Fast Lane is a network within CMA that focuses primarily on ministry to sport bikers, dual sport riders, and quad sport riders. Our goals are to see the lost saved and to develop chapters within CMA to accomplish ministry in these areas. Fast Lane is what you make it. We have members across the country doing different things to be active in ministry . Some are attending races, some are holding Fast Lane rides, and others are meeting with local clubs and web forum members and attending their events. They are striking out to do what they can and working to get others that are interested in ministry to this seg- ment of riders enthused about doing the work also. Welcome to the Inside Line for April! John Jr - National Evangelist - Fast Lane John and Cy Knight, MO Fast Lane Rep, left this morning at 5:30 on their way to meet up with a team of people in Douglas, AZ. From there, the team will travel around Mexico for the next month, returning home May 2. Please be in prayer for this team as they go to encourage CMA Mexico. Below are some specific prayer items for the team: 1. Safe travels. Mexico has been in the news regarding some poten- tially dangerous situations. Please pray for God’s protection over them and for wisdom to follow His leading as they ride. 2. Health. Pray that the entire team remain healthy on this trip. 3. Motorcycles. Pray that each mo- torcycle function properly and remain in the upright riding posi- tion. 4. Families. Each of the men on this trip have left a spouse and family at home. May their fami- lies be well-cared for while they are on this trip. 5. CMA Mexico. Pray that CMA Mexico will be encouraged and uplifted as these men travel to the different chapters. Pray for an explosion of growth and bless- ings. 6. Manuel Ameca, President of CMA Mexico. Please pray for this family as they have been struggling. Late last year, Manuel and his daughter were in a seri- ous car accident that left him in recovery for several months. The family has been struggling finan- cially and emotionally to over- come these trials. April 2010 In Christ you have been made rich in every way, in all your speaking and in all your knowledge. You have every gift from God while you wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to come again. Jesus will keep you strong until the end so that there will be no wrong in you on the day our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God, who has called you to share everything with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful. (1 Corinthians 5, 7-9) [bold mine]

100401 Inside Line - Christian Motorcyclists AssociationUserFiles/InsideLineApr10.pdfWelcome to the Inside Line for April! John Jr - National Evangelist - Fast Lane John and Cy Knight,

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Page 1: 100401 Inside Line - Christian Motorcyclists AssociationUserFiles/InsideLineApr10.pdfWelcome to the Inside Line for April! John Jr - National Evangelist - Fast Lane John and Cy Knight,

Fast Lane is a network within CMA that focuses primarily on ministry

to sport bikers, dual sport riders, and quad sport riders. Our goals are to see the lost saved and to develop chapters within CMA to accomplish ministry in

these areas.

Fast Lane is what you make it. We have members across the country

doing different things to be active in ministry . Some are attending races, some

are holding Fast Lane rides, and others are meeting with local clubs and web

forum members and attending their events. They are striking out to do what

they can and working to get others that are interested in ministry to this seg-ment of riders enthused about doing the work also.

Welcome to the Inside Line for April!

John Jr - National Evangelist - Fast Lane

John and Cy

Knight, MO

Fast Lane

Rep, left this

morning at

5:30 on

their way to meet up with a team of

people in Douglas, AZ. From there,

the team will travel around Mexico

for the next month, returning home

May 2. Please be in prayer for this

team as they go to encourage CMA

Mexico. Below are some specific

prayer items for the team:

1. Safe travels. Mexico has been in

the news regarding some poten-

tially dangerous situations. Please

pray for God’s protection over

them and for wisdom to follow

His leading as they ride.

2. Health. Pray that the entire team

remain healthy on this trip.

3. Motorcycles. Pray that each mo-

torcycle function properly and

remain in the upright riding posi-


4. Families. Each of the men on

this trip have left a spouse and

family at home. May their fami-

lies be well-cared for while they

are on this trip.

5. CMA Mexico. Pray that CMA

Mexico will be encouraged and

uplifted as these men travel to

the different chapters. Pray for

an explosion of growth and bless-


6. Manuel Ameca, President of

CMA Mexico. Please pray for

this family as they have been

struggling. Late last year, Manuel

and his daughter were in a seri-

ous car accident that left him in

recovery for several months. The

family has been struggling finan-

cially and emotionally to over-

come these trials.

April 2010

In Christ you have been made rich in every way, in all your speaking and in all your knowledge. You have every gift from God while you wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to come again. Jesus will keep you strong until the end so that there will be no wrong in you on the day our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God, who has called you to share everything with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful. (1 Corinthians 5, 7-9) [bold mine]

Page 2: 100401 Inside Line - Christian Motorcyclists AssociationUserFiles/InsideLineApr10.pdfWelcome to the Inside Line for April! John Jr - National Evangelist - Fast Lane John and Cy Knight,

Offenses. What

a struggle they

are. Each day we

have the oppor-

tunity to pick

up the stones

and arrows that are hurled at us in

various forms and allow their black

tar to stain our clothes, hearts, and

minds as we allow their bitterness to

attach to us, or we can choose an-

other way. It is the way Paul spoke of

in Philippians 3:13 where he said,

“Forgetting the past and straining

toward what is ahead.”

As soon as an offense is

hurled, whether intended or not, it is

in the past. If we keep looking at the

place where the hurt occurred, we

cannot turn our eyes forward in order

to press toward the mark of the high

calling. Instead, we are looking back-

wards and down at ourselves, asking,

“Why would he say that to me?”

“How could she do that?” “What is

wrong with me?” The answer is that it

is not about you.

We are not here representing

ourselves; rather One Who deserves

all glory. The longer we keep our eyes

on ourselves, the more ineffective we

become in the ministry God has

called us to: changing the world, one

heart at a time. Offenses are effective

in neutralizing a person who has been

gaining ground spiritually because

they cause us to stop what we are do-

ing in order to pick them up. They

have no power over the person they

are not attached to.

When dealing with an of-

fense, we have to continually remind

ourselves to lay it down and let it go.

Part of our minds may want to let the

person know just how much they hurt

us, yet the Spirit continually whispers

for us to forgive and to pray for that

individual. Nothing would be gained

for God’s glory if we were to enter

into a debate on just how wrong that

person was. We need to “. . . capture

every thought and make it give up

and obey Christ. (2 Cor 10:5)”. One

way to do this is to place key scrip-

tures around your house and force

yourself to stop and read them as you

come across them. When I feel my

mind going in a direction it shouldn’t

I repeat 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 out

loud as a reminder to myself where

my mind should be focused. Likewise,

each time our mind tries to go back to

the place where the offense occurred,

we need to remind it that we are not

here to fight against flesh and blood;

rather, to advance the Kingdom of

God by showing His love to those He

has called us to. This fight isn’t about

us, but it is about rendering us inef-

fective. The longer we allow our sub-

conscious to dwell on the offense, the

longer we stay in the ditch. We are

called to lay these offenses down; to

forget them in order to press forward.

So, now is the time to stand up, dust

ourselves off, and lift our eyes to the

One who has called us to arise and

walk .

May we focus our eyes ahead,

pressing forward; gaining ground in

this spiritual battle we are facing trust-

ing that God will give us everything

we need to be an overcomer of the

temptations, hurts, and traps that

ensnare us in this world attempting to

keep us from realizing the true victory

that is ours in Christ.

Holly Ogden - CMA National - Fast Lane

April Inside Line

It is challenge time!

Challenge: Find the one per-

son this month that God has

put in your path to share His

love with and give them a

salvation bracelet.

Mechanics: (1) Be

one of the first ten

people to request a salvation

brace let by emai l ing

[email protected].

(2) Pray over the bracelet and

ask God to show you the

one person He wants you

to give it to.

(3) Give the person the brace-

let by April 20.

(4) Send an email with your

short testimony on what

God did with your bracelet

to [email protected] by

April 23.

Reward: One person will be

chosen to win a black Fast

Lane t-shirt.

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Page 3

C o m -

mun i c a t i o n ,

c ommun i c a -

tion, communi-


What is the CMA Fast Lane? This is

a question I hear often, and most

often I hear it from CMA members.

Sometimes the question is, “Well,

I’ve known we have a Fast Lane, but

what does Fast Lane do”?

The CMA website describes the Fast

Lane like this:

The Fast Lane is a net-

work within CMA that focuses

primarily on ministry to sport bik-

ers, dual sport riders, and quad

sport riders. Our goals are to see

the lost saved and to develop chap-

ters within CMA to accomplish

ministry in these areas.

When you look at the “big

picture” of CMA, I like to say it does-

n’t matter what you ride, we have a

place in the ministry for you!

The Ministry Team training

and principle of CMA servant’s heart

attitude will work in any setting.

Building relationships and minister-

ing to people’s needs is what CMA

has been doing for many years. The

Fast Lane folks may go to some differ-

ent places and ride different types of

machines, but it is the same message

of Jesus that we go and share.

People ask, how do I get in-

volved? There are many ways to be

involved . It could be on the front

line, the side line, and we always

need folks on the prayer line!

If you want to get out and

ride then please do, but there are also

other ways to be involved with the

Fast Lane. Have you ever shared the

vision of CMA with a Christian who

rides a Fast Lane type machine? Let

them know that CMA has a place in

ministry for them.

Go and help out at a Fast

Lane event, ask a Fast Lane Rep

where opportunities are close to you.

Fast Lane is an exciting part of CMA.

Feel the excitement… get

involved with Fast Lane!

Denver Dennis - Arkansas Fast Lane Rep

I bought my second bike in

May 2007—a Buell XB9SX. After a

couple of months of researching dif-

ferent manufacturers online, I

thought the Buell’s offered some-

thing strikingly different from the

average sport bikes. Having an inline

four 660 as my first bike, I knew that

I wanted a twin for the next bike.

That mere fact narrowed by choices

drastically. Buell just had this scream-

ing attitude about them. Perhaps it

came from its Harley lineage?

So, now I have this bike.

What do I do with it? Sure I ride it,

but what do I really do with it? Most

people, even non-bikers, know that

90% of motorcycle rallies are not very

conservative. They are an excuse to

get really crazy and do things that will

later be regretted.

The Internet is a great tool,

when you decide to use it as a tool.

Somehow, I came across the CMA

website in November of 2007. I’d

never even heard of CMA before. I

read up as much as I could on the

website for a couple of days and de-

cided that this might be what I was

looking for. It was during this web

surfing that I discovered Fast Lane

and the Carving the Ouachitas Rally,

about two weeks too late! Now I had

to wait 12 months for the next rally!

Everything looked interesting, so I

searched the chapters and found that

there was one 30 miles from home. It

was difficult during the holidays of

2007, but after a couple of months, I

finally made a chapter meeting. The

rest, as they say, is history.

I would like to bring to your

attention to the fact that I found

CMA by searching the Internet, not

by ever meeting a single member.

CMA’s Internet presence is impor-

tant. There are many people like my-

self out there who are looking for

something, but don’t know what it is

or where to find it. They just know it

must be there. My generation knows

the Internet and how to search for

information. I can tell you from first

hand experience that if a website is

not that great, I probably will not

visit very long. An outdated website is

worse because it shows a lack of con-

sistency. It is important to keep cur-

rent contact information and photos

on the national, regional, state, and

chapter websites. We don’t know

who may be looking for something

like CMA, but if our information is

obsolete when they visit our websites,

they likely will not visit long, and

CMA will disappear from their radar

as fast as the webpage loaded, if not


Finding CMA By: Brian Young

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Page 4

April Inside Line

R a l l y

in the Gorge –

History of a

growing Fast

Lane Ministry


The first series of the rallies

now called Rally in the Gorge started

in 2003. CMA participation began

in 2004 when Paul Tefft (CMA Seat-

tle) volunteered to help the Rally

organizers. CMA Fast Lane participa-

tion has grown steadily from there.

Tim Bernard (Idaho Fast Lane Rep)

became a vendor in 2006, and he

and Paul began to ask others to help.

With the birth of Fast

Lane, CMA participa-

tion again expanded.

Starting in 2008, CMA

Fast Lane became part

of the rally organizing

committee. In January , at the rally

planning meeting for 2010, five out

of the twelve people there were mem-

bers of Fast Lane.

Why is this rally so uniquely

suited for Fast Lane ministry? It is

held for our targeted crowd! It is ac-

tually a combination of four rallies at

the same time – Sport Bike North-

west, Sport Touring Northwest, Dual

Sport Northwest, and Maxi Scooter

Northwest. The rally is held in

the Columbia River Gorge, on

the Washington/Oregon border.

It is held near some of the BEST

motorcycling roads in the US (paved

or gravel).

C om b i n e

that with

some great

scenery and

you have a

very enjoyable place to fellowship.

We have five days of serving and

mixing with fellow biking enthusiasts

and hold a Sunday service. The or-

ganizers were impressed that the first

Sunday service had a bigger atten-

dance than some of the excellent

seminars held during the rally. The

event is an AMA Signature event

and draws a nice crowd, a Fast Lane

targeted crowd. The local CMA

chapters in the area have been a

great help. Jeff Haays (Oregon Fast

Lane Rep) joined the rally staff in

2009. We have even seen Scooter

riders wearing

colors! As the

rally grows, we

need your

help. We are

looking at the

2010 rallies with an air of anticipa-

tion. We hope to have at least three

Fast Lane Reps at the rally, a Na-

tional Evangelist or two, AND maybe

some of you (prayerfully several)!

IF you can come to the rally

and help out – contact us for more


R a l l y w e b s i t e :


Fast Lane information:

[email protected]

Steve Schiller - Washington Fast Lane Rep

Get your events listed in the Inside Line. Email them to us, let

us know what you are working and where you need help! Make

sure to include contact information and event locations/dates!

Rally in the Gorge

Stevenson, Washington

July 28 – Aug 1 2010

Christian Motorcyclists Association Southwest Region Women’s Conference

April 9-11, 2010

Tamarack Beach Resort

3200 Carlsbad Blvd.

Carlsbad, CA 92008 Contact: Kathy Forester at 760-724-9584, C#760-518-9074

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Page 5

Where: Where:

Iron Horse Iron Horse

Campgound, Campgound,

Robbinsville, NC Robbinsville, NC



Make your reserva-Make your reserva-

tions; camping, cab-tions; camping, cab-

ins, and bunkhouse ins, and bunkhouse


Dual Sport rentals, Dual Sport rentals,

guided rides and guided rides and


April 8-11, 2010

Are you Are you Are you Are you Are you Are you Are you Are you ready to slay ready to slay ready to slay ready to slay ready to slay ready to slay ready to slay ready to slay the dragon?the dragon?the dragon?the dragon?the dragon?the dragon?the dragon?the dragon?

Note: This rally will still be taking place in spite of the closure of US129. Plan to come and enjoy great riding!

Page 6: 100401 Inside Line - Christian Motorcyclists AssociationUserFiles/InsideLineApr10.pdfWelcome to the Inside Line for April! John Jr - National Evangelist - Fast Lane John and Cy Knight,

Consider joining an owner’s group for the type of motorcycle you own. This is an effective tool in building relationships

with people and making inroads. Please keep in mind that it is best to avoid any religious debates on the forums, as they only tend

to hurt your witness. Below are some links to the websites (we take no responsibility for the content of these web boards, please use

wisdom and discretion):

American Thunderbike: www.americanthunderbike.org

MSTA: http://www.ridehsta.com/

ROK: http://www.kawasaki.com/contentb.asp?url=/gtoc/

WERA: www.wera.com

ZRXOA: www.zrxoa.org

FZ1OA: www.yamahafz1oa.com



General sport biking forums:




Rocket Madness: http://www.rocketmadness.com

Concours Owners Group: http://www.cog-online.org

Web Forums

Where can I fit in? Check out

the links to the left!

Page 6

April Inside Line

Randal Tebeau

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• 4: MX Races in Millekin, CO.

Charles Compton

[email protected]

• 8-11: Slaying the Dragon,

Deal’s Gap, NC. David Oates

[email protected]

• 9-11: Southwest Region

Women’s Conference,

Carlsbad, CA

Kathy Forester 760-724-9584,


• 9-11: Missouri Women’s Con-

ference, Columbia, MO

Cid Knight 417-394-2278

[email protected]

• 17: Tail of the Snake Lewis-

ton, ID/Clarkston, WA.

Roger 509-549-3872


• 1:Run for Son OFF ROAD at

Brown Mountain Park near

Morganton, NC. David Oates

[email protected]

• 13-16: Tour de Tellico, Tellico

Plains, TN. David Oates

[email protected]



• 3-6: Canyonlands Motor Clas-

sic, Moab, UT. Wally Bailar

[email protected]

• 15-19: CMA National Rally.

Fast Lane Ride June 18.

• 25-27: National V-Strom Rally,

Montrose, CO. Wally Bailar

[email protected]

• 26: Lucas Oil MX National

Series Race, Lakewood, CO.

Charles Compton

[email protected]


• 1-3: Bikes, Babes, and Bling,

Fayetteville, AR This is a





• 9-11: Louisiana/Mississippi

Women’s Conference,

Natchez, MS

Lynn Beech 601-428-4823

[email protected]

• 22-25: Top of the Rockies,

BMW Rally, Paonia, CO.

Wally Bailar

[email protected]

• 23-24: Texas Women’s Con-

ference, Clifton, TX

Kathy Johnston 817-988-8092

[email protected]

• 28-Aug 1: Rally in the Gorge,

Stevenson, WA

Sport Bike Northwest, Dual-

Sport Northwest, Sport Tour-

ing Northwest and Maxi

Scooter Northwest


[email protected]

• 29-31: Rocky Mountain ADV

Rally, South Fork, CO. Wally


[email protected]


• 13-15: Arkansas/Oklahoma

Women’s Getaway, Morril-

ton, AR

Rebekah Beene 870-246-5891 ma-

[email protected]

• 26-29: Horizons Unlimited

Dual Sport Rally, Silverton,

CO. Wally Bailar

[email protected]

• 28: Jville Bike Bash

Coastal Plains Raceway. Jack-

sonville, NC. Hank Richards.

[email protected]


• 23-26 Fast Lane

Rally—Northwest. Kamiah, ID. Tim Bernard

[email protected]

• 24-26 Fast Lane

Rally—Louisiana. Boyce, LA. Brian Young [email protected]

• 25-26: MX of Nations Lake-

wood, CO. Charles Compton

[email protected]

Page 7


Page 8: 100401 Inside Line - Christian Motorcyclists AssociationUserFiles/InsideLineApr10.pdfWelcome to the Inside Line for April! John Jr - National Evangelist - Fast Lane John and Cy Knight,

Arkansas: Denver Dennis [email protected] Bill Wing [email protected] California-N: John Rundall [email protected] Colorado: Wally Bailar [email protected] Charles Compton [email protected] Florida: Mitch Edwards [email protected] Georgia: Cliff Finney [email protected] Illinois: Jim Barnhart [email protected] Kansas: Ron Harper [email protected] Maryland: Jerry Coon [email protected] Michigan: Jorg Emmert [email protected] Minnesota: Dave McLellan [email protected] Missouri: Cy Knight [email protected] North Carolina: David Oates [email protected] North Dakota: Jimi Johnson [email protected] Oregon: Jeff Hayes [email protected] Tennessee: Gary Holt [email protected] Texas-NE: Robert DuMond [email protected] Texas-W: Bob McClain [email protected] Tri-State: Tim Bernard [email protected] Roger Cannon [email protected] Washington: Steve Schiller [email protected]

FAST LANE FRIENDLY AREA REP Indiana: Chris Roush [email protected]


© Christian Motorcyclists Association 2008.


Christian Motorcyclists Association P.O. Box 9, 4278 Hwy 71 South, Hatfield, AR 71945, (870) 389-6196

You are signed-up to receive The Inside Line email messages from the Christian Motorcyclists Association

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15-20: CMA National

Rally, Hatfield, AR

21-24: Evangelist’s Meet-

ings, Hatfield, AR


22-25: Top of the Rock-

ies, Paonia, CO


March 30-May 2: Mex-



14-16: Texas State Rally,

Leakey, TX

27-31: MSTA event,


28-Aug 1: Rally in the

Gorge, Stevenson, WA


12-14: Big Dog Rally


23-26: Pacific Northwest

Fast Lane Rally

Fast Lane Evangelist Itinerary

Get your Fast Lane related events posted by sending them to

[email protected] with the subject “Events for Inside Line”