101607455 Solidworks Drawings

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SolidWorks Drawings


h h h hI

T e m W o kA s/SloPenhgeni Koskitdetun 6 d Greve,2670 DK



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IIntrodution: About ThisCoursPIeIequisits CoursDsignPhilosohy........ Using this Bok A b o u tt h T r a i n i n g F i l s .. . . . ' . . . . Convntions Usd in this Book . . ' . Windws@ XP Us ofColor Clor Shms

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Lesson 1: Sheetsand Views Drawing

......2 ......2 ......2 '..... ..,...3 ......4 ......4 ......4 ......4 ......6 ......6 ......6 ......1 ......1 .8 .9 .9 11 t2..1,2 '. l .. 1 . ' 1

Drawing shets andViws. . .. .. . D t " i l i ' ' g .... . . . . ' . . P l p a l a t i o1 nb sI P f l o r D t i l i n 'g .. '. ' ' Pprin gDrawingShtsad Viws ' ' . Trmino|ogy \ 4 u l i p lD r a w i n g Shts '''.''....66fi.d o 1..r,inG

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s t t i n g s' . sht PropisDru ing Viws . Drawing Viws That Rquir Skthing ' . P a r n t s o f D r a w i n g V i . ' 's. ' ' . . ' . . ' . Drawing V i wN a m s ' . ' . . ' d d i n gD r w i n g ViWs '. '. '












i Lesson 2: Dimensions




Solidworks 2010


D b

Lesson : AnnotationsAdding Annotation s. . . . . .. .............52 Annotatio Tn yps ... ' ...... '..52 o m m o n h a l a t r i s t i os f n n t t i o n. s. . . . . ' . . . . . . . . ' . . ' 5 2 Adding Nots ... '...... ...52 A d d i n gD a t u mF a t u Symbols. .......54 A d d i n ga G o m t T i o l r a n S y m b o l . ..........56 Bloks... ..........61 C r t i a gB l o k . ..........61 M a k B l o k . ............. '62 Saving a Blok ..... '. '.. '.63 I n s I tl o k s . ........ '....6 xis10:Annotations . '. . . .. 65 xris1 1 ;U s i n ga B l o k '. . . ........ '..6.7 xris 12:Dimnsions and Annotations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 xris l 3 : V i w s n dD r i v n D i m n s i o n.s. . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . ' . ' ' 7 |

Lesson 4: Sheet Formats nd empltes

sh Fto l m a a ts nd Trmplat . .s Lsso T no p i s .


Drawing Tmplats D r a w i n g m l a t a s n dS h t Fotmats Lvels o f u s t o m i z i n. g. . . . . Plopfti s t h T r m p l a t r in .. U s e rD f i n d Proprti .s ..... I n s I t i n gu s t o mP r o p f i i . s. ' SolidWorks S i P l oprtis. W h a tM a k st h mS p i a l ? . '. s a Y i n gv i w s t a t s in Dmwings u s t o m i z i na gs h t F o r m a t''. Insrtin og L o b j t s. . . . . . BoM Anhor Point Saving a S h F t omt ....... Saving a Drwing T m p l a t'e . P o p u l a t i nP g r d f i n V di w s . Imortin Lg gy D a t a .. . . . ' A d d i n gR e l a t i o n t so t h F o r m a t Drawing m p l a tS e t t i n g . s. . Tmlats with Pdfind Viws U s i n ga D r a w i n g Tmplat ..

...........18 ...'........78........... ''79 ............79 ..'.......79 .............80 .. '.........80 '.... '..80 '.... '..80 .. '. '....80 .......80 '..........8l .......'.81 ...... '. ' 81 .. '.....81 ....'....81 .... '....82 ...... '.....82 ........85 .......'90 .. '.. ' 90 ....'....91


t t





Lesson 5: Views Assembly - Drawing Viws . . . . . . . Drawing Assmbly



Viws of Assmblis. Cating Automati tliding . Conflguations Viw. .. . Stin Brokn-out I{idingComponnts viWs ... ' Position Altmat Modl Viws' ploddViws . DisplayStats ris18:AssmlyViws xris19:AssmblyandPartViws . . . . . '


SoliJworks 2010

ontets DsignTb|sin Drring' d iingth Dsignable Using l. T s o m t rD i imnsions''.'..' F r i s 2 0C : ustomizinga Bo\,1 .''. tris 2l : Ho| l abls ris 22: Utilizing a Dsign tabl . Freris 2 J : U s i n gG n a l b | 's ......142 ...'..|4 ......14 ......14'7 ......t49 ...... 151 ......152 ......15

Lessn 7: Pefformane and DispIy Issues

Lesson 8: Dwing Referenes and omprison Rusinga Druing Fil ..'.' Chnging Drawing Rfrns. U s i n g D r o m p a.r. '.''. SolidWorksDsignChkr. Bild Chks. hk iv Dumnt ' ris26: Changinga Drawing RfIn. . . '. '. ris 2 7 : U s i n gB u i l d h k .

Pfbman nd Display Issus. LargAssmblyod . ..... LightwightDrawings . .. .'. Dynmi t{ighlight Disabld . Toggl Larg Assmbly od ' DtahdDrwings dvantags ol Dtahd Dwings. Prforman Fil siz . onr rsion FordRgnation. .. .. . .. a k i n g a B a k u pC o p y . . . . . Convrtto Dtahd.. ..'. . aking hangs to th RefrndAssembly. . . . Loading th odl Display Issusin Drawing Viws . IntIfrn Dttion. . . . . '. D i s p l a yQ u a l i t ys t t i n g s . . ' . . _ 1 ...... ' ris 2 4 :D t h d Drawings ris 25: Dtahd Dlawings .2

156 156 1s6 157 158 158 159 159 159 159 159 160 160 161 161 16 1,64 166 16',7 1.69 172 t15 r'71 178 178 180 18 185


Solidworks 2010

Lesson 9: Using Dimxpert and o|Ana|yst .'.......l88 Dirrprt ........ !88 .... T h D i m p t a n a g' ... '.... '.. 189 Fats. snd T o l r a nT y p a .. ' '.......\92 .. Sl l t i o n s.. . . . . Dimpf ..... '..... l94 lo Stting srD i m p r.t .. . . ' ' ..... '.... 194 Tl o l r a n v s 'G n r a B l o kT o l r a n '....... 195 . .. ' ' . . Ptl o p f i i .s Dimpr . . . . '......196 . . . . s h m Dimension Auto . . . .'' . 196 . . . . .' . . . . Works Shm Auto Dimnsion IIowth ... '... ' |96 Part. s. . n dT u r n d P i s m a ta i . '.....199 '..... T l r a nS t a t u' s Show ..''....199 . .s. . . imnsion T o l A n a l yD st ' '......200 TumdPa . .. . . .. ....20| i n u s. . . . . . Plus and Using 202 andDrawings Dimxprfi Annotations ' . . . . . . 2 04 ' . . . .. Using Dimpr t a n u a l l' y 205 Adding Datums. .. . .. . .. 208 . .. ' . . . o l r n . G o m t T i ... '....209 TolAnlyst. .. .. . . 209 TolAnalyst Study .......209 Componnts. D i m p r 1 iP na r t ... '....215 . .. . . A n a l y s iR s sults diting Appendix A; Preparationsfor Dtailing ...... ' '...2l8 Dtailin . .g. . Prparatif o n s Appendix B: Drawing Sheets and Views .. ' '..... '226 asn d V i w s . .' . D a w i nS gh t . ' ., ....226 N wD r w i nS gh e.t. . . . . . . ....,...228 dit D r a w i nS gh t '....229 D r a w i nV gi w s ' '.... '....,.229 v i wP a l t t . '.... '.... ' 20 M o d V 1i w s . ..,,... ' '23| Viws S t a n d a3 rd . . ........22 P r o j tV id w s . . ' . . . . '.....24 l iew t o M o d V Rlativ . . ' '... '..26 ' A u x i l i a rV yi w ' . ' '.., ' 2j8 ' . . . V i * , . Brokn . '......24], P a f i u t a w av yi W .... ' '..242 l lttndViw.. s h t t aF '...... '....244 S t i oV ni w . . '......251' A l i g eS d t i oV i W . . . . .' . ... '...... '..25 D t a ivl i W . '.. '.. ' '251 Brokn-u s t tiorl

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Crop Viw. mpty viw Skthing a Rotatd stion viW ViwDisplay Styles.'...... TangntdgDisply....... Viw Configution iding views Copy Viw and Mv Viw . . Viw Alignmnt and Rotatio Hid/Show dgs ShowHiddndgs........ Lin Sls dg Color, Font, and Thicknss Appendix :

.......259 .......260 .......261 .......262 .......264 .......265 .......266 .......26',7 .......269 .......214 .......216 .......278 .......219 .......282 .......282 .......285

enter arks and enter|ines

A p p e d i xD : Dimensions

ntff Marks, ntlins . ' . Cntrrk' Cntrlins


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Dimnsions . I n s n o d l I l m s' ' . ' D i m n s i oP no s i t i o n i n g ' '. ' ' . ' ' . ' ni p u l a t i n D g i m n s i o n's' ' . ' ' . ' Formt Pintr. D r i r n D i m n s i o n.s D i m n s i oD ni s p | ao yp t i o n s ' . ' ' . . DimnsionPltt. ligningDimnsions'..'.''.',, D i m n s i oP nr o p y M a n a g r ' . . , .

Appendix E: AnnotationsAnnota(rons. Common Charatristisf Arrntations \ots..'. SplIing hk Wld Smbols' W l dB a d C a t r p i l | r s . ' . ' ' . . ' . . ' . . . Wld nd Itmnt ' C o m t i o l aS ny m bol.'''.''.' Sur inish Symbo|s ' MuIti-jog[ drs H o l I | u t s Dtum t Symbols . Dalum rgl Symbols. . D l Pi 51mbols .

.295 .296 . 00 .30 .304 . 06 . |6 '.... 16 '....21 ....'0 ... '. 1 .....'7 .....40 .....41 .....45 ..'..48 .....50 .'..'5 .....55 .....5,7



Solidworks 2010

r aH a t h / F i l l o s m t iT hrads. Balloos ' A u t oB a l l o o n s . S t a k B da l l o o n s . Rvision Symbols. Bloks'.. A l i g n m n' t Grouping. L a y f fP r o p r t i e s Appendix F:

........ ' '. 58 ....... ' 60 ......6l '.......... 6 .... ' '... 66 ........69 ......10 .....16 ...... 80 '. '....... 81

sheet Formatsand emp|ates

.. Fomats andTmplates Sht Ponis Prdfind Viws

A p p e n d i xG : Assembly Drawing Views AssmblyDrawingViws . . . .'. . .. ndDisplay stats Contguations Viws '... Assmbly Stion u t t i o n s '... . . . . ' A s s m b lB yr o k n - o s viws . . . AssmblyCutaway ploddViws Position views ... . Altmat Font... . .. . ComponntLin }lid omponnt. P l a n .. ' . . . . . . H i d C o m p o n B n t hind . . '..... lliding on ration Automati AdvandSltion A p e n d i x : il| of Materils and ablsa n dT a b l s. ' . . . ' . Bill of atIials Bill of Matrials Gnl Tbls Hl Tabls. Rvision Tabl W l d m nC t u t L i s t T a b l ' . . . . .

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Solidworks 2010


Appendix l: Settings


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soIidWoks 2010 Th gol ofthis ou is to tah ou how to ratnginring drawings ofpats and assmblisusing SlidVy'orks mhanial dsign automationsoftWar. Th SolidWorks softwis suh a robust and fatul fih aDDliation t h ti t i s i m p r l i tlo o v r v )m i n u r d ( i l nl s p o t th softWr dslill hav1houlseb rasonabl |ngth' ror, th 1busofthis ouls is on th fundmntlskills and onptsntxalto sussfully mking nginringdrawings.You should viw th ffaining ourse manual as a supplmntto, not a relamntfol, th systm doumntationand on-lin hlp. on you hav developda good oundtion in basiskills. you a rr l thon-linhlp or infbtmation on 1ssflquently usd onmand options.

About This Course


studntsattndingthis ours ar exptdto hav: r r r Mhnial dsign xprin. Compltd th ottrseSolitl||orks EssntiQls. prin with th Windows oratingsystm'

ourseLength CourseDesign Philosophy

Th rommnddminimum lngth ofthis ours is 2 days. This urse is dsignd around a pross-oI task-basdapploah to 1rining.A pross-basd taining ours mphasizsth prosssand produsyou follw to omlt a partiulal task. B utilizing as studisto illustratthsprosss,you 1amth nssaryomrnds' options and mnus in th ontt ofomlting a task. suplmntingth pross-bsd ase studis stionsolrfren matrial.Ths rfInstionsontain dtaildinfomation in han form' This infolmation wi1l ol b dmonstrutd by th insh.rrtor during lass. It is lor your rfrnduring and ftr th ours.le rok.n.out s.t|onV|6w us.dLo Lt dqay aorion of.h. pfl ln a aw'ne w d ose trr lnsid.

!Vh.r. to Flnd lt r 'rom them s l el ln!., Dr,vlng v|.W' rk6n.outsetlo . or' tlom theDfawingtoo]br,]ikth rok.n.out s.fl on l@ tool'

|p Ihedfauli sketh |oolis the sp||nc,fe 'e se rst'itios

thero*en.outs.t|on v|w, foIto'in8v]ews a']']or e usd

on th use ol

rPl6v|.w showsth beak md depthplats


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solidwoks 2010

Intlodution This trining manual is intenddto b usd in a lassroomnvilonmnt undr th guidan ofan xpeindSolidwolks instrutol.It is not intenddto be slf-padtutorial. Th as studies aI dsigndto b ..liv'' dmnstrtd by th instrutol' Laboratory xIissgi yo th opportunityto apply nd pmti th matIial oYrrd during th ltule/dmonstration portion ofth ours.They aI dsigndto lrsnttypial dtailing situationswhil bing modst nough to br ompltdduring lass tim. You should not that many studentswork at diffntpes. Thrfore,w hav inludd mor lab Iissthan you an reasonablyxpt to omplt ding th ours.This nsursthat vn th fasteststdnt will not run out fxriss. somtims,not all ofth ommand options usd in th laboatorv iss aror rdin thpding assudis nd lssons. ln thos sifuations'us th oss-rfrnes to th Apendis to find th inomation nssal omp|l lh xriss.

Usingthis Book

Lbortory xerises

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SolidWorks softwsupportsevralintmationallyaptddrafting standads inluding ANSI, lSo, DIN, and JIS. Th emp1s, iIIustrtions. ad lb iss in this ots wrrtJ usingLh ANsI stndald. A omplt st ofth various fils usd throughoutthis ouls an b dovmloaddftom th SolidWorks wbsit.Www.soIidworks.om. Click on th 1ink for support, thn rining, thn rining Fi|es, thn so|idworks rining FiIes. S1t th link for th dsird fil st. Thr may be mor than on vrsion of ah fil set availabl. Dirt URL: !v\W. solidwoks. com/t'rainingfiles solidworks Th fils ar supplid in signd,slf-xtratingutablpakags. Th fils ar organizdby lesson number Th Case Stu foldr within ah 1sson ontains th fils your inshutor uss whil prsntingth lssons.The Exeises foldr ontainsany fils that ar requirdodoingh lboraory iss.


About the rainingFi|es


I I D tl I D D


Sotidworks 2010 his manual uss th following typograhi onvntions:

onventions Used in this Book

BoId Sns Serif

SolidWrks ommands and optiorrsappar rn this styl. Fo mp],lnsert, Qoss rans hoosth oss otion from th |nsert mnu. Fturnams and Iil nams appar ln this style.Fr xampl, sketh1.





17 Do this stepi:::i-:;-r::;r=:r.::;

Doubl lins prd nd follow sttons of. th proedus.This prvids spaation bln lh \tp\o th produ nd larg oloKsol xplantory tt. Th sts thmslvs aenumbrd in sanssifbld.



Windows@ Xp


Use of Color

Th srn s]rtsin this mnual wr md uslng th solidvy'orks sol1warrrmning on Windows@P You n]y noti dif|Insin th appranofth mnus and wido*,s' hs diffr.ns do not u th prformnofth softWI. Th So1idWorksusI intI1 maks xtnsivtls ofolI to highlightsl(d gtntr5 rd to povidou with visuIdbk' l l , ] Ig srl|) |n5 s i n l u i l i \ n sa th 5n d ol.u oth So1idWorkssoftu'ar.To tak mairr advntag ofthis, th training manualsaI rintdin full o]or Also, in ma]lyases,w har,eusedadditiona] olor in th i1]ustations .lp. idntifl,atrrrs. ad oLhris o\y l:::::l'll:"'" I m p o f l nItn I o r m a t i o I n-'o r anlp| . m i g h rs h u t h r s r r lo t a IIltIn og p l I o l ]i t h t h l j l | t s in dirn t lo. o r nl h o t t h bv default, th soIidWorks softwrwould n"t ai'pi" i" ."'"it,.i"' ir.Jt way.


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oior schemes

out ofth bo, th soiidVy'orksso1trvar rovlds sYralprdfind Ihalontol. amon3olhr IhinPs. l oIosttstj :9l:i'.:h.T:. ol n I 8 n l l g h l I d l n l ss . l L id llnt. skth t,ltio sn y l t t b o l ' , ds h d d pvlws offtLl[s. Vy' hav not usd th sm o1orshm fbr vry s study and ris aussolt,l olors r or l,isibi nd lear than othrs whn usd with diffInt olored palts. In additio,.whv hangiJth r,i.portkgrorrnd to plain lvhit so that the iIlustrationsrpodubttro rvhit pal. bus l h o l o s l t i I l go sn ) o u o I l l p u l tn a 1b 1| :|: " :"L '|l ] a n d | l n1 t h o n su s db } | h t l l I l ro s l h i s h o o k , l h i sr u s on youl sIn may not atly ath thos in th book


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Lesson 1 DrawingSheets and Views

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Upon sussfulomltion ofthis lssn,you willb able to: r st u pafi and assmbly viws for latr us in drwings' r r r r r r r r ratr a drawing fil and drawing shtWith shrt foImat. Add many typs ofdrwing viws ofparts. hang th viW display mod of a drawing viw. st th tangntdge display. Align and lotat drawing viws' Add ntr mIks to ifu]ar dgs. Add ntellinsthrough ylindrial fs. Hid and show sltdmodl dgs.

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(Lesson ,l Drawigshetand views SolidWorks 2010


Drwing Sheets nd ViewsDetiling

PrePartions for

-o drar,l ing viglv51g 1hbsisfor rating n1 dtiI ?-l1::l* **.: oawlng. l hls lssoninludsdrr-r ing shts nd 'n- .' o drawing viws. o:""':s rhpparlions thtshouIdb mdto pans and 1::::l]"i assmbIls bloredlailingl hm' Pans shouldb prpard for dtilins oy aranglng dlmsions. reLing nfigUrations and dding popn|s'S th Solidlltorks ssntil' rraiing mnul for mor information. l . S.^ Nd Viws on pag 218. See Cotlfrgurqtions ot page 220.

ForIore Information

Preparing a Prt for DetiIing

h ollowingpan musb pprd ordtaiIing wih thadditiono spll! v]Wsand onfigurations.

opn th xisting part sring lamp. It Will b modifidandusdin subsqunt lssons.

PersetivvieW. Aply pIsptiv to th Isometli viw.Iata Nmedview alld Perspetive. urn off perspective' h nxtstpdosnotIequirc prsptiv. Reversed. Using thshift andUp Arrow kys,rvrs th ollntat1on to showth ..rvrs'' isomtri of th modl.Crata Nmed view alldRevelse.

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Lesson 1 Dtawingshets an!viws

onfigurtion. Crat a nw onfigurationnamd Simlifled. In this onfigurtion,supprssth fatul small Edge Rounds.






Evd s*l.,

Gltot GF@0fs E Gl dnifrsml

6 sve nd |osethe part.

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DrwingSheets and ViewsNote

Th SolidWorks drawing,4/eontains on o mole dlawins s e 1.' t{hihin tum an onin mltipl vle's'In rhi: ls'on. w drins f i l .d r w i n g shet a n dm u l t i p l ris ill br1d' he information in this lsson pplis to viWs ofpafis and assmbIis. For informatin rgardingspeilizd viws ofassmbljs' plasrfr to ppdi G' >sb|Drwing ws. Drawings us many trms tht aI uniqu' h ontsof Drwing Sheets and Sheet Formts aI disussdblow. Drwing Sheets Th . papr shets''usd to hold th viWs, dimnsions and annotatlonsand Iatth drawlng. Sheet Formts Th bordtitl blok and tt usd to add infotmation to th dawing.



Lesson 1 Drawingsheets and Viws

Solidworks 20i0 h'drawjng a har multip| shrs. irquired' o er a additional sht,us Add sheet. Th siz and format ofthe nw sht is oid from th original but an b ditd and hangd. Whn opening a dawing with multipl shets'us th selet sheets to Iod otion to slt whih shtto load. flr opning. ah shr o multip| snetdraWIg shos a prviwwhn mousd ovr Ehuml

Mu|tip|e Drwing Sheets oening sheets




ha -i


Where to Find tt DefaultSheet Order

lik on th Add Sheet tb t E.*r. Righlik on th drawing shtand slt Add Sheet''.. Th dawing shts r odrd as thy ar Iatd. Th nams aDDaI in^th Featuangrdesigntr and as xl-styl tabs at th" ;; ofth grahis ara.Ativt a shtby fight-liking in the FtureManagerdsign tr and hoosingitivte oiliking a tab. E.D verliew i; DtiNotes i..'.r; i,:i:j sheets

r r

Us th First sheet s and last shts' Reordering Sheets

and Lst Sheet !

buttonsto mov to th first

Shtsan b rordIdusing thr standarddrag and drop thniqu. This mthod an b usd in th Featulunug "'ign - "" unJi;b,' ultipl shtsan b movd using ctrl-slition.

Renming sheet

Right-lik th drWingtab and hoos Renam.

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opying sheet


Ireatinga Drawingl

Drawing shtsan opid within the sam drawing or aoss diffrnt SolidWorks drawing fils. Right-lik th drawing tab and hoos Copy. Th drawing shtis opid to th lipboard. To Iata opy' fighrlik the drawing tab and slt Paste. S|t |otion fo th pastd draing'

Whn you lik File, NeW to Iata nw drawing fil, th fist drawing shtis ratedat th sam time. By dfault,th |vlode|view dialog apparsfor Iatingth 1tviW.ln this xample. th Mode| view dilog is n||d and rhdrwingoptions ar st' S Nw Drwing Sht on pag 226 '

ForN|or |nformation l

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b I

-size sheet. Crat a nw drawing fil With a -Landspe shtand mathing standardshtformat ftom th DIavring tm]at'Slet Snd sheet size and lar on|y show standrd formts t s the (ANs|) Lndsp shtformat. nlth odeI view PIopfiyanagrr.

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st thotions thatwill b usdin this ampl. For mo informationon optio1ts, seppndixI: Sttings. over|l draftingstandrd. Stthovralldrfting standard to ANSI usingoo|s,options, DoumentProperties,Drftingstandrd. ANS| standard is usdfothrouhout this manual.


Lesson 'l Drawingshts and viws

Solidworks 2010

DrWings' St th following options for a// drawingsusing Tools, Options, System Options, Drawings. Rfr to th illusftation at th right.tr oa m/ft i re ft nto{f6F( a ru* ] ija oftt m h drWh fubm* tr mnm m v.w .* on jl*d ar **h dry Pt '|trs i rckn* 5* gdted dt fg ** . $&d d dlJt qudrt4s

''- t_ --


view disp|y. Setthfollowingoptionsfor a// drawings usingTooIs,otions, system options,Drwings' Disp|y styIe. Rfrto th illustration at thr dsht.

Auto Insert Options. Stthfollowingoptionsfor rlsdrawing using oo|s,otions,Doument Properties, DetiIing' Rfrto th illustration at thright. Dimension font.St th following options fol ,?ls &awiflg using oo|s, options, Doument Properties, Dimensions, Font.e|*


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7 Detailand section fonts. Stthfllwingotinsfol l/?,s drawing usingoo|s' options, Doum0ntProDerties. vieW Lbe|s: setion, View |beltext, Font to 20 pints. setion, setion rrow text, Font to 24 points. Detai|' view |abe| text, Font to 20 points.Deti|, Deti|irle text, Font to 24 points.


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SheetPropertiesWher to Find |t Forore lnformtion I

Th dawing Sheet Properties dialog is usd to hngth sht nam, scal o projtion typ ofth urnt dlawing sht. r l Righlik a drawing viw in th graphis a or th FafuInagff dsign tI and hoos Properties. See dit Drwig Sht on page 228.


II I I) ) )

Sheet setup. St the dfault viW saIe to 3:2 for all nw viws ddd to th shet.vIify that th ype of projetion is set to hird ng|e and lik oK.



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hird ang|e plojtion is usd for thoughoutthis manual.

Il I I)

Lesson 1 Drawingshets an!views

Solidworks 2010 Viws frna part or assmly.Viws ar sald, ointd,and positiond on th drawing sht.ah viw hs a singl rfnbut a singl shtan hav multipl viws ah With diffrntlfrns. Drwing File (*.srddfw)

Drawing Views

El \ \A I\








h fllowing rfrnstion dtails th drawings viws that an b Iatdtbl solidworks pafls. Th viws and rfnsar: . l l . . | l . . Viw P|ltt on pg 229 (@). oll es n ag 230 (@). Stadrd 3 lewson ag 231 (1l). Projctd I\ws on pag 232 (@). Rlc|tife to Modl ielr'on pag 234 (@). uiliry le,on pag 26 (E]). Brok ierr, on pag 238 ([!])' Prt utaw erl on pg 241 (@). ShtMtal Fllttd Viw on pag 242 (|).

DrawingViews hatRequire Skething

Sm viws rquir skthingwhn you ratth virw. Thy aI: I l . . . . l Sctio Viw o\ pag 244 |a). lignd Stio ieruon pag 251 (). Dtil elv on pag 253 (@). Brok|1-out Stlo, on pag 257 (t])' Crop ViIv, o\ pag 259 (@). EPt w on pag 260 (f1). Skthing Rottd Sction lel' on pag 261 (@)'

D) ) ) ) ) ) )Solidworks2010 Lesson 1 Dra|ning sheets anlviews

Prentsof Drwing views


Drawing view haratdstisan b shard btwnviWs. any viws (projtd,uxiliary, stion,and dtail for mpl) ar ratedfrom xisting viws. The isting Yiw bomsth Prent ofth nw viw. r



-. -




D D) ) ) ) ) ) ) Adding Drwing



. UB h Disp|y style ofth nW viw a b st to that ofth prent by liking Use parent L. sty|e' FoI mol informatin on styls,s le Displo Mod ol pag l9. Changs to th display stl ofth parnt is propagatdto th hildrn. Th s|e ofth nW view an b st to that olth pIntby liking Use prent sa|e. It an also b st to th sal ofth shrt oI ustom sa1.Chngs to th sal ofthe prnt ar popagatd to th hildrn. Cliking th hild viw highlights th palnt view.

Drawing View Nams

Th dfult naming fdrawing viws rflts how th viW Was ratd.Mod1 Views gt th nam Drawing view 1, Dtail views riY Detailvie\r A and so on. Rm drawing viws lik pafi fatrs in th FatrMnagrdsign tr.

I) ) )

IIlD! D)


Svra1 drawing viewsarquid to dsrib thpart.Thy inlud: stndard 3 views, DetiIviews andode| views. r . lik |nsert,DrWingview, standard views. on thDrawingtoolbar, lik Stndard3 views L]. SStnd.rd 3 ws onpag23|.

Whereto Find lt

For ore lnformtion . I

Standard3 Views. InsfithFlont, op ndRit viWsof thesing clamp usingth stndrd 3 view tool.Us PrUAssemb|yto |nsertto slt thpr1 andsltthgimlified onfigration for RefereneConfigurtion'

f I I)


Lesson 1 Drawingshts an!views


10 Disp|y of drWing vrews. Th stndrd view tool Iatsalignd o, Front and Right dmwing views' ov th viws to approximatlyth positions shovm.


othel options aI to Iatth Font, op, ottom, Rit and Isometi views at th sam time using th Multiple views option with Nmed view, or us th view Plette. Som drawing viws rquir r allow skethingwithin th vi rathr thanjust ovr th viW.hs viWs,most notably stionsand dtails, Iquir that th viw b tiv bfor skthing so that th skth gomry ilJ b ssoitd Wilh th vit\. Th following viws rquir skthing and automatiallytogg1on a spifi skthtool in th neIstviw r r r r Stion viws (Lin) Alignd stion viws (Lin) Detail ViWs(CiIl) Bfokn-out stion viws (Splin)

Skething in Drawing Views

Th lollowing viws rquirc skthdgrmtry to b rtedWithin th viW but do not suggstany spifi skth tool. Th viw must b manually tivatdpdor to skthing. r r r ropd viws mty viWs Rotatrd stion viws

options to manually tivata dmwing viW or th shtar disussd blow

tvlaking a Drawing view Ative

viw a b tivtd with a singllik insidthborder o th vi r by nm in th FeturMangr dsignrr' ] Th ativ viw is indiatdby a dashd, blu od,ef that enlossth viW. (Th dashdbordr olor may be diffrnt dndingon th system options, o|ors stting).

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I tI




t t) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )


SolidWorks 2010 Lokin9 view and sheet Fous


,,,*,, ".ii","l "o""oLok view Focus is usd whn you nd a viw to lmain activ as wo|k v,ithin i|. o. r o m a k a v i t i \ a d l o k d . r i g h t - k tl hi riw.' :. ithin th FaurMngr dsignreor thgraphis c ara,and slt Lock View Fous o doubl.lik th viw. This allows ou to add skth ntitisto a vi vn whn th pointrl is los to anothrviw. You an b sur that th itms you ar dding blong to th viW you Want.Th viw is markd ith a d'hd blu bordand solid omrs. To swith bak to dynami viw ativtion,right-lik th tiv viW and slrt Un|ok vieW Fous. Lok sheet Fous llows 1ou o dd skthnLitis to 5 q r th sht. ohris. rhskthntitis blongro th viw that is ativ o losst to Whryou bgin skthing.No viw is ativatdwhn th shtfous is lokd on. To unlok, right-clik an mpty ala ofth drawing shtand slt Un|ok sheet Fous.

Dr r


II) ) ) )

Lok view Position

Lok view Position is usd t prYnta viw from bing moved by dragging. r Lok a viw by ight-liking and hoosing Lok view Position. This prvntsth viw fom bing moved diretl.Ifth view has a parnt that is unlokd, mYing th parnt will mov th hild. Unlok a viw by right-liking and hoosing UnIok view Position.

t tI



Th drawing viw bord (dottd bound ary) nnot reslzed| the usI.Th old Will automatiallyhang siz as th gomtryviwd within it lquirs. Drawing shts,viws and latdmodls an b sltedflom th Faturanagff dsign t or from the Flyout FetureManger Th flyorrtpparsin th uppI Ift ofth grahis aea whn th bannerola drawing viw in th ProprtyManagris sltd. It ovrs th drawing and an views. It an b pandd,lik th standardFatulanagdsign t[r, or losd with a lik on th drawing sht.


Flyout FetureManager


I I D I t I)

Lesson 1 Drawingshets an!vies

SolidWorks 2010 Deti| views aI usrd to rate a nw dlawing viW whih is an nlargdprtion ofan isting viw. Th nlargedportion is nlosd using skth gomtry usually a irl oI othr losrd ontoul. r r . Clik |nsert, Drawing view, Detai|. or, n th Drawing tolbaf, lik th Deti| view lq] tool. Se Dtil w on page 253 .


Where to Find lt For ore Information

11 Deti| views' Add thrDetiIViews to thdrawins.Dtai1A andB = 4 : l. Dtail=5:1.

ProjetedView Where to Findlt

ProjetedviWs ale atd by foldingoffan xisting viw in oneof foupossibl projetions. r r Clik lnsert,Drawingview, Projeted' or, on thDrawingtoolbar, lik Projtedview ' SeProjtd ews olpage 232

For|l,ore Informtion l

B) )

Solidworks 20t0

b b


setion view Whereto Find tt

h setion viw tool rats nw drawing viw that is dfitrd by uttmg an isting viw with a stion lin. r r lik |nsert' Drwing view, setion. o on th Drawing toolb lik Setio view ]]. s se,o, w on page 244'

},i,.1 "o""o


I b I I bb b b b b b b b) ) )

For ore Information r


12 Section view. Add a Projeted view by liking Projeted view and sleting th fuont viW as th so. Pla th viw blow th sour viw. Add a Prtia| setion View by liking stion viw and skthing shot horizontal lin as shown. Th mssag ..Th stion lin dos not omletely cut thou the bounding box of th model in this view.-Do you WJrt ttris to b a altial setion ut?'' appeals, lik Yes. Us a ustom sal of4 : 1 and rek AIignment to pia th viw as shown.

i i i) ) )


Holding-dow th Ctr| ke1 duringskthing uillpvnt rltions rom b!ngdddulomati||y' AIso. usinglh tr| ke1 whil pIingth view braks th alignmnt to th alnt Yiw.



Lesson I Drawingsheets and viws

Solidworks 2010

1 ode|views. Add two pitorialode|views to thdrawing. Use thviws Perspetive andRevelse thatwIdfind in thpar1' Us a ustom slof 1 : 1 for hviw.



I b I b I I bb) ) )

Solidworks 2010

Lesson ,l Drawingsheets anlviuts

View Settings View Display Mode

Aftr thviw hasbnIatd, vfioussrttings an hng th apparn ofth part.Th drawing viw an b displayd in svral mods. Both wirfram nd shadddisIays ar available' You also hav ntrol ovr th display otangntdgs.You n slt whih onfigurtionofth part is dislayd,too. hng th view Disp|ay Modes to ovridth dlault sttingsfor som o|th viws. . See Viw Displo Stls on pag 262' See Tngnt dg Displ on pag 264.

View Display odes

For ore lnformation l


,l4 Disp|ay liodes. AlI th viws wr Iatdusing th sam dfault sttings'Chang th angent dge, view Disp|y and onfigurtion sttings orse of th virws. r r r l sEIoN 1-1:ngent dges Removed DEA, : ngent Edges Rmoved Per,setive Yiw: shded with Edges Revese viw: shaded With dges

I I) )

I Ii) ) ) )


15 sve the drWing. Nam th dlawing spIing lam Dra,]i\rirrl.:_--r_%



Lesson 1 DrawingsheE ad views

2010 Solidworks enter Marks nd enter|ines ar annotationsusd to mark ill ntrsand dsribth gorntysiz on th drawing' ah ofthese topis ompriss a stion in th lsson. l r r Adding enter rks enter|ines iding and showing mode| edges

Centermarks and CenterlinesLesson opics


Th follwing stion is vittn assumingyou I manully insrtingntrmalks and ntlinrs.If you lik oo|s, options, Doumnt Properties, DetiIing, you n slt options so that ntI maks nd ntrlinsar reatedautomatilly whn you ratth virw. For mor infomation on Balloons, s Blloons opage361l,uto Blloos on page 36 and.Stqckd Blloos on page 66. Th enter rk ommand Iatsa ntff mark, or a ntff oint, on seletdirulr dgs.Slting a cirl Itsa ntImark. slcting an aI retesa ntIpoint' r r r lik |nsert.Annotations. nter rk.... o on th Annotation toolbal, lik enter lr'rk ioj. or, figh!lik nd slt Annotations, enter Mark.... Se Cntr Mrk's o\ pag 282,

Note enter Mrks

Where to Find lt

For ore Information . Add Center Marks

enter arks should b addd to th drawing piol to the addition of dimnsions and annotations. You an rsiz thm o modifr thir aDDearn. 16 Add enter rks. Add singl ntrmarks to th irular dgs ofth Font and Projrted vlWs'

) ) ) ) ) ) )



Lesson 1 Drawil1g sheets and viws

17 Resize. Dag th cntff mark nds i th Pojeted viw to Isiz thm.

D I I I l I)

CenterlinesWhere to Find lt

viw as fontdlinsndarsin thdrawing Cntrlins arratd r r r l enter|ine.... lik |nsert. Annottions. o, on thAotationtoolblik enter|inetE]. or, dght-likandsltAnnotations,enterline.... on pge285. Setrlins

For [liloreInformtion

Add enter|ines

pfiol to th addition of b addd to th drawing enterIinesshould You an rsizthmoI modirythil dimnsions andannotations.aoDarafl.

I I) ) ) ) )


18 Add enter|ine to a fe. fain Sltthylindial th DAr, viw and dd Rsizth a ntIlin. ntrlinby dragging.


DL Dlt s L 5 : ] s L E5 . l

st5 | ]


t 9 [vlore enter|ines. Add a ntrlin to thircu]al' Boss fature ofth Pojetadviw.Rsiz both through thntrlin so it passs bsses.

I I) ) ) ) ) ) )



Lesson 1 Drawing shets an.! vios

Sotidworks 20,|0 Th visib1modl dgs that apparin drawing viws an b hiddn, ontd,olold oI thiknd to nhanthr drawing plsntation' Hidden dgs an also b shown y sltdfatur. Th hiddn dgsofon or mol ftts an b shown in a viw st to idden Lines Removed. r r l Right.lik a viw and slt Properties'... o lik More Properties... on th drawing viW PloprtyManagI. Se Show Hidl Edgs on pag 27 6 '

Model Edges in the View showiddenEdges Whre to Find |t

FoIore Informtion

20 show idden Edges. Add th hiddn lins fI a singl fafuIto th op virw. Clik th viw and slt ore Properties.--. lik th show idden dges tab and us th Fatangr design tre to add th sing Ivlount Riito th list. Clik AppIy nd oK.

Solidworks 2010

Lesson I Dnwing sheets ad viws Th drawing should look similar to th imag blow.




Wrl] _I

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21 sve nd Iose the files.

Lso l Dnwingsh enl vlews


Sirlldworks 2OlO

! i I






I tI

I t

t I


2010 so|.dwoks Exerise Creting 1: Views



This lab ussth ratthis &awingwith thviwsas shown. followingskills: l . l l . l Nw DrwigShtonpag226. |4ewPltt o\ page229. Model ewson page20. uiliat w ol pag26. SetioViewolpage 244. Dtail Viwol page253.


to thAppendis to findth information Us thross-refrns thxiss. nssary to mplt Us a C-Lndspe shrt,thstrifter Fork pafi andyo hoiof units.















xerise 2 reatingAuiliary views

Solidworks 2010 Iat this &awing with the viws as shown. This lab uss th following skills: \tIw l Drwing Sh on page 22('. l l . . . Viw Pltt on pag 229. Modl ws on page 20 ' Projtd |1ws on page 22, uiliry w on page 26' Dtil w on page 253,

xerise2: reating AuxiIiry Views

Us a G-Landspe shrt, th sh , ft oke part and yo hoi of units.

I I I I i I I I I I I I I



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aI I I


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t t



SolidWorks 2010


eise 3 creanng crcppd views

Exerise3: creting CroppedViews

rat this drawing with th viws s shown. This lab uss th following ski11s: l l l . I . l Nw Drwig Sht on page 226 |/iwPltt on page 229. Modl ws ol page 20. Projectd |/i|son pag 232. Sction Viw ol pag 244. DtiI w on pag 25. rop Vilv onpage259'

Us a -Lndsape sht,th I{ousing pat1and your hoi ofunits.







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D l Ll sL 2 : ]

Ex r ise 4 CreatingBroken-outSection Views

Solidworks 2010

Exerise4: reating Broken-out SetionViews

Crat this drawing with the viws as shown. This lab uss th lollowing skills: l . l . . . l New Drwig Sht on pag 226 |4w Paltt ol pag 229. Model L,iewson pag 230. Projctd |\wS on pag 232. Brokn'out Sctio|1 o| page 257, Crop Viw or'page 259. Cop Viw nd Mov View otpage 261'

I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I


Us a -Landscpe sht,th ir Iron pafi nd your hoie ofunits.





Solldworks 20lO

{ at.thisaringwith tlr views as shown. This lab ussthe following skills: l . l l . . l Nw Drwing Shel oo page226' |4wPlett olpage 229. Mol ews onpage20' Brok ew on pag28. How to cft ReoldSction onpage 240. Section w onpage2' w Iignmntnd Rottinon pe 269 .

xerise 5: reting Broken Views


Us a B-Landscape sheet,the \.lrned part andyour hoie ofunits.

E @fr.ai@,

Ex.rise 5 crceting Brol te*'dffi'

I I Il I i I I


iding omponentsWhere to Find lt

ide omonent allows you to hid spifi omponntsin sltd drawing viws. r r With th usol ovff a omponrnt, right-clik showHide, Hide omponent. oI, lik a viW and slt ore Properties... and ide/show Comoonents. Se Hid omponnt ortpage402,

i) )

For ore Informtion l


9 ide,/showomDonents. Not all ofth omponnts in th assmbly arevisiblin thviw That is duto thAutomti||y hide omponentson viWretion stting usd. sltthIiihtviw andfight-likProperties.1ikthide/show omponents tabanddght-lik|er se|etionsto lmovethitms ftomth list. lik App|y ando. 10 Components shown. h hiddnomponnts ar now visiblin thviw.

) )

I I I I I I I I II) )


Lesson 5 AssemblDrawingviews

Solidworks 2010 Th A|ternate Position view is usd to indiat th motion ofn assembly omonentby showing it in diffIntpositions. r r lik |nsert,Drawing views, A|terntPosition.... or, lik Alternte Position viw []on th DIaWing toolbar' Se ltrnt Position |/i\9s o\Dasr 98.

Alternate Position Views Where to Find lt

Forore Information .

11 Add onfigurtion. lik A|ternate Position view [jnd slt th to viW. slt th New onfiguration option nd ty th nam lIead-up. Clik oK.



l_ ;b;..,;F;d"'


12 Move component. The ssmbly rfrndin th viw is opnd,using thr sam viw oI1ntatton. on th rove omponent dialog, lik o||ision detetion nd stop at o|Iision. Drag th llead, swivel oponntorrntr-lokwis until it ollids. Clik oK. Rtuming to th dlawing shows th onfigurations overlid' ,|3 ReDet. Rrprat th Samprodul using th onfiguration nam lIad.down and daggingth ompo nt in th lokwis dirtion unti1is ollids.


Th AltrmatPositionviwsarovrlidon psitton thto view.ultiplaltmat vtws an b usedon a singlsur viw.


\ R.volv n0 H.od F.lh ght QR.*"*dF*tlt irr 9Rc"o|dFHt




t t) ) ) ) )

SlitltYorks 2010

Lesson 5 Assembl Drawing views Th Model View rats a singl viw basd on a prdfind viw orintation: Top, Font, Isomtri and so on. Th View Palette an also b usd to ratr an orintation-basd viw.I I


lUTrereto Find lt For More lnformtion


Clik Inse, Drawing View, Mode!. o on th Drawing toolbar lik ModeI View s!. See Model Viws onpage230' See View Plett onpage229.




'14 Model view. Clik th Model View ion @j. Clik Browse and slt th ssmbIySub-assembly Case. Rnam th viw sub-aseexlode.stnddviewsi








II I II I I i)

I --:._ l|l''.I


I I) ) )

l I I I

Lesson 5 AssembI Drawingvievs

Solidworks 2010 Exploded Vjews ar ratdin a drawing viw from an xisting xplodd viw in th assembly.Th xplodd statmust alrady xist in th assmbly. r l Right-lik in th viw and slt Properties.... See Eplodd ews onpage391 .

Exploded Views

Where to Find lt For More lnformation

15 Explode. Right-lik th view and hoos Properties. Clik Show in exp|oded state and lik oK. Again, som of th omponnts ar hiddn.




tI I I I



SolidWorks 2010

Lesson s ssembl Drawing Views

Disp|y Sttes


DispIay Sttes ar usd in assmblis to dfine diffrntombinations of sttings for ah omponnt. Thy ar stord within ontgurations. r r r lik a viw and More properties. or, right-lik th viw and lik Properties. S onfigurtiosnd Displ Stts olpag 390.

Where to Find lt For More lnformtion

16 Display state. Rturn to th Properties pag and hoosth DispIay Stte Default_batteris-shaded from th dropdown list. Also, lik th Hide/Show Components tab and lar th list. Note To proprly show th display stat, th Disply StyIe of th viw must b Shded or Shded with Edges. 17 Repeat. Rpat th prvious produr by rating a Modl Viw of th assmbly Sub-assembly Had. Us th xplodd vi display statDefault-bu1b-shaded, and show th missing ornponnts.

I) )

18 Save nd close the drawing.


I I I I) ) ) )

I) )123

Lesson,S AssembI Dravri ng vi evs



I l) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

2010 SolidWorks

xerise 18 views AssembI


xerise 18: Assembly Views

rat a drawing with assmbly viws using th dsriptions providd. This lab uss th following skills: l l l l l l ssembl Drwing Viws oo pag390. ssembl Stio Viws on p a g 3 9 1 . ssmblBroken-out Sctioson pag 39. Eplodd Viws onpage97.






|}.* -


t) ) )

ltrtPositio ws on pag 398. Hid ompot onpage 402'

Units:lnhes Siz: C-Landspe Sheet'|. Add an Exploded View of th sub-assmbl Bas Assembly.

I) )


I I I) ) ) ) )


You hav to rat any nssary xplodd viws, onfigurations and so on. Alternate Position View. Add an Alternate Position View using positionsthat show th maximum rang of motion of th Clamp.

---"\ --.r/-"


xerise 18 ssemblviws


3 Add a view tht shows the motionof openingthe Gover.

4 Add a SetionView withsome omponents unut.

5 Sheet2. Add an Exploded View of thentir assmbly Reading Light'

Broken-outSection View. Add a Broken.outSetion View showing how th Shade andElbow fit tosethr.

tI I I I I I I

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I

SolidWorks 2010

xerise 19 Assembl andPartviews

xerise 19: Assembly and Part Views

reate a drawing with assmbly viws using th dsriptions providd. This lab ussth followingskills: l l l l ssmbl Drwing ews on pag 390. Cofigurtios nd Displ Stts onpage 390. ssmbl utw Viws on pag 395. Hide Componnt onpage 402'


Units: lnhes Siz: G-Landsape Perspetive and Model Views' Apply prsptiv to th lleatr assmbly Isometri viw and rat a nw Mode] View in ordr to apply prsptiv in th drawing.

Alternateisometriview. ratan altmat isomtristylviw and namit.

Exerise 19 AssembI and Part views

SolidWorks 2010

Cutawy view. reate a utaway viw in th assmbl using an assmbly fatur.Us Display Statsto st th diffrns in display as shown.


4 Assembly views. Add assmbly viwsas shownusingorthographi viws,Modl Viws, utawayvi drivndimnsions anda dtailviw.

5 Drawingview properties. Us Hide/Show omponentsto hid omponnts in thaltmat isomtri viw.

I I I I I I I I I I I I i


I I i I I I I


tI I I


Solif}Yoks 20.t0

o""".o,,"fi!.,|"n.*|}"6 Prt views. Add a sond sht for drawing viws of th abinetl omponnt. Add a Named Vie flat pattrn view and dtail viws. Also, add drivnordinat dimnsions.

) ) ) ) )

I g 3F



Exerise 19 ssembl andPaft views



Lesson6 Bill of Materials and Tables

Upon sussful ompltion ofthis lesson, you will b ablto: l r r r r r r Crata ustomizd bill of matrials (Bo) tmplat. odi a bill of matIials. ontrol theoldringof omponnts in a bill of matrials' Add a dsign tblto thr drawing. reat a genffal tabl. Add a holtbl. reata revisiontabl.

b b) )

I I) ) ) ) ) )


ILesson 6 Bill of Mal'nalsanlables

Sotidworks 2010 This lsson plains how to Iata ustomizd bill olmatrials (Bo) tmplatnd prsntsth bst pratis for implmntingand managing th datatht is linkd btwnth bill fmatrils and an assmbly file and its prts. Crating bill ofmatIils is an automatifuntion that uss a tabl similar to th o1 Tbl and Rvision Tabl. hangs at th assmb1y lvl (dltions'rordring,additions and so on) ar rfltd in th

Gretingnd Managing il| of Materi|s The Bill of Materials

o.r r r

I I I I I !


To ditthBoM in 1, righrlik Edit. o hidethBoM, right-likHide. To dlt thBoM, fighlik De|ete'

tI I I I I

Adding BoMl

Adding a dfault Bo to a dawing requirs sltion ofa drawing viw with ssmbIy rfrn.open the overe!.dr drWing file.

t t


Fontsize. lik oo|s,options,Doument Properties, b|es, i||of ateria|s. st thetablr fontto enturyGothi,Regulrand8 points. his ststh fontsize for al1tab1s.

'ffifu.t tI I I I I I I I I

3 Anhor Doint. Right-likthsht nddit sheet Formt' Right-likthurlft ndpoint andSet s Anhor' Bi||of Mterils.Rtun to ditinsth sht'

a a

InsertBill of Materials

Th ill of Nlteri|s table is usd to xtratomDonntinfolmation fom th assmbIy in rhdrawingr i' h stnJardBoM inluds itm numbr,part numb dsriptionand quantity for ah aomponnt in th assmbly. r r r l Clik i|l of lt4teri|sl&] on th Table toolbar. oI, lik |nsert'ab|es, i|| of ateri|s.... or, righlik and sltb|es, ill of teri|s.... S Bill of trlals on pag 408.

Where to Find lt

For More Informtion

a at

a a

Solidworks 2010

Lesson 6 BiI of lla,t.na and ablas

4 selet a view. Sletonofthviwsthatontrns theassmbly thatthBoM should be gnratd for d lik Insert, bles,i||of teria|s... @.

ottiltemp|te. sltthb|eemplte bom-stdard.61dbomtbt andAtth to nhor point' Us th o t}pePrts only. Clik oK.

l ld G] Ued'6lnad*


ordl ] ol






!@oysb' ]

lodry.|d,eld ]fiDi8mt] I oocay,e*h

IsmntI ll



] l

le*lhI @Gl dd). fu-. 'ffi. __.l


l] l


| : i g Note

gl6 IEE -


| ,nll

Ifth Bo already istsin th assmbly, usth opy xisting ble optionto opy it intotholawlns.


,| 3

Lesson 6 BiI of lIatnals and abls

Solidworks 2010


he o is dded.




at tModifying the


isting Bo tabls n b modild ftr eationto inlud additional olumns, fomatting oI hangdsttings' r Clik th Bill ofatrials in a 1lofth olumn to b dited' S (oltln opions on pag 4|6.

For MoreInformtion l shift oIumn

a a aI I I I I I I I I I I i I I


isting olumns an b movd to th lft oI fight ofthil nt position by dragging and drpping. 7 Move o|umn. IIovff ovI th QY. olumn and hold th lft mous buttonto dlag and drop a olumn. Drg th Qty. olumn btwnth ] N0. and PAR NI,IVIER olumns'



l) ) ) Add Golumn2010 SolidWorksBiII "t "t",i "! " ::;;:]:

l l) )

Nw olumns an ddd at ny position ofth tabl. ah olumn Iquirs a popy, ithr usr dfind or ustom. ustom proprtis aI usd to fill th lls automatially. Se oltn op|ions on pag4|( '


For MoreInformtion l8

Add o|umn. Right-lik in ll ofl th DESRIPTIoN olumn and slt Insert,o|umn Right.

t I I) ) )

Kp thcoIumn typeUsToPROPRTY nd hoos th Property name manu.fat 1iom th drodown list. 9 eder name' Doubl-lik on th hadrnam (1l1) nd t}pe the nam IVIANUAIIRED. Drcg th boldIs to rsizr th width of th olumn. Th ontext too|br allows you to hang had bord tt and laYff sttinss for th ntil tbl. @ =: For More Informtion l -t. s';; : .j d::


Il) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )


See TblFormt onpag 427.


.|0 o|umnformtting.

slt th MAIitru!.AURED olnn and lik LeftAlign.

IColumns, rows, and individual lls an b justifid horizontally or vftially. st th lst ofth olmns as shwn.



Lesson 6

of Matrials an! abls

SolidWorks 2010 The Bo an b split into small tbles by dividig horizoall or vtially.Th split pofiion ltains th olumn titls nd an b draggd an}avhr on th drawing. l S Splitting BoM Tbls on page 425'

sp|itting BoM

a a aI


For ll,ilore Informtion

11 sp|it orizonta||y. Clik in a 1l ofthitl19 row andriglrt-lik sp|it'orizont||y Above. Th talis split intot\l,'o btwn itrms 18 and 19'

I I i I I

a a a


a a


12 Drag. Drg th split ortion ofth tabl away fro th originalusingth upp lft hndl and ..snap''it onto th uppr dg ofth sht format.





I t I tb

Solidworks 2010

Lesson 6 Bill of Matelliaand ables

reatingo] emPlatesNote For i'ore |nformation

ustomizd o tmplats anb Iatd by saving thu1nt Bo to 1il.Columnsandormatting arsavrdin thtmplat.splitting ofa tabl is not savd With th tmplat. l S..eSvig BoM Tleson pag 425. -



13 save temD|te. Right-lik on th BoM and slt Sve As. Add th tmDlatto th loal folde naming it temp1ate With manufatued'' Adding |tems Itms that do not rist as parts in thr assmbly an b addedto th BoM mnually. This is done by adding rows to th tabl and diting th 11s. Th squntialitm numbr is ddd automatiallv' l Se olumn options onpag 4|6.--!


For ore |nformtion

14 Insert Row. Right-lik in th last row ofth BoM and hoos |nsert, Row e|ow. A nw itm is adddto th IEM No. olumn' th rst ofth ells


main mpry

,|5 Fi||ells.

Doubl.likin thlls andlik Yes to ontinu ditinsth11in lh mssag bo\' hi. mssg rs to l|sLhal rumaria||1 filld b proprty valus. y thttPA.Itr andGreen PeI Ps195458 as shownblow.

I I I I) ) ) )

aLesson 6 Bill of atenalsand ables

Solidworks 2010 A abuIated i|| of terils an be usd whn th assmbly ontins multipl onfigutions'Thr tabultionffts only th QTY. olumns. Se Tabl Proprtis o\ pag 409'

TabuIted Bill of MteriaIs

FororeInformtion l

New sheet. For purpossof dmostration, Iatr a nW dlawing shetusing D-Lndspe with th sm settingsas th uent on. Add an isomtri viw ofth sam oveende assmbly.Us th Position onfigumtion. Insrt o. lnsrt th Bo using: b|e emplte : temp],ate with manufatued Clx Attah to anhor point o ype : op leve| on|y onfigurations : se|ect a||onfig urations



i I I

aI I I i i I I I i I I



tI I


aI I I I


Solidworks 2010

buIated oM. Th tabulatd BoM lists thquantity olitms lor ahonfiguration sltd in th formt conflguation/QY )

., !,fi!i.2 "r, ""r.r,","

I II) )

II I) )

Position th Bo to the lft vrtial line ofth shtfofmat' Note 4 h PAI\ item dos not aparin th BoM. Th is bausit ws adddmanually in th original BoM. onfigurtions. Now down th onfigurationsLoonty No ]Iardware and Position_ by sltingthm in th PloptagI oI by doubl.liking on th olumn hadel nd sltingthe dsird onfigultlons'

zero Quantity

ThBo andisplaya ll with a quantity ofzro ln thlWays: with dsh. numri zroor bll ll' For More |nformtion l SeBiIl of Mtrilson page418.


IBiI of I'llaterials ad ables

Lesson 6

SolidWo.ks 2010

Missing items. The ittrrs80 though87 ar missing from th No IIadWae onfiguration.hy r displayd with th dfult dsh'

a a a

a a a


6 Zero quantity display. Usingoo|s,options, DoumentProperties, bles,iIIof Materia|s, zero quntity disp|y, st thdisplyto zero ..0''.


BoM contents

Th ontxt toolbal and drag nd dro fatursan b usd to gloup itms, rordr itms, st row visibiiity and hk whthromponnts hav bn balloond. l 7 Se BoM Modctions onpag 4|4.

Forore lnformtion

a I at t tI I I I I I I I I


Row Visibility. Clik an}.whr in th Bo and lik th ide/show ion. slet th IoW fol itm numbr 4. Th ow wi11highlight in blu indiating that it has bn s1etd. Clik the ide/shoW again to rcmov that row without rnumbring subsequntitm numbrs.

-B: @ ===

g 6;.i : ];


;] ===



.lffi ii:











So,idworks 2010


I Ib tb) ) ) ) I I

ForMoreInformtion l

Thryanbsorted by o. type. i;li;*.. ::':Pl".d:. nrrmbersan b maintained "otumnduling th sort' See Sms nd To|ISon page 422.

Th sort option an b usd to sort itms diffIntly thrl th dault

r' !,fi i""i i ",, " "r,"r*,

8 Sort,Ri.lik

|iji ;.*"o.'n_ _ . -.

inth DESRIPIo}.I olumn nd hoos Sort. St Sort.

Th itms numbrs a," yt"ii;gl-. "ung"o*o" D.*'.*'o

*p-;'." -..._tn'

-_. .-. _

_. _

or{1o .+] o o 6 * d E



_ -_.-


-i 1 ok"-_












9 Note ' Forore lnformtion

sve nd lose the drwing. Balloons labl .he.ansin th assembly and ritthm to itm numbIson th ill of tria]s.Baons a,J uto-at'uIty suppressdWhnth omponntsthry rfrenr supprssed. SeBIloons onpage67,

Lesson 6

BiI of |oaterials

anl abl

Solidworks 2010 an ofyour parts o assmblismay ontain dsign tables' It is good prati to disply thos dsign tabls in th drawing so that a singl drawing an rprsnta1lth onfigations. A dsign tabl an only b insrtdif th top ll omponntin that virw has a dsign tbl. For instanif a drwing view shws an assmbly,th only Way you an insrt design tal using that viw is i th ssmblyfi| hasa dsigntbl'

Design Tables in the Drawing


Ifyou wantd to show a art lvl dsign tabl in th assmbly dawing,a wokarlrndis to rat a sarate YiW ofth pafi that ontainsth dsign tbl. Insrtthe design tbl and thn hid thr viw ofth part. r srlrt a viw thn lik insfi |nsert' ab|es, Design b|e....

Where to Find lt

,| open drwing. opn thxisting drwing Desi i n.table '


Insert Design abIe. lik th Isomt]'i view and Inse, b|es, Design b|e.... Drag th dsign tabl into th top left m oth dmwing sht.



) ) ) )Solidworks2010


Edit the table. Doubl-lik o th tal in th dawig and it will opn th prt fil With th tabl ativ in th graphis aa.

o, t "r, ", "!"til!i.2 " "r ",

I Il)

1 I I I) ) )_;:::_::_-=::-,::::_;,'_ Editing the Design Using Exce| ip

#:o.".:=:.:-*_:-:: To hngth tabl ppamnyou an dit th tabl in th pa,t and lnodlty It aoldingly. This inludes hiding and fomtting th tabl. any ofth hangsthat aI ndedaI l hangs.Whn th dsign tabl is opn for diting, l mnus r mad ayilable. Ifyou lik outsid th tabl, it lss.Right-lik th Dsign ab1e fatuand slct Edit able to opnit. 4 |nsert a new ro Right-lik IoW had and slt |nsert to add a nw row abov it.

tI) ) ) ) I )



Lesson 6

BiI oI loaterials

an.l ab!s

solidWoks 2010 Add titles. Typ in th titls that will appeain th drawing in th nw row.Liql |frckn. [email protected]].i:a;;;;;-



Hide a row. Right-1ik oWhadr 3 and slt Hide. Th row with th dimnsion nams is hiddn but not dltd.

Formte||s. Right-likthpopulatd lls andsltFormat e||s.... s\,ral hangs wiil b rad to thappamn oftlr lls andtabl.

Add borders. In th Formt e||s dilg bo sltth order tab. Slt a thik lin stl and lik th out|ine button slt a thin lin styl and lik th |nside button. C1ik oK.


+ll l t'ircw


h s *|ed odi 4.

. .n y t&|c]q tfraB6*'


* |


D) )

l l D I I) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

SolidWorks 2010B t!l.f M"|",i" ::;;:;:

F i | | o | o r . slt th top lft btton in th tabl and lik th FiIl Co|or ffi seleet,hit. tool.

I't0 Resize the tbIe.


Drag th ottom-right omI handl olth tabl to ImY th blani< lls surounding th tabl. olumn width. slt th thl olumns s shown and risht.lik oIumn Width.

st th Yaluto l5 and lik oK.

I) )


12 enter text. Sltall thllsnd1ik thCenter fl tool to ntrjusti8/ thtt in thrlls.

Lesson 6 Bill ot atnalsand ahles

Solidworks 2010

1 3 Return to the drWing.Clik outsidth dsign tabl to ls it' Rtum to th drwing window. You may hav to lbuild th &awing to pdatth tbl.



-NResizing OLE objets Whn oL objtsa insrtdinto a drawing you may hav to adjust thir siz. Th siz an b adjustdy draggingth omIs ofth oL objt.Howvr ilan xat siz is rquird thn you an ntrwidth, hight or sal valus throughth objt's ploprtis. 14 Resize the design tb|e. To inasth siz olth dsign tabl, righlik on th tbl and seletProDerties...' ntr a s|e of2 nd lik oK.



a a aI II



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-42 9l0n _

--;--] G"d-l -

"* z-- ]

a a atI


Th thr valus ar linkd togthIto mintain th asptratio ofth objt.hanging on vlu aussth othr two t hng aordingly''i;:;i:=;.-::::=:=;.;.*




a a a

)s|idworks 2010Bill of |faterials

Lesso 6an! abls

I) ) ) )

Isometri Dimensions

Dimnsions an b addd to th isomtri viw on th drawing. Th rsulting dimnsions ar Divn (rfrn)dimnsions. l5 Disp|y. Using th standarddimnsin tool, slet vt1isand dgesto rcat thr isomtri dimnsions as shown. h thiknss is 1.75beausth Default onfigurationis shown' ntrr th dimnsion tt and tum offth pffnthsrs.

) ) ) ) )

16 Dimension text nme. Clik on thudimnsion andovrwrit thstandald txt with Width.


I I I) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

A mssageapparssaying that t}ping a valu disablrs th tolrn display. Clik Yes. Th tu dimnsion an be ought bak at any tim by ret}ping .

ILesson 6 BiI ot tlata.,als anlables Solidworks 2010

17 Remining nmes. Add txt to lpla th txt on th othr two dimnsions Wit th nams ofth olumns in th dsign table.

II I I I I i I I I I I I i I I i


a at I

18 Finisheddrwing' sav andlosth drawing.

a a


tI I

a at148



I) ) ) )



rise 20 Customizlnga BOM

t I DIl)

20: erise a Customizing o]vt

rat this dralving 'ith Bo using th dsriptinsprovidd' This lab ussth follou,ing skills: l Bill oJ'Mtrils d ?aDles on pag 408,

Units:inhes Siz: B-Landspe

orvlemp|ate Dawing

rat a nW Bo tmplattht inluds ustomizd proprtisin tl] olumns. Th dawing iniuds viws' a BoM and annotations. Drawing shet nd Views. Iat a nW drawing with two viWs of th Disla stand assmbly' InsIta Bo usin8 th bom-a,11.s1dbomtbt tm1at.


D t I) ) )


I) ) )

tIl) )

ModifyoM. odif th Bo to inludth following ustorploprty nams nd (in ddition to th IEM No.. QY and PAR No. olutll titls oiulns).


Eerise 20 Customizinga BOll

SolidWorks 2010


||oons. Add balloons to th Isometric viw.


a a a a

t t

aI t


5 sve and |osethe fi|es.

a a a a a a a a aI

a a a a a a a a at



Solidworks 2010

xerise 21

Eerise21: Ho|eTb|es

Iat tl]is drawing using th dsriptions providd' This Iab uses th fol1owing skills: l Hol Tbls ort pag 429.

Units: inhes

I) ) ) ) )

Drawing Sheet 1

Us th followinggraphis as a guidto Iat thdlawingshet shown. Drawing sheet nd view. rta nw drawing with onviw ofth lIol_ablepafl.ole b|e. Add a Ho|e Tb|e, positiond and onfigurd as shown in th dtails blow.


I I I) ) ) ) ipUs Hiddn Lins Visibl so tht th far sid hol an e sltd. sve nd |ose the fiIes'

I I) ) ) \



erise 22

Utilizing a Design tabl

SolidWorks 2010

Eerise22: Utilizing a Designtable

Crat th folJowing drawing using th virvs. notsand dimnsions providd. This la uss th followingskills: . l Editig |h Dsign T.]bl on pag 143. Rsizing L bjcts on pag l46.

a a a a a a ai

Uits:inhes SiZ:A-Landspe


Us th following graphis as a guid to leat tl] dmwing and dsign tabl. NeW drWingnd views. Iat a n\'"' drawing sht and dawing viws using th aft namd tube.

e a a a a a atl

Dimensions. Add th dimnsions as drivn (rfrn) and modifl, th dimnsion txt so that only tlrlquird annottionis displd'


Desi9n ab|e. Rformatth Dsign bIe using diI'trnt olors in th lis and add oiumnhaders substitutingth dimnsions With (L)' (D) and (oD). lnsI1and lrsiz the tbl and font so that it is a suitabl siz in thr dawing. save nd |ose the f.le.

a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aa

a a a

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )Solidworks2010 xerise 2 Using cneral ables

Exerise 23: Using General bIes

Iat th fo11owing dawing using th viWs, nots and tabl providd. This lab uss th following skills: l Equtios i Tblson pag 420. Gnrl Tbls on pag 426.







Units:inhes siZ:A-Landspe


Use th 1bllowing glahis as guidr to ratth dWingand dsign tabl. New drWing and views. Crat a nw dawing shtand drawing vjws using th assmbly namd AssY DfiAIlNGs. General table. Iat a gnraltabl and fill it With tt and quationsas shown. os(EURos]MPoNN HOUS NG U N 2.34 5.25 5 4,5 t_25 ToL 2'4 5.25 .059.12

I l)

l l


) ] ) )

.6.25 29.]

tI l I) ) ) )


.!.rtxelise 23 Uslng Generalables

Solidworks 2010 Notes. Add notes with proprties linkd to th componnt fil nams. 2(o|.tlt l .v xl tfiPe. (D.lu o () tPi6P (o.f.U|) 9 (') olu * (ti


Lesson 7 Perto|mance anc!Displa lssus

Solidworks 2010 You an toggle lgassembly mod offat any tim to lgain th funtionality tht is disabld in th sttings. oggIe Lrge Assemb|y Mode off. Clik Tools' Large Assemb|y Mode to toggle the stting off. This dos ,?oltoggl offlightwight dawings' Resolve Lightweights. Right-lik any ofth drawing viws and hoos Set Lightweight to Reso|ved. his Will for th omponntsloadd lightwight to b rsolvd into th full omponnts.

ogg|eLarge AssemblyMode


Cliking th viw oI omonntsin th viw dos ol onvfi them to Resolved. Review the drawin9. Th lightwight symbols hav bn rmovd from th g*. . i* i El'c*d; t!

omponnts in all viWs. |ose the drawing

.Y:; E;*R4ntody)


Detahed Drawings

Detahed Drawings aedesignd so you oo|ViseDethed an opn and work in drawing fils without ffi nnotution' th modl fils bing loadd into mmory. ] 5hrt1 Th drawingis dahd liom th rfns' i' empltl Drawing viws and th top lYl fatul ar makdwith a brokn link, th ion usd to Iplsnta DtahdDrawing. Ifth lndmodl is nddfor an opratiwithin a DtahdDawing, you aI plomptd to load th modl fil. You an load th modl manually by dght-liking a viW and slting Lod ode|.!i


- rlr d se.tionVie'/r (l l1) D e t i | V i W

.$ ,aEDsi


This mthod diffrs from th lightwight drawirrgmthod ofloading a rdud siz rfren.Th Dtahd Drawins loads o rfrnst all.


Soailworks 2010

,"o.r."r.""roo,.rt!f i"oJJ"You n snd DethdDrawings to othr SolidrJy'orks usrs withut snding th modl fils. You lso hav mor ontrol ovr uDdatinsth d\^ ing to lhe modl.Mmbr' o[th dsignt"u. .un *o,k indprndntly on the drawing, adding dtails and annotations, while othmmbIsedit th modl' Whn th drawing and th modl ar synhronizd,all th dtails and dimnsions adddto the &awins updt to ay gomtri or opoIogil hangs in th mdI. h tim lquird to opn drawing in dtahrd fonat is signifiantl rdudbusth modl fils r not loadd.Baus th modl data is not stord in mmory mor memory is availabl to pross awing data,Whih has signilantprfonrranimpliations for larg assmbly dwings. Th dthdformat Iquirs stofing mor dg data and lss surfa data.Thfor,som fils alargr Whnonvrtdto dtahd, whil othrs ar smallr In gneal,ifyoul dlawings hav stion viws, th fil siz should dras. Ifth dlawings do not hav stion viws, th file siz may inras.Fil siz is dirtly rltedto th numbr ofvisibl edgs in the drawing.FoI xample,ifyo parts hav pattmsoffaturs with many instans'it is mor likely that th fil siz will inraswhn nvl1dto dtahdfomat' Standarddrwings an b onvrtddirtly to Drtahd Dmwings. DtahdDrawings n also be onvrtdbak to stndarddrawinss' Th hav th same fil tnsion. r To onvfi a standard&awing to a DtahedDrawing, lik FiIe, Sve As'... hoos th sve s type: Dethed Drwing (".slddrw). To onYrta dtahddrawing to a stndarddrwing, 1ik Fi|e, sve As.... Choos th save s type; Drwing (*.slddrw).

I b II) ) ) )

AdYantges of Dthed Drawings



File Size


t II I ) ) ) )

Where to Find lt


Fored Regeneration

iI D1 I I 1

Bfor rating a DtahdDrawing it is good plati to nsul that th modl is fully up to dat.You should do a Ford Regenertion f th part or ssmbly.Do this by prssing Ctr|+Q' Ford Rgnration aussa omplt rbuild ofall th fatusin th modl. Th dit, RebuiId lo oprration (tr|+) only rbuilds nw or hangdftuls and thir hildrn.

1 opn drWing. opn thoolvise drawing. 2 open the referened ssemb|y. Righrlik in anyviWandslrtopen Assemb|y'


Lesso 7 PerlormananIDlspla lssues

SolidWorks 2010

Assemb|y fored regenertion, Prsstr|+Qto rgnIat thssmbly. save and|ose thssembly. Drawingfored regenertion. Psstrl+Q to rgnIat thdlawing. Save th drawing.


Making a Bakup

sve As opy is a good mthd ofmking bakup drawings.With th sve As opy funtion yu an sav th dawing with nw nm or pth, Without replaing th ativ doumnt. You an ntinu to WoIk in th original drawing documnt, but hav bakup ofyoul drawing at that partiulastagin th dsign pross. To make a mparisonofth diffrnin prformanbtwna DtahdDrawing and a standarddrawing, th opid drWingwill be onvrtd to the detahd format.

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I t I


onvertto Dethed

|ick Fi|e'sve As.'.' ntthe rlnmToolviseDetahed.sltthsve As opy optionandsavthopy as fil tyr Dtahd Dawing. lose the urrentdrwing' 7 open the oolvlseDetahed drWing.indictions of detahed. Th tim tkn to load the drwing was shortrbusth modls wI not loadd into mmory An indiation ofdtahd is found in th FafuInagrdsign tee. The &awing and drawing viws ar mrkd with th brokn link. xpand a view and only the lndassmbly is listed' N fi.u1hr xpansion is possibl bausth modls ar not loadd. 9 sve nd |ose the drWing.

D$e*l s .mr.'


aI I I I I I

g'aIvt"(].l) @ 8 *ft


) ) ) )Solidworks 2010

",".""oo, "#iifJJ, ""n",Whn working with Dtahd Drawings, SolidWoks can inform you if hang hs ben mad to th modls that ar rfInedin th dawing.You thn hav th hoi ofbringing th drawing up-to.dat With th rfIn data'

II I i i)

i'king hanges to the Referened Assem|y

10 open the referencedassemb|yool\tise.11 hnge a value. Chang th diamtrol th too1 holder t 4.5,' as sho$an. lik RebuiId. ,|2 save and |ose the ssembIy.


I b) ) Loading the Model

b b) )

Whn opning a dthddrwing, th softwarhks all shtsin th drawing to b sur that thy ar synhronizd with th model. Ifnot, you ar wamd. This is nothrinstanwhn loading th modl is rquird to bing lh vi s up to dt( 13 open the Dethed Drwing. A messagappa tlling you the &awing shtis out of dat with the xtmal modl. Th drawing opns but it dos not display th latstvion ofth assmbly' l4 Load the model. Right-lik a viw ontaining th modl ou \\ntlo load.and s|t Lod Mode|. lik Yes on th onfirm Lod l{tode|dialog to ontinu loading th modl.

t) ) )

b b

It D) )



Lesson 7 Pertomanc ad Displa Issues

Solidworks 2010

l5 Updated drwing.


vn though th modls wr loadd to updatth drawing, th nrt tim it is opndth drawing dos zor load th modls. Th drawing Imains a DtahdDrawing. ,|6 sve nd |ose the drr.ving.

I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I


atI I I't62


t I

2010 solidworrc

,"n"r."r".*OOOrt:;i:J: In som instansan assmly or assmly drawing dos not display oltly in idden Lines Removed (LR) oI idden Lines visibIe (Lv) mod. l NeW drWingnd view. Cat nw A-Lndspe dawing with shtfomat' Add an Isometic vi''of th cylindensldasm. Us th Default onfisumtion'

DisplayIssues in Drawing Views


Th viw has a lot oflins missing that ar ausing a por Iplsntationofth assmbly.Th ommon aus ofthis problm is intrfrnin th asstbly.Thrfot th nt stp is to find th intrfrnand rsolv it.

open the referened assembly.

Lesson 7 Parformance antDisPla lssues

Solidworks 2010 In a ompl assmbly it mayb diffiult to visually dtrminwhther omponnts intrfI With ah othr You an dtt intIfrn btwnomponentsnd amin th rsulting intefrn volums. Ilthr is intrfrn, th dialog box lists th oulns. on orrrn is leportd for ah pair of intIferingomponnts.Wn you lick an intrfrneresult in th list, the osponding intefrn volum is highlightd in th graphis ara and th nams ofth omponntsinvolved a listd.

Interferene Detetion

3 |ik oo|s'|nterference Detetion.... sltthr toplYl assmbly andlik cIuIte. Th ResuItslist shwshintrfring pair W wi1laddlss th intfrrne twn thod clevis andthrod fiIst.



fl*"*tt.o,.fi ll*af-*l,.0.l t*afffil'0'ol5.


opn the od' clevis prt. Unsupplssthcut-E)':tude atur.

2010 soIidwoks

Lesson 7 lssues and Displa Perto|mance

Drwing' Rtum to th dmwing to se th hangs that hav oud. othff intIfrns Imatn.

Repir the be. thTube Dobl-lik andhang omponnt th smallq of thtwo to dimnsions diamrt 1.125". srlt his onfiguration and likRebui|d. open lread ap. somlpisaS It rquirs well.hang th diamtIofth hol in ut-Exlrudeo to 0.375''for his onfigurtion.

Qi -Yr




Open tie rod" hngits diamtffto 0.,|25''.


Lesson 7 Prfoman and Displa lssus

Solidworks 2010


Return to the ssemb|y. Chkfr intrfns onmor.Thetat non.


at II

a a

a aI I,l0 Returnto the Drwing.01t.

Now thatthassmbly is frf intrfrns, thdrawing viw is

I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I



11 sv nd |osethe drwing.

Dis|ay QuaIity Settings

Thris a han thatWirefrmend high qua|ityLRiLv Reso|utionoI shded and drft qua|ityHLR/HLVResoIutioncan ontdbute to displayproblms in wirfram r onofth hiddenlin modsif it is notstfin nugh. In oo|s, options, DoumentProperties,|mgeQua|itythrae slidrswhih allowsyou to inras thwirframe displayqualityat thostofslowrgrahi prformn. You mayhavto xpIimnt to find therightbaln btwn displyqulityandrforman.

E B T) )

So'lifwo.*s 2010

xerise 24 Dtached Drawings-1

xerise24: Dethed - l Drwings

Iat this Dtahd Drawing using th dsriptions rovidd.

EThis lab uss th following skills; l l Dlhd Drwigs on pag I58. Mkig hags to th Rrncd ssmbl on page 16il.

It) ) )

Dethed Drawing

rate a detahddrawing from a standarddrawing fil. open n existing drWing. opn th ivoting ov fam dlawing flom th onveyo lab fold. Generate a Detched Drawing. rat a dtahd drawing namd f,me-Detahed.


II I l)

l l) ) )


xerise 24 DtachdDrawings- 1

Solidworks 2010 Aftff gnIating th drawing mak a mdifiation to th assmbly.

Modify the Assembly

a a aI

vlodifythe pivot h_ai11. opn th aft pivot-h.Iail1. Modif tlr as sho\rrn to fr hangsin the prL 11 and th ssembly. open ssemb|y. opn tlr ivot'ing onv fl,m nd updatth hangs.




Updattlrdtahd drawing with thurrent hangs' Updte. opn thdtahd drau,ing andupdat thhangs.



a at t t


a a a a a a at

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x.ise 25 Dtahed Drawings-2

erise 25: Detahed Drawings- 2

Iat this Dtahd Dawing using th dsriptions providd.

0 l'*


This lab uss th following skills: l l Dtqchd Drwlgs on ag l58 Mkig hangs to th Rrecd ssembl ol pag 16|.

Detahed DrWing

rate dtahddrawing fom a standarddrawing fil. open n existing drawing. opn th DAWR drawing lrom th DaWe lab folder Generte Detahed DrWing. CIat a dtahddrawing namd Dawe_Detahed.

-/\ \ -. } ,/| ./2 .{ i| .4 l 5N' |r.z ||||,v x| -/ \\z \r v / \url -/l

erise 25 DtahdDrawings- 2

SolidWorks 2010 Aftr genIatingthe dawing mak a modifiatin to th assrrrbly' odify the DRAi1rER_SIDE ' Modify the assmblyby hanging lngth on th DA\rER_SIDE from 50mm to 500mm' U pdate. Updat th dtahddmwing with th modl and part hngs.

Modify the Assembly


,+ LIV W


Lesson 8 DrawingReferenesand Gomparison

Upon sussful ompletin olthis lsson'you will be ablto: r r r r Copy andus a drawing file. Changth rfrnofa drawing andth drawingviws. ompaletwo similardawings to viw thdiffrns. Chekparts, dawings or assmblis with thDsignChkr'

Lesson I DrawingRafarncs anlompaison

SolidWorks 2010

Reusinga DrwingFi|e

A grat dal fdsign work is dIivativ basd on existing dsigns.In this lsson you Will larn how to op a part and its assoiatd drawings and use thm as the basis for designing a new part.

1 open the existing drwing nmedrdier Arm.|ick Fi|e, sav As.... Do not lik Save. |ik the Referenes...button. Th save As With Referenes dialoc ons'

I) ) ) )


Lesson I DmwingRefrencesand ompaison

I) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

seIetthe fiIes. boththdrwingfil andits rfrnd andslt Hold th Shift-ky pafi tl.


nter the new names for the fi|es. Clik th lvlor options,.. button. Clik Add suffix and typ .new tlren lik Ap|y. The filnam o1orwill hang to $en to indiat thy hav bn hnsd.

t) ) ) ) )


F) )

t_ tr. I -s:l 6l -

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seIet a lotion for the neW files. Slt both th &awing and th prt fils. Clik rowse.... slt a nw foldr loation fol th fils.Th foldr paths for bth fils ill hang to grn to indiat th path has bn hangd. lik sve A|l again to rcat th nw drawing fil and part and los t save As With Referenes dialogox.




Lesson I Drcwing Refrncsan!compaison

SolidWorks 2010

I tI


heck the referene. Right-lik on one fth viws and slt Properties. Th view is now rlatd to th nW pafi fil. Changs an b mad to th new part Withoutafftingthe old vrsion.


a a

I I I I IIhnge the part. on thnWpart rfrn. Chang th dpthofth oss. Extlude faturto 2. swith bkto th drawing to sth hngs' sve nd |osethe files.

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Solidworks 2010

Draw ing Refrences an!"";#J":

Chnging Drwing Referenes

Changing a drwing frnallows you to hange th part oI assmblyusd in a drawing without dlting and rIatingth viWs. Drawing viws an refrnspifi onfigurations.Ifth Iplamntart or assmbly does not hav th sam onfisurations. on a \ iW-b-viW 1ou wi|| b pomted bsisto hoosathr onfigation. Diffrns btwnth oliginal refrndfil's gomtry and th Iplamntmay aus som ofth dimnsions and annottionsto bom dangling.

,| open the |er drWing.

I I )

h [ff-,,E.--1tir|ger

:=sitIe b|ok re. Zoom in on th titl blok to IYiWth urnt dtails.Not tht th dlawing hs ustom prprtisthat aI linkd to th drawing.

t) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ution!




sAtf: ]2 h1JGI: ojGo I s l o



lose the drawing. C1osth drawing fil without nraking any hngs. | i k F i I e ,o p e n . . . . Mak su you d not on th drawing by doubl-Iiking. slt th llJrge drarving.Do not lik open.



Lesson I DrawingRefercncesanlcompanson

Solidworks 2010

|ik the Referenes...button. Th dit Referened File Loations dialos oDns. Aess the referened fi|e. Doubl-lik th Nme.

a a aI I i

a a a a ai I I i I I I I II

se|et new referene. slt th IIange.8 part fil as th nw fil refrnand lik open. Finish opening the file. 1ik oK to los th dit Referened Fi|e Loctions dialog bo. Thn lik open to opn th drawing with tlJrger- as the urrrnt rfrn' Note


savdonfiguration olth sltd prtis usd.

Ifth onfigurtionnams do not math, a mssagapprs.The last

DngIing Deti| |temsdia|ogbox. DngIingDetailltems wlll b listdundff ount. Th De|etehkbo n b usdto d1t dangling itms. Clik oK. tr tr tr a*O( l ".d l


a a


You do not hav to delt th dangling rfrnsat this time. In som ass you may Wantto rfInth data to nw grometry in th drawing oI subjtilyslt whih dangling itrms to lmov.

a a a a aI

t I176



) ) ) ) ) )solidwoks 2010Drawi ng Ref ern c es an!"*;::,J.:

't0 DrWing.Th modl viws updatto display th hangdrfrn.Not that thr ustom plopfiis hav hangdto rflt the nW part lfrn.

b) ) ) ) ) ) )


tII I I) ) )

Review the referene file. Right-lick on on ofth viws and slt Properties''.. Not that the Mode| informtion now indiats llane-8.

12 sve nd lose the files.

Using pre DrwComWhere to Find lt

h DrWompare tool is usd to highlight th diffrnsbtwn two sltrd drcWings.Additions and Remova|s from th trst sltddrawing aI olor odd for asy viWing.Th Drawompre window appass a sepalateploss. r Clik ooIs' Compare, Drwompre.

l 1 I) ) ) ip

DrWings. thdrawing Clik Too|s,Compre,Drwompareandslt Gasket.l as DrWing l andGasket.2as Drwing 2. omDre. Clik Compare Drawings ffi] andwitthrsults. For dtahd drawings, usr thompre DethedDrawings @ option. Zoom. on th lik zoom to Are Q andzoomin th DiffrensWindow titl blok'


Lesson I Dnwing Referncsan! comparison

Solidworks 2010


4 RemovIs. ClrAdditions andlik Remov|s.Whtappars in bluehasbnrmvd fiom DrWing 1'

a a aI

(l(:rk. 1r. 1


1 I

a5 Additions. 1aI Removals and lik Additions. What appasin gnhas bn adddto Drawing 2. r@E

a a ati

Note 6

Both additions and rmvals az b shown tosthr Save. lik sve Resu|ts @ and bitmas (*.BMP) fils are ratdfor a1l thr windows' Clos th DrawCompar tool.

a a aI

SolidWorks Design Cheker

h soIidworks Design heker is a st oftools usd to hk parts, assmblisand spiall drawing fils againsta hklist ofompny spcifid standalds'BuiId cheks ae usd to ratth hklist and hek Ative Doument to pply it to SolidWorks doumnt.he hkr genIats a list offaild hks and dtaild information about ah. Th sultsan b sntto a lport that is savd to th Dsign Bindr or to disk. he ui|d heks option is usd to Iatth hklist usd by th Dsign Chkr Th hks ar ratdas *.swstd fils that an b pplidto n1 SoIidWorks doumnt' The hks ar brokn down into atgofis. Som hks allow for numi omparrsons Iikthtshownt rightor oshking.

BuiId hecks


' l ":Fl.|,

a a a a a a a aI I II


Note Where to Find It

Design heker must initiatd usingthooIs, Add.ins dialog. r r Clik TooIs, Designheker,ui|dheks.... on thoffie Products tbofth Commandanasr. lik Build Cheks @'

a a





D I f D D


Lesson I and omparison DrawingReterences

DNew buiId hek. Clik Bui|d Cheks l nssary)' and New ;. (C|ose th Wlompagif


Sve. Clik sve @, nar th SolidWoks Stndardfil Studnt and lik oK. A SolidWorks Standard*.swstd fi] is Iatd. Note Aftr a SoljdWorks Stadardfil is rtd,it an b opndnd ditd r.rsing th Build Chks tool. Doument heks. lik Doument hecks ilj and Dimensioning stndrd' Clik th ANSI button.



t D t Df) ) ) )

D tD D tI

other doument heks. r Units setting: |Ps (inch pound seond) r Dimension Font: Aria|. o|d' Points = 14 Dimension heks. lik Dimension hecks 9 and st th foll'inq' r OverlappingDimensions Drawing doument heks. Clik Drawing Doument heks E and stth following. r over|pping Views


L s son 8 DrawingRtr/.ncos an!conpa|ison

Solidworks 2010

8 sve and eit. sav th hangs andit thso|idworks Design heker dialog' ip h summary view tbshowsa ondnsd butunditbl viw ofth hks. Th options tabllowsfor thhks to b rn on thativ onfiguration or all onfigumtions andto stthunits.Th Chek Ative Doument otion uss a sletdSo1idWorks standard (*.swstd) fil to hk th rrrnt doumnt.Th esults aparin th Task Pan undr th Design hecker tab. hey an b savd to th Dsign Bindr ofthe doumnt01 to disk. r r Clik oo|s, Design heker, hek Ative Doument...' on th offie Produts tab ofth ommndMnagr.lik hek Active Doument lgii,j'


t t


hek Ative Doument

ai I I I t

Where to Find lt

tI I I


hek ative doument. Clik hek Ative Doument l, Add th student fil ratdin th plvious stps, lear th othestandrds'nd 1ikcheck Doument.





,|0 Fi|ed cheks' xpand th rsults to s th four laild hks Doument's Units setting hek, Document's Dimension Font Chek and Dimensions, overlpping hek (2 instans). pand furthIto se th instans whr th failur ourrd. ."*oo'.l,*: i




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l b


Lesson I Drawing Refrenes and companson

I i I t i i i i i I i i i)

Using Auto.orrect

Auto-orrt n b usd to mk hangsbasd on fai1dhks. It dos not apply for grahial hks'

11 Fi|ed chek. and thDoument's Unitssettinghek andslt |d|el Arm - sheet1. ,|2 Auto-orret'

lik GorretSe|eted to appl1 lh Preferred v|ue(s) orUnit System.

13 Fi|ed heck. xand thDoument's Dimension Font hk andslet |d|er Arm - sheetl'14 Auto-orret. lik orrect seleted to apply th Preferred va|ue(s) for Font and Font Style. 15 Graphi Gheck. slt Dimension's ovr|pping hek to highlight th dimnsions.?'l

i t)

e c o


tI I i i I i i I) iponly graphi hks povid th option ofhighlighting th faild hks. Th an only b rpaird manually. 16 Update. Lav th dialog opn and rpair th ovrlapping dimnsions. ,|7 sve nd |ose the fi|es.


Lesson I DrawlngRafrencasand Comparlson

Solidworks 2010


I i I t ! I I t i

I I I i I I I I I I i I I I i I I I I I I Ia

t t


Solidworks 2010

ercise 26 changing a DrawingRefernce

erise 26: Chnginga Drawing Referene

odiy the drawing by hanging th isting rfernin th drawing to a nw tll.

This lab uss th following skills: l hngig Drawig Rrns on pag |75. Units:ihes Siz: B.Landspe


U.s-th lollwing graphis as a guid to rlaing th fil rfrnin a druwlng.

Drwin9. Sltthisting drawing clamp' ight bottom'

hnge the refeene.



right ttam' bottom) with th mdifid fil

I) ) ) ) )lamp, Iight bottom lam, right middle

eriae 26 changing a DrawingRerence


3 odified drwing.

Aftr hanging th rfrnc, rmove ny dangling ntitis ftom th drawing.


E4 save and |ose the fi|e.

Solidworks 2010

xerise27: Usinguild Ghek

Crat a SolidWorks Standardfil and us it to hk a drawing.!!]otl DiiliE stdn'J h!*







This lab uss th following skills: l l I Solid|4lorlDsign hckr olpag |18' Bild hks onpag 178. Usig to-orrl on ag 181


Chk a dwing using svlatgots. uild heks. Using uild heks, reat a nw SolidWorks Standardfil that hks: r r Undr Doumnt Chks, Dimnsioning Stndald st to ANsl Und Doumnt Chks, Unit sttings st to Gs

r Urrdr Dimnsin Chks, Font Styl st to ntury Gothi, Rgula Points : l2 oI, ]rsr th isting standardsfi1D.Lab. swstd found in th Iise foldr Drawing. opn th xisting drawing using-Desi n -heken chek. Chk th drawing using th standadsfil. Us Auto-orrt whIr possibl to corrt th rfols. sv and |ose the fi|e.

i i) ) )



Eerise 27

Using Bullcl Check

Solidworks 2010



I I I I I ! I I I I I I i I I I i I I I I I I I I I



Lesson 9 Using DimXpertand TolAnalyst

you will b ablto: mltion ofthis lsson, Upon sucssful r r l r Us thDimprttools. UndIstand tolnntypsandaturs. tolran shms automatially. Gnrat Us thTolAnalystto dtminstakups.

Lesson I Using DimpeItan!olAnalst

SolidWorks 2010


Th Dimxpert softwIis usd to rat fully tolranedmodl with Dimpfi atursatdfrom SolidWorks lafursand gmtry. Th modl n b usd with o|Anlyst stak nalysis. h rsults an also b usd fol: r r r r Paflnff CA appliations Pnolrn aaIysis ppliations trology(msurment) ppliations Crating dimnsiondand annotatddrawing viws

Th Dimpn reognizs SolidWorks fatts suh as fillts, hamflIs, pattms,trudsand hol wizrd hols when rating Dimprt faturs.Dimensions and toleransn b addd manually or automatially using Auto Dimension Sheme to ompletth pIrss'

Note he Dimxpertanager

Th dimnsins and tolelans onform to th ASM Y14.41-200 standId. Th Dimprt ppliation storsth faturs,dimnsions and tolranstht omprise it in th Dimxprtanagel, a ftrr strut similar to th FaturanagrDsign Tr. olo aeusd to hlp visualiz th stas ofth aturs, presntdas fully-, undr- or ovrdfindlik skths' For mor informatio seShow TolrnSttus on page |99 'btu,

$: Eejd


E g d.P.5

l sr""r"

Dimxpetaager Designr Features

U *"d.' Gl ar&.,d", Isld"

5|62 de"l

*-' Ul*,*fr..

Fla: E t.&'d"


Featunge Design Features


I I I I I I I I I t I


I I I I I I I I i I I I I I i t t I I I I I I

Solidworks 2010

u nr,.rr., "ro lifo"rlir!, ",,UsingAuto Dimension sheme #, tho|erne t}ps P|usnd Minus oI Geometrianbr Iatd. h Geometrioptioninluds DtumsandGeometri oIeranes, gomtry Dimxpert Feturesarusdto dsIib thfatur fth part.SolidWorks gomtry possibl. is rrognizrdandusdwhnvr Thtls of lafus alistdblo'

ypes ToIerane ad Features


DsriptionDatums ar ratdusing th Geometri option.


Prismti Part T}pe

urned PartT}Pe

Plan fatures al eognizd lom planar fas in th modl. Multipl llatd plans may b Iognizd as Width Fetures or ompound P|nes. Plane

Th Autmati Dimension shm Width Fetures dosnotrogniz Thyan or ompoundPInes. manually. only be Ieatd


ILeson 9 Using Dimpe|tand olAnalst SolidWorks 2010


oss q, faturesr rognizd ftom ylindrial fas in th mod1. A y|inder 0 an be rognizd instadof irula boss.






Fi||et fatursr rognizd ftm filltd fs. Fi||et Pttern is a olltion offillts ofth sam siz but disonrrtd' A Fil|et Chain (B is linkd diltly to a SolidWorks fi llet fatur.Chamfrs and pattrms an b similly lintd. hamfer 8 faturesthat ar individual, pattemdand linkd ar Irgnizd.

a RQ.a

a aI I I t I I I II I I I



Iot0.5 5.s

asimp|e o|e ! fatusaI ylin&ical uts that li Within the dge boundariesofth body. Thy aI dimnsiondto th gomtri ntI.A y|inder 0 an b reognizd instead ofa simpl hol.



tountersink o|e frturs ax uts that lie within th edg boundarisofth body. h ar dimnsiondto th geomfticntI. ountersink ounterored Ho|es ar made u oIe of a y|inder nd a simpIe ole.





) )

I B I) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

solidwoks 2010

Lesson 9 Using Dimprtan!olAnalst

o|e Pattern s featurcs ar rognizd fromsimpler hol o|e Pattern wizrdhols'A utusinga irular skthis alsoonsidrd a hol.s|ot El fatuesaI dfind as intmal cut fatus With two parallel plans appd at both nds by two planes (whih ar prpendiulal to th sid walls) or two radii (whih ar tangrnt to th sid walls). Slot fatrsar dimnsiondto th geomtrint and includ a labl indiating th ovelall lngth and width. Thy may b blind or through.


Poket faturs arany igularlyshapedutsWithoutdraft. Thy mayb blind or through'Poket

t I)

tt I t t) ) ) ) )


Noth t0 fatrs ar uts dfined by two paralll plans, opn at on nd and closd at the othel with a plane or radius. Noth fafurs ar dimnsindfor width and lngth rd loatd to thr gomtri ntI.


surface fatursar only tolrand whnthtolran t}peis gomtri.




Lesso 9 Using DimPertand olAnalst
