MARVIN T. YU BSBA (Marketing) III BA 104 – Organizational Behavior REACTION PAPER NEGOSENTIALS : Unleashing the Youth’s Entrepreneurial Spirit We are all One Insight Away from Success Thinking about success, about individuals that started from something small and grew big, about those who continue to pursue and enjoy their passion while creating money (tons of money), it always amaze us how they become so successful. I want to be like them, we all do. What’s the secret? They say, it’s all inside the brain, you just need something to let it out. It is an insight, extraordinary, marvelous and crazy! As a youth, I’m blazing with ideas and dreams—most of us do and being a business student, I dream of putting up my own business. It happened to be a requirement for this course to attend a seminar about entrepreneurial spirit. I’m quite reluctant to attend for I’m thinking that I already knew most of the things the speaker will say. It turned out that I’m correct. Speakers discussed how success can be achieve with discipline, taking risk, being crazy and unique and being passionate of what you’re doing. I have attended many seminars like this one before but something in this event seems unusual. A quick look on those successful entrepreneurs and how they speak shows the paths they took are as unique as they are. But---and it’s a HUGE but--- while their behavior was idiosyncratic, their thinking was not. I always thought that all rich people wants to enjoy that wealthy life they worked for. And again, I’m correct! Mr. Aya Laraya,


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A reaction paper for Iloilo Negosentials

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MARVIN T. YU BSBA (Marketing) IIIBA 104 Organizational Behavior REACTION PAPERNEGOSENTIALS : Unleashing the Youths Entrepreneurial Spirit

We are all One Insight Away from Success Thinking about success, about individuals that started from something small and grew big, about those who continue to pursue and enjoy their passion while creating money (tons of money), it always amaze us how they become so successful. I want to be like them, we all do. Whats the secret? They say, its all inside the brain, you just need something to let it out. It is an insight, extraordinary, marvelous and crazy! As a youth, Im blazing with ideas and dreamsmost of us do and being a business student, I dream of putting up my own business. It happened to be a requirement for this course to attend a seminar about entrepreneurial spirit. Im quite reluctant to attend for Im thinking that I already knew most of the things the speaker will say. It turned out that Im correct. Speakers discussed how success can be achieve with discipline, taking risk, being crazy and unique and being passionate of what youre doing. I have attended many seminars like this one before but something in this event seems unusual. A quick look on those successful entrepreneurs and how they speak shows the paths they took are as unique as they are.But---and its a HUGE but--- while their behavior was idiosyncratic, their thinking was not. I always thought that all rich people wants to enjoy that wealthy life they worked for. And again, Im correct! Mr. Aya Laraya, one of the speakers sets out a clear reason to be rich and that is because of the life we always dream about. Leisure, comfort and money is not bad if you deserve it. Summing up all the individual ideologies, advocacies and values of all the speakers, I came up with an insight. It is a four step insight to achieve success.First is that they really love what they set out to do. They pursue the things and jobs they really want and passionate about. This idea is not new but it is always correct. If you dont have desire, you wont give anything your best and sincerest efforts. Their inspirations are never ending because of their passion for they always want to improve and master their craft.Second, they always begin the leap with a small step. Starting anything new and unfamiliar is risky. You dont want to move too far or too fast. Everything I know and read about entrepreneurs says they love risk. Nothing can be further from the truth. The truth is risk will always be a good friend for if you succeed or fail you will always learn something and use that to improve.Third is that after taking that small step, they stop to see what they have learned. Successful entrepreneurs always think. Maybe they learn their initial goal is still a good one. Maybe the market tells them they need to go in another direction. Maybe they learn that they dont have the desire anymore. The point is after taking the first small step, they come to a complete stop and consider everything.The last one I think is after understanding what they learned, they take another small step and go through the cycle again. I formulated an idea that success is figuring out what you truly want to do. And once you know: Start. Fail. Learn. Build. Repeat. My formula is evident with the speeches of Mr. Marco Lobregat (Ministry of Mushrooms) and Rita Neri (Rita Neri Event Planner). Mr. Marco said that we must not consider our career as a straight track. This is the best thing I heard in the seminar. We must always try things that we know we can do and improve on those we cannot. Ms. Rita said that in order to achieve the dream, we must love what we are doing. Find something we are willing to do without anything in return. Then look for someone who are willing to pay you for it. Simple, true and smart. Because of them I know that I have an insight that is feasible.The idea is a never ending cycle of knowing yourself and rebuilding it. I might say that this idea is my insight to achieve success. This has proven by many entrepreneurs and I know I have something really special to start with and Im one insight away from success yet a thousand steps too far.