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1972 Petrean

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The Petrean yearbook from 1972

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1972 PETREANP resen ted by

T h e Gradua t ion ClassS ain t P e te r’s P rep a ra to ry S choo l

in its cen tenn ia l year.

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ning . . .

T he story o f St. Peter’s Prep is a tale o f a century o f grow th and ultim ate refinem ent, even though it was founded in rudim ents o f m aterial poverty which dem anded great spiritual zeal from the parishioners o f St. Peter’s Parish.

The first roo ts o f th e Prep were p lanted in 1837 when w ork was com pleted on the first St. Peter’s Church, on the site o f the present Freshm an Building. T he parish grew rapidly under the pastoral leadership o f Father John Kelly, who guided the first work on the parochial school a t York and Van Vorst Streets, During the nex t 25 years the parish witnessed further grow th, and the construction o f a new church. With this new grow th, the need o f higher education was felt and dem ands becam e a m atter o f concern to the Bishop o f Newark.

In Septem ber o f 1870, the Bishop began consultations w ith the Jesuit Fathers w ith the view o f founding a college and assuming charge o f the parish. In the spring o f 1871, this was realized, and the Jesuit Fathers o f the New York Mission began their affiliation w ith the Jersey City populace. The Jesuits obtained a charter for St. Peter’s College and Prep in April, 1872; however, not until 1877 did construction o f the school begin. Father John McQuaid, S.J., directed the erection o f the College and the Preparatory School. The first school structure at Prep was the present rectory , located on Grand Street. This building housed the Prep, the College, and the Jesuit living quarters. In 1913, the St. Peter’s CJub was built in order to fulfill the social needs o f the parish. Later, this clubhouse on the corner o f Grand and Warren became the junior building. When St. Aloysius Academy abandoned its building, St. Peter’s appropriated tha t structure now known as the Freshman Building. Manresa Hall, located on Summit Avenue, Jersey City, was a school for boys in the

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first years of this century, run by; the Jesuits under the direction o f Father Brock, for those who would enter the Prep.

St. Peter’s College closed in 1917, to reopen on new grounds on Kennedy Boulevard. This left the Prep to further growth.

Through the two world wars and the great depression, the Jesuits struggled to keep the students in high school. Of course, in the early part o f this century, it was a great privilege to attend high school. Throughout the existence of the Prep, the school has maintained a high standard of scholastic achievement, which has proven well worth any tu ition necessary to finance this education.

I t is ludicrous to judge an institution’s success by its externals; rather, one must weigh and consider its product and assembly line. The foundation of this endeavor was laid by men of God, men of fortitude. The Jesuit community has always been given to open-mindedness in respect to social and political fields. In 1941, the Prep could boast of a Jesuit prefect who responded to a call to service in the armed forces. The ardor o f the Jesuit mission is portrayed most clearly in the personage o f Father Comey, who directed St. Peter’s Parish as well as the Prep in the early forties. Father Comey’s work placed an emphasis on the development of the Christian socially as Well as intellectually. In organizing the Shoe String Club, Father Comey brought Christ into the daily life o f the young people of the parish. The most poignant evidence of the competency of St. Peter’s Prep is supported by the straight paths of life o f the Prep graduates, who have been taught in the ways o f a successful life, rather than the ways o f a life o f worldly success.

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Time is the father o f change. As change introduces divergent waves o f opinions, there sometimes result conflicts concerning values and morals. In every changing society, there are factors and ideals that remain constant.

Over the past one hundred years, there has developed a clear and vibrant spirit in the Jesuit com m unity o f Jersey City. While the Jesuit educators began to enter the academic fields, they simplified these constant factors and ideals to fundam entals, which they thought m ust be instilled into the process o f education.

One Hundred Years


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of Jesuit Education

It is true that all ideals are susceptible to adaptation. Modes of education must be updated to conform to transient conditions and social influences. This has been the principle of Jesuit education: to change modes of education in order to insure the quality of the student.

In recognition of their devotion and loyalty, we dedicate this centennial book to all Jesuit educators, lay faculty, all parents, and all alumni who have contributed so much to the Prep Spirit.

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Over the past one hundred years, Jesuit education has molded scores of fine stalwart men. A centennial book would hardly seem complete if it did not mention some of the more outstanding individuals who after they had been graduated, went forth to serve God, country, and fellow-man.

Many sought to accomplish this quest by returning to the Prep and sharing their knowledge and experience. Certainly, one recalls men such as Clement O’Sullivan ’23, a fine English and former French teacher, Walter Illy ’44, a German scholar turned registrar, and Earle Markey ’49, our principal, a truly great basketball star who sacrificed everything to serve God as one o f His shepherds, a Jesuit.

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MR. WALTER J. ILLY, A.B. Registrar; Director o f Testing

German 1 ,3 .

MR. RICHARD HOLLENDER, B.S. Assistant to the Principal;

Director o f College Placement and Scholarships

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MR. MICHAEL A. BERKOWITZ Assistant Principal

MR. JOSEPH A. McCAFFERY Assistant to the Prefect of Discipline;

Moderator of the Radio Club

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REVEREND FRANCIS J. SHALLOE, S.J. Vice-President for Alumni Affairs;

S tudent Counselor

REVEREND FRANCIS J. McNAMARA, S.J. Chairman — Guidance Department; Liturgical Committee; Religion 3,4

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Mrs. Mary M urray, Secretary to the Registrar; Mrs. Helen Dailey, Secretary to the A lum ni Office;

| Mrs. Joan Fitzgibbons, Secretary I to F a th e r R ector and the

Developm ent Office.

SECRETAR IESMiss Joan Ann Walling, Secretary to Father Principal; Mrs. Julia Frasca, Secretary to the College Placement Office.

Mrs. John Riordan, Secretary to the Treasurer; Miss Mary Dunne, Secretary to the Treasurer.

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Mr. John A. Banach Math 1,3

Rev. Mr. James H. Breininger, S.J. German 2,3; Dance Committee; Student C o u n c il ; D irector o f Freshmen and Sophomore Oratorical Contests; Student Counselor; Publicity Committee; Business Staff of the Petrean

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Mr. Milton J. Berkowitz Physical Education Chairman; Health and S a fe ty ; Athletic Director; Gymnasium C o o r d in a to r ; A ssem b ly C o m m itte e Chairman

Rev. John E. Browning, S.J.Religion 2; Christmas Food Drive; Student C ounselor; Member of the Liturgical Committee

Mr. Michael J. Calderaro, A.B.French 1,3; Modern Language Department Chairman; Cultural Committee; Ski Club

Rev. Mr. Kevin M. Bradt, S.J.English 2; Lenten Mission Drive and Mission N ight, Petroc

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Mr. Charles A. Carey, M.A. Math 3,4

Miss Catherine J. Collins, M.L.S. Library; Library ClubMr. John J. Casey, M.A.

English 2,4; Scholarship Committee Chairman

Rev. Jose A. Castellanos, S.J. Spanish 1

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Rev. Mr. Edward J. Coughlin, S.J. Latin 3; Maroon Spirit

Rev. James A. Daly, S.J.R e lig io n 1 ,3 ,4 ; P e tre a n ; L iturgical Committee

Bro. Thomas E. Daly, S.J.World History 1; U.S. History 1; Assistant Moderator — Dance Committee; Liturgical Committee; Soccer; Co-Chairman - School Spirit Committee

Rev. Charles F.X. Dolan, S.J. Religion 3, 4

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Rev. Edward I. Dolan, S.J. Latin 1,4; Greek 1,3

Rev. Francis A. Fallon, S.J.Art 1,2; Religion 3,4; Art and Poster Club

Mr. John F. Duffy, A.B. Math 2

Rev. James S. Foley, S.J.Latin 1; Religion 1; Community Action Program

Rev. Manuel Espinosa, S.J. Spanish 2,3

Mr. Leonard Fordellone, B.S. Spanish 1,2

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Mr. Joseph J. Galiastro, A.B.Classical Literature; Latin 2; Greek 2; Food Improvement Committee

Rev. Francis J. Hamill, S.J. Religion 1; Latin 2

Rev. Mr. Donald C. Gannon, S.J.Math 3,4; Lenten Mission Drive and Mission Night; Assistant Coach o f Track

Mr. Michael S. Gray, M.A.U.S. History 1,2; History Department Chairman

Rev. Peter F. Hess, S.J. Physics

Mr. Stephen Harz, M.A.U.S. History 1,2; Political Forum , Inscape

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Mr. Robert E. Howard, A.B. French 2,3

Mr. Robert P. Howard, M.S.Rev. Henry A. Hoffen, S.J. „ . . P P .Latin 1 2' English 2 Geometry; Math Department Chairman

Mr. Paul Jankowski, M.S. Physics

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Mr. Vincent J. Kennedy, M.S. English 3; English Department Chairman

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Mrs. Florence Lipari Driver Education

Mr. Robert F. Mulvihill, M.A. English 1

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Mr. Robert McGuinness, M.S. Geometry; Math 4

Rev. Augustine W. Meagher, S.J. French 1,2; Mother’s Club

Mr. Frederick J. Miller, M.S. Chemistry

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Rev. Thomas P. Murray, S.J. Latin 1; English 1

Mr. Clement O’sullivan A.B.,J.D.,Litt. D. Religion 3,4; English 3

Mr. Edgar G. Overstreet, M.A.Biology; Coordinator o f Instructional Materials

Rev. Thomas V. O’Connor, S.J. Chemistry 1,2; Science Departm ent Chairman

Rev. Harold F.X. O’Donnell, S.J. C lassical Literature; Latin 3; Classics Departm ent Chairman

Mr. Joseph S. Pawelczyk, B.S. Math 1,4

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Mr. Louis J. Rettino, M.A.I U.S. History 1; Head Coach of Football Team

Mr. Henry Rogers, M.A.Rnglish 1; Remedial Studies Chairman

Mr. Albert W. Romano, A.B. English 3,4

Mr. Charles J. Rooney, M.A. Math 1,4

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Mr. Paul G. Sheridan, S.J.World History; U.S. History 2; Freshman C oach o f B asketball; School Spirit Committee Co-Chairman

Rev. James V. Smith, S.J. Bookstore

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Rev. Mr. John J. Shea, S.J.Religion 2; Latin 2; S tudent Counselor; D ra m a tic s ; C am era C lub ; Liturgical Committee

Mr. Anthony A. Stone, A.B. World History 1,2

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Rev. J. Francis Stroud, S.J.Religion 2,3,4; Student Counselor; Chess Team; Liturgical Committee; Golf; Religion

j Department Chairman

Rev. Raymond York, S.J. Religion 3,4; Rosemary in the Rain

Mr. James Sullivan Health; Intramurals;

Head Coach of Track Team

Rev. Richard F. Timone, S.J. Religion 1; Student Counselor

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Many Seniors, once graduated, have set out to practice the values which Saint Peter’s instilled in them . Some have done this as politicians and statesmen. Others have tried to heel the sick and afflicted. Still others have striven to help the oppressed. Although their techniques are somewhat different, they are all driven by the same basic characteristic - caring for those in need. N ot only the ability to aid people less fortunate bu t also the desire to help are definite outgrowths o f Jesuit education at the Prep. As we are graduated, all we can hope is that we will continue this fine example.

A conscientious alumnus would undoubtedly remember both John P. Smith ’30 and James J. McCormack ’31, excellent students at the Prep and now reknown doctors; Harold J. Ruvolt ’30, President o f the Hudson County Bar Association, and the present Mayor o f Jersey City, Paul T. Jordon ’59.

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ANTHONY J. ACETI Stage Crew 4; Debating 2; Audio-Visual 3,4.

JOHN N. ARACE Maroon Spirit 4

ROBERT J. ALVAREZ Cross-Country 3; Stage Crew 4; Dance Committee 3,4; Poster Club 4; Assembly Committee 4.

PETER C. AVERY Honor Pin 1,2; CAP 2,3,4; Radio Club 1; Debating 1,3; SAC 3; Art Club 1,3 \ Inscape 4.

JOSEPH A. ANSELMO Stage Crew 3,4; Future Physicians 4 ;Inscape 4; Ski Club 3,4.

MARK T. AYMAR Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; S Biology Club 2,3,4; Art Club 2,3; Band 4; Inscape 4.

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DAVID P. BELLIZZI Honor Pin 2,3; Football 2,3,4; Baseball 2,3.

WILLIAM J. BAXMEYER Art Club 2; HAP 2; Honor Pin 2.

MARK J. BADACH Honor Pin 2; Track 1,2,3; Cross-Country 3; Football 2; HAP 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 2,3.

ERNEST J. BADARACCO Swimming 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; Ski Club 4; Class Officer 4.

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Football 1,4; Baseball 3; School Committee 4.

ROBERT E. BEWIGHOUSE Honor Pin 1; Gymnastics 1,2,3,4; HAP 3,4; Maroon Spirit 4 ;Petrean 4.

MICHAEL J. BIONDO Honor Pin 2,3; Track 1; Basketball 1,2; Intramural Council 1,2,3,4; School Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4; Film Forum 4; Class Officer 4.

ANTHONY D. BIVINS Football 1,3,4; Future Physicians 4; HAP 1,2,3,4; Maroon Spirit 4; Class Officer 2,3.

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PETER W. BOLAN Honor Pin 2; Swimming 2,3,4; Radio Club 2,3; School Spirit Committee 4; Assembly Committee 4; Maroon Spirit 3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1,2,3; Inscape 4; YAP 3; Dramatics 4.

JOSEPH P. BRESCIA Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Baseball 1,2,3.

ROBERT J. BOYKO Honor Pin 1; National Honor Society; Band 2,3,4£ingu6 Lampoon 3,4; Mission Drive 2,3,4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Maroon Spirit 4; Audio-Visual 3; Publicity Committee 4; Biology Club 3,4.

GARY J. BOGDANSKI School Spirit Committee 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2,4; Political Forum 1; HAP 2; Maroon Spirit 4; Assembly Committee 4;

! Film Forum 4.

JAMES J. BORDINO Honor Pin 1,2,3; Cross-Country 3; Track 3; Tennis 3,4; Band 1,2; Petrean 4; Maroon Spirit 4; Dance Committee 4; Assembly Committee 4; School Spirit Committee 4; Speaker’s Bureau 4.

WILLIAM L. BOUREGY Honor Pin 2; National Honor Society, Biology Club 2,3,4; Chess Team 2; YAP 3, Band 4; Debating 2.

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FRED J. BROWN Honor Pin 1; Football 2,3; Track 3.

RAYMOND A. BUCKO Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; HAP 3,4; Band 2,3,4; Stage Crew 3,4 ;Petroc A, Petrean 4; Karate 1.

GERALD A. BUCCAFUSCO Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Track 1; Band 2,3,4; Petrean 4; Publicity Committee 2.

PHILIP J. CAFASSO Ski Club 2,3,4; Saddle and Bridle 1,2,3,4; Radio Club 2; Band 1,2; Hiking Club 4.

KAZUYA BURNS Football 1; Gymnastics 1,2,3; Karate 1,4; HAP 1,2,3; Dance Committee 3,4.

JOSEPH J. BUCCO Basketball 1,2; Baseball 3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 1,4; School Spirit I Committee 1,2.

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JOHN CAFIERO Bowling 4; HAP 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Saddle and Bridle 4; Biology Club 3,4; Inscape 2,3; Linguo Lampoon 3; Art Club 1,2,3.

STEFANO V. CALOGERO Honor Pin 1,2,3.

PAUL J. CALLAHAN Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Football 1; Track 1,2; Petrean 3; Class Officer 1,3.

JOHN CALANDRIELLO Honor Pin 1,2,3; HAP 2,3; Band 1.2,3,4; Poster Club 1; Mission Drive 2; YAP 2; Library Club 3; Dance Committee 3 , Linguo Lampoon 3,4.


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DONALD M. CANNAVALE Gymnastics 1; Basketball 2; Class Officer 2.

JOSEPH A. CANNARELLA Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Bowling 2; HAP 4.

JOHN H. CARDELL Honor Pin 1; Bowling 2; Class Officer 2.

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MICHAEL A. CLARK Honor Pin 3; National Honor Society; Cross-Country 3,4; Track 3,4; CAP.

VINCENT J. CONNORS Honor Pin 1,2; National Honor Society; HAP 2; Petroc 3; Publicity Committee 2,4; Maroon Spirit 4; Assembly Committee 4; Speaker’s Bureau 4.

STEVEN C. CARUANA Petroc 3; Class Officer 3,4; Art Club 1,2,3; Film Forum 4; Inscape 2,3,4; Publicity Committee 2.

STEVEN D. CIMPRICH Honor Pin 2; Gymnastics 1,2; Track 3; HAP 3; Biology Club 2; Ski Club 2,3,4; Saddle and Bridle 2; Linguo Lampoon 4; Maroon Spirit 4.

WILLIAM P. CLARK Honor Pin 1,2,3; Gymnastics 1,2,3,4; Biology Club 2; Saddle and Bridle 1; HAP 3,4; Intramural Council 3; Petroc 3,4; Maroon Spirit 4.

JOHN P. COLLINS Honor Pin 1; Gymnastics 1; Track 3,4; HAP 2; Ski Club 2,3,4; Poster Club, 1; Dance Committee 3.

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HARRY J. CORLESS Honor Pin 2; Future Physicians 4; Assembly Committee 4; Stage Crew 3,4; Camera Club 4.

ROBERT J. COSTA Art Club 1,2,3; Maroon Spirit 4; Petroc 4; Inscape 4.

JOHN J. CORSENTINO Tennis 2,3,4; CAP 4; Debating ] j Class Officer 2,4.

WILLIAM A. COSCARELLI Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Football 1; Basketball 1; Gymnastics 1; Baseball 2; Tennis 3,4; HAP 2,3,4; Film Forum 4; Publicity Committee 4; Speaker’s Bureau 4; Assembly Committee 4; School Spirit Committee 4; Future Physicians 4; Class Officer 1,2,3; Executive Committee 4; Petrean 2.

JOHN J. CROSBY Gymnastics 1,2,3,4; Karate 1; Track 1; Dance Committee 1,2; Film Forum 4; Maroon Spirit 3; Petroc 1,2; Inscape 1,2; YAP.

JOHN L. COSTELLO Track 2; Ski Club 1,2; Future Physicians 4.

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KEVIN A. CUMMINGS Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Baseball 2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Maroon Spirit 3,4; Publicity Committee 2,3,4; S choo l S p ir it C om m ittee 4; Rally Committee 4; Film Forum 4; Assembly Committee 4; Future Physicians 4; Petroc 3,'4 ;Petrean 2,4.

RICHARD J. CUPRYS Gymnastics 1; Karate 1; Track 3; Art Club 1 Publicity Committee 4.

NICHOLAS T. DELLA VALLE Gymnastics 1; HAP 2,3; Petroc 3,4, Publicity Committee 2,4; Class Officer 3.

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DAVID C. DESCALZI Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Gymnastics 1; CAP 2; Petroc 2,3,4; Biology Club 2.

NICHOLAS DE TURA Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Gymnastics 1,2,3; Football 3,4; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Dramatics 3,4; Maroon Spirit 2,3; Petroc 2,3,4; Language Club 2; Class Officer 1,2,3.

JOSEPH R. DE PASQUALE Honor Pin 2; National Honor Society; f School Spirit Committee.

GEORGE DE WAN Art Club 1; Karate 1; Ski Club 2; Speaker’s Bureau 4; School Spirit Committee 4.

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RAMON J. DIAZ Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; German Award 2; HAP; Petroc 3,4; Dance Committee 3,4; Stage Crew 2,3; Library Club 2; Art Club 1,2,3; Publicity Committee 4 ;Class Officer 1,4.

DANIEL F. DOWNEY Honor Pin 1,2; National Honor Society

JOHN J. DI GIOIA Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Chess Club 3,4; Radio Club 1; Karate 2; Classics Club 2; Camera Club 3; Linguo Lampoon 4.

JOHN J. DOOLAN Maroon Spirit 3,4; Publicity Committee 2,3, Class Officer 2.

RICHARD C. DISPOTO Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; F o o tb a l l 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; B aseball 2 ,3 ,4 ; Weightlifting 2,3; School Spirit Committee 2; Rally Committee 3; Class Officer 1,4.

CRAIG S. DUDSAK Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Excellence Medal 2; HAP 3; CAP 3; Dance Committee 4; Future Physicians 4; Ski Club 3,4; Stage Crew 3,4.

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PAUL T. DULLY Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Basketball 2,3,4.

WALTER M. EMERSON Honor Pin 1; Football 1,2,3,4; Track 2; HAP 4; Maroon Spirit 4; Class Officer 1,3; Intramural Council 1,2,3.

WILLIAM P. DUNCAN Dance Committee 4; Radio Club 1,2,3.

MICHAEL T. DUNN Football 1,2,3,4; Track 1; School Spirit Committee 4; Assembly Committee 4.

GREGORY S. ERIANNE Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Radio Club 1.

GEORGE F. FAHERTY Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 2,3,4; Inscape 4; *■ School Spirit Committee 3,4; Class Officer 1,2,3,4.

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STEPHEN F. FALLON Dance Committee 2,3; YAP 3; Class Officer 1,2,3; Petrean 3; School Spirit Committee 4; Executive Committee 4.

PAUL J. FAMULAR Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Ski Club 2,3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; Saddle and Bridle, 2,3; Inscape 4; Debating 2; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Assembly Committee 4; Film Forum 4.

JOHN T. FEDUNIEWICZ Honor Pin 1,2; National Honor Society; Excellence Medal 1,2; CAP 3,4; Chess Club 1; Classics Club 2; Library Club 1,2,3,4; Petroc 2; Linguo Lampoon 4; Class Officer 1.

JOHN J. FECZKO Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Karate 2,3,4; Tennis 3,4; Classics Club 2; Camera Club 3,4 \ Petrean 4; Film Forum 4; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Band 3; Class Officer 3; Ski Club 2,3,4; Saddle and Bridle 2.

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ROBERT M. FERGUSON CAP 1; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Saddle and Bridle 2; Film Forum 4; Stage Crew 3,4; Assembly Committee 4.

BRUCE E. FENSKE Honor Pin 1; Baseball 3,4; Intramural Council 1,2,3,4; Petroc 4; Maroon Spirit 4; Linguo Lam poon 4.

JOHN J. FERRARA Honor Pin 1; Football 2; YAP 3; Radio Club 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; S tag e Crew 3,4; Assembly Committee 4.

THOMAS P. FERRERA Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Maroon Spirit 4; Petroc 3; Film Forum 4.

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MICHAEL A. FILAK Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Excellence Medal 1,2,3; Tennis 1; Intramural Council 2,3; HAP 1,2,3,4; Petroc 2,3,4; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 2,3; Publicity Committee 2,3,4; Dramatics 3.

PAUL T. FERRERI RICHARD L. FIORE HAP 2; CAP 1,2,3; Stage Crew 2,3,4; Poster Club 2,3,4; Karate 2,3; Publicity Committee 4 ; D ance C om m ittee 4; Assembly Committee 2,4.

THOMAS A. FLORCZAK Swimming 1,2.

JAMES G. FITZGERALD Honor Pin 1,2,3\ Inscape 4; Maroon Spirit 4; School Spirit Committee 4.

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JOHN J. FORHECZ Honor Pin 3; National Honor Society; Football 1; Basketball 1; Track 1.

VICTOR M. FONT Tennis 3,4; Bowling 4; Lingua Lam poon 4; Camera Club 4; Band 2,3; Karate 3; Publicity Committee 4; Speaker’s Bureau 4; Ski Club 3,4; Dance Committee 3.

BRUCE S. GALAMB Saddle and Bridle 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 3.

JOHN P. GALLAGHER Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Excellence Medal 3; Gymnastics 1; Ski Club 2,3,4; Dramatics 1,4; Language Club 2.

JOHN M. FURKA Honor Pin 1; Maroon Spirit 4; Intramural Council 2,3,4.

THOMAS M. GALVIN Track 1; Class Officer 2.

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MARC A. GLORIANDE G ym nastics 1; Track 1; Petroc 4; Audio-Visual 1,2; Debating 2; YAP 3; Poster Club 1,2.

GREGORY F. GIAIMO School Spirit Committee 4; Saddle and Bridle 3; Ski Club 4.

BERNARD J. GORDON Honor Pin 2,3; National Honor Society; Tennis 3,4; Debating 1; Radio Club 1,2,3,4; Saddle and Bridle 2,3,4; Ski Club 2,3,4. 'ED STATES Of A

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JOHN W. GRAY Basketball 1; Intramural Council 1,2; Class Officer 2,4.

ROBERT J. GRILLO Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Baseball 2,3,4; Gymnastics 1,2,3,4; Maroon Spirit 3,4; HAP 3.

MICHAEL F. GRANAHAN CAP 3,4; Ski Club 2,3,4; A rt Club 1; Dramatics 3,4; YAP 2; Maroon Spirit 4; I Gymnastics 1; Class Officer 1.

ROY E. GROETHING Honor Pin 2; YAP 3.

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KENNETH M. HALPIN Honor Pin 1,2,3; Tennis 3,4; Track 1; Dramatics 2,3; Band 1,2,3; Ski Club 2,3,4.

PETER A. HICKEY Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; CAP 1,2,3,4; Linguo Lampoon 4; Maroon Spirit 4; Classics Club 2; YAP 3; Saddle and Bridle 3,4, Inscape 2.

MICHAEL D.HOGAN Honor Pin 1,2.

RICHARD J. HAYES Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Basketball 1,2,3,4; CAP 3; Intramural Council 1,2,3; Maroon Spirit 4; Class Officer 2,3,4; School Spirit Committee 3,4.

WILLIAM P. HAYES Gymnastics 2.

GARY J. HELMINSKI Football 1; Track 1; Class Officer 1,2,3; Film Forum 4; Petrean 1,2,3; Inscape 1,3,4; Art Club 2,3; Assembly Committee 2,4.

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THOMAS J. HOPKINS Tennis 3,4; Camera Club 2; Saddle and Bridle 1.

NICHOLAS D. INTROCASO Track 1; CAP 2,4; Inscape 2,4; Maroon Spirit 3.

JOSEPH P. ILVENTO Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Track 2; Petrean 2,4; Petroc 2; Radio Club 1,2; Inscape 3; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Future Physicians 4; Publicity Committee 2,3,4; Camera Club 2; Cultural Committee 2,3; Free School 3,4; Biology Club 2,3; Class Officer 1,3; Executive Committee 4; Stage Crew 2,3,4; Assembly Committee 2,4; School Spirit Committee 2,3.

THOMAS E. JENNINGS Honor Pin 1,2; National Honor Society; HAP 3; Radio Club 1,2,3; Class Officer 3; Library Club 3,4.

GERARD A. IERVOLINO Honor Pin 1; Baseball 3,4; HAP 2; Poster Club 2.

ANTHONY J. ITALIANO Honor Pin 1,2; Gymnastics 1; Swimming 2; Radio Club 1,2.

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WAYNE S. JIMMERSON Gymnastics 1,2; Band 1,2,3,4; Inscape 4; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Stage Crew 3,4.

ANTHONY J. JOHNSTONE Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Excellence Medal 1; Petroc 2,3; Maroon Spirit 3; Classics Club 2.

RICHARD E. JOYCE Stage Crew 4; School Spirit Committee 3,4; Maroon Spirit 4.

MARTIN J. KEARNEY Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 4; Track 1,2; Class Officer 4; Film Forum 4; Assembly Committee 4; School Spirit Committee 3,4; Ski Club 2,3,4.

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JOHN M. KEMP Football 1; Bowling 2; Stage Crew 3,4.

JOHN G. KEILP Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; F o o tb a l l 1,4; Intramural Council 3; Swimming 3; G olf 2; Tennis 2; Gymnastics 2; Stage Crew 3; Ski Club 2,3,4.

THOMAS K. KENNEDY Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; I Excellence Medal 2,3; Manager <pj Track and 1 Field 1; CAP 1,2,3; Petrean 4; Library Club I 1,3,4; Classics Club 2.

ROBERT R. KESSLER Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Excellence Medal 2; Class Officer 7, Maroon Spirit.

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THOMAS W. KIELTY Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; School Spirit Committee 4.

RICHARD J. KRAL Honor Pin 1,2; Football 1,2,3,4; Maroon Spirit 3,4.


DONALD W. LANDRY Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Track 1,2,3; Cross-Country 1,2,3; Chemistry Club 3 \Petrean 4.

JOSEPH A. LALLY Honor Pin 1,2,3; Manager - Basketball 1,2; HAP 1,2,3.; Stage Crew 2 ,3 ,4 ; School Spirit Committee 4.

JOHN V. LAFFAN Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Excellence Medal 3; Film Forum 4; Dance Committee 3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; Linguo Lampoon 4; Inscape 4; Ski Club 2,3,4; Assembly Committee 4; SAC 4.

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DENNIS J. LA RUSSO Honor Pin 1; Stage Crew 3,4; Debating 1; Publicity Committee 3; Rally Committee 4; School Spirit Committee 4.

EDWARD T. LANIER School Spirit Committee 4; Film Forum 4; Class Officer 1,3,4; HAP 3.

DENIS L. LOUGHMAN Class Officer 2; Dance Committee 2,3,4; Film Forum 4; Art Club 1,2,3; Poster Club 1,2; Petroc 3; Track 1; Maroon Spirit 4; Linguo Lampoon 4; Political Forum 2.


NICHOLAS A. LILLI Track 1,2,3; Dance Committee 4; Maroon Spirit 4; Petroc 4; Stage Crew 4; School Spirit Committee 4.

JOHN W. LYNCH Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; HAP; Class Officer 2 Maroon Spirit 3.

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LAWRENCE E. McCABE Honor Pin 3; National Honor Society; Track 1,2,3,4; YAP 3; Stage Crew 3,4; Class Officer 3; School Spirit Committee 4,Petroc 4.

JOHN M. Me AD AM Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Camera Club 2,3,4; Classics Club 2\Petroc 4; Petrean 4; Hiking Club 4; Free School 4; Linguo Lampoon 3,4-

MICHAEL P. McCANN Honor Pin 1; Football 1; Track 1,2,3; Ski Club 4; Bowling 4; YAP 3; School Spirit Committee 2,3.

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MICHAEL T. McGEOUGH Science Club 1; Hiking Club 4.

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PATRICK W. McGOVERN Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society German Award 2,3; CAP 1; Petroc 2,3 Petrean 4; Radio Club 1; Track 2,3,4 Cross-Country 2,3,4.

MARCELLO E. MARTORE Track 1; Class Officer 1,2.

JOSEPH G. McLOUGHLIN Track 1,3,4; Maroon Spirit 3,4; HAP 2; Inscape 4;Petroc 4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4.

MATTHEW J. MAHAR Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Intramural Council 2; Dance Committee 2,3; Publicity Committee 2.

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WILLIAM J. MATZ Honor Pin 3; National Honor Society; Excellence Medal 3 \Linguo Lampoon 4.

JAMES A. MATARAS Honor Pin 1,2,3\Petrean 4;Inscape 4.

JOHN P. MAZURANA Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society: Band 2,3,4; Petroc 2; Biology Club 3 Linguo Lampoon 4.

ROBERT F. MERCIER Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Football 1; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Petroc 3,4; Petrean 3; Maroon Spirit 3,4; Publicity Committee 2,3.

FRANK J. MEYER Honor Pin 1,2; Football 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; Speaker’s Bureau 4; School Spirit Committee 1,2; YAP 3.

ROBERT J. MERNAR Track 3; Poster Club 4.

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DONALD A. MICHALOWSKI Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Excellence Medal 1,3; Linguo Lam poon 3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; CAP 3,4; Classics Club 2; Future Physicians 4; Language Club 2; Class Officer 1.

CHARLES J. MOSCHEL Honor Pin 1; Football 1,3,4; Track 1,3,4; Maroon Spirit 3,4.

DANIEL R. MILLER Executive Committee 4; Film Forum 4; Debating 2.

MARK E. MORCHEL Track 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3; Dance Committee 4 ; Class Officer 3; Dramatics 2,3,4; Assembly Committee 4; Petroc 4; Maroon Spirit 4; Poster Club 4.

ANTHONY M. MURRAY Honor Pin 1; Dramatics 3,4; Maroon Spirit 4; Band 2; Library Club 3,4; School Spirit Committee 4; Saddle and Bridle 1.

JAMES M. MULLIN Baseball 2,3,4; Track 3 ,4 ;Maroon Spirit 4.

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PATRICK D. MURTAGH Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Excellence Medal 1; Biology Club 2.

MICHAEL A. MUTI Stage Crew 3; Speaker’s Bureau 4; Class Officer 1.

EDWARD J. MYCEK Honor Pin 1; Bowling 2,3.

GLENN J. NERBAK Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Track 4.

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PAUL F. NOWICKI Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Track 3; Class Officer 4.

GENE L. NOCE Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Karate 4; HAP 2,3,4; CAP 1; Band 2; Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Maroon Spirit 3,4; Classics Club 2; Publicity Committee 4.

DENNIS W. OBRYCKI Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; ; Track 1,3; Maroon Spirit 3,4; Dance Committee 3,4; Stage Crew 4; School Spirit Committee 2,4.

THOMAS F. NUGENT Honor Pin 2; Band 1,2,3,4; Ski Club 2,3,4; Debating 1,2,3.

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DENIS F. O’CONNELL Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Track 1,3,4;HAP 4; Band l,2;Maroon Spirit 3,4; Future Physicians 4.

BERNARD W. OZAROWSKI Track 3; Football l | Maroon Spirit 3,4; In tram u ra l C ouncil 2 ,3 ,4 ; Publicity Committee 3,4; School Spirit Committee 4; Debating 1; Dance Committee 4; Assembly Committee 4; Class Officer 3,4.

THOMAS R. O’CONNOR Track 3; School Spirit Committee 2,4; Maroon Spirit 3,4; Intramural Council 4.

ROBERT E. PARKS Football 1,4; Baseball 3; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Maroon Spirit 4; CAP 3.

DENNIS J. OLAND Honor Pin 2; HAP 2,3; CAP 2; Band 2,3,4.

ROBERT E. PETERKJN Honor Pin 3; Track 1,2,3,4; Cross-Country 1,2,3,4; Publicity Committee 4; Assembly Committee 4; Dance Committee 2; Maroon Spirit 4.

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THOMAS L. PINI Honor Pin 1; Gymnastics 1; Petroc 2,3,4; Dramatics 3,4.

MARK B. PHILHOWER Honor Pin 1; Football 1,2,3,4; Track 2; Basketball 1; School Spirit Committee 2.

ANTHONY S. PISZEL Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Dance Committee 4; Manager — Football 3,4.

JOHN P. POHLIG Track 1,2,3; Football 3,4, Maroon Spirit 4; Class Officer 1; School Spirit Committee 4; Publicity Committee 2.

GARY F. PORTER Honor Pin 1,3; Chess Club 2,3,4; HAP; Ski | Club 1,2,3,4.

JOSEPH V. PISANO Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; I Stage Crew 2,3,4; CAP 1; Maroon Spirit I 2,3,4; Camera Club 4; Ski Club 4; YAP 3.

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RICHARD J. QUOSIG Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society.

ROBERT W.PUZIO Honor Pin 1,2; Saddle and Bridle 1,2,3,4; Hiking Club 4; CAP 1.

DONALD R. RASMUSSON Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; HAP 4; Publicity Committee 2,3; Maroon Spirit 4; School Spirit Committee 4.

JOHN P. REGNA Track 1 ,2 ; P ub lic ity Committee 4; Audio-Visual 1,2; YAP 3; Film Forum 4; Assembly Committee 4; Class Officer 3,4.

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JOHN J. REILLY Debating 1,2\Linguo Lampoon 4.

JOHN P. RIEPE Publicity Committee 4; Class Officer 2; Linguo Lampoon 4; CAP; Art Club.

MARK A. RIZZO Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Football 1; Track 3; Dance Committee 4; Stage Crew 4 ,Maroon Spirit 3,4.

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NEIL F. RONAN Baseball 4; Class Officer 2.

RICHARD R. ROCHE H onor P in 1,2; Gymnastics 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 4 \Inscape 3; Film Forum 4.

FRANK E. ROSELLI Karate 1; Tennis 3,4; Camera Club 3,4.

GEORGE P. ROSSOVICH Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Gymnastics 1,2; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 1,2,4.

RICHARD P. RYAN Football 3.

MARK H. ROSZKOWSKI Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Gymnastics 1,2,3,4; Track 1; Poster Club 4.

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PHILIPPE G. SALOMON Linguo Lam poon 3,4; Saddle and Bridle 3,4.

BRUCE R. SABATINI Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Maroon Spirit 3,4; School Spirit Committee 2,3,4; Publicity Committee 2,3; Petrean 4; Class Officer 3,4.

RICHARD P. SCARPA Art Club 1,2; Saddle and Bridle 1,2,3; Stage Crew 3,4.

GERARD K. SCHILP Honor Pin 3; Band 1,2,3,4; School Spirit Committee 2,3.

RICHARD P. SAPORITO C ro ss -C o u n try 1; Track 1,2; Dance I Committee 3,4; Stage Crew 3; Publicity I Committee 3,4; Film Forum 4; Maroon I Spirit 4; Assembly Committee 3; Classlfl Officer 4.


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JOHN J. SERPICO Bowling 3,4; Class Officer 1; School Spirit Committee 4.

THOMAS R. SHORT I Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; 3 German Award 2,3; Karate 1; Chess Club 1; I HAP 2,3; Audio-Visual 3; Camera Club 2,3; 1 Petrean 4; Band 1; Class Officer 2.

JAMES P. SIDOTI Honor Pin 2,3; National Honor Society; Track 1,2,3,4; Maroon Spirit 4; Publicity Committee 4.

MICHAEL J. SIMKO Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Ski Club 2,3,4; Karate 1,2,3,4; Saddle and Bridle 3,4; Hiking Club 4; Audio-Visual 3; Radio Club 1.

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ROBERT J. SIMKO Executive Committee 4; Petrean 3; Class Officer 1,2,3; Art Club 1,2,3; Assembly Committee 4; Film Forum 4; Dance Committee; Inscape 2.

KEVIN T. SMITH Honor Pin 1,2,3; Audio-Visual 1,2; Saddle and Bridle 2,3; Chess Club 3; Future Physicians 4.

KENNETH M. STABILE Honor Pin 1; Intramural Council; Band f l i |

JAMES A. SULLIVAN Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Football 1; Track 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2,4; SAC 3; School Spirit Committee 4.

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IHOR J. SYPKO Honor Pin 1,2; Karate 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 1,2; Ski Club 3,4; Petrean 3; Saddle and Bridle 3,4; Film Forum 4.

MARK A. SYP Basketball 1,2; Class Officer 1,2,4.

MARTIN F. SZYMIALOWICZ Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Football 1; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Intramural Council 1,2; Class Officer 3.

NICHOLAS M. TAGLIARENI Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society;

i F o o tb a ll i j Gymnastics 2; Publicity Committee 2,3,4; Camera Club 3,4\ Petrean 4; Class Officer 2,3.

EDWARD T. TOMASZEWSKI Poster Club 1,4; Dance Committee 2; YAP 3; Ski Club 4; Stage Crew 3,4.

ANTHONY K. TANSKI Honor Pin 1,2,3; Tennis 3,4; Debating 1,2; Ski Club 2,3,4; Saddle and Bridle 2,3,4; Audio-Visual 2; CAP 1.

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RONALD J. TOMCZYK Tennis 2; Football 1; Stage Crew 3,4; Dance Committee 3,4; Petroc 4; Inscape 4; Assembly Committee 4.

MARK N. TYRRELL Honor Pin 1,2; Track 1,2; Art and Poster Club 1; Petrean 4; Intramural Council 1,2,3,4; Petroc 2,3; Maroon Spirit 3,4; School Spirit Committee 4; Stage Crew 3,4; Publicity Committee 4; Class Officer 3,4; Speaker’s Bureau 4; Dance Committee 3,4.

JAMES F. VAUGHAN Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Track 1; Football 3; Radio Club 3; Stage Crew 4; Dance Committee 4; YAP 3.

MICHAEL A. TOZZI Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Baseball 2,3,4; Football 1; Class Officer 1,3; Maroon Spirit 3,4; Stage Crew 4; Dance Committee 4.

JOHN J. TRACY Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2; Intramural Council 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 3; Class Officer 1,2,3,4.

GLENN C. WACYRA Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Excellence Medal 1,2; Chess Club 2,3; Debating 2,3; Petroc 4; Stage Crew 4; Linguo Lampoon 4; Assembly Committee 4.

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MICHAEL A. WAGNER Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Basketball 1; CAP 3,4; Future Physicians 4.

JAMES G. WEBBER Honor Pin 1; Cross-Country 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 3.

ANTHONY P. WALESKI Ski Club 2,3,4; Saddle and Bridle 3,4; Chess Club 2; Biology Club 3.

MICHAEL D. WALTER Radio Club 1,2,3,4; Saddle and Bridle 2,3,4; Chess Club 2; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Hiking Club

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Page 72: 1972 Petrean

GREGORY G. WINBERRY Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Stage Crew 1,3,4; Debating 2; Football 3; Biology Club 3.

ROBERT J. WISSMANN Chess Club 2,3; Biology Club 3.

ROGER W. WEBER Honor Pin 1,2; Excellence Medal 1,2 , Petroc 3; A rt Club 2; HAP 2; CAP 3,4; Dance Committee 3.

ROBERT P. WOJCIK Basketball 1; Baseball 2,3,4; Class Officer 1,2,3,4; Petrean 3; Inscape 1,2; Film Forum 4; School Spirit Committee 4.

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JOHN R. ZACCARIA Honor Pin 1,2,3; National Honor Society; Excellence Medal 3; Stage Crew 2,3,4; Dance Committee 4; Assembly Committee 4; Linguo Lampoon 4; Poster Club 4.

BRIAN G. WRIGHT Honor Pin 1,2; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; Saddle and Bridle 1,2,3,4; Radio Club 1.



FRANCIS A. ZOLLI Honor Pin 1; National Honor Society; Track 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Dance Committee 3,4.

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The Underclassmen at Prep have long provided the necessary support to sustain school activities. Although most o f their work is done behind the scenes, they can be relied upon to accomplish any undertaking, no m atter how great. Their determination and spirit are what carry on the fine Prep tradition. They are a closely knit group; for one can easily recognize the strong bond that unites them by their turnouts at the games and social functions.

Many Prep graduates have gone on to bigger and better things. Here we would like to salute just two of them. In their underclassmen days names such as John “Hip” Evers ’26 and Mike Boylan ’69 were popular means of communication. Although Hip Evers was both a fine baseball and football player, he excelled in baseball and is best remembered for his achievements as an All State Baseball standout. Last year Mike Boylan, who led his team on to victory throughout his four years at Saint Peter’s, became the first Junior in Assumption College history to

Page 72 crac^ t l̂e 1000 point barrier.

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Page 76: 1972 Petrean

P. L a R o c c o , M. Panayi, G. McGowan, S. Jugan, E. Roshuto, T. Larson, W. Pritchard, L. Lore, M. Lopez.


BACK ROW: T. Emerson, C. Fuardo, I. Croghan, J. Cochrane. FRONT ROW: J. Colaneri, J. Caulfield, H. Flannelly, A. DeRario, A. Dramis.

BACK ROW: J. Wisniewski, A. Romano, R. Skoblar, K. Sprouls, C. Stolfa. FRONT ROW: M. Wuelfing, C. Sortiro, G. Taylor, D. Smith.

NOT PICTURED: E. DeMaio, P. Grywalski, G. Verpent.

Page 77: 1972 Petrean

BACK ROW: J. Gaddis, R. Forte, L. Ktoris, F. Kleid, J. Joyce. FRONT ROW: P. Diverio, P.Corcoran, T. Lally, M. Dobzelecki, K. Kaspar.

BACK ROW: R. Szpakowski, Z. Smotrycz, B. Neal, P. Massa, R. Piotrowicz. FRONT ROW: E. Rebbert, D. Miller, J. Sogliuzzo, R. Roginski, K. Mulrain.

BACK ROW: A. Ballerini, P. Cavaliere, R. Bogdanowicz, T. Calvanico, J. Cocciardi, P. Cleary, M. Chiorazzi. FRONT ROW: M. Agro, L. Cannarozzi, K. Brown, B. Banasiak.


Page 78: 1972 Petrean

R. Conlin, E. Lenehan, T. Jago, J. Lisa, E. Janz, J. Gross, B. Frasca, J. L a u d a ti , M. Grapkowski, M. Lonergan.

NOT PICTURED: L. Canarozzi, T. Curry, J. Walter.

Page 76

B. Pedati, B. M attiacio, G. Taite, J. Thomas, D. Mack, H. Thom pson, J. Petrizzo, J. O’Connor, B. Waldron, R. Travellin.

LNDING: N. Anderson, D. Anderson, J. lins, N. Berardi, M. Baccile. SITTING: R. honse, R. Colacurcio, G. Cardiello, K. ins, B. Bull.

Page 79: 1972 Petrean

BACK ROW: D. Boresen, B. Cerchio, G. Dawybida, E. DiCamillo. FRONT ROW: T. Gil, R. Hammer, T. Heitzman.

R. McGuinness, M. Nelson, E. Nietiibyc, S. Kawecki, C. Lisa, S. LoPresti, M. Magnifico, K. Mahler.

NOT PICTURED: G. Cambo, J. Murray, S. Riley.

Page 77

BACK ROW: J. Podolak, R.Smolucha, D. Wojcik, P. Onori, M. Zahn. FRONT ROW: R. Quaglia, W. Waldron, M. Styranec, H. Weber, R. Zimmoch.

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T. O’Gorman, T. Minigiello, A. Kowal, J. O’Connor, D. Lenehan, R. Millen, S. Grudzinski.

M. Bruscino, W. DiTuro, R. Gerrity, F. Cioffi, P. Burke, J. Grant.

NOT PICTURED: K. Ginty, J. Wojcik.

P. Walsh, S. Sm ith, M. Wintjen, H. Rubinstein, M. Tamayo.

Page 81: 1972 Petrean

A. Talarico, S. Marabondo, R. Reeves, B. Mueller, G. Pitchford.

J . Acerra, A. D’Agostini, M. Delaney, K. Albers, F.Caliguire, R. Cadalzo.

R. DuCasse,M. Meyers, A. Marsh, M. Lynch, S. Marabondo,P. Lazaro.

NOT PICTURED: F. Zalewski.M. De Salvo

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A. Riffai, P. Wisniewski, R. Schultz, M. Tansey.


Page 80

W. Morrison, T. Pilla, P. Pace, J. Moran.

T. Moore, G. Geathers, S. Malavarca, P. Brewer.

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BACK ROW: K. Howard, R. Lalli, G. Kramer, M. Krautheim, R. Mills. FRONT ROW: M. Dowe, L.Napolitano, J. Hobgood, A. Gillio, R. Heuss.


Page 81

BACK ROW: M. Wagner, C. Rowe, R. Nowicki, M. Yaszemski, P. Saulino, J. Todd. FRONT ROW: L. Pasculli, F. Vezzoli, V. Stagnitto, W. Ruane.

BACK ROW: J. Donahue, D. Cruoglio, E. Bieluch, D. Andriola, C. Colford. FRONT ROW: R. Cutillo, K. Coogan, F. Andrews, M. Bodayle, T. Carroll.

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BACK ROW: J. Barone, W.Connelly, W. Debeic. FRONT ROW: P. Bonner, P. Aurigemma, R. Dzikowski, G. Durante, B. Citro, C. Calderon.


Page 82

BACK ROW : R . K elly, F.Marchese, T. Granahan, B. Forde. FRONT ROW: W. Heagen, J. Klein, C. Kilroy, E. Hill.

BACK ROW: D. Wall, G. Mathus, A. Mecca, R. Olson, F. Polack. FRONT ROW: P. Sullivan, W. Swellick, R. Witkowski, G. Wroclawski, J. Sullivan.

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BACK ROW: J. Rea, K. Riordan, G. Thomas. MIDDLE ROW: E. Philhower, G. Stoldt, J. Schirmer, E. Siems, J. Piegza. FRONT ROW: J. Sullivan, G. Puzio.


BACK ROW: P. Greene, M.Lombardo, T. Muller, P. Gatti. MIDDLE ROW: J. Frees, J. Meyers, A. Olzewski. FRONT ROW: D. Kearny, R. Landry.

BACK ROW: M. Czarnicki, L. Cupo. MIDDLE ROW: P. Bonner, D. Chapman, D. Blumenfeld, D. Coar, W. Fallon. FRONT ROW: A. Castano.

NOT PICTURED: F. Brozyniak, A. Collins, J. Moran, A. Rifai.

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Page 86: 1972 Petrean

BACK ROW: R. McIntyre, J. McAdam, R. Massaro, W. Kielty, E. K otyk, P. McGovern. FRONT ROW: M. Lewis, L. Lyons, J. Kane. J. Manley.

BACK ROW: P. Orlando, EMizerek, P. Roses. FRONT ROW: K. Stogran, T. Spadaro, L. Nason W. Payton, J. Tarabocchia.

BACK ROW: J. Amodio, A. Cartagena, K. Davis, J. Chester, R. Bender. FRONT ROW: A. Cruz, D. Gerry, P. Callahan, N. Hamill, W' Cafiero.

NOT PICTURED: L. Ray, P. Zampella.

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R. Reeves, A. Pilecki, A. Siperstein, R. Zulauf, J. Russoniello, J. Pi zzi, R.Popiolek,

NOT PICTURED: L. Bryant, R. Calvanico, C. Hartnett, T. Petrizzo, M. Snelgrove, J. Sullivan, G. Thomas.

M. Bennett, M. Holt, T. Cummings, G. Barry, G. Licata, A. Antinori, J. Janec.

J. Marmora, B. Piccinich, G. Mack, T. Peterkin, R. Matz, D. Malay, A. Nardini, P. Malecki, A. Monterisi.

Page 88: 1972 Petrean

R. Tochko, J. Simko, L. Mays, E. McGinnis, T. Szczurek, D. Silvey, S. Siciliano, J. Miller.

NOT PICTURED: T. McKenna, D. Winstanley.

Page 86

D. Dachille, M. DeNigris, J. Cucci, D. Loughman, P. Bruno, J. Crosby, J. Cox, B. Baxmeyer, M. Cavaliere, M. Bereski.

M. Erskine, P. Florio, W. Lypowy, W. Huze, E. Lehman, J. Cox, P. Driscoll, J. Hughes, L. Feliciano, P. F i t z p a t r ic k , K . K earney, J. Garafalo.

Page 89: 1972 Petrean

W. Froh, M. Cristaldi, G. Ippolito, J. Joyce, J. Koemer, G. Kial, J. DeMussi, P. Cavanagh.

T. Stachowiak, D. O’Donnell, J. Pastuzyn, T. O’Hara, B. Woerner, J. Wojtczuk, R. Reddington.

K. M cC arthy , C. Lizza, J. O’Connell, J. Lane, J. Moran, M. M cM anus, G. McClelland, M. Norton.

Page 87

Page 90: 1972 Petrean

IT • ff -• fel-3

J. Godino, A. Hauser, M. Height, P. Lancos, F. Leone, J. Holmberg, J. Lapinski, L. LaFrado.

F. Tedesco, T. M ontoro, J. Pattis, N. Mina, F. Tiedman, T. M urphy, M. Silver, M. Maguire, D. Pagano.

R. Diaz, B. Erbach, A. Carballo, J. Bello, T . Feeney, M. Falkiewicz, G. Bove, L. DiAngelo.

Page 91: 1972 Petrean

S. Rajczyk, B. O’Shea, M. Russell, R. Sutton, R. Ragazzo, S. Sckcehitano, R. Robinson, T. Malloy, S. Tyrell, A. Sullivan.

BACK ROW: G. Huston, R. Galgas, W. Husar, J. Famular. MIDDLE ROW: J. Lizza, R. Lorfink. FRONT ROW: T. Kennedy, J. Dobrowski, G. Giudici, P. Hudik.

K. C onnelly, W. Babula, L. Ambrosio, D. Battinelli, G. Barry, P. Culhane, A. Benz, M. Acierno, W. Bricki, M. Bodnar.

Page 92: 1972 Petrean

BACK ROW: D. Delo, M. Forhecz M. Bonick, T. Flinn. FRONT ROW: J. Davis, J. Bewighouse, M. Alvarez

R. Hayes, S. Gorky, J. Lenahan, J. Kieman, F. Hansen.

BACK ROW: T. Mortenson, M Spaulding, M. Soga. FRONT ROW: R. Nardone, P. Wolfe, J. Tyrell.

NOT PICTURED: J. Koszyk, W Wake.

Page 93: 1972 Petrean

B. G lennon, S. Martelli, W. Donnelly, R. Mina, J. Erhardt, G. Holt, C. DePinto.

BACK ROW: S. Polese, R.Z ie lin sk i, M. R icc ia rd i, C. S an tangelo , S. Zarkrzewski. FRONT ROW: A. Fajvan, G. Russillo, J. Ronan, M. Tucci.

Page 91

BACK ROW: P. Colford, S. DeAnni, S. Cannarozzi. FRONT ROW: J. Bracey, J. Clancey,M. Bonner, H. Anderson, J. Alia.

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J. Begans, A. Aloi, R. Caflero, J. Audet, P. A rndt, M. A lston, J. C a lla h a n , A . S a m b a d e , M. Dawybida, A. Coviello, W. Ahem.

BACK ROW: E. Sienkewicz, J. Martin. THIRD ROW: V. Rinaldi, R . Terek, P. Brennan. SECOND ROW: M. Svec, R. Newton. FIRST ROW: J. Rasmusson, R. I Pfeiffer, T. Waldron.

BACK ROW: M. Folger, R. Mackiewicz, J. D earborne, A. Inguaggiato, B. Ginty. FRONT ROW: M. Lewko, C. Donahue, J. L izza , M. Jez iorsk i, R. Lopes, V. Gramugliato.

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BACK ROW: A. Jablonski, M. M arquand , J. Marabondo, G. Kiefer, K. Krausse. FRONT ROW: F. McGovern, R. LeFante, D. Larsson.

STANDING: M. Saponaro, L. Campbell, M. Gadaleta, K. Foerst, B. DiNapoli, K. Dunbar, M. Conley, M. Canavari. SITTING: R. Anselmo, E. Bannon, R. Bellino, A. Bienkowski.

BACK ROW: P. Stisi, M. Mecca, C. Ockay, J. Sullivan, P. Peluso, A. Stellato. FRONT ROW: K. Richter, V. Tecchio, M. Riccio, J. Villegas, R. Tunia, R. Hannigan.

NOT PICTURED: D. Jordon, H. Kemp, J. LoPrete, P . Salvetti.

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BACK ROW: R. Bowen, W. Bosinski, J. Gregory, P. Minella, P. Venetis. MIDDLE ROW: J. Szafranski, N. Michielini, J. Pasqualetto, R . Allen. KNEELING: I. Lawrence, M. Pilla, J. Mauro, L. DeBello.

S T A N D IN G : W. Loelius, J.Maguire, V. D otti, R. Aquila. SITTING: F. Ferrara, V. Tedeschi, J. Kaczka,M. Cavaliere.

Page 94

ST A N D IN G : P. Haggerty, D. Gaddis, T . Doolan, F . Murphy, S. Ross, T . Forsythe, R. Grudzinski. SITTING: S. Skripak, S. Amoroso, A. Caruso, R. Juncewicz.

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BACK ROW: M. Crosson, R. Safranek, E. Colon, B. W a ls h , K. T ray n o r. M ID D L E R O W : J .Woycik, J. Platonia, B. O’Reilly, A. Corso, D. Parks. FRONT ROW: W. Nason.

BACK ROW: S. Diverio,K. Cerosky, F. D’Amelio,J. Wolowitz, R. DiBarba. FRONT ROW: R. Soriano,W. Hogan, T. Borke, T. Battinelli, L. Renton.

NOT PICTURED: E.Blaszczyk, J. Duncan.

Page 95

C. James, T. Narkiewicz, N. Rolan, J. Fitzgibbons, B . M a rc h le w sk i, T . McGovern, J. Styranac, D. Lodge, K. Karwoski, S. Egan.

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BACK ROW: M. Fiume, M. Cupo A. Ciesmelewski. MIDDLE ROW: S. Cagnacci, R. Fabio, T . Gibsen FRONT ROW: F . Branagan, P C ernek,B . Boyle.

BACK ROW: E. Olivari, M. Mruz. MIDDLE ROW: G. Maresca, J. McGeary, J. Gurdak, J. Jordon. FRONT ROW: M. Keating, E. Gunnell, B. Harrison, M. Hudzin.

BACK ROW: R. Tavormina, C. Tirella, A. Powell, P. Pasculli, S. Stokes. FRONT ROW: F. Zipp, H. Roller, P. Sienkewicz, D. Salvest, D. Presa.


Page 96

Page 99: 1972 Petrean

STA N D IN G : T. Johnson, L.Morich, E. Lombard, P. Kennedy, H. Hogan, J. Pantozzi, R. Melyan, M. Kramer. SITTING: J. Miele, T. Pagan, G. Gaston.

M. Bergen, J. Blasczak, C. DiSanto, A. Brunner, E. Donald, J. Cozetta, T. Foley, S D’Amelio, J. DiGiorgio, F. Daliani.

BACK ROW: P. Penzo, W.Spangenberg, L. Scott, J. Tolve, F. Turco. FRONT ROW: T. Purcell, R. Ricchiuto, J. Spaulding, J. Roszkowski.

NOT PICTURED: M. Brunkel, T. DeMarkey, E. Jones, R. Mattiaccio, R. Ruggiero.

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Page 100: 1972 Petrean

BACK ROW: P. Sperry, W.Weleck, M. Pitchford, S. Saldana, E. Zur. FRONT ROW: R . Morley, R. Siwek, J . Reilly, F . Travellin, T. Purcell.

BACK ROW: F. Dzincielewski, E. Garland, J. Bello, M. Mauriello, G. N e m e c . FR O N T ROW: J .O’Gorman, J. Scarpa, R. Oquendo, E. Hjelm.

NOT PICTURED: T. Gilbert, F. Kimmish, H. Maeuser, A. Pagan.

Page 98

STANDING: G. Kallman, J. Calabria, J. H yatt. SEATED: A. LaRocco, T. Ferry, T. Hanewald, W. McGuire, P. Babeu, M. Collins,'' F. D’Elia.

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R. Brummer, R. Aviles, J. O’Neil, R. P au l, J. McDonough, J. Falkowski, T. Krai, G. Petti, P. Barton, M. Cunningham, M. Keilp.

NOT PICTURED: K. Ahern, R. Ochman.

Page 99

BACK ROW: A. Calefati, F. Borelli, T. Gorney, A. Flatley, J. DiCamillo. FRONT ROW: M. Gierla, R. R ed d in g to n , D. Rieling, R. Schaetzle.

BACK ROW: M. Hesselink, C. Incannella, G. Klejmont, P. Maloney. FRONT ROW: A. Tigera, R. O’Mara, M. Mazzeo, M. Kelly,K. Ahern.

Page 102: 1972 Petrean

Prep activities in the last fifty years have centered in a few prom inent organizations. Back in the twenties and through the middle sixties, Debating strongly involved students on Grand S treet. A t one time the Beaudevin and Mulry Debating Societies even drew standing crowds in the special debating hall - now the Madonna Chapel. The Sodalities o f Our Lady, dedicated to Marian spiritually, flourished at Peter’s until the late sixties.

Among the publications the Petrean (formerly the Cephean), the Petroc, and Inscape (erstwhile Literama) have kept the pictures and “bon m ots” pouring off the presses over the on-rushing years. Father Ray Y ork, one of a small army of advisors, moderated Petroc and Petrean some ten years. The Prep Band has a tradition going back to ’38 when the music makers were converted from a disappearing orchestra. The marching and concert band has flourished in recent years under Mr. John Martel who took up the baton in ’59. Prep’s Dramatic Society has had a steady and active continuity reaching back to 1922 and probably beyond. F ifty years ago the Prep players presented ‘T h e F ool’s Bauble” under the moderatorship o f Mr. L. J. Gilleran, S.J. Among other offerings over the years have been “Billy,” “Tom Sawyer,” “The Rivals,” “Brother Orchid,” and the latest “Flowers for Algernon.”

This short write-up cannot begin to do justice to the small army o f teachers and students who have made all the Prep activities tick over the years by their direction and participation. To one and all: Well Done!

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Page 104: 1972 Petrean

Mr. Steve Harz, Moderator.

Inscape ’n It'in eW inter 1972

Gary Helminski Editor.


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STANDING: Mark Wagner, Bob Ranieri, George Barry. SITTING: Peter Bolan.

Page 103


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Ray Diaz, Lenny Pasculli, Mike Filak.

Nick DeTura Editor — in — Chief

Page 104 Mr. Kevin Bradt, S.J. Moderator

Buteh Cassidy and the Sundance Kid: Nick DeTura, Tom Pini, Joe Moran.

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Page 105JUNIOR STAFF MEMBERS: Ray Roginski, Pete Brewer, Tom Calvanico, Ken Howard.

SENIOR STAFF MEMBERS: Joe Anselmo, Ron Tomczyk, Mark Morchel, Dave Descalzi, Nick Lilli, Ray Bucko.

Who put the last issue in the garbage?

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SOPHOMORE STAFF MEMBERS: BACK ROW: Sam Polese, Charlie Lizza, Joe Pastuzyn. FRONT ROW: Bob Calvanico, John Tyrrell, Pete Colford.

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FRESHMEN STAFF MEMBERS: Jay Tavormina, Bob Siwek, Ronald Paul, Russell Morley.

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John Zaccaria, Tom Short, John Reilly, John Riepe, and John DiGioia.Mr. Calderaro, the moderator.

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John Feduniewicz, John Mazurana, Vic Font, Joe Colaneri, and Bob Ranieri.

Getting it all together!

TYPISTS: Annette Luciano, Lorraine Dombrowski, and Debbie Johnston.

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Mr. Ned Coughlin S.J., Moderator.

Page 110

- - T


Bernie Ozarowski (Co-Editor), Mark Rizzo (Production Manager), Mike Tozzi I (Co-Editor).

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Bruce Sabatini, Jack Pohlig, Don Rasmusson, Rich Krai, Bob Grillo, Mike Granahan, Joe Pisano, Jazz Bordino, Rich Forte, Pat Burke.

Page 114: 1972 Petrean

PETREANJohn Feczko, Editor‘s§ in — Chief.

Tom Kennedy, Associate Editor

Mark Tyrrell, Sports Editor; Gerry Buccafusco, Activities EditorFr. James Daly, S.J., Moderator

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Page 116: 1972 Petrean

Profits soar with Kong.

Jim Bordino, Business Manager; Mr. Jim Breininger S.J., i Assistant Moderator.

THE BUSINESS STAFF: Nick Tagliareni, Jim Bordino, John Tyrrell, Jim Mataras, Don Silvey, Ken Albers, Bob Bewighouse.

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STANDING: Tom Murphy, Jim Moran, Mike Walter, Mr. McCaffrey. SITTING: Paul Cernek, Norman Michielini,Mark Keilp, Anthony Caruso.

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This past fall, the Dramatic Society tried something new. Rather than putting on one full-length play, they presented three one-act plays. The three mysteries, “The Monkey’s Paw,” “The L ottery,” and “The Tell-Tale Heart” were well received by the audiences. This was due to a combined effort by the director, Mr. Kibbler, the actors, and the stage crew.



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Page 122: 1972 Petrean


Bolstered by the success o f the fall presentation, the members o f the Dramatic Society wanted to put on a spring production that would surpass their earlier offering. That is exactly w hat they did w ith a sterling performance o f “Flowers for Algernon.” For all concerned, the 1971-72 season was a very productive one.

Speak with m y lawyer.

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Page 124: 1972 Petrean


Under the direction o f Father James Foley, S.J., Prep students in the Community Action Program help Saint Peter’s Grammar School students acquire their basic learning skills.

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Fr. Browning, S.J., instructs two of his outstanding tutors: Don Rasmusson and Tom Kennedy.

The Higher Achievement Program,under Fr. Browning, has broadened its

j scope to help needy studentsi throughout the city prepare for the

Archdiocesan High School Entrance' Exam.11t|

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Page 127: 1972 Petrean

BACK ROW: Tom Kennedy, Mark Gierla, Guiliano Giudici, Bin Bricki. FRONT ROW: Joe McAdam, John Feczko, John Montoro, Steve Tochko, Robert Siwek.



Vic Font Vice-President

m m m m

Page 128: 1972 Petrean

BANDMr. John Martel


Page 126

STANDING: Pat Saulino, Peter Sullivan, John Dearborn, Kevin Hoover SITTING: Mike Filak, Jerry Verpent, John Mazurana, Frank Hansen Not Pictured: Bob McIntyre

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STANDING: Bill Morrison, Tom Nugent SITTING: Ray Roginski, Joe Colaneri, John Calandriello Not Pictured: Mark Hesselink, John Montoro

President Bob Boyko, Vice-President Gerry Buccafusco

Mr. Albert McCormick A Acting Director; Mr. John Mullin, S.J. — Moderator

No, you can ! go to the m en’s room.

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STANDING: Joe Koszyk, Ray Bucko SITTING: Gerry Buccafusco, Wayne Jimmerson. Not Pictured: Mark Aymar, Bill Bouregy

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Page 132: 1972 Petrean


The Steering Committee: Wayne Jimmerson, John Laffan, John Calandriello, John Feczko, Kaz Burns, Bill Ruane, John Sogliuzzo, Joe Ilvento, Mr. Breininger, S.J. (m oderator), Mike Filak (chairman).

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Page 134: 1972 Petrean

EASTERN UNITED STATES CHESS CHAMPS AND NEW JERSEY STATE CHAMPS Paul Bonner, Cataldo Stolfa, Vice-President Pete LaRocco, President John DiGioia, Ray Witkowski, Captain Gene Noce.

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Donald Presea, Ronald Lopes, Thomas O’Hara, Lawrence Bryant, Douglas Blumenfeld, Dean Chapman, Mark Hesselink, George Krol, Harry Anderson, Andrew Fajvan, Tom Kennedy, John Feduniewicz, Tom Jennings.

~ Page 133Miss Catherine J . Collins", M .L.S.

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Kevin Coogan, Bob Siwek, Mike McGuinness, Ed Bannon, Mark Gierla, Bob Feeney, Mike Walter, Mike McGeough, President

Treks along the Appalachian Trail and atop Mount Schunemunk, camping in the Delaware Valley and Eagle Mountain Notch, Mass on the highest peak of the Catskills: these were the highlights o f the club’s first year. President Mike McGeough plans still other trips to the Adirondacks and Catskills.

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Sidney, I told yo u to pay the electric bill.

People o f Earth!

Fr. Fallon, Tom Gibson, Bill Bricki, Mat Crosson, Drew Salvest, Paul Sienkiewicz, Mike Cupo,

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John Zaccaria, Bob Alvarez, Bill Pritchard, Leo Campbell, Dennis LaRusso, Dick Fiore.

Horsey and Fr. Fallon. How do you spell Hutzen

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Page 139

John Feczko, Bill Coscarelli, Steve Fallon, Steve Caruana, Bob Ferguson, Rick Roach, Ihor Sypko, Denis Loughman, Bill Bracey, Gary Helminski, John Regna.

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BACK ROW: Bob Calvanico, Rich Forte, TomCalvanico, Bill Ruane. FRONT ROW: Ed Rebbert, Chris Colford, Gene Noce, Kevin McCarthy, Bob Peterkin.

Bill Coscarelli, Publicity Committee Chairman.

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Coach Lou Rettino and Danny Miller, School Spirit Committee Chairman.

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STANDING: Joe Ilvento (Vice-President), Bill Coscarelli (Publicity Chairman), Bob Simko (President). SITTING: Steve Fallon (Social C h a irm a n ) , D an n y M iller (School Spirit Chairman).

Page 145: 1972 Petrean

The Council’s year began with the exciting race for the presidency and ended with its well-planned Senior P ro jec ts . In b e tw e e n , Freshman Orientation, Activities’ Week, the school outing, the Rutgers convention and junior L o u N a p o l i t a n o ’s e le c tio n as vice-president o f the state association, the Free S ch o o l and the walkathons accompanied its ongoing and more important work as representative of student thought and communications channel between students and the administration and faculty.

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B arn D anceO c to b e r 1971

Page 144

Fr. Augustine Meagher (M oderator), Mrs. George Faherty (President), Mrs. Mitchel Syp (Vice-President), Mrs. Walter Wojcik (Recording Secretary), Mrs. Patrick Callahan (Corresponding Secretary), Mrs. Salvatore Buccafusco (Treasurer).


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John Murphy (Treasurer), Fr. Scully (Moderator), John Russoniello (President), Nicholas Mina (Vice-President), James Fitzgerald (Secretary), Howard Wuelfing (Sgt.-at-Arms).

Page 145

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In today’s world a sound educational system should provide a student the means to condition himself physically as well as mentally. A t Prep, the student is offered just that. Whether on an interscholastic or intramural basis, Prep’s athletic department has molded throughout the first century of the school’s existence a flexible program, concerned primarily with the varied interests o f all her students.

It is interest that invokes desire, the formula for victory. Victory is no stranger to Prep athletics. When one mentions Halligan’s Hoopsters, the Maroon Wolf Pack, Bill Cochrane, Larry Adams, Mike Boylan, and a hundred others, too numerous to list, the memory of Prep’s triumphs comes to mind.

For many, Prep is not a place where they leave their athletic talents forever. Lou Rettino ’59 now serves as head coach of varsity football following a pro career for the Green Bay Packers, shortened by a knee injury. One of the top pitchers for the Texas Rangers (Washington Senators) is Jim Hannon ’64. Baseball fans are familiar with the Yankee announcer, Bob Gamere (Gmuer) ’56.

Thus Saint Peter’s Prep qualifies in the development of a whole person—physically, mentally, and spiritually. Athletics instill self pride in both victory and defeat, and the experience of athletic competition and the goals achieved will remain forever.

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Page 150: 1972 Petrean

BACK ROW: Managers: Wuelfmg, Erskine, Piszel. Players: Green, Neal, Dramis, Crouglio, Davis, Zielinski, Mina, R., Tedesco, Carbalzo, Mina, N., Taylor, Siems, Castano, Kiernan. THIRD ROW: Malecki, Lypowy, Grant, Curry, Cavanaugh, Aurigemma, Travellin,

Sullivan, Robinson, Colacurcio, Malavarca, Russonello, Walowicz. SECOND ROW: Lisa, Bellizi, Lally, Bergen, Emerson, Moschel, Dunn, Philhower, Zolli, McCabe, Ktoris, Gaddis, Cochrane. FIRST ROW: Kielty, Bivins, Pohlig, Faherty, Parks, Kearney, Dispoto, Bucco, Kielp, Tracy, DeTura, Meyer, Krai.


Page 151: 1972 Petrean

The return to school ushers in the return o f football, and Prep fans in early September, foresaw a long disappointing season, as head coach Lou Rettino returned w ith a team that was, admittedly, small, inexperienced, and lacking depth. Bucco and company, however, introduced a balanced offense of passing and running, dividing 164 total season’s points among Faherty, Tracy, and Robinson. At the same time Kielty, Dispoto, Kearney, and Gaddis notably recorded two shut-outs and in four games, one touchdown scored upon. Humiliating their opponents, as well as suffering heart-breaking defeats, the team compiled an impressive 5 — 4 record, including major upsets over Memorial and Hoboken.

Coaching Staff: Frank Spillane, John Boatti, Cy Lawrence, Lou Rettino, Tom Biondo. Not Pictured: Jim Joyce.

TEAM RECORDPREP OPPONENTS15 ..................................... MEMORIAL 0

6 ......................... ESSEX CATHOLIC 240 ........................................... .MARIST 37

12 1 ' , . ^ . ..............................HOBOKEN 76 ........................................BAYONNE 8

32 SNYDER 77 ............................NORTH BERGEN 13


Page 1

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Page 153: 1972 Petrean
Page 154: 1972 Petrean
Page 155: 1972 Petrean

In d iv idua l H o n o rs 1971

TOM KIELTY1st Team All-County, Jersey Journal; 1st Team All-County, Daily News; 2nd Team All-State Parochial, Newark Star Ledger.

STEVE MALAVARCA 1st Team All-County, Jersey Journal; 1st Team All-County, Daily News; 1st Team All-State Parochial, Newark Star Ledger.

JOE BUCCO 2nd Team All-County, Jersey Journal.

GEORGE FAHERTY Tommy Meyers Memorial Award.

Page 156: 1972 Petrean

STANDING: Kathy Legault, ASA; Pat Murphy (Captain), SDA; Patty Connolly, ASA. KNEELING: Anne B e rg en , A SA; K athy Durbec (Co-Captain), SDA; Melanie Zieja, ASA; Noreen Kulvicki, ASH.

Page 157: 1972 Petrean

Thanks, Girls!A very special “thank ■"* you” is due our

cheerleaders for all their hard work and loyalty during the past year. Their physical beauty (obvious in the pictures) is matched only by the year long dedication to Prep spirit. Ad multos annos!

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STANDING: Dave Green (Assistant Coach), Tony O’Gorman, Jack Crosby, Bob Wojtczuk, Bob Safranek (Manager), Bill Donnelly, Bill Mueller, Mr. Berkowitz (Coach), Wayne Nason. SITTING: Joe Cocciari, Gary Cardiello, Lenny Nason, Mark Roszkowski.

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Page 160: 1972 Petrean


City ChampionshipsJ o e C o c c ia rd i..................................................... 1st Place TumblingJo h n W o jtc z u k .................................................1st Place Side HorseMark R oszkow sk i..........................................2nd Place Side HorseGary Cardiello ................................................3rd Place Side HorseJack C ro s b y .......................................................1st Place High BarJack Crosby .........................................................2nd Place P - BarJ o e C o c c ia rd i..................................................1 st Place Long HorseMark R oszkow sk i......................................... 3rd Place Long HorseBill M ueller........................................................3rd Place Still RingsJoe Cocciardi ................................................2nd Place All-Around

First Place Team in the Jersey City Gymnastics Championships

Page 161: 1972 Petrean


BACK ROW: Pete Onori, John Bogdanowicz, Ed Garland, Pat Saulino, Danny Cruoglio, Coach Walter Illy. THIRD ROW: Mike Baccile, John Serpico, John Cafiero. SECOND ROW: A1 Guilio, Bob Zulauf. FRONT ROW: Joe Cucci.

© 0© © © “I hope he doesn i drop it.

Page 162: 1972 Petrean


TEAM RECORD PREP OPPONENT46 ................................................. C .B .A . :50 ........................... BRICK TOWNSHIP ;50 ..................... ROSELLE CATHOLIC :36 ..............................NORTH BERGEN :23 ....................................... .MEMORIAL :18 ................................................... REGIS I16 ...............................................XAVIER -35 LAFAYETTE UNIVERSITY :50 ................CORNELL UNIVERSITY :25 ............................................... MARIST :15 ...........................SAINT MICHAEL’S i36 . . RHODE ISLAND UNIVERSITY | 22 ...........................UNION CATHOLIC 3COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP 4th Pla iCITY CHAM PIONSHIP...................3rd PMEASTERN STATESCHAM PIONSHIP............................ 14th PlaJESUIT CHAMPIONSHIP 4 th Pla

BACK ROW: Mr. Don Gannon, S.J., Coach; Mr. Jim Sullivan, Coach. THIRD ROW: John Collins, Jeff Hughes, Jim Collins, Bob Landry, Kevin Stogran, Gary Stoldt, Gene K otyk, Dave Miller. SECOND ROW: Pat McGovern, Lou Napolitano, John Hobgood, Mike Dowe, Andy Collins, Jim Sullivan, Captain. FRONT ROW: A1 Castano, John Sullivan, Jim Webber, Mike Clark, Denis O ’Connell, Pat Burke. Not Pictured: Jim Sidoti, Bob Peterkin, Kevin Riordan.


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In d iv id u a l H o n o rs

K - VARSITY LEVEL —3rd Place Trophies — City Championship.Jim Sullivan, Mike Clark, Jim Webber, Pat McGovern, Dave Miller, John Sullivan, Bob Landry.Medals in Jesuit Championship..Jim Sullivan, Jim Webber.

■ 1 JUNIOR VARSITY - 3rd Place County Championship.John Sullivan.Eastern States Championship.Pat McGovern — 6 th Place Denis O’Connell — 1 0 th Place Jesuit Championship Medal

\ Garrick Stoldt- FRESHMAN LEVEL -

I:,Jst Place Trophies City Championship. i;; Top Finishers: Kevin Cerosky,

Mark Hesselink, Bob Aviles.Jesuit Championship Medal Bob Aviles

FROSH CROSS - COUNTRYBACK ROW: Kevin Cerosky, Pat Pasculli, Frank Murphy, Mark Hesselink. FRONT ROW: Ron Lopes, Norman Michielini, Don Pressa, Paul Sienkiewicz. Not Pictured: Bob Aviles

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Page 165: 1972 Petrean

Greg Wroclawski

Bob Cutillo

John Feczko

Bill Coscarelli

Jim Bordino

George McGowan



Page 166: 1972 Petrean


BACK ROW: Mr. Martin (instructor), C. Fuardo, B. Gordon, F. Andrews, G. Mathus, L. Feliciano, G. Noce, T. Gil, P. Massa, R. Szpakowski, I. Sypko, J. Podolak, G. Taite, G. Martin (instructor). MIDDLE ROW: K. Burns, J. Pattis, R. Ranieri, L. Ray, J. Koszyk, A. Benz, A. Cartagena, R. Harrison, J. DeMussi, M. Collins, M. Hudzin, R. McIntyre, J. Feczko. FRONT ROW: R . Sypko, B. O’Reilly, J. Duncan, J. Kazcka, T. Purcell, P. Sienkiewicz, N. Rolon, B. Marchlewski, V. Rinaldi, M. Cupo, G. Gaston.

Gene Noce demonstrates the Yoko GeriHenry Wawroski, Bob Warner, Mike Lysak.

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Members have the chance to exhibit their skills in the weekly sparring matches.

John Feczko turns the tables on Glenn Mathus in the Circle o f Death.

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Greg Wroclawski, Ernie Badaracco, Bill DiTuro, Dan Lenehan.

Page 166

Page 169: 1972 Petrean

Joe Sullivan, 1972 City Diving Champ.

Captain Ernie Badaracco and Co-Captain Pete Bolan.

Coach Joe DiTuro.

INDIVIDUAL HONORS 1972 City ChampionshipsGreg Wroclawski 100 Butterfly

2 0 0 yard Free Style 200 yard Medley

Joe Sullivan DivingErnie Badaracco 200 yard MedleyBill DiTuro 2 0 0 yard MedleyDanLenehan 2 0 0 yard Medley

1 9 7 2 C o u n ty C ham pionsh ip Greg Wroclawski 1 0 0 yard Butterfly

200 yard Free Style

Page 170: 1972 Petrean


STANDING: Jack Furka, Marty Szymialowicz, Glen Nerbak, Tom Kielty, Rich Hayes, Rich Joyce, Ron Robinson, Frank Cioffi, Paul Grywalski KNEELING: Kevin Cummings, Paul Dully, Bruce Sabatini, Tom Lally, Pat Corcoran, Bob Mercier

Kevin Cummings Guard

Coach Jerry Halligan

Upon leading last year’s J. V. County Champs onto the court, Jerry Halligan’s quintet was considered in pre-season play to be a doubtful candidate for this year’s Varsity County Championship. Once again, lack of height and experience seemed to spell out a coming season o f frustration. These elements came to life, as Halligan’s Marauders struggled to a one-point victory in its inaugural game against Regis. Then followed a see-saw of close victories and defeats and a dismal showing in the Christmas tournament. It was now Prep’s turn to prove itself. Teamwork became our motto as balanced scoring, strong rebounding, and a solid defense pushed the team to the top of the South Hudson standings. At home we remained unbeatable, avenging earlier losses to Lincoln and Ferris, and thwarting Dickinson in its conquest of county honors. With the one-two scoring punch o f Sabatini and Cummings, aided by the outstanding teamwork of Kielty, Hayes, Robinson, Mercier, and Dully, Prep was able to devastate its opponents.

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Paul Dully Forward

In the post season County Tournament, we breezed to a first place finish in preparation for the State Tournament. Prep edged out the highly rated powerhouse, Roselle Catholic for the Northern New Jersey title in probably one of the greatest games in recent years. The team played like pros in tribute to Coach Halligan, who won his 300th game as coach at Saint Peter’s. Prep’s attempts to capture the Parochial “A” State Title were thwarted by the powerful CBA team whom Prep had defeated once already this year.

Bruce Sabatini Guard

Rich Hayes Center

dSfrtBecfluse# 1 ^ ls* vce .n * 'j t


Tom Kielty Forward

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Ron Robinson — Forward 1972 Taffaro Memorial Award Winner

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STANDING: Rich Diaz (Manager), Bruce Woemer, John Erhardt, Joe Schimer, Zenon Smotrycz, Kevin Riordan, Kevin McCarthy, Mark Forhecz, Dave Battinelli KNEELING: Mark Bonner, Tony DeRario, Dave Delo, Mike Lewis, Pat Cavanagh, Mark Russell, John Lapinski, Jean Marie Piegza

FRESHMAN BASKETBALL STANDING: Peter Arndt, Pete Venetis, Vinny Gramugliato, Bill McGuire, Mark Mauriello, Tony Powell, Howie Hogan, Lorenzo Scott, Frank D’Amielo, Ed Donald, Mr. Greg Hochstein, Carlos Beltran KNEELING: Leo Campbell, Mike Folger, Greg Nemec, Ronny Allen, Tom Narkiewicz, Mike Bergen, John DiCamilo

Page 176: 1972 Petrean

Chris Sortiro, 3rd Base

Kevin Cummings, 2nd BaseBASEBALL

Bob Wojcik, Pitcher

Tom Kielty, 1st Base

Coaches Paul Sheridan, S.J., and Bill Cochrane

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Dick Dispoto, Catcher

Shortstop Bruce Sabatini scores!

Coach Dennis Cummings, Man about Town

Joe Brescia, Left FieldGerry Iervolino, Right Field

Page 178: 1972 Petrean

Mr. Clement O ’Sullivan A.B., J.D ., L itt. D.

In the centennial year o f Saint Peter’s Prep, Mr. Clement O’Sullivan, professor extaordinaire, has decided to relinquish his place on the Saint Peter s faculty. No one at the Prep has even considered that after four years o f student life and forty five years o f a teaching career, Mr. O’Sullivan would make this

decision. Now the question: Who could ever take his place? Whether he be a graduate o f ’73 or ’33, the Prep man will find this question most difficult to answer. In addition to being a

qualified lawyer, as a teacher, Mr. O’Sullivan is proficient in a wide spectrum o f subjects - from English to French, from Classical Greek to Mathematics, from Religion to Science. Who is this man, Clement O’Sullivan? He is our pride and our glory. Teaching has been his main drive, as can be readily sensed in his parting message to the students o f Saint Peter’s P re p ..............

“Saint Peter’s Prep is a century old. For 49 years o f that century, Prep has been an intimate part o f my life: first, as her student, later, as a member o f her faculty.

Since you re a lawyer, how come you followed a teaching career?’ is a question I ’m often asked.

“The answer is simply that I discovered unsuspected riches in teaching. Great as the legal profession is, I eventually realized that I was in a more noble calling. Here, I found, was a profession which ministered to m an’s most precious possession, his mind - that faculty through which he alone attains his true being and happiness. Here was the profession which Aquinas called ‘man’s supreme sharing in the divine government o f the world.’

“Then I discovered more of teaching’s riches in my association with a school that I had grown to love and esteem, a superior school which aims beyond mere academic excellence toward transcendant goals. In Tennyson’s IDYLLS OF THE KING, there’s a superior youth named Gareth who speaks lines that epitomize the spirit that Prep has striven to communicate to her students down through the years when he says, ‘Live pure, speak true, right wrong, follow the Christ, the King! Else, wherefore born?’

Finally I discovered the riches of teaching in my association with the men and women who have been my colleagues and with the young men whom I have taught. I count it a great privilege to have known them and to have shared their friendship. Mine has truly been an enriching experience. Moreover, in the words of Prep’s Alma Mater, ‘It is a story of gladness with no shadow of sadness,’ none, that is, except the sadness of leaving. To my beloved St. Peter’s, my valediction is an old Irish one, ‘May God hold you ever in the hollow of His hand.’ ”

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STAFFJohn Feczko, Editor-in-Chief

Tom Kennedy, Associate Editor

Gerry Buccafusco, A ctivities ’ Editor Mark Tyrrell, Sports’ Editor

STAFF Pat McGovern Tom Short Ray Bucko Tom Calvanico Bill Ruane Carl Fuardo John Sogliuzzo Ed Rebbert

BUSINESS STAFF Nick Tagalareni

Bob Bewighouse Ken Albers Bill Ruane

John Tyrrell Don Silvey

Rich Szpakowski Tom Jago

Fr. Jim Daly S J Moderator Mr. Jim Breininger, Business S ta ff Advisor


Photography by Lou for taking on a large part of our workload to meet deadlines; Jim Bordino for his two resignations and his Bozo routines; Fr. O’Donnell, Mr. Kibbler, Greg Wroclawski, Mike McGuinness, and Brian Wright for needed pictures; Fr. Daly for the Cheerleaders’ filler; Mr. Shea and the Camera Club for their invaluable assistance in producing this book; Mr. Breininger for those cheery posters; The Bookstore for giving us supplies; Jim Mataras for spearing John Riepe out of the office; Mr. Ralph Smith for giving us much leeway in meeting deadlines; Carl Fuardo for not graduating with us; Kathy Durbec for her typing abilities, “what’s his name” for popping in once in a while; and finally, all the sponsors and patrons who made this book possible.

Jim Bordino, Business Manager Jim Mataras, Assistant

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Page 181: 1972 Petrean



Received by

the sum o fAMOUNT PAID

of the 1972 Petrean






OATfitf |

the 1972 Petrean


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Mr. & Mrs. E. Ahern

John Amato

Mr. & Mrs. G. Andrews

Annie Baby

Mr. Charles Augelli

Mrs. Louis Axt

Mary Balinski

Barney Stock Shops

Miss Regina E. Begans

Mark Patrick Bender

Bill’s Produce

Gary Bogdanski

Bogota Liquors and Caterers

The Bongiovanni Family

Dr. & Mrs. T. K. Bouregy

Dr. L. R. Brigadier

Mr. Jazzbone Chester Bulwit

Patrick C. Burke

Mrs. Margaret Calabrese

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Callahan

Accent II

Dorothy Camilli

Capitol Florist Inc.

Rev. Joseph Chiang, O.P.

Joe Cappiello

Carbone’s Restaurant

Suzanne Carey

Alfonso Catrillo

Casa-Maria Dining Room

The Cheeks Family

Mike Cheeks and Tiger

Dr. Thomas J. Cleary, Jr.

Kevin E. Cleary

Patrick J. Cleary

Thomas J. Cleary, Sr.

Joseph Colaneri

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Colaneri

Mary and Joseph Colford ’6 8

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Collins, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Collins III ’63

Kevin F. Collins ’73

Community T. V.

Mr. &Mrs. James P. Condon

Joe Connors

Kevin Coogan

Harry Corless

Cindy Corless

Mr. & Mrs. John Cosgrove

Salvatore J. Cozzetta

Craft Cleaners

Mr. Paul Crowley

Pat Daly

D. B. O. P.

De Kimpe’s Florist

Jennifer DeMaria

Raymond Denys

Joe DiTuro

D & J Bar

Mr. & Mrs. C. Dominiczak

A1 Donohue

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Drago

Dudsak Family

Craig Dudsak

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Mrs. James J. Duffy

Bill Duncan, Jr. ’71

Catherine Dunleavy

Mrs. Genevieve Eilers

Emerald Food Store

Empire Carriage and Toy

Mr. Carl Erwin

2nd Lt. Robert M. Fabio

John Feczko

Mr. &Mrs. Theodore Feduniewicz

Fiore Family

Mr. &Mrs. James G. V. Fitzgerald

Maureen Fitzgerald

Mr. &Mrs. Ted Force

Mrs. Margaret J. Forke

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander G. Forsythe

Margaret A. Forsythe, R.N.

Mrs. Mary Forsythe


Max Friedman, D.D.S.

A Friend

A Friend

A Friend

A Friend

A Friend

A Friend

A Friend

Joe Fuardo ’78

Nana Gallagher

Gallucci’s Meats and Groceries

Mr. & Mrs. T. Gibson

Mary B. Gillwoly

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Girvan

Goody Meat Market


Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Granahan

Grand Street Hess

Chester A. Grapkowski

Mrs. Hazel Grier

Mrs. William Grier

Thomas Grillo

Mrs. Margaret Guilloud

Haggerty’s Bar

Bob Hansen

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Hansen

Stephen Hansen

Harrington’s Gas Station

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hayes

Heir’s Men Shop

Dr. & Mrs. C. W. Hennesey

Mrs. Lucille Hobgood

Mr. & Mrs. William Holt

Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Hopkins

House of Greetings

Howard Clothes

Mr. Anthony Inguaggiato, Jr.

Jack, Kevin, Nancy, Peggy, Pat, James

Johnson’s Inc.

Mrs. Philomena Jordan

Jules Prime Meat Market

Jim, Jeff, and Dave Kaczka

Karen Coat Co.

Mr. & Mrs. Karwoski

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Richard Karwoski

Mrs. R. Kasbarian

Mr. & Mrs. J. V. Katcoe

Alfred Keilp and Lillian Napierski

Mr. & Mrs. John Keilp and Family

Mr. & Mrs. George Kelly

Charles F. Kenny, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kessler

Mrs. Catherine Kiernan

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kiernan

King Auto Supply

Jim Kinney

Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Kirkowski

John and Michael Kirkowski ’61 and ’6 6

Carol and Joan Kocot

Mrs. Theresa Krai

Kriegel Furrier Inc.

Dr. & Mrs. Harvey Lane

Mrs. Rose Lanier

Larry the Turtle

Leyden’s Meat Market

Lincoln Inn

Eli F. Lizza ’69

Mrs. Sophie Lupero

M & M Deli

Mac’s and Jimmy

Mr. & Mrs. James Mack

The Magic Id

M anhattan Deli

Mark and Cheryl

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Marzitello

Mr. & Mrs. Massaro

Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Maus, P.G.K.

Henry J. Mayer

Tom McCabe

George McGowan Family

Messano Pharmacy

Meyers Family

Elizabeth J. Meyers

Dr. & Mrs. J. Micale

Rev. Benedict Militello

Ceil Milkowska

Minero “ Newcome and Co. Inc

Morchel Family

Ray Morley

Mr. J. Morreale

Marc Mruz ’75

Thomas S. Mruz ’69

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mruz, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mulhern

James H. Muller

Mary L. Nickerson

Regina Nickerson

Mr. & Mrs. John O’Brien

Mr. & Mrs. Obrycki

Walter Obrycki

Old Forge Antiques

Lea O’Neil

Anthony Orlando

Mr. Jimmy O’Rourke

Pannebianco Family

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Patrick’s Beauty Salon

Payton’s Palace

John Peretti


Mr. & Mrs. Petrali

Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose Petrizzo

Pat Presa

The Thomas Puzio Family

Daniel Quaglia

Randy Coat Co.

Mr. & Mrs. A. Reder

Mr. &Mrs. James P. Reilly

Reunion Committee CHS ’41

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reynolds

Stanley Rogalski

Rojay Monogram

Rosebud Sport Shop

Sandler’s Department Store Inc.

Edith Scerbo

Schimenti’s Food Market

Harriet Schmale

Henry S. Sebula

Seegon and 20 Minutes

John Selecos

Senorita Maria Fashions

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sienkiewicz

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Simko

Rev. Michael S. Simko

Mr. &Mrs. John Slattery

Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Spaulding

Robert A. Stack

Stuyvesant Liquors

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tavormina

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Teen

Emma A. Thompson

Ed Tomaszewski ’72

Louis C. Tortora

Miss Angela Tozzoli

Mr. & Mrs. John Trevelise

Tru-Val Hosiery

Tru-Val Hosiery

Unis Tunis Punis

Frank Michael Vaccarino ’6 6

Joseph A. Vena

Vi’s Florist

Walter’s Machine Shop

Jean Walters

Mr. & Mrs. John Walters, Jr.

Hugo J. Waltz

The Charles W. Weber Family

Whistle Clean Inc.

White’s Liquor Store

Donna Wilking

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Wisniewski

John J. Wojtcziik

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wolowitz

Young Fashions

Zaccaria Family

Peter Zaccaria

S. Zimmerman

Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Zur, P.F.N.

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Page 187: 1972 Petrean


The Alvarez Family

American Mdse. Mart

R. F. Beards, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Begans

Bel Fuse Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bender

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Bergen

Beverly & Mike

Mrs. William Bradley

Anthony Breyan

James Breyan ’52

Dr. Henry Buklad

Thomas Burke & Family

Charles A. Carey

Raymond Carr

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Colford

Joseph M. Cooney

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cruise

Damar Graphics

Mr. John DeAngelis

Agnes Dobronsky

Duncan Hardware

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Duncan

Joan Dunleavy

Elizabeth Federal Savings


Mr. & Mrs. Dom Forte

A Friend

A Friend

Carl Fuardo ’73

Gigi & George

Goodman Furniture Works

Mrs. Elizabeth Gordon

Polska Gospoda

Mr. & Mrs. A. Grillo

Mrs. Eleanor Houghton

Mr. & Mrs. A. Inguaggiato

Dr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Kaczka

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Joseph Kahn Jewelers

Dr. & Mrs. Saul Katz

Kraftware Corp.

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Koszyk

Kowalchyk Funeral Home

J. A. LaRocca Brothers, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Lizza

Mrs. C. Ludwiczak

Thomas J. Lynch Insurance Agency

Mario and The Flips

Mrs. Anne McCabe

Mr. & Mrs. McIntyre

Mary McLemon’s Grocery

Mercier: Tim ’67, Bob ’72

Mrs. A. Montoro

Mrs. Dolores B. Moran

William J. Murray

Phyllis Noce

Pisano Family

Pastore’s Wines & U q. Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Pilla

Mr. & Mrs. A. Pini

Preferred Personnel Inc.

Pat William Presa

Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Quaglia

Henry Rezemieniewski

Mr. & Mrs. J. Roberts

-Dr. G. H. Rossnick

Mr. Herman Schoning

South Orange Au. Bus Co.

Mitchell Stepuch

Rev. Msgr. James A. Stone

William Sullivan

Mr. & Mrs. P. Szymialowicz

Travellin Family

Uncle Vito

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wilking

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wintjen

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Page 190: 1972 Petrean


ALAN FOOD SALES 137 North 3rd Street Paterson, New Jersey

ALPO COAT CO., INC.8 th & Grand Street Hoboken, New Jersey

AL’S DINER873 Communipaw AvenueJersey City, New Jersey

JOE ANSELMO F.O.T.S.1012 80th Street North Bergen, New Jersey

THE ARNDT FAMILY 357 Jauncey Avenue Lyndhurst, New Jersey

THE BADACH’S 279 St. Paul’s Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

BARON DRUG CO. OF HOBOKEN 416 Washington Street Hoboken, New Jersey

BENMORE BOWLING LANES 792 Communipaw Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

THE BENZ FAMILY 111 14th Street Hoboken, New Jersey

BILL’S JEWELERS 1271 Paterson Plank Road Secaucus, New Jersey

THE BIONDO’S: YIN ’6 8 , TOM ’70, MIKE ’72


36 Magnolia Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

WHITING P. BOLAN 2A Allen Avenue Allenhurst, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. S. BUCCAFUSCO 46 St. Paul’s Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

PHILIP CAFASSO 63 W. 24th Street Bayonne, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. F. CALANDRIELLO 184 Q endenny Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. THOMAS P. CALLAHAN 40 Bowers Road Caldwell, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. E. P. CALVANICO 156 Van Reipen Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. WALTER A. CARDELL 159 Harrington Road Clifton, New Jersey

8 Highfield Court Wayne, New Jersey

COMO S. CHIAMA CONST. CO.299 Winfield Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. JOHN J. CLARK 128 Tennyson Drive Short Hills, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. HAROLD W. COAR1715 47th StreetNorth Bergen, New Jersey

JOHN COLLINS 192 Virginia Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

MRS. VINCENT CONNORS 38 W. 56th Street Bayonne, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. JOHN C. CORSENTINO 841 Cleveland Avenue Elizabeth, New Jersey

DOC & MRS. COSCARELLI 632 Wyoming Avenue Elizabeth, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. ROBERT COSTA 1113 New York Avenue Union City, New Jersey

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THE CROGHAN FAMILY 20 Boyd Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. WILLIAM E. CUMMINGS 131 Highland Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. B. CUPRYS 702 Rifle Camp Road West Paterson, New Jersey

THOMAS CUTILLO648 Upper Mountain AvenueUpper Montclair, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. Z. JOHN CZARNECKI 1 Dorset Drive Kenilworth, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. VIC DAMIANO 168 Laauwe Avenue Wayne, New Jersey

DIFEO BUICK INC.919 Communipaw Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

DR. & MRS. JOHN DiGIOIA 31 Emory Street Jersey City, New Jersey

DONATO MILLS SUPPLY 15-17 Brook Street Jersey City, New Jersey

MICHAEL DOWNEY ’87 54 Magnolia Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

THE DULLY FAMILY 90 Waldo Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

S. ERIANNE & SONS 498 West Side Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. GEORGE FAHERTY 218 La Salle Avenue Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey

MRS. JENNY FERGUSON 5 Corbin Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

LOUIS FERRERA & FAMILY 75 Gordonhurst Avenue Upper Montclair, New Jersey

DAN’S AMERICAN SERVICE CENTER 1054 Broadway Bayonne, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. DELLA VALLE 309 Sanford Avenue Lyndhurst, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. FRANK A. DeTURA 99 Hobart Avenue Bayonne, New Jersey

FIESELER’S JEWELERS 335 Grove Street Jersey City, New Jersey

THE FORHECZ FAMILY1 Bridle WaySaddle River, New Jersey

THE FURKA FAMILY 28 Canal Street Jersey City, New Jersey


GEMIGNANI PHARMACY6129 Park AvenueWest New York, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. FULVIO GIUDICI 813 Willow Avenue Hoboken, New Jersey

THE GLENWOOD RESTAURANT 850 West Side Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

KEN HALPIN ’72 162A Neptune Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

HARRY’S LIQUOR STORE 295 Broadway Bayonne, New Jersey

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MR. WILLIAM HOGAN 271 Boyd Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

HENRY HOLTZMANN, INC.169 Danforth Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

THE IERVOLINO FAMILY 210 Pandolfi Avenue Secaucus, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. ROBERT JAGO 279 Union Street Jersey City, New Jersey

JERSEY AVE. MARKET 508 Jersey Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

JIM’S ESSO1737 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, New Jersey

JOURNAL SQUARE BOOKSTORE 22 Journal Square Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. GERARD KELLY 90 W. 31st Street Bayonne, New Jersey

JOHN S. KESSLER & CO.154 Ogden Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. THEODORE E. KESSLER 95 Kennedy Boulevard Bayonne, New Jersey

KNIGHT’S AUTO BODY, INC.781 Garfield Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. EDWARD KRAL 8 6 W. 52nd Street Bayonne, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. MATTHEW M. KRAUTHEIM 199 Hazel Street Paterson, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. ANTHONY KROL 44 Meadow Lane Q ifton , New Jersey

LAFAYETTE NEWS CO.341 Communipaw Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. ARTHUR F. LENEHAN 33 Normandy Road Clifton, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. NICHOLAS LILLI, JR.211 Cliff Street Cliffside Park, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. CHARLES LISA 1231 Park Avenue Hoboken, New Jersey

LOR RAY’S BEAUTY SALON 516 Broadway Bayonne, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. LAWRENCE T. LYONS 43 Forest Way Clifton, New Jersey

MAC’S VILLAGE DELI 197 Bartholdi Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

THE MAHAR FAMILY 168 Gordonhurst Avenue Upper Montclair, New Jersey

MASSA SALES & SERVICE 434 Central Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. RICHARD MATZ 409 45th Street Union City, New Jersey

ALPHONSE J. MAURO 116 Greenville Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. J. MAZURANA 210 Park Avenue Hoboken, New Jersey

DAVE McADAM 713 Humboldt Street Secaucus, New Jersey

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MR. & MRS. JOHN F. McCANN 291 Main Street Ridgefield Park, New Jersey


MR. & MRS. JOSEPH McGEARY 408 Union Street Jersey City, New Jersey

THE McGEOUGH FAMILY 212 Bidwell Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

REV. JOHN P. McGOVERN ’57 St. Teresa’s Summit, New Jersey

DR. & MRS. PATRICK McGOVERN 3284 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. JAMES McKENNA 160 Columbia Avenue Nutley, New Jersey

JOSEPH McLOUGHLIN 12 Mutillod Lane Secaucus, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. RICHARD T. MICHALOWSKI 245 Summit Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

DENNIS F. MICHIELINI 553 38th Street Union City, New Jersey

MID-CITY AMERICAN 78-80 East 21st Street Bayonne, New Jersey

MR. W.C. MORTENSON 165 Wildwood Avenue Upper Montclair, New Jersey

DOMINICK MONTERISI 300 Center Street Carlstadt, New Jersey

C. J. MURPHY FUEL 222 Avenue E Bayonne, New Jersey

THE MURRAY FAMILY 1028 Washington Street Hoboken, New Jersey

NATIONAL WAREHOUSE INDUSTRIES 1234 Paterson Plank Road Secaucus, New Jersey

NORTH END FUEL CO.8701 Kennedy Boulevard North Bergen, New Jersey

BICENTENNIAL PUBLISHING CORP. 253 Washington Street Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. JOSEPH D. O’CONNELL30 Troy StreetJersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. JAMES J. O’CONNOR 43 College Drive Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. THOMAS O’HARA 37 Marlboro Road Clifton, New Jersey

MRS. MAY O’SULLIVAN 713 Humboldt Street Secaucus, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. BERNARD OZAROWSKI 128 Lexington Avenue Bayonne, New Jersey

PALMER FURNITURE 217 Newark Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

NAPP REALTY 585 West Side Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. LEONARD NASON 900 Avenue C Bayonne, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. ROBERT MERNAR 8 East 41st Street Bayonne, New Jersey

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THE PHILHOWER FAMILY31 Serven Place Clifton, New Jersey

MRS. BERTHA QUAGLIERI32 Columbia Terrace Weehawken, New Jersey

MRS. LAWRENCE QUINN 96 Gifford Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. RICHARD J. QUOSIG 420 Ninth Street Palisades Park, New Jersey

RANIERI’S HOBOKEN FURNITURE CO 129 Washington Street Hoboken, New Jersey

RASMUSSON FAMILY 161 Summit Avenue Upper Montclair, New Jersey

EDWARD REBBERT 652 Jersey Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

RIDGEFIELD MAINTENANCE CO.780 Shetland Lane Ridgefield, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. GEORGE ROSELLI 237 Griffith Street Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. JOHN J. SALVEST 385 Chestnut Street Kearny, New Jersey

SAM’S BODY SHOP 312 Belleville Turnpike North Arlington, New Jersey

PATRICK J. SAULINO 732 Bloomfield Avenue Hoboken, New Jersey

THE SIDOTI FAMILY 147 Marks Place North Bergen, New Jersey

SILCO AUTOMATIC VENDING CO. 1700 Paterson Hank Road North Bergen, New Jersey

AL SMITH MOVING & STORAGE 273 New York Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. WALTER J. SOGLIUZZO 1228 Bloomfield Avenue Hoboken, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. THOMAS J. STOKES 14 Baltusrol Place Summit, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. JOHN SUTTON 5 Erwin Place Caldwell, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. NICHOLAS TAGLIARENI 316 Third Street Jersey City, New Jersey

TOZZI FAMILY 25 Carlton Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. J. TRACY 121 Lincoln Avenue North Arlington, New Jersey

J.J. WAGNER 55 Eldorado Place Weehawken, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. JOHN T. WALDRON 57 Warner Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. WALDRON & FAMILY 11 Duncan Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

JIM WEBBER’S MA & PA 150 Princeton Road Elizabeth, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. JOHN WISSMANN 509 Bloomfield Street Hoboken, New Jersey

MR. & MRS. WALTER WOJCIK 74 W. Tenth Street Bayonne, New Jersey

AMELIA & MICHAEL WROCLAWSKI 97 Sherman Place Jersey City, New Jersey

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ANTINORI FAMILY MRS. JULIUS M. FORHECZ A FRIENDt? 0 5 Seventh St 55 Nevins St. North Arlington Ave.

N orth Bergen, N.J. Rutherford, N.J. East Orange, N.J.


239 Avenue A 400 South J d f a jo n St. | ,Bayonne, N.J. Orange, N J.

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WILLIAM U. McLAUGHLIN, JR . RICHARD O’BRIEN REITH’S BAKERY646 Bergen Avenue Pease R oad 1085 Avenue C

Jersey C ity, N .J, English tow n, N J . B ayonne, N.J,

MR. & MRS. JAMES A. SULLIVAN MR. & MRS. WALTER TOMCZYK UNITED STATES GYPSUM14 Mayfield Place 21 M ehrhofR oad 193 Henderson St.M etuchen, N.J. L ittle Ferry, N.J. Jersey City. N.J.

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Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Class o f ’72

May the years ahead hold success and happiness

for every member o f the Class.




Council President John J. Kelaher (At Large) Councilman Dominick J. Pugliese (At Large)

Councilman John Jaroski (At Large) Councilman Thomas F. McGovern (Greenville)

Councilman Morris Pesin (West Side) Councilman William A. Massa (Journal Square)

Councilman Francis J. Quilty (Hudson City) Councilman Neil R. Pecoraro (Downtown)

Councilman William J. Thornton (Bergen-Lafayette)

Page 198: 1972 Petrean

New Jersey’s Oldest Mutual Savings Bank Largest in Hudson County





CATERING Phone: 434-8614


242 Warren S treet

Jersey City, New Jersey 07302

Our Salads Are Fam ous YVe Deliver

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SAINT PETER’S COLLEGE. . . in the tradition o f Jesuit education since 1872

2641 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, New Jersey 07306

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Page 201: 1972 Petrean

Look Right For Graduation 6,000 Tuxedos For Rent


180 Monticello Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

4 3 4 . 4 9 4 9

434-1905America’s Forem ost Name In Form al Wear



270 Henderson Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07302


We Make Home Deliveries


190 Warren Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07302


1314 New York Avenue 863-7607

Union City, New Jersey 866-2797

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Page 204: 1972 Petrean




Page 205: 1972 Petrean

D S BICYCLE SHOPWe Rent Bicycles






656-547243 FRANKLIN ST. (Near Palisade Ave.) JERSEY CITY

Page 206: 1972 Petrean


John — Edna Geri — Mike

&J. P. ’72

Home Made Salads Quality Cold Cuts & Groceries Party Trays F o r All Occasions

138 Ocean Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey 07305


1000 Newark Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey


2 Avenue A Bayonne, New Jersey

Page 204

Page 207: 1972 Petrean

Best Wishes to the Class o f '72


215 Henderson Street Jersey City, New Jersey


178 Ocean Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

33 3 -0 4 4 4

Best Wishes To The Class o f “72’


516 W est Side A venue Jersey C ity , New Jersey 07304

Joseph M arm ora T elephone: 333-0419

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Jim Bordino Steve Cimprinch Vinny Connors Jim Fitzgerald Mike Granahan Peter Hickey Bob Grillo


Tony Bivins Kevin Cummings Bob Kessler Nick Lilli Tony Murray Bob Parks Bruce Sabatini Bruce Fenske

John Arace Bob Bewighouse Gary Bogdanski Nick Della Valle Jack Furka Bob Mercier Tom O’Connor Bob Peterkin Joe Pisano Jack Pohlig

Joe McLaughlin Charley Moschel Jim Mullin Denny O’Connell Dennis Obrycki Joe Pisano Rich Krai


Good Luck and Success to the Class o f ’72.

TYPING: Gene Noce A RT: Denis Loughman

Bob Mernar Rich Joyce Mark Tyrrell Jim Sidoti Don Rasmusson



Moderator: Mr. Ned Coughlin, S J .

Co-Editors: Bernie Ozarowski Mike Tozzi


Croghan BurkeColford CummingsForte HoltLarson PeterkinPritchard Sullivan


Production Editor: Mark Rizzo

HIGHLIGHTS“ Who said we broke the machine”“ Oh, Mr. Coughlin”“You want to be editor, go down to Mr. Illy” “Impeach Bernie, Tozzi, and anybody else who

runs this thing”“What do you mean you can’t read them” “You mean somebody actually heard the

announcement”“We don’t have enough, so what else is new” “Of course we’re better than the Petroc,

Linguo Lampoon, and everything else” “Aren’t we”

The Maroon Spirit is published weekly by the students o f St. Peter’s Prep in an effort to increase school spirit and to foster student participation in activities.

We hope we have succeeded, even a little bit. I f we have, it Page 206 makes it all worthwhile.

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Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Compliments o f

The Discipline Office


The Gymnastics Team

Page 210: 1972 Petrean

“Everything in Heating and Appliances’

Telephone 998-7413 Free Estim ates

j. j. McCa r t h y

Painting and Decorating In terior and Exterior

Work G uaranteed and Insured 162 Bergen AvenueNorth A rlington, New Jersey




Air C onditioning — Heating Sales & Service Main Office & Showroom

555 Tonnele Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey 07307

201 653-6700 S. L. CERCHIO

CongratulationsXIass 0 f i72>>a A COMMENT On f K 0CO/iNOA'3 CHiMISfty COUjt%£: a

WturjBnrow Chemistry home room 3e

Page 208

Page 211: 1972 Petrean


2011 Eighth Street

Page 212: 1972 Petrean

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church

Jersey City, New Jersey

Reverend Joseph F. X. Cevetello A dm inistrator

Com plim ents o f


Page 213: 1972 Petrean

Congratulations to the

class o f “72”


78 - 88 Adams Street Hoboken, New Jersey


198 Fairm ount Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

Page 214: 1972 Petrean
Page 215: 1972 Petrean

Compliments o f




301 West Side Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey 07305

653-0554 AAA Approved


Licensed by the State o f N.J. For Complete Driving Instruction by College

Trained Teachers Male and Female

Teaching Driver Education Since 1945

Reasonable Rates Time-Payments

86 Kensington Avenue JERSEY CITY, N. J.

SWarthmore 5-3100 N-Y-BEekman 3-3355

Oil Burners Air Conditioning Sales Service Designers Engineers



Page 216: 1972 Petrean

Congratulations and B est Wishes to the Class o f ’72


Page 214

Page 217: 1972 Petrean




CO UNCILMEN:O. John DiSalvo Angelo A. Cifelli

Edward L. Gallagher Stanley E. Gorski

Arthur J. Kennedy P. John McGuigan Thomas J. Kinsella

John C. Reagan Charles A. Farley,

Town Clerk

Page 218: 1972 Petrean



SCHLESINGER’S Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Siwek

Bergenline a t 58th Street West New York, New Jersey 07093

(201) 864-1500 (201) 564-6933

Congra tulations to the Class o f “ 72”

Adam Sales and Service

81 Jefferson Street Hoboken, New Jersey

In Memoriam Samuel Lester Tyrrell

1 9 1 9 - 1971

Page 219: 1972 Petrean

Compliments of

n a n

R o b e r t

/ V i n c e n t O ram u g lia \

/ A n th o n y /V ln g u a p g ia tc \

/ C h a r l e s / \ Donaghue \

M i c h a e l / \ Dawybida \

ncP-nh L_______I Rasmus son

Br ennanP a t r i c k ]W aldronThomas



ohn Aud e t

e r A rn d t

c h a e l Svec

J o s eph K a r t i n

; a rk J e z i o r s k i

i n c e n t R i is l d i

A n thony C o v i e l l o

Edmund S ie n k e w ic

R i c h a r d M ackiew ic

R o b e r t Newton

M ich ae l Lewko

John D e a rb o r

[M ich ae l F o lg e r

w i l l i a m A hearn

P r e s i d e n t ..............R o n a ld L o p es

R e p r e s e n t a t i v e . . . J o h n L i z z a

S e c r e t a r y . • • • James C a l l a h a n

I n t r a m u r a l R ep Marcus A ls to n

Page 220: 1972 Petrean

Jim McLaughlin, Jr. ’54


O ur Newest M enu A ddition



* 6 9 5A LA CARTI $5.50


• Shrimp, Clam or Oyster Cocktail• Manhattan Clam Chowder

• Chefs S a la d - H o t Garlic Bread

• Combination Platter of Lobster Tail, Alaskan King Crabmeat, Stuffed Dover Sole Spanish Shnmp, Scallops and Clams Casino and Baked Stuffed Clams

• Choice of Dessert - Coffee - or Caughey’s After Dinner Cordial



64 Hoboken Rd. E. Rutherford, N J.


For Reservations or In form ationColl 939-4448

Compliments o f


301 West Side Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey 07305

. ■■ If


Page 221: 1972 Petrean
Page 222: 1972 Petrean



160 Bergen Boulevard Fairview, New Jersey

943-6719 943-9849

St. Peter’s — at the crossroads o f the world

Page 223: 1972 Petrean




Page 221

Page 224: 1972 Petrean


925-31 West Side Avenue Jersey City

4 Private Banquet Room s, A ccom m odations for 400 People Free Parkins

Compliments o f


Main Office Headquarters Two Montgomery Street

Jersey City, New Jersey 07303



Corner Jewett Avenue



TEL. 434-0888

Page 225: 1972 Petrean
Page 226: 1972 Petrean
Page 227: 1972 Petrean


Est. 1913



Elect r ical C o n t r a c to r s and Engineers

401 - 403 Washington Street Hoboken, New Jersey 07030

■ » ...

Page 225

Page 228: 1972 Petrean


Real Estate and Insurance 409 Forty -F ifth S treet

Union City, New Jersey UNion 7-5501

American M otors’ Dealer 248 Hackensack Street

East R utherford , New Jersey Phone: 438-9200


Page 229: 1972 Petrean




Hall For Hire For All Occasions

615 First Street Hoboken, New Jersey


Page 230: 1972 Petrean
Page 231: 1972 Petrean

432-7712 434-9096


Eat the Best Prime and Choice Meats We Cater to Gro. Prod. Dairy Deli.

Hudson Plaza Shopping Center Route 440 Jersey City, N.J.





Page 232: 1972 Petrean

Good Luck



The St. Peter’s Prep Band.

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C-OTvQ rok"\’iAl<xVt£>'\ CL(iX £ S

of 11 A"

r*r o w\ a i

Page 231

Page 234: 1972 Petrean

M cC o n n e l l f u e l o i l c o m p a n y

87 Van Horne S treet Jersey City, New Jersey

Serving Hudson C ounty Since 1882




Page 235: 1972 Petrean


631 Grand Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07304

Tel: DE 3-8634 Est. 1917

145 Kensington Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey

Page 236: 1972 Petrean


To the

C LA SS O F 1972

Bus Bovs of Class 2C


I f


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Congratulations to the Class of ’72 from the

C H E E R L E A D E R SPat Murphy SDA ’72 (Capt.)

Kathy Durbec SDA ’73 (Co-Capt.) Gemma Villani ASH ’73 (Co-Capt.)

Terry Williams ASH ’74 Anne Bergen ASA ’73 Noreen O’Reilly ASA ’73Mary Carole Romanowski ASH ’74 Rosemarie Hennessey SDA ’73 Patty Connolly ASA ’73Donna Moran SDA ’75 Patty Jennings ASA ’74 Kathy Legault ASA ’73Susan Herzog ASH ’75 Noreen Kulvicki ASH ’74 Melanie Zieja ASA ’73

Best Wishes


Insurance — Real Estate 1765 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, New Jersey

DE 2-2300

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To Congratulate

This Year’s Graduates

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H O M E R O O M 2H

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Page 241: 1972 Petrean




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“Each o f us has a life to live and we shall want to spend

it as well as may be . . . . as alert, fair, concerned citizens

o f a complicated human world, aware in some fashion

o f G od’s high purpose for this earth o f ours, eager to

have a part in His plan for it, and to fin d joy in the

process. ”

(Conclusion of a baccalaureate address by Dr. Nathan Pusey of Harvard University)

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Page 244: 1972 Petrean