Expression of lnterest (Eol) cum Request for Proposal (RFP) For Selection of Project management Consulting Agency for providing Project Management Consulting support services to Rajasthan Skil! and Livelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDC) (On Least Cost Based Selection -LCBS) RFp No : RSLDC/PMC/RF P-l I l/2OL7 -L8 Dated: O4lo4l2OL8 UBNNO.: SLD 'gI9 RF POOO1 Name of the Client Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDc) EMI Campus, J-8A, Jhalana lnstitutional Area, Jaipur- 302004 Date of lssue 04104/20L8 Start Date & Time of Bid Submission 04/0412018 at 05:00 PM Date & Time of Pre-bid meeting 12104/20L8 at 03:00 PM Last Date & Time of Submission of Bid 08/05120L8 upto 06.00 PM Date & Time of Opening of Technical Bid O9/O5/20L8. at 05:00 PM Validity of bid 120 days from the date of opening of Tender Cost of Tender/Bid Document: Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only) E-Tendering processing fees : Rs1000 (Rupees One thousand Onlv) Bid Document may be downloaded from www. Iivelihoods. rajasthan.gov.in/ www.sppp.raiastha n.gov.in & i{*g*xlli*;: $ki}l {]xTT'$'il;i *n ri Livr,li lt*rds **r rt irp i il i.ir I {h rp*r ; ii*ur ,6il,i ..i -g.i : Ii' T, i1,f,l ' 1 ;,*lt; illrrtt I t lwet run ort ut'l{dr*lst [dtlutvt *.H* .& ffiJ,r, Wfo $+t-1* *r&' - *"*t/ - xf4 .i; ][H t '\t: /O^ ,( ,J", · 2019. 12. 14. · Created Date: 4/4/2018 6:06:03 PM

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  • Expression of lnterest (Eol)


    Request for Proposal (RFP) For

    Selection of Project management Consulting Agency for providing ProjectManagement Consulting support services to Rajasthan Skil! and Livelihoods

    Development Corporation (RSLDC)

    (On Least Cost Based Selection -LCBS)

    RFp No : RSLDC/PMC/RF P-l I l/2OL7 -L8 Dated: O4lo4l2OL8

    UBNNO.: SLD 'gI9

    RF POOO1

    Name of the Client

    Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation


    EMI Campus, J-8A, Jhalana lnstitutional Area, Jaipur-


    Date of lssue 04104/20L8

    Start Date & Time of Bid Submission 04/0412018 at 05:00 PM

    Date & Time of Pre-bid meeting 12104/20L8 at 03:00 PM

    Last Date & Time of Submission of Bid 08/05120L8 upto 06.00 PM

    Date & Time of Opening of TechnicalBid

    O9/O5/20L8. at 05:00 PM

    Validity of bid 120 days from the date of opening of Tender

    Cost of Tender/Bid Document: Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only)E-Tendering processing fees : Rs1000 (Rupees One thousand Onlv)

    Bid Document may be downloaded from www. Iivelihoods. rajasthan.gov.in/www.sppp.raiastha n.gov.in &

    i{*g*xlli*;: $ki}l{]xTT'$'il;i

    *n ri Livr,li lt*rds **r rt irp i il i.ir I {h rp*r ; ii*ur,6il,i ..i -g.i : Ii' T, i1,f,l

    ' 1 ;,*lt; illrrtt

    I t lwet run ort ut'l{dr*lst [dtlutvt

    *.H*.& ffiJ,r,

    Wfo $+t-1**r&' - *"*t/- xf4 .i;][H t


    /O^ ,(


  • Table of ContentsParticula rs


    Notice Inviting Tender,4! I B

    Annexure 7 (Bidders autt orlratlon ce,tif,c.at")

    Annexure 8 (Pre-bid qurGs f-onn"t )Annexure S tOGprt r=.olrr-* r..tl-lmAnnexure I0 (Structurercf pMCN

    Letter for EOI cum RFP

    Section I Letter of Invitation

    General Instruction for Fillins of Bid

    Section 2 lnstruction to Contultunc

    A. General ProvisionsB. Preparation of proposalsC. Submission. Opening and EvaluationD. Negotiations and awards

    E. Perfbrmance Security, penalty and Liquidity DamagesF. Project Deliverables and payment l-erms & ScheduleG. Terms and Conditiorrs olthe 'l'ender

    FI. Data Shcet

    Section 3 'ferms of Ref'ereniC (iORi -

    Section I - For*iE enrle*r.,r"sTechnical Proposal-Standard Forms

    A. Form Tech -l

    B. Form Tech-2

    C. Form T'ech-3

    Financial Proposal Standard Form

    A. Form Fin I Financial proposal Submission FormB. Form Fin 2 Summarv of cost

    Annexure I (Description of ServGs)

    Annexure 2 (StafFprofile olbidding agen-1

    Annexure 3 (Power of attoi,rey t-or le"d ,rr"tnbJiAnnexure + t.lolnt UlaainS igr"ei".nt)

    Annexure 5 (Performan.e S.crnt,Annexure 6 (Declaration by bidde4


    ..,4. \,,

    : i; \4, I\,^ ,i -v -l

    7 t-75

  • Disclaimer

    'fhe infbrmation contained in this Expression of Interest cum Request for Proposal document ("Eolcum RFP") or subsequently provided to Bidders. whether verbally or in documentary or any otherform by or on behalf of the authority or any of its employees or advisers, is provided to Bidders onthe terms and conditions set out in this Eol cum RFPand such other terms and conditions subject towhich such information is provided.The Eol cum RFPis not an agreement or any offer by the authority to the prospective Bidders orany person. The purpose of this Eol cum RFPis to provide interested parties with information thatmay be useful to them in the formulation of their Bids pursuant to this Eol cum RFP. This Eol cumRFPincludes statements. which reflect various assumptions and assessrnents arrived at by theautliority in relation to thc work. Suclr assurnptions. asscssmcnt and statcmcnts do not purport tocontain allthe infbrrnatiorr that each Bidder may require.'l'his Ilol cum RIrPrnay not be appropriatefor all persons, and it is not possible fbr the Authority, its ernployees or adviscrs to considcr theobjectives. technical expertise and particular needs of each party who reads or uses this llol cumRFP. The assumptions, assessments. statements and information contained in this EOI cum RFP.may not be complete, accurate, adequate or correct. Each Bidder should. therefore, conduct its owninvestigation and analysis and should check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability andcompleteness of the assumptions, assessments, statements and infbrmation contained in this Eolcum RFPand obtain independent advice from the appropriate sources.The Authority, its employees and advisers make no representation or warranty and shall have noliability to any person including any Bidder under any law, statute, rules or regulations or tort,principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise fbr any laws. damages, cost or expenseswhich may arise fiorn or be incurred or suf-fbred on account of anything contained in this Eol cumRFPor otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy. correctness. reliability or completeness of theEol cum RFPand any assessment. assumptions. statements or infbrmation contained therein ordeemed to forrn part of this Eol cum RFPor arising in any way in this Selection Process.'['he authority also accepts no liability of any nature whcther resulting fiom negligence orotherwisehowever caused arising fiorn rcliance of any tlidder upon the statl-mcnts contained in this ['.oI currRFP. The authority may irr its absolule discretion. but without being under any obligation to do so.update. amend or supplement the infbrmation. assessment or assumptions contained in this Eolcum RFP. The issue of this Eol cum RI-Pdoes not imply that the authority is bound to select aBidder or to appoint Selected Bidder, as the case. may be. fbr the work and the authority reservesthe right to re.iect all or any of the Bids without assigning any reasons whatsoever.The Bidders shall bear it costs associated with or relating to the preparation and submission of itsBid including but not limited to preparation, copying. postage. delivery fees. expenses associatedwith any demonstrations or presentations which may be required by the Authority or any othercosts incurred in connection with or relating to its Bid. All such costs and expenses will remainwith the Bidder and the Authority shalI not be liable in any manner whatsoever fbr the same or forany other costs or other expenses incurred by a Bidder in preparation or submission of the Bid.regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Selection Process.


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  • NOTICE INVITING TENDER - NIT/NIBNotice lnviting Tender/Bid for Selection of a Competent and Qualified Consulting Agency forproviding Project Management Consulting and support services to Rajasthan Skill andLivelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDC). The tender/Bid shall only be submitted throughonline tendering system on www. [email protected]. The schedule of dates is follows:

    The schedule of dates is mentioned below:

    Nature of Project

    Selection of a Competent and Qualified Consulting

    Agency for providing Project Management Consultingand support services to Rajasthan Skill and LivelihoodsDevelopment Corporation ( RSLDC)

    Cost of Tender/Aid Document

    (Non refundable)Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only)

    Tender Processing Fees (Non

    refundable) Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only)

    Estimated Project Cost INR 21 Crore (Rs Twenty one Crore)for 2 yearsEarnest Money Deposit (EMD) INR 42 lakh (Rs. Forty two lakh only )Publishing Date and Time for Eotcum 04/041201.8 at 11.00 AM

    Document Download Start Dateand Time 04/04120L8 at 01.00 PM

    Date, Time & Venue of Pre-BidMeeting 12/O4l20tB at 3:00 PM (Conference Hall/ Board Room

    RSLDC) #

    Bid submission Start Date and Time o4/04/20L8 at 05.00 PM

    Document Download EndDate/Time 08/051201.8 at 01:00 PM

    Bid Submission End Date & Time Og / 05 I 201.5 up to 06:00 P MLast date of Submission of Banker'sChaque/Demand Draft for TenderFee, EMD, and Processing Fee*

    Up to 09/05 /ZOLB at 03:00 pM

    Technical Bid Opening Date, Timeand Venue

    09/O5/ZO1,g at 05.00 pM online C;rf"r"nc" Hrly Bourdroom, RSLDC

    WiiiG i.t,r;teOlai"r t" il.lJre;fimBidders

    Financial bids Opening Date & Time

    Websites for downloading TenderDocu ment, Corrigendum'sAddendums etc.

    www. l ivelihoods. ra iasthan. gov. inlwww. sppp. ra iastha n,gov. in/http ://eproc. raiasthan. gov. i n

    Validity of bids 120 daysflgfl the date of submission

    'r\ -t

  • * ln case, any of the bidders, fails to physically submit the Banker's Cheque/Demand Draftfor Tender/Bid Document Fee, EMD & Processing Fee, up to 03.00 PM on dated09lo5l201.8 to the RAJASTHAN SKrLt AND LTVELTHOODS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION,JAIPUR its Bid shall not be accepted. The Banker's Cheque/Demand Draft should bedrawn in favor of RAJASTHAN SKILL AND LIVELIHOODS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONpayable at Jaipur for EMD and Tender/Aid document fee. The amount of processing feepayable should be drawn in favor of Managing Director, Raj-Comp lnfo Services Limited,Jaipur, payable at Jaipur.# Agencies are eligible to participate in the pre bid meeting after they have purchased thebid document.


    Managing Director(RSLDc)

  • [,etter lbr Expression of Interestcum Request fbr Proposal

    (EoI cum RFP)

    Assienment Title: Proiect Manaeement Consultinq and support services to Raiasthan Skilland Livelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDC)

    Date of issue: O4lO4l20L8 up to 11.00AMDue date of submission 08/05/2018 up to 05.00 PM

    Dear Sir/ Madam,

    The Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDC) intends to enter intoan arrangement for the provision of services outlined in the Terms of Reference (ToR)through a competitive bidding process. ln this respect, RSLDC would like to invite yourorganization to submit a technical and financial proposal as outlined in this Eol cum RFP.

    The proposal (technical and financial) should be submitted on eProc websitehttp://eproc.raiasthan.sov.in online latest by the date and time mentioned in NIT/NlB. Anyproposal received afterthe stipulated date and time shall not be considered.

    Yours sincerely,

    Managing Director,



  • Section-1Letter of lnvitationRFP No: RSLDC/PMC I RFP-ttt l2lt7 -L8Jaipu r

    Date; 04/04 l2OL8

    [insert: Name and Address of Agency. ln case of a consortium the names of each member assubmitted in Expression of lnterest cum Request for Proposalshall be usedDear Mr./Ms.:1. RSLDC invites proposals to provide the following consulting and support services

    (hereinafter called "services"): Proiect Manaeement Support to Raiasthan Skil! andLivelihoods Develooment Corooration (RSLDC). More details on the Services areprovided in the TOR.

    2. lt is not permissible to transfer this invitation to any other firm.3. A firm will be selected under Least Cost Based selection method and procedures in a Full

    Technical Proposal (FTP)format as described in this Eol cum RFP.4. The Eol cum RFPincludes the following documents:

    Section 1 - Letter of lnvitationSection 2 - lnstructions to Consultancy Agency/ Agency (lTC) and Data SheetSection 3 - Terms of ReferenceSection 4 - Forms & Annexures comprising Technical

    Proposal & Financial Proposal - Standard Forms

    5. Please inform in writing to:Managing DirectorRajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDC)

    E Ml Campus, J-8-8, J halana I nstitutional Area,Jaipur - 302 004Rajasthan


    by E-mail [md.rsldc-rj@ nic.in

    Yours sincerely,

    Managing Director, RSLDCTel (01a1) -27 Ls8O0 / 27 15B 1s

  • Expression of Interest cumRequest for Proposal

    (EoI cum RF-P)Dear Sir/ Madam,

    l. Letters fbr E,xpression of interest cum Request fbr Proposal are invited fiom qualified andexperienced consr-rlting firrrs who wish to undertake "Project Management Consulting and Supporlservices" to Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDC), a Government ofRajasthan initiative.

    ,ih e


    2 Background Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation-RSLDC is an initiative by the Covernment of Rajasthan to caterto the challenges of creating a large number of Skilldevelopment and livelihood opporlunities for the poor,increasing skilled labour force and to increase the income levelsof working poor in the State. RSLDC designs and implementsthe appropriate livelihoods strategies tbr the poor and thevulnerable. l'he areas ofoperations include:

    o BLrild and disseminate knorvledge of skill eco-system. Skill lrnhancernent & Innovations. Policy Refbrrn and advocacy. Capacity Building of organizationso Designing Iivelihood promotion strategies. Implementing Pilotso Executing various skill developmentprogrammes/schemes of GoR/Gol implemented throughRSLDC

    Innovations in the field of skill & Entrepreneurship DevelopmentFunction as state TSA in DDU-CKY/ PMKVY Project.

    RSLDC intends to apply a porlion of the total budget allocatedfbr this mandate to finance the aboveConsultancy Services.

    J Objectives 'l-he objectivcs of the Consultancv Services which will be carriedout are:'l'o provide cerlain delrned services to RSI-,DC for carryingout program implcmentation, tcchnical/managerial and TSAassistance fbr irnplementation of the Skill Developmentinitiatives in Rajasthan tunded by GoR /Gol or other external /internal agency.

    4 Expecteddelivera bles/results

    The expected deliverables/results of the project management &consultancy services are:Providing services through qualified resources for RSLDC -The Project Management Consulting Support Agency/ProjectManagement Consulting Agency (PMSA/PMCA), nowcalled as " Consulting Agency/ Consultancy Agency/@ryI_yj1l be responsible for providing high quality services

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  • t" RSLD(' thiough dcpioyrncnt ot' quatif'eO resourcJs lret'erAnnex-l and 2 fbr description of services and qualification).TIre resources will be deployed as indicated in the Eol cumRFPdocurnent. Programme Manager. Scheme Task Leads.Consultant (Statistics, Feedback & Helpdesk), AssistantProgramme Manager (Coordination, Monitoring, relatedactivities) shall be on agency's pay roll.'fhe remainingresources shall be on agency's pay roll or on direct contractbasis. In case, candidates do not turn up fbr joining afterselection, it rvill not be considered as completed task on behalfofthe'Agency'.

    4.1 Development of acomprehensiveframework forsupporting andmonitoringprojects forRSLDC's overallprogram

    l'he 'Agency' will be responsible for overall programmanagement of skilling initiatives of RSLDC in the stateand enabling eftective irnplententation at every district level.'l'hc agency rvould bc rnandated with the end-to-cnd solutionslbr stafling. planning and managelnent. monitoring andrcporling; essentially as an elI'ective project tnanagetnent unit tomeet the project deliverables.

    4.2 Technical SupportAgency (TSA):

    RSLDC has been nominated nodal agency by Govt. ofRajasthan for providing skill training for various departments ofState and Central sponsored schemes running in state or otherscheme launched by Gol/ GoR e.g. DDU-CKY/PMKVYscheme of MoRD, Gol, etc. The agency shall also bcresponsible to work as a T'echnical Service Agency formonitoring, evaluating and implementing the project as per therequirement. The agency will also be responsible to providecomplete TSA suppoft services to RSLDC for aforesaidschemes & those to come in luture as per guideline ofGol./GoR. or convergerrce depaftment.

    4.3 Procu rementsupport services:

    For RSLDC Procurement. tlre agency lvill lrelp carry outprocurerxcnt functions fbr RSLDC including preparations ofdocuments for advertisements. tender notices. rnanagingexpressions of interest (Eol) and Request fbr Proposal (RFPs)processes, MoU etc. as per provision of RTPP Rules or specialprovision of project (E,valuations and selections will be carriedout by RSLDC). The Agency will also manage press releasesand other print media. as required and approved by the MD -RSLDC, and provide administrative support as needed fororganizing pre-bid meetings, bid openings, etc. The Agency willprovide administrative support in procurement related recordrnaintenance as needed. Cost will be borne bv RSLDC for abovemansion work.

    4.4 Financialmanagementsupport services:

    I'lre Agency r.villrnaintain rccordsalong lvith theactivity heads. etc.

    provide back-errd supporl to RSLDC toof erpenditr"rrcs incurred fbr the servicessupporling documgnts;,!fac.( expenditure by'I-lre 'Agencl' wi{lhclp-m pieparing budget.

    tJt "


  • statements of expenditures (SOE), cor-npiling and preparingconsolidated progress reports for the project related expenditure,CA report, Bank Reconciliation, maintenance of accounts booksand records. manual/Computer based. etc.

    4.5 Travel andlogistic:

    As part of delivering the expected services. it is envisaged thatresources deployed will be undertaking considerable amount oloflcial travel outside thcir base station (Jaipur or districtheadqr-rar1ers, as the case may be). To provide/tacilitate services.the deployed resoLuces would be required to travel extensively. The

    norms fbr reimbursement of the travel cost would be decidedby RSLDC.

    The travel undertaken by the deployed resources would be

    based on the requirements of the RS[,DC. The agency will have toprovide all the support required for the travel of teams.

    4.6 ManagementAgency's AnnualPlan of Operation

    The Agency's support team fbr RSLDC will have to placeagency's annual operational plan with quarterly activity andbudget estimates will be prepared jointly with RSLDC andapproved by the Managing Director-RSLDC.

    4.1 MonthlyReporting

    Monthly progress report to include: (a) inventory report olotlicc goods and equipnrent procured. submitted and paymentsreimbursed. (b) OutpLrts ot'HR se lection and recruitment againstagreed plans. (c) Outputs on HR Administration against agreedplans. (d) Outputs related to procurement suppoft servicesrendered to RSLDC (e) Consolidated progress repofis onexpenditure and analyical reports (f) Reporr on consolidatedservices user's fbedback on office facilities. (g) Report onexpenditure along with cost estimates analysis (varianceanalysis, etc.). (h) report on MIS/ Skill development system,A&C. (i) Software development & integration of differentrnodule & progress of various running schemes.

    4.8 MIS managementtraining andsupport &maintenance

    The Agency will help and support in data preparation andmigration, training. annual maintenance & supporl, facilitymanagement services etc. related to RSLDC's MIS/SkillI)evelopment Management System. And also development ofmissing link, necessary integration and required softwareand motrile apps in helping to develop efficiency of systemand requirements.

    4.9 ConsultancyServices

    Agency will be liable to provide consultancy services ondifferent subjects of skill eco-system as desired by MD,RSLDC i.e. - employment basis skilling sector, self-employment schemes, programmes monitoring andevaluation, Overse4s Placement Bureau (OPB), IIPL,


  • Entrepreneurship, Innovations & best practices to beadopted for the sector and plan to execute the same.

    4.10 Providing qualityservices bydeployingadequate andqualified resourcesfor RSLDC

    The agency will be responsible for providing high qualityservices to RSLDC by deploying qualilied resources as perrequirement of RFP document. (Refer Annex I & 2)

    4.1 I StatutoryCompliances

    RSLDC, being a govt. company. needs to comply with variouslaws. rules. etc. in addition to general company lar.v, HR andFinance manual. Incomc Tax Act, GSI- Act etc. l'he agencyshall provide- teclrnical/rnarragcrial assistancc tbr the same.

    4.12 KnowledgePartner

    The agerrcy will also work as the Knowledge Pamner ofRSLDC with certain defined roles to play as specified in theTOR.

    5 Eligibility Criteria The agency who is interested in being considered for thisassignment should fulfill the following eligibility criteria:-

    5.1 Mandatorv 5.1.r The Agency must be incorporated & registered in India, underthe Indian Companies Act or the t,imited Liability PartnershipAct and should be in operations in India for rninirnum of 3years.

    5.r.2 The Agerrcy shall not be blacklisted/debarred by an)'Cerrtral/State Government (Central/State Government andPublic Sector) or undcr a dcclaration of ineligibility for corruptor fiaudulcrrt practiccs (Annexure-6). This is in cornpliance ofsection 7 of RTPP act2012.

    5.1.3 The aggregate of the net profit of the agency during last threeFinancial years (14-15, l5-16, & 16-17) should be positive asrevealed by audited balance sheet.

    5.1.4 The agency should have helped in setting up ProgramManagement Systerns in at least 2 large scale projects ofrninimum INR l0 crore in total during the last three years(These may be projects with government. However, in case ofsetting of Programme Management System fbr tlreNational/State Govt.. both ongoing & completed projects shallbe considered where valuc of service contracts is >10 crores).Contracts ol- the naturc ol'purc IlR sLrpply shall not beconsidered as valid experience tbr the purpose.

    5.1.5 Should have minimum annualavg-rage turnover of Rs. 50 croreor above fbr the last th"6q,fii1#dai,yqutt tiom Consultancy and

    vli lI

    r.,.i"18$)i. .Tl


  • HR Business. This rnust betbr program management olgroup of Cornpanies.

    the individr-ral Company's turnoverrelevant projects and not that of

    5.1.6 The bidderManagement



    should be engaged inof State/Central Covt.in last 2 years (net

    bLrdget of INR 5.00 crore)


    Skill DevelopmentPrograrnme/Project

    5.1 .7 'l-he responding Cornpany must have on its rolls consulting stafF

    o1'at least 100 technically qualified personnel as on December

    31,2017 in the area of consulting services fbr Program / ProjectManagement. HR management, Financial Management, SkillDevelopment, Capacity Building, Security and IT procurementand who possess relevant degrees/credentials with priorexperience in providing the above consultancy services.

    5.2 Participation ofTPi PTA

    -f he existing Training Partners ('lP) /ProgrammeImplementation Agency (PIA) of RSLDC can participate in thebid process with a condition that they will cease to be TP orPlA, if selected as Agency.

    5.3 Conditional Bid Conditional bids rvill be summarily rejected.

    5.4 Mid-termperformancereview

    Perfbrmance of thc selected bidder will be reviewed after oneyear of the term of contract fbr the satisfaction of MD, RSLDC.

    6 Duration ofContract

    'l-he TOTAL duration of Consultancy Services will be TWOyears, and it will begin in .....,2018. Depending onannual performance review of the selected agency, andavailable budget, the contract can be extended for anotherTWO years with mutual agreement.

    7 Criteria forEvaluation of EOI

    Only those agencies need to apply which fulfills all eligibilitycriteria mentioned in the Eol cum RFP document.

    Agency or association of agencies. interested in beingconsidered fbr the assignment. shoLrld subrnit infbrrnation inthc fbrrnat indicated in the document.

    8 In case of bid byConsortium

    Only prime bidder shall be evaluated.


  • General lnstruction for Filling of Bid of e-procurment system

    1. The complete bidding document has been published on the website www.livelihoods.raiasthan.gov.in /www.sppp.raiasthan.sov.in & http://eproc.raiasthan.gov.in, for the purpose ofdownloading.

    2. Bidders who wish to participatehttp://eproc. ra iastha n.gov. in

    this bidding process must register


    To participate in online bidding process, Bidders must procure a Digital Signature Certificate (Typelll) as per lnformation Technology Act-2000 using which they can digitally sign their electronic bids.Bidders can procure the same from any CCA approved certifying agency, i.e. TCS, safecrypt, Ncodeetc. Bidders who already have a valid Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) need not procure a newDSC.

    A Two-stage selection procedure shall be adopted.

    Bidder (authorized signatory) shall submit their offer on-line in Electronic formats both forTechnical and financial proposal on eProc website http://eproc.raiasthan.gov.in. However, DD forTender/Bid Document Fees, EMD payable in favor of RAJASTHAN SKILL AND LIVELIHOODSDEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, payable at Jaipur and Processing Fees payable in favor ofManaging Director, RAJCOMP lnfo Services Limited, payable atJAlPUR. Tender/Bid Document fee,EMD and processing fee DD Should be submitted physically at the office of RAJASTHAN SKILL ANDLIVELIHOODS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, Jaipur and Scanned copy of same should also beuploaded along with the technical bid/ cover.

    RAJASTHAN SKILL AND LIVELIHOODS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, JAIPUR will not beresponsible for delay in online submission due to any reason. For this, bldders are requested toupload on eProc website http://eproc.raiasthan.gov.in. the complete bid well advance in time soas to avoid Last hour rush issues like slow speed; choking of web site due to heavy load or anyother unforeseen problems.

    Bidders are also advised to refer "Bidders Manual Kit" available at eProc website for further detailsabout the e-tendering process.

    Please note that a pre-bid meeting of prospectivebidding document, is scheduled as per the detailsobjective of this meeting is to address the queriesProject/ Bidding document.

    bidders, who have purchased the tender/specified in Notice lnviting Bid (NlB). Theof the prospective bidders related to the

    9. No contractual obligation whatsoever shall arise from the RFP/ bidding process unless and until aformal contract is signed and executed between the tendering authority and the successful Bidder.

    10. Training for the bidder on the usage of e-Tendering system (e-Procurement) is also being arrangedby RISL on regular basis. Bidder interested for training may contact e-Procurement Cell RISL forbooking the Training slot.

    a) Contact No. 0141-4022688/Helpline Help Desk Number 0L20-4200462.b) E-mail: [email protected]) Address: E-Procurement cell, RISL, Yojana Bhawan, Tilak Marg, C-Seheme,Jaipur.







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  • Section 2.

    A Instructions to Consultancy Agency/ Agency (ITC) and Data Sheet

    I Definitions l.l "Affiliate(s)" means an individual or an entity that directly orindirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under commoncontrol with the Agency.

    1.2 "Applicable Guidelines" means the policies of theCovernment of Rajasthan governing the selection andContract award process as set forth in this RFP.

    r.3 "Applicable Law" means the laws and any otherinstruments having the fbrce of law in the Client's country.as they may be issr-red and in fbrce tiom time to time.

    1.4 "Client" means the irnplementing agency (RSLDC) thatsigns the Contract for the Services with the selected Agency.

    1.5 "Consulting Agency/ Consultancy Agency/ Agency" meansa legally-established professional consulting firm or an entitythat rnay provide or provides the Services to the Client underthe Contract.

    1.6 "Contract" means a legally binding written agreementsigned between the Client and the Agency and includes allthe attached documents listed in Eol cum RFPDocument.

    t.1 "Data Sheet" rreans arr irrtegral paft of the Instn-rctionsto Consultancy' Agencl,/ Agency (l'fCi) Section 2 that is usedto reflect specilic country and assignmcnt conditions tosr-rpplement (but do not overwrite the conditions in ITC)

    r.8 "Day" means a calendar day.

    r.9 "Expefts" means, collectively, Key Experts, Non-KeyExperts, or any other personnel of the Consultancy Agency,Sub-consultancy agency or ioint Venture mernber(s).

    1.10 "Covernment" means the Government of Rajasthan.

    1.il "Joint Bidder" means the consorlium fbrmed by a groupof companies and have submitted the joint biddingagreement in the Proposal whereby all the members of theconsortium are.lointly & severally liable to the Client for theperfbnnance ol the Contract.

    1.12 "Key E,xpert(s)" means an individual prof-essional rvhoseskills, qualifications, knorvledge and experience are criticalto the perforrrrance of the Services under the Contract and as

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  • ffi Eol cum RFPenlisted in Eol cum RFPDocument.

    l.l3 "Non-Key E,xpert(s)" means an individual professionalprovided by the Consultancy Agency or its Sub-consultancyagcncv and lvho is trssigncd to perfbrrn the Services or anyparl thereol' under tlre Corrtract and lvlro is not a "keyexpert(s)".

    I.t4 "Levels" of Resources: All resources to be deployed byconsultancy agency will be classifled in one of the five levels(Ll+, Ll , L2+, L2, L3, L4) in descending order of level ofresponsibilities in PMCA.

    l.l5 "lTC"(this Section 2of the Eol cum RFP) means the" Instructions to Consultancy Agency/ Agency" thatprovides the resources with information needed to preparetheir Proposals.

    r.16 "LOl" (this Section I of the RFP) rreans the l-etter ofInvitation being sent by the Client to the Agency.

    t.t1 "Proposal" ureans the 'l'echnical Proposal and the FinancialProposal of the Consultancv Agency/ Consoftiums inresponse to the RFP.

    I .18 "RFP" means the Request fbr Proposals to be prepared bythe Client for the selection o1'Agency.

    l.l9 "Services" means the work to be performed by theConsultancy Agency pursuant to the Contract.

    1.20 "J'ORs" (this Section 3 of the RFP) means the Termsof Reference that explain the objectives, scope of work.activities, and tasks to be performed, respectiveresponsibilities of the Clierrt and the Agency. and expectedresults and delivcrables of the assignmcnt.

    "RSLD("' ahhrcviatiorrs Ra.iastltan Skill and f .ivelihoodsDevelopment Corporation the Client.


    1.22 "Authorized Representatives" means any action required orpermitted to be taken, and any document reqr-rired orperrnitted to be executed under this Contract by the Client orthe Agency may be taken or executed by the AuthorizedRepresentatives specified in sectiorr 4.

    1.23 "Prime Bidder/ Lead Member" declared by the bidder in caseof bid by consorlium and evaluated as per Eol cum RFP.



  • Eol cum RFP

    2 I ntroduction 2.t I'he Client narncd ir-r thc Data Sheet intcnds to selecta Consultancy Agency/ Agency. in accordance with themethod olselection specified in the Data Sheet.

    2.2 The Consultancy Agencies are invited to submit aTechnical proposal and a Financial Proposal as specified inthe Data Sheet, for consulting services required for theassignment named in the Data Sheet. The Proposal will bethe basis for negotiating and ultirnately signing the Contractwith the selected Agency.

    L.) The Consultancy Agency should familiarize themselveswith the local conditions and take them into account inpreparing their Proposals. including attending a pre-proposalconf'erence/ meeting if one is specified in the Data Sheet.Attencling any such pre-proposal conf-erence irneeting isoptional and is at the Agency's expensc.

    2.4 The Client will timely provide, at no cost to the Agencies,the inpLrts. relevant project data. and repofts required forthe preparation of the Agency's Proposal as specified in theData Sheet-

    J Conflict ofInterest

    . The Agency is required to provide professional,objective, and impartial advice, at all times holdingthe Client's interests paramount. strictly avoiding conflictswith other assignments or its own corporate interests, andacting without any consideration for future work.o The Agency has an obligation to disclose to the Clientany situation of actual or potential conflict that impacts itscapacity to serve the best interest of its Clienl. Failure todisclose such situations may lead to the disqualification ofthe Agency or the termination of its Contract.. WithoLrt limitation on the generality of the fbregoing,ancl unless stated otherlvise in the Data Slreet. the Agencyshall not be hired under the circumstances set forth below:

    3.1 Conflicting activities Conflict between consulting activities and procurement ofgoods. works or non-consulting services: a firrn that has beenengaged by the Client to provide goods, works, or non-consulting services fbr a project, or any of its Affiliates, shallbe disqualified fiom providing consulting services resultingfrom or directly related to those goods, works, or non-consulting services. Conversely, a firm hired to provideconsulting services for the preparation or implementation ofa project, or any of its Afflliates, shall be disqualified lromsubsequently providing goods or works or non-consultingservices resulting fiom or directly related to the consultingservices fbr such preparation or irnplementation.

    ).- Conflictingassignments

    Q qlfljplqrn o n g calr1llqlgAlltgl1lp1ls : a A ge n c y ( i n c I Lrd i n gits [rxpcrts and Sub-agencies) or any of its Affiliates shall not

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  • W Eo! cum RFPbe hired lbr any assignment that, by its nature, may be inconf'lict rvitlr another assignment of'the Agency fbr the sameor fbr anothcr Client.

    J.J Conflictingrelationships

    Relationship with the Client's staff: a Agency (includingits E,xperls and Sub-agencies) that has a close business ortamily relationship with a professional staff of RSLDC (orof the Client. or of irnplementing agency)who are directlyor indirectly involved in any part of (i) the preparation olthe Terms of Reference for the assignment, (ii) theselection process lor the Contract, or (iii) the supervision ofthe Contract, may not be awarded a Contract, unless theconf'lict sternming from this relationship has been resolvedin a manner acceptable to the Client throughout theselection process and the execution ofthe Contract.Any other types of conf'licting relationships as indicated inthe Data Sheet.

    4 Unfair CompetitiveAdvantage

    Fairness and transparency in the selection process requirethat the Agencies or their Afflliates competing fbr a specificassignnrent do not derive a cornpetitive advantage fiomhaving provided consulting services related to the assignmentin question. To that end, the Client shall indicate in the DataSheet and rnake available to all Agencies together with thisEol curn RFPall information that would in that respect givesuch Agency any unfair competitive advantage overcompeting Agencies.

    5 Corrupt andFraudulentPractices

    The RSLDC requires cornpliance with its policy in regard tocorrupt and fraudulent/ prohibited practices as set forthby the Govt. of Ra.lasthan (GoR).

    6 Inspection of Booksof Accounts

    In further pursuance of this policy. Agency shall permit andshall cause its agents. Experts. Sub-agencies. sub-contractors. services providers, or suppliers to permit tlreclient to inspcct all accounts, records, and otherdocurnents relating to the subtrission ol' the Proposal andcontract perlbrmancc (in case olan award), and to have thetttaudited by auditors appointed by the client.

    1 Eligibility7.1 It is the Agency's responsibility to ensure that its E,xperts.

    Consortium mernbers. Sub-consultancy agencies. agents(declared or not), sub-contractors, service providers.suppliers and/or their employees meet the eligibilityrequirements as established in the Eol cum RF P& TOR.

    1.2 Restrictions forGovernment-owned Enterprises

    .. \.,.

    As an exception to the foregoing Clauses 7. I above:Government-owned enterprises or institutions shall beeligible only if they can establish that they (i) are legally andfinancially autonomous, (ii) operate under commercial law.and (iii) that they are not dependent agencies of the Client

    fo ggtabl i sh:!g' UL], ty.llfq_ggl. tllent-owned enterpict:-t$B)\.'\/

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  • W Eol cum RFPinstitLrtion shor-rld provide all relevant documents (includingits charler) sufllcient to demonstrate that it is a legal entityseparate fiom the govcrntnent; it can acquire rights andliabilities, borrorv firnds. and can be liable fbr repayment ofdebts and be declared bankrupt;

    Restrictions forpublic employees

    7.2.1 Bidder should note that Government officials and civilservants of the CoR are not eligible to be included as E,xpertsin the Agency's Proposal unless such engagement does notconflict with any employment or other laws, regulations, orpolicies of the GoR, and they

    (i) are on leave of absence without pay, or haveresigned or retired;

    (ii) are not being hired by the same agency they wereworking fbr befbre going on leave of absence without pay.resigning. or retiring

    (in case olresigrration or retirement. for a period of at least 6(six) months, or the period established by statutoryprovisions applying to civil servants or governmentemployees in GoR. whichever is longer. E,xper"ts who areerrployed by the government-owned universities,educational or research institutions are not eligible unlessthey have been full time employees of their institutions for ayear or more prior to being included in Agency's Proposal.;and

    (iii) lheir hiring would not create a conf'lict of interest.

    8 Qualification to thebidder

    Bids may be submitted by either of the following categoriesof bidders only.

    8.1 Sole Bidder The Sole Bidder will be responsible fbr end to end scope olrvork given in this tender. The Sole Bidder cannot be a parlolan,v consortiurn fbr this tender.

    8.2 Consortium offirms:

    8.2. r Bids can be submitted by a consofiir_rm of tlrms and shallcornply with the follorving requirements:

    8.2.1 .l A properly executed agreement, legally enforceable in India,signed by all partners of the consoftium as per Annexure 4.The Joint bidding agreement shall be signed so as to belegally binding on all partners. One of the partners of consorlir-rm shall be nominated asPartner- in- Charge/Prime Bidder and this authorization shallbe evidenced by submitting a power of attorney signed bylegally authorized signatories of all the partners (Annexure-3).

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  • Eol cum RFP

    8.2. r .3 L .r;..-the Bidder Uiai-Uy tbrming ."rtr** then thefollowing guidelines shall be followed.

    The response to the Bid must contain a written declaration bythe competent authority of all the consoftium members that :

    . They have collectively agreed to respond to the Bid. They have nominated the named entity as the Prime Bidder(as the leader of the consortium) and his nomination shall beevidenced by submitting a letter of authorization signed bylegally authorized signatories of all the members of theconsortium as pcr Annexure 3 &7.

    8.2. r .5 The Prime Bidder is authorized to rcceive instructions orcommunications fiom Client and also authorized to incurliabilities. Prirne bidder slrall deliver all the provisions of thecontract on behalf ol'consofiium members. All members of the Consortiurn shall be responsible andliable severally for the execution of its respective Scope ofWork under Agreement between them. I{owever. they arejointly & severely liable for all activities under scope ofwork of this ToR with the terms and conditions of theagreement executed with the RSLDC.

    In case, consoftium fails, the entire responsibility to executethe Agreement shall fall on the lead member. l'he Consorliurn shall bc responsiblc fbr subrnission ofPerfbnnancc Guarantees unde r the Agreement.

    8.2. r.8 .I'he consortium has to be unique, i.e. neither the PrirneBidder nor the Consoftium Member can be parr of more thanone consortium. It rvill be Prime Bidder's responsibility to certify the workcompleted by the other consortium mernbers.

    8.2. r . l0 Payments shall only be released to the Prime Bidder againsthis Invoices as per the Price schedule. I The Prime Bidder should provide a declaration from all theconsortium rnernbers that they have full propefty right orrequisite rights to use all intellectual propefty / tools theypropose to sr"rpplv or usc in course of this projcct.

    8.2. t . t2 The Prirne Biddcr must provide in r.vritirrg the mechanism lor

    \ri\) ' i :.1/r,-i5

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  • decision making and dispute resolution among theConsortium members.

    8.2. r . t3 ln case of bid by consorlium only prime bidder shall beevaluated.



    Prepa ratio n _ot PI9!,9.

    General IConsiderations I


    l.l Salc ol' tendcV Bicl.lirrg Docutttcttl: L f.r.' .ot"pf .'* t ,aa,,-tgdocurnent would be available on the r.vebsites fbr the period as

    specified in the NIB. The prospective bidders are permitted todownload the bidding document from any of the specifiedwebsites but must pay the Cost of Tender/Bidi biddingdocument while submitting the E-bids.

    1.2 In preparing the Proposal, the Agency is expected toexamine the Eol curn RFPin detail. Material deficiencies inproviding the information requested in the RFP mayresult in rejection of the Proposal.

    ) Cost of Preparationof Proposal

    'l'he Agency shall bear all costs associated with thepreparation and submission ol its Proposal. and the Clientshall not be responsible or liable for those costs. regardless ofthe conduct or outcome of the sclection process. T'he Client isnot bound to accept any proposal. and reserves the right toannul the selection process at any tirne prior to Contractaward, without thereby incurring any liability to the Agency.

    J Language The Proposal, as well as all correspondence and documentsrelating to the Proposal exchanged between the Agencyand the Client shall be written in the language(s) specified inthe Data Sheet.

    4 DocumentsComprising theProposal

    4.1 -l'he Proposal shall comprise of the documents and fbrrnslisted in the Data Sheet.

    4.2 If specified in tlre Data Sheet, the Agency shall include astatelrent of an undeftaking of the Agency to observe, incompeting for and executing a contract, the Client country'slaws against fiaud and corruption (including bribery).

    5 Only One Proposal The Agency (including the individual membersof any consortium) shall submit only one proposal, eitherjn

    'ltf,"Oovl,l name or as part of a consortium. If a Agency,

    Eol cum RFPffi



  • W Eol cum RFPincluding any Joint Venture member, submits or participatesin more than one proposal, all such proposals shall bedisqual ifi ed and rejected.

    6 Proposal

    Validity6.1 The Data Sheet indicates the period during which

    the Agency's Proposal must remain valid after the Proposalsubmission deadlirre.

    6.2 During this period. thc Agency shall rnaintain its originalProposal r.vithout any change. including the proposed ratesand the total price.

    Extension ofValidity Period

    6.3. r Bids shall remain valid for the period of 120 days, asspecitied in NIB, after the bid subrnission deadline dateprescribed by the tendering authority. A bid valid for ashorter period shall be rejected by the tendering authority asnon-responsive bid.

    6.3.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of thebid validity period, the tendering authority may requestbidders to extend the period of validity of their Bids. TheEMD/bid security shall also be extended for a correspondingperiod. A biddcr ma1 reluse tlre request 'uvithout lbrf'eiting itsbid secLrrity i.e. EMD. A bidder granting the request shallnot be required or pernritted to modily its bid. The requestand the responses shall be made in writing.

    6.3.3 The Client will make its best effort to complete thenegotiations rvitlrin the proposal's validity period. Hor.vever.should the need arise, the Client may request. in writing. allAgencies who submitted Proposals prior to the submissiondeadline to extend the Proposals' validity.

    6.3.4 If the Agency agrees to extend the validity of its Proposal. itshall be done without any change in the original Proposal.

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    6.3.5 'ilre Agency has the right to refuse to extend the validity ofits Proposal in lvhich case such Proposal r.vill not be furlherevaluated.

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  • Eol cum RFP

    7 Sub-Contracting 'l"he Agency shall not be entitled to subcontract the Serviceswithout prior written consent of the Client. However, theAgency may outsource hiring of services of non-keypersonnel through one or more agencies/companies. Such anoutsourcing of hiring of services of non-key personnel shallnot dilute responsibility of the Agency regarding scope ofwork. RSLDC shall not have any responsibility towards theoutsourcing agencies. Such an outsourcing arrangement shallnot be considered as sub-contractins.

    8Earnest MoneyDeposit (EMD)

    8.1 Every bidder. if not exempted, participating in the biddingprocess must furnish the required earnest money deposit/bidsecurity as specified in the Notice Inviting Tender (1illT)NIB.

    8.2 EMD/bid security of a bidder lying with RSLDC inrespect of other bids awaiting decision will not beadjusted towards EMD for the fresh bids. The EMDoriginally deposited may, however, be taken intoconsideration in case bids are re-invited.

    8.3 Form of EMD: The EMD may be deposited in the forrn of abanker's cheque or demand dratt in fhvour ol' "RajasthanSkill and Livelihoods Development Corporation" payable at"Jaipur".

    8.4 Refund of EMD/bid security: The EMD/bid security ofunsuccessful bidders shall be refunded soon after finalacceptance ofbid and award ofcontract. In case ofsuccessfulbidder, the EMD. if feasible, may also be adjusted in arrivingat the amount of the Perfbrmance Security Deposit (pSD).

    9 Forfeiture ofEMD/bid security

    The EMD/bid security taken from the bidder shall be forfeitedin the lollou ing cases:-

    9.1 When the bidder rvithdraws or rnodifles his bid proposalafier opening of bids.

    9.2 When the bidder does not execute the agreement inaccordance with ITC after placement of order within thespecified time.




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    'Lr l 22

  • ffi Eol cum RFP9.3 Wlren the bidder fails to commence the supply of the goods

    and service as per purchase / work order/ Letter of Awardwithin the tirne prescribed.

    9.4 When the bidder does not deposit the security money afterthe purchase or rvork order is placed.

    9.5 To adjLrst any dues against the t'irm fiorn any otherconlract with RSl.DC.

    9.6 When the successful bidder fails to complete the Servicessatisfactorily within the time specified.

    9.1 If the successful bidder breaches any provision of tlre Codeof Integrity prescribed for Bidders in the RPPP Act andChapter VI of the Rules and ITC.

    l0 Pre-bid Meeting

    10.I The bidder or its official representative (not more than tworepresentative per bidder) is irrvited to attend the pre-bidnrccting as per thc dctails specified in NIB. The objective ofthis rrceting is to addrcss thc gencric queries ot'theprospective bidder related to bidding document.

    10.2 As a result of discussion in the pre-bid meeting. ifmodifications in the bidding document, specifications ofservices and/or goods are considered necessary, they may be

    done by issuing an addendum/corrigendum and its copiesshall be sent through Email/or other appropriate manner to all

    the bidders having purchased the bidding document. Thecorrigendum/addendurn and the Final bidding document. ifrequired. will be placed on the websites as specified in theNIB.

    r0.3 The tendering authority reserves the right not to respond toany/all queries raised or clariflcations sought if. in theiropinion and at their sole discretion. they consider that itrvould bc Irrappropriatc to do so or do not find any merit in it.

    10.4 Pre-Bid queries must be strictly submitted only in prescribed

    format as per Annexure-8.

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  • re Eol cum RFPr0.5 Clarification and

    Amendment of EoIcum RFP

    -l'he Agency may request a clarification of anyE,ol cum RFP during the period indicated in thebefore the Proposals submission deadline. Anyclarification must be sent in writing, or by standar,means. to the Client's address indicated in the IThe Client will respond in writing, or by standarrmeans, and will send written copies of th(including an explanation of the query but withoutits source) to all Agencies. Should the Cliernecessary to amend the EOI CUM RFPas aclarification. it shall do so fbllowing the procedurbclolv:

    10.5.1 A;lt ti;; ;,i;; i",r* a""arirJ"i;rbr*i""the tendering authority may amend the Bidding ri ssuing Corri gendum/ Addendum.

    10.5.2 Any Corrigendum/ Addendum issued shall be aBidding document and shall be communicated towriting or by uploading the details on the websitein the NIB, who have purchased the Bidding doon the websites specified in NIB.

    t0.5.3 Any change in date of submission and opening obe published in appropriate manner includingmentioned in the NIB.

    10.5.4 ll the arnendment is substantial, the Client rniproposal submission deadline to give the Agencitime to take an amendment into account in their

    10.5.5 The Agency may submit a modified Promodification to any parl of it at any time prior tosubmission deadline. No moditlcations to the '

    Financial Proposal shall be accepted after the dea

    ll Technical ProposalFormat andContent

    ll.l 'l'he 'l'echnical Proposal shall not inf-inancial infbrmatior-r. A l'echnical Proposalmaterial flnancial infbrmation shall be de,responsi ve.

    'any paft of ther the Data SheetAny request fbr

    andard electronic

    the Data Sheet.andard electronic

    cf the responseithout identityingClient deem it

    m a result of arcedure described

    r of the Bids,document by

    a part of theo all. either intes mentioned

    Cocument and

    f bids wouldtlre websites

    ay extend theies reasonable


    Proposal or arr to the proposal

    he T'echnical ordeadline.

    nclude anyll containingeclared non-



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    .,--*-_'1..,.'r 21

  • W Eol cum RFPn.2

    t2 Fina






    Depending on the nature of the assignment, the Agency isrequired to submit a Full Technical Proposal (FTP), asindicated in the Data Sheet and using the Standard Formsprovided in Section 4 of the EOI cum RFP.


    As parl of the proposal, Agcncics rvill be required to submitIrull Technical Proposals tl-rat nreet the evaluation criteria asdetailed in the RFP and Price proposals fbr Agency's Teamfbr providing the management services and priced offer forthe initial services, which is estimated to require deploymentof 122 resources.

    Subsequent additiorrs to the resources deployed based onadditional services. will be made at a rate determined onlevel wise man-month rate basis. This covers all broad areasand levels of experlise required for RSLDC.

    Consolidated/ I..unrp-sum quoted cost which include the cost

    ol'122 resources lcvcl as indicated in annexure-l and projectrranagerlent & consulting slrppoft services.

    The Financial Proposal shall be prepared using the StandardForms provided in Section 4 of the Eol Curn RI'-P. However.it will be submitted online only as per BOQ (Fin-2) and theFin- I is also to be submitted online onwww.eproc.ra.iasthan.gov.in portal. It shall list all costsassociated with the assignment, (including cost of ProjectManagement Consulting services and remuneration for levelwise E,xperls i.e. l-l+, Ll, L2+,L2,L3 &L4. indicated in theData Sheet and Annexure- I tbr 24 months.

    'tant toission ofcial Bid

    - \',, \..-$ \ i-'..-iP I r:l

    12.2.1 Bidder should take a note that the cost of consultingteam, core team, state team and district team includingexpcnses relating to project management, technicalsupport and knowledge management is to be quoted inlump-sum. This lump-sum amount shall be the basis forfinance bid evaluation.

    However, for additional requirement of any Level ofresources and for the purpose of calculation of deductibleamount for absence/unavailability of any resources thebidtler shall also have to provide resources wise i.e. Ll+,Ll . L2+, L,2. L3 & 1.4. man-month rate in the financial bid.

    r.- jiJ


  • Eol cum RFP

    Discrepancy in FIN-l and FIN-2

    12.2.1 Consolidated/Lump-sum Amount is to be qutform FIN-I and FIN-2. As mentioned above,the basis for selection of successful bidder obasis. Ideally there should not be any discrepadocuments. But in case of any discrepancy fouquoted in FIN -2 will be considered as Final bir

    12.3 Taxes 12.3.1 The Agency and its Sub-agencies andresponsible for meeting all tax liabilities arisinContract unless stated otherwise in the Data Shet

    12.3.2 The applicable taxes, shall be dedLrcted at soupayment to the Selected Bidder as per the law itirne cll'execution ol conlract.

    12.3.3 lf there would be any increase in the taxes (elevies. duties, fee and other charges during tenurtthe financial burden of the same shall be borne bAny revision in GST upward or downwards,RSLDC's account.

    12.4 Currency ofProposal

    The Agency may express the price fbr its Sercurrency or currencies as stated in the Data Sheetin the Data Sheet, the portion of the pricelocal cost shall be stated in the national currenc\

    12.5 Currency ofPayment

    The currency or currencies in lvhich payments slto thc selected bidder under this Contract shaRr-rpees (lNR) only.

    t2.6 Contract Price l*-c*i*.t -Pr,* -tl*li b. pad ;r tr"

    contract subject to any additions and adjustmenldeductions there from, as may be made pursContract.

    12.1 Operational Costof District Offices

    The operational cost for district offices shallmentioned in Terms of Reference (ToR)

    12.8 Price Validity andRate Escalation

    "fhe contract Price will remain unchanged duririnitial contract period (24 months). In case ofcontract period, the rate escalation shall be as peno. l2 ol"Data Shect".

    luoted in bothe, this shall be'on least costpancy in theseound, Amountbid.

    Ilxperts areing out of theeet.

    rce from then tbrce at the

    s (except GST),nure of contract,re by the bidder.

    rds, shall be to

    :rvices in thet. If indicated



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    be paid as

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    :r' ITC clause

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  • re Eol cum RFPC. Subm



    1.2 l-oranddeer



    l'ornrat sand Signdeemed Iaccepted

    ion, Opening and Evaluation

    ission ofrsals

    eid, ;*i b; ;il,n"J uy ;t,,; bidd.";[;.t .pr*website as indicatcd in the NIB or SubsequentCorrigendurn's. i I' any.

    l.l.l Normally, the date of submission and opening of bids wouldnot be extended. However, in exceptional circumstances orwhen the bidding document is required to be substantiallyrnodified as a result of discussions in pre-bid meting and thetime with the prospective bidders for preparation of bidsappears insufficient, the date may be extended by ManagingDirector of RAJASTHAN SKILL AND LIVELIHOODSDEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. JAIPUR and duepublicity to such change in date of submission of bids wouldbe given. ln such cases. it would be ensured that after issr-reol corrigendurr. reasonablc tirnc is available to the bidders toprepare and submit their bids. Any change in date ofsubmission and opening of bids would also be placed on therespective websites immediately. However, if themodifications in bidding document, specifications of goodsand service are substantial. fresh publication of original bidinquiry rnay also be issued.

    1.1.2 The tendering authority may, at its discretion, extend thedeadline for the submission of bids by amending the biddingdocument. in which case all rights and obligations of thetendering authority and bidders previously subject to thedeadline shall thereafter would be subject to the deadline asextended.

    at submissionigning of Bided to beted of T&C:

    I .2.1 The bid lbrms rvill be subrnitted online oneproc.rajasthan.gov.in portal only and shall be sigrred by dulyauthorized person. 'fhe submission of bid online shall bedeemed as acceptance of all the terms and conditions ofthe bidding document.

    ln case of authorization should accompanied with a boardresolution. in case of a company/power of attorney as perAnnexure-7.

    .#r L


  • w EorcumRFP

    t.2.2 'l'he bid. duly signed (digitally) by Authorizedshould be r-rploaded on the eproc portal in respfbrmat.

    1.2.3 Bids received by any other means shall not be accel

    1.2.4 If bids are not submitted as per the details mentiotbidding document and eProc website, the tenderin6

    shall reject the bid.

    1.3 Any modifications, revisions, interlineations, eoverwriting shall be valid only if they are signedby the person signing the Proposal.

    2 Confidentiality

    2.1 From the time the Proposals are opened to th,Contract is awarded. the Agency should not tClient on anv matter related to its Technical and/

  • Eol cum RFP

    In addition to the restrictions specified in Rule 77 of RTPPrules 2013 all informatiorr contained in this RFP should betreated as comrxercially confidential and the Agencies arerequired to lirnit dissemination on a need-to-know basis.Infbrrnation relating to evaluation of proposals andrecommendations concerning awards shall not be disclosedto the Agencies who submitted the Proposals or to otherpersons not officially concerned with the process, until thepublication of the award of Contract. The undue use by anyAgency of confldential irrfbrmation related to the processmay result in the rejection of its proposals.

    Opening ofTechnical Proposal

    Bid Opening/ Openirrg ol"fenders:

    TIre Clients E,valuation Committee will perforrn the bidopening, which is a critical event in the bidding process.

    The tendering authority shall conduct the bid opening at theaddress, date and time specified in the NIB.

    All the bids received up to the specified tirne and date irrresponse to all the bid inquiries shall be opened by themembers of the Clients Evaluation Cornmittee at thespecified place, date and tirne in the presence of bidders ortheir authorized representatives who may choose to bepresent. Alternatively, the bidders may also view the bidopening status/ process online at eProc rvebsite.

    All the docurnents corrprising of technical bid shall bedownloaded tiorl the eProc website (only fbr the bidder'swho have submitted the prescribed f-ee(s) to RAJASTHANSKIT-L AND I-IVEI-IHOODS DEVELOPMENTCORPORATION. JAIPUR.

    All the technical bid shall be downloaded at a time, and thefbllowing read out and recorded: the name of the bidder; thepresence of the RAJASTHAN SKILL AND LIVELIHOODSDEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, JAIPUR processingfee, tender f-ee, EMD and any other details as the tenderingauthority may consider appropriate.




    3.1. t


    3. r.3

    3.1 .4

    3. r.5

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    i P,s \1.i C' l,':\ ! ,'.f.':.;' .r*--"{^t'.,''...'-r ry.,,n11$f,r__*;----.-


  • Eol cum RFP

    rrd of the bidthe bidder and

    ender fee. andrresent shall be

    I have notechnical

    its Proposaldline. Whileconduct the'echnical and

    I evaluate' eligibilityta Sheet. Anot qualify

    RFP& Data

    nined to bere qualified in

    pursuant torn", and shallthe details on

    late. time and

    cal evaluationefunded aftercontract to the

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    3.1.6 'fhe Tendering authority shall prepare a recordopening that shall include, at least the name of the

    the presence or absence of processing f'ee. TendtEMD. The bidder's representatives 'uvho are prese

    reqr-rired to sign the attendance sheet.

    4 ProposalEvaluation

    4.1 The evaluators of the Technical Proposals shaaccess to the Financial Proposals until theeval uation is concluded.

    4.2'I'he Agency is not permitted to alter or modify itin any way after the proposal submission deadlevaluating the Proposals, the Client will ctevaluation solely on the basis of the submitted Ter

    Financial Proposals.

    5 Evaluation ofTechnical


    5.1 The Client's evaluation committee shallthe Technical Proposals on the basis ofParameters, specified in the Eol cum RIrP& Dat:

    Proposal shall be rejected at this stage if it does Itechnical requirements indicated in the Eol cum R


    5.2 The eligible bidders whose bid is determirsLrbstantially responsive shall be considered to be r

    the technical evaluation, unless disqualified pclause "Contlict of Interest" or "Disqualification'be infbrmed. either in writing or by uploading thtthe websites mentioned in the NIB. about the datplace of opening of their financial bids.

    5.3 The firms which could not qualify in technicalwill be informed about this f-act. EMD reftcompletion of the bid process i.e. award of the corbest value / successful bidder.


  • uation ofncial Proposals

    Eol cum RFP

    No change in the prices or substance of the bid shallsought, oflered, or permitted, by the tendering authoritythe evaluation of the Finarrcial Bid.

    inal tenl i a.riri u.,t I n-tn. Git* i *t propos, t butnot priced in the Financial Proposal shall be assumed to beincluded in thc prices of other activities or items. and nocorrections are tnadc to the Financial Proposal.

    ClarificationSeeking fromBidder

    Correction ofErrors


    6 EvalFina





    l ClariSeekiBiddr






    Following the evaluation of the Technical Proposals, theevaluation ol'financial proposal shall be based on Least costonly. The lowest bidder shall be invited to negotiate theContract. if required.

    lf Financial Proposals were invited together with theTechnical Proposals. the Financial Proposal of technicallyqualified Agencies (those have qualitied prescribedrninimurn tcclrrrical requirernerrts.) only will be downloadedonline by the Client's evaluation committee in the presenceof the bidders or their representatives who choose to bepresent. Alternatively. the bidders may also view theflnancial bid opening status/process online at eProc website.

    The process of openirrg of financial bid shall be similar tothat of technical bid.

    To evaluate a bid, the tendering authority shall consider bidprice is quoted in accordance with bidding document.

    1" ^;,tt rn th" ex"rnitt.r. .rrlratj",," c"rprr,*" ,-ldpost qualification o1'the bids. the tendering authority may. atits discretion, ask any bidder for a clarification of his bid.The tendering authority's request fbr clariflcation and theresponse shall be either in writing or by uploading the detailson the websites rnentioned in the NlB.

    Any clarification subrnitted by a bidder with regard to his bidthat is not in response to a request by the tendering authorityshall not be considered.

    . 't:.\

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  • M Eol cum RFP9 Taxes

    9.1 The Client's evaluation of the Agency'sProposal shall exclude taxes and duties inaccordance with the instructions in the Data Sheet

    9.2 I'he applicable taxes etc.. shall be deducted at s.he payment to the Selected Bidder as per the law

    l0 Disqualification'l'endering authority may at its sole discretion andduring the processing of bids, disqualify any biddthe bid process if the bidder:

    t0.l llas not submitted the bid in accordance withdocument.

    10.2 Has submitted bid without subrnitting the prescriFee, Processing Fee, EMD or the Bidder's arcerlificatei Power of Attorney.

    r0.3 Has imposed conditions in his bid

    r0.4 During validity of the bid or its extended periincreases his quoted prices.

    10.5 Il'dt ;"dc ,n''sl.'.rdili or l'alse rcp,.esentat'ulilstatements and attachmcnts submitted in prcel igibi lity requirements.

    10.6 Has failed to provide clarifications related thesought.

    10.7 Has submitted more than one bid.disqualification of all bids subrnittedincluding fbrf'eiture of the EMD.


    r0.8 Is found to canvass, inf'luence or attempt to influmanner fbr the qualification or selection procesrwithout lirnitation, by off'ering bribes or olgratification.

    D. Negotiations and Award

    I Negotiations

    t.l E,xcept in case of procurement by rnethod of siprocurement or procurement by cornpetitive rto the extent possible, no negotiations shall beafter the pre-Bid stage. All clarifications nrsought shall be sought in the pre-Bid stage itself.

    source fromv in fbrce.

    ind at any tirnedder/ bid fiom

    :ribed Tenderauthorization

    n the forms.roof ol the

    reto, when



    .o influence in anyprocess, including

    single sourcenegotiations,

    re conductedneeded to be

    \/"r di



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  • W Eo! cum RFP1.2






    2 Awa

    /,, i fti, !

    Negotiations rnay, however, be undeftaken only with thelowest Bidder under tlre following circumstances-i. when ring prices have been quoted by the Bidders for thesubject matter of procurement; orii. when the rates quoted vary considerably andconsidered much higher than the prevailing market rates.

    fh" gid -"rrlrutin,

    .;,r*itt. rt"ll l"r* t ll p"*.rr r"undertakc negotiations. Detailed reasons and results ofnegotialions shall be recordcd in the procecdings.

    'lhe lowest Bidder shall be inforrned about negotiations inwriting either through rnessenger or by registered letter ande-mail (if available). A minirnum time of seven days shall begiven tbr calling negotiations. [n case of urgency the Bidevaluation committee, after recording reasons. may reducethe time, provided the lowest Bidder has received theintimation and consented to holding of negotiations.

    Negotiations shall not make the original offer made by theBidder inoperative. l'he Bid evaluation committee shall haveoption to consider the original offer in case the Bidderdecides to increase rates original ly quoted or imposes anynew terms or conditions.

    In case of non-satisflactory aclrieverxent of rates fiorn lowestIlidder. the Bid evaluation cornmittce may choose to make awritten counter ol'fer to the lowest Biddcr and if this is notaccepted by him, the comrnittee may decide to reject andre-invite Bids or to make tlre same counter- offer tirst to thesecond lowest Bidder. then to the third lowest Bidder and soon in the order of their initial standing in the bid evaluationtill the counter offbr is accepted and supply order may beawarded to the Bidder who accepts the counter-oft'er.

    In case tlre rates even after the negotiations are consideredvery high, fresh Bids shall be invited.

    After completing the negotiations the Client shall sign theContract, publish the award information as per theinstructions in the Data Sheet;. 'l'he Agency is expected tocolnllence the assignment on the date and at the locatiorrspecilied irr the Data Sheet.

    rd of Contract

    i_.tr. ir,r:

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  • Eol cum RFP

    E Performance Security, Penalty and Liquidity Damages

    I PerformanceSecurity

    Deposit (PSD)

    l.l In case of successful/ selected bidder, the EMadjusted in arriving at the amount of the PSecurity Deposit (PSD).

    t.2 The successful/ selected bidder shall. within fifteer

    of the notit'ication of Contract award. provide aof the total agreed/ ordered project value f'cperfbnnance o1'the Contract in the amounts andspecified in the work order.

    r.3 The proceeds of the PSD shall be payable to tcompensation fbr any loss resulting from the Iselected bidder failure to complete its obligationsContract.

    1.4 Form of PSD PSD in the form of cash will not be accepted.deposited in the form of Bank Draft or Banker'sfavour of "Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods DeCorporation" payable at "Jaipur". TheProcurement Committee may also permit to ramount or part of PSD in the forrn of a Bank(Unconditional & Irrevocable), lt shall be in the lin annexure 5 contract forms, issued by a schedulIndia or as specitied in Bid Data Sheet. and shallfionr issuing bank. Successfirl Bidder havedeclaration in the fbrmat given as annexure 5. PtSecurity fLrrnished in the fbrm of Bank Guariremain valid for a period of 60 days beyond tcompletion of the services and all contractual obthe Agency.

    2 Refund of PSD The PSD shall be refunded after successful conthe engagement as per work order and/ or contra

    J Forfeiture of PSD PSD shall be fbrfeited in full or parl in the followi

    3. r When any tenns and condition of the contract is

    ) -.1- When the selected Bidder fails to commence supprraking the sr"rpplies or fail to provide deliverablespartially execuling the purchase/ work order.

    :n (15) daysa PSD 5%br the dueI currencies

    RSLDC assuccessful/s under the

    d. It may be''s Cheque inDevelopment

    concernedo accept fullrk Guaranteere lbrm givenJuled bank inrll be verifiedl to give aPerformance

    ,arantee shallI the date ofobligation of

    rnrpletion ofract


    upply or stopsrles after

    1lth '/(, 34

  • W Eo! cum RFPJ.J




    ). t




    7 Penal

    LI Penalreplarofa rr

    To adjust any dues against the firm from any othercontract with RSLDC.

    When successful bidder does not execute the agreement inaccordance with I'I'C.

    wiii,, ifli srrcccsslul biddcr lails to conrncncc th.-j Scrviccsas per Lettcr olAward within the tinre specified.

    When the successful bidder tails to complete the Servicessatistactorily within the time specified.

    Ifthe successful bidder breaches any provision ofthe Codeof Integrity prescribed tbr Bidders in the RPPP Act andChapter VI of the Rules and I'l-C.

    No interest will be paid by RSLDC on the amount of EMDand PSD.

    Proper notice rvill be given to the Selected Bidder withreasonable time bel'ore EMD/ PSD is forfeited. The decisionof the clierrt in the regard shall be flnal.

    Fort'eitLrre of EMI)/ PSD shall be rvithout prc.iudice to anyother right of RSLDC to claim any damages as admissibleunder the law as well as to take such action against theSelected Bidder such as severing future relation or blacklisting, etc.


    R"pl"..,".rt-f *t**=sih"ll g.**lly ;"t b. "ll"*"d-

    The replacement of resource by bidder will be allowed (rvithpenalty) only in case, the resource leaves the organization bysubmitting resignation with the present employer or can'tcontinue working due to medical reasons (supported byDoctor's Certificate) or due to any unavoidablecircumstances subject to tlre satisfaction o1'MD- RSLDC.

    lrr cusc ol' lailrrrc to ntcct llrc standards ot' tlte R-SLfXl(which includes cfficiency. cooperation, discipline andperfonnance) bidder may be asked to replace the resourcewithout any penalty fbr replacement/cxit.






  • Eol cum RFP

    iI. iepd;;a icio*. t"itt u. u.cietcct uy nsLoc ontv the tirlfllls the minimr-ur eligibilitl,criteria as per RFP and isfbund suitable to the satisfhction of RSt-DC. The outgoingresource should complete the knowledge transfer with thereplaced resource to the satisfaction of RSLDC and obtain nodues certificate. The bidding firm shall be allowed l5 daysto replace the resource.

    The payment for replaced resources will be made as perlevel wise man month rates quoted/agreed by the bidder.However, if the replaced resource does not meet theminimum eligibility criteria, payment will not be made forsuch replaced resource. If it has been released, it shall bead.jLrsted out ol next payment.

    '['he penalty per resollrce r.vould be imposed in case ofexit/replacernent of resource fiorn the project within belowmentioned period starting from the date of deployment ofrespective resource Levels as described in clause "ResourceDeployment Mix" of the RFP Document:1. For resources under Ll+ Levels'

    i. Within 6 Months- Rs. 2, 00,000 (Rupees Two Lac)ii. From 6 months to I Year- Rs. Rs. 1,00.000(Rupees One Lac)

    iii. From I Year to l8 Months- Rs. 60.000(Rupees Sixty Thousand)iv. After l8 Months to 2 Year- Rs. 40,000 (Rupeesfbrty Thousand)lf the agency is unable to replace r.vithin l5 daysadditional penalty of rupees 4000/- per day per resollrceshall be Ieviable.

    2. l'or resources under Ll Levels:i. Within 6 Months- Rs. l. 00.000 (Rupees One Lac)ii. From 6 months to I Year- Rs. Rs. 50,000 (RupeesFifty Thousand)iii. From I Yearto l8 Months- Rs.Thiny Thousand)iv. After l8 Months to 2 Year- Rs.Twenty Thousand)If the agency is unable to replace within l5 daysadditional penalty of rupees 20001- per day per resourceshall be leviable.

    30,000 (Rupees

    20.000 (Rupees

    ,'j' '


    '-'3;-;:-'; ! i i'' i t':ii ri;

    . t.--i.. / '> t*-,. 1.. .,.'


  • W Eol cum RFP3. For resources under L2+ Levels:

    i. Within 6 Months- Rs. 75,000 (Rupees Seventy FiveThousarrd)

    ii. From 6 months to I Year- Rs. Rs. 37.500 (RupeesThirty Seven J-housand I"ive Hundred)

    iii. Frorr I Year to l8 Months- Rs. 22,500 (RupeesTwenty l'wo Thousand Five I'lundred)

    iv. After l8 Months to 2 Year- Rs. 15,000 (RupeesFifteen Thousand)

    If the agency is unable to replace within l5 days additionalpenalty ofrupees 1500/- per day per resource shall beleviable.

    4. For resources under L2 Levels:i. Within 6 Months- Rs. 50,000 (Rupees Fifty Thousand)ii. From 6 months to I Year- Rs. Rs. 30,000 (RupeesThirty Thousand)iii. From I Year to l8 Months- Rs. 10,000 (Rupees TenThousand)

    iv. Afier l8 Monlhs to 2 Year- Rs. 5.000 (Rupees FiveThousand)

    If the agency is urrable to rcplace rvithin l5 days additionalpenalty of rupees 1000/- pcr day per resource shall beleviable.

    5. For resources under L3 Levels:i. Within 6 Months- Rs. 35,000 (Rupees Thirty fiveThousand)

    ii. From 6 months to I Year- Rs. Rs. 21.000 (RupeesTwenty One Thousand)iii. From I Year to l8 Months- Rs. 7,000 (Rupees SevenThousand)

    iv. After l8 Months to 2 Year- Rs. 3500 (Rupees ThreeThousand Five hundred)

    ll the agerrcy is unable to rcplace r,vithin l5 days additionalperralty olrupees 700/- per day per resource shall be leviable.6. F-or resourccs under 1,4 Levels:

    i. Within 6 Months- Rs. i,000 (Rupees Three Thousand)ii. From 6 months to I Year- Rs. Rs. 2,000 (Rupees Tr.vo'lhousand)

    iii. From I Year to lB Months- Rs. 1,000 (Rupees OneThousand)iv. After l8 Months to 2 Year- Rs. 5,00 (Rupees FiveHundred)

    If the agency is unable to replace within l5 days additionalpenalty ol' rupees 200/- per day per resource shall belevied.


    .'"}, )t.- J', ,\=,,.'..'i ir.l r3. 1

  • rc Eol cum RFP1 .t.6 No Penalty would be irnposed for replacement/r

    Oflrce boy/girl.

    1 .1.7 Horvever RSLDC is fiee to direct PMCA toresource at any time dr-rring contract periodpenalty by serving l5 days advance notice to Ager

    7.2 Penalty for absenceofa resource

    1.2.1 In the case of absence (apar1 from allowed leeresource during project period, no payment will btthe days a resource is absent (Per day paymetcalculated by dividing man month rate by number tdays in that month).

    1.2.2 In addition to above, a penalty per working day per

    will be levied on such absence fbr each resource Ledescribed in clause "Resource Deployment Mix" <RFP Docr-rrnent:

    l. For resources under L1+ l,evels: Rs. 400day per resource

    2. For resources under L1 Levels: Rs. 2000per resource

    3. For resources under L2+ Levels: Rs. 150per resource

    4. For resources under L2 Levels: Rs. 1000per resource

    5. For resources under L3 Levels: Rs. 500 Iresou rce

    6. For resources under L4 Levels: Rs. 200 Iper resource

    7.2.3 Fraction of a day in reckoning period in sr"rppleliminated if it is less than half a dav.

    1.2.4 No Penalty would be imposed fbr the Oftice boy /daily abscnce. however if any oftrce boy/girl ismore than 05 days, the bidder shall replaceboy/girl.

    7.2.5 Penalty would be deducted from the applicableAll applicable penalties will be in addition todamages as described in clause "Liquidity DamaRFP Document.

    1.3 Leave Policy 1.3.1 The objective of this policy is to ensure that emable to balance work and professional licornprom isi ng work conti nuity and discipl ine.

    of any

    relieve anyr,l'ithout any


    leaves) of abe made fbr

    rent will be:r of working

    per resource

    : Level asix" of the

    4000 per

    000 per day

    1500 per day

    000 per day

    i00 per day per

    00 per day

    ies shall be

    girl due toabsent forlhe offlce

    ble payments.to liquidated

    mages" of the

    Lployees are

    fe without

    -r) :

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  • Eol cum RFP

    I -).L The Resources should U. iiution.a ut f uipu, or arry ott er"locations across the State of Rajasthan as specified byRSI,DC.

    I .).-) Working shall be on six days week basis.

    1 .3.4 All District offices run by PMCA shall remain open onSaturday as working days and will work as ordinaryworking day due to SDCs functioning. PMCA resourcesdeployed in State HQ will attend office as usual onSaturday.

    7 .3.5 l'he Resource has to fbllow the working hours, r.vorking daysincluding Saturdays and IJolidays ol'Covernment ofRajasthan. Hor.vever resource shall be available on aholiday if so is reqr-rired by RS[.DC. Noextra paymentswill be made fbr working on cxtended hours / Sundays /Holidays to meet the conrnritted/reqLrired time schedules.

    1.3.6 Resource shall get prior approval of RSI,DC beforeleaving headquarter. even if it is on a holiday.

    1.3.1 Leave entitlement and computation will be effective fromdate of starl of project.

    7.3.8 A resource can avail maximum 24 leaves per year onpro-rata basis. A resource can avail 6 leaves in a quarler oncumulative basis. However, prior approval would be takenbefore proceeding on leave.

    1.3.9 Leave cannot bc clairled as an individual's right. E,xcept irrcase ol emergencies. all leave will be granted subject toRSLDC's requirerncnts. A situation will be considered anemergency on a case-to-casc basis and will be decidedby the Reporting/ Controlling officer.


    The objective of Attendance Monitoring mechanisrn is toensure that the Bidder's resoLlrces shall follow theoffice discipline and Procedure being followed at RSLDC.

    '....:-..*-,_..i (.:liarl-r, - --- ''.i.

    The Bidder's resources shall adhere to the office timing asfollowed in RSLDC. J'he attendance would be monitored asper the entry and exit time of the office house as specifiedby RSLDC.





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  • ffi Eol cum RFP


    'fhe daily attendance fbr the Resources would be monitored.based on the Biometriciapproved attendance monitoringsystem of RSLDC. The Bidder shall develop a suitablebiometric attendance monitoring mechanism for theresources deployed and on daily basis system generatedduly verilled attendance report shall be submitted toRSI,DC.

    E,xcept as provided under clause "Force Majeure", if theselected bidder fails to deliver Services within the periodspecified in the Contract, the RSLDC may withoutprejudice to all its other remedies under the Contract,deduct frorn the Contract Price, as liquidated damages, asum equivalent to the percentage specified in clause (9.4)below for delay until actual delivery, up to a rnaximumdeduction of the percentage specified in the biddingdocument and/ or contract. Once the maximum is reached.the RSLDC may terminate the Contract pursuant to clause"Termination".

    ln case of delay in commencement olservices (deployment)of a resource as per RFP, liqLridated damages shall beimposed on the basis of fbllowing percentages, calculatedon the basis of quoted/agreed rates of specific resource /resources or the duration of delay in appointment of thatspecific resource/resources for the duration of delay inappointrnent of that specific resource/resource.

    The time specified fbr delivery in the tender form shall bedeemed to be the essence of the contract and the selectedbidder shall arrange services within the specified period.

    Delivery period may be extended with or without liquidateddamages, if the delay in the supply of service is on accountof hirrdrances beyond the control of the selected bidder:i. The selected bidder shall request in writing to tenderingar"rthority giving reasons lor extending the delivery periodof service. if he flnds himself unable to complete the supplyol'service 'uvithin the stipLrlated delivery period. This requestshall be submitted as soon as a hindrance in deliveryof service occurs or within 15 days from suchoccurrence but before expiry of stipulated period ofdelivery of service after which such request shall not beentertained.

    ". .l/

    i[ \,\








  • Eol cum RFP

    ii. RSLDC shall examine the justification of causes ofhindrance in the delivery of service and the period of delayoccurred due to that and grant extension with or withoutliquidated damages.

    iii. If RSLDC agrees to extend the delivery period /schedule. an amendment to the contract with suitable denialclauses and with or without liquidated damages, as the casemay be, shall be issued. -lhe amendment letter shallrnention that no extra price or additional cost fbr anyreason. what so ever beyond the contracted cost shall bepaid tbr the delayed supply olservice.iv. It shall be at the discretion olthe concerned authority toaccept or not to accept the supply ol services rendered bythe contractor after the expiry of the stipulated deliveryperiod, if no formal extension in delivery period has beenapplied and granted. RSLDC shall have right to cancel thecontract with respect to undelivered service.v. If RSI-DC is in need of the service rendered after expiryof the stipulated delivery period. it rnay accept the servicesand issue a letter of extension in delivery period with usualliquidated damages and denial clauses to regularize thetransacti on.

    ln case of extension in commencement period is grantedwith full liquidated damages, the recovery shall be made onthe basis of lollolving percentages of the value of'servicesof specilic resourcc/rcsollrccs fbr the period of delay as perbid docurnent:-

    N Condition LD%

    a.Delay up to one fouth period of theprescribed delivery period

    2.5 %

    b.Delay exceeding one fourth but notexceeding half of the prescribed period

    5.0 %

    c. Delay exceeding half but not exceedingthree fourlh of the prescribed period

    1.5 %

    d. Delay exceeding three fourth of theprescribed period

    10.0 0

    ., .-L:''eri /ji"'\,

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    Fractiorr ol'a day in reckoning period in supplies shall beelirninated if it is less tlran half a day.


  • W Eol cum RFPThe maximum amount of liquidated damages shall be l0%of the value of services of specific resource/resources forthe period of delay.

    Delivery period may be extended with or without liquidateddamages if the delay is on account of hindrances beyond thecontrol of the bidder.

    No LD would be imposed fbr the Office boy / girl

    nny f .iqr-ti,tit.,t O.,"r-*; "ortO be deducted tiorn the rluepavment.

    Project Deliverables and Payment Terms & Schedule

    All (key & non-key)Resources): within 45issuance of work order.

    (State level resources & Districtcalendar days fiom the date of

    The Bidder shall be responsible to undertake variousactivities as specified in various sections of the RFP and asassigned by MD-RSLDC in quarterly meeting rvith PMCAfor all schernes and activities. In such meeting perfbrmanceand achieverrent ol pervious quarter will be reviewed andtarget fbr next quafter will be assigned.

    The performance of the PMC Agency will be judged on thebasis of work done against the agreed work plans. I'heAgency will prepare quafterly activity plans (including thework plans of Technical Assistance &. KnowledgeManagement) and share it with RSLDC. A joint quafterlymeeting with PMCA for all schemes & activities after firstquarter of contract. in these meetings quarterly progress willbe reviewed and for next quarter target will be allottedthroughout the contract period. It will be linked withpayment.

    The bidder shall be responsible to prepare and submitQuarte rly Progress Report (QPR) specifying variousactivitics / tasks perfbrrned by diffcrent team nrembers atvarious l.evels (i.c.t,l+. t-1, L2+. 1.2. l-3 and L4) to MD-RSLDC

    Based on the satisfactory perfbrmance ofdeployed by the Bidder, the QPR shall beRSLDC.

    the resourcesreviewed by

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    Commencement ofservices






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  • W Eol cum RFP3 Pavm







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    ent Schedule

    The payment will be made on quafterly basis basedupon acceptance of the Project Deliverables submitted bythe selected Bidder adhering to the target timelineand as per actual deployment of resources after receiptof the bill in triplicate and approval of the MD-RSI-DC.

    l-he Selectcd bidder shall subnrit the requisite deliverablesand satisfactorily'pcrfbn.n rvork as specified under theJ'ender to RSLDC.

    The requisite payment will be released by RSLDC uponacceptance of the project reports, attendance sheet,deliverables, approved QPR by MD-RSLDC andsatisfaction with lvork perforrned by the deployed resources.

    If the deliverables submitted/ work performed by the electedbidder is not acceptable to the RSLDC, payments shall notbe released to the Selected Bidder. This is withoutprejudicing the RSLDC's right to