" I , ~ I i j ! , ( ) " 0, ." \ \. ( II I' III ,-l ~ City To Hold Public Hearing " !"\i ~1 )'" ~ .l.l ... ~.., , In.ng orrl- lilli, Ipl- d\ "rg \\ h eh "ould .'rrr"ol\ I .... \,r""l'(' rr')\\d.,d condl" tl')n=: 1.... ""(hoo1 .. ao11 h;rd('I"~ to r. ~ i ~.. , \1-,;:a .... t.. (.t"-:1tg al ri. 'iA' th <;1 .I,,(t~ c:, ..... r'" rrLnk: t .... a. 'PI "'lj'"\ l':.\. 0 \.r"r ~rn,,('c;,n1:",n thf."' r" ... l('.,t~ \\ ll1lt <;.l""'CIC hn I'" ~r'" ""1 ,., .hat areL 111 r ll. J1 01" th". hnu .. Tl2: Q,hortage. TI- \l • heM.r,. At II elef'110n hdo m GratIot To\\n,hlr la~t ~hn la\ T ght are- votNI lI.;al~~t a proposed change In th~ ,.,n!1 f:' Or11"'8'1Cf" .... I:h.~h \\ ,,,101 h?\" permlttcd the PTcct,on of a larg-e mult.ple d" rll'ng tn th,' Kpll; -Ro.common d,stnrt Thl< proJ.'ct. rrnorted to be un- d.'r thp opon<or,hlp of thc House- 11 .r C;::;""I .7'(', l()""'O "I"'f'11t") ..... =; ,\.'"9.9 ,j, .'g '~d to arC'o'11n\ndatf 3Pllroxt- 111a"'l\. :.\\ t"'hr h 1 1"( d pt'np:"" 11 \ ltl ... ~ tr'" lC;;~U lin,' n, )0 o I M-O-R-E LOCAL ADVERTISI NG LOCAL NEWSMATTER LOCAL CIRCULATION CI t\ r\ .:1 11 n , \ h 'hi 1'l \\ tIt I) I '1; t I l Me III berJ th Thr ~ h.r'\\'.. 1 i ... t 1 ~ ,fI ... c;:: r)- '=I.;:'" \\, rt" a' ..... "hr' j" i tn P1. I h.. pl1 , fnr h (l,h"'c In \... 1t(\()\ ..lt tl '''1'''' hnlr ('l C;'r;pd \f(\' a .t\ \ 'ath"r on \\ a,hInglo'l rnR.d narJ a '.O~lOn m thp \\('Orj<hro '"1. I'" .... '=l' l" l!i,a. C;::0\"rcO thO' "'~lfn olO;.'i',fIl\ ""Ie' f(\.~hf'r c;:: ca.r out ot the ga rag"c Thrpt" \. f)l&llg;;;t 1''rC; \, ~rf' C::fI"\. PTf'h IfI..... ..... ... 1 "' .... T" ........ T""'" :-" ,..... ......, of "t\ PollCP fn r thro\1 'ng a h"Hlp h"h'nd ('" 0\ Barr"tt QO S'? 1tO- Larn \\ hlle he \1a.< \\ alk- 1'1; do'\ n F,.h('r road New For D,iye Begins Thp FSHmO COllnClI w,n hoM Il rl'!:ular meetml/: )'londa\ p\e'l''1g Ollob.-r 20 In th(' \ '1Il1ge m\,nlCl ra' bu 1<i1r~ l' '\aO ltrn011rce<1 h; F<\rrr 0 ('In), Ha rn A t'lIrt"n U 1'1 , C lb. lAttorney na ,owe en e e ratIon 'Authorized o 1)------------ -- - - -----1 ICommunityl OCT. 25 IS BIG DAY :to Protest I I I I Grossl' Pomtl' Park couneil au.- I IPa rtl. es thorlz~d VIllage Attornl'y Plene V H. ftler to file a protpst v.'1th I ' the MIChigan Publ" CDmmlsslon agamst the proposed 5 cent in- I Planned crpa~p In bu~ fare to and from Dptrolt and Gro~~p POinte I The commission .... h,ch has the I final VOICp In the matter has a Three gala partles arl' on the ll'ttl'r from Lake Shore Coach agenda for the 8th Annual com. Lmes Company requesting the 1J1- mUnity-wlde Hallowe'en celebra- I crease tlOn undl'r the sponsorship of the I Rlsmg cost ot operation and Gros9l' POinte Hallowe'l'n Commlt- labor IS thc r~ason given by Wal- tee, which IS comprised ot local ter S Schwl'lkart, president at CIVICleaders and orgamzatlons. I the companv, for the fare boost. The centers for the thrl'e par- 'Th f h I I' rest 0 t e POlJIte commun- ties which Wlll be he\d on Fnday I I Itles have until October 21 to file night, Octobpr 31 Wlll be the protests The commission WJ.I1 Grosse Pomte HIgh School, P,erce I then make a complete study ot Junior High and the Nl'lghborhood the matter and give a fmal de- Club, CISlon. I The partIes at thl' Neighborhood If the commiSSion feels that I Cluo alla at P,,,rL" School ;,,,11 bc I M the bus 1mI' IS completely Jush- h h h 1 hI rs. Barton Trail, and MISS Roberta Milford, who I for Jumor Ig SC 00 age c I- flf.d In Its request. the mcre ... I dren while thl' one Cl'lebratlOn at are on the Grosse Pointe Optimist Club dance commit- Yo III become effectlve ::<:ovembel' L Gros9l' POInte High 1'0'111 be for the tee are selling tickets to Earl Smith, of Farms Market. MeanWhile Schwelkart hu m- older boys and girls, All local The dance will be held at the Neighborhood Club on Vlted offlC'lals from all the Pomte boys and girls are InVlted to at- Saturday, October 25. Proceeds from the affair will commumtles and members of the te~ere Wlll be stage shows and go m the Club's fund which is used towards curbing I prl'SS to attpnd a ml'etmg at the danCing at all three centers be- Juverule delmquency by proVldmg more recreatlon I ~~:panY'5 olIice Thursday even. gmmng at 7 30 P m. facilities for cluldren. DUring the mel'tmg Schwelkart CluuruuU\ uf the conun~tt~c i!ll \VIti oppn the company s book8 to ForfOst Geary, head ot the Groase R D .1. the OffiCialS and explam the van- Pomte Adult Education Program D'omoc..,f7cy aCe.'r , emma ous circumstances necessltatU1C Other officers are M Gl'orge Els- '" , ... J the fare hike worth, Vlcl'-chalrman; Mrs Ed- The meeting 111 the rei!Ult of ward Gehrig. 9l'cretary; Mr VI', 0 1JO r rerman OlrCUrp'/lt,.on thl' WoodS counCil and other Hosking, treasurer, Mr Toro Jac- ,'" \.:rl "'.... Pomte admm,strat,ons requesung ques, assIstant treasurer, a complete study and mvelltlga- OrEanlzatlons and their :-epre- tlon of the matter. 'sentlltlves that WIll lend their ef-I Poat-\\'ar Germany WIll l'merge With Herbprt Hoover and Umted Present fares for school chU- forts towards makmg the event a a democratic state, rather than I States Commander of the Amen- dren and inter-Pomte transporta. huge success mclude Grosse POinte SOVlet, only If democratic prln-I can zone of occupation, Gen Lu- tlOn are not affected by the pro- Boy ScouU, Jerome Fnesroa, Girl clplei are practIced and applIed I CIUS Clay that the standards of posed- Icrease, SCoutll, Sidney Morgan. III our occupatIon. PulItzer PrIZe h\'1ng In the Bntlsh and Amencan Mothers Club of Gro_ PomtE' Win n i: n g War Correspondent I zones must be raIsed If our kind -' ; J -~ ... - High, Mrs Charles Lord and Mrs i Joseph P Lochner told a Grosse I of democracy IS to attam prestige, n"'I'1'PI~..,ty H Quackenbush, American AS-I Pomte Lecture Senes audIence If we fall, all of Germany will .l-, V ~, I soclatlon of UnlVl'rslt" "'omen, Tuesday mght at Pll'rce AudltO' 1 be Inundated With commUnism, :lfrs John Hardmg, :lll'tropohtan nuJl'I t Just as It was v.'1th nazism, and 0 Club, Dave Boylan, A Wlffler and I The speaker explamed that ex- I sweep over borders to blot out an wners J Kessler. t1 eme cunmng IS bemg employed entire contment, said Lochner. Representmg the Rotan' Club b\' the RUSSians in their zone of I T( M- , Yo III be Dave Burnett Edward o~cupatlOn Il5 they woo the Ger- The German people have given 0 eel I , Pongrace Frank Parker Jack mans toward their 'form" of de- th" world great men through thl' JerviS, Ed\\ard Rector and Tom I mocrac I ages, in the fields ot arts letters Jaques, I The German finds that the So' and sCience Mr Lochner belIe\'es I The Grosse Pomte Property I Grosse Pomte Country Day viet claims he has the onl\' pure that the~ should have free oppor- Owners Impr~vement ASSOCIation Sh 1 Mrs Yeag"r DetrOIt Um- f fd ,t d tumty to rpsuml' a lIfp which WIll \nll hold Its ,th Annual meetmr c 00, , orm 0 l'mocrac~, ,us as \\ I' 0 II d I t f th tl. Id Wednesda\' October 22 t the \erslty School, Mr, A :II Cole, and Germany Will e\'entuallv a 0,1 eH opmen 0 e5e e s. _ a PIPrce School, Charle~ Lea\'ltt, h - I once more I Neighborhood Club I ". 1 BI d 11 I COOSI' I h k th Dunng the meetmg of thIS or- ParochIal Schools, "el on I' 'I Mr Lochnl'r saId that he agrl'es AccordIng- to t e spea <'f, "re d I 1 t.: of M Alumm Club, ),Ir Jeffs 1____ --------- lIS no pr,,\all'nt f"ellng among oc-' ganlZatlon, comprise exc uSlve., _ _ _ .~_ • _~_Mn T.A_ ,..1 _I 1 •• _. M'nG"~n G"'''~~''"" ,n ""n~on" I of owncrs of property on Audubon I gl::~~itbto1U~ta~i;y ~\:~;:;;, LI;;-~s i Lbdd nurt In o;r-~bs~n.-e-r~--~\h~- hav;~ "\'Is~t:d to Whlttll'r between Jefferson and Club, W Hosking, Xelghborhood _ there that Germanv should be Kercheval, there WIll be an elec- , ~ ro 1<'1 ' th ' IT ffi C h t ... f h tlOl1 of dIrectors and officers. I C.. uv ..... ~orgC" _.. ~g\~ r ~ I ra eras -nrpvpn Pll rnnl oncp mOT£" ('("om.. All l lh. Chiefs of PolIce Arthur Lo\\ers ;ng an industrial natlOl1 "Thpre I proper y owners Ut e H f th aforl'5ald area are InVlted to at- lof the Park, "alter o~t, 0 e A one-year-old bab .... bo~ suffer- IS no dang-er m G"rman re-Indus-I Vnd I Farms Rnd Tom Trombly of the ed a three mch cut acros, hIS face trmlIzatlOn" saId Lochn"r I Plans for zon'ng "nprovement~ City \1III represent thl'lr depart- I \I hen a car drlvpn by hIS fathpr, I The RUSSians are fpellng the m the ar"a ",..111be dlscussl'd menta. I Henry J Ulanoeshl, of DetrOIt, ImpaC't of western Dpmocracy, I Accordmg to GeorgI' F, Mehlmg, -------- I struch anoth"r auto on lila' k npar for the;' are C'hangmg the guard s"cretary, the pnme purpose Llncol-l road It \\ as reported b~ frpqu"ntlv along- the AnlerlLan lof the group IS to mamtam a hlgh I Younu FInes ICltv poll". z"',.. o"ct"" .,., '"a' ,n"o" ~"r"o •__• - ••.••• , •••• A' i::) H€'nt") t:"lano{'~kl Jr \\.ac;: tahen \\~dl l;Ot bE' . spoIled' b\ - our .... kl~d l L1a.::l~ !t:'.3J.UII:'IIr...~a. .. U.~"\..ll\...," to Cottag'p HospItal for trpatmpnt of democran A factor whIch IS I Drl ."'er $'50 The ~econd all to \\as dn\"n b~ \\orklrg- a)1:am o t the RUq<Illn kind Townshl;n 1 '1 I Harold R Shaw 1110/)of D"trolt o[ oemocrac; I~ the \I lId plund"r-, .l.. ( T I Both vehIcles \Il're senousl\' Inj< In \\ hlch theIr occupatIOn Pl'rme Shobe 12950 Kerch"val damagerl troopq engag" , T D D~trolt waq fined S50 for reckless .l.. urns own dnv,")1: b\ JII<;tIC" u.1!1' P Youn~ Cali"ornl.a BOUltd RunaU//7V" I In GroosI' POlnt" CIty Traffic I :J' ,."K ~,..J l I Court :Monda:o e\enm~ Ar~.D"ted Tn G~I\""eROI"nte Housinu P an I It \1 s..' reported by Gro~se Pomte I ~." .I. j I V,.JJI ~ I e,tv Poltcp AC'cordml':' to thE' pollL" the foI- 'Go \\'eot YOIIng 'tan (".0 \\ ('~t IO\\ln~ pfi'r'JOnilii \\(lrfl' Rl'W f.npd .s tht" ad, c~ th- .... ".r'> "';::e.- ........ C' R"land C L,ndpman, St Clair rnl~t havp !IC',pnt"d "hen th, \ <;horpo fmpd :S20 for qpt'l'dmg - left thi'lr hom('s ,n p', 'Tn'l'h H m,]ps pH hour \i\ch",an laqt .... e~k and set for' h In In ShA\\ 7q7 Rl\ ard lln,'! (or Cahforma Frpd"nC'k B HIgbl 17525 .Teffpr- Their combm!"d wealth \\a$ 11) 'on both fmd ten d"lI11r, for fall- I certo mg' to .top at a ..top strept I Thp tno \\ere appr('hcnoed h\ \\ "1,am C O~borr q i6<l02 ('raw. Groo~e Pfllnln ("t" POI'" on It f ford Lan" h,pn.p \1/10 rf-\ol,,' I for f<'foon nf>lIr F,.hpr Rfter a I1H'ltM' ~() da"o ard hI' \lao fIned ",0 for 'ot ,...ho hai 1"\"'1 th(' \(I,'lh, a ha\lng t,...o !ltop ..tr""t Vlolat,ons nop calII'd pol e" Rrd ""d t'l,' ------ thp ho\ c;: had conf..-q::;("d of bpl.= n.r "",a\ .. T1"-(' '''-' '~'O("'')h",'Hi ... '::lIT' .... H"'l"'4 m,,'1 ParmllleO 16 "" I, \\ h" 1'i ann Ken"th Stoop 1" Th \ \\,", held at \\ 11\ l"'P CO ,nt\ T 1\' m1e p",r'ntH'ln Hnmr rf>ofln,.. It.~(\~. ~l" thp'r r"r,ron' Cl' Charges Legion Auxiliary The 1Il0\C'lal PO~ltIon" R~d lh,' f OlllH'11nlpn w111 l:if'r\ f fndr "t ar tl'rnl~ thf' r... "t t\\.o \l't'r If'rn",q; The 01\' ell'ctlOr n arh' the 0'11\ \ dR~(" ~Iel uon .III GJ l..l ...... t. r\n~-:'. th.o \ e"r Ho\\ I'\"r all' Illr geo ,...III \ o'e on th. 'am~ d,,; 011 thp \\ a\ne (',"lO- t, hono 'O~\l" to erPLt a (I',ltla) ('(, mt" blll10 nil: hI' oppo,pd Thl'Y art' R:llph B ;>;"ettmg- ma\or. :-'orbert P :\'.'fr c\"rh D M F~rr~ Jr, Gprahi F.: ~flllpr Thornton E \\ aterlall C'ollnclimen Thpo G O~I\l" tr~as. 'ller :\,e 1 Blonrt"l1 ao"',,,,,r, and Charle~ Locl<e, con<t"llk Hinders Repair Gala We belIeve, In all sincerity, that the numllf"r of basements flooded dUTIng the SU'l1m"r ,...as less than one-hun<\red and j'our records \I 111sub- stan tlate thiS Now, Il'ts see \\hat can be donI' to correct thl~ unpleasant, and unhpalthy condItIOn of flooded basements ... \ e rl'commel1d the follo\\ mg 1. ReasSign the s"\\er cleanmg detail of (,,'e mf'n that functlonpd pnor to the \I ar In cleamng se\\ ers but are no.... as- Signed to other Jobs 2 Cut SIUICe\1ays on Lake Shore Dn\'l' to carrv surface .... ater mto thp lake and thus relIeve the se\l erS and pumpmg et:l:'HJ-n f'-om henrlhng ~urf:R.(,p v.ater for thIS area 3 Make examlTlatlons of storm se\\ ers on the properties reportmg flooded base- ments and ,...here the prop"rty own"r s own storm qeWl'r IS ob~tnlC'tpd advise that propert;,' owner to have hiS se\\ er cleaned 4. Make a s}stematlc I'xammatlOn of the villagl' 5P\\ ers m the f1ood"d arpas and cl~an out those se\\ ers "e have e\ 1- d"nce of property 0\\ ners \\ ho ha\ I' had tn"lr 0\\ n Se\\HS c1pan~o and repaIred and thru the "xca\ atlOns found that the \ IlIagp 5"\1ers \\ "r" partlallv obstructed b\ roots and accumulated d"bfl~ - Grosse Pomte Farms B"Uer Govenlment ASSOCiatIon Signed Phlhp E Moran pr~<;ldpnt Gl'orj<e Trembl"\ s"crptan Cement Supply Parks Sidewalk Rpg'lotratlOn for C'andloatps In thl' Gro',f' POlnt" Ot v ell'( tlon of offlCHS r1oo"d Saturday \\~th onl" on. pPTO<lnfurl1lohmg' 0pposltlOn to thp pre""nt aomlO1<tratlOn H~ 1< Harolo R SIIIl"an or 758 :\,.,'f roao \1ho ""Ill hI' up (or onp ot thp t\l 0 TII<IIep of P('3rf> pOOl- tIO"l<i ()n f'It ('t on nA'\ "'\;(I\f>nlher "'" H, \ .... 1I h,:. npp()~"et h\ nrum h< nl ~ 1..l',III' 'I. olin" and Jo<eph P l'\ h The other e,t\ OfflClal' .... ,11 not T-\pnt\ thf" pr-r (POnt 11 ("''',,\'''(1 t() ('on' ..... ""'1to thp or~~n17:lt on ,\\-,,)1 t \('1 told \ltlf'"4t ~tq An 1 iIInl~l'l ( ..... \ \")\('r ~h ~ \ rar c; rr.ord nH mt,,,r. be ('xtf'nof"d to all e)lglble ,,"orne'" ... '- )rk And ItQ. (nor. <; fc r r~" () "\l )1 1.1 ~1 .h ('l \I,d b" lhl' .':'RI of (~10~" In thp ell\ ,," Th- h'!:l?;Pr \Ie arc ,h ",\,,, p", '1'(' 1 .. t (), ihr ATl1(r I ~n T ("- H.flfllrl ('"Xr~"'Cl; on of Atom,r 4~ n)' \... c do L tl ;: Ir , \. 1P\ A r~m1'~ g-n for I"k,ll,n AlIXl .Rl\ ,Airtl\' ("co "" \~ \f ,,,(' 'h.::\ Olln+lliO '- ('". 1n rO() 't)~~nln~) tr 'lAf(AC',; ~(1.1 li"l r r.h, ,'l,\ I Tht""~lP...t:::T \dhl ('r-1 , ........ lrfl! l .... 111t" ...... hp ... ~1.lfl~ r .. 1.;\ :\\ •• '1 H L h' '1rc;: H '""nd'!rI .... \fr'hf"'1 " ....., \foAITC:; Th .. t('l ... ~()nlHhtr') ('),,'r "hc:f'H ..... t .... ,~tl ... lull;) n \\r"\l Jack elt% oses oh r ('h, r1 "t It b I::~n la,t " .. h h, jnle' tll" d,ollhl"d \r'~l" 0 Ir ,'.11l "'"h 1\11.' \1 "I. Three Car Rims "no \\111 conI nile th,Ollgh ...... m.m Ih"r ram I.eo ~no f,'r th" ".,.1" t,,,n ",j "llh th ,\" o! l' \\A ,,' \1 - \I'T' '" •I Thre,' "h,t~ rImo \\ el'l' r~portf'd hl'r 11th \ rm"t we na\ All pH'. (h Idren o( \ et ran' Ihilt .... ~ mll" "'.. 0 ~ (HH""H' n nh "\\,, \r I "I" \\ t c:.1 1 l ..... tr4m:\ "', h.-.1nf1~n~ to ,. AlIxlarv nl mhlr~ ,,111 hI' h~,,"'mf\r('nllnh+l\(1n lnlt 1)1'" (nll .... h r ~ll' lilt'll) it th .... rd 1 ~ji I~ to. H( 17 "r l"';.4:v I""ah,f'}.)Olott ~ql\('rl to r"""'-\'" th/)t,T nll n h l .... h n lfl:l I (f> c:; R..... l 'f'(l'l,:::l, "1. I , I \ ~ 1 t. 'n, 1 ~, l. t"l i b .n °h Ilal.<! .l'l\d&} miht. .I1.1nng th15 tIme IIJId an InVltatlon.,n the American I..egwn.leg,&la-,hf", &.l,...!r"l ,be progress an...! ~',L<e,l"n &.l,ll A .." ••llUj, : Sullivan Is Lone Stranger In Cit), ltfunicipal Election -,,( <;; j{\l i\ pI" 1" ... ~. \, nr )~n 'il,~ (>;l-:t,,,"-l'\ n °h,... \ llPl$:(> Government 'Association Farms' Col.lii'cil Plans HONOR METROPOLITAN CLUB CHAMPION lnCOn1f' At th J ~h Cn ~nr"I' 'fpf'tlng a petItlon request .. mg that The S~\\Pr Bond 1 .... 11"be resubmItted to the dN toratp \\ as pres~ntpd \\hlch bore the slg- natolres 01 h,~ than ql'..tv r"~ldpnt tllJ..pa~ers In th" follo\\ 109- \\ "f>k< local paper, thiS POSItion \~ a~ It lJ1)1 t.n.~ (i-; then hOo ........ ~g ~......... .('rt.,... fl'. ~ 5!gna- tur ... At the Jul\ CounC'11l\!pptmg '!urray Smith Vlliag-~ Fngm"H 'tate<l that about Sp\ ent~ -f'H' tomplalOt' had b~,'n rpeel\~d In rrg-ard< to f1ood"d ba,emert. and h~ "<t1ll1atpd that at I('ast t\nce a<; O1a'1\ ba<p01ent~ \\ ere floodpd a~ therp \I "1'1' rccordnj ('('01plam!O So Mr \\athll1s letq drop the fll tlt10\l~ p'tlmat~ of I",ght hUl'drpd flooded ba ••'ment, that ~ou reI erred to m the Revle\l r/'c~ntl\ Its a big moment for Russ Gragg, you ng captam of the Woods sandlot baseball team whIch won the 1947 Metropohtan Clu b League htle, as he receives the honored trophy from Hoot Evers, DetrOit Tiger star, Watchmg are Charley Gehringer left, former DetrOit Tiger great, Lew BaldwlD, preSident of the Metropohtan Club, center, and Don Coats, of the Woods police department who is the Club's athletic director in the VIllage. The presentatIOn was made d urmg the banquet given by the Club at the Grosse POinte Yacht Club recently for the flVe boys baseball teams It sponsors; Woods, Shores, Farms, City and Park, Th. Gro<s" Pomt~ Farms Bettl'r Government AS50LlatlOn qUiet smce the Village s sp"clal $400,- 000 Bond Issue "1,,ctlOn for sewage Impro\ ement last month has come to lIre Thl' Farms' counCil chargl'd that thl' group mlsrepre<€ nted thp facts to the people which led to th" dereat o( th" Issue. In ItS l harges the counCil said that the group \1as comprised of pl'rsonq who placed their Oll'n selfi'h pollt\( al ambltlOn<; before Village mterests. l"ollO\\'1ng l~ an op~n letter to James K "atkms, pr~sldf'nt of the Fal m, CounCil from the -Farms Better GO\ ernntl'nt ASSOCIation It IS slgnpd by PhIlIp E Moran, preSident and George Tremblej', spcretan DEAR ~1R '" ATKI:\'S Let s deal \\ Ith the facts and sf'€' \1hat can be don~ Lo el1nllHalt~ fiuudt"J baSt iijtiit:; .:" t..l:(' F~rro'!s b\ m"asllres that can be paid for out of current Park Police Seek Beer Thieves l' ::::p t~ 1 n 11r-1 (. nl, nt Cl\lrp'~ 'he Pa I, 0 I"" IIlh -ppa Ir pr0l:rall1 ,11,,,,,\1 I: rid HIP l>Tog-eo<;!l"enrd-I I II:: to H I. Hpl/:er O( thf' \'lll."l/:e I of (1 1"' '" \(" ... ~ (~ .... c: ~r h .... (' .. \" "'rl' \\(' h::l\(' \lrt'Jall\ ron1pl()t,..<t Rill , r (, 1 <Oh O:1l,;;;.n.l f P 1 \Irh or H<lrnn..:::ton ~nd. Pf"mhc ..... "rl"'- ( ~. ,-)112 \t~ "f'l\i ,I l~"" """~ i.;:: C:~ 1 Hlilf>r Ann R" \\1 h r rr'~ \~o;;,:..,..1 ifl h\ • ~.h ( ... 1. (f'" l'p1 ('l'0'('''"'\'' hr ,..... L " i h J'~ ~ .... l; \.." h \ Co ~. r; "1 .. "hl(' "'nf thr 1/ (">0 Better H" 't:\R<i; \(,0 I, n,'tr t Pl tn. 'R , i"l£ II, (~I' ynT' o. j-. "," Ft'I'lot'~l Ch"'(11 <., 1'"1 .. h.... "l .... ('t () ... n.;:t 1( ~rp' III. fnr \ ot". . Offlffllttee irmtmbtr? ~ Park Considers ~o 'L\R:, M,O I Sewage Bid .m., ""t ''1 the Y,llagt offl'rC'd Thf' Pa-k C'""re,l h~. lIcc e ptpd li~,n" I' en pumpkm fr"" to th~ R' < <, 0 "t,notnH Lon Com- ,h~""r of ~1 \\orth of pan\ < 1,'" h j of S~n1117for ~I''''- r '. "ho brOlll'ht \\,th hm1 ag-" (on _\nl<' W ll' the \{ar\ lal1o- r-r " wupon from the flrm s 'Bea' o,,<tld I art a f,.r further con- hf' Rf>\IP\"" ~Hi,l~t'0" ,II" lillnal f"hllrrh <i("h(,~Hl"'; \ ':;;; \1 ~..,(' I ('1m" "', (on nn(;f'd 1 ,; nl"ht at ,...hlCh thf of ("n'm," rer \\ 11' 1m G11l.-t\ lrr'\l~~ \\111 h. ~hn\\'., a Ii f', - " J h. t g "crt \ 11l"g" ~ I, ~ah .. '\. Rln T'ln Tln ""',ln1l. I' 1r..... \ H' ~ f'r \I lr(' r n,""<::" L.~" n-,"" ( ) l'~r\ bf(0re I flrsu i¥' or.. or <;; T" (l v' i; , F" A:S "-(74) A I 1 lo- ~ '"'~ ,,~- 7,,) Pomtf' H\~h 5ehool I)'fe- rl h\ a nlh, r ", <'n.' t'O" "''''('jiltlon f'1C'C'tPd\\aJter ,'01l'a"\ \\,,0 Ill"' cd (j""n afler It Tr and Jack Younll \1 (Ie;: i c;; I \~ rr i th.:tf Hh'" I {)mp~n\ ~t :!\ T('~olganlz.A.tH)n \\ ac:: 1(. I \ q .al ii' 1 Lo tll~ th~ ..... \\f'pk \\.nrk ~ 'hnrltlf't;: ,"-",..riP In\ ,.c;:~ .A, (,Hi~n' In \\hH'h olIIi ... ,"n 'I" Pj"of' I11JHrf"'rl \, hf'n ;t , colI! iNi \\ Ith An a\llo ~ d K.rchf'val, COMPLETE I ...... 1 the BE\'IEW Gin. vUlY 'You Co\'l'rs."e of ALL Homes in Groye Polate & Gratiot Twptlo a ~1":::y;m:-ll------:.;~:-::;;-_-;:=-:= ~G~;os~.!e~P~ointe" FIRST New.paper' Q 24 - NO. 11 ~"3' CIRCUL ----------------------------------- 'eI ATION PAID MONTHLY GROSSE POINTE 30, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1947 BY CARRIER 10c A MONTH PHONE VA 2-1162 ugene 0 Nellis famoull pia)' \ond the Honzon" WIll bl' pre. ted :\ovember 19, 21. and 22, as fal! productIOn of Pomte Pla.y- ohnny KIn~ furmerly Bowery ahst entertamed the Grosse nte LIOns Wlth lOngs a.nd nes at LIOns' meetmg last it HI' also presl'nted Carl I \\elkal t WIth an oft'It'!al badge I recogmtlon of hiS outstandmg I ~ce 10 the commumty. I rand Mrs ~B Oldham have n released from Saratoga Gen- I HospItal y,here they w&re con- for mJurles suffl'l'ed in a Ie aecldt'nt Friday. September The\ \\ 111complete tht'u' con- mmg at their horne on Hunt b On"e, len \\'ho hke to sing are in- ed to attend the GrossI' Pomte n q Chorus rl'hearsals on Tues- e\enlORs at Pierce School he chorus, a non-profit fun- ng organization has 1'-~"nI d at \arious CIVlC functIOns I nl[ the past five years It 15 er thp dIrection of Kenneth el "Idely known mU&IC and I ln5tructor.~ ! A ro.~e potnte~s who attl'nded ns w ers pla\ 'RIght You Are' (If Are \ pr"sent.ed bv thl' De- t Dramatlc Gmld at the PlfOrC'1' 00\ th" wf'l'k are ponderlllg r a .atlqfactory solution to the atlc plot • Grnq~l' POinte Park Fire hlers As'oclatlon \Vlll hold a i 'fit part\' at Roo!le-Vanker I I "n Frlda\ 1'>ovl'mbl'r 21 I •• lo for thl' 'atfalr WIll be rh.- uW! from house to house b\ I Park fireml'~ - I e Park cOll:ll is domE all It I to C'urtal! the constructIOn I 5', madp h\' thp In.tlll1Atlon of Sf'" ag-e In. the Kerchpval area ~ e\~r ,tq C'ontrol In the matter "'" iIollt"d as th~ project IS' er DetrOlt ..upen.'1SI0n and Ute II age must be bUilt. - F-,,-\,. F,U, pastor of Grosse I nt. \1pm"~'a! Ch'lrC'h gll\'p thp I oat on a, the 1947 Red Feathpr I nll.,'\ Chest dn\e opened -••• ~\ when all GrossI' I "t. '''Irprl forc"s \Vlth DetrOit I a cl"ont'c I'!fort to raise S,5- I r,~) durmg th" month-lon,l1; na g-r for thp support or the II '" ~l aj<f'ncll'~ 10 thl' arE'& I OIIlTE--1 ARAGRAPHSI by The POlIItw I fadIng a lIst of promment, aim" ad\ir1'6smg the Industrial I I~tlons c1a.'1Ses of the umver-I o( DetrOit, College ot Com. rt'e and Fmance, was Mr I rg e Flt7g"rald, 1334 Buckmg. I \\ho spoke to the students I dal on the trend of labor law legislatIOn.

1'1 , lAttorney 'Authorizeddigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/47/1947-10-16.pdfth aforl'5ald area are InVlted to at- lof the Park, "alter o~t, 0 e A one-year-old

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Page 1: 1'1 , lAttorney 'Authorizeddigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/47/1947-10-16.pdfth aforl'5ald area are InVlted to at- lof the Park, "alter o~t, 0 e A one-year-old




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\. ( II


III ,-l ~

City To HoldPublic Hearing

" !"\i~1

)'" ~.l.l ... ~.., ,

In.ng orrl-

lilli, Ipl- d \ "rg \\ h eh "ould.'rrr"ol\ I....\,r""l'(' rr')\\d.,d condl"tl')n=: 1.... ""(hoo1 .. ao11 h;rd('I"~ tor. ~ i ~.., \1-,;:a ....t ..(.t"-:1tg

al ri. 'iA' th <;1 .I,,(t~ c:, ..... r'"rrLnk: t .... a. 'PI "'lj'"\ l':.\. 0 \.r"r

~rn,,('c;,n1:",n thf."' r" ... l('.,t~ \\ ll1lt<;.l""'CIC hn I'" ~r'" ""1 ,., .hat areL

111 r ll. J1 01" th". hnu .. Tl2: Q,hortage.



At II elef'110n hdo m GratIotTo\\n,hlr la~t ~hn la\ T ght are-

votNI lI.;al~~t a proposed changeIn th~ ,.,n!1 f:' Or11"'8'1Cf" ....I:h.~h\\ ,,,101 h?\" permlttcd the PTcct,onof a larg-e mult.ple d" rll'ng tn

th,' Kpll; -Ro.common d,stnrtThl< proJ.'ct. rrnorted to be un-

d.'r thp opon<or,hlp of thc House-11 .r C;::;""I .7'(', l()""'O "I"'f'11t") .....=; ,\.'"9.9

,j, .'g '~d to arC'o'11n\ndatf 3Pllroxt-111a"'l\. :.\\ t"'hr h 1 1"( d pt'np:""

11 \ ltl ...~ tr'" lC;;~U lin,'n,

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Thr ~ h.r'\\'.. 1 i ...t 1 ~ ,fI ... c;:: r)-

'=I.;:'" \\, rt" a ' ....."hr' j" i tn P1.I h..pl1 , fnr h (l,h"'c In \...1t(\()\ ..lt

tl '''1'''' hnlr ('l C;'r;pd \f(\' a .t\

\ 'ath"r on \\ a,hInglo'l rnR.dnarJ a '.O~lOn m thp \\('Orj<hro• '"1. I'" .... '=l' l"

l!i,a. C;::0\"rcO thO' "'~lfn olO;.'i',fIl\

""Ie' f(\.~hf'r c;:: ca.r out ot the garag"c

Thrpt" \. f)l&llg;;;t 1''rC; \, ~rf' C::fI"\. PTf'h

IfI..... ........1 "' .... T" ........T""'" :-" ,...........,of "t\ PollCP fnr thro\1 'ng ah"Hlp h"h'nd ('" 0\ Barr"tt QOS'? 1tO- Larn \\ hlle he \1a.< \\ alk-1'1; do'\ n F,.h('r road


Thp FSHmO COllnClI w,n hoM Ilrl'!:ular meetml/: )'londa\ p\e'l''1gOllob.-r 20 In th(' \ '1Il1ge m\,nlClra' bu 1<i1r~ l' '\aO ltrn011rce<1h; F<\rrr 0 ('In), Harn A t'lIrt"n

U 1'1 , C lb. lAttorneyna ,owe en e e ratIon 'Authorizedo 1)------------ -- - - -----1ICommunityl OCT. 25 IS BIG DAY :to ProtestI II I Grossl' Pomtl' Park couneil au.-

IIPa rtl.es thorlz~d VIllage Attornl'y Plene

V H. ftler to file a protpst v.'1th

I' the MIChigan Publ" CDmmlsslon

agamst the proposed 5 cent in-

I Planned crpa~p In bu~ fare to and fromDptrolt and Gro~~p POinteI The commission ....h,ch has the

I final VOICp In the matter has aThree gala partles arl' on the ll'ttl'r from Lake Shore Coach

agenda for the 8th Annual com. Lmes Company requesting the 1J1-mUnity-wlde Hallowe'en celebra- I creasetlOn undl'r the sponsorship of the I Rlsmg cost ot operation andGros9l' POinte Hallowe'l'n Commlt- labor IS thc r~ason given by Wal-tee, which IS comprised ot local ter S Schwl'lkart, president atCIVICleaders and orgamzatlons. I the companv, for the fare boost.

The centers for the thrl'e par- 'Th f hI I' rest 0 t e POlJIte commun-ties which Wlll be he\d on Fnday I I Itles have until October 21 to filenight, Octobpr 31 Wlll be the protests The commission WJ.I1Grosse Pomte HIgh School, P,erce I then make a complete study otJunior High and the Nl'lghborhood the matter and give a fmal de-Club, CISlon.

I The partIes at thl' Neighborhood If the commiSSion feels that

I Cluo alla at P,,,rL" School ;,,,11 bc I M the bus 1mI' IS completely Jush-h h h 1 h I rs. Barton Trail, and MISS Roberta Milford, whoIfor Jumor Ig SC 00 age c I - flf.d In Its request. the mcre ...

Idren while thl' one Cl'lebratlOn at are on the Grosse Pointe Optimist Club dance commit- Yo III become effectlve ::<:ovembel' LGros9l' POInte High 1'0'111be for the tee are selling tickets to Earl Smith, of Farms Market. MeanWhile Schwelkart hu m-older boys and girls, All local The dance will be held at the Neighborhood Club on Vlted offlC'lals from all the Pomteboys and girls are InVlted to at- Saturday, October 25. Proceeds from the affair will commumtles and members of thete~ere Wlll be stage shows and go m the Club's fund which is used towards curbing I prl'SS to attpnd a ml'etmg at thedanCing at all three centers be- Juverule delmquency by proVldmg more recreatlon I~~:panY'5 olIice Thursday even.gmmng at 7 30 P m. facilities for cluldren. DUring the mel'tmg Schwelkart

CluuruuU\ uf the conun~tt~c i!ll \VIti oppn the company s book8 toForfOst Geary, head ot the Groase R D .1. the OffiCialS and explam the van-Pomte Adult Education Program D'omoc..,f7cy aCe.'r , emma ous circumstances necessltatU1COther officers are M Gl'orge Els- '" , ... J the fare hikeworth, Vlcl'-chalrman; Mrs Ed- The meeting 111 the rei!Ult ofward Gehrig. 9l'cretary; Mr VI', 01JOr rerman OlrCUrp'/lt,.onthl' WoodS counCil and otherHosking, treasurer, Mr Toro Jac- ,'" \.:rl "'.... Pomte admm,strat,ons requesungques, assIstant treasurer, a complete study and mvelltlga-

OrEanlzatlons and their :-epre- tlon of the matter.'sentlltlves that WIll lend their ef-I Poat-\\'ar Germany WIll l'merge With Herbprt Hoover and Umted Present fares for school chU-forts towards makmg the event a a democratic state, rather than I States Commander of the Amen- dren and inter-Pomte transporta.huge success mclude Grosse POinte SOVlet, only If democratic prln-I can zone of occupation, Gen Lu- tlOn are not affected by the pro-Boy ScouU, Jerome Fnesroa, Girl clplei are practIced and applIed I CIUS Clay that the standards of posed- Icrease,SCoutll, Sidney Morgan. III our occupatIon. PulItzer PrIZe h\'1ng In the Bntlsh and Amencan

Mothers Club of Gro_ PomtE' Win n i: n g War Correspondent I zones must be raIsed If our kind -' ; J -~ ... -

High, Mrs Charles Lord and Mrs i Joseph P Lochner told a Grosse Iof democracy IS to attam prestige, n"'I'1'PI~..,tyH Quackenbush, American AS-I Pomte Lecture Senes audIence If we fall, all of Germany will .l-,V ~, I

soclatlon of UnlVl'rslt" "'omen, Tuesday mght at Pll'rce AudltO'1 be Inundated With commUnism,:lfrs John Hardmg, :lll'tropohtan nuJl'I t Just as It was v.'1th nazism, and 0Club, Dave Boylan, A Wlffler and I The speaker explamed that ex- I sweep over borders to blot out an wnersJ Kessler. t1 eme cunmng IS bemg employed entire contment, said Lochner.

Representmg the Rotan' Club b\' the RUSSians in their zone of I T( M -, Yo III be Dave Burnett Edward o~cupatlOn Il5 they woo the Ger- The German people have given 0 eelI,Pongrace Frank Parker Jack mans toward their 'form" of de- th" world great men through thl'JerviS, Ed\\ard Rector and Tom I mocrac I ages, in the fields ot arts lettersJaques, I The German finds that the So' and sCience Mr Lochner belIe\'es I The Grosse Pomte Property

IGrosse Pomte Country Day viet claims he has the onl\' pure that the~ should have free oppor- Owners Impr~vement ASSOCIation

S h 1 Mrs Yeag"r DetrOIt Um- f f d ,t d tumty to rpsuml' a lIfp which WIll \nll hold Its ,th Annual meetmrc 00, • , orm 0 l'mocrac~, ,us as \\ I' 0 II d I t f th tl. Id Wednesda\' October 22 t the

\erslty School, Mr, A :II Cole, and Germany Will e\'entuallv a 0,1 eH opmen 0 e5e e s. _ aPIPrce School, Charle~ Lea\'ltt, h - I once more I Neighborhood Club

I". 1 BI d 11 I COOSI' I h k th Dunng the meetmg of thIS or-ParochIal Schools, "el on I' 'I Mr Lochnl'r saId that he agrl'es AccordIng- to t e spea <'f, "re d I 1

t.: of M Alumm Club, ),Ir Jeffs 1____ --------- lIS no pr,,\all'nt f"ellng among oc-' ganlZatlon, comprise exc uSlve.,_ _ _ .~_ • _~_Mn T.A_ ,..1 _I 1 •• _. M'nG"~n G"'''~~''"" ,n ""n~on" I of owncrs of property on Audubon

Igl::~~itbto1U~ta~i;y ~\:~;:;;, LI;;-~s i Lbdd nurt In o;r-~bs~n.-e-r~--~\h~- hav;~ "\'Is~t:d to Whlttll'r between Jefferson andClub, W Hosking, Xelghborhood _ there that Germanv should be Kercheval, there WIll be an elec-

, ~ ro 1<'1 ' th ' IT ffi C h t ... f h tlOl1 of dIrectors and officers.

IC..uv .....~orgC" _..~g\~ r ~ I ra eras -nrpvpn Pll rnnl oncp mOT£" ('("om.. All l lh.

Chiefs of PolIce Arthur Lo\\ers ;ng an industrial natlOl1 "Thpre I proper y owners Ut eH f

th aforl'5ald area are InVlted to at-lof the Park, "alter o~ t, 0 e A one-year-old bab .... bo~ suffer- IS no dang-er m G"rman re-Indus-I VndI Farms Rnd Tom Trombly of the ed a three mch cut acros, hIS face trmlIzatlOn" saId Lochn"r I Plans for zon'ng "nprovement~City \1III represent thl'lr depart- I \I hen a car drlvpn by hIS fathpr, I The RUSSians are fpellng the m the ar"a ",..111be dlscussl'dmenta. IHenry J Ulanoeshl, of DetrOIt, ImpaC't of western Dpmocracy, I Accordmg to GeorgI' F, Mehlmg,

-------- I struch anoth"r auto on lila' k npar for the;' are C'hangmg the guard s"cretary, the pnme purpose• Llncol-l road It \\ as reported b~ frpqu"ntlv along- the AnlerlLan lof the group IS to mamtam a hlgh

IYounu FInes ICltv poll". z"',.. o"ct"" .,., '"a' ,n"o" ~"r"o •__• - ••.••• , •••• A'

i::) H€'nt") t:"lano{'~kl Jr \\.ac;: tahen \\~dl l;Ot bE' . spoIled' b\ - our ....kl~d l L1a.::l~ !t:'.3J.UII:'IIr...~a. .. U.~"\..ll\...,"

to Cottag'p HospItal for trpatmpnt of democran A factor whIch IS I

Drl."'er $'50 The ~econd all to \\as dn\"n b~ \\orklrg- a)1:amot the RUq<Illn kind Townshl;n1

'1 I Harold R Shaw 1110/)of D"trolt o[ oemocrac; I~ the \I lId plund"r-, .l.. ( TI Both vehIcles \Il're senousl\' Inj< In \\ hlch theIr occupatIOn

Pl'rme Shobe 12950 Kerch"val damagerl troopq engag" , T DD~trolt waq fined S50 for reckless .l.. urns owndnv,")1: b\ JII<;tIC" u.1!1' P Youn~ Cali"ornl.a BOUltd RunaU//7V"

I In GroosI' POlnt" CIty Traffic I :J' ,."K ~,..J lI Court :Monda:o e\enm~ Ar~.D"ted Tn G~I\""eROI"nte Housinu P anI It \1s..' reported by Gro~se Pomte I ~." .I. j I V,.JJI ~

Ie,tv PoltcpAC'cordml':' to thE' pollL" the foI- 'Go \\'eot YOIIng 'tan (".0 \\ ('~t

IO\\ln~ pfi'r'JOnilii \\(lrfl' Rl'W f.npd .s tht" ad, c~ th- .... ".r'> "';::e.- ........ C'

R"land C L,ndpman, St Clair rnl~t havp !IC',pnt"d "hen th, \<;horpo fmpd :S20 for qpt'l'dmg - left thi'lr hom('s ,n p', 'Tn'l'hH m,]ps pH hour \i\ch",an laqt ....e~k and set for' h

In In ShA\\ 7q7 Rl\ ard lln,'! (or CahformaFrpd"nC'k B HIgbl 17525 .Teffpr- Their combm!"d wealth \\a$ 11)'on both fmd ten d"lI11r, for fall- I certomg' to .top at a ..top strept I Thp tno \\ere appr('hcnoed h\

\\ "1,am C O~borr q i6<l02 ('raw. Groo~e Pfllnln ("t" POI'" on It fford Lan" h,pn.p \1/10 rf-\ol,,' I for f<'foon nf>lIr F,.hpr Rfter a I1H'ltM'

~() da"o ard hI' \lao fIned ",0 for 'ot ,...ho hai 1"\"'1 th(' \(I,'lh, aha\lng t,...o !ltop ..tr""t Vlolat,ons nop calII'd pol e" Rrd ""d t'l,'

------ thp ho\ c;: had conf..-q::;("d of bpl.=n.r "",a\ ..

T1"-(' '''-' '~'O("'')h",'Hi ... '::lIT' .... H"'l"'4m,,'1 ParmllleO 16 "" I, \\ h " 1'iann Ken"th Stoop 1" Th \ \\,",held at \\ 11\ l"'P CO ,nt\ T 1\' m1ep",r'ntH'ln Hnmr rf>ofln,.. It.~(\~.

~l" thp'r r"r,ron' Cl'


Legion Auxiliary

The 1Il0\C'lal PO~ltIon" R~d lh,'f OlllH'11nlpn w111 l:if'r\ f fndr "t ar

tl'rnl~ thf' r ..."t t\\.o \l't'r If'rn",q;

The 01\' ell'ctlOr n arh' the 0'11\\ dR~(" ~Iel uon .III GJ l..l ...... t. r\n~-:'.th.o \ e"r

Ho\\ I'\"r all' Illr geo ,...III \ o'e onth. 'am~ d,,; 011 thp \\ a\ne (',"lO-t, hono 'O~\l" to erPLt a (I',ltla)('(, mt" blll10 nil:

hI' oppo,pd Thl'Y art' R:llph B;>;"ettmg- ma\or. :-'orbert P :\'.'frc\"rh D M F~rr~ Jr, Gprahi F.:~flllpr Thornton E \\ aterlallC'ollnclimen Thpo G O~I\l" tr~as.'ller :\,e 1 Blonrt"l1 ao"',,,,,r, andCharle~ Locl<e, con<t"llk



We belIeve, In all sincerity, that the numllf"rof basements flooded dUTIng the SU'l1m"r ,...asless than one-hun<\red and j'our records \I 111sub-stan tlate thiS

Now, Il'ts see \\hat can be donI' to correct thl~unpleasant, and unhpalthy condItIOn of floodedbasements ...\ e rl'commel1d the follo\\ mg

1. ReasSign the s"\\er cleanmg detail of(,,'e mf'n that functlonpd pnor to the\Iar In cleamng se\\ ers but are no.... as-Signed to other Jobs

2 Cut SIUICe\1ays on Lake Shore Dn\'l' tocarrv surface ....ater mto thp lake andthus relIeve the se\l erS and pumpmget:l:'HJ-n f'-om henrlhng ~urf:R.(,p v.ater forthIS area

3 Make examlTlatlons of storm se\\ ers onthe properties reportmg flooded base-ments and ,...here the prop"rty own"r sown storm qeWl'r IS ob~tnlC'tpd advisethat propert;,' owner to have hiS se\\ ercleaned

4. Make a s}stematlc I'xammatlOn of thevillagl' 5P\\ ers m the f1ood"d arpas andcl~an out those se\\ ers "e have e\ 1-

d"nce of property 0\\ ners \\ ho ha\ I' hadtn"lr 0\\ n Se\\HS c1pan~o and repaIredand thru the "xca\ atlOns found that the\ IlIagp 5"\1ers \\ "r" partlallv obstructedb\ roots and accumulated d"bfl~- Grosse Pomte Farms

B"Uer Govenlment ASSOCiatIonSignedPhlhp E Moran pr~<;ldpntGl'orj<e Trembl"\ s"crptan

Cement SupplyParks Sidewalk

Rpg'lotratlOn for C'andloatps Inthl' Gro',f' POlnt" Ot v ell'( tlon ofofflCHS r1oo"d Saturday \\~th onl"on. pPTO<lnfurl1lohmg' 0pposltlOn tothp pre""nt aomlO1<tratlOn

H~ 1< Harolo R SIIIl"an or 758:\,.,'f roao \1ho ""Ill hI' up (or onpot thp t\l 0 TII<IIep of P('3rf> pOOl-tIO"l<i ()n f'It ('t on nA'\ "'\;(I\f>nlher "'"

H, \ ....1 I h,:. npp()~"et h\ nrumh< nl ~ 1..l',III' 'I. olin" and Jo<eph Pl'\ h

The other e,t\ OfflClal' ....,11 not

T-\pnt\ thf" pr-r (POnt 11 ("''',,\'''(1 t() ('on' ..... ""'1to thp or~~n17:lt on ,\\-,,)1 t \('1 told \ltlf'"4t ~tq An 1 iIInl~l'l ( ..... \

\")\('r ~h ~ \ rar c; rr.ord nH mt,,,r. be ('xtf'nof"d to all e)lglble ,,"orne'" ...'- )rk And ItQ. (nor. <; fc r r~" () "\l )1 1.1 ~1.h ('l \I,d b" lhl' .':'RI of (~10~" In thp ell\ ,," Th- h'!:l?;Pr \Ie arc ,h ",\,,,p", '1'(' 1 .. t (), ihr ATl1(r I ~n T ("- H.flfllrl ('"Xr~"'Cl; on of Atom,r 4 ~ n)' \ ... c do L tl

;: Ir , \. 1P\ • A r~m1'~ g-n for I"k,ll,n AlIXl .Rl\ ,Airtl\' ("co "" \~ \f ,,,(' 'h.::\ Olln+lliO '-

('". 1n rO() 't)~~nln~) tr 'lAf(AC',; ~(1.1 li"l r r.h, ,'l,\ I

Tht""~lP...t:::T \dhl ('r-1 , ........ lrfl! l ....111t" ......hp ...~1.lfl~ r .. 1.;\ :\\ •• '1

H L h' '1rc;: H '""nd'!rI .... \fr'hf"'1 " ... .., \foAITC:; Th .. t('l ... ~()nlHhtr') ('),,'r "hc:f'H ..... t .... ,~tl ... lull;) n \\r"\l

Jack elt% oses oh r ('h, r1 "t It b I::~n la,t " .. h h, jnle' tll" d,ollhl"d \r'~l" 0 Ir ,'.11l "'"h 1\11.' \1 "I.

Three Car Rims "no \\111 conI nile th,Ollgh ......m.m Ih"r ram I.eo ~no f,'r th" ".,.1" t,,,n ",j "llh th ,\" o! l' \\A ,,' \1 - \I'T' '" • I

Thre,' "h,t~ rImo \\ el'l' r~portf'd hl'r 11th \ rm"t we na\ All pH'. (h Idren o( \ et ran' Ihilt ....~ mll" "'.. 0 ~ (HH""H' n n h "\\,, \r I "I" \\ t

c:.11l ..... tr4m:\ "', h.-.1nf1~n~ to ,. AlIxlarv nl mhlr~ ,,111 hI' h~,,"'mf\r('nllnh+l\(1n lnlt 1)1'" (nll ....h r ~ll' lilt'll) it th .... rd 1 ~ji

I~ to. H( 17 "r l"';.4:v I""ah,f'}.)Olott ~ql\('rl to r"""'-\'" th/)t,T nll n h l ....h n lfl:l I (f> c:; R.....l 'f'(l'l,:::l, "1. I , I \ ~ 1 t. • 'n, 1 ~, l. t"l • i b .n °hIlal.<! .l'l\d&} miht. .I1.1nng th15 tIme IIJId an InVltatlon.,n the American I..egwn.leg,&la-,hf", &.l,...!r"l ,be progress an...! ~',L<e,l"n &.l,ll A .." ••llUj,

: Sullivan Is Lone StrangerIn Cit), ltfunicipal Election

-,,( <;; j{\l i\ pI" 1" ... ~. \, nr )~n 'il,~

(>;l-:t,,,"-l'\ n °h,... \ llPl$:(>

Government 'AssociationFarms' Col.lii'cil


lnCOn1f'At th J ~h Cn ~nr"I' 'fpf'tlng a petItlon request ..

mg that The S~\\Pr Bond 1....11"be resubmItted tothe dN toratp \\ as pres~ntpd \\hlch bore the slg-natolres 01 h,~ than ql'..tv r"~ldpnt tllJ..pa~ers Inth" follo\\ 109- \\ "f>k< local paper, thiS POSItion\~ a~ It lJ1)1 t.n.~ (i-; then hOo........~g ~..........('rt.,... fl'. ~ 5!gna-tur ... At the Jul\ CounC'11l\!pptmg '!urray SmithVlliag-~ Fngm"H 'tate<l that about Sp\ ent~ -f'H'tomplalOt' had b~,'n rpeel\~d In rrg-ard< to f1ood"dba,emert. and h~ "<t1ll1atpd that at I('ast t\ncea<; O1a'1\ ba<p01ent~ \\ ere floodpd a~ therp \I "1'1'rccordnj ('('01plam!O So Mr \\athll1s letq dropthe fll tlt10\l~ p'tlmat~ of I",ght hUl'drpd floodedba ••'ment, that ~ou reI erred to m the Revle\lr/'c~ntl\

Its a big moment for Russ Gragg, you ng captam of the Woods sandlot baseballteam whIch won the 1947 Metropohtan Clu b League htle, as he receives the honoredtrophy from Hoot Evers, DetrOit Tiger star, Watchmg are Charley Gehringer left,former DetrOit Tiger great, Lew BaldwlD, preSident of the Metropohtan Club, center,and Don Coats, of the Woods police department who is the Club's athletic director inthe VIllage. The presentatIOn was made d urmg the banquet given by the Club atthe Grosse POinte Yacht Club recently for the flVe boys baseball teams It sponsors;Woods, Shores, Farms, City and Park,

Th. Gro<s" Pomt~ Farms Bettl'r GovernmentAS50LlatlOn qUiet smce the Village s sp"clal $400,-000 Bond Issue "1,,ctlOn for sewage Impro\ ementlast month has come to lIre

Thl' Farms' counCil chargl'd that thl' groupmlsrepre<€ nted thp facts to the people which ledto th" dereat o( th" Issue.

In ItS l harges the counCil said that the group\1as comprised of pl'rsonq who placed their Oll'nselfi'h pollt\( al ambltlOn<; before Village mterests.

l"ollO\\'1ng l~ an op~n letter to James K "atkms,pr~sldf'nt of the Fal m, CounCil from the -FarmsBetter GO\ernntl'nt ASSOCIation It IS slgnpd byPhIlIp E Moran, preSident and George Tremblej',spcretanDEAR ~1R '" ATKI:\'S

Let s deal \\ Ith the facts and sf'€' \1hat can bedon~ Lo el1nllHalt~ fiuudt"J baSt iijtiit:; .:" t..l:(' F~rro'!sb\ m"asllres that can be paid for out of current

Park Police SeekBeer Thieves

l' ::::p t~ 1 n 11r-1 (. nl, nt Cl\lrp'~'he Pa I, 0 I"" IIlh -ppa Ir pr0l:rall1

,11,,,,,\1 I: rid HIP l>Tog-eo<;!l"enrd-II II:: to H I. Hpl/:er O( thf' \'lll."l/:e Iof (1 1"'

'" \(" ... ~ (~ .... c: ~r h ....(' .. \" "'rl' \\(' h::l\(' \lrt'Jall\ ron1pl()t,..<t Rill, r (, 1 <Oh O:1l,;;;.n.l f P 1 \Irh or H<lrnn..:::ton ~nd. Pf"mhc .....

"rl"'- ( ~. ,-)112 \t~ "f'l\i ,I l~"" """~ i.;:: C:~ 1 Hlilf>r Ann R"\\1 h r rr'~ \~o;;,:..,..1 ifl h\ • ~.h ( ...1. (f'" l'p1 ('l'0'('''"'\''

hr ,..... L " i h

J'~ ~ .... l; \.."

h \ Co ~. r; "1 .. "hl(' "'nf thr 1/ (">0


H" 't:\R<i; \(,0I, n,'tr t Pl tn. 'R ,i"l£ II, (~I' ynT' o.

j-. "," Ft'I'lot'~l Ch"'(11<., 1'"1 .. h...."l ....('t () ... n.;:t 1(

~rp'III. fnr \ ot"..


irmtmbtr? ~ Park Considers~o 'L\R:, M,O I Sewage Bid

.m., ""t ''1 the Y,llagt offl'rC'd Thf' Pa-k C'""re,l h~. lIcceptpdli~,n" I' en pumpkm fr"" to th~ R' < <, 0 "t,notnH Lon Com-

,h~""r of ~1 \\orth of pan\ < 1,'" h j of S~n1117for ~I''''-r '. "ho brOlll'ht \\,th hm1 ag-" (on _\nl<' W ll' the \{ar\ lal1o-

r-r " wupon from the flrm s 'Bea' o,,<tld I art a f,.r further con-hf' Rf>\IP\"" ~Hi,l~t'0"

,II" lillnal f"hllrrh <i("h(,~Hl"'; \ ':;;;\1~..,(' I ('1m" "', (on nn(;f'd1 ,; nl"ht at ,...hlCh thf of ("n'm," rer \\ 11' 1m G11l.-t\

lrr'\l~~ \\111 h. ~hn\\'., a Ii f', - " J h. t g "crt \ 11l"g"~ I, ~ah ..'\. Rln T'ln Tln ""',ln1l. I' 1r.....\ H' ~ f'r \ I

lr(' r n,""<::" L.~" n-,"" ( ) l'~r\ bf(0re

• I flrsu i¥' or.. or <;; T" (l v'i; , F" A:S "-(74) A I 1 • lo- ~ '"'~ ,,~- 7,,)

Pomtf' H\~h 5ehool I)'fe- rl h\ a nlh, r ", <'n.' t'O""''''('jiltlon f'1C'C'tPd\\aJter ,'01l'a"\ \\,,0 Ill"' cd (j""n afler It

Tr and Jack Younll \1 (Ie;: i c;; I \~ rr i th.:tf Hh'" I {)mp~n\~t :!\ T('~olganlz.A.tH)n \\ ac:: 1(. I \ q .al ii' 1 Lo tll~ th~

..... \\f'pk \\.nrk~ 'hnrltlf't;: ,"-",..riP In\ ,.c;:~

.A, (,Hi~n' In \\hH'h olIIi ... ,"n'I" Pj"of' I11JHrf"'rl \, hf'n ;t

, colI! iNi \\ Ith An a\llo~ d K.rchf'val,

COMPLETE I...... 1 the BE\'IEW Gin.vUlY 'YouCo\'l'rs."e of ALL Homesin Groye Polate & Gratiot

Twptlo a~1":::y;m:-ll------:.;~:-::;;-_-;:=-:= ~G~;os~.!e~P~ointe"FIRST New.paper' Q24 - NO. 11 ~"3' CIRCUL -----------------------------------


•ugene 0 Nellis famoull pia)'\ond the Honzon" WIll bl' pre.ted :\ovember 19, 21. and 22, asfal! productIOn of Pomte Pla.y-

•ohnny KIn~ furmerly Boweryahst entertamed the Grossente LIOns Wlth lOngs a.ndnes at LIOns' meetmg lastit HI' also presl'nted Carl I\\elkal t WIth an oft'It'!al badge Irecogmtlon of hiS outstandmg I~ce 10 the commumty. Irand Mrs ~ B Oldham haven released from Saratoga Gen-I HospItal y,here they w&re con-

for mJurles suffl'l'ed in aIe aecldt'nt Friday. SeptemberThe\ \\ 111complete tht'u' con-

mmg at their horne on Huntb On"e, •len \\'ho hke to sing are in-ed to attend the GrossI' Pomten q Chorus rl'hearsals on Tues-

e\enlORs at Pierce Schoolhe chorus, a non-profit fun-ng organization has 1'-~"nId at \arious CIVlC functIOns Inl[ the past five years It 15er thp dIrection of Kennethel "Idely known mU&IC and I

ln5tructor.~ !Aro.~e potnte~s who attl'nded n swe r spla\ 'RIght You Are' (IfAre \ pr"sent.ed bv thl' De-

t Dramatlc Gmld at the PlfOrC'1'00\ th" wf'l'k are ponderlllgr a .atlqfactory solution to theatlc plot •• Grnq~l' POinte Park Firehlers As'oclatlon \Vlll hold a i'fit part\' at Roo!le-Vanker II "n Frlda\ 1'>ovl'mbl'r 21 I•• lo for thl' 'atfalr WIll be rh.-uW! from house to house b\ IPark fireml'~ - Ie Park cOll:ll is domE all It Ito C'urtal! the constructIOn I

5', madp h\' thp In.tlll1Atlon ofSf'" ag-e In. the Kerchpval area ~e\~r ,tq C'ontrol In the matter

"'" iIollt"d as th~ project IS'er DetrOlt ..upen.'1SI0n and Ute II

age must be bUilt.

•- F-,,-\,. F,U, pastor of Grosse Int. \1pm"~'a! Ch'lrC'h gll\'p thp Ioat on a, the 1947 Red Feathpr Inll.,'\ Chest dn\e opened-••• ~\ when all GrossI' I

"t. '''Irprl forc"s \Vlth DetrOit I

a cl"ont'c I'!fort to raise S,5- Ir,~) durmg th" month-lon,l1;na g-r for thp support or the II

'" ~l aj<f'ncll'~ 10 thl' arE'&



by The POlIItw IfadIng a lIst of promment,aim" ad\ir1'6smg the Industrial II~tlons c1a.'1Ses of the umver-I

o( DetrOit, College ot Com.rt'e and Fmance, was Mr Irge Flt7g"rald, 1334 Buckmg.I \\ ho spoke to the students Idal on the trend of labor lawlegislatIOn.

Page 2: 1'1 , lAttorney 'Authorizeddigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/47/1947-10-16.pdfth aforl'5ald area are InVlted to at- lof the Park, "alter o~t, 0 e A one-year-old

Se. Them Today

Ask About OurChristmas lay-A-Way


111(1 BAI. TRAINSThey t'e AI"rIl (d utI T", I

Bitt 1l'Ill Not St"" L'IIl?

See Them on OurMezzanine FlOor

Complete Setsfrom $22.50

We DelIver To All Po.nt1.l


20916 Mack AH'. :sr. 79~at Hampton

Kou •• Monda) - lrlll.~ StilllS.turdar 9 Ilil 6

Complete Lll1e of

Switches - Signal.. • C&l\Transformers • Tre~tles

Gates - To\\ersEtc.

We Have

They puff real smol,~. \\hlStltlike real trains,


Phone VA 2-5800


TU 1.1600




We Take No Side


Prompt Pick-Up ond Delnery Ser1:lce

A Smrle Trial Will Prove Why .. e areExelusin with Particular People

We call relme 4l1l'lO&t lilly type of garment.

We caD a1~ yo1U sIWiII, dre.es or eoatllwhilebeiD« Dry Cleaned.

~ BlJT ~





15401 East Jeff.rson •lit Nottlneh-

Expert Service 011 All Malt •• 01 Con

~ NOW AVAILABLE TO YOU'11(/ C are the following

C'-i 0"1: B \"of'f e~.~lri I'#~I 0, ,,\oe~o . ~oll~""'~ ('olt; N ",,~ e.~o"\\

COil .CI:' 0 ~ QTr'.-e1ers Ch ~"$ 'o".r S <:,a\"c 'ngs "Cc.ounts

. eel's SERVICES ~aY'Drlve-fn Window F I Person" lo.ns

d . e. Auto", b'S, Sayings Bon s H ."Ir J ~ 0 ,1. Lo."s

U. e\ A ''-'0/1:~ot\&a~ ATe; 0



23400 M.ck AYe. Ros•• III. 5300St. ClaIr Sho~. :\IlChlKan

------ - --- ------------ -- -------


Mo&ber', gone Should the children be placed tn a home'w.1l mangers understand Illl,e JImmv oS tear of doctor. andb.IiI ~t'.s pench:lnt for bnngmlt home stray caL~' Or can1Ibe family rema.n t,~~e~l.( TO HUlJang pe<lpl~ soh e famuyproOlem.s lS the Job of \.he ~a'Tll!Y rO\.fl.o,cI.ng servIce. one or&he Bed FPathf'T "n I('('~ of !.he Community Chest Mant.a1ddftcllll.les per1>Un"J .. ) 0 "urbanc!'b >lIn(." economic dlm-eal~ and worrY a.cx.v~ ('I",drf'n aTe tPrtlle see<! for fa'1Hl,WeMQown ~..d c.\~r, ( PEOPLE 1:-1DIFF!CULT'.." BENEFIT... Ule help of Lhe tar.l,y &en-Ice E" ERYBODY BENEFITB_ becaU8e the comm Ilfl' ty pro.~per~ only as It masters \beprablem.s of everyday 11~,n't :-'..ppon fa",oJ." ,erftClIt • ...,A..... Co,,,,,,",,,,,,t,, Clt~#t TJ" .. lNJt " Qlloflll'r MlfLpcll~'-


• I••., .•.....


., .. ,. ." .. .


- Thunday, October' 16,191THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW ~

'"""hae Two EDDY'S- THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW VFW Post Camera Club I Infantile Paralysis Speaker .~~TCkINC .~~~.~!~I

.. NATlONAL£DITORIAI- To Hold I'd' Kiwanis Club ;"'l~A~'f" >1~,-V S~OCIATlOtI IHolds Mass Model Night · Ad resses POInte "moo" hod ,ho"'> " ... p".l wl V_A_lIe_y2-3639Oftu,. at 10121 KerCheval between Mary land and La1tepointe T. '1' I' Speaklnr to the memben of the I help local IIlfanUle paralysIs /juf.

:: "'The Only Weekly Newspaper CoverlnjZ All the Homes l.lnl la Ion On Tuead&~' etenlng. October Gro.se POlite K1warul Club .~ 'ferers. Over 400 patients haveP d G t t T b S" 21 Mlt. Jean Elwell will be In their regular Tuesday meeting at I I been helped wIth this money 1IlllCC

.:. m Grosse omte an ra 10 owns Ip . By NOR.'\lAN WYATT ch~ge of Model Night at the Club udo. Mrs. Beatnce Wright, " , I the first of thiS year alone.L. B. OLDHAM .•••••••••••••••••••• Publlsher Twent~'-sev~n new recruIts to I Groue Polnte.Camera Club. DIrector of Public RelaUona, " ,,$~ Wayne County has had aboutCHARLES MANOS ~ltor Alger POlt i9~ of the V I".W. who Wayne County Chapter of the Na., ' .'1. '" 23J cases ot IIItantile paralysisPAUL J BLACKBURN Advertising Manager had not taken the final obllratlon I Jrt:lsa ElweU has appeared betore I tlonal FOWldatlOn for Infantile ~ 0 ~0';: Ithl~ sumlllf'r. Mrs. Wnght st~ed

. • ••• • of the V.F.W., rathered at Gabnel] the club on prIOr occasions, and IParalysIs, deBcrlbed the Bemeesl ,..{ • " ,~, Iwhile thiS I1l{Ure18 not alarming,ROBERT P. OLDHAM .••••••••••••. Advel'tlsmg RIchard IChool. Fisher road and she II noted for her unusual abU- which the Foundation rendel'l na- , 0 0, I aJ> a public h('alth problem polio-

Sl1b1cr1pt1on RateS. By Mall $2 00 per year; 5c per COpy. Kercheval In Grone Pointe. last Ilty m arrangement of models and tlona!ly and locally t ~t , I mvelltls ha~ become IncreasmglyBy CUTler. 10 cents a Month. Sunday afternoon for one of the photorrapblc llrhbng. She has CALL DOCTOB " '" ". I slgmficant SIllLt' the flrst great

• Pttblisbed E,'eJ.-YThursda,' bv The Grosse Pointe PrlDtmg Co. mo.t 'lJUprelSlve 'ceremomel W'I promIsed that the umqueneu of Mr. Wright state<! that facts; ~.:\$ • I' . t'pld('n\l( III 1916 The cost of In.VAllev' 2-i162 - 2-1163 Gold Stripe outfit proVides. the subject matter will be of great tight fears about mfantlle paraly- ~.:. .' -J 0 'fanUle pal ah'sls to the nation In

"WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW" The inlUatlon was open to all Interest to those who are Photo°l SII. and Slnce the dIsease Is unpre. ~,' '%~l'ii 11946 wa~ $30,000.000"• memben of the post, theIr falmol graplucally mcllned. dlctabIe, knowing what It IS, what I ",.. ~7£~ > ANSWERS Ql E~TI01\S

lies and fnt'nda In the absence Mr Lester M('Oowell suggests to do about It and where to turn I ' A , AlIowmg tIme for a questiollI WHAT ABOUT RETAI L PROFITS? of commwder B A. Chaplow of, that everyone bring their cameras: for help i. the grea;81t protection " period, Mrs Wright answered: . Alger post, Lou Porhorsky. Semorl and plenty of 111m so that they agamst It. Mrs. "nght pomted questions flom the group and• When the natIOnWIde CongressIOnal mvestIgatIOn of Vlce Commander of!lclated for Ican enjoy themselves. out that half of all those who get thanked nwmbLrb of the Grosse...,poDaUmer goods prices opened at PrOVIdence, Rhode Island, 996. The ntual work was conduct- the disease recover WIthout crlpo POInte Kl\\ allis for' their coopera-

h d Both testi ed by the XatLonal ChampIOn The meetmg '111,11 be held In the plmg. She /jtressed the fact that t d enero>lty:' two retailers were among the wItnesses ear. -I Ritual Team of F9.lrvlew post clubrooms at the Neighborhood deformltles may be prevented and 1 lO;hanG ~s~e POlnt~ Club \\ as the• fled that their net UlUt profits were less than 1ll the days v F W under the dlrectlon of IClub m Grosse Pointe The public crippling lessend by prompt me- < te ~ KIII/ams Club before I: of low pnces. Furthermore, then' gross mark-Up was less I Con:.m~der Payne. IS 1n\'1ted to attend. dlcal care .. "Call YO~,rdoctor un- MRS. ~E.o\TBICE WBIGHT ~~;:c~e~{rs Wnght has appeared I

1;~~~~~r~;~f~~~1~~I[::::~~:~}:!:~::~~~~Ji~~~'~~~~~~~i~'~'~~T~E;~~:~t;~~W;~~• bad brought about high prICes. For Martin E. MelVin R I- f T 5 otland: . J:DttoB'S NOTE: All l~ttenl 'WI)) Dt' oack with the same old run I e Ie 0 C.' TeStimony such as this squares completely Wlth the adcI.-ed to the Edltor must or parties WIth lota of n&mes. Funeral services were held Mon- sh S t f may be left at St. Andrews Hall,:: DOwn record of retaIling during the dtfficult davs Since the be II&'Md- rpon requeet, tIow- Your columnist was domg such day for Martin F Me1\'Ul of 31 The United.Scoftrtll

thiocle~::f 431 E Congress or a pick-Up can

. d. th elM -- 1Iill aot be pub- fl .' d eve "one was en . Detroit sent It. s s pme . V 2 8627:: war. Both the chams and the mdepen ents were amung e ne \~OrK an r, • Woodland, III St. Paul's Church, clothes to needy familles m Scot- be arranged by calmg A. _ ..' tl'lIt to point to the dangers of inflation. They have cut 1bIIecI. joymg th~ t ~h mu~:- t~u:t she GroSBePomte. He was 62. land thll week. The Salvation Army has agre~:: costs wherever possible, in order to hold down price in. ----- ag:::y:lI~e: Is : °ftxe~y~~ that Frank Campl5le,chamnan of the to a.ct ~ a dlstrlbutlIlg agency~ to the hmit of their ability. They have voluntarilr ~:: ::~':~r to our jour- you must follow. but If there ill a .M~~~~vIn~:::,M:;;'~::;"lrI~.Speci~ rel:dco:..~t~: ~~~~ SC~~~~an CanlpSle SlLIdthat the":-_;~.....:I from putting higher retail pirces into effect until naliam clUJ today and asked.my choice, I vote for more teen-age Albert tinrecentYto' d lo.h'n~ to the comnuttee IS also conducting a..... ~.......... "d bl Th ha bit d .... I d fewer par. Melvm; two brothers, Rev. ue sen c -...... • th f d btained.'~her wholesale pnces made It unavol a e. ey ve InlltrUctor to rate your column- s an an..c e., an &tri k n m Scot1&ndbut they must food drive. '" I un S 0

~ -.orked to uphold qualitv of goods. All of this has been IIU!. In hi. opllllon KIU M. V'j bes. ha L, pastor of Grosse Pomte Farms ha.v~ ethe co-operabon of every through ocntrlbutlOns the grou~"'""" .' Zanen was way down at the bot- Of course. I couldn't Ny \V t and Dr. Wl1llam C.; two 81Sterl. hOOr plans to purchase food and ship I:::n unmeasurable benefit to consumers. tom, the yo~gsters want, but hilre's a Sister Ellen Mary, of the Suten of nl!'l~ c~mnuttee WIll appreciate Idlrect to needy persons m Scot-..... It is to be hoped that the Congressional injuiry will Your other column. and a.rtl~lea parent s vote. Siacerel Charl.ty of Cincinnati and Adele. any donabons of old clothes. which land.r'....ft the publie at large a better understanding of the posi. are verynWell wntten. The ReV1ew MRS. GI:O':£ w..... 6& . d d' trib ti II a lIWe paper.... tioD. of the retailer in the production an 18 u on ma. I am not from Grosse Pointe. _::~. He is caught between high prics on the one hand YOW"ITruly. TO THE EDlTQB:Janel consumer resentment on the other. He is performing BETrY FBA..""'"KLIN. Thill is to adVIse you that I ha.ve''""'" remarkable and little understood service under extremly recel....ed a telegram from Charles~t1t diti TO TIlE J:DrroB: Luckman, Chaltman, Prel!lldent'si.r---- con ODS. Th18 letter II from four fonner I CitiZen.. Food Conunlttee, urgmg Ic: -------- 1I&I10ra who Wnk Meeky I' doing Ithat our Community a.8SIIt in the I""" a 1lne job with her Teen-Talk I Food Consen'&tion Program so:= WINTER INCREASES FIRE HAZARDS column. I that we may extend &ldto our leBa.. Before we joined the Navy, we fortunate brothers U1 Europe. Be.=: The approach of winter brings an inc~ in many ~ all attended Gro_ Pointe High low ill a copy of tIus telegram.~ particularly in homes where heating and ~lect:rical and thought we did net :0 1n fer I We naturally urge and knowe;etltwill soon be working at capacity. And this wmter parties, we got a bIg bang out of that lIll of our citIZens will co. I. -: .. 1......- whether the American people are capable of her teen-talk column. operate In this conaervation Pro-I

....u.a ..,....... • WhUe In the semce, the ReVIew gram It IS poulble that the plan' the challenge of a destroyer that hu been settlDg and Meeky wu jU8t like a letter be fully effective and that It will,--. ......U record after ruinous record. from home. . . Ineed reVlllon in order to KCorn.=:--- . It that group 15 110 U1tere.sted m I... That ehallenge has been clearly presented to every getting IOme ink, why don't they phsh it. purpoae, I~"-~"ual--and to every community, no matter how small. go up to Meeky and mtroduce. In view of the fact that we lIa-vp


~ themselves; after all th~re Is a Iso few restaurants and no hotels in I~ President's conference on fire safety, which was held limit to how much one btUe girl 'lour community, I h&ve not as yet:"..t May, developed a splendid, all-inclusive progr~ for can get around in one evening. appomted a local Citizens' Food I

.~batting tire. But that program will be worthless WithOut Though we don't know Meeky, Committee. I

iF~ve public support. we're on her !l!~ I Yours very trol,.. IFOUK U-60BI. BOWARD P. PARSHALL,

One of the principal cOlllIqunity duties is to enact fire ------ i Pre'llideat I5-f!ftIltion ordinances that are up to date-and then to TO THE EDITOR: I VIIlap of GroMe PoIDte~rce them. Though my chJ.ldren are not yet ~k _. _... of 11.Ighschool age and are not 1= An efficient fire department is important. Firemen must concemed With hIgh lIChoolaclivi-I Hon Howard Parshall, :Mayor:> highly trained, and eqwpment must be kept in proper bell .. repruented in "T~en-Talk'''1 Grosse Pointe Park, Mlch.Dqairo Adequate water facilities must be provided. I think thelWT!t:r of it I. dam,. al Of course you fully realize the...... commendab e JO . grave emergency confronbng the.. Every expert knows that fire can, be contrc:'lled--and Her coverage il confined to, hungry people of Europe and the::lttat loues can be reduced to a fraction of thar present Igroup. who enJoy good clean ree. I responsibilIty this places on ua as~hlme Positive action will accomplish that. reabon and entert.amment. The I a free people. The Deluge of in'l-,..rrv . kInd that any parent would want IqUlliies we have already received:: -------- 1UIclUld to pa.rbclpate U1. from lmhVlduals and organizations I... Possibly that group that Is I offering every coopera.t1onreqUlres:: REMEMBER SWEETEST DAY angry because theIr names do notl the Immediate establishment of a

l...... appear m the column are respon. 1 local citizen Food Committee tn:: "A iinle thanks goes a long way" and so does a llttle Ilble for the rmscmeI causeQ by Iyour community The PreSIdent I~er that you appreciate the tlungs that people do for' Juvemlea Ln tlUa are:: MOTIIEB Iand the CItizens Food Committee':::::rOO all year round. On "Sweetest Day," October 18, the I _ _ _ request most earnestly ther~fore

. .... .. h .deal I -- \ your full support in organizing I'llln01fiesal CIVIC make someone happy day, you ave an 1 ITO TIll: mrroR' your community As the ba51cI~ty to repay special people for their thoughtfulnesa While we are. d1licuSlling tlle Imove In orgamZl~g your commun- i:~ mow them how much you value their friendsb!~. \ReVIew. teen-age column:S-...s.may i .ty ma.y we respectfully I'.lggest I....... I sa.y a word about Miss Paula'i that you issue a proclamation in::;: Sweetest Day was born several years ago in small IBoo!.'!!p....., support of th" CItizen. Food Com-::,~WD8, ~. an exp~ion of kindness and fnendsbip to the I I don:t r~all! kn~~ whe~~r thi.~I ~:tte~ p~~m ..,~~ ...~~iaL~~~ :.. CDderpnV'Jeged res::.dents. Its development tr.uou.ghuut the 1ietier anowu DC .u.un:~KU w :IV""! ",U4;L:U3uu '-4u:: ~vu ... ~ .... ~ VUl~

.,::::country has become so general that Sweetest Day is now' or Paula directly because I don't Iof the program. I~ • . f know if she deCIdes what to wnte l-Use No Meat on Tue!M!ay..".colllldered next to Chnstmas and Easter as a day or re- about herself or if you tell her, 2-Use no Poultry or Eggs on..::membrance of all loved ones and fnends. For a wh1le, Paula's columns Thursday. I

•. . were JUst about partles and, 11.1- 3-Save a Sltce of Bread Every I~ Grosse Pomte recogtllton of Sweetest Dav on the third though well-wntten. seemed much Day.:saturday of October annually IS part of a natIOnal program I the same, and then suddenly. she (-Restaurants to Serve Bread I::to let aside one day each year to "make someone happy:' started wrIting short article. and Butter only on Request. I

-" !Make it your goodvo.ll day too. Iabout thmgs teen-agenl would be I We urge you to appomt at once I• mterested m. Those artIcles were I a local CItizen Food Committee for I---------------------------1 Just the tl'.il"g I know because I the Juration of the emergellc)' 111'1------------------------- Iam the mother of a 18 year old elUding representative. from all

o : FRIEND OF THE FAMlty daughter My nClghbor has a girl organIzed groups in your com.• who II JUst 13. She enJoys them mumty such as churches Amencan I..,., Itoo. IRed Cross. S c h 0 0 Is, Wornens ,• But lately again. I've noticed a Groups. Labor Business Civic Vet-I: change. Once &&,a1O,I suppa... we , e,a.ns and Fraternal orgaruzatlons I• , ..-----------:..-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.------...." We WIll be sendmg you factual: KORTI: & KNOLL data and mformation which will

" • BIEAUTY SHOP I enable your com1lllttee to formu- I., • late an effective c&mpaign pat-

Extend an InYitation to visit terned to your communIty. WIll :them at their new 1000atlon- you please mform us as qUIckI)' IUtt Aaclabon at Wal'ftD for as poSSible of the steps you are

ComJ)lete Beauty Seniee takmg so that the commIttee may'If .00 d~ .... a Prat'hu.l and ' fully support you I

yet ".Ural Bainlrfa Charles Lucl!mll1l.ChalMnan IPhone TU. 2.1540 f'r"'UU""'lI Citizen Food


• ,f(





_ .... __ v - -- ~. ~.

Page 3: 1'1 , lAttorney 'Authorizeddigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/47/1947-10-16.pdfth aforl'5ald area are InVlted to at- lof the Park, "alter o~t, 0 e A one-year-old


Hickory 2000


We"keService Cal"

We will have ReA - WIIeoaGay - Il:merson - IIadIl -Fada - Olympic - AnIIlRadio. when A va.Uable.

Open Monday, 1'!'S4q,saturday un I p.IIIo


16.. East W.,...at Courville

mentator on books ane! pl&yI, u4conducts "one woman" theatre c*the Air, and 1n her lecture&.

Reservation. for the ICatJuoJII'furney Garten talK on booka anavailable at Grinnell's, R&. 11&


Turney GartenTo Town Hall

7:30 AM' tv JUiJiiightSaturdays to 6 PM


15218 East Jefferson VAile,. 2-M7O

Service DepartmentNow Open




Our paint department is now set up to handle a lot of work.

In order to get it, we've got a special price. For the monthof October, our price is-

Our painting and bumping department is in business to pro-

tect y~!.!r t:!r il'!vestment. By repairing :r.d painting the

small damage now, appearance depreciation is stopped.

Painting will protect your car investment. Whether it's

just a scratched fender or the whole car. Painting increases

your car's appearance appeal and that shows up when youtrade it in.


Renamed from Eastern Chevrolet Co.14800 E. Jefferson .t Alter

Buy &lid Sell ThroUgh theC1aII8lfteda--J'hoDe VA. 2-1162

lUST PLAYINGGrosse Pointe Woods found

Ralph Stanbery, 8, 1169 Stanhope,playmg a short distance from hiShome. He had been reported lost,

Kathryn Turney Garten, popularbook revIewer Will an!lWer thequestion "What IS Most WorthReadmg Today?" at Detroit TownHall, Wednesday morning, Octo-

Eighteen local reSidents are ber 22, at eleven o'clock in theamong the 1,342 stUdents enrolled Fisher Theatre.at DenIson Umverslty, GranVllle, Listed as one of the country'sOhio. Seniors are MarjorIe Little, top authonUes on modern liter-447 Rivard Bivd; LoiS Gehrig, ature, Mrs Garten ill also talented1230 Balfour; and Carl Roesch, 758 and dramatlC actress Who projectBarnngton road. the story she reVlews on the plane

Junlorll are Charles Blellsed, 271 of a stage monologue This WIllRoosevelt road; David Fairless, 539 be her fourth annual appearanceFisher; and Cynthia Pemoyar, 319 at the !Forum by popular requellt.

McKinley. Aside from readmg hundredsSophomores are Jane Baldwin, of tichon and non-fl<.t1on works

1166 Whittier avenue; Robert a year, the "lirst lady" of bookBridge, :1.35 Moran road; Robert reviewers finds time to attend allFox, 67 Lewiston road Donald the new Broadway plays She isWmslow, 1428 Belfour, and Robert greatly In demand as a radio com •.N Hess, 330 Mernweather, andWilliam Lord, 269 McMillan road,both of Grosse Pointe Farms.

First year students are DonaldDannecker, 880 Cadieux road; Rob-ert B. Johnstone, 109 Moran road,Kathleen KalbfleiSCh, 790 LUlcolnroad; Douglas Krieger, 308 Moranroad; Raymond Schumam'!, 1431.Balfour road, and Gene Stebbins,432 Roland road.

118 PointersEnroll AtDension u.



> !. ,


Evensong To MarkOf New Mi.ssion

~ H\ TF: ol.n",,01\1J 1': 1\1.no

15222 E. Jefferson AYe.


ALSO AVAILABLE $Speed Queen Automatic Ironers 15495

VAlley 2-9445

APPLIANCE d mepointe po




• Double-Wall TubKeeps wat.er hotlonger

eBowl.Shaped InnerTubfor fast cleanwashmgs

wrangle-Proof Agita.torsuper sPeed. highvane

Har safety ReleaseWringer8 posltlon. balloonrolls

Hinger.Tip ClutchControlfree shift. waist-high

e8edl!ller.t ZOne Trapkeeps watercleaner

esteel ChassisConstructionfull length legs


Speed QeenBAli ALL THESE




'Dogs Fight ButMaster Gets Hurt

I Grorgr F,,,,<; ngton, 620 ~rffl"0ad \\a<; tllttrn on hl~ hand whpnh • dog brcam!' invol\'!'d in a fight,v.llh another dog Sunday aftH-;noon

I (',1v p0h('c could not locate thr0\\ nrT or thp srcon<'l do\( whIch ~a.~r(.no'1~lhl(' for Mr F:ssmgton's In-', IJ'1f'.•

Home-coming will be celebralPdat the University of Michigan onO(.tober 25.

The Michigan-YlnnellOt& foot-ball game will be the chief centerof Interest, but a I<:hedule ofevents ha.s been arranged bothfor the Friday evenmg before thegame and throughout Saturday.

The huge pep ra.I1y will be heldat South Ferry Field !Fnday eve.mng followed by the traditionalVarsity Night, a student vanetyshow, at Hlll Auditorium. Satur-day morn1n gthe winners amongthe fratemlties, sororll.lea andReSidence Halls in tne contestfor the best decorated house willbe selected. e

The game Itself on Saturdaya!ternoon already 18 a sell.out anda capacity crowd of 85,938 Wl1l beon hand to watch the Wolvennesseek to retain possession of theL1ttle Brown Jug.

The Home-coming Dance at theSports BUlldmg Saturday eveningIS expected to attract some 1,500couples The mUBlC will be byLouis Prima's orchestra.

IOct. 25 MarksHomecomingAt U. of M.

Dr. HartmanTo Speak onPresent Crisis

_ .. rq*--

Photography by

Your Weddingin Action!


Open AgainFROM 8 A. M. TO 9 P. M.

~==TIRE SALE--=-===1r~~~~~I!t~IJ~~~S200/0 OFF

9- CUJ. f/{igginsMA. 7799


ru:udo 2.)200

16901 MACK at ORA YTONrn, PROSE NIAGARA 4000 Opr,S F.n.~I"'GS 'TlL 9...

BeautIful Cand1ds or yourentire weddlnit permanentlymounted 1D an exqu1slteieather-boUDd volume.

Grosse PoiateMethodist Ch.rchMeeting now in Kerby

SchoolKerby DJ'. Kercheval

ServiCes:10 45 worship and sermon12 to 12'30 Lesson period

for all departments ofChurch SChool

10 45 to 12:30 Nursery andKmderga.rten lesson andPlay Period

Rev, Hugh C. White. PastorRes,: 2049 Van Antwerp

TUxedo 1-1129Building site MoI"O& between

Kercheval and Ridge

After a me"tfng of the Christ The! cntrance to the churi'll is j11~tChurch, Grosse Pomte Velltry held opPOsite the dnveway to the Locb-recently, the followmg planll and moor Club.ue(.Il110ns were reported by the HONOR REV. YEOMANRev. B. Creamer, Rector, for the 2-The VClltry, upon the noml-expansIOn of the Church m 1948. nation of the Rector, unanimously

Ch ch G 1-We are pleased to announce elected the Rev H. Yeoman, Cu-ur roup that on Sunday afternoon, Octo- rate of this Parish, to the Vicarbel' 26, at p.m. a service ot Choral of our Mission Church. He will

To Attend Evensong Will be held in our new celebrate the Holy CommunionEPlllCOpal Mission at Grosse each Sunday at 8 a m., conduct aPOUlte Woods, formally opening Church School at 9:30 a m., and

Conventi.on the Chapel. The Dlocesan Bishop, read th,e service of Morningthe Bishop Su1fragan and the Rec. Prayer at 11'00, except the second

On Wednesday, October 22. the tor ot Christ Church, Detrolt, Sunday in the month when theAfternoon group of the Woman's have been lnV1ted to take part m Holy COmmunion WIll be cele-society of Chnstlan service of The this service. brated. All young people's acllvi-Grosse POinte Methodist Church A double quartet recruited from ties for the present WIll be con-W11lattend the Woman's Society the Mother Church, under the dI- centrated at the Parish Church inof Christian Service District con- recllon of Mr. Redlltock, WIll pro- Miller Memorial Hall, where our

t Vide the musIc. A festal Magnifl.- tDr Robert S Hartman, world ven Ion at the Ea.st Grand Boule- facilities are more adequa e.ard M th cat will be sung. th R t r'

observer, professor of Philosophy v e odlst Chui'Ch from 10 3 -In response to e ec 0 sand lingUist IS the speaker for The a. m. until 3 p. m. The Dons All interested members of this appeal two weeks ago we an-DetrOit Town Hall at The Cass WhIte group W1ll meet at the par- congregation, whether or not reo nounce the following additional

L;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;:;;;::;::;:~ ITheatre, on FfJday morning, Cc- sonage, 2049 Van Antwerp road, SIding m Grosse POinte Woods, gifts:,;; tober 24 at 11 o'clock. to pack overseas boxes for Fm- are cord1a.1ly UlV1ted to be present. Silver MIssal StaDd

Dr. Hartman has expenenced land and Germany. The Mission Church bUllding ill MIssaladventures smce he was born in Mrs. Ernest D. Brutschy, 1371 the former Renmore Golf Club, 10' Sanctuary ChaIr and KneelerBerhn m 1910, wluch mirror the Oxford road, Is chalnnan of the cated off Lochmoor Boulevard, Lectumturbulent tunes In which we live; Alpha group and Mrs. VIrgIl L. Grosse Pointe Woods, approxi- The Vestry ha!I given permi ...he received lus trauung at The Wallmg, 327 Kerby road, is chB.1l'- mately halfway between Lake sion to borrow from the MotherUmversll.!es m Pans, London and man of the Doris WhIte group. Shore Dnve and Mack Avenue. Church one hundred CathedralBerlm and taught Admmlstrallve Chairs, a piano and the necessaryLaw and thp PhllMophy of Law at eqUlpment for the Church SchoolThe UniverSity of Berlm, HIS mill. R ,.rha~.1 (1rhool nlans until such time as they are re'lltant articles warning the German "",, , '(l ~"', .L-,~ placed by permanent gifts, Hang-people to res.at Hitler and hIS I Ings for a DoSllal have been con-cohorts brought dov.'1l the wrath S ' p"T" ...t n tnbuted, two suver Altar Vases Iof the Gestapo on hl~ head and he I eason s .L 1'1 .L-rODram have been given as a memorial,was saved only by lIl(.a!'ceration in 0' and we shall provide the necessarya hospital for mental patlents . .At- number ot prayer books and hym-ter ros escape to France, he be. Ree!ently the Board of the RJ.ch. Because of the valuable and nala. I

came representahve for Walt Dls, ard P.T.A. met and made plans for constructive work the Safety Pa- SEEK ASSISTANCEney m Sweden and then In Mexico. what Is hoped to be a very suc- trol and Service Squad, the Asso- (-We ask that from our :Mis-

Early m 1934 Mr. Hartman went cessful year. clation bas appomted a sponsor sion congregation a suftlcientWlth hlS close friend and asso. The Board consists of the fol. for each, these two parents to number of people ol!er their sereclate, the Inventor of the rocket, 'lowing. PreSident. Mr. Newberry; work with the school in promoting vices &ll members of the Chapelto England to mterest the Bntlsh Vice-President, Mrs. Purdy; Sec- these activities. Choir. For the present we are ableGovernment about the robot bomb retary, Mr. Hammel; Treasurer, The Association also annually to provide enough robes to vest a

. ,. , "ill but the Bntlsh were unmterested Mr. Goodnow; Programs, Mrs engages in a project of buying chOir ot four men and four WOl'l.-and ten years later, the full fUry Purdy; Movie CounCIl, Mrs. Whit- something for the school and the en, which Is all the seating spaceof th1s weapon smote Bntam. tlngham and Mrs. Hembel; P.T.A. comnuttee has been appointed by our Chancel W1ll accommodate.

Tlckets at The Cass Theatre CounCil, Mr. Scheid and Mr. the president to carry on such an 5-The Vicar W111 contlIlue toor call the Town Hall office in Goodnow; Cub Scouts, Dr. Noer; activity. keep office hours at the Parishthe book-cadillac. Girl Scouts, Mrs. Huntington; Church on week days, with the

Adult Education, Mrs. Koelbe., exception of Wednesdays, from___.i I French Rentals Board of Education Representa. Tax Expert Speaks 9'00 untll 12:00 noon. A telephone_ bves, Mr. Rich, Mr. Douglas, Mr. At Vernier PTA will be installed In the Mission! Wardle; Room Parents, Mr. and for the convenience of the congre-~U 400 P t Mrs. True; Refreshments, Mrs. Attorney Samuel E. Gawne will galion and we anticipate week-p ercen Llpplcott; Service Club Spon.soril, be the pnncipal speaker at Ver- day acllVlbes, especlally that of a

Mr. Koolbe! and Mn Howard; mer SchOOI'll first PTA meeting of Woman's Auxlhary to get under_ Mr Leonard Reaume, fonuer Health Councll, Mrs. Beach. the year to be held Tuesday, Oc- way.i I preSident of the Detroit Real Es- Five meetings will be held du~ lober 21 at 8 p m. 6-The Rector and Vlcar are; tRtp Board, addressed members of I".,. thp 19047-48 school year on the A tax consultant, Mr. Ga.wne confident that for the remainder: I the Grosse Pomte Rotary CIUO following dates; October 21, De-I W1U speak on the Commumty Iof this year and in 1948 the work:PIE 0 PIP E B ~_MFrOanndcaeY.on Rent Control in cember 2, February 10, April 8 Property Law. of the parish can be adequately

and May H. The program is being All parents in the area are in. accomplished W1thOUt the additfon

~MUSIC STUDIOS: Recently returned from an ex- plenned 80 it will be variable and vited to attenc:L • of another clergyman._ tended tnp to England and of mterest to fathers and mothers

1 d alike.r.....r~.J France, the speaker exp ame....~_~___ th the e Is ratIOned Bellpving that one ot' the basisthat every mg r. 'f tl t P T A. i that t in I

INSTRUCTION and ration certificates are more unc ons 0 a. 5 0-


bke "huntlllg licenses," for if you formmg the patrons the na.ture ofon all do have the ration pomts, it is the work ~f the school, two or

., + +h three meetmgs wI1l be devoted toInstruments difficult to nna wna~ yv .......... ~lth t.bUy Pnvate bul1dlllg in England ~n~~~ober 21!lt Mr. Barnes,

, Faculty of 12 : IS at a standstl1l, desplte bousmg ISuperintendent of Schools and Mr, Wmd _ Reed _ String - shortages. W,cklng, PreS1dent of the Board of, Voice InstruetlOn Smce 1914, rents in France have I EducatIOn, W1ll briefly diSCUSS

~ i]-~. " .A.... h"nrlTPd ner cent some school problems. At one of, VEm.ce 9.0740 1'~~;~'';r;~85000 bUldlmgs In the meetings the visual edu~ationl

_ Pans which should be replaced at program of the school will be'--___________ a rate of 1,300 per ~'ear, due to presented by MISS Norris, a teach-

• their average 65 year usefulness er at Richard. At another meet. I11624 Whittier . ! But ~mre 1935 there has been no In~ the music or physical educa-

near Kelly "'. Inotlc~able bUlld.mg bon program W11lbe presented in i, " , "' ~~ . a demonstration. Because there I

is alwavs a general interest on the

SAVE S-EIN-R'S tlal't of the patrons of the scboollAT T t listening" to a pyschologsC&1 <lISCUS-1

~~;' ;~:t~~;r:;~ :ero~~~~s~:s l~~~ !

C 0 MR L ET E SERV IC E PreVIOUS to each meeting. from7 30 untJl 8 15 the parents WIll

I V1Slt the several classrooms andnH'pt the teachers and get ac-

A N D quamt!'d W1th one another. Fol.IloW1ng carll meetmg then' WIlliI be a SOCial period WIth refresh-

PARTS D EPARTME NT Imcnt~ In the playroom.

I d~~:na h:m:;n~:~a~s ~: ~s:~Ilroop a cub scout pack, g'~I .~"l'lt I

lard bro",-nip groups at the schoolto whIch a lar~e number of uppergTlld!' ch1ldren hlwe belong!'d,The P T A hM o-pon80red thcsegrolll's bv furnlshmg lrad!'r8hlp Iard fmanclll1 l\id All of thl~ workIS Wl"V ,alnablr and Wlll continue Ito be fost/'red by the RIchardPTA


Garden GroupFirst Meeting

Better nutrltlo~ value. and ling depl,'led Mrs R df Idth f "'I e Ie Is one

fwer colds are e avorau ere- of Grosse Pomt!"t5 v: us!ng natural fertilizers gUl~h((j garn"n 1~~~• .:n0st dlslm-.... t th h - .• v.c •• a.,,,.lh ..,, ..I.-"e from compos ra er t an ways carrIed out p t IIll.... J hn V R df Id rac lca Ideas

chelllicals Mra, 0 • c Ie m vq;etable raiMng In additIOn totold Illembers ot the Gr~sse Pomte purely aesthetiC Interests,Brench of The Woman. National For a(lmlrers of berned sh b

F..... and Garden Asaoclatlon at Mrs W D Thomps f Blru

s,a.. " t h Id M d on, 0 oom-tbe first fall mee mg e on ay field Hills, dl~played several va-afternoon in the home of Mrs nltlc~ of euonymous and suggest.BenJalll1n E. Young, 71 Lake ed other favonte shrubs ill herSbore Road. garden.

Mrs Redfield described the Mrs. William H Fnes preSidedconJtrUctlOn ot her compost Pit, at the busmess mlelmg after11.5contents and use in her garden which tea was served A antiquewbere the soil is being Improved sllvcr anJ u} ~lal epergne filledfrolll year to year instead of be. With white a"nLmones grapes and_ LOSES pears centered the lace'LQveredW1fYTE SITE tea table. Mrs JOLl H Prescottr}\RKING assisted Mrs Young as hostes.

At the request of the Park coun- Among those attendmg ;'ere. 1 Whyte Oldllmoblle Sales on Mrs Alvan ua 1 MCCl, 11 m eau (y, ra Char-

Jefferson near Lakepomte WI not l('s T Bush, hhss Marie LoUIsepark any cars on the lot adjOining Anderson, Mrs Ralph Bigley, Mrs.the salesroom. Vmcent R DePetrla, Mrs Stan-

The counCil made the request dish Backus, Mrs Charles Mcafter It rece1Ved serveral com- Naughton, Mrs Fred Hart, Mrsplalllts from Village .resldents that Wilham R Kales, Mrs Henry L,the company WIUIusmg resldentw Newman, Charles F. NavU1, Mrsproperty for business purpoJeL Wallace MdcKeuzle, Mra J J._- Crowley, Mrs Hugo Scherer, Mrs

Albert E Meder, Mrs, RufusClark, Mrs John F Keys, Mrs LRobert Lilley, Mrs Joseph M.Dodge, Mr~ Frederick W. Camp-bell, Mrs. J Nall Candler, MrsWessel Booth, Mrs B E Taylor,Jr, Mrs Alfred LaIF'erte, MrsFrank W. Goldie, Mrs ErnestBner, and Mrs George D BRIley

'!'bursday. October 16.1947--

Page 4: 1'1 , lAttorney 'Authorizeddigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/47/1947-10-16.pdfth aforl'5ald area are InVlted to at- lof the Park, "alter o~t, 0 e A one-year-old

10007 CBAL:llERS

Plneree 6OSO14830 II.:. WARRENTuxedo 1.2270

VAlley 2-1185

• Cilolee or Ta Pe• DilHut Bardwa.re• I'ul.b' Guaranteed


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TbUl'lday, October 16,

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Toy auto racea will be held atthe Groue Pointe Motor Sales,14801 Eaat Jefferson, on Sundayafternoon.

The nme fastest marks by theseminiature toy auto which arepowered by capsules Wlllqualify tocampete In the state finals to beheld Sunday, October 26.

The MIchigan Hobby Dealers aresponsoring the event.






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Phil BaniaChristmaa Mus1e Is now instock. New releases arrlv1ngdally. come 1n a.nd hear Ulem

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WHERE TO CO IN WYANDOTTEFor all the football fans who want to travel to Wyan40tte Satur-

day to see the game' Roosevelt High School (Wyandotte) is locatedon Eurpka three blocks north of West Jefferson in the city ofWyandotte .

SPECIAL SESSIO~A Cub Pack 290 committee

meeting w1l1 be held Thursday,OCtober23 at the home of HowardReed, 2142 Fleetwood, at 8:30p. m.

"Where Quality IS Paramount"




~, - 0 1I1~,.I.ISTtH • • • kMcriN MOW.... ..,...~~~-=-:lIe .... ,....,.". ::'i ~_

...... It.- D ~------ ~ :.w__~. Nt _ The Ow .. , ..... Sc ...... _ P\A>l~ Socoefy P8-6..... , •• _ One. __ $ffftf. ~'CIft 15. _, U $. A.

...,. r (ncloMd" SI, fOO' - pIeoM Mnd -IIAO 1 The cnr .. ,,,,,, Sc~. _tor tat • -~.m, get-

••• '",'.;".. I OCQ\lO"- ..acrlP' ....:::r.m.?:.':: I ----------------t .... t ..... $1_. _.... ...-..r I crty Z_ seollt, _

Bear It LoeaIty OYer Station WXYZ at 12;;;n YOtII'Dial

. ,

The I&8tof lUmIl1erpartle. have now taken place, and the scent01 bUrning leaves 18 ushering Autumn in W1thhay ndes, weiner routs,aD4 football games. By IOHN IIUTl'ON

One of the I'(,ostexciting games ever witneNed by G P H. students De.plte their third defeat lutook place 011 Saturday at 2 30 when the Blue Devils met Monroe. four starts lut week, the 5t. Paul

Scads of kids were there throW1ng aboUt confettl, and yellmg till Flyers will be favorites when they\bey were completely hoarse. Among them were: Myrna '1'rodan, Alice faCii St. Vincent's next SundayCore,.., PbyllJlllHannah. Rudy ScllIlelder, Dick Cook, Dick Smart, Ed at Grosse Pomte High a.t 1:30. 8t.Smart, Dave Pear, Pat Mann, Ginny Gregory, Jun Fenake, Joe Fromm, Vmcent wa.s the only team to mar.lun Rich&rds, Helene Meyer, carol SchadW1ch,Joy Heidrich, Clune St. Paul's record in regular leagueWa.lah, Wally Joachim, Gerry Ewart, Bud Golla, Mary P ..tterson, competltlon lut year, wh6%l theDoria S!JnJnI, Margaret Weaver, Katie James, Bob Bassett, Sue Grolllle Pomlers captured the Pa.Spunier. rachlal League'. 2nd DIvia10nEast

A.'IlDConnie Baker, Diane Thompson, Manlyn SmIth, Bob Serge, SIde ntie and the Flyers are outPeder I'leld, Betty Gray, I..oISMehnng, BUl Mondrey, Edllh Walbott, to avenge that 19.18 upset.Pat Ford, Ken Venderbueh, Don Venderbush, Bob Peters, Edlen Mar- 8t. Vincent baa yet to win aweed, carol Krause, Ford Slater, Bob McEachln, Bob Wallace, BarbaA game.Dlcky, Clw'lette Smith, Jane Fordon, Betsy Huette, Audrey Jerry, Bl'1'TEB BIVAI.NaDt)" Blough, Sue KItson, Judy J.lcKiel, Mary Mohr, Sue Essmgton, S1. Paul lIUccumbedto their bit-CoD7 Llmbrocb. terest (rid rival, the undefeated Pretty Pat Rickert. of 1540 Hollywood road, is audio

AND Mary SChmidt, Beverly Wills, Sandra Findley, Ann Young, 8t. Charles Dragons 19'" last Sun' tioning with Johnny Slagel, local disc ~ockey who is cur.,~ Clements. Rene DeLeon, Betty Strader, carol Roemer, Bev )(ar. Iday. However, at one tune It a.p- rently conducting a search for capable young disc jockeystlu, Joan Ro11ms, Peg DIckens, Jane Stewart, Elplso Katroll, Tom peared that the Flyenl wele head. I "cia" h' shKatros, K.athnne ZISSISManon I'leld Florence Erring Barb Elliott ed for one of the sea.son's biggest to appear on his Fri Y everung spm t e platter ows on

~n LeWLll, Clarice'Ryall, Nancy upsets. The game started out WXYZ. Pat will be heard on Friday's Broadcast.Weed Nancy Bolles, Jack Brink, much u was expected. After re-Bill Iabey and Marlene Hutton. celving the kick off, St. Paul was 58 RenOft

A BEFORE-TIlE-GAME lunch. u.."1ableto gain and was forcl'd T .eon was given by CAROL L. to punt. A few off tackle 8lants GIOLGRYLLS, lu the backyard, of her brought the ball to the Flyer's l"J V: zr ~,- IIloYely home on Hillcrest. PIcnic 10, from where Gene McBrIde .ror .rze aVatables were set on the lawn cover- tollled to left end Cyril De :Meul. S~OlJTed With blue and gold crepe paper, meilter for St. Charles' tint tally. At P,"etl'/"owhile MR. GRYLL'S roasted hot The kick was wide. NEWS '''''''dog'llover the open flte place. Side. Early in the 2nd quarter John The outdoor Intramural orgBfti.

'\ lines to the mam coune were Bingham paased from the Dragon's zation of PIerce JunIor High" ,,'" baked belllUl,salad, coke, and gin- 30 to Paul Du Rocher, who ran 20

ger bread Wlth whip cream. yards to tie the game up. The at. School glrls started out thlS ll'-..... f ti ----... f G' 1 mester W1th 58 girls showmg' upcARROLL'S g u est. included t~ltIpt to run the extra point over ....e ran c """"'''" or 11'..~.t I d ui t d d for tl.eldball. MISS Foster coaches

POU" WIlton. J an e Lundgren, falled. ......... elL ers q e e ownJ f th tim b Tw t the two teams of 7B, 1A, and 8BMarIlyn Waltel1l. Floss Bardy, PLENTY ACTION • •• or e e emg. en y.Sally McNeU, :M:eg M&eKellZle, The best &etlonofthe game was eight volunteers regultered for the guls and the four SA, 9B, and 9Aleader's trainmg course which be teams are coached by MIss Bruno.Sally MacDonald, Doris DleslIlg, in the fourth period. DeMeuIemes. ,. M

wJI: .......... y" . ~~. "Nancy aeo-;, AUce Neville, Janet ter took a St. Paul punt on h1s own gan october 1. TIll8 Ul one of tbe Games are played on ondays_ .... . largest claa if n t the I t, at 4 o'clock on the Pierce play-~ ,Jean Dowzer, Pat Perrone. Glady ostermann, Jean,.. Webb, twenty and be seemed to be touch- ses, 0 arges ground,•• _ a_A_ •• SheUa .. --b_e, Suell Johnson, 1II-"".--e Trombley, Dee down bound when John Hutton lu the htstory of Grc... Pointe th 1B 1A d~ ~-Wrlaht, "'~e ........ e.. ....-.<-... hauled him down from behind on Girl Scouting. The rosler of e , ,an_ ~ It _ .. ".......... The new volunt 1" are U di 8B team. is. D. Albright, captain;

otJaers toa.smJ records on and oft' the portable vic, were .Janet h18 to.yard Une. He fumbled ee we - J. Hoffman, co.captaln; 8. Aylmg.:=atone, ~ candler, Barb Ba....... " and shall we say just addles and Vmce 011vel' recover- vided among the d1fI'erent llChoo1B. C..__ ........ --. ed for the Flyers and __ ,.. the Richard School, which al_1s h&s P. Barret, S. Beardsley, • Bon•.... , _~ been way out in front due to the bright, A. Carter, N. De Clerk, T.

A blrthday pro't'ided a good reuon for KARILYN WAL'rER'S to St. Paul &t~ck drove into St. exceptional co-operation of pnncl- HargIS, M. Hildebrand, B. Hous-pn a IuI&' party on Friday night and lIQ she did the like when she CharI.. ternlory. However, a pal, teachers and mothers now has ton K. Putnam J. Roach, M.IIlYlted Janet Hobftn, ShIela MacRae, SUMIJo!uUIon,Jla,rnanne, Trom-I stubbom defense kept them. from 5 organized troops and 1 new IStapleton, and S. Stemptle; M.....,.. Carol Gry1ls, Norma Neeb, Jean Webb, Pat perrone, Gall Wright, seriously threatening. ~ear the end troop. All leadership needs have ChInle, captam, E. Turrell, co-~ James, Doria Diemng, Nancy Georgi, and Mer :MacKenzie over lof the bal! ~e Dragon II f"mallygot been filled. captam, M. Barbour, M. Bever-for a few roUJl.dti at Dndge Detore feuiiDl' 0Jl birtn.;"" ...-ke Aild i;:a ro1ll-'1g' ag!Ut'!. .vt~ t"p a!d mute and iVith 't.he spIendad new group of j.oge. E. DQ.hlen, C D!.vi~, B Byre,--. seemed certain to score. A pass 28 leaders-tD-be, other schools IG. Cullers, A. Fetter, D. Gabnel,

Bay Ride weather was most wondertullut Saturday night, and 80 from McBride to DeMeulmester lu eaaUy can equal this record. D. L. Goodrow, J. McGregor, J.PAT KARTIN pthered 50 kids together at her bouse before treking the end zone wu intercepted by ••• Newell, E. Press, A. Rheaume,_ to ROCHESTER to gaze at the lltars for a few 4ehrhtful momenta. Law on his own goal line to en" Surely you know that the Girl and A. Webster.

'nle ldds met at 7:30, and at a prompt 8:30 the tun began. Two the threat. He ran to the 8 and Scout orgamzation is but one of The captains of the SA, 9B and...... lIl1ppUedenough room for the gang, and after they came back lateraled to Du Rocher who car- 125 Red Feather services of your 9A teams are: L. Z. Shendan, A.tIIe7 wen entertained With a trick horae, goat, and. .dog, who pu~ on rled it up to th~ 20. community chest. But do you James, J. Hollister, and J. Cham-a WI7 fUDny elrc:us for them. 8t. Charles fmally rega.ined the know the origin and meaning of berlam. On Shendan's team are:

BleDdi%lgtheir VolCell together wIlDe Ilng!ng lOD1eof the uaual lead early in the 1a.st qUarter the symbol, the Red Feather? P L Lee B. Dnnkaus, S. Sibbert,IIlIBt -,p were PAT and her cS&teJACK coRFIELD, Sue Mart.m when "scatback" Jim Scullen Many years ago Indian chieftams A. Robe~tson, V. Da.vls, B. L..... Clark :M:acPha1l, Peder Field. 'n Charlene saImon, Gloria JamelJ scored from the twelve yard line. awarded the Red Feather to young Hough, P. Lawler, G. GollZUUak,.. ft4 r..ltDer, Lots Buck and Bob ODIemM.carol Stewart 'lI~e" De M:eulmester IICOredthe extra braves for outat&ndmg Individual B. J. Hoyt, A. Hoover. and N.8pan1er, 8a1ly Hoyt and Stewte Wvd, Elaine cabot 'n Ed Smart, point on a pass. St. Charles, 13; aclnevement. Let's remember this! Hoyt. J. Dannecker, D. Hewitt,JIadIJ' WZ'ObJolI'n Tom FolliI, Joyce SchrIeber 'n Rob Pbllips, JoycJ! Sl Paul's 6. Let's make our indllvdual contri- P. Savage, G. Ashton, D. Steen-Q+Ieb-n IID4 Bldp Downey, KarIan Rennie 'n Tom Wlllaon, an4 The Flyer's could not get a IIU- butions worthy, and wear our rod, M. Murphy, D. Onstwedder,:Art Beck uel Anne Barker. plUa carroll GryUa and Bob Han8en and fltained, drive ~oing. bUt kept the scarlet symbols proudly! C. Fredericks, E. Downey, J. Lev-...,. muy JIUII1f more!! !II Dragon s hoppmg, nevertheless, as A RED FEATHER SERVICE erenz, and IF. Townsend are on

~AD4 one last wurd about coming events don't forget th~ S. A. they retused to concede defeat. OF YOUR COMMUNITY CHEST. James' team. I. Petersen, M. A.D-=e :oext Saturday night and then the following Thu."Sd-,. night Howevel'. In the final three ------ JooP. A. Purdy, J Mernll, A. Bus-~ promiaeI Jots of fun on their annual hay ride. minutes of play, 8t. Charles put Pierce Eleven by, -B. Wescott, J. Read, B. Ion, I

Bee ya all tbere!!I1 the game on Ice when Scullen S. Sharrer, J. Van Rosenburg, B.8&y_.. just got & tip .. to where HUGH KacTAVICH ill. Been scored again from the 8 yard Une Defeats Brownell Reitz and M. Axford make up

~ why YOlllul-ven'tseen him around lately? Well here's Why around 8t. Paul's right end. Vluce Pierce defeated Brownell on Holl~ter's team. Chamberlain'sIda h.mily (and him) took a trip up to northem Canada, around Van OUver blocked the kick. ho~ ground by a score of 14-6. team consists of: P. F1sher. E.0lCnr Bride, and on the way back they visited Glacier NatIonal ----- Brownell took an early lead on an KJhen, N. Crowe, C. Kretschmar,Pm. and Yellow Stone. INTER-I'ABlSH DANCE intercepted pass. The score stood IJ. Rippe. C. DIll, C. Larwin, D.

Tbeu after this wonderful vacation he packed his thlngs and 1our- ~e Gz:a!I_d_.?~~g _of a serl~ 6-0. unt:I I'?erc~ ..bounc~ nght Nylund, E. Otto, N. Newton, J...,.eel down to COLU:MBIAMILl'1'ARY ACADEMY, Columbia Ten-j or \JAU:lULJ.1", li'O "'J!.~ - PAiUSn D&CIC Wicna LUUL ..... .:;Wll ;;z .. ;.r. c:: Hemme, P. M...rl<, iffid n. Cct!cc.--. where he will finish up hLt education. Last week when h1s DANCES given by 26 East Side tra point. At the halft-ime, the B. Adamskl s.nd V. Cappo are-.otIIer went down to visit him he sent back his greetings to all hla Parishes will be held Tuesday eve- 1IC0re was 7-6. Pierce scored aga.m "subs."~ 1IO lIere'. hel10 from HUGH TO YOU!!!!! nlng, October 21st at the Vanity early in the Uurd period.__________________________ Ballroom located on East Jefferson ------ RED FEATHER REVIEW

St_ Thomas WI-ns Bas-_D'all AVeDue,2 b10ckswest of Chalmers. MOTHEBSMEET Jo-pproXlmately6,OOOschOOlchil-_ ------ There will be a Den.Mother Idren Will attend & "Red FeatherTAKE YOUR PICK (awtihary of Cub Pack 290) meet- Prevue" Thursda.y, Oct 23 at 9:30

Crown At Kerby Floeld The U. S. Army has inaugu- mg Tuesday, OCtober 21. at Mrs. a. ID. m the Fox Theatre in orderrated a program in whic1l gradu- Gus Mayer's home at 2064 .Amta. to brmg the inSIde story of theatea of hlgh schools may attend Community Chest to the bOysand Ithe Army Training School of thclr CUB MEETING girls of the community. I

8t. Thomas of Detroit won the a three-g'ame series for top- choice, announced Colonel Walter Gro.se Pomte Wood3 Cub Pack --\National Lutheran Baseball honors. St. Thomas won the first C. Cole, Commandmg Officer of 290 Wll1meet Friday, Oct. 17, at RUSSI:•• 'S IC21ampionahip Sunday by defeat- game Saturday l5 to 2. the Michigan Recrmting Dlstritt. Mason school. ~

:::- l~:f a~~~:~l:d.2 PI;:~ ~:a~~:se~:'~~h~~ B. C. L STANDI NCS CURTAil UDIIRY ITbe contest was the second in ~~ti;:~~e:onors In their re- GROSSE POINTE _ _ 2 0 4 I I OLEUERS I

_________________________ I Wyandotte 2 0 41 The "East Side's'- IFord90n •...•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. 1 0 21 ~ctosive ~Highland Park 0 1 0 I..auDdryRoyal Oak 0 2 0Monroe 0 2 0 Have your curtains

Games thiS week-end: FrIday-Royal Oak at Monroe; saturady- done NOW.Highland Park at Fordson; Grosse Pointe at Wyandotte. Avoid The Rush

We Call For and Deliver

TU. I ..CII2O14641 Mack.t M.nistlque



~ .... F01Il' ,T B E 0 It0 ISIS.III .. U IoN '1'" IUIH UI; "

,., Flyers Face At MSC Homecoming

l "Tee.. ~al" At Stake M~~~~fat:e:Olle:Ual=:~8J MEEKY IIAJID: VAN Z&NI:N St. Vincent turning to East Lansing tor the

S t d annual Homecoming a.c::Uvitle.on':J a ur ay October 11 and 18.On Home Gn" Between the haivel of the Iowa

By IWCKY PHILLIPS state football game on Saturday, aFirst place in the Border Cltles Homecoming Queen will be intro-

League Will be at stake Saturday duced. It will be the first timeat Wyandotte when two undefeat- in the 31 years Homecominl halled elevens clash. They are GrolSe been held at the college that aPonlte and W Ya. D dot t e Hlgl1 Queen has been lIelecte<ito presideIIChoo1B.Both teams have won two over the act!V1UeJ.gamea in league play.

Lut Saturday saw the BlueDevils give Monroe Its first 101511ofthe season, 13 to 6.

Playmg on Ita home field,against a favored foe, GroNePointe played heads-Up football toBcore in the first and Uurd quart.ers.

Monroe tallied in the seeondquarter when Jim Eldridge, .tarfullback led a 60 yard drive topaydlrt.

The first Groue Pointe touch-do~'l1waa the result of 110 Monroefumble on their own five yardstripe and a series of two playssent Flom over. Flaugher'1I klckwas good.

Dunng the first halt GrossePointe was completely outplayedby the Monroe squad when theygalned a total of 95 yaros. In thesecond half the Pomters held themto only 12.

A1J for the Wyandotte game,Coach Ed Wernet said, "The teamshould be prepared to play the bestgame of the year." Joe CatennoWyandotte's backfield star willgive our ends and line backers es-peclallya busy day. " Wernet said.

The Blue DeVll Reserves playeda bang-up game against Fordsonlast FrIday to win 12-0.


Page 5: 1'1 , lAttorney 'Authorizeddigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/47/1947-10-16.pdfth aforl'5ald area are InVlted to at- lof the Park, "alter o~t, 0 e A one-year-old



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ARGRAYES TRACKFOR YOU.3.Feot oeetlOb T top fer 11.1,11..,.. ... _ .. 1JMria, M1'f_. ....to "T n.4I... We Iuly. template to bellI!. UUarmlr. EJi:dulft .DetnItdealu.lI'lUl' IN AND SBE ova 51'0011; AND CO.-J'LZTB JUJLBO.I.D DO.

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'1M We elIft,.",

IWomen's GuildSponsors Bridge

The Women's Guild ot 8tJames Lutheran Church will spon-q"r ll, hrirlll'P pllrty Wpt'lTlPllday

I [vcmng, October 22 at 8 pm. atI the home of Dr. and Mu. AlbertE Voulcr.






MRS. U. WYNN HA.SON. .JR.-Oelrb Naria Pbow







Mr. Deacon, son of Eugene LDeacon, of Eaat Tawas, Mich., andthe late Mrs. Deacon, asked Jo-seph R. Krug to be best man.


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y, october lG, 1\14'

ouple To INewlywedsOn Fly To

Road BA~~~W~~"<at"p to B".muua, tll. new Mr. and Mrs Ju-

I quiet wedding ceremony llan Bowen will make their homeed by only the preaence ot on Notrt Dame road In Grosse

l/lIIIled1a.te faml1lea Jean Gear- Pomte. They were married Sat-and Frank Eddy Standish were urday In the drawing room of the

ed Sat u r day at Chrlat Frederlck Sloane Fords' residencech, Grolle Pointe. In Windmill Pointe drIve.reception wu held at the The bride IS the former Cynthia

e of the bridegroom'. parents, E::-"Ic. daughter of the Herbertand Mr •. W. Colburn Stand- V. Books of Meadow Lane. and

on Lakeland avenue. the bridegroom is the son of MrsJulian P. Bowen of Jefferson ave.

Il\, who Is the daughter of nue and the Late Mr. Bowen,Joseph V. Gearing and the C thlM Gearing wu given myna was a lovely brlde In

r. by her ~other. a weddmg dress of heavy Ivorysge latm and a wa.ist.length weddmg

e bride WaI married in & veil edged With rose pomte lacee crepe dlrmer dresa made over a. full length iUus I'

dra ed bodice and a drap. IOn vel.art ';d & halo of her grand. B T~: lace was taken from Ml'll.ef5 rOle poll\te lace. She ~ II veil The dress was made

lute cameLlas. W1 an extremely full skirt anded W a fitted basque buttoned up thes. Gearing wore a street front, with self-covered buttona

drellll of Florentine wine to the tiny, round collar Bands of, With a bered Blurt, and slurring extended from the should-tclung hat. tnmmed With ers to the waISt line, fromlng aostrich plum_ Her flowetll V. The br&Celet length sleevelwrote orchldll. were edged with .lmllar bands

Margaret ~arkley of New EucharISt IIUies centerf'd ~p 7tJf: ~~ Cook' r I -" C : h1.,.",,, ;..A .......r"1e dwbo wu a cl&Umate of the bridal bouquet and were llur • .L,....I.JJ J uy .J I U Icy I V\0 Iat Goucher College, wa.s rounded by white rosell and steph-

only attendant. She wore a anoUs. ~.M · d T H W Mdreg of Madonna blue Th' S a....le 0 yn n a so na shoulder bouquet of white e bride I only attendant, I I . • Id. a.nd Madonna blue ostrich JUdith Ingersoll from Newcastle,

ill her hair IInd., was 011\ ice blue faille. her A reception in the Pompelan In a double rlnS' ceremony held I beft 'I1etig of C'mcmnati, and Mrs ,COlburn Standlah Jr. was ~~~:' being made exactly Wte the Room of the Whittier Hotel fol- Saturday at the First Presbyter- Taylor Latta McCray of Danen'l

• Oft II. \IOWed the Saturday marriage of i&n Church, Joy Sibley. daughter Conn., .Isters of the bride; AnneIll.... She carried bronze and yellow Man. Stella Cook and John Eld- of Mrs. Frederic 1>L Sibley and Co1llns, Mrs. Sibley Hoobler of. and Kri. Standish are mot- Fuzl chrysanthemumll with ivy ndge Deacon In S\. Catherine's the late Mr. Sibley, became the Ann Arbor, Mrs. James Beck of

through Wchlgan. William McMillan was best man Chapel of SS Peter and Paul bride of Herbert Wynn Mason, Jr. Wmdsor, and Mrs. W1lliam Kent Ir traveling the bride donned Mrs. Book wore a long cmna- ChUrch. He Is the son of Mr and Mrs Van .Allen of Washmgton, DC.ee-piece model of dark beige mon brown crepe model With Herbert Wynn Mason of Long Melanie McCray, who W&ll ber

e with dark brown &c- small yellow and bronze orchids The bride, daughter of Mr. and Lake. aunt's flower girl, wore a long I ~~neB. on her moulder and a hat to :r.trs, EdWII\ H. Cook, of Audubon Inuned1ately after a reception dre&ll of pale yellow cluffon Y,llth i •••. and Mrs. St&ndiab have tak- match her gown. Ave., chose wlute shpper sa.OO for held at the Sibley reSidence on off-the-shouider neckline, and a I~4': ' ,bouse in Mol'OU road, Groue With her long grey crepe gown her wedding. Whittier Blvd., the couple left by coronet of ivory bebe chryu.nthe-- '~

plane for Bermuda, wbere they mtunll and carried a basket ofte, O\I'erloo~ the Country Mrs. Bowen wore a brown hat and The gown ~as designed with expected to spend five weeks. pmk rose petals wluoo she scat- ~fln el.SinebnItL brown accessories. Wuslolt yoke qed with II wide The bnde wu attractive in her tered down the ffiJddle .aue. a l..' I

I .un bertha and the llkirt ex. wedding dress of ivory satm, de- .The bnde walked down the twl ELiO U ItN E• tended Into II cathednJ tram. signed on cla.IIsic 1mes, and & long mIddle. &isle with her brother,En,oy rhe Luxury 01 Orange blossoms decorated the vell ot iVory silk illUSIOn held Fredenc Ill. Sibley Jr., but was F L 0 It IDA I

satm band wluch held the finger- in place by & headdress of hllie.s- given m marrIAge by her mother. I

ll'I'IID .41 ".Ir UIIT UIA"'~IJ tip veil and the corsage was of of-the-valley. She carried a bou-IIIIfIIt "1 nv nit ,~f( gardcnlna centered With orchids. qu~t of white orchids.OIL _ GAS _ ELECTRIC Maid of honor GeneVleve Kritz- Mrs. Robert Bruna PoweJ1l, who

man and maidB, Marion Wllberd- was her sister.s matron of honor,mg and Peggy Van Loon, were wore lemon yellow velvet de~lgn-gowned alike In fuchsia taffeta ed with a long, full IIklrt, tl~ted

Imade with panlers and long bas-l ~lce and deep, ;quate neCkll,"le'l

P&irs of bndesm&ids werequell. dressed a.1Jke-one pair in lime

The honor .. ttendaDl wore gTl'l'n anothl'r in emprA.ld gTPpnwhite OIItrich tips for a heed. and the third pall' in aJplI\e rose.dreA and carried white earna- Their dresses were In the aametions, the otherll had fuchsa,. style as that of the matron ofostrich tips aDd pille pink car- honor.natioDS. AU the attendants wore coro-

nets of small, cream-colored chry-santhemums and tiny ivy leavesand carried OOryaanthemums, pmkroses and Ivy.

The bndesm&ids were: Mrs. Al-

Page 6: 1'1 , lAttorney 'Authorizeddigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/47/1947-10-16.pdfth aforl'5ald area are InVlted to at- lof the Park, "alter o~t, 0 e A one-year-old

•No !\Ioney Down5 Years to Pay

Samuel R. BIITHI. 0226

Grosse Pointe WOOc1sRex H. Johnston

TY:' 2.6895

•Quality Work &: MaterillAluminum and Stftl

Overhead Type IlGcn

It's n. It ..... rll Ga.-Flr.1I

IMelNOR., TrwIn T,*",/.., c.../.r,"

INSTAll an economlCIll, o~UI,"~ ••• ' h(cJ l\C~~Ul Joue N5Cme1lI, and do • ."a, .. Ih u l,r I '.;ans ...,Ih I~U odor, II\SeC1S, Icd "err" " -c":.:. jyou ,,",ush lhe hazard of file fl. maT' "rubbish .. h.le ktepm8 Ihe ".scrr,nl d , .oJ ( ~. -.~E.... lhe ashes from 'he Il':CI""Oll. r " ,. " - ,ttw, cool"n IIIlle .M pot"" d<"n I, \ bC'l<:'~ga~ 5011. ~Call Of .. ~ loday ror Ih. C0mr!t.c ." J '0" C' 10_".of the ""' Gas-FIRd IJl.CINOR I.t TIl""fOf Comfort.. ,... II

~.'.a:..;z j

Amazing NewApplianceDisposes 0/ all Table Wasil

and RuhblSh - while Banish:Basement Dampness ill the

A Ilt(}rn(Jtit(JlI~ H f(lted Home"



14111 Kerche... .t Eastlawn25 Years ill Same LocaUon - Estabhhsed lq,.1


See Model15286 E. 7 I'ULE RD.

Corner Hayes•GaraKe BlIildersPh~!!.e P!n.o--reesee,

S8001 Installed

1!~TIN'20Z29 MACK AYE.

Gross. Pointe Woods

TU.2-3737Nights .nd Sund.ys, NI. 3609

Open Tuesday. Thursday. FrIday. Saturllay 1111 q r \L

Pieting v.,,"11)iligenlll.EAT DRiCIOUS

Rugs and CarpetsCleaned • • • Repaired ••• Laid

All Makes-Including Orientals


PICK-UP and DEUVERY - Call \'Alle~' 2-1481We OWll and Operate Our Oun Plant

All Work Guaranteed and Insurul


PtootoglGplb of----..-by""Mo~~ of

Anlltrclftg .......tile,

Standard Window Shade Comp15915 E. W,rrell ,t Iliddap,m••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TU~

.............IIICIIiORQwckly nJClSaIDCI 011tabl.. ...... robbuIs"truIl. x.- fwl <<>It.o.s..gned foe ,an <IitroI&ble-f .... __ 2-Lubcl~


Thursday, OctoberI ••~ ~ ,.;-_ lG,

I~- _Win~ow ShadesSerVing Your N eighbo

For Thirty Year~ I b

CHerry 4251


3270 Cambridge Rd.PaImerPark



WM. F. MASON18830 Saratoga Blvd.

Lathrop Township Vlllage

11 ~~ MIle Road at Southfield

Sunday, Noy. 2 from 10 a.m.

H. O.

Sunday. October 19th from lOA. M.




Each new teacher was presentedwith a small corsage of fall flow-ers made by MISS Kay Shennanand Miss Marla McKnight.

Guests present were Miu AliceTucker, MISS Jean Taylor, MissPernice Horn, Miss Martha Ream,and Mr. Vernon mcks.

Pingree 6555


A seed pearl crown held herIn.u.Ilon "'elL Her 1l.0W8I'8WU"ll anarm bouquet of gardeiJij centeredwith a purple orchid.


Phone us lor tin A I'f'Ointment with ourDecorator in Your Home

14392 C"tiot




Mas Beatnce Reys\., who i. a Sophomore a~ Hope Coilege, wu 1 (",. ifJr "..r 1. \ a"NCeIlUy elected a member of the Women's Glee Club Selection was u..:a ,lYJ.emvetsmad. after two wPPks of tryouts. Thl' GIl'e Club Is l'OmnoAM of ,tIl1rt1 three select voiees, and every apnng makes a two week tour Fonner members of the MUOntbroU(h-out the east. School .taff entertained the new

members at a delightful tea heldIIIu Reyat ~ a rraduate of Grosse Pointe High School, claaa of recently In the Mason School ~m.

'a WJU1e in lIChool BIle wu very active m musical circles. She iJ A beautiful bouquet of fall flowerstile daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maunce L. Reyst, of 461 Belanger centered a table surrounded byRot.4. delicate cups and saucers donated

by various members of the staffLovely sanc1wiches and cookie.with a steaming cup of coffee ortea were enjoved along with theexchange of pleaaant frlendllnessMiss Clare Gustafson and MissMargaret Schmidt presided at thetea lIervlce.

PointerMarriedIn Ontario

AD ro&da 1e&d1ng to Briggs Lake, near Brighton Saturday, wereIDled with crowda of teen.agers heading for the summer cottage of

~ , 1 • JEANNE KULKA Where a hugeparty was to be held m honor ofMARY LOU McNALL, Jeanne'scousm.

Eighteen friends of the hostessgathered together tor &Il evemngof fun.

Participating in the dancing andfun were John F'ushman, JoanBeaupre, Jerry Moons, Pat 'nll.bodeau, Phil Van Hollebeke, Mari-lyn Otto, Bob Bymglon, AIda Ma-rie Crowe, Doug Sutherland, Par-ker Munger, Joan Krausmann,

, Allee Fauaer, BW McGee, Tom: &.. Butch DeRocher.'l: •••

~ A....,atl"leI' gi"o,,",p clluoe .. Vw"'1eiler

tJLAroast u a means of enjoymg a

PA few hours l&st Saturday. The BryaIto&d bome of JUDY ATHJ4AN was the aeene of the affair althoughthe poup tpent molt 01 the evenmg In the cool out-of-doors around.. bIazInc tlre.

J'adt 11 the -an of Mr. and Mrs.It. W. LaDdendort of Roaeda1ePark,

OIl .. weddInI' trip to the mutIIZIIe1t stDweD x.&mdorf aDC1 hillIftde. tile formeZ; Bermce Gnme-waJcI, dauPter of :Mr. and ~Otto Gnmewald. of Oxford ~

~ 'M!n married in • candl~II.Ibt Iel"rice held at the Cbun:htill OUr savior, 8&turd&y, October

"Her bridal robea were faahioned

III ttoa.r:J' IIDt lI&tin with a 1l.tted1locHce _ping to a tull train.fte yoke and Bhort peplum of.Aleacem lace were studded with~ miDeatonea.

, I

n " ......T. ~I MamH Facultv~aUla s .HI-Lites ( .,/

,b1PAULABEAUPRE~»mom. Entertains NewI BrotherGives Bride

I in 1Ylar~a~~.._.t~JSt. AmDrose vII'" ". ..,,~ _••

scene of the wedding on Saturday,October 4, of Miss Mary MargaretPoole, daughter of Mr. Albert H.Poole, Jr, and the late Mr. pooleof Lakepolnte avenue to Mr Ray-mond Joseph Polo sky, son of Mrand Mrs. George B. Polosky of IBeaconst\eld avenue.

The Rev. Francis F. Van Ant.werp olflclated at the ceremonywhich saw the brlde given In mar.riage by her brotMr Bert Poole.

A famny breakfast at the Whit.tier Hotel followed the ceremonyand an eevning reception was heldat the Alger Veterans CUlb InGrolllle Pointe.

The bnde wore a gown of whiteMrs. M. J. Charg!)t, of Balfour road and Mrs. A. J. lipper catln and her finger Up veil

Christie, of Berkshire road, are'seated beside the organ of illusion wu held In place by ahead piece fashioned In a Mary

at the home of Mrs. Richard Distel, 714 Grand Marais. Queen of Scotts style and shewhere the ladies of St. Clare parish will hold their tea c&JT1ed white orchids on a whiteand organ recital on Thursday, Oct. 23 from 2 p.m. Mrs. satin covered prayer book.and organ recital on Thursday, Oct. 23 at 2 p.m.:Mrs. For her attendants, the bride

chose her !lister, Jean Poole, as:Many ..l1iId~n in Muon School Chargot is assisting as ticket chairman. maid of bonor and Grace Poole

are enjoyin~ the benefits of a and June Franklln were brldes."snack" program in schooL In an malds. Jean wore a fuchia gowneffort to counteract the fatigue n • B '.:J TIT and the two brldesmaids worewhich often descends upon amall :l-Olnte flae ,.yearS gowns of sea blue. Their headcluldren midway between meals, pieces weer shaded ostnch plumessmall simple lunches are served G if l and they carried shower bouquetsthrough the cooperation of the own 0 A enrnn Larb of daisy chrysanthemwns and

Very bu.,. mpping cokell and munclung potato clups were Judy's parents of the cluldren In the .... "' .... ~ roses.c1lIte, Jerry Rauen, Dick Korketter and Dot Hillebrand. Harry Ham- group8 participating. Each parent The bridegroom asked Mr. Da-IIlOIl4 and Nancy Bergmann, Ralph Beaupre and Marilyn Muerer, Kay furnishes enough for all the chll- Phyllis Jeanne Hayes, daughter Her fingertip veil was held by vis Pannelee to be best man. Ste'Pttaoe and Dick HOlIkiJuI, Ann Meathe and Bob Fosmoe, S&lly Murphy dren In the group for one day. of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Anth- a lace JUliet cap and she carried phen Simowski and Robert Wilson&1ld Dldt Roland, Jim LAw and Rita LietbaWler, Dolores Leithau.ser Th1JI means that in most groups ony Hayes, of Pemberton road, a lace covered whlte prayer book were the ushers.aDC1 Jim XaDn, Barb Sutton and John Hoey, Nancy Pitzoa and L&rry each parent semis enough ".snack" was marned Saturday m St. Am- Wlth a wlunte orchid ~ s.tepha- For her daughter's weddIng,GuDeau. '1'1m Carngan and Joe Cavanaugh came stag. for between twenty and thirty chll- brose Church to Henry Adelbert noUs. Mn Poole wore a 1!oor length

'11Ie K1A"I_~ Pitts""- dren once In four to SlX weeka, de- Rosanuller. The maid of honor, ,EhZabeth pea~ock blue crepe gown With_--w-e p.me llUmmoned DOLORES BACKMAN pending upon the size of the group For her wedding, the bride Ann. Hayes, the . bride s &~ter, wine accessories and the bnde-aDIl KARY LOU LONG who made their way to Ann Arbor With Parents are notified by note B. few chose a lVOry A1encon lace gown was .n a loop skirted Amencan groom's mother wore a fucltiatIaeIr data for the oc:cusion. The girls were escorted by WALLY days m advance of their turn. Wlth a sheer lluslon yoke out- Beauty flUUe frock. Her matching gown With dusty pine accessories.BItIlY and BILL ERNIE who arrived at the stadium 111 plentv of llned in satm leaves Wlth a seed hat was ~med p~wnes and she Both mothers wore a corsage of

". carned white Fugt and shaggy chid.time for the opening kick-off and to join in 011 a few lusty cheers for pearl moM. mums. or ...the WolYeriDes. We're Btlll heanng lots of compliments and comments BeSides helping toward off. , Hyacinth blue f&llle fashioned The newlyweds left for a week's. " motor trip through C!ucago andClIl the antic. of the K1chigan team and their 69 to 0 Win. fatigue, other benefits are derived the m&lds gowns and her bou- th • turn will reside on Len-

from the program. Parents' teach- rJelfl0w.,r'-,;" quets were Amerlcan Beauty on elr reGPBS W1UI again the scene of the St. PaUl Flyers encounter With Ings of such fundamental eating .L'. lj ~nT roses. ox avenue.

st. Cbarle. who ended the game with a triumphant 19-6 win. Ibehavior as "chewmg with your "., S The attendants inclUded Marl- ------'l'be %rlouth closed," "noL ta.lW g too \:J'TOUrp ets Iyn Maday, Mrs James WHig.

st. Paul "11" were conatanUy being urged on by Phyllis large bite .. " "not ~ing wI~ your gens, Mary Ellen Roth and Mrs. MISS. Mz.l'1erVm Bacelaen, Theresa Lyford, Charlotte Ka.rchand, Richard Gallag. mouth fUll" are reinforced by re- rJ l1 n Harold Peppler. 'j1Ier. Jack Lemieuz, Joan Piche, James Keller, Carol Staub, Manon mmders dunng the snack period . .L'a .L-rogram • • ...Mel.'tBhUn, Xarie Couvreur, Beame Barton, Judy Beaupre, Jo Ca- The child who bnngs the /IIlack Henry asked hIs brother, Char. n1.1 .1aeDa, Sue Burtt .. Jean Gray, Rosemary Wruble, Joanne Krehnbrlnk helps Ilerve as host or hostess by ~e Fall meetmg of tbe WOo les Thomas Rossmiller, to be best .L-,eafTeu toaDIl Jou Whyte. Ip:l.:I:s'.ngtha lunch and learns man, Imen s FellOWship of the COngre- man. They are the sons of the 0.

social lessons from that actiVIty. gatlonal Assoclatlon of Detrolt, J:!.:ugene Henry Ros.smWers, of 'I

VALl!:'l"E 11'0& NOW. Washing hands before snack time will be held at the Firt Congrega- Lake Geneva, WL9. Alrvha n1_Z•lis streued, and perhaps best of all tiona! Church, of WyllJldotte, David Maday, Robprt I. Roth, T .L-n

-------------------------_,an age-old custom of breakln'" Mtcl1" at 10:30-1.. m. on Oct. 22. Raymond Roth and .Jack E. Sor-I

Ca nd Ie J ,.9ht .Mar k5 bread together creates a spirit of The morning program will consist tor seated the guests. 1>::;ss Barbara MJler, daughter or

friendllness toward each other of two seminars conducted by Mrs. Following a reception in the Mr. and Mrs. Wllll&m L. Miller of• W. C. Pfeiffer on Missionary Edu- Colomal Room of the Hotel La- 695 LIncoln road, was recenUy

L d d fSome of the lunches served are: cation, and Mrs. George Shepperd land the plW' left on their wed- pledged to Alpha Phi 8Oronty at

an en 0r We d d ,.n9 jmuiilkce,~::.~:racckarrerso,tsCOOankideSCelanerydon Benevolence. dIng trip. Northwestern University..-......., The brlde's mother wore a for- Barbara graduated from Grosse

sticks, apples, dried apricots, dried Luncheon will be served by the est green gown with a matching Pointe Country Day school whereprunes, nuta, and other fruita. Wyltndotte church at 12:30 p. m. green feather hat and bronze or- &he was interested in theatre,

The afternoon program will be- chlds. Mrs. Rossmiller was m a radio, hockey, basketball, and wasgin at 1 '45 and the speaker will black crepe frock and hat wi~ ed1tor of the yearbook.

J\ 7.: • Is u,~ be Miss Helen SlYUth, a missionarY purple orchids. She has also been active In the.£ ,unlta .cJ.e,U from Foochow, China, whose sub. For traveling Phyllis chose B. Y.W.CA. and the Toyai Life Sav-

T' Jeet will be "Our Chnstlan Duty gray Glen plaid BUlt WIth raspber- ing Soclety. Barbara is now a

At "t. "Kat!' '-'S m Fluid Chin .. " ry accessones and the orchlds freshman in the School of Speech.BIlIDAL PABTl!' ~I .LY.!j I'K. from er bndal bouquet. -----

Mrs. Frank Carl Smith wall ma- ----- MISSIONARY MEETINGU'on of honor, drelllled In gold vel- i Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilson of SC01JTS' MEETIN ----- The Micltigan district of theYet maif,p W!t'h III In,"G' """""n.......A_A Nnttit\v'hom -.n",q a,+- ........ d-..a ,.... G -- Women':! y.....!2!tion.a....' ..~l Fed.cmtlcn ofbustle. She ;o~ -~t~;~ ;~~ Karks °Ch~~v;;;,day ••~~~~r ~~ 1 L.~ester 1<'. Ogden, the Di9trlct 11.hurCh Group Meeting the American Lutheran church Willlnitts and carried an ann bouquet to watch tHe cere~ony hich Ch&lrman of Dlstnct m, Detroit At C .ff' R 'd hold their annual convention onof harmoniz1ng baby cbrysanthe. united their daughter '<:"Ir:._ Area Councll of the Boy Scouts rl In S eSI ence Thursday, Octo".r 23, at F&l.thD1 and talisIIlan ' .'......ore of Amenca, has announced that U'C

IUlloB rose.. and Roland Birkett in marnage. the annual dinner meeting of that t The Women's Association of the Lutheran church, Plnlip and East I

The bridesmal.ds were Mrs. Carl Roland Is the son of Mr. and group Wlll be held Monday Oc! G{osse Pomte Congregational Jefferson avenues. The morningR. Grunewald, Mrs. Bernard C Mrs. Arthur Birkett of Detroit. ber 21 at Denby Hlgh Scho:,l Th _ 'urch Will meet Tuesday, Oct. seSSlon will begin at 10 Lm. andLadendort n, Mrs. E. H. SU'ot~ th~nter a trip to Madison, Indiana, dinne; which will be served buft"e~ 128' at the home of Mrs paUli the afternoon session at 1:30 p.m.man, of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. . ew Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will style Wl1l begm at 7:00 p.m. and Gnffm on Moran road, Grosse -----Gec!'ge !:. ~clw;;ili;t.:.-. Tuel .. relllde at 3643 Balfour. will .-nJrt ~1 00 p~r pe!'!c!!. . POlllte Farms. ........ ?~~~~. _.gowns aimllar to Mrs. Smitb' I I ~u., ""'l;"uvu,.",.. "",uu" \.1'11"1" I

.1 were ~ green and orchid velvet. &, M rs. D OW Is m;:e.J co.:0::e~ses Mare Mrs .. Ho- basketball team practices on Tues-H0 t . yo, rII. Edwm S. day and Thursday evellUlgs InThe bridegrocm's twin brother, • 5 ,eSS Robinson, and Mrs. Earl R. Gen- the club gym. Candidates are I

Berna.rd C. Ladendort II, acted as the. IlnVlted. IIIE:"':1?:o=H~,iE~To Michigan Chapter 'I ~lIam W. Wommack, of WinBton. Mrs. Herbert Henry Dow, of PURL) ....~ - ~Salem, N. c., seated the guests. ''The Plnes," MJd1arld Michl Metcalt, Mrs. Albert L. Hart, Mrs. SAL~S -l--:-...'

~.~~:: ~~~ ..... W1ll be hoste'lS to ~embersga:f 0 D. Heavenrich, Mrs. :Edward H. I:.lJl'nncs. Kanan Slater, Jr., Who :Michigan Cllapter, Daughters ot E1che1zer, Mrs. Charles H. Mooney !'Wen! married Saturday, October CJlEPE GOWNS Founders and Patriots of Amenca Mrs. Charles F. H. Crathem, ftlrs Not aft AwctioK AllItema Priced I11 at LIon'. Bead, Ontario. The bride's mother chose a at their fall meeting Friday Oc' Nell A. Cameron, Mra. E. V. How-

purple crepe ~ss and Mra. La- tober 24. A noon l~cheon at th; IMett, Mrs.. Matthew R. Hansen,'nle bride 18 the former MIss dendort was gowned In royal blue Country ClUb Wl1l precede the rs. Marvm L. Hoagland, Mrs H useh ld F I

M'onD& Patricl& Sayles, daughter crepe. Botb wore orchid coll'Sage.s. meeting. George W. Moran, Mrs. Lynn T. 0 0 urnishingSof Mr. aDd Mra. James Harris After the weddir:g, a reception Mrs. Louis M. Edgar, state pres- :Iller, Mrs. Edward J. Savage, I__ of Bam11ton, ontario. was held at HannolUe Club. For ldent, Wl1l conduct the bUSUless rs. George D. Schennerhorn,

'l'IIe brldef!'OO!D ~ the lIOn of the Wedding tnp by motor through session. convenmg at one o'clock. Mrs Duncan Stewart, Mrs. GustavMr. aDd lira. Francis Jl. Slater, :~~ tbe bride wore a gray Motoring to Midland from this IW. Zanger, Miss Marion N. Wlll- ----------fill ~7 Audubon !'OIId. lsorie.. llIUt with black leces- area will be Mrs F.dgll.r, Mrs cox, Mrs. Robert Hale Peterson,IHenry B. Joy, Mrs. Charles Horton Iand others.

Page 7: 1'1 , lAttorney 'Authorizeddigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/47/1947-10-16.pdfth aforl'5ald area are InVlted to at- lof the Park, "alter o~t, 0 e A one-year-old


Page SeW!II

NIagara 4680

Open Monda), Thursday and friday

Untd 9 o'clock


Orders To Take Outen ~ey S!.!1dwkh-es,


VA, 2-88310r TU. 2-0819VERA HALEY

Catering forAll Occcusions

'We will tie liappy to show you around.,

We are certain that you too will

be pleased with the fine selection

of pieces from Crand Rapids' finest

Craftsmen. Important too is our moderate price.

Next time you're in our neighborhood please stop in to see us.

,they want fine furniture for their home,

.. .. ..• , ft_. L i.J.talkS Will come nom Dlrmlngn.m, 'Wit.

Clemens and even Battle Creek to a neigh-

borhood store at Mack and Nottingham when

Yes indeedl there must be a reason why

~ust :Be



,'71 /Reason"

Mrs. W. J. lUeck, 18~ J'ordCourt, fh&Jrman 0 fthe affa.ir, isbemg very ably a.ulste"d oy MriFrank Ohllt. Mrs. Ralph Jewell,Mrs. W. Matthes, Mr •• Z. Ham.baum, Mrs. R. Oehster, Mre. W.Hollinger and Mrs. B. Be~ker.

ServinI' tune I.a 5 to 8 o'clock.


Sixth Church of Christ,Scientist, Detroit

14730 lC... eb .. al A ........


lo1r and Mrs. Wesley Moon havereturned to their home m Mon-tana after spendIng several days IViSiting Mr. Moon's sister, Mrs IE. C. Vernier, of VernIer Road.

The Creative Arts Study Groupof the Grosse Pomte branch ofthe American .Association of Uni-versity Women Wlll meet at thehome of Mrs Fred Schumann at1100 Devonshire road on Thurs-day October 30 at 1 p m.

Sl'l"vmg Il..'l co-hostess will beMrs. James Lafet, Mrs. George [IHors HOisfull and Mrs. GlennCurtIs

''What I:! Modern Palntmg" willbe lLlustrated aJl,d dISCussed by IMrs. John Pear.

!It. Ambrose ~tar Society is 1sponsonng a bl'1dge luncheon atthe Parish Hall on Thuisday. Oc-tober 23 at 12:30 ?] m. The affwrIS under the directIOn of Mrs. A.J ChlckonasIu and Mrs. LloydDahnke.


PianoAt a ceremony held recently at

St Paul's Church, Louiae Vander With an eye to Chn.tmu shop-pers the committee members have

Roan, daughter of Mr. and Mn. stocked their booths with costumeRemy Vander Rooat. of 379 Kerby jewelry, children's e!othes, un'At L,.

'-th''fry road, became the bride ot Carl ullU&1stuffed toys and many use-

0,K M. Fromm, lIOn of Mr. and Ml'lI fu1 household articles. Th~


1.lUI.rleS FTOmm or - - -- work!nR' on the committee Include ICora Florence Odlen Wlll pre- 1I~1 l\.ergy IMrI. Glynn ,Payne, Mrs. Richard II

sent Margaret Carter, Joanne Au. road. Janes, Mr •. Aloysius Golden, Mills I!lves and Charles Paetzke In a. pi-ano recital Friday evenmg at Mc-Gregor Library auditorium.

The program Wlll mclude piecesby Bach, Haydn, Mendelssohn,Chopm, etc.

The publlc is cordially IDVlted.

RtJbbe~ and baloshes Fl\!' AII the FanulylMllldln« Velvets for Womc-n

or<'n Frl u~!!At TII. r ,r

!=~d=1S=~~e:!10:30 A.M. and S:OO P.M.

Sunday SchoolFi.. t Sewon 10:30 AM.5ecood SeMi"" 11:45 A.M.

~edne.da, Evenina T_iIllonlafMeenns 8.00 P.M.

Rea.rutll Room opeD week day.10:00 a.m. to 9 :00 p.m.-Sad-da, 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p._

" '\

,,"'" -1 I. ".~p~. ',I I

,,~''''~~. IS~~r;.~ \~t ~,~~ ,f:=l


r DootT",t


( -.afayette & Shelby

· tian Science


\.0 , -'"'V"t"fll ~t • rumtH"!" ",tr ...... !-- ...........10 C.::- ..........

on reports will be givene Southe&atem Women"Itmg. Monday, October Ia m. In Se. Marks Me-urch, Je1fel'llOD aDd Gar.

" Van AUa, C. Sor..~t.er. New York

,.- '''eo ~1"':.:.r1. «)1' Uctut'eJ!~i.f'- " \t"' ....f!'!' Church

r -•., nf Chri~ 8clentllt.!' " M.._rhu:o.t~

for the affa1r will beE Kulsman, Mrs. R. Ed Mrs. Lyle C. Lung.

Chi Otnega62nd Year I

em Omes-a, nativniJ. -;;"0_1 cd. L:!. u !" ~ ".. 'Pringle women'stermty, celebrated its editor of the DetrOlt Free Press, toDay With .. banquet at be guest speaker.ell Hotel, on Tuesday. Mrs. Cyn1 L Da.rlmg was hos-er marked the Sixty. tess for the evening, she was lLIdednlversary of the fraterni- by Mrs. Robert E. Klmtworth, as-wu established at De- S1stant chamnan, Mrs. FrankTerSlty m 1I1llS. Perry, Mrs John Scbwartzbek,gram was In cha.rge of Mrs. Joseph Kinney, Jr, Mrs. Wi!-~t .." ..n"",n 'lIO')\n hAA 1I.Rk. lIam N. H&11.8and M!'1!I.Fredenck

- - -- • Henny.

The 5A gul~ and btl)'s at DeferSchool have bpen st~dymg theunit CommunicatIOn In SOCial IStudies As a f, Llow up of the Ullltthe children made two triPS

One trip was taken to the Mich-Igan Bell Tdcphone Companym&Jn office Of the many pomts ofinterest these seemed to be mostoutstandmg outgoJ\\g board forlong distance calls, the longest mthe world. the mdlvldual metersfor each Cherry numbpr of whichpictures art" taken at the {'nd ofeach month and used to computeeach telephone bill, the cableca.rrylng the manY,many separatewires, and the Information depart-ment. Most fuclnatmg was adummy SWitchboard whIch manyof th .. t'hlldrpn hlUl lin onnn. t"n,tvto work. •••

SECOND TRIPThe second tnp Wll!l to the

Roosevelt Park Post Office. Theypointed out and expla.med thesteps taken In cancehng and sort-Ing all incoming and outgoing let.ters and parcel post All of theIncoming mall Is sorted accordmgto the zones, then sent t<1 thebranch offices for distributIOn. Themovmg conveyor belt from theMlchlgan Central Depot direct tothtl post office was a hlghhght ofthis trip. •The :lirst meetmg' of the DeferJunior Red Cross was held In theDefer library. The followmg of-:licers were elected' Na.ncy Walker,prell1dent; Mary Meeker, V1ce.preSident; Virginia Homeler, sec-retary; Mary Ann Zahrt, treas-urer; Mrs Wanda Daniel IS thesponsor. The other representatlvesot' the Junior Red crosa a.re lB,Joyce Robbms. lB. AllIsonChurchman; 1A. Jacku Duef, 2B,Ms.ry Lina Berndt; 2A, Roger Kol.voord; 3B, Nada TOmlClC; 3A,Bonnie Avenll 4B, Virgirua Ho-meler; 4A, Mary Ann Zahrt; 4A,El.ie Scherer. 5B, Norma Frohn,riA, Nant'y Walker' 6B. Mary

15521 Meeker; 6A, PatriCia Marter.

e, ....111 be hosted for the AID SHUT-L"lSbusmess and sewing Miss Ida Evanon's 4A's, M1SS

f the Save the Children Crandall's 5A's. Mr. Dahl's 6B's,n of Grosse Pomte and MISS Olson's 6A's are makmgmte One on Thursday, Hallowe'en tray and table favors6. wluch WIll be sent by the JUnior111 be an election of of- Red Cross to hoplt&hzed and shut-s meetUlg. Ul children.

Henry Kobring, Mrs.Ledya.rd, Mrs. Nelsonk, Mrs. Edward C.rS. Thomas T. Petzold,s S. RoblDlOn. Will

11 Semme., Mra. R0-w, Ml.8II BarbaTa Si-

Ha.rvey Smith, Jr.,. Tiedeman, Mrs. WII.

Tc!t, Ml'!. Charles :M.n. Alexander WIener,s Wi1JwUI. Jr., Mrll.

Wl11more, Jr., Mrs.Wilson and Mrs. Ed.


from the many com-thin the League will bethe followmg chairmen

nUlllttees. , • , Mrs.Buhl, Jr., Mn. TbeQ..

ttrlck, Jr., Miss AdtfleMrs Gilbert S. CwT1e,

d Flmtermann, MrI.Goodenough, Mrs. JohnutclunSOn. Mrs. Fritz

october 16, 1941,


• •tnlttlesReportlar Fall Meel.J.ng of the~ue of Detroit will beda)', October 21st, atck In the morning'. Mrs

\ 0\ J r , Preliden t. Willl~ bU~Ineas meeting mRoom of the Country

etrOltlbO at the Speakers'be ~1rs McEvoy'. Ex-o.rd Members - Mrs.R Buttrick, Jr., MrsGooc!nough, Mrs. Don-

,150n Mrs. John M. S.Mra LeWiS S. Robm.

\\ Illlaffi C. TOlt, andld Fllllterma.nn.n bu,mess of the mo~.be an educational pro-ereu to'll J,th the ~g-!nct!'!:mmunlty Chest of thisWlIIg the meeting mem-

e bUffet luncheon at

ountry Club to Be Scene of Junior League's Fall MeetingInAIAP Pllft:l. r TAL FNTFI') IR th I r!' 'A'~ I 1"'II"f ..., 1 '1M 11 n I NEW 8Tt"DIO 'pleallM to announce the openLnr_"."a & 'Ill"'"' - . -- -pP

1-any _3_leS 1_ 11. raaZlzo1ta .. .tta .. lJart~' !'1otnntl Eng-pI well knonn plan.lot a branrh of the Sherwood Mu-

VIS'I't B II an Annual Bazaar l '" IBt orgalUst and teacher 1< ~'c :>'?OO! In hIs plano studIO ate l'J ~I A ' ' . 1342 :-;()ttmgham RdBethany Ladles' AId are holding .cor J.fJ.arygrove umnae . ------ -----

Telepho C their annu&! Bazaar and ~orge ..De o. bord dinner Wednellday, October Marygrove College alumnae are Adele Kronk, MI.. Dotores Mc.29 In their auditorium, Chablworth Invltlng their friend. to attend Farland, Miss Edna.mae Pollard

the traditional fall party formerly and 1011811 Marte Thereae Boucher.at East Outer Dnve. I bopen on y to rnem eu of the uso- 8tll1 otherl Include Mrfl~ Ed"

ciatlon.• ThIs yea.r the party, to be held ward J Gnedentallk, Mn. JamesSunday, October 19. In the Madam B. Cronyn, Mrs Joaeph Simmer,Cadillac Hall on campus, will be Mrs. Garnet Griffin, Mrs. Edwardcombined with &. fair. lollu Marie Delahanty, Mrs. Oscar G De-Therese Kerwln III general Cha.ir- Clerck, loll.. Vlrgmla Whalen,man of the afflLU"lLssisted by MID Miss Ellen Dryden, MID JeanetteAdelaide Hart. InCidental muSlC Fehner and MIS Mary Jo Broder-during the afternoon and early ICk.evening Wlll be proV1ded by Miu 1 _Dorothy Jones. MIS! Ann Hunger. Ipo -, Iman, MISS Vlrgmi& M~ andM1aB Arlene DePalma. '

Page 8: 1'1 , lAttorney 'Authorizeddigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/47/1947-10-16.pdfth aforl'5ald area are InVlted to at- lof the Park, "alter o~t, 0 e A one-year-old




Get Set For 4. Treat!

NOW OPEN- - .BABE & \-~M

CHARLEY'S ~o~~• 14336 Kercheval -r$C~\-R

at Ch.lb'ler. \.~

Specializing in Home-Mad;PlF.S - CAKES allel Home.Cooked Food.

Owned alld O,..t.d by Mr. _d Mrs. Charles ~I.ckmFormer owner 01 th. B.&,C Sodetle en I .. her Roo:

HOURS: Mon. to FrL - 6 A ~1 10 12 r \LSat. - 6 A,M. to .3 A.r"l. - C1o.ed SUI day

FRANK GILL~,Entertamln~ You al tlw r

TUESDAY THROUGH !'I \ [l 1\11\1Beginning October 2\,.

Complete DInner Service 5.00 PM I, 1 ~ \1 DTreat tlte Farm/II to One 0/ 0'0 D,I 'Ji 1I


14948 East Jefferson at Barrin~t~n MUrrai 9)

Your Train is Waiting For You At 1he

Downtown Train & Camera Sho~1%2 W Elizabeth Sl al PlI\Otte Block from TUller !lOId

A. y,m LeaLe l'Ollr Grosse POI"te BU8, Cllt Through. the "pGrk Look for tI € LARGETRAIN SIGN at the next COnleY.

12 Trains on the Largest Display Table in TownlBa;~<ef~.m $14.75 TO S7J ltr.0 ,- I

••. all electriC, with electnc coal loaders. log loaders. magnetie ~_. fmetal loaders, brIdges, crossmg gates and many other acees,s.:lrleS

Come Over and See Our Model Railroad DisplaJ and Stock

Motion Picture Machines & CamerasLarge Stock 0/ Photo Supplle3. Flllll~ of ALL SIZES.

In The Heart of DowntowD Detl'oi' '

• , J -, • I I •• I l '-!-l WIN. • COM, II N, '. • I , I 0 If. 1 ,


The Marshall Chess Club ofL Northeastern YMCA invites you to1 become a member, whether you are1 an expenenced player or a new-1 cumer to thiS fascmatlng game.2 New officers of the club are Presl-2 den, Frank P1lowskl, Tournament2 Director and Secretary, Charles2 Thomas. Plan now to attend the3 meetings on Wed n e s day s at3 7'30 pm.3 ------------------------------



2221 I2124 I

111'1 ~

2099 II'291890881




J BUlttVan BeceleaereL. Brecht

Thl' Aloma Theatr~, Charll'\'olxat Wayburn, la undl'rgolng \'l'ryl'xtenslve Inwrovempnts which WIllplace It on a par With any theatrl'In the DetrOit art'a In llOund eqwp-ment and comfort for patrona,

Included In thl' modermzatlOnprogram IS installation of newRCA 1lO~ and projection equip'ment and one thouund neW Hey'wood-Wakt'1\eld Theatre chairs,

The ftoor Is being completely reoTEA.". HIGH t GAME carpeted WIth new Mohawk car .

M a:M, Clock Hoapltal 674 petmg and a nl'W concrl'te.bowlWildwood Inn 671 ftoor la bemg Installed tor un-AVlatlon Clearne', 660 ob.tructed vlBlonMany other new Innovatlona are

TEAM mGB S GAMES being mcorporated for the conve.M a:M. Clock HospItal 1921 mence of patronsAviation Cleaners 18;)8 Mr Albert Hl'ust'r, manager,County Line Lumber 1838 told The ReView that thl' Aloma

Theatre IS dt'eply grateful to Its• HONOR BOLL many loyal friends and patrons

H, Isacc:JI 176 and In appreciation has deCidedR. Day 161 to spare no expense In bringing

~: ~~~:~ ~~.15O :~~~ ..~~~t.u~;s~c~~~c~~~r<>t ta;,.~IN Barbieri 1112 alre will be reopened Wlthm a fewT. Pnnce 1111.150 days and Mr Heuser suggests thatG. Cygan 150. patrons watch the marquee for lhe

_____ opening

, I P





WOD Lolt Alger Post Bowling16 4 LSd'15 51' eague tan Ings. w14 ' 6 Sad Sacka 3

IGob'. 3

8 Yard Birds 39 Brase Ha.ts 2

10 Sn&foos 2IKilroys 210 I Rookies 211 Gold Bricks 113 Dog Faces 114 Boota 115


HIGH GAUE SINGLE5 15 1 V Schroeder

2 Joe Gorey3 Boward Hart"'lg

lilT. PAtlI.'l;l BO\\LlXO LEAGt:E,


INo. Name Pts Alleys 2 V Schroeder3 R Smith •••••.•.• 13 11.12 3 H. HartWlg

10 A. GoUin 13 3.' TEAM HIGH SL.' GLE! P Allard 11 1.2 1 Sad Sacks1 L. Brecht ..••••••• 11 15-16 2 Gold :Bncks9 P. Rupnch ••••.•• 10 12.14 3 Yard Birds \

12 L Reno .•.••••••• 10 9.10 TEAI\I mGn THREE2 H. Furston 10 3-4 1 Sad Sack!'

13 C. van::>teen If 1I;.HI12 Gold BncKsIII F. Dansbury 7 7.8 3 Yard Birds11 D. McCarron 6 1-2 (1--------------12 D. Trombley .•.••• 6 5.6 1 Game8 A. VanBecelaere •• 6 13.14 V. Becelaere7 M SmIth .... .... 6 5.6 R Smith:; A. DeReamacker •• 4 7-8 C VllnStel'n6 J June .• ,........ 3 9.10 S Gr.mn

14 G Walters .... 3 11.12 L. BrechtmGn TEAl\1 Van Becelaere

Th')}IVIDUAL mGH J )luaekI Gamet! 1 Game

C. Van SteenH mSlthH. Furton


1000 Heywood-Wakefield TheatreChairs

New Il C A ~und .Equipment

Complete c.rpeting by "Mohilwk"

New Il C A Projection Equipment

New concrete "bowl-floor" for un.obstructed Vision


TUse'o 2-2615


) II Harriscn U5" III Cratiot Township Ii I11lvrovements 'IBowling League r

'T'.Yl.fflS .L1)':I.,,~i'" 'T',,~I '!'!:A!'! !'!4NnfNO.1 I R"iHG MaJe At I.J. J ....... .I. C W L Pts AV 1- ......6 _._. II,,,,, ..- ,..1 1A III 1. ""1Leave Cellar W'lid~-i;~'~'- -0 ii 1113 1180711 Aloma 1'heatre IMorran'. Five • 7Errolam', F1Vl! 8 7 9 &74County Une Lum~r' It 7 695M a:M Clock HOlp. 4. 11 6 623

IND. HIGH 1 GA..\lEH. IaacCI 176R Day 161T Madlen 1M

IND. HIGH S GAMElH. Iaacell 4~D Orthner' "23T, )ladeen 421






HarrillOn Car'J't't. bowled Itaway out of the cellar m the GroaaePointe Rotary League Fnd&y byclipping Piche. Barbera for a 4.-0Win, 'n\e c1ean-.weep enabled theH .. rrlllOn team to move up to nlJ\thspot m the 12-team loop.

Punch II: Judy Cocktall Loungegained on Hobb&ugh, league lead-era by w!upplng !Farm. Market,who were hamhcapped by not hav-Ing their full team there, MondryCleaners, aftl'r 101mI' the lbatgame. came back and won thenext two and total pms-result,Mondry Cleaners 3 and Grol!l8ePomte Revlew 1.

ChriS Rebb was the big gun asMiddle AtlantiC Transp. Co. spilledMartm Outboard Motors 31. WithDave McCarren rolling 611 i.nclud-inl' a 234 game. the beat MotorCity Tires could do WU break

"" even with Houston Bro •. Inc, 2-2....... Capt.&1n Frank Thayer &g&1n hav-.~ Ing anoUler good rughj. ,5i9, £01"

799 Houaton.• 722 Houzbaugh Motol'll were held to

759 a 2.2 decilion by Wolverine Chips,794 Potter. tor oWlverlne 1LIIng hiS791 brand new ball786 STANDINGS74.1 1 Holzbaugh Motors7615 2 Houston :Bros. Inc.7M 3, Punch II: Judy756 Cocktail Lounge770 4. Middle AtlantiC678 Transp Co,729 II G. P. :Review \

,770 6. Piche Barber Shop-7. Wolvenne Potato

Chip!!8. Mondry Cleaners9. HarnllOn Carpets

10, Motor City Tire Co,11. Farms MarkE't

2671 12, Martin Outboard~2- Motors



,; "'1 I"" c

Novi Being Instlliletl:-



bdhidual 'l'h~PetyR. Gogn13 "

IBdhidual !o()

R Gognoa Mack-NottKaIser Turner

Turner BUick 13Kennelly Catering 13Boutin's 8e1"V1Ct! 12Mack-Xothngham 11Reral Cleaners 11Royal "10" 11Belding Cleaners 10G P, CUrtain 9Cramer Electric 9Tom Bovll. Inc. 8G, P. ~ntmg 7Tlny's CafE' 7Rusbc Cabins 6Bruce Mgle 5


oltk CleanersTurner BUickMack:J'l'ottlngham

Team ThreeJanet.s LunchOak Cleaners

Team ~OO~!.""N'(Othngh8m

bdh1dll&l SiDrle

Thurlday's 200 bowlerl includ-ed. Mee,ugban, 232, Romain, 231;L. Guareslmo, 210: Wood, 206.McDonald, 202, Deacnynck, 202;K&1llf!r. ~01; ~ Gll8torf, 201; RGuareSlmo, ZOO.

TEA.t\( STANDING8Oak ClelUlel'1l 14


I At the Foot of St. Clair

'I....rr 1 -=--.:'n ....D~(\~g -----.. .1 l

IPI&rIO - ACl.urdlOn - Vocal.s ......

Same Fine Food and Drinks :,0 ~': ~



I,'" ~, I ..~S~:k:~bOPS L ",'f' 101.... . • ~ OwaM .ad ..... IfM 111 I ~,, m:;IBJII Beer BUSS SILLMAN

, Ph ne MU 9~1I1l! Dmml{ Room Open 11 a.m.I ntlmOM_l'co.~on26.~ ".I8II:~51l811e.~O.l~


-: * -...... • =-~KITCHEN OPEN4 P. M. to 1 A. M.

Closed Moaday

'K',u ill t~6

IOLD CUP1081.A.1td dal«:6 to tlte COId",-

/ ",tal style muic 01 \'1Ol",-trl Totty Path Gild 1"s or-r1testra.

I.paired, leplKtcl _ae..d- ~,

,GU'rlERS and

DOWN Spours

Known only fer fhe Beatin catermg to banquets. weddmg reeeptJons.testlInonial dmners or any aoclal oeeaslon.

BABPER AT NINE MILE ROAD17 New Irunswick unes

-OPEN BOWLING DAlLY-10 A.M. to ,. P.M. and After 11 P.M.Saturdaya-SUDda)'. 10 A.M. to '% A.M:

Chicken. Steak tJnd Frog lAg DinnersFine Liquors, Bur anti Wine

-Ro"Yllle ....

Ritz Re~reation,

NI. 9638

Dttle III tile

POIPEIA. ROOIlIIId enJOY tile m4rt,elolt3cumM of Th" lV/llttln'.DflIICIOu.s f 0 0 d temptlltglllsen.eeL

M.til Decb--torches-Flat, loofi.,


Piaaeer BioliDg ami "I.~114708 EASTlAWN VAlley 2-8548



New Assutment of CaMY ForTour "S.~test Tholll'llt" on tbe SWEETZST DAY

Special plate lane'" are lteinr Rlftd nery day at TONY'S.Very rellliOllllble prices fot bome c:ooIled meah. Larre lelee-tfOll of sandwiches. Soda flllUJltaha seniee • _ • aU in e.mten.

"TOllY" KOIIIIS CDnfectioneryComer of BarrillltOn an4 L JelfeneD at ~ Stop.-DK. 11M



:J II P. WOODS IIR-1-QUEU ~IOak Cleaners,, (;"J-: _.. A't~,. •• wll•• VIsit Ute iii ~ T , L .1

Coclct.1I Lowt,. . . . II IJanet s une,l1 2 Fin" F..,m o.d Uq.... X I L6/1d r "'/I~ueIt All 'times I ".. .1.&..

Muie 11,.'ICY" OLaRICH

" Premium Draft Beer _ MIXed Drinks Oak Cltaners and Janet's LunchThutS .. Fr1 , Sat, a.nd Sun. fOamed a tie for first place In the

2051 ... k f Grolllle Pomte Business Men'.5 Mac at Beau .it lAague by virtue at their splendidlltloWlnr 'n\ursday Right JanetLunch Iwep~ .:;~ .riea with Mack-Nottingham while Oak took threePOUlts fro Boutin.


I Kennelly, last wl!f'k. pIoce.aet.ters, IIlIPped to thll'C! p1&c1 bydropping three polnta to Royal.

.Jane t'a Lunch bowll'ra aiaoreglstl'red 2671 to gam highthree for the aeuon.

II!urM !ve~tLrWH ITTI E~A. 2-9000



115203 E. WARREN ~t Lakepointe NI. 9745

Now Featuring* TnE PETER PAUL TRIO *f \ PETER TW ARUCSEK-Accordion\ \ BOB BOLAN-BilSs Fiddle

G';) JERRY JONE>-Su-Clarinet

\ J • nlrMlf ~FriUy - Sa"""".:- ~ We Specialize in

Chicken, Fish, Frogleg Dinners


Sizzling Steilks - Fine Liquors, Beerand Wine


__________ I

~~l'++'~: %:: % f! III It , •••••• It ••••• I.' I

i t• +• +: :.. ++ +: +

i I+y :+ Ra~r romer 10 Mile Roa' i: RosevlUe 9t13 for Reservations i+ .:i Ii COURSE

• r~ Chicken Dinner

i1 $2.00 i: -lJ....tj,\~CE 1\ COURSE :

.. to the MUSIC of TENDERLOIN"+ +! Harry R. Moore Steak Dinner i:i Thp man "ho plaH ,"ova. $2.00 j+

+ chord and Hammond Or~an-\t "aml' Tlmp

; DIRECT FROM Our DmneN Prepard by ii HOLLYWOOD Mrs. Swartz i+ Darl(' rg 'ar\." \\<>ck mg'l.~ ;It +.. 'l P \1 Sa' .rdil\' at 8 P ~f Formnlv al +!and S ...ndaY5 at i.J(l P M COllmO'Pohtan Club :

: SIGHnr EXn:PT ~IOSD.H' Detroit i!••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


Page 9: 1'1 , lAttorney 'Authorizeddigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/47/1947-10-16.pdfth aforl'5ald area are InVlted to at- lof the Park, "alter o~t, 0 e A one-year-old


Grosse POinte


A/ant-ArlsCA:lH RATEmunt Gharlo for cia lIi-

"'dlOI• SOc tor t 5 worda.

I • ,. _L .1.1:' Iceptl for • .,., ...... ticma

cHARGE RAn;• conun18D<'e, adI w,lI b.

dover tb. eelephon ..P~'nImunt d.ar.. Tet. Itlor IS worM, four centa fot

Id,htlonal word P.vmentbe m.de by cub. cheek orey order.


Upon Request


EADLlNEp, m.Tuesday


Furnaces, Vacuum Cleaned andRepaired


TUxedo 2-1350

15121 KerchevalLanepoiDte aDd Maryland

Ailey-2-1162Say, "Char .. ltr



15121 Kercheval


osse Pointe Ptg Co


Whlch III

tl94 PiperVA. 2.5159

If you want the

Real Economy

The Best!

Best of Materials

Finest WorkmanshipPlua



REPAIR, Interior and exterIOr En-close front or rear percn. Kitchell

ca.bineta recreation roonl8 attic room ..remodeung. Prompt .en-,ce. GoodworkmanslIlp 8. It. Barber. 20380Ne.blt. NT 6784

WALL WASHINGWALLS and celho •• wasbed ...,d poper

c1MAeet. H.,h quauly work do". byuperieDced ma Drez-I 1814HlCHLY recommended wall w.ohlnl

I"VlCII by refin.d whll. men. Call"RUn,ton 4192VINCENT'S'--: ...=al;;l-=...::a-=."'hi"'n-;:g-a-;:"-:d'-u-p-::-

holst.1T cleanIng Machllle Method.EXlJerienced workers Insurelj Cum ...merclal ILDd Relldentll,l ];'ree EsU.mate. Call" etllce 9-tr.,O or AI{ 256J IEXPERT WALL "ashlllg anti pav<:r

cu~an1ng }I ree .E.~tlluat(,9 inn re.mo\ed Wlthout rwnmg }our pamt.. MJ 0 Br!ell 3401 McClellan, 1Vanhoe8661

WALLS WASHED paIntlng, reasOn-able Call VA. 4-2Wl



V\_.ITE DOG 1ntb brow" earsOP';; of brow" on bottom of\'Idnlty GroNe pte. Wo"do-

r. to name of SkIpper or SldJ>-"eral reward 15S5 Anita or Nl.


• All '-' ...... hi.....witbouc ftIIIIftiDI &- me.AbmluDly _ &_ .....-

nwr JOO • J*iecr.Tift, tabe, ""-J, bab ClIp,

brake m:-. aD bllIftC'd •• IliDr;Ie ---

BaI.DCCd wheelt doe'tPJ-lpa.--. TbeJ' an-a -oomer ,., _ ......d_yodlH--s.,-

of die CII£ $415 Per BetONJ,.y J" .II'our

ROY O'BRIENMOTORS, INC.y_ I.-l Yemi o.uer

• MUe ~ Mada-w. -........01.

CeI1 Menh... _ ..


7:30 AM M MidnightSaturdays to 6 PM




PHONE VA.. 2-1162

Service DepartmentNow Open

Frank W. LeamonWindow Shade Co.

13912 CHARLE\'OIX, near LakeviewEX}M"rt Cleaning, Rt-pair or ReDewal of your ll1lldow

Sbades and "enetiaD BIillU-F'I"ee PIek-up aDdDelivery - Drapery JIardwve

Estirna~ without obligation VA.1IeJ 2-02S9

~ ,......I C.~~~ J Ie.....'----


Vo.Jr 'r-es' F-<'rd f)~ ...1.1

9 \I,le l\! \111' k~,lle t()4~l.O

PREMIUMfor ....our Car 1\0\\

Cars ard T rL.clsAn ... ~todel

An} •("o"l(htlonGet &


.TU 2-0095BDd get ready to eOl1ect



I WAlIo"TED' 7IaJ'm8. Ruortll. elty prop-ertY. <:barl.. (Bud) Pentecolt, ....

preaendn* J. a. Caron, Real EstateBroker. 2921 Gn.tlot. Phone Ft 85n

Plenty of Merchandise

Appliance and Heating



MILLER - Employment .... eucy. FI2606 D"moslJC belp. women tor

laundry &Del eleanmg. Part-time or...eekly Good laundrell8 an'" cleaners

Niagara 4255Ui Wallpaper sample Booa


BalCK .t CE:\lE.''T \\ OBK

CONCRETE Slde ...alks dn ..e. and ga-rage !loon repaIred or replaced

....... 2-4882.

BRICK PORCHES REPAIRED-Stonestep. .nd general. repaIr VA.


u. u"t and fItter A Hra..'a coatll d"~••s .!(otP ~"ex;>f-rt Fun alH'r.TI r"ll rs Nec.kr-ll>('d maderlrl rur' HI ~16';

Plano InstructionEmina Camburn

1023 Roslyn Rd.n"I. 4007

\ "I, oAr 01 Jl t .....:\~ fI 'h)

1\ :2 ~0l1

....... "'" T- P - RfI'1Itt Tf'f"'r"rr~" ".'1Ii , I"" horne ~[rf' 81,,,,t 'I


Want a MUSicalInstrument?

See-ell, ic Music Shop

PR 2350321 Kelly Reed at Whitti.lr

SERVICESO'R_R.!F_N R_R.OS ------------; RELIABLE HIGH School g>rl WIshes- - PRU~IPT rella!)le ....atcn. C'OCK anu t" care for chlldreo-<:All TU. 2-\)934

W. d (I JP'n"dn re-palrug A J ForsterIn Ow eanlng J."eler 1HOO C.,arle,oIXo EXPERIENCED Boollkeeper deslre..;:;:;"''';':';;'':-i'=:..:..:,=~--:-;-=:::: part time ....ork at horne or III oftleeCompany PLASrER1'le-Any kInd o! ",pon Expert t)'plst, stenograpblc, bUIln.,

worlt. Reo,ouBble .. te' Fre. ..U. malllng etc Tn :I 3191Storm Sash and Screen 8erv1ce m".' C,II NI 0343 Leo. v.nn

Geulen LADY WISHES Cleanlns- d<>etora or.

all W h CLSTOM-~DE sllp c" ..erB uaran- f,ces etc. GrOMe POlOte Puk n-W as lUg teed workmanship FlOe quallty ma-I clnlt) VA 4-5552

Paper aDd Calclmlne Cleaned tetr~~ ~x:J~'2~~rM Expert uphol- GIRLWILL <:are for children m-h "'- IS e II Dmgs NI 18W~r Bouse Was mg - "'.... RURIGERATOR And motor 8emce -_. ,-.--...,m-;""i7"""iO:===::;-a;:=

"",1"i""I' ..n M"n for li'vp", Jnb 'M"_.~ ."~ hnn_." K.h1nlltor LA't"XD"ftY WORK Experlenced Shirtr-~ll.tes- Cheerfully Given ~..,.7g~d";r; Le~nard, Coldspot. lnI"- Iruner. F&5t semce-OL 1!lSO (F.ast I

er'sl ILDd othen. Wl1b~. VAlle, S,de)Always A Good Job 2-:111 • ....r.."7il."'D"Y.;-;V;..rr..S..H;;ES..,.-;~=y:-;;W=or-.-k-.-l&=u=-n.,dry=.

I----------=-==_-:-=-::-1 general cleanlug-NI 1831VA 2-8180 BOOKKEEPING SERVICE EXPERIENCED GIrl tor baby alttln&, I• BY THE MONTH and odd Job. AJI1< for Donna. \' A.

2925 Holcomb Tax and Report Senle. H916!=========.....,

I.. "edera!, State and CanalllaD HELP WD"TED--HAL&

of WINDOW SHADES No~ Public with Seal 1 1------------ HARRY HAAS. Tax Consultant--=---=----~-- WINDOW SHADE 14841 KERCHEVAL AVE

WOOD E. ENGEL 1 "-1 r" ~II ~ If"" Cornu Alter Road LEnox 7812

Teacher of Piano '--LCI'"II'Ij II 'lU sewmg ~achmesounces the Opening Repairing and ReplaCing Vacuum Cleaners

of a branch of the Pick Up and D:>II'ery Repatno .nd Parts - All Malt ..~ v We PIck Up and Delt ... rSHERWOOD MUSIC Buttonholes - Hemltltchlnl

OOL OF cmCAGO MU~ AFORDS GMraavCe~~nseeCowm.g C 3-SEOROO31 Colo..lal brlck !In,.hedIVI 11.1 BROEDELL, IN. throughout Wash room on 1st fioor

at his studio OOR COVER INC (Formerly PleU) be.utl!ul bath up.talra .leeping p"rch342Nottingham Road FL 15411Mack 'ro.2-1555 see Mr. T~~am .n ocreen. and storm .... h throughout

_.. recr .... tlon room. ru beal. lI500 Not-

Niagara 4271 16127 East Warren hAVMiTROLGHS an(1 d"wnlpouta 20229 Mack. TU. 2-3737 tIngham~,="=--:=-=",,,==_"'--:-""lco~;~, st.:~~\dr:~~h:gze.!~:-i~.:cleared Ouunde house wuhlng ~osSE POINTE FARstS E".hah s .,ze 0)" co 1 •

Diplomas I Nf I, 0446 Hont.t work, at rOMon.ble prlCU brick. 'bOQroom. FIrst floor 1&\&- 16, hu.lly sp"rt J.cket. boy. btc, ele I1Il J 0 Brien. 3401 McClellan. IVan-I =-= .lton Sunroom Oil heat Garage Lo..e- Tt:. 1-2846 I

Teachers Certificates 1 --:-::::-:::-=:-.=::;:'"-- "h,~:::.....8~M::::!:- 1 PLUMBERS I,. nrd ImmedIate ~on '21500 IA.~TIQL'E Hepple .. h!te ehut Needle------------- VE,\"};TIA:;" BLr"DS - Archlbold Cll... e)-NI.gar. 8331 p"lnte ladl ... ch• .lr ROlewood ca-

() " ~~~t"C'!'IO~~ Fe". P4"~~~JI T( !~n(\~" ~HADES CAP...rrr - LrnOtEt~ .. ~.. " ....u .....~v.ar~ - -A,. OLDSMOBILE COMPANY• I__<ated near Muon Scho~1 I_pertl, cleaned repa",d renewed I REPAlR WANTED 1 TlLANSPOKTATlON Ii;;-;'U:;, ~V;;~lnrt~~ ;l~tter an'.,. ;;l~te',pr r.n-.nt c.ll Mrs. Pettit. TU I ~rpe P <XU" 6< Del"." ---------------jldar) othpr Iteml Wel.h cupb<>&rdI 15218bat J.ff ....on YAlley2.8070

E.ot 'na.te. \\-,11 ~u' ObligatIon I STAIR CARPET SHIlI'TED TRAVItL FREE' Drl.,.e new 'Toured and modern turnltUJ"e 4t3 ~etf Rd

~~-============== I FR..~~'K W LEAMON _ Repair - New ~.r to Rockl.. or COL.ot Pr. •• te I ---- __------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W

T"c"TV'o,n SU onE co 21 YEARS EXPERIENCJC party Writl Bot: AP Gr_ Po,nt. IGIRL S LOVELY pl"ld winter coat I___________ 1 ...... uv " o.-"U.' RHlew lSl21 J[en;hnaL Groae I hned In ve.n wooL Ale 10. N.electnc cleaning 1~91~ CHARLE\ OIX 1DAY !\I 0703 _ EVENING Steady Employment PoInte 30 I&6a4Co 1.. Ed.ar,u bet Lak" Ie'" & Ea!tla ...n VA ~ 02.19 I -O-'~--O--------~-l-d-________~~~~::I----:=-:=-=_::-:-:::::~::-:--- FOB SALE H...... F FurnIture Il(>mo "on 0

t'-----------I .--..:-=-..:~ - -- - ORCH ESTRAS Excel lent Pay 1------------ new .tudlo ~ouch combl".t,o" r.- i-" T1 '\ ED mothproofed Re- SPORTS EQLIP)(ElIiT AlIo-nKINQ In .- used bou .. hold IdlO I.rge f.r HIl".... c"mp'oto

, <, °rt ...."rk Harold Smttb 'ror All Occa<,ons 'un I."mg. See 1&&&.,. r.•• t .... y I&mall rad.o $10 00 ~~ Scboerherr~ Plerty of Overt'me J'urnlt, .... 1"'~ Ke""heuJ VA ~ ~11. I bot ...... n 7 ."d 8 )l1le Rdf====::-:==============IMERCURY MOTORS '~l 'I'SIC by MITCHELL' ----------I~OI-,T.T-F.-pr-.ppTF_Sfl-r.-ot-b-I(>()(\-hr-••

FR."'l'EIL1lfAL 1\ u ~e g' DQrhood \1,'O'K R~.Hv1~AA(: SA' c: I p<l<ll/,:T•• i .'1 "'ll"I"H'~ .m .ea-• FE\t \1t:'RCl,RY Ol T80"RD "'''al'l. 1::'~9(lDu tl... AF 1,.0

-, A. & Col F M ~:~~,,~Q\~~"':'S~~U. PR. 2350 ST. JOAN OF ARC ------~--, I. -, BROEDELL ANUAL BAZAAR 8."-1.£8 a SF.RHCE,'" i'~ Post 995 V F W ALL l\IAI-.ES REPAIRED I ~ \\~G-S;PP1,lF..s B,.u,,- \01.. Oct. 24. Evenmg I-s Seron\1 and Fourth Mon, I E POI"T£ '1ARIl\E I hI ,. - C ,.r " ller.otltr" rg A-O I ....~t.25 and 26 'S'YLOR-BE.ALL P. -t Sr-ay }.q" p-

£arll Month at 1714~ Rt. GROSS l~ IV • ,""AII r' "n I....i e' It. r m." I" I PI -rb 'lg _ Heat"'g vc , meM .nd ~. Pump. TW 1-'2"0A\Te~.:e. G~e PoInte 3D. 114901 Kcrchtva.1 VA. 2-460:!' ,-, • ~.... ~<: Mllc",n: _ Co, 1[,4111 ,. Afternoon and Evemng ~~," ;, 1~~;UfllC' mOil" "'""".n.. 1-8 ...,

igan A.n vrw d PoteD., ======.-=_- - ----- I ',~),~' , "0 __ , 110'_ --- 2C229 Mack OT'06SePomte Woodl - --- -- ---M-, an LIl.SDSCo\PI:o.G 1\\ \T! \\ \'-Tl '\ ~ ('Aile r clok"-, 1 ' ,,-/ 1'.l.EMROLUX (lou,"" "",,('mono"mo rs . . r 9. ...,,(J'r~ \\ rk ~lla.I""'tl'".d n l Rr"nd .,'tr A.....I .. 7ed D.,.a.'!f ard

I ---- -- ------ ... - - ----=========:::== ,"'.., rp T\ '\f1 ....A#' ...-...,1 ree Rt::, t ::;, W g i; 1 .,1 r> {T 1 -\1,,,-,,.., 1-k" j : HELP W.o\l\iTED-FEMALE , tI't! - SAI.F - (,0"-\- u-" rl I' .;;.".. I I I '1'(:: "'tlt -- f~ m I "'er ?' PTjfll_ T"f'"'"\ r"A,-' "pl"

TrlrT"rlrlg-GvYli g \\' l \'\~T-\hf R (~ a~'" "A,I 11 n,i,{ ..-; .....n-(~.,.a. ;f(.--;; rl.R\ 1\:1'-1:, r"'('1\" u..()~..f' P)lr\.~ h'" ~1l'" SIr ...r<;. ~ r I, 01>-' (I a, ... K 1 <..,.r ~!I1' P ~.... ;,rl"'er"",..clI Tl :J 1M. ~H:::7 KfrC't1e'\Al ~' C'halrrfllr. Op". ...

6. d:: n~ "' t '\ ... <:: 1 r ( ~n Q 11" 1 \\ TT'F' (~ r.,l 4l:--,::l.l1 .... flI ~ ('t~. ~r.' j q \" ::.' ,,"r)jl

\ \.\"" 1 F!tr-~OClTFF iA.rl<.",-"'-r~ ... 1.....

Greater Detroit I,,'" -l"\T~A • "',':.,',:_'" "'" >-" '\ -0':"'__ pr- .• t •.::~ ;4; ~'her r,.~ '.r.":,A- f)';i' dr'<lIrn .. k",," a r <l , , "lER'"ICES hf 'I.To~ T I, - ( h'

"1L'll rphl ... M'n- Rlh1"llr P, de'" R " , "'\ .. ( .~ ,r '\ 4'...Lan scape ompany - -, -- - TFR\fS IF DESIRED (, .• , A')'\ ............. ')rlt'-;.~ ;;',(11 ',1 FR!"...F r~TI'''''TIC. , ...,., :l f L ..~ I ...

, A" ,,_ •• ". '\ .' CO:\1I'Lr:TE ( , .1" B, ,,',' E,,)( • t"p" I.' '1\ \\ -I. 1- \ ( \','L'R\ ICE lUI lr~ ,1.' d ( ..1.1" fl \\ )Tk ~,01.lr 51)(\",1..}.1.\ - ~.. ri., I

LAi\D~CAPF, ~r. _ • _, "', - ) ," ,,. r" ..". p, , '.. ., II. IF'rre E":Jr1 e.. tLL I" L r UL' I Li'\ I ...\ r I..,U 1<1 \r" 1>, ~~:'l { ., ••• TI

r:: ,\-r DF"""'OIT 13 'rTCH '1: ,\1\. S iI' " #'x ...~t "'''a.Ll\ r r~ ('~."edo 2-227;) Rfi32 E FOREST -,. '" • no ,VI 1J L.... Hkk0rv 412. o' • t2.. n. : 4~4'

.ALL "".ORK GlJARA...'.:TFED 20 YEARS EX.PERIENCK L" ~~r"'l'" 'u O\.,.r 'f;'" n .......;;.-.. l\.... '''J''''PI'On'\Pl serv~ I ell 1 I l.~"l o&l< <leu Nl S:l7O,

Baltz II; CEMENT REPAIRSF!:l.. ELECTRIC TRAINS--<>tfIci-1 =--- ---,-------L,cr,el semce, parts and lI&1e. BRICK ILDd CE~IEXT Work. Ponh~s, G.rt Shop. 17151 Kerchev&!. gar.ges. basements De Gryse 2646I n;',JO Alter Road VAlle, 4-1l6JSITTER S CLUB furnlBhe. hlgh-01 glrl. or W'emen for b.by sit-

Ru.e,lIIe ~26-K.-nern~A DE.'TECTIV'E-SERVICE

d. !I.I ~ tnVdt1ptlons-"pg-traclll# of 10101: person.

ped,grees ~d IUld !amll:rcompIled State licensed and

X,ght or d.y Roaerllle 3382.COm! SECRET SERVICE

Gr.tlot Eut n.trolt

Page 10: 1'1 , lAttorney 'Authorizeddigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/47/1947-10-16.pdfth aforl'5ald area are InVlted to at- lof the Park, "alter o~t, 0 e A one-year-old

r,.., ('I' ., .~ .~,.• •• , I..I

FRUITs-- -

Libby'. Ilio '),SUeed or Halvee • l 'fUll


PODO SUce4 No 21j 1'1lla


Libby's Prune





--------CHASE I SAltBORN 47c l


Spring lamhLeg RoastShoulder Chops • • LB. 55~Breast for Stewing LB. 211

•SQtu'lE Shoulder Roast LB. 45'Choice Rib ChODS • LB. 6&

,(jf~5\)-- t-RUIT JUICES -

Grapefruit - Oral1~e - Ap'lll\Donald Dn('k 46-QZ.GRAPEFRt'IT CANS

JUICETf'xsun SaturaJ or ." ozPIXK GRAPt':FRlTr 'fl)- ••J U ICE CA.~S

Hf'arts Dt>U~ht 12-0Z.APRICOT CASS

NECTARRpart'! Dt>1i~ht 46-0Z.APRICOT CA.i.~S


COCKTAILTrf'P'lwf'f't 46-0Z.ORA~GE C)L~S


Swanson 6-0z Tin SWaDSOD 6-Ot Tin Randall's l'i Lb Jar


53e ea. $8.! 470 II. A.! $1.39 jar

Special Prices On Produce During Canned Foods Sale

12 to IS 5geLB. AVQ. ~,'

Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island RedSTEWING CHICKENS

Fresh Chicken Livers

,~II••-~•..-.~'-"'"\y ••" -- '- • - .~ J.." '" ..It. ......

Young Michigan Fresh DressedHEN TURKEYS

NO. '!'rINS




. NIPPY OLD 69Cheddar Cheese ~.GENUINE 89CALVES LIVER fb~WHOLE 89Beef Tenderloin ~.





.~ha~:~it}:~1149special wrap- C

ping or lb.sharp freezing


BROS ... Successors To,


NO.2 52!!'lINS


NO.2 s2!!TINS







fop Notch!iUPERIOB

TOP NOTCHDloe or Shoe_In.













Cottage Cheese


16122 KERCHEVAL AVENUEGROSSE POINTE PHONE NIAGARA-UOO180 Wf'st McNichol&-Phone UN. 1-"" SFJRE'S Birmingham StoT~-Phone 381.

--------_. -----------Naturally-We Cannot List All of Our Specials on Quantity Purchases During Our SaleKindly Contact Your Store Manager for Non-Listed Specials!



NO. 2':-2 $349TINSDoL


~~:tSYPSti;SU'u51~CllSUf 51:'tllSUf 51~


~_!z. S'!!I..ft uDoc.

.. "'. Co!. 20..._...,ITINS ;:.

... oz. $319TIN -Doc.

.. oz. $325TIN -'OoIl.

Sardines - SaimonTuna-Clams


ili.iiEs 29c~.s3~CLAMS S2!!Rf'd Boy - 59 6ALASKA RED NO.1 S 89SALMON T~~L c ;;"tar Kist"'flTf', MEATTUNA






LI•• Y'S

TO---- •••••••• I U tlUIUCLI•• Y'S






ONARif CHERRIES N~N~\2 $649" Dos.











