Lbki each 1SBW-YORR TRIBUNE. tUK NFW-YOKK DAILY tkihi'iP. |i Pval-ieatD EVERY HUINMU ud EVENINO, C*v<V n»T Fictrrrn) BT ORBKLEi k ¦' p i \. ay RBB BBUBBI exit nitGi coaxes or iiiku ABO evicts- . Tt HIXHI THt LIT* RILL »adleAeltee ed to OktJ Sobaerlhere ot 174* per »"> Bto- ||. |.;im T «r. >!,.. - ,i..c. i»»-re ** Oer mnan, a) ed- eagree. For . i c. i F^r three enoaclee 01 X. TH« M \V \<MIK tl'BKKLT TBIB'''*J> A VltT tAK'IT. PAPER FOR THE CO NTRY trpeb'lehede'ery BoTVmMI M IIUM ot tb. low press of 4M BeTeenom. to advance Three coploo for BS. Elve ^St-J^ V. Te. r. p.. for »12. tod . p.?" 1 »» ~ "T,,",' \, - wv.ooib.t;».f.,.wb.cbu,. p.-* "z'ns,rJrml? eW .HI be ebe.ged PIETY CENT* ff» LINE for ' tW -FTii.BiiKi.f jninrMB to tvobli.k-»«i ,».,, Tctoiri" »!f»*S Mr,V'"" »ereawea» Two o>>"< of r ... for e>ll A! ArtYert.eo- ¦ >ete B t.iin Bjm for t»ckra<»ortiom. I II f WFW.il»BH TBIBl'NR P OB BO R O F E A N Mti'i: . A T I O B MBBkaMhldeVB the ewe**Ttor.ofeeeh Mail Stearner f r Uw foul »t t>i p-r enaem. Ww'ege included. BUfJa 00. ha ** tub? JfEB-VORK TRirtI UK mm» lALlfiiRM* 0BBO0B, »>»i> tub BAfOWICB IRLAND*. ptjbl .h.don th* *>o»rtaro of ear'i Bttl baBAkeMS Rw teciaw.il till i. per annum. Siog.e copice Out i-ents. Special Notices. Vo.l-Ofllrr Noiire.-T>e M4M.S for CAUF^RNfA Rc. tor (1.0 Itee n.r II.i.l -.IJH n.ilr.lüMlllbllUScl.oll «I BiBAT. tb« lb day et Marth, .. I -.rink Si ISAAC V FOWLER. Poet mar«* r_ "t'rrn r i the Aoam.'i Exprkii Co No W Broadway. Te> the Fobllc.-Th. rri.il Irom f».o Franc»? > having »». .eer.ced mm A DA AIR A Co.. of California, h«d eu.peoded payr»ei. t. It I. dor 'o the pub ic end to tbo Comp.or to bBM tbol their eaipens'nn ree nothi g to do with tbo inlereete or tbo laiiii.ee of ti e ADAMS'S EX PREid COMPANY bore. Theopeiettone of to* Ciforou home ere rt ..i.oc t end die- eh* liar io fer ee Ibe AdemVe Exprece Cimpeny i* con¬ cerned <tl do * ley tnuste Fxprere tuiine.-e thruafioa: Rio Atlnotie iMttoAV *od A . A Co tie ttitjxrr* lud B.Ii- Di.wen on 'et FreTBecoo Tbe l.v..r"§ ' I ked «letr.i'e Pipreet Cmmcj will be con- Beeed e* tieret« f..t«, w .'Ii PAi er y .o>err.j,.':ori M de'ftj. The Ben.pery owre oo ote, toi if c one, ctLtot impend. Tbeir i.rj r.. M Rb ¦ M EM forwtrden, eje in oo wieei dtmLtub a «oo ih-ir eM i t le roropiy wirb .11 th ir enjete- ¦etle le ee UL'|t.ee MMMl II IM _OV B DI N8 MORE. T-eeenrer. 1 Be? Ne«-\ «ru l'oli. f. Mais kTl MIN. AT TIE *e*AHkHSA ?.- ih- ende -itu.d LeeMe tbe M.r'htot*, Me- ebinl.-e ..d T.^.'i« f ll j< v ud< oth-i. wh., l-el iot Oeie* le the pr> et ITOlle» of >,e Po.ice Ry.tom of ikbj t :ty from Mio der Heron, keg elit'on M Albany with which II bjthrBBtBWBj, to meet .t the Broodweg FeBBreecMi. on vv..D e'RiDAY BTBBIBOmH the2let liet »t 1 j 3-rl'*'k »n rnoce.-t earh Beeeeiei .i in.. |.« ;ro,.'r loprrvent H Tb* ohj»ct of the BUI new b> 'o et'be leeieletare. ie to l"»nlBlllo*eBB the wbols Pi lire ' j.i. in hv le>i» e'mg oot ottic« «e Oo omieeioaan, Bb- ib'ie MegLeue .. nnd-r whoee e'.nt.nl the Depertrn'Ot le tew BeBOod rhti Th- Beyei ReeeBewf. end Chi Ja-'gs, enr! e.b.tii.'irg in ti eir p'eri -nur pr.eet- per.one, with Urge **!.. rbr* lobe Tiled tor tt the Oener.l Eiectioa*, whereby tbe power oeer tbe whole PelleO BbrneftMBKl, on whin IB* ee Le oe; end for i) e pioiei bxgj ot their p-reone f. un in.alt end b jvri erd ibeli property fiom depr-d.uori. w.li he timwn bin the h.ode of picerd pr'roery me. tinee end corrupt p .litlcei Caumlt-.e One greel Object of Übt BBBjtlBg will be to Cue Mis Lb* Mevm in th- pfoteel ne ha« n.id-, e^iinet the oteeige of tbe MO, by which hewil be etripped of ell ectuel pjwer 0.tr ibi i i lice, which be ie now Applying io etu;iet,:Jy .o eit¬ ler e the lewe. New Voik, Mefch 19, |g.'5. Btetir ii Wewi <y, Oeo gs Newbold, P. P.rH, Oeorgo Ineiebld. Pet.rd.op.r JaewBSeV, eir.rd, A V.oterpi :. H. tl ¦.>:,... n, Vt.'ier R. Jonee, W. II Webb, C. W Lawrence, Nt..Lia*n. ALen & U>.. R VA'Uber*. Tbo* D.vieon, ( i Aug Deels. J W 3 rot ton. Iii". Wtitioth, Jr., Mortimer Liviosston, A K.rter, L R Werd. Joi b B urgee, Jno C On en. Jto L A-p;i. vail. Roberte Ooodhae, tiB'.-iH uuecl, OlypOeiit'e 8 oe, B'own. Brue A Cm, End O Eoeter, Henry h' e Nonas, OMR l.oioe, Juo J I'.lmer, Wm K. Strong, W P Hevruieyer, Jn.. R P-i-.e. H.lher t A Co. Joeepb -lOlie C. »einen t ' o Bieke PeiichiH k Esrjghiwe Volrntiu«0 Hall, N.aiiiith* Co., RbberdB VVi il.o.e, Duncan A Snow. Ore. D Of bs*. Samuel L MltchiD, Chae H Mar.Lai) A Co Wullam ft. I'rieby, RuherdKirg. Jno A. Ktereo*. Jan ieO K.Pt'a Sone, lialat-d Haoea tt Co. J Phtliise PLo-nix, J a. J BluertA Co BM Vietton. J Hoormeu. Ruht B BlatatTB. Wetmore k Cryder, A A Low % Ktothere. Natbl D t ar.ile, PI A Smithe, Moa.eTetlorA Co., Rio'hA Enger, loa oi Meey'ertone f bailee N Talbot, W VV. Da E ire.t It Co., Ihoa ee Suflein. Cherlee II Rueeeii, Bad 410 others Mrrrniitlli- I Ibrnrv A ..nn-ln' ion Tel K elv-tTt-HN Ik Ae "-Dr. --OLOER will deliver Ina Third Lecture TUES¬ DAY EVRRINO, ettteVcleck, at ClkBtee Hail ea r piece. Pabj.ct-The Battlee of the A'nit, Peiekltvi end Inkenueno, BUeiiated by Mape and hk- ch e Ticktu £5 cent., to bo bed at tbe de.se._ Mavox s Omir Nrw Vois March i\ 115?"" ».Till» Ki aennl. PKO LAM A i'lON Whereas W|f, RIAM POOlE ha. med trom the eftti. te of piet il ihel wounds ¦ Hotel eel*beil-eed, by one LEWIS R VKER. on or a Mo', lock ef ibe night ot tbe Vlth of Kebroiry leer a' a puMic h.a. BBBBB aa Manen« Hall, at No. ..: Broadway; and .heieaa Ihe ea'd Lew e Bakee ie Mill et larg. Now, therefore, I, PF BN an DO WOOD, Meyor of tbe City of New York, do, by virtue of euthority veet-d Io me, off. r . reword of Five Ha. died Dellare lea the oaaeeheasewa end d livery to'beau- thoiiil-e cf the City of New York of e.id Hiker But all tkalme not prraenied to Iba Mayor wiihio twenty dsye efter Bach ci l very will no dierefardrd. (i. a I_F> KNISDO WOOD, Mayor. /aieteriraa in.tuate, Farasera' t'lab..A regular peeellas a lie t id et Iba R|oeit oy No. 311 Broadway, on Tl'l BOAT Ba-ob».ataaoa Babj «. MANURES; TOP DRFhS.Ml Ol OUASR AND lilt AlN; NE W TOOLS FOR »IT . I ni H> erd DltAINAt.K Strangers are always BSpeciel.y welcoma. Adniaelon free to all. H. MEIUÜ, Secretan. The Rlanaa'prat of tbe- t'alorril Orpbeu A>vlam pu.| oee to bole . FAIR »b ut the Let of A|>n UjKT the BeaeAl of It .1 lief., otion. and earneetlv BaHaR i oi.trl! u inna io mou-y a* ariir'ee i f any deicrit ti n. which mar Irr een' 11 the dJoa Irg plaree, v i: Miee IEW, No. 87 9t h at.: NiaS 11 KIBO, Mo I Col'e.e place; Mra E. P. WILL-ITS. No. 24^ East Rewadwsei M .a'TRANOE, No. Sei Weet 171'i et., or to any ef the other Menafeie. 1. rrtarv-a to Ihr I «dir*.-Mr. L"DI A M FOWl.FR. M D w.li give three Lectuire on ANATOMY AND PHYä- IOLOOY. uifated with a oke etnn. Manikm Dravingaand Mosel, ai l.l.i eki r Hui'dlnge. Bleeekerest, WEDMBSDAT, Tl'l I: -DaY end FRIDA V AFrEKNOHN* 1.., h Laxturo eetne encii e at So'ebck The two ti'e' L-rtuiee free, and a eeii .. lion takes lo BedkaJ expeneee. Aduiieei to the Tuird lrtt*"ga. eeeia_ Annlvrreary or Ihr l.ndira' I nlon Ale) Not-lfty, haelliot'd tir the Keli-i «.| t... e'.rt Intimi of the M. F.. tbtr.h will be he'd oo II'ESDaY H.ENlNll, 2lbii.it, at 7, o'cloi k in Oe Metbodiet Eplacopel < liur-h. Mulberry a-, a lew dooie lii.in Rl-ecker ai «peeke-e Rev. JOitN P. DUR- BIN.DD; Rev 0 W. BEI RON B, B D Rev R. S. FOS¬ TER. D D. Ths meetiug will be of a highly iutereetiog char¬ acter._ Imiort.int Notice- Now la the time t .r I'.ir'..'« tho Bleed, and abeaaVB Bg iLa eye'em e ee to be prepeird 'or com. plain te usually caaeid by the eodden changet from Winter TO BfBJBdJ The BLOOD. Cu and etegnani in Winter, muet bo politic! ana renewed. Tie DEBILITY, want of oervoua tuier(y,and depreeelon of epir te, peculiar to Spring and Sutntne.- eoaeou*. ¦ait be prepared Cr end avoided. There muet bo NEW, RICH AND PL'RE dLOOD lafheed Into ihe beniy, otberwlee tbe entire ayatem hecomea Buietreied end the nuntal enrrgiea enferb.ed. DR TOVA NSENU'S ( ElEBHATED SARSAP.VRILLA, as meaafartured under the direction of the well-known Chain- Vvtand Plyiivian. I'r JAMES H fit LT JN. ie tbo ONLY SARS apa It ILL A «Ii !i can eftVetueüy reuovate and purify tbe wh ile ayatem, and iretore a heel I e action to ell the functlone of the beady Ifaoaaaada wbo b.ve need ot-er priparatiooe iovain cau teetify that they havr been rce orad tt peifrct health and vigor by gatag a few hottlea of DE B P. TOWN iEND'S 8 ARS AFAR LL A. Wkeleeale end R<teil BtRaa, Niaiki i Tum BVbVMRR ARB laitu In anvi ay corner Fulton et (office No. 2 ) oppoalte B'- Paui'e t L'.kb. QVmnsemeiito. rr if 1 ILA 0 I 8 W a N Bad ¦ Mn . MARIO M i i « at ti e Taben aeht. . TtHtJ EVENING. Tick eta ,Vi certa ACADEMY or Ml'Sic. J I'AI.IAN' >i F.I.A. U.K. ENI ll at'KSt RIFTIOS Nit. IT On W EDNESDAY. M«h SI lejTe.m.e,«.*,c f iu eothu- atoetir receit "».eil la campliauce with tho uolv r ie*. dcL-iand. Dib tn a olabd Oper« eaf LUCBBZIA Boroia. will I- preaeoted lor the laat tlu.e tbia eeaaon thud a: !. teal OB Sa|i.a ^TE^^ENON»,. wl'h SignnH.» VF.STVALl and Hierori BRIGOLI aid H t DI ALI Md VAX MABETEEK.Maelral Dierco, ^e^e, Beate mea r. aecor-d at Hall k Snu'e. Rr>adwav Rae JAceden A King'a. end et Iba Boa Office of tbe Academy of Price, of Adn leelon. Pa-qnette Bad D eee Circle. «1; kemi CtreU M ceaUi Amphitheater, ceuu. Secured Scale St. cer.ia extra Dca«» o(-n a' 7o'c'eck; Opera eommercee at I.' k NlhLO* (i.\Kl>EN-i.KI{M\\ OPERJl.. T'llAD *I Be< RIPTION NIGHT l'FSDAY, March 2.', will be represented Ajam'i Comic c r. :i i .< te of THE BREWER OF PREJTON PreiMipal huacteie to be euefained ha Madame SFI7TN RRRO U-ea-e. LIllNT, \ INC RE. hVllMETTBBBB aad BBEB1BOBB. Praaee of adridaaaen.Boxes, aeeordicg to 1-ace'icia. R4 end ogeea fi. rie aod reserved aeete, Rl, to ai. BtwSI | a. M al boeee N' ceata Peere cpe« at 7, to cauaacace at I o'clock. ORLce opeo f.-om A by. fa 4 P M Meat perfoimance oa THURSDAY. March ?! ^H£ CRYSTAL PALACE srill remain vpro J^-^Mit at a sbbb'I abergo. «nrt I fa-ether aotfea Meat r*h,p,.'atiop BtV) Iteteary t.e it..i ,a Bib'bihost. V0i. XIV.N° 4 342. B VOW OPEN.NATIONAL ACADEMY r>f i> DP.K.N. Tb. ,i-t ANNUAL «'*' * m'>? ._ «_ j< I' VI tt No »?! Broadway, between fnif» eoej »vr.'.r t!» Tbe colkcetica ke formed lic'l» fltofOriilil Pi tt tree tt ' Sr.. t-taret by L"lo« Art-'» whu-h beje n.»»f before t..eo »ahih '.0 io tiie e»tj. Admie.ion. « rer,-e, «wi» rUbot MceM T. ADDISON RICHARDS Ott, See'? N. a. YVAI LACKTHEATER..Dt*m 9§M Ratty, f1 renn IM** ot 7| Altr.uti'i-t.D.* t Cl-ri* and Per ru'it«- V'.ntt, S». nd Tlir .'.eer.'a Private Boxe* A4 and 07. Oichnt:* Bta.ie T'-M 4 F.VENIN J-Mareb M, TH" RIVAL* fir An'h-ry tktola 0,M>. Bl-«- Pl . Bti .Mr. Drof. fl|tibl Ahe,,tote.Mr L»'t'ii Lj iitLi-.p u..n 'Ilet -i-r r-ir LuriüjO,rii»»er..1rooitnTn ! Jirit.Mr*. Hoey A LADT AND OF.N TLEM * 1. The Oeotlemeo Mi 1 A \ r.-n' Tb. Lady..Mr*. °»ephene I>URTON's THEATKRTThTiin.rjTs.At.-(Jrcät ¦ » .... (4 Obs T»o New Piro*, -TUESDA Y, Mercb »\ tb» «et r jrtiy t.f THE v'f p tv a Ft it; Or Ttir Dt.cmrD Dat'diTta. Inrn. the Btewtid Mr. Burton; Mordant, Mr Pwber; Che»- enl Mr (> Jo der Lernt. Merchant, fin.no Mr M ratal Job- erben Winter Rune ;; C'»mer.t. CanoH; Lady Morden' Mre. Beeilend; S.r.r.et Vre Holmtn; loania, the Deeetted Death- ter, Mr. Kuiion be find tirue of THE NEW-YORK CHILDREN, it la VatwAwwTBj in a »»riet» of eleg«nt fob eaoa and Paneee. Tt conclucU Milk Ik* Mu>lc k'erce -,f THE OVINCIBLES. . Victoria. -Vre. R ir> a. ARNi M - AMERICAN M U 8EUM.. > Here it now tbe RMRRICAM OlAVTR-H il *.*« of »r* and weighing ne»ri» tlOHT HTJNDAI PO' >S TUESDAY. Mere.I. Ml. laSS.EVENING, ai H fcl - * tbe ,> o u u Morel Lneel Ol d Uum.eur Dree a of T HP. OL > B ae V- ¥ H V RfTr.RN HIN ». I the rlOBBP.R'S WIPE end a . try SO IT ON Ali the i u .eit.ee to he *»'n tri h -it ff» c>»r.e. Ado ittanee. 25 eeitr; children ander ift, Iii cent*._ RATIONAL THEATER..A. H. PURDY, Min- 1^ agerard ''rnrriet r -Til H >1V ENINO will hepllMlttli Till I'.I.a' il l'»T OK .¦>. E N r H Y The Black Col H Howard Lady M-.w'-av.. Mm* Hathaway In i.hle Mrnr.h Dance.W. W.«id A MiaeP. La Polle. Iw he followed by PATE OP war. Coo ic D'O.e. -...W. Wool. To eonelori* wth t.lNfirlR NELLY Dreae Circle,Uoeatei Pit. IM. -en «; Orebeet'e Cheira, SO tin p. on fi-o a' ' J PttrWottaet rorernctioee »i 'J. Bit* »AI»WAY THEATER.Beze«kUktj Parij let, M)tOBt-l Patnil» Cliele and Upper Ti ;r, ib ernte; Pnme Hue*, #.«. and Ii .nr« npen »i n-; perf rinancei bedl *' I. THIS EVENING will be ren Eli il lieu. Rlekerlea.Mr. P >tr .t He Meuprat.Mr. f'cnwiy Louie XIII.Mr Lt.r rran Huruel.Mr |,.ihre *. tiarad.Mr. Il.neheti lalle de Mortimu M e.l'ooiai »S LIKE AS rWO PEkS. Mr Bicbarda Mr W D.vilie Mm Richarde Mlaal/i. .. OWERY THEATER..Pro|iri.'t,.r üu Mrtna- eer, I P. WALHRONj BtaM k»^.»r-r. ROBERT I'l'iM -TIMS EVEN1 NO, will h. preeented. RI CHE- LI' I' Paar* Da. re. hy L ui.a Welle After which, the PERSECUTED DOTl HMAN' Ti eoaaraia with EOSIifA MEADOAS.It tbro Bexter. Mr. 8. W. O.enn._ BUCKLEY" S E R E N A D E R S, No Aifl BROADWAY. EVERY M TUT 1 'KWP.'K ih. NP» Piece en'nled the TWO POMPE YS Preeedltr the Piece. ETHIOPIAN MIR8TEELET f oneert at 1] o'clock. Ticket 25 cen e. Reeerred Seate 50 ten'*. _^E07CHRICTY .Sc. WOOD" MENHTREL8. VA Ko trt Broadway.-OPP.N EVERY PVENIN'I. treket* 15 e*ct«. B PERHAM'8 BURLESQUE OPERA HOUSE, No ta Br.adw.y. THIS P.VENINO PAKHAM'S MAVatO'-lf ETHIOPIAN COMPANY AND Bl'RLESQUE OPE HA TROUPE The lar«e*t Cotapaaj ej, r orran./.d. eompneed of E tbreea of ib. nn et talent'd ViK-allat* and Inetrutneutalitte, aud onex- Cepti..r,able the -er» be.t Netro H-Hne*'ora in the n-. feaei .n Ortad ETHIOPIAN PERFORM AN"t s EVERY EVEN. INO. «I 7j o rl. ck and nn the APPCRNOOM t of WI »NRS- DA YS and SA1URHAYS at 3 o'clock. AdmUaion 25 cent*; children under IS yrere, ha f | rice. THERE ii but ORE OPINION tlwt the amt bktorei tatlxh hit on la Now Yo.k ie IOHN R SMITH'S OH AM) TOI it OK rl BOP.', ard Sit, IE Or SEVAST POL.abowinp Ifitleae.t'ifrrt wid* of ine rrlncipal >it>j.-ctt ol eterta EarOWt Oen Wehb of The C.inri.r aad Eu fairer, im: " I rielt-'d thi* Kihibirl -n in London in taatiawaja wilb our Miei.ler. aid it It a.aurerliy the Moot rffeoti»0 DiO- raata w,- ha»e ever aeen. and ricble ui r te tue hi*h 11. NMaBM Saeee-I u|«n il hy the pnhiii and Ihi preia." At P.ui-ur. Hall. Bfewdaray hverv F.vkn'ino. .art o'cl «-k at d SATUBDAT at > O" look The Piano Am c hy Mr AYL WIN FIELD, of Ltneon. Adm.'ianeo. 115 cenU._ MRS. A. LANNAY will tTivo a SOIREE DAN- BARTR tt Mont.tui. Ha l. Br oklyn. ouTUES[)tV, Man h In. Patron* ran learn part culare on applicailoo to Mr*. LANNAY, at No 44 Litineaion at Brooklyn. Tickete muet be aeemed before the evening of the Son. e. Nrto Pnblirations. STARTLING DEVELOPMENTS:- Wtll he publiehed on WEDNESDAY MoRNlNO. IHE M Yd TER'Ed AND MISERIES OP SAN ERA N OI SCO. tV * bltTlll.l.'ISHCD t iLtro«.\i»k'. Price V cclIa Now re. Iy. ONE HUNDRED OAMULERS' TU KETfl WiTH CARDS. Ii. end tlx .. .t. By J. 11 Oleen, Reformed Gambier. Piice 25 cento. _(iARKKTT A Co.. Pnh'iehert. No 18 Anna'. A very important and remarkable Work. 1THREE HOURS SCHOOL A DAY.. A Talk with PaarvTa. By WllXIAM L. GaABwAkj. Piice AI. For aale by fOU LERS *mj WELLS, No 308 Broadway, N.Y. TI e r r«t duty of evety child ie to Grow. It ie, of couree. a atlmtlj A ill j tit every parent to eee that tbe ampleet facilitiea of growth and develop.eut are aecurrd to Li. children. Tti ii u i Laiurally love* Knowledge, teeke it. recelvee it with di Ii, ht at d aas milati a It. Fach child ie a natural aeeker, and ah.'.it.e Tiuth ae natuia.ly aethe e-owtne pl.nt or tree Im- I ihee cat tow, \k> ebould eo t*.;o*l nur Lie uca'i'.iui ma hin.rv ae to proottvt thla thiret for intellectual acquirement treib aal keen thionth life. Thi* Book ehowa how to do i'_ ATREATISE ON DISEASES OF THE SEX¬ UAL ITSTl M Hv Ed.a .i .! Ii von. M. O Editor et TI e Scalpel, pp. 27s. Eighth etitiou. Pih-£l. Foriklett N' a. I and j Aator douto. TBE SCALPEL, n three large voiumci of i' I peg it each, eleg. oily trtored Price WOMAN ASH IHR DIBEABE8 FROM THE CRADLE TO THE GRAVE. By Dr. Dix n Batpagjae,RL The Li ed. n Lancet and New Yoik and Button Medical and Cuteicel Jcatrt ale lernaik: Dr Dtxeahaaplaoeal tka rmfeea ou under treat ob:;gatioa by tbia eaciHint aud practical dige*t " " Hi* wtik .ho*i a thorough a.-q .aintancn with modern eci- enre; he f it ncurt i attci.ti. n to every page ia the v.'lume. Btrlctaja, Varlcott'a, Hadroce'e, Bpeattt Di*ea*ee. and De- b lit v. are particuiatly well treated of." " Bm ni ivoue atrt fucid eijcoaitione of tbe vtriiut dieeaeei. and bl. lUtetlll try irgenuity under tta moot trying eargical circuit act e ttAa p hie ptoductioi.* with mote than ordinary lniere.t " P FISTULA. PROLAPSUS end c.nca-.i F' SUhE. a e now cured with great certainly, without tlie ki He i .'.ature. by tbe new pr ca* e. ei .tvrly practiced hy Dr. DIXiiN. Editor of The Sc.lpel and Opttalktg and Coueul.- lng Buigtco, Bo. e.i htkBT« Thi te can be no great-r diaiu up u the Ikft paw all than- theae adlicti k*| (real tun.b.re are in.idiou» y reduced by them fill eoetnttiptlon eetgea upostbe unge; then they are told that lie rllea have drawn tbe Irritation from the lange, and Mb! Abaurd Hundiidaare annually wota out by thee, daeaero " I ScalpeL Eeory aata, on exaa-.iattl.n. can at once ba pronounced cnrebla or othrrwi.e by the new prnceia. Dr DIXON baa eerahllahed aopoattowt riliata Uoapnal, for tb* reception of ether .u'aical caaee in one of the moat healthful parte of tha c >. U.ua ly Dr. D te.'eie to t g eit namher 01 gentlemen cured b> hin. iu ihi* city. The pall-i t need no: be com'.aed at . 11 a. c tie cat* i* warranted in evrtv ca*e undertaken Leret* frurn Ih* reur trv mual be tiiii-ee.ro to El.Vk ArtD M. DIXON,M. D Editor of Th. Scale-'. Bot Sj I Ui Poet otb.e. City ¦ptllcantiit Vo 42 5tb a». Otfi.e bruie. ftuui ft to tt a clock A. M aad 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 P. M ltd i Pttal Edition SI ,000 Copiee: rp H E HISTORY 1 of THE HEN FEVER, By Oecrge P Burnbam, epleedefly ll.uetra-ed by Bu'inga .r iAid ew. Ker.i! Pr ce AI-V trap the roLLoaiko rutriiri: Premoeiiory 1ymftom«of the Diieaae. The Coeh n China*." Bushi. No '. The Flret Fowl hhow in Boatoa Tbe Pever W'crkiag. How P. uiiry Bock, air m»eV. Me Cerreepandea*. Tbnairrtr* Ind ca'irNa The Epkdenic Spreaeiag k ».: ig D -. r.irati. i.e. II'ght of the F*vcr. Tt e «n aal Poa in Sb-* in Hoetoo. Mutual A. miration"Society'* Show. Coav»'eecence. TRa Pr ogre a of the Meiady. " Botbrr'em PTotramo." '1 e 11.1 er S.Jr i.f toe Qu-i Bt«h' n* he E-»er. Adveitt-iig Fatra. idmary One of tbe Final Ki.ke. Raaakag It lot Ine Graaad As Expenaive Buaineot, .aa Paeärfk fowl Show in Bo* on ^i-». all t>.i-in \ cron* Ev.p-.-t.-nf Eti of itaeteurn T'-ie Hltt in of " Eaony Feu » at .ir.at r..Va Hen " Peli:y the hoe* Honer-'y." a rienune hurei ug Bernum in the Pled, rtrvt Na-iotal" PnnlUy Show. " Bund from under." a .I^^i ***** D <.«' A Suppreeeod Speech A CoaWeaeo" Man Tb. Porte Wnneaie I Owe oen. a T. _»Pr* ul "«B **k:- " H«ld tour Hortet " TrTk. of-b*. TeJ'"^ lh' M^'r "baathaia i ¦«S?3ih^Bu'tti*. ^Bair.b':.^:0.^- A ».« ÄÄAV. TPt Trade iu»jlied by j c DERBY BookaeJai nd PaMhm,,, .Sow York. NEW-YORK. TUESD. Fifty y f. a b i e x i lE .. Vow ReadT-TVrd Edit ¦a. ISltAEL POTTER: o a fifty vt.m of f. x l f. Br liriMA»« eltillb. i. t, : if 'Til*'." " Omoo," 4e,,Ac. Om v. L, U "o.. ate t. Fi*.*. "S rente. HtftiLUi from Putnam'a M. ant*. imifT« ran* »nric-« »r Tiir r*tt*. From Tbc *t» Yea C n.rie; er,u ».:. ,ji-er. .. TT ie *. ein.plr ye; grephie rBeWtal 'f iB ereetlng edvao- fnr»r»i»i>li»!i»o io attract!- for-a 'pjh tbi peie* of Fa' tam'a Malexin*, it* appearance to which ere have aetiead » k more or lea* favor for many monike peat Ae a litere-y p»r fiitmarxe, it i* equal t er \ tblr g which Mr. M role baa pro deeetl." Frt>m Not'on'a Li'erery 'lexett* " Taken a* a erhole r-ed tbr-mari at eaeMtawkJ the Inter*** of the ilnry u interne. Toe ~a<er i< carried >, ... to I-ege now edmiring the qui-t vitj of ii ny Ml of nevero- tioo and eren-ry it maybe ita hrathto >. co»Uuh'r| a' the Yeokre ih'ewdr.e.a'de ii rever a*'t-J, niefi led with bo-ror at the tied t.ae-i..-eof fivu.e BM aid tek'UI ee reel ii. li all ttng ae. Be tl It " BBel »..; .re kim " I ¦ The Und.r.g '>«2»t'«. " Melai le e belt work.'' From TV ( H MB '. A r tii tit a tierra'i' . ard id nlrably writ'en " ___O P. Pl^AM * Co .11» in Ferk place. naei- the 'hö1 53 5 ftABfiACHUSETTS mm rOWCtf bZElEB of READER*.Bj I». B. Tower a M Toner a Ftret Reader, or Ora^ae! Pi'mer Toeiet'e Perotd Ae.r.er re |r rr-dnr'l in toOiedual Reader. Town'a 1 him Header, or Or«.d rej Header 1 wer'a ». nrth Reader, or Sejn-I to Oradeel Reeier. Tieti'i Fifth Rearer i r N A reron-l C.eee B'eder. Town'i Prath Reed. . r N. A Pint Claaa Ree.,.. A Die'ir.rt Ar i' Blatl o ia or e m] lb- brat aad eeeertli qnvll tire of g'«d reie'lip. Thi* can 'nlr b. acquired fr; c tie prac¬ tice of eleni*.'are, «"111-1 a: d ",. i-c. tnb oe'toat All tbeee eimple rlrtnent* atd tfc>M BkVMBeSeBthJM are tiern witli 1 nule ikreetVaae,erraoa - d in the e»n p.*et ai d moat convert f rm, in the firat three ' f tl eee nonae. Ti e reit po nfe ere t rapheew tod T rea. Th «* are est foitb. e-.d rail] and pewatfceWJ explelu'd md 'Io<tre'e| in the laat three .ri.a Tea iiwaieclai af th* ee e »1 'o. ia eueu aa to tlalni the altrnikor. < f all who are Ir eterch of I ¦. 1 readier; matter. The kapeihiRy af theeo hooka ae erkni»l-nr>d wk"«t'r they heve b-en Kr. 111i.1'o a practical t-et. The)mbv hat* k gent acbo-,1 cooimitt-ee anl t>a I re r> ediiv e,.pr> elate th-tr BicelhMfB 81 de, .ded ia the |r*fereaee f r them, anopA the mi;-e»d reer every,tVr «. r.»e that they era irad-iel'y but eurely cupeieecing al o l.er readera, and go og into geoirei uae in a'l tie i.'ot -co-.e c oar r. uatiy. The entire .«. leal for iimn.et on to er.v part of the coan- try p-etegt pa d, on rc-ipt of Re ML Full de.cr'.ptir* cttt- )0|Ute tree cl th laa DAMEL 3Utt»lFS» i C. Puili.hen, _No 11 John at Ma «r- York- vew book by mjus. 8towe - t ii e m a y^f lowe r ARB All.TF'.'.ANE 11's WiiiriNOi. By Hartiet Itetehet ft-.we Au liorof I'nrlo TOMl <«hin " Sunny Meroonea of For¬ eign Lan-ie." A' In BMTaL,IXana reeily pi Ui-h a at»«l Viri-f- titie, and a eple' did I', rtre.it iro n !he pietetiw hj R ... id the ielib eted Engia>h a'liet fliee, B>! ib, Tjie vo Baa coi -a e o.any of the ear v p.-dueti-ini of 'dr* F-twe aaw aad et* palet, bb wen a. gaeae of h»r iat-r ell-r:« Many I there are Moriea ot New Eo.lend it* anl eTtll he A 11 i.a t r Ltaio in *uI' loeaiur- the ei 11. -ee i.l p In t. a- .1 the nut <>d aTBtaoi and pathaM tor which the auiLor leaounver- ei.< toj. 11 4 1 he time erd daj*1 tere of New F.nglir.d. wherever ther are acattcied, will reroen ga with de. it.: the comely yet t rucinng tcelity ol tbiae eke'i hfg W ILL II Pi ILIIBtD AraiL 7. f»rd» re from the irede reep-et'u ly anllc ed. n.lLLII'tl, UATtl'SnN k ' 11 Publuhere. No. 19 Winteret., Beaton. _J. c PERKY New V k _ A New A i,rk 1,, [i,, Author t Tue i-eir of rted Dapplfion &. Co., eVoR, ülii and 348 a Rroacwar, ri'HLISH Till* PAY: the CASTLE l.uii.deks. 11} the Aull.or of The ii. ir of Red. lytte. " Heat tee tee 1 to) laMta. paper cover, V cent*; cl th, 7A oenta "TwB MOBt IBtteWfal laWtltoM t' T le wh'-b her» tppeatecl from the New-York preee. |jr me-y vear«. ere The ,1- r .f Redclj fie'and ' HeaiMSMB.' Tie r-n/i .ue BBMlBBBM :i Telored in tl eee ab*'il i'e etoriee, ea an eiemeut of i u nan cl arartrr, wlth iot l.irotiy M laneticiem. Ro 1 e'u'al ia the d'alcgue. and free fn ¦ laggi-rvion the eee.ral ii.dieHuale io tl du.-ed that the rni Bad earneat eienilice-ce of the narre- tire co.e not at tire' eppeer. end the ree'W'e evwpeihi a are gradeallv huf eoiely en.ieied to f.eilnra of a eolemn end elav aete.' hied, elm h have agoung vivulh fre i Iku o-o. ,. ,- , al Li.- ai d LB* lawa < karaeter. (Noeton T-ecariitw. b'CItTLT riBI.IIMKU: N'w Edition of Iba hillowlai Woiha by the «a ue Rath n NEAR TRBAREj Ol Tue BkuTHina Wut i vuie 12b 0 t-Bjei a)'; cloth #1 .v> THE bllR Ob KEUCLYFFE 2 VatA, 12ino kM t>) tlo'h. »1 PR_ Joel i un i.bed, rpHE MEDICAL PILOT i or, M !W BlifTKX. A. The beet 1 taallj medical booh of the age tt Irreti la e faml lar but eleeaot aiy e oa the pierent .in a-d eoie of all dieeaaee o' men. women end tbil lien on a new plan. It i nfut. e . u.e th- t iling pre t:c-- ad bleedieg anl ine ii.dia- cr n.Irate lie of Iba delete,, ue m-rcui.ei rr>nar«t one that eend tt.ot.eai.de delly io en UL'imely grave. It abowa that all dieeaiee c Hid bRimM. M incu ehl". by'he itei ant are j^r- lertly rutab'e rod'r lb* Brw a' etem n adv».-atea C.in.uiUB- tioB. in i eitlen er, ia i loved to be cun' tv in' aia'iou on a pnir p.- ir'.h mateevd tv the author. Everr ptiwn that v alte a i eeith ebi ul? poeae-. 'tii« paw*kg M BBOdtcal Tede Beeaaai, the peiaaal of wl icb, beaidea proving hi<h y ft-eeficiel ro b m bj B laaltBTT tTtTttti T*"l aieo aflor i Iiiui tie highiMl pl» " kM turn the rheraiioe itvle io which it ie wr tte-n. ee io that re- ej.«ct it e laelg uppetalleli d in the fi-ld of Am.li: eo medlcil It'ereture Price #1. Rent TM>«t-paH. to any pan f the Union. Adceea Dr. T HL'Ti HI NOB, Me 7ifl troedwey, ccrner of a.tor piece One thcoeeud egente wen ted._ Sl'IKlTCALlN.M .Si-fimil Volniw. h;. .!>..i_ Fiinndeend Dr. Dexter-p ice * fj.psetagl t- rU Jutt i ubiiahtd by FAKIRID1' A BRITTAN, No. -i " BiomI way. Ffl h b glorious qu a k e k I ISAAC T. H01N I I tine of th* BakllBl B en O.'I ever rent into tbie w rM * e-. lande of ineicy. ll.ade-. if ihie language a-.uia Ma Btroatf, )oo are ineiied to pe.uee the graphic port allure eg" big fife, ee drawn by tlite Bgal pen an! mrntm beer 01 bee M .grapb-r, aegis t Villa ma&ia i nu ns Y'ou will r;»e from Ra perueel a better i-r- n ¦' MB al^d w.:h ficeli deieiminat.. n ot parp lag a klghai Ül*\ it 'i" Cpiee hatb beia rtatiiHrn. And the .l-rr et d tie mcreeeed of la'e. It ie e Tolouje which a;., u.d Lau a l-..e and - nao in everr fao.i'v in th* laed OHM P. jF..u:iT h COMPANT, Publiehera. No. 117 Waehisgtoo et H e'jn London: Its I.i i kk «.it\ and ExtwTOKIC.ü ClBloilTlRt. by F Sautdtre author of ad lor the Solitary " Ac. ie the beet deec:ip'ioB of the remarka' le p acee In atd ahfBt Lorcoo, ever written. All whoever lotead to vielt Lctdon, andaliahj dot t, .h aid here a copy Pq'> llthad bv K INS A KFt.L'/ii'i PullLnere. b'-r.k R. k Manu'art .rere and wh neeale deal- ete in Boiki and Stetiooeti, No II John et_ THE last < HAM r.But km troies of the Thuteeeth Eci.inn THE \\ F.ALT't kRD RI03RI phy OR Ti'E va RAXTH1 Cl P1ZBIII OR PiE ITT OP IrKW-TOBK rtawabl oreob, and aa no ¦ r- will no pr'n'e.i, three who wl.h cor'i-e mi It apply ear'v P'ice 25 cent* for aale at The too i flic* c .rcrr of Naneu and Fulton au_ ry< r THINKIXli l'l'ELIC.TtWRy pub- Ti BEaRXNCE Off tTBRJITtARTTT,by i.-.d>v;g »-,«».. betk. tieie'eti d from the arrord Oe menedtioe g Meant F.vass. tianele'or of bfenrai Li'» -1 Je,ai." One beudeoroa lim... v.loneif ed'ipegee Piice*>lcV rtiMTb'.e positive PHIL"-<H' IY E'egea: ocUve of fSItegta. Fiite R2 S> Feeenilv i .' v j _P. BLANt-H ARD. No IjjjMMB it rpHE emperor 07 france goes to the 1 ( RIMF A-' ... r ? r world THE MIRBOB OP RBVARTOPOte aad MAT of the fcl.At K PEA mi CRIMEA, ibewiaf lew i-e tiua o' th- AHird F 'tc*a. Vieei tf th- Term hurricane on h- B e x See Beule of Itkericar.u. Portreite .if the E.uperor nf Rueyia, bulteti of Tu key Loi* Ree ao. Prince Nepol-oo Boowarte, Ac. bire of tha ibeet 2t'by S2 lachei. IbxRlaewl -. IR] te who taale pure RT Ret lew, eeMood RA Bhiia The only re¬ liable ebeet jull-ehed. A. H JOCLLYs S . Fult.m e Any edit, r copylrg the a; ve v.u. rvceive three coplea Aget'e w anted in evety State._ Jl lliES'* new comp08itio n Pabliahrd Thi* Dev. The »ITH HALL SCHOTTISCHE, dedi'aterl M Favny I BE. WM a tn* Li,ho»-B?b J DaRi'IE. N'w Yen mit a ibei .»< . .-. Boetoet E. H Weoe, Outer Diie.u. o. P R-ed. aud N. Kicturdeoi Tbl lade'; ha Lee A Waia.r and J. F. Ooeli._ .? TJ AYE you seen BAM -A bcm Banji JLJL witbl i orae iuet pabliehed. once c.-r.-e. r" 1MB Iba u eaei ?i re ai d h. rue. bat very popu'er; ail Berrmi'a Nitkaal I'.bIiij bhow Poike." with v|gj.;te. if? I v f. H Brown A -re a-aur n-i-at ol new and eec-nd- hind Planta. BleledBOM Fear Organa er.d liarmme me, f«r eale or for rani uw by BERRY A O >ri> )S No. JSC d.-oidwav. jülank Dcoko,' Otationcrri. fa. En v el o Fe" m a nVfa ct o i: v Toe o'd-et m*i .e-i- et . the Da '^.i I BMSk WEST A BERLIN, No I." Wii.ieu) at , Beepeetfally itvite ibe atteateon of pareheaare to theli very eiura.ee aeeortmcat of Fjaelcpre. Note ard Writing Fetvere, he Tbe ireal factli Joe we have In manufactuitsg ard in tt r porchaee of etotk enabl' e na to oSer three gaeaat at axTBXMt- tv Low rail te end on the moit PafMABI t tbbna. tllants. AFEnPECTANLE vouriLT Girl want* a iittia- t: in ee CHILD'S M'R.-E ai.J "LAIN >t.VV. :l tan be acta for Lhtea deya at Na. hit R*i<» at-, aooood tarnt front roeaat._ AI AI) Y of the highest ri-irj<?ftability »ruhes a aitoatktn to SUPERINTEND dumeetic affaire, aed to tealet in Sawing; or woe d take charge of a-d ieetruct ami cbiUren. all ol which gba .1 wtil , .a..:.ed fot. A4*.eei B. A. M Tn! uae OEcb. .»t:a- Oltt Y, MARCH 20, 1856. 4 BFPrECTAIti E Girl wants a Bitaaron M .1 IHMi-KWn:, ,r \ rf.jn.t-eeo: Wl- erd-r »'«*d*ih- "ir...- f Q .,.n .nd >. BtBf ' ""l"-"'"' ' ' above atteat.acta . reep-cr.hi. privet* fa any. Toe ? |b*«t feet mottete r.o b. produced from Oar leaf eiwp'oyer, ' i i .1 , > e i, ad ¦ nhiuee*. Cta So area lit two da/t. Calcet Ho la Caot tfh of. ARESPECTABLE youg Womaa wants a . »-«-'* > -t-.i sPAw-TRPSi or a. SK t M- STBEIS ico La'.IS MAID; ha. kod etp-rieuee m the ra_- erm »»t 11 aotooaal >p<! ..». par- th- en'ir* re.art* of a Btby lateral*. ut neo lor i r-eoeji at So 17 Bitdet _ AllTUltlÖlf WANTED-l!v a i'mvatant » »cfW.-.n ea LaI'SMRK Bat (.''IAMBCitMAl>>. r r *. fii.e W AMIt s -r 1,-inNIVO Beet »f e ty ref-r enee »leer. I ao c <?< I r . w loot at I IJH 19th at, be- twien In aad 2d tee ABl PI I ( TABLE (irmi in (or!, who *[>oar.a both EnelWi .no lje-u an aratatt to r.tar*i 'tile »p-in to f.. rtctey ard w. i'( b. ,i.d t . I Ml, *i IP « . me a. n. t art. »rare pay I- - ..«- * n.r f,.ibfa' eenr.c»! oe the way A h»h taaractar will he < e,n h r at N... ah tir'rr rl«>. bj thr Krr. Or B> Iowa in wnoa* t».ily aba a. w breat _ Ahi''S i r, j.(ra!.le yi uotr Woman eTtata tBetat Ma ae CM a V R VI'«ID «od W t' rKE-i*, ur ti aii'it in We-hm* «t.-'I». n: » »- Mo.fwnrk-ir a am.'.'.n. far. n-, »r" ¦-n rnn nt- 1 No uhir-noa It f i a ahmt « .-«.-. ie th* c<eerry Tall at No tl Ma* hotweoo Ittn Baa I..-e*at Bhaaoteeo I b i**n for two day*. AriB9T4 LAPS I.\i M)Kl'.<s prvMr-j to do tb oth 0* ana Ii.rln. lor »enl'.men and laaili** at her ree>d'iie*. f O er: » oi k and ..ji.' nil d.Inert mar be eiied .a Callot ttvi rai ann r Kjl.H, at Re it! tVaat Maa Mb, ike taar. Tata. rmoa*hie. i BlTtJATIOIi WAN rED-Bj i rääptwMMe H ..¦.t|W M.|»do i.P.arRtL IHI'-tidU.i a in.t 1 I. n.i'y i* t »'net P tit Cook. Wether ant Ir.'p-r Pat i. tof eltyaattaytaaaaajraaa. Liredtwo nvi wuh her "*«t mp .i.H f an Ie a. »o for two day* at ItY 42 Weat 5 th it., I r* w* rn B .oar air ard nia-ae L'lVh ixi'irsTBioi B GIRLS, lately laTded, A wart PL.AlES in ih* elty or eeaoiry. to da feae-el naataatti.rbaataaiaiib ate Tb.y arW he conteoc with 4 11 ii 11 i|i. aao are not tftatd to worb. Gam at No. 72 tth ae.. 10 tfc. Bootnii*._ WIT. ATIOKS WANTED.Bp two Amerifan kj eatrai w7*t ajti aaa to owOBeftf 4L HODBCn* »ik. bat l.tr a* CHAMRKHM AID *Ld WAl' V.R. nr to .1 leo- "¦I I .na« wir». Alao a imatt tidy BW i f 10 tm'J do Hoofwt r a«tn*ie Oo J r.fe'fnre »Iren Ap 'f a: No.SM Malban tl tawtad Hmitt..e at in ihe ha*em»nt. SIT ÜÄTB 'N WANTED.By u experien.I OaraaaaBBAMSTRSSl t vary aoad Oraatatakaai tat c »'u'il lie iimt Lefl.-a' Hreaaee, laie*i ittle; woo d do i raaaiaeiaaih. or traval au>k a fataal] wi nl mtati |. aattttatlv, daiiy we.k'y at I ontnly. Ke.t ol reference emu. Call at Ma 'J Ri»it|trn »t for two eeye. ClTUATIONfl WANTED.H>- twa t^ene- nJ r r id <lr'», with food eiiy referer.r.- ¦# at a !i at-. Ian Co K a a ptitate f*m l>n th- other aa BaVAMSTRBM, a* at ( HAVIKERwaili and SVAMS'BE.IS latolot hand at let- .. lad CAuldrea a I tbl t-nd k «mi y Sewirg. Call at No. 7.tib at in the fckeicre_ t^nUATIOH WANTED.As CHAMBERS \H> kl^ « dial ' i-i.e S4, or to A* ptaartal BOO EtVORB he a lit)., ic'iir lliil ark] *ord rity reference. To b. *.*? till ratted tl No Tal TTaihai|tia et. noiih oi Hamtn ad at , ii fl ,rr, front r> ors._ SnrATK'N WANTED.In thf rity or roun- n ky tare Terr txMrttatel Oirtt, w th good city/ refer- tau COOI tl e la W a II v d IR'lN In a pr'vtro rtnl't lh» atktr at a Ir*t-etatt WAITR-".4^. era. C;IAM BIBMAID ltd W AlThE^s Call at No. Tl «thar..ta the Boikat ie. C1TÜATION8 WANTED.By twi ren ene. C5 ritt -d Ol''a, with c od rity p 'err t.. ri0 t'oriKIN >, WA'I-INO arC IR"MNH. o- firrrtal L»ome*rle W irk. iu the city ii nur tiy. To be teen till euited t'. No 91 11th at., iait of Jd .* teeond tl or 'runt rrom_ ClTUATIONfl WANTED.Ii tie! tj kvetyBB- 0 try he two eerr *«teri.Dced Oirl*. with food ri-e r-f-r- I et tat aa COOK ll.d lo t\ aeh at a it n ..< do Ihe II mee- wrrl r a piltaU feretryl ih. other a* ' H A MRE it M 111) and WAITER or eat MaMRK.RMAIJ »nl LAUNDRESS. Call at N". 72 Sth er. in the Bookitor. Two M>f3:s wnut titiiittioiia; one ti>('"» "Is". I tVABB tad IRON Bad the otner to d>CHAM4KR. B t'RK and WAIB IN,I, or CLamberwork aad to aeatat a reo Wail <n< end Ir ni't Uu th. i,*it of ciiy r»faeenc*. Call at No IS Paitoroay/ ploaa t'*n bri»en fee twadaye. W'ANTl D.A tituatiin ae tir-t rat.- i'"nK; TT - i.>i. .! r.«ii Caiua. »4 *oU ha »11 In.- to ilo « II a Waehm. ha* emd rity refi-r-: per hat pteea, Call et Nu kB Waat I itb-at , tetweea Stti and .th ata, for twa day*._ W'AN'IT D.A litUAtion, bj a rektpeyetobleroao. * » Q ef Boat tad Ud* aehlt*. at ORNRRAb HOTJ4k> MAID in . petrete raaailyi cm Week one Iran, Bake and u a lain t. k ail Ilk- > inu.th in . laruny of four nr Iraaeurtaaa Nu it;,r n to liaaalta or«few mi>* in the cur' a AI... a .unit On, aa C H A M BP RM * I D an I CniltVB RtTRAEi It a e>l will make b-r*elf o*efnl| will It ke fi a month; baa »od reference Ca'l at Na iU later., firi'flior._ 1\'ANTEI'.A eitnation by a .eap»«ct.ii»lf T* Vtii.an.it a eriali pile.tr family Sh. ii a eond Co.k, . ti1 a on Id be willinf to aa«ie? with Waal.in* and fr nine hat er'.-.,at,re Pe.fi» aad co |iee th- lieet of city rel-r-m- 1 it n I' I Weal no it in the front bteeoianl, between 7tl Ina l'b er* Can be seen for two dtye. W'AN'IED.A kintntion bj ti rHrtpeytrtable W«r- TT n a' tode the ten.-a Hol'aF.Wo.'K a am '. ly.ertc'eke eet" of chid.ee fiu-d ffy refnene* cta be (i.en. Atply at No M*Tth-tT, eecond tl-ur b-ckrootu \VAN I I- D. Ilk a vrrv rwatpeetoU« Olli, a Hitu- » T .t *. Ii AMARRM AID and WAITBRAS, or to to. «.-t ir. the >. i-e WoaatAkJ end ItaahtA u a take the care of a bt'y 'torn n in'ai cy Ilia ii^id city ref-recce from h*r l«*t platca tanke arm for two deye. If at entered, it No. 241 7th a* Bat (id Hour, *»eood do. r from %>b et. W'ANTl D.A eitiittii.n by a ri iBBtTkabldJ Wn- fT Bma.toCOOl W a-H »na IR'lN In a prieae famlle. N. . [lea tooaI >l.irt dirar.ee in ihr caantry Ouod ciiy r-le iLtea Apply at No i 1th at third floor, front room. \\rAN'I ED. 1U an i-tiu-rit ncnl Kin.'ii.h wiilntv IP vi,,,.,., rttaetkoa at HODsBRRttPll wBORBB ene »PAMhTRI SS toantLTaid The beet of city ref-reoce ei'en. a l»o t titaitiaa waated by a Bret rate ttrl, ae CHAM' BPRMAID ard SEAMBTREM Pith cau or .ecu at No. Ifft, IStk-et. Setween the 1-t ax-d 2d era W'ANTl I'.Bj ti reapMtÄble Wnman. a titua- ft ktayaaaOOOR No ehjVetiea td Waah end iron Uo- i!i i.ratdi all kir,'i oi Paatry Can |ire rood city re'.'eoce. Cat I rota at Va. |Tf AdtrnaIt, in the rear, beiweeu Con¬ cord erd 1 i'len ate. Brechjya:___ \VTAMED.Bv n r. -i . yntin« Entlieh ft Btel. aeataal t t. do Cri AMRRB iv'iRK and n Al r- IBO or ( ban brreoik ard a*. *t In the We.httt and Ir.AvtLf. lit cd re-rreirr* if r.quired. No ohjec'ion to a tioatd.cf boata. Can et No 54 Sprint at.. fmnt baeetueot "IX'ANTJD.By two respeetablo Girlt ilaisrt, |1 ateetkoae mt a* an rtcn.er.t COOK and KaKKR, ... « ktHEB a o iK'iSKB; theotli-ra. .,IU«BK4- V.A'Da.-d WAIT/JI or HOUaEaalD Would hare no ob- o let a »n> rt datar.ee ir the c. BatTy, Can eoin nenl the peatef cBy taArreaea c*i tot t»o day*, tt No IM artatr., ne*' tfce et ieer iStA-at_ W'AM'lT.A rii'ititii'ij I.t i r.--|i'-rtiiii " toiina if - tAhtCHAMBBtlat 'kK iu a re.; family, or la *».i* la Cbamberwink or Waitlat or la eoyth'oj a I.-L >he t* able to Co. IIae |txiO city reference Call at Nj. ftt Kaae Iftbat In'he^ercre __ \\' .\N1 ED.By i ait.,1 on n 1 > BttRAE aad BEAMBTRKad Ceo Cat aad I Lain-.' r ' CMMfakt Dean* Ca.l at No i Ut.iuc court Uateereity- p ere ror t eo'0_ I TITANTEJ .A sitnatiun ää COOKT bj .1 eom- 11 (. .; '-.-.a e o ur di mii ii r'r.t .1 i: 1 E it'i-h Cat.Ma and can ii»e eellalactoiy ie'»ren:e. Ctil at No. .M H e'ween I't a».d Sd ave. drar floor. f..r two daya W'-'-N I* i- - J > rr experi«nced AmericRB ft ttoi..»n a iloatt.m at BORSa la c .m-erte-.t t) It.e tht Beta el en Infam Bit ¦ ite Mltk| u wti.iaa to ao to the c i.L'ry t t a-ei anwheie in the Uai'.d State*. Hat tout c .e.ern r-i. or ceo be oecn at ber _: employer'!. Apply || j W ett W at . Bear7th at. _ ixrANTED.Ii « private fatr.üy, pmUI_| for ft tbaea tee tfl tn.-> ntre abaat three boara by rail- ted *'i ¦''e iite. a iocd COOK, who per'ectla anderttar.de ,i i:. ... r,r _ekr.aoib.-ee inn pe and bo* ry; al* i a ».'d LAl'NDKEbS; B.I a rood kk'AITR'.St.to aaalet in Ct*me*i».'k. Pics* let Pm-- . i. w.i ». d reinm-nt* tu.B» i "0 air > apply at Par or No SJrt. New i. a H ^tel. b.'-te l| n'eliet A M cr alter 7 o'clock P M_ "ft'/NTI D.By a roiBOAtableytj__g WtMDRB, a I ' i"'.'i-r. *t LAÜNDRt io a reieenibl* fetaiiy No oirere r»«a .tr'r. Cta be'u y la ier.-l a t'b eirel.ent re'er- aect hi' r'i'i I i;to ti uutuy. Can be teen Ml ea find it No fit Boten »t_ TITANTED.A tittiatioo at CHILD * NURSE M n tnlBbVCBMRIP.IA reetrtc'abie fatbR| t] , V.ci ir afca tea aa wall rat.s.aaded C*eb*a«* fbr three da'a at No CO Watt it third foar from Badoaa. _.TANTED.By l rouu Girl, I eifution as TT C''AV BEiMA'D and .ACBDREiB, or a* CHAM Bl TJl.t li ¦-. \S k 1 TUR ii... .ti ie .:-j--i ir. a Iwt tl.ca. tan tt ires for ore day at No. Hi Vk eat Millet., ba- taeeB t'b *od 7:h *ra "11T ANTED.Ar by a rt pptftable yum, P P \k ,n tn a* to.d r|.A!N CO jii. an eitel.at .Vaan-r '. . -tii.ee Ba. ,i; .. CtAHBt-Rvf AID ad tc <i P a a Itairi No . -.tct: li ti is a eb^rt d'etatace .a B_BJ . ar « -.. ( c.-y refere-c* a* to character ( ai. ke .ten lor two *»;. a' No. .1 's 7ic ar between 24lb aad . it. fa._ WANTED.Ty a very rf.petrtab'.e youn_ Wo- y T aao a tataattot to t'üOik. WASH and IRON ia a r ,ii . daft, laat.ry 4 <. Plata Cock, aad an atoat-at Waehcr end I oner Cm c ar road bread tad eioeait. » aa>J uawt the warb at* a ab trat . Can be wen aati. ea- **|ed at No 47 Eaet _.._ et ia the r**r. 5d «^r tr a* ,-o I n WANTEIV-By"» moat rf spec table Uir!. unl f T .ce wlo a perfre'ly cc.feieot. a eltaa;_o aa COOK ¦ . a. B.ki*«. aad ba« aooi jecUoa to t.M in W««hiLt ndl"bia_ W oaid to a abort ekuaace ia the eeuatry. Can , e. e-i year*' r*f*e*ace from ber law place. Can oe tatn aa- til t.tuattd tt No 2AA let aa., ta the ttootetor*. PRICE TWO CENTS. \l^AXTFP-By ¦ middle-nir^l Protestant Obi, W . eeteeti ¦ m rood COOK; bu oo abjoattaa loaaotN with tbe W»ku,, or do the Wwhine of e .null f.rn'.lv C«n i< ie>n mm two deye *t No M < h ev between *'h ill la IV'AXrEr.A «ituation. bv a reep.'ctab!.-» bub " «'»bu ta» erlvete feaii.y.'e* NURSE and II *M SIRE'S, tu -ake O* euur- cbarae oft höbe; no objection to ,-o #bt ( hae.beiworl, the tret cf city r-f recce jiveo; tin be teeo for leg *m\m Cm. et .No »7 Ci.eoow::h e' :or ter of Beech et N T_ W^ANTFD.By a respectabli' voung Wmnao, . VV i.rrelern ee CHAhtHr R MAID, or" do Weehir-t an ! Im i. 11 acd Fleia Rev i.vid city refaieoee. Cea be bta a for two *" i et No ii He. rj et. YVTANTED.A lituation by a very reepeyctable TV v..nee VVoaoaB. aa PLAIN COOK and ^AS-IER aad IROMTR. feed refer-acee cen be |i«tn Apple at tba Cob- feet tBeiy tlore No *' »r>i»«C. -ad W'ANTr'D.A aituatioo by a rvspectaMe Wo- V T to-b to I OOR. WlU «ad .RON in a p iee'e 'ii.'i, et d«. i-rrral Huneewerk Ii-od c tv r-r»r-n^-e ti.en In quirr er No. 192 H i: it. betweea Sprint aad Bloom-, can be |e»a r Iva de'« \Y~ÄN T ED.A aituation ai CI IAMBKRMAID TT aid WAITER or P' AI N' *T WFR. and BBtAAe N - Childten by a Profetant üiil. v. <.ih ample reier- M .. II No II U-eeuwich ev. W'ANTrl'.IU a v. iitir» W.iraati. a sittlBtioa ai »T CM.tMBfPMtlP m d L al'NDREH ore. NUA*F. Ul denticle eli «1 de if p tin e-wine II»»' ee refereete fit m ter laet place. Call et ft 1 A4 St. Iterb'eplace. IB 'be b«e« 11 »1 '. W A -XTI'D^Ib" A QMrieu Girl ba CltAlfiTER- TT V All» »cd SF tM^THE'S ,ul aiaht BBI I I aBkllBBjJ B-«boie tie«r and of en erneM- dte:>oei'i>n Sctieftctory «0 red. Arplva'Ni lit WfetUtb.it. 117 ANTED . SiTtutioni bi tw<» mtecUble Oir e, ore M CHAMBBBMAID Bad WtirE t, t OOK UAMilR end IRONF.rt in a eme fe-ii v. end lb* ."er e CBAMBBBIfAID ail la no ee«oa. of aa M Ii -K aad BEAM ITBSBI H»» the hee» .f city re ( all et No 32 Vv e-t !7th it.. in ihe bee-m-nt "IV ABIT I>. In Ifew-Tork or ita tieiaity! bj i TT mWele-o(ed l ady, of bial reepecteei uy am rrdaad ed rad r. a ai'n-tion aa CuMI'ANI.IN in a imr'l private fanny ia which ehe *oel< be willint to eoperint-rd the d- meeiic allt re. t ie Sewio*. T-ecb'nt of ch Idrro or io»i p r . ore. With nemo aad reeidence. addr-ee J ERSKY CITY. Tribune OfSc* _ WANTED.A litBAtion aj CHAMBBRHAID It tad 9j AITBBAS. a* aa Ple»» Caek, WaaBBf aad I aasf, by a ret »Me Ottl with etceilem r-let-ccea Call f r two daje at No 1.2 lit ee_ GIBL WjtNTED Is a privat.- family, a* CM aMPERMA'P aad to TAKE CailE OF 1 IU. IREN. She mn.t he'e god i-ferencee Apply ec No. .1' U .i.t it., aeer o-h-a* ARESPECTABLE TÖÜNG MAN irTtsaVM i eituetion in a p-iva'e femi'v, ee WA1TF.R fheadvei- tie»r onrteretatfa b aboaineae -nit baa (nod city refaraaca. Acderea O 0 at the t. y ator» In Broadway, one donr ahoy llthit. Prompt aitent'on artl be paid to Lotea eudr-eeed to the ai.. ye place duiir.at °hia week. AMBBICAB, EaUjilalL Sootl h. Iriabi BaW «..-r- man Co-ke. Chamb-rn.ai'a. Seam»«r-eaea L, u idreea.a, h.. trank Oir'a A- wrneo'd r-fereace. a aa. t'oachn-o. Ponr-e. (iardeneta end Farmere may he employed at No I Enit Broadway coiner Chatham «nur* J tMl S Mi LVRVON. Ac-n'. B( )OK K EE PER.. I AmTatTttaVr, !at«- a B.Kik- I er in a all at Rank.woold like a eitiia'Hin to a New Yrrk or Brooklyt Bank Addreae Box No. 3.0O1 Oeaeral Poet OSr* _ BOOK-KEEPER WANTED.In a Pap. rMill; a youna hfen who ceu Come w-il recimm-nJed. ant ie all ica to make hlmaeifa-Bf rally uaeful and will h-eitian-d w rh a 11 oderate compenaatinn Addr-ra, poet paid. I iUM U. A IRIS New Brut ewtck N 1. BOOKKEBPEB WANTED.On.- wW BBS a IhaWI uyh prec itel knowiedxe of Bookkeepint by i ion » fitry atd who can preeent the aery b»et la'rren ee Adlreaa N W Tnbui,- Office, a'aliu* realdence, refereacea, and aatcunt of aala/y expected._ COACHMAN. .-iiiint.mi waut.'d in a r.-sj.t- able private fen.ily ba a iteaiy aiof'e aaaai ia e tfe ifawajh Iti«m, I* aleo rom,eteLt to take cara of ca'riaeaje Baad harneee. E* twrfeatly BBtjwataa) with the cKy, a nie feaal ditear. Bead baa lived with the hi e' of lamiliae in the city Can prodac Ibe beat ciiy rrfererce fer eapahility eol r etyV en I booeary. bm ti keel cmp'uyer, with whom he baa lived the leer three |.e-a Adettote,Far twe diya I. B , Baa ITBTilbaaw OBVaa COA( IIMAN. . A aituntinn wrtnte.l by a ainiil.- aa.n aaaawahj a .her; baa live 1 w rh ihe h-at fauili-e lo th.e city. Reference elv.n AddreaaT O. M Tribune Otflce, for two daya, which will ba attended to._ IFARMER WANTED..Atlioroiiol, Awtfrifan, Kl t lab or *<¦. h FARMER, to take a fn'lenian'e e nin tiy piece ol 6> eeree Bear the city atookea and lurui.hed, la BT1 ii it en iheree Toe eccro o a in. atT>rdel ars, a Firm kicaaa. biabiina Ac acd aa much minore BB wit] bafeaja for the lard cultivated with every other o'ceieary faull'y AddiawJ C. 4 Tribune Office, fur oue week. .jrj ÄRDBEB WANTS a Bit0ATION.A riavjI« c i horifi; ia % -Of«*4, c«f«'ul drirer CmM ilrs rh* h#jit >( r+fnt. . t ee for both ronntif ftoti c'i'j. Ct.il »r No t!A (JforrritrU-h-tr IAUBDRE88E8. WAITER OIKLS. CHAM- J HlRMAl'14 KitiKS and NURSES -Aie wao'el in- nrd'e'e.y f r fret rlaea eituatiooa. All muet be Pro'.eetao'e. At ply at the Servant.' Inetitut". No till Qfaad at QALEBMAN WANTED-Iii a OirUin mi Cp O h. Iit/ry Store. A fi it claxa Retail Saleemaa uiy ad- dnea 0 , Bob No 131 He raid offi-e. _ (SITUATION WANTED.By a very~eip. ri 0 eaced Prot.etent Man ta WAITER la a private feaal v toeiiltna loaae or hctel. bia wife la a Are*, ciaee Ctl'lK. and 1 tb w< u'd ike to take e ai'uat.oo foxetner or eepera'e. They bold ci y ref-ieccea of the hifhee'a'aeid'at N 1 o-rjectioa to thecouotry. Call at or eddr-ae No l<i 3d av for two day* SILK .MILLINERS WANTED.Work jrfrn Iu'. App y immediate.y at Bat SI Barclay at apa'aue rj"0 EARMERfl »n.l GAKDENEK8..W«ntf.i, a a Man that perfectly uodeietaode raialo| Seed BVWB* of Veretal.ee for merket erd te-dina to a'ock; he ruoi' he aMa etd will to hendle the plow end make hlrnieii'aaaxaBral v oietnl 1 n the farm. One that can come well recotu'uenled may eddreee HFC. No 12 Chamber* at. I^O EMPLOYEES of FIRST-CLASS FEMALE! SF RY ANTS in City ar.d nutry.-Thn prop ie-.,r ofth* SELECT FVMALK OFF] IB N. ,9S 7 h av bet. 2od e d bath-eke l.*ra l-ave to mentom that n .effjit ie aparel ..,. eara tbe mi et re.pecteblt ana competent Oirle, and with the h-et refereice Employere who ate not la favor if offi ea wi'ioot be dleappoioted by caliin« ibie day, end chwee help (run a f. <d ie eciion uf Ameiican Tnplbih, ScotcB aad other Prt- rMaatOlrll in ey.ry capacity, aow w«i'io« for kl'BlTloaa A Ladv in attendance A. WESLEY Proprietor. 'I'W» yotui LRtiivM In tu I'.iiKtnn wiib situation*, J e'e OH 'AN S T aid TE AC il KR ol FUN I, tin other ee SLPRANO PINUEK B-at of refererce «.vei. Ap- pit to_BF.RRT A OORDON No .-n Urunlwav. W A N II I'.A lady of l.e-nte-el A-liin-as to It ettaad SBaVtW. Apj ly at the Cae'iier'e Deak dorlne tun day with icfer-Lce. JOHN TAYLOR. _No*. MS and 167 Kraaderay^ W ANTED.By a yntiiik' Man, 21 years of ti"'. ft a e toetiou u 1'ORTF.R In aetore He wrt'ee a | -j 1 hi al if emart al he'w.e and not e'rald to work. Addrees IV, K Trl'uoe OBjaa 'ortwodaya_ IV AN'l El>.A liniatioD^eTthe r as SALESMAN 1 V at B 'Or. KEEPER in a wholeea e [Jry le.nele or RFaal ledia Ca da Hooee. by e yuusp Man who can rarelab ih- ber. atleRiBaaea reakCMya*Caaatry AddreeeC H W.,Trb.ini ORjea New York_ WA N 11.li.A ii.i.idlo-aairtl Ani-ri.-ati WtlMAN, who iaa toon SeamaUBBB, Wlllta* to make heraelf le'il in tbe fan.i'y aid exo*r1en"d lo honaakeep<D<; to beco"iti~ t-at to take cherie lldeau-A ACdf ae box Ho. 1011, Puat- I r" e r-.w York W ANTED.A ri ap.-<-tab!.'Woman to do j TV CHAMBERS ORK in a prtve a family Tbe be*'refer- App.y at Ilo "i ? aet iJ-1 el tetweea 9 en I .'dock._ W'AN'IED.A eitii. tii n n. PORTER la a Tv S'me. by a Heal eat intell'iiui Mao. IPrataatial | ekt i-aod refereccea Addieea E. M .oare Theo Spina. Aaclioaeer, no. aC7 Breotno at-_i ANTED.500 t- 7"i im RAILROAD VT IRON Aoy pereoa bavin* new or t«e;nt heel iaht T Üi o' 4' rn 15 1Kb to the yard may hear of a pu'eoeeer hy e'- BrakB| Bi tba ORhaa BetIba Cltawatl Coanty Coal Coaupa.y > ,'. H ai. at eecoB't Soor. WANTED.At No. :i4I Broadway, (b.,s*-m*nr ) TT (lern. Seleemen, Portere Ceechm-n. Barl-a-p-re, IVi -. i linaiB. OieleiBHB. Boye 'er facee aad h i...a, OAtla ae < hambei melde, Ac _TetOi. BPINK. Atrt- Pl R DAY..f.eutleme'n bavirjjr a capita! of tlr c-n be rnp. ved in e perfect y eafe baain-ee by aeeicaetna a letter, with'2 eeo-a or atamp*. or celi-naon hFtiv'-N AOOfJIAM No e7 Deyat. op a'aira. Pal par I BB Hi »i a ereeimoee hy return mail._ Coot anb fonnb. B. I IUI LEWARI'. ROBBERY.. ?>tol.*b. r? IUW from SABtUrL 'ilcLEaP ES , ettre. Noe 62 ead 61 I'eiveeeity place ob that Bafbi r tba I or aiOfxief ol the 17th March 1-jV 1 piece ennxwri Baawl Ba I eine fi verre, I Co blue ae* told Se'te De Laiie A11> yerde; II yetde .met acd maroare Seta De Leine; Ir. /to. a.en an 1 Lie Lace, d i p1 a n areeo Sat,a De laBie-. 11 do b ee- lri-eed wi'h e wbite ee-ip« Set'o De Leatave, Rom 3V> to t* yevdi of ecarlet and w'n'e Wori'ed Deweaab 2d yaaara Crim¬ ean aad merooae ** orated Demaek; 17 do pw* av--in Wqrew.4 Derail, 27 do dark freeo Woreted Oetnaea. Alar, modry reu.eet.uof Rrcratel'e hue, |:ld aad white, blue en I aea- reave0 aftwaaea aad maroone he.value eh at 04*4 7/be Ocve reward wil: be paid by SAMUEL OILLESPIE (* the r--..very of the pr.p^rty tjorsca, Carrijgca. tCc. FOR SALE^two pairs black HORSEtl; one cair art eiA aad eevaa yeeteold, l«t haeee hieb, wrvah *..'«. ,be ; ahoet awUeh teile with ea.p aad atavr. The otnerar- vee .eeiaeld. U| h*BeMhi«a. weiaB J *«> 'he- teile, free from aay white. Both peU are Aae «yliab aWvata. aouad aad kiiel J M. SHERWOOD, Aahara, It I. B ( VST Co Sarmtxt tmo jjfcgfc R" UFFALO CATTLE TAKDS.-TBe ukxler- ««».4 kee* fcrawd a Opevrte _i» ander -to 4-m mm i') rmiiTüfailtc« fertae pert.- .,< **«.:_* » " < at LIVE STO"K OK ALL KIND*. .*Oe C*y el Bafele 1 ». t ..«.«.« »r| il«||, Majtl e,et> tk* ler,* to, f«r_ *f !>. -ee W n't and a- a* ettf i . iuIipJ t_.i «aar 'to eeeee. .it.t. .. he.e Baa .».-¦ n tMuuu rar f.ed esd «e Liberal ed.eatce b>||l Bl B_ Uenie P* Beat sb) IM .*._ ew Bj w_ J christ »php! * Ob . »*_. JO»PP'l l Hrl!«r«>ph««, < d »n.*.. h Lewis. _iuiim v rtrrr __ ONE MANVKi -IV whoonrVrV aea _ eraati, h kw_| . r~, Befelef st.Bl* *r* pare BONB I ST eeo*-<itc »/ awts** _* ,i xa4 .w*. o-.r. - r . -a ... v, ., pr_< 4-,«. a ._, « *""-¦'.'. » r. CH-tfTlAM I -WbvM_ JfcfcKI VIANGI ANO.Witk mp..rt.d Urmn.1 oa . ,v'i b &i UlP,0i f ° iprE* '«UaPHAT». *f HUft SONLl.LoT lereaJetj ( U)«'''.Tr. N«. J4 "St *.?.*! *f f/UMBt. wr 1 D OATS.I! lack. Ha*. !»«» >Mia_Wa. weil k? cJ«..ee BT.d h-ety. 'or ee.. fy A LoN JEIt. ma. It Cut- r.,.. ii er af F»i oo-at. _o tXjrjom ii Hljg iTcm.crrL BAKGAINS.. I ho a<i»prtia*>r has the fi>llowin,r iOcd«, Ac, whU-t k* wtl' eel! at . d_r <eat ef 9 per teat . eoi ra* eeleertd ticca tk* Neet *.'.-*. la th- l'PH<>L*T».*Y. ... fan ? »TL.ll i T. b » . .{ V-. ea Por-F.Vt JOO HPOaTPaD. hair MAT»BEri* trade *or-*rrer etoea I. m »rr sii>Rii.i\t istsn-1 i imi; re. ?«¦< * ie» SO< s i tSb.'tSrtUA t ASF. wl Keiuaaetee-aVrl 11» Mt eic (a.iai.ji.. . . pa It.t.l FRRKUTaf* .bee- ,a I '. . aW nPNUSTBY letood Daajtai ,. I** SU» .NO-MaC-ONF.. St And a |ia' .a i.re ot nth»r art...1»u Pirwrat wwh to piitk.i at* »< 'ha a1.** aaa a.aVaaa a Mm in A. P.t cue A.tat S > AB.. I. Bai k*« Ch-hua- tc^Bara P at OtBre. _ IMi'HMAMO'. V. A N I Y !> ](" WILLIAM .. . ¦> r <w a.* «UM« wi'h k|r Raa*~ a «ra- aar, pb the .. raei r/ Pi a-ar. ..4 »tb «. New t«e«, aili eeiTat l.ave hla eaar.aa «lt. b. an«. W e.«a4 at tto eaiat ahaaa, .1 net i I at f. mt i .-ii !. will b* 1.1 bit M».lU.a. H*!;.-.ru-o for Uuomcoa itlcn. AM K," E PI RNIT1 RE I-mna XVhh atyl« _\ aaA tkara. - want K. »ew eS «»'t e»4 aaCket»e ¦* atarjh. ppea b».». s . . 4 A.*-* I .'.Bar Te*l» Ira a* p..'tc«a' .all .|et>n'la cat.e": i'k, Cieat aaal Tea Tahlaa, Baal etaef CBatra a eta a' a*t »i'b braaa au<te,*e kaaSttei v . > k* . a BJ . caw of ihat m». Ac Ac I hi. collaettna oa«kl aat m be aaa- ara eJ, al H ih. >*wi * n iw pan with '*r .a*, la a let ta a r :h at .... « t atbat araf Ii won t (arauab tw .i perl ira 'n b'y A |.p' * t. No »A f|l»tea pace CFlÄNl ^ WflA övi ilFV'ftRI D.Te ntitpr lautl ktSBCA^TILI IVIIIIN.kl .. "'.»>. «aar wtalihi '.it... I lareaj l'«> } . a.aiui.a- an .a wltB N.w >. ra a ' ' rkaVllkl. b. talreaJ N .»'4 .1 t\ rt la- tmbtaaca r t a»ri »Uta aAAt.te ».>.«* s-tkAP, A. D.. Mnicoaarcosa P ttt in Ca.. Hew Jafaep t'tiH \l I k ... v. ,t,.| j Hill ä i \M- *H'P .r «¦ -I aarat kraB af wa'..; lanfb ea Aaei t*A part) beaai.tT teal iapth V ''a-» ti»« a*a waita- aab. tirair tat hariairtatk ttoiwafblp ateaabtaewA wt a roa itrape at . a aelaa I'tAw »aar aaaa "A ..-aaner. \, j . JtlHN 'IB4H4V1 S, ti >\ . .( t'OK SÄLE.Ihr« |*r.'i>a-riv hui.vni lilE. OBaNul NOUN FAIN WATA1 I AF ai * a a .). äste New Ier*.a It .atalia M aerate' le*4 el'aa »4 <rm lb. Moni» aaS k i.n Rai r.iad 11 aeil'e Irrm New Ta:a Clip. Tb* hau»« r'.l ¦ n.- » i- u-e. which will aceaa«aa_aa aeaf HA heieaa e aaS la I n .r- « iiioranah arta- Bar l-.r a * a'.l ¦* . . i. < i ar Itae 4.a^ It w .ap¬ plied w"h bet aid co d wa'.r 'beta Balne htt.it la a e'.aler a*_abef of th. r ox.| It i. batted tkrraeheet kt e*aaaaAaaB, wklch aa ale. »ad fo» euok aa waahlse ,'..... |to beaaa. tb.ieaiea ¦i nw of <> it be Knee, ehr B.wi- lue alley Bi.....¦ i \ >n knute, Sttble*. C'a't e|e- at ii . i litt dooi Ba'he. end I . t.aea It hat d 'oe a i.»|" ttd lacra.etne taelaeat. tad ie aew n aniaaafal eaatartiia aaater ibe .at|*aiaat vi tir B <. ton of New fork CltJ Tbefieotit umrr kTttaa at a llateeat e deatrena of e-ilKie; Ik. It will I" enl oa eaa» lei ae <or wricb aawly la LH ICS ü. Tt>w''K'Na, R.al P.in'a Aiee». Diera« P.a.'i a k.a I.reap. lMlohTANT to ALL..Tl.I... rib. r haa let.') aerai.il wit* a patent 'or a truly aaiaaMe latent.a, » h'o Bianafecu ed will e.ae'el p »e»d hj e 'arta ele»e of w-ir-y. Ileia, i.tldea- that Iba ea.-. el nehie a ens, wuold ieeure i" e pereoa ..I en. rtr atd ai .bin -a a carta.u Air- torn-.but he It »o. .et riled wlta akwat kawaeee that be tatfo It BBaatlble tuteei.l. 'b« nine end a'l..i ..« nx.eaaef la kekatll brfoie >he aaalkt Tnerrt r-, h. w 4e.lruue of aaa- r< in I hiinaelf wtta aoena ee'no rhaia'tet and a>.niT, aat a te Irafta raratak at all easktal and take the entire thane ef the baea» at P.- (.rte.» p.r'i.ui»ia e».i v addreaa - U HliNTI.P. V r. oen No Tl 0*j et H mee "11 II ES fur SALE..Tw« Hun Err-iu li Iiirrr _rl Btunet. witn .halt et. Belnr.» and Plaiaro.. ie laao.g Bldte. wirb or eihout Keim tot steam Power. Appif at Nc M Vt.et.-i .1. ryu DRUGGISTS bn.l I'llYCKTANfl..A do¬ rn itrikle BTOBt. Bat BALM. n.aOi 'u a abed aad to apleto In ee.rr le.pe. t. A ta e | jr-n.i'j for a yeuot ahywc an. A|p y at otce P H Ai K M.d cal Labeler No no Naaem ei. riV) PRIM EE'S. . Wiiliiii» t'. Ko to Kantaa, Ä ihe ineecnher wi I tell ea fa.eeable taraae,Tr<R KL- LP.NVILLK JOltNAL PB11T.NO parABLIall dKtT. of wl kh be ie ibe prop.t.tor a>eo. the Stavt ea haeJ, aaa .. .',i,ii RiltiK ¦<riiM T. i.e-il-l iu ihe na» koildlo« with the Pnotint llfii a The Viilat« PUeattlla e iotahat BearltS 'i' Ii lieb iame.Ie Imtaied ea the D.lawa e aad Had- . ea <anal In tba t io»h»rn part oi 0 Bkae I BW, aad taere la no other Pilntiu« OBI.e or B.Mkitora in the Cooity nearer tbaB.tn i.ee ft ie a rare chance for eeeaebodv. For pe'u- ulaie. iddr.ei iheeuie. n n at f'.iv t .'. r i'eauiy, N V R. B. TAtl.'tR rf»0 MO G0I8TS B-d Al oniKOARIfX-A 1 t.I lib," ST 'K e antiome y tut.d ...4 wen et"ckid wi.b Drufe. Ckea kila end r-rlamery ettuated ta aae a. tto beet fnoroaehraree I. N.w fmi. rtail.rart.iey re.aua eiaeo fair aeü- ire Aptly to P II ALP kfe t.ea' l.abrler No e* Ptaawao at. MCAHI» WA.M;I A("IT'UEKS..Fl)RHÄLi '1 or to BENT, the Lea-e MwkiBery in India* Bt.aia En line To. Ie. Plttatea u .1 .. m et ef ihe REST CASH FAC¬ TORY IN TH t. I K'aTltr orated in (hi* city, to uwr'e t ordri and «aitlc fa. .'* tm .he a.n a I** tee* of tokb rief Bat and Prinlei't Cerd. To on et Bt parele* th'* I* a dealrabue epportuLiry. pewjaattea Ima.Alatelp. Adiraea Be* tpn Wat Oflee _ _____________ ___ _ 1*0 DRUGGISTS ami APOTHECARIES..A neailytitiet op SIOBE for BALE a early aew . .tutted ia ef eoe the beet atei are It I* well *tork*d, aad deeat a teeB tntinra*. Apply at use* to P. II kLaä, M*dical Labeier, No at Naeeeo it. TO DOCK CONTRAOTHIfN .A D«wk is rev qoiret tkt at leel a h Be/IB oe th* Hu4"a Rie*r, In tne vi. iBity cl Alu.ay ta bl .etbwt. pat aad.r ciaaract. ." i Bu''det* as mm o paiti a.e ty *pply>a| ta M. LETNE. P...| _No 11 Wall .._ f t id i -VVAXTi:D-Tbe |».aü .»f f.VKI for »t? t|1 Fl P. »ao tear ae a wertaeta of h..o**to t tVei- t*ie e/"*<"th ¦( aaa . wtllhaokeea Fat tu* o«* ef tea oot*y flood laforaaat at kt »ie.». Addr-** A B, C .rare In o -a,i < H . .»¦. i r.a'i.a >. - -,.-e I Offi e fiouro and fioomti. EAGLE IIOTEIr.LtMl^inft..fleotlemean ran obtain claaa and eetaFattahaa Rio_f-ri/ perai.br or .. / aad 1*/ per er.k *t -he 'Int.I r I raakfvrt aad W.i.lem >t*. AN ELEGANT MOUSE, n.-ar .Mh av. ami 14th- .».. Will br '..'.'!.. .' im'.;' f*.Atjl bOAKDFR< and lkt|ke 'i-nil-n -n rxrtlat wtebiat . iparkae . ccoaoiidat I tat ¦¦ H aat and btaf ail par", oilere bp addiri.u| tin. LAE leeytata Po.O-.e. Re fete aaaa re<iaired_ AsMA l.E Kl.riKEI» FAMILY of kj.-tn.ial p. e.tlor., at. raaaata appkBatkaat from a f.ay aad Oea"e- maa ar etefkt Oeotkt tkt I laa a' B -i ¦¦. a«aiiy lar- neh.d or aofarai.k.d with B- ard com 'to let et kt.e, er taoaar. Tb* tuae* a aew Sratclaaa. aad r*r - a a ajt aba rooderae Bresben we. P. ee w at to pap e l.beral pr.ee lor . f».r r.ju.iaiei t can *| p r *t Hi It Lou les te-r* AFEW R" Iff t.. i.i. i *.*'. S \itL> ih ana >d fb- .-t o 'an ...** er as>».. parauae, at No. kB Bloetbmet_ BOAKL'-A baedtome frönt flAUEOR atvl . . . -' Biah the b.et acco-amod-ieaa, at tha* sew brows atoae Ii .*.. No. I i Eeet lath et. A at. e 4e*_f He BOOM fi r.« .. loetlemaa l (tret -. . red B0AKDT.tlir.- COI NRY WANTED.-\ part/ cose-ai I ot ft ,ri. 7 to l'i t^aUeood ifaaiUuiea. da.iro ta obUlaaM Af 0 IB THE COt.'NTRT free* May .at (o 04 bet, in a rwtrrad aad p » _aat -t'aart.e, where kAaat e keth a<, a*.; hi i V rn.i'iii .leere oe.rwered and -ef aoey a.ae.. tothetity Add,*** loa Nu S two, P. O 1 Y . at at tote- tloo tod tereno_ B«)AhDlv¦<;- A' Nöe tS %nd 47 Vjitt BrAMkT- w.» PleOMOf Rl .. ." ..-.*.... * e a .o, R.rOMS ',,r et« *'« i..a' en.ee or Day Buardrr* BOARD WA IfTED.I'RI VATE TAHI.r:.- L'p i .w.t srar er en.a. .reutiemao. w.'e afci.l a.4 1.1.art T»n * t k lue aad pare foe ssrtsat B ' ad ' tatid A or Tan .pa. «.ee. - i.uiue pre.- 4 * ' tad tat Beet r>i> r-L:. a.t*e end cqwrad et« wwiai l/et 0> M*y AdJrraa E d T THbaaa Oka i.i'jjtj BOAIL WANTED.Bp two G*ot>ak>e-*. a . I- ( .r tw . email! room oe ato eaeat- tr Bhtal Bwat of ae* La i to a lb. i part of iboekty. 'e tto ae taa>o»h»ne of Bieeekerar P-rac- e * with Bieette* aad S*o*-r wie!i*a I [-.. f,ini:y are aat mate let ef atop. tto a peer part I' e a a , Bears ee Saadaye T-- fawily AcdiaMip.riic.i'.-lr.r.l.is«t-r'n« l"«J a sod other partita. UrilBPRINO. Boa ¦*» TMaatkt OaBea_ BOAED WANTED-.Au> reBpe?rtAbir prital- (tmi'r r.adurt a* t»a .»».» part »f toe euy-oay tee aaa a tbe t't sb** Ack iw e 1 M'k ei4 2'4 <.» -*od wil'm* to re- c...e ib PFILaMMBMT "OabliPB». fmw the IW of May t»«t a ramll» ret*it'n''kra* roeai* may hear ef ea eweerte- nt-y\l£** *> "T addrewiBf H B. W Boa No Tti P-vfM- n,»c fhe moat sadeukted refereace will k* |le*a aaejra- oaired. _-.-B-_ BDARD WANTED.H> a0. ntl. nitna_*i La-y, la . prttet* fan ly La.ee By ta ke wool of Broadway tcwa tows pre'erred.for wkwh . l.toral price wtll ha P.. adtreae Tt'PPtR Poet OBao R> «r.ace» «irhaaoaA F'LRNI.lHED ROOMS.PIearant "R(M) MS" for .prtat *ad »*Biri*r w-hra-a RoARD otey be had ky anil. i>.at>..a at Ne at Li>tatet, o el, Brvot ys, ar.bka Sv. e,U.«teW wk.r ' . .. . ..: - va Pern** _ ROOMS _ii BOARD..A pritakaVaAwiy ita*« twoee.ona **ory PARLORS with lere* eaaertee attar had, which they wtab to et aaf*rnu>ho4. with Board Apply at Me. SOt Orteewicbat., oppoe'.te V eatara at. _ TO DENTIf-TS aod other GENTI__EN.-Aik t»ce Lakeratory tsd ReeeptM. r'->ma, Aae a Payak- I tt i' ted Beta- Far iiatue Oaau*avea at kT Bead at.

1SBW-YORR TRIBUNE. Oltt Sarmtxt€¦ · Cu and etegnani in Winter, muet bo politic! anarenewed. Tie DEBILITY,wantof oervoua tuier(y,and depreeelon of epir te, peculiar to Spring and

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Page 1: 1SBW-YORR TRIBUNE. Oltt Sarmtxt€¦ · Cu and etegnani in Winter, muet bo politic! anarenewed. Tie DEBILITY,wantof oervoua tuier(y,and depreeelon of epir te, peculiar to Spring and



|i Pval-ieatD EVERY HUINMU ud EVENINO, C*v<Vn»T Fictrrrn)

BT ORBKLEi k ¦' p i \.

ay RBB BBUBBI exit nitGi coaxes or iiiku ABO evicts-. Tt HIXHI THt LIT* RILL

»adleAeltee ed to OktJ Sobaerlhere ot 174* per »"> Bto-

||. |.;im T «r. >!,.. M« - ,i..c. i»»-re ** Oer mnan, a) ed-

eagree. For . i c. i F^r three enoaclee 01 X.


trpeb'lehede'ery BoTVmMI M IIUM ot tb. low press of 4M

BeTeenom. to advance Three coploo for BS. Elve ^St-J^V. Te. r. p.. for »12. tod . p.?" 1 »» ~ "T,,",' \, -wv.ooib.t;».f.,.wb.cbu,. p.-* "z'ns,rJrml?eW .HI be ebe.ged PIETY CENT* ff» LINE for

' tW -FTii.BiiKi.f jninrMBto tvobli.k-»«i ,».,, Tctoiri" »!f»*S Mr,V'""»ereawea» Two o>>"< of r ... for e>ll A! ArtYert.eo-

¦ >ete B t.iin Bjm for t»ckra<»ortiom.I II f WFW.il»BH TBIBl'NR

P OB BO R O F E A N Mti'i: . A T I O BMBBkaMhldeVB the ewe**Ttor.ofeeeh Mail Stearner f r Uwfoul »t t>i p-r enaem. Ww'ege included. BUfJa 00. ha

**tub? JfEB-VORK TRirtI UK

mm» lALlfiiRM* 0BBO0B, »>»i> tub BAfOWICBIRLAND*. !« ptjbl .h.don th* *>o»rtaro of ear'i Bttl baBAkeMSRw teciaw.il till i. per annum. Siog.e copice Out i-ents.

Special Notices.Vo.l-Ofllrr Noiire.-T>e M4M.S for CAUF^RNfA

Rc. tor (1.0 Itee n.r II.i.l -.IJH n.ilr.lüMlllbllUScl.oll«I BiBAT. tb« 2» lb day et Marth, .. I -.rink I» Si

ISAAC V FOWLER. Poet mar«*r_"t'rrn r i the Aoam.'i Exprkii Co No W Broadway.Te> the Fobllc.-Th. rri.il Irom f».o Franc»? > having »».

.eer.ced mm A DA AIR A Co.. of California, h«d eu.peodedpayr»ei. t. It I. dor 'o the pub ic end to tbo Comp.or to bBMtbol their eaipens'nn ree nothi g to do with tbo inlereete or tbo

laiiii.ee of ti e ADAMS'S EX PREid COMPANY bore.

Theopeiettone of to* Ciforou home ere rt ..i.oc t end die-

eh* liar io fer ee Ibe AdemVe Exprece Cimpeny i* con¬

cerned <tl do * ley tnuste Fxprere tuiine.-e thruafioa:Rio Atlnotie iMttoAV *od A . A Co tie ttitjxrr* lud B.Ii-

Di.wen on 'et FreTBecooTbe l.v..r"§ ' I ked «letr.i'e Pipreet Cmmcj will be con-

Beeed e* tieret« f..t«, w .'Ii PAi er y .o>err.j,.':ori M de'ftj. The

Ben.pery owre oo ote, toi if c one, ctLtot impend.Tbeir i.rj r.. M Rb ¦ M EM n» forwtrden, eje in oo wieei

dtmLtub a «oo ih-ir eM i t le roropiy wirb .11 th ir enjete-¦etle le ee UL'|t.ee MMMl II IM

_OV B DI N8MORE. T-eeenrer.1 Be? Ne«-\ «ru l'oli. f. Mais kTl MIN. AT TIE

*e*AHkHSA ?.- ih- ende -itu.d LeeMe tbe M.r'htot*, Me-ebinl.-e ..d T.^.'i« f ll j< v ud< oth-i. wh., l-el iotOeie* le the pr> et ITOlle» of >,e Po.ice Ry.tom of ikbj t :ty fromMio der Heron, keg elit'on M Albany with which II bjthrBBtBWBj,to meet .t the Broodweg FeBBreecMi. on vv..D e'RiDAYBTBBIBOmH the2let liet »t 1 j 3-rl'*'k »n rnoce.-t earhBeeeeiei .i in.. |.« ;ro,.'r loprrvent H Tb* ohj»ct of theBUI new b> 'o et'be leeieletare. ie to l"»nlBlllo*eBB the wbolsPi lire ' j.i. in hv le>i» e'mg oot ottic« «e Oo omieeioaan,Bb- ib'ie MegLeue .. nnd-r whoee e'.nt.nl the Depertrn'Ot letew BeBOod rhti Th- Beyei ReeeBewf. end Chi Ja-'gs, enr!e.b.tii.'irg in ti eir p'eri -nur pr.eet- per.one, with Urge **!..rbr* lobe Tiled tor tt the Oener.l Eiectioa*, whereby tbepower oeer tbe whole PelleO BbrneftMBKl, on whin IB*ee Le oe; end for i) e pioiei bxgj ot their p-reone f. un in.alt endb jvri erd ibeli property fiom depr-d.uori. w.li he timwnbin the h.ode of picerd pr'roery me. tinee end corrupt p .litlceiCaumlt-.e One greel Object of Übt BBBjtlBg will be to CueMis Lb* Mevm in th- pfoteel ne ha« n.id-, e^iinet the oteeigeof tbe MO, by which hewil be etripped of ell ectuel pjwer0.tr ibi i i lice, which be ie now Applying io etu;iet,:Jy .o eit¬

ler e the lewe.New Voik, Mefch 19, |g.'5.Btetir ii Wewi <y, Oeo gs Newbold,P. P.rH, Oeorgo Ineiebld.Pet.rd.op.r JaewBSeV, eir.rd,A V.oterpi :. H. tl ¦.>:,... n,Vt.'ier R. Jonee, W. II Webb,C. W Lawrence, Nt..Lia*n. ALen & U>..R VA'Uber*. Tbo* D.vieon,( i Aug Deels. J W 3 rot ton.Iii". Wtitioth, Jr., Mortimer Liviosston,A K.rter, L R Werd.Joi b B urgee, Jno C On en.Jto L A-p;i. vail. Roberte Ooodhae,tiB'.-iH uuecl, OlypOeiit'e 8 oe,B'own. Brue A Cm, End O Eoeter,Henry h' e Nonas, OMR l.oioe,Juo J I'.lmer, Wm K. Strong,W P Hevruieyer, Jn.. R P-i-.e.H.lher t A Co. Joeepb -lOlieC. »einen t ' o Bieke PeiichiH k EsrjghiweVolrntiu«0 Hall, N.aiiiith* Co.,RbberdB VVi il.o.e, Duncan A Snow.Ore. D Of bs*. Samuel L MltchiD,Chae H Mar.Lai) A Co Wullam ft. I'rieby,RuherdKirg. Jno A. Ktereo*.Jan ieO K.Pt'a Sone, lialat-d Haoea tt Co.J Phtliise PLo-nix, J a. J BluertA CoB M Vietton. J Hoormeu.Ruht B BlatatTB. Wetmore k Cryder,A A Low % Ktothere. Natbl D t ar.ile,PI A Smithe, Moa.eTetlorA Co.,Rio'hA Enger, loa oi Meey'ertonef bailee N Talbot, W VV. Da E ire.t It Co.,Ihoa ee Suflein. Cherlee II Rueeeii,

Bad 410 othersMrrrniitlli- I Ibrnrv A ..nn-ln' ion Tel K elv-tTt-HN

Ik Ae "-Dr. --OLOER will deliver Ina Third Lecture TUES¬DAY EVRRINO, ettteVcleck, at ClkBtee Hail ea r piece.Pabj.ct-The Battlee of the A'nit, Peiekltvi end Inkenueno,BUeiiated by Mape and hk- ch e Ticktu £5 cent., to bo bedat tbe de.se._

Mavox s Omir Nrw Vois March i\ 115?""».Till» Ki aennl. PKO LAM A i'lON Whereas W|f,

RIAM POOlE ha. med trom the eftti. te of piet il ihel wounds¦ Hotel eel*beil-eed, by one LEWIS R VKER. on or a

Mo', lock ef ibe night ot tbe Vlth of Kebroiry leer a' a puMich.a. BBBBB aa Manen« Hall, at No. ..: Broadway; and.heieaa Ihe ea'd Lew e Bakee ie Mill et larg. Now, therefore,I, PF BN an DO WOOD, Meyor of tbe City of New York, do,by virtue of euthority veet-d Io me, off. r . reword of FiveHa. died Dellare lea the oaaeeheasewa end d livery to'beau-thoiiil-e cf the City of New York of e.id Hiker But alltkalme not prraenied to Iba Mayor wiihio twenty dsye efterBach ci l very will no dierefardrd.

(i. a I_F> KNISDO WOOD, Mayor./aieteriraa in.tuate, Farasera' t'lab..A regular

peeellas a lie t id et Iba R|oeit oy No. 311 Broadway, on

Tl'l BOAT Ba-ob».ataaoa Babj «. MANURES; TOPDRFhS.Ml Ol OUASR AND lilt AlN; NEW TOOLS FOR»IT . I ni H> erd DltAINAt.K Strangers are alwaysBSpeciel.y welcoma. Adniaelon free to all.

H. MEIUÜ, Secretan.The Rlanaa'prat of tbe- t'alorril Orpbeu A>vlam

pu.| oee to bole . FAIR »b ut the Let of A|>n UjKT the BeaeAlof It .1 lief., otion. and earneetlv BaHaR i oi.trl! u inna io mou-ya* ariir'ee i f any deicrit ti n. which mar Irr een' 11 the dJoaIrg plaree, v i: Miee IEW, No. 87 9t h at.: NiaS 11 KIBO,Mo I Col'e.e place; Mra E. P. WILL-ITS. No. 24^ EastRewadwsei M .a'TRANOE, No. Sei Weet 171'i et., or to anyef the other Menafeie.

1.rrtarv-a to Ihr I «dir*.-Mr. L"DI A M FOWl.FR.M D w.li give three Lectuire on ANATOMY AND PHYä-IOLOOY. uifated with a oke etnn. Manikm DravingaandMosel, ai l.l.i eki r Hui'dlnge. Bleeekerest, WEDMBSDAT,Tl'l I: -DaY end FRIDA V AFrEKNOHN* 1.., h Laxturoeetne encii e at So'ebck The two ti'e' L-rtuiee free, and a

eeii .. lion takes lo BedkaJ expeneee. Aduiieei to the Tuirdlrtt*"ga. R»eeeia_Annlvrreary or Ihr l.ndira' I nlon Ale) Not-lfty,

haelliot'd tir the Keli-i «.| t... e'.rt Intimi of the M. F..tbtr.h will be he'd oo II'ESDaY H.ENlNll, 2lbii.it, at7, o'cloi k in Oe Metbodiet Eplacopel < liur-h. Mulberry a-, a

lew dooie lii.in Rl-ecker ai «peeke-e Rev. JOitN P. DUR-BIN.DD; Rev 0 W. BEI RON B, B D Rev R. S. FOS¬TER. D D. Ths meetiug will be of a highly iutereetiog char¬

acter._Imiort.int Notice- Now la the time t .r I'.ir'..'« tho

Bleed, and abeaaVB Bg iLa eye'em e ee to be prepeird 'or com.

plain te usually caaeid by the eodden changet from WinterTO BfBJBdJ

The BLOOD. Cu and etegnani in Winter, muet bo politic!ana renewed. Tie DEBILITY, want of oervoua tuier(y,anddepreeelon of epir te, peculiar to Spring and Sutntne.- eoaeou*.¦ait be prepared Cr end avoided. There muet bo

NEW, RICH AND PL'RE dLOODlafheed Into ihe beniy, otberwlee tbe entire ayatem hecomeaBuietreied end the nuntal enrrgiea enferb.ed.DR TOVA NSENU'S ( ElEBHATED SARSAP.VRILLA,

as meaafartured under the direction of the well-known Chain-Vvtand Plyiivian. I'r JAMES H fit LT JN. ie tbo

ONLY SARS apa It ILL A«Ii !i can eftVetueüy reuovate and purify tbe wh ile ayatem,and iretore a heel I e action to ell the functlone of the beadyIfaoaaaada wbo b.ve need ot-er priparatiooe iovain cau teetifythat they havr been rce orad tt peifrct health and vigor bygatag a few hottlea of


Wkeleeale end R<teil BtRaa, Niaiki i Tum BVbVMRR ARBlaitu In anvi ay corner Fulton et (office No. 2 ) oppoalteB'- Paui'e t L'.kb.

QVmnsemeiito.rr if 1 ILA 0 I 8 W a N Bad¦ Mn . MARIOM i i « at ti e Taben aeht.


Tick eta ,Vi certa

ACADEMY or Ml'Sic. J I'AI.IAN' >i F.I.A.U.K. ENI ll at'KSt RIFTIOS Nit. IT

On W EDNESDAY. M«h SI lejTe.m.e,«.*,c f iu eothu-atoetir receit "».eil la campliauce with tho uolv r ie*. dcL-iand.Dib e« tn a olabd Oper« eaf

LUCBBZIA Boroia.will I- preaeoted lor the laat tlu.e tbia eeaaonthud a: !. teal OB

Sa|i.a ^TE^^ENON»,. wl'h SignnH.» VF.STVALl andHierori BRIGOLI aid H t DI ALI


VAX MABETEEK.Maelral Dierco, ^e^e,Beate mea r. aecor-d at Hall k Snu'e. Rr>adwav Rae

JAceden A King'a. end et Iba Boa Office of tbe Academy of

Price, of Adn leelon. Pa-qnette Bad D eee Circle. «1; kemiCtreU M ceaUi Amphitheater, 2» ceuu. Secured Scale St.cer.ia extra

Dca«» o(-n a' 7o'c'eck; Opera eommercee at I.' k


l'FSDAY, March 2.', will be represented Ajam'i Comicc r. :i i .< te of

THE BREWER OF PREJTONPreiMipal huacteie to be euefained ha Madame SFI7TN


Praaee of adridaaaen.Boxes, aeeordicg to 1-ace'icia. R4 endogeea fi. rie aod reserved aeete, Rl, to ai. BtwSI | a. M alboeee N' ceata

Peere cpe« at 7, to cauaacace at I o'clock. ORLce opeo f.-omA by. fa 4 P MMeat perfoimance oa THURSDAY. March ?!

^H£ CRYSTAL PALACE srill remain vproJ^-^Mit at a sbbb'I abergo. «nrt I fa-ether aotfea Meatr*h,p,.'atiop BtV) Iteteary t.e it..i ,a Bib'bihost.

V0i. XIV.N° 4 342.


VOW OPEN.NATIONAL ACADEMY r>fi> DP.K.N. Tb. ,i-t ANNUAL «'*' * m'>? ._ «_j< I' VI tt No »?! Broadway, between fnif» eoej »vr.'.rt!» Tbe colkcetica ke formed lic'l» fltofOriilil Pi tt tree

tt ' Sr.. t-taret by L"lo« Art-'» whu-h beje n.»»f beforet..eo »ahih '.0 io tiie e»tj. Admie.ion. « rer,-e, «wi»rUbot MceM T. ADDISON RICHARDS

Ott, See'? N. a.

YVAI LACKTHEATER..Dt*m 9§M Ratty,f1 renn IM** ot 7| Altr.uti'i-t.D.* t Cl-ri* and Per

ru'it«- V'.ntt, S». nd Tlir .'.eer.'a Private Boxe* A4 and07. Oichnt:* Bta.ie T'-M 4 F.VENIN J-Mareb M,

TH" RIVAL*fir An'h-ry tktola 0,M>. Bl-«- Pl . Bti .Mr. Drof.fl|tibl Ahe,,tote.Mr L»'t'ii Lj iitLi-.p u..n 'Ilet -i-rr-ir LuriüjO,rii»»er..1rooitnTn ! Jirit.Mr*. Hoey

A LADT AND OF.N TLEM * 1.The Oeotlemeo Mi 1 A \ r.-n' Tb. Lady..Mr*. °»ephene

I>URTON's THEATKRTThTiin.rjTs.At.-(Jrcät¦ » .... (4 Obs T»o New Piro*, -TUESDA Y, Mercb »\tb» «et r jrtiy t.f

THE v'f p tv a Ft it; Or Ttir Dt.cmrD Dat'diTta.Inrn. the Btewtid Mr. Burton; Mordant, Mr Pwber; Che»-

enl Mr (> Jo der Lernt. Merchant, fin.no Mr M ratal Job-erben Winter Rune ;; C'»mer.t. CanoH; Lady Morden' Mre.Beeilend; S.r.r.et Vre Holmtn; loania, the Deeetted Death-ter, Mr. Kuiion be find tirue of

THE NEW-YORK CHILDREN, it la VatwAwwTBjin a »»riet» of eleg«nt fob eaoa and Paneee.Tt conclucU Milk Ik* Mu>lc k'erce -,f


Victoria.-Vre. R ir> a.

ARNi M - AMERICAN M U 8EUM..> Here it now tbe RMRRICAM OlAVTR-H il *.*« of

»r* and weighing ne»ri» tlOHT HTJNDAI PO' >STUESDAY. Mere.I. Ml. laSS.EVENING, ai H fcl - * tbe ,> o

u u Morel Lneel Ol d Uum.eur Dree a of T HP. OL > B ae V-¥ H V RfTr.RN HIN ». I the rlOBBP.R'S WIPE enda . try SO IT ON Ali the i u .eit.ee to he *»'n tri h -it

ff» c>»r.e. Ado ittanee. 25 eeitr; children ander ift, Iiicent*._RATIONALTHEATER..A. H. PURDY, Min-1^ agerard ''rnrriet r -Til H >1V ENINO will hepllMlttli

Till I'.I.a' il l'»T OK .¦>. E N r H YThe Black Col H Howard Lady M-.w'-av.. Mm* Hathaway

In i.hle Mrnr.h Dance.W. W.«id A MiaeP. La Polle.Iw he followed by PATE OP war.

Coo ic D'O.e. -...W. Wool.To eonelori* wth t.lNfirlR NELLYDreae Circle,Uoeatei Pit. IM. -en «; Orebeet'e Cheira, SO

tin p. on fi-o a' ' J PttrWottaet rorernctioee »i 'J.

Bit* »AI»WAY THEATER.Beze«kUktj Parij let,M)tOBt-l Patnil» Cliele and Upper Ti ;r, ib ernte; Pnme

Hue*, #.«. and *« Ii .nr« npen »i n-; perf rinancei bedl *' I.THIS EVENING will be ren

Eli il lieu.Rlekerlea.Mr. P >tr .t He Meuprat.Mr. f'cnwiyLouie XIII.Mr Lt.r rran Huruel.Mr |,.ihre *.

tiarad.Mr. Il.neheti lalle de Mortimu M e.l'ooiai»S LIKE AS rWO PEkS.

Mr Bicbarda Mr W D.vilie Mm Richarde Mlaal/i. ..

OWERY THEATER..Pro|iri.'t,.r üu Mrtna-eer, I P. WALHRONj BtaM k»^.»r-r. ROBERT

I'l'iM -TIMS EVEN1NO, will h. preeented. RI CHE-LI' I' Paar* Da. re. hy L ui.a Welle After which, thePERSECUTED DOTl HMAN' Ti eoaaraia with EOSIifAMEADOAS.It tbro Bexter. Mr. 8. W. O.enn._BUCKLEY" S E R E N A D E R S,

No Aifl BROADWAY.EVERY M TUT 1 'KWP.'K ih. NP» Piece en'nled the

TWO POMPEYSPreeedltr the Piece.

ETHIOPIAN MIR8TEELETfoneert at 1] o'clock. Ticket 25 cen e. Reeerred Seate

50 ten'*.


treket* 15 e*ct«.




The lar«e*t Cotapaaj ej, r orran./.d. eompneed of E tbreeaof ib. nn et talent'd ViK-allat* and Inetrutneutalitte, aud onex-Cepti..r,able the -er» be.t Netro H-Hne*'ora in the n-. feaei .n

Ortad ETHIOPIAN PERFORM AN"t s EVERY EVEN.INO. «I 7j o rl. ck and nn the APPCRNOOM t of WI »NRS-DA YS and SA1URHAYS at 3 o'clock. AdmUaion 25 cent*;children under IS yrere, ha f | rice.

THERE ii but ORE OPINION tlwt the amtbktorei tatlxh hit on la Now Yo.k ie IOHN R SMITH'S

OH AM) TOI it OK rl BOP.', ard Sit, IE Or SEVASTPOL.abowinp Ifitleae.t'ifrrt wid* of ine rrlncipal >it>j.-cttol eterta EarOWt Oen Wehb of The C.inri.r aad Eufairer, im: " I rielt-'d thi* Kihibirl -n in London in taatiawajawilb our Miei.ler. aid it It a.aurerliy the Moot rffeoti»0 DiO-raata w,- ha»e ever aeen. and ricble ui r te tue hi*h 11. NMaBM

Saeee-I u|«n il hy the pnhiii and Ihi preia." At P.ui-ur. Hall.Bfewdaray hverv F.vkn'ino. .art o'cl «-k at d

SATUBDAT at > O" look The Piano Am c hy Mr AYLWINFIELD, of Ltneon. Adm.'ianeo. 115 cenU._

MRS. A. LANNAY will tTivo a SOIREE DAN-BARTR tt Mont.tui. Ha l. Br oklyn. ouTUES[)tV,

Man h In. Patron* ran learn part culare on applicailoo to Mr*.LANNAY, at No 44 Litineaion at Brooklyn. Tickete muetbe aeemed before the evening of the Son. e.



tV * bltTlll.l.'ISHCD t iLtro«.\i»k'.

Price V cclIa


Ii. end tlx .. .t.

By J. 11 Oleen, Reformed Gambier.Piice 25 cento.

_(iARKKTT A Co.. Pnh'iehert. No 18 Anna'.

A very important and remarkable Work.


By WllXIAM L. GaABwAkj. Piice AI. For aale byfOU LERS *mj WELLS, No 308 Broadway, N.Y.

TI e r r«t duty of evety child ie to Grow. It ie, of couree. a

atlmtlj A illj tit every parent to eee that tbe ampleet facilitieaof growth and develop.eut are aecurrd to Li. children.Tti ii u i Laiurally love* Knowledge, teeke it. recelvee it

with di Ii, ht at d aas milati a It. Fach child ie a natural aeeker,and ah.'.it.e Tiuth ae natuia.ly aethe e-owtne pl.nt or tree Im-I ihee cat tow, \k> ebould eo t*.;o*l nur Lie uca'i'.iui ma hin.rvae to proottvt thla thiret for intellectual acquirement treib aalkeen thionth life. Thi* Book ehowa how to do i'_


et TI e Scalpel, pp. 27s. Eighth etitiou. Pih-£l. ForiklettN' a. I and j Aator douto.TBE SCALPEL, n three large voiumci of i' I peg it each,

eleg. oily trtored Price ?«WOMAN ASH IHR DIBEABE8 FROM THE CRADLE

TO THE GRAVE. By Dr. Dix n Batpagjae,RLThe Li ed. n Lancet and New Yoik and Button Medical and

Cuteicel Jcatrt ale lernaik:Dr Dtxeahaaplaoeal tka rmfeea ou under treat ob:;gatioa

by tbia eaciHint aud practical dige*t "" Hi* wtik .ho*i a thorough a.-q .aintancn with modern eci-

enre; he f it ncurt i attci.ti. n to every page ia the v.'lume.Btrlctaja, Varlcott'a, Hadroce'e, Bpeattt Di*ea*ee. and De-b lit v. are particuiatly well treated of."" Bm ni ivoue atrt fucid eijcoaitione of tbe vtriiut dieeaeei.

and bl. lUtetlll try irgenuity under tta moot trying eargicalcircuit act e ttAa p hie ptoductioi.* with mote than ordinarylniere.t "

P FISTULA. PROLAPSUS end c.nca-.i F'SUhE. a e now cured with great certainly, without tlieki He i .'.ature. by tbe new pr ca* e. ei .tvrly practiced hyDr. DIXiiN. Editor of The Sc.lpel and Opttalktg and Coueul.-lng Buigtco, Bo. e.i htkBT«

Thi te can be no great-r diaiu up u the Ikft pawall than-theae adlicti k*| (real tun.b.re are in.idiou» y reduced bythem fill eoetnttiptlon eetgea upostbe unge; then they are toldthat lie rllea have drawn tbe Irritation from the lange, and

Mb! Abaurd Hundiidaare annually wota out bythee, daeaero " I ScalpeLEeory aata, on exaa-.iattl.n. can at once ba pronounced

cnrebla or othrrwi.e by the new prnceia. Dr DIXON baaeerahllahed aopoattowt riliata Uoapnal, for tb* reception ofether .u'aical caaee in one of the moat healthful parte of thac >. U.ua ly Dr. D te.'eie to t g eit namher 01 gentlemencured b> hin. iu ihi* city. The pall-i t need no: be com'.aed at. 11 a. c tie cat* i* warranted in evrtv ca*e undertakenLeret* frurn Ih* reur trv mual be tiiii-ee.ro toEl.Vk ArtD M. DIXON,M. D Editor of Th. Scale-'.

Bot Sj I Ui Poet otb.e.City ¦ptllcantiit Vo 42 5tb a».Otfi.e bruie. ftuui ft to tt a clock A. M aad 1 to 3 and 7 to 9

P. M ltd iPttal Edition SI ,000 Copiee:

rp H E HISTORY1 of

THE HEN FEVER,By Oecrge P Burnbam, epleedefly ll.uetra-ed by Bu'inga

.r iAid ew. Ker.i! Pr ce AI-Vtrap the roLLoaiko rutriiri:

Premoeiiory 1ymftom«of the Diieaae.The Coeh n China*." Bushi. No '.The Flret Fowl hhow in Boatoa Tbe Pever W'crkiag.How P. uiiry Bock, air m»eV. Me Cerreepandea*.Tbnairrtr* Ind ca'irNa The Epkdenic Spreaeiagk ».: ig D -. r.irati. i.e. II'ght of the F*vcr.Tt e «n aal Poa in Sb-* in Hoetoo.Mutual A. miration"Society'* Show. Coav»'eecence.TRa Progrea of the Meiady. " Botbrr'em PTotramo."'1 e 11.1 er S.Jr i.f toe Qu-i Bt«h' n* he E-»er.Adveitt-iig Fatra. idmary One of tbe Final Ki.ke.Raaakag It lot Ine Graaad As Expenaive Buaineot,.aa Paeärfk fowl Show in Bo* on

^i-». all t>.i-in \ cron* Ev.p-.-t.-nf Eti of itaeteurnT'-ie Hltt in of " Eaony Feu »

at .ir.at r..Va Hen " Peli:y the hoe* Honer-'y."a rienune hurei ug Bernum in the Pled,rtrvt Na-iotal" PnnlUy Show. " Bund from under."a .I^^i ***** D <.«' A Suppreeeod SpeechA CoaWeaeo" Man Tb. Porte Wnneaie I Owe oen.

a T. _»Pr* ul "«B **k:- " H«ld tour Hortet "

TrTk. of-b*. TeJ'"^ lh' M^'r "baathaia

i l¥ ¦«S?3ih^Bu'tti*.^Bair.b':.^:0.^- A».« ÄÄAV.TPt Trade iu»jlied by j c DERBYBookaeJai nd PaMhm,,, .Sow York.


Fifty y f. a b i e x i l E ..

Vow ReadT-TVrd Edit ¦a.

ISltAEL POTTER:o a fifty vt.m of f. x l f.

Br liriMA»« eltillb.i. t, : if 'Til*'." " Omoo," 4e,,Ac.

Om v. L, U "o.. ate t. Fi*.*. "S rente.HtftiLUi from Putnam'a M. ant*.

imifT« ran* »nric-« »r Tiir r*tt*.From Tbc *t» Yea C n.rie; er,u ».:. ,ji-er.

.. TT ie *. r« ein.plr ye; grephie rBeWtal 'f iB ereetlng edvao-fnr»r»i»i>li»!i»o io attract!- for-a 'pjh tbi peie* of Fa'tam'a Malexin*, it* appearance to which ere have aetiead » kmore or lea* favor for many monike peat Ae a litere-y p»rfiitmarxe, it i* equal t er \ tblr g which Mr. M role baa prodeeetl."

Frt>m Not'on'a Li'erery 'lexett*" Taken a* a erhole r-ed tbr-mari at eaeMtawkJ the Inter***

of the ilnry u interne. Toe ~a<er i< carried >, ...

to I-ege now edmiring the qui-t vitj of ii ny Ml of nevero-tioo and eren-ry it maybe ita hrathto >. co»Uuh'r| a'the Yeokre ih'ewdr.e.a'de ii rever a*'t-J, niefi led withbo-ror at the tied t.ae-i..-eof fivu.e BM aid tek'UI ee reelii. li all ttng ae. Be tl It " BBel »..; .re kim "

I ¦ The Und.r.g '>«2»t'«." Melai le e belt work.''

From TV ( H MB'. A r tii tit a tierra'i' . ard id nlrably writ'en "

___O P. Pl^AM * Co .11» in Ferk place.

naei- the 'hö1 53 5 ftABfiACHUSETTSmm rOWCtf bZElEB of READER*.Bj I». B.

Tower a MToner a Ftret Reader, or Ora^ae! Pi'merToeiet'e Perotd Ae.r.er re |r rr-dnr'l in toOiedual Reader.Town'a 1 him Header, or Or«.d rej Header1 wer'a ». nrth Reader, or Sejn-I to Oradeel Reeier.Tieti'i Fifth Rearer i r N A reron-l C.eee B'eder.Town'i Prath Reed. . r N. A Pint Claaa Ree.,..A Die'ir.rt Ar i' Blatl o ia or e m] lb- brat aad eeeertli qnvll

tire of g'«d reie'lip. Thi* can 'nlr b. acquired fr; c tie prac¬tice of eleni*.'are, «"111-1 a: d ",. i-c. tnb oe'toat All tbeeeeimple rlrtnent* atd tfc>M BkVMBeSeBthJM are tiern witli 1 nuleikreetVaae,erraoa - d in the e»n p.*et ai d moat convert f rm,in the firat three ' f tl eee nonae.Ti e reit po nfe ere t rapheew tod T rea. Th «* are est

foitb. e-.d rail] and pewatfceWJ explelu'd md 'Io<tre'e| in thelaat three .ri.a Tea iiwaieclai af th* ee e »1 'o. ia eueu aa

to tlalni the altrnikor. < f all who are Ir eterch of I ¦. 1 readier;matter.The kapeihiRy af theeo hooka ae erkni»l-nr>d wk"«t'r

they heve b-en Kr. 111i.1'o a practical t-et. The)mbv hat* kgent acbo-,1 cooimitt-ee anl t>a I re r> ediiv e,.pr> elate th-trBicelhMfB 81 de, .ded ia the |r*fereaee f r them, anopA themi;-e»d reer every,tVr «. r.»e that they era irad-iel'y buteurely cupeieecing al o l.er readera, and go og into geoirei uaein a'l tie i.'ot -co-.e c oar r. uatiy.The entire .«. leal for iimn.et on to er.v part of the coan-

try p-etegt pa d, on rc-ipt of Re ML Full de.cr'.ptir* cttt-)0|Ute tree cl th laa

DAMEL 3Utt»lFS» i C. Puili.hen,_No 11 John at Ma «r- York-

vew book by mjus. 8towe -

t ii e m a y^f lowe rARB

All.TF'.'.ANE 11's WiiiriNOi.By Hartiet Itetehet ft-.we

Au liorof I'nrlo TOMl <«hin " Sunny Meroonea of For¬eign Lan-ie." A'

In BMTaL,IXana reeily V« pi Ui-h a at»«l Viri-f-titie, and a eple' did I', rtre.it iro n !he pietetiw hj R ... idthe ielib eted Engia>h a'liet fliee, B>! ib,Tjie vo Baa coi -a e o.any of the ear v p.-dueti-ini of 'dr*

F-twe aaw aad et* palet, bb wen a. gaeae of h»r iat-r ell-r:«Many I there are Moriea ot New Eo.lend it* anl eTtll heA 11 i.a t r Ltaio in *uI' loeaiur- the ei 11. -ee i.l p In t. a- .1 thenut <>d aTBtaoi and pathaM tor which the auiLor leaounver-ei.< toj. 11 4

1 he time erd daj*1 tere of New F.nglir.d. wherever ther are

acattcied, will reroen ga with de. it.: the comely yet t rucinngtcelity ol tbiae eke'i hfg

W ILL II Pi ILIIBtD AraiL 7.f»rd» re from the irede reep-et'u ly anllc ed.

n.lLLII'tl, UATtl'SnN k ' 11 Publuhere.No. 19 Winteret., Beaton.

_J. c PERKY New V k_

A New A i,rk 1,, [i,, Author t Tue i-eir of rted

Dapplfion &. Co., eVoR, ülii and 348a Rroacwar, ri'HLISH Till* PAY:

the CASTLE l.uii.deks.11} the Aull.or of The ii. ir of Red. lytte. " Heat tee tee

1 to) laMta. paper cover, V cent*; cl th, 7A oenta"TwB MOBt IBtteWfal laWtltoM t' T le wh'-b her» tppeatecl

from the New-York preee. |jr me-y vear«. ere The ,1- r .fRedclj fie'and ' HeaiMSMB.' Tie r-n/i .ue BBMlBBBM :i +¦Telored in tl eee ab*'il i'e etoriee, ea an eiemeut of i u nan

cl arartrr, wlth iot l.irotiy M laneticiem. Ro 1 e'u'al ia thed'alcgue. and free fn ¦ laggi-rvion the eee.ral ii.dieHuale iotl du.-ed that the rni Bad earneat eienilice-ce of the narre-tire co.e not at tire' eppeer. end the ree'W'e evwpeihi a are

gradeallv huf eoiely en.ieied to f.eilnra of a eolemn end elavaete.' hied, elm h have agoung vivulh fre i Iku o-o. ,. ,- ,

al Li.- ai d LB* lawa < karaeter. (Noeton T-ecariitw.b'CItTLT riBI.IIMKU:

N'w Edition of Iba hillowlai Woiha by the «a ue Rath nNEAR TRBAREj Ol Tue BkuTHina Wut i vuie

12b 0 t-Bjei a)'; cloth #1 .v>THE bllR Ob KEUCLYFFE 2 VatA, 12ino kM

t>) tlo'h. »1 PR_Joel i un i.bed,

rpHE MEDICAL PILOT i or, M!W BlifTKX.A. The beet 1 taallj medical booh of the agett Irreti la e faml lar but eleeaot aiy e oa the pierent .in a-d

eoie of all dieeaaee o' men. women end tbil lien on a new plan.It i nfut. e . u.e th- t iling pre t:c-- ad bleedieg anl ine ii.dia-cr n.Irate lie of Iba delete,, ue m-rcui.ei rr>nar«t one thateend tt.ot.eai.de delly io en UL'imely grave. It abowa that alldieeaiee c Hid bRimM. M incu ehl". by'he itei ant are j^r-lertly rutab'e rod'r lb* Brw a' etem n adv».-atea C.in.uiUB-tioB. in i eitlen er, ia i loved to be cun' tv in' aia'iou on a

pnir p.- ir'.h mateevd tv the author. Everr ptiwn thatv alte a i eeith ebi ul? poeae-. 'tii« paw*kg M BBOdtcal Tede Beeaaai,the peiaaal of wl icb, beaidea proving hi<h y ft-eeficiel ro b mbj B laaltBTT tTtTttti T*"l aieo aflor i Iiiui tie highiMl pl» " kMturn the rheraiioe itvle io which it ie wr tte-n. ee io that re-

ej.«ct it e laelg uppetalleli d in the fi-ld of Am.li: eo medlcilIt'ereture Price #1. Rent TM>«t-paH. to any pan f theUnion. Adceea Dr. T <¦ HL'Ti HINOB, Me 7ifl troedwey,ccrner of a.tor piece One thcoeeud egente wen ted._Sl'IKlTCALlN.M .Si-fimil Volniw. h;. .!>..i_

Fiinndeend Dr. Dexter-p ice * fj.psetagl t- rUJutt i ubiiahtd by FAKIRID1' A BRITTAN,

No. -i " BiomI way.

Ffl h b glorious qu a k e kI ISAAC T. H01N I I

tine of th* BakllBl B en O.'I ever rent into tbie w rM * e-.

lande of ineicy. ll.ade-. if ihie language a-.uia Ma Btroatf,)oo are ineiied to pe.uee the graphic port allure eg" big fife,ee drawn by tlite Bgal pen an! mrntm beer 01 bee M .grapb-r,

aegis t Villa ma&ia i nu nsY'ou will r;»e from Ra perueel a better i-r- n ¦' MB al^d w.:hficeli deieiminat.. n ot parp a« lag a klghai Ül*\

it 'i" Cpieehatb beia rtatiiHrn.

And the .l-rr et d tie mcreeeed of la'e. It ie e Tolouje whicha;., u.d Lau a l-..e and - nao in everr fao.i'v in th* laed

OHM P. jF..u:iT h COMPANT,Publiehera. No. 117 Waehisgtoo et H e'jn

London: Its I.i i kk «.it\ and ExtwTOKIC.üClBloilTlRt. by F Sautdtre author of s« ad lor the

Solitary " Ac. ie the beet deec:ip'ioB of the remarka' le p acee

In atd ahfBt Lorcoo, ever written. All whoever lotead tovielt Lctdon, andaliahj dot t, .h aid here a copy Pq'>llthad bv K INS A KFt.L'/ii'iPullLnere. b'-r.k R. k Manu'art .rere and wh neeale deal-

ete in Boiki and Stetiooeti, No II John et_

THE last < HAM r.But km troies of theThuteeeth Eci.inn THE \\ F.ALT't kRD RI03RI

phy OR Ti'E va RAXTH1 Cl P1ZBIII OR PiE ITT OPIrKW-TOBK rtawabl oreob, and aa no ¦ r- will no pr'n'e.i,three who wl.h cor'i-e mi It apply ear'v P'ice 25 cent* foraale at The too i flic* c .rcrr of Naneu and Fulton au_

ry< r THINKIXli l'l'ELIC.TtWRy pub-Ti BEaRXNCE Off tTBRJITtARTTT,by i.-.d>v;g »-,«»..

betk. tieie'eti d from the arrord Oe menedtioe g MeantF.vass. tianele'or of bfenrai Li'» -1 Je,ai." One beudeoroalim... v.loneif ed'ipegee Piice*>lcVrtiMTb'.e positive PHIL"-<H' IY E'egea: ocUve of

fSItegta. Fiite R2 S> Feeenilv i .' v

j _P. BLANt-H ARD. No IjjjMMB it

rpHE emperor 07 france goes to the1 ( RIMF A-' ... r ? r

world THE MIRBOB OP RBVARTOPOte aad MAT of thefcl.At K PEA mi CRIMEA, ibewiaf lew i-e tiua o' th-AHird F 'tc*a. Vieei tf th- Term hurricane on h- B e x

See Beule of Itkericar.u. Portreite .if the E.uperor nf Rueyia,bulteti of Tu key Loi* Ree ao. Prince Nepol-oo Boowarte,Ac. bire of tha ibeet 2t'by S2 lachei. IbxRlaewl -. IR] tewho taale pure RT Ret lew, eeMood RA Bhiia The only re¬liable ebeet jull-ehed. A. H JOCLLYs S . Fult.m e

Any edit, r copylrg the a; ve v.u. rvceive three copleaAget'e w anted in evety State._Jl lliES'* new comp08itio n

Pabliahrd Thi* Dev. The»ITH HALL SCHOTTISCHE,

dedi'aterl MFavny I BE.

WM a tn* Li,ho»-B?bJ DaRi'IE. N'w Yen mit a ibei .»< . .-. Boetoet

E. H Weoe, Outer Diie.u. o. P R-ed. aud N. KicturdeoiTbl lade'; ha Lee A Waia.r and J. F. Ooeli._.? TJ AYE you seen BAM -A bcm BanjiJLJL witbl i orae iuet pabliehed. once 2» c.-r.-e. r"1MB Iba u eaei ?i re ai d h. rue. bat very popu'er; ailBerrmi'a Nitkaal I'.bIiij bhow Poike." with v|gj.;te.

if? I v f. H Brown A -re a-aur n-i-at ol new and eec-nd-hind Planta. BleledBOM Fear Organa er.d liarmme me, f«reale or for rani uw by BERRY A O >ri> )S

No. JSC d.-oidwav.

jülank Dcoko,' Otationcrri. fa.En v e l o Fe" m a nVfa ct o i: v

Toe o'd-et m*i .e-i- et . the Da '^.i I BMSkWEST A BERLIN,

No I." Wii.ieu) at ,

Beepeetfally itvite ibe atteateon of pareheaare to theli veryeiura.ee aeeortmcat of Fjaelcpre. Note ard Writing Fetvere,he Tbe ireal factli Joe we have In manufactuitsg ard in tt r

porchaee of etotk enabl' e na to oSer three gaeaat at axTBXMt-tv Low rail te end on the moit PafMABI t tbbna.


AFEnPECTANLE vouriLT Girl want* a iittia-t: in ee CHILD'S M'R.-E ai.J "LAIN >t.VV. :l

tan be acta for Lhtea deya at Na. hit R*i<» at-, aooood tarntfront roeaat._

AIAI)Y of the highest ri-irj<?ftability »ruhes aaitoatktn to SUPERINTEND dumeetic affaire, aed to

tealet in Sawing; or woe d take charge of a-d ieetruct ami

cbiUren. all ol which gba .1 wtil , .a..:.ed fot. A4*.eei B. A.M Tn! uae OEcb.

.»t:a- OlttY, MARCH 20, 1856.

4 BFPrECTAIti E Girl wants a Bitaaron M.1 IHMi-KWn:, ,r \ rf.jn.t-eeo: Wl- erd-r»'«*d*ih- "ir...- fQ .,.n .nd >. BtBf ' ""l"-"'"' ' '

above atteat.acta . reep-cr.hi. privet* fa any. Toe? |b*«t feet mottete r.o b. produced from Oar leaf eiwp'oyer,' i i .1 , > e i, ad ¦ nhiuee*. Cta So area lit two da/t.Calcet Ho la Caot tfh of.

ARESPECTABLE youg Womaa wants a. »-«-'* > -t-.i sPAw-TRPSi or a. SK t M-

STBEIS ico La'.IS MAID; ha. kod etp-rieuee m the ra_-erm »»t 11 aotooaal >p<! ..». par- th- en'ir* re.art* of a Btby

lateral*. ut b« neo lor i r-eoeji at So 17Bitdet


AllTUltlÖlf WANTED-l!v a i'mvatant» »cfW.-.n ea LaI'SMRK Bat (.''IAMBCitMAl>>.

r r *. fii.e W AMIt s -r 1,-inNIVO Beet »f e ty ref-renee »leer. I ao c <?< I r . w loot at I IJH 19th at, be-twien In aad 2d tee

ABl PI I ( TABLE (irmi in (or!, who *[>oar.aboth EnelWi .no lje-u an aratatt to r.tar*i 'tile »p-in to

f.. rtctey ard w. i'( b. ,i.d t . I Ml, *i IP « . me a. n. t

art. »rare pay I- - ..«- *n.r f,.ibfa' eenr.c»!

oe the way A h»h taaractar will he < e,n h r at N... ahtir'rr rl«>. bj thr Krr. Or B> Iowa in wnoa* t».ily abaa. w breat


Ahi''S i r, j.(ra!.le yi uotr Woman eTtatatBetatMa ae CM a V R» R VI'«ID «od W t' rKE-i*, ur ti

aii'it in We-hm* «t.-'I». n: » »- Mo.fwnrk-ir a am.'.'.n.I» far. n-, »r" ¦-n rnn nt- 1 No uhir-noa It f i a ahmt« .-«.-. ie th* c<eerry Tall at No tl Ma* hotweoo IttnBaa I..-e*at Bhaaoteeo I b i**n for two day*.

AriB9T4 LAPS I.\i M)Kl'.<s prvMr-j todo tb oth 0* ana Ii.rln. lor »enl'.men and laaili** at her

ree>d'iie*. f O er: » oi k and ..ji.' nil d.Inert mar be eiied.a Callot ttvi rai ann r Kjl.H, at Re it! tVaat Maa Mb,ike taar. Tata. rmoa*hie.i BlTtJATIOIi WAN rED-Bj i rääptwMMeH ..¦.t|W M.|»do i.P.arRtL IHI'-tidU.i a

in.t 1 I. n.i'y i* t »'net P tit Cook. Wether ant Ir.'p-r Pati. tof eltyaattaytaaaaajraaa. Liredtwo nvi wuh her "*«tmp .i.H f an Ie a. »o for two day* at ItY 42 Weat 5 th it.,I r* w* rn B .oar air ard nia-ae

L'lVh ixi'irsTBioi B GIRLS, lately laTded,A wart PL.AlES in ih* elty or eeaoiry. to da feae-elnaataatti.rbaataaiaiib ate Tb.y arW he conteoc with4 11 ii 11 i|i. aao are not tftatd to worb. Gam at No. 72 tth ae..10 tfc. Bootnii*._WIT. ATIOKS WANTED.Bp two Amerifankj eatrai w7*t ajti aaa to owOBeftf 4L HODBCn* »ik.bat l.tr a* CHAMRKHM AID *Ld WAl' V.R. nr to .1 leo-"¦I I .na« wir». Alao a imatt tidy BW i f 10 tm'J doHoofwt o» r a«tn*ie Oo J r.fe'fnre »Iren Ap 'f a:No.SM Malban tl tawtad Hmitt..e at in ihe ha*em»nt.

SIT ÜÄTB 'N WANTED.By u experien.IOaraaaaBBAMSTRSSl I« t vary aoad Oraatatakaai tat

c »'u'il lie iimt Lefl.-a' Hreaaee, laie*i ittle; woo d doi raaaiaeiaaih. or traval au>k a fataal] wi nl mtati

|. aattttatlv, daiiy we.k'y at I ontnly. Ke.t ol referenceemu. Call at Ma 'J Ri»it|trn »t for two eeye.

ClTUATIONfl WANTED.H>- twa t^ene-nJ r r id <lr'», with food eiiy referer.r.- ¦# at a !i at-. IanCo K a a ptitate f*m l>n th- other aa BaVAMSTRBM, a* at( HAVIKERwaili and SVAMS'BE.IS latolot hand at let-

.. lad CAuldrea a I tbl t-nd k «mi y Sewirg. Call at No.7.tib at in the fckeicre_t^nUATIOH WANTED.AsCHAMBERS \H>kl^ « dial ' i-i.e S4, or to A* ptaartal BOO EtVORB hea lit)., ic'iir lliil ark] *ord rity reference. To b. *.*? tillratted tl No Tal TTaihai|tia et. noiih oi Hamtn ad at , iifl ,rr, front r> ors._

SnrATK'N WANTED.In thf rity or roun-n ky tare Terr txMrttatel Oirtt, w th good city/ refer-tau COOI tl e la W a II v d IR'lN In a pr'vtro

rtnl't lh» atktr at a Ir*t-etatt WAITR-".4^. era. C;IAMBIBMAID ltd W AlThE^s Call at No. Tl «thar..ta theBoikat ie.

C1TÜATION8 WANTED.By twi ren ene.C5 ritt -d Ol''a, with c od rity p 'err t.. ri0 t'oriKIN >,WA'I-INO arC IR"MNH. o- firrrtal L»ome*rle W irk. iuthe city ii nur tiy. To be teen till euited t'. No 91 11th at.,iait of Jd .* teeond tl or 'runt rrom_ClTUATIONfl WANTED.Ii tie! tj kvetyBB-0 try he two eerr *«teri.Dced Oirl*. with food ri-e r-f-r-

I et tat aa COOK ll.d lo t\ aeh at a it n ..< do Ihe II mee-

wrrl r a piltaU feretryl ih. other a* ' H A MRE it M 111) andWAITER or eat MaMRK.RMAIJ »nl LAUNDRESS. Callat N". 72 Sth er. in the Bookitor.Two M>f3:s wnut titiiittioiia; one ti>('"» "Is".I tVABB tad IRON Bad the otner to d>CHAM4KR.B t'RK and WAIB IN,I, or CLamberwork aad to aeatat a reo

Wail <n< end Ir ni't Uu th. i,*it of ciiy r»faeenc*. Call atNo IS Paitoroay/ ploaa t'*n bri»en fee twadaye.

W'ANTl D.A tituatiin ae tir-t rat.- i'"nK;TT - i.>i. .! r.«ii Caiua. »4 *oU ha

»11 In.- to ilo « II a Waehm. ha* emd rity refi-r-:per hat pteea, Call et Nu kB Waat I itb-at , tetweea Stti and.th ata, for twa day*._W'AN'IT D.A litUAtion, bj a rektpeyetobleroao.* » Q ef Boat tad Ud* aehlt*. at ORNRRAb HOTJ4k>MAID in . petrete raaailyi cm Week one Iran, Bake and u a

lain t. k ail Ilk- > inu.th in . laruny of four nrIraaeurtaaa Nu it;,r n to liaaalta or«few mi>* in thecur' a AI... a .unit On, aa C H A M BP RM * I D an ICniltVB RtTRAEi It a e>l will make b-r*elf o*efnl| willIt ke fi a month; baa »od reference Ca'l at Na iU later.,firi'flior._1\'ANTEI'.A eitnation by a .eap»«ct.ii»lfT* Vtii.an.it a eriali pile.tr family Sh. ii a eond Co.k,. ti1 a on Id be willinf to aa«ie? with Waal.in* and fr nine hater'.-.,at,re Pe.fi» aad co |iee th- lieet of city rel-r-m-1 it n I' I Weal no it in the front bteeoianl, between7tl Ina l'b er* Can be seen for two dtye.W'AN'IED.A kintntion bj ti rHrtpeytrtable W«r-TT n a' tode the ten.-a Hol'aF.Wo.'K a am '.

ly.ertc'eke eet" of chid.ee fiu-d ffy refnene* cta be(i.en. Atply at No M*Tth-tT, eecond tl-ur b-ckrootu

\VAN I I- D. Ilk a vrrv rwatpeetoU« Olli, a Hitu-» T .t *. Ii AMARRM AID and WAITBRAS, or to to.

«.-t ir. the >. i-e WoaatAkJ end ItaahtA u a take the care ofa bt'y 'torn n in'ai cy Ilia ii^id city ref-recce from h*r l«*tplatca tanke arm for two deye. If at '¦ entered, it No. 2417th a* Bat (id Hour, *»eood do. r from %>b et.

W'ANTl D.A eitiittii.n by a ri iBBtTkabldJ Wn-fT Bma.toCOOl W a-H »na IR'lN In a prieae famlle.

N. . [lea tooaI >l.irt dirar.ee in ihr caantry Ouod ciiyr-le iLtea Apply at No i 1th at third floor, front room.

\\rAN'I ED. 1U an i-tiu-rit ncnl Kin.'ii.h wiilntvIP vi,,,.,., rttaetkoa at HODsBRRttPll wBORBB

ene »PAMhTRI SS toantLTaid The beet of city ref-reoceei'en. a l»o t titaitiaa waated by a Bret rate ttrl, ae CHAM'BPRMAID ard SEAMBTREM Pith cau or .ecu at No.Ifft, IStk-et. Setween the 1-t ax-d 2d era

W'ANTl I'.Bj ti reapMtÄble Wnman. a titua-ft ktayaaaOOOR No ehjVetiea td Waah end iron Uo-

i!i i.ratdi all kir,'i oi Paatry Can |ire rood city re'.'eoce.Cat I rota at Va. |Tf AdtrnaIt, in the rear, beiweeu Con¬cord erd 1 i'len ate. Brechjya:___\VTAMED.Bv n r. -i . yntin« Entliehft Btel. aeataal t t. do Cri AMRRB iv'iRK and n Al r-

IBO or ( ban brreoik ard a*. *t In the We.httt and Ir.AvtLf.lit cd re-rreirr* if r.quired. No ohjec'ion to a tioatd.cf boata.Can et No 54 Sprint at.. fmnt baeetueot

"IX'ANTJD.By two respeetablo Girlt ilaisrt,|1 ateetkoae mt a* an rtcn.er.t COOK and KaKKR,

... « ktHEB a o iK'iSKB; theotli-ra. .,IU«BK4-V.A'Da.-d WAIT/JI or HOUaEaalD Would hare no ob-

o let a »n> rt datar.ee ir the c. BatTy, Can eoin nenl thepeatef cBy taArreaea c*i tot t»o day*, tt No IM artatr.,ne*' tfce et ieer iStA-at_

W'AM'lT.A rii'ititii'ij I.t i r.--|i'-rtiiii " toiinaif - tAhtCHAMBBtlat 'kK iu a re.;

family, or la *».i* la Cbamberwink or Waitlat or la eoyth'oja I.-L >he t* able to Co. IIae |txiO city reference Call at Nj.ftt Kaae Iftbat In'he^ercre __

\\' .\N1 ED.By i ait.,1 on n1 > BttRAE aad BEAMBTRKad Ceo Cat aad I Lain-.'r ' CMMfakt Dean* Ca.l at No i Ut.iuc court Uateereity-p ere ror t eo'0_ I

TITANTEJ .A sitnatiun ää COOKT bj .1 eom-11 (. .; '-.-.a e o ur di mii ii r'r.t .1 i: 1 E it'i-hCat.Ma and can ii»e eellalactoiy ie'»ren:e. Ctil at No. .MH e'ween I't a».d Sd ave. drar floor. f..r two daya

W'-'-N I* i- - J > rr experi«nced AmericRBft ttoi..»n a iloatt.m at BORSa I» la c .m-erte-.t t)

It.e tht Beta el en Infam Bit ¦ ite Mltk| u wti.iaa to ao to thec i.L'ry t t a-ei anwheie in the Uai'.d State*. Hat toutc :« .e.ern r-i. or ceo be oecn at ber _: employer'!. Apply

|| j W ett W at . Bear7th at._

ixrANTED.Ii « private fatr.üy, pmUI_| forft tbaea tee tfl tn.-> ntre abaat three boara by rail-ted *'i ¦''e iite. a iocd COOK, who per'ectla anderttar.de,i i:. ... r,r _ekr.aoib.-ee inn pe and bo* ry; al* i

a ».'d LAl'NDKEbS; B.I a rood kk'AITR'.St.to aaalet inCt*me*i».'k. Pics* let Pm-- . i. w.i ». d reinm-nt*tu.B» i "0 air > apply at Par or No SJrt. New i. a H ^tel.b.'-te l| n'eliet A M cr alter 7 o'clock P M_"ft'/NTI D.By a roiBOAtableytj__g WtMDRB, aI ' i"'.'i-r. *t LAÜNDRt io a reieenibl* fetaiiy No

oirere r»«a .tr'r. Cta be'u y la ier.-l a t'b eirel.ent re'er-aect hi' r'i'i I i;to ti uutuy. Can be teen Ml ea

find it No fit Boten »t_TITANTED.A tittiatioo at CHILD * NURSEM n tnlBbVCBMRIP.IA reetrtc'abie fatbR| t]

, V.ci ir afca tea aa wall rat.s.aaded C*eb*a«*fbr three da'a at No CO Watt it third foar from Badoaa.

_.TANTED.By l rouu Girl, I eifution asTT C''AV BEiMA'D and .ACBDREiB, or a* CHAMBl TJl.t li ¦-. \S k 1 TUR ii... .ti ie .:-j--i ir. a Iwttl.ca. tan tt ires for ore day at No. Hi Vk eat Millet., ba-taeeB t'b *od 7:h *ra

"11T ANTED.Ar by a rtpptftable yum,P P \k ,n tn a* to.d r|.A!N CO jii. i» an eitel.at .Vaan-r

'. . -tii.ee Ba. ,i; .. CtAHBt-Rvf AID adtc <i P a a Itairi No . -.tct: li ti is a eb^rt d'etatace .a

B_BJ . ar « -.. ( c.-y refere-c* a* to character( ai. ke .ten lor two *»;. a' No. .1 's 7ic ar between 24lb aad. it. fa._WANTED.Ty a very rf.petrtab'.e youn_ Wo-y T aao a tataattot to t'üOik. WASH and IRON ia a

r ,ii . daft, laat.ry 4 <. Plata Cock, aad an atoat-atWaehcr end I oner Cm c ar road bread tad eioeait. » aa>Juawt the warb at* a ab trat . Can be wen aati. ea-

**|ed at No 47 Eaet _.._ et ia the r**r. 5d «^r tr a* ,-o I n

WANTEIV-By"» moat rfspec table Uir!. unlf T .ce wlo a perfre'ly cc.feieot. a eltaa;_o aa COOK

¦ . a. B.ki*«. aad ba« aooi jecUoa to t.M in W««hiLtndl"bia_ W oaid to a abort ekuaace ia the eeuatry. Can, e. e-i year*' r*f*e*ace from ber law place. Can oe tatn aa-til t.tuattd tt No 2AA let aa., ta the ttootetor*.


\l^AXTFP-By ¦ middle-nir^l Protestant Obi,W . eeteeti ¦ m rood COOK; bu oo abjoattaa loaaotN

with tbe W»ku,, or do the Wwhine of e .null f.rn'.lv C«ni< ie>n mm two deye *t No M < h ev between *'h ill la

IV'AXrEr.A «ituation. bv a reep.'ctab!.-» bub" «'»bu ta» erlvete feaii.y.'e* NURSE and II *MSIRE'S, tu -ake O* euur- cbarae oft höbe; no objectionto ,-o #bt ( hae.beiworl, the tret cf city r-f recce jiveo;tin be teeo for leg *m\m Cm. et .No »7 Ci.eoow::h e' :orter of Beech et N T_W^ANTFD.By a respectabli' voung Wmnao, .VV i.rrelern ee CHAhtHr R MAID, or" i« do Weehir-t an !Im i. 11 acd Fleia Rev o« i.vid city refaieoee. Cea bebta a for two *" i et No ii He. rj et.

YVTANTED.A lituation by a very reepeyctableTV v..nee VVoaoaB. aa PLAIN COOK and ^AS-IER aadIROMTR. feed refer-acee cen be |i«tn Apple at tba Cob-feet tBeiy tlore No *' »r>i»«C. -ad

W'ANTr'D.A aituatioo by a rvspectaMe Wo-V T to-b to I OOR. WlU «ad .RON in a p iee'e 'ii.'i,et d«. i-rrral Huneewerk Ii-od c tv r-r»r-n^-e ti.en Inquirr er No. 192 H i: it. betweea Sprint aad Bloom-, can be|e»a r Iva de'«

\Y~ÄNTED.A aituation ai CIIAMBKRMAIDTT aid WAITER or P' AI N' *T WFR. and BBtAAe N -

Childten by a Profetant üiil. v. <.ih ample reier- M .. IINo II U-eeuwich ev.

W'ANTrl'.IU a v. iitir» W.iraati. a sittlBtioa ai»T CM.tMBfPMtlP m d L al'NDREH ore. NUA*F.

Ul denticle eli «1 de if p tin e-wine II»»' eerefereete fit m ter laet place. Call et ft 1 A4 St. Iterb'eplace.IB 'be b«e« 11 »1 '.

W A -XTI'D^Ib" A QMrieu Girl ba CltAlfiTER-TT V All» »cd SF tM^THE'S ,ul aiaht BBI I I aBkllBBjJB-«boie tie«r and of en erneM- dte:>oei'i>n Sctieftctory

«0 red. Arplva'Ni lit WfetUtb.it.117ANTED . SiTtutioni bi tw<» mtecUbleI» Oir e, ore M CHAMBBBMAID Bad WtirE t,

t OOK UAMilR end IRONF.rt in a eme fe-ii v. endlb* ."er e CBAMBBBIfAID ail la no ee«oa. of aaM Ii -K aad BEAM ITBSBI H»» the hee» .f city re

( all et No 32 Vv e-t !7th it.. in ihe bee-m-nt

"IV ABIT I>. In Ifew-Tork or ita tieiaity! bj iTT mWele-o(ed l ady, of bial reepecteei uy am rrdaad

ed rad r. a ai'n-tion aa CuMI'ANI.IN in a imr'l privatefanny ia which ehe *oel< be willint to eoperint-rd the d-meeiic allt re. t ie Sewio*. T-ecb'nt of ch Idrro or io»i p r

. ore. With nemo aad reeidence. addr-ee J ERSKY CITY.Tribune OfSc*


WANTED.A litBAtion aj CHAMBBRHAIDIt tad 9j AITBBAS. a* aa Ple»» Caek, WaaBBf aad I aasf,by a ret »Me Ottl with etceilem r-let-ccea Call f r two dajeat No 1.2 lit ee_

GIBL WjtNTED Is a privat.- family, a*CM aMPERMA'P aad to TAKE CailE OF 1 IU.

IREN. She mn.t he'e god i-ferencee Apply ec No. .1'U .i.t it., aeer o-h-a*

ARESPECTABLE TÖÜNG MAN irTtsaVM ieituetion in a p-iva'e femi'v, ee WA1TF.R fheadvei-

tie»r onrteretatfa b aboaineae -nit baa (nod city refaraaca.Acderea O 0 at the t. y ator» In Broadway, one donr ahoyllthit. Prompt aitent'on artl be paid to Lotea eudr-eeed tothe ai.. ye place duiir.at °hia week.

AMBBICAB, EaUjilalL Sootl h. Iriabi BaW «..-r-man Co-ke. Chamb-rn.ai'a. Seam»«r-eaea L, u idreea.a,

h.. trank Oir'a A- wrneo'd r-fereace. a aa. t'oachn-o.Ponr-e. (iardeneta end Farmere may he employed at No IEnit Broadway coiner Chatham «nur*

J tMl S Mi LVRVON. Ac-n'.

B( )OK K EE PER.. I AmTatTttaVr, !at«- a B.Kik-I er in a all at Rank.woold like a eitiia'Hin to a

New Yrrk or Brooklyt Bank Addreae Box No. 3.0O1 OeaeralPoet OSr*


BOOK-KEEPER WANTED.In a Pap. rMill;a youna hfen who ceu Come w-il recimm-nJed. ant ie

all ica to make hlmaeifa-Bf rally uaeful and will h-eitian-dw rh a 11 oderate compenaatinn Addr-ra, poet paid. I iUM U.A IRIS New Brut ewtck N 1.

BOOKKEBPEB WANTED.On.- wW BBS aIhaWI uyh prec itel knowiedxe of Bookkeepint by i ion »

fitry atd who can preeent the aery b»et la'rren ee AdlreaaN W Tnbui,- Office, a'aliu* realdence, refereacea, andaatcunt of aala/y expected._COACHMAN. .-iiiint.mi waut.'d in a r.-sj.t-

able private fen.ily ba a iteaiy aiof'e aaaai ia e tfe ifawajhIti«m, I* aleo rom,eteLt to take cara of ca'riaeaje Baad harneee.E* twrfeatly BBtjwataa) with the cKy, a nie feaal ditear. Beadbaa lived with the hi e' of lamiliae in the city Can prodacIbe beat ciiy rrfererce fer eapahility eol r etyV en I booeary.bm ti keel cmp'uyer, with whom he baa lived the leer three|.e-a Adettote,Far twe diya I. B , Baa ITBTilbaaw OBVaa

COA( IIMAN.. A aituntinn wrtnte.l by a ainiil.-aa.n aaaawahj a .her; baa live 1 w rh ihe h-at fauili-e lo th.e

city. Reference elv.n AddreaaT O. M Tribune Otflce, fortwo daya, which will ba attended to._

IFARMER WANTED..Atlioroiiol, Awtfrifan,Kl t lab or *<¦. .¦ h FARMER, to take a fn'lenian'e e nin

tiy piece ol 6> eeree Bear the city atookea and lurui.hed, laBT1 ii it en iheree Toe eccro o a in. atT>rdel ars, a Firmkicaaa. biabiina Ac acd aa much minore BB wit] bafeajafor the lard cultivated with every other o'ceieary faull'yAddiawJ C. 4 Tribune Office, fur oue week.

.jrj ÄRDBEB WANTS a Bit0ATION.A riavjI«c i horifi; ia % -Of«*4, c«f«'ul drirer CmM ilrs rh* h#jit >( r+fnt.. t ee for both ronntif ftoti c'i'j. Ct.il »r No t!A (JforrritrU-h-tr

IAUBDRE88E8. WAITER OIKLS. CHAM-J HlRMAl'14 KitiKS and NURSES -Aie wao'el in-

nrd'e'e.y f r fret rlaea eituatiooa. All muet be Pro'.eetao'e.At ply at the Servant.' Inetitut". No till Qfaad at

QALEBMAN WANTED-Iii a OirUin mi CpO h. Iit/ry Store. A fi it claxa Retail Saleemaa uiy ad-dnea 0 , Bob No 131 He raid offi-e.


(SITUATION WANTED.By a very~eip. ri0 eaced Prot.etent Man ta WAITER la a private feaal v

toeiiltna loaae or hctel. bia wife la a Are*, ciaee Ctl'lK. and1 tb w< u'd ike to take e ai'uat.oo foxetner or eepera'e. Theybold ci y ref-ieccea of the hifhee'a'aeid'at N 1 o-rjectioa to

thecouotry. Call at or eddr-ae No l<i 3d av for two day*

SILK .MILLINERS WANTED.Work jrfrnIu'. App y immediate.y at Bat SI Barclay at apa'aue

rj"0 EARMERfl »n.l GAKDENEK8..W«ntf.i,a a Man that perfectly uodeietaode raialo| Seed BVWB* of

Veretal.ee for merket erd te-dina to a'ock; he ruoi' he aMaetd will n» to hendle the plow end make hlrnieii'aaaxaBral v

oietnl 1 n the farm. One that can come well recotu'uenledmay eddreee HFC. No 12 Chamber* at.

I^O EMPLOYEES ofFIRST-CLASS FEMALE!SF RY ANTS in City ar.d nutry.-Thn prop ie-.,r ofth*

SELECT FVMALK OFF] IB N. ,9S 7 h av bet. 2od e dbath-eke l.*ra l-ave to mentom that n .effjit ie aparel ..,. earatbe mi et re.pecteblt ana competent Oirle, and with the h-etrefereice Employere who ate not la favor if offi ea wi'iootbe dleappoioted by caliin« ibie day, end chwee help (run af. <d ie eciion uf Ameiican Tnplbih, ScotcB aad other Prt-rMaatOlrll in ey.ry capacity, aow w«i'io« for kl'BlTloaa ALadv in attendance A. WESLEY Proprietor.'I'W» yotui LRtiivM In tu I'.iiKtnn wiib situation*,J L» e'e OH 'AN S T aid TE AC il KR ol FUN I, tin

other ee SLPRANO PINUEK B-at of refererce «.vei. Ap-pit to_BF.RRT A OORDON No .-n Urunlwav.

W A N II I'.A lady of l.e-nte-el A-liin-as toIt ettaad SBaVtW. Apj ly at the Cae'iier'e Deak dorlne tun

day with icfer-Lce. JOHN TAYLOR._No*. MS and 167 Kraaderay^

W ANTED.By a yntiiik' Man, 21 years of ti"'.ft a e toetiou u 1'ORTF.R In aetore He wrt'ee a | -j 1

hi al if emart al he'w.e and not e'rald to work. Addrees IV,K Trl'uoe OBjaa 'ortwodaya_IV AN'l El>.A liniatioD^eTthe r as SALESMAN1 V at B 'Or. KEEPER in a wholeea e [Jry le.nele or RFaal

ledia Ca da Hooee. by e yuusp Man who can rarelab ih- ber.atleRiBaaea reakCMya*Caaatry AddreeeC H W.,Trb.iniORjea New York_

WA N 11.li.A ii.i.idlo-aairtl Ani-ri.-ati WtlMAN,who iaa toon SeamaUBBB, Wlllta* to make heraelf le'il

in tbe fan.i'y aid exo*r1en"d lo honaakeep<D<; to beco"iti~t-at to take cherie lldeau-A ACdf ae box Ho. 1011, Puat-I r" e r-.w York

W ANTED.A ri ap.-<-tab!.'Woman to do jTV CHAMBERS ORK in a prtve a family Tbe be*'refer-App.y at Ilo "i ? aet iJ-1 el tetweea 9 en I

.'dock._W'AN'IED.A eitii. tii n n. PORTER la aTv S'me. by a Heal eat intell'iiui Mao. IPrataatial | ekt

i-aod refereccea Addieea E. M .oare Theo Spina. Aaclioaeer,no. aC7 Breotno at-_i

ANTED.500 t- 7"i im RAILROADVT IRON Aoy pereoa bavin* new or t«e;nt heel iaht TÜi o' 4' rn 15 1Kb to the yard may hear of a pu'eoeeer hy e'-

BrakB| Bi tba ORhaa BetIba Cltawatl Coanty Coal Coaupa.y >,'. H ai. at eecoB't Soor.

WANTED.At No. :i4I Broadway, (b.,s*-m*nr )TT (lern. Seleemen, Portere Ceechm-n. Barl-a-p-re,IVi -. i linaiB. OieleiBHB. Boye 'er facee aad h i...a,OAtla ae < hambeimelde, Ac _TetOi. BPINK. Atrt-

Pl R DAY..f.eutleme'n bavirjjr a capita!of tlr c-n be rnp. ved in e perfect y eafe baain-ee by

aeeicaetna a letter, with'2 eeo-a or atamp*. or celi-naonhFtiv'-N AOOfJIAM No e7 Deyat. op a'aira. Pal parI BB Hi »i a ereeimoee hy return mail._

Coot anb fonnb.B. I IUI LEWARI'. ROBBERY.. ?>tol.*b.r? IUW from SABtUrL 'ilcLEaP ES ,ettre. Noe 62 ead 61 I'eiveeeity place ob that Bafbi r tba Ior aiOfxief ol the 17th March 1-jV 1 piece ennxwri Baawl BaI eine fi verre, I Co blue ae* told Se'te De Laiie A11> yerde;II yetde .met acd maroare Seta De Leine; Ir. /to. a.en an 1

Lie Lace, d i p1 a n areeo Sat,a De laBie-. 11do b ee- lri-eed wi'h e wbite ee-ip« Set'o De Leatave, Rom 3V> tot* yevdi of ecarlet and w'n'e Wori'ed Deweaab 2d yaaara Crim¬ean aad merooae ** orated Demaek; 17 do pw* av--in Wqrew.4Derail, 27 do dark freeo Woreted Oetnaea. Alar, modryreu.eet.uof Rrcratel'e hue, |:ld aad white, blue en I aea-reave0 aftwaaea aad maroone he.value eh at 04*4 7/beOcve reward wil: be paid by SAMUEL OILLESPIE (* ther--..very of the pr.p^rty

tjorsca, Carrijgca. tCc.FOR SALE^two pairs black HORSEtl; one

cair art eiA aad eevaa yeeteold, l«t haeee hieb, wrvah*..'«. ,be ; ahoet awUeh teile with ea.p aad atavr. The otnerar-vee .eeiaeld. U| h*BeMhi«a. weiaB J *«> 'he-

teile, free from aay white. Both peU are Aae «yliab aWvata.aouad aad kiiel J M. SHERWOOD, Aahara, It I.


Co Sarmtxt tmo jjfcgfcR"UFFALO CATTLE TAKDS.-TBe ukxler-

««».4 kee* fcrawd a Opevrte _i» ander -to 4-m mmi') rmiiTüfailtc« fertae pert.- .,< **«.:_*» " < at

LIVE STO"K OK ALL KIND*..*Oe C*y el Bafele 1 ». t ..«.«.« »r| il«||, Majtle,et> tk* ler,* to, f«r_ *f !>. -ee W n't and a- a* ettf

i . iuIipJ t_.i «aar 'to eeeee. .it.t. .. he.e Baa.».-¦ n tMuuu rar f.ed esd «e

Liberal ed.eatce b>||l Bl B_ Uenie P* Beat sb) IM .*._ew Bj w_

J christ »php! * Ob . »*_.JO»PP'l l Hrl!«r«>ph««,< d »n.*.. h Lewis.

_iuiim v rtrrr__

ONE MANVKi -IV whoonrVrV aea_ eraati, h kw_| . r~, Befelef st.Bl* *r* pare BONBI ST eeo*-<itc »/ awts** _* ,i xa4 .w*.o-.r. - r . -a ... v, ., pr_< 4-,«. a ._,

« *""-¦'.'. » r. CH-tfTlAM I -WbvM_

JfcfcKI VIANGI ANO.Witk mp..rt.d Urmn.1 oa. ,v'i b &i UlP,0i f ° iprE* '«UaPHAT». *f HUftSONLl.LoT lereaJetj ( U)«'''.Tr.

N«. J4 "St *.?.*! *f f/UMBt.wr 1 D OATS.I! lack. Ha*. !»«» >Mia_Wa. weilk? cJ«..ee BT.d h-ety. 'or ee.. fy A LoN JEIt. ma. It Cut-r.,.. ii er af F»i oo-at.

_o tXjrjom ii Hljg iTcm.crrL

BAKGAINS.. I ho a<i»prtia*>r has the fi>llowin,riOcd«, Ac, whU-t k* wtl' eel! at . d_r <eat ef 9 per teat .

eoi ra* eeleertd ticca tk* Neet *.'.-*. la th-l'PH<>L*T».*Y. ... fan? »TL.ll i T. b » . .{ V-.eaPor-F.Vt JOO HPOaTPaD. M»hair MAT»BEri* trade *or-*rrer etoea I. m»rr sii>Rii.i\t istsn-1 i imi; re. ?«¦< * ie»SO< s i tSb.'tSrtUA t ASF. wl Keiuaaetee-aVrl 11»Mt eic (a.iai.ji.. . . paIt.t.l FRRKUTaf* .bee- ,a I '. . aWnPNUSTBY letood Daajtai ,. I**SU» .NO-MaC-ONF.. StAnd a |ia' .a i.re ot nth»r art...1»uPirwrat wwh n« to piitk.i at* »< 'ha a1.** aaa a.aVaaa a

Mm in A. P.t cue A.tat S > AB.. I. Bai k*« Ch-hua-tc^Bara P at OtBre.


IMi'HMAMO'. V. A N I Y !> ](" WILLIAM.. . ¦> r <w a.* «UM« wi'h k|r Raa*~ a «ra-

aar, pb the .. raei r/ Pi a-ar. ..4 »tb «. New t«e«, aili eeiTatl.ave hla eaar.aa «lt. b. an«. W e.«a4 at tto eaiat ahaaa,.1 net i I at f. mt i .-ii .» !. will b* 1.1 bit M».lU.a.

H*!;.-.ru-o for Uuomcoa itlcn.AM K," E PI RNIT1 RE I-mna XVhh atyl«_\ aaA tkara. - want K. »ew eS «»'t e»4 aaCket»e ¦* atarjh.

ppea b».». s . . 4 A.*-* I .'.Bar Te*l» Ira a*p..'tc«a' .all .|et>n'la cat.e": i'k, Cieat aaal Tea Tahlaa,Baal etaefCBatra a a» eta a' a*t »i'b braaa au<te,*e kaaSttei

v . > k* . a BJ .

caw of ihat m». Ac Ac I hi. collaettna oa«kl aat m be aaa-ara eJ, al H ih. >*wi * n iw pan with '*r .a*, la a let ta a

r :h at .... « t atbat araf Ii won t (arauabtw .i perl ira 'n b'y A |.p' * t. No »A f|l»tea pace

CFlÄNl ^ WflA övi ilFV'ftRI D.Te ntitprlautl ktSBCA^TILI IVIIIIN.kl .. "'.»>. «aar

wtalihi '.it... I lareaj l'«> } . a.aiui.a- an .a wltBN.w >. ra a ' ' rkaVllkl. b. talreaJ N .»'4 .1 t\ rt la-tmbtaaca r t a»ri »Uta aAAt.te ».>.«* s-tkAP, A. D..Mnicoaarcosa P I» ttt in Ca.. Hew Jafaep

t'tiH \l I k ... v. ,t,.| j Hill ä i \M-*H'P .r «¦ -I aarat kraB af wa'..; lanfb ea Aaei t*A

part) beaai.tT teal iapth V ''a-» *» ti»« a*a waita-aab. tirair tat hariairtatk ttoiwafblp ateaabtaewA wt a roa

itrape at . a aelaa I'tAw »aar aaaa "A ..-aaner.\, j . JtlHN 'IB4H4V1 S, ti >\ . .(

t'OK SÄLE.Ihr« |*r.'i>a-riv hui.vni a» lilE.OBaNul NOUN FAIN WATA1 I AF ai * a a .).

äste New Ier*.a It .atalia M aerate' le*4 el'aa »4 <rmlb. Moni» aaS k i.n Rai r.iad 11 aeil'e Irrm New Ta:a Clip.Tb* hau»« r'.l ¦ n.- » i- u-e. which will aceaa«aa_aaaeaf HA heieaa e aaS la I n .r- « iiioranah arta-Bar l-.r a * a'.l ¦* .

. i. < i ar Itae 4.a^ It w .ap¬plied w"h bet aid co d wa'.r 'beta Balne htt.it la a e'.alera*_abef of th. r ox.| It i. batted tkrraeheet kt e*aaaaAaaB,wklch aa ale. »ad fo» euok aa waahlse ,'.....|to beaaa. tb.ieaiea ¦i nw of <> it be Knee, ehr B.wi-lue alley Bi.....¦ i \ >n knute, Sttble*. C'a't e|e-at ii . i litt dooi Ba'he. end I . t.aea

It hat d 'oe a i.»|" ttd lacra.etne taelaeat. tad ie aew n

aniaaafal eaatartiia aaater ibe .at|*aiaat vi tir B <.ton of New fork CltJTbefieotit umrr kTttaa at a llateeat e deatrena of e-ilKie;

Ik. It will I" enl oa eaa» lei ae <or wricb aawly laLH ICS ü. Tt>w''K'Na, R.al P.in'a Aiee».

Diera« P.a.'i a k.a I.reap.lMlohTANT to ALL..Tl.I... rib. r haa

let.') aerai.il wit* a patent 'or a truly aaiaaMe latent.a,» h'o Bianafecu ed will b« e.ae'el p »e»d hj e 'arta

ele»e of w-ir-y. Ileia, i.tldea- that Iba ea.-. el nehie a ens,wuold ieeure i" e pereoa ..I en. rtr atd ai .bin -a a carta.u Air-torn-.but he It »o. .et riled wlta akwat kawaeee that be tatfoIt BBaatlble tuteei.l. 'b« nine end a'l..i ..« nx.eaaef la

kekatll brfoie >he aaalkt Tnerrt r-, h. w 4e.lruue of aaa-r< in I hiinaelf wtta aoena ee'no o» rhaia'tet and a>.niT,

aat a te Irafta raratak at all easktal and take the entire

thane ef the baea» at P.- (.rte.» p.r'i.ui»ia e».i v addreaa- U HliNTI.P. V r. oen No Tl 0*j et H mee

"11 II ES fur SALE..Tw« Hun Err-iu li Iiirrr_rl Btunet. witn .halt et. Belnr.» and Plaiaro.. ie laao.gBldte. wirb or eihout Keim tot steam Power. Appif atNc M Vt.et.-i .1.

ryu DRUGGISTS bn.l I'llYCKTANfl..A do¬rn itrikle BTOBt. Bat BALM. n.aOi 'u a abed aad to apleto

In ee.rr le.pe. t. A ta e | jr-n.i'j for a yeuot ahywc an.

A|p y at otce t» P H Ai K M.d cal Labeler No no Naaem ei.

riV) PRIM EE'S.. Wiiliiii» t'. Ko to Kantaa,Ä ihe ineecnher wi I tell ea fa.eeable taraae,Tr<R KL-LP.NVILLK JOltNAL PB11T.NO parABLIall dKtT.of wl kh be ie ibe prop.t.tor a>eo. the Stavt ea haeJ, aaa

.. .',i,ii RiltiK ¦<riiM T. i.e-il-l iu ihe na» koildlo«with the Pnotint llfii a The Viilat« e» PUeattlla e iotahatBearltS 'i' Ii lieb iame.Ie Imtaied ea the D.lawa e aad Had-.ea <anal In tba t io»h»rn part oi 0 Bkae I BW, aad taere lano other Pilntiu« OBI.e or B.Mkitora in the Cooity nearertbaB.tn i.ee ft ie a rare chance for eeeaebodv. For pe'u-ulaie. iddr.ei iheeuie. n n at f'.iv t .'. r i'eauiy,

N V R. B. TAtl.'tR

rf»0 MO G0I8TS B-d Al oniKOARIfX-A1 t.I lib," ST 'K e antiome y tut.d ...4 wen et"ckid wi.b

Drufe. Ckea kila end r-rlamery ettuated ta aae a. tto beetfnoroaehraree I. N.w fmi. rtail.rart.iey re.aua eiaeo fair aeü-ire Aptly to P II ALP kfe t.ea' l.abrler No e* Ptaawao at.

MCAHI» WA.M;I A("IT'UEKS..Fl)RHÄLi'1 or to BENT, the Lea-e MwkiBery in India* Bt.aia Enline To. Ie. Plttatea u .1 .. m et ef ihe REST CASH FAC¬TORY IN TH t. I K'aTltr orated in (hi* city, to uwr'e tordri and «aitlc fa. .'* tm .he a.na I**tee* of tokb riefBatand Prinlei't Cerd. To on et Bt parele* th'* I* a dealrabueepportuLiry. pewjaattea Ima.Alatelp. Adiraea Be* tpnWat Oflee_ _____________ ___ _

1*0 DRUGGISTS ami APOTHECARIES..Aneailytitiet op SIOBE for BALE aearly aew . .tutted ia

ef eoe the beet atei are It I* well *tork*d, aad deeat a teeBtntinra*. Apply at use* to P. II kLaä, M*dical Labeier, No atNaeeeo it.

TO DOCK CONTRAOTHIfN .A D«wk is revqoiret tkt at leel a h Be/IB oe th* Hu4"a Rie*r,

In tne vi. iBity cl Alu.ay ta bl .etbwt. pat aad.r ciaaract.." i Bu''det* as mm o paiti a.e ty *pply>a| ta M.LETNE. P...| _No 11 Wall .._

f t id i -VVAXTi:D-Tbe |».aü .»f f.VKI for»t? t|1 Fl P. »ao tear ae a wertaeta of h..o**to t tVei-t*ie e/"*<"th ¦( aaa . wtllhaokeea Fat tu* o«* ef tea

oot*y flood laforaaat at kt »ie.». Addr-** A B, C .rareIn o -a,i < H . .»¦. i r.a'i.a >. - -,.-e I Offi e

fiouro and fioomti.

EAGLE IIOTEIr.LtMl^inft..fleotlemean ranobtain claaa and eetaFattahaa Rio_f-ri/ perai.br or .. /

aad 1*/ per er.k *t -he 'Int.I r I raakfvrt aad W.i.lem >t*.

AN ELEGANT MOUSE, n.-ar .Mh av. ami 14th-.».. Will br '..'.'!.. .' im'.;' f*.Atjl

bOAKDFR< and lkt|ke 'i-nil-n -n rxrtlat wtebiat . iparkae.ccoaoiidat I tat ¦¦ H aat and btaf ail par", oilere bpaddiri.u| tin. LAE leeytata Po.O-.e. Re feteaaaare<iaired_AsMA l.E Kl.riKEI» FAMILY of kj.-tn.ial

p. e.tlor., at. raaaata appkBatkaat from a f.ay aad Oea"e-maa ar etefkt Oeotkt tkt I laa a' B -i ¦¦. a«aiiy lar-neh.d or aofarai.k.d with B- ard com 'to let et kt.e, er

taoaar. Tb* tuae* a aew Sratclaaa. aad r*r - a a ajt abarooderae Bresben we. P. ee w at to pap e l.beral pr.eelor . f».r r.ju.iaiei t can *| p r *t Hi It Lou les te-r* .»

AFEW R" Iff t.. i.i. i *.*'. S \itL> aä ihana >d fb- .-t o 'an ...** er as>».. parauae, at No. kB

Bloetbmet_BOAKL'-A baedtome frönt flAUEOR atvl

. . . -' Biah the b.et acco-amod-ieaa, at tha*sew brows atoae Ii .*.. No. I i Eeet lath et. A at. e 4e*_fHe BOOM fi r.« .. loetlemaa l (tret -. . red

B0AKDT.tlir.- COI NRY WANTED.-\ part/cose-ai I ot ft ,ri. 7 to l'i t^aUeood ifaaiUuiea. da.iro ta

obUlaaM Af 0 IB THE COt.'NTRT free* May .at (o 04bet, in a rwtrrad aad p » _aat -t'aart.e, where kAaat e keth a<,a*.; hi i V rn.i'iii .leere oe.rwered and -ef aoey a.ae..

tothetity Add,*** loa Nu S two, P. O 1 Y . at at tote-tloo tod tereno_

B«)AhDlv¦<;- A' Nöe tS %nd 47 Vjitt BrAMkT-w.» PleOMOf Rl .. ." ..-.*.... * e

a .o, R.rOMS ',,r et« *'« i..a' en.ee or Day Buardrr*

BOARD WA IfTED.I'RI VATE TAHI.r:.-L'p i .w.t srar er en.a. .reutiemao. w.'e afci.l a.4

1.1.art T»n * t k lue aad pare foe ssrtsat B ' ad '

tatid A or Tan .pa. «.ee. - i.uiue pre.- 4 * '

tad tat Beet r>i> r-L:. a.t*e end cqwrad et« wwiai l/et0> M*y AdJrraa E d T THbaaa Oka i.i'jjtj

BOAIL WANTED.Bp two G*ot>ak>e-*. a. I- ( .r tw . email! room oe ato eaeat- tr Bhtal Bwat of

ae* La ito alb. i part of iboekty. 'e tto ae taa>o»h»ne ofBieeekerar P-rac- e * with Bieette* aad S*o*-r wie!i*a I

[-.. f,ini:y are aat mate let ef atop.tto apeer part

I' e a a

, Bears ee Saadaye T-- fawilyAcdiaMip.riic.i'.-lr.r.l.is«t-r'n« l"«J a sod other partita.UrilBPRINO. Boa B« ¦*» TMaatkt OaBea_BOAED WANTED-.Au> reBpe?rtAbir prital-

(tmi'r r.adurt a* t»a .»».» part »f toe euy-oay teeaaaatbe t't sb** Ack iw e 1 M'k ei4 2'4 <.» -*od wil'm* to re-

c...e ib PFILaMMBMT "OabliPB». fmw the IW of Mayt»«t a ramll» ret*it'n''kra* roeai* may hear ef ea eweerte-

nt-y\l£** *> "T addrewiBf H B. W Boa No Tti P-vfM-n,»c fhe moat sadeukted refereace will k* |le*a aaejra-oaired. _-.-B-_

BDARD WANTED.H> a0. ntl. nitna_*i La-y,la . prttet* fan ly La.ee By ta ke wool of Broadway

tcwa tows pre'erred.for wkwh . l.toral price wtll ha P..adtreae Tt'PPtR Poet OBao R> «r.ace» «irhaaoaA

F'LRNI.lHED ROOMS.PIearant "R(M) MS" for.prtat *ad »*Biri*r w-hra-a RoARD otey be had ky

anil. i>.at>..a at Ne at Li>tatet, o el, Brvot ys, ar.bkaSv. e,U.«teW wk.r ' . .. . ..: - va Pern**


ROOMS _ii BOARD..A pritakaVaAwiy ita*«twoee.ona **ory PARLORS with lere* eaaertee attar had,

which they wtab to et aaf*rnu>ho4. with Board Apply atMe. SOt Orteewicbat., oppoe'.te V eatara at.


TO DENTIf-TS aod other GENTI__EN.-Aikt»ce Lakeratory tsd ReeeptM. r'->ma, Aae a Payak-

I tt i' .» ted Beta- Far iiatue Oaau*avea at kT Bead at.