2 DIMENSIONAL DESIGN DESIGN BASICS. Chapter 4: Scale/Proportion “Scale” and “proportion” are related terms in that both basically refer to size. Scale

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Chapter 4: Scale/Proportion

“Scale” and “proportion” are related terms in that both basically refer to size. Scale is essentially another word for size. Proportion refers to relative size, size measured against other elements or against some mental norm or standard.

Netsuke. Japan/19th Century. Ivory, wood, and metal. Signed: Seikanshi

Actual size: 1 ¼ in.

In the image to the left the eye naturally goes to the illogical scale of the shirt pressed between the floors of the Flatiron Building in NYC. The juxtaposition (when one image or shape is placed next to or in comparison to another image or shape) of scale along with the pun make a memorable impression! This is done through montage (a recombination of images from different sources to form a new picture).

Scale and proportion are closely tied to emphasis and focal point. Large scale, especially large scale in proportion to other elements, makes for an obvious visual emphasis.

Manitou Cliff Dwellings of the Anasazi people Manitou Springs, Colorado 750-1190

Since 1970 Charles Simonds has created Dwelling places for an imaginary civilization of “Little People” who are migrating through the streets of neighborhoods in cities throughout the world; New York, Paris, Shanghai, Berlin, London, Dublin, among others. Each Dwelling is a different time and place in the history of the lives of Little People.

Scale Confusion-the deliberate changing of natural scale, sometimes used to intrigue or mystify rather than to clarify the focal point.

Nazca earth drawing, Spider, Approx. 150’

Claes Oldenburg & Coosje van Bruggen, Spoonbridge and Cherry, 1985-1988, Aluminum, stainless steel, paint

Michelangelo, Pieta, 1498-99, Marble, 5’ 9” x 6’ 5” In past centuries visual scale was often used to show symbolic importance. The artist not only establishes a focal point but indicates the relative conceptual status of the figure or figures.

Emperor Otto II from the Registrum Gregorii, Trier. c. 985, manuscript illumination.

Surrealism is an art form that focuses on paradox (contradiction), on images that cannot be explained in rational terms. Artists who work in this manner present the irrational world of the dream or nightmare-recognizable elements in impossible situations (Rene Magritte and Salvadore Dali)

Rene Magritte, Personal Values,1952, Oil on canvas

Salvador Dali, Mae West's Face which May be Used as a Surrealist Apartment, 1934-35, Gouache, with graphite, on commercially printed magazine paper

ProportionNotions of the Ideal

Proportion is linked to ratio. We judge the proportions of something to be correct if the ratio of one element to another is correct. In drawing we learn that the “normal” female figure is about 7 ½-8 heads high. This stems from the ancient Greeks’ desire to discover the mathematical formula for the perfect body. The fashion figure is about 9 ½-10 heads high.

Normal Female Figure Fashion Figure

The Project: use SIZE and JUXTAPOSITION in a mixed media artwork to create visual impact (interior space or landscape)