Bulletin Ohavay Zion Synagogue Ohavay Zion Synagogue Nisan -Iyar 5772 April 2012 100TH BIRTHDAY APRIL 27-29, 2012 Passover Guide Inside Bulletin. Ohavay Zion Synagogue Bulletin Vol. 60—No. 60—April, 2012 Published Monthly by Ohavay Zion Synagogue 2048 Edgewater Court Lexington, Kentucky 40502 859-266-8050/http://ozs.org

100TH BIRTHDAY APRIL 27-29, 2012 · 2012. 4. 4. · Nisan -Iyar 5772 April 2012 100TH BIRTHDAY APRIL 27-29, 2012 Passover Guide Inside Bulletin. Ohavay Zion Synagogue Bulletin Vol

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Page 1: 100TH BIRTHDAY APRIL 27-29, 2012 · 2012. 4. 4. · Nisan -Iyar 5772 April 2012 100TH BIRTHDAY APRIL 27-29, 2012 Passover Guide Inside Bulletin. Ohavay Zion Synagogue Bulletin Vol

Bulletin Ohavay Zion Synagogue Ohavay Zion Synagogue

Nisan -Iyar 5772 April 2012

100TH BIRTHDAY APRIL 27-29, 2012

Passover Guide Inside Bulletin.

Ohavay Zion Synagogue Bulletin Vol. 60—No. 60—April, 2012

Published Monthly by Ohavay Zion Synagogue 2048 Edgewater Court

Lexington, Kentucky 40502 859-266-8050/http://ozs.org

Page 2: 100TH BIRTHDAY APRIL 27-29, 2012 · 2012. 4. 4. · Nisan -Iyar 5772 April 2012 100TH BIRTHDAY APRIL 27-29, 2012 Passover Guide Inside Bulletin. Ohavay Zion Synagogue Bulletin Vol

Chag Sameach! Pesach is on its way! And not only that, but Ohavay Zion Synagogue is going to celebrate its Centennial!

On Passover, we remember how our ancestors were forced to serve Pharaoh. Night and day we worked, building pyramids that reached toward the sky.

We had no freedom to worship God. We were too busy building material monuments, rather than creating spiritual spaces.

But then the Holy One intervened.

Suddenly our reality shifted. After a powerful and awe filled experience, we passed through the reed sea, and were birthed into a world of freedom.

What would we do with this freedom? Where would we go? And what would we create?

A number of us decided to go to Lexington, Kentucky. There, we set up shops so that we could sustain ourselves and our families. Life was tough, but we came together as a community. Minyans were held in downtown stores, and our small community held fast to their observance of Judaism.

On April 25, 1912, Ohavay Zion Synagogue was officially incorporated. And not long after, we purchased a building on West Maxwell Street. By 1919, the congregation had its first full time rabbi. In addition to his other rabbinical duties, Rabbi Jacob Lowenthal also served as a Shochet and Mohel.

Our community began to grow. We started a school to teach Judaism to our children, and we renovated our building so that we could more comfortably celebrate our holidays and join together for social events.

In 1962, Rabbi Bernard Schwab arrived, and for the next 23 years, he served our Ohavay Zion Community. His commitment to observance and education had a profound effect, and we continued to grow.

On May 10, 1987, with Torahs lovingly held in our arms, we proceeded from our beloved synagogue on West Maxwell Street to our new home on Edgewater Court.

Here, under the leadership of Rabbi Uriel Smith, we celebrated the full participation of women in services. Our synagogue became more inclusive, as we honored our diversity. Rabbi Eric Slaton brought energy and insight, and Rabbi Sharon Cohen brought excitement and a tremendous commitment to our children. Our spiritual home continued to prosper.

Today, we are no longer enslaved in Egypt. The Holy One redeemed us from bondage and supported us as we created a spiritual community here in Lexington, Kentucky.

May the Holy One continue to help us prosper. May we serve Hashem, with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our might. And may our Ohavay Zion Community continue to bring goodness and holiness into our world. Rabbi Moshe Smolkin [email protected]

FROM THE RABBI’S STUDY Nissan -Iyar 5772 April 2012

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PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Nissan -Iyar 5772 April 2012

In recent months, I have written about OZS as a beit tefillah (house of prayer), a beit midrash (house of study), and a beit knesset (house of gathering). In the next few months we will have some wonderful opportunities to make this real. The biggest event, of course, is our Centennial weekend, something we have been looking forward to all year. The Centennial Committee, chaired by Simone Salomon and Teri Harper, has put together some amazing events through which we can celebrate our past, present, and future. There is no room here to thank all those who are working so hard to make this a success, so I urge you, when you get your beautiful Centennial Book, to find the page listing all those who contributed, and then make a point of thanking them personally. Coming up even sooner, of course, is Passover. Rabbi Smolkin and the Membership Committee have been working to find places at seder for all those who need them, but if you are still not set, please contact us. Since the 1st, 2nd, and last day of Pesach are all on the weekend this year, everybody will have an opportunity to come to services and share the joy of the festival. In between those two joyous occasions, on April 22, OZS will host a more serious event, the Lexington Jewish community’s commemoration of Yom Ha-shoah, with a morning of commemoration and study, for adults and children, in honor of those who were killed in those terrible years. The simchas, however, don’t end with Passover and the Centennial. In May we’ll celebrate the bar mitzvah of Ethan Archer, on the 11th and 12th, and then the festival of Shavuot. We will have our traditional evening and night of study on Saturday May 26, and services on Sunday morning, May 27 (once again, we are fortunate that these events fall on the weekend: we encourage everyone to come and participate). Our season of celebrations will end on June 15 and 16 with the bar mitzvah of Felix Satin. After so many exciting events, we will all (but especially Rabbi Smolkin, who will play a major role at every one) need a vacation! - - - Jon Glixon President

April 6-7

First Seder Family & Friends Shabbat at Home PASSOVER

16 Nissan

Shabbat - 9:30 am

Bima: Howard Rackmil

April 13-14 Shabbat Service/ Passover Dinner 6:00PM Bima: Jonathan Glixon PASSOVER

22 Nissan

Shabbat -9:30 am Bima: Simone Salomon

April 27-28 6 Iyar

Centennial Shabbat Service/Oneg 8:00PM Bima: Jonathan Glixon Tazria-Metzora

Shabbat - 9:30 am Bima: Jonathan Glixon

April 20-21 29 Nissan

Kids’ Shabbat 5:30PM Bima: Leanne Zimmerman Shemini

Shabbat - 9:30 am

Bima: Lisa Satin


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New Member Welcome

OZS welcomes Jill Rappoport and Michael Genovese and their son Isaac. The family moved to Lexington last summer, and Jill and Mike both teach in the English Department at U.K. Jill and Mike enjoy exploring Lexington, together with Isaac who is almost two. Isaac is a big fan of Tot Shabbat, the Arboretum, and horses.



Thank you to all those who participated in Sisterhood's Shake, Rattle, and Roll Haman Out of Shushan. Sisterhood sold 43 boxes of Macaroni and Cheese which will be given to God's Pantry and $90.00 will be donated to Mazon! Thank you Jennifer Gripshover for helping to sell our boxes of Mac & Cheese and Lisa Satin for taking them to God's Pantry. A new Sisterhood Purim program honoring the strength and dedication of our female heroes of the story Esther and Queen Vashti was brought to our chapter through mask and crown decorating. Thank you Ruth Scott for leading this program with beautiful and creative ideas.

OZS Tree of Life in Social Hall

TREE OF LIFE DONATION Memorialize your occasion with a $75 per leaf donation

Checks are made out to OZS Sisterhood. Payment also available on OZS website.

Forms are available on the OZS website, by email or in the OZS lobby.


Tuesday, April 17th 4:00PM

This concert features acclaimed Ukranian soprano, Svetlana Merlichenko. Ms. Merlichenko has appeared in concerts and opera performances in the Ukraine, Lebanon and the United States. Her repertoire includes many arias from famous operas.

Admission to the concert is free but please RSVP by contacting the OZS office at 266-8050 or email [email protected].


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Selling Chametz In addition to the Passover prohibition against eating Chametz, there is also a prohibition against owning or benefiting from Chametz. Traditionally, our people have handled this by selling all of our Chametz, renting the properties on which Chametz is found, and renting our animals who eat Chametz. Buyers of Chametz were historically known for making their down payment ($1 this year for the whole amount), however they consistently seemed to default on the total balance due at the conclusion of Passover, and as such, they end up owning the Chametz only during the holiday itself. Thus, after Passover was over, the sellers would once again own their Chametz. We may assume this will be the case this year as well. With the following form, OZS invites you to participate in the Mitzvah of Selling Chametz. Please fill out the bottom and return to OZS via mail or email by Wednesday, April 4, 2012.

Form Authorizating The Sale of Chametz 5772/2012

We the undersigned, whether by our own hand or by authorization, give permission to Rabbi

Moshe Smolkin to sell any and all Chametz and Chametz mixtures which belong to us or are in our possession Erev Pesach 5772 and also any and all Chametz which might come into our possession during Passover and any and all food which might become Chametz during Passover in our homes or at any of our properties.

We also give permission to Rabbi Smolkin to rent all our properties with their vessels and utensils,

that the buyer might have access to the purchased Chametz, and to rent all our animals, that we not benefit from their being fed Chametz.

We agree to allow Rabbi Smolkin to treat the entire amount due to us from the buyer as a debt, with

the buyer taking ownership and responsibility even before the balance is paid.

When and if the balance owed to us shall be paid, it is agreed that each of us will receive the

value of our sold Chametz and rented property.

To indicate our acceptance of these terms, we have affixed our names, the date, and the addresses

and locations of the Chametz we wish to sell.

Mindful of the tradition of giving charitable contributions in preparation of Passover, we are

asked to make a contribution to Ohavay Zion Synagogue.

Name: Date:


Location of Chametz:

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PASSOVER SCHEDULE AT OZS – 5772/2012 Passover is almost here! Happy Passover to everyone! Please note: The OZS office will be closed April 13th. Wednesday, April 4th - Turn in form authorizing the Sale of Chametz to OZS - R.S.V.P for our fun Matzah Lasagna Shabbat meal on April 13th Thursday, April 5th At Night - Perform Bedikat Chametz (The search for the Chametz) Friday, April 6th 7:30am - Shacharit and Siyum for the First Born 10:00am - Closing closets & Burning or disposing of Chametz At Night - Shabbat and the First Seder Saturday, April 7th 9:30am - Shabbat and Festival Morning Service 8:35pm - Shabbat Concludes At Night - The Second Seder Sunday, April 8th 9:30am - Festival Morning Service Tuesday, April 10th 5:45pm - Afternoon Minyan Wednesday, April 11th 12:00pm - Bible Study Class Thursday, April 12th 5:45pm - Afternoon Minyan Friday, April 13th 9:30am - Festival Morning Service 6:00pm - Awesome Matzah Lasagna Shabbat Dinner (Please R.S.V.P by April 4th) Saturday, April 14th 9:30am - Shabbat and Festival Morning Service with Yizkor 8:45pm - Conclusion of Shabbos and Passover

Join us for the Pesach Matzah-Lasagna Community Dinner Friday- April 13- 6:00 PM

The cost is $10 per adult, $5 per child. Call/email the office to RSVP by April 4th

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The Rabbinical Assembly P e s a h G u i d e

This guide was prepared for the Rabbinical Assembly Committee on Jewish Law and Standards by Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz. It was accepted by the Committee on December 12, 1984. The last paragraph of the introduction as well as Parts A and C under “Permitted Foods,” have been amended to reflect more recent decisions of the Committee affecting the status of peanuts, peanut oil, certain cheeses and canned tuna. Under Ovens and Ranges, additional material on smoothtop electric ranges has been added.

For more information, consult the Summary Index of the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards January 2007

One no longer has to live in a Jewish community in order to have accesses to kosher for Passover products. Many products that are under kashrut supervision all year long are supervised for Passover as well, and are available to consumers. These are products that do not contain hametz and therefore do not require a change in ingredients for Passover. In addition for those living far from stores that carry a full array of kosher for Passover products, shopping on the Internet enables one to order kosher for Passover food and have it shipped to their homes. In cases where it is difficult to get all the necessary products for Passover, there are some general rules that can make it possible to acquire certain items, without Passover certification, be-fore Passover and use it on Passover when all other methods fail. A list of these types of food is attached.

A problem that has arisen is the fact that the food industry has changed very rapidly, and sometimes items that appear to be clear of hametz may in fact contain some hametz. For example, a producer of frozen vegetables may use the same line in the factory to make pasta and vegetables and a therefore a package of frozen vegetables may contain not only traces of hametz, but actual pieces of hametz. While this is theoretically possible, nevertheless the amount of hametz will probably be less than one sixtieth of the total. Additionally if pasta was not on the list of ingredients and still was in the package, the manufacturer could be penalized by the FDA. Nevertheless it is possible. However it would be a case of miuta, a minority of the cases, and the normative rule is ain hosheshim lemi’uta -we do not take the minority of cases into consideration when making a deci-sion. Therefore, if the product cannot be acquired by mail, phone or Internet, then it is permissible to follow the guidelines below. Those who wish to be strict and not accept this position are free to do so.

Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz On behalf of the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards

What follows is a general guideline. However, your rabbi should be consulted when any doubt arises. Kosher le-Pesah labels that do not bear the name of a rabbi or one of the recognized symbols of rabbinic supervision, or which are not inte-gral to the package, should not be used without consulting your rabbi.

Prohibited foods include the following: leavened bread, cakes, biscuits, crackers, cereal, coffees containing ce-real derivatives, wheat, barley, oats, spelt, rye, and all liquids containing ingredients or flavors made from grain alcohol.

Most Ashkenazic authorities have added the following foods (kitniyot) to the above list: rice, corn, millet, legumes (beans and peas; however, string beans are permitted). The Committee on Jewish Law and Standards has ruled unanimously that peanuts and peanut oil are permissible. Some Ashkenazic authorities permit, while others forbid, the use of legumes in a form other than their natural state, for example, corn sweeteners, corn oil, soy oil. Sephardic authorities permit the use of all of the above. Consult your rabbi for guidance in the use of these products.

PERMITTED FOODS: A. The following foods require no kosher le-Pesah label if purchased prior to Pesah: unopened packages or containers of natural coffee without cereal additives (However, be aware that coffees produced by General Foods are not kosher for Passover unless marked KP); sugar, pure tea (not herbal tea); salt (not iodized); pepper; natural spices; frozen fruit juices with no additives; frozen (uncooked) vegetables (for legumes see above); milk; butter; cottage cheese; cream cheese; ripened cheeses such as cheddar (hard), muenster (semi-soft) and Camembert (soft); frozen (uncooked) fruit (with no additives); baking soda.

B. The following foods require no kosher le-Pesah label if purchased before or during Pesah: Fresh fruits and vegetables (for legumes see above), eggs, fresh fish and fresh meat.


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C. The following foods require a kosher le-Pesah label if purchased before or during Pesah: All baked pro- ducts (matzah, cakes, matzah flour, farfel, matzah meal, and any products containing matzah); canned or bottled fruit juices (These juices are often clarified with kitniyot which are not listed among the ingredi ents. However, if one knows there are no such agents, the juice may be purchased prior to Pesah without a kosher le-Pesah label); canned tuna (since tuna, even when packed in water, has often been processed in vegetable broth and/or hydrolyzed protein--however, if it is known that the tuna is packed exclusively in water, without any additional ingredients or additives, it may be purchased without a kosher le-Pesah la- bel); wine; vinegar; liquor; oils; dried fruits; candy; chocolate flavored milk; ice cream; yogurt and soda.

D. The following processed foods (canned, bottled or frozen), require a kosher le-Pesah label if purchased during Pesah: milk, butter, juices, vegetables, fruit, milk products, spices, coffee, tea, and fish, as well as all foods listed in Category C.

DETERGENTS: If permitted during the year, powdered and liquid detergents do not require a kosher le-Pesah label.

MEDICINE: Since hametz binders are used in many pills, the following guidelines should be followed: If the medi-cine is required for life sustaining therapy, it may be used on Pesah. If it is not for life sustaining therapy, some authorities permit, while others prohibit. Consult your rabbi. In all cases, capsules are preferable to pills.

KASHERING OF UTENSILS: The process of kashering utensils depends on how the utensils are used. Ac-cording to halakhah, leaven can be purged from a utensil by the same process in which it was absorbed in the utensil (ke-voleo kakh poleto). Therefore, utensils used in cooking are kashered by boiling, those used in broiling are kashered by fire and heat, and those used only for cold food are kashered by rinsing. A. EARTHENWARE (china, pottery, etc.) may not be kashered. However, fine translucent chinaware which has not been used for over a year may be used if scoured and cleaned in hot water. B. METAL (wholly made of metal) UTENSILS USED IN FIRE (spit, broiler) must first be thoroughly scrubbed and cleansed and then made as hot as possible. Those used for cooking or eating (silverware, pots) must be thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned and completely immersed in boiling water. Pots should not be used for a period of at least 24 hours between the cleaning and the immersion in boiling water. Metal baking utensils cannot be kashered.

C. OVENS AND RANGES: Every part that comes in contact with food must be thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned. Then, oven and range should be heated as hot as possible for a half hour. If there is a broil setting, use it. Self-cleaning ovens should be scrubbed and cleaned and then put through the self-cleaning cycle. Continuous cleaning ovens must be kashered in the same manner as regular ovens.

D. SMOOTHTOP ELECTRIC RANGES present a problem. They cannot be covered with foil, nor heated at a high temperature, nor cleaned with an abrasive cleaner. Consult with the manufacturer on how to clean the smoothtop. Then discuss with your rabbi if that method of cleaning is adequate enough to kasher the smoothtop. Some will not be able to be kashered.

MICROWAVE OVENS, which do not cook the food by means of heat, should be cleaned, and then a cup of water should be placed inside. Then the oven should be turned on until the water disappears. A microwave oven that has a browning element cannot be kashered for Pesah. E. GLASSWARE: Authorities disagree as to the method for kashering drinking utensils. One opinion requires soaking in water for three days, changing the water every 24 hours. The other opinion requires only a thorough scrubbing before Pesah, or putting them through a dishwasher. Glass Cookware: There is a difference of opinion as to whether it is to be kashered. One opinion is that it must be kashered. After a thorough cleansing, there should be water boiled in them which will overflow the rim. The other opin-ion is that only a thorough cleansing is required. Glass Bakeware, like metal bakeware, may not be kashered. F. DISHWASHER: After not using the machine for a period of 24 hours, a full cycle with detergent should be run. G. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES: If the parts that come into contact with hametz are removable, they can be kashered in the appropriate way (if metal, follow the rules for metal utensils). If the parts are not removable, the appliance cannot be kashered. (All exposed parts should be thoroughly cleaned.) H. TABLES, CLOSETS AND COUNTERS: If used with hametz, they should be thoroughly cleaned and covered, and then they may be used. I. KITCHEN SINK: A metal sink can be kashered by thoroughly cleaning and then pouring boiling water over it. A por-celain sink should be cleaned and a sink rack used. If, however, dishes are to be soaked in a porcelain sink, a dish basin must be used. J. HAMETZ AND NON-PASSOVER UTENSILS: Non-Passover dishes, pots and hametz whose ownership has been trans-ferred, should be separated, locked up or covered, and marked in order to prevent accidental use.


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Friday, April 27th - 8:00PM Shabbat Service and Oneg at OZS

Saturday, April 28th - 9:30AM Shabbat Service and Kiddush Lunch at OZS

Saturday, April 28th - 8:30PM Gala at Lyric Theatre

Sunday, April 29th - 10:00-11:30AM Farewell Brunch at Joe Bologna’s

Sunday, April 29th - Noon Cemetery Service

100TH BIRTHDAY APRIL 27-29, 2012

Centennial Is Here!

The weekend of April 27-29, OZS officially turns 100 years old! We became incorporated on April 25, 1912.

Celebration includes events on Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday night and Sunday Morning. Consult the bulletin for the schedule of events or go to ozs.org. OZS will honor its past, celebrate the present, and look to the future.

Hopefully, all of you will take part in some part of this historic weekend. Reservations are needed for all the events except at the cemetery. We ask for your help by getting your reservations in. All events are being catered and we not only have to pay per person, but need to know so everyone will have a place to sit and a meal.

It seems impossible that we have been working toward this weekend for so long, and it is already here. Thanks go to the Centennial Committee and all those folks who helped to make this event a reality. Be ready to have a great time!

Simone and Teri

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GENERAL FUND Macki Bobys In Appreciation of Susan & Steve Caller and Nancy & Phil Hoffman In Honor of Rafi Finkel & Beth Goldstein In Honor of Sue & Barry Erzine’s twin grandchildren Chana Esther & Asher Reuven Wasserman Janice Brock In Appreciation of Susan & Steve Caller and Nancy & Phil Hoffman Evalynne & David Elias In Appreciation of Sandy Archer Oscar Haber In Appreciation of Rafi Finkel & Beth Goldstein Marlene Markowitz In Honor of Leon & Harriet Cooper for their kindness to my son, Howie Allen Paritz In Memory of Ethyl Paritz Nina & Izmail Goldis A Thoughtful Donation

RABBI DISCRETIONARY FUND Judith Levey In Honor of Amy Howe’s 10 years of extraordinary success as Gan Shalom's Director

Page 7

Ohavay Zion Synagogue extends special thanks to those who have made contributions during the past month.

100TH ANNIVERSARY FUND Rabbi Sharon Cohen & Jeffrey Siegel In Honor of Rafi Finkel & Beth Goldstein In Honor of our OZS Family Evalynne & David Elias In Honor of Rafi Finkel & Beth Goldstein Joe & Ricki Rosenberg Thank You to Nancy Hoffman Mark & Shirley Rosenberg In Memory of E.G. Rosenberg & Israel Rosenberg Gershon Schulman In Memory of My Dear Wife, Janet In Honor of OZS Celebrating 100 Years

GAN SHALOM FUND Rabbi Sharon Cohen & Jeffrey Siegel In Honor of Amy Howe & her 10th Anniversary as Director of Gan Shalom


Craig Chasen In Gratitude to Shirley Bryan, Jennifer Gripshover, Ricki Rosenberg & Debbie Aminoff for their help with Sam’s Bar Mitzvah


Ohavay Zion Synagogue extends special thanks to those who have made contributions during the past month.

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Cindy M. Derer, P.L.L.C.

Cindy M. Derer, D.M.D. Family Dentistry

698 Perimeter Drive, Suite 102 Lexington, Kentucky 40517

Janice Brock, ABR, CNHS, CRS, GRI [email protected] www.janicebrock.com

A. S. de Movellan Real Estate 171 Prosperous Place Lexington, KY 40509 Cell 859-533-7669 Bus 859-266-0451 Fax 859-268-2636 VM 859-293-9451

An Independently owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc.

Shop at Amazon.com and Support OZS On the OZS website Donation page, click on Follow this link to Amazon.com to do all your shopping. OZS will receive a minimum of 4% of your total purchase price. Make sure to use the link on the OZS Donation page as this will let Amazon know that you are from OZS!! OZS has earned $1628.06 since starting this program in December, 2009. (Updated March 27, 2012) KROGER CARDS Buy Groceries, Gasoline, and Prescriptions at Kroger's Get your shopping cards at the OZS office. These cards act just like gift cards and can be recharged. Kroger donates 4% of the purchases to OZS. Earnings for 2011 totaled $3760.34. January-March 2012: $780.88


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Religious School Schedule

April 1st No Sunday School April 3rd No Hebrew School April 5th No B’nai Mitzvah April 8th No Sunday School April 10th Hebrew School April 12th B’nai Mitzvah April 15th Sunday School April 17th Hebrew School April 19th B’nai Mitzvah April 20th Kids’ Shabbat April 22nd Sunday School April 24th Hebrew School April 26th B’nai Mitzvah April 29th Sunday School


God’s Pantry - Food sorting

Please join representatives from the entire Jewish community at God's Pantry - (1685 Jaggie Fox Way, phone: 255-6592) on the third Thursday of each month, from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. We will sort food to be distributed to the homeless and assist God's Pantry in fulfilling the needs of the hungry in Kentucky. Contact: Lisa Satin at 338-3740 or [email protected]



Future dates for backpacking sessions:

Sunday, April 15,11:30 AM (Date Change)

Sunday, May 6,11:30 AM

Program link: http://godspantry.org/aboutus/our-programs-services/the-backpack-program/

If you are interested in helping with these programs, please contact Lisa Satin, 338-3740, or [email protected] for more information.

Wonderful seeing everyone for our Purim Celebration.

Have a Happy Passover. - - Ilona

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1-Apr April Edwards 2-Apr Isaac Satin 4-Apr Laura L. Ades 4-Apr Asa Rubinstein 7-Apr Isaac Genovese 7-Apr Charlie Spiegel 8-Apr Evalynne Elias 9-Apr Sam Chasen 9-Apr Abigail Foster 11-Apr Benjamin Ezrine 11-Apr David Keown 11-Apr Jacob Rackmil 14-Apr Ethan Archer 14-Apr Sylvia Green 16-Apr Lewis Bowling 16-Apr Penina Goldstein 16-Apr Terri Solomon 18-Apr Jamie Rachel Smith 19-Apr Joe Berger 20-Apr Paula Leichtman 20-Apr Brad Youkilis 23-Apr Diane Sobel 28-Apr Sergio DeSousa 30-Apr Michael Solomon 30-Apr Elizabeth Waford


1 - April 5 - April 7 - April 26 - April 29 - April

David & Kathy Feinberg Walter & Terri Solomon Lisa & David Adkins Lynn & Jim Furness Edward & Judy Kaplan

39 years 26 years 22 years 20 years 56 years

MAZEL TOV TO: Sue & Barry Erzine

On the birth of Twin Grandchildren

Chana Esther & Asher Reuven



Rachel & Danny Wasserman

and older brothers Avi & Yaakov


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Page 10 Nissan -Iyar 5772 April 2012


Nissan 9  Virginia Blanford  1‐Apr Nissan 9  Dorothy Goldstein   Nissan 9  Rose Luftman   Nissan 9  Alexander Russotto   Nissan 10  Revekka Alkhasova  2‐Apr Nissan 10  Stanley Hunter   Nissan 10  Stanley Rosenbaum   Nissan 10  Gilmore Rudman   Nissan 10  Rose Silverman   Nissan 11  Betty Greenfield  3‐Apr Nissan 11  Martin Rosenthal   Nissan 11  Ben Roth   Nissan 12  Henry Altman  4‐Apr Nissan 12  Carolyn Bayer   Nissan 12  Samuel Blumberg   Nissan 12  Shari Eldot   Nissan 12  Yvonne Moindrot   Nissan 12  Frances Perel   Nissan 12  Hershel Saphir   Nissan 12  Max Sapoznick   Nissan 12  Edith Schwab   Nissan 12  Blanche Sprei   Nissan 13  Anna Bernstein  5‐Apr Nissan 13  Danielle Brause   Nissan 15  Michael Brower  7‐Apr Nissan 15  Edward Kessler   Nissan 15  Sarah Stainboock   Nissan 16  Edward Himmelblau  8‐Apr Nissan 16  Solem Levy   Nissan 16  Bernard Rackmil   Nissan 16  Michael Sherman   Nissan 17  Marcia Chatoff  9‐Apr Nissan 17  Louis Migler   Nissan 17  Shirley Orbach   Nissan 17  Louis Prow   Nissan 18  Joseph Brower  10‐Apr Nissan 18  Eli Hain   Nissan 18  Celia Reiss   Nissan 18  Rebecca Silverman   Nissan 19  Sam Chatoff  11‐Apr Nissan 19  Bernice Herman   Nissan 19  Sidney Kravitz   Nissan 19  Joseph Rosenthal   Nissan 21  Albert Elias  13‐Apr Nissan 21  Albert Elias   Nissan 21  Irene Frankel   Nissan 21  Sam Rosenberg   Nissan 22  Martin Berger  14‐Apr Nissan 22  Ephraim Saphir   Nissan 23  Sam Bederman  15‐Apr Nissan 23  Earl Kaplan   Nissan 23  Anne Mervis   Nissan 23  Maurice William Spector   Nissan 24  Julian Bloomfield  16‐Apr 

Yahrzeit Observance

begins at sundown of the

previous evening

with lighting of the yahrzeit

candle. The traditional act of tzedaka,

honoring a loved one, is

often performed at this time.

Nissan 25  Annie Grossman  17‐Apr Nissan 25  Isadore Levy   Nissan 26  Esther Greenfield  18‐Apr Nissan 26  Helene Kornick   Nissan 26  Sophie Mellinger   Nissan 26  Faye Salutsky   Nissan 27  Aleen Kiser  19‐Apr Nissan 28  John Crawford  20‐Apr Nissan 28  Daniel Grossman   Nissan 28  Simon Levy   Nissan 28  Malke Mayerson   Nissan 29  Jeanne Russotto  21‐Apr Nissan 30  Tessie Levine  22‐Apr Nissan 30  Sylvia Markowitz   Iyar 1  Anna Diamond  23‐Apr Iyar 1  Esther Flashman   Iyar 1  Joseph Friedman   Iyar 1  Sam Goldberg   Iyar 1  Sebina Neuman   Iyar 1  Eddie Perel   Iyar 2  Eliezer Ades  24‐Apr Iyar 2  Harry Silverman   Iyar 3  Arthur Frank  25‐Apr Iyar 4  Robert Cohen  26‐Apr Iyar 4  Mary Oshinsky   Iyar 5  Roni Grossman  27‐Apr Iyar 7  Eli Utterback  29‐Apr Iyar 9  Charles Breidenthal  1‐May Iyar 9  Aaron Hoffman   Iyar 9  Joseph Moreida   Iyar 11  Rose K. Grossman  3‐May Iyar 11  Rose Krasnow   Iyar 11  Lena Munich   Iyar 11  Irving Rudman   Iyar 12  Sarah Cantin  4‐May Iyar 12  Sylvia Eisenberg   Iyar 12  Rose Krasne   Iyar 12  Max Perman   Iyar 13  Jacob Alperin  5‐May Iyar 13  Stanley Bashkin   Iyar 13  Joseph Broudy   Iyar 13  Ellis Oser" Flashman"   Iyar 13  Harry Goldberg   Iyar 13  Herbert Liebman   Iyar 13  Seymour Moskowitz   Iyar 13  Murrell Salutsky   Iyar 13  Jack Schneider   Iyar 14  Bernard Klar  6‐May Iyar 14  Natalie Sherman   Iyar 14  Natalie Sherman   Iyar 15  Elsie Cherson  7‐May Iyar 15  Lillian Hirschberg   

Page 15: 100TH BIRTHDAY APRIL 27-29, 2012 · 2012. 4. 4. · Nisan -Iyar 5772 April 2012 100TH BIRTHDAY APRIL 27-29, 2012 Passover Guide Inside Bulletin. Ohavay Zion Synagogue Bulletin Vol

April 2012 9 Nisan 5772 - 8 Iyar 5772

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 9 Nisan

No Sunday School

2 10 Nisan

3 11 Nisan

No Hebrew School Minyan 5:45PM

Board Meeting 7:30AM

4 12 Nisan

Bible Study Class Noon

5 13 Nisan

Search for Chametz No B'Nai Mitzvah Minyan 5:45PM

6 14 Nisan

Erev Passover Talmud Study Group

7:30AM Shacharit and Siyum

for the First Born Closing Closets 10:00AM

First Passover Seder at HomeNo Service at OZS

Candle Lighting 7:48PM

7 15 Nisan

Passover I Festival Morning Service


8 16 Nisan

Passover II No Sunday School

9 17 Nisan

Hol Hamoed Passover I

10 18 Nisan

Hol Hamoed Passover II Hebrew School 4:45PM

Minyan 5:45PM

11 19 Nisan

Hol Hamoed Passover III Bible Study Class


12 20 Nisan

Hol Hamoed Passover IV B'Nai Mitzvah 4:45PM

Minyan 5:45PM Candle Lighting 7:53PM

13 21 Nisan

Passover VII

Festival Morning Service 9:30AM

Shabbat Dinner 6:00PM Office Closed

Candle Lighting 7:54PM

14 22 Nisan

Passover VIII (Yizkor)

Festival Morning Service 9:30AM

Yizkor recited

15 23 Nisan

Sunday School 9:00AM Backpacking for God's Pantry


16 24 Nisan

17 25 Nisan

OLLI/OZS Concert 4:00PMHebrew School 4:45PM

Minyan 5:45PM

18 26 Nisan

Bible Study Class


19 27 Nisan

Yom Hashoah B'Nai Mitzvah 4:45PM

Minyan 5:45PM

20 28 Nisan

Talmud Study Group 7:30AM

Kids' Shabbat 5:30PM Candle Lighting 8:01PM

21 29 Nisan

Shabbat Morning Service 9:30AM

22 30 Nisan

Rosh Hodesh I

Sunday School 9:00AM Yom Hashoah 10:30AM

23 1 Iyar

Rosh Hodesh II

24 2 Iyar

Hebrew School 4:45PM Minyan 5:45PM

25 3 Iyar

Yom Hazikaron Bible Study Class


26 4 Iyar

Yom Ha'Atzmaut B'Nai Mitzvah 4:45PM

Minyan 5:45PM

27 5 Iyar

Talmud Study Group 7:30AM

Centennial Shabbat Service/Oneg 8:00PM

Candle Lighting 8:07PM

28 6 Iyar

Shabbat Morning Service 9:30AM

Centennial Kiddush Lunch Centennial Gala 8:30PM

Lyric Theatre

29 7 Iyar

No Sunday School Centennial Brunch 10:00AM

Joe B's Cemetery Service Noon

30 8 Iyar

Page 16: 100TH BIRTHDAY APRIL 27-29, 2012 · 2012. 4. 4. · Nisan -Iyar 5772 April 2012 100TH BIRTHDAY APRIL 27-29, 2012 Passover Guide Inside Bulletin. Ohavay Zion Synagogue Bulletin Vol

We’re on the Web http://www.ozs.org

Phone: 859-266-8050 Fax: 859 268-3357

Email: [email protected]

2048 Edgewater Court Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Ohavay Zion Synagogue


The Lexington Chapter of Hadassah is selling cash certificates again this year to be redeemed at PROPER PLANTS, INC. at 3050 Military Pike, Lexington. PROPER PLANTS, INC. offers a selection of beautiful and healthy flowers, patio plants, hanging baskets, herbs, and vegetables. Start planning your garden now! Contact Hanna Smith at 859-223-9682 or email [email protected] for further information.



Yom HaShoah The community-wide Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day Commemoration, will take place on Sunday, April 22 at 10:30 a.m. in the Ohavay Zion Synagogue social hall. This year's program will be similar to last year with round table discussions, a commemoration service and candle lighting, music, and reading of the Szekely Contest winning essays. All TAI and OZS religious school classes will be held at OZS that morning. Yom HaShoah is open to the public and sponsored by JFB in conjunction with all of the Lexington community Jewish organizations.

Yom Ha'atzmaut The community-wide Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israel Independence Day, Celebration will take place on Sunday, May 6 at Temple Adath Israel. The program will start at 12 noon in the social hall with lunch from King Tut's Mediterranean restaurant available for purchase. We will celebrate the occasion with two performances: a community children's choir and band led by Anat Rubinstein, followed by "Ha-Tizmoret" (Aviva and Lew Bowling, along with Harold Sherman, Danny and Tressa Bowling, and Jim Corcoran). For the past seven years they have been performing at Hanukkah shows, Israel Independence Day programs, and Hadassah events in Lexington and Louisville. Their program will include songs made popular by Israeli musicians as well as several traditional pieces.