1ST MARINE DIVISION - SPECIAL ACTION REPORT - ANNEX E ADJUTANT - SEPTEMBER 1950 - OCTOBER 1950 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-57 CD: 01 United States Marine Corps History Division Quantico, Virginia Records: United States Marine Corps Unit Name: 1st Marine Division Depository: National Archives and Records Administration Location: College Park, Maryland Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org


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Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-57

CD: 01

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Korean War Project USMC-00100264DECLASSIFIED

DECtllSSIHED omTFznnrt!.J.L

2295 7(pjc

?rom: To


Adjutant $cctton lf't ~'t<rlne :D1vis1orl h,..u"l{Gl~...Ut, KC'?L.\. November 30, l950

Divi~ion Adjutant, lot Enrina Divhion TJlO Cor.~BR.bding General, lr.t harine DiviPif>n

~peoial J~.ction Report for tf,e "!)e:riocl 2!1 J>.UE;Ust 1950 to 7 October 1950

(fl.) Divh-ion General Ord~r 16

(l) (c) ( 3) ( 4) ( 5i

.nc1mini atrc.. ti vv O.;;n te:: ;.d. ju.ta.nt 1 ;;; :Report

Ctti=tual ty F.e!Jort1n.G ·~oct.1on 1 s F.epo-rt Cla(;~;ificf.tion & a~·-ignment ~ectionts .Report Postal ~ec~1onie Report bocrct & Confidential Files &ection•~ Report


n.. This Teport sums U'O the activiti~P. probl.oma~ and recom­mende.t!oro.o o! the .A.djtJ.te.;t S.~etion. - .

b. Pnac•avh~ 235. 2u3 ani!t 258 of the l~arine Co:rp;; Cit<=ff Fanu~l, !948 (l,iavl:c 10'22-D??) a:ul ~P~-4(c) llstr; the duti;:;il or the .Ai..juta.nt 3ection ..


a. To perform the dut1e•· outlined in [:I&J'f1.:~t'A.~h lb f>.bove,

T/0 !:-1986 (WAA) autl".oriZCt'l !~'!even (7) of""'icer~ and one hund.rt-'<1 an~ two (102) enl1ated non for tr.e M~iutnnt C3cot1on llU'rx'.ividcCI. into tice :f'olhw1ng sub;e~tiono:

.Ad.jutunt f"u;n Clfn & .ii.i·ti6t ?o1;1tal

.4.uthnrized Off -- Eni

2 16 l 2 2 - S4

-;:; & c 2 • ----=-----=-';;QTAL .AL!.·O!~'ANCZ ~ - 7 -102

b. To a~tuall:;r cerr;r o1.1t t:~c above dutieA! t:.c following p~r­son..•Hl:l war~ acti ve~r einpl~yedl

cftfftF.fit§~ ~.-t.!r n ..... (.. ~ ~ ·~-..r



Korean War Project USMC-00100265

• .Adjutant ----Pert~ Clfn & J..X.Ggt

" Posttl.l - - -- -6 & c Filet>.-.-

~ Board of Awe.rde Catunlty R.oporting

% Personnel - - - -.-,CTU.!"'J.!LY :J.iPLOYZJJ

2 -l -2 2 l l 1 -




7i 6

f 9


Officer 1n Ch~~ee

ilaJor Fhilir> J .. CO~TZLLO l~t:r.t· ~'fllf;-.,.., l'. ~O'S':I~ Capt Frederick (n) ~OVJ Capt ?.d.Nard !::. :z:LDSR 2dLt V~rnon :.. j'tJN:z:LL 2dLt .n0rao:r (n) KltiO CVO JosopL A. Lcililrmc

• Includco 1 typist-driv(j.r workir-t;: for tho Ar.wricr:n .Rod Croto:1 Field Director attuoLcd to thu Divi(lion Huo.dquo.rterr.. At tit.h::s thor,_, wur·~· two (2) •.:!.tli;-•tui nlj'n m<t•it;ncd to t1HJ Aoo:;.c who pcrf<:~r:,lod dutio:::. c.£! ty;_)i~·t .nncl driver ..

'if Zight (8) enlisted men Wldcr the authorized T/0.

% Tbu;:;o s~bscct1onr nru not nutl.or!zai by tl:c T/0.

c. T/O 'K-1986, M,iut[!llt Section~ 11 F:S..-.CE 11 or 11 ~'1'.!\R" table, load boon Vi£-ua.lizvd appcrontly by €1. poreon totc.lly unr~cqunintcd 1:'1! tl: L~:rino Corp!3 ~0r.1!n!etrnt!on on t.hc oool"Jnny0 "b8tt..(l11on~

ro&ir.lont, div-ision level, or MY lovol.

3. P:UJLiiiiNiJ::Y F!L.\lil'l!!()

a. i'ho pr~lil:l~na:y -o~t-nn~~~~ f~:__:~i~-:_~!r':A ~l'Jlna~b~ .. had bC'cn cmnplctod '".>rlor to .!8C.VHlg; li.".<.!' ..!:"D'..!..'L!/.!.'U!'l on .~!4":USt ..Lo, 1950 ..

t. Prior to wbL:.rking nt K0:3E1 J.APJu~ for tho nr.•.ault ln.r.din,:; El.t INCl":Cl.t, KQI)Ji:.A, th~;: tontetivo n~~ignocnt of -t!-.c }.djut<nt ~~::ction porsonnel into ...W.v~nco :Zcholon rnd ?ep,r 3chelon yre:~;; chf'.n,e:od b:! divhion dircct1voE~ and.· the Mcjorlty of thv "'JOl'IJonrwl "''c.:rc rtt\' i(;llcd to tho .\dv['..ncc :;cholon.

a. In nll t~.o division CPX' 'l f't C.:J:F P~"DLETON tho Adjutant ~cction t.1'-'rcly :furni::.h~d r: ct.t::~orting unit to t!.c StE>.:ff Sccro­t<~ryt u Section. The v~rious Bubnectionn of tb~ _!.djutl'Jlt Section


., .. ·t· , ..... ~.' ~ ...... .. :·


Korean War Project USMC-00100266DECLASSIFIED

( 2) 'l'ho ~jutnnt :;.c<:t!on ""!'-!! f'WflJJ"!>ed by the work Of'J.!!>od by ·U"o ·jcd.ninb' o! ten~ of thouMn".r. of' c!f!oo:-c f' .. '"l;d. onl!.etcd men to b!.Uld. the 0.1v!d:m to 'r/0 wcr tJtr.::r-~th,

.(3) In c.d.d1.t1on to 1tii c;~Wf~ work loM, 't<U(I Al'\jUt('nt ~'ecticm WP.f: ~l'.ddlod with the naeeasi ty o:i .tHJ&i nting the i'' ...... r.ino BP.rrto.eke. C.4HP PEFDLETON in cl~.l'8it}"ing Md. EtH1gn1ng reRorVaf!. \rt.o Woro ordorod to 6AHP P!lJt!DLETON',

o. :Snrout~ to JA.'DJ.N, only a vory 11n:ft:od o:f"'tao tna.c~ wl\~ DrOVided in tho officer 1t loungo f!o--lttt1n dpt>o-l't·~n.tty V~.JI had to Ot'teh u, on U,f) baok-lt>g of wo:t:"k.

d~ "'r'=!rk.

..... ~l:.orc vr.a no tra1n1ug or rotu.Jir.Ti'<tl.lti tor th0 INCFCW', KO?E.A a;, o,aul t landing,

a., Tho .Advnnc:o Echelon oondst1ng of tho Wljor1 ty of tho "'>or­flonnol with thi..l vory Jjininw.1 of oauiur11ont Clilbarkod Cm' the .AGc-7 CU~.;;; ZiT kcKINI.JilY) at ICOB.E1 J.AP.AN On 11 -':-0'1')\()!]lb~?.r 195Ch'

b. ·rr.o ~car lichclo11- with tt~o fow :!'0!'~0!'-'<cl e!'.d. th~ ne.jor! ty o! t::o oqui·¥JCJJ'!.t Wefi lt~ft in !170BE,. J.4:PJlt with the D:!.vift!on Mnin~ irtr(1t.!VO C0nt!!r ..

a. J.~•'- .HUJu.vu;rq; .::oc~on wa~ e.rflignod: tvo (2j t(;.blOf': in t.ro NJ(}.-7 1

f:l;_ to,~ard.room nr. orficc f>Pe.on. there bolng no offio<> f"P£1.Co roe;ulcril.y ['_ilo:i.,gnod. for edr,11n1 ,,trativo ·ou.rpol'l(!f' of tho ll"' nult t:roop•. Tl1c f;pctOG: t'.fleigncd waF< inodoounto tnil :f'ut:r.o:rnoro could be Uf;oc\ only between ooalr• (thc~o ware tl~.1o (1) (littinp--r ~t oF.ch moal} end them Qnl:' if th~ro WC'!''1 nr,. ~ohool~'""b..:-!;~ -l~_;id for t:·.o •:·hip 1 a offic.:-re .. bovi·:>F> !ollc'#Jd !:,1r,1<"'!d.ir!tclr nftr·r tho cvonin(;; lL"'Pl PO th.·r,. '"t>.f' no c;po:rt:.::ni ty to il<C ti';i;. .. pvoc i\ftor tl:..: cvcn~ng r.1oal.

b. ":·:·;,, tini'1 MtilabJ,• , ... l't• UPr:d to c:.vck c•quA.lty O:lrd.P. Md CrJb.;o.rk...:.tion rort~rr:,. o.nd. to "~~rvien tho 1nnWI)rabl-J f:.nd n."V~r ... ending d~ '":r·,.._tet..~a conc~rning Y)~rflonno:l. who w"'r·'"! und.t!ri'F:~. ""'':~,Y''.liC<'llV J!,~.ndfce-n·1t!d E'.OCOrdinr, tO th(':ir r.~lBtiV,:''"'~ or Wl"".OftC {~:rt!nd:mr:nt Et H.'l"·"' une.bl :- to din \'tlthout t!: .' Y)r.~~· "'nc:' of t~·~oir in\ii<:>·,10nt'nbl ~ .;':rr'ndcl:ilO.r:-n.. Qn.) wund:n•."ld jurt w)':(lt !!r'r"dBt.iok w·!' us,~t. for tr. ~ r;~cruH1ne of t!··~ rcr.flrv~·"' ..

Korean War Project USMC-00100267DECLASSIFIED

~tJillf~4iJl'ill.i 7. Oi'ERATIOl!S

a~ Aseaul t Pheac: ~o Comment,

b~ J!l.."=})loition .Ph!t9<H ThA Ad~ut.~nt 6of1:Uon lm'l(\ed. on D -f 1 and in addition to ite ~;;~t~~~~,Y" duties the maUl portion cf its per!:onnel helped to proyide security !or the OP.

Thoro a:ro offiet:rH and cnliEted Lltm who no·w know their jobs,

10. cru;ENTS A!ID RECQ·;r;mDATlONS

e. The Casualty F.e:part!:r..g Se~-t1on should be landed on D­Day in order to keep their reporta ebrae.6t of the oc.eU£Lltioe.

b. A non-conmi~Bioned officer should be placed ~board eVtJt-Y M1p - flY~ Lr;!); I)!" loST f:Jt tho:,. ~i!.iHHll 'to i'.l"oip:_1i:r..g- that ha.~ bo~n f'..onigna.ted to reeeivc casual t1e11. Thie non-oom-t!li !'lcicnoC. effie: or to mt-.kc a de.ily rc:port nt l6C.xJ !'.nd 0800 of all cacualti<Hl received aboard.. lietine the cnsWl.lt:r~ a nr.mo, rank, sorv1.eu nu.iibe:r, o:rgcmii:ation, ai'Hi nntili'e of woun.d., This waa found noece~nry and was dono in tho luttcr atogcs of World War II. It wei rocowiu.undod, but -wai;i not carric.-d out for ti"".o INCHON, :IQR!.A landing. The tracin~ of cneunltioa, a nco:\­loe!l tnBk, couid h.avo boon ol.ioinntod if th~ iorogoi'ng rceon­nondation lcl been followed.

e~ 'rh.!'..t (1 e~~~lty t.t>_r(l. b() CI.Cl:a!ened D..nd ~- f-!\e~!nilo be shown, together w1 th inetruct1ont to hru1dle, 1n tho 1-':.crino Corps l:!UtU!'.l: ~.r.d, thet one ~1llion (1,000,000) eop:ioe bo printed and. cli&tributod to the V['.flous i.t.r.rine Corps Supply D.upots •. I.t .tvok ovur onu {l) i.l<;;:u.t;;h of plt;.Mine:! cctjolir,g., n.,-,d. oooroing of ongineor (roporduction) ctficera, supply of1'1cer,

~~·~~i00:~~06°~o~~=~~;i~"fo o~~~~:~~~ t ~.n~ll~~!~~!'~~.:!n~~~d u~;oru ~lc.ccC. in C..r::.bl.ct~ 1n tho 1-.c,r.d;; of tho lo;,·ar Uli.ita for prcctHHl-

. 1Jltl - sono of tho bnttalions waro on trcn11porto with the ltnos bohJ.G euut of! 'oc!otQ tho ·cv.rd& woro ho.stil;r O.olivoral~ to U:.cr~~.

cl. Ii-.nt Q pcr~onncl Cl'.rd. be dao1t;nod !:'.nd l\ faoeinlle be enown in tl:.o ~·:~r1n0 CoPpa H£!nUll.l; mu~-: thnt OnC! hundrOC, cillion~ ( 100! 000,000} co;;nce bo t'lfiLo and d1etr1but.od to t~o vnrioue Herinc Cor!)!! S.u:!.);>ly Do];!ota., !t ie !l. eontinuir'.r, t-.r.d noo;rcr-cnCI.ing tfl.!!k urJting poraonnol CEll'da; tllo Te.'oulating Cf'rd

- 4-


Korean War Project USMC-00100268DF.CLASSIFIF;[)

will fill th., bill, IF, W::.EN end AG ti.:' rlU b-~cOI"l ~~-; ~bror"~t ·ot th0 :;~~r--onn.;l !;1tw: tlr<nl i'.li'D. ,.,~1:-n tl:o Mlti h in r>. :r~~"!one.blo :p:toxirnity to ·t,i".u ll' .•l', Until tL·· "IF, wgnr, -~.hd A.~·" ;-·.nd ITJ.Jornn 1r.. u.-,., r, p.-.r :.onn:•l c rd mu.~~t b.:-- M<'d~ foP ,1<.eh l'..nd -W"·ry offic.-:.:r

· enG. onli t .. :d Man u~et Join11 ;,n ore;e.nh~·-tton, l·nd tb-:·r-1 111~t f'.f'l wcU 'b· ~-- rou·1lv of printt~d p~·roonnol c.;.rt\fi to !ill u ... :;o n·,.-d. I .. ~l'.v.:-:f'r.it;. in th.~ rRI, but dPil.y work: n·"-dfJ nu"t bl"l r:h"lt: .:-nd. 'th<m tl~-· d.Qv-11 nt~(-,d"• th.:-:· d-:ovil mu.st, .

•• T~1c.t tJ·"v 't/0 K:-1986,: ·.Att.jutrnt ··::ction, 'b~ in~rlf;··~ to 1nolud.:; th•" :figu.ror. rhown 1n ..,,_rrgre~h 2'b e'bov=", both for np~:.cE" .:-net 11 W.AP. 11 • T;j,;r:'l 1•~<~ ju-·-t n~ Mu.ol; c.dmin1-"\rct1y::- work in ,,1f'Cn

rc. in ur·r: cmd if onu tnu~·t trtoin in th•.1 ?:""' th.~r('l r:hould b-·· p.~r­f'Cihncl to· do tL~ n•~c -.. •·;·ey "'01'~0:: t,h.~t b..,.('_ no con~id:,r,··tion for "tir:t :-. t>t\t tor trcining. n

f. T':~·t tho "T/.~~ fo:r th -. Divi··ion P.>tc1ruert·F,:r•: Cor!Pl'.nY bo 1ncr;;r_: .){1. to inclUd0 <'lU~rtct,~nt tr..-n1·'0orU.on, l'nd 111Ufl'lino.t1ng -· -:-:t·-~ ~-nd 1:-rg-· .. :-l·~ctrie gone-r ·tor~ to -.rovi~.,.-· n<"!c•~r-~-ttt.~r; for oprrG.ttng r. d:lv1~·-,1on a. ' IllWlinr:tinn 1 ~~ ~ v.•r,r dim eubjr·ct to t:~_., .Adj_ut.:·nt f,.-,c"tion which hP.d. to dt'l...,C~:n.d for illininP.tinn on ·ftf-tcl:.Jr, cnndl-"~t, cigrrutt,:, ltg:;·,t-~rn, llcnd -~l.'ctria nr:~·h­li&-ltc. or blU"R.ing 'tl g~ pll'O<"Id in o-rE'.tion ornr of di-1·. -:-1l oil. cr'h-·; pr ..... •::nt T/A !lllow,· only o1tbt (8) 1llir.lint:.Ung f<.~t~ for t:::: tl.iv1·'1on 1:-..• ~.dque.rt . .-rt eot.l".lcny-1 ond ~t pr-. ~cnt tL~r.J t•r·· forty (4o) ~;.~n.!'d end -~p.el:--1 ·atl'ff iodctSonr . .in t.i-.,1 div1&1on ho;•d­qucrtor ·,. t:n .. ::t it ·on.:- tin~ or ot~~.-1r "-uring en ec;• r>.ul t lnnding r---:­q""-ir.:.s t~:S ut,-, of il.t.lninction dltt'ing night hollro; tbv -~jut:nt ;o-et~on it on.:· of t.-"- muny :t..---Jf :o,et1on" ih<:.t llf'.v::.: n•W.'r b ~1n i&cu..;.:d on illimin<.ting 'il-~t, 'l'":': 1ncd•"'qw•t-~ r_:>n ·rr tor r-nd. thJ imiU:U;iaicnt r-u .ply of -~l.~otric ... l C'!qulpncnt ;ccor.rpMy1ng it is rnoti;,\.1r $Ubj..:ct thl'.t nc<Jd'l c(,C-.1 tlon..--1 light r;t.,')(l up~n it.

G- 2'(1r -~dt·.i t1 on~ oor!IJJ...m to. inf'Qri.l,'. tlon1 end r,~oorllil.:md tlone vco .tr-~:: c.tt~~e~:.;:.d C").) .. ndtc..::~ ...

P. J. 00~.'-:':!.LO


Korean War Project USMC-00100269

~~95 lfwrb


to let Iierine .Action

Adjutant Section lat l·:iarine Di vi ei on I!UNGIIAM, KOREA 25 October 1950

From: The Adjutant, Administrative Center, lot Marine ~!vision

Subj; i P,pedel ~Uon !!:eport i9r pent'g_ 29 Agg'!!!Hi 1950 tg. 7 October 1950

Ref (a) Division General Order 16

l. !l'T:!tODt!OT! Oll

To disouos the dutieD performed by the Adjutant Section~ Adm1~ 1strativo Conter from the date o! arrival or activation in the Far Eastern thearte through 7 O~tober 1950

Name ~ ..

P .. Schir.ka uwu ~oeep.n MSgt !!. A. Herrel'o USgt " De Simone ..

Sgt l!. !', NandavUlo

llillet fl~ado i.iij 0\'/0 DivSgtNaj MSGT Pe:rsSt;:tMa.1 MSGT Olle-typiot SGT

llillot ~ ~tMaj Pe:ruSgtl·~aj

Poro Olk T;ypiut

(s.j Olase.itieation S113oUon. Pootal Section aDd. 8&0 Files :to oov&r~ by a lndtvtdual r9port by ~h ~f the Otfioera in Charge of thoae &eotiane.

(b) It 111ey be noted that all tho clorko in tho AdJutant S&ction ~VTQ a~61gu~d t~ th~ f9rw&rd ~9helan. ~h~ l~~ yf clor:l.cal aadstanoo hamper94 the ex,ped1t1ou.s handllnc, pro­c;:Eing1 cnd.or;ing o:r :incc:min& r:u~il. to un1 t; .:~:oncarnod.

Xhore WPi no pursonn~l otfieer a~eigned therutoru tho Ad~utant hod tho additional dut;r ot Poroonnol Offioor, Tho le.ck of clerical personnel in t_he Pereonnol Section hamperod thiD section onpeotally 1n \he oparntton o~ the locator and person­nel cards.

N~rme.l l!qu!JIIIont used b;y the AdJutant, .AIIJII!niBtraUve Center

(a) ..... "'. •"'-"-···~~~oo-iiitiirijWitU l

: .~ ·.;·


Korean War Project USMC-00100270

~~Dmlf!MT'F',~\ "-' £..VL#'10\JU t[~J

( l) Si:l: ( 6) Deelte, field


(2) One )'1) Chest, blank fonn (3) Six .6) ChentG; fiU!\e . . (4) Tll~rty-el.ght (38) Boxes, filing (Local loonu!aoturel (5) ~co (3) Oheste, tiber (6) Ono (l) Cheat, typewriter, large, wftypewriter ('T) Thi'Oe { J) Ohec;;otit~ ty;:;uw..-itui"~, umall! w/ t;;pe:w..-1 tar

~~ ~· ~~\ ~hoot, ~l.me~grapl_> . . . '""'' <mn , ~, ,.,....,.. mn1::nT' TnT' m1mnn..-rnnr1 {LgQ~l MMut'aeturo:;) ~~?! -!~ui-t~e~~~}4f-St~dG~ f~id~~ -·~--\~) ~wolve ~l~J ~tcelc, ~amp, c~~vae

{J.) _.·ow (lt) Lccntor Do~~[l rot )x5 ?orn.on.n~l Ourd.8 (Local 1io.nute.cturQ)

.~r:::J Ono (l) Cheat. typowritor, largo., witypowrit.or ~~~ Six (6~ pheste! typa~ltor! small~ wftypowritor

~;~ ~o(1~~~~~:~;i 9~old (b) ~on (10) lloxos, !U.o officer (Loo!ll. Monllfocturci

(b) Tho doske, field .,.e too bulky and boi.Jl& mode of wood nro hua:v·y! man..y ru:u o.r.e.ok;~r..g HT•d b:t;;;aking in V'-'li"1~;i16 plii..C.as~ Tho hingoo on oomo bavo been brokon. It ic recommended that a new

·:r:h ~!~!~l:e~ei:a:~~~:::ur~p:::1:~ra:~~!t:e:;: :~oa~~~i;:d cw-r..;ard to l".C.."ldlo. 5o:.lG of thaQ ~;o l"..a'lia 'bean era.ekad :llld tho typowrlto:oo in thCD brokon. It is recotnm:ond.od that a cheet bo bllilt of alwninicm or Phooi .mo~a.L, lfllO ·oOlilpartmen~ -xor ·lfno. ~ypu­writor bo lined with !con ~ubbor·•~ting aa a cuehion !or tho typcwrl tor tllcrob¥ (l.b8crb1nc ttu( llhoek c&.usod by moV1ng. The prosont l:llhost: f!lirt.e Qo J";JO•Hff.orl ol)li Hl\do o"f Rhoot. u~tal r;.r el.UDini~,~:Q.. and dcu1igned to·hol.d elx f1lo drawera. 'lho proepnt ehGct hnc ttt ouch ~cetc B~ec. ~o file boxoe ~~ locator bcY.oB loctll Llanllf'c:otlll"o .t'n CDL'lp Pon.\loton woro noOEHI&ary to carey cl.l tb<:! :!!l~!!; Tho@e ~l!:e!! wore f.1Hd.Q or pl~!}od !1-.fid tho ll.d "'H.$

~crew~ down. ~~o_to_rauoh u~? !f o:p.oning ~ ~~o~1~t: thc~e bo~ca do net ~rove eatltfactcrv. lt 1e TOC~~~~Q~ t~.et ~~xee ~~ u~e ot Dhoot metal or al.unin:l.\1!1 'with e. hingod covor and hasp tor loak­ir~ bo addod to tho TE

· 3. i'.ki.ELII:nu.trx PLAlflf'"iNG

Prior to dop..'"ll"tlil"f:l f'rcn Cmp Pondloton tho DiviaiCJn Adjuteo.nt and nsai atnnt plnnn~ to he.va in t):la l'Onr ollholon tho ABUS.etant _ .Adjutont tlJld 50' or tho clorka 1n tho oootion, ·however on arr1val in Kobo, J!'.p!"..n thie 1'!!1.! ahm:!.god \w D!v!~!on Gonorfl.l O!'de!" llt; which niltl.vatod the Dl.vio1on .114m1nhtrnt1vo Oontor,


llot app1io8.blo~




Korean War Project USMC-00100271Dli:CLASSI Film

Of?Wr~:D -s. ~ho Aoslatant Dlvlolon Mjutent MO. fivo (5) onllntcd non arrived. in Kobe JnpM on 29 AU&ust 1950 nnd proceeded 'With Hoc.dquortore Battalion to Cfl.tlp S!lkni in tho Conkn tlrOl'\. nrriV'-" lng ut Coop Sokai on JO Auguet 1950. Cn 30 /.uguot 1950 tho undersigned woe Joinod bj' ono (1) Cconiooionod li<U"ront Officer, .Aru·intnnt Pcrsonnol Officer, ono (l) oo.otcr l!or!CCE'.nt, outgoing anll clerk ond four (4) enliatod olorks, Cn orders !roll tho Conr.tmlding Of'fiecr1 llcMqunrtcre B~ttt-~ion tho undersigned ond oon remdnod in CruJp Sol<ui until 31 /.ugust 1950. <h 31 <.uguat 1950 on ord.ora froo higher authority QAO (l) Cor.U'lissionod. Wnrrent Officer one (l) onster sergeant and four (4) enlisted clorlcnl personnel wcro sont to tho U~S Eount l•lciinl~. During this pcr1cx\ oxtonn1vo seuroh w'c node for office oquipnont of tho .ldjutant Section • .AlDO oooo rlcll wnB proco&sod. Upon orrivnl o£ tho Division .J.djutent on l Soptwbor 1950 the undor•isncd o.nd r:.on Joino~ tho .ivijutc.nt Section at Cnlp Ccrvcr, Kobo1 Jn:pon. DurinG tho poriod 1 Eeptcubor 1950 to 10 Soptllllbor 1950 the under o1gnod funotlonod os A~s1itnnt Division Adjutnnt.

On lO Soptcnbor 1~50 the Divhion .A.dr.~1niutro.t1ve Center wne netivc.tcd in aocordnn.cl3 ,.,.ith Division Genernl Nuuber 14. Upon doporturo of the Dlvl6lon Adjutnnt on ll Sopteobor 1950 the undor­signod 0.3SW.1CJd the duties of UjLltf'.nt for AdoinietrC'.tivo Center.

Tho Adjut~nt. Adn!nistrntivo Center e~rried out the routine nduinietro.tive· dutton. !J:hif\ wns fi.Cconpltehod. ey the :f'ollowingz

(-a) llndorsing rout1no cor-re!:tpondonce (b) Oricint.tine .rmd rclcnfline diapc.tehee (e) Asfligning ndditionnl dutioe to off1ccrc1 such £.s, b1llot-

1ne, Officer of th\l Dey nnd Offieor Heseonger (d) Issuing guard ordora pert~ining to the soeurity to Cc~


Le) ..I!t:u.lng Ca.1p Ordoro and C~JP l~or.1or~:~.nduo.o perto.ining to C~1p Cm-vcr.

(f) ocr ted nod pr OCOeGcd Dail (~) Scrializod., logged outgoillf; corro~pondonco (h) Wnrning~ of nppronching typhoons interrupted tho nornol

routine n.duinistrC'.tion (1) Hninto.inod oecuritr !or the Division Hor.dqunrtors fllee (j) .l:r.;tnblioh li.r.ioon with tho 8th Station Ro·epltvl. (k) Cn Soptonber 17 tho .Adr.liniotrntlve Conter otl~<U'kod on

bol".rd tho 'U. s.s ThO!:lo.s Jof:fereon M.d et~iled fl"w Xobo1

Jr.pan cnroute to Inchon, Koren. .Arriving on 21 Septoubor end di soob·,:rkad on 22 ~eptar.fbor 1950. l!ha Adjutant Section cnrriod out routino dutioo ,.,.hila on board. tho poraonnol :filod tho locr_tor one. personnel cnrde of tha 7th Ha.rinoo which woro rocoivcd. nt 1800 on tho 17 of SoptGObor.




Korean War Project USMC-00100272


(b) (c)


( o)





Originntod ToDpornry nddi tionnl duty o:rdi3T8 for Offieor i·Iesaongor Originated dr.Uy Divif<ion Spocir~ Orders !lndoraod. ordors for c.ll porc.onncl joining thia owmmd vln tho Di vision .;d.r.11n1 atrnti vo Contcr TrM.sf'orrce. to tho lst Provision£'~ Co.&unl Conpnny. Yokoculca, pcrsonnol h<l~-pitnlizod., and colo turvi·•tora. ll'l"cmsforrvd ull 17 year olds fran .hrnorcd .Ar.lphibiE'.n Br-.tt!\lion to let P:rovi.eionol 0::-.a®l Cor.lP--'UlYr otou, J,"!.pan prior to dopnrturo ot tho Ad.ninistrative Contur fror,) Jo.p['J"J.. Hf'.ndlod tho locator !Uld lle.d.o loQ.atoe· for pet'Donn&l in tho Division Handled all Service Recorda of inconing personnel, C.i&­trib~ting theo to units. Contected. 'ny personal offort sole au:vivoro in unt te n'bonrd ships and issued orders tor trtmef'er to let Provia-ionnl Cnoual COMpony, Yokoeuka

7. Oporntione in tho field

(a) Trcmuporte.tton: There w.~e no L'\otor vehicles astigned to tho ill::'i.ministrntive Conter. l':otor Trnnt1portnt1on was req..Ured for Officor ~·iesr.onger, dispatch runs l'.nd rune to the r:1e&s~_ge oentor on tho G.oelc. 'Lnck of transportation W!\tl especially noticoablo wh!lo nt Cn~p Ccrver, Ko'be, Japun,

(b) Lightsl In acne co.ses thero were no electric 116hta. nt.o Adjut.tmt S.octi"On hns no illW'>~inating equip.1ont.. ~iony boura of work was lost duo to tho lc.ck of lights, eapocial.ly in the Klmpo, Seoul ond .A.eCoo C1 ty ar;;)C'.s.

(c) Cloricnl ~araonnol: Shortr~e of clerical personnel hcop­ored tho OXl)Oditiou.s hendlint; o! corroOl)ondonco through this por1od.

(d) Die:>le.conont: ~ho froqoont diepl,·conont of tho .\dnini­strntivo Contt:r wc.s the causo of t1nny lost :.mn hour6 of work, ospooinlly Curine the tim:~ tho .;dr:linietrntive Contor waE nboerd ship. DurinG tho tine tho Ac\uintstrnttvc Center wrts nboerd ship tha offico cqu!ynent w.:-.11 lundled ne gonerc-~ ccrso nnd plc.cod in n corgo hold. This wu; duo to tho lack of off'! co upnco (ln bo!'.rd ship.

Solutionn to probleue eneountfJl'od

(a) 'I'r.?.naporh~tion: Two jcopa were obtained 'i'ron the Arr.ly while in tho Kobo aron. For uovetwnt of trtloPo and aquip:~:ent truoku woro furniiihcd by .Artty.

(b) Lit;:ote: Cemdloe were u.aed when th(ly wore available. (c) Cloricnl Personnel: Personnel of otter aectione wero

uood to the bust odvantoge such aa, lnf~Ctor Section, Aud1t6r Socti(ln nnd nt "frequent tines ono clerk froo tha ClntJ£s1fice.t10n Section.





Korean War Project USMC-00100273Dli:CLASSI Film

(l".) Troneportntiona It io reootmended ,thnt two (2) Jeeps l'nd drivoro end ono (l) 6x6 truck and dr1ver be ns~igned ~o tho Adninictrntivo Center.

(b) Lio;hte1 It h roconnondod that whon ct nll possible a {;onorc.tor Md olcotric lights bo flll"niehed to nll unite ot the .Adniniotr.:".tivo Center. ln the ovent tlll'.t the m.bove cnnnot be furniehod 1 then nll unite bo i~sucd at lonat two (2) aeto of illuoinntinc equi)lf.lent.

(c) Clorice.l Personnel: It is rocoor.umdod thnt tho J.djutont 1 o S<etion, Al\ninistre.Uve Canter bo ineroaeed with six (6) clerkn 1n tho followinG' dutiee:

Cno Cne Cne Cno Cno Cno

(l) Hir:~eograph Operntor (1) Chief Clerk (l) Olerk-'JYJ>iet ( 1) I neon in,:; ).!ail Clerk (1) Outt;oinc Hnil Clerk (l) Dietrib~Uon Clerk

(d) DieplncOI:'Iontl It io roconuondcd th.c.t tho Mnlnistrntivo Center bo di.splc.cud loss. It ic folt tlw.t thio can ba acc01.1l>l1sl"l"" 00. by loenting the Cantor net too distnnt :f'ron the fortlll".rd CP1 or within oo.ay flying d1otr~noe, ''/hen it in nooom,r.ry to O!'.lbl'xk on boo.rd ahip, thnt of£ico epoco bo )')l'OVidod for nll \lllitt of tho Contcr.


It is :f'ult thnt r.nmy cf the J?l'oblono oncountorod waro oinor problons; howovor, thoy did slow tho f'Wlctirm of tho .Adniniotrnt1vo Cent or, eroctiDC e. b£1clt lot; o:r work, \'ll·.ol'\ tho .Adnin1 etrn'tlivo Cent or joined tho Divioicn hdjutcnt Gcet1<n, Thio beCk loc wee clo<~cd BAd all -work wro.a cellbht up durtnc tho utoy nt lticpn, Senul nnd • Con City,

Tho probloo of office opnco en bc-l'.rd ahip is of inportanco, n~~ workinb houre ~ro loot while the Adl1in1otrat1ve Center is enrouto frNJ ono port to Mnthar duo to the uni ta hro.vinc their office oqui::nent in C!'.rgo h('llds. It 1 a felt th:c-.t l'll":rr'Jllor:wnts should. bo Ol:'.do thl't the .AdninietrE"ltivc Contor bo otlb:'.rked. on ships thnt h.."'wo the B!Jn.Oe required r.vl".ilt"'.blo in order tn cnntin­uo to oporf'.to efficiently whilo ot sea.

Thoro w:-.s n<'- C~suol Conpony 1n tho .Adninietrto.t1vo 0"Gntar ttnd when cc .. cu..'"\lB roported to the. Center they wore tuo~dgned to Hel'.d­~~~tors 3nttclinn, thuo using Hendqunrtcre ~~ttalion no n Oneunl Conp..'UlY.

Cn 25 Septc1.1ber the Al\nin1otraUvo unite of tt.c :let CorJbat Sorvic.o Group. lE.\t t:ed1oal Battalion nnd 7th Hotor 1'rE'.nsport l!nttnlion wore det.,ched to their )~>ront orsoniontl< ns,



Korean War Project USMC-00100274DF.CLASSIFIF;[)

Tho 5th !lnrineo Adniniotr~tivo onito Joinod the D1"¥sion .Adn1niotrl'.tivc Center on 1 October c.t 6ooul..

On 8 October the Aduinistrntiva Ccntor wne displncod nnd novod to AaCon. City operating there "'1 th the Division ~~jutcnt; en ll Octobor Div1alon Har.dqunrtaro or.;br.rkcd on bonrd Ghtp. Tho ;.&t1n1etrc.tivc Center oobnrkad. on board ehip on 14 Octobor 1950.

In ounr.lntion oe a result of the nbove ltwos the Adr.tin1r:trnt1vo Center w~s nble to work on ito records tho followine nunber of dey so

Coup C!'.rvor, 1Cobo. Japan Kir1po Cor.mnnc\ Poet Sioul Conr.wncl Post AcCou City Oonr.1nnd. :Post


5 doys 3 dr.ys 7 dC',YS 5 dcyo

t:llilo nt Cnn:p Ct~rvort Kobo, Jnpt".n, rme (1) dc.y •• ,.H~ lot>t duo t.o ty::ohoon eonditic-.n, Tho reon1ndor cf th~;~ ttr.1o batwcen the activation ot tho .~1n1atr~t1vo Center on lO Septenbor flnd r~ u1burk~tion at Inoh{·n on 14 October o. :;.)cr1od of 13 dr.,ye wen opcnt in di Sj?l.:lCor.lOD t.

J. :a. CWO,




Korean War Project USMC-00100275DECLASSIFIED


l. i'VRFOSE ~o dioouss the duties performed by the Casualty Roporting Boction dur­

ln~ the period 27 July thrOugh 7 October 1950.

2. Orean1zat1on and concept of operation o! the Casua~ty Reporting Sect­!op.,

(a.) 'llhe a.ctun.! orgn:lhe.t!on o! the Ca!'.!.alty R""Po!"t:!.ro..g: S~et!t\n as 4::0!!!­pared to the Table of Organization Allowance was as followar

ACTUAL !!'2M!'~ K:tp_g MSgt Mario Paecioretti MSgt W1J.J.1a.= fu Vogelsang SSgt Froderi ol< ii, Dyson S~t Juh:n l\. Glur Cpl Melvin E, Long Cpl Raul Morales Cpl l'ia.ltar G. Sea.stonc :Pfc David R. Cuig

" • • • •

(b) It is to be noted that the Casualty Reporting SecUo,n operates under tha ccntrul ·of the Divhion .Adjuta."'lt and an a part of' th<> Di·;­iei~n Adjutants• Section. The T/0 allowance tor the Division Adjutants 1

Scc:tio!". does not provide !!:'r per~o!l.!'l.eol to operate a. Ca!!".!.alty reporti~.g aec,t1on. It was therefore necessary to carr1 additional personnel to

(c) upon acw~va~~on 01 ~ne ~~v~Elon Ca6US~~y ~epor~~ng Sac~1on. ~~ was d1ecovered there waa no directivo or etandtn~ operating procedure covartng eagualty roporting within the Division. ~here wero 1mmed1ato f!tops teJt;:l;)n to accornplhh the: !Qllow11J6l

(l) Write n.Ild. d.istrib>J.te a."l. SOP covering Ce.B'JAlty report!:r.g. Th!e wae accomplished by being publiahod in tho form of a division mamorand~ ar.d diat:rib'u.tad .t.o a.ll W"lita Juat prior to sailing~

(2) ~o get ~J.ffid.Eint ~u!!ualtt !'aport !}afde pr1nt60. an.U !lletr!1Ji..itfld to all unite in sufficient time for cards to be prepared and one cOpy delivered to Division prier to sailing.

(a) ~ sample casualty onrd (see encl (l)) was ne~•vere~ ~o ;ne First E~inaer Battalion and a requeat for 100.000 to be renroducod, After a Period o! ten (lo) daye, 1t was decided that tho First ~in­oer BattAlion did not hava ~fioi~nt ~toek t~ fill the job ord~r~ On 10 AUgUst a job order was ~bmitted to the Purchasing Soction, Marine CQrpb &..=;pply Depot, Ca..."'P Per.dleton, for the cc.trJ.al't¥ cn;rd:; to be pr!nt= ed by ~ local civilian printing concern. ~he casualty carda were re-

~~g~~;:: (J} ~!v:;::rt~a::;a~!Y!:;Q~~=~:~:~~l ~!~t;1!~aaw:::!9d do~1vcrcd tc ~~1tc pr1Cf to aupart~e trom Caw~ Jo;epn ~. Pendleton ~J.t not in suffici~nt tim~ to allow unita to prapare casualty oa:rde for dal­.tvory to D1vie,1on prior to ea1l1r~g,.


Korean War Project USMC-00100276DECLASSIFIED

(d) Due to tho time element involved ln the divlelon loading out. a.n.d thtt CQ!!!!!!itw:mt of th"" C~nn!alty :Rupgrt1ng Seot1on ~~ Diviiiiur~ Per­sonnel Section. therG was no opportunity to conduct fiold training in casualty roport:Lng prior to being co:;:mittc:i to oon..-or.t ..

3 Dosks, 1'iold. 2 Cheats, t:rpcmritor emall, oomploto 1 Choat. type,triter, largo, comple;o 1 Box, onsualty report curd 1 .Box1 J<~iaoella.noous eupplioe

(a) !rhe deske 1 fieid and typewritor chaeta are too bulky and hoav,y. It ia conaidorod nrofcrablo tc ranlaoo tho field docks with fiber cheate or chests ef :tighter oonatruot.ion:

(b) !rho -above e~puont \tas not BUff"icient for the Caeualty Section to oparata ofJiciemtly, duo to the s~ction net having lA-<OJ blac~out tentn or illuminating equipment av~lablo for aeaignment to t~ Section.

4. During the coobat phase the Division Casualty acco~~1od tho combat echelon 0! the Division cor.u~d peat.

(e.) "lJw,tng this period tho Casualty Section was utilized as a per­ocnnal aG~ion. ~hG casualty cards wc~c used a; a locator !or p:oceee= ing of. correspondenea. Orders for omergano;y leave and transfers wero i eeuc ... a~ recr.rl.rod ..

(b) Inforraa.t1on on cas-u.alties -.a,; promu.lgatad to unit& by mGa.-~& c:r the Division Casualty :Bulletins. '"hich iieluded all information avail­able to tho Division iron various sources such as ships, shore party evac­uation toano~ Ho~pitt:~.l Li_R.iaon !renns~ hospitt:~.l ad.r:Jission n.nd dhpoaition reports and organiB liivieion hospital&, All ar~ personnel ovac~tod via division hOG?:!.tnlt ~d. n.:!.d ete.t:!.o-ne we!"<! she~n e-n eD.S>.lalt:.r bullot1ne for information 'P\U'pOsee in cor::~pliance with X Corps verbal instruct lone,

(c) Aoplifying roporte of dooth were prcparod in tho field from in­!or.o.ation nva.il."o."olc tln tho on.eu.n.lty rapert enrd.e.


~~Scp 16 4 '.2 ·,l\); 5 lbScp g l ~ 15 l7S~p l 69 5) lllSop 7: 2 88 49 l!)Sop lO l 63 13 20Sey 23 l 116 27

~~~~ 33 3 i*§ §§ 25 2

2)Sep 19 g 68 t~ 24Sop 67 5 212 25Sop 34 5 2:24 77 26Sop 32 7 168 53 278op 31 4 l5l 82

ofifCWSfFifD 2


Korean War Project USMC-00100277DECLASSIFIED

------------------------" " " - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

211Sap g 4 211 10 29~ep 18 ~ !4-S )l JOSop ll 2 4g

~~ lOe~ 1 l 14 80ot ll 2 80 91

ra~; 2 l 31 59 1 57

50ct l l 4 12 6oet ll (Oct l)

~O~.ii.L 364 53 ; l96l lO.Sl

5· S•~e def~cta notvd in oa~alt1 r~~ort1ng worol

(a) ~~ there wero not ~~fficion~ poraonMl in oooo unite assigned dut;.r ~ th~ u..~it Oo.;::..:.alt¥ F.epc:rting Soetione teo :o-rop!l:rly and e!f!o1e.ntl;r report ~sualtioe to tho ~1vieion Cawualty Section.

(b) ~he.t unHo subt:itted cc.auaHy curds without neooesc.ry infor­as.tian e-.!Ch .".l:l "type 'Ji wcn..md'" • ~pl~t:ti eYa~mttod. t!.?~; Who<!~~h€1!" N:' !1~t tiru!

waE ovaou&te~, or ~lar1fy1ng renarks, whan tbero was a quoetion AG tl wuw-.d "using !rbi<.ttlu~' .u:r "non-•batt~on.

(a) ~hat a standa.rd un1:roro system •n reportlng ot casualties ba 'Ple.O(!d !n ~O!'~.tion for nll Flet<t Ma!'!n(i Forca Cgr.foat tJn;l.ta. A,Q foll()...,fll

(l) Tr.at the nothod of reporting oonbat ea~~ltie~ bo ~~lly ~ovor~d in the 14ro-ina CorPn Me.z:r ....

(2) ~·h<tt noeosaRry for1l8 a".d equipnont to rOport C.!'t.sua.ltios bo made a ata..-..dard issue by tho Depot cf f:i'L."P'P:U.ee.

{j) TAAt the T/0 Oo ch.Mgo! to 1nclud.o il on.m.i.R.lty nrpo:rt~.r.g ~Gcticn for all units dO\'iO to lllld including battalions to function au such on ftold pro-blens and r.m.n.uovore,

(4) That caeualty roporting and the ~oportanoo ot casualty repor'-11'1.£ b~ taught a..!ld Bt!'Qt;E!!l<d :in both tho SnntClor a.nd J'u.r,lor AMphibious Wnl'\oo taro course& at f~arino .Corpa Sch.OQls, QUantico, Virginia • ........ ---~ifiED 3


Korean War Project USMC-00100278DECLASSIFIED

l\CT!CY;l RZ?ORT f.cl~1ut-"'.nt Seetion

1955 7-1/rro:O

let l-!'lr1nG D1v1s1on :?.itP


27 :rov 1950

\sE~!stl'lnt .\djut.-.. nt, Division ClP.ssif'ico:>.tion "'nd ~.e.sic;n­

men t Officer To: Comtrll'.ndillG Generf'.l, 1st z_: . .,.rino Division

Subj: S:_neci~.l Aetion Ro'!'ort for ··'loriod 29 \ugust • 1 Octo"ocr, 1950

Rof: ((1,) Divi(;iOO Genor'"~l Order ~-'o, 16

1. I:IT30DUCTI0i'T

Tha uur''lose oi this rEmort is to discuss tho dutios ·-1el'formed

~~ ~~~~r ·~i~~ ;6~ ~ ~~,~~-~~? ::~ ~ 1 ;~o ~l :~~~!t\!i;n;'·'~!~.~~ 2~r~~e::;:o;~ c~eo g.".:t.'l.CQ. d.Ul"lrog t.i'-t! .J.ncnon ,.., l'.lffi'?O - 'JOOUJ. u-:')0!''"' tlon.

:ho ntission of t!".o .Division Clro.ssif'ic ... tion Section is to con-duct ul'".ssi:fic--.tio...J.! ~.ssignmm1t! ro:'.sSi.~;nncnt ."nd ·o:;romotion proooduros for the ·..-;.ur:_'lOBc of offcoting t..'"'lo T.lOSt cc;_u;•.blo .-.nd •"'.f!::lt'Opri...,_tu G.i~>tri'oution of -,cl·sonncl but\·fOCn units, -..nc: obt.."in­ing m!!.ximum tfficient utilizfl.tion of "'Jld '?roduc:tion from indi­vil;!.u..-..ls. :~1is eoction o:porr,tos under tho ::Jiviaion \dJut .... nt,

~he ::>ivision Cl .... zsif5.o~ tion ~cation is org,..nizod P.s ,...,_ 3ub-scctior.. of t:~o :Ji-.;ision 'c"..1ut-r.t Ccctio.-1. ~/0 =~-lCJ~6. :t O!Jcr .... _tcs ,,_'lt!Cl' the immcdi--to s~_._,orvision of i.ha· :)ivision .\c1ju-

f"l.lso _..,_cub-section of ·ci·.o :!vision 'cljut"'nt Soctiun. 'ut::-to-


',!l"l'H C.\P:C[.~.s s t '-C.j ;J\.:nC lin:":· s sgtO) i.SGT (?orsClfnC>J!) ~GT {?crsGlfnClt:)

'.CTTi\J:.. lot:.-t ·' ·.- ROSSE'"?. :.:S:J.:' _ . t L--G-'. ·-~'] !383-~ I, 0 CT.':-:: T'GS ·~10 TI 1

• ?.:JL!.-J::•,::c

c()m·oloto ~ 2 C'"·r!n stools - 1 st.-.'ld :'o:..· ficlct chest

?'CLii f'"~Y' ?L'~T~~ T:"G-------··-----"-~ .t G·r,!::' c~rv::-r, l.Obc, J!\·.~"1n, ~rc·.-,-:rcc! ~t"'t:h~ti.C"-1 ro­

·,orts of !Jivisior.. strengths, by ~,.n;f.tG 1 "-S ro~n ... irod by f'r-1. ·:·ncsc ro-'lort.;; ;-:cro ~Of.lJJUtal Oy Division Cl.-·-.es:l.f.fe-·Hon rr.t:~!OT th.,n ro·.->ortcd by units, nocoo~Jitn.toc", ·ay l'\¢ 1 ~ o:f' T"'.T)ir'l. cor..rm.m1-c.-·tion, '"-n~ l·'·l·~::; u:f m~._jor t'.nih boh·.;:; t.istribt•.toCi. ovor "· :.~cl~.­tivcly 1:"".1'(;.'\: ·'.r0.'\1 on 1~nd "nr'. on S~'!in.

b. Cor:nutod strongt~ rcnorts "oy r";1!:: of :0~1 a. r,n:r"T'lnr."-1 El · n!ld Scr&c 'n ts o!l unit -"'-nc: C:.ivieion level by Occu'?'\tion .... l !'iol<1

to illnlC'mon t ·-,rc,m?tion •1ro:;r.,rn of ??en!; "~"-~1 Oor;-:>l""'l!! (?rc-'b".­tion".TY C .. mmor".>.rzr)• .!JJ'~ll!c'C":r·~rn

1_ c:rJ_.,"'AAidiJJ, t. u

.... ·..:.-.~-''-""""-··-· .... J.> . .t................ -


Korean War Project USMC-00100279DECLASSIFIED

c. ~>.iat.,.incd c·'-~'{~ filc. of ::csts br r"'t".l': .,_nf. \m1t. ~~o·.)t t;,-;.is ll..L:l current. u,y co.J..F''t'i::lg J.n1orrn ... ~J.on on "Qorso·,ccl c~-:-..ngo~

i'ror.1 Division S::>ochl Orders! unit S;:>oci.,.l 01·dor' -.ne. -.1rOl;lotion ordorfl, ..,nci_ corrcotinc c1.1.rd 1"llo ,.,,ccorcU.ngly. Tl".:t~ file e;;o~·tod

suffiq.iont inforr:'lfl.tion for "»ur·ooscS of e..tsienmo~t~ ro .... sf'.it<::tr::ont~ v.ad control of unit ··?:romotion.

o-! ;:oni'torod cl"'.snif'ic~uon p:rocoduruu . ..._f -u.ni t;:; thr;;ngh ro­vicH of unit orG..tn:s rnd cll'•.aaificr..t!on eorros-.1o"ldoncc,

t. Znitll".tod sor.10 rc".ssign:.10nts of -·Xlrson'lol to effect "· ncccsS·".rY redistribution of -.;kill&.

g,. Z:ffoclit-:11 roui.i:lC l'l:c's~lt:f,m·l~,nts oi hulivhlu·•lu in coor­{:1!', ....,tion wi t~l co{;nlzo.n t st .... ff soc tions (ComO - ?ood :Jircctcr -SuyO- etc.),.

h. ?u.rniahcU 1nfc concrrnL·,; d1str1but1or_ of S'I)CCi".ltic~s to !ntr)rcstcd st·,ff !lcct!orl.!! en :rc~uoet.

·1~ I>·.c~c ".;:;:::it-:-.u-:;o:;.t;:; of Jc-rso;r-;_ol joi:;.iii£ c:m,\1-:r"ru:t to r~-,~ts

in ".cc:orii.r\l'leo with '1/0 ~nd loo--1 rcquircmo!th. .\ vr:ry foo joincG. t~lc Cdvision durinb this )Cried prier to {lc·,, ... .rturc of ".SS".ult unitr.. 'bout 300 ro ~l".OOf,.\OUts Jolnod too b. to i'Ol'

Psnicm:h<nt to t:w;;o tD<ito., :.m:ro ·:;1c1;:od u;:; on l"Cll« of ·"o,...r1.CLtl.-·:r­tcrs 3"'tt".lion 1 rm~. ·,rococdo(1. to I~1chon \"lith tna Divioion ·.tlmin­istrr-.tivo CoLlt-cr.

J• :R.co".'')itu1 .... toc~. by _:r)S ·"-'ld T".:'.lt ro~l"cor.~cntn jOi:li:1i:; cl.ivi­sioa subscquo:tt to ("\.c·o.".rtur'' cf .--..ss"~.,'-lt achr.lo!1.

k. On 9 Sc:_)tcn1h:-r 0 1950. th~ Divirdon Cl.'\ss:!.ficn:t;ion Scctioa .,., .... e: ".ElSiG;:!Od ".ll r>. !)':'.rt of tho Division 'cl.;~j_nistr .. _tivc Cantor,

1, On rcccl~t of i:r.rCol;1a i-:01:1.0 ag-50. -6ro:.-"J .. rcc1. Division.

!;~n~!;!:i~;~,;:~~;i~~i ~~ viZ~!n s;~o·~~~o~~~n~~br~~! ihc~-~~o;i~~c !!~~~B~'l ~ ts u, lnformcc:l. units of indlvic"cu:".l G::ST ~n~l r!L' scoros fron !·31

~his section c;·~o~r:.::od. 'torit:t t:1J Division '.:.-'.r,,ir.istr""'.tivc Cc:!tcr on t:1,1 USS T~-~o;:\S .n:.~:so·r ".t ~~obo~ J,.,.,,..n~ 011 17 So:­tc;Jbcr 1950, iluo to s:~,..,.cc l1.J:lit:"".tio.i.iS, offico cqu.br.tont of t!1c Rr·f't.irwl ,.,.,1'1. ~t.f\Ol•f' ~'"' t.).<.~ hf1lr1 t,,,,.4,..r.- thn +-••{,,. tn T,.,,..•,.-..-. .'·t ti;i~- ti'J~ ill~;~··\~l~r~--0~~~; fifty--(50')~·6;.£i~·t;~I~l~ i~n.d~~~;··;ff!N c:;.uipuc:-.t uith t:Oc ~ivis!o:r. •,ti.i.li!~lstr-·tivc Center~

,.,..,...,,..,.,..~ .... r-...... -.--. .-.~-,.,. ... .,. .... ,.,...,_.,..,....,..,....,, .... - • .-.u; .. c_~· . .._ .!.V _._._. • ..:...<· • .._. __ ..__. _, .... u_~._,_ ·\•'!"~ v ·, ., .\.

...., ' .,..,_. ,..,,.. ~ - .... ~ -'-'-'

~-,.-,....,. •.,. ; r<nTI'I-T "'"""'""'m ...,_- .. IJJ.. ·~ IV~ .ov.- ~'-''• tJH.O


Korean War Project USMC-00100280DECLASSIFIED

..... ~, ........... ,,... .- ....... -. I""'I'Y"T

Vl ", t:lO V~Cl '.!.'.""1-U •• ·0 •J -'1· .. ">U ~

1950, ·"'J1~;, ".rriVC{1 -t :Jivi::tion co~:~n ... ncl_ ?oat ".t Kin·_)O '.irfiolcl on 23 So:.;tv;Jbor! 19~.0 ..

r ....,_.,..., • -...,,.. • .,., o. vr.:...!\.,·.::~u.·o

.'\ .. 3.c~;orto(: Pt c•lV~EIJ.UT. l.,i.t' .1.!1 LJ.cho:-.-Kin···o-Scoul 1 rc-- vn

23 Sc::>tcnbor 1 1950.. .\.{l.vlsl.d C'-1 of r..,:~.!:e "~"H1 6:!)0Ci"'.lt1oa of 6 officers ".n~i. 250 c:1li& tee'. ropi ... ccr:lO:-. ta .,,cconi>".l'lYing A6.r.tinis tr".­tivo Oon tcr ~ Rocor.li.~ondoct ... a sit_nt.mn ts.

bj' Prcl''·.ro(1 :ro·.JortB of atronct~; nffiecrs "nc1 o•1l:l.ate:ti.~ "ll d1via1o:t U!lits.

c·. · .i.ssir;ncd ro~·ll ... oonon t poreon:tol 1 o!ficor r>.nc1 onli a ted, ".t; :follm·iS 2

27 Sop 4 Oct 5 Oct



35 52

d. 2S So~) 1950 .... Prop'·rcd ;.;crJ(I t¢ units roquost1n::; l'c-)ort c:f etru••r;t:l "oy r-"'.nk r•_;'.r'. ::u;:,,.

o. 29 So··) LTJV - TIV.:;"Jrtccl to C'.-1 c~ch ut!i t ·oy t"."vU.,;.


f. 30 Sc~' 1950 - ?rop."'.rc(. st ... tistic"·l rcnort of ··)Crco:;.t"'~,go

of c:~.su .... l tics by u::.i ts '"n(, by t;r,,c of w;,i t,

~. 4 Oct 19:P - ~ccoivod ro··,.,orts of stront~th by r-'lJlk nne! ::OS :t'rc:J 1::..-::.ito - rac"'Uit\.Uf".tc~l. in eo~tr ... l file (r;:-:8) tor nsd;:;n-:.10:1 t pur:poso,

h, :?rc:""'·rocl ro·_;ort .o! C"'~.OU"".ltice by rf':l!'= .,n~. :<OS. fror.l Di­Y!e2on G".!!l.,l.''.lty 3\l...'Llct;in!; (Gonti:-J.'.'.i!'.[;" :!<.<:.')<:'rt) ..

j:R,I ro::_lorts to ::livision.

j • :~ffoc toc1 routine t'C"'.aB iGnnc:J. tu of ir..c'.i vic".u .. J o in coor­clin."'.ticn \·rhh oo,:r_iz,..nt st ... f:f scetior.o (CotJ.r.tO- :-ooc: Director -su:oO - otc. l.

Jc= Fur;~ is !led info co·1cClrning <lis tribut.ion of e~~ci"".l tios to intcrc3tod st...,.ff ooct1onu on rotJ,uoe>t.

l, Pro-p .... rcC.. S_1c:cUlottors to CLC ro·.,orti:r~.G nnnoa r•nd !-:osto of Ln.rincc r::ra:.::-toc". to Cor~')Cl"!'.l ='l:H1 Scrcc"'."'lt (?rob.Atio~-"'.:r;;t ~on­!JOr-'\l"Y) pursUf1.nt to c:.:c ~.is::)"'tch 0615)8 of Jul 1950. ::onitorod th.:)~O ]'ror;oti(,_na tlrr-•YtJ-t;!l. roviow <)f ll.f,it ·)!'Or;it)tiQi.1 l)f'(lor!;~



Korean War Project USMC-00100281DECLASSIFIED

u,. 1'~on1 torcc'.. cl~-ssific"'.t.icr•, :)roocc'.uros thro'Uj-;h rovi01·r of unit 0rc\ors ... nc. cl",ssific ... tion corros~)onc'tcn.oc.

'"~ Infori:l..".tion <lifficult to o"otr.in fror.t unite rclf\.t1vo to offooti vo atrc~;t;tbs in s~)coi".l tiof:l~

c. Ch.•".!lGO in C::Hm}Y'.ticn"'.l S)oci".l tics rot"'rc1of'~ by slO".-r corr r..>UJ.'lio--;_tion ';;itb. '..On.d-.~u~-.rta:rs :~.,rino Cor:•<>•

c. 1o.ci: of ci.ivision l:'.uthority for eh .. .ngo 01· uocU!)"":r.io:l.~.l iiol'ls o.,:u.sot. sono ir.ju.stico to incUvi(lu"\18 i:.1 th ... t t;to:.• ooulC .. !lot be ::n•or:totod (?;>Cis ,...nll. O?Lis) c" .. uo to their not ~-)Ossossir.g "· ~?rir..1·ry l:OS consistent \·!it:1. their billet ,_ssignm.:::nt.

~'~ Dtrrbc tho ~bo t:1o c'.ivhion "!".a corndti;.od: infornr-.tion ¢onoorn1n-:· e'~l':\l..".lti,cs "'~m: c:ffcativo ntran.ctht: V"~r,~ tnt"l fr:.r 1-n .-..:rrcr-,re. 'rt:1.c;"'.. el"se1fic~~t1r.!l sceti!'\r. ~Y"'.S \·J:!.tll .·.~:.linistr:"!,t:!.vc Oc:t,.., tor 1 to )Cl"Wit r."i-:;st o:f'ficlont f\.t:Sil;"l.i.:or.t t·f rc-,1:-.co::;ont_$.

o. Consic'ccr tlw dcs!<: 1 tY:'?OHritcr 1 lit.'l!'\.11 1 too cur.tbcrs0no rn:i. :f'rr.;_-:ilo for frequent r·.lOVOtl, fficld c'.oslt, \'thilo J.!C'ro stur~.y duo to t'. lessor i!o·-.,th 1 is o::ccssivoly :w .... v-y. :E'iolt'1.-cx1~d1-tioM.rY bcxoa for Sorvioo rccorc1s "'ro i:\ ... doqu ..... tC, rcsulti.'"'..{~ in c'.:"'J<l('),SO to ot'!.f:cs l"'m\ binc~.1ngs of ac:rv1eo records.

f. C.-t:S-T 1'\nd TT !Benro~ bn!n.:; furn!~!vx~. rC'O')oet-!vo tmit-!'1. concorncC. "o:r c:;c h"'.e resulted. b". !". hc ... vy c~:rrcc;."lonC.c:!oO :!.n :for .. w,...:rC,!nG of scares (.uc to trf".nsfcr 9!' ')cr:::onnol, Dal.,ns· in :rccci:-!t of souros by r.:-.n!;;. ·.; ... l·cnt unit i:,r-;y rcs:ult in w1tt~~o1Ctin:~ of t\

p:tOIJotion (?rob··.tionrl·y ':'or.r~'lort·.l'y)~

b• un.•\IJlo to :".dr.ilnlstcr oo~· s r~.s •Hroctcd by c:::a c\.uo to 'Ulli h r..nli :;crso:lnol cone or nod beinG cor.t:i ttod., f\.'1~. "llraon.ttol not I'W!".il!"!,blc for testinG•

· !.• Solutior.s to ~:ro"alcus C!'l.CO'I.U\tcroc1s

(1'.) ll"'i:-1 t~".inod ro."r.On'\blo ro.ccurl'.tc rccflr(l Qf stl.'Qnc;thn b~· r.'"~.nk ..,~1<'t r::::-:.oci"lt;• !nforr.1n.t!on b:." n1.'lt"',.ing ro,_..,lr".CD­!.10n ts ".n-:: !1oC.uctin;; ro~1ortcd. O"su. .... l t1os fror. 5~ i:C3-.!V'.~"J.!<:: file.

(b) G-l rcq,uos tocl n.ut}i.Ol"i ty :f:rm.1 ""v for eli vis ion to cf;f'oct c::l-i'i(';OO ii:l Occu~J-,_tion">.l :'j,olC~s (:-:nlistcc=.), \·_:nrov~.l rcc.oi-ve::f~ i..". :-ovo;:,bor. 1950.

(e) Solutior. 'b~1 (0) ""'.bovc.

(1.'1.) Cr\St:.·"'lty 3•.lllcti:.":.'S ucrc e,'i.cekod '"'~";'".i~.St C""'.SU-"1-tY. 'xJ) :file f".n~. lce".tor :for :-:OS or in.C.ividut1.ls~ .._,.-,ro:d.n ..... to ~'-~-m~c; of C"8Ut".ltioa in rt'l.n!o::: ton:". finld Q"P ~0' t~t¢~!J:lr;;! by t;rpo !l! 'I.J!:.it


iiOlu­tiBo prllota

·.- ..

Korean War Project USMC-00100282



bt!d;_FR<.~UL 19?~~·J.:>O'fiJl 7-llre"b · f.u

(f) !,~in.oot;r.to.Dhod 1-'lfOI'T.'I"-~ion ooncol"!'linr: m:sT M<t ~';tl when L..,reo nwbcre of :pcrson.i.Ol involvoclt n.nd forwr".rdlld to uni ta by mul til)lo-,...cl.droasoo lot tors.

(G) ~ostoc'l. rt.VfiJ.l~\blo ")orson'lol in ron:r ,.ro ... s. \C't.­visoo! unitrt of personnel to bo tcetod in orclor th ..... t t:1oy i.l.,Y 'be r.mdo 'l-V".ill'l.blc n.t O"'.rlioBt :{)ODsi'blo ~r.to. l'ltond to sand two (2) ol"'.ssific-.,.tion :TCOis to units 1 to cond\l.Ct tosts 1 if unite bccono str~b111zcd for s.;:vor,}. d ... .ys.

n. In tho M1enco of current infom.l".tion frco ~:R.!Is in the f1eld 1 the beat mMue1 mero.ns for WtintA.ining stn.tistic,.l in­f'ol"JIVI.tion of dhtributibn of rMh::o nm:. •kills f'or r.. division t'Jf 25.000 is dov find ctunbersome, \ mobile nmch.ine records tmi t >rrould be highly deeiriE!.ble for uroce&sing diAry informn.tion loe.<'1lly, t.Jnd especiAlly for turnishine :;,roM:ot 'Nut e..ceurn.te st~.tistic~l informntion neceus."~.r;r for .n.ssignments, cl!'.ssi:f'ief'.tion .n.nU pro­motion control,

b• Recommend Division ClABRific~tion Officer And one (1) ~GO bo 11.esigned to torwrf.'d echelon, Pn.d tv1a (2) ol"ssific'1t1on :~OOis be , ... ssir;ned to Adminiatr1'1.tive Center (:ae:·u· :rce:'l.elon) 1 since mnjor work in cr.rn::)f\1gn is m~.1ntR:.in1ng current ro,.,orts of effec­tive unit strength ~~d ~sslgning ro,l~oements ~cor&inglY. In c.dditio!'l., monitol'ing o:r promotions 11nC: of recl"~.&dficP.tiOn (t·rhen nut~orizod.on division level) enn be effected most c~)o~itiously if Clrt.sGificl"tion Officer iS in division CP.

c, o~su.n.lty 3ulletins should show 1-~0S of l-·".rinos •. This woultl cnr blo c!1or tro.goa in apocir-,1 tioa of \uti tEl to 0 o r.'loro rCc11.~.1ly d.otcrminod. 'l'Me info 1s on tho. C".SU..~"~lty C"'.rd,

d. Rostrictlons in iinrinG Cor·)e j),.nut\1 th"t ?!0 1 e Q,-.nnot onr;ry fl.c".dition."'l :-:os•s O"Uii\OS "Ccounting lose of skil.te. :RocorrP­mond ?FC•s be ..... uthor1zod ..... dd1t1on"l t-~os•e.

o. desk­dc:_oth. RoG.ucod

:.roodon :fiolC. desks should bo rCl,ll".t:Od by ,., shoot-"1\lljlinum 5~ to 75;~ of length -"'nd ~lidt~ of. ''>rosen t dO Elk - s ... r.~o i'foultt s.wc e:,)~'\CO ,..nc:;, "eight in ahi;o'!)ing r1.nd ;l!'ncUinr;. woi:)'.ts '"ould improve dur··<billty.

t,. 1L?' units should 'b() furniShed f.\t lo"~.st 5~ !)Ort~:blo tyPowri tcre, vi th eollo.ysiblo st:md enclosed in e""~.so. ::11.oso should 'be C" ;·ried by ~--.nd - roF'I.c~r for usa,

g. ~M L.c. SNITH t;r:po1-1ritor c\.oos not vithst.,nd movor.tcnt . by truck- oven t~ough f'.doq'l.lf1.toly SOClll'Od in n, ty--90~1ritor 9host, T:aaso ty·.)Ol'rl·i tors -"'.rc in nood. of ro·.:;~~.ir 11.ftcr no11.rly ovory move. Rcco!Uf.lond .'1, typO':lri tor of sturdier ~onstruotion bo ".c'!.o:_)tod.,

~. Sovorfl.l ermG.las or miner! s t~rpc cr·.rbldo l..,m-:::os s:.,otUd bo eor:rponcnts of fiold l.csk. If c"ndlcs fnrnishc,l., s!lO\.\ld ... lao , h:wc ro. box-ty;:.o coll..,.~"lsi'blo ehiclc1 :1"Viac J;;ct.*'.l rofloctor on t\ro (2) sh' .. os .. ~nti. tr,...ns·y--..ront m . ..,tcri-.1 on ot~~ur two (2) Giclos,

A.~-'IDTDIX 3 TO .t·-~-::::-x ;:\S:.' ':0 lS':l 2:~"""!.:;)IV S?:'lCI.~~ AC':'lO:"' TI?ORT



Korean War Project USMC-00100283DF.CLASSIFIF;D

• 1, Promotionl\l tost info should be furnichct1. b~' c::c in Sl".m.O mn.nnor fi.S :9ro-1950, 1. c,, rosul ts for .-..11 inC.ividu"ll:l furnished ,.,~1 st..,,tions by ~-: 11.rCor;:)s.

' 1-- );;;. ;(,;? u /,~ . 11 H ROSSITl'JR



Korean War Project USMC-00100284OF:CLASSIFJF:[)

,,, "Jf·>'·. '

coNFi!bi;mlir!Al'. .. ~~'/)

Appendi~ 4 to Annex Easy to let Merln~ Division Speciel Action Report

20-jmp Postel S0ctlon 1365-1?5 1st Mnrine Division

From: ~he Division ~ostnl Officor To 1·he Division Adjutent

HUNG NAil, l(OR!:A Nov.>mbor 30, 1950

SubJ: SpPcinl ection report for period ~9Aug50 to ?Oct50

Rer : (a} Division Gcner•l Order #16

1. In accordRnce 'td th reference ( n) 1 th(' follo,,rlng i o submitted:


1. Pick up, separate and Qistributo all Division incoming mall. ?.. Collect, postmark, st?oeratc Fnd dispfl_tch All outgoing mall. 3. !lointain a directory (locator} file. A Provide directory service for all Division ~ail re­quiring this servioo. 5... Provide all flnanci.!i se-rv1cee.


1. Arrangements ?rior to end upon arrival of tho Division nt Kob:.., on 29Aue50, for trs.nspartation, storage space, t..rorklng spac>J, informntlon regarding source of incoo1lng: mall end dlsp;;tch requirt'mcnts in connection \\ri th outgoing mall t,rerc lrwklng.


1. The undersignrd ~ .. ms e6.v1a·:;d of tNO 1t·:··ms, (a} thnt som0 Division mnil '·•·.·~ 2nrout(:1 from Yokoh~m''· to Ko'b,., ond (b) the Dropoood loootion of Division uni tc •··h1lc undcre;oinr un­load1ne:r And r0load:l.ng. of ~hi1)S. ':'lith this 1nformnt1on in mind the Postel Officer hitch-hikod to th,, APO •.·•h:rc ,qse1s­tenc? ,~r?Ei r.·r,u -·etcd ln obtr·lnine f!.'!.J".c·• nnd trr.ns!)ortr:>tion for th<> poctfll m;:n rnd oaulpm!"mt. ?he Army Postel Officer wc::.s '1bl.-. to furn1Gh hie mc-.11 trucl-c 1 but, no epHc0. He dir~ctL.,d mo to th::- Kobe BaBe Comi~H'lnd S-4 for t,rorkine: spF'Ct> 1 ho1,rrvcr, thnt Offlc.:"r could not orovid:o nny soec0 in Kobe R.S non" ,,,n.s RV!lllr•bl?J h·3 sugg:-stcd t'l;pt I coittAct the Comm.qnding Offic"r of C~mp Osflka. I mrt LtCol Po,.r~r, tho Commanding O:rfic~---r of Crmo Os."\ka nnd. h~ '"~'""'U v~ry coop:>r!itivr and providrd the DivlBion- Postel Officrr •·•1th, (a} unlimited ,mrking and storarr· spnc~ in A. mod~rn 5 story building ,.,.hich providod excr·llent lif'ht, J)rot,,ction of th.o mol.la, addition­Al t~'9C''·rr1 ttra, tnblos 1.1nd sortint"" c~s-:-:e, (b} bille-ting A.nd messing f"o1litios for thr :05 ;ostFl personnel 3 city block~ from tho Post Offico, ond (c) nsslfn·d onr (1) 6x6 truck end one (1) J:)~D ,Cjnd T~Flil:>r forth."' ,xc:uelv·: us.;- of th~~ Poa~~ Offlcr -


Korean War Project USMC-00100285OF:CLASSIFJF:[)

!'ill ' - vd.,/J;'i;,;;'lj;-.,.


~. Cemp Osa~R presented an 1de~l locution 1n that 1t was c~ntrAliz~d-to s~rve ~11 Division organizationS, for ox­amulc, Camp Otsu •·•hcrc th~ let Msrin~s •<ere b1llokd was 35 mil---e distR.nt, Pir-r #4 whc.rc troo'Os ,,r.:-rC' bille-ted aboard ship and Crm'9 Cervcr 11/hcre th3 Adm1n1atrr·tivc Center \'fO.B later orgPniz"d nnd billotcC. NPB 20 mil~s diet~nt, Cnmp Sahoi, •··here t.ho 11th M9r1n o s •nd Hrcdquartors B11 ttalion were billet"Jd Wl'!B 10 miles O.lstnnt. In Addition, th~ Post Office was only 8 city blocks from tho reilroqd station· , ... here mail , ... as piokC'd up Hnd dispatched, elso t o train stopped for 30 m1nutrs tll01<ing ample timo to unload the lPrge volumr'! of mA.il, 1•rhi3'rc-as Pt Kobo the trein stoopPd for only 5 minut.os.


1. The following problems ,.,.,ro encountored in th,o Inchon Sr.loul arl~a.

(R) Ine.dcquAtc working lng and transportntion.

soacc, storRf:~ space, light-

(b) Too rroquent moves to maintain efficiency.

tor the Division Post Office

(c) Non-racoiot or (d) Regiments W're

hamporod in trfnsporting Poet Offic·os.

diorios from certain moving so rapid thet postal oquipm~nt for

organizations they '1'cre their Unit


l. It '-rFle nco~sse.ry for the undera1a-ned to conf"r ~r11 th the billeting e.gonta and ?lend for larger working spuco oach timQ' th:; Divisi-on Pest Office ,,.~s mov(?d to Kim"!)o, S"oul And Ascom City, r'sulting in movine tho Postal couipm>nt twic; for eAch movr.

2. Only one (l) 6x6 truck was furnished to the Post Office dell~, tho underaignod ,.as unaucccseful in obte1ning r. Joep in "<hich to WPinteln Unison 1Jith its e Unit Poet Officos ;::.nd s,...,pnr~tl' Batt~lions.

3, An unsuoorssful Pttrmot .,.,oo mAde to ht-tvc Coleman l.nntdrns issued by tho Bettel1on Su;>pl~. The Post•.l Officer could only bo:rrot.f l~ntr-rns for on8 night from various s~ctions in tho Hendquartcrs Bptto.Uon.

4, Poreonol contect '''"" mede »1th Admlnistrativo Contor sections to obtain bAck 1ssu·os of diaries nnd to instill the ncccse1ty of tho Post Office r· oolvlne d1nrics r.s soon eo orA.ctlc-"!blc. This notion ,,rae OJ;~rtially suoo~seful.

5. All Unit Post Of'f1CC'S nnuinownt 1.ras stor(•d. with tho maln Dlvioion Post Offio•' end three· (3) postnl clarks ,.~rc assign­ed to c-':!ch Rt-glment for mail handling dut1cs only, no fin­enoial earviocs could bo Providod duo to th~ movnment of the rogirnents end look of ,•qui.pmont. In nddit1on ono (1) postal clerk ''"" assigned to Cl'oh s;;p.or.~t~ Battalion to nseiet the rceulsr Battalion mail orderly in h'ndling mnil for th: or­ganiz"tion.


Korean War Project USMC-00100286DE-CLASSlFIED

Di~Cl ii .··<., ,_

CONFrrkliffiAJ.h' Thts latter action 1·•es highly succossful ln thot Bett~l­ion mG1l orderll~s ~.:2rc 1nstruot0d ln th-- 'l')t"ODer m:::thod of handHng KIA mail and it nlso offordnd excellent llel­son regarding ed.mlnistl-·atlve tunctlone of th:' Bf.ittallon.


1. That th~ main Divlslon Pos~ Orr1cc be 41vid~d into tt"c sections: ono s;-oc.t~on to bo loce.tr-d.. t:~.t e ~oint "'hJre Divlslon me.ll is f1rat r0c,-.1vcd. from th~ Unl ted StRtoe (Yok.oh.l'!..ma) <:!hd one s-:>ction to be loc.qt"'d ,,,1th the D!vei1on Administrative Center, In tho •vent tho Division Admin­ict:t'ntiv·~ C"ntcr iD locl!l.t2d nwa.Y from th8 D!.v!.o!.cn. th0n a third section or the mAin DivleiQn Poet Offico should b(', lc~o;:;t;;:-,d ;:;_t P or·ntrr;l point to eor·v., pl1 Division ~rgan­itations in tho fiold.

ThC' duties -oerform~d by thnsQ s· ct1ons fir\: rs follo,o: ' . ~ -.. .. . .. -- - - - . -\Rl b;-ctlon "A" - 'l'hlt s:::c'tl.on 'to nave t-en \J.UJ m~n

ond locAted ot Yokohame., { 1) SuuMr·at;3 mail d.o~_,m to Compi'onY lev-Gl ;;nd

pouchi::d into E.sttglions) so thnt UiPll r_....coiv;;d in for~.-r-ord ar~as ~AY be d~liv~red to a~tt~lion mail ord~rllJo RH soon ~s rcc0iV·2d.

(2) ·.men the Dl.Vlelon movf's from one poln't 'tO o.nother And it become~:~ n2ccsen.ry to hold mr.._il; th1EJ G:otlon wlll contlnuc ~o separate mall so th~t tho lr.rgJ volum~ of b9ck m.~11 r.:.·cc1.vod by the Division upon IJ..l"l"iv.o..l qt f' ne\\t

dest1n~t1on w1l1 b~ rBaQy for d1str1but1on to BrttRllon mall ord..:ii!!::s as soon as r:cc1vcd..

{3) In tho ~vont cortnin clementEJ of th: D1v1-Bion \.i"C-1"'0 or·d.c·r:-·d. to d1ff'0I'2TI't l.oor•t~O!!~ f:rom th{"t Of th.;; Division, meil could be dieo>toh,,d direct to those org·on­iz~ticn.s '··ihtcut -the ndC.i t.ion~l n.~mlling by th:: pnrc:nt orrnn1zrtt1onr

(4} '.:.'h1s s·;oti.on ·..;ould r;lso segregate m~il ~ear echelon troops by using rosters submitted by the parent orgsnization.

(b) S,...,ctlon "B" - '.i.'l11s soc'tion to hr .. vc (::"<;:: men ,,.ht'n th~ Divis~. on t.d.m1n1et:rP_t1vc Cent::-r 1e. 1o01~t~d vi th th.-· Division.

{1) Coll;ct, -ocetrrmrk ond d1~U-"?tch ~11 outgctn~ m.c~-11.

to Bntte-11on 1.'~P11 Ordc:rlies !".B aoon 'lB :r;:-cG1vcd,

~ ~ ~ ~~~~~u~ 1~1~n~~1·~~!~1·br~~~~;·~e, {5) Provide f"lr.ttnoinl s;;;rvlcc to th~ Division

J'.~ministrF'tiv~ Center.

(c) S.;otion 11 B" - 'r'h1s section to hnv-::~ 15 men Hh;:-n th;' DlvlEion •'di:JlnlatrJ:J"tlv~ Centt:r ls loo~1t:~d fl'•'Ji:f f:r-om thC' Division.

(l) Provide all dir.;-ctory service-. (2) Postm~rk and disontoh oll out~oin~ meil, (3) Provide f1nr-nc.1ni s:-·rvlcoe to-the: -D1vls1on

.AO.m~nist.r!O:tlv!:? C~nter.

(d.) _S_;:-_cti~o_n 11 C_ 11 = This e,;1ctlon to hnve ? men t-rh0n t.hc Division Admlr1TOt:r.ot1v~ Ce>nter is loof\tod P.J>lRY from th~ Division r..ncl (c) r.bovr-- 1s ua~d..

Korean War Project USMC-00100287llECLASSIFIF:Il

(; ].• ... ,- ·-01' 'f' '- .. ooNFfD~wtM/ _ _.0

(l) Rrcoivo nnd deliver m,u to Bnt'tnlion moil orderl1Ps re soon as r~cniv2d,

(!?) Collect end doliv.cr outgoing mo1l to soction "B" for postm•rking e.nd dispr.tohing,

(3) Servo A.ll Unit Post Off1cos,

3. Th:tt Section 11 B" be S3t uu et f1 uoint wh:or·:: 1 t will rmntt1n on r eem1-"0s:rmrmi:mt baSis and· whcr;;: 21·::-ctrici ty 1s AVail~blo. -

A Th~t approxirn~tely 1500 snunr~ fc~t of floor eorcc b~ Assigned to Section ''B" •. If S~ot1on ''C" is ueod, ~00 snuarc feet of floor Sp,ttCC' ,.,..hould be ASSigned to S<~ctlon 11 C 11 ,

5. chot one (l) 6x6 snd one (l) Jeep ond >ro1lcr be p;-rr11'1n11ntly F~.ss1gned to ei thcr section. 'l'hc J o2rp and 'l'rail­er to be us.~d to h~ul mgil .~nd for th.s Post.?~l Officer bo maintr.ln lir~ison t''i th:

( "·) (b) (c)

.t;tnd N9.ter (d)

d1nrli;.s, ( e) (f) (g)

r.g.;nts. (h)

Highor mill tary RU thori tio s, "ighor postal cuthor1tios, OrgB.nizntions controlling airornftJ rnll, motor • tronsnortation, Divislon Administrotive Contcr orgnnizations for

Unit Post Offices Battalion Moll Orderlies, Supervision end inspection of All mail hnndling

Fleet Post Offices end Army Post Off1cco,

6. Tht=tt nine {9) Col·?ClAn lF.ntcrns bE' 1ssu.-.:·d to th8 Post Offic~, (? for S.;ction "B" and 2 for Section 11 0 11 ,)

?, :hnt t>•elva (12) porteblJ tob1 'S be issued to tho Post Orficc, (10 for S-,ction "ll" "nd 9 for Section "0 11 .)

8, Thet flftern (15) folding stools bo iesuod to tho Post Orf1ce, (nll for s~ctlon 1'B".)

9, 7het Duk\.•s end hrl1coptors b.: utilized to dolivor meil wh;:n W1Cl"SP,Qry •

10. Thct AL'. BATTALIONS bo directed to furnish the Division Post Office, (Section "B") •·•1th legible copies of tljc1r nos1gnmcnt orders.

-1 ./ ...,. I ) ·"'--r'-..4..'

>ot./ , I

F. BOVE Capt., US!-!C

Division Poetol Officer


Korean War Project USMC-00100288llECLASSIFIF:Il

DEClftSSil1!D ~:;:;~-:::·r;~_--: 5 TO AC~TIC:- Hc::c:c~T

?"?2q 7-4/Uf\·

.~.c~jut~nt Sccti- n 1st '!1nr Div ~ungnnm, 1C:-rov ? Dec 1950

~r:m: The Officer .:_n Charge, Sccr~t & Cc.1f1·::.cntin.l i-"'iloc

T: The Divisl·n -.djut[~.nt

su· j: Sueo1Rl .'.cti · n "epcrt f.· r ·oei'i"d 29 ',ug 1950 tc 7 Oct 19b0

Ref Divis! n Generr.l Order i'~C'. 16

l, ~urn-~- se.

a, Tc l:"'9Y):"rt Cuties ne:n'-rmeC. b~-' S/C file secti ·.n fr:.-m the c) te ·f n.I'1"lv~l in the F"r :::'~st:=:ra The~ter thr-ugh 7 Oct=ber.·

~. qeceive~ cl~ssified m~il fer the Divisl·r, ·nd m•il cut cl•ssified m•il fer t~e Divisicn, ~·th, recelvin'l: And malling 1 recuirf! :;-·ec:-rding r.- r ~ cc ~t1n1cus che.ir. cf recei nts reouircd b)' tho U, S, N~vy Security Mnnu~l f~r ClAssific~ M2ttcr.

b. }'.·O.e tri-lS t· P.PIO, Regietere(. Publ1cr·.t1·-n Issu­ing Office, receiving CPO nublio".ti ·nsf ·r the O.iTisi-n. ·1:1de chan'"rc-s 1n C~TO nublicati·.ns rc­ouir•d t· bo -v~il•ble rcr t~o Divisi·n Stoff, in t~~ cus\~dy ~f the cuPt(di~n ~nd m~iled chang~g t~ t'nit C0 1 s f·r ins~rtin? in t~e tJublic-"ti· ns helcJ O:-- unlt c:mm'"ndin'?· cffic3rs.

c. Due t.-~ clrcumst·•.ncca t: the s1tu':l.ti ·.n, u".s f;:-o­cuentl inv.·lv~d in t·e details ~r s~curity which n-~rrn-,.,.11~' ~ra th: roe-·::ns1 1~1l1ty .-::.f th';;! e.ssist•nt Tc·; Soc:·:t C:.ntr·l Off.cccr (Soc Div­isi :n Staff icemor-•n<:lum 21-oO, DivlGicn Adminis­trativo ao- l-50 •nd tho letter tc tho assistant Tcu Secret Ccntr·l Offlccr, ctd June 1960),

3. ~r:blems cna.·untcred,

-~... Sh-:rtrq·;o ~f ners··nnel _ ... nd th0 '~-llo 1o·r.ncc V-" s .-:;n::'! ,··ffico.r n.nCl thr<"J.: :mlist;:·c1 ·n:::n uh:::n the D1visi·n arrivnd in tho r~r ~~st. About tho 5t'., ,...f Octcb::r ·n:'l Chi~f "·1~r.,nt Officer Fmc1. tvc ('?.) enlisted men j.c1n:·;e1 S/C f!.le seoticn fr(m th8 Er1g~de.


Korean War Project USMC-00100289DECLASSIFIED

c. Str.'ff :.-ctiODs Ancl units diC. not ccrn··)ly cc;r.­·Gl· t.·ly 1ti th Di v iel8n Stnff :1~mor21ndu n or Dc:rtin.·n~ n:--rtc of U; S, 1-lav~, ::,-clJ_rity t~L:.nu;--.1

fol~ Cl-·s.c,.ifi .- U. F:,_tt:.r.


~:-comm::nd. thnt '-!.o~lst.:-l".:-:Ci_ Fu",lic<'.\ions ;us·~oC_y

bo thr r:~81)0DE-10lllty or tho Dlvlsion .SiBn:-•.1 Offiocr.

To 1.·.v::ur:' th,s_t. l'.ll unit corn:u?.ndin!! cf.Cic.)i"S r:-.cci'::=:! AlComs '.l.nCl. ::;tc, sine:; th::.--dlvJ.sion Sl['n"'l Oi'fic:·:r is th:; first to rc-.'·.::iv. such m:ss~-.g~s.

c. Th:- Offic:..::r· in Ch.·•.l't-··: S/C F'll-'"::a should:..; ~.r.sist'"'nt t~ th.- Tl':o s~·:cr.:t C:,c~t-,-G: Jf/icc:r, G-'~, ~sr,isti;,g tc rn.aint;-_in e: Gu.Pity ov·.r clB.ssifi~d m~tt~r.

c. F:.~con1m.::nc1 th~.t th~ ':/0 allo\1'-ncc fo:r p·:·c~ ti1T1:: be: on~. Cr!:Ot8.inl ol'fic'::r in chrn•g:-,: on. llc.u·~

t.::-·nnnt or chi ·f \rr"r<J.nt cffio-r Fts· :">:s~ist.r~nt; -,n~ m_EJ_st.-_" s-rr:c-·,nt; an--~ t:-:ch s-.. rv.;;rmt~ ono

. Dt':l.t"f·.~'!'lrg ··':!nt ";n,J· C!lr'~00rpcr."ll c:r t rz '\nt; w.1th r• NOS t~r S/C f!l'".l Uutr,-·o~ r0cor;-,,;~._nd:d

to C:·~'0 fc,r ·ocr.c-- t1m·' ".llcH.:,nco for DlVJ..GL·:n 8"t.PI 1 ~ (Th.::•P:- is nr• jf:OS ,:_l2..m,r-r.c..: on th: :or.:.~

s0nt T/0).

c-. P.:comrr:·.:nd thRt -C'UlDmcnt for uo.:' in. 3/G filc:c be studi~~. thcr~ is no sGt allo,~nc~ no·~.

A mobil-:' unit comul."t."' 1.r1th ~<"'lf.::, tyn:;,·· it::-:d3, etc~ coulO .. s::rvc th:-:: S/C Fil·:. S-::ction ~.b02.rC:l.

shin or nsho:~·:;

5. Cot;.olusion.

rh -;:::.:-comm:-nc1 thn.t tL~· Unit·"d Strt:--,~. i: ...... .,.~, 5-Jcuritj· H~nu"'.l for Clnssifi ~d ?T1_.-. tt · r b-- ccnsul t .d moro o!'t.~n.

i)., 'Q.0ocmm:nd thr'l."~ thought b~ p:ivcn to: (1) vu~ vv B.CqBn be C() r~flr "'Ch8lcn, Ad.mlnlstr~tivc; C~nt~r

(.-,_nd r~mr,in fi':(':C., so units ~c'l.ministr 'tiv:-- r:n­r~ s-;nt~_tiv~) cro.n ~-0 thoir r;:_, uir:.c1 uork. B!:'l.oulC. th ...... Co U(:_C'IBD 'b-.~ b:"'cl~ in th:; r::.ar th"- CO 1 s .in th ·

fi 'lit. coulc1 s."'nCl. in th"'~r unit r-.-r:o:rts in th:· rou>th to th~ '3.-~m.l..nistt·tiv:- c~nt-T' in th~~ r ... :-.r cc_l:;~lon una. r th:::, Comm"'nCtin!=\ Of ·ic(':r Hcn.Uou-"rt-

::pt: Fhttr~li n. (Thr: Div1siCn Comn~·nd Peat coulrl i-:~~ t:";nt ., c ')Y ln th::: rou~h if :t-.c-uir-:-·d from unit co~s in t~1~ ri ·1~).

rn:11r n""'"'--cM~Iiw.,~,., t!J


Korean War Project USMC-00100290OF:CLASSIFJF:[)

--· - -· .... ··= -.!..-•··

c. ~~c-tmmc;~d t~1r• t cul--..1j :.::;t :.r1 n.C.rr.:.::u;tr"ti vc t,.r_ 1'1'. 1, ·df~ct t· t~~ juni-r r~~ ~:nl J' rt·f~ .fflC:I'G

':.:: 1__1_rs:; :-'.Jc·, rtdrr.irJ .. otr··tiV"' ~-·:urR-~ f r LPI 1 r. (.-,ri.min), ;"\r.r: t•.~rrnr.t ·ffic~l''",

d. l~r~·~m~n~ t~~t ~ n~i~:rat~;n ~~ g~v:n t =~~n

th.~ J..,s1, :;-.r~.--n~-:'l G~f.:;,·-.J :f"--1· ·:;·~t thJ'C. or';r br"c1- :;,

o, n-.n ~ro-n~ ~hat t\1· ~~asn~~ c:nt~r~ c~~ 11n~~r


f. n:c:·mmJ~d tt~1- ~fficor M~3~~~~Cl'S, Naval 8.ur--1c:·s, h~ 1r~aar th:. 8~r-J'VlPi :1 ~f 0-J. a~d d:K­j_;:'T.o.t.'i·r. i-'-C in -,c;::-. rchtnec ~-'lth A !t<.r.di,. 11 F 11

1 U. ;;, ll.•vy ~:.:(~'1rity H>nu··l f r Cl:~_::;sifi:d H: t"..:.r.