\ I I ~Iy the REVIEW Gives You COMPLETE Coverage of ALL Homes in Grosse Pointe & Gratiot Twps. M-O-R-E LOCAL CIRCULATION LOCAL ADVERTISING LOCAL NEWS MATTER PHONE LE. 116 rOl he fi st t mc a mUUlclpal d partmcnt has sought to bnng to t p bl c attcnt on tl e SIngmg talent 1 the Dctro t area The contest w sponsored b) the DetrOIt Federatto of "\fuslc a b and the department park::. and reereatIOn \\ ed 1e::>day I11g1t the finglIs ncludcd se\el1 glrlS and three me They" ere selected from a total 4:J0 e tranb a 1d ,\ 11 appear ''<1t tl e Detro t I ederat on of MUSICJa~ band In Bellc Isle concerts Thc) are Patr cia Kelly 16 R1v Rouge (protege of famous ope 5 nger Pla Ig}) Betty Ann CLot! ger 17 Ro~e Derdenan 18 Fra ces Pr / alIa 19 Grosse Pomte Ju Gardner 20 Dora hy L Steffes 2 Dcarbon J can riel ards 22 RIC ard 1 Gerath) 32 rrederlck Bu nett 32 and Lawrence Watson 3 Jack relentz, actne president the federatIon saId 111sDrganlzatld \\ 11hold five concerts a week at t I Belle Isle shell unt1l Labor Da} \vhlCh t mes these WInners Will a pear as solOists '\'>lth 'the orchesir Sponsor ng offlclab agreed that the future the smg ng contest be an annual aft aIr 111the Detro Announce Winners i Singing Contest I area Ml::>:.PnzlOla Gros~e Pomte s prano, appeared at ease before t~ nllcrophone fac ng the 7,500 peopl \'vho turned out for the finals, a though she ",as the first of the final contestants to smg Her nu ber "as Softly As 111the Morn! Sum sc and the audIence applaud~ her enthusla:.tlcall} I Th s attract ve brunette IS t daughter of "\Ir and \!rs John P.r 2 ala 1349 De'\.onsh re I I sel VIce 111Aprll of 1942 \\ 111lee p o}ed at Chr}sler corporatIon an \\as one of the first group of J young men to be gnen a sendoff b t1 e Home Front commIttee at th '\elghbOlhood club He became a a\ lat on cadet and 1 ecelved 111Sco 111ISSlOn at the AA.F navigatto sciool Col al Gable Fla ASSIgn(\: to troop earlIer command he ~e for overseas lU A.pnl of tIllS year an after arnv111g Vvas trJ.l1sferred to B 17 bomber group He ,,,as born Dec 18 1917111Ne Hampsillre a'1u s sun ved by thre l SIsters four orotl ers of \'I'ho111 t\\ ae 11 sel \Ill' PII\fll Rob"'r 1 tl e South P,-clfic Pfc I erna 10 .1 hllg1and BY CARRIER lOe A MONTH Borrowed Bicycle Returned to Owner Many Grosse Pomte reSIdents m the Vlcll11tyof Seven Mile road and Mack avenue are wondenng wheth er or not advantage to them w 1l follow from theIr ms stence that the Grosse POll1te Woods councIl hastily deny the Parkwood Land company s petitIOn to amend the Grosse Po nie Woods zonmg ordlllance to perm t parklllg 111 the rear of the proposed center It has been learned that th scorn Abandoned Bike An abandoned bicycle IS bemg held by Park pollee a\\ altmg the o"ner s appearance It IS not lIcem ed Basement Booby Trap Frightens Mother of Two J m Teetzel of 342 11c\Illlan road Iepolled to rar 1::>po I C a h~ bicycle '/vas stolen from the Punch and Judy theatre last f'nday 111gh Soon aftel wards, police reco\ erea the b cycle from a field \\ here It wa~ discovered by three} ouths Land Company Acquires Four Additional Blocks Detrolt pol ee reco\ ered a'l auto mobJ1e last Saturday morn111g ,\,,!llch had been stolen from the Stephan reSIdence 1003 Balfour early '\\ ed nesday mornmg Aug 2 MlDor Thefts Ruben Fox, 15319 E Jefferson reported t 1e theft of chrome \"heel f1l1gSfrom h15 car Stolen Park Automobde Recovered in Detroit pany recently purchased all of Ma a\ enue frontage for four bloc north of the proposed developme to be used for parkmg facilltl Other Grosse Pomte \Voods re l dents were pleased to learn th part of the proposed developme ,\ III be located m Grosse Pom \\ oods and not all of the taxab 1mpro, ements "ould go to DetrOit I I t was necessary under the ZOlll11 ordlllances even WIthout amendmen to prov de o.ff:.treet parkIng for th1 busll1ess center and the Parkwo La 1d company now plans mstead us ng the rear port on of their lal for parklllg to clcar their newly a qUlred frontage to conform WIt that pro\ lSlO11of the zon ng la Several peoole tl oug1 t \Irs Ctar Th s acq 1lSlttOn of addlt anal fron ence B1nn Wife of a Clty pollce of age from Bournemouth road noTl ficer "?as 1ettll1g her mag nat on run to Broadstone \\ 11 be cleared d: away With her a few r ghts ago and e llClenLed for parklllg It all started, he 1 Ifrs Bl "In call II I G P I Ie" a&e 01 rosse om ed ~er husband at the pol ce statlOn \\loods council den ed the petItIon at ve 111 the morn1l1g and sa d that the Parln\ood Land compan there IS someone 11 the basement y th h arnel d the pI esent /onlOg ordmanc at t e basement light IS on and the I to pro\lde off::>treet parklOg at tl dog s barkmg She nSlsted that her f tl db husband 1l1VestI ate rear D 1e propose usmess ce g ter at a specIal meetmg Tuesda Officer Bl nn arr \cd 1 orne fou 1d Ju 1e 27 1944 the basement bght off the dog not barkmg and hiS Wife wavmg a 38 revolver \\Then he descended the stairs he found that h1S two teen age sons had rIgged up a booby trap 10 the basement \\Ith strmgs a1 over the place attached to one of the ltghts DUling the mght the dog became entangled 111 the str1l1g~ pullng the 1gilt on and off and eacl tllne It '\vas on he would bark \i\lhen he shO\\ed th s to h s "rfc Blmn then calmly told her that the rc\olver she was holdmg \vas empt} her reply '\'vaS well I could have thro\\n It couldn t I }< 'e m l1utes latcl t\\O slcep, e}ed boyS had c1 mbed at t of t] e bed and were ha~tl.1y gathcI ng 'up the parts of then booby trap elt 11 nat ng the battleflont condit on~ flOm the Blnn home Lleut Roger F TeSSler "'ho was preVIOusly reported mISS ng In ac bon ",as reported killed tn act 01 III a raid 0\ er Berlm Germany, ac cordlllg to a teleglam horn the war department to hiS brat 1er, MaUrIce J Tes:>ter of Grosse Pomte V\ oods Lieutenant TeSSler was navJgator of a FlYll1g Fortress and hiS Fo t was one of 26 shot down 111tl e raid 011Berl n on \fay 19 Hope for 11Jssafety had been high as a ple Park pohce were mvestIgatlllg a VIOUSletter received from the arm) report th1S week that over the weeh. alr force:. read lU part The plane end some tone entered the cellar If was seen to leave the formatIOn 1Ud. the C A L1I1derberg resldence 809 damaged condItIon over t 1e target Baconsfield and made off Wlt~ mis and s~bsequently two parachutes cellaneous caU1\ed good,:; and fishmg )were seen to open eqU1pmet. { Lieutenant lessler entered the vVord has Just been receIved from the InstItute of AeronautIcal SCIence that George Galster Jr formerly of 1415 YorkshIre road Grosse Pomte Park now statIOned at \foffat FIeld Palo Alto Callf, has been awarded the Student Branch I ecture award for the Llllvers ty of DetrOit branch of the InstItute of Aeronautlcal SCIences for the year 1944 ThiS award was made for the most out~ stahdmg and superlor seUlOr thes1s submItted to the Aeronautical de partment George Galster vvho '\va::>gradu ated frem the UmverSlty of DetrOIt thIS past June also 'Val first place m an annual scholarsh p award pI" sented by the Contmental Moto"s corporatIOn for submlttmg the best deSIgns for Contmental po" ered aiM craft He was also awarded a year s membership and entrance fee to the Instltute of Aero SCience for th s outstandmg achIevement In 1943 he ",on a natlon.af-,engllleenng drawll1g award from the Soclet;y for tre Pro motIon of Engl11eermg Educatlon Youths Caught Stealing Gasoline From Pump A bIcycle stolen from the CI y mUnICipal park was recovered w1th n a few hOUls on Lakeland by polt e officers and returned to 1tS o\'\ner Leo Thoman 389 FIsher road Later DaVid Devroy 17153 J eft erson, reported to pollce that hIS bike also had been stolen from th .. City park Instead of findmg the Devi oy blc} cIe, off cers reco\ ered one belongl11g to Robel t Jenks 831 Lmcoln Motorist Rams Into Farms Scout Car Saturday Series of Stolen, Recovered Bikes, Occur in Pointe 'When Patrolmen Crooks and See low of the loarms polIce stopped for a red light at Lakeshore drive and Moross road, last Saturday afte'" 110011their scout car was ramed 111 the back by a car dnven by Robert \V Harlls of Royal Oak, who admit- ted watchmg the lake lllstead of trafflc HarrIS was gIven a tIcket Both cars were damaged Washmgton DC- Jean Clayton Hatcher of 17525 East Jefferso'l Grosse Pornte was among the fin.t 300 AmerIcan Red Cross workers to reach the Cherbourg penmsula to serve mvaSlon troops m that area It was announced by Amencan Red Cross natlOnal headquarters here to day M1SS Hatcher along WIth others who previously served Amencan armed forces III England arrIved 1t Cher-bourg by army transport and rmmedlately took up dUbes as a staff aSSistant At least Sl>..teen Amencan Red Cross c1ubmobI1es are now In opera t10n on the beachhead III Normand} a leave club has opened m Cher bourg two more are about to open and other Red Cross services to the armed forces are III full swmg Har~ vey D Glbson commISSIOner cabled from London In addlhon GilbsoR' revealed that eight field clubs are al ready III operatIOn j Women recreation '\'\orkers are operat ng WIth all evacuahon ho::> pltal un ts and all field workers have been aSSIgned many havmg landed dUImg t'1e first days of action Glb son said Geor~e Galster Jr, Receives Award Miss Hatcher With First Red Cross Workers in France Thief Enters Cellar; Steals Canned Goods 'Two youths were cuaght by Pa trolmen Dllloway and Kestleloot of the Park statlOn slphonlhg gas from a gas pump hose at a Mack avenue serVICe statlOn last Thursday morn mg TheIr car had run out of gas at BIShop and Mack Three youths were watchmg the car whl1e two went 111 search of gas The five youths were taken to the statton and four of them were released la ter Farms Detectives Uncover Group of Youthful Vandals LIEUT. ROBERT A SNYDER spector m the Alhson Motor com pany 111DetrOIt In 1942 he enhstel m the AAF as a cadet and won hIS bombardIer S W111gSat San Angelo Tex and later hIS naVlgator s WlUgS 111Hawal1 where he tramed With the seventh AAF bomber command j The dual Job keeps you busy ,,,hen you ale on a bombmg run, Lieutenant Snyder sald But we re all anXIOUSto start operatIng out of Salpan Th1::>IS the chance we.re been waitIng for Salpan IS the ter mmal from wh1ch Vi e can bomb many J ap held bases m the r111gwe have tIghtened around Tok)o Ie::> the last roundup and we re headed for the kIll Farms Lad Navigates First Bomber to Land on Saipan Seventh AAr Base 111 the Man anas - Lleut Robert A Snyder of Grosse Po nte Farms was the naVl gator aboard B IIs Dehght the first seventh A a..l" Mltchell born bel' to land on the lsland of Salpan Lleu~ tenant Snyder who has made hIS home WIth hiS aunt \frs Ewards R WeItzel of 175 McKmIey road Grosse Pomte Farms for the past 12 )ears IS also the lfombardler on thiS seventh AAF medIUm bomber After graduatIng from the Pomte hIgh school where he was on the school s 1939 champlOnshlp sWim Inmg team he worked as a final In t %~t 14$ # ~ '" Results from thelr 111vestlgatIO"1S dunng the past "'eek enabled Dc tectIve Sergt E Bolo and DetectIVe E LabadIe of the Farms pohce to round up a gloup of five young van dals who broke mto a car pal ked at the muniCipal pIer on July 30 Because of the youths ages names are WIthheld A 15 J ear old lad blOke the SIde wmdow of a car oW11edby Llcanor M Enoklan of 2444 neld after be mg told by an 11 yeal old young ster that there was a woman s pm",e lay1l1g on the cal seat Another 11 year old admltted aldmg 111the glass break1l1g Aftel the purse \\as taken two other lads, 12 and 15 came along and demanded a share III the spOIls The loot was dIVIded five ways A total of $6 SS 111cash, wallet contam 111gvanous ldentIficatlon papers, a compact and pen and penCIl set The empty pocketbook was found m a field near the scene- of the theft Papers were recovered from a va cant lot and a street dram whtle a second dram revealed the wallet After ll1vesbgatlOn the pen and pen cil set and compact were recovered from two of the yout 15. homes Complamts WIll be filed aga1nts the jive 1UJuvemle court~ $20 FOR A DIVE The hearmg which was scheduled for last Frtday mornmg on the 1l1~ JunctlOn Issued agamst the v1llage of Grosse POlUte Park 1U the Tony K01111Scase has been postponed un tll today at the request of Edward Bernard, Mr Komls attorney Well over two hundred ballots have been turned over to the Park v-1llage clerk, Wl1ham Stamman thIS week protestmg the v111ageconums~ S10ns action regardmg the resoltl tIon to prohIbIt parkmg on Bishop road between Jefferson and the lake and amendmg the vendor s ordmance whIch prohlblts a vehlCle to park on VIllage streets for merchandlsmg purposes The commISSion IS asked to show cause whY' the resolutIOn and amend ment should mdlrectly oust j Tony' and h1S popcorn wagon from the J;'a'fk by the InJunctlOn Park Police Give Chase to Barrington Road Peeping- Tom A peepmg tom made a return call to a Barnngton road reSIdence last Sunday nlg1lt but was chased by Park polIce who fired two gun shots mot the aIr The offender appeared at the Park reSIdence on Aug 1 for hIS first look Sunday nIght he was dlscovere1 by the semOl member of the house hold, lookmg mto hiS home Sur prlsed by the man the peepmg tom bhnded hIm WIth a flashhght and es~ caped across the lawns Sergt Frank Snay answered the call, and whlle dnvmg down Bar rmg10n saw the man runnmg down the street He made hIS escape For the second time 111as many months the East SIde DrIve 111the- atre will be host to the GratIot town- ShlP polIce department, theIr rela- tives and frIends, on Tuesday, Aug 15 Members of the department ha:ve been supplIed With tickets and funGs above the tax WIll go toward t'1e support of the depa"rtrnent 111pay ment for the men!s serVIces A SImIlar show preVIously netted the department $200 and It IS hoped that thls one with the support of the townshIp resIdents wlll do even bet tel' than the first It IS the only way 111WhICh GlatlOt townshIp reSI~ dents may show the1r appreCIatIon of the ""ork the pohce department has been domg Tlckets mily be purchased from any pohceman or at the fire hall o.t Harper and Kenosha Accordmg to Its usual custom lIf showmg the best 111mohon pictures the Drive In promIses a good show for the benefit The "Popcorn" Case TonSOrial art1st Russ PIche IS $20 ficher thIS week Sunday while start- mg for a SWImat New Balttmore he remarked to hIS wife and SIster that he belleve<:1 he woufd dive m Al~ though the Plches recently celebrat ed their 25th weddmg anniversary hlS W1fe and her Sister had never seen lum dive m the water Both of~ fered a ten dollar bet that he wasn t game They found a ready taker and Russ says hIS first dive U1 over 25 J ears :was an easy twenty dollars worth, that V,C PROPOSED MEMORIAL BUILDING Flying Fortresses Crash in Mid-Air; Pointer Killed A 21 year old Grosse POInte lad died m an aIrplane crash near Lau reI, Neb when two Flymg Fortress es collided on a routllle trammg flight He IS Lleut Kenneth M Dew ey son of Mrs Irene B Deweyan-t the late Frank Dewey, of 16841 Cranford Lane LIeutenant Dewey was a recent graduate of the AAF bombardle'" school III KIrtland FIeld, Alburquer que N M on June 10 and received hIS commlSSlon as a second heuten~ ant and was awarded the Silver WIgS of the aerall bombardJer, sup plementmg preVIOusly won aerIal gunner S lUst.gnla A graduate of Grosse Pomte hIgh sOO001, class of '41, Lleutenant Dewey attended the DetrOIt Instl~ tute of Technology and the UUlvers~ Ity of Michigan In clv1lian hfe he Pheasant Pests It IS 1 eported thiS Tveek pheasants are destroymg two tory gardens III the C,t}'. THIS WEEK, tpember. of the Gro.. e Pointe American Legion are canTaSling the homes of the pOinte for contrlhutlons for a bUlldnlg'fund which is to finance the constructIon of a hUlldlngdedicated,to the "et~ eran. of World War II. Each Legionnaire haa pledged hlm.elf to raIse at least one hundred dollars for thus fund LIEUT K M. DEWE-Y S Jdqdl'lJ.8'moqd "e Sl'l PdAOldtu~ S"eM assistant WIth Delgh NaVin Funeral serVIces were held at 2 30 yetserday from the Haml1ton funeral home Interment was In Elmwood cemetery The remams were accom~ pamed by a m,lttary escort Benefit Show for S-urvlvmg are hIS mother, SIster... G ti' t T h' Mary Ann three brothers LIeuten- ra 0 owns Ip ant FrederICk, overseas, FranklIn I Police August 15 111Cahforma and Henry, at home. , HIS father the late Frank H Dew~ ey, former vIce pres1dent and gener- al manager of the Oil burner dlV'1S1on of Gar Wood In<lustnes, dIed a year ago Postma'lter ~ B Huston an nounces that 2 30 pm Aug 12 h'ls been set for the fOlmal opel11ng and pubhc mspectlon of the new Ke'l smgiOl1 post office station located at 16535 E Warren avenue, betwee'1 Outer DrIve and Kensl11gton avenue The btllldmg whIch houses thIS postal Ul11thas approXImately eIght thousand square feet of floor space and IS fully eqUIpped to handle a'l classes of postal bus mess The per- sonnel Vv.ll conSIst of Thomas A B NeVille, supenntendent Oscar 11 Sattlemelr, aSSIstant supermtendent, eIght clerks and 42 earners Kensmgton statton WIll serve about nme and one half square mIles WIth a populatlon of 71 000 The zone number for thiS area 15 24 Participants 111the dedIcatIOn WIll be Rep LOUIS C Rabaut tnstru mental 111the establlshment of the new station Postmaster Roscoe B Huston, Wilham C Corbett and WIlham R Latham, asslstant post- mas~ers and Frank C Mlddel, sup~ erIntcndent of malls Kensington Station to Be Dedicated Saturday Afternoon CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY GROSSE POINTE PARK 30 MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10,1944 Backing Motorist Helen Lappa of 1359 Lakepolllte backed hei car mto one owned by Joseph LQaesno Jr of 3523 Lemay last Saturday afternoon Damages were taken care of bl the owners. changes 111normal state of health espeCially III children The one case here IS a two year old child hvmg In the Park and has been hospltaltzed He saH:1however that It 15late 111the season fot' a real epIdemic Observmg some Simple ptecau bons contmued Doctor DaVIes, WIll help keejl thIS dIsease at a mInImUm They 31e 1 AVOId overtmng and extreme fatigue from strenuous exerCIse 2 A VOid sudden chl1hng such as would come from a plunge mto ex- tremely cold water on a very hot day 3 Pay careful attentIon to person al cleanhness such as thorough hand "'ashmg before eatmg 4 If pOSSIbleaVOIdtonSIl and ade nOld operatllons durIng epidemIcs Careful study has shown that such operatlOns, when done durmg an epldemlc tend to 111crease the dan ger of contractIng lllfantlle paraly::'Js III ~Its most senous form 5 Use the purest mllk and water you can Keep flIes away from food While the exact means of spread of the disease IS not known, contaml nated water and milk are alwa}S dangerous and flIes have repeatedly been shown to carry the lllfantile paralYSIS Virus 6 Do not SWIm In polluted water 7 Mamtam commuUlty sanItatIon at a high level at all times 8 AV01d all unnecessary contact With persons With any Illness SUSPI ClOUSof mfan.ble paralYSIS Invite Scouts, Cubs to Huge Theatre- Waste Paper Rally Grosse Po nte Cubs Scouts and leaders are lllvlted to a mammot~ theatre rally which IS sponsored by the Wa)ne county waste paper sal vage committee to be held at the f'l'ox theatre ne'l:t Wednesday mor1 mg Aug 16 It was announced thiS week ThiS rally ISl;)el11gheld to sttrtl~ ulate mterest 111 the nation Wide waste paper campaIgn now under way ThIS Campalgn l11tended to help Dvercome the 1.1sual summer slump 111waste paper COllectIOns,was launched through the JOlllt efforts of the WPB m Washmgton and the natlonal Scout councIl The rally at the Fox was made pOSSIble through the co operatIon of the manager, DaVId M Idzal An outstandlllg war hero Will speak a'1d several films of particular ll1terest to boys, 111cludll1gthe latest war news reels WIll be shown The Ford tram mg statlOn navy band WIll play at the openlllg and close of the mOVIe program The theatre doors WIll open for admissIon at 8 30 a m the program win start at n1l1e 0 clock AdmISSlOl1 wlll be by Scout or Cub membership card, Of full Scout or Cub un1for'11 Cubs must be accompamed by lead ers Dr parents Spec al awards ,\vl11be given by the WPB to those Cub packs SCOttt troops and senlDr umts whIch sal vage at least one thousand pounds of waste paper per regIstered member durmg the campaign penod t-he bal ance of August and the month of September IndIVIdual a\\ arch wIll b given those Cubs and Scouts who are respons1ble for personally sal vagmg 1000 pounds dunng the dllve Another show at the Fox some tnne 111October for those mdlVldu.als who make theIr quota has been promised Driver Ends Up Almost ID Lake St. Cllllr Monday Farms pollce received a call earIy Nonday morntng from the mU11lclpai pIer that an automobile appeared 111 an off balance posItIon When they arllved they found that Forrest H Queen of Hazel Park. whlle dnvlOg out on the pier and pass111gthe boat house approxImately seventy five feet the two wheels on the nght SIde of the car dropped over the edge of the dock It was alleged that Queen ha 1 been dnnklll¥ and was gIVen a bed at the statlOn whIle sobenng up He "as tIcketed for reckless dnvmg VOL 21-No 1 by THE POINTER Rldmg ""lth Dr R K 0 Ned Grosse POInte Park s small al1lmal hospItal operator the other day, we chanced to remark Well, these are dog days no Doc' To which the "vet rephed I WIsh someone would ItraIgh1en people out on that sub Ject Simply because the dog star ap pears late In July or early August, people refer to those months as dog days and fear rabies then mOle than at oiher tImes' he said Later Doctor 0 Nell brought us ",hat John Lynn Leonard, doctor of veterInary medlcme has to say about Dog Days To quote Dog Days - another ancient myth IS thae of Dog Days 'And a mere myth 1S all Jt is Because of the fact that dogs frequently suffer from heat fits durmg the hot summer monihs and because these were conSidered by Ignorant or mlsmformed persons as rabies. 14: was beheve4 that rabIes was much more prevalent In war"11 weather than dUrIng the coole sea~ Ions Oddly enough some people shll retam thIS old Idea and are really m sIstent upon mamtall11ng It and preachmg It to others about them Doctor Leonard goes on to state that actual authorltatlve records of the leadlllg health departments show that m 1ealItv more cases of rabIes have occurred dUrIng the months of January and February than dunnl;l' the hottest days of July and August \\Teather condltlOns have nothmg whatever to do With rabies If ,an outbreak once gets started, no mat ter what the season of the year may be, It contmues Its ravagse untlI checked or eradIcated, or It may dIe out because of a lack of VIctims to keep It gOlllg POINTE PARAGRAPHS STOLEN CAR A reSident of Caldwell reporte 1 to Park pollee V\ ednesdd.Y that hiS car had been stolen from 606 Pem berton. ROOF FIRE A roof fire caused by sparks from the lUcmerator at 1006 Bel kshln~ was extmgulshed by Park firenten With slight damage In keepmg WIth the upswmg of 1'1~ fanhle paralYSIS cases In this Vlcllllty, one case has been reported to th~ Grosse Pomte board of health, while two others may develop mf6 paraly SlS ThIS was announced by Dr Thomas S DaVIes health comml~~ 'loner Although there were no cases last year Doctor DaVIes saId that th s year s case should not cause alatm but he warned the people to be alert to any early SIgns of Illness or RegIstratIon for new ~ ratlOus wIll take place natIOnally In Sep tember DetrOit s school system WIll handle the reglstratlon as before and, athough the local school au thontles haven t been contacted as yet on the subject, It IS lIkely that the work 111Grosse Pamte WIll once more be handled under the.. capable I dIrection of Lynn Bartlett, dIrector of pupl1 personnel for the schoots who so effICIently organIzed preVI~ ous ratIon apphcahons The manpower shorj:age of these war years has brought somethmg new llltO the closmg picture that we somehow heartily agree With Rather than attempt to stay open With skeleton or mexpenenced help many stores have closed for one two or three weeks or a month Others have resorted to a half day or full day c10slllg each w.eek Th1S may have a hangover effect on pohcy 'after the duratlOll Why not? * * * <J. More tha one GlOsse P01l1ter IS given pause to wonder why on the followmg subJects Across the f!vel In W1l1dsor, steel '\vagOl1Sand stc"'l , baby buggies arc on sale Turn them over and yOtI read \fade 111USA A large Umted States 5 & lOc co~ poratlon store m \Vmdsor has ,an ample supply of garden tools, such as rakes hoes, etc, whtle gardeners on thiS slde hunt high and low f01 the same Down South Amenca way American made electnc reflJgera tors, washers, etc are on sale wlth~ out pl1onty, accolclmg to grapeVl11e 111formatlOn WHY? ! One Case of Polio Reported Here by Health Head

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~Iy the REVIEW Gives You

COMPLETECoverage of ALL Homes in

Grosse Pointe & Gratiot Twps.




rOl he fi st t mc a mUUlclpal dpartmcnt has sought to bnng to tp bl c attcnt on tl e SIngmg talent 1the Dctro t area The contest wsponsored b) the DetrOIt Federattoof "\fuslc a b and the departmentpark::. and reereatIOn

\\ ed 1e::>day I11g1t the finglIsncludcd se\el1 glrlS and three me

They" ere selected from a total4:J0 e tranb a 1d ,\ 11 appear ''<1ttl e Detro t I ederat on of MUSICJa~band In Bellc Isle concerts

Thc) are Patr cia Kelly 16 R1vRouge (protege of famous ope5 nger Pla Ig}) Betty Ann CLot!ger 17 Ro~e Derdenan 18 Fraces Pr / alIa 19 Grosse Pomte JuGardner 20 Dora hy L Steffes 2Dcarbon J can riel ards 22 RICard 1 Gerath) 32 rrederlck Bunett 32 and Lawrence Watson 3

Jack relentz, actne presidentthe federatIon saId 111sDrganlzatld\\ 11hold five concerts a week at t IBelle Isle shell unt1l Labor Da}\vhlCh t mes these WInners Will apear as solOists '\'>lth 'the orchesirSponsor ng offlclab agreed thatthe future the smg ng contestbe an annual aft aIr 111the Detro

Announce Winners iSinging Contest I

areaMl::>:.PnzlOla Gros~e Pomte s

prano, appeared at ease before t~nllcrophone fac ng the 7,500 peopl\'vho turned out for the finals, athough she ",as the first of thefinal contestants to smg Her nuber "as Softly As 111the Morn!Sum sc and the audIence applaud~her enthusla:.tlcall} I

Th s attract ve brunette IS tdaughter of "\Ir and \!rs John P.r2 ala 1349 De'\.onsh re I


sel VIce 111Aprll of 1942 \\ 111leep o}ed at Chr}sler corporatIon an\\as one of the first group of J

young men to be gnen a sendoff bt1 e Home Front commIttee at th'\elghbOlhood club He became aa\ lat on cadet and 1ecelved 111Sco111ISSlOn at the AA.F navigattosciool Col al Gable Fla ASSIgn(\:to troop earlIer command he ~efor overseas lU A.pnl of tIllS year anafter arnv111g Vvas trJ.l1sferred toB 17 bomber group

He ,,,as born Dec 18 1917111NeHampsillre a'1u s sun ved by threlSIsters four orotl ers of \'I'ho111t\\a e 11 sel \Ill' PII\fll Rob"'r 1

tl e South P,-clfic Pfc I erna 10 .1hllg1and


Borrowed BicycleReturned to Owner

Many Grosse Pomte reSIdents mthe Vlcll11tyof Seven Mile road andMack avenue are wondenng whether or not advantage to them w 1lfollow from theIr ms stence that theGrosse POll1te Woods councIl hastilydeny the Parkwood Land company spetitIOn to amend the Grosse Po nieWoods zonmg ordlllance to perm tparklllg 111 the rear of the proposedcenter

It has been learned that th scorn

Abandoned BikeAn abandoned bicycle IS bemg

held by Park pollee a\\ altmg theo"ner s appearance It IS not lIcemed

Basement BoobyTrap FrightensMother of Two

J m Teetzel of 342 11c\Illlan roadIepolled to rar 1::>po I C a h ~bicycle '/vas stolen from the Punchand Judy theatre last f'nday 111ghSoon aftel wards, police reco\ ereathe b cycle from a field \\ here It wa~discovered by three} ouths

Land CompanyAcquires FourAdditional Blocks

Detrolt pol ee reco\ ered a'l automobJ1e last Saturday morn111g ,\,,!llchhad been stolen from the StephanreSIdence 1003 Balfour early '\\ ednesday mornmg Aug 2

MlDor TheftsRuben Fox, 15319 E Jefferson

reported t 1e theft of chrome \"heelf1l1gSfrom h15 car

Stolen Park AutomobdeRecovered in Detroit

pany recently purchased all of Maa\ enue frontage for four blocnorth of the proposed developmeto be used for parkmg facilltlOther Grosse Pomte \Voods reldents were pleased to learn thpart of the proposed developme,\ III be located m Grosse Pom\\ oods and not all of the taxab1mpro, ements "ould go to DetrOit I

I t was necessary under the ZOlll11ordlllances even WIthout amendmento prov de o.ff:.treet parkIng for th1busll1ess center and the ParkwoLa 1d company now plans msteadus ng the rear port on of their lalfor parklllg to clcar their newly aqUlred frontage to conform WItthat pro\ lSlO11of the zon ng la

Several peoole tl oug1 t \Irs Ctar Th s acq 1lSlttOn of addlt anal fronence B1nn Wife of a Clty pollce of age from Bournemouth road noTlficer "?as 1ettll1g her mag nat on run to Broadstone \\ 11 be cleared d:away With her a few r ghts ago and e llClenLed for parklllg

It all started, he 1 Ifrs Bl "In call II I G P


Ie" a&e 01 rosse omed ~er husband at the pol ce statlOn \\loods council den ed the petItIonat ve 111 the morn1l1g and sa d that the Parln\ood Land companthere IS someone 11 the basement yth h arnel d the pI esent /onlOg ordmancat t e basement light IS on and the I to pro\lde off::>treet parklOg at tl

dog s barkmg She nSlsted that her f tl d bhusband 1l1VestI ate rear D 1e propose usmess ce

g ter at a specIal meetmg TuesdaOfficer Bl nn arr \cd 1 orne fou 1d Ju 1e 27 1944

the basement bght off the dog notbarkmg and hiS Wife wavmg a 38revolver \\Then he descended thestairs he found that h1S two teenage sons had rIgged up a booby trap10 the basement \\Ith strmgs a 1over the place attached to one ofthe ltghts DUling the mght the dogbecame entangled 111 the str1l1g~pullng the 1gilt on and off and eacltllne It '\vas on he would bark

\i\lhen he shO\\ed th s to h s "rfcBlmn then calmly told her that therc\olver she was holdmg \vas empt}her reply '\'vaS well I could havethro\\n It couldn t I

}< 'e m l1utes latcl t\\O slcep,e}ed boyS had c1 mbed at t of t] ebed and were ha~tl.1y gathcI ng 'upthe parts of then booby trap elt 11

nat ng the battleflont condit on~flOm the Blnn home

Lleut Roger F TeSSler "'ho waspreVIOusly reported mISS ng In acbon ",as reported killed tn act 01

III a raid 0\ er Berlm Germany, accordlllg to a teleglam horn the wardepartment to hiS brat 1er, MaUrIceJ Tes:>ter of Grosse Pomte V\ oods

Lieutenant TeSSler was navJgatorof a FlYll1g Fortress and hiS Fo twas one of 26 shot down 111 tl eraid 011Berl n on \fay 19 Hope for11Jssafety had been high as a pl e

Park pohce were mvestIgatlllg a VIOUSletter received from the arm)report th1S week that over the weeh. alr force:. read lU part The planeend some tone entered the cellar If was seen to leave the formatIOn 1U d.

the C A L1I1derberg resldence 809 damaged condItIon over t 1e targetBaconsfield and made off Wlt~ mis and s~bsequently two parachutescellaneous caU1\ed good,:; and fishmg )were seen to openeqU1pmet. { Lieutenant lessler entered the

vVord has Just been receIved fromthe InstItute of AeronautIcal SCIencethat George Galster Jr formerly of1415 YorkshIre road Grosse PomtePark now statIOned at \foffat FIeldPalo Alto Callf, has been awardedthe Student Branch I ecture awardfor the Llllvers ty of DetrOit branchof the InstItute of AeronautlcalSCIences for the year 1944 ThiSaward was made for the most out~stahdmg and superlor seUlOr thes1ssubmItted to the Aeronautical department

George Galster vvho '\va::>graduated frem the UmverSlty of DetrOItthIS past June also 'Val first placem an annual scholarsh p award pI"sented by the Contmental Moto"scorporatIOn for submlttmg the bestdeSIgns for Contmental po" ered aiMcraft He was also awarded a year smembership and entrance fee to theInstltute of Aero SCience for th soutstandmg achIevement In 1943 he",on a natlon.af-,engllleenng drawll1gaward from the Soclet;y for tre PromotIon of Engl11eermg Educatlon

Youths Caught StealingGasoline From Pump

A bIcycle stolen from the CI ymUnICipal park was recovered w1th na few hOUls on Lakeland by polt eofficers and returned to 1tS o\'\nerLeo Thoman 389 FIsher road

Later DaVid Devroy 17153 J efterson, reported to pollce that hISbike also had been stolen from th ..City park Instead of findmg theDevi oy blc} cIe, off cers reco\ eredone belongl11g to Robel t Jenks 831Lmcoln

Motorist Rams IntoFarms Scout Car Saturday

Series of Stolen, RecoveredBikes, Occur in Pointe

'When Patrolmen Crooks and Seelow of the loarms polIce stopped fora red light at Lakeshore drive andMoross road, last Saturday afte'"110011their scout car was ramed 111the back by a car dnven by Robert\V Harlls of Royal Oak, who admit-ted watchmg the lake lllstead oftrafflc

HarrIS was gIven a tIcket Bothcars were damaged

Washmgton D C - Jean ClaytonHatcher of 17525 East Jefferso'lGrosse Pornte was among the fin.t300 AmerIcan Red Cross workers toreach the Cherbourg penmsula toserve mvaSlon troops m that area Itwas announced by Amencan RedCross natlOnal headquarters here today

M1SS Hatcher along WIth otherswho previously served Amencanarmed forces III England arrIved 1t

Cher-bourg by army transport andrmmedlately took up dUbes as a staffaSSistant

At least Sl>..teen Amencan RedCross c1ubmobI1es are now In operat10n on the beachhead III Normand}a leave club has opened m Cherbourg two more are about to openand other Red Cross services to thearmed forces are III full swmg Har~vey D Glbson commISSIOner cabledfrom London In addlhon GilbsoR'revealed that eight field clubs are already III operatIOn

j Women recreation '\'\orkers areoperat ng WIth all evacuahon ho::>pltal un ts and all field workers havebeen aSSIgned many havmg landeddUImg t'1e first days of action Glbson said

Geor~e Galster Jr,Receives Award

Miss Hatcher WithFirst Red CrossWorkers in France

Thief Enters Cellar;Steals Canned Goods

'Two youths were cuaght by Patrolmen Dllloway and Kestleloot ofthe Park statlOn slphonlhg gas froma gas pump hose at a Mack avenueserVICe statlOn last Thursday mornmg

TheIr car had run out of gas atBIShop and Mack Three youthswere watchmg the car whl1e twowent 111 search of gas The fiveyouths were taken to the stattonand four of them were released later

Farms DetectivesUncover Group ofYouthful Vandals

LIEUT. ROBERT A SNYDERspector m the Alhson Motor company 111DetrOIt In 1942 he enhstelm the AAF as a cadet and won hISbombardIer S W111gSat San AngeloTex and later hIS naVlgator s WlUgS111Hawal1 where he tramed With theseventh AAF bomber command

j The dual Job keeps you busy,,,hen you ale on a bombmg run,Lieutenant Snyder sald But we reall anXIOUSto start operatIng out ofSalpan Th1::>IS the chance we.rebeen waitIng for Salpan IS the termmal from wh1ch Vi e can bombmany J ap held bases m the r111gwehave tIghtened around Tok)o Ie::>the last roundup and we re headedfor the kIll

Farms Lad NavigatesFirst Bomber toLand on Saipan

Seventh AAr Base 111 the Mananas - Lleut Robert A Snyder ofGrosse Po nte Farms was the naVlgator aboard B II s Dehght thefirst seventh A a..l" Mltchell born bel'to land on the lsland of Salpan Lleu~tenant Snyder who has made hIShome WIth hiS aunt \frs Ewards RWeItzel of 175 McKmIey roadGrosse Pomte Farms for the past 12)ears IS also the lfombardler on thiSseventh AAF medIUm bomber

After graduatIng from the PomtehIgh school where he was on theschool s 1939 champlOnshlp sWimInmg team he worked as a final In

t %~t 14$#~'"

Results from thelr 111vestlgatIO"1Sdunng the past "'eek enabled DctectIve Sergt E Bolo and DetectIVeE LabadIe of the Farms pohce to

round up a gloup of five young vandals who broke mto a car pal ked atthe muniCipal pIer on July 30

Because of the youths agesnames are WIthheld

A 15 J ear old lad blOke the SIdewmdow of a car oW11edby LlcanorM Enoklan of 2444 neld after bemg told by an 11 yeal old youngster that there was a woman s pm",elay1l1g on the cal seat Another 11year old admltted aldmg 111the glassbreak1l1g

Aftel the purse \\as taken twoother lads, 12 and 15 came alongand demanded a share III the spOIlsThe loot was dIVIded five ways Atotal of $6 SS 111cash, wallet con tam111gvanous ldentIficatlon papers, acompact and pen and penCIl set

The empty pocketbook was foundm a field near the scene- of the theftPapers were recovered from a vacant lot and a street dram whtle asecond dram revealed the walletAfter ll1vesbgatlOn the pen and pencil set and compact were recoveredfrom two of the yout 15. homes

Complamts WIll be filed aga1ntsthe jive 1UJuvemle court~


The hearmg which was scheduledfor last Frtday mornmg on the 1l1~JunctlOn Issued agamst the v1llageof Grosse POlUte Park 1U the TonyK01111Scase has been postponed untll today at the request of EdwardBernard, Mr Komls attorney

Well over two hundred ballotshave been turned over to the Parkv-1llage clerk, Wl1ham Stamman thISweek protestmg the v111ageconums~S10ns action regardmg the resoltltIon to prohIbIt parkmg on Bishoproad between Jefferson and the lakeand amendmg the vendor s ordmancewhIch prohlblts a vehlCle to park onVIllage streets for merchandlsmgpurposes

The commISSion IS asked to showcause whY' the resolutIOn and amendment should mdlrectly oust j Tony'and h1S popcorn wagon from theJ;'a'fk by the InJunctlOn

Park Police GiveChase to BarringtonRoad Peeping- Tom

A peepmg tom made a return callto a Barnngton road reSIdence lastSunday nlg1lt but was chased byPark polIce who fired two gun shotsmot the aIr The offender appearedat the Park reSIdence on Aug 1 forhIS first look

Sunday nIght he was dlscovere1by the semOl member of the household, lookmg mto hiS home Surprlsed by the man the peepmg tombhnded hIm WIth a flashhght and es~caped across the lawns

Sergt Frank Snay answered thecall, and whlle dnvmg down Barrmg10n saw the man runnmg downthe street He made hIS escape

For the second time 111as manymonths the East SIde DrIve 111the-atre will be host to the GratIot town-ShlP polIce department, theIr rela-tives and frIends, on Tuesday, Aug15 Members of the department ha:vebeen supplIed With tickets and funGsabove the tax WIll go toward t'1esupport of the depa"rtrnent 111payment for the men!s serVIces

A SImIlar show preVIously nettedthe department $200 and It IS hopedthat thls one with the support of thetownshIp resIdents wlll do even bettel' than the first It IS the onlyway 111WhICh GlatlOt townshIp reSI~dents may show the1r appreCIatIonof the ""ork the pohce departmenthas been domg

Tlckets mily be purchased fromany pohceman or at the fire hall o.tHarper and Kenosha

Accordmg to Its usual custom lIfshowmg the best 111mohon picturesthe Drive In promIses a good showfor the benefit


TonSOrial art1st Russ PIche IS $20ficher thIS week Sunday while start-mg for a SWImat New Balttmore heremarked to hIS wife and SIster thathe belleve<:1 he woufd dive m Al~though the Plches recently celebrated their 25th weddmg anniversaryhlS W1fe and her Sister had neverseen lum dive m the water Both of~fered a ten dollar bet that he wasn tgame They found a ready taker andRuss says hIS first dive U1 over 25J ears :was an easy twenty dollarsworth,



Flying FortressesCrash in Mid-Air;Pointer Killed

A 21 year old Grosse POInte laddied m an aIrplane crash near LaureI, Neb when two Flymg Fortresses collided on a routllle trammgflight He IS Lleut Kenneth M Dewey son of Mrs Irene B Deweyan-tthe late Frank Dewey, of 16841Cranford Lane

LIeutenant Dewey was a recentgraduate of the AAF bombardle'"school III KIrtland FIeld, Alburquerque N M on June 10 and receivedhIS commlSSlon as a second heuten~ant and was awarded the SilverWIgS of the aerall bombardJer, supplementmg preVIOusly won aerIalgunner S lUst.gnla

A graduate of Grosse Pomte hIghsOO001, class of '41, LleutenantDewey attended the DetrOIt Instl~tute of Technology and the UUlvers~Ity of Michigan In clv1lian hfe he

Pheasant PestsIt IS 1 eported thiS Tveek

pheasants are destroymg twotory gardens III the C,t}'.

THIS WEEK, tpember. of the Gro.. e Pointe American Legion are canTaSling the homes of the pOintefor contrlhutlons for a bUlldnlg'fund which is to finance the constructIon of a hUlldlngdedicated, to the "et~eran. of World War II. Each Legionnaire haa pledged hlm.elf to raIse at least one hundred dollars forthus fund

LIEUT K M. DEWE-YS Jdqdl'lJ.8'moqd "e Sl'l PdAOldtu~ S"eMassistant WIth Delgh NaVin

Funeral serVIces were held at 2 30yetserday from the Haml1ton funeralhome Interment was In Elmwoodcemetery The remams were accom~pamed by a m,lttary escort Benefit Show for

S-urvlvmg are hIS mother, SIster... G ti' t T h'Mary Ann three brothers LIeuten- ra 0 owns Ipant FrederICk, overseas, FranklIn IPolice August 15111Cahforma and Henry, at home. ,

HIS father the late Frank H Dew~ey, former vIce pres1dent and gener-al manager of the Oil burner dlV'1S1onof Gar Wood In<lustnes, dIed a yearago

Postma'lter ~ B Huston announces that 2 30 pm Aug 12 h'lsbeen set for the fOlmal opel11ng andpubhc mspectlon of the new Ke'lsmgiOl1 post office station located at16535 E Warren avenue, betwee'1Outer DrIve and Kensl11gton avenue

The btllldmg whIch houses thISpostal Ul11thas approXImately eIghtthousand square feet of floor spaceand IS fully eqUIpped to handle a'lclasses of postal bus mess The per-sonnel Vv.ll conSIst of Thomas A BNeVille, supenntendent Oscar 11Sattlemelr, aSSIstant supermtendent,eIght clerks and 42 earners

Kensmgton statton WIll serveabout nme and one half square mIlesWIth a populatlon of 71 000 The zonenumber for thiS area 15 24

Participants 111the dedIcatIOn WIllbe Rep LOUIS C Rabaut tnstrumental 111the establlshment of thenew station Postmaster Roscoe BHuston, Wilham C Corbett andWIlham R Latham, asslstant post-mas~ers and Frank C Mlddel, sup~erIntcndent of malls

Kensington Stationto Be DedicatedSaturday Afternoon


Backing MotoristHelen Lappa of 1359 Lakepolllte

backed hei car mto one owned byJoseph LQaesno Jr of 3523 Lemaylast Saturday afternoon Damageswere taken care of bl the owners.

changes 111normal state of healthespeCially III children The one casehere IS a two year old child hvmg Inthe Park and has been hospltaltzedHe saH:1however that It 15late 111theseason fot' a real epIdemic

Observmg some Simple ptecaubons contmued Doctor DaVIes, WIllhelp keejl thIS dIsease at a mInImUmThey 31e

1 AVOId overtmng and extremefatigue from strenuous exerCIse

2 AVOid sudden chl1hng such aswould come from a plunge mto ex-tremely cold water on a very hotday

3 Pay careful attentIon to personal cleanhness such as thorough hand"'ashmg before eatmg

4 If pOSSIbleaVOIdtonSIl and adenOld operatllons durIng epidemIcsCareful study has shown that suchoperatlOns, when done durmg anepldemlc tend to 111crease the danger of contractIng lllfantlle paraly::'JsIII ~Its most senous form

5 Use the purest mllk and wateryou can Keep flIes away from foodWhile the exact means of spread ofthe disease IS not known, contamlnated water and milk are alwa}Sdangerous and flIes have repeatedlybeen shown to carry the lllfantileparalYSIS Virus

6 Do not SWIm In polluted water7 Mamtam commuUlty sanItatIon

at a high level at all times8 AV01d all unnecessary contact

With persons With any Illness SUSPIClOUSof mfan.ble paralYSIS

Invite Scouts, Cubsto Huge Theatre-Waste Paper Rally

Grosse Po n te Cubs Scouts andleaders are lllvlted to a mammot~theatre rally which IS sponsored bythe Wa)ne county waste paper salvage committee to be held at thef'l'ox theatre ne'l:t Wednesday mor1mg Aug 16 It was announced thiSweek ThiS rally ISl;)el11gheld to sttrtl~ulate mterest 111 the nation Widewaste paper campaIgn now underway ThIS Campalgn l11tended tohelp Dvercome the 1.1sual summerslump 111waste paper COllectIOns,waslaunched through the JOlllt efforts ofthe WPB m Washmgton and thenatlonal Scout councIl

The rally at the Fox was madepOSSIble through the co operatIon ofthe manager, DaVId M Idzal Anoutstandlllg war hero Will speak a'1dseveral films of particular ll1terest toboys, 111cludll1gthe latest war newsreels WIll be shown The Ford trammg statlOn navy band WIll play atthe openlllg and close of the mOVIeprogram

The theatre doors WIll open foradmissIon at 8 30 a m the programwin start at n1l1e 0 clock AdmISSlOl1wlll be by Scout or Cub membershipcard, Of full Scout or Cub un1for'11Cubs must be accompamed by leaders Dr parents

Spec al awards ,\vl11be given bythe WPB to those Cub packs SCOttttroops and senlDr umts whIch salvage at least one thousand pounds ofwaste paper per regIstered memberdurmg the campaign penod t-he balance of August and the month ofSeptember IndIVIdual a\\ arch wIll bgiven those Cubs and Scouts whoare respons1ble for personally salvagmg 1000 pounds dunng the dllveAnother show at the Fox some tnne111October for those mdlVldu.als whomake theIr quota has been promised

Driver Ends Up AlmostID Lake St. Cllllr Monday

Farms pollce received a call earIyNonday morntng from the mU11lclpaipIer that an automobile appeared 111an off balance posItIon When theyarllved they found that Forrest HQueen of Hazel Park. whlle dnvlOgout on the pier and pass111gthe boathouse approxImately seventy fivefeet the two wheels on the nght SIdeof the car dropped over the edge ofthe dock

It was alleged that Queen ha 1been dnnklll¥ and was gIVen a bedat the statlOn whIle sobenng up He"as tIcketed for reckless dnvmg

VOL 21-No 1

by THE POINTERRldmg ""lth Dr R K 0 Ned

Grosse POInte Park s small al1lmalhospItal operator the other day, wechanced to remark Well, these aredog days no Doc' To which the"vet rephed I WIsh someone wouldItraIgh1en people out on that subJect Simply because the dog star appears late In July or early August,people refer to those months as dogdays and fear rabies then mOlethan at oiher tImes' he said

Later Doctor 0 Nell brought us",hat John Lynn Leonard, doctorof veterInary medlcme has to sayabout Dog Days To quote DogDays - another ancient myth IS thaeof Dog Days 'And a mere myth1S all Jt is Because of the fact thatdogs frequently suffer from heat fitsdurmg the hot summer monihs andbecause these were conSidered byIgnorant or mlsmformed persons asrabies. 14: was beheve4 that rabIeswas much more prevalent In war"11weather than dUrIng the coole sea~Ions Oddly enough some people shllretam thIS old Idea and are really msIstent upon mamtall11ng It andpreachmg It to others about them

Doctor Leonard goes on to statethat actual authorltatlve records ofthe leadlllg health departments showthat m 1ealItv more cases of rabIeshave occurred dUrIng the months ofJanuary and February than dunnl;l'the hottest days of July and August\\Teather condltlOns have nothmgwhatever to do With rabies If ,anoutbreak once gets started, no matter what the season of the year maybe, It contmues Its ravagse untlIchecked or eradIcated, or It may dIeout because of a lack of VIctims tokeep It gOlllg


STOLEN CARA reSident of Caldwell reporte 1

to Park pollee V\ ednesdd.Y that hiScar had been stolen from 606 Pemberton.

ROOF FIREA roof fire caused by sparks from

the lUcmerator at 1006 Bel kshln~was extmgulshed by Park firentenWith slight damage

In keepmg WIth the upswmg of 1'1~

fanhle paralYSIS cases In this Vlcllllty,one case has been reported to th~Grosse Pomte board of health, whiletwo others may develop mf6 paralySlS ThIS was announced by DrThomas S DaVIes health comml~~'loner

Although there were no cases lastyear Doctor DaVIes saId that th syear s case should not cause alatmbut he warned the people to be alertto any early SIgns of Illness or

• • •RegIstratIon for new ~ ratlOus

wIll take place natIOnally In September DetrOit s school system WIllhandle the reglstratlon as beforeand, athough the local school authontles haven t been contacted asyet on the subject, It IS lIkely thatthe work 111Grosse Pamte WIll oncemore be handled under the.. capable

I dIrection of Lynn Bartlett, dIrectorof pupl1 personnel for the schootswho so effICIently organIzed preVI~ous ratIon apphcahons

• • •The manpower shorj:age of these

war years has brought somethmgnew llltO the closmg picture thatwe somehow heartily agree WithRather than attempt to stay openWith skeleton or mexpenenced helpmany stores have closed for one twoor three weeks or a month Othershave resorted to a half day or fullday c10slllg each w.eek Th1S mayhave a hangover effect on pohcy'after the duratlOll Why not?

* * * <J.

More tha one GlOsse P01l1ter ISgiven pause to wonder why on thefollowmg subJects Across the f!velIn W1l1dsor, steel '\vagOl1Sand stc"'l

, baby buggies arc on sale Turn themover and yOtI read \fade 111USAA large Umted States 5 & lOc co~poratlon store m \Vmdsor has ,anample supply of garden tools, suchas rakes hoes, etc, whtle gardenerson thiS slde hunt high and low f01the same Down South Amenca wayAmerican made electnc reflJgerators, washers, etc are on sale wlth~out pl1onty, accolclmg to grapeVl11e111formatlOn WHY?

! One Case of PolioReported Hereby Health Head

Page 2: One Case of Polio Land Company ... - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · I I ~Iy the REVIEW Gives You COMPLETE Coverage of ALL Homes in

!age Two THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW Thursday, August 10, 1944

In Industriesand Trades"


VItamIn C IS the most eastly de~stroyed of all the vitamms

Zoned Mail Show. GainThe postal umt numbenng system

of addressmg mail, lUstItuted In May1943 has proven most successful nkeepmg ItS movement current andavoldln,g delay at a tIme whenprompt mal! handhng IS most essen-tial

l It has prov1ded an oppor-tunltysaId Postmaster Roscoe B Hustonof replacmg experIenced help lost

to the armed forces WIth st:hoo1 itUMdents who are wllhng and anXIOUStodo their part In the war effort eventhough It may be only a few hourseach day or every other day SerIOUsmati delays have been aVOIded bytheIr asslStance '

crater"pItted highway"Besldes carry-tug food the mobile

kItchens' eqUIpment mcludes library,radIO, phonograph, and film faclh-tIes

14U4 E.st .!efflN'son14331 If• ..,.. n••• Ch.I"' ....

TUxedo Z-9595

Jill!, II I


" II I


Solid bottom, no chance of sand leakage.Available at Once

$10.50 Unpainted $12.00 Painte<lAlso Other TiYS Malle to Orller




• espeelally need toguard their eyes againststrain and OCGupatlonalhozards To be sure yaur

eyes " J protected, hove them perlodlGolly examinedby our registered optometrist You'll receive a thor-ough eye check-up on the newest sCientific eqUipment,We are open Friday and Soturday evenings

Sturdy Sand Boxes

15112 K"I'chevaI Avenul!

NeIther enemy fire nor darknessare preventing the mobIle kItchensof the Bntlsh Wa.r Rehef SOCIety,from servmg AllIed fightmg men onthe battle fields of France and Italy

A report recento/ receIVed at theDetrOIt War Chest offIce quotes 8thArmy News offlctal pubhcatIon ofthe ,oldlers .. Italy

I Every nIght after dark, a carnouRaged ghost truck moves up thelme ' says thIS paper, Utakmg IOtothe battle sector tea and cakes forour battle weary troops Often thetruck (and others) rpus the gaunt~let of shell fire, for de<!-th mrksalQng the road for 24 hours xn everyday On black mght$ the Journey isa mghtmare for the dmt;e[', Who hasto feel hIS way yard by yard along a

Mobile KitchenCrews Brave WarDangers as Cooks


14812 MACK, Near Alter Roall

Sizes 9 to 15


French Blue - Jade Green

Cherry Red


Open Monday, Tue.day, Wedne,day tl! 6 00 - Thunday, Frtday, Saturday tl! 9 00

A sophisticato'rl casual with

care and predslOn In every

eastIy looking detal!! BOllY but

certainly !lOt bulky •• , there's

, new slant in the salt cardIgan

neckline , •• Fashioned of the

purest of pure woolens I , , ,

J-,ined with celanese taffeta.

The OriginalSt. Marys

(100% Wool)

Blanket Coat

Ent"l'ta~s Soldl'lrRetumed From Overseas

Mr and Mrs Joseph P Carnaghiof Three MIle dnvc, and theIrdaughter, Mary Ann are entertammg a guest m theIr home at the ..present time The welcomed guest lS

M/Sergt Phl1,V E Col,on. ,on ofMr and Mrs Edward Colson ofCleveland, 0 Sergeant Colson hasJust returned from overseas afterservmg 29 months In Chma and In~dla He was presented With the pres ..Identlal cItatIon m India, awardedthe A1r Medal, and also the GoodCondu'Ct and pre Pearl Harbor nb ..bons He w~l1 return to NashVilleTenn, for aSSIgnment In the USMFwhen hIS iurlough IS up

Mrs Reed Zens of the Woman'sAquahc club IS gIvmg a tea at herhome- on Devonsh1re road, Saturday,Aug 12 Proceed, Irom the tea w,llbe used In a fund WhICh IS oemgcollected to purchase a plast1c handflfm Beaver Edward Jiand IYnd.fora:I dISabled ,old"r at Perey JoneshospItal

Mrs Edward MUllarky IS lll~km!!the &rrangement, .hrOll~ the IdaHIbbard fund

The Wayne county Repubhcancomnuttee IS sponsorll;li a pohtlcalradIO forum over \VWJ every Sunday afternoon, 4 30 to 5 00 0 clockfrom now untIl the November election Governor Dewey, o.t New YorkRepublIcan nommee tor :PresIdentWIll be the speaker this Sunday Hewlll be tntroduced by Governor Kel-ly

On Aug 20 Governor Bricker ofOhIO w1l1be the speaker

Other programs WIll feature theRepubhcan candIdates for the statesenate, U S congress a wqman:;program and also two or three forlabor Vernon J Brown audItor general Will conduct the forum for statesenate nommees whl1e Howard N J

gent, speaker of the house WIll havecharge of the £Qrum for stat~ repre-sentatIve aSpIrants County c\ndldates wIll take qare of local condltlons In pubhc affatrs

Permanent offlces of th~ Waynecounty Repuhhcan commIttee are 10cated at 1521 D,me Bank bnl1dmgA. general hfladquarters win be open ..ed th1S month In connection wlththe natIonal and state comm1tteesAlso then~ WIll be a:. separate headquarters In every congressIonal dlS-tflct

Dewy on AirSunday at 4:30 P, M,

BABY SONwent and Mrs Fred W. Gerow

Mtnounce the bIrth of a $021on Aug4 Mrs Gero-w ts the former EdIthDay

Elame Arndt has arrIved in NewYork CIty to attend the nationaldanctng masters conventton whereshe was InVIted to be In the recelvmghne at the opeDlng ball of the cQn-venmg members j

Later thIS month MISS Arndt WIllattend the dancmg master$ conven~llQnm Chle_

Mrs. Reell Zens 10 Betrmt EdISon company One IS by a Hostess at Tea Saturdayrate reductlOn, the other by a taxknown as an eXCIse tax des1gned totake these profits (85;1,% of wh'chgo to the federal government) Herf;"tofore the Mlchlgan Pub4c Serv1ceCommIssIon allowed taxes as :Ul ex ..pense of domg busmess

NeIther the ratepayers nor the C1~ycan get th1s federal money W1thouttakmg from E(hson a paM; of thefunds we desIre to retain to carryus over the postwar period of ad-Justment ThIS IS a seriOus CQncernto our company, our employees andour customers

As It now stands by reason of thecommIssIon s decls10n the cIty andthe ratepayers both take the moneysome ten mllhon dollars each unlessthe cIty tax IS declared lUvahd ThecommIsSIOn must have assumed thetax was lUvahd We do ;lot knowwhat the courts wdl do WIth 1t

Stmply sta>ted, we have thiS tenml1hon dollars and there are threeclaimants tfor It ...... the ratepayersthe CIty and the federal governmentIf the ratepayers get It or the CItygets 1t, the federal government w1llnot, but although there )$ only oneten mllhon dQllars as It nQW stal:l(ls,the ratepayers get It as a refund andthe CIty demands It by an eXC1SetaxThIS IS an mtQlerable sltuatlon andDetrOIt EdIson WIll use every 1J1eansto prevent thiS Injury to its l'rQpertyand consequent damage to Its serv ..Ice to CU$tQnters,

The authorIt,es ,peak of thIS fe4-eral tax as an avoldll,'ble tax We <10not thmk that sound logIC We needand ne.d badly tht 1/7 III our profit,we are perrmtted to keep We knowof 06 way tQ get the t1\-oney neCQSsary to run our busllless and payour 3nvestors by avoiding feder:iltaxes. In the first place .om"bodyhas to pay for the war aJ:lO,second,oe1ther the cIty, the comnusslon, northe courts can take tht 6/7 01 theseprofit' that go to the f,d~ral govern.ment WIthout takmg the 1/7 thatwa. to be left to u, &ndwhleh eongress declded we were enbtJed tokeep and use for the uneertam post ..war :per~Qd

We ar~ eonlident that the com'mlS>!on (whIch ongmally held oUrrates to be fatr and all taxes a prop~er deductIon as an expense)J our ,.customers and the general pubhcwIn eventually see the JustJce of ourpOSItIon and 'Cnable us to co-ntmuethe serVIce we have always render ..ed"


MR AND MRS Jos~ph F Verhelle, 873Berksh1re road, announc~ theen,.gement of their d..ughter, france., to Lieut. Joseph Krll~fek,USNACR L~utenant K.tutuf~k 1. the Ion of Mr and Mr. JosephKrl.tufek of Mc;Keesport!Pa The wedding Will take place at elev~no'clock Saturday mornmg, Aug 12,1ft St Clare of Montef"lco cburc;hA receptiOnWIllfollow at the home of the bnde'. pa,rent•• The brlde~elect I. a graduate of Georgetown VI.ltatlon convent, Walhlngton,DC, and also Barry college, Miami, fla LJeutenant Knstufek, ho1clerof numerous decorahon. earned while a torpedo bomber pilot With thefamed Torpedo Squ$dron No S,has been on acllve duty for two tearsaboard carriers in the South Pacdic and has three Jap ships to hi,credit He Wal a star athlete at the Unlverllty of Pltt.burgh, fromwlhch h", graduated, captalnlDg'the tennil team for two year., andmakina' up half of the only hrother team in the univer.ity'. Han ofFam.e The couple fir.t met In MIami two year. ago, while the heuten~ant was Itatl0ned there In traullng and France. was attending collegeAfter the reception the couple wdl .pend the r~m.lUnderof the: groOn'l'"leave In a brl« honeymoon and Will retum to Martha'. Vu:).eyard,Mall, where he II tralDlng a new squadron prIor to hi. return to ae..bve duty

Chairman of the Board of Detroit EdisonIssues Statement Regarding Rate Case

BABY BOYMr and Mrs Roy Gentner, 1832

Roslyn road are the parents of ababy boy born last Friday, Aug 4 mCottage hospltal \{rs Gentner)$the daughter of Mr and Mrs JohnEngelman

Mr and Mr, J E NIcholl 01 Co.lou1a1 VIllage, Arlmgton, Va, announce the blrth of a son Jonn Ed~ward. on Ang 5 Mrs NIChollhi th.lOrmer Betty Dana-hey.

Industry's techmClans have pro.. Dancing Master Arrives-duced a new t)"pe of plastic foa'll in New Yorl< Citywhich IS hghter than rock wool,glass or cork, and lower In heat con~ductlvlty than any of the three

_lIt Just grows all by ItseII," saysthe director Qf the larboratory whIchmakes It, 'land It WIll foam Into 30trmes its own SIze-that IS a quartcan of the mIxture WIll expand sufficlently fa fill a 7 to 8 gallon re~eeptac1e In about 10 J1unutes."

Prentlss M Brown, chamnan ofthe board of Detro1t Edl~on madethe followmg statement regardmgthe EdIson rate case

I The temporary earnmgs of cor ..poratwns due to war actlvity whIchthe c:ongr~ss takes to teed, eqUIpand supply weapons to our soldIersand sadofli have long been a tt:mp~tatlol'l to oUr 1Qca.1 taxmg ,aijthQTlcles

Two attemlP'ts have bee11.made bythe city to capture these so~call~de~cess profits ta'x'es from The De ..

New P1astle Foam'Grows by 1tself'

SOVIet RUSSIan Mum: lecture byProf ~Icolas Slommsky of Boston,noted cr1hc author, and composer,WIll be gIven m the mam auditonumof the Horace H Rackham Educa-'bonal MemOrial, Farnsworth atWoodward at elght Q clock Mondaynight, Aug 14 The lecture w1ll heillustrated WIth selectIons on the p1ano

ZO,OOOthFlight (>fCargo into China

Camer planes bn,lt by American Offer Civil ServiceIndustnal genius are now carryUlg Opportunities tomor(e stJPphes Il,1to Chma than ~v~r ..moved over the old Burma road High School Grads

Th. v1an.', operat~d by PanAmencan AIrways m partnersh1p' .An QPportun;;;t;' earn a regularWith the Chmese government, r~- Umt~d States CIVIl serVH;e ularycently com?leted the 20 OOOthfhght whl1e learntng shorthand typmg andover the f!Ima,layC\s wlth urgently btJsmess Engll,!jh IS n{lWbelng offer.,... ded war m~ten.l.. Eaeh plane ed to Mlch,gan lllgh school gradu-lS now dOlUg the work formerly ac.. ates whQ WIsh to becOl;ne clVtl'ln eI11"eompl'$hed by 90 !rnek' lol!<>wlngployees of the army a" forces.the land route.

SecretarIal t-amtng programs arenaw bemg set up 1n conJunctIon WIthtwo estabhshed traintng schools In

DetrOit The ImtIa1 groups to betramed WIll start theIr courses onAug 14 1944 Each term WIll lastfrom 10 to 12 weeks and new groupswill begm tramlUg every two weeksas long as the need for thIS speclal-,•• d pre.e"'l'loyment educallon "".Hits.

U!X>ncompletIOn of th~ trammgstudents Will rece1ve a11 automaticpromotion In salary before bemg a$-sIgned to theIr C:IvlhanpOSItIons Wlththe army aIr forces. Appomtmentswill largely be WIth procurement 01.fices In the DetrOIt area b\tt (lppor ..tumty for transfer to other towns Inthe dlstnct WIll be exfended to thosewho quabfy as needs anse In thefield areas.

BeSides covertng such secretanaltratn10g sUlbJects as spellIng, busI ..nes-s EnglIsh, tYP1Ug and shorthand,the tramees will be gwen an over ..View of- the army aJr force organJza.tmn and IntenSIve onenta1ton In

m111tary correspondence

~jWeheard of a. fellow who trIedto break a. WIll because h1s fatherhad left hIm cash Instead of a goodused a-uto ' .....H I rhdhps, colu-mu-1St

Mrs S A Ramsay of 1325 Bed.ford road IS entertam10g her slster,MISS BorghIld Dahl of New YorkClty MIS' Dahl, book "I Wantedto See has recently been releasedfrom the presses of the McMdtancompany of New York She 1Sa for ..mer college professor and has Justreturned from the wnters' confer-ence at Northwestern universItyEvanston III where she was a guestspeaker She has also been speaku'lgover the radiO and has been enter~tained 10 Ch1cago, M1Oneapolls andother towns In Iowa OhIO and SouthDakota

Mrs Ramsey 1S gIVing a tea forM1ss Dahl 1n her home on Bedfordroad thIs afternoon

St. Andrews SocietyCelebrates AnnualOuting at Bob.Lo

Entertains Writer.Sister at Tea

Jackson and Paula Mark re .. ntlyentertamed at a. buffet dmne1" for 24guests at theIr home In houQr lJ'f

Baby GIrl the" son, Pic Wdham York Markhome on furlough, and Mrs Ivy of

Lleut and Mrs John P Wllkln- Arkansas, theIr house guestson of 540 Neff announce the blrth

The party was held at theIr cot ..of a daughter on FrIday Aug 4 The Atage home on Mapleton n enJoy"

mother IS the former Dottie Addel. bl t h d by all hut lIke allspergle aI -e trne was a ,

good thmgs It ended wlth young B'llIleaYlng to -catch a plane back to hiS

Fat. are needed ... the call MUST baseb. hoed.dl Most of the food that graced the

ta.bles came from the Mark s muchdIscussed VIctory garden,

'7OO!l Kereheva1 A~ue

W. A!-l! Still ReJllIlll'ing the Following Serviel!I I

f.DW. J. PONCJ2ACZ. JI$.'W~CU\dd~


weddtn,g made possIble by so.1 seeqnty was reported to one of

fie,ld of6ces of th~ socIal secuntyrd l~t month The story was toldMr, Pend~rgast, manager of the

lee at 8037 Harper at Van Dy~e,tr01t 13n attractive gIrl of 20 called at

• Oitl" whIch had h.lped herFther file a claIm for old age andIrv1vor's mSijrance after the death


her father a short bme beforee had co-me, she s.ud to tell aboutr mar<nag~.I broke my engagement whenler ched," she explamed I felt Itsn t faIr to burd~n a man With afe who had a famIly to take care

Be~ldes my mother, there wereee yOunger ch11dren [11under 14sUPl"'1'l Dad was only 40Whenhe

apd he hadn t been able to savech He made a good salary but Ites a lot to support a famdy oure I W.)j th~ only person 10 th~

mlly whQ could earn I couldn tve thcUt apd I co-uldn t take them

th 'l1e and e"l'ect my husband toPPQrt them'Two weeks agol my mo-the.r re~

Confident now 01 ultImate and declSlve vIctory {lver those

ro would have destroyed our natwnal hentage and mshtu-ns we should m thIS very hour begm work to create an equalnfldenc. m our ablhty to bUIld a better Amenca In the yearscome

As a baSIS we have the certamty that every man and womanI Amenca sees these as major obJechves' 1 To Wm the warI qU1ekly as a complete vIctory can be achIeved, 2 Productivebs for all who want to work, 3 RapId translhon from war-

e productwn to peacehme productwn WIth the least pos- St Andrews SOCIetyof Detro tIe confuswn and unemployment, 4 A postwar Amenca 10 w,ll celebrate It, 95th annual Scot

h'ch freedom, opportunity. and a hIgh standard of hvmg can land plcn'c and games at Bob Lo onattamed, 5 That the chIldren of today, or theIr c1uldren, WIll Thursday Aug 17 Accommodallon,t have to fight a Third World War are provlded for all to go on tbe

The better Amenca whIch would m some measure reward 10 00 • m boatssaCrifices of our gallant men 10 battle can and must be The hlghland dancmg, bag pIpe

h1eved. and c\lnfidence IS needed In OUr ability to "chleve It and athlellc event. start at 1 30 p mA!'ll,enca In wh'ch plenhful earnings WIll flow mto produc. There WIllalso be oth~r contest, ,n

e et}~erpflse, In which mdustry can e~pand, 1n WhICh Jobs cludmg chtldren s races and qUOIts11be -<!reated and hbertles can be preserved - an Amenca m The St Andrew, H'ghlander'.hICh free men (;q.n move forward In the proven way of Its IBagpIpe band wl11be m attendanceunaers, the l.aders of and the msplratlOn to a weary world Contestant, from all the prmc,pal

cltles 1n the UnIted States 9-nd Can-, , P t I ce1Ved a letter from the socIal se ada are entered tn the VaflOJSrvlvor s aymen s CUflty board telhng her that ,he events

bl F 'I t would receIve $7422 a month 1U so Proceeds of the pIcnIC and gamesna e ami y 0 Clal seCnflty payments That made goes mto the benevolent lund to be

O H the whole thmg dIfferent WIth th1S used for worthy chantable purposesarry n ere money and the hfe msurance father _left, mother can manage now J i'11 S h d I R 'and I are gomg to be mamed ne"t C e U e ussJanweek and we owe It all to dad s so- M ' L tclal secuflty I felt lt was ,omethmg USIC ec ureyou ought to know'

Mr Pendergast explaIned that the$7422 a month IS consld~rably morethan most of the payments now be-mg made under federal old age andsurVIvors InSU1'QIl1CeI There aremany cases, however' he saIdwhere the surVIvors benefits patd

on one worker S sQclal securIty ac..count will total between $5000 and$10000 The total amount depend,on the lengih of tIme the mSl,u'eqworker was employed In JO'b.s cOV" Son, Hou$e Guestered by th~s government msurancc :Honored at Partysystem, the a.mount -O~ earn.tn~sfrom. such Jobs, and the nUfP.oer ofhlS d@'E:.ttdentsII

WMel> ;Il.epa",~'l'wo Week" Flncy Cry,t.l, Fltted-Qne WeekJ....dD' ¥C;lllfs ......Two wuks Pea.i"ls and Beads restrung-Two weeks

I Alarm Clock Rel'a".d-Qne WeekI

PlATINUM RINGS REI'AlR.ED - DIAMONDS RESETI All Work of tilt ll,~.,t MechaOlcal Cahbre

I J1llIIII\41NW.lwlrs, a 00 a 1ft, to 6 OQ p.Jll Ol>enFriday Eve. t,I9 OQI (Joltd S&t1trday,Dunn!!'AUiUst



II,. N~1W~TORIAL.m~O~leu at 15121 Kercheval between Maryland and Lakepointe

"The Only Weekly New'paper Covering AU the Homes InGrosse Pomte and GratIot TownshIps"

I.. B OLDHi\M PubllShelP J BLACKBURN Ed".r and Adverrlsing ManagerlUTA WALBY SOCIal and New. Ed"orbbt",ptlOn Rot.. lly MOll. $2 00 per year. ~, per 'opy

By Camer 10 Cent! a MOl'l.th

bhshed Every Thursday by The Grosse Pomte Prmtmg COLENOX 11621163


Page 3: One Case of Polio Land Company ... - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · I I ~Iy the REVIEW Gives You COMPLETE Coverage of ALL Homes in

•We reservethe nght tolum! quanti.

ae.. Shopearly.•



Ch,om. B... 5129Won(ferfulValue


5k Value






Pre War Chrome Tray andGlass

~~~~~..... 5129

In PmkGlass ••


......2ge i


3-Plece Modem


CanadIan g rls m unIform fherleader s Pipe \faJ Lllllan GrantBntlsh Columl a a typical HlghlaJlaSSie who holds 69 medals and fas lver cups for H ghland dancmg a-p pllg

The brass section of the band J50 pIa} ers s d Iected by Sergt 1~NadIa Svar ch of Alberta They pmarches patr at c airs and the Cmarch Athene as well as nubel'S n WhICh the trombones ~clarmets are featured

The concert 1S sponsored byStreaml ners of the department)parks and recreat on ">lth the ~ope rat on of Canad an Mlhtary DtnLt I HI F Best local reSidenthancll 19 the I ason betweenAmencan and Can ad an groups

IThe security that skill and accuracy oflcompoundIng msure, weJgh most heav-.Iy In our prescription work Our fine IJngredlenots can be weIghed on thescales but the care WIth WhIChwe com-pound every prescnphon shows Itaweight In the dependabIlity of our med-IHanea We take every profeSSIonal pre ..lcautlon to be certain that your medI-jClne Will conform exactly to the doc ..

, Itor. mstructlons _ measure for mea ... Iure - word for word - and thIS pre-cautlon HI worth 'a ton In cure" j


Sponsored by




Wayne County Repubhcan Committee


7ge Plu. WI,Fed Tn:








Heavy Nested G 1ass AshTrays, 3 PIece 60cSet • i:1

Tumblers _ Reg 12 for $1 00,

~~W12 6ge

Ruby GlassCake Plate



Ism Eut Jeff........ LEan oseoS.n..... to Swlft.s ..,...

HEAR THOMAS E. DEWEYWWJ 4:30 to 5:00 o'clock




ThIS will be an entertamment feature that combmes an evenmgs ofunusual mus c and arouses our cUrtOSlty because AmertCalls have alwaysbeen mtngued by that pecuhar lookmg mUSIcalmstru nent called a bd.gpipe Here ~ an opportunIty to see25 of them all played by attractive

BETWEEN L~KEWOOD AND ('H-\LMERSOpen FrIday and Saturday 'Tl1 9 PM

* Canadian ServiceWomen to Present0,nnrert at Relle Isle

The 75 pIece all g r1 brass and pipeband of the CanadIan \Vomen;,Ar:tl1y Corps WIll present their on IvUlllted States concert at e gl,ta clock FrIday mght .at the BelleIsle shell

{____ J


lAma Wac

24 Piece SetIn Glassware


R.g $2 50 Sl;lt

12 Piece SetConsisting of

8 Sala.d Plates 97c1 Salad Bowl1 Cake PlateGlass Spoon & Fork

32 Piece Setof 5249GLASS DISHES


CONSOLE SETBow! and Two $249Cand~~lftiCkS

Crystal Glass

5-P'ece Cleor Crystol

CUT GLASS4 Ash Trays


'.P,ece Hostess

TRAYRuby G'ass 7geInsert

R.g$129 Value

I II trust you _ yoncan trust me

Lionel W1lleIt


• 35 Piece Set of • IDISHES


* *


Pres James A Daar of the Admlral George Dewey Camp ho 14 Sonsof SpaOlsh Amencan War veteransw1ll represent the camp at the natlonal conventIOn III Cmcmnatl, 0,from Aug 13 17 mcluslve

, Page Three

Wac Lleut Irene Knopp who u~edto recruit women for the army nDearborn \1:1ch, IS now m NewGumea and wntes the havmg wonderful tIme w1sh you were her""type of letter We abo hear bits ofnew~ about the Southwest PaCificfrom offICIal sources n Washmgtol

It s hot and hum1d m 1\ew Gu ne ...and there are more mo::>qu!toes thanever bit any Mlch1gander who saton hiS porch on a hot August mght,but the Wacs 1ke It there

When they arnved at that Soutn-west PaCIfic post the1r barracks werefurmshed w1th only army cots andmosquito bars Bemg women w1th aflare for furmture makmg theWacs bUilt lockers and clothes racksfrom boards and other pieces of matenal found on the Island Orangecrates were dressed up lU ban a led.fskirts and served as dressmg tables

NatIves could easl1y be bnbed WIthc1garettes or trmkets to help furnIsh the Wac barracks These mhabItants of the Island dress m van colored sarongs and wear red pamt onthe1r noses and mouth Flowers tn

the hair seem just as fashIOnable ontropical lslan-ds as they are m NewYork or DetrOlt

ueutenant Knopp says the Wacsare allowed out three mghts a weekbut there IS no such thIng as a smgledate m New Gumea There must aways be at least two couples m everygroup The GIs gave a dance forthe Wacs Parachutes and bananaleafs took the place of crepe paperstreamers and fancy decl)ratlOns

Most of the women tn Khaki mthat far off territory are aSSigned tothe postal serVice, gettmg the mallthrough to our fightmg meq There15 a great satlsfactlon 10 hVlllg upto the motto the mall must gothrough because mall from home ISa wonderful morale bu lder



San Antotllo AViatIOn Cadet Center, Tex - Members of the secondclass to complete trammg at theAAF offIcer candIdate school of theSan Antolllo aViatIon cadet centertoday were commIssioned secondheutenants m bnef ceremOllles he dat the cadet center

Completlon of the rIgorous fourmonth course qualifies the men "0

fill posItIons as admlllistrative offiC-ers wlth the AAF Trammg mcludesmstructlon In mlhtary courtesy anddlsclphne small arms, ml1ltary lawcamouflgae and a multitude of otherrequIsite .subjects

The AAF offlcer candIdate schoolIS a unlt of the central flymg train1llg' command AAF trallllllg command

The newly commlssloned offIcer::>from MIchigan mclude George EPotter, 287 Mernweather, GrossePomte Farms


When thiS war IS over and our boyshave finally won,

You too can say, I helped to wmIt by usmg a pen Instead of agun

'People lP the postwar world WI Ibe very much the same as they a"etoday There win be httle change nthe fundamentals that govern theiractIVitIes - Robert M GaylordpreSident NatIOnal Assoclation ofManufa-c;turers

HereWith IS a poem wntten byWIlham MJller now m New Gumeaand dedlcate-d to MISS Eleanor W1lsonHave you ever wondered what goes

through the head of a lonely sol-dIer boy?

Dld you ever stop to thmk what heconSIders - hiS greatest JOy?

I may not know what 1m saymg Imay not know what It s allabout

But to me, hiS greatest thrtll ts aletter, and 1£ you re ever Indoubt

Just drop In at any maIl call on anIsland across the blue

Listen and watch their faces as theywalt for a letter from you

From Mable or Sue Helen or Jeanyes - even irom mom or frompop

They W111walt 1U the Tam the coldcold ram - hoplUg that It Willstop

And If they recelVe a letter, thelr.smtle.s-all smIles a good yardWide

But If they fad to receive you shouldsee them - the1r dlsapPOlntmentthey re trYing to hide

They don t succeed very well foryou can tell, Just how they waLkaway

Hands III thetr pockets, heads bowedlow, as If they were gomg topray

Now, I don't know what 1t s llke 1"1

combat I ve never seen the deador the blood

But I ve read where a soldIer afternews from home, IS ready for:fire or flood

I lmagme It'S true, because workthat we -do, 15 easy after newsirom home.

It seems hke a letter means some-thmg, after commg across thefoam

It lsn t the length of the letters theywant-of course, a long one wtllhelp do the work

It's the number you send one a dayIsn t much, do your duty, donshIrk

Take an hour or two and wnte themI know you can spare them th~time,

GIve them cheery news of homeplease, don t hand them a hne

Of, \\-ish you could have been herefor the party - you know thatw1ll make him swear

Above all, don't mention the thlllgShe mIssed If you do he w111ravelike a bear

1m glVlng adVice to a sweetheart orWIfe put a word of love tn therIght place

And he 11 thmk of you always -he n always remember your sweet


A picture or two, WIll bide hIm thrumost any place he s at

So I say Don t forget, rememberyour man - don t SIt aroundand chew the fat

Say - I m sorry, I ve a letter toVJlMte - to Joe or to Sam or toBIll,

You do thIS and I grant you whenhe comes home he wI1110ve youstlll

Dunpg hIS trammg he WIll droRhundreds of practice bombs aud ~ew111navIgate to targets far out onthe West Texas prames targetsslmulatmg enemy installations suchas Wake Island and the NaZI battleship Van TlrpItz He wtll pract ceevasIve actIOn Just as though actualenemy anti alrcraft were firmg .lthls trammg bomber And after hehas cut loose hiS practice bombs heWIll navigate h1S plane back to theair base here



LIEUT GEORGE C PHELPS JRGrosse Pomte IS completmg hiStrammg on a LIberator bomber atthe Pueblo army all' base He IS tt,rbombard er on hIS crew LIeutenantPhelps entered the service In February, 1943

A..nother yottrng man from thIS VI

Clnlty has successfully completed thebaSIC flymg tralnmg course and wasgraduated from the Marana army airfield Tucson Anz

He IS Cadet Robert K FIUlt1: 50n

o-f Albert Flmtt of 343 Kerby roadGrosse Pomte Farms. He attendedGrosse Pamte hlgh school and be-fore entenllg the service v.as emploved by Chrysler corporatton In

DetrOItCadet Flu~tt WIll be sent to an ad

vanced flymg school to complete tnelast phase o-f hiS cadet tralmng af-ter whICh he WIll be awarded hISSlIver wings as a pilot In the armyaIr corps

*Pvt WIlham E DIttman formerlystattoned at Camp Barkeley, TexIS now at Pres1dio San FranCISco,Cah!

*Doug McIlroy IS statIoned at For+Pierce, Fla

*Word has been reCeived thatLleut Fred W Gerow of GrossePllnte left England on D Day and1S progressmg rapIdly lllto FrancewIth the field artillery at presentHe IS a graduate of Grosse Pomtehlgh school

*The v,ar department today announced the temporary promotion of13 MichIgan offIcers, one fromGrosse Pomte He IS Harold S Fer-guson of 456 Manor Grosse POlllteFarms, promoted from first heuten-ant to captain

*MIdland Army All' Field MIdlandTex _ Robert C Everett, son of\Ir and Mrs Harvey A Everett of437 McKlllley road In the course ofwmnmg hlS SlIver bombardIer wmgsand commISSIon as a second lteuten-ant or flight officer tn the AAF, heWill undergo what army offiCIalshave deSCrIbed as one of the mostthorough all around courses of tra1U-mg ev.er deVIsed for fightmg menHe w1ll learn how to blast AX1Stargets off the map and w1ll becomeskllled In gUldmg hIS bomber tothese targets and home agam HeWIll be versed III the mtncaSles ofthe famous Amencan bombslgh~sand WIll learn to use accurately toeInstruments of navlgatlon He wlllbecome expert 10 gUldmg hiS bombsthrough' evasive action and w 11betramed III target IdentificatIOn camouflage detection automatic flIghtcontrol operation, bombmg strategyand meteorology

Dear SirI would hke to mform you of my

new address by means of thiS le4~ter Due to the routme of prepara~hon for leavmg the states I havemissed seelOg several edltlons ofyour excellent paper I take th schance now to rectIfy the sItuation

At present I am atta<:hed to theexcellent orgamzatlOu called the 8t11aIr force as a member of one crewLike so many others, I find theIsland lIkeable but far from the realplace tor all of us boys who havellved m the USA

I want to tha.nk you In a-dvancetor sendmg The ReView to me

An old neighbor,Sergt Wtlbert DeYonker


EnglandJuly 26 1944

course Includes the operation, functIon and mamtenance of radIO trans-m1ttmg and reCeIVll1g eqUIpmentand the sendmg and recelVlng lJfmessages m mternabonal code

Successful completlOn of thecourse wl1l see the BlueJa-cket graduate WIth the petty offIcer rate ?fradIOman third class or receIverecogllltlOn as eltglble to quahfy forthat advancement

*Pueblo Army A I' Base PuebloColo - Lleut George C Phelps J rson of Mr and Mrs George CPhelps, 1312 Berkshire boulevard,~~ ~k 0. ~ :;.> "" ~ ""'$» ~~

"'A'" ,,1A" '* -i' ""';:. t #*'4 *4:-»~'-<"""0 >.:::> *4 fu":$"»~ *'" Wi>

"'"", w»..t.-"'i'<'.;>"»",,=,



lb. 25c

merCaptam Bre1tmeyer s wife the for-

mer Margaret 0 NellI Lundy, re-Sides at 553 Middlesex road, GrossePo nte HIS parents M1" and MrsvVtlllam G Breltmeyet hve at 1440B shop road Grosse Pomte Park

*Everett Plumb Jr M\f3C ISspendmg a 30 day furlough WIth h SWife JackIe and son Bl1ly at theIrhome 1840 Roslyn road Everett W:lSoverseas fot' 14 months He IS theson of Mr and Mrs Everett PlumbSr 1562 Alllta avenue

*Corp R R Rochelle Jr of theUS MAC IS home on furlough VIS-

Itmg h1Sparents Mr and Mrs Ray-mond R Rochelle of 1468 Wayburnave He will return to El Toro F eld,Callf where he IS staboned

*Lleut Wilham E Jelneck b homeon a short leave WIth hIS parentsMr and Mrs W D J elneck He JUS"finished combat trammg at Alexa"l.dna all' base Alexandna La, andIS now statIoned at Kearney Neb

*Joseph T Rem 25 husband of E1len M Rem 478 Belanger GrossePomte Farms was enrolled ~cent'ym an mtensIve course at We raGI,,)naval trammg school located on thecampus of the UOlverslty of 'VVlscon-sm Madison W1S

SelectIon to attend the specialtyschool was made on the baSIS of hISrecrUit trammg aptitude tests The

GROSSE POINTE PHONE NIAGARA 3%00SFIRE'S Binninaham Store-Phone 3810

CAPT J M BREITMEYERvate on Feb 13 1941 and rose to therank of first sergeant With a field artillery battahon before entenng thequartermaster officer can dId ateschool at Camp Lee Va

Comm1sslOned a second heutenanton N ov 13 1942 Captam Breltmeyerserved at Atlanta Ga Dale NabryF1eld and Velllce army air base FLtHe was promoted to first heutenantbefore sa1lmg f.or England last sum-

Canning Season* IS HERE *


See Us for MichiganHome Grown PRODUCE

The 26 year old captaIn a tormerbuyer for the Crowley Ml1ner de-partment store DetrOit, graduatedfrom DUS tn 1938 He Jomed thelvflchlgan Nauonal Guard as a prt

.. bu. $2.75..


NOT RATIONEDCahfornia Valencia Fruit Drinks




Turkey Pies With Gravy Cabbage SaladChicke~ Pies With Gravy Vegetable SaladSteak PIes Macaroni SaladCorn Beef Hash Bak d B

Fresh Not Rationed e eansCottage Cheese .... lb. 19c Cooked Spaghetti

SFIRE BROS. - Successors to

Not Rationed-StuffedLamb Chops ., .... lb. 34cChoice StandingRib Roast Beef ..... lb. 34cFor Oven or Pot-ShoulderRoast Beef ........ lb. 29cNot Rationed-FreshGround Beef lb. 28c

Just Arrived! - SaleWallace MiniatureChocolates, ,lb. box $1.00

Regular $1.25 Water Lily Box

Thrivo ' . 19. 30 oz. pkg. 19cRegular 25c Dog and Cat Food

Quantities not hmited While Stock LastsDutch Valley

Dill Pickles half gal. jar 45cNot Rationed

Premier Old Fashioned Sliced

Green Beans. No.2 tin 19cNot Rationed

Teagarden Pure

Grape Jam ..... Ib. jar. 28c

AA GRADE* BEEF * LAMB * VEALGenuine Spring Not Rationed-Boneless RolledLeg 0' Lamb ...... .lb. 42c Veal Roast ....... .lb. 37cWith Pocket for Dressing-ShoulderLamb Roast .. , .... lb. 35c FRESH DRESSED

Roasting Chickens. FryersBroilers. Stewers • TurkeysSUGAR CURED BACON

by the pieceThree Famous Brands to Choose From

Half Gallon Jug ..Plus Bottle Deposit

Orange, Grapefruit, Pineapple, Grape.Orange. Pineapple, Fruit Punch, Papayaand Orange.Grapefruit. Buy all you want.Quantities Not Limited.


No.2 can 16c 6 for 95cTry Our New Mervue

Quality Coffee ... , .lb. 31cYour choice of grind. Percolator, Drip,


Sweet and Juicy Guaranteed

Watermelons ' .. "ea. 99cAverage 28 Pounds eachMichigan Home Grown

Delicious Firm TomatoesMichigan Home Grown

Pickles - All SizesCANNING HEADQUARTERS-Peaches, Apricots, Berries. Plums, Chem... and

AII Kinds of Fresh Vegetables in SeasonFULL LINE OF CANNING SUPPLIES

Green BeansVery Tender

Wax Beans .. , ... bu. $2.75

Real Good and Tender

1882Z KERCHEVAL AVENUE888 W.. l McNlchols-Phoa. U 1.8700

Thursday, August 10, 1944

AVIatIOn Cadet Howard A Lee, 26son oi Mrs Anna M Lee, GrossePomte Farms, was recently awardeda sharpshooter s medal for profielency In firmg the 45 cabber auto-mattc pistol at Maxwell field, Ala. anInstallatIon of the AAF trammgcommand

Here he IS completmg mne weeksof mtenSIve m111tary physIcal anI{academic tra1Umg

*Fresh vegetables ~houId be cookedqUIckly and only until tender accord-mg to the Michigan department ofhealth VItamms and mmerals washout In cookmg so It 5 Wise to cookvegetables m as httle water as pas!able and use the Vltamm-rlch waterm gravies sauces and soups

Dunng the first three months of1944 there were 26115 babies born in

MichIgan, compared With 30260bIrths durmg the .same p,erlOd lastyear ThiS decrease 1S general thruout the country

*An Eighth AAF Fighter StatlOTlEngland _ FIrst Lleut John MBreltmeyer, of Grosse Po nte, hasbeen promoted to the rank of captam The orders were Issued by theheadquarters of MaJ Gen 'WllhamE Kepner, commandmg general ofthe 8th Fighter Command Capta nBrtetmeyer heads a service groupquartermaster company at thiS P 47Thunderbolt sta1Ion commanded byLleut Col PhilIp E Tukey Jr, ofCape Ehzabeth, Me





Page 4: One Case of Polio Land Company ... - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · I I ~Iy the REVIEW Gives You COMPLETE Coverage of ALL Homes in




(" \

Thursday, August 10, 1944 \


••• _e

You Always Get theHighest Dollar

OU!'61 years of corttntuoti. lerVlce to home owners in DetrOit IItoUr as.uranee of competent, friendly adVIce Let us eltntlalethe price your home wlll bru:lg 1ft teday'. favorable market.No obh.abon J\Jat atop in or phone

• Leaded Gla.s Repalnn.• ReplaCing Broken Gla..• ResUverlnr MUTor.

A CAREERFOR WOMEN lS what the WAC ~-an unusual warbme opportumty. In the WAC YOllgoplaces, do thmgs, meet peopie-get the ftnest p.calcondltiomng, learn valuable sk.l1s. Serve bes.dt:ourfightlllg men Go to your nearest recruiting ll~.

PIG IN THE KITCHEN-"Mechanieal pIg" IS the namemany women have for the gnnder deV1eethat gobblesup table seraps, smsll bones and garbage, whl$ks themdown the SInk dralll After the war you'll agam be ablet.1!uy thl$ handy ele'ctne un.t. Qu.ck, effecbve~andno messy garbage canl

T~melyitems eonoeri'l.1ng your eleolrzcSfrVl.ce~ 8u~g"tlona about cooktnA,lightzng ~t'ld aPP/Jartce8,and many otherth,ng. of Interest and value wzll appearfrom t{mll to tune zn I EdIson LInes JJ

Male t Edzson LInea' a readln~habIt!


A DO" AR IUYS AIOUT TWICE AS MOCH house.hold electnclty today as it dId before World War I.The average prIce per unIt paId by our residencecustomers today .s 46 pet cent less than ,n 1921.If ALL your dollars dId thIS double duty, th.nk howhving costs would drop'

74 EDISON OFFICES serve Southe~tern Michipn-all eqUIpped to handle your bUSIness with Ed14\on.There are also nearly 1,000 EdIson ageneles where youcan pay your bllls-m drug stores, confeet.onar\esand other shop$ Some of these agenCIes also ellchangeiamp bulbs. Use the one .n your neichbcrhood.



PEOPLELIKEour handy new electric bIll, maIled to thehome 1n neat postcard SIze-SImple, conventent, prac~tical-small enough to slip .nto your pocket. ByelImInating envelopes and reducmg the card SIze, wesave over 25,000 pounds of paper a year, conserve man~power and transportation-all cnbcal shortages now.

Always An Appropriate Gift

Mantle Mirrors - Frame Mirrors

_s_-_. _





IAl:'meJ~ULL SESSION-Tno at Amer~ican saIlors talkIt over off shoreIn Itahan watersfoUowmg landingopera hons <Leftto rIght) MOM 3/cManon Markert.Slkeston, MoMOM 3/c Johno Bnen andBM 2/c VIncentMcGrane ChIcago

Due to condItions beyond

our control, it was neces~sary to postpone our

opening at our new loca-

tion. We WIll be open

and ready for business

(Robertson)A GOOD IMITATION-Ronme Bell 6, of Bat-tle Creek MICh, does a good job of ImItatmgexpreSSlOn on Barrow Bewitcher English bull~dog from Rensselaer, Iod Dog doesn t seemto mInd too much

Battle Enemy Together




JEWELER • Jewelry Repairing• Quahty Watch and

16131E. Warren • ~~.B~~m~

A HANDSOME GUERILLA GIRL fighter of famed Marshal Tlto's armies,clad 10 batt1edres~. stands beSide a strappmg compatnot on an alr6eld stripcarved out among the rocky hdls of an ISland off the Yugoslav CMst Behmdthem, R A F mechaniCS are workmg on one of the BntlSh SpItfire tightenwhich has been gIVIng these parusan forces close Slr support In theu;, cam.paign agsmst the NaZIS.


TENTING TONIGHT-Yank paratroopers make camp In the shelter ofa 'chute tent and dig into field rabOns that serve as breakfast, lunchand dmner The soldIers are <left to rIght) Cpl Glen A Hamilton,Warren, 0, Pfc Tom HWlt, MIchIgan Clty, Ind, and Ptc. Edward P.Pittman Nullms S C.

(Meyers).,JEEP" GOES R F - JeepWhICh has mastered rugged terramfrom Alaska to Australia IS makmg• super hIghways out of AmerIca scountry roads Test Jeep from WillysOverland plant already IS making trIalruns In Toledo area to ready versahlescout car for R F D postmen whohave own postwar plans for Jeep ofall trades

Planes Get Super. ClothA new glass flameproo! synthe+ c

rubber coated cloth has been developed b} the unlted States Rubbercompany to solve se\ eral majorproblems whIch have faced the aircraft mdustry In combat planes

Great tensIle strength at abnorm-ally high temperatures, extremelightness In weIght and high tear resistance are Its mam features OneImportant use IS to protect FlymgFortress and Super fortress personnel, though It ts lll~t_a_bl_e.,...It_ ~



East Jefferson at MarlboroughI REGINALD R~ELL, MInister

Sunday, Augult 1310 00 am Mornmg worship WIth

sermon by the Rev Mr Thomas AGreenwood, who 15 occupy1ng thepUlPIt dunng the pastor s vacationHe WIll present the second In a serlet of sermons from the text 'TheDISCiples Were Called ChnstlansTheme for the mornmg, ChrIstians I

- What They Have 1" II

10 00 a m Church school for chlldren I

If you do not worshIp regularly at IIany other church you are cord alhinVited to v.orshlp ""Ith us

Thur'lda} 10 00 a m Red Cross ~'lewlng



One Year Ago Thl. WeekThree Grosse Pomte commUOltles

were the center of an electncalstorm WIth the most damage J@:curmg m the CIty Woods and Farms

A specIal electIOn was to be heldto determme whether or not reSI~dents would approve or reject $26,)000 bond Issue for a VIllage dram

ReSidents were denIed all claImsresultmg from floods May 11 to 15on Oxford rood Grosse Pl).I.nteWoods

Ded cation of the 'Woods serVIceflag and plaque was potsponed be~cause of weather

SIX wounded U S army veteransfrom Percy Jones hosp1tal m BattleCreek vIsIted the army ordnanceschool operated by Contmental Mo~tors corporatlon m Grosse PomtePark for a tour of Inspectlon

An aIr raId dnll was scheduled forthe commg week

The final hook UJl of the new water mam that had been under canstructlOn fOf several months 10 theWoods, was made last week

The Signal lIght at Mack andEIght mile road has been changedto a blinker sIgnal despite obJectlO11Sof VIllage offICIals

Five Years Ago ThiS WeekThe local annual flower fruIt and

vegetable show was to be held atthe Nelg"hborhood club for all lImateur gardeners

The world s champlOn softballteam, the Bnggs Beautyware wasto play agamst an all star team fromGrosse Pomte Defer League

New offIcers of Major BurnsHenry Post were mstalled at themeetlllg Aug 2

Construction for eXipanSlon of thePunch and Judy Theatre buildIngwas begun thIS week

Lowell Thomas was chosen to beone of the Judges for the p.hoto-graphIC contest spon,9ored by Fordat the World s falr

Boy Scout Troop No 39 the newtroop at Grosse Pomte hIgh school,were leavmg for a three week tourof the Upper Penmsula

Preparatlons were being made £01"a mId summe-r s faIr at the boys dlvo\slon at the Hannan YMCA

10 Year. Ago ThiS WeekReSIdents of Grosse POinte were

lookmg forward to opemng of anew Sanders stroe at 17045 Kercheval at 5t ClaIr

Beaches were still declared safefor bathIng by the board of heal+hoffICIals

Mafle Dressler, loved by mOVIefans the world over. dIed at herhome

The block!. were finally bemg tornup from Kercheval to be rep!acedwlth cement

Tommy Thill pItched a no hItgame for Fred s Market last week

The openmg of new headquartersfor DIVISIOn B, vvard 21, Progres~slve Democratic club was held July21 and 22

Grosse POInte Leg on Post 303 wascompletmg plans for ItS secOttld an-nual PICn1C to be held at DetroItCreamerv Grove Aug 26

G:ilbrle1 RIchard councIl plannedto held Its annua~ pICnlC Sunday,Aug 12 at Grmnell Park

Joe Mendl educated chImpanzeeof the DetrOIt zoo was st111makmga hilt WIrth youngsters and oldstersalIke

17 Year. Ago Thi. WeekMIls Dorothy Dlebolt of 2260

Gladstone avenue was chosen Queenof DetrOIt s etgh1h annual watercarnIval to take place at Belle IsleAug 6 She was a graduate of AlblO-ncollege

The annual flower frulJt and vege-table show was to be held at the'Ielghborhood dub

The stone and mason work wascompleted on the new Park fenceand the ornamental tron work wasexpeoted to be completed In twoweeks

Kercheval merchants donated

Iprizes for the vanous games andraces to be conducted at the Merchants' excursIon to Tashmoo



j Soul' wl1l be the subject of thelesson sermon In all ChnstlanSCIence churches throug'hout theworld on Sunday, Aug 13

The Golden Text (Psalms 62 5) IS'My soul walt thou only upon God,for my e"-:xJpectatlOn IS {'fom hIm •

Among the Bible cltabons 15 thISpassage (Psalms 143 8) 'Cause meto hear thy lovmg kmdness In theniorntng3 for 10 thee do I trustcause me to know the way whereinI s>hould walk, for I hft up my soulunto thee

CorrelatIve passages to be readkorn the ChrISt"an SCience textbookSCIence and Health With Key to

the SCriptures by \fary BakerEddy mclude the followmg (308)The Soul msplred patnarchs heard

the VOIce of Truth and talked withGod as consclOusly as man talks WIthman'


Southeast Cornet of Kercheval andLakewood Avenues A H A. loe-ber pastor, 1434 Lakewood AvenueTelephone LEnox 2121

'The thmgs whIch belong unto thypeace' ThIS phrase used by the Redeemer when speakmg to the peopleof Jerusalem Will be the subject ofthe sermon for the commg SundayAug 13 Two Identical servIces WIllbe held the first at 8 00 a m the secand at 10 30 am

The Sunday school WIll meet at9 15 a clock


LUTHERAN CHURCHRadnor (Lmcoln Rd) at Mack


Mt Obve LU~ church a modest but progressive church, mVltesall wlthm thIS area who have nochurch afflhatlOns to make MountOhve thelf church home ServIcesare held every Sunday at 10 45 Sunday school at 9 30 Our Sunda,ysehool staffed by tramed and con-sCientIous teachers also extends asmcere lOVltatlOn to all chl1dren notattendmg any Sunday school Thereare classes for all age groups

Mt OlIve became an mdependentcongregatlOn the tirst of the yearIt owns ltS own property and IS dtthe present time hqU1dat ng the remamder of ltS mdebtedness whIle atthe same tIme makmg plans for anenlargement of lis present facJ1ltles

Our church holds the Bible to bethe msplred word of God the onlysource and rule for Chnstlan faithand Me We beheve and teach thatman IS Justified before God and saved not by human works but aloneby God s grace for Chnst s sake byfaIth Anyone seekmg further mformat on concernmg our teachmgs orwlsnmg to become members of ourchurch may confer With the pastorat any time

M t Olive regrets to announce Itsfirst two Gold Stars, Pic He1"bertW Hesse 1f a paratrooper kIlledshortly after D Day In NormandyFrance A memonal serVIce m hIshonor was held last Sunday

Word has also been receIved thatLleut E J Chapman pilot of a LIbera tor bomber was undourbtedly killed m a head on colhslOn WIth an~other bomber m trammg fltght mCahfornla Details are st 11lackmg

tu 2.8240

portrait • commerCIal • Illustrative

15121 Kercheval Ave.

The Grosse Pointe Review

Kercheval and Washingtonapply at

Living in vicinity ofKercheval add Lakeland

paul •• brown


andCadieux and Kercheval

Graduate of New England Conservatory, Bostonand

Detroit In$titute of Musical ArtAdvanced students and beginners

Denning Course for BeginnersG!'oue Pointe Studio - 17046 KERCHEVAL PLACE

Telephone MElrose 0904


Carrier Boys to deliver TheGrosse Pointe Review

'a2'< Four

Just Arnved ! ! ChrIstmas Toys and Lovely New Doll.

It really Iln't too early to buy, for doll. and toy. th.s year will 'be':'lore scarce than ever.

See our new Sterhng SIlver Jeivelry ••• matc::hll\gearrings, plna, ete.Jud,.'. II GIft Headquarter' ••• Lmel'l.l, Gla •• ware, Pottery, Dishea

WANTEDLiving Accomodations for TeachersI-Small furnished house6-0ne or two bedroom flats or apart.

ments, furnished or unfurnished3O-Rooms for single teachersThe Need Is Acute. Your SchoolsMUST OPEN SEPTEMBER 11th.

Teachers Must Find LocationsIMMEDIATELY

Grosse Pointe Board of EducationNIagara 2000

16111 mack at devonshlre

Page 5: One Case of Polio Land Company ... - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · I I ~Iy the REVIEW Gives You COMPLETE Coverage of ALL Homes in

No P"o"ty NeededDon't w a 1t untIlyour tIres are be.yon d recappIngpomt

• Shub out nOIsefrom <>tl eet

*Th€ best Inrubber guaranteed agamstdefects Inw 0 r k man-ShIp and ma-tenal by FIre-stone*Protected alsn.by Ned sownmoney ~ backguarantee*Every tIre pur-cha.ser has thea"surance ofNed s 26 yearso! satisfactorytHe ~elVlce

*Get the besttlr e and thebest serVIce

EnJ.Y Fresh, Clean FIltered Airand QUIet Comfort All Year

.Shuts dust dIrt .Exhausts stale aIrand polen out and odors smoke

ete• Keeps out ram

and "nowe W ndo\\ s remam


Regulor $39 50Pnce

Budget PLan AvatlabLe



TIRES VULCANIZED24.Hour ServIce by Experts

• Don't let small breaks rum your tireNed's fortnry traJ11erl ,u1can1Z1''lg ex.perts can make your tire 11ke new

Ned s gIve you prompt sel VIce preCISIOnworkmanshIp and FIrestone factory equIp~ment Only the best grade of rubber used


08 Inch G E fan andheatmg element

• Presel ves all eal bo-hydlateq fats plOtems, mmera!" ao;fresh foods

.10 yds stenlegauze

.2 sterIle gauzepads

Regular $39 95 PricePrepare FrUits and Vege~tables for Next Winter at


.Dehydrahonehmmates spOIlage

• Preserves manyfoods not adaptedto canmng

.5 trays hoM 25 lbsof prepared food


De Luxe Sun GlassesRegular $1 50 Price $100

.Opllcallyground andpolIshed

OIn leathercase


Regular98c Price

• Spool adheSive.12 tape bandages• Mercurochrome• Burn omtment

Upen Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Evenings TIll 7, Thursday, FrIday, Saturday EvenIngs TdI •Washington Blvd I John R I E Jefferson I Cd River I Gratiot 1 Woodward I MJchJl1tatl I GrabotCor Cor Cor Cor Chu~ago At Cor Cor Mt.

Michigan Ave Nevada Ave ManliStHlue Blvd 7 l\iile Rd Calvert Schaefer Rd rlemeuRA 7615 TO 9 4409 LE 440. HO 4409 AR 4090 TO 6 4400 OR 4400 4571

Page~ II~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e••••••••••ee.~::••••:tlrF.ifOf"s.ii'F-FE.RE .....S II

ii A Successful New Method for the Correction of Fllot Discomfort IIII. 10 a.m ••S p.m, I.I.1 U y.u have tried wlth.ut RA. 9531 I::. success to find relief and :_.- comfort for those tlred ••••: achlft'" feet don't be cbs. .:. .- ..•• courared ••• It will cost _.•• l..u n.thmg to vwt the ••I: 'ARCH AID" ano. learn : •• 0 how you too can have rood ellI... feet and good health II ••••

you do not come witlun••:~~~~~~ I.:•_ fl'ankl:v told &0 •• ••I. ••il SCIENTIFIC FOOT ANALYSIS !II.. :.ii NO CHARGE III1II NON.MEDIOAL, NON.SURGICAL SERVIOE IiiIi ------ il!1IIARCH-AID II11

I: Foot Culture Service Tune In A. L. BENNETT :ill•• WJBK •• 1.: 2 JOH'" R Over 20 Years' .::1 .~. 1:05 A.M Experience 1:1


:... I" Foot Culture and CorreetiOD •••• ICanada and United States) I

:: CORNU WOOJ)WAIfD An" OVEtt CUNNINGHAM'S NO APPOINTMENT il.1 4th FLOOR NECESSARY ••It••\w...\••\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\••\\\\......\W.\\\\\\ ••\\\\\ ..\\ ••\\ ......\\ ........\..\......\\\'

adult Blble class and Sunday schoolmeet

SicIly never freezes Southern It.aly seldom knows frost even In themoun tams

Modern Italy has an area onlyshghtly greater than that of thestate of Nevada

Solomon sTemple lU Jerusalemwas reputedly constructed of cedarsfrom Lebanon

now desperately r.lying on forti.ficatians themselves. Top pictureshows a big coast defense gun be.ing lowered into place by a crane.Below, left, forced labor toils ondefense works. Right, sentriesstand on a concrete pillbox whichcaption promises German readers"cannot be penetrated:' Bollom,aNazi soldier stands guard outsidea great steel and concrete fortsomewhere on the coast of France.


Outer DrIve East at ChatsworthOSWALD RIESS, Past","


SURF BATHING - Menfrom an AmerIcan para~troop UnIt "somewhereIn New Gumea,' (be~low), relax Ih the surfand bathe the" pet dogLeft to tight Pvt Knob-by Knopman ••New York,Pvt Orval van SkIver,Waterloo Ia t Pvt.MIChael Levak, Cleve.land and Pvt RobertHopkms, Los Angeles


Cenlral Siaies News Views

HANDS UP, HANDS'-Pretty Betty Alexander J

screen star, (rlght).born and raIsed m De~troIt, shouldn't fInd Itnecessary to use a gunto enhst extra hands forthe harvest fields She sstarrIng In uCmderellaJones Jt (WARNER)

PERSONAL COMFORTPL US-Leo J SherIdan,ChIcag., (rIght), threetlmO$ preSIdent of Na.honal ASSOCIatIon ofBUlldmg Owners & Man-agers, mspects postwarapartment house modelw,1llch demonstrates neWheatmg control system,product of MmneapolIs.Honeywell ReguletorCo System prOVIdeseach tenant WIth exactdegree of temperatureeach reqmres. (ME;YElU

Worship at Bethany at 1030 amThe mam service of v.orshlp at

Bethany Lutheran church IS at 10 30am 1\ ext Sunday mornmg the RevOswald Riess, pastor, WIll delIverthe sermon

Children of pre sohool age meet atthe same tlme as the malO SerV1CLIS conducted And at 9 30 a m the


Pictures from German sourcesshow how the Nazis have tried tomake good their boast of turningthe continent of Europe into a for.tress. Huge forts, coastal redoubtsand pillboxes like these, built byprisoner-workers from the occu.pied countries, face U. 5, andUnited Nations troops whereverthey are landing on Hitler's Euro.peon Fortress. The Nazis, wholaughed at the Maginot Line, are

l> th Church of ChmtScientl$t, DetrOIt

14730 Kercheval AvenueSunday SerV1ces

10 30 am - 5 00 pmSunday School

SesslOn for August10 30 am

Wednesday Evenmg TestlmomalMeetmg 800 pm

Readmg Room open week days11 00 a m to 9 00 pm _ Sunday130toSOOpm

1\ot only do cows eat less pounrlsof poor hay than of good but whatthey d eat con tams less nutnentsper pound And of the nutnents consum~ss are dIgested and Utlhzed- .-~-.-,--------

Allied Invaders Vs. "Fortress Europe"

The addltlon of 10 per cent soyaflour to patent wI eat flour tnplesthe blOloglcal effJc ency of the protem of the wheat flour


14400 Charlevoix at Chalmers iILllOX 5376



You can't see through their eyes. Make sure they cansee through them themselves. An examination nowduring vacation is your insurance that their eyes willbe cared for properly at school this fall.


Don't 1ake Chances:Have Their Eyes Examined

WINDMILL POINTE TAILORSMen'. and Ladles' Sulta tadored to order-Alteration't

rebnlng, deanutg and pressingFred M Schuman E.tabhshed 1925 We elose evenings at 7 00

lGU E... J.Il ...... a' CIty 1JlIl1..

.... novel WIth local characters and color.

IE your book shop cannot supply you, phone the pubbsher, CA 8631

'father I d d not lose my leg butI gave It for my country and 1msoon gomg to b~ all right agam -Manne Pfc Joseph G Rucker, wholanded on Tarawa

Pointers Figure inNarrow EscapeFrom Plane Crash

Four persons were Jl1Jured twosenousl} III a C1Vll an plane crashat Nme MJ1e and Kelly roads lastThursday Two Grosse Pomterswere pa~sengers

:ha lk If rd lOut 24 J82G \Id 10 yDetrOit told pol ce that h s threepassenger ... asked h m for a nde ashe was about to take off from theDetrOit c ty aIrport A..fter flymg forapproximately 30 mInutes the planedeveloped motor trouble Attemptmgto make a forced landmg the planewent mto a sp n at 100 feet andthe pllot told hiS passengres to getout of the plane Immedlately afterthe plane landed because of a chanceof fire

Ray Randolph 16 241 Mernweather was knocked unconscIouswhen the plane crashed and wasdragged to safety by Mona LoUlsJacobs 16 1419 Grayton who suffered shock and a scratched arma tlllrd passenger Tnomas Borset15 1311 Hudson Detrolt, recelveda b-roken leg and arm The pilot suffered fractures of both legs

The plane burst mto flames soonafter the crash

Pacific Veteran••Thursday, August 3, 1944

HOME visIting friend. and rela ..tlves sInce last week IS Corp Ed..die Van Tlem, son of Mr and Mr.Joseph Van Ttem, 120 GrouePOinte boulevard He haa a threeweek'. furlough after 27 monthsin the Southwest Pacific where hewa. first atatloned In Australiaand later saw action at Tonga andthe Woodlark atolls HiS olderbrother, Sergt Bob Van Tlem l'now at Iran and h15 youngerbrother, Pvt George Van Tlern.15

In England

Page 6: One Case of Polio Land Company ... - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · I I ~Iy the REVIEW Gives You COMPLETE Coverage of ALL Homes in





Phone LE. 2900

Phone CHerry8800

To Arrange for CurrierDelivery to Your Home

Fn, Sat Aug 11, 12Randolph Scott Gene T1erney


PlusAnn Miller Larry Parks


Phantom Chapter 14Color Cartoon

Thursday, Aug ID-Lul TimesTonight Gene Kelly In "Crossof LorraIne" plus Charbe ChaD.In •The Chinese Cat"


Sunday, Monday, TuesdayAugust 13, 14 and 15

Ann S1endan Dennls Morgan10


Martha Raye Carole LandISKay Franc1s



Wed, Thur Aug 16,17Wednesday Mabnee at 3 00 pm

Lynn Bart Frances Lederer10


Ronald Reagan Jane Bryan10

"GIRLS ON PROBATION"Newsreel ~ Cartoon

Com,mg Sunday, August 20"Thousands Cheer" In technicoloI'

(lWoman d1shwasher wanted-WIllmarry 1£ necessary U _ SIgn In aSixth Avenue (N Y) restaurant wm-dow

made managerThe play was a success Two per ..

formances were gIven W1th an audI"ence of 75 the first nIght and 85 thesecond crowded mto the one roomavadable




11021 Chalmers

Hey Klddies Look ! ! Special Matinee Saturday

ALL KIDS-12cSee One Hour of Cartoons and Comedies

Plus Chapter 2 of "The Phantom"

Sunday, Monday, TuesdllY August 13. 14 and 15Gene Kelly in

"CROSS OF LORRAINE"Martha Raye, Kay Francis and Big east in


Thursday, August 10, 1944

A dramatIc production presentedrecently by a group of refugees In ahttle town m Portugal had a three-fold result One refugee an actorand producer by profeSSIOn found anew tnterest 111 hfe and With It he,althand happlOees

The refugees who had .come fromcountnes all over Europe d1scoveredthat although their native land'"were fightmg agamst e~ch otherthey could work together m a spmtof frlendshlp and accomplish thmg!>

As a third result all the refugeesm the center established and conducted by Refugee Rebef TrusteesInc a Detro1t War Chest agencyenjoyed a theatncal production

The pr(vect was started when thedoctor deCided lack of mterest 1U hfewas the cause of the former actor sperSIstent 111ness (ThIS IS a frequentoccurrence among refugees strandedIn Portugal and not permItted towork) And so the doctor asked theSIck man to put on a play With otherrefugees takmg part

It took but a short time for every-one m the httle colony to becomeengrossed III preparatIons for theproduction A RUSSIan artlst pa111tedthe scenery Austtlans Dutch, Hungatlans and SW1SSmade up the castA French mod15te took charge of thecostumes A Luxembourger was

Featuring Tony Dannunzio and His Accordionand the Kind of Music You Love to Hear.


Friday and Saturday August II and 12Gala Laugh and Musical Treat - Ann Miller in



Last Complete Show Starts at Midnight


For the Convenience of War Workers!


NOW OPEN DAILY9:00 A. M. to 3:00 A. M.

Refugees OccupyPassing Time WithDramatic Production


iil Paul g5 =5 =I i5 :I

iMALLONiIreports The "Inside Stories" of I5 =

I WASHINGTON iiil afi What s gOlllg on In the na- • he aii tlOn s capltal city 1S 1M.. In t'E PORTANT TO YOU espe.

clally so because of the D .1war the preSIdentIal elec~ at yhon and Impendmg post-war problems Mallon gives DETROITyou behmd - the scenes'accounts and mterpreta~tlOns of \VashlOgton af~ TIMESfalrs Paul Mallon IS

- One of the Manv~ Nattonally Fam'} usI~fr~b77f,~~iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlIIlIIllIIlIIlIIllIIllIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIIlII




* * *Presenting -REVEREYOUNGAnd HisOrchestra


ffSurrender and brmg your messkIts WJth you '-Amencan propaganda leaflets bemg shot IOta enemyhnes III Normandy

After an hour 10 the dark a per.son. m attemptmg to see obJec+smay cause the puplls of hIS eyes ~oexpand to 120 hmes the fully contracted sIze produced by lmght sun.hght.

,Hotel $avollne \ tJefferson at Len(,\A

, 'fo.J" ew and useful products andserVice create new markets \\ llcnIII turn create new sources of employment whIch further expand purchasmg power and consumphon U _

R W LItchfield chaIrman, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co



Called Qq,ck agam by popular re~quest to the Shores theatre tomo"row and Saturday 1S 'Belle Starr'co starr ng lovely Gene Tierney andRandolph Seott ThiS claSSICwesternstory combmes fast movmg actlOnand romance III a true hlstoncal anecdote of the western frontier GeneTierney uses her persuaSive mannerIn convmcmg Radolph Scott to JOnforces w1th her and the tr""oublethenbegms for the troublemakers

On the same bill and definitely ma lighter mood 15 Ann "-filler an tLarry Parks III Hey Rookle' a GImus cal Ann M111ers tap danclllgWill lOtngue }ou as 1t does the GIJ oes m the army camps

DetrOit - Thoroughbred racmgthe Sport of Kmgs contmues fora penod of 33 days begmnmg Monday and the entIre profits for theseSSlOn wlil be turned over to vanous war relief char ties

The DetrOit Racmg associahonwJ11 donate the use of Its groundsan?1 all Its eqUipment WIth officersof the associatIOn contnbutmg thelrserVIces The offICIals of the presentmeetmg WIll remam throughout thechanty extenslOn A total of $348 142for 24 days of a SImIlar meetmg lastyear was taken m and there IS noreason why that total should not belDcreased thIS year Durmg the pastfew days new stables have arnvedfrom the Canadian and ChIcago racmg centers and the Jockey colonywas Increased With the arrIval ofseveral top thght relsmen JockeysMIke Caffarella and Porter Rober~shave fully recovered from IUJunesreceIved m m1nor spdls dunng themeetmg at the fairgrounds courseand WIll be In colors for the warrellef meet1ng

Post time for the first race da11yexcept Saturday s and Labor Daywl1l continue ot be 4 30 pm and onthe half holiday and hol day pro-grams Starter Bryan Steele WIll d spatch the fields m the first event at2 15 pm

Ladles days WIll be Tuesday andFnday, when the fair sex Will beadmItted to the grandstand enclo-sure upon payment of the 10 centstax

'Belle Starr" Returnsto New Shores byPopular Request

'Sport of Kings'to Have 33-DayRace Meeting


New Billing atClub Stevadora

VIctory gardeners have th1s pastweek cOlThplamed of several thef'"from thelr gardens located on F1sh-er road between St Paul and Keroheval Pollce warn that the youthsgUilty of these thefts when caughtw 11be dealt WIth as havmg commItted a theft and not Just as havmgplayed a bOy1sh prank

('The opportunIty for Jobs, wagesstandards of hvmg, etc, WIll belargely determmed by the manner III

wh1ch Amencan mdustry reconvertsfrom full war productIOn to clvil anproductlOn ' - JosepQ D KeenanVIce chairman 'VVPB

SANDWICHESServed from 6 P M to I A M

MIxed Drinks our Speclalty WIth a fullltne of Beers chOIce Wrne~ and LIquors

De Gaulle at Arlington


•14948 E JEFFERSON Grosse Pomte Park

MUrray 928!}C A. BRUNTON. Propn.'.r LOUIS GIRARD. Ma ......

a..n..oIa at W.,bumPh .... TU. I-Jell

Tuesday, Wednesday, ThursdayAugust 15, 16 anel 17

RO'bert LIvmgston Ruth Terry10


PlusRonald Reagan Jane Bryan



TONIGHr* FREE *To the Ladles

DINNERWAREEvery Tuesday, Wedne&day and

Thursday Night. .

Fn, Sat. Aug 11, 12Ann Shendan Denllls Morgan



PlusMartha Raye Carol LandIS


Sun; Mon Aug 13, 14Pierre Aumont Gene Kelly



Anne M111er Larry Parks10


Old Time MusicalCo-Stars Morganand Sheridan

<,y.fq{h~t-"i', \~{ .., ,.,~

~ ..,..,<::\1 4f'","vGt;4 ,,~~t:*)1~~~~;<<"

t#l»~/~\~'" J \\t 4 r ~~",~l~tttDURING HIS RECENT VISIT to the Untted States, G~n Charles de GaullepreSident of the ProvIsIonal Government of the French Republic, placed awreath on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier 10 hIStoriC Arlington CemeteryStanding behlOd ium is Gen. John T. LeWIS of the U S. Army.

cop't Shumway'sCocktail Lounge Marine Room Grille

The Stevadora stilt presentmg theEast SIde s most entertaInmg show

Showl11g at the Aloma tomorrow offers th1S week Hal Bronson asand Saturday 1Slovely Ann Shendan M C wlth dancmg and musIc supco starred w th Del1n1S Morgan m plied by Burgess and Wh1te LovelySh ne On Hanest Moon l<..thel ~hepherd songstre.ss smgs

Shme On Harvest Moon br ngs Amenca s h1t songs and the dancback the days of vaudevl1le when ng chorus the Wee Ames add rhyslapstick comedy booms a daiSy thm steps to the gay mUSical vane tvglrlS, and straw hats and stnped showJackets were all the vogue Ann Seven course dmners are servedShendan steals the heart of Denn s but for those whose time 1S shortMorgan who until the day he met and valua-ble a qUIck order 1S sugAnn believed that the only way to gested by the chef who has a newbe.come a star was to be sure you un.proved fast food serVIcehad no strmgs attached to you - D nners are reasonably pncedespecially of the mantal tJes Den With half pnce for children T1elllS changed rus mmd and after Ann I tax 15 pa1d by the managementsaId yes the play really begms toroll along Songs that were a hlt Thefts From 'V' Gardensthen and are still a hIt now were thf' Reported to Police Hereproduct of Del1111s (s.ong wtlter)Morgan s ImagmatlOn and love JackCarson and Mane WIlson add thetouch of slapstlck comedy, and thescene where Jack IS to cut Mane mtwo 1S exceptionally amusmg

On the same b1111S Four J dls III

a Jeep WIth Carol Land1s and \1ar-tha Raye The pu:t:ute is a true account of theIr enterta11ment tnp tothe battlefronts th s past year

Neighborhood ClubN.E.W.S

Fri t Sat AUI 11, 12


\\l1thJohn Wayne Susan HaYward,

Denms 0 KeefePlus


Ray MIl1and Ruth HusseyColor Cartoon

Contmuous Saturday from 12 45

Sun, Mon. Aug 13, 14"LOST ANGEL"

W,thMargaret 0 Bnen James Cra1g


WIthTom Conway Barbara Hate

Color Cartoon .. NewsContinuous Sunday from 12 45

15635 MACK AVE.11,1, z.zm

"The boys m the navy are gettlllgpretty host Ie about beIng dellledeven 32 beer' - Navy offIcer rebrewery stnke m 'l\ewark N J.

Tuesday, Wednesday, ThursdayAugust 15, 16 and 17


Paul Lukas Mary ClmstlansPlus


George Byron Ruth TerryColor Cartoon

Outstanding Record

Free DIah .. to the Lodleo E0W7Wedn .. day ODd Th ..... day

Recent announCement that morethan three thousand B 24 Liberatorbombers of the 5000 buIlt at WIllowRun have been flown away reveal~an outstandmg record set by testpIlots and fbght operations crews

Thde crews have been m the a1rover Willow Run nearly as manyhours as bomber production 1Sold

With one carload of food packagesfor Amencan pnsoners plus 500 forGreek pnsoners, and one carload ofsuch packages for Yugoslavs annPoltsh pnsoners

In view of the precanous food SituatlOn In northern Italy, the Inter-natIOnal Red Cross will send monthly to Bergamo 5000 standard foodparcels and a large number of In

valid food parcels together Withsome clothmg FIfty per cent ofthese supphes w1ll be furnIshed bythe Amencan Red Cross 50 per centby the Bnttsh

* THE WEE AMESDanellig Chorus

Complete Seven • Course Dinners

The food parcel reserve at campsm Germany w1ll be used for the 10

creastng number of American }Insoners of war expected 10 view of theEuropean InVaS10n Nearly all pns-oners of war camps lU Germanyhave been supplied With reserve c1o-thmg as Vv ell

The depot at Bergamo estabhsh-ed by the InternatlOnal Red Crosscomm1ttee already has been stocked

A three,. months reserve of .Amerlcan Red Cross standard food packages has been estabhshed III v1rtuallyall German pnson camps Red Crossnatlonal headquarters announcedlast week Announcement also wasmade of establishment at Gergamoof a central depot for rehef suppl esto help feed and clothe Amencanwar pnsoners and clvillan mterneesm Northern Italy occupIed by theGermans

Red Cross StocksSutmJies in Germanyand Northern Italy

another Fal-The Falcon

Conway and

15019 East JeffersonOld and New Tunes a Specialty

Cooled by Refrigeration

Now appearing at Novachord in the dming room.Entertainment Also in the Cocktail Lounge.

15241 East Warren at Barham



.................. _ ..._ .........

Courville Cafe

To Will T9wne and HIS Band.Nightly Wednesday Through Sunda" IncludlD.1Stall-day Matinee

• ChOice Liquors and Mixed DnnluBack .h. Attack - BUY BONDS


_ _ II ....

......... . ... . -



Famous Chef - Improved'Fast Food Service

Reopening THURSDAY, SEPT. 7THClosing for Vacations and Alterations


Thursday, Aug. 24thTO

Sept. 6th Inclusive

1634QHarper ro. 1.984'


Open on Sunday

Never a dull moment seems to bethe theme of the N e1ghborhood clubday camp Each week each day offers something new m the hne of entertamment

Dunng the past week a checkergame presented keen competlttonbetween the campers The gamesmoved swiftly hut With an alr ofseMousness and concentratlon As

....... ~ _ _-- _ , the last game was brought to a

Iclose the scores were tallied and the

F FLEWELLING wmners were tn'esented to the group. I Chuck Beranck and Patnc1a CraIgwere applauded as champs of check

Artist at the Novachord Now Playing at I ersA pIcnIC was the mam event of the

ORS B A R week WIth lunches spread under

P ETE M 0 the shade trees of the club groundsthe hays and gIrls set to work 10 truePICUlCfashlOn Games were played10 th-e afternoon and the penny hU"1tclImaxed the day

Equally excltmg days are plannedfor the week to come The campersWill have the memortes of anotherPICUlCas well as traffIC talk and hicycle parade to store away on theshelf tagged Neighborhood day campdays

AIR-CONDITIONED .... iiIIIIUINlN1i!!iI!!6!IfiJ,bl!l!!iN!iU!lI!iN'I!!!III!N,iI!!II!Iri!'ri!n!jj!1ji1IiiJ'i


Still Presenting the Biggest, Most Entertaining Show on the East Side

* HAL BRONSON. M. c. ALL NEW SHOW * ETHEL SHEPHERDHilariOUSComedtan DetrOit's Grandest SlDger

AIR-CONDITIONED ~I!If!!!Il!tIl!llltl!!!i!N!!IiiUli!!N!N@@1l!@!IIl6!l!ll!ili!!iill!!li!!ll!l!ili!!il

State and Federal Tax Included


From $1.75 to $3.00 (Half Price for Children)

rage_S_lX ..... T_H E G ~ O_S_S_E_ POI NT ERE V I E W

ewcomer a Hitn 'Lost Angel' at theolony Theatre

"Lost Angel with newcomer Mararet 0 BrIen who 11 steal youreart t5 showmg at the Colony th1sommg Sunday and Monday Aug3 and 14 Margaret who was left 4the steps of an orphanage when Just

baby was raIsed by a group ofrofessors of the Plckermg Insutue

d at the age of SIX she was givenopportuU1ty to go and see what

he outsIde world was hke Jamesralg a newspaper man with a nose

or news and for finclmg mag c madeer unbelteveably happy What hapens when Packy an escaped con

vrct drops 111 and Marsha HuntJames' gIrl fnend turns up addslaughter to the confuston that folowsAlso bemg shown IS

Fon pIcture thiS hmebut West I wIth Tom~arbara Hale, ---------


uto Industryakes a 'Weasel'Th~ weasel IS the latest addltlon

to the series of mgenlOus vehIcleypes developed by mdustry foradem warfare Declared capable ofperatmg In snow deep mud swampan:d or sand the weasel IS charac~erlzed by extremely ltght weight,road tracks and low slung body It

s used for arctlc reconnaissance oro-mmando raids

Page 7: One Case of Polio Land Company ... - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · I I ~Iy the REVIEW Gives You COMPLETE Coverage of ALL Homes in

Page Seven



Or trIcycles regardless ofcondItIOn BIll s BIke ShopLeno'l 4130

TWO CA"Rgarage for rent.l1S( 'II an landI)Rc,e! 8069

The Music Store will pur.chase a hmited number of

USED RADIOS, fairly mod.em and in A.J condition.

Phone for apprai.al.

CHerry 5100, extension 425


utable firm transfermg to DetrOItwant five to SIXroom house- Iapartmel1t Sept or Oct 1 Phone

lMelton at \-fad son 7800

NAVY WIFE-And one ch,ld de.1sire garage apartment flat or du-plex Excellent references NI 21591

ARMY-Officer w fe and teen agedaughter would lIke furmshed

house m Grosse Pomte by Aug 25TU 27420

MIDDLEAGE-Ccuple would lIkehouse or flat Call MU 4026 I


B ICY C L E S - Tricycles motorscooters Any condltlOn At s Bike

Shop Kerche, al at Chalmers LE8042



EX SLRVICE\g'\[ -l\eeds wash.1I1g machlle badly also c1lldren s

cloth ng and to} s S ze 3 and 4 NI3932A'N"TIQLES - Furniture electrlci

appliances bought The followmglItems wanted mmedlately Roll-away beds radIOS d nettes and dm-mg room sets stoves and wash ..ers Courteous sen lce Call now FI5810 C Schram

LLGGAGh-I'\ good condItIon DR'I0262



\1ALE-Black Scott e name ]Iggs; jVIC1l11tySomerset CedI TL 2 1081,


per \ ICI tv "'.foran a"1d \fc\fll~Ian Ch Idrell ~ pet Re\\ard Tuxedo2 8,36

FOR SALE-Real EstateELKHARf 20-484- GratlOt town ..

sh p near bus and school }cOJtyear old bnck five large rooms,tIle k tchen and bath fireplace aircondltlOl1ed furnace two car garage large lot Price $9 ?OO $3 500dOM Call TU 2 7343H"RDI, G '235 - bgl t large I

rooms tlle kltche 1 two tIebaths stoker three car garage,periect co ldlt on Evenmgs Monday Ithrough Thursday only

FOUR ROO7l,1-Cottage Yard fenc-ed 863 Beaconsfield

GROSSEPOINTE VIOODS-Qual.lty bUllotthree year old bnck bunga ..low located on Holly", ood avenue,111 a friendly atmosphere of congen ..lal neighbors O\\ner leav ng Clty\\1111 glve unmed ate possessionADAMS 15632 E Warren NI 9580245 ACRES-A real operatIng farm

near Howell Vlrgm tImber, stock,crops and tools Good tenant 0'lease Good bu Idmgs and a varIety Iof SOlIs A safe place to put $30000 1fyou have mo ley to protect Calt Iowner evenll1gs l\Iagara 5512

GROSSE POr"TE-Hawthorne, 60ft, $1 100 120 ft, $1795 HIllcre,t,

$750 Lake St ClaIr frontage,$1395,50 ft $795 Ranch home sites Lowtaxes TU 2 9725

THREE BEDROOM-EnglIsh col.omal two car garage on CIrcle

DrlVe close to schools and shop ..pmg center new carpets and drapes1l1c1uded Two years old NI 8259

WANTED-Real EstateLIST-Your real estate WIth

us We have buyers walt •ing Twenty five) ears of ex..penence on the East SldePhone us at TUxedo 2-2100SELDON & JOHNSON, INC

16322 Mack Avenue

FOR SALE-MiscellaneousTOP SOIL - And all landscapIng

done ArlIngton3160. (



Wdl be g'lVen to person (orowner) furnlshmg Informa-tIon leadmg to rental of fiveSIX room hou,$e In GrossePOInte MUrray 2509

FLAT-Or apartment or two bedrooms qUIet mIddle age couple SWAPS t.l

good references no chl1dren East _Side preferred CA 5280 \\ILL }<ACH\.\G-E. _ TenanCies

~ x room lo\', er flat near Grat ot, ICAC)ange for SlA room house or flatnear J effer~on c t} lmub or GrossePo He \\ ant to rent If a c'(cl angeWr te Box A..B co Grosse POInte IRe'dew 15121 herd e al GrossePo nte Park 30 \1 cl

WA~TED-To lea~e or "ent two orthree bedroom unfurmshed houseor lower Income In Pomte or East

Slde by responslble professlOnal pel'manent DetrOlter LE 7485 or TU1 4161EXECUTIVE-Deslres two or three

bedroom flat, house or terraceGrosse Pomte VlclUlty Draft exempt I two adults no pets Reference, TU I 1026

TWO-Or three bedroom flat forWIdow who has no children or

pet, NI 3972MUSIC-SupervIsors Grosse Po nte

schools and WIfe want furnIshedfive or SIX room house or flat forschool year Phone NI 2000 Saturday and Sunday Blrmmgham 297~W

EXECUTIVE-Desires two or threepedroom flat, house or terrace

Grosse Pomte vlcmIty Draft exempt two adults no pets Refer-ences \iV'l1lpay about one hundreddollars TU 1 1026TWO-Or three bedroom dwelhng

Permanent Chrysler superv sor\\Ife and JUl1lor h gh daugi.terGrosse Po nte references H WParsltt NI 3698

$100 War Bond-

Detroit, Michigan



NOTTINGHAM-Grosse POInte Park Slx.roomB V. Three bedrooms Bnck garage ConveOlent toschools and bus lines, $2,500 down

Yorkshlre-Grosse Pomte Park Well budt four bed-room home Plus mald's quarters Two baths TJ1edkItchen Cash to mortgage

YORKSHIRE-Near Chandler Park Three bedroomColomal FIreplace Breakfast nook Recreationroom Two car garage Terms 011 heat

WORDEN-CoJomaJ four years old Gas heat, 48 ft.corner Two.car garage

BISHOP-Colonlal seven years old Three bedroomscreened terrace Recreatlon roam WIth natural fire-place and bar


WAYBURN-Flve and five Stoker heat SplendIdcondItIOn Near St Ambrose church Terms


Inspectors - Production Gauge - Tooland Fixture - Electricians - Millwrights IMan for Tool Crib - Tool Follow-Upand Machine Repair.Also Oilers - Material Handters and

Unskilled Men.

12801 E. Jefferson

Seldon & Johnson, Inc.TUxedo 2-2100

Continental MotorsCorporation


NtAT-App~a..rmg young man h1gb.school boy acceptable full or part

t me florIst dehvery farnlhar Withdowntov,.n DetrOIt '\I 8224

General Clerical.

Schedule Clerk and

Situations Wanted-Female\;vrOMAN-WIll care for childre'l

1U Grosse POInte after 4 DO pmNI 8827

SUPPLY CLERK-Twenty nve to40 years of age WIth some knowl

ed&e of bookkeepmg Permanent posibon With vacatIOn and SIck leaveCall Grasse POinte Board of Educabon, NIagara 2000 for appomtment

.• II a.. ~_~ .. o_._ '1 •• _

'r H 0 R 0 U GHLY _ Expemn'cdbookkeeper - accountant available

one or two evenmgs each weekPhone TU 2 2167 after 6 00 pmWASHll\lGS-Wanted If delIvered

and called for Call RoseVIlle 186.1J

RUFFLED-Curtams and sltp coyers done at home Cash and carry

5925 MarseIlle' TU 2 8613

Review Want Ads






1365 CASS

1365 Cass Avenue

at the Telephone Companywhether you want

OperatingClerical Work

Cafeteria WorkOR

trom 9 00 to 5 00 ~very dayexcept Sunday

Help Wanted-Male or Female

ORGANIST _ And ChOlf dIrector,for East SIde MethodIst church

Tuxedo2.7624,HELP WANTED-Female

EXPERIENCED-WhIte laundressBest salary and working caridl-

hons NIagara 5913 or 7tz, Balfour

WAITRESS-To work SIXnIght, aweek and Six hours a night Good

wages Call NIagara 1358

EXPERIENCED _ Up'lalrs maIdwanted White No chl1dren Blg1

wages Call NI 4142 or 205 LakeshO'1"e RoadGENERAL-MaId whJte Perma.

nent posItion RIvard BoulevardTuxedo2.1642

YOUNG- Lady for offIceworkPreferahly With bookkeepmg ex ..

penence and can type Phone LE2664

Plan for the Post War Period

Do your own post war plansInclude a career for yourself-a Job that Will be excltJng per •man~nt and well.pald?

You WIll find the kind of postwar work you are looking for

ComptometerOperators, Typists

Iand General Clerical. IContinental Motors

Corporation12801 E. Jefferson

MAID - Generalhou,ework Good.home, good pay References re-

qUIred Grosse POinte Phone Niagara :1214

Work In th~ Busmess OffIceIf you're not pJannmg to workafter th~ war, but would likesomethmg essentJal for the duoratIOn -

Be an EqUIpment RoomWorker

You may have an intervIew forany of these pOSltJons at

FLAT - Or hQu.;iet East JeffersonGrosse POinte area or Vlcmlt,..

couple mlddle age engmeer employed 20 years pres en t office l\ 0Chlldl'en roomers or pets NI 2369

REWARD-For mformatIOn cancernmg two three or :four bed

room unfurmshed house flat or terrace Two adults two ch ldren noPets P~rmanent References TUROO"dFOR RENT-Pmate hOIne 2 5824

Garage Gentleman With geod ...............habIts TU 1122714 FURNISHED HOUSE-Navy offl

Must be eltglble under WMPC ANDERDON3555 SI cer and faInIlyIncludmgthree !It- eeplOg rooms tIe baby daughters from Pasaden'l

hot and cold water In each room Calif, would like a three bedroom$4 Very clean house ftlrnlshed wlth an enclosedLARGE-Comfortable room SUItable Iyard For the duration only Excel

for one or two gentlemen Good lent references If reqUired PhonetransportatIOn Call NI 0803 RandoPlh 9444 exterlSlon 179

Michigan BellTelephone Company

lnItaUe4In. Your




25 Year. of Satlstactum to Home Ow" ....


Real Estate

(Next to Beat & Co)


Grosse Pointe



For 25 Years We HaveBeen Servmg Grosse Pomte

Interior-ExteriorPamting - Decoratmg

We Musl Be RIghtCall for Estlmate


Phone or Write

John J. Fannon

11t8tallYour New Fumace Now3 Years to Pay • • • No Down Payment




FURNACESLl: $15000

<\ Sfze lSIldQuant;!, t. Fit Every Need• WE INSTALL •

NEW HEAT RUNS - COLD AIR RETURNSGuaranteed Furnaee Repairs to :Keep You Warm This Wluter


IE you wish to buy or sell,


Property for Sale - Buyerswaiting - Some have allcash.

IFurnaces Vacuum Cleaned ... $5.50 I

16840 Kercheval

16604 Rossini DrIvePRospect 6842


Phone for appomtment Niagara6248

Painting and DecoratingPAINTING - DECORATING

Extenor • Inter10rQualtty WorkmanshIpo J SOLTERISCH


INTERIOR _ De,oratIng Guaran.teed workmanshIp and material

(plus 30 years expenence) Esti-mates free Have your work donenow FHA time payments If deSIredWillIam Loader Tuxedo Z.714J orNIagara 4407

EX'rERIOR-Hou,e paInIIng Ex.perienced men only Please 3d~

dres, Brown 4618 Chatsworth,

JOHN EVANS& cO-lnlenor a"dextertor pamters and decorators

EstImates InrnIshed AR 9223ALL - PamtmB, decorlltmg, wall

washing, paper cleantng guaran-teed Steam remover MU 1471

QualityWorkmanshipMake your reservahons forthe fmer pamtmg and deco.ratmg of your home Be as-sured of our service at yourconvenIence

HIGHLY - Recommendedrehablewall wa,hmg Sl!:tvice by refined

whItemen CailArlIngton4194




REPAIRSNew Constl'lletiol\

Commercial and ShopMaintenance




All Electrical



.6445 E. Warr.. TUxed9at Oaler Dnve 3.66$5Rnnr :IhlO7, • A .... P II•• 0Il.. Wed. Hel Sat EveDiap

Ulltll 8 P .--.....--


ON ALL MAKESSewmg Machmes

and Vacuum leanersPHONE MR GRAVES

TU'Iedo Z.5044at 4174 Maryland

WATER PROOFING-BasementsEd Harvey Temple 2 0753


Brick Porch Repairs

Briek and Cement RepairsCEMENT-Contractor Driveways

walks, floors and general repaIrwork Lenox 6894

EAST SIDE - Home repaIrs andmodermzatlOn SpeClah~nIg III ma

sonfY, cement construction terracesporches, dnveways DR 4282 J0-

seph Tata Free Je~tlmates, old ornew work

ELECTRICAL~Apphance serVIceWashers and vacuums rebuilt

ServIce calls $1 NIagara 6248

BASE PLUGS- Elect"cal repaIr,fluorescentlIghts TU 2 8105

ELECTRICAL-Wmng and repaIr ..1l1g by lIcensed electnclan speCial-

IZing m small Jobs SWItches plugsbells, fixtures refr geratlOn motorand belt service PL 1986

COM P LET E - FramIng,er.Ice avaIlable on prints, pIcture.,

p_mtmgs, etc Prompt and excellentserViCe Golden Bas~et Bookshop16820 Kercheval NI 6553


Ing C L Edward" 1377PhIlIpAve MUrray 5~36

ROOF OILING -CREOSOTE-Roof 011 " your bestassurance of protectIOn and long

er hfe for that wood shmgle roofyou ve been neglectmg \Ve do Itfor less CallR E Long IV 8088

Plumbing _~d HeatingPLUMBING-Heatmg repaIrs Shop

qn wheels Expert serVIce No Jobtoo large, none too small NI 0833Jo,~ph C. Eger 15830 CharlevOIX


MAKE-No rnlstake Get our est1~mate $Idednves, garage floors

Lenox2744A\.L CEME"iT-Carpenter and cab-

Inet work B & H Construction WALLS-EJOpertly washed by are ..Co 19677 Avon Lane TU 1 3768 lIableman MU 3849.. . .,....,...1ESTIMATES .che~rfully gIven

C t W k Work hlghly .re~Qlll,memled andemen or I doneby whIteInen PR 181430 Years ExperIence

Driveways. Walks • Floors IGeneral RepaIr Work ICall After 6 00 p m.

for Estlmates ITU'Iedo 2 9864...... , .." ...... ,.--....

IlRICK-Stone and cement Newand repair work BrIck work a

specIally.Tuxedo 1-2450

A.I CEMENT-Work G1j.l'age"SIdedrIves and terazza flool'S ~ert

workmanship TU 2 7009

BRICK-Repa", All'kInds SpeCIal.'ng m firepla.es NI 7932

ANY-Repair work on homes,store, K R A USE R6r apartments First ~las-s workand prompt serVIce S E Barber20380 NesbIt NIagara6784 COMPANY


general gardenIng P"mt. Land. DaY5,TU. 1-2670 Nigbt5, OL. 5800-,&Cape Co, DR. JJ .... _ -II ~_ _ _ ~ _ ~ ~ _ ~,,_~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~

Craeked porches, broken steps

IIf II'. wrecked,we'll fix It Sat,,-

faetlon guaranteed Grosse POIntedis.tflet Get estimate now Tuxedo2.3774

Brick RepairI Expertly Done

NI. 8986


484 Connors


Pick up a bag of SAW.DUST - FREE


Clean stoker worm andpack same with oilsoaked sawdust

-<2619 Conner Avenue

Gen. R. A. & Col. F. M.

Alger Post 995 V. F. W.


Phone TU. 2-1254

Washing Machine Repairing

Just 4 Things to DoHave your furnace, orb0 H.-, chimney andpipes c1e1lfted

2 Drain oil


Protectyour Stoker


Washing Machines-REPAIRED ImmedIateServIce

SPENCERCORSETb-Indlvldua11ydeSIgned dress and surgical gar~

men ts over 12 years expenenceMaudeBannert, NI 4027 or TO7 4312 368 McKInley

M~ett Second and Foul'tlt MondayaEach Month at 1'7145Et Paul Ave..nue, Orolle Pointe, Mlchlgap.

All VFW and Potential Memhe\"l



LEnox 7055


We Specialize in

_ ...Gt,JARANTEED SERVICE.......~.. . _-


• I

JOHN C. LaBELLESodding, Seeding or Grading

Everything for the GardenerTUXEDO 2.8274



It Is Not Necessaryto Suffer With YourFeet

Electric Sweeper and Washing Machine RepairFREE ESTIMATES IN YOUR HOME

Parts for All Makes - 17 Years Experience

Grosse Pointe Appliance Service

TUxedo 1-0683 - NIagara 2769/

IRegal Cleaners»

,15029 Kercheval near Maryland

Electrical Repairs - Motors - Washing MachinesIroners - Sewing Machines

I I I I • 04<"' .. ...,., ~ """' ......


Telephone Office TU. 1~1800Residence N I 0557

Dr. MargaretVerbrugghe

Osteopathic Physicianand Surgeon

1843 LancasterOffIce hour. 2 \0 4 and 7 to 9

l!:xcepl Thuraday and SundaySunday by AppOintment OnlyGroue POlnle Wood. 30. Mich.

LEnox 1619


NO ONE was ever well groome!lwhile wearing wrinkled clothes. 1m.mac1;Ilatel\ess in clothes is an absoluteprerequisite to a good appearance.You'll feel smartly dressed if you stepout in clothes we have cleaned for you.



Roof Repair andMaintenance

Bryan FootHealth ServIce

•• for ReliefFRANK BRYAN

Foot Correctlomst

717 GrISwold BmldmgPhone CA 6214After 400 P M


DR. WALTER G. CONNOROsteopathic Physician

and Surgeon11319 East Jefferson

Near St. JeanLE. 4776 Res. PI.. 3838

Thursday, August 10, 1944

MILLER-Employment agency FI2656 Domestic help women for

laundry and cleanmg Part t1me orweekly Good laundresses and c1ean~ers

r" BOOK'j(EE,iNGSERViCn: BYTRBMO~" II Tax and Report Sentee II l'ederal, State and CapatU.a

Notary Publlc wtth Seal •Barry Haas, Tax CODSDlt8nt I

;1.4841 KERCHFV A,L AVE: : {<• Comer Alter lk.tad, LEJtox '812";, , .__.- •••• 111••• , ..



Page 8: One Case of Polio Land Company ... - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · I I ~Iy the REVIEW Gives You COMPLETE Coverage of ALL Homes in

'age Eight THE GROSSE POINTE RI:VII:W Thttrsda\ Attg'ttst 10 19{4



Up In Tape.try


CallARlington0810 -2710

Small Down PaymentOne Year to Pay

of Brand New


With Large Baskets

AI's Bike ShopKercheval at Chalmers

LEnox 8042

Free Home EstimatesDay or Evening



On Thursday nIght, Aug 17, avery rare treat 1S111store for all themembers of raIth Lutheran churc"t,and for others ",ho are 111terestedOn that nIght at eight 0 clock It willbe our prIVilege to hear the RevPaul Freybu'fg mISSionary fromhew GUll1ea who evaded the H,pa-nese when they 111vaded that COU'l-try

Sunday school 9 00 amChurch serVice, 10 00 am









----- 15 Years Same Location -----


PARTS FOR ALL MAKESWe Pick Up and Deliver

Largest East SideFORD DEALER


While Materials Are Still Available* Prewar Springs* Prewar Maerials* S Year Written Guarantee* Selection of 19 StylesTwo Pieces

/7'0 $49.50

Lewis F. Brown1900 E. Grand Blvd. PL. 0065



Call PL. 7936

FAITH LUTHERANCHURCHEast Jefferson and Phlhp





WALTON'S10711 Whittier

Sunday, Augu,t 13Pastor Lange Will be m charge of

the serVIce and wlll have as hIS top.IC Takmg Second Place Everyone 15 c01dlally lllvlted to worsillpWith us

We also w 11 welcome your pres-ence at Sunday school services thlScommg Sunday Sunday school begms at 9 00 am wlth classes forevery age group

There s a Job waltmg for you mthe Wac

9 45 d m Sunday Bible school(classes for each age and group)

11 00 am Mornmg worshlp6 30 pm Young Peoples servtce7 30 pm Peoples eveOlng evange

hstlC service7 30 pm Monday mtercessory

prayer servIce7 30 pm Wednesday rnldweek

prayer and praIse serVIce7 30 pm Thursday ,-hOlr rehears-

alFnday mght, Young Peoples cot

tage prayer servIceYou are mVlted to hsten to the

program of Your Na~arene NeIghbor each Sunday afternoon 2 30to 3 00 from radIO stat!On WEXLI

Royal Oak

KERCHEVAL AVENUECHURCH of the NAZARENE13318 Kercheval Ave at CoplmREV A L LEACH Pastor

2Sc upIScSOc25c

WANTED-Used Cars

Clearing 10,000Used Items

Used Cars1938 - 1939 - 1940


Grosse PointeBicycle Co.

Operated by "Bill" FarberTU. 2.4230 IS301.0SMack

Here are a few examples ofthe tremendous savings:

TiresPedalsSeatsHandle Bars

1935',$50 to $175


1937',S125 to $400

1939's$300 to $700



LENOX 8400


FOR SALE-Used Cars36 OLDS\lOBILF - Tudor ne v

pall1t Job good co ld t on 1,:,103KercheHl Ar uy 0: dna ce SchoolLhno'{ 3672





We Pay More - C;sh WaitingWANTED 200 CARS

Yau Do Not Care to Sell, Let Us Repair Your CarTry Our £-Z Time Payment Plan






Chevrolet Sale. &: Sernce

1934',$25 to $125

1936',$75 to $300

1938',S225to S500



NOrthlawn 9200



LEnox 4400


Review Want AdsLenox 1162 For Better Results Lenox 1163

Ford Mercury Lincoln-Zephyr Sales & Serrice• 16901MACK AVENUE at Grayton Niagara 4000


If yottr home IS Wl1ed, youcan g-et an ElectriC Rang-efrom


Highest prices paid for Gen.eral Motors, Ford and Chry.

Ifsler products.WE PAY MORE

8811E. Jefferson LE. 1103

9 30 am Churoh school11 00 am Mornmg worshIp The

guest preacher WIll be Ernest Hedden secretary of the HannanYMCA




PLaza 6622


Lewis Stoker Co.13434Gratiot Avenue

PRospec~ S6S0Nigbt Calls: MUrray 7703


R 6' G Construction Co.11820 HARPER Dr CONNER



Pier ond Cement WorkNO MONEY DOWNWe Do Electric Repairland Gutter Work

Let us give you on estimate,expert workmanship, Imme-diate servIce

FHA. Requirements


Clean and check all workm.part., put In fresh 011,and deanfumace the $8 505-polnt way t

FURNACES$5.50Vacuumed Cleaned

5.Polnt Cleamng

IS313Mack AvenueOpen 11 00 am to 6 00 pm.

Tue.day &; Thuraday 11 to 8 pm •

1-Clean out bonnet2-Clean out interior of furnace3-Remove smoke pIpe and clean

out flue4--Remove water pan and cleanout bottom of furnace

S-Check draft and clean du.twarm atr plMs

of Summer Hats and Dresses

Men's, Women's &Children's Clothes

Suits, Coats, Dresses, Shops

INVISIBLE - Comblllahon screenand storm sash Change both top

and bottom sectlOn from mSlde ofhouse NI 3665 Mdler Screen andSash Co 17801 Mack Ave

FOR SALE-Mis-ce-ll-an-eo-us FOR SALE-Miscellaneous PEACE EVANGELICAL____ LUTHERAN CHURCHQUTBOARD-\1:otor five hp good GOOD QUALITY - Pasture sod Warren and Balfour

Deltvered or laid Any amou'1.condltlon lawnmower DR 3430 ENNO G CLALSE PastorTU 222761054 Maryland MARVIN MARTIN Vicar

CARPETING-And OZlte paddmgBUY - CombmatlOll screens and W111 fit dmmg room 10 ft 10 tn Dunng the absence of the Rev

storm sash now Pay after Nov 1 by 12 ft Llvmg room 11 ft 8 m by Enno G Claus the vtcar will COllNI 3665 Miller Screen and Sash 20 ft 8 111 Thirteen staIr steps an 1 duct serVlces at Peace Luthera 1Co 17801 Mack Ave upper ha 1 10 ft by 5 ft Also extl3. church on Aug 13 and 20 HIS them!"

carpetmg to match at no ext1a cost for next Sunday taken from J01l1CO\1PLETE-Whlte steel terrace Reasonable 344 Fisher Road :Nlag 12 26 IS a paraphrase of the request

set umbrella table, four chaIrs ara 2062 made by certam Greeks who saHlglider 9x12 tenace rug $100 com to the diSCIples We would seeplete TV 2 8083 DAVENPORT _ And chaIr $,,0 Jesus The sermon IS drawn from

TU 2 3344 Jesus response to them embodIed 111FUR COATS - Summer Ermme the theme We would serve Jesus

lady 5 and gIrl s Wooden bed, COlI POWER _ Lawnmower, used velY Th~re wl11 agam be two Ident calsprmgs TV 2 5450 after 5 00 pm ht1le $150 TV 2 9655 serVIces next Sunday the first at

1 800 am and another at 1045 amTWELVE-RabbIts Engbsh DutCl BABY-Bathmette first class condl G!l1'ndayschool for fLll ages at 930

FlemIsh GIant and cages $40 Will """'I'"'

take boy s bIke 'must be good) for bon $4 2158 Hawthorne am'\ Peace church welcomes VisItors

part payment CaU-.::.I 3278___ GIRL S-Blcyc1e bke new e1ectnc and vacatlOhers to DetrOIt wIshmgBLIND MADE-Household articles brorler go~f clubs and bag $8 them a pleasant stay and Inviting

Tampl-co brooms Iromng board TV 2 6714 them to worship at Peace church onpads and covers, table pads leather Sunday mornmgs The early worshlpwallets and belts hand loomed FIVE - Wilson golf clubs steel serVIce 15 deSigned to accommodatethrow rugs door mats mangle cOV. shafts prewar like new, canvas those who deSIre an early afternoo'1ers et.... Helen Kutner 1352 Way. bag $28 Man s topcoat size 40 $b start toward <;umrner pleasures andburn DR 5479 Dlstnbutor for the Twelve glass gallon Jugs PI 2636 a hurrsery IS conducted durmg theIndependent Blind Workers Qf 1045 servIce for the convenienceMichIgan SI\fMONS-Bed cot la ge doll of mothers WIth chlldren under SIX

go -cart table 12 cup Silex with years of ageCOMBINATION - Phonograph heater General Electnc coffee -------------

superhetrodyne ramo Table mod heater waffle set child s teeter tote1 BeaUtiful enclosed t!abmet Excel ter baby sleigh and dresser sewlent tone WIth tone control Many mg cabm~t taffeta qUilt and spreadmodern records mcludmg some rare new black pumpS sIze 8B neverparty recorxls All for $100 424 Can worn NI 8259ton near BelIe Isle bndge

LATE-Water WItch outboard mo-tor two canoe paddles and two

back rests DR 0852

YOUNG MAN S - SUIt, hke newworn four times brown coat SIze

34, waist 29 trousers 33 Nescacooker complete additIOnal brOIlerattachment Call after 6 pm TU1 3767

TAILOR _ Made all wool blackgabard1lle suit small 18, worn

once Also want to buy Cocker SpanleI puppy blond or rust NI 8610

BAR-Back ba'f SIX chrome chairspmg pong table, complete, gIrl s

bIcycle boy s bIcycle gacnien toolsbreakfast se<t porch swmg t",owood porch chaIrs two metal chaIrsstudIO couch bedroom set, twodesks t",o occasional chalr::., cardtable small table, chest of ljrawers1650 Hollywood, Grosse P01llteWoods

IRON BED - Complete curtams,<:Irapenes, blankets, odd china,

lamps several lady s rldmg {)utfitssIze 14 16 also boots man 5 ndmgoutfit, SIze 42 almost new Pnva+ehome TU 1 1880

LEnox 5654

Saves Up to40 per cent

We feature a wtde selection ofWhItman'afamous boxed candles,kept strictly fresh In our speCialrefrigerated cabinet ThiS con-trolled temperature keeps candydehclously fre.h, relalnlng thefull lu,clous flavors which wereput there by thiS famous manU-facturer You are alwa.-y,asauredof getting stnctly fresh boxeelcandle. at Bob'.

We Specialize inCleaning Carpets

On Your FloorWork GuaranteedPrompt Sen'1ceFor Free Estimates

Phone Tuxedo 1.1260HAINES CARPET


Continued FromPage 7

On Fuel BillsInsulate Now. No paymentuntIl Nov. 1. Free Estimate.Guaranteed Workmanship

STAFFAN INSULATIONANDCONSTRUCTIONCO.Rock Wool blown in atticand side walls for summerand winter comfort.

21034Mack TU. 1-2420j2.- ~J 1O.i't._ ~_-<--.>-~ ......... __


SACRIFICE I - Baby grand plano,$350 rugs dm ng and l1vmg roo'11

sUites bedroom set studIO couchthree pIece wIcker set, mIscellan-eous arbcles TU 2 8083

GRAND PIANO-Large sIze beau-tiful tone 2235 Hardmg

COIL - Spnng $7 Tuxedo 2 9128Call after 5 30

TWO-RadlOs and record play"'rpractically new reasonable 2147

RIdgemont Grosse Pomte Woods

TWO-Sets of practically new golfclubs Murray 6581

ONE - Maple bedroom sUlte, onemahogany nm~ plece dmmg room

sUlte one Axmmster rug apprOXIma1ely 9x9 ft one fireplace setnever used one porcelam top kitch-en table one dropleaf breakfasttable man s work bench mlscelIaneaus TU 2 6689

DUNCAN PHYFE - Elgnt piecemahogany dmmg room SUIte hkenew Walnut bed call sprmg and

mattress dresser Engbsh cab dollbuggy educatlOnal blackboard TU2 0978

DINING - Room sUite radiOdrapes firepla.ce fixtUl es 9x12

rug, plano 7S1 Lakepomte

TWO PIECE - Llvmg room setbarrel back and a Lawson chair

maple dmette set Crendza buffetdrum top table Lenox lamp AR0976

BEDROOM-SU1te, seven piece setgood conditIon 1145 Hampton

Road Grosse Pomte Woods TU2 1689

BABY _ Carriage prewar Enghsl,.type $15 TU 1 3834

WHITE - SPitz female lllnemonths old good house pet $7 m

c1udmg 1944 lIcense and collar LE3342

BEAUTIFUL - Grand plano andbench Marshall & Wendell gold

tnm 1ke new Blph table lamp goldbase, 1 2 3 19ht copper COlIwaterheater adjustable ""alnut mirror onbase fpr chest of dra~ers Tuxedo2 0677

FOR SALE-MiscellaneousTHAYER - Enghsh cab Tuxedo

2 2161

Sell YourPontiac

Or Any OtherMake of Car




for Victory's sake!

lASHER ServiceNiagara 0995y Call Moming, or E,.eninl"

"':::::#l========- Floor IAIDJIIJARCHOW • Min'R::nw

16369East Wanren at Cournlle


Upbolstering WithPRE-WAR SPRING





19473Harper Avenue TUx~do 2.4800We have everything in the line of Builders Supplies. In.sulation • Wallboard . Doors • Cupboard Doors . Roofiqg- Cement and Tile.

15318'Ea., Jeffer'OD

'H;¥.t'!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!J!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l leALV ERTIS• II _II iUiIiliiJiIiiIiJiiJiIiiTiTiililiiTiliiTiliiliTiiTiliiJiIiiIi1 ii1i1ii


Time for Summer Cleaning. • • IWHITMAN'SYOUR (A~ NEEDS IT, TOO!! IBOXED \

Make It - ICANDIES--TOPS m: I. in RefrigeratedICabinet ! ! ! !*.It takes a lot of care a;

to be sure you re safe ~

~r-------'~See U, IIIBEFORE iti

You ~~~~~~~

We Pay More I.!- .J~

For Appointment ~CallTUxedo 2.0220 p'_-t,.taC iti Insulf'n Av .. ilableCal~e..t S~~ice I in AI_I _Qu_a_;tities

SaleS & 1808'S152~?L~~;~t~ve. i

I • 1!l!l!!l!l!!!!!l!!l!l!~!!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!l!!l!l!!l!l!IJOJ!!l!ln DRUG Sl.liTiTiiJiIi~~~~iIiliilili~~iTi1iiTi1iilili~~~~iIiliililiiTiTi~1

Parts for All MakesPickup and Delivery


t 'We are allowed to sell up to eight thousand feet per Cluarteronnon-rated lumber. First come, first served Let UI help and adVise,.ou on your lumber needs

" ., jj '" DON'T BUY,.\ INFERIOR'¥\.'Jf FURNITURE!



FeumierUpholsteringCo.I '~1IS HARPlR,N_ CONNER OL 8460


• I I

Roberta Radio Shop hat what it take. to cive 70U the 'beat work ..man.blp 112.radio repalring-yeara of expenence pi... • laboratorywith the fine.t te.tlng equipment made. BrIne your let. here!



I ()pen 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.I: