12 Angry Men

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12 lessons from 12 Angry MenFiled under: Happenings 7 CommentsMarch 19, 2012 4 0 Rate This

I recently saw this movie 12 Angry Men and was cursing myself for not seeing it before. Sleep is a bitch it doesnt come when you need it, especially when you have a 9AM class in the morning, you never get to sleep before 4AM. So I started this movie around 330AM in the morning thinking that I can fall asleep at least watching this black and white movie. At the end of it, time was 530AM and I was speechless. A single room, only 20 people were the total cast of the movie but WOW. The lessons to learn from this are a dozen which I have listed down.Angry Men

Lessons from them!

Spoiler Alert. If you want the lessons read the headings alone, if you want the examples of where all the lessons can come into play read the description as well!1. What seems obvious need not be true/correct

You realize this rule the moment you mark the first option as an answer for a multiple choice question thinking that it is the obvious answer but it is never the correct answer. :P2. Believe in your instincts.

Sometimes, you mark an answer instinctively but then you go back to it do a lot of thinking over it, use your Brain and then change it just to get it wrong. So always go with your instincts.3. Stand up for what you believe.

If you believe in something please stand up for it but not when you are too drunk!4. Dont let your prejudice influence your decisions.

If you dont like a subject fine but do read for the subject before exam. Your decision of not reading because of your prejudice against the subject will result in heavy prayers just before the results.5. Pay attention to details.

Check the minute details in the bill at a restaurant after you eat. Always there is this one plate of extra chicken tikka or one extra beer which you never had in the bill.6. Accept the facts even if they are against your beliefs.

You may strongly believe that you can write an entire report for the assignment on your own. But accept the fact and dont waste time use GOOGLE.7. Nothing wrong in changing your decision than hanging on to a bad one.

You see your neighbors answer paper and the answer is different from yours then please go ahead and change it. Dont stick on to yours!8. Give others a chance to explain their stand.

Your friend would have made the biggest mistake of not inviting you for a beer party or of not sharing the question paper with you on the previous night of an exam but give him a chance to explain before bashing him up.9. Take a risk, it pays off.

Bunk a class sometimes though you hear rumours of in class evaluation, you may have missed the most boring lecture which had no in class evaluation but you would have had the best 2 hours of sleep!10. Getting angry doesnt help

If you are caught copying in an exam, plead dont get angry!11. Have concern for others.

If all are planning for mass bunk co-operate with everyone and make it happen. You may not gain anything but a little concern for others will help!12. Have Hope.

Have hope that you will get a job that you like!P.S: Here goes my usual Post Script notes, the blog in no means tries to make fun of the movie 12 Angry Men. I really enjoyed watching it and it is truly one of the classics of all time. If you had not seen it I strongly recommend you to watch it.P.P.S: However, the lessons above will hold true in all cases but the experiences may not. Strict advisory and parental control is suggested if you are trying out the experience. If you had read only the headings scroll up and read the descriptions ,then come back to the PPS.Pass On!