Army PROUDLY SERVING THE CAUSE OF PATRIOTISM National Sojourners Presentation of the Lodge of Military Tribute 15 February 2011 Navy Air Force Coast Guard Public Health NOAA

15 February 2011 - National Sojourners · *Present Flag pins to our visiting Veterans and Forget Me-Not pins to our Masonic Veterans. (The Deacons and Stewards present the honorees

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Page 1: 15 February 2011 - National Sojourners · *Present Flag pins to our visiting Veterans and Forget Me-Not pins to our Masonic Veterans. (The Deacons and Stewards present the honorees



National Sojourners Presentation of the

~ Lodge of Military Tribute Ceremony~

15 February 2011

Navy Air Force Coast Guard Public Health NOAA

Page 2: 15 February 2011 - National Sojourners · *Present Flag pins to our visiting Veterans and Forget Me-Not pins to our Masonic Veterans. (The Deacons and Stewards present the honorees


The following ceremony was introduced by Worshipful Brother Alvin 0. Benemerito of Long Pine Lodge No. 136, AF. & AM, Nebraska, in 2003 and copyrighted the same year. He has allowed the Grand Lodge of Nebraska to utilize this Ceremonial Ritual and approved this 2011 version for use by National Sojourners.

Instructions for Ceremony

1. Before performing this ceremony, ensure that your Grand Jurisdiction has authorized it.

2. Ceremony is to be performed only in Masonic Lodges.

3. Utilize Ceremony for Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, or other appropriate occasions.

4. Provide invitations to all local Veterans organizations (American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, etc., and Veterans Hospitals), and all military organizations (Active, Reserve and Guard units).

5. Invite civic leaders and families, whether Masonic or not, to ensure maximum participation by Masons and non-Masons alike.

6. Ensure maximum participation of all Masons and their families.

7. Flag and Forget-Me-Not pins are available from Headquarters, National Sojourners, Inc., at nominal cost.

8. Ensure maximum media coverage (Newspaper, Television, Radio, etc.) with advance contacts and information releases. Invite media representatives to attend the ceremony.

9. Ensure maximum utilization of appropriate information flyers. See Enclosure 3.

I 0. It is most desirable that refreshments be served after the ceremony.

11. Questions concerning ritual can be sent to Headquarters, National Sojourners, Inc., 8301 East Boulevard Drive, Alexandria, VA 22308, ([email protected]) and info Omaha Chapter #19 at [email protected] and [email protected].

Page 3: 15 February 2011 - National Sojourners · *Present Flag pins to our visiting Veterans and Forget Me-Not pins to our Masonic Veterans. (The Deacons and Stewards present the honorees

Lodge of Military Tribute Ceremony

W.:M.: Worshipful Master S.:W.: Senior Warden J.:W.: Junior Warden Sec. : Secretary Chap. : Chaplain Pianist/Organist/CD/Tape

Lodge Set-up

Casket flag (folded) on Altar left of Bible Chime for Low 12

Easel for Charter by Secretary's Table Lodge or National Sojourners Charter

Black Cloth to drape Charter


S.:D. : Senior Deacon J. :D.: Junior Deacon S.:S.: Senior Steward J.: S. : Junior Steward Bugler/CD/ Tape

(The Master introduces a Masonic or other dignitary to provide a few words of welcome.)


W .:M.: * (Master gives instructions concerning the use of the gavel during the ceremony.)

W.:lVI.: Since no Masonic undertaking should ever begin without first invoking the blessing of Deity, please rise and be reverently attentive while the Chaplain leads us in prayer. * * * (Uncovers)


Chap .: (Prayer can be any fitting prayer, but preferably something with a patriotic theme or use the following.) May the favor of God be over us all as we pay tribute to all the military men and women, who have so gallantly served our country, and may we never forget them and the sacrifices they and their families inade to preserve the freedom of this great nation. Amen.

All.: So Mote It Be.

W. :M .: Brother Senior Deacon.* Display the Great Lights of Masonry. (Senior Deacon displays the lights. After lights, Senior Deacon returns to seat, and the Master recovers.)

W .:M .: In the name of Lodge No I declare this Lodge of Military Tribute Ceremony open. * (Seats Lodge if they did not respond to rap of gavel.)

Flag Ceremony

W .: M .: Brother Senior Deacon. * Under the escort of the Senior and Junior Stewards, retire and present the flag of our country. (Group retires, as they return with flag, Master uncovers.) * * * (Ensure all salute the colors as they enter the Lodge. The Senior Deacon, flanked by the Stewards, will proceed to the front of the Senior Warden's station facing East, then march


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forward to the Altar. The Stewards form an arch with rods over the flag bearer in preparation for the National Anthem.)

W . :M .: Please join me in singing our National Anthem. (with music)

All: (Sing)

W. :M. : Brother Senior Deacon, post the colors. (Senior Deacon posts the colors in the East. After posting the colors, the Senior Deacon takes a step backwards, hand salutes. He and Stewards return to their positions.)

W . :M.: Please join me in saluting the flag of our country with the Pledge of Allegiance.

All: (Recite the Pledge of Allegiance.)

W. :M .: (The Master recovers and is seated) *

Forget-1\1.le-Not Lecture W. :M. : Now we will hear the Blue Forget-Me-Not Lecture, a unique history within World War II, which will be given by Brother . (Lecture may be read by Master or other officer.)

In Early 1934, soon after Hitler's rise to power, it became evident that Freemasonry was in danger. In that same year, the "Grand Lodge of the Sun" (one of the pre-war German Grand Lodges, located in Bayreuth) realizing the grave dangers involved, adopted the little blue Forget­Me-Not flower as a substitute for the traditional square and compass( es) . It was felt the flower would provide Brethren with an outward means of identification while lessening the risk of possible recognition in public by the Nazis, who were engaged in wholesale confiscation of all Masonic Lodge properties. Freemasonry went undercover, and this delicate flower assumed its role as a symbol of Masonry surviving throughout the reign of darkness.

During the ensuing decade of Nazi power, the little blue Forget-Me-Not flower, worn on a Brother's lapel, served as one method whereby Brethren could identify each other in public and in cities and concentration camps throughout Europe. The Forget-Me-Not distinguished the lapel of countless Brethren, who staunchly refused to allow the symbolic Light of Masonry to be completely extinguished.

When Past Grand Master Beyer reopened the "Grand Lodge of the Sun" in Bayreuth in 1947, a little pin in the shape of a Forget-Me-Not was officially adopted as the emblem of that first annual convention of the Brethren, who had survived the bitter years of semi-darkness, to rekindle the Masonic Light.

At the first Annual Convention of the new United Grand Lodge of Germany A: F.: & A: M.:, in 1948, the pin was adopted as an official Masonic emblem in honor of the thousands of valiant Brethren, who carried on their Masonic work under adverse conditions.

The following year, each delegate to the Conference of Grand Masters in Washington, D.C., received one from Dr. Theodor Vogel, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodges of Germany.

Thus did a simple flower blossom forth into a symbol of the fraternity, and become perhaps the most widely worn emblem among Freemasons in Germany; a pin presented ceremoniously to newly-made Masons in most of the Lodges of the American-Canadian Grand Lodge within the United Grand Lodges of Germany. In the years since adoption, its significance worldwide has


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been attested to by the tens of thousands of Brethren, who now display it with meaningful pride.

(From a presentation card issued by the American Canadian Grand Lodge A.: F.: & A.: M: within the United Grand Lodges of Germany.)

Honoring those who have served in the Armed Forces

W.:M.: Will all Veterans who served or are currently serving in the Armed Forces please rise and move to the Lodge floor? Beginning on my left, please state your name and branch of service. ·

W.:M.: Brothers Deacons and Stewards. *Present Flag pins to our visiting Veterans and Forget­Me-Not pins to our Masonic Veterans. (The Deacons and Stewards present the honorees with appropriate pins.)

W. :M.: Ladies, Friends, and Brethren, please rise*** and join me in giving this gallant group of Veterans our hearty appreciation for their service to our Country. Will all please return to their seats? * (All are seated)

W . :M.: In honor of our Veterans, Brother _____ will give the patriotic presentation.

Example of Presentation:

Worshipful Master, Brethren, ladies, and guests, it is my privilege to speak to you tonight about our Veterans and what they do in their communities. A definition of patriotism in the dictionary is "Love and loyalty, or zealous support of one's country." These are lofty goals. Today, I am going to focus on patriotism and what the Veterans do to help and the support they receive. Call it acts of patriotism, and Veterans helping Veterans. We recognize two days each year, which are the primary days to remember veterans. They are Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day. It is observed on the last Monday of May in honor of our dead. Veterans Day, originally Armistice Day, is observed on 11 November. It honors all Veterans, living and dead. Veterans should have more than just a day of recognition for their sacrifices while in service to their Country. The Veterans Administration (VA), now called the Department of Veterans Affairs, was formed to help Veterans and their families. On Memorial Day, you will find honor guards visiting cemeteries and memorial parks to honor our Veterans. On Veterans Day you will again find honor guards participating in ceremonies and activities related to Veterans. I am pleased to report that representatives of National, State, County, and City attend and participate in these ceremonies. Many patriotic citizens and Veterans attend these ceremonies. Patriotism seems to be hinged on how well the general public supports any given armed conflict. World War I was well supported and the Veterans were well received after it was over. World War II was even more strongly supported because the public was so enraged after Pearl Harbor that thousands volunteered to join the military. The draft was expanded, units of the guard and reserve were called to active duty and civilian industry was called upon to produce war goods at an increased rate. All efforts were supported by the civilian population and the war ended in victory in August 1945. Armed conflicts since have had a lesser degree of support. The Cold War began soon after World War II and was of little notice to the general public. Korea was a shooting war, the draft was implemented, and many of our fine young men did not return. · The Veterans of Korea did not receive the acceptance that was accorded their World War II comrades. Vietnam was much the same, but dissident groups were formed to


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display their displeasure of United States involvement. Let us never forget that Veterans served our country, not only by their personal sacrifices, but also those of their families. Remember many Veterans returned to become leaders of our communities and country. I urge you to think of them and their families with reverence and respect. We live free in our blessed country today because of their devotion to duty and the sacrifices imposed on them and their families. (Give National Sojourners Toast to the Flag if time permits-Enclosure 4.) Thank you for your attention.

(After the patriotic presentation prepare for the flag folding ceremony.)

Flag Folding Ceremony

W. :M.: Brothers and will fold the flag while Brother ___ _ delivers the flag folding lecture. (Lecture may be read)

Flag Folding Lecture

(This is one of several flag folding lectures that can be used in the ceremony. Pick the one that best fits your group. Remember that the first "two initial folds of the flag are to prepare for triangular folding and do not count for the reciting of folds. As the flag is folded, for each fold recite the following.)

Fold 1: The 13 stripes represent the original 13 States: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

Fold 2: The 50 stars represent our 50 States of the United States of America.

Fold 3: "I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death." (Patrick Henry)

Fold 4: "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman." (Thomas Paine)

Fold 5: "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. Among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." (Declaration ofindependence)

Fold 6: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America." (Preamble to United States Constitution)

Fold 7: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the peopl~ peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." (First Amendment)

Fold 8: "The basis of our political system is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government." (George Washington)



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Fold 9: "My God! How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy!" (Thomas Jefferson)

Fold 10: "Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." (Abraham Lincoln)

Fold 11: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door." (Emma Lazarus, inscription on the Statue of Liberty)

Fold 12: "Ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you .can do for your country." (John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

Fold 13: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

After the flag is folded and tucked in, it takes on the appearance of a cocked hat, ever reminding us of the soldiers who served under our Masonic Brother George Washington and the sailors and Marines who served under another Brother Mason, Captain John Paul Jones, preserving for us the rights, privileges, and freedoms that we enjoy today.

W. :M.: My Brothers, you will return the flag to the Altar, in remembrance of our departed Brethren.

(The flag is reverently laid on the Altar, after which the folders take one step backwards and hand salute. After saluting, they return to their seats.)

Honoring the Departed Veterans

W.:M.: Brother Senior Deacon. *You will drape the Charter in honor of the departed Veterans of this Lodge and all departed personnel who have served in the Armed Forces.

(The Senior Deacon reverently drapes the Charter and returns to his seat.)

W .:M.: ***(Uncovers) Please rise, be in an attitude of prayer, and observe a moment of silence in honor of those who have gone before us.

Lights are lowered in Lodge

W.:M.: Amen.

All: So Mote It Be (A1aster recovers.)

(The Worshipful Master advances to East of the Altar. At the same time, the Deacons approach the Altar and create an arch with their rods, under which the Worshipful Master delivers the fallowing oration.)

W. :M.: (Uncovers) Heavenly Father, we humbly request You enfold in Your arms of love and protection those who put their trust in You. Soft and safe be the earthly bed of our Brethren. Bright and glorious be their rising from it. Fragrant be the acacia sprig, and in the bright morning of the world's resurrection, may our souls spring into newness of life and expand into immortal beauty in realms beyond the skies. Until then, Dear Ladies, Friends and Brothers ... Farewell.


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(As the Master states Farewell, the Deacons drop their rods slowly to carry, all bowing reverently for Low Twelve.)

Low Twelve is Rung

(The Worshipful Master then recovers and returns to seat. The Deacons return to their seats.)


W. :M.: Brother Senior Deacon, attend the Altar. (Uncovers while Deacon attends Altar.)

(Senior Deacon attends Altar, and Master stays uncovered for TAPS.)

W.:M.: Sound TAPs

TAPS Played

(TAPS can be played either by live bugler or recorded music. After TAPS, the Master re-covers.)

W.:M.: We thank you for attending the ceremony, and may you have a safe journey to your homes and families. I now declare this Lodge of Military Tribute Ceremony closed. Please join us for refreshments. *


1. U.S. Air Force Academy Flag Folding Script

2. Boy Scouts of America Flag Folding Script

3. Lodge of Military Tribute Sample Flyer

4. National Sojourners Toast to the Flag


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Enclosure 1: U.S. Air Force Academy Alternate Flag-Folding Script #1

The first fold of our flag is a symbol of life.

The second fold is a symbol of our belief in the eternal life.

The third fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veterans departing our ranks who have given a portion of life for the defense of our country to attain peace throughout the world.

The fourth fold represents our weaker nature, for as American citizens trusting in God, it is to Him that we turn in times of peace as well as in times of war for His divining guidance.

The fifth fold is a tribute to our country, for in the words of Stephen Decatur, "Our Country, in dealing with other countries - may she always be right, but it is still our country, right or wrong."

The sixth fold is for when "we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. II

The seventh fold is a tribute to our Armed Forces, for it is through the Armed Forces that we protect our country and our flag against all enemies, whether they are found within or without the boundaries of our republic.

The eighth fold is a tribute to the One, who entered into the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day, and to honor our mothers, for home it flies on Mother's Day.

The ninth fold is a tribute to womanhood, for it has been through faith, love, loyalty and devotion that the character of the men and women who have made this country great have been molded.

The tenth fold is a tribute to fathers, for they too have given their sons and daughters for the defense of our country.

The eleventh fold, in the eyes of Hebrew citizens, represents the lower portion of the seal of King David and King Solomon and glorifies in their eyes the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Joseph.

The twelfth fold, in the eyes of a Christian citizen, represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in their eyes, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

When the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost, reminding us of our national motto, "In God We Trust. 11

(Wait for the Honor Guard or Flag Detail to inspect the flag-after the inspection, resume reading.)

After the flag is folded and tucked in, it takes on the appearance of a cocked hat, ever reminding us of the soldiers who served under our Masonic brother George Washington and the sailors and marines who served under another brother Mason, Captain John Paul Jones who were followed by the comrades and shipmates in the Armed Forces of the United States, preserving for us the rights, privileges, and freedoms that we enjoy today.


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Enclosure 2: Boy Scouts of America Alternate Script #2

Fold #1 In honor of the thirteen original colonies and our forefathers who founded this great nation, we salute you.

Fold #2 To the men who died in the War for Independence, we salute you.

Fold #3 To those men who fell in the War of 1812, to preserve our freedom, we salute you.

Fold #4 To the brave soldiers on both sides, The North and The South, in the Civil War, we salute you.

Fold #5 To those who shed their blood in the name of hope and freedom in The Great War, we salute you.

Fold #6 For our fathers and sons who died in the terrible battles of World War Two, Pearl Harbor, Anzio, Midway, The Bulge, Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal, Normandy, and Berlin, we salute you.

Fold #7 To the men of the First Marine Division, who, in a rear guard action at the Cho sin Reservoir in Korea saved their battalion and the lives of their brother Marines, we salute you.

Fold #8 For the brave men and women of our armed forces who died on the fields of fire in Vietnam and whose names will live on forever on that hallowed wall, we salute you.

Fold #9 For our commander in chief, who leads our Nation in good times and bad, we salute you.

Fold #10 For the Boy Scouts of America and all the Scouts who have gone before us, we salute you.

Fold #11 To God, our parents, and our families who we love and respect, we salute you.

Fold #12 To the men and women of our armed forces, the Arsenal of Democracy and the Hammer of Freedom, we salute you.

Fold #13 And last, to freedom, because without freedom there is no honor, without honor, we are not Americans, and on this we vow, that as long as this flag flies, we salute you.


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Enclosure 3: Toast to the Flag Written in 1917 by John Daly (1888-1976)

Here's to the Red of it -There's not a thread of it,

No, nor a shread of it In all the spread of it,

From foot to head. But heroes bled for it,

Faced steel and lead for it, Precious blood shed for it,

Bathing it Red!

Here's to the White of it -Thrilled by the sight of it, Who knows the right of it But feels the might of it Through day and night?

Womanhood's care for it Made manhood dare for it,

Purity's prayer for it Keeps it so White!

Here's to the Blue of it -Beauteous view of it, Heavenly hue of it,

Star-spangled dew of it Constant and true;

Diadems gleam for it, States stand supreme for it,

Liberty's beam for it Brightens the Blue!

Here's to the Whole of it -Stars, stripes and pole of it,

Body and soul of it 0, and the roll of it, Sun shining through;

Hearts in accord for it, Swear by the sword for it, Thanking the Lord for it,

Red, White and Blue!


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REFRESHMENTS FOLLOWING THE CEREMONY: Call ( ) _____ and let us know the number of persons in your group attending. This will allow us to plan accordingly. If no answer, please leave a message. THANK YOU