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1.A Anatomy organization of the body.ppt

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 Anatomy : is the study of structures or 

body parts and their relationships toone another. “anatome = up (ana) +

cutting (tome) “

 Anatomy : Gross anatomy -


  Histology -


• Anatomical position: body is erect,

feet together, palms face forward andthe thumbs point away from the body .

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  Disciplines of Anatomy

•Gross Anatomy: structures studied with thenaked eye.

•Microscopic anatomy (histology)

•Cell biology

•Developmental anatomy (embryology)

•Pathological anatomy

•Radiologic anatomy (x-ray C! MR")

• s#rgical anatomy

 Anatomical terminology from ancient Greek and Latin

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Levels of StructuralOrganization

•iochemical !atoms, molecules"




•%rgan system


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• $#perior : means the part is abo&e

another or closer to head !cranial ".

• "nferior : means the part is below another

or towards the feet !caudal".

Anatomical directional terminology

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• Anterior : means towards the front !the

eyes are anterior to the brain" -


• Posterior : means toward the back !the

pharyn) is posterior to the oral

ca&ity" - 'dorsal(.

Anatomical directional terminology

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• Medial : relates to the imaginary midline

di&iding the body into e*ualright and left hal&es !the nose is medial to the


• %ateral& means to words the side with respectto the imaginary midline

!the ears are lateral to the eyes".

Anatomical directional terminology

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"psilateral& the same side !the spleen and

descending colon areipsilateral ".

Contralateral & +efers to the opposite side

!the spleen and gallbladder are contralateral ".

Anatomical directional terminology

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• Proximal : is used to describe a part that

is closer to the trunk of the

body or closer to another specified point ofreference than another 

part !the elbow is pro)imal to the wrist".

• Distal: it means that a particular bodypart is farther from the trunk or 

farther from another specified point of

reference than another part

!fingers are distal to the wrist".

Anatomical directional terminology

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• $#perficial& means situated near thesurface. eripheral also means

outward or near the surface.

• Deep& is used to describe parts that are

more internal .

Anatomical directional terminology

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Regional Terms

• Axial part : includes the head, neck, and


• Appendicular part : Includes the limbs

which are attached to the body's axis.

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• $agittal plane  di&ides the

body into left and right


• Midsagittal (median) plane

  di&ides the body into

e*ual hal&es at midline.

• 'rontal (coronal) plane di&ides the body into

anterior and posterior 


• !ransverse (horiontal)

plane   di&ides the body

into superior and inferior 


ody $ections

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Transverse planeCoronal plane

Coronal plane

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Sagittal plane

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  Eleven organ system


1er&ous2ndocrine#ardio&ascular Lymphatic3immune


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Regional Terms Used for Pla

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