11.3 Turkish Empires: Rise in Anatolia

11.3 Turkish Empires: Rise in Anatolia. The Rise of the Turks Abbasids (Islamic Dynasty) –Began to buy Turkish children and slaves for their skill and

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11.3 Turkish Empires: Rise in Anatolia

The Rise of the Turks

• Abbasids (Islamic Dynasty) – Began to buy Turkish children and slaves for

their skill and loyalty• Mameluks

– Seljuks- Islamic Turk who migrated into the weakened Abbasid Empire

The Rise of the Turks• Important dates

– 945 – Abbasids lose the city of Baghdad to the Persians.

– 1055- Seljuk's grow in number and strength, take over Baghdad from the Persians.

– 1071- Battle of Manzikert- • Seljuks defeat Byzantines for much of Anatolia

The Rise of the Turks

• Persia is the Main Foundation of the Seljuk Empire– Adapt Persian capital- Isfahan– Appoints may Persians as officials– Adopted Persian Culture

• religion, education, • Arts, and architecture

The Rise of the Turks

• Malik Shah– Famous prime minister

• Brought great growth in arts and architecture

– Dies suddenly-• Empire breaks into

weaker kingdoms

Seljuk Confrontation

• Crusades– 1095- Pope Urban II sent

armies to reclaim Christian holy lands from the Muslims.

• Mongols– 1258- Troops take

Baghdad • Burn palace and killed tens

of thousands