1 10/13/2016 Course: INFM372 Human-Computer Interaction & Usability Study Instructor: Dr. Feng Liu Student: Patrick McClellan Assignment: Summarize all steps taken for homelesspetinitiative.com. Go thru interview process, wireframe, prototypes, everything! Talk about what we learned. Include stakeholder map from week 3 in final report for homeless pet. Project homelesspetinitiave.com Team Members: Patrick McClellan Yanbin Zhang Hanson Acheampong Benjamin Howard Norman Note: Hanson Acheampong and Benjamin Howard Norman worked on another project for the website restoredchristianity.com, however they assisted during the interview process by taking notes and also recorded audio and video of the sessions. Great job guys! Process Steps for homelesspetinitiave.com 1. Introduction to the project homelesspetinitiave.com 2. Emailed Client to set up interview date and time 3. Composed questions for the client 4. Define stakeholders 5. Client interview 6. Write up summary after interview 7. Post Interview Task Analysis and Scenarios 8. Script and storyboard scenarios 9. Create navigation structure 10. Create wireframe 11. Create second version of wireframe 12. Create Usability questionnaire for next group 13. Create prototype 14. Set up second client interview 15. Interview client and observe the use of the prototype and obtain feedback 16. Updated prototype based on observations from the interview

10/13/2016 Course: INFM372 Human-Computer Interaction ...infm.mercer.edu/infm372/2016_fa1/patrickm/INFM372_HCI_Study... · 1 10/13/2016 Course: INFM372 Human-Computer Interaction

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10/13/2016 Course: INFM372 Human-Computer Interaction & Usability Study Instructor: Dr. Feng Liu Student: Patrick McClellan Assignment: Summarize all steps taken for homelesspetinitiative.com. Go thru interview process, wireframe, prototypes, everything! Talk about what we learned. Include stakeholder map from week 3 in final report for homeless pet. Project homelesspetinitiave.com Team Members: Patrick McClellan Yanbin Zhang Hanson Acheampong Benjamin Howard Norman Note: Hanson Acheampong and Benjamin Howard Norman worked on another project for the website restoredchristianity.com, however they assisted during the interview process by taking notes and also recorded audio and video of the sessions. Great job guys!

Process Steps for homelesspetinitiave.com 1. Introduction to the project homelesspetinitiave.com 2. Emailed Client to set up interview date and time 3. Composed questions for the client 4. Define stakeholders 5. Client interview 6. Write up summary after interview 7. Post Interview Task Analysis and Scenarios 8. Script and storyboard scenarios 9. Create navigation structure 10. Create wireframe 11. Create second version of wireframe 12. Create Usability questionnaire for next group 13. Create prototype 14. Set up second client interview 15. Interview client and observe the use of the prototype and obtain feedback 16. Updated prototype based on observations from the interview


Part 1: Introduction to homelesspetinitiave.com

The project for homelesspetinitiave.com is for client Lindsey Verlander, who is the Director at

the Eastside Animal Hospital in Snellville, GA. Homelesspetinitiave.com is a non-profit started by

Lindsey because she is very passionate about animals and she understands that the pets of homeless

people help keep homeless people mentally grounded. To make the project more interesting, there was

not a website for homelesspetinitiave.com to review therefore we really did not know what to expect

before going into the first interview with her.

Part 2: Set Up Client Interview

The first step was to set up the interview for of the website projects with Donna Lane for

restoredchristianity.com and Lindsey Verlander for homelesspetinitiave.com. I used email to coordinate

the times between the students and the clients. The clients were responsive by email and it was not too

difficult to set up a time and location to do the initial client interviews. We ended up setting up a

convenient time at Donna Lane’s office in Snellville, GA. I tried my best to schedule around the other

student’s schedule, but ultimately we had to be more flexible for the client and arrange our schedules



Part 3: Compose questions for the client Interview

Before going to the interview we had to come up with questions for Lindsey in order to gather

details for the website. This will give us an idea of what she wants and user expectations of the website.

I am not going to go over all the question here, but a few of the questions were:

What is the objective of the website?

What are the users trying to accomplish?


Part 4: Define stakeholders

We defined the stake holders for homelessperinitiative.com as the following:

Lindsey Verlander

Operational Staff




Development Teams

Other Non-Profits


Lindsey Verlander

Operational Staff


Partners Suppliers

Development Teams

Other Non-Profits


Part 5: Client Interview

I was nervous at the interview and because I was nervous I really wanted to NOT follow the

script, but after meeting the client(s) I felt more at ease. What really surprised me was that we thought

the website was for homeless pets, but turns out the website is for caring for the pets of homeless

people. One thing I learned is that let the client do the talking. Sounds easy but for me I want to express

my thoughts and ideas to the client. I learned to not only let the client speak, but after they finished

talking give the client more time to say more and provide more details.

NOTE: I did not send a thank you email to the clients after the interview. This is important because the

clients time is important and it is good to acknowledge that to them.

Part 6: Write up summary after interview

After the interview was over I wrote up my thoughts about the interview. I learned this part is

important because it is important to write down your thoughts about the client before the memory



Part 7: Post Interview Task Analysis and Scenarios

After the client interview we had a pretty good idea of the purpose of the website so we came

up with multiple scenarios of how the site will be used. This process helped me learn how the site

navigation will be structured. One example of a task analysis:

Mary is concerned because she visited a homeless shelter and noticed a homeless

person and their pet dog. The homeless person was sharing their food with the

dog and the dog was very dirty. Mary wants to know how she can help donate

food to the homeless person and their dog. Mary goes home and searches online

and finds homelesspetinitiative.com. Mary finds a donation link and finds a way

to donate food at an upcoming event. Mary drives to the event and makes a

donation of pet food to the homeless shelter.


Part 8: Script and storyboard scenarios

This process was then converted to a story board to further enhance the scenario. Even though

my art work is not that good, this process helped me understand how the user will interact with the

website to resolve the task at hand.


Part 9: Create navigation structure

With Task Analysis and Scenarios completed we were able to come up with an idea of how the

structure will look for the website. This initial structure would change later during the process.

homelesspet initiative

find location near you: show sorted

list of the partener



mission statement

coming events


vet care

pet food






by paypal and credit card

pet food


parteners contact us

emergency call #

sorted partenar by location


employee /admin page

input form search function


Part 10: Create wireframe

Initial Prototype and Wireframe – Week 5. The first wireframe prototype was done using

Microsoft Word. This was not a good idea because the dimensions of the site were not in the standard

website size 1024 x 768.

Version One Wireframe


Part 11: Create second version of wireframe

The second wireframe prototype was designed using Adobe InDesign and I was able to

encompass the dimensions 1024 x 768. It was starting to look better but still needed some work. Never

though finding the right prototyping would be this difficult.

Version Two Wireframe – week 6 revised version


Part 12: Create Usability questionnaire for next group - week 6

We created a usability questionnaire for homelesspetinitiative.com, but unfortunately we were

not able to share it from the client. I would have liked to see the results, but this part may require an

actual working prototype and actual users of the website. Hopefully next group can use this survey with

some actual users of the website.


Part 13: Create Prototype – Pre Client interview Week 7

We were nearing the end of the session and it was time to share our final prototypes with the

client. Before we could do that we had to come up with Professional looking prototype. There are many

tools out there to do web site wire frames and prototypes. I spent many hours using a website called

proto.io and eventually gave up because I found the website had a high learning curve and I did not

want to use Adobe InDesign. I went to stack overflow and found users there recommended a website

called balsamiq.com. After reviewing the website, I decided to go with that because it had easy to use

drag and drop features and had a very good wireframe/prototype feel to it.

The initial prototype had multiple social media logos, a short navigation bar and a tab widget for

searching for information. The prototype was designed by using the story board scenarios. Each scenario

determined the location of the button in the navigation bar and determined the placement of the menu

items. One important design I learned is to be consistent accord all web pages, example the home page

has a donate button on the home page, but I did not include it on every page.


Part 14: Set up second client interview

While we were getting the prototypes ready, I arranged the second interview for both of the

projects restoredchristianity.com and homelesspetinitiative.com. Fortunately we were able to decide on

a convenient time and I was able to get a confirmation from Donna Lane and Lindsey Verlander.


Part 15: Interview client and observe the use of the prototype and obtain feedback – week 7

and 8

With the prototypes in hand we visited the clients at Donna Lanes office in Snellville, GA. The

purpose of this interview was to have the client go through some scenarios and observe them while they

performed the tasks outlined in the scenarios. Before we can start the interview process Dr. Liu provided

a script, which I read to Lindsey Verlander.


The prototype for homelessperinitiative.com was not interactive as a result we had to print

multiple copies and gave one to Lindsey so she could follow along. We provided multiple tasks to

Lindsey so she could pretend she was a user of the website. I handed different pages to her as we went

through the user tasks.

We observed her going through the task and obtained her feedback on the prototype. I think an

interactive prototype may have been better because she looked kind of unconformable with holding the

paper version of the prototype. However, Lindsey did provide good feedback and I wrote down some

notes on some of the pages. We observed her trying to figure out the home page and observed she

found the donate pet food option in the tab widget, but did not see it in the navigation bar, until it was

pointed out to her afterwards.


After the interview I sent the clients a “Thank You” email thanking them for their time. (I did not forget

this time).

Part 16: Updated prototype based on observations from the interview

Here are some of the changes we made:

Updated social media logos from four to two.

Moved search option into the header

Removed pickup pet food from the tab widget

Added a donate now button to every page

Lengthened navigation bar

Added a FAQ page

Moved donations in the navigation bar over one button to the left


Final Thoughts:

There was so much we covered over this project but I can see the importance of obtaining client

feedback and observing the user follow certain tasks to test web sites functionality. Observing a user

perform tasks can help us as web developers change the website in order to make it more user friendly

and improve the time the user spends browsing the website.