Intelligent Tutoring System Authoring Tool for Manufacturing Engineering Education* SHENG-JEN (‘TONY’) HSIEH Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution , Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA. E-mail: [email protected] PATRICIA YEE HSIEH System Administrative and General Offices, The Texas A&M University System, College Station, TX 77840, USA Intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) have potential for making computer-based instruction more adaptive and interactive, but development in the area of manufacturing engineering has been rare. However, recent developments in the area of ITS authoring tools may make this technology more accessible. The objectives of this study were to: 1) evaluate the feasibility of faculty course development using an ITS authoring tool; and 2) evaluate the instructional effectiveness of the developed courseware. An ITS authoring tool called XAIDA was used to develop a tutorial on how to use a computer numerical control (CNC) machine. This paper summarizes the results of a preliminary evaluation conducted with 25 undergraduate manufacturing engineering students. The results suggest that instructional development in XAIDA is feasible and quick, and that students learned from and enjoyed the tutorial. INTRODUCTION MODERN MANUFACTURING requires the use of expensive and sophisticated equipment. Many manufacturing engineering programs prepare students for industry by exposing them to the types of tools and equipment they will need to use. An example might include the use of programmable logic controllers, sensors and instrumentation, robots, and machine vision systems for process automation system design as part of a course on Manufacturing Automation and Robotics. A course on Production Systems and Computer-Aided Manufacturing uses CAD/ CAM software (e.g. FeatureCAM) and computer numerical control (CNC) machines. Courses on Quality Assurance and Electronics Manufacturing require use of expensive machines such as surface mounted placement machines (SMT) to practice the electronic manufacturing process. However, obstacles such as high student/faculty ratios, limited access to the lab, (limiting practice using equipment to scheduled lab times), limited resources to support students outside labs and the classroom and limited equipment to support lab assignments often hinder the learning experience. It is not unusual for a lab class of 10–20 students to share 3–5 sets of equipment. There has been an increasing trend in manu- facturing engineering education to improve edu- cation and alleviate equipment shortage problems by harnessing computer technology. Bengu [1] describes an ongoing effort to improve entry-level engineering education by using multimedia tools, courseware, and the World-Wide Web for pre- senting instructional and program information, providing simulations, and administering assign- ments and exams. Shiue and others [2] developed a laboratory environment to support courses on Manufacturing Processes, Intermediate Manu- facturing, and Concurrent Engineering. This environment integrates a variety of computer- based tools, including Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing workstations, CNC machines, robotic assembly stations, and 3-D modeling packages. Byrkett and Ettouney [3] present a model (based on their nine years of experience incorporating Computer Integrated Manufactur- ing into their engineering curriculum) for incorpor- ating technology into an engineering curriculum in a way that involves students and faculty in the integration and development activities. Several educational institutions have recently developed web-based systems to support various aspects of distance education. For example, Choren and others [4] developed a Web-based learning environment called AulaNet. AulaNet utilizes a groupware approach to facilitate . easy reuse of existing educational materials, . the development of learning communities of teachers and students using online communi- cations tools (e.g., email, chat, discussion lists), . teamwork via coordination mechanisms (such as calendar management tools), . development of online testing and grading tools. * Accepted 2 April 2001. 569 Int. J. Engng Ed. Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 569–579, 2001 0949-149X/91 $3.00+0.00 Printed in Great Britain. # 2001 TEMPUS Publications.

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  • Intelligent Tutoring System Authoring Toolfor Manufacturing Engineering Education*

    SHENG-JEN (TONY) HSIEHDepartment of Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution , Texas A&M University,College Station, TX 77843, USA. E-mail: [email protected]

    PATRICIA YEE HSIEHSystem Administrative and General Offices, The Texas A&M University System, College Station,TX 77840, USA

    Intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) have potential for making computer-based instruction moreadaptive and interactive, but development in the area of manufacturing engineering has been rare.However, recent developments in the area of ITS authoring tools may make this technology moreaccessible. The objectives of this study were to: 1) evaluate the feasibility of faculty coursedevelopment using an ITS authoring tool; and 2) evaluate the instructional effectiveness of thedeveloped courseware. An ITS authoring tool called XAIDA was used to develop a tutorial on howto use a computer numerical control (CNC) machine. This paper summarizes the results of apreliminary evaluation conducted with 25 undergraduate manufacturing engineering students. Theresults suggest that instructional development in XAIDA is feasible and quick, and that studentslearned from and enjoyed the tutorial.


    MODERN MANUFACTURING requires theuse of expensive and sophisticated equipment.Many manufacturing engineering programsprepare students for industry by exposing themto the types of tools and equipment they will needto use. An example might include the use ofprogrammable logic controllers, sensors andinstrumentation, robots, and machine visionsystems for process automation system design aspart of a course on Manufacturing Automationand Robotics. A course on Production Systemsand Computer-Aided Manufacturing uses CAD/CAM software (e.g. FeatureCAM) and computernumerical control (CNC) machines. Courses onQuality Assurance and Electronics Manufacturingrequire use of expensive machines such as surfacemounted placement machines (SMT) to practicethe electronic manufacturing process. However,obstacles such as high student/faculty ratios,limited access to the lab, (limiting practiceusing equipment to scheduled lab times), limitedresources to support students outside labs and theclassroom and limited equipment to support labassignments often hinder the learning experience.It is not unusual for a lab class of 1020 students toshare 35 sets of equipment.

    There has been an increasing trend in manu-facturing engineering education to improve edu-cation and alleviate equipment shortage problemsby harnessing computer technology. Bengu [1]

    describes an ongoing effort to improve entry-levelengineering education by using multimedia tools,courseware, and the World-Wide Web for pre-senting instructional and program information,providing simulations, and administering assign-ments and exams. Shiue and others [2] developed alaboratory environment to support courses onManufacturing Processes, Intermediate Manu-facturing, and Concurrent Engineering. Thisenvironment integrates a variety of computer-based tools, including Computer Aided Designand Manufacturing workstations, CNC machines,robotic assembly stations, and 3-D modelingpackages. Byrkett and Ettouney [3] present amodel (based on their nine years of experienceincorporating Computer Integrated Manufactur-ing into their engineering curriculum) for incorpor-ating technology into an engineering curriculum ina way that involves students and faculty in theintegration and development activities.

    Several educational institutions have recentlydeveloped web-based systems to support variousaspects of distance education. For example,Choren and others [4] developed a Web-basedlearning environment called AulaNet. AulaNetutilizes a groupware approach to facilitate

    . easy reuse of existing educational materials,

    . the development of learning communities ofteachers and students using online communi-cations tools (e.g., email, chat, discussion lists),

    . teamwork via coordination mechanisms (such ascalendar management tools),

    . development of online testing and gradingtools.* Accepted 2 April 2001.


    Int. J. Engng Ed. Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 569579, 2001 0949-149X/91 $3.00+0.00Printed in Great Britain. # 2001 TEMPUS Publications.

  • Doube [5] describes the development of a browserbased system called WebFace, that supportsdistance education by coordinating the distribu-tion of paper-based materials. Magoulas [6],Papanikolaou and others [7] describe developmentof techniques to allow adaptive lesson presentationin Web-based courses.

    In this investigation, the focus is on the use of acomputer to deliver instruction. In theory, com-puters should be able to provide individualizedinstruction, much as a human tutor would. Inaddition, unlike human instructors, they can beavailable around the clock, wherever there is acomputer. Although they cannot replace theexperience of using actual equipment, they canteach much of the preliminary informationstudents need to know about equipment beforeusing it, so that students spend lab time moreproductively and efficiently.

    We have a particular interest in a class ofcomputer based instructional systems known asintelligent tutoring systems that holds greatpromise for manufacturing engineering educa-tion in the future. An intelligent tutoringsystem (ITS) is a computer-based instructionalsystem that utilizes artificial intelligence techni-ques to represent the knowledge needed to teachabout a subject. A classic ITS consists of fourcomponents:

    . an expert module that represents the knowledgeto be taught,

    . a pedagogical module that represents theteaching strategies employed by the system,

    . a student model that represents what the studentknows about the subject at any given point inthe instruction,

    . a student interface module that allows thesystem to interact with the student [8].

    The advantage of a knowledge-based approachis the ability to update and manipulate contenteasily, as well as allowing the revision or additionto the system of instructional strategies. Thiscontrasts with traditional computer-based instruc-tion, where the knowledge and instructionalstrategies are fixed within a predeterminedinstructional presentation.

    Development of intelligent tutoring systemsspecifically for manufacturing engineeringsubjects has seen little progress. Early ITSdevelopment efforts during the late 1970s andearly 1980s began to explore computational andcommunication issues related to getting acomputer to teach like a human [8, 9]. Exam-ples of ITSs developed during this periodinclude:

    . WEST (game playing)

    . SOPHIE (electronics troubleshooting)

    . GUIDON (medical diagnosis)

    . WHY (geography)

    . STEAMER (power plant theory of operation)

    . QUEST (physics problem-solving)

    . EXCHECK (mathematical proofs)

    . BUGGY (arithmetic problem-solving).

    There was never any intention that these systemswould be used to teach manufacturing relatedsubjects, or even be used outside the laboratory.The primary purpose of development efforts in themid 1980s was to support military training topicssuch as electronics troubleshooting [10, 11], tacti-cal thinking [12], and high performance tasks suchas flying a fighter plane [13]. Although the begin-nings of a trend toward developing systems foractual educational use was evident; none of thesystems in this period supported manufacturingtopicseither.ThismightbebecauseITSdevelopmentrequired substantial investment in human andcomputer resources during this period; and themanufacturing industry, unlike the military, doesnot typically support instructional technology R&D.

    Since the mid 1980s, however, the number ofintelligent tutoring system development efforts hasmultiplied to the point where it is no longerfeasible to write an exhaustive survey of the field.In addition, intelligent tutoring systems havebegun to leave the laboratory, and field evalua-tions have become more common (e.g. Koedingerand others). Although intelligent tutoring systemsin the manufacturing domain received no mentionin a number of recent articles [15, 16, 17], there isevidence of change in this area. Development ofspecific intelligent tutoring systems that teachvisual inspection [18], nondestructive inspection[19], unit operations and process systems [20],design for manufacturing [21], progressive diedesign [22], and factory management [23] is eithercurrently underway or already completed. However,we found no reports of use of intelligent tutoringtechnology to teach about computer numericalcontrol machines or any other manufacturingequipment.

    In recent years, the focus of ITS research hasshifted from the development of systems dedicatedto a particular subject to the development of ITSauthoring tools accessible to non-programmers. Anumber of these authoring tools might be suitablefor teaching about manufacturing equipment,including Safari [24], Rapid ITS DevelopmentEnvironment (RIDES) [25], and the ExperimentalAdvanced Instructional Design Advisor (XAIDA)[26].

    ITS authoring tools generally offer a develop-ment interface that allows developers to create aknowledge base; and an instructional deliveryinterface that presents information from the know-ledge base to the student. The knowledge repre-sentation format and instructional approach of thedeveloped ITS varies from tool to tool; withspecialized tools developed for a particular classof content and approach. For example, RIDESallows instructors to develop simulations of equip-ment; students can then use the simulations tolearn about the equipment and to practice pro-cedures [26]. The Goal-Based Scenario Builder

    S.-J. Hsieh570

  • facilitates development of a curriculum that uses aparticular teaching strategy, namely, learning-by-doing through investigation [27].

    XAIDA is a prototype of an authoring tooloriginally designed to allow expert maintenancetechnicians to develop ITSs for maintenancetopics. XAIDA consists of four sub-tools (calledshells), each of which uses a different scheme forrepresenting and teaching a specific aspect ofmaintenance knowledge. The Physical Character-istics shell, for example, uses a knowledge baseorganized as a semantic net to explain about theparts of a device or system. Thus, when used toexplain about equipment, the nodes of the networkare parts, and the information about part char-acteristics (such as sub-parts, functions, andconnections) is associated with each part. Thedevelopers task is to populate the knowledgebase with information that explains about thesystem. XAIDA can then apply built-in algorithmsand templates for instructional presentation, ques-tion generation and feedback, and student model-ing to generate an interactive, adaptive lessonautomatically, based on the information provided.

    The purpose of this study was to investigatethe feasibility of using an ITS authoring tool formanufacturing engineering courseware develop-ment. The authors used XAIDA for develop-ment because of its availability, and becauseother instructors have used it successfully in avariety of domains [26, 28]. Central questionsincluded:

    1. How suitable is XAIDA for development ofa computer-based curriculum with manu-facturing engineering-related content?

    2. How quickly can a tutorial be developed usingXAIDA?

    3. Is courseware developed by XAIDA instruc-tionally effective?

    4. How will students react to XAIDA-generatedcourseware?

    We also hoped that, since XAIDA is a knowledge-based authoring tool, and since there is often arestriction in the knowledge such tools can repre-sent, this study could give us a sense for thedifficulties inherent in the use of such tools formanufacturing engineering education.


    The authors selected XAIDA, an ITS authoringtool, because it is free for educational use in itscurrent (prototype) form, and used it to develop atutorial explaining how to set up a computernumerical control (CNC) machine to machine apart. The first author teaches a course (NumericalControl and Computer-Aided Manufacturing) forwhich there is only one CNC machine availablefor lab classes of 1520 students, and this providedan opportunity to use setup of the CNC machineas a topic. Because students must take turns usingthe machine, and because they are often learningabout it as they use it, they do not have enoughtime to become proficient. The intention of thetutorial was to familiarize students with theprocedure before they actually use the machine,so that they get more out of their experience withthe actual equipment. The tutorial can also serve asa means of review. The following sections describethe development and evaluation of the tutorial.

    Tutorial developmentThe authors also hoped that, since XAIDA is a

    knowledge-based authoring tool, and since suchtools are often restricted in the knowledge they canrepresent, this study would provide a sense forthe difficulties inherent in the use of such toolsfor manufacturing engineering education. Aspreviously stated, the purpose of this shell was torepresent knowledge about the physical character-istics of a device or system. The designers chose toidentify the nodes of a network as parts, andassociated information about part characteristicssuch as sub-parts, functions, and connections witheach part. In our case, since the subject of ourtutorial was a procedure, we decided that the nodesin our network would be steps in the procedure,and associated step-performance related informa-tion, such as which menu to use to access controls,with each step.

    The authors organized the process of setting upthe CNC machine into five major steps:

    . Step 1: home the axes;

    . Step 2: load the program;

    . Step 3: set up the tools;

    Table 1. Information associated with the Preview Program step

    Sub-Steps/Notes Illustration

    This step allows you to verify that your program behaves as you intended before you actuallymachine the part.


    On the Basic menu, press F5 to preview your program. Arrow pointing to F5 soft keyon Basic menu

    In the blue VIEW SIZE box, you will see the settings for the View window. Make sure thesettings are a little larger than needed to display the work piece. Enter numbers as needed,hitting Enter after each line.

    VIEW SIZE box

    After the last line, a blank grid will appear. Press F2 (PAUSE) to preview you program step bystep. You can also press and hold F2 to preview the program without a pause.

    Blank grid

    Watch the cutting path to make sure that it is doing what you intended. If the cutting path isnot consistent with your design, check your program. When you are finished previewing yourprogram, press the Escape (Esc) key to return to the Basic menu.

    Show cutting path in previewwindow.

    Intelligent Tutoring System Authoring Tool for Manufacturing Engineering Education 571

  • . Step 4: preview the program;

    . Step 5: run the program.

    Table 1 contains the information associated withstep 4, preview program.

    The authors identified and produced appropriate

    illustrative graphics and images, such as screenshots, as well as identifying important informationrelated to the procedure and formulating it intomultiple-choice and true/false practice questions.Note that this latter step would not have beenrequired if the authors had used XAIDAPC

    Fig. 1. Outline editor in XAIDA Develop.

    Fig. 2. Resource editor in XAIDA Develop.

    S.-J. Hsieh572

  • exactly as its designers intended, i.e. to teach aboutthe physical characteristics of a device. This isbecause the structure of XAIDAPCs templatesassumed that the information in its knowledge

    base pertained to parts of a system. However,with extra planning, XAIDAPC can acceptother forms of content for teaching purposes.

    The authors used the following method to enter

    Fig. 3. Fact editor in XAIDA Develop.

    Fig. 4. Question editor in XAIDA Develop.

    Intelligent Tutoring System Authoring Tool for Manufacturing Engineering Education 573

  • information into an XAIDA knowledge base froman application called Develop:

    1. The major steps were entered using the OutlineEditor (see Fig. 1).

    2. Graphics were linked in using the ResourceEditor (see Fig. 2).

    3. Information to be used for questioning wasentered using the Fact Editor (see Fig. 3).

    4. XAIDAs built-in templates, which are used for

    Fig. 5. Sample presentation screen in XAIDA Deliver.

    Fig. 6. Sample practice question screen in XAIDA Deliver.

    S.-J. Hsieh574

  • presenting facts, asking questions, and offeringfeedback were modified using the QuestionEditor (see Fig. 4).

    Note that courseware development processusing a knowledge-based authoring tool, such asXAIDA, is different from traditional coursewareauthoring tools, such as Macromedias Author-ware. With traditional tools, the authors maintask is to develop an instructional presentation.With knowledge-based tools, the main task is todescribe knowledge; the system then generates thepresentation. In XAIDA, a program called Delivergenerates the instructional presentation. (Figures 5and 6 show presentation and practice questionscreens taken from the developed tutorial.)

    The tutorial took about 80 person hours tocomplete including development of multimedia,(primarily digital images). Because the authorswere primarily interested in defining and represent-ing procedural information, XAIDAs ability tolink to digital audio or video files and to otherdocuments or applications was not utilized.

    Tutorial evaluationIn evaluating how the tutorial progressed with

    students, we were particularly interested in thefollowing issues:

    . How long did students take to complete thelesson?

    . Did the lesson succeed in its goal of teachingstudents more about the procedure for settingup the CNC machine?

    . What did students think of various aspects ofthe lesson, such as:* features,* objective,* instructional,* sequence,* difficulty,* repetition,* emphasis on important information,

    * question-and-answer sessions,* use of multimedia,* interactivity,* pace,* quality,* relevance to their education?

    Participants, materials, and experimentalprocedure

    Evaluation of the tutorial involved twenty-fivestudents from a Numerical Control and Computer-Aided Manufacturing class. The students saw ademonstration showing how to set up the CNCmachine a few weeks before this study, but werenot proficient at the task.

    Students received hard copy manual entry formsdesigned to measure the effects of the computer-based tutorials on subject knowledge and attitudestoward instructional methods and computers.Pretest and posttest forms consisted of a 3-itemsurvey and a subject test. The survey askedstudents to:

    . Choose their preferred method of instruction forthat subject,

    . Rate their degree of comfort in using computers,

    . Rate their degree of familiarity with the assignedsubject.

    The subject test consisted of multiple choice ques-tions on the lesson content. For example, a ques-tion on the subject test was:

    When homing the axes, which menu do you use?

    a) setup menub) opening screen menuc) basic menud) jog menu

    Students were asked to complete a 12-item opinionsurvey after the posttest. For this survey, studentsused Likert scales (with anchors from 1 to 7) torate their opinions about several characteristics ofthe lesson, including features (e.g. buttons, hot

    Fig. 7. Average ratings of various aspects of CNC lesson.

    Intelligent Tutoring System Authoring Tool for Manufacturing Engineering Education 575

  • boxes), question-and-answer sessions, objective,use of multimedia, instructional sequence, inter-action with computer, difficulty, pace, contentrepetition, emphasis on important information,relevance to education, and overall quality.

    Students first completed the pretest materialsand then began the computer-based lesson, work-ing at their own pace until they completed theentire lesson, including the practice questions,followed by the posttest and the opinion survey.


    Tutorial development observationsUse of XAIDAPC to teach equipment proce-

    dure is both feasible and quick. Of particularbenefit is XAIDAs question generator feature,which not only automatically generates questions,but also adjusts the content and sequence ofpractice questions to the needs of individualstudents (based on their performance). To dothis, the system maintains a simple student modelfor each student and uses it for determine what (ifany) question to ask next. Consequently, studentswho have mastered the material answer fewerquestions than students who have not. In addition,for students who require more practice, the algo-rithms that drive the question generator tend toextend questioning in areas where the studentmight be having difficulty.

    However, using XAIDAPC to teach aboutsteps of a procedure, rather than parts of adevice, limits benefits normally gained from useof the system, particularly concerning the types ofquestions that the students can be asked.

    XAIDAPC stores factual information in theformat {part, attribute, value} e.g. {emergencystop button, has function, halt the system}, and thedeveloper defines the parts, attributes, and valuesfor each tutorial. The design of XAIDAPCcreated the expectation that a part would be aphysical component of a device, and the types ofquestions it generates maintain this assumption.For example, one question type asks students tolocate parts in a diagram. Another requiresstudents to match parts to values according to aspecific attribute, such as matching a list of parts totheir functions. The result of this is to cause certainquestion types to become awkward or even unusa-ble if the part slot is repurposed for some othertype of entity such as a step, e.g. {previewprogram, menu to use, basic menu}. FortunatelyXAIDAs Question Editor allows developers tosuppress question types by attribute and/ormodify system templates to make questions morereadable.

    In addition, some question types that wouldhave been appropriate for teaching a procedurewere not readily available. For example, it wouldhave been useful to have a question that requiredstudents to sequence steps. We were able to achieve

    this partially by creating an attribute called posi-tion, with values first, second, third, and so forth,thus allowing the system to ask multiple choicequestions such as What is the position of thePreview Program step in the procedure sequence?However, this format is less satisfying for thisapplication than a drag-and-drop sequencingquestion format.

    In short, what would have been best was a shelldesigned specifically to represent and teach equip-ment operation procedures. (The designers ofXAIDA developed a Procedures shell to do this,but the software for the development interface wasnot complete at the time of this investigation.)However, in the absence of a Procedures shell,the Physical Characteristics shell was certainlyusable and offered the advantage of adaptivepractice.

    Student evaluations

    The mean time for tutorial completion for thetwenty-five students was 27.3 minutes. In addition,an ANOVA test with 0:05 found a significantdifference between the pre- and post-lesson testscores.

    . Mean pretest score33.3%

    . Mean posttest score87.9% (f 271.37,F(0.0500,1,46) 4.05, p< .001).Figure 7 summarizes student ratings of their

    learning experience from the attitudinal survey.On average, the student ratings were more positivethan not for all measured aspects. That is, thestudents felt that the lesson was interactive, rele-vant, adequately paced, and easy to use and under-stand. However, the ratings were not as high as wewould have liked.

    The finding of instructional effectiveness in thestudent evaluations is quite strong, and consistentwith results from previous evaluations ofXAIDAs instructional effectiveness in otherdomains [29, 30, 31], although we would haveliked more student data upon which to base ourconclusions. Also, students subjective impressionsof the instruction were positive overall.

    One factor that may have influenced the moti-vation rating was that students had previouslyviewed a demonstration on how to operate acomputer numerical control machine. Thus, theymay have been less enthusiastic about taking thelesson than they might have been otherwise.However, we felt that the lessons were still appro-priate for use as a review. As it turned out, basedon the results on the pre- and post-tests, this reviewappears to have been not only appropriate, butalso efficacious.

    A factor that may have influenced both moti-vation and ease of understanding the lesson is thatthe XAIDA software adapts instruction tostudents by automatically generating practicequestions based on individual student perfor-mance. It tends to ask about items the student

    S.-J. Hsieh576

  • does not know about, and it keeps asking until itbelieves the student has mastered every item ofinstructional content. (If it was a human instruc-tor, it would come across as being thorough tothe point of obsession.) In addition, because thephrasing for the questions and feedback istemplate-based, the grammar sometimes seemsawkward, even when it is technically correct.


    A typical manufacturing engineering curriculumincludes courses such as:

    . Introduction to Quality Assurance

    . Manufacturing and Assembly Processes 1

    . Introduction to Manufacturing Processes,

    . Nonmetallic Materials Manufacturing andAssembly Processes II

    . Quality Assurance

    . Numerical Control and Computer-AidedManufacturing Electronics Manufacturing

    . Computer-Aided Manufacturing

    . Manufacturing Automation and RoboticsProduction and Inventory Planning.

    However, it is more useful to view manufactur-ing engineering knowledge not in terms of courses,but rather, in terms of the types of knowledge andskills taught when developing and using authoringtools for knowledge-based instruction. Table 2 isan example of how one might view the classes ofknowledge taught in the list above. It also lists howa knowledge-based authoring tool might representeach type of knowledge. Using this type of analysis,it is easier to see why the design of a particularauthoring tool might be more appropriate for some

    educational applications than others. Judged onresults achieved, in the realm of manufacturingengineering, XAIDAPC is:

    . well-suited forteaching physical characteristicsof equipment,

    . marginal-but-workable for teaching equipmentoperation procedures,

    . probably inappropriate for teaching theory ofoperation or troubleshooting.

    Our plan is to continue to use XAIDAPC toteach subjects where it is appropriate, andto explore use of other tools, such as RIDES, toteach other types of manufacturing engineeringknowledge. In addition, XAIDA is a prototype,and is not web-based. We would like to locate, orpossibly even develop, web-based ITS authoringtools for the types of knowledge needed formanufacturing engineering education.

    In addition, we plan to continue to evaluate thedeveloped CNC tutorial, preferably with studentswho have not already been exposed to the CNCmachine. We have a particular interest in assessingto what extent taking the tutorial reduces orimproves the quality of time spent with theactual equipment.

    Acknowledgements The Center of Teaching Excellence atTexas A&M University, College Station supported this workthrough an incentive grant. The project titled Computer-basedManufacturing Engineering Technology Education, aims toimprove the student/equipment ratio by integrating computer-based training with laboratory exercises. XAIDA is a prototypeintelligent tutoring system authoring tool originally developedby MATCOM. (http://www.matcomcorp.com) for the AirForce Research Laboratory (AFRL/HEA) under ContractNo. F41624-93-F5002. It is currently available free for educa-tional use. Contact Mr. Bill Walsh, 8930 Fourwinds Drive,Suite 450, San Antonio, TX 78239, USA to obtain a copy ofXAIDA.

    Table 2. Examples of Types of Manufacturing Engineering Knowledge

    Type of knowledge Example Possible knowledge representation

    Physical characteristics of equipment Parts of a CNC machine Semantic netEquipment theory of operation Theory of operation of a machine vision

    systemRules, cases

    Abstract theories When to use various types of productionsystems

    Rules, cases

    Equipment problem-solving procedures Use of a fault tree for a particular pieceof equipment


    Cognitive procedures Statistical methods, such as computing astandard deviation

    Rules, semantic net

    Physical procedures Operation of a particular model of amachine vision system

    Semantic net

    Application of methods Deciding which statistical methods to useand how best to employ them for aparticular problem; developing ladderlogic for a particular programmablelogic controller application


    Pattern recognition and classification Deciding which type(s) of sensors aremost suited for a particular application


    Intelligent Tutoring System Authoring Tool for Manufacturing Engineering Education 577


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    Sheng-Jen (Tony) Hsieh received his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Texas TechUniversity, Lubbock, TX. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department ofEngineering Technology and Industrial Distribution and a member of the GraduateFaculty at Texas A&M University. His research interests include intelligent manufacturingsystem design, thermal signatures for process and product characterization, and simulationand modeling. He is also the Technical Director for an industry grant to establish theRockwell Automation Center at Texas A&M University. The Center will support coursesrelated to automation, control, and production systems, and provide a vehicle foreducation, outreach, and research.

    Patricia Yee Hsieh is currently a Senior Training Specialist and web-based training designerin the System Human Resources Office of the Texas A&M University System. This researchtook place while she was a Senior Instructional Designer at MATCOM. She has 12 years ofinstructional technology R&D and multimedia courseware development experience, includ-ing seven years of experience in designing and developing authoring tools for intelligenttutoring systems. Ms. Hsieh received her MA in Curriculum and Instruction from theUniversity of Texas at Austin and her undergraduate degree with honors from HarvardUniversity.

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