1 (10th Session) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ————— “QUESTIONS FOR ORAL ANSWERS AND THEIR REPLIES” to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on Wednesday, the 2nd April, 2014 3. *Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir: (Deferred on 24-03-2014) Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the financial assistance is being provided to small businessmen in the country under the financial rehabilitation programme of the Pakistan Bait-ul-Mall; if so, the details thereof? Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: No. There is no such scheme in vogue. 18. *Dr. Nafisa Shah: Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased to state: (a) the present status of the Civil Service Reforms in Pakistan; and (b) whether there is any proposal/plan under consideration of the Government to reform the Civil Service of Pakistan; if so, when it will be implemented? Transferred to Planning, Development and Reform Division for answer on Next Rota Day.

(10th Session) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT the Pakistan Railways is earning profit at present; if so, the profit earned during the year 2013-14? Minister for Railways (Khawaja Saad

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Page 1: (10th Session) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT the Pakistan Railways is earning profit at present; if so, the profit earned during the year 2013-14? Minister for Railways (Khawaja Saad


(10th Session)




to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on

Wednesday, the 2nd April, 2014

3. *Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir:(Deferred on 24-03-2014)

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate whether it is a fact that the financial assistance is being providedto small businessmen in the country under the financial rehabilitationprogramme of the Pakistan Bait-ul-Mall; if so, the details thereof?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: No. There is no suchscheme in vogue.

18. *Dr. Nafisa Shah:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate:

(a) the present status of the Civil Service Reforms in Pakistan; and

(b) whether there is any proposal/plan under consideration of theGovernment to reform the Civil Service of Pakistan; if so, whenit will be implemented?

Transferred to Planning, Development and Reform Division for answer onNext Rota Day.

Page 2: (10th Session) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT the Pakistan Railways is earning profit at present; if so, the profit earned during the year 2013-14? Minister for Railways (Khawaja Saad


144. *Ms. Shakila Luqman:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that the performance of PIA is deteriorating;if so, the reasons thereof; and

(b) the steps being taken by the Government to revamp the saidairline?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) & (b) The PIAC’sperformance has shown up-surg owing to following initiatives of the Government/present Management:—

(i) A cash injection of PKR 16 (billion) for debt servicing and to acquireaircraft on lease.

(ii) Acquisition of four narrow body aircraft on wet lease from Turkeyand Czech Republic for 03 months.

(iii) Govt. financing for acquisition of 11 narrow body aircraft (A-320-200) on dry lease approved. These aircraft will start to join PIAfrom April, 2014 to Oct, 2014.

(iv) ECC approved sovereign guarantees to GE Company for overhaulingof 777 engines.

(v) Rationalization of domestic/international manpower/offices.

(vi) Cost cutting measures in every sector amounting to billions of rupees.

(vii) Fuel rationalization.

(viii) Route rationalization.

(ix) Plan to divest 26% share of PIAC to a strategic partner with completemanagement within a period of one year through the PrivatizationCommission to stop recurring bleeding of resources of theCorporation/Government.

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145. *Ms. Shakila Luqman:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that some foreign donors are interested toinvest in Pakistan Railways; if so, the details thereof; and

(b) the current status of said investment alongwith terms andconditions thereof?

Minister for Railways (Khawaja Saad Rafique) : (a) Yes, it is a factthat foreign donors are interested to invest in Pakistan Railways. Following offershave been received for investments in Pakistan Railways:—

(1) Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Peoples Republic of China havesigned an MoU for construction of China – Pakistan EconomicCorridor (CPEC). Under the overall framework of the Corridor,following two projects have been picked as Early Harvest Projectswith estimated cost of US$ 3.690 Billion.

(a) Up-gradation of existing railway track from Karachi toPeshawar via Rohri, Multan, Sahiwal, Lahore, Rawalpindi(Main Line-1).

(b) Development of Dry Port and Cargo handling facilities atHavelian.

(2) Islamic Development Bank has also expressed interest for investmentof US$ 264 Million for procurement of Locomotives and Doublingof Track under its MCPS work program.

(3) Government of Japan through JICA (Japan International CooperationAgency) has shown interest to revitalization of KCR (KarachiCircular Railway) at an estimated cost of US$ 2.6 Billion.

(b) All investments as mentioned above will be finalized on soft loanbasis on mutually agreed terms and conditions and contracts will be awardedthrough open bidding in accordance with Public Procurement Rules.

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146. *Mr. Asad Umar:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that the manipulation in automatedaeronautical billing system caused loss of billions of rupees tothe Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) every year; if so, the yearwise details of loss caused to CAA during the last five years tilldate;

(b) the steps taken by the Government against the culprits whomade clandestine deal in said billing system which was convertedinto a manual operational system to benefit the selected airlines;

(c) whether the 20/20 billing system which allows automatedgeneration of bills to the airlines is still running under manualconfiguration or the automated billing has been restored; and

(d) the steps being taken by the Government to secure the systemagainst disrupting of the automated billing?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) Although, CAAhas suffered huge loss, however, its quantum and extent cannot be elucidated atthis stage as the matter is under investigation by the FIA.

(b) The outcome of investigation by FIA will determine the names of theculprits and will accordingly apportion the blame on each one of them to the extentof their role/mandate.

(c) The AP 20/20 is still being used in the manual configuration by PCAA.The automatic billing through AP 20/20 could not be restored as the PCAA hasswitched over to distance based billing from the originally designed weight basedcriteria. The effort is in hand to automate the entire billing process through theintegration of ATM billing data with the billing module being procured throughAirport Operational Data Base (AODB).

(d) The ATM billing software is being upgraded to provide accurateoverflying / landing information with the provision of data storage. Task is likely tobe completed by the end of May 2014. Meanwhile, CAA is in the process of

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procuring the AODB which has an aeronautical billing engine. The ATM billingdata would be then integrated with AODB. The procurement / commissioning ofAODB and complete automation of billing system would be completed by the endof June, 2014.

147. *Ms. Belum Hasnain:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state whether it is a factthat the Pakistan Railways is earning profit at present; if so, the profitearned during the year 2013-14?

Minister for Railways (Khawaja Saad Rafique) : (a) 1. The Financialstatement of Pakistan Railways shall be prepared after closing of accounts onJune 30, 2014. Accordingly, the profit or less will be determined.

2. Total budget estimate of Revenue Receipts for the financial year2013-14 was Rs.21.600 billion. Proportionate target upto March 10, 2014 comesto Rs.14.480 billion whereas Pakistan Railways has generated revenue receiptsof Rs.16.235 billion upto March 10, 2014. As a result of adopting best managerialsteps and good governance, Pakistan Railways has generated revenue receiptsover and above the given target by Rs.1.756 billion.

3. It is worth mentioning that a sum of Rs.11.912 billion was generatedduring corresponding period of previous year 2012-13 whereas Pakistan Railwayshas generated revenue receipts to the tune of Rs.16.235 billion during the sameperiod of current financial year 2013-14. Therefore, the earnings of Railwayshave increased by Rs.4.324 billion as compared to the corresponding period ofprevious year.——————————————————————————————

@ Pakistan Railways has been facing deficit during last 40 years. However, deficit shall bereduced during current year but it will take some time to convert Pakistan Railways in a profitableorganization.

148. *Mr. Mehboob Alam:

Will the Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunicationsbe pleased to state:

(a) the number of companies working with PTCL on contract basisat present; alongwith the details thereof; and

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(b) whether it is a fact that the Telephone Industries of Pakistan,Haripur is imparting training at present; if so, the details; ifnot, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunications: (a)As per information provided by PTCL. List of companies/vendors working withPTCL since January, 2013 is placed at Annex-I.

(b) It is fact that Telephone Industries of Pakistan Haripur has beenimparting training to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government trainees. The last trainingagreement with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government was executed from January-2012 to December-2013. 127 trainees joined training in different trade/cadresi.e. Electronic Technician, Electro Mechanic, Machinist & Draughtsman and havesuccessfully completed their training, upto December, 2013. Presently there areno trainees under training.

Request for signing agreement for a further period of two years has beensubmitted to KPK Government upon signing of agreement, training to traineesfrom KPK Govt. shall be imparted.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

149. *Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to upgrade the Kachi Abadis in ICT; if so, when it willbe implemented; if not, the reasons thereof?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: As per federalGovernment and CDA. Board Decision / Directions, 10 Abadies are recognizedin Islamabad. (i.e. Muslim Colony, Haq Bahu, Dhoke Najju, Essa Nagri, G-7/1 ,G-7/2, G-7/3, G-8/1,F-7/4and F-6/2). CDA is working on these abadies underthree dimensional policy as follows;

i. Up-gradation of Katchi Abadies at existing location in present form.

ii. Re-location of Katchi Abadies at (MUSP) Farash Islamabad.

iii Re-development of Katchi Abadies at existing location in the formof planned plots,

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Dhoke Najju 1-10/4 and Haq Bahou 1-.11/4 have been completelyrelocated in (MUSP) Farash Town by allocating plots, each measuring 20' x 40'to the eligible dwellers. Moreover in Muslim Colony 753 eligible dwellers havebeen allocated plots in Farash Town. The allocation of plots in Farash Town toremaining eligible dwellers of these abadies i.e Muslim Colony, Essa Nagri isunder Process.

150. *Ms. Surriya Jatoi:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate whether it is a fact that fine has been imposed on PIA by anumber of countries carrying passengers on forged/fake documentsduring the last six months; if so, the details thereof?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: A fine of PakRupees 4,169,385/- was imposed on PIAC from October 2013 to March 2014(last six months) for carrying passengers on forged documents and PIAC has inturn recovered Pak Rupees 1,090,874/- of the said fine from the concernedpassengers. Details are Annexed. The reasons of fine are as follows:—

(i) Re-entry visa expired(ii) No documents,(iii) No visa,(iv) Without Passport(v) Wrong port of entry(vi) Residence permit revoked by Interior Ministry.

PIAC has no integrated System with other state agencies. Checking theauthenticity of travel documents is the prime responsibility of FIA/Immigrationagencies.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

151. *Ms. Nafeesa Inayatullah Khan Khattak

Will the Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritagebe pleased to state:

(a) the names of the historical sites and monuments owned by theGovernment at present; and

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(b) the total amount of funds allocated for looking after the culturalheritage in the country during the year 2013-14 alongwith theutilization thereof?

Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage(Mr. Pervaiz Rashid): (a) At present there is no historical site and monumentunder the administrative control of the Government of Pakistan. During devolutionprocess under Constitution (18th Amendment) Act, 2010 (Act No. X of 2010)the administrative control of all historical sites and monuments have been transferredfrom Federal Department of Archaeology and Museums to the concerneddepartments of the respective provinces w.e.f 5th April, 2011.

(b) For the above reason, no funds were allocated to the FederalDepartment of Archaeology and Museums, Government of Pakistan for lookingafter the Cultural Heritage in the country during the year 2013-14.

152. *Ms. Nafeesa Inayatullah Khan Khattak:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that the street lights of Jinnah Avenue,Islamabad were switched off many times during the year 2013-14; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to install solar street lights in Islamabad; if so,when it will be implemented alongwith the details thereof?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) It is stated that thestreet Light System installed at Jinnah Avenue are checked / switched on dailybasis by field staff being important and major avenue of Capital. However loadshedding is major factor effecting the operation of stlreet light which also givesimpact of un-operational street light system at Jinnah Avenue.

(b) CDA is considering to install solar lights in phases in Islamabad.

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153. *Shaikh Rohale Asghar

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state the performancemade by the Pakistan Locomotive Factory, Risalpur during the periodfrom May 2013 till date alongwith details thereof?

Minister for Railways (Khawaja Saad Rafique) : From May 2013 totill date Pakistan Locomotive Factory Risalpur remain engaged in indigenousManufacturing of Dies& Spares besides major repair of nine (09) Nos oflocomotives of different classes. The value of work done during this period is Rs.82.00 million.

In addition of above, preparatory work for incoming project ofmanufacturing/assembling of 5 D.E Locomotives of 3000 HP is in hand which isexpected to be started from May/June 2014 and will be completed by June 2015.

154. *Shaikh Rohale Asghar:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to sell outdated aircrafts of PIA; if so, when it will beimplemented alongwith the details thereof?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) Yes, after we havethe new generation aircraft, in the first stage B-737-300 aircraft will be grounded.Moreover, after this year’s Hajj B-747-300 aircraft will also be grounded and allof them will be put up for sale. At some later stage, the 06 A-310-300 aircraft willalso be grounded and put to public auction.

155. *Mr. Abdul Qahar Khan Wadan:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the narrow gauge railway line fromBostan to Zhob has been closed; if so, the reasons thereofalongwith the time by which it will be replaced; and

(b) the present status of the implementation of the project of layingof Chaman to Pishin Boldak railway line?

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Minister for Railways (Khawaja Saad Rafique) : (a) Yes.

The railway operation on the said route was suspended due to hugeoperational losses being incurred.

(b) PC-I amounting to Rs. 417.000 Million for the construction of newrail link from Chaman (Pakistan) to Spinboldak (Afghanistan) of 11 Km lengthwas approved by “CDWP” during its meeting held on 24-06-2004 but the workcould not be taken in hand due to non issuance of NOC by Government ofAfghanistan.

Revised PC-I amounting to Rs. 1378.000 Million has been submitted toPlanning Commission by the Ministry of Railways, approval of which is still awaited.

156. *Syed Waseem Hussain:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to reduce the fare of PIA for international flightsin near future;

(b) if so, when it will be implemented alongwith the details thereof?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) & (b) Presently,PIA is not considering reducing its fares on international flights as these fares arealready in line with competitors carriers on international routes.

157. *Syed Waseem Hussain:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate:

(a) the steps being taken to improve/upgrade the standard of flightsand quality of food items being supplied during the flights ofPIA at present; and

(b) the steps being taken to bring changes in management of PIA?

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Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) PIAC have acquired04 aircraft on wet lease in the beginning of year, 2014 and further new generationaircraft on dry lease are likely to be included in its fleet during this year 2014,which will improve punctuality, quality and service on domestic and internationalroutes. Quality of food is also being improved in line with domestic requirementsand best international airline practices.

(b) The selection of Chairman and Managing Director PIAC is underprocess in the Federal Government.

158. *Sahibzada Tariq Ullah:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate:

(a) the category-wise total strength of employees of PIA at presentalongwith department-wise details thereof;

(b) the total recruitment made in PIA during the last five years tilldate alongwith the details thereof; and

(c) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to privatize PIA; if so, the reasons thereof?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) The requisiteinformation regarding category-wise total strength of PIA employees at presentwith department-wise details is attached as Annexure-‘A’.

(b) Detail of recruitments made in PIA during the last five years till dateis attached as Annexure-‘B’.

(c) The Privatization Commission has been tasked to carry forward thePrivatization of core activities of the National Airlines by divesting 26% of its sharewith complete management. This endeavor is being done by the Government tooffset the airline from recurring losses and to improve its service for the travellingpassengers.

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159. *Ms. Shahjehan Munir Mangerio:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to purchase new locomotives and boggies; if so,the details thereof;

(b) whether there is also any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to reopen the closed Railway Stations; if so, whenit will be implemented alongwith the details thereof; and

(c) the overall performance of the Pakistan Railways during theperiod from 1-1-2013 till date?

Minister for Railways (Khawaja Saad Rafique) : (a) The followingprojects for purchase of new locomotives and passenger coaches, (bogies) are inprocess.


i. Contract agreement for procurement of 58 Locomotives has beensigned in December, 2012. Supply of first batch of 23 locomotivesis expected in the current financial year. The remaining 35 locomotiveswill be shipped during September - December 2014.

ii. Contract agreement for manufacturing/assembling of 5 Locomotivesat Locomotives Factory Risalpur has been signed and L.C. has beenestablished. Material/kits for locomotives shall be supplied in May2014 and manufacturing/ assembling will be done by June 2015.

iii. Procurement of 75 locomotive is under process through PSDP.


i. A contract agreement for procurement/ manufacture of 202 newdesign passenger coaches was signed in October, 2009. Out of total202 coaches, 56 were received as Completely Build Units duringJanuary-February, 2012 and have been put in operation. Theremaining 147 coaches are being manufactured at Carriage Factory

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Islamabad out of which 95 coaches have been manufactured so farand turned out for operational use. The project is scheduled to becompleted by September, 2014.

ii. 40 Power Vans

A contract agreement for procurement /manufacture of 40 Power Vanshas been signed in January, 2013. Material/kits for power vans shall be suppliedfrom July, 2014 to March, 2015.

(b) Only Eleven (11) Railway stations were closed down over the systemduring last ten years. There is no proposal under consideration to reopen theoperationally closed stations for the following reasons.

Pakistan Railways is improving signaling system, hence there is nooperational requirement of opening closed stations. Besides, some of the stationswere closed as they were provided for operational purpose only and not meantfor passengers. Now with the Doubling of Track (D.O.T) between Lahore andLodhran, there is no operational need to keep these stations open.

(c) The over all performance of Pakistan Railways during the periodfrom 01-01-2013 till date is as follows:

1. Reduction in fares resulted into attracting extra passengers towardsRail that consequently increased the passenger earning as well asother coaching.

2. Availability of locomotives in freight pool has been enhanced from08 locomotives to 25 locomotives on daily basis that generatedactivity and made it possible to start three to five freight trains ex-Karachi port daily for up country.

3. Punctuality of Passenger trains has been improved from 10% to 55%.

4. HSD Oil reserve was limited for two days which has been enhancedto 12 days to streamline the operation of trains.

5. Punjab Food Department cleared outstanding of more than Rs. 787million.

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6. 500 acres encroached Railway land has been retrieved w.e.f January2013 to 25th, March 2014. The value of which is approximately Rs1997 million.

7. From 1st January, 2013 to 20th February, 2014, Pakistan Railwaysmanaged to earn Rs. 22316.083 million as against Rs.18603.154million when compared with the same period of corresponding year.Thus registered and increase of Rs. 3712.929 million.

Revenue realized in various sectors up to 20th February, 2014 is asunder:

Rs. In million——————————————————————————————Description Current Previous year Variations——————————————————————————————Passenger 16893.539 14292.565 2600.974Other coaching 1202.496 1155.442 47.054Goods 3544.970 2197.008 1347.962Sundry 1980.379 1919.473 60906——————————————————————————————

Total 23621.384 19564.488 4056.896——————————————————————————————

8. A scrap policy to curb corruption in the sale of scrap has since beenintroduced. Scrap will be sold out through open advertizedcompetitive bidding supervised by a committee of Principal Officersto ensure transparency.

9. Through consistent efforts of Railway Administration and involvingRailway and Civil Police the ticketless travelling has been controlledto a larger extent.

10. Theft of electricity in Railway Offices and houses has been controlledby raiding at odd and peak hours. Rs. 17 Million have been recoveredduring last six months whereas four FIRs have been lodged againstmain culprits.

11. Local purchase system is being improved by issuing ProcedureOrders to follow the instructions of PPRA (Public ProcurementRegulatory Authority) and Stores Codes.

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12. To eliminate the ghost pensioners, Automation System for Pensionershas been introduced as a pilot project in Lahore and will be expandedto the entire system.

13. Transfer & posting of choice which was a source of corruption hasbeen stopped. The system has been made by making transfer andposting purely on merit, efficiency & void of any political influence.

14. Allotment of houses another source of corruption andmismanagement has been streamlined & now houses are allottedstrictly in accordance with priority list.

15. Procurements in railways including PSDP portfolio used to becontractor driven and its priority was determined by the contractors.Now the PSDP projects are executed according to the priority ofPakistan Railways in the best national interest.

16. Vigilance Cell has been re-activated by inducting energetic officerswho directly report to Ministry of Railways for immediate remedialaction.

17. Pakistan Railways has recently introduced a standardized freeallowance luggage policy. Under this policy a passenger is entitled tocarry a prescribed limit of luggage in free on his /her Ticket.

18. 24 numbers of D.E locomotives added in the system at an average,resulting an increase of 42 freight trains per month.

19. Passenger trains punctuality improved due to better reliability oflocomotives.

20. 153 coaches are added in the system, thus reducing the shortcomposition of trains.

21. Two overlapping rakes made available at Karachi as spare to meetwith emergency situation.

22. 679 Nos. more freight Wagons are added to system after overhaulingfrom the Workshops Division as compared with last year.

23. Eight Power Vans and 22 TL Vans have been added in the system,thus improving lighting and cooling/heating system of trains.

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160. *Sheikh Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritagebe pleased to state whether it is a fact that obscene advertisementsare being telecast by various channels; if so, the steps being taken bythe Ministry to control the same?

Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage(Mr. Pervaiz Rashid): It is a fact that some of the advertisements aired on privatesatellite TV channels are obscene.

Steps Taken:

PEMRA takes cognizance on such violations/ unethical advertisements.PEMRA has issued advices, warnings and notices to its licensees for refrainingfrom airing such advertisements. In some instances, fines were also imposed onthese satellite TV channels for airing content in contravention to PEMRA Code ofConduct. List of TV channels on whom fine was imposed is Annexure-I. Codeof Conduct devised by PEMRA is Annexure-II.

Names of few advertisements that were identified as indecent and vulgarare mentioned as under:

1. Q Mobile2. Veet (Hair Removing Cream)3. Josh (condom)4. Sathi (condom)5. Molty Foam6. Lux Soap7. Diamond Supreme Foam8. Illegal Health Related products such as “Power Prash”, Sandhi

Sudha” etc.9. Xtend

Moreover, Pakistan Broadcasting Association (PBA) and PakistanAdvertising Society (PAS) were taken on board in order to edit someadvertisements which were deemed obscene.

It may also be relevant to mentioned here that PEMRA is not empoweredto pre-censor the content of its licensees. Under Section 20 of PEMRA Ordinance

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2002, all the licensees are obliged to appoint In-House Monitoring Committees toensure that no content is aired that violates the Code of Conduct.

Moreover, after thorough consultations with all the stakeholders includingthe general public. PEMRA had devised PEMRA (Content) Regulations 2012,wherein detailed provisions regarding obscenity and indecent content were provided(Annex-III). However, the Hon’ble Court while reviewing these regulations, setaside the same vide order dated 15-01-2013 on technical grounds. Currently, thematter of Code of Conduct for electronic media and these regulations are underreview of National Assembly Standing Committee on Information, Broadcasting& National Heritage.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

161. *Sheikh Salahuddin:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to conduct a comprehensive audit regardingimplementation of Provincial/Regional employment quota in FederalMinistries/Divisions/Departments and autonomous bodies; if so,when; it will be implemented; if not, the reasons thereof?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: There is no proposalunder consideration of the Government to conduct a comprehensive audit regardingimplementation of provincial/regional quota in the Federal Ministries/Divisions/Departments and Autonomous Bodies. The administrative instructions prescribingsuch quota have been issued to all concerned for compliance. The relevantauthorities are responsible for implementation of these instructions.

162. *Mr. Sher Akbar Khan:

Will the Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritagebe pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the public and private TV channels arenot following the code of conduct issued by PEMRA;

(b) if so, the action taken by the PEMRA against them during thelast five years till date?

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Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage(Mr. Pervaiz Rashid): (a) The channels of National Broadcaster do not fallunder the regulatory ambit of PEMRA [under Section 37 of PEMRA Ordinance2002 as amended PEMRA (Amendment) Act 2007]. Programming content beingaired on private satellite TV channels, licensed by PEMRA are generally inaccordance with the prescribed Code of Conduct devised under the Rule (15) ofPEMRA Rules 2009 as well as social, cultural and religious values of the country.In certain cases, where violations were committed, PEMRA took cognizance. Insome instances fines were imposed on Pakistani satellite TV channels. Licence ofone TV channel was also proposed to be revoked. However, the said channelobtained stay order from Islamabad High Court and the matter is currently subjudice.

(b) PEMRA in the last several years has issued warnings and imposedfine on various satellite TV channels for airing unethical, vulgar content. Details areattached at Annexure-I.


List of Satellite TV Channels Fined on Various Violations——————————————————————————————Sr. No. Channel Name Reason Dated Amount of Fine————————————————————————————————————————

1. 8XM Indecent / vulgar content 02-08-2013 ONE MILLION

2. JALWA Indecent / vulgar content 02-08-2013 ONE MILLION

3. APNA TV Excessive foreign content 14-03-2013 ONE MILLION

4. GEO ENT. Excessive foreign content 14-03-2013 ONE MILLION

5. TV ONE Excessive foreign content 14-03-2013 ONE MILLION

6. OXYGEN Excessive foreign content 14-03-2013 ONE MILLION

7. PLAY TV Excessive foreign content 14-03-2013 ONE MILLION

8. KOH-E-NOOR Excessive foreign content 14-03-2013 ONE MILLION

9. EXPRESS ENT. Excessive foreign content 14-03-2013 ONE MILLION

10. HUM TV Excessive foreign content 14-03-2013 ONE MILLION

11. SILVER SCREEN Misleading advertisements 15-02-2013 ONE MILLION

12. FILMAX Misleading advertisements 15-02-2013 ONE MILLION

13. FILM WORLD Misleading advertisements 15-02-2013 ONE MILLION

14. FILMAZIA Misleading advertisements 15-02-2013 ONE MILLION

15. KTN Misleading advertisements 15-02-2013 ONE MILLION


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——————————————————————————————Sr. No. Channel Name Reason Dated Amount of Fine


16. SACHAL Misleading advertisements 15-02-2013 ONE MILLION17. STARLITE Misleading advertisements 15-02-2013 ONE MILLION18. SINDHI TV Misleading advertisements 15-02-2013 ONE MILLION19. ARUJ TV Misleading advertisements 15-02-2013 ONE MILLION20. KHYBER NEWS Misleading advertisements 15-02-2013 ONE MILLION21. ARY NEWS Misleading advertisements 15-02-2013 ONE MILLION22. GEO Obscene Content 30-04-2012 ONE MILLION


23. GEO SUPER Obscene Content 16-05-2012 ONE MILLION24. A-LITE Illegal advertisement 02-12-2011 ONE MILLION25. RAVI TV Illegal advertisement 23-09-2011 ONE MILLION26. CHANNEL-5 Illegal advertisement 23-09-2011 ONE MILLION27. ROHI TV Illegal advertisement 23-09-2011 ONE MILLION28. ROYAL TV Illegal advertisement 23-09-2011 ONE MILLION29. N-VIBE Illegal advertisement 23-09-2011 ONE MILLION30. SILVER SCREEN Illegal advertisement 23-09-2011 ONE MILLION31. FILM WORLD Illegal advertisement 23-09-2011 ONE MILLION32. FILMAX Illegal advertisement 23-09-2011 ONE MILLION33. FILMAZIA Illegal advertisement 23-09-2011 ONE MILLION34. STARLITE Illegal advertisement 23-09-2011 ONE MILLION35. FILMAZIA Illegal advertisement 15-07-2010 RS. 500,000/36. SILVER SCREEN Illegal advertisement 15-07-2010 RS. 500,000/-


163. *Malik Abdul Ghaffar Dogar:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the strength of the employees of thePakistan Railways is more than its requirements;

(b) if so, the steps being taken by the Government in this regard?

Minister for Railways (Khawaja Saad Rafique) : (a) It is a fact thatthe present sanctioned strength of Railways is more than its requirement.

(b) Government of Pakistan has imposed complete ban on freshrecruitment and task of rationalization of staff has been initiated.

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164. *Mr. Abdul Sattar Bachani:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that the marriage grant amounting toRs.50,000/- is being paid to the Government employees fromthe Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance for the marriage ofone child; and

(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to increase the same by Rs.100,000/-; if so, when itwill be implemented; if not, the reasons thereof?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) Yes. it is a fact thatan amount of Rs.50,000/- is admissible to a serving / retired employee and familymembers of a deceased employee on the marriage of one child effective from 21-04-2011 vide Rule-19 of the FEB & GI Rules, 1972.

(b) Presently, there is no proposal under consideration of the FEB &GIF to extend the said grant to Rs.100, 000/-. The fund is already facing financialdeficit. During the Financial Year, 2012-2013, contributions of Rs.2,263.935 millionwere received from the Federal Government Employees while grants ofRs. 4,028.650 million were paid to 54.442 beneficiaries. The deficit of Rs.1,764.715million was recouped by the profit earned from the investment of the Fund. It maybe mentioned that prior to 21-04-2011, the said scheme of marriage grant wasapplicable to the incapacitated employees and family members of the deceasedemployees only, but it is now paid to all employees whether serving / retired andfamily members of deceased employees. During the financial year 2012-2013, anamount of Rs.1,253.916 million was paid to 25,307 beneficiaries on the marriageof their children.

165. *Mr. Mohammad Ayaz Soomro:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that the occupational groups are finalized bythe Federal Public Service Commission;

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(b) whether it is also a fact that the said groups can be changed bythe Prime Minister; if so, the criteria thereof;

(c) whether it is further a fact that the said groups have beenchanged during the last five years till date;

(d) if the answer to part (c) above is in the affirmative, whetherthere is any proposal under consideration of the Government toreverse the said changes; if so, when it wilt be implemented?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) Recommendationsfor allocation of CSS candidates to different groups / services are made by theFederal Public Service Commission, keeping in view the candidate’s order ofmerit, preference and availability of vacancy in the particular group / service againstquota for finalization of the Federal Government.

(b) No. As per Government policy no request for change of Group /Service is to be entertained.

(c) Not a single case for change of group / service has been made by thePrime Minister during the last five years.

(d) No.

166. *Mr. Jamshed Ahmad Dasti:

Will the Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation be pleased to state:

(a) the responsibilities of Government to provide free andcompulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteenyears under Article 25A of the Constitution;

(b) the steps being taken by the Government in this regard; and

(c) the steps being taken by the Government to introduce uniformsyllabus in the country?

Transferred to the Capital Administration and Development Division foranswer on Next Rota Day.

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167. *Mr. Jamshed Ahmad Dasti:

Will the Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritagebe pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that many Ministries/Divisions/Departmentshave failed to pay outstanding billions of rupees to media groupsregarding advertisements for the last five years; if so, the detailsof outstanding amount of each media group against eachMinistry/Division;

(b) the steps being taken by the Government to pay said outstandingamount; and

(c) whether it is a fact that audit regarding the requirements of suchadvertisements has been conducted during the last three years?

Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage(Mr. Pervaiz Rashid): (a) By and large, it is true that outstanding advertisementdues are payable by some Ministries/Divisions/Departments. However, it must beclarified that payment of dues is a continuous process in which some payments arebeing made by the respective clients according to their allocated budget and effortsare also being made for payment of remaining dues, if any. The Press InformationDepartment of this Ministry releases advertisements of various Federal GovernmentMinistries, Division and Departments to the print media through accreditedadvertising agencies. After release of the advertisements, the respective advertisingagency submit their bills to the PID, which verifies the claims as per approved rateand submit the bills to the respective Ministry, Division and Department for sanction.The requisite information regarding actual amount payable by the respectiveMinistries/Divisions/Departments is required to be consolidated on receipt ofinformation from the clients. Outstanding dues amounting to Rs. 255,607,000/- ofvarious advertising agencies are payable by this Ministry and The Prime Ministerhas Constituted a Committee comprising (i) The Federal Minister for Information,Broadcasting & National Heritage, (ii) Chairman Privatization Commission & (iii)Addl. Secy Finance Division, for verification of the outstanding amount and thisCommittee has Constituted a Sub-Committee wherein, representatives from theAGPR, PID & APNS are scrutinizing these claims. This Sub-Committee iscompleting the task and a detailed report will be submitted after verification ofclaims to the Committee and payments will be made accordingly.

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(b) The Press Information Department of this Ministry is continuouslypursuing the matter with the respective clients for expediting the payment.

(c) As per policy pre-audit of all payments of the Federal Governmentis being conducted by the Accountant General of Pakistan after sanction of claimsfrom the respective Ministry/Division Department.

168. *Ms. Shahjehan Munir Mangerio:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that the fares of PIA flights have beenincreased during June 2014;

(b) whether it is also a fact that the National Service of PIA remainedunsatisfactory during the year 2013-14 particularly on SukkurRoute;

(c) whether it is further a fact that the regular service of PIA fromIslamabad to Sukkur was not available during the said period;and

(d) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to start regular service of PIA from Islamabad toSukkur; if so, when it will be implemented?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) There was nochange in the fares for domestic market.

(b) PIAC operation for Sukkur has been satisfactory which is evidentfrom the fact that PIA is currently operating 46 flights to/from Sukkur per week.

(c) PIAC has been operating 08 weekly flights betweenIslamabad-Sukkur and Sukkur-Islamabad.

(d) Since, PIAC has already regular service between Islamabad-Sukkur-Islamabad, therefore, no such proposal is under consideration.

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169. *Sahibzada Muhammad Yaqub:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate the steps taken by the Government as per constitutionalrequirements for Arabic language education and its promotion so far?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: Arabic is already beingtaught as an elective subject in schools under FDE. As per Scheme of Studies thesubject of Arabic is included in the list of elective subjects at Elementary, Secondaryand Higher Secondary level.

170. *Mr. Waseem Akhtar Shaikh:

Will the Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunicationsbe pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB)neither makes nor exports Pakistan’s software to other countries;

(b) if so, whether PSEB ensures its mandate to promote Pakistan’sIT Industry in local and international markets; and

(c) whether it is also a fact that pirated softwares have beenmushrooming in the domestic market during the recent years; ifso, the steps being taken by the PSEB to curb such softwaresand promote local softwares in the country?

Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunications: (a)Yes, it is a fact that Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) itself does not makeany software nor does it sell Pakistani-made software in the domestic or internationalmarket. PSEB’s role is to facilitate and to internationally promote Pakistan’s ITindustry, initiate programs to strengthen the capability and capacity of the IT andIT enabled Services (ITeS) companies engaged in exports, and to work towardsestablishing IT Parks across Pakistan for betterment of the IT industry.

(b) PSEB’s mandate is to develop, facilitate and promote the local ITindustry with aim to further enhance the IT and IT enabled Services’ (ITeS) exports

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of the country. In order to effectiveiy foster the growth of the Pakistan’s IT industry,PSEB’s initiatives encompass international marketing, domestic facilitation, 1CTenabled infrastructure development, human capital development, internationalcertifications of IT companies and research/studies in areas of relevance to the ITindustry as well as policy recommendations.

(c) PSEB’s mandate being export oriented does not cover any domesticregulatory role and the task of controlling pirated software in the domestic marketdoes not fall in its jurisdiction. Intellectual Property Organization Pakistan (IPO)would be the relevant organization since they are mandated to register/patentsoftwares in Pakistan. Regarding promotion of local software in the country, PSEBalong with Pakistan Software Houses Association (P@SHA) actively supportand promote adaptation of locally produced software at related conferences,seminars and forums.

ISLAMABAD: KARAMAT HUSSAIN NIAZI,The 1st April, 2014. Secretary.

PCPPI—417(14) NA—1-4-2014—650.

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(10th Session)




For Wednesday, the 2nd April, 2014

4. Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti:(Deferred during the 9th Session)

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate the name of the firm which is constructing Kashmir Highwayfrom Rawalpindi to Islamabad alongwith the rates thereof?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: The Kashmir highwayproject is currently being executed in two sections for which the details areelucidated below:—————————————————————————————— Section Name of firms Rates——————————————————————————————

Sec-I M/s Muhammad Ayub 5% above on Engineersand Brothers Estimate based on NHA

Schedule of rates 2009.

Sec-II Joint ventures of three firms 4.46% above on Engineers(i) Ch A. Latif & Sons, Estimate based on NHA(ii) K.K. Engineers Schedule of rates 2009.(iii) M. Arif. & Co.


267. Ms. Khalida Mansoor:(Deferred on 24-03-2014)

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate whether the verification of educational certificates of all Doctorsand other staff of PIMS, Islamabad has been completed; if so, thedetails thereof?

Reply not received.

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3. Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir:(Deferred on 24-03-2014)

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate whether it is a fact that the Pakistan Bait-ul-Mall has plannedany scheme of financial assistance for women to start small businessin the country; if so, the details thereof?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: The Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM) has informed that they are providing sewing machines to deservingwomen to lead a respectable life. It is pertinent to mention that beneficiaries ofthese schemes are different from those who are covered under the umbrella ofZakat and Khushali Bank, etc.

2. During the last three years, PBM provided financial assistance of Rs.212.00 million to 10,851 women.

9. Ms. Belum Hasnain:(Deferred on 24-03-2014)

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate:

(a) the names and designation of those employees presently workingin National Disaster Management Authority who have recentlybeen granted honorarium alongwith the per head amountthereof;

(b) the head of account from, which the said honorarium has beengranted; and

(c) the criteria adopted for granting the honorarium therefor?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) The list of employeesof National Disaster Management Authority who have been uranted honorariumequivalent to one month basic pay during financial year 2012-13 is at Annex-I.

(b) Honorarium has been granted under the head of account “A01273-Honorarium”.

(c) Honorarium has been granted on performance basis.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

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17. Mr. Mehboob Alam:(Deferred on 24-03-2014)

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate the technical staff appointed in PIA during the year 2013-14alongwith the details thereof?

Reply not received.

19. Dr. Nafisa Shah:(Deferred on 24-03-2014)

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate the total number of contractual employees of various Divisionsof the Government who have been terminated from services duringthe last nine months alongwith the criteria adopted therefor?

Reply not received.

20. Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho:(Deferred on 24-03-2014)

Will the Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation be pleased to state the semester-wise fee charged by theFederal Government Universities separately during the year 2012-13till date?

Reply not received.

105. Begum Tahira Bukhari:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate the time by which work will be started on the project of extension/reconstruction of Poly Clinic Hospital, Islamabad alongwith the detailthereof?

Reply not received.

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106. Begum Tahira Bukhari:

Will the Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritagebe pleased to state:

(a) the financial performance/achievements made by Radio Pakistanduring the last five years; and

(b) the. role played by the Radio Pakistan to provide information tothe people of Pakistan during the said period?

Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage(Mr. Pervaiz Rashid): (a) The requisite information is available atAnnexure “A”.

(b) During the period under question, Radio Pakistan apart from its regularprogrammes, News and Current Affairs, aired special programs regarding:

(i) IDPs of Swat and other affected areas.

(ii) Established emergency Radio Station at Attaabad, to inform Publicof adjacent areas about day to day changing situation.

(iii) Flood information and rehabilitation of affectees during flood in 2010.

(iv) Special programmes on Dengue and other epidemic disease ascampaign for awareness of masses.

(v) General Elections 2013 campaign.

(vi) Women Empowerment/Harassment Bill, awareness and educationregarding laws.

(vii) Higher Education and Govt. Policies for youth.

(viii) Apart from these, major events, Radio Pakistan informed the peopleon social, economic cultural, educational, religious issues inprogrammes, broadcast from 67 broadcasting units, in different radioformats.

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Annexure “A”



Rupees in Million———————————————————————————————————————————Description 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13———————————————————————————————————————————Advertisement incomeFM 101 44.446 47.234 48.105 56.801 78.650AM 82.552 87.730 75.722 100.228 69.446BBG/CRI 20.387 21.666 44.731 67.670 66.950———————————————————————————————————————————Total Gross 147.385 156.630 168.558 224.699 215.046———————————————————————————————————————————Total net Receivable 132.632 148.992 147.281 196.064 192.613———————————————————————————————————————————Other IncomeBuilding rent 22.291 22.048 25.905 20.085 7.477Dividend income 1.885 0.000 0.540 0.000 0.000Agriculture income 0.410 0.275 0.125 0.338 0.758Gain on sale of fixed assets 7.364 0.328 0.293 9.696 0.000Grant for External Services 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000Miscellaneous income 5.370 4.572 7.667 5.038 3.272———————————————————————————————————————————Total other income 38.320 28.223 34.530 35.157 11.507———————————————————————————————————————————

107. Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to provide potable water to each citizen ofIslamabad;

(b) if so, when it will be implemented alongwith the details thereof?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) CDA is supplyingpotable water to the residents of Sectorial Areas and Model Villages of Islamabad.The surface water sources are Simly Dam, Khanpur Dam, Korang, Said Pur,Moor Pur and Shahdara Water Works. The ground water source is Tube Wells.Water is supplied after proper treatment at each source. To ensure the supply ofsafe drinking water as per World Health Organization (WHO) Standards to the

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residents of Capital City, the water Quality Control Cell, Central EngineeringLaboratory CDA located at Mauve Area, Sector G-10/4, Islamabad regularlymonitors the quality of drinking water at each source, service reservoirs, distributionnetwork and consumers end. In addition to this, water tests are also conductedfrom Pakistan Council for Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) from time totime.

The potable water is being supplied to the residential Sectors of Islamabad.However, the provision of potable water in the rural areas falling in the jurisdictionof Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) is the responsibility of ICT Administration.

(b) With the increase in population work is initiated on new schemewhich are mostly tube wells. The activity coincides with the development plan.

108. Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate the per head fee charged from the students who were givenadmission against the seats reserved for Overseas Pakistanis andforeigners in Private Medical Colleges of Islamabad during the lastfive years?

Reply not received.

109. Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) the prescribed procedure to dispose of the scrap of PakistanRailways; and

(b) whether the scrap has been disposed of during the year 2013-14?

Minister for Railways (Khawaja Saad Rafique) : (a) To make thescrap sale more transparent, the present Government has revised policy for thedisposal of scrap which has been implemented in October 2013. The procedureto dispose of the scrap as per revised policy is as under:

• The tenders are widely publicized through advertisement onnewspapers and Railway website.

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• The scrap lots are made of identical nature of scrap items andmaximum lot size is 2000 Metric Tons.

• Ferrous and Non-Ferrous scrap items are not bulked.

• The bids are opened in the presence of three Grade-19 officerscommittee.

• The successful bidder is to deposit 50% payment at the time of signingthe contract while remaining 50% amount is paid within 30 daysafter signing the contract.

• The delivery of scrap is not made after sunset.

• The delivery of scrap is made in the presence Vigilance, Accountsand Police Department’s representatives.

The tenders for disposal of scrap are now being regularly floated andprocessed according to above revised policy.


Year Scrap disposed of Amount(Metric Ton) (Rs. in million)

——————————————————————————————2013-14 10855.672 452.889(till date)


110. Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate the total number of free and concessional tickets granted to theemployees of the PIA during the year 2013-14?

Reply not received.

111. Ms. Shahnaz Saleem Malik:

Will the Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritagebe pleased to refer to Un-Starred Question No.76 replied on 27-2-2014 and to state:

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(a) whether it is a fact that a case for promotion against the postsof Director Programme and Director Engineer was sent to theMinistry after one year of availabilities of posts; if so, the reasonsthereof;

(b) whether it is a fact that completing of Performance EvaluationReports (PERs) is responsibility of office concerned; if so, failureof office to complete PERs on time is tantamount to deprive thelegitimate right of official to promotion;

(c) if so, the steps being taken by the Ministry to convene the meetingof selection board at the earliest to fill the said posts; and

(d) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Ministryto investigate the delay in matter?

Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage(Mr. Pervaiz Rashid): (a) Yes, it is a fact that the case for filling the vacant postsof Director Programme and Director Engineering was referred to the Ministryafter one year. Posts of Director Programme and Director Engineering fell vacanton 07-06-2012 & 31-05-2012 respectively, whereas the case for filling up thevacant post of Director Programme and Director Engineering was referred to theMinistry on 17-05-2013 (copy enclosed).

The case was not referred to Ministry by the then PBC Management onthe plea that PBC had taken up a case for revision in the Selection Criteria ofDirectors. The proposed criteria was approved by the Board on 07-08-2012.However, the said criteria was challenged in the court of law by the senior officersof the Engineering Wing and the case became subjudice.

The present Director General took office on 03-05-2013. The matter forfilling up the vacant post of Director Programme and Director Engineering wasimmediately taken up. It was observed that the revised criteria required the approvalof the Establishment Division before becoming a part of PBC’s APT Regulations.Therefore the case was referred to the Ministry on the existing criteria, aftercompleting all codal formalities on 17-05-2013.

(b) Yes, it is responsibility of the concerned office to complete thePerformance Evaluation Reports. The then Director General had not written/countersigned the Performance Evaluation Reports for the year 2010-2011 &

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2012 of the officers included in the panel. Efforts were made to complete the PERwhich were required for consideration of appointment to the post of DirectorProgamme and Director Engineering. As some of the Performance EvaluationReports were not countersigned by the then Director General, therefore, thecompetent authority decided to file blank Performance Evaluation Reports withoutcountersignature of the then Director General as specified under the rules.Accordingly, the case was referred to the Ministry. The Ministry raised certainqueries in respect of the officers included in the panel, which were duly replied byPBC (copies enclosed). However, before the meeting of the Selection Boardcould be convened, the officers included in the panel retired from service andrevised panels were required to be submitted. Moreover, Performance EvaluationReports for the year ending December, 2013 also became due. The same areunder submission to the Secretary Ministry of IB&NH for countersignatures (copyenclosed).

(c) As submitted in the foregoing paras, meeting of the Selection Boardwill be convened on April 9,2014, after including the Performance EvaluationReports for the year-2013.

(d) Yes, there is proposal in the Ministry to investigate the delay in thematter, as the delay primarily pertains to the period of the ex-Director General,PBC. A Two members team (Director media, M/o I,B&NH and Deputy Secretary(P), will submit its report within one week

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

112. Ms. Belum Hasnain:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate:

(a) the details of total amount of loss caused to the Governmentexchequer due to grey trafficking during the last two years;

(b) the details of cases of grey trafficking detected during the saidperiod; and

(c) the detail of punishments awarded to the culprits alongwith theirnames and addresses?

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Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) The estimated lossof grey traffic cannot be predicted. Since 2009, Pakistan TelecommunicationAuthority (PTA) conducted 122 raids, with the assistance of Federal InvestigationAgency (FIA), which led to a saving of over 5.78 Million US dollars to theUniversal Service Fund (USF). Year wise summary is attached as Annexure A.

Furthermore the Grey routes are transversing via multiple paths usingsubmarine cables and satellite. In addition, advanced techniques and tools likecompression and load balancing are used by grey traffickers. So it is very difficultto quantify the exact amount of grey traffic.

(b) A total of 56 joint raids with FIA have been carried out acrossPakistan in 2012-2013 and consequently 47 persons including one foreigner wereapprehended besides confiscation of 406 Illegal Gateway equipments.

(c) No punishments awarded during the aforesaid period, as the casesare being pursued by FIA and PTA, jointly in the court of law.


Summary of Raid Action Taken Against Grey Traffickers——————————————————————————————

Estimated Saving Arrest Confiscation to USF per month

—————————————————————— if setup remainedYear Raid Local Foreigners Gateways Tellular functional

Conducted Persons (Million $)———————————————————————————————————————————

2009 25 22 3 35 168 2.74

2010 20 19 3 29 155 2.29

2011 20 9 - 10 45 0.62

2012 1 1 - - - -

2013 55 45 1 306 100 0.13

2014 1 2 - 11 - -

———————————————————————————————————————————Total 122 98 7 391 468 5.78

——————————————————————————————Formula Used For Loss CalculationTotal Minutes * (APC Rate* Dollar Rate - Mobile Termination Rate) = Total Estimated Saving in US$.

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113. Ms. Belum Hasnain:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate the steps being taken by the Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal for welfare oforphan and patients at present?

Reply not received.

114. Mr. Ramesh Lal:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that CDA has not nominated any firm todevelop sector I-15 so far; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(b) the time by which the development work of the said sector willbe started?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) After balloting ofFlats and Plots of Sector I-15 in August 2005, CDA awarded the developmentwork of Sector to M/s Al-Khan Construction Company on turn key basis. Contractof M/s Al-Khan was terminated in April. 2007 for not starting work. CDA thenhired M/s Designmen to design the Infrastructure services of the Sector. Internationalfirms were also invited for presentation on construction or 8000 flats with tunnelform technology however the estimated cost with the technology was highcomparing, the price offered to allottees.

Later C.D.A in consultation with Government of Pakistan initiatedinternational Competitive Bidding, on Design Build and Finance basis and three(03) firms were pre-qualified. Only one (01) firm. M/s CMEC. submitted theirbid. However their bid was on higher side. Furthermore as per PPIZA’s clarification,as negotiations were not allowed the bids are to be called afresh.

The bidding process could not be finalized as during pre-bid meeting M/sCMEC raised the requirement of confirmation of Sovereign Guarantee ofGovernment of Pakistan. After visit of President of Pakistan to Beijing in June2012. a MoU was signed with M/s CRFG who in JV with M/s CMEC were totake up the project. Later it was advised by PPRA to initiate bidding processafresh, as the JV was not allowed. The validity of MoU has also expired inDecember, 2012.

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Now CDA Board in its meeting held on 17-06-2013 has decided torevert from vertical to horizontal development in sector I-15 by planning plotsinstead of 8000 flats. The re-planning of sector is in process.

(b) Upon finalization of revised Planning of Sector, the developmentwork will start after completing tendering process and is planned to be completedwithin 03 years thereafter.

115. Ms. Naeema Kishwar Khan:

Will the Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation be pleased to state:

(a) the number of persons recruited on adhoc, contract andpermanent basis in the Bacha Khan University, Charsaddaduring the year 2013-14 alongwith the details thereof;

(b) the procedure adopted for the said recruitments;

(c) whether a merit list was prepared therefor, if so, the detailsthereof;

(d) the locations alongwith the date on which tests and interviewswere conducted thereof; and

(e) the names of the newspapers in which the said posts wereadvertised?

Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation: (a) No person has been recruited on adhoc and permanent basis inBacha Khan University, Charsadda during the 2013-14. However, 248 employeeswere appointed on contract basis in the university. The list of these employees isattached at Annex-I.

(b) The university is in the process of framing its own statutes which willbe approved by the Senate in due course of time. Therefore, in order to overcomethe shortage of staff and to run the university affairs in the beginning, contractappointments were made in accordance with the powers vested with the university

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under clause 6(v), 11(5)(c) and 11(5)(d) of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa UniversitiesAct 2012 as temporary and stop - gap arrangement. After approval of the statutes,the contract appointees will either be regularized or relieved as per relevant law.

(c) Not applicable in view of the para (b) above.

(d) Not applicable.

(e) Not applicable.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

116. Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho:

Will the Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation be pleased to state the semester-wise fee charged by theFederal Government Universities separately during th year 2012-13till date?

Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation: The semester-wise fees charged by each Federal GovernmentUniversity during the year 2012-13 till date is attached at Annex-A.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

117. Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to revise the curriculum of Federal Schools and Colleges;if so, when it will be implemented?

Reply not received.

118. Ms. Nafeesa Inayatullah Khan Khattak:

Will the Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation be pleased to state:

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(a) whether it is a fact that the English Language Teaching Reforms(ELTR) projects were launched by the Higher EducationCommission (HEC) during the year 2010; if so, the phase wisebeneficiaries thereof; and

(b) the total amount of funds utilized by the HEC under the saidprojects as on 31-12-2013?

Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation: (a) Yes, English Language Teaching Reforms (ELTR) projects Phase-I & II were launched by Higher Education Commission (HEC) on July 2004 andApril 2010 respectively. The phase wise beneficiaries are attached at Annex-I.

(b) Rs.89.06 million have been utilize by the HEC under said projectsas on 31-12-2013. The detail of funds is attached at Annex-II.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

119. Ms. Nafeesa Inayatullah Khan Khattak:

Will the Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Higher Education Commission hasreceived loans/grants from the World Bank for its up-gradationduring the last five years till date; if so, the year-wise detailsalongwith the purposes and utilization thereof; and

(b) the name of institutions benefitted therefrom?

Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation: (a) The Higher Education Commission has not received loan/grantsfrom the World Bank during last five years.

However, in 2011, the Economic Affairs Division, Government of Pakistanhas signed an agreement with the International Development Agency (IDA) forTertiary Education Support Program (TESP) for implementation of the HigherEducation Medium Term Development Framework II. The initial agreement wasfor US $ 300 Million and revised to US $ 222/- million in February 2014. Under

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this agreement the Government of Pakistan has so far received budgetary supportof approx.US $120 Million as follows:———————————————————————————————

FY Year US $ (Million)——————————————————————————————

2011-12 49.8592012-13 28.2012013-14 41.896

——————————————————————————————Total 119.956


Since the budgetary support is given to the Government of Pakistan, MoFFinance through Economic Affairs Division, there is no other direct beneficiaryinstitution. However, disbursement of the loan is linked to meeting certain targetscalled Disbursement linked Indicators (DLI’s). Under the agreement, HEC beingthe Implementing Agency, has to achieve targets against which the Government ofPakistan receives budgetary support from IDA in the form of loan for followingheads called eligible expenditures:

1. PhD scholarships (indigenous & Overseas).

2. Tenure Track System

3. Pakistan Education Research Network

4. National Research Program for Universities

5. International Research Support Initiatives Program

6. Recurrent Grant to Universities and other Institutions

7. Technical Assistance for Capacity Building.

Details of the TESP Project are also available on World Bank website at;


(b) Government of Pakistan w.r.t. budget only support under TESP. HECimproved annual Development recurrent public financing.

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120. Sahibzada Muhammad Yaqub:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate:

(a) the details of services/facilities being provided by the PakistanBait-ul-Mal (PBM) at present;

(b) the number of departments/institutions working under theadministrative control of the PBM;

(c) the year and head wise total amount spent by the PBM duringthe last five years; and

(d) the details of people belonging to District Dir Lower benefitedfrom PBM during the said period?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) As per informationprovided by the Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM), the organization is presently providingfollowing services/ facilities:—

I. Individual Financial Assistance(IFA)Financial assistance to the poor for Medical Education andRehabilitation.

II. Pakistan Sweet HomesHome-like environment to the orphans.

III. Eradication of child labour by educating them upto primary level.

IV. Vocational training to widows, orphans and poor girls;

V. Eliminating vicious cycle of poverty through human empowerment;and

VI. Wheel chairs, prostheses, hearing aids to special persons;

(b) Nil

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(c) The year and head-wise details of expenditure incurred by PBMduring the last five years is as under:—


———————————————————————————————————————————Financial Year

Sr. (Amount Rupees in Millions)No. Head ——————————————————————————————

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13———————————————————————————————————————————

i. Individual Financial 36.771 53.372 19.767 36.321 71.872Assistance

ii Child Support 720.032 2,018.624 2,487.054 961.907 1,156.057Programme

iii Projects 355.048 479.916 1,133.928 861.950 925.495

iv Endowment Fund 57.928 56.499 60.181 39.841 49.180

v Internally Displaced 498.306 144.914 4.139 1.931 —Persons (IDPs)

vi Jinnah Burn Centre 110.000 — — 350.000 —

vii Administration 326.071 408.076 501.862 600 341 754.063———————————————————————————————————————————

Grand Total 2,104.156 3,161.401 4,206.931 2,852.291 2,956.667

——————————————————————————————(d) The details of people, belonging to District Dir Lower, benefited

from BM during the last five years is Annexed.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

121. Sahibzada Muhammad Yaqub:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to allot agro farms in Islamabad during the current year;if so, the criteria to be adopted therefor?

Reply not received.

122. Mr. Sher Akbar Khan:

Will the Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation be pleased to state:

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(a) whether it is a fact that retired employees have been appointedon the posts of Registrar, Controller Examination and Treasurerin Urdu University Islamabad; if so, the justification therefor;

(b) whether it is also a fact that professors, Dean and officers arebeing appointed on exorbitant remunerations without approvalof the selection board of the said University;

(c) if so, the justification therefor alongwith the rules under whichthose appointments are being made?

Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation: (a) Yes, Registrar and Controller of Examinations are retired personnelwho are the Professors of Chemistry and Botany. However, Treasurer is not aretired person. Due to ban on recruitment, University cannot hire regular personnelfor the post of Registrar and Controller of the Examinations. The presentarrangement is till the ban is lifted and regular personnel are appointed.

(b) No, the Professors, Deans and officers are being appointed with theapproval of the selection board on the salary as per rules and procedures laiddown in relevant rules.

(c) In view of above, the question does not arise and hence notapplicable.

123. Mr. Sher Akbar Khan:

Will the Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation be pleased to state;

(a) whether it is a fact that the qualification of the candidates havingdone M. Phil has not been mentioned in the lists prepared forappointments of Lecturers in Political Science in the HazaraUniversity, Mansehra during the last five years till date; if so,the reasons thereof;

(b) whether it is also a fact that the said qualification has not beenmentioned by the administration of the said University to adjustthe contractual Lecturers of the same subjects; if so, thejustification thereof alongwith the action taken against theresponsible so far; and

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(c) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theUniversity to appoint the candidates having M. Phil on the saidposts; if so, when it will be implemented; if not, the reasonsthereof?

Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation: (a) Hazara University Service Statutes, requirements for the post oflecturers are as under (Schedule “A” appended to service statutes HEC approvedcriteria) “Master Degree (First Class) in the relevant field with no 3rd divisionin the academic career from HEC recognized university / institution”.

The MPhil qualification is over above the required qualification hence ithas not been mentioned in the advertisement for the post of Lecturer in all disciplineincluding the discipline of Political Science. MPhil (Pakistan) MS Foreignqualification is required for the post of Assistant Professor in all disciplines is beingadvertised accordingly.

(b) No, as mentioned above, MPhil qualification is not the requirementfor the post of Lecturer. If a candidate having MPhil qualification applies for thepost of Lecturer is given due weight-age of higher qualification by the SelectionBoard.

(c) The university is already giving due weight-age to M.Phil./MS(foreign) candidates applying for the post of Lecturers as their qualification ishigher than the required.

124. Mr. Muhammad Muzammil Qureshi:

Will the Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritagebe pleased to state the political party-wise total number ofadvertisements given on electronic media during election campaignfrom March to May, 2013 alongwith air time and cost thereof?

Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage(Mr. Pervaiz Rashid): Total 62,622/- advertisements regarding the electioncampaign of political parties have been telecasted by 69 different TV channelsfrom 17th March to 11th May 2013 (Annex-I). Party wise breakup is as follow:—

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——————————————————————————————Party No. of No of

Advertisements Channels——————————————————————————————

Pakistan Peoples Party 26,237 51PTI 16,363 56PML(N) 12,521 50PML (Q) 1,978 25JIP 1,555 22MQM 1,482 29PML (F) 1286 09APLM 754 31Mustaqbal Pakistan 182 03Majlis Wahadat-e-Muslimeen 136 07Awami Jamhoori Itehad Pakistan 61 02Awami National Party 31 03Tehreek e Soba Hazara 16 01Pakistan Justice Party 09 01Awami Muslim League 08 01Jamiat Ulema-e- Islam 04 02


2. It is pertinent to mention here that the cost of advertisement/ paymentto channels does not fall under the ambit of PEMRA.

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125. Mr. Muhammad Muzammil Qureshi:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate whether it is a fact that the deputationists working in certaindepartments of the Ministries/Divisions have not been repatriated totheir parent departments so far; if so, the reasons thereof?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: Para 5 of EstablishmentDivision, Office Memorandum No.1/2/75-ARC dated 27th January, 1975, asamended, constituting the Office Management Group (OMG), provides that Ten(10) percent of the duty post of Section Officers in Federal Secretariat are reservedfor appointment on deputation on tenure basis or by transfer of officers in BS-17and BS-18 from other occupational groups / cadres and provincial civil servants.

According to the instructions contained in ESTACODE 2007 the initialdeputation period is three years extendable two years with the approval ofcompetent authority. After the expiry of five years no one can remain on deputation.Moreover, every deputationist on the last date of specific period shouldautomatically stand relieved of his duties unless the orders of the competent authorityhave been obtained in advance extending the period.

It is, therefore, a routine process that deputationists are repatriated totheir parent departments after completion of specified period of deputation.

126. Shaikh Rohale Asghar:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state whether there isany proposal under consideration of the Government to ply/introducelocal railway train from Islamabad to Rawalpindi; if so, when it willbe implemented alongwith the details thereof?

Minister for Railways (Khawaja Saad Rafique): At present there isno such proposal to introduce local train from Islamabad to Rawalpindi.

127. Shaikh Rohale Asghar:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate the total number of schools and colleges of Islamabad separatelyin which facility of evening classes is available at present?

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Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: At present 08 Schoolsand 22 Colleges are running evening shift in Islamabad Capital Territory underFederal Directorate of Education, Islamabad. The list is placed at Annex-A.


LIST OF SCHOOLS/COLLEGES HAVING EVENING SHIFT—————————————————————————————— S# INSTITUTION——————————————————————————————

(1) Islamabad College for Boys G-6/3, Islamabad(2) Islamabad Model College for Boys F-8/4, Islamabad(3) Islamabad Model College for Boys F-7/3, Islamabad(4) Islamabad Model College for Boys G-10/4, Islamabad(5) Islamabad Model College for Boys F-10/3, Islamabad(6) Islamabad Model College for Boys I-10/1, Islamabad(7) Islamabad Model College for Boys I-8/3, Islamabad(8) Islamabad Model College for Boys F-11/1, Islamabad(9) Islamabad Model College for Boys G-11/1, Islamabad

(10) Islamabad College for Girls F-6/2, Islamabad(11) Islamabad Model College for Girls F-6/2, Islamabad(12) Islamabad Model College for Girls F-7/4, Islamabad(13) Islamabad Model College for Girls F-10/2, Islamabad(14) Islamabad Model College for Girls F-8/1, Islamabad(15) Islamabad Model College for Girls G-10/2, Islamabad(16) Islamabad Model College for Girls I-8/4, Islamabad(17) Islamabad Model College for Girls I-10/4, Islamabad(18) Islamabad Model College for Girls Korang Town, Islamabad(19) Islamabad Model Postgraduate College of Commerce, H-8/4, Islamabad(20) Islamabad Model Postgraduate College, H-8, Islamabad(21) Islamabad Model College for Boys, H-9, Islamabad(22) Islamabad Model School for Boys (I-V), Jhangi Syedan, Islamabad(23) Islamabad Model School for Boys (I-V), Drek Mohri, Islamabad(24) Islamabad Model School for Boys (I-X), Saidpur, Islamabad(25) Islamabad Model School for Boys (I-VIII), Alipur Frash, Islamabad(26) Islamabad Model School for Boys (I-X), Khanna Nai Abadi, Islamabad(27) Islamabad Model School for Boys (I-X), Khanna Dak, Islamabad(28) Islamabad Model School for Boys (VI-X), E-9, Islamabad(29) Islamabad Model School for Boys (Tech), G-7/4, Islamabad(30) Islamabad Model College for Girls, I-9/1, Islamabad


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128. Syed Waseem Hussain:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the land of Pakistan Railways includingPlot No.E/369 has been illegally occupied in Hyderabad, Sindh;

(b) whether it is also a fact that the luxury hotel has been constructedthereupon;

(c) if the answers to part (a) and (b) above are in the affirmative,the steps being taken by the Ministry to get vacated the saidland?

Minister for Railways (Khawaja Saad Rafique) : (a), (b) & (c) Theland of plot No. E/369 (Hyderabad Sindh) does not fall within the railway boundary.Therefore no action is required to be taken in this regard by Pakistan Railways.

129. Syed Waseem Hussain:

Will the Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritagebe pleased to state the total number of licences issued to establishnew Television Channels during the year 2011-12 alongwith the detailsthereof?

Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage(Mr. Pervaiz Rashid): As per information provided by (PEMRA)

No licence for new television channel has been awarded during the year2011-2012.

130. Ms. Aisha Syed:

Will the Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation be pleased to state:

(a) the date by which the National Internship Programme (NIP)was launched alongwith the prescribed criteria thereof;

(b) the district-wise total number of unemployed youth benefitedfrom the said programme so far?

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Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation: (a) The National Internship Programme (NIP) was launched on14-3-2007.

The prescribed eligibility criteria had been 16 years HEC recognized degreewith upper age limit of 25 years.

(b) District-wise data of beneficiaries is placed at Annexure-A.

It is further submitted that in all, about 99,306 eligible applicants havebeen offered internship since 14th March, 2007 to 31st December, 2013. Theyear-wise and region-wise summary is placed at Annexure-B.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

131. Mr. Iftikhar Ud Din:

Will the Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritagebe pleased to state whether there is any proposal under considerationof the Government to increase the service of Radio Pakistan to coverentire District of Chitral; if so, when it will be implemented?

Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage(Mr. Pervaiz Rashid): At present, entire district Chitral is being covered by themedium wave transmitter of 400 KW power installed at Peshawar and of 100KW power operating from D.I.Khan.

In near future (September 2014), district Chitral will also be covered by500 KW power transmitter being installed at Faqeerabad.

132. Mr. Iftikhar Ud Din:

Will the Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the feasibility study has not beenconducted for the establishment of the campus of the Universityof Engineeving and Technology Peshawar at Chitral; if so, thetime by which Higher Education Commission will conduct thefeasibility study therefor; and

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(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to include the establishment of said campus in thePublic Sector Development Programme; if so, when it will beimplemented?

Minister for Education, Trainings and Standards in HigherEducation: No feasibility study has been conducted for the establishment ofcampus of University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar at Chitral.

(b) There is no such proposal under consideration of the Government toinclude the establishment of said campus in the Public Sector DevelopmentProgramme.

133. Mr. Waseem Akhtar Shaikh:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate:

(a) the year wise total amount allocated and provided underBalochistan Package during the last five years;

(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to allocate funds for Balochistan under the saidpackage in the future; if so, when it will be implemented; and

(c) whether it is a fact that the targets fixed under the said packagehave been achieved; if so, the details; if not, the reasons thereof?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan Package (AHBP) provided 61 policy actions including Constitutional,Political, and Economic measures to address Balochistan-specific issues. ThePackage included a number of fundings for development projects. Finance Divisionreleased an amount of Rs. 1.00 billion to the Government of Balochistan videSanction letter No. 3(5)PF-III/2009-10/148 dated 6th March 2010, on accountof resettlement of IDPs of Dera Bugti District.

On account of arrears (1954 to 1991-92) of Gas Development Surcharge(GDS), an amount of Rs. 120.000.0 million was agreed to be paid in 12 yearsw.e.f 2010- 11. Details are as follows:

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Rs. In Million FY Release2010-11 10,000.02011-12 10,000.02012-13 10,000.02013-14 7,066.4

(as on February 2014)

Finance Division released an amount of Rs. 3,331.240 million on accountof financing 5000 newly created posts in Balochistan for four years w.e.f 2010-11. Details are as follows:—

Rs. In Million FY Release2010-11 940.0002011-12 808.7702012-13 869.9702013-14 712.500

(as on February 2014)(b) Future allocation is subject to availability of funds with the relevant

Ministries/Divisions/Government of Balochistan.

(c) Out 0161 policy actions. 43 have been implemented and theremaining 18 policy actions are under process. The details are at Annexure-I.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

134. Mr. Waseem Akhtar Shaikh:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased torefer to Un-starred Question No. 129, replied on 06-02-2014 and tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that the post of Assistant was up-gradedfrom BS-11 to BS-14 during the year 2007;

(b) whether it is also a fact that certain posts having the samequalification as that of Assistant have been upgraded and placedin BS-15 and 16 during the recent years;

(c) if the answers to part (a) and (b) above are in affirmative, thejustification thereof; and

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(d) the steps being taken to upgrade the post of Assistant inconformity with such other posts which were upgraded to BS 15and 16?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) Yes.

(b) No.

(c) The answers to para (a) above is affirmative, the comments to para(b) above is not affirmative.

(d) The up-gradation of post is made, if it is covered under this Division’spolicy for up-gradation/re-designation of posts contained O.M. No. 8/36/2000-R-I, dated 20-1-2001. The issue for up-gradation of the post of Assistant fromBPS-14 to BPS-16 was examined by a committee constituted by Finance Divisionon 19-10-2011. The committee unanimously agreed that the issue is not coveredunder Establishment Division’s up-gradation policy referred above.

135. Mr. Siraj Muhammad Khan:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate the name of airports of the country on which ILS Cat-III (C)system has been installed so far?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) At present, noairport in Pakistan is equipped with ILS Cat-III (C) facility. However, Lahore &New Islamabad airports have been planned.

136. Mr. Siraj Muhammad Khan:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate whether it is a fact that garbage is being burnt continuously inIslamabad causing considerable damage to public health and theenvironment; if so, the steps taken by the Government in this regard?

Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: No garbage is beingburnt in Islamabad

In this regard it is submitted that Islamabad generates about 550-600metric tons of garbage daily, due domestic and commercial activities.

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Entire garbage is being collected on daily basis and stored in garbagetrolleys (1.1 M3) and skips (large garbage Containers), placed at designated points-in entire city, for its further transportation to final disposal site through GarbageCompactors, Skip Lifting Vehicles etc.

137. Sheikh Salahuddin:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate the steps being taken to provide the latest modern facilities tothe emergency/casualty cases in the Federal Government Hospitals?

Reply not received.

138. Maulana Muhammad Gohar Shah:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) the total land of Pakistan Railways in district Charsadda atpresent; and

(b) the details of said land given on lease during the last five yearstill date alongwith the period and names of lessees thereof?

Minister for Railways (Khawaja Saad Rafique) : (a) That total landof Pakistan Railways in District Charsadda at present is 136.18 acres.

(b) The details of land leased out at Charsadda during the last five yearsis as under:——————————————————————————————

Location Name of Area of purpose Period of lease Approved rate inlessee land (acres) rupees

———————————————————————————————————————————20-5-2010 Rs. 12000/- per

Charasadda Khalilullah 3.00 Agriculture t o acre per annum19-5-2016

28-9-2013 Rs. 122,388/-do Qasim Khan 0.23 Nursery t o per annum


Total land leased out 3.23———————————————————————————————————————————

Page 58: (10th Session) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT the Pakistan Railways is earning profit at present; if so, the profit earned during the year 2013-14? Minister for Railways (Khawaja Saad


139. Maulana Muhammad Gohar Shah:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Railway Station Charsadda has beenclosed; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(b) the steps being taken by the Government to reopen/make thesaid station functional ?

Minister for Railways (Khawaja Saad Rafique) : (a) CharsaddaRailway station is operationally fit and may be opened for both Passenger andFreight traffic. However, due to shortage of Locomotives and deteriorated trackcondition, initially Passenger traffic was suspended in 1995 while Freight traffichas been suspended since 07-02-2010.

(b) Once the track renewal be arranged and position of Locomotivesgets better the operation of both freight and passenger trains will be considered.

140. Malik Abdul Ghaffar Dogar:

Will the Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that a number of left over cases of the TrainedGraduate Teachers/Junior Lady Teachers (BPS-16) working inthe Islamabad Model Colleges for their up-gradation/promotionto the post of Secondary School Teachers (BPS-17) are pendingin the Federal Directorate of Education, Islamabad for the last1-1/2 year;

(b) if so, the names, father’s names, date of appointment, length ofservice and date of promotion of those teachers including thenominees of FPSC;

(c) whether it is also a fact that a number of said teachers areworking on temporary, contract and daily wages basis; if so,the reasons alongwith the details thereof; and

(d) whether there is any proposal under consideration to promotethose teachers; if so, when it will be implemented?

Page 59: (10th Session) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT the Pakistan Railways is earning profit at present; if so, the profit earned during the year 2013-14? Minister for Railways (Khawaja Saad


Minister Incharge of the Cabinet Secretariat: (a) Some TrainedGraduate Teachers /Junior Lady Teachers (BPS-16) working in the IslamabadModel Schools/Colleges have not been upgraded/promoted to the post ofSecondary School Teacher (BPS-17) due to various reasons such as shortage inrequisite length of service (3 years in BPS-16), non provision of ACRs and somewere on study leave at the time of their promotion.

(b) The information is placed at Annex-A.

(c) All of them are regular employees.

(d) The promotion cases of those teachers are under preparation andshall be submitted before the Departmental Promotion Committee shortly.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)


ISLAMABAD:The 1st April, 2014.

PCPPI—417 (2014) NA—1-4-2014—650.