7 day clean eating challenge invitation and challenge group posts Quick tips on running this group: I post the meal plan on Friday night or Saturday morning for everyone to get their grocery shopping done. I post day 1’s meal plan on Sunday morning and then day 2’s meal plan on Monday morning. The reason why I break it up is so that everyone stays ENGAGED in the group. The only requirement to join is that they check in daily because you are providing a free meal plan with a shopping list. So just make sure to post each meal plan the day before so that they can be prepped and ready to go Facebook invite: Do you struggle with clean eating or knowing WHAT to eat? I am putting together my SECOND 7 day FREE clean eating challenge on monday December 16th-and I am giving you a complete menu and a shopping list to take the guess work out of nutrition...my last group of 400 people was AMAZING and everyone that put in the work saw amazing results...they lost an average of 4-7 lbs and 1-2 inches off their waist and love handles....pretty amazing stuff! Please comment below "i'm in" if you want to join us....again this is absolutely FREE but you are required to check in daily with the group to stay involved-and of course you have to eat clean lol. Excited! <3 Post #1 Welcome. (USUALLY POST ON FRIDAY) Hey guys!!! Welcome to our FREE 7 DAY CLEAN EATING CHALLENGE!!! We kick off MONDAY so let’s get FOCUSED on making these 7 days count for you!!! I will post the 7 day shopping list tomorrow so you can get everything that you need! ONLY RULE I HAVE: YOU MUST CHECK IN THIS GROUP DAILY OR YOU WILL GET KICKED OUT <3 This is a FREE group so that's all I ask is that you check in every day with what you are eating! I would really love everyone to take pictures of your meals and stuff as you go along this journey too! It makes it way more fun! Tell me below...what are YOUR personal fitness and health goals? Where are you at right now and where do you want to see yourself in the next couple months? How would it make you feel to reach your goals? Would it change your life and would you be happier?

7 day clean eating challenge invitation and challenge ......7 day clean eating challenge invitation and challenge group posts Quick tips on running this group: I post the meal plan

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Page 1: 7 day clean eating challenge invitation and challenge ......7 day clean eating challenge invitation and challenge group posts Quick tips on running this group: I post the meal plan

7 day clean eating challenge invitation and challenge group posts Quick tips on running this group: I post the meal plan on Friday night or Saturday morning for everyone to get their grocery shopping done. I post day 1’s meal plan on Sunday morning and then day 2’s meal plan on Monday morning. The reason why I break it up is so that everyone stays ENGAGED in the group. The only requirement to join is that they check in daily because you are providing a free meal plan with a shopping list. So just make sure to post each meal plan the day before so that they can be prepped and ready to go Facebook invite: Do you struggle with clean eating or knowing WHAT to eat? I am putting together my SECOND 7 day FREE clean eating challenge on monday December 16th-and I am giving you a complete menu and a shopping list to take the guess work out of nutrition...my last group of 400 people was AMAZING and everyone that put in the work saw amazing results...they lost an average of 4-7 lbs and 1-2 inches off their waist and love handles....pretty amazing stuff! Please comment below "i'm in" if you want to join us....again this is absolutely FREE but you are required to check in daily with the group to stay involved-and of course you have to eat clean lol. Excited! <3 Post #1 –Welcome. (USUALLY POST ON FRIDAY) Hey guys!!! Welcome to our FREE 7 DAY CLEAN EATING CHALLENGE!!! We kick off MONDAY so let’s get FOCUSED on making these 7 days count for you!!! I will post the 7 day shopping list tomorrow so you can get everything that you need! ONLY RULE I HAVE: YOU MUST CHECK IN THIS GROUP DAILY OR YOU WILL GET KICKED OUT <3 This is a FREE group so that's all I ask is that you check in every day with what you are eating! I would really love everyone to take pictures of your meals and stuff as you go along this journey too! It makes it way more fun! Tell me below...what are YOUR personal fitness and health goals? Where are you at right now and where do you want to see yourself in the next couple months? How would it make you feel to reach your goals? Would it change your life and would you be happier?

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Post #2 **CHECK IN** (SATURDAY POST) Hey everyone!!! Time to get all geared up and ready to go!!! Please CHECK IN AND COMMENT BELOW so I KNOW you have seen the shopping list and the first day of the meal plan!! I will be posting day 2's meal plan on Monday morning so that you have it for Tuesday! You MUST check in daily with the group to STAY in the group. Please check in below!! ALSO, PLEASE TAKE BEFORE PICTURES AND MEASUREMENTS!! YOU WILL WANT THEM I PROMISE! The last group lost an average of 4-7 lbs and 1-2 inches off their waist and love handles. More importantly everyone FELT better and had more energy. You might experience a few headaches the first couple of days since you will be weaning off processed foods and caffeine, soda, excess sugar and all that good stuff so drink a TON of water...divide your body weight in 2 and that should be how many ounces you should aim to drink every day! Please post any questions you have below as well!! Excited to get started!! ****POST THE DAY 1 MEAL PLAN AND SHOPPING LIST*** POST #3 ( SUNDAY POST) ***CHECK IN*** Remember to TAKE YOUR BEFORE PICTURES AND MEASUREMENTS TODAY!!! I want you to be able to see what clean eating can do for how you feel and your body as well. Take front/side/back pics and measure chest/waist/love handle area/hips/thighs.

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Also....write down how you FEEL in general..have you been sluggish or tired or just not feeling all that well? These are good things to write down so that you can compare how you FEEL after these 7 days are up cause a lot of your results will come mentally and internally and emotionally and not just physically. There are things called "non scale victories" so pay attention to those as well! Also, I’ve had a couple people interested but if anyone else wants to purchase a 7 day jump start kit for $35 let me know...It will come with 7 days worth of shakeology which is my addiction and my secret weapon when it comes to nutrition. I'm sending out some soon to people who messaged me and were interested so I figured I would open it up to you guys as well. I have about 3-5 more kits available so feel free to message me. ***PLEASE LET US KNOW….WHO HAS DONE ALL OF THEIR SHOPPING AND IS READY TO GO?!?! POST BELOW!

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Day 1 check in-

Benefits of Water 2/3 of the human body is made of water, muscle is made up of 75% water and the brain a whopping 90%! 1. Helps to maintain proper pH balance of the body 2. Removes toxins 3. Transports nutrients and oxygen to our cells 4. Helps with metabolism

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5. Regulates body temp 6. Protects and moisturizes our joints 7. Protects vital organs 8. Helps control over eating by helping you feel full 9. Maintains good bowel function 10. Makes skin look amazing! Did you get your gallon today?? DAY 2 CHECK IN How are you feeling so far? Satisfied? Tired? Energetic? Make mental notes of how you're feeling more than anything else...eating clean foods will help SO much with your over all energy and health, and energy will probably be one of the first things you notice...losing a little weight/inches is just a pretty awesome BONUS. DON'T be discouraged these first few days though if you are detoxing from caffeine, or a strictly American diet full of bread/fast food etc. That is completely normal and should be gone by day 2-3 ***** ----->DAILY CHECK IN<----- ***** Comment below to check in for the day! We will posting tomorrows menu in just a bit! It will be in the Files section as well as a pic

DAY 2-post Day 2! So close guys, and you are all doing AWESOME!! We are so proud of you! For those that love green tea…here are even MORE reasons why

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you should drink it! Quick tip: Benefits of Green Tea 1. Boosts energy 2. Lowers cholesterol 3. Protects against heart disease 4. Helps prevent diabetes 5. Aids in healthy skin 6. Loaded with antioxidants 7. Antiviral agent 8. Aids in weight loss 9. Hydrates better than water! 10. Lowers stress Have you had your tea today??

DAY 3 – CHECK IN POST Day 3 guys!!!! How's it going!!?? How are you feeling? Are you loving this? and do you think you can make this a part of your LIFESTYLE?!

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Quick tip: Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Since you all bought this to make your dressing I thought I'd share more info about it's uses! I drink it everyday in my water! 1. Helps balance pH 2. Removes stains from teeth 3. Aids in weight loss 4. Detoxifies 5. Helps eliminate yeast from your body 6. Great for lymphatic system 7. Reduces heartburn 8. All natural multi use cleaning agent Start with a small amount to get used to the taste! I mix in with some fresh lemon slices!


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Quick tip- Not Eating ENOUGH! I want to take a minute to talk about not eating enough! I know a TON of women who suffer with this whether it is in fear of gaining weight, or just not making time to eat, it is more dangerous than most people think. When you have a calorie deficit that is too low, it causes a lot of bad metabolic changes. Some include: 1. Slowing your thyroid production (responsible for fat, carb and protein metabolism) 2. Decreases muscle mass (muscle BURNS fat) 3. Lowers testosterone (important for women also, for putting on muscle- this will NOT make you "bulky" 4. Decreases leptin (regulates energy) 5. Body stores fat in starvation mode in fear of not getting another meal So remember it is not about decreasing what you eat but rather increasing the GOOD foods to get your metabolism fired up!

Ok guys.....don't fall over lol and don't go grab any junky sweets....this is a CLEAN TREAT which it's one of my favorites! It's made with CAROB not cocoa but you can use cocoa powder as well! It's so easy to make...I personally love having treats more often but I like to make them healthy so that I CAN have them more often and fit them into my meal plan without feeling guilty....clean eating is AWESOME and not hard at all if you just find out what works for you Recipe:

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DAY 5 POST- How are you feeling today!!??? and how is day 5 going?! Really quick: I want to know WHY you are doing this challenge? What makes you want to eat clean and live healthy? What is your “why?” I know for me knowing WHY I’m doing this makes it way easier for me to stay ON THE WAGON and living a healthy lifestyle…so why do you want to live a healthy life? Please check in here!!

Post #2- Quick tip

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Quick tip: Benefits of Cinnamon 1. Can fight against bacterial and fungal infections 2. Can help improve glucose and lipid levels 3. Has been found to prevent Alzheimer's 4. Cures stomach bugs 5. Helps with IBS 6. Has been found to prevent cancer 7. Increases circulation 8. Powerful antioxidant And many more! So sprinkle away! DAY 5-POST Happy Weekend, friends! Weekends are times meant for family and friends, and enjoying yourself. AND they are also the toughest for staying on track with your healthy lifestyle. But it's SO important to stay strong these next couple days, and realize that you have all worked SO HARD all week, so this is no time to throw in the towel and let all that hard work go to waste! Remember WHY you started, and WHY you want this so badly, and then those little temptations won't matter one bit. Be strong, stay on course, and BE PROUD on Monday when you know you accomplished something

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amazing! I'm proud of you all!


Day 6 Quick Tip- Benefits of Dry Brushing

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1. Increases circulation helping body to eliminate waste 2. Stimulates lymphatic system 3. Helps remove dead skin cells and open pores 4. Helps reduce appearance of cellulite 5. Helps digestion I try to dry brush quickly everyday before I shower! Give it a try! Day 6 POST- Can't believe tomorrow is the last day of our 7 day challenge! BUUTTT it's not the last day you are going to eat clean because you learned SOOOO MUCH during this week so you know exactly what to be eating moving forward and you are going to go out there and inspire your family and friends to do the same i just know it right?! Anyways, the NEXT PHASE of this program is a 21 day challenge which is a step up from just this first group. This is where you will push yourself to become the BEST VERSION of yourself by incorporating a specific fitness regimen as well as following another meal plan. It starts on (insert date). So you will follow an exact workout plan and an exact meal plan so it’s going to take the guess work out…plus it’s only 30 minute workouts so EVERYONE has time for that! Please comment below “I’m in” and I will send over more details!! Again I am so proud of everyone...this has been one of my favorite groups!! Let’s finish up the last day STRONG!! Make a new “21 day challenge” picture or use this one


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Hey guys! if you did do before/after pics and measurements I would LOVE for you to send them to me here on facebook or my email (insert email) You probably would want to take them tomorrow morning since that will officially be the end of the 7 days!! More than just PHYSICAL transformations....pay attention to your INTERNAL transformations as well...do you FEEL better? do you have more energy? do you feel better about yourself and where you are headed cause you are eating healthier? Those are just as important as the physical transformations!!