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  • 7/28/2019 2 Meal Challenge


    2 Meal 30 Day Challenge 1 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

  • 7/28/2019 2 Meal Challenge


    Important Please Read First

    Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability

    The full content of this document are for informational purposes only and does notprovide any medical advice. Statements within have not been evaluated by the

    Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or

    prevent any disease. This content is intended for use only by healthy adult

    individuals. All individuals are specifically warned to seek professional medical

    advice prior to initiating any form of weight loss exercise or nutritional program.

    Use of any of the information contained within is at your own risk. The author does

    not accept any responsibility or liability for damages of any kind from any actionsyou take from the information provided. By continuing to read this document and all

    pages you agree to all terms as stated above. To sum up, use any information at

    your own risk!

    Personal Usage License

    I enjoy being able to spread knowledge to people like yourself about how to free

    you from eating obsessions (and get lasting results). Once you have paid for this

    product, you have a personal use license only. I would appreciate it if you do notredistribute this document (nor any parts without consent) to any other individuals

    or share on the internet. To do so, is against the personal usage policy.

    If you would like others to know about this program, please send them to the main

    site at www.theiflife.com so they may purchase their own copy and in turn help

    support the ongoing efforts at the IF Life in trying to spread this information to the

    general public.

    Thank you for your support and enjoy the material!

    Mike O'Donnell, The IF Life (www.theiflife.com).

    Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.

    2 Meal 30 Day Challenge 2 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

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    The Rules

    Here we go! The rules are pretty simple and straight forward. I've also included

    much more information in this report to help you understand the real food choices

    you should be making for your health and weight loss. Get your body working

    better, and it will want to burn more fat too!

    On your IF/2 Meal days:

    Eat 2 meals (I think you knew this one, but just starting off)

    Eat real foods and as much as you like in your 2 meals

    Avoid flour, breads, pasta (unless rice based), cereals, desserts

    Have nothing (foods or drinks) with added sugar

    No snacking before, between, after meals. You eat meals, not graze.

    Use natural fats (butter, olive oil, coconut oil)

    Carbs only from real foods (potatoes, rice, corn, etc), keep intake lower if

    weight loss is the goal and have more body fat (usually also higher insulin

    resistance comes with that, so you handle excess glucose less effectively)

    and are less active (especially with more intense/glycolotic exercise)

    No calorie counting or focusing on %s allowed!

    Drink mostly water, tea. Avoid calorie/sugar loaded and diet drinks.

    On the other (non-IF) days

    Eat 3 meals as you may do normally

    Food choices are yours to make, real foods are always encouraged

    Don't go overboard or binge on purpose

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    I recommend starting with the 2 meals about 2-3x a week for first couple weeks to

    gauge how you respond before moving into a more daily (5x) approach. Moving

    into more daily should only happen also after you start eating more real foods and

    do not experience any negative effects.

    Other Tips:

    If you have much weight to lose, reduce/eliminate fruit for first 2 weeks

    (cutting out fructose to help give your liver a break, a major fat burning organ)

    Keep your caffeine intake lower on IF/2 meal days

    Eat the whole real food meats. Full eggs, not just egg whites. Natural red

    meats (beef, bison) with the natural fat rather than no-fat chicken.

    Eat fatty fish higher in omega 3s to help balance inflammation factors such

    as salmon, herring and sardines 2-3x a week.

    Look for grass (not grain) fed meats to help reduce excess omega 6 intake(pro-inflammatory). Grain fed chicken, turkey and pork are higher than beef.

    Don't worry about being low carb or low fat, just eat real foods.

    Buy in bulk, stock up, learn to cook quick and simple.

    Enjoy this process and relax from traditional dietary OCD behavior. Eating

    doesn't have to be stressful or complicated.

    Don't worry about perfection . Move on if you mess up. No more diet shame


    Go out and eat, hang with friends and enjoy your social life too!

    The above guidelines are not only there to help you lose weight through effortlessly

    eating less, but also to help reverse metabolic dysfunction/insulin resistance and

    inflammation (the biggest things to probably worry about).

    The rest of this report will go into more details about the benefits of real foods.

    Enjoy the challenge and the foods you eat!

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    The One Simple Rule to Remember

    How Were You Meant to Eat?

    There are plenty of examples of past and modern day civilizations of people who

    have had great health and longevity for generations.

    They have strong bones, little to no incidences of degenerative diseases that areever increasing today (like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease), no mental issues

    with aging (Alzheimers, ADD, Autism) and live long and functional lives. Even the

    elders are still physically active and sharp as a tack mentally.

    What do all those civilizations with good health have in common? They still follow

    their own ways of eating that have been passed down by their ancestors.

    They still used the same kinds of preparation, cooking and foods found in their ownnatural environment, rather than being made by some food manufacturing


    2 Meal 30 Day Challenge 5 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

    You can leave behind all hundreds of diet books out

    there with their complicated and contradictory

    plans...once you just understand the one simple eating

    rule you really need.

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    In the United States and most Western countries, diet-related chronic

    diseases represent the single largest cause of morbidity and mortality.

    These diseases are epidemic in contemporary Westernized populations and

    typically afflict 5065% of the adult population, yet they are rare or

    nonexistent in hunter-gatherers and other less Westernized people.Although both scientists and lay people alike may frequently identify a

    single dietary element as the cause of chronic disease (eg, saturated fat

    causes heart disease and salt causes high blood pressure), evidence

    gleaned over the past 3 decades now indicates that virtually all so-called

    diseases of civilization have multifactorial dietary elements that underlie

    their etiology, along with other environmental agents and genetic


    Coronary heart disease, for instance, does not arise simply from excessive

    saturated fat in the diet but rather from a complex interaction of multiple

    nutritional factors directly linked to the excessive consumption of novel

    Neolithic and Industrial era foods (dairy products, cereals, refined cereals,

    refined sugars, refined vegetable oils, fatty meats, salt, and combinations of

    these foods).

    These foods, in turn, adversely influence proximate nutritional factors, which

    universally underlie or exacerbate virtually all chronic diseases of

    civilization: 1) glycemic load, 2) fatty acid composition, 3) macronutrient

    composition, 4) micronutrient density, 5) acid-base balance, 6) sodium-

    potassium ratio, and 7) fiber content. However, the ultimate factor

    underlying diseases of civilization is the collision of our ancient genome with

    the new conditions of life in affluent nations, including the nutritional

    qualities of recently introduced foods.

    Source: Origins and evolution of the Western diet: health implications for

    the 21st century (by Loren Cordain, S Boyd Eaton, Anthony Sebastian,

    Neil Mann, et al)

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    The #1 (And Only) Nutrition Rule You Need To Remember

    What if I told you that you could possibly live longer and healthier, while feeling and

    looking better than you do now with one very simple guideline? Both Michael Pollan

    and Jack LaLanne have quotes that I think perfectly sum up what to eat:

    "Don't eat anything your grandmother wouldn't recognize"

    Michael Pollan (author of "The Omnivore's Dilemma")

    "If man made it, don't eat it."

    Jack LaLanne (health and fitness icon)

    and to sum it up in three simple words:

    "Eat Real Food!"

    Real Food Rules

    Lets keep it simple: Eat real foods, preferably in their most natural state. I think its

    pretty easy to figure out what is food and what isnt. A few things to remember:

    Real Food grows and dies . It isnt created.

    Real Food rots, wilts, and becomes generally unappetizing, typically rather


    Real Food doesnt need an ingredient label (and probably isnt in a package


    Real Food doesnt have celebrity endorsements.

    Real Food doesnt make health claims.

    If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don't.

    Avoid foods you see advertised on television

    Real Food does not come through the window of your car

    Eat Real Foods , not nutrients

    Keep in mind, there is no such thing as Junk Food, there is just Junk and then

    there is Food. It's your choice what you eat.

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    Lessons From The Past

    Your grandparents knew this rule. Your great-grandparents knew it too. They ate

    real meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, fresh milk (not the processed milk you find

    today), butter and eggs.

    They cooked at home, didn't eat take-out or fast-food regularly and didn't eat from

    24-hour quickie-marts or gas stations. They knew how to use fresh ingredients andcooked slow over a stove, rather than in a microwave.

    The fats they used were stable and non-toxic. There was no overload of chemical

    additives to the foods. They didn't need artificial flavoring and coloring.

    The meat came from animals that were raised how they were meant to be raised

    (like cows eating grass and roaming pastures). Heck they wouldn't even recognize

    the majority of the so called "foods" sitting on shelves that you will find in most all

    grocery stores.

    Grocery stores from long ago didn't have 30 aisles of boxed or canned food, if you

    still want to call it food that is.

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    Cooking at home is the lost art form that we need to

    bring back and enjoy with friends and family (especially

    the younger generation)

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    The Benefits Of Real Foods

    While the standard modern diet is loaded with sugar, rancid fats and other

    chemicals that are detrimental to your health, filling your kitchen with real foods is

    supportive of health. Check out some of the benefits of Real Food:

    More natural antioxidants to help fight off age-increasing free radicals andoxidative damage.

    Optimal balance of the essential fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 to help

    fight off inflammation and protect the heart.

    Naturally occurring stable fats for optimal cell health, regeneration, and


    More natural vitamins and minerals, in their most absorptive and balanced

    state (like potassium and sodium naturally balanced, which manages blood


    Fewer anti-nutrients that deplete vitamins & minerals from our body.

    Fewer unstable and destructive fats that promote oxidative damage at the

    cellular level, especially in the arteries, which can lead to a build up of plaqueand arterial blockage.

    Fewer chemicals and additives that not only promote cellular destruction but

    also overload important organs such as the liver that have to deal with them

    (and the liver is a vital organ especially for fat burning!).

    A healthier gut for the bacteria that fight off infections and digest your food to

    help you absorb more nutrients.

    A body that is primed for optimal working condition at every cellular level

    (including the brain!).

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    An simple yet effective eating plan that will not have you worrying about

    counting calories and portion sizes!

    So instead of heading down a possible road of aging and suffering from man-

    made diseases, why not just age naturally and healthfully by following the simple

    rule of just eating real foods?

    Changes Can Happen Fast (For The Better)

    In a society that wants quick results on everything, there is good news. A

    recent study done on short term changes to a diet to more real foods

    shows what can happen:

    Background:The contemporary American diet figures centrally in the

    pathogenesis of numerous chronic diseases'diseases of civilization'. We

    investigated in humans whether a diet similar to that consumed by our

    preagricultural hunter-gatherer ancestors (that is, a Paleolithic type diet)

    confers health benefits.

    Methods: We performed an outpatient, metabolically controlled study, in

    nine non-obese sedentary healthy volunteers, ensuring no weight loss by

    daily weight. We compared the findings when the participants consumed

    their usual diet with those when they consumed a Paleolithic type diet.

    Conclusions: Even short-term consumption of a paleolithic type diet

    improves BP and glucose tolerance, decreases insulin secretion, increases

    insulin sensitivity and improves lipid profiles without weight loss in healthy

    sedentary humans.

    Source:Metabolic and physiologic improvements from consuming a

    Paleolithic, hunter-gatherer type diet; L A Frassetto, et al; European Journal

    of Clinical Nutrition advance online publication, 11 Feb 2009

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    Sugar Is NOT Your Friend

    Sugar is seen everywhere in our drinks and foods, but is it really the "friend" you

    may think it is? Not really. Excess sugar may just decrease your overall health and

    make you age quicker. How's that for a friend?

    Aging is just a fancy word for the body breaking down quicker than it can repair

    itself, as that is what happens when you get older. Aging is also accelerated by

    degenerative diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease and cancers.

    We are all going to get older, but it doesn't mean that you have to "age" quicker.

    Let's see what else sugar may lead to:

    Increased fat storing and obesity

    Increased inflammation (joint pain and heart diseases)

    Deficiencies in essential minerals/vitamins (sugar is an anti-nutrient)

    Destroying the "good" bacteria and feeding the "bad" bacteria in your gut,

    causing a serious bacteria imbalance which affects your health and your


    Increased risks of diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, autoimmune

    disorders, arthritis, Alzheimer's, MS, Stroke, various cancers and other


    Does this sound like something you want or need? Remember one thing when

    you are about to eat something loaded with sugar...just tell yourself: I don't want to

    burn fat for the next 3-4 hours. That is exactly what you are telling your body on a

    hormonal level!

    Vitamin And Mineral Deficiencies

    Vitamins and minerals are essential to optimal health and metabolic function. If

    there are deficiencies in certain vitamins or minerals this could compromise our

    overall health and fat burning efficiency.

    These essential nutrients are involved in everything from bone formation/density

    and carrying oxygen to cells to hormonal levels and various enzyme functions.

    Things like Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and Zinc and many others could be vital to

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    making our fat-burning environment efficient.

    Not only that but antioxidants (like Vitamins A,C & E) will help combat damage from

    free radicals in the body for optimal cell function. Healthy essential fatty acids (like

    the omega-3s found in fish) will increase cell membrane function and keep

    inflammation in check.

    When it comes to nutrients, it is how much you actually absorb that matters. You

    can get the maximum amount of vitamin and mineral absorption from real wholefoods, not processed ones.

    Taking a multivitamin daily is also not going to replace healthy foods, as you are

    probably just peeing out (not absorbing) most of it anyways.

    But A Steak Is A Steak...Right?

    Not when you compare the quality of the meat provided based on how the animal

    was raised. For example let's take beef from a typical grain-fed animal andcompare that to the beef from a grass-fed animal. When you do that you will see

    that the grass-fed meat typically is:

    Much lower total fat (leaner)

    2 Meal 30 Day Challenge 12 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

    Are you taking more pills to make up for lack of real

    nutrients found only in real foods? It is not the same.

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    Higher in fat soluble vitamins/anti-oxidants such as Vitamin E and Beta-


    Higher in Anti-inflammtory omega-3s and lower in pro-inflamatory Omega-6s

    Higher in the healthy fat CLA (a cancer fighter)

    Higher in the minerals calcium, magnesium and potassium

    So why would you settle for grain-fed meat that is higher in fat, lower in all

    vitamins/anti-oxidants, higher in pro-inflammatory omega-6s, lower in anti-

    inflammatory omega-3s, and comes from a sick fat animal?

    Is it really any wonder why people are taking so many vitamins, pills, and

    medications to make up for poor food choices in the first place? It's your choice,

    pay for quality food now...or pay for it later with your health.

    2 Meal 30 Day Challenge 13 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

    grass-fed has higher amounts of vitamins, minerals, essential fats

    and less imbalances of omega-3:6 ratios. Graph source: "Dietary

    supplementation of vitamin E to cattle to improve shelf life and case

    life of beef for domestic and international markets." G.C. Smith; and


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    Health Starts (Or Ends) In The Gut

    Our "gut" (the digestive system) is probably the most overlooked and

    overworked part of our body with all the responsibilities it has. It is even

    called the second brain by some. A living environment of nerve endings,carefully balanced bacteria, and tightly woven cells that are responsible for

    digesting food and absorbing its nutrients to be used throughout the body.

    Without it, you cant supply the body with what it needs to build and repair at

    the cellular level, which is the key to health and staying alive!

    So what can go wrong? A lot! First our nicely balanced bacteria environment

    can be disrupted. A bacterial imbalance, along with other factors such as

    food allergens, toxins, and chemicals can lead to the gut getting inflamed

    and not working properly (plus increasing the potential for autoimmune


    Some of the signs that you could be experiencing gut issues can include:

    fatigue, bloating, headaches, skin rashes, muscle pain/cramps, joint pain,

    abdominal pain, heartburn, mood swings, food allergies, depression,

    bloating, and anxiety. If left untreated a toxic or leaky gut can lead to much

    more serious conditions (autoimmune especially) down the road.

    Some usual culprits can include: alcohol, stress, prescription medicines,

    NSAIDS (aspirin), antacids, steroids, antibiotics (kills off all bacteria in the

    gut, good and bad), poor diet (sugar feeds bad bacteria growth, lack of

    essential fatty acids and nutrients for good bacteria growth), excess grains

    (gluten intolerance and inflammation), allergens (wheat and dairy being the

    top two), and parasites (how clean is your food?).

    So the saying is true...all health begins (or ends) in the gut, which is

    determined by what you eat and drink and how the gut reacts to it.

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    Cooking Healthy

    The Stability Of Fats Is Important

    If you are eating or cooking with fats that are very unstable, then you are going to

    create a more destructive environment internally. Many fats can become

    destructive when exposed to heat, light and oxygen.

    So what, you may ask? Well your cell membranes are made up of the fats you eat.

    So if you eat unstable fats, you will have weaker cell structures. This can lead to

    cell corruption and destruction. These unstable fats also increase the free-radical

    production, creating more attackers on your cells.

    Cooking With Good Fats (And Avoiding The Toxic Ones)

    There are quite a few types of fat that have sustained humans throughout the ages.

    Until about 100 or so years ago, vegetable oils from corn, soybean, and canola

    were NOT among them. Since the dawn of civilization, people have been rendering

    lard, tallow, and schmaltz from animals, including pigs, cows, chickens, geese, and


    2 Meal 30 Day Challenge 15 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

    What you eat and cook with are the building blocks foryour cells and body. Do you want a strong stable one or

    one that easily falls apart and gets damaged?

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    Butter has been used as long as humans have been milking cows (approximately

    5,000 years). People living in tropical regions have used coconut and palm fruit for

    their highly saturated fats for ages.

    So you're told to eat lots of healthy vegetable oils, made up of lots of healthy

    poly-unsaturated fats (PUFAs). These vegetable oils react with heat, light, and

    oxygen as free radicals break down the PUFAs into rancid fats capable of attacking

    your body at the cellular level.

    Even if not heated, these fats are easily oxidized in the body and cause much

    damage within. High levels of polyunsaturated fats can actually compromise your

    immune system, overstress your liver and lead to more inflammation and scarring

    in your arteries.

    Fat Is Not the Enemy You Think It Is

    A few decades ago, people decided saturated fats (especially from meat),

    the same fats humans have eaten for eons, were bad. And the food

    industry pounced, introducing highly processed vegetable fats that had the

    same cooking properties as the healthy saturated fats people had been

    using. But was that really the truth or did we just create a new monster?

    "Actually, we know one of the mechanisms whereby colon cancer is

    initiated, and it does not involve meat per se. Colon cancer occurs when

    high levels of dietary vegetable oils and hydrogenated fats, along with

    certain carcinogens, are acted on by certain enzymes in the cells lining the

    colon, leading to tumor formation. This explains the fact that in industrialized

    countries, where there are many carcinogens in the diet and where

    consumption of vegetable oils and carcinogens is high, some studies have

    correlated meat-eating with colon cancer; but in traditional societies, where

    vegetable oils are absent and the food is free of additives, meat-eating is

    not associated with cancer."

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    "The most likely causes of increased heart disease in America are the other

    changes in our diets-huge increases in consumption of refined

    carbohydrates and vegetable oils, particularly hydrogenated vegetable oils;

    and the decline in nutrient levels in our food, particularly minerals and fat

    soluble vitamins-vitamins found only in animal fats."

    Source: "It's the Beef"; by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD; Weston A

    Price foundation (www.westonaprice.org)

    The bottom line is this: the more saturated a fat is, the more stable it is. Saturated

    fats are very stable, Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) are still pretty stable,

    and Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are the most unstable of the lot!

    So ditch all sources of the PUFAs (such as margarine, vegetable oils, processed

    foods) and get back to eating & cooking with natural healthy fats found in real butter

    (from grass-fed cows ideally), meat & eggs (grass-fed ideally), coconut oil, and

    2 Meal 30 Day Challenge 17 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

    Over the last 100 years we use less butter and more

    margarine...and our health is rapidly declining.

    Coincidence? I think not.

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    even stable MUFAs like extra-virgin olive oil and avocados. (Note: MUFAs should

    not be heated to high heat due to the unsaturated bond, although it is more stable

    than PUFAs.)

    Link Alert>>If you want even more detail on more healthy cooking oils/fat options,

    click here for an article on cooking and fats at Scott's site called "Naked Food


    How To Shop For Real Foods

    You've heard it before: "stick to the perimeter of the grocery store". That rule

    definitely applies with only a very few exceptions. On the perimeter of the store, you

    find meat, eggs, fruits, and vegetables.

    In the center aisles, 98% of what you find are highly processed, sugary, salty foods

    made of the Big Three: corn, wheat, and soy. The only exceptions that I can think of

    are olives, bagged or bulk raw nuts, the various healthy oils (coconut and olive),

    and the vinegars (like balsamic, rice, and apple cider).

    To make things easier, you will find a quick and easy shopping list in the back of

    this report to print off and keep with you.

    Where To Shop For Real Foods

    But there are other places that you can shop that typically provide fresher and

    healthier foods. For instance, find your local farmer's market every Saturday (or

    whatever day of the week it falls on) to stock up on your weekly produce and grab

    whatever meats the local farmers have on sale.

    Also since the local market produce is usually all from within a few hours of your

    city, it is fresher and less contaminated with preservative chemicals than what you'll

    find on the grocery store shelves, which was shipped in from around the world.

    You'll find an ever-changing selection of seasonal foods and discover vegetables

    that you've never eaten before. This is your chance to branch out. The farmers are

    always more than willing to help you figure out how to cook things if you're

    unsure...so get out, ask around and talk to people!

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    You can also use sites like Eat Wild (www.eatwild.com) and Local Harvest

    (www.localharvest.org) to help find farmer's markets and local farmers.

    Another good idea is to look for wholesale buying clubs (or CSAs) in your area that

    use the power of "buying in bulk" to reduce the prices of foods that support your


    Use Nature's Flavors...And Be Healthier Too!

    Maybe doctors should hand out spice racks instead of medicines. There

    are lots of natural herbs/spices out there that not only taste great but

    provide real health benefits. Unleash your own inner chef and mix up your

    own creations when you cook for the most natural flavors!

    Herb/Spice Benefit

    Ginger anti-inflammatory

    Basil anti-fungal/antioxidant

    Cilantro heavy metal detoxifyer

    Garlic anti-bacterial/fungal

    Parsley blood purifier

    Turmeric anti-inflammatory

    Cinnamon anti-fungal/blood sugar regulator

    Cayenne anti-inflammatory/blood circulation

    Oregano anti-bacterial/fungal

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    Transform Yourself

    Time To Do Some Elimination

    It is a good idea to reduce/eliminate the things that have crept into your life little by

    little and may be a strain to your total health (allergens, toxins, stressors). Once you

    eliminate them, then you can start to allow the body to catch up on some much

    needed internal repair, healing and rebuilding.

    This is not some Hollywood detox quick weight loss scam. This is about getting

    your body back into good health. After all, if you want to burn fat more efficiently,

    then you are best to focus on having a healthy metabolism, including all the organs

    and hormones involved.

    You need to eliminate the reasons that the body wants to keep fat around, which

    could be anything from excessive storage of toxins, to hormonal imbalances and

    mixed signals.

    Eating real food is the biggest step to allow your body to get back to a natural

    state of balance (and cleaning up everything involved in your fat burning


    2 Meal 30 Day Challenge 20 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

    Are you ready to become the strong and healthy person

    you know is inside of you?

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    Just Say No

    No sugars (yes even artificial sweeteners)

    No processed foods (including canned items, frozen dinners or

    anything that is not in its most natural state read the labelingredients as it should not have any additives/additional chemicals)

    No pasta, breads, cereals, crackers, baked goods, muffins, bagels or

    anything with wheat (even some sauces have it).

    No cheap/processed meats like fast food burgers, hot dogs, etc.

    No fried foods unless you do it yourself in healthy fats, not veg oil

    No pre-made sauces or salad dressings . Make your own from scratch

    and flavor with herbs and spices.

    No vegetable oils ditch the margarine and any vegetable oils forcooking

    No soda, diet soda, fruit drinks . We both know you need to drink more

    water (flavor with fresh lemon).

    What do you say Yes to? Well the simple answer is: Real Food, especially

    food found in its most natural, unprocessed state, like meats from grass-fed

    animals and real fruits (not dried or juiced).

    You Don't Have to be Perfect

    Nothing is really off limits forever, and you should enjoy a meal or dessert of choice

    on occasion...but it should not be an excuse to pig out more than normal (you will

    not lose weight that way).

    Enjoy what you want so there is no feeling of deprivation, but listen to how your

    body responds when it is in a clearer state. You may find that your old cravings forjunk go away and you have new ones for healthier options!

    By eliminating certain foods for a period of time, you will find out for yourself if you

    feel better without them...and that is a lasting change for your health!

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    Q: What is wrong with whole grains? Aren't they supposed to be healthy?

    A: Wheat (and variants of wheat like rye and barley) contain a protein called

    gluten, which is a gut irritant for many people. Further, wheat contains lectins that

    can push your body towards leptin resistance, which promotes obesity. The only

    way to know is to remove wheat completely and see how you feel.

    Non-gluten grains like rice, corn, and quinoa are better options with fewer anti-nutrients.

    Q: Why should I eat less dairy?

    A: Dairy is a possibly allergen for lots of people, even those that aren't aware of it

    (especially if you have breathing/asthma issues). Quality should be your focus,

    opting for less processed options like whole milk (or even raw milk and cheese).

    Skim milk and reduced fat milks are a no-no as they are highly processed food

    products (and promote more insulin responses).

    Fermented milk products like kefir and yogurt are great sources of probiotics that

    will help heal your gut. I recommend removing dairy as much as possible (100% if

    you can for at least 2-3 weeks) to see how you feel if/when you slowly reintroduce

    it. You may be surprised at how much better you feel!

    2 Meal 30 Day Challenge 22 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

    Here are some of the more frequently asked questions

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    Q: What about beans?

    A: Beans are okay, if properly prepared by long soaking first. Lentils have the

    highest levels of protein, with kidney and black beans close behind. Darker beans,

    like black beans, have more antioxidants (red and kidney right behind).

    Q: What about soy (products)?

    There's lots of controversy around soy. It is not a particularly healthy food as most

    people eat it (remember that you want to avoid all types of processed foods, which

    many modern soy based products are).

    Soy as used by many cultures is fermented to eliminate many of the potential anti-

    nutrients (especially phytates). If you eat soy, do so in moderation and go for the

    fermented versions such as miso, tempeh, natto and tamari. Avoid all other

    processed versions.

    Q: What about eating out as I am busy with running around /travel?

    A: Yes there are still ways that you can aim for real foods and the best quality

    when out. This includes getting grilled meats (not fried), salads, vegetable sides

    (French fries don't count), and not having the bread at the table. Most of all,

    remember that you are in control 100% and probably can get whatever you want at

    most restaurants, so make up your own meal!

    Q: What should I snack on during the day?

    A: Remember that I already talked about losing the snacking mentality as it is

    usually mindless and not really hunger-based. For some reason, if you do feel you

    need something, nuts or fruit (like an apple) make an easy item. Watch out though

    as with nuts the calories quickly pile up, which will hinder weight loss if you go

    overboard and eat way too many.

    Q: How about canned foods?

    A: Look for any canned items that do not have additional salt and no other

    preservatives (look at label again). Meats like fish/sardines are packed into cans

    and healthy. Aim for those that are water or olive oil based (not canola or soy).

    2 Meal 30 Day Challenge 23 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

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    Q: What is all this talk about saturated fat and butter? I thought it was bad for


    Sadly this is a myth that has actually sent the mainstream in the wrong direction

    (with all the bad low fat advice and increasing intakes of sugar and vegetable oils in

    the process). Just look around and you will see how that advice has worked out for

    our state of health in the last 30 or so years.

    Long story short, butter is good and vegetable oils (margarine) is bad. You will have

    higher risks of heart diseases and cancers with increased unsaturated (especially

    polyunsaturated) fat. Cholesterol in foods is also not the villain it is played out to be.

    For much more on this you can google lipid hypothesis and cholesterol myths or

    debunked. Lots of great info out there that many should read. Here's just one quick

    place to start (with a long and short version)

    The long version: http://www.westonaprice.org/know-your-fats/526-skinny-on-fats

    The short version: http://www.westonaprice.org/myths-a-truths

    I always encourage you to read, and come up with your own conclusions based on

    all the real information (and not mainstream gossip/myths). For me, I enjoy as

    much natural fats from real foods (and butter) as I can get, and feel great!

    2 Meal 30 Day Challenge 24 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

  • 7/28/2019 2 Meal Challenge


    Real Food Shopping List

    The following shopping list contains most (not all) of the choices that you should be

    making for your 2 meals. Clean out the house of the stuff you don't need and stock

    up on the good foods. Enjoy cooking & eating real foods!

    Foods To Buy Often

    Natural Meats (Beef, Poultry, Seafood, Eggs) If not wild or grass-fed

    (omega 3 eggs) then go for leanest cuts.

    Variety of Fruits and Vegetables (organic when possible)

    Various unprocessed (raw and unsalted, preferably) Nuts and Seeds

    Healthy Fats and Oils (avoid margarine, vegetable oils).

    Flavorful Herbs and Spices (all kinds)

    Tasty vinegars like Apple Cider, Red Wine, and Balsamic, which make great

    homemade salad dressings

    Drinking lots of Water (spring, mineral, or tap/filtered)

    Foods To Use In Moderation

    Dairy (including Whole Milk, Yogurt, Real Cheeses)

    Grains (including Rice, Corn, Quinoa, Oatmeal)

    Dried Fruits, Roasted/Salted Nuts Coffee, Alcohol

    Peanuts (a highly allergenic and moldy food)

    Things To Limit/Avoid

    Processed Meats (sausage, hot dogs, etc)

    Wheat/Gluten (highly allergenic, gut irritant)

    Candy, Cake, Cookies, and other Bakery items

    Ice Cream and other desserts Sodas (loaded with sugar and corn syrup)

    Commercial Salad Dressings (make your own)

    Commercial sauces and ketchup (high in sugar/corn syrup)

    2 Meal 30 Day Challenge 25 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

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    Greens (Kale, Collard,






    Fennel Bulb

    Green Beans

    Green Onions


















    Sweet Potato/Yam

    Boc Choy/Pak Choi

    See Vegetables





































































    Eggs (Chicken, duck,






    Brazil Nuts

    Pine Nuts




    Pumpkin SeedsSesame Seeds

    Sunflower Seeds




    Coconut Oil/Milk


    Red Palm Oil

    Nut Butter/Oil

    (Macadamia, Almond,Walnut)

    X-Virgin Olive Oil




    Bay Leaf


    Mustard Seed





    Coriander Seed


    Cayenne Pepper













    Sea Salt

    2 Meal 30 Day Challenge 26 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life
