Radical Honoursty P O Box 5042 George East, 6539 Tel: (071) 170 1954 AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS Leader: Jacob Zuma Dear Pres. Jacob Zuma & ANC MP’s & Officials, Problem Solving Leadership Survey: Request for Information: I am in the process of researching Problem Solving Leadership, what it is, and is not; and how it is different from Parasite Leeching (Fake Problem Solving) Leadership. I am attempting to determine whether there are any South African Political Party Officials in any of South Africa’s Political Party’s whose (A) Public Service motivation is Problem Solving; and (B) have practiced Problem Solving leadership. ‘If I had one hour to save the world I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem and only five minutes finding the solution.’ – Albert Einstein Definition / Put Simply: Problem solving leadership only acts towards solving any problem to enable the problem to be clearly and succinctly defined; i.e. the root cause of the problem cleary and succinctly identified. Fanclubs and followers are eschewed, advice and suggestions towards clearly defining the problem are accepted based purely on merit of the suggestions, irrespective of individuals social-standing.

12-02-28: ANC: Problem Solving vs Kaffir Parasite Leeching Survey

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12-02-28: ANC: Problem Solving vs Kaffir Parasite Leeching Survey

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Radical Honoursty

P O Box 5042 George East, 6539

Tel: (071) 170 1954

AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS Leader: Jacob Zuma Dear Pres. Jacob Zuma & ANC MP’s & Officials,

Problem Solving Leadership Survey: Request for Information: I am in the process of researching Problem Solving Leadership, what it is, and is not; and how it is different from Parasite Leeching (Fake Problem Solving) Leadership. I am attempting to determine whether there are any South African Political Party Officials in any of South Africa’s Political Party’s whose (A) Public Service motivation is Problem Solving; and (B) have practiced Problem Solving leadership.

‘If I had one hour to save the world I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem and only five minutes finding the solution.’ – Albert Einstein

Definition / Put Simply: Problem solving leadership only acts towards solving any problem to enable the problem to be clearly and succinctly defined; i.e. the root cause of the problem cleary and succinctly identified. Fanclubs and followers are eschewed, advice and suggestions towards clearly defining the problem are accepted based purely on merit of the suggestions, irrespective of individuals social-standing.

Parasitical Leeching Leadership generally choose some kind of ideology whereby they vaguely and ambiguously pretend to solve vague and abstract problems; while the predominant motive is to grow themselves a fan club/following, for their own socio-political or economic benefit. Their Parasite Leadership ‘problem solving’ deliberately avoids any focus on clearly defining any problem, or any investigation of the root cause of the problem. Their primary focus is to divert their fan clubs attention towards the symptoms of the problem, using emotional blame game language focussed on another Parasitical Leeching Leaders fan club. Such Parasitical Leeching leaders – like WWF Wrestlers – thereby entrench the Parasitical Leeching Leadership paradigm (Fake Left Wing v Right Wing Political Paradigm Explained1). Put differently: The bath is overflowing, Parasitical Leeching Leaders focus their fan club on endlessly mopping up the floor; who is mopping, who isn’t, etc. All attention towards defining the problem as the running tap is strictly avoided, including vilifying anyone who even mentions the possibility of a tap leaking being the source of the problem. The focus is to perpetuate the problem indefinitely while socio-politically exploiting the problem for personal gain, by means of manipulating the emotions of ‘followers’, related to the symptoms of the problem. Ninety-Nine percent of the worlds so-called ‘leadership’ is PARASITE LEECHING LEADERSHIP.

Survey Questions:

1. What is your Political Party’s definition of (A) leadership and (B) Forgiveness and Reconciliation (SA’s Toxic TRC Forgiveness: Undefined2)?

2. Do you recognize the difference between Problem Solving Leadership and Parasitical Leeching Leadership?

3. If there is a conflict between: Your Political Party’s Edward Bernays ‘Bullshit the Public’ Relations Image and Problem Solving Leadership; which is your priority?

4. Which Problem Solving Individuals, Organisations or Cultures do you liaise with?

Respectfully Submitted,

Lara Johnstone Radical Honoursty | SQ Worm Sosiety www.sqworms.co.nr

1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMPAfDHEFbQ 2 SA's Toxic TRC Fraud: Forgiveness Undefined: Is TRC S.A. 'Forgiveness': (i) Catholic: Indulgences 4 Sale; (ii) Lutheran: Spiritual Redemption; or (iii) Black Liberation Theology: Fanon Violence on Rotting Corpses of Settlers? [1] http://youtu.be/MuJpW81Y7bA [2] http://youtu.be/eqoaNPhCb7w