating the development of the cracks in the concrete and the strain distribution in reinforcing bars. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out further research with the following aims:

1. Design concrete cross section and steel reinforcement for the vertical wall panels to adequate tensile stresses and shear stress according to AS 3600.

2. Design the moment resisting wall-floor connections that can safely transmit the loads and easily be assembled on site.


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3. Design the bolts under combined tensile and shear forces for the wall-floor connection that can safely transmit the loads to the footing according to AS 4100.

4. Conduct experiments to .determine the properties of the connection, including anchorage length, the bond of steel structure connection and the tensile strength on the bolts to assess the safety of the connection in the precast load bearing walls.

5. Compare behavior of vertical wall deflection under service load application, and the strength, ductility, deformation behavior, crack patterns and failure modes between the results with the design criteria limits according to AS 3600.

6. Compare the results of test specimens with the theoretical design according to AS 3600 and computer ·work using finite element analysis program (Strand 6).

7. Compare the concrete density of the product using zeolite and other pozzolanic materials with the ordinary concrete without zeolite.

8. Compare the cost of the concrete production using zeolite and other pozzolanic materials with the ordinary concrete without zeolite.

9. Conduct experiments to determine the properties of zeolite concrete compressive strength, slump and water cement ratio.


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4. Experimental Program

The use of mineral admixtures such as fly ash, slag and zeolite affect significantly the strength properties of concrete, and some of the factors that determine the rate of strength development like mix proportions and the percentage of mineral admixtures replacement. The aim of the experiments herein is to obtain the optimum mix proportion to produce high strength concrete and employ the mixture to introduce precast structural elements such walls.

4.1 Material Tests Program

4.1.1. Experimental Investigation Using Fly Ash, Slag and Zeolite in concrete

Twenty-two design mix proportions had designed, four mixes for control concrete group (B), eight mixes for concrete containing fly ash group (F), five mixes for concrete containing slag group (S) and five mixes for concrete containing zeolite group (Z).

For concrete compressive strength investigation, there were eighty-eight specimens had adopted. Compressive strength of each mix was obtained from cylinder tests, and the relationship between strength and different percentage of materials replacement was determined as the laboratory test results were presented in Appendix C.

4.1.2. Materials and Effect of Mixing

The materials used in the concrete mixes consisted of:

• Portland Cement (General purposes) Type GP.

• Eraring Fly Ash from Pozzolanic Industries limited (refer to chapter 2 clause 2.1 for fly ash properties).

• Granulated Blast Furnace Slag from Port Kembla steelworks (refer to chapter 2 clause 2.2 for slag properties).

• Escott Natural Zeolite from Werris Creek, Northern NSW (refer to chapter 2 clause 2.3 for zeolite properties).

• Crushed Basalt from a Quarry at Albion Park Rail.

• Beach Sand. The grades of fly ash, slag and zeolite were medium grade, -9.5mm size and of

2 to 6mm size respectively. Also, the grade of crushed basalt ranged between 2 and lOmm size.

The mix proportions for all mixes are as the following:

• It was from 0% to 40% replacement of cement with fly ash in a· group (F),

• It was from 0% to 40% replacement of sand with slag and 25% replacement the cement with fly ash in a group (S),


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• It was from 20% to 40% replacement of coarse aggregate with zeolite, and 30% replacement sand with slag, and 25% replacement cement with fly ash in a group (Z).

• The water-cement ratios under consideration were in the range of 0.5 to 0.75 (see Appendix C for mix proportions).

All mixes are compared with a blank mix in a group (B). Fly ash, granulated slag and zeolite would be classified as additives in these mixes .

4.1.3. Specimen Description

The nominal size of the cylindrical moulds was 200mm in length and 1 OOmm in diameter. Account was taken for any variation in the nominal dimensions, which occurred during fabrication, and actual dimensions of the specimens were measured during the testing stage.

4.1.4. Fabrication and Curing

A volume of 0.0067m3 was prepared for each concrete mix, sufficient to manufacture four standard cylinders and four cubic specimens. Prior to mixing, the aggregate was cleaned and was surface dried on a drying table using a battery of lights. The mixing procedure used complied with that of AS 1012, Part 2-1983, "Method for the preparation of concrete mixes in the laboratory". After each mix, a slump test was carried out for all specimens to give a measure of the concrete workability; the measured slump ranged from 80 to 1 OOmm.

The mixes were then poured into the prepared cylindrical and cubic steel moulds and allowed to harden. Approximately 24 hours after casting in a constant temperature room, the specimens were removed from their moulds and placed in a curing tank with a temperature of 23 °C for curing. The specimens were taken from the curing tank at various ages; 7days and 28 days, and immediately tested after determining the weight and measuring the dimensions. Full details of the test results and the optimum mix proportions of concrete using fly ash, slag and zeolite are presented in Appendix C.

4.2. Model Test Wall Program

The following part of the chapter describes the procedure by which each of the three reinforced walls were tested under static one point loading. To make the procedure clearer, a summary of the test apparatus is discussed first .

4.2.1. Test Apparatus Loading Wall

The loading wall was a vertical wall, free at the top and held at the base. On the topside of the wall were two screw sleeves to hold a V notch seating with two


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bolts. This allowed the hydraulic arm to place the load cell horizontally at the side of the wall, thus allowing a centre point load to be applied to the wall.

This wall was joined to the floor footing as a fixed joint by four 12mm diameter bolts. The floor footing was attached to the laboratory floor slab through a steel loading frame by two bolted steel channels as shown in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1 Load cell, the joint wall-floor footing

and the bolted steel channels

Under the vertical wall was a flexible sheet 8mm thick to transfer the vertical load, which applied on the wall and the self weight of the wall to the connection bolts without any contribution from the rigid floor plate i.e., the connection bolts were under shear force. This was additional to the effect of the horizontal force. Also, the


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horizontal force. Also, the benefit from the flexible sheet is to allow the tightening of the bolts to be easily carried out. Knife Joint

The knife edge joint consisted of two parts, one of them fixed with the wall, located it a height of 2000mm from the bolt row of the base joint, and the other knife edge part attached to the hydraulic arm as shown in Figure 4.2 . This knife edge joint allowed a horizontal movement of the wall top without effect on the centric loading, and to hold the loading point in place. · Hydraulic Jack

Knife seating

Knife edge

Figure 4.2 showing of the knife joint


The hydraulic jack used to apply the load to the loading wall was an ENERP AC jack with a loading capacity of l 00,000ib. (US imperial), as shown in Figure 4.3.


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Chapter 4: Research Methods Load cell

Figure 4.3 showing of the knife edge joint and

the hydraulic jack

The load cell was attached to the hydraulic jack by a screw thread and was used to give readings of the load as the wall was tested; this allowed the load on the wall to be measured accurately as illustrated in Figure 4.4.


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Figure 4.4 Load Cell Hydraulic Pump

An electric hydraulic pump was used to provide pressure to the hydraulic jack: it has 100,000psi capacity (i .e. 689. 7MPa) . A lever arm controlled the pressure, which could be kept constant by the use of a clamp to hold the lever at any required position. Readings of the load were taken using a Digital Strain Meter (DSM) as illustrated in Figure 4.5.


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Figure 4.5 showing the electric hydraulic pump and the digital

strain meter (DSM) Wall Support

Each reinforced wall was supported at the base, and was connected to the floor footing as a fixed joint by four 12mm diameter bolts. This footing was provided with a floor slab and it was fixed with two steel straps. Each strap consisted of a steel channel 200 x 70 x 6 mm, and was held with a steel loading frame by four 22mm bolts, and the other by four l 6mm bolts as shown in Figure 4.6.


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4.2.1. 7. Fixed Joint

This joint consisted of two rows of bolts; each row consisted of two commercial low tensile bolts, class 4.6 M12, whose proof load was 19.0kN and breaking load, 33.7kN. Tightening of the bolted joint was lOONm as the recommended assembly torque. The joint was spaced to give the wall an effective


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length of 2000mm. Full details of the fixed joint are illustrated in Appendix A Figure A.19.

4.2.1 .8. Loading Frame

The loading frame consisted of a skeleton construction from steel channel beams 390 x 100 x lOmm, and columns from steel channels 200 x 75 x 7mm. There were two floor beams, connected with the skeleton frame and positioned approximately 300mm apart. The concrete floor footing of the vertical wall was bolted to the floor beams through the two steel straps. Above the test wall the hydraulic jack was bolted to the steel column of the loading frame. Dial Gauges

Dial gauges were used to measure the deflection of the wall being tested. The dial gauges were mounted on magnetic bases with extendible arms; the bases were seated on steel plates that were supported independently of the beam being tested.

Each revolution of the dial represented 1 mm of deflection; the dial was incremented at O.Olmm spacing. Strain Gauge and Equipment

The strain gauge equipment used in the testing of the wall consisted of a demountable mechanical (Demec) strain gauge. This instrument uses a pair of metal cones that are connected by a lever mechanism to a dial gauge; these cones are set at just under 200mm apart so that they can measure both positive and negative strain. Each increment on the dial represents a strain of 0. 81x1 o·' .

The gauge length is measured off the distance between two steel Demec discs, these discs are drilled at the centre so that the gauge takes a reading using the sides of the holes and not the centre of the drilled holes. The discs were glued on to the concrete using Araldite; the discs were set by using the gauge bar.

An invar dummy bar is used prior to testing to zero the Demec gauge; this procedure is allows for any effects of temperature that may affect the instrument during testing.


Page 89: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 4: Research Methods Strain Meter (DSM)

The DSM is a device that indicates the force exerted on the load cell by the hydraulic jack and the wall. The measuring system was calibrated in a testing machine.

4.2.2. Test Procedure

The procedure used for the capping and testing of the concrete cylinders was generally in accordance with AS 1012, Part 9-1986, "Method for the Determination of the Compressive Strength of Concrete specimens".

The wall tests described in this thesis consisted essentially of applying a concentrated horizontal load to half-scale wall structures, measuring loads and reactions, and making certain measurements of the deformed structure. The initial data of zero deflection and strain were recorded.

The wall test load was applied in increments of approximately 0.5 kN by the hydraulic pressure. Then the load was held constant for a few minutes. During this time data for deflection, strain and load density were recorded. The new cracks were also identified.

The loading was continued up to maximum extension of the hydraulic jack. The test loads were 8.0 kN and 11.5 kN for test walls Wl and w3 respectively, while the hydraulic jack was enough to the end of the test of the wall W2. Then the load dropped down to zero. At this stage all the recorded data were taken before and after the hydraulic system were disconnected. Then an extension was connected to the hydraulic jack and the test load raised gradually and the loading was continued up incrementally to the failure stage and all the measures were recorded.

In all models after failure, there was a significant drop in load, but at the lower load the deflection and strain amounts continued to increase. Then the hydraulic system was disconnected. About four hours were required to conduct each test. Prefabrication and Construction of Models Materials

Due to the expense of the carrying out a test of the wall, it was sufficient to prepare the test model of walls from ready-mixed concrete using 30% by weight fly ash replacement with cement.

The concrete was designed to provide cylinder strength of at least 30 MPa after 28 days. The concrete strength at the time of the tests is listed in Appendix C, Tables C.15, C.16 and C.17. The measured slump ranged from 80 to lOOmm. Each of


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the strengths given is the average from tests of four 100x200mm cylinders. Two of these cylinders were taken at 7 days and two at 28 days of the concrete pouring process.

There were two types of reinforcing bars used for the specimens : deformed bars Yl2 and plain bars Rl 0 meeting the requirement of AS 3600 for concrete structures ; for full details see Appendix A, Figures A.17 and A.18. 2. Formwork and Reinforcement Work

The formwork for the models was manufactured from structural plywood board. The bottom board for the wall model was 2250 x 660 x l 50mm and for the floor footing with floor slab was 1050 x 660 x 120/320mm. Additional timber boards to keep the vertical and the horizontal levels in position when pouring the concrete strengthened all the corners of the formwork. Bolts were used to join the formwork together so that the timber boards could be easily removed and cleaned for repeated use after the hardening of the concrete, and are shown in Figures 4. 7 and 4.8.

,,. .

. ~ • t ~ ~ _,/' ~"-';;.:~._; •,.._:: .;_.r._f?:; I r .~.~~~~ ~ ...... o .... -:\, _.,• ·-·- _.1

Figure 4. 7 Formwork of the wall models


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Chapter 4: Research Methods

Figure 4.8 Formwork of the floor footing models

4.2.2. 1.3. Casting and Curing

About 0.5 cubic meter of concrete was required to cast each model wall and floor, and for six 100 x 200mm test cylinders. The ready-mixed concrete was poured directly to the slab. An internal (poker) vibrator was used to consolidate the concrete. The surface of the slab and the wall were finished immediately with a wooden float. Two to three hours after casting, the top surfaces were smoothed with a steel trowel. There was no evidence of bleeding of the concrete in any of the models. About twelve hours after the concrete was placed, the slab surfaces was covered with moist hessian sheets for a period of 28 days.

The test cylinders were cast at the same time. They were vibrated internally and were cured in the same way as the wall model. Four cylinders were tested at 7 and 28 days. Also, each model and two cylinders were stripped after 28 days. When the model walls were prepared for testing, the last two cylinders were tested at the same time. The casting and testing dates of test wall models W 1, W2 and W3 are shown in Tables C.15. C.16 and C.17 in Appendix C.


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Chapter 4: Research Methods

4. 2. 2.1. 4. Loading system

The wall and floor models were cast-in-situ and then lifted into place using cranes. The floor model was supported within a reaction frame, but the wall model was supported with the floor by four bolts as described in clause . Then a concentrated horizontal load was applied to the top of the wall as shown in Figure 4.3 . Strain Measurement

Steel strain was not measured directly with strain gauge attachment. However, were measured at numerous locations; Demec discs were fixed at interval distances of 200mm along the symmetrical line of each test structure as shown in Figure 4.9. The purpose of measuring steel strains was to determine the moments in the wall, and to determine the distribution of shear force along the critical perimeters of the wall (see the calculation in Appendix A). Also, the readings of all strain gauges were recorded up to failure. These are represented in figures from Figure 5.10 to Figure 5.20. For further description, refer to page 73 paragraph


Page 93: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 4: Research Methods

T T Applied Load !

200 : SG11 SG11 - : -

200 ! SG10 Inner face SG10 Outer face ___..___ I

200 : sGs ~ E

200 : sGa E

0 SGS 0 a>


200 ; sG? :!! SG7 -- :!!

: 0 N

200 ; sGs N SGS N

--200 : sGs

Floor sta Upper ----.,.-



I c I '--....._ ............ _ _, -8

I 200 I 260 I 150 I )·( )·( )I ( > sodmm

I( 590


Floor slab

--L SG1 , I : -r r: (") ......... SG2 I I'. ~

le 460 I

:c :;.I 1050mm :;. I PLAN

Figure 4.9 showing Demec disc locations at test walls W1 , W2, W3

4. 2. 2.1. 6 Deflection Measurement

The deflections were measured at the centre line of the wall panels and floor slabs. Four locations were chosen for wall model W 1, and six locations for other wall models W2 and W3, as shown in Figure 4.10.


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Chapter 4: Research Methods

Three dial gauges were positioned at differept locations. The first gauge D 1 was placed on the top surface of the floor slab at the middle point for all tests, this gauge D2 was at the middle point on the centre line between the upper bolts of the joint, while the third dial gauge D3 was at the middle point on the centre line between the lower bolts for model W 1. For models W2 and W3 there were four dial gauges D2, D3 , D4 and D5 one located on each bolt. A hanging ruler was placed with the aid of small hooks, which was bolted on the top of the wall at a height 2000mm from the fixed joint for all models (illustrated by D6 and see also Figures 5.26, 5.32 and 5.40). Deflection data are represented in Figures 5.29, 5.30, 5.31, 5.37, 5.38, 5.39, 5.47, 5.48 and 5.49.


Page 95: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 4: Research Methods

Wall 1 Wall2


Figure 4.1 O showing location of deflection dial gauges for W1, W2, W3 models


Page 96: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 4: Research Methods 7 Measurement of rotation angle of the floor slab

It was expected that the floor slab would lift at the middle, and that the edge beam would rotate during loading of the wall model W3. For that reason a steel triangle support was fixed against reverse displacement of the edge beam and the gap represented by G2, as illustrated in Figure 4.11. These displacements occurred due to the horizontal load applied to the top of the vertical wall, and the connection was altered after the test results of wall Wl and W2 were considered. Also, the gap G 1 between the vertical wall and the edge beam was measured to evaluate the influence of the load on the connection bolts. The gaps were measured by filler gauge and recorded as presented in Figures 5.21, 5.22.

Vertical wall

Floorslab J


11\ Steel triangle i support -

Figure 4.11 Location of gap points (G1, G2) & steel triangle support .8.Cracking and the Ultimate Load

At each load stage, the load was temporary stopped to allow visual inspection of any crack pattern presented. Cracks were observed and marked on the inner and outer sides of the vertical wall particularly around the bolts and on the sides of the wall. Also, cracks were observed and marked on the top surface of the floor slab, indicating the corresponding load stage.

Loading was continued until the failure of the wall models occurred, which was defined as a marked increase in the end wall deflection accompanied by a ma'<.imum horizontal load capacity of the wall. Also, fully developed cracks along the face and the side of the wall, and the appearance of concrete spalling at the side of the wall and the region of the connecting bolts could be detected.


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Chapter 5: Experimental Results




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Chapter 5: Experimental Results

5. Properties of zeolite concrete as mineral admixture

Zeolite as mineral admixture to concrete which will improve the hardened and fresh properties of concrete.

5.1. Effect of zeolite admixture on fresh concrete

Using of zeolite as' partial replacement of coarse aggregate will affect water content and slump of concrete. Water absorption is one of the significant properties of zeolite.

5.1.1. Water content


0.9 % Fly ash (F,_--.....,

0.85 -, %Slag +25% Fly ash (S)

i 0


: 1<>/,Zeolite+30% Slag+25% Fly l . ... 0. 7 - ~--...~ ...... ==--.! ;:

0.65 -

Blanks mple (B


0.55 .,_ __ ......, __ ......., __ _,. __ --41~--.._------...... --........ -.lll..-_.

Percentage material replacement (%)

Figure 5.1 Influence of materials replacement percentage of zeolite, slag, fly ash

on mix water content compared with blank mixture sample

Comments: • Curve (F) shows that the water content is extremely affected by increasing the fly

ash content in the concrete mix. • Curve (S) represents the behaviour of slag contents with the water content at fly

concrete mix. By adding 25% slag to the mix, the water content will decrease and then further addition of slag up to 30% will increase the water content and continue constant by the increasing slag additive.


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Chapter 5: Experimental Results

• Curve (Z) represents zeolite content at a fly-slag-concrete mix. The water content will decrease by increasing 25% zeolite content to the mix. Further adding of zeolite will raise the water content in the mix, i.e. adding zeolite to the mix will increase the workability.

• Points 1, 2, and 3 on curves (F), (S), (Z) respectively indicate that adding 25% fly and 30% slag and 35% zeolite to the concrete mix will keep the water content approximately constant and will increase the workability more than the blank mix.

5.1.2. Slump

130 ~-------

120 ~ % Fly ash (F) __

1 110

%Slag+25% Fly (S)

-E 1 oo ; Blank sample - (B)

.§. c. E ~ 90111-~-4...__~_..,.'--+-+-~~~~-+--:::-.-..,._~----.t----+-+~~ ....


70 -I I

' I

%Zeollte ' +30%Slag+25%Fly {Z) j 60 ~:~~~--~~~~~~-,..-,--,---,.-~~~--~~~

0 0 N

l{) N

Percentage material replacement(%)

l{) ("")

0 v

Figure 5.2 Influence of materials replacement percentage of zeolite, slag, fly ash

on slump compared with blank mixture sample

Comment: • Points 1, 2, 3 on curves (F), (S), (Z) respectively form a line indicate that adding

35% zeolite to the fly-slag-concrete mix will decrease the slump of the mix and will increase the concrete strength.


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Chapter 5: Experimental Results

5.1.3. Effect of zeolite admixture on concrete strength Effects of pozzolanic material contents of zeolite, granulated blast-furnace slag and fly ash on concrete strength at seven days


- 30 _: "' ' a. j

~ (/)

>-"' "C

~ 25

"' ..... 'C: Q)

E 0.. 0

~ 20 _j

Q) "C .c: .... °' c: Q)

t:: .... en 15 ·~

Blank sample (8) I

8 \V 9

%Zeolite+30%Slag+25%Fly (Z)

%Flyash (F)

%Slag+25%Fly (S) J

Replacement material content(%)

Figure 5.3 Influence of materials replacement percentage of zeolite group (Z),

slag group (S), fly ash group (F) on concrete mix strength at 7 days compared

with blank mixture sample and design strength

Comments: • Curve (F) represents fly ash contents as a replacement for cement at a concrete

mix. For replacement of 25% of fly ash the mix at 7 days gains 68% from its maximum strength.

• Curve (S) represents of granulated blast-furnace slag contents as replacement for sand at concrete mixes contained 25% of fly ash as a constant term. By mixing of 30% slag content the mix at 7 days will gained 66% from its maximum strength.

• Curve (Z) represents zeolite contents as replacement for coarse aggregate (blue metal) at a mix contained 25% of fly ash and 30% of slag as constant terms. By mixing of 35% zeolite content the mix at 7 days will gained 61 % from its maximum strength.


Page 101: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results Effect of pozzolanic material contents of zeolite , granulated blast-furnace slag and fly ash on concrete strength at twenty eight days

J Ci 37 ~ a.. ~


• •

%Fly ash (F)

design strength

• a


27 ~ %Slag+25%Fly (S) J


• Blank sample (B) =2

• • .._..± •

- %Zeolite+30%Slage+25%Fly (Z)


I I I •

25 I · ~--·- ·- -·- ·- - ·---- --- · - ----· --. r-'

0 l{) l{) 0 N

l{) N

Replacement material content (%)

Figure 5.4 Influence of materials replacement percentage of zeolite group (Z) ,

slag group (S), fly ash group (F) on mix strength at 28 days comparing

with blank mixture sample and design strength

Comments: • Point (a) on curve (F) represents the percentage of 10% fly content, which

achieved maximum strength. But point (b) represents the 25% fly content, which achieved the design strength.

• Point (c) on curve (S) represents the percentage of 30% slag content, which achieved the peak strength.

• Point ( d) on curve (Z) represents the percentage of zeolite content, which is the mix proportion for high strength performance. All mix proportions of zeolite content achieved the design strength but in common practice to include zeolite in fly ash and slag concrete mixes with the purpose of decreasing the cost and high strength performance. Point ( e) represents the preferable percentage of the optimum mix proportion in zeolite concrete to achieve the design strength.


Page 102: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results Influence of zeolite content on concrete strength development containing 25% fly ash and 30% granulated blast-furnace slag

40 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

39 ~

38 ~

~ 37 -0.. '

• • • %Zeolite+30%Slag+25%Fly (Z)

::!: 36 -- I I

~ 35 , 25%Fly ash+30%Slag (S) ' · ji



~ 34 ~~, ~~~~~~~_.,._~~~...:.-~~-::::...\.~~~~..,_~~ ~ 33 ~ I


c. ' 0

E 32

J 25%Fly ash (F)

1 Qi 31 > a-~~---,r-~~--..-~...._--.k--~~---,jt---~~...,.,,.,..--~~--..


~ 30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~ - J' ::;

g> 29 ~ Q) ....

U) 28 -

27 -

26 -

design strength

25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---' L.() 0

N L.() N

L.() (")

0 '<t

Zeolite content as replacement for blue metal(%)



Figure 5.5 Influence of zeolite (Z) content on concrete mix strength containing of

25% fly ash (F) and 30% slag (S) compared with blank mixture and-design strength

Comments: • Point (a) at curves (S) & (Z) is the contribution point and indicates that by adding

34% of zeolite to a fly ash and slag concrete mix will result in the same strength if the concrete mix not contained zeolite .

• The fly and slag concrete mixes containing up to 10% zeolite will decrease the cost of concrete by about $7 .O/m3 at 5% zeolite and $1.0/m3 at 10% zeolite, respectively. However, increasing zeolite content higher than that percentage will increase the cost of concrete mix, while the strength slightly reduced. In addition, zeolite content of 20% can gives concrete strength performance by 7MPa more than the design strength.


Page 103: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results Effect of Overall zeolite, granulated blast-furnace slag and fly ash contents on concrete strength development

40 ,--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I

39 j <E--7;~'-25"""'0/c"'"""oF-<-.::.C"""on_;;s"""ta_nt.;_+-=S,_V-'a""'ri=ab;...,:le~!'<-'-(2_5_%_F.;_) C_o_n_st_an_t_+..:..(3_0_%_S:...) C_o_n_st_an_t_+..:_(Z..:..)_V.:....an...:..·a.::,,.bl

-;-- 35 0. Overall replacement strength

25%F+30%S+Variable%Z ~ 34 .r;

c, 33 t: (I)

!:; 32 en l:' 31 c ~ 30 .----..-~~~~~~~--'~_.~~~~~~~.__..,.~_.~....._~~--

29 ~

28 -1 I

27 /

26 ~ 25 ~1 ~-'-~~~~~~~~~--'.-~~~~~~--'-~~~~~~--'---'

0 N

Figure 5.6 Influence of overall contents of zeolite, slag, fly ash in concrete

mix compared with blank mixture and design strengt~

Comments: • Point (1) represents the peak strength by adding 20% zeolite to the fly-slag

concrete mix. High strength performance can be achieved by zeolite. • For economical purposes 35% zeolite can produce concrete that has strength

higher than the design strength 30 MPa as shown in Figure 5.6. • Overall percentage of 90% of material replacement with 35% zeolite, 30%

granulated blast-furnace slag and 25% fly ash can produce a higher strength concrete reached to 3 3 MP a at point 2 which was more than the design strength by 3 MPa and less by about 5 MPa from the blank mix.


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Chapter 5: Experimental Results

5.1.4. Effect of zeolite admixture on density

2410 _,,--·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-, 2400 ..-------------111-----._------------11--~----2390 2380 2370

2360 ' 2350 -· J

St ndard density

Bl nk density (8)

- 2340 -; M .._ ___ _._ ___ __,..--___ ._,_ ___ ~------i~OJl----i.

E 2330 1

~ 2320 ~ 5% Fly ash (Ff---i

~ 2310 - i .!? 2300 -. ------<t------+----_..-----4.__---...._--1:. __ _ Cl) " 3: 2290 .: __________ -=:::,-=-111--------------------i!ll--~---Cl) ..... 2280 ·c: -I ::> 2270 -i

2260 .

2250 2240 2230 2220 i

2210 -

2200 1

l,{) ..-

25% Fly

25% Fly + 30% Slag + %Zeolite (Z)

Replacement Material Content (%)

Figure 5.7 Influence of percentage replacement of zeolite on

concrete density mixed with slag, fly ash compared with

blank mixture and standard density

Comments: • Adding zeolite to fly-slag concrete mix will decrease the density of the concrete. • Point (1) on curve (Z) indicates that 35% zeolite content at the mix will decrease

the density of concrete by 7%.


Page 105: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results

5.1.5. Effect of zeolite admixture on cost

165 -,----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ : Note:

160 .: Cost of materials according to current market price: : - Cement = $0.18/kg

155 ; - Slag = $0.023/kg : - Flay ash = $0.078/kg

150 j - Sand = $0.028/kg : - Blue metal = $0.03/kg

145 : - Zeolite = $0.18/kg .., E - -~ 140 : %Z+30%S+25% F I

Group (Z) i Q) -Q) ... 0 i: 0 0 -0 -Ill 0


135 :

130 :

125 = 120 :

115 =

110 : -

105 : -

100 -0

r Blank (8)

~- 30%S+25%F Groip (S)

I.() 0 I.() 0 N N (")

Material replacement (%)

Figure 5.8 Effect of zeolite replacement content on concrete cost containing

slag, fly ash compared with blank mixture

Comment: • Zeolite cost curve in Figure 5.8 represents that using of zeolite in concrete at 5%

and 10% zeolite content will decrease the cost of blank concrete mix by $7 .O/m3

and $1.0/m3 respectively. While by increasing zeolite content in the mix more than that will increase the cost of producing zeolite concrete due to tP,e cost of raw material of zeolite is high.

5.2. Presentation of Strain Diagrams to Wall Models

The strain reading for the outer face of the vertical wall is indicated with SG3 as illustrated in Figure 5.9 and is measured 25 lmm from the bottom of the wall. For the inner face, the readings are measured with SG4, SGS, SG6, SG7, SG8, SG9, SGlO and, SG 11 they as shown in Figure 5.9. All measurements were in equal intervals of 200mm and they started 5 1 Omm from the bottom of the wall. The strain readings for the floor slab on the surface were measured 460 mm from the connection to the holes ' centres and are indicated with SGl and, SG2 see Figure 5.9.


Page 106: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results

5.2.1 First Test

Strain readings have been taken and recorded after the first environment of load.

5.2.1 .1 Vertical Wall

660mm 150 i

T SG 11

T -+-I

I 200 . SG 11 I

Applied Load >!

i 200 SG!O I SGlO

I 200 SG9

I 200 SGS I

I 200 SG7 2220rnm I


190L 2000



. of vertical wall

I 200 SG6 I Upper Bolts I

i ;



: L1 ~? •For Test l~y

Floor Slab C

I i







590 . 200 I 260 I 150 I

~:~~~~-~-~_so_mm~>-,<~~~~~< ~ OUTER SIDE ELEVATION CROSS-SEC. ELEVATION

Floor Slab





+sG+ 200 r i 1


Vertical Wall


Figure 5.9 Strain Points for Tests 1, 2, 3


2s1m1n -B

Page 107: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter S: Experimental Results

~oi e 1600

E -('O


~ Q)

> Q) -

.c .... -0 -.c -~ Q)


0 0 0 0 0 ~ <?

STRAIN VERSUS WALL HEIGHT (Gauge length in Figure 5.9)

- . ... ... . ....... .. ... .... . ~, Non load . .. (First jac~)----- ---- .. ~ · · · ·

~~~ :

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (") <D O> N LO co .... ..,. ...... 0 (") <D .... .... .... N N N (") (") (")

Strain (µe)

0 0 O> (")

(Measured from the bottom of the wall)

0 0 0 0 0 0 N LO co ..,. ..,. ..,.

Figure 5.10 Tensile Strain Tabulation and Variation in the inner

Face of the Vertical Wall for the Test 1


0 0 0 0 .... ..,. LO LO

• Strain curve of load 6.6kN is the start measuring of the strain for the test after first jack extension. Tensile strain at point 1 is 3568 µE with height 710mm.

• Strain curve of load 8.6kN represents the maximum load capacity while the tensile strains are 4941, 5006 µE at points 2, 3 with heights 710, 111 Omm, respectively.

• Strain curve of unloaded condition before start of second jack extension. At section F with height 111 Omm; tensile strain of point 4 is 2219 µ£ .

• Strain curve of load 4kN after second jack extension represents the end of the test.


Page 108: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results

-z ~

'"O ns 0 _J


0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 ...- ..- ..-' ' '

STRAIN VERSUS LOAD (Gauge length in Figure 5.9)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (j) co I'- <D l() "<t


Strain (µE)








2 -

1 -

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ('") N ...-

I I '

Figure 5.11 Compression Strain Tabulation and Variation in the outer

Face of the Vertical Wall for the Test 1

Comments: • Point 1 on the compress10n strain-load curve illustrated the initial

measurement of the strain for the test after first jack extension of curve at load 6.6k.N with strain - 897µE.

• Point 2 on compression strain-load curve illustrated the maximum load capacity at 8.6k.N and strain -1154µ£ .

• Point 3 on compression strain-load curve illustrated the end of the test at load 4k.N and strain -76lµE .


Page 109: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results Floor Slab

Strain readings SG 1 and SG2 are reading for the distances on surface floor slab corresponding to sleeves of bolts D4, D5 and D2, D3 , respectively.





- 6 z ~ - 5 "C

ns 0 ..J 4


2 ·

0 0


0 0 0 0 ...- N

STRAIN VERSUS LOAD (Gauge length in Figure 5.9)



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (') "<I" IO <D ,..._ co



0 0 0 0 0 0 O"I 0 ...-

...- ...-

Figure 5 .. 12 Tensile Strain Tabulation and Variation

At points SG 1, SG2 in Floor Slab for the Test 1

0 0 0 0 N (') ...- ...-

• A 1, A2 = Points on strain-load curve SG 1, SG2 indicate strain after first jack extension at maximum load 7.6kN. These strains are 79µ£, 462µ£, respectively.

• B 1, 82 = Points on strain-load curve SG 1, SG2 indicate strain magnitude at maximum load capacity 8.6kN and are 749µ£, 1191 µE, respectively. These correspond to the load that caused the first crack at the critical section C-C in the floor slab, see Figure 5.9.

• C 1, C2 = Points on strain-load curve SO 1, SG2 indicate strain magnitude before second jack extension at load 5.5kN are 632µ£, 1061µ£, respectively.

• D 1, D2 = Points on strain-load curve SG 1, SG2 indicate strain magnitude after second jack extension at load 5.JkN are 518µ£, 940µ£, respectively.

• E 1, E2 = Points on strain-load curve SG 1, SG2 indicate strain magnitude for the end of the test at load l .JkN are 259µ£, 729µ£, respectively.


Page 110: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results

5.2.2 Second Test

All measuring has been taken and recorded from start of test until the end jack lever without setting any jack extension. Vertical Wall

-E E -cu ~ -cu 0 :e Cl> > 'to-0


..c: en ·-Cl> J:


STRAIN VERSUS WALL HEIGHT (Gauge length in Figure 5.9)


gggogggggggggggggggggggggggg (") N ..- ..- N (") "<t LO <O I'- «> m 0 ..- N (") "<t LO <O I'- «> Ol 0 ..- N C"l "<t 'I I T- T-....- ~r-~NNNNN

Strain (µ~)

(Measured from the bottom of the wall)

Figure 5.13 Tensile Strain Tabulation and Variation in the

Inner Face of the Vertical Wall for the Test 2

• Strain curve of load 0.6kN is the start of wall loading. • Strain curve of load 1.5kN represents the load that is caused the first crack

occurred at critical section A-A, see Figure 5.9. • Strain curve of load 4.0kN represents the design load. • Strain curve of load 8.0kN represents the load that is caused shear cracks at

region between the bottom of the wall and the height 51 Omm, while the tensile strain that occur at point 1 is 1831 µe with height 51 Omm.

• Strain curve of load 8.5kN represents the maximum load capacity while the strain is 2025 µe at point 2 with height 51 Omm.


Page 111: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results

• Strain curve shows that the strain increased respectively during increasing the load till reached the maximum load at curve of 8.5 kN and then start to decrease continuously till it reached at curve of load 4.5 kN that shows the end of the test.

-z .:.::

"'O C1l 0


0 0 0 0 ..- 0 ~ ~



0 0 0 0 0 0 C1> CXl ,.... ..- ..- ..-. ' '

STRAIN VERSUS LOAD (Gauge length in Figure 5.9)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <D '°

..,. (") N ..- 0 ~ a;> "';'" <9 ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..-' ' ' ' ' ' '

Strain (µs)






0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ "'f C"? ~ ..-


Figure 5.14 Compression Strain Tabulation and Variation in the outer

Face of the Vertical Wall for the Test 2

Comments: • Point 1 on compression strain-load curve illustrates the maximum load

capacity at 8.5kN and strain - l l 99µE . • Point 2 on compression strain-load curve illustrated the end of the test at

load 4.5kN and strain -l 746µE. • Mean trendline represents mean linear for compression strain at height

251mm. Floor Slab

The strain-load curves indicated with SG 1 and SG2. They represent the distances on surface floor slab corresponding to the sleeves of bolts D4, D5 and D2, D3, respectively.


Page 112: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results





- 6 z ~

::0- 5 cu 0

..J 4



0 0 0 0

0 0 ..- N

STRAIN VERSUS LOAD (Gauge length in Figure 5.9)

C1, C2



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <"> '<I' lO <O ,... <X)


0 0 0 0 0 0 O> 0 ..-..- ..-

Figure 5.15 Strain Tabulation and Variation At points

SG 1, SG2 in Floor Slab for the Test 2

0 0 0 0 N <"> ..- ..-

• A 1, A2 = Points on strain-load curve SG 1, SG2 indicate strain magnitude at design load 4.0kN are l 74µE, 82µE, respectively.

• B 1, B2 = Points on strain-load curve SG 1, SG2 indicate strain magnitude at load 7.0kN are 478µE, 397µE, respectively. These are corresponding to the load that caused the first crack at critical section C-C.

• C 1, C2 = Points on strain-load curve SG 1, SG2 indicate strain magnitude at maximum load capacity 8.5kN are 531 µE, 527µE, respectively.

• D 1, D2 = Points on strain-load curve SG 1, SG2 indicate strain magnitude for the end of the test at load 4.5kN are 5 lOµE, 340µE, respectively.


Page 113: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results

5.2.3. Third Test

Strain readings were taken and recorded for all jack extension stages. Vertical Wall

-E E -IU u t


> -0 ..... ..c: C> Cl,)


0 0 (])


0 0 0 0 C9 C'"!


STRAIN VERSUS WALL HEIGHT (Gauge length in Figure 5.9)

0 0 C"')

0 0 0 0 <D (])

0 0 N ......

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lO co ...... 'It "" 0

..-- N N N C'>

Strain (µE)

0 0 0 0 0 0 C"') <D 0) C"') C"') C"')

Figure 5.16 Tensile Strain Tabulation and Variation in Inner

Face of the Vertical Wall for the Test 3

0 0 N 'It


• Strain curve of 0.5kN is the start of wall loading. • Strain curve of load 4.0kN represents the design load, while the tensile

strain at point 1 section D is 162 µE with height 51 Omm. • Strain curve of load 6.5kN represents the load that is caused the first crack

occur at critical section A-A Figure 5.9. The tensile strain that occurred at point 2 is 502µE with height 51 Omm.

• Strain curve of load 10.5kN represents the load that caused shear cracks at region of compression strain zone. This tensile strain that occurred at point 3 in section D-D is l 928µE at height 51 Omm.

• Strain curve of load l l .5kN represents the load before first jack extension.


Page 114: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results

• Strain curve of load 15.SkN represents the maximum load capacity that caused maximum tensile strain at point 4 in section 0-D is 3 613 µ£ at height 5 1 Omm.

• Strain curve of load 10.0kN represents the load after second jack extension. • Strain curve of load 5. 7k.N represents the end of the test.

-z ::it.

"'O ca 0


0 0 ,..._ 'i4


0 0 ..,. 'i4



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...... (X) '° N 'i4 ...... ...... ......


STRAIN VERSUS LOAD (Gauge length in Figure 5.9)

0 0 0 0 en "? I

I 16 ~


15 :




0 0 ~

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ("') (() Ol N '° (X) ...... ...... ...... ...... N

Strain (µc)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..,. ,..._ 0 ("') N N (') ("')


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (() en N '° (') (") ..,. ..,.

Figure 5.17 Compression Strain Tabulation and Variation in the outer

Face of the Vertical Wall for the Test 3 Comments:

• Point 1 on compression strain-load curve represents the load before first jack extension at load 11 .SkN with strain -672µ£ .

• Point 2 on compression strain-load curve represents the maximum load capacity at load 15.5kN and strain -1750µ£ .

• Point 3 on compression strain-load curve represents the load that caused maximum compression strain at section A-A. This load is 14.lkN and strain -2228µ£ .

• Point 4 on compression strain-load curve represents the load after second jack extension at load 11.0kN with strain -851 µ£ .

• Point 5 on compression strain-load curve illustrated the end of the test at load 5.7kN and strain 4026µi::.


Page 115: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results Floor Slab

Strain readings SO 1 and S02 are reading for the distances on surface floor slab corresponding to sleeves of bolts 04, 05 and 02, 03 respectively.




14 .

- 13


11 - 10 z ..lll:: 9 -"C 8 co 0

7 _. 6






STRAIN VERSUS LOAD (Gauge length in Figure 5.9)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (") (!) (J) N l() CX) .... '<t" r-. 0 .... .... .... N N N (")

Strain (µE)

Figure 5.18 Strain Tabulation and Variation at Point SG1

on Surface Floor Slab for the Test 3

0 0 (") (")

0 0 (!) (")

• A = Point on strain-load curve SO 1 indicates that strain magnitude at design load 4.0kN is 338µE.

• B = Point on strain-load curve SO 1 indicates that strain before first jack extension at load l l.5kN is 11 lOµE.

• C = Point on strain-load curve SO 1 indicates that strain magnitude at maximum load capacity 15.5kN is 204l~tE.

• D = Points on strain-load curve SO 1 indicates that strain magnitude before second jack extension at load l l.9kN is l 839µE.


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Chapter 5: Experimental Results

• E = Point on strain-load curve SG 1 indicates that strain magnitude after second jack extension at load 10.0kN is 1531 µE .

• F = Point on strain-load curve SG 1 indicates that strain magnitude for the end of the test at load 5. 7kN is l l 50µE .


-z ~ -"C ca 0



17 r I


16 +-I

15 t 14

13 ! 12

11 1 10 T 9I

I 8 1

7 t 6 I

sI I

4 l I

1 3 +

2 i , 1 I

~ 0

0 0 0 0 0 ("') <O

STRAIN VERSUS LOAD (Gauge length in Figure 5.9)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a> N It) CI) .....

..... ..... ..... N

Strain (µE)




0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "<I' " 0 ("')

N N ("') ("')

Figure 5.19 Strain Tabulation and Variation at Point SG2 on

Surface Floor Slab for the Test 3

0 0 <O ("')

A = Point on strain-load curve SG2 indicates that strain magnitude at design load 4.0kN is 210µ£. B = Point on strain-load curve SG2 indicates that strain before first jack extension at load l l .5kN is l l 50µE . C = Point on strain-load curve SG2 indicates that strain magnitude at maximum load capacity 15.SkN is 2147µe. D = Point on strain-load curve SG2 indicates the maximum strain magnitude occurred at load 12.JkN before second jack extension. This strain is 3313µE.


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Chapter 5: Experimental Results

• E = Points on strain-load curve SG2 indicates that strain magnitude before second jack extension at load l l.9kN is 2745µ£.

• F = Point on strain-load curve SG2 indicates that strain magnitude after second jack extension at load 10.0kN is 2017µ8 .

• G = Point on strain-load curve SG2 indicates that strain magnitude for the end of the test at load 5. 7kN is 1644µ£.

-z ~ -"'C co 0




16 -


14 -














0 0 0 0

0 0 ('<) co


(Gauge length in Figure 5.9)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CJ) N lO co ..--

..-- ..-- N

Strain (µ£)

0 0

"'" N

0 0 r-­N

0 0 0 ('<)

0 0 ('<) ('<)

Figure 5.20 Strain Tabulation and Variation at Points SG1, SG2

on Surface Floor Slab for the Test 3

0 0 co ('<)

• S = Strain magnitude indicates the different between strain magnitudes of curves SGl, SG2 (1823, 3313µ£) at load 12.3kN that magnitude is 1490µ£ .


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Chapter 5: Experimental Results

5.3. Analysis of Strain Diagrams

5.3.J. Walls

Overall, the variation of strain in each wall at different heights of wall has shown a curvature distribution for the loads approaching the serviceability failure load for the wall.

The first and the second wall has some of the gauges that have shown radical variations of strain from the values that would have been expected, this variation may have been caused by flexural cracks that were to be found at the tension face of the wall with discrete intervals.

5.3.2. Shear Rein/ orcement

Also it is observed that inclined shear cracks filled through the wall width. These shear cracks may have been caused by omission of shear reinforcing and the anchorage length of sleeves at the second wall was clearly visible so that the sleeves of the upper bolts had slipped as shown in Figure 5.21.

Figure 5.21 Represents Slipping of Anchorage Length for Test 2


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Chapter 5: Experimental Results

The values of strain recorded can be influenced by the crack propagation of the wall, this is particularly prominent at the critical section of the wall, where the strains are at a maximum in tension and compression zone. These were because readings of strain were only taken up to the load at which serviceability was not longer satisfied.

The values of strain recorded for the first wall were bigger than the strain values for the second wall. This variation may have been caused by the amounts of wall reinforcing. Single steel at the middle of the concrete wall of first test as shown in Figure 5.22 was used, while the wall reinforcing consisted of double steel reinforcement in the second wall as shown in Figure A.18. The second test displayed shear cracks occurred as shown in Figure 5.23 because of the omission of the shear reinforcement (ties). The wall displayed significant cracks that setting out the ties to resist the shear stress were required as shown in Figure A.19. These ties present in the wall at the third test, which had no indication of shear cracks and the wall carried the applied load during the test until the wall reached its maximum load while the shear cracks developed in the failure case as shown in Figures 5.23 and 6.3.

- · -1~ ·.::. · rtr ·~ • - w •

Figure 5.22 Showing the Setting of Steel Reinforcement

At Wall of Tests 1


Page 120: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results

Si~;: ~~-!. · .:: "--: ~. "J , ..

~i~ _,..

Figure 5.23 Showing Shear Cracks at Wall of Tests 1, 2, 3


Page 121: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results

The compressive strength of the concrete of the second wall at 28 days was less than the compressive strength of the first wall by approximately 2.0MPa, but both of them were in the range of the design compressive strength 30.0MPa, as shown in Tables C.15, C.16 and C.17 at Appendix C.

The values of compressive strain at the first wall show some radical variation at point SG 12 and point SG 13 as shown in Figure 5.9. The reason for this wild variation may be due to the slipping of the sleeve of the upper bolt No (3) more than the corresponding to bolt No (4) as shown in Figures 5.24.

. .

-:~\ ·1~5';~ ~~

· . .#!~· ~ . . t-.:. . ·. ;. .. .,...:; .. ·~


. . ;;l•· .. . .. ·.~~ ...


Figure 5.24 Showing Slipping of Sleeves of Upper

Bolts 3,4 for Test 1


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Chapter 5: Experimental Results

5.3.3. Floor Slabs

The strain diagrams show, which slabs would act most effectively under service conditions. A number of the readings from the tables indicate that the strain in the first and the second slabs had equal influence but the third slab is considerably the largest influenced as shown in Figures 5.12, 5.15 and 5.20.

Test 2

i: I i ' : : ' ' I ! I

i ! , , I'

ill ·' . J.


Figure 5.25 Presentation of Floor Cracks for Tests 1 ,2, 3


Test 3

Page 123: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results

5.4. Presentation of Load-Deflection Diagrams

5.4.1. The First Test

Three cycles of loading were used due to the hydraulic jack having a short arm, which was extended twice. Figure 5.26 describes the location of the point loading and the deflection points.


Page 124: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results

660mrn 150

Applied Load I< >I


Inner Face of vertical wall

2000 Outer Face of 190

2220mm c

Upper Bolts Floor Slab I


A DA _A Lower Bolts

DB..f- c B DB _B

~ IE"---5-90 __ >!<_05_2:_:_>_,<_2_60----"'>~( 150 ,1


Floor Slab - i\ Vertical Wall ·------·····--·-·-··1'""·· ......

660mm [" ......



Figure 5.26 Deflection Points for Test 1


Page 125: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results


DA = Deflection point at section A -A at the middle between upper bolts of joint illustrated on outer side elevation by DA in Figure 5.26 to indicate the effect of applied horizontal load on the vertical wall.

DB = Deflection point at section B -B at the middle between lower bolts of joint illustrated on outer side elevation by DB in Figure 5.26 to indicate the effect of applied horizontal load on the vertical wall.

D 1 = Deflection point at the middle of floor slab with 460mm from the joint to indicate the readings at the critical section C-C illustrated in Figure 5.26

D6 = Deflection point at the top of the vertical wall in height 2000mm from the upper bolts -due to the applied horizontal load.


Page 126: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results . Vertical Wall

16 15 14 .

13 12 .

11 - 10 z 9 ~

-0 8 cu 7 0

..J 6 · 5 .

4 · 3 2 1 0 -,

0 N ci




"<f ~ <X)

ci 0 ci ~ N ~ ~ <X> N ~ "<f W <X> ~ N "<f W <X> "<f ~ "<f ~ <X> ~ N "<f W <X> W ~~~~ NNNN c<)~c<)~ "<f"<f"<f"<f ~.o.o.n

Deflection (mm)

Figure 5.27 Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on Vertical Wall ·

Deflection at Point DA for the Test 1


• A =Point on deflection curve indicates the load of starting cracks at 4.0kN and deflection 0.165 mm at section A-A.

• B = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load before first jack extension at 8.0kN and deflection 0.934 mm.

• C = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after first jack extension at 7.6kN and deflection 1.568 mm.

• D =Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load capacity at 8.6kN and deflection 2.238 mm.

• E = Point on deflection curve indicates the load before second jack extension at 5.5kN and deflection 3.74 mm.

• F = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after the second jack extension at 5.3kN and deflection 4.09 mm.

• G = Point on deflection curve indicates the load at the end of experiment at 1.3kN and deflection 5.85 mm.

• From points F to G = section on deflection curve indicates that the load dropped from 5.3 to l.3kN, while the deflection increased from 4.09 to 5.85 mm respectively. The deflection 5.85-mm is the maximum deflection corresponding to 1.3kN, the load at the end of the experiment.

l l l

Page 127: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results

16 -

15 DB



12 .

11 .

10 E -z 9 c D ~

"O 8 cu

B-0 7 -'

6 G 5 A -4



0 0 ...... N (") co

0 C1>


0 ci ci ci

Deflection (mm)

Figure 5.28 Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on Vertical Wall

Deflection at Point DB for the Test 1

• A = Point on deflection curve indicates the load of starting cracks at 4.0kN and deflection 0.057 mm at section A-A.

• B = Point on deflection curve indicates increasing the load from 4.0 to 7.0kN while the deflection decreased from 0.057 to 0.050 mm due to development of cracks at the region of maximum bending moment.

• C = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load before first jack extension at 8.0kN and deflection 0.076 mm.

• D = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after first jack extension at 7 .6kN and deflection 0.192 mm.

• E = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load capacity at 8.6kN and deflection 0.377 mm.

• F = Point on deflection curve indicates the load before second jack extension at 5.5k.N and deflection 0.638 mm.


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Chapter 5: Experimental Results










7 ·







• G = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after the second jack extension at 5.3kN and deflection 0.696 mm.

• H = Point on deflection curve indicates the load at the end of experiment at l .JkN and deflection 0.997 mm.

• From points G to H =section on deflection curve indicates that the load dropped with actual amount from 5.3 to l .JkN, while the deflection had increased from 0.696 to 0.997 mm respectively. This deflection is the maximum deflection corresponding to load 1.3kN that is the load at the end of the test.


o.µ.._~..,..._~...._~---,.......,-,.......,....,........-r--r...,.......,..__,.-.-1.....,._,-.-,......,-,.......,...-.----r""""~ .......... ...,......--.-,.......,-.,.-,.-,....,....,...,..-r--r-,-.....-r~

O ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ N ~ ID 00 N ~ ~ ~ 00 M ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ ~ ID 00 ~ N ~ ID 00 ID 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ N N N N M M M M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Figure 5.29 Comparison of Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on

Vertical Wall Deflection at Points DA, DB for the Test 1

• Curve DA displays that the region of upper bolts influenced more than the lower bolts, which indicated by curve DB.

l l 3

Page 129: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter S: Experimental Results

-z ..:ic: --c l'IS 0


16 15 14 13 12 11 . 10 9 · 8 7 6 5 4 \


3 ' A 2 1 0 :1

0 0 0 0 ....- N <">



00000000000000000000000000 '<t 0.0 <D ,..._ GO Ol 0 ....- N <"> '<t 0.0 <D ,..._ GO Ol 0 ....- N <"> '<t in <D ,..._ GO a>


Deflection (mm)

Figure 5.30 Influence of f.pplied Horizontal Force on Vertical Wall

Deflection at Point 06 for the Test 1


• A = Point on deflection curve indicates the load of starting cracks at 4.0k.N and deflection 3 .5 mm.

• B = Point on deflection curve indicates the load before first jack extension at 6.6kN and deflection 49.5 mm.

• C = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after first jack extension at 6.6kN and deflection 78.86 mm.

• D =Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load capacity at 8.6k.N and deflection 109.36 mm.

• E = Point on deflection curve indicates the load before second jack extension at 5.5kN and deflection 152.36 mm.

• F = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after the second jack extension at 5.3kN and deflection 166.36 mm.

• G = Point on deflection curve indicates the load at the end of the experiment at l .3kN and deflection 238.36 mm.

• From point F to point G = section on deflection curve indicates that the load dropped with actual amount from 5.5 to 1.3 kN, while the deflection had increased from 152.36 to 238.36 mm respectively. The deflection 238.36mm is the maximum deflection corresponding to l.3kN, which is the load at the end of experiment.


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Chapter 5: Experimental Results

• I = The section from the start of test to point A represents uncracked section at load 4.0kN.

• II = The section from point A to point D represents cracked section between loads 4.0 and 8.6kN respectively.

• III =The section from point A to point C represents zone of decreasing stiffness between the load at starting cracks 4.0kN and the maximum load capacity 8.6kN as shown in Figure 5.30. Floor Slab





- 6 z .:.: -"tJ 5

C'G 0 ..J 4




Deflection (mm)

Figure 5.31 Influence of Horizontal Force on Floor Slab

Deflection at Point 01 for the Test 1


• A= Point on deflection curve indicates the load 4.0kN and the deflection 0.083 mm.

• B = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load before first jack extension at load 8.0kN and deflection 0.210 mm.


Page 131: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results

• C = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after first jack extension at load 7.6kN and deflection 0.322 mm.

• D =Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load capacity at 8.6kN and deflection 0.642 mm corresponding to the first crack at critical section C-C.

• E = Point on deflection curve indicates the load before second jack extension at 5.5kN and deflection 0.562 mm.

• F = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after second jack extension at load 5.3kN and deflection 0.492 mm.

• G = Point on deflection curve indicates the end of the experiment at 1.3kN and deflection 0.307 mm.


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Chapter 5: Experimental Results

5.4.2 Second Test

One cycle of loading were used in the second test as the hydraulic jack extension was adequate to the end of the test. Figure 5.32 describes the location of the point loading and the deflection points.

660mm 150

I< 1 Applied Load


Inner Face of vertical wall


19 Omm 2000 mm 2220mm

c Upper Bolts I Floor Slab


Lower Bolts


--5-90 ___ 20_0 __ 2_60_~-__150 ---1 ~ >I< >I< ~ 7


Floor Slab ,I Vertical Wall



Figure 5.32 Deflection Points for Test 2



Outer Face of Vertical Wall

Steel Belt to

restrains the Floor

03,4 _A

02,5 _ B

Page 133: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results


DI = Deflection point at the middle of floor slab with 460mm from the joint to indicate the readings at the critical section C-C illustrated in Figure 5.32

02, DS= Deflection of lower bolts of joint illustrated on outer side elevation by D2 and 05 in Figure 5.32 to indicate the effect of applied horizontal load on the bolt at section B -B.

03, D4= Deflection of upper bolts of joint illustrated on outer side elevation by D3 and D4 in Figure 5.32 to indicate the effect of applied horizontal load on the bolt at section A -A.

D6 = Deflection point at the top of the vertical wall at a height of 2000mm from the upper bolts 3,4 to evaluate the displacement due to applied horizontal load. Vertical Wall




z 6 ~

-c 5 ca 0 4 ..J


2 ·

1 .


02 o~. ~~~~~~.--.---,-_,_~,_....,.~-,-~,_....,.~-..--,--,.-,-~_,_~~-1

0 N ci

Deflection (mm)

Figure 5.33 Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on Vertical Wall Deflection

at Point 02 of Lower Bolt of Joint for the Test 2


• A = Point on deflection curve indicates the load at design load 4.0kN and deflection 0.1l3mm.


Page 134: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results

• B =Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load capacity at 8.5kN and deflection 0.235mm.

• C = Point on deflection curve indicates the end of the experiment at load 4.5kN and deflection 0.120mm.


9 8


7 ·

-z 6 ..:.:: 1:l 5 ca 0 4 ..J




a 0 ...... N

0 0

Deflection (mm)

Figure 5.34 Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on Vertical Wall Deflection

at Point 03 of Upper Bolt of Joint for the Test 2


• A = Point on deflection curve indicates the load at design load 4.0k.N and deflection 0.14 mm.

• B = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load capacity at 8.5kN and deflection 0.420 mm.

• C = Point on deflection curve indicates the end of the experiment at load 4.SkN and deflection 0.20 mm.


Page 135: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results





-z 6 ..:.:: -"O 5

"' 0 4 A ...J




0 CJ' ...... ~ ("')

0 0 c:i

Deflection (mm)

Figure 5.35 Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on Vertical Wall Deflection

at Point 04 of Upper Bolt of Joint for the Test 2


• A = Point on deflection curve indicates the load at design load 4.0kN and deflection 0.15 mm.

• B = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load capacity at 8.5kN and deflection 0.45 mm.

• C = Point on deflection curve indicates the end of the experiment at ·load 4.5kN and deflection 0.24 mm.


Page 136: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results


9 B

8 -

7 -z 6 -.:JI! -"'O cu 0 _,






0 0 "' ..-- "' N

0 0 ..-- c) c:i ci

Deflection (mm)

Figure 5.36 Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on Vertical Wall Deflection

at Point 05 of Lower Bolt of Joint for the Test 2


• A = Point on deflection curve indicates the load at design load 4.0kN and deflection 0.04 mm.

• B =Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load capacity at 8.SkN and deflection 0.16 mm.

• C =Point on deflection curve indicates the end of the experiment at load 4.SkN and deflection 0.06 mm.


Page 137: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results

-z .:.:. -,, n:I 0





9 -06

8 -




4 A 3

2 -

o~. ~-..,-~-.-~-.-~--.,...~-,-~-.---.,...~~~~~~~~~---1

0 0 N

0 M

0 <O

Deflection (mm)

0 (X)

0 (J)

0 0 ~

Figure 5.37 Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on Vertical Wall

Deflection at Point 06 for the Test 2

• A = Point on deflection curve indicates the load at design load 4.0kN and deflection 5.0 mm.

• B = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load capacity at 8.SkN and deflection 43.5 mm.

• C = Point on deflection curve indicates the end of the experiment at load 4.SkN and deflection 108.0 mm.


Page 138: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results

g .

04 7

6 -z 5 ~

"O cu 4 0 _,


- 2

0 0 I() ...... I() N I() ("') I() '<t" I() I()

0 c:) ...... c:) N 0 ("') c:) '<t" c:)

0 c:) c:) c:) c:)

Deflection (mm)

Figure 5.38 Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on Vertical Wall Deflection at

Points 03, 04 and 02, 05 of Upper and Lower Bolts of Joint for the Test 2


• Curve of lower bolt D2 indicates that the bolt D2 had effected greater than the correspondent bolt D5.

• Curves of upper bolts D3 and D4 had equal influencing by the load.


Page 139: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental Results Floor Slab


9 c 8

7 .

- 6 z .x 't:l 5 IO A D 0

....J 4



o~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---'



N c:i

M lO

c:i c:i

Deflection (mm)


c:i r--c:i

Figure 5.39 Influence of Horizontal Force on Floor

Deflection at Point 01 for the Test 2

co c:i

• From points A to B = section on deflection curve indicates that the rate of increasing load was much reduced; it varied from 6.5 to 8.0kN, while the deflection increased from 0.195 to 0.565 mm, respectively.

• C =Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load capacity at 8.5k.N and deflection 0.575 mm.

• D = Point on deflection curve indicates the load at the end of experiment at 4.5k.N and deflection 0.415 mm.


Page 140: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5 : Experimental results

5.4.3 'J'hird 'J'est

Three cycles of loading also, were used due to the hydraulic jack having a short arm, which was extended twice. Figure 5.40 describes the location of the point loading and the deflection points.


Applied Load

H Inner Face of vertical wall

19 Omm 2000 mm 2220mm

c Upper Bolts

Floor Slab F DI

Lower Bolts

Steel Triangle cl

590 )I< 200 )I< 260





Outer Face of , Vertical Wall

Steel Belt to

1 restrains the Floor

03,4 A

02,5 -B

Page 141: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental results

I< 46omm 1 Floor Slab Vertical Wall



Figure 5.40 Deflection Points for Test 3


D 1 Deflection point at the middle of floor slab with 460mm from the joint to indicate the readings at the critical section C-C illustrated in Figure 5.40

D2, 05 = Deflection of lower bolts of joint illustrated in outer end elevation by 02 and D5 in Figure 5.40 to indicate the effect of applied horizontal load on the bolt tensile at section B -B.

D3, 04= Deflection of upper bolts of joint illustrated in outer end elevation by D3 and 04 in Figure 5.40 to indicate the effect of applied horizontal load on the bolt tensile at section A -A.

D6 = Deflection point at the top of the vertical wall at a height of 2000mm from the upper bolts 3,4 to evaluate the displacement due to applied horizontal load.


Page 142: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental results . Vertical Wall



15 14




z 10 ~ 9

~ 8 .3 7



2 1 .


a~. ~~__.~~-'"-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


0 .,..... ci

N ci

Deflection (mm)


ci <D ci

Figure 5.41 Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on Vertical Wall

Deflection at (Point 02) Lower Bolt of Joint for the Test 3

• A = Point on deflection curve indicates the load before first jack extension at l l .5kN and deflection 0.25 mm.

• B =Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after first jack extension and before occurring first drop of the load at 14.SkN and at deflection 0.52 mm.

• C =Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load capacity at 15.5kN and deflection 0.51 mm.

• D = Point on deflection curve indicates the load before second jack extension at l l .9kN and deflection 0.60 mm.

• E = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after the second jack extension at 10.5kN and deflection 0.54 mm.

• F = Point on deflection curve indicates the end of the experiment at load 5. 7kN and deflection 0.44 mm.


Page 143: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental results


16 15 c 14 13 12 11 - 10 z

9 ..:.:: "C 8

C'CI 7 0 ...J 6


03 2

0 o~NMv~~~oom~~NMv~~~oomN~NMv~~~oo

000060000 ~~~~~~~~~ NNNNNNNN

Deflection (mm)

Figure 5.42 Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on Vertical Wall

Deflection at (Point 03) Upper Bolt of Joint for the Test 3

• A = Point on deflection curve indicates the load before first jack extension at 11.SkN and deflection 1.01 mm.

• B = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after first jack extension and before first drop of the load occurs at 14.5kN and at deflection 1.94 mm.

• C =Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load capacity at l 5.5kN and deflection 2.31 mm.

• D = Point on deflection curve indicates the load before second jack extension at l l .9kN and deflection 2.14 mm.

• E = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after the second jack extension at 10.5kN and deflection 1.91 mm.

• F = Point on deflection curve indicates the end of the experiment at load 5. 7kN and deflection 1.62 mm.


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Chapter 5: Experimental results




- 10 ~ 9 -~ 8 (IJ

0 ~


3 2


000000000 ~~~~~~~~~ NNNNNNNN

Deflection (mm)

Figure 5.43 Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on Vertical Wall

Deflection at (Point D4) Upper Bolt of Joint for the Test 3

• A = Point on deflection curve indicates the load before first jack extension at 11.SkN and deflection 1.09 mm.

• B = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after first jack extension and before first drop of the load occurs at 14.SkN and at deflection 2.0 mm.

• C = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load capacity at 15 .SkN and deflection 2.42 mm.

• D = Point on deflection curve indicates the load before second jack extension at l l .9kN and deflection 2.58 mm.

• E = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after the second jack extension at 10.5kN and deflection 2.36 mm.

• F =Point on deflection curve indicates the end of the experiment at load 5.7kN and deflection 1.84 mm.


Page 145: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental results

17 16 -15 14 13 12 11 -z 10

..:.:: 9 -'"C 8 CV 0 7 -_J

6 -5 -4 -3 2 -1 0 o~NM~~m~rom~~NM~~m~romN~NM~~©~ro

OOciciOOOOO ~~~~~~~~~ NNNNNNNN

Deflection (mm)

Figure 5.44 Comparison of Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on Vertical

Wall Deflection at Points 03, 04 of Upper Bolt of Joint for the Test 3

-z ..:.::

'"C CV 0 _J

17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 -9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 ... ci

N ci

Deflection (mm)





© ci




Figure 5.45 Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on Vertical Wall

Deflection at (Point 05) Lower Bolts of Joint for the Test 3


Page 146: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental results


• A = Point on deflection curve indicates the load before first jack extension at 11.SkN and deflection 0.29 mm.

• B = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after first jack extension and before first drop of the load occurs at 14.SkN and at deflection 0.52 mm.

• C = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load capacity at 15. SkN and deflection 0.43 mm.

• D = Point on deflection curve indicates the load before second jack extension at l l .9kN and deflection 0.38 mm.

• E = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after the second jack extension at 10.5kN and deflection 0.45 mm.

• F = Point on deflection curve indicates the end of the experiment at load 5. 7kN and deflection 0.32 mm.

17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---,

16 .





11 .

z 10 ..¥. 9

~ 8 .3 7




3 ·

2 ·

1 0 .1.--~~-.ft'U....L.C--~---~~--,.~-,.-~.,.--~~-,--~~-,-~~--..

0 N ci

M v ci c:i

Deflection (mm)

l.O ci

Figure 5.46 Comparison of Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on Vertical

Wall Deflection at Points 02, 05 of Lower Bolts of Joint for the Test 3


Page 147: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental results

17 .

16 .


14 .

13 .

12 .

11 .




H Load-deflection curve at point 06

z 10 .:.: - g .

"C ro 0 ...J


7 . M 6 ·





0 0000000000000000000000000000000

..- N (") "'" t() (!) ...... co m 0 ..- N (") '<I" '° <O ...... co m 0 ..- N (") '<I" t() <O ...... co O> 0 ~T'9~...-,_..__.,._T-...-NNNNNNNNNNM

Deflection (mm}

Figure 5.47 Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on

Vertica,I Wall Deflection at Point 06 for the Test 3


• A =Point on deflection curve indicates design load at 4.0kN. • B = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load before starting cracks

at 6.0kN • C =Point on deflection curve indicates the load of starting cracks at 6.5kN. • D = Point on deflection curve indicates the load before first jack extension at

l l.5kN and deflection 35 mm. • E = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after first jack

extension and before first drop of the load occurs at 14.5kN and at deflection 62.5 mm.

• F =Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load capacity at 15 .5kN. • G = Point on deflection curve indicates the load prior to a sharp drop at 15.3kN

and at deflection 122 mm due to more cracks. • H = Point on deflection curve indicates the load before second jack extension at

l l .9kN and deflection 145 mm. • J = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after the second jack

extension at 11.0kN and deflection 107 mm.


Page 148: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental results

• K = Point on deflection curve indicates the load before the sharp in load capacity drop at a load of 9.8kN and deflection 146 mm.

• From point L to point M = section on deflection curve indicates that the load is nearly constant. The variation occurs of 6.7 to 5.7kN, while the deflection had increased from 171 to 281 mm respectively. The deflection 281 mm is the maximum deflection corresponding to 5. 7kN, the load at the end of experiment.

The load-deflection curve of Figure 5.47 can be classified into sections as follows:

-z ..x: -"O CV 0


I. The section from the start of test to point B represents uncracked section at load 6.0kN.

II. The section from point B to point F represents cracked section between loads 6.0 and 15.SkN, respectively.

III. The section from point B to point F represents zone of decreasing stiffness between the load at starting cracks, 6.0kN and the load maximum 15.SkN.

IV. The section from point L to point M, the end of experiment represents the concrete failure zone.


16 .
















0 0 - NM~~~~~~~~~ M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ · ~ M ~ ~

c)c)c)c)Qc)OOO ._._._~-_.T""_._ NNNNN

Deflection (mm)

Figure 5.48 Comparison of Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on

Vertical Wall Deflection at (Points 03, 04 and 02, 05)

· Upper and Lower Bolts of Joint for the Test 3


Page 149: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental results


• Curve D4 represents the upper bolt D4 and indicates that the bolt D4 influenced by the applied load greater than the correspondence bolt D3 .

• Curve D2 represents the lower bolt D2 and indicates that the bolt D2 influenced by the applied load greater than the correspondence bolt D5 . Floor Slab

-z .::it:. -'t:S ta 0 _J


16 15 .





10 9 . 8






0 ..-0

N (") 0 0

co m 0 0

..- .­..-

Deflection (mm)


Ol N ..-

Figure 5.49 Influence of Applied Horizontal Force on Floor Slab

Deflection at Point D 1 for the Test 3

• A= Point on deflection curve indicates the load at first crack occurs at 10.SkN and deflection 0.68 mm.

• B = Point on deflection curve indicates the load before first jack extension at l l .5kN and deflection 0. 73 mm.

• C = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load after first jack extension and before first drop of the load occurs at 14.SkN and at deflection 1.34 mm.

• D = Point on deflection curve indicates the maximum load capacity at 15 .SkN and deflection 1.46 mm.


Page 150: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental results

• E - F = section on deflection curve indicates that the load was nearly constant, which varies from 12.3 to 1 l.9kN, while the deflection increased from 1.32 to 2.31 mm respectively. The deflection 2.31 mm is the maximum deflection corresponding to 11 . 9kN, the load before the second jack extension.

• G = Point on deflection curve indicates maximum load after the second jack extension at 11 .0kN and deflection 1.84 mm.

• H = Point on deflection curve indicates the end of the experiment at load 5. 7kN and deflection 1.51 mm. Joint

Joint gap measurements have been measured in millimetres, the joint gap between floor slab and vertical wall is indicated with G 1 while turning up of floor slab is indicated with G2, i£, the gap between the soffit of floor slab and the steel triangle support. (see Figure 5.50)

Floor Slab

Steel Triangle up port




Vertical Wall

Figure 5.50 Location of Gap Points (G1, G2) for the Test 3


Page 151: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 5: Experimental results

JOINT GAP VERSUS LOAD (Location of Gap Points in Figure 5.50)

17 ..--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-









- 10 z :.. 9

~ 8 0 ..J 7


5 4 .


2 ·


o+. -+-~;---~-"-"-~-+-~......--+-.-.~-+-~-+-~--'-~~+-~-1-~-'-~--i




c:i co c:i

Ol c:i

Joint Gap (mm)


Figure 5.51 Joint Gap (G1) between Floor Slab and the

Vertical Wall for the Test 3

• A = Point on gap-load curve indicates the first influence of the load on the joint at load 7.5kN.

• B = Point on gap-load curve represents joint gap before first jack extension at load 11 .SkN that it is 0.30mm.

• C = Point on gap-load curve represents joint gap at maximum load capacity l 5.5kN that it is l.45mm.

• D = Point on gap-load curve represents maximum joint gap that it affected by the load l l.9kN before secondjack extension. This joint gap is l.85mm.

• E = Point on gap-load curve represents joint gap at load 11.0kN after second jack extension that it is 0.65mm.

• F = Point on gap-load curve represents joint gap at the end of the test that it is 0.30mm with load 5.9kN.


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Chapter 5: Experimental results




14 .




TURNING GAP VERSUS LOAD (Location of Gap Points in Figure 5 .50)


8 D

- 10 z ~ -"C t':S 0 ...J




6 · -A


4 G2


2 '

o~. -,-~r-+-.---+-.,--,--+-_,_,,,.........F-,--.---+-~-i-~----1__,...-,--+-.---...-'--,-..,--+-.---.-l

0 <O ci

m ci

N .... ll) ..-..- N

Turning Gap (mm)

Figure 5.52 Turning Gap (G2) between Floor Slab soffit

And the Steel Triangle Support for the Test 3


• A = Point on gap-load curve indicates the first influence of the load on the turning of floor slab at load 6.0kN.

• B = Point on gap-load curve represents turning gap of floor slab before first jack extension at load 11.5kN that it is 1.2rnm.

• C =Point on gap-load curve represents turning gap at maximum load capacity 15.SkN that it is 2.55rnm.

• D =Point on gap-load curve represents maximum turning gap that it effected by the load 11.9kN before second jack extension. This gap is 3.05rnm.

• E =Point on gap-load curve represents turning gap at load 11.0kN after second jack extension that it is 1.1 mm.

• F = Point on gap-load curve represents turning gap at the end of the test that it is 0.95mm with load 5.9kN.


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Chapter 5: Experimental results

5.5 Analysis of Deflection Diagrams

5.5.1 Vertical Wall

The flexural cracks occurred in the internal face of the wall and started at critical cross­section A-A when the load and deflection at point 6 were 6.5kN, 10.Smm, respectively. The load gradually increased per 0.5kN until it reached 7.0kN and the deflection 12.0mm, while cracks continue to form as the load increased.

The crack pattern was well developed over the wall height when the load reached I5.5kN, corresponding to a deflection of 81.Smm at point D6, apart of the wall between cross sections F-F and H-H as shown in Figure 5.40, i.e., at heights between 700mm and 1400mm respectively.

Horizontal cracks started to form around the upper bolts at the concrete cover for the outer face ofthe wall, i.e. at the compression zone when the load was 7.0kN and the deflection at the bolts D3, D4 were 0.42, 0.46mm, respectively as shown in Figures 5.44 and 5.53.

Figure 5.53 Presents the Cracks Pattern at the Compression

Zone of the Wall for Test 3


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Chapter 5: Experimental results

Cracks continued to form as the load increased to 9.8k.N, and the deflection at bolts D3, D4, D2, and D5 were 1.89, 2.36, 0.54, 0.43mm respectively. The crack pattern was well developed around the upper bolts and spread to the lower bolts. As the load reached 11.0kN and then dropped to l 0.4kN, the concrete cover was exposed owing to complete separation from the external steel layer. This occurred at the area between the end bottom of the wall and the critical section A-A. New shear cracks occurred and extended up to section D-D as shown in Figure 5.54.

-~· p

Figure 5.54 Presents the Shear Cracks Region at the Wall for Test 3


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Chapter 5: Experimental results

5.5.2. Joint

It was observed that the joint gap G 1 between the vertical wall and the floor slab started to become significant after the applied load reached 7.5kN. When the load reached the maximum at 15.SkN, the joint gap was 1.5mm.

The other gap, important to measure and observe, was the gap G2 between the slope of the base floor slab and the support steel triangle as shown in Figure 5.55 . The load at which the gap was noticeable was 6.0kN. When the load reached its maximum of 15.5kN, the gap was 2.6mm.

The s_ignificant magnitude is the difference between the initial loads of the gaps G 1, G2; this differential amount is 1.5kN. The gap G2 started to increase more quickly than the gap G 1, because of the floor slab rotated up under vertical wall loading see Figures 5.51, 5.52.

5.6. Summary

The deflection magnitude at point D6 may be influenced by the rotation of floor slab. This deflection occurred due not only to the wall loading, but also by freedom of the floor slab, which was not completely restrained. It is indicated with deflection D 1, gap G2. The deflection magnitude at point D6 was more than that calculated. At a load of 4kN the deflection was 5mm while the calculated deflection was 2. lmm.

The uncracked section starts from applying horizontal load to the wall until it reached a sustained load of 6.0kN, where the sustained load is the load before start the cracks. This load is greater than the design load calculation, i.e. from the test, it demonstrates a higher sustained load greater than the design load of 4.0kN. This means that the wall can carry the design load safely.

The shear cracks were observed when the horizontal load reached 10.SkN. Horizontal ties between the two steel layers were sufficient, because, while the wall exposed to the maximum horizontal load 15 .5kN, shear cracks were well developed at the region of the joint, and spalling occurred at the concrete cover with the external steel layer of the wall. The reason may be that it is influenced by uplift force consequence of tangential edge bottom of the wall with the ground.

It is important to indicate that the compressive strength of the concrete mix (ready mix concrete) for Test 3 was 41.4MPa after 28 days, while it was 30.4MPa for Test 2 and 32. lMPa for Test 1. This is due to the coarse aggregate size being graded to 1 Omm for Test 3, while it was up to 20mm for Tests 1, 2. It shows clearly the effect of surface area in the strength in


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Chapter 5: Experimental results

concrete. Also, the slump was 80mm at third test while it was 95 , 90 for the first and the second test respectively, which strength was effected by water content.

The anchorage length of the steel bolt was sufficient for the wall at test three. It was observed that there was no slipping of the steel joint with the concrete at that wall. The anchorage length was 2x1000mm for wall steel reinforcement at the Test 3 and it was l x600mm for Test 1, where the wall steel reinforcement was single steel while it was omitted for Test 2.

It is observed that the bolts D3, D4, D2, D5 were more than sufficient when comparing with the tensile test for one bolt where the maximum tensile force was 89 .4kN with deflection 2.86mm. The maximum tensile force was 15 .SkN with deflection 2.31 , 2.42, 0.51 , 0.43mm on the bolts D3, D4, D2, D5 respectively, see Figures 5.48, 5.55.

-z ..:w::: -"C ca 0



100 I j

90 Ji

80 J I I , !

70 ~

60 ~ -I


i 40 J

i -

30 -.

20 "

10 1


0 I

0 N


Deflection( mm)

Figure 5.55 Influence of separate tensile test on steel bolt

A= Point on tensile curve indicates the tensile force 16.0kN that it cause deflection 0.36mm. B = Point on tensile curve indicates the maximum tensile force capacity 89.4kN that it cause deflection 2.86mm.


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Chapter 6: Theoretical and Computer Analysis





Page 158: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 6: Theoretical and Computer Analysis

6. Introduction

Finite Element software for static, dynamic and buckling analysis of structures and for the analysis of potential flow is now readily available. Since the early l 960's FINITE ELEMENT METHODS for structural analysis have developed rapidly to become the most significant recent advance in continuum mechanics.

STRAND6 is a suite of full three-dimensional Finite Element programs. It includes pre-processors (graphics oriented input programs), the main assembler and solvers, and graphics oriented post-processors for interpreting the results. The basic philosophy behind the software has been to develop a reliable suite of programs incorporating the latest developments in finite element technology.

Applications include small displacement, small strain, linear elastic structural analysis in mechanical and structural engineering including frame, plate, shell and solid structures such as road and rail vehicles, turbo machinery, pressure vessels, static civil engineering structures and structural components. Also available are dynamic analyses including natural frequencies and response to periodic loads, buckling of frame and shell structures and potential flow including heat transfer(67l.

6.1. Computer Modelling

6.1.1. Tested Wall Models Dimensions and Steel Reinforcement

Three different reinforced concrete walls were adopted for analysis and comparison of the test results. These walls are referred to as Wl, W2 and W3 respectively. The cross-sectional dimensions and steel reinforcement of all these walls are presented in Table 6.1, and are shown in Figures A.16, A.17 and A.18 in Appendix A.

Wall No.




Table 6.1 Concrete measures and steel reinforcement

details of tested wall models

Overall dimension Reinforcement detail Length Effective Overall Flexural Shear (mm) Height Thickness Vertical steel Horizontal

(mm) (mm) steel

660 2250 150 4Y12 (single) 1Yl2@200 -(single)

660 2250 150 4Y12 (double) 1Yl2@200 -(double)

660 2250 150 4Yl2 (double) IY12 @200 1 bar lOmrn (double) ( one-le22ed)


Page 159: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 6: Theoretical and Computer Analysis

For wall W 1, the amount of flexural reinforcement consisted of four l 2mm diameter bars of single vertical steel at the middle of the wall thickness. The longitudinal steel was 12mm diameter bars with 200mm spacing.

For wall W2, the reinforcement consisted of double steel; both the tension and compression reinforcement consisted of four 12mm diameter bars. The longitudinal steel was 12mm diameter of bars with 200mm spacing.

Finally, wall W3 was modelled to increase the shear reinforcement. The steel reinforcement was the same as wall W2 and the additional compression and tension steel were linked by shear reinforcement of ties l Omm diameter (one­legged) with 200mm spacing in the first 400mm (connection region) and 400mm spacing staggered in the rest of the wall. The reason for the additional reinforcement was that the wall W2 failed in a brittle manner in shear in the connection region due to the absence of the shear reinforcement (see Figures 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3).

Figure 6.1 Flexure and shear cracks pattern of wall W1


Page 160: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 6: Theoretical and Computer Analysis

8.·~ ~. o 6 . c:> /--c ' ,

- --- ~_.... '--'"""

Figure 6.2 Flexure and shear cracks pattern of wall W2

Figure 6.3 Flexure and shear cracks pattern of wall W3


Draft 5

__ __,,- s: f) .,, · o

----- ft._,s­

Y-o . / ,..( _ _ _


Page 161: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 6: Theoretical and Computer Analysis

6.1.2. Units in Finite Element Data

Load in Newtons (N), modulus of elasticity in Newtons per square millimetre (N/mm2

), length in millimetres (mm) gives displacements in mm, stresses in N/mm2

, i.e. MPa, and density in kg/m3 as shown in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2 Some consistent sets of units

Quantity Units Entered Length (L) mm Force (F) N

Modulus of elasticity (E) NlmmL Mass Tonne

Density (p) Mg/mmj Time (t) s

Acceleration (g) mmls2

Quantity Units Output Displacement mm

Stress (er) MPa (N/mm2)

Typical Values for Mild Steel E 2.1 OE + 05 Nlmm2

p 7.80E - 09 Mglmm-' g 9.81E + 03 mm/sL

6.1.3. Material Properties

The material properties of the concrete for the elastic modulus and for each concrete wall were derived from A Standard formula. Concrete compressive strength and density calculated according to the experimental load test, while Poisson's Ratio for concrete was assumed to be as common value used is 0.15. Generally the density of concrete is 2400 kg/m3 but the actual value has been considered. Poisson's Ratio for steel reinforcement was assumed to be 0.25. All are presented in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3 Material properties

Material Property Wl W2 W3 Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (GPa) 29 28 32 Modulus of Elasticity of Steel (GPa) 210 210 210 Concrete Strength (MPa) 32.1 30.4 41.4 Steel Yield Strength (MPa) : Plain bars 250 250 250

Deformed bars 400 400 400

Poisson's Ratio of Concrete 0.15 0.15 0.15 Poisson's Ratio of Steel 0.25 0.25 0.25 Density of Concrete (Tonnes/mj) 2.42 2.34 2.30 Density of Steel (Tonnes/m-') 6.8 6.8 6.8


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Chapter 6: Theoretical and Computer Analysis

6.1.4. Finite Element Modelling

The advantage of finite element analysis is that it can analyse any type of complicated structure with simple assumptions. It is important when using the finite element analysis to choose simple models, however the results may not be free from error.

6.1.5. Geometry of the Finite Element Models

Many assumptions were made in the wall analyses. For wall panels Wl, W2 and W3 , the dimensions for heights and sides were the same, but the length of the models was only half the length of the actual wall for all walls Wl, W2 and W3 . Symmetry about the vertical centre line meant that only half of the wall needed to-be considered. This reduced the time required to solve the problem. The total numbers of elements used in these walls are shown in Table 6.4, and the typical finite element models for the walls are shown in Figures 6.4 to 6.8. Also, the laboratory models for the actual walls are presented in Appendix A.

Table 6.4 Number of elements used in modelling

Wall No. Total number of Total number of Total number of Total number brick beam elements plate of

Elements (8-Nodes) elements elements Wl 429 181 25 635 W2 429 181 25 635 W3 429 181 25 635


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Chapter 6: Theoretical and Computer Analysis



2250 m




Draft 5



Figure 6.5 Finite element model for reinforcement position of wall W1

Page 164: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 6: Theoretical and Computer Analysis Draft 5





....... _,, ____ ·DOUBLE STEEL



Figure 6.6 Finite element model for position of reinforcement for W2

Figure 6. 7 Finite element model for position of reinforcement for W3


Page 165: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 6: Theoretical and Computer Analysis Draft 5

(a) Wall WI (b) Walls W2, W3 t OUTER ECGE


(anctiorage length) I


rage len h



Figure 6.8 Finite element model for position of steel Connection for walls W1, W2, W3 with floor slab

The global degree of freedom condition in these models only allows the translational movement in X, Y and Z directions. Only the global degree of freedom condition in the plane of symmetry allows movement in X and Z direction to give the same condition of the whole model, i.e. translational movement in X and Z directions.

The walls are simply supported with nodes corresponding to bolts D4 and D5 as shown in Figure 6.9. A constraint for the hinge-supported model allowed translation movement in all directions. Also, it was considered that the wall was supported on the base of the walls on rollers, i. e. only translational movement in Y and Z directions was allowed.

The default freedom entry allows a global freedom condition to be assigned. This is applied to all nodes connected by the brick elements and it was therefore 000 111.

6.1.6. Loading Condition

WI, W2 and W3 were simply supported with a concentrated load at the top of the wall model. The experimental maximum load capacities were 8.6kN, 8.5kN and 15.SkN respectively, as discussed in Model Test Program in Chapter 4.


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Chapter 6: Theoretical and Computer analysis

One half of the wall model was considered for finite element idealization because of the symmetry, as shown in Figure 6.9.


···•· :::-

Freedom Conditions for Nodes: (0 ->Free ; 1 - >Fixed)

200 ······~ ..

mm Node DX DY DZ RX RY RZ 3 1 0 0 1 1 1 20 1 0 0 1 1 1 37 1 0 0 1 1 1 54 1 0 0 1 1 1 71 1 0 0 1 1 1

343 0 1 0 1



Node 343

Figure 6.9 Finite element model of loading condition

For walls W1, W2, W3


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Chapter 6: Theoretical and Computer Analysis

6.1. 7. Material Modelling

For linear static analysis, the properties for material modelling are as shown in Table 6.3, and were assigned to the respective materials. The non-linear material properties assumed that no cracking was allowed for stress-strain curve of the concrete up to 16. lMPa and was taken according to AS 3600, while the modulus of elasticity of concrete was considered according to the standard stress-strain relationship.

6.1.8. Node Modelling Numbers



····· ........ ~ ..... .

······ •• • • • .J ' "


········ ..... J .. ............. . ......... ···· 347



343 ...


Figure 6.10 Representation node numbers of

Finite element model for wall W3



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Chapter 7: Discussion of Results




Page 169: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 7: Discussion of Results

7. Computer Results

7.1 Linear and non-linear static Analysis

7.1.1 Connection behaviour

The design load applied horizontally at the top of the whole vertical wall is 4.0kN and its reaction on the upper bolts at the base of the wall is 64.0kN. This value of the load represents the design tensile force of the upper bolts of the model, see Appendix A clause A.2.4 and Figure A.15. The tensile force for one bolt is then 32.0kN.

The computer results of the linear static analysis show that the deflection of the upper bolt D4 at Node 3 81 is 0 .12mm when the assumed horizontal applied load was 4kN for the half scale width of the wall.

The type of non-linear material is no cracking was allowed for stress-strain curve of the concrete.

The computer results of non-linear static analysis show that the displacement to the upper connection bolt D4 at node 381 is O.lOmm when the assumed horizontal applied load was 4.0kN as shown in Figure 7.1 and the computer graph Figure 7.2.


10000 -

9000 ~

- 8000 -z ..... 7000 -'. c: al

6000 -i E al ... (.) 5000 ..; c: "O 4000 _; 11' 0

...J 3000 ~

2000 _:

1000 -


Displacement DX (10-3mm)

Figure 7.1 Displacement at Bolt D4 (Node 381 ), outer face of Wall 3

Increments of Load versus Displacement, Nonlinear Static Analysis


Page 170: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 7: Discussion of Results

GRAPH OF 3.00E-01

2 . 00E-01

1. 00(-01

0. 00E+00 ~~~~ff!i 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ 10

I eX it I Menu I cLear I Plot I Rep lot I Select I Color J -.!pt ions I

Figure 7.2 Computer Graph of Displacement at Bolt 04 (Node 381 ), outer face of Wall 3 Versus Increments of Load, Nonlinear Static Analysis

: '

From the third laboratory test results for the wall model W3, the type of material non-linearity that allowed for stress-strain curve of the concrete followed the A Standard stress-strain curve of the concrete. No allowance was mad€ for explicit cracking of the concrete. The deflection at the upper bolt D4 (it represents Node 3 81) is 0.260mm when the horizontal applied load is 4.0kN at the top of the wall.

A laboratory tensile test for one bolt is shown in Figure 7.3. It is observed that the load-deflection relationship is slightly curved up to 5.0kN possibly due to initial slip at the grips. In this case, a tangent was drawn and the initial deflection 0.20mm was omitted with the corresponding load of 5.0kN. The deflection at a tensile load of 32.0kN in this case represented by 37.0kN is 0.32mm.


Page 171: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 7: Discussion of Results

100 B




- 60 z ..=.:: - 50 ,, ftl 0 ..J 40


30 32.2kN


N IO <O O> 0 ......

Axial Deflection(mm)

Figure 7.3 Tensile test of steel bolt

The laboratory test and computer results of displacement at bolt D4, node 381 when the vertical wall was exposed to a horizontal load of 4.0kN are presented in Table 7.1, which indicates linear figure is less than non-linear figure, that was not expected. However, the reason for this result is due to the relationship of stress-strain curve as shown in Figure 7.13, shows that line A is higher stiffness than line B, which is non-linear was less stiffener than linear. No cracking was allowed for stress-strain curve of concrete up to 16.lMPa. Evident from calculation displayed at page 164.

Table 7.1 Presents a comparison of displacement measures of laboratory

test and computer analysis for upper bolt 04

External Load (kN)


Linear Static DX(mm) 0.119

Non-linear Static DX(mm) 0.186

Model Lab. Test Defl. (mm) 0.26

Tensile test to Separate bolt Defl. (mm) 0.32

The maximum tensile force on a separate bolt 12mm diameter is shown in Figure 7.3 is 89kN, then the maximum stress achieved by the separate bolt can be calculated by:


crzz(max) =----- 786MPa 'TT'X6


Also, from the manual calculation design of the concrete wall model, the tensile force applying to bolt D4 is 32.0kN which causes a tensile stress ( crzz) on the bolt D4 of284MPa.


Then = 284/786 =36%



Page 172: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 7: Discussion of Results

The applied horizontal load on top of the vertical wall reached the design load of 4k.N, and the corresponding tensile stress of the bolt D4 at the base reached 36% of its ultimate tensile stress. Ultimate Horizontal Load

The calculation of the ultimate horizontal load (Fu) achieved by the vertical wall is as follows :

From equation number 4.59 (6s)

Mu = fsy . Ast ( d-dsc)

By substitution in this equation where: Mu= Ultimate bending of the wall at section pass through upper bolts fsy = Yield strength of reinforcing steel Ast = Cross-sectional area of tension reinforcement

Then Mu-= 400x452(120-30)x10·6

= 16.27 kN.m

dI .__ ___ _.,.. _ __,

Then, the ultimate horizontal load in (x) direction (Fu)= 8.13 kN

When the vertical wall was subjected to the ultimate horizontal load Fu, the upper bolts reached a tensile force of 13 lkN; for one bolt the tensile force was 65.5kN, which caused a tensile stress of 580MPa.


Then = 580/786 =74% CTzz(max)

The applied horizontal load on top of the vertical wall reached the ultimate load of 8 .13 k.N, the corresponding tensile stress of the bolt D4 at the base reached 74% of its ultimate tensile stress.

While the vertical wall subjected to the maximum applied horizontal load of 15.SkN, by theoretical calculation, the tensile force in bolt D4 is 124kN and exposed to a tensile stress of 1097MPa, which is more than its ultimate stress (786MPa) according to the tensile test of a separate bolt. But the bolts of the wall-floor connection had not reached its ultimate stress up to the end of the model test. The reason for that is the behavior of the floor slab, which was lifted up, and led to the rotation of the floor slab and the applied load did not effect directly on the bolts. Also, the shear crack patterns surround the upper bolts, which had started to appear in the outer side of the wall when the load reached 6.5k.N to 8.0kN. These cracks were further developed by increasing the load, which affected in the rigidity of the concrete connection region. These aspects prevented the bolts from reaching the maximum stress and to its failure case. See Photos 7.4, 7.5, 7.6.


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Chapter 7: Discussion of Results

, . ·,or.,·. :..·


Figure 7.4 Shear crack patterns surrounding the upper and lower Bolts 03, 04, 02, 05 at outer face of the wall

~ff'' J 't;:;~

-~/ ,. ~. ~ : ..-.: ".,~; .. '.·.'i.·t,,.'

Figure 7.5 Shear crack patterns surrounding the upper and lower Bolts 03, 02 at outer face of the wall


Page 174: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 7: Discussion of Results

Figure 7.6 Flexure & Shear crack patterns at the wall surrounding the fixation joint had started to appear when the load reached 6.SkN to 8.0kN and developed further

When the vertical wall was under loading and the horizontal load reached the design load 4kN, there was no influence from the rotation of the floor slab. However, the floor slab started rotating when the load reached 6.5kN at the same time as the flexural cracks started to appear, while the shear cracks started to appear when the load reached 8.5kN, and developed further as shown in Figure 5.21. Consequently, at the maximum load, the behaviour of the upper bolts D3 and D4 was in the linear range while the vertical wall reached failure.

The influence of applied horizontal force to the lower bolts D2 and D5 of the connection, is shown in Table 7.2 of laboratory test results and computer results of displacement at bolt D5, node 379 when the vertical wall was exposed to a horizontal load of 4.0kN:


(kN) 4.0

Table 7.2 Presents a comparison of displacement measures of laboratory test and computer analysis for lower bolt 05

Linear Static DX( mm) 0.033

Non-linear Static DX(mm) 0.038

Model Lab. Test Defl. (mm) 0.070

Tensile test to Separate bolt Defl.(mm) 0.320

From Table 7.2 it is seen that the reaction of the bolt D5 is smaller than the reaction of bolt D4. Also, the relationship between the load increments and the


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Chapter 7: Discussion of Results

displacement of bolt DS is slightly curved and a linear relationship is considered as shown in Figure 7. 7 and the computer graph Figure 7.8.




- 8000 z -- 7000 c Cl)

E 6000 f C) 5000 .E ~ 4000 IV 0 ..J 3000



0 0 -.;f' CX) N <O 0 -.;f' CX) N <O 0 -.;f' ..... ..... N N N (") (") v -.;f'

Figure 7.7 Displacement at Bolt D5 (Node 379), outer face of Wall 3

Increments of Load versus Displacement, Nonlinear Static Analysis

J.eeE- 02



/ e.eeE+ee

1 2

Figure 7.8 Computer Graph of Displacement at Bolt 05 (Node 379),

Outer face of Wall 3 Versus Increments of Load, Nonlinear Static Analysis


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Chapter 7: Discussion of Results

Consequently, at the maximum load, the behavior of the lower bolts D2 and DS was in the linear range while the vertical wall reached failure.

The behavior of the upper and lower bolts D3, D4 & D2, DS demonstrated that they were sufficient to transfer the loads from the vertical wall to the floor edge beam safely.

7.1.2 Vertical wall

There are three factors concerned in the deflection measurements. (i) The deflection as a result of applying the horizontal load at the top of the wall. (ii) The influence of the applied horizontal load to the connection bolts. (iii) The influence of this load on the steel connection imbedded inside both the wall and the floor slab.

The wall bearing on the floor contacted surfaces that restrained the movement of the wall. but the slab rotated so it allowed the wall to rotate further. Therefore, it is important to measure the gap (G2) between the steel triangle support and the soffit of the floor slab as seen in Figure 5.14. Only in test three W3 the gap 02 was measured and recorded as presented in Chapter Four Research Methods, Figure 4.11. The results are presented in Chapter 5 Experimental Results, Figures 5.12, 5.13.

The rotation angle (8) of the model can be determined. In the failure case, the gap 02 is 2.55mm when the applied horizontal load on top of the vertical wall reached 15 .SkN and radius (r) is as shown on the following Figure 7.9.

G2 = r. e Where:

r = 200x2 112

G2 =2.55mm

8 = 2.55/200x2 112

= 0.009 = o · o· 32.4.

Figure 7.9

For the vertical wall W3, the. displacement (Dr) on top of the wall can be calculated

and as presented in Figure 7.10:

Dr = r. 8 Where:


Dr = 2 l 80x0.009 = 19.82mm


Page 177: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 7: Discussion of Results


Figure 7.10

The total displacement (D6), which is measured at top of the vertical wall W3 is the sum of rotation displacement (Dr) and the value of the deflection of bolt D4 plus the actual deflection D6act·

Then D6act = 81.5 -2.4-19.8 =59mm

Subsequently, the actual deflection at the top of the wall D6 is equal to 72% from the laboratory test result.

The computer results of non-linear static analyses of the deflection at the top of the vertical wall point D6, node 359 (see Appendix B) occur as a result of applying the horizontal force. The results revealed that the relationship between the load increments and the displacement DX of node 359 is slightly curved, as shown in Figures 7.11 and 7.12.




- 8000 z -..... 7000 c: Q)

E 6000 ~ 0 5000 c:

"C 4000 Cll 0

3000 ..J



0 0 0

0 .....

Ultimate Horizontal Load

0 0 N

0 0 (")

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '<1" LO <.O t--

0 0 00

D.isplacement DX (10"2mm)

0 0 0 ..-

g ..... .....

Figure 7.11 Displacement at point 06 (Node 359), top of Wall 3

Increments of Load versus Displacement, Nonlinear Static Analysis


Page 178: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 7: Discussion of Results

~~··1 · ~ "!r .:.>,;.!.

f. a.ee£+0e ·~

... ;·· 7.88£+89 • 2.00£-e1

- 6.88£+09


.. 4.00£+08

. 1. 00E-01 J.00£+09

"""""/ , t.00E+0e1

Figure 7.12 Computer Graph of displacement at 06 (Node 359), top of outer

Face of the Wall 3 Versus Increments of Load, Nonlinear Static Analysis

Another way to evaluate the behaviour of the vertical wall under loading of incremental loads is by calculating the stresses at sections through the wall passing horizontally at upper and lower bolts. By plotting these results on the main original curve of the stress-strain curve to examine where and what it is.

This equation of stress for linear elastic behaviour is: M.y

cr= I

Consider the stress crzz at section passing horizontally through the wall at upper bolt at point D4 and exposed to horizontal load P on top of the vertical wall and for half scale take the horizontal load is P/2 and with the following assumptions:

crzz =


{P/2 x L}.y



P = 20kN, applied horizontal load at point D6 at top of the wall L = 2000mm, the height of the wall from top to upper bolts b = 330mm, the half width of the wall


Page 179: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 7: Discussion of Results

h = 150mm, wall thickness y=75mm

Table 7.3 Presents calculation stresses at section passing through the wall at upper bolts

~ Inc. (1) Inc. (2) Inc. (3) Inc.(4) Inc. (5)

10% of P/2 20% of P/2 30% ofP/2 40% ofP/2 50% of P/2 ~ CTzz<2000l 1.6 3.2 4.8 6.5 8.0

Inc. (6) Inc. (7) Inc. (8) Inc. (9) Inc.(10) 60% of P/2 70% of P/2 80% ofP/2 90% of P/2 100% of P/2

CTzzr2000) 9.7 11.3 12.9 14.5 16.1

By plotting these results displayed in Table 7.3 with the standard stress-strain curve AS 3600, they lie in a range of the very slight curve. It considered that they lie in the linear part of the curve, as seen in Figure 7.13. In addition, calculation of strain at stress of 16.lMPa where, Ee= 5050 -lfe\ = 5050 -/41.4 = 32.49 GPa

then the strain= 16.1/32.49=0.5x10-3

Lines A and B in Figure 7.13 represent linear and non-linear slopes respectively, which indicate that using part of the stress-strain curve up to 16MPa of the non-linear is of less stiffness than the linear solution. The modulus Ee derived from the stress-strain curve of concrete up to 16.lMPa was taken as line B of 2.0 GPa.

IV a. 6 UI UI

I!! .. I/)








0 0 10 20 30

Strain x10·4


Standard Stress-Strain Curve

50 60

Figure 7.13 Stress - Strain relationship of Wall 3 at section passes

At upper bolts comparing with standard curve of 32MPa concrete


Also, the stress crzz at a section passing horizontally through the wall at the lower bolts level at points D2, D5 and exposed to a horizontal load on top of the vertical wall P, and for half scale take the horizontal load as P/2.

Where: p = 20kN, applied horizontal load at point D6 at top of the wall L = 2180mm, the height of the wall from top to lower bolts b = 330mm, the half width of the wall h = 150mm, wall thickness


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Chapter 7: Discussion of Results


Table 7.4 Presents calculation stresses at section passing through the wall at lower bolts

L~ Inc. (1) Inc. (2) Inc. (3) Inc. (4) Inc. (5)

(N) Stress (MPa)i 10% of P/2 20% ofP/2 30% of P/2 40% of P/2 50% of P/2

CTzzr2oom 1.8 3.5 5.3 7.0 8.8 Inc. (6) Inc. (7) Inc. (8) Inc. (9) Inc. (10)

60% ofP/2 70% ofP/2 80% ofP/2 90% ofP/2 100% of P/2

CTzz120001 10.6 12.3 14. l 15 .8 17.6

By plotting these results displayed in Table 7.4 on the standard stress-strain curve for a concrete strength of 32MPa. They lie in very slight curve, it considered that they lie in the linear region of the curve as seen in Figure 7.14.

cu a. 6 Ill Ill ~ .. "'



Standard Stress-Strain

20 Curve




0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Strain x10-4

Figure 7.14 Stress - Strain relationship of Wall 3 at section passes At lower bolts comparing with Standard curve of 32MPa


Linear static analyses show that the stress crzz at the upper bolt D4 of node number 381 is 6.61MPa, while the stress at the lower bolt of node number 379 is 1.72MPa. Both of them are less than the allowable stresses, which for bolt M12 class

8.8 is 580MPa.

A comparison of the influence of the applied horizontal force to the top of the vertical wall, model laboratory test results and computer results of displacement at point D6, node 359 when the vertical wall was exposed to a horizontal design load of 4.0kN is presented in the following table. For half scale model the computer results of


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Chapter 7: Discussion of Results

linear static of load case 2 (2kN) and for non-linear static of increment no. 2 (2kN) are considered.

Table 7.5 Presents comparison of deflection results at load 4.0kN

Point/Node Load Linear Non-linear Model Lab. Calculation No. Static Static Test 3 Design

(kN) DX( mm) DX( mm) Defl. (mm) Defl. (mm)

DI 4.0 0.120 D4/381 4.0 0.119 0.186 0.260 D5/379 4.0 0.033 0.038 0.070 D6/359 4.0 1.124 7.732 5.0 2.1 GI 4.0 0.0 02 4.0 0.0

Table 7.5 displays that there is no rotation occurred of the wall while the load reached 4.0kN. The deflection at node 359 of the laboratory test results is 5.0mm by deduction from the deflection amount of bolt D4 of 0.26mm. Then, the actual deflection at top of wall W3 is 4.74mm. By comparing this amount with computer results of non-linear solution, which is 7.732mm. The difference quoted is more than 20% as a result of assumed properties of non-linear materials where no cracking was allowed for stress-strain curve of the concrete up to 16.1 MPa and according to A. Standard stress-strain curve of concrete. Also, there are some changes between these results and the result of the linear static analysis.

In the failure case when the applied horizontal load at top of the vertical wall reached 15.SkN, the wall reached the failure case. The following table presents the results:

Table 7.5 Presents comparison of deflection results at load 16.0kN

Point/Node Load Linear Non-linear Model Lab. Calculation No. Static Static Test 3 Design

(kN) DX( mm) DX( mm) Defl.(mm)

01 16.0 1.46 D4/381 16.0 0.48 0.74 2.42 DS/379 16.0 0.13 0.14 0.43 06/359 16.0 2.25 30.94 59.46 8.3 GI 16.0 1.45 02 16.0 2.55

Note: for Model laboratory test 3, the failure load 15 .SkN was considered to be 16kN

By comparing the ultimate horizontal load with load-deflection curve of laboratory test results of wall W3 at point D6 as seen in Figure 5.47 at chapter 5 and amended by Figure 7.15. It is observed that the calculated ultimate horizontal load lies in a position past the linear region, when the flexural cracks started, and when the load reached 6.0kN at point B on the deflection curve. It then further when shear cracks occurred at a load of 7.0kN at point C on the deflection curve. More crack development occurred until the load reached to the failure load of 15.SkN at point D, when the non-linear behaviour took place.


Page 182: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 7: Discussion of Results

17 16 15 14 13 12 11 - 10 -z

.:.:. 9 -"C 8 ca 0 7 ..J

6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Lab. Ultimate Load Test Calculated Ultimate -

Horizontal Load

0 0 0 N

"""" 0 0 tD co

0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N "<t" tD CO 0 N "<t" tD CO 0 N "<t"

"<'""" "<'""" "<'""" ~ ~ N N N N N M M M

Deflection (mm)

Figure 7.15 Limitation of Ultimate Horizontal Force on Vertical Wall Load-Deflection Curve at Point 06 of Test 3

The strain influence as a result of applying the horizontal load over height of vertical wall is shown in the following chart Figure 7.16, which displays a comparison of the distribution of the strain with linear and non-linear results in different cases of loading.

2100 -----2000 -1900 1800 1700

- 1600 E 1500 .§. 1400 M 1300 : 3: 1200 1

~ 1100 j 3: 1000 I .... 0 -..s:: en

900 -;

800 ~ 700 I

600 J 500 I

400 -,

"-f ~~;~Linear ~ Non-Linear

Linear 4kN

/Linear j/ 16kN


Sec. A at Max . Strain

Sec B at Upper Bolts

i Sec . C at Lower Bolts ·

300 ~l .-4-~~~~~~~~-j..-~-'--m~i----~~~-=--~-


10~ ~====~~~:J~~;!~=~~--=-~==~.~-'=-~~. =--:- =. =:::. ~=---,--.-====== i 0 0 0

N V 0 0 0 0 0 0 COCO ON "<t"<D

'T"""' """'"" 'T"""' ~

Strain (µE)

0 0 0 0 CO 0 N V ~ N N N

0 0 <D co N N

0 0 0 N (") (")

Figure 7.16 Strain distribution over height of Wall 3 at Load Design 4kN and Failure Load 16kN Versus the ultimate horizontal load Linear &

Non-linear Analysis Results


Page 183: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 7 : Discussion of Results

The above figure revealed that the non-linear analysis results are more influenced by the load than the results of the linear analysis solution due to the variation of modulus of elasticity (E). Therefore, a comparison shown in Figures 7.17, 7.18 show the strain distribution over the height of the vertical wall with the non-linear static analysis and the laboratory test results in different cases of loading.

-E E -

- ------- 2000

Sec . A at Max . Strain 1700

I r--,--.-

0 0 N co ":' ~

Sec. B at Upper Bolts

Sec . C at Lower Bolts

0 0

""" 0

~ N I

Load 4kN

0 tO ..-


0 0 N °i> ..-






1200 l 1100


9 J I

800 j 00 ~



400 I 1


1 00

0 l

0 0 ~

Strain (µE)

0 v

Load 4kN r Non-nnea'

0 co 0 N

0 tO ..-

Figure 7 .17 Strain distribution over height of Wall 3 at Load pesign 4kN Versus Non-linear Analysis & Laboratory Test Results


0 0 N

Page 184: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 7: Discussion of Results

Sec . At max. strain

Sec. At upper bolt

Sec. At lower bolt

0 0 0 ~

0 0

"' '7

0 0 0 '7

Lab . Test Load 15 .SkN


1400 ~ 1300

1200 Nonlinear

1100 : ~ j Load 16kN

1 ooo _ r

0 0 ~

900 - \ 800 -

700 600 ~

500 I

400 -

0 0 0

"' 0 0 0 -

Strain (µ.E)

0 0

"' -0 0 0 N

0 0

"' N

0 0 0 ,..,

0 0

"' ,.., 0 0 0 ..,.

0 0

"' ..,.

Figure 7.18 Strain distribution over height of Wall 3 at Failure Load 16kN Versus Non-linear Analysis & Laboratory Test Results

It is visible that non-linear static analysis is more affected by the load than the laboratory test results due to the stiffness of finite element analysis solution which assumed that no cracking was allowed for stress-strain curve of the concrete up to 16.lMPa as seen in Figure 7.19.

0 0 0 <")'

Sec. A a~t M=a.,.x~-...., Strain

Sec . Bat Upper Bolt

Sec. C at Lower Bolts

0 0 0 0 U) N - -

0 0 "?

1400 ~

0 0 0 'f

Lab . Test Load 15 .SkN

" __ r Lab . Test 1( Load 4kN

0 0 0 0 0 0 .... CD ~

Strain (µ.E)

0 0

"' -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..,. CD N U) 0 N N N M M ....

Figure 7.19 Strain distribution over height of Wall 3 at Load Design 4kN & Failure Load 16kN Versus Non-linear Analysis & Laboratory Test Results


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Chapter 7: Discussion of Results

7 .2. Summary

The steel joint has two parts, one part imbedded in the vertical wall and the other part imbedded in the floor slab. There are no cracks indicating failure of both parts of the steel joint. The crack activity started developing in the wall when the load reached 6.5kN, while shear cracks occurred at the top surface of the floor slab at the end terminal of the anchor bar of the joint when the load reached 4.0kN. The shear cracks developed further with increasing the load and the test results revealed that the floor slab started to rotate when the load reached 7.5kN, see Figure 5.51. The reason for rotation of the floor slab model is due to non-rigidity of slab fixation with the floor of the laboratory. In the theoretical work it was assumed to be rigid, which represented a fixed support.

Fixation bolts under design applied horizontal load were exposed to a tensile load of 32kN, which caused a deflection of0.12mm and O.lOmm as in linear and non-linear analysis respectively. These results were compared with the laboratory deflection test of D4 and_ the tensile test to the separate bolt, which were 0.26mm and 0.32mm respectively. The deflection results of the laboratory tests were in a similar range but did not agree with the computer results because of the simplicity of the models used for the finite element analysis.

The fixation bolt D4 was exposed to a reaction of 32kN when the vertical wall was exposed to the design load of 4.0kN, and the deflection was 0.12mm. Calculated tensile stress at that load was 284MPa, which showed that the bolt D4 was exposed to 36% of its ultimate tensile stress. In the failure case, the applied horizontal load reached 15.5kN, while the upper bolt D4 reached 74% of its ultimate tensile stress.

The behaviour of upper and lower fixation bolts D3, D4, & D2, D5 were more than satisfactory to resist the applicable loads under design static loading. For more investigation in the future, the rigidity of the base slab should be undertaken to avoid probable rotation.

The vertical wall deflection curve presented in Figure 7 .15 displayed that the ultimate horizontal load of laboratory test was higher than the calculated ultimate load, i.e., the wall sustained for the test load by 82%. The actual deflection to the wall under design load provided by laboratory test, non-linear and design calculations were 4.7, 4.0 and 2. lmm respectively. The theoretical calculation results agreed with the computer results. In the failure case, the wall deflection results provided by the laboratory, non­linear and the calculation were 37.0, 15.5 and 8.5mm respectively. The difference of the results followed as a result of the behaviour of the wall, where the flexural and shear cracks occurred while the finite element analysis assumed that the non-linear material properties where no cracking was allowed for stress-strain curve for stress 16. lMPa of the concrete as shown in Figure 7.13. Briefly, under design loads, in spite of there being a difference between the amount of deflection of the theoretical calculation and the laboratory test results, the results of the non-linear analysis support indicate that the wall was successful in carrying the applicable loads. Definitely, where the flexural and shear cracks occurred at loads past the design load, the wall carried and transferred the applicable loads to the footing safely.


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Chapter 8: Conclusions




Page 187: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Chapter 8: Conclusions

8. Conclusions The following conclusions are drawn based on the work of this thesis :

8.1 Zeolite Concrete

ZMA can be used as a Pozzolanic material and it can be introduced as a zeolite concrete for the first time in Australia. To provide zeolite concrete with low density and a strength of 32 MPa, the mix proportion was determined from a limited number (22) of mix designs with 88 compressive strength tests. And optimised mix design was not investigated.

Partial replacement of cement with 25°/o fly ash + partial replacement of sand with 30%> granulated blast-furnace slag + partial replacement of coarse aggregate (blue metal) with 35°/o zeolite as an advantage. Fly-slag concrete containing zeolite improves the properties of concrete such as slump, workability and pumpability, low density and slightly less strength as shown in Figures 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and 5. 7. These will encourage the precasters to use zeolite in precast manufacturing as advantage of ZMA. For more details about the mix proportion are presented at Appendix C.

Zeolite is normally used in animal food and for agricultural purposes<49)_

However, when zeolite is used as one of the concrete constituents and in precast manufacturing it will increase the marketable demand of zeolite. As a result, the mining cost will be reduced by the high consumption of zeolite see Figure 5.8. These factors will decrease the cost of zeolite concrete production. Also, it will lead to encouraging precasters to use zeolite in precast manufacturing.

8.2 Structural Elements

1. The connection's shape and type is suitable in load-bearing panels. It could be used in similar joint layouts.

2. The steel connection of wall-base slab has two parts, one part cast in vertical wall and the other cast in base slab, and they are satisfactory to transfer the loads to the foundation safely. The upper bolts reached 36% of their ultimate tensile stress and provided satisfactory security on overload while the vertical wall reached its ultimate load.

3. Both development and sleeve lengths of the connection are satisfactory lengths to carry the tensile stress, are ductile on overload, and they carry the transferable loads safely.

4. Recessed oversize holes of bolts at the outer face of the wall packed by grouting will provide fire protection, and the use of galvanised bolts and sleeves will provide corrosion protection.

5. Both parts of the connection need accuracy in placing while casting both wall and base slabs to provide quick adjustment during installation, so that the construction crane can be released in a short time.

6. Linear finite element analysis of RC walls does not interpret the nature of the behaviour of concrete walls under loading.

7. Non-linear finite element analysis provides better results but does not agree with the laboratory modelling test results herein because of the simple model used for the finite element analysis.


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Chapter 8: Conclusions

8. A wall modelling size of 2250 height x 660 width x 150mm thickness and steel reinforcement of Y12 @ 200mm both direction double layers with ties Rl 0 @ 400mm is satisfactory to the allowable stresses. In addition, ties Rl 0 @ 200mm in surrounding the fixing panel area are necessary to resist the generated shear due to sliding between the vertical reinforcing steel layers. The wall under overloading when the horizontal load is past the design load 8.13kN, reached a failure load of 15.5kN.

8.3 Structural Details of the Real Wall

The results, which were obtained from the laboratory tests and computer analysis compared with the design calculations and revealed the following amended details to the real wall structure:

1. The steel connection consists of two sleeve parts, one part is cast in the wall from steel tube bar with size equal to 24mm interior diameter and 36mm exterior diameter. The second part, cast in base slab is a solid steel bar size 36mm diameter with thread 20mm diameter. Ties of the sleeves are 4 Y20 to the part cast in the wall and 2Y20 to the other part cast in the floor slab. The size of the fixing bolts are M20 grade 8.8 with threads included.

2. Wall size is 4000mm in height and 1320mm in length with thickness of 150mm with reinforcement vertical bars 1Y12 @ 185mm, double steel; and horizontal bars 1Y12@200mm, double steel;

3. Shear reinforcement is 2 bar stirrups lOmm (tie one-legged) @ 180mm; 4. Concrete cover is 30mm.

Also, the results revealed that the thickness and fixation of the concrete base slab with a single layer of steel reinforcement was unsatisfactory to resist the uplift force and rotation.

8.4 Future Research Work

The author believes that similar modelling techniques as adopted in this thesis can be applied to the analysis of other connections in different positions in structural elements with different loading and conditions.

The author also believes that zeolite concrete can be applied to load bearing walls. The zeolite has several characteristics such as workability and pumpability, low density, high strength, improvement of interface structure in concrete and preventing expansion due to alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) that can be used for advantage in different structural elements.

The author finally recommends that research includes the effect of fire resistance, shrinkage and creep in the constitution of models so as to introduce integrated structural elements with finite element analysis solutions.


Page 189: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans





Page 190: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

A. Introduction

Walls are defined as a supported structural member. Walls can be divided into: • Bearing walls: subjected to compression forces and /or horizontal

forces . • Stiffening walls: to support bearing walls against buckling and can

act as wall bearing at the same time. • Non bearing walls: subject to own weight and minor horizontal

forces only. • Shear walls: which have significant horizontal loading in the plane

of the wall.


L Loads from roofing

4000mm I

Concrete wall

Steel connection

Floor slab with edge beam


70mm T !

260mm ' >I< ~

Figure A.1 Section elevation in wall-floor edge beam connection of factory building


Page 191: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix .. A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

The diagram above Figure A.1 shows a cross section of building factory made up from load bearing concrete walls carrying a metal roof. The walls are connected with a concrete floor edge beam by bolts.

In this case, the walls work as a transition for the applied loads to the footing through the transverse joint. It is important to ensure that walls and the steel connections should be adequate for all the requirements of strength and serviceability limit states to work satisfactorily.

The following design data is provided • Wall concrete strength, f c • Reinforcing steel strength, fsy • Concrete density • Roof live load • Roof dead load

= 30MPa =400MPa =24kN/m3

= 16kPa = 20kPa

• Take roof horizontal component of dead and live loads = 2.5% from the vertical components

• Wall panel size is 4000mm height, and 1320mm long

By using the simplified design methods for wall design in AS 3600-1994, design the following terms:

• Service loading calculation; • Specify wall thickness; • Ultimate loading calculation; • Maximum bending moment and moment distribution; • Design adequate flexural reinforcement; • Shear force calculation; • Check all shear provisions; • Ultimate shear strength; • Deemed to comply deflection check; • Tension and shear forces on bolts; • Bolts size; • Reinforcement layout drawing and additional details.

A.1 Design of Load-Bearing Walls

According to AS 3600, section 11 , design of the walls

Assumptions: fc = 30MPa, fc = 0.8 fcuMPa

f. =400MPa sy G [D .L] from roofing = 20kN Im Q [L.L] from roofing = 16kN/m W [wind pressure in Sydney]= 0.666kN/m2 (AS 1170.2)

The wall panel size 4000mm height x 1320mm long is considered


Page 192: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

A.I.I. Effective Height

According to clause 11.4.3 and to study the displacement of top wall under loading, consider the wall restrained against rotation at the bottom end.

Then equation Hwe = l.OHwu should be applied (11.4.3.b) where Hwu is the unsupported height of the wall

Then Hwe = 1. 0 X 4000. 0 = 4000mm

A.1.2. Thickness

The maximum effective height to thickness ratio (slenderness ratio) shall not exceed 30, except that for walls in which the design axial force N• at mid height does not exceed 0.03 f c Ag, the ratio may be increased to 50.

HwJtw ~ 30 tw > 4000/30

:2!:: 133.33mm Take tw = 150mm

Then 4000/150 = 26.66 < 30 O.K

A.1.3. Design Loads

Walls shall be assumed to be braced by lateral supports as shown in Figure A.2.

Ws [design wind load]= l.5Q = 1.5 x 0.666 = 1.0kN/m2


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Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans


w, 400~ I



Lateral loads

-7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7

Imposed axial loads


tw/34 f--

Hwu Self-weight



T I• , >I< 260 :1

Figure A.2 Design Loads diagram

Roofing Component

For worst case consider the influence of the wind from inside to one used direction.

For 1. 0 m width of the wall, W 5 = 1.0 X 4.0

= 4.0kN/m

Self weight of wall = 0.15 X 4.0 X 24.0 = 14.4kN/m

Imposed axial loads are usually the result of dead and live loading from roof structures supported by the panels. Consider that these loads are distributed loads over the entire length of the panels see Figure A.2.


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Appendix "A .. : Structural Design, Calculations and Plans


A.J.4. Bracing of walls

= l.25G + I.SQ = 1.25(14.4 + 20.0) + l.5X 16.0 = 67.0kN/m (A.I)

Wal 1 s shall be assumed to be braced by lateral supports designed to resist a horizontal force not less than 2.5% of the total vertical load that the wall is designed to carry at the level of lateral support, but not less than 2.0kN per metre length of wall panel(5).

Then the horizontal force (F 1) at the level of top wall


= 2.5% N• = 2.5/100 x 67.0 = 1.675kN/m < 2.0kN/m = 2.0kN/m

Wall subjects in plane vertical and horizontal forces. Design for vertical and horizontal forces independently by using clause 11.4, AS 3600.

A.1.5. Design for vertical forces

Eccentricity of vertical load (CL 11.4.1 ), Figure A.2

The vertical load transmitted to a wall by a roof shall be assumed to act one­third the depth of the bearing area measured from the span face of the wall.

Ecccntricity ( e) = tw/6 = 150/6 = 25rnm

A.1.6. Design axial strength of the wall

The design axial strength per unit length of a braced wall in compression shall be taken as ON u,



0 Nu

= 0.6 for compression members. = (tw - l.2e - 2ea) 0.6 f c

Nu =the ultimate strength per unit length of wall tw = the thickness of the wall


Page 195: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix ·· ..\ ·· Stnic1 ural Design, Calculations and Plans

Take e

Hence e

Then 1'\,

Then 0i\"

Then 0Nu Then 0Nu

e = the eccentricity of axial force ea = an additional eccentricity

= (Hwe)2 / 2500tw

= (4000)2 / 2500 x 150 = 42.7mm

= (150 - l.2X25 - 2X42.67] 0.6 X 30 = [150- 30 - 85.33] 18 = 624.0kN/m

= 0.6 x 624.0 = 374.0kN/m >N* > 67.0

Then the "all thickness is O.K

Figure A.3 Outside elevation for wall-floor model


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Appendix .. A" : Structural Design. Calculations and Plans

Figure A.4 Inside elevation for wall-floor model

Figure A.5 Cross section elevation for wall-floor model


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Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

A.1. 7. Design for horizontal forces

Wall subjected principally to horizontal forces perpendicular to the wall


0.03 fc Ag = 0.03 x 30x0.150x103

= 135kN

< 0.03 fc Ag

Then the wall shall be designed as a slab in accordance with the appropriate clause of section 9, AS 3600. Calculate bending moment at the critical section in plane at the base of wall as shown in Figure A.6.

F1 =4.0kN

Ws = 4.0kN

Figure A.6 Design Loads Distribution

Bending moment due to eccentricity:

= N* (e +ea) = 66.0 (0.25 + 0.043) =4.5kN.m

40 Omm

Bending moment due to lateral loads at critical section A-A:


M2 = 4.0 x 2.0 + 2.0 x 4.0 = 16.0kN.m

=M1 + Mz = 4.5 + 16.0 = 20.5kN.m



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Appendix ·'A" : Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

A.J.8. Reinforcement requirements

For maximum moment, from Eqs 4.41 and 4.26, <65>

~ 0.8 bd2 P fsy (1 - 0.6 P fsy/f c) (A.2)

A.1.8.1 . Vertical reinforcement

For the reinforcement of vertical direction choose Y12 bars and concrete cover 30mm.

Then =150-30-12/2 = 114mm

By substitution in equation (A.2)

Then 20.5 X106 ~ 0.8 x 103x 842 p x 400(1-0.6p400/30) 1 ~ 203p - l 948p2

1948p2 - 203p + 1 2::: 0

(1 - 192.9p)(l - 10.lp) 2::: 0 p 2::: 1/192.9

Then p > 0.0052



Where p is the tensile reinforcement ratio

Pmin = 0.8/fsy = 0.8/400 = 0.0020

P > Pmin

Ast 2: p de ;::: 0.0052 x 114 x 103

;::: 593.0mm2/m

The maximum centre-to-centre spacing of bars = 2.5tw or 500mm =2.5 x 150 = 375mm

For Y12 bars, centre-to-centre spacing = (110/593.0) 103

= 185mm Then use Y12 bars at 185mm spacing.

To check As min· use this equation:

Hence As min. = 0.0015Ag Th A = 0.0015 x 150 x 10

3 en s min.


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Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

= 225mm2

<Ast then O.K.

A.1.8.2. Horizontal reinforcement

For horizontal reinforcement (short direction):

Assume that the panel restrained at its vertical joints. The maximumB.M = 1.0 x 1.322/8

= 0.22kN.m/m

For the reinforcement of horizontal direction choose Y12 bars and concrete cover 30 mm.

Then = 150-30-12-12/2 = 102mm

By substitution in equation (A.2) Then 0.22 X106

:::; 0.8 x 103 x 1022 p x 400(1-0.6p400/30) 1 < 15133p-121065p2

121065p2 -15133p + 1 ;:::: 0 (1 - 8.0p)(l - 15125p) ;:::: 0

p ;:::: 1115125 p 2: 0.000066

Horizontal reinforcement for crack control: Where a wall is restrained from expanding or contracting horizontally due to

shrinkage or temperature a moderate degree of control over cracking is required.

Take Pm in

Then p

Then Ast

= 1.4/fsy = 1.4/400 = 0.0035


> Pmin de

;:::: 0.0035 x 102 x 103

;:::: 357mm2

For Y12 bars, centre-to-centre spacing = (110/357) 103

= 308mm

(CL 11 .6.2.a)

If it is considered that, for the domestic buildings and factories the minimum ratio of shrinkage and temperature of steel to gross concrete area as moderate is 0.0035(65 ).

Then As Where:

= 0.0035 bDs


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Appendix " A .. : Structural Design, Calculations and Plans


Ds = overall depth of slab i.e . = overall thickness of wall

= 0.0035 x 103 x 150 = 525mm2

Fo r Yl 2 bars, centre-to-centre spacing = (11oI525) 103


Th L' n use Y 12 bars at 200mm spacing.

A.1.9. Clzeckfor shear

The critical section for maximum shear in the wall shall be taken at the upper bolts of the connection.

A.1 .9.1. St rength in shear

The design strength of a wall subject to in-plane shear shall be taken as 0V u

Where: =Yue+ Yus

ThL· ultim ate shear strength of a wall without shear reinforcement (V uc) shall be Ltken ,,·here :

He nce


Hw /Lw > 1 as this equation:

~ 0.17.Yf c (0.8Lwtw)

= 4000/103

=4 > 1

> 0.17.Y30(0.8 x 103 x 150)/103

= 112.0kN/m The contribution to the ultimate shear strength of a wall by shear reinforcement, V us

shall be dcl crminc:d from the following equation: V us = Pw fsy (0.8Lwtw)

WI icre Pw = ratio horizontal reinforcement are to the cross-sectional area of wall per vertical metre

Hence Tb1..·n take

Pw Pw

> 0.000066 =pmin

= 0.0025

Horizonta l reinforcement to area of cross-section Then Yus = 0.0025 X 400(0.8 X 103

X 150)/103


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Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

= 120kN/m Then the ultimate shear (Vu) = 112.0 + 120


Then 0Vu = 0.7 x 232.0 = 162.0kN/m

Total horizontal forces = 2.0 + 4.0 = 6.0kN

Hence design shear force v* = 1. 15 x total forces =l.15x6.0 = 7.0kN

Then 0Vu > v*

Then the design shear is not critical.

It is observed from the laboratory tests some vertical and diagonal cracks occurred when the applied load reach the maximum value of l 5.5kN in the thickness of the wall within the colUlection region due to shear failure as shown in Figure A. 7.

Test 1


Figure A.7 Shear crack pattern of the wall for Tests 1, 2, 3


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Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Therefore, it is important to calculate the amount of shear reinforcement in spite of 0V u > v•. That is as the following procedures:

A.1.10. Design of shear reinforcement

In spite of the design ultimate shear (0V u) > the design shear force (V*) that means the shear failure is not critical but the laboratory tests stated that the contribution to the ultimate shear strength of a wall by shear reinforcement is necessary. At critical section A-A

The design forces are: v· = 7.0kN, N• = 67.0kN

1 (65) From Eq. 6.3 R.F.Warner et a.

= ( i.4 - do / 2000) ~ i.1

Where: d0 = the distance of the extreme compression fibre of the concrete to the centroid of the outermost layer of tensile reinforcement in mm see Figure A.8.

Then ~ 1 = ( 1.4 - 120 / 2000)

= 1.34

From Eq. 6.4a R.F.Warner et al.<65>

P2 = 1-(N*/3.5Ag)~0

bv = IOOOmm

Figure A.8

= l -(7.0X103 / 3.5X150X1000)

= 0.99

From Eq. 6.5 R.F.Warner et al.(65)

p3 Where:

I = 2.0do ; av < 2

av = the distance from the section at which shear is being considered to the face of the nearest support.

Take p3 = 1

From Eq. 6.6 R.F.Warner et al.<65)

V uc = P1P2P3 bvdo (Ast f c / bvdo)113

For 5 Y12 (the main steel in the vertical direction)

Yue = 1.34X0.99X I.OX lOOOX 12ox(sx 110X30/ 1000X 120) 113


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Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

= 82000.0

Then 0.5 0Vuc= 0.5X0.7X82000.0 = 28.7kN > v·

Then Eq.6.20 R.F.Warner et al.<65) governs,

Then the minimum shear reinforcement cross-sectional area of one stirrup (all legs) Asv.min provided in a wall shall be given by:

Asv.min = 0.35bvs/ fsy.f

Where: = yield stress of the stirrup, fsy.f

s =centre-to-centre spacing of shear reinforcement.

Asv.min = 0.35xlOOOxs/ 400

Asv.min/ S = 0.875

Choose 2 bar stirrup 1 Omm.

For shear reinforcement to be effective, it must be anchored at each end.

Asvmin = 2X78.5 By substitution in equation (A.3)

Then s = 2X78.5 I 0.875

= 179.0 = 180mm

A.1.11. Deflection design


I = c 1. ox o .15 3) / 12

= 2.8X 10-4m4

= 5050,Jf'c = 5050,/30 = 27700MPa

From Figure A.9

F 1 = 2.0kN

Ws = 4000rnm

Figure A.9

The deflection 81 at the top of the wall due to the concentrated load F 1 is:



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Appendix "A" : Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

01 = F1H3 / 3EI

= 2.ox10-3 x4.03 / 3x27700x2.8xl0-4

= 0.0055m =5.Smm

The deflection 82 at the top of the wall due to the distributed load Ws is :

82 = WsH4 / 8EI

=I.OX 10-3 X4.04 / 8X27700X2.8X10-4

= 0.0041m =4.lmm

Then the total deflection 8 at the top of the wall is: 8 =81+ 82

= 5.5 + 4.1 =9.6mm

A.1.12. Connection Design

Connection of the wall with the floor slab with 4 bolts in two rows. To calculate the tension force applied on the bolts, consider the load system as shown in Figure A.10 .

16kN R3 = 126.9kN

R1 = 5.8kN

+ 5.76kN.m R 1 =82.3kN

B.M.D Reactions

F1 =2.0kN







Load system

Figure A.1 O Binding Moment Diagram and Reactions


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Appendix "'A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Consider the reaction of the loads at point "a" is exposed to horizontal force R1, i.e. roller support. The reaction of the loads at point "b" is R1, and it represents the compression force on the lower row of the bolts D2, D5 . While the reaction of the loads at point "c" is R3, and it represents the tensile force on the higher row of the bolts D3 , D4 review Figure 5.45 in chapter 5.

Hence the design tensile force on the higher row of the bolts = R3

Then the design tensile force for the wall panel 1260mm length = R3 x 1.260 = 126.9X 1.260 = 159.89kN

Then the design tensile force for one bolt (N 1j)

The total vertical wall panel from (A.1) Then for wall panel size l 260mm length

Then the design shear force on one bolt (Vj)

= 160.0kN

= 160.0/ 2

= 80.0kN

= 67.0kN/m = 67.0Xl.260

= 85.0kN

=85.0/ 4

= 21.3kN

From SAA HB 48-1993(66), Table Dl chooses bolt grade 8.8 and size M16,

with threads included: Then Ntf = 104.0kN & V1 = 56.0kN

Hence bolts in combined tension and shear Then the design requirements for the bolt under combined tension and shear is:

( v_// 0.8 V1 ) 2 + (Nr_/ j 0.8Ntf )2

Then 0.8Ntf

And 0.8Vj

By substitution in equation (A.4)

Then ( T-J· / o.&v1)2 + (N// o.8NtJ)


Then unsafe

Try bolt size M20, with threads included


~ 1.0 (A.4)

= 0.8X 104.0 = 83.2kN

= 0.8X56.0 =44.8kN

== ( 2i.3 / 44.8 )1+ ( 80.0 / 83.2 )1

== ( 0.475 ) 2+ ( 0.962 ) 2

== 1.15 ~ 1.0

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Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Then Ntf = 163.0kN & v.r = 89.0kN Then 0.8Ntf = 0.8X 163.0

= 130.4kN And

0.8V1 = 0.8x89.0 = 71.2kN

Then (vj /o.sv1)2 + (N// 0.8Ntf)

2= (21.3 / 71.2) 2 + (so.o/ 13o.4)2

= ( 0.299 ) 2 + ( 0.613 ) 2

= 0.465 < 1.0 O.K

A.2. Design of half scale-model

The size of the model for the panel wall which it considered in calculation design is 660mm length, 2000mm height measured from connection upper bolts and l 50mm thickness. Because the length of the model governed by the intervals of vertical steel distribution, it is suitable to choose 660mm for the length and 30mm concrete cover to satisfy the requirement of fire resistance.

A.2.1. Design Loads

Calculation for 660mm of model length Lateral forces: Due to lateral support

Due to wind pressure

(W s)

Then total lateral forces

A.2.2. Deflection design

Assumptions: From Figure A.l

= 2.0X0.660

= 1.32kN

= 4.0X0.660

= 2.64kN

=F·1 +Ws

= 1.32 + 2.64 = 3.96 ::4.0kN



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Appendix ·'A": Structural Design. Calculations and Plans

I = 0.660X0.153 / 12

= 1.856X 104 150mm I I

--------= 27700MPa 660mm

Figure A.11

From Figure A.12

The deflection 8 at the top of the model due to the total lateral forces (F 1+W s)

only from (A.2.1) is as the following:

8 = (F1 +W's) H3 / 3EI

== 4.0x10-3 x2.03 / 3x27700xl.856x104

= 0.002lm =2.lmm

A.2.3. Design of shear reinforcement

At critical section A-A The design forces are (see Figure A.13):

y• =4.0Xl.15 = 4.6kN

And N• = 67.0X0.66 = 44.2kN

From Eq. 6.3 R.F.Warner et al.<65)

~1 = (1.4 - d0 / 2000) ~ 1.1

Then ~1 = (1.4 - 120/ 2000)

= 1.34

1 (65) From Eq. 6.4a RF.Warner et a .


d,,~ 12J


1: I<

8 H

Figure A.12

• t

:1 • • bv = 660mm ~ Figure A.13

Page 208: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix ··.\·· : Struc tural Design, Calculations and Plans

~ ~ = 1 - (N" / 3.5Ag) ~ 0

= 1-(4.6x1 03 13.5 x 150x 660)

= 0.987

From Eq. 11. 5 R.F .Wamer et al.(65)

= 2.0d0 / av ~ 2

= 1

Fnim Eq . 6.6 R .F.Wamer et al.<65)

Vu 1.· = ~1~2~3 bvdo (Ast fc / bvdo)l/3

For 4 Y 1 :2 (the main steel in the vertical direction)

Vu.: = l.34 X0. 987 x l.O x 660x 120x ( 4x 11Ox30/ 660x 120) 113

= 57680.0 Th\.'110.5 0Vuc= 0.5X0.7X57680.0

= 20.2kN > v·

Then Eq .6 .20 R.F.Wamer et al.<65) governs,

Then the minimum shear reinforcement cross-sectional area of one stirrup (all legs) Asv.min pw\·ided in a wall shall be given by:

Asv.min = 0.35bvs/ fsy.f

Asv.min = 0.35 x 660xs/ 400

Asv.min / S = 0.578

Ch(1ose 2 bar stirrups 1 Omm with one-legged (ties), Asv.min = 2X78.5

B::- substitution in equation (A.5)

Th ~n s

Take s

A.2.4. Model Connection Design

= 2 x 78.5 / o.578

= 272mm = 200mrn


To calcul ate the tensile force applied on the bolts, consider the load system as

shown in clause A.2. 1 of this appendix. For length 660rnrn:

The horizontal force due to the lateral support (F'1) = 1.32kN

The horizontal force due to the wind pressure (W's) = 2.64kN

The total horizontal force


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Appendix "'A" : Structural Design, Calculations and Plans




'-../1( M1

Real wall


+ 2.88kN.m


= 1.32 + 2.64 = 3.96kN = 4.0kN applied at height 2000mm


Laboratory model

Figure A.14

F' 1 + W's= 4.0kN

200 mm

R3 = 64.44kN c

Rz = 101.59kN b

R1=41.14kN a

Reactions Load system

Figure A.15 Binding Moment Diagram and Reactions for the Model


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Appendix .. A ": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Hence the design tensile force on the higher row of two bolts = R3

* Then the design tensile force for one bolt (Ntr) ~R3/2

= 64.4/2


The total vertical force due to the owen weight of the wall model = 0.660 X2.25 X0.15 X2400 = 534.6Kg

= 534.6/ 9.81


Then the design shear force on one bolt CJ'~/) = 54.5 / 4

= 13.6kN

From SAA HB 48-1993<66), choose bolt grade 8.8 and size Ml2, with threads

included. Bolt in tension should be:


Hence Then

• Ntf


::; 0.8Ntf ::; 0.8Asfu1

As = tensile stress area for bolt = 84.0mm2 for Ml2

fu1 = minimum tensile strength of the bolt


= 830.0MPa for M12 and grade 8.8

= 0.8X84.0X830.0X 10-3

= 55.8kN

= 32.2kN ::; 0.8Ntf

Bolt in shear should be: vj


Then 0.8V1

::; 0.8 V1 :$ (0.8)(0.62)kr.fuJ (nnAc + nxAo)

kr = length factor for lap connection =1.0 for L1 <300mm

nn =no. of shear planes with threads included nx = no. of shear planes with threads excluded Ac = bolt minor area A0 =nominal shank area

= (0.8)(0.62)k/u1 (nnAc + nxAo) = 0.8X0.62X 1.0X830.0 (1.0X80 + 0) 10-3

= 32.93kN


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Appendix " A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Hence Then

v· f v· .f

= 13.6kN < 0.8V;-

Hence bolts in combined tension and shear Then the design requirements for the bolt under combined tension and shear is as equation (6.4)

Then ( v/ / 0. 8 V1) 2 + (Ni/ / 0. 8N If) 2 ::::; 1. 0

Then (v_r*/o.sv1)2 + (Ni/ / 0.8Nlf)

2 = (13.7/ 32.93)2 + (32.2/ 55.8) 2

= ( 0.416 ) 2 + ( 0.577 ) 2

= 0.173 + 0.333 = 0.506 ::::; 1.0 O.K

A.3. Summary

Based on the results obtained from these calculations, the following summery can be established for different elements of the project.

A.3.1. Actual wall panel

• Wall size is 4000.0mm in height and 1320.0mm in length; • The thickness of the wall panel (tw) is 150mm; • Total maximum B.M (M"') at critical section A-A generated by the

eccentricity and lateral loads is 20.5 kN.m; • The deflection (8) at the top of the wall generated by the lateral

load (F 1) and the wind load (Ws) is 9.6mm when F1 and Ws equal to 2.0kN and l .OkN/m height respectively;

• Vertical reinforcement is 1Y12 @ l 85mm, single steel; • Horizontal reinforcement is 1 Y12@ 200mm, single steel; • In case of if the vertical and horizontal reinforcement are double

steel, the shear reinforcement should be 2 bar stirrups 1 Omm (tie one-legged) @ l 80mm;

• Concrete cover is 30mm.


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Appendix .. A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

A.3.2. Actual steel connection

• Size of bolts is M20 grade 8.8 with threads included. It designed to carry the tensile and shear forces equal to 80kN and 21 JkN respectively;

• Take the sleeve of the part cast in wall from steel tub bar with size equal to 24mm interior diameter and 36mm exterior diameter but the part cast in floor is solid steel bar size 36mm diameter with thread 20mm diameter.

• Take ties of sleeves cast in wall panel from steel bars 2Y20 and for the part cast in floor edge beam from steel bar 1 Y20.

A.3.3. Wall modelling

• Wall model size is 2000.0mm in height, 660.0mm in length and 150.0 mm as shown in Figure A.16;

• The deflection (8) at the top of the wall generated by the lateral

load (F 1) and the wind load (W s) is 2.lmm when F 1 and W s equal

to 1.32kN and 2.64kN respectively. • Vertical reinforcement is 1Y12@ 185mm, single steel as in case of

first model as shown in Figure A.17 and double steel as in case of second and third models as shown in Figure A.18;

• Horizontal reinforcement is 1Y12 @ 200mm, single steel as in case of first model as shown in Figure A.17 and double steel as in case of second and third models as shown in Figure A.18.

A.3.4. Model steel connection

Size of bolts is Ml2 grade 8.8 with threads included. It designed to carry the tensile and shear forces equal to 32.2kN and 13.6kN respectively; Take the sleeve of the part cast in wall from steel tub bar with size equal to 16mm interior diameter and 22mm exterior diameter but the part cast in floor is solid steel bar size 22mm diameter with thread 12mm diameter as shown in Figures A.19, A.20; Take the vertical anchorage length of steel connection for the first wall model from steel bar 2Yl2 with lOOOmm length; and 4Yl2 for the second and the third wall models as shown in Figures A.21, A.22. For floor slab the anchorage length is 2Yl2 with 450mm length; Take ties of sleeves cast in wall model from steel bar 1 Yl2 for first model and 2Yl2 for second and third models; and for the part cast in floor edge beam from steel bar 1 Y12 as shown in Figures A.23,



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Appendix "A'': Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

A.3.5. Floor slab model and the edge beam

• Floor slab thickness is 120.0mm with edge beam 320.0mm height and 260.0mm wide as shown in Figure A.25;

• Longitudinal floor reinforcement is steel bars Y12 @ 150mm and transversal reinforcement is a steel bar Y12@ 200mm as shown in Figure A.25.


Page 214: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

E E 0 Lt'> N N



8 N

0 co




- ·-®·-130 400mm ·

660mm 1

Wall panel

--+-- Bolt through oversize hole to adjustment into insert cast in panel

---Cone hole grouted to conceal the bolt

1 3

Figure A.16 Wall panel elevation


Page 215: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Horizontal Steel 1Yl2@200

Vertical steel 1Y l2@200

Concrete cover --~ 30mm

Oversize hole (Sleeve) 12.70

Oversize hole (Sleeve) 12. 70

E E, E o E 0 0

2 ~ N

I ·- ·4---

I ---~ --




1~ ,,, ,, "

- ·-E ~· -i

-- ~ ~ ·-

400 *10~ ~o 660 mm )!


Figure A.17 Wall reinforcement for first model



Horizontal steel 1Y l2@200

Vertical steel 1Yl2 @200

Concrete cover 30mm

Oversize hole (Sleeve) 12.70

Oversize hole (Sleeve) 12.70

Page 216: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix "A" : Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Horizontal steel 2Y12 @200

Venical steel 2Y 12@200

Concrete cover


30mm ~

Oversize hole (Sleeve) 12.70

Oversize hole (Sleeve) 12.70



0 0 0 U'> 0 N N N


~ -4- -j

I ~ . --. . _

' I

; " ,,



,_.~ / ~·-i

\I ,... .~

400 660mm



Figure A.18 Wall reinforcement for second model






Horizontal steel 2Y12 @200

Vertical steel 2Y12 @ 200

Concrete cover 30mm

Oversize hole (Sleeve) 12.70

Oversize hole (Sleeve) 12.70

Page 217: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix " A" : Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Horizontal steel 2Y 12 @ 200

Steel ties IY10 @ 400

Vertical steel 2Y1 2@200

Concrete cover 30mm

Steel ties at Connection region 1Y10 @200

Oversize hole (Sleeve) 12.70

Oversize hole (Sleeve) 12.70

E E 0 0 0 N


0 co

E E 0 U'> N N



"' ~ ~ .

,, I" .

,. . !

f\/ ,.. .


' '


r- • I

! ~ i

"' 19 • . I

---4- ' I - - ·~ r ·-i " • i

I 'J

~ · --+ · - ... . ~ r ·-It • I

' I I

400 .jJOO~I ~o 660mm "'i


Figure A.19 Wall reinforcement for third model


Horizontal steel 2YI 2@200

Steel ties IYI0 @ 400

Vertical steel 2Y1 2 @200

Concrete cover 30mm

Oversize hole (Sleeve) 12.70

Oversize hole (Sleeve) 12.70

Page 218: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Floor beam

Anchored insert Cast in floor beam

Dowel (Anchorage length)_-+----+--..3l:..__--..1 Cast in floor beam 2Yl2

· Anchord insert ___ .._.. ___ --1,__ _ _J

Cast in wall

Tie steel bars Yl2

Steel washer Packers for vertical -------------­

Vertical anchorage Length 2Y12 Vertical wall panel

Bolt 120

Grouted cone hole To conceal the bolt


Adjustment and Non-shrink grout Pad under wall

~~ _120------4+~30~ ~ 9 70 i 150mm ~

Figure A.20 Details of wall connection for first model


Page 219: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Floor beam

Anchored insert Cast in floor beam

Dowel (Anchorage length)_;----+----"''---ol Cast in floor beam 2Y12

· Anchord insert -----ii-+-----1--...J

Cast in wall

Tie steel bars Y12

Steel washer Packers for vertical -------.a.--­

Vertical wall panel

Bolt 120

Grouted cone hole To conceal the bolt


Adjustment and Non-shrink grout Pad under wall

k--~ _120_-4-*3--410~ sr sr 70 * 150mm ~

Figure A.21 Details of wall connection for second model


Page 220: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Floor beam

Anchored insert Cast in floor beam

Dowel (Anchorage length) Cast in floor beam 2Yl2 .

Over size hole to ------~-­Adjustment into Insert cast in panel

Vertical anchorage Length 4Yl2

...-------- Vertical wall panel

..------+- Bolt 120

N 0

Grouted cone hole To conceal the bolt

E E 0 eo

Tie steel bars Yl2 ---*-i-----+-~11--i-----

\ Steel washer Packers for vertical----------4---~ Adjustment and Non-shrink grout Pad un~:!r wall

/· 70



Figure A.22 Details of wall connection for third model




Page 221: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Vertical wall panel

Dowel (anchorage length) Cast in wall 2Y 12 Anchored insert cast in floor beam

Floor slab

Dowel (anchorage length) Cast in floor beam 2Y12

Packers for vertical adjustment and Non-shrink grout pad under wall

I/ 450 mm I"

' / ?"'

E E 0 0 t.!.

E E 0

Figure A.23 Steel connection side elevation for first model



0 U"l


Page 222: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix "A" : Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Vertical wall panel

Anchored ins ert cast in floor beam

Floor slab

rage length) Dowel (ancho Cast in floor beam 2Yl2

0 N

0 0 N

I· ertical ad 'ustment and Packers for v ~

Non-shrink grout pad under wall

I 450mm I

~ I

1050 mm I




260 I 150 I I l

· I


E E 0 0 CD

E E 0


0 co


0 Cl) N N

Figure A.24 Steel connection side elevation for second model


. · ·,

Page 223: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix "A" : Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Vertical wall panel

orage length) Dowel (anch Cast in wall 4 Anchored ins

Yl 2 ert cast in floor beam

Floor slab

rage length) Dowel (ancho Cast in floor beam 2Yl2

0 N -0 0 N

I· Packers for v ~ ertical ad· ustment and Non-shrink grout pad under wall

I 450mm I

~ I

1050 mm I


• ~

260 I I

· I



E E 0 0 c.D


"' 150 I


E E E E 0 0 0 I/) N N

0 co


Figure A.25 Steel connection side elevation for third model


Page 224: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Ancho ed i rt r nse cas m fl b oor earn

Slee ve tie from steel bar I Y 12

el (anchorage) Dow Cas t in floor beam 2Y 12


I 050 mm


'/ I I I





"'-V / ·- -· f--+-

' ' ' / /

/ ·- --' ......

0 M

E E E E 8 0 ~ c.o

0 ("") -


.,.70 + 120·1 ~~

+ 150 • l

Figure A.26 steel connection plan for first model


Page 225: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Anchored insert cast i fl b n oor earn

Sleev e tie from steel bars 2Y12

l (anchorage) Dowe Cast 1 n floor beam 2Y12


I I I I 'v I






1050 mm

'/ ·- -~ -~ ·

' ' ' / ~ /

·- .............. :~·-

/ ......... '

/ ~


0 ("') -

E E 0 0 ....,

0 ("') .....

.. 1 1 q I • 12 o · I I ·3 o

Figure A.27 Steel connection plan for second model


E E 0 f.D CD

Page 226: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Anchored insert cast in floor beam

Sleev e tie from steel bars 2Y12

I (anchorage) Dowe Cast in floor beam 2Y12

I· 530


'I/ . I I I I I I I I I I I I I




• I · ~50

1050 mm

'I/ i

·- ~~


' ' ' / , ;I



Figure A.28 Steel connection plan for third model


0 (")

E E 0 0 ...:r

0 ('I') .....

E E 0 (£)


Page 227: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix "A": Structural Design, Calculations and Plans

Longitudinal steel reinforcement 5Y12@200mm Cross steel reinforcement 5Y12@200mm

0 N ....

0 0 N

I· I·



Longitudinal st 1 · t'i t ee rem orcemen SY12@200mm Cross steel rein 5Y12@200m

forcement m

~· 200.1.

1050 mm


... ' •



I ' I



I _J_



980 mm

10 50 mm


260 · I · l



·---£:"..: ,_

·--4·- --

Figure A.29 Details of floor reinforcement


0 M ..-

0 0 ~

0 M

E E 0 N ("')

E E 0 <D (/)

Page 228: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix ''B": Computer Results




Page 229: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

============================================================================= ======================= STRAND6 STRUCTURE DATA LISTING ==================== =============================================================================


BEAM PROPERTIES TOTAL = Beam Type: Normal Beam

4 TYPE = 1


Ill = Shear:Ll

NodLine:Ll UDL:l TG:l

Alpha Density

2.lOOOE+OS 2.0357E+03



Temperature Table = O

BEAM PROPERTIES TOTAL = Beam Type: Normal Beam


Ill = Shear:Ll =

NodLine:Ll UDL:l TG:l

Alpha Density

2.1000E+05 2.0357E+03



Temperature Table = O



Ill Shear:Ll

NodLine:Ll = UDL:l


Alpha Density

2.1000E+05 9.8174E+02



Temperature Table = O



I22 Shear:L2 =

NodLine:L2 UDL: 2 =


4 TYPE = 2

A G =

I22 Shear:L2

NodLine:L2 UDL: 2 =

TG:2 =

4 TYPE = 3


I22 Shear:L2 =

NodLine:L2 = UDL: 2 =


4 TYPE = 4


l.1309E+02 8.0000E+04


l.1309E+02 8.0000E+04


7.8539E+Ol 8.0000E+04


Page 230: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

E 2.1000E+05 A J = l.6564E+04 G

Ill 8.2820E+03 I22 shear:Ll O.OOOOE+OO Shear:L2

NodLine:Ll O.OOOOE+OO NodLine:L2 UDL:l = O.OOOOE+OO UDL:2


Alpha = O.OOOOE+OO Density O.OOOOE+OO

Temperature Table "" 0



E Poisson Ratio

Alpha Density

O.OOOOE+OO l.5000E-Ol O.OOOOE+OO 2.3000E+04

l.7907E+02 8.0000E+04

= 8.2820E+03




Pressure: 1 Pressure: 4

O.OOOOE+OO Pressure:2 :::: O.OOOOE+OO Pressure:5 ""

O.OOOOE+OO Pressure:3 = O.OOOOE+OO Pressure:6

GAUSS POINTS xi = 3 eta = 3 zeta = 3 Temperature Table = 0 stress-Strain Table = 1















Page 231: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


======================= STRAND6 STRUCTURE DATA LISTING ==================== ===;==;==================~========================~==~~~~===~===============



3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


379 380 381

42 7 x

0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0 . 000000000000


150.000000000000 150.000000000000 150.000000000000

Y. 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000


200.000000000000 200.000000000000 200.000000000000·


z -310.00000000000 -280.00000000000 -240.00000000000 -150.00000000000

-60.00000000000 0.00000000000

200.00000000000 400.00000000000 600.00000000000 800.00000000000

1000.00000000000 1200.00000000000 1400.00000000000 1600.00000000000 1800.00000000000 1880.00000000000 1910.00000000000


-240.00000000000 -150.00000000000


Page 232: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


NODE 359


DX 0


DY DZ 1 0

: ( 0 1

RX 1

-> FREE 1 1

RY RZ 1 1


1 -> FIXED)

Page 233: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


359 2.8113E+OO O.OOOOE+OO -4.3806E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO 0.0000E+O


359 5.6227E-Ol O.OOOOE+OO -8.7612E-03 0.0000E+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


379 8.3440E-02 l.1049E-04 -3.5824E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


379 1.6688E-02 2.2099E-05 -7.1648E-03 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


381 2.9992E-01 1.7502E-04 -3.6623E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


381 5.9985E-02 3.5005E-05 -7.3246E-03 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


Page 234: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

ANALYSIS -Node Total



3 -1.4462E+Ol 3.9610E+OO 1. 4823E+OO 4.6925E+OO 4.4098E-02






6.1921E+OO 7.7380E-02 8.6496E+OO 5.7896E-02 1.1782E+Ol 3.7744E-02 1.3223E+Ol

9 -1.6842E-02 1. 2581E+Ol

10 -l.9233E-03

11 l.1184E+Ol 3.8730E-03 9.6473E+OO

12 -3.3833E-03 8.1759E+OO 3.5190E-03 6.6865E+OO


14 -3.0799E-03





5.1883E+OO 5.4802E-03 3.7191E+OO 4.6786E-02 2.3494E+OO 5.6655E-02 2.9679E+OO 2 .1368E+OO 7.9459E+OO

19 -2.4968E+Ol 6.7445E+OO


-2.9020E+OO -2.9082E+OO -1. 7841E-Ol

l.2327E+OO -l.6557E-Ol

5.4092E-02 -6.1942E-Ol

l.1533E-Ol -7.7139E-01

1.0342E-Ol -5.0567E-Ol

1.3979E-Ol 1.3558E-02 6.8795E-02 3.6271E-02 3.7489E-02 l.2179E-02 1. 2814E-02

-9.0242E-03 -4.0942E-03 -1.9814E-02

2.2792E-03 -6.5949E-02 -4.3920E-03 -1.4880E-Ol

2.4647E-03 -3.6730E-Ol

4.7230E-02 -9.5903E-Ol

5.8062E-02 -6.9738E-Ol

6.5749E-Ol -4.3291E+OO -4.4166E+OO



3 -2.8925E+OO 7.9221E-Ol 2.9647E-Ol 9.3851E-Ol 8.8196E-03






1. 2384E+OO 1. 5476E-02 l.7299E+OO l.1579E-02 2.3564E+OO 7.5488E-03 2.6446E+OO

9 -3.3684E-03 2.5162E+OO

10 -3.8467E-04

11 2.2368E+OO 7.7461E-04 1.9294E+OO

12 -6.7666E-04 1.6351E+OO

f yy

I22 -5.8041E-Ol -5.8165E-Ol -3.5683E-02

2.4655E-Ol -3. 3114E-02

1. 0818E-02 -l.2388E-Ol

2.3066E-02 -l.5428E-Ol

2.0685E-02 -1.0113E-Ol

2.7959E-02 2.7116E-03 l.3759E-02 7.2542E-03 7.4979E-03 2.4359E-03 2.5629E-03

-l.8048E-03 -8.1884E-04


izz f 33

3.7362E+OO -1.4681E+Ol

4.4271E+OO -1.9421E-Ol

6.1676E+OO -2.0002E-Ol

8.6301E+OO -6.7684E-Ol

l.1779E+Ol -8.1947E-01

1. 3221E+Ol -6.0960E-Ol

1.2580E+Ol -7.2372E-02

l.1182E+Ol -4.4092E-03

9.6465E+OO 2.4277E-03 8.1747E+OO

-9.4821E-03 6.6848E+OO

-2.0199E-02 5.1869E+OO

-6.6046E-02 3.7150E+OO

-1.4995E-Ol 2.3448E+OO

-3.7236E-Ol 2.9024E+OO

-1. 02 60E+OO 5. 8813E+OO

-1.2826E+OO 4.5147E+OO


IXY f Tr

2.6431E-Ol 1.8642E+Ol 1.1755E-Ol 4.8867E+OO

-9.1588E-02 6.3921E+OO

-1.8981E-Ol 9.3264E+OO

-2.0123E-Ol 1. 2601E+Ol

-2.5874E-Ol 1. 3832E+Ol 6.8968E-02 1.2653E+Ol 8.0439E-03 l.1188E+Ol

-2.3925E-03 9.6448E+OO

-8.5039E-04 8.1854E+OO 2.6198E-03 6.7067E+OO 1. 3022E-03 5.2543E+OO 1. 3296E-02 3.8691E+OO 2.9646E-02 2.7218E+OO 1.6873E-Ol 3.9939E+OO 1. 3778E-Ol 9.2285E+OO

-4.7621E+OO 3.3854E+Ol


Izz f33

7.4725E-Ol -2.9362E+OO

8.8542E-Ol -3.8843E-02

1. 2335E+OO -4.0005E-02

1. 7260E+OO -l.3536E-Ol

2.3559E+OO -l.6389E-Ol

2.6442E+OO -1.2192E-Ol

2.5161E+OO -l.4474E-02

2.2365E+OO -8.8184E-04

1. 9293E+OO 4.8555E-04 1. 6349E+OO



iXY I Tr

5.2862E-02 3.7284E+OO 2.3510E-02 9.7735E-Ol

-1. 8317E-02 1.2784E+OO

-3.7962E-02 1. 8652E+OO

-4.0246E-02 2.5203E+OO

-5.1748E-02 2.7665E+OO 1. 3793E-02 2.5306E+OO 1.6087E-03 2.2377E+OO

-4.7851E-04 1.9289E+OO

-1.7008E-04 1. 6370E+OO

f yz IVM

-2.4707E-Ol 1.6329E+Ol

-2.3979E-Ol 4.3524E+OO

-l.1519E-Ol 6.2689E+OO

-2.0590E-Ol 8.9566E+OO 1.2702E-Ol 1. 2166E+Ol 1. 2320E-Ol 1.3473E+Ol 6.0672E-02 1.2583E+Ol 4.7325E-02 l.1167E+Ol 2.9803E-02 9.6397E+OO 3.5402E-02 8.1827E+OO 3.5433E-02 6.6954E+OO 2.0649E-02 5.2238E+OO 1.7561E-02 3.7952E+OO

-8.4729E-02 2.5381E+OO

-3.4182E-Ol 3.5773E+OO

-1.3890E+OO 8.4276E+OO

-2.1182E+OO 2.9880E+Ol

f yz IVM

-4.9415E-02 3.2659E+OO

-4.7958E-02 8.7048E-Ol

-2.3039E-02 1.2537E+OO

-4.1179E-02 1.7913E+OO 2.5404E-02 2.4332E+OO 2.4640E-02 2.6947E+OO 1. 2134E-02 2.5166E+OO 9.4651E-03 2.2335E+OO 5.9606E-03 1.9279E+OO 7.0805E-03 1. 6365E+OO

f zx





1. 2338E-O


1. 7538E-O






1. 2312E-O
















Page 235: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

13 7.0380E-04 -3.9628E-03 1. 3369E+OO 5.2397E-04 7.0866E-03 1. 9604E-O 1.33 73E+OO 4.5584E-04 -4.0399E-03 l.3413E+OO 1. 3391E+OO

14 -6.1599E-04 -l.3190E-02 1. 0373E+OO 2.6045E-04 4.1299E-03 l.6602E-O l.0376E+OO -8.7841E-04 -1. 3 2 09E-02 l.0508E+OO l.0447E+OO

15 l.0960E-03 -2.9761E-02 7.4300E-Ol 2.6592E-03 3.5123E-03 2.4625E-O 7.4383E-Ol 4.9294E-04 -2.9991E-02 7.7383E-Ol 7.5904E-Ol

16 9. 3573E-03 -7.3461E-02 4.6897E-Ol 5 . 9293E-03 -l.6945E-02 1. 3 672E-O 4.6989E-Ol 9.4460E-03 -7.4473E-02 5.4436E-Ol 5.0763E-Ol

17 1. 13 3 lE-02 -l.9180E-Ol 5.8048E-Ol 3.3747E-02 -6.8365E-02 6.7439E-O 5.9359E-Ol l.1612E-02 -2.0520E-Ol 7.9879E-Ol 7.1546E-Ol

18 4. 2736E-Ol -1. 394 7E-Ol l.1762E+OO 2.7557E-02 -2.7780E-Ol 6.5841E-O 1. 5891E+OO 1. 3149E-Ol -2.5652E-01 l.8457E+OO 1. 6855E+OO

19 -4.9936E+OO -8 . 6582E-Ol 9.0295E-Ol -9.5243E-Ol -4.2365E-Ol 1. 2891E+O 1 .3489 E+OO -8.8333E-Ol -5. 4220E+OO 6.7709E+OO 5.9761E+OO


Page 236: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


NODE i xx f yy f zz f xy fyz f z x i 11 i22 f33 f Tr fVM

359 -l.3201E-Ol l.6979E+OO 8.8993E-02 -3.5389E-Ol l . 6682E-Ol 5.1571E-O l.7782E+OO 9.7066E-02 -2.2030E-Ol l.9985E+OO l.8602E+OO


NODE I XX f yy izz f xy f yz tzx 1:11 1:22 f33 f Tr IVM

359 -2.6403E-02 3.3959E-Ol l.7798E-02 -7.0779E-02 3.3365E-02 1. 0314E-O 3.5563E-Ol 1. 9413E-02 -4.4061E-02 3.9970E-Ol 3.7204E-Ol


NODE I xx f yy Izz iXY fyz izx Il l I22 f 33 f Tr IVM

379 l.8946E+OO -5. 4513E-02 -4.4695E+OO -2.2663E-02 6.5877E-Ol -l.9928E+O 2.4838E+OO 6.4724E-03 -5.1197E+OO 7.6035E+OO 6 . 7167E+OO


NODE Ixx f yy izz IXY f yz izx Ill i22 f33 f Tr f:VM

379 3.7892E-Ol -l.0902E-02 -8.9390E-Ol -4.5326E-03 1. 3175E-Ol -3.9856E-O 4.9676E-Ol l.2944E-03 -l.0239E+OO 1. 5207E+OO 1. 3433E+OO


NODE Ixx f yy izz IXY f yz tzx ill i22 f 33 f Tr IVM

381 3.7752E+OO -l.9549E+OO -1. 4120E+Ol -2.6624E-02 4.3886E-Ol -7.1735E-O 3.8042E+OO -l.9396E+OO -1. 4164E+Ol 1.7968E+Ol 1. 5895E+Ol


NODE ixx iYY izz f xy f yz f zx f 11 i22 f33 f Tr fVM

381 7.5504E-Ol -3.9098E-Ol -2.8240E+OO -5.3248E-03 8.7773E-02 -l.4347E-O 7.6085E-Ol -3.8792E-Ol -2.8328E+OO 3.5937E+OO 3.1790E+OO


Page 237: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

ANALYSIS -Node Total



J -7.29 39E- 0 6 3.299 7 E-06

4 4.2253E-07 2.2683E-06

5 -4.2810E-07 3.1070E-06

6 -5. 62 llE-07 4.3669E-06

7 -7.9666E-07 5.944 7 E-06

8 -9.3479E-07 6.646 7 E-06

9 -9.5299E-07 6.2908E-06

10 -8.4239E-07 5.5895E-06

11 -7. 2246E-07 4.8225E-06

12 -6.1412E-07 4.0889E-06

13 -4. 9812E-07 3.3446E-06

14 -3.8561E-07 2.5994E-06

15 -2.6472E-07 l.8706E-06

16 -l.2492E-07 l.1991E-06

17 -1.1742E-07 l.5565E-06 6. 7962E-07 18

yyy '122

-6.4655E-07 -6.5011E-07 -5.3242E-07

2.7900E-07 -5.4866E-07 -4.2236E-07 -9.6277E-07 -5.4029E-07 -1. 2735E-06 -7.7048E-07 -l.2472E-06 -8.7611E-07 -9.3551E-07 -9.0375E-07 -8.2043E-07 -8.1973E-07 -7.1768E-07 -7.1732E-07 -6.1736E-07 -6.1453E-07 -5.1153E-07 -4.9883E-07 -4.2176E-07 -3.8636E-07 -3.5344E-07 -2.6646E-07 -3.6302E-07 -l.2466E-07 -7.0144E-07 -l.1661E-07 -9.5005E-07 -1. 7100E-07 -6.3056E-07



3.0396E-07 1. 0719E-05 1. 3518E-07 2.8099E-06

-1.0532E-07 3.6754E-06

-2.1828E-07 5.3627E-06

-2.3141E-07 7.2458E-06

-2.9755E-07 7.9538E-06 7.9314E-08 7.2757E-06 9.2504E-09 6.4333E-06

-2.7514E-09 5.5458E-06

-9.7795E-10 4.7066E-06 3.0128E-09 3.8563E-06 l.4976E-09 3.0212E-06 1.5290E-08 2.2247E-06 3.4093E-08 l.5650E-06 1. 9404E-07 2.2965E-06 l.5845E-07 5.3064E-06 4.0198E-06

19 -1.2497E-05 5.73 67E-06 -6.8091E-07

Y33 3.1705E-06

-7.4196E-06 2.1157E-06

-5.4150E-07 3.0929E-06

-5.6848E-07 4.3557E-06

-9.9579E-07 5.9432E-06

-1. 3011E-06 6.6457E-06

-l.3070E-06 6.2906E-06

-9.8492E-07 5.5888E-06

-8.4382E-07 4.8220E-06

-7.2329E-07 4.0883E-06

-6.1762E-07 3.3436E-06

-5.1175E-07 2.5986E-06

-4.2181E-07 1.8682E-06

-3.5410E-07 l.1964E-06

-3.6593E-07 l.5188E-06

-7.3995E-07 2.8327E-06

-l.2865E-06 4.4546E-06

-1. 3729E-05 -5.4765E-06

1. 9466E-05

yyz YVM

-2.8413E-07 9.3897E-06

-2.7576E-07 2.5026E-06

-l.3247E-07 3.6046E-06

-2.3678E-07 5.1501E-06 1.4607E-07 6.9956E-06 l.4168E-07 7.7473E-06 6.9772E-08 7.2354E-06 5.4424E-08 6.4213E-06 3.4273E-08 5.5428E-06 4.0713E-08 4.7050E-06 4.0748E-08 3.8499E-06 2.3747E-08 3.0036E-06 2.0196E-08 2.1822E-06

-9.7438E-08 l.4594E-06

-3.9309E-07 2.0569E-06

-l.5973E-06 4.8459E-06

-2.4360E-06 1. 7181E-05

ANALYSIS -Node Total ::::





3 -l.4587E-06 6.5995E-07

4 8.4507E-08 4.5367E-07

5 -8.5621E-08 6.2140E-07

6 -1.1242E-07 8.7338E-07

7 -1. 5933E-07 l.1889E-06

8 -l.8695E-07 l.3293E-06

9 -l.9059E-07 l.2581E-06

10 -l.6847E-07 l.1179E-06

11 -l.4449E-07 9.6450E-07

12 -l.2282E-07

Y.2 2 -1. 2931E-07 -l.3002E-07 -l.0648E-07

5.5800E-08 -1. 0973E-07 -8.4472E-08 -1. 9255E-07 -l.0805E-07 -2.5470E-07 -1.5409E-07 -2.4945E-07 -l.7522E-07 -1. 8710E-07 -l.8075E-07 -1.6408E-07 -1.6394E-07 -1. 4353E-07 -1.4346E-07 -l.2347E-07

Y.zz Y.33

6.3409E-07 -1. 4839E-06

4.2315E-07 -1. OSJOE-07

6.1858E-07 -l.1369E-07

8.7114E-07 -1.9915E-07

l.1886E-06 -2.6023E-07 1. 3291E-06

-2.6140E-07 1.2581E-06

-1.9698E-07 1.1177E-06

-1. 6876E-07 9.6441E-07

-1. 4465E-07 8.1766E-07



6.0792E-08 2.1438E-06 2.7037E-08 5.6198E-07

-2.1065E-08 7.3509E-07

-4.3657E-08 1.0725E-06

-4.6283E-08 1. 4491E-06

-5.9510E-08 1.5907E-06 1.5862E-08 1.4551E-06 l.8501E-09 1.2866E-06

-5.5029E-10 1.1091E-06



-5.6827E-08 l.8779E-06

-5.5152E-08 5.0052E-07

-2.6495E-08 7.2093E-07

-4.7356E-08 1. OJOOE-06 2.9215E-08 1. 3991E-06 2.8336E-08 1. 5494E-06 1.3954E-08 1. 44 71E-06 1.0884E-08 l.2842E-06 6.8547E-09 1.1085E-06 8.1426E-09



-1. 0305E-O



1. 4189E-O

-l .1307E-O





















1. 9144E-O


Page 238: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

8 . 17 7 9E-07 -l.2290E-07 -l.2352E-07 9.4132E-07 9.4101E-07 13 -9.9624E-08 -1. 0230E-07 6.6873E-07 6.0256E-10 8.1496E-09 2.2544E-O

6.6891E-07 -9.9766E-08 -l.0235E-07 7.7127E-07 7.6998E-07 14 -7.7122E-08 -8.4352E-08 5.1972E-07 2.9952E-10 4.7494E-09 l.9093E-O

5.1988E-07 -7.7273E-08 -8.4363E-08 6.0425E-07 6.0073E-07 15 -5.2945E-08 -7.0688E-08 3.7365E-07 3.0581E-09 4.0392E-09 2.8319E-O

3.7413E-07 -5.3292E-08 -7.0820E-08 4.4495E-07 4.3645E-07 16 -2.4984E-08 -7.2605E-08 2.3929E-07 6.8187E-09 -1.9487E-08 l.5723E-O

2.3982E-07 -2.4933E-08 -7.3187E-08 3.1301E-07 2.9189E-07 17 -2.3485E-08 -l.4028E-07 3.0377E-07 3.8809E-08 -7.8619E-08 7.7555E-O

3. 113 lE-07 -2.3323E-08 -1.4799E-07 4.5930E-07 4.1139E-07 18 1 . 3592E-07 -1.9001E-07 5.6654E-07 3.1691E-08 -3.1947E-07 7.5717E-O

8.0396E-07 -3.4200E-08 -2.5731E-07 1.0612E-06 9.6918E-07 19 -2.4995E-06 -1. 2611E-07 8.9093E-07 -1.0953E-06 -4.8720E-07 1. 4825E-O

1.1473E-06 -l.3618E-07 -2.7459E-06 3.8932E-06 3.4362E-06


Page 239: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


359 9.6660E-01 O.OOOOE+OO -4.2056E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


















359 9.6682E+OO O.OOOOE+OO -4.4206£-01 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


Page 240: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


379 3.9582E-03 4.5742E-04 -2.0513E-03 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO 0.0000E+O


379 7.9161E-03 9.1496E-04 -4.0774E-03 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


379 l.1873E-02 l.3726E-03 -6.0795E-03 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


379 l.5831E-02 l.8303E-03 -8.0585E-03 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


379 l.9788E-02 2.2882E-03 -l.0015E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


379 2.3745E-02 2.7462E-03 -1.1951E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


379 2.7702E-02 3.2043E-03 -1.3866E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


379 3.1658E-02 3.6625E-03 -l.5761E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


379 3.5614E-02 4.1208E-03 -1.7638E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


379 3.9570E-02

Increment = 10 DY DZ

4.5792E-03 -l.9497E-02





Page 241: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


381 2.3363E-02 7.8231E-04 -6.0299E-03 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


381 4.6728E-02 1. 5646E-03 -l.2037E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


381 7.0094E-02 2.3470E-03 -l.8022E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


381 9.3462E-02 3.1295E-03 -2.3987E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


381 1.1683E-Ol 3.9120E-03 -2.9932E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


381 1. 4020E-Ol 4.6945E-03 -3.5859E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


381 l.6357E-01 5.4771E-03 -4.1767E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


381 1.8694E-01 6.2597E-03 -4.7658E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


381 2.1031E-Ol 7.0423E-03 -5.3533E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


381 2.3369E-Ol 7.8250E-03 -5.9392E-02 O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+OO O.OOOOE+O


Page 242: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


NODE I xx f:yy f:zz I XY fyz !zx f 11 f22 f33 I Tr IVM

3 -l.9425E+OO -3 . 4460E-Ol 4.9158E-Ol 2.7513E-02 -l.6789E-02 -2.6971E-O 5.2155E-01 -3.4464E-Ol -l.9725E+OO 2.4940E+OO 2.1932E+OO

4 2. 13 24E-01 l.9421E-02 5.9283E-Ol 1. 2969E-02 -l.8619E-02 -l.2327E-O 6.3011E-01 l.7704E-Ol l.8340E-02 6.1177E-Ol 5.4987E-Ol

5 8.6142E-03 6.2900E-03 7.9711E-Ol -5.5740E-03 -1. 7008E-02 1. 3326E-O 7.9770E-Ol l.2581E-02 l.7279E-03 7.9598E-01 7.9060E-Ol

6 3.1595E-03 -5.5806E-02 1. 0825E+OO -1. 5192E-02 -2.6220E-02 -6. 3814E-O 1. 08 68E+OO 4.0203E-03 -6.0986E-02 1.1478E+OO l.1167E+OO

7 l.0516E-03 -l.1369E-Ol l.4995E+OO -1. 3 610E-02 2.9181E-02 2.9199E-O l . 5006E+OO 2.2085E-03 -l.1593E-Ol l.6166E+OO 1.5608E+OO

8 5.1462E-03 -4.5184E-02 1. 7067E+OO -3.4731E-02 1. 8055E-02 -l.8794E-O 1. 7071E+OO 2.2501E-02 -6.2941E-02 l.7700E+OO 1. 7289E+OO

9 -3.0827E-03 2.4243E-02 1. 5981E+OO l.1590E-02 6.2601E-03 9.9093E-O l.5982E+OO 2.8442E-02 -7.3687E-03 l.6056E+OO 1.5880E+OO

10 l.4384E-06 2.5122E-02 1. 3866E+OO 2.2559E-03 1. 3359E-03 1. 8323E-O l.3869E+OO 2.5317E-02 -4.3662E-04 1. 3873E+OO 1. 3746E+OO

11 9.7869E-04 l.6570E-02 l.1687E+OO 3.8544E-04 -1.1957E-03 l.8807E-O l.1690E+OO l.6579E-02 6.6557E-04 l.1683E+OO l.1604E+OO

12 -l.4445E-03 9.2046E-03 9.7885E-Ol -3.6852E-07 -2.4958E-03 l.3549E-O 9.7905E-01 9.1983E-03 -l.6318E-03 9.8068E-Ol 9.7531E-Ol

13 4.3910E-04 7.0639E-03 7.8378E-Ol -4.1103E-05 -2.8844E-04 2.2666E-O 7.8443E-01 7.0639E-03 -2.1633E-04 7.8465E-Ol 7.8103E-Ol

14 -1.2087E-03 -3.4886E-03 5.7979E-Ol 5.2538E-04 -4.2408E-03 l.5135E-O 5 . 8021E-01 -l.4111E-03 -3.7108E-03 5.8392E-01 5.8277E-Ol

15 l.2705E-03 -l.6923E-02 3.8000E-Ol 3.0561E-03 -2.7850E-03 2.8261E-O 3.8211E-01 -l.9453E-04 -1. 7572E-02 3.9969E-Ol 3.9129E-Ol

16 l.1514E-02 -5.5285E-02 2.1133E-Ol 5.1203E-03 -2.4971E-02 9.3419E-O 2.1404E-Ol 1.1642E-02 -5.8116E-02 2.7215E-Ol 2.4485E-Ol

17 -2.7679E-04 -1. 7129E-Ol 4.3312E-Ol 4.3896E-02 -7.9101E-02 6.9354E-O 4.5221E-01 5.3035E-03 -l.9596E-Ol 6.4817E-01 5.7461E-Ol

18 4.5234E-01 -l.0026E-Ol l.1276E+OO 6.1737E-03 -2.9403E-Ol 6.5123E-O l.5609E+OO l.4314E-Ol -2.2438E-Ol 1.7853E+OO l.6329E+OO

19 -4.9863E+OO -8.2902E-Ol 8.8685E-Ol -9.7394E-Ol -4.3241E-Ol 1. 3050E+O l.3526E+OO -8.5384E-Ol -5.4273E+OO 6.7799E+OO 5.9897E+OO


Page 243: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


NODE :f:xx f yy izz IXY f yz izx f 11 f 22 f33 f Tr IVM

3 -7.7723E+OO -l.3784E+OO 1. 9647E+OO l.1006E-01 -6.7205E-02 -1. 0754E+O 2.0839E+OO -1. 3 786E+OO -7. 8913E+OO 9.9752E+OO 8.7724E+OO

4 8.5248E-01 7.7787E-02 2.3696E+OO 5.1909E-02 -7.4503E-02 -4.9280E-O 2.5186E+OO 7.0775E-01 7.3454E-02 2.4452E+OO 2.1978E+OO

5 3.4358E-02 2.5342E-02 3.1874E+OO -2.2420E-02 -6.7988E-02 5.5071E-O 3.1898E+OO 5.0384E-02 6.8780E-03 3.1829E+OO 3.1614E+OO

6 1. 2386E-02 -2.2332E-Ol 4.3297E+OO -6.0859E-02 -1.0478E-Ol -2.5203E-O 4.3466E+OO 1.6195E-02 -2.4403E-Ol 4.5906E+OO 4.4662E+OO

7 3.9395E-03 -4.5510E-Ol 5.9972E+OO -5.4347E-02 l.1688E-Ol l.2222E-O 6.0017E+OO 8.3556E-03 -4.6409E-Ol 6.4658E+OO 6.2430E+OO

8 2.1107E-02 -l.8088E-Ol 6.8260E+OO -l.3889E-01 7.2516E-02 -6.7100E-O 6.8275E+OO 9.0568E-02 -2.5178E-Ol 7.0793E+OO 6.9144E+OO

9 -l.1618E-02 9.7012E-02 6.3913E+OO 4.6582E-02 2.5046E-02 4.9986E-O 6.3918E+OO 1. 1398E-Ol -2.9084E-02 6.4208E+OO 6.3505E+OO

10 7.8112E-04 1.0051E-Ol 5.5450E+OO 8.9492E-03 5.4703E-03 8.5155E-O 5.5463E+OO l.0128E-Ol -l.2982E-03 5.5476E+OO 5.4971E+OO

11 4.4023E-03 6.6259E-02 4.6729E+OO 1.8628E-03 -4.7719E-03 8.6974E-O 4.6745E+OO 6.6314E-02 2.7226E-03 4.6718E+OO 4.6403E+OO

12 -5.1438E-03 3.6802E-02 3. 9136E+OO -1. 9906E-04 -9.9518E-03 6.5583E-O 3.9147E+OO 3.6776E-02 -6.2411E-03 3.9210E+OO 3.8996E+OO

13 2.1469E-03 2.8431E-02 3.1331E+OO 3.4226E-04 -l.1698E-03 1.0052E-O 3.1363E+OO 2.8436E-02 -l.0824E-03 3.1374E+OO 3.1227E+OO

14 -4.2391E-03 -l.4053E-02 2.3174E+OO 1. 7939E-03 -1. 6935E-02 6.8506E-O 2.3195E+OO -5.6430E-03 -1.4791E-02 2.3343E+OO 2.3298E+OO

15 5.5243E-03 -6.7742E-02 1.5179E+OO 1. 2827E-02 -l.1164E-02 1.184 7E-O l.5272E+OO -9.1176E-04 -7.0594E-02 l.5978E+OO 1. 5641E+OO

16 4.6642E-02 -2.2145E-Ol 8.4494E-01 l.9806E-02 -l.0029E-Ol 4.0045E-O 8.5607E-Ol 4.6830E-02 -2.3277E-Ol l.0888E+OO 9.7945E-Ol

17 8. 9513E-04 -6.8459E-Ol 1. 7410E+OO 1. 7570E-Ol -3.1929E-Ol 2.8375E-O 1. 8195E+OO 2.2161E-02 -7.8438E-Ol 2.6039E+OO 2.3088E+OO

18 l.8394E+OO -3.9492E-Ol 4.5426E+OO 2.2204E-02 -1.183 lE+OO 2.6140E+O 6.2847E+OO 5.9264E-Ol -8.9025E-Ol 7.1750E+OO 6.5604E+OO

19 -l.7279E+Ol -2.8682E+OO 3.1160E+OO -3.3936E+OO -1.5023E+OO 4.5930E+O 4.7602E+OO -2.9539E+OO -1. 8838E+Ol 2.3598E+Ol 2.0841E+Ol

20 -7.8623E+OO -1. 2154E+OO 2.0498E+OO l.2592E-Ol -2.5417E-Ol -l.1293E+O 2.1977E+OO -l.2349E+OO -7.9907E+OO 1. 0188E+Ol 8.9785E+OO

21 1.1090E+OO 2.8101E-Ol 2.9757E+OO 1. 0258E-Ol -3.4755E-Ol -4 .13 79E-O 3.1095E+OO l.0224E+OO 2.3386E-Ol 2.8756E+OO 2.5736E+OO

22 -9.4556E-02 2.3867E-Ol 3.5170E+OO -1.0372E-Ol -6.7446E-01 -8.1258E-O 3.8059E+OO 2.3749E-Ol -3.8223E-01 4.1881E+OO 3.9152E+OO

23 l.2883E-Ol 1. 2686E-01 4.6450E+OO -8.0483E-02 -3.0683E-Ol 3.9075E-O 4.6999E+OO l.5443E-Ol 4.6334E-02 4.6536E+OO 4.6005E+OO

24 -5.6924E-02 3.3319E-Ol 6.1065E+OO -1. 2926E-Ol -6.9534E-Ol -l.4797E+O 6.5117E+OO 3.6712E-Ol -4.9607E-01 7.0078E+OO 6.6185E+OO

25 -1. 4615E-Ol 2.3321E-Ol 6.4727E+OO -1.7907E-Ol -2.7011E-02 2.4400E-O 6.4819E+OO 3.0227E-Ol -2.2437E-Ol 6.7063E+OO 6.4591E+OO

26 -6.8295E-03 1.1323E-Ol 6.4120E+OO -l.6192E-02 4.9733E-02 9.0977E-O 6.4124E+OO l.1501E-Ol -9.0129E-03 6.4215E+OO 6.3604E+OO

27 l.2028E-02 9.3366E-02 5.5070E+OO -6.7711E-03 5.8105E-02 9.2281E-O 5.5092E+OO 9.3468E-02 9.7559E-03 5.4994E+OO 5.4580E+OO

28 -3.7964E-03 6.4760E-02 4.6835E+OO 3.0322E-03 1.4175E-02 -7.0275E-O 4.6836E+OO 6.4852E-02 -3.9427E-03 4.6875E+OO 4.6535E+OO

29 l.0243E-02 5.2794E-02 3.9082E+OO -l.6439E-03 4.0948E-02 l. ll 72E-O 3.9119E+OO 5.2535E-02 6.8700E-03 3.9050E+OO 3.8824E+OO

30 -l.9205E-03 2.8821E-02 3.1418E+OO -2.2535E-03 2.0446E-02 -2.8402E-O 3.1422E+OO 2.8825E-02 -2.3152E-03 3.1445E+OO 3.1290E+OO

31 1.1241E-03 -2.4701E-03 2.3086E+OO -1. 3257E-03 4.5045E-02 9.6366E-O 2.3135E+OO 9.0212E-05 -6.3262E-03 2.3198E+OO 2.3166E+OO

32 1. 5746E-02 -5.5412E-02 1.5194E+OO -3.4545E-04 -2.7205E-03 -3.4505E-O


Page 244: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


NODE IXX IYY IZZ IXY f yz f zx Ill f 22 f33 I Tr f VM

359 -1.3855E-02 l.5009E-Ol 2 . 0604E-02 -4.4472E-02 2.2084E-02 9.3779E-O 1.6394E-Ol 2.2414E-02 -2.9516E-02 l.9345E-Ol l.7342E-Ol


NODE IXX f yy 1:zz IXY f yz f zx I 11 1:22 f 33 I Tr IVM

359 -2.7658E-02 3.00JlE-01 4.1181E-02 -8.8949E-02 4.4163E-02 1. 8839E-O 3.2800E-01 4.4859E-02 -5.9027E-02 3.8703E-Ol 3.4695E-Ol


NODE ixx f yy izz IXY f yz f zx 111 122 f33 I Tr IVM

359 -4 .1408E-02 4.5066E-Ol 6.1730E-02 -1. 3343E-Ol 6.6237E-02 2.8383E-O 4.9218E-Ol 6.7335E-02 -8.8532E-02 5.8071E-Ol 5.2058E-Ol


NODE ixx f yy izz IXY fyz izx f 11 f 22 f33 f Tr IVM

359 -5.5105E-02 6.0114E-Ol 8.2250E-02 -1. 7791E-Ol 8.8307E-02 3.8010E-O 6.5648E-01 8.9840E-02 -l.1803E-Ol 7.7451E-Ol 6.9432E-Ol


NODE IXX f yy izz IXY fyz izx f 11 f 22 f33 f Tr IVM

359 -6.8748E-02 7.5176E-Ol l.0274E-Ol -2.2240E-Ol 1.1037E-Ol 4.7720E-0 8.2090E-01 l.1237E-Ol -1. 4752E-Ol 9.6842E-Ol 8.6815E-Ol


NODE IXX IYY izz IXY fyz izx Ill 1:22 f33 f Tr IVM

359 -8.2338E-02 9.0250E-Ol l.2320E-Ol -2.6689E-Ol l.3243E-Ol 5.7512E-O 9.8543E-Ol l.3494E-Ol -l.7701E-Ol l.1624E+OO l.0421E+OO


NODE IXX IYY izz IXY fyz Izx Ill 122 f 33 f Tr IVM

359 -9.5874E-02 l.0533E+OO 1. 43 63E-Ol -3.1139E-Ol l.5448E-Ol 6.7388E-O 1.1500E+OO l.5753E-Ol -2.0649E-Ol l.3565E+OO l.2161E+OO


NODE IXX f yy izz IXY f yz IZX Ill i22 f33 ITr IVM

359 -l.0935E-Ol l.2043E+OO 1. 6404E-Ol -3.5589E-Ol 1.7653E-Ol 7.7346E-O

l.3148E+OO 1.8016E-Ol -2.3596E-Ol 1. 5508E+OO l.3902E+OO


NODE IXX IYY izz 1XY 1Yz izx

Ill 122 133 I Tr 1VM

359 -l.2278E-Ol l.3555E+OO 1. 844 lE-01 -4.0039E-Ol 1.9858E-Ol 8.7386E-O

1.4797E+OO 2.0282E-01 -2.6543E-Ol 1. 7451E+OO 1.5645E+OO


Page 245: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

============================================================================= ====================== STRAND6 STRUCTURE-RESULT LISTING =================== =============================================================================


ANALYSIS - NONLINEAR STATIC - BRICK Node Total = 427 Increment 10

NODE f xx f yy f zz f 11 f 22 f33

359 -l.3615E-Ol 1.5067E+OO 2.0476E-Ol l.6447E+OO 2.2550E-Ol -2.9489E-Ol



f xy f yz f zx f Tr f VM

-4.4490E-Ol 2.2062E-Ol 9.7509E-O 1. 9396E+OO 1.7388E+OO

Page 246: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

ANALYSIS -Node Total


NODE txx Ill

379 8.7926E-02 l.2528E-Ol

f yy :f22


f zz f 3 3

-2.3467E-Ol 2.0220E-03 -2.7601E-Ol


2.5502E-03 4.0129E-Ol


NODE IXX fyy f zz

379 Ill :f22 f33

1. 7580E-Ol 2.5056E-Ol

-3.9020E-03 -4.6932E-Ol 4.0504E-03 -5.5204E-Ol


5.1085E-03 8.0261E-Ol

ANALYSIS -Node Total




379 Ill

2.6363E-Ol 3.7585E-Ol

:f yy 1:22

-5.8463E-03 6.0852E-03

f:zz I33

-7.0394E-Ol -8.2809E-Ol


7.6749E-03 1. 2039E+OO

ANALYSIS - NONLINEAR STATIC Node Total 427 Increment

f yy



379 I11

3.5142E-Ol 5. 0114E-Ol

f 22 -7.7860E-03


Izz f33

-9.3854E-Ol -l.1041E+OO

f xy I Tr

l.0249E-02 l.6053E+OO

ANALYSIS -Node Total




379 Ill

4.3916E-Ol 6.2643E-Ol

IYY f22

f zz f33

-9.7213E-03 -l.1731E+OO l.0173E-02 -l.3802E+OO

f xy f Tr

1. 2832E-02 2.0067E+OO

ANALYSIS - NONLINEAR STATIC Node Total 427 Increment



f yy 1:22

f ZZ f 33

379 5.2685E-Ol -l.1652E-02 -l.4076E+OO 7.5172E-01 l.2227E-02 -l.6563E+OO

f XY I Tr

1. 5423E-02 2.4081E+OO

ANALYSIS -Node Total =

NONLINEAR STATIC 427 Increment =



379 Ill

6.1450E-Ol 8.7701E-Ol

fyy f:zz 1:22 f33

-l.3578E-02 -l.64~1E+OO l.4287E-02 -l.9325E+OO

f xy f Tr

l.8021E-02 2.8095E+OO


STATIC Increment



379 Ill

7.0210E-Ol 1. 0023E+OO

IYY 1:22

f zz f 33

-l.SSOOE-02 -l.8766E+CO l.6353E-02 -2.2086E+OO

f XY :f Tr

2.0628E-02 3.2109E+OO

ANALYSIS - NONLINEAR STATIC Node Total = 427 Increment


NODE f XX f:yy Ill f22

379 7.8965E-Ol -l.7417E-02 l.1276E+OO l.8426E-02

f:zz f33

-2.lllOE+OO -2.4848E+OO


f:XY f:Tr

2.3244E-02 3.6124E+OO

f:yz IVM

f zx

3.6359E-02 -l.1492E-O 3.5604E-Ol

f:yz IVM


7.2729E-02 -2.2992E-O 7.1210E-Ol

f yz IVM

f zx

l.0910E-Ol -3.4499E-O l.0682E+OO

fyz IVM


l.4549E-Ol -4.6012E-O l.4243E+OO

fyz IVM

f zx

l.8189E-Ol -5.7533E-O l.7804E+OO

f:yz f:VM

:f zx

2.1830E-Ol -6.9061E-0 2 .1366E+OO

f:yz IVM


2.5472E-Ol -8.0595E-O 2.4927E+OO

f yz IVM


2.9115E-01 -9.2137E-O 2.8489E+OO

f:yz IVM


3.2758E-Ol -l.0368E+O 3.2052E+OO

Page 247: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


Node Total 427 Increment 10 NODE txx f yy izz f XY fyz izx

f 11 f 22 f 33 f Tr IVM 379 8.7715E-Ol -l.9330E-02 -2.3455E+OO 2.5867E-02 3.6403E-Ol -1.1524E+O

l.2528E+OO 2.0SOSE-02 -2.7610E+OO 4. 0139E+OO 3.5614E+OO


Page 248: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab



381 2.3771E-Ol -l.4627E-Ol 2.4196E-Ol -l.4524E-01

Izz I33

-9.0949E-Ol -9.1476E-Ol

f xy f Tr

5.4128E-03 l.1567E+OO



381 Ill I22

4.7542E-Ol 4.8395E-Ol

-2.9257E-Ol -2.9052E-Ol

I33 -l.8190E+OO -l.8296E+OO

f xy I Tr

l.0838E-02 2.3136E+OO


NODE IXX IYY Izz Ill I22 f33

381 7.1313E-Ol -4.3890E-Ol -2.7287E+OO 7.2597E-Ol -4.3582E-Ol -2.7447E+OO


l.6275E-02 3.4706E+OO


NODE Ixx fyy Izz Ill 122 I33

381 9.5083E-Ol -5.8525E-Ol -3.6385E+OO 9.6803E-Ol -5.8114E-Ol -3.6598E+OO


2.1725E-02 4.6279E+OO

ANALYSIS -Node Total




381 Ill

l.1885E+OO 1. 2 lOlE+OO


Izz I33

-7.3163E-Ol -4.5484E+OO -7.2649E-Ol -4.5751E+OO


2.7187E-02 5.7853E+OO

ANALYSIS - NONLINEAR STATIC Node Total 427 Increment =


NODE Ixx fyy tzz Ill I22 f33

381 l.4262E+OO -8.7803E-Ol -5.4584E+OO l.4522E+OO -8.7187E-Ol -5.4906E+OO


3.2661E-02 6.9428E+OO

ANALYSIS - NONLINEAR STATIC Node Total 427 Increment


NODE IXX IYY f zz f33

381 Ill 122

l.6638E+OO -l.0244E+OO -6.3685E+OO l.6943E+OO -l.0172E+OO -6.4062E+OO


3.8148E-02 8.1005E+OO

ANALYSIS - NONLINEAR STATIC Node Total = 427 Increment =



381 Ill

l.9015E+OO 1.9365E+OO

fyy f zz 122 f33

-l.1709E+OO -7.2787E+OO -l.1627E+OO -7.3219E+OO


4.3647E-02 9.2584E+OO

ANALYSIS - NONLINEAR STATIC Node Total 427 Increment =


NODE Ixx IYY f zz

381 Ill 122 f33

2.1392E+OO -l.3174E+OO -8.1889E+OO 2.1787E+OO -l.3081E+OO -8.2377E+OO


IXY f Tr

4.9158E-02 1. 0416E+Ol

f yz fVM


2.8279E-02 -6.9615E-O l.0198E+OO

f yz IVM


5.6568E-02 -l.3954E-O 2.0398E+OO

fyz IVM


8.4867E-02 -2.0977E-O 3.0599E+OO

fyz IVM


l.1317E-Ol -2.8032E-O 4.0802E+OO

fyz tzx IVM

l.4149E-Ol -3.5117E-O 5.1006E+OO

fyz tzx IVM

l.6981E-Ol -4.2234E-O 6.1211E+OO

fyz Izx IVM

l.9815E-Ol -4.9381E-O 7.1418E+OO


f zx

2.2650E-Ol -5.6560E-O 8.1627E+OO



2.5485E-Ol -6.3770E-O 9.1837E+OO

Page 249: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


NODE i xx f yy 1zz 1XY 1Yz f zx f 11 122 13 3 1Tr IVM

381 2.3768E+OO -1. 4 639E+OO -9.0993E+OO 5.4682E-02 2.8322E-Ol -7.lOlOE-O 2.4209E+OO -l.4536E+OO -9.1537E+OO l.1574E+Ol l.0204E+Ol


Page 250: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

ANALYSIS -Node Total




3 -4.0690E-05 l.8003E-05 2.5149E-06 l.2445E-05


5 -2.3176E-06 1. 64 78E-05

6 -3.1242E-06 2.2688E-05

7 -4.2839E-06 3.1436E-05

8 -5.0561E-06 3.5485E-05

9 -5.1052E-06 3.3039E-05

10 -4.3871E-06 2.8650E-05

11 -3. 6628E-06 2.4160E-05

12 -3.1004E-06 2.0256E-05

13 -2. 4485E-06 l.6227E-05

14 -l.8162E-06 l.2034E-05

15 -l.1023E-06 7.9708E-06

16 -2.4693E-07 4.5778E-06

17 -8.1971E-07 9.9496E-06 6.1563E-06 3.2552E-05


19 -l.0347E-04

yyy Y.22

-2.6299E-06 -2.6310E-06 -2.1024E-06

1.6526E-06 -2.3733E-06 -2.2233E-06 -4.5289E-06 -3.1040E-06 -7.0169E-06 -4.2561E-06 -6.2543E-06 -4 . 6428E-06 -4.4537E-06 -4.3538E-06 -3.7880E-06 -3.7834E-06 -3.2910E-06 -3.2908E-06 -2.8461E-06 -2.8463E-06 -2.2905E-06 -2.2905E-06 -1.8698E-06 -l.8205E-06 -l.5352E-06 -l.1367E-06 -l.8371E-06 -2.4358E-07 -4.8919E-06 -6.8577E-07 -6.9828E-06 -l.1989E-06 -4.4341E-06

4.7468E-05 -5.0256E-06


Y.zz Y33

l.7288E-05 -4.1404E-05

l.1557E-05 -2.1282E-06

1.6464E-05 -2.4817E-06

2.2585E-05 -4.6523E-06

3.1410E-05 -7.0703E-06

3.5475E-05 -6.6774E-06

3.3037E-05 -5.2070E-06

2.8645E-05 -4.3973E-06

2.4153E-05 -3.6699E-06

2.0252E-05 -3.1045E-06

l.6212E-05 -2.4635E-06 1. 2025E-05

-1.8753E-06 7.9212E-06

-1.5504E-06 4. 5137E-06

-1. 9046E-06 9.4970E-06

-5.4784E-06 2.2239E-05

-9.9404E-06 3.6404E-05

-l .1395E-04


1.3106E-06 5.9407E-05 6.1778E-07 l.4573E-05

-2.6529E-07 1.8960E-05

-7.2355E-07 2.7340E-05

-6.4858E-07 3.8506E-05

-1. 6546E-06 4.2162E-05 5.5174E-07 3.8246E-05 1. 0762E-07 3.3048E-05 1. 7725E-08 2.7830E-05 3.7508E-10 2.3360E-05

-2.9630E-09 1. 8691E-05 2.5639E-08 l.3910E-05 1. 4439E-07 9.5212E-06 2.4526E-07 6.4824E-06 2.0908E-06 1.5428E-05 2.9899E-07 4.2492E-05

-4.6367E-05 1. 6141E-04

Node Total NODE YXX

427 Increment yyy


YZZ YXY 'i11

3 -8 .1384E-05 3.6003E-05

4 5.0294E-06 2.4888E-05

5 -4.6353E-06 3 . 2956E-05

6 -6.2488E-06 4.5375E-05

7 -8.5680E-06 6.2871E-05

8 -l.OlllE-05 7.0968E-05

9 -l.0209E-05 6.6077E-05

10 -8.7726E-06 5.7299E-05

11 -7. 3244E-06 4.8319£-05

12 -6.1994E-06 4.0510E-05

Y.22 -5.2589E-06 -5.2612E-06 -4.2042E-06

3.3049E-06 -4.7460E-06 -4.4463E-06 -9.0578E-06 -6.2077E-06 -1. 4034E-05 -8.5129E-06 -1. 2 508E-05 -9.2844E-06 -8.9072E-06 -8.7071E-06 -7.5758E-06 -7.5666E-06 -6 . 5817E-06 -6.5812E-06 -5.6920E-06 -5.6923E-06

YJJ 3.4575E-05

-8.2809E-05 2.3112E-05

-4.2557E-06 3.2927E-05

-4.9633E-06 4.5170E-05

-9.3046E-06 6.2820E-05

-l.4141E-05 7.0949E-05

-1.3354E-05 6.6072E-05

-1. 04 lJE-05 5.7287E-05

-8.7934E-06 4.8304E-05

-7.3393E-06 4.0500E-05



YTr 2.6214E-06 1.1881E-04 1. 2356E-06 2.9144E-05

-5.3108E-07 3.7919E-05

-1.4474E-06 5.4680E-05

-l.2967E-06 7.7012E-05

-3.3091E-06 8.4323E-05 1.1043E-06 7.6490E-05 2.1494E-07 6.6092E-05 3 . 6723E-08 5.5658E-05

-3.5112E-11 4.6718E-05


-7.9973E-07 5.2241E-05

-8.8696E-07 l.3099E-05

-8.1037E-07 l.8832E-05

-1.2493E-06 2.6600E-05 1. 3898E-06 3.7179E-05 8.5954E-07 4.1183E-05 2.9821E-07 3.7827E-05 6.3392E-08 3.2745E-05

-5.6987E-08 2.7643E-05

-1.1895E-07 2.3232E-05

-1. 3713E-08 1.8605E-05

-2.0208E-07 1.3882E-05

-1.3263E-07 9.3212E-06

-1.1887E-06 5.8321E-06

-3.7625E-06 1. 3676E-05

-l.3993E-05 3.8866E-05

-2.0596E-05 1.4261E-04


-1.5996E-06 1.0448E-04

-1. 77 40E-06 2.6195E-05

-1.6205E-06 3.7663E-05

-2.4982E-06 5.3199E-05 2.7803E-06 7.4358E-05 1.7202E-06 8.2364E-05 5.9645E-07 7.5651E-05 1.2728E-07 6.5488E-05

-1.1392E-07 5.5283E-05

-2.3779E-07 4.6462E-05






1. 3802E-O

-9 .1135E-O







1. 3355E-O













1. 7 457E-O

1. 7918E-O


Page 251: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

13 -4. 895 9 E-06 3.2452E-05

14 -3.631 0 E-06 2.406 7 E-05

15 -2.2034E-06 l.5939E-05

16 -4.9268E-07 9.1555E-06

17 -1. 6383E-06 l.9917E-05

18 1. 2354E-05 6.5168E-05

19 -2.0691E-04 9.5063E-05

-4.5803E-06 -4.5803E-06 -3.7396E-06 -3.6407E-06 -3.0702E-06 -2.2732E-06 -3.6749E-06 -4.8661E-07 -9.7855E-06 -1. 3725E-06 -l.3971E-05 -2.3756E-06 -8.8693E-06 -l.0051E-05


3.2421E-05 -4.9271E-06

2.4047E-05 -3.7502E-06

1.5839E-05 -3.lOllE-06

9.0267E-Oo -3.8098E-06

1.9008E-05 -l.0960E-05

4.4525E-05 -1.9884E-05

7.2873E-05 -2.2792E-04

-3.9162E-09 3.7379E-05 5.0056E-08 2.7817E-05 2.9118E-07 1. 9040E-05 4.8784E-07 1.2965E-05 4.1823E-06 3.0878E-05 5.8821E-07 8.5052E-05

-9.2794E-05 3.2298E-04

Node Total 427 Increment - BRICK NODE STRAIN


Y'11 3 -l.2208E-04

5.4000E-05 7.5434E-06 3.7328E-05


5 -6.9528E-06 4.9431E-05

6 -9. 373 7 E-06 6.8062E-05

7 -1. 2852E-05 9.4305E-05

8 -l.5165E-05 l.0645E-04

9 -l.5311E-05 9.9112E-05

10 -l. 3 156E-05 8.5945E-05

11 -1. 0984E-05 7.2474E-05

12 -9.2968E-06 6.0761E-05

13 -7. 3422E-06 4.8675E-05

14 -5.4444E-06 3.6097E-05

15 -3.3033E-06 2.3906E-05

16 -7.3726E-07 l.3733E-05

17 -2.4559E-06 2.9903E-05 l . 8594E-05 18 9.7847E-05

19 -3.1031E-04 l.4278E-04

Y'22 -7.8872E-06 -7.8906E-06 -6.3052E-06

4.9569E-06 -7.1181E-06 -6.6689E-06 -1. 3586E-05 -9.3111E-06 -2.1051E-05 -l.2770E-05 -l.8763E-05 -l.3924E-05 -l.3360E-05 -1. 3 059E-05 -l .1363E-05 -l .1349E-05 -9.8720E-06 -9.8713E-06 -8.5377E-06 -8.5382E-06 -6.8694E-06 -6.8694E-06 -5.6093E-06 -5.4606E-06 -4.6048E-06 -3.4096E-06 -5. 5132E-06 -7.2908E-07 -l.4680E-05 -2.0603E-06 -2.0965E-05 -3.5301E-06 -1. 3305E-05 -l . 5077E-05



5.1860E-05 -1. 2421E-04

3.4664E-05 -6.3825E-06

4.9389E-05 -7.4447E-06

6.7754E-05 -1.3957E-05

9.4227E-05 -2.1212E-05

1.0642E-04 -2.0032E-05

9.9105E-05 -1.5618E-05

8.5926E-05 -l.3188E-05

7.2451E-05 -l.1008E-05

6.0746E-05 -9.3112E-06

4.8626E-05 -7.3907E-06

3.6066E-05 -5.6247E-06

2.3753E-05 -4.6519E-06

l.3538E-05 -5.7156E-06

2.8533E-05 -1.6447E-05

6.6857E-05 -2.9830E-05

1. 0940E-04 -3.4192E-04


3.9321E-06 1. 7821E-04 1. 8537E-06 4.3710E-05

-7.9736E-07 5.6876E-05

-2.1717E-06 8.2019E-05

-l.9446E-06 l.1551E-04

-4.9634E-06 l.2648E-04 l.6578E-06 l.1473E-04 3.2196E-07 9.9133E-05 5.6996E-08 8.3483E-05

-l.2302E-09 7.0072E-05

-2.8588E-09 5.6066E-05 7.3253E-08 4.1722E-05 4.4036E-07 2.8558E-05 7.2776E-07 1.9448E-05 6.2742E-06 4.6350E-05 8.6762E-07 1.2767E-04

-1.3928E-04 4.8471E-04

Node Total = 427 Increment - BRICK NODE STRAIN


Y'11 '122 3 -l.6278E-04 -l.0514E-05

7.1993E-05 -1.0519E-05 4 l.0057E-05 -8.4054E-06

4.9764E-05 6.6085E-06 5 -9.2704E-06 -9.4896E-06

6.5905E-05 -8.8911E-06


6.9143E-05 -1.6562E-04

4. 62 lJE-05 -8.5086E-06

6.5848E-05 -9.9260E-06



5.2430E-06 2.3762E-04 2.4719E-06 5.8273E-05

-1. 064 lE-06 7.5831E-05

-2.7482E-08 3.7207E-05

-4.0406E-07 2.7762E-05

-2.6535E-07 1. 8640E-05

-2.3792E-06 l.1664E-05

-7.5365E-06 2.7374E-05

-2.8014E-05 7.7790E-05

-4.1199E-05 2.8534E-04


-2.3997E-06 1.5672E-04

-2.6611E-06 3.9288E-05

-2.4305E-06 5.6492E-05

-3.7468E-06 7.9797E-05 4.1714E-06 1.1153E-04 2.5821E-06 1.2354E-04 8.9471E-07 1.1347E-04 1.9168E-07 9.8227E-05

-1. 7082E-07 8.2920E-05

-3.5650E-07 6.9689E-05

-4.1311E-08 5.5807E-05

-6.0593E-07 4.1640E-05

-3.9816E-07 2.7958E-05

-3. 5712E-06 1. 7 496E-05

-l.1322E-05 4.1091E-05

-4.2064E-05 l.1677E-04

-6.1809E-05 4.2819E-04


-3.2000E-06 2.0896E-04

-3.5484E-06 5.2377E-05

-3.2403E-06 7.5319E-05


1. 4420E-O





1. 2433E-O



-1. 7616E-O












1. 3510E-O








Page 252: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

6 -l.2498E-05 -l.8115E-05 9.0338E-05 -2.8963E-06 -4.9949E-06 -1. 2109E-O 9.0747E-05 -l.2414E-05 -l.8609E-05 l.0935E-04 l.0639E-04

7 -1. 7136E-05 -2.8069E-05 1.2563E-04 -2.5920E-06 5.5632E-06 5.6502E-O l.2573E-04 -l.7027E-05 -2.8283E-05 1.5402E-04 1.4871E-04

8 -2.021 7 E-05 -2.5018E-05 1.4189E-04 -6.6177E-06 3.4452E-06 -3.4530E-O 1. 4193E-04 -l.8563E-05 -2.6709E-05 l.6864E-04 1. 6471E-04

9 -2.0411E-05 -1. 7813E-05 1. 3213E-04 2.2121E-06 1. 193 OE-06 2.0526E-O 1.3214E-04 -1. 7412E-05 -2.0822E-05 l.5296E-04 1. 5129E-04

10 -l.7538E-05 -l.5150E-05 l.1456E-04 4.2869E-07 2.5658E-07 3.6799E-O 1.1458E-04 -1. 5132E-05 -1. 7582E-05 l.3217E-04 l.3096E-04

11 -l.4643E-05 -1. 3162E-05 9.6595E-05 7.8543E-08 -2.2767E-07 3.7703E-O 9.6627E-05 -l.3161E-05 -l.4676E-05 l. llJOE-04 l.1055E-04

12 -1. 2392E-05 -1.1383E-05 8.0989E-05 -3.2099E-09 -4.7509E-07 2.7627E-O 8.lOlOE-05 -l.1383E-05 -l.2413E-05 9.3423E-05 9.2913E-05

13 -9.78 74 E-06 -9.1577E-06 6.4828E-05 2.0984E-10 -5.5203E-08 4.4758E-O 6.4895E-05 -9.1577E-06 -9.8544E-06 7.4750E-05 7.4404E-05

14 -7.2563E-06 -7.4789E-06 4.8081E-05 9.5228E-08 -8.0769E-07 3.0106E-O 4.8125E-05 -7.2802E-06 -7.4988E-06 5.5624E-05 5.5515E-05

15 -4.4018E-06 -6 .1391E-06 3.1663E-05 5.9192E-07 -5.3107E-07 5.4716E-O 3.18 7 1E-05 -4.5459E-06 -6.2029E-06 3.8074E-05 3.7273E-05

16 -9.8063E-07 -7.3522E-06 1.8050E-05 9.6499E-07 -4.7648E-06 1.8227E-O 1. 8 3 lOE-05 -9.7100E-07 -7.6219E-06 2.5932E-05 2.3329E-05

17 -3. 2725 E-06 -l.9577E-05 3.8072E-05 8.3667E-06 -1. 5119E-05 1. 3316E-O 3.9908E-05 -2. 74 90E-06 -2.1937E-05 6.1845E-05 5.4830E-05

18 2.48 7 6E-05 -2.7964E-05 8.9235E-05 1.1371E-06 -5.6141E-05 1.2424E-O 1.3059E-04 -4.6623E-06 -3.9780E-05 1. 703 7E-04 1.5580E-04

19 -4 .1367E-04 -1. 7743E-05 l.4600E-04 -l.8583E-04 -8.2426E-05 2.4983E-O l.9063E-04 -2.0103E-05 -4.5594E-04 6.4658E-04 5.7115E-04


NODE YXX yyy Y.zz YXY YYZ YZX if 11 Y.22 Y33 YTr YVM

3 -2. 0348 E-04 -1. 3141E-05 8.6423E-05 6.5539E-06 -4.0005E-06 -6.4144E-O 8 . 9982 E- 0 5 -1. 314 7E-05 -2.0703E-04 2.9702E-04 2.6120E-04

4 l.25 70 E-05 - 1.0505E-05 5.7759E-05 3.0902E-06 -4.4358E-06 -2.9354E-O 6.2198E-05 8.2598E-06 -1.0633E-05 7.2832E-05 6.5463E-05

5 -l.1587E-05 -l.1860E-05 8.2306E-05 -1. 3314E-06 -4.0SOOE-06 3.2268E-O 8.23 77 E-05 -1. 1113E-05 -1.2407E-05 9.4784E-05 9.4144E-05

6 -l.5624E-05 -2.2644E-05 1.1292E-04 -3.6213E-06 -6.2427E-06 -1.5104E-O l.1343E-04 -l.5516E-05 -2.3261E-05 1. 3 669E-04 1.3298E-04

7 -2.1420E-05 -3.5087E-05 1. 5703E-04 -3.2391E-06 6.9556E-06 7.1167E-O 1.5717E-04 -2.1286E-05 -3.5354E-05 l.9252E-04 1.8589E-04

8 -2.5269E-05 -3.1273E-05 1. 7736E-04 -8.2718E-06 4.3094E-06 -4.2361E-O 1. 774 0E-04 -2.3201E-05 -3.3386E-05 2.1079E-04 2.0589E-04

9 -2.5510E-05 -2.2266E-05 1.6516E-04 2.7673E-06 1.4913E-06 2.6684E-O l.6517E-04 -2 . 1763E-05 -2.6025E-05 1. 9120E-04 1. 8910E-04

10 -2.1918E-05 -l.8937E-05 1. 4319E-04 5.3512E-07 3.2198E-07 4.7177E-O l.4323E-04 -1. 8914E-05 -2.1975E-05 1.6520E-04 l.6369E-04

11 -l.8301E-05 -l.6451E-05 1.2073E-04 1.0136E-07 -2.8447E-07 4.8295E-O l.2077E-04 -l.6450E-05 -l.8344E-05 1.3912E-04 1. 3818E-04

12 -l.5487E-05 -1.4228E-05 1.0122E-04 -5.9737E-09 -5.9355E-07 3.5664E-O 1. 0125E-04 -1.4229E-05 -l.5514E-05 1.1677E-04 1.1613E-04

13 -1.2231E-05 -1.1445E-05 8.1027E-05 5.2904E-09 -6.9160E-08 5.6927E-O 8. 1113E-05 -l.1445E-05 -1. 2318E-05 9.3432E-05 9.2998E-05

14 -9.0666E-06 -9.3483E-06 6.0094E-05 l.1598E-07 -1.0093E-06 3.8424E-O 6.0151E-05 -9.0994E-06 -9.3724E-06 6.9524E-05 6.9388E-05

15 -5.4990E-06 -7.6731E-06 3.9570E-05 7.4589E-07 -6.6408E-07 6.8933E-O 3.9834E-05 -5.6820E-06 -7.7541E-06 4.7588E-05 4.6587E-05

16 -1.2228E-06 -9.1917E-06 2.2561E-05 l.1995E-06 -5.9601E-06 2.3049E-O 2.2887E-05 -1.2123E-06 -9.5289E-06 3.2416E-05 2.9161E-05

17 -4.0879E-06 -2.4476E-05 4 . 7625E-05 1.0459E-05 -1.8927E-05 l.6707E-O 4.9931E-05 -3.4388E-06 -2.7431E-05 7.7362E-05 6.8589E-05

18 3.1200E-05 -3.4969E-05 1.1165E-04 1.3967E-06 -7.0246E-05 1.5538E-O


Page 253: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

l.6339E-04 -5.7724E-06 -4.9734E-05 2.1313E-04 1.9490E-04 19 -5.1699E-04 -2.2181E-05 l.8266E-04 -2.3244E-04 -l.0305E-04 3.1302E-O

2.3861E-04 -2.5130£-05 -5.6999E-04 8.0860E-04 7.1423E-04

ANALYSIS - NONLINEAR Node Total = 4 2 7

STATIC Increment =



J -2.4419E-04 1.0796E-04

4 1.5082E-05 7.4629E-05

5 -1.3905£-05 9.8848£-05

6 -1. 8750E-05 1. 3611E-04

7 -2.5705£-05 1.8859E-04

8 -J.0319E-05 2.1288E-04

9 -3.0608E-05 1. 9820E-04

10 -2.6296E-05 1. 718 6E-04

11 -2. 1957E-05 1.4492E-04

12 -1.8579E-05 1.2150E-04

13 -1. 4674E-05 9.7329E-05

14 -1.0875E-05 7.2175E-05

15 -6.5949E-06 4.7795E-05

16 -1.4637E-06 2.7464E-05

17 -4.9021E-06 5.9972E-05

18 3.7566E-05 1.9626E-04

19 -6.2027E-04

yyy '122

-1.5767E-05 -1. 5773E-05 -1. 2603E-05

9.9108E-06 -1.4230E-05 -1. 3334E-05 -2.7174E-05 -l.8618E-05 -4.2105E-05 -2.5544E-05 -3.7528E-05 -2.7838E-05 -2.6718E-05 -2.6114E-05 -2.2724E-05 -2.2696E-05 -1.9741E-05 -1.9739E-05 -1.7073E-05 -1.7074E-05 -1. 3732E-05 -1. 3732E-05 -1.1217E-05 -1. 0918E-05 -9.2067E-06 -6.8179E-06 -l.1031E-05 -1. 4531E-06 -2.9377E-05 -4.1295E-06 -4.1979E-05 -6.8603E-06 -2.6621E-05

2.8671E-04 -3.0156E-05



1.0370E-04 -2.4845E-04

6.9302E-05 -1.2758E-05

9.8761E-05 -l.4887E-05

l.3550E-04 -2.7914E-05

1.8843E-04 -4.2426E-05

2.1283E-04 -4.0063E-05

1. 9818E-04 -3.1228E-05 1. 7182E-04

-2.6367E-05 l.4487E-04

-2.2012E-05 1. 2146E-04

-l.8614E-05 9.7221E-05

-1.4782E-05 7.2104E-05

-l.1245E-05 4.7473E-05

-9.3055E-06 2.7070E-05

-1.1436E-05 5.7193E-05

-3.2929E-05 l.3412E-04

-5.9690E-05 2.1939E-04



7.8649E-06 3.5641E-04 3.7086E-06 8.7388E-05

-l.5991E-06 l.1373E-04

-4.3467E-06 1.6402E-04

-3.8858E-06 2.3102E-04

-9.9258E-06 2.5294E-04 3.3234E-06 2.2943E-04 6.4126E-07 l.9823E-04 1. 2546E-07 1. 6693E-04

-9.5214E-09 l.4011E-04 1.2383E-08 l.1211E-04 l.3551E-07 8.3421E-05 9.0224E-07 5.7101E-05 1. 4314E-06 3.8901E-05 l.2553E-05 9.2901E-05 1.6464E-06 2.5595E-04

-2.7910E-04 9.7077E-04

Node Total = 427 Increment - BRICK NODE STRAIN


'111 if22 3 -2.8490E-04 -l.8392E-05

1.2595E-04 -1.8400E-05 4 l.7594E-05 -1.4701E-05

8.7057E-05 1.1561E-05 5 -l.6222E-05 -l.6600E-05

l.1531E-04 -1.5555E-05 6 -2.1876E-05 -J.1703E-05

l.5879E-04 -2.1720E-05 7 -2.9989E-05 -4.9123E-05

2.2002E-04 -2.9803E-05 8 -3.5369E-05 -4.3784E-05

2.4835E-04 -3.2474E-05 9 -J.5704E-05 -3.1171E-05

2.Jl22E-04 -3.0464E-05 10 -3.0673E-05 -2.6510E-05

2.0050E-04 -2.6478E-05 11 -2.5612E-05 -2.3030E-05


l.2097E-04 -2.8986E-04

8.0843E-05 -l.4882E-05

l.1521E-04 -1. 7368E-05

1.5808E-04 -3.2566E-05

2.1983E-04 -4.9498E-05

2.4829E-04 -4.6740E-05

2.3121E-04 -3.6429E-05

2.0045E-04 -3.0757E-05




9.1759E-06 4.1581E-04 4.3271E-06 l.0194E-04

-1. 8674E-06 1. 3268E-04

-5.0724E-06 1.9136E-04

-4.5321E-06 2.6952E-04

-l.1579E-05 2.9510E-04 3.8804E-06 2.6765E-04 7.4710E-07 2.3126E-04 l.5083E-07


-4.8012E-06 3. 1343E-04

-5.3232E-06 7.8546E-05

-4.8594E-06 1.1296E-04

-7.4900E-06 1.5958E-04 8.3487E-06 2.2306E-04 5.1748E-06 2.4706E-04 1. 7896E-06 2.2691E-04 3.8788E-07 1.9642E-04

-3.4124E-07 1.6581E-04

-7.1189E-07 1.3935E-04

-8.3187E-08 1.1159E-04

-l.2108E-06 8.3257E-05

-7.9719E-07 5.5898E-05

-7.1570E-06 3.4994E-05

-2.2747E-05 8.2368E-05

-8.4379E-05 2.3405E-04

-1. 2368E-04 8.5743E-04





-1. 8086E-O















-5.6021E-06 -8.9707E-O 3.6567E-04

-6.2108E-06 -4.1088E-O 9.1626E-05

-5.6687E-06 4.5666E-O 1.3178E-04

-8.7370E-06 -2.1056E-O 1.8617E-04 9.7424E-06 1.0114E-O 2.6023E-04 6.0414E-06 -5.7062E-O 2.8823E-04 2.0879E-06 4.0234E-O 2.6472E-04 4.5429E-07 6.9344E-O 2.2915E-04

-3.9797E-07 7.0876E-O

Page 254: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

l.6907E-04 12 -2.1670£-05

l.4174E-04 13 -1. 7115£-05

1.1354£-04 14 -l.2682E-05

8.4196£-05 15 -7.6894£-06

5.5754£-05 16 -1. 7035E-06

3.2041E-05 17 -5.7152£-06

7.0032E-05 18 4.3974E-05

2.2919E-04 19 -7.2350E-04


-2.3028E-05 -l.9917E-05 -l.9918E-05 -l.6018E-05 -l.6018E-05 -l.3086E-05 -1. 2737E-05 -l.0740E-05 -7.9536E-06 -l.2872E-05 -l.6934E-06 -3.4279E-05 -4.8213E-06 -4.8995E-05 -7.9261E-06 -3.1062E-05 -3.5183E-05


-2.5679E-05 1. 4169E-04

-2.1714E-05 1.1341E-04

-l.7246E-05 8.4110E-05

-1. 3118E-05 5.5373E-05

-l.0857E-05 3.1579E-05

-l.3344E-05 6.6774E-05

-3.8431E-05 1.5664E-04

-6.9650E-05 2.5618E-04


1.9475E-04 -l.3852E-08

1. 6345E-04 2.1489E-08 1. 3 07 8E-04 l.5383E-07 9.7315E-05 l.0609E-06 6.6611E-05 l.6605E-06 4.5386E-05 1.4646E-05 l.0846E-04 l.8860E-06 2.9884E-04

-3.2583E-04 l.1331E-03

ANALYSIS -Node Total 427 Increment


NODE YXX yyy Y'11

3 -3.2561E-04 Y.22

-2.1016E-05 l.4392E-04 -2.1025E-05 2.0106E-05 -l.6799E-05 4 9.9482E-05

5 -l.8540E-05 1.3178E-04

6 -2.5003E-05 l.8147E-04

7 -3.4274E-05 2.5145E-04

8 -4.0417E-05 2.8383E-04

9 -4.0798E-05 2.6425E-04

10 -3.5047E-05 2.2913E-04

11 -2. 92 65E-05 l.9321E-04

12 -2.4760E-05 l.6198E-04

13 -1. 9556E-05 l.2975E-04

14 -l.4488E-05 9.6215E-05

15 -8.7826E-06 6.3711E-05

16 -1.9420E-06 3.6618E-05

17 -6.5271E-06 8.0llOE-05 5.0424E-05 18 2.6219E-04

19 -8.2670E-04 3.8330E-04

1. 3211E-05 -l.8969E-05 -l.7776E-05 -3.6232E-05 -2.4821E-05 -5.6142E-05 -3.4063E-05 -5.0039E-05 -3.7108E-05 -3.5623E-05 -3.4814E-05 -3.0296E-05 -3.0260E-05 -2.6318E-05 -2.6316E-05 -2.2762E-05 -2.2763E-05 -1. 8303E-05 -1. 8303E-05 -l.4955E-05 -l.4555E-05 -l.2273E-05 -9.0892E-06 -1. 4713E-05 -1. 9331E-06 -3.9182E-05 -5.5140E-06 -5.6016E-05 -8.9697E-06 -3.5504E-05 -4.0209E-05


Y'zz Y33

l.3825E-04 -3. 3128E-04

9.2381E-05 -l.7005E-05

l.3166E-04 -1.9849E-05

l.8067E-04 -3.7218E-05

2.5123E-04 -5.6570E-05

2.8376E-04 -5.3417E-05

2.6422E-04 -4.1630E-05

2.2907E-04 -3.5146E-05 1. 9313E-04

-2.9345E-05 1.6192E-04

-2.4812E-05 l.2959E-04

-1.9709E-05 9. 6113E-05

-1.4991E-05 6.3269E-05

-1.2408E-05 3.6087E-05

-l.5253E-05 7.6369E-05

-4.3936E-05 l.7920E-04

-7. 9613E-05 2.9303E-04



l.0487E-05 4.7521E-04 4.9458E-06 l.1648E-04

-2.1361E-06 1.5163E-04

-5.7985E-06 2.1869E-04

-5.1780E-06 3.0802E-04

-1. 3233E-05 3.3724E-04 4.4382E-06 3.0588E-04 8.5266E-07 2.6428E-04 1. 77 49E-07 2.2255E-04

-1.8966E-08 l.8679E-04 3.2610E-08 1.4946E-04 l.7092E-07 l.1120E-04 1. 222 lE-06 7.6120E-05 1.8870E-06 5.1871E-05 1. 6741E-05 1.2404E-04 2.1155E-06 3.4180E-04

-3.7262E-04 1.2955E-03

Node Total = 427 Increment - BRICK NODE STRAIN


Y'11 Y.22 3 -3.6632E-04 -2.3639E-05

1.6190E-04 -2.3649E-05 4 2.2617E-05 -l.8895E-05


1.5552E-04 -3.7269E-04 1. 0391E-04



1.1798E-05 5.3460E-04 5.5646E-06

l.9343E-04 -8.3010E-07

l.6256E-04 -9.7287E-08

l.3017E-04 -l.4123E-06

9.7125E-05 -9.3042E-07

6.5208E-05 -8.3554E-06

4.0827E-05 -2.6579E-05

9.6169E-05 -9.8539E-05

2.7326E-04 -1. 4431E-04






3. 3013E-O





-6.4031E-06 -1.0246E-O 4.1790E-04

-7.0985E-06 -4.6953E-O 1. 0470E-04

-6.4777E-06 5.2471E-O l.5060E-04

-9.9836E-06 -2.4013E-O 2.1276E-04 l.1136E-05 l.1645E-O 2.9741E-04 6.9092E-06 -6.3931E-O 3.2939E-04 2.3863E-06 4.7625E-O 3.0253E-04 5.2120E-07 8.1134E-O 2.6187E-04

-4.5465E-07 8.2866E-O 2.2106E-04

-9.4819E-07 6.2486E-O 1.8577E-04

-l.1146E-07 9.5781E-O l.4876E-04

-1.6136E-06 6.5270E-O l.1099E-04

-1.0637E-06 1.1287E-O 7.4516E-05

-9.5555E-06 3.8154E-O 4.6660E-05

-3.0422E-05 2.7035E-O l.0999E-04

-1.1272E-04 2.4905E-O 3.1253E-04

-1.6496E-04 5.0431E-O 1.1441E-03


-7.2043E-06 4.7014E-04





Page 255: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

l . 1190E-04 l.4861E-05 -1. 9127E-05 1. 3103E-04 l.1777E-04 5 -2.0857E-05 -2 .1337E-05 1. 48 llE-04 -2.4053E-06 -7.2866E-06 5.9345E-O

l.4824E-04 -l.9997E-05 -2.2329E-05 l.7057E-04 l.6942E-04 6 -2.8130E-05 -4.0761E-05 2.0325E-04 -6.5249E-06 -l.1229E-05 -2.6957E-O

2.0415E-04 -2.7922E-05 -4.1871E-05 2.4602E-04 2.3935E-04 7 -3.8558E-05 -6.3161E-05 2.8263E-04 -5.8236E-06 1. 2531E-05 1. 3198E-O

2.8288E-04 -3.8323E-05 -6.3642E-05 3.4652E-04 3.3458E-04 8 -4.5464E-05 -5.6295E-05 3.1922E-04 -1. 4887E-05 7.7781E-06 -7.0479E-O

3.1930E-04 -4.1741E-05 -6.0094E-05 3.7939E-04 3.7056E-04 9 -4.5890E-05 -4.0074E-05 2.9724E-04 4.9969E-06 2.6847E-06 5.5427E-O

2.9727E-04 -3.9163E-05 -4.6829E-05 3.4410E-04 3.4033E-04 10 -3.9420E-05 -3.4082E-05 2.5769E-04 9.5791E-07 5.8862E-07 9.3394E-O

2.5776E-04 -3.4041E-05 -3.9535E-05 2.9730E-04 2.9459E-04 11 -3.2917E-05 -2.9607E-05 2.1726E-04 2.0542E-07 -5.1131E-07 9.5322E-O

2.1735E-04 -2.9604E-05 -3.3011E-05 2.5036E-04 2.4867E-04 12 -2.7847E-05 - 2.5606E-05 1.8215E-04 -2.4863E-08 -l.0661E-06 7.2330E-O

l.8221E-04 -2.5607E-05 -2.7910E-05 2.1012E-04 2.0898E-04 13 -2.1995E-05 -2.0588E-05 l.4578E-04 4.5744E-08 -1.2571E-07 l.0951E-O

l.4596E-04 -2.0588E-05 -2.2174E-05 1.6813E-04 l.6734E-04 14 -l.6292E-05 -1.6824E-05 l.0811E-04 l.8679E-07 -l.8147E-06 7.4851E-O

l.0823E-04 -1.6373E-05 -l.6863E-05 l.2509E-04 l.2485E-04 15 -9.8743E-06 -l.3805E-05 7.1161E-05 l.3856E-06 -l.1972E-06 1.2795E-O

7.1666E-05 -l.0224E-05 -1.3960E-05 8.5627E-05 8.3821E-05 16 -2.1792E-06 -1.6555E-05 4.0595E-05 2.1108E-06 -1. 0757E-05 4.3402E-O

4. 1195E-05 -2.1722E-06 -1. 7162E-05 5.8357E-05 5.2492E-05 17 -7.3378E-06 -4.4088E-05 8.5978E-05 l.8835E-05 -3.4276E-05 3.0528E-O

9.0206E- 05 - 6.2078E-06 -4.9446E-05 l.3965E-04 1.2383E-04 18 5.6916E-05 -6.3043E-05 2.0181E-04 2.3350E-06 -1. 2694E-04 2.8035E-O

2.9525E-04 -9.9913E-06 -8.9579E-05 3.8483E-04 3.5185E-04 19 -9.2985E-04 -3.9946E-05 3.2995E-04 -4.1948E-04 -l.8561E-04 5.6866E-O

4.3179E-04 -4.5236E-05 -1.0264E-03 l.4581E-03 1. 2877E-03


Page 256: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab



3 -4.0704E-04 -2.6262E-05 l.7279E-04 l.3109E-05 -8.0058E-06 -l.2795E-O l.7987E-04 -2.6273E-05 -4.1411E-04 5.9399E-04 5.2237E-04

4 2.5128E-05 -2.0991E-05 l.1544E-04 6.1835E-06 -8.8741E-06 -5.8680E-O 1. 2432E-04 l.6511E-05 -2.1249E-05 l.4557E-04 1. 3 084E-04

5 -2.3174E-05 -2.3705E-05 l.6456E-04 -2.6750E-06 -8.0952E-06 6.6290E-O l.6471E-04 -2.2217E-05 -2.4809E-05 1.8952E-04 l.8824E-04

6 -3.125 7 E-05 -4.5290E-05 2.2583E-04 -7.2517E-06 -l.2475E-05 -2.9888E-O 2.2683E-04 -3.1023E-05 -4.6523E-05 2.7335E-04 2.6594E-04

7 -4.2843E-05 -7.0180E-05 3.1402E-04 -6.4687E-06 l.3927E-05 1.4772E-O 3. 1430E-04 -4.2584E-05 -7.0715E-05 3.8502E-04 3.7175E-04

8 -5.0509E-05 -6.2551E-05 3.5468E-04 -1. 654 OE-05 8.6482E-06 -7.6707E-O 3.54 77 E-04 -4.6372E-05 -6.6770E-05 4.2154E-04 4.1172E-04

9 -5.0981E-05 -4.4526E-05 3.3025E-04 5.5564E-06 2.9830E-06 6.3639E-O 3.3029E-04 -4.3512E-05 -5.2028E-05 3.8232E-04 3. 7813E-04

10 -4.3791E-05 -3.7867E-05 2.8631E-04 l.0628E-06 6.5654E-07 l.0612E-O 2.8639E-04 -3.7822E-05 -4.3922E-05 3.3031E-04 3.2731E-04

11 -3.6567E-05 -3.2895E-05 2. 4138E-04 2.3463E-07 -5.6792E-07 l.0824E-O 2 . 4149E-04 -3.2891E-05 -3.6677E-05 2.7816E-04 2.7629E-04

12 -3.0933E-05 -2.8449E-05 2.0237E-04 -3.1542E-08 -1.1839E-06 8.2626E-O 2.02 4 4E-04 -2.8451E-05 -3.1006E-05 2.3345E-04 2.3218E-04

13 -2.4432E-05 -2.2872E-05 l.61,96E-04 6.0894E-08 -1.4005E-07 l.2364E-O l.6216E-04 -2.2872E-05 -2.4638E-05 1.8680E-04 1.8592E-04

14 -l.8094E-05 -l.8693E-05 l.2011E-04 2.0144E-07 -2.0158E-06 8.4747E-O l.2024E-04 -l.8190E-05 -l.8734E-05 1. 3898E-04 1. 387 lE-04

15 -l.0964E-05 -1. 53 3 7E-05 7.9049E-05 1.5516E-06 -1.3308E-06 1. 4324E-O 7.9619E-05 -1. 1359E-05 -1.5512E-05 9.5132E-05 9.3125E-05

16 -2.4153E-06 -l.8397E-05 4.5101E-05 2.3319E-06 -l.1960E-05 4.8755E-O 4.5 771E-05 -2.4108E-06 -1.9072E-05 6.4843E-05 5.8325E-05

17 -8.1473E-06 -4.8995E-05 9.5600E-05 2.0930E-05 -3.8142E-05 3.4046E-O l.0032E-04 -6.9025E-06 -5.4960E-05 l.5528E-04 1.3769E-04

18 6.3450E-05 -7.0075E-05 2.2446E-04 2.5442E-06 -1.4118E-04 3.1168E-O 3.2838E-04 -1.0990E-05 -9.9549E-05 4.2792E-04 3.9124E-04

19 -l.0329E-03 -4.4391E-05 3.6693E-04 -4.6639E-04 -2.0626E-04 6.3330E-O 4.8040E-04 -5.0263E-05 -1.1405E-03 1. 62 09E-03 l.4314E-03


Page 257: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix C: Photos of Experimental Equipment & Test Specimens and Results






Page 258: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix C: Photos of Experimental Results

A.1. Material Test Apparatus

Photo A.1 Concrete mixture


Page 259: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix C: Photos of Experimental Results

Photo A.3 Tensile test machine

A.2. Cylindrical concrete specimens

rcr ASH 201. f .. .. . ....... .. ................... .. .. .

Photo A.4 Flay ash and Blast-furnace slag concrete specimens


Page 260: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix C: Photos of Experimental Results

11 18 ~ ;,

35 / z, ' , ·

: .....

Photo A.5 Zeolite concrete specimens

A.3. Laboratory concrete wall models

Photo A.6 Fly-Slag concrete wall modeling Test 1 0N1)


Page 261: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix C: Photos of Experimental Results

6:-i~ =:. ) -..__/'"' - -

Q -) . '),...__/

Photo A.7 Fly-Slag concrete wall modeling Test 2 0N2)


Page 262: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix C: Photos of Experimental Results


.:·): - - . I ' ·1

Photo A.8 Fly-Slag concrete wall modeling Test 3 f.>N3)


Page 263: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix C: Photos of Experimental Results

A.4. Computer wall models

- -- - - -- - - - ;:--. • . -:-:i-.

L....-~- - ~ ... ... --;·:: •• __ _

Figure A.9 Computer wall modeling


Page 264: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix C: Photos of Experimental Equipment & Test Specimens and Results

Table C.1 Mix proportion for control concrete {Blank) mixture group (B)

Sample Mark Mix proportion Properties of fresh concrete

w W/C (%)of c Temp. Slump Unit weight (kg) (%) replace (kg) (oq (mm) (kg/m3)

-ment 1,2,9,10 1.47 .444 - 3.31 35 2357

3,4,11,12 1.75 .529 - 3.31 55 2337 5,6,13,14 1.85 .559 - 3.31 115 2341 7,8,15,16 1.80 .544 - 3.31 90 2335

Table C.2 Mix proportion for% replacement of Fly Ash mixture group (F)

Sample Mark Mix prooortion Properties of fresh concrete w WIC WI Fl c F Temp Slump Unit

weight (kg) (%) (C+F)% (C+F)% kwm3 kwm3 (DC) (mm) kg/m3

1,2, 17, 18 1.8 0.57 0.54 0.05 3.145 0.166 65 2336 3,4,19,20 1.8 0.60 0.54 0.10 3.000 0.331 80 2334 5,6,2 1,22 1.8 0.64 0.54 0.15 2.810 0.496 95 2347 7,8,23,24 1.8 0.68 0.54 0.20 2.650 0.662 95 2338 9,10,25,26 1.8 0.73 0.54 0.25 2.480 0.827 100 2326 11,12,27,28 1.8 0.78 0.54 0.30 2.317 0.993 110 2312 13,14,29,30 1.8 0.84 0.54 0.35 2.150 1.160 115 2290 15,16,31,32 1.8 0.90 0.54 0.40 1.990 1.320 125 2323


Page 265: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

Appendix C: Photos of Experimental Equipment & Test Specimens and Results

Table C.3 Mix proportion for% Fly Ash !Slag mixture group (SJ

Sample Mark Mix proportion Properties of fresh concrete w WIC Beach s SI c Fl Temp Slump Unit

sand wei11:ht (kg) (%) (kg) (kg) (S+sand)% kg/m3 (C+F)% (OC) (mm) kg/m3

1,2,3,4 1.85 0.75 4.800 1.200 20 2.480 25 130 2315 5,6,7,8 1.75 0.71 4.500 1.500 25 2.480 25 70 2301

9,10,11 ,12 1.8 0.73 4.200 1.800 30 2.480 25 90 2323 13,14,15,16 1.8 0.73 3.900 2.100 35 2.480 25 100 2283 17,18,19,20 1.825 0.74 3.600 2.400 40 2.480 25 80 2286

Table C.4 Mix proportion for% Fly Ash !Slag!Zeolite mixture group (Z)

Sample Mark Mix proportion Properties of fresh concrete

w c WIC Fl SI z G Zl(Z+G) Temp Slump Unit weillht

(kg) (kg/m3) (%) (C+F)% (S+sand)% (kg) (kg) (%) (oC) (mm) kl?/m3

1,2,3,4 1.750 2.480 0.75 25 30 1.200 4.800 20 80 2274 5,6,7,8 1.750 2.480 0.71 25 30 1.500 4.500 25 75 2282

9,10,11,12 1.800 2.480 0.73 25 30 1.800 4.200 30 95 2258 13,14,15,16 1.800 2.480 0.73 25 30 2.100 3.900 35 85 2235 17,18,19,20 1.800 2.480 0.74 25 30 2.400 3.600 40 65 2253

Note: G =Coarse aggregate (Blue Metal)


Page 266: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


Date of Test

23/1 23/1 23/1






Sample mark Age days

I 7 2 7

3 7

4 7

5 7

6 7

7 7

8 7

Table C.5 Compressive Strength Of Control Concrete. Blank {Group BJ

Dimensions of Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Load Strength Strength Ht. mass (kg) Mean

(mm) (mm) (kN) (MPa) (MPa)

Diameter Diameter Ave. 101 101 101 202 3.811 320 39.92 101 101 101 202 3.805 - 328 41. 746 15.4 \00 100 100 198 3 .634 240 30 .55

100 100 100 199 - 3.627 247 31.44 31

IOI 101 101 200 3.787 220 27.45 100 100 100 197 3.614 202 25 .71 26 .58

100 100 100 198 3.635 196 24.95

100 100 100 197 3.631 242 30.80 27.88

Type of fracture Comments

Shear Pan failure

Shear Part failure

compression Full length failure

compression Full length failure


compression Full length failure

compression Full length failure

Compression + Shear Part failure

> "O "'O

('II :::i 0. x ()

"'O ::r 0 0 (/)

0 ......, m x

"O ('II .., 3· ('II

= Qi

tT1 ..0 c: ~-3 ('II

= -!(.<>

-l ('II

~ en

"O (1> n 3· ('II

= (/)

Col ::l 0.

:::0 ('II (/)

c: ~

Page 267: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


Date of Test

I 312/96 13/2196

1312196 1312196 1312196 I 312196

I 312196


Sample Age days mark

9 28 10 28

II 28 12 28 I] 28 14 28

15 28

16 28

Table C.6 Compressive Strength of Control Concrete, Blank (Group B)

Dimensions of Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Load Strength Ht. mass (kg)

(mm) (mm) (kN) (MPa) Diameter Diameter Ave.

100 100 100 200 3.618 383 48 .75 100 100 100 203 3.850 408 50.90

100 100 100 198 3.657 314 39.96 100 100 100 198 3.641 304 38.69 100 100 100 198 3.630 289 36.78 100 100 100 198- 3.628 286 36 .40

100 100 100 199 3.629 329 41.87

100 100 100 198 3.636 272 34 .62


Strength Type of fracture Comments Mean (MPa)

Shear Part failure 49.83 Shear Not whole

length of specimen

compression + shear Part failure 39.33 Shear Part failure

Compression Part failure 36.59 compression + shear Full length

failure compression + shear Full length

failure 38 .25 Shear Part failure

> "O "O

0 ::J Q. )('

n .,, :::r 0 0 V>

0 ..., m x

"C ('II .., §f 0 :i 6.i m .0 c::

-B' 3 ('II ::J

R<> -l 0 ~ (/)

"C 0 (")

3 0 ::l V>

~ :i Q.

;::::::i 0 V> c:: V>

Page 268: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


Date of Test

27/1 27/1 27/1 2711 25/1 25/1 25/1


Sample mark Age days

I 7 2 7

3 7 4 7 5 7 6 7 7 7

8 7

Table C. 7 Influence of Fly Ash Content on Concrete Compressive Strength (Group F)

Dimensions of Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Load Strength Strength Ht. mass (kg) Mean

{mm) (mm) (kN) (MPa) (MPa)

Diameter Diameter Ave.

100 100 100 198 3.631 208 26.47 100 100 100 200 3.649 219 27 .87 27 . 17

100 100 100 200 3.667 - 218 27.75 100 100 100 200 3.647 210 26 .73 27 .24

100 100 100 198 3.609 186 23 .67 100 100 100 199 3.624 185 23 .55 23 .61 100 100 100 198 3.623 188 23 .93

100 100 100 198 3.620 196 24 .95 24 .44


Type of fracture Comments

Shear Part failure

compression + shear Part failure

compression + shear Part failure

compression + shear Part failure

Shear Part failure

Shear Part failure

compression + shear Not whole length of specimen

compression + shear Not whole length of specimen

·• :

> -0 -0

('1> ::s 0.. x (")

"' :r 0 0 "' 0 -, tT1 ><

"C ('1> .., §' ('1> ::s ~

m .CJ c: -o· 3 ('1> ::::

R<> ...., ('1>

!!?. (/)

"C ('1> (')

3 ('1> ::s "' Pol ::s 0.. ;::o ('1>

"' c: ~

Page 269: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

IV v. ~

Date of Test

25/1 2511 27/I


27/1 27/1

29/1 2911

Sample mark Age days

9 7 10 7 11 7

12 7

13 7 14 7

15 7 16 7

Table C.8 Influence of Fly Ash Content on Concrete Compressive Strength (Group F)

Dimensions of Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Load Strength Strength Ht. mass (kg) Mean

(mm) (mm) (kN) (MPa) (MPa) Diameter Diameter Ave.

100 100 100 199 3.616 170 21 .64 100 100 100 198 3.595 163 20.75 21.2 100 100 100 199 3.570 160 20.36

101 101 101 202 3.780 - 164 20.46 20.41

100 100 100 200 3.607 132 16.8 100 100 100 200 3.607 135 17. 18 16.99 100 100 100 200 3.600 110 14.00 100 100 100 200 3 .599 104 13.24 13.62


Type of fracture Comments

Shear Part failure Shear Part failure Shear Full length

failure Comer failed Cracks half

way up specimen

Shear Shear Shear

Compression + shear

> -0 -0

(l> ::I c. x· ()

'"" ::r 0 0 "' 0 ..., [Tl x

"O (l> .., §. (l> ::I 6.i [Tl .0 c: ~· 3 (l> ::i

Ro> ....., (l>

~ en

"O (l> n

3 (l> ::I

"' Pl ::i c... :::0 (l>

"' c: -"'

Page 270: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab




Date of Test





15/2/96 1512196 15/2196




Sample mark Age days

17 28

18 28

19 28

20 28

21 28 22 28 23 28

24 28

25 28

26 28

Table C.9 Influence of Fly Ash content on Concrete Compressive Strength (Group F)

Dimensions of Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Load Strength Strength Ht. mass (kg) Mean

(mm) (mm) (kN) (MP a) (MPa)

Diameter Diameter Ave. 100 100 99100 200 3 .679 290 36.91

100 100 100 200 3.689 297 37.80 37.36

101 101 101 203 3.83 I 297 37.06

100 100 100 200 3.655 296 37.67 37.37

-101 101 IOI 202 3.802 266 33 .1 9 100 100 100 201 3.792 268 34.11 33 .65 100 100 100 19/ 3.603 264 33 .6

99 99 99 198 J .628 259 33 .64 JJ .62

101 IOI IOI 201 J .771 243 30.32

IOI IOI 101 202 3.783 253 31 .57 J0.95

Type of fracture Comments


shear not full length failure

Shear Not full length failure

Compression + Shear Not whole length of specimen

Shear Not full length l failure ;

Compression + Shear Part fa ilure

Compression + Shear Part fa ilure

Compression + Shear Not whole length of specimen

Shear Not full length fa ilure

Comer failed Part fai lure not whole section

Comer failed Part fa ilure not whole section '

> -0 -0

"' ::s 0. )( "


'i:l ::r 0 0 (/)

0 -, t"li x


"' :l. 3 g 6.)'

t"li .!:) c: ;:;· 3 "' a Re ..., "' !!?. Cl)


"' !:? . 3 "' :::i (/)

l>l :::i 0.

~ Cl> (/)

c: ;;;

Page 271: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

N ..,. °'

Date of Test


17/2 17/2

1712 19/2 19/2

Sample Age days mark

27 28

28 28 29 28

30 28 31 28 32 28

Table C.10 Influence of Fly Ash content on Concrete Compressive Strength (Group F)

Dimensions of Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Load Strength Strength Ht. mass (kg) Mean

(mm) (mm) (kN) (MPa) (MPa)

Diameter Diameter Ave. 100 100 100 199 3.602 223 28.38

100 100 100 199 3.635 232 29.52 28.95 100 100 100 199 3.617 221 28.13

- ···-- --.. 100 100 100 200 3.600 221 28 . 13 28 .13 100 100 100 200 3.700 207 26.35 100 100 100 200 3.700 210 26.73 26.54

Type of fracture Comments

Shear Not full length failure


Shear Part failure

Shear Not full length failure

Shear Part failure

Shear Part failure

Shear Nol whole length of specimen

> -0 -0 G ::I c.. )("


~ :r 0 0 V>

0 ....... tT1 x

"O G .., §f ~ ::I Q;'

m ..0 c:: -6" 3 ~ ::I -~ -l G ~ C/)

"O ~ (')

3· ~ ::I V>

II> ::I c.. :;:tl ~ V> c:: -V>

Page 272: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

"" VI ~

Date of Test



Shear Shear




2412 2412


Sample mark



3 4







Table C.11 Influence of Fly Ash and Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Content on Concrete Compressive Strength ( Group S )

Age days Dimensions of Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Load Strength Strength Type of fracture Ht. mass (kg) Mean

(mm) (mm) (kN) (MPa) {MPa)

Diameter Diameter Ave. 7 100 100 100 200 3.587 145 18 .45 Shear

7 100 100 100 200 3.597 150 19.09 18.77 Shear 7 100 100 100 200 3.600 174 22. 15 Shear 7 100 100 100 200 J .596 166 21.13 21 .64 Shear

7 IOI IOI IOI 204 3.787 176 21.96 Comer failed

7 100 100 100 WI 3.648 178 22.65 22.JI Comer failed

7 100 100 100 200 J.604 145 18.45 Compression + Shear

7 100 100 100 201 3.563 144 18.33 18 .39 Shear 7 102 102 102 205 3.778 153 18.72 Comer failed

7 102 102 102 204 3.783 148 18. 10 18 .41 Shear


Nol full length failure

Part failure Part failure

Not full length failure

Top comer only

Top comer only

Not whole length of specimen

Part failure Top comer


Part failure


:g " ::i Q. :;:; · (')

..,, :r 0 0 (I>

0 ..., [Tl )(

"O Cl> .., 3· Cl> ::i -~ [Tl .0 c: -o· 3 Cl>

~ ~ ...., Cl> ~ ('/)

"O Cl> n §" Cl> ::i (I>

II> ::i Q.

;:::o Cl> (I>

c: ~

Page 273: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

IV Vl 00

Date of Test

1613 ·










Sample mark











Table C.12 Influence of Fly Ash and Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Content on Concrete Compressive Strength ( Group S)

Age days Dimensions of Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Load Strength Strength Type of fracture (mm) Ht. mass Mean

Diameter Diame1er Ave . (mm) (kg) (kN) (MPa) (MPaJ

28 99 99 99 199 3.570 216 28.05 Shear

28 99 99 99 199 3.613 224 29.09 28 .57 Shear

28 100 100 100 201 3.618 244 31 .06 Shear

28 99 99 99 200 3.594 262 34 .03 32.55 Compression ... shear

28 100 100 100 201 3.634 260 33 .09 Comer failed

28 99 99 99 199 3.627 264 34 .29 33 .69 Shear

28 100 100 100 201 3.621 216 27.49 Compression

28 100 100 100 200 3.601 226 28.76 28. 13 Compression

28 99 99 99 201 3.619 244 31 .69 Shear

28 100 100 100 200 3.592 234 29.78 30.74 Shear


Not full length failure

Nol full length failure

Not full length failure

Not whole length of s~imen

Cracks way up specimen Not whole

length of soecim Whole of section

Nol whole length of specim

Not whole length of specim

Not whole length of specim

> "'O "'O 0 ::i 0. x ()

'"O :r 0 0 "' 0 -, tTl x

"'O 0 .., §' 0 ::i 6i tr1 ~ c: -B' a 0

::!. ?!> -l 0 ~ rJ')

"'O 0 (')

§ ' 0 ::i "' "" ::i 0.

~ 0

"' s ;;;

Page 274: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab

N V> \()

Date or Test











Sample mark











Age days











Table C. 13 Influence of Fly Ash/Blast Furnace Slag!Zeolit content on Concrete

Compressive Strength (Group Z)

Dimensions or Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Load Strength Strength (mm) Ht. mass Mean

Diameter Diameter Ave. (mm) (kg) (kN) (MPa) (MPa)

100 100 100 200 3.582 185 23 .55

101 101 101 204 3.735 204 25.45 24 .50

99 99 99 202 3.563 173 22.47

99 99 99 201 3.555 169 21.95 22.21


IOI 102 101.5 203 3.678 161 19.88

-100 100 100 199 ) .521 158 20.11 20.00

100 100 100 201 3.489 159 20.24

99 100 99.5 200 3.517 160 20.57 20.41

99 100 99 .5 199 3.488 156 20.05

100 100 100 201 J .5 IJ 144 18.33 19.1 9

Type or fracture Comments

Shear Not full length failure

Shear Not full length failure

Compression Not whole length of soccimen

Compression Not whole length or specimen

Compression Not whole length of specimen

Shear Not full length failure

Compression failure Not whole length or specimen

Compression failure Not whole length or specimen

Compression + shear Not whole lengih of specimen

Shear Nol foll length failure

> '"O "O 0 ::i c.. >< ()

'"Cl ::i-0 0 V>

0 ...., m ><

"'O (11 .., §" 0 ::i s m

.0 c: -o· a 0 ::i

Ro -l 0 ~ r./)

"'O 0 n 3· 0 ::i

"' "' ::i c.. ;:ti 0

"' s ~


Page 275: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


°' 0

Date of Test











Sample Age days mark

11 28

12 28

13 28

. 14 28

15 28

16 28

17 28

18 28

19 28

20 28

Table C.14 Influence of Fly Ash/Granulaled Blast Furnace Slag!Zeolite Content on

Concrete Compressive Strength (Group l)

Dimensions of Cylinder CylinderHt. Cylinder Load Strength Strength (mm) mass (kg) Mean

(mm) (kN) (MPa) (MPa)

Diameter Diameter Ave.

100 100 100 201 3.577 278 35.38

100 JOO 100 201 3.582 303 38 .56 36.97

100 100 100 202 3.607 273 34.75

100 JOO 100 201 3.584 - 282 35 .89 35 .32

JOO 99 99.5 200 3.516 275 35.35 -

99 99 99 199.5 3.507 263 34. J6 34 .58

100 100 100 202 3 .52J 254 32.33

JOO 99 99.5 20J 3.524 269 34.58 33.46

99 99 99 200 3.512 240 31.17

IOI 101 101 204 3.685 240 29.94 30.56

Type of fracture Comments

Shear Not full length failure

Shear Nol full length failure

Compression Not whole of section

Compression Nol whole of section

Shear Not full length failure

Shear Not full length failure

Compression Not whole of sect ion

Compression Not whole of section

Shear + Compression Not full length failure

Shear+ Compression Not full length failure

> '"O '"O

(11 ::i Q.

x· (")

'"O :::r 0 0 "' 0 ....., m )(

'"O ~ §" (11


E tTl

..0 c -a· 3 (11

::?. R<> --l (11

~ VJ

'"O (11 n ::i 0 ::i Vl

"' ::i Q.

;;ti (11

"' c ~

Page 276: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab



Date of Test







Sample Age days mark

WI-I 7

Wl-2 7

Wl-3 28

Wl-4 28

Wl-5 84

Wl-6 84

Table C.15 Laboratory Data Sheet

Concrete Compressive Strength of wall models W1

Dimensions of Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Load StTength Ht. mass (kg)

(mm) (mm) (kN) (MP a)

Diameter Diameter Ave. 100 100 100 201 3.839 149 18.96

99 99 99 201 3.804 140 18.18

101 IOI IOI 204 3.999 251 3 I.32

JOO 100 JOO 201 3.837 259 32.96

100 100 100 200 3.822 353 44 .93

100 100 100 200 3.838 303 38.56

Strength Type of fracture Comments Mean (MPa)

Shear Not full length failure

18 .57 Shear Not full length failure

Shear + Compression Not full length failure

32. 14 Shear + Compression Not full length failure

Shear Not full length fa ilure

41.75 Shear + Compression Not full length failure

> ~ ~

(1> ::s 0.

>< n "ti :::r 0 0 "' 0 ...., m ><

"O (1> .., §" (1>

::i s m .0 c: -o· 3 (1>

~ Ro -l (1>

~ en ~

Cl> (")

§. Cl> ::s "' 1:1> ::s 0.

;;o;l Cl>

"' c: c;;

Page 277: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


°' IV

Date of Test







Sample Age days mark

W2-J 7

W2-2 7

W2-3 28

W2-4 28

W2-5 52

W2-6 52

Table C.16 Laboratory Data Sheet

Concrete Compressive Strength of wall models VV2

Dimensions of Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Load Strength Ht. mass (kg)

(mm) (mm) (kN) (MPa) Diameter Diameter Ave.

JOO 100 JOO 200 3.074 l JO 14

101 101 IOI 203 -3.228 120 15

IOJ IOI JOI 204 3.85J 245 30.57

100 100 100 201 3.728 237 30. J6

JOO JOO 100 200 3.648 298 37 .93

JOO JOO JOO 20J 3.69J 290 36.9J

Strength Type of fracture Commenl.S Mean (MPa)

Shear Not full length failure

14 .5 Shear Not full lenl!th failure

Shear Not full length failure

30.40 Shear + Compression Not full length failure

Shear+ Compression Full length failure

37.40 Shear + Compression Full length failure

> -0 "O (t ::i Q. ;c· ()

"ti ::r 0 c ... 0 ~

rn x

"O (t ., §" (t

:i §. rn .c c: -o· 3 (t

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Page 278: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


°' ""'

Date of Test



16/l /97




Sample Age days mark

W3-I 28

W3-2 28

W3-3 55

W3-4 55

W3-5 61

W3-6 61

Table C.17 Laboratory Data Sheet

Concrete Compressive Strength of wall models W3

Dimensions of Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Load Strength Ht. mass (kg)

(mm) (mm) (kN) (MPa) Diameter Diameter Ave.

100 100 100 200 3.770 310 39.46 -100 100 100 198 3.750 340 43.27

100 100 100 200 3.639 470 59.82

100 100 100 199 3.619 450 57.27

100 100 100 200 3.730 400 50.91

99 99 99 200 3.699 440 56.00

Strength Type of fracture Mean (MPa)


41.36 Shear


58.55 Shear

Shear + Compression

53.45 Shear + Compression


Not full length failure

Not full length failure

Not full length failure

Not full length failure

Not full length failure

Not full length failure

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"' 0 ...., m x

"'O ~ §' n ::l

E m

.r:i c: -o· 3 n E!. R<> ~ n ~ (/.)

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Page 279: 2000 Behaviour of precast concrete wall-floor slab


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