16 1 N. Tenne ee B ulev r Murfree b r , TN 71 (61 ) 9 -1 4 www. intr e.r S s i Twenty Twenty Twenty Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 11, 2020 October 11, 2020 October 11, 2020 October 11, 2020 XXVIII Domingo Ordinario XXVIII Domingo Ordinario XXVIII Domingo Ordinario XXVIII Domingo Ordinario 11 de octubre de 2020 11 de octubre de 2020 11 de octubre de 2020 11 de octubre de 2020

1601 N. Santa Rosa de Lima · Santa Rosa de Lima TwentyTwentyTwenty----eighth Sunday in Ordinary Timeeighth Sunday in Ordinary Timeeighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 11, 2020

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Page 1: 1601 N. Santa Rosa de Lima · Santa Rosa de Lima TwentyTwentyTwenty----eighth Sunday in Ordinary Timeeighth Sunday in Ordinary Timeeighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 11, 2020

1601 N.




TN 37130

1601 N. Tennessee Boulevard � Murfreesboro, TN 37130 � (615) 893-1843 � www.saintrose.org

Santa Rosa de Lima

TwentyTwentyTwentyTwenty----eighth Sunday in Ordinary Timeeighth Sunday in Ordinary Timeeighth Sunday in Ordinary Timeeighth Sunday in Ordinary Time � October 11, 2020 October 11, 2020 October 11, 2020 October 11, 2020 XXVIII Domingo Ordinario XXVIII Domingo Ordinario XXVIII Domingo Ordinario XXVIII Domingo Ordinario 11 de octubre de 202011 de octubre de 202011 de octubre de 202011 de octubre de 2020 LIFT UP YOUR HEARTS!�

I want to take the opportunity to share with you some

information about the striking and devotional paintings in

the vestibule of the church. They have quite a story, both

artistically and devotionally. The painting of the Crucifixion

is titled:� Señor de Los Milagros. The original of this

painting has a miraculous and fascinating story. I

encourage you to learn more about it. In Peru, the month of

October is especially connected with the devotion to Christ

of the Miracles. A member of the Peruvian community in

Tennessee, Clorinda Bell, is the artist for this copy hanging

in Saint Rose and the other painting of the Blessed Virgin

Mary. She is a practitioner of a school of painting called the

Cuzco School of Religious Art, which is native to Peru. I am

sure you can notice its distinctive style. I hope to provide

more information on these paintings to be available in the

vestibule, but a brief introduction will have to suffice for


In any case, we are blessed to have these beautiful objects

of devotion in our church. On Sunday, October 18, we will

be pleased to welcome the artist and other members of

the Peruvian community in Tennessee at the 3 p.m.

Mass to celebrate the Señor de Los Milagros.�

The beautiful designs of Divine Providence are even more

amazing since Saint Rose, our heaven patroness, is

Peruvian! Praise God for His miracles!�


Quiero aprovechar para compartir con ustedes alguna

información sobre las pinturas llamativas y devocionales en

el vestíbulo de la iglesia. Tienen una gran historia, tanto

artística como devocionalmente. La pintura de la

Crucifixión se titula: Señor de Los Milagros. El original de

esta pintura tiene una historia milagrosa y fascinante. Te

animo a que aprendas más al respecto. En Perú, el mes de

octubre está especialmente relacionado con la devoción al

Cristo de los Milagros. Una miembro de la comunidad

peruana en Tennessee, Clorinda Bell, es la artista de esta

copia que cuelga en la Iglesia Santa Rosa y la otra pintura

de la Santísima Virgen María. Es practicante de una

escuela de pintura llamada Escuela de Arte Religioso de

Cuzco, que es originaria de Perú. Estoy seguro de que

puedes notar su estilo distintivo. Espero poder brindar más

información sobre estas pinturas que están en el vestíbulo,

pero una breve introducción será suficiente por ahora.�

En cualquier caso, tenemos la bendición de tener estos

hermosos objetos de devoción en nuestra iglesia. El

domingo 18 de octubre, tendremos el placer de dar la

bienvenida a la artista y otros miembros de la

comunidad peruana en Tennessee a las 3 p.m. Misa

para celebrar al Señor de Los Milagros.�

¡Los hermosos diseños de la Divina Providencia son aún

más sorprendentes ya que Santa Rosa, nuestra patrona

del cielo, es peruana! ¡Alabado sea Dios por sus milagros!�

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11 de octubre de 2020 �� � October 11, 2020�

���������������� � ����


Mass intentions will be honored, although times or dates may be altered. �

All Masses are public and at least one Mass each day is also on FB.�

The Masses designated as School are for the School students, faculty, and staff

only due to Covid. Thank you for your understanding.�


Sunday: Is 25:6�10a/Ps 23:1�3a, 3b�4, 5, 6 [6cd]/Phil 4:12�14, 19�20/Mt 22:1�14

or 22:1�10�

Monday: Gal 4:22�24, 26�27, 31�5:1/Ps 113:1b�2, 3�4, 5a and 6�7 [cf. 2]/Lk


Tuesday: Gal 5:1�6/Ps 119:41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48 [41a]/Lk 11:37�41�

Wednesday: Gal 5:18�25/Ps 1:1�2, 3, 4 and 6 [cf. Jn 8:12]/Lk 11:42�46�

Thursday: Eph 1:1�10/Ps 98:1, 2�3ab, 3cd�4, 5�6 [2a]/Lk 11:47�54�

Friday: Eph 1:11�14/Ps 33:1�2, 4�5, 12�13 [12]/Lk 12:1�7�

Saturday: Eph 1:15�23/Ps 8:2�3ab, 4�5, 6�7 [7]/Lk 12:8�12�

Next Sunday: Is 45:1, 4�6/Ps 96:1, 3, 4�5, 7�8, 9�10 [7b]/1 Thes 1:1�5b/Mt 22:15�


THE DIVINE MERCY CENACLE meets the 2nd and

4th�Monday�of the month from�9:30�11:30 am in Meeting Room

119. We study the Diary of St. Faustina, corresponding Bible

verses,�and the Catechism. We conclude with praying the Chaplet

of Divine Mercy.� For more information contact, Mary Fryz at�918�

606�0583. The Oct. 12 meeting has been canceled.�

The next meeting will be Monday, Oct. 26.�

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 � Twenty�Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time�

7:00 am�

8:30 am�

9:45 am�

11:00 am�

3:00 pm�

5:00 pm�



Priest’s Intention�

John and Josef Weiss�

Margaret Holzmer�

Kuan Ying Tang�

Intención del sacerdote�

Saint Rose Parishioners�


7:00 am�

8:10 am school�

12:00 pm�

The Terry Family�

Priest’s Intention�

Jeannie Thomas and Family�


7:00 am�

6:30 pm�

Chris Pietschmann�

Connie Marie Kimmel�

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 � St. Callistus I, Pope and Martyr�

7:00 am�

8:10 am school�

6:30 pm�

Sandra Middleton�

Priest’s Intention�

The Terry Family�

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 �St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin & Doctor of the Church�

7:00 am�

Samantha Church�

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16 � St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin�

7:00 am�

8:10 am school�

Holy Souls in Purgatory�

Saint Rose Parishioners�

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 � St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr�

8:00 am�

4:30 pm�

6:30 pm�




Eugene Loya�

Arthur Smith�

Fred Robert Middleton�

7:00 am�

8:30 am �

9:45 am�

11:00 am�

3:00 pm�

5:00 pm�


Priest’s Intention�

Jeanne Weiss�

Priest’s Intention�

Danny Graves�

Virginia Mirleles�

Saint Rose Parishioners�

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 � Twenty�ninth Sunday in OrdinaryTime�



7:00 am

8:30 am

9:45 am

9:45 am

11:00 am

2:00 pm

3:00 pm

5:00 pm

Mass - English

Mass - English

Mass - English


Mass - English (also livestream FB)


Misa en español (también

transmisión en vivo FB)

Mass - English


7:00 am

12:00 pm

Mass - English followed by Office

of Readings & Morning Prayer

(also livestream FB)

Mass - English


7:00 am

5:00 pm

6:30 pm

Mass - English followed by Office

of Readings & Morning Prayer

(also livestream FB)

Exposition of the Blessed

Sacrament and Confessions

Misa en español (también

transmisión en vivo FB)


7:00 am

5:00 pm

6:30 pm

Mass - English followed by Office

of Readings & Morning Prayer

(also livestream FB)

Exposition of the Blessed

Sacrament and Confessions

Mass - English-Rosary following



7:00 am

7:00 pm

Mass - English followed by Office

of Readings & Morning Prayer

(also livestream FB)

Adoration begins after Mass and

lasts until 8:00 pm

Luminous Thursday Examination

of Conscience and Confessions


7:00 am

Mass - English followed by Office

of Readings & Morning Prayer

(also livestream FB)

8:00 am

8:45 am

4:30 pm

6:30 pm

Mass - English (also livestream FB)


Vigil Mass - English

Vigil Mass - Misa en español �


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Twenty�eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time�

XXVIII Domingo Ordinario�




Weekly Regular Offertory �

Operating Deposits ................... 11,592

eGiving Deposits ………………..7,020

Total Collected…………..………..18,612

Designated Donations:�

Designated Deposits…………….1,546

eGiving Deposits ………………...1,541

Total Collected………...…...…….3,087

Total Collection:……………..21,699

Average Weekly Budget.………...38,058

Weekly Surplus / (Deficit)……....(16,358)

Year To Date Donations ...... 408,378

Extraordinary Donations

(not included in budget)……. ------

Total Year to Date ............. ......408,378

Year to Date Budget…………....494,750

Year to Date Surplus / Deficit….(86,372)

There were 2,873 registered families & 392

families that gave via check, envelope or eGiving.

During the month of September,

Saint Rose of Lima received

a�bequest from an estate. A portion

of the funds from the�bequest were

specifically designated to the parish

building fund.�A�separate amount

was also designated for a

scholarship fund that is�to be

managed and administered by the

parish.�Additional details�related to

the scholarship fund will be

forthcoming at a later date. �


Please remember the financial

needs of the parish. Our payroll and

bills continue so please continue to

support the parish.�

You may use this QR code or go to

www.saintrose.org and click on

Giving to give one time or to set up

recurring gifts. Online giving may

also be accessed through the

myParish app.�

"At Midnight I Rise to Praise You"�

For the time being, we will be suspending our

nocturnal�adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. I never want to

impose on those who have committed to an hour of adoration to

feel that they cannot leave because there is a gap in the

adorers.� I also never want to run the risk of leaving the Lord

Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament unaccompanied and

vulnerable. On a provisional basis, Adoration will begin at 8 a.m.

on Thursdays and continue until the end of the Luminous Thursday program in

the evening. That is usually 8 p.m. or a little later if the Evenings of Recollection

run longer. We will conclude with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.�

This is a time to step back, and, I hope, recommit to nocturnal adoration as a

parish with a renewed sense of why it is important and therefore why we want

to do�it! We need to understand the psalmist who says, "at midnight I rise to

praise you." Why is this important? Let's look into it more in the days to come

and pray for guidance. Then we can decide.�

� � � � � � � � � � � Faithfully, �� � � � � � � �

� � � � � � � � � � � � Fr. Baker��

BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL As a parish we are working towards our goal

for the 2020 Bishop's Annual Appeal for Ministries. We are currently at 71% of

our goal. We need YOUR help to reach our goal. You can give online

at�www.dioceseofnashville.com/appeal�or mail your gift straight to the Diocese.

Thank you for supporting the seminarians and ministries of our diocese on

behalf of our church community! �


Saint Rose is beginning a chapter of Fidelis, a formation program for young

women in middle school and high school. Fidelis equips young women to lead

lives of virtue. An organizational meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 27 at

6:00 pm. Location TBA. Those interested should contact

[email protected] or�[email protected]. �


Fraternus (formation for middle and high school boys) meets on Wednesday at

6:00 pm. Life Teen (formation for all high school students) meets on Thursday

night at 6:00pm. For more details contact�[email protected]. �

The Knights of Columbus will be

leading a rosary every Wednesday

after the 6:30 pm Mass during October.

Please join us in the Church!

Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School and Preschool��


Prospective Families for the 2021�2022 school year���

Tuesday, November 3rd�from�7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.��

Tours will be available anytime throughout the day.�

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11 de octubre de 2020 �� � October 11, 2020�


"A medianoche me levanto para alabarte "�

Por el momento, suspenderemos nuestra adoración nocturna al

Santísimo Sacramento. Nunca quiero imponer a quienes se han

comprometido con una hora de adoración a sentir que no pueden

irse porque hay un hueco en los adoradores. Tampoco quiero

correr el riesgo de dejar al Señor Jesús en el Santísimo

Sacramento sin compañía y vulnerable. De forma provisional, la

Adoración comenzará a las 8 a.m. los jueves y continuará hasta el final del

programa Jueves Luminoso por la noche. Eso suele ser a las 8 p.m. o un poco

más tarde si las Tardes del Recuerdo duran más. Concluiremos con la Bendición

del Santísimo Sacramento.�

Este es un momento para dar un paso atrás y, espero, volver a comprometernos

con la adoración nocturna como parroquia con un sentido renovado de por qué

es importante y, por lo tanto, ¡por qué queremos hacerlo! Necesitamos entender

al salmista que dice: "a medianoche me levanto para alabarte". ¿Porque es esto

importante? Investigámoslo más en los días venideros y oremos por que nos

guíe. Entonces podremos decidir.�


� � � El p. Baker�


La Despensa de Alimentos de Santa Rose está abierta para nuestros feligreses

y el público todos los martes y jueves de 10 am hasta el mediodía. Visítenos si

necesita comida o llame a la Oficina de la Iglesia al 615�893�1843.�

Ahora la Despensa está necesitada los siguientes alimentos no perecederos:�

verduras enlatadas: zanahorias, maíz, tomates cortados en cubitos, judías

verdes (ejotes), verduras mixtas, guisantes, frutas enlatadas, de todo tipo,

leche enlatada o en polvo.�

¡Su apoyo continuo es muy apreciado!�


Aquí hay tres áreas de "crecimiento" para el cuidado del tiempo y el talento que espero

que podamos expandir en la parroquia. Estoy agradecido por aquellos que ya están

ayudando en estas áreas y animo a más personas a participar para brindar aún más

servicio dentro de la parroquia. Tal vez hayas notado algunas áreas que necesitan algo

de "amor en los detalles". Si es así, entonces quizás esta sea una oportunidad para

crecer en el cuidado del tiempo y el talento de la parroquia.�

Cuidado y limpieza de iglesias y sacristías:�¡Ya existe un gran compromiso en esta

área, pero hay mucho más que nos gustaría hacer por el amor a Dios y por nuestra

comunidad! Siempre podemos usar a muchas más personas para mostrar "amor en los

detalles" en el cuidado de nuestra iglesia. Con las muchas Misas que estamos teniendo

estos días, sería de gran ayuda tener más participación para preparar, limpiar, guardar y

cuidar de todo en la iglesia.�

Jardinería y paisajismo:�Sé que tenemos el talento para embellecer los terrenos que

rodean la iglesia y la escuela. Se necesitan varios roles diferentes: todo, desde la

planificación y coordinación de los días de trabajo en grupo hasta la atención regular de

"amor en los detalles" al riego y el deshierbe, etc.�

Mejoras de las instalaciones:�hay áreas de nuestras instalaciones que necesitan un

poco de cariño para hacerlas más acogedoras. Ya se ha realizado una gran cantidad de

trabajo en el ala de nuestra sala de reuniones detrás de la iglesia, lo que la hace mucho

más atractiva y útil. Hay otras áreas en las que podríamos enfocarnos de la misma

manera. Estas actualizaciones no involucrarían grandes proyectos de construcción o de

capital, sino cosas como desorden o proyectos que pueden hacer aquellos con talentos

de reparadores o restauradores.�

Por favor, considere con espíritu de oración cómo podría ayudar de esta o de otras

formas. Si siente que Dios lo llama a compartir su tiempo y talento, comuníquese con

Amy en la oficina parroquial en:�[email protected]



Le agradeceríamos� que por favor

registren en su computadora o celular

la cantidad de personas que vayan

asistir� a la misa. Se necesita

registrarse para asistir a las misas con

horario sábado o domingo.�


A continuación le detallo las

instrucciones para registrarse.�

Find Spot by date� ��� Seleccionar�en

qué fecha piensa asistir�

Spot� � Espacio�

Time � Hora�

Filled � Capacidad�

Participants OP � Número�de

personas que van asistir a la misa��

Signup � Registro�

Mass � English� � Misa en Inglés�

Mass � Español�

Email � Correo electrónico�

Continue � Continuar�

Confirm� �� Confirmar�

Name � Nombre�

#of Spots � Cantidad de personas que

van asistir a la misa�

Email � Su correo electronico�

Phone � Telefono�

Save and Add another person� �

Guardar y agregar a otra persona�

Save and done� � Su registro está

guardado y completo��




Sábado, OCT. 31 a las 10:30 am�

Reúnase allí para el rosario y la Misa.

Traiga un picnic si lo desea.�

Paseé por el Santuario de la Virgen de los

Pobres, New Hope, TN�

Coordenadas GPS: 35 ° 1 ′ 39.4788 ”N,

85 ° 39 ′ 13.5540” W�

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Twenty�eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time�

XXVIII Domingo Ordinario�



Our role is to welcome Catholic women together in Spirituality and

Service. We look forward to meeting in person.� Until then please join us

at Monday Noon Mass for prayer. �

Contact Clare Cannon at 615�967�8907 or [email protected]


The purpose of our ministry is to unite all women of the parish through

service and fellowship with a commitment to women, children, and

families of Saint Rose Church & School. Our meetings are starting back

in the�JoCall room at 6:30pm with social distancing.�You are invited

to join us on the following dates for 2020:�11/5, 12/3�and for 2021:�1/7,

2/4, 3/4, 4/1, & 5/6.�At this time, we are NOT providing childcare. Please feel

free to bring your own dinner (no potlucks for now). In addition to formal

meetings, we love to plan fun events such as book clubs and get�togethers to

promote�community rooted in the Catholic faith.�Please follow us at�https://

www.facebook.com/groups/389799374766504�or search for Saint Rose

Women’s Ministry.� For any questions, contact Carolyn Cespino

at�[email protected].�

CELEBRATE LIFE!�Please pray for the women in our parish who are with

child.� If you or someone you know in our parish is pregnant or has recently had

a baby and would like to receive some meals to help out during this exciting time

of transition, please contact Patty Young at (270) 302�4927,

[email protected]�or�[email protected]. Meals for Moms is

offered by the Saint Rose Women’s Ministry as a way to help make this time a

little easier for our Saint Rose moms!�



and those in the community

having financial difficulties. We

provide limited monetary

assistance as funds allow and/or

referrals to other local resources.

All personal information is kept in

utmost confidence. Please call

BRIDGE at 615�692�0159 to leave

a confidential message. We meet

on Tuesdays between 9:30 a.m.

and 11:30 am. �

If you would like to donate to the

BRIDGE Ministry, please indicate

this in the memo area of your

check or on your monthly Choice

Gifts envelope. We could use your

help! If you are interested in

becoming a BRIDGE volunteer,

please contact the church office at

615�893�1843 for more

information. Kroger gift cards are

needed to assist with this ministry.

Please drop them off at the church

office. �


The Saint Rose Food

Pantry is open to our

parishioners and the

public every Tuesday

and Thursday from 10

am until noon. Please

stop by if you need

food or call the Church

Office at 615�893�1843 .�

The Pantry is currently in need of the

following non perishable food items:�

canned vegetables:�carrots, corn,

diced tomatoes, green beans,

mixed vegetables, peas, canned

fruit � all types, canned or dried

milk. �

Your continued support is greatly



Richard Alberts, Robert and Sharon Allocco, Kathleen Bacurin, Danielle Bates,

Gene Crook, Aubrey J. DeVine III, Bernice Doris, Michael Drislane, Georgia and

Larry England, Robert and Marilyn Formato, Dorothy Forton, Darlene Gaietto,

Janis Gibbons, Pat Gratkowski, Kathryn Hansel, Felipe Hernandez, Melissa

Herlevic, Ruth Hickie, Jackie Horan, Kennis Jung, Mary June Lavendar, Evelyn

Mason, Bill and Kay McCann, Lynn and David Miller, Cecile Moeker, Glen

Munns, Ralph Ritchie, William Schumacher, Michael Sandy Sumner, Hazel Van

de Hog, Genevieve Vanderslice, Louise Vanderwood, Craig and Donna

Whitcomb. �

Email [email protected] to add or remove someone on the list.�

P01231 4526 785 9:1 327196 87 8;5 <=0=9256 425=3:=8>153 �

E4567 H9:;5<=, S?9@< KABC:BD, J9BA< P5F49<, M5G?9C6

P5F49<, A6CH RABC, L@5B S9<G?CJ, C9:A65<C S544A<B,

KC<;966 T:5G?C66. Do you have an active duty military that you

would like added to this prayer list? Email [email protected] to

add or remove someone on the list.�


Anthony Hooper i, Gloria Kane i, Bob Carney i, Donald Wisehart i, Candyce

Corcoran i, Tamara Williams ii, Bill McCann ii, Barbara Teichmen ii, Annette

Pelland ii, Dale Pelland ii, Fran Vasilakis iii, Billy Lawrence iii, Olivia Diaz

Starace iii, Jane McNaulty de Lombana iii, Sandra Middleton iv, Tara Lane iv,

Mary Mullins iv, Evelyn Lane iv, Charles Lane iv, Early Gibson iv, Mary Meier

iv, Becky Fuchs iv, Peggi Bordash iv, Ken Pietrzyk iv, Stoma Speyrer iv. �

Names remain on this list for 4 weeks. Email [email protected] to add or remove

someone on the list.

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11 de octubre de 2020 �� � October 11, 2020�



Saint Rose will once again be providing weekend food bags

to children at Kittrell Elementary School who are in food

insecure households. We expect that the need will be

greater this year. We are in need of the following items:�

• Individual Envelopes of Kraft Easy Mac & Cheese�

����� (available at Publix,�Kroger & Walmart (6 envelopes in a box).�

• Milk • Chef Boyardee Pasta Bowls�

• Apple Juice boxes • Slim Jims • Protein Bars (10 grams)�


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) initiates

adults into the fullness of Catholic faith and practice. RCIA

meets every Tuesday from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in the Jo Call room. Childcare is not

provided. For more information, contact Dr. Smith at [email protected].�


Dr. Bill Jennings is facilitating a study of the book Bible Basics for Catholics on

Sundays at 9:45�am. Books will be provided for you. Join us in Meeting Room

119 (enter through the exterior Meeting Room doors). Meetings will follow

the�PSR Schedule. Masks and social distancing are required.�


The Office of Catechesis is offering an online catechism class for adults. The

class meets remotely once per week and classes are recorded for those who

cannot attend. The class meets on Wednesday at 6:30. This semester Adult

Catechism will cover�Morality, Conscience, and Virtue. Those interested in

taking the class should contact Dr. Smith at�[email protected].�


Speaker Series! Each talk will weave in one of C.S. Lewis' loves as

mentioned in his book “The Four Loves” and will discuss how we can apply

them in our daily lives. The series takes place on October 19 and 26 as well as

November 2 and 9. Attend the same talk at 10 am or 7 pm. Safety measures

will be in place and the talks will be held in Ascension Auditorium to

accommodate for social distancing. For more information contact the office

at�[email protected]


Are you or someone you know interested in giving their time and talent

to support our Church?��If you're a male age 18 or older and have been

searching for the perfect opportunity to practice Catholic stewardship

this year and bring hope to those who need it, look no further...JOIN

THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS!� Knights come from every stage of life, in

countless corners of the world.� Join us as we celebrate real role models in a

world that needs men who lead, serve, protect, and defend the Catholic

faith.� Put your FAITH INTO ACTION...JOIN�the KNIGHTS!�¿Hablas

español?�¡No hay problema! ¡Podemos llevar a cabo una ceremonia de grado

en español! �Grand Knight � Barry Lee; 201�874�0746 or�[email protected].���


The Journey Home is a place that helps the homeless and disadvantaged

residents of Rutherford County. They provide three meals a day, every day to

the people of Rutherford County that are struggling. Their goal is not only to

provide for individuals in need, but to get them jobs and in stable environments.

Our ministry prepares meals for the Journey Home almost monthly, usually the

last Tuesday or Thursday of the month.�The following remaining dates are the

2020 dates that we will be cooking lunch: Thursday � 10/29, Thursday � 12/31.�

If you feel called to assist, please join us on one of the dates from 9:00�11:30

am at The Journey Home: 308 W. Castle St., Murfreesboro, TN� 37129.� If you

have any questions or would like to join our ministry, please contact Suzie

Schulenberg at (615) 403�2837 or Kori Vagner at (615) 962�3831.�

Come check out the�Troops of Saint

George�at Saint Rose of Lima as we

begin our activities this month!�

Saint Rose of Lima enters its second

year�offering an opportunity for

Catholic boys between�the ages of

6�and 18 and their fathers. We are

expanding and becoming�much more

active this year!�We invite fathers

and sons to join us for a meeting

and join in the activities to see what

we are about!�

Looking for a life of adventure coupled

with virtue for your son? The Troops of

Saint George (TSG) is an�authentic

Catholic group�that�uses the

outdoors as a canvas, and the

sacraments as a path for formation,

friendship, and service to�the Church.

Meeting and camping/outdoor

events�allow boys and their fathers the

opportunity to work toward

achievements while


relationship and�cultivating new

friendships within the Catholic

community. Where fathers are not

available to join the TSG with their

sons, we welcome male guardians,

grandfathers, older brothers, uncles,

or another male role model.��

We meet�from 7�8:30�most Tuesdays

in the Youth and Young Adult Ministry

House (old rectory behind the parking

lot). Members may attend all

meetings, or as they are available.

Additional information is available at

troopsofsaintgeorge.org�or contact us

at [email protected].

Please check out these short but great

informational videos!�



Page 7: 1601 N. Santa Rosa de Lima · Santa Rosa de Lima TwentyTwentyTwenty----eighth Sunday in Ordinary Timeeighth Sunday in Ordinary Timeeighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 11, 2020


Twenty�eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time�

XXVIII Domingo Ordinario�


Deacon Dr. Bob McDonald: �

� A Senior Moment�

Saint Rose Radio is pleased to

announce a new, locally produced,

segment called�A Senior Moment with

Deacon Dr. Bob McDonald.�A three

minute meditation on the dignity of

growing older. Over 20 topics

specifically for seniors. You can hear

them at 5:57pm and any time 3

Minute Theology was played. 3

Minute Theology can be heard

through My Parish app and through

the diocese web site. Deacon

McDonald has talks with Lighthouse

ministry and happens to be the uncle

of Richard Richard. We hope you

enjoy his insights.� If you want a copy

of his talks please email Richard

at�[email protected]�who will be

glad to email them to you. As Deacon

McDonald says, “Gray power is pray

power”. �Enjoy.�

Saint Rose Radio livestreaming is

available online at www.saintrose.org

or through the myParish app on your

smartphone. If you are away from a

radio or our signal does not reach

you, consider livestreaming. It is

available anywhere!�

Pastor Rev. John Sims Baker

615-893-1843 [email protected]

Parochial Vicar Rev. Edwuin Cardona

615-893-1843 [email protected]

Parochial Vicar Rev. Juan Carlos García-

Mendoza 615-893-1843

[email protected]


Deacon Pete Semich 615-890-5146

Deacon John D’Amico 615-427-8968

Director of Catechesis

Ben Smith 615-893-1843 x 1067

[email protected]

PSR Administrator

Lynn Sigler 615-893-1843 x 1012

[email protected]

Youth Ministry and PSR

Nick Campos 615-893-1843 x1012

[email protected]

Music Director

Isaac Johnson 615-893-1843 x 1021

[email protected]

Business Manager

Kim Smith 615-893-1843 x1013

[email protected]


Jodi Jones 615-893-1843 x 1015

[email protected]

Bookkeeper (accounts payable)

José Cruz 615-893-1843 x 1014

Director of Stewardship & Administration

Amy Swartz 615-893-1843 x 1000

[email protected]

Sacraments/Administrative Assistant

Christina Bien 615-893-1843 x1001

[email protected]

Administrative Assistant (English & español)

Sandra Middleton 615-893-1843 x 1003

[email protected]

Principal of Saint Rose School

Sr. Catherine Marie, O.P. 615-898-0555

[email protected]

Saint Rose Preschool Director

Nicole Chauvin 615-896-2071

[email protected]

Saint Rose School/Preschool Admissions

Staci Rose 615-898-0555 x1017

[email protected]

Knights of Columbus Grand Knight

Barry Lee 201-874-0746

[email protected]

PRIEST EMERGENCY CONTACT Should you have an emergent

need for a priest after office hours, you may reach one by calling �

615�809�8736. If the priest does not answer, please leave a message. �



MTSU Catholic is conducting

organizational meeting online at

11.00 am on Wednesday, Oct. 14. �

If you are interested, contact �

Dr. Benjamin Smith at

[email protected] or check us out

on Facebook.�

Page 8: 1601 N. Santa Rosa de Lima · Santa Rosa de Lima TwentyTwentyTwenty----eighth Sunday in Ordinary Timeeighth Sunday in Ordinary Timeeighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 11, 2020


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