1990 Petrean

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The Petrean yearbook from 1990

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P E T R E A N * 9 0

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Visitors to St. Peter’s Prep frequently comment that the school possesses an undeniably unique quality, something which sets us apart from most other institutions. You can sense it as you walk down the halls, sit in on classes, or participate in one of our extra-curricular activities. Although central to the identity

of the school, this quality is rath­er hard to identify. Is it the aca­demics? While Prep surely has a rigorous program of study and exceptional teachers, so too do many other preparatory schools. Is it the sports? Prep excels on the field in nearly every form of competition, but this success is not the center of our universe. Is

it the people whom we attract, both students and faculty? Though the quality of the per­sonnel is undeniable, the idea that we are in some way inher­ently superior to others is both unsubstantiated and dangerous. Maybe it is necessary to step back and take a different ap- proach, to try to find those poi­

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t h e t i e s

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gnant scenes which- best epito­mize the Prep “spirit.” Herein lies the answer to our question.

When you think of the school, what pictures come to mind - friends helping each other through tough times; team­mates congratulating not only the one who scored the touch- down, but also the guy who

threw the block; a teacher stay­ing after school to be both a tu­tor and a friend; a student taking what he has learned in the class­room one step further - serving others in the real world. Looking at these examples and others, you can begin to realize just what it is that sets us apart. We are all individuals, each with per­

sonal goals and beliefs, yet we are in some way drawn together. Certain ideals serve as bridges between us, and consequently give us both purpose and identi­ty. These are what set us part; these are what make St. Peter’s more than a school; these are what give us a sense of purpose; these are . . .


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“A person whom one knows” . . .It is the first day of your fresh­

man orientation; you sit alone as just one of the hoards who have flocked to the school. Looking around, the impressions of your classmates are first fbrged. Like a sponge you start soaking up eveiy- thing that you can about your new environment. By the end of the first day, you know a few of your classmates’ names; by the end of

the first week you can recognize most of the people in the room. Yet there is still no real contact, no desire for interaction with them nor yearning for knowledge about them. You are aware that they are there, but still not sure of what their presence means to you. There is no ill will between you and the others, but rather a lack of feeling - a void where a sense of caring will ultimately lie. Let there be no mis­

take, this condition is not restrict­ed to freshmen. Many times an upperclassman will walk into a room and not even be able to name the people he sees, let alone have any relationship with them worth mentioning. While there are clearly preferable alternatives, this stage is the building block upon which the other bonds lay. This is the most basic of all the ties, that of the ACQUAINTANCE.

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“A habitual associate” . . . Gradually the blanket character­izations and impressions of your classmates begin to dissipate, and in their place appears a type of group mentality. No longer is your mind filled with pictures of blank faces; instead you find dis­tinct groups, all with distinct members, and, more important­ly, all with distinct purposes. They have identifiable reasons for being together, be they learn­ing the quadratic formula or “moving the runner to second.”

Their collective efforts have been focused sharply on a goal with which they can identify; whereas before there was no uni­fied force bringing them togeth­er, now there is both a driving passion for success and a direc­tion in which to channel that de­sire. In the classroom, learning is now paramount, drawing all the individuals together for the common good. The oneness on the field is even more obvious - in soccer, basketball, or base­ball, the members of a team jell

to form a well oiled machine whose collective energy is har­nessed for the benefit of the team. Thus, those who belong to this category are still not con­cerned with the importance of their colleagues as individuals; rather they see them only as tools through which they can achieve community goals. This is the second tie - that of com­mitment to a group, not an indi­vidual - that of MATES.

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“A person attached to another by feelings o f affection or personal re­gard ” . . . Most of the students at St. Peter’s would consider the majority of the people in their year to be classmates, but there is yet another relationship to be named. This requires a switching of priori­ties from those previously men­tioned; no longer are the collective goals of the group necessarily the same as those of its members; instead each person is concerned with the quality, needs, and char­acter of the individual. A person’s

worth is now judged not only by what he can contribute to the group effort, but also by what it is that makes him unique. If mates can be epitomized by two people, standing side by side, staring off into the distance at a goal on the horizon, then friends can be por­trayed as the same two persons, each looking squarely into the face of the other, striving past the su­perficial labels and searching for something more significant. In the first situation the relationship was one of convenience, but in the sec­

ond the attention of each is consol-

Kated and focused on the other’s iportance as a person. True

friendships are few and far be­tween, things to be coveted and cherished, nurtured through the years. At Prep, we have more than our fair share of them, and conse­quently both the students and the community benefit. This is the tie of individual devotion, rather than team effort - the tie between FRIENDS.

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“A group o f related things or people” . . . A recurring theme during the school year is the im­age of St. Peter’s as one large family, a great interlocking com­munity in which the individual cares about his friends, and is in return the object of thein con­cern. This has been referred to as our greatest achievement - the fact that we have here a kind of utopia where the feelings and needs of others really do matter, and where people pull together

on a day to day basis, not only when there is a crisis to face. Rarely does one find such a sense of oneness, of caring, of dependency. The energies of the school are dedicated to fostering this idea of a universal identity, and the manifestations of this collective effort can be found ev­erywhere ■ the entire student body coming together when a loved one passes away; people showing up on a rainy Sunday morning to help cheer the fresh­

man football team to victory; friends soul searching and con­sequently growing even closer through the Erhmaus retreat program. Whereas the bond of friendship joins two people, fam­ily incorporates the entire stu­dent body. It brings about a one­ness of spirit and cause, consoli­dating our strengths and dissi­pating our weaknesses. This is the tie of community and inter­dependence - the tie of FAMILY.

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“A fellow Christian" . . . Until this point we have concerned our­selves only with relationships within the school, yet if we were to stop here we would forgo some of the basic principles of this institu­tion. St. Peter’s Prep exists not only to further the causes of its students, but rather, through them, to further the cause of hu­manity. We look beyond the boundaries of our campus and into the rest of the world, making the struggle for equality, peace, and

justice our mission. While others sit around and talk about making the world a better place, we go forth and strive to make it a reality; whether by volunteering to fix din­ner at a Hoboken soup kitchen, serving others through the Chris­tian Service Program, or traveling to Appalachia in order to help the residents raise both their standard of living and self esteem, the mem­bers of the Prep community try to meet the call of being “men for others.” We are not satisfied with

insuring our own well being; in- I stead we feel compelled to use our gifts and talents for the benefit of all. The purpose of Prep is to fur­ther Christian ideals and morals; the manifestation of this goal is our desire to embody brotherhood. | Thus we attempt to take the values which were instilled in us by the school and use them for the good of society. This is the last tie - that of dedication not to the self, but the race - that of BROTHERS.


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the Prep community can be defined as a group of “ men for others,” then the man to whom this year’s book is dedicated is in turn the epitome of that community.” Through his unselfish actions he enriches our family, providing guidance to the weary and a foundation upon which we can build our future success. In the realm of academics, he helps shape the minds of tomorrow, unleashing unknown potential and introducing young people to the ideas which shape their world. In both sports and extra­curricular activities, he provides the leadership necessary in order to produce winning results, yet he also fosters a sense of personal responsibility and stresses self-reliance for all those with whom he comes in contact. He has dedicated his life to servinq his fellow man. and never hesitates to go out of his way for others. The spirit of God lives in him, but that is not where it stays- instead he uses its energy for the common good, spreading the message of Jesus Christ and helping to make His goal a reality.

After attending Cardinal Hayes High School in the Bronx, this Regents Scholar studied at Fordham University, earning a S gree ln mathematics in 1974- Later that year he entered the Jesuits and from 1976 to 1978 he continued his education

at Fordham, this time studying philosophy. He first came to Prep in 1978, teaching mathematics until 1981. Returning in 1985, he has been here ever since, becoming one of the driving forces of the school.

He has studied theology; worked in Sacred Heart Parish in Massachusetts, serving as a Youth minister and coordinator of the Religious Education Program; spent a summer doing work with the Catholic missions of Caroline and Marshall Islands; and been the summer retreat director of the St. Ignatius Retreat House in Manhasset, New York. On June 9, 1984 he was ordained a priest, and currently serves both as math instructor and assistant to the Chaplain.

However it can be said that his greatest work is his role in the Emmaus program. Through these retreat weekends, countless Prep students gain a deeper understanding both of themselves and the presence of God in their lives, a fact which can be attributed in large part to his dedication and determination.

We indeed owe this man much, clearly more than we can express in words; we can only hope that in some way this is a small step in the right direction. For his interest and concern, we thank him; for his toughness and dedication, we respect him; for his caring and devotion, we love him; and for all it is that he does, both that which is acknowledged and that which goes unnoticed we, the Class of 1990, dedicate this year’s Petrean to a brother and a friend, Fr. Fred Pellegrini.

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Rev. Edward Salmon, S.J. President

Rev. Thomas F. Denny, S.J. Principal

Mrs. Joan Fitzgibbons President’s Office

Mrs. Helen Argyelan, Mrs. Dolores Russell Principal’s Office

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Mr. Patrick Reidy Assistant to Principal

Mr. James Collins Dean of Students

Mrs. Elizabeth Dandorph Attendance Office

Bro. Joseph Griffin, S.J. Attendance Office

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Office of Public Information Ms. R. Picone, Mr. J. Horan,


ABOVE: Development Office; Director, Mr. Thomas Mulligan, Assis- Rev- Charles Dolan, S.J.tant Director, Ms. Ann Finholt Vice-Pres. For Alumni Relations

ABOVE. Treasurer s Office ABOVE: Rev, Stephen Meany, S.J. ABOVE: Development Office; Rev. Fran-Mrs. 1. Prilop, Mrs. C. Ross Treasurer cis Hami„ Asst. Dir. of Alumni Rela­



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\bove: Mrs. Eileen Dooian; Top Right: Rev. Raymond Balduf, S.J.; Middle Left: Left to Right: Mr. David Settembre, Ms. Kathleen Row- n. Rev. John E. Browning, S.J.; Middle Right: Left to Right; Mr. lames Dondero, Ms. Lori Snyder, Rev. Raymond Balduf, S.J.; Bot- om Left: Left to Right; Mr. James Dondero, Rev. Raymond Balduf, S.J.

Dear Class of 1990,It has been a pleasure working with you for the last two

years. As you leave St. Peter’s, take the best that we offer with you, ensuring an easier road ahead. Until we meet again on those street corners of the world — good luck, happiness, and remember to stop back and say “ Hi” !

Mr. Jim Dondero

Thank you for sharing so much of yourselves with all of us here at Prep these past four years. We will miss you. I wish you great success in ail you do. May all your dreams come true as you serve the Lord boldly and joyously. God bless you always.

Rev. John E. Browning, S.J.


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LEFT: Sitting 1. to r.: Mr. Lance Silvestris Rev. Edward Ooian, S.J., Rev. Harold Op pido, S.J.; Standing I to r.: Mr. Leonard Fordellone, Ms. Susan Baber. Rev. Anthonyi Aracich, S.J.; BELOW: 1. to r.; Rev. Robert: Cregan, S.J., Rev. Raymond Sweitzer, Mr James De Angelo

To the Class of 1990,There are many arts; two o f these great arts are “ teaching” and “ learning” . A

teacher transfers accumulated knowledge to students.During these four years together at St. Peter’s we have shared many ideas; our

vision has broadened in many areas -— areas that were unknown to you prior to your entering these great walls at Grand and Warren.

You certainly understood the accomplishments o f the ''‘Renaissance” people. Today, together, we are successfully trying to continue our great accomplishments — it all translates into “ man for others.”

The word “ Prudence” has been carefully observed — it was for us the greatest ability to use our reason successfully.

As you leave the Prep, we hope that you continue the great wisdom and to give it to others.

Be the model of justice and wisdom.Mr. Leonard A. Fordellone

ABOVE: Ms. Ana Garcia22

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Above sitting 1 to r; Mr. J. Massarelli, Mr. W. Koszyk, Mr. John Irvine, Dr. Richard Above; “How do?” Kennedy; Standing 1 to r: Mr. Jack Casey, Rev. R. Cregan, S.J., Ms. K. Pellegrino, Mr.

Jack Campion

Above: ‘ ‘You should’ve read the Book!”

Above: New co-ed on campus 23

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MCMLXXX ■ A new era in the progress of mankind. Where were the members o f the Prep community then? Most o f the students were only children, not yet concerned about events beyond our personal experience. We lived in a carefree world, however some o f the major events o f that era still remain in our memories: the beginning of a new age in space with the launch­ing o f the shuttle, “ Columbia"; Ronald Reagan entering office. However, what about the non-students among us - our teachers and counselors?

These people today play a major role in our lives; through their example, we are influenced in many ways. From the class­room to extra-curricular activities we grow to become the end product o f a Jesuit education • “ A Man for Others.” Our exper­ience with them has been something that we shall never forget.

Where were they when we were little children ten years ago Some had already begun their careers. They were somewhf

set in where they were going and what they were going to d Some others were just entering the world professionally S t' some others were in the process of shaping their lives; they wei in school, as we are now, still finding their vocations. I

Mr. Massarelli was graduating from Prep . . . Fr. Azzarto wd in Africa . . . Mr. Dandorph was at the zoo . . . Mr. Settembii was a crayon . . Mr, Irvine was a Prep Freshman . . . Jack wjj in college, eating an egg . . . Ms. Baber was being inducted ini the National Honor Society . . . Mrs. Dandorph was married I Mr. Dandorph . . Mr. Kendall was in college . . . Ms. Larr] bee???

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C B,OVmE: V 'L ' Th° mas KendaH’ Mr- Gregory B°y 'e' Ms. Ailish Mullen, Mr. D. Merrick, Ms. Adeie LeCalvez Rpv th™ rvr S.J., Mr. Robert Zawistowski teLaivez, Kev. Thomas O Connor,

ABOVE: Mr. Jack Raslowsky

To the Class of 1990,I began here at Prep with you. We spent a

week at Camp together and we had a really good time. You guys made me feel at home. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for first being your­self. Good bye. Good luck, and God bless you all! Mr. z


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May your pursuit of self- interest be grounded in Christ and spelled out in terms of service to others. May • you enjoy your lives!

Jim Bischoff

Sitting left to right; Mr. Carl DeLorenzo, Ms. Kathleen Costantini, Mr. Charles Links. Standing left to right; Mr. Charles Gilley, Rev. Arthur Bender, S.J., Mr. James Bischoff.

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Above: Sitting; Mr. Robert Me Guinness, Mr. Jack O’Donnell; Standing; Rev. Fred Pellegrini, S.J., Mr. Thomas Connolly Above: Sitting; Mr. Patrick Reidy, Mr. Ken Dandorph: Standing: I

to r.: Ms. Ailish Mullen, Ms. Beatrice Wysocki, Ms. Adrianne Wozniak

To the Class o f 1990,

St. Paul writes, Glory be to God whose power working in us can do infinitely more than we can ever ask or imagine."our four years have been a clear sign o f God’s power and presence, God’s life and love. Your achievements and spirit are

your gift and legacy to Prep. For this we too can give glory to God. God has done so much in you, and it has been a privilege and gift o f God to me to have seen this and shared it with you.

Thank you for your friendship, your care, your work, your faith. You have taught me far more than I have taught you. you have made me a better Jesuit priest. You have taught Prep and made Prep better.

I pray that you continue to discover all that God can do in you and share His life with others.Much peace and love. Fred Pellegrini, S.J.


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Dear Class of 1990:Congratulations! and blessings for the fu­

ture. Four years ago I returned from my min­istry in Benin City, Nigeria. West Africa. Your class was my first class as I also began my four years in 1986. In a real way I have grown with you. I feel you have a great spirit as a year and you should be proud of your­selves. Prep is better because of you.

In the movie. FIELD OF DREAMS, there is the constant refrain, “ If you build it. He will come.” In the movie. Shoeless Joe Jackson would come — for you it is the Lord and His Presence. As you leave Prep, continue to “ build” — to make the World better, more at peace, more aware of our oneness as broth­ers and sisters .. . build a world of truth and honesty — a world where you take the risk to love and to challenge. The movie reminds us “ Go the Distance.” That is my prayer for you: Go the distance in loving -™ in generos­ity, in sacrifice so that others might live. Hopefully five years from now at our reunion in 1995 we will have made a difference.

There is an old African Proverb which says: “ It is the fingers that let go but the heart that gives”You have been a Class of Heart and Spirit. May you continue to give your heart away to others, may you always enjoy the Heart of God’s Love. Go the Distance! Congratula­tions.

Tony Azzarto, S.J.- TAZ

>ove: Bottom row; Left to Right: Rev. Anthony Azzarto. S.J., Mr. Patrick Donohue; ip row; Left to Right; Ms. Julie Miller, Deacon John O’Neill. S.J., Mr. Jorge :cerra.

Left: Ms. Patricia O’Grady. Above: Mr. Sean Boyan. Right: Mr. Patrick Donohue.


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Above left to right: Mr. John OHinger, Mr. Leonard Fordellone, Rev. Erwin Beck, S.J., Library

Above: Mrs. Ethel Wynn.

30 Above: Rev. James Foley, S.J.

Above: Ms. Carol Larrabee, Nurse.

Above: Mr. Robert Sayer, Music & Band Dir.

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Above: Mr. Richard Hansen, Athletic Dir., Head Football Coach Above: Mr. Christopher Lanzalotto, Physical Education.

Above: Mr. Anthony Crisalla, Physical Education, Asst, to the Dean of Student. Above: Mr. David Cole, Director of Computer Ser­vices.

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Clockwise From Above: Mr. John Hammer, Special Pro­jects Coordinator; Evening Maitenance Staff; Left to right, Mr. A1 Alvarado, Bro. Ralph Gilia, Mr. Kenneth Dandorph, Bottom Bro. Paul Harrison S.J.; “ Pepsi and Twix, please” ;

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ABOVE: (top row - left to right) L. Franco, M. Gomez, L. Hart. M. Egan. P. Romero. J. Barnes, P. Mergus, B. Carrillo, R. Gaddi, D. Eisenbach, T. Santiago, E. Andres, R. Khan, M. Munoz, G. Madrid, J. O’Donnell, J.

Lim. (bottom row • left to right) B. Dwyer. V. Dhindhwal, L. Viney. DeCeglie, R. DeGennaro. D. Jackman, J. Coyle, R. Macalintal. ]

An essential part o f the Prep communi­ty is the Student Council, to which the students entrust both their rights as indi­viduals and hopes for a just and fair insti­tution. Moderated by Mr. Tom Conolly, the council exists to act as a liason be­tween the student body and the adminis-

S T U D E N T C O U N C ILtration of St. Peter’s. The council is direct­ed by an executive committee made up of the top vote getters of junior and senior year, and is divided into three divisions: student service, student life, and public relations. The council played a crucial role in many of the special occasions at Prep,

and was instrumental in events such L the Walkathon and student exchangji Led by council president Dave Eisenbadi the student council was a forum w h c L Prepsters could both air their compIairj| about the school and their suggestions flj making it a better place.

ABOVE: The executive committee: (top row - left to right) E. Andres. D. Eisenl bach, B. Hoffman; (bottom row ■ left to right) R. Gaddi, R. Khan, M. Gomez, f


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MIDDLE LEFT - FIRST ROW (left to right): M. Greely: R. Cirminello: D. Monisera; J. Dargen. SECOND ROW (left to right): M. Luperspeck; R. Carr: P. Romero: A. Bryant; P. Mergus. THIRD ROW (left to right: Moderator Ms. Lori Snyder; K. Nippes; P. Bonavota; T. Schroeder: L. Franco.

A newcomer to the Prep scene this year, the Big Brother Program has proven to be a huge success. Running as if it has been here all alone, the program mobi­lized the talents of many of the upper­classmen in order to cushion the blow which many freshmen feel, adapting to their new learning environment. The brain-child of Ms. Lori Snyder, the Big

Brother Program consisted of a thirteen member executive board, each member of whom presided over ten other upperclass­men. These upperclassmen, in return, were each responsible for two of the in­coming freshmen: they contacted their “ little brothers” over the summer and met with them weekly during the first part of the school year. In addition to helping

the student council with freshmen orienti tion, the big brothers were responsible fo| submitting progress reports on theij meetings with their brothers and on an! problems they might be encountering. Fol the first time in recent memory, freshmei have been given a resource from whid they can draw vital information regarding their new environment.

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Perhaps the Prep activity which best axemplifies the school’s ideals of service, Ibrotherhood, and Christian unity is the Mission Drive Committee. Moderated by Mr. Jack Raslowsky, the committee con­centrates its efforts in three areas: 1) the 'aising of the community’s awareness of che work done by the Jesuit missions; 2) She realization that we all, as Christians, ire bound to support and assist the mis-

sions in their work; and 3) the aiding of the missions both financially and spiri­tually. in order to secure these goals, the committee members coordinated “ Mis­sion speakers,” hung “ Mission facts,” tallied and recorded the daily collections from the homerooms, and organized countless other events, such as the Facul-

i ty-senior basketball game or NCAA Tour­nament pool. For the third year in a row,

MISSION DRIVE COMMITTEEthe Mission Drive was run by the tandem of Joe DiFoglio and Ken Nippes, two up­start little missionaries with a proven track record of success. Cinder their lead­ership, the Mission Drive Committee once again helped to convey this thought - “ Some give by going, others go by giv­ing.”

TOP (left to right): Richard Guttierez, Jose Mayo, and Moderator Jack Ras- “ One for me, one for you.”lowsky. BOTTOM ROW (left to right): Erwin Andres, Ken Nippes, and JoeDiFoglio.


IJack reviews Week-3 with Ken, and Guter. Let’s get busy. 37

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Whether one is in the stands at a Prep football game, or just walking the halls of Mulry, Burke, or Hogan, the work of the Prep Spirit Committee is obvious. Moder­ated by Fr. Fred Pellegrini and led by sen­ior Peter Bonavota, these diligent stu­dents are entrusted with the maintenance of one of the school’s most cherished vir­tues - its pride. In order to insure that their mission is completed, committee mem­

bers design buttons, hang fliers, and put up banners all aimed at unleashing the Marauder in all of us. Yet the most obvi­ous manifestations of this activity’s work are the seasonal Pep Rallies. (Jsed as a springboard for each new season, the ral­lies are a place where the talent of the teams and the spirit of the school can gel to form a near-unstoppable force. One new practice of the group this year was

the naming of the “ Marauder Maniac o|j the Week.” This honor was bestowed upon the athlete whose outstanding coim tribution in that week’s competition] played a decisive role in leading hid school to success. Based on the promise^ that we are a family rather than just anl other school, the Spirit Committee simply] challenges the student body to take card of its fair share.


ABOVE RIGHT: (top row • left to right) K. Ferrante, F. Ashe, L. Franco, M. Gorney, W. Martin, T. Santiago, S. Ghali, E. Andres, C.J. Bogus- JC. Perkins, J. Reed, (bottom row - left to right) P. Bonavota, S. Bijelic, zewski.


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DANCE COMMITTEEA crowd gathers at the front door of

?rep (the ratio of girls to guys is 3:1). As :he crowd waits for the doors to open, several Prepsters can be seen in the win- lows above, surveying the crowd. Who ire these men, locked inside an empty milding, moving tables, chairs and lights vhile their friends assemble for a social ivent? They are the dedicated members

of the Prep Dance Committee, the Fresh­men, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors who are responsible for transforming the cafeteria into a dance floor. They are the men who sacrifice their Friday nights for the good of the others’ coats. They are the heroes who collect the aluminum cans, which are strewn about the dance floor. They are the men without whom there

would be no Prep dances. Inspired by moderator Mr. Dondero, this year, in addi­tion to their other duties the committee spent many hours decorating the cafete­ria with streamers, balloons and other seasonal adornments. They provided an invaluable service which was greatly ap­preciated by the Prep community, but sel­dom articulated.

jper Left (left to right): K. Moy, A. Ordonez, Moderator Mr. Jim Dondero, L. Ayala, J. Barnes. Upper Right: le “Hans and Franz” of the Dance Committee. Above: Junior-Senior members.

Above: Frosh-Soph members. Right: “ 1 wonder how much hot air these two have?”

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Aside from academic studies, athletics, student government and other extra-curri- culars, there are numerous community service activities in which students are encouraged to participate: The Christian Service Projects, which are required of every junior, are overseen by co-modera- tors Ms. Julie Miller and Mr. Jorge Be­cerra. Their dedication to the program helps to fulfill the main objective of a Je-


suit institution which is to create “ Men- for-Others.” Among this year’s major so­cietal contributions were paper recycling, participating in an overseas international peace camp, and tutoring preschoolers with the Salvation Army. Among the most popular of projects this year was the Youth Service Opportunities Project (YSOP), an intensive weekend long “ work camp,” set in Manhattan, which

gave students the opportunity to work with the homeless and unfortunate among us.

The HAP program which “ HAPpens” every summer, was once again a big suc­cess. Under the direction of Fr. John Browning S.J., Prep students became teachers to grammar school students en­tering 8th grade who live in Jersey City and are St. Peter’s Prep prospects.

(IPPER RIGHT; Mr. Becerra and Ms. Miller, moderators of the Christian Service Pro- 11 gram. ABOVE; Junior Peter Vacca at the Lutheran Home in Jersey City, for his Chris- I tian Service Project.

S B :oLhnHPn ^ nt! ° f HAP: l ° P ROW: 'eft ‘ ° ri9ht! Michael DeVi,lava' Ravee Metha. r f David Santomenico, Michael Page, Israel Soto. John Bloodgood, Rob Roy Smith.Zam brin?rh" n-A 6 <ramcho’ John Collins- Denond Stafford. Sterling Williams. Sergios S DamoJ ** I"™ ' R° ber‘ Sa'm° n* C° Hn JosePh MorSan- B rL

? n I T ' ~ Mercer, Jerome Pederson, Amro Muhammed, Justin Balcer, Steven Smere, Lu.s Bastidas, Oscar Escobar. Will Watson. Alex Soto. Joseph Pierre. Anthony Anders.

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MEM F O R O TH ER SThe Prep tutors gave up 6 weeks of

teir already short summer vacation to ijlunteer in the program, but the sacrifice as a worthwhile one. It’s all part of be­aming a “ Man-for-Others.”The Eucharistic Ministers were also a

art of the network of those doing com- tunity service. This group of seniors was jlected by the Chaplain, Fr. Tony Az- irto S.J., to administer the Holy Eucha­

rist at Mass. Their services were called upon at Emmaus Homecomings and Masses throughout the academic year. The Special Ministers of the Eucharist were often found “ hanging-out” with Fr. Tony.

The Hoboken Shelter, which is formally known as the Bishop Joseph Mahurter Shelter for the Homeless and is located at 300 Bloomfield St. in Hoboken is a place

for serious community service activity. Prepsters volunteer their time on either a Tuesday or Thursday night setting the dining area, serving the food, and clean­ing up. The whole process takes about three hours. Most volunteers would agree that working at the Hoboken Shelter was a fulfilling experience which abets their development and heightens their aware­ness of the world around them.



P I K I :

FAR LEFT; The entrance to the Hoboken Homeless Shelter. LEFT; Leandro Lolo recycles for the Chris­tian Service. ABOVE; Fr. Azzarto - founder of “Sox and Sandwiches." ABOVE RIGHT; Eucharistic Minis­ters for 1989-1990.


Page 46: 1990 Petrean

Among the highlights of the Prep ex­perience are the underclassman retreats, which provide students with an opportuni­ty to find God in their lives and become closer to their classmates. These one day retreats are run through the chaplain’s


office with the help of upperclassmen. They are usually conducted at either the Loyala House of Retreat, St. Mary’s Ab­bey, or Covent Station. Here we began a spiritual journey aided by group discus­sions, meditations.and a film. After lunch,

the groups engaged in an afternoon oj football.

At days’ end the groups reassembled for Mass in order to thank God for thr day, and to reflect on the new friend which have been made

TOP LEFT; Fr. Pellegrini consults with the Freshmen on their Re­treat Day. BELOW; “ Look, here it comes!” - “ I’ll get it!”


Page 47: 1990 Petrean

N A T IO N A L H O N O R SO C IE T YThe National Honor Society is a select

group of Prep seniors who have shown a sense of leadership and have demonstrat- ;d academic excellence during their pre­vious three years at St. Peter’s. Led by moderator Pat Donohue, the society took

a more active role in the school this year. Among the goals of the NHS were the organization of an underclassmen tutor- ing program, the running of a college trip to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., and the assisting with numerous Prep

functions, such as Academic Clinic, Open House, and Career Day. The members of the NHS have been both honored for their past accomplishments and challenged to live to their full potential.

r iJI4ill imv .1

vl £ rABOVE (sitting left to right): J. Narvaez, R. Carr, S. Fojas. (standing left to right): S. Boguszewski, M. Zielenewski, B. Hoffman, L. Trasande, J. Norton.

ABOVE (sitting left to right): J. Adelung, R. Hamilton, A. Shahzad, H. Rashid, J. Buno, G. Geron. Second Row (left to right): G. Lusch, J. Cartano, D. Margaritonda, P. Romero, T. Hawkes, D. Eisenbach, S. Hennis, A. Samlall, E. Andres. Thrid Row (left to right): K. Grieshaber, K. Nippes, L. Redondo, B. Christman, S. Bijelic, J. Strangeway. Forth Row (left to right): P. Bonavota, S. Ghali, J. Lim, J. DeCeglie.

Page 48: 1990 Petrean

KNEELING: J. Balcer, R. Prendergast, F. Gutierrez, M. Lee, G. Geron, R. Bruno. FIRST ROW: left to right: H. Hernandez, G. Crocomo, C. Noriega, J. Petreca, D. Leontaris, S. Patel, S. McDonald, C. Greeley. SECOND ROW: left to right: J. Bay, M. Faller, R. Ryan, D. Boland, T. Saavas, M. Savage. THIRD ROW: left to right; E. Blanco, P. Giblin, Moderator Mr. DeAngelo, A. Reyes.

While one can point to recent soccer, football, and track championships as signs of Prep success, the varsity team which has been most prolific in winning awards and trouncing opponents over the past few years is that of Forensics. The team members are known for both their natural talent and their unparelled dedica-


tion to their sport: in fact the number of hours they spend practicing in the halls of Hogan in the evenings is paralelled only by that of the staff of this book. Moderat­ed by Mr. James DeAngelo, the Forensics Team is a member of the National Catho­lic Forensics League; in addition to par­ticipating in league events, the team at­

tends a number of invitational tourna-j ments including the Harvard University! Invitational Forensics Competition in| Cambridge, Massachusetts. From Lin- coln-Douglas debate to dramatic interpre­tation of literature, almost anyone can find something to satisfy their interests on the Forensics Team.


Page 49: 1990 Petrean

ABOVE: left to right; KNEELING; C. Balcer, B. Pawlowski, J. Buno, D. Luipersbeck, E. Black. SECOND ROW; left to right. C. Myers, A. Mahdavi, T. Hoetzl, D. Murphy, R. Gray, M. Luiperspeck, R. Prendergast, B. Kloza, A. Galan, T. Santiago, D. Eisenbach, L. Tra- sande. THIRD ROW; left to right; S. Akeredolu, F. Gutierrez, G. Geron, J. DeAngelo, N. Chiaravalloti, J. Buno.

Page 50: 1990 Petrean


B A N DBe it at a football game, spring concert,

or fall musical, the Prep band is a quintes­sential element of each event. Moderated by Mr. Robert Sayer, the band brings to­gether those students who have but two things in common: a love o f music and a desire to learn more about its nature and creation. While as in years past the band could be found practicing before school.

this year has seen major changes in where it can be located. No longer was the third floor of Mulry the place to hear great mu­sic in the morning; instead one must take a stroll down to the former T.V. Studio and, while browsing through the campus shop, listen to pieces of classical and jazz being perfected across the hall. Mr. Sayer stressed not only the playing of certain

pieces, but also the toning of one’s skill and increasing of one’s knowledge abo| music. Through their dedication and d| sire, the band members are continual! improving their ability, a fact to whid anyone who hears them regularly can tel tify.

UPPER LEFT; Mr. Sayer conducts the band at practice. CIPPER LEFT; Boy, that thing must be heavy! FAR RIGHT: Gee! We sure could use some chapstick right now! RIGHT; Tuning up for a jam. ABOVE; Just a bunch of music- loving guys ...

Page 51: 1990 Petrean

Jazz EnsembleMusic is one o f the basic elements in

man’s life. A t St. Peter’s, the Prep Band is one example of a musical factor. Howev­er, among the members of the band there are some with above-average talents — with the right touch. Mr. Robert Sayer has taken it upon himself to find these indivi­duals and collect them into the fine-tuned offspring of the Band, known as the Jazz Ensemble.

Formerly known as the Stage Band, the

Jazz Ensemble performed at many school activities, including library lunchtime con­certs and open houses throughout the year. The Ensemble was also available to perform for hire at special occasions, the proceeds from which were deposited in the Prep Band Fund.

In terms of competition, the Ensemble was active for much of the year. Some of the contests in which they participated were the Hudson County Teen Arts Festi­

val, the Manhattan Skylne Festival, and the Tri-State Jazz Competition.

Deeply rooted in the jazz tradition, the members of the Ensemble attended a class on jazz history and improvisation three times a cycle, receiving full credit for this course. With improvisation being the core of the Ensemble’s music, these talented young musicians dazzled the stu­dent body with their jazz interpretations.

ABOVE: Moderator Mr. Robert Sayer. ABOVE: First row: I to r; I Soto; R. Wignarajan: J. O’Donnell; A. Rosamilla. Second Row: 1 to r; J. Villanueva; T. Hoetzl; H. Ruiz; E. Stroud

Above: The Jazz Ensemble performs at the Fall Open House Above: Walter J. Martin performs at one of the Pep Rallies.


Page 52: 1990 Petrean


Anyone entering the cafeteria after school from September through De­cember was sure to see the cast and crew of “ Guys and Dolls” rehearsing. Under the direction of Mr. Jack Campi­on, Ms. Julie Miller and band director Mr. Rob Sayer, the Thespians reenact­ed the love story of two gamblers and their improbable mates. The months of hard work culminated in performances on December 15, 16, and 17, in the Prep cafeteria.

Many long hours were spent prepar-

“ G uys A n d D o lls”ing for the December production. Per­fecting the choreography o f the dances and the timing of the dialogue took hard work and dedication. The time spent was reflected in the stellar per­formance of Frank Loesser’s classic showtunes, including “ Luck be a Lady” and “ A Bushel and a Peck.” With the fabulous combination of Tom Hoetzl’s fingers and the actors’ and ac­tresses’ voices, the music echoed har­moniously through the cafeteria.

The final product was so good and

appeared to be so easily executed that the audience tends to forget the de­manding work of performing such a show. Each step and every note was part of a planned sequence which was practiced diligently for months. The scene changes were executed so quick­ly that the play flowed, uninterrupted; Even the monstrous phone booth was handled professionally.

The production had eight male lead parts, three female leads and a male and female chorus.

Above: “ Hello, Domino’s? I’d like two pies with pepperoni and anchovies.” Upper right: “ Is that bird sitting on that ledge?” Middle right: “ Which one do you want?” Lower right: “ Hey, it's cold in here!”

Page 53: 1990 Petrean

\ \S| (iii orilrt nf appearance)• • • K NiiHy iohiiviin...Prand* OutfcrrrxM. ..-u Vmlhvlirel ..Robert GrayU,' i \ ( Imilip ...Joel Buno(I. Utl.vMtf .Anna NuMa\.- i-lr \U-in.ilhy ...AtcnandevOalaaM.- ...n Hi.ml ..Jaaon Abergaa. Robert Valente.John Afhnian, Caroline NubiaII .mv ilw llonc ...Joseph Bayi » l'i.i«mij»an ..Peter MergaaNuiti'ui ivniol.. .....1-coward ftanoo\i»rir ll*r <)•( ... ...Scott BavdaellMlVv AllrlftKiC ___..Jennifer DawllchfcfcSl\ M.iitmon.........Danid MorphyMill mi nr..... ..Jod BanoM ivir«*J I rirmonir* ..William SwartMimii ..... ■*.... Katherine Boadoonii.« « Manilla M< .mwriphl..... ..Cheryl CaatagnoMil* ........ ..Thomas Santiago1 *i'i ml . Armand Roaamila

Joseph DeQegtte

Male P o m• •II AtH-fga^. Scon Btrrtacll, Ipieyh Bay, Joel B iwo. I m c * nan. lo«*j«h I >c< cgltc. Peanr M o r n * , L a d m Palomarem, Earl as. Aitmuul Kocaimlia, William swart, t)ivid Walth

<t»»v 'I .in jaf l « ]« * t .y n a ., M tjC * M or& t, frina ' Arulrra Snell. M turoen Vecm yvse

CobaaD— can \ «u> Aug. Joel nuno, Joseph DeOctte, M r f c l n f , Kelly mi Kenny, i v t c r Mcrgui, William SwertTMaerewiverawys*

i m i ig j j


Page 54: 1990 Petrean

During the course o f the school year, numerous events occurred which merit recognition. While not earthshattering events, they nevertheless broke the mon­otony and helped to keep Prep a vibrant place. They range from dances to guest speakers to student exchanges.

Some of these activities encouraged spiritual growth, such as masses, orga­nized by Fr. Azzarto. Some were school- wide liturgies, which took place in the gym for special occasions, while others were more intimate liturgies, celebrated on First Fridays, Holy Days or during reli­gion classes. Emmaus retreats also

A Day In The L i f e .............helped to foster the spiritual growth of a large segment of the student population.

Other events which took place helped to make students more aware of the world which they inhabit. Freshman orientation introduced the newcomers to Prep, mak­ing them feel welcome and helping them to become acquainted with the school’s rules and regulations. Students were also made aware of the problems facing the Jesuit Missionaries through guest speak­ers during the mission drive.

There were also several other speakers from whom Prep students were given the opportunity to learn. Hector DeViila

spoke (from personal experience) about j the harsh reality and consequences of { drinking and driving, while Chris Godfrey, j ex-tackle for the Giants, spoke about j abortion and the Right to Life movement. J

Events which encouraged social growth ] for students also took place. Dances and J rallies provided students with the oppor- 1 tunity to share in the fun, and show I school spirit. There were also trips to for- I eign countries which provided students I with an awareness of other cultures.

Through these daily occurrances the I men of Prep became well-rounded indivi- I duals.

Page 55: 1990 Petrean



Page 56: 1990 Petrean

Not every activity which a Prep student undertakes has such high purposes as feeding the world or publishing a book for posterity, for some clubs exist for the sim­ple pleasure and enjoyment of their mem­bers; they give students a forum and an opportunity to practice their favorite pas­times.

Moderated by Mr. Links, the Prep Chess Club exists for both the casual be­ginner and the serious competitor. Mem­bers were often seen afternoons in the

library, vinyl boards in tote, crafting to perfection the strategic fine points neces­sary for expert status. In addition to these weekly gatherings, the club also compet­ed in tournaments and competitions, the highlight being an overnight trip to Som­erset.

Standing in sharp contrast to the logi­cal precision and methodical execution of the Chess Club is the free-wheeling spirit and boundless creativity of the Art Club. Moderated by Mr. Bischoff, the Art Club

tried to bring out all of the budding taler] which otherwise may never have beel tapped. Exhibition of work was a majc target of the club’s attention, as was sdj vice to the school, since the Art CIul members provided the banners for thl school liturgies.

Another group of artists belong to thl Photography Club. Moderated by Dr. Kerl nedy, the club gave students an opportif mty to experiment with different photol graphic methods, compare notes on theij

p ' " ' f"°m ®bM° Ve,: ,R° le Playin9 Games Club: One of the fine pictures from the photography club; Collector s Club; Mr. Links, Moderator of the Chess Club.

Page 57: 1990 Petrean

H obbies

iiwn personal picture experiences, and iliscuss some of the newest advance­ments in the field of image reproduction, photography Club members took to heart [he ideal that a picture is worth a thou­sand words.I The Collector’s Club, moderated by Mr. bllinger, is perhaps the most diverse in jsie school. By their very nature, members re passionate about whatever it is that hey collect, yet the fact that almost any iollection is an acceptable premise for

club admission means that meetings were true melting pots for the entire Prep Com­munity. These occasions brought togeth­er experts in their respective fields, who find both joy and benefit when occasional­ly two interests intersect._ Role Playing Games club served to

give members an opportunity to organize “ campaigns” and transport themselves to a world of fantasy, where dragons still roam and one lone warrior can still change the course of a kingdom. These

individuals should be admired for their ability to leave the cares of the world be­hind and at least for a while escape into their own little utopias.

While the more serious activities re­ceived the most notoriety, these activities entertained numerous young men throughout the year.

Clockwise from upper left: You shouldn’t have made that move; Quick, make a move before time runs out; The brave piece is moved into enemy territory; The Chess Club.

Page 58: 1990 Petrean

Think of stage crew and immediately dramatics come to mind. In reality, how­ever, there are numerous activities in which the stage crew takes an anony­mous role, by aiding in preparation. This year, these men gratuitously gave their valuable time in the late afternoon and evening to produce the backdrops for

Stage Creweverything from the fore-mentioned dra­matic society to the modeling club. The 1989-1990 crew functioned under the leadership of talented young production managers, Frank Ashe and Gene Willi, with moderator Mr. Ken Dandorph. With their help in the production of “ Guys and

ABOVE: left to right; J. Lim, A. Ordonez, T. Boland, F. Ashe, J. Hoetzl, T. Giblin, N. Mangelli, J. Willi, J. Cervino, M. Struck, C. Smith, R. Aditya, M. Patel; RIGHT: “ If we stand here long enough someone is bound to take our picture.”

ABOVE LEFT: Jean Willi, Mr. Ken Dandorph, Frank Ashe. ABOVE: Trust me I know what I’m doing; RIGHT: I think I can, I think I can, 1 think ... ; LEFT: Johnny Lim - backdrop extrordinalre.

Dolls,” the Crew proved themselves capa- ! ble of going above and beyond the call of j duty. Their help caused not only the plays j

but also many other activties to be huge j

successes. The ability of the crew to work together and complete the job while under 11 pressure was a valuable asset to the en- tire^ jej^Community^______________

Page 59: 1990 Petrean

The twentieth century has brought a new era in communication to mankind: television. The Prep community has rec­ognized the importance of this remark­able breakthrough in technology, the re­sult being the T.V. Studio. Located in the dungeon of Burke Hall, the T.V. Studio headquarters served as a melting pot for students interested in journalism, enter-

T.V. Studiotainment, and more. Mr. Patrick Reidy took the 1989-1990 moderator position for the second time consecutively, the outcome of which was a successful sea­son for the club. Executive members Eric Cook, Steve Dudzinski, and Dennis Duarte were the inspiration behind the Studio’s first year “ Training Sessions.” These consisted of lessons in equipment

training for novice members. Subsequent to these exercises in television communi­cations, the club engaged itself in several projects, the most popular being the tap­ing of Dramatics presentations. The stu­dio also undertook a new experiment by developing a News Program, very similar to a “ Video Yearbook.”

John Diaz at the camera.Executive Members: Dennis Duarte, Steve Duzinski, Eric Cook.

Hunter! Stand behind the camera this time!

First Row: left to right: J.D. Lumanog. H. Figueras, S. Rashid, C. Balcer. Second Row: A. Bondarowicz, S. Langon, J. Diaz, Mr. P. Reidy. Third Row: C. Cariaga, S. Dudzinski. H. Rashid, M. Lui. Fourth Row, H. Chaudry, I. Guerra, E. Cook, D. Duarte.

Page 60: 1990 Petrean

Computer Club

Technology is merely defined as the ad­vancement of man through the applica­tion of science. The latest addition to this field is a single one; one familiar tc all — computers. Because of the sharp increase of computer usage in business, many em­ployers now require computer literacy as a prerequisite for potential employees.

Thus, a sound computer background is needed by all. The primary function of the Prep computer club is to introduce stu­dents to the field of computers and to fortify the advanced students’ already gained knowledge. Moderated by Mr. Thomas Kendall, the club was headquar­tered in the Links Computer center on the

third floor of Hogan Hall. Open every day, I the club’s facilities were available for use I by members and non members. The facili- I ty was widely used for typing papers, toy- j ing with programs and playing games. Enrollment in the club is constantly in- I creasing as computers become more and j more common in our daily lives.

Front Row: S. Rashid, J. Lumanog, H. Figueras; Second Row: J. Asuncion, R. Abella, R. Go; Third Row: J. McGovern, J. Shamburg, S. Smere, R. Aditya; Fourth Row: M. Rusignuolo, J. Strangeway. R. Luttich; Fifth Row: J. Cartano, H. Rashid, H. Chandry; Sixth Row: I Guerra, A. Shahzad


Page 61: 1990 Petrean

H " ' ■■ ' S W tl^ — — ° * A/C> »TW i.rT . JP^STY C IT Y . N . J . q y j o a


One of the school s most popular activi* ties, the Science Club, is in fact a collec­tive term used to describe several unique activities in the school. These include the Aeronautics Club, the Outdoors Club, and the Future Physicians Club. Another sub­group was responsible for producing “ De Rebus Scientificis,” the organization’s

Science Clubnewsletter distributed around the school as both a source of scientific information and particular details about upcoming club events. In addition, members were welcome to participate in a variety of field trips, ranging from white water rafting to observing the space shuttle launch in Florida. Moderated by Mr. Greg Boyle, sci­

ence Club members composed one of the most diverse groups in the school, bring­ing together people from all sectors of Prep with only one force behind them- undeniable curiosity about and love for the world around them.

De Rebus Scientificis

The question is sometimes asked:"Flow can an aircraft fly without a big engine?" It is quite a different question than was asked in the early days of aviation. Then the question was: How can an aircraft with a big engineever fly?"

Things have changed. We have become

Above: Craig Aumack observing the birth of a Pathmark bag. Counterclockwise: Mr. Greg Boyle, Science Club moderator: “ Hey Mr. Boyle, where did you get this one?” ; “ I’ll take this one.” Don’t ask us.


Page 62: 1990 Petrean

Noncompetitive athletics

While Prep prides itself on the success of its competitive athletics program, there is a large segment of the student body for which this is not the only outlet for physical energy; in­stead, they turn to activities in which the final outcome is not as important as the fun they have participating. These are noncompetitive athletic activities, and Prep students have a wide selection from which to choose.

First row left to right: Cap. J. Asuncion, D. Greczlow, J. McAuley, J. Lumanog, M. Kim, R. Shahzad. Second row left to right: J. lim, M. Lecowich, A. DiMaya, B. Neiy, E. Lawlor. Thi to right: J. Mayo, J. Ramos, A. DiMaya, M. O’Gorman. Karate Club.

By far the most popular activity for the part-time athlete was the intramurals pro­gram. Organized by Mr. Massarelli, intramu­rals pitted different teams from the same year against each other; in a departure from the past, this year’s teams were chosen by the students, in contrast to the previous practice of organization by homeroom. While it is true that there were losers in these competitions,

and that they were eventually eliminated, tn jj games clearly had the air of comraderie rath i f than confrontation.

For the lover of the outdoors, there was tn i Ski Club. With one of the largest enrollment! of any school activity, this club offered cil| kids a chance to breath a little country air anr| test their abilities on the slopes.

Page 63: 1990 Petrean


j There were several trips this year — includ­ing one to Canada during winter break — providing plenty of opportunities for students jo promote their Olympic possibilities, j Another type of outdoors activity, although ji bit more for the warm-blooded, is the Vol- jeyball Club. This group of beach bums seemed to worry more about whether the surf Lras in than what the score was. Moderated by

Mr. Sean Boyan, the members could be seen playing outside the English Building in good weather, and in bad weather, they could be found playing in the gym, where, despite the dire lack o f sand, they were still able to have a great time.

The newest member in this category is the Karate Club, which burst onto the Prep scene this year. This was actually a resurrection of

a previous Prep activity, which, although inac­tive for some years, had been missed by Prep students. Practices took place early on Satur­day mornings and the club spent much of the year organizing and laying the ground work for next year’s members, assuring that the activity is here to stay.


Page 64: 1990 Petrean

Our ever-changing worldIf a member of the class of 1986 were to

return to Prep for a visit, he would prob­ably be very surprised by much of what he would see. As we, the class of 1990, finish our four years at Prep, we realize that many changes have taken place since September of 1986. We have greeted twenty-one faculty and bid adieu to twen­ty-four. Possibly the most notable fare­well went to the late Brother Wuss S.J., for he inspired all (especially the Slavic) with his constant words of encourage­ment and made every student feel imme­diately welcome. In addition to personnel

changes we have witnessed a total change of administration. When we ar­rived, Fr. Bender was the President, Fr. Kuntz was the Principal. Fr. Lundy was the Assistant Principal for Academic A f­fairs, and Mr. Dandorph was the Assis­tant Principal for Student Affairs. As we depart, Fr. Salmon is the President, Fr. Denny is the Principal, Mr. Reidy is the Assistant to the Principal, and Mr. Collins is the Dean of Students. Between Fr. Lundy’s and Mr. Reidy’s tenures. Doctor Pellicano was the Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs. We have even had two

Athletic Directors during our stay- Coach Belloti and Coach Hansen.

We have also witnessed major changes in the realm of academics. The grading system was changed in 1988 from a 4.0 scale to a 100 point scale and our report cards were also redesigned. Scheduling was modified so that what was once a set block schedule is now a rotating schedule with an additional class period each day. This change promoted the development of elective courses and reduced conflicts in student course selections.

Clockwise From Top Left: Fr. Wolack, Mr. Claudio M. Brugaleta SJ, Exchange Place, Mr. Della Fave, Mr. Howard, Mr. Toohey, Mr. Yozzi, Fr. Stump SJ.

Page 65: 1990 Petrean

We have witnessed many first during our four years here. The St. Dom’s Ex­change, in which the schools swap stu­dent council members, began our Fresh­man year. Also, Prep Day, when “ the world is our classroom” started that year. Finally, this year was the first time the walk-a-thon was run by students; they took over for the retired Mr. Robert Mulvi- hill.

On July 4, 1989, the Academy Deli, the popular lunch spot for the Prep students caught fire and never re-opened. Luckily,

the New Downtown Pizzeria, Prep’s newest “ legal” eating establishment picked up the slack. To assuage the loss of the deli, seniors were given the privi­lege of going off campus for lunch. Other significant changes in the neighborhood around Prep include the rebuilding of the PATH station and the demolition of the Colgate buildings. Structurally, the Prep facilities have witnessed ongoing changes between 1986 and 1990. The lobby paint was stripped from the walls and the floor was changed, the gym foyer was remod­

eled, the music room was moved from the third floor to the basement in Mulry Hall, and the weight room was also refur­bished. The Links Computer Center was re vamped to provide for the latest in com­puter technology; this enabled the school to distribute the old Apples throughout the various departments. As we enter the ’90s, with all the changes yet to take place, who knows . . . when we return for a visit in ten years, we too may be sur­prised by the differences we see.

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Clockwise from upper left: Ms. Derise, one of the first female teachers at the Prep; The Col­gate Clock which has become a fixture of the waterfront; Mr. Cray traded in the books for an ice cream scoop; Blimpie — maybe someday we’ll be able to have a BB; The new hot spot for lunch.

Page 66: 1990 Petrean


There are those Prep activities which do not fit into any mold. Each serves a very specific slice of the population, cater­ing to the unique interests of the student body. They are speciality clubs, and their members are among the most loyal that the school has to offer.

Moderated by Mr. Ollinger, both the Guitar Club and the Rock and Roll Club

served the musical interests of the Prep students, without the structured practices of the Band or Jazz Ensemble. Meeting after school in the library, members ex­changed information about their favorite groups or latest concert escapades. The more experienced musicians or fans shared their knowledge and experience with the newer members.

Now fully recuperated from its contro­versial origins, the Modeling Club was a | smashing success in 1990. Moderated byll Mr. Jim Dondero, the activity gave stu-1] dents with an eye for fashion and a flair I for style an opportunity to showcase their | talents. Regular practices climaxed with a I student run fashion show held in the cafe-H teria which included girls from neighbor-H

Above: Mr. Ollinger, Guitar and Library Club Moderator, Right: Library Club members. First row, left to right: J. Martin, B. Mercado, G. Vitale, R. Dacey. Second Row, left to right: E. Stroud, F. Schiavone, R. Legnosky, J. Crowe, and J. Smith.

Above: Ryan Dacey. Left: Modeling Club members. First Row, left to right: K. Moy. J. Mateo. Second row, left to right: Jj Maetre, A. Iglesias, J. Berenzy, and J Luna.

Page 67: 1990 Petrean


ing schools.Also moderated by Mr. Ollinger, the Li­

brary Club spent its time insuring the up­keep and expansion of library services. Members unselfishly gave of their own time and effort so that the entire student body may reap the benefits of their work of preservation, organization, and plan­ning. With the emergence this year of the

library as a place for true scholars, the club clearly deserves the thanks of all those who made use of its well-kept re­sources.

Under the guidance of Mr. Reidy, mem­bers of the Math Team matched their wits against some of the brightest young minds in the country. The real work of the club was the preparing for and to compare

their abilities with those of students in competing schools. The Math Team, de­spite its relative obscurity in the Prep Community, helped to foster in certain talented individuals the skills necessary to survive in an ever competitive world.

Clockwise from below; Library Club; Mathletes in competition; Mr. Reidy Math Club moderator.

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Page 68: 1990 Petrean

Ethnic Clubs

Above left to right: Ebony Club: J. Barnes, D. Gaines, J. Reed.

Above left to right: Irish Club: M. Egan, T. Connolly.

Above left to right: Italian Club: C. DeCandia, Fr. A . Aracich, S.J., B, Barulich, G. Lamantea.

Above left to right: Latin American Society: P. Romero, A. DeArmas.

Above left to right: Oriental Club: S. Fojas, A . DiMaya, J. Ramos, C. Above left to right: Slavic Club: J. Aslanian. Mr. Bob Zawis- Canaga. towski. C. Ketovic.

Page 69: 1990 Petrean

Paper & Pen

It has long been a privilege to be a letterman at Prep, but the school’s true “ men o f letters” are the members of the literary magazine, the Paper and Pen. Combining short stories, poems, artwork and an occasional essay of nonfiction, the publication served as a creative outlet for

those writers who were frustrated with the straitlaced assignments of the Petroc or the repetition of copy writing for the Petrean. Moderated by Mr. Silvestris, the Paper and Pen is a bi-yearly publication of two dozen plus pages produced by a small but dedicated staff. Like the Petroc, the

Paper and Pen explored the world of desk­top publishing this year, thus taking more responsibility in production of the maga­zine and learning more about the printing industry.

Above: Pen and Paper — Paper and Pen - I didn’t know they let dyslexics on the staff. Below: What could 1 write about the kid on the other side o f the page?

Above: First row: A . Mahdavi, M. Rusig- nuolo, M. Albanese. Second row: R. Aditya, J. Bay, C. Smith, D. Rosciszewski, Mr. L. Silvestris. Third row: E. Alfaro, J. Coyle. Below: You’re supposed to write with your hand, not your mouth. Left: The kid on the other side o f the page is really going to be shocked when he sees this.


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experimented with a variety of new ideas, including a cartoon section. Assistant Edi­tor Mohammed Ibrahim was also a key influence in novel projects. Aside from his regular duties, Sports Editor Michael Luipersbeck also received the opportunity to make his views public in a column simply entitled “Luipersbeck’s Corner.” Another personage of importance included Layout Editor, Mark Bauzon. Aside from one incident entitled “Where’s Irvine?” by

Above: “ I wonder where Irvine is?” ; Above right: Mike Luipersbeck caught in the act; Bottom nght: No I didn’t pose for this picture.”

Above: Mohamed Ibrahim, Charles Boguszqewski, Michael Luipersbeck

Among the publications of Prep, The Petroc held a special place. It was perhaps also the most criticized. After serious complications involving one of the issues, Moderator Sean Boyan decided the time was ripe for change. Shaking the foundations of the newspaper, a complete turn-around came for the periodical. Aside from reporting events pertain­ing to Prep, the Paper opened its scope to include controversial topics as abortion, for example. Fol­lowing the lead of post-terrae-motus appointed Editor-in-Chief Charles Boguszewski, The Petroc

Petroc fans all throughout Prep, the series of teacher features were veiy successful, along with other articles. Another innova­tion explored by the Petroc was the Desktop Publishing Program, a computer program that allowed for greater control and responsibility, at a lower cost. Al­though it was a difficult year for the staff, there were numerous valuable lessons learned by all, especially the under­classmen who are the future of the Petrocl

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Page 72: 1990 Petrean

Picture yourself twenty years from now. You’re up in the attic unpacking some boxes and come across the 1990 Petrean. Leafing through it, images flash through your mind; memories of dances, classes, activities, games . . . the exper­iences which defined your four years at Prep rush to the surface of your mind from some recess deep in your subcons­cience which you didn’t know existed. The book you hold in your hands is more than a few pages bound together full of group shots and lists o f names; instead it's a catalyst, a key whose purpose is to unlock within each individual the ability

Petreanto rekindle the fires which drove him dur­ing the time he spent in high school, to bring alive what he thought to be long dead, to allow him for at least one more time to be a Prepster again.

For the staff of the 1990 Petrean, this has been a year o f ups and downs. Mid­year personnel changes weakened the staff and put tensions on edge. Despite it all, however, certain individuals stuck it out and produced a book. Editor-in-Chief Ken Nippes unified his subordinates, pro­viding direction for the other members. Associate editor Luis Ayala served both as comic relief and the strongest driving

force behind the book’s production. Moderator Susan Baber was the soul of the effort, gently pointing the correct di­rection when the staff’s own weaknesses allowed them to deviate from the proper and responsible path. It is the hope of the 1990 Petrean staff that they have worked within their limited resources and abilities to produce the best yearbook possible, yet only time will tell. As you look through this book, try to be gentle with the immediate criticism, for what seems corny and trite now, may not be viewed in the same light a few years down the road; talk to you again in 2010!

Above: “ Over worked and under paid.” ; Left: “ Is there anything else to do?’ Below Left: Just another day at the office — confusion; Below Right: Hard at work.


Page 73: 1990 Petrean


ABOVE: Moderator, Miss Susan Baber. Top left, Seniors, First row Richie Cirmineilo, Ken Nippes, Nick ChiaravaUoti. Second row: Arsalan Shahzad, Haroon Rashid, Pedro Briones, raddle left: Juniors Hughy Roarty, Luis Ayala.

ABOVE: Below left: Sophomores, J.D. Lumanog, Dave Jackman, Jim Martin, Hunter Figueras, Ernesto Alfaro. Be­low right: “Stop, in the name of love!” , performed by Joe Coyle


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The Walk-A-Thon has been a Prep tradi­tion for many years, but this year it al­most did not happen, until the Student Council, at the last minute, decided to aid in running the program. In the past, the Walk-A-Thon operated effectively under the guidance of Mr. Mulvihill, but this year, until the able Student Council came into play, no one was quite sure about the existence of the Walk-A-thon. With senior

Tom Santiago spearheading the opera­tion, the Student Council members deaf­ened all criticism of their abilities by dem­onstrating a willingness to respond when needed, and producing the effort neces­sary to foster the enthusiasm and support needed for the Walk-A-Thon to be a suc­cess. Prizes were offered, including a CD- player and free bids to the Senior or Ju­nior Prom, to the top contributors in each

class. And so, on a sunny day in late October, Prep students walked from Grand and Warren to Liberty State Park. The Walk-A-Thon, beginning a new period in its history as a student-run activity, was a success in raising over $14,000 for the school. Here are some images from the walk . . .

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Page 77: 1990 Petrean

Consistency was one of the characteris­tics of the St. Peter’s Prep Cross Country Team. The 1989-1990 Harriers main­tained their tradition of excellence by be­ginning the season with a flair. Under the direction of Head Coach Burgess and as­sistant coach Mrs. Barbara Salmon, the

team performed well. Team members fol­lowed the lead of the talented tri-captains John Sheehan, Andy Bryant, and Jim Salmon, supported by a gifted pool of under­classmen. The Harriers took first place in the City and South Hudson meets for the fourth consecutive time. They also showed their

stamina by taking third place in the HCJAA meet and by doing well in the HCTCA meet. With their dedication and consistent perfor­mance the Cross Country team proved that they were not to be taken lightly.

Clockwise from upper left: Captains John Sheehan, Andy Biyant, and Jim Salmon; Coach Mike Burgess; Steve rests at the finish line after a tough race; The team ventures to another race far, far away . . . ; This was the tough race Steve was resting from; Chris dashes to the finish line ahead of the opponent. —


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Page 79: 1990 Petrean

Another successful season has passed under the feet of the 1989 soccer team. Despite circumstances beyond the control of the Marauders, which caused the three rain-outs, two game cancellations, and one forfeit, the boosters finished up with an 11-3-1 record capturing the HCIAA National Division Championship for the third consecutive year. It seemed as though nothing could stop the Prep legmen this year who went undefeated for the entire month of October (8-0-1). Momentous games included one against Hudson Catholic in which Claudio Zamarra tucked away the only goal of the match

early in the first-quarter, one against Lyndhurst in which Rob O'Connor scored two late goals to vault the squad to a 3-2 come from behind victory, and one against Dickinson in which Rich Cirminello netted the game winner after Corrado DiCandia knotted the score 2-2. Overall, O’Connor led the team in scoring with 11 goals, and Nicholas Chiaravalloti followed close be­hind with ten, including three game win­ners. In net, Tony “Dino” Goff collected 6 1/2 shut outs in 11 1/2 games; two of those were against Hudson Catholic. Stel­lar performances by fullbacks C.J. Boguszewski and Mike Gamer contributed to Dino’s success.

Four players received recognition at both the All-State and All-County levels: tri-captain Nicholas Chiaravalloti, Rich Cirminello, and Rob Walenty, along with Rob O ’Connor. Seven re­ceived All-City recognition: the four named above, plus Rob Cosenza, Corrado Dicandia, and Claudio Zamarra. Chiaravalloti was named the All-City Midfielder of the Year, and Walenty the All-City Fullback of the Year.

Coach Jack Raslowsky also received recogni­tion as he was named North Jersey Section I All-Stars’ coach. The NJSI All-Star team was composed of high-school players from the north­ern New Jersey region, including Prep’s own Rob Walenty. The All-Stars played on December 9, 1989, and were victorious by a score of 4-1,

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Page 81: 1990 Petrean

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Page 82: 1990 Petrean

The 1990 Prep Football team accom­plished the impossible- they won the state championship. Many people do not realize the road they travel to get there. The team was inspired, overcoming injuries to many key players. Captains Anthony Guma, Keith Bucher, Dan Gronda, and Scott Prusko all played hurt. This inspiration combined with teamwork, practice, and an unsurpassed spirit silenced the critics and produced a

spectacular season. Because we had only seven returning starters, people thought Prep did not have what it took to be champions. Our first victim was Hudson Catholic. The Hawks were hammered by a score of 33-6. The next game was a 40-0 rout of St. Joe’s of West New York. The next victim was Emerson (28-6). The game everyone was eagerly awaiting- “ the war with the shore” -had finally arrived.

Middletown South, ranked ninth natinally, handed Prep its only loss of the season (28-8). The next week was Homecoming. Prep defeated Dickinson 28-6, as Dan Gronda was named MVP. In a game many people thought Prep would lose, the Ma­rauders once again came through, defeat­ing Bayonne 30-6. Then came from be­hind to beat

Captains (1 to r): Keith Bucher, Tony Guma, Coach Hansen, Dan Gronda, Scott Prusko.

Clockwise from upper right: “I wish 1 was in Disneyland.”; “When the ggme is over I'm driving to Pizza Hut.”; “HIKE!”; Ted evades a tackle.

Page 83: 1990 Petrean

Marist. Dominick Della Fave’s game-saving catch on 4 and 22 lead to the final score. During the next two weeks, Prep edged North Bergen 15-7 and Memorial 14-3 to win their second consecutive county title. Prep ended the season 8-1 and received the second seed in the Parochial A. Prep defeated Bergen Catholic 28-20 to open the quest for a state title. Finally, on a cold Saturday afternoon in December, Prep took on St. Joseph’s of

Montvale. St. Joe’s, seeded number one, were the defending champions; however, sec- ond-year coach Rich Hansen, inspired the team to a 22-21 victory. “The Drive,” a 99-yard drive, in the final minutes, was capped off by a touchdown pass and a two- point conversion by Anthony Guma. Prep, which won its first state championship since 1958, established itself as a state power.

Paul “Prime Time” Mucahy finished the

season gaining over 1,000 yards. Keith Bucher, Scott Prusko, and Gonda were named to the First Team Parochial A; Ken Ferrante was named to the Second Team. In the county, Guma was named Back of the Year; and Gronda was named Lineman of the Year. With all the outstanding underclassmen, the future looks bright for the State Champion St. Peter’s Prep Varsity Football Team.

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Page 85: 1990 Petrean

It began last November. Critics had picked the Prep to finish last before the Marauders had even stepped onto the court. Sportswriters pointed towards the team’s youth and inexperience as its tragic flaw. Nevertheless, the team practiced tirelessly in the Barn, prepar­ing for opening night. After weeks of rope jumping and mountain climbing, the season finally commenced. The team silenced the critics with early

wins over St. Joseph’s and Bayonne.While everyone else was enjoying

the Christmas break, the basketball team travelled to Xavier to defend their Jesuit Classic title. With wins over Be- len and Xavier, the Marauders were once again champions. Named to the all-tournament team were Matt O ’Neill, Andrew Danilchick and tourney MVP, Jack Gordon.

Although the team had turned the

heads of spectators across the county, the Marauders continued to strive for the excellence for which the Prep pro­gram has long been respected. The team removed all doubt of their talent and teamwork by upsetting state pow­ers Ferris and Lincoln. Their winning ways qualified them for the State Play­offs and restored the faith of disbeliev­ing critics.

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Despite the midseason loss of senior Rob O ’Connor, the team pulled through under the leadership and ex­perience of senior captain Joe Scafidi. Also sharing the spotlight was high scorer Jack Gordon, who as a sopho­more averaged over 19 points per game. Juniors Mike Egan, Andrew Danichick and Miguel Sierra made large contributions, combining re­bounding and defensive skills with their point scoring abilities. Sopho­

more Matt O ’Neill and Junior Keith Ad­ams were also pivitol players through­out the season.

Guiding the team was Head Coach Dave Settembre, along with assistant coaches Herenda and Gripps. They pushed the team to its physical limits and in the struggle the young team found the true players within them­selves. Coach Settembre’s knowledge and innovation led to several new drills and plays in the Prep program this

year, including the team’s unanimous favorite — climb the mountain.

The young promises to be a domi­nant power in Hudson County next year. They have proven themselves to hanky-waving fans everywhere; more importantly, their success this year has shown the team itself what its abilities are. The Prep looks forward to next year’s showing when the team steps forward with the experience that this year’s fine season provided.

Clockwise from Above: Joe sinks it for two: Miguel grabs another rebound; Miguel just did a double -pump, 360, foul line dunk but he was too quick for our photographer.


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Page 88: 1990 Petrean

Always a strong squad, the Prep Varsity swim team once again had an outstanding season. Under the guid­ance of coach Mrs. Marybeth Bryant and moderator Fr. Cregan, S.J., the aquamen defeated archrival Bayonne, as well as the entire country of Hud­son. Captains Mark Zieleniewski, Matt Greeley, Shannon Mariniello and Nick

Jaworski provided excellent leadership for a very young and talented team.

In the state championship the Ma­rine Marauders claimed a highly re­spectable third place. Sophomore Jeff Enright stole the show with his record breaking spree. He surpassed the re­cord of the 50-meter freestyle competi­tion by seven tenths of a second; Jeff

gave an equally outstanding perfor­mance in the 100-meter category as he shattered that record by 1.33.

The team also won the Swimming Bees Classic and dominated in the City tournament. Despite the inconvenience of early morning practices, team spirit remained high, and all performed well.

Clockwise from upper left: Coach Marybeth Bryant; Yes, we missed the van; Thanks to the Senior leader­ship and top notch coaching the swimmers dominat­ed the opposition once again; Friends for life


Page 89: 1990 Petrean

Upper-left: “ Youn first.” ; Above: “ Yo dudes. What’s up?!?” ; Below: Prep swim­mer on his way to another victory.; Left; “ Now this is suppose to go here and this there and ..


Page 90: 1990 Petrean

CurrentIn retrospect, the past year has been

historic in all aspects: politically, athleti­cally and environmentally. From Charles­ton, South Carolina to Berlin, remarkable events have changed the world as we know it.

A trail of death and destruction was left by Hurricane Hugo as it smashed across the Carribean and into the coastal city of Charleston on September 22, 1989. With its 130 mile/hour winds, homes were top­pled like straw huts. It caused more than 500,000 people to flee for safety; Hugo left thousands homeless. Less than one

month later, havoc struck again. On Octo- ®n earthquake rocked northern

California, killing 62 people and injuring hundreds. The earthquake caused mass destruction caving in highways and disrupting the third game of the World Series. These catastrophes brought the world a little bit closer as people of all races and creeds offered their prayers and support.

Thousands of volunteers were also called upon to clean up one of the worst environmental accidents in U.S. history. The Exxon Valdez, a supertanker, went

off course and struck a reef in the pristinel Prince William Sound in Alaska. The re-1' suit of the accident was the reef rippingl many holes in the ships hold and thou-l sands of gallons of crude oil spilled intolj the sea. Hundreds of species of all kindsl were in danger. Thousands of volunteers^ helped clean the oil-fouled shoreline and! collect oil-covered animals for cleaning. |

The year was also marked by a wind o fl revolt sweeping across eastern Europe! and the Soviet Union.

Page 91: 1990 Petrean

Events[Dissidents throughout the Communist jock countries rose with arms and voices jiainst repression. In Poland, Czechoslo- kia and Romania governments were

jtallenged by the spirit of the people. |ren the Berlin Wall fell beneath the cries |r freedom of the people. The people jjre also heard in South Africa resulting if the release of Nelson Mandela and the jiallenging of Apartheid.{The past year also marked the demise ! one of the baseball greats. Pete Rose, ie all time holder for career hits — 4191,

was banned from the game for placing wagers on his own team. This lifetime ban was able to be appealed in the spring of 1990.

All of these events were front page sto­ries, yet we feel it is our duty to glorify a story of strength and courage. With only the power of his arms and his will, Mark Wellman climbed the 3200 foot “ El Capi- tan” to prove that the disabled can ac­complish great feats.

In retrospect, the past year was truly historic. It was filled with great achieve­

ments. If the past year could be character­ized in one picture, it would be that of Tianmen Square, where one man had the strength, the power, the courage and the will to stand up to a line of tanks and cry “ No more!” At the conclusion of this year, the world was a little bit more peace­ful, thanks in large part to people who wanted to make a difference and refused to be suppressed. Their actions and atti­tudes shaped our lives, and we are better people for their inspiration.

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Page 93: 1990 Petrean

Bowling is a sport that can probably ! be described as being old as man him­

self. Over the years, man has compli- | cated it much, yet the concept behind it ! is simple: the successful clearance of i small, distant structures with a spheri- j; cal object. Apparently simple, this

game requires much skill. The Prep Bowlers, having come a long way from caveman bowling days, have fine-tuned this required skill into a form of art.

Every morning, in the announcements, win upon win was reported to the faith­ful Prep Community. The team was so successful, that perhaps these wins be­came expected - taken for granted. These men truly earned those wins. With the guiding influence of Mr. Rob­ert Zawistowski, the Prep Kegglers at­tained high games, defeating many key opponents. Team Captain “ Jo Jo Bear” Ramos along with Anthony

“ Kingpin” Morcilio and Rodolfo “ Red Nose ’ Sangalang, helped the team to the second position in the South Hud­son Division. Randy “ The Monster” Aides and Danny “ Polish Power” Po- dolak were also key players. With all this talent contained, the prep Bowling Team proved themselves once again, victorious in Hudson County.

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Page 95: 1990 Petrean

A tradition of excellence is one of the characteristics o f the Prep hockey team. Ken Such’s performance as head coach has turned the players into a fine-tuned machine in only two years. Not only has Coach Such improved the team, but he has also recorded his 100th victory, which is a tribute to his talent as a coach. Under his guidance, the team has established a reputation of being tough competitors.

Behind the driving force of senior

captains Jose Dargan, Steve Mizic and George Lusch, the team started the season off well. The victory at the Bay­onne County Tournament, for the third year in a row, was also aided by return­ing players, including Junior centers Rob Corbett, Peter Gannon and Jason Andreula. The speed, strength, and en­durance of wingers J. Swineford and new senior Tim Tavolara brought the icemen to fame repeatedly. Building the solid wall that was the Prep de­

fense were juniors Bob Brack and Steve Brown; freshman goalie Bradley Cicala along with back-up netminder Anthony Pasculli showed great dexter­ity and promise.

Having finished their season among the top teams in their division, the ice­men demonstrated great determina­tion.

Counterclockwise from upper right: “ Well I don’t know about you Gannon, but I’m beat!” ; Watch out Rob!; Joe Dargan, Anth­ony Pasculli, and Steve Milic pose for a picture.’ FACEOFF!!

Page 96: 1990 Petrean

Clockwise from top left: Steve working hard; Joe Dargan takes on two; Prepster winning the puck in the corner; Slap shot.

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Page 98: 1990 Petrean

This past year’s Prep Wrestling was one of the youngest squads that Coach Bill Friend had to work with. The team could be found late at night in the base­ment practicing an assortment of moves with the wrestling room tem­

perature reaching close to 100 de­grees. This year’s Varsity Team was led by strong senior leadership. Dan Gronda, even though being injured in the middle of the season, Tim Hawkes, representing the Prep at the Regionals

and Mike Garner helped provide the role models which were critically need­ed for the young team. With a strong performance by the JV, Prep Wrestling seems to be on the rise — Watch out North Bergen!

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Page 101: 1990 Petrean

It comes as little surprise to the dedi­cated followers of the Prep Tennis Team that once again their backhands were smooth, their serve-and-volley game on the money, and consequently their fortunes were good. Coached again by J.P. McNamara, or “ Chief” as he is referred to by his loving disciples, the tennis team dominated opponents throughout the ’90 campaign, tying to avenge last year’s near-miss county ti­

tle. With the departure of many long time contributors, the Prepsters be­came a team rich with young talent, most notably the nationally ranked Frosh Eric Taino. Although time con­straints limited the role that he had, his mere presence sent team confidence soaring. Singles were handled by sen­ior Andrew Edwards and junior Tim Connolly, proven team members. The number one doubles team featured Ken

Nippes and Tony Goff, while the sec­ond doubles was a combination of sen­ior Matt Greely, junior Dan Murphy, and sophomore Ryan Kearny. With powerful sophomores David Jackman and Gero Madrid waiting in the wings for a chance to move up in the order, the Prep tennis team seems poised for success for years to come.


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Page 103: 1990 Petrean

The “ great American pastime” - the game which sprung up great heroes and legends. True its tradition, baseball is one of the most popular sports at Prep. It ranks among the “big three” most popular sports of all, along with football and Bas­ketball. It has, did, and always will be notorious for the large number of students who report to tryouts, attempting to

achieve a position on the widely hailed team, with the vast experience of coach CIrbanovich, the Prep baseball team once again achieved an outstanding season. Indeed, playing well with remarkable underclassmen talent, the team beat many key Hudson County opponents. These athletically superior young men demonstrated the tenacity and perseverance of Prep Baseball. S en ior capta ins Anthony Guma and

David Monisera provided the team with support and leadership as they them­selves excelled. Other players of signifi­cant importance include Dom Della Fave, Matt Gomey, and Rob O’Connor. With win after win clinched, the Prep players received much hail and praise.

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Page 105: 1990 Petrean

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The Indoor Track team was one which set its goals and achieved them. Coach Mike Burgess reminded the team throughout the season of the pre­vious County Championships that they had lost by two or three points. The Coach's words must have had an im­pact because the team went in and de­cisively won the Hudson County and

Zoach’s County meets over Memorial and Dickinson. They later captured the City Championship to cap off the Triple Crown. They also traveled to Princeton for the State Meet and Eastern Nation­als at which schools from all over the East Coast came to compete. The team was led by seniors John Sheehan (County Champion in the 800 meters

and qualifier tor the Meet of Champi- ons), Andy Bryant (County Champion in 55 meter high hurdles) and Sam Biji- lic (County Champion in the shot put). They were also supported by 400 me­ter runners Carlos Preseco and Steve Bijilic and distant runners Jim Salmon, Chris Russo, and John Grogan.


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bove: Andy hurdles the competition. Above left: Steve pounds.the track. Below left: arlos runs determinedly. Below: Jim stays with the pack.



Page 106: 1990 Petrean

Clockwise from upper left: The seniors gang up on Asst. Coach Aaron; Grogan leads the pack; Huyn tries to shake the pack; Lmani starts to stretch out the lead; Chris burns the track; Bernardo pushes it for the win; Dave pursues the lead.


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Page 108: 1990 Petrean


Page 109: 1990 Petrean


Page 110: 1990 Petrean

Football Top Row; left to right: A. Benzija, A. Nieves, J. DiFoglio, A, Guma, K. Burbank, K. Jhaveri, S. Prusko, M. Conway., P. Mulcahy, J. Wolfe, D. Blasucci, D. Polumbo, C. Martin. SECOND ROW: left to right; K. Bucfier, D. Gronda, B. Hoffman, B. Talanczuk, M. McCab.e R. Puleo, J. Lagman, A . Salazar, J. Applegate, T. Schroeder, J. Gigante, C. Alfaro, B. McMullen. THIRD ROW: left to right: M. Fleming, C. M ont­gomery, J. Francesco. J. Delo, J. St. Marie, M. Morais, K. Ferrante, D. Margaritondo, T. Hawkes, P. Bonavota, R. Gomez, J. Militello, J. Aslan­

ian. FOURTH ROW; left to right: M. Kirby, B. Hurd, M. Bemoit, Coach A. Sauchelli, Coach K. Such, Head Coach R. Hansen, Coach C. Lanza- lotto. Coach C. Wood, Coach B. Nazimento, S. Cabrera, T. McHale. FIFTH ROW; left to right; M. O'Donnell, J. Barroquiero, A . Morcillo, C. Bontigao, S. Fojas, T. Padovano, T. Phillips, R. Santoro, V. Ciraco, M. Munoz. BOTTOM ROW; left to right; J. Rivera, O. Gonzalez. C. Sampers, K. Sakowski, D. Youmans, M. DeCastro, J. Murillo, M. Han­ley, P. Strandes, D. DellaFave.

108Cross Country left to right: Jim Salmon, Andy Bryant, John Sheehan, Steve Bijelic, Chris Russo, Tom Kelly.

Page 111: 1990 Petrean

Bottom (1 to r): Asst Coach J. Irvine, P.Healey, C. Zamarra, B. Wallenty, R. Cirminello, C. DeCandia, B. Barulich, C. Hammil, Head Coach J. Raslowsky. Middle (I to r): G. Mercurio, A. Iacocoa, D. Granelli, R. O ’Connor, N. Chiaravalotti, M. Fromfield, C. Barttoli. Top (I to r): C. Montgomeiy, C.J. Boguszewski, M. Garner, R. Coscnza, C. Me Gee, M. Dilley, S. Adams, M. O’Neil, T. Goff.

Bottom left to right: R. Aldea, D. “Polich Power” Podolak, R. Mauri. Above left to right: Mr. R. Zawistowski, A. Morcilio, and “Jo Jo Bear” Ramos. -j gg

Page 112: 1990 Petrean

left: First Row (I. to r.) P.Dumaual, J. Sheehan, S. Bijelic, A. Bryant, and H. Kim. Second Row (I. to r.) D. Charowsky, A. Ragone, J. McGuire, Coach Burgess, C. Presedo, B. Munoz, J.Salmon, R. Salmon, S.Bijelic, and Coach Aaron. Third Row (I. to r.) K. Bauzon, B. Dumaual, J. Yacat, and A. lacocca.

right: First Row (I. to r.)

C. Briamonte, M. O ’Neill,

and J. Scafidi. Second Row

(I.Jo r.) R. Consenza, W.

Dwyer, E. Andres, M.

Egan, and A.Danilchick.

Third Row (I. to r.) K.

Adams, M. Sierra, Coach

Settembre, Mrs.

Costantini, R. DeMichele,

and J. Gordon.

left: First Row (I. to r.) F.l Koszyk, M. Zadroga, E.l Manlongat, B. Hawkes, and! A. Bautista. Second Row (l.| to r.) E. Pom pilio, T.l, H aw kes, L. Dorry, B. I Klosza, and M. Garner. I Third Row (1. to r.) A. Bla-lj zini, N. Akeredolu, C. Ste-1 fanakis, M. Benoit, J. De-lj Ceglie, and Coach Friend, §


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Above: Baseball- left to right; D. Della Fave, M. Gorney, A. Guma, J. Wolfe, and D. Monisera.

Above: Tennis- First Row (1. to r.) A . Danilchick, G. Madrid, T. Jackman, K. Nippes, and R. Hamilton. Third Row (1. to r.) V. Page,Connelly, A . Edwards, and D. Goff. Second Row (I. to r.) R. Reddy, D. S. Patel, A. Samlall, S. Wiley, K. Moy, and D. Francis.

Above: Golf- left to right; T. Poppe, J. Swineford, W. Dwyer, and K. Adams

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First row, left to right: J. Bryant, M. Kelly, D. Weir, M. Carcamo, J. Arceo, J. Enright, S. Adams, G. Lynch. Second row: A. Szymczyk, D. Ruocco, C. Greeley, M. Zieleniewski, M. Gal. Third row: R. DeGennero, J. Lepis, O. Oyola, M. Greeley, N. Jaworski, F. Pazminio. Fourth row: Coach Maiy Bryant, G. Dilley, Fr. R. Cregan, S.J., J. Marinello, A. de Armas, L. Hart.

Top row, left to right: J. Andreula, J. Swineford, R. Corbett, R. Brack, S. Brown, P. Gannon. Second row: M. Dargan, Asst. Coach M. Pica, Coach 1 1 2 K* Such, Asst. Coach T. Durak, B. Cicala. First row: A. Pasculli, J. Dargan, S. Milic, G. Lusch, T. Tavoara.

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On the morning o f December 9th, 1989, the St. Peter’s Prep football team ventured up to Mont- vale, New Jersey, to attempt to capture the Paro­chial State Championship that had eluded the team for 31 years. The Prep gridders were going up against St. J oe ’s Green Knights, who had taken home the title three years in a row. The critics and reporters had labeled a Prep win as impossible, and the only way to silence them was to just win. it wasn’t the win that was amaz­ing, but rather how it was achieved.

Head Coach Rich Hansen had stressed that if a player couldn’t get emotionally prepared to play in a gam e like this, then he wasn’t a player. It was emotion that carried this team to the top, for St. Joe ’ s had the speed, the size, and the power, but Prep had the heart. Before the gam e the intensity in the locker room was so thick that one could have cut it with a knife.

The first quarter progressed as the reporters had predicted. It looked as if a romp was in store as St. J oe ’s quickly jumped on top 14-0, just ten plays into the game. A s the second quarter start­

ed, the Knights were in control o f the ball again, moving into Prep territory, but a fumble recovery by safety Tim Hawkes gave Prep some life. Six plays after the recovery, Prep put some points on the scoreboard when quarterback Anthony Guma hit Jim Francesco for a 13 yard TD pass. Guma’s P A T made the score 14--7. The Knights thought they had put the game away for good when they scored their third touchdown to close the scoring at 21-7 at half-time.

Only emotion could have picked up the bat­tered Prep squad, which had many key starters playing with injuries. Coach Hansen would use the passing arm o f Guma and a determined de­fense to get back into the game. They closed the gap to seven at 21-14 on an eight-minute scoring drive, capped o ff by a seven-yard, diving touch­down reception by tight end Brian McMullen from Guma. The defense shut down St. Joe ’s in the third quarter, led by the fine play o f lineback­ers Dan Gronda and Ken Ferrante, linemen Keith Bucher and Orville Gonzalez, and safeties Francesco and Hawkes.

St. Joe ’s controlled the ball for the entire fourth quarter but couldn’t seem to score any points. Then with only four minutes and fifteen seconds remaining, St. Joe’ s feature running back Greg Telemaque was about to score, but he was stripped by Brian McMullen at the one-yard line. Prep had to go ninety-nine yards in just four minutes in order to tie the score. Remarkably, the Maurauders did just that, taking only three minutes and eleven plays to do it. “ The Drive” was capped by a 22-yard pass from Guma to Francesco with exactly one minute left. Then Coach Hansen had to decide to either go for the extra point for a tie and play an overtime period or to go for a two point conversion for the win. The gutsy Hansen chose the latter. Guma took the snap and scrambled right, hitting Prime-Time Paul Mulcahy with the pass that enabled Prep to grab the victory and the first state championship since 1958. St. Joe ’s gave one more valiant at­tempt to score but that drive was stopped in its tracks by a diving interception by John Wolfe.

“ Coach Hansen, you've just won the state champion­ship; what are you going to do now?” “ I’m going to Disney World!”


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H l W u ,

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JV SOCCERThe JV Soccer Team bolted their way

through a fine season. The combination of the strength of last year’s veteran players and the newly discovered talent of the freshman formed one dynamite squad. Led by Coach John Irvine, the Prepsters were dominant over competitors such as

Hudson Catholic, North Bergen, and St. Benedict’s. Those returning from last year proved to be stronger than ever. Captain Brian McCabe proved to be the most con­sistent player as he dominated midfield. Matt O ’Neill was an incredible asset to the team as a result of his fifteen-goal

co n tr ib u t io n t o th e s e a s o n . O f th e fr e s h ­m en , k e y k ic k e rs in c lu d ed M a rk T ro ja n , P a u l M a s s a c h e , a n d g o a l ie T o n y N o v e llo . J u d g in g f r o m th e p e r fo r m a n c e o f th e 1 9 8 9 J u n io r V a rs ity te a m , P r e p s o c c e r c a n c e r ta in ly e x p e c t a v e r y p ro m is in g fu ­tu re .


TOP ROW; left to right; A. Bondarowicz, S. Drennon, A . Ragone, G. Vierheilig, B. Dwyer, J. McKeon, B. McCabe. MIDDLE; left to right; J.V. Coach John Irvine, A. Renelt, E. Finn, M. Trojan, S. Chiaravalloti, P. Massache, M. O ’Donnell, T. McCarthy, Head Coach Jack Raslowsky. FIRST ROW; left to right; A. Novello, M. Coco, J. Costanza, J. Crocetta, D. James, F. Torrent, R. Hobby.

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Although the Freshman Football Team faced a tough 1989 season, they demon­strated fantastic energy and spirit throughout every game. Despite the domi­nance of their opponents, the entire team was characterized by persistence and hard work. Half-back Matt Leber, defensive- back Adam Petrillo, full-back Brian Kost,

guard Tom Osterman, and tight-end/de- fensive end Stuart Clutterbuck, who led the team in receptions, are just a few of the diligent men who contributed determina­tion to the Prep team. Coaches Nelson Gonzales, Sean Verdi, and Mike Acanfora trained these Prepsters for field competi

tion against Hudson, but more impor­tantly, they showed them the values of persistence and teamwork; these values are synonymous with the attributes of true Prep athletes, many of whom have been discovered in the Frosh football team of 1989.

Top row; left to right: C. Andreadis, J. Roberts, N. Nardone, R. Traba, M. Hanley, T. Osterman, M. Kubert, S. Clutterbuck. Second row; left to right: R. Viggiano, G. Protomastro, M. Roake, M. McGillis, J. Scher, B, Kost, J. Portes, T. Gleason. Third row; left to right: A. Cardenas, J. Perrenod, L. Collar, Coach N. Gonzalez, Coach M. Acanfora, Coach S. Verdi, R. Smith, A. Agathos, A. Petrillo. Fourth row; left to right: C. Stefanakis, M. Leber, P. Norcia, G. Fajardo, D. Wahl, K. Bauzon, R. Zaszewski, J. Clancy. Bottom row; left to right: J. Compton, B. Wilton, S. Frezzo, K. Paglio, S. Sanz, R. Cavala, J. CursineBa.

Clockwise from top left: Face-off at the line o f scrimmage. Gridders ready fo r s o m e cru nch ing . Clutterbuck finds an open­ing through the defense. Leber sprints his way down the field.

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JV BASKETBALLwere John Sakowski and Sean Drennan, both of whom helped lead the J.V. squad to victories late in the season. The group looks to be a promising varsity squad in the years to come.


■ 8 ft !ULL\ FRONT ROW: left to right; S. Drennan, J. Sakowski, P. Healey, P. Policarpio, R. Reddy; SECOND ROW: L. Clarke, T. Kelly. P. Reed, Coach Tony Crisalli, R. Hurd, E. Jiminez, E. Savaas. NOT PICTURED: C. Carroll, D. Jackman.


m K K m m

Despite several tough losses and a mer­ciless Hudson County schedule, the Ju­nior Varsity Basketball team had a re­spectable season. The year was highlight­ed by upset victories over such county powers as Snyder and Dickinson, as well as several wins over the Frosh Marauders.

Cinder the guidance of new coach Tony Crisalli and assistant Mike Pero, the team learned the meaning of hard work and dedication. Leading the J.V. hoopsters were captain Pat Reed, center Llew Clarke, and point guard Rob Hurd. Also making major contributions to the team

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FROSH BASKETBALLSitting atop the Hudson County fresh­

men basketball standings this year, were the Prep Marauders. Head Coach John Irvine managed the large and talented group as they defeated such county pow­ers as Snyder and Ferris. Pacing the team

was point guard Ed Finn, whose poise and agility led the team to victory. Chris An- dreadis, Tom Weierman, and Craig Ad­ams, carried the team with their domina­tion of the boards and their high-scoring efforts. At the Boys’ Club, all the hard

work and planning took place as the mas- I termind coach got the team into shape. Their impressive showing this year gives Coach Settembre much hope for future Varsity titles.

FRONT ROW: left to right; J. Mercer, M. Lynch, M. Trojan. SECOND ROW: D. Apicella, L. Collar C Rigby, A . Novello, J. McKeon. THIRD ROW: C. Andreadis, C. Adams, D. Egan, Coach John Irvine! J. Pierre, G. Ramirerez, T. Weierman.

ABOVE: Mark puts it up!IIOABOVE: Coach John Irvine and Captain Tom Weierman.

ABOVE: Mike goes for the lay-up!

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The JV Bowling Team hammered its way through a very fine season. Sparks flew as the squad tore up the alleys and demolished the pins. Led by Mr. Bob Zawistowski, this season’s team proved

to be most competitive. Kevin “ The Horse” McAulliffe, Danny “ Polish Power” Podolak and Justin “ The Rock” Sebik, led the pack of Prepsters. In addition to excellent play, the team showed a sports­

manship that was characteristic of the Prep athlete. The 1989-1990 Junior Varsi­ty Bowling Team was indeed a successful squad.

Above: Coach Z.; Clockwise from right: “ Rock” lives!; Dan un­leashes his iron arm!; Go for it Rudy!; “ The Horse” takes it back!

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Despite the tough season that the Ju­nior Varsity Wrestling team was forced to endure, many members displayed a great deal of formerly unseen talent. This can only be accredited to the squad’s ex­tremely long (and often grueling) practice

sessions. Day after day, each and every member could be found in the Burke base­ment contributing all of his energy and spirit to the sport. Above and beyond the various wrestling holds, the team was taught discipline. Jose Soler, Armo Mo­

hammed, and Carlos Noriega were among the many Prepsters who benefited from this season’s training. The entire Prep community shall also benefit when these wrestlers destroy their opponents next year!

BACK ROW: left to right: J. Soler, M. McCabe, J. Portes, Coach Friend, D. Dudzinski, J. Hoetzl, A. Dodd; SECOND ROW: C. Stefanakis, S. Chiaravalotti, T. Padovano, W. Sharp, S. Tortorelle, M. Skinner: FRONT ROW: R. King, A. Mohammed, L. Luna, T. Sullivan.

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JV HOCKEYThe Junior Varsity Hockey Team iced the

ompetition this year. The puck-pushers ombined skill, manpower, and teamwork nd the result was a fine 1989-1990 season, loach Gannon demonstrated his excellent bilities as he brought out the full potential of

the talented squad through various training sessions. Each and every member of the team contributed respectable play in the name of St. Peter’s. Frank LoScrudato, Brian McDermott, and Gabe Scudese were several

of Prep’s key icemen. As these Prepsters rise through the ranks of Varsity status, Prep can expect some more great hockey, as well as additional rings skated around its competi­tors.

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ABOVE: First Row; left to right; D. Claro, R. Vargas, J. Sardella, J. Mercer, G. Lynch, J. Paguiligan. Second Row left to right; M. Lee, A. Agathos, D. Baker, L. Da Silva, D. Miguel. Third Row: left to right; R. Go, L. Collar, P McCarthy, M. Cocco, J. Bloodgood, F. Torrent, J. Farese. Fourth Row; left to right; J. Jamilano, N. Caradonna R. Lutdch, A. Gullo, A. Beldowicz. Missing: D. Janies.

ABOVE: First Row; left to right; R. Nadler, R. Ypelaar, M. Lynch, J. Skripak, G. Crocamo, K. Renelt, J. Costanzo Second Row; left to right; J. Dye, S. Majumder, M. Moran, J. Curran. Third Row; left to right; S. Chiaravalloti M. Castillo, B. Jeziorski, K. Lorfink. Fourth Row; left to right; Mr. J. Raslowsky, L. Arenas. Fifth Row; left to right: J. Arganza, J. Camacho, J. Portes, J. Hitchell, T. Osterman, S. Clutterbuck, M. Kubert, F. D’Addario.

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f BOVE: First Row; left to right; R. Faustino, E. Breyer, D. Olesky, J. Balcer, R. Gwiazdowski, B. Casiano, M. pargen, J. McKeon. Second Row; left to right; Mr. O’Donnell, J. Andreula, M. Mullane, A. Soto, B. Cicala, B. Wilton, B. O’Neill, D. Suarez. Third Row; left to right; R. Zaszewski, R. Smith, J. Meurer, P. Rubino, O. Rosa, pourth Row; left to right; A. Patel, J. Scher, T. Gleason, C. Stefanakis. Missing: E. Paras.

IBOVE: Sitting; left to right; J. Han, J. Ouimet, J. Rubino, R. Mehta, M. Vilas. First Row; left to right; J. Sung, I. Cursinella, S. Frezzo, D. Ruchalski, N. Petti, J. Pasculli. Second Row; left to right; C. McGreevy, B. Rieman, 1 Hanley, G. Rosales, E. Verano, L. Solis, V. Silva, D. Hannagan. Third Row; left to right; R. Traba, D. iandomenico, G. Protomastro, E. Saam, C. Andreadis, J. Mannion. Missing: T. Compton.

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ABOVE: First Row; left to right; L. Palomares, R. Abella, N. Younger, R. Easson. Second Row; left to right; Bl Scanlon, A. Malewich, O. Escobar, G. Fajardo, N. Chonillo, T. Espinosa, C. Morales. Third Row; left to right; A| Novello, F. Arena, M. Martinelli, K. Pidane, B. Stack. Fourth Row; left to right; T. Fogu, R. Viggiano, D. Egan i M. Guia, T. Baran. Mr. J. Irvine. Missing: M. Dawoud, G. Veirheilig.

ABOVE: First Row; left to right; M. Bauer, J. Yacat, E. Carandan, P. Figueredo, D. O’Brien. Second Row; left! to right; M. Roake, T. Magarban, G. Dilley, K. Paglio, S. Sanz, M. Chaudhty, J. Compton. Third Row; left to rightJ M. Gorski, R. Avetria, Mr. T. Connolly, S. Tortorelle, H. Iqbal, M. McGillis, M. Norwood, B. Cerullo, R. Pandayl L. Swineford, B. Hawkes, C. Rigby, L. Roodenburg. Missing: P. Giblin

' ; f ■ .

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M30VE: First Row; left to right; A. Lizares, D. Mercado, G. Shockley, L. Bastidas, M. Santiago, R. King, J. “etrecca. Second Row; left to right; J. Kokosinski, T. O’Donnell, R. Hwang, F. Taino, L. Ramos. Third Row; left io right; J. McGuire, D. Wahl, B. Nery, T. McCarthy, B. Dumaual, K. Vida, K. Bauzon, S. Parikh, D. Walsh. Fourth Row; left to right; P. Alvarez, J. Clancy, B. Kost, S. Mancilla, A. Cardenas, N. Nardone, Ms. S. Baber. Missing: 1. Jaucian.

VBOVE: First Row; left to right; T. Sullivan, B. Jain, J. Morgan, A. Festa, E. Olivencia, A. Andres, M. Houed. Second Row; left to right; Mr. W. Koszyk, D. Paton, D. Mauri, J. Dooley, S. Rashid, J. Asuncion, C. Carroll, P. fauna, J. Nieves. Third Row; left to right; D. McDonough, M. Faller, R. Ryan, S. Zambrano, W. Sharp, N. leorgieff. Fourth Row; left to right; S. Howe, J. Perrenod, J. Lipkowski, A. Fischer, L. Tuthill, S. Capozzoli. hissing: D. Stafford.

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ABOVE: First Row; left to right; M. Trojan, P. Norcia, J. Crocetta, J. Davis, S. McDonald, E. Lawlor, J. Perez, R. Cavallo, Mr. J. Becerra, C. Greeley. Second Row; left to right; J. Collins, M. Leber, E. Finn, M. Campion, J. Pugh. Third Row; left to right; M. Kelly, A. Petrillo, B. Geisler, C. Adams, M. Jara, M. DeVillava. Fourth Row; left to right; S. Perry, J. Bellia, G. Dionyssiou, M. Page, G. Ramirez, T. Weierman, D. Boland, K. Laca, C. Aumack.

ABOVE: First Row; left to right; Mr. S. Boyan, G. Shah, R. Jaworski, W. Watson, H. Chu, D. Nguyen, V. Que, M. Branchaud, S. Williams, M. Aboukmar, G. Petalas. Second Row; left to right; P. Brezzel, H. Kim, F. Singletary, P. Carroll, D. Wong, R. Martin, J. Roberts. Third Row; left to right; A. Mohammed, K. Wilson, J. Pierre, A. Shibli, H. Xiao.

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fABOVE: First Row; left to right; M. Kelly, M. Zadroga, J. Egan, J, Fong, S. Hannon, L. Luna. Second Row; left to right; J. Sebik, D. Guarino, B. Zabotka, R. Lopez, F. Mavilla, K. Dunn, J. Pedersen, J. Degnan. Third Row; left to right; S. Langon, S. Rawal, M. O’Neill. Fourth Row; left to right; N. McAneny, J. Sander, J. Fesken, IS. Bardzinski. Missing: A. Caesar, E. Manibo, K. Tutunjian.

ABOVE: First Row; left to right; M. Rems, J. McCullough, D. Charowsky, T. Padovano, P. Dumaual, K. Canessa. Second Row; left to right; R. Tanteo, J. Magovem, M. Decastro, G. Holinka, A. Janeira. Third Row; left to right; E. Pierce, J. Lagman, S. Drennan, M. Mabry, G. McLellan. Fourth Row; left to right; J. Lin, R. Acha, K. Riddick, A. Salazar. Fifth Row; left to right; M. Mohlmann, L. Viney, Mr. B. Zawistowski, N. Tocci, A. Dragotti.

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ABOVE: First Row; left to right; R. Kearney, C. Bracco, J. Norrett, G. Scudese, M. Silvesrti. Second Row; left! to right; G. Villacis, M. Ruggieri, D. Ruocco, D. Youmans, G. Urbanowicz. Third Row; left to right; H. Hernandez] R. Sangalang, D. Bonomo, T. Pasculli, Mr. J. DeAngelo, Fourth Row; left to right; E. Jimenez, R. Marino, a ] Ragone. Fifth Row; left to right; C. Keating, E. Blanco, L. Clarke, N. Szubiak. Missing: E. Giblin

ABOVE: First Row; left to right; C. Deisler, D. Podolak, S. Mclnemey, P. Franco, J. Constantino, P. Policarpio Second Row; left to right; J. Miklush, D. Dudzinski, S. Wiley, D. Leontaris, D. Bartoshek, S. Gargiulo, J Sakowski, A. lacocca, X. Salgado, J. Murillo, Mr. R. McGuinness. Third Row; left to right; W. Abd-Rabouh, M Manzo, V. Ciraco, S. Ginty, J. Sanchez, J. Enright, D. Thompson, J. Wemock, J. Gordon.

r o o


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(BOVE: First Row; left to right; C. Dyson, M. Hanley, M. Kirby, T. Lavin, M. Kim, M. Foley. Second Row; left > right; C. Fitzpatrick, D. Crimaldi, F. LoScrudato, D. Page, J. Tumbokon, T. Jakimas. Third Row; left to right; L Koszyk, O. DeGennaro, G. Parziale, K. Cocca, D. McDermott, J. Driscoll. Fourth Row; left to right; G. Lepis, jlrs. P. O’Grady, T. Phillips, M. Benoit, M. Fleming, M. DeMaria. Missing: A. Renelt, M. Genovezos.

VBOVE: Kneeling; P. Healey, J. Titos, V. Dhindhwal. Fist Row; left to right; E. Manlongat, S. Smera, E. Alfaro, r . Hussey, M. Paneggiante, V. Shah, Mr. L. Silvestris. Second Row; left to right; D. Jackman, M. Shin, A. Reyes, V. Bautista, J. Coyle, T. Kelly. Third Row; left to right; A. Nieves, D. Weir, J. Bay, J. Murphy, S. Patel, D. Francis. !ourth Row; left to right; T. McHale, J. Shamburg, M. Ibrahim, D. Palumbo, E. Sawas, G. Madrid, R. Reddy. %sing: W. Christman.

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ABOVE: First Row; left to right; J. McAuley, A. Rosario, A. Sy, S. Boyle, T. Cierzo, J. Lumanog. Second RoJ left to right; J. Soler, F. Barletta, C. Noriega, A. Florio, G. Nadolski, S. Ghosh, Mr. P. Donohue. Third Row; id | to right; D. Greczyio, R. Gomez, J. Lomnicky, D. Esposito. Fourth Row; left to right; M. Emmons, R. Hurd, < Sampers, R. Puleo, M. Scerbo, P. Tizzano. Missing: J. Applegate.

ABOVE: First Row; left to right; D. Ryan, A. Bondarowicz, B. McCabe, R. McAlary, Ms. A. Garcia, J. Quinla j H. Figueras, J. Casia, E. Mendoza,P. Malloy, M. Savage. Second Row; left to right; D. Blasucci, J. Prime,' McCarthy, M. Huha, M. Munoz, R. Flores, S. Rider, P. Fam, G. Carroll, R. Figueras. Third Row; left to right; I Jhaveri, P. Reid, A. Dodd, J. Martinez, A. Suarez, G. Orenda, K. Fossella, D. Cruz, A. Razon. Missing:’ ) \ Nicolaidis, J. Martin, A. Campisi, G. Dhaliwal.

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ftBOVE: First Row; left to right; J. Murray, S. Yeager, I. Floresca, D. Burgers, V. Bonaccolta. Second Row; left eo right; Mr. J. Casey, W. Bartels, F. Trombino, M. Dawoud, M. Cardino, C. Bontigao. Third Row; left to right; t . (Hazewski, R. Glasser, P. Patel, K. Chua. Fourth Row; left to right; M. Ruiz, K. McAuliffe, J. Militello, M. Hogan, r. Algeria.

ABOVE: First Row; left to right; D. Bell, J. Kist, R. Gray, J. Martin, Ms. J. Miller. Second Row; left to right; B. McGee, L. Benn, A. Pandya, M. Albanese, R. Prendergast, D. Polo. Third Row; left to right; T. Boland, C. DeCandia. V. Farese, M. Regenye. Fourth Row; left to right; P. Strandes, B. Kloza, D. Della Fave, G. Lazopoulos, J. Grogan, Missing: C. Briamonte, M. Egan, M. Gomez, L. Hart.


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ABOVE: First Row; left to right; W. Dwyer, R. Bruno, D. Duran, A. Mahdavi, D. Duarte, Second Row; left I right;J. St. Marie, V. Rodriguez, E. Falcis, R. Clark, J. Bowen, R. Mauri, T. Tolino, Third Row; left to right; I Dilley, L. Guzman, M. Conway, V. Valdez, C. Panchana, R. Ferrates. Missing: R. Alvarez, R. Corbett, J Lepo J. Telio.


ABOVE: First Row; left to right; S. Adams, M. Patel, B. Barulich, L. Ramos, A. Choudry, M. Morais. Second Rc left to right; Fr. B. Cregan, J. Crowe, T. Ferrari, C. Fatovic, C. Myers, B. Carrillo, R. Gaddi, D. Murphy. Third R( left to right; R. Macalintal, R. Khan, J. Diaz, E. Valente, F. Guiterrez, J. Cervino, C. DeCeglie. Missing: L. AyeH. Roarty.


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mI| ABOVE: First Row; left to right; M. Marino, K. Adams, B. Gizzi, J. Barnes, C. Perez, F. Schiavone, K. Lawless. I Second Row; left to right; Mr. C. Gilley, M. Skinner, J. Salmon, J. Ruiz, J. Jimenez, R. Legnosky, R. Ortiz, A. [ Lynch. Third Row; left to right; W. Swart, J. Caposello, J. Gers, V. Leon, J. Luna, A. Dimaya. Fourth Row; left I to right; C. Pardo, Lee Dorry, J. Gigante, R. Santoro, M. Cervino. Fifth Row; left to right M. Milic, M. McCabe, T. Connelly, A. deArmas.

ABOVE: First Row; left to right;S. Tsinman, R. Ramsumair, F. Pazminio, E. Black, O. Araos. Mr. C. Links. Second Row; left to right; R. Aldea, R. Aditya, G. Lamantea, S. Brown, J. Rivera, O. Gonzalez, B. Talanczuk, Y. Kwon. Third Row; left to right; R. Cosenza, P. Gannon, W. Hanley, J. Sisco, D. Luipersbeck, P. Evangelista, P. Vacca, A. Zarran. Fourth Row; left to right; A. Ordonez, C. Brattoli, R. Brack, C. Presedo, C. Russo, R. Salmon, J. Hayes, J. Andreula. Missing: S. Lindsay..

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ABOVE: First Row; left to right; C. Sammarco, A. Beaton, M. Jersey, J. Smith. Second Row; left to right; F) Khawaja, D. Gubitosa, P. Szymcyzk, S. Strickland, M. Gonzalez, J. Berezny, R. Aro, R. Gain, I. Caraballo, J Prieto. Third Row; left to right; T. Sinnott, R. Dacey, D. Granelli, R. Dukic, G. Leto, C. Connolly, M. Jimenez, N Akeredolu. Missing: A. DiMeo, M. Sierra, R. Zamarra.

ABOVE: First Row; left to right; S. Khan, E. Pompilio, S. Pierre-Louis, J. Maestre, B. Munoz, S. Bijelic, Ms. K. Pellegrino. Second Row; left to right; D. Rosciszewski, J. Clark, J. Mateo, M. Mangelli, L. Lolo, M. Timones. Third Row; left to right; J. Calderone, J. Barroqueiro, I. Guerra, A. Iglesias, M. Carcamo. Fourth Row; left to right; G. Mercurio, J. Grata, F. Fromfleld, G. Myron, A. Benzija, G. Leitget. Missing: S. Cabrera, M. Struck, R. DeJesus.J


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IVBOVE: First Row; left to right; G. Lertpatanakul, R. Wignarajan, J. O’Donnell, J. Bryant, M. Ruggiero, P. Jordan, S. Bardzell. Second Row; left to right; J. Abergas, A. Rosamilia, S. Chopek, G. Vitale. Third Row; left to right; M. Matias, M. O’Donnell, C. DeAnni, P. Massache, I. Soto, J. Soehngen, A. Danilchick, R. /alente. Fourth Row; left to right; J. Cerullo, H. Ruiz, T. Hoetzl, J. Villanueva, E. Stroud, J. Aslanian, R. Hfobby, G. Navarro, D. Apicella, S. Cervantes. Missing: M. Baseluos, M. O’Donnell, J. Hoetzl.


Page 140: 1990 Petrean


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Adelung, Jeffrey 84 West 9th St. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Alfaro, Carl 10 Jason Rd.Green Brook, NJ


Ali, Fazad 712 John St. Secaucus, NJ 07094

Andres, Erwin 62 E. 7th St.Clifton, NJ 07011

Annillo, Joseph 2018 Bergenline Ave. Union City, NJ 07080

Arcilla, Adrian 4 Gray St.Jersey City, NJ 07302

Arceo, Jonathan 46 Rockaway PI. Parsippany, NJ 07054

Arricale, Richard 40 Bonn PI. Weehawken, NJ 07087

Arrigo, Salvatore 25 West 29th St. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Ashe, Frank 69 Carlton A ve.Jersey City 07306

Baamonde, Jose 76 Logan Ave.Jersey City, NJ 07306

Baker, Charles 283 York St.Jersey City, NJ 07302

Bas, Anton867 Kennedy Blvd.Bayonne, NJ 07002

Bauzon, Mark 691 8th St.Secaucus, NJ 07094

Bijelic, Sam 239 Hudson PI. Cliffside Park, NJ


Blazini, Anthony 117 Charles St.Jersey City, NJ 07307

Boguszewski, Charles 529 Ave. C Bayonne, N.J. 07002

Bonavota, Peter 65 Nichols St.Newark, NJ 07105

Bracewell, Sando 20-A Clendenny Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07302

Brady, James 57 Bell St.Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Brady, Matthew 139 Lake St.Jersey City, NJ 07306

Briones, Pedro 119 75th St.N. Bergen, NJ 07047

Bryant, Andrew 68 Union St.Jersey City, NJ 07304

Bucher, Keith 9 Hetherington Rd. Nutley, NJ 07110

Buno, Joel355 Mercer LoopJersey City, NJ 07302

Burbank, Kevin 37 Church Terr. Belleville, NJ 07109

Caiizo, Joseph 501 Avenue C Bayonne, NJ 07002

Cariaga, Crisan 9 Boyd Ct.Jersey City, NJ 07304

Carr, Raymond 51 E. 14th St.Bayonne, NJ 07002

Carroll, James 107 Paterson St. Jersey City. NJ 07307

Cartano, Jefferson 98 Terhune A ve. Jersey City, NJ 07305

Chaudhry, Haseeb 280 Henderson St.,

Apt. 9A Jersey City, NJ 07302

Chiaravalloti, Nicholas 12 East 3rd St. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Chmiel, Chris 96 Garretson Ave. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Christman, Brian 12 Brunswick Rd. Montclair, NJ 07042

Cirminello, Richard 91 West 38th St. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Constantino, Paul 49 East 31st St. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Cook, Erik2206 Oak Knoll Dr.Tom s River, NJ 08753

Crupi, Salvatore 699 Kearny Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032

Dargan, Joseph 29 Valley Ct.Secaucus, NJ 07094

DeCeglie, Joseph 132 Highland Cr. Rutherford, NJ 07070

Delo, Jason206 Columbia Ave.Jersey City, NJ 07307

DeMichele, Ralph 49 Livingston St. Kearny, NJ 07032

DeMondo, Christopher 347 Grove St.Up. Montclair, NJ


DiFoglio* Joseph 2301 Kerrigan Ave. Union City, NJ 07087

Dimaya, Ariel 183 Summit Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07304

Dudzinski, Steven 26 West 49th St. Bayonnd, NJ 07002

Dunphy, John 111 Linden Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032

Edwards, Andrew1 Bellevue St. Weehawken, NJ 07087

Eisenbach, David 271 West End Rd. South Orange, NJ


Farinola, I. Martin 148 Nesbit St. Weehawken, NJ 07087

Ferrante, Garth 144 Grace St. I Jersey City, NJ 07307

Ferrante, Kenneth2 Marine View Plaza Hoboken, NJ 07030

Ficken, Raymond 33 King A ve. I Weehawken, NJ 07087

Figueras, Arnold 105 Audubon A ve, Jersey City, Nil 07305

Figueroa, Mark 1208 Hudson St. Hoboken. NJ 07030

Fojas, Serge 55 Huber St. | Secaucus, NJ 07094

Francesco, James 1311 84th St. |North Bergen, NJ


Franco, Leonard 105 Sherman PI. Jersey City, NJ 07307

Gaines, Dana 471 Garfield Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07306

Gal, Michael 24 C liff St.Jersey C ity, NJ 07306

Galan, Alexander 209 Willow Ave. Hoboken, NJ 07030

Garner, Michael 12 East Liberty St. Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Geisler, Robert 119 West 14th St. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Geron, Glen 24 College St.Jersey City, NJ 07305

Ghali, Sherif 140 Ndrth St.Bayonne, NJ 07002

Goff, Anthony 248 Prospect A ve. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Gorney, Matthew 24 Stegman PI.Jersey City, NJ 07305

Greeley, Matthew 14 Elifi St.Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Grieshaber, Kevin 65 Lembeck St.Jersey City, NJ 07302

Gronda, Daniel 213 Mountain Ave. Pompton Pis., 07444

Guma, Anthony 5 Holmes St.Jersey City, NJ 07306

Gutierrez, Richard 138 M cAdoo Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07305

Hamilton, Richard 192 Olean Ave.Jersey City, NJ 07306

Hampton, Brian 82 West 9th St. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Hawkes, Timothy 319 Cator Ave.Jersey City, NJ 07305

Hennis, Stephen 22 Arlington PI. Kearny, NJ 07302

Hernandez, David 453d Hudson Ave. Unioh City 07087

Hoffman, William 92 Riverview Dr.Jersey City, NJ 07305

Icklan, Richard 44 West 39th St. Baydnne, NJ 07002

loriq, Charles 66 Garfield Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032

lorio, Michael953 Westminster Ave.Hillside, NJ 07205

Jaworski, Domenic 32 West Ruby Ave. Pali&ades Park, NJ


Jimenez, Hernan 187 Ege Ave.Jer|ey City, NJ 07304

Kaiser, Christopher 63 feast 3rd St. Bayonne, NJ 07002

La Rosa, John 537 Highridge Ave. Cliffside Pk., NJ 07010

Lecbwitch, Matthew 4 Oakdale Rd.Jersey City, NJ 07305


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leshik, John (27 W. 15th St. layonne, NJ 07002

Kim, Johnny p3 First St.Iersey City, NJ 07302

iindemon, Matthew6 Essex St.ersey City, NJ 07302

iui, Michael tO College Dr. iersey City, NJ 07305

iuipersbeck, Michael & Lorraine Dr. ilifton, NJ 07012

oisch, George 178 Neptune A ve. Jersey City, NJ 07305

viacalintal, Radley 39 Jackson PI. Aoonachie, NJ 07074

^aravilla, Michael 18 Saddlewood Ct. Jersey City, NJ 07302

v\argaritonda, Donald 17 Isabella ave. Sayonne, NJ 07002

v\ariniello. Shannon >25 Chestnut St. Ridgefield, NJ 07657

Martin, Christian 121 W. 46 St. iayonne, NJ 07002

Martin, Walter 120 Booream A ve. Jersey City, NJ 07307

tatias, Mitchel 171 Audubon A ve. Iersey City, NJ 07305

foyo , Jose 14 Chopin Ct.Iersey City, NJ 07302

McMullen, Brian >30 Bloomfield St. ioboken, NJ 07030

Mendez, Joseph 85 Lexington Ave. Bayonne, NJ 007002

Mercado, Bernard 837 Montgomery St. Jersey City, NJ 07306

Mercado, Gerard 256 Clendenny Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07304

Mergus, Peter 432 Center St.Fort Lee, NJ 07024

Mielo, John2107 Palisade Ave*Union City, NJ 07087

Milic, Svetislav 208 Valley Brook A ve. Lyndhurst, NJ 07071

Milkiewicz, Raymond 46 Spring Hill Rd. Clifton, NJ 07013 !

Monisera, David 44 Lafayette A ve. j Bast Orange, NJ ; 07017

Montgom ery;{ Christopher

122 W est 11th St. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Mora be, Richard 104 M cAdoo A ve. | Jersey City, NJ 07305

Moy, Kingston 2&2 C. Columbus Dr. Jersey City, NJ 07302

Mulcahy, Paul l|2 W. 34th St. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Nadolski, Kevin 3|5 W est 40th St. | Bayonne, NJ 07002

Napoli, Kevin 7p Winsor PI.Qlen Ridge, NJ 07028

Nestor, Patrick 41 Gautier Ave.Jersey City, NJ 07306

Nippes, Kenneth 38 Godfrey Rd.Upper Montclair, NJ


Norton, Jeffrey 104 Terrace Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07307

O ’Connor, Keith 565 Harvard A ve. Hillside, NJ 07205

O ’Connor, Robert 265 A ve. A Bayonne, NJ 07002

O ’Donnell, Jonathan 1148 Kennedy Blvd. Bayonne, NJ 07002

O ’Donnell, Sean 131 North St. j Jersey City, NJ 07307

O ’Gorman, Michael 123 Beverly Hill Rd. Clifton, NJ 07012

Oyola, Oscar 416 7th St.Union City, NJ 07087

Page, Virgil327 Princeton Ave.Jersey City, NJ 07305

Pasculli, Anthony 712 Jefferson St. Hoboken, NJ 07030

Pawlowski, Brian 174 Bowers St|Jersey City, NJ 07307

Perkins, Christopher 207 71st St. < Guttenberg, NJ 07093

Piatowski, Walter 123 Glen wood Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07306

Pidane, Keith 44 Linden St.Bayonne, NJ 07002

Poppe, Timothy 745 Suburban Rd. Onion, NJ 07083

Prato, Scott313 Stegman Pkwy.Jersey City, NJ 07305

Prusko, Joseph 15 Willow St.Bayonne, NJ 07002

Ramos, Joseph 14 Van Rypen St. Jersey City, NJ 07306

Rashid, Haroon 178 Columbia Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07307

Redondo, Louis 72 College St.Jersey City, NJ 07305

Reed, Joshua 115 Rutgers Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07305

Rivera, Rick |333 Danforth Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07305

Romero, Peter 4300 Park Aye., Apt.

2LWeehawken, NJ 07087

Rusignuolo, Michael 4 Surrey Lanfe Clifton, NJ 07012

Rutkowski, Christopher 183 Terrace |We. Jersey City, NJ 07307

Samlall, Arjune 296 Danforth Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07305

Santiago, Thomas 302 Magnolia Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07306

Scafidi, Joseph 576 Newark Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07306

Scalia, Paul3635 Kennedy Blvd.Jersey City, NJ 07306

Scardigno, Anthony 432 Gregory Ave. Weehawken, NJ 07087

Schroeder, Edward 21 Livingston Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032

Scott, Walter 885 Kennedy Blvd. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Shazad, Arsalan 146 Jewett Ave.Jersey City, NJ 07304

Sheehan, John 135 Prospect Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07307

Sheikh, Majid 8 Westminster Lane Jersey City, NJ 07306

Siddiq, Omar 160 Sycamore Rd. Jersey City, NJ 07305

Slane, Donald 233 Barthojd A ve. Jersey City* NJ 07302

Smith, Colin 118 West 58th St. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Soto, Israel 322 Third St.Jersey Cit^, NJ 07302

Stefano, Michael 19 Country Village Ct. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Strangeway, James 11 Montclair Ave. Clifton, N J 07011

Sugrue, Robert 92 West 3|th St. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Syed, Amer627 Summit Ave., 15GJersey City, NJ 07302

Tavolara, Timothy10 Acorn Rd.Secaucus, NJ 07094

Tedeschi, Joshua 17 Wallis Ave.Jersey City, NJ 07306

Transande, Leonardo69 West 45th St. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Treanor, John 46 McCosh Rd.Gpper Montclair, NJ


Tuason, Alfred70 Bevan St.Jersey City, NJ 07306

Tudek, John 59 Sheridan Ave. Clifton, NJ 07011

Valdellon, Joseph277 A ve. C, #9E New York City, NY


Villanueva, Jeffery 685 Hudson Ave. Secuacus, NJ 07094

Walenty, Robert 133 West 15th St. Bayonne, NJ 07002

Willi, Jean 611 74th St.North Bergen, NJ


Wolfe, John278 Neptune Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07305

Zamarra, Claudio11 Trenton St.Jersey City, NJ 07306

Zieleniewski, Mark 7 Vera PI.Montclair, NJ 07042

Navarez, Joseph 2|31 Van Buf£h St. ijyndhurst;* NJ 07071

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in a c c u m n \

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C Alfaro; Football 1,2,3,4; intramurals Jyj 2,3,4; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Slavic Club 1 2, 3, 4.“i t doesn’t matter whether you win or lose, i t ’s whether you win.” -Donald Trump

£. Andres: Basketball 1, 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Old. 4 Treas.; Intramural] Staff 2; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2,3; Winter HAP; Homeroom Pres. 2,3; Spirit Comm. 4 Exec.; I Petroc 4; Chess Club J. 2 ,3 ,4 Seer.; Sdence Club 2; Mission Drive Comm. 3,4; Paper & 1 Pen 4; T.V, Studio 1; Oriental Club 1, 2,3,4; Science I Gold Medal; Algebra I Silver Medal; 1 Latin 11 Silver Medal.“Prep makes men out o f boys, ”

J, Adelung: Intramurals 1,2,3.4; Baseball I 3; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2, 3; Math Club 2; Ski 1 Club 1; Latin American Sodety 1, 2; Sd- I ence Club 1, 2,3,4; Emmaus Team."Four great years I'U never regret; good I times I won’t forget; too much work a t times I but I won’t fret. Education was the best a t 1 S t Peter’s Prep."

J. Armttlo; Intramurals 1, 2; Italian Club 1; Sdence Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Computer Club 3, 4."Goodbye. A T LAST!"

F. A ll: Gymnastics 1; Dance Comm. 3, 4; Big Brother; HAP."/ raise a toast to a ll o f us who are breaking our backs every day. I f wanting the good life is such a crime then le t them take me away. ” -Poison

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J. Arceo: Intramurals 2; Swimming 2, 3,4; Honor Pin 3.“Some things go in. Some things go out. Next time 'round, I ’l l be a trout. ’’ -Robyn Hitchcock

S. Anigo: Intramurals 1,2,3; Math Club| gb/ am no longer a lad a t the institute. ’’

F. Ashe: Tennis 2 Intramurals 1, 2,3, 4; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2,3; Spirit Comm. 4; Dance Comm. 3, 4; Chess Club 1 2 Vice-Pres, 3, 4 Pres.; Irish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus Team; Stage Crew I 2 Prop Master, 3 Lighting, 4 Prod. Mgr.; German Club 2, 3, 4; German Exchange 3; RPG 1 ,2 ,3 .“Maenner haben’s schwer, nehmen’s leicht aussen hart und innen gam weich. Werden als kind schon aufmann geeicht. ” -Herbert Gronemeyer


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A. Bas: Indoor Track 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Math Club 1; Science Club 2; Com­puter Club 1; Bicycle Club 2, 3, 4; Big Brother Program.“Facts a ll come w ith points o f view . . . facts don’t do what I want them to .” * Talking Heads

S. B ije lic: Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4 Captain; Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4 Captain; N.H.S.; Spmt^Committee 3,4; Science Club 1,2: Slavic Club 1,2,3,4: Weightlifting Club 1,

It Im here and yo u ’re here, doesn’t that make i t our tim e? And certainly there’s nothing wrong w ith having a little feast on our tim e!!’ ’ J e ff Spicoli

J . Baamonde: I ntra murals 1, 2, 3; Science Club 1, 2: Computer Club 1, 2.“ I f you keep looking back, you w ill never achieve your goal in life . ”

M. Bauzon: Cross Country I; Indoor Track 1, 2, 4; Outdoor Track 3; Intra- murals 1, 2, 3; Honor Pin 2; Homeroom Pres. 1; Science Club 4; Oriental Club 1, 2, 3,4; Volleyball Club 3, 4; Big Brother. “ The grabbing hand, grabs a ll they can, everything counts in large am ounts." ■ Depeche Mode

C. Balcer: Gymnastics 1; HAP; Dance Comm. 2, 3.4; Petroc 3,4: Forensics 3.4; Science Club 2; T.V. Studio 3.4; Computer Club 4; Slavic Club X. “ That’s the news and I am outta here. ” -Dennis M iller, SNL

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J. Brady: Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Honor Pin 2; Ski Club 1,2.3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4. “A man's stature is not measured by the length o f h is car but by the size o f his heart."

A . Blazini: Football 1; Indoor Track 3, 4; Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intra­murals 1, 2, 3; HAP; Dance Commit­tee 3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3; Irish Club 1, 2, 3; Mission Drive Committee ( 3 2; Stage Crew 3.“ I t ’s not the rebel that makes the trouble; i t ’s the trouble that makes the rebel.’ ’ James Dean

P. Bonavota: Football 1,2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; NHS; Honor Pin 2, 3; Spirit Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4 Exec.; Sr. Prom Comm.; Italian Club 1, 2; Spirit Award 3; Jr. Prom Comm.; Big Brother Exec.; Weightlifting 1, 2, 3. 4; Italian Gold Medal 2; ACL Silver Medal

m“ A man’s finest m om ent. . . is when he has worked h is heart out fo r a good cause and lies exhausted on the fie ld o f battle — victorious. ” Vince Lombardi


S. Bracewell: Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1, 2. 3, 4; Intramural Staff 1, 2; HAP; Computer Club 1; Ebony 1, 2. 3, 4; Volleyball Club 3.“ Knowledge reigns supreme over nearly everyone!” KRS 1 BDP

C, Boguszewski: Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2. 3, 4; NHS: Honor Pin 2. 3; Spirit Comm. 3. 4 Exec.; Sr. Prom Comm.; Petroc 2, 3, 4 Asst. Editor; Spirit Award 3; Eucharistic Minister; Science Club 1, 2; Emmaus Team; Jr. Prom Comm.; Computer Club 1,2, 3,4; Slavic Club 1,2,3, 4; Big Brother; Algebra I Gold Medal; French I Gold Medal; French II Gold Medal; ACL Silver Medal 1, 2. “ What lies behind us and beyond us are triv ia l m atters when compared to what lies w ithin us.”


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J. Buno; Intramurals 1,3; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2,3; Dance Comm. 1; Dramatics 1, 3, 4; Forensics 2, 3, 4; Oriental Club 2, 4; Volleyball Club 3; Big Brother.“Carpe Diem. ”

K Burbank: Football 1, 2,3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Capt.; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Intra­mural Staff 1, 2, 3; Math Club 1, 2, 3; Ski Club 1, 2,3,4; Irish Club 1, 2,3,4; Science Club 3, 4; Mission Drive Comm. 1; German Club 1, 2, 3,4; Emmaus,“Ich verstehe nicht,"

M. Brady: "It was the thread from which I hung above the abyss I dwell. Taken ju s t like the rest, la te the string and fe ll." One who saw

P. Briones: N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2; Photogra­phy 2,3,4; Petrean 3,4; Science Club 2,3, 4; German Club 2, 3, 4; R.P.G. 2; German Exchange 3 A.A.T.G. German Book Award. / cannot live without books. ” Thomas Jef­


A. Bryant: Cross Countiy 1,3,4 Capt.; Indoor Track 1,2,3, 4 Capt.; OutdoorTrack 1, 2, 3,4 Capt.; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Soccer 2; Intramural Staff 2; H.A.P. 1 2 Dance Comm.1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus Team; T.V. Studio 3; Computer Club 4 Exec. Comm.; Ebony Club 1,2, 3, 4; Big Brother Exec. Comm.“In order to understand where we are going, we must understand where we have been."


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C. Cariaga: Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 2, 3; Dance Comm. 2, 3, 4; French Club 3; Oriental Club 1, 2, 3,4 Secretary; Emmaus 3; Big Brother.“ The hardest moves are hard . . . ”

K. Bucher: Football 1, 2, 3, 4 Captain; Intramurals i, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Staff 3* 4; Homeroom Pres. 4; Spirit Comm. 1, 2, 3; Ski Club 1, 2; Volleyball Club 3; Slavic club 1, 2, 3 Secretary, 4 Vice Pres.; Theater Club 2; Weightlifting Club 1, 2, 3, 4.“ Forsan e t haec olim mem inlsse iuvabit, ”


J. Carroll: Wrestling 1, 2; Indoor Track 3; Outdoor Track 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Eucharistic Minister; Dance Comm. 2, 3; Irish Club 1, 2, 3, 4.“Wait till they get a load o f me. ” Joker

J. Ca/izo: Tennis; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Honor Pin 2,3; Forensics 2; Ski Club 1 Volleyball Club 3; Science Club 1, 2,3 T.V, Studio 1,2; Guitar Club 4; Oriental Club 2, 3; German Club 2,3,4."Forsan e t haec olim mem inisse iuvabit ”

J. Cartano: N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2, 3; Math Club 1, Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Petrean 3, 4; Computer Club 1, 2 ,3,4; Oriental Club i 2, 3,4; German Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Libraiy Club 12,3, 4 Vice Pres.; Silver Medal English I; Gold Medal Latin li; Gold Medal German II; Gold Medal Algebra H/Trig.“Good friends are fo r keeps. ”


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B. Christman: Indoor Track 2,3; Out­door Track 1 2: Intramurals 1 2, 3; NHS; Honor Pin 3; Eucharistic Minis­ter; Science Club 1,2,3; Big Brother. ‘ ‘S low down, you ’re doing fine. You can’t be everything you want to be before your time. ” B illy Joel

P. Constantino: Intramurals 1. 2, 3; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Staff 2; Spirit Committee 4; Petroc 3; Chess Club 2; Ski Club 4; Italian Club 2, 3; Emmaus Team; Big Brother." Today is the firs t day o f the rest o f your life .”


H. Chaudhry: Basketball 1,2,4; Out­door Track 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Intramural Staff 2; Honor Pin 2; HAP; Math club 3; Petroc 2, 4; Science Club 1; T.V. Studio 1, 2, 3, 4; Radio Club 1; Computer Club 1,2,3; Orien­tal Club 1; Volleyball Club 3. 4; Col­lectors’ Club 3.“Forsan e t haec olim meminisse iu- vabit.”

R. Carr: Student Council 2,3; Intramural Staff 1,2; NHS; Honor Pin 2,3; Petroc 2, 3 associate editor. 4 editor in chief; Ski Club 1 2, 3, 4 vice president; Italian Club 3; Irish Club 1, 2; Big Brother ex­ecutive; English 2 Silver Medal. “ What’s a ll the hurry to show yourself when you ’re succeeding as someone else. ” S cott M ille r

N. C hiaravalloti: Outdoor Track 3, 4; Intramurals 1 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2. 3, 4 capt.; Spirit Comm. 2, 3; Forensics 2, 3,4 Capt.; Italian Club 1,2. 3 Exec. 4; Spirit Award 3; Eucharistic Minister: Science Club 1,2,3,4; Junior Prom Comm.; Petrean 2,3,4 Editor; T.V. Studio 1, 2."We can not learn from one another u n til we stop shouting a t one another — u n til we speak qu ie tly enough so tha t our words can be heard as well as our voices.” Richard Nixon


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R. Cirm inello: Indoor Track Is Intramur­als I, 2, 3; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4 Capt.; N.H.S.; Senior Prom Comm.; Dance Comm. 2,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4s Emmaus Team; Mission Drive Comm. 4; Petrean 4; Stage Crew 2, 3, 4; T.V. Studio 1, 2; Computer Club 1,2,3s Big Brother Exec. " I f you can’t laugh a t yourself, who can you laugh a t? ”

C. Chattel Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3s Petroc 1, 2, 3; Italian Club 1, 2. 3, 4; Big Brother.“ Never give up; never slow down; never grow old, never die young.” James Taylor



E. Cook; Outdoor Track 1 2 , 3, 4s Intramurals 1,2, 3, 4; Intramural Staff 2, 3, 4sH.A.P.S Senior Prom Comm.s Dramatics 2; Chess Club 1, 2; Science Club Is T.V. Studio 1 2 3 Vice Pres., 4 Exec.; Computer Club 1,2s German Club 2 .3 ,4s Emmaus 3s German Exchanges RPG 2, 3, 4; Big Brother; Basketball Mgr. 1 "M ost Famous M isconception: Soldiers are no t fo r war, bu t fo r peace.”

J . Dargan: Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4s Hock* ey 1, 2, Capt. 3, 4; Intramural Staff 3; Honor Pin 2; Homeroom Pres. 3, 4s Sen­ior Prom Comm.; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 1,2,3, 4; Science Club 2 ,3 ,4s Emmaus 4s Mission Drive Comm. Is Big Brother Exec.s S.A.D.D." There’s only three people who I admire in th is world more than you, and th a t’s me myself, and I ! ”

S. Crupi: Football 1; Intramurals 1,2, 3* Hockey 4s Homeroom Pres. 3s Ital­ian Club 1, 2, 3, 4s Slavic Club 4.**The snow is through. The m etal is gone. I t is tim e to h it the road." Me- ta llica

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/?. DeMichele: Basketball 2, 3, 4; Intra- murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 2, Chess Club 3, 4; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Club 3, 4; German Club 2,3, 4; Weightlifting Club 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 3.“Improvise, adjust, overcome. ” OSMC

S. Dudzinski: Outdoor Track 3; Intramurals 1, 2; Forensics 2; Chess Chib 3, 4; Science Club 2,4; Paper & Pen 4; Stage Crew 3, 4 T.V. Studio I 3, 4 Exec.; Guitar Club 4 Computer Club 1, 2; Slavic dub 1, 2, 3,4; RPG 1, 2, 3, 4; Rock *N* Roll Club 4; Art Club 4.“Remember, wherever you go, you are al­ways there. ”

J. Delo: Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 2; Petroc 2; SW Club 4; Irish Club 1, 2,3,4; Slavic Club 3,4; National Merit Program.“Life ... is a tale told by an id iot filled with sound and fury signifying nothing." •W, Shakespeare

A. Dimaya: Basketball 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2 ,3,4; Gymnastics 1; Intramural Staff 2,3; HAP; Math Club 1, 2; Ski Club 2; French Club 3; Computer Club 1,2,3; Oriental Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Vice-Pres; Rock ’N’ Roll Club 4; Bicycle Club 1, 2,3.“Forsan et haec olim meminisse iubavit."

J. DeCegUe: Wrestling 4; Outdoor Track 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 3, 4; Student Cncl. 3, 4; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2; Senior Prom Comm.; Dance Comm. 3,4; Petroc 3, 4; Dramatics 3, 4; Photography Club 3, 4; Chess Club 3,4; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Amer. Society 4; Stage Crew 3,4; Modeling Club 3,4; Karate Club 4; Volleyball Club 3,4; Weightlifting Club 1, 2, 3, 4.“Give me a Firm place to stand and I w ill move the earth. ”


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iM . Farinola: Basketball 1, 2; Intramurals1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Staff 1,2,3; Home- room Pres. 1, 2; Spirit Comm. 1, 2; Senior Prom Comm. 4; Petroc I, 2, 3; Ski Club 1, 2.3,4 Secretary; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3, 4 Vice Pres.; French Club 1,2; Latin American Society 4; Computer Club 1,2, 3; Volleyball Club 1, 2, 3; Emmaus 3.“i f I could go back again, somehow, f wouldn’t change a ll that much, knowing what I know now. ” B illy Joe!

C. DeMondo: Indoor Track 2, 3,4; Out­door Track 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 2; T.V. Studio 3; Big Brother 4; Collector’s Club2,3, 4 President; Emmaus 3; Rock ’IH’ Roll Club 4.“Cheeseburger - cheeseburger - cheese­burger. No flies - chips. No Coke - Pepsi. ” John Belushi


A. Edwards: Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4 Captain; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Staff 2,3; Math Club 1, 2; Homeroom Pres. 1; Ski Club 1, 2; Irish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Computer Club 1, 2, 4; Volleyball Club 3, 4; Library Club 4; Emmaus 3.“I f you see someone without a smile, give him one o f yours. ”

D. Eisenbach; Intramurals I 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3 Exec., 4 Pres.; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2, 3; Math Club 3, 4; Homeroom Pres. 1; Forenslcs 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Mission Drive Comm. 3,4; Stage Crew 4; German Club 2,3,4; AATG Finalist 3; ACL Latin Examination 1, 2; Emmaus 3; Commended Merit Scholar.“Wheither we shall meet again I know not. Therefore our everlasting farewell take . . . I f we do meet again, why, we shall smile; i f not, why then this parting was well made. William Shakespeare

J. Dunphy: Football 2 Trainer; Intramu­rals 1,2,3,4; Homeroom Pres. 3; Chess Club 1; CoDector’s Club 2, 3,“ The grass is in the backyard, Dad”


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G.Ferrante: “ Forsan ethaec olim me- minisse iuvab it.”

A . Figueras: Intramurals I 2, 3; Bowl­ing 2, 3: Honor Pin 3; Dance Comm. 3,4; French Club 3; Oriental Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 3, 4; Big Brother 4; Emmaus 3; Library Club 4.“ You’re wondering what to do, now you know this is the end. "

M. Figueroa: Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 2, 3; ForensJcs 4: Italian Club 3, 4; Latin American Society 4; Science Club 4; Slavic Club; ACL Lat­in Exam Silver Medal 1, 2.“ Vida sin amigo, muerte sin testigo. ” (Life w ithout a friend, death w ithout a w itness) George Herbert

J. D i Foglio: Football 2, 3, 4; Intramur­als 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2; Honor Pin 2; Spirit Committee 2; Senior Prom Committee; Forensics 1; Big Brother Program; Emmaus 3; Spirit Award 3; Mission Drive Committee 1,2, executive 3, 4.“ We live a little , we love a little and we learn a lo t."

K. Ferrante: Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball Announcer 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3; Spirit Award 3; Junior Prom Committee 3; Spirit Committee 1, 2, 3, 4 executive: Senior Prom Committee; Irish Club 2, 3, 4; Petrean 2, 3 sports editor, 4; Emmaus 3; Weightlifting 1. 2, 3, 4.“A true champion is one who works h is hardest when no one is looking.” Vince Lombardi

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S. Fojas: NHS; Football 2, 3, 4; Oriental Club 1, 2, 3, 4; treasurer; Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Club 3, 4; Science Club 3, 4: Emmaus 3; Computer Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 3. “Life is too short . . . ju s t like some o f us.”

J Francesco: Football 1, 2, 3, 4; In­tramurals J 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 2; Italian Club 2, 3,4; Irish 2, 3, 4; Slav­ic Club 3, 4.“ Forsan e t haec olim meminisse iu ­va b it ”

R. Ficken: Outdoor Track 2; Intramurais 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 1, 2. 3, 4; Intramural Staff 1.2.3, 4; Modeling Club 4; Volley­ball Club 4; Big Brother.“ The man tha t makes no m istakes makes nothing a t a ll."

D. Gaines: Football 1 Intramurais 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Staff 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom President 2, 4; Computer Club 1. 2, 3, 4; Ebony Club 1. 2, 3. 4 President.“ Forsan et haec olim meminisse iu ­vab it.”

L. Franco: Tennis 1; Student Council 4; Honor Pin 2; Homeroom Pres.; Spirit Comm. 4; Dramatics 2, 3; Forensics 1, 2, 3 chief of staff; Chess Club 1, 2; Spirit Award 3; Science Club 2; Emmaus Team; Mission Drive Comm. 3; German Club 2, 3; Big Brother.“ You gotta do what you gotta do.”

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M. Gal: Intramurals 1,2,3; Swimming 11 2, 3, 4; SW Club 3; Emmaus 3; Slavic Club 1, 2.FORSATi ET HAEC OLW MEMINISSE IOVABIT.”

R. Geisler: Basketball 2; Intramural 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf 1,2,3,4 Capt.; Homeroom Pres. 3;|J Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish I 2,3,4; Science Club t, 2, 3,4; Emmaus Team.“A brother is a better defense than a strong city, and a friend is like the bars o f a castle, Proverbs 18:19


M. Gamer: Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Vice Pres. 4; Irish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 4; Mission Drive Comm. 1, 2; T.V. Studio 1; Guitar Club 2; Computer Club 1, 2, 3; Slavic club 1, 2,3,4."Don’t worry, IT do it tomorrow. ”


<3. Geron: Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2; Dramatics 3,4; Forensics 2,3 Capt. 4; Emmaus 3; Oriental Club 1, 2, 3, j 4; Gold Medal 3 Spanish II.“ To thine own se lf be true." William Shake­speare

A. Galan: Dramatics 3,4; Forensics 2,3, 4; Computer Club 4; German Club 2,3. “Oh! do I have JOG?”

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M. Greeley: Tennis 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 2, 3; Swimming 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Honor Pin 2; Homeroom Pres. 2; Irish Club 1, 2, 3,4; Eucharistic Minister; Emmaus Team; T.V. Studio 1; Big Brother Executive. “Everybody has a dream. This is my dream - my own . . . " B illy Joe!

S. Ghali: Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2, 3; Spirit Committee 3, Executive 4; Irish Club 3, 4; French Club 2,3,4; Science Cub 1,2; Emmaus Team; Big Brother; Weightlift­ing Club 1, 2, 3, 4.“We stoop so low to reach so high. 1112

j M. Gomey: Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball i 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 2; Spirit Committee

Executive 4; Irish Club 2, 3, 4; Emmaus Team; Slavic Club 3,4; Weightlifting Club 1,

I 2, 3,4; Henchman; Big Brother, j “I ’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry

with the saints; the sinners are much more fun.” B illy Joe!

A. Guma: Football 1,2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Italian 1,2; Irish Club 1; Slavic Club X, 2.“Forsan e t haec olim meminesse iuvabit."

A. Goff: Tennis 2 i Captain 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 2; Homeroom Pres. 2; Italiam Club 2, 3, 4; Latin American Society 4; Volleyball Club 3, 4; library Club 4; Big Brother.“Love, peace, harm ony. . . very nice, but maybe in the next world!” The Smiths

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R. Ham ilton: Cross Country 1; Tennis 3, 4; Outdoor Track 1 N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2, 3; Forensics 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Eucharistic Minister; Sci­ence Club 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3, 4.“ Seize the day.”

K. Grieshaber: Wrestling 4; Intramurais I, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2; Senior Prom Committee 4; Dance Committee 2, 3, 4; Petroc 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1. 2; Emmaus 4; Mission Drive Committee 2, 3, 4: Petrean 3; German Club 2, 3.“ Roy Orbison sang about the great my­stery, the only one tha t m atters: love, where there is no solution, only eternal hope. ” Richard Sasson



B. Hampton: Intramurais 1 2 3; Baseball 3; Forensics 1; Irish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Eucharistic Minister; Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; T.V, Studio 3; Com­puter Club 4.“ Success is failure turned inside out. I

R. Gutierrez: Indoor Track 1, 2; Outdoor Track I Intramurais I, 2, 3, 4; Gymnas­tics 1; Dance Comm. 1. 2, 3, 4; Latin American Society 4; Volleyball Club 4; Emmaus 3; Mission Drive Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage Crew 1; Computer Club 1,2, 3; Oriental Club 4; Ebony Club 4.“ I t is better to be silent and to be thought as a foo l than speak and prove them righ t. ”

D. Gronda: Football 1,2, 3; Capt. 4; Wrestling 1 Capt. 2, 3, 4; Intramurais 1,2, 3.4; Student Council 3; Intramural Staff 1 2; Math Club 1, 2; Photography Club 2, 3; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Slavic Club 1,2, 3 Vice-Pres. 4 Pres.; Weightlifting Club 1 2, 3, 4.“ Winning isn ’t a some-of-the-time-thing, i t is an aU-of-the-time-thing." R.H.


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M. lorio: Outdoor Track I: Intramurals1, 2; Emmaus Team; Mission Drive Comm. 3,4; Stage Crew 4; German Club2, 3, 4; RPG 1, 4.“ The great th ing in th is world is not so much where we are, bu t in what direc­tion we are m oving.” O liver Wendall Holmes

S. Hennis: Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Hock­ey 4; NHS; Honor Pin 2,3; Math Club 3, 4; Chess Club 1; Emmaus 3; Ger­man Club 2, 3; RPG; Silver Medal Latin 1; ACL Latin Silver Medal 1, 2; Silver Medal Geometry.“Just do i t ! ’ ’ Hike


T. Hawkes: Football 3,4; Wrestling 2,3, 4 Capt.; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS; Honor Pin 2, 3, Irish Club I, 2, 3, 4; Eucharistic Minister; Science Club 1, 2; Slavic Club 3, 4; Weightlifting 2, 3. 4. "Forsan et haec o lim meminisse iuva- b it.”

D. Hernandez: Intramurals 3; Honor Pin 2; Computer Club 4.“ i f you want i t you ’re gonna bleed, but th a t’s the price you pay.” Guns and Roses

W. Hoffman: Football 1, 2, 3,4; Wrestling 1,2, 3,4; Student Cncl. 2, 3 Exec., 4 Vice Pres.; NHS; Honor Pin 2; Weightlifting i, 2, 3, 4; Big Brother; English 1 Gold Medal; Greek 1 Gold Medal; Italian II Gold Medal; A.P. U.S. History Gold Medal.“Other people see things and say “ why?” But I dream things tha t never were, and I say “ why not? ’’. George Bernard Shaw/JFK


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C. lotio: Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Swim­ming 4 Manager; Ski Club 2; Italian Club 2,3)4; Irish Club 2,3,4; Computer Club 3; Big Brother; Emmaus 3.“You takes a chance with new begin­nings, but still we try, win or lose.” Van Halen

D. Jaworski: Indoor Track 1; Outdoor Track 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Swimming 1,2, 3, 4 Capt; Senior Prom Comm. 4; Petrean 4; Computer Club 4; German Club 2, 3; Volleyball Club 3, 4; R.P.G. 1, 2, 3, 4.“We need 'one day” ’

H. Jimenez: Cross Countiy 3, 4; Out­door Track 2,3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Honor Pin 2, 3; Photography Club 4; Science Club 2, 3, 4.“Punctuality is the virtue o f the bored, ” Eveiyn Waugh

R. Ickian: Football I , Wrestling 2,3; Indoo Track 4; Intramurals 1, 2,3, 4; Baseball 2 3,4; Homeroom Pres 2, 4; Petroc 4; Chesi Club; Ski Club 1,2, 3, 4; Italian Club 2, 3 4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 3,4 Slavic Club 1, 2.“Forsan et haec oiim meminisse iuvabit. ‘

C. Kaiser: Wrestling 1, 2, 4; Intramurals 1 2; Soccer 1; Intramurals Staff 1, 2; Petroc A Ski Club 2, 4; Science Club 1, 2; German Club 1, 2, 4.“A flute with no holes is not a flute, but a doughnut with no hole is a danish. ” Chevy Chas




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J. LaRosa: Indoor Track 2, 3; Outdoor Track 1, 2; Intramurais 2, 3; Honor Pin 2; Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 3.“Talk, i f you must, o f the ones that got away, but not o f the one that didn’t. ”

M. Lecowitch: Tennis 2, 3, 4; Intramu rals 1, 2, 3; Slavic Club 2.“Our hour has yet to come . . . ”


J. Leshik: Intramurais 1, 2, 3, 4; Computer Club 1; Slavic Club 1; Collected s Club 4; Art Club 4.

I “Don't hide what you feel inside. Don’t let I anyone stand in your way. Just le t the music j take you higher. ” Whitesnake

M. Lindemon: Intramurais 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 2; Dramatics 3; Forensics 2, 3; German Club 2, 3; Art dub 4. “That’s a ll folks!”

J. Urn: Intramurais 1,2; Student Council 4; N.H.S. 4; Honor Pin 2,3; Chess Club 4; Science Club 2, 3, 4; Petrean 3; Art Editor 4; Paper & Pen 2, 3, 4; Stage Crew 2, 3, Prop-master 4; Oriental Club 2, 3, 4; Art Club Co-President 2, 3, 4; Silver Medal Science 1; Gold Medal i Geometry; Gold Medal French II.; “You counter despair with hope. You strive forever fo r the best you are capable to be. Therein Jies victory. ”


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M. Lui: Volleyball Club 3, 4; Oriental Club 2; Dance Committee 2, 3, 4: T.V. Studio 3,4; Science Club 2,3,4 Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Slavic Club 2 Ebony Club 4. “ Life is ju s t like a game, so enjoy i t ! ”

R. M acalintal: Indoor Track I 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 3: Chess Club I. Secr./Treas. 2, Vice-Pres. 3, 4; Science Club 3, 4; Emmaus Team; Oriental Club 1 2, 3. 4.“ The world is divided into people who do things and people who get credit. Try, i f you can, to belong to the firs t class. There's fo r less com petition.”


G. Lusch: Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4; Hockey 1 2. 3, 4 Captain; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2, 3; Homeroom President 3; Computer Science Gold Medal. “ Whatever i t takes." -Ken Such

C. M artin: Football 1 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Gymnas­tics 1; Intramural Staff 2; Homeroom Pres. 2; Ski Club 1 2 Sec., 3 Treas., 4 Exec. Coordinator: Italian Club 1,2; Vol­leyball Club 3, 4; Computer Club I 2. “ What lies behind us, and what lies be­fore us, are tiny m atters compared to what lies w ithin us. ” -Emerson


M. Luipersbeck: Intramurals 1,2, 3, 4; Student Cncl. 2 Baseball 3, 4; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2, 3, 4; Math Club 3, 4; Petroc 2, 3, 4 Editor; Forensics 2, 3, 4; Eucharistic Minister; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus Team; Mission Drive Comm. 3,4; German Club 2, 3, 4; German Exchange 2; Latin I Silver Medal; World Civ. Silver Medal; German II Gold Medal; Alg. It/Trig Silver Medal.“ I t doesn’t get any better than th is ."

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W. M artin: Outdoor Track 2, 3: Intramur­als 1. 2; Honor Pin 1 2; Spirit Commit­tee 4; Dance Committee 1 2; Irish Club2. 3; Science Club 1, 2; Emmaus Team 4; Guitar Club 1 2, 3, 4; Big Brother; Jazz Ensemble 4.“My weakness is m y insecurity . . . m y strength is m y determ ination-I ju s t want to keep ge tting be tte r.” — Randy Rhoads

M. M atias: H.A.P.; Dance Comm. 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Club 3, 4; Petrean 2; T.V. Studio 3; Oriental Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 3.“ I ju s t can’t get enough, I ju s t can’t get enough" -Depeche Mode

M. Maravitta: Honor Pin 2; Dance Com­mittee 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1, 2; Com­puter Club 4; Oriental Club 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3.“For every piece o f fa ilure weighed, is success and trium ph pa id .”

D. Margaritonda: Football I. 3, 4; Wrestling 2; Indoor Track 3; Intra­murals 1, 2. 3,4; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2, 3: Italian Club 2, 3; Science Club 2,3; Petrean 3.“ Q uitters never win and winners nev­er quit. ”

I S. M ariniello: Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 2, 3, Capt. 4; Baseball 3, 4;Homeroom Pres. 3; Senior Prom Comm. 4; Eucharistic Minister; Emmaus Team;

j Mission Drive Committee 3,4; Computer Club 3, 4; RPG 1,2.3.4; Volleyball Club 3, | 4; Big Brother.I; “ These are the times to hold on to ’cause we won’t although we’l l want to. • B illy | Joel


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G. Mercado: Computer Club 4; Oriental Club 4; Library Club 4.“Learning is finding out what you already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it . ”

B. Mercado: Intramurals 1, 2; HAP; Chess Club 2; Science Club 1, 2* 3, 4; Radio Club 1; Guitar Club 4; Computer Club 1,2; Rock ’n Roll Club 4; Honorable Mention 2,“f t ’s a long way from the bottom and a short j way from the top. Now that m y ship '5 rotted in, f a in 't gonna stop. *" Taime Downe

J. Mendez: Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Intra­mural Staff 1,2,3; Dance Committee 1, 2,3; Ski Club 1,2,3,4 President; Italian Club 1, 2, 3; Science Club 2, 4; T.V. Studio 2, 3, 4.“People who live in <glass houses shouldn’t throw stones . . . ”

B. McMullen: Football 1*2,3,4; Intramurals 1, 2,3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3,4; Irish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Weightlifting 2, 3.“I t doesn’t m atter i f this a ii shatters, nothing lasts forever. But I ’m praying that we are staying together. ” Depeche Mode

J. Mayo: Wrestling 3 ,4{ Outdoor Track 2; Gymnastics 1; Homeroom Pres, 4; Dance Comm, 2,3,4; Science Club 1,2; Mission Drive Comm. 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 4; Oriental Club 1,2.3,4; Ebony Club 2,4; Modeling Club 4; Volleyball Club 3,4; Rock ’n Roll Club 4; Library Club Ji 2, 3, 4 Pres.; Art Club 4.“ Talent is what you possess; genius is what possesses you.” Malcolm Cowley

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R. Milkiewicz: Intramurais 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 2; Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Computer Club 1, 2, 3; Slavic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; RPG 1, 2, 3, 4; Collector’s Club 3, 4.“Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years butrealize you 're living in ‘ the golden years. ” -Iron Maiden

C. Montgomery: Football 4; Wrestling 1 Intramurais 1, 2, 3. 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3 Homeroom Pres. 3; Spirit Comm. 3, 4 Dance Comm. 1, 2; Ski Club 1, 2; Irish Club 3; Emmaus Team 4; Mission Drive Comm. ]; Paper & Pen 4.“ Waka, waka, waka , . , ” -Fozzie Bear


P. Mergus: Football 1, 2; Indoor Track 1, 2; Outdoor Track 1, 2; Outdoor Track 1; ■: Intramurais 1, 2, 3; Student Cncl. 3 Exec., 4; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2; Dramatics 3, 4; Paper & Pen 2,3,4; T.V. Studio 1,2; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Modeling Club 2,3; Big Brother, Exec; Rock ’N’ Roll Club 4.

: “Early to finish, I was late to start, I m ight be an adult, I ’m a minor a t heart. ” -Minor Threat


S. Milic: Football 1; Intramurais 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4 Capt.; intramural Staff 3, 4; Honor Pin 3; Homeroom Pres. 4; Senior Prom Comm.; Sdence Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Slavic Club 1,2,3,4 Secretary; Big Brother. “Forsan et haec olim meminisse iubavit."

J. Mielo: Tennis 2,3,4; Swimming 2,3; Honor Pin 2; Science Club 1,2; German Club 2, 3, 4.“Unfortunately, a lo t o f idiotic behavior isn’t punishable by law. ” -Tony Assenza

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P Mulcahy: Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Bas­ketball 2, 4; Intramurals 2; Baseball 2,4; Intramural Staff 3; Homeroom Pres. 3; Italian Club 2,3; Irish Club 1. 2, 4, Pres, 3; Slavic Club 2, 3: Ebony Club 2, 3, 4; Rock ’N’ Roll Club 3, 4; Weightlifting Club 2, 3, 4.“ Yes, Paul, you are g rea t"

J. Nadolski: Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Hon­or Pin 2; Homeroom Pres. 3; Spirit Comm. 3, 4; Ski Club 1 4; Science Club I, 2; Slavic Club 1, 2, 3, Treas.; Ebony Club 4; Volleyball Club 3, 4.“ Welt m y feet they fina lly took root in the earth, but I go t me a nice little place in the s ta rs ." Bruce Springsteen


D. Monisera: Football 1; Wrestling 1; Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3; Intramural Staff 3, 4; Homeroom Pres. 2, 3, 4t Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 3; Big Brother Exec; Base­ball Silver Medal.‘7 wouldn’t bet against m e.” Roy Hobbs

K. Moy: Indoor Track 3; Tennis 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Dance Comm, 1,2, 3, 4 Exec.; Emmaus 3; Petrean 3; Computer Club 1, 2; Oriental Club 1, 2,3, 4; Modeling Ciub 3, 4 Exec.; Volley­ball Club 3, 4; Big Brother.“ Do your time, pay your dues, and get outta here."

R. Morabe: Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 2 Mgr.; Honor Pin 2, 3; H.A.P.; Dance Comm. 4; Photography Club 3, 4; Science Club 1, 2; Mission Drive Comm, 3; Petrean 3, 4; Computer Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Oriental Club 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3; Library Club 3, 4 Pres.; Rock ‘N’ Roll Club 4; Big Brother.“ I don't settle fo r less but only the best.”


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P. Nestor: Cross Country 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Baseball 3,4; Homeroom Pres. 4; Irish Club 1,2.3.4; Science Club 2,3, 4; Emmaus Team; Mission Drive Comm. 4; Computer Club 4: Volleyball Club 3? Big Brother 4.“ I don 't th ink i t w ill a ffect his m obility. Electrical storm s m ight be a problem .” Je ff Torborg

K. Nippes: Tennis 1. 2. 3. 4; Capt.; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Coun­cil 2; Intramural Staff 2; Mission Drive Comm. 1 Chairman 2,3, 4; Pe­trean 3.4 Editor in Chief; Big Brother Exec.; SADD. Spirit Award 2; Eucha­ristic Minister“ You’ve go t to cry w ithout weeping, ta lk w ithout speaking: scream with- out raising your voice,” 112

K. Napoli: Wrestling 1.2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2,4; Italian Club 1. 2; Latin American Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Emmaus Team; Petrean 3.“A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He in ­spires the power and energy to get it done. ” Ralph Lauren

J. Norton: Intramurals 1; NHS; Hon­or Pin 2.3; Irish Club 2,3; Petrean 3, 4; Computer Club 1, 3.“ C lim b high, clim b far; your goal the sky, your aim the star. " Hopkins Me* m ortal

|j J. Narvaez: Cross Country 2; Outdoor Track 1,2 Intramurals 1,2,3.4; NHS; Honor I Pin 2,3; Math Club 3,4; Dance Comm. 2.3; Forensics 1,2,3,4; Science Club 1,2,3, | 4; Paper and Pen 4; Stage Crew 2,3; Computer Club 1, 2,3,4; Oriental Club 1.2,3. | : 4; Big Brother; Presidential Scholarship; Spanish I Gold Medal: Biology Gold Medal;

English II Gold Medal; English III Gold Medal.“Men o f few words are the best men. ” Shakespeare

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O. Oyola: Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Gymnas­tics 1; Swimming I, 2, 3, 4; Dance Committee 4; Ski dub 4; Latin Ameri­can Society 4; Science Club 4; Computer Club 4,"Forsan e t haec o lim m em inisse iuvabit "

J. O'Donnell: Student Council 4; Honor Pin 2; Dramatics 3,4; Band 1,2,3,4 Pres.; Ski Club 1,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Mission Drive Comm. 2, 3, 4; Ebony Club 4; Harvard Model Congress 3,4; Jazz Ensemble 2,3,4; Big Brother.“ Wisdom is like the dew that nourishes the tree o f knowledge. ” Sr. FordeOone

S. O’Donnell: RPG 1, 2“Forsan et haec olim m em inisseiuvabit."

K. O'Connor: Chess Club 1; Ebony Club 2, 3,4; Irish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3,4; Stage Crew 4; Outdoor Track 2; Intra­murals 2, 3; RPG 1, 2. 3, 4.“Money never sleeps. This is your wake up call, i t ’s time to go to work. ”

ft. O’Connor: Basketball 1,,2 3,4 Capt.; intramurals 1,2,3,4; Soccer 2,3.4; Gymnastics | j |; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Golf 3,4; Math Club 1,3,4; Homeroom Pres. 1; Senior Prom Comm. 4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Irish Chib 1,2,3,4; Eucharistic Minister; Mission Drive Comm.; Slavic Club 1, 2.“ We made a promise we swore we’d always remember no retreat, no surrender, ” Bruce \ Springstein


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M. O’Gorman: Cross Country 1,3,4; Tennis 3, 4; Soccer 2; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2, 3; gghess Club 4; SW Ciub 1, 2,3, 4;Irish Club 2, 3, 4; Eucharistic Minister; Science Ciub 1, 2, 3, 4; German Ciub 2, 3; Biology Silver Medal.“They said i t couldn’t be done, but some­times it doesn’t always work out that way, ” Casey Stengel

V. Page; Tennis 3, 4; Outdoor Track 2 intramurais 1, 2, 3; Honor Pin 2, 3 Dance Committee 4; Chess Club 1,2,4 Oriental club 3,4.“Let’s get busy!" Arsenio Hall

| C. Perkins: Basketball 2; Outdoor Track 1; E Intramurais 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1, 2; :f T.V. Studio 2.f “Imagination is more important than knowi-

edge.” Albert Einstein

A. Pascuiii: intramurais 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 2,3,4; Honor Pin 2; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4: Irish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1, 2; Volleyball 3.“Wait t ill they get a load o f me. ” The Joker

I B. Pawlowski: Intramurais 1, 2, 3, 4; Math Club 3, 4; Petroc 4; Dramatics 4; Forensics 2, I 3,4; Chess Club 4; Sdence Club 2,4; Emmaus Team; Mission Drive Comm; Paper and Pen; I Computer Club 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3, 4; Collectors Club 4; R.P.G. Club 1, 2.I “ Welcome to where time stands still, no one leaves and no one will. ’’ Metallica

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i. s c o r r p r c j s k o •s c o o t e r -’




J, Ramos: Wrestling 1, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Gymnastics 1; Bowling 1,2 Co-Captain. Captain 3,4; Intramural Staff 3; H.A.P.; Dance Committee1. 2. 3, 4; Chess Club 1, 2; Oriental Club 1, 2, 3. 4 President; Volleyball Club 3, 4. ‘ ‘What w ill be, w ill be”

W. P iatkowski: Football 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; H.A.P.; Science Club 1, 2. 3; Slavic Club 1. 2, 3. 4; Rock ’N’ Roll Club 1, 2, 3. 4; Collec­tor’s Club 2. 3, 4.“Because he was human, because he had goodness, because he was moral, they called him insane,” Rush

J.S. Prusko: Football I, 2, 3, 4 Captain; Outdoor Track 2. 3; Photography Club 1; French Club 2; Slavic Club 1, 4; Weightlifting Club 1, 2, 3. 4.“ To m y friends: I ’l l always be here fo r you, even i f we're oceans apa rt Thanks fo r the memories.”

K. Pidane: Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 2; Intramurals 1,2, 3,4; Honor Pin 2, 3; Science Club 1,2,3,4; Com­puter Club 1; Emmaus.“A peaceful coexistence is dropping out o f s igh t so band together, togeth­er we w ill fight. ’’ O verkill

T, Poppe: Football 1; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Golf 2, 3. 4; Irish Club 2, 3, 4: T.V. Studio 2, 3.“ Hasta Luego! A dios! Take care ev­eryone. ’’

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J. Reed: Indoor Track 4; Outdoor Track 4; intramurals 1.2,3,4; Intramural Staff 3,4; Spirit Committee 4 Executive; Sci­ence Club 3, 4; Computer Club 3, 4; Eb­ony club 1, 2, 3, 4 Vice President. "Greed, fo r lack o f a better word, is good. ” Gordon Gekko: Wall S treet

S. Prato: Collectors’ Club 2, 3, 4; Computer Club 4.“M y name is A lex Keaton.”

L. Redondo: Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Bowl­ing 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS; Honor Pin 3; HAP; Dance Committee 3, 4; Chess Club I, 2, 3; Science Club 4; Computer Club 2; Ori­ental Club 1 2 ,3,4; Volleyball Club 3,4. “ I t ’s not the size o f the wave, bu t the m otion o f the ocean. ”

R. Rivera: Intramurals 1, 2, 3; HAP: Chess Club 1; Latin American Soci­ety 2; Computer Club 4; Collectors’ Club 2, 3, 4 vice president. “ Success is the key to success!”

H. Rashid: Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS; Honor Pin 2, 3; Dance Comm. 3, 4; Science Club 2, 3,4; Petrean 3,4 Senior Editor; T.V. Studio 1.2,3 Exec. 4; Computer Club 1 2, 3, 4; Oriental Club 4; Volleyball Club 4; RPQ 1, 2, 3, 4.“A sound m ind in a sound body is the perfection o f human b liss .” Epictitus

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A. Sam/all: Tennis 3,4; Intramurals 1,2, 3, 4; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2, 3; HAP; Petroc 2; Emmaus 3: Paper & Pen 4;l.V . Studio 3; Library Club 4; Big Brother."A teacher affects eternity; he can never te ll where his influence stops. '' Heniy Adam

fll. Rusignuolo: Cross Country 1,2,3; Intra­murals 2. 3; Honor Pin 2. 3; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Paper & Pen 4; Computer Club 4; RPG 1 2, 3, 4 Seer.; Silver Medal English JH,“When everything is said and done, there is always a lo t more said than done. ” Alfred E. Newman

P. Romero: Cross Country 1, 2; Outdoor Track I 2; Intramurals 1,2, 3,4; Student Cnd. 3,4; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2; Math Club 1,2, 3,4; Homeroom Pres. 2; Senior Prom Comm.; Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Treas.; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 3. 4; Latin American Society 1, 2, 3, 4 President; Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Petrean 3; Volleyball Club 3; S.A.D.D.; Big Brother Exec.; Emmaus 3.,Sometimes the only way out is a risky business."

T. Santiago: Football 1; Indoor Track 2; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2, 3,4; Student Cncl. 3,4; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2; Spirit Comm. 4 Exec.: Senior Prom Comm; Forensics 2,3, 4; Emmaus Team; Ebony Club 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3, 4, “Best o f fortune be with you, friends. And may the blessings ever be yours. ”

C. Rutkowski: Honor Pin 2: Science Club 1, 2, 3,4; Radio Club 1; Computer Club 4; Slavic Club 1,4; German Club 4; RPG 3,4; Libraiy Club 4 “ Venj, vidi, vici. ” Julius Caesar


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W. Scott: Basketball 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2,3,4; Intramural Staff 2,3;

■ Honor Pin 2, 3; Petroc 3, 4; Ski Club I, 2, 3,4; Treasurer 3,4; Irish Club 1,2,3,4; Big

iBrother; Computer Club 1; Slavic Club 1. f"S it CIBU S i t . . . . good dog. ”

J. Scafidi: Football 1; Basketball 1,2,3, 4 Captain; Intramurals 1, 2, 3.“Nice guys may finish last, but a t least they finish. ”

P. Scalia: Wrestling 1, 2; Outdoor Track 3; [Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 2; Dance Committee 1; Italian Club 1, 2, 3. i “AH, Piason, what's the difference?”

A. Scardigno: H.A.P. 3, 4; Dance Com­mittee 4; Ski Club 3,4; Italian Club 3,4; Science Club 3; Computer Club 3, 4. “Upon us a ll a little rain must fall. ” Led Zeppelin


E. Schroeder: Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Student Cncl. 2; Honor Pin 2; [Homeroom Pres. 1; Spirit Comm. 1; Italian Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Irish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball i Club 3; Mission Drive Comm. 1; Slavic Club 1, 2, 3,4; German Club 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting : Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Big Brother Executive.[ "Freedom, when not attached to fam ily or community, is pretty useless. ” Bruce Springsteen


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O. Siddig: Intramurais 1, 2, 3: Honor Pin 2, 3; Science Club 3, 4; T.V. Stu­dio 3, 4; Computer Club I 2; Oriental Club 4.“Hard work always pays off. ”

D. Slane: Football I. Wrestling 3, 4; In­tramurais 1. 2, 3; Baseball 1, 3; Home­room President I, 2; Irish Club 2, 3, 4; Mission Drive Committee 1, 2, 3. “ You’re only young once bu t you can be immature forever."

J. Sheehan: “ Forsan et haec olim me- minise Iuvab it."

M. Sheikh: Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; T.V. Studio 1, 2, 3, 4; Computer Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Club 1, 2.“Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuva­b it.”

A. Shahzad: Intramurais 1, 2. 3; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2, 3; Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1, 2; T.V. Studio 1, 2, 3, 4; Computer Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Big Brother; Chemistry Silver Medal; A.P. History Silver Medal.“ Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash ." George Patton

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J. Strangeway: Intramurais 1, 2, 3, 4; N.H.S.; Honor Pin 2, 3; Homeroom Pres. 3, 4; Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Vice-Pres.; Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Computer ClubI. 2, 3, 4; R.P.G. 1. 2, 3. 4 Vice-Pres.; German Exchange; Chemistry Silver Medal.“ The dawn o f our lives is over, the day is beginning. Let us live our lives to the fu llest u n til the tw ilig h t.”

I. Soto: Basketball Manager 1, 2, 3, 4: Intramurais 1; Soccer Manager 3, 4; Gymnastics 1; H.A.P.: Dance Comm. 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Mission Drive Comm. 1,2, 4; Stage Band 3,4. “ Forsan et haec olim meminisse iu ­vab it.”

C. Sm ith: Outdoor Track 1; Gymnastics ll Honor Pin 2; Dance Committee 3, 4; Dramatics 3,4; Italian Club 2; Petrean 3, 4; Paper and Pen 2, 3, 4; Stage Crew 3, 4; Guitar Club 4; Art Club President 2, 3, 4; Latin 1 Gold Medal."Forsan e t haec olim meminisse iuva­b it.”

R. Sugrue: Intramurais 1, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 1, 2; Irish Club 1. 2, 3, 4: Sci­ence Club 4; T.V. Studio 1, 2. “ Forsan et haec olim meminisse iu ­vabit.”

M, Stefano: Intramurais 1, 2. 3. 4; Soccer 1, 2; Intramurais 1, 2. 3, 4; Dance Comm. 1 2, 3, 4 Exec.; Petroc 2; Dramatics 2; Photography Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 1, 2; Italian Club 1,2, 3, 4; Petrean 1, 2, 3, 4; T.V. Studio 4; R.P.G. 1. 2, 3, 4; Big Brother. “ Life is like a ro lle r coaster, i t ’s fu ll o f ups and downs. ”

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L, Trasande: Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS, Honor Pin 2,3; Math Club 3.4; Homeroom Vice Pres. 4? Forensics 2,3,4; Science Club| 4; Computer Club 1, 4; Slavic Club 1; Ger­man Club 2, 3, 4; RPG 4; Emmaus 3 German Exchange 3; Silver Medal Geome­try; National Hispanic Scholar Awards Pro­gram Semi-finalist; National Science Merit

‘ Awifir.“Life is a series o f hellos and goodbyes, I ’m afraid i t ’s time to say goodbye again." B illy

’'3o& ■

T. Tavolara: Hockey Ii 4; Honor Pin 2, 3; Dance Committee 1, 2, 3; Chess Club Ij Science Club 2, 3; Paper and Pen 3;; 4; Guitar Club 4; German Chib 2,3,4; Rock w ROD Club 4.“One can only s it around and drink so much herbal tea in C0fes before one begins to feel like a butter knife. ” Unknown

J. Treanor: Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 1, 2,4; Intramurals 3, 4; Irish Club 4; Science Club 2, 3,4; Com­puter Club 3, 4; Slavic Club 1, 2, 4; Collector’s Club 2, 3, 4; Emmaus 3. “ The further behind you fall, the more time you have to make it up. ”

A. Syed: Indoor Track 2; Outdoor Track 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Pin 2,3; Dance Committee 3; Photography Club 1; T.V. Studio 1,2,3,4; Computer Club 1, 2, 3.“Perserverence commands success.

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r. Tedeschi: Indoor Track 1, 2; Outdoor Track 1, 2; Intramurais 1 ,2 ,3 , 4; Gymnastics 1; tock-N-Roil Club 4 Pres.; H.A.P.; Italian Club 2, 3; Computer Club 1, 2, 3; Modeling Ciub

1(Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit. ”

I/. Tudek: Intramurais 1,2,3; Chess Club 1, S. 3,4; Slavic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club

3; R.P.G. J, 2, 3, 4 Pres.; Art Club 4; Science Club 4.[Yahoo! We’re a ll dear kid. Now le t’s blow p i place and go home!’’ Han Solo

A, Tuasom Intramural 2,3,4; Gymnas­tics 2; Volleyball Club 3; Oriental Club 2,3,4."You always forget what is most impor­ta n t"

I Villanueva: Outdoor Track 1; Senior Prom Comm. 4; Band 2, 3, 4, Vice Pres.; Science Club 3, 4; Slavic Club 3, 4; R.P.G. I; Big Brother; Jazz Ensemble 4. u f you expect less o f people i t makes the tood things better, and the bad things easier jo take. ” Josh Tedeschi

J. Valdellon: Intramurais 3; Dance Com­mittee 3, 4; Science Club 4; Stage Crew 4; Oriental Ciub 3, 4; Volleyball 3, 4 Library Club 3, 4.“I raised my grade 10 points by partici­pating in class. ”

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M. Zieleniewski: Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Swimming 2, 3, 4 Captain; N.H.S., Honor Pin 1, 2, 3; Eucharistic Minister; Emmaus Team; Slavic Club 1,2.■‘You know that where there's a will, there’s a way. Cantcha say you believe in me?” Boston

J. WHM: Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Honor Pin 3; Stage Crew 2,3,4 Production Manager.“Talk o f the devil and his homs ap­pear. ” Samuel Coleridge

R. Waienty: Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Soccer 1, 2,3,4 Captain; Golf 3,4; Ski Club 1 2,3,4 Captain; Italian Club 3,4; Mission Drive Committee 3; T.V. Studio 2,3,4. “ Forsan e t haec offm m em inisse iuvabit.”

J. Wolfe; Football 1,2,3,4; Intramu­rals 1,2 3,4; Baseball 2,3,4; Honor Pin 1,2; Irish Club 2,3; German Club 2,-;3,/.' ,“ You only get to do it once, so do it rig h t”

C. Zamarra: Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Soccer 3,4; Intramural Staff 2; Homeroom Pres. 3; Italian Club 1, 2,3,4; Irish Club 3; Latin American Society 3,4; Science Club 2, 3; Mission Drive Committee 1, 2; Big Brother.“Swing batter, batter, batter sa—wing batter. ” Cameron

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Adelung. J. 144. 45 Alfaro. C. 144. 108 Ali. F. 144Andres. E. 144. 34. 37. 38. 45. 83.110. 68 Annillo, J. 144 Arceo. J. 145, 112 Arcilla. A. 145 Arricale. R. 145 Arrigo. S. 145 Ashe. F. 145. 38. 56. 55 Baamonde. J. 146 Balcer. C. 46. 47. 57 Bas. A. 146 Bauzon. M. 146. 67 Bijelic. S. 146. 38. 45. 110 Blazini. A. 147. 179 Boguszewski. C. 147. 38. 45. 52. 68.69. 109Bonavota. P. 147. 36. 38. 45. 58.108. 179 Bracewell. S. 147 Brady. J. 147 Brady. M. 147 Briones. P. 148, 71Bryant. A. 148. 36. 75. 103. 108. 110Bucher. K. 149. 108, 80Buno, J. 148, 45. 47Burbank, K. 148, 108, 179Calizo, J. 149Cariaga. C. 149, 57, 66Carr. R. 150. 36. 45Carroll, J. 149Cartano. J. 149. 45. 58. 65Chaudhry. H. 150, 57, 58Chiaravolloti, N. 180, 47, 77. 71. 109Chmiel, C. 181. 179Christman, B. 180, 45, 179Cirminello, R. 151, 36, 77, 71, 109Constantino. P. 151Cook. E. 151, 57Crupi. S. 151Dargan, J. 151. 36, 93, 112DeCeglie, J. 152. 34. 45. 110Delo, J. 152, 108DeMichele, R. 152. 83. 110DeMondo, C. 153DiFoglio. J. 154, 37, 108Dimaya, A. 152, 66Dudzinski. S. 152. 57Dunphy. J. 153Edwards. A. 153, 111, 99Eisenbach, D. 153, 34, 45, 47Farinola, M. 153Ferrante, G. 154Ferrante, K. 154, 38, 552, 108Ficken, R. 155Figueras, A. 154Figueroa, M. 154Fojas, S. 155, 45, 66, 108Franceso, J. 55, 108, 80Franco, L. 155, 34. 36, 38, 151, 179Gaines, D. 155, 66, 79, 69Gal. M. 156, 112Galan. A. 156, 47, 51Garner, M. 156. 96. 120, 110, 109Geisler, R. 156. 179Geron, G. 156. 45, 46. 47Ghali. S. 157, 38, 45Goff, A. 157. Ill, 76, 77, 109Gorney, M. 157, 36, 86, 87Greeley. M. 157. 36. 86. 87. 112Grieshaber. K. 158. 45Gronda. D. 158, 108, 179, 80Guma, A. 154. 108, 113, 179, 111,80Gutierrez, R. 158. 37 Hamilton, R. 158, 45, 111 Hampton, B. 158, 53 Hawkes, T. 159, 45, 108. 110 Hennis, S. 159, 45 Hernandez, D. 159 Hoffman. W. 59, 34, 45, 108 Icklan, R. 160. 179 lorio, C. 160 lorio, M. 159, 53Jaworski, D. 160. 86, 87, 179, 112 Jimenez, H. 160 Kaiser, C. 160, 179 La Rosa. J. 161

Lecowitch. M. 161 Leshik. J. 161 Lim. J. 161. 34. 45. 56. 70 Lindemon. M. 161 Lui. M. 162. 57. 65 Luipersbeck. M. 162. 136, 47. 68. 69 Lusch. G. 162. 45. 93. 112 Macalintal. R. 162. 55 Marvilla, M. 163 Margaritonda. D. 163. 45. 108 Marinello. S. 163. 86. 112 Martin. C. 108 Martin, W. 163, 38. 179 Matias. M. 163 Mayo, J. 164, 37. 65 McMullen. B. 164. 108 Mendez. J. 164 Mercado. B. 164. 54 Mergus. P. 65. 34. 36. 51 Mielo. J. 165 Milic. S. 165. 93. 112 Milkiewicz. R. 165 Monisera. D. 164. 36, 179, 111 Montgomery, C. 165, 108, 179, 109 Morabe. R. 65. 166 Moy. K. 166, 39, 111. 64 Mulcahy, P. 166. 108. 79. 81 Nadolski. J. 166 Napoli. K. 167 Narvaez. J. 167. 45 Nestor. P. 167. 65 Nippes. K. 167. 36. 45. 53. 98. 99,

111,71 Norton. J. 167. 45 O’Connor. K. 168 O’Connor. R. 168. 179, 109 O'Donnell. J. 168, 34, 49 O'Donnell. S. 168 O’Gorman, M. 55. 169 Oyola. O. 168. 112 Page. V. 169. Ill Pasculli. A. 112. 169. 93 Pawlowski. B. 169. 47. 67. 68. 69 Perkins. C. 169. 38 Piatowski, W. 170 Pidane, K. 170 Poppe, T. 170 Prato, S. 171Prusko, S. 170, 108, 179, 80 Ramos, J. 170, 66, 90, 91 Rashid. H. 171. 45, 57. 70, 71 Redondo. L. 171. 45 Reed. J. 171. 38. 52. 66, 179 Rivera. R. 171Romero. P. 172. 34. 36, 45, 66, 179 Rusignuolo. M. 172, 58, 67 Rutowski, C. 172 Samlall, A. 172, 45, 111 Santiago, T. 172, 34, 38, 47, 53 Scafidi, J. 173, 83, 110 Scalia, P. 173 Scardigno, A. 173 Schroeder, E. 173, 36, 80. 81 Scott. W. 173Shazhad. A. 174, 45, 58, 71, 55Sheehen, J. 74, 75, 108, 74, 110Sheikh. M. 174Siddig. O. 174Slane, D. 174Smith. C. 175. 56. 67Soto. I. 175Stefano, M. 175, 179Strangeway, J. 175. 45. 58. 55Sugrue, R. 175Syed. A. 176Tavolara, T. 176. 112Tedeschi. J. 177. 179Trasande. L. 176, 45, 47Treanor, J. 176, 179Tuason, A. 177Tudek, J. 177, 55Valdellon. J. 177Villanueva. 177. 49Walenty. R. 178, 179, 77, 109Willi J. 178, 56Wolfe. J. 178, 108, 111Zamarra, C. 178, 109Zieleniewski. M. 178. 45, 86, 112

JUNIORSAbergas, J. 137Adams, K. 110, 111, 112, 133Adams. S. 112, 134Aditya. R. 56. 58, 67, 136Akeredolu, N. 47, 65, 96, 110, 136

Albanese. M. 67. 133 Aldea. R. 91. 109. 133 Alvarez, R. 70. 134 Andreula, J. 112. 135 Araos. O. 135 Aro. R. 136Ayala. L. 39. 70. 71. 134Bardzell. S. 51. 137Barnes. J. 34. 39. 66. 135Barroqueiro. J. 108. 136Barulich. 65. 66. 112. 134Baseluos. M. 137Beaton. A. 136Bell. D. 133Benn. L. 133Benzija. A. 108. 136Berenzy. J. 64. 136Bijelic. S. 72. 75. 103. 110. 108. 136Black. E. 47. 135Boland, T. 56. 133Bowen, J. 134Brack, R. 112, 135Brattoli, C. 112. 135Briamonte. C. 110. 133Brown. S. 112. 135Bruno, R. 46, 134Bryant, J. 87, 112, 134Cabrera. S. 108. 136Calderone. J. 136Caposello, J. 135Caraballo. 1. 136Carcamo. M. 112, 136Carillo. B. 34. 53. 134Cerullo, J. 137Cervino, J. 56, 134Cervino, M. 135Choudry, A. 134Clark. J. 136Clark, R. 134Connelly, T. 66, 99, 111, 135 Connolly, C. 136 Conway, M. 108, 134 Corbett. R. 112, 134 Consenza, R. 110. 112, 135 Crowe, J. 64, 134 Dacey. R. 64, 136 Danilchick, A. 82. 110. 111. 137 deArmas. A. 66, 112, 122, 135 DeCandia. C. 66, 112, 133 DeCeglie. C. 134 DeJesus, R. 136Della Fave, D. 108, 111, 133, 179Diaz. J. 57, 122. 137Dilley, M. 112. 133Dimaya. A. 134DiMeo. A. 136Dorry. L. 110. 135Duarte. D. 57. 134Dukic. R. 136Duran. D. 134Dwyer. W. 34, 52, 105, 110, 111,115, 134 Egan. M. 34, 68, 110, 133 Evangelista, P. 112, 135 Falcis, E. 134 Fatovic, C. 66, 134 Ferrales, R. 134 Ferrari, T. 134 Fromfield, F. 112, 136 Gaddi. R. 34. 53, 134 Gain, R. 136 Gannon. P. 93, 112, 135 Gers, J. 135 Gigante. J. 108. 135 Gizzi, B. 135 Gomez, M. 34, 122, 133 Gonzalez, M. 136 Gonzalez, O. 108, 135 Granelli, D. 112, 136 Grato, J. 136 Gray. R. 47, 51, 133 Grogan, J. 133 Gubitosi, D. 13 Guerra, I. 57. 58, 136 Gutierrez, F. 46, 47, 51, 134 Guzman, L. 134 Hanley. W. 135 Hart. L. 34, 112, 133 Hayes, J. 134 Hoetzl, T. 47, 137 Iglesias, A. 61, 64. 136 Jersey. M. 136 Jiminez, J. 135 Jiminez. M. 136 Khan, R. 34, 134 Khan, S. 53, 136 Khawaja, F. 136 Kist. J. 133

Kloza. B. 47. 110. 133Kwon. Y. 135Lamantea. G. 66. 135Lawless. K. 135Lazopoulos. G. 133Legnosky. R. 64. 135Lietgeb. C. 65. 136Leon. V. 135Lepore, J. 134Leto. G. 136Lindsay. S. 135Lolo, L. 43. 136Luipersbeck. D. 47, 135Luna, J. 64, 135Lynch. A. 135Macalintal. R. 134, 34Maestre, J. 136, 64Mahdavi, A. 134. 47. 67Mangelli. N. 136. 56Marino, M. 135Martin, J. 133, 66, 65, 64Mauri, R. 109. 134. 91McCabe. M. 135. 108. 120McGee. B. 133Mercurio. G. 136Milic. M. 135Morais. M. 134. 108Morcilio, A. 109, 136, 91, 108Munoz, B. 61, 136, 110Murphy. H. 134. 47. 51. 99Myers. C. 134. 47Myron. G. 136O'Donnell, M. 137, 108Ordonez. H. 135, 39. 54Ortiz. F. 165Panchana, C. 134Pandya, A. 133Pardo, C. 135Patel, M. 134, 56Pazminio, F. 112, 135, 86Pedone, M. 134Perez. C. 135. 122Polo. D. 133Pompilio, E. 136, 120, 110 Prendergast. R. 133. 46. 47 Presedo. C. 135, 103 Prieto, J. 136 Ramos, L. 134 Ramsumair, R. 135 Regenye, M. 133 Rivera. J. 135. 108 Roarty, H. 134. 70. 71 Rodriguez, V. 134 Rosamilia, A. 137 Rosciszewski, D. 136, 67 Ruiz. H. 135 Ruiz. J. 135Russo. C. 135, 75, 102, 108, 122 Salmon, J. 135, 75, 103, 108, 122,


Salmon, R. 135, 110Sammarco. C. 136Santoro. R. 135. 108Schiavone, F. 135, 164Sierra, M. 136, 84, 110Sinnott, T. 136Sisco, J. 135Skinner, M. 135, 120Smith. J. 136, 64St. Marie, J. 134, 108Strandes, P. 133. 108Strickland, S. 136Stroud. E. 137Struk. M. 136, 56, 59Swart, W. 135Swineford. J. 136, 122, 112Szymczyk, P. 136, 87, 86, 85, 112Talanczuk, B. 135, 109Tello, J. 134Timones, M. 136Tolino, T. 134Tsinman, S. 135Vacca. P. 135, 42Valdez, V. 134Valente, E. 134, 53, 72Vitale. G. 137, 64Wignarajan, R. 137Zamarra. R. 136Zarran, A. 135

SOPHSAbd-Rabouh, W. 130 Achra, R. 129, 55 Algegria, F. 133 Alfaro, E. 131, 67, 71

Aplegate, J. 132. 108Aslanian. J. 137. 66. 108Bardzinski. S. 129Barletta. F. 132Bartels. W. 133Bartoshek. D. 130Bautista. A. 131. 110Bay. J. 131. 46. 51. 67Benoit. M. 131. 108. 110Blanco. E. 130. 46. 122Blasucci. D. 132. 108Bonacchita. V. 153Bondarawic. A. 132, 57Bonomo. D. 130Bontigao, C. 133, 108Boyle. S. 132Bracco, C. 130Burgers. D. 133Caesar. A. 129Campisi. A. 132Canessa. K. 129Cardino. M. 133Carrol. G. 132Casia. J. 132Charowski, D. 129, 110Chopek, S. 133Christman. W. 131Chua. K. 133Cierzo. II, T. 132Ciraco, V. 130, 108Clarke, L. 130, 117Cocca, K. 131Costantino. J. 130Coyle. J. 131. 34, 67, 70, 122Crimaldo, D. 131Cruz, D. 132Dawoud, M. 133Decastro, M. 129DeGennaro, O. 131, 34, 86, 112Degnan, J. 129Deisler. C. 130DeMaria, M. 131Dhaliwal. G. 132Dhindhwal, V. 131, 34, 55Dodd. A. 132, 120Dragotti, A. 129Drennan. S. 129, 117, 115Driscoll, J. 131Dudzinski, D. 130, 120Dumual, P. 129. 110Dunn. K. 129Dyson, C. 131Egan, J. 129Emmons, M. 132Enright, J. 130, 87Esposito. D. 132Fam, P. 132Fesken, J. 129Figueras. H. 132, 57, 58, 71Figueras. R. 132Fitpatrick, C. 131Flemming, M. 131, 108Flores, R. 132Floresca, I. 133Florio, A. 132Foley, M. 131Fong, J. 129Fossella, J. 132Francis, D. 131, 111Franco, P. 130Gargiulo, S. 130Genovezos, M. 131Ghosh, S. 132Giblin, E. 130Ginty. S. 130Glasser. R. 133Glaszewski, C. 133Gomez. R. 132, 108Gordon. J. 130, 110Greczylo, D. 132Guarino, D. 129Hanley. M. 131, 108Hannon, S. 129Healey. P. 131. 117, 109Hernandez. H. 130, 146Hoetzl, J. 131, 56, 120Hogan, M. 133Holinka. G. 129Huha, M. 132Hurd. R. 132, 108, 117Hussey. T. 131. 122lacocca, A. 130, 109Ibrahim, M. 131, 68Jackman. D. 131, 34, 122, 111, 171Jakimas, T. 131Janeira, A. 129Jhaveri, K. 132, 108Jimenez, E. 130, 177


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Kearney. R. 130. 99 Keating. C. 130 Kelly, M. 129. 86. 112 Kelly- T- ,31’ 108, 1,7 M. 131. 122 Kirby. M. 131. 108 Koszyk, F. 131, 110 Lagman, J. 129. 108 Langon. S. 129, 57 Lavin. T. 131 L eontaris, D. 130, 46 Lepis, G. 131. 186, 112 Lomnicky. J. 132 Lopez. R. 129 LoScrudato, F. 131, 66 Lumanog, J. 132, 57, 71 Luna, L. 129, 120 Mabry. M. 129Madrid. G. 131. 39, 99, 122, 111 Magovern, J. 129, 58 Malloy, P. 132 Manibo, E. 129 Manlongat, E. 131, 110 Manzo. M. 130 Marino. R. 130 Martin, J. 132, 71 'Martinez, J. 132 Mavilla, F. 129 McAlary, R. 132 McAneny, N. 129 McAuiey, J. 132 |ltcAuliffe, K. 133 McCabe. B. 132, 115 McCarthy, T. 132, 115 McCullough. J. 129 McDermott, B. 131 McHale. T. 131, 108 Mclnerney, S. 130 McClellan. G. 129 Mendoza. E. 132 Miklush, J. 130 iMilitello, J. 133, 108 Mohlmann, M. 129 Munoz, M. 132, 34, 108 Murillo. J. 130, 108 Murphy, J. 131 Murray. J. 133 Nadolski, G. 132 Navarro, G. 137 Nicolaidis, A. 132 Nieves. A. 131. 108 Noreiga, L. 132. 46 Norrett. J. 130 O'Donnell. M. 137. 116 O'Neill. M. 129, 110, 112 Orencia, G. 132 Padovano, T. 129, 108, 120 Page, D. 131 Palumbo. D. 131, 108 Paneggiante, M. 131 Parziale, G. 131 Pasculli, T. 130 Patel, P. 133 Patel, S. 131 Pedersen, J. 129 Phillips. T. 131, 108 Pierce, E. 129 Podolak, D. 130. 91, 109 Policarpio, P. 130, 117 Prime, J. 132 Puleo, R. 132, 108 Quinlan, J. 132 Ragone, A. 130, 110, 115 Rawal. S. 129 Razon, A. 132 Reddy. R. 131, 117, 111 Reid, P. 132 Reddy. R. 131, 117, 111 Reid. P. 132 Rems, M. 129 Renelt. A. 131, 115 Reyes. A. 131, 46 Riddick. K. 129 Rider, S. 132 Rivera, S. 132 Rosario, A. 132 Ruggieri, M. 130 Ruggiero, M. 131 Ruiz, M. 133 Ruocco. D. 130, 86, 112 Ryan. D. 132, 122 Sakowski, J. 130, 108, 117 Salazar. A. 129. 108 Salgado. X. 130 Sampers, C. 132, 108 Sanchez, J. 130 Sander, J. 129, 75 Sangalang, R. 130

Savage. M. 132, 46 Savvas, E. 131, 46, 117 Scerbo, M. 132 Scudese, G. 130 Sebik, J. 129 Shah, V. 131 Shamburg, J. 131, 58 Shin. M. 131 Silvestri, M. 130 Smera, S. 131. 58 Soler, J. 132, 120 Suarez, A. 132 Sy, A. 132 Szubiak, N. 130 Tanteo, R. 129 Thompson, D. 130 Titos. J. 131 Tizzano, P. 132 Tocci, N. 129 Trombino, F. 133 Tumbokon, J. 131 Tutunjian, K. 129 Urbanowicz, E. 130 Valente, R. 131 Villacis, G. 130 Viney, L. 129, 134, 110 Weir. D. 131. 86, 112 Wernock, J. 130 Wiley. S. 130. Ill Yeager, S. 133 Youmans, D. 130, 108 Zabotka, B. 129 Zadroga, M. 129, 96, 110


Abella, R. 126Aboukamar, M. 128Adams, C. 128, 118Agathos, A. 124, 116Alvarez, P. 127Andreadis, C. 125, 118, 116Andres, A. 127Andreula, J. 125Apicella, D. 125, 118Arena, F. 126Arenas, L. 124Arganza, J. 124Asuncion, J. 127, 60Aumack, C. 128, 89Avetria, R. 126Baker. D. 124Baker, J. 125, 46Baran, T. 126Bastidas, L. 127Bauer, M. 126Bauzon, W. 127, 110, 116Beldowicz, A. 124Bellia, J. 128Bloodgood, J. 124Boland. D. 128. 46Branchaud, M. 128Breyer, E. 125Brezzell, P. 128Camacho, J. 124Campion, M. 128Cappozzoli, S. 127Caradonna, N. 124Carandan, E. 126Cardenas, A. 127, 116Carroll, P. 128Casiano, B. 125Castillo, M. 124Cavallo, R. 128, 116Cerullo, B. 126Cervantes, S. 137Chaudhry, M. 126Chiaravalloti, S. 124, 120, 115Chonillo, N. 126Chu, H. 128Cicala, B. 125, 112Clancy, J. 127, 116Claro, D. 124Clutterbuck. S.124. 116Coco, M. 124, 115 Collar, L. 124, 118, 116 Collins. J. 128 Compton, J. 126, 116 Compton, T. 125 Costanzo, J. 124, 115 Crocamo, G. 124, 46 Crocetta, J. 128, 115 Curran, J. 124 Cursinella, J. 125, 116 D’Addario, F. 124 Da Silva, L. 124

Dargan, M. 125. 112 Davis. J. 128 Dawoud, M. 126 De Villava, M. 128 DeAnni, C. 137 Dilley, G. 126, 86. 112 Dionyssiou, G. 128 Dooley, J. 127 Dumual, B. 127, 110 Dye, J. 124 Easson, R. 126 Egan, D. 126, 118 Escobar, O. 126 Espinosa, T. 126 Fajardo, G. 126, 116 Faller. M. 127, 46 Farese, Jv124 Faustino, R. 125 Festa, A. 127 Figueredo, P. 126 Finn, E. 128, 115 Fischerr, A. 127 Fogu, T. 126 Frezzo, S. 125, 116 Geisler, B. 128 Georgieff, N. 127 Giblin, P. 126, 46 Gleason, T. 125, 116 Go, R. 124 Gorski, M. 126 Greeley. C. 128. 46, 122 Guia, M. 126 Gullo. A. 124 Gwiazdowski, R. 125 Hanley, M. 125, 116 Hannagan, D. 125 Hawkes. B. 126. 110 Hitcheli, J. 124 Hobby. R. 137, 115 Houed, M. 127 Howe, 127 Hwang. R. 127 Iqbal, H. 126 Jain. B. 127 James, D. 137, 115 Jamilano, J. 124 Jara, M. 128 Jaucian, J. 127 Jaworski, R. 128 Jeziorski, B. 124 Jordan, P. 137 Jun Jae, H. 125 Kelly. M. 128 Kim, H. 128. 72. 110 King. R. 127, 120 Kokosinski, J. 127 Kost, B. 127, 116 Kubert, M. 124, 116 Laca, K. 128 Lawlor. E. 128, 60 Leber, D. 128, 116 Lee. M. 124, 46 Lertpatanakul, G. 128 Lipkowski, J. 127 Lizares, A. 127 Lorflnk, K. 124 Luttich, R. 124 Lynch. G. 124 Lynch, M. 124, 118 Magarban, T. 126 Majumder, S. 124 Malewich, A. 126 Mancilla, S. 127 Mannion* J. 125 Martin, R. 128 Martineiiii M. 126 Massache. P. 127, 115 Mauri. D. 127 McCarthy, P. 124 McCarthy, T. 127, 115 McDonald, S. 128, 46 McDonough, D. 127 McGillis, M. 126, 116 McGreevy, C. 125 McGuire. J. 127, 110 McKeon, J. 125, 118, 115 ~WefiFa, R. 125 Mercado, D. 127 Mercer, J. 124, 18 Meurer, J. 125 Miguel, D. 124 Mohammed, A. 128, 120 Morales, C. 126 Moran, M. 124 Morgan. J. 127 Mullane, M. 125 Nadler, R. 124 Nardone, N. 127, 116

Nery, B. 127, 607Nguyen, D. 128Nieves. J. 127Norcia, P. 128, 116Norwood, M. 126Novello, A. 126, 118, 115O'Brien, D. 126O’Donnell, T. 127O’Neill, B. 125Olesky, D. 125Olivaencia. E. 127Osterman, T. 124, 116Ouimet. J. 125Page. M. 128Pagllo. K. 126. 116Paguiligan, J. 124Palomares. L. 126Panday, R. 126Paras, E. 125Parikh, S. 127Pasculli, J. 125Patel, A. 125Paton, D. 127Perez, J. 128Perrenod, J. 127, 116Perry, S. 128Patalas, G. 128Petrecca, J. 127, 116Petrillo, A. 128, 116Petti, N. 125Pidane, K. 126Pierre. J. 128. 118Portes, J. 124, 116Protomastro, G. 125, 116Pugh. J. 128Que, V. 128Ramirez, G. 128, 118Ramos, L. 127Rashid. S. 127, 57, 58Renelt, K. 124Rieman, B. 125Rigby. C. 126, 118Roake, M. 126, 116Roberts, J. 128, 116Roodenburg, L. 126Rosa. O. 125Rosales, G. 125Rubino, J. 125Rubino, P. 125Ruchalski, D. 125Ryan, R. 127Saam, E. 125Sandomenico, D. 125Santiago, M. 127Sanz, S. 126, 116Sardella, J. 124Scanlon, B. 126Scher, J. 125, 116Schah. G. 128Sharp, W. 127, 120Shibli, A. 128Shockley. G. 127Silva. V. 125Singletary, F. 128Skripak, J. 124Smith, R. 125Soehngen, J. 137Solis. L. 125Soto, A. 125Stack. B. 126Stafford, D. 127Stefanakis, C. 125, 120, 110,Sullivan. T. 127, 120Sung. J. 125Swineford. L. 126Taino. F. 127Torrent, F. 127Tortorelle, S. 126, 120Traba, R. 125, 116Trojan. M. 128, 118, 115Tuthill, L. 127Vargas, R. 124Verano, E. 125Vicuna, P. 127Vida, K. 127Vierheilig, G. 126, 115Viggiano, R. 126, 116Vilas. M. 125Wahl. D. 127, 116Walsh. D. 127Watson, W. 128Weierman, T. 128, 118Williams, S. 128Wilson. K. 128Wilton. B. 125. 116Wong, D. 128Xiao. H. 128Yacat, J. 126, 110

Younger. N. 126 Ypelaar, R. 124 Zambrano. S. 127 Zaszewski. R. 125, 116

FACULTYAlvarado. A. 32 Aracich, Rev. A..S.J. 22, 66 Azzarto. Rev. A., S.J. 29. 43 Baber, S. 22, 71, 127 Balduf. Rev. R., S.J. 21 Becerra. J. 29. 42, 128 Beck. Rev. E., S.J. 30 Bender. Rev. A.. S.J. 27, 72 Bischoff, J. 27 Boyan. S. 29, 128 Browning, Rev. J.. S.J. 21 Campion, J. 23, 72 Casey. J. 23. 133 Collins. J. 19. 72 Connolly. T. 28. 72, 126 Constantin!, K. 27, 110 Cregan, Rev. R.. S.J. 23, 86, 112, % 134Crissalla. A. 31. 117 Dandorph, K. 28. 32 Dandorph, E. 19 DeAngelo, J. 22, 46. 47, 130 DeLorenzo, C. 27 Denny. Rev. T.. S.J. 18. 122 Dolan. Rev. E.. S.J. 22 Dolan. Rev. C., S.J.Dondero, J. 21, 39 Doolan, E. 21 Finholt, A. 20 Fitzgibbons, J. 18 Foley. Rev. J., S.J. 30 Fordellone. L. 30 Garcia. A. 22. 132 Gilley, Mr. C., S.J. 27, 135 Griffin. Bro. J., S.J. 19 Hamill, Rev. F., S.J. 20 Hammer, J. 32Hanson. R. 31. 80, 81, 108, 113 Harrison, Bro. P.. S.J. 32 Horan, J. 20Irvine. J. 23. 109. 115, 126. 118Kendall. T. 26Kennedy. Dr. R. 23Koszyk. W. 23Lanzalatto, C. 31, 108Larrabee, C., L.P.N. 30LeCalvez, A. 26Links, C. 55Massarelli, J. 23McGuiness, R. 28, 130Meany, Rev. S., S.J. 20Merrick, D. 26Miller. J. 26Mullen, A. 26. 28Mulligan, T. 20O’Connor, Rev. T., S.J. 26O’Donnell, J. 28O'Grady, P. 29, 131Ollinger, J. 30, 64, 65O'Neill. Deacon J. 29Oppido. Rev. H.. S.J. 22Pellegrini, Rev. F., S.J. 28, 179Pellegrino, K. 23, 136Picone, R. 20Prilop, I., 20Raslowsky, J. 26, 37, 77, 109, 115 Reidy, P. 19, 28, 557, 65 Ross, K. 20 Rowan, K. 21 Russell. D. 18Salmon, Rev. E., S.J. 18, 53, 122 Sayer, R. 30, 48 Settembre, D. 21, 83, 110 Snyder, L. 21, 36 Sweitzer, Rev. R., S.J. 22 Sylvestris, L. 22, 67, 131 Wozniak, F. 28 Wynn, E. 30 Wysocki, B. 28Zawistowski, R. 26, 56, 109, 119

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Kenneth Nippes EDITOR-IN-CHIEF


OLL 1 tun ML/1 IUKS

h R Haroon RashirlI B M M j A Q Q J U I C N I! x v - L / A O O i v 1 l1 1 1 O C l RS

David Jackmaiu.v. o r U K I o tDlTORS

STAFFRich Cirminello Hunter Figueras Alex Ordonez Ernesto Alfaro Salvatore Chiaravalloti Nicholas Charavalloti

COPY STAFF Robert Alvarez J.D. Lumanog

ARTISTS Johnny Lim Michael Hogan Ernesto Alfaro Joseph Coyle

PHOTOGRAPHERS Alex Ordonez Alex Nicolaidsi Pedro Briones Nicholas Chiaravalloti James Martin

an Baber JERATOR


1 1 r » _ i 1


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In flipping through this year’s Petrean you may E notice a few changes in its design, some o f which B look better than others. The sports section has I been expanded, while the seniors have been given I the choice o f wearing either white or black tux- I edos. Another change is this letter. The Editors- I jn-Chief o f Petreans past have all expressed how | difficult (but rewarding) it is to put together a I yearbook. The reason I won’t reiterate those sen- | timents is because I want to be different.

There are many people whose help in the pro- t duction of this book cannot go unacknowledged.P Without them we would still be working. I just ; hope I don't forget anyone, and if I do, that they | will forgive me. First, three seniors, although un- | able to give the Petrean full-time commitments,I deserve special recognition. Nick Chiaravelloti,I Frank Ashe and Richie Cirminello provided a sen- b ior viewpoint which put into words the happen- \ ings of our four years at Prep. Frank deserves I special recognition for teaching Miss Baber how

to juggle, and thus keeping her sane. This enabled ' her to do an excellent job moderating this motley j crew, and for this we thank her.

The driving forces behind the book’s comple­tion were the Super Sophs and a small group of editors. Mike, Dave, Joe, Ernie, Hunter, and J.D. were a great source o f enthusiasm and dedica­tion, while Lou, Hughy, and Haroon, the editors who didn’t jump ship, provided leadership and support.

I would also like to thank the photographers for rebounding o ff a tough 1989 campaign. Without them we would not have a book. The stalwarts of the photography staff were A lex Ordonez, who constantly came through with great pictures, and Alex Nicolaidis. Between photographing swim­ming practice at 7:00 AM and taking team vans to games, Nic’s pictures were always outstand­ing.

An extra special thanks goes to the many facul­ty members who on late nights, stopped by to inform us on the happenings o f the outside world. Taz, Jack, Mr. DeAngelo, Fr. Bender, Fr. Cregan, and Fr. Denny - the Petrean staff thanks you for your non-stop encouragement. And to our decica- tee, Fred - thanks for your moral support. I would like to thank our Josten’s representative Andy Murro for his cooperation even in illness, and finally I am eternally grateful to the coaches and moderators for rescheduling photos (3 times) and providing us with the information necessary to represent their activities properly.

In conclusion, I hope you enjoy the 1990 Pe­trean for I have tried to represent our class to the best of my abilities, and I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my classmates the best of luck in their future endeavors. I also hope that the ghost of Petreans past does not haunt Hughy, Lou, A lex O. and the rest o f next year’s Petrean staff.

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