16.Jan 14_nlm

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  • 8/13/2019 16.Jan 14_nlm



    New Light of MyanmarVolume XXI, Number 275 1stWaning of Pyatho 1375 ME Thursday, 16 January 2014

    Economic develop-

    ment of Myeik region has

    involved reliance on sh-

    ery and agriculture sec-

    tors, trading, construction,

    SMEs, real estate business.

    Thanks to the opening of

    Mawtaung border trade

    camp, trading and ow of

    commodities will becomesmooth and speedy in the

    region. Moreover, there

    will be a surge in tourist


    So, Myeik Public Cor-

    poration has a plan to make

    the Myeik region a perfect

    leisurely vacation for for-

    eign visitors. Arrange-

    ments are being made to

    establish island resorts that

    will enable holiday makers

    to enjoy unexploited coral

    reefs, natural beauty of a

    string of islands and a set

    of mountain ranges.Departmental ofcials

    together with responsible

    persons of Myeik District

    Chamber of Commerce

    Myeik to see islet and island resortsand Industry and Myeik

    Public Corporation carried

    out a feasibility study for

    the establishment of resort

    islands on Kunthee island

    (Kabuza island), East Sula

    island, Langan islet and

    Taninthayi island from 8 to

    10 January.

    For the establishment

    of Islet and island resorts,

    it is scheduled to build

    hotels and bungalows of-

    fering golf course, amuse-

    ment park, shopping mall,

    swimming pool and speed

    boat service during the pe-

    riod from 2014-2015 FY to

    2017-2018 FY.

    The project will ex-

    pand economic develop-

    ment and job creation and

    facilitate transportation in

    the region. It can also con-

    tribute towards improve-

    ment in socio-economic

    development and poverty

    reduction tasks of the re-

    gion, generating per capi-

    ta incomes of dwellers.

    Myanma Alinn:


    Trs: YM


    NAY PYI TAW , 15

    JanSpeaker of Py-

    idaungsu Hluttaw and

    Pyithu Hluttaw Thura

    Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw receives Norwegian Ambassador,

    UNDP Resident RepresentativeU Shwe Mann receivedMrs. Ann Ollestad, Am-

    bassador of Norway to

    Myanmar at Hluttaw


    UN says South

    Sudan army,

    rebels stealing

    humanitarian aid

    Complex, here at 9.15

    a.m. today.

    He also met with

    United Nations Resident

    and Humanitarian Coordi-

    nator and United Nations

    Development Programme

    (UNDP) Resident Repre-PAGE-3

    Thai opposition

    leaders house

    attacked, politics in



    Hollande announces

    new stage to fxeconomic troubles


    Before Olympics,

    Russians urged to

    help prevent attacks


    sentative Ms Renata Lok

    Dessalien at the same ven-

    ue yesterday.

    (See page 8)

    Gold medalist winner Ko Than Hlaing.


    NAYPYITAW, 15 Jan

    Athletics event of the 7th

    ASEAN Para Games took

    place in Wunna Theikdi

    Sports Complex, here, to-


    Finals of mens shot

    Finals of shotput, long jump, discus and

    javelin events heldput, long jump, discus and

    javelin events and womens

    javelin, discus and long

    jump events were held at

    Athletics Training Ground.

    Sports trial of mens

    and womens 100 meter

    races and nals of mens

    and womens 100 meter

    races were also held there.

    Another categories of

    athletics event will be held

    at the same venue.


    Warmia Makto (C) from Indonesia, Thi Thu Thuan (L) from Viet Nam and

    Tin Tin Khaing (R) from Myanmar celebrate victory with their medals.


  • 8/13/2019 16.Jan 14_nlm


    Thursday, 16 January, 20142 New Light of MyanmarLOCAL NEWS

    Abbot gives advice to students to sit for

    matriculation exam in 2014

    MANDALAY, 15 Jan

    Dhammaduta Dr Ashin

    hekinda gave words of

    advice to the students bound

    for the 2014 matriculation

    exam at the hall of Shine

    Hope Co on 80 th Street

    between 17thand 18thStreets

    in Mandalay on 11 and 12


    It was attended by 1250

    students of Basic Education

    High Schools and private

    tuitions of Mandalay on

    11 January and 1250 more

    students from private high

    schools and teachers.

    The Sayadaw explained

    mission and vision of the

    students for two months ahead

    of examination, making

    studies and preparations for

    the examination.

    The Sayadaw fed them

    with snack, coffee and

    soya milk. In addition, the

    Sayadaw gave them two

    ball-point pens.

    MMAL-Aye Mya


    Jetropa Curcas plants

    increase income of peopleSEIKPYU, 15 JanThe

    people residing in Phalanma

    and Ainggyi villages in

    Seikpyu Township, one

    of townships in Magway

    Region are engaged incultivation of crops as the

    township is teeming with

    hills and mountain ranges.

    Whenever they had

    harvested paddy plantations,

    the farmlands have been

    shifted into Jetropha curcas


    In December every year,

    the farmlands are placed

    under Jetropa caucas plants

    bearing fruits and owers.

    One acre of such

    plants produced 50-60

    baskets of Jetropa caucasand it can be sold at

    K 12000 per viss.

    The local people

    formed groups to carry out

    cultivation of Jetropa caucas

    plants on 150-200 aces of

    farmlands to be able to earn

    increased income.

    MMAL-Tin Tun Oo

    Transformers installed in Lashio to supply full electricityLASHIO, 15 JanPower

    lines were installed in

    Lashio linking Mansangyi

    Sub-Power Station andNamhmyaw Hydropower

    Plant. After that, three 33KV

    power lines connected with

    Lashio Main Power Station

    are supplying electricity

    to local people through

    11 power l ines from

    33KV/11KV (10000) KVA

    sub-power station in Ward 1,

    33KV/11KV (5000+2500)

    KVA sub-power station in

    Ward 2 and Ward 5 and

    33KV/11KV (5000) KVA

    sub-power station.

    O n 1 3 J a n u a r y ,

    Electricity Power Enterprise

    changed transformers with

    new ones in the Ward 5, Ward

    2, Ward 12 and Ward 1 with

    the assistance of Township

    Electrical Engineer Ofce.

    An announcement has been

    issued that temporarily

    cutting out of power up to

    7 pm while power lines

    and new transformers were

    installed. However, the

    supply of electricity resumed

    at 5 pm.

    MMAL-Han Htay (IPRD)

    Biker dies on spot at trafc

    accidentPADAUNG, 15 JanA

    passenger bus hit a motorcycle

    on Pathein-Monywa Road

    between Taungbogyi Village

    and Myewagon Village in

    Padaung Township of Bago

    Region on 11 January.

    Toe Yadana bus driven

    by Ko Tun Hla Kyaw and

    conductor Ko Zaw Oobumped against a motorcycle

    driven by U Tin Win Aung

    of Nyaunggaing Village of

    Kanma Township.

    The biker died on the

    spot while the express bus

    overturned into the right side

    of the road.

    Members of funeral

    s e r v i c e a s s o c i a t i o n ,

    Okshi tp in Red Cross

    Society members and

    those of Taungdwingyi

    Township and local people

    rushed 36 patients of thebus to Okshitpin Peoples

    Hospital. The hospital is

    giving medical treatment to

    23 injured persons.


    Gonbo Bridge across Yaw Creek under

    construction on Pakokku-Pauk-Kyaukhtu Road

    KYAUKHTU, 15 Jan

    Bridge Constructon Special

    Group No 13 of Public

    Works of the Ministry of

    Construction is buildingGonbo crossing Yaw Creek

    and it has been completed by

    50 per cent.

    The speeedy current of

    the creek caused damaged to

    the bridge when water level

    of the creek rises.The new bridge will be

    690 feet long and 12 feet wide.

    It can withstand 13 tons of

    loads. We are implementing

    the project day and night.

    The new bridge will be 2 feet

    higher than the past facility.In the rainy season, the water

    surface of the creek rises

    and hits the bridge. The new

    one will be two feet higher

    than that of the old one in

    clearance. It is expected to

    complete the bridge in March

    2014, said Daw Nyo Nyo

    San of the group.

    MMAL-Me Cho (IPRD)



    BEHS in

    Thazi Tsp

    Branch getsnew building

    THAZ I , 15 JanA

    ceremony to open a multi-

    media school building was

    held at Shwehlan Basic

    Education High School

    Branch in Shwehlan Village

    of Phayagon Village-tract of

    Thazi Township, Mandalay

    Region, on 14 January.

    The building is 60

    feet by 30 feet worth K 12

    million. Township Deputy

    Education Ofcer U AungNaing Oo and ofcials cut

    the ribbon to open the school


    Officials presented

    prizes to outstanding

    students who passed the

    matriculation examination

    for 2012-13 academic year.

    Wellwisher U Chit

    Maung and Daw Thet Ti

    Oo handed over documents

    related to the building to

    an ofcials of Ministry of


    Students of villages

    from Meiktila and Thazi

    Township are attending the


    MMAL-Chan Tha (Meiktila)


    ceremony of

    new school

    building in


    in Thazi


  • 8/13/2019 16.Jan 14_nlm


    Thursday, 16 January, 2014 3New Light of MyanmarWORLD

    Tai opposition leaders house attacked,

    politics in deadlockBANGKOK, 15 Jan A

    loud blast shook the houseof a senior Thai opposi-tion leader overnight, po-lice said on Wednesday,as protesters trying to oustthe government remainedcamped in central Bangkokwith no end to the politicaldeadlock in sight. Somehardline protesters havethreatened to blockade thestock exchange and an airtrafc communications

    facility on Wednesday ifPrime Minister YingluckShinawatra does not stepdown.

    But there were noearly signs of trouble ateither the bourse or at thecentral Bangkok ofces

    of AeroThai, which is incharge of air trafc control

    for planes that use Thai airspace. No one was hurt inthe blast at the residenceof Democrat Party leaderand former Prime Minister

    An anti-government protester gives donation as others wake up in their encampmentbuilt between shopping malls in central Bangkok on 15 Jan, 2014.REUTERS

    United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon speaks

    during a joint news conference with Iraqs PrimeMinister Nuri al-Maliki in Baghdad on 13 Jan, 2014.


    UN says South Sudan

    army, rebels stealing

    humanitarian aidUNITEDNATIONS, 15 Jan

    UN Secretary-GeneralBan Ki-moon on Tuesdayaccused South Sudansarmy and rebels led by for-mer Vice President RiekMachar of stealing food aidand vehicles used to deliverhumanitarian relief as thecountry teeters on the brinkof civil war.

    (Ban) is alarmed bythe rising number of fatali-ties resulting from the con-tinuing ghting in SouthSudan, including reports re-ceived on 14 January aboutthe deaths of 200 civilians

    who drowned in the RiverNile while eeing hostili-ties in Malakal, the UNPress ofce said. A govern-ment spokesman said thepeople died as they tookto the river to ee clashes

    in Malakal, a major transitpoint and administrativecenter of Upper Nile state.

    (Ban) strongly con-demns the commandeer-ing of humanitarian vehi-cles and the theft of food

    stocks and other relief itemsby both Government andanti-Government forces,Bans Press ofce said in

    a statement. The statementsaid Ban was also deeplyconcerned about the risingnumber of displaced peoplein South Sudan, which hesaid surpassed 400,000 thisweek.

    The crisis erupted af-ter South Sudan PresidentSalva Kiir red Machar

    and other ministers earlierthis year. Machars rebelsare demanding the releaseof 11 of their political al-

    lies jailed after they wereaccused of attempting acoup. Fighting that eruptedin mid-December has reo-pened ethnic faultlines. Ac-cording to one estimate, theconict may have killed as

    many as 10,000 people, al-though there is no ofcial

    toll for those killed in thedesperately poor nation.The United Nations has saidthat well over 1,000 peoplehave died.Reuters

    Abhisit Vejjajiva. Therewas no one at home at thetime. The explosion de-stroyed part of the roofof the house. It wasnt abomb. We believe it couldhave been a big rework,

    said an ofcer at the nearby

    Thong Lor police station,declining to be named.

    Abhisit and other Dem-ocrat leaders have joined

    in the protest movementagainst Yingluck, and haverefused to take part in anelection she has called for2 February. She has invitedleaders of the protest move-ment and political partiesto a meeting on Wednes-day to discuss a proposal topostpone the election, but itlooked like only her allieswould turn up. The unrest

    is the latest chapter in aneight-year conict pittingthe Bangkok-based middleclass and royalist establish-ment against the mostlypoorer, rural supporters ofYingluck and her brother,Thaksin Shinawatra, a for-mer premier ousted by themilitary in 2006 who isseen as the power behindher government.Reuters

    US courts oppose reform proposals

    for secret surveillance courtWASHINGTON, 15 Jan

    The US federal courtsystem objects to key pro-posals by a presidentialreview panel to reform thesecret court that supervisesthe classied electronic

    eavesdropping activitiesof the US National Secu-rity Agency, a former chiefjudge of that court said onTuesday. Judge John Bates,

    the former head of the For-eign Intelligence Surveil-lance (FISA) Court, sentthe objections in a letterto Sen. Dianne Feinstein,

    An illustration picture

    shows the logo of the USNational Security Agency

    on the display of an

    iPhone in Berlin,on 7 June, 2013.


    Israeli defence minister apologizes for remarks

    about Kerrys peace effortsJERUSALEM, 15 Jan

    Israeli Defence MinisterMoshe Yaalon apologizedlate Tuesday for his harshremarks about US Secretary

    of State John Kerrys ongo-ing peacemaking efforts inthe Middle East. In a state-ment issued just before mid-night, Yaalon apologized

    Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon.

    for offending Kerry bycalling him obsessive andmessianic in pushing foran Israeli-Palestinian peaceagreement. The defence

    minister had no intention tocause any offense to the sec-retary, and he apologizes ifthe secretary was offendedby words attributed to the

    minister, said the state-ment.

    Israel and the UnitedStates share a common goalto advance the peace talks

    between Israel and the Pal-estinians led by SecretaryKerry. We appreciate Sec-retary Kerrys many effortstowards that end, it added.According to the website ofthe Haaretznewspaper, theapology was issued after atwo-hour meeting betweenYaalon and Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu at thelatters residence in Jerusa-lem. The statement, com-posed together with Netan-yahu, followed a lukewarmresponse from Yaalon ear-lier in the day, which was

    rejected by the Obama ad-

    ministration.On Tuesday, Israels

    biggest-selling daily Yedio-th Ahronoth published com-ments attributed to hawkish

    Yaalon, who said Kerrywas obsessive and messi-anic. The only thing thatcan save us is for Kerry towin a Nobel Prize and leaveus alone, he was quoted assaying in private conversa-tions with associates and USofcials in recent months.

    In effect, there have beenno negotiations between usand the Palestinians dur-ing these past months, butbetween us and the Ameri-cans, Yaalon said aheadof one of Kerrys 10 trips tothe region since last July.


    S Korea approves aid by

    private organizations toN KoreaSEOUL, 15 Jan South

    Korea on Wednesday ap-proved requests by privateorganizations to send aidfor children in North Ko-rea, South Koreas Unica-tion Ministry spokeswomansaid.

    The aid by the three or-ganizations totals 425 mil-lion won (about $400,100)and mainly consists of fooditems such as bread andpowdered milk, accordingto Park Soo Jin.

    South Koreas civicand religious organizationsneed government approvalto provide humanitarian as-sistance to the North, which

    relies heavily on foreignaid.

    Seoul stopped alllarge-scale government as-sistance to Pyongyang in2010, following two deadlyattacks by North Korea.

    In March 2010, 46South Korean navy person-nel died after their ship wassunk by a North Koreantorpedo. And in Novemberthat year, the North Koreanmilitary shelled the islandof Yeonpyeong, killing fourSouth Koreans and leadingSeoul to suspend all aid tothe North and cancel inter-Korean dialogue.

    Kyodo News

    chairwoman of the SenateIntelligence Committee. Hesaid he submitted it on be-half of the federal judicialsystem as a whole, throughan entity called the JudicialConference of the UnitedStates, of which he is sec-retary.

    Bates, who is directorof the Administrative Of-ce of the US courts, said

    that Supreme Court ChiefJustice John Roberts hadasked him to represent thefederal judiciary on mat-ters concerning the Foreign

    Intelligence SurveillanceAct, under which the secretcourt operates. PresidentBarack Obama is expectedto announce his plan for re-forming the NSA on Friday,and the objections could se-riously undermine one op-tion he was thought to beconsidering.

    Bates strongly warnedagainst a proposal by the

    review panel in Decem-ber that Congress create aPublic Interest Advocateto represent privacy andcivil liberty concerns before

    the court, which usually op-erates behind closed doors.


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    Thursday, 16 January, 20144


    New Light of Myanmar

    New Jerseys Christie in address

    again apologizes, looks aheadTRENTON, 15 Jan

    New Jersey Governor ChrisChristie opened his State ofthe State Address on Tues-

    day with an apology anda vow to fully cooperatewith all appropriate in-vestigations of an apparentscheme to cause massivetrafc jams as well as the

    use of federal money for astate ad campaign. Christie a charismatic conserva-tive and an early favouritein the Republican bid forthe White House in 2016,was re-elected in a land-slide victory last November but the pair of scandalscoming in the rst weeks of

    the year have put him on thedefensive.

    The last week has cer-tainly tested this administra-tion. Mistakes were clearly

    made. And as a result, welet down the people we areentrusted to serve, Christiesaid. Without a doubt, wewill cooperate with all ap-propriate inquiries to ensure

    New Jersey Governor Chris Christie speaks during his

    annual State of the State address in Trenton,New Jersey on 14 Jan, 2014. REUTERS

    that this breach of trust doesnot happen again. Twosets of emails last week ap-peared to show that Chris-

    ties aides had orchestratedlane closures for severaldays last September on astretch of highway leadingto the George Washing-ton Bridge, which spansthe Hudson River betweenNew Jersey and Manhattan,and then lied about it.

    Christie has denied anyknowledge of the apparentorchestration to snarl traf-c at the bridge as political

    payback against the Demo-cratic mayor of the nearbycity of Fort Lee, New Jer-sey, for his refusal to en-dorse Christies gubernato-rial bid. But the governorsspeech mostly addressedthe Jersey Comeback,

    which Christie has longclaimed has resulted in pri-vate sector jobs and secured

    public-private investmentin the Garden State, andhis cooperation with the

    Democrat-controlled statelegislature. No state in thiscountry has shown morebipartisan cooperation and

    governance over the lastfour years than New Jerseyand our people are proudof it. Lets resolve todaythat we will continue to putthose people rst. We willdo our jobs, Christie said.

    These are ourachievements: Four bal-anced budgets. Passed withbipartisan support. Pensionreform and tenure reform.Passed with bipartisan sup-port. A cap on propertytaxes. Passed with biparti-san support, Christie said.We acted and we acted to-gether. Christie also gavea nod to an issue that wasat the top of his agenda inhis rst term an across-

    the-board tax cut thoughhe said he will wait to an-nounce specic ideas when

    he gives his budget addressnext month. The stateseconomy has seen signs of

    improvement over the lastseveral months. Its unem-ployment rate experiencedthe largest monthly drop onrecord in November, drop-ping 0.6 percentage pointto 7.8 percent, according tothe state labor department.

    Revenue has also beenrecovering steadily. In therst ve months of scal2014, which began on 1July, New Jersey took in

    7.9 percent more revenue from income, sales,corporate and other taxes than in the same periodthe prior scal year. Butthat is still 1.2 percent, or

    $98 million, under budget.Still, the states scal situa-tion and Christies ideas forimproving it could be over-shadowed by his responseto the scandals and specu-lation about his politicalfuture. Since taking ofce

    four years ago, Christie a former federal prosecutor

    has built a national repu-tation as a Republican ca-pable of winning bipartisansupport for his conservativepriorities, like spendingcuts, while repairing NewJerseys reputation for cor-ruption and graft.


    TSURUGA,( Japan ), 15

    Jan A taxi company ina western Japan city hometo a nuclear power plantrefused service to LiberalDemocratic Party law-maker Masatoshi Akimoto

    last week due to his stance

    against nuclear power, thecompany said on Wednes-day.

    An employee at thecompany in Tsuruga, Fukui

    Prefecture, refused a re-quest from Akimotos of-ce for a taxi to take theHouse of Representativesmember to a tour of theTsuruga nuclear powerplant and related facilitiesnext Monday, saying manyof the companys customersrely on the plant.

    The company said it isconsidering disciplining thecall-taker, who it says actedon his own judgment.

    Kyodo News

    Taxi company

    in nuclear plant

    town turns away



    Hollande announces new stage

    to fx economic troublesPARIS, 15 Jan Al-

    ready on hot seat on failureto revive Frances economy,

    French President FrancoisHollande on Tuesday raisedthe curtain on his new road-map to regain economicstrength, mainly based onspending cut and incen-tives to create more postsin the 66 million popula-tion. There must be a newstage. It s not to change thecourse, but to go faster andfurther. I have a convictionthat if France wants to keepits inuence in the world and

    if it wants to maintain con-trol of its destiny, it must re-gain its economic strength,Hollande said.

    That is why I pro-posed the responsibility pactwhose principle is simple:reduce business costs andin return allow more jobs

    French President Francois Hollande

    creation and offer more so-cial dialogue, he detailedduring a press conference.As he pledged to continueefforts to trim labor costs,Hollande announced theend of tax on employers thatsubsidize families by 2017which will contribute to trimlabor costs by 30 billion eu-ros (41 billion US dollars).In order to encourage rms

    to open their doors to people

    without work, the president

    also proposed more simpli-ed administrative proce-dures and to eliminate sever-al taxes to spur investmentand employment.

    This pact is a greatsocial compromise. Its achance and everyone mustgrasp... Everyone has to take

    his responsibility. There isno time to waste, Hollandestressed. Reuters

    Iraq supports Irans participationin Geneva II conference

    BAGHDAD, 15 Jan Ira-nian Foreign Minister Mo-hammad- Javad Zarif met onTuesday with Iraqi top lead-ers who conrmed their sup-port to Irans participation inGeneva II conference overthe Syrian crisis. We havediscussed the Syrian crisis indetails and the attitudes to-ward Geneva II conference.Our stance in Iraq is that wesupport the presence of allthe concerned states and par-ties in this crisis, includingthe Islamic State (of Iran),Iraqi Foreign Minister Ho-shyar Zebari said at a Pressconference with Iranian Zarifin the capital Baghdad.

    We think that the par-

    ticipation of all parties, basedon the terms of Geneva I(conference), is the best wayfor this international politicalaction (to succeed), Zebarisaid. However, Zebari down-

    played the importance of theparticipating parties, saying:This conference is not for(other) countries; it is for theSyrians themselves. Perhapsthe participation of (other)countries is rather a protocolnature. For his part, Zarifsaid: We have announcedpreviously that if an invita-tion to Iran would respectthe Iranian people, we wouldaccept such an invitation, butunfortunately there are pres-sures exerted on some partiesto put preconditions for us (toattend the meeting).

    The Iranian foreignminister later met with IraqiPrime Minister Nuri al-Ma-liki on the latest development

    in the region and the Syriancrisis, in particular the Ge-neva II conference, accord-ing to a statement issued byMalikis ofce. The prime

    minister stressed that all par-

    ties without exception musttake responsibility in nd-ing a peaceful solution to theworsening crisis in Syria,Maliki said. The situationcalls for the mobilization ofefforts and the participationof all effective parties to re-solve the crisis, Maliki said,

    adding: No crises in the re-gion can be resolved withoutresolving the Syrian one.

    Earlier in the day, Za-rif and his accompanyingdelegation arrived in Bagh-dad and were received byhis Iraqi counterpart Zebari.Relations between the Shi-ite Muslim country of Iranand the Shiite-dominatedgovernment of Iraq have

    been picked up considerablysince Iraqi former PresidentSaddam Husseins Sunni-dominated regime was oust-ed in a US-led invasion in2003. Xinhua

    Russia denies visa to US journalist critical of PutinMOSCOW, 15 Jan

    Russia has barred a USjournalist critical of Presi-dent Vladimir Putin fromthe country for ve years,

    in a move that could upsetrelations with the UnitedStates and has echoes of theCold War. Moscows treat-ment of David Satter could

    fuel concern about freedomof speech before the Win-ter Olympics in Sochi nextmonth, although Putin has

    tried to appease critics byfreeing former oil tycoonMikhail Khodorkovsky andmembers of the Pussy Riotprotest group in the run-upto the Games.

    I was expelled fromthe country, Satter wroteon his personal website.This is an ominous prec-edent for all journalists and

    for freedom of speech inRussia.

    The Foreign Ministry

    said on Tuesday that Sat-ter, author of three books

    on Russia and the SovietUnion, had been preventedfrom returning to Russialast month after grosslyviolating visa regulations.In a website entry, he dis-missed the ofcial version

    of events, saying he hadfollowed all instructions,and he blamed the foreignministry, which handlesforeign journalists media

    accreditation, for causingdelays that led to his expul-sion.

    In Washington, theState Department said it

    was disappointed that Rus-sia had denied Satter a visaand had raised the issuewith the authorities in Mos-cow. The US Embassyin Moscow has raised ourconcerns on this case andthe treatment of journalists

    and media organizations

    in general with Russianauthorities, State Depart-ment spokeswoman MarieHarf told a daily brieng.

    Well continue to moni-tor the case. Satter saidthat he had own to Kiev to

    receive a new letter of invi-tation but instead receivedonly a statement read tohim by a Russian diplomatthere declaring him personanon grata.


    David Satter is pictured in

    this 2012 Hudson Institutehandout photo obtained byReuters on 14 Jan, 2014.


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    Thursday, 16 January, 2014 5


    New Light of Myanmar

    People cheer and wave national ags as they celebrate

    the third anniversary of autocrat Zine el-Abidine BenAlis downfall, in Habib Bourguiba boulevard in down-

    town Tunis on 14 Jan, 2014. REUTERS

    Three years after upris ing, Tunisians celebrate near-model transit ionTUNIS, 15 Jan Thou-

    sands of Islamist and secu-lar Tunisians marked thethird anniversary of auto-

    crat Zine el-Abidine BenAlis downfall on Tuesday,celebrating in the closest the

    Arab world has to a modeltransition to democracy.Crowds jammed Habib

    Bourguiba boulevard in thecapital, Tunis, waving agsand chanting in friendly

    rivalry near the interiorministry building whereprotesters once shouted

    Leave to Ben Ali.Ben Alis ight from

    the country on 14 Jan, 2011inspired uprisings in Libya,Egypt, Yemen and Syria. But

    while those countries remain

    in turmoil or outright war,Tunisias Islamist Ennahdaparty will compete for power

    later this year with its secularopponents at the ballot box,not on the street.

    Tunisia is close to fulldemocracy after a rocky pathto a compromise. Last week

    Ennahda, a pragmatic Islam-ist party which won elec-tions two years ago, resigned

    under a deal to overcomemonths of deadlock withsecular opponents.

    This makes way fora technocrat administra-

    tion which will govern untilthe new elections onlythe second since Ben Alis

    fall and the rst with thecountrys new constitutionand electoral board in place.No one will question those

    results now, said SalemBouzidi, a transport workerwrapped in a red and white

    Tunisian ag at a rally of thesecular opposition.

    This is like a new start

    for everyone, so whoeverwins the next election willbe the real victor. As Tu-

    nisians celebrated, Egyp-tians voted on Tuesday ona new constitution after the

    military last year ousted Is-lamist president Mohamed

    Mursi, their only freely-elected leader, leading toheavy loss of life.

    Syrian army soldiers loyal to Syrias President Basharal-Assad walk with their weapons in the Aleppo town of

    Naqaren, after claiming to have regained control of the

    town, on 14 Jan, 2014. REUTERS

    Syrian government forces advance

    as rebel infghting rages

    BEIRUT, 15 Jan TheSyrian government has re-

    taken territory around thenorthern city of Aleppo, themilitary said on Tuesday,

    after two weeks of rebelinghting that has weak-ened the insurgency against

    President Bashar al-Assad.The internecine conict

    among various rebel groupswill allow Assad to portray

    himself as the only secularalternative in Syria to a rad-ical Islamist regime when

    peace talks begin in Swit-zerland on 22 January.

    His military advances

    will give the Syrian gov-ernment delegation greater

    leverage at the negotiatingtable.

    An army statement

    said government forceshad pushed out from their

    base at Aleppos interna-tional airport, southeast ofthe city, and were moving

    towards an industrial com-plex used as a rebel baseand the al-Bab road, needed

    by insurgents to supply thehalf of Aleppo under theircontrol.

    It said that government

    forces, along with mili-tia loyal to Assad, were in

    complete control of theNaqareen, Zarzour, Taanehand Subeihieh areas along

    the eastern side of Aleppo,which was the major Arabcountrys commercial hub

    and most populous city be-fore the conict erupted in2011.


    still faces huge problems.Islamist militants are threat-

    ening attacks while publicresentment over unemploy-ment, the high cost of living

    and economic developmentmay still undo the fragile

    progress. But compromiseis working for now and anassembly is about to nish

    the new constitution thathas mostly won praise forits inclusiveness.

    In 2012 Ennahda wonthe most seats in the newNational Assembly in Tu-

    nisias rst free election.Many of its Islamist leadershad spent years in jail or ex-

    ile under Ben Ali.Reuters

    Neighbouring Libya

    faces widespread lawless-ness, with its leaders strug-

    gling to control some of the

    militias which overthrewMuammar Gadda. Tunisia

    Toshiba to buy 60%stake in

    British nuclear venture

    TOKYO, 15 Jan Toshiba Corp said onWednesday it will buy a 60

    percent stake in a Britishnuclear plant consortium

    from Spanish and Frenchutility rms for around 100million pounds, paving the

    way for the Japanese com-pany to build three nuclearreactors in England.

    The Tokyo-based elec-trical machinery manu-facturer plans to complete

    the acquisition of NuGen,a joint venture between

    Spanish utility Iberdrolaand French utility GDFSuez, by June. Toshiba will

    buy a 50 percent stake fromIberdrola and a 10 percent

    stake from GDF Suez, itsaid.

    With the acquisition,

    Toshiba is set to win ordersto construct three nuclearreactors planned by NuGen

    at a site in West Cumbria,England, for around 1.2 tril-lion yen to 1.5 trillion yen,

    Toshiba ofcials said.Kyodo News

    Russian Cossacks, who started regular patrols within

    the city in the wake of recent suicide attacks, check awomans belongings in front of the Kazan Orthodox

    Cathedral in the southern Russian city ofVolgograd,on 4 Jan, 2014.REUTERS

    Before Olympics, Russians urged to help prevent attacksMOSCOW, 15 Jan

    Less than a month beforethe Winter Olympics in

    Sochi, Russian investiga-tors appealed to civilians on

    Tuesday to be more vigilantand help avert the threat ofterrorist attacks.

    Insurgents who wantto create an Islamist state inthe North Caucasus moun-

    tains have threatened to at-tack the Games and suicidebombers killed at least 34

    people in the southern cityof Volgograd last month.

    President Vladimir Pu-

    tin, who has staked his per-sonal and political prestigeon next months Games,

    has put troops on combatalert in Sochi and tightenedsecurity across the country

    but fears of an attack on theOlympics remains.

    You cant just counton the special servicesand heroic commandos,

    Vladimir Markin, spokes-

    man for Russias nationalInvestigative Committee,which answers directly to

    Putin, toldIzvestianewspa-

    per in an interview.If our citizens are not

    ready to be vigilant, and to

    refrain from the shady busi-ness and corruption that cre-

    ate an environment for theterrorist underground, theintelligence services and

    even more so the inves-tigators can only ... face thetragic consequences.

    Markin did not speci-cally refer to the Olympicsbut that is currently the

    countrys main securityconcern.

    Markin said his agen-

    cy had lost count of howmany militants had beenkilled in Russia, which has

    fought two separatist warsin Chechnya in the NorthCaucasus since the Soviet

    Unions collapse in 1991.Reuters

    Gunmen seize more areas in Iraqs Ramadi

    as battles continue in Anbar ProvinceRAMADI, 15 Jan

    Gunmen on Tuesday re-

    gained control of moredistricts in Ramadi, thecapital of the volatile Anbar

    Province in western Iraq,after erce clashes withIraqi army backed by Sunni

    tribes.The gunmen, including

    al-Qaeda militants, fought

    the troops and the tribes-men in several districtsin Ramadi, some 110 km

    west of the Iraqi capital ofBaghdad, since Mondays

    evening. On Tuesday, theymanaged to retake controlof most areas in central andnorthern city, a provincial

    police source told Xinhua.There are no immediate re-ports about casualties as the

    battles are still underway,the source said.

    Meanwhile, clashes

    continued between al-Qae-da militants and the army

    backed by the tribesmennear the town of Khaldiyah,

    some 30 km east of Ramadi,the source said without giv-ing further details. The bat-

    tles and sporadic artilleryand mortar shelling forceddozens of families to leave

    their homes in Ramadi andKhaldiyah to safer places inother provinces, the source

    said.Elsewhere, mortar bar-

    rage struck the town of Gar-

    ma near the restive city ofFallujah, some 50 km west

    of Baghdad, killing at leastthree people and woundingsix others, the source said.

    In addition, one soldierwas killed and three others

    wounded in erce clashescontinued in Garma be-tween the security forces

    and al-Qaeda militants.Separately, Iraqis se-

    curity forces clashed with

    gunmen near the city ofRutba, some 370 km westof Baghdad, killing three

    gunmen and arresting veothers, the source said, add-ing that the troops seized

    three vehicles, including abooby-trapped one, in ad-

    dition to several explosivevests.


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    Thursday, 16 January, 20146


    New Light of Myanmar

    Chinas Huawei says unaudited 2013

    operating profit rose over 40 pctBEIJING, 15 Jan

    Huawei Technologies CoLtd posted an over 40 per-cent rise in annual operat-ing prot as the Chinesetelecom equipment makerexpanded its presence inemerging markets, counter-ing reduced revenue growthhit by accusations of cyber-espionage.

    Huawei, the worldsNo 2 telecom equipmentmaker, has had a turbulentyear in which it was shutout of multi-billion dollarnetwork opportunities inthe United States and Aus-tralia and drew the scrutinyof British authorities overcyber security issues.

    To counteract this,

    the unlisted company hasplaced its hopes in devel-oping markets and its busi-ness in Europe, where ithas made headway buildingfourth-generation mobilenetworks.

    A multi-chassis cluster router is shown inside the ex-hibition hall at Huaweis headquarters in the southernChinese city of Shenzhen, Guangdong province, in this

    on 16 Oct, 2013 fle photo.REUTERS

    Huawei, which has re-peatedly said it has no spy-ing links with the Chinesegovernment, on Wednesdayreported unaudited 2013operating prot of 28.6 bil-lion yuan to 29.4 billionyuan. That compared withan audited 2012 operatingprot of 19.96 billion yuan an increase of 43.3 per-cent.

    Revenue reached 238billion yuan to 240 billionyuan, or an increase of 8percent compared with atarget of 10 percent, thecompany said.

    Huawei, which ranksbehind Swedens Erics-son (ERICb.ST) in telecomgear sales, will release au-

    dited nancial results forlast year in the second quar-ter of this year.

    Huawei, founded in1987, is known for aggres-sively gaining sales in thetelecom equipment sec-

    tor by edging out rivalssuch as Cisco Systems Inc(CSCO.O), Alcatel-LucentSA (ALUA.PA), NokiaSiemens Networks NOKI.UL and ZTE Corp (000063.SZ) (0763.HK).

    The companys ag-ship carrier business, whichaccounted for almost threequarters of revenue in 2012,sells equipment to telecomoperators.

    In the US, the companyis trying to stake a claim tothe countrys mature smart-phone market following itshighly politicised forcedretreat from network con-struction, but it will face atough battle against estab-lished competition such as

    Apple Inc (AAPL.O) andSamsung Electronics CoLtd (005930.KS). Huaweisaid smartphone shipmentsreached 52 million unitsworldwide last year com-pared with the companys60 million unit target.

    Huawei was the third-largest smartphone makerglobally in the third quar-ter of 2013, according toStrategy Analytics, with a5.1 percent market share.However, the company isdwarfed by Samsung andApple, which have a 35.2percent and 13.4 percentshare respectively.

    The companys thirdarea of operations its en-terprise segment buildsand sells communicationsequipment to businessesand institutions.Reuters

    GM to pay frst quarterly dividend in almost six years

    DETROIT, 15 Jan Electric car maker TeslaMotors Inc said on Tuesdaydeliveries of its Model S

    sedan in the fourth quarterblew past what the com-pany had forecast, sendingshares up nearly 16 percent.

    Tesla delivered almost6,900 Model S sedans inthe quarter, 20 percentabove what the companyhad forecast, Jerome Guil-len, vice president of globalsales and service, said at theDetroit auto show.

    This year looks to bestrong, he added.

    We look forward to2014 with anticipation,Guillen told a news confer-ence at the show. On the

    sales and service side, ofwhich Im responsible, itsreckless growth. He latersaid that he misspoke andmeant to say relentlessgrowth.

    He said the companythis year expects to doubleits global sales and servicelocations, which currentlytotal almost 150 combined.He also said Tesla wasworking feverishly on theModel X crossover vehicle,which the company previ-ously said would debut inthe second half of 2014.

    Analysts said Califor-nia-based Tesla continuesto perform strongly despitethe specter of a safety probeby US safety regulators re-lated to two road res ofModel S sedans.

    Tesla seems capable

    Tesla demand surges, stockrises 16 percent

    A Tesla model S car is displayed during a media previewday at the Frankfurt Motor Show (IAA)

    on 10 Sept, 2013. REUTERS

    of shrugging off news thatwould hamper most automanufacturers. Today theelectric car maker reported

    its best sales quarter ever,Kelley Blue Book senioranalyst Karl Brauer said.As the brand begins globaldeliveries the potential forfurther growth remainshigh.

    Diarmuid OConnell,Teslas vice president ofbusiness development, saidlater that the company hasno plans to work with apartner to develop a newfamily of compact cars,

    known internally as Gen IIIand slated for production in2017. He said

    Chief Executive Elon

    Musk was committed to de-veloping the cars alone.

    None of our planshave ever assumed helpfrom outside, OConnellsaid.

    We are assuming in-dependence; Elon is com-mitted to independence,he added. We already havethe capacity internally toengineer the vehicle. Thereare no plans for partnershipon that project.Reuters

    FDA asks doctors to

    limit acetaminophen incombination drugs

    WASHINGTON, 15 Jan US health regulatorsrecommended on Tuesdaythat healthcare profession-als stop prescribing com-bination drugs that containmore than 325 milligramsof acetaminophen per tab-let, capsule, or other dosageunit, citing the risk of liverdamage.

    Limiting the quantityper dosage unit will reduce

    the risk of inadvertent over-dose, which can lead to liv-er failure, liver transplantand death, the Food andDrug Administration said.

    It cited the fact that noavailable data showed thattaking more than the rec-ommended dose providedbenets that outweighed theadded risks.

    Inadvertent overdosefrom combination drugscontaining acetaminophen,also known as paracetamolin most countries outsidethe United States, accountsfor nearly half of all cases

    of acetaminophen-relatedliver failure in the UnitedStates, the agency said.Combination acetami-nophen products are com-

    A view shows the US Food

    and Drug Administration(FDA) logo at the lobby ofits headquarters in Silver

    Spring, Maryland

    on 14 Aug, 2012.REUTERS

    DETROIT,15 Jan Gen-eral Motors Co (GM.N) willpay the rst quarterly divi-dend on its common stockin almost six years, mark-ing another step in the USautomakers recovery from

    its bankruptcy in 2009 andsending shares up 3.2 percentin after-hours trading.

    The No 1 US automak-er, which last paid a divi-dend in June 2008 before itmoved to save money dur-ing the US recession, said itwill pay shareholders a quar-terly dividend of 30 cents ashare, payable on 28 Marchto shareholders of record on18 March. In 2008, its quar-terly dividend was 25 cents ashare.

    This return to share-holders is consistent withour capital priorities and is

    an important signal of con-dence in our plans for acontinuing protable future,Chief Financial Ofcer DanAmmann said in a statement.

    Ammann, who said onSunday that GM was closerthan ever to paying a divi-dend, will become GMspresident on Wednesday.

    GM also namedChuck Stevens as the com-

    panys new CFO, effec-tive on Wednesday. He hadbeen CFO of GM NorthAmerica. Investors havebeen pushing GM to returncash to them in the form ofa dividend or a stock buy-back, especially since theUS Treasury sold the last ofits stake in the company lastmonth.

    The dividend reintro-duction by GM, which isshowing new cars and trucksthis week at the Detroit autoshow [ID:nL2N0KJ1OI],is likely to attract investorswho buy stocks that generate

    income.Weak industry demand

    drove GM to seek bankrupt-cy protection in 2009 and itemerged as a leaner opera-

    (L-R) Dave Leone, Chief Engineer for Cadillac; Mark

    Reuss, GM President of North America; and EdWelburn, VP of GM Global Design, attend the Cadillacpresentation during the press preview day of the North

    American International Auto Show in Detroit,

    Michigan on 14 Jan, 2014.REUTERS

    tion with more cash on handwith the help of a $49.5 bil-lion US taxpayer bailout.

    GM already pays a divi-dend on preferred stock. Ri-val US automaker Ford Mo-tor Co (F.N) resumed paying

    a common dividend in March2012 after suspending it formore than 5-1/2 years. Lastweek, Ford boosted its quar-

    terly dividend by 25 percentto 12-1/2 cents per share.

    GM ended the thirdquarter last year with totalautomotive liquidity of $37.3billion. GM stock rose to$41.29 in after-hours trading

    on Tuesday, compared withthe closing price of $40.02on the New York Stock Ex-change.Reuters monly prescribed to pa-

    tients to treat pain fromacute injuries, post-opera-tive pain, or pain followingdental procedures.

    In January 2011, theFDA asked manufactur-ers of combination drugscontaining acetaminophen,sold globally under tradenames such as Tylenol andPanadol, to limit acetami-nophen doses to no morethan 325 mg in each tabletor capsule by 14 January,

    2014.Some of these products

    still remain available, theagency said.


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    7Thursday, 16 January, 2014New Light of Myanmar

    7thASEAN Para Games

    NAY PYI TAW, 15

    JanVolleyball sitting

    event of the 7th ASEAN

    Para Sports Games took

    place at Wunna Theikdi

    Indoor Stadium (A), here,this morning.

    At todays round-rob-

    in matches, Myanmar won

    over Thailand with 3-2 in

    Myanmar men defeat involleyball sitting round-

    robin event

    NAY PYI TAW, 15

    JanMen's and women's

    long jump contest of Ath-

    letic event in 7th ASEAN

    Para Games took place

    at Wunna Theikdi Sports

    Mens and womens long jump events kick off

    Complex at 8:30 am to-


    The athletes from host

    Myanmar, Thailand, Viet-

    nam and Indonesia partici-

    pated in the events.

    F-11/12/13 eyesight

    level women competed

    in women's long jump


    Kyemon-Than Naing


    Mens event while Indone-

    sia beat Myanmar with 3-0

    in Womens event.

    Cambodia will play

    with Malaysia and My-

    anmar with Thailand inmens volleyball event to-


    Sanda Myint; Photo: Than

    Naing (Zabuthir i)

    NAY PYI TAW, 15

    JanThe 7th ASEAN Para

    Games continues at Wunna

    Theikdi Sports Complex,

    here, in conjunction with

    prize-awarding ceremonytoday.

    Myanmar earn silver medal inswimming contest

    In mens 50-m swim-

    ming event, Malaysia se-

    cured gold medal, followed

    by Myanmar, silver and

    Thailand, bronze among

    four countriesMyanmar,Thailand, Indonesia and


    President of Myanmar

    Paralympics Federation

    Maj-Gen Nay Lin presented

    prizes to three prize winners

    in the event.Kyemon:Than Naing (Zabuthiri)

    NAYPYITAW, 15 Jan

    Goal ball event of the 7th

    ASEAN Para Games kick

    off at Wunna Theikdi In-

    door Stadium (C), here, this


    In womens event,

    Laos defeated Myanmarwith 13-3 while Thailand

    Laotian women, Thai, Indonesian men win

    todays Goal ball event

    won over Brunei with 11-1

    and Indonesia beat My-

    anmar with 12-4 in mens


    Athletes from Myan-

    mar, Thailand and Laos

    are taking part in womens

    event while Myanmar, Bru-nei, Indonesia, Malaysia,

    Timor-Leste and Thailand,

    in mens event. Mens and

    womens goal ball events

    are holding at the same

    venue from 15 to 19 Janu-



    Myo Sanda Maung:Photo: Khin Maung Win

    NAYPYITAW,15 Jan

    Wheelchair basketball event

    of the 7th ASEAN Para

    Games took place at Wun-

    na Theikdi Indoor Stadium

    (B), here, this afternoon.

    Myanmar played

    against Malaysia in morn-

    ing match and Thailand

    with the Philippines in

    evening match.

    Athletes from Myan-

    mar, Malaysia, Thailandand the Philippines are tak-

    Wheelchair basketball event kicks offing part in this event.

    Semi-fnals will be held

    on 18 January and fnals, on

    19 January.Kyemon-Myo

    Sanda Maung

    Photo: Khin Maung Win



    part in

    the goalball event

    at Wunna





    An athlete in long jump event.

    An ofcial presents award to a winner in swimming contest.

  • 8/13/2019 16.Jan 14_nlm


    Thursday, 16 January, 20148 New Light of MyanmarN A T I O N A L

    Thursday, 16 January, 2014

    Mom! I love you!The Mothers Day of Myanmar, the Full-

    moon Day of Pyatho, hit the beloved social net-work Facebook in a new style. The Myanmar

    people hardly express their love. On Facebook,

    many reveal their love and say thanks to their

    mothers, highly respected in the Myanmar so-

    ciety as the rst teacher of ones life, although

    their moms would not hear or see what they say

    on the most popular social network.

    Like many Asian countries, mothers are re-

    garded as the second god in Myanmar. But, they

    are not supposed to be treated well and highly

    respected all the year round. There are age-old

    mothers counting their last days in solitude in

    a Home for the Aged, rejected by her sons and

    daughters. A few unlucky ones are on the road,

    begging for food.There are mothers who are struggling alone

    to make the ends meet for their children. There

    are also some unfullled mothers who do not

    afford quality education or reliable health care

    for their children.

    There are also some expectant mothers who

    do not get enough health care or enough care

    from the communities and their husbands for

    various reasons.

    There are some mothers who do not have

    enough education how to manage their family

    and how to cultivate their children well. Most of

    them lost the love of their sons and daughters.

    Everyone loves his/her mother. The super-

    cial love is not still enough for our society. Weneed to love and take a great care of all the

    mothers and mothers-to-be on this planet. The

    future of this country and of this world will not

    be written by politicians or economists or some-

    one else. It will be written by mothers who have

    our very future in their hands.

    NAY PYI TAW, 16 JanU Zaw Tun, Ambassador

    Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of the

    Union of Myanmar to the Slovak Republic, presented

    his Credentials to His Excellency Mr. Ivan Gaparovi,

    President of the Slovak Republic, on 16 December 2013,

    in Bratislava.MNA

    U Zaw Tun presents Credentials

    to Slovakian President

    NAYPYITAW,15 Jan

    A meeting to review the

    Myanmar Rouge Gems and

    Utility Jade Sale took place

    Meeting to review Myanmar Rouge Gems andUtility Jade Sale held

    at Mani Yadana Jade Hall,

    here, this afternoon.

    Patron of the Central

    Committee for Holding

    Myanmar Gems Emporium

    Union Minister for Mines

    Dr Myint Aung stressed the

    need to assess strengths and

    weaknesses of the sale and

    to put them under review

    for the success of next sales.

    Next, those present

    made clarications on

    their respective works and

    the chairman and vice-

    chairman of the central

    committee supplementary


    After the meeting, the

    Union minister and Deputy

    Minister U Than Tun Aung

    met with the vice-chairmanand CEC members of My-

    anmar Gems Entrepreneurs

    Association. They held

    discussions on upgrade of


    kant road.


    NAYPYITAW,15 Jan

    The seventh meeting of

    Myanmar-Bangladesh Joint

    Trade Commission con-

    cluded successfully in Nay

    Pyi Taw today. The meet-

    ing focused on holding oftrade exhibitions in the two

    countries, exchange of trade

    delegations, import of pros-

    pect goods from Myanmar,

    Myanmar, Bangladesh agree to boost bilateral tradecooperation in agriculture

    sector, bilateral ights and

    maritime matters and wider

    use of ASEAN Clearing

    Unit (ACU) and bilateral


    The Myanmar delega-tion led by Deputy Minister

    for Commerce Dr Pwint

    Hsan and Bangladeshi del-

    egation led by Commerce

    Secretary Mr. Mahbub

    Ahmed attended the two-

    day meeting that began yes-


    As trade information

    were exchanged, trade bar-

    riers resolved and tradematters under discussions

    during the 7thJTC meeting,

    there will be an increase in

    bilateral trade between the

    two countries. Myanmar

    and Bangladesh established

    the Joint Trade Commis-

    sion in 2003 and agreed to

    host the meeting alterna-

    tively. The annual bilateral

    meeting has been held since2004, aiming at boosting

    bilateral trade and ensuring

    trade facilitation.


    K 30 million donated to 7th

    ASEAN Para Games athletesNAYPYITAW, 15 Jan

    Families of Defence Ser-

    vices of (Army, Navy, Air)

    and Union of Myanmar

    Economic Holdings Ltd.

    presented cash awards forthe athletes of 7th ASEAN

    Para Games at Training

    Sports Ground here today.

    Chairman of 7th

    ASEAN Para Games

    Organizing Committee

    Union Minister for Sports U

    Tint Hsan, Vice Adjutant-

    General Maj-Gen Than Soe

    of Ofce of the Command-

    er-in-Chief (Army), joint

    secretary and President of

    Myanmar Paralympics Fed-

    eration Maj-Gen Nay Lin

    and ofcials from UMEHL

    attended the ceremony.

    On behalf of the fami-lies of Defence Services of

    (Army, Navy, Air), Vice

    Adjutant-General Maj-Gen

    Than Soe presented K 10

    (from page 1)

    Present at the calls together

    with the Speaker of Py-

    idaungsu Hluttaw and Pyithu

    Hluttaw were Chairman

    of Pyithu Hluttaw Interna-

    Speaker of PyidaungsuHluttaw receives

    tional Relations Committee

    U Hla Myint Oo, commis-

    sion members Daw Myat

    Myat Soe, Daw Aye Aye Mu

    and ofcials of Hluttaw Of-


    Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and Pyithu Hluttaw

    Thura U Shwe Mann receives Mrs. Ann Ollestad,

    Ambassador of Norway to Myanmar.MNA

    Meeting to review Myanmar Rouge Gems and Utility Jade Sale in progress.MNA

    million and ofcials K 20

    million by UMEHL. Union

    Minister U Tint Hsan ac-

    cepted the cash donations.

    Families of Defence

    Services donated 270 eggsper day for the athletes

    up to concluding of the



    NAY PYI TAW, 15

    JanDeputy Minister for

    Sports U Zaw Win en-

    joyed athletics event, foo t-

    ball 7-A-side event, vol-

    leyball sitting event and

    swimming event of the

    7th ASEAN Para Games

    at Wunna Theikdi Sports

    Athletics, football 7-A-side, volleyball sitting, swimming

    event of 7thASEAN Para Games commence

    Complex, here, today.

    The Deputy Sports

    Minister, Deputy Minister

    at the President Ofce U

    Thant Shin, the Presidents

    of ASEAN Paralympics

    Federation and Myanmar

    Paralympics Federation

    presented prizes and gifts

    to the swimmers for rst,

    second and third places in

    400 m Freestyle mens S8,S9 and S10 event and 50

    m Breaststroke mens SB3



    Volleyball sitting event

    in progress at Wunna

    Theikdi Sports


  • 8/13/2019 16.Jan 14_nlm


    9New Light of MyanmarN A T I O N A L

    (from page 16)

    of cultural museums and

    libraries, construction of

    National Museum (Nay Pyi

    Taw) and National Library

    (Nay Pyi Taw).

    The tasks to be imple-

    mented by the Ministry ofSocial Welfare, Relief and

    Resettlement are opening of

    child care center in Sittway,

    extended opening of ve

    pre-schools in Aungpan,

    Myaungmya, Bago, Toung-

    go and Kalay, Early Child

    Care and All round Develop-

    ment Main Center, knowl-

    edge dissemination on land

    mines and child and youth

    rights and womens rights,

    Culture Ministry to build Fine...gender equality, opening of

    vocational training schools,

    taking care of human traf-

    cking victims and day care

    center for the aged, capacity

    building courses and the dis-

    able rights Under the budg-

    et, the ministry will providemore aids and funds with

    volunteering organizations.

    It also includes, construc-

    tion of stores for relief aids,

    repairs to cyclone shelters,

    construction of staff quarters

    and natural disasters man-

    agement Training Schools,

    said Union Minister for

    Social Welfare, Relief and

    Resettlement Dr Daw Myat

    Myat Ohn Khin.MNA

    NAY PYI TAW, 15

    JanAfter opening cer-

    emony of the 7th ASEAN

    Para Games, the sports

    events namely athletics,

    boccia, blindfold chess,football (7-a-side), goal-

    ball, swimming, table

    tennis, volleyball sitting

    and wheelchair basket-

    NAYPYITAW, 15 Jan

    Meeting on Constitution

    Review Joint Committee

    (2/2014) was held at Py-

    idaungsu Hluttaw, here thisafternoon.

    Chairman of Constitu-

    tion Review Joint Commit-

    Meeting on Constitution Review Joint

    Committee (2/2014) held

    NAYPYITAW, 15 Jan

    Ministry of Energy, Min-

    istry of Electric Power and

    Shell Integrated Gas Cojointly organized the Work-

    shop on LNG Supply for

    Myanmar at Hotel Amara,

    tee Deputy Speaker of Py-

    idaungsu Hluttaw U Nanda

    Kyaw Swa, Secretary U Aye

    Mauk and committee mem-

    bers attended the meeting.After delivering address

    by the deputy speaker, the

    secretary elaborated on com-

    pletion tasks of solutions

    over Constitution Review

    Joint Committee (1/2014)

    and the ve committees ex-

    plained reviews on the meet-ing and work tasks.

    The secretary, after

    hearing the reports, fullled

    the needs.

    The meeting on Con-

    stitution Review Joint Com-

    mittee is held on every Tues-

    day and Thursday and groupwork meetings are also held

    soon after Hluttaw meet-


    Use of LNG discussed

    here, yesterday morning.

    Union Minister U Khin

    Maung Soe discussed seek

    the ways for sustainableavailability of various en-

    ergy and fuel and fullling

    of LNG in demand of natu-

    ral gas to contribute draw-

    ing the short and long term

    plans for development of


    Union Minister U Ze-

    yar Aung explained use ofoil, natural gas and coal in

    addition to renewable ener-

    gy. Myanmar will consume

    LNG in the future for re-

    ducing environmental dete-

    YANGON, 15 Jan

    High-ranking ofcials of

    Myanmar and India held a

    meeting on bilateral coun-

    ternarcotics efforts at Se-

    dona Hotel, here, this morn-


    It was attended by

    counternarcotics ofcials

    from both sides led by My-

    anmar Police Force Chief

    Police Maj-Gen Zaw Win,

    secretary of Central Com-

    mittee for Drug Abuse Con-

    trol, and Director-GeneralMr. Shri Rajiv Mehta of

    Narcotics Control Bureau

    of India.

    NAYPYITAW,15 Jan

    The 72nd Central Council

    Meeting of the Myanmar

    Red Cross Society will be

    held at the assembly hall of

    its Headquarters, here, on

    23 and 24 January.Ofcials from the Min-

    istry of Health, members of

    MRCS and invited guests

    will attend the meeting.



    meeting on23 Jan

    Myanmar, India

    coordinate to boost

    counternarcotics effortsThey held discussions

    on cooperation in control of

    owing u and nausea pre-

    vention medicines that con-

    tain pseudoephedrine used

    for production of stimulant

    tablets via illegal entry/exit

    along Myanmar and India

    border, exchange of infor-

    mation, training sessions

    for Myanmar counter-

    narcotics ofcers, opening

    of Border Liaison Ofce to

    curb smuggling of narcot-

    ics, appointment of liaisonofcers and exchange of

    communication techniques.


    rioration. It is necessary to

    build terminals of the port

    for docking of vessels to

    be able to penetrate into the

    world LNG market.

    Responsible persons of

    Shell Co explained cost of

    building gas power plants

    and use of LNG and its de-

    mand and supply prospects,

    technological data on x

    onshore terminal and oat-

    ing storage & regasicationunit.MNA

    YANGON, 15 JanThe

    Danube River Development

    Workshop took place at

    Summit Parkview on Ahlon

    Road, here, on 13 January.

    Speaking on the oc-

    casion, Union Minister for

    Transport U Nyan Tun Aung

    said that the objective of thisworkshop is to bring together

    Austria experts, Myanmar

    Expert Group and govern-

    ment ofcials from water

    related agencies to study and

    discuss how the Danube Riv-

    er has been developed to as-

    sist transportation and econ-

    omy of the regions along the

    river and how its experience

    and lessons can be applied

    for Myanmar. At present,

    Myanmar needs to step up

    its water conservation meas-

    ures and extend water supply

    coverage to ensure water se-

    curity and availability acrossthe country.

    In the dry central re-

    gion of Myanmar, people

    suffer from water scarcity

    Danube River Development Workshop heldand related social problems.

    River channel improvement

    and sustainable develop-

    ment of the Ayeyawady are

    also essential to facilitate the

    smooth ow of cargo and

    passengers and to supply wa-

    ter for domestic, agriculture

    and industrial uses all theyear round. But the present

    river training performance

    by river bed regulation is in-

    sufcient due to the gap be-

    tween work load and budget


    The effective utilization

    of the rivers will not only

    provide sufcient water in

    surrounding areas but also

    support multi-modal de-

    velopment in areas such as

    agriculture, domestic use of

    water, mitigation of oods,

    improvement of navigation

    and green growth for envi-

    ronment.However, we have to

    take into account the fact that

    in many cases of human ef-

    forts to overcome the nature,

    benets are overestimated

    while economic, environ-

    mental, and social costs are


    Myanmar has estab-

    lished the National Water

    Resources Committee and

    Expert Group to monitor and

    give support in the develop-ment of the water sector and

    for integration of all water

    related Ministries and agen-

    cies for effective Integrated

    Water Resources Manage-

    ment in Myanmar with pub-

    lic participation.

    I sincerely hope that to-

    gether we will succeed more

    in implementing Integrated

    Water Resources Manage-

    ment in Myanmar base on

    the experience and lessons

    learned from Danube River


    Leader of the team Mr

    Gernot Grimm of AustrianMinistry of Transport made

    a speech. Next, the workshop

    followed on the agenda.


    Audiences requested to enjoy 7thASEAN

    Para Gamesball were held at Wunna

    Theikdi Sports Complex,

    here. Athletes from ASE-

    AN countries took part

    in the events in order for

    hosting their ags atop asa way of showing their

    ability and their countries


    Audiences are re-

    quested to enjoy not

    only the 7th ASEAN Para

    Games but the closing cer-

    emony as Myanmar pre-

    pared for holding the 7th

    ASEAN Para Games.On 20 January, the

    closing ceremony of the

    7th ASEAN Para Games

    will be held.MNA

    High-ranking ofcials of Myanmar and India attend bilateral

    counternarcotics efforts at Sedona Hotel, Yangon.MNA

    Workshop on LNG Supply for Myanmar in progress at Hotel Amara,

    Nay Pyi Taw.MNA

    Thursday, 16 January, 2014

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    Thursday, 16 January, 2014

    L O C A L N E W S

    10 New Light of Myanmar

    Kanmye Lake, dug by King Anawarahta in

    Taungtha Township

    TAUNGTHA, 15 Jan

    Kanmye Village is located16 miles west of Taungtha,

    Myingyan District of

    Mandalay Region. It is

    adjacent to Zachan Village.

    99 acres area of Kanmye

    Lake is near the village,

    and it was dug by King


    At present, the lake

    area is shrinking and

    shrinking due to extension

    of residences and silting in

    addition to lesser rainfall.

    Now, the lake is about 50

    acres of land, said local


    In the monarchial

    period, King Anawrahta

    established one village, one

    pagoda, one lake and one

    paddy granary in each 12

    miles distance along its routeto the frontier area. Kanmye

    Lake is one of the villages

    dug by the king.

    An ancient pagoda and

    one ordination hall can be

    seen in the east of the village.

    In the year when rainfall

    was high, the creek upstream

    the lake fows into the lakewhich benefit the local

    people for consumption

    and agricultural purposes

    in Kanmye, Zachan and

    Myoma villages, said a local


    MMAL-Chan Tha (Meiktila)

    Community-based Development Course

    opens in Palaung Self-Administered Zone

    KYAUKME , 15 Jan

    The Community-based

    Development Course was

    opened in Kyaukme District

    of Shan State North on 13

    January morning.

    Experts from Myanmar

    Egress will give lectures to the

    trainees with the assistance

    of Livelihood Governance

    Project (SwissAid) and

    Network Activities Group

    (NAG) of Mangtung.It will last from 13 to

    16 January.

    The ceremony was

    attended by local authorities,

    Twnship Development

    Co m m i t t ee , Ta-au n g

    (Pa l au n g ) L i t e r a tu re

    and Culture Troupe of

    Namsang and Mangtung

    townships, members of

    social organizations andlocal people totalling 35.

    MMAL-Thein Than


    KBZ Bank

    donates cash

    to older

    personsKYAUKME, 15 JanA

    ceremony to donate cash

    was held at Aged CareCentre in Kyaukme of

    Shan State on 12 January


    On behalf of Chairman

    of KBZ Bank U Aung Ko

    Win, Deputy Manager

    Daw Cho Cho Zin of the

    Kyaukme branch presented

    K 5 mil lion to the Aged Care

    Centre through Daw Win

    Kyi (Kyaukme Store & Star

    Gold Shop).

    U Ye San (Kaung

    Thant Store) spoke words

    of thanks.

    Construction of Aged

    Care Centre will cost K 500


    MMAL-Thein Than


    A ceremony to lay foundation for construction of the two-storey staff quarter

    for Law Ofcer of Myawady Township in Myawady District was held at

    the venue on 10 January. Kayin State Judicial Ofcer U Ohn Thaung and

    District and Township Judges, and U Soe Min Aung of Aung Zeya Co

    (Myawady) concreting the slap for the quarter. The government

    allotted K 687 million on construction in 2013-14 scal year.


    On behalf of Mahasi Sayadaw, Daw Nang Thi

    Thi Oo accepts K 10 million for offering gold

    painting at Ananda Sekkyawala Pagoda, K 3.5

    million for the archway and K 1.5 million for the

    cave of the pagoda donated by Daw Rudani of

    Bangkok of Thailand, K 40 million by Daw Nang

    Thi Thi Oo and family of Myawady (Chanthagyi

    Automobile Parts Shop) for two prayer halls, K

    3.5 million by Daw Nang Cho Cho Myint and

    fmaily of Myawady recently. The pagoda is built

    in the precinct of Wisarindayama Mahasi Sasana

    Medication Centre in Myawady Township ofMyawady District in Kayin State, the border

    of Myanmar and Thailand.TUNTUNOO


    People take three hours along 30 miles long

    route from Mohnyin to Indawgyi due to curves,

    bends and corners. Thus, local people from

    Ohnsanhsaing and Nantmon villages are

    constructing the inter-village road as one hour

    drive to Indawgyi Lake on a self-reliant basis as of

    rst week of January 2014.NLM-001

    Departmental ofcials focus on development tasks

    in Mohnyin District

    MOHNYIN, 15 Jan

    Assistant Director Dr Win

    Oo, Head of Mohnyin

    D i s t r i c t L i v e s t o c k

    Breeding and Veterinary

    Department on 10 January

    met about 345 local people

    of Taungin Village and

    N a n t s a w l a w V i l l a g e

    in Mohnyin Township

    a n d d i s c u s s e d r u r a l

    development tasks.

    Th e d ep ar tm en ta l

    officials heard reports on

    requirements of the region

    and people presented by

    local people.

    T h e d i s c u s s i o n s

    highlighted vaccination

    for reducing the death

    rate of animals, breeding

    of milck cow for feeding

    milk to school children,

    raising of Dyl pidegree

    pig for increasing income

    in a short time, feeding

    the farming cattle with

    feedstuff, and artificial

    insemination to domestic


    Assistant Director

    U Ay e Nain g , Head

    of Rural Development

    Department, explained

    constuction of rural road,

    availability of safe water,

    rural electrification and

    construction of fly-proof

    latirines at basic education






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    Thursday, 16 January, 2014 11New Light of MyanmarREGIONAL

    Thai caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra

    Thai caretaker PM refuses to resign

    BANGKOK, 15 Jan Thai caretaker Prime Min-ister Yingluck Shinawatra

    on Tuesday insisted thatshe would not resign from

    the caretaking post as anti-government protesters have

    demanded.Yingluck said she

    would continue to perform

    her duties as a prime minis-ter because she was obliged

    to protect democracy thatbelongs to Thai people.

    Jakarta Gov Joko Widodo (L front) and Indonesian

    Democratic Party of Struggle leader and formerIndonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri (R front)

    are pictured during a party event in Jakarta

    on 10 Jan, 2014. KYODONEWS

    Indonesias politics heat

    up as elections approachJAKARATA, 15 Jan

    Indonesias political at-

    mosphere is heating up asnational and regional leg-islative elections slated for

    April approach, to be fol-lowed in July by a presi-dential election.

    The once-every-ve-years democratic festivityon 9 April will see more

    than 6,600 candidates com-pete for 560 seats in the

    House of Representatives,as well as for legislativeseats at the provincial, mu-

    nicipal and regency levels.

    Particular attention isfocused on three of the 12

    political parties contest-ing at the national level,namely the Indonesian

    Democratic Party of Strug-gle (PDI-Perjuangan) ledby former President Mega-

    wati Sukarnoputri, the Gol-kar Party that was once thepolitical machine of the late

    dictator Suharto, and theGerindra Party championed

    by Prabowo Subianto, a re-tired general notorious forhis poor record on human

    rights. Kyodo News

    Tokyo Electric Power Cos (TEPCO) Kashiwazaki Ka-riwa nuclear power plant, which is the worlds biggest,is seen from a seaside in Kashiwazaki, on 12 Nov, 2012.


    Japan says it will approveFukushima operators

    revival planTOKYO, 15 Jan Ja-

    pans trade ministry said it

    would approve on Wednes-

    day a revival plan for theutility responsible for the

    Fukushima nuclear disas-ter, Tokyo Electric PowerCo, its second attempt at

    restoring battered nances.The plan hinges on TokyoElectric (Tepco) restarting

    its Kashiwazaki Kariwa nu-clear plant to cut fossil fuel

    costs, a contentious issue

    staunchly opposed by thelocal governor. An earlierplan by Tepco outlining a

    revival after its Fukushimaplant was hit by a massiveearthquake and tsunami in

    2011, triggering triple melt-downs at the site, had to betorn up because it could not

    restart Kashiwazaki.Japans trade minis-

    ter Toshimitsu Motegi is

    scheduled to meet Tepcopresident at 1700 JST on

    Wednesday to ofciallyapprove the plan. Tepco isalso pledging to cut costs

    by reducing fuel spending

    and forming partnershipswith other utilities, as well

    as upgrading fossil fuel

    plants, the Nikkei newspa-per reported on Wednesday.

    The company is major-ity owned by the govern-ment after an earlier bailout.

    Tepcos previous revivalplan revolved around aKashiwazaki restart in early

    2013. The new plan envis-ages a restart of two reactors

    at the station in July and the

    utility hopes all seven reac-tors will go online by scal2016.

    The disaster at Fuku-shima, the worst nuclear cri-sis since Chernobyl in 1986

    eventually brought aboutthe halt of all nuclear powerplants in Japan so they could

    be vetted under toughernew standards. Oppositionto atomic power remains

    strong in the country and isset to become a major issuein an election next month for

    governorship of metropolitanTokyo, which owns a stake

    in Tepco.Reuters

    File photo taken in November 2013 shows the Osumi,

    a transport vessel of the Japan Maritime Self-DefenceForce. KYODONEWS

    MSDF vessel sinks fshing boat, 2

    in critical conditionTOKYO, 15 Jan

    A leisure shing boatcapsized and sank onWednesday morning after

    colliding with the JapanMaritime Self-DefenceForce transport vessel

    Osumi in the Seto Inland

    Sea off Otake, HiroshimaPrefecture, leaving two of

    the four on board the boatin critical condition, theDefense Ministry and the

    Japan Coast Guard said.The four the captain

    and three anglers werethrown into the sea fol-lowing the collision, which

    occurred at around 8 a.m.,but were rescued by the180-meter Osumi. One of

    the two in critical conditionis the leisure boats captain,according to the authorities.

    The remaining two are notinjured. One of the rescued

    men was quoted as tellingits coat guard ofcials in-vestigating the incident thatthe leisure boat must have

    collided with the left-hand

    Communist Party expels former

    executive at China Mobile parentHONG KONG, 15 Jan

    A former senior execu-

    tive at China Mobile Ltdsstate-owned parent hasbeen expelled from the

    Communist Party amid acompany-wide probe intosuspected corruption. Chi-

    nas new leadership hasmade ghting graft a prior-ity to assuage rising public

    anger over the scale of cor-ruption in the worlds sec-ond-biggest economy.

    Xu Long, who wasgeneral manager of ChinaMobile Communications

    Corps Guangdong of-ce, was expelled from theparty due to severe disci-

    pline violations, accordingto a statement posted on

    Wednesday on the websiteof Guangdong provinces

    disciplinary committee.During Xu Longs postingat China Mobile Communi-

    cations Corps Guangdongofce, he took advantage ofhis senior position to seek

    prots for others, the state-ment said.

    Xu took multiple

    bribes that involved anenormous amount of mon-ey, it said. He will sent to

    court and his illegal incomewould be seized, the state-ment added. China Mobile,

    the worlds biggest mobileoperator by subscribers,said in May its parent was

    beeng up its internal super-vision after a government

    According to Yin-gluck, she will take part

    in a meeting scheduled onWednesday morning todiscuss whether the Feb.

    2 general election will bepostponed to 4 May as pro-posed by the Election Com-

    mission (EC).The government needs

    to solicit opinions from

    various sides before takingfurther action, Yingluck in-sisted.

    The government willinvite about 70 people fromall sides to the discussion,

    but it remains unsure ifrepresentative of the Demo-

    crat Party and the anti-gov-ernment Peoples Demo-cratic Reform Committee(PDRC) would turn up.

    Protest leader and sec-retary-general of the PDRC

    Suthep Thaugsuban earliercategorically refused to jointhe discussion.

    EC member SomchaiSrisuthiyakorn said all veEC members would not at-

    tend Wednesdays meeting,but a representative wouldbe sent instead.

    According to Somchai,the EC does not believe thediscussion, which involves

    a large number of peoplewith conicting opinionsand interests, will yield

    anything but more conict.Somchai said the EC

    had asked PMs secretary-general Suranand Vejjajivato set up a meeting betweenthe EC and Yingluck on

    Thursday and was nowawaiting a reply.

    He said should Thurs-days meeting be arranged,all EC members would

    show up and a decision onwhether to delay the elec-tion could be made that day.


    audit highlighted problemsin accounting practices

    and internal management.Xu was taken away by theprovincial governments

    disciplinary committee inAugust due to severe dis-cipline violations.

    Shares of Hong Kong-listed China Mobile weredown 0.8 percent on

    Wednesday, lagging a 0.5percent gain for the bench-mark Hang Seng Index.

    Chinas anti-corruptioncampaign has led to the de-tention of some senior gov-

    ernment ofcials as well assenior executives in major

    state rms, including Petro-

    China Co Ltd.Reuters

    side of the Osumi. The coastguard detected traces of the

    collision on the MSDF ves-sels hull. Kyodo News

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    Thursday, 16 January, 201412


    New Light of Myanmar

    Invitation for PrequalicationMyanmar Electric Power Project (IDA-53060-MM)

    Thaton Combine Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT)

    Power Plant

    (ICB MEPE-G-01}

    This invitation fo pequaication foows the genea

    procurement notice for this project that appeared in

    Development Business of October 22, 2013 on-line.

    The Republic Of The Union Of Myanmar has received acredit from the International Development Association

    (IDA) toward the cost of the Myanmar Electric Power

    Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of

    this credit to payments under the contract for Thaton

    Combine Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Power Plant at the

    existing Thaton gas station (GT) in Mon State with a new

    combined cyce gas tubine (CCGT) powe pant. The

    Myanmar Electric Power Enterprise (MEPE) intends

    to prequalify contractors for supply and installation

    of a gas powe pant which wi geneate and suppy

    as much eecticity as possibe to the gid,imited by

    the avaiabe fue gas up to 25MM CFD. Powe ex-

    port shall be at 66kV and 230 kV. The power station

    sha pimaiy geneate base oad powe to Myanma

    Nationa gids. The main specications incude: theoverall capacity of the power plant to be constructed

    is in the ange of 105-110 MW, the minimum capacity

    of gas tubine and steam tubine is 35-45MW/unit and

    20-40 MW/unit espectivey.

    It is expected that invitations for bid will be made in

    Api 2014.

    Pequaication wi be conducted though the poce-

    dues specied in the Wod Bank's Guideines: Po-

    curement under IBRD loans and IDA Credits, January

    2011, and is open to a biddes fom eigibe souce

    counties, as dened in the guideines.

    Inteested eigibe Appicants may obtain futhe info-

    mation fom and inspect the pequaication document

    fom 10:00 -15:30 hs. at Thermal Power Department

    Myanmar Electric Power Enterprise,

    Bdg No. 27, Nay Pyi Taw


    Phone : + 9567410228

    E-mai: [email protected]

    A compete set of the pequaication document in

    Engish anguage may be obtained fee of chage

    by sending a equest to the above emai addess. A

    copy of the pequaication document wi be sent to

    the inteested eigibe Appicants as the attachment to

    the emai.Appications fo pequaication shoud be

    submitted in sealed envelopes, delivered to the address

    beow by 24.2.2014 , 14:00 H and be ceay maked"Application to Prequalify forThaton Combine Cycle

    Gas Turbine (CCGT) Power Plant(ICB MEPE-G-01)"

    Mateia Panning Depatment

    Myanmar Electric Power Enterprise,

    Ministry of Electric Power

    Bdg No. 27, Nay Pyi Taw





    Open tenders are invited for supply of the following respective items in United States Dollars and Myanmar Kyats.Sr.No Tender No Description Qty Remark

    (1) IFB-164(2013-2014) 7 Liner Hanger and Accessories (2) Sets US$(2) IFB-165(2013-2014) Ariel Compressor JGK-4 with (14) Items US$

    Waukesha L-7042 GSI Spares(3) IFB-166(2013-2014) Ariel Compressor JGE-2 with (23) Items US$

    Waukesha F-2895 GSI Spares(4) IFB-167(2013-2014) Ariel Compressor JGK-4 with (11) Items US$

    Waukesha P-9390 GL Spares(5) IFB-168(2013-2014) Cooper MH64 with Waukesha (20) Items US$

    P-9390 GL Spares(6) IFB-169(2013-2014) Cooper MH64 with Waukesha (27) Items US$

    12 VAT 27 GL Spares(7) IFB-170(2013-2014) AJAX DPC 600 Engine Spares (16) Items US$(8) IFB-171(2013-2014) H 2475 G Waukesha Engine Spares (22) Items US$

    (9) IFB-172(2013-2014) NKK/Kobelco Compressor KJB-2& (24) Items US$ KB-2 Spares(10) IFB-173(2013-2014) Spares for Hydraulic Mobile (1) Item US$ Grove Crane(11) IFB-174(2013-2014) Geological Survey Instrument (1) Item US$(12) IFB-175(2013-2014) Industrial Chamber Oven and Core (2) Items US$ Plug Drilling Machine for Applied Research Center

    (13) DMP/L-051(2013-2014) Mechanical Spares for ZJ70L SR I&II (1) Lot Ks(14) DMP/L-052(2013-2014) 3.25 MM, 4.0 MM & 5.0 MM (3) Items Ks Welding Electrode

    - Tender Closing Date & Time - 10-2-2014,16:30 Hr

    Tender Document shall be available during ofce hours commencing from 13 January, 2014 at the Finance

    Department, Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise, No(44) Complex, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.

    Myanma Oil and Gas Enterpris Ph . +95 67 - 411097 / 411206

    CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV LIZSTAR GLORY VOY NO ( )Consignees of cago caied on MV lIzSTAr

    GLORY VOY NO ( ) ae heeby notied that the

    vesse wi be aiving on 16.1.2014 and cago wi bedischaged into the pemises of S.P.W(7) where it will

    ie at the consignees isk and expenses and subject

    to the byeaws and conditions of the Pot of Yangon.

    Damaged cago wi be suveyed daiy fom 8 am

    to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Caims Day now

    decaed as the thid day afte na dischage of cago

    from the Vessel.

    No caims against this vesse wi be admitted

    after the Claims Day.




    Phone No: 256916/256919/256921


    Consignees of cago caied on MVLANGELAND

    VOY NO ( ) ae heeby notied that the vesse wi

    be aiving on 16.1.2014 and cago wi be dischaged

    into the premises of B.S.W(3) where it will lie at the

    consignees isk and expenses and subject to the bye-

    aws and conditions of the Pot of Yangon.

    Damaged cago wi be suveyed daiy fom 8 am

    to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Caims Day now

    decaed as the thid day afte na dischage of cago

    from the Vessel.

    No caims against this vesse wi be admitted afte

    the Claims Day.




    Phone No: 256916/256919/256921

    Invitation to Open Tender for Tender 2013-C-OVS

    1. Myanma Posts and Telecommunications (MPT), Min-

    isty of Communications and Infomation Technoogy

    invite open tende fo foowing Task that ae descibed

    in the below table with Myanmar Kyat currency.

    S. Desciption Qty

    1 Pathein - Ngwe Saung UG Fibe link 1 lot

    2 Store Building; 2 Nos

    3 Room Renovation 1 Lot

    2. Bidder should submit the open tender (Technical and

    equiement Poposa) on Januay, 31, 2014 duing

    09:30 to 16:30 at Head Ofce Buiding of Oveseas

    Department, Myanma Posts and Telecommunications,

    Nea 8 mie junction, KaBaAye Pagoda road, Yan-

    gon, Myanma and MPT wi deny the tende that is

    submitted ove the assigned peiod as above. Tende

    documents ae avaiabe fom Head Ofce Buiding

    of Overseas Department and detail can be asked to

    teephone numbe + 95 1 650118 and + 95 9 450000142

    duing ofce hous.

    3. Bidder should submit the price proposal when we call

    you the day of pice bagaining.

    Tende Evauation & Seection Committee

    To be Awarded I, Phyoe Min Thike, hold-

    ing of Myanma passpot

    (No. M 644444) lost my

    passpot on 11 Jan, 2014.

    Please Contact my below

    phone number if you found

    it. 09 43152130

    Seibu set to apply for TSE

    relisting on WednesdayTOKYO, 15 Jan Seibu

    Hodings Inc is set to sub-mit applications to relist its

    shaes on the Tokyo StockExchange on Wednesday,accoding to souces cose

    to the matter.The move by the hold-

    ing company of SeibuRailway Co and the PrinceHote chain comes neay a

    decade afte Seibu raiwaywas delisted in December2004 fo fasifying nancia

    statements.Kyodo News

    People buy Chinese datein a trading centre in Tai-

    yuan City, capital of northChinas Shanxi Province,on 13 Jan, 2014. With theSpring Festival approach-ing, special purchases forthe lunar new year witha fair price attracted theChinese people.XINHUA

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    Thursday, 16 January, 2014


    14 New Light of Myanmar

    MELBOUURNE,15 Jan Order of play on the mainshowcourts at the Australian Open on Thursday (playstarts at 0000 GMT on all courts, prex denotes seeding):

    Rod Laver ArenaKarin Knapp (Italy) v 3-Maria Sharapova (Russia)

    Christina McHale (US) v 10-Caroline Wozniacki(Denmark)

    Not befo