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  • 7/25/2019 2 - Copy (15).txt



    Announcing the 2016 RhymeZone Poetry Prize

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    From King Richard II: Act I, scene I:

    My life thou shalt command, but not my shame: The one my duty owes; but my fair name,

    From King Henry VI, part I: Act IV, scene VI: On that advantage, bought with such a shame, To save a paltry life and slay bright fame,

    From Much Ado About Nothing: Act V, scene III:

    So the life that died with shame Lives in death with glorious fame.

    From All's Well That Ends Well: Act II, scene I:

    A strumpet's boldness, a divulged shame Traduced by odious ballads: my maiden's name

    From Troilus and Cressida: Act V, scene X:

    Hence, broker-lackey! ignomy and shame Pursue thy life, and live aye with thy name!

    From Shakespeare's Sonnet XXXVI.:

    I may not evermore acknowledge thee, Lest my bewailed guilt should do thee shame, Nor thou with public kindness honour me, Unless thou take that honour from thy name:

    From Shakespeare's Sonnet CXXIX.:

    The expense of spirit in a waste of shame Is lust in action; and till action, lust Is perjured, murderous, bloody, full of blame, Savage, extreme, rude, cruel, not to trust,

    From Shakespeare's Sonnet XCV.:

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    How sweet and lovely dost thou make the shame Which, like a canker in the fragrant rose, Doth spot the beauty of thy budding name! O, in what sweets dost thou thy sins enclose!

    From "The Grey Rock" by William Butler Yeats:

    The fortune that had been my shame Seeing, King's son, what wounds you have. -- 'Twas roundly spoke, but when night came He had betrayed me to his grave,

    From "To Wolcott Balestier" by Rudyard Kipling:

    To these who are cleansed of base Desire, Sorrow and Lust and Shame -- Gods for they knew the hearts of men, men for they stooped to Fame,

    From "The Last Shuttee" by Rudyard Kipling:

    And thrice she beat her breast for shame, And thrice like a wounded dove she came

    From "The Three-Decker" by Rudyard Kipling:

    We asked no social questions -- we pumped no hidden shame -- We never talked obstetrics when the Little Stranger came:

    From "The Lament of the Border Cattle Thief" by Rudyard Kipling:

    But for the sorrow and the shame, The brand on me and mine, I'll pay you back in leaping flame And loss of the butchered kine.

    From "Poem 91" by Edmund Spenser:

    But when he saw me laugh, for shame: His face with bashfull blood did flame,

    From "A Poets's Welcome to His Love-Begotten Daughter" by Robert Burns:

    I'll never rue my trouble wi' thee - The cost nor shame o't, But be a loving father to thee, And brag the name o't.

    From "Slave In the Dismal Swamp, The" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

    On his forehead he bore the brand of shame, And the rags, that hid his mangled frame,

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    From "A Curse For A Nation" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning:

    Shall never dare -- O shame! To utter the thought into flame

    From "A Plea" by Paul Laurence Dunbar:

    I ain't done a t'ing to shame, Lovahs all ac's jes' de same:

    From "Psalm Of The West" by Sidney Lanier:

    Now, O Sin! O Love's lost Shame! Burns the land with redder flame:

    From "The Revenge Of Hamish" by Sidney Lanier: Sped Maclean with an outward wrath for an inward shame; And that place of the lashing full quiet became;

    From "Street Cries" by Sidney Lanier:

    "There when they came Mind suffered shame: `These be the same and not the same,'

    From "To Baynard Taylor" by Sidney Lanier:

    The cross of love, the wrench of faith, the shame Of science that cannot prove proof is, the twist Of blame for praise and bitter praise for blame, The silly stake and tether round the wrist

    From "Love Among The Ruins" by Robert Browning:

    Lust of glory pricked their hearts up, dread of shame Struck them tame;

    From "The Ringlet" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson:

    For Ringlet, O Ringlet, You put me much to shame, So Ringlet, O Ringlet, I doom you to the flame.

    From "Lara" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    And life return'd, and Kaled felt no shame What now to her was Womanhood or Fame?

    From "Bride of Abydos, The" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

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    Sunk in the lap of luxury will shame Away suspicion! not Zuleika's name!

    From "Mazeppa" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    Should give to slaughter and to shame A mightier host and haughtier name;

    From "Charmides" by Oscar Wilde:

    A fiery pulse of sin, a splendid shame, Could in the loveless land of Hades glean One scorching harvest from those fields of flame Where passion walks with naked unshod feet

    From "The Ballad Of Reading Gaol" by Oscar Wilde: Naked for greater shame, He lies, with fetters on each foot, Wrapt in a sheet of flame! And all the while the burning lime

    From "The Ballad Of Reading Gaol" by Oscar Wilde:

    That every prison that men build Is built with bricks of shame, And bound with bars lest Christ should see

    How men their brothers maim.

    From "Lionel Johnson" by Joyce Kilmer:

    As if the honest fog blushed black for shame. Fools sang of sin, for other fools' acclaim,

    From "To Certain Poets" by Joyce Kilmer:

    Oh, cease to write, for very shame, Ere all men spit upon our name!

    From "A Poem Upon The Death Of O.C." by Andrew Marvell:

    Oh ill advis'd if not for love for shame. Spare yet your own if you neglect his fame.

    From "Tamerlane" by Edgar Allan Poe:

    Know thou the secret of a spirit Bow'd from its wild pride into shame.

    O yearning heart! I did inherit Thy withering portion with the fame,

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    From "Song" by Edgar Allan Poe:

    That blush, perhaps, was maiden shame- As such it well may pass- Though its glow hath raised a fiercer flame In the breast of him, alas!

    From "The Harpy" by Robert W. Service:

    Your sweethearts, sons, ye scornful ones -- 'tis I who know their shame. The gods, ye see, are brutes to me -- and so I play my game.

    From "Ode" by John Keats:

    Of their glory and their shame; What doth strengthen and what maim.

    From "Isolation: To Marguerite" by Matthew Arnold:

    Back! with the conscious thrill of shame Which Luna felt, that summer-night, Flash through her pure immortal frame, When she forsook the starry height

    From "Elegy IX: The Autumnal" by John Donne:

    If 'twere a shame to love, here 'twere no shame;

    Affection here takes reverence's name.

    From "The Unconquered Dead" by John McCrae:

    Not we the conquered! Not to us the shame, Who hold our earthen ramparts, nor shall cease To hold them ever; victors we, who came In that fierce moment to our honoured peace.

    From "Anarchy" by John McCrae:

    I saw a city filled with lust and shame, Where men, like wolves, slunk through the grim half-light; And sudden, in the midst of it, there came One who spoke boldly for the cause of Right.

    From "The Organ-Blower" by Oliver Wendell Holmes:

    His large obeisance puts to shame The proudest genuflecting dame,

    From "Court of Love, The" by Geoffrey Chaucer:

    "Aye stirring them to dreade vice and shame:

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    In their degree it makes them honourable; And sweet it is of love to bear the name, So that his love be faithful, true, and stable:

    From "House Of Fame, The" by Geoffrey Chaucer:

    And be not so a-gast, for shame!' And called me tho by my name,

    From "And Wilt Thou Leave me Thus?" by Sir Thomas Wyatt:

    Say nay, say nay, for shame, To save thee from the blame

    From "Black Mousquetaire, The : A Legend of France" by Richard Harris Barham:

    But the fees and delays of 'the Courts' are a shame, As Lord Brougham says himself--who's a very great name,

    From "Living Lost, The" by William Cullen Bryant:

    Wrung from their eyelids by the shame And guilt of those they shrink to name,

    From "Disappointment, The" by Arphra Behn:

    Abandon'd by her Pride and Shame,

    She do's her softest Sweets dispence, Offring her Virgin-Innocence A Victim to Loves Sacred Flame ;

    From "The Progress Of Poesy: P Pindaric Ode" by Thomas Gray:

    Glory pursue, and generous Shame, Th' unconquerable Mind, and Freedom's holy flame.

    From "Elegy Written In A Country Church-Yard" by Thomas Gray:

    The struggling pangs of conscious truth to hide, To quench the blushes of ingenuous shame, Or heap the shrine of Luxury and Pride With incense kindled at the Muse's flame.

    From "As through the wild green hills of Wyre" by Alfred Edward Housman:

    You and I must keep from shame In London streets the Shropshire name;

    From "The Bard" by Thomas Gray:

    Ye Towers of Julius, London's lasting shame,

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    With many a foul and midnight murther fed, Revere his Consort's faith, his Father's fame, 90

    From "The Deserted Village, A Poem" by Oliver Goldsmith:

    Unfit in these degenerate times of shame To catch the heart, or strike for honest fame;

    From "AIN'T NO MAN RIGHTEOUS" by Bob Dylan:

    Done so many evil things in the name of love, it's a crying shame I never did see no fire that could put out a flame.

    From "JOKERMAN" by Bob Dylan:

    Friend to the martyr, a friend to the woman of shame, You look into the fiery furnace, see the rich man without any name.

    From "Jimmy On the Lam" from "Reefer Madness":

    Oh the shame, oh the shame There's an old man in the gutter who's been spilled like melted butter And I, Jimmy Harper, am to blame!

    From "Glitter And Be Gay" from "Candide":

    Can they blind my eyes to shame? Can the brightest brooch Shield me from reproach? Can the purest diamond purify my name?

    From "Up In the Garret" from "A Tale of Two Cities":

    Fearing that he'd reveal their shame They gauranteed he'd lay no blame!

    From "The Be-Littled Mermaid (Part Of Your World)" from "Forbidden Broadway":

    It's such a shame Broadway Be came

    From "We Do What We Must Do" from "Z, the Masked Musical of Zorro":

    No time for blame or shame This evil we must tame

    From "Black And White" from "Barnum":

    (Up tempo) Chorus: Heard about your city what a shame

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    But the truth is politics? your game

    From "Frederick's Soliloquy" from "Young Frankenstein":

    I'm a man who has no shame I'm shouting out my family name

    From "With All Due Respect" from "Roar Of The Greasepaint, The - The Smell Of The Crowd":

    A bleedin' shame, But who's to blame?

    From "The Pledge" from "Jane Eyre":

    They could brand you with shame

    But so your heart be pure There would be no blame

    From "The Ballad of Davy Crockett (Davy Crockett)" from "Disney":

    Andy Jackson is our gen'ral's name, his reg'lar soldiers we'll put to shame Them redskin varmints us Volunteers'll tame, 'cause we got the guns with thesure-fire aim

    From "What You Own" from "Rent":

    That pint of shame Goes away Just play the game You're living in America

    From "A Heart Full of Love" from "Les Miserables":

    Oh God, for shame I do not even know your name

    From "Love Who You Love" from "A Man of No Importance":

    No call for shame Everyone's heart does exactly the same

    From "Pirelli's Miracle Elixir" from "Sweeney Todd":

    I was dying of shame Till a gentleman came,

    From "If Not for Me for Her" from "Woman In White":

    I am overcome with shame Will you let me rebuild the bridge I've set aflame

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    From "Sisyphus" from "Myths And Hymns":

    Rotten shame, And it's always the same:

    From "Thesew Are the Days of Our Live" from "We Will Rock You":

    You can't turn back the clock, you can't turn back the tide Ain't that a shame? I'd like to go back one time on a roller coaster ride When life was just a game

    From "Sabbath Prayer" from "Fiddler on the Roof":

    May the Lord protect and defend you.

    May He always shield you from shame. May you come to be In Israel a shining name.

    From "Look Down" from "Les Miserables":

    See our children fed Help us in our shame Something for a crust of bread In Holy Jesus' name

    From "Shine a Light" from "Heathers":

    Deep inside of everyone There's a hot ball of shame Guilt, regret, anxiety, Fears we dare not name.

    From "The King of Broadway" from "Producers":

    Poor Bialy, what a shmoozer Poor Bialy, what a shame Poor Bialy, what a loser Poor Bialy, goodbye fame

    From "The Nausea Before The Game" from "In Trousers":

    The growing up, the falling down, The throwing up, the shame, The silent prayers, the nausea, The game.

    From "This Day / Walking By A Wedding" from "If/Then":

    All the things I messed up badly All the hurt and all the shame

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    You'd do 'em all again and gladly If you knew you'd end up the same

    From "With One Look - Glenn Close" from "Andrew Lloyd Webber Divas":

    Yes, with one look I put words to shame

    Just one look sets the screen aflame

    From "Quiet" from "Candide":

    I'll no longer bring shame On my family name,

    From "The Game 2" from "Bounce":

    To lose the hand you're sure of is a shame,

    But life without the strife is pretty tame.

    From "Guenevere" from "Camelot":

    Ruled the jury for her shame She be sentenced to the flame

    From "We Know" from "Hamilton":

    Yes, I have reasons for shame But I have not committed treason and sullied my good name

    From "Fat And Greasy" from "Ain't Misbehavin'":

    He's a Waddlin' Wiggling Shame And his Big Fat Whats It's Name

    From "Lovely" from "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum":

    Oh, Isn't it a shame? I can neither sew Nor cook nor read or write my name. But I'm happy

    From "Hakuna Matata (Lion King)" from "Disney":

    And, oh, the shame Thought-a changin' my name

    From "Look At The Sky" from "Urinetown":

    Here below feel our shame!

    It must stop in the name

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    From "A Boy Named Sue" from "Ring of Fire":

    I'd roam from town to town to hide my shame. But I made a vow to the moon and stars That I'd search the honky-tonks and bars And kill that man who gave me that awful name.

    From "Stupid Cupid" from "The Marvelous Wonderettes":

    I am in love and it's a crying shame And I know that you're the one to blame

    From "Father Christmas " from "Scrooge":

    It's a shame He's a villain What a game

    For a villain to play

    From "Mame" from "Mame":

    A little Dixie mouse to shame. You've made us feel alive again, You've given us the drive again, To make the South revive again, Mame.

    From "You Won't Be Satisfied Until You Break My Heart" by Dean Martin:

    The way you toss my heart around's a cryin' shame I'll bet you wouldn't like it if I did the same

    From "Beautiful Loved And Blessed" by Prince:

    Can sometimes turn to shame Too much desire Sometimes makes you feel the same

    From "Ten Thousand Angels" by Loretta Lynn:

    They led him through the streets in shame They spat upon the Saviour, so pure and free from sin They said, Crucify him, he's to blame

    From "Party with No Name" by Bee Gees:

    Ain't no time for the shame For the party with no name

    From "My Name Is Not Susan" by Babyface:

    A damn shame Forgot my name

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    From "LOVE ON A TWO WAY STREET" by Gloria Estefan:

    Is a crying shame While I bear the blame

    From "Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead" by XTC:

    Peter Pumpkinhead put to shame Governments who would slur his name

    From "On Every Corner" by Ani Difranco:

    May you never be the scapegoat for a whole world full of shame May you never be fighting for your life And at the same time have to fight for your name

    From "Jesus of Surburbia" by Green Day:

    But what a shame 'Cause everyone's heart Doesn't beat the same It's beating out of time

    From "Holiday (100% Correct)" by Green Day:

    The shame

    The ones who died without a name

    From "Healing Rain" by Michael W. Smith:

    Tears of joy, and tears of shame Are washed forever in Jesus' name

    From "Live the Life" by Michael W. Smith:

    And God knows it's a shame 'Cause if we look to pass the blame

    From "Meglomania" by Black Sabbath:

    I hide myself inside the shadows of shame The silent symphonies were playing their game

    From "Born Again" by Black Sabbath:

    Fighting all the priests of shame For the thrust of my challenge is aimed

    At the hearts of mutant Gods Who think we're all the same

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    From "Ill Wind" by Billie Holiday:

    Ain't that a shame It's so hard to keep up With troubles that creep up From out of nowhere when love's to blame

    From "Beauty School Dropout" by Less Than Jake:

    Don't put my good advice to shame Baby, you know it Even dear Abby'd say the same

    From "Sail Away" by Nick Cave:

    Sail away, sail away

    To a place where your heart will not shame you Take my hand through this night without end For the worst, it has come to claim you

    From "The Ballad of Billy the Kid" by Billy Joel:

    And he soon put many older guns to shame And he never had a sweetheart And he never had a home But the cowboy and the rancher knew his name

    From "Stupid Cupid" by Connie Francis:

    I'm in love and it's a crying shame (Stupid cupid) And I know that you're the one to blame (Stupid cupid)

    From "My Heart... So Blue" by Erasure:

    I shed no tears and there's no reason for shame A small consolation hides a stone with her name

    From "Fool's Game" by Bonnie Raitt:

    Bad mistake, crying shame Get on playing that damn fool's game

    From "Gift Of Flesh" by Def Leppard:

    From all the truth comes all the shame The curse of flesh just takes it's aim

    From "Slutman City" by Gwar:

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    Slutman city, life without shame Slutman city, so much flesh to maim

    From "Name" by Goo Goo Dolls:

    That's a shame

    But you could hide beside me Maybe for a while And I won't tell no one your name

    From "Demon Alcohol" by Ozzy Osbourne:

    I'll share your life of shame I think you know my name

    From "Bright Light Girl" by Heart:

    She would take the shame Each time love would lose her She would take the blame

    From "Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone)" by Kim Wilde:

    What a shame And we won't be together much longer Unless we realize that we are the same

    From "Ill Wind" by Ella Fitzgerald:

    Ain't that a shame It's so hard to keep up with troubles that creep up From out of nowhere, when loves to blame

    From "Unsigned Letter" by Garth Brooks:

    Knowing that she could release Pandora's shame Welcome to the game, what's in a name

    From "Last Night" by Toto:

    You turned a frightened little boy into a man without shame Last night We tore the hands off the clock and it read just the same

    From "Little Know It All" by Iggy Pop:

    As I find out there's shame In the game, in the game

    From "Dear Shame" by Newsboys:

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    Dear Shame You're oh so eager to toy with me You're always stealing the joy in me You love to whisper my name

    From "Mrs. Potters Lullaby" by Counting Crows:

    Then your life is a shame And though I'll never forget your face Sometimes, I can't remember my name

    From "Daddy's Cup" by Drive-By Truckers:

    Well, the first time that I raced my qualifying was a shame I started out way in the back and came back about the same

    From "Grendel" by Marillion: They know their lives are forfeit now, priestly heads they bow in shame They cannot face the trembling crowd that flinch in Grendel's name

    From "Grendel" by Marillion:

    Why should I feel pity when you kill your own and feel no shame? God's on my side, sure as hell, I'm gonna take no blame

    From "When We Dance" by Sting:

    I would walk away in shame I'd move town I'd change my name

    From "Fill Her Up" by Sting:

    You're gonna fill her up with shame You're gonna fill her up with sorrow Before she even takes your name

    From "Nothing to Write Home About" by Soul Asylum:

    I'm filled with guilt, I'm filled with shame Too much or not enough, it's all the same

    From "It's A Sin" by Gamma Ray:

    It's always with a sense of shame I've always been the one to blame

    From "3 Strikes You In" by Ice Cube:

    If they don't win its a shame

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    Cause its one-two-three strikes you in Twenty-five years of pain you know my name

    From "Fool for Your Loving" by Whitesnake:

    And turned it to shame

    Now I'm moving, moving on And I ain't taking the blame

    From "A Night In Summer Long Ago" by Mark Knopfler:

    Forgive a knight who knows no shame My lady, may I have this dance And lady, may I know your name

    From "Romeo & Juliet" by Mark Knopfler:

    Come up on different streets they both were streets of shame Both dirty both mean yes and the dream was just the same

    From "Stand Alone" by Bob Marley:

    But your loveliness won't cover your shame There you are, you're takin' true love And while you're takin' true love, you given the blame

    From "Never Say Never" by Brandy:

    Now when they talk I think it's just a shame That all they do is sit and take my name

    From "Lonesome Whistle, (I Heard That)" by Bobby Darin:

    All alone I bear this shame Well, I'm a number, not a name

    From "The Traitor" by Leonard Cohen:

    And the swan I tempted with a sense of shame She said at last I was her finest lover And if she withered I would be to blame

    From "(Rap) Superstar" by Cypress Hill:

    with no shame give em a year, he'll be right out the game

    From "(Rock) Superstar" by Cypress Hill:

    To the next rock superstar with no shame Give him a year and they'll be right out the game

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    From "Cowboys and Angels" by George Michael:

    It's such a shame Always ends the same

    From "Cars and Trains" by George Michael:

    It's a shame, He's the same

    From "People Like Me" by Audio Adrenaline:

    I could tell you a story of shame I could talk for hours on how we became

    From "Gutters Full Of Rain" by David Gray:

    In spite of all the shame Sometimes I hear your name

    From "Victim Of The Game" by Trisha Yearwood:

    In the shadow of the shame When everybody knows That you're a victim of the game

    From "Ahead In Life" by Shaggy:

    Now I'm trying to talk to you, you hold your head in shame You sorry that you came, you think this is a game

    From "One Hit Wonder" by Everclear:

    He has no sense of shame He will not stop Until everybody everywhere Wants to know his name

    From "Beaujolais" by Alan Parsons Project:

    Beaujolais puts me to shame And i don't know why i'm in this place or how i came

    From "Head On" by Pixies:

    And I wouldn't feel no shame And there's nothing holding me to blame

    From "Tame" by Pixies:

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    Must be havin' a good shame Talkin' sweet about nothin' Cookie, I think you're tame Tame, tame

    From "Challis" by Dio:

    I am your shock, I am your shame Another face without a name

    From "Rattlesnake" by Live:

    What's in a name, shame? Is it money, is it fame

    From "Evil Woman" by Electric Light Orchestra: Ha ha woman it's a crying shame But you ain't got nobody else to blame

    From "I Will Never Be the Same" by Melissa Etheridge:

    And for wanting you had no shame But I loved you And then I lost you And I will never be the same

    From "Brenda's Got a Baby [Original Album Version]" by 2Pac:

    A damn shame The girl can hardly spell her name

    From "Fame" by 2Pac:

    That's a shame What's the game

    From "Shame Shame" by Sloan:

    Shame, shame Because you couldn't say your girlfriend's name

    From "Shame Shame" by Sloan:

    But I am overcome with shame I never read all of 'Dames, Dames' I can't identify the change But something isn't quite the same

    From "Who Did You Think I Was" by John Mayer:

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    I got half a smile and zero shame I got a reflection with a different name

    From "Til I Hit The Ground" by Reel Big Fish:

    But I tell you it's a shame 'Cause she is all I think about And I just forgot her name

    From "Nothing to Gain" by Jack Ingram:

    And it's lonely inside of this broken heart For how long have you felt the shame? Over and over we've done our part So there's no use in handing out blame

    From "Two Weeks from Twenty" by Yellowcard:

    From twenty and there's still no shame From the man to blame

    From "TALKIN' TO MESSIAH" by Glenn Hughes:

    You know it's a shame Buy your not to blame

    From "TALKIN' TO MESSIAH" by Glenn Hughes:

    It's a shame Do you feel the same

    From "Ski Jump Nose" by Mansun:

    So come on down and hide our shame You love, you love the fame

    From "(I Am) Shades of Life" by BILLY GILMAN:

    I am shallow, I am glory, I am hiding from my shame I am hero, I am loser, I am yearning for a name

    From "How Strange It Seems" by Edwin McCain:

    Stick my finger ain't that a shame People come to haggle and paw on my artwork But no two of my dresses are ever the same

    From "Jump Through The Hoops" by Mighty Mighty Bosstones:

    I'm old and set in my ways, no stopping now, it's a shame

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    But in my much younger days I'd stop and I'd take the blame

    From "Nobody Came" by Silverchair:

    Filled with shame Cried for help before and

    Nobody came

    From "Priscilla" by Suzanne Vega:

    Feeling no shame We were in costume And this was a game

    From "Pleasure Seeker" by Social Distortion:

    Don't you feel no shame That's what Eve said to Adam Before she came

    From "The Fame" by Lady Gaga:

    Isn't it a shame, shame, baby? A shame, shame In it for the fame, fame, baby, the fame, fame

    From "Call Me When You're Sober" by Evanescence:

    Couldn't take the blame, sick with shame Must be exhausting to lose your own game

    From "Romanticide" by Nightwish:

    Temporary pain, eternal shame To take part in this devil's chess game

    From "Price To Play" by Staind:

    And all you step on with no shame There are no rules, no one to blame

    From "Everybody Here Wants You" by Jeff Buckley:

    To all our guilt and shame, And I'll rise like an ember in your name.

    From "Higher Level" by KRS-One:

    The way we view God is a freakin' shame

    Church is to blame

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    From "I Got It Honest" by Aaron Tippin:

    I never had to hang my head in shame For puttin' a price tag on my name

    From "Just As I Am" by KELLY PRICE:

    Hung my head down in shame Wondered why I was created? 'Til You called out my name

    From "All Alone" by Gorillaz:

    I'll show no shame I'll birth this blame

    From "Sunburn" by Muse: And I'll burn forever, I can't face the shame I'll hide from the world behind a broken frame

    From "Suicide Note Pt. I" by Pantera:

    you to regress unfulfilled? It's a damn shame, but who's to blame?

    From "Sulfur" by Slipknot:

    My guilt and my shame Always sell me short, always feel the same

    From "Snuff" by Slipknot:

    And I won't listen to your shame You ran away, you're all the same

    From "Silvergun Superman" by Stone Temple Pilots:

    Without shame Sell me out, and frame your name

    From "Unstookie Titled" by Babyshambles:

    Well, they sold my name after they stole my shame Sold my name, ah yeah Tumbled my game, tumbled their game Got a tablet sized brains, yeah

    From "Apologize" by Elisa:

    The last ..and I know it's a shame

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    Get on track, but is that my aim?

    From "Step In da Club" by Baby Bash:

    I just wanna freak that, ain't got no shame Step in the club like it ain't no thang

    Sittin' at the bar while I sip on dranks Girl wanna holla tryin' to run that game

    From "From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea" by The Cure:

    Head in pain, hung in shame A different name, same old game

    From "Hymn for the Dudes" by Mott the Hoople:

    Oh, cross over shame Like the wise dove Who cares not for fame Just for shy love

    From "The Short Answer" by Billy Bragg:

    She said, "You know, honey, it's such a shame You'll never be any good at this game

    From "Cherry" by Amy Winehouse:

    With a pickup that puts you to shame And Cherry is her name

    From "Ballad of Kathryn Johnston" by Shawn Mullins:

    And now my city hangs her head in shame You can't tell the truth from all the lies Everything changed forever and everything stayed the same On the night Miss Johnston died---Lyrics powered by LyricFind

    From "I'd Rather Be Strong" by April Wine:

    Well you can say it's a shame And things remain the same

    From "This Summer Session" by Four Year Strong:

    You've fallen in my own walk of shame You're sinking... sinking away, yeah And I don't want to play your game You've fallen in my own walk of shame

    From "Bizarre" by Cold:

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    No one ever said i don't enjoy the shame No one ever said i don't enjoy the game

    From "Get Up!" by Beverley Knight:

    Don't feel no shame Let them know you're not the same

    From "We Won't Back Down" by Escape The Fate:

    In a pool of sorrow and shame, Until the day I forget your name

    From "The Webs We Weave" by Escape The Fate:

    The life you've lead is drowned in your shame Oh! The webs I weave I am caught in this game My passions dead

    See shame used in context: 184 Shakespeare works, 77 Bible passages, 58 definitions

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