10 TH ANNUAL UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND UPDATE JOHN HEITMANN [email protected] (202) 342-8544 BRAD CURRIER [email protected] (202) 342-8465 STEVEN AUGUSTINO [email protected] (202) 342-8612 MARCH 6, 2019 DENISE SMITH [email protected] (202) 342-8614 AVONNE BELL [email protected] (202) 342-8503

10TH ANNUAL UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND UPDATE · Agenda 2019 Form 499-A Changes and Reminders USF Contributions USF Audits USAC Audit Trends 2019: What to Watch in USAC Audits Major USF

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Page 1: 10TH ANNUAL UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND UPDATE · Agenda 2019 Form 499-A Changes and Reminders USF Contributions USF Audits USAC Audit Trends 2019: What to Watch in USAC Audits Major USF


JOHN [email protected] (202) 342-8544

BRAD [email protected] (202) 342-8465

STEVEN [email protected](202) 342-8612

MARCH 6, 2019

DENISE [email protected] (202) 342-8614

AVONNE [email protected] (202) 342-8503

Page 2: 10TH ANNUAL UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND UPDATE · Agenda 2019 Form 499-A Changes and Reminders USF Contributions USF Audits USAC Audit Trends 2019: What to Watch in USAC Audits Major USF

Agenda 2019 Form 499-A Changes and Reminders

USF Contributions

USF Audits

USAC Audit Trends

2019: What to Watch in USAC Audits

Major USF Program Developments


Schools and Libraries

Rural Broadband/Healthcare Connect Fund

Connect America Fund/Mobility Fund

USF Enforcement

FCC USF Enforcement Actions

OIG and Third Party Enforcement2

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2019 FORM 499A

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2019 Form 499A – Changes

2019 Form 499A

Incorporates new definitions for international service reporting

Potentially unintended substantive changes

Reseller certification

USAC template reseller certificate

Text Messaging

Classified as information service

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2019 Form 499A – Procedural Reminders

No changes to DCIA

USAC may refer delinquent fees directly to US Treasury for collection

Onus on contributor to monitor delinquent payments

USAC puts delinquent carriers on Red Light Status


2019 Form & revisions to 2018 Form due by April 1

No exceptions for downward


Late filing fees will not be


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Major 2018 USF Program Developments Contributions

USF Contribution Factor

20% for two quarters (highest ever)

Will this be the year for USF contributions reform?

Contribution reform is necessary and overdue


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USAC Audit Trends – BCAP Audits


USAC implementing a hybrid audit selection model

Trend is increased audits; except for contributors

Contributor High Cost Low Income Schools & Libraries Rural Health Care

2017 Audits Planned 20 35 42 60 3

2018 Audits Planned 19 10 28 40 2

2019 Audits Planned 9 22 5 59 20








USAC Planned Audits

2017 Audits Planned 2018 Audits Planned 2019 Audits Planned


*Low income audits do not include mandatory biennial audits

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USAC Audit Trends - PQAs


FY2018 - $8.8M in improper payments identified

Decrease in most program PQAs

But Rural HealthCare added back to PQA focus














High Cost Low Income Schools and


Rural Healthcare

PQA Audits

2018 Completed and 2019 Planned

PQA Audits Completed 2018 PQA Audits Planned 2019

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USAC Audit Trends - Improper Payments


Continued focus on Improper Payments

USAC focusing on “real-time” audits to prevent improper payments

Increased percentage improper payments recovered in FY2018

USF Program Recommended Recovery

Total Disbursements


Recommended Recovery %


Contributor $29M N/A N/A

High Cost $2.7M $46.1M 5.85%

Low Income $0.6M $17.7M 3.39%

Schools and Libraries $2.8M $26M 10.76%

Rural Healthcare $1.3M $18M 7.22%

Total $36.4M $107.8M

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USAC Audits – What to Watch for in 2019


USAC working to decrease audit timeframes

Continued use of third-party resources to conduct audits

Team-based audit staffing could increase company response burdens









Contributor High Cost Low Income Schools and







Average Audit Duration

Current v Goal

Current Goal

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Major 2018 USF Program Developments Lifeline


National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier (NLEV)

Initial launch in 2018…to be completed in 2019

Stakeholders have expressed concerns about implementation

NLEV in many states lacks access to state databases

Subscriber re-verification and deenrollment process under scrutiny

USAC adopted significant limits on use of SNAP and Medicaid cards to demonstrate eligibility

NLEV lacks API to support carrier-assisted and online enrollment

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Major 2018 USF Program Developments Lifeline

NaLA v. FCC Decision

D.C. Circuit vacated and remanded Order limiting Tribal subsidy to “rural”

areas and facilities providers

Tribal Facilities Requirement and Rural Tribal Limitation found to be

arbitrary and capricious for lack of reasoned decision-making supported by

record evidence

FCC failed to consider the impact of its Tribal limitations on access and


Procedural deficiencies including a failure to hold a promised future

proceeding and inadequate notice also cited


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Major 2018 USF Program Developments Lifeline

2017 Digital Divide NPRM and LOI

Proposals to ban wireless resellers in doubt

Other proposals including a program spending cap and a maximum discount remain pending

Minimum service standards and voice sunset reconsideration petitions remain pending


American Broadband NAL


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Major 2018 USF Program Developments Schools and Libraries (E-Rate)

Category Two Budget

Set to expire after FY 2019

WCB recommends extension

and other improvements

FCC still needs to take action before FY 2020 window opens

Amortization Waiver

FCC extended waiver for FY 2019

FCC proposed elimination of requirement

Increased certainty and lower costs


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Major 2018 USF Program Developments Schools and Libraries (E-Rate)

California Wildfires

FCC extended filing deadlines to April 3, 2019 for:

o Requests for review or waiver of USAC decisions

o Form 486 submissions (Receipt of Service Confirmation)

o Form 472 submissions (Billed Entity Applicant Reimbursement Form)

Waived document retention rules (subject to limitations)


Limited FCC enforcement

Major DOJ prosecutions


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Major 2018 USF Program Developments Rural Healthcare Fund / Rural Broadband


Rural Healthcare (RHC) Funding Cap Order

Increased the annual RHC Program funding cap from $400M to $571M and apply it to FY2017;

Implemented an annual adjustment for the funding cap for inflation, beginning with FY2018; and

Established a process to carry-forward unused funds from past funding years for use in future funding years.

Connected Care Pilot Program

FCC released an NOI seeking input on a $100M USF pilot to promote telehealth for low income Americans and veterans

Enforcement Actions

Dataconnex NAL (January 2018)

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Major 2018 USF Program Developments Connect America Fund

CAF Phase II Auction

Reverse auction completed

o 103 winning bidders; $1.49 billion in support over 10 years

o Long-form application review and approval

Approx. $140 million ready for authorization

o Service requirements

Post-Auction Transition

Incumbent price cap Phase II support

Elimination of Phase I support


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Major 2018 USF Program Developments Connect America Fund


Mobility Fund Phase II

Challenge process problems

Reverse auction delayed indefinitely

Puerto Rico/USVI Hurricane Relief

$64 million in immediate relief; additional funding teed up


Challenge process mapping investigations

Sandwich Isles

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2018 USF EnforcementDevelopments

Proposed Fraud Division

Reallocation of existing personnel/expertise

USF Strike Force replacement

Unanswered questions and overlapping jurisdiction

Aggressive OIG

Separate investigations

USF suspension/debarment reform

Statute of limitations for USF recovery


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2018 USF EnforcementTrends




Legal and procedural hurdles

No follow up…yet

Personal Liability

Piercing the corporate veil

FCC claims broad authority

Inability to Pay

FCC required to consider

But barriers rising, not falling

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2018 USF EnforcementOutlook


Reforms on the Horizon?

Limit USF recovery actions to seven years

USF enforcement action prioritization

Collection process tracking/improved DOJ referral process

Clarifying continuing violations

Enforcement shot clock

Elimination of ALJ

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JOHN HEITMANNPartnerCommunications (202) [email protected]

STEVE AUGUSTINOPartnerCommunications (202) [email protected]

DENISE SMITHSpecial CounselCommunications (202) [email protected]

BRAD CURRIERSenior AssociateCommunications(202) [email protected]

AVONNE BELLAssociateCommunications (202) [email protected]