190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

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Page 1: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's
Page 2: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's


ow BOYS I BOOK CLUB Northern Section ·

·- The Jana .llaet1ng was held at 2}9, Hyde l'llrk Rd.

on the 24th instant. A1thoagh none of the IanOflah-

1.re contingent coul.d .rnal'8 it, there . wa11 an attend­

ance of a dozen.

Olt'ing to increasing activities of the Secretary

it ' -a thought Treaatll'8r' a duties ahou1d be taken

offr by BOIIIIIODB else, so the following re-rrange-. s 1111.a decided upon:- Chairman, Reg.

O~Hudson; Vioe-Chairman, •• t:n::1amson, ~

Jloruan J .Sinith ; Secretary , li.H.Sawyer; Auditors, OllTe Simpson and Gerald Al.lison.

A Magnet-Ge111 "Qu:iz" was held Which Reg . Hudsoi;

won by a short head.

It -s proposed and carried unani111ousl,y that at

each Meeting a Tall: sboul.d be g1 ven on soma popular

paper. Talk to last not 1anger than 20 mi.nutes to

give opportt:ini ty for Speaker to be bombarded with

questiona. Agreed to start off at next Meet1ng with

th• ".lfagnet". Others suggested - Harry Dowler "Boys

:,X,,.end", Olive Simpson "Jre1son Lee Library".

<>wing to the Room not being ava1labJ.e for 8th

Ju1y the na;ri Meeting was re-rranged for the 15th.

It mLB decided to form a Library for copie s of

papers available rather than sell outright. Gerald

A1llson was appointed Librarian. It was ho pe d to

get papers to suit all tastes.

Attendance: R.A.Hudaon , lllorman Smith, Gerald

AJ.lison, Ilise V.Ooatea, 'i.111.llilliamson , 'i,P.Sa11yer , S.l',Armitage, H.llarlo11, C.Price, T. Ii, Puckrin , H.

Twinhalll, and H. Le cltenby.

Postscript : So eager ll&S the company to 1ndu1g e in reminiaoenciea that business 11aa done in bit s

and pieces • . In :future "business first - nostalgia afterwards" must be the alosan.

H, Leckenb Correa ond ent.

Page 3: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

Vol.4. No.4~ . Post Free le.ld.

JUL! 1950 Editor, L~ecelleneous Sect~on

Herbert Leckenby, Telephone F;xchang<,, c/o Central Registry, Northern Command, "fork


That Delightful Dinner . It wss ~nly possible to make a few hurried remarks on the Leeds Dinner in our June issue, so I must add some further cOlllllents here.

It added another event!Ul chapter to our roillantic story. One particular incident greatly illlpressed me. Reg Hudson, in en ideal little speech, paid tribute to Frank Richards, ahd was ably supported by Tom Sinclair. Then someone , I believe it wae Gerr,y Allison, started off "For He's e Jolly Good Fellow" . Th.gugh there were -only just <?Ver · e score of' us, I should think des-oi te · the traffic, we could have been heard in City Square, It wee e happy, spontaneous u :ttle gesture • . Reg end Tom ;you could tell were speaking from their ver,y inner souls when they told of the good inf lu ence the stories ot' Charles Hamilton had had on them in their adolescent de;ys, I wonder if it will ever be realised that IDSl\Y a name hes appeared in the Honcurs Lists wit h . no more right than th.!lt of that kindly gen tl eman still busily writing worth while s tories in the evening of his days by th e coast ot: Kent. That's said quite seriously. "lhet is the reason gi v en t'or names appear-ing therein? That th ose honoured have done some good in the

Page 4: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

- -------,-,---:-- :-- 192 - ---- -------, world, and brought hap pin ess to their fellow men, i sn ' t it? Well, isn't that e claim we can jus tly make fo r our Frank Richarda?


. The l>nnual's Taking Shape. It's 11.11111Der time but we hav to be thinking ab<,ut Chr1stlll8a and the .Annual. First, a wo about th e price. Most of you know whet hswened last y ear, don• t you? In our zeal we gav e twenty more pages than orlginsll,Y int ended end landed in e los e of about 1/3 e copy in consequ ence . Or, at leabt , there would have been if a lo of grand fellows had net come t o t he rescue. It wss fine of you, nev ertheless we don't want to put on your good nature again. You wil l have see n, too, that r ece ntly publications with pl enty of be cki ng l ik e the"Strand", 11Leade r Magaz ine " , "News Review4' , and Hutchinson's 11Pie" quart erli es, have gone t o the w:ell thr ough rising costs of produ ction . 'Ye don• t anticipate 1111.ch increased cost ours elves, so having go ne jnto the whol e ques ti on carefully we tlrl .i.k we can pro duc e an ..tnnua of abou t the same size as le s t yeer, and jus t ge t cl ea r, if we mske the pric e 9/3. This providing wo ge t e fai r number of adverts, and that the circulation is incr eased. We ere confid en t we can count on th e l et t er, es new members keep joining th e circle, and few l eaving it.

We feel no one will quib\l e s t 9/}, bu t if eey conside r it rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments.

Now es to some of th e ~unte n ts . Of course the "Collector's Who's Who" will be the r e. Time and tim ll agc..i.:i , s inc e Chri s tmes I ha;-e been t old of friends hi ps ',be t hav e beej · fonne d by its sid .

And th er e·' s eno t her 11Who ' s ribo11 we have been urged to ' provi de this ti me, ont. concerning the "Artists", on the lines

th e "Author ' s \'ibo' s i'lho" of two ea rs s Bi hical deta ils about th e ar t i sts, t.owever, or e mor e dif fi cult to obt ain, s o we shell b e grateful for eey he lp you ca n g i ve us. So pl eas e send along eeyth.t.-,g you kno w shou t H. M, Lewis, peul Hardy , Vel Reeding , Robert P-~e, E.E.Briscoe , 1!/and ck Reynolds, end th e msny oth ers we have admired t hrough the yea rs. The artists have never had the c r edi t they des erv ed.

Then , necring compl et ion ol reedy are - "The Rise and Fel of the Boys ' Friend" (with e Ust of its f emoue se rials) . and "They wrote ot Sexton Blake " ~ a r oco rd of the outh ora who wrot o the sto ri es in th e tt-.reo aor:tes S.B.L 's .

Page 5: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

r--- --- ------ 193 Othe rs we hop o to h ave includ e "Rookwood Review" by Bill

Gender, lists of tho Gom and ' L~gnet .&orie ls, "~ Amesing Ps l,r'' The Gem end !i:agn et", by y ours truly; e c e., did biogr aphy of · ' VQrnon Smith by Roger Jenkins (·hi s " Cnrdcw" l ast y oar wee on o of th ~ high lights) snd ''Th ey Ceme to St.Ji.ms" by Len Packmen. Ne l s on Lee f ens will not be forgotten. In the unfortunate event of Bob Blythe -b eing unable to compl ete his popul ar "How They Arrived", Jack Wood hop es to step in to th e bre ec h.

I daross y b efore publi shing day I she ll be wrinkling ,qy­brows end s aying " No..-how em I going t o get ell this in?" Neve rthel ess, I went you to su bmit articles, or suggestions, en the soon er th e b etter. : You ~lso fi,:,d :Qu es t±onn eir'es end Order Forms with thi s i ss ue. Ple ase · return the former es quickly es pos sible, for it • s a huge tea k preparing the ''Who• s Who" · end thi s time we don•t went to : miss sn.yone out.

"Tho C:cyptc,grm,I". Last month we st e 'ted th et Mr. Vincen t Sterrett, co lumnist on "Chic ag o Tribune" ; wee anxious to know · if Murrey Graydon•s story "Th e Cryptogram" had eve r bee n pub­lish ed in England. Just after we hsd ·gone to press I, by pure chance, picked up a copy of · "Nugge ts" for S ep temb er 1897 . Therein ...,s a p Sl'flgreph sa ying "Th e Cryptogr am" wss just st art­ing in th a ''Weekly Budget", anoth er Hend ers on paper. Strenge how th ese thinge happen ,

Publicity for Peerd : - - -Steunch Gomite, Peerd.Suth~ rland of Vancouv er , hed e t errif ic write-up in "Vancou ver Sund ay s~·. One who re page was d evoted to s photogr aph of _the geni al Paerd end his charming cleughte:r, named after ,t _he rh: ,er which flows n~er St. Jilne . li.noth er page and e bit -1;<>115':-of _ bis . sto _ry paper collecting activities end several other hobbies; ,ri ~

- three-more--photoe,one--e~ -wtth-- • __ • work, Peard.

Behind Time. Uns voi deb ly the C .D. Wttnt out later than ususl last month. :,.,, ·s consequenc e we got several enquiri e s from re ede re who wondered if they bed b een overlooked. Sorr:y if we caused you 8Il%ie ty , but it s ee ms to make it e-vident you look fonmrd to the coming of th e littl e megeain e , end th ~t gr,,~ tlY pl ea ses

Yours sincerely 'HERBERT LEX:KENB)'

Page 6: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's



_by Leonerd Peckmfln

On Saturday May 27th 1950 I commenced my eight day North ern tour, ez.iving st York station Pt 12.;o p.m., to find Herbert Leckenby's rugged feetures beaming at me from the plat fo1'1l entrance. He a t once took charge by escorting me to my "digs" , end then my tour of York l;>eg~ll j,n eernest.

First -~ visit to ':lood ' s Duplicating ;.gency , ·i .n a del i ght­ful ol,d wqrld street, to f ind in th e window 8 specim en cov er

· c>f l aet ye i>r•s c.D. wmuel waiting -to gr eet me . Then a pleesent chat with th e friendly end obliging propri et or, Mr. Wood, who, I might edd, behin d the scenee gives up e lot of his priv ate time to the menifold problems not g ene r ally • appreciated in th e dispensation of our megszine. Next e visi to the famous Kiri< Mueeum, where, on looking out of e window I found myself gazing on e cobbled street, a ll compl e te with Hansom cab. Thie was really pert of the mueeum, b eing en exect replies of a street ea it was in th e eer}y days of Sexton Bl ake -..hom I could almost imagine to be s ea t ed in th a t cab, bis e l ort br ain engaged in unravelling ono of his multi.­fold problems.

A:tter tee, e general walk ·around tbo meey old "gates" of th e City, whore, from time to time Herbert pointed out certain shops wherein during his boyhood he bought stacks of tho deer old papers. Ales, these shops heve changed compl e te}y, both in · stylo end trade, but in Herbert's eyes he could s till s oe th e rows of b ooks; a ll colours of th e r a inbow, each and ev ery one • · £east of ··r ead ing; waiting for th o lucky bu,yer. Then a stml ·<md. • long . chat ··on th e famow, ·:York walls.

··~d ;- e visit to th e Barracks to ·see whor e Herbe rt peff'o"rms e e ep o c ege ems , en e s ro the most be,,utiful spot boing where the Duse and its tributary th e Foss meet a t th e Blue Bridge .

MoJ!<l!Y, e,:>P.,th er visit to the Tel ephone Exchange, ~!'is tiJB! c.'I~ -~ -,i>~keges piled up in a corner of t\ie ·-roQm. M'!'IJ'c and. !5:i;l.,~4.'.,!"l'e the old treasures I hendled, some of whic h(ld not .. seen <!a.Yl,;~t for eges! ·

In th e ef} .'1£"9,on I met Mrs. Leckenby who over tea told me e lot ebout Yori end l e t e r esco rt ed me over its lo v e ly Mill'!ter , tho enci~t Shembl es, end ot h er f emous spo ts .

Page 7: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

~---------- ~ 195 ~~-~~~----- ----, :.nd then ; in the ev.:n:ing , crune the ps r ting when I was

put on tho bus: . for Knares boroueh wher e I errived en hour l a ter, to be gr ~eted at t hat end by Cliv e Simpson.

On th e way to his residence he pointed out various things of great int eres t , the finest of all being a megnificent pensr ame rep r esenting some of the loveli es t scen ery , both in this count ry end abroad, it hes been 11\Y pleasure t o see.

;,. good feed and a grand evening in th e compt!J\Y of Clive and his wife , not forgetting e heppy introduction t o three of the 111feetest children I have ever met. ·.; · ·,. ·

Tue sde,y, anothe r delighttul day here . ·.:. ··Luncli in '" a prett: little r esta urant, with ell the -f'einilJ'; " happy ti.me· with · the ·

kiddies, and in th e evening a look et Clive's collection of old papurs. 1'!r! I never r ea l1 3e d whet e large collection he hed. . Wednesday, goodbye to Knsreeborough, with · a poeeibili t,' · of a r e-union in London shortly, and then on to Leeds, wher e1 on arrival at th e t erminus, I found another good friend, Bill Sawyer awaiting me. . Back with him to hie home st Soacroft to meet Mrs. Sawye r , lu.e lllYaelf, a Londoner. .an excellen t lunch end inspection of the garden - a profusion of f lowers and plants, repr esen ting the fruits of Bi ll 's hard work. In . the evening e visit to No1'1118n Smith, to be entertained by him and his kindly parents. I might sdd th at Normsn • s meey l!tlgne ts, magnif i cently bound, in men;y volumes , ere e sigjit _ worth s ee ing. Than beck to Bill' e to enjoy e., good nigb:t • s . sleep. Thursd ay , by arrangement end promptly to time, I m.:,t Breeze B~ntl ey in Leeds , returning with him to his _home et Bradi"ord . Her e I was gr ~eted by Mrs.B~yley . el;l!l ".family'' ( e gentle, love able St .Bernard dog! ), mid, af t er an excellent lunch, e visit to such delightf'ul places es Co,tting l ey and Bingley. Here we 10l' lk ed through some of the "loveliest lanes

- ~<i-wi-sh - f-<>r..,--OU2'-pedesctrielrlem-eui-tebii-brok-en-h - - -· by e rest for light refreshment.

On r eturn to Brodi"ord, an insp ection of Br ee ze 's~ paroel.S of Magnets (over 75i of the tot el is sues 1 ), Gems end S.0 .L 's, fol l owed by supper , and finally adieu to lllY hosts~ hostess, the forme r es corting me half way back to Leeds.

. Friday, a visit to the centre of the to,m . with Bill SewyeJ , where I purchased a copy of th e l at est Tom Merey book, end then, l ooving Bill, I made lllY vm;y to Davenport rlo l!snchoster where I met Cliffo rd Beordsell, and togethe r we msde our we.y tc home in Davenport. No sooner had I b een introduced to

Page 8: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

.--~~~~~~~~~~,-,-_,,, 96 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mrs. Bcards ell ond hod o littl e ch a t t ha n HArry Dowler arriv ed by bicycle from Henchest er , end, in happy compen;y, we s et do wn to th e festive board.

A gr ond "thr oeeome" chat followed, the chi ef topic being, of cours e , l,<.B:r:well Scott end th e Hobby gen erellyl The evening pesaod all ~oo _gui ckly, and hBVing bid adi eu to Herry pro tem - it wa~_,tim e for bed.

Seturda, .. ~~ :found Clifford showing me s ome of the beauty epo .~s '1-f the district, an d then, in th e afternoon we made our wey to Le eds for th e ''Dinn er'' , b caing join ed at Menchester ·by. H,,rry Dowl er and Phil Wvrr on, th e l ott er b eing introduced to mo for th e first time . The two- hour jou:rn ey sp ent t~l ld.ng to 11\l" new friends s eemed but e matt er of minutes -euch --is - th e enthusiasm of our Hobby!

..lt the Rendezvous we wer e joined by numerous mutual fri _ende from ell over th e North, end at the eppointed tim e we took our . seats in th e speciel room reserved f or the function.

rt -would t eke too long to describ e th e meey f ami li ar nemeil the owners of which gr eeted me for the first tim e, but e full ·report of the . f\ulction will be found e lsewhere in this msgezine. Sufficiimt to say thst I enjoyed every moment of it and only hop e tliat · ll{Y "few words" expre s sed l1{Y thoughts setisf a otorily.

Alas, ell good th1ng8 come to an end -, an d aft er ·e good night'e rest in ll\l" comfort able bed e t Bill Smr;yer•s, I l eft Leeds th e following morning to arrive somewhat lat e but happy, in London.

In conclusion, mey I sey th e t th e Northern er's hospit oli1 to his :sout he rn "cousin" is _re a lly r emark abl e , end I look forwerd · to such vi s its es cert e~ ·of the m may pey m~ , ee en

, op.~rt~ t:r _to _return th at hoapi teli ty .

FOR S.:..LE: Complet e works of Gunby Heda th l a 1so as John 01owora J · up t o 1946, ~bout 60 books, 4/6: each, in cluding po s te~ e . ! Ti t1 i!'s' 'on r eq1,Jest . Good · condition, nwcy ..utogr ephed. ;.. J \ Soutb ..... y, ·p;ci. Box ~. Bcsc one fi eld, Cape Provinc e,

. South -~rice _. ·

-~ :!:s i::.11 b ack numbers Coll ector's Digest . ilso :.nnu a ls. • Bill :!Aertin, 93 -Hillsid e , Ston ebridge Perk, London N.'1 . 10. \'IA!fl'lillV URGENTLY: To complet e se ts. No ' s 7,9 , sn d 10 of th e ·· Sto:r1 · p,ip or Collector. A.J.S outbwey, P.0 .Box 3, Beec on sfi eld, Cane Pr ovinc e. South Afric a .

Page 9: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

THE BOYS' FRIEIID 3d. LIBRARY by T. W • . .Puckrin

Al though en article on this p_e.rticular top 'ic hse been :" · published in No.35 of the S.P.C., I meke no apology for con­tinuiJlg . e : very interesting theme. · The article was written by Henry Ad81D8 Puckr1n wbose memoey for tiJDes, . dates end


pleces ia .far better than 11\Y awn, end, 88 he said hims elf; , . : the topic ie one that · is oapeble 9{ 8 good ,i.eal -ot e:i:tension, ·: The stories 'IFere taken in the mein from -1he big three,. .Boy.a'.,:, Friend, . Jlo;rB' Realm end Beys ~ .Herald. I t hink it is worth ~ to bring in ether 3d Libraries not mentioned in the first ' article, if only to recall memories of the timee when the big three were at the height of fame. •

The f:i:rst one that comes to the mind wee Devid Goodwin•" great invasion etor,- "Bri tein Invaded". Thi8 eppeered in 1906 e nd ren for six months. "Britain et Bsy'' end "Britein'e Revenge" were the naturel continuations of this veey fine stor,- . I..heve reed men;y en 1nvaeion story out if t;here 1.s e better ona in existence I would like to reed it. In 11\Y. opin­ion David Goodwin was the outet&lding boys' euthor .of his tim e Like "J eeves" he etO<.'d elone, ond the edventures . cf Sam end Stephen Villiers is a regular Odyssey. If e copy is still in existence en;y collector wculd be well ad,rieed -t o get it • . Next we have "Ned Kelly" and the sequel "Troop~ end ~h­r enger" by Cecil Heyter. Hayter was in the eeme oless e e David Goodwin, i,nd hie crisp r;ecy style wee e treet ~ the gode. Ned Kelly was the notori,oue . .lwstralie,n buahrallger a~ the first ato:cy deelt with hie expioits in that line ·. ··--Ned. Ke lly carried out hie dering exploits " in . ~ ."suit of ·aZ'l!'()Ur ·; about the only modern bandit to adopt this .expedient. The eeco e cry- ea rivel trading under hie name. With the paesing of 1;1me men;r of the incidents escape 11\Y momoey, ~t ·coll~tors 110uld )>e · well advised to add it to th eir collection .• ,, · Readers · wbos .e memory gees beck over forty y ea rs will. ~~er "!ting at Sc.au, Thie wee one I regret to eey I never reed. ·.' I believe it wee written by w. Jlu..""TBY Grey-don. "Hidden llilliona", a trea~a hunting eto:cy, by Cecil Heyter, wee enother "good stoey. "Middies of th e F eerlees" ey Devid Good1dn, with i.1,s ett .~ . eerlel "Midshipmen Drake, D.S.0." was another good st~~ :,., · th e ee e , and this eleo rang -th e b ell. . ""The Rival Forts'! mid, ••

Page 10: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

~~~~~~~~~~~~~l. 98_~~~~~~~~~~~----,

the ''Ri vr.l ,::rplorers" como reedil,y to on os mind . I don• t know much cbout the :tirst, but the second wes en exciting s t ory

of rivel pol rr expeditions. By wsy of " chtmg e we hs ve the "P orc h cs t er Fellows", e

schoo l story by en outhor whose ncme h l\s esc ep ed f11!1 memory. All .I know is that "J ec k Bleko of St.Jims" epp :,cr ed i n the = = etion , though it wes not by Frtmk Richards. One tlwt comes . more ens ily to the memory wos IL.S. Rllrdy' s "Blue Cru sode r " with ,.of cours e the inevit obl e sequel ''For League end Cup". The th eme, · e femilie r one of s humble teem winning pr o:tessions l stl'tus end of cours e the English Cup is e well worn one, but in its way it wes uniquo. Old r ee ders will no doubt remember Morton Pik e's "Gilb ert Nemel ess ", e story of th e •Prentice leds

of London, "Guy of the Gr -:enwood" vnd " King of th e ':loodlends" ,

The les t two were t a les of Robin Hood, e theme t het Morton Plk o spec i elis ed in. Outside th e Aldine publicot ions, Morto n Pike wes tha best au thority on the c"ref r ee Rovqr of Sh erw ood . !,.

boys' pep er . without s pirate story wc,,J.ld be ·unthinkabl e . However ·, th e only one I evi>r r e~d in i;ho 3d Libr aries w..s s. -Wolkey • s "T~ esure Golloons of Eld er s.do". S. \Vel.key was es

bf8 -cn eu th or ity on pir a tes es Yorto n Pike WBB on Robin Hood ,

end ~ e fine pir Pte s tory f l o>,ed from his pen . The Sexton Blake · stories lwve elr oe d,y been refe.rred io , but Devid Goodwin'• "Clpglend" - i a ·wort ey of honourllbl e ment;ion. .

sev ert1l Greyfrie r s end St.Jims s t ori es epp oered in the :

Boys' Fri end Lib r "r.Y se ri es. To pr aise t)l'ese would b e mer ely to guil d the lily, Tho Boys' . Friend Librery is no more, but

the J.isestro is stil ~ with us bringing be ck nosta l gic memorios of he ppi er end mor e p ee c eful t i mos .

WANTED: . Mejplets 1175 to 1177 end 1181 to 1185 ·• Gems 375 end

- 39 5. - conattttm--import &nt-.----Rev~ - ~x:a-Roadi, -

Bbul..ngb!lm, 9 . . :!

FOR~ ( ' Several oddments; single copi os of Unio n Jeck, \71ld tle s t ··; True l}lu e , _some. Nelson Le es, l et se ri e s; Boys• Own

IJ..b(re.ifes ., l!s i:veis, et ~a; S.A.E. for list. 1V. H.Clougb, 3 r.,on,t~n Grove ,_ Srle ·, li!sncheste r.

CHAl!GE OF.: .,ll>DRESS: · .Id.tar July 10th J ohn Robyns will be at Trew<ilI &r.t ;.;13 Repheel Road, Hove, 3. wANr'ID:'od<l copie s fentesy books , 11i .nventions", Capt c in Juati'"QI)

~i~~~o¥i 2!"Uii~~rl!"no~W. J . li.;3('rtlett , _____ ....,

Page 11: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's


No. 6 - "Tho Thriller'' Fob. 9th, 1929 - l!ay 1940 - 567 issues .

by .John W. Gocher

In the blissful ninet een-thirti es >1hen the shops were filled to over flo wing with brightly illustrated mag,-zines -end newsegents hed difficulty in s elling all their copies - th e AJnolgrutated Press published what I propose to coll a trio; nemely, Detective '.Veekly, Se:tton Bl ek e Li bre:r,y end "The Thrille Esch llll'gezine devoted much space to edvertising the contents of the other two, presum ably b ecaus e all thr ee dealt with detect1 ve and Iey"stery thrillers. Of th e first two mentioned publications worthi er pens than mine heve de alt at gr ea t l ength l'nd s o , r ea lising my limitations, for I wee almost e baby when the Thriller first appea red, I am att empting here to deal w1 th th e car eer and contents of the Thriller.

The Thriller wes bunched on the ninth of February, 1929, and commenced its car ee r with e long complet e story by Edgar Wallace, then the ecknowl ed8ed le eder of thet fi eld of liter,.­ture. It depa.rted this life, a casu alty of th e Hitler ~o r, in ldlly, 1940, t he word ''War" having b een added to its title. It was a-lusty jounwl throughout, on e , seemingly, of greet popularity , ond when one consid ers th e world famous authors who wrote t herein, there seems littl e doubt of its success.

Lesli e Chsrt eris, ':'I .Murdoch Duncan, Pete r Cheyney· end J ames Ronald, ell best selling suthors of the present day, app eared of t en in th e Thriller. W. Murdoch Duncan, now with ten best sellers to his credit end else other titles under noms de plume which I em not at lib erty to divulge, commenced

- - 1--=.....,D~----c·ere ·e:r as o wrtt ·er-wtth:brtts-p-ageo, u c

polind priz •' off er ed: for en origin al book-illength thrill er. The ghost of t ·.,e Thriller can look down upon Mr. Duncan €nd f ee l "· glow of sstisfection that it was th et peper moro t htln aey othe, whic h lalm,ched him upon e succe ssful career.

Meey of the authors whom we associate 1ri th Sexton Bl ake wrote in th e Thriller. Gwyn Evens, E.S .Brooks (th e first Norman Conquest s tory, "Mr .Mortimer Gets the .Jitters", wtos published under the name of Brooks end not Berkeley Grey, epp~6red in this paper end so, too, did Inspector Crom,rell, G.H.T eed, Rex H"rding e, .mthoey Skene , Dotwld Stuart ( ee himse if

Page 12: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

200 ~~~~~~~~~~~

end es GJrald Verner), Jo hn Br endon, Geor go Roch . St er, G-r ~l d BoWiD8n, John Bunter, L.C.Douthweite, Berry Perown e , Coutts Brisbene, Ledbroke Bleck, John Cressey, '1erwiclt Jardine , stsce:r Blake. Welter F.dwerde, Pierre Q.uiroule, George Dilnot ;.nthoD,Y Parllons, 1l8urice B.Dix, D.L • .lmea, John Sylvest er, John DrucJDOnd, Richard Es sex, and John 1..scott ar e Puth ors who come to mind. But there muet hev o been oth ers for I c annot cleim by en;r means thnt my list of Thrill 3r titl es end authors is complet e . mie t s gel a:ry of at ers th0\l8h th e ebov e liet contains.

But whet of those o thers? The author s who did not writ e sexton Bl ake to our knowled8 e eeywey? '?/ho wor e t hey? Th e gr eet Sydney Horl er, author of doz ens of succ essful myst ery stories; the let e Devid Hume, cr ea tor of Mark Cerboy , t he _ privat e detectiv e ; Kennedy Scotl and, Bruc e Graeme, C1Uch . belo v ed for hie c el ebrat ed Blackshirt stori es, and now nll ·Jmown r.a en author of more meture myst ery novels; ".dmund Snell, Dougl ee N....ton end Bugh Clovely, f amous for mPey books and cre ator of the . "Gs.ng-Smasher'' w;, ich wes en ~ mely successful r adio seri al b efore th e wr>r.

':le read those gems by t he :.meric an author, Oscer Schigell in the Thrill e r, e.nd elso th a nov els of Hunry Holt, Pet er BrEllllpton, Hector Hl!Wton, Petrick Wynnton and Rolend Dt-ni el whose nov e ls bBve sold well overs million copi es.

And .theri . th ere .... s 'iTilliem J -. Mekin, Ganp s t, Richard Essa with W.a . .superb - Le!'sing er stories (rem ember "Th_ey .:.11 'Vant ed Arebell e-·Minti;r.• in Thrill er No.444 ), th e' evergr een David '.Vhi telew, Eric Tey lor ond Roy Vickers t But , perhaps , the most po11ul_s r aut hor to appoer , by pres ent day stan dar ds, wy Frenk _K;Lng; Mr. !Cing i s we ll known for hi s Dormouse st ories. He;.i~ al~o ~ ~ "r contributor to meg ezinee of the highest

- rell'J1u-' • . ,[and :!be t of _,'!.J .Frrjeon, Prmicis Ger eld (with his Meredit

st .ori es ), Evedn e · rl'.ic e , 'lJ ,E .Johns, Griers on Dickson , Captain Frank Shw , L® ~ Gribbl e , 11ex Brend r nd Sinbed? They too ere f emous today, -~heir books obteine.bl e in cey libr ary in th e ·countr., .!- :~!llt er ~ cl,eod, J ohn Huddleeton e , Murr ey Homil­tou'; · -JL.E.MUes-,-· 4 -l~n V~ugru,n -Elston end Ree d Cli f ford c ennot be celled i:mknb'fml

. Maxwell ·. GNn'.t • a .8t ori os of th ,:, Shadow, t ha t 11\YSt.erioue m,,n· h=t er , ·opp<cere.<l·witb r e= rkBbl e regularity. I remember reeding . inc th e T.hriller whic h announc ed th e fir s t of t hese

Page 13: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

201 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ stories th at th e Shadow hBd eppe,.red on the films end upon th e r vdio with great success. Nigel Morland , too , wrote o.ccesion elly for the Thriller. Ev"ryon e, it oppeors, knows Mrs.Pym, his J.ssistent Con.missioner Detective, hut he hes crested ot he r cherecters, equally famous . Ur.Morland, it h,.s b een recently disclosed by Messrs . Wright & Brown, 8 180 writes under the pen neme of Roger Gernatt. Then th er e 1188 Andrew Wood whose st ories ere to be f ound on eny bookstall ond, laatly, George Hermon Coxe of whose ef f orts I could tAlk throughout the night Suf'fic u let it be t he t h e is one of the few Jlmericen auth ors for whom I cere.

Thot i s a bri ef pi c tur e of the cuthors who wrote in th e Thriller. There =st hsve been dozens more f or the paper r en to nearly 600 is su "s - 587 to b e exect, John Drummond b eing responsibl e for the laat sto IY, Spy Bait, feeturing that cele­br at ed character , Rad Sword - but their names I do not know. If onyone cen e dd to t he list I s he ll be much obliged, ond if I have mDde erro r s put it down to ,. f oul ty memory .

1.nd what of th ~ artists who illust ra t ed the Thriller? T,.king '11/1 courage in both hands, I .. -ould i megin o t hBt 1.rthur Jon es did the most work in thi s sphere, his peculiar sh,ipeless gangs ters were ever to be seen p ee ring from dark elleys with hv.nds stuffed sugges tively in the pocket s of shap .e less r ein­coe ts ! I know little of ert, but Jon es e lwsys struck me es en erti st who wes ab l e t o drew en ec t i on pictur e .

J.s I come t o the end of this articl e memory stirs once more end seve r a l other nanes of euth ors r eturn t o me. Robe~ Murr ey , Herman Lenden, Fenton Robins, Mer je ry .:Uli nghem , rr e th e n ames Whi ch spring to mind.

EX.(rHiJ,GE. "Billy Bunter of Gr eyfri ers ," "Bunt er• s Banknot e", ,=-in "~o~nn ""'~ter•s Bene fit" . Holidev .'innuBl ( 1g}o; ) · f or Magnets, Gems , S.O,Lts, or offers. Send li s t of swope (numbers) . Bernf'rd F.gen, 1 Dertmouth Terr ac e , Ranel!'gh, Dublin, Eire .

Boys • own Lib. Noe. 55, 64, 67. Prid e of the Ring, Lsmbs of Littl ecot e, Mor e Larks et Littl ecot e , ond Union Jock No.6}}. ExDes Doubl e number 1915 exchange for Aldin e Turpins or s ell best offers. Oddments for sal e. B.0.L's , Nelson Lee lat Seri es , U.J ecks , l.lcrvels, e tc. S.A.E. W.H.Clougb , } Fonthill Grove, Sele , JJ,,n ch es ter.

Page 14: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's


Conducted by Robert Blythe~~~~~~~---+

. (All cOl!l!!Wllcl'tions temporarily to L. Peckmen, 27 ,.:.Z-chdol a Road, Dest Dulwich, London , S .E. 22)

Whil st a t llhares borough racent ly, Clive Simpson gav e me the rother surprising inform..tion that a certl'in detectiv o stor.,, ori&inelly fe AturiDg Sext on Bl oke rod Tinker, had l'lso. et e l ate r dote, featured Nelson Lee end Nipper, He pro duced both these papers snd, having ro od them, I find h e is quite correct. The originel s tor., is enti tl ed "The Golde n Belt s" or ''The Pip e of Peac e" , Se,xton Blake Library ( let series) No.21 , Fnd the condensed version in Nelson Lee Libr ary (2nd New Series) No.130, i s celled "The Fortune Tr ail". The origin ol author is .An:drew, :.iurrey, end the centr al ch erecters end the plot are precisely the same . It woul d, th erefore, be interesting to know if an:r other Blake yarns wer e simikrly treated. 'Vhs t ebout 1 t, you Bkke l'nd Lee f ans? · Now for some more Boy •e Reel m St.Fr enk•a titles.

51,Ni ppor•s Benefit Show; 52, Fe tty Littl e 's Tuckehop; 53,Turning ~h e Tabl es; 54 , Umrelcome Visitors; 55, ~ Rl'nk outsider; 56 ,The Outsid er's Plot; 57,Berred by th e Remove ; 58,Under Teddy Long's Thumb; 59,..i Tyr an t in Charge ; 60, The Avenging Three ; 61, .1. Bounder to the Lest; 62,Lengley4! oe •s Trickery; 6},Shoulde ri ng the Blame; .64, Denounced the

orm; , e e ow ey iespl se ; ,T e l,vs t ery Crlckete 67, His Honour Nld th e School's ; 68,Reformi.ng .the Remove; 69,Unde r a Fl'ddist l!ul e ; 70,Fo il ing the Faddis t ; 71 , His Own Foult; 72,:. Discredit to th e Form: 73 ,J eping th o Jepers; 74,Holding th eir Own; 75,Down with Foot er ; 76,Th e Spoil Sport ; 77 ,Rebels of tb a Remove; 7B,F3ir Pl ay end Foul ; 79,B l'cks to the Wrll 80,Tmrorting the -Tyr ant;

I think that will do for now. Mor<l next month And finel ly, the usu • l batch of Nels on Loe (o. s . ) titles.

(Thia origin ol series will prob ebly be comple t ed by October ,

Page 15: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

tc--~~~~~~~~~~~--=203~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ond wil : then form a vary useful r ~f erence guido for oll Nelson L,e lovers.)

431,The Schoolboy Slaves; 432,Captain HurricPne•s L,let st and ; 433,Bust or the Bully; 434,T he Feud at St.Frank's; 435,Th e Bettle for the Copt~incy; 436,a Rod of . Iron; 437,Th e Despot of th e Remove; 436,The 'Di e-hf\X'ds' of the Remove; 439,The 'Fifth' a t St.Frroik's; 440,~stice Dey at St.Frank•,; 441,The Green Cor; 44.2,U.S • .".. et St.Fr ank's; 443,Th e Sign of 13; 444,The Treasure ·or Don Santos; 445,The Night O..l's Prey 446 ,The Schoolboy Sant c Cleus; 447,Th & Ghost of St.Fr ank.'s ; 448,The School Museum J.tyetary; 449,The Evil lcye of Berl; 450 ,The Curs e of the lfoon God; 451,The Sign of th e SPcred Scarab; 452,Th e Spel l of th e !xlretic; 453,The T'ample of Silenc e; 454,The Schoolboy Spy; 455,The Invesion of St.Prenk . s; 456,The Amozing Mr.Smith; 457,Drivon to Revolt; 458,Hand-forth's Retlellion; 459,Tl. - ll.ising .,; ';c., . .;• · . .>, .;':,;, The Siege of the Rabble; 461,The Island Fortress; 462,The Rabel Remove ; 463,Fighting for St.Frank's; 464,The Schoolboy Ci rcu Owner; 465,The St.Fr ank 's Circus; 466,Undsr the Cenvas Dome; 467,School end Circus; 468,Queen of the Ring; 469,Circuil 1,goinet Circus; 470,Trepped on the Trapeze.

Don't forget , you Nelson Lee Enthusiasts, if you have any items of interest generally - _or any queri es - l et me beer from you whenever you like.

GREElfJICR Jn:!ll'DIG, Sunday June 18 1 19;:>0

The fri2ndly end homely otmosphere of Charlie ~ri ght'e home woe the r endez vous of the June meeting. T'here was e goo

1-e.:t.t.endan.co end sav ar:el ep.o.l.oe::i,.e.a f'n..,.. -- · ·-':A ... ble n.on-ettendenc • Th~ chairmen opened the proc eodings in his usuel good

style end the form el b\1111.ncs e w1>e soon 'di sposed of. The bulk of t he correspondence 'Nf1S from post al membere, eapreeeing approval of the crested club stationery. Tho smeller design of the crest was th ought a great improvement,elso th e italic printing of tho address. Quotes of this notepllper is being disp otched to oll postal end oversoes members.

The question of supplying postPl members with books ·wps r E"ised by the sec r otr ry rs in his opinion t hey get E' r"" dePl

Page 16: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

~~~~~~~~~~~~~-204 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

by n ot b eing ~ble to ott ,md. the monthly s nles l'nd exchonges. Th o cheirm cn proposed th l' t this importl'nt C!>tter b e fully dis­cussed. t>t the next meeting . This wa s rgre od to by en unenimous vote .

After some very good discussions it ""'s elso 8gre ed th !'t the deb ates on the v arious merits of pap ers, schools , d et ec­tives, etc. , be r e sumed next mont h .

~ l etter quiz was then held end this resulted in enother d eed he at for the first pl a ce betwe en Len Peckmrn and Bob Whiter who both bed twenty-on e points. Third pl!'ce wes s ecur id by Ben Whi t ar "'.ho must ered twelve points. W'nil ti on the sub­ject of th o quiz it wee d ecided t o hold sp ecial on es for th e poet el members .

A hearty welcome ,res giv en to Edmund Cox of S outh ampton who wt1s ott ending his first meeting.

OWi.og to Robbi e r emoving from Bright on to Hove is will not be nbl o to h cve our Sussex me e ting next month, s o it wa s agr ee d to eccept the kind off er of Eric F eyne to h ,ave our July meeting at The Modern Sch ool, Grove Roed, Surbiton on Sund ey July 30 next, et 5 o'cl ock. Members c"n sp end the d l'y enjoyi,~ th e l o ca l emenities such s s Hempton Court and the river Thames ere assembling et the meeting.

The · Cheirm.rui briefly outlin ed his northern tour and st a ted th at s full report will app es r in tho July C.D.

The excellent c r tering wes onc e more c e=i ed out by Olive Wright Pnd th<'nks ere du e to 1'oth h er and Chorlie f or a v ery successful me eting.

Att endenc e : Che_rli e , Clive and Al.en Wright, um, J o si e end El ettnor Pa cla!wn, Ron en d Mar ee Dea con, E . Cox , ••• Blund en, J.G eo l, E.Reynolds, C.\Ve lli s , R. Southwood, ..'U.Pn Stew ert , ;..Yow,g, 11.:t.,,ws,on, Bob end B.:.n 'ilhit er.


FOR S.:.LE: !Il'gn ets, Gems, Union J e cks, De tective '.Je ekli es , S.O.L's, end Holid ey !lnnutls. Offers. D. Rec d.or , 141 Hs e thfi eld Ro<'d., Hendsworth, Birmingbem.

W...NTED "Odds" 1908-1938 . Reesoneb l e . E . V . Hughes , ~1, 25 Hillsboro • Road, Bognor Rogis.

Page 17: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

Ii~i.lto~ Conducted by Herbert Leokenby~~~~~~~--t

;. l edy member w,,s hoei..i. to ee7 in tho "get-together" following the Leeds dinner, ~ elwe;ya Bunter?'' She..,.. quite s erious ebout it. She insisted he 1"' SD 1t exnctl-., e pleesent cherocter , y et he seemed .t ~ get ell the limelieht, putting into the bock:ground the reelly nic e tellowa like Herry 'ilhorton & Co.

Well , it's en int eresting eub)ect tor debate, for despite the undoubted feet tbet Bunter bed, or hes , he:rdly one single red &eming virtue, he 1e certeinly one ot th e most populer, ond the most femous character in juvenil e fiction, end fi:nnly eet oblished in the English l81l6W'i9. How do you account t or ?

Old-t imers will remember thet in the ee rly deye ot the J.legnet Bunter wee not et ell e bed sort of chap. TI'\le , he ht'd the st'me eno:rmous t,ppeti te, but it wee more on Fe tty ~{ynn

lin es. And if I remem•er rightly he wee tell:lng the t ele obout bis poatol order right from No.l. But h e wee quite o useful fo ll ow to heve l'round for he woe such 8 good cook . Horry t,h erton & Co. called him "Bill-.,'' end there wee not such

en urge to kick him out of atudiea the moment he showed hie h~ . •

teter h e lost moat of his virtues, end developed villcl.ni vices , end folli as. Yet greduslly he pushed Herry tlhsrton & out of th e limelight, end his bulk inv erbbly ocaupied" e proportion of the Megnet cover.

Bay r enders despised him, end fond p arents would h eve b ee n horrifi ed ot th e thought of their offspring being enyt like Bunter. Yet when the f at youth h,e.d done scmething perti

-c\ll:erly--Out~...ll'DLin - llad oll th eons, end quite " few of the !ethers, mcclei.med "Poor old Bun

l:.nd i f ever it hod been resolved to seek him from the p11ges of the Msgnet e rocr of protest would have gone up, 8llff ic 1ent t o sh eke thd very found.ction of F l3etw,,y House. ·,

So horo, forty y eere on, we have it thet thet once hsndy,

but obscure little cook end weeher-up of the Greyfri sre Remove

provides hoedl ines for herd-boiled Fleet Street neweh ounde olo ng with Feleteff end the Fot :Boy of Peckhom . Whet' s more, one koeps hePring the word "Bunter'' cond.ng over the ether from

t he B.B .C.

Page 18: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

.--~~~~~~~,-~~~~~206 ----~~~~~~~~~~~-Yes , sure, it's curi ous. How do you a c count for it ?

C<'n it be put in one short sent enc e, "Tho genius of Fr rnk Ric hQrd.s"? Think of th e t irr es ist f'ble series "Bunt er or Bunter Court". Could ~eyone else heve put thnt over? mi~t do you think? ++++++

.md now her e 's more of Peter ':fvlk er•s popular peopa into the pest.

Coll ectors Crl!Wl

by P.A ."IPlk er

I suppose thct collecting old boys• books i s r ot he r lik e coll ecting st nmps or butt erf li es, or coins, or chin,, , in f Pct enything tt .e.t peop l o do coll ect . ~ppAr ently the collecting of c~rett e ct-rds is quite e high-f e lutin' hobby , end I can well underst and this, es, in the pest, I hev~ bed something t o do with the preperntion of cigerotte cnrds, nnd know whet doos into them.

As ti.mo go es on, one becomes e connOis eur . You se iz e on to o gr c:on cover ed Gem rs one seizes on to e bl f'ck l,fuuri tius. "Nobody's Study" bec omes AS import ant e.s No.50 in th a "Dcminion of CPnedP" s0ri es. "Bob Cherr;y •e Barring-Out" is almos t worth quids! And if you could l ey your honds on "Loyal to the I.set", you would cheerfully give up you:r swee t coupons for the next pcriodt

Tho gre duel f ormstion of a Col l ectors• Circle hes un­doubt edly incr ePsed one's chenc es of edd i ng to one •s collectior of old books. Th<> complete ,ms elfishneas of meny coll ect or s is ema.zi ng . They pert with enci ent copi es without turning , he ir . ;,. tr ocsured Mngnet will chang e hands in order to he lp e f p,..:<iist ent member of th e circl e. 'Vhich is al l very nice , end shows e fin e spirit of COIIlX'fldeship.

With th e growth of tho ci rcl e , end th e cementing of th e various fri endships th et have sprung up " s e result of the correspondenc a, th er e is l ess dashing ebout in frentic sef' rch of hovry issues, which brings us to the mein th eme of this dissertetion.

Sever Pl ye ers ago one of 1!tf m,,in pr eoccupe tions wee to visit · en open- eir merket situ ate d in th e very cen tr e of Nottin,!­hem. T!1is h~e gone now, but in tho se dt>ys th er e existed e c ert ein stall whose busin es s it '"'s to sell old second-hand books snd pap ers . On fr equent occ Rsiona it wes possible to

Page 19: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

207 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

pick up Gems and 1/i.agnets and Union Jocks end Nelson Lee s. One never to be forgotten occeaion wee the successful purcbese of ove r one hundred green-covered Gema ~nd nee rly e couple of hundred red Magnets.

J, famous Talbot series , "Th e Cell of .thQ Post" , "Cest Out of the School 11 end 0 Loyol to the Lest" were three femous Gems obtPined from this so urc e, Pnd one well remembers se e ing lying th er e in excellent condition th e f amous Magnet conteining "Th e Race to the Tuckshop".

In those y eors of 1918 -1919 -1920 th er e existed in Notting ham some pretty grim slum quarters, now happily gone -for :' evar. One street, wlti;ch I believe, rejoiced in the name of Red Li on Stre et , boosted a book-,,hop. From there I have procur ed maey E1n ancient · Gem •

...n t!Clf'Zing strok e of luck occ urred one day whilst visiti.ni Lond on. ·-Eerly in 1920 I W'1S strolling o l ong a a.tr ea t in Nortl London nemed Seven Sisters Ros.d when I spotted en anc ient l ooking second-h ond book-ahop. On the floor in various p arts of various rooms were books end p apers of every description, end ofter long end dusty searching " huge pile of red N/lgnets end green Gems wee unes.rthed.

I bought a t the colossel sum of id. each abme two hundred books end pap ers , including Boys• Friend }d Libr l' ries, Sexton Blakes, end of course the Magnets and Gems, end · commiss ioned. a passing taxi in order to get the haul home.

Odd number s cropped up fr om tim e to time in the -most unexpected places. MY copy of l~ gnot No.l wee discovered whils t visiting the home of an uncle in Melton Mowbray whose e l dest so n used to tok e the Companion Pap ers. Need l es s t 0 B P)

thd d isc ove ry of this led to more energetic measur es being t ake n to sec ure more, and much to rr,;y delight, the arrival home one we ek- end of tho aforesaid cousin reve a l ed e smoll hoard of

~ rred-Megnets-dsting-back-to-1~,e&.-• .-~~~~~~~~~ ~~ --l ­The ea rly death of a friend e t the ageof eighteen resultec

in me obtaining his collection of Gems which dated back to 191' end was el.mos t complete.

"Figgin's Fig-Pudding'' was o find in " bec k street in Derby. "Cous in J..th e l!s Schoold oys" wee picked up in Liverp oo l es r ecent ly es 19}0. .lmd in th e anci en t s rc@des cf Bristol. I heve found e 1921 Holiday ...nnual, and c few ME,gnets for 1918.

On one of rr,;y inqui-ries put to the grizzled propr ie tor oi' e c ert a in shop br ough t a wry grin to his face.

Page 20: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

":Megnets Fnd Gems, " he s nid~ "Yos , I had hundreds. Thoy wer e i!!ll d es troyed by t> f'ire-bomb in 19401 Despite hie c ert c int y th at this was th e ccse, I insi s ted on inv est i g~ ting bis showrooms, but in v ~in . Th er e -s nothing th er e . Hov.ever ot a l a t er ~ta I did f'ind o Holid ay AnnUBl f'or 1925, but wit aout e cover.

Th ~r e is e lot t o be said f'or this gentle f'orm of exercis e which frequently t akes on e into the most int ere sting places, . en d g:ivea a .. tr omendous amount of pl el!!aur e in th e pati ent s ee rch f or en old Magnet or Gem.

admitt edly it is much af's i11r to stret ch out " hand end grebe p ercel f'rc m the postm an which cont ~ins h al f'- e-doz en very nic e copies of the Gem f'r om Mr . L~'Onard Packmen, or a mc e round dozen !IIE>gnets f'r om Mr.Smith of' Dis s in Norf' olk. But we do lik e th e prowl round, f'nd th e terrif'ic thrill of' glimpsing some encient cover hiding und ern e rth pil es of' unwented r e lll!Del.


Megn e t Titl es (continu ed )

274,Stending by Skinn er; 275,P et er Todd's Chanc e; 276,'Jun Lung's Secret; 277 ,Holding th e Fort; 276,In Dir ect Peril; 279,His Own Betr eye r; 260,Tb a Schoolboy Dramatists; 261,Quita; 262,In Another's Nome; 263,The Sandow Girl et Gr eyfrisrs; 264,Uncle Fish; 265,Th e Ft1ls e Form Mest er ; 266,The Sports of' t he Sch oo l; 26 7 ,Sel f'-d eni " l '.7eek e t Gr eyf' ri ars;: 26!3,Shunned by th e Form; 269,Th e Jfut of' Grcy­fri .:ire ; 290,Th a .Sch oo lb oy ·shop k eepers; ··291, Up ~ " inst It; 292,Bunt er the Priz e-winn er; · ·293 ,The !loo nli ght Football ers;

• 294,,Brew ··the Bounder; 295 ,Th e No" k' a Rovenge; · 296 ,Tho · n ..,...ffri"rs "Rer~ld ; 297 ,Gema t o th e Lest; 296 Th 0 Veniehed -Sch oo lboy; 299,T ho Greyf'ri ars Gold-di gg ers; 300,Th e Coker ·Cup1 301,Cret .up by th e See ; 11()2,The Biter Bit; 303,The :scapego at; 30¢,In Borrowed Plum es; 305,The Four Horoes; . }06,H E>rry The rton•s Chri s tm as Number; .}07 ,Goo d O.l d Coke r; ;306,RUcUons~ ·th o Rooiov e 1 309,Hold Up; 310,T he Right Sort ; ·311,Troubl <i-with Highclif'1' e ; 312,Bunter•s Black Chum; 313,Th• FoctoJ:iReb ols1 314 , Pe tar Tod d 's Plot; 315,Th o Snob Lesson; 316,Th e ·mi:it<.<-Fe .P.th er; 317,Blund1lll's Priz e; 316,Th e Missing Chin es; • 319,Alont o •s Me_rv elloue Mixture; 320, Ee ey Terms ; 32 1, April F oo ls .Ul-; 322, 'Vibl c,y's 1Vhee ze1 323 ,The Runewoy, 324 , Ht,rry · '."/hP.rton• ·s Diplom ecy; 325, Cokor• s Plot.

Page 21: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

,---------~Th e Next Bunter Book----------~ Jun e 15th, . 1950.

Deer Herbert Leckenby, Thank you for the c.D., and your ch ee ry letter ~ · C.D. stil

stands for Continuous Delectation! I wee ve:ri. epecielly int erested in your art icl e on ear ly "Pluck''. . 1906 ie e. long tim e ago, but I recall very vividly thos e etJrg days of St.Jim' It is reelly herd to believe that elmoet h&lt ' 'e century hes elap sed since "Jeck Blake of ·st.Jim's" ""'e typ e'd_ an e No.7 Remington, the machin e I used in thos e deye: did not ch hnge t o the "visible" machine till about 1920 or 1921. I think you ere right that the edit or couldn't he ve foreseen that J.B. would stil l be in the Fourth Form at St.Jim's forty-four yea r s lete r! But he cert einly did foresee e run of some l engt h . I still hav e s ome of bis l et ters written et th st time, preserved beceuse they were so pl ee eent, - in fact he woe, ond still is,

- e-P,Y-;,leesent person It ,n,s he mtio suggee.t.a~ ~~ - . -tion of' " "swell" character : r es ult , Arthur .lugustus D1i\rey added to the flock. I r emember that I did no t lik e it P littl~ bit when St.Jim's wee trsneforred to th e new paper, the Gem, end in feet felt e little sore about i t::bov11,v~,I deres ey :l,t wee e ll for the b es t. Things generally do turn out for the bee t , in the l ong run.

I ~m very glad to heer that the Leeds function wes such a success. I beve h ea rd about it from severPl qu arters, every letter on the subject ext r emely interesting to me.

Page 22: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

"Billy .ilunt c.r ~nd tb e Blu e Mauritius" is finish ed now, end with th e publish<,r. Ths r e will be e r eproduction of t ha t famous Twq, enny on the j cck et, whi ch may interest r eaders of e phil a telic turn. It woe pinch e d from Sir Hilton Popper , end hidden~ of Pll plac es!~ in Bunter's bi g gold wetcht

"J eck of All Trades" has '!>ee n a little delayed, but we hope to see it out in a we ek or two more.

,' . .. ,

J)eer Mr .Edi tor•

With kind regards, Alwa:,;s youn, sincerely,

,·, .; . .. ,.Fil.WK RICRAHDS. '+++++ "

The Gre at Tuckshcp l(ystery

3 Montgomery Drive, Sheffield 7.

June 13th, 1950.

Referring to Mr.John Gea l's enquiry in the June "C. D," I wss surprised to l eern th at the "Told in the Tuckahop" stories hsdaJP>ered in th e "Modern Bo)"' , I first ancOIUlter ed them in the final issu es of ''The Gem"• th e first in No.1659, continuing in No.1662, the penultimate issue of th e paper. The stories were oredited t o a we ll known A.P. end B.O.P . author, George E. Rochester, and Pre quite similar in style to his work, esp ecially "Th e Fr<:>Ak of St .Fred a • s" publish ed in "The Popular'' ip. 1927, lat er s s e b ound b ook, The fl. P. ol eo issued the "TUckshop" .st ories in )fo, 396 of th e "Schoolboys• own Libr a ry'' in 1940, .' but th e eu tli or• i, name .ves . not given .

I !ti: T11lf ~inion th e style of ",,ri ti ng is d isswr ;.·;,. 't o Gunby. ; l!!\de th · end th e two character s b ec ring th e SPme n ames es th e ' Ci~ erhouse schol ars mere coincid enc e .

_ · ~ .. .: · .:___. '"'l..mrerbm1sa 70:rns were repuhl1 sbQd in 11T.he- Boy.s._._ __ _,_ · lri .~ . Ub~ry'' tw1,9_e· ae follows, -2nd .. 'serij>S ... _ ,.'. , , . , . . Jo.'242, Clqyn ~of ,ql.8verh ouse - Wally Hammond iro.;!93:, _Ce,p,.llin '.ot .Cleverhous e - Welly Hammond

. Jfo.'6.76, Cloyn e i:>f'..Cl ev arhouse - no auth or given ' !lo.660, Cep1iein of Cl ov orhouse - ditto.

I Yours sinc erely, •


• :I ~ f ••= •m•••• -=••••

Page 23: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

-.-.-.-.- .-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-. - .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. - .-. P1e nce cd<lre~s o.11 Sex t on 3l cJce cor respo n dence to t h e :;ca ter of r::l ~J:i.r.na , 11.J .• 3o?1d~ 10 :.;:n: 7 en, Rhi• .,bi.nn,Cardi.ff' -.-.-.-.-.- .- .- .-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-·-· -·-·-· -·-·-·-· THE ROU:'.D TAJL::: - J ULY 1950.

As proaioed last month, prnc ".:.icclly the ~,hole of thi:J is sue of 3 la.kinna is t a!-.:on up ,ith det~ . ils of the U;f!Qj1 J t .cl: for the ye a rs 192.1!· , 192 5 .:-.nd 1926. necont l y tie have. been SO Cr ['rJped for spa ce t h~t \ '8 have be e n quito u :U:.ble to incl ude th ct.e li sts , but by the correspond en c e roceive d this h e.~ not r.1et u ith c:ener r.J. a.,:1r ova.l an d so I t!1ou [";,t , •e 1'0 uld n ::.J:c a sp l esh th is month . Actually th o:::.e li s ts · pr ove to be v~ t oi {!)1t be ce.lled o. 113od !iend II

_ ___,,__, .:"' "l'-4n<l~m--..o-httl"d --..?>"""£or - meetei-inl.--th,,, t - h-ad-i,-t- -;.,o-t _ ,- - , boen f or the li:::ts I · ·ould have had to y1rite a ll !31:.kie.na J.:1.yse lf, or cut it do ,m to u co Hr,le of :>n ge:3. Jes::...des being ::.ct n .. ~l fr .at t!1i s i s alro a hint to " 11 you Blak eian s to r,loy up :--i.nd :-;end ~l on g y oi 1.r contributions .

i :Y co - editor soe r1::; to hnv e found l. nst nonths n r ticle :r:iinn i ng His 5'!.'Urs" of' groo. t irrtore:rl.. Perha ps \"falter '."!ob'b · "Ould li !:o to re !)l y to h:irJ. t hrough ot :r ?nge s . rtere is ·h ::.t !Ierbort ~~.ys :-

!lenr : : ·.ur ico, I Yi:l S ::;:e :1.tly i nte ro stod i n ~.itl t er

· ·:eb b ' s c.rt ic~ o in yo t:.r oec tio n o f t !1.o J u ne is sue. He s z.ys

Page 24: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

212 Th e Ro und Table (Continued) .

r, . Shc.u Rae ' o ::rtOl""'J '>Oar s a cel '"t.."'.in resemblnnce to Hal. 1 ·or edith• s "Tho i :yst e ry i. illio1ll'.ire 0 and I f oe l cert ain t .hey v,oro one nnd tho OCL>e . But it io also f'n irl y ost nblishod th nt t :,cy u ere ju ot t \'.o pon l1nl!les of Il ~.rry !ll yth ' o , und I r.as al, n yo undor tho imp r oosion that th..-it ,:-ns hie ren l no.mo, ·,inl t er thorofore did surprioo mo 1,·,bon ho siid t hat Shnu ::tv.e ,1nn ::.ct~ly i. rno:rt 'i'r oc t on . That cqr;tn~nly is n0 \79 to o o. '1'r oot on ·,rota 11A 3oy ' s Cro sa Rondo" a ort ory of' th o boy hoo d of' Chr,r lcs Po uc o , f'oc• ''Tho Doy ' s ·r:..o~ " an d t ho 11Idl o Approntico 11

, Jack ..:>J-10:,p:u. .. ds boyh ood tor "Tho :.Oy' o ... ".rion :l 11, and I could nov or soo alrJ' similarity in cty l o m. t h th oso monti on od by ·.1n1t or, 1101:ovor ho soomo to h :xvo :,omo TCX'.ron f'or his ,,:tm; :r.iont •" I ohoul d bo int oro::;tod to kno" ,·rtir.t it ia . 'fho:: o ' s a rom~ . .rk e;bl o

-'- ·-c ircunstnnco nbo ut t h..--.t :::tofy :.-1i n;1i :,g Ei o Spur a". Tn o ' Pr i nco 5~ Alic o 0 di ~. :::tcr ~,u::., of c our co , :in ... ct u.."'.l ono .ind di d occur in 1G70 . So c:ooi :in 3 l nl:o \;a :.:; t:1on juct o ut o f' h ie ' t ~ono h o oh<>uld by nou bo i n ::;i 3ht o:f hio ccnt tt-,.ry ! 11.nd o~oi:, g t h.:-.t (t.ccording to Cocil ll 1ytcr) Dln ko mat 'i ink or ,.hilot nt Oxford , th o Shc:~7 n.:~o oto ry L'lt.k oa 11tb o l nd" ni""ou nd :t~lot.-t th o ni:1 ctic o! · !o ,·,oro content to hnvo him oor.io· horo in hi o f'i:fti oo , but ni nc t:, ! St r owth(

Yours bc ntorincl-y :!c rbcrt Lc c !:cn b-/ •

.'.linc o ·:.-iti:1e 'Cr/ Jux 0 31.r.ki:'!.tr. ·' rot1 .. rk c ro' tho u'sc o:f ~l . CA.~·r:zi ('f i:l k or )·· l>y 11.nt :10:iy P: .r sone I f in d t ha t th o er.no UL'thor hc.e e;o:,o fur th or , ::oT; it i o ;;.J .'IA.'1D c.:J!I.':......."1. Onco n~ in I o de Lr . P 1r sons t o l et ·ua kn ot", ho, 7 ho :1rrivo s :".t t :1i c n~- - ·,,_. ,;t aHr i r . --P-nrson s . ~·~ho ro -.__ is no ro r-.oon for chm g o . ' ... 'i.'1kor \~.~ goo d o:ioug h in th o ol d de.y o a '1d '.t io good onough non . .And "1<'¥ I -'P!l cnl t o thO :i.!ditor ot tho s. n.L. t o i niirl t h..."\t Ti !lkc r ' a f :11 3 0 re.no bo lr.:·::nc d £roc rutur o ctori oa .

Choc rio f or no,,.. 11. ; .• Bond .

Page 25: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's


r '.J1!;L§ill ' JACJ; .Loi· 1924~ 10 56 .Th o !lo t urn of ::r. uoc co . 1057 ."lho Gol don Lot us .

n. , .urro.y. I

Co:.1fodor C'.ti on. : uungn Ikl.30 .

l 0 58 .T ho i.'.cd ium of Port man Sq . 10 59 . vn t ho Hi(lh t ;1.·.nd r;i:,11. 10 60 .T!lc So u:"Jo In ·:ho i:.::.z c . 106 1 .Tho Spide r ' 3 ·.:ob. 1062 . C::2.!lo Of tho !inuntcd : 1.!orl.:o .

P . Qui r oulo . Clr=.:ii t o Grnnt . J.

!l . jiurr ay . Con1'oder o.t ion.

1063 , Sign of the Yollou lJr vg on , A. ,.urrny, 1064 . S~r oct of i:..:.ny L::i..nt orn:::;. C. H. Teed . 1065 . Thc PJ.,r n i;1 Of Tr:-.gcdy . A. Skone . 1066 .'l'ho <k-oen ? ortfolio . G. :1. Toed . 1 05'7 . The ilumr:y' n T, .--tn. G. H. Tc o d. 1068 , ;~y..to::-y of the ,;..,_ck of: i rth , 1 069 . Sccr ct 0£ t he 3..'1r cop ho.ro.tn.

Tho Onl , Yvo ?1:1c. Zenith . Ilux to n Rymer. Prince I :on oz .

1070. !~oy ::='-:1 of th o Confcd or::-.tion. J;urrn y . Confcdcr~: ';ion . , 1071.T hc 'l'irlo i:illo~ . 1

1072.The P::-.nic : ~ kc r . 1CYT3. Q,.co of Cort?1Uek' s lCcy . 1074 . er~.f· •• 1075 .Th c str .•.ngloh qld. 1076 . Syndic r-.tc For Sc.lo . -1 077 .Th o El ectri c j :.:m. 107£ , (:i:oc.t \ianb l ey Ly stcry .

L. J ,,.ck s on. E . S . Zr oo l: s . G. Chcstcr .

107 0 . Plum::tCrs ~-:facing ~.:illi on . r-..I:.'.i'ocd. 1080 . Cc.30 of t ho Leet Lob on gu . C.!b.yt c r. 1 08 1. Tho Li z ,:,,;..~d : ~ 11.

Loon l~orrtr ol. 1

~7nJ.do . t Th o i!:.l cs .

1 G. i.r. Pll.U!lO.or. Lobc.ngu/Lo c ol:, ~

I I 1os2 . s +.rc n go Cece of tho .Jig oau Puz zle . SJ:on e. Zonith.

10 83 . Qc:o ot 01' tho .Jo,.,oll cd vl obc , c . ;: .Tocd, 3 Lusk ct ec r o . 1084 . S-t~-::-.ng:o ·Cn:-.:o of t! 10 Ru;:i.~·.·,~ y Sur ge on . J :.".cl:oon . Kostrol .

_ -10.6..5.,T!·o ~iv "'l Prosid ont; . G.Lurrc.Y.- l"'- ~1fodor ,...u __ 1086 . C: oe Of Tho l>tr:v,e;e Sicknoo ~. G.?. . '.l'oc d . Tiu Ling. 1087 . ; ::· ;to,7 c f tho ncndo o 3 ullct • . P . Qui roul o . Or,m . 1088 . Th , Ti•c il c f Drol:cn : :c.n . I:oo nsl nyor . 1089 . Th o Co.co Of Tho i :isd.ne; .,t ho l ot o . 10 90 . Rogcs of the •ncvon t c zin' . 109 1. Tho '" " ln 5t o,,l. t.. Skcno . 1002 . T;io Secret Of Tho futtlo G. :I.Too d, 1093 . PlUI:?:cr 1 c :Jc:-.th Rn y. ; :.Oe bo;.-:1:0 . 1094 . P.cu co On ~'be nun . R. i !urr t":y . 1095 . Adv c rrt:.Te Of T!1:o 31::-.c1c Spider . 10S6 . Tho i.£ ::::-.ir c f t ho ·Lall o~· :.:iric :.:::. ~i'ocd .

Zenith . Tho ::;1., 01: :...::.: 1 o . Plu::.:c:·!cr . Coni'cd ..:l:·;.t ion

Page 26: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

T.: ...... J( 'TO~; Jr c;· :Car )924 ~J~ 109'Z 'fho j .:-.ndr rin • s i.:il l i on s . R. i:urrey • J.096 : Th c 7/i : , .rd Ot ·,:urt z. A • .151:on o . 109 9.T h o lo\! 0£ Th e Cl er.-. L • .J.,ckson . 1100 .Thc k .t in :uc rtor ; y:rtory . G.H .Tood. J.l Ol . :a s.ck ;_;,-.gic • 110 2.Th o Fog Fion~a . . 110 3. Tho CJ.:.,yt on ~o.t • y st ory ,

G. Cho s-tc r . P . Q1dr oulo . r:. s . nr ook s . G,J-: . Tood .

ll04 . Th~ Loop ~rd 01' Dr oo~o. 1 105 . Soxt on Ill:,.koo Xru:o •ruco . 110 6 . Tho Konti:ih &iusi;l or s . 1107 . Th o ;;ocr ot of t h o w-tch C.-.r don/ ;i,3:68. 't;:iE IOIIOP I 'CK for~ 1108.T ho Gho::t l'.:-iso r s . 1109 . Af"fo ir of th e T c:rtun Box. G. H. Tood . 1 110 So cr ot or 'l'ortoi s o Is lan d . G.H. Tocd . 1 111:T ho a ouoo of '.i'ho lior o gc o!)O· G. Chcct cr . 111 2. Advcntur c or th o '-'luc :Jo,·.:1. G. 11.Tood. Ul3 . Th o :lou ao On 'The Clif f . G.H . Toc·d .

Con1'od or " tio ~. Zenith. l(o :...""tro1.

Tho Ik!o::: . Grcnito , :r-ont. ,7nldo .

* Soo a:, d of liat UOcn ol cyor .

Yvon:-io. !Iuxton ?..yc..:r.

·1von;io . ~vo n :10/1!,noc. 1114- . Crin o of 5't"'1ll oy T r :>il . G.Jl. To ed. 1115.Th o C:. ~o .:,f tho 7th 1:a-.r. P . Q:.ti.r ol!l c . Gr~.n it o mint . 111 6 . Abooll! t o Athor ity. A. Sl::ono. Zenith. 1117. ~ :!bund end Lost . R. i rur=y . Coni'od cr .,t ion . 111 8 .A f f~ i r ot tho R0t1.:in Rolic c . ~ . S . 3r ooka . :illdo . 111 9 . noc e o• a: nopublic .. ~ . i :urr ay. Confcd orc.yi on 11 20 . C.:iac Ot 'l'h c Liv ing : :c :;id. C-.H .'l' ccd . 112 1. c~a o or Tho dl!) rc o-::o ::: Littl o F!.ne;or . 11 22 .'l'h o i .ont o Cc.r l o -·l·r;to ry . G. li .T co d . 1123 . \"Jho Ia Th e '..en ?

G. :c.·t ccd . 3ln ck ::c.e;J.c,

1124-.T ho Di geui co 0£ Doon. , , ?5 . Condcci:nc d +...,, :the ~.1 no ~ -r. -.r-t.trrnY•" __ _,vu.,,,_,,,.. ~.-ao-.,ur.,o"r"'.:i"rt"ir.o-::-,-::-.~ t­ll 26 . Ly :;t ory Of 'i'ho :...od ol . 112'7. Yollo \""" Voneo::-.nc a. n.i ~W'"rny. U28 . A Probl<rt Ot ?r oof . .~. S!:cn o . ll 29 . : j:·, n ·.1l10 ·.!on 11'~10 Cr.lcut ta . r .!i .rJ..' cod . 1130 . Cn co 01'.' ri11c ~;:l2'1.dc rl :1g Jcr· . G. l,;vc.n ~.

Conf odor ati o·1. Zenith .

Huxton l!ya cr ~ ll 3l . 'l'ho P:--u:,,c.r Of Pon .[;~~rth Cr-.!'.:tl o. ;.:. 3. :;rov !:.c. ~.!nldo . lJ. 32 .'f ho Curc o Ot Po :i~;:.rth C:-.':t l o . :.;. s . Jro ok~ . i:.hldo . 1133 . Into rtho Unkno•.,n . ~ . l urr ~ y. Coni'od orntion . 113 4 . Clt to 0£ Tho vol d ,•'ill od '.'~ ct: 1. · ..• Ch0<.t or . 11 35 .Tl~c ~r c .:-.t :'.:it :-.di tt:J ',cn c;:t :..Or.. :....:. s . :"'ro .>!:::;. ".1-.l dn

Page 27: 190~~~~~~~~~~~--. I Digest/1950-07-CollectorsDigest-v04-n043.pdfit rat her en i tem, we don't ml nd if they pay in instalments. Now es to some of th e ~unte nts . Of course the "Collector's

.--~~~~~~~~~~215 ~-:--~~~~~~~~--. T:~ mrrrn: JACK fo r 1925 (conti...,ucd), Ll,36 . C"sc Of T!10 Shofriol.d So.z;,pl or. 1137 .Tho ".'ollo,·, City. n. , ;urroy. 1138.Th o Li tt Sh:-.i't Liy<rl:ory •


1 1 39 .'i'h o Str cngo Aff n ir Of Th o i..:.'.lntcl P.ogi.Gtor Gr ::ito . A. Skono. Zenith .

1140 .Tho Advent urc Of Tho :Cngin oo r ' o .Jluo P r int .

1141.T h e hidn oppod Cor,·oopon:lont . 11 42 .T :10 :!oe:::tivc Al.ibi .

G. Cbcctor. Tho linl.o::. . G.!I .T o od . Pl t.D:JrJor.

~ 143.-'l'ho laro .. t \ieX'o rk a Liystory . 11 44. ill .:.cla::>rd.l!. 1145.The Aff c ir O;f Tho '.7alnut Doslc. 11 46.'rho Scarocro,_. Cluo . 11 47 .Tho Adve ntur e Of Tho :•1v o 11 413 .Tho Urco n r, o :x, .

1149 . Tinkor 1 s ... oc:rot . 1150.Th· ,: Loy"1ty of lli rr. .n:, . 11 51.Tho t :illion Pound Dou bl e .

Giant ::.. G.ll . Toa d. G.J{. Toad .. G.H.Too d.

Yvonno . Yvonn c/; ~i.rvt, .

ditt o .

1152.'l'ho <>tr~go Ca:ao Of Tho ~iillou P" tt orn P lato. 115 3 .Thc Sign Of Tho Serocon . 1154. Duriod Ali'To o 115 5 . l!ono• :::s rd Dound . 11 56 .Vondotto.. 1157. i 'r,. :l~.rdollo Xl.r.s Pudding . 11 58 . kndo d At Laat . 1 15 9 . iH.rv aru 1 e 5c crot , ~ .

a. i ... Urrey. R. i..iurr a y . G.H.Tood . G.1:vnns. n . ~~urr.:.y . G.!l . T oe d.

THE tn-JIOJ; Ji.CK for 1926 , 1160 , ..u' i'::lir Of th o Gruz;iblod l.l 6l..i :y::tory of th o P .s intcd 116 2 . 'l'hro ::.ds Of Fe.t o . 1 1 63 ~Gonc ·ro "'" rth.

Pu]X)r. A. Sk cno. Sl i~r,cra , Tood .

,A. Skon o .

1164.R co co ' s ;:o l d Up . 1 165 . i{orth Of 7o" 11 66.Tho Luobo,· Lvotors .

~~ urr ay. h . !.:urra;y. n.:...:urrny.

Cont'odor ntio Cont'odo r n.t i o • llirvt.U1.Q. Seo end list Confcdo r .::.tio lfirv nno. .

Zonith . i·!ir-vana,l nyc 0

Con :fodcr ct io • Con£odor,:tio • Con t'cdo .-atio •

1 16 '7 .C .::.so 01' Tho J.'..is sing Lin.I:• G. ~v r.nn. Sp1 a sh Pngo . U6S . ,:ir'TClno ' s Ordeal . c.i:. T ocd . llirv::ina. 11 69 . Cnso Of 'J.'h o 3oxton :a ~kc r.ust. L.J n ckoon. 1170 ,C.:-.so Of 'j,'!1c 0() 7~ Tr.r ?:·-I~ . G.li:. Tc c:.d . :Jl :-,.c k I! .. --glc ,

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G. :~vr.n t:. nu.rr l!c.n oon . Zoni t !1. Confcd or:,tio n

or;.;:: 1.,:;-0 ·1 J/Cl{ ~2:" 1 9?5 1173.Guns Is OJns . 1174~ Zeiu: th Doclaroa ·.iar. 1175 .Rcc co' e nov mg o. 11'16.T ,"!ixt Cup e n d J.., nd . l'J.77 . c c.so Ot Tho Strick<:n Outpoot . G.H.T ood. 1;wct on Ilyl:1,,r. 1178. Ljy«to ry :,£ t h o i.fa<;J::cd Ilidor. h.Skono . Zoni t h . 'J.179.Th c !lo use On !L-.thou. G.J,;,an:i . Podro . UBO.P odr o Tr .kos Chnrgo~ G.ls'v0.11s. Podro. 11.81. nat urn O~ Pro!' oas or Ifot7. A. clu:rro.y. Prof; Kaw. llBI.., \ l.lyat ory in i.:otl cy . A. Skone . Zonit)l . 11B3ol\iddlo Ot :lud do rofic ·ld ~. Fhcc Build or. -:ua,r.ttouo o or 11 :rooo Tocth; - - - · 1185. 1.1:.rriC".ge Of J n ~n :l.occo. R. i..:urro.y . Con.feder ati on 118 6 . Cnso 0£ Tho Phanta:i Fe rry . 1187 . A.ff ci. r Ot The Tr. lking Apo . 1 1ss.: :;, :itc ry or Th ~ ,.oc.'l lini clll i.:an. A.S lron o . zen it h . 11 89~/. dvo ntUl"'o of' t h~ f:.:-.i l ,·n y r.rid cr s . ChGstc r. 'fhc ;!:l. c::::. ll90 . TI10 Spectre o f the Sp ccd , ':ly. 11 91. Dir!: Dol lrnd ' a Crin e. r: . ;:urrtY • 119 2. Sccrc:t o:f Sh,:,.l:c,p o.,r oo Skul l. c.-;,.'v~n:i. 1193 .?~utt' ~1a!'lsan n l.D".13 !.nok . G.Dvc..no. 1194.J '.y ot c ry or t ho -'t' n fr«> :':".nilr. . Tcc,d . 1 1!)5 . 200 7:1; h oos Do, ,n. A,..:uraj. 11 96 .'rh o Groc.t fiou nd Up~ n . ;;ur r a y. 1197 ~Cnoe Ot Tho Kir kt on Coc.l l:ing .

Con i'od oratio b. Ru.ff He .noon . Rufi' Ii:·-"1 c on.

Pr of',K o'.7. Conf odor: :'.tio

11 98.!.:Y:rloty' of !1ooc ~io. 7 . G. H.Tco d, i:irv:-.nn. 1199 . C~.s o or Th, · ::;)loffio l d Ir on,.r.cto r . To ed, i!i rv on:,. l. 200 . Af :'.'cir 0 :f Th o i.Jor ol i ct Crc.r130 . ~ M'{ • To~ d. ,;i rv:, .:, "-' 1 201. Ey st ory 0 £ The. Von ot im P~l a co. To od . ,,irvm"° 1 202.Thc Cl l\o Or T h c T, ·D Str ,n s . 'l.'u ,d . llirv cn c~ 'J.20 3. A ;..yst ory vf T!10 •-'Ount:,in3 . Tc c,d. lli rv cno. l.204. '.rho :....y:1torio u s J..ffnir o~ th o V.:nich c d '""t.on 0 a. !~c..ctr }l l.205.Pr oblm Ot Th o C.-.rdn oi· o Cot k .go . J ~.cl,son . Kostrol. ~ l.20G.'l 'ho Lord Ot Tho Apo i;on . R. ;:urru y. Dr. Sctir 1• 1207.T ho : ;y:itory o :f th o ,:: .s!:od i.:a&:1-ckn . 1 208.Th o /.dv ():rt ur o 0£ Th o T· . .,., ;icvil ~. Toed . Hi rv c.n.:,. l.209.li'r cc Int orcc t i cn !:o cciT .::d. :i . : :urr ::iy. Dr. Sc-.tir:- .• 12l. 0 1i..r s . rg doll's Xqc s I:v.2.!. __ __ _ G. l,imno , Seo bo l o •.1 lll!i,2L l!.ct 1105 :i'oc.turod Yvon no , fl)'tlo r und P l = or .

us7 . rc ~:t\.C"ocl s~l :-.dt !"'r.go .1 ~ u-::1..u·.1 L\r.,.n::: ch:-r~tcr:J . :-s,.;:.c :-.:::·)li ,:o t o : ::, . l ;->.10 :.bov o