sta Rumours of a chevron rein- statement hovered over campus this week, but federation president Doug Thompson and some mem- bers of the executive are keeping the chevron staff guessing about it until the publication of an official reinstatement offer today. The chevron staff learned Tues- day from federation vice-president Ron Hipfner that a Board of Direc- tors meeting was scheduled for Wednesday evening at the Toronto home of federation treasurer Martha Coutts to consider a rein- statement proposal. Hipfner also confirmed that among the “few major changes” which could result from the board meeting Wednesday is the resigna- tion of ThompSon, another rumour circulating from several people in the federation office this week. If the board (five non-elected members of the federation with au- thority over the corporation) de- cides to make an offer it will appear on campus in a special federation news bulletin Friday. At press time Wednesday night, most of the arti- cles for the bulletin were completed and were down at the printers. The federation is attempting to send the bulletin to all student newspapers and student federa- tions or unions in Canada, says in- terim federation executive member Gord Swaters. Swaters told chevron staff Wed- nesday that the idea of a reinstate- ment of the chevron came out of informal discussion among execu- tives of the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) and National Union of Students secretary Dan O’Connor at an OFS meeting in Hamilton June lo- 11. Swaters tried to get a list of member newspapers of Canadian University Press from the free chevron Wednesday in order to send out the bulletins. The proposal was apparently given tentative approval Tuesday night at another informal session - this’time composed of some execu- tive members, Thompson and friends. But Swaters refused to give the chevron staff full details of the rein- statement proposal, saying that he had been told not to allow anyone from the free chevron to see it. When he was asked if he would show the proposal to Don Orth, Co-operative Services chairperson on the federation executive, (who is not a chevron staff member), he corrected his statement to say that he had been told not to let anyone see it. And though the chevron staff are not supposed to see it until today, no matter what time the news bulle- tin comes dud, Swaters says an answer is expected by this evening. The proposal has not been ap- proved, or even discussed by council or the federation executive. (Whqn council met Sunday June 12, neither Thompson nor Hipfner were present). Chris Wheatley , who is not a member of either federation coun- cil or executive, is producing the special bulletin. He told the chev- ron staff Wed’nesday that the spe- cial issue is not being funded from the board of publications budget, but instead from the president’s discretionary fund. There have been three proposals to re-open or “reinstate” the chev- ron since September 30, 1976 when federation council voted to close the chevron for a four-week period. An October 31 offer to reopen the chevron if the staff agree to allow council to change the opera- tions of the chevron from what had prevailed before the paper was closed, was withdrawn after the chevron staff rejected the plan as interference. ‘On February 16, 1977 president-elect Doug Thompson proposed a plan which he called reinstatement. Again, council was not consulted on the matter. The offer was considered:: seri- ously by the chevron staff and re- jected, but negotiations continued until February 27, when Thompson and 12 supporters dragged two chevron staff members out of the chevron office in an attempt to end the continued occupation of the of- fice . He offered a reinstatement set- tlement that closely matched the position which chevron staff had elaborated in the February 25 edi- tion of the free chevron. On March 4, again without coun- cil or executive approval, Thomp- son reversed his course and at- tempted again to negotiate with the chevron staff. But at the March 8 council meet- ing, Thompson repudiated the offer, saying that he was only at- tempting to have the chevron’s stand clarified. In all, since September 24, 1976. when six members of the federation executive secretly changed the locks on the doors of the chevron office in an effort to lock out the chevron staff, there have been four proposals to investigate the affair. :TITION OF RECALL 2F DCUG THOWPSON, PRESIDENT 3F THE FEDERATIc'N '3F STUCEETS iEREAS2oq ThorpTcn 3rozos~r ourin!: his +lsction .trcinic;n to imzrowe federation/;tudznt corwunication; but, instead, he has rho$!n contempt for students, and has turnr>d the federation into a sha~ljl~s; ~EREASD~U~I Thump~~on also prooor,:>d to resolve L! / c:lt’vron ai Fair by "iriforr). actiorl"; ~IJL, jn:-tt.ac!, he has pr r,,omliy u.,h-ri violence ;Irrd LiCCCi1 Lo prolong the di-[jute; iEREASDouy ,rrcr-l~~3on olc:o propo:cd to deal with cutbacks anu tuition. hik--:, throuih *t . "inforr #c?ci c!rjbatp 3nd di --cus-icn , :,LJt, hr; hzz tionp nothing to promote debate or discussion on these vit,zl studclnt isncri s; - THE LJNDEK.SIG;?ED, herr;by dprwnd the immediate recall of Dou? Thoppccrn fror -9 the position of president of the Federation of 'tudcnts, 'JIV-,R,;I'I'Y OF s;T’~:ti:@ SIGNATURE SIGNATURE OF CHIEF JUSTICE PRI IJT NAME I.D. NUC'BEH - Recall season officially started this Wednesday when Math student Lorne Gershuney and science student Gerrard Kimmons went to Doug Thompson’s house to ask for his signature, as chief justice (as required by bylaw)lon a petition for his own recall . Thompson re- fused to sign it until it was checked for legalities by federation lawyer Gary Flaxbard which would have taken a couple of days. Thompson also said that all copies of the petition - not just the original - must be signed by himself. Saying that this was not true (for the Shane Roberts recall), the petitioners finzlly agreed that they would get a statement from Flaxbard as to the petitions legality and Thompson said he would sign it then. Only one of these investigation asked council to give it more time chevron reopened while it NQ\ plans has been acted upon by the to investigate (it had been given studying the matter. Council did federation. A Task Force set up at only four days to meet the council’s not act on the Task Force request. the September 30 council meeting deadline) and wanted to have the -larry hannant University of Wa ted00 Waterloo, On tarjo volume I, number 33 friday, ,june 7 7, 7 977 General Meeting-planned call together the Board of Directors rs act on to act upon the consensus we can perceive.” don’t pay fees while they’re away.” law However, in a telephone inter- view with the free chevron Tues- day, Thompson denied that the re- ferendum is to be split for this reason. Thompson said that the re- ferendum should be split only be- cause of the difficulty of locating off-campus students and because the frosh arriving at UW in Sep- tember should be allowed to vote. The administration of the Feder- ation of Students is in disarray. ,4 new bylaw passed by students’ council March 23 has left everyone wondering who can vote, who can’t vote, and what to do about it. Ac- cording to the bylaw only those members who pay the UW Student Activity Fee, which is collected at registration, are voting members of the federation. A free chevron story last week pointed out that ifthe bylaw stands, because all of the student council- lors are not registered this term, and thus haven’t paid the fee, they are not voting members of the fed- eration. The same was found to be true of the federation Board of Di- rectors, and president Doug Thompson. Plus the six councillors elected or acclaimed on Friday it was shown would be unable to take their seats because, though they had paid their fee, council couldn’t take a vote to ratify them. But what to do about it? A group of councillors has decided to call a general meeting of students to quash the bylaw change: Thomp- son claims there is nothing wrong: . and his vice-president Ron Hipfner complained Tuesday that he didn’t know anything about it and he couldn’t get hold of Thompson to find anything out. He told the chev- ron: “I haven’t been able to find out anything from him. I can’t find the bastard.” Twelve councillors and ten other students gathered Sunday for a council meeting which had been called by Thompson. The presi- dent, however, didn’t show and the councillors, one short of quorum, and unsure about their voting rights, held an informal meeting. They were particularly upset about Thompson’s absence be- cause in a letter sent out to all councillors prior to the meeting he said: ‘“There are very few meetings in the summer, but they are impor- tant ones. if c.,ouncillors don’t show up the very best we can do is.. r Thompson told the chevron Tuesday that he felt sick on the way to the meeting and turned back. It was also noted at the meeting that none of Thompson’s voting block on council (the Campus Re- form Group) were present. Those present decided the best course of action was to call a gen- eral meeting and scuttle the bylaw. It was agreed that they would start collecting the 300 student signa- tures necessary to initiate such a meeting. A motion was also passed calling on Thompson and his executive to restrict their activities to: “ I) those normal procedures followed pres- ently and those previously ap- proved by council, and 2) that Doug Thompson proceed with prepara- tions for an off-campus mail-out for the July 6177 referendum on re- fundable fees.” The latter part presumes that the general meeting will occur before July 6 and the bylaw which disen- franchises off-campus students will have been squashed. thus allowing them a vote. The significance of this is that Thompson and his executive used this new bylaw to justify a split re- ferendum on a voluntary fee - one in the summer and another in the fall, whereas if the bylaw does not stand it would be possible to have only one referendum with an off- campus mail-in ballot. This was the original demand of Engineering Society when it called for the re- ferendum last term. No matter what, it seems Thompson intends to split the vote over two terms, though his reason has changed. On June 8th, the Gazette re- ported that “Thompson decided to split the referendum when learning that a recent federation bylaw change prevents mailing ballots to off-campus students since they On the new bylaw Thompson claims there is no problem. He told the chevron Tuesday that he had consulted with Gary Flaxbard a federation lawyer, who told him, cc . . . one has to examine what a legislative body had in mind when it passed the bylaw. The courts look at the bylaws this way.” The motivation for the bylaw was to eliminate voting rights for graduate students, who do not pay federation fees. Thompson reasons that this is how the bylaw should be interpreted, and so council is not in a state of paralysis. The bylaw is entitled “A bylaw defining membership in the federa- tion of students”, and is phrased without reference to graduate stu- dents. Hipfner, apparently unaware of Thompson’s legal consultation. said Tuesday that he would contact another federation lawyer, Morley Rosenberg, for a legal opinion on the bylaw. He said it would also be discus- sed at a Board of Directors meeting slated for Wednesday in the To- ronto home of federation treasurer Martha Coutts. He said the meeting was closed to the press and other students. The directors -were to discuss the federation, the chevron. and the student movement, all sesiou\ matters, which he said. the board could cover t‘aster if they were let’s on their own. --nick redding -neii dacherty

1977-78_v01,n33_Free Chevron

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He offered a reinstatement set- tlement that closely matched the position which chevron staff had elaborated in the February 25 edi- tion of the free chevron. However, in a telephone inter- view with the free chevron Tues- day, Thompson denied that the re- ferendum is to be split for this reason. Thompson said that the re- ferendum should be split only be- cause of the difficulty of locating off-campus students and because the frosh arriving at UW in Sep- tember should be allowed to vote. - of

Citation preview

Page 1: 1977-78_v01,n33_Free Chevron

sta Rumours of a chevron rein-

statement hovered over campus this week, but federation president Doug Thompson and some mem- bers of the executive are keeping the chevron staff guessing about it until the publication of an official reinstatement offer today.

The chevron staff learned Tues- day from federation vice-president Ron Hipfner that a Board of Direc- tors meeting was scheduled for Wednesday evening at the Toronto home of federation treasurer Martha Coutts to consider a rein- statement proposal.

Hipfner also confirmed that among the “few major changes” which could result from the board meeting Wednesday is the resigna- tion of ThompSon, another rumour circulating from several people in the federation office this week.

If the board (five non-elected members of the federation with au- thority over the corporation) de- cides to make an offer it will appear on campus in a special federation news bulletin Friday. At press time Wednesday night, most of the arti- cles for the bulletin were completed and were down at the printers.

The federation is attempting to send the bulletin to all student newspapers and student federa- tions or unions in Canada, says in- terim federation executive member Gord Swaters.

Swaters told chevron staff Wed- nesday that the idea of a reinstate- ment of the chevron came out of informal discussion among execu- tives of the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) and National Union of Students secretary Dan O’Connor at an OFS meeting in Hamilton June lo- 11.

Swaters tried to get a list of member newspapers of Canadian University Press from the free chevron Wednesday in order to send out the bulletins.

The proposal was apparently given tentative approval Tuesday night at another informal session - this’time composed of some execu- tive members, Thompson and friends.

But Swaters refused to give the chevron staff full details of the rein- statement proposal, saying that he had been told not to allow anyone from the free chevron to see it.

When he was asked if he would show the proposal to Don Orth, Co-operative Services chairperson on the federation executive, (who is not a chevron staff member), he corrected his statement to say that he had been told not to let anyone

see it. And though the chevron staff are

not supposed to see it until today, no matter what time the news bulle- tin comes dud, Swaters says an answer is expected by this evening.

The proposal has not been ap- proved, or even discussed by council or the federation executive. (Whqn council met Sunday June 12, neither Thompson nor Hipfner

were present). Chris Wheatley , who is not a

member of either federation coun- cil or executive, is producing the special bulletin. He told the chev- ron staff Wed’nesday that the spe- cial issue is not being funded from the board of publications budget, but instead from the president’s discretionary fund.

There have been three proposals to re-open or “reinstate” the chev- ron since September 30, 1976 when federation council voted to close the chevron for a four-week period.

An October 31 offer to reopen the chevron if the staff agree to allow council to change the opera- tions of the chevron from what had prevailed before the paper was closed, was withdrawn after the chevron staff rejected the plan as interference.

‘On February 16, 1977 president-elect Doug Thompson proposed a plan which he called reinstatement. Again, council was not consulted on the matter.

The offer was considered:: seri- ously by the chevron staff and re- jected, but negotiations continued until February 27, when Thompson and 12 supporters dragged two chevron staff members out of the chevron office in an attempt to end the continued occupation of the of- fice .

He offered a reinstatement set- tlement that closely matched the position which chevron staff had elaborated in the February 25 edi- tion of the free chevron.

On March 4, again without coun- cil or executive approval, Thomp- son reversed his course and at- tempted again to negotiate with the chevron staff.

But at the March 8 council meet- ing, Thompson repudiated the offer, saying that he was only at- tempting to have the chevron’s stand clarified.

In all, since September 24, 1976. when six members of the federation executive secretly changed the locks on the doors of the chevron office in an effort to lock out the chevron staff, there have been four proposals to investigate the affair.


iEREAS2oq ThorpTcn 3rozos~r ourin!: his +lsction .trcinic;n to imzrowe

federation/;tudznt corwunication; but, instead, he has rho$!n contempt for students, and has turnr>d the federation into a sha~ljl~s;

~EREASD~U~I Thump~~on also prooor,:>d to resolve L! / c:lt’vron ai Fair by "iriforr). actiorl"; ~IJL, jn:-tt.ac!, he has pr r,,omliy u.,h-ri violence ;Irrd LiCCCi1 Lo

prolong the di-[jute;

iEREASDouy ,rrcr-l~~3on olc:o propo:cd to deal with cutbacks anu tuition. hik--:,

throuih * t . "inforr #c?ci c!rjbatp 3nd di --cus-icn , :,LJt, hr; hzz tionp nothing to promote debate or discussion on these vit,zl studclnt isncri s;

- THE LJNDEK.SIG;?ED, herr;by dprwnd the immediate recall of Dou? Thoppccrn fror -9

the position of president of the Federation of 'tudcnts,

'JIV-,R,;I'I 'Y OF s;T’~:ti:@




- Recall season officially started this Wednesday when Math student Lorne Gershuney and science student Gerrard Kimmons went to Doug Thompson’s house to ask for his signature, as chief justice (as required by bylaw)lon a petition for his own recall . Thompson re- fused to sign it until it was checked for legalities by federation lawyer Gary Flaxbard which would have taken a couple of days. Thompson also said that all copies of the petition - not just the original - must be signed by himself. Saying that this was not true (for the Shane Roberts recall), the petitioners finzlly agreed that they would get a statement from Flaxbard as to the petitions legality and Thompson said he would sign it then.

Only one of these investigation asked council to give it more time chevron reopened while it NQ\ plans has been acted upon by the to investigate (it had been given studying the matter. Council did federation. A Task Force set up at only four days to meet the council’s not act on the Task Force request. the September 30 council meeting deadline) and wanted to have the -larry hannant

University of Wa ted00 Waterloo, On tarjo

volume I, number 33 friday, ,june 7 7, 7 977

General Meeting-planned

call together the Board of Directors

rs act on to act upon the consensus we can perceive.”

don’t pay fees while they’re away.”

law However, in a telephone inter-

view with the free chevron Tues- day, Thompson denied that the re- ferendum is to be split for this reason. Thompson said that the re- ferendum should be split only be- cause of the difficulty of locating off-campus students and because the frosh arriving at UW in Sep- tember should be allowed to vote.

The administration of the Feder- ation of Students is in disarray.

,4 new bylaw passed by students’ council March 23 has left everyone wondering who can vote, who can’t vote, and what to do about it. Ac- cording to the bylaw only those members who pay the UW Student Activity Fee, which is collected at registration, are voting members of the federation.

A free chevron story last week pointed out that ifthe bylaw stands, because all of the student council- lors are not registered this term, and thus haven’t paid the fee, they are not voting members of the fed- eration. The same was found to be true of the federation Board of Di- rectors, and president Doug Thompson. Plus the six councillors elected or acclaimed on Friday it was shown would be unable to take their seats because, though they had paid their fee, council couldn’t take a vote to ratify them.

But what to do about it? A group of councillors has decided to call a general meeting of students to quash the bylaw change: Thomp- son claims there is nothing wrong: . and his vice-president Ron Hipfner complained Tuesday that he didn’t know anything about it and he couldn’t get hold of Thompson to find anything out. He told the chev- ron: “I haven’t been able to find out anything from him. I can’t find the bastard.”

Twelve councillors and ten other students gathered Sunday for a council meeting which had been called by Thompson. The presi- dent, however, didn’t show and the councillors, one short of quorum, and unsure about their voting rights, held an informal meeting.

They were particularly upset about Thompson’s absence be- cause in a letter sent out to all councillors prior to the meeting he said: ‘“There are very few meetings in the summer, but they are impor- tant ones. if c.,ouncillors don’t show up the very best we can do is.. r

Thompson told the chevron Tuesday that he felt sick on the way to the meeting and turned back.

It was also noted at the meeting that none of Thompson’s voting block on council (the Campus Re- form Group) were present.

Those present decided the best course of action was to call a gen- eral meeting and scuttle the bylaw. It was agreed that they would start collecting the 300 student signa- tures necessary to initiate such a meeting.

A motion was also passed calling on Thompson and his executive to restrict their activities to: “ I) those normal procedures followed pres- ently and those previously ap- proved by council, and 2) that Doug Thompson proceed with prepara- tions for an off-campus mail-out for the July 6177 referendum on re- fundable fees.”

The latter part presumes that the general meeting will occur before July 6 and the bylaw which disen- franchises off-campus students will have been squashed. thus allowing them a vote.

The significance of this is that Thompson and his executive used this new bylaw to justify a split re- ferendum on a voluntary fee - one in the summer and another in the fall, whereas if the bylaw does not stand it would be possible to have only one referendum with an off- campus mail-in ballot. This was the original demand of Engineering Society when it called for the re- ferendum last term.

No matter what, it seems Thompson intends to split the vote over two terms, though his reason has changed.

On June 8th, the Gazette re- ported that “Thompson decided to split the referendum when learning that a recent federation bylaw change prevents mailing ballots to off-campus students since they

On the new bylaw Thompson claims there is no problem. He told the chevron Tuesday that he had consulted with Gary Flaxbard a federation lawyer, who told him, cc . . . one has to examine what a legislative body had in mind when it passed the bylaw. The courts look at the bylaws this way.”

The motivation for the bylaw was to eliminate voting rights for graduate students, who do not pay federation fees. Thompson reasons that this is how the bylaw should be interpreted, and so council is not in a state of paralysis.

The bylaw is entitled “A bylaw defining membership in the federa- tion of students”, and is phrased without reference to graduate stu- dents.

Hipfner, apparently unaware of Thompson’s legal consultation. said Tuesday that he would contact another federation lawyer, Morley Rosenberg, for a legal opinion on the bylaw.

He said it would also be discus- sed at a Board of Directors meeting slated for Wednesday in the To- ronto home of federation treasurer Martha Coutts.

He said the meeting was closed to the press and other students. The directors -were to discuss the federation, the chevron. and the student movement, all sesiou\ matters, which he said. the board could cover t‘aster if they were let’s on their own.

--nick redding -neii dacherty

Page 2: 1977-78_v01,n33_Free Chevron

2 the free chevron june 17, 1977

UNIVERSITY g PHARMACY Bpdn prescription servkes

7 Days 232 King N. Waterloo, Phone 885-2530 9 AM A Week Opposite A thletic Complex. to 11 PM

/ Friday Monday ganize various recreations for inter-

Fed Flicks- “ The Last Tycoon” star- Campus Centre Pub - Whiz-Bam- national students in the World Room,

ring Robert DeNiro and Tony Curtis. Boom. Cover charge $1.00. 12:00 to 3:OOpm. (see Saturday for description)

AL1 16, 8pm Campus Centre Pub - Jim Ledger- wood. Cover charge 56 cents.

Saturday Chinese Student Association - or- ganize various recreations for ifiter-. national students in the World Room. All are welcome to play chess, bridge; read and relax there from 8:OO to 11 :OOpm. It. would be much ap- preciated if you’ll bring in new ideas, games or help in taking charge of the World Room.

Wednesday Introd&o& Talk - Eckankar: The Free Movie - “A Touch of Class” Path of Total Awareness. Man is a starring Glenda Jackson. CC Great Prince in beggars clothing. Find your Hall, 93Opm. true inheritance NOW in the high Gav-Lib Coffeehouse - Rm. 110 worlds via the ancient techniques of Campus Centre, 83Opm. ECKANKAR. All. welcome. Campus Chinese Student Association - or- Centre Rm. 110, 7:30pm.

Sunday Conrad Grebel College Chapel Ser- vice -8pm- “Can Jews and Chrisi- ians Co-exist?“, Frank H. Epp. Campus Centre Coffeehouse -with Mendelsohn Joe. Adm. $1.25 for stu- dents; $1.50 for rion-students. 8pm Campus Centre.


Offers Graduation Portrait Specials ‘I 259 KING STREET WEST

King & Water Street Across From Kresges


For Sale Housing Wanted Garrard 50 MKII Turntable with Shure Two quiet, serious students want in- cartridge, dust cover. $60. Call Mark expensive 2 bedroom apartment in at 7436136. central Kitchener or Waterloo.

Mason and Risch piano. Good condi- 742-5502. tion. $550. Call 745-4133.

Curious for Curious George. Summer Lost and Found adventures for children aged 6 to 8. Program include&community excur-

Would the person who found the gold

sions, nature appreciation, large and cross and chain in the boys’ gym dur-

small group experiences, human re- ‘ing the fall term please deposit it with

lationships. One staffer per 4 chil- security or the free chevron. Reward

dren, July and August, full or half day. offered.

Contact Klemmer Farm House Day- care. 885-l 211 ext? 369.


Dulcimer. Handmade. $50. Phone Wilf do small moving jobs with a half-

Ken ,A886-3337 . ton pickup. Reasonable rates. Call Jeff at 8842831.



June 16-19. = ihurs-Sun 7~9:3OPM

. 0

Gay lib office. Campus Centre rm 217~. Open Monday through Thurs- day 7 to 10pm and some afternoons - counselling and information. 885-1211 ext 2372.


Pregnant and distressed? The ‘Birth Control Centre is an information and referral centre for birth control, VD, unplanned pregnancy and sexuality. For all the alternatives phone 885-1211 ext 3446 (rm 206 Campus Centre) or in emergencies 884-8770.

Old things furniture Clothing Handicrafts Smoking

1 paraphernalia

Typing Fast, accurate typing. 50 cents a

, page. IBM Selectric. 8846913. . b

and more


Jine. 20~22 Mon-Wed 8:00 PM

l o*~oooaoo*eoooooooK


7:00 PM


June 23-25 -- Thurs-Sa’

885-l 834 General Store

12 King St. N. Waterloo Upstairs

Be on6 of the

The Emporium

* Country lunches, Afternoon teas, . Snacks plus Gifts,

~IUloto~ Hotel w ,

871 Yictoria St. N. - 744-3511 _

Every Wed&day is Singles Night IN THE CROWN ROOM .

aghetti ’

Lasag Friday & Saturday ‘* . 0

SPECIAL Most exe iting Italian Re istaurant DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIAL

Great Salad Bar $2.25 SUNDAY BUFFET-4:OO PM - 1O:OtiPM

MacLean & MacLean -

All you can eat. ad u Its $4.95 children under 10 $1.95

WEEK NIGHT SPECiALS 5 PM - 1 AM MONDAY. Spaghetti with Meat Balls & Tomato Sauce Reg. $2.75 MON. $1.95 TUESDAY. Any Pizza on Menu $1 .OO off regular price. We reserve right to limit quantities. WEDNESDAY-Chicken Caccigtore with Spaghetti ‘and Tomato Sauce, includes Saiad Bar Reg. $4.95 WED. $3.95 THURSDAY; Lasagna, includes Salad Bar Reg. $3.95

24 CMkES ST W., KfTCtClEFI - RESERvAl’K?US OR TAKEOUT PWOUE 5791780 ~Hon.-Wal molptolr.mFn.Fn..Sd noanlo2rm./Sm Ipm to10p.m

20 cts. off on any sundae!

Good at any of 6 K-W locations


All Next Week

‘Good Br&hers - Coming Soon

True Reflection 1 Jackson Hatike

Amateur Night every Tuesday

Page 3: 1977-78_v01,n33_Free Chevron

duplica es What3 a iTe/dworker for7

The Educational Fieldworker initiates action and ideas in the student masses, but is not directly responsible for their final im- plementation. One exception to this premise is that he can imple- ment these ideas directly only as an example ofwhat can be done. In essence, the fieldworker is like a vibrating molecule whose over- flowing energy radiates to the more passive molecules around him. Once the energy becomes adequately dispersed throughout the

-system, his role is dispensable. The other molecules are no longei dependent on one another. This new system of interacting bodies becomes an autonomous and conscious entity. The meandering fieldworker goes on to excite other molecules: from time-to-time returning to maintain the energy levels ofthe previous aggregations.

The Federation of Students has added two new members to its bureaucracy this summer and the Ontario government is picking up part of the tab.

The two positions are “commun- ity fieldworker - housing and legal” and “community field- worker - job creation and transit”. They are filled by Janet Schmalz and Cathy Huxtable, re- spectively, who recieve the full- time federation salary of $160 a week.

The government money, a total over the summer of $1,280, will come through the Ontario Youth Employment Program. This prog- ram offers employers a $I an hour subsidy for each job created for a worker between the ages of 15 and 24, up to a maximum of six work- ers. The jobs must run from May 30

to September 16. Diana Clarke, Board of Educa-

tion researcher planner, says the federation originally put forward six positions for the subsidy, but the government could not accept four of them because they had ex- isted the summer before, and were thus not considered to be new jobs.

The housing and employment duties of the fieldworkers are es- sentially duplications or extensions of existing services.

Cathy Huxtable runs a summer employment office. But Canada Manpower already operates a Stu- dent Manpower Centre in Kitch- ener for area high school and uni- versity students looking for sum- mer jobs.

Huxtable says the federation’s employment centre is geared to the

job market exclusively for univer- sity students.

Karen Taylor, a staff worker at the Kitchener Student Manpower Centre, says that they, too, have

job applications for university stu- dents. She said that although the centre does not discriminate on the basis of age, it does try to place people according to the specific qualifications required by the emp- loyers on the basis of maturity and training, which does differentiate between university and high scho-1 students.

Huxtable is also taking part in a transit study to set up a bus service for UW students.

Jan Schmalz runs the federation housing office and is also an ad- visor in para-legal services.

The housing office, located just outside the para-legal office in the Campus Centre, is merely an ex- tension of the administration’s housing office in Needles Hall. Schmalz says that all the informa-

tion in the federation’s office comes from the Needles Hall of- fice. The federation’s office has its own two telephone lines, but when the administration’s office is closed it gets theirs as well.

According to Clarke, there used to be a housing co-ordinator but it was a part-time job and did not en- tail taking care of the housing of- fice.

Para-legal aid duties were hand- led last summer by an unpaid vol- unteer two days a week.

-jules grajower

Pres and others face’cha Renison student Larry Smylie He then went to the Crown At- called the Chief Judge of Ontario’s

has been trying since April 6 to lay torney, Robert Riley, who assured office. The chief judge’s assistant charges of assault, mischief and him he indeed had the right to lay called K-W senior JP William counselling to commit an offence information if he had reason to be- Daniels, who then informed Smylie against Doug Thompson and ten of Thompson’s supporters.

lieve an offence was committed and he could produce evidence.

that Rabley would take the case. Smylie told the Chevron Monday

that he has laid charges of assault and wilful mischief in obstructing the chevron staff.

He is also discussing with the Crown Prosecuter a charge of counselling ts commit an offence.

He says that since he went to the Attorney General’s department and the chief judge’s office everyone has “bent over back- wards” to help him.

Futher told the chevron Tuesday there had been a “misunderstand-

The charges arise from the force- ful eviction of chevron staff on February 27 and two incidents be- tween Thompson and Smylie in the Federation offices March 30 and April 4.

He has met several obstacles in getting his information accepted, which is the first stage in laying charges. His trip through the legal hierarchy has led him to the offices of the Attorney-General and the Chief Judge for Ontario.

When he originally contacted Waterloo Justice of the Peace Betty Futher, she refused to discuss the charges because they had not been investigated by security police.

He contacted security police, who told him that the reports had been sent to the JP.

However-,Futher said she had no reports. Smylie insisted he had the right to lay charges and told her-he had shown the charges to a lawyer. Futher still refused.

Smylie had yet another meeting with Futher. She refused to accept any charges accept the oneaof as- sault against Thompson.

He called the Attorney- General’s office. They told him they would contact the Crown At- torney about the difficulties he was having.

-Th e


?iai2Wylin.g However, he then insisted on se- eing another JP. He says he lost confidence in Futher, believing that “in Miss Futher’s office there is a bias with respect to taking sides on the issue between the federation and the chevron.”

He went to see KitchenerJustice of the Peace Derek Rabley, but Rabley said he couldn’t take the case because Futher was handling it. He told Smylie to see a Crown Attorney first.

When he tried to contact .a Crown attorney he was told they were all away at a conference, so he

ing”. “I didn’t mean for him (Smylie)

to think that I didn’t want to take his charges”, she said.

She had wanted to seek advice on how to proceed on the informa- tion, and now considers that she made a mistake in not first accept- ing the charges.

Thompson could not be reached at press time.

-jonathan coles

at westmouflt

Place Waterloo, Ont.


TT Editorial -,

( Burt blows his grammar 1 What is good English? control’.” English is not completely described and defined He has forgotten that the conjunction “and” must

in any book, even though some grammarians seem join parallel or co-ordinate elements. Here he has to think it is. What constitutes good English varies used it to join a dependent clause to an independant through space and time, and even in a given place clause. As it reads now it is the university which is UPSTAIRS - LIVE ENTERTAINMENT


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and time good English changes from one situation viewing the scene from outside. He should have to another. What then is good English for a newly said. *’ . . . as universities struggled to accommodate graduated High School student writing an impor- tant exam under tense and impersonal conditions with hundreds of strangers in a huge room on the

new attitudes, some people, viewing the scene from outside, questioned whether the un iversities were ‘out of control’.”

first day at university‘? In his afternoon remarks, he manages a rather humourous misplaced modifier of the “piano for Leaving aside, for the time being, the question of

whether or not such an exam determines anything sale by lady with Hepplewhite legs” variety when he other than a student’s ability to write exams in a has the School of Optometry contributing “to peo- huge room, what are the standards of adequacy‘? pie in remote areas of Ontario using three fully- Obviously first year students under such conditions equipped travelling vans”. cannot be expected to write-so well as scholars writ- In his remarks of May 28, he throws in a superflu- ing in journals. ous preposition saying, “. . . and the first class of 75

in number, attended. . . ” when he ought to have said, “. . . and the first class, 75 in number, attended. . .“.

Perhaps one way of answering the question is to examine other writing done in and around the uni- versity. No comparison, of course, can be really valid between English produced by a highly edu- cated person at relative liesure and that produced by a High School graduate under rather harsh con- straints. Nevertheless, with that warning in mind, the remarks which Burt Matthews addressed to convocation this spring may serve as samples for examination. ought a recent High School graduate be allowed in

These remarks consist of four separate pieces of one attempt. revising under pressure’! three or four hundred words apiece. Three of the We call on the designers of the English Language

As has already been remarked, it is hardly fair to compare the English of someone as educated and experienced as a university president with that of a new university student. If the president of this uni- versity is allowed grammar errors in the final ver- sions of three out of four attempts, how many errors

four pieces have errors in grammar and the fourth has some dubious diction - f‘educators” instead of “teachers”.

Proficiency Programme to reveal to the university at large, and especially to students, just exactly what criteria they have been using to judge adequacy. How many errors, and of what sort, are considered acceptable in the written part of the proficiency exam‘? Are the topics given in the exam appropriate to young, imaginative adults’? If there are students who need special help in English. how much is the present programme helping them’.’

Matthews says, “Often during those years as uni- versities struggled to accommodate new attitudes and viewing the scene from oif!bide, some people questioned whether the universities were ‘out of

The remark% made on the morning of May 27 have in them a fairly serious grammatical error sometimes called “fzmlty parallelism”.

---the chevron staff

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C Latest flick lack Python brilliance

If you’re a Monty Python fan with three bucks burning a hole in your pocket, you may be tempted to rush down to the’capitol Theatre and trade your hard earned pennies for an opportunity to sit through Jabberwocky - the Python crew’s latest release.

Don’t bother. You can get a better high for the same money at the Campus Centre pub - with or without entertainment.

Jabberwocky is an attempted parody of heroic romance set in the middle ages and vividly depicting the filth of living conditions, but little else.

The film chronicles the adventures of a country bumpkin who sets out for the city to seek a better job but ends up inadvertently (through acts of cowardice) slaying the monster, saving the city. marrying the princess, and completing the quest he never asked for.

Hardcore Monty Python fans will be amazed -or perhaps disap- pointed - at the lack of incoherence in the plot. It’s silly mind you, but it certainly hangs together. Sometimes it’s even downright logical the way things happen. And who’d have ever thought that Monty Python would stoop so low as to use logic in plot construc- t ion?

Speaking of logic, I must confess that I expected to encounter some allusion to the work of that master logician - Lewis Carroll. Monty Python’s brilliant manipulation of screen techniques and sense of incongruity added to Lewis Carroll’s creative genius could have provided a dynamite combination.

Unfortunately I was sold short. There’s no connection between this movie and Through the Looking Glass: no White Queen, no Red King, no talking flowers or animals, not even a pair of fat little brothers.

And even though the poem Jabberwocky is quoted in full. no. credit is given to the man who wrote it. Just as well I suppose - if Carroll knew what kind of bastardization his writing could be sub- jected to, he’d turn livid red from embarrassment.

The film will win no awards. The production is average, the acting is superficial, and the characterization is as two-dimensional as ever. Now, admittedly, those aren’t the prime criteria for assessing the merit of a Python show. But if you dig the way Monty has always used animation, you’re in for another disappointment in this flit.

There is only one brief animated segment, which precedes the film but has absolutely no relation to it. That’s certainly within the Python tradition. But, however, before making Jabberwocky Monty buried his talent for creatively balancing live and animated scenes.

Who among you that has burst a spleen laughing at The Holy Grail can ever forget the heavens rolling back for the confrontation be- tween God and King Arthur? “Don’t say you’re sorry. I’m sick of people grovelling at my feet!”

If Monty decided to abandon his unique brand of creativity after the Grail, one thing he has managed to retain is his obsession with blood and gore. Remember the black knight who lost all his appen- dages? Kid stuff compared to the gallons of ketchup in this one!

Which reminds me - stay away from spaghetti and meatballs (or any ethnic food, for that matter) for several hours before and after seeing this film. Abol.lt the only thing you’ll be able to stomach is the North American staple - a Macdonald’s blandburger.

Perhaps Monty Python is trying to “lay a heavy” on us - trying to point out that true pornography lies in violence, not sex, and that the suckers with the scissors let the real thing by without a scratch.

“Uh, apart from the violence, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the show’!”

“Well, I’d just like to say that I found it to be totally without any redeeming social value, appealing solely to society’s prurient in- terests, and concerned largely with a lot of monster-crap.”

(A monster-crap is similar to a cow plotch but much larger - about five feet in diameter, a foot deep, and greyish-green with a slightly juicy consistency.)

, Ahh well.. .ya pays your money and ya takes your chances.

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