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1 0,000 words in frequency order

NICHOLAS J BROWN Senior Lecturer in Russian School of Slavonic and East European Studies University College London

London and New York

First published 1 996 by Routledge 1 1 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE

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© 1996 Nicholas J. Brown

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ISBN 0-415- 1379 1 -8 ISBN 0-415-1 3792-6


Introduction 1

10,000 words in frequency order 15

Index 307



This dictionary is a Russian learner' s vocabulary list of 1 0,000 words in order of impor­tance.

Serious students of Russian are always aware that vocabulary acquisition is a major prob­lem. Unlike Russian grammar, which has a structure and can be adequately mastered in a year, the vocabulary of the language is huge and amorphous. At the end of a year's inten­sive study, students should have a good idea of how Russian works and the ability to handle a large number of everyday communicative situations, but their reading speed may be no more than two pages of a novel per hour, with the need for constant recourse to a Russian-English dictionary. 'Go and read lots of Russian and increase your vocabulary, ' they are told. But which words to learn? Increasing one ' s vocabulary is a time-consuming task for most students, and the process needs a structure. The list in this dictionary tells you which words to learn, and in what order.

Why 10,000?

1 0,000 words (lexemes) is a conventional figure, a convenient round number, for the active

vocabulary of a university-educated Russian native speaker, although he or she is likely to know, at least passively, six times that figure.

More importantly, the statistics suggest that beyond 1 0,000, words become too rare to be placed in any meaningful order of frequency and cannot be regarded as in any sense com­mon in everyday spoken or non-technical written Russian. Once you have learnt the first 8 ,000, you know all the words which are likely to turn up at least ten times each in a mil­lion words of Russian. Those between 8 ,000 and 1 0,000 are found five to ten times per mil­lion. Words which occur less frequently than that are too rare to be worth including in a list of general vocabulary. Items such as ,n;si:TeJI 'woodpecker' , MaKapoubi 'macaroni ' , raTHTb

' to lay a log or brushwood road over marshy ground' , which are not in this list, might prove useful in a specific situation, but you could read and listen to Russian for weeks and not meet any of them once.



How many do you need to know?

The first 2,000 words can be regarded as a core vocabulary for a British A level course, an intensive graduate-level reading course in Russian or two years of Russian at an American college. Roughly speaking, a vocabulary of 2,000 items guarantees recognition of at least 75 per cent of the words in any Russian text. Four thousand should be the target for the end of a post-A level year of a university course in Britain or an advanced college course in America. In my years of using earlier versions of this dictionary with University of London students specializing in Russian I have treated 8 ,000 as graduate competence level; a vocabulary of the commonest 8 ,000 words guarantees recognition of well over 90 per cent of the words in any Russian text (and in practice about 97 per cent, since many of the words not in the list will be proper names or easily guessed intemationalisms such as MHrpaQHK

'migration ' and technical terms such as OKeauoJI6rHK 'oceanology' ) . Allowing for the fuzziness of the notion of word frequency (see below), items beyond 8 ,000 in this list occur fewer than ten times in a million words of Russian text. Any foreign student with a sound knowledge of Russian grammar and a passive knowledge of 8 ,000 to 1 0,000 vocabulary items (with perhaps an active vocabulary of half that) can reasonably call him or herself competent in the language for all normal purposes. The benefit of working through the last 2,000 is small, though the round number of 1 0,000 is an attractive target for the really committed.

What kind of vocabulary is included?

The list is meant to reflect standard literary Russian of the last fifty years or so up to the present. The sources cover all non-technical uses of the language from everyday spoken communication to literary works, but with the emphasis on the written language (newspa­pers, journals, informative prose, literature).

Some specifically Russian (Soviet) features of the list

Given that this frequency list is meant to reflect Russian usage over fifty years of the recent past, during most of which time Russia was part of the Soviet Union, an assiduous student may detect the effect on the list of the Soviet preoccupation, in the press and literature, with military matters (such as the Second World War), industrial production and politics, and, in comparison with writing in the West, the lower frequency of words from such areas as pop­ular culture, colloquial language and sex. Naturally, the list also reflects distinctive features of the Russian way of life, e.g. 4676 HK6na ' icon ' , 7 1 25 cJ»6pTO'IKa 'ventilation window' , 8263 cMeTaua ' sour cream' .

Working with this dictionary

Some students actually learn the lists; others use them to check how their vocabulary



acquisition is progressing. For many the lists serve as a useful challenge: the target of, say, passive recognition of the first 8 ,000 Russian words is a realizable goal even for not very committed linguists.

Since there is a difference between a frequency list and a core vocabulary, many words which a student will learn at an early stage for survival purposes - such as the days of the week- are not among the commonest words of written Russian. ,ll.o con,z:uinHH 'goodbye ' will probably occur in one of the first lessons of any standard grammar book, though for the language as a whole CBH,ll;anne ( 1 273 in this list) is not in the commonest thousand words. The numbers from O,li;HH ' one ' to )lBa,li;QaTb ' twenty ' will obviously be learnt as a block, regardless of their variable frequency. This list should be treated as an accompani­ment to a basic course; as a means by which post-beginners can check for gaps in their basic wordstock; then as a means for increasing vocabulary, with the reassurance of find­ing familiar words (e.g. 5297 BTOpHHK 'Tuesday ') as you work through the later stages of the list.

Teachers and examiners, when choosing a text for unseen comprehension or translation for a specific group of students, can use the alphabetical index to determine what proportion of the words in the given text are unlikely to be part of the vocabulary of the target group of students - and edit or annotate the text accordingly.


History of the project

I started compiling a Russian frequency wordlist in the mid- 1970s, mainly to assist univer­sity evening class students who needed to acquire a reading knowledge of Russian quickly. The original list was a few hundred words long and was based on E A Steinfel'dt 's Russian

Word Count (Tallinn, 1 963) . In the late seventies, after the publication of L N Zasorina's lfacroTHhiii CJIOBaph pyccxoro H3hiKa (Russian Frequency Dictionary) (Moscow, 1 977), I extended the list to 2,000 words for the benefit of University of London intensive beginners who had to reach A level standard in thirty-five weeks of study. Two thousand words was a convenient figure for the core vocabulary of Russian, and seemed to constitute a useful and reachable target for A level students.

For twelve years the total remained at 2,000. The many students who found the list very useful for vocabulary acquisition and asked for further lists were given photocopies of pages from Zasorina' s dictionary mentioned above, but were warned that her frequency list contained large numbers of 'useless ' words, and were left to do the translations and editing themselves.

In the meantime, the Gestetner stencils with the original wordlists were consigned to the dustbin when word processors arrived. The list was retyped onto floppy disks and edited. With the new technology, which removed the drudgery of fiddling with stencils and two



typewriters, came the idea of converting the list from an aid to beginners into a fully­fledged graduate-competence vocabulary.

Why has a Russian learner's frequency list of this size not been compiled before and why is this one necessary?

Conventional wisdom has tended to regard frequency lists as valid only up to about 2,000 items, on the basis that 2,000 is a convenient round number for the everyday vocabulary of a language such as Russian. After 2,000, the argument runs, frequency is so dependent on other factors such as topic (literature, domestic life or whatever), the weight given by the researcher to spoken sources, the exclusion or inclusion of technical texts , that there is no point in attempting to extend a general frequency list beyond 2,000 items . My experience suggests otherwise: that it is indeed both possible and pedagogically useful to produce a much longer list. The proof is in the improved performance of students in comprehension and translation examinations in which dictionaries are not permitted, in faster reading speeds and in sample counts which show that knowledge of all or most of the 1 0,000 words in this frequency list normally guarantees recognition of over 95 per cent of the vocabulary in a non-technical text.

Many vocabulary researchers, convinced that the notion of a frequency dictionary involves too many problems to yield a useful tool, have settled for an alphabetical list of 'common words ' . A good example of this kind of compromise, is Patrick Waddington 's A First

Russian Vocabulary (Blackwell, 1 988) . On page xiii Waddington states : ' frequency-lists need to be checked against commonsense observations. Their findings do not coincide for any but the most obviously important words (perhaps between 1 00 and 150). ' So Waddington's book is set out like a conventional beginner' s dictionary, with some 2,300 words in alphabetical order. This has the advantage of making words easy to find, but the severe disadvantage of hiding the notion of frequency. The stimulus of knowing that the words are in order of 'usefulness ' seems to me to be vital in persuading students to learn them.

Although, as I indicate below, I do not think that there is any statistically valid way of pro­ducing the frequency dictionary of Russian, it is my strongly held view that a frequency dictionary of Russian is an immensely valuable learner' s tool. Students do increase their vocabulary more efficiently than with any other method, they read faster, understand more, translate better; in a word, they become more competent.

Sources and methodology

This book has several sources. Apart from my own counts and observations, the primary source, mentioned above, was L N Zasorina' s lJacTOTHbiH cJioBapb pyccxoro JI3biKa

(Russian Frequency Dictionary) published in 1977 . Zasorina' s material required a great deal of adaptation. Her dictionary is an academic study, .not a pedagogical work, and is of only marginal use to foreign learners. Apart from the absence of translations and stresses,



the main list of 9,000 items in frequency order has a large number of oddities and 'useless words ' (i.e. words that occur frequently only in specialized contexts such as chemistry). These oddities are the result of the fact that Zasorina' s list is based only on the number of occurrences (absolute frequency) of each word (lexeme) in her one million words, and does not take into account how evenly each lexeme is distributed in different texts and types of text (range of occurrence). When adapting Zasorina' s frequency list, a large proportion of the lexemes had to be moved (usually demoted, sometimes deleted altogether) to take into account their range of occurrence. Other, occasionally intuitive, adjustments had to be made to compensate for changes in usage, the Communist bias of Zasorina' s texts (too many texts by Lenin) and the under-representation of the everyday spoken language.

The first complete version of this 1 0,000-item dictionary was printed for use by students of SSEES, University of London in May 1 993 and proved popular. Since 1993 the list has undergone further modifications, firstly in the light of experience and student comments, secondly by comparison with a major new mathematically rigorous Russian frequency count conducted by Lennart Lonngren et al. of Uppsala University in Sweden (published version: lfacTOTHbiii CJIOBapb coBpeMeHHoro pyccxoro H3biKa, Studia Slavica Upsaliensia no. 32, Uppsala 1 993) . Like Zasorina' s, LOnngren' s count is based on one million words of run­ning text, but, unlike Zasorina' s, it is based only on texts written after 1960 and explicitly concentrates on the written language. Although the published version of Lonngren's com­puter files is much more restricted in scope than Zasorina' s (her book has 936 pages to Lonngren' s 1 92), Lonngren uses a more refined methodology, making explicit use of the notion of modified frequency, i.e. he takes into account how evenly a particular lexeme is distributed across different texts (range of occurrence) as well as the number of times it occurs altogether (absolute frequency).

The notion of modified frequency, as opposed to absolute frequency, can be illustrated by the case of KaTep ( ' launch', 'cutter' ), an intuitively rare lexeme notorious in Zasorina's list for occupying the 356th place next to nOMHHTb ( ' to remember' ) . These two lexemes are side by side because they both occurred 333 times (their absolute frequency) in Zasorina's mil­lion words of text. However, Zas�rina indicates in her alphabetical list that KaTep occurred in only six of her ninety-two different texts, and 28 1 of its occurrences were in just one text, which must have been on a rather narrowly nautical theme. By contrast, noMHHTb occurred in sixty-one of her ninety-two texts. Adjusting for the very uneven distribution of KaTep,

using a mathematical formula, KaTep is given a modified frequency which causes it to be demoted by seven or eight thousand places . Thus words which occur frequently only in spe­cific kinds of texts (technical terms in science, or expletives which are frequent in specific varieties of male dialogue) will either not figure in a general frequency list at all, or will come very far down the list.

However, Zasorina, Lonngren and most other frequency counts of Russian (and other lan­guages) are more concerned with demonstrating mathematical rigour than with practical matters such as increasing students ' vocabulary or helping textbook writers. Thus they all contain features which seem either to contradict col)lmon sense or at least to be intuitively odd. Although Zasorina used a million words taken from a very wide variety of texts, such



intuitively 'common' lexemes as BTOpHHK ( 'Tuesday ') , 'leToepr ( 'Thursday ') , cMeTaua

( ' sour cream' , a central element of the Russian diet) and CLip ( 'cheese ' ) failed to make it into her top ten thousand. All four of these are also missing from Lonngren' s list of words with a frequency of at least ten per million, though that result is unsurprising in a count which largely excludes the spoken language and dialogue. Furthermore, however carefully the formula for modified frequency is refined, a statistically rigorous frequency list will always contain items which any experienced teacher will regard as misplaced. The statistics need to be complemented by an element of intuition. This means, for example, that if three counts of the frequency of the word uarau 'revolver' disagree as to whether uarau belongs in the most frequent 1 0,000 words of Russian, I choose the answer which intuitively seems best to fit the needs of the learner described above; uarau is therefore excluded in favour of the much commoner peooJILBep.

Though some judgments on word frequency have to be based on non-statistical intuition, in the pedagogical business of encouraging vocabulary acquisition, intuitive decisions, within certain bounds, need not be seen as a fault. In adjusting some of the findings of Zasorina and Lonngren and others I have used as my criterion the needs of English-speaking learners whose main concerns are (a) the desire to increase their comprehension and reading speed when working with Russian newspapers, literary works and other non-technical material, and (b) the ability to survive and communicate in Russia at the end of the twentieth century.

Why are the days of the week so scattered?

From the teacher or learner's point of view, such closely related words as the days of the week are equally necessary and will normally be taught as a set, but I have resisted any temptation to put them side by side in this frequency list. Firstly, I felt it important to avoid changing the ranking of words beyond the bounds of the variations actually found in differ­ent counts. Secondly, the browser through the list must occasionally be entertained or intrigued by the relative positions of semantically closely related items . Taking the seven days of the week as an example, I myself noted with interest that Saturday and Sunday are significantly more frequent than the five working days, and Friday is mentioned more fre­quently than the days from Monday to Thursday (this order of frequency also holds for other European countries, as is shown by counts for languages as different as English and Slovak). Among the months, one notes that Russia' s revolutionary past has made OKTH:6pL 'October' noticeably more frequent than the other eleven. The numbers too are widely scattered. It may be pedagogically odd to leave aoceMLCOT 'eight hundred' until 9 1 04, while ,ZJ;eBHTLCOT

'nine hundred' is at 1 9 1 , but the big difference between their frequencies is clearly derived from the fact that .l(eBHTLCOT occurs in every twentieth century date.

Vocabulary statistics and their �fuzziness'

A comparison of any two different vocabulary counts (for example, Zasorina' s and Lonngren's) shows that there is a great deal of indeterminacy in the notion of frequency of



occurrence of a word. For example aecL ' all ' is number 22 in Zasorina, number 10 in Lonngren and number 1 2 in this dictionary, and none of these positions is more 'correct' than the others; the different rankings reflect different choices of texts, variations in method­ology and the natural indeterminacy of the subject. This list contains more of the spoken language that Lonngren and more recent usage than Zasorina; consequently, it is different from both. What can be said with reasonable certainty is that aecL belongs in the forty com­monest words of Russian and that it is much commoner than .. eJILii 'whole' (4 1 2 in Zasorina, 205 in Lonngren, 294 in this dictionary). By the time we reach word number 7,000 noceJIHTLCH ' to take up residence' (7748 in Zasorina), the variation could easily be plus or minus a thousand places, even in two counts using similar methods. What matters is that in any count of non-technical Russian usage, noceJiitTbCH is much less common than, for example, pyraTL 'to abuse, scold' (word number 3000) and considerably more frequent than noceJIKOBLii ' village (adj) ' (no occurrences in Zasorina' s million words), which is its neighbour in the Penguin Russian-English Dictionary, 1995. Given that the present dictio­nary is meant to stimulate students to increase their Russian vocabulary, the words are nec­essarily in a numbered order of frequency, but it must be borne in mind that there is no mag­ical significance to be attached to the specific position of any word. KoMMynHlM 'commu­nism' is at no. 666 in this list, but that does not permit us to make a categorical statement that KOMMYBH3M is the 666th most used word in Russian (or that the numbering proves Russian Communism to be the work of the devil).

Readers will notice that from about 2,000 onwards there are large blocks of words in alpha­betical order; for example, the block from no. 9035 a� 'hell ' to no. 9709 HpMapKa 'fair' , ' trade fair' is 675 words long. The words within each alphabetical block can be regarded as equally frequent, so the fact that aoeJILCHB 'orange ' , at no. 9040, occurs before JIHMOH

' lemon' at no. 9268 is a matter of the order of the letters in the Russian alphabet, not of the relative frequencies of oranges and lemons in Russian language and culture. Each time you meet a jump from the end of the alphabet to the beginning, you are descending one step on the frequency scale.

Allowing for the considerable indeterminacy described above, the frequency of the items in this list per million words of text can be roughly banded as follows:

• Items 1-2000. The commonest words in Russian, H ' and' and B ' in ' , occur over 30,000 times each per million words of text. Word no. 2000, nponaraa�a 'propaganda' occurs about 65 times per million words.

• Items 200 1-3000. Words around no. 2000 in the list occur about 65 times per million words; by no. 3000 we are dealing with words which occur about 40 times per million.

• Items 3000-4000: 40 times to 25 times per million. • Items 4000-6000: 25 times to 1 5 times per million. • Items 6000-8000: 1 5 to 1 0 times per million. • Items 8000-10000: 1 0 to 8 times per million.

As indicated above, the academic validity of frequency dictionaries can easily be ques­tioned. The very fuzziness of the notion of frequency, and the significant differences



between any two frequency lists compiled by different people or different methods, make the compilation of the 'correct' or 'ultimate ' frequency dictionary of Modern Russian an impossibility. The justification for producing a new frequency dictionary of this size is not that I claim to have found some definitive way of determining word frequency for the Russian language as a whole, but that such a wordlist is useful. Students are stimulated to increase their active and passive vocabularies in an organized, efficient way, the increase in their vocabulary can be easily measured by testing from the list, and one more straightfor­ward criterion of learner competence is added to such traditional criteria as number of gram­matical errors, accent and speed of delivery. To put it briefly, the idea may have some theo­retical flaws, but in practice it works.


a adj bioi coll d det dim econ f g geog hist

inst i/p indecl indet inf in trans m n nom obs OS

p past pers pl poss pr pres


accusative case adjective biological colloquial (informal usage) dative case determinate diminutive economics feminine gender genitive case geographical historical imperfective aspect instrumental case both imperfective and perfective aspects indeclinable indeterminate infinitive intransitive masculine gender neuter gender nominative case obsolete oneself perfective aspect past tense person plural possessive prepositional (or locative) case present tense


s.o. someone sg singular sth something swh somewhere tech technical


If a word in the list has an unpredictable pronunciation feature, this is shown in square brackets immediately after the entry. For example, the pronunciation of word no. 50 ero

( 'his ' , ' its ' ) , in which r is pronounced as English 'v ' , is shown as: [yevo] .

The E nglish translations

The aim has been to give a concise English equivalent, or more than one equivalent where a single English word would be insufficient to cover the range of the Russian. Commas sepa­rate closely related equivalents; different meanings of a word are separated by semicolons.

Examples and g rammatical information

For the first 600 words, examples are given for every entry. Although the examples often contain important grammatical information (declension of nouns, conjugation of verbs), the assumption is that a Russian beginner learning the first few hundred words of the language needs exemplification more than morphological detail. He or she will meet the declension and conjugation details of this core vocabulary in his or her textbook and/or classes.

After item no. 600, full grammatical information is shown, while examples are generally given only in those cases where short translations are insufficient on their own. Where a word is commonly found (or found exclusively) in a particular phrase, that phrase is given. Examples are also given to illustrate grammatical or idiomatic points, and sometimes just to provide an element of interest in an otherwise bare list of words.

By the time the student has mastered the first 600 words of Russian, he or she should already be familiar with the basic patterns of Russian grammar. From no. 60 1 onwards, the list uses normal Russian dictionary conventions for representing, in concise form, the declension of nouns, conjugation of verbs and the mobile stress patterns of both.

These conventions can be summarized as follows:




Verb conjugation is not shown for all straightforward, completely regular verbs in -aTL (-a10,

-aemL etc.) , -HTL (-10, -awL etc.) , -yTL (-y, -ewL etc.) and -yTL (-y, -ewL etc.) .

The present tense (imperfective aspect) or future tense (perfective aspect) of all other verbs (and any -aTL, -BTL or -yTL verbs which have mobile stress or any other deviation from the basic pattern) is shown by the first person and second person singular (the H and TLI forms, e.g. nJiaTHTL ' to pay ' : nJia1fy, nJiaTHWL). The other four forms (on DJISTHT, MLI DJISTHM,

BLI nJiaTHTe, oua nJiaTHT) can be predicted from the H and TLI forms, since the stem and stress will be the same as for the TLI form. Any exceptions to this rule are shown, e .g . :

1702 y6eil\aTL ' to run away' , y6ery, y6eiKHWL, y6eryT.

If a verb is used only in the third person, e.g. 886 y,naTLCH ' to succeed' , only the third per­son singular (y,nacTcH) is given.

In the later stages of the list, the conjugation of first-conjugation verbs ending in -ooaTL

(-y10, -yewL) and -BTL (- H IO, -HewL) is shown by the first person singular (the H form) only, since all the other five forms are immediately predictable.

The past tense (marked past) is normally shown if the form is any way unpredictable or if it has mobile stress. Note that if only the m sg and f sg are given, e .g. :

1112 nepeiiTH 'to cross ' , past nepeweJI, nepewJia

then the n sg and pl forms have the same stress as the feminine, i .e . nepewJio, nepewJIH.

If the n sg is shown with a different stress from the f sg, then the pl form has the same stress as the neuter, e.g. :

677 DHTb 'to drink' , past DHJI, DHJIB, DHJIO.

The pl stress is then predictable as DHJIH.

If only the feminine form is given (e.g. 3979 oTopoaTLCH ' to be tom off, break away ' , f past oTopoaJiacL ) , then all other forms of the past tense have the same stress as the infinitive.

Imperfective and perfective partners (e.g. 1fHTSTL, npo1fHTaTL ' to read' ) are treated as two separate lexemes, in common with the normal practice of Russian frequency dictionaries, but for the benefit of learners, the entry for each verb indicates the verb 's aspectual partner, if it has one. Readers will note, perhaps with interest, that the two aspects of a verb can have very different frequencies . For example, the perfective of the verb 'to find' uaiiTH is at no. 234, while the imperfective uaxo,nHTL is a thousand places lower, at no. 1 197. The aspectual



partner, where one exists, is always shown, although some partners may occur too rarely to

merit their own entries in the 1 0,000 list.


Where a noun conforms to one of the basic declension patterns - of neuTp, MyJeii, a&To­

M06HJJL m , KnJira, 6TpacnL f, ynpa*ueuae, etc. - no grammatical information is given,

i .e. the user can assume that the word is regular and that the stress remains in the same place

throughout the declension.

Where a noun deviates in any way from the basic patterns, the irregular forms - such as

awkward genitive plurals and stress changes - are always shown. Enough information is

given to enable the learner to predict the whole declension. Note the following:

If the end-stressed genitive singular (g sg) of a masculine noun is given, but no other

forms, (e.g. 667 Kopa6JJL, g sg Kopa6n9 'ship'), then all other forms of the noun, singu­

lar and plural, are also stressed on the ending (e.g. Kopa6neM, Kopa6neii, Kopa6JJHM,

KOpa6JJHX, etc.) .

A few monosyllabic nouns with stem stress in the singular have end stress in the preposi­

tional singular (pr sg) after the prepositions Band ua only. An example is:

1375 QeDL 'chain ' pr sg 0 QeDH, Ha QeDH

If the nominative plural (nom pl) is given, but no other plural forms, then all the singular

forms have the same stress and stem as the nominative singular (or g sg if given), while the

other five plural forms have the same stress and stem as the nom pl, e.g.:

822 rny6uua 'depth', nom pi rny6ituw

1 373 CTYJJ 'chair', nom pl CTYJJLH

The & sg of rny6aua is rny6auy, while the g pi is rny6Jiu, the d pl rny6ituaM, the inst pi

rny6�uaMH and the pr pl rny6ituax. The g sg of CTYJI is cTyna, while the g pi is CTYJJLeB

and the d pi CTYJJLHM.

Thi s pattern is common in neuter nouns, particularly those stressed on the ending in the nom

sg, e.g.:

854 ceno 'village', nom pi cena I

The g sg must be cena, while the d pi is cenaM and the inst pi is cenaMR.

An example of a neuter noun stressed on the stem in the singular and on the ending in the

plural is:

1 1


775 Mope ' sea' , nom pl MopJi

It follows that the g sg is MopH, while the d pl is MopJiM.

Some nouns are stressed on the stem in the nom pl but on the ending in the g pl, in which case the d pl, inst pl and pr pl are also stressed on the ending. This is quite a common pat­tern. These are shown as in these examples:

601 ofiJiaCTb 'oblast, province ' g pl OfiJiaCTeii

985 KOHL 'horse ' , g sg KOHH, nom pl KOHH, g pl Koneii

So the d pl of o6JiaCTb is o6JiaCTHM and the pr pl is OOJI8CTHX. The d sg of KOHb is KOHID

and the d pl is KOHHM.

Feminine nouns stressed on the ending in the nom sg nearly always have mobile stress, as in the example rJiy6aua 'depth' above. A small number of end-stressed feminine nouns (e.g. peKa 'river') have a more complex pattern of mobile stress, which is shown as follows. If the stress moves in the singular, the move affects only the a sg, which is given (peKy). If the a sg is stressed on the stem, then so is the nom pl, which is given (peKH) . To show that the other plural forms are stressed on the ending, the end-stressed d pl is given, e .g. :

676 peKa 'river' , a sg peKy , nom pl peKH, d pl peKaM

So the g sg is peKit and the inst pl is peKSMH.

Where there are exceptions to these patterns, e.g. the plural forms of 1 203 cecTpa ' sister' , all the forms are given.

Fleeting (mobile) vowels

Brackets round the last vowel in a noun, e.g. 1 95 OT(e)Q ' father' , indicate a fleeting (mobile) vowel. A mobile vowel, though present in the n sg, is missing from all other forms, e.g. OT(e)Q, g sg OTQB, g pl OTQOB.


Adjectives have fixed stress. Their long-form declensions are also entirely regular and pre­dictable. Endings are shown only to pick out adjectives of the rare TpeTHii type (f TpeTbH, n TpeTbe ' third') , cf 6o�aii 'God's ' (no. 2644). Stress mobility is common in short-form adjectives (the f sg is frequently stressed on the -a ending) , but, given that short forms are in the main associated with bookish, written (formal) language, short-form adjectives are normally shown only when they occur as separate lexical items (e.g. 1 25 J(OJI3CeH 'obliged' , 1 2 1 6 pa.[(

'glad') .




Adverbs, though their form can often be predicted from the related adjective, are listed separately in this dictionary (though not in LOnngren 's, for example). It is worth noting that the relative frequencies of an adjective and its corresponding adverb can be significantly dif­ferent.

References and sources:

AKa,neMHSI HayK CCCP: CJioBaph pyccxoro H3hiKa B qeThipex TOMax, Russkii iazyk, Moscow, 1 9 8 1-84.

II H 3acopHHa (ed) : lfacTOTHbiii CJIOBapb pyccxoro H3biKa, Russkii iazyk, Moscow, 1 977 .

JleHHapT JleHHrpeH (Lennart Lonngren) (ed) : lfacTOTHhiii cJioBaph coBpeMeHHoro

pyccxoro H3hiKa, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Slavica Upsaliensia no. 32, Uppsala, 1 993 .

B B MopKOBKHH: JiexcHqecxaH ocHoBa pyccxoro H3hiKa, Russkii iazyk, Moscow, 1984. W F Ryan and Peter Norman: The Penguin Russian Dictionary, Viking, London, 1 995 . Patrick Waddington: A First Russian Vocabulary, Blackwell, Oxford .. 1 988 . Marcus Wheeler: The Oxford Russian-English Dictionary, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1 972.


University of London June 1995


1 0,000 WORDS


1 . H 2 . B (so)

3. He 4. Ha

5. jJ 6. OH 7. qTo

8. c (co)

9. 3To

1 0. 6hiTh 1

present tense: eCTh

1 1 . a

1 2. BeCh m/BCj� f/ BCe n/BCe pl

1 3 . OHH 1 4. OHa 15. KaK

16. Mhl 1 7 . K (KO) +d

1 8. y +g

and (+pr) in (+a) into, to not (+pr) on, at (+a) onto, to I

he what that

( +inst) with (+g) from, off this, that, it

to be there is, there

are and, but (slight



they she how, as, like

we towards, to

by; at (used in 'have' construction)

1 9 . Bhi you (polite/pi) 20. )TOT m/3Ta f/ this

)TO n/3TH pl 2 1 . 3a

22. TOT m/Ta f/ TO n/Te pl

23 . HO 24. Thl 25. no +d

(+a) for (+inst) behind that

but you (familiar) along; around;

according to

�OCKBa H IleTep6ypr B �OCKBe B �OCKBY OH ue B �ocKBe ua pa66Te Ha CTOJI R roBopro On roBop:HT qTo 3To? � rOBOpiD, 'ITO OH Ha

pa66Te qaif C JIHMOHOM CO CTOJia 3To Ham Kny6; 3To

BepHO IiLITh HJIH He 6biTb?

EcTb K6<Pe?


Moscow and St Petersburg in Moscow to Moscow He is not in Moscow at work onto the table I speak/am speaking/say He speaks/is speaking/says What is this? I say that he is at work

tea with lemon from (off) the table This is our club; That's

true To be or not to be?

Is there any coffee?

0Ha a �ocKae, a OH a She is in Moscow, and

IleTep6ypre (but) he is in St Petersburg

BeCb CTOJI BCH �OCKBa Onit B �ocKae Oua co MHoii KaK OH roaop:HT?

K8K jf, KaK Thl Mb1 6:biJIH B IleTep6ypre K ,L(OMy; KO MHe

y oKHa; y HaaHa; Y MBaHa ecTh ,[(OM

BLI roBop:HTe )ToT CTOJI, 3Ta KHHra,

lTH JIID,L(H rrnaTHTh 1a a6,nKy 38 ,LJ;OMOM TOT ,[(OM; B TO BpeMB;

TO, qTO . . . Ho 3To He rrpaa,LJ;a Tbi roaopHIIIh no ynHue; no r6po,ny;

no rrnaHy

the whole table all of Moscow They are in Moscow She is with me How does he speak?

like me, like you We were in St Petersburg towards the house;

towards me by the window; at Ivan's

house; Ivan has a house

You are speaking this table, this book,

these people to pay for the vodka; behind the house that house; at that time;

the fact that . . . But that's not true You are speaking along the street; around

the town; according to

1 7



26. 113 (1130) +g

27. o (o6/o6o)


28. CBOM

29. TaK

30. O,Z::UfH m/O,r:J;Ha

f/o,nH6 n

3 1. BOT

32. KOTOpbiH

33. Ham

34. TOJihKO

35. eme

36. OT +g

37. TaKOH

38. Moqh i (c- p)

39. rOBOpHTb i

(rro- p)

40. CKa3aTh p

(rosopHTb i)

4 1. ,[(JI� +g

42. y)Ke

43. 3HaTb i +a

44. ,na

45. KaK6ii

46. Kor.na

47. ,npyr6if

48. rrepBbiM

49. qT06hi

50. er6 [yevo]

5 1. ro.n

52. KTO

out of, from



one ' s own



here, there


which, who



still, yet



to be able

to speak

to say



to know

yes; and, but

what (kind of)


different, other


in order to

his, its



n1 ,noMa

OH rosop:HT o MocKse

OH rOBOpHT 0 cooeii


TaK 6hiCTpO


BoT ,noM

.nesyrnKa, KoTopyro oH


uam .noM

Y MsaHa ToJILKo o.nlfH


OH eme He 3HaeT


TaKoii 6oJihlll6ii ca.n

.5I Mory; OH He MO*eT


.5I Mory rooopiiTL

R cKa3aJI, qTo oH s

MocKse; CKa*iiTe,


the plan

out of the house

He is speaking about


He is talking about his

own work

so quickly

one table

There is the house

the girl whom he loves

our house

Ivan has only one


He doesn' t know yet

a letter from Ivan

such a large garden

I can; He can't speak

I can speak

I said that he is in

Moscow; Tell me,


III1CbM6 �JIB 11BaHa a letter for Ivan

OH Y*e 3HaeT o6 3ToM He already knows about


.5I 3Hal0 ee

)];a, JTO rrpaB.na; OH

�a R

KaKoii y l1BaHa .noM?

Kor�a Bhi 6hiJII1 s


B �pyroM .LJ:OMe

B nepBOM ,L(OMe


no-pyccKH 3To ero KHHra?

B JTOM ro�y

.5I 3HaiO, KTO OH

I know her

Yes, that ' s true; he and I

What kind of house has

Ivan got?

When were you in


in a different (another)


in the first house

in order to speak


Is this his book?

this year

I know who he is

5 3 . �eJio 54. HeT

55 . ee

matter, business

no; (+g) there

is no


56 . oqeHh very

57 . 6oJihiii6il large

5 8. HOBhlM new

59 . cTaTh p (p only) begin;

(craHoB:HThc� i) (+inst) become

60. pa66Ta wo�

3To MOe .r.eJIO

HeT pa66Thi

BoT ee �OM

This is my business

There is no work

There' s her house

6-teHL 6oJihiiiOM r6po� a very large town

6oJILmite ropo�a large towns

C HoBLIM r6�oM! Happy New Year

OH CTaJI rosopHTh; 0Ha He began to speak; She

cTaJia HH)I(eHepoM became an engineer

OH rosopliT o csoeil He is speaking about his

pa66Te work

6 1 . ceMqac now, right now OH ceii-.ac B MocKBe He's in Moscow at the


62. BpeM� n time B To speMu; so opeMH at that time; during the

63 . qeJIOBeK (pl JIID�H)

64. H�TH i

(rrOMTH p)

65 . eCJIH


to go (on foot)


66. �sa m, n/�Be f two

67. MOM my

68 . )I(H3Hh f life

69. �0 +g

70. r�e

7 1 . Kcl)l(�hiM 72. CclMhiM 73 . XOTeTh

(3a- p)

75 . Ha�o

76. JIID�H pl

77 . Terreph

78 . �OM 79. ITOMTH p

up to; until


each, every

the very, most

to want


it is necessary




to go (on foot)

war; a lot of time


0Ha xop6IIIHM -teJioseK She is a good person

5l u.r.y no yJIHQe; Ky�a I am walking along the

Thi u.r.emL? street; Where are you

EcJIH OHa xoqeT' � TO)I(e xoqy


If she wants (to), I want

(to) too

.r.oa qaca; .r.oe MarnHHhi two o'clock; two cars

BoT Moii �OM There is my house

Harna X(HJHL xop6IIIa� Our life is good

)];o cBH�aHH.si! Until we meet

OH 3HaeT, r.r.e MOM �OM

KaX(.r.LIH �eHh caMLiii 60JihliiOH �OM 5£ XO-ty rOBOpHTh

rro-pyccKH; Thi x6-temL;

q To Bhi xoTiiTe?

5l 3.r.ecL y)J(e �sa r6�a

Ha.r.o rOBOpHTh rro-pyccKH

PyccKHe - xop6IIIHe Jiro.r.u

TenepL Ha�o ���Tii

H3 .r.6Ma; .r.oMa

5l nomeJI �OMOM


He knows where my

house is

each (every) day

the biggest house

I want to speak Russian;

you want; What do

you want?

I have been here for two


One must speak Russian

Russians are good people

Now it is necessary to go

(Now we must leave)

from the house; houses

I went home




(HJ:lTM i) 80. pa3

8 1 . )::l(e)Hb m

82. MJIH 83 . pa66TaTh

i (no- p) 84. r6po)::l

85 . TaM 86. cn6so 87. rna3

88. nOTOM

89. BM,n;eTh i +a (y- p)

90. HX 9 1 . no,n; +inst 92. )::la)l(e 93. ,n;yMaTb i

(no- p) 94. xoporno 95. MO)I(HO 96. TYT

97. ThiC.siqa 98. nH

99. BO,ZJ;a

100. HflqTO/ a, g HHqer6 [-vo]

10 1 . MH6ro +g

102. CMOTpeTb i (no- p)

103. pyKa 104 . CTOsiTb

(no- p)

once; a time


or to work

o,n;MH pa1; .nsa pa1a;

rnecTh pal

TOJihKO o,n;MH �euL;

,ZJ;Ba �HH

lihiTh itJIH He 6hiTh OH pa66TaeT 3,n;ech

once; twice; six times

only one day; two days

To be or not to be He works here

town, city OHM pa66TaiOT B 3ToM They work in this town


there word eye

)l{f13Hh TaM xop6rna.s�. .5I CKa)l(y O,[(HO CJIOBO

J::(Ba r Jiala; 6onhrnlfe rJia3a

Life is good there

I shall say one word

two eyes; large eyes

then, next OH 6hiJI s MOeM ,noMe, He was in my house, then

to see

their under even to think

DOTOM OH nomen Ha pa66Ty

R BH*Y ,noM; Thi BH�Hmb ee?

B HX ,ZJ;OMe no� ,ZJ;OMOM ,LJ;a*e 11saH 3HaeT 3To OHM �yMaroT o )l(M3HH

well; it is good QqeHh xopomo!

it is possible Mo*uo H,ZJ;TH? here (like 3)::lech) 11saH TYT, s HarneM

,noMe thousand ,ZJ;Be TbiCH'IH CJIOB (question word) ; 3HaeTe JIH Bhi 11saHa?

whether R He 3HaiO, 3,n;ech JIH OH



much, many, a lot

so,n;Ka c oo�oii; rrnTh BO�y

HH'ITO er6 He HHTepecyeT; OH ua'lero He 3HaeT

Mnoro pa66Thi

he went to work

I see the house; Can you see her?

in their house under the house Even Ivan knows that They think about life

Very good !

Is it possible to go? I van is here, in our

house two thousand words Do you know Ivan? I don't

know whether he' s here

vodka with water; to drink water

Nothing interests him; He knows nothing

a lot of work

to watch, (Ha +a) look at

hand; arm to stand

0Ha cMoTpHT TeneBM3op She is watching


Mosi pyKa

OH cToitT 3a ,n;6MoM my hand/arm

He is standing behind the house

1 05 . ce6}]: a self pronoun

1 06 . MOJIO,LlOH young 1 07 . TO)I(e too

1 08 . cnpOCHTh p +a to ask (s.o.) (cnpaiiiHBaTh i)

1 09 . 6e3 +g without 1 10. ,11;enaTb to do, make

i +a (c- p) 1 1 1 . TPH three 1 1 2 . BCe all ; all the time

1 1 3 . TO that; then

1 14 . )l(HTh to live

1 1 5 . Tpy,Ll labour 1 1 6 . c,LleJiaTh p +a to do, make

(,11;ena Th i) 1 17 . caM m/caMa f/ self

caM6 n/ CaMH pl

1 1 8 . xop6rnHii 1 19 . BTOpOH

1 20. qepe3 +a

1 2 1 . MeCTO

1 22. n6cne +g

1 23 . CTpaHa 1 24 . ,[{Ba,LJ;Qa Th 1 25 . ,LlOJI)I(eH m/

,[J;OJI)I(Ha f/

good second

across, via, after



country twenty ought, obliged,


K ce6e ; c co66i

MOJio,nL'Ie niO ,LlH OH To�e HHqer6 He

cKa3an .5I cnpocitJI er6, 3HaeT

JIH OH J1BaHa 6e3 MOJIOKa Mbi HHqer6 He ,neJiaeM

Tpn qaca

towards oneself; with oneself

young people He too said nothing

I asked him whether he knew Ivan

without milk We are doing nothing

three o'clock/three hours OH oce roaoplfT o He talks about work all

pa66Te the time

TO ecTh; EcnH OH that is (=i.e.) ; If he 's 3,Llech, TO � yii,11;y here, then I ' ll leave

R xoqy �HTb TaM, r,11;e I want to live where she oHa �noeT lives

c TPY ,noM with difficulty

OH c,neJiaJI aero pa66Ty He did all the work

OH ace c,11;enan caM

3To xopowee BHH6 oTopoi ,11;eHh H6aoro

ro,LJ;a 11epe1 y JIHQY; 11epe1 qac

UocJie pa66Thi Mhi H,LleM ,11;oM6ii

a Harneii cTpane

,noa,nnaTb ,LlOMOB 0Ha .[(OJI�Ha H,LlTH;

Mbl ,[(OJI�HLI 6biTb

He did everything himself

This is good wine the second day of the

New Year across the street; in an

hour's time

There is no place/room

here After work we go home

in our country

twenty houses

,11;0JI)J(H0 n/ TaM B ,LleC�Th

She must (is obliged to)

go; We ought to be there at ten

,LlOJI)l(Hhl pl 1 26 . npHHTH p to arrive (foot) R npameJI nepBbiM

(npHXo,LlHTh i) 1 27 . 66Jihllle

1 28 . sam 1 29 . .nseph f 1 30. ,npyr (nom pl


your door friend

OH 3HaeT 66JILwe;

60JibWe XJie6a �OM oaw 3a .noepbto

Mbi c ,npyroM 6:biJIH

I arrived first

He knows more; more

bread The house is yours

behind the door

My friend and I were in




;:I;py3b.S:) 1 3 1 . ManniHa

1 32. B3gTh p +a (6paTh i)

1 33 . KOMHaTa 1 34. yqlfThcg i

1 35 . Ha;:I; +inst 1 36. rOJIOBcl 1 37 . noqeMy 1 38 . 3eMn.S: 1 39. CTOJI

1 40. ;:I;aBaTh i +a +d (;:I;a Th p)

1 4 1 . 11epe,[( +inst

1 42. Tor;:I;a

143 . CH,[(eTh (no- p)

144 . MclJihqHK

145 . ,[(eByrnKa

1 46. JieTO (g pl neT)

machine; car

to take

room to study

above head why earth, land table

to give (sth to s.o.)

in front of, before

then, at that time

to sit



summer; (after numbers) years

14 7. cer6;:I;Hg [-vo-] today 148 . CTOpOHcl side 149. Ka3aThcg to seem

i (110- p) 1 50. COBCeM

1 5 1 . MclJieHhKHH

1 52. HeCKOJibKO +g 1 53 . B,npyr

1 54 . HH

155 . ,[(aTh p +a +d (;:I;aBa Th i)



a few, some suddenly

not a

to give (sth to s.o.)

B MocKBe Moscow Mbi cMoTpenH Ha Barny We were looking at your

Mamituy car

R BOJLMY TaKc:H; Thi I shall take a taxi; Will

aoJLMemL 3Ty KH:Hry? B KOMHaTe x6no,nHo 11BaH y-tHTCH B

yHHBepcHTeTe Ha,LJ; ,[(OMOM Ha,[( BallleH ronoooi

Uo-.eMy Bhi He 3HaeTe? )I(H3Hh Ha JeMJie

OH CH,[(HT 3a cTonoM

Mhi ,LJ;aeM cn6Bo, qTo Bee c,n:enaeM


,[(OMOM OH Tor,LJ;a pa66TaJI Ha

3aB6,ne KTo CH)lHT B KOMHaTe?


K HsaHy npHrnna ,LJ;eoymKa

JieToM; Thicgqa JieT

you take this book? It ' s cold in the room

Ivan studies at university

above the house above your head

Why don't you know? life on earth

He is sitting behind (at ) the table

We give (our) word that we shall do everything

He is standing in front of

the house He worked in a factory


Who is sitting in the room?

The boys are sitting in the room

A girl has come to (see) Ivan

in the summer; 1 ,000 years

Cero.LJ:HH Ha,n:o pa66TaTh Today one must work Ha 3Toi1: cTopoue on this side

KaiKeTcu, see xopolll6 It seems all is fine

Marn:HHa coaceM H6Ba.SI


HeCKOJihKO ,LJ;eoymeK

B)lpyr OH crrpoc:Hn o CTaJIHHe

uu . . . uu . . . ; He 6hiJIO HH O,[(HOrO

g )laM; Thl )l3WL; OH .LJ:8CT; Mhl ,LJ;8.LJ:HM; Bhl .LJ:a.LJ:itTe; OHM .LJ:a.LJ:yT

The car is completely

new They live in a small

house a few girls

Suddenly he asked about Stalin

neither . . . nor . . . ; There wasn't a single one

I'll give; you' ll give;

he'll give; we 'II give;

you 'll give; they'll give

1 56 . JIHUO 1 57 . KOHeqHO

[ -shn-]

face; person of course

1 5 8 . �:�ap6.n (the) people 1 59 . HaqaTh p to begin

(HaqHHclTh i) 1 60. nSITh five

1 6 1 . Be,nh you know (expecting agreement)

1 62. OTBeTHTh p to answer ( OTBeqaTh i)

1 63 . Bonp6c question 1 64 . nncaTh i +a to write

(Ha- p) 1 65 . llHChMO 1 66 . npH +pr

letter in the presence/

time of; attached to

1 67 . MaTh f mother 1 68 . HY)I(HO (it is) necessary 1 69 . llOCMOTpeTh p tO watch; (Ha

(cMoTpeTh i) +a) look (at)

1 70. c:HJia strength, force

1 7 1 . BMecTe together 1 72 . BhtHTH p to go out

(BhiXO.[(HTh i) 1 73 . JII06HTh i +a to like, love

1 74 . .nop6ra road

1 75 . noHHMaTh to understand i +a (noH.si:Th p)

1 76 . CTaphiH old


1 78 . pem:HTh p to decide; +inf/+a solve (pemaTh i)

1 79. KH:Hra book


R 3HaiO same JIHQO

Koue"'lno HeT !

pyccKHH uapoJJ;

OH ua"'laJI roBop:HTh

I know your face

Of course not!

the Russian people

He began to speak

OH )I(HseT 3,nech y)l(e DHTb JieT

BeJJ;L OH MOH .npyr !

He has been living here for five years already

He' s my friend, you


Tpy,nHhie BODpOcbl

MaJihqHK nitmeT

I shall answer the question

difficult questions

The boy is writing

R nRmy nHCLMO I am writing a letter

npu MHe; npu CTaJIHHe; in my presence; under

npu 3aB6.ne Stalin; attached to the factory

Marn:HHa Moe:H MaTepu my mother's car MHe uy�uo n.nTu I must go Mhi nocMOTpHM <}lHJihM; We 'll watch the film; He

OH nocMOTpeJI Ha looked at me MeH.H

citJia xapaKTepa; ,neMOKpa TlfqeCKHe CHJibl

strength of character; democratic forces

We arrived together Mhi npHmJI:H oMecTe

0Ha BbiWJia H3 KOMHaThi

She went out of the room

R Jiro6Jiro pa66TaTh; 0Ha sac Jiro6uT

no JJ;opore .noM6ii HRKT6 He nouuMaeT

I like working; She loves

you on the road (way) home Nobody understands

She likes old pictures KapTHHhl

0Ha )I(HSeT Ha Hame:H She lives in our street


0Ha pemitJia yiiTu; KTo She decided to leave;

pemitT 3a,naqy? Who will solve the problem?

Ha cToJie Jie)l(aT nSITh There are five books on KHHr the table


1 80. scer,IJ;a 1 8 1 . rOJIOC 1 82. 3Hcl1I:HTh 1 83 . cpa3y 1 84. JIHIIIh

1 85 . MHHyTa

1 86. yxo,IJ;HTh i (yiiTH p)

1 87 . cH6Ba 1 88 . OKHO 1 89. 6hi

1 90. YHTH p (yXO,lJ;HTh i)

1 9 1 . ,lJ;eB.SIThCOT

always voice; vote to mean at once only

(=TOJihKO) minute

to leave (on foot)

again window (conditional

particle, 'would' )

to leave (on foot)

nine hundred

192. nocne,IJ;HHH last

193 . npoiiTH p to go through, (npoxo,lJ;HTh i) pass (on foot)

194. paccKa3aTh p to tell, talk (paccKa3hi- (about) BaTh i)

1 95 . OT(e)Q

196. qac 197 . npOCTO 198. ysH:,n;eTh p

(BH,IJ;eTh i) 1 99. )l(e


hour simply to see

(emphasizes preceding word)


201 . nOTOMY that is why noToMy qTo because

202. HHKT6 nobody 203. )l(,lJ;aTh i +a to wait (for)

or g (no,IJ;o- p)

204. CKOJihKO +g

205. BhiCOKHH


how many, how much

high, tall

Bcer,ZJ;a TaK roJIOC y Hee XOpOIIIHH qTO JTO 3HaqnT?

0Ha OTBeTHJia cpa3y 3To JIHWb O,IJ;Ha H3

npHqHH R npH,IJ;Y qepe3 TPH


Bhi yxo,ZJ;uTe?

OH Ha qan cuosa

0KHO OTKphiTO EcnH 6LI oHa 3Hana,


OH ymeJI H3 YHHsepcHTeTa


n}]:ThiH ro,IJ; s nocJie,ZJ;ueii KOMHaTe llpOH,ZJ;HTe B KOMHaTy! 0Ha npomJia MHMo Hero R paccKaiKy saM


0Ha He ,IJ;yMaeT o6 OTQe

TPH qaca

OHM npOCTO He 3HaiOT R YBHiKY ee; 0Ha

ysit,ZJ;eJia oTua KaK iKe TaK?; r,IJ;e iKe

OHa? TOT iKe ,U:OM

K To )I(HBeT s TpeTLeii

KBapTHpe? R ymeJI, noToMy qTo

OH TaM HnKTo He 3HaeT .SI iK,ZJ;y; OH iK,ZJ;eT;



It is always like that She has a good voice

What does this mean?

She answered at once

That 's only one of the reasons

I shall come in three minutes' time

Are you leaving?

He began again

The window is open If she had known, she

would have helped

He has left the university

(the year) 1905

in the last room Go through into the room! She walked past him I'll tell you a story; He

talked about them

She doesn 't think about (her) father

three hours; three o'clock

They simply don't know I'll see her; She saw her

father But how can that be? ;

Where on earth i s she?; the same house

Who lives in flat number 3?

I left because he is there

Nobody knows I am waiting; he is

waiting; Wait for an answer!

How many years?

a tall girl


207. nonyqlfTh p +a to receive (nonyqaTh i)

208. noqTif 209. nee 2 1 0. KOH(e)U

2 1 1 . Hora 2 1 2. c66CTBeHHhiM

2 1 3 . CTO

2 14 . xy,[(O)I(HHK 2 1 5 . qeThipe

2 1 6. IIOKcl


2 1 7 . cn)rrnaTh i +a (no- p)

2 1 8 . nyTh m 2 1 9. 6enhiif 220. pecny6nHKa

22 1 . 6hiCTpO 222. Ky.na 223. IIO,[(yMaTh p

{,[(yMa Th i)

almost wood, forest end

leg/foot (one ' s) own hundred

artist four while until to listen to

way, joumey white republic

quickly where (whither) to think

224. r naBHhiM main 225 . ,neTH pl children 226. paccKa3hiBaTh i to tell, talk

(paccKa3aTh p) (about) 227. COBeT 228. ra3eTa

advice; council newspaper

229. IIOHsiTh p +a to understand (IIOHHMclTh i)

to read

OH roaop:HT Jiy11me,

qeM Bbl

Tbi noJiy1fHmL IIHChM6

3clBTpa UO'ITH ro,n: B Jiecy THXO KOHeQ CBeTa; B KOHQe

r6.na Ox, MOM nora

C06CTBeHHbiMH r na3clMH cTo .n6nnapoa;

66nhiiie eTa

MOllO,[(hie xy )];OiKHHKH

1feTblpe apeMeHH r6,n:a DOKa OH 3,IJ;eCb

UOKa OH He IIpH,[(eT OH cJiymaeT MY3hiKY


6eJILie LioMa cpe,nepanhHa»



KyJJ;a oHif noiiinlf? 0Ha He noJJ;yMaJia o

HeM BoT rJiaonaH ynMua Y HHX HeT JJ;eTeii

OH paccKalLIBaJI o ao:HHe

xop6IIIHM coseT

Mbl qHTanH ra3eTy

Bhi MeHsi He noHHJIH

Bhi 1fHTaJia 3Ty KHifry?

He speaks better than you

You will receive the letter tomorrow

almost a year It ' s quiet in the forest

the end of the world; at the end of the year

Oh, my feet

with one's own eyes a hundred dollars; more

than a hundred

young artists

four seasons while he is here until he comes He is listening to music

on the way

white houses federal republic

We were walking quickly

Where have they gone? She didn't think about

him Here is the main street They have no children

He was talking about the war

a good piece of advice

We were reading the newspaper

You haven't understood

me Have you read this book? 230. qlfTclTh i +a

(npo- p) 23 1 . nopa it is time; time, Dopa H,[(TH It is time to go

232. TBOM

233 . 6hiBclTh

season your (familiar)

to be (repeated! y)

234. HaMTH p +a to find (HaXO,[(HTh i)

jl nonyqlfn Tooe I have received your IIHChMO letter

OH qacTo 6LioaeT 3,nech He is often here

0Ha uamJia KHifry? Did she find the book?


235. neCH� 236. HM� n (g sg

HMeHH) 237. napTH� 238. Beqep 239. On�Tb

240. HMeTb i +a

24 1 . Me)J(.ny +inst

song (first) name

party (political) evening again

to have (with non-concrete object)


242. OCTaThC� p to stay (ocraBaThc� i)

243 . HaCTO�:W:HH

244. nJiaH 245 . npaB.na 246. COpOK 247. XO,LJ;HTb

248. Y3Harh p +a (y3HaBa Tb i)

249. none 250. CJihnrraTb i +a

(y- p) 25 1 . HOqb f

252. BXO,LJ;HTb (BOHTH p)

253 . KpaCHbiH 254. 6onee 255 . ypoK 256. HeJib3�

257. TeJIO 258 . p�,LJ;OM

real; present

plan truth forty (c- p) to go

there and back; (no- p) walk around

to recognize; find out

field to hear


to enter

red more lesson it is not allowed;

it is impossible body alongside

259. Jie)J(aTh to lie (no- p)

260. noMoqh p +d to help (s.o.) (noMoraTh i)


neCHH 0 JieTe KaK Barne iiMH?

JIH,LJ;ep napTHH

nerHHe se-tepa

IJoqeMy Bhi onsiTL

3,LJ;ech? HMeTL npaBO qro-TO


Me*,li;Y r6pO,LJ;OM H JieCOM

5I OCTaHyCL 3,UeCb

uaCTOHII.lHH ,LJ;pyr;

H8CTOHII.lee BpeM� KaKife y Bac nJiaHLI?

C>H CKa3aJI npas.n;y

a song about summer What is your name?

party leader summer evenings

Why are you here again?

to have the right to do something

between the town and the wood

I shall stay here

a real friend; the present

time What are your plans?

He told the truth

COpOK qeJIOBeK forty people xo,llHTL B rnKon}'; Bqepa to attend school; We

Mbl XO,li;HJIH B KHHO; .H XO,li;HJI no r6po,LJ;y

5I y1uaro ee : Mbi YlHaJIH, r,LJ;e OHa )I(HBeT

pa6oraTh B noJie

Bhi MeH� cJib'ImnTe?

BxoJ(nTe !

KpacuaH nnoma,nh

went to the cinema yesterday; I walked

round the town I shall recognize her; We

found out where she lives

to work in the field

Can you hear me?

Peaceful night

(Goodnight) Come in!

Red Square ooJiee HHTepecHa� KHHra a more interesting book ypoKH pyccKoro �3hiKa Russian lessons

BaM ueJILlH Kyp:HTb You can't smoke here 3,LJ;ecL

qacrH TeJia parts of the body

C>Ha CH,LJ;ena psi.n;oM co She was sitting next to

MHOH ra3eTa Jle*HT Ha

CTOJie R re6e noMory; Tbi

noMo*emL MHe

me The paper is lying on the

table I shall help you; You will

help me

26 1 . npo ( coll) +a about

262. HHTepeCHhiH

OH CJihiiiiaJI npo 3Ty KHifry

HHTepeCHbie �py3h}}


He has heard about this book

interesting friends 263. HHKOr,L((l

(= o +pr) interesting never Mbi uuKor):(a He Haii�eM We shall never find them

HX 264. paii6H 265 . HY)I(HbiM

region necessary

B 3ToM paiioue

Bee, qTo uy)Kuo

in this region

Everything that is necessary

266. oc66eHHO especially 267 . OTBeqaTh i to answer

oco6euuo BhiCOKHM �oM an unusually tall house OH OTBe�aeT Ha Bonp6c He answers the question

( OTBeTHTb p) 268. HaqaJihHHK head, boss 11M HeJib3}} roBopHTh c They can't speak to the

269. pa3HhiH

270. TpH,LU�aTh 27 1 . �ec�Th 272. MHp 273. KapTHHa 274. KOMHTeT 275 . MbiCJib f 276. rOCTb m 277. CTapiiiHM 278 . BH�

279. cpe�ll +g 280. cnyqaif

28 1 . Hap6�HhiM 282. IIOMHHTb i

+a/o +pr (Be- p)

283. IIpOCHTb i +a +inf (no- p)

284. IIYCTb

285 . pa3roB6p

286. �Bop 287. �6nro 288 . Mec�u;

289. BepHyThC� p

various, different

thirty ten world; peace picture committee thought guest elder, senior view, look;

species among case,

occurrence, chance

people ' s to remember

to request, ask (s.o. to do sth)



B pa3HbiX CTpaHaX

TpH):(QaTb xy�O)I(HHKOB B ):(eCHTH pecny6JIHKaX MHp BO BCeM MHpe

KHifra c KapTnnaMH


HHTepeCHa� MbiCJib


CTapmuii ChiH BH):( Ha MOpe ; BH):(

cn6pTa cpe�u �py3eii B TaK6M cJiy�ae �


HapO�HaH IIeCH� .5I DOMHIO ee; Tbi

noMunmL o6 3ToM?

Upomy Bac He KYPHTh ;

OH npocuT Bac 3aii:Tli

UycTb H,neT' eCJIH xoqeT

conversation pa1rosop o nor6�e

yard, court cH�eTh Bo �sope

for a long time 0Ha cH�ena .uoJiro

month; moon TPH MecHQa; n�Th MeCHQeB

to come back � BepuycL, Thi


in various countries

thirty artists in ten republics peace in the whole world

a book with pictures

the Central Committee

an interesting thought

to receive guests

elder son sea view; type of sport

among friends In that case I shall go to

the boss

folk song I remember her; Do you

remember that?

I ask you not to smoke; He asks you to call

Let him go if he wants to

conversation about the weather

to sit in the yard

She sat for a long time

3 months; 5 months

I'll return, you'll return




ruaThc5I i)

2900 COJ03 union

29 1 0 soiiHa war

2920 XOT.H although

293 0 6eper bank, shore

2940 uenhrii whole

295 0 rpyrrrra group

2960 cK6po soon

297 0 CTy)J;eHT student

298 0 TOBapMIU comrade

2990 qacTh f part

3000 crraTh i (no- p) to sleep


30 1 0 crrpaiiiMBaTh i to ask (s ooo

+a o+pr about sth)

( crrpOCMTh p)

3020 rr6nHhiM full

303 0 CIO)J;a here (hither)

3040 rrpMexaTh p to arrive (by (rrpMe3)1(clTh i) transport)

305 0 OHO it

3060 )l(eHIUMHa

307 0 co6paHMe




3080 IIO)J;OMTM p to approach

K +d (IIO)J;XO- (on foot)

)J;MTh i)

309 0 J];epeso (pl tree


3 1 00 ca)J; garden

3 1 1 0 qyTh hardly, just

3 1 2 0 6o.HThC5I i +g to fear, be afraid

3 1 3 0 BOMTM p to enter

(BXO)J;MTh i)

3 140 3aHMMclThC5I to occupy

i +inst oneself

3 1 5 0 rrarra m dad; Pope

3 1 60 IIOKa3aTh p to show (sth




OHM sepHyTc5I, xoTH

trade union

during the war

They will return although

He xoT.HT they don ' t want to

Ha 6epery; 6epera peKM on the shore; banks of a


OH Hlfqer6 He )J;enan




He did nothing all day

They returned in groups

.5I cKopo sepHych I shall come back soon

Pa3ros6p co cTy,ZJ;enTaMH A talk with the students

IIIK6nhHhie Tooapumu

'laCTH CBeTa

5I CDJIIO, Thl CDHllib

OH cnpamuoaeT o



ll)J;MTe CJO,ZJ;a !

qepe3 LlBa MeC5IUa OH


- r)J;e IIMCbMO? - BoT



Ha co6pauuu

,ZJ;epeBLH; MH6ro


s HaiiieM ca,ZJ;y


He yrran

.5I He 60IDCL



nana pHMCKMM

.5I DOKS*Y Te6e )J;Opory


parts of the world

I am asleep, you are


He asks about the war

to live a full life

Come here !

In two months time, he

will come to London

- Where ' s the letter? -

There it is

Russian women

at a meeting

She came up to us

trees; many trees

in our garden

barely visible; He nearly


I am not afraid

I shall enter; I entered

to study languages

the Pope (in Rome)

I shall show you the way

+a +d (rroKa3hiBaTh i)

to s oo o)

3 1 7 0 IIOMO�h f 3 1 8 0 rrp6 IIIJihiH 3 1 9 0 rrp5J:MO 3 200 JiyqrnMii:

3 2 1 0 MacTep 3220 ceKpeTaph m 323 0 CTeHa 3 240 OKa3clThC� p

+inst ( oKa3hi­BaThC.SI i)

325 0 ChiH (pl ChiHOBb5J:)

3260 6paT

3270 3aqeM 328 0 MrpaTh

(chirp a Th p) 3 29 0 MHCTMTYT

3 3 0 o II�TbiH 3 3 1 0 paHhrne 332 0 TMXO 333 0 qepHbiH 3 34 o BeJIMKMH 335 0 3clBTpa

3360 IIIIIpOKMH 337 o MaJIO +g 338 0 HaKOHeQ

339 0 rrJieq6 3400 HaqaThC.SI p

(Haqlf­HaThC� i)

34 1 0 pa3Be pa3Beo o oHe

3420 cHer 343 0 cecTh p

( ca,L�;MThC.SI i)

3440 6y ,L�;Y�Mii 3450 cep,L�;u;e

help 11M HY)I(Ha noMomL They need help

last year past B npomJJoM ro,L�;y directly, straight I1,L�;MTe npsiMo! Go straight on !

better; best JJyqmuii ,L�;pyr; Bcer6 best friend; All the best !

master secretary wall to tum out

(to be)



why, for what to play

institute ; institution

fifth earlier quiet black great tomorrow

wide few; not much in the end

shoulder to begin

really surely snow to sit down, get

into (transport)

future heart

JJyqmero !

an expert at one 's job director' s secretary

walls of a house

MacTep cBoer6 ,L�;eJia ceKpeTapL ,L�;MpeKTopa CTeHbl )J;OMa 0Ka3aJIOCb, qTO OH

y)l(e BepHy JIC� It turned out that he had

already returned

er6 CbiHOBbH; II.SITh CbiHOBeii

MoM 6paTbu; rr.SITb 6paTLeo


his sons ; five sons

my brothers; five brothers

Why has he come?

OHM urparoT s <PYT66JI They are playing football

y HaC B HHCTHTyTe at our institute

nHTLiii aBT66yc No. 5 bus OH rrpiie,L�;eT paHbme Hac He will arrive before us B ca,L�;y 6:biJIO Titxo It was quiet in the garden qepnLiii xJie6 black bread IleTp BeJJitKuii Peter the Great

3aoTpa 6y,L�;eT co6paHMe There will be a meeting

mupOKHe y JIMQhi MaJIO KHMr llaKoueu oHa Y3HaJia

rrpas,L�;y nJJequ

Co6paHMe cK6po uaqueTcH

Pa1oe oH 3,L�;ech? Pa1oe Bhi He 3HaeTe? B cuery

.SI csi,ZJ;y, Thi csi,ZJ;emL;

Csi,ZJ;eM Ha aBT66yc

B 6y,ZJ;ymeM ro,L�;y C JierKMM cep,ZJ;QeM


wide streets few books In the end she learned

the truth shoulders

The meeting will soon begin

Is he really here? Surely you know? in the snow

I ' ll sit down, you'll sit

down; Let's take a bus

next year with a light heart



346. TPY,IJ;HO (it is) difficult Tpy.r.uo ee H aRTH

347. �3hiK language; tongue Ha pyccKOM HlbiKe

348. npiiXO,IJ;MTh

(npiiHTM p)

349. pyccKIIM

to arrive IIpuxo.r.itTe K HaM

350. He,IJ;aBHO

3 5 1 . CO BeTCKIIM

352. HeKOTOphiH

353 . npO,IJ;OJDKaTh


JI)I(IITh p)

354. qneH

355 . HaqiiHaTh i

(Haqarh p)

356. no3TOMY

(on foot)


a Russian


Soviet (adj)

some, a certain

to continue


to begin


357. JaMeTIITh p +a to notice

(3aMeqarh i)

358 . KBapT:Hpa flat, apartment

OH 6hiJI J,IJ;ech ue.r.aouo

CoaeTcKuii Colb3



-.Jieu Kny6a

Mhi ua-.uuaeM


.5I 3aH�T, no3TOMY He



B KBapTitpe Tpii


359. yMeTh i +inf to know how to Er6 oreu yMeeT

360. cser light; world

36 1 . Ha3a,IJ; back, ago

362. HaniicaTh p +a to write

(rriicarh i)

363. IllKOJihHIIK schoolboy

364. ,IJ;OMOH home,


365 . rrpaso right; law



c6nHeqHhiM coeT;

BOKpyr CReTa

CMOTpeTb Ha3a,l1;; ,IJ;Ba

r6,IJ;a (roMy) ua1a.r.

� uanumy, Thi



Mbr II,IJ;eM .LJ.oMoii

IIMeTh npaoo; IIJyqaTh

366. CMJihHhiH


strong, powerful CHJibHLie pyKII


367 . cpe,IJ;HIIH middle; average My)l(qHHa cpe.r.uux neT

368. ,IJ;aJihiiie further qiiTaiiTe )J;aJILme !

369. 3a,IJ;aqa task, problem rpy,IJ;Ha� Ja.LJ.a-.a

370. 6e)l(aTh i to run

(no- p)

37 1 . seT(e)p wind

372. noMoraTh i +d to help (s .o.)

(nOMQqh p)

373 . CJIOBHO as if

5I 6ery, Thi 6ejf(HWh,

OHM 6eryT

clfnhHhie aeTpbi

OH 6y,IJ;er noMoraTL


CJIOBHO OH y)l(e 6hiJI

It is difficult to find her

in Russian

Come and see us

Russian song

He was here recently

Soviet Union

to a certain extent

Go on!

club member

We are beginning to


I 'm busy so I won ' t come

No one will notice

The flat has three rooms

His father can speak five

languages .

sunlight; round the


to look back; two

years ago

I 'll write, you'll write

three schoolboys

We are going home

to have the right; to

study law

strong hands

a middle-aged man

Read on !

difficult task

I run , you run, they run

strong winds

He will be helping us

as if he had already been

374. JJ:Opor6ii

375. MCTOpH51

376. MOJiqaTb

(3a- p)

377. c6nHue

378 . �6Ma

379. Mope

3 80. orpOMHbiH

3 8 1 . yqeHMK

382 . qyBCTBO

383 . rreTh i +a

(crreTh p)

384. 6oph6a

385 . peqh f

3 86. IJOeXaTb p

(exarh i)

387 . xne6

388 . BeCTM i +a

(no- p)

390. IIpcl3)lHMK

39 1 . BHMMclHMe

392. cqMTaTb i

394. KpHqaTb

(3a- p)

395. Q>a6pHKa

dear, expensive

history; story

to be silent


at home





to sing



to go (by



to lead


.uoporite KHHrM

ucTopuH PoccM:M

5I MOJI11Y' Tbl MOJI11HUib

cM�eTh Ha coJiuue

Ilasen .uoMa?

OTKpbiTOe MOpe; MOpH

Y Hero orpoMnaH


y11ennKit IIIKOJihi No. 5



6opL6a 3a snacrh


pyccKa5� pe11L


expensive books

history of Russia

I say nothing, you say


to sit in the sun

Is Pavel at home?

the open sea; seas

He has an enormous flat

the pupils of school no. 5

sense of humour

I sing, you sing

struggle for power

to make a speech;

Russian speech

(=spoken Russian)

I ' ll go, you'll go

MH6ro xJie6a a lot of bread

Ky�a oe.ueT 3Ta �op6ra? Where does this road

5I oe.uy ChiHa B rrapK lead? I am taking my

son to the park

movement, ynMqHoe JJ:BHiKenue traffic


holiday, festival npa1.unnK Ilepsoro Ma5� May Day holiday

attention o6paii.J;a Th BHHMauue to pay attention to/note

Ha +a

(co- p) to count; C11HTaTL ,IJ;o �ec5�TM; to count to ten;

( cqecTh p) 5I C11HTaiO 3TO I consider this

necessary (+a +inst)


(sth/s .o. to

be sth)


to shout



OH uuor.ua rroMoraeT


5I KpH11Y' Thl KpH11HUib

He sometimes helps me

I shout, you shout

OH pa66raer Ha HOBOH He works at the new

cJla6pnKe factory

396. ycrreTh p +p to have time, Bhi ycneeTe 3To Will you have time to do

inf (ycrresa Th to be in time


397. )leMCTBMTeJihHO really, actually

c,IJ;enaTh? this?

3To .ueiicTBHTeJILHo TaK It really is so



398. ll:MeHHO

399. 66mMii

400. BC.slKMll

40 1 . )lMpeKTOp

402. Kpacll:BhiH

403 . H6Mep

404. OKOJIO +g

405 . nap(e)Hh m

406. X03.slllCTBO

407 . BOKpyr +g

408 . BhiXO)lHTh i

(BhiHTM p)

409. )lyrna

4 1 0. lfeTBepThlll

namely, exactly





number; hotel


near; about

lad, boy



to go out



4 1 1 . IlieCTh SIX

4 1 2. no,nH.slTh p +a to raise

(IIO)lHMMaTh i)

4 1 3 . B3r JIH,IJ; look, view

4 14. MH)I(eHep engineer

4 1 5 . raK)I(e as well

4 1 6. npMXO,IJ;HThC51 to have to

i +d (npMHTHCh



4 1 8 . user(6)K flower

(pl UBeThi)

4 19 . 6paTh i +a to take

(B351Th p)

420. exaTh i (no- p) to go (by

42 1 . BH,IJ;HO

422. B03,IJ;YX

423 . ,naBHO

424. npOXO)lHTh i

( npo ifrll: p)



evident, visible


(since) long ago

to go through,

pass (on foot)

r)le HMeuuo?

66IQee co6paHMe;

B OfiiQeM

BO BCHKOM cnyqae

,llHpeKTOp 3aBO)la;


Kpacitoau ,IJ;esylllKa

HOM epa

6KoJio )lOMa; 6KoJio

Thic}lqM py6nei1:

Bee napuu cqMTaBDT ee



BOKpyr CBeTa

5I BhiXO*Y M3 )lOMa;

Thi TO)I(e BbiXO,llHIUh

pyccKa51 .Ilyrna; or scei1:


B �eToepToM H6Mepe


Where exactly?

general meeting; in


in any case

factory manager;


beautiful girl


near the house; about

1 ,000 roubles

All the boys think her


national economy

around the world

I leave the house; You

leave too

Russian soul ; with all

one ' s heart

in the fourth number of

the journal

rnecTh yqeHMKOB six pupils

5I nO,llHHMY pyKy; Thi I shall raise my hand;

no,llHHMernh JTOT Will you raise this

sonpoc? question?

c nepBoro B3r JIH,lla at first sight

IlleCTh ""*euepoo six engineers

11saH, a TaK*e Eoplic Ivan and also Boris

Ei1: npuxo,llHTCH Monqarh; She has to keep quiet

HaM npuxo,llHJIOCh We had to help them


TH*eJiaH rrpoMhilllJieH- heavy industry


)lBa QBeTKa; KpaCHBhie


5I 6epy KHiiry, a Thi

6epernh ra3ery

5I e,lly Ha MalllHHe, a Thl

e,llelllh Ha aBT06yce

KoHua ern;e He oit,lluo

B BOl.Ilyxe

Mhi ,llaou6 3)lech

Mhi npoxo,llHJIH MHMO


two flowers; nice flowers

I take a book, and you

take a paper

I ' m going by car, and

you ' re going by bus

The end is not yet in sight

in the air

We have been here a long


We were walking past a


425 . 3a6:biTh p +a to forget

or o+pr

(3a6hiBaTh i)

426. H3-3a +g

427. OIIhiT

428. 3BaTh i +a

(rro- p)

429. CTpOMKa

430. )l(eHa

43 1 . MOJIOKO

432. IIOCTaBHTh p


(CTaBHTh i)

433 . O�HaKO

434. yr( o )n

435. 6yMara

from behind;

because of



to call (s .o .)


building site



to place, put

(in a standing





436. rrpHH.HTh p +a to take, accept,

(rrpHHHMaTh i) receive

437. �JIHHHhiM

438 . 3aH5iTHe

439. qfiCThiM

440. ca�HThC51 i

(cecTh p)

44 1 . qaCTO

442. rnecT6ii



(pl) classes

clean, pure

to sit down;

get into





.5I Ja6y,ZJ;y er6, Thi TO)I(e I ' ll forget him, you ' ll

Ja6y,ZJ;emL o HeM forget about him too

Hl-38 �O)I(�,H

KaK Bac JooyT? OH

JooeT Ha rr6Mo:rn;h

pa66TaTh Ha CTpOHKe




3�ech; OH nocTaonT


O,ZJ;uaKo, oH 3a6:b1n




Tipe3H�eHT npnMeT er6

3aBTpa; .5I npuMy

Me phi

,ZJ;Jiuuuau ynHQa

because of the rain

I know by experience

What is your name?

He is calling for help

to work on a building



bottle of milk

I will park my car here;

He will put the bottle on

the table

However, he forgot

He is standing at the


to write on red paper

The president will see

him tomorrow; I shall

take measures

long street

Jansi:THH B YHHBepcHTeTe university studies

"'IHCTLie pyKH clean hands

5I ca*YCL, Thi ca,ZJ;HWLCH I sit down, you sit down

JI 6hiBaiO 3�ech "'facTo I come here often

mecTau KBapTIIpa flat no. 6

443 . BOeHHhiM military, war ooeuuoe BpeM.s�; ooeuuLie wartime ; soldiers

(adj) ; soldier

444. BCTaTh p to get up,

(BcTaBaTh i) stand up

445 . Hrpa game

446. Kpy)l(( 6 )K circle, club

447 . xo3.HHH master, boss ,

(pl xo3.HeBa) owner

448 . HHKaK6ii (absolutely) no

.5I ocTauy B B6ceMh

qac6B; Thi ocTauemL

B ceMh


qneH JIHTepaTypHoro



HeT nnKaKoro

coMHeHH5I; OH "" K

I shall get up at eight;

You 'll get up at seven

Olympic Games

member of a literary


masters of one ' s own


There is no doubt at all;

He came to no


449. ,LVI,IVI m

450. )I(HBOH

45 1 . ,n;epeBHH

452. 66pa3

453 . rrop�,n;( o )K

454. CTpOMTeJib m

455 . ycrrex

456. rrpHHeCTM p +a

(rrpHHOCMTh i)


458 . ,n;66pbiH

459. rrpe)I(,JJ;e

460. paccKa3

46 1 . ceMh.H

462. YTPO

463 . narepb m

464. 3HaKOMhiM

465 . apMHH

466. HOC

467 . rro)l(anyiicTa

468 . co6npaTbCH i


(co6paThCH p)

469. cHaqana

470. TeXHHKa

47 1 . ,n;eHhrw f pl

4 7 2. ,n; o Kna,n;

473 . 66a m, n/66e f



alive, lively



manner, way,

shape, image






to bring

too, too much

good, kind






familiar; an




please, please

do; don 't

mention it

to gather; intend

to; be about to

at first; from

the be ginning





K8KOMY BhiBO,n;y He




MH6ro LJ:epeoeuL ; )I(HTh

B LJ:epeoue

66pa3 )I(If3HH; TaKMM

66pa3oM; 66pa3


Bee B nopsiLJ:Ke


HMeTh ycnex; ycnexu

.5I npuuecy xne6; OH

npuuec KHMry

C�HIDKOM ,n;6nro

,ll.66poe yTpo !

npe*,LJ;e Bcer6

paccKalLI qexoBa

,n;eCHTh CeMCH

B B6ceMh qac6B yTpa


�are psi

.5I He 3H8KOM C HHM;


EpHTaHcKa.SI apMuu

HOC K HOcy; 3JIMa Ha



Uncle Vanya

lively mind

many villages; to live in

the countryside

way of life ; thus; form of


Everything is alright

to become a construction


to be successful;


I shall bring the bread;

He brought the book

too long

Good morning !

first of all

Chekhov ' s short


ten families

at eight o 'clock in the


concentration camps

I don ' t know him; my


the British Army

face to face (nose to

nose); Winter is

coming (is on the nose)

Ca,n;MTech, no*a�yicTa Please sit down

OH co6upaeTcH yexaTh He is about to leave

HaqaTh cuaqa�a to begin from the


3arra,n;Ha.SI TexuuKa Western technology

MH6ro LJ:ener a lot of money

C,JJ;eJiaTh ,lJ;OK�a,[l to make a report

66a ,ll;OKJia,n;a; 06CHMH both reports; with both


hands 474. ce,[(hMOH seventh

pyKaMH ce.n;LMoe He6o seventh heaven

He came very late 475 . no3�Ho [pozna] late OH npHIIIen ol:feHh D03,ll;HO

476. norraCTh p B/Ha +a (nona�aTh i)

477 . BCTpeqa

478 . B03MO)KHOCTh f

479. KYJThTypa 480. CJie,[(OBaTh i

(no- p)

48 1 . KOMclH,[(a

482. HY

483. oqepe,[(h f

484. JIHl:fHhiH 485 . IIIKona 486. paCTH i (Bbl- p)

487. KOJIX03 488 . npHqlfHa

489. pe6}}Ta (coli)

490. ,[(eBoqKa

49 1 . MHOrHii 492. opraHH3aQH» 493 . MaMa 494. CTclHQH.SI

495 . Ty,[(a

496. y)K ( =y)Ke) 497 . coBepiiieHHo

498 . cnOKOHHO

499. XOTeThC» i

to hit; to get to OH He nona,n;eT B QeJih; He won't hit the target;

KaK MHe nonaCTL Ha How do I get to Red KpacHyJO nnoma�b? Square?

meeting acTpe"'la co cTy,[(eHTaMH a meeting with the


culture to follow;

to be required

team, crew; command


queue, tum

personal school to grow

collective farm reason (+g

for), cause children, boys

little girl

many organization mother; mummy station

there (thither)

already; really completely,

perfectly calmly, quieti y

to want, feel

B03MO*HOCTL noexaTh B Pocc:H:JO

students a chance to go to Russia

MHHHCTepcTBO tcyJILTyPLI ministry of culture

5I cJie,n;yro 3a Heii I am following her BaM cJie,n;yeT noMOl:fh You ought to help them HM

$yT60JihHa» KOMaH,ll;a football team

Hy BOT . . . ; Hy xopoiiio Well, then . . . ; All right then

cpe,[(H.SI» mKoJia

OH poe 6:bicTpo ; OH pacTeT


no 3TOH npH"'IHHe;

npu"'litna soii:H:bi Pe6tiTa HrpawT Bo

,[(BOpe �eBO"'IKe II»Tb JieT

Muorae TaK ,n;yMaiOT HOBbie oprana3aQHH



5I rroii,ny Ty,n;a 3aBTpa

stand in a queue/wait in line

personal experience secondary school

He grew quickly; He is growing

on a collective farm

for that reason; reason

for/cause of war The children play in the

courtyard The little girl is five

years old Many (people) think so new organizations

young mothers

The train stopped at the station

I shall go there

tomorrow He TaK Y* MHoro not so very many Coaepmeuuo rrpaBHJThHo Absolutely right

OH cnoKoiino B3»JI Bee He calmly took all the

.uos-l.ITaphi dollars MHe xoTeJiocL 6hi I should like to talk to her




+d (3a- p)

500. BCe-TaKll

501 . lfeM

502. 6y ,[(TO

503 . MHeHlle

504. arrepa:b1e

505 . JII066ii

506. Me,[(JieHHO

507 . npyr npyra

508. rrpllHTMCb p

+d (rrpuxo­

L(MTbC� i)

509. Halfano

5 10. IIOXO)I(llll

5 1 1 . 3an

5 1 2. nep)l(aTb

5 1 3 . rrpennpn�Tue

5 1 4. crropTMBHbiH

5 1 5 . aecenhiii

5 1 6. 3,UpaBCTBO-


all the same,

for all that


as though,


rroroBOpMTb c HeM

Bce-TaKu oH He rrpaB

5I 3HaiO 66nhiiie , lfeM


roBOp�T, 6y.r.To OH


op1n1on no MOeMy Mneuum

for the first time 5I 3,necb onepob'Ie

any (any you Mo)I(HO B3SITb JI106y10

like) KH:Hry


each other

to have to





to hold, keep




cheerful , merry

to be healthy,


II O)l(aJiyHCTa

IIOMOraTb .r.pyr .r.pyry

HaM npumJIOCb yM:Tu;

BaM npu�eTcH u,nT:H

K HaqaJibHllKY

B HalfaJie rona

OHM noxo�u npyr Ha


'IHTaJILHbiH 3 an

Bbi LJ;ep�uTe MonoK6 B


MenKoe npennpuuTue


BeCeJIOe HaCTpOeHlle

,l];a 3LJ;paBCTBYIOT Mllp

BaTh i prosper u ,npy)l(6a!

3npaocToyii, HaTallla 3npaBcTay:H( Te) Hello/How

5 1 7. Brrepen

5 1 8 . 3eneHhiH

5 1 9 . He6o

are you?

forward; in



sky, heaven

520. BcTpeTHTb p+a to meet

( BCTpeqa Tb i)

52 1 . OTHOilleHlle

522. 6a6yll1Ka

5 23 . ,UeTCKllH

(K +d) attitude,

relation (to);

(pl) relations


children ' s

IIIar onepeLJ;

3eJieuaH KHM:ra


Jl BCTpe'ly BaC Ha

BOK3ane; Tbi

BCTpeTHmb H6BbiM

ro,n c HaMu?

er6 oTuomeuue K BaM;

aHr JIO-pyCCKlle


MH6ro 6a6yweK

LJ;eTCKHH Ca,ll;

Nevertheless he is wrong

I know more than you


They claim he has left

in my opinion

I haven ' t been here before

You may take any book

Please speak slowly

to help each other

We had to leave; You ' ll

have to go to the boss

at the beginning of the


They are alike

reading room

Do you keep the milk in a

cold place?

a small business

gymnasium/sports hall

cheerful mood

Long live peace and

friendship !

Hello, Natasha

a step forward

a green book

the heavens

I shall meet you at the

station; Will you see the

New Year in with us?

his attitude to you;

Anglo-Russian relations

many grandmothers


524. OCTaHOBHTbCH to stop p (ocTaHa-snHsa ThC.SI i)

525 . OTBeT answer 526. s6c(e)Mh eight 527. ;::t;ocKa board 528. IIO.SIBMThC.SI p to appear

(ITO HBIDlThCH i) 529. He;::t;en.SI 530. 3aB6;::t; 5 3 1 . cp6pMa 53 2. .SIBllRThC.SI

+inst (formal) 533 . sei.IJ;h f

534. rep6ii 535 . KpOMe +g

536. IIO)J;HHThCH p (IIO)J;HH­MclThC.SI i)

537. c'he3;::t; 538 . TQqHo

539. XO)J;

540. paBHO

541 . mar 542. Kny6

week factory form to be (sth)


hero except, besides

to rise, climb

congress exactly;

punctually movement

equal, alike

step club

.5I OCT3HOBJIIDCb rrepe;::t; ;::t;6MoM; OH He OCT3HOBHTCH


CK6po noJiBHTCH er6


I shall stop in front of the house; He will not stop

answer to a question in eight schools to write on the board

His wife will soon �eHa appear

s6ceMh ue,n:eJIL eight weeks

OH pa66TaeT Ha laBo,ZJ;e He works in a factory

c)»opMa rrpasneHHH form of government OH HBJIJieTCH

;::t;HpeKTOpOM Bee er6 oemu B JTOM

qeMo;::t;aHe repoii BOHHhl KpOMe MeH.si; KpOMe

Tor6 .5I DO,ZJ:HHMYCb Ha

TpeTHii 3Ta)l(; OH:H DO,ZJ;HHMYTCH Ha ropy

)J;BOpeQ C'Le3,ZJ;OB

To-tuo B qac

Ha rr6nHoM xo,ZJ;y; xo,ZJ;

co6hiTHH Bee paouo; He see

JIM paouo?

c;::t;enaTh mar srrepe;::t; KJiy6 xy;::t;O�HHKOB

He is the director

All his things are in this suitcase

war hero

except me; moreover/in addition

I shall climb to the 3rd floor; They will climb

the hill palace of congresses

at one o'clock precisely

at full speed; course of events

It ' s all the same; What difference does it make?

to take a step forward artist 's club

54 3. KPYIIHbiH large, important KpynnLte rrpoMhirnneH­ large industrial centres

544. BCIIOMHHTh p to remember, recall +a or o +pr

(BCIIOMHHclTh i) 545 . He6onhrn6ii small

546. xy;::t;6�ecTBeH- artistic HhiH

547 . KTO-TO someone 548. HpaBHThC.SI 1 to please

(no- p) 549. IliKOllhHhiH school (adj) 5 50. rocy;::t;apcTso state

Hhie QeHTpbl Tbi BCDOMHHWL o Heii? Will you remember her?

Cy3;::t;anh - r6po;::t; Suzdal " is not a large


xy ,ZJ;OiKecToeuuaH

nHTepaTypa KTo-To sornen 0Ha HaM HpaBHTCH

UJKOJibHbie r6;::t;hl rnasa rocy,n:apCTB3

town belles-lettres, fiction

(artistic literature) Someone came in We like her

school years head of state



55 1 . aMepHKaHCKHH

552. CTpOHTb i +a

(no- p)

553. BOCbMOH

554. HeMHOfO +g

555. nay3a

556. noxaJhiBaTh

+a +d

(nOKaJaTh p)

557. .uanex6

558. JaTeM

559. J.nauue

560. CMOlfb p

(MOlfb i)

56 1 . O,l(Ha)l(,l(hl

562. llTHUa

563. caMoneT

564. ceMh

565. IIIo<f>ep

566. )lBeCTH

567. H3BeCTHhiH

568. npaBHJihHO

569. pemeuue

570. BelfepoM


to build


a little, not



to show (sth to



after that, then


to be able

once, one day





two hundred





in the evening

57 1 . roTOBhlH ready

572. CTapaThC� to try

i +inf (no- p)

573. HanpnMep for example

574. npocTOH simple

575. nponJBe,IJ.eHue a work

576. YlfHTh i (Bhi- p) (+a) to

learn (sth);




Ha BOCbMOM Che3,ne

American army

We are building a new


at the eighth party

napTHH congress

)l:euer ocTanoch cosceM There is very little money

ueMnoro left

C,IJ.eJiaTh nay1y

0Ha DOKa3bi83JI3 eMy

csoK> xsapTiipy

to pause

She was showing him

her flat

11BaH )I(HBeT .uaJieK6 OT Ivan lives far from us


Ou:H Bhinunu u JaTeM They had a drink and

npo,IJ.OJI)J(aJiu pa3roB6p then continued their


uoBhie 1.uanaH

.5I cMorj npuexaTh

Jasrpa; OH He cMojKeT

OTBeTHTb Ha Balli


o.uua*.llbt BeqepoM

llTHQbl JieT)]T Ha IOf

Ha C3MOJieTe

ceMb HOBhiX J.UaHnii; c

ceMbtO JlPY3b�MH

mocJ»ep Taxcu

66Jihllle .llBYXCOT

H3BeCTHble YlffHbie


npuH})Th pemeuae

OH npue.ueT se11epoM

new buildings

I shall be able to come

tomorrow; He won't

be able to answer your


one evening

The birds are flying


by plane

seven new buildings; with

seven friends

taxi driver

more than two hundred

well-known scholars

He answered correctly

to take a decision

He will come in the


Bhi roT6Bbt? Are you ready?

0Ha cTapaJiacb She was trying to open

OTKpbiTh ,nBepb the door

EcTb xopornue KHHru, There are good books,

«BoiiHa H MHp», ''War and Peace", for

uanpaMep < example

npocTLie mO.uu ordinary people

npoaloe.neuHH ToncT6ro Tolstoi's works

.5I Y'�Y HOBbie pyccKue I am learning new

CJIOBa; OH Y'IHT ee Russian words; He is

577. HHOH

578. pe3ynhTaT

579. �OKTOp 5 80. CJiyqHTbC.H p

(cnyqaTbcg i) 5 8 1 . Ha3hiBaTh i

+a +inst (Ha3BaTb p)

5 82. Ba)I(HhiH 583 . 3HaHHe 5 84. YJihi6HyTbCg

p +d (yJibi6aThC» i)


586. HayqHThcg p +i inf (yqHTbCg i)

(Ha- p) (+a +d or int) to teach (s.o. sth)



doctor to happen

to call, name (s.o. sth)

important knowledge to smile (at)


to learn (to do sth)



pelyJILTBTbl HaiiieH pa66Thi


OH crrpocH:n, qTo CJiy-tHJIOCb

teaching her Russian

in other words; one or other

results of our work


He asked what happened

HHKTO He H83biBaJI ee No-one called her KpacH:soii beautiful

saiKHLie .rnb�H important people Juauuu pyccKoro »3hiKa knowledge of Russian 0Ha He yJILI6ueTcH She will not smile

OH nJioxo 3HaeT aHr JIHHCKHM g3:b1K

OH uay-titJicH roBopHTh no-pyccKH

He doesn 't know English well

He learned to speak Russian

587. OTKp:biTh p +a to open (OTKphiBaTb i)

.5I oTKporo �seph; Tbi oTKpoewL oKHo

I shall open the door; You will open the window

5 8 8 . OCTaBaTbC.H i (OCTaThCg p)

589. HayKa

590. KaM(e)Hh m

59 1 . npOTHB + g

592. pa3BHTHe 593. 6or 594. 66mecTBo 595. HHqer6

596. ycJIOBHe 597. rocno�HH

to stay

science; scholarship


against; opposite

development God society nothing; all

right, not too bad; never mind

0Ha OCTaeTCH Ha HOqh; OcTasaJiocL ngTh MHHYT

o6mecTBeHHhie uayKn

H3 KaMuu; MHoro KaMuei

npoTBB so:HH:bi ; npoTHB

IllKOJihi 06IQeCTBeHHOe pa3BHTBe

lioiKe Moii! pa3BHTHe o6meCTBa - KaK �ena? - Hu-.ero

- n pOCTHTe - Hu-.ero

She is staying the night; There were five minutes left

social sciences

made of stone; many stones

against war; opposite the school

social development

My goodness ! development of society

- How are things? - All


- I 'm sorry - It doesn't


condition xopornHe ycJioBHH good conditions

gentleman; Mr ,li;aMhi H rocno)J;a! 3To Ladies and Gentlemen !



(pl rocno,LJ;a) 598. COJI,LlaT 599. peBOmOQHj{

soldier revolution

600. HaqHHaThCj{ 1 to begin (HaqaTbCj{ p)

rocno�ilu CMHT MHOrO COJUUlT


This is Mr Smith many soldiers

the October Revolution

3aH}}THj{ uaquuaroTCH Classes begin next week

60 1 . 06JiaCTh f

602. qTQ-TO

603 . BJiaCTh f 604. cyJJ;h6a 605 . JJ;CHCTBHe 606. Mepa 607. 3HeprHj{ 608. pjll(

609. HaXOl(HThCji 1

6 1 0. IIOJIO)I(CHHe 6 1 1 . r JijiJJ;CTh i Ha +a 6 1 2. BeK

6 1 3 . MHJIJIHOH 6 1 4. 06:r.QeCTBeHHhiH

6 1 5 . OCHOBHOH 6 1 6. reHepan 6 1 7 . HHTepec

6 1 8 . nerKo 6 1 9. Ma TepHan 620. QeJih f 62 1 . co3JJ;aTh p +a

622. CTaHOBHThCj{ i +inst

623 . or(o)Hh m 624. 3aKOH 625 . npHpoJJ;a 626. npOH30HTH p

627. Macca

628. 6o:M: 629. IIOJIHTHqecKHH 630. nyq

63 1 . BOJIHa

632. npou;ecc 633. HayqHhiH

oblast, province; area, field (of activity)

something; (coll) somewhat, somehow

power fate act, action measure energy (pr B pj!JJ;y) row, line

(pr B p�JJ;e) series to be situated position to look (at) century; age, era

million social, public

basic, fundamental general interest

easily; it is easy material target, purpose to create

to become; to stand

fire; light law nature to happen; originate


battle political ray, beam


process; trial, lawsuit scientific, scholarly

g pl o6nacTe:H

g qer6-To

g pl snacTeii; anacTH authorities nom pl cyJJ;h6hi, g pl cyJJ;e6

npHH�Th Mephi to take measures

nom pl pjfJJ;hi

rJiji)l(y, rJI»JJ;HIIIh; IIO- p nom pl seKa; B np6IIInoM BeKe

last century

06:r.QeCTBeHHOe MHeHHe public opinion

HHTepec K »3hiKaM interest in languages

c u;eJibiO + g with the object of -aM -aiiih -aCT -al(HM -a)J;HTe

-aJJ;yT; C03l(aBa Th i CTaHOB.JIIbCh, CTaHOBHIIIhCj{;

CTaTh p g sg orH�; nom pl. orH:H

3aK6H npHp0,11;hi law of nature IIpOM30H)J;eT, past rrpOM30lllJIO;

IIpOMCXOJJ;HTh i TPYJJ;�:r.QHec» Macchi the working

masses pr sg 6o!O, nom pl 6o:H, g pl 6oeB

g sg nyqa, nom pl nyqli, g pl nyqe:ii

nom pl BOJIHhi, g pl BOJIH, d pl BOJIHaM



634. pa3mfqHhiH 635 . MHpOBOH 636. CHCTeMa 637. JIIICT

638. XOTh

639. pe6eH(O)K

640. CBj�3b f

64 1 . Boo6me 642. BepHTh i

643 . My)l(qHHa m 644. qTQ-HH6y ,[(h 645 . rrpe,n;cTaBn}]:Th i +a 646. HcKaTh i +a or g 647. IIHCaTeJib m 648. IIpOMhiiiiJieHHOCTh f 649. yqeHhiH m adj

650. BepHO 65 1 . CJIY)I(HTh i +d 652. IIO,[(XO)l;HTh i

653. rrpaBHTeJihCTBO 654. OCTaBHTh p +a

655. 3KOHOMifqecKHH 656. ecTh i +a

657. pa66qHif m adj

658. COBpeMeHHhiH 659. pa60THHK

660. qepT


different, various world (adj) system (nom pl JIHCThjl, g pl

JIMCTheB) leaf (of plant) ; (nom pl JIHCThi, g pl JIIICTOB) sheet (of paper)

even if, if only, even, although


connection, link, communication

in general to believe (+d) s.o. or

sth, (B +a ) in s.o. or sth

g sg JIHCTa

3axo;:J;H: xoTh Ha MHHYTY Drop in if only for a moment

g sg pe6eHKa; nom pl ,[(eTH, g pl ,n;eTeii

oT ,[(eneHHe cn}]:3H post office; B CBj�3H c +inst in connection with; ropr6Bhie cs.si:3H trade links

BepiO, BepHIIIh ; IIO- p

man ,n;s6e My)l(qlfH two men anything g qer6-HH6y,n;h to present, introduce npe,n;cTaBHTh i to search for, to look for HillY, umeiiih; no- p writer industry learned, scholarly; (as

noun) scholar, scientist faithfully, truly; it is true to serve (K +d ) to approach;

(+d ) to suit government to leave; to abandon

economic to eat

(blue collar) worker; working

modem, contemporary

cny)l(y, cn}r)I(HIIIh ; no- p nO,[(XO)I(y, IIO,[(XO,[(HIIIh;

nO,[(OHTM p


eM, eiiih, ecT, e,n;MM, e,[(MTe, e,[(.si:T, past eJI, ena; C'h- p

)I(H3Hh pa66qero life of a worker; pa66qHif Knacc working class

worker, s.o. who works napTHHHhie pa66THHKH party

devil workers

g sg qepTa, nom pl qepTH, g pl qepTeii

66 1 . Ka qeCTBO 662. Me)I(,LJ;yHapO,LJ;HhiH 663 . o<P:uuep 664. npo6neMa 665 . Tpe6oBaTh i +g 666. KOMMYHH3M 667. KOpa6Jih m 668. KJiacc 669. KMJIOMeTp 670. q:ucn6 67 1 . 6a3a 672. nan( e )u 673 . KoJI:HqecTBO 674. KOMMYHHCT 675 . no6e,LJ;a 676 . peKa

677 . nMTb 1

678 . qeJIOBeqecKMH 679. ropa

680. MHJibiH 68 1 . nOJIHTMKa no pl 682. npOM3BO)];CTBO

683. HaUMOHaJihHhiH

684. XOJIO)];HhiH 685. rocy,LJ;apCTBeHHhiH 686. OTKy,LJ;a

687 . CJIO)I(HbiH 688. 6oraThiH 689. 6poCMTh p 690. CTpOHTeJibCTBO 69 1 . 3HaqeH:ue 692. npe,LJ;ce,LJ;a TeJih m 693 . n03BOJIMTh p +d

694. xapaKTep 695 . Heo6XO,[(HMhiH 696. CMe.RTbCSI i Ha,LJ; +inst

quality international officer problem to demand communism ship class; classroom kilometre number; date base; depot finger; toe quantity communist victory river

to drink

human (adj)


Tpe6yw, Tpe6yeiiih; no- p

g sg Kopa6n.R pa6oq:uii KJiacc working class

nom pl qJ%cna, g pl qJ%cen Ha 6a3e + g on the basis of g sg naJibUa

a sg peKy, g sg peK:H, nom pl peKH, d pl peKaM

nhiO, nheiiih, past nMJI, n:uJia, n:Hno; Bhl- p

mountain, hill a sg ropy, g sg rophi, nom pl rophi, g pl rop, d pl ropaM; B ropy uphill

nice, dear politics; policy, policies production npOM3BO)];CTBO MaiiiHH car

production national; ethnic HaQMOHaJihHOe MeHbiiiHHCTBO

ethnic minority cold state (adj) from where 0TKy,LJ;a oH 3HaeT? How does he

complicated, complex rich to throw; to give up construction meaning, importance chairman to permit (s.o.)

character essential to laugh (at)


6poiiiy, 6poCMIIIh; 6pocaTh


CMeiDCh, CMeeiiihCSI; 3a-/pac- p



697. 6opoThCjJ i c +inst 698 . H3)J;eJI:ue 699. oc66hiii 700. CMepTh f 70 1 . CTaTh}}

702. cqeT 703 . BeChMa 704. CeJihCKHH 705 . cpe)J;CTBO

706. 110)1;06HhiH 707. 11pHMep 708. peBOJIIOQHOHHhiH 709. CKOpOCTh f 7 10. $aKT 1 1 1 . MaJihlii 7 1 2. qaii 7 1 3 . TeMHhiH 7 14. jJBJieHHe 7 1 5 . COCTO}]:Th i H3 +g 7 1 6. }]:cHO 7 1 7. TQqKa

7 1 8 . CTOHTh

7 1 9. YM 720. BllOJIHe 72 1 . co6:biTHe 722. cymecTBoBaTh 723. Ka6HHeT 724. crrac:H6o 725 . Bpar 726. rny66KHH 727. llOJIO)I(HTh p +a 728. $paHQY3CKHH 729. 6JIH3KHH 730. ax 73 1 . )J;ej{TeJihHOCTh f 732. rrpHBeCTH p +a

733. TpyfiKa



to struggle (against) (manufactured) article special death article (newspaper,

journal) bill, account; count, score very, extremely rural, country means; (pl) resources

similar example revolutionary speed fact small tea dark phenomenon to consist (of) clearly; it is clear dot, point; full stop

to cost, to be worth

mind, intellect fully, entirely event to exist study, office thank you enemy deep to lay, to put French close, near ah ! , oh ! activity to bring (s.o.); (K +d )

lead to

tube, pipe; telephone receiver

English; British

6opffich, 6opelllhCjf; 3a +a for

nom pl CMepT:U, g pl CMepTeH g pl CTaTeH

nom pl cqeTa; cqeThi abacus

ceJihCKOe XQ3}]:ifCTBO agriculture TpaHcrropTHhie cpe)J;CTBa means

of transport

nom pl cK6pocT:u, g pl cKopocTeii

nom pl qalf, g pl qaeB


g pl ToqeK; ToqKa 3peH:ujf point of view

CTOHT; CK6JihKO 3To cT6:uT? How much is this?

g sg yMa

cymecTByro, cymecTByeiiih

g sg Bpara

no pl rrp:uBe�y, rrpHBe�eiiih, past

rrpHBeJI, rrpHBeJia; rrpHBO�HTh 1

g pl Tpy6oK

735. ceil (bookish; used in set phrases) (=3ToT)

736. TeMnepaTypa 737. npOBO�MTh i +a

738 . COCTQ}}HHe 739. cqacThe 740. CMhiCJI 74 1 . py6nh m 742. sqepa 743. npaBhiH

744. clBTOp 745 . 60JihlliHHCTBO 746. H3BeCTHO 747 . MeJIKHH 748. TeqeHHe

749. opy)I(He 750. MY)!(

75 1 . npOHCXO�MTh

752. CB066�HhiH 753. u�e.s� 754. yclinHe

755 . JIMHH.si 756. HCKYCCTBO 757. COCTaB 758. KallHTanH3M 759. JIHTepaTypa 760. CTpaHMUa 76 1 . 6HTh i +a 762. HHaqe 763 . qJiTclTeJih m 764. HaH66nee 765. poeT 766. aMepHKaH(e)u 767 . K6p(e)Hh m

768. HeM(e)u 769. npe�CTclBHTh p +a


temperature to lead, conduct;

spend (time) state, condition; fortune happiness, luck sense, meaning rouble yesterday right; right-wing

author majority it is (well) known small, petty, fine flow, current; course

arms, weapons husband

to happen; to originate

free idea effort

line art composition, make-up capitalism literature page to beat, hit otherwise reader (the) most growth, increase; height


f eM}}, n cHe, nom pl cn:H; cer6 Mec.s�ua of this month; ,n:o cHx nop up till now

npOBO)I(y, npOBO,LJ:HIIIh; nposecT:H p

g sg py6n}}

npas -a -o -hi (short forms) 0Ha npasa She's right

s TeqeHHe +g during, in the course of

no pl nom pl MY)I(h}}, g pl My)l(e:U, d pl


npOH30HTM p

npHJIO)I(MTh see ycliJIH.si to make every effort

6hiO, 6heiiih; no- p/y,napHTh p

American g sg aMepHKaHua root g sg KOpH.si, nom pl KOpHH, g pl

KOpHeH German (noun) g sg HeMua to present npe�cTaBJIIO, npe,ncTaBHIIIh;

npe,ncTaBJIHTh i; rrpe,n:cTaBHTb



770. cephe3Hhiii 77 1 . CBOHCTBO 772. B3r JTSIHYTh p Ha

773. BhiCOKO 774. HaceneHHe 775 . CTeKJIO

776. TeaTp 777. Ha)J:e)I()J:a 778. )J;OBOJihHO

779. Kpa:H

780. Ha3BaTh p +a 7 8 1 . MY)I(HK 782. rronyqa Th i +a 783. CTeiih f

784. QBeT 785. IIO)J;HHMaThC.SI 786. )]:e)]: 787. ocH6Ba 788. IIpHHHMaTh i +a 789. CTaBHTh i +a 790. paHO 79 1 . TexHifqecKHH 792. cqacTmiBhiH

[ shshasleevi] 793 . B03BpamaThC.SI 794. Kpyr 795. MOMeHT

796. Heo6XO)J;HMO

797. CTpOH



serious characteristic, property to look, glance (at)

high (up) ; highly; it is high population glass (material)

theatre hope fairly, rather;

contentedly; (+g ) enough

edge; region, area

to call, name (Russian) peasant to receive, get steppe

colour; blossom; prime to rise, climb grandfather base, foundation to accept, take, receive to stand, put, place early; it is early technical; engineering happy, lucky

to return, come back circle moment; feature (of a


it is essential; it is necessary

system, structure; military formation


ce6e to imagine

B3r JI.SIHY, B3r n.HHeiiih ; B3r JI.H)J:biBa Th i

nom pl CTeKJia, g pl CTeKOJI, d pl CTeKJiaM; )J;BOHHhie CTeKJia double glazing

pr sg B KpaiO, nom pl Kpa.sl, g pl KpaeB

Ha30By, Ha30Beiiih; Ha3hiBaTh i g sg M)')I(HKa rronyqlfTh p pr sg o cTerrH, B cTerrli; nom pl

CTeiiH, g pl CTerreif nom pl nseTa; B nseTy in blossom IIO)J:H.sl:ThC.SI p

rrpHH.sl:Tb p CTaBJIIO, CTaBHIIIh ; ITO- p

short forms cqacTJIHB, cqacTJIHBa

BepHyThC.SI p pr sg B Kpyry, nom pl Kpyr:H Ba)I(Hble MOMeHThl CHTyaQHH

important features of the situation

pr sg B cTpoib

g, d, pr sg ,[(oqepH, inst sg ,[(oqephiO, nom pl ,[(oqepH, g pl )J:oqepe:H, d pl ,[(oqep.HM, inst pl ,[(oqephMH, pr pl ,[(oqep.slx

799. HCllOJih30BaTh i/p +a

800. MHHHCTp

80 1 . CHHHH

802. nepe.naTh p +a

803. nporpaMMa

804. .nec)}T( o )K

805 . KpOBh f

806. OT,naTh p +a

807. OT ,neJihHhiH

808. BCllOMHHaTh i

+a or o +pr

809. cao66.na

8 1 0. XBaTaTh i

8 1 1 . BHyTpeHHHH

8 1 2. BhiCTynaTb

8 1 3 . KaK-TO

8 1 4. HeCTH i +a

8 1 5 . 3aH)}Th p +a

8 1 6. llO}IBJlslTbC}l i

8 1 7 . npe.ncTaBHTeJih m

8 1 8. <l>poHT

8 1 9. 6oraTCTBO

820. )l(enaTh i +g

82 1 . KaKOH-HH6y,nh

822. rJIY6HHa

823 . MHMO +g

824. ynpaaneHHe

825. cnaaa

826. COTH}l

827. CTpaiiiHbiH

828. TeM

to make use of

minister (government)

dark blue

to pass, hand over;

transmit, convey


ten; a decade


to give back, return

separate, individual

to recall , remember


(+a ) to seize; (xaaTaeT

+g ) be enough,


inner, interior, internal

to appear in public;


somehow; (coll) once,

at one time

to carry

to occupy

to appear


front (war)

wealth, riches

to want, wish

any; any kind of




administration; control

glory, fame

a hundred

terrible, dreadful

(by) so much


nepe,naM -,lltllllb -,naCT -,na,llHM

-Jla.ruiTe -JlaJlyT, f past

nepeJlaJia; nepe.nasaTh i

g sg .nec)}TKa

pr sg 0 KpOBH, B KpOBH; ' g p)


OT.LJ;clM, OT,Ll(llllb, OT,UaCT,

OT,Ua,llHM, OT.D.a,nHTe, OT,Ua.UyT, ;

f past oT .naJia; oT .nasa Th i


BpeMeHH He xsaTaeT There isn 't

enough time; cxaaTHTh p (seize);

xaaTHTh p (be enough)

BhiCTynaTh c pe'IhJO to make a

speech; BhiCTYllHTh p

Hecy, Hecernh; past Hec, Hecna;

no- p

3aHMY, 3aiiMernh, past 3aH}lJI,

3aH.siJia, 3aH}lJIO; 3aHHMaTh

llO.siBHTbC}l p

nom pi <l>POHThi, g pi <l>POHTOB

no- p

nom pl rny6HHhi

npoiiTn MHMO .noMa to walk past

the house

g pi coTeH

inst of TOT; TeM nylfl.IIe so much

the better



829. aecHa

830. �eHCTBOBaTh 83 1 . IIOJI

832. rrpon;eHT

833. pO�HHa 834. cn;eHa 835. qyBCTBOBaTh i +a 836. 3Ha qliTeJihHhiH 837. MeTp 838. qy)I(6H 839. BQJijJ 840. 3y6 84 1 . MeHee 842. MeTo� 843 . rrpocTHTh p +a

844. CB.si3aTh p +a

845 . .RpKHH 846. rrec(6)K 847. ypoa(e)Hh m 848. HCTOpHqecKHH 849. HCTQqHHK 850. IIOJIOBHHa 85 1 . cn}')l(6a 852. Jia�HO

853. MernaTh

854. cen6

855 . BIIpoqeM 856. rop.RqnH 857. o6pa3oaaHne 858. TOHHa 859. Bhi3BaTh p +a 860. 3peHne 86 1 . MOpCKOH 862. OCTaJihHOH adj


spring (season) nom pl aecHhi, g pl aeceH, d pl BeCHaM

to act, function, affect �eHCTBYIO, ):(eHcTsyeiiih ; no- p (pr sg Ha nony, nom pl

IIOJihi) floor; (nom pl IIOJihl, g pl IIOJIOB) sex

percent, percentage

homeland, native land stage (theatre); scene to feel significant metre (measurement) someone else 's ; foreign will; freedom, liberty tooth less method to forgive (s.o. or sth)

to tie; to connect

bright sand level; standard historical; historic source half service harmoniously; all right

(unenthusiastic agreement)

( +d ) to disturb, hinder; (+a ) stir


however, but; or rather hot education; formation ton ( 1 ,000 kilogrammes) to summon; cause eyesight, vision sea, marine; naval the rest (of)

n.s�Th npon;eHTOB 5 per cent; npon;eHThi interest

Ha p6):(HHe in one ' s homeland

qyBCTByiO, qyBCTByeiiih; no- p

nom pl 3y6hi, g pl 3y66s TeM He MeHee none the less

npomy, npocTHIIIh; npoma Th llpocTHTe ! Excuse me

CB.sJ)I(Y, CB.R)I(eiiih ; B.si3a Th/ CB.R3hiBaTh

g sg necKa g sg ypoBH.si

Jla):(HO, nyCTh 6y):(eT IIO-TBOeMy All right, have it your own way

no- p

nom pl cena; Ha cene in the country

Bhi30BY, Bhi30Belllh; Bhl3hiBa Th

r):(e OCTaJihHhie? Where are the others?

863. CeMj� n

864. CHJihHO 865 . TOHKHH 866. <PnoT 867. 6ece.ua 868. Bhl3hiBaTb i +a 869. ,naHHhiH 870. .UOCTaTOqHQ 87 1 . e,UHHCTBeHHhiH 872. naMrra 873 . rrpo,nyKQHjf 874. ueHTp 875. s6sce 876. 3arra,nHhiH 877. KOppeCIIOH,[(eHT 878. II O)l(aJIYH 879. rrpn:t�M

880. rrpoqHif

88 1 . CTpaiiiHO 882. s63ne +g 883. BOH

884. rrapTHHHhiH

885. Tene<P6H 886. y,naThCjf p +d

of person + p inf

887. 6hiCTpbiH 888 . KpeCTb.siHHH

889. BhiXO.U 890. IlbiTa TbCjJ i +p inf 89 1 . CTHX 892. rrepH:o.u 893 . rro.uo)l(,naTh p +a or g 894. y6IiTh p +a 895 . .upy)l(6a 896. e.usa 897 . Hey)l(eJIH


strongly; very much thin, slender; fine, subtle fleet talk, discussion to summon; cause given sufficiently; ( +g ) enough only, sole lamp production, output centre at all western correspondent very probably reception; method,

device other

terribly; it is terrible by, near out, away; over there

party (adj)

telephone to succeed

quick, fast peasant

exit, way out to attempt line of poetry period to wait for to kill; to murder friendship


g sg CeMeHH, nom pl CeMeHa, g pl ceM.siH, d pl ceMeHaM

Bhi3BaTh p .uaHHhie data

s6sce He not at all

qachi rrpHeMa consulting hours

H rrpoqee (abbr If rrp. or If

rrpoq.) etcetera; Me)l(.uy rrpoqHM by the way

BoH oTcro.ua! Get out! BOH TaM over there

rrapTHHHoe pyKos6,ncTBO party leadership

y.uacTcjf, past y.uan6ch; y ,nasa ThCjf i; Eii y .uan6ch HaRTH MecTo She managed to find a seat

nom pl KpeCTb.siHe, g pl KpeCTb.siH, d pl KpeCTh.siHaM

rro- p g sg CTHxa; CTHXH verses, poetry

IIO,UO)I(,Uy, IIO,UO)I(,[(eiiih; )l(,[(a Th y6hro y6beiiih; y6HsaTh i

hardly, scarcely, only just e.usa (nH) He nearly, almost really? is it possible? Hey)l(eJIH oH He 3HaeT? Does he



898. cTeneHh f 899. 6oeB6if 900. BOMCKa n pl 90 1 . KapTa 902. HanpaBneHHe 903 . qeJIOBeqecTBO 904. Bp6,[(e +g

905 . rpoMa,[(HhiM 906. nerKHM 907. llOJih30BaThC.si i +inst

908. IIOCTpOHTh p +a 909. rrpe,[(JIO)J(eHHe

9 1 0. 3JieMeHT 9 1 1 . }IBHThC}I p 9 1 2. Bepo}{THO 9 1 3 . neqh i +a

rreqh f

9 1 4. llOKa3aThC.si p

9 1 5 . ynhi6aThc}l 9 1 6. YMHhiM 9 1 7 . rJiaBa 9 1 8 . IIJiaKa Th 9 1 9. rronyqa ThC}I 920. CKB03h +a 92 1 . crr6co6 922. crroc66HhiM 923. QepKOBh f

924. qachi m pl 925 . qecTh f

926. OTKpbiThiM 927 . IIaM}ITh f 928. llOH}{THO

929. COBemaHHe 930. 3aMeqaTeJihHhiif 93 1 . 3HaMeHHThiM


degree, extent fighting, battle troops, army map, card direction mankind like, such as

enormous light, easy to use

to build offer, suggestion;

sentence (grammar) element to appear probably to bake


to seem, to appear, to show oneself

to smile intelligent head, chief; chapter to cry, weep to tum out, result through way, method able, capable church

watch, clock honour

open memory understandably; I see !

I understand! meeting, conference remarkable, splendid famous

really not know? g pl cTeneHeif


qT6-To Bp6,[(e necKa something like sand

rr6Jih3YIOCh, n6Jih3yeiiihc.s�; BOC- p


neKy, rreqeiiih, neKyT; past neK rreKna; He- p

pr sg 0 rreqH, B neqlf; g pl rreqeif llOKa)J(yCh, llOKa)J(elllhC.si;

Ka3a ThC}I i/IIOKa3hiBa ThC}I YJihi6HyThC}I p

nom pl rnaBhi rrnaqy, rrnaqeiiih; 3a- p rronyqlfThC}I p

g sg QepKBH, inst sg QepKOBhiO, nom pl QepKBH, g pl QepKBeH, d pl QepKBaM

g pl qac6B pr sg o qecTH, B qecTM:, g pl


no pl

Ha coBemaHHH at a meeting

933 . cne3a

934. r ):(e-To 935 . ):(HO

936. Mara3HH 937. semecTB6 938. C03,ll;aHHe 939. cTapyxa 940. KapMaH 94 1 . My3eii 942. rra,n;aTh i 943 . }]:cHhiH 944. IIOBepXHOCTh f 945 . 6JIH3KO

946. 3a.SIBHTh p 0 +pr 947 . 30JIOT6ii 948 . KOJieHO

949. paBHhiH 950. CJie):(yiOIUHH 95 1 . CH.SITh p +a

952. cTpax 953. Tennhiii 954. B03HHKaTh i 955 . BhiCOTa 956. MY3hiKa 957. OCTpOB 958 . OTHOCHThC.SI i K +d

959. nepecTaTh p + i inf

960. IIO):(HHMaTh i +a 96 1 . CTOJih 962. MHpHbiH 963 . Tpy,n;HhiH 964. ):(OJirHH

object, article; subject, topic


somewhere bottom (of sea, river,

well, vessel)

shop, store substance, matter creation; creature old woman pocket museum to fall clear surface it is near, it is not far;

near, close; closely to announce gold, golden knee

equal following, next to take off; photograph;

rent fear warm to arise height music island to relate to; to regard

to cease, stop

to raise, lift so peace, peaceful difficult long (in time)

nom pl cne3hi, g pl cne3, d pl cne3aM; cne3hi pa):(ocTH tears of joy

nom pl ):(OHb.SI, g pl ):(OHheB; Ha ):(He M6p.SI at the bottom of the sea

rracTh p/yrracTh p

nom pl KOJieHH, g pl KOJieHeH (KoJieH in set phrases: BCTaTh c KoJieH to get up from one's knees

CHHMY, cHliMeiiih, f past cH.s�na; CHHMaTb i

B03HHKHYTb p nom pl BhiCOThl


OTHeCTHCb p nepecTaHy, nepecTaHeiiih;

nepecTaBaTh i rro,n;H}]:Th p CTOJih Ba)I(HO SO important MHpHhiH ):(oros6p peace treaty



965. )l(eJie3Hhiii 966. rrp�MOH 967. CO:QHaJihHhiH

968 . BOJIOC

969. BOCIIHTaHHe 970. �HTj{ n

97 1 . KYIIHTh p +a 972. JIYHa 973. rrycTMTh p +a 974. BMeCTO +g 975 . HeCMOTpR Ha +a 976. KyJiaK 977. KYXH� 978. mo66Bh f

979. OKa3hiBa TbC.H i +inst

980. pHcyH( o )K 98 1 . CJIOH 982. COCTaBJij{Th i +a

983. reM a 984. :QeHa

985. KOHh m 986. Ma TepHaJihHhiH 987. reopHg 988. 6a6a

989. IIOTepRTh p +a 990. rrpeKpaCHhiH 99 1 . po�

992. rony66M: 993. rocrr6�h m

994. ry6a 995 . IIOCJiaTh p +a 996. pyKoso�:HreJih m


iron straight, direct social

(a) hair

upbringing child

to buy moon to allow; let in; let go instead of in spite of fist; kulak (rich peasant) kitchen love

to tum out to be; to find oneself

drawing layer, stratum to make up, compose,

constitute subject, topic, theme pnce

horse mat�rial (adj) theory peasant woman; (coll)

old woman, woman to lose beautiful, fine family, kin; birth, origin;

sort, kind; gender light blue God, the Lord

lip to send leader, manager;

instructor, supervisor

COQHaJihHOe IIOJIO)I(eHHe social status

nom pl BOJIOChi, g pl BOJIOC, d pl BOJIOCaM

g, d, pr sg �HTj{TH; inst �HT»TeiO; nom pl �eTH, g pl �ereii, d pl �ergM, inst pl ,[(eThMH, pr pl ,n;eT�X

Kyrrmb, KyrrHIIIh; IIoKyiiaTh nom pl JIYHhi rrymy, rrycrHIIIh; rrycKa Th i

g sg KyJiaKa g pl KYXOHh g sg JII06B:H; inst sg JII066BhiO,

d sg/pr sg JII06BH oKa3aThcg p

g sg pHCYHKa nom pl CJIOH, g pl CJIOeB COCTaBJIRIO, COCTaBJij{eiiih;


a sg QeHy, nom pl QeHhl , g pl QeH, d pl u;eHaM

g sg KOHR, nom pl KOHH, g pl KOHeii

pr sg B po,Uy; nom pl po,n;:b1; p6,n;hi childbirth

g sg rocrro,n;a; rocrro,n;H ! Oh Lord! Good Heavens !

nom pl ry6hi , g pl ry6, d pl ry6aM IIOIIImO, IIOIIIJieiiih; IIOChiJiaTh i

997 0 crreuJHlJihHhiH 998 0 TeTjl 9990 QeHTpaJihHhiH

1 0000 Bcer6 1 00 1 0 BhiBO,LJ;

10020 BhlllOJIH}]:Th i +a

1003 0 3epH6

1 0040 o6'hj!CHHTh p +a 1 005 0 MOJIO,LJ;e)l(h f 1 0060 3X

1 007 0 B03MO)I(H0

10080 rny6oK6 1 0090 ,LJ;06HThCji p +g

1 0 1 00 MeCTHhiH 1 0 1 1 0 pacTeHHe 1 0 1 20 CTapHK 1 0 1 3 0 IIOXO,LJ;

1 0 140 CIIHHa 1 0 1 5 0 cy,LJ;HTh i/p o +pr

1 0 1 60 yMepeTh p

1 0 1 7 0 3KOHOMHKa 1 0 1 8 0 6oJihH6ii

1 0 1 90 ,LJ;yx 1020 0 HH)I(e 1 02 1 0 OKeaH 1 0220 rroroBopHTh p c +inst 1 0230 3arrac

1 0240 3eMHOH 1 025 o MHHHCTepCTBO 1 0260 o6j{JaTenhHo 1 027 0 rr6nh3a

special aunt central in all, altogether; only conclusion, deduction

to carry out, fulfil

grain, seed


g pl TeTeH

c,LJ;enaTh BhiBO,LJ; to draw a conclusion

BhiiiOJIH}]:IO, BbiiiOJIH}]:eii.Ih; BhiiiOJIHHTh p

nom pl 3epHa, g pl 3epeH, d pl 3epHaM; K6<Pe B 3epHax coffee beans

to explain o6'hj{CH}]:Th i young people eh ! oh ! (expressing

regret, annoyance, reproach, amazement)

possibly; possible; it is possible

deep; deeply r ny66K6 it is deep to obtain, achieve ,LJ;06hiDCh, ,LJ;06heiiihCjl;

local plant old man campaign; walking tour,

expedition; cruise back to judge; (+a) try (sooo)

to die

economics; economy ill; sore; (as noun) patient,

invalid spirit; breath lower, below ocean to have a talk, talk (to) stock, supply; reserve

earthly, terrestrial ministry (government) without fail, definitely use; benefit

,LJ;06HBaThCjl i

g sg CTapHKa

a sg crrlfHy, nom pl CIIHHhi CY)I()\ cy,LJ;HII.Ih; cy,LJ;jl IIO +d

judging by

YMPY, yMpemh, past yMep, yMepna, yMepno; yMHpaTh i

rOBOpHTh i 6oJihiii6if 3arrac cnoB a large

vocabulary 3eMH6ii map the globe


1 028. rrpe,nJIO)I(HTh p +a

1 029. co3,nasaTh i +a 1 030. BHOBh 1 03 1 . 3aBHCeTh i OT +g 1 032. IIJIO,n

1 033. pa,n:uo n indecl 1 034. pa3Hoo6pa3HhiH 1035. cymecTsosaH:ue 1 036. 6:biBIIIHH 1 037. KacaThc.s� i +g

1038. HHKaK 1 039. OCHOBaHHe 1 040. rrp:uKa3aTh p +d

104 1 . po,nH6ii

1 042. c6JIHeqHhiH 1 043. CTpeMHThC.si i K +d 1 044. BhiiiOJIHHTh p +a 1 045 . ra3 1 046. opy,n:ue

1 047. pa,n;OCTh f 1048. TOM 1 049. qecTHhiH 1 050. HCCJie,nOBaHHe 1 05 1 . Jia,n6Hb f 1 052. orrpe,neJieHHhiii 1 053 . II03H:QH.si 1 054. pa.n::u +g 1 055 . cpoK

1 056. ycJI:biiiia Th p +a

1 057. yxo 1 05 8 . IIIYM 1 059. anna paT 1 060. BhiiiHTh p +a or +g


to offer; to propose

to create anew, again; newly to depend (on) fruit

radio various, varied existence former to touch; to concern

rrpe,nJIO)I(y, rrpe,n;JIO)I(HIIIh; rrpe,nJiara Th i

co3,nalb, co3,n;aeiiih ; co3,naTh p

3aBHIIIY, 3aBHCHIIIh g sg ITJIO,n;a; npHHOCHTh ITJIO,ll;hl

to bear fruit

KOCHYThC.si p; qTo KacaeTc.s� + g as for, with regard to

in no way; by no means foundation, basis; founding to order, command s .o .

native; own; (as noun, in pi) relatives, relations

sun, solar; sunny to strive (for) to carry out, fulfil gas instrument; implement;

(field) gun, piece of ordnance

joy volume (book) honest investigation; research palm (of the hand) definite; certain position for the sake of period (of time); (last)

date, deadline to hear

ear noise, din apparatus to drink, have an

alcoholic drink

rrp:uKa)l(y, rrp:uKa)l(eiiih ; npHKa3hiBaTb i

po,n;H6ii .si3hiK native language, mother tongue; saiii:u po,n;H:bie your relatives

CTpeM.m0Ch, CTpeMHIIIhC.si BhiiiOJIH.si:Th i

nom pl TOMa

pa,n:u li6ra for God's sake

ycJI:bnny, ycJI:biiiiHIIIh ; CJihiiiia Th i

nom pl yiii:u, g pl yiiieii

BhiiihiD, Bhlllheiiih ; BhiiiHBa Th i/ITHTh

1 06 1 . ropa3,no

1 062. KaiiMTaJI 1 063 . IIJIOXOH 1 064. nn6�a,nh f 1 065 . n6e3,n 1066. npo<Peccop 1067 . cepbe3Ho 1068 . CO Jib f 1069. c(o)H 1070. TeHh f 107 1 . rpa)l(,naHHH 1072. ,IJ;OCTaTh p +a

1073 . ,nypaK 1074. :H6o 1075 . 3aHMMaTh i +a 1076. n6rna,nb f

1077. IIIIIeHHUa 1078. CTOJihKO +g 1079. 3II6xa 1080. ,naBaii( Te) + 1 st person

pl p or i inf 108 1 . 6e,na

1082. ,naJihHMH 1083 . 3aKphiTh p +a 1084. 3Be3,na 1085 . o6hiqHhiH 1086. npoBeCTH p +a

1087. pa3rOBapMBaTh 1088 . pa3Mep 1089. pa3pernHTh p

1090. Heqero

109 1 . co6paThc.si p

1092. aTMoc<Pepa 1093. ,IJ;BHra ThC.si 1094. JIO,IJ;Ka

much (with comparatives)

capital (financial) bad square; area train professor seriously salt sleep; dream shade; shadow citizen to get, obtain; take out;

reach fool for (because) to occupy horse

wheat so much, so many epoch, age let ' s (do sth)


distant, remote to close, shut; to cover star usual to lead, conduct; spend

(time) to converse, talk size, scale, extent (+d of person) to allow,

permit; solve there is nothing

to gather; to intend to, to be about to

atmosphere to move , boat, rowing boat

ropa3,no JI)rqrne much better

g pl nno�a.n;eii nom pl noe3,na nom pl npo<Peccopa

g pl coneii g sg cHa pr sg B TeHH, g pl TeHeH nom pl rpa)l(.n;aHe, g pl rpa)l(.n;aH ,IJ;OCTaHy, .[J;OCTaHeiiih;

,IJ;OCTaBaTh g sg ,nypaKa

3aH�Th p g pl norna.n;eii, inst pl norna.n;hMH,

pr pl norna,n}]:x

,[I;aBaii:Te BhiiiheM Let's have a drink

pl 6e,nhi ; 6e,na B TOM, qTO . . . the trouble i s that . . .

3aKp6IO, 3aKp6ernh; 3aKphiBaTh nom pl 3Be3.n;hi, g pl 3Be3.n;

npoBe.n;y, rrpoBe.n;eiiih, past npoBen, npoBena; npoBo.n;liTh

pa3Mephi proportions, dimensions pa3peiiiy, pa3peiiiHrnh;

pa3pernaTh i d HeqeMy; inst HeqeM; pr He o

qeM; Heqero .n;enaTh There is nothing to do

co6epych, co6epernhcjl, past co6pancjl, co6panach; co6npaThC.si i

,IJ;BHHYThCj! p g pl JIO,IJ;OK



1095 . Ha3BaHHe 1096. rrpaBHJibHbiH 1097. rrycT6ii 1098. carr6r 1099. cKopee 1 100. .n;aJibHeHIIIHH 1 1 o 1 . )l(ypHaJI

1 102. 11:H6o

1 103. TeJieBH30p

1 104. paKeTa 1 105 . crroc66HOCTh f 1 106. aKa.n;eMHg 1 107. arreqa T JieHHe 1 108. .n;peBHHH 1 109 . HMeThCg i

1 1 10. O)I(H,naTh i +a or +g 1 1 1 1 . rrapox6.n; 1 1 1 2. nepeiiT:H p +a or

qepe3 +a

1 1 1 3 . pa3opy)l(eHHe 1 1 14. c11e.n; 1 1 15 . y.nap 1 1 16 . BHeiiiHHH 1 1 17 . HO)I( 1 1 1 8 . rpy�h f

1 1 19 . Hcqe3aTh i 1 120. KpaHHHH 1 1 2 1 . Mop}]:K 1 122. Hao6op6T

1 1 23. OTKpbiBaTh i +a 1 124. nepe.n;oB6ii 1 1 25 . rrpHHQHII 1 126. TaHHa 1 1 27 . THXHH 1 128. ycTaHOBHTb p +a


name; title (book) correct, right empty boot; jackboot quicker; rather further magazine, periodical;

journal, register or

television (set)

rocket ability academy impression ancient to be, be available

to wait (for); to expect steamer to cross

disarmament footprint; trace, vestige blow, strike exterior knife breast

to disappear extreme sailor on the contrary, vice

versa, the other way round

to open; to discover advanced; progressive principle secret, mystery quiet, calm to set up, establish


g sg canora; g pl carr6r cKopee acer6 most probably B .n;aJihHeiirneM henceforth

11:H6o . . . , 11:H6o either . . . , or

CMOTpeTh TeJieBH30p to watch television

(3rd pers only) HMeeTcg, HMeiOTcg

no p

nepeii.n;y, rrepeii.n;eiiih , past rrepeiiieJI, rrepeiiiJia; nepexo.n;HTh

nom pl cJie,LJ;hi

BHernHgg rroJIHTHKa foreign policy g sg HO)I(a pr sg o rpy.n;H B rpy.n;lf, g pl

rpy.n;eii :ucqe3HYTb p

g sg MopgKa

OTKpbiTh p rrepe.n;oBag eTa Th}]: leading article



1 1 30. BepHbiH faithful, correct, reliable, sure

1 1 3 1 . Bop6Ta nom pl gate, gates g pl BOpOT 1 1 3 2 . .uBop( e )u palace g sg .uBopua 1 1 33 . 30JIOTO gold 1 1 34 . OTKpbiTHe opening; discovery 1 1 35 . oTcK>.ua from here; hence 1 1 36 . cneuHanlicT specialist 1 1 37 . ,ll;JIHHa length ,ll;JIHH6ii B ,nBa MeTpa two metres

long 1 1 38 . Ha6mo.uaTh i +a to observe, watch 3a + inst to watch over 1 1 39. HeMe,UJieHHO immediately, forthwith 1 140. HeMeUKHH German (adj) 1 14 1 . llOBhiiiieHHe rise, increase; promotion 1 142. nonyqHThCSI p to tum out, work out, IIOJiyqHTCSI; nonyqa ThCSI i

result 1 143. corJiaCHThCSI p C +inst to agree (with) (Ha cor naiiiych, cor nacliiiihCSI;

+a to) cornaiiiaThCSI i 1 144 . yqacTHe participation; sympathy npHHHMaTb yqacTHe B +pr

to take part in 1 145 . BeCeJIO merrily, cheerfully HaM 6hiJIO Beceno We enjoyed

ourselves 1 146. 3aMeqaTh i +a to notice 3aMeTHTh p 1 147. JieBbiH left; left-wing 1 148 . MOCKOBCKHH Moscow (adj) 1 149. llOCTO}]:HHhiH constant, permanent IIOCTO}]:HHhiH a.upec permanent

address 1 1 50. npHKa3 command, order OT,UaTh npHKa3 to issue an order 1 1 5 1 . poMaH novel; love affair,

romance 1 152. eM ex laughter, laugh 1 153 . TBep,UhiH hard, firm, solid 1 1 54. TOH (nom pl TOHhi , g pl

TO HOB) tone, musical tone; (nom pl TOHa, g pl TOHOB) colour tone, tint

1 1 55 . a6COJIIDTHO absolutely 1 1 56. 6pocaTh i +a to throw; to abandon, 6pOCHTh p

give up 1 157 . ,ll;eTanh f detail; component (of

machine) 1 1 58 . o6neM volume, capacity, size 1 1 59 . HHTepeCHO interestingly; it is




1 160. KHH)I(Ka

1 1 6 1 . Kypc

1 162. rr611sa 1 1 63. HH3KHH 1 164. OlfeBH�HO 1 1 65. IThiJih f 1 1 66. CBeTJihiH 1 167. cephiH 1 168. aHaJIH3 1 169. BJIH.HHHe

1 170. BCTpeqaThC$1 i c +inst 1 17 1 . ITOBepHTh p

1 172. ITOMOJilfaTh p

1 173 . PYKOBO,[(CTBO

1 174. aTOMHhiH

1 175. rpaHH:Qa 1 176. 3ai:QHTa

1 177. Kyc( 0 )K

1 178 . MOJilfaHHe

1 179. HasepHoe ( =HasepHo) 1 1 80. HeO)I(H�aHHO 1 1 8 1 . napa 1 1 82. ITJiaT(O)K

1 1 83 . rrpaKTHlfeCKHH

1 1 84. rrpe,n;en 1 1 85. CTeHKa

1 1 86. cymecTs6 1 1 87 . THIIIHHa

1 1 88 . TOBap

1 1 89. BepiiiHHa


(small) book

course, course of study; rate of exchange

soil low obviously dust light, bright grey analysis influence

to meet (s.o.) to believe ( +d s.o. or sth)

(B +a in s.o. or sth) to be silent for a while

leadership; guide, manual


frontier; limit defence



probably unexpectedly pair, couple shawl, kerchief


limit wall, partition, side

essence; being, creature quiet, silence

commodity, article

summit, peak

g pl KHH)I(eK; 3arrHcHa$1 KHH)I(Ka notebook

pr sg 0 IIbiJIH, B IIhiJIH cseTJia$1 KOMHaTa light room cepbiH BOJIK grey wolf

OKa3aTh BJIH.HHHe Ha + a to influence s.o. or sth

BCTpeTHThC$1 p BepHTh i


a TOMHa$1 3JieKTpOCTaH:QH$1 atomic power station

3a rpaHH:Qe:H abroad no pl; B 3ai:QHTY KOrO-HH6y,n;h

in defence of s.o. g sg KYCKa; KYCOK caxapa

sugar lump �oJiqaHHe - 3HaK corJiaCH$1

Silence gives consent

napa carror a pair of boots g sg rrJiaTKa; Hocoso:H rrJiaToK

handkerchief rrpaKTifqecKHii orrhiT practical

experience B rrpe.n;eJiax +g within g pl CTeHOK; CTeHKH Tpy6KH

sides of a tube )I(HBoe cymecTBO living creature HapyiiiHTh THIIIHHY to break the

silence TOBaphi IIIHpOKOrO IIOTpe6JieHH$1

consumer goods sepiiiHHa ropbi mountain peak

1 190. B3ph1B

1 19 1 . BHHOBaThiR 1 192. BbipaCTH p

1 193 . rpa)I(,LJ;aHCKHR 1 194 . ,LJ;e.SITeJih m

1 195 . ,LJ;O)I(,LJ;h m

1 196. Ha3hiBa ThC.SI i 1 197. HaXO,LJ;HTh i +a 1 198 . HeB03MO)I(H0

1 199. o6ern;a Th i/p +d 1200. II03BOJI.HTb i +d

120 1 . rrorrpocHTh p +a +inf

1202. poJlh f 1 203. cecTpa

1 204. CJie,LJ;OBaTeJlhHO 1 205 . CTOJIHQa

1 206. yrracTh p

1 207. <l>Hrypa 1 208. Qaph m 1 209. 6e,LJ;HhiR 1 2 1 0. BepXHHR 1 2 1 1 . Bcne,LJ; 3 a + inst 1 2 1 2. 3aCTaBHTh p +a +inf

1 2 1 3 . H3MeHeHHe

1 2 14. HOCHTh i +a 1 2 1 5 . oc66eHHOCTh f 1 2 1 6. pa,LJ; short adj 1 2 1 7 . pe3KO


guilty, to blame to grow

civil, civic agent, figure


to be called to find impossibly; it is

impossible to promise (s.o.) to permit (s.o.)

to ask (s.o. to do sth)

role sister

consequently, therefore capital (city)

to fall

figure tsar poor upper after to compel, force

change, alteration


rrpOH3BeCTH B3phiB to cause an explosion

OH He BHHOBaT It' s not his fault B:bipacTy, B:bipacTelllh, past

B:bipoc, B:bipocna; BhipacTa Th rpa)I(,LJ;aHcKa.SI BORHa civil war rocy,LJ;apcTBeHHhiR ,LJ;e.SITenh

statesman g sg ,LJ;O)I(,LJ;}}; IIO,LJ; ,ll;O)I(,LJ;eM in the

rain Ha3BaThC.SI p HaXO)I(y, HaXO,LJ;HIIIh; HaRTH p Er6 ueB03MO)I(HO HaRTH He can't

be found p also rro-II03Bon.HIO, II03BOJI.Helllh;

II03BOJIHTh p rrorrpoiiiy, rrorrp6CHII1h; rrpocHTh

i; .51- rrorrpocHJI er6 BORTH I asked him to come in

nom pl p6nH, g pl poneR nom pl cecTphi, g pl cecTep, d pl

CeCTpaM, inst pl CeCTpaMH, pr pl CeCTpax

)I(HTh B CTOJIHQe to 1i ve in the capital

yrra,LJ;) \ yrra,LJ;elllh; past yrran yrrana; IIa,LJ;aTh i

cTpORHa.SI <l>Hrypa shapely figure g sg Qap.H, inst sg QapeM 6e,LJ;Hhie .mb,LJ;H poor people BepxH.SI.SI rr6JIKa upper berth Bcne,LJ; 3a HHM after him 3aCTaBJIIO, 3aCTaBHIIlh;

3acTaBJI.HTh i; Ou 3acTaB:un Hac B:biyqHTh Bce cnoBa He forced us to learn all the words

BHeCTH H3MeHeHH.SI B + a to make changes in

to carry (around); wear HOIIly, HOCHIIIh; indet of HeCTH peculiarity, special feature B oc66eHHOCTH in particular glad f pa,LJ;a, pl pa,LJ;hi sharply, abruptly I1or6,LJ;a pe3KO H3MeHHJiach There

was a sharp change in the weather



1 2 1 8 . 3BOH(O)K 1 2 1 9. HCIIhiTclHHe 1220. He06XO,ll;HMOCTh f

1 22 1 . o6cTaHOBKa

1 222. rreqa Th f

1 223. IIOBO,ll;

1 224. IIOCTO}]:HHO

1226. CTaKaH 1 227. TOqHhiH 1228. yexaTh p

1229. IIIHpOKO

1 230. B03MO)I(HbiH

1232. KOMHCCH� 1233 . reKTap

1234. HaHTHCh p

1235 . 6naro,n;apHTh i +a 3a + a

1236. 6necT}]:I.UHH 1237. Bee

1238 . Bpaq

1239. )l(eJIThiH 1240. KpHK 124 1 . HhJHqe (coil) 1 242. o6ecrreqHTh p


bell, ring; telephone call g sg 3BOHKa test, trial; ordeal necessity no pi; B 3TOM HeT Heo6xo,n;lf-

environment, situation; furniture

seal, stamp; print, printing

cause, grounds

constantly, perpetually

to be meant

glass, tumbler exact, precise to go away, leave (by

transport) widely, broadly


(detailed) study (of)

commission, committee hectare ( 10 ,000 square

metres, 2 .5 acres) to be found, tum up

to thank (s.o. for sth)

shining, bright, brilliant weight


yellow cry, shout now (= Terreph) ; today (+a + inst) to supply s.o.

with sth; (+a) assure, guarantee

MOCTH It is not essential no pl

cBo66,n;a neqaTH freedom of the press

K!,n;n� for; no rr6Bo,n;y +g concerning, apropos of

OH nocTo}]:HHO He,n;oBoJieH He is always dissatisfied

pa3yMeeTc�; rro,n; 3THM pa3yMeeTc� this implies; caM6 co66ii pa3yMeeTc� it goes without saying

cTaKaH qa10 a glass of tea ToqHhiH rrepeB6,n; exact translation ye,n;y, ye,n;eiiih; ye3)1(a Th i

IIIHpoK6 ynhi6aThC� to smile broadly

B03MO)I(Hhie peiiieHH� possible solutions

no pl; H3yqeHHe npHpo,n;hi study of nature

Haii,n;ych, Haii,n;eiiihc�; past HaiiieJIC�, HaiiiJiclCh; HaXO,ll;HThC.SI i

no- p; linaro,n;apJb Bac I thank you

6necT}]:�Hii yM brilliant mind nom pl Beca; Bee rraKeTa weight

of a packet g sg Bpaqa; 0Ha JIJb6HT Bpaqeif

She likes doctors

KpHK BOCT6pra cry of joy

o6ecrreqy, o6ecrreqHIIIh; o6ecrreqHBa Th i

1 243. no3T 1 244. p(o)T

1245. co6aKa 1 246. coce,n;H:uii 1247. TyMaH 1 248. Kan:uTaH 1 249. cp:unococp:u� 1 250. ,n;oKa3aTb p +a

1 25 1 . 3,ll;Op0Bhe

1252. H3BHHHTb p +a

1 253 . orn:H6Ka

1254. cyMeTh p + p inf 1 255 . ToTqac 1 256. Bar6H 1257. BCTpeqaTh i +a 1 258 . ropeTh i

1 259 . .n;aneKHii 1260. KaHan

1 26 1 . npaKTHKa

1262. co)l(aneH:ue 1263. yKpenneHHe

1 264. 6hiT

1 265 . .n;enaThc� 1266. Kphiiiia 1267. He,IJ;OCTaT(O)K

1 268. oTpacnh f

1 269. no,n;aTh p

1 270. llO:UCK

poet mouth

dog neighbouring, next fog, mist captain philosophy to demonstrate, prove


to pardon


to be able to, manage to immediately carriage, coach, wagon to meet to bum, be alight

distant, remote canal; channel


regret strengthening

way of life, everyday life


g sg pTa; pr sg BO pTy, o pTe, nom pl pThl, g pl pTOB

coce,n;H�� KOMHaTa next room

,IJ;OKa)l(y, ,IJ;OKa)l(eiiih; ,[(OKa3hiBa Th i

BhiiiheM 3a ee 3,ll;Op0Bhe ! Let 's drink to her health !

H3B:uH}]:Th i; l13BHHHTe ! I 'm sorry !

g pl orn:H6oK; no orn:H6Ke by mistake

cyMeiO, cyMeernh; yMeTh i OH ToTqac yexan He left at once BaroH-pecTopaH restaurant car BCTpeT:UTh p roplb, rop:Hrnh; 3a- p; r open

cBeT There was a light on ,n;aneK:uii ropo,n; distant town ,n:unnoMa T:HqecKHe KaHanhi

diplomatic channels pa3rOBOpHa� npaKTHKa

conversation practice K co)l(aneHHIO unfortunately yKpenneH:ue o6opoHhi

strengthening of defence pr sg B 6hiTy; cey)l(6a 6hiTa

consumer services ( +inst) to become; be done c- p roof defect; ( +g or B +pr) g sg He,n;ocTaTKa

shortage (of) branch (of science,

industry, government, etc.)

to give; to serve (food)


no,n;aM, no.n;arnh, no.n;acT, no.n;a,n;:HM, no.n;a,n;:M:Te, no.n;a,n;yT, past n6.n;an, no.n;ana, no,nano; llO,IJ;aBaTh i; llO,[(aTh npHMep to set an example

B n6:ucKax ( + g ) in search of



1 27 1 . nopT

1 272. peuniTh i +a

I 273 . cau.nauue

1 274. Tpe6oaauue

1 275 . qepTa

1 276. lliTaT

1 277. B3.UOXHYTh p

1 278 . 3anucKa

1 279. 63epo

1 280. oprauuJoaaTh i/p +a

1 28 1 . nycKaTh i +a

1 282. CHHMclTh i +a

1 283 . C03HclHHe

1 284. TenJI6

1 285 . o6pamaThc.s�

1 286. npe)KHHH 1 287. npOCTpaHCTBO

1 288 . COCTaBHTh p +a

1 289. cnyTHHK

1 290. CTpeJI}jTh B +a

or no +d

1 29 1 . B,UOJlh +g

1 292. BCTpeTHThC.SI p c +inst

1 293. .UOKyMeHT i

1 294. MetJTaTb i 0 +pr

1 295 . 06hilfHO

1 296. npo.nyKT



to decide; solve

meeting, rendezvous


feature, trait; l ine

staff (of institution) ;

state (of the USA,


to sigh

note (written)


to organize

to allow; let in; let go

to take off; photograph


pr sg B nopTy, 0 llOpTe; nom pl

n6pTbi , g pl nopTOB

pelllHTh p

ua3HalfHTb cBH.llaHHe to arrange

a meeting; .llO cau,llaHu.s�


npoaecTH qepTy to draw

a line

B3)].0XHY, B3)].0XHelllh;

B3)J;biXa Tb i

g pi 3anHCOK; nocJiaTb 3anHCKY

to send a note

nom pl o3epa, g pl o3ep

o praHH3yiO , opraHH3yelllh;

i in past opraHH30BbiBaTh

nycTHTh p


KJJaccoaoe co3HaHHe class


warmly; it is warm; n.SITb rpa.n.ycoa Tenna five

warmth degrees above zero

(K + d ) to tum to; (B +a) o6paTHThC.SI p

tum into; ( c +inst)

handle sth , treat s.o.


space, expanse

to make up, compose,


travelling companion;


to shoot (at)


to meet (s.o.)


to (day) dream (about)



KOCMHtJecKoe npocTpancTso

outer space



B.LJ.OJih peKH along the river

BCTpeqych, BCTpeTHllibC.SI;

BCTpelfaTbC.SI i

npo.nyKTbi produce, provisions,


1 297 . ceKyH,n:a

1 298. CeJihCKOX03}}:H-CTBeHHhiH

1 299. CTpaHHhiH 1 300. XBaTMTh p

1 30 1 . 6paTCKHH

1 302. BCTaBaTb i 1 303 . ,n:oiiTM p ,n:o +g

1 304. ,IJ:OCTH)J(eHHe 1 305 . 3aHTH p

1 306. MepTBhiH 1 307. MoryqHH 1 308. MOTOp 1 309. He3aBHCHMOCTh f

1 3 10. onpe,n:eJIHTh p +a 1 3 1 1 . nocn}rrnaTh p +a 1 3 1 2. npe,n:cTaBneHHe

1 3 1 3 . llpHMeHeHHe 1 3 14. TPY ,IJ:HOCTh f 1 3 1 5 . y,n:OBOJihCTBHe 1 3 16 . Y3KHH 1 3 17 . 6o(e)u 1 3 1 8 . BhiCTYllHTh p

1 3 19 . )J(aJIKO

1 320. MaCCOBhiH 1 32 1 . MeHhiiie 1 322. MeqTa 1 323. HOqHOH 1 324. o6paTHO 1 325. OllaCHOCTh f 1 326. OTKa3aTbC� p

1 327. llOJIK



strange (3rd pers +g ) to be


fraternal, brotherly

to get up; stand up to reach (s.o. or sth)

achievement (K +d ) to call on s.o. ;

(3a + a) go behind, set (of sun)

dead powerful motor, engine independence

to define, determine to listen (to) presentation; performance;

notion, conception application, use difficulty pleasure narrow fighter, soldier to speak (publicly);

appear in public pitifully; it ' s a pity;

( +g ) be sorry for mass (adj) less dream, daydream night (adj) back (adv) danger (+inf) to refuse (to do

sth); ( OT +g ) renounce (sth)



qepe3 ,ABe ceKYHAhi two seconds later

xBaTHT; xBaTaTh i; BpeMeHH xBaTHT There will be enough time

6paTCKHe cTpaHhi fraternal countries

BCTaiD, BCTaeiiih; BCTaTh p ,AOH.Ay, ,AOH,Aeiiih, pa� ,AOlli��

,[(OiliJia; ,[(OXO,[(MTh i

3aii.Ay, 3aii,Aernh; past 3arnen, 3arnna; 3axo,[(MTh i

MOryqa� apMH.SI powerful army MOT6p aBTOMo611:n.SI car engine 6oph6a 3a He3aBMCHMOCTh

independence struggle onpe,Aen}):Th 1


g sg 6oiiua BhiCTYllJIIO, BhiCTYllHIIIh;

BhiCTynaTb i MHe er6 )J(aJIKo I 'm sorry for him

no g pl

Ty.Aa 11 o6paTHo there and back

OTKa)J(yCh, OTKa)J(elllhC.SI; OTKa3hiBaThC.SI i

g sg llOJIKa, pr sg B llOIIKY



1 328. IIOJIHOCThiO 1329. IIOIIhiTKa 1 330. rrp6 IIInoe n ad j 1 33 1 . p:uc 1 332. CIIOKOHHhiH 1333 . yr(o)nh m

1 334. yqpe)l(,n:eH:ue 1 335 . ll.leKa

1 336. B63pacT 1 337. rpOMKO 1 338 . ,lJ:hiM 1 339. )l(eJiaH:ue 1 340. 3a66Ta 1 34 1 . :ucrr6Jih30BaH:ue 1 342. KpacoTa 1 343. MOI.llHhiH 1 344. IIOCTeiieHHO 1 345 . rrpe3H,LJ:eHT 1 346. p:b16a 1 347. cne,n:HTh i 3a +inst 1 348. CXBaTHTh p +a

1 349. TeMHOTa 1 350. TpaBa 1 35 1 . Tj{)l(eJI6

1 352. y nyqiiieH:ue 1 353 . yn:bi6Ka 1 354. yqeH:ue 1 355. r.JI}'rrhiH 1 356. 3aT6

1 357. n(o)6 1 358 . HeMaJIO 1 359. IIOKOJieHHe 1 360. paceM a TPHBa Th i +a 1 36 1 . yqliTeJih m 1 362. BH,LJ::UMO 1 363. BOeBaTh i 1 364. BhiCTYIIJieH:ue


fully, completely attempt the past rice calm coal

establishment, institution cheek

age loudly smoke wish, desire care, trouble utilization beauty powerful gradually president fish


g sg yrn}}, nom pl yrn:u/yroJih.SI, g pl yrneii/yronheB

a sg :ru:eKy, g sg :ru:eKH, nom pl I.l(eKH, g pl I.l(eK, d pl I.l(eKaM

pr sg B ,n:hiMy, nom pl ,n:hiMhi

nom pl Kpac6Thi

to watch, keep an eye on cJie)l(y, cne,n:HIIIh to seize, grab CXBa qy, CXBa T:UIIIh ; XBa Ta Tb i/

darkness grass; herb heavily; gravely; it is

hard, painful improvement smile learning, study, instruction stupid, silly in compensation, on

the other hand

forehead not a little, a good many generation to examine, consider teacher evidently to wage war speech; (public)



nom pl TpaBhi

g pl YJihi60K

�OM ,n:aJieKO OT QeHTpa, JaTO MeTp6 p}},n:oM The house is far from the centre, but (on the other hand) the metro is nearby

g sg n6a, pr sg Ha n6y

paCCMOTpeTh p nom pl yq:uTen}}

BOIOIO, Bolbeiiih

1 365 . IDHOIIIa 1366. 3HaqJ1TeJihHO

1367. H3-IIO,LJ; +g

1368. neqh p

1369. rrorrp66oBaTh p +a

1 370. rrpOMhiiiiJieHHhiH 1 37 1 . cna6hiH 1372. co6HpaTh i +a 1 373. CTYJI 1374. <PoTorpa<PHj{ 1375. uerrh f

1 376. BOCCTaHHe 1 377. 3a,n;aHHe 1378. 3aCMe.S:TbCSI p

1379. HaBepHO 1380. o6paTHThCSI p

138 1 . OKT}]:6ph m 1 382. OTJIHqaThCSI 1

1 383 . IIOBTOp.S:Tb i +a

1 384. co,n;ep)l(aHHe 1 385. ycTpOHTh p +a 1 386. Ba)I(HO 1 387. Bepa 1388. ,[(eMOKpaTJ1qeCKHH 1 389. ,[(OJir 1 390. 3HMa

1 39 1 . KpeiiKO 1 392. M6nqa 1 393. rrepex6,[( 1 394. II03HaKOMHThCj! p

(a) youth significant! y,

considerably from under

to lie down

to try, taste

industrial weak to collect, gather chair photograph chain

uprising task, assignment to laugh

probably, most likely


g pl IDHOIIIeii

H3-IIO,[( cTona from under the table; 6yThiJIKa H3-IIO,[( MOJIOKa milk bottle

n.S:ry, JI.S:)I(eiiih, n.S:ryT, past ner, nerna, imperative n»r(Te) ! ; JIO)I(HThCSI i

rrorrp66yw, rrorrp66yeiiih; rrp66oBaTh i

co6paTh p nom pl CTYJihSI, g pl CTYJiheB

pr sg 0 QeiiH, Ha QeiiH, nom pl QeiiH, g pl QerreH

3aCMeiDCh, 3aCMeeiiihCSI; CMe.S:TbCSI i

(K + d ) to tum to; (B +a) o6pamych, o6paTHIIIhCSI; tum into; (c +inst) o6pamaThCSI handle sth, treat s.o.

October to distinguish os;

(oT +g i only) differ

to repeat

content (noun) to arrange, organize it is important faith, belief democratic debt; (sg only) duty winter


g sg OKTj{6p}]: OTJIHqHThCSI p; qeM OTJIHqaeTCSI

YHHBepCHTeT OT HHCTHTyTa? What's the difference between a university and an institute?


ycTpaHBaTh i

pr sg B ,[(Onry, nom pl ,n;onrlf a sg 3HMy, g sg 3HMhi, nom pl


in silence, without speaking crossing, transition to become acquainted II03HaKOMJIIOCh,



c +inst

1 395. rropTpeT 1 396. qy.uo

1 397. 6oK 1 398. BBeCTH p +a

1 399. ,l1;epXGl ThC.si i

1400. )l(aJieTh i +a

140 1 . HJyqaTh i +a 1402. HTclK

1403 . Ha,lJ;e.siThC.si 1404. HaCTpOeHHe 1405 . 66JiaKO 1406. O,lJ;HOBpeMeHHO 1407. OTOHTH p OT +g

1408. IIOH.si:THe 1409. IIOT( O)K 14 10. PO.llHThC.si p

141 1 . CTOHMOCTh 1412. CTpeMJieHHe 14 13 . TeppHTOpH.si 14 14. BHCeTh i 14 15 . BHH3 14 16. r6pHhiH 1417 . ropO.llCKOH 14 1 8 . ,lJ;HBclH


14 19. 3arOBOpHTh p 1420. KCTclTH

142 1 . o6pa3(e)n: 1422. rrpnHa.llJie)l(a Th

1423. CY.ll 1424. aBTOM06HJih m 1425. a,l1;pec


with; meet

portrait marvel, miracle

side to bring in, introduce

(3a +a) to hold on (to); (+g ) keep to

to pity, feel sorry for; ( o +pr) regret

to study so, so then

to hope mood cloud simultaneously to move away (from) ;

depart (train)

concept, notion stream, flow to be born

cost, value striving, aspiration, desire territory to hang, be hanging down mountain (adj) ; mining urban, town (adj) divan, couch

II03HaKOMHillhC.si; 3HaKOMHThC.SI i

nom pl qy )l;eca, g pl qy ,lJ;ec, d pl qy.llecaM

pr sg Ha 6oKy, nom pl 6oKa BBe.lly, BBe,IJ;elllh , past BBeJI,

BBeJia; BBO,lJ;HTh i ,l1;ep)l(yCh, ,l1;ep)I(HillhC.si

HJyqlfTh p 11TaK, Terreph see .siCHo So now

everything is clear Ha.lleiDch, Ha.lleelllhc.s�

nom pl o6naKa, g pl o6naK6B

oTOH.llY, oToif.llelllh , past OTOilleJI, OTOIIlJia; OTXO,ll;HTb i; OTOHTH OT OKHa to move away from the window

po)l(yCh, pO.llHillhC.si, past PO.llMJIC.si, PO.llHJlclCh; pO)I(,lJ;a TbC.si i

no pi


to start speaking JarosapHBaTh incidentally, by the way;

opportunely model, pattern g sg o6pa3n:a ( +d ) to belong to; (K +d ) rrpHHa,lJ;Jie)l(y, npHHa,lJ;Jie)I(Hillh

be a member of court (of law); trial car address

g sg cy,n;a

nom pi a,l1;peca

1426. BBepx 1427 . B3gThC� p 3a +a

1428. .UYXOBHhiH 1429. HHOCTpaHHhiH 1430. JIHTepaTypHhiH 14 3 1 . JIO)I(HThCj� i 1432. HaiiOMHHaTh i +d

o +pr 1433. OCTOpO)I(HO 1434. no6e.UHTh p +a

1435 . IIOJie3HhiH 1436. npe.unaraTh i +a +d

1437 . pacqeT [cq =m] 1438. yBepeHHhiH 1439. 6one3Hh f 1440. Brrepe.ull 144 1 . BCK6pe 1442. )l(eJie3o 1443. HaBCTpeqy +d 1444. o6na.uaTh i +inst

1445 . onaCHhiH 1446. nonTopa numeral

1448. TPY.UOBOH 1449. yqacTBOBaTh i B 1450. me� 145 1 . JO)I(HhiH 1452. 6p6CHThC� p

1453. BCe06IUHH 1454. .uorOBOp

1455. 3aXOTeTb p +inf

1456. KOpOTKHH



upwards to take hold of; to take up, B03hMYCh, B03hMernhc�, past

get down to B3gJic�, B3Rnach; 6paThCR i spiritual foreign literary to lie down to remind (s.o. of sth.)

carefully, cautiously to defeat, conquer

useful to offer, propose

(sth to s .o.) calculation confident, sure illness ahead soon iron towards to possess

dangerous one and a half

JIO)I(YCh, JIO)I(HIIIhCR; neqh p HaiiOMHHTh p

no 1 st person sg, no6e.u:Urnh; no6e)l(.uaTh i

npe,llJIO)I(HTh p

short forms: yBepeH, yBepeHa

o6na,LJ;aTh xop6rnHM yM6M to have a good brain

with f nouns noJITop:bi; g, d, inst, pr IIOJIYTOpa; IIOJITOpa rO,l];a 1 .5 years

( + inst) to be considered; OH cqHTaeTCR reHHeM He is ( c + inst) take into account

labour, work (adj) to take part in neck southern to rush, throw oneself

general; universal agreement; treaty;

contract to want


considered a genius; C 3THM MO)I(HO He cqHTaThCR This can be ignored

6p6rnych, 6pOCHllihCR; 6pocaThCR i

3axoqy, 3ax6qelllh, 3ax6qeT, 3aXOTHM, 3aXOTHTe, 3aXoT}]:T; XOTeTb i


1457. KYJihTYPHbiH 1 45 8. M.HrK:UH 1 459. OM

1460. pa3B:UBaTbC� 1 46 1 . T�HYTh i +a 1462. uenoBaTh i +a 1 463. BeqHbiH 1 464. �HBapb m 1 465 . o6Hapy)I(HTh p +a 1 466. oc66eHHhiH 1 467. IIO,LJ;rOTOBKa K +d 1468. rrp:u,LJ;yMaTh p +a 1469. pe,naKu:u� 1 470. C06CTBeHHOCTh f

1 47 1 . crp6ro 1 472. y6e,LJ;HThC� p B +pr

1473. yrp63a 14 7 4. yH:uqro)I(HTh p +a 1 475 . rpy3 1476. 3,nop6BhiH 1477. KOJihi(O

1478. KQHq:UTb p +a 1479. Mern(6)K 1 480. MOCT 148 1 . CMeHa

1482. CHHM( 0 )K 1483. renera 1 484. T:UII 1 485. TOpOIIHThC� 1486. cp:u3Jiqecx:u:R 1 487. BeCTh f 1488. BO,LJ;Ka 1489. roBOpHThC�

1 490. ,neB5lTb 149 1 . 3aKOHq:UTh p +a 1492. Kpyr JihiH 1493. MOpaJih f


cultured, civilized; cultural soft; gentle o; oh (expressing

surprise or fright) to develop to pull, drag to kiss eternal January to reveal; discover special , particular preparation (for) to think up, invent editorial office; editing property (something


strictly to convince oneself,

become sure (of sth) threat

pa3BHThC� p T�HY, r.HHeiiih neeyw, neeyeiiih; rronenoBaTh p

g sg �HBap.H 06Hapy)I(HBaTh

no pl IIp:U,ll;YMhiBa Th

qacrHa� c66crBeHHOCTh private property; c66CTBeHHOCTb Ha 3eMJIIO ownership of land

no 1 st pers sg, y6e,n:HIIIhc�; y6e)l(,n:a rhc�

to destroy; do away with yH:uqro)l(aTh load; cargo healthy ring (i.e. small hoop) nom pi KOJihQa, g pi Konen, d pi

KOJihQaM to finish; graduate KoHqa Th i

bag, sack g sg MeiiiKa bridge pr sg Ha MOCTy, nom pl MOCThl changing; shift (e.g

in ,factory); replacement photograph g sg CHHMKa cart type; (coll) bloke, fellow to hurry, be in a hurry roporr.mbch, rop6rr:uiiihc�; no- p physical piece of news nom pl Becr:u, g pl Becre:R vodka

to be said rOBOpHTC�; KaK rOBOpMTC.H as they say

nine g, d, pr ,n:eB�TH, inst ,n:eB�ThiD to finish 3aKaHq:uBaTh round morals, morality; moral no pl

(of a story)

1494. HeMHO)I(KO 1495 . o6:U,na 1496. 06hiKHOBeHHhiH 1497. OKOHqaTeJihHO 1498. noro,nHTh p

1499. nO-MOeMy

1500. nOMOIIJ;HHK [m = ill]

150 1 . nhRHhiH

1502. coe,nHHeHHe

1 503. TOJina 1 504. y,napHTh p +a 1 505 . xy)l(e 1506. e,nHHhiH 1 507. 3JIOH

1 508. Ha3HaqeHHe

1 509. 6ceHh f 1 5 1 0. nap 1 5 1 1 . nOBTOpHTh p +a 1 5 1 2 . nones6ii 1 5 1 3 . npoqecTh p +a

1 5 14 . C06CTBeHHO

1 5 1 5 . CTapHHHhiH 1 5 1 6 . CTOJIOBaj� f adj

1 5 1 7 . cyx6ii 1 5 1 8. Tep�Th i +a 1 5 1 9 . rOTOBHTh i +a

1 520. ,nep)l(asa

1 52 1 . 3aCTaBJIRTh i +a +inf

1 522. Konec6 1523 . neTeTb i

( coll) a little, a bit offence, insult usual; ordinary finally, definitively to wait a little

in my opinion; as I would have it

assistant drunk

joining, combination; joint, join (tech)

crowd to strike, hit worse single, sole; united evil, wicked; bad-

tempered, fierce appointment (to a post);

purpose (for which sth is intended)

autumn steam to repeat field (adj) to read

strictly, properly

ancient dining-room; canteen,

refectory dry to lose to prepare; to cook


noro)l(y, noro,n:Hrnh; lloro,n:UTe ! Wait a moment !

short forms: nhj!H, fihj!Ha, nhRHo, nh�Hhl

nom pl ToJinhi y,napRTh i/6HTh

short forms 30JI m, 3Jia f

Ha3HaqeHHe HHCTpyMeHTa purpose of a tool; Hcn6Jih30BaTh qTO-HH6y,nh no Ha3HaqeHHIO to use sth for its proper purpose

pr sg B napy, nom pl nap hi nOBTOpRTh i

npoqTy, npoqTeiiih, past npoqen, npoqna; qlfTaTh i

c66cTBeHHO rosopR strictly speaking

TepRIO, TepReiiih; noTepRTh p rOTOBJIIO, rOTOBHIIIh;

npHrOTOBHTh p power (powerful country) seJIHKHe ,nep)l(aBhi the Great

Powers to force, compel (s.o. to

do sth) wheel to fly

3aCTaBJIRIO, 3aCTaBJI�eiiih; 3aCTaBHTh p

nom pl Koneca, g pl Konec neqy, neTHIIIh; det verb of motion;

noJieTeTh p



1 524. HeqTo

1 525 . IIO,LJ;aBaTb i +a 1 5 26. IIOJiaraTb i 1 527. rrporracTh p

rrp6rraCTh f 1 528. CBe)I(HH 1 529. ceBepHbiH 1 530. co6paTh p +a

1 5 3 1 . y ,LJ;HBHTeJihHbiH 1 532. yqacTHHK

something ( = qTo-To)

to serve, present, give to suppose, think to vanish, go missing,

be lost

precipice, abyss fresh north, northern to gather, collect

surprising, astonishing participant

1 533 . xo3}]:iiKa owner, proprietress; hostess

1 5 34. qeif whose

1535 . 6ecrroK6HThC.si i o +pr to worry, be worried (about)

1 536. BO-nepBbiX 1537 . Bbipa)l(eH:ue 1 538 . rope

firstly, in the first place expression grief, sorrow childhood dollar

only nom and a; HeqTo ,llpyr6e something else

IIO,llaiD, IIO,llaeiiih; IIO,LJ;aTh p no p rrporra,n:y, rrporra,n:eiiih, past

rrporran, rrporrana; rrpo rra,n:a Th i

g pl rrporracTeii

co6epy, co6epeiiih , past co6pan, co6pana, co6pano; co6:upaTh i

g pl X03}]:eK

f lfh.si, n lfbe, pl lfh:u; 3To lfh.si KH:Ura? Whose book is this?

0- p

no pl 1539. ,lleTCTBO 1 540. ,llOJIJiap 1 54 1 . .ll6n.s� portion, share; lot, fate nom pl ,n:6n:u, g pl ,n:oneii: 1 542. HTOr 1 543. Kop:u.n6p 1 544. HhiHe 1 545 . IIpH3HaTh p 1 546. cpe,lla

1 54 7 . yq:Hn:ume 1 548. 66M6a 1 549. 610p6 n indecl 1 550. BhiCIIlHH 1 55 1 . ,LJ;e,llyiilKa m 1 552. ,LJ;eHCTBHTeJibHOCTb f

1 553 . 3ace.naH:ue

1 554. KJIIOlf 1 555. Kpecno


sum, total no,n:BecT:U HT6r:u to sum up corridor now; today ( = Teneph) to admit; to recognize npH3HaBaTh (a sg cpe,n:y, d pl cpe,n:aM) g sg cpe,n:hi , nom pl cpe,n:hi

Wednesday; (a sg cpe,n:y, d pl cpe,n:aM) environment, milieu

college (vocational) bomb office highest, supreme grandfather reality; validity (of a

document) meeting, conference,

session key; spring, source armchair

g pl .ne,n:yiiieK B ,n:eii:CTBHTeJibHOCTH in reality, in

actual fact Ha 3ace,n:aH:u:u at a meeting

g sg KJIIOlfa

g pl Kpecen

1 556. OCTaBJI}]:Th i +a

1557. OCTaHOBHTh p +a

1 558. OTMeTHTh p +a

1 559. rror6,na 1 560. IIOCTyiiaTh i

1 56 1 . IIpHBO,ll.HTh i +a

1 562. pe)I(HM

1 563. peiiiHTeJihHO

1 564. cpasHeHHe

1 565 . CTpaHHO 1 566. CTpOrHH 1 567. CThl,ll.HO

1 568. TaH(e).Q 1 569. 66JihHO 1 570. ,no6p6

1 57 1 . 3aKJUOqHTh p +a

1 572. 3aHasec 1 573. Kor,n:a-To

1 574. KQHqlfThCg p 1 575. MHJIJIHap,n:

1 576. HhiHeiiiHHH 1 577. 06CTQ}]:TeJihCTBO 1 578 . OT,n:aBaTh i +a

1 579. ox

1 5 80. rrepexo,n:HTh i +a or qepe3 +a

1 5 8 1 . IIpHBhiKHYTh p K +d


to leave (sth)

to stop (sth)



to mark, note, record; to celebrate



to act; (B +a) enter (organization)

to bring, lead

rrocTyrrliTh p; rrocTyrraTh B yHHBepcHTeT to enter a university


regime; rules, regulations; diet

resolutely; definitely, absolutely

comparison no cpaBHeHHIO c + inst compared with

strangely; it is strange strict, severe it is shameful; ( + d of KaK BaM He CThi,nHo? You ought

person X) X is ashamed to be ashamed dance g sg TaH.Qa painfully; it is painful good, good deeds; goods ,[(o6p6 IIO)I(aJioBaTh ! Welcome !

(coll) to conclude; enclose;

imprison (heavy) curtain

3aKmoqy, 3aKnroqlirnh; 3aKmoqaTh i

at some time, at one time }I 6hiJI TaM Kor,na-To I was there once

to end, come to an end KoHqaThC.si i 1 ,000,000,000 (American

billion) present, present -day circumstance to give back; to give

away oh, ah (expressing regret,

annoyance) to cross, go over

to get used to; get into the habit of

rrepexo)l(y, rrepex6,nHIIIh; rrepeiiTH p

IIpHBhiKHY, IIpHBhiKHeiiih, past IIpHBhiK, IIpHBhiKJia; IIpHBhiKaTh i



1 5 82. IIpHCJI(lTh p +a

1 5 8 3 . IIpOTHBHHK 1 5 84. rrpoqHTaTh p +a 1 585 . peanhHhiil 1 586. crrJiqKa 1 587. TBopqecKHM 1 588 . TOprOBJIM

1 589. yKa3hiBaTh i +a or Ha +a

1 590. ycTaHOBKa 1 59 1 . B03,LJ;YIIIHbiM 1 592. BCID,LJ;Y 1 593. BhiiiYCKaTh i +a 1 594. )l(ypHaJIHCT 1 595. 3aXBaTHTh p +a

1 596. 3BaHHe 1 597. 3BOHHTh i +d 1 598. KOHKpeTHhiM

1 599. KpHKHYTh p 1 600. MapT 1 60 1 . MHO)I(eCTBO 1 602. o6epHyThCM p 1 603. OTIIpaBHTh p +a

1 604. IIpOTHBOpeqHe 1 605 . pe3KHM 1 606. COMHeHHe 1 607. coxpaHHTh p +a 1 608. TeMII 1 609. Tpy6a 1 6 1 0. TIOphMa 1 6 1 1 . BHHMaTeJibHO 1 6 1 2. Ja6hiBaTh i +a 1 6 1 3 . JIHIIIHHM 1 6 14. rrorli6HyTh p 1 6 1 5 . rrop6r 1 6 1 6. rrpH6:biTh p (formal)

1 6 1 7 . IIpOH3BO,LJ;HTh i +a


to send

opponent, adversary to read (= rrpoqecTh) real; realistic match, matchstick creative trade

to point out

installation; purpose air (adj) everywhere to release journalist to seize

title; calling to ring, telephone ( s .o.) concrete, specific

to shout March (month) large number to tum round to send off

contradiction sharp doubt to preserve rate, speed pipe prison attentively to forget extra, spare to perish threshold to arrive

to produce


g pi crniqeK

BHeiiiHMM Topr6BJIM foreign trade; Topr6BJIM opy)I(HeM arms trade

yKa3aTh p

BhiiiYCTHTh p

3axaaqy, 3axaaTHIIIh ; 3axaa ThiBa Th

no- p KOHKpeTHhiM rrpHMep specific

example KpHqaTh i


OTIIpas.Ji}]:Tb i


nom pl Tpy6hi nom pl rffiphMhi, g pl TibpeM

3a6:biTh p

past norll:6, norlf6na; norH6arh

IIpH6y�y, IIpH6y,LJ;eiiih, pa� IIpM6hiJI, IIpH6hiJia, IIpH6hiJIO; IIpH6hiBaTh i


1 6 1 8 . rrp6ch6a 1 6 1 9. COCTOsiThCji p 1620. TBopqecTBO 1 62 1 . ye3)IGi Th i 1622. yHHsepcHTeT 1 623. aKa�eMHK 1624. 6HTBa 1 625 . B3pOCJihiH 1626. Karrnjf 1 627. KOHTpOJih m 1 628. MH6roe n adj 1629. HeiiOHsiTHhiH 1 630. HH)I(HHH 1 63 1 . ocymecTsneHHe 1 632. rrpespamaThCjf i B +a 1633. rrporpecc 1634. IIYHKT 1635. pe�KHH 1 636. co�ep)l(aTh i 1637. coo6maTh i +a +d

1 638. yBa)l(eHHe 1639. y)l(ac 1 640. QBeTHOH

1 64 1 . map

1 642. BpaTh i

1 643. �aMa 1 644. �eMOKpaTHji 1 645 . �epes}}HHhiH 1 646. HCTHHa 1 647. Hcqe3HYTh p 1 648. KaMeHHhiH 1 649. JII06HMbiH 1 650. OTTy�a 1 65 1 . IIOBe�eHHe 1 652. IIOBeCTH p +a

1 653. IIOCTOsiTh p 1 654. IIOTpe6HOCTb f 1 655 . pyKaB 1 656. COe,IJ;HHeHHhiH

request to take place creative work to leave university academician battle adult drop checking much incomprehensible lower carrying out to tum into progress point rare to contain to communicate (sth

to s.o.) respect horror coloured


to tell lies; talk nonsense

lady democracy wooden truth to vanish stone (adj) favourite from there behaviour to lead

to stand for a while need sleeve united


COCTOHTCji; no i

yexaTh p

g pl Karrenh

rrpeBpaTHTbCji p

co�ep)J(HT coo6ru:RTh p

useTHOH Tenes:R3op colour television

nom pl map:b1; 3eMH6i1: map the globe

apy, apemh; co- p

IIOBe�y, IIOBe�emb, past IIOBeJI, IIOBena; BeCTH i


g sg pyKasa, nom pl pyKaBa Coe�HHeHHhie illTaThi AMepHKH

(CillA) United States of America



1 657. Tpy,nHThC� i 1 65 8. <f>aMHJIIfjl 1 659. IIIyMeTh i 1 660. aKTHBHhiH 1 66 1 . 6H6JIHOTeKa 1 662. e3,nHTh i 1 663. ne3Th i

1 664. o6pa3oBaTh p +a

1 665. neqKa 1 666. nJiaHera 1 667. IIOH.siTHhiH 1 668. nocrynHTh p

1 669. npaBHJIO 1 670. npo3paqHhiii 1 67 1 . Topr6BhiH 1 672. Tpe6oBaThC� i 1 673. l.IIHHeJib f 1 674. rnyTHTh i 1 675. IIIYTKa 1 676 . .slll(HK 1 677. aBTOpHTeT 1 678. 6oJieTh i 1 679. 6pocarhc� i 1 680. aeqepHHii 1 68 1 . BH,nHhiH 1 682. BHe3anHO 1 683 . ryJI.sl:Th i

1 684. .nseHa,nna Th 1 685. 3Beph m 1 686. 3BYK 1 687. 3ByqaTh i

1 688. KOMaH,nOBaTh i +inst 1 689. KYPHTh i 1 690. HenpeMeHHO

1 69 1 . HH3KO 1 692. o6pa3osarhc� p 1 693. o3HaqaTh i 1 694. OCTaHaBJIHBaThC� i 1 695. OCTphiH


to labour surname to make a noise active library to travel to climb

to form

stove planet comprehensible to act; (B +a) enter

(organization) rule transparent trade (adj) to be needed greatcoat to joke joke box, crate authority to be ill; to hurt to rush evening (adj) eminent suddenly to take a walk; (coll)

take time off twelve wild animal sound to sound

to command (sth) to smoke without fail

low to be formed to mean to stop sharp

rpy)l(yCh, rpy ,nHillhc�; no- p

e3)1(y, e3,nHillh; no- p/C'h- p Jie3y, Jie3elllh , past Jie3, Jie3Jia;

no- p o6pa3yK>, o6pa3yelllh;

o6pa36BhiBaTh i g pl neqeK

nOCTyn.rnb, nOCTynHillh ; nocTynaTb p

Tpe6yerc�; no- p

Illyqy, IllYTHillh ; no- p g pl IllYTOK

6pOCHThC� p

ryn.siK>, ryJI.slelllh ; no- p

g pl 3sepe:H

3BYliHT; npo- p; 3ro 3Byq:UT cTpaHHO That sounds strange

KOMaH,nyK>, KOMaH,nyernh Kyplb, KYPMillh ; no- p/3a- p OH HenpeMeHHo npH,neT He' ll

definitely come

o6pa3yerc�; o6pa36BhiBaThC� i


1696. llHTaHHe 1 697. TIOJIOCa

1 698. CB.HTOH

1 699. cepe,ruiHa 1 700. cnyqaifHO 170 1 . CYTKH f pl

1 702. y6e)l(aTb p

1703 . IIIanKa 1 704. arpeccH.s 1 705 . 6naro,n;ap.H +d 1 706. 3ll0

1 707. Kpyr6M 1 708. KpbiJihQO

1 709. Hepe,ll;KO 1 7 1 0. o6e,n; 1 7 1 1 . no,n;,n;ep)I(Ka 1 7 1 2. llO,[('heM 1 7 1 3 . npnqeM 1 7 14. npoeKT 1 7 1 5 . coo6meHHe 1 7 1 6 . coce,n; 1 7 1 7 . cymHOCTh f

B cymHOCTH 1 7 1 8 . Tsep,n;o 1 7 1 9 . n:U<}>pa 1 720. aHrJIHqaHHH 1 72 1 . BO-BTOpbiX 1 722. BOOpy)l(eHHe 1 723 . BOCTOK 1 724. 3anax 1 725 . 3HMHHH 1 726. KapaH,n;arn 1 727. Kop6sa 1 728. K6pnyc

1 729. KpacKa 1 730. Maii 1 73 1 . nepe,n;a qa

feeding, food strip

sacred; saint

middle by chance 24 hours

to run away

hat (without brim) aggression thanks to evil

around entrance steps; porch

often meal; dinner support rise and furthermore project communication neighbour essence in essence firmly figure, number Englishman secondly arming; arms east smell winter (adj) pencil cow (nom pl Kopnyca) corps;

building; (nom pl K6pnychi) body, frame

paint May transmission

nom pl n6nochi, g pl non6c, d pl llOJIOCaM

co66p cs.sT6ro llasna St. Paul 's Cathedral

g pl cyToK; Tp6e cyToK three days and nights

y6ery, y6e)I(HIIIh, y6eryT; y6eraTh i

g pl IIIallOK

no pl except in MeHbiiiee H3 ,n;syx 30JI lesser of two evils

nom pl KphiJihQa, g pl Kphinen, d pl KpbOihQaM

nom pl COCe,[(H, g pl COCe,[(eH

nom pi aHrJIHqaHe, g pl aHrJIHqaH

Ha BOCT6Ke in the east

g s g Ka paH,n;aiiia

g pl KpacoK



1 732. IIO,ZU:(ep)I(MBa Th i +a 1733 . IIOXO,Z:UITh p

IIOXO,ll;MTh i Ha +a 1 734. 1105IC 1 735. yKa3aTh p +a or Ha +a 1 736. Bp5I,n: JIM

1 737. ropM30HT 1738. )l(aJib

1 739. )I(MTeJih m 1 740. 3a,n:yMaThC51 p 0 +pr 1 74 1 . 3aKpMqaTh p 1 742. M3MeHMTh p 1 743. MMHYTKa

1 744. HeKor,n:a

1 745. OTBeTCTBeHHOCTh f 1 746. rrepe,n:H5151 f adj 1 747 . II OCT 1 748. paCCTO.siHMe

1 7 49. CBe,n:eHMe

1 750. ceaep 1 75 1 . cep,n:MThC51 i Ha +a 1 752. coaecTh f 1753 . Tpa,n:M:QM51

1 754. <f>pa3a 1 755 . qeMo,n:aH 1 756. Bbipa)l(a Th i +a 1 757. roJihiH 1758 . 3aiiJ;MIUaTh i +a 1 759. Ka<}>e,n:pa

1 760. KOMIIaHM51

1 76 1 . o6opy,n:oaaHMe 1 762. OTKpbiBa ThC51 i 1 763. rrepe,n:aaaTh i +a 1 764. IIOKOH


to support to walk about to resemble belt, waist to point out (it 's) unlikely

horizon it ' s a pity

inhabitant to think deeply (about) to shout (+a) to alter; (+d ) betray moment

there ' s no time; once

responsibility entrance hall post (job) distance


north to be angry (with) conscience tradition phrase suitcase to express naked to defend department (university)

company; group of friends

equipment to open to transmit peace, quiet

rro,n:,n:ep)l(aTh p IIOXO)I(y, llOXO,ll;MIIIh ; XO,l:(MTh i no p nom pl rro5�ca yKa)l(y, yKa)l(eiiih; yKa3hiBa Th i Bp5I,n: JIM oH rrpM,n:eT He ' s

unlikely to come

QqeHh )l(aJih, qTo sac He 6hiJio What a pity you weren't there

3a,n:yMhiBa ThC51 i 3aKpMqy, 3aKpMqlfiiih; KpMqaTh M3MeHID, M3MeHMIIIh ; M3MeH.siTb g pl MMHYTOK; O,n:Hy MMHYTKY

Just a moment MHe HeKor,n:a I haven't time;

HeKor ,n:a 3,n:ech 6hiJIO 63epo There was once a lake here

pr sg Ha rrocTy, nom pl rrocThi Ha paCCTO.siHMM Tpex

KMJIOMeTpoa three kilometres away

often pl; Y MeH.si HeT CBe,n:eHMH o6 3TOM I have no information about that

Ha CeBepe in the north cep)l(yCh, cep,n:MIIIhC5I; pac- p

Bhipa3MTh p

3aiUMTMTh p Ha Ka<}>e,n:pe pyccKoro 513hiKa in

the Russian department

OTKphiThC51 p rrepe,n:alb, rrepe,n:aeiiih ; rrepe,n:a Th p

1 765 . noqeMy-To 17 66. CMeJThiM 1 767. cn6pHTh i 1 768. cnopT 1 769. ycneiiiHo 1 770. $HJihM 1 77 1 . 6e3onacHocTh f 1772. BhiiiYCTHTh p +a

1773. )l;HCQHIIJIHHa 1 77 4. ,n;hiiiia Th i +ins t

1775. 3.n;6poao 3.n;op6ao

1776. H3o6pa)l(eHHe 1777 . KJiaCTh i +a

1778. KpenOCTh f 1779. HeCOMHeHHO 1780. OKpy)l(clTh i +a 1 78 1 . onycTHTh p +a 1782. OTJIHqHo 1783. npHMepHO 1784. cnycT.si +a 1785. CTpOHTeJihHhiM

1 786. TaJiaHT 1787. ycTaTh p 1 788. IDHOCTh f 1789. 6paThc� i 3a +a

1790. BeJIHqHHa 179 1 . aepHyTh p +a 1792. 3epKano

1793. KphiJIO 1794. JieCTHHQa 1795. onpe.n;en.siTh i +a

1 796. oqepe.n;H6ii 1797 . naJihTO n indecl 1 798. nanHp6ca 1799. nna The 1 800. nOBepHyThCjJ p

for some reason brave, bold to argue sport successfully film security to release



no- p no pl; BH.Lt;hi cn6pTa sports

Bhinymy, BhinyCTHllih; BhinycKaTh i

to breathe .Lt;himy, ,n::bimHmh; no- p; .Lt;himaTh

(coil) splendid(ly), great healthily; (coil) hi ! depiction

CBe)I(HM B03.Lt;YXOM to breathe fresh air

to put KJia.n;y, KJia.n;emh, past KJiaJI,

fortress; strength undoubtedly to surround to lower, drop excellent(ly) approximately later ( = qepe3) construction (adj)

talent to tire youth to take hold of; start

work on size to return mirror

wing staircase; ladder to define

next; regular overcoat cigarette dress to tum around

KJiaJia; nOJIO)I(HTh p

OKPY)I(HTh p onymy, onycTHmh; onycKaTh i

cnycT.si TPH ,n;Hg three days later CTpOHTeJihHag nJIOIQa,n;Ka

building site

6epych; 6epemhcg, past 6pancg, 6panach; B3.siThc� p

nom pl BeJIHqHHhi ao3apamaTb i nom pl 3epKana, g pl 3epKaJI, d pl

3epKanaM nom pl KphiJih�, g pl KphiJibeB

o npe.n;en.siro, o npe.n;en.siemh; onpe.n;eJIHTh p

g pl nJiaTheB IIOBOpaqlfBaTbC�



1 80 1 . pa3o6paThC.si p B +pr to sort sth out

1 802. rryiilKa cannon 1 803. rro.rryqeH:ue receiving 1 804. IIp:U.siTHO pleasant 1 805 . rroceJI( o )K settlement 1 806. IIOTepg loss 1 807. IIO)I(ap fire 1 808. cep,Z:UITO angrily 1 809. c.rryx hearing; rumour 1 8 1 0. CHap.si� shell (mil) 1 8 1 1 . coo6m:HTh p +a +d to communicate (sth to

s.o.) 1 8 1 2. TeCHhiH tight 1 8 1 3 . 3K3aMeH examination

1 8 14. 6Jiaro good (thing) , benefit; (coli) since, seeing that

1 8 1 5 . 6oJIOTO marsh 1 8 1 6. BHYTPH +g inside 1 8 1 7 . s:b1r JI.si�eTh i to look

1 8 1 8 . rOTOBHThC.si i K +d to prepare (for sth) 1 8 19. �s:HraTeJih m motor, engine 1 820. ,no6aBHTh p +a K +d to add (sth to sth)

1 82 1 . �pO)I(aTh i to shiver 1 822. KaiiHTaJIHCT capitalist 1 823. KpeiiKHH strong 1 824. MY3hiKaJihHhiH musical 1 825. Hexoporno not good 1 826. o6b.siBHTh p to declare 1 827. opraHH3M organism 1 828. OCTaT(O)K remainder 1 829. rro�66Ho +d similar (to) 1 830. IIOKphiTh p +a +inst to cover (sth with sth)

1 83 1 . IIOII priest (coli) 1 832. rro-rrpe)I(HeMy as before 1 833. rrp:us:biqKa habit 1 834. c�aTh p +a to hand in; pass (exam)


pa36epych, pa36epeiiihC.si, past pa3o6paJic.s�, pa3o6paJiach; pa36:upaThc.si

g pl rryiiieK


3K3aMeH IIO pyCCKOMY .si3hiKY Russian exam

Bhlr JI.si)I(Y, Bhlr JI.si�Hillh; 0Ha s:b1r JI.si�HT xopoiiio She looks well


.no6asJIIO, .no6as:uiiih; �o6asn.si:Th i

�po)l(y, �pO)I(Hillh; 3� p

o6b.siBmO, 06bsiB:Uillh; 06b.siBAATh i

noKp6ro, noKp6elllh; noKphiBaTh

g sg nona

g pl npHBhiqeK c�aM, c�aiiih, c�acT, c�a�:HM,

c�a�:HTe, c�a�yT, past c�aJI, c�ana, c�aJio; c�asaTh i

1 835 . cor naiiieHHe 1 836. crrop 1 837. CTpOKa 1 83 8 . Tj�HYThCjl 1 839. ysenHqeHHe 1 840. y)l(aCHO 1 84 1 . ypo)l(aif 1 842. QeHHhiH 1 843. qHCTO 1 844. 6eraTh i

1 845. 6opo,na

1 846. .n;erryTaT 1 847 . 3aKphiBaTh i +a 1 848. 3aj{BJieHHe

1 849. KOpOTKO 1 850. HarrpaCHO 1 85 1 . HQqhlO 1 852. oxoTa 1 85 3 . rrlii.Qa 1 854. IIOMei.QeHHe 1 855 . pOBHO

1 856. Taiira 1 857. TenerpaMMa 1 85 8 . TOJICThiH 1 859. TpaHCIIOpT 1 860. 6biK 1 86 1 . s:bi,nep)l(a Th p +a

1 862. .ZJ;OCTHrHyTh p +g 1 863. BhiHYTh p +a 1 864. BbiiiOJIHeHHe 1 865 . KO)I(a 1 866. MeHhiiiHM 1 867. MOJI

1 868. HaCTOJibKO 1 869. HeO)I(H,ll;aHHhiM 1 870. o6paTHTh p +a

agreement argument line (of text) to stretch increase terribly harvest valuable purely, cleanly (p no-) to run around;

(p c-) run there and back


elected representative to close announcement;

application short, briefly in vain at night desire; hunting food accommodation, premises evenly; precisely

taiga (northern forest) telegram fat transport bull to withstand

to achieve to take out carrying out skin; leather smaller he/she/they said

so much unexpected to tum


nom pl CTpOKH, d pl CTpOKclM TMHeTcjl

p rro-/c-

a sg 66po,ny, nom pl 66po,nhi, g pl 6op6.n;, d pi 6opo,naM

3aKpb1Tb p

KopoTKO rosop.si: in short

oxoTa Ha JIHC fox hunting

p6BHO B .n;ecj�Th at ten o'clock precisely

g sg 6biKcl Bhi.ZJ;ep)l(y, Bhi.ZJ;ep)I(Hillh;

Bhi,nep)I(HBa Tb i past ,nOCTHr, ,nOCTHrJia; ,ll;OCTHrclTb i BbiHHMaTb i

0Ha, MOJI, He 3HaeT She said she doesn't know

o6pai.Qy, o6paTHIIIh; o6pamaTh i; o6paTHTh BHHMaHHe Ha +a to note sth



1 87 1 . o<}>lfQHclJihHhiH official 1 872. OXOTHHK hunter 1 873 . IIJiclM.SI n flame g sg IIJiaMeHH, no pl 1 874. IIOHHMclHHe understanding 1 875. rrpoT.SIHYTh p +a to stretch out npOT.SIHY, npoT.HHeiiih;

npoT .HrHBa Th i 1 876. rrpo<}>eccH.SI profession 1 877. coopy)l(eHHe construction 1 878 . crreiiiHTh i to hurry no- p 1 879. CTOpO)I( watchman nom pl CTOpO)I(cl 1 880. CTynaTh i to step CTynHTh p 1 88 1 . TpeB6ra alarm 1 882. Tp6raTh i +a to touch TpOHYTh p 1 883 . YTBep)l(.ua Th i to affirm, maintain 1 884. 6eJIOCHe)I(HhiH snow-white 1 885 . 6yThiJIKa bottle g pl 6yThiJIOK 1 886. BOJIHOBclThC.SI i to worry BOJIHYIOCh, BOJIHyeiiihC.SI;

B3- p/3a- p; He BOJIHyiiTech Don 't worry

1 887. ,naBJieHHe pressure 1 888 . 3aMoJiqaTh p to fall silent 3aMonqy, 3aMoJiqHIIIh;

MOJiqaTh i 1 889. 3arra.u west Ha 3ana.ue in the west 1 890. KOJie6aHHe hesitation 1 89 1 . KpOBclTh f bed 1 892. MeXaHifqecKHH mechanical 1 893. MOmHOCTh f power (of engine etc.) 1 894. HanpaBHTh p +a to direct HanpasJIIO, HanpaBHIIIh ;

HanpaBJI.HTh i 1 895 . no.uap(o)K present 1 896. n6 ,UJIHHHhiH genuine 1 897. noHpaBHThC.SI p +d to please (s.o.) nOHpaBJIIOCh, nOHpclBHIIIhC.SI;

HpclBHThC.SI i 1 898. nOCKOJihKY since, because, in as

far as 1 899. rrpespameHHe conversion 1 900. rrpo<}>cOID3 trade union 1 90 1 . pa36HTh p +a to break, smash pa3o6hlb, pa3o6heiiih ;

pa36HBclTh i 1 902. CMeTh i to dare CMeiO, CMeeiiih; no- p 1903. CTBOJI trunk (tree); barrel (gun) g sg CTBOJicl 1 904. yBepeHHOCTh f confidence 1 905 . ycMeXHYThC.SI p to smile slight! y ycMeXHYCh, ycMeXHeiiihC.SI;

ycMexaThC.SI 1 906. <}>oHaph m lamp g sg <}>oHap.H


1 907. BepXOBHhiH 1 908. B3aHMHhiii 1 909. rpa,n;yc

1 9 1 0. ,n;onyCTHTh p +a

1 9 1 1 . 3aKa3 1 9 1 2. :uH:uu.:ua THBa 1 9 1 3 . JieKu.:u� 1 9 14 . MOKphiH 1 9 1 5 . MOpaJihHhiH 1 9 1 6. OIIhiTHhiH 1 9 1 7 . ocymecTBHTh p +a

1 9 1 8 . OT ,n;eJI 1 9 1 9 . OT,[(hiX 1 920. oTcyTCTB:ue 1 92 1 . np:u3hiB 1 922. np:UHOCHTh i +a

supreme mutual degree (0)

to allow

order (for sth) initiative lecture wet moral experienced to carry out, execute

section, department rest; holiday absence call, appeal; call-up to bring

1 923. npO:U3BO,l1;HTeJihHOCTh f productivity 1 924. n�THa,n;u.a Th fifteen 1 925 . peaKu.:u� reaction 1 926. cKa3Ka fairy-tale 1 927. coiiTH p c +g to go down (from)

1 928. CTapyiiiKa 1 929. qy ,n;eCHhiH 1 930. 6aTape� 1 93 1 . 6ypHhiH 1 932. BeJieTh i/p +d +inf 1933. rJiaBHoe n adj 1 934. rHaTh i +a

1 935 . ,n;o6:UBclThC� i +g 1 936. ,n;ora,n;aThc� p

1 937. 3aBoeBaTh p +a

1938 . :u36a 1 939. :UHCTpyMeHT 1 940. Kyn(e)u. 1 94 1 . 11(e),n; 1 942. Mop63

old woman wonderful battery; radiator stormy to order (s.o. to do sth) the main thing to drive; to hunt,

persecute to strive for; to get to guess; ( +inf) have

the sense to to conquer

peasant cottage instrument; tool merchant ICe frost


c6poK rpa,n;ycoB Mop63a forty degrees below zero

,n;onymy, ,n;onycTHIIIh; ,n;onycKaTh i

ocymecTBmb, ocymecTBHIIIh; ocymecTBJIRTh i


g pl CKcl30K coii,n;y, coii,n;elllh, past coiiieJI,

colllJia; cxo,n;:H:Th i; coiiT:H c yMa to go mad

g pl CTapyllleK

Be.mb, BeJIHlllh; p also no-

roHro, r6HHlllh, past rHaJI, rHaJia, rHaJio; no- p

,n;o6HThC� p ,n;ora,n;hiBaThc� i

3aBOKHO, 3aBOIDelllh; 3aBOeBhiBa Th

nom pl H36hi

g s g Jih,n;a, pr s g Ha Jih)J;Y


1 943. HacTyrraTb i

1 944. HOBOCTh f 1 945. o6op6Ha 1 946. OCB060)1(,[(eHHe 1 947. rraXHYTh i +inst 1 948. ITOBeCTh f 1 949. ITO.[(BHr 1 950. IT03BaTh p +a 1 95 1 . rrpomaThc� 1 952. CBhiiiie

1 953 . TopqaTh 1 954. IIIaraTb i 1 955 . Bbipa3HTh p +a

1 956. )l(ll3HeHHhiH 1 957. 3HaK 1 958 . KpaH 1 959. KpeCTh}]:HCKHH 1 960. JllfqHOCTh f 1 96 1 . MaCIIITa6 1 962. MeporrpH}]:THe

1 963. oxpana 1 964. ITOCB�THTh p +a +d

1 965. rrpHe3)1(a Th i 1 966. rrpHCYTCTBHe 1 967. rrycT.si:K 1 968. rr�THO 1 969. pacrroJIO)I(HTh p +a

1 970. pO)I(,[(eHHe 1 97 1 . COITpOTHBJieHHe 1 972. yr6,IJ;HO

1 973. yL{aBaThc� i +d +inf

1 97 4. y)l(aCHhiH 1 97 5 . <f>nar 1 976. uapCKHH 1 977. qacTHOCTh f


to advance; to tread on; to come, begin

piece of news defence liberation to smell (of) story, novella feat, heroic deed to call, summon to say goodbye from above; ( +g )

more than to stick out to step, stride to express

vital; life (adj) sign tap; crane peasant (adj) personality; individual scale measure; function

(reception etc.) protection; guard to devote, dedicate

(sth to sth/s .o.) to arrive presence trifle spot to arrange, set out

birth resistance to your liking

to succeed (in doing sth)

terrible flag tsar's ; tsarist detail



rraxHeT g pl ITOBeCTeH

IT030BY, IT030Beiiib; 3Ba Th 1

no- p

Topqy, TopqHIIIh rnarHyTh p Bhipa)l(y, Bhipa3HIIIb;

Bbrpa)l(a Th i


rrpHexaTh p

g sg rrycT�Ka nom pl rr}]:THa, g pl n}]:TeH paCIIOJIO)I(y, paCIIOJIO)I(HIIIh;

pacnonaraTh i

KaK BaM yr6.[(HO as you wish; KOr,[(a BaM yr6.[(HO whenever you like

y,IJ;aeTc�; y,IJ;aTbc� p; EMy Bee y,IJ;aeTc� He ' s successful at everything

B qaCTHOCTH 1 97 8. arrpeJih m 1 979. aTaKa 1 980. ,[(Boe 1 98 1 . ,[(eaqoHKa (coll) 1 982. ,[(OCTOHHCTBO

1 983 . eaporreiicKHH

1 984. e)l(eJIH (obs or coll) 1 985. KpeCTb}}HCTBO 1 986. Me,[(anh f 1 987. MeH}}Th i +a 1 988. HacqeT +g 1 989. HHqTQ)I(HbiH 1 990. H6pMa 1 99 1 . HY)I(,[(a 1 992. OT ,[(eJieHHe 1 993. oTqer6 1 994. rraTpHOT 1 995. rro6hiBaTh p a +pr 1 996. IIO,[(IIHCaTh p +a

1 997. rrocy ,[(a 1 998. rrpeKpacHo 1 999. rrpo,[(aTh p +a

2000. rrporraraH,[(a 200 1 . rry neMeT 2002. paii6HHhiH 2003 . copeBHOBaHHe 2004. rpy6hiH 2005 . yqacT( o )K

2006. 6pHra,[(a

2007 . KOJIJieKTHB 2008 . KOMaH,[(Hp

2009. 6HTbCjl i 20 1 0. rlf6enh f

in particular April attack two girl merit, virtue; dignity;

value European

if peasantry medal to change about, concerning worthless norm want, need department, section why patriot to visit (a place) to sign

crockery, dishes fine, excellent(ly) to sell

propaganda machine-gun regional, district (adj) competition coarse, rude plot of land; district

brigade, team

group, team commander

to fight; to beat ruin, destruction


,[(Boe ,[(eTeii two children g pl ,[(eBqQHOK

EaporreiicKHH Colb3 European Union

nom pl Hy)l(,[(hi


IIpO,[(aM, IIpO,[(aiiib, IIpO,[(aCT, rrpo ,[(a,[(HM, rrpo,[(a,[(HTe, rrpo,[(a,[(yT, past np6,[(an, rrpo ,[(ana, rrp6 ,[(ano; rrpo ,[(a a a Th i

H36HpaTeJihHbiH yqaCTOK electoral district

6pHra,[(a pa66qHx team of workers

KOMaH,[(Hpbi apMHH army commanders

6biOCh, 6heiiibCjl



20 1 1 . rycT6ii 20 1 2. �OCTHraTb +g 20 1 3 . e�HHCTBO 20 14. 3pHTeJih m 20 1 5 . 3p.SI (coll)

20 1 6. HCXO�HTb 113 +g

20 1 7 . MOJIO�OCTb f 20 1 8 . HlimHii 20 1 9. o6oiiTHCb p

2020. OTIIpaBHTbC.SI p

202 1 . IIOrJI.SI�eTh p

2022. rrorra�aTh i a/Ha +a

2023. IIOCbiJiaTb i +a 2024. rroqyBCTBOBaTb p +a 2025 . rrpe3H�HYM 2026. rrpH3HaK 2027. �HKHH 2028. pacrrop.SI)I(eHHe 2029. CBeTHTbC.SI i 2030. c�eJiaThC.SI p +inst 203 1 . ceTh f 2032. crracrli p +a

2033 . crrp�TaTh p +a 2034. cyMMa 2035 . COQHaJIH3M 2036. 3aKJIJOlfaThC.SI i B +pr

2037. MaJiblfHillKa m (coll) 2038. �OJIO)I(HTb p 0 +pr

2039. eJie 2040. )l(eHCKHH 204 1 . 3aH�ThC.SI p +inst


thick, dense to reach unity spectator for nothing, pointlessly

to issue from, proceed from youth destitute; beggar to manage, get by

to set off

to look

to hit; to get (to)

to send to feel presidium sign, indication wild instruction, command to shine, gleam to become net; network to save

to hide sum socialism to consist of

boy, small boy to report (on)

barely, only just female to take up

3p.SI �eHhrH TpaTHTh to was� money

HCXO)I(y' HCXO�Hillb

o6oii�ych, o6oii�emhc.SI, past o6omeJic.SI, o6omJiach; o6xo�HThC.SI i


nor Jig)l(y, nor ng�lfmh; rJI.SI�eTb i

rrorracTh p; rrorra�a Th B ueJih to hit the target


rrpH3HaKH )I(H3HH signs of life

CBeTHTC.SI �eJiaThc.SI g pi ceTeii crracy, crracemh, past crrac,

crracJia; crraca Th i crrp�qy, crrp�qemh; rrp�TaTh 1

,[(eJIO 3aKJIIOlfaeTC.SI B cJie,nyiOmeM The matter is as follows

g pl MaJihlfHilleK �OJIO)I(y, �OJIO)I(Hillh;

,ll;OKJia,ll;hiBaTh i

3aHMYCh, 3aiiMeillbC.SI, past 3aH.SIJic�, 3aH.SIJiach; 3aHHMaThC.SI i

2042. H3MeHHThC.si p

2043. HcKyccTBeHHhiH 2044. KOH$epeHQH.si 2045 . KYCT 2046. M03r 2047 . HclQH.si 2048. HenpephiBHbiH 2049. o6H}]:Th p +a

2050. npeBpaTHThCR p B +a

205 1 . caMoBap 2052. cBepxy 2053 . ill eliOT 2054. a6combTHhiH 205 5 . 6op(e)Q 2056. BhiHrphllii 205 7 . rop.s�q6 205 8 . )l(eCTOKHH 2059. 3aMeCTHTeJih m

2060. KJieTKa 206 1 . HeH3BeCTHO

2062. HeH3BeCTHbiH 2063. o6}]:3aHHOCTh f 2064. OTXO,ll;HTh i OT +g 2065 . no6e)l(aTh p

2066. 110HMclTh p +a 2067. npoBepHTh p +a 2068. IIpOCHYThCR p 2069. npoT}]:rHBaTh i +a 2070. nyCThiH.si 207 1 . nyTernecTBHe 2072. paccqHThiBa Th i Ha

+a /+inf 2073 . peMOHT 2074. cneBa 2075. cyp6BbiH 2076. TaK6B (pronoun)

to change

artificial conference bush brain nation uninterrupted to embrace

to tum into (sth)

samovar from above whisper absolute fighter; wrestler Will

hot(ly) cruel deputy, substitute

cage; cell (bioi) (it is) unknown

unknown duty, obligation to move away to run

to catch to check to wake up to stretch out desert journey, voyage to calculate; expect;

rely on repair; redecoration on the left harsh such


H3MeHIOCh, H3MeHHIIIbCji; H3MeH}]:ThCR i; Bee H3MeHHJIOCh Everything has changed

Ha KOH$epeHQHH at a conference g sg KYCTa pr sg B M03ry, nom pl M03rH

o6HHMY, o6HHMeliih, past 66Hj!JI, 06H.siJia, 66HRJIO; 06HHMaTh

npeBpamych, npeBpa THIIIhcR; npeBpamaThCR i

rneiiOTOM in a whisper

3aMeCTHTeJib ,ll;HpeKTOpa deputy director

g pl KJieTOK HeH3BeCTHO, KTO ee OTeu;

No-one knows who her father is

OTXO)I(y, OTXO,ll;Hillh; OTOliTH p no6ery, no6e)I(HIIIh, no6eryT;

6e)l(aTh i JIOBHTh i rrpoBep}]:Th i IIpOCbiiia TbCR rrpOTRHYTh p

f TaKOBa, n TaKOBO, pl TaKOBhi; TaKoBa )I(H3Hh Such is life



2077. yc 2078. <f>anniCTCKHH 2079. qacTHbiH 2080. qeMIIHOH 208 1 . ara [aha] 2082. apeCTOBclTb p +a 2083 . 6epeqb i +a

2084. 6HJieT 2085. Be3,ne 2086. BeJIHKOJieiiHbiH 2087. B036y)J()J:eHHe 2088 . BCTYIIHTh p B +a

2089. BhiiiYCK 2090. rpex 209 1 . rp.si3HbiH 2092. JJ:OqKa 2093. H3rOTOBJieHHe 2094. HCKJTIOqlfTeJihHO

2095. K6e-qT6

2096. KpHTHKa 2097. Hcl,[(IIHCb f 2098. o6pameHHe

2099. OT)J:OXHYTb p 2 1 00. OTMeqa Tb i +a 2 1 0 1 . OTT OrO 2 1 02. IIJiclBaTh i 2 1 03 . IIOe3,[(Ka 2 1 04. IIO)J(HJIO H 2 1 05 . IIOJIHUHji 2 1 06. IIpOHHKclTb i B +a 2 1 07 . rrpoqHbiH 2 1 08 . PY)J(be 2 1 09. pbl)J(HH 2 1 1 0. caxap 2 1 1 1 . c.rrY)l(amHii m adj

2 1 1 2. crrpasa 2 1 1 3 . Tyqa 2 1 14. ycTpOHCTBO


whisker Fascist (adj) private, individual champion ah (yes), aha to arrest to look after

ticket everywhere magnificent excitement, arousal to enter, join


output; issue sin dirty

ychi moustache

apecTyiO; apeCTOBbiBaTh i 6epery, 6epe)l(eiiih, 6eperyT,

past 6eper, 6eperJia

BcTyrr.mO, BcTyrrHIIIh ; BcTyrra Th i ; BCTYIIHTb B IIOJIHTHqecKyiO rrapTHIO to join a political party

g sg rpexa

daughter (intimate form) g pl ,n;oqeK manufacture exclusively;

exceptionally something, a thing or

two criticism inscription (K +d) appeal (to); (c +inst)

treatment; circulation to rest, have a holiday to note, mark; mention for that reason to swim; sail journey, trip elderly police to penetrate (sth) firm, solid gun, rifle red-haired sugar office worker,

white-collar worker on the right storm cloud organization; mechanism

..H xoqy BaM KOe-qTQ CKa3aTb I want to tell you something

OT )J:biXa Tb i OTMeTHTb p OTTor6 qTo because no- p; c- p (there and back) g pl IIOe3)1:0K


2 1 1 5 . YTPOM 2 1 1 6. 6narop6,nHhiH 2 1 1 7 . 6ypSI 2 1 1 8 . BBO,[(MTh i +a 2 1 1 9 . BHHO 2 1 20. B03HMKHYTh p

2 1 2 1 . BhiTaiUHTh p +a 2 1 22 . rHraHTCKHH 2 1 23 . )l(aJIOBaThCSI i Ha +a 2 1 24. 3aMeHMTh p +a +inst 2 1 25 . 3aXO,[(MTh i 2 1 26 . nlfqHo 2 1 27 . MOJIO,[((e)U

2 1 28 . HaBcer ;J;a 2 1 29 . Ha,neTh p +a

2 1 30. HayqlfTh p +a +i inf 2 1 3 1 . 06b»CH.siTb i +a 2 1 32. IIOBepHyTh p +a 2 1 33 . npOH3BeCTM p +a

2 1 34. CTyqaTh i B +a 2 1 35 . y6HBaTh i +a 2 1 36. ycTpaHBaTh i +a 2 1 37 . 3KCne,[(HUHSI 2 1 3 8 . 6aTIDIIIKa m 2 1 39 . BOOpy)l(eHHhiH 2 1 40. Bhi6HpclTh i +a 2 1 4 1 . BhiCTpeJI 2 1 42 . rapaHTHpOBaTh i/p +a 2 143 . )l(epTaa 2 1 44. )l(lfBO 2 145 . )I(HBOTHOe n adj 2 146. 3HaM» n 2 1 47 . HHcpOpMaUH» 2 1 48. KOHQepT 2 1 49. KOHqaTh i +a 2 1 50. KOCT(e)p 2 1 5 1 . KpaiiHe 2 1 52. MeXaHH3M 2 1 5 3 . MHOroqlfcJieHHhiH 2 1 54. HanOMHHTh p +d 0 +pr

in the morning noble storm, gale to bring in wine to arise

to drag out giant (adj) to complain (about) to replace (sth with sth) to call in personally fine fellow; well done !

for ever to put on

to teach (s.o. to do sth) to explain to tum to produce

to knock (at) to kill to organize expedition father armed to choose shot to guarantee victim quickly; vividly animal banner information concert to finish bonfire extremely mechanism numerous to remind (s.o. of sth)


BBO)I(y, BBO,[(HIIIh; aaecTH p nom pl BMHa past B03HHK, B03HHKJia;

B03HHKaTh i BbiTaCKHBaTh i

)l(aJiyiOch, )l(anyeiiihcH; no- p 3aMeHIO, 3aMeHHIIIh; 3aMeH.siTb 3aXO)I(y, 3ax6,n:HIIIh; 3aHTH p

Mono.nu:bi, pe6.siTa! Well done, lads !

Ha,neHy, Ha,[(eHeiiih; Ha,[(eaa Th i

Hayqy, HayqHIIIh; yqlfTh i 06'h»CH.siiD; 06bHCHHTh p nOBOpaqHBaTh i npOH3Be,[(y, IIpOH3Be,[(elllh, past

npOH3BeJI, npOH3BeJia; npOH3BO,[(HTh i

CTyqy, CTyqlflllh; no- p y6HTh p ycTpOHTh p

Bhi6paTh p


Ha KoHuepTe at a concert KQHqHTh p g sg KOCTpa



2 1 55 . HaCKOJihKO

2 1 56. 06'heKTHBHbiH 2 1 57 . 06'bj�CHeHHe 2 1 58 . rrepesop6T 2 1 59. rrep6 2 1 60. nosop6T 2 1 6 1 . no3a.n:H: 2 1 62. nOnbiTaTbCj� p +inf 2 1 63. np:uo6peTaTb i +a 2 1 64. rrpHCJIYIIIHBa TbCj�

K +d 2 1 65 . np66osaTb i

2 1 66. pacnpe.n:eneH:ue 2 1 67 . po.n:H:TeJib m 2 1 68 . cseqa 2 1 69. CBOeo6pa3HbiH 2 1 70. ceKpeT 2 1 7 1 . CKJia,[( 2 1 72. CKyqHo [ -shna] 2 1 73 . cor nacHhiii

2 1 74. COMHeBaTbCj� i B +pr 2 1 75. coq:uHeH:ue 2 1 76. cnH:c(o)K 2 1 77 . CnOC06CTBOBaTh i +d 2 1 78 . cnpasHThCjl p c +inst

2 1 79. cnycKaTbCjl i 2 1 80. c<t>epa 2 1 8 1 . TaHQeBaTb i 2 1 82. TaiiJ;HTh i +a 2 1 83 . ycnOKOHTbCj� p 2 1 84. 3Tan 2 1 85 . gsHO 2 1 86. aKTep 2 1 87. apecT 2 1 88 . 6ece.n;osaTh i c +inst 2 1 89. 6hiTHe 2 1 90. BeCeHHHH 2 1 9 1 . BKYC 2 1 92. BOCnOMHHaHHe 2 1 93 . s:b1.n;a Tb p +a


how much; as much

objective explanation coup feather tum behind to attempt (to do sth) to acquire to listen car�fully (to)

( +inf) to try; (+a ) test; taste

distribution parent candle distinctive, individual secret warehouse, store boring in agreement; (as noun)


to doubt composition, essay list to promote, further (sth) to cope (with); (o +pr)

ask about to go down sphere to dance to drag to calm down stage, phase clearly, obviously actor arrest to talk, converse (with) existence spring (adj) taste memory, recollection

HaCKOJihKO MHe H3BeCTHO as far as I know

nom pl nephjl

nhiTa ThCj� 1

np:uo6pecTii p np:ucnyiiia ThCjl p

np66yiO, np66yeiiih; no- p

nom pl cseq:u, g pl cseqeif

Ha cKna.n;e in the warehouse

short forms: cornaceH, cornacHa, cor nacHo, cor nacHhi; Bhi cornacHbi? Do you agree?

ycOMHHThCj� p

cnoc66CTBYIO crrpaBJIIOCh, crrpaBHIIIhCj�;

cnpasJI}]:ThCj� cnycTHThCj� p

TaHQyiO, TaHu;yeiiih ; no- p Tarn;y, Tam:uiiih ; no- p ycnoKa:usaThCjl i

6ece.n;yiO, 6ece.n;yeiiib ; no- p

to give out, issue; betray Bhi.ZJ;aM, Bhi.ZJ;aiiih, Bhi,[(aCT,

2 1 94. Bbi,IJ;aiDI.QHHC� (participle used as adj)

2 1 95 . ry,IJ;eTb i 2 1 96. ,IJ;06hiqa 2 1 97. ,ll;OpO)I(Ka 2 1 98. ,ll;OCTaBHTb p +a

2 1 99. ,ll;OCTa TOqHbiH 2200. KpecT 220 1 . Me,IJ;HlllfHCKHH 2202. MeXaHHK 2203 . MyKa

MyKa 2204. Harrp�)l(eH:ue 2205 . HOpMaJihHbiH 2206. Ho.R6pb m 2207. OIIIH6aTbC� i 2208 . rreqanhHhiii 2209. rrp:use3TH p +a

22 10. IIpH3HaHHe 22 1 1 . rrp.RTaTh i +a 22 1 2. paccseT 22 1 3 . cerO,IJ;H�IIIHHH [r = v]

22 14. cyi.QeCTBeHHbiH 22 1 5 . ysa)l(a Th i +a 22 16 . <l>lipMa 22 1 7 . aBTOMaT 22 1 8 . 6yKBa 22 19. rn}'IIOCTb f 2220. r6no,IJ; 222 1 . rpeqecK:uii 2222. ,IJ;eJIOBOH 2223. ,IJ;osep:ue 2224. ,ll;OCTaBaTb i +a 2225 . ,IJ;paroueHHhiii 2226. ,n;yrneBHbiH 2227. 3arJI�HYTb p

2228. Koii (coll) 2229. MaTq

eminent, prominent

to hum; hoot booty; mining path; track to deliver

sufficient cross medical mechanic torment flour tension normal November to make a mistake sad to bring (by transport)

confession, admission to hide daybreak today' s

essential; important to respect firm, company slot-machine; phonebox letter (of alphabet) foolishness hunger Greek (adj) business (ad j) trust to get valuable mental; sincere, heartfelt to glance

which match (game)


Bhi,IJ;a,IJ;HM, Bhi,ll,a,IJ;RTe, Bhi,IJ;a,IJ;yT; Bbi,IJ;aBa Tb i

Bhi,IJ;aJb:ru;Rec� yqeHhie eminent scholars

ry)l(y, ry ,IJ;HIIIh

g pl ,ll;OpO)I(eK ,ll;OCTaBJTIO, ,ll;OCTaBRIIIh;


g sg KpecTa

g sg Ho�6p.R OIIIR6HTbC� p

rrpRBe3y, rrpRBe3eiiih, past IIpHBe3, IIpHBe3Jia; rrpHB03HTb i

rrp_Rqy, np_Rqernh; c- p

cer6,IJ;H�IIIH�� ra3eTa today's paper

rn}'rrocTR nonsense

,IJ;eJIOBhie niD,IJ;H businesspeople

3ar JI�HY, 3ar n.RHernh; 3ar n.R,IJ;biBa Th i

HR B KOeM cnyqae certainly not


2230. Ha6mo.n:eHHe observation 223 1 . o6ecrrequsaTh i +a +inst to provide (s.o. with sth) o6ecrreqHTh p 2232. OTKphiThC.si p

2233 . OTJIHqHe 2234. rrepecTp6:H:Ka 2235 . rrpeuMymecTBo 2236. IIpH.siTHhiH 2237. pacKphiTh p +a

2238 . pe�KO 2239. COOTBeTCTBOBaTh +d 2240. COOTBeTCTBYIOII(HH 224 1 . CTaJih f 2242. CXO,IJ;HTh p

CXO,IJ;HTh i c +g 2243. XBOCT 2244. qpe3BhiqaifHO 2245 . arpeccHBHhiH 2246. BOK3clll 2247 . BCTYIIclTb i B +a

2248. rJiyx6ii

2249. ,IJ;OBeCTH p ,IJ;O +g

2250. ecTeCTBeHHO 225 1 . mo60IIhiTCTBO 2252. HeiiOCpe,IJ;CTBeHHO 2253 . HMT,IJ;e 2254. o6pamaTh i +a

2255. o6rnlipHhiH 2256. OTBeTCTBeHHhiH 2257. OTJIHqHhiH 225 8. rrapK 2259. rrJia THTh i +d 3a +a 2260. rromo6HTh p +a

226 1 . rroca,IJ;HTh p +a 2262. rrpe�CTO.si:Th i +d

2263. rrpOCTOp


to open

difference; distinction restructuring advantage pleasant to open wide; reveal

rarely to correspond (to) corresponding steel to go and return to go down (from) tail extremely aggressive (main) station to enter, join

(organization) deaf; indistinct� muffled;

remote (of place) to lead to

naturally curiosity immediately nowhere to tum

extensive, vast responsible excellent park; depot to pay (s.o. for sth) to fall in love with

to plant, seat to lie ahead (of s.o.)

space, expanse

OTKpOeTC.si; OTKpbiBa ThC.si i; �y3eH OTKpOeTC.si B ,IJ;eC.siTh The museum will open at ten

B OT JIIfq:ue oT +g as distinct from g pl rrepecTp6eK

pacKp6w, pacKpoeiiih ; paCKphiBclTh i

c�o�y, cx6.n:HIIIh; xo.n:liTh cxo�y, cx6,IJ;HIIIh ; co:H:Tii p g sg XBOCTcl

Ha BOK3aJie at the station BCTYIIHTb p

.n:ose.n:y, .n:oBe.n:eiiih , past .n:oBeJI, �OBena; ,IJ;OBO,IJ;HTh i

o6paTHTh p; o6pamaTh BHHMaHHe Ha +a to note, take note of

IIJiaqy, IIJiclTHIIIh ; 3a- p IIOJII06mO, llOm06HIIIh ;

mo6HTh i llOCa�y, llOCcl,IJ;HIIIh ; Ca)l(clTh i rrpe.n:cTOHT; EMy npe,ncTo.siT

TPY ,[(HOCTH He faces difficulties

2264. npo<l>coffi3HhiH 2265 . peiiiHTeJihHhiH 2266. peiiiHThC.SI p Ha

+a or +inf 2267. pbiH( 0 )K 2268. CIIJIOIIIHOH 2269. CTOJI6 2270. TQqHOCTh f 227 1 . Tp6e 2272. y,n;HBHTeJihHO 2273. meCTh,n;ec.HT 2274. apeHa 2275. B30p 2276. BHOCHTh i +a 2277. BCJie,ll;CTBHe +g 2278. rp03HTh i +d 2279. ,n;aJiee

2280. ,z:J:OBOJihHhiH +inst

228 1 . 3aBHCHMOCTh f

2282. KTO-HH6y,n;h

2283. JIHCT(O)K

2284. O,z:J:eTbiH B +a 2285 . OKa3hiBaTh i +a

2286. no,n;pyra 2287. no,n;yi.IIKa 2288 . npaaJieHHe

2289. paCXO,[(HThCSI

2290. py6amKa 229 1 . cKaJia 2292. cnepaa (coli) 2293. cnpaBe,z:J:JIHBOCTh f 2294. TepneTh i +a 2295 . ThMa 2296. ynpaaJI.HTh i +inst 2297. <PeapaJih m

trade union ( adj) decisive to bring os to, risk;

be decided market continuous pole, pillar precision; punctuality three, threesome surprising! y sixty arena look, glance to carry in, bring in because of, owing to to threaten (s.o.) further

satisfied, pleased (with)



small sheet (of paper) ; small leaf, leaflet

dressed; wearing to render, give

(female) friend pillow; cushion government; board

(of management) to disperse, split up

shirt crag, rock face, cliff at first justice, fairness to be patient; endure darkness to manage, control February


pema Thc»

Ha pbiHKe in the market

g sg CTOJI6a

Tp6e ,z:J:eTeii three children

a Horny, BHOCHIIIh; BHeCTH p

rpo)l(y, rpo3HIIIh; npH- p/no- p H TaK ,n;aJiee (H T.,z:J:.) and

so on, etc short forms: m ,z:J:OBOJieH, f

,z:J:OBOJibHa, pl ,[(OBOJihHhi; JI ,n;oBOJibHa HMH I 'm pleased with them

B 3aBHCHMOCTH OT +g depending on

Bhi BH,z:J:eJIH Kor6-HH6y,z:J:h? Did you see anyone?

oKa3aTh p; oKa3hiBaTh n6Morn;h to give assistance

g pl IIO,[(yiiieK cHcTeMa npaaneHH» system of

government paCXO,ll;HMCSI, past pa30IIIJIHCh;

pa30HTHCh p g pi py6arneK nom pi cKaJibi

TepnJIJb, TepnHrnh; no- p

ynpaan.Hw g sg <Peapan.H



2298. xapaKTepHhiH 2299. XM (or rM)

2300. apTHCT 230 1 . 6JiarorrpHRTHhiH 2302. Bhi6paTh p +a 2303 . ,n;eKa6pb m 2304. ,LJ;HBH3H.si 2305 . ,noMaiiiHHH 2306. ,l1;hiXaHHe 2307 . 3apsi: 2308. KOJIOKOJI 2309. KPYTOH 23 1 0. Me,nHhiH 23 1 1 . MeHRThC.si 1

23 1 2. HeBH,l1;HMhiH 23 1 3 . 06.si3aTeJihCTBO 23 14. or JIR,LJ;hiBa ThC.si i

23 1 5 . 6p,n;eH

23 1 6. oTrrycTHTh p +a

23 1 7 . oqKif pl 23 1 8 . rrepeaecTii p +a

23 19 . rrepcrreKTHBa 2320. IIOCH,LJ;eTh p 232 1 . rrpHMeHRTh i +a 2322. IIpHCeCTh p

2323 . rrpoaepRTh i +a 2324. peiiiaThc.s� i +inf/Ha +a

2325 . c66pHHK

2326. cMeiiiH6ii 2327. crreKTaKJih m 2328. crrpaae,nJIHBhiH


characteristic (adj) hm! (expressing

hesitation) artiste, performer favourable to choose December division (army) domestic breathing dawn; sunset bell steep; severe copper to change; ( o6-I rro-

p +inst) exchange invisible pledge (orJI.s�,n;eThC.si p) to look

round; (orJI.siHYThC� p) look back

(nom pl op,n;eHa) medal, decoration; (nom pl 6p,n;eHhi) order (society)

to let go, release

glasses, spectacles to transfer; translate

perspective; prospect to sit for a while to use, employ to take a seat, sit down

to check to bring os to, risk;

be decided collection (book of

poems, stories, articles) funny, ridiculous (theatre) performance fair, just

Bhi6epy, Bhi6epeiiih ; Bhi6HpclTh g sg ,n;eKa6pR

nom pl 36pH, g pl 30ph, d pl 36p.s�M nom pl KOJIOKOJia

MeHRIOch; Bee MeHReTc� Everything is changing



g pl oqKQB rrepeBe,n;y, rrepeBe,n:eiiih, past

rrepeBeJI, nepeBeJia; rrepeBO,LJ;HTh i

IIOCH)I(Y, IIOCH,LJ;HIIIh ; c:u,neTh npHMeHRIO; npHMeHHTh p rrpHCR,n;y, rrpHCR,n:eiiih, past

IIpHCeJI, IIpHCeJia; IIpHCcl)I(HBa ThC.si i

npoBepjj:IO; npoBepHTh p peiiiHThC.si p

2329. cpaBHHTeJihHO 2330. TeopeTifqecKHH 233 1 . y6paTh p +a

2332. :QeHHOCTh f 2333. arpoH6M 2334. BHe,l1;peHHe

2335 . BOCTQqHhiH 2336. rO,lJ;HThCji i Ha

+a /)J;JijJ +g 2337 . rop)J;OCTh f 2338. ,lJ;OCTHqh p +g

( = ,LJ;OCTHrHyTh)

2339. )KeHHThCji i/p Ha +pr 2340. 3aMeTHO 234 1 . KHH6 n indecl 2342. KopeHH6:H 2343 . MclCJIO 2344. MacTepcKaj{ f adj 2345 . MMCO 2346. Ha,lJ;e)l(HhiH 2347. Ha3HaqHTh p +a +inst 2348. HaCTYIIJieHHe 2349. HeaecTa 2350. o6paTHhiH

235 1 . O,LJ;:UHaKOBhiH 2352. OTHOCHTeJihHO

2353 . IIaMj{THHK 2354. rrepe6HTh p +a 2355. IIO,l1;apHTh p +a +d

2356. IIO)J;XO)J; 2357. IIOMeiUHK 2358. IIOCTapaThCji p +p inf 2359. IIOjJBJieH:Ue 2360. rrp:H6hiJih f 236 1 . pacrronaraTh i

comparatively theoretical to take away; tidy up

value agronomist inculcation; putting into

practice eastern


y6epy, y6epeiiih, past y6pan, y6pana, y6pano; y6HpaTh i

to be fit (for), be usable ro)l(yCh, ro,LJ;HIIIhCjJ

pride to achieve; reach

to marry (of man) noticeably cinema fundamental butter; oil workshop, studio meat reliable to appoint (s.o. as sth) offensive, advance bride; fiancee reverse (adj)

identical relatively; ( +g )

concerning monument to interrupt to give, present

(sth to s.o.) approach landowner to try appearance profit

,lJ;OCTHrHy, ,D;OCTHrHeiiih, past ,LJ;OCTHr, ,LJ;OCTHrna; ,lJ;OCTHra Th i

)KeHIDCh, )KeH:UlllhCji

o6paTHhiH a,LJ;pec sender's address; B o6paTHYID cT6poHy in the opposite direction

rrepe6hffi, rrepe6heiiih; rrepe6HBaTh i ,l1;apHTh i


( +inst) to have available; Mhi pacrronaraeM 6onhiiiHMH (+a ) (pacrroJIO)KHTh ,LJ;eHhraM:u We have plenty of p) to arrange, set out; win over

money available



2362. pO)I(�clThCR 2363. ceMeHHhiH 2364. CJihiXaTh i (coli) o +pr 2365 . CJihiiiia ThCR i 2366. coqHH}]:Th i +a 2367. TaJiaHTJIHBhiH 2368. TeXHOJIOrHR 2369. THXOHhKO (coil) 2370. TKaHh f 237 1 . TOJIK

2372. TOCKa

2373 . cpaKTOp 2374. XOXOTclTh 2375 . areHT 2376. 6acceiiH

2377. BapHclHT 2378 . BHe +g 2379. s:br6op 2380. ryn 238 1 . �OXO;J;HTh i ;J;O +g 2382. 3a66p 2383. 3cl�HHH 2384. KOHTHHCHT 2385 . KoneiiKa 2386. JI03yHr 2387. Hanpasn}]:Th i +a 2388. HeBOJihHO 2389. HC)I(HhiH 2390. He3aMeTHO 239 1 . HecqacTHhiH [ cq = ml 2392. HecpTb f 2393. OKPY)I(HTh p +a +inst 2394. OTH}]:Th p +a

2395 . OTCTYITclTh i OT +g 2396. nacca)l(lfp 2397. ITO;J;BO;J;HhiH 2398. rrpeKpameHHe 2399. npH3HclThCR p B +pr

2400. npOBO)I(clTh i +a


to be born family ( adj) to hear (about) to be heard to compose, make up talented technology quietly cloth sense, point;

understanding melancholy, depression,

ennui; (no +d) yearning (for)

factor to guffaw, laugh loudly agent pool, swimming-pool;

basin (geog) variant outside choice rumble to reach fence rear (adj) continent kopeck slogan to direct unintentionally tender, gentle imperceptibly unhappy oil, petroleum

pO;J;HThCR p

no pres CJihiiiiHTCR; no- p COqlfH}):IO; coqHHHTh p

c TOJIKOM sensibly

Hanpasn}]:IO; HanpaBHTh p

to surround (sth with sth) OKpy)l(aTh to take away OTHHMY, OTHHMeiiih , past 6THRJI,

OTH.siJia, OTH.siJIO; OTHHMclTh i to retreat; deviate (from) OTCTynHTh p passenger underwater stopping, ending to confess

to accompany, see off

npH3HcliOCh, npH3HaeiiihC.si; npH3HaBclThCR 1

npOBO;J;HTh p

240 1 . pa6 2402. pa3BHBaTh i +a 2403. p63a 2404. pyqKa 2405 . CHrHaJI 2406. CKpbiTh p +a 2407. COBepiiiHTh p +a 2408. CTOJIHK

2409. CTYK 24 10. ToproBaTh i +inst 24 1 1 . TOp)l(eCTBeHHhiH 24 1 2. yqlfThiBaTh i +a

24 1 3 . $aHTaCTifqeCKHH 24 14. MpKO 24 1 5 . 6eCKOHeqHO 24 16 . 6yKBaJibHO 24 1 7 . BHeCTH p +a B +a

24 1 8 . BhirO,l(HhiH 24 19 . reHepaJibHhiH 2420. rpaH,[(H03HhiH 242 1 . rp�3h f 2422. ,l(06paThC� p ,[(0 +g

2423. .no6hiBa Th i +a 2424. ,llOJDKHOCTh f 2425 . HcrryraThc� p +g 2426. HIDJih m 2427. K6iiKa 2428 . KOCTIDM 2429. JiaCKOBO 2430. JIOK(o)Th m 243 1 . Jil060IIhiTHhiH 2432. Ha,l(OeCTh p +d

2433. HaqaJihCTBO

2434. Hy)l(,lla ThC� i B +pr 2435. o,ne)l(,l(a 2436. OKOIIIKO 2437. oc66o


slave g sg pa6a to develop pa3BHTh p rose small hand; handle; pen g pl pyqeK signal to conceal cKp6IO, cKp6ernh; cKphiBaTh to accomplish, complete coBeprnaTh i small table, restaurant

table knock to trade (in) ceremonial; celebratory


to take into consideration, yqecTh p bear in mind

fantastic brightly endlessly literally to bring in

advantageous general ( adj) grandiose mud; dirt to reach

to get, obtain post, job to take fright (at) July bunk, berth suit; costume affectionately elbow curious

BHecy, BHecernh, past BHec, BHecna; BHOCHTh i

pr sg B rp�3H ,no6epych, ,no6epernhc�, past

,l(o6panc�, ,l(o6panach; ,[(06Hpa ThC� i

,no6hiTh p g pl ,[(OJI)J(HOCTeH rryraThC�

g pl K6eK

to bore Ha,noeM, Ha,l(oernh (like ecTh ), past Ha,noen, Ha,noena; Ha,noe,na Th i; OH eli Han;oen She's bored with him

the management, the authorities

to need, be in need of clothes small window g pl oK6rneK specially; separately



2438 . OT'be3)l; 2439. 1103BOHHTb p +d 2440. rrpaKTJiqecKH 244 1 . rrpeKpaTHTh p +a

2442. rrpH3HaBaTh i +a

2443. rrporpeCCHBHhiH 2444. IIpO;:J;OJDKa TbC.SI i

2445 . IIpOH3HeCTH p +a

2446. pa3pa66TaTh p +a

2447. pa3yM 2448. p630BhiM 2449. CJiaBHhiM 2450. CMeiiiHO 245 1 . <1>6To n indecl 2452. IIIJIRIIa 2453 . IIITyKa (coli) 2454. aBTOMa TJiqecKHii 2455 . aKTHBHO 2456. s6erarh i B +a 2457 . Be3TH i +a

245 8. BeTBb f 2459. Bpe;:J;HhiM 2460. BCKOqHTh p 246 1 . BbiBeCTH p +a

2462. rp6xoT 2463. ;:J;eC.SITHJieTHe 2464. )]; OCTO MHbiM 2465 . ;:J;ypHOM 2466. )l(eCT 2467. 3aH.SITbiM

2468 . 3arrHcaTh p +a

2469. HCKJIIOqeHHe 2470. KHBHYTh p +inst 247 1 . ne;:J;.SIH6ii


departure to ring; telephone (s.o.) practically to stop, discontinue

to recognize

progressive to continue

to pronounce

to work out, devise, develop

reason, intellect pink; rosy glorious comical(ly) photo hat (with brim) thing automatic actively to run in to transport

branch harmful to jump in to lead out

crash; rumble decade worthy bad, evil gesture occupied, busy

to note down

exception to nod ICY


rrpeKpamy, rrpeKpa THIIIh ; rrpeKpama Th i

rrpH3Haffi, rrpH3Haeiiih ; IIpH3HaTh p

Pa66Ta rrpo;:J;OJI)l(aJioch The work continued

rrpoH3Hecy, npoH3Heceiiih , past npoH3Hec, npoH3Hecna; npOH3HOCHTh i

pa3pa6aThiBaTh i

s6e)l(aTh p se3y, se3ernh, past se3, se3na;

no- p g pl BeTBeii

scKoqy, scKoqHIIIh ; scKaK:uBaTh i BhiBe;:J;y, BhiBe;:J;eiiih, past BhiBen,

BbiBeJia; BhiBO)l;HTb i

short forms 3aH.SIT, 3aH.s�Ta, 3aH.s�ro, 3aH.SIThi; OH 3aH.s�r He' s busy

3anHIIIY, 3anliiiieiiih; 3aiiHChiBa Th i

KHBaTh i

2472. neHra 2473 . MaXHYTb p +inst 2474. Myxa 2475. HerpOMKO 2476. Herrocpe,[(CTBeHHbiH

2477. o6H)I(aThC.si i 24 78 . o6j):3aHHbiH 2479. OKTj):6pbCKHH 2480. opaTh i 248 1 . OQeHHTb p +a 2482. IIJieM_g n 2483 . IIOrJiomaTb i +a 2484. rro,n:roTOBHTh p +a

2485. llO,[(p06HO 2486. IIO,[(qepKHBaTb i +a 2487. IIOTOJI( 0 )K 2488 . rrpOBO,[(HTbCji

2489. rrpOKJij}:TbiH 2490. rrporrycKaTb i +a 249 1 . pa3phiB 2492. pacnpocrpaHeHHe 2493. CaMOCTOj):TeJihHbiH 2494. CJIO)I(HTbCji p

2495. COID3HHK 2496. crpacTb f 2497. TaHK 2498. TapenKa 2499. TOIIJIHBO 2500. TpHCTa 250 1 . y6e,[(HTb p +a

2502. yaenJiqHThc_g p 2503 . y ,[(HBJieHHe 2504. y):(66HbiH 2505. XOJIM 2506. qeTBepTb f 2507. 6e3yCJIOBHO 2508. 6oJibHHQa 2509. BOCTOpr 25 10. BhiHeCTH p +a

ribbon, tape to wave fly quietly, in a low voice immediate, direct,

spontaneous to take offence obliged October (adj) to how 1, yell to evaluate, appreciate tribe to swallow, absorb to prepare

in detail to underline, emphasize ceiling to be conducted, take

place damned to let through break, gap; shellburst spreading, dissemination independent to take shape; club

together ally passion tank (mil) plate fuel three hundred to convince

to increase surprise comfortable; convenient hill quarter undoubtedly hospital delight to carry out; to endure



o6H,[(eThC.si p 0Ha o6j):3aHa npHiirn She must come

opy, opeiiih OQeHJb, OQeHHIIIh; OQeHHBaTb i g sg llJieMeHH, nom pl llJieMeHa IIOrJIOTHTb p llO,[(rOTOBJIIO, IIO,IJ;rOTOBHIIIb;



rrporrycTHTb p

CJIO)I(YCb, CJIO)I(HIIIbC.si; CKJicl,[(hiBa TbC.R

g pl TapeJIOK

g rpexc6T no 1 st pers sg, y6e,IJ;HIIIh;

y6e)I(,IJ;a Th i yaeJI:HqHBaTbC.si i

g sg XOJIMa

BhiHecy, BhiHeceiiib, past BhiHec ,

BhiHecna; BbiHOCHTb i



25 1 1 . BhiCKQqHTh p H3 +g 25 1 2. r6pno 25 1 3 . ,LJ;eHCTBHTeJihHhiH 25 14. ,LJ;OXO,LJ; 25 15 . ,LJ;yMaThC.H i

MHe ,LJ;yMaeTC.H 25 16 . 3aKmoqeH:ue 25 17 . H3,LJ;aHHe 25 1 8 . H3yqlfTh p +a 25 19 . KOHeqHhiH 2520. KOp3HHa 252 1 . KOpMHTh i +a 2522. JIHIIIHTh p +a +g 2523. MY)I(CKOH 2524. HerrpephiBHO 2525 . o6cy)I(,ZJ;eH:ue 2526. o,LJ;eTh p +a

2527. IIaJIKa 2528. rrepe)I(HBa Th i +a 2529. rrepeMeHa 2530. IIJIOIIJ;a,ZJ;Ka

253 1 . rro6e,LJ;HTeJih m 2532. IIO,LJ;TBep,ZJ;HTh p +a

2533 . rropT$enh m 2534. IIOTpe6oBaTh p +g 2535. rrpH,D;aBaTh i +a +d

2536. rrpHjJTeJih m 2537. npoqh 2538 . pa3peiiieHHe 2539. CB.SIIU:eHHHK 2540. ceHT»6ph m 254 1 . COBeprneHHhiH 2542. cyHyTh p +a 2543 . ThiJI 2544. y6eraTh i 2545 . yBeJIHqHTh p +a 2546. Y,LJ;HBJijJThC� i +d 2547. ypa 2548. $aHTa3H.H


to jump out (of) throat real, actual; valid income to be thought I think conclusion; confinement publication; edition to learn, master final basket to feed to deprive (s.o. of sth) masculine; male continuously discussion to dress (s.o.); (coli)

put on stick to experience; suffer change ground, area

victor to confirm



B 3aKmoqeHHe in conclusion

KOpMnib, KOpMHIIIh ; Ha- p/rro- p JIHIIIaTh i

g pl IIaJIOK nepe)I(HTh i

g pl IIJIO:r.Qa,LJ;OK; ,LJ;eTCKa.H nno:r.Qa,LJ;Ka children ' s playground

IIO ,LJ;TBep)l(y, II O,ll;TBep,n:HIIIh ; IIO,ZJ;TBep)I(,D;a Th i

to demand noTpe6y10; Tpe6oBaTh to impart, give (sth to sth) np:u,n:alb, np:u,ZJ;aernh; np:u,D;aTh p;

IIpH,ll;aBaTh 3HaqeHHe qeMy­HH6y,LJ;h to treat sth as important

friend away permission; solution priest September perfect to thrust rear (military) to run away to increase to be surprised (at) hurrah, hurray imagination

g sg CeHT�6pjJ

cyHy, CyHeiiih; COBaTh i pr sg B ThiJIY y6e)l(aTh p yBen:Hq:uBaTh y ,LJ;HBJijJJOch; y ,ll;HBHThC� p

2549. qer6 (coll) 2550. 6yMa)I(Ka 255 1 . san

2552. BHHa 2553. BOJIHeHHe 2554. BOCKpeceHhe 2555. BIIOCJie,[(CTBHH 2556. BhiRCHHTh p +a 2557. rn}}HyTh p Ha +a 2558. fOCTHHH:Qa 2559. ,[(BHHYThCR p 2560. ,[(OKa3hiBa Th i +a 256 1 . ,[(QJI)I(HO

,[(OJI)I(HO 6hiTh 2562. ,n;pa ThCR i

2563. 3aiiHChiBaTh i +a 2564. 3aiiOMHHTh p +a 2565. 3BeHO 2566. H3,[(a TeJihCTBO 2567. HHTeJIJIHfCH:QHR

2568. KOMaH,[(OBaHHe 2569. KpeiiOCTHOH m adj 2570. JIOfHKa 257 1 . HaCHJIHe 2572. HaCTYIIHTh p

2573. He6eCHhiH 2574. He3aBHCHMhiH 2575. OfOH(e)K 2576. OCB060,[(HTh p +a


2578 . neperos6phi m pl 2579. IIH,[()I(aK 2580. IIJIOTHhiH 258 1 . rro,n;.nep)l(a Th p +a

2582. rr6JIKa 2583 . IIOCTOpOHHHH m adj


why piece of paper; banknote g pl 6yMa)l(eK billow; rampart; nom pl BaJihi

gross output ( econ) guilt agitation; disturbance Sunday subsequently to clarify, establish to glance (at) hotel to move to argue, prove one ought to probably to fight

to note down to commit to memory link publishing house intelligentsia;

professional people command serf logic violence, force to tread on; come

(of time, seasons)

heavenly, celestial independent light to liberate

leave (from work)

negotiations jacket compact; solid to support

shelf outside, not directly

involved; outsider


,[(BHfaThCR ,[(OKa3aTh p

,n;epych, .nepeiiihCR, past .npancR, .npanach; no- p

3aiiHCaTh p 3aiiOMHHaTh i nom pl 3BeHhR

HaCTyrrmb, HaCTYITHIIIh; HacTyrra Th i ; HacTyrrlino neTo Summer came

g sg oroHhKa OCB060)I(Y, OCB060,IJ;HIIIh;

OCB060)1(,[(a Tb i �HpeKTop B 6TrrycKe The

director is on holiday g pl rreperos6pos g S g IIH,[()I(aKa rrn6THhiH o6e,n; filling meal IIO,IJ;,IJ;ep)l(y, IIO,[(,ll;Cp)I(HIIIh;





2584. II03THqecKHH 2585. rrpecTyrrneHHe 2586. rrporra�a Th i 2587. rrporn;aTh i +a 2588 . pa3Max 2589. paHHHH 2590. pacx6� 259 1 . pe:Hc 2592. pernarorn;Hii 2593. cepli.SI 2594. cnyqaTbC.si i 2595 . cTaJihH6ii 2596. chrrpaTh p 2597. Tpy)l(eHHK 2598. QeJIHKOM 2599. aBrycT 2600. a3pO�pOM 260 1 . 6ecrrone3Hhrii 2602. 6ecqHcneHHhiH 2603 . 6ne,[(HhiH 2604. aHaqane 2605 . BHH3Y 2606. 3a,[(yMqlfBO 2607. JIOMaTh i +a 2608. MOTHB 2609. HaJIHTh p +a

26 10. Harra�eHHe 261 1 . HarrpaBJIRThC.si i K 26 1 2. Haiip.si)I(eHHhiH 26 13 . Herrpaa�a 2614. HHKy�a 26 15 . 06MaHyTh p +a

26 16 . O�HHOKHH 2617 . oceHHHH 26 1 8. OCHOBaTh p +a 26 19. OTBeCTH p +a

2620. OT JIO)I(HTh p +a

262 1 . II03�HHH 2622. II03�paBJIRTh i +a

c +inst

1 00

poetic crime to vanish, be lost to pardon scope, range, scale early expenditure journey (of vehicle) deciding, decisive series to happen steel (adj) to play toiler, worker entirely August aerodrome, airfield useless innumerable pale at first below thoughtfully, pensively to break motive; motif to pour out

attack +d to make for, head for

tense untruth; untrue nowhere to deceive

solitary autumn (adj) to found to lead away; assign

to put aside; postpone

late to congratulate (s.o.

on sth)

rrporracTh p rrpOCTHTh p

HrpaTh i

Ha a3po�p6Me at an airfield

c- p

HaJihiD, Hanheiiih , past HaJIHJI, HaJIHJia, HaJ1Hno, imperative Haneii(Te); HaJlliBaTh i

HarrpaBJIRIOCh; HarrpaBHThC.si p

o6MaHy, o6MaHeiiih ; 06MaHhiBaTh i

ocHy!O, ocHyeiiih ; ocH6BhrBaTh OTBe�y, OTBe�eiiih, past OTBeJI,


OTKJia�hiBa Th i

2623. IIOJIOCKa 2624. IIOCTYII( 0 )K 2625 . rrpHBJieKaTh i +a 2626. rrplicTaHh f 2627� pa3BepHyTh p +a 2628. pa3o6parh p +a

2629. paHeHhiH 2630. CKOpblH 263 1 . cocpe,[loT6qHTh

p +a Ha +pr

2632. COTPYJlHHK 2633. CTOJieTHe 2634. CTpa,n;aTh i 2635. TeMHO 2636. YJlHBHThCM p +d

2637. yqJiTeJihHHQa 2638. <f>HHaHCOBbiH 2639. qaifHHK 2640. 3KpaH 264 1 . 6eCQBeTHhiH 2642. 6Horpa<f>HM 2643 . 6necK 2644. 66)l(HH adj 2645. 60Jih f 2646. Bepcra

2647. Boo6pa)l(eHHe 2648. BqepaiiiHHH 2649. BhlHHMaTh i +a 2650. rp63HhiH 265 1 . ,[(OMHK 2652. 3aKar 2653. 3aMeTKa 2654. KBapTaJI

2655 . KOHqaTbCM i 2656. KyKna 2657. JieTHHH 2658 . JIOBHTh i +a 2659. MO,[leJib f 2660. Ha3hiBaeMhiH

strip action, act to attract jetty, pier, wharf to unfold; develop to take to pieces;

make out, understand

wounded fast


IIpHBJieqh p g pl rrpHCTaHeM pa3BopaqHBaTh

H&3bl aaeMbl M

pa36epy, pa36epeiiih, past pa3o6pan, pa3o6pana, pa3o6pano; pa36Hparh

CKOphiH rr6e3,[( fast train to concentrate (sth on sth) cocpe,[(oT6qHBaTh i;

cocpe,n;oroqHTh BHHMaHHe Ha +pr to concentrate attention on sth

employee, official century to suffer (it ' s) dark to be surprised (at)

teacher (f) financial teapot; kettle screen colourless biography shine God's pa1n verst (slightly over

a kilometre) imagination yesterday ' s to take out threatening cottage sunset mark, (written) note block (of buildings);

quarter of year to end doll summer (adj) to catch model (of sth) called

no- p

y ,[(HBJIIDCh, y ,[lHBHIIIhCM; y ,[lHBJI}]:ThCR i

nom pl BepcThi, g pl aepcr

BhiHYTh p

g pl 3aMeTOK


nosmO, noa:HIIIh; rroM:Marb p

TaK Ha3hiBaeMhiH so-called

1 01


266 1 . HapoqHo

2662. OKOHqaHHe 2663 . OTHID)J;h 2664. IIJiaCTHHKa

2665 . IIJibiTh

2666. IIO)J;06paTh p +a

2667. IIO)I(aJICTh p

2668. IIOMHMO +g


267 1 . rrpeBpaTHTh p B +a

2672. IIYJI.SI 2673 . rrheca 2674. py6axa

267 5. pyKOBOJJ:HTh i +inst

2676. CBepKaTh i

2677. cepe6p.SIHhiif 2678 . CKpbiBaTh i +a

2679. CKphiThC.SI p

2680. c.rrYrnaThC.SI i +g

268 1 . COpT

2682. CIIaCeHHe 2683 . CTHJib m

2684. CTHMYJI 2685. CTpOHThC.SI 2686. cyMaCIIIC)J;IIIHH m adj

2687. TO-TO 2688 . yrpo)l(aTh i +d

2689. YMCHHe 2690. <l>aHTaCTHKa

269 1 . qTeHHe 2692. Bepx

2693. BKJIIOqHTh p +a

2694. BHe3aiiHhiH 2695 . BCJIYX

1 02


end, ending

not at all

(gramophone) record; g pl rrnacTHHOK flat piece of metal or

other material

to sail; swim IIJihiBY, IIJihiBeiiih, past IIJibiJI, IIJibiJia, IIJihiJI 0; II 0- p

to pick up; select rroJJ:6epy, rro)1;6epeiiih, past

rroJJ:o6pan, rro.uo6pana, rro.uo6pano; rro)1;6HpaTh

(+a ) to pity; ( o +pr ) rro)l(aJieiO, rro)l(aJieeiiih; regret )l(aJieTh i

apart from

subsequent, following

to kiss

to convert, tum (into)


play (theatre)


to manage, supervise

to sparkle

silver (adj)

to hide, conceal

to hide os, vanish

to obey

grade, quality

salvation, rescue



to be built


that' s it, that ' s right

to threaten (s.o.)


fantastic, fantasy



to include; switch on



rrouenyw, rrouenyelllh ; uenoBaTh i

rrpespamy, rrpeBpa THIIIh; rrpeBpamaTh

g pl IIYJih

CKpblTh p

CKpbiBa ThC.SI no- p

nom pl COpTa; BhiClliiiH COpT top quality

no- p

HayqHa.SI <PaHTaCTHKa science


nom pl Bepx:H BKJIIOqaTh i

2696. rop.n:hiH 2697. rophKHH 2698. rOCIIO,[(CTBO 2699. .n:eneraT 2700. .n:erneBhiH 270 1 . ,[(JIHTeJibHhiH 2702. ,[(OfHclTh p +a

2703. ecTeCTBeHHhiH 2704. 3a(R)Q 2705 . KOJJH (call) (also KOJJh) 2706. Kopa 2707. neTaTh i

2708. JieTqlfK 2709. nyr 27 10. MfHOBeHHe

27 1 1 . HaiipOTHB 27 1 2. He3HaKOMhiH 27 13 . HepB

27 14. 06HHMclTh i +a

27 15 . orry6JIHKOBclTh p +a

27 16. OT ,[(hiXa Th i

27 17 . OQeHKa 27 18 . rroKHHYTh p +a

27 19. rro33HR 2720. rrpe.n:nonara Th i

272 1 . rrpe,n:hi.l1:YillHH 2722. IIpHBeTCTBOBaTb i +a

2723. npHMeH}]:ThCR

2724. pa3pymeHHe

2725 . pecypc

2726. pyraThCR i

2727. C03HaTeJihHhiH

2728. cpaBHHTh p +a c +inst

2729. y,n:oBJieTBopeHHe

2730. YHHqTo)l(eHHe

273 1 . 3H 2732. arpeccop

2733 . 6erneHhiH 2734. 6opMOTclTh 1 2735. s.n:an:H 2736. Be.n:po



domination, supremacy




to catch up (with) ,[(OfOHID, ,[(OfOHHillh, past

,n:orHan, .n:orHana, .n:orHano; .n:oroH}]:Th




bark, rind, crust

to fly around

pilot, airman

= eCJJH no pi

no- p

meadow pr sg Ha nyry, nom pl nyra moment

opposite; on the contrary



to embrace

to publish

to rest; take a holiday


to abandon


to suppose


to greet

to be used; (K +d)

adapt os (to)



to swear

(politically, socially)

conscious; deliberate

06HsiTh p


g pl OQeHOK IIOKH,[(a Th i

npe,[(IIOJ10)J(HTh p

to compare (sth with sth) cpaBHHBaTh


annihilation, destruction

hey ! (attracting attention)


mad; furious

to mumble

in the distance


1 03


2737. BCeMHpHbiH 2738 . BblpBaThC.si p

2739. BhiCKa3aTh p +a

2740. BhiCTaBKa

27 4 1 . ,LJ;HeBHOH 2742. �OBO� 2743. �O)I(�aTbC.si p +g

2744. �OKa3aTellhCTBO 27 45. )l(eJie3HO�Op0)1(HhiH 2746. 3aMy)l(: BhiXO,LJ;HTh i/

BhiHTH p 3aMy)l( 3a +a

27 4 7 . 3aMhiC( e )JI

2748. 36Ha 2749. HrpOK 2750. HCKmoqJiTellhHhiH 27 5 1 . HCIIbiThiBa Th i +a

2752. HIDHh m

2753 . Kop61Ih m

2754. naBKa 2755 . JIIO�CKOH 2756. HaHeCTH p +a +d

2757. HaCToifqHBO 2758. HeJIOBKO 2759. o6ecrreqeHHe

2760. 06MeH 276 1 . 06b.siCHMThC.si

2762. OKpy)l(aiOI.QHH 2763. orrpaB�aTh p +a

world, worldwide

to tear oneself away

to express


day (adj)

argument (for sth)

to wait (for)


railway (adj)

to marry (a husband)

scheme, idea




to test; experience



bench; small shop

human (adj)

to inflict (sth on s.o.)



securing, providing,

provision (with)


to make os understood;

be explained


to justify

2764. OCB060�HThC.si p OT +g to free OS

2765. OTKa3 2766. OTKa3hiBaThC.si i

OT +g or +inf

2767. OTKpOBeHHO 2768. OT03BaThC.si p

1 04


to refuse


(Ha +a ) to respond to;

(o +pr) express a

view of

BbipByCh, BblpBeiilhC.si; BblphmaTbC.si i

BhiCKa)l(y, BhiCKa)l(eiiih; BhiCKa3biBaTb i

g pl BhiCTaBOK; Ha BhiCTaBKe at an exhibition

�O)I(.lJ:YCh, ,l:J:O)I(,l:J:eiiihC.si, past

.no)l(.nanc.s�, .no)l(.nanach; ,l:J:O)I(H,l:J:aThC.si i

g sg HrpoKa

HCIIhiTaTh p

g sg KOpOllM g pl naBOK

HaHecy, HaHeceiiih, past HaHec, HaHecna; HaHOCHTh i

orrpaB,nhiBa Th 1

OCB060)1(YCh, OCB060)J:HlllhC.si; OCB060)1(,LJ;a ThC.si i

OT30BYCh, OT30BeiiihC.si, past

oTo3Banc.s�, oT03Banach; OT3hiBa ThC.si i

2769. IIO,[(p06HOCTh f

2770. IIOJiaraThC.si i Ha +a 277 1 . IIOCTeJih f

2772. rrpeBhiilla Th i +a 2773 . rrpHBbiqHhiH 2774. rrp:urnacHTh p +a

2775 . rrpOBHHUH� 2776. npOHTHCh p

2777. pa3nl1:q:ue 2778. paHHTh i/p +a 2779. CKJIOH 2780. coxpaHeH:ue 278 1 . TeCHO 2782. TeTpa,[(h f

2783 . TOIIOp 2784. TpOHYTh p +a 2785. TIUaTeJihHO 2786. yrpiDMO 2787. yn6pHhiH 2788. IliKa$ 2789. menh f

2790. 10r 279 1 . �IIOHCKHH 2792. 6aJIKOH 2793. 6oKan 2794. 6pO.[(HTh i

2795 . s6speM� 2796. BOJIHOBaTh i +a 2797. scephe3 2798. BXO,[( 2799. rpo6 2800. ,[(eBKa (coll)

280 1 . ,[(eHCTBYIOIUHH

2802. .[(enerau:u.s� 2803 . ,[(eC.si:ThiH 2804. 3arn.si:,[(hiBaTh 1

2805 . 3aMeTHhiH 2806. 3apaHee 2807. 3aiUHTHHK 2808. 3BOH 2809. HCTIQJIHj{Th i +a


to rely (on)

bedding, bed

to exceed


to invite

province; provinces

to take a walk


to wound, injure



tightly; crowded

exercise book


to touch





chink, fissure, slot


Japanese (adj)



to wander

on time

to worry, excite








to glance


in advance



to carry out, fulfil



IIpeBhiCHTh p

np:ur nallly, np:ur nac:Hrnh; np:ur Jiaiiia Th i

npoii.[(yCh, npoii.[(eiiihC.si, past

npornenc.s�, rrpornnach; rrpoxa)I(HBa The� i

g sg TOIIOpa TpOHy, TpOHeiiih; TporaTh

pr B/Ha IIIKa$y

Ha Ibre in the south

BOJIHyeT; B3- p

pr sg B rpo6y, nom pl rpo6:b1 g pl ,[(eBOK ,[(eiicTBYIDm:u:H BYJIKaH active



1 05


28 10 . HCIIOpTHTh p +a

28 1 1 . KaKOH-JIH60 28 1 2. KaH,ZJ:H,Z:J;(l T 28 1 3 . KHprrlfq 28 14. KpaTKHH 28 1 5 . Kyqa 28 1 6. nlf,n:ep 28 17 . JIO)I(Ka 28 1 8 . mo6oBaThCR i +inst

or Ha +a

28 19 . MHHYBIIIHH 2820. Harrpaso 282 1 . HeB03MO)I(HhiH 2822. HeHaBHCTh f

2823. HHTKa 2824. 06IUeCTBeHHOCTh f

2825 . OKOHqaTeJihHhiH 2826. OTOpBaTh p +a

2827 . OTpa)l(aTh i +a

2828. OTqaRHHe 2829. OXOTHO 2830. rracxa 283 1 . rrHChMeHHhiH

2832. IIO-BH,ZJ:HMOMY 2833. IIOKQHqHTh p C +inst

2834. IIOMelliaTh p

2835. rroqTa 2836. rrpeMHR 2837. rrpeiiHTCTBHe 2838 . I1pH3BaTh p

2839. rrpHp6,n:HhiH 2840. I1pOHCXO)I(,ZJ:eHHe 284 1 . IIpOHHKHYTh p B +a

2842. pa3,ZJ:aThCR p

2843 . p6BHhiH 2844. caMOJIID6He

1 06

to spoil








to admire


to the right




the public


to tear off

to reflect




written; writing ( adj)


to finish (with) , do away


(+d) to hinder, prevent;

disturb; (+a ) to stir

post office; post, mail

bonus; prize


to summon, appeal



to penetrate

to resound

level; even, equal

pride, self-esteem

Hcrropqy, Hcrr6pTHIIIh ; rr6pTHTh

g pl JIO)I(eK mo6yiOch; no- p

g pl HHTOK

oTopBy, oTopBeiiih , past

OTOpBaJI, OTOpBaJia, OTOpBaJio; OTphiBaTh i

OTpa3HTh p

Ha rracxy at Easter

B IIHChMeHHOM BH,n:e in written

form; IIHChMeHHhiH CTOJI desk

no i

MernaTh 1

Ha rroqTe at the post office

rrpH30BY, rrpH3oBeiiih, past

IIpH3BaJI, IIpH3BaJia, IIpH3BaJio; IIpH3hiBaTh i

past rrpOHHK, rrpOHHKJia; IIpOHHKaTh i

pa3,n:acTcR, past pa3,n:ancR, pa3,n:anach; pa3,n:aBa ThCR

2845 . CBeTHTh 1

2846. CBH�eTeJihCTBO 2847 . COBeplliclThCM i 2848. cyTh f 2849. CbeCTh p +a

2850. y6e)l(.n;eHHe 285 1 . y .n;ep)l(a Th p +a

2852. ueHHTh i +a 2853. 6naro.n;apHhiH 2854. BOCIIHThiBaTh i +a 2855. BCIIhiXHYTh p 2856. B-TpeThHX 2857. BhirHaTh p +a

2858. BhiTMHYTh p +a 2859. reHHH 2860. repoliqecKHH 286 1 . 3annaKa Th p 2862. 3apa6oTaTh p +a 2863. H3BOJIHTh i +inf

2864. HHTepeCOBclTh i +a 2865 . Hlllh (coli)

2866. KHHYThCM p 2867 . KnaccliqecKHH 2868. KJIHMaT 2869. Maprn 2870. Me,D;Be,LI;h m 287 1 . MpaqHhiH 2872. HaiiOJIHHTh p +a 2873. He,LI;clBHHH 2874. HeH36e)I(HO 2875. HeiiO,LI;BH)I(HhiH 2876. o6pa�oBaThc� p +d

2877. OCBeiUeHHe 2878. OTTeH( 0 )K 2879. narrKa 2880. IIOBhiCHTh p +a

288 1 . IIOKYIIclTh i +a

to shine evidence; certificate to be accomplished essence to eat

conviction, belief to hold back, retain

to value grateful to educate, bring up to blaze up thirdly to expel

to stretch out genius heroic to begin to cry to earn to wish, desire; deign

to interest look (drawing attention

to sth) to throw os, rush classical climate march bear gloomy, baleful to fill recent inevitably motionless to be glad (at) , be

pleased (about) illumination shade, nuance file, folder to raise

to buy


COBeplliHThCM p cyTh .n;ena the heart of the matter CbeM, Cbellih, CbeCT, Cbe,[(HM,

Cbe�HTe, Cbe�}}T, past c'hen, c'hena; ecTh i

y �ep)l(y, y �ep)I(Hlllh; y �ep)I(HBa Th i

QeHID, QeHHllih


BbirOHIO, BhirOHHlllh; BhirOH}}Th i

BhiT}}rHBa Th i

3aiiJia qy, 3aiiJia qeiiih; IIJiaKa Th 3apa6aThiBaTh i H3BOJIIO, H3BOJIHllih; 113BOJihTe

BhiHTH Kindly leave HHTepecyeT; 3a- p 11rnh KaKoii rp}}3Hhiil! Look

how dirty it is ! KH�aThC� i


o6pa.n;y10ch; pa.n;oBa The�

g pl rranOK IIOBhllliY, IIOBhiCHllih;

IIOBhilliaTh KYIIHTh p

1 07

28820 IIOHa,[{06HThC» p

28830 IIpH6JIH)I(aThC» i K +d 28840 rrpHCTYIIHTh p K +d

2885 o IIpO,[{OJDKeHHe

28860 IIpO»BJieHHe 2887 0 rry6nHKa 28880 pa36y.[{HTh p +a 28890 pa3HHu;a 28900 perneTKa 289 1 0 CBHHb.si

28920 CBHCTeTh 2893 0 CKpOMHhiM 28940 cnerKa 2895 0 CMepTHhiM 28960 CHH)I(eHHe 2897 0 coqeTaHHe 28980 Tp.sirrKa 28990 Y3HaBaTh i +a 29000 $HJIOCO$CKHM 290 1 0 :QapCTBO 29020 3Ta)l( 2903 0 6aHK 29040 6necTeTh

2905 o 6pa T( e )u;

29060 BenJ1:qHe 29070 BhiTHpaTh i +a 29080 roJIO,[{HhiH 29090 rpOMKHM 29 1 oo ,[(Ba)l(,[(bl 29 1 1 0 ,[(OCTaBJI.siTb i +a 29 1 20 e)l(ero,[{Ho 29 1 3 0 3arracH6ii (or

3arracHhiii) 29 140 3aiiHCh f 29 1 5 0 3achirra Th

3aChirraTh i +a +inst

29 160 3HaKOMCTBO C +inst

1 08

to be necessary

to draw near to get down to, start on


manifestation, display public to wake, rouse difference grating, grille, railings pig

to whistle modest slightly fatal; mortal lowering combination rag to recognize; find out philosophical kingdom floor, storey bank (for money) to shine

old man, mate (form of address)

greatness to rub dry; wipe hungry loud twice to deliver annually spare, reserve

recording; written record

IIOHa,[{06HTC»; eCJIH rroHa,[{o6HTCH if necessary


IIpHCTyrra Th i n pO,[(OJI)I(eHHe cne,[{yeT To be


pa36 y)l(y, pa3 6 y ,[{Hllih; 6 y ,[{HTh no pl

g pl perneToK nom pl CBHHhH, g pl CBHHeif,

�d pl


g pl Tp.siiiOK Y3Halb, y3Haeiiih ; Y3HaTh p

g sg 3Ta)l(a

6nemy, 6necTHIIIh or 6nemeiiih

BhiTepeTh p

,[{OCTaBJI.siiO; ,[{OCTaBHTh p

to fall asleep 3aCHYTh p to fill sth, cover sth 3ac:b1rra Th p

with sth acquaintance (with),

knowledge (of)

2917 . H36paTh p +a

29 18 . H3o6pa)l(aTh i +a 29 19. M3pe,nKa 2920. HMy�eCTBO 292 1 . KOCTb f 2922. MaHepa 2923. HecqacThe [cq = �] 2924. HeTpy,nHO 2925. OpKeCTp 2926. OT ,naJieHHhiM 2927. OTKpOBeHHhiM 2928. OIIIH6MTbC.si p

2929. rrecTpbiM 2930. IIOBeCHTb p +a 293 1 . IIOMeCTMTb p +a

2932. IIOCOBeTOBaTh p +d 2933. rrpe.nrroJio)l(eH:ue 2934. rrpe,nynpe,nMTh p +a

2935. rrpO)I(HTb p

2936. Il.siThCOT

2937. paBeHCTBO 2938. paccy)l(,na Th 2939. c3a,n:u 2940. c:u61fpcKHM 294 1 . CKaTepTb f 2942. CMMpHO 2943. coo6pa)l(eH:ue

2944. CIIe:QHaJihHO 2945 . cTpena 2946. CTpy»

2947. y3(e)n 2948. ycMeiiiKa 2949. ycrreiiiHhiii 2950. yqe6HbiM


to choose, elect :u36epy, :u36epeiiih, past H36pan, H36pana, H36pano;

to depict occasionally property, possessions bone manner misfortune (it ' s) not difficult orchestra distant, remote frank to make a mistake

many-coloured, motley

H36HpaTh i H306pa3MTb p

g pl KOCTeii

OIIIH6ych, OIIIH6eiiihC.si; past orn:H6c.s�, oiiiif6nach; OIIIH6aThC.si i

to hang IIOBeiiiy, IIOBeCHIIIh; BeiiiaTh to accommodate, place noMe�y, rroMeCTMIIIh;

IIOMe�aTh i to advise (s.o.) IIOCOBeTyiO; COBeTOBaTh supposition to warn, tell in advance npe,nyrrpe)l(y, rrpe,nynpe,nMIIIh;

npe,nynpe)l(,na Th i rrpO)I(HBY, rrpO)I(HBeiiih, past to live (for a specified

period) rrp6 )I(IIJI, rrpO)I(IIJia, rrpO)I(HJIO; IlpO)I(HBa Tb i

five hundred g II.siTHCOT, d II.siTHCTaM, inst Il.siTbiOCTaMH, pr IIRTIICTaX

equality to reason; ( o +pr) discuss from behind Siberian (adj) tablecloth g pl cKa TepTeii quietly consideration, reason H3 coo6pa)l(eHHM 6e30ITaCHOCTH

for security reasons

specially arrow jet, stream

nom pl cTpenhi nom pl CTpyH, g pl CTpyii,

d pl CTPYRM knot; junction; bundle g sg y3na slight smile; sneer; smirk g pl ycMeiiieK successful educational

1 09


295 1 . .si6JIOKO 2952. aKKypaTHO 2953 . 6e�CTBHe 2954. 6JIH)I(HHH 2955 . 6hiTOBOH 2956. BBe�eHHe 2957. sna�eTh i +inst

2958. B03paCTH p

2959. BhiHOCHTh i +a

2960. raCHYTh i

296 1 . �aHHhie pl adj 2962. �eBHQa 2963 . �HeBHHK 2964. ,npy)l(eCTBeHHhiH 2965 . Jase�yiOI.QHii m adj

+inst 2966. Hccne�osaTeJih m 2967. HCTHHHhiH 2968. KapTHHKa 2969. KJiaH.siThC.si 2970. KOr�a-HH6y�h 297 1 . KOCa

2972. KOIIIKa 2973. KpH3HC 2974. Kycoq(e)K 2975 . MMJIHQH.si 2976. MOJIHM.si 2977. Mhllllh f 2978 . HaMepeHHe 2979. HarreqaraTh p +a 2980. Harypa 298 1 . OKQHqMTh p +a 2982. OCBern;aTh i +a 2983 . OTqeT 2984. IIOBOpaqJIBaThC.si 2985 . IIOBbiiiieHHhiH 2986. IIOJIHTHK 2987. rroqeTHhiii

1 1 0

apple thoroughly; tidily disaster near social, everyday introduction to possess; have

command of

to grow

to carry out, take away; endure

to go out, be extinguished, fade

data; qualities girl diary friendly manager, head (of)

researcher true

nom pl .H6JIOKH, g pl .si6JIOK

sna�ew, sna�eeiiih; o- p; OHa BJia�eeT II.siThiD .si3hiKaMH She speaks five languages

B03pacry, B03pacTeiiih ; past Bo3p6c, so3pocna; Bo3pacraTh i


racHy, raCHeiiih, past rae, racna; no- p

picture, illustration g pl KapTHHOK to bow KJiaH.siiOCh; IIOKJIOHHThC.si p ever; some day (a K6cy) plait; nom pl KOChi

(a Kocy) scythe cat (f) g pl KOIIIeK crisis small piece police lightning mouse g pl Mhiiiieii intention to print rreqa Ta Th i nature, character to finish; graduate (from) oKaHqHBaTh 1

to illuminate ocBeTHTh p report to tum round rroBepHyThC.si p raised politician respected

2988. npespamaTh i +a B 2989. npeo,IJ;oJieTh p +a

2990. npH3hiBa Tb i 299 1 . npo,IJ;aBaTh i +a 2992. npOXO)l(HH m adj 2993 . rrpOj�BJI.siTb i +a

2994. np:biraTh 1

2995 . npsiTaTbCj� 2996. nyraTh i +a 2997. n:biJihHhiH 2998. pa36HpaTh i +a

2999. pOCCHHCKHH 3000. pyraTh i +a 300 1 . csa,IJ;b6a 3002. CJia,IJ;KHH 3003. CTaH(O)K 3004. CKyKa 3005 . CHC)l(HbiH 3006. COKpameHHe 3007. COJI,lJ;aTCKHH 3008. cy666Ta 3009. TaHHCTBeHHhiH 3010. TOJIKaTh i +a 301 1 . ymep6 3012 . XHTpbiH 301 3 . lfCCTHO 3014. lfHHOBHHK 3015 . IllTaH:bi m pl 30 16 . 6ycpeT 3017 . 6biCTpOTa


301 8. BhiHY)l(,IJ;aTh i +a +inf 301 9. BhiXO,IJ;HOH 3020. 3a60THThCSI i 0 +pr

302 1 . 3aBH,IJ;OBaTh p +d 3022. 3aKypHTh p +a

3023. 3apy6eJKHhiii 3024. 3aSIBJisiTb i 0 +pr 3025 . HMnepHj{

to tum (sth into sth) to overcome

to summon; appeal to sell passer-by to display, manifest

to jump to hide to frighten dusty to take to pieces; sort

out; make out Russian (of Russia) to abuse, scold wedding sweet machine, .machine tool boredom snow (adj), snowy reduction; abbreviation soldier 's Saturday mysterious to push, shove damage cunning honestly bureaucrat; official trousers snack bar speed to force exit (adj) to worry about,

concern OS with, look after

to envy to start smoking

foreign to announce empire


npespaTHTh p npeo,IJ;oJiero, npeo,IJ;oneeiiih;

npeo,IJ;oJiesaTh i npH3BaTh p npo,IJ;aro, npo,IJ;aeiiih; npo)J;a Th p

rrpOj�BJI.siiO; rrpOj�BHTh p;

npOSIBJisiTh HHHQHaTHBY to show initiative

rrp:birHyTh p npsiqych, npsilfeiiihCj{; c- p

HC- p

pa3o6paTh p

B3-/H3-/ 06- p g pl csa)J;e6

rrelfaTHhie cTaHKH printing presses

TOJIKHYTh p B ymep6 +d to the detriment of

g pl lliTaHOB

BhiHY ,IJ;HTh p BhiXO)J;HOH ,IJ;eHh day off 3a6oqych, 3a66THIIIhcSI; no- p

3aB:H,IJ;yiO, 3aBli,L�;yeiiih; no- p

3aKypro, 3aKypHIIIh; 3aKypHBaTh i

1 1 1


3026. HCIThiTclTh p +a 3027. KaMepa 3028. KaTeropHH 3029. KOJIX03HHK 3030. KOJIX03HhiH 303 1 . 11( 0 ))l(h f 3032. MHJIOCTh f 3033 . MOHeTa 3034. MqaThCH i 3035 . MhiiiiJieHHe 3036. He6och (coll) 3037. onpe,n:en}}ThCH

3038 . OTCTclTh p OT +g

3039. nacTh p nacTh f

3040. nepeHeCTH p +a

304 1 . no,n:xo,n}}II.:(:uii 3042. llO)l(clTh p +a 3043. IT03,n:paBHTh p +a

c +inst 3044. rrorrepeK +g

3045 . nopyqHTh p +a +d 3046. npH)l(clTh p +a K +d

3047. npOTHBHO 3048. npOHBHTh p +a

3049. pa6CTBO 3050. pa,n:OCTHO 305 1 . paccep,n:HThCH p Ha +a

3052. pe3aTh i +a 3053 . CaHTHMeTp 3054. cBepx +g 3055 . CBH.r:t:eTeJih m 3056. ce,n:6ii 3057. CKOT 3058. CKphiBclThCH i

1 1 2

to test; experience chamber, room, cell category collective farmer collective farm (adj) lie, lies favour coin to rush thinking probably to be determined,

be defined to lag behind

to fall maw, jaws (of animal) to transfer

suitable to press, squeeze to congratulate

(s.o. on sth) across

to entrust sth to s.o. to press, clasp (sth to sth)

disgusting(ly) to display, manifest

slavery joyfully to get angry (with)

to cut centimetre above witness grey (of hair) cattle to hide os, vanish

HCllhiThiBa Th

no pl M:HnocTH np6cHM! Welcome !

onpe,n:en�eTcH; orrpe,neJIHThCH p

OTCTaHy, OTCTaHeiiih; OTCTaBclTh i

na,n:y, na,n:eiiih; past nan, nana; na,n:aTh i

nepeHecy, rrepeHeceiiih, past rrepeHec, nepeHecna; nepeHOCHTh i

ITO)l(MY, llO)l(Meiiih; llO)I(HMa Th ll03,n:paBJIIO, ll03,n:paBHIIIh;

no3,n:paBJI}}Th i cTo}}Th nonepeK ,n:op6ru to be in

the way; B,n:onh 11 nonepeK far and wide

nopyqy, nopyqHIIIh; nopyqaTh npH)I(My, npH)l(MCIIIh ;

npH)I(HMclTh i

npOHBmO, npO�BHIIIh ; npo HBJ1}}Th i

paccep)l(yCh, paccep,n:HIIIhcH; cep,n:HThCH i

pe)l(y, pe)l(elllh ; no-/Ha-/pa3- p

g sg CKOTa CKphiThCH p

3059. COBeprnaTh i +a 3060. ChlpOH 306 1 . TaKTIIKa 3062. Tene<}>6HHbiH 3063. Teqh i

Teqb f

3064. TYIIHK 3065 . yBepeHHO 3066. ycMexarhcjl 1

3067 . YTBep)l(,n:eHIIe 3068. XJIOIIHYTh p +inst 3069. XOJIO,[( 3070. rnerrTaTh 307 1 . 3<}><}>eKT 3072. ali

3073. 6enhe 3074. 6epe3a 3075. 6opo.n:a Thrii 3076. Be,n:yii(IIH

3077. BII3HT 3078. BKmoqarh i +a 3079. B03Myii(eHIIe 3080. B03pa)l(clTb i

IIpOTIIB +g 308 1 . BOCKJIHKHYTh p 3082. Bocrr6Jih30BaThCjJ: p

+inst 3083 . Bhi,[(eJI}]:ThCjl i 113 +g 3084. BhiiiaCTh p 113 +g

3085. r,n:e-HII6y,n:h 3086. roprn( 6 )K 3087. rpo3a 3088 . rpyCTHbiH 3089. ,[(OHOCHThCjJ: i 3090. e,[(IIHHUa 309 1 . )l(a,[(HhiH 3092. 3a6parb p +a

to accomplish damp; raw tactics telephone (adj) to flow leak

cul-de-sac, dead-end confidently to smile slightly, give

a short laugh assertion; confirmation to bang, slap, clap cold to whisper effect oh ! (expressing fear,

surprise) linen birch bearded leading; (as noun)

presenter (of programme)

official visit to include; switch on indignation to object (to)

to exclaim to make use of

to stand out (from) to fall out (of)

anywhere pot thunderstorm sad to reach (sounds etc.) unit greedy to take hold of; take



COBeprnHTh p Cbip6e M}]:co raw meat no pl

TeKy, Teqernh, TeKyT; past TeK, reKna; rro- p

,n:a Tb reqb to spring a leak TYIIIIKa


HH)I(Hee 6enhe underwear

B03pa3HTb p

BOCKJIIIUa Th i Bocrr6Jih3yiOch; rr6J1h30BaThCjJ: i

Bhi,[(eJIIIThCjl p Bhirra,n:y, a:birra,n:eiiih; past Bhirran,

s:brrrana; Bhirra.n:a Th i

nom pl rp63hi

3a6epy, 3a6epernh, past 3a6pan, 3a6pana, 3a6pano; 3a611paTh i

1 1 3

3093. 3a,n;aTh p +a +d

3094. 3a,[(ep)l(clThCSI p

3095 . 3aJIO)I(HTh p +a

3096. 3aHaaecKa 3097. 3anepeTh p +a

3098 . H3,[(a Th p +a

3099. HCnyraHHO 3 1 00. KaKOB

3 1 0 1 . mo611TeJih m 3 102. Me6enh f 3 1 03 . Me,nJieHHhiH 3 104. Hap.si,ll;HhiH 3 105. HeH36e)I(HhiH 3 1 06. HeHaBH,ll;eTh i +a 3 1 07 . o6cy ,[(HTh p +a 3 108. oana,[(eTh p +inst 3 109. oKa3aTh p +a

3 1 10. OllHpaThCSI i Ha +a 3 1 1 1 . OCBeTHTh p +a 3 1 1 2. ocy)l(,na Th i +a 3 1 1 3 . OTBepHyThCSI p OT 3 1 14. OTpHQclTh i +a 3 1 1 5 . nepes6,n 3 1 1 6. llJiclTa 3 1 1 7. no,naepraThCSI i +d


3 1 1 8 . llO,ll;hiMclTh i (coli) +a 3 1 1 9. llOJie3Th p

3 1 20. llOJIHO ( coll) +g

1 1 4

to set, assign (sth to s .o.) 3a,naM, 3a,nalllh, 3a,nacT, 3a,na,niiM, 3a,na,niiTe, 3a,na,nyT, past 3a.nan, 3a.nana, 3a.nano; 3a.naaa Th i

to be delayed 3a,nep)l(ych, 3a,n;ep)I(HlllhCSI;

to put behind; lay down, found; ( +inst) block (with); pawn, mortgage

curtain to lock

to publish; emit

fearfully what, what kind of

amateur; lover (of sth) furniture slow well-dressed inevitable to hate to discuss to master to render, give

to lean on to illuminate to condemn to tum away (from) to deny translation; transfer payment to undergo, be

subjected to to raise to climb

lots (of)

3a.nep)l(u:aa Thc.SI i 3aJio)l(y, 3aJIO)I(Hlllh ;

3aKJicl,[J;hiBa Th i

g pl 3aHaBeCOK 3anpy, 3anpe11Ih; past 3anep,

3anepna, 3anepno; 3anu:paTh i

H3,1l;clM, U:3,[(cllllh , H3,[(clCT; H3,ll;a,LJ;HM, H3,LJ;a,LJ;HTe, H3,LJ;a,n;yT, past H3,nan, u:3,nana, H3,nano; u:3,[(asa Th i

f KaKOBa, n KaKOBO, pl KaKOBhi; KaK6B oH? What' s he like?

mo6IITeJih MY3hiKH music lover no pl

HeHaBH)I(Y, HeHaBH,LJ;Hlllh ; B03- p

o6cy)l(y, o6cy ):(Hlllh ; o6cy)I(J(a Th i oana.new, osna,n;eelllh; anaJ(eTh i OKa)l(y, OKcl)l(eiiih ; OKcl3hiBa Th i;

OKa3clTh BJIHgHu:e Ha +a to exert an influence on

onepeThC.SI p OCBei.Qy, OCBeTHIIIh ; OCBei.QaTh ocyJ(HTh p OTBOpaqu:BaThCSI i

llO,LJ;BeprHyThCSI p

= llOJ(HU:MclTh i ; llO,ll;HgTh p none3y, none3ernh; past none3,

none3na; ne3Th i nhiJIO llOJIHO Hap6,na There were


3 1 2 1 . IIOJIO)I(HTeJihHhiH 3 1 22. IIOIIa;:J;a ThCH i 3 1 23 . rropa)l(a Th i +a 3 1 24. rrpecne�oBaTh i +a 3 1 25 . rrpecca 3 1 26. rrp:urJiarnaTh i +a 3 1 27 . rrpoKyp6p 3 1 28 . rrpocTOpHhiH 3 1 29. pa3;:J;aBa ThCj{ i 3 1 30. pa3pa66TKa

3 1 3 1 . pa3yMHhiH 3 1 32. paMKa 3 1 33 . pacrn:upeH:ue 3 1 34. CBepKaiOIUHH 3 1 35 . ceMHa;:J;n;a Th 3 1 36. CJIOBOM 3 1 37 . CJIO)I(HTh p +a

3 1 38 . copBa Th p +a c +g

3 1 39. Ta6aK 3 140. TerrepernH:uii (coli) 3 1 4 1 . y6e)I(;:J;a Th i +a 3 142. yron(6)K 3 143. yqeT

3 144. <l>oH 3 145 . <l>oH� 3 146. <l>YHT 3 147. xaJiaT

3 148. qeThipHa;:J;n;aTh 3 149. 3JieKTpOCTaHD;:UH 3 1 50. a<l>p:uKaHCK:UH 3 1 5 1 . 6ap:uH

3 1 52. 6aphiiliHH 3 153 . 66nhlll:Uii 3 1 54. B�BOe 3 155 . BeTKa 3 1 56. BJia;:J;eJI(e):u

that 's enough; full

positive to be caught; tum up to strike; astonish to pursue; persecute the press to invite prosecutor spacious to resound elaboration, working

out; design; mining sensible frame expansion sparkling seventeen in short to put together; fold;

set down to tear off

tobacco present (adj) to persuade comer, nook calculation; stock-

taking; registration background fund; stock pound (money or weight) dressing-gown; overall,

white coat fourteen power station African (adj) landowner, barin;

gentleman young lady bigger double branch owner

lots of people TI6nHo )l(aJioBaThCj{ Stop


IIOIIaCThCji p rropa3HTh p rrpecne�yro, rrpecJie,[(yernh

rrp:urJiaCHTh p

CJIO)I(Y, CJIO)I(:Uilih; CKJia,[(hiBaTh i

cop By, copBelllh, past cop Ban, copBana, copBano; cphiBaTh i

g sg Ta6aKa

y6e;:J;HTh p

nom pl 6ape or 6apbi, g pl 6ap

g pl 6aphirneHh

B,[(B6e 66nhrne twice as much g pl BeTOK g sg BJia,[(eJih:Qa

1 1 5


3 1 57 . BOJIK 3 1 5 8. Bhi.lJ:YMhiBa Th i +a 3 159. BhntrpaTb p +a 3 160. Bblpa)l(a ThC� i 3 16 1 . Bhi�CHHThC� p 3 1 62. rHeB 3 163. ,n:aBHHH 3 1 64. ,n:eHe)I(HhiH 3 165. ,n:o6hiTh p +a

3 1 66. ,n:paKa 3 1 67 . )I(HBOT 3 1 68 . 3aKOHOMepHOCTh f 3 1 69. 3accyra

3 1 7 0. H3,n:anH 3 1 7 1 . HJI.rnb3H� 3 172. Ka qa Th i +a or +inst

3 17 3 . KBa,n:pa THhiH 3 17 4. KpacasHua 3 175. JiaCKOBhiH 3 1 76. MHHepaJihHhiH 3 177. MMrKo 3 178 . Ha,n:eaarh i +a 3 1 79. He,n:aneK6

3 1 80. 66JIHK 3 1 8 1 . o6n6M(o)K 3 1 82. orn�HYThC� p Ha +a

3 1 83 . o,n:e.S:no 3 1 84. orrycKaThc� 3 1 85 . OCKOJI(O)K 3 1 86. ocymecTBJIMTh i +a 3 1 87 . IIO)I(HTh p

3 1 88 . rroMeperh p ( coll)

3 1 89. rropa)l(eHHe 3 1 90. rrpa3,n:HH1JHhiH 3 1 9 1 . rrpe.n:ocraBHTh p +a +d

3 192. IIpHBhiKa Th i K +d

1 1 6

wolf to invent, fabricate to win to express os; swear to become clear anger long-ago (adj) money (adj) , monetary to get, obtain

fight, brawl belly, stomach regularity, law service, merit,

achievement from a distance illusion to rock, shake

square (adj) beautiful woman tender, affectionate

nom pl BOJIKH, g pl BOJIKOB Bhi,ll;yMaTb p BhiHrpbiBaTb i Bhipa3HThC� p Bhi�CH.HThCj! i

,n:o6y ,n:y, ,n:o6y ,n:ellih, past ,n:o6hiJI, .n:o6hina, .n:o6hino; .n:o6hiBaTh i

g S g )l(lfBOTa

KalJHYTh p; KalJaTh rOJIOBOH to shake one 's head

mineral (adj) MHHepanhHa.SI so.n;a mineral water softly to put on (clothing etc . ) Ha,neTh p not far ll611Ta He,n:aneK6 The post office

look, appearance, image fragment to look round, glance

back blanket to lower os splinter to carry out, accomplish to live for a while

to die

defeat festive to grant sth to s.o.

to get used to

is not far

orn�HYCh, orn.HHellihC.SI; or JIM,[(hiBa TbC.SI

orrycTHThC.SI p

ocym;eCTBJIMIO; ocyrn;eCTBHTb p IIO)I(HBY, IIO)I(HBellih, past IIO)I(HJI,

IIO)I(HJia, IIO)I(HJIO; )l(lfTh i IIOMpy, llOMpellih; past llOMep,

noMepna, n6Mepno; llOMHpaTb i

npe,n:ocTaBJIIO, npe,n:ocraBHilih; npe.n:ocTasn.HTh

npHBhiKHYTh p

3 193. nponyCTHTh p +a

3 194. pa3Be,n:Ka

3 195 . pacnpocTpaH}):ThCSI

3 196. py6elK 3a py6elK6M

3 197. capaii 3 198. CH.RTh i 3 199. COBeTOBaTh i +d 3200. coapeMeHHHK 320 1 . COK 3202. coo6pa3HTh p

3203. conpoaolK,n:a Th i +a 3204. coxpaHHThCSI p 3205. cTpyKTypa 3206. CTyneHh f

3207. CThi,L( 3208. TclMHhiM 3209. yrHeTeHHhiM 3210. YCHYTh p 321 1 . yTpeHHHM 32 1 2. <l>Hn6co<P 32 13 . XOJIO,L(HO 3214. ay,n:HTOpHSI 3215 . 6a3ap 3216 . 6p6H30BhiH 3217 . BaJIRThCSI i 3218 . aepeaKa 3219 . B3BOJIHOBaHHhiM 3220. BpeMeHHhiM 322 1 . Bhi6pOCHTh p +a

3222. Bhi.LJ:yMaTh p +a 3223. reyno 3224. ,L(OJIHHa 3225 . ,n:onOJIHHTeJihHhiH 3226. ,n:yTh i 3227. lKclJIKHH 3228. 3alKeqh p +a


to let through; omit, miss nponyi.Qy, nponycTHIIIh; nponycKaTh i

intelligence service; reconnaissance

to spread

boundary abroad shed to shine to advise (s.o.) contemporary juice to realize, work out

to accompany to be preserved structure step, rung; (g pl

cTyneHeii) stage, level, grade

shame secret (adj) oppressed to fall asleep morning (adj) philosopher coldly; it ' s cold auditorium bazaar, market bron.ze (adj) to roll; lie about rope; string anxious, agitated temporary to throw out

to make up, fabricate stupidly valley additional to blow pitiful to set fire to

pacnpocTpaH.sieTc.si; pacnpocTpaHHThC.si p

g s g py6elKa

cH.siiO, CHReiiih COBeTyiO, COBeTyeiiih; no- p

pr sg a coxy coo6palKy, coo6pa3HIIIh;

coo6palKa Th


g S g CThi,L(a


BaJI.RIOCh, BaJIRelllhCSI; no- p g pl aepeaox

Bhi6poiiiy , Bhi6pOCHIIIh; Bhi6paChiBa Th

Bhi.LJ:YMhiBaTh i

3alKry, 3alKlKeiiih, 3alKryT; past 3alKer, 3alKr na; 3alKHra Th

1 1 7


32290 3aCHYTh p 32300 3acTaTh p +a 323 1 0 3,nop6saThCjJ i c +inst 32320 H3BeCTHe 32330 :HcKpeHHHH 32340 KHJIOrpaMM 3 23 5 o KphiCa 32360 Menoqh f

3237 o MOJIO,[(e)I(HbiH 3238 0 MhiTh i +a 32390 HaJIHBclTh i +a 324Q He,[(OCTaTOqHO

324 1 0 HeMHOrHe pl adj 32420 HenpHMTHhiH 32430 orop6,n

32440 OnHCclTh p +a 3245 0 oTpe3aTh p +a 32460 OXBaTHTh p +a

324 7 o nJieHKa 32480 no,n3eMHhiH 32490 nOKcl3hiBaThCjJ 32500 nop6ii 325 1 0 nop}]:,nol!HhiH 32520 npHKphiBaTh i +a +inst

3253 0 npHJIO)KHTh p K +d

32540 pa3BO,[(HTh i +a

3255 0 pa3rJIMJlhiBaTh i +a 32560 p6rn;a 3257 0 cs}]:3hiBaTh i +a 3 25 8 0 cnyqaiiHhiii 32590 CMeJIO 32600 CMyrn;eHHO 326 1 0 C03,[(aBaThCjJ 32620 coxpaHMTh i +a

32630 cnycTHThCjJ p

32640 cyMepKH pl

1 1 8

to fall asleep to find (a person) to greet piece of news s1ncere kilogram rat trifle, minor matter;

small change (coins) youth (adj) to wash to pour out, fill insufficient(ly) ; (+g)

not enough few (people) unpleasant kitchen-garden (for

vegetables) to describe to cut off to seize, envelop

film, (recording) tape underground (adj) to show os, be shown at times, occasionally decent, respectable to screen, shelter

(sth with sth) to place in contact with;

apply to separate; dissolve;

breed to examine closely small wood, copse to connect; bind chance (adj), fortuitous boldly with embarrassment to be created; arise to keep, preserve

to go down, descend

twilight, dusk

3achirra Th i 3aCTaHy, 3aCTaHeiiih; 3aCTaBaTh i 3,nop6saiOch; no- p

MOJO, MOeiiih ; no- p HaJIHTh p

orrHIIIY, orr:HIIIeiiih ; orr:HchiBa Th OTpe)l(y, OTpe)l(eiiih; 0Tpe3a Th i OXBaqy, OXBaTHIIIh;

OXBaThiBaTh g pl nJieHOK

nOKa3clTbCjJ p

npHKpbiTh p

npHJIO)I(y, IIpHJIO)I(HIIIh ; npHKna,nhlBaTh i ; rrpHnaraTh

pa3BO)Ky, pa3BO,[(HIIIh ; pa3BeCTH p

no p

CBjf3clTh p

C03,[(aeTc�; C03,[(aThC� p coxpaHMIO, coxpaHMeiiih ;

coxpaHHTh p crry:r.Qych, cnycTHIIIhCjf;

cnycKaThc� g pl cyMepeK

3265. T g)l(eCTh f 3266. yBeJIMq:UBaTbCj� 1

3267. ycTynaTh i +a +d

3268. cparn:H3M 3269. aBTOMaliiHHa 3270. 6ecnoma,nHhiH 327 1 . 6paK

3272. 6pomi:bpa 3273. 6yr(6)p 3274. BeqHo 3275 . BernaTh i +a 3276. B03MTh i +a

3277. BnJIOTh (,no +g) 3278. Bhi,nen}}Th i +a

3279. BhiexaTh p H3 +g 3280. BhiTepeTh p +a

328 1 . ra3eTHhiH 3282. rOJIOCOBaTh i

3a +a/ np6THB +g 3283. ,ny6 3284. )l(aJio6a Ha +a 3285 . 3a6oneTh p 3286. 3aBeCTH p +a

3287. 3aKphiThiH 3288. KaTMThCg i

3289. KHM)I(HhiH 3290. KPYTHTh i +a 329 1 . JIOBKO 3292. JIOnaTa 3293. MarHHTO$OH 3294. MaCTepCTBO 3295 . My)l(eCTBO 3296. HaBepxy 3297. Harpa,na 3298. Hapg,ny c +inst 3299. He06hiKHOBeHHhiH

weight, burden to increase to cede, give up (sth

to s.o.) Fascism car, vehicle merciless marriage; (no pl)

defective product(s), reject(s)

brochure mound eternally, always to hang to transport (around/there

and back) right up to to pick out; allot

to leave (by transport) to wipe, wipe dry

newspaper (adj)


yBeJlliq:UTbCj� p ycTynMTh p

noBeC:UTh p BO)I(Y, B03HIIIh; no- p

Bhi,nen.H:IO, Bhi,nen.H:emh; Bhi,neJI:UTh p

B:bie,ny, B:bie,neiiih; Bhie3)1(a Th i BhiTpy, BhiTpeiiih; past BhiTep,

BhiTepna; BhiTHpaTh i

to vote (for/against) ronocy10, ronocyeiiih; npo- p

oak nom pl ,[(y6:bi complaint (about) to fall ill 3a6oneBa Th i to take somewhere; start 3aBe,ny, 3aBe,nernh, past 3aBeJI,

3aBeJia; 3aBO,[(HTh i closed to roll

book (adj); bookish to twist skilfully, deftly spade tape-recorder skill, craftsmanship courage above; upstairs reward equally, alongside unusual

Ka qych, Ka THrnhcg; no- p; IIoT KaT:HJicg co n6a Sweat was rolling down his forehead

Kpyqy, KpyT:urnh; 3a-/c-/no- p

1 1 9

3300. OB:Qa 330 1 . OCTaHaBJIHBaTh i +a 3302. OTHeCTH p +a

3303 . OTrrpaBll�ThC� 3304. rra,neHHe 3305 . rrepe6HBaTh i +a 3306. nepeBO,[(HTh i +a

3307. llO,[(BO,[(HTh i +a

3308. rro,no3peBaTh i +a 3309. llO,[(TBep)l(,[(aTh i +a 3 3 1 0. llOHCTHHe 33 1 1 . noKOHHhiH 3 3 1 2. rroneTeTh p 33 1 3 . noceTHTh p +a 33 14. llOCTaHOBlleHHe 33 1 5 . ITOT 33 1 6. rrpe6hiBaHHe 3 3 1 7 . rrpe,nBa p:UrenhHhiH 3 3 1 8 . rrpe,nyrrpe)l(.na Th i

+a o +pr 33 1 9. rrpHrOTOBHTh p +a

3320. rrp:H:cTanhHO

332 1 . IIpOT.si)I(eHHe Ha IIpOT.si)I(eHHH +g

3322. pa36HpaThC� i B +pr 3323. pa3Hoo6pa3He 3324. pa3pa6aThiBaTh i +a

3325. pa3pernaTh i

3326. paCCMOTpeTb p +a

3327. pBaTh i +a

3328. pen:H:rH� 3329. pO,[(CTBeHHHK 3330. c6HTh p +a

333 1 . CBepHyTh p +a

1 20

sheep to stop to take (somewhere)

to set off fall to interrupt to take across; transfer;

translate to lead up; (coil) let

(s.o.) down to suspect to confirm indeed calm; late, deceased to fly to visit (a place) resolution, decree sweat stay preliminary; prior to warn (s.o. about sth)

to prepare


extent; expanse during

nom pl 6BQhi, g pl oBeQ, d pl 6BQaM OCTaHOBHTh p OTHecy, orHeceiiih; past orHec,

OTHecna; OTHOCHTh i OTrrpaBll�IOCh; OTnpaBHThC� p

nepe6HTh p nepeBO)I(y, nepeBO,[(HIIIh ;

nepeBeCTH p ITO,[(BO)I(y, ITO,[(BO,[(HIIIh ; ITO,[(BeCTH

p; IIO,[(BOL(HTh HTOrH to sum up no p ITO,[(TBepL(HTh p

noneqy, noneTHIIIh ; nereTh nocemy, noceTHIIIh ; nocemarh

pr sg B noTy

npeL(yrrpeL(:H:Th p

rrpHrOTOBlllO, npHrOTOBHIIIh ; npHrOTaBllHBaTb i

CMOTpeTh IIpHCTallhHO Ha +a to stare at

to investigate; understand pa3o6paThC� p variety to develop, design; pa3pa66raTh p

cultivate ( +d +inf) to permit (s.o. pa3peiiiHTh p

to do sth); (+a) solve to examine; make out paccMOTpiD, paccM6TpHIIIh ;

paccMaTpHBaTh i to tear pBy, pBeiiih , past pBan, pBana,

religion relative to knock down;

confuse; whip, whisk to roll (up); turn

pBano; no- p

CBOpaqHBaTh i; 0Ha CBepHyJia HaneBo She turned left

3332. CBO,LUfTh i +a

3333. CKaMeiiKa 3334. coseprneHCTBOBaHHe 3335. COKpOBHI.Ue 3336. CIIJIOIIIh 3337. cy,[(h}} m/f

3338. cymecTBYIDIUHH 3339. TOJIIUHHa 3340. ysn,[(aTh p (coil) +a 3 34 1 . Y)I(HH 3342. yca,[(h6a 3343. ycrresaTh i +inf 3344. XJIOIIaTh i +inst 3345 . xpaHHTh i +a 3 346. 1HliiiKa 3347. qerryxa 3348. }}BHhiH 3349. 6peBHO 3350. 6y,[(HTh i +a 335 1 . B3,[(hiXaTh i 3352. BH,[(HCThCSI i 3353 . BKJia,[( 3354. so3pacTaTh i 3355. BOCIIHTaTh p +a 3356. BOCCTaHOBHTh p +a

3357. BpeMeHHO 3358. Bhi,[(eJIHTh p +a 3359. Bhi30B 3360. BhiJie3TH/BhiJie3Th

p H3 +g 336 1 . BhiTaCKHBaTh 1

+a H3 +g 3362. rO,[(OBOH 3363. rOTOBHOCTh f 3364. ,[(OIIYCKaTh i +a K +d

3365 . ,[(OCTYIIHhiH 3366. )l(apKO 3367. 3a,[(yMaTh p +a 3368. 3arrp6c 3369. H3,[(aneKa

to take (s.o. somewhere); CBO)I(Y, CBO,[(HIIIh; csecTH p take away; bring together

bench improvement treasure completely judge; referee

existing thickness to see

supper country estate to have time to to bang, slap, clap to keep, store cup nonsense obvious, overt log, beam to wake to sigh to be visible contribution to grow to bring up, educate to restore

temporarily to assign, allot; pick out summons; challenge to climb out (of)

to drag out, pull out (from)

yearly readiness to admit (s.o. to); allow;

assume accessible hotly; it' s hot to think up; plan official request from a distance

g pl CKaMCeK

CIIJIOIIIh H psi,[(OM very frequently nom pl cy,[(hH, g pl cy,[(eii, d pl



g pl yca,[(e6 and yca,[(h6 ycrreTh p XJIOIIHYTb p

g pl qarneK

nom pl 6pesHa, g pl 6peseH 6y)l(y, 6y,[(MIIIb; pa3- p B3,[(0XHYTh p BH,[(HCeTCSI

B03paCTH p BOCllHTbiBa Tb 1


Bbi,[(eJI}}Tb i

BhiJie3y, BhiJie3ernh; past BhiJie3, s:b1ne3na; BhiJie3a Tb i

BhiTaiUHTb p


3a,[(yMhiBa Tb

1 21


3370. HHTepecosaThCjJ i +inst to be interested in

337 1 . Ka�p frame; cadre Ka�phi staff, personnel

3372. KaKos6ii (official style) which 3373. KHBaTh i +inst to nod 3374. KHTaHCKHH 3375. KOpM 3376. KpaCHBO 3377. KpOBaBbiH 3378. KpbiiilKa 3379. KyrnaTb i +a 3380. HaiiHThCjJ p +g

338 1 . HapyrneHHe 3382. HenerK6 3383 . HeCTHCh

3384. HHTb f 3385 . HoqesaTb 3386. HpaBCTBeHHbiH 3387. o6MaHbiBaTh i +a 3388 . o6ne�HHeHHbiH

3389. OKpaHHa 3390. OIIHCaHHe 339 1 . OCMaTpHBaTb i +a 3392. OCTaHOBKa

3393. oqeBH)J;HbiH 3394. QqepK 3395. naTpOH 3396. rreHClljJ 3397. IIJieH 3398. IIJIOCKHH 3399. IIJIOTHO 3400. IIO)J;BaJI 340 1 . rro�qepKHYTh p +a 3402. IIO)J;biMaTbCjJ i ( coll) 3403. IIOeCTb p

3404. nonr6�a

1 22

Chinese fodder beautifully, attractively bloody lid to eat to drink one ' s fill;

get drunk

violation, offence (it 's) not easy to rush

thread to spend the night moral to deceive united

outskirts description to look round, inspect stop

obvious essay, study cartridge pension captivity flat tightly cellar, basement to underline; emphasize to rise; climb to eat a little

half a year

HHTepecyiOCb, HHTepecyeiiibCg; Ja- p

= KoT6pbiH/KaK6ii KHBHYTh p

g pl KpbiiiieK no-/c- p HaiihiDCb, HanheiiihCjJ, past

HaiiHJICg, HaiiHJiach; HaiiHBa TbCj� i

Hecych, Heceiiihcjl; past Heccjl, Hecnach; no- p

06MaHyTh p 06ne.UHHeHHhie HauHH United



without stopping

Ha neHCHH retired pr S g B IIJieHy

no.uqepKHBaTh = IIO,llHHMaTbCjl; IIO)J;H.HTbCjJ p noeM, noeiiih , noecT, IIOe,llHM,

noe)J;HTe, noe,ll.HT, past noeJI, IIOeJia; eCTh i

g rronyr6,n:a

3405 . IIOHeCTH p +a

3406. IIOCJie�OBaTh p +d

3407. rrpHHsiThcg i 3a +a

3408. rrp:ucym:u:R +d 3409. IIpHTOM 3410. rrpo:urpaTh p +a 34 1 1 . rrpo<J?ecCHOHaJihHhiH 34 12 . paCCliHTaTh p +a

34 13 . pacTepgHHO 34 14. peKnaMa 3415 . pyKOBO�siiQHH 3416 . C)Kellh p +a

34 17 . CKaMhsl 34 18 . CKYliHhiH 3419 . CHH3Y 3420. co6ece�HHK

342 1 . co66p 3422. crrHHKa 3423. crrp.HTaThcg p

3424. cTyKHYTh p +a 3425. TOpOIIJIHBO 3426. TpeBO)KHTh i +a 3427. y6HThiH 3428. xy�6ii

3429. qpe3BhfllaHHhiH 3430. rnarHyTh p 343 1 . 3<J?<J;>eKTHBHOCTh 3432. siK06hi 3433 . .si:pOCTh f 3434. aJIJieg 3435 . 6aHg 3436. 6eCIIOKOHCTBO 3437. 6ecrropsl�( o )K 3438 . 6JIH3 +g 3439. 6yphiH 3440. BaJIHTh i +a

to carry

to follow

to start on, get down to

inherent (in) besides, in addition to lose (game etc) professional (adj) to calculate

in bewilderment advertisement leading, guiding to bum

bench boring from below interlocutor, the person

one is talking to cathedral back (of chair etc .) to hide

to knock, bang hastily to alarm; disturb killed thin; bad

extreme; exceptional to take a step effectiveness; efficiency allegedly rage avenue bath-house agitation, anxiety disorder, mess near greyish-brown to topple; heap up


IIOHecy, IIOHeCeiiih, past IIOHeC, IIOHecna; HeCTH i

IIOCJie�yiO, IIOCJie,n;yernh; CJie�OBaTh i

rrp:uMych, rrpliMeiiihcg; past rrp:uHgnc.si:, np:uHgnach; IIpHHHMaThCg i


paCCliHThiBaTh i; He paCCliHTaTh to miscalculate, misjudge

CO)Kry, CQ)K)Keiiih, CO)KryT, past C)Ker, CO)Kr na; C)I(Hra Th i

g pl CKaMeH

g pl CIIHHOK crrp.Hqych, crrp.HqernhcR;

IIpsiTa ThCR i CTyKaTh i

BC- p; IIO- p

Ha xy�6ii KOHeQ if the worst comes to the worst

IIIaraTh i

6yphiH Me�ae�h brown bear aa.mb, aan:urnh; rro-/ c- p

1 23


344 1 . se.neH:ue se�eH:ue

3442. BeJIIfqeCTBeHHhiH 3443 . B3,[(yMaTh p (coli) +inf 3444. BMeiiia TeJihCTBO B +a 3445. BO�HhiH 3446. so3spa�neH:ue 3447. BCIIhiXMBa Th 1

3448. rp:u6 3449. rych m 3450. ,[(eB.HThiH 345 1 . ,n:ora,n:hiBa Thc.s� 3452. e�a 3453 . )l(eCTOKO 3454. )l(lfBOTHhiH 3455 . 3a6acTOBKa 3456. 3a:UHTepecosaTh p +a 3457. 3aM(O)K

3aM(O)K 3458. 3a ThiJI( 0 )K 3459. :u,n:ean 3460. KOB(e)p 346 1 . KOJIOCCaJihHhiH 3462. Kylla-TO 3463. MOIUh f 3464. HaHBHhiH 3465 . HaJieBO 3466. HeBe,z:t:OMhiH 3467. Hey,n;66HO

3468. 06MaH 3469. o6cy)l(,n:a Th i +a 3470. o6xo�HThC.si i

347 1 . o6H3aTh p +a +inf 3472. o,n;ep)l(aTh p +a

3473 . OCBOeH:Ue 3474. neH:ue 3475. nepe)I(HTh p +a

3476. rreqaTaTh i +a

1 24

conducting, conduct authority, control majestic to decide suddenly no i interference (in) water (adj) return to flare up mushroom goose ninth to guess food cruelly animal (adj) strike (by workers) to interest castle lock back of the head ideal carpet colossal somewhere power, might naive to the left unknown uncomfortably,

awkwardly; it ' s awkward

deceit, deception to discuss

BCIIhiXHYTh p g sg rpM6a nom pl ryc:u, g pl ryceii

.nora.naThc.s� p

g pl 3a6aCTOBOK 3a:UHTepecyeT; :UHTepecosaTh

o6cy.nlfTh p to manage; treat; tum out o6xo)l(ych, o6x6.n:uiiihCH;

o6oiiTHCh p to oblige s.o. to do sth to obtain, gain

assimilation, mastery singing to live through;

experience; outlive

to print

o6.s�)f(y, o6.H)I(eiiih; o6.H3hiBaTh o,n:ep)l(y, o.nep)I(:UIIIh ;

o,n:ep)l(:usa Th i ; o,nep)l(a Th rro6e.ny to be victorious

rrepe)I(:UBY, rrepe)I(:UBeiiih , past nepe)I(HJI, nepe)l(:uJia, rrepe)I(HJIO; rrepe)l(:usa Th i

Ha- p

34 77. rreliiKOM 3478. rrnaH�poBaHHe 3479. rr6Bap 3480. rro,n:ena Th p ( coll)

HHqer6 He rro,n:enaernh

348 1 . II03HaHHe 3482. rroneT 3483. IIOCJie,D:CTBHe 3484. rrpH6JIH3HTeJihHO 3485. IIpHrO,D:HThC.si p 3486. IIpMKphiTh p +a

3487. rrporHaTh p +a

3488. rrpocBemeHue 3489. rrpoqHQCTh f

3490. IIpO.siBJI}]:ThC.si 349 1 . rryCThiHHhiH 3492. paHa 3493. paccrrpaiiiHBaTh i +a 3494. p.s�,n:oB6H m adj

3495 . CBH,D:eTeJihCTBOBaTh i o +pr

3496. cnerr6u 3497. TpaKTOp 3498. rnTa6 3499. 6opT

3500. uex

350 1 . rrop6,n:a

3502. repMaHCKHH 3503 . 6praH

opraH 3504. na6opaT6pu.s� 3505 . Ka3aK

3506. MeTaJIJI


on foot planning cook to do

it can't be helped

knowledge, cognition flight consequence approximately to come in useful to screen; shelter

to drive away; banish, throw out

education; enlightenment stability, solidity,


nom pl rroBapa

rrpuro)l(yCh, rrpHrO,D:HliihC.si IIpHKpOID, IIpHKpOeliih;

IIpHKphiBaTh i rrporoHib, rrpor6HHliih, past

rrporHan, rrporHana, rrporHano; rrporoH»Th i

to show itself, be revealed rrpo.s�Bn»eTc.s�; rrpo.siBHThC.si p desert (adj), deserted wound to question ordinary, rank and file;

(as noun) private soldier

paccrrpoc:HTh p

to show, be evidence (of) cBu,n:eTeJihcTBYeT

blind tractor staff (mil); HQ nom pl rnTa6LI side (of a ship) pr sg Ha 6opTy; nom pl 6opTa; Ha

6opTy on board (ship or plane) section of factory, shop pr sg B uexe or B uexy; nom pl

kind, type, breed; rock (geological)

Germanic organ (biol), political organ (musical instrument) laboratory

uexu or uexa

Cossack g sg Ka3aKa, nom pl Ka3aKii (but Tolstoi ' s «Ka3aKH»)


1 25


3507 . rrpH66p

3508. o6pa66TKa

3509. BH�HMhiH 35 1 0. 3KcrrnyaTaUHM 35 1 1 . KOJIOHHa 35 1 2. pbi6aK 35 1 3 . rrpOH3BO�CTBeHHhiH 35 14. IIOJIHQeHCKHH

35 1 5 . 3aBOeBaHHe 35 1 6. 6pHra�:Hp 35 17 . rroKa3aTeJih m

35 1 8 . qacoB6H

3 5 19. ceyrna TeJih m

3520. CnhiiiiHhiH 352 1 . cpoqHo 3522. cc6pa

3523. CTa,L{HM 3524. CTOJIKHOBeHHe 3525. CTyrreHhKa 3526. CY,L{HO 3527. Tep�ThCM i

3528. yBneqeHHe 3529. y,L{usneHHo 3530. yMcTBeHHhiH 353 1 . YHHqTo)l(aTh i +a

3532. yqecTh p +a

3533 . qeif-TO 3534. �Ma 3535 . 6er 3536. 6ecrrOKOHTh i +a

3537. 6eccMepTHhiil 35 3 8 . Becenhe 3539. B30pBaTh p +a

3540. BHTpHHa 354 1 . BHyqKa 3542. BHyrnaTh i +a +d

3543. Bo36y)I(,L{aTh i +a

1 26

piece of apparatus,

gadget, instrument

treatment, processing

visible, evident




production (adj)

police (adj) ; (adj used

as noun) policeman


brigade leader; foreman

index, indicator

hour (adj); watch, clock

(adj) ; (as noun) sentry





stage (of development)

collision, clash


vessel, craft

to get lost; lose one ' s


enthusiasm; hobby

with surprise

mental, intellectual

to destroy

to take into account

someone ' s

pit, hole

running; race

to worry (s.o.)



to blow up

shop-window; showcase

g pl o6pa66TOK

g sg phi6aKa

g pl CTyiieHeK nom pl cy,L{a, g pl cy,L{oB Tep�IOCh, Tep�eiiihCM; ITO- p;

pac- p


yqTy, yqTeiiih , past yqen, yqna; yqlfThiBa Th i

f qh�-TO, n qhe-TO, pl qhlf-TO

pr Ha 6ery o- or no- p

B30pBy, B30pBeiiih , past B30pBaJI, B3opBana, B3opBano; B3phiBaTh i

granddaughter g pl BHyqeK to instil, inspire BHYIIIHTh p

(sth in s .o.)

to arouse B036y ,L{HTh p

3544. BOHH 3545 . BbiBO,Z:UfTb i H3 +g 3546. rop,n;HThcg i +inst

3547. rophKO 3548. rpyCTHO 3549. rycTo 3550. ,D;O)I(H,D;a ThCg i +g 355 1 . ,D;OCTclThCg p +d 3552. ,D;ypa 3553. e)l(e,D;HeBHO 3554. 3aKQHqHThCg p 3555. H3MeH.siThCg i 3556. H306peTeHHe 3557. KaTacTp6<Pa 3558. Kone6aThcg i

3559. JiclMIJOqKa 3560. nereH,n;a 356 1 . JieTyqHH 3562. Mrna 3563. MJicl,D;IIIHH 3564. MbiCJIHTh i 3565. HaKpbiTh p +a

3566. HeiiJIOXO 3567. HOJih m 3568. H6Ta

HOThl 3569. o6HJihHhiH 3570. o6oiiTH p +a

357 1 . o6opaqHsaThcg 3572. OTeqecTBeHHhiH

3573 . OTeqecTBO 3574. OTCTaBaTh i OT +g 3575. omyrn;eHHe 3576. rraMgTHhiH 3577. rrarraiiia m 3578 . rraTpHOTHqecKHH 3579. rrepe,n;HHii 3580. rrepephiB

warrior to lead out; remove to be proud of

bitter(ly) sad(ly) thickly; densely to wait for to fall to s.o. ' s lot idiot, stupid woman every day to end to change invention disaster to sway; hesitate

(light) bulb legend flying haze, gloom younger; junior to think to cover

not bad(ly) zero note (music, diplomatic) sheet music abundant to go round; avoid

to tum round; tum out of the fatherland;

Russian fatherland to lag behind sensation, feeling memorable dad patriotic front (adj) break, interval


BhiBO)I(y, BhiBO,D;HIIIh; BhiBeCTH p rop)l(yCh, rop,n;HIIIhcg; Mhi

rop,n;:M:Mcg ,n;6qKoii We're proud of our daughter

,[(O)I(,[(cl ThCg p ,D;OCTaHeTcg; ,D;OCTaBa Thcg i

3aKaHqHBaTbCg H3MeH.siiOCh; H3MeHHTbCg p

KOJie6JIIOCh, KOJie6JieiiihCg; no- p

g pl JiclMIJOqeK

neTyqag Mbiiiih bat

HaKpOIO, HaKpOeiiih; HaKphiBaTh i; HaKpblTh (Ha) CTOJI to lay the table

g sg HOJI.si

o6oii,n;y, o6oii,n;eiiih, past o6oiiien, o6oiiina; o6xo,nliTh i

o6epHyThcg p

OTCTaiD, OTCTaellih; OTCTclTh p

= rrarra

1 27


358 1 . IIOBTOp.s1:ThC51 3582. IIO,ll;H (coll)

3583 . IIO�JieQ 3584. IIO�XBaTHTh p +a

3585 . IIOKpacHeTh p

3586. rropa3HTh p +a

35 87. IIOC.JIY)KHTh p +inst

3588. rrpe�IIOJIO)KHTh p

3589. rrpH�aTh p +a +d

3590. IIpHe3,D; 359 1 . npHMeHHTh p +a

3592. npo6npaThC51

3593. npoTecT 3594. pa�oBaThC51 i +d

3595 . pa,n;OCTHhiH 3596. pa3HOQBeTHhiH 3597. paccTpen.slTh p +a

3598. pe�aKTOp 3599. py6HTh i +a

3600. c�aBaTh i +a

360 1 . CJie�CTBHe 3602. CMYTHThC51 p

3603 . cnyCTHTh p +a

3604. cyxo 3605 . TeJieBH�eHHe 3606. TeJieBH3HOHHhiH 3607. TpeBO)KHO 3608. T.sl)KKMH

1 28

to be repeated



to pick up, take up

to become red; blush

to strike; astonish; rout

to serve (as)

to suppose


g sg IIO�JieQa IIO�XBaqy, IIO�XBaTMIIIh ;

no�xBaThiBaTh i

IIOKpacHeiO, IIOKpaCHeeiiih; KpacHeTh i

nopa)Ky, nopa3HIIIh ; nopa)KaTh i IIOC.JIY)KY, IIOCJIY)KHIIIh ;

CJIY)KHTb i ; IIOCJIY)KHTh npHMepoM to serve as an


npe�IIOJIO)KY, npe,n;noJIO)KMIIIh ; npe�nonaraTh i

to impart, give (sth to sth) npH�aM, npn�aiiih , npH,[(acT, npH,n;a,n:H:M, npn,na,n:llTe, npH,na,n;yT, past npll,n:an, rrpH,n:ana, rrpl1,[(ano; rrpH,[(aBaTh i


to apply

to make one ' s way



to be pleased (about)

glad, joyful


to execute (by shooting)


to chop

to hand in, hand over;

rent, let; surrender,

give up; take (exam)

consequence; investigation

npHMeHID, npHMeHHIIIh; npHMeH.slTb i

rrpo6paThC51 p

pa,n:yiOCh, pa,[(yeiiihC5I; 06- p

paccTpen.siw; paccTpeJIHBa Th nom pl pe,[(aKTopa py6JI!O, py6MIIIh c,[(a!O, c,[(aeiiih ; c,[(aTh p

to be embarrassed cMymych, CMYTHIIIhC.si;

to lower; release


television (medium)

television (adj)


heavy, serious

CMyi.UaThC51 i

crrymy, cnycTHIIIh ; crrycKaTh i


3609. ysJielfh p +a to carry away; fascinate ysJieKy, ysJielfeiiih, YBJieKyT, past ysJieK, ysJieKJia; ysJieKa Th i

3610. y,n66uo comfortably; conveniently; it ' s convenient

36 1 1 . yuocMTh i +a 36 1 2. yx6,n

to carry away departure; (3a +inst)

caring (for),

yuoiiiy, yu6cHIIIh; yuecT:H p yx6,n 3a pe6eHKOM caring for a


36 13 . u:epKOBHhiH 36 14. qy,naK 36 15 . 3K3eMnJI}):p 36 1 6. IDHhiH 3617 . 6ecnoK6HHhiH 36 1 8 . 6HHOKJih m 36 19 . sepxyiiiKa 3620. B3aHMOOTHOIIIeHHe 362 1 . s6ceMh,nec.SIT

3622. Bpe3aThC.SI p B +a

3623. s:b1ro,na 3624. BhiHY ,LJ;HTh p +a

maintenance (of) church (adj) eccentric person, crank copy (of book etc.) young anxious, agitated binoculars top; (coli) the bosses interrelation eighty

to cut into

advantage to force, compel

3625 . s:bipa6oTaTh p +a to produce; work out 3626. r Jia,nHTh i +a to stroke; iron 3627. ropo,[(( 6 )K small town 3628. ry ,n( 6 )K hooter, car horn; hooting 3629. ,[(oroBopHThC.SI p c +inst to reach agreement (with) 3630. ,[(OKJia,[(hiBaTh i +d to report (to s.o.)

annoyance devil hot forgotten

g pl sepxyiiieK

g, d, pr BOChMH,LJ;eC.SITH, inst BOCeMhiD,LJ;eC.SIThlO

Bpe)l(yCh, Bpe)l(elllhC.SI; Bpe3clThC.SI i

BhiHY)I(Y, BhiHY ,LJ;lllllh; BhiHY)I(,LJ;cl Th i

Bbipa6a ThiBa Th i rJia)l(y, rJicl,LJ;HIIIh; no- p

,LJ;orosapHBaThC.SI ,[(OJIO)I(HTh p

363 1 . ,LJ;oca,[(a 3632. ,LJ;hjj:BOJI 3633 . )l(clpKHH 3634. 3a6:biThiH 3635 . 3ara,nKa mystery; riddle g pl 3ara,noK 3636. 3a)I(HraTb i +a 3637. 3arp.SI3HeHHe 3638 . licKpa 3639. licKpeHue 3640. HCnOJIHeHHe 364 1 . KHHYTh p +a 3642. KOJIJiera m/f 3643. Ky,na-HH6y,nh 3644. MHpHThC.SI i C +inst 3645 . MOJIHTBa

to set fire to 3a)l(elfh p pollution spark sincerely fulfilment; performance to throw KH,na Th colleague anywhere to be reconciled with no- p/rrpH- p prayer

1 29


3646. MOJiqaJIHBhiH 3647. MOHaX 3648. Ha6mo,[(aThCj{ 3649. HaBepx 3650. HaKJIOHHThCM p

365 1 . HaMeTIITh p +a 3652. HaCTaHBaTh i Ha +pr 3653 . HaCTaTh p 3654. o6c.rr}')I(HBaHHe 3655 . 06'he,[(HHHTh p +a 3656. o6'he.[(HHRTh i +a 3657. O.[(HHaKOBO 3658 . O,[(HHHa,[(QaTb 3659. orracaThCM i +g 3660. opraHH3aTop 366 1 . ITOBe3TH p

3662. ITOBOpaqHBaTh i +a 3663. rrorn.si,[(biBaTh i Ha +a 3664. ITOJIOTeHQe 3665 . rropa66TaTh p 3666. rropa3HTeJibHhiH 3667 . ITOCTpOHKa 3668. ITOTeprreTh p

3669. rrpecTyiTHHK 3670. rrpiiBeT 367 1 . npHo6peCTH p

(formal) +a

3672. rrpiicTyrraTh i K +d 3673 . rrpHCyTCTBOBaTh i 3674. rrpo,[(a)l(a 3675 . rrpOH3HOCHTb i +a

3676. paBHO.[(yiiiHhiH K +d 3677. paccTaThCj{ p c +inst

3678. pacTy�HH 3679. pBaThCj{ i

3680. Ce»Th i +a

1 30

taciturn monk to be observed upwards to bend down, stoop

to plan to insist to come (of seasons etc.) service to unite, combine to unite, combine identically eleven to be afraid of organizer (+a) to transport; (+d)

be lucky

to tum to cast looks at towel to work for a while astonishing building to be patient

criminal greeting to acquire

to start on, get down to to be present sale to pronounce

indifferent (to) to part (with/from)

growing (p pa3opBaThc»/rro-)

to tear, burst; want strongly (to do sth)

to sow


HaMeqy, HaMeTHIIIh ; HaMeqaTb HaCTO.si:Th p HaCTaHeT; HaCTaBaTh

o6'he,LUIH.si:Th i 06'he.[(HH.sil0; 06'he.[(HHHTh p

ITOBe3y, IIOBe3eiiih, past llOBe3, noBe3na; Be3TH i ; HaM noBe3JIO We were lucky

TIOBepHyTh p

g pl llOJIOTeHeU pa66TaTh i

g pl llOCTpOeK llOTepnJIIb, llOTepTIHlllh;

TepneTh i

npHo6peTy, npHo6peTeiiih, past rrpHo6pen, npHo6pena; npHo6peTaTh 1


npOH3HOIIIy , npOH3HOCHlllh ; npOH3HeCTH p

paccTaHych, paccTaHeiiihcg; paccTaBaThC» i

pBycb, pBeiiihc», past pBanc», pBanacb

ceJO, ceemh; no- p

368 1 0 CJia60CTh f 36820 COe,[(HH.HTbCji 3683 0 TOf,[(cliiiHHH 36840 y66pKa 36850 yBep.HTh i +a 36860 yra,naTh p +a 3687 o y ,na qHhiH 3688 0 yeyqiiiHTh p +a 36890 YTBep,[(HTh p +a

36900 yqe6a 369 1 0 xapaKTepH30BclTh

i/p +a 36920 X03.HHCKHH 3693 o IIIKypa 36940 rny6a 3695 0 aBTOM06HJ1hHhiH 36960 6aiiiH» 3697 0 6erJ1hiif 36980 6e3pa66THQa 36990 6JIH30CTh f 37000 B,[(BOeM 370 1 0 B3aMeH +g

37020 BOpBclThCji p B +a

3703 0 Bhi6paThCg p H3 +g

37040 Bhi,[(BHHYTh p +a

3705 0 BhiJieTeTh p 37060 BblpBaTh p +a 3707 0 rB03,[(h m 37080 fJiaCHOCTh f 37090 rHe3,n6 37 100 rpy30BHK 37 1 1 0 ,[(e)l(ypHbiH

37 1 20 ,[(oporo 3 7 1 3 o ,[(py)I(HO

37 140 )l(apa 37 15 0 3aXOTeTbCji p +d 37 16 0 3,[(eiiiHHH

weakness to unite then (adj) tidying up; harvest to assure to guess successful

yBepsiio , yBep.Hernh; yBepHTh p yra,nhiBa Th i

to improve to confirm

study, studying

y nyqrna Th i yTBep)l(y, YTBep,[(HIIIh;

YTBep)l(,[(a Th i

to characterize xapaKTepH3YIO,

owner's ; boss ' s skin, hide fur coat car (adj)

xapaKTepH3yeiiih; p also o-

tower g pl 6arneH

quick, fleeting unemployment closeness together (as a twosome) in exchange (for) ,

instead (of) to burst in BopBych, BopBeiiihCSI, past

BOpBaJicg, BOpBaJiaCh; BpbiBa ThCSI i

to get out Bhi6epych, Bhi6epeiiihcg; Bhi6 Hpa ThCSI i

to move out; put Bhi,[(BHHY, Bhi,[(BHHeiiih; forward · Bhi,[(BHfcl Th i

to fly out, take off to pull out

BhiJieqy, BhiJieTHIIIh; BhiJieTa Th i BhlpBy, BblpBernh; BhlpbiBaTh i

nail openness nest lorry, truck duty (adj) ; (as noun)

person on duty dearly in harmony,

simultaneously heat, hot weather to start to want local, from here

g sg fB03,[(.H, nom pl rB03):(H, g pl - eli

nom pl rHe3,na g sg rpy30BHKa

1 31


37 17 . H306pa3HTh p +a

37 18 . :HCKJIIOqHTh p +a 37 19 . HcnyraHHhiii 3720. Ka3eHHhiH 372 1 . KaK-HH6yL{h

3722. KapTOIIIKa (coB) 3723 . Kp:HBOH 3724. KYPTKa 3725. nraTh i

3726. MapKa

3727. MaxaTh i +inst

3728. MHT:HHr 3729. Haner 3730. HaJIHqHe 373 1 . HeK:HH 3732. HenoL{aneKy 3733. HeiipH.HTHOCTh f 3734. 06B:HHeHHe 3735 . 06B:HH.HTh i +a B +pr

3736. o6op6T

3737. o6cJI)')I(HBaTh i +a 3738. o6LJqaii 3739. o6.s�3arenhHhiii 3740. or6 [oho] 374 1 . onycKaTh i +a 3742. oTnycKaTh i +a 3743 . OTpa)l(eHHe 3744. IIOL{IIHCh f 3745 . IIOL{CqHTaTh p +a 3746. IIOL{qlfHHTh p +a +d

3747. IIOKHL{aTh i +a 3748. IIOKpbiBaTh i +a 3749. rronqaca 3750. rrorrpaBHTh p +a

1 32

to depict

to exclude frightened belonging to the State somehow; anyhow;

sometime (in the future)

potatoes squint (short) jacket to lie, tell lies

postage stamp; brand, trade mark

to wave

political meeting raid; thin coating presence a certain not far away unpleasantness accusation

H306pa)l(y, H306pa3HIIIh; H3o6pa)l(aTh


no pl

g pl KypTOK nry, JI)I(eiiih, nryT, past nran,

JiraJia, JiraJIO; CO- p g pl MapoK

Maiiiy, Maiiieiiih; no- p/ MaxHyTh p

g sg HeKoero

to accuse (s.o. of sth) o6BHH.HIO, o6BHH.Heiiih; 06BHHHTh p

tum, revolution; turnover; CMOTpH Ha o6op6Te PTO reverse (of page etc .) ; tum of phrase

to serve (s.o.) custom compulsory oho ! to lower to release reflection signature to count up, calculate to subordinate, subject

(s.o. to s.o. or sth) to abandon to cover half an hour to correct

o6CJIY)I(HTh p

orrycTHTh p OTIIYCTHTh p

IIOL{CqHThiBa Th II 0 L{qJIH.HTh i

IIOKHHYTh p IIOKpbiTh p g sg nonyqaca, nom pl nonyqacLI nonpasJIIO , rrorrpas:HIIIh ;

nonpasn.HTh i

375 1 . noceTMTeJih m 3752. npe,UnpHHliTh p +a

3753. IIpM6aBMTh p +a

3754. rrp:uroB6p 3755 . pa3,l.(eJIHTh p +a

3756. paCCMeRThCM p

3757. paccy)l(,l.(eHMe 3758. pecTopaH 3759. c6pOCMTh p +a

3760. cB6Jioqh f ( coll) 376 1 . CKJia,llhiBaThCjJ

3 7 62. CJihiiiiH 0

3763 . COBMeCTHhiH 3764. coe,l.(MHRTh i +a


3766. CITei�MaJihHOCTh f 3767 . cpoqHhiH 3768. CTapOCTb f 3769. CTpeMHTeJihHO 3770. CTpOHHhiH

377 1 . CXeMa 3772. cqacTJIHBO [cq = m] 3773. Tpa,UMUMOHHhiH 3774. ThiCjfqeJieTMe 3775. yBa)l(aeMhiif 3776. yroJIOBHhiH 3777 . y,l.(OBJieTBOpHTb p

3778 . ycTaHaBJIMBaTh i +a 3779. ycTynMTh p +a +d

3780. xapaKTepHCTMKa

378 1 . IIIMpOTa

visitor to undertake

to add

verdict, sentence to divide

to burst out laughing

reasoning, argument restaurant to drop; throw off

swine, bastard to be formed; club

together audible, audibly

joint, combined to unite, join


speciality; profession urgent old age swiftly; impetuously harmonious; well-

pr�portioned diagram happily traditional millennium respected criminal (ad j) (+a) to satisfy; (+d) be

in accordance with to set up, establish to yield, give up, cede

(sth to s.o.) description; reference

(for job etc.) width


npe,UnpHMY, npe,UnpliMernb; f past npe,UnpMHjJJia; npe,UnpMHMMaTh i

npM6aBmo, npH6aBHIIIh; np:u6aBJIRTb i

pa3,Ue.mb, pa3,l.(eJIHIIIh; pa3,Uen.s1Th i

paccMeroch, paccMeelllhCjJ; CMeRTbCjJ i

c6p6Illy, c6p6CMillh; c6pachiBaTh

g pl CBOJioqeif CJIO)I(HTbCjJ p

MHe HHqer6 He cn:biiiiHO I can't hear anything

coe,l.(HHRIO, coe,UHH.sleiiih; COe,l.(HHHTh p

B COOTBeTCTBMH C +inst in accordance with

Ha cTapocT:u neT in one's old age


ycTaHOBHTh p ycTyn.mb, ycTynHIIIh; ycTynaTh

nom pl IllHpOThi

1 33


3782. 6e3o6pa3:ue 3783. 6ecrrop}]:,ll;oqHhiH 3784. 6narorronyq:ue 3785. 6pHTaHCKHH 3786. 6yMa)I(HhiH 3787. Ba)I(HOCTh f 3788. B6JIH3H 3789. BrJI}]:,[J;hiBaThC.SI i B +a 3790. BeKOBOH 379 1 . B:H,neThC.SI i c +inst 3792. BOCCTaHOBJieHHe 3793. BpyqHTh p +a 3794. BCeCTOpOHHHH 3795 . rpoM 3796. ,ll;py)l(eCKHH 3797 . ,ll;yMa

3 798. )l(a)I(,[J;a 3799. 3a6paThC.SI p s/Ha +a

3800. 3aBe,ll;eHHe

380 1 . 3a,ll;aBaTh i +a +d

3802. 3a,ll;ep)l(aTb p +a

3803. 3a,ll;yMhiBaThC.SI i o +pr/Ha,ll; +inst

3804. 3aKmoqaTh i +a

3805 . 3aKOHHhiH 3806. 3aTpaTa 3807 . 3HaKOMHThC.SI i C +inst

3808. H36eraTh i +g or inf 3809. H3BHH}]:ThC.SI i rrepe,ll;

+inst 3 8 10. KaqaThC.SI 3 8 1 1 . KHIIeTh i 38 1 2. KJieBeTa 3 8 1 3 . Kop66Ka 38 14. JieKapCTBO

1 34

ugliness; scandalous disorderly well-being British paper (adj) importance close by to gaze at, study centuries-old to see one another restoration to hand, hand over all-round; thorough thunder friendly thought; duma

(Russian parliament) thirst to get, climb (into/onto)


to set, assign (sth to s .o.)

to delay; arrest

to become thoughtful (about)

to conclude; enclose, imprison

legal expense to become acquainted

with, meet to avoid to apologize (to)

to rock, swing to boil, be boiling slander box medicine

BH)I(YCb, BH,lJ;HillbC.SI; y- p

3a6epych, 3a6epeiiihC.SI, past 3a6panc.SI, 3a6panach; 3a6HpaThC.SI i

B:biciiiee yqe6Hoe 3aBe,LJ;eH:ue ( BY3) institution of higher education

3a,LJ;aib, 3a,LJ;aeiiih; 3a,LJ;aTh p;

3a,ll;aBaTh Borrpoc to ask a question

3a,LJ;ep)l(y, 3a,LJ;ep)I(HIIIh ; 3a,LJ;ep)I(HBa Th

3a,LJ;yMaThC.SI p

3HaKOMJllOCh, 3HaKOMHIIIhC.SI; rro- p

H36e)l(a Tb p H3BHH}]:JOch; H3BHHHTbC.sl p


g pl Kop66oK

3815 . MHr 3816. MHHOBaTh i/p

38 17 . M6p,n;a 3818 . MYTHbiH 3819. HapyrnaTh i +a 3820. He6hiBaJibiH

382 1 . HeKy,n:a

3822. HeMaJihiH 3823 . HenpaBHJibHO 3824. HenpaBHJibHhiH 3825 . HHI.UeTa 3826. 06CTOsiTh i

3827. o6me)I(HTHe 3828. OllHCbiBaTh i +a 3829. onpe,n;eneHHe 3830. opaTop 383 1 . OCTOpO)I(HbiH 3832. OTpa)l(aThC.si i 3833. oxpaHsiTh i +a 3834. o11ar 3835. rrepeHOCHTb i +a

3836. IIOBCIO.UY 3837. IIO,UllOJibHbiH 3838. noJI,lJ;eHh 3839. nopsaTh p +a

3840. nopylleHHe 384 1 . nocpe,n;:H +g 3842. llOTpe6oBaTbC.si p 3843. npe,n;CT0.9:IUHH 3844. rrpHsnellh p +a

3845 . npHHHMaTbC.si i 3a +a 3846. npoBaJIHTbC.si p

3847. npowcrnecTBHe

moment to pass, pass by

snout, muzzle; ( coll) face turbid, clouded to disturb, violate unprecedented; ( coll)

inexperienced there is nowhere

considerable incorrect! y incorrect poverty to be

hostel to describe definition orator, speaker careful, cautious to be reflected to guard hearth to transfer, carry over;

postpone everywhere underground (adj) midday to tear; break off

commission, errand in the middle (of)


MHHYJO, MHHyernh; OnacHocTh MHHOBana The danger has passed

HapyiiiHTb p

HeKy,n:a H.UTH There is nowhere to go

KaK o6cTOHT ,n;eno? How's it going?

OllHCaTb p

OTpa3HThC.si p oxpaHslw; oxpaHHTh p g sg o11ara nepeHorny, nepeHOCHIIIh;

nepeHeCTH p

g nony,n;H.si nopay, nopsernh, f past nopaana;

IIOpbiBaTh i; IIOpBaTb OTHOIIIeHH.si C KeM-HH6y.[lh to break off relations with s.o.

llOTpe6yeTC.si; Tpe6oBaTbC.si i to be necessary forthcoming, imminent to attract rrpHBJieKy, rrpHsneqernh,

npHBJieKyT, past npHBJieK, npHBJieKJia; npHBJieKa Th i

to get down, start work on npHHsiThC.si p to fall through; (coil) fail rrpoaambch, nposanHIIIhc»;

(exam); (coll) vanish npoaaJIHBaThC.si i incident, occurrence

1 35


3 848. rrycTo

3849. rrycToTa 3850. pa30HTHCb p

385 1 . peiiiHMOCTb f

3852. po�HTh p +a

3853 . caecTH p +a

3854. cao66�Ho 3 85 5 . CB.H:Il.leHHbiH 3856. CMeJIOCTb f 3857. CIIaCaTb i +a 3858 . crreTh p +a 3859. TeKCT 3860. TOBapHbiH 386 1 . TYPHCT 3862. y6HHCTBO 3863. y6hiT( 0 )K 3864. yroaopHTb p +a 3865. yno)I(HTb p +a

3866. yrrpa)I(HeH:ue 3867. U:UB:UJI:U3a:Q:U.H: 3868. qJIH 3869. rneae.rniTbC.H: 3870. aaT66yc 387 1 . 6eccrr6pHo 3872. 6eccTparnHhiH 3873. 6naro�apHOCTh f 387 4. 6piOK:U pl 3875. BO)I(�b m 3876. BCIIhiiiiKa 3877. BbiTeKaTb

3878. rna�KIIH 3879. rpy6o 3880. �aBHTh i Ha +a 388 1 . �Ba�u;aTbiH 3882. �enHTbC.H: i +inst

1 36

(it 's) empty; emptily

emptiness to split up

determination, resoluteness

to give birth

B KOMHaTe rrycTo The room is empty

pa30H,z:J;eMC.H:, past pa30IIIJIHCb; paCXO,z:J;HTbC.si i

po)l(y, po,z:J;HIIIh, f past po,z:J;:una; pO)I((,z:J;)a Tb i

to take (s.o. somewhere); cae,LJ;y, cae,LJ;eiiih, past caen, caena; bring together; (c +g) cBO,z:J;HTh i take down, away

freely holy, sacred bravery, courage to save to sing text goods (adj) tourist; hiker murder loss to persuade to lay

exercise civilization rank to stir bus indisputably fearless gratitude trousers leader flash to flow out

smooth coarsely

crracT:H p crrow, crroernh; rreTh

TOBapHbiH 3HaK trade mark

yroaap:uaaTh yno)l(y, YJIO)I(:UIIIh ;

yKna,LJ;hiBa Th i

nom pl qJIHhi ITO- p/IIIeBeJihHYTbC.si p

g pl 6piOK g sg BO)I(,LJ;}} g pl BCIIhiiiieK BhiTeqb p; 0TCID,z:J;a BbiTeKaeT,

qTo . . . It follows from this that . . .

to press, put pressure on �aaJIIb, ,z:J;aB:UIIIh twentieth (Ha +a) (pa3- p) to be ,LJ;enffich, ,LJ;eJIHIIIhc.si

divided (into) ; (c +inst) (rro- p) share (with)

3883. ,LJ;ecKaTh (coil)

3884. ,ll;p.SIHh f (coli) 3885. 3a6HpaTh i +a 3886. 3aBTpaK 3887. 3aMeqaHHe 3888. 3eneHh f 3889. KOCHYTbC_SI p +g 3890. HarJI.si,LJ;HhiH 389 1 . Harpy3Ka 3892. Ha,LJ;06HOCTb f 3893. He,LJ;OJirO 3894. He,LJ;ocTyrrHhiii 3895 . He3aBHCHMO 3896. He.siCHhiH 3897. HYJih m 3898. orpaHHqeHHbiH 3899. OCMOTpeTh p +a

3900. oTsepraTh i +a 390 1 . IIHBO 3902. rro6epe)l(he 3903 . rroryn.siTb p 3904. no,LJ;aJihrne (coll) 3905 . IIOKaqaTb p 3906. IIOJI3TH i

3907 . npH6eraTh i K +d 3908. IIpOTHBHhiH 3909. rryrnHCThiH 3 9 1 0. IIhlliiHbiH 391 1 . pa36HThiH 3912 . c66Ky 39 1 3 . CBaJIHThC_SI p

3914. CHMIIclTH.SI K +d 39 1 5 . CKa3oqHbiH 39 1 6. cna6o 39 17 . CJicl,LJ;KO 39 1 8 . crrpase.nn:Hso 39 19 . CTOJIKHYThC.SI p C +inst 3920. CTOpOHHHK 392 1 . THIIHqHhiH 3922. TOJIKHYTb p +a

(indicating reported speech) 'he said' , ' they said ' etc.



OH, ,LJ;ecKaTh, )l(eHHJIC.SI I heard he'd got married

to take hold of; take away 3a6paTh p breakfast remark greenery to touch clear, graphic load; workload necessity, need not (for) long inaccessible independently unclear zero limited to examine; look round

(sth) to reject beer coast to take a walk a little further to rock, swing to crawl

to run to; resort to disgusting fluffy, downy luxuriant broken from the side to fall down

liking (for s.o.) fairy-tale (adj) weakly sweetly justly, fairly; correctly to collide with supporter typical to push


g sg Hyn.sl


OTBeprHyTh p

rr ory JI.siiO; ry JI.siTb

KaqaTh i IIOJI3Y, IIOJI3eiiih, past IIOJI3,

IIOJI3Jia; ITO- p npH6e)l(aTh; npH6erHyTh p

CBclJIHlllhC»; BaJIHThC.SI i/cBaJIHBaThC» i



1 37


3923. TOHYTh

3924. TpaMBaH

3925 . TpoTyap

3926. ysneKaThcj{ i +inst

3927. yso,[(HTh i +a OT +g

3928. yKperrmiTh i +a

3929. xop

3930. qerBepo

393 1 . qlfCTOTa

3932. 6oc6ii

3933 . BepTeTh i

3934. B30HTH p Ha +a

3935 . BMeiiiHBa ThCj{ i s +a

3936. BOJihHhiH

3937. BOpOTHHK

3938 . Bhi,[(YMKa

3939. BhiCJiyiiia Th p +a

3940. BhiCTaBHTh p +a

394 1 . rpycTh f

3942. ,[(aBaThCj{ i +d

3943. .naTa

3944. ,[(HIIJIOMaT

3945. e,[(HHCTBeHHO

3946. )KaTh i +a

)KaTh i +a

3947. )KYJIHK

3948. 3aBTpaliiHHH

3949. 3BeHeTh i

3950. :urpyrnKa

395 1 . H3JIO)KHTh p +a

3952. H3MeHsiTh i

3953 . :ucrrpaBHTh p +a

3954. Kacpe [ fe] n indecl

3955. Kama


1 38

to sink; drown

tram, streetcar

pavement, sidewalk

to be keen on

to lead away

to strengthen

chorus; choir

four, foursome

cleanliness; purity


to twirl

to ascend

to interfere (in)



invention; fabrication, lie

to hear (s.o.) out

to display, put forward


to be given; come easily

(to s.o.) , be learnt



diplomat; attache-case


to squeeze

to harvest

petty thief; cheat

tomorrow ' s

to ring; ( +inst) jingle


to set out, expound

(+a) to change, alter;

(+d) betray

to correct


kasha (porridge made of

buckwheat, semolina

or oatmeal)


ToHy, TOHeiiih; no-/y- p

ysneqhcj{ p

yso)l(y, yso,[(HIIIh; yBecrH: p

yKpenJI}}IO; yKpenHTh p

nom pl xop:b1

Y HHX qeTsepo .neTeii They have

four children

Bepqy, BepTHIIIh ; no- p

B3oii,ny, B3oii,neiiih, past B3oiiieJI,

B30IIIJia; BCXO,[(HTh i/


BMeiiia ThCj{ p

g sg BOpOTHHKa

g pl Bhi,[(YMOK




.naeTcg; .na Thcg p

)I(My, )I(Meiiih ; C- p

)I(Hy, )I(Heiiih; C- p

3BeHID, 3BeHHIIIh ; 3a- p

g pl :urpyiiieK

H3JIO)J(y, H3JIO)I(HIIIh; H3Jiara Th

H3MeH}}IO; H3MeHHTh p


Hcnpasn}}rh i

3957. KOHTOpa 3958. MaprnpyT 3959. MorymecTBO 3960. Ha,nenaTh p +g

396 1 . Hapy)l(y 3962. HeBH,LJ;aHHhiH 3963 . HeBbiCOKHH 3964. He,nocTaToqHhiH 3965 . He3HaqlfTeJ1hHbiH 3966. He06hiqHhiH 3967. HeiiO,lJ;BH)I(HO 3968. HepBHhiH 3969. H:uqyTh (coll)

3970. HO)I(Ka

397 1 . o6nerqlfTh p +a

3972. o6opBaTh p +a

3973. o6pa6aThiBaTh i +a

3974. 66yBh f

3975. o)l(:u,naH:ue 3976. orr6pa 3977. OT,lJ;eJihHO 3978. OT06paTh p +a

3979. OTOpBaThCjl p OT +g

3980. OTpHQaTeJihHhiH 398 1 . oTqaj�HHhiH 3982. oqyTHTbCjl p

3983 . rreceHKa 3984. rro66nhrne 3985 . rro6hiTh p

3986. rro,ncKa3aTh p +a

3987 . IIOCMeTh p +inf

3988. IIOCOBeTOBaThCjl p

c +inst



power, might

to make; ( coll) to do



low, short




motionlessly, still


not in the least

leg; stem (of wineglass,


to lighten

to tear off; interrupt

to process, work on


waiting; expectation



to take away; select

to be tom off, break




to find oneself


a bit more

to stay for a while

to prompt, suggest

to dare

to consult (s.o.)

3989. rrpeTeH3Hjl claim


Ha,nenaTh rnY"rrocTe:U to do a lot

of stupid things

g pl HO)I(eK

o6nerqa Th i

o6opBy, o6opBelllh, f past

o6opBana; o6phiBaTh o6pa66TaTh p

no pl

oT6epy, oT6epeiiih, f past

OT06pana; OT6HpaTh i

oTopBych, oTopBelllhCjl, past

OTOpBaJICj�, OTOpBaJiaCh; OTpbiBa ThCjl i

no 1 st pers sg, oqyTHillhCjl; no i

g pl rreceHOK

rro6y ,ny, rro6y ,nelllh, past rr66hiJI, rro6hina, n66hino; 6hiTh

rro,ncKa)l(y, rro,ncKa)l(elllh; rro,ncKa3hiBa Th i

IIOCMeiO, IIOCMeeiiih; CMeTh i


3990. np:uKa3hiBaTh i +d +inf to order s.o. to do sth rrpHKa3aTh p

399 1 . rrpoexaTh p to drive through or past rrpoe,ny, rrpoe,nelllh; rrpoe3)1(aTh

1 39


3992. pa3BeCTH p +a

3993 . pa3BHTh p +a

3994. pa3pyii1HTh p +a

3995 . paCCMOTpeHHe 3996. peaeTh i

3997. peKOMeH,ZJ;OBaTh i/p +a

3998. pHCK 3999. pyKOITHCh f

4000. pyqHQH 400 1 . paMa 4002. ca)l(a Th i +a

4003 . C,[.(aBaThC� 4004. CKphiThiH 4005 . COrJiaCHe 4006. COHTHCh p

to separate

to develop

to destroy, ruin

examination, scrutiny

to roar, howl

to recommend



hand (adj) ; tame


to seat; plant

to surrender, give up



to meet

4007. c6JIHhiii1KO (dim) sun

4008. cT£i.JIKHBaThCjf i c +inst to collide (with)

4009. CTpa,n;aHHe

401 0. CXO,[.(CTBO 40 1 1 . ChiThiii 401 2. y6e,[.(HTeJihHO 40 1 3 . y6e)l(,n;a Thc� i a +pr

4014. y6:Hiiua m/f

401 5 . y,n;ep)l(aThc� p

4016 . yKperrHTh p +a

40 17 . yHeCTH p +a

401 8 . yrrpRMO 401 9. ycnyra 4020. xpaM

402 1 . qacThiii 4022. jfiiu6 4023. 6nlb,n;o 4024. BepO�THOCTh f

4025. BeTep( 6 )K 4026. Tpy,n;�IIJ;HHCj�


4027 . MeJIO,[.(Hjl

1 40



replete, full

convincingly, earnestly

to convince os


to stand firm; restrain

OS to strengthen

to carry away


service, favour

temple, church



dish, course (of meal)





pa3ae,n;y, pa3ae,n;e1Ilh, past pa3Ben, pa3Bena; pa3Bo,n;liTh

pa30Bhffi, pa30Bheiilh, past

pa3BHJI, pa3BHJia, pa3BHJIO; pa3BHBaTh i

pa3pyii1aTh i

peay, peaeiiih; 3a- p


rroca,LlHTh p

c,n;albch, c,n;aeiilhCjf; c,n;a ThCjJ p

coii,n;eMc�, past coiiin:Hch; CXO,LlHThC� i


short forms ChiT, ChiT a, ChiThi

y6e,n;HThC� p

y ,n;ep)l(yCh, y ,n;ep)I(HIIlhCj�; y ,n;ep)I(HBa ThC� i

yKperrnlb, yKperrHIIIh ; yKperrJIRTh i

yHecy, yHeceiiih, past yHec, yHecna; yHoc:HTh i

nom pl }]::Hua, g pl j!HQ, d pl �iiuaM

no aceii aepo�THOCTH in all


Tpy,n;�:ru;Hec� the working people

4028. IIOCa,n:Ka

4029. cano 4030. ycTpOHThC» p

403 1 . XHMH» 4032. BbiTh i 4033 . CaMOCTOjTellhHOCTh f 4034. CTapHq( 0 )K 4035. TeH,neH:QH» 4036. 3acT6ii 4037. w6Hneii 4038 . a,n:MHHHCTpa THBHhiH 4039. rrepqaTKa 4040. pa3,nyMhe 404 1 . 6onhiiieBHK 4042. X03jHCTBCHHbiH 4043. XHMHqecKHii 4044. Ta6n:Hu;a 4045. <}>aiiiHCT 4046. neCHOH 4047. MCTaJIJIHqecKHH 4048. pe3epa

4049. BHHTOBKa 4050. aTOM 405 1 . KOHCTpyK:QH» 4052. COBX03 4053 . opraHifqecKHH 4054. MaTepH» 4055 . <}>yH,naMCHT 4056. qacTiiu;a 4057. qepTe)l( 4058 . CTpOeHHe 4059. chip he 4060. rBap,n:HSI 406 1 . IIaKeT

4062. IIHCTOJieT 4063. CO:QHaJIHCTHqecKHH 4064. OTpj,n

boarding (of plane etc .) ; landing; planting

fat, lard to make arrangements;

settle down; get a job chemistry to howl independence (little) old man tendency stagnation jubilee, anniversary administrative g�ove (with fingers) meditation, thought Bolshevik economic chemical table (of figures) Fascist forest (adj) ; forestry (adj) metallic reserve

rifle atom construction state farm, sovkhoz

organic matter foundation small part; particle technical drawing construction raw material(s) Guards packet; bag (paper or

plastic) pistol socialist detachment (organized

group of soldiers or workers)

g pl IIOCa,[J;OK

BOIO, a6eiiih; 3a- p

g pl rrepqaToK

HMeTh a pe3epae to have in reserve; 3KOHOMHqecK:ue pe3epBhi economic reserves


g sg qepTe)l(a

no pl

1 41


4065 . rni.rry6a 4066. apTHJIJiepH.SI 4067 . o6ne,[(HHeHHe 4068 . .sl,[(epHhiii 4069. 6yp)l(ya3HhiH 4070. napTH3aH 407 1 . TeXHOJIOrHlleCKHH 4072. <I>H3HKa 4073 . HaytiHO-HCCJie,[(OBa­


4074. re6Jior 4075 . ,[(pOBa n pl 4076. HTaJihRHCKHH 4077. ,[(HKTa Typa 4078 . MailiHHHhiH 4079. pa3Be,[(tiHK 4080. aKa,[(eMHtieCKHH 408 1 . OTKa3aTh p +d B +pr

4082. CeTKa 4083 . CMeHRThC.SI i 4084. COBeCTHO +d

4085 . COJIOMa 4086. COIIepHHK 4087 . TaKos6ii 408 8. TeJierpa<l> 4089. <l>opMHpOBaHHe 4090. IOpH,[(HlleCKHH 409 1 . 6aHKa

4092. aBHaQH.SI 4093. aKTyaJihHhiH 4094. apHCTOKpaTH.SI 4095. 6ap)l(a 4096. 6aTaJihOH 4097. 6arnKa (very coB) 4098. 6oraT:biph m 4099. 60THH(O)K 4 100. BarOHliHK 4 1 0 1 . npoMe)l(yT( o )K

4 102. 6eTOH

1 42

deck (of a ship) artillery union, association nuclear bourgeois partisan technological physics scientific-research (adj)

geologist firewood Italian (adj) dictatorship machine (adj)

HaytiHO-HCCJie,[(OBaTeJibCKHH HHCTHTYT (HMH) research institute

g pl ,[(pOB

secret agent; scout, prospector academic to refuse (s.o. sth)

net; string-bag to be replaced ashamed

straw rival such telegraph formation legal, law (adj) jar, can

aviation topical aristocracy barge battalion head bogatyr, hero (low) boot small wagon, coach interval; space, gap


OTKa)l(y, OTKa)l(eiiih; OTKa3hiBa Th i

g pl CeTOK CMeH.sleTc.SI; CMeHHThC.SI p EMy 6:biJIO c6secTHO He was


KaK TaKOBOH as such

g pl 6aHoK; 6aHKa nlfsa can of beer

no g pl g sg 6oraThip.sl g pl 60THHOK

npoMe)l(yToK speMeHH period of time

4103. ropslmHii 4104. .IJ:HIIJIOM 4105 . KOHCTHTYI(H.SI 4106. JIHCTBa 4107 . Me,Lt;h f 4 108. HeTy (coll) +g

4109. 06hiKHOBCHHO 4 1 10. IIpOBOJIOKa 4 1 1 1 . nyTeiiiCCTBeHHHK 4 1 1 2. <i>YHKI(H.SI 41 1 3 . areHTCTBO 41 14. 6ynhBap 4 1 15 . ra30BhiH 41 16 . H3,Lt;aTe1Ih m 41 17 . Ka6hi (coll) 41 1 8 . KH6nKa

4 1 1 9. KYPHUa 4 120. BeToqKa 4 1 2 1 . B3aHMO,Lt;CHCTBHe 4122. B3BOJIHOBaHHO 4 123 . B3,Lt;OX 4 124. BJia)I(HhiH 4 125 . B03HThC.SI i C +inst 4 1 26. OTBO,Lt;HTh i +a 4 127. BIIJIOTHYIO (K) 4 1 28 . BCMaTpHBaThC.SI i B +a 4 129. BcsJ:qecKH 4 1 30. Bhi,Lt;BHraTh i +a 4 1 3 1 . Bhipa6a ThiBa Th i +a 4 1 32. rna3(6)K 4 1 33 . ron6BKa 4 1 34. rpaMM 4 1 35 . rpaHh f 4 1 36. .n:ap 4 1 37 . ,Lt;HIIJIOMaTHqecKHH 4 1 38 . .IJ:HCTaHI(H.SI 4 1 39. ,Lt;OBepsiTh i +d

4140. ,Lt;OHCKOH 4 1 4 1 . .n;paMa 4142 . )KeHHX 4143 . )KHJI6ii

burning (adj) diploma, degree constitution foliage copper there isn 't/aren't

(= HeT) usually wire traveller function agency avenue gas (adj) publisher if button, knob; drawing-

pin hen twig, sprig interaction anxiously sigh damp to fiddle (with) to take aside close up (to) to look closely at in every way possible to move out; put forward to produce; work out small eye; peephole small head gram( me) border, verge; facet, edge gift diplomatic distance to trust (s.o.)

(of the river) Don drama fiance dwelling (adj),



Ko.mbqa.SI np6BonoKa barbed wire

ra30Ba.SI IInHTa gas stove


nom pl KYPhi, g pl KYP

g pl BeToqeK


Bhl;::J:BHHYTh p Bhipa6oTaTh p

g pl rOJIOBOK g pl rpaMMOB or (coli) rpaMM

nom pl .n:aphi

.n: osep sl10, .n: o sepsleiiih; ,Lt;OBCpHTh p

g sg )KeHHxa )KHJiaSI nn6ma.n:h living space,


1 43


4144. 3aBepHyTh p

4 146. 3arrJiaTMTh p 3a +a 4 147. 3arrpemaTh i 4 148. 3aCJI)')I(MTh p +a

4 149. 3aTj{HYTh p 4 150. 3Be3,n:oqKa 4 1 5 1 . H�eoJiorJiqecKHii 4 1 52. H3BHHMThCj{ p 4 153 . HH�YCTpHj{ 4 1 54. HHCTPYKQHj{ 4155 . Kaphepa 4 1 56. KHj13h m 4 1 57 . KOBIII 4 1 58 . KOMaH�HpCKHH 4 1 59. KOHKypc 4 1 60. KOT 4 1 6 1 . JIHKBH,ZJ:HpOBa Th i/p 4 1 62. MeTp6 indecl 4 1 63 . MpaMop 4 164. My)l(eCTBeHHhiH 4 1 65 . HaBepHj{Ka

4 1 66. Ha�6nro 4 167 . HaCMeiiiJIHBO

4 1 68 . HaChiiih f 4 169. Ha qaJihHhiH 4 170. He�pa pl

4 172. H}}Hj! 4 173 . o6Hapy)I(HBaTh i +a 4 17 4. 06Hapy)I(HThCj! p 4 1 75 . o6yqeHHe +d

4 176. o6xo�MTh i +a 4 177. OII03�a Th p Ha +a 4 178 . opOCHTeJibHhiH 4 179. OTJIHqaTb i +a 4 1 80. IIaCIIOpT

1 44

(+a) to wrap; (3a +a) tum (a comer)

(as noun) prisoner, convict

to pay (for) to forbid to merit, to achieve

by merit to tighten small star; asterisk ideological to apologize industry instructions career prince scoop, ladle commander' s competition tomcat to liquidate metro, underground marble manly, courageous for sure; safely, without

taking risks for a long time mockingly,

sarcastically embankment initial, primary depths, bowels (of

the earth) (it ' s) unpleasant;

unpleasantly nurse to discover to be revealed teaching (of sth);

training (in s th) to go round; avoid to be late (for) irrigation (adj) to distinguish passport

3aBopaqHBaTh i; 0Ha 3aBepHyJia 3a yroJI She turned the comer

3arrJia qy, 3arrJia THillh; rrJia TMTh 3arrpeTHTh p 3acJiy)l(y, 3aCJIY)I(Hillh ;

3aCJIY)I(HBaTh i +g 3aTj{Hy, 3aT}):Heiiih; 3aT}):rHBaTh i g pl 3Be3,n:oqeK


nom pi KHj{3h}} g sg KOBilla


g pl He,n:p

g pl Hj{Hb 06Hapy)I(HTh p 06Hapy)I(HBaThC.si i o6yqeHHe rpaMoTe teaching of

literacy o6xo)l(y, o6x6,n:HIIIh ; o6oiiTM p OIIa3,ZJ:hiBa Th p

OTJIHqMTh p nom pi nacnopTa

41 8 1 . naqxa 4 1 82. naiiiHj{ 4 1 83 . n(e)c (coil) 4 1 84. llJiaHOBhiH 4 1 85 . llJIOCKOCTh f 4 1 86. no-saiiieMy

4 1 87 . no�6op6�( o )K 4 1 88 . IIO�BO�a 4 1 89. llOKJIOHHThCj� p

4 190. nonepeqHhiH 4 1 9 1 . nonyn�pHhiH 4 192. llOCJie�OBaTeJihHO 4 193 . llOCMeHBaThCj! i 4 194. npe�ycMaTpHBaTh 4 1 95 . npeo6pa3oBaHHe 4 196. llpHCa)I(HBaThCj� i 4 1 97 . IIpOTeCTOBaTh i

IIpOTHB +g 4 198 . npOTHBOllOJIO)I(HhiH 4 199. pa�HOCTaHQlfj! 4200. pa3�eneHHe 420 1 . pa3MhiiiiJI�Th i o +pr 4202. pail 4203 . pacxphiBaTh i +a 4204. paciiiHpHTh p +a 4205 . pe,n;KOCTh f 4206. po�H� 4207 . pyq(e):H 4208. CBO�HThCj� i K +d 4209. cepe6p6 421 0. CKa3hiBaThCji i

42 1 1 . cnecaph m 421 2. CMeHHTh p +a 421 3 . CHHTbCji 1

42 14. CChiJIKa

421 5 . coe�HHHTh p +a 421 6. COCe�CTBO

4217 . COCHa

packet, pack ploughed field dog planned, planning flatness; plane (surface) . . .

1n your op1n1on; as you want

chin cart to bow

transverse popular consistently to chuckle to envisage, stipulate transformation; reform to take a seat to protest (against)

opposite; contrary radio station division to ponder (on) paradise to open wide; expose to broaden, expand rarity relatives brook, stream to reduce (to) silver to have an effect (Ha

+pr on); proclaim oneself

metal worker, fitter to replace to appear in a dream

internal exile (inside Russia)

to join vicinity



g pl naqeK g pl naiiieH g sg nca

llycTh 6y�eT no-sarneMy Have it your own way


npe�yCMOTpeTh p

npHCeCTh p npOTCCTyro; 3a- p

pa3MhlliiJI�IO; pa3MhiCJIHTh p pr sg B paw pacxphiTh p pacrnHp�Th p

g sg pyqh�, g pl pyqhes CBO�HTCji; CBCCTHCh p

CKa3aThCR p

nom pl cnecap� CMCHID, CMeHHliih; CMCH�Th p npH- p; MHe CHHJIOCh, qTo . . .

I dreamt that . . .

coe�HH�Th i )!(liTh no coce�CTBY to live

nearby nom pl COCHhl, g pl coceH

1 45


42 1 8 . CTeCH.si:ThC�

42 1 9. cy,ne6HhiH 4220. TOp)l(eCTBO 422 1 . yrHeTeHHe 4222. yroBapHBaTh i +a 4223 . y36p 4224. yKpaHHCKHH 4225 . YHHKaJihHhiH 4226. ycTaBHThC� p B +a

4227. ycToHqHBhiH 4228. ycTpaHBaThC�

4229. qlfcJieHHOCTh f 4230. rnapHK 423 1 . 3KCIIepHMeHT 4232. 3HepreTifqecKHH

4233 . 3TaKHH (coli) 4234. �IIOH(e)u; 4235 . BeCHTh i

4236. )I(H,llKHH 4237. MaTyiiiKa (coli) 4238 . rra pa,nHhiH 4239. IIOCTpOeHHe 4240. IIOT�HYThC� p

424 1 . pa360HHHK 4242. pe6�THIIIKH (coll) 4243. CTaTy.si 4244. TpaKTOpHhiH 4245 . a3HaTCKHH 4246. aHCaM6Jih m 4247. 6JIH3HeQ 4248. Bna,neHHe 4249. JeMne,nen( e )n 4250. 6pOBh f 425 1 . rrpaB�I.QHH

4252. paCIIOJIO)I(eHHe

4 25 3 . penhc

1 46

to be shy

judicial, legal celebration; triumph oppression to persuade, urge pattern Ukrainian unique to fix one ' s gaze (on),

stare (at) stable to work out well; settle

down total number, quantity (small) ball experiment power, energy (adj)

such (= TaK6ii) Japanese man to weigh (intrans)

liquid; thin, feeble . mother ceremonial; main construction to stretch; stretch os

brigand children, kids statue tractor (adj) Asian (adj) ensemble twin possession, ownership farmer, peasant farmer eyebrow; brow ruling (adj)

arrangement; location; liking; inclination


cTecH.si:IOch; no- p; He cTecH.H:iic� Don't be shy

yrOBOpHTh p

ycTaBJllOCh, YCTaBHIIIhCg; ycTaBJI.H:ThCjl

3HepreT:HqecKHe pecypchi energy resources

Beiiiy, BecHIIlh; CKoJihKo 3To BeCHT? How much does this weigh?

rrapa,nHa� ,nBeph front door

rroTgHyCh, IIOT.H:HeiiihC�; T�HYThC� i

g pl pe6gTHIIleK

g sg 6JIH3HeQa

g sg JeMne,nenhu;a g pl 6poBeii rrpaB�mag BepxyiiiKa ruling


co liTH: c peJihCOB to go off the rails


4254. pecp6pMa reform 4255 . peqH6ii river (adj) 4256. pynh m steering-wheel; helm g sg pyn}} 4257. crenH6ii steppe (adj) 4258 . ChiH(O)K sonny (form of address) 4259. rennora warmth 4260. TpeHHe friction 426 1 . TYHJJ;pa tundra (treeless northern

wastes) 4262 . ycTaHOBlleHHe establishment 4263 . .si3hiKOBOH linguistic 4264. �pKOCTh f brightness 4265. aM6ap bam; storehouse 4266. acnHpaHT postgraduate (noun) 4267. 6a6Hii (coll; sexist) women's f 6a6h.si, n 6a6he 4268. 6ecnn6JJ;HhiH barren; fruitless 4269. Bopqarh i to grumble; growl Bopqy, BopqJIIIIh 4270. JJ;HaMeTp diameter 427 1 . JJ;OpeBOJDOQHOHHhiH pre-revolutionary 4272. Karopra hard labour, penal

servitude 4273. K6Mnac compass 4274. neqeHHe healing, treatment 4275 . Mep3aB(e)u (coll) scoundrel 4276. Ha6epe)I(Ha.s� f adj embankment; sea-front 4277. HaKonneHHe accumulation 4278 . orn�JJ;hiBaTh i +a to inspect, look over orn.siHYTh p

4279. napa)1;6Kc paradox 4280. BHJJ;aTh i (coll) +a to see no pres; no- p 428 1 . IIpHIIOJ];H�Th p +a to raise slightly IIpHIIOJJ;HHMy, IIpHIIOJJ;HHMeiiih,

past IIpHIIOJJ;H.sill, IIpHIIO.[{H.sina, IIpHIIO)J;HSillO; IIpHIIO)J;HHMcl Th i

4282. pa3opeHHe ruin, devastation 4283 . HCllOllKOM executive committee 4284. 6anaHc balance (econ) 4285. CTeKn�HHhiH glass (adj) 4286. crapiiiHHa m sergeant -major; leader nom pl crapiiiHHhi

4287. llOllKOBHHK colonel 4288. rniiHa clay 4289. npOH3BO.[{HTellhHhiH productive 4290. rHMHa3H.si grammar school, high

school 429 1 . nyroBHI(a button 4292. KOM6HHaT combine, industrial


1 47


4293. cyH�YK 4294. MeJihH:uua 4295. TpaKTOpHCT 4296. 6yKeT 4297 . OKOII 4298. ce36H 4299. rrapoB63

4300. w6 :uneiiHhiH 430 1 . OCh f 4302. apeCTOBaHHhiH 4303 . BaJieH(O)K 4304. )K:HBOTHOBO,[(CTBO 4305 . cTpenh6a 4306. Bhipa6oTKa 4307. r6HKa 4308. 3aBO):(CKOH 4309. rrp:ucn)'ra 43 1 0. pa3pj}.[( 43 1 1 . B,[(OBa 43 1 2. IIOCJie,[(OBa TeJihHhiH 43 13 . IIC:HXOJIOrliqecK:HH 43 14. rry,[( 43 15 . Q:HJIHH,n;p 43 16 . cppaHUY3 43 17 . ne:HTeHaHT 43 1 8 . arperaT 43 19 . KaJIHTKa 4320. OTBepCT:He 432 1 . IIJieHyM 4322. K6MrrneKCHhiH 4323. Maiii:HHHCT 4324. MaMaiiia (coli) 4325. nYHHhiH 4326. rrp:uKa3aH:ue 4327. 6narococToj}H:ue 4328. K6MrrneKc 4329. p6Ta 4330. o6JiaCTHOH 433 1 . ocp:uuepCK:HH 4332. HOBOrO,ll;H:HH 4333 . Be,ll;OMCTBO 4334. KOMII03HTOp 4335. KOHCTPYKTOp 4336. rr:uaHHHO n indecl

1 48

trunk, chest mill tractor driver bouquet trench season locomotive, steam-

engine anniversary (adj) axis; axle arrested, person arrested felt boot stock -raising shooting working-out; production race factory (adj) servants discharge; category widow consistent; successive psychological pood ( 1 6. 38 kg) cy Iinder; top hat Frenchman lieutenant unit, assembly gate, garden-gate opening, aperture plenary session


g pl oce:H

g pl BaJieHOK

g pl rOHOK

no pl rrepBOrO pa3pj},[(a nom pl B,[(OBhi

nom pl rry,[(hi

nom pl KaJIHTOK

complex, consisting of several parts engine-driver mother lunar order, command well-being, prosperity complex company (of soldiers) oblast (adj), provincial officer' s new year (adj) department (of government) composer constructor, designer (upright) piano

first class

4337. Bopo6(e)H: 4338. IIJiaKaT 4339. rrp66Ka

4340. npOH3BO,Z:1;1ITbC.si 1

4341 . 6JiarorroeyqHo 4342. Ka qecTBeHHbiH

4343 . KOCM:HqecKHH 4344. rryq( 6 )K 4345. ce6eCTO:UMOCTb f 4346. pa3JIO)I(eH:ue

4347. peBOJibBep 4348. TOK 4349. <PepMa 4350. IIIclXTa 435 1 . Ha py)I(HbiH 4352. 6paTCTBO 4353. ,n;eJieH:ue 4354. JI:UKB:U,ll;cl:Q:U.sl 4355. :U3rOTOB:UTb p +a

4356. IIJiaBaHHe 4357. CeH:U pl

4358 . ceHaTop 4359. nepBHqHbiH 4360. IIIcliliKa

436 1 . o6on6qKa 4362. rror6H 4363. IIOCeB 4364. cHa6)1(eH:ue 4365 . rocrr6,nCTBYIOIU:UH 4366. KOMclH,[(YffilU:UH n adj

+inst 4367 . IIOJibCK:UH 4368. rpyrna 4369. )I(HJia 4370. cTa,no 437 1 . 6apbiH.s� 4372 . BOt(.siHOH

4373 . H,[(HOT

sparrow poster cork; plug; fuse; traffic


g sg BOp06b.si, g pl BOp06beB

g pl rrp66oK

to be produced IIpOH3BO,[(HTC.si; npOH3BeCTHCb p

safely, well qualitative; good-quality (outer) space KocM:HqecKHH Kopa6Jih spaceship bundle; bun (hairdo) cost, cost price decomposition,

disintegration revolver electric current farm mine, pit outer, external brotherhood division liquidation, elimination to manufacture

swimming; sailing


entrance hall (of peasant g pl ceHeii hut)

senator primary sabre; (pl) draughts,

checkers (board game)

cove�, envelope shoulder-strap sowing supply, supplying ruling, predominant

g pl IliclllieK

g pl o6on6qeK

(as noun) commander (of) KOMaH,n;yroi.:QIIH apMIIeH

Polish pear vein herd lady water (adj), aquatic,

water-powered idiot

commander of the army

BO,ll;j{Haj{ MeJibHII:Qa watermill

1 49



4375. Kna,L(6HI.Qe 4376. HarHyThC.si p 4377. norpy3HTh p +a

4378. CMeCh f 4379. YJIHqHhiH 4380. snpe,L(h 438 1 . CBepT(O)K 4382. CO,L(ep)l(a ThC.si

4383 . paBHOBeCHe 4384. XaTa 4385. 3KHlla)l( 4386. ospar 4387. <l>ypa)I(Ka 4388 . 6yxTa 4389. Ko3(e )n 4390 . .siKOpb m 439 1 . KOM6aifH 4392. CaHH pl 4393 . HMnepaTop 4394. non.sipHhiH 4395 . po.sinh m 4396. 3eMJie�eJIHe 4397. �OJI)I(HbiH 4398. necqaHbi:H 4399. nex6Ta 4400. 3aJIHB 440 1 . nyTeBKa

4402. cnJioqeHHe 4403. BhinyCKHHK

4404. MexaHH3aUH.si 4405. MexaHH3aTop

4406. r6cnHTaJih m 4407. KoHrpecc 4408. py6Ka

1 50

member of intelligentsia; professional; intellectual

cemetery to bend down ( i rpy3HTh) to load;

(i norpy)l(aTh) Immerse

mixture street (adj) henceforth, in future package, bundle to be maintained; be

contained balance, equilibrium peasant house carriage; crew ravine, gully peaked cap bay goat anchor combine harvester sledge emperor polar (grand) piano agriculture due, proper sandy infantry bay voucher for travel and

accommodation uniting, strengthening final-year student;

graduate; school-leaver

mechanization mechanization expert;

machine servicer (military) hospital congress felling; chopping;

deck cabin

HarH6a ThC.si i (load) norpy)l(y, norpy3HIIIh;

(immerse) norpy)l(y, norpy3HIIIh

g sg K03Jia nom pl .siKop.si

,L(OJI)I(HhiM 66pa30M properly

g pl nyTeBOK

g sg BhlllYCKHHKa

g pl py6oK

4409. oryp(e)Q 4410. rroc(6)n 441 1 . aerepaH 441 2. BOHHCKHH 4413 . rroporn(6)K 4414. y.llo6peHHe 4415 . arrrraparypa 4416. 6aThKa m (coli) 44 17 . rrapeH(e)K (coll) 4418 . ,lleKper 4419. IIJIOTHHa 4420. rrporosop:HTh p 442 1 . paHr 4422. 6e3yMHe 4423. 6eccMepTHe 4424. QeHTHep

4425 . H,lleOJIOrH.si 4426. .si,llp6 4427. IIHTa TeJihHhiH 4428. KOpMa 4429. oKpacKa 4430. apXHTeKTypa 443 1 . 3pHTeJihHbiH 4432. TYPHHp 4433 . IIpHqaJI 4434. TpaTHTb i +a 4434. IllTOpM 4436. Kopern( 6 )K

4437. MHHa 4438. piDMKa 4439. KpiOq(o)K 4440. XHMHK 444 1 . sa3a 4442. 3ap6,ll;hilii 4443. corpy )l;HifqecTso 4444. )l(lf,ll;KOCTh f 4445 . cpH3HK 4446. crropTcMeH 4447 . apXHTeKTypHbiH 4448. IIOKpOB 4449. KOJIJieKQH.si 4450. MHpoJII06HBhiH

cucumber ambassador veteran military powder fertilizer; fertilizing apparatus dad, father lad decree dam to say rank madness immortality 1 00 kilogrammes,

centner ideology nucleus; ball nourishing stem (of ship) colouring architecture visual tournament mooring to spend gale back (of bookbinding);

small root; counterfoil; (coll) pal, mate

mine, shell (mil) wineglass hook chemist vase foetus; embryo collaboration liquid physicist sportsman architectural cover, shroud collection peace-loving


g sg rrapeHhKa B ,lleKpere ( coll) on maternity leave

nom pl R,ll;pa, g pl R,llep

g pl piDMOK

cHe)I(HhiH rroKp6s blanket of snow

1 51


445 1 . IIJieHHhiM m adj 4452. TeiiJIOXO� 4453 . aJIMa3HhiH 4454. KOCMOC 4455 . CKOpOCTHOM 4456. aBTOMa TH3aQH.SI 4457. BynKaH 4458 . Bhnne 4459. cTap(e)u 4460. a�MHpaJI 446 1 . OXJia)K�eHHe 4462. COQHaJIHCT 4463. MHHYC 4464. BH�eHHe 4465. Jlbi)KJI pl 4466. c66pHhiM

4467. KHCJIOpO� 4468. rremepa 4469. o6meqeJioBeqecKHH 4470. KaffiTa 447 1 . rry3hlp(e)K 4472. paBHHHa 4473 . �eBqaTa pi (coll) 4474. rrpo�OJI)KHTeJihHhiH 4475. BO�oxpaHHJIHJ.Ue 4476. B03�eHCTBHe 4477. 3aiiOBe�HHK 4478. qeMIIHOHaT 4479. cep�HThiM 4480. TYJIYII 448 1 . aKTHBHOCTh f 4482. aHaJIH3HpOBaTh i +a 4483. aiiJIO�HpOBaTh i +d 4484. accopTHMeHT 4485 . 6apa6aH 4486. 6oKOBOM 4487. 6oJITaTh i

4488 . BapHTh i +a 4489. BJIH}]:Th i Ha +a 4490. BJII06JieHHhiH B +a 449 1 . BHHMa TeJihHhiH (K) 4492. BO�HTeJih m 4493 . BO�HTh i +a

1 52

captive motor-vessel, motor-ship diamond (adj) cosmos, space high -speed, express automation volcano higher, above elder admiral cooling socialist minus; disadvantage VISIOn skis g pi Jihi)K collapsible, prefabricated;

mixed, combined (team) oxygen cave universal, of all mankind cabin (ship) bubble; phial plain girls prolonged reservoir influence, pressure reserve, nature-reserve championship angry sheepskin coat activity to analyse to applaud (s.o. or sth) assortment drum side (adj) to shake, stir; ( coll)

chatter to boil, cook by boiling to influence in love (with) attentive, considerate (to) driver to lead

no sg, g pi �eBqaT

aHaJIH31ipyiD; npo- p anno,n::Hpy10; 3a- p

60KOBOH KapMaH side pocket no- p

Bapffi, BapHIIIh; 3a- p BJIHHIO, BJIH}]:eiiih; ITO- p

4494. B03BpaTHThCM p

4495 . B03paCTcllOIUHH 4496. BIIOJITOJIOCa 4497. BCKclKHBa Th i 4498. Bbipa3HThCM p

4499. BhipaCTclTh i 4500. rpelliHhiH 4501 . ,[(a qa

4502. L(BOHHOH

4 503 . ,[(HCK 4504. ,[(HeM 4505 . L(o6poB6n(e)u 4506. ,[(Ofcl,JJ;Ka 4507. ,[(Onp6c 4508. L(peBeCHhiH 4509. )I(HBOIIHCh f 45 10. 3aBepmHTh p +a 45 1 1 . 3aMaHqHBhiH 45 12 . 3clpOCJih f 45 13 . 3ap}]:,JJ; 45 1� 3L(paBooxpaHeHne 45 15 . Ka3Hh f 45 16. KaiiHTclJihHhiH 45 17 . xapT6<J?enh m 45 18 . KHpnHqHhiH 45 19. xna,JJ; 4520. KOMIIhiOTep 452 1 . KOHHhiH 4522. KOpHqHeBhiH 4523 . KYIIOJI 4524. naBoqxa 4525 . na,JJ;

4526. neqHTh i +a 4527 . MHJIJIHMeTp 4528. Mna,JJ;eH( e)u 4529. Ha3HaqaTh i +a

4530. HaMeK 453 1 . HarreBaTh

to return

growing, increasing in an undertone to leap up to express os;

(coll) swear to grow, increase sinful dacha, holiday cottage

double, twofold

disk; discus by day; in the afternoon volunteer guess, conjecture interrogation wood (adj) painting, paintings to complete tempting thicket charge, cartridge healthcare, health service execution main, most important potatoes brick (adj) treasure computer horse (adj), equestrian brown cupola small shop; small bench harmony, tune; manner

to treat, cure millimetre baby to fix, arrange; appoint

(s.o.) hint, allusion


B03Bpamych, B03BpaTHllihCM; B03BpamaThCM i

BCKOqHTh p Bbipa)l(yCh, Bbipa3HllihCM;

Bbipa)l(a ThCM BbipaCTH p

OHM Ha ,JJ;aqe They're at their country cottage

,JJ;BOHHOH IIO,JJ;6op6,JJ;OK double chin

g sg ,JJ;06pOBOJihUa g pl ,[(Ofcl,[(OK

no pl 3aBepma Th

no pl

nom pl xynona g pl naBoqeK pr sg B na,JJ;y, nom pl naL(:bi; rreTh B

na,JJ; to sing in tune; Ha CBOH na,JJ; in one' s own way

Jieqy, JieqHmh; Bhl- p

to sing; sing quietly, hum HaneTh p

1 53


4532. HaCKB03b

4533 . He6pe)l(Ho 4534. HeM36e)l(HOCTb f 4535 . HenerKMH 4536. HenerrbiH 4537. Heo6bJqaiiHhiH 4538 . HeO)l(H�aHHOCTh f 4539. Herrnoxoil 4540. HeTeprreJIHBO 454 1 . HecpT.siHOH

4542. o6M)l(aTh i +a 4543. 06Hapy)l(MBaThC.si 4544. o6phiB 4545 . O�MHoqecTBO 4546. o�66pHTh p +a 4547. OIIaCHO 4548. orrepa 4549. OIIpOKHHYTh p +a 4550. oporneH:ue 455 1 . OT6pOCHTb p +a

4552. OTKOC 4553 . OTHeCTHCb p K +d

4554. OTpbiBaThC.si i OT

4555. OXOTHMqHH 4556. rranaTa 4557. rranaq 4558. IIaJIOqKa 4559. rrapH)l(CKHH 4560. rreil3a)l( 456 1 . rreperpy3Ka 4562. nepenneT 4563. rro6e)l(�aTh i +a


4564. IIO�BepraTh i +a +d 4565 . no ,up}}�

4566. IIO�XBaTbiBaTh i +a 4567. no)l(eJiaH:ue

4568. IIO)l(eJia Tb p +g

1 54


carelessly inevitability difficult; heavy absurd exceptional surprise not bad impatiently oil (adj)

to offend, hurt to be revealed precipice loneliness, solitude to approve dangerously opera to overturn irrigation to throw off; discard

slope to treat, regard (s.o.

or sth)

0Ha rrpoMoKna HaCKB03h She got wet through

He<)_}T.siHa.si IIpOMhiiiiJieHHOCTb oil industry

o61f�eTh p 06Hapy)l(HTbC.si p

OIIpOKH�biBaTh 1

OT6porny, OT6pOCHIIIh; OT6paChiBaTh i

oTHecych, OTHecernhc.si, past OTHeCC.si, OTHeCJiclCh; OTHOCHTbC.si i

to be tom away; tear os oTopsaThC.si p away from

hunting (adj) f oxoTHHqh.sJ:, n oxoTHJiqhe chamber; ward executioner small stick, baton Parisian landscape overload binding to defeat to subject (s.o. to sth) in succession; contract

to pick up wish

to wish (for)

g s g rrana qa g pl IIaJioqeK

g pl rreperpy3oK

rro6e�HTh p IIO�BeprHyTh TPH �H.si rro�p}]:� three days

running IIO�XBaTHTh p HaHcyqrnHe IIO)l(eJiaHH}I best

wishes )l(eJiaTh i

4569. IIOKOHH:UK 4570. rro-pa3HOMY 457 1 . IIO-CBOeMy 4572. IIOTpe6HTeJih m 4573. rroq:UH 4574. rrpe,[(yCMOTpeTh p +a

4575. rrp:u6JIH3:UThCH p K +d

4576. IIp:U3HaBclThCH i B +pr

4577. IIpHHUHIT:UaJihHhiH

4578. IIpOBO,[( 4579. rrpo)l(eKTop 4580. IIpOCTOTa 458 1 . rrpoqHo 4582. rrpo rne,[(rn:uii 4583. ny3Liph m 4584. pa3rp6M

4585 . pa3o6naqliTh p +a 4586. pa3oM (coll)

4587. pa3opaaTh p +a

4588. pacnpocTpaHHTh p +a 4589. pacceHHHhiH 4590. peM(e)Hh m 459 1 . p66Ko 4592. CB:UCT 4593. ca6iicTBeHHhiH +d 4594. c,n:ep)l(:uaa Th i +a 4595 . cea 4596. CKaH,[(clJI 4597. CKJicl,[(hiBa Th i +a

4598. CJIOMHTh p +a 4599. cnyqaifHOCTh f

4600. co6aq:uif

4601 . COBeTHHK 4602. cor nacHo +d


dead person, the deceased in different ways in one ' s own way consumer initiative to envisage, foresee

to approach

npe,[(yCMOTpro, npe,[(yCMOTp:Uillh; npe,[(yCMaTpHBaTh i

np:u6JIH)I(YCh; np:u6JIH3HillhCH; np:u6JI:U)I(cl ThCH i

to confess np:U3HaiOCh, IIpH3HaeiiihCH; IIp:U3HaThCH p

of principle, fundamental np:uHu:un:uaJihHhiH aonp6c question of principle

wtre nom pl npoao,[(a searchlight; floodlight simplicity solidly past (adj) bubble crushing defeat;

devastation to expose, unmask at once, at one go; in a

flash to tear up

to spread absent-minded belt timidly whistling characteristic (of)

nom pl npo)l(eKTopa

g sg IIy:lhip�


pa3opay, pa3opaelllh, f past pa3opaana; pa3phiBaTh


g sg peMH�

to hold back, restrain c,[(ep)l(a Th p sowing scandal to pile up, put together; CJIO)I(HTh p

fold up; add up; put down

to break CJIOMJIIO, CJIOMHIIIh chance, chance

occurrence dog ' s f co6aqhH, n co6aqhe; co6aqhjf

)I(:U3Hh a dog' s life adviser according to

1 55


4603 0 COKpaTHTb p +a

46040 COJIHLJ:HbtH 4605 0 cnoK6iicrs:ue 46060 cpa)KeH:ue 46070 CTa,n:HOH 46080 CTaH 46090 CTOHKOCTb f 46 100 CTpeMHTeJihHbiH 461 1 0 cqecTh p +a

46 1 20 TaHTb i +a 46 1 3 0 TaCKaTb i +a 46 14 0 TaTapHH 46 1 5 0 ysen:Uq:uBaTh i +a 46 16 0 y)KHHaTh i 46 17 0 ynorpe6n51Th i +a 46 1 8 0 yc:uneH:ue 46 19 . ycrpaHHTh p +a 4620. <l>Y 462 1 . qy,n:6BHIQHbiH 4622. qy)KLJ:biH

4623 . rnocce n indecl 46240 IIIYMHbiH 4625 0 3pa 4626. 3<l><l>eKTHBHbiH 4627. }}cHOCTb f 4628. a,n:BOKaT 46290 aKTHBHCT 4630. apXHTeKTOp 463 1 0 6an 4632. 6e,n:Hora 4633 . 6JIOKHOT 4634. BaJIHTbC.SI i 4635 . BBH,n:y +g 46360 seKo 4637 o BeCHOH 463 8 0 BernanKa 46390 B3,n:p6rHyTh p 4640. BHYK 464 1 . BOnpeKH +d 4642. BOp 4643 0 BOpOT

1 56

to reduce

solid, sound; reliable calm battle stadium figure (human); camp firmness, steadfastness rapid; dynamic

COKpai.Qy, COKpaTHIIIh; COKparn;aTb i

Ha cra,n::u6He at/in a stadium

to count; (+a +inst or 3a coqry, coqreiiih, past cqen, +a) consider (sth to coqna; cq:uraTh i be sth)

to conceal to drag Tatar to increase to have supper to use strengthening to remove (expressing disgust) ugh ! monstrous (+d) alien (to); ( +g )

devoid (of) highway noisy era effective clarity lawyer (political) activist architect ball (dance) the poor notepad to fall in view of eyelid in spring coat hanger to start, flinch grandson in spite of thief collar; winch

no- p nom pl raraphi, g pl Tarap ysen:Uq:urb p no- p ynorpe6n.HIO; ynorpe6HTh p

ycrpaH}}Th i

pr sg Ha 6an)', nom pl 6aJihi

sa.rnbch, Ban:uiiihc.SI; no-I c- p

nom pl BeKH, g pl BeK

g pl BeiiiaJIOK B3,n:par:usa Th i

nom pl BOpbi, g pl sop6B

4644. BOT-BOT

4645 . BrrpaBe: 6hiTh BrrpaBe +inf

4646. BCIIOMHHclThC� i 464 7 . BCTpeqHhiH 4648. BbipaCTHTh p +a

4649. r.JIYxo 4650. rOCIIO�CTBOBaTh

Ha� +inst 465 1 . rpe6( e )Hh m 4652. �anh f 4653 . �BOpHHK

4654. �epeBCHCKHH 4655 . �JIHThC� i 4656. )l(clJIOCTh f 4657. )l(eCTKHH 4658. 3a6ny)l(�eHHe 4659. 3ara�oqHhiH 4660. 3aroBop 466 1 . 3aropeThc� p 4662. 3a�yMqHBhiH 4663. 3aKaHqHBaThC� 4664. 3ane3Th p B/Ha +a

4665. 3aO�HO

4666. 3arroJIHHTh p +a

4667. 3apa6oT(o)K 4668. 3aCey)l(eHHhiH 4669. 3aCJIY)I(HBa Th i +g 4670. 3HMOH 467 1 . 3Jio6a 4672. H3BJieKaTh i +a 4673. H3rOTOBJI.si:Th i +a 467 4. lf3nHIIIHHH 4675. H3o6:HJIHe 4676. HKoHa 4677. HH�HBH�yaJihHhiH 4678. HH�YCTpHaJihHhiH 4679. HCKJIK>qa Th i +a 4680. KaHHKYJihl f pl

just about to, on the point of

to have a right to

to be remembered oncoming to grow (sth), rear


0Ha BOT-BOT rrpH�eT She 'll be here any moment

BcrroMHHaeTc� . . . I remember . . . BCTpeqHhiH BeTep head wind Bbiparn;y, BbipaCTHIIIh;


to dominate rocrro�cTBYK>

comb, crest distance pr sg B �an:H caretaker, janitor; (coll)

windscreen wiper village, country (adj) to last pity harsh delusion mysterious plot to catch fire thoughtful to finish to climb, get (into/onto)

together; ( coll) at the same time

to fill in, fill up

earnings deserved; distinguished to deserve in winter spite, malice to extract to manufacture superfluous abundance icon individual industrial to exclude holidays, vacation

3aKoHqHThC� p 3ane3y, 3ane3eiiih, past 3ane3,

3ane3na; 3ane3a Th i

3aiiOJIH.si:Th i; 3aiiOJIHHTh 6naHK to fill in a form

H3BJieqh p H3rOTOBJI.si:ro; H3rOTOBHTh p


1 57


468 1 . KaneJihKa 4682. KH,ZJ;clThCR 4683 . Koe-r,ZJ;e 4684. KOJIHqecTBeHHhiH 4685 . KOMeH,ZJ;clHT

4686. KOH<l>JIHKT 4687. KOHTclKT 4688 . KopKa 4689. KOppecnOH,ZJ;eHQHR 4690. JieTOM 469 1 . MaKCHMclJihHhiH 4692. MaiiiHHOCTpOeHHe 4693. MeCTHOCTh f 4694. MYH,D;Hp 4695 . na6HpaTh i +a 4696. na6paTh p +a

4697. HaKOllHTh p +a

4698. naneTeTh p Ha +a 4699. HaHOCHTh i +a 4700. nap}]:,D;

4 70 1 . HaCToifqHBhiH 4702. HaXO,D;Ka 4703 . HeO,ZJ;HOKpclTHO 4704. HepBHHqaTh 4705 . HHCKOJibKO 4706. o6H,ZJ;HO

4707. o6}]:3hiBaTh i +a 4708. OBJia,ZJ;eHHe +inst 4709. orpaHifqHThCR p +inst 47 10. opex 47 1 1 . OT6paChiBaTh i +a 47 12 . OT,D;eJI}]:Th i +a 47 1 3 . OTKJicl,ZJ;hiBaTh i +a 47 14 . OTHHMclTh i +a 47 1 5 . oTnepeTh p +a

47 16 . OTnpaBJieHHe

47 17 . omymaTh i +a

1 58

droplet to throw os, rush here and there quantitative warden (of hostel) ;

commandant, governor conflict contact crust; rind correspondence in summer maximal mechanical engineering locality, district uniform to gather, assemble to gather, assemble

to accumulate

to swoop on; run into to pile up; inflict attire, costume;

order, warrant insistent find repeatedly to be nervous not at all it hurts , it ' s annoying

to oblige mastery (of) to limit oneself (to) nut to throw off; discard to separate to postpone to take away to unlock

dispatch; departure (of train)

to feel, sense

g pl KaneneK KHHYThCR p

g pl KOpOK

Ha6paTh p na6epy, na6epeiiih, f past

Ha6pana; Ha6HpaTh HaKO llJ1ID, HaKOllHIIIh ;

HaKallJIHBa Th i HaJieqy, HaJieTHIIIh; HaJieTa Th HaHOIIIy, HaHOCHIIIh; HaHeCTH p

g pl HaXO,ZJ;OK

EMy o6H,ZJ;HO BH,ZJ;eTh 3To It hurts him to see that

o6R3aTh p


OT6pOCHTh p OT,ZJ;eJI}]:IO; OT,ZJ;eJIHTh p OT JIO)I(HTh p OTH}]:Th p oTonpy, oTonpeiiih, past 6Tnep,

oTnepna, 6Tnepno; OTllHpclTh i


47 18 . IIaHHKa 47 19. IIaXaTb i +a 4720. rrepBeHCTBO

4721 . IIJiaCT 4722. IIJieT( e )Hh m

4723. IIJIOTHHK 4724. rro6JIH)I(e 4725 . IIO,LJ;6HpaTh i +a 4726. IIO,LI;qHHeHHe 4727. IIO)KapHhiH

4728. IIOKJIOH 4729. IIOJI}]:Ha

4730. rrorrporn;aThC.SI p c +inst 473 1 . rropO,LI;HTh p +a

4732. IIOCKOpee 4733. IIOCMaTpHBaTh 1

Ha +a 4734. IIOT.SIHYTh p +a 4735. rroqHTa Th p +a

rroqHTaTh i +a 4736. rro3Ma 4737. rrpe3peHHe 4738. rrpeHMyiiJ;eCTBeHHO 4739. IIpHCIIOC06JieHHe 4740. rrpHXO,[( 474 1 . rrpoBepKa 4742. rrponeTeTh p 4743 . IIpOChilla ThC.SI 4744. pacc:bn1a ThC.SI p 4745 . paCTBOp.HThC.SI i 4746. pacTepsi:ThC.SI p 4747. peaJihHOCTh f 4748. peK6p.u 4749. peqKa 4750. pyKOBO,LI;CTBOBaThC.SI

i +inst 475 1 . c6op 4752. cB6,n;Ka 4753 . c.uaqa

panic to plough first place (in

competition); championship

layer; stratum hurdle, wattle (fence) carpenter a bit closer to pick up; select submission, subjection fire (adj); (as noun)

fireman bow (greeting) glade, clearing, forest

meadow to say goodbye (to) to beget, engender,

generate a little faster; hurry up ! to look (at) from time to

time to pull to read a little to respect long poem scorn primarily adaptation; device arrival check(ing), inspection to fly through or past to wake up to scatter; crumble to dissolve; to open to get lost; panic reality record small river to be guided (by)

collection, gathering report, bulletin handing over; change

(money returned)

rrarny' rrarnernh

g sg rrnacTa

rro.uo6paTh p

rrporn;aThC.SI 1

nopo)Ky, rropo,[(HIIIh; IIOpO)I(,LJ;aTh i

g pl npoBepoK rrponeqy, rrponeTHillh; nponeTa Th i npoCHYThC.SI p paCChiiiJieTC.SI; paCChiiia ThC.SI i paCTBop}]:eTC.SI; paCTBOpHThC.SI p pacTep.Hwch; Tepsi:ThC.SI i


Bee B c66pe Everyone is here g pl CBO,UOK

1 59


4754. CeMh,lJ;eCSIT 4755 . CeHO 4756. cep,neqHhiii

4757. CHTyai{HSI 4758 . CH.siHHe 4759. CKa3aThCSI p Ha +pr 4760. CKBa)I(HHa 476 1 . CJIOMaTh p +a 4762. cornarnaThCSI i

4763. COCTaBHOH m adj

4764. cpaBHHBaTh i +a 4765 . CChiJiaThCSI i Ha +a 4766. TBep,[(OCTh f 4767. TeTpa,nKa 4768. THpa)l(

4769. TOp)l(eCTBeHHO 4770. TOII(HH 477 1 . TpecK 4772. Tpeli(HHa 4773 . Tpyrr 4774. ysecTH p +a

4775 . yKparnarh i +a 4776. yrropHO 4 777. <l>6Kyc 4778 . <l>6pMyna 4 779. <l>yT60JihHbiH 4780. xne6HhiH 478 1 . xn6rr(o)K

XJIOII(O)K 4782. U:HKJI 4783 . 3KCIIepHMeHTaJihHbiH 4784. aHapXHSI 4785 . 6aH.n:a 4786. 6eTOHHhiH 4787. 6peMSI n 4788 . BepTeThCSI i 4789. BHHOBaT short adj 4790. BOJihHO 479 1 . BOCeMHa,nu;a Th

1 60

seventy hay heart (adj) ; heartfelt;

warm-hearted situation radiance to have an effect on chink, hole to break, fracture to agree (c +inst

with/Ha +a to) composite; component

to compare to refer to firmness exercise book number of copies;

draw (lottery) ceremonially; festively emaciated crack; crash crack, cleft corpse to lead away

to adorn persistently focus; trick formula football (adj) bread (adj) cotton clap, bang cycle experimental anarchy band, gang concrete (adj) burden to rotate guilty; sorry ! freely eighteen

g ceMH,[(eCSITH

JIOMaTh i cornacHThCSI p

cocrasHaSI qacTh cornponent part, component

cpaBHHTh p COCJiaThCSI p

g pl TeTpa,[(OK g sg THpa)l(a

yse,n;y, yse,n;ernh, past ysen, ysena; yso,n;HTh

yKpaCHTh p

g sg 6peMeHH, no pl Bepqych, BepTHIIIhCSI 0Ha He BHHoBaTa It' s not her fault

4792. Bpe.IJ;HO 4 793 . BhiJJ;ep)I(Ka 4 794. BhiHY)I(,[(eHHhiH 4795 . raJICTYK 4796. reorpaqniqecKHH 4797 . rHTapa 4798. fJIHHRHhiH 4799. r6pKa 4800. ,[(aepua 480 1 . )J;eBRHOCTO 4802. ,neMOHCTpaUH� 4803. JJ;OCTO}]:Hue 4804. .[(paroueHHOCTh f 4805 . ,npOrHyTh p

JJ;pOrHyTh i 4806. .[(py)l(( 6 )K ( coll) 4807 . eJIKa 4808. epyH,na (coil) 4809. )l(eqh i +a

48 10. 3aseprneHHe 48 1 1 . 3aBHCTh f 48 12 . 3aBR3aTh p +a

48 13 . 3a,[(hiXa ThCR i 48 14. 3aexaTh p 48 15 . 3aKmoqJ1:TeJihHhiH 48 16. 3aKOHO,[(a TeJihCTBO 48 17 . 3aJIHTh p +a +inst

48 1 8 . 3aHeCTH p +a

48 19 . 3arrpeTHTh p

4820. 3penMrn;e 482 1 . HfOJIKa 4822. H36aBHThCR p OT +g

4823. H3JIO)I(eHHe 4824. HCIIOJIHHTh p +a

4825 . HCCJieJJ;OBaTh i/p +a 4826. HCTOpHK 4827. Kacca 4828. KJIHH

harmful self-control; excerpt forced tie, necktie geographical guitar clay (adj) hillock small door, car door ninety demonstration property jewel; something valuable to shake, waver to be chilled friend fir tree nonsense; trifling matter to bum

completion envy to tie; start, get involved

in to suffocate to call in final, concluding legislation to flood (sth with sth)

to bring in; raise

(+d) to forbid (s.o.); (+a) ban (sth)

spectacle needle to escape from; get

rid of exposition to carry out, fulfil;

perform to investigate historian cash desk; ticket -office wedge


g pl r6poK g pl ,[(aepeu g, d, inst, pr ,[(eBRHOCTa

no 1

rrpo- p

g pl eJIOK

)l(ry, )l()l(eiiih, )l(ryT, past )l(er, )l(f na; C)l(eqh p

3aBR)I(y, 3aB}]:)I(elllh; 3aB}]:3hiBa Th i

3aJJ;OXHYThCR p 3ae.IJ;y, 3ae,[(elllh; 3ae3)IGi Th

3aJihlb, 3anhernh, f past 3aJIHna; 3aJIHBaTh i

3aHecy, 3aHecernh, past 3aHec, 3aHecna; 3aHoclfTh i

3arrpern;y, 3arrperlfrnh; 3arrpemaTh

g pl MrOJIOK H36aBJIIOCh, H36aBHillhC.SI;



nom pl KJIHHh.SI, g pl KJIRHheB

1 61

4829. Kor.n.a-nH6o

4830. KOHTpOJibHhiH

483 1 . KpOXOTHhiH (coli)

4832. xyneqecKHH

4833 . MaHeBp

4834. MaTeMaTHKa

4835. Me,llHIUiHa

4836. M06HJIH30BclTb i/p +a

4837. Ha66p

4838 . Harn.si.n.Ho

4839. Hana.n.HTh +a

4840. HaxMypHTbCjl p

484 1 . Hal{HOHclJihHOCTb f

4842. HeJl.oyMeHHe

4843 . HeJIOBKHH

4844. HenpHMHpHMhiH

4845 . 6somH m pl

4846. orpa.ua

4847. onpe)l.eJieHHo

4848. opHrHHclJihHhiU

4849. ocym.eCTBJI.siTbCjl

4850. OTCTclHBaTh i +a


4852. OXBclTbiBaTb i +a

4853 . nepeMeHHTh p +a

4854. nepuna pi

4855. neqanhHo

4856. nospe.UHTh p +d

4857 . ll030p

4858. llOJie3HO

4859. non}]K

4860. nophiB

486 1 . npe)l.Ha3HcllfHTh p

Ha +a/Jl.Jijl +g

4862. npe,llllO'IHTclThi i +a +d

4863 . npeKpam.a ThCjl i

4864. npeo)l.oneHue

4865. npeno)l.asaTeJih m

4866. npHrnameHue

1 62

at any time; ever

checking, monitoring


merchant (adj)



medicine, medical


to mobilize

set, collection;


clearly, graphically

to put in working order,

set going

to frown

nationality, ethnic group









to be brought about

to defend


to envelop

to change; transform

handrail , banisters


to harm, damage


(it is) useful; usefully


gust; impulse

to intend for

to prefer sth to sth

to cease


teacher, lecturer


HaJia)l(y, Ha.Tlcl)lHillh;

HaJicl)J(HBa Th


g pl OBOIIJ.eH


ocyuuecTBHThCjl p


OXBaTHTb p nepeMeuiO, nepeMeHHillh;


g pi nepun

noape)l(y, noape.nnlllh; spe.nHTh i


npeKpaTHTbCjf p

4867. IIpHKOCHOBeH:ue 4868. rrp:ucoe.n::uH.siThC� p

K +d 4869. rrpo.n:enaTh p +a 4870. rrpocp:unh m 487 1 . IIpbDK( 0 )K 4872. pasH}}ThC.SI i

4873. pa3BepHyThC� p

4874. pa3pe3

4875. pa3'h�CHHTh p +a 487 6. paCIIOJIO)I(HThC� p

4877. pacrn:up}}ThC� 4878. pe)I(HCCep

4879. peJIHrH03HhiH 4880. p66KHH 488 1 . PYXHYTh p 4882. CaMOCTO.siTeJibHO 4883. CB}}3aHHhiH 4884. c.n:enKa

4886. co6nro.n:aTh i +a 4887. COBIIa,L(a Th i C +inst 4888. C03HaBaTh i +a

4889. coo6pa)l(aTh i 4890. COCKOqHTh p C +g

489 1 . COCT�3aHHe 4892. CpbiBaTh i +a 4893 . cToiiKa 4894. CTpeJIKa 4895 . CTpyHa 4896. cyrrpyra 4897. CXO,L(HhiH

4898. TpeBO)I(Hhiii 4899. Tyro

contact to join rrp:ucoe.n::uH.siroch;

rrp:ucoe,L(HHHTbC� p to make, do, accomplish rrpo.n:enhiBa Tb i profile jump (Ha +a) to emulate; pasH}}roch; cpaBH5iThC� p

(+d) be equal to to unroll, unfold; expand; pa3BepTbiBaThc�/

swing round (make a pa3BopaqHBaThC� U-tum)

cut, section

to explain

B pa3pe3e + g ( coll) in the context of

pa3'h�CHMTb i


to take up position; settle oneself

to broaden, expand producer (theatre),

paCIIOJIO)I(YCh, paCIIOJIO)I(HIIIhC�; pacrronara ThC� i

paCIIIHp}}eTc�; paCIIIHpHTbC� p

director (cinema) religious timid to collapse independently connected; bound deal, transaction

to be bored; (no +d) miss (s.o. or sth)

to keep to, adhere to to coincide (with) to acknowledge, be

aware of to think out, understand to jump off

competition to tear off; wreck bar, counter; stance arrow; hand (of clock) string (of instrument) spouse (wife) similar; (coli) fair

(of price) worrying; worried tight; difficult

g pl c.n:enoK; JaKmoqlfTh c.n:eJIKy to do a deal

co6mocTH p COBIIaCTb p C03HaiD, C03Haernh; C03HaTb p

coo6pa3HTh p COCKoqy, COCKQqifiiih;


copBaTh p g pl cToeK g pl CTpeJIOK nom pl CTPYHhi

1 63


4900. y6e)l(,[(eHHhiM 490 1 . y6npaTh i +a 4902. yrpiDMhiM 4903 . yrrpeKaTh i +a B +pr

4904. ycep,[(Ho 4905 . ycTano 4906. yx 4907. <t>nJIMan 4908. XOJIO,[(HJThHMK 4909. xy,[(o 49 10. :QeiiJIHThC51 i 3a +a 49 1 1 . qacToTa 49 1 2. qep,[(aK 49 13 . qeTKO

49 14. IIIBhiPHYTh p (coil) +a or +inst

49 1 5 . IIIeBeJIHTh i +a or +inst 49 16 . IIIeJIK 0 BhiM 49 17 . IIIepCTh f 49 18 . 3KCKypCM51 49 1 9. Ib6Ka 4920. �CTpe6 492 1 . asaHrap):( 4922. apXHB 4923. aXHYTh p 4924. 6eccrr6pHhiM 4925. 6eiiieHo 4926. 6hin6ii 4927. BBO;:J:HThC»

4928. BeJIMKOJieiiHO 4929. B3BO.[(

Ha B3BO;:J:e 4930. BH;:J:MMOCTh f 493 1 . BMC(O)K 4932. BKJia.[(hiBa Th i +a 4933 . BKYCHhiM 4934. BMeiiiaThC51 p B +a 4935 . B03pa3HTh p

4936. Bhi6e)l(a Th p M3 +g

4937 . BhiMhiC( e )JI

1 64

convinced to take away; tidy sullen, gloomy to accuse (s.o. of),

reproach conscientiously wearily ooh ! branch (of organization) refrigerator bad, badly to clutch (at); catch (on) frequency attic clearly, distinctly,

precisely to fling, hurl

to stir, move silk (adj) wool; hair (of animal) excursion skirt hawk vanguard archive(s) to gasp indisputable madly, furiously former, past to bt; introduced,

brought in splendid(ly) platoon drunk; agitated visibility; appearance temple (ear to forehead) to insert; invest tasty to interfere (in) to object

to run out

fabrication, fantasy

y6paTh p

yrrpeKHYTh p

QeiiJIHIOCh; 3a- p nom pl qacTOThi g sg qep;:J:aKa

ITO- p/rneBeJihHYTh p

Kornaqh» rnepcTh cat fur

g pl Ib6oK nom pl »CTpe6a


6hiJI6e senlfqne former greatness BBO;:J:MTc.s�; BBeCTHCh p


BMeiiiMBa ThC.si B03pa)l(y, B03pa3HIIIh;

so3 pa)l(a Th i Bhi6ery, Bhi6e)I(MIIIh, Bhi6eryT;

Bhi6eraTh i

4938 . BhlphiBa ThCj{ 4939. BhiCKaKHBaTh i H3 +g 4940. ra,[( (coli) 494 1 . ropJbqee n adj 4942. rpaMOTHhiM 4943 . rpaHara 4944. rpeMeTh i 4945. rpeTh i +a 4946. ,IJ;HCKYCCHjJ 4947. ,ll;Hqh f 4948. .npo)l(amHii 4949. eii-66ry (coll) 4950. )l(eJiy .n( o )K 495 1 . 3a6HTh p +a

4952. 3a,nep)J(HBa ThCj{ 4953 . 3a,nerh p +a 4954. 3aMeqa renhHo 4955. 3aiiHCHOH 4956. 3acyxa 4957 . 3aTpy,nHeHMe 4958 . 3Haq(o)K 4959. H36hiT(O)K 4960. H306peCTH p +a

496 1 . H3YMHTeJihHhiii 4962. H351JIJ;HhiH 4963. HCXO,[( 4964. KaneH,naph m 4965 . KaproqKa 4966. KJI.siCThCjJ i

4967. KOaJIHIJ;Hj� 4968. KOMMeHTapHH 4969. KOTeJI(O)K 4970. Kpyro 497 1 . JiaTHHCKHH 4972. JIHThCjJ i

4973 . JIHXOH (coli) 4974. MaCK a 4975. Men 4976. MHpOB033peHHe

to tear os away to jump out swine, rat (of person) fuel literate shell; grenade to roar, resound to heat discussion game, wildfowl trembling truly, indeed stomach to begin to beat; hammer

in; block; cram to be delayed to touch; catch (on sth) remarkable; remarkably note (adj) drought difficulty badge abundance; surplus to invent

all}.azing elegant outcome, end calendar card to s�ear, vow

coalition commentary pot; bowler hat steeply; sharply Latin (adj) to pour

dashing, daring; skilful mask chalk; whitewash outlook, philosophy

of life


BblpBaThCjJ p BhiCKOqlfTh p

rpeM.rnb, rpeMHmh; 3a- p rpe10, rpeernh; rro- p

3a6hlb, 3a6bemh; 6HTh, 3a6HBaTb i

3a,n;ep)J(a rhcj{ p 3a,neHy, 3a,UeHemh; 3a,UeBa Th

3arrncHaj{ KHH)I(Ka notebook

H3o6pery, H3o6perernh, past H306peJI, H306pena; H306peTaTh i

g sg KaneH.uap.si g pl KaproqeK KJij�HYCh, KJij!HemhCjJ, past

KJI.siJICjl, KJij!JiaCh; IIO- p

nheTcj{, past nHJICjJ, nnnach; no- p

g pl MaCOK

1 65

4977. MYlJHTh i +a 4978 . M�lJ 4979. Hae,[{HHe 4980. HaH60JihiiiHH 498 1 . HaMelJclThC� i 4982. HaCMeiiiKa 4983. He,[{OBOJihHhiH +inst 4984. HeH3MeHHO 4985. HeMe,ll;JieHHhiH 4986. He06hiKHOBeHHO 4987. HeiiOH}]:THO 4988 . HeTeprreHue 4989. Hey,11;a11a 4990. 0603Hcl1JHTb p +a 499 1 . or n�):{eTh p +a 4992. orpaHHlJHTh p +a 4993. o):{o6peHue 4994. 03HaKOMHThC� p C

+inst 4995. OCB060)1(,[{aTh i +a 4996. ocy):{HTh p +a 4997. OT6HTh p +a

4998. OTBa)I(HhiH 4999. IIaJiaTKa 5000. IIeHa 500 1 . rrepso6hiTHhiH 5002. rrepe)I(HBaHHe

5003 . neT n}]: 5004. IIJiaT<f>OpMa 5005. IIJIO):{OpO):{HhiH 5006. rro6HTh p +a 5007. IIOBepx +g 5008. IIOBCe,[{HeBHhiH 5009. IIO,[(BepHyThC� p

5010. IIO,L{eJIHTbC� p +inst c +inst

501 1 . II 6 ,[(JihiH 501 2. IIO,[(IIOJihe

5013 . IIO,ll;pa)l(cl Th i +d

1 66

to torment ball (for games) in private; alone largest to be planned taunt dissatisfied (with) invariably immediate unusually incomprehensible/ly impatience failure to mark, designate to look over, inspect to limit approval to acquaint oneself with

to free to condemn to repulse; remove;

break off courageous tent foam primitive experience, emotional

experience loop; hinge platform fertile, fruitful to beat; break above everyday

Ja-, H3- p g sg M�lJa

HaMeTHThC� p g pl HaCMeiiieK

o6o3Ha1JaTh i or JI�)I(y, or JI�):{HIIIh; or JI}]:,[(hiBa Tb

orpaHHlJHBaTh 1


OCB060):{HTh p ocy)l(y, ocy ,LlHIIIh; ocy)I(,Lla Th i OT06hiD, OT06heiiih; OT6HBclTh i

g pl rraJia TOK

g pl IIeTeJih

(coli) to tum up, crop up; rro,LlsepThiBaThC� be rolled up; be sprained, twisted (foot)

to share (sth with s.o.)

mean, underhand underground

organization; cellar to imitate

IIO,[(eJIIDCh, IIO,[(eJIHIIIhC�; ,[(eJIHThC� i

yifTH B rro,[(rr6Jibe to go underground

5014. II03,[(0pOBa ThC.H c +inst

5015 . IIOKaqHBaThCj{ i 50 16 . rroKOHThCj{ i Ha +pr 50 17 . rroKyrrKa 5018 . IIOJIHOqb 50 19. TIOJII060BaTbCj{ p +inst

or Ha +a 5020. IIOMern;aThCj{ i 502 1 . rropo)I(,Ua Th i +a

5022. rrop6K 5023. ITOpTHTh 5024. rrocern;eHHe +g 5025 . IIOCpe,[(CTBOM +g 5026. IIOChiJIKa 5027. npe,[(nor 5028. rrpe,[(CTaBHThCj! p

5029. rrpeKpaTHThC.H p 5030. rrpepBaTh p +a 503 1 . IIpHBj{3a Th p +a K +d

5032. npHeMHHK 5033 . np63a 5034. rrpoKna,n;hiBaTh i +a 5035. rrporn;aJihHhiii 5036. TICHXOJIOflfj! 5037. rryTeiiieCTBOBaTh 1

5038 . rr}]:THHQa 5039. pa3r Jijl,[(eTh p +a 5040. pa3,n;en 504 1 . pa3hiCKaTh p +a

5042. pacKaneHHhiii 5043 . pacnpocTpaHeHHhiii 5044. pacce.HTh p +a 5045. pacTa.HTh p 5046. paCTepj�HHhiH 5047. peBHOBaTh i 5048 . penyTaUHj{ 5049. pHCOBaTh i +a 5050. c,[(ep)l(aTh p +a

to greet U03,[(0pOBaiOCh; 3,[(0pOBaThC.H i

to rock, sway to rest, repose (on) purchase midnight to admire

to be located; find space to beget; engender;

generate vice; defect

g pl UOKyiiOK g IIOJIYHOqlf nomo6yroch ; mo6osaThCji i

UOMeCTHThC.H p nopO,[(HTh p

to spoil, damage nopqy, UOpTHIIIh; HC- p visit (to), attendance (at) by means of parcel; errand; sending pretext; preposition


to introduce os; present npe,[(CTaBJTIOCh, npe,[(CTaBHIIIhC.H; itself, occur

to cease to interrupt to attach (sth to sth)

npe,[(CTaBJIRThC.H i npeKpaT:HTc.H; npeKpamaThC.H i npepsy, npepsernh; npephiBaTh npHBj�)l(y, npHBR)I(eiiih;

radio set prose

rrpHBR3hiBaTh i

to lay, construct (a road) npoJIO)I(HTh p farewell (adj), parting psychology to travel nyTernecTByiD; npo- p Friday to make out, perceive pa3rJI.H)I(Y, pa3rJiji,[(HIIIh; no i division; section to seek out pa3hiiiJ;Y, pa3:birn;ernh;

pa3hiCKHBa Th i scorching, burning hot widespread, common to scatter to melt

pacceiO, pacceeiiih; pacceHsaTh i

pacTaeT; Ta.HTh i perplexed, bewildered to be jealous reputation to draw to restrain; keep


p:ucyiD; Ha- p c,[(ep)l(y, c,n;ep)I(Hrnh;

C,[(ep)I(HBa Th i

1 67


505 1 . ceneHHe 5052. CHJIY3T 5053 . CHHeBa 5054. CKHHYTh p (coli) +a 5055 . CKJicl;::t;Ka 5056. CKJIOHHhiH K +d or

+inf 5057. cJie3aTh i c +g 5058 . COBMeCTHO 5059. CO,Upy)l(eCTBO 5060. CTHXH.SI

506 1 . cTy ,ueHqecKHii 5062. CThi,UHThC.SI i +g 5063. cyMKa 5064. cypOBO 5065. CXBclTKa

5066. TeMHeTh 5067. TeTKa 5068. TeXHHK 5069. TOHeHhKHH 5070. TOnHTh i +a

507 1 . TPH)I(,Ubl 5072. Tpy6oqKa 5073 . Tpyc 5074. Tp.SICTH i +a

5075. y,n;aJIHThC.SI p 5076. y,uen}}Th i +a +d

5077. y3en( 6 )K 5078 . yKa3aHHhiH 5079. yKparneHHe 5080. yMeHhiiiclThC.SI 508 1 . YMHpaTh i 5082. YMHHQa m/f (coll) 5083 . YHhiJibiH 5084. ynpeK 5085 . ycHJIHTh p +a 5086. ycTaJibiH 5087. yTKa

1 68

settlement, village silhouette blue colour, blueness to throw off fold, crease inclined (to)

to climb off jointly commonwealth element, elemental

force; chaos student (adj) to be ashamed of bag, handbag severely fight, tussle

CKH;::t;hiBa Th g pl CKJicl)l;OK short forms : CKJIOHeH, CKJIOHHa,


CTbi)I(YCh, CThi,UHIIIbC.SI; no- p g pl cyMOK

g pl CXBclTOK; CXBclTKH (muscle) contractions

to get dark TeMHeeT; no-/c- p aunt; (coli) woman g pl TeTOK technician slim to stoke; heat; (p no-/y-) Ton.mb, TonHIIIh

sink (sth) , drown (s.o.) thrice, three times small pipe, tube g pl Tpy6oqeK coward to shake Tp.Hcy, Tp.Siceiiih, past Tp.Hc,

to move away to allot, give

small knot; small bundle indicated, specified decoration to diminish, decrease to die clever person sad, cheerless reproach to strengthen tired duck; hoax

Tp.SICJia; no- p y ;::t;aJI.HTbC.SI i y,uen.H10; y;::t;eJIHTh p; y,uen.HTh

BHHMaHHe +d to give/pay attention to sth

yMeHhiiiHTbC.SI p yMepeTh p


g pl YTOK

5088. <l>aKyJThTeT

5089. :QeJIOBa TbC.SI 5090. IIIYTJIHBO 509 1 . 3JieKTpJiqeCTBO 5092. .si6JIOH.SI 5093. a6cTpaKTHhiH 5094. arHTcl:QH.SI 5095 . a)J;MHHHCTpa:QH.SI 5096. aKKypaTHhiH 5097 . apM}}HCKHH 5098. 6epe)I(Ho 5099. 6po,l1;}}ra m 5 100. BeJIHKclH 5 10 1 . BeHrepCKHH 5 102. BJIO)I(eHHe

5 103. B03HHKHOBeHHe 5 1 04. BOJIIIIe6HhiH 5 105 . Bpa)I()J;e6HhiH 5 1 06. ape.n 5 1 07 . BpbiBa ThC.SI i B +a 5 1 08 . Bhi60phi m pl 5 109. ra,nOCTh f 5 1 10 . reonorJiqecKHH 5 1 1 1 . rHMHaCTepKa 5 1 1 2. rHeT 5 1 1 3 . rpa<l> 5 1 14 . rpacPHK 5 1 1 5 . rpom 5 1 16 . ry6epHH.SI

5 1 17 . ,neMOKpaT 5 1 1 8 . ,nopO)I(HbiH 5 1 19 . ,nyXOBeHCTBO 5 1 20. e,nKHH 5 12 1 . )l(a,LlHO 5 1 22. )I(HJIH:me 5 1 23 . 3aBeTHhi:H

5 124. 3aMeHa 5 125 . 3clHOBO 5 1 26 . 3arra,nHoeaporreiicKHH 5 1 27 . 3arreTh p


to kiss (each other) jokingly, facetiously electricity apple-tree abstract agitation administration exact, punctual; tidy Armenian (adj) carefully tramp, down-and-out giant Hungarian enclosure (in letter);

investment beginning, origin magtc hostile harm to burst in election filth; dirty trick geological soldier 's tunic oppression count (title) graph; schedule half-kopeck, farthing guberniya, tsarist

province (now 66JiaCTb)

democrat road (adj) clergy acrid, pungent; sarcastic greedily dwelling, habitation cherished, intimate

replacement anew Western European to start singing


Ha IOpH,nJiqecKOM <f>aKyJihTeTe in the law faculty

:u;ecyiOTC.SI; IIO- p

g pl }}6JIOHh

g sg ape,na BOpBclTbC.SI p g pl Bhi6opoa

g pl rHMHaCTepOK

g sg rpoiiia; 6e3 rpoma penniless

3aBeTHa.SI :uenh cherished goal; 3aBeTHa.SI MeqTa secret dream

3arrolb, 3arroeiiih; 3arreaaTh

1 69


5 1 28 . 3aTpaTHTh p +a

5 1 29. 3BOHKHH 5 1 30. 3HaTOK 5 1 3 1 . :u36e)l(aTh p +g

5 1 32. H3,n;asaTh i +a 5 1 33 . HJnaraTh i +a 5 1 34. :u3o6peTaTh i +a 5 1 35 . HpOHH.si 5 1 36. Hcrrose,n;h f 5 1 3 7. KO)l(aHhiH 5 138 . KOJIOHH.si 5 1 39. KOHCKHH 5 140. KOHcpeTa 5 1 4 1 . KPY)l(HThC.si 5 142. KT6-nH6o 5 143 . KyrraThC.si 5 144. KyqKa 5 145. narra 5 146. n:Hrra 5 147. JIOBYII1Ka 5 148. JIOIIHYTh p 5 149. mo6orr:biTHO 5 1 50. MaTepHK 5 1 5 1 . MfHOBeHHO 5 152. MeTenh f 5 153 . MOCTOBa.si f adj 5 1 54. MhiiiiKa

5 155 . HaBeCTH p +a

5 1 56. Han6r 5 1 57 . Haiip.si)l(eHHOCTh f 5 1 58 . HapyrnHTh p +a

5 159. HaUHOHaJIH3M 5 160. HeBepHO 5 16 1 . Hero,n;Mii 5 1 62. He,n;apoM 5 1 63 . He,n;osep:ue 5 1 64. HeKTO

1 70

to spend, expend

ringing, clear

3aTpaqy, 3aTpaTHrnh; 3aTpa'IHBaTh

expert g sg 3HaToKa to avoid H36ery, H36e)l(Hillh, H36eryT;

H36eraTh i to publish; emit H3,n;a:ID, H3,n;aelllh ; :u3,n;aTh p to expound, put in words H3JIO)J(HTh p to invent H3o6pecTH p Irony confession leather (adj) colony horse (adj) sweet to whirl, spin round anyone to bathe small heap; small group paw lime tree trap to burst curiously mainland instantaneously, instantly snowstorm roadway armpit; mouse

to guide (to); evoke, cause

tax tension to break, infringe

nationalism false(ly) rascal not for nothing mistrust someone, a certain


KOHCKHH 3aB6,n stud farm

HC- p g pl KyqeK

g pl JIOByllleK JIOIIaThC.si i

g pl MhillieK; IIO,[( MhllllKOH under one ' s arm

Hase,ny, Hase,neiiih, past Hasen, HaBena; HaBO,[(HTh i; HaBeCTH rrop.R,noK to put things in order

HapylllaTh i; HapylllHTh rrpaBHJIO to break a rule

HeKTo CH,nopos a certain Mr Sidorov

5 1 66. HenpepeKaeMhiii 5 167 . HOBHHKa 5 1 68 . o6e,n;a Th i 5 169. o6opsaThC.si p

5 1 70. o6pa30BaHHhiH 5 1 7 1 . o6n.siBJI.siTh i +a or

o +pr 5 172. Q)I(HBJieHHe 5 173 . oTHOCHTeJibHhiH 5 17 4. OTHhiHe 5 175 . OTO,[(BHHYTh p +a 5 176. OTCTYIIHTh p

5 1 77 . OTqa.sJHHO 5 178 . OcPHU:HaHT 5 179 . o<PopMneHHe

5 1 80. naJihMa 5 1 8 1 . naTpHOTH3M 5 1 82. ne,n;aror:HqecKHH

unquestionable novelty to dine to snap; stop suddenly

educated to announce

excitement, animation relative (adj) henceforth to move aside to retreat

desperate! y waiter registration; putting

in required form

palm tree patriotism pedagogical, education


g pl HOBHHOK no- p


o6opsych, o6opsemhc.si, f past o6opsanach; o6phiBaThC.si i


OTCTynaTh i

OcPOPMJieHHe ,[(OKyMeHTOB completion/registration of docmnents

5 1 83 . rrepe6:upaTh i +a to sort out; look through; rrepe6paTh p go over

5 1 84. nepenlicKa 5 1 85 . nepepe3aTh p +a

5 1 86. rreqanh f 5 1 87 . nmoc 5 1 88 . IIJI.siCaTh i 5 1 89 . rrorH6aTh i 5 190. norpe6 5 1 9 1 . IIO,[(MHrHyTh p +d

correspondence to cut

sorrow plus; advantage to dance to perish cellar to wink (at)

5 192. IIO,[(IIHChiBa Th i +a to sign 5 1 93 . no.ncqeT calculation 5 194. IIOJJ:be3JJ: entrance, doorway 5 195. no)l(aJioBaThCR p Ha +a to complain (about)

5 197. IIOKOpHO 5 1 98 . IIOJIBeKa 5 199. nonpasKa 5200. IIOIIpOCTY (coll)

to press, squeeze

humbly, obediently half a century correction simply

rrepepe)l(y, rrepepe)l(eiiih; rrepepe3aTh i

IIJIRIIIY, IIJI.siiiieiiih; CIIJISICa Th p norli6HyTh p nom pl norpe6a IIO,[(MHrHBaTh IIO,[(IIHCaTh p

IIO)I(aJiyiOCh; )l(aJIOBa ThCSI i rro)l(aTh p; rro)I(HMaTh PYKY +d

to shake s.o. ' s hand

g nonyseKa g pl nonpasoK OH rr6rrpocTy ycTaJI He's just


1 71


520 1 . IIOCBjJII(aTh i +a +d to devote, dedicate ( sth to s.o. or sth)

5202. rrocJie�oBaTeJihHOCTh f sequence; consistency 5203 . IIOCMe}]:ThCjJ p to laugh

5204. rrocpe�:HHe or rrocepe�:HHe +g

5205 . IIOCTyqaTh p B +a 5206. IIOjJCHHTh p +a 5207. rrpaBHJihHOCTh f

in the middle (of)

to knock (at) to explain correctness

5208. npeBOCXO�CTBO superiority


IIOCMeiOCh, IIOCMeeiiihCjJ; CMe}]:ThCR i

IIOCTyqy, IIOCTyqlfiiih; CTyqaTh IIORCH}]:Th p

5209. npe�ocTaBJI}]:Th i +a +d to give, grant (sth to s .o.) rrpe�ocTaBJI}]:IO; npe�ocTaBHTh p 5210. rrpe�nRBJI}]:Th i +a +d to show, present (sth to rrpe�nRBJI}]:IO; rrpe�'hRBHTh p

521 1 . rrpeo�oJieBaTh i +a 52 1 2. IIpH�Cp)I(HBaThCR i +g 52 13 . rrpHJieTCTh p

5214. rrp:HMech f 52 15 . IIpHCJiyrnaThCR p K +d 52 16. rrpOBOKaUHR 5217 . IIpO)I(HBaTh i

52 18 . np6rrose�h f 52 19. rrpop6K 5220. IIpOTHBOpeqHTh i +d 522 1 . rrpouseTaHHe 5222. IITHqHif 5223 . Ilh}]:HCTBO 5224. pa�yra 5225. pa3rpOMHTh p +a

5226. pa3pyiiiaTh i +a 5227. pacKphiBaThCR 5228. pacrrpasa

5229. paCCMaTpHBaThCR 5230. pecH:Hua 523 1 . pHTM 5232. po)l(�aTh i +a 5233. pbi6HhiH 5234. c6HThCjJ p

1 72

s.o.) to overcome to keep to, adhere to to arrive (by air)

admixture to listen closely (to) provocation to reside; (p npo)I(HTh)

live for a specified period

sermon prophet to contradict (s.o. or sth) flourishing; prosperity bird's drunkenness rainbow to rout; wreck

to destroy to open; be revealed reprisal; harsh treatment;

punishment to be considered eyelash rhythm to give birth (to) fish (adj) to slip; go wrong, get

confused; huddle together

rrpeo�oJieTh p

rrpHJieqy, IIpHJieTHIIIh ; npHJieTa Th i


pa3rpOMJIIO, pa3rpOMHIIIh ; rpOMHTh i

pa3pyiiiHTh p paCKphiThCR p

po�HTh p pbi6HaR JIOBJIR fishing co6hl0ch, co6heiiihcR;


5235. CBOeBpeMeHHbiH 5236. c,n;ep)l(aHHhiH 5237. CKJIOHHTbCg p

5238 . CKOTHHa 5239. CHOXa

5240. coo6maThcg

524 1 . nporH63 5242. cnHpanh f 5243 . cnpasKa

5244. cnpasnj{Thcg

5245 . cnpoc

5246. cpa)l(aThcg i c +inst 5247. T6naTh i

5248. TpH6yHa 5249. TpgcTHCb i

5250. TYCKJibiH 525 1 . Thcpy (coll)

5252. y6e,n;HTeJihHbiH 5253. y,n;aqa 5254. ycKopeHHe 5255 . yciiOKOHTb p +a 5256. ycTynKa 5257 . cpaKTHqeCKH 5258 . uepeM6HHg 5259. UHPK 5260. qeTsepr 526 1 . qyBCTBOBaThCg 5262. qy,n;eCHO 5263 . menTa Thcg i 5264. IIIYMHO 5265 . 3JieKTp03HeprHg 5266. 3JieMeHTapHbiH 5267. 3HeprHqHbiH 5268. 3HTY3Ha3M

timely restrained to bend, bow

cattle daughter-in-law

(of husband's father) to be communicated;

communicate with forecast spiral piece of information;

certificate (c +inst) to cope with;

( o +pr) ask about demand (opposite of

supply) to fight to stamp (one ' s feet) ;



no pl nom pl cH6x:u (of husband's mother:

HeBeCTKa) coo6mliThcg p

rrporH63 nor6,n;hi weather forecast

g pl cnpaBOK; HaBO)l;HTb CIIpclBKH o +pr to make enquiries (about)

cnpasn}}IOch; cnpas:uThcg p

CIIpOC Ha HMIIOpTHbie TOBclpbi demand for imported goods

cpa3HTbCg i TOIIHYTh p

(coli) go ( = H)l;TH) platform; stand (in stadium) to shake; tremble

dim (euphemism for

spitting; expressing dislike or scorn) yuk ! , ugh ! , pah!

convincing; earnest success acceleration to calm concession in fact; practically ceremony circus Thursday to be felt wonderfully to whisper noisily electric power elementary energetic enthusiasm

Tpgcych, Tpgceiiihcg, past rpgccg, Tpgcnacb

YCIIOKclHBaTh i ycTynoK

g sg qeTsepra qyscTsyercg; no- p

1 73


5269. 3TaK (coil)

5270. 6e3yrrpeqHhiH 527 1 . 6e3yCJIOBHhiH 5272. 6epe3Ka 5273 . 6ecrrone3Ho 5274. 6HonorlfqecKHH 5275 . 6op

5276. 60pll.l 5277. 66piDII.lHHC� 5278. 66qKa 5279. BhiSIBHTh p +a 5280. 6IO,n:JKeT 528 1 . Ban.si:Th i

Ban.si:M:Te ! (coil) 5282. BepHOCTh f

5283. BepTHKaJihHhiH 5284. B36HpaThCSI i 5285. B3,n:op (coli) 5286. BHThC� i 5287. BHIIIHeBhiH 5288. Bnara 5289. BniD6HThC� p B +a

5290. B03rnaBn.si:Th i +a 529 1 . B03Myll.leHHO 5292. BoJieB6i1 5293 . Boo6pa3HTh p

5294. BOpOHKa 5295. BOCIIpHHHMaTh i +a 5296. BCKHHYTh p +a Ha +a

5297. BTOpHHK 5298. BY3

5299. Bhine3aTh 1

5300. BbipyqHTh p +a 530 1 . BhiCa,n:Ka 5302. BhiCJiaTh p +a 5303 . rOJIOBHOH 5304. r6peqh f

1 74

this way, thus; approximately

irreproachable unconditional little birch tree uselessly biological pinewood, coniferous

forest borshch, beetroot soup struggling barrel to reveal, expose budget to drag; to roll go ahead! faithfulness, loyalty;

truth vertical to climb up nonsense to wind, twine, twist cherry (adj) damp, moisture to fall in love with

to head, lead indignantly strong-willed to imagine

funnel to perceive to throw (upwards, up

onto) Tuesday university, institute

(higher education establishment)

g pl 6epe3oK

pr sg B 6opy, nom pl 6ophi

g sg 60pll.la

g pl 66qeK BhiSIBJIIO, BhiSIBHIIIh; BhiSIBJI.si:Th i

B306paThCSI p

BheTc�; c- p

Bni06mOCh, Bm06HIIIhCSI; BJII06n.sfThC� i

Bo3rnasn}):ID; so3rnaBHTh p

Boo6paJKy, Boo6pa3Hrnh; soo6paJKaTh 1

g pl BOpOHOK BOCIIpHH.si:Th p BCKH.ll:hiBa Th i

to climb out BhiJie3Th p to rescue; make (money) BhipyqaTh i landing, disembarkation to send out; exile, deport BhiiiiniD, B:birnnernh; BhiChinaTh i head (adj) bitterness

5305. rop6x 5306. rpy3oa6ii 5307. ,z:J;BeHa,[(QaThiH 5308. ,z:J;eBHqHif (or ,[(eBHqHif) 5 309. )l;eJIHTh i +a 53 10. ,[(eThC.si p 53 1 1 . )l;OBO)l;MTh i )1;0 +g 53 1 2. )l;OCpoqHQ 53 13 . ,z:J;OCTHrHyThiH 53 14. )l(ap 53 15 . 3a,l1;ep)I(HBaTh i +a 53 16. 3aKaHqHBaTh i +a 53 17 . 3aKOHO)J;aTeJ1hHhiH 53 1 8 . 3aKypHBaTh i 53 19 . 3aMeH}]:Th +a +inst 5320. H36paHHhiH 532 1 . H3MepeHHe 5322. HH)l;HHCKHH 5323. HHClleKTOp 5324. HHTepBhiD n indecl 5325 . HCKOCa (coll) 5326. HcKyccraeHHO 5327. HCTeKIIIHH 5328. KaHa)l;CKHH 5329. Kepoc:HH 5330. KOJIOKOJihH.si 533 1 . KOllaThC.si 1

5332 . KpHTHK 5333 . naypear 5334. nro6e3HhiH 5335. JII06HM(e)u; 5336. MeJihKHYTh p 5337. MHCCH.si 5338 . MHOrOJieTHHH

5339. MoryruecrBeHHhiH 5340. M6,na 5341 . MOJIHThC.si i 5342. My)l;pOCTh f 5343 . HallOJIOBHHY 5344. HanpaBHThC.si p

5345 . HapHCOBaTh p +a 5346. Hacroj{ruee n adj 5347 . He;J;OBOJihHO

peas goods (adj) twelfth girl ' s , maiden' s to divide, share to get to, vanish to lead to, take as far as ahead of schedule achieved heat to delay; arrest to finish legislative to light up (cigarette etc.) to replace (sth with sth) selected measurement; dimension Indian inspector interview sideways artificially past, preceding Canadian (adj) kerosine bell-tower to rummage; dawdle critic prize-winner obliging favourite to be briefly visible mission lasting many years;

long-lasting, perennial powerful fashion to pray wisdom half, by half to make for

to draw the present discontentedly


no pl

,z:J;eaHqh.s� <PaMHJIH.si maiden name ,z:J;e.mb, )l;eJIHIIIh; pa3- p ;J;eHych, ;J;eHeiiihc.s�; ,z:J;eaa rhc.s� i )l;OBO)I(y, )J;OBO)J;HIIIh; ;J;OBeCTH i

pr sg a )l(apy 3a)l;ep)l(a Th p 3aKOHqHTh p

3aKypHTh p 3aMeHj{JO; 3aMeHHTh p

nom pl HHCIIeKTOpa



Mombch, MOJIHIIIhc.si; no- p

HarrpaBJIIOCb, HaiipclBHIIIbC.si; HarrpaBJij{ThC.si i

HapHcyro; pHCOBaTb i

1 75


5348. Heo6hiqaifHo 5349. HHBa 5350. H6r( o )Th m 535 1 . H03,[(p}} 5352. HOC(O)K 5353. H.HHhKa (coli) 5354. o6cy)K,[(aThCjJ: 5355. OrHeHHhiH 5356. O)KH�aThC}I i 5357. 6Ko (bookish, poetic) 5358 . orrepaTHBHhiH 5359. orr:HcaHHhiH 5360. OIIJiaTa 536 1 . opraHH30BaHHhiH 5362. OCBOHTh p +a 5363. OCTpO 5364. OTBpaTHTeJihHhiH 5365. OT�eJIKa

5366. OTKphiTKa 5367. OTphiBaTh i +a OT +g 5368. oTcTyrrneHHe 5369. OTqaCTH 5370. OQeHHBaTh i +a 537 1 . oqepTaHHe 5372. rrerr(e)n 5373. rrepe�aBaThC}I 5374. rrepenlicThiBaTh +a 5375. rreTyx 5376. IIJiaHHpOBaTh i +a 5377. IIO�aBJI.HIOIQHH

5378. rro,[(6eraTh i K +d 5379. IIO�HOC 5380. IIO�Hj{TbiH 538 1 . IIO,Z1;03pHTeJihHO 5382. IIOKa3aHHe

5383. rroJIHBaTh i +inst +a 5384. rroMHJIOBaTh p +a

5385 . IIO-HOBOMY 5386. IIOIIaCThCj� p

53 8 7 . IIOCJihiiiia ThCjJ: p

1 76

exceptionally field, cornfield fingernail, toenail nostril sock; toe of boot nurse to be discussed fiery to be expected eye energetic; operative described payment organized to master sharply, intensely repulsive finishing, fitting-out,

decoration postcard to tear off, tear away digression; retreat partly to evaluate; appreciate outline ash, ashes to be transmitted to leaf through cock to plan overwhelming

to run up (to) tray raised suspiciously testimony; reading

(on instrument) to pour (liquid on sth) to pardon

in a new way to be caught; be found

to be heard

nom pi H03l(pH, g pl H03,ZJ;peii

g pl Hj}HeK o6cy,ZJ;HThCg p


g pl OTKphiTOK OTOpBaTh p


no pl nepe�aeTc}l; nepe�aThcg p rrepenHcTaTh p g sg neTyxa rrnaH:RpyiO; 3a- p IIO�aBJI.HIOI.Qee 60JihiiiHHCTBO

the great majority IIO,ZJ;6e)KaTh p


IIOMHJIYH Lord, have mercy

nona,ZJ;ych, rrona,ZJ;eiiihcg, past rrorrancg; norra,ZJ;aThcg i

llOCJihiiiiHTC}I; CJihiiiiaThCg i

5388. nocTaBKa 5389. llOTYIIIlfTh p +a 5390. noqepK 539 1 . noqTeHHhiH 5392. noiQa;J;a 5393. npe)lnaraThCj! 1

5394. rrpe)lnonaraThCji 1

5395 . npe;J;CTclTh p nepe;J; +inst

5396. npenecTh f 5397 . npecc-KoH<l>epeHUHjl 5398. npH)I(HMclThCj! i K +d

5399. npHMclHKa 5400. npHHUHIIHaJihHO

540 1 . npHo6peTeHHe 5402. npHOTKpbiTh p +a

5403 . npHXO)I(ajl f adj 5404. npOH3BOJI

5405 . npOTHBOpeqHBhiH 5406. nyTeM +g 5407. pa36HBclTh i +a 5408 . pa3JIHqaTh i +a 5409. pa3JIO)I(HTh p +a

5410 . pa3nyxa 541 1 . paHee 54 1 2. pacnpocTpaH�Th i +a

54 1 3 . paUHOHclJihHhiH 54 14 . pe30mbQHj! 541 5 . peMOHTHhiH 5416 . pHMCKHH 5417 . pHCKOBclTh i +inst 54 1 8. poeT( 6 )K 5419 . pyneB6ii: m adj 5420. CBHH(e)U 542 1 . ceMHJieTHHH

5422. CKOJih3HTh i

delivery g pl llOCTclBOK to extinguish handwriting respected

noTymy, noTymHIIIh; TymHTh i

mercy to be offered npe)lJIO)I(HThCSI p to be proposed, intended rrpe,LJ;IIOJIO)I(HThCSI i;

npe;J;nonaraeTcSI it is proposed to appear (before) npe;J;cTaHy, npe;J;cTaHeiiih;

charm press conference

npe,LJ;cTaBaTh i; rrpe,LJ;cTaTh nepe;J; cy)l6M to appear in court

to press os (to), rrpH)I(a ThCSI p snuggle up (to)

bait; inducement on principle;

fundamentally acquisition to open slightly

entrance hall arbitrariness, abuse of

power contradictory by means of to break, break up, smash to distinguish to spread out; to break

down, corrupt separation earlier to spread

rational resolution repair (adj) Roman to risk sprout, shoot steering (adj); helmsman lead (metal) seven-year;

seven-year-old to slide

npHOTKpOIO, npHOTKpOeiiih; npHOTKpbiBclTh i

pa36HTh p pa3JIHqHTb p pa3JIO)I(y, pa3JIO)I(HIIIh;

pacxna;J;hiBa Th i; pa3nara Th i

pacnpocTpaH}]:w; pacnpocTpaHHTh p


1 77

5423. CKOJihKO-HH6y,n;h +g 5424. CKOIIJieHHe 5425. CMeHHThCg p +inst

5426. CMepTeJihHhiH 5427. CHa6:>IGlTh i +a +inst 5428. C06CTBeHHHK 5429. COBaTh i +a B +a

5430. COBOKYIIHOCTh f 543 1 . C03,lJ;aHHhiH 5432. COJIOMeHHhiH 5433 . coqyBCTBOBaTh i +d 5434. crreuH�IfqecKHii 5435 . CTaBKa

5436. CTHXOTBOpeHHe 5437. CTOJIHqHhiH 5438 . CTOJIOBhiH 5439. cyeTa 5440. cyKHH poss adj 544 1 . TaHQeBaJibHhiH 5442. TeaTpaJihHhiH 5443. THIIOrpa�Hg 5444. TKHYTh p +inst B +a or

+a B +a 5445. TOBapHJI(eCKHH 5446. Tpare,nHg 544 7. rperra Th i

5448. TpOIIHHKa 5449. Tyrr6ii 5450. yrr6p

545 1 . yrroTpe6neHHe 5452. yTpaTHTh p +a

5453 . yqamHifcg active participle

5454. cl>eJiheTOH 5455 . xaoc or xa6c 5456. XHJI(HHK

5457. XOXOT

1 78

any, any quantity of accumulation to be replaced (by)

fatal to supply (s.o. with sth) owner to thrust, poke (sth

into sth) totality created straw (adj) to sympathize (with) specific rate; stake (gambling);

headquarters (mil) poem capital (adj) table (adj) bustle, fuss


CHa6,n;HTh p


rrpoueHTHag cTaBKa interest rate

bitch' s cyKHH ChiH son of a bitch dance (adj) theatrical printing -house, press to prod, jab (sth into sth) TKHy, TKHeiiih; ThiKaTh

comradely; friendly tragedy to rumple, tousle; pat;

( coll) natter path blunt; stupid prop

use to lose


satirical article chaos beast of prey; bird of

prey; predator loud laughter, guffaw

TpenJIIb, Tpenneiiih; no- p


B yn6p point-blank; C):(eJiaTh yrr6p Ha +pr or a to emphasize

yTpaqy, yTpaTHIIIh; yTpa q:Hsa Th i

5458 . xpaHeHHe

5459. xpaHHThC}I 5460. xpe6(e)T

546 1 . xpynKHH 5462. ueJIHHa 5463. uenoe n adj

5464. uenoqKa 5465. qepecqyp 5466. qepH:M:na n pl 5467. qeTKHH 5468. qHCTHTh i +a 5469. liieCTHcl,[(IJ;a Th 5470. mH pl

547 1 . 3KOHOMHCT 5472. 3KCTIJIYaTHpOBaTh 5473 . aBOCh

Ha aBOCh 5474. clBTOpCKHH 5475 . aKTp:M:ca 5476. anhiH 5477. aHreJI 5478 . aHKeTa 5479. aHTHqHhiH 5480. ap6y3 548 1 . 6aHKHp 5482. 6erCTBO 5483 . 6e,[(HOCTh f 5484. 6eH3HH 5485 . 6ecnnaTHhiH 5486. 6ecTIOKOHHO 5487. 6JIHCTaTeJihHhiH 5488 . 6oJie3HeHHhiH 5489. 6phi3rH f pl 5490. B,[(06aBOK (coll) K +d 549 1 . seneHHe

5492. Bepo}]:THhiH 5493 . B3BOJIHOBclTh p +a 5494. B3,[(pclrHBaTh 5495 . BJia,[(hiKa m

keeping; storage

to be kept spine; ridge; mountain

range fragile virgin soil, virgin land the whole; (also uenag)


small chain; series too, excessive(ly) ink clear, precise to clean sixteen cabbage soup economist to exploit perhaps on the off -chance author' s actress scarlet angel questionnaire, form ancient water melon banker flight, escape poverty petrol free (of charge) restlessly; disturbing brilliant unhealthy spray in addition (to) command

probable to disturb, worry to shudder master, ruler

cpoK xpaHeHH}I sell-by date; KaMepa xpaHeHH}I left luggage office

co- p

e,n:M:Hoe u;enoe a single whole; O,[(Ha uenag (H) TPH ,nec}]:TbiX one point three ( 1 .3 )

g pl uen6qeK

g pl qepHHJI

g pl meii


aHTHqHhiH MHp the ancient world

g p1 6phi3r

no seneHHIO c6secTH according to the dictates of one's conscience

B3BOJIHyiO; BOJIHOBclTh B3,[(pOrHyTh p

1 79


5496. B036y)I(,IJ;eHHhiH 5497. Boo6pa)l(aTh i +a 5498. BOCIIpH.siTHe 5499. Bpa)l(eCKHH 5500. BCeB03MO)I(HhiH 550 1 . Bhle3)1(a Th i H3 +g 5502. BhipamHBa Th i +a 5503. BhiTeCHHTh p +a 5504. rHHJIOH 5505 . roH.slTh i +a 5506. rocy,IJ;aph m 5507. rpa6HTh i +a 5508. ,IJ;BHraTh i +a or +inst

5509. ,IJ;BOpj�HHH

55 10. ,IJ;ej�TeJihHhiH 55 1 1 . ,IJ;o6poBOJihHhiH 55 12. ,IJ;OHeCTH p

55 1 3 . ,ll;py)I(HHa 55 14. ,IJ;hiM(O)K 55 15 . )l(eBaTh i +a 55 16. )I(HTeHCKHH 55 17 . 3arHaTh p +a

55 18 . 3arOJIOB( 0 )K 55 1 9. 3a,IJ;yiiiHTb p +a

5520. 3a)l(aTh p +a 552 1 . 3aHrpaTh p +a 5522. 3aKa3aTb p +a 5523. 3aKyCHTh p

5524. 3arrpemeHHe 5525. 3aXBaTbiBaTb i +a 5526. 3aiiJ:HTHTb p +a

5527. 3eMJij�HQH

aroused, excited to imagine perception enemy (adj) all kinds of to leave (by transport) to grow, cultivate to force out, displace rotten, decayed to drive, make (s.o.) run sovereign to rob, pillage to move, set in motion

nobleman, member of the gentry

active voluntary (+a ,IJ;O +g) to carry

(sth to) ; (+a +d) report (sth to s.o.) ; (Ha +a) inform (on s.o.), denounce (s.o.)

militia puff of smoke to chew worldly; everyday to drive in

title, heading to st�angle, suffocate,

stifle to squeeze to start playing to order ( sth) to have a snack, have

some food prohibition, ban to take, grasp; seize to defend

earthen, earth (adj)

B006pa3HTb p

BhiexaTb p BbipaCTHTb p BbiTeCH.siTh i

roH.sliD, roH.sleiiih; no- p MHJIOCTHBhiii rocy,[(apb Dear Sir rpa6JIIO, rpa6Hillh; 0- p ,IJ;BHraiD or ,[(BH)I(Y, ,[(BH)I(elllh;

,[(BHHYTb p nom pl ,[(BOp.slHe, g pl ,[J;BOp.s1H

,IJ;oHecy, ,IJ;OHecelllh, past ,IJ;OHec, ,IJ;OHeCJia; ,IJ;OHOCHTb i

)l(yffi, )l(yelllh; npo- p

3aroHib, 3ar6HHIIIh, f past 3arHana; 3aroH.s1Tb i

3aKa)l(y, 3aKa)l(eiiih; 3aKa3hiBa Th i 3aKyiiiy, 3aKyCHIIIb;

3aKyChiBa Th 1

3aXBaTHTb p 3aiiJ:HIIJ:Y, 3aiiJ:HTHIIIb;

3amHmaTh i 3eMJijJHOH non earth floor

5528. 3HaKOMHTb i +a c +inst to introduce (s.o. to s.o. 3HaK6Mmo, 3HaKOMHIIIh; no- p or sth)

1 80

5529. H3BeCTHOCTh f fame

to extract (sth from)

553 1 . H3,n:esaThC.si i Ha,n: +inst to mock (s.o.), make fun of

5532. HCIIOJIHHTeJihHhiH 5533. Ka6liHa 5534. KaMHH 5535. KaMIIclHHR 5536. KaT(O)K 5537. Kon6aca 5538. KOJIOC 5539. KOMaH,n:HpOBKa

5540. KOCTbiJlh m 554 1 . KpeiiHYTh i 5542. Kpy)I(Ka 5543 . KpynliHKa 5544. KpbiThCR i B +pr

5545. Ky6( 0 )K 5546. JIHIIIHThC.si p +g 5 54 7 . ny)l(a 5548. MaJihqHIIIeCKHH 5549. Me,n: 5550. MHraTh i 555 1 . MOJIOT(O)K 5552. MOJioqHhiH 5553. MpaqHQ 5554. MhiCJieHHO 5555. HaBaJIHThC.si p Ha +a

5556. Ha,n:36p 3a +inst 5557. Ha,n:Jie)l(cllUHH

5558. HaKa3aTh p +a 5559. HaKHHYTh p +a 5560. HaKphiBclTh i +a

556 1 . HaMeqaTh i +a

executive (adj); efficient cabin fireplace campaign skating-rink; roller sausage, salami ear (of com) business trip, study trip,


crutch to get stronger mug, tankard grain to lie (in), be concealed

(in) goblet, bowl to be deprived of, lose puddle boyish; childish honey to blink, wink hammer milk (adj) gloomily mentally to fall on; lean on

supervision; surveillance proper, fitting,

appropriate to punish to throw on to cover; (Ha cTon)

lay (the table) to plan


IIOCTclBHTh KOrO-HH6y�h B H3BeCTHOCTb 0 +pr to notify s.o. about sth

H3BJieKy, H3BJieqelllb, H3BJieKyT, past H3BJieK, H3BJieKJia; H3BJieKa Tb i

no pl nom pl KOJIOCh.si, g pl KOJIOCheB g pl KOMaH�HpOBOK; B

KOMaH,n:HposKe on a business trip etc.

g S g KOCTbiJI.R past Kpen, Kpenna; o- p g pl Kpy)l(eK g pl KPYIIHHOK KpOeTCR; IIO- p; flpHqHHa

Kp6eTCR B . . . The cause lies in . . .

JIHillcl TbCSI i

HaBa.mbCh, HaBclJIHllihCR; HaBclJIHBa TbCR i

HaKa)l(y, HaKa)l(elllh; HaKa3hiBa Th i HaKH,[(hiBa Tb HaKpbiTh p

1 81


5562. HarracTh p Ha +a

5563 . HarronH.HTh i +a +inst 5564. HarrpaaneHHhiH 5565 . HarryraTh p +a 5566. HapacTaTh i 5567. HacymHhiH 5568. HcllJHCTO (coll) 5569. He3aMeTHbiH 5570. HeH3MeHHhiH 557 1 . HeorpaHHlJeHHhiH 5572. HepBHO 5573 . HeyCTclHHO 5574. o636p 5575. orpaHHlJHBaThCM

+inst 5576. OKpaCHTh p +a

5577. OKpeCTHOCTh f 5578. orrpaa,n:hiBaTh i +a 5579. oTpHuaTellhHo 5580. OTCTanhiH 558 1 . o$HQHaJihHO 5582. rr(e)Hh m 5583. rrepeexaTh p

5584. rrepeceKaTh i +a 5585. IIHCaThCM i

5586. IImOHYTh p 5587. IIOBhiiiiaTh i +a 5588. rroraCHYTb p

5589. rroroa6pKa 5590. rrory6:HTh p +a 559 1 . rro,n:aaneHHhiH 5592. IIO,lJ;HeCTH p +a

5593. IIO,l('beXaTh p K +d

5594. II03HaKOMHTh p +a c +inst

5595 . rroKyrraTeJih m 5596. IIOJIHOTa

1 82

to attack; come upon

to fill (sth with sth) directed; purposeful to frighten to grow (on); increase vital, essential completely imperceptible invariable unlimited nervously tirelessly survey, review to limit os (to); be

limited (to) to paint, colour

environs, vicinity to justify; acquit negatively; unfavourably backward officially tree-stump to drive across; move

(house) to intersect to be written; be spelt

to spit

Harra,n:y, Harra,n:eiiih, past Hanan, Harrana; Harra,n:a Th i

HanonH}{IO; Harr6nHHTh p

rryraTh i HapaCTH p

OKpaiiiy, OKpaCHIIIh; OKpaiiiHBaTh i

B OKpeCTHOCTMX in the vicinity orrpaa,n:aTh p

g sg OHM rrepee,n:y, rrepee,n:eiiih;

rrepee3)1(a Th i rrepeceqh p n:HIIIeTcM; KaK 3To n:HIIIeTcM?

How do you spell that? IIJieBaTh i

to raise IIOBhiCHTh p to go OUt, be extinguished noracHeT, past norac, noracna;

saying, proverbial phrase to destroy, ruin suppressed; depressed (K +d) take to; (+d)

present to

to drive up to

to introduce (s.o. to s.o. or sth)

customer fullness; stoutness

raCHYTh i g pl noroa6poK nory6nlb, nory6Hrnh; ry6HTh

rro,n:Hecy, rro,n:Heceiiih, past rro,n:Hec, rro,n:Hecna; llO,l(HOCHTh i

no.n:ne.n:y, rro.n:ne.n:eiiih; IIO,l('be3)1(a Th i


5597. noMqaThCj! p 5598. llOMj{HYTh p +a 5599. no-HacTosimeMy 5600. nonyJI}}pHOCTh f 560 1 . llOTpjiCTH p +a

5602. noyqlfTeJihHhiH 5603 . noqTifTeJihHO 5604. npeBOCXO,ll;HhiH 5605 . npe,n;B:H,n;eTh i +a 5606. npeCTOJI

5608. npHrOTOBJI�HHe 5609. npH�3)1(HH m adj

56 10. npHKJIIOq�HHe 561 1 . npocn�KT 56 1 2. n}}THThCji i 56 1 3 . paBHO,ll;ylliHO 5614. pa,n;oBaTh i +a 56 15 . pa3rap 56 1 6. pa3,n;eJI}}Th i +a

56 17 . pa3,n;pa)l(aTh i +a 56 1 8 . pa3oqapoBaHHe 5619 . paCKHHYThCji p 5620. paCKJicl,ll;hiBaTh i +a 562 1 . pacna,n; 5622. pacnoJiaraThCj! i

5623 . peB 5624. peBOJIIOUHOH�p 5625 . pO,ll;CTBeHHhiH

5626. pbiqaTh i 5627. CaMO,IJ;�j!TeJihHOCTh f

5628. C6HBclTh i +a

5629. c6pachiBaTh i +a 5630. c6hiT


to rush noMqych, noMqHI.IIhcj!; MqaThCjl i to mention; recall noMj{HY, noM}}Hernh; rroMHHa Th i properly, in the right way popularity to shake llOTpjlcy, llOTpjiCCIIIh, past

instructive respectfully superb to foresee throne

in the customary way, as usual

preparation non-resident, passing

through, visiting; (as noun) newcomer, visitor

adventure avenue (wide street) to back away, step back with indifference to gladden height, climax to divide; separate;

share to irritate, annoy disappointment to stretch out lay out; spread disintegration to take up position;

make os comfortable roar revolutionary family (adj), kindred

to growl individual initiative;

amateur activity to knock down; distract,

confuse; beat, whisk to drop; throw off sale


rrpe,n;BH)I(Y, npe,n;BH,IJ;HIIIh; no p B30HTH Ha rrpecT6JI to ascend

the throne

pa,n;yeT; o6- p B pa3rape +g at the height of pa3,n;eJI}}IO; pa3,n;eJIHTh p

paCKH,ll;hiBa ThCj� pa3JIO)I(HTh p


pO,ll;CTBeHHbie CB}}3H family ties

phiqy, phiqlirnh; 3a- p B�qep CaMO,ll;�.SITeJihHOCTH

amateur concert C6HTh p

c6pOCHTh p HaRTH c6hiT to fmd a market, sell well

1 83


563 1 . CBapHTh p +a

5632. CBHHQOBhiH 5633. crosopHThC.SI p c +inst

5634. C,UBHr

5635. ce.un6 5636. C)l(aTh p +a 5637. C)l(lfMclTh i +a 5638. CKYIIOH 5639. CMy�aThC.SI i 5640. COBeprneHCTBO

564 1 . COe,UHHHThC.SI p 5642. C03peTh p 5643. COJieHhiH

to boil, cook; CBapib, CBapHIIIh; BapHTh i (i CBclpHBaTh) weld

lead (adj) , leaden to make an arrangement crosapHBaThC.SI i

(with s.o.) shift, displacement;

change, improvement saddle nom pi ce.una, g pi ceJ(en to squeeze CO)l(MY, CO)I(Meiiih; C)I(HMaTh i to squeeze C)l(a Th p miserly to be embarrassed CMYTHThC.SI p perfection 0Ha sna.n;eeT pyccKHM .SI3hiKOM

B cosepiiieHCTBe She speaks perfect Russian

to join, unite coe,ll;HH.slThC.SI i to mature, ripen co3pew, co3peeiiih; co3pesaTh i salted

5644. COJIH,ll;apHOCTh f solidarity 5645 . corrpoBO)I(.[(clThC.SI i +inst to be accompanied by 5646. corrpoTHBJI}]:ThC.SI i +d to resist corrpoTHBJI}]:IOch 5647. copsaThC.SI p to break away; (coll) fail, copBych, copBeiiihC.SI f past

5648. cc6pHThC.SI i c +inst 5649. CTHXHHHhiH 5650. CTpaCTHO 565 1 . CTpaCTHhiH 5652. CTpoqKa 5653 . CT.SIHYTh p +a 5654. Ta6ypeTKa 5655 . TaiiK6M 5656. TBOpeHHe 5657. TeKy�HH 5658. TeprreHHe 5659. TOIIOJih m 5660. TOCT

566 1 . yBe3TH p +a

5662. yBneKaTeJihHhiii 5663 . YBhl 5664. y.uep)I(HBaTh i +a

5665. y .[(HBHTh p +a

1 84

go wrong to quarrel (with s.o.) elemental; spontaneous passionately passionate line (of text); stitch to tighten; pull off stool secretly creation current (adj) patience poplar toast

to take away (by transport)

fascinating, absorbing alas ! to hold onto; retain;

restrain to surprise

copsanach; cphiBa ThC.SI i no- p

g pl CTpoqeK CT.SIHy, CT}):Heiiih; CT}]:rHBaTb i g pl Ta6ypeTOK

nom pi Torron}): rrpe,UJIO)I(HTb TOCT 3a +a to

propose a toast to yse3y, yBe3eiiih, past yse3,

yBe3na; yBo3HTh i

y,n;HBJIID, Y.UHBHIIIh; y ,[(HBJI}):Th i

5666. yKna,IJ;hiBaTh i +a

5667. ycraB 5668. ycTaH6BJieHHhli

5669. YCTO.si:Th p

5670. yqe6HHK 567 1 . XJI6ITOThl pl

5672. QeMeHT 5673 . qaiHhiH 5674. qHHHTh i +a 5675 . qygTh i +a 5676. IIIHpHHa 5677. 3IIH30,l1; 5678. .si:pOCTHhii 5679. aBapHg 5680. aBTOpHTeTHhii 568 1 . a,IJ;CKHH 5682. aKTHB 5683 . arrrreTHT 5684. apa6CKHH 5685. acTpOHOMHqecKHH 5686. 6anKa 5687 . 6e3)1(aJIOCTHO 5688 . 6e33ByqHQ 5689. 6e3oroB6poqHhiH 5690. 6eJIOKyphiH 569 1 . 6epe3oBhiii 5692. 6eCKOHeqHOCTh f 5693. 6eccHJihHhiH 5694. 6ecCOBeCTHhiH 5695 . 6HThiH 5696. 6opo,IJ;Ka 5697. 6hiBano (particle) (coll)

5698 . BaHHa 5699. Be)I(JIHBhiH 5700. Bep6nro,IJ; 570 1 . BepTHKaJihHO 5702. BHHOBHHK 5703. BHYTPh +g

5704. B03rnac 5705 . B03p0)1(,IJ;eHHe

to lay (down); pack, stack

regulations, statutes established, prescribed

to remain standing; hold out

textbook trouble, efforts

cement tea (adj) to repair to scent, smell; sense width; gauge episode furious, frenzied breakdown; accident authoritative, trustworthy hellish


B ycTaH6BJieHHOM nop.si:,IJ;Ke in the prescribed manner

ycTOID, ycTOHIIIh; no i

g pl XJIOITOT, d pl XJIOIIOTaM; 6e3 xnon6T without difficulty

qHHID, qHHHIIIh; no- p qy10, qyeiiih; no- p

the activists; assets (financial) appetite Arab (adj), Arabian astronomic( al) beam, girder; gully pitilessly, ruthlessly soundless! y unconditional blond, fair-haired birch (adj) infinity powerless shameless, unscrupulous beaten; broken; whipped small beard used to, would

(repetition) bath polite camel vertically culprit inside; inwards exclamation

g pl 6aJIOK

g pl 6op6,ll;OK DhiBaJIO, oua BCTaBaJia B IIIeCTh

yrpa She would get up at 6 a.m.

rebirth, revival, renaissance

1 85


5706. BoccTaHaBJIHBa Th i +a to restore, reconstruct; (+a rrp6THB +g) set s.o. against s.o.


5707 . BOCTOp)l(eHHhiM 5708. BOCXHIIJ;eHHe 5709. BIIa,[(HHa 57 10. Bhi,[(ep)I(HBa Th i +a 57 1 1 . BhiJIO)I(HTh p +a

57 1 2. Bhrna,[(aTh i 57 1 3 . B:bipe3aTh p +a 5714. BhiCKa3hiBaTh i +a 57 15 . rac:M:Th i +a

57 1 6. rH6HyTh I

5717 . rn66yc 57 1 8 . rny6HHHhiM 57 19 . rHeBHhiM 5720. rpoMa,[(a 572 1 . rpy6ocTh f 5722. rphi3Th i +a

5723. ,[(apHTh i +a +d

5724. ,[(BHHYTh p +a or +inst 5725 . ,LUian6r 5726. ,[(eBa ThC.si i 5727. ,[(eJIOBHTO

5728. ,[(eMOHCTpHpOBaTh i/p

5729. ,[(erneBo 5730. ,[(Hana36H 573 1 . ,[(HIIJIOMaTH.si 5732. ,[(OBeCTHCh p ( coll) +d


5733 . ,[(O)I(HTh p ,[(0 +g 5734. ,[(OCTOIIpHMeqa TeJih-

HOCTh f 5735. ,[(peBHOCTh f 5736. )l(eJiaHHhiM 5737. )l(eHaThiM 5738. )l(eCTOKOCTh f

1 86

enthusiastic, rapturous rapture, admiration hollow, depression to withstand to lay out

to fall out to cut out to express to put out, extinguish;

cancel to perish globe deep; deep-water; remote angry mass, bulk rudeness to gnaw

to give, present (sth to s.o.)

to move, set in motion dialogue to get to, vanish in a businesslike way,


B:bi,n;ep)l(a Th p BhiJIO)I(Y, BhiJIO)I(HIIIh;

BhiKJia,[(hiBa Th i BhiiiaCTh p B:bipe)l(y, B:bipe)l(eiiih; Bhipe3a Th i BhiCKa3a Th p raiiiy, raCHIIIh; IIO- p

past ru6, rlf6na; no- p

rphi3Y, rphi3eiiih, past rphi3 , rp:bi3Jia

IIO- p

,[(BHraTh i

to demonstrate; (+a) ,n;eMOHCTplfpyw show, display

cheaply range, scope diplomacy to chance to, manage to ,[(OBe,[(eTc.si, ,[(OBen6ch;

to live (till) sight, place worth seeing

antiquity wished for, welcome married (of man) cruelty

,[(OBO,[(HThC.si i; Eii ,[(OBeJIOCh rro6hiBaTh B llaplf)l(e She had occasion to visit Paris

,[(O)I(HBY, ,[(O)I(HBeiiih ; ,[(O)I(HBa Th i

5739. 3a6aBHhiH 5740. 3aBO.D;HTh i +a

574 1 . 3aKperr:HTh p +a

amusing to take (swh); start,

start up; wind up to fasten, secure



3aKperr.mO, 3aKperr:HIIIh; 3aKperrJI.siTh i

5742. 3arrpemeHHhiH 5743. 3arryCTHTh p +a 5744. 3aCTbiTh p

to launch, throw; start up 3arrymy, 3arrycTHIIIh; 3arrycKa Th

5745 . 3aTej!Th p (coli) +a 5746. 3aTHXHYTh p 5747. 3aXBclT 5748. 3aXBaTqHK 5749. 3JIOBemHH 5750. 3paq(6)K 575 1 . HrJia 5752. H306peTaTeJih m 5753. KaJI6rna or raJI6rna 5754. KaMern( e )K 5755. KapayJI

5756. KaCKa 5757. KHCTh f

5758 . KJI.siTBa 5759. KOe-KTO

to harden, thicken; (coli) become stiff

to undertake, start to die down seizure, capture invader ominous, sinister pupil (of eye) needle inventor galosh, overshoe pebble guard, watch

helmet bunch (fruit) ; brush;

tassel; hand oath somebody; certain

people 5760. KoMe.n;Hjl comedy 576 1 . KOH'IHK tip, point 5762. KOpToqKH pl

cH.n;eTh Ha KOpToqKax to squat 5763 . KpHTHKOBclTh i +a 5764. KPYTHThCjJ i 5765 . KphiTh i +a 5766. Ky68qecKHH 5767. KypHOChiH (coli) 5768. Jiarr(o)Th m 5769. JiacKa

5770. JI( e )s 577 1 . JieHHBhiH 5772. JIHTh i +a 5773 . JIYK 5774. MeCTeqKQ

to criticize to tum, spin to cover cubic snub-nosed bast sandal caress; (g pl JiacoK)

weasel lion lazy to pour onions place; small town

3aCTbiHY, 3aCTbiHeiiih; 3aCThiBcl Th i

3aTeiO, 3aTeemh; 3aTesaTh pa� 3aTHX, 3aTHXJI� 3aTHXaTh

nom pl HrJihi

rro'IeTHhiH KapayJI guard of honour

g pl KclCOK g pl KHCTeif

g K6e-Kor6

KpHTHKYIO Kpyqych, KPYTHIIIhCjl KpOIO, Kpoeiiih; no- p

nom pl JiarrTH, g pl JiarrTeif

g sg JihBa

JihiO, Jiheiiih no pl nom pl MecTe'IKH,

g pl MeCTeqeK

1 87


5775 . MeTaThC.SI 5776. MeXOBOH 5777. MHKpOCKOII 5778. MOJIO.LJ:eHhKHH

to rush about Meqych, Meqernhc.SI fur (adj) microscope young and attractive;

very young 5779. MOHTa)l( assembling, installation, g sg MOHTa)l(a

mounting wise

578 1 . MY3hiKaHT musician 5782. Ha611Th p +a +inst to stuff (sth with sth) 5783. HaroBopHTh p (coli) (i HaroBapHBaTh)

(Ha +a) to slander s.o. ; (+a or +g) say a lot of

5784. Ha)I(HMaTh i +a or to press Ha +a

5785. HaMepeH short adj +inf intend (to) 5786. HacJia)I(.LJ:eHHe 5787. HacJie.LJ:He 5788. HaCJie.LJ:CTBO

physical pleasure legacy, heritage inheritance persistence

Ha6hiD, Ha6helllh; Ha6HBaTh HarOBOpHTh rnJIIOCTeH to talk a lot of nonsense

5789. HaCTQHqHBOCTh f 5790. HaCTpOHTh p +a to tune, adjust; (Ha +a) HacrpaHBaTh

579 1 . HeBepo}]:THhiH 5792. Her.ne 5793. He,naJieKHH 5794. He.n66phiH 5795 . HeHTpaJihHhiH 5796. He06'h}]:THhiH 5797. HHToqKa 5798. o6JierqeHHe

put s.o. in the mood (for sth)

improbable; incredible there is nowhere near; dim, dull-witted hostile; evil neutral immense, boundless thread (feeling of) relief;

making lighter; simplification

5799. o6o3peBaTeJib m observer 5800. o6pecTH p (bookish) +a to find

580 1 . o6meHHe c +inst

5802. OKQHqHThC.SI p 5803. orrpaB.LJ:aHHe 5804. orrycTHThC.SI p

5805. orrylliKa

1 88

social intercourse, contact (with people)

to end justification; acquittal to lower os, sink

edge (of a forest)

o6peTy, o6peTernh, past o6peJI, o6pena; o6peraTh i

orrymych; orrycTHillhC.SI; orrycKa ThC.SI i

5806. oc66a 5807 . OT3hiB

5808. OTJIHBaTh i +a

5809. OTMeqaThCg

5 8 1 0. OTpa3HTh p +a 5 8 1 1 . OThiCKclTh p +a

5 8 1 2. nacca)I(HpcKHH 58 1 3 . nepBOHa qaJihHhiH 58 14 . nepBOCTeneHHhiH 5 8 1 5 . neperngHyThcg p

c +inst 58 1 6. nepcneKTHBHhiH

58 17 . nHp6r 58 1 8 . llHTclTh i +a 58 1 9. no6naro,[(apHTh p +a 5820. ITOBH,[(aTh p (coli) +a 582 1 . noracHTh p +a

5822. ITO,[(aBclThCg

5823 . ITO,[(cl Thcg p

5824. ITO,[(rOTOBHTeJihHhiH 5825. no3a6:biTh p (coli)

+a or o +pr 5826. noKOCHThcg p

5827. ITOJIHKJIHHHKa 5828. ITOJIKOBO,[(( e )U 5829. nonyllly6( o )K 5830. llOCOJihCTBO 583 1 . ITOCTpa,[(aTh p 5832. npe,[(aHHe 5833 . npe,[(Ha3HaqaTh

,[(Jig +g or Ha +a 5834. npe,[(noqecTh p +a +d

person; personage opinion, response;

review, criticism to pour off; cast (metal); OTJIHTh p

(no p) (+inst) be streaked with (a colour)

to register, sign one ' s name

to reflect; repulse


to seek out, seek and find OThimy, oT:bimelllh; OTbiCKHBaTh i

passenger ( adj) initial, original paramount to exchange glances

(with) neperngHych, nepern}]:Heiiihcg;

neper n}]:,[(hiBa Thcg i promising, having

prospects; long-term p1e to feed to thank to see to extinguish, put out;

cancel to move, shift; be served

(of food)

g sg nHpora Ha- p 6naro,[(apHTh 1

norallly, noracHIIIh; racHTh

no,[(albch, no,[(aeiiihcg; ITO,[(aThCg p

to move, shift ITO,[(aMCg, llO,[(cliiihCg, ITO,[(clCTCg, ITO,[(a,[(HMcg, llO,[(a,[(HTeCh, no,[(a,[(yTcg; no,[(aBaThcg

preparatory to forget no3a6y ,[(y, no3a6y .neiiih;

IT03a6hiBaTh i to become crooked; (Ha +a) noKOlliYCh, IIOKOCHIIIhcg;

look sideways at KOCHThcg i clinic, health centre military leader half -length sheepskin coat embassy to suffer cTpa,[(a Th legend to intend (for) , earmark npe,[(Ha3HaqHTh p

(for) to prefer (sth to sth) npe,[(noqTy, rrpe,[(noqTeiiih, past

npe,[(noqen, npe,[(noqna; npe.nnoqHTclTh i

1 89

5835 . rrpe,Llpaccy.Ll( o )K 5836. IIpH6biBclTb i

5837. rrpH6:biTHe (bookish) 5838 . IIpH)I(HMclTb i +a K +d

5839. IIpH3BaHHe 5840. rrpHJiaraTh i +a

584 1 . rrpHMHTHBHbiH 5842. IIpMHa,L(Jie)I(HOCTb f

5843 . IIpHH:Q 5844. IIpHCMaTpHBaTbCSI

K +d 5845. rrpHcrroc66HTh p +a

5846. IIpHCbiJiclTb i +a 5 84 7. rrpo6e)l(a Th p

5848. rrpo.LlaBaThCSI i

5849. rrpo,ll;yMaTh p 5850. rrpOXJicl,L(HbiH 585 1 . rrpo�aHHe 5852. IIpOSIBHTbCSI p 5 85 3 . IISITHcl,ll;:Qa ThiH 5854. pa3BHBcliO�HHCSI 5855. pa3BSI3clTb p +a

5856. pa3,ll;aBHTh p +a

5857. pa3JIHqHTh p +a 5858. pa3MclXHBaTh i +inst 5859. pa3MhiiiiJieHHe 5860. paHeHHe 5 86 1 . pacrra,ll;a ThCSI i 5862. pacrraxHBaTh i +a 5863. pacrrycTHTh p +a

5864. paccTaBHTh p +a

1 90

prejudice (bookish) to arrive;

(coll) increase arrival to press, clasp sth or

s.o. to calling, vocation (K +d) to add, attach

(to); apply

primitive (K +d) membership (of);

(pl) equipment, accessories

prince to look closely (at);

get used (to) to adapt (sth)

to send to run past, run through

to be sold; sell os

to think through, over cool farewell, parting

IIpH6hiTb p

IIpH)I(clTb p

rrpHJIO)I(HTh p; rrpHJiara Th (Bee) yc:UJIHSI K +d to make every effort to


IIpHCIIOC06mo, I1pHCIIOC06MIIIh; rrpHcrroca6JIHBaTh i or IIpHCIIOC06Jij}Th i

rrpHCJiclTh p rrpo6ery, rrpo6e)I(HIIIh,

rrpo6eryT; rrpo6eraTh 1

rrpo.Lla:IDch, rrpo.LlaeiiihcSI; IIpO,LlclThCSI p

rrpO.LlYMhiBa Th i

to be revealed, show itself rrpoj}BHTCSI; rrpoSIBJij}ThCSI fifteenth developing to untie

to crush

to distinguish to swing (sth) reflection, thought wounding, wound to fall apart, break up to throw open to dismiss, disband;

let out to place; distribute

pa3BSJ:)I(Y, pa3B}]:)I(eiiih; pa3Bg3hiBaTh i

pa3,LlaBJIID, pa3,LlclBHIIIh; pa3,L(clBJIHBa Th 1

pa3JIHqa Th i

pacnacThCSI p pacrraxHyTh p pacrrymy, pacrrycTHIIIh;

pacnycKaTh i paCCTclBJIJO, paCCTclBHIIIh;

paccTaBJij}Th i


5865 . paciiiHp.HTh i +a 5866. peKOMeH,naQlfj{ 5867 . por 5868. phi6Ka 5869. phiUapb m 5870. can<}leTKa 587 1 . c6eraTb p

c6eraTb i 5872. C)J;BHHYTh p +a 5873. cepe6pHCThiH 5874. C)I(HraTh i +a 5875. cHrapa

to expand recommendation hom small fish knight napkin; tissue; serviette to run somewhere (and

return) to run down, run away to shift silvery

paCIIIHp.Hw; paCIIIHpHTh p

nom pl pora g pl pbi60K

g pl can<}leToK 6eraTh i

c6e)l(aTh p C)J;BHraTh

5876. CHCTeMaTifqecKH 5877. CKaKaTh i 5878. CKpHneTh i

to bum (sth) ctgar systematically to skip; gallop to squeak, creak, crunch sculpture

cKaqy, cKaqeiiih ; no- p CKpHnHT; npo- p/CKpHnHyTb p

5879. cKyJlhnTypa 5880. CJIO)I(HOCTh f 588 1 . cHa6.nHTh p +a +inst 5882. CHapji)l(eHHe

complexity to supply (s.o. with sth) equipment

B 66rn;eii CJIO)I(HOCTH all in all CHa6)1(y, CHa6)J;HIIIh; CHa6)1(aTh

5883 . CHH)I(aTh i +a to lower CHH3HTh p COBepiiieHCTBYffi; y- p 5884. coBepnu!HCTBOBaTh i +a to perfect, improve

5885. co3.naTeJih m creator 5886. co3HaTeJihHO consciously 5887. COKOJI falcon 5888 . COKpaTHThC� p 5889. COThiH 5890. coyc 589 1 . coqyBCTBHe 5892. CTOHaTh i 5893. CTpaHHHK 5894. cyrp66 5895. cynHTh i +a 5896. TepMHH 5897. TepneJIHBO 5898. Teppop 5899. TOMHThCSI i 5900. TOCKOBaTh i

590 1 . ToqHTb i +a

5902. TpoiiKa

5903. Ty<}lJISI 5904. y6e)I()J;eHHO

to decrease, be reduced coKpamaThC� hundredth sauce sympathy to groan wanderer snowdrift to promise (sth) term (specialist word) patiently terror


no- p

to languish, suffer TOMmOCh, TOMHIIIhCSI to be miserable; (no +d) TOCKYIO

yearn for, miss to sharpen; gnaw at, Toqy, ToqHIIIh

corrode three; group of three; g pl TpoeK

troika shoe, houseshoe, slipper g pl Ty<}lenh with conviction

1 91


5905 . y66pHaj{ f adj

5906. yrocTHTh p +a +inst

5907. y�apHbiH

5908. yna�( o )K 5909. ypoHHTh p +a 59 10. ycBOHTh p +a

59 1 1 . ycT6ii 5912 . ymenhe 5913 . <I>H3HOHOMH.si

59 14. XBaCTaThCjJ i +inst 59 15 . X03�HHHqaTh i

59 16 . xopOHHTh i +a 59 17 . naplirh i 59 18 . IIIHTb i +a 5919. JKHH (coli) 5920. 3CTeTHqeCKHH 592 1 . j{�OBHThiH 5922. arpapHhiH 5923 . anTeKa 5924. aCCOQHaQHj! 5925 . aTaKOBaTh i/p +a 5926. 6aneT 5927. 6apxar 5928. 6aCHjJ 5929. 6e3yMHhiH 5930. 6ecc6HHhiH 593 1 . 6ecrnyMHO 5932. 66�pOCTh f 5933 . 6oM6ap�HpOBKa 5934. 6o�3Hh f 5935. 6pHTbCj{ i 5936. 6yHT 5937. BeJIOCHne� 5938. BepeHHQa

5939. BeCJIO 5940. B3aHMOnOHHMaHHe 594 1 . BHXpb m 5942. BKJII{)qeHHe

1 92

lavatory; dressing-room (in theatre)

to treat (s.o. to sth)

urgent; attacking; percussion (adj)

decline to drop to adopt, acquire (habit);

master, learn foundation, support ravine physiognomy, face;

shape to boast (of) to be in charge; throw

one ' s weight about to bury to reign to sew what (a) (= KaK6il) aesthetic poisonous; venomous agrarian chemist's , drugstore association to attack ballet velvet fable mad sleepless noiselessly cheerfulness bombardment fear to shave revolt, rebellion bicycle file, line, string

oar mutual understanding whirlwind inclusion

yromy, yrocTHIIlh; yromaTh i

ypOHIO, ypOHHIIlh; poH.si:Tb ycBaMBaTh i

g pi ymenHii

no- p

xopoHJb, xop6HHII1h; no- p

IIIhiO, IIIheiiih; C- p f 3Ka, n 3Koe

g pl 6aceH

g pl 6oM6ap�HpOBOK

6peiOCh, 6peelllhCjJ; no- p

BepeHHQa aBTOM06HJieH a line of cars

nom pl aecna, g pl aecen

5943 . soopy)I(HTh p +a 5944. BOCKpeCHhiH 5945 . apamaThc.R i 5946. BCIIOMOraTenhHhiH 594 7. BTOp)l(eH:Ue 5948. Bhi6eraTh i :u3 +g 5949. Bbi6HTh p +a

5950. Bhirn}]:,nhiBaTh 595 1 . BblrO,nHO 5952. Bh13hiBclThCM i 5953. BbiiiHBclTh i 5954. BhiCYHYThC.R p

5955. BhiTMHYThiH 5956. ra,[(a Th i 5957. ranepe.R 5958. ro,nosmliHa 5959. r6ny6h m 5960. ropcTh f 596 1 . rocTHHa.R f adj 5962. rpy ,[(a 5963. ,[(allhHeBOCTOqHhiH 5964. t:(clThCM p

5965 . ,[(e)l(ypcTBO 5966. ,neHCTBeHHhiH 5967. ,[(HKTOBcl Th i +a 5968. ,[(HCCepTclUHM 5969 . .[(06poa6nhHO 5970. ,nocp6qHhiH 597 1 . )l(liBOIIHCHhiH 5972. )l(llllHIIJ;HhiH

5973. )I(HpHhiH 5974. )!(paTh i (very coll) 5975. 3a6eraTh i

3a6eraTh p 5976. 3a6hiBclThCM

5977 . 3aropenLiii 5978. 3apaCTH p

5979. 3aprrnaTa

to arm

Sunday (adj) to revolve auxiliary invasion to run out to knock out, dislodge

to look out advantageously to volunteer to drink (alcohol) to push os forward;

lean out stretched to guess; tell fortunes gallery anniversary pigeon, dove handful sitting -room heap, pile Far Eastern to be given; get caught;

(+d) come easily (to s.o. ), be learnt easily

(period of) duty effective to dictate dissertation, thesis voluntarily early, ahead of schedule picturesque housing (adj)

fat, fatty


Bhi6e)l(aTh p Bbi6hiO, Bhi6heiiih;

Bhi6HBclTh i Bhlr llMHYTh p

Bhi3Ba ThCM p BhiiiHTh p BhiCOBhiBa ThCM

g pl rony6eii g pl ropcTeii


,[(clMCM, ,[(cliiihCM, ,[(aCTC.R, ,na,nHMCM, ,na,[(HTeCh, ,[(a,LlyTC.R, past ,[(ancM, ,.uanacL; ,[(aBaTLc» i

,[(:UK Tyro; rrpo- p

)l(llllHIIJ;Hhie ycn6BH» housing conditions

to eat )I(PY, )l(pernh, f past )l(pana; co- p to run in; (coll) drop in 3a6e)l(aTh p; 3a6eraTh arrepe,Ll to start rushing around to run ahead to be forgotten; doze off; 3a6hiThCM p

forget os suntanned to become overgrown;

heal (of wound) pay, wages, salary

3apacTeT, past 3ap6c, 3apocna; 3apacTaTh i

1 93


5980. 3aCThiBaTh 598 1 . 3aT�HYThC� p

5982. 3a}]:BKa 5983 . 3eMJI}]:K 5984. H36HpaTeJih m 5985. HH)I(eHepHbiH 5986. HcrryraTh p +a 5987. HXHHH (very coll) 5988. Ka3Ha 5989. KarraTb i 5990. KapeTa 599 1 . KBaJIH£}>Hu;HpOBaHHhiH 5992. KerrKa 5993. KJIHeHT 5994. KOBapHhiH 5995 . KOM6HHaQH� 5996. KOH(e)K 5997. KOHKypeHT 5998. KOHTpOnHpOBaTh i +a 5999. KOIIhiTO 6000. K6cpe m indecl 600 1 . KOIIIeJI(e)K 6002. KpacHeTh i 6003. KpHTifqecKHH 6004. JIHCTOq( e )K 6005 . JIOBKHH 6006. JIOBKOCTb f 6007. JIOMaTbC� i

6008. MaJIOCTh f 6009. MaJI:biiii (coli) 6010 . MaCCHB

601 1 . MaTepHHCKHH 6012 . MeqTaHHe 60 13 . MHJI� 6014. MHHHMYM 601 5 . MHpHO 6016 . MOp03HhiH

1 94

to thicken, congeal, stiffen 3aCThiTh p ( +inst) to be covered (by); 3aT�HYCh, 3aT}]:Heiiihc�;

drag on; inhale (when 3aT}]:rHBaThC� i smoking); heal (of wound); tighten one 's belt

claim, official demand person from same area voter engineering (adj) to frighten their (State) Treasury to drip horse-drawn carriage qualified, skilled

g pl 3a}]:BOK g sg 3eMJI�Ka

nyraTh = HX

cloth cap (soft, with peak) g pl KenoK client crafty combination small horse; hobby g sg KOHbKa competitor to check KOHTponlfpyiO; npo- p hoof coffee purse (for money) g sg KOIIIeJihKa to tum red; blush KpacHeiO, KpacHeeiiih; no- p critical small leaf dexterous, skilful, smart dexterity, smartness to break; (coli) put on c- p; no- p

airs; ( coll) be awkward, make difficulties

a bit, a little ·

child massif, mountain-range;

large area (of sth) maternal day-dreaming mile minimum peacefully frosty

g s g MaJihiiiia

g pl MHJih

6017 0 MyqaThC� i or MyqHThC� i

6018 0 MblllO 6019 0 Ha6nro,naTenh m 60200 HaBhiK 602 1 0 Ha.n;ne)l(a Th:

Ha,[(ne)I(HT i +d of pers +inf

60220 Ha)l(aTh p +a or Ha +a 60230 HallO)I(HTh p +a Ha +a

60240 HaCMeiiinHBhiH 6025 0 HaTHCK 60260 HaTKHYThC� p Ha +a

60270 HaqHHaHHe 60280 HeBa)I(HO

6029 o HeBe)l(eCTBO 60300 HeBepHhiH

603 1 0 Hero.n;oBaHHe 60320 He.n;opa3yMeHHe 6033 0 HeKpaCHBhiH 60340 HenOBKOCTh f 6035 0 Hecnoc66HhiH 60360 HeCTepiiHMO 603 7 o Hey .n;a qHhiH 60380 HH3 60390 HOBHq(o)K 60400 HOpMallhHO 604 1 0 HOCHThC� 1

60420 o6e3h.s1Ha 60430 oB(e)c 60440 oropqaThc� 1

6045 0 O,[(HHQqKa m/f

60460 O)l(eCTOqeHHhiH 60470 O)I(HTh p

60480 OKpeiiHYTh p 60490 opaH)I(eBhiii 60500 opraHH3a:QHOHHhiH


to be tormented; worry, 3a- p/H3- p torment os

soap observer skill, technique it is necessary ( = Ha.n;o) past Ha.n;ne)l(ano

to press to lay sth on sth, put on,

superimpose sarcastic onslaught; pressure

Ha)I(My, Ha)I(Meiiih; Ha)I(HMa Th HallO)I(y, HallO)I(HIIIh;

HaKna.n;hiBa Th i

to run into, stumble upon, HaTKHych, HaTKHeiiihc�; meet unexpectedly HaThiKaThC.SI i

undertaking, initiative not very well; it doesn 't

matter Ignorance incorrect; uncertain;

unfaithful indignation misunderstanding ugly clumsiness incapable unbearably unsuccessful bottom, lower part novice, beginner normal, OK to rush around; float,

drift monkey oats to be sad, distressed

nom pl HH3hi

person on his or her own, g pl o.n;HHoqeK; MaTh-O,LJ;HHOlfKa single person · unmarried mother; B o,nHH01JKY

single-handed embittered, bitter to revive, come to life

to grow stronger orange (adj) organizational

Q)I(HBY, O)I(HBeiiih, past OKperr, OKpenna; Q)I(HBclTh i

KpeiiHYTh i

1 95


605 1 . oc(e)n 6052. OCMeJIHTbC.SI p +inf 6053 . OCMOTpeThC.SI p

6054. OCTOpO)l(HOCTh f 6055 . OCTpHe 6056. OTJIHqHTh p +a 6057 . OTIIOp 6058 . QTqeCTBO 6059. rrapnaMeHT 6060. rrapyc 606 1 . rrepeq:HcJIHTh p +a

6062. IIHTaThC.SI i +inst 6063. IIJieM.siHHHK 6064. IIOBblllHl TbC.SI i 6065 . ITO,llaBHTh p +a

6066. IIO,ll06He 6067. IIO,llpOCT(O)K 6068. IIO,llqHHeHHhiH 6069. IIO,llqHH.siTbC.SI i +d 6070. IIO)l(eHHThC.SI p

607 1 . II03a66THTbC.SI p 0 +pr

6072. rro3,llpasneHHe 6073 . n6n3aTh i 607 4. IIOJIO)l(eHHhiH 6075. IIOMeHhllie 6076. rroMemaTh i +a 6077. IIOMHHaTb i +a 6078 . IIOHeMHOry 6079. rropa3:M:TeJihHO 6080. no-pyccKH 608 1 . IIOCTaBIUHK 6082. rrox6)l(e (Ha +a)

6083 . noueeyii 6084. rrpaBHTeJihCTBeHHhiH 6085 . rrpe,llOTBpaTHTh p +a

6086. rrpe,llcKa3hiBa Th i +a 6087. rrpe3HpaTh i +a

1 96

donkey to dare to look round, see where

one ts caution point, spike to distinguish repulse, rebuff patronymic parliament sail to enumerate; transfer

(money) to feed (on) nephew to rise to suppress

resemblance, likeness juvenile, youth subordinate to submit, be subject to to get married (of a

couple) to worry about; take

care of congratulation; greeting to crawl about agreed, fixed a little less to pl�ce, accommodate to mention; recall little by little strikingly, astonishingly



g pl OCTpHeB OTJIHqaTh i

nom pl rrapyca rrepeqHcJI}{Th i

IIOBhiCHTbC.SI p ITO ,llaBJIID, II 0 ,llaBHllih;

II 0 ,llaBJI.siTb i


II03a66qycb, II03a66THIIIbC.SI; 3a60THThC.SI i

no- p


in Russian; in Russian style supplier g sg nocTaB�HKa it looks like; it seems Ilox6)l(e Ha To, qTo . . . It looks

( = Ka)l(eTc.SI) as if . . . kiss government (adj) to prevent, avert

to predict to despise

rrpe,lloTspa�y, rrpe,[(oTspa THIIIh; rrpe,[(oTspa�aTh i

rrpe,llcKa3a Th p

6088 . rrpeTeH.neHT (Ha +a) 6089. IIpHBJieKa TeJihHbiH 6090. npHrosapHBaTh i +a

K+d 609 1 . IIpH)I(aThC� p K +d

6092. np:U3paK 6093. npophiB 6094. IIpOCH,[(eTb p

6095 . npocne,[(HTh p +a

6096. IIpOCTHTbC� p C +inst

6097. rryraThc� i +g 6098. nycTHThC� p B +a or

+inf 6099. nyTaTb i +a 6100. pa60THHQa 6101 . pa3sepThiBaTh i +a 6102. pa3,n:esa The� i 6103 . pa3MeCTHTb p +a

6104. pa3HornacHe 6105 . paccTpen

6106. pBaHbiH 6107. peBHOCTb f 6108 . poH}}Th i +a 6109. pbi6aqHif 61 10. pbiqar 61 1 1 . caHaT6pHii 61 12 . c6JIH)I(eHHe 61 1 3 . cropeTh p 61 14. CHCTeMaTJiqeCKHH 61 1 5 . CKpHrrKa 6 1 16 . cne3Tb p c +g

61 17 . CJIOBapb m 61 1 8 . CJiy)l(e6HhiH 61 19 . CMHpHbiH 6 120. CHapy)I(H 612 1 . COBpeMeHHOCTb f 6 122. cornacosaTh p +a


claimant, aspirant (to) attractive to sentence (s.o. to)

to squeeze up against

ghost breach to sit (for a specified

time) to track, trace

to say goodbye (to)


IIpH)I(MYCh, IIpH)I(MeiiihC�; IIpH)I(HMa TbC� i


npocJie)l(y, npocne):(HIIIh; npocJie)I(HBa Th i

npomych, IIpOCTHIIIhC�; IIpomaThC� i

HC- p to take fright (at) to set out, start rrymych, rrycTHIIIhc�; rrycKaThCSI

to confuse, mix up female worker to unfold; expand to undress to accommodate

disagreement execution (by firing-

squad) tom jealousy to drop fishing (adj) lever sanatorium rapprochement to bum systematic

c- p

pa3BepHyTh p pa3):(eTbc� p pa3Memy, pa3MeCTHIIIh;

pa3MemaTh i

croplb, cropHIIIh; cropaTh i

violin g pl CKpHIIOK to climb down, climb off cne3y, cne3eiiih, past cne3,

cne3na; cne3a Tb i g sg CJIOBap}} dictionary

working docile

cny)l(e6Hoe speM� office hours

outside, from outside the present age to coordinate cor nacy10, cor nacyeiiih;

cornac6BbiBaTh i

1 97

6 1 23 . C03,UaThC� p 6 1 24. COCe,UKa 6 1 25 . COCKyqHThC� p

6 1 26. coqHHHTh p +a 6 1 27. CIIOXBaTHThC}I p (coli)

6 1 28 . crrpaiiiHBaThC}I i crrpaiiiHBaeTC}I

6 1 29. crryTaTh p +a 6 1 30. cpaM 6 1 3 1 . CTHCHYTh p +a 6 1 32. cyry6o 6 1 33 . CXBaTHThC� p 3a +a

6 1 34. CXO,UHThC}I i C +inst

6 1 35 . TBOpHTh i +a 6 1 36. TBOpHThC� i

6 1 37 . Te3HC [te-] 6 1 38 . TOJIKOBaTh i +a 6 1 39. TparlfqecKHH 6 140. TperreTa Th i 6 14 1 . Tporra 6 142. TyMaHHhiH 6 143. TypeJ.lKHH 6 1 44. TIOpeMHhiH 6 145 . yBOJIHTh p +a 6 146. yaonhHeHHe 6 147 . y,uaJIMThC.H i OT +g

6 148. yKpaCTh p +a

6 149. yKpbiThC� p OT +g

6 1 50. yMeJIO 6 1 5 1 . yMoJIMTh i +a 6 1 52. yclfJIHBaThC� i 6 1 53 . ycKopHTh p +a 6 1 54. ycTaBaTh i 6 155 . ycTaHOBHThC� p 6 1 56. ycTpeMJIMThC� i

1 98

to be created (female) neighbour to get bored; (no +d)


to compose to remember suddenly

to be asked the question is to confuse, mix up shame to squeeze especially; exclusively (3a +a) to seize; (c +inst)

grapple with to meet; form a liaison

with; agree to create to be going on, happen

thesis, proposition to interpret, explain tragic to tremble path misty Turkish prison (adj) to dismiss, fire dismissal to withdraw, move

away (from) to steal

to take refuge (from)

skilfully to implore to grow stronger, increase to accelerate to tire to become established to rush

C03,UaCTC�; C03,UaBaThC� i g pl COCe,UOK C HeH He COCKyqHIIIhC}I YOU

won't get bored with her; Oua cocKyqHJiaCh no MY)KY She misses her husband



rryTaTh i

cT:HcHy, CTHCHeiiih; CTHCKHBa Th i



co- p qTo 3,uech TBoplfTcSI? What 's

going on here?

Tperremy, Tperremeiiih nom pl Tporrhi

yKpa,uy, yKpa,ueiiih, past yKpan, yKpaJia; KpaCTh i

yKpOIOCh, yKpoeiiihCSI; yKpbiBaThC.si i

YMOJIMIO; YMOJIHTh p YCHJIHThC� p ycKOpBTh i ycTaro, ycTaeiiih; ycTaTh p ycTaHOBHTC.si; ycTaHaBJIHBaThCSi i ycTpeMJIMIOCh; ycTpeMHThC� p


6 1 57 . yTerna Th i +a to console yTeiiiHTh p 6 158 . $OHTclH fountain 6 1 59. $opMallhHO formally 6 1 60. $pyKT fruit, piece of fruit 6 1 6 1 . XBallHTh i +a to praise XBamO, XBclllHIIIh; no- p 6 1 62 . XHTpOCTh f cunning, guile; ruse;

( coll) ingenuity 6 1 63 . XllhiHYTh p to gush 6 1 64. XOMYT horse 's collar; burden, g sg XOMyTa; Ha,neTh ce6e XOMYT

yoke Ha rneiO to impose a burden on os

6 165 . xynHraH hooligan 6 166. qa(e)K tea (dim), nice cup g sg qaifKa, partitive g qaifKy;

of tea Bhi He xoTHTe qaifKy? Would you like some tea?

6 167 . qama thicket 6 168 . qT6-nH6o anything 6 1 69 . IIIclHKa tub; gang g pl rnaeK 6 1 70. rnepCTRHOH woollen 6 1 7 1 . aHanorliqHhiH analogous 6 172. apH$MeTHKa arithmetic 6173 . a pee Han arsenal 6 1 74. aTeHCT atheist 6 175 . 6aH,UHT bandit 6 1 76. 6,UHTellbHOCTh f vigilance 6 1 77 . 6e33aBeTHhiH selfless 6178 . 6e3Ha,ne)I(HO hopelessly 6 179. 6e3pa66THhiH unemployed 6 1 80. 6eneTh i to grow white, be white 6eneeT; no- p 6 1 8 1 . 6enH3Ha whiteness 6 1 82. 6eCKOpbiCTHhiH unconcerned with

personal gain, disinterested, unselfish

6 1 83 . 6ecn 6 M o I.IlHhiH helpless 6 1 84. 6ecno:r.u:a.nHo mercilessly 6 1 85 . 6onsaH blockhead, idiot 6 1 86. 6oM6ap,nHpOBIIJ.MK bomber (aeroplane) 6 1 87 . 6paHh f swearing, abuse 6 1 88 . 6peCTH i to plod along 6pe.ny, 6pe,[(eiiih, past 6pen,

6pena; no- p 6 1 89 . 6pHnnHaHT (cut) diamond 6 1 90. 6p6rneHHhiH abandoned 6 19 1 . 6y,[(HH pl weekdays g p1 6y,nHeii 6 1 92. 6hiBclllhiH experienced

1 99

saT a

6 1 93 . aaTa 6 1 94. B,IJ;OXHOBeHHhiH 6 1 95 . Be,naTh i

6 1 96. Be)l(nl:IBO 6 197 . Be�Th i 6 1 98 . B3BeCl:ITh p +a

6 1 99. Bl:l3r 6200. Bl:IHOBHhiH 620 1 . BJIO)I(HTh p +a B +a 6202. BHl:IKcl Th i B +a 6203. BHYIIIHTh p +a +d

6204. B03nO)I(HTh p +a Ha +a

6205 . BOIIJIOIUeHl:le 6206. aocxo,n}):m�:�ii 6207. BCeHapo,nHhiH 6208 . BCKpHKHYTh p 6209. BTpOe

62 10. Bhi6paChiBaTh i +a 62 1 1 . BhiBeCKa 62 1 2. BhiB03HTh i +a 62 1 3 . Bhirn�HYTh p 6214. BhirOBOp 62 15 . BhiHOCJIHBOCTh f 62 1 6. BhiCTaBJigTb i +a 62 17 . BhiT�HYThC� p

621 8 . BhiiiiH6HTh p (coli) +a

62 19 . rapHH36H 6220. r JILI6a

622 1 . r6p,no 6222. rpaMoTa 6223. rpeK 6224. rp:Uaa 6225. rp03HO 6226. ,na6iiKa

6227 . ,nenhHhiH 6228. ,neMOKpaTl:l3aQl:l�


cotton wool inspired ( +inst) to manage, be in

charge of; (+a) know politely to blow (wind), flutter aeeT to weigh B3Beiiiy, B3Beiiil:IIIIh;

scream guilty to insert; invest to investigate to instil (sth in s.o.) ,

put sth in s .o. 's head to lay on

embodiment rising national to cry out three times (as much)

to throw out signboard

BeiiiaTh/B3BeiiiHBaTh i

BJIO)I(y, BJIO)I(l:IIIIh; BKJia.LJ:hiBaTh i BHHKHYTh p BHyiiiaTh i

B03JIO)I(Y' B03JIO)I(l:IIIIh; aoJJiara Th i

aocxo,n}):ma� 3Be3,na rising star

BCKpHKl:IBa Th i QeHhl IIOBhiCHJil:ICh BTpOe

Prices have risen threefold Bhi6pOCl:ITh p

g pl BhiBeCOK to transport away; export BhiBO)I(Y, BhiB03l:IIIIh; BhiBe3Tl:l p to look out Bhir JI}):,nhiBa Th i reprimand; pronunciation ability to endure, stamina to display, put forward to stretch out to knock out, kick out

garrison large lump (of rock,

ice etc .) proudly literacy; document, deed Greek (man) mane threatening! y the number two; fail

(mark in exam) businesslike democratization

BhiCTaBJI}]:IO; BhiCTaBl:ITh p BbiT}):rl:IBa ThC� i Bhiiii:u6y, Bhiiii:u6elllh, past

BhiiiiH6, Bhiiii:U6Jia; Bhiiiil:l6aTh i

g pl ,na6eK

62290 �eTHIIIKH pl (coll) 62300 �OBOeHHhiH 623 1 0 �OBOJihCTBOBaThCj{ i

+inst 62320 �OCTHraThCj{ i 6233 0 �ocyr 62340 )l(eCTjiHQH 6235 o )I(YTKO 62360 3a6HpaThCj{ i 6237 o 3aBoeBaHHhiH 6238 . 3aropaThcj{ i 62390 3aMHpaTh i 62400 3aHOCHTh i +a 624 1 0 3aopaTh p 62420 3anycKaTh i +a 62430 3apa6aThiBaTh i +a 62440 3acyHyTh p +a B +a 6245 0 3arnyMeTh p 62460 3eJieHOBaThiH 62470 3eMJieTpj{CeHHe 62480 3JIHThCji i Ha +a 62490 3JIOCTh f 62500 3HalOIUHH 625 1 0 3onoqeHhiii 62520 HHTOHaQHj{ 6253 0 HCKYCHO 62540 HCKYCHhiH 6255 0 HCllOJIHHCKHH 62560 Ka3HHTh i/p 6257 0 KanycTa 6258 0 Kapa6KaThCj{ i (coll) 62590 KaTaThCj{ i 62600 KBaJIH�HKaQHj{ 626 1 0 KJieH 62620 KOJI 6263 o KOJIJierHj{

62640 KOJIOTh i +a 62650 KOHBepT 62660 KoonepaTHB 6267 0 KOIIJijl 62680 KOp66oqKa 62690 KpeMJieBCKHH 62700 KpHTHqecKH 627 1 0 naj{Th i

children prewar to be satisfied (with)

to be achieved leisure tin (adj) dreadfully to get to, climb conquered to catch fire to stand still, die away to bring in; raise to start yelling to thrust; start to earn to thrust (sth into sth) to make a noise greenish earthquake to be angry (with) spite, bad temper knowledgeable gilded intonation skilfully skilful giant (adj) to execute cabbage to clamber

g pl �eTHIIIeK


3a6paThcj{ p

3aropeThCj{ p 3aMepeTh p


3aHOIIIY, 3aHOCHIIIh; 3aHeCTH p 3aopy, 3aopeiiih; opaTh p 3anycTHTh p 3apa66TaTh p 3aCOBhiBaTh i 3aiiiyM.m0, 3aiiiyMHIIIh; IIIyMeTh i

pa3o-/ o6o- p

no pl BC- p

to roll around; take a trip no- p qualification maple stake (wood) board (administrative

body) to chop; stab envelope cooperative copy small box Kremlin (ad j) critically to bark

nom pl KOJihjl, g pl KOJiheB

Komb, K6neiiih; pa3- p; 3a- p

g pl KOp66oqeK



6272. JIHB( e )Hh m 6273. neHh f

6274. JI o IIIa,n;:HHhiH 6275 . .rryKaBhiH 6276. mOCTpa 6277. mOT hiM 6278. MaJIHHOBhiH 6279. MaHHTh i +a 6280. MaTOBhiH 628 1 . MaqTa 6282. Mopo)KeHoe n adj 6283 . My cop 6284. MhiCJijJII.J:HH 6285. Ha)KHTh p +a

6286. HaKa3aHHe 6287. HaKan 6288. HaKJIOH}}TbCj{ i 6289. HaMHoro 6290. HarrneBa Th p Ha +a

629 1 . He.[(OCTaBaTh i +g 6292. He)KHOCTh f 6293. He3a.n6nro .no +g 6294. HeHaBHCTHhiH 6295. Heo rrpe,n;eneHHhiii 6296. HepeiiiHTeJibHO 6297 . HecrrpaBe,LJ;nHBOCTh f 6298. Hey,n;aqHHK 6299. o6e,LJ;Hj! 6300. o6er.u;aHHe 630 1 . o6Ha)I(HTh p +a 6302. o6o3peHHe 6303 . o66qHHa 6304. o6x6,n; 6305 . 06'he,LJ;HHHTbCjJ p C +inst 6306. 06'heKTHBHO 6307. orpaHHqHBaTh i +a 6308. o,n;o6p}}Th i +a 6309. OKeaHCKHH 63 10. oK6IIIeqKo 63 1 1 . OKpy)KeHHe 63 1 2. OIIaCeHHe


downpour laziness

equine, horse (adj) sly chandelier fierce raspberry (adj) to beckon, lure mat(t), dull mast Ice-cream litter thinking to gain, make (money)

punishment intense heat; intensity to bend, bend over by a lot to spit; not to give a

damn about

to be lacking tenderness not long before hated, hateful indefinite, vague indecisively, hesitantly injustice, unfairness failure (person) mass (church service) promise to bare surveying, survey roadside, kerb evasion, going round to unite objectively to limit to approve oceanic little window encirclement, surrounding fear

EMy JieHh HL(TH He can't be bothered to go

Ha)KHBY, Ha)I(HBeiiih, past Ha)I(HJia; Ha)KHBaTh i

HaKJIOH}]:JOch; HaKJIOHHTbCjJ p HaMHoro n}'qiiie much better HarrJIIOK>, HarrJIIOeiiih; rrneBaTh i;

Eii HarrneBaTh She couldn't care less

He,[(OCTaeT; He,LJ;OCTaTh p

g pl o6eL(eH

orpaH:HqHTh p 0.[(06p}}IO; OL(06pHTh p


63 1 3 . OIIOMHHThC.R p 63 14. onpaB,[(hiBaThC.R i

63 15 . OCBaHBaTh i +a 63 16 . ocaemeHHhiH 63 17 . oT6necK 63 18 . OTneqaT(O)K 63 19 . OTIIpaBJIRTh i +a 6320. OTCTO}}Tb p +a

632 1 . ox6THThC.R i Ha +a 6322. oqHyThC.R p 6323 . omyTHTh p +a 6324. rra3yxa 6325 . rrapTHep 6326. rreperop6,[(Ka 6327 . rrepe)I(HT( o )K 6328. rrepeKpeCTHThC.R p

6329. nepeMeHHThC.R p

6330. rrepeyn(o)K 633 1 . IIHJia 6332. IIHpaMH,[(a 6333 . ITJiaMeHHbiH 6334. rrnaq 6335 . IIJieBaTh i 6336. IIJIHTa 6337. IIOBe,[(aTh p +a 6338. rrorHaTh p +a

6339. llO,[(aBJieHHe 6340. IIO,[(BeprHyTh p +a +d

634 1 . IIO,[(BeCTH p +a

6342. IIO,[(JIOCTh f

6343. llO,[(HOCHTh i +a +d

6344. II0,[(03peHHe 6345 . ITO,[(py)I(Ka

to come to one ' s senses no i to justify os; make onpaa,[(aTbC.R p

excuses OCBOHTh p to master

illuminated reflection imprint to send off to defend

OTneqaTKH IlclJib:QeB fingerprints OTIIpaaJI}):IO; OTIIpaBHTh p OTCTOID, OTCTOHIIIh;

OTCTclHBaTh i to hunt oxoqych, OXOTHIIIhC.R to regain consciousness to feel, sense omymy, orn;yTlirnL; omymaTh p bosom 3a na3yxoii in one 's bosom partner partition g pl rreperopo,[(OK survival, relic (of the past) (i KpecTHThC» ) rrepeKpemych, rrepeKpecTHIIIhC.R

to cross os; (i rrepeKpemnaaTLC.R ) intersect

to change

lane saw pyramid burning weeping to spit stove, cooker; slab to relate, tell to drive, chase

suppression to subject

(K +d) to lead up (to); (coil) let down (disappoint)

mean behaviour; dirty trick

to bring, present (sth to s.o.)

suspicion (female) friend (dim)

rrepeMeHIDCh, rrepeMeHHIIIhC»; rrepeMeH}):ThC» i

nom pl IIHJihi

IIJIIOID, IIJIIOCIIIh; IlniDHYTh p nom pl IIJIHThi noae,[(hiBaTh i rroroHib, rror6HHIIIh, f past norHana;

rHaTh i

past no,[(aepr, no,[(sepr na; IIO,[(BepraTh i

IIO,[(Be,[(y, IIO,[(Be,[(Clllh, past IIO,[(BCJI, IIOL(BeJia IIOL(BeCTH HT6r:u to sum up

rr O,[(H o IIIY, no ,[(H 6cHIIIh; IIOL(HeCTH p



6346. rr63a 6347. IIOKaTHThC.SI p

6348. rrorrpasn}]:Th i +a 6349. rr6pox 6350. IIOCemaTh i +a 635 1 . IIOCTaHOBKa

6352. IIOCTapeTh p


6354. IIOTp.SICeHHe 6355. rrpax 6356. rrpeB30HTH p +a

6357. rrpe�aHHOCTb f 6358 . rrpe,nsap:UTeJihHO 6359. rrpe,nocTasneHHe 6360. rrpe�IIIeCTBeHHHK 636 1 . rrpeMbep-MHHHCTp 6362. rrpeo6pa3oBaTh p +a 6363. rrpecne.nosaHHe 6364. rrpecJIOBYThiH 6365 . rrpeysen:UqHBaTh i +a 6366. rrpH6HTb p K +d 6367. IIpHBeTCTBHe 6368. IIpHKpbiTHe 6369. rrpHJIHqHbiH 6370. rrpHHHTHe 637 1 . rrpHH.SITbiH 6372. rrpHCJIOHHTbC.SI p K +d

6373. rrpo6eraTh i

637 4. rrpory JIKa 6375 . rrpocnaBJieHHhiii 6376. rrpocTyrraTh i

6377. rrpoTeKaTh i

6378. IIpOTHBOIIOJIO�HOCTb f 6379. rrpOIIIJIOro,nHHH 6380. rrpomeHHe


pose to roll

to correct, put right gunpowder to visit (a place) placing, setting; staging

(of a play etc.) to grow old

joining (an organization) ; arrival (of goods)

shock dust to surpass

devotion beforehand, in advance giving, granting predecessor prime minister to reform; transform pursuit; persecution notorious to exaggerate to nail, fix (to) greeting cover, screen decent taking, acceptance accepted to lean (against)

to run (past/through/a certain distance)

walk; outing renowned to come through,

show through to flow; pass (of time);

leak opposite, antithesis last year's pardon

llOKa qych, llOKa THlllhC.SI; KaTHTbC.SI i

rrorrpasn}]:w; rrorrpaBHTh p

noceTHTh p g pl IIOCTaHOBOK

llOCTapeiO, llOCTapeeiiih; CTapeTb i

npea3oii�y, rrpeB30H,[(eiiih, past npes3omen, npes3oiiina; rrpeBOCXO�HTb i

g sg rrpeMbep-MHHHCTpa rrpeo6pa3yw; rrpeo6pa36BhiBaTh i

rrpeyBeJIHqHTb p IIpH6biD, IIpH6belllh; IIpH6HBaTb i


rrpo6e�a Th p

g pl rrporynoK



638 1 . ny6JIHKOBclTb i +a to publish ny6JIHKyiD; o- p 6382. ny6JIHqHhiH public ny6nlfqHhiH �OM brothel 6383. nyTaTbCjl i to get mixed up c- p 6384. nh}]:HH:Qa m/f drunkard 6385 . pa�HOllpHeMHHK radio (set) 6386. pa36HTbCjJ p to break (into pieces) pa306heTCjJ; pa36HBclTbCj� i 6387. pa36pocaTh p +a to scatter pa36pachiBa Th i 6388. pa3BepTbiBaTbCjJ i to unfold; expand; swing pa3BepHyThCj! p

round (make a U-tum) 6389. pa3BOpaqHBaTh i +a to unfold; expand pa3BepHyTh p 6390. pa3�YMhiBa Th i to change one ' s mind; pa3.n;yMaTh p

(i only) (o +pr) ponder 639 1 . pa3pyrna ThCjl i to fall apart, be destroyed pa3pyiiiHTbCj� p 6392. pacHCTCKHH racist (adj) 6393. pacnopjl)l(a TbCjJ i ( + inf) to give orders; pacnopji�HTbCjl p

( +inst) be in charge of 6394. paccTpenHBa Th i +a to execute (by shooting) paccTpen}]:Th p 6395 . paccTp6HTh p +a to upset paccTpaHBa Th i 6396. pe6p6 rib; edge nom pl pe6pa, g pl pe6ep 6397. p6)1(a (very coli) face 6398. poca dew 6399. pycno bed (of river) , channel nom pl pycna, g pl pycn 6400. caMo�ep)l(aBHe autocracy 640 1 . KallHTaJIHCTHqecKHH capitalist (adj) 6402. CBHCT(O)K whistle 6403 . CBO� arch, vault (roof);

collection of texts 6404. C�aThCj� p to surrender C�aMCjJ, C�cliiihCj!, C�clCTCj�,

c�a,IJ;HMCj�, c�a,IJ;HTeCh, c�a.n;yTcjl, f past c�anach; c�aBaThCj! i

6405 . ceMeHCTBO family 6406. CHpeHa siren 6407 . MhiiiiQa muscle g pl MhiiiiQ 6408. CJIHBclTbCjJ to merge, join together CJIHTbCj� p 6409. CMHpHTbCj� p C +inst to submit; resign oneself CMHp}]:ThCjl i

(to) 641 0. CMyrJihiH dark (of complexion) 641 1 . CHH3HThCjJ p to come down, fan CHH)I(YCb, CHH3HIIIbCjl;

CHH)I(aThCj! i

64 1 2. co6niD,n:eHHe observance 641 3 . co,n:eHCTBHe assistance 6414. C03BclTh p +a to convene C030BY, C030Beiiih, f past C03Bana;

C3hiBclTb i 64 15 . C03HclTbCjl p B +pr to confess C03HaBclTbCj� i



64 1 6. COOTBeTCTBeHHO 64 17 . coxpaHRThCSI i 641 8 . cne:QHaJIH3ai"(I1j{ 64 1 9. CTclBHTbCjJ i 6420. CTHMynlfpoBaHHe 642 1 . CTHpaTh i +a 6422. CTQjJI.QHH (adj) 6423. CTpaTerlfqeCKHH 6424. CyBepeHHTeT 6425 . cyK

6426. cyMaT6xa 6427. CIIIHTh p +a 6428. ChiiiaThCjJ i 6429. TaHTbCg i 6430. TaKCH n indecl 643 1 . TOJIKcl TbCjJ 6432. T6nrn;a 6433 . TOTIOT 6434. TpaKTHp 6435 . TpH6yHaJI 6436. Tpy,D;OeMKHH

6437. yBepHTh p +a B +pr 6438. yBneKaTh i +a 6439. yro,ZJ;HTh p

6440. y.n:66CTBO 644 1 . MOrHJia 6442. YKJicl,lJ;

6443. YKOJI 6444. yKpclCHTb p +a 6445. YMHO 6446. yrrOMSIHYTb p +a or

o +pr 6447. yrrp.siMhiH 6448. yceCThCSI p

6449. yc:UJIHBaTh i +a 6450. ycTOH'IHBOCTh f 645 1 . yxBaTHTbCj{ p 3a +a 6452. y:QeneTh p 6453 . <PecTHBaJih m 6454. <l>HHaHChl m pl


correspondingly to be preserved specialization to be placed stimulation

coxpaH.siiOch; coxpaHHThCSI p

ITO- p

to wash (clothes); rub off Bhi- p; cTepeTh p worthwhile strategic sovereignty bough

confusion, turmoil to sew to pour out to be concealed taxi to push, jostle thickness sound of footsteps, patter inn tribunal labour-intensive,

laborious to assure (s.o. of sth) to distract; fascinate (+d) to please; ( coll) get

into, end up (p only) convenience grave organization, structure

(of life, society) jab, injection to adorn intelligently to mention

stubborn to sit down, settle down

to strengthen stability to grasp to survive festival finances

g sg cyKa, pr sg Ha cyKy, nom pl cyKif, g pi cyK6B or cyqhg, cy'IheB

COIIIhiD, COIIIheiiih; IIIHTh ChiiiJieTcg, ChiiiJIIOTCj{ TaiDCb, TaHIIIhCj{

yBep.siTh yBne'Ib p yro)l(y, yrO,ZJ;HIIIh; yrO)I(,ZJ:clTh 1

yKpaiiiy, yKpclCHIIIh; yKpaiiia Tb

yrroMgHy, ynoM.siHernh; YIIOMHHclTh i

yc.si):(ych, yc.sl.n:ernhcSI, past ycencg, ycenach; yca)I(HBa ThCjJ i


yxBa'IyCh, YXBclTHIIIbCjJ y:QeneiO, y:Qeneeiiih

6455 . xiiTpo 6456 . xnecTaTh i +a 6457 . xMeJih m 6458 . XOKKeH 6459 . XOJIOCTOH adj 6460. qenoseq(e)K 646 1 . qyryH 6462. IIIMIIeTh i 6463 . IIIIIMOH 6464. 3IIIeJIOH 6465 . R6noqKo 6466. RCJIM pl 6467. aKulfjf 6468 . aHeK,[(OT 6469. apMCTOKpaTIIqecKMH 6470. accaM6Jiejf 647 1 . 6arp6BhiH 6472. 6ap6MeTp 6473 . 6apbep 64 7 4. 6e3Ha,[(e)I(Hhiii 6475 . 6e3hiMRHHhiH 6476. 6enopyccKMH 6477. 6eperos6ii 6478 . 6ecrrapTHHHhiH

6479. 6eCCMhiCJieHHO 6480. 6eccTpaiiiMe 648 1 . 6Mq 6482. 6nar6ii

6483 . 6pe,[( 6484. 6pMTh i +a 6485 . 6proxo (coil) 6486. 6ypHO 6487. 6yphRH 6488 . 6yiiiesaTb 6489. BepXOBOH 6490. BeCTM6IDJih m 649 1 . sec:b1 m pl 6492. BeTXMH 6493 . seqepHHKa 6494. B3BeiiiHBaTh i +a 6495 . BJie3Th p

6496. BJII06JIRThCjJ i B +a


cunningly to whip xnemy, xnemelllh; XJieCTHYTh p hops (for beer); tipsiness so xMe.rnb tipsy (ice-)hockey unmarried little man cast iron to hiss spy echelon; special train little apple creche share (in company) anecdote, joke aristocratic assembly crimson barometer barrier hopeless nameless Belorussian coastal without party affiliation,

independent pointlessly, meaninglessly fearlessness whip; scourge good

delirium; rubbish to shave paunch stormily; energetically weeds, tall weeds to rage riding lobby scales ancient, dilapidated party to weigh to climb in

to fall in love (with)


nom pl R6JioqKH, g pl R6noqeK g pl Rcneii

6e3hiMRHHhiH naneu ring-finger

g sg 6Mqa 6narlle HaMepeHHR good

intentions pr sg B 6pe.[(y 6pe10, 6peelllh; no- p

6ylllyiO, 6ylllyelllh sepxoBaR e3,[(a horse-riding

g pl sec6s

g pl seqepHHOK B3BeCHTh p sne3y, sne3elllh, past sne3,

sne3na; sne3a Th i BJil06JIRIOCh; BJII06HThCR p



6497 o BHe�pHTh p +a B +a 6498 0 so3spamarh i +a 64990 BOCITHTaTeJihHhiH 65000 spameHHe 6501 0 BCITOMHHThCM p

65020 BTOplfqHo 6503 0 BTOplfqHhiH 65040 suenHThCM p B +a

6505 o BhiJieTa Th i 65060 BhiMhiTh p +a

6507 o BhiCJIYIIIHBa Th i +a 65080 BhiXO�Ka 65090 rapaHTHM 65 100 rapa)l( 65 1 1 0 r JiaCHTh i

65 1 20 r.rryiiih f 65 1 3 0 rpM�YIUHH (bookish) 65 140 �ecaHT

65 1 5 o �ecpHUHTHhiH 65 1 60 �HpeKTHBa 65 1 7 0 �H:Hme 65 1 8 0 �oroH}]:Th i +a 65 19 0 �oexarh p �o +g 65200 �on6ii +a 652 1 0 �onpaiiiHBaTh i +a 65220 �opO)I(HTh +inst 65230 �pa3HHTh i +a 65240 �peMarh i 6525 0 �PY)I(HbiH 65260 �y3Jih f 65270 �hiMKa 65280 �bipa 65290 )I(HJibe 65300 3a6aBHO 65 3 1 0 3a6.rry �HThCM p 65320 3aBanHTh p +a +inst

6533 0 3a�esarh i +a 65340 3aHHTepeCOBclThCM



to inculcate; introduce to return educational rotation to be recalled, come

to mind secondarily second; secondary to grip, grip hold of

to fly out, take off to wash (thoroughly)

to hear out bad behaviour, escapade guarantee garage to announce, say

backwoods, the sticks future landing (mil, by

air or sea) scarce, in short supply directive bottom (of vessel) to catch up to reach down with to interrogate to value to tease to doze amicable; simultaneous duel haze hole accommodation amusingly to lose one ' s way to block, cram

to touch; to catch (on) to become interested in

BHe,n:p}]:Th BepHyTh p


BUeiimOCh, BUeiiHillhCM; BUeiiJI}]:ThCM i

BhiJieTeTb p BhiMOIO, BhiMOelllh; MhiTh,

BhiMhiBcl Th i BhiCJIYillaTh p g pl BhiXO,[(OK

g sg rapa)l(a )l;oKyMeHT rJiaCHT

document states 0 0 0 g sg rnylll:H


,n:oroH}]:JO; ,n:orHaTh p ,n:oe,n:y, ,n:oe,n;elllh; ,n;oe3)1(a Th

,n:orrpoc:Hrh p

,n:pa3HID, ,n:pa3HHII1h ,n:peMJIIb, ,n;peMnelllh

nom pl ,IJ;hiphi

3a6Jiy)l(yCh, 3a6ny ,ZJ;HIIIhCM 3asanro, 3asanHII1h;

3aBaJIHBa Th i 3a,n;erh p 3aHHTepecyiOch;


6535 . 3aiiOMHHThC.H p 6536. 3apeBo 6537. 3aTHXaTh i 6538 . 3aTOIIHTh p +a

6539. 3amHTHhiH 6540. 3BOHKO 654 1 . 3epKaJihHhiH 6542. 3HaMeHaTeJihHhiH 6543 . 3HaqHThC.H i

6544. 30JIOTHCThiH 6545 . H36aBHTh p +a OT +g 6546. H3Bep)l(eHHe 6547 . H3BHe 6548. H3MeHHHK 6549. H3MepHTh p +a 6550. H3Mep.si:Th i +a 655 1 . H3HYTPH 6552. H30JI.si:QH.H 6553 . H3YMJieHHe 6554. HCIIOJIH.si:ThC.H i 6555 . KaK-HHKaK (coll) 6556. KHCJihiH 6557 . KJIOII 6558 . KJioq(o)K 6559. KHYT 6560. KOJihiXaThC.H 1

656 1 . KOMaH.[(HhiH

6562. KOCBeHHhiH 6563 . KOT(e)JI 6564. KpeCTHK 6565 . KpeCTHThC.H i/p

6566. KpOBHhiH 6567 . KY3Heu 6568. KYKYIIIKa 6569. JierKOMhiCJieHHhiH 6570. JierKOCTh f 65 7 1 . JI)I(HBhiH 6572. JIOrliqecKHH 6573 . MaHHcpecT 6574. MHJIJIHOHHhiH

to stick in one ' s memory glow to die down to light (stove); to flood,

sink protective ringingly, clearly mirror (ad j) significant to be, figure

golden to save (from) eruption from outside traitor to measure to measure from inside isolation; insulation amazement to be fulfilled nevertheless, all the same sour bedbug tuft, scrap whip, knout to sway; flutter command (adj),

commanding oblique boiler little cross to be baptized; (p nepe=)

cross os blood (adj); vital blacksmith cuckoo frivolous easiness; lightness mendacious logical manifesto; proclamation millionth; containing a





3aTOIImO, 3aTOIIHIIIh; 3aTaiiJIHBaTh i; 3aTOIIJI.si:Tb i

3amHTHhie oqKli goggles

0Ha B cnl:fcKe He 3HaqHTc.H She 's not listed

H3Mep.si:Tb i H3Mep.si:IO; H3MepHTb p

g sg KJIOIIa

g sg KHyTa KOJihiiiieTC.H KOMaH,[(Hhie BhiCOThl the

commanding heights

Kpemych, KpeCTHIIIbC.H

g sg KY3Heua g pl KyKyiiieK


65750 MHHMhiH 65760 Ha6paThCj{ p +g

65770 HarHaTh p +a

65790 HaiiHT(O)K 65800 Harrop 658 1 0 HapacTaiOmHil 65820 HaCHJihCTBeHHhiH 6583 0 Hac6c 65840 HaiiieCTBHe 65850 HeBepO�THO 65860 HeBHHHhiH 65870 HerpaMOTHhiH 6588 0 He,ZJ;OyMeHHO 65890 HeKOTOphie 65900 HeMhiCJIHMO 659 1 0 HeOXOTHO 65920 Hepa3pbiBHO 6593 0 HecrrpaBe,ZJ;JIHBhiH 65940 HeysepeHHo 6595 0 He<flT�HHK 65960 HeXOpOIIIHH 6597 0 Heq:HcThiH 6598 0 He�CHO 65990 o6opy.nosaTh i/p +a 66000 o6p.sl.n 660 1 0 o6oj{BJieHHe 66020 o6bj{CHHThCj{ p

66030 o6o.siTHe 66040 osna.nesaTh i +inst

6605 0 O,ll;OJDKHTh p +a +d 66060 0)l(HBHThCj{ p

6607 0 orrepeThCj{ p Ha +a

66080 orrpe.ne11HThCj{ p

66090 OCB060)l(,ll;clTbCj{ i 66 1 Oo oco6H.siK

21 0

imaginary to collect

to overtake, catch up

(on) the day before

drink pressure growing violent, forcible pump invasion improbably innocent illiterate uncomprehendingly some, certain (people) unthinkably unwilling! y inseparably unjust uncertain! y oil worker bad unclean, impure unclearly to equip rite, ceremony announcement to explain os; be

explained embrace to master; take

possession of to lend (sth to SoOo) to become lively

to lean on

to be determined, be defined

to become free detached house

Ha6epych, Ha6epembcj{, f past Ha6panach; Ha6:upaThc.si

HaroHJb, Har6HHIIIh, f past HarHana; HaroH.siTh i

HaKaHyHe H6soro r6.na on New Year 's Eve

o6opy .ny10

O,[(aJDKHBa Th Q)l(HBJIJOCh, O)I(HBHllihCj{;

Q)I(HBJI.siThCj{ i o6orrpych, o6orrpeiiihC.si, past

orrepc.s�, orrepnach; OIIHpaThCj{ i

orrpe.neJI�ThC.si i

OCB060,[(HThC.si p g sg oco6Hj{Ka

66 1 1 . OCTpOTa 66 12 . ocyiKL{eHHe 66 1 3 . OTBe3TH p +a

66 14. OTBJieKaTh i +a 66 15 . OTBpameHHe 661 6. oT )];a qa

66 17 . OTL{eJIHTh p +a OT +g 661 8 . OTL{eJibHOCTh:

B OTL{enhHOCTH 66 19 . OTKy,LJ;a-TO 6620. OTMeHHTh p +a 662 1 . OTpa3HThC.SI p

6622. oTcyTCTBOBaTh i 6623 . oqHCTHTh p +a 6624. rrapaL{ 6625 . rrapHKMaxepcKa.SI f adj 6626. rrepee3iKaTh 1

6627 . rrepeKHHYTh p +a qepe3 +a

6628. rrnam

sharpness; witticism condemnation to transport away

to distract disgust return; performance,

dedication (at work) to separate (sth from sth)

taken separately from somewhere to abolish, cancel to be reflected

to be absent to clean parade hairdresser's , barber' s to drive across; move

house to throw over

raincoat; cloak 6629. rrnecTH i +a to weave 6630. rro6eceL{oBaTh p c +inst to have a talk (with) 663 1 . IIOBpeiKL{eHHe 6632. rroraHhiH 6633 . rrorli6IIIHii 6634. IIOJIOiKeHO 6635 . rrornOTHTh p +a

6636. rrorpyiKaThC.SI i a +a 6637. IIOL{H}]:THe 6638 . IIOL{p66HhiH

damage foul, vile lost, ruined one is supposed to to swallow, absorb

to immerse os (in sth) raising detailed

6639. rroL{qepKHBaThC.SI i to be emphasized 6640. no36pHhiH disgraceful 664 1 . noHcKaTh p +a to look for 6642. noKaqHaaTh i +a or +inst to rock 6643. IIOKOpHhiH humble 6644. llOKphiiiiKa 6645 . non6rHii 6646. nonyqiiie

covering; ( coll) lid gently sloping a little better

6647. noMHpHThC.SI p c +inst to make peace, be reconciled


nom pl OCTpOThl

OTBe3y, OTBe3eiiih, past OTBe3, OTBe3Jia; OTB03HTh i

OTBJieqh p

pa66TaTh c rr6nHoii oT�aqeif to be a dedicated worker

OTL{enro, OT�enHIIIh; OT�eJI}]:Th KaiK�hiH B OT�eJihHOCTH each



OTpaiKa ThC.SI i OTCYTCTBYIO oqlimy, oqlicTHIII&; oqHmaTh i

nepeexaTh p

nepeKH�hiBa Th

g sg nnama nneTy, nneTeiii&, past nnen, nnena no6ece�y10 ; 6ece�oaaTh i

KaK non6iKeHo as is the done thing nor no my, nor n6THIIIh;

IIOrnomaTh i norpy3HThC.SI p

noHmy, nolimemh; ucKaTh IIOKaqaTh p

g pl noKp:biiiieK


21 1


6648. II 0 Hlf)l(eHHe 6649. IIOIIJibiTh p

6650. IIOCJieBOeHHhiH 665 1 . rrocrreuniTh p 6652. IIOCIIeiliHO 6653 . rroT6M(o)K 6654. rrox6,n:Ka 6655 . IIOiliYTHTh p 6656. rrpaBHTeJih m 6657. rrpe,n:aTh p +a +d

6658. rrpe,n:qyBCTBHe 6659. rrpenecTHhiH 6660. rrpecTH)I( 666 1 . rrpHrO ,[(HhiH 6662. rrpHrOTOBHThC�

p +inf or K +d

6663. rrpHJIHqHo 6664. IIpHIIHCbiBa Tb i +a +d 6665 . IIpHCMOTpeThC� p K +d

6666. rrpHCHHThC� p

6667. IIpMCIIOC06HThC� p K +d

6668. IIpHTBOp}]:TbC� i +inst 6669. rrpMTHXHYTh p

6670. rrpo6HThC� p

667 1 . rrposan 6672. IIpOBO,[(HHK 6673 . rrpo,n:OBOJihCTBHe 6674. IIpOMbiiliJieHHHK 6675. rrpoHeCTHCh p

6676. IIpOIIHTaTh p +a 6677. rrpornerrTaTh p

21 2

lowering to sail; swim

postwar to hurry hastily descendant gait, walk to joke ruler to betray; hand over

presentiment charming prestige useful to get ready

decently to ascribe (sth to sth/s .o.) to look closely at

to see in a dream

to adapt (to)

to pretend (to be sth) to q�ieten down

to force one ' s way through

failure, collapse guide, conductor provisions industrialist to rush through/past

to feed; saturate to whisper

DODJihiBY, TIODJihiBeiiih, f past llOJillbiJia; llJihiTb i

cnernHTh i

rrpe,n:aM, npe,n:aiiih, npe,n:aCT, npe.na,n::HM, rrpe.na,n:IITe, npe.na,n:yT, f past npe,n:ana; npe,n:asa Th i



npHCMclTpHBaThC� i 0Ha MHe npHcH:Unach I dreamt

about her; CHHThC� npHcnoc66JIIOch,

npucnoc66HIIIhc�; npucnoca6JIHBaThC� 1

npHTBOp}]:IOCh; npHTBOpHThC� p npHTHXHY, npHTHXHeiiih, past

IIpHTHX, rrpHTHXJia; npHTHXclTb i

npo6hiDCh, rrpo6heiiihc�; IIp06HBaThC� i

g sg npOBO,[(HHKa

npoHecych, npoHeceiiihc�, npoHecc�, npoHecnach; rrpOHOCHThC� i

IIpOIIHThiBaTh i npoiiienqy, npoiiienqeiiJh;

IIIenTaTh i

6678 . rrp.SI�h f 6679. rrp}]:HHK

6680. nyneMeTHhiH 668 1 . nyTaHH:Qa 6682. IlbinaiOIUHH 6683 . paBHOMepHO 6684. pa3BclllHHa 6685 . pa3�aTh p +a

6686. pa3�BHHYTh p +a 6687. pa3�pa)l(eHHe 6688 . pa3naraThC.SI i 6689. pa3yMHO 6690. pacnaxH}'Tb p +a 669 1 . pacce.SIHHo 6692. paccTaBa ThC.SI i

c +inst 6693. pacu;BeT 6694. pacu;eHHBaTh i +a 6695 . peanH3an;H.SI 6696. pe3HHOBhiH 6697. peMecn6 6698. pennHKa 6699. po�CTBO 6700. p( 0 ))l(b f

670 1 . pOCKOIIIh f 6702. PYChiH 6703 . pyqaTbC.si i 3a +a 6704. pbiB(O)K 6705 . CBallHTh p +a

6706. CBeTnO 6707. CeTOBaTh 0 +pr/Ha +a

6708. C)l(clTbiH 6709. CKa ThiBa ThC.si 1

67 10. CKBepHbiH 67 1 1 . CKOllh 67 1 2. CllOH 67 13 . CMeiiiHBa Th i +a 67 14. CMYTHTh p +a

lock of hair biscuit or cake with

spices machine-gun (adj) confusion, mix-up flaming, blazing uniformly, evenly ruin to distribute

to move apart irritation to decompose, disintegrate sensibly to throw open absent-min dedi y to part (from s .o./with

sth) bloom; flourishing to assess implementation; sale rubber (adj) trade (profession) rejoinder, retort kinship rye

luxury light .brown (hair) to vouch for jerk; spurt to throw down; pile up

it ' s light to lament, complain

(about) compressed to roll down lousy so elephant to confuse, mix to embarrass; disturb

ITOllHTHKa KHyTa H rrp}]:HHKa carrot and stick policy

pa3.n;aM, pa3,naiiih, pa3,nacT, pa3,na�:HM, pa3.na.n:HTe, pa3,na,nyT, f past pa3,nana; pa3�aBaTh i

pa3,nBHra Th i

pa3ll0)1(HThC.si p

pacrraxHBa Th i

paccTaroch, paccTaeiiihc.SI; paccTaThc.s� p

pacu;eHHTh p

nom pl peMecna, g pi peMecen

g sg p)I(H, inst sg pO)I(biO, pr sg BO p)I(H

CBaniD, CBallHIIIh; BanHTh/CBclllHBaTb

CeTyiO, CeTyeiiih; IIO- p


g sg cnoHa CMeiiiaTh p cMymy, cMyT:HIIIh; cMymaTh

21 3

67 15 . CMyiQeHHe 67 1 6. ·cHe)I(HHKa 67 17 . CHH)I(clThCM i 67 1 8 . corpeTh p +a 6 7 1 9. C03H,[(a TeJibHhiH 6720. COOTHOIIIeHHe 672 1 . c6rrKa 6722. corrpoao)l(,neHHe

6723. COCHOBhiH 6724. CIIOTKHjThCM p 0 +a 6725 . crrycK 6726. CTapHHa

6727. CTapOMO,[(HhiH 6728. CTaiiJ;HTh p +a 6729. CTOHKHH 6730. CTOJI6HK 673 1 . CTOpO)I(eBOH 6732. CTQ}]:HKa

6733 . CTpjCHTh p rrepe,n or +g

6734. CTYIIHTh p 6735 . C'he3,[(HTh p 6736. Ta6neTKa 6737. TaHHO 6738 . TaMO)I(eHHhiH 6739. TBep,[(HTh i +a 6740. TerrJ1Hua 674 1 . TpaBHTh i +a

6742. TpaHCIIOpTHhiH 6743. TporrJiqecKHii 6744. Tpo<Peii 6745 . TYP 6746. TYPHCTCKHH 6747. TYIIIHTh i +a 6748. T}]:ra

6749. yra,nhiBaTh i +a 6750. y,naiiHTh p +a 675 1 . y,nHBJieHHhiH 6752. y,[(HBJI}]:Th i +a 6753. yKa3

21 4

embarrassment snowflake to go down to warm creative correlation knoll, mound; volcano accompaniment

pine (adj) to trip, stumble descent; slope; release bygone times; (coli) old

fellow old-fashioned to drag off; ( coll) pinch stable; steadfast small column watch, guard (adj) stop; parking

to be cowardly

to step to travel there and back pill secretly customs (adj) to repeat hothouse to exterminate, poison;

damage; hunt; persecute transport (adj) tropical trophy; booty round (sport) tourist (adj) to extinguish; stew locomotion; (K +d) thirst

for, attraction towards to guess to send away, remove surprised to surprise decree

g pl CHe:>KHHOK CHH3HThCM p corpe10, corpeeiiih; corpeBaTh


accompanied by


g pl CTO}]:HoK; CTO}]:HKa TaKCH taxi rank

CTpjrny, CTpjCHIIIh; TpjCHTh i

CTYIImO, CTjiiHIIIh ; CTyiia Th i C'he3:>KY, C'he3,UHIIIh ; e3,[(HTb i g pl Ta6JieTOK


yra,naTh p y ,nan}]:Th i

67 54. YMhiThC.SI p

6755 . yHJ.I:>KeHHe 6756. ynoM}{HyThiH 6757 . yparaH 6758 . YCHJIHThC.SI p

6759. cpopMaJibHhiH 6760. xapaKTepHo 676 1 . XMYPhlH 6762. xpa6phiH 6763. ueMCHTHhiH 6764. qarna 6765 . qepnaTh i +a H3 +g 6766. qeCTHOCTh f 6767. qeTBepKa 6768. qyryHHhiH 6769. rnaHc 6770. rnanoqKa 677 1 . IIIBhip»Th 1 (coll) +a

or +inst 6772. IIIeJIK 6773. rnenHyTh p 6774. rnlf6Ko (coll) 6775 . IIIYT 6776. I.UCL{po 6777. I.UeJIKHYTh p

6778 . 3rOH3M 6779. 3Hepr:HqHo 6780. 3HTY3HclCT 678 1 . IDMOp 6782. roHornecKHH 6783 . .SIHBapCKHH 6784. aMHHCTH.SI 6785 . accpanhT 6786. a3pon6pT 6787. 6anoBaTh i (coll

6anosaTh) +a 6788 . 6appHKa;::{a 6789. 6apCKHH 6790. 6e3JIIDL{HhiH

679 1 . 6e3pa3n:HqHo 6792. 6ecnoBop6THO

to wash os

humiliation previously mentioned hurricane to become stronger,

increase formal characteristically gloomy brave cement (adj) cup; chalice to scoop, draw (from) honesty four; group of four cast-iron (adj) chance small hat to throw, fling

silk to whisper very jester, clown generously (+a) to flick; ( +inst)

click, crack egoism, selfishness energetically enthusiast humour youthful January (adj) amnesty asphalt airport to spoil (s.o.)

barricade lord 's , barin' s

lacking people, unfrequented

indifferently irreversibly


yM6IOch, yM6eiilhC.SI; YMhiBa Thc.SI i


qepnHyTh p

g pl IIlanoqeK IIIBhip»w; IIlBhiPHYTh p

I.UeJIKaTh i

pr sg B a3ponopTy 6aJIY"w; H3- p

21 5


6793. 6ecrrpe,[(eJihHhiii 6794. 6ecuepeM6HHO 6795 . 6narop6,[(CTBO 6796. 6Jia)l(eHHhiH 6797. 60JITOBH}): ( coll) 6798 . 6oM6e)I(Ka ( coll) 6799. 6pe3rJIHBO 6800. 6p6H3a 680 1 . 6yThiJIQqKa 6802. BanYH 6803 . Ba pe)I(Ka 6804. BecenHThCjJ i 6805 . BeTqHHa 6806. B3aHMHO 6807. B3phiBaTh i +a 6808. BHHOBaTO 6809. BHeiiiHe 68 10. BHeiiiHOCTh f 68 1 1 . B03r JiaBHTh p +a

68 1 2. Bo3pa)l(eHHe 68 1 3 . BOJI)I(CKHH 68 14. BOpOBaTh i +a 68 1 5 . BOpoqaTh i

68 16. BopoqaThCjJ i (coll) 68 1 7. BIIa,[(a Th i B +a 68 1 8 . Bpa3 (coil) 68 19 . BpyqHyiO 6820. BCTaBHTh p B +a

682 1 . BCTaBJI}):Th i B +a 6822. BcTyrrneHHe 6823. BTpOeM 6824. BhiHOCJIHBhiH 6825 . BhiCa,[(HThCjf p

6826. BhiCKa3hiBa ThCjJ

6827 . BhiCOBhiBaThCjJ i

6828. BhlqHCJIHTh p +a 6829. rapMOHHqecKHH 6830. rJia,[(KO

21 6

boundless, unlimited unceremoniously nobility blessed chatter, gossip bombardment squeamishly bronze small bottle boulder mitten to make merry ham mutually to blow up guiltily outwardly exterior to head

objection Volga (adj) to steal (+a) to move (sth

heavy); (+inst) have control of

to tum, toss and tum to fall in all together by hand to insert

to insert introduction as a threesome resilient to disembark, land

g pl 6yThiJIOqeK BanyHa g pl Bape)l(eK no- p

B30pBaTh p

B03r JiaBJIIO, B03r JiaBHIIIh ; B03r JiaBJIRTh i

BopyiD; c- p




BhiCa)l(yCh, BhiCa,[(HIIIhCjJ; BhiCa)I(HBa ThCjJ

to speak out, state one ' s BhiCKa3a ThCjJ p opinion

to thrust OS out, poke BhiCYHYThCjJ p one ' s head out

to calculate BhiqHcJIRTh i harmonious smoothly

683 1 . ro.rry6oBa Thiii 6832. ryMaHHhiH 6833 . ,[(aBHhiM-,[(aBHO (coll) 6834. ,[(BopgHCKHH 6835. .[(epHyTh p +a 6836. ,[(eTeKTHB 6837. ,[(HKO 6838 . ,[(o6aBKa 6839. ,[(OBO,[(HThCg i (coll)

+d +inf 6840. ,[(OKa THThcg p ,n;o +g

684 1 . ,[(OMHIIIKO m 6842. ,ll;OTIOJIHHTeJihHO 6843 . ,[(OCTaBKa 6844. ,[(OCTOHHO 6845 . .[(ypaQKHii (coll) 6846. ,n;yiiiHO 684 7 . ,[(hiMHTh i 6848. )l(a)l(,n;aTh i +g 6849. 3a6aBa 6850. 3aBeca 685 1 . 3a,[(aHHhiH 6852. 3a)I(HTOqHhiH 685 3 . 3aKphiBa ThC.SI 6854. 3aKynKa 6855. 3aMepeTh p

6856. 3aHHMaTeJihHhiH 6857 . 3aTIOJIHgTh i +a

6858 . 3anyraTh p +a 6859. 3anyTaHHhiH 6860. 3ace,n;aTh i 686 1 . 3aCTpgTh p

6862. 3aX6.[( 6863 . 3aqacTyro (coll) 6864. 3BYKOBOH 6865 . 3Me}]: 6866. liro 6867. HrpyiiieqHhiH 6868. H,[(eaJihHhiH 6869. H3o6pa311TeJihHhiH

light-bluish humane ages ago gentry ( adj) to tug detective story wildly; absurd addition to have occasion to

to roll to, come to

shack, hovel additionally delivery worthily, properly idiotic, stupid stuffy to smoke to thirst for amusement screen set, assigned well-off to be closed purchase to stand still; die away

entertaining, interesting to fill in, fill up

to intimidate confused, tangled to sit, be in session to get stuck

sunset; call (at a place) often sound (adj) snake yoke (oppression) toy (adj) ; tiny ideal (adj) graphic; decorative



g pl .[(06aBOK ,ll;OBO,llJiTC}I; ,[(OBCCTHCh p

,ll;OKa qych, ,ll;OKa THIIIhCSI; ,ZJ;OKaThiBaThCSI i

nom pl ,ZJ;OMHIIIKH, g pl ,ll;OMHliiCK

,ZJ;hiMJIID, ,ZJ;hiMHIIIh )l(a)l(,n;y, )l(a)l(,n;eiiih

3aKpbiThCSI p

3aMpy, 3aMpeiiih, 3aMep, 3aMepna; 3aMnpaTh i

3aTIOJIHsiiO; 3aiiOJIHHTh p; 3arroJIHsiTh 6JiaHK to fill in a form

3arryrnBa Th i

3acTpgHy, 3acpT.si:Hemh; 3aCTpeBaTh i

nom pl 3MeH, g pl 3MeH, d pl 3MeSIM

21 7

6870. HpOHHqecKH 687 1 . :UcKpeHHO 6872. HCTpe6:UTeJih m 6873. HCXO)l;HhiH 6874. Ka6nyK 6875 . KaHaBa 6876. KaH)l;H)l;aTypa 6877. Kanp:U3HhiH 6878. Kapa 6879. KapaynHTh i +a 6880. KaTerop:UqecKH 688 1 . KH)l;aTh i +a or +inst 6882. KJIOK

6883. KOHKpeTHO 6884. KOCbiHKa 6885. KocpTa 6886. KpaHHOCTh f 6887. KpacaB(e)u 6888. KporneqHhiii 6889. KpbiJiaTbiH 6890. KYBIIIHH 689 1 . KypHHhiH

6892. na3HTh i 6893 . Jl(!HTOqKa 6894. JIHJIOBhiH 6895 . n:Uxo ( coll) 6896. n:uxopa,ll;Ka 6897. JIOMKa 6898. JIOXMaTbiH 6899. nhDKHHK 6900. JihDKHhiH 690 1 . MaHCKHH 6902. MaMoqKa 6903 . MaTeMaTHK 6904. MeJihKaTb i 6905 . MeHhiiiHHCTBO 6906. MeTna 6907. MHllllHOHep 6908. MHJIOCThiHM 6909. MHHHaTIDpHbiH 69 10. MO)l;HhiH 69 1 1 . MOHaCThlpb m 69 1 2. MYCKYJI

21 8

ironically sincerely fighter (plane) initial heel ditch candidature capricious punishment to guard; lie in wait for categorically to throw rag, shred, tuft

concretely, specifically headscarf blouse extreme handsome man tiny winged jug, pitcher hen' s

to climb small ribbon violet, lilac dashingly, with spirit fever; rash breaking shaggy skier ski (adj) May (adj) mummy mathematician to be briefly visible minority broom millionaire alms miniature (adj) fashionable monastery; convent muscle

g sg Ka6.rryKa

KHHYTh p g sg KnoKa, nom pl KJioqhM,


g pl KOChiHOK

KypHHaM naMMTh memory like a sieve

Jia)J(y, Jia3HIIIh ; ITO- p g pl JieHToqeK

no pl

g sg MOHaCTbip}):


69 13 . MyqlfTeJihHO excruciatingly 69 14. Ha3n6 out of spite; (+d) to

spite (s.o.) 69 15 . HaHMeHOBaHHe designation, name 69 16 . Hana):(a Th i Ha +a to attack; come upon HanacTh p 69 17 . HallpSDKeHHO with strain, intensively 69 1 8 . Ha pyrna ThCSI 1 to be broken, be Ha pyrnHThCSI p

infringed 69 19 . HaCJie):(HHK heir 6920. HacqlfThiBaTh i +a to number, total 692 1 . HeBhiHOCHMhiH intolerable 6922. HeH3MepHMO immeasurably 6923. HeHa):(OJITO not for long 6924. Heox6Ta reluctance; ( coll) (+d) EMy Heox6Ta He doesn't feel like it

to be unwilling 6925 . HenpH�TeJih m enemy 6926. HeToponJ1HBo unhurriedly 6927. HeToponJIHBhiH unhurried 6928. HeyJIOBHMhiH elusive 6929. HexBaTKa (coil) shortage g pl HeXBaTOK 6930. HeqaSIHHO accidentally;

unexpectedly 693 1 . H6BeHhKHii brand-new, nice and new 6932. HOCHJIKH f pl stretcher g pl HOCHJIOK 6933 . HOCOBOH nose (adj) , nasal 6934. o61fnHe abundance 6935 . o6o6maTh i +a to generalize o6o6m11Th p 6936. o6orHaTh p +a to overtake, outstrip o6roHJb, o6r6HHllih, f past

o6orHana; o6roH.siTh 6937. o6o)l(aTh i +a to adore 6938. o6pa36BhiBa Th i +a to form o6pa3oaaTh p 6939. o6pe3 cut edge

(+g) B o6pe3 none to spare BpeMeHH a o6pe3 Time is very short

6940. o6phiBa ThCSI i to snap; stop short o6opaaThc.si p 694 1 . o6xBaTHTh p +a to encompass o6xBaqy, -aTHrnh; 6xBaThiBaTh 6942. orpaHHqeHHe limitation 6943. orpaHifqeHHOCTh f narrowness 6944. O):(HOpO):(HhiH homogeneous, of one type 6945. O):(OJieTh p +a to overcome o):(oneiD, o):(oneernh; O�OJieBaTh 6946. o)l(epenhe necklace g pl O)l(epeJIHH 6947. o3apHTh p +a to illuminate o3ap.siTh i 6948. 030pCTBO (coil) naughtiness 6949. OKKynaUH.si occupation 6950. 6Kpyr okrug, region nom pl oKpyra

21 9


695 1 . OKyp( 0 )K 6952. orrposepraTh i +a 6953. orrycTeTh p 6954. op(e)JI 6955. OCHOBaTeJibHO

6956. OTKHHYTbCjl p 6957. OTMaXHYThC� p OT +g 6958. OTMeHa 6959. OTMeTKa 6960. OTpa66TaTb p +a

696 1 . OTCTaBKa 6962. OTXO,ll; 6963. OTqeTJIHBhiH 6964. rrapamJbT 6965 . rrapHHIIIKa m (coil) 6966. rre,LJ;ar6r 6967. rrepesepHyTh p +a 6968 . rrepe,LJ;BH)KeH:ue 6969. rrepe,LJ;pa3HHBa Th i +a 6970. rrepeMemaThc� i 697 1 . rrepeMern;eH:ue 6972. rreperryTaTh p +a 6973. rrepecMoTpeTh p +a

6974. rrepecTaBaTh i +i inf

6975 . rrepcoHa)K 697 6. rrepcoHaJihHhiH 6977. rro6e)K,LJ;eHHhiii 6978 . II06JieCKHBaTh 6979. IIOBeCTKa

IIOBeCTKa ,ll;H� 6980. llOBTOpHhiH 698 1 . IIOB.si3Ka 6982. IIOrOH� 6983 . IIO,ll;BHHYThC� p 6984. rro,LJ;)Keqh p +a

6985. no,LJ;OJI 6986. IIO,ll;OpBaTb p +a


cigarette end to refute to empty, become empty eagle solidly, soundly,

thoroughly to lean back to brush off abolition, cancellation note, mark to work off (debt etc.) ,

work (shift etc.) , finish working

retirement, resignation departure clear, distinct parachute lad pedagogue, teacher to turn over movement to mimic to move displacement, shifting to tangle, confuse to reconsider

to stop

character personal defeated to gleam notification agenda repeated bandage pursuit to move; advance to set fire to

hem to undermine

orrposeprHyTh p orrycTeeT; rrycTeTh i g sg opna


g pl OTMeTOK 0Tpa6a ThiBa Th

g pl rrapHHIIIeK

nepe,LJ;pa3HHTh p nepeMeCTHThC� p

nepenyThiBa Th i nepeCMOTpiD, nepeCMOTpHIIIh;

nepecMaTp:usaTh i nepecTaib, nepecTaemh;

nepecTaTh p

g pl IIOB.si30K

IIO,ll;BHraThC.si IIO,ll;O)Kry, IIO,ll;O)K)Keiiih,

IIO,ll;O)KryT, past IIO,ll;)I(Or, IIO,ll;O)KrJia; IIO,ll;)KHraTh i

no,n:opBy, no,n:opBeiiih, f past no,n:opsaJia; no,n:phiBa Th i

6987 . no,n;paThCj{ p c +inst

6988 . no,n;cKa3hiBaTh i +a +d

6989. no,n;Taep)K,n;eHHe 6990. IIO,lJ;TjiHYTh p +a

699 1 . no3aaqepa 6992. IIOJia 6993. IIOJieHO 6994. IIOJIOMaTh p +a 6995. IIOJIOTHO

6996. noJiy6cTpoB 6997. IIOMHpaTh i (coll) 6998 . nopa6omeHHe 6999. nocBHCThiBaTh 1

7000. noceJIHThCj{ p 700 1 . IIOCej{Th p +a 7002. noc66He

7003. nocTeneHHhiH 7004. IIOTpj{CaTh i +a 7005. IIOTpj{CaiOI.QHH 7006. IIOXBaJia 7007. IIOXBaJIHTh p +a

7008. noqHHHTh p +a

7009. noqTQBhiH 7010. noqy,n;HThCj{ p (coli)

701 1 . npaBHTh i +inst 701 2. npa3,n;HoBaTh i +a 701 3 . npe,n;Ha3HaqaThCj{ i

,n;Jijl +g or Ha +a 7014. npeKpamaTh i +a 701 5 . npephiBaTh i +a 7016. npH6aBJIRTh i +a K +d 7017 . npH6e)KaTh p

7018 . npH6JIH)KeHHe

to have a fight with

to prompt; suggest (sth to s.o.)

confirmation to tighten; pull up

the day before yesterday flap (of coat etc.) log to break canvas (painting); linen

peninsula to die enslavement to whistle to take up residence to sow financial assistance;

textbook, educational aid

gradual to shake staggering, astonishing praise to praise

to repair

postal, mail (adj) to seem, imagine

to rule to celebrate to be intended for

to stop, discontinue to interrupt to add to run up, come running


no,n;epych, no,n;epemhcj{, f past no,n;paJiacL ; ,n;paThCj{ i

IIO,ZJ;CKa3aTh p

IIO,ZJ;TjiHY, no,n;T.s1:Hemh; no,n;T.slrHBaTh i

nom pl n61Ihi nom pl noJieHhj{, g pl noneHheB JIOMaTh i nom pl IIOJIOTHa, g pl IIOJIOTeH,


IIOCBHCTeTh p nocen.slThCj{ i IIOCeiO, noceemh; Cej{Th i noc66He no 6e3pa66THUe

unemployment benefit

noxaa.rnb, noxaaJIHmh; XBaJIHTh i

noqHHID, noqlfHHIIIh; qHHHTh/noqHHRTh i

qy ,n;HThCj{ i; MHe noqy ,n;HJIOCh, qTo j{ CJihimy IIIarli I thought I heard footsteps

npaBJIIO, npaBHillh npa3,ZJ;HYIO npe,n;Ha3HaqHThCj{ p

npeKpaTHTh p npepBaTh p npH6aBJIRIO; npH6aBHTh p npH6ery, npH6e)I(Hllh,

npH6eryT; npH6eraTh i



7019 . rrpH6paTh p +a

7020. IIpHB}l3aThC}l p K +d

702 1 . IIpHJiaB( 0 )K 7022. rrpHMeqa TeJihHhiH

to tidy up; ( coll) take over, pocket

to become attached to

counter (in shop) noteworthy

7023. IIpHMHpHThC}l p C +inst to be reconciled with 7024. IIpHIIOMHHTh p +a to remember 7025 . IIpHCTaBHTh p +a K +d to place sth against sth

7026. IIpHCTaTh p K +d to stick to; pester

7027. rrpOB03rJiaCHTh p +a to proclaim

7028. rrporJIOTHTh p +a to swallow

7029. IIpO,[.(aB( e):Q salesman, shop assistant 7030. rrpO,[.(OJDKHTh p +a to prolong 703 1 . rrpo3syqaTh p to sound 7032. rrpOJIHTh p +a to spill

7033 . rrpoMoJiqaTh p to keep silent

7034. rrpocKoqlfTh p to rush past; slip through

7035 . rrpocnaBHThc» p to become famous

7036. IIpOCMOTpeTh p +a to look over; overlook

7037. rrpocqeT miscalculation; counting 7038 . IIpOTHBOCTO}]:Th i +d to resist 7039. rrpoxo,[.( passage; passageway 7040. paBHOMepHhiH even, uniform 704 1 . paBHOIIpaBHe equality 7042. pa3BaJIHThC}l p to fall to pieces 7043. pa3BepThiBaHHe unfolding; development 7044. pa3BHThC.si p to develop

7045 . pa3aneqeHHe entertainment 7046. pa3,[.(pa)l(a ThC}l to become irritated 7047. paCKOJI split, schism 7048. pacrrlicKa receipt 7049. pacrrnaqHsaThc» to settle up, pay


npH6epy, npH6epernh, f past np:u6pa11a; np:u6:upaTh i

npHB}l)I(YCh, np:ua}})l(eiiihC}l; npHB}]:3hiBa ThC.si i

npHMHp}]:ThC}l i npHDOMHHclTh i npHCTclBJIIO, npHCTclBHIIIh;

np:ucTasn}]:Th i npHCTaHy, npHCTaHeiiih;

npHCTaBclTh i nposo3r Jiarny, nposo3r naclfrnh;

nposo3rnarnaTh i nporJioqy, npornoTHIIIh;

nporJiaThiBaTh 1

g sg npo,n;as:u;a

np03B)"llHT; 3ByqaTh i npoJihro, npoJiheiiih, f past

npOJIHJia; npOJIHBcl Th i npoMonqy, npoMonqlirnh;

MOJiqclTh i npocKoqy, npocKoqHrnh;

npocKaKHBaTh i npocnasmoch, npocnaBHIIIhC}l;

npocnaan}]:ThCSI i npOCMOTpro, npOCMOTpHIIIh;

npocMaTpHBaTh i


pa30BhiDCh, pa30BheiiihC}l, past pa3BHJICSI, pa3BHJiclCh; pa3BHBclThC}l i

pa3,n;pa)I(HThCSI p

g pl pacnMCOK pacnnaTHThC}l p

7050. pacnopj]:,D;( o )K 705 1 . pacnpe.nenj}:ThCil

7052. pacceHsaThCI� i

7053. paccTerHyTh p +a 7054. paCTHTh i +a 7055 . pBaHyThCil p 7056. pe,n;aK:QHOHHhiH 7057. perropTa)K 7058 . pecTaspauHjJ 7059. po,n;HMhiH 7060. pyMj):H( e )u 706 1 . phiTh i +a 7062. CBe)KeCTh f 7063 . CBep)KeHHe 7064. CBHCTHYTh p 7065 . CBOeBpeMeHHO 7066. c,n;ep)KaHHo 7067. cecTpeHxa 7068. cHrapeTa 7069. cxaq(o)x 7070. CKBepHO 707 1 . CKJIOHHOCTh f K +d

7072. CKpHn 7073 . CJIOBeCHhiH 7074. cnoseqxo (coll) 7075 . CJIO)KHBillHHCg 7076. CMeHj):Tb i +a 7077. CMYTHhiH 7078 . corHyThCil p 7079. COKpOBHmHH:Qa 7080. COHHhiH 708 1 . copOKOBOH 7082. COCaTh i +a 7083 . coqeTaThCI� i c +inst 7084. CllaJihHil 7085. cnacaThCjJ i 7086. CITHCaTh p +a 7087 . cnlfqeqHhiH 7088 . CllOThiKaThCil i 0 +a 7089. cnycxaTh i +a 7090. cnj):mH:H 709 1 . cpe,n;Hea3HaTCKHH

routine to be distributed

to disperse; give os a break

to unfasten to grow, raise to dash editorial, editing reporting restoration native; dear flush, rosy complexion to dig freshness overthrow to whistle in good time with restraint little sister cigarette leap badly tendency (to); aptitude

(for) squeak, creak verbal word developed to replace, change vague, dim; troubled to bend; stoop treasure-house sleepy fortieth to suck to combine (with) bedroom to escape, save os to copy; write off match (adj) to trip, stumble to lower sleeping Central Asian


pacnpe,n;enj):eTcil; pacnpe,n;eJIHThcg p

paccegThCjJ p

paccTerHsa Th parn;y, paCTHIIIh; Bhl- p pBaHyCh, pBaHellihCg

= po,n;H6H

p6ro, p6emh

g pl cecTpeHoK

CMeH.siro; CMeHHTh p

CrH6aThC.H i

cocy, coceiiih

g pl CllaJieH cnacTHCh p CITHmy, CllHIIIemh; CIIHChiBaTh i cnlfqeqHa.s xop66xa matchbox CllOTKHYThcg p cnycTHTh p



7092. cpe,n:HeBeKOBhiH 7093. eTa Theil p ( coll) 7094. CTHXclTh i 7095. CTpOrOCTh f 7096. cyMpaK 7097. cyrr 7098. cymeHhiH 7099. c<f>opMyn:UposaTh p +a

7 1 00. CbeMKa

7 1 0 1 . C'heXaTh p 7 1 02. CIOpiipH3 7 103 . TaHHCTBeHHO 7 104. TaKT

7 105 . TeJieCKOII 7 1 06. TOJIIIHThCil i 7 1 07 . TOpM03HTh i +a

7 1 08 . Tpe3BhiH 7 1 09. TpOH 7 1 10. Tpoc 7 1 1 1 . TIUeCJiclBHe 7 1 1 2. y66rHH 7 1 1 3 . yso3HTh i +a 7 1 14. yrny6neHHe

7 1 1 5 . yrny6JI}]:ThCil i

7 1 1 6. y,n:aqHo 7 1 17 . yneTaTh 7 1 1 8. yMeHhillHTh p +a 7 1 19 . yeT a pl (poetic)

7 1 20. YCJIOBHhiH

7 1 2 1 . YCTclJIOCTh f 7 1 22. ycTaHclBJIHBaThCil i 7 1 23 . YTKHYThCil p B +a 7 1 24. <f>HrypKa 7 1 25 . <f>opToqKa


medieval to happen to abate, die down strictness dusk soup dried to formulate

shooting (of film); surveying; taking away


c<f>opMyn:Upyw; <f>opMy.mfposaTh i/p

g pl C'heMOK

to drive down; (coll) slip c»e,n:y, c»e,n:emh; c'be3)1(aTh i surprise mysteriously rhythm, time; tact

telescope to crowd, throng to slow down, impede;

brake sober throne rope, cable vanity wretched to transport away deepening; depression,

hollow to become deeper;

(B +a) go deep into, become absorbed in

successfully to fly away to reduce mouth; lips

conventional; conditional; tentative

tiredness to become established to bury os in; bump into small figure; figurine ventilation window

B TaKT MY3hiKe in time to the music; OTCYTCTBHe TaKTa tactlessness

yr ny6n}]:wch; yr ny6HThCil p

yneTeTh p yMeHhllHlTh i g pl yeT, d pl ycTaM; H3 yeT B

yeT a by word of mouth

ycTaHOBHThCil p

g pl <l>HrypoK g pl <t>opToqeK

7 1 26. $:bipKHYTh p 7 1 27 . XJiaM 7 1 28 . xop6rneHhKHH 7 1 29. xy,[lomasbiii 7 1 30. U:BeCTH i

7 1 3 1 . IJ;BeToqHhiH 7 1 3 2. uenhHbiii 7 1 3 3 . UhiiiJieH( 0 )K 7 1 34. IJ;hlllOqKH pl:

Ha IJ;hlllOqKaX 7 1 35 . qeK 7 1 36. qepen 7 1 37 . qy,[lHTbCji i (coll) +d 7 138 . qyJI( 0 )K 7 1 39 . qyTh-qyTh (coll) 7 1 40. rnapHTb i B +pr 7 1 4 1 . llieJieCT 7 142. lliTaMII 7 143. rnTpa<P 7 144. lliTYPM 7 145 . rnTyqKa (coll) 7 146. meLlphiii 7 147 . 3KOHOMHqecKH 7 148. 3CTpa,LlHhiH 7 1 49 . 3xo 7 1 50. jl,[l 7 1 5 1 . }}pOCTHO 7 1 52. aBTOMaTHKa 7 153 . a,LlpecosaTh i/p +a +d 7 1 54 . apKa 7 155 . apxe6nor 7 1 56. a$opH3M 7 157 . 6aJIJI 7 158 . 6e,[lH}}ra m (coll) 7 1 59 . 6e3rpaHJiqHhiii 7 1 60. 6e3,LJ;enhe 7 1 6 1 . 6e3)KanOCTHhiH 7 1 62. 6e3onacHhiH 7 1 63 . 6apaK 7 1 64. 6enKa 7 1 65 . 6JIHH 7 1 66 . 6eCCMhiCJieHHbiH 7 167. 6Ji6JIHji 7 1 68 . 6HOJIOrHg

to snort junk pretty thin to flower, flourish

flower (adj) entire chicken

on tiptoe cheque; receipt skull to seem, imagine stocking a little bit, just a little to grope, fumble rustling stamp, punch; cliche fine storm, assault thing, object generous economically stage (adj) echo poison furiously automation; machinery to address (sth to s .o.) arch archaeologist aphorism mark (exam) poor fellow limitless idleness pitiless safe hut squirrel pancake senseless, meaningless bible; the Bible biology


useTy, useTeiiih, past usen, usena; pac- p

nom pl UhiiiJIMTa, g pl UhiiiJIRT

nom pl qeperra qy,[lHTCg; no-/npH- p g pl qyJI6K

no- p

a,Llpecyro g pl apOK

g pl 6eJIOK g sg 6JIHHa



7 1 69. 6narocnosnHTh i +a to bless 6narOCJIOBJIHIO; 6narOCJIOBHTh p 7 1 70. 6necHyTh p to flash 7 1 7 1 . 6necT.slrn;e brilliantly 7 1 72. 66,nphiH cheerful, in good form 7 173 . 66HKHH smart, lively 7 1 74. 6y,nHHqHhiH weekday (adj) ; dull,

everyday 7 175. 6ynKa small loaf g pl 6ynoK 7 1 76. B,llOXHOBeHHe inspiration 7 177. B,llyMa TbCji p B +a to ponder on B.LlYMhiBa ThCji 7 178 . Be,llOMOCTh f list, register 7 1 79. seep fan nom pl seepa 7 1 80. BepToneT helicopter 7 1 8 1 . BepyiOrn;Hii m adj believer (religious) 7 1 82. BepXOBhe upper reaches (of river) g pl BepxOBheB 7 1 83 . Bei.QeCTBeHHhiH substantial, material 7 1 84. B3aHMOIIOMOIIlh f mutual assistance 7 1 85 . B3JieTaTb i to fly up B3JieTeTh p 7 1 86. B3neTeTh p to fly up B3Jieqy, B3JieTHIIIh; B3JieTaTh 7 1 87 . BH3)1(clTh i to scream; squeal BH3)1(Y' BH3:>KHIIIh 7 1 88 . BHHOrpa,n grapes 7 1 89. BHe,npRTh i +a B +a to inculcate; put into BHe,npHIO; BHe,npHTh p

practice 7 1 90. BO,llOeM reservoir 7 1 9 1 . B03BO,llHTh i +a to raise B03BO:>KY, B03BO,llHIIIh;

B03BeCTH p 7 1 92. B03BpaTHTh p +a to return B03Bparn;y, B03Bpa THIIIh;

B03BpamaTh i 7 193. B03Bhiiiia TbCji to rise B03BhiCHTbCji p 7 1 94. B03Me3,nHe retribution 7 195. BOH howl; wailing 7 1 96. BonocaThiH hairy 7 1 97. BOCTOp:>KeHHO enthusiastically 7 198. BOCXO,ll rise 7 1 99. BIIpj�Mb (coli) indeed 7200. BCeMepHO in all possible ways 720 1 . BCeCTOpOHHe thoroughly 7202. BCKpbiTh p +a to unseal; disclose; BCKpOIO, BCKpOeiiih;

dissect BCKpbiBa Th i 7203 . BcnnecK splash 7204. BTOpOCTeneHHhiH secondary, subsidiary 7205. B-qeTBepTbiX fourthly 7206. Bhi,naBa Th i +a to give out; give away, Bhi�aib, Bhi,n;aeiiih; Bhi,[(aTb p

betray 7207. BhiKJilOqHTh p +a to switch off BhiKJIIOqaTh i



7208 . BhiiiHCaTh p +a to write out; subscribe BhiiiHIIIy, BhiiiHIIIeiiih; to (periodical) BhiiiHChiBa Th i

7209. BhiiipjJMHThCg p to become straight, BhinpgMJIIOCh, BhinpgMHIIIhCg; straighten up BhiiipaMJIRThCg

7210. BhiiiYCKa ThCg i to be released BhiiiYCTHThCg p

721 1 . Bhipa3HTeJihHhiH expressive 72 1 2. BblphiBaTh i +a to pull out BhlpBaTh p

72 13 . BhiCKa3aThCg p to speak out BhiCKa)l(yCh, BhiCKa)l(eiiihCg; BhlCKa3hiBa ThCg

7214. BhiCKa3hiBaHHe utterance, statement 72 15 . BhiCTpeJIHTh p B +a to shoot, fire (at) CTpeJIRTh i

72 1 6. BhiyqHTh p +a to learn yqHTh i 72 17 . BhiXBaTHTh p +a to snatch, pull out BhiXBa qy, BhiXBa THIIIh;

BhiXBaThiBaTh i 72 18 . Bhlbra snowstorm 7219 . reHH3.JihHhiH brilliant 7220. fH.l(pOCTaHUHg hydroelectric station 722 1 . rny6h f depth 7222. ropesaTh i to grieve ropK>w, ropK>eiiih 7223. ropH30HTaJihHhiH horizontal 7224. ropO)I(aHHH town-dweller nom pl ropo)l(aHe, g pl ropo)l(aH

7225 . fOCTeiipHHMCTBO hospitality 7226. rpHIIII influenza 7227 . rpy3HHCKHH Georgian 7228. rpy3HTh i +a to load rpy)l(y, rpy3HIIIh; 3a-/rro- p 7229. ry6:UTh i +a to ruin ry6JIJb, ry6:uiiih; no- p 7230. ,LJ;BOIDpO,ll;HhiH (related through ,LJ;BOIDpO,ll;HhiH 6paT cousin;

grandparent) .l(BOIDpO.l(Hag 6a6yiiiKa great -aunt; .nsolbpo.l(HhiH ,LJ;e,LJ; great-uncle, grand-uncle

723 1 . .neKnapauHg declaration 7232. .nep3KHH cheeky; daring 7233 . ,LJ;eTaJihHO minutely, in detail 7234. ,LJ;06JieCTh f valour 7235. .n o6po .nyiiiHhiH good-natured 7236. .no6p6THhiH high-quality 7237. ,LJ;ypHO bad(ly) 7238 . .nyiiiHTh i +a to strangle; perfume .nyiiiy' .l(YIIIHIIIh 7239. e)l(e,l(HeBHhiH daily, everyday 7240. )l(a,LJ;HOCTh f greed 724 1 . )l(aTsa reaping, harvest 7242. )I(H3HeHHOCTh f vitality; lifelikeness 7243. )I(YK beetle g sg )l(yKa 7244. )l(ypHaJIHCTHKa journalism 7245 . 3a66T JIHBhiH solicitous, caring



7246. 3aaapHTh p +a

7247. 3aBeCTHCh p

7248. 3aBHCHMhiH 7249. 3aBOeBhiBaTh i +a 7250. Jar nymHTh p +a 725 1 . 3arpaHifqHhiii 7252. Jary,[(eTh p 7253 . 3a,[(paTh p +a

7254. 3a,[(po)l(a Th p

7255 . 3aHMCTBOBaTh i +a 7256. 3aHHTepec6BaHHOCTh

f B +pr 7257 . 3aKHHYTh p +a 7258 . 3aKOHHOCTh f 7259. 3aKOHOMepHhiH 7260. 3aKycKa 726 1 . 3aMep3HYTh p

7262. 3arracHhiii (= 3arracH6ii) 7263 . 3arro3,[(aJihiii 7264. 3aiiOMHHaTh i +a

7265. 3apg,[(HTh p +a

7266. 3aCTpeJIHTh p +a

7267. 3aCThiBIIIHH 7268. 3aTej{

7269. 3aTKHYTh p +a 7270. 3Be3,[(HhiH 727 1 . 3ByqaHHe 7272. 3eMeJihHhiH 7273 . 3peJIOCTh f 7274. H3MeHa 7275. HHBaJIH,[( 7276. IIHeii


to brew

to start (working); (coll) get worked up

dependent to conquer to drown (a sound) foreign

Jaaapro, JaaapHmh; 3aBapHBaTh i

3aae.n;ych, 3aae.n;emhcg, past JaBeJicg, 3aaenach; 3aBO,[(HThCg i; �OTOp 3aBeJIC� The engine started

3aBOeBaTh p rnymlfTh/3arnymaTh 1

to start hooting/humming 3ary)l(y, 3ary .li;HIIIh; ry ,neTh to tear to pieces; lift up Ja.nepy, 3a.n;epeiiih ; Ja.n;HpaTh

(coll) to start shaking

to borrow interest (in)

to cast, toss legality regular, predictable hors-d'oeuvre; snack to freeze

spare, reserve belated to memorize, commit

to memory to load (weapon);

charge (electrical equipment)

to shoot dead

congealed; frozen venture, undertaking;

game, escapade; embellishment

to stop up, plug star (adj); starry sound, sounds land (adj) maturity betrayal invalid hoar-frost

3a.n;po)l(y, 3a,npo)I(HIIIh; .npo)l(a Th i

3aHMCTByiO; no- p

3aKH,[(hiBa Th i

g pl 3aKyCOK past 3aMep3, 3aMep3na;

JaMep3aTh i

3allOMHHTh p

JacTpenro, 3acTpenHIIIh ; 3aCTpeJIHBaTh i


7278 . HCllOJIHHTeJih m 7279. :ucnyr 7280. HCTpe6HTh p +a

728 1 . KaHyH 7282. KalliJISITh 7283 . KBa,npaT 7284. KOJie}} 7285. KOJillaK

7286. KOJigcKa 7287. KOM 7288 . KOHKypeHQHSI 7289. KOHTpOJiep 7290. KOpbiTO 729 1 . KOCHTh i 7292. KOlliMap 7293. KpaTKO 7294. KYJIHChl

7295. KycaTh i +a 7296. Jia6HpHHT 7297. nereH.napHhiH 7298. neqe6HhiH 7299. JIHTp 7300. n:urnaTh i +a +g 730 1 . JIOllaThCSI i 7302. JihiCHHa 7303 . MaCCHBHhiH 7304. MaTp6c 7305 . MalliHHKa

7306. Me,IJ;HKaMeHT

7307. MeJih f 7308. Meq 7309. Mern;aHHH

73 10. MHJIOCTHBhiH 73 1 1 . MHoroo6pa3He 73 12 . MOpaJibHO

instance, stage (in legal proceedings); department

executor; performer fright to destroy, exterminate

eve to cough square rut cap

pram; carriage lump, ball competition inspector tub; trough to mow; twist nightmare briefly wings (theatre)

to bite; sting labyrinth legendary medical, medicinal litre to deprive (s.o. of sth) to burst bald patch massive sailor (small) machine


shoal, (sand)bank sword petty bourgeois, lower

middle class person; philistine

gracious, kind diversity morally


HCTpe6.mb, HCTpe6Hmh; HCTpe6JIRTh p

B KaHyH +g on the eve of sth KalliJISIIO; KalliJISIHYTh p

g sg KOJillaKa; HOqHQH KOJillaK nightcap

g pl KOJIRCOK nom pl KOMhSI, g pl KOMheB

Komy, K6c:urnh; c- p

g pl Kyn:Hc; 3a Kyn:RcaMH behind the scenes

JIHlliHTh p JIOllHYTh p

g pl MalliHHOK; nlimyrn;aSI MamHHKa typewriter

Me,l(HKaMeHThi medical supplies, drugs

pr sg Ha Menli high and dry g sg Meqa nom pl Mern;aHe, g pl MemaH

MHJIOCTHBhiH rocy.naph · Dear Sir



73 1 3. MOprHyTh p 73 14. MOCKBHq 73 15 . MOXHaThiH 73 16 . MpaK 73 17 . MCTHTh i +d 3a +a

73 1 8 . MyqJiTeJlbHhiH 73 1 9. MhiCJIHTeJih m 7320. Ha6oK 7321 . HaBHCHYTh p 7322. HaB.si3biBa Th i +a +d

7323. Harpa.[(HTh p +a

7324. Ha)I(HM 7325. HaHBHO 7326. Ha:uJIY'qm:uii 7327. HaKOIIHThC.SI p

7328. Han:uu6

7329. HaMeKaTh i Ha +a 7330. HaMepeaaThC.SI i +inf 733 1 . HaceK6Moe n adj 7332. HacJia)l(,[(aThC.SI i +inst

7333. Hacrrex 7334. HaCTO.siTh p Ha +pr

7335. HacqHThiBaThC.SI 7336. Herp 7337. Herp:uT.siHCKHH 7338. He,[(OBOJibCTBO +inst 7339. He3aqeM + i inf 7340. HeHHTepeCHO 734 1 . HeHTpaJIHTeT 7342. HeM6ii 7343 . HeOTJIO)I(HhiH 7344. HepemHTeJibHOCTh f 7345. HeC.JihiXaHHhiH 7346. HeCMeTHhiH 7347. Hey)I(TO (coli) 7348. HOBOpO)I(,[(eHHhiH 7349. 06BHHHTh p +a B +pr


to blink; wink Muscovite shaggy darkness , gloom to take revenge

(on s.o. for sth) excruciating thinker awry, on one side to overhang to impose, foist

(sth on s.o.) to reward

pressure; clamp naively the best to accumulate

present, visible

to allude to to intend insect to delight (in), get

physical pleasure (from) hastily to insist, get one ' s own

way to number, total negro negro (adj) dissatisfaction (with) there ' s no point (it 's) uninteresting neutrality dumb, silent, mute urgent indecisiveness unprecedented countless really? new-born to accuse (s.o. of sth)

MOpraTh g sg MOCKBHqa


HaBHCaTh 1

past HaBHC, HaBHCJia; HaB.SI3aTh p

Harpa)l(y, Harpa,[(HIIIh; Harp a)!(,[( a Th i


Bee Heo6xo,[(HMhie ycn6s:u.SI HaJIHQO All the essential conditions are present


HaCJia,[(HThC.SI p


= Hey)l(eJIH


7350. o6)1(eqh p +a

735 1 . o6H)I(eHHO 7352. 06MeHHBaThC.H i +inst 7353 . o6o3miThC.H p Ha +a 7354. o6op6HHhiH

7355. o6pa66TaTh p +a 7356. oros6pKa

7357. o.n;esaThc.s 7358. O,IJ;H006pa3HhiH 7359. O,IJ;HOCTOpOHHHH 7360. O)I(HBlleHHO 736 1 . 030pH6ii ( coll) 7362. 03}]:6HyTh p 7363. OKa}]:HHhiH 7364. OKllHKHYTh p +a 7365. OIIa3,[(biBaTh i 7366. OCKOp6n}]:Tb i +a 7367. OCMOTp 7368. OCThiTh p 7369. OT6HpaTh i +a

7370. OTBneqeHHhiH 737 1 . OTBOpHTb p +a 7372. OTKHHYTh p +a

7373. OTKpOBeHHOCTb f 7374. OTllHB

7375. OTphiB OT +g 7376. OTTOllKHYTh p +a 7377. o$6pMHTb p +a

7378. oqHIIUlTb i +a 7379. rranHTh i +a

7380. rrapos6:U 738 1 . nacTH i +a 7382. neHCHOHep 7383 . na(e)K 7384. nepe6paTh p

to bum; bake, fire (bricks etc.)

resentfully, looking hurt to exchange to get angry (with) defence (adj)


o6o)l(ry, o60)I()I(emh, o6o)l(ryT, past 06)1(er, 060)1(r na; 06)1(Hra Tb i

06MeH}]:TbC.H p 3llHThC.H i o6opOHHa.H IIpOMblilllleHHOCTh

defence industry to process, work on (sth) o6pa6aThiBaTh i reservation, proviso;

slip of the tongue

to dress monotonous one-sided; one-way animatedly, excitedly mischievous to get cold, chilled cursed to hail, call (to s.o.) to be late to insult inspection to cool down, get cold (y +g) to take away

(from s.o.); select abstract to open to throw away, throw

back frankness ebb, falling tide; tinge,

g pl oros6poK; cornacHThC.H c oros6pKaMH to agree with reservations

O,[(eThC.H p

past o3.sl6, o3.sl6na

OKllHKaTh OII03,[(aTh p OCKOp6n.sJ:IO; OCKOp6HTh p

OCThiHy, OCThiHellih; OCThiBaTh i OT06paTb p


tint, play of colours tearing off; isolation (from) to push away to put into proper form

to clean, purify (p c-) to bum, scorch; (p o-) singe steam (adj) to graze; to shepherd pensioner ration to sort through; to take

in excess

OTTallKHBaTh o$6pMmo, o<}>opMHIIIh;

o<t>opMn.sl:Th p oqlfcTHTb p

rracy, rraceiiih, past nac, rracna

g sg naiiKa rrepe6epy, rrepe6epernh, f past

nepe6pana; rrepe6HpaTh i



7385. rrepeae3TH p +a

7386. rrepea.s�3aTh p +a

7387. rrepexaaTHTh p +a

7388. rrepeqHcJI.RTh i +a

7389. rrepe'IHThiBa Th i +a 7390. rreqaTaThC.SI

739 1 . rrHmea6ii

7392. rro6Jie�HeTh p

7393. no6o.si:Thcg p +g or +inf

7394. no aepXHOCTHhiH 7395 . llOBHCHYTh p

7396. norp6M 7397. no,LUJ;aaaThCj{ i +d

7398. llO�JIHHHO 7399. no�JIO)J(HTh p +a

7400. no�phiBaTh i +a 740 1 . no�phiBH6ii 7402. no�yTh p 7403. llO�'he3)1(a Th i K +d 7404. llOKpbiThCjJ p +inst

7405 . noKyrnaTh p 7406. nonyrnapHe 7407. n6moc 7408. llOMHHThC.SI i +d 7409. noo6e�aTh p 74 10. no6�aJih 741 1 . nonpaBHThC.SI p

74 1 2. nopaBH.si:ThC.SI p C +inst

74 13 . n6pQH.SI 74 14. nocc6pHThC.SI p c +inst


to transport across, from swh to swh

to bandage; tie up

to intercept

to enumerate; transfer (funds)

to reread to be printed, be

published food (adj)

to tum pale

to be afraid, not dare to

superficial to hang, dangle; droop,

sag pogrom, massacre to yield (to)

genuinely to put under; add

to undermine undermining; subversive to blow to drive up (to) to be covered (with)

to eat (polite usage) hemisphere pole (geog) to be remembered to dine, have a meal at some distance to get better; correct os;

put on weight to draw level with,

come up to portion to quarrel (with s .o.)

nepae3y, nepeae3eii.Ih, past nepeae3, nepeae3Jia; nepeao3HTh i

nepeB.SI)I(Y, nepeB.R)I(eiiih; rrepea.9:3hiBa Th i

nepexaa '�Y, nepexaa THIIIh; nepexaaThiBaTh i

nepeqHcJI.RIO; rrepeqlfcJIHTh p

nepe'IHTaTh p

nHmeaag IIpOMhiiiiJieHHOCTh food industry

no6Jie�HeiO, no6Jie�Heeiiih; 6Jie�HeTh i

no6owch, no6oHIIIhcg; 6o.si:TbCj{ i

llOBHCHY, llOBHCHeiiih, past llOBHC, llOBHCJia; llOBHCclTh

no,LU:J:aroch, no,LU:J:aeiiihc.SI; llOMclThCj{ p

IIO�JIO)I(y, IIO�JIQ)J(HII.Ih; no�KJia�hiBaTh

no�opaaTh p

no�yiO, no�yeiiih; ;J;YTh i llO;J;'heXaTh p llOKpOIOCh, llOKpOeiiihCg;

llOKphiBaThCj{ i KyiiiaTh i

CeaepHhiii n6JIIOC North Pole (MHe) n6MHHTC.SI I remember o6e�aTh i

norrpaaJIIOch, rrorrpaa:uii.Ihc.s�; rronpaaJI.RThC.SI 1



741 5 . llOCTaHOBHTh p

7416 . no-cTapoMy 7417 . llOTHXOHhKY (coli) 74 1 8 . llOTOllHTh p +a 741 9. noTpy�HThC.si p

7420. noxn6naTh p 742 1 . noxopoHHTh p +a

7422. noqeT 7423. noqy.siTh p +a 7424. npa3�HOBaHHe 7425 . npe�aHHhiH 7426. npe�sll�eHHe 7427. npe�eJihHO 7428 . npe�eJihHhiii 7429. npe�nochiJIKa

7430. npe3H�eHTCKHH 7 43 1 . npeHe6pe)l(eHHe 7432. npeno�asaTh i +a 7433 . npeTeH�osaTh i Ha +a 7434. npHsneqeHHe 7435 . npHJIHB 7436. npHllO�H}}ThC.si p

7438 . npHCTpaCTHe K +d 7439 . npHTOK 7440. npHIIIHTh p +a K +d

744 1 . np66a

7442. npo6paThC.si p

7443 . nposaJIHsaThC.si 7444. npo�BH)I(eHHe 7445. npoKJIHHaTh i +a 7446. npOHH3hiBaTb i +a

to decide, resolve

as before slowly; quietly; secretly to sink; drown ( +inf) to take the trouble

(to); do some work

to slap, clap to bury

esteem, respect to scent, sense, feel celebration devoted foresight maximally maximum (adj) prerequisite,

precondition president's , presidential scorn, neglect to teach to claim (sth) attraction rising tide; influx to raise os slightly

appropriation; conferment

partiality; weakness (for) tributary; inflow to sew on

test, trial

to force one ' s way

to fall through; fail advancement, progress to curse to pierce, penetrate,




llOTOllJIID, llOTOllHIIIh; TOllHTh noTpy)l(yCh, noTpy �HIIIhC.si;

lloTpy�HTeCh 3aKpblTb �Bepb Could I ask you to close the door?

xn6naTh i noxopoHro, noxop6HHmh;

xopOHHTb i

g pl npe�nOChiJIOK

npeno�aro, npeno�aemh npeTeH�yro

npHnO�HHMYCh, npHllO,[(HHMeiiihC.si, past npHllO,[(HHJIC.si, IIpHnO,[(H.siJiciCh; npHnO�HHMaThC.si i

He3aKOHHOe npHCBOeHHe misappropriation

npHIIIhiD, npHIIIhelllh; npHIIIHBaTb

MeTO� npo6 H OlliHfiOK trial and error

npo6epych, npo6epemhc.si, past npo6panc.si, npo6panach; npo6HpaTbCM i

npoBaJIHTbC.si p

npOKJI}}CTb p IIpOHH3aTb p



7447. npOHHKHOBeHHe

7448. npOHOCHTbCji

7449. npy)I(HHa

7450. npLifHYTb p

745 1 . nynhT

7452. nmeHH'IHbiH

7453. llhiTKa

7454. paauo,nymne

7455. paJropeThc� p

7456. paJ,naaATh i +a

7457. pa3o6naqeune

7458. pa3hiCKHBaTb i +a

7459. pacKphiTbiH

7460. paCOBhiH

7 46 1 . paCIIOJIO:>KeHHhiH

7462. pacnpe,neJIHTh p +a

7463. pacnpocTpaHHThCjf p

7464. paCCJihi illaTb p

7465 . paccTaBJI�Tb i +a

7466. paccTernsaTh i +a

7467. paccy,nHTh p +a

7468. pacTep�HHOCTb f

7469. pacx6.nosaTh i +a

7470. peuenT

747 1 . PYM�HbiH

7472. PYiliHThC�

7473. pLIXJihiH

7474. C6HBclTbC�

7475. CBe'IKa

7476. CBHpenbiH

7477. csoeo6pa3nei

7478 . CB�3aTbC� p C +inst

7479. CB�TbJHjf

7 480. C)I(HMa TbCjf



to rush past

spring (mechanism)

to jump

control panel ; music­


wheat (adj), wheaten



to flare up

to give out, distribute

exposing, unmasking

to seek out, search for



situated; (K +d) inclined,

disposed to

to distribute; allocate

to spread

to catch (sth said)

to place, set out; move


to unfasten

to arbitrate (between),

judge; decide

bewilderment, dismay

to spend, use up

recipe; prescription

rosy, ruddy

to collapse

friable, crumbly; (coli)

podgy, flabby

to slip; go wrong, get

confused; huddle


small candle


peculiarity, individuality

to get in touch with; get

involved with

sacred place or thing

to tighten, clench

npoHornych, npOHOCHlllbCjJ;

npoHeCTHCb p

npLiraTh i

g pi llhiTOK; ll onhiTKa He llhiTKa

It won 't hurt to try

pa3roplfTcjf; pa3ropaTbCjf

pa3.uaK>, paJ.uaernh; pa3nATh p

pa3hiCKclTb p


pacnpocTpaH.siTbCjf 1

ll pOCTHTe, jJ He paCCJihiill aJia

Sorry, I didn ' t catch that

paccTasn.sho; paccTaBHTh p

paccrerHyTh p

paccy)l(y, paccy .UHillh;

paccy:>K.na Th i

pacx6,ny10; H3- p

o6- p

c6HTbCjJ p

g pi CBe1JeK

CBj�:>KYCb, CB.si)l(ellibCjJ;

CB.si3biBa TbCjJ

C)I(ATbCjJ p

748 1 . CMMBOJI 7482. CIIMBOJIHqeCKIIH 7483 . CllpOTcl m/f 7484. CKJIOH.si:TbCji

7485. CK6p6HhiH 7486. CKY)l;HhiH 7487 . CKY JlclCThlH 7488 . CJie)l;OBa TeJih m 7489. CJie)l;OM ( 3a +inst) 7490. CJIY)I(eHHe +d 749 1 . CMOTp 7492. CHH3HTh p +a 7493. CO)I(pcl Th p +a

7494. C03HaTeJihHOCTh 7495 . C03hiB

7496. COKpa:tna ThCj{ i

7497. co.rrraTh p

7498. COITeTh i 7499. COpeBHOBclThCj{

c +inst 7500. cnaCTHCh p

750 1 . cnnoqeHHOCTh f 7502. cpa66TaTh p

7503. cy)l(.n;eHHe 7504. cynpyr 7505 . cyrnecTBeHHo



7506. ChinaTh i +a or +inst 7507. Ta6aqHhiH 7 508. Taj{Th i 7509. TBOp(e)u 75 1 0. TepeTh i +a

75 1 1 . TOJIKOBclHHe 75 1 2. TOHKOCTh f 75 1 3 . TOpOITHTh i +a 75 14. TpaKT 75 15 . TpemaTh i


symbol symbolic orphan nom pl CHpOThi to bend, bow; be declined CKJIOH.si:IOCh; CKJIOHHThCji p

(grammatical term) mournful meagre with high cheek-bones investigator behind service (to), serving inspection, review to lower, reduce to gobble up

awareness calling, summoning (of


CHH)I(Y' CHH3Hillh; CHH)I(cl Th i co)l(py, co)l(pemh, f past

co)l(pana; )l(pa Th i

to be reduced; get coKpaTHThCji p shorter

to lie, tell a lie co.rrry, COJI)I(Cillh, conryT, f past

to snuffle to compete, vie (with)

to save os, escape

unity, solidarity to work (function )


opinion, judgement spouse (husband) vitally, essentially to pour, strew tobacco (adj) to melt creator to rub

interpretation thinness; subtlety to hurry (s.o.) highway; route to crack; crackle

conrana; nra Th COITJIID, COITHillb copeBHYIOCb

cnacych, cnaceiilhCj{, past cnaccSI, cnaCJiclCh; CITaCclTbCji i

cpa6aThiBaTh i; MexaHH3M cpa66Tan The mechanism worked

ChiiTJIIO, ChiiTJieiilh; no- p

Taw, Taeiilh; pac- p

TPY, TpCIIlh, past Tep, Tepna; no- p

TOpOnniD, TOpOITHIIIh; no- p


75 1 6. TpH,nQaThiH 75 17 . TpOCTh f 75 1 8 . TYHHeJih m 75 19 . yrorn;aTh i +a 7520. yrpo)l(aiOrn;Hii 752 1 . y,nOBJieTBOp.siTh

7522. yKna,nhiBaThc.s� i

7523. YKJIOH 7524. yKpa,nKOH 7525. yneTeTh p 7526. ynoBHTh p +a

7527. YMhiBaThc.si i 7528. ynycTHTh p +a 7529. YCHK 7530. YCKOJih3aTh i 753 1 . ycnoKaHBaTh i +a 7532. ycThe 7533. yToqHHTh p +a

7534. yTpaTa 7535. yxa)I(HBaTh i 3a +inst

7536. yqacTh f 7537. YIDTHbiH 7538. <Pa6p:HqHhiH 7539. <Pa3a 7540. <Pe,nepauH.s� 7541 . XBOHHbiH 7542. XMypo 7543. xy,IJ;eHhKHH (coll)

thirtieth cane, walking-stick tunnel to treat, entertain threatening to satisfy

(y JIO)I(HThC.si p) to pack one ' s things ; (B +a) fit (into sth); (yneqhc.si p) lie down, go to bed

slope; deviation, bias stealthily to fly away to catch; detect

to wash os to let slip; miss whisker; antenna, feeler to slip away to soothe, quieten mouth, estuary to make more precise;

verify loss to look after (s.o.) ; make

advances (to a woman) fate, lot (in life) cosy factory (adj) phase federation coniferous gloomily, sullenly slim, thin

7544. ueHTpaJIH36BaHHhiH centralized 7545. UHTaTa quotation 7546. qacTHqHhiH partial 7547. qepe,IJ;oBaThC.si i c +inst to alternate (with) 7548. qepTHTh i +a 7549. qHCJIHThC.si i

7550. qyBCTBHTeJihHhiH 755 1 . qynaH


to draw, draw up to be, be listed; ( +inst)

be considered (to be sth)

sensitive store-room, box-room

g pi Tpocreii

yroCTHTh p

y,IJ;OBJieTBOp.siiO; y,IJ;oBJieTaopHTh p

yneqy, yneTHIIIh ; yneTaTh yJIOBmO, YJIOBHIIIh ;

y JiaBJIHBa Th i YMhiThC.si p ynymy, ynycTHIIIh ; ynycKaTh i ycHKH small moustache ycKOJib3HYTh p ycnOKOHTh p g pl ycrheB YTOqH.sJTb i

qepe,IJ;yiOch qepqy, qepTHIIIh ; Ha- p 0Ha He qHCJIHTC.si B 3TOM CllHCKe

She ' s not on this list

7552. qyMa 7553 . qyToqKy (coli) 7554. IIIBe,lJ;CKHH 7555 . IIIeCThCOT 7556. IIIKaTyJIKa 7557 . IIIJienaTh i +a 7558. III6pox 7559. meTKa 7560. 3KOHOMHTh i +a 7 56 1 . 3THKeTKa 7562. IOpHCT 7563 . siBCTBeHHO 7564. si:ro,rJ;a 7565. aHaJI6rHSI 7566. apoMaT 7567. 6aJITHHCKHH 7568. 6ac 7569. 6e3rpaHiiqHo 7570. 6e3,l1;0MHhiH 757 1 . 6e3MepHO 7572. 6ecc6HHHUa 7573. 6H6JieHCKHH 7574. 6narocnoBeHHe 7575 . Be)I(JIHBOCTh f 7576. 6oraThlpCKHH 7577. 60)I(eCTBeHHhiH 7578. 6paTHIIIKa (coli) 7579. 6peBeHqaThiH 7580. BeHa 758 1 . 6ropoxpaT 7582. BapeHhe 7583. Brny6h 7584. B,rJ;anexe 7585 . B,lJ;OBOJih 7586. B,lJ;OXHOBJisiTh i +a 7587 . Be,lJ;hMa 7588. BeJIHKOJienHe 7589. BeHHK

7590. BeH(O)K 759 1 . Bepx6M 7592. BeqHQCTh f 7593 . B3rJisi,l1;hiBaTh i Ha +a 7594. B3hiBaTh i K +d

plague a little Swedish six hundred casket, box to smack rustle brush to save, economize label lawyer clearly berry analogy scent, aroma Baltic bass infinitely homeless immensely insomnia biblical blessing politeness heroic divine little brother made of logs vein bureaucrat jam, preserves into the depths in the distance in abundance; enough to inspire witch magnificence brush, bundle of twigs

(for sweeping floor or beating body in sauna)

wreath, garland on horseback eternity to look at to appeal to


g pl meTOK



g pl 6paTHIIIeK

B,[I;OXHOBJI.sliO; B,[I;HOXHOBHTh p g pl Be,[l;hM

B3r JISIHYTh p B033BaTh p



7595. BHillH.SI 7596. BKJIIOqaThC.SI

7597. ane3a Th i a +a 7598. BJieTeTh p 7599. BJIH.si:TeJihHhiH 7600. BO,l(HThC.SI i

760 1 . B036y.l(HTh p +a

7602. B0306HOBHTh p +a

7603. BOHHCTBeHHhiii 7604. aoopy)l(aTh i +a 7605 . BOIIJih m 7606. BOpOTHHq( 0 )K 7607. BOCIIpOH3BO,l(HTh i +a

7608. BOCXHI.Ucl ThC.SI i +inst 7609. BCKphiBclTh i +a 76 10. BCIIhlnHTh p ( coll) 76 1 1 . BCXJIHIIhiBa Th i 76 1 2. ac.si:qecKHii (coli) 76 13 . BT.SIHYTh p +a 76 14. BhiBe3TH p +a

7615 . Bhi)I(a Th p +a 76 1 6. BhiCa,l(HTh p +a

7617 . BhiCIIaThC.SI i

76 1 8 . BhiT.si:rHBaTh i +a 76 19 . BhiT.si:rHBa ThC.SI 7620. Bhi.SICHeHHe 762 1 . B.SI3clTh i +a 7622. rapMOHH.SI 7623. repOH3M 7624. rlf6KHH 7625 . rHMH 7626. rHIIOTe3a 7627. rJIOTclTh i +a 7628. roneHifme 7629. rOJIO,l(cl Th i 7630. rOJIOCOBclHHe


cherry to join; be included;

be switched on to climb in to fly in influential (c +inst) to associate

with; be, be found to arouse

to renew

warlike to arm wail, howl (small) collar to reproduce

to admire to open; reveal to flare up to sob all kinds of to pull in to transport out, export

to squeeze out to set down, land

to get enough sleep

to stretch out to stretch out explanation to tie; knit harmony heroism flexible hymn, anthem hypothesis to swallow top (of a boot) to go hungry voting

g pl alfmeH BKJIIOqHThC.SI p

BJie3Th p BJieqy, BJieTHillh ; BJieTaTh


B036y)l(y, B036y.l(Hillh; B036y)l(,l(cl Th i

B0306HOBmO, B0306HOBHIIIh ; B0306HOBJI.si:Th




BT.SIHY, BT.si:Heiiih ; BT.si:rHBaTh BhiBe3y, BhiBe3eiiih, past BhiBe3,

BhiBe3na; BhiB03HTh i Bhi)I(MY, Bhi)I(Meiiih; Bhi)I(HMa Th i BhiCa)l(y, BhiCa,l(HIIIh ;

BhiCcl)I(HBa Th i BhiCIIJIIOCh, BhiCIIHillhC.SI;

BhiChiiia ThC.SI BhiT.SIHYTh p BhiT.SIHYThC.SI p

763 1 . rpa$H:H 7632. rpOM03.UKHH 7633 . ryMaHHTapHbiH

7634. ryma 7635 . .uapoM 7636 . .ueH(e)K 7637. ,n;epraTh i +a 7638 . .n;eTaJibHhiH 7639. ,n;e$HI.UfT

7640. ,LJ;iKHHChl pl 764 1 . ,n;o6HpaThCR i .l(O +g 7642. ,n;o6pOCOBeCTHO 7643 . ,LJ;OKyMeHTaUHR 7644. .[(OCT aT( 0 )K 7645 . .up aM a TliqecKHH 7646. ,n;pyiKHTh i c +inst 7647 . ,n;ypaq(o)K 7 648 . .UYIIIHhiH 7649. ,LJ;hiMHThCR 1

7650. ,n;LipKa 765 1 . iKenaiOmHU:

7652. iKeJITOBaThiH 7653 . 3aaepiiiaTh i +a 7654. 3aKa3hiBa Th i +a 7655 . 3aK6HqeHHhiH

7656. 3aKpyiKHThCR p

7657. 3aJIHBaTh i +a +inst 7658 . 3aMep3aTh i 7659. 3arreqarneTh p +a

7660. 3aTeBaTh i (coll) +a 766 1 . 3aTparHaaTh i +a 7662. 3aT.H:rHBaThCR i

7663. 3aiiiaraTb p 7664. 3CpHhllliKO

7665 . 3HaqHMOCTh f

carafe, decanter cunabersonae, buUky hunaanitarian;

hunaanities (adj) dregs; thicket free, gratis day (dina) to tug detailed deficit; shortage,

shortages jeans to reach, get to conscientiously documentation, docunaents sufficiency; prosperity dranaatic to be friends (with s.o.) idiot, half-wit stuffy to snaoke small hole person interested

(in doing sth)

yellowish to conaplete to order (sth) complete; consunanaate,

professional to begin to spin

to flood (sth with sth) to freeze to inaprint

to start, organize to touch, affect to drag on; inhale

(when snaoking) ; tighten one ' s belt

to stride out grain



ryMaHHTapHhie HayKH the Arts, humanities

g sg ,n;eHhKcl ,n;epHyTh p

g pl ,LJ;iKHHCOB .U06paThCR p

g pl ,ll;hlpOK EcTh iKenawmHe rroU:TH: a KHH6?

Does anyone want to go to the cinenaa?

3aaeprnHTh p 3aKa3aTh p 3aKOHqeHHhiH MaCTep

consummate naaster 3aKpyiKych; 3aKpyiKHIIIhCR;

KPYiKHThCR i 3aJIHTh p 3aMep3HYTh p 3arreqa T JieiO, 3arreqa T Jieeiiih;

3arreqaTneaaTh 1

3aTeRTh p 3aTpOHYTh p 3aTRHYThCR p

IIIaraTh i nom pl 3epHhiiiiKH,

g pi 3epHhiiiieK



7666. H3rHaTh p +a

7667. H3m06JieHHhiH 7668. H3MepgTbCjl i 7669. H3pacx6,nosaTh p +a 7670. HJIJDOMHHclTOp 767 1 . HJIJDOCTpHpOBaTh

i/p +a 7672. HMeHOBclTh i +a 7673 . HHBeHTapb m 7674. HHTeJIJieKTyaJihHhiH 7675. HcKonaeMhie pl adj 7676. HCllOJIHeHHhiH +g 7677. HcnpasneHHe 7678 . HCTepHKa 7679. HcqepnhiBaiOru;Hii 7680. HTaJibgH(e)Q 768 1 . KaHaT 7682. KallHTaJIOBJIO�eHHe 7683 . KaTHTh i +a 7684. KHeBCKHH 7685 . KHfijiT(O)K 7686. KJiaCCHhiH 7687. KnHHHKa 7688 . Ko3a 7689. K03hiph m 7690. KoneHKa (coli) 769 1 . KQmOqHH 7692. KOMap 7693. KOM6HHe30H 7694. KOMO,[( 7695. KOHBeHep 7696. KOH<PHCKOBaTb i/p +a 7697. KOHQepTHhiH 7698. KOHQnareph m 7699. KoHqlfHa (formal) 7700. KOOnepaTHBHhiH 770 1 . KOllaTh i +a 7702. KOCO 7703. K6cToqKa

7704. KOTeH( 0 )K 7705 . KpaCHTh i 7706. KpaCHOBaThiH 7707. Kpax


to expel, banish

favourite to be measured to spend, use up porthole to illustrate

to name equipment; inventory intellectual (ad j) minerals full (of) correction hysterics exhaustive Italian rope, cable capital investment to roll (sth) Kiev (adj) boiling water class (adj) ; first-class clinic goat trump knee prickly mosquito overalls chest of drawers conveyor belt to confiscate concert (adj) concentration camp decease, demise cooperative (adj) to dig squint, askew stone (of fruit) ; small

bone kitten to paint, colour; dye reddish crash; failure

H3rOHID, H3rOHHillb, f past H3rHana; H3roHj):Th i

H3Mepj):eTcg; H3MepHTbCjl p Hcpacx6,nyw; pacx6,nosaTh

HMeHy!O ; Ha- p g sg HHBeHTapg

often pl KallHTaJIOBJIO�eHHjl Kaqy, KaTHillh; no- p

nom pl K03hi g pl K03bipe:R g pl KOJieHOK KoJIIbqag np6sonoKa barbed wire

g sg KOMapa

nom pl KOHQJiarepj):

KOllHYTh p

g pl K6cToqeK

nom pl KOTgTa, g pl KOTj):T Kpallly, KpacHillh; Bhi-1 o-/no- p

7708. KpOIIIKa 7709. KpRXTeTb i 77 1 0. KY30B 77 1 1 . KYJibT

77 1 2. naiiHep 77 1 3 . nerxoe n adj 77 14 . JieHHBO 77 15 . JieqHTbCR i OT +g

77 17 . JIOH,llOHCKHH 77 1 8 . JIOCKYT

77 1 9. JIJ06e3HO 7720. MaKyiiiKa

772 1 . MaHeBpHpOBaTh 1

7722. MaiiiHHaJibHO 7723 . MaiiiHHOCTpOH-

TeJihHbiH 7724. MeJIKO 7725 . MeJibKOM 7726. MeTHTb i

7728. MHrHyTh p 7729. MHOroo6pa3HbiH 7730. MOJIBa 773 1 . MOHyMeHT 7732. MOpiQHHKa 7733 . MpaMOpHbiH 7734. MY)KHUKHH 7735. HaBaJIHTb p +a 7736. HaseqHo 7737. HaB03 7738. Harnyxo 7739. HarpeTh p +a 7740. Ha,llBHraTbCR i 774 1 . Ha,no6Ho (coli) 7742. HaHHMaTb i +a 7743 . HaiTOHTb p +a


crumb g pl Kp6rneK to groan; grunt KpRxqy, KpRXTHIIIh body (of vehicle); basket nom pl Ky3osa cult

liner lung lazily to undergo treatment,

be treated for line (on paper); ruler

(for drawing lines) London (adj)

KYJibT JIJiqHOCTH cult of personality

rag, scrap nom pl JIOCKYThi, g pl JIOCKYTOB or nom pl JIOCKYThR, g pl JIOCKYTheB

obligingly, courteously top; crown (of head)

to manoeuvre mechanically mechanical engineering

(adj) finely; pettily in passing (+a) to mark; (B +a)

aim (at) lower middle-class

woman; philistine to blink; wink diverse rumour(s) monument wrinkle marble (adj) peasant (adj), peasant' s to heap up, pile for ever manure tightly, firmly to warm to draw near necessary to hire to give to drink; make



g pl MaKymex; YIIIKH Ha MaKyrnxe I 'm all ears

MaHesplipyro; c- p

no pl

g pl MOpiQHHOK

Harpew, Harpeeiiih; HarpesaTh i Ha,ll;BHHYTbCR p

= Ha,ll;O HaH.HTb p noliTh/HarraHsaTh i



7744. Hanocne,ll;oK (coll) 7745. HapaBHe c +inst

7746. HacKopo (coli) 77 4 7 . HacTe)l(h 7748. HayqHo 7749. He,ll;OBepqHBO 7750. He3a6hiBaeMhiii 77 5 1 . HeMLICJIHMhiH 7752. HeHOpMaJihHhiH 7753 . Heno6e,ll;HMhiii 7754. Hen6JIHhiH 7755 . HenpeKJIOHHhiH 7756. HenpeO,ll;OJIHMhiH 7757. HeCJibiiiiHO 7758 . HeyTOMHMhiH 7759. HhiPHYTh p 7760. o6,ll;yMaTh p +a 776 1 . o6eperaTh i +a oT +g 7762. o6HXO,ll;

7763 . 66naqHhiH 7764. o6JIHTh p +a +inst

77 65 . o6JIO)I(Ka 7766. o6Ha)I(CHHbiH 7767. o6o6meHHe 7768. o6o3HaqaTh i +a

7769. o6pa3:QOBhiii 7770. o6pyiilHThC� p 777 1 . O,ll;HOBpeMeHHhiH 7772. O)l(lfBJICHHbiH 7773. OKpeCTHbiH 7774. OITaCKa (coli)

c onacKoii 7775. orrpoBeprHyTh p +a 7776. orrpoBep)l(eHHe 7777. orrymeHHhiii 7778. OCB060,ll;HTeJihHhiH 7779. OCKOp6HTb p +a

7780. OCJIO)I(HeHHe 778 1 . OCMaTpHBaThC�


in the end level (with), on equal

terms (with) hastily wide open scientifically distrustfully, suspiciously unforgettable unthinkable abnormal; mad invincible incomplete unyielding, adamant insurmountable inaudible; inaudibly tireless to dive to consider, ponder to protect (s.o. from sth) use; custom, practice

cloudy to pour sth (inst) over

sth (a) cover (of book etc.) naked generalization to denote, mean; mark,

designate model, exemplary to collapse, cave in simultaneous animated, excited surrounding caution

nervously, cautiously

Hhip.9:Tb i 06,ll;yMhiBaTh o6epeqh p BbiHTH H3 o6HXO,ll;a to go

out of use

o6onhlb, o6oJihCIIIh, f past 06JIHJia; 06JIHBa Th

g pl o6JI6)1(eK


to refute, disprove onpoBepraTh refutation lowered liberation (adj) to insult OCKOp6JIIb, OCKOp6HIIIh;

OCKOp6JI.9:Th i complication to look round, get one ' s ocMoTpeThC� p


7782. OCMhiCJlliTh p +a

7783. OCTaBIIIHHC.SI 7784. OCTpoyMHhiH 7785 . ocymecTBHThC.SI p

7786. OT6HBaTh i +a

7787. OT66p 7788. OT,LJ;emiThC.SI i OT +g 7789. OTKJIHKHYThC.SI p Ha 7790. OTOBCID,n;y 779 1 . orpHuaHHe 7792. o<}>opMn}}Th i +a 7793. om;yTHMhiH 7794. omymaThc.SI i 7795. rraHopaMa 7796. napJiaMeHTCKHH 7797. napTa 7798. nayTHHa 7799. rresliua 7800. nepBOHaqaJihHO 780 1 . nepesan 7802. nepe,nenKa 7803 . nepeKpecT( o )K 7804. nepenlis 7805 . nepeH}{Th p +a

7806. nepeca,n;Ka

7807. rrepecrrpocliTh p +a

7808. nepHo,n;:HqecKHii 7 809. IIHpO)I(( 0 )K 78 10. llJiaBHO 78 1 1 . nnasyqHii 78 1 2. llJIO,ll;OTBOpHhiH 78 1 3 . llOBeCTBOBaHHe 78 14. llOBHHOBaThC.SI i +d

78 15 . llOBO,[(HTh i +inst llOBO,[(HTh p +a

78 16 . llOBhiCHThC.SI p


to make sense (of sth), interpret

remaining witty to be fulfilled, be put

into effect to break off; beat off,

repulse; get by force selection to separate (from) to respond (to sth) from everywhere negation to put into proper form perceptible to be felt panorama parliamentary school desk cobweb singer f originally crossing; mountain pass alteration crossroads tint; play of colours to copy, adopt

change (of transport); transplant( ation)

to ask again

periodic, recurrent pie smoothly floating fruitful narration to obey

(i) to move, twitch (p) to lead about to rise




OT6HTh p


nepeiiMy, nepeiiMeiiih, past rrepeH.SIJI, rrepeHRJia, nepeH.SIJIO; nepeHHMaTh

g pl nepeca,n:oK

nepecrrpoiiiy, nepecrrp6cHmh; nepecnpaiiiHBa Th

llOBHHYIOCh; llOBHHOBaTbCR p (past only)

llOBO)I(y, llOBO,[(Hillh; IIOBeCTH p llOBO)I(Y, llOBO,LJ;Hillh; BO,LJ;HTh

llOBhiiiiYCh, llOBhiCHIIIhC.SI; llOBhiillaThCR i



7817 . rrorpaH:HqHhiH 78 1 8 . rro�6e)KaTh p K +d

78 1 9. llO�BeCHTh p +a

7820. llOMep)KclHHe 782 1 . no�Jie)KaTh i +d

7822. no�o3pHTeJihHhiH 7823. no�6nry 7824. no-�pyr6My

border (ad j) to run up (to)

to suspend

support, maintenance to be subject to

suspicious for a long time differently

7825. no�py)KHThcg p c +inst to make friends with 7826. no�cKoqHTh p to run up; jump up

7827. n6�cTyn K +d 7828. llO�TBep�HThcg p 7829. IIO�TBep)K�aThCj{ 7830. rro�qac 783 1 . noe�:HH( o )K 7832. IIOHHTepeCOBclThCg

p +inst 7833. noKypHTh p 7834. llOJie)KclTh p 7835. llOJIHpOBaHHhiH 7836. IIOJIHT610po n indecl 7837. IIOJIHTHqecKH 7838. llOJIO)KHTeJihHO 7839. rroMexa 7840. IIOHe�eJihHHK 784 1 . llOIIHTh p

7842. rrop6qHhiii 7843 . IIOClleTh p (coli)

7844. rrocpe�cTso 7845 . llOCblllaThCg p 7846. llO-TBOeMy

7847. IIOTeMHeTh p 7848. llOTHpaTh i +a 7849. IIOTpeBO)KHTh p +a 7850. rroyqaTh i +a 785 1 . IIOI.Qa�HTh p +a 7852. rrperpa�a 7853 . rrpe�HCJIOBHe


approach to be confirmed to be confirmed sometimes duel to take an interest,

wonder to have a smoke to lie for a while polished Politburo politically positively hindrance Monday to have a drink

vicious; defective (K +d/Ha +a) to be

in time for; ripen mediation to pour down in your opinion; as

you want it to go dark, get dark to rub to trouble to lecture (s.o.) to spare obstacle foreword

no�6ery, rro,n6e)KHIIIh, rro�6eryT; rro�6eraTh

IIO�Beiiiy, IIO�BeCHIIIh; no�aeiiiHBaTh i

no,nJie)KHT; 3To He no�Jie)KHT coMHeHHIO This is indisputable

rro�py)Kych, no�py)KHIIIhcg IIO�CKOqy, IIOJJ:CKQqHIIIh ;


IIO,[(TBep)K�aThCg i IIO�TBep�HThCg p


IIOKyplb, IIOKypHIIIh ; KYPHTh IIOJie)Ky, IIOJie)KHIIIh ; Jie)KclTh i

IIOIIhiD, IIOIIheiiih, f past IIOIIHJia; IIHTh i


IIOChiiiJieTcg; IIOChiiia ThCg

IIOTeMHeeT; TeMHeTh IIOTepeTh p TpeBO)KHTh i

noi.Qa)Ky, noma�HIIIh ; ma,nHTh

7854. rrpe,n;oTapa�neHHe 7855. rrpe,n;rrpHHHMaTh i +a 7856. rrpe,n;mecTaoaaTh i +d 7857. rrpe,n;l>j{BHTh p +a +d

7858 . rrpeHe6peraTh i +inst 7859. rrpeHHj{ n pl 7860. rrpH6pe)I(HbiH 786 1 . rrpHBHTh p +a

7862. rrpHB03HTh i +a

7863. rrpH3 7864. rrpHKpenHTh p +a K +d

7865 . rrpHMeTa 7866. IIpHCBOHTh p +a

7867 . IIpHCMaTpHBaTh 1

3a +inst 7868. rrpHCTaJibHhiH 7869. rrpHCYTCTBYIOJnHH

7870. rrpHyqHTh p +inf or K +d

787 1 . rrpHqecKa 7872. rrpHqy,n;JIHBhiH 7873. rrpo6HBaTbCj{ i 7874. rrporroae,n;oaaTh i +a 7875. rrpopaaThCj{ p

7876. rrpope3aTh p +a

7877. rrpocseqHsaTh i

7878 . rrpocnaBHTh p +a

7879. rrpocTaHBaTh 7880. IIpOCThiH}}

788 1 . IIpOTOKOJI

7882. rrpou;e.n;ypa 7883. rrT:HqKa

prevention to undertake to precede to show, present ( sth to

s .o.) to scorn (s.o. or sth) debate, discussion coastal; riverside to inoculate; inculcate

to bring (by transport)

prize to fasten (sth to sth)


rrpe.n;npHH}}Th p npe.n;mecTayeT npe.n;l>j{BmO, npe.n;'h}}BHIIIh;

npe.n;nj{BJI}}Th npeHe6peqh p g pl npeHHH

npHBhiD, npHBheiiih, past npHBHJia; npHBHBaTh i

npHBO)I(Y, npHB03HIIIh; IIpHBe3TH p

nom pl npH3hi npHKpenmO, npHKpenHIIIh;

IIpHKpeiiJI}}Tb i

to take over, appropriate; npHCBaHBaTh i award

to look after, supervise IIpHCMOTpeTh p

fixed, constant present, (as noun) person

present to train (to do sth)

hairstyle odd, whimsical to fight one's way through npo6HThCj{ p to preach; advocate to break through; tear

to cut through

to be translucent; shine through

to make famous

nponose.n;yro npopaych, npopaeiiihCj{, past

npopaancj{, npopsanach; npOpbiBaTbCj{ i

rrpope)l(y, npope)l(eiiih; npope3aTh/npope3hiBaTh i

npocnasJIIO, npocnaBHIIIh; npocnaan}}Th i

IIpOCTO}}Th p to stand idle sheet (bedding) nom pl npOCTbiHH, g pl npOCTbiHh,

d pl IIpOCThiHgM

protocol; minutes (of meeting)

procedure small bird; tick ( tl') g pl IITifqeK



7884. nyJihc 7885. nycKaii (coil) 7886. nycTLiph m 7887. IIhiJiaTh i 7888 . pa,nHKMhHhiH 7889. pa,ny)I(HhiH 7890. pa36er 789 1 . pa366ii 7892. pa360HHH"t{HH 7893. pa3BeCTHCh p

7894. pa3ropaThc� 7895. pa3,nBHraTh i +a 7896. pa3,npa)l(eHHo 7897. pa3neTaThc� i

7898. pa3MeCTHThC� p

7899. pa3HOBH,[(HOCTh f 7900. pa3,neThc� p

790 1 . pa3o6naqaTh i +a 7902. pa30pBaThC� p

7903 . pa30pHThC� p 7904. pa3peUiaThc� i

pulse let ( = rrycTh) waste ground to blaze radical iridescent; radiant run banditry robber's , brigand' s to get divorced; breed

to flare up, blaze up to move apart with irritation, crossly to fly apart; scatter,

shatter to be seated, placed,

accommodated variety, type to get undressed

to unmask to break; explode

to be ruined, bankrupt to be permitted; be

resolved 7905 . pa3phiBaTh i +a to tear up 7906. paca race (ethnic) 7907 . pacKaHBaThC� i a +pr to repent (of sth) 7908. pacKHHYTh p +a to stretch out, extend 7909. pacnpaBHThC� p c +inst to deal with; straighten

79 10. pacuaeTaTh 79 1 1 . peaJIH3M 79 1 2. peryn.sipHo 79 1 3 . peryn.sipHhiH 7914. peMOHTHpOBaTh i/p +a 79 15 . p)l(aBhiH 79 16 . po6eTh i 79 17 . po3hirphilll

79 1 8 . pOKOBOH 79 19 . poCKOlliHhiH


out to bloom realism regularly regular to repair, redecorate rusty to be timid (lottery) draw; practical

joke fateful luxurious

llycKaii roaoplfr Let him speak g sg rrycThip.si

f pa360HHH"t{h�, n pa360HHHqhe pa3ae,n;ych, pa3ae,n;elllhC�, past

pa3aenc�, pa3aenach; pa3BO,ll;HThC�

pa3roperhc� i pa3,LJ;BHHYTh p

pa3nererhc� p

pa3Memych, pa3MecTHIIlhc�; pa3Memarhc� i

pa3,n;eHych, pa3,n;eHelllhc�; pa3,n;eaa Thc� i

pa3o6naqlfrh p pa3opaeTc�, past pa3opaanc�,

pa3opaanach; pa3phiBarhc� i pa3op.sirhc� i Kyplfrh He pa3pernaeTc�

Smoking is not permitted pa3opaarh p

pacKa�rhc� p paCKH,ll;hiBa Th i pacrrpaamoch, pacrrpaBHIIlhc�;

pacnpaan.sirhc� i pacuaecTH p


po6e10, po6eernh; o- p

7920. p6CJibiH 792 1 . pbiTbC� i B +pr 7922. CaMOOTBep)KeHHhiH 7923. CaHHTapHbiH 7924. ce�HHa 7925 . ceKpeTHbiH 7926. CeKI(H� 7927. CeMhCOT 7928. CeCCH.si 7929. CKJIOHHTb p +a 7930. CJIHRHHe 793 1 . CJIO)KHO 7932. cMernaTh p +a 7933 . CMeiiiaThC� p

7934. CMOJia 7935 . cMymaTh i +a 7936. CMyiUeHHbiH 7937. c66paHHbiH 7938 . COBIIa.LJ;eHHe 7939. coKpamaTh i +a 7940. coMHHTeJibHhiH 794 1 . COCpe�OTQqHTbC.si

p Ha +pr 7942. crraCHTeJibHbiH 7943 . CIIHpT

7944. crrnoqeHHhiH 7945 . CpbiBa TbC.si i 7946. CTaB( e )Hb m

(also cTaBH�) 7947. CTeMHeTb p 7948. cTepeTh p +a

7949. CTOJIKHYTb p +a

7950. CTOH 795 1 . CTOII 7952. cyeTHTbC.SI 1

7953 . cyKOHHbiH 7954. cqacTJIHB(e)u 7955 . cqeThi pl 7956. TapaKaH 7957 . TaXTa 7958 . Tenerpa<l>HhiH


tall, strapping to dig, rummage (in) self -sacrificing medical, sanitary grey hair secret (adj) section

pOIOCb, p6eiiihCR; IIO- p

nom pl ce�HHhi

g ceMHCOT seven hundred session; examinations to bend, bow confluence; merging complicated(ly)


to mix to mix, mingle; get

mixed up tar, pitch to embarrass; trouble embarrassed disciplined; precise coincidence to shorten; reduce doubtful, dubious to concentrate (on)

saving, lifesaving alcohol, spirit


Merna Th I cMeiiiHBa Th CMeiiiHBaTbC� i

nom pl CMOJihi CMYTHTb p


pr sg B CIIHpTe or B CIIHpTy, nom pl CIIHpTbl

to break away; go wrong copBaThCR p shutter g pl cTaBHeii and cTaBeH

to get dark to rub off; grind down

to push off; to knock together

groan stop !

CTeMHeeT; TeMHeTh i coTpy, coTpernh, past cTep,

CTepna; CTHpaTh i CTaJIKHBaTb i

to run around, fuss about cyeqych, cyeTHIIIhCR; 3a- p cloth (adj) lucky man abacus cockroach divan telegraph (adj)

g pl cqeTOB



7959. Teprre.rniBhiH 7960. TeCTO 796 1 . TOJiq( 6 )K 7962. TOIITa ThCg i 7963. TOpr6B( e )ll 7964. TOCK.rnfBO 7965 . TOCK.rnfBhiH 7966. rpe6oBaTeJihHbiH 7967. TpeHHp6BKa 7968. TpeTh f 7969. Tp6HyThCj{ p 7970. Tpyc.rnfBhiH 797 1 . rpgrrhe 7972. rpgxHyTh p 7973. TCC 7974. TyM6a 7975. ryqKa 7976. yrHerarh i +a 7977. y,n;apRTh i +a 7978 . y,n;eJIHTh p +a +d 7979. y,n;oqKa 7980. yKop:U3HeHHO 798 1 . yMeCTHO 7982. YMhic(e)n 7983 . yHH)I(a Th i +a 7984. YHHqTo)l(a Thcg i 7985. yrrpaBJIReMhiH 7986. yrrpaBJIRThCg i

7987. yc:UneHHO 7988. yc:UneHHhiH 7989. yxHTpHThC.SI i (coil)

+inf 7990. YIDT 799 1 . YIDTHO 7992. y.s�cHHTh p +a 7993 . <t>aJihiiiHBhiH 7994. <t>ap<l>6p 7995. Q>aca,n; 7996. xapaKTepH30BaThC.SI

i +inst 7997. xne6HyTh p (coli) 7998. XJIOIIOTaTh i

7999. XOJIO,LJ;( 6 )K (coli)


patient pastry, dough push; jolt to stamp trader drearily depressed, depressing demanding training third to set off cowardly rags to shake shh ! keep quiet! pedestal; bollard small cloud to oppress to strike, hit to allot, give fishing rod reproachfully appropriate! y intention to humiliate to be destroyed controlled to be controlled; (c +inst)

deal with intensively intensive, intensified to manage (to do sth)

comfort, cosiness cosily to understand false porcelain fa�ade to be characterized (by)

to drink to bustle about; make

efforts coolness; cool place

g pl TpeHHp6BOK g pl rpere:U Tp6ra ThC.SI i

y,n;ap.Rw; y,n;apHTh p y,n;eJIRTh i g pl y,n;oqeK

YHH3HTh p YHHqT6)1(HThC.SI p



8000. xoporneHhKO (coli) 800 1 . xpHneTh i 8002. XpHCTHclHCKHH 8003. XpOMclTb 8004. xpoM6ii 8005 . xy,nrnHH 8006. QBeTyiiJ;HH 8007. Qenecoo6pa3HOCTh f 8008. qeJIOBeqHOCTb f 8009. qepHeTh i 8010. qepTOB adj 801 1 . qy,n;OBHIIJ;e 8012. qy)I(6HHa 8013 . rnaxTep 8014. rnepeHra 80 15 . IIIeCTHclJJ;Qa ThlR 80 16. IIITOpa 8017 . rnyprna Th i 801 8. ma,n;HTh i +a 8019 . asaHTIOpHCT 8020. aBHaQHOHHbiH 802 1 . arHTHpOBaTb 1

8022. aKT 8023. clllH (coll) 8024. apryMeHT 8025 . acTpOHOMH» 8026. 6a3HC 8027 . 6anOBclTbCH i 8028. 6ap 8029. 6apxaTHhiH 8030. cnHpTHOH

803 1 . 6arnMaK 8032. 6eJJ;HO 8033 . 6e3BeCTHbiH 8034. 6e3rpaMOTHbiH 8035. 6e3,n;eJI}'rnKa 8036. 6e3JJ;eJibHHK 8037. 6e3JJ;OHHbiH 8038 . 6epe)l(llHBOCTb f 8039. 6epeT 8040. 6ecnnaTHo 804 1 . 6ecnpen}}TCTBeHHbiH 8042. 6eccTparnHo

properly to wheeze Christian to limp lame worst blooming; flourishing expediency humaneness, humanity to turn black devil ' s monster foreign land miner rank, file, column sixteenth (window) blind to rustle to spare adventurer aviation (adj) to agitate, campaign act (of play); document or argument astronomy basis to play about, indulge os bar velvet (adj) alcoholic (adj)

shoe poorly, cheaply unknown illiterate knick-knack, trinket idler bottomless thrift beret free (without payment) unimpeded, unhindered fearlessly

6 eccTpaw Ho


qepHeiO, qepHeernh; no- p qepTosa JJ;ID)I(HHa baker's dozen

no pl; Ha qy)I(6HHe in foreign parts

rnyprny, rnyprnlirnh ma)l(y, ma,n;lirnh; no- p



cnHpTH:bie HanliTKH alcoholic drinks

g sg 6arnMaKa

g pl 6e3,n;eeyrneK



8043. 6erneHCTBO 8044. 6H6nor 8045 . 6:HpJKa 8046. CJIHThCSI p

8047 . CHeCTH p +a

8048. 6JiaHK 8049. 6ne)l;HeTh 1

8050. 6JIH3HTbCR i 805 1 . 6JIH3opyKHH 8052. 6nyJK):laTh i 8053 . 6oraTo 8054. 6oerrpHrrachi pl 8055 . 66HHSI 8056. 66R3HO ( coll) +d +inf 8057. 6pernh f 8058 . 6yJihiJKHHK 8059. 6ypKHYTh p (coll) 8060. aanibTa

806 1 . Ba THhi:H

8062. a6eJKaTh p a +a

8063 . BBhiCh 8064. B)l;OrOHKY ( coll)

8065 . BeHCKHH 8066. BepHThCR i +d

8067. BepCHR 8068. BeCTHHK 8069. ycTapeTh p

8070. B30pBaTbCR p

807 1 . B3�THe 8072. B3�TKa 8073 . BHHHTh i +a B +pr 8074. BKYCHO 8075. YTOHYTb p

8076. BJiaCTHO 8077. BJiaCTHbiH


fury; rabies biologist exchange; stock exchange 6:HpJKa Tpy):la labour exchange to merge, join together

to demolish; take down, take off

form (document) to tum pale to draw near short -sighted to wander richly ammunition slaughter-house afraid breach cobble-stone; cobbles to mutter, growl currency; foreign

currency quilted; cotton-wool

(adj) to run in

upwards in pursuit

Viennese to believe

version messenger to become obsolete,

go out of date to explode

taking, capture bribe to accuse (s.o. of sth) tasty to drown

imperiously imperious; authoritative

COJihiOCb, COJiheiiihCR, past CJIHJICR, CJIHJiach; CJIHBaThCR i

cHecy, cHeceiiih, past cHec, CHecna; CHOCHTb i

6ne,n;Hel0, 6ne,n;Heeiiih; no- p 6JIHJKYCh, 6JIH3HIIIhCR; npH- p

g pl 6oerrpHnacoa g pl 66eH Eil 66R3HO She ' s afraid

6ypKaTh i TBep,n;aR aaJIIOTa hard currency

a6ery, a6eJKHIIIh, a6eryT; a6eraTb i

nyCTHTbCR B,LI;OrOHKY 3a KeM-HH6y,n;h to rush off after s.o.

MHe He aepHTCR, qTo . . . I cannot believe that . . .

ycTapeiD, ycTapeeiiih ; ycTapeaaTh i

a3opaych, a3opaeiiihcR; B3phiBa ThCR i

g pl B3�TOK o6- p

yToHy, yT6Heiiih; TOHYTh/yTonaTh

8078. BJieqh p +a

8079. BO.[(OpOCJih f 8080. B036y)l(.[(aiOIUHH 808 1 . B036y)l(.[leHHO 8082. B03.[(BHrHyTh p +a

8083 . B03.ll;eHCTBOBaTh i/p Ha +a

8084. B03MYTHTh p +a

8085 . Boopy)I(HThC� p 8086. BOCeMHa,[(QaThiH 8087. BOCKJIHI(aTh i 8088 . BOCKpeCHYTh p

8089. socrrHThiBaThc� 1

8090. BIIaCTh p B +a

809 1 . spa)l(,[(a 8092. spa)l(.[(e6Ho 8093. rrpe,nBhi60pHhiH

8094. Bp03h 8095 . BCeHOIUHa� f adj

[m = rn] 8096. BCepOCCHHCKHH 8097. Bhi60pHhiH

8098. Bhi6hiTh p (formal) H3 +g

8099. BhirosapHBaTh i +a

8 100. BhiroH}):Th i +a

8 10 1 . Bhi)I(HTh p

8 102. BhiKHHYTh p +a 8 103 . BhiKJIIOqaTh i +a 8 104. BhiMeCTH p +a

8 105. BLirrna Ta 8 1 06. BhiiiOJIH}):ThC�

to draw; attract

seaweed arousing, stimulating excitedly to raise, erect

to affect, influence, put pressure on

to anger, outrage

to arm os eighteenth to exclaim to come back to life;

revive to be brought up; be

fostered to fall into

enmity hostilely election (adj)

separately night service (church)

all-Russian electoral; elected

to leave

to pronounce; (coli, i only) tell off, reprimand

to drive out, expel

to survive

to throw out to switch off to sweep out

payment to be fulfilled


sneKy, sneqeiiih, sneKyT, past BJieK, BJieKJia

past B03JlBHr, B03JlBHr na; B03,[(BHraTh



BOOpy)l(a ThCSI i

BOCKJIHKHYTh p past socKpec, socKpecna;


srra.[(y ,- srra,neiiih, past arran,

srrana; ana.[( a Th i

rrpe,nBhi60pHaSI KaMIIaHHSI election campaign

)I(HTh spo3h to live apart

BLI6opHa� .[(OJI)I(HOCTh elective office

Bhi6y.[(y, Bhi6y.[leiiih; Bhi6hiBaTh

BhirOBOpHTh p

BhiroH}):IO, BhiroH}):eiiih; BhlrHaTh p

Bbi)I(HBY, Bhi)I(HBeiiih; Bhi)I(HBa Th i

BhiKH.[lhiBa Th i BhiKJIIOqHTh p BhiMeTy, BhiMeTellih, past

BhiMeJI; BhiMeTaTh



8 1 07 . BhlllYKJihlH

8 108. BhllllBblpHyTh p ( coll) +a

8 1 09. BhiSIBJHITh i +a 8 1 1 0. raBaHh f 8 1 1 1 . rep6 8 1 1 2. repOHCTBO 8 1 1 3 . rHMHaCTHKa 8 1 14. roey6qHK (coll) 8 1 15 . roHopap 8 1 1 6. roH.si:ThCSI i 3a +inst 8 1 17 . ropSJ:qHThCSI i 8 1 1 8 . rpa)l(,naHKa 8 1 1 9. rpeThCSI i 8 1 20. ryJIKO

8 1 2 1 . ryn.siHhe

8 1 22. ,neBSITHa,nua ThiH 8 1 23 . ,nen( e )u 8 1 24. ,nep30CTh f 8 1 25 . ,no6asn.sl:Th i +a 8 1 26. ,no6poTa 8 1 27 . ,[J;OHCTOp:UqeCKHH 8 1 28 . ,[J;OKyMeHTaJihHhiH 8 1 29. AOMHa 8 1 30. ,noHeCTHCh p ,no +g

8 1 3 1 . ,noca,nHo

8 1 32. ,[J;OCTaBaTbCSI i +d

8 1 33 . ,nOCTOBepHOCTh f 8 1 34 . .npaTh i (coll) +a

8 1 35 . ,ny66BhiH 8 1 36. ,nypHTh i (coll) 8 1 37 . ,n:biMHhiH 8 1 38 . ,n:biMqa ThiH 8 1 39. ,[J;b.si:KOH 8 1 40. ,n.si,nhKa m (coli) 8 1 4 1 . eJih f 8 142. eMKOCTh f


prominent, bulging; convex

to throw out, chuck out BhiillBhipHBaTh

to reveal, expose BhiSIBJI.si:IO; BhiSIBHTh p harbour coat of arms heroism gymnastics my dear fee; royalties to chase (after) to get excited citizen (f) to warm os resonantly; with an

echoing sound festival, fete, open-air

party nineteenth wheeler-dealer rudeness; audacity to add goodness .. kindness prehistoric documentary (adj) blast furnace to reach (of sounds)


to fall to s .o. ' s lot; (coli) catch it (be punished)

authenticity, reliability to tear; thrash; fleece

oak (adj) to be naughty, fool about smoky smoke-coloured deacon uncle; man, bloke fir; spruce capacity

roH.si:IOCh pa3- p g pl rpa)l(,naHOK rpeiOch, rpeelllhcSI; no- p

g sg ,neJihua

,no6aBJI.si:IO; ,no6aBHTh p no pl

g pl ,n6MeH ,[J;OHeCeTCSI, past ,[J;OHeCCSI,

,noHeCJiaCh; ,[J;OHOCHThCSI i E:U 6:b1no .noca,nHo, qTo oH

ono3,nan She was annoyed that he came late


.nepy, .nepelllh, f past ,npana; pa3o-/co- p

g pl ,n.si,neK

8 143 . )l(ryq:uif 8144. )l(ena TenhHo 8 145. )l(epn6 8 146. )l(epHOB 8 14 7. )I(H3Hepa.[(OCTHhiH 8 148. 3a6seH:ue 8 149. 3a6e)l(a Th p

8 150. 3a66TJIHBO 8 1 5 1 . 3a6peCTH p

8 1 52. 3arap 8 153. 3arHyTh p +a 8 154. 3aropo,n:HTh p +a

8 155 . 3arpy3Ka 8 1 56. 3a.[lep)I(Ka 8 157. 3a3seHeTh p 8 1 58 . 3aJia.[(HTh p (coli)

8 1 59. 3aneTeTh p

8 1 60. 3aJIHThC.si p

8 1 6 1 . 3aMaCKHpOBaTh p +a 8 1 62. 3ana,n:H.si 8 163 . 3apa3a 8 1 64. 3apa3HTh p +a +inst 8 165. 3ape3aTh p +a 8 1 66. 3aCJIOHHTh p +a 8 1 67 . o6Ha,Z:(e)I(HBaTh i +a 8 168. 3aTBOpHTh p +a

8 1 69. 3aTep.siThC.si p (coli)

8 1 70. 3aXJIOTIHYTh p +a 8 1 7 1 . 3am:umaThc.s� i

8 1 72. 3esaTh i 8 173 . 3eMJie.[leJihqecK:uif

burning (it is) desirable mouth, muzzle millstone cheerful, happy oblivion to call in; run off

solicitously to wander in, drop in;

stray suntan to bend to fence in; obstruct

loading delay to begin to ring (+a) to keep repeating

(sth) ; ( +int) get into the habit of

(B +a) to fly in; (3a +a) fly behind

to be flooded; ( +inst) start to do sth vigorously

to disguise, camouflage trap infection; (coli) pest to infect (s.o. with sth) to kill

nom pl )l(epna, g pl )l(epn nom pl )l(epHoBa

3a6ery, 3a6e)I(HIIIh, 3a6eryT; 3a6eraTh i; 3a6e)l(aTh srrepe� to run ahead

3a6pe,n:y, 3a6pe.[lemh, past 3a6pen, 3a6pena

3ar:u6aTh i 3aropo)l(y, 3aropo.[(Hmh;

3aropa)l(:usa Th

g pl 3a,n:ep)l(eK 3a3BeHHT 3aJia)l(y, 3ana�HIIIh

3aJihiDCh, 3aJiheiiihc.si, past 3a1IHnc.s�, 3aJIHnach; 3aJIHBa ThC.si i; 3aJIHThC.si cMexoM to burst out laughing

3aMaCKHpyiO; MaCKHpOBaTh i g pl 3arra�Heif

3apa)l(y, 3apa3HIIIh; 3apa)l(aTh i 3ape)l(y, 3ape)l(eiiih; pe3aTh i

to shield, screen 3acnoH.siTh i to give hope (to), reassure o6Ha�e)I(HTh p to close 3aTBOpiD, 3aTBOpHIIIh;

3aTBOp.siTh i to go missing, be mislaid; 3aTep.siwch; 3aTep:usaThC.si i

vanish to bang, slam to defend os; defend

one ' s thesis (for a higher degree)

to yawn agricultural

3aXJIOTihiBaTh i 3aiQHTHThC.si p



8 174. 3JIO)J;e:H 8 1 75 . 30pKO 8 1 76. 3.siTh m

8 177. H)J;eami3M 8 178 . H36HpaTh i +a 8 1 79. H3)J;aBa ThC.si i 8 1 80. H3)J;aBHa 8 1 8 1 . H3)J;aTeJihCKHH 8 1 82. H3YMJieHHO 8 1 83 . 6yp)l(ya3H.si 8 1 84. KJiaCCOBhiH 8 1 85 . aJIMa3 8 1 86. cocy)J; 8 1 87 . MOHOIIOJIH.si 8 1 88 . II.siTHJICTKa 8 1 89. qaifKa 8 1 90. KHCJIOTa 8 1 9 1 . KOHCYJI 8 1 92. aBCTpH( e )U 8 193. aBCTpHHCKHH 8 1 94. OKOpOK 8 1 95. Ma:H6p 8 1 96. BCeCOID3HhiH

8 1 97 . yr nep6)J; 8 198 . yrrpaBJI.SIIOIUHH m adj

+inst 8 1 99. KOJIOHHaJihHhiH 8200. KpacHoapMe(e)u 820 1 . rnapcp 8202. BOJIOC( 0 )K 8203. CIIeQHaJIH3HpOBaHHhiH 8204. 3KCIICpT 8205 . apa6 8206. 6e)l(eH( e )u 8207. saxTa

8208. TpecT 8209. XOKKeHCT 82 10. BCa)J;HHK 821 1 . BhlqHCJIHTeJihHhiH

8212 . r:urrc


villain sharp-sightedly, vigilantly son-in-law;

brother-in-law idealism to elect; select to be published since long ago publishing (adj) with amazement bourgeoisie class (political) (adj) (uncut) diamond vessel monopoly five-year plan seagull acid; acidity consul Austrian Austrian ham, gammon major all-union (relating to all

the republics of the USSR)

carbon manager

colonial Red Army soldier scarf (a) hair specialized expert Arab refugee watch (on ship); special

work shift trust; group of companies hockey player horseman calculating, computing

plaster (of Paris)

nom pl 3.siTh.si, g pl 3.siTheB

H36paTb p H3)J;aeTC.si; H3)J;aThC.si p

Knaccosa.si 6oph6a class struggle

g pl Il.siTHJieTOK g pl qaeK nom pl KHCJIOThl

g sg ascTpli:Hua

nom pl OKOpOKa

g sg KpacHoapMe:Hua

BhlqHCJIHTeJihHa.si TeXHHKa computers

82 13 . o6rn;aThC.si i c +inst 8214. 3aroT6BKa

8215 . MOHapXH.si 8216. HpaBCTBeHHOCTh f 82 17 . .LJ:nHTeJThHOCTh f 821 8. MHilleHh f 8219. 3apa6oTHhiii:

3apa60THa.si nnaTa (3apnnaTa)

8220. Tpacca

822 1 . Ka3aqHif 8222. KyxapKa 8223 . o6nHrauH.s� 8224. BaJihC 8225. KOpMOBOH

8226. acTpOHOM 8227. ao33peH:ue 8228. KO,neKC 8229. 3qnip 8230. 3ona 823 1 . KHTenh m

8232. KOHUeHTpaUHSI 8233. o6o)K,naTh p (coli) +a 8234. rrpeBOCXO.LJ:HTeJThCTBO 8235. 6yp)Kyif (coli) 8236. H,neiiHhiH

8237 . 3JieKTpOHHhiH 8238. 6yKCHp 8239. naKeii 8240. np6rrycK

824 1 . oca,n(o)K

8242. pacTHTeJihHhiH

8243 . gqeiiKa 8244. apTHJIJiepHCT


associate, socialize (with) state order (for goods); g pi 3aroT6BOK

stocking up monarchy morality duration target

pay, wages, salary

route, course (of road etc .)

Cossack (adj) cook (f) bond waltz stem (of ship - adj) ;

fodder (adj) astronomer opinion, outlook code, codex

B03.LJ:YillHaSI Tpacca airway

f Ka3aqbSJ:, n Ka3aqhe g pi KyxapoK

air (broadcasting); ether BhiHTH B 3<I>:Hp to go on the air ashes, cinders no pi military jacket, high- nom pi KHTen}}

necked tunic concentration to wait excellency (title) bourgeois (noun) ideological; containing

ideas; progressive; high-principled

electronic tugboat; tow-rope lackey; servant (nom pl rrponycKa) pass,

permit; (nom pl rrp6nycK:u) blank, gap

sediment; deposition; after-taste

vegetable (adj)

OCcl,ll;KH precipitation (rain, snow)

cell gunner

pacT:HTeJihHOe Macno vegetable oil

g pl gqeeK



8245. llOHTb i +a

8246. COCyiQeCTBOBaHHe 8247 . 03HMbiH 8248. nopyqHK 8249. r6pHHqHa� f adj 8250. Teppaca 825 1 . sceneHHa� f adj 8252. JIIOK 8253 . CKellTHK 8254. CBeT.siiQHHC� 8255 . xpycTaJih m 8256. nnyr 8257. qacTymKa 8258 . mHpMa 8259. COID3HbiH 8260. cneKyJI.siHT 826 1 . TpeHep 8262. 6pyc( 6 )K 8263 . rpaHHT 8264. KpOJIHK 8265 . MOHyMeHTaJibHbiH 8266. BOL(OpOL( 8267. oqK6

8268. PYLlHHK 8269. <flyT60JI 8270. xyTop 827 1 . noTpe6neHHe

8272. pecny6JIHKaHCKHH 8273 . KpaTep 8274. aTMoc<t>epHhiH 8275. CBeTOBOH

8276. CTaHHQa 8277. pyL(a 8278 . 6a6Ka ( coll) 8279. KaHaLl(e)u 8280. KyKypy3a 828 1 . JIHplfqecKHH 8282. Hapbl pl 8283 . HayqHo-TeXHHqecKHH 8284. cepHbiH 8285 . <PnaHr


to give to drink no:ID, n6Hmh; Ha- p (to s.o./sth)

coexistence winter of crops 03HMhie winter crops lieutenant (tsarist army) maid (servant) terrace universe hatch, hatchway, manhole sceptic luminous crystal, cut glass plough chastushka, witty rhyme screen allied; of the USSR speculator trainer, coach bar, ingot granite rabbit monumental hydrogen point (in scoring) ; (pl)

glasses, spectacles mine (for minerals) football farm; Ukrainian hamlet consumption

republican crater atmospheric light (adj , as in

'light year') Cossack village

g sg xpycTaJI.si nom pl nnyrH

nom pl oqKH, g pl oqK6B; a oqKax wearing glasses

g sg PYLlHHKa

nom pl xyTopa TOBapbl illHpOKOrO IIOTpe6JieHH.si

consumer goods

cseToB:bie n6nochi strips of light

ore nom pl PYLlhi grandmother; old woman g pl 6a6oK Canadian (man) maize lyrical bunk, plank-bed scientific and technical sulphuric flank

g pl Hap

8286. rnecTepKa 8287. rnecp 8288 . 6pyc 8289. erlfneTCKHH 8290. H3JIY"'HlTh i +a 829 1 . KOMMYHHCTifqecKHH 8292. KOHTppeao.JIIOn;Hg 8293 . KOTJIOBclH 8294. JIHH3a 8295 . o663

8296. a)l( ( coll) 8297 . 6ycperqHK 8298. Ky6oMeTp 8299. KypraH 8300. MeTaJIJIYprlfqecKHH 830 1 . o6cepsaT6pHg 8302. oTqeTHhiH 8303 . IIJia Te)I(HhiH 8 304. 11na Te)l( 8305 . IIOKy�a (coll) 8306. coqHhiH 8307. cyrna

8308. arHTaTop 8309. aJihiiHHCKHH 83 10. 6aTj{ m (coli) 83 1 1 . 60JihiiieBHCTCKHH 83 1 2. CTa6HJihHOCTh f 83 1 3 . rHMHa3HCT 83 14. H3YMPY� 83 15 . npoeKTHpOBaHHe 83 16 . ypO)I(clHHOCTh f 83 17 . cpH3KYJihTypa 83 1 8 . ycTHbiH 83 19 . BhieMKa

8320. rapMOIIIKa (coll) 832 1 . ropK6M 8322. 3apg)l(eHHbiH 8323 . KapasaH 8324. KpOHa

8325 . MexaHHKa 8326. HaKH;:J;Ka

six; group of six g pl IIIecTepoK boss, chief beam (of wood or metal) nom pl 6pychj{, g pl 6pycheB Egyptian to radiate communist (adj) counter-revolution foundation pit, trench lens string of carts; military

transport even barman cubic metre barrow, burial mound metallurgical observatory report (ad j), reporting payment (adj) payment while juicy, rich (dry) land (opposite

of sea) agitator alpine dad, father = 6aTrornKa Bolshevik ( adj) stability grammar-school pupil emerald planning crop productivity, yield physical training oral ycTHhiH 3K3aMeH oral examination taking out; collection

(of letters) accordion g pl rapM6IIIeK town committee = ropo�cK6ii KOMHTeT loaded (of weapon) caravan; convoy crown (of tree) ; crown

(currency) mechanics cloak, mantle, cape g pl HaKH;:J;OK



8327. OTCTaBHTb p +a to set aside OTCTaBJIIO, OTCTclBHIIIh ; OTCTaBJI.HTb

8328. rraBHJibOH pavilion 8329. rraTpynh m patrol 8330. rropTOBbiH port (adj) 833 1 . rrpOCHTbCg i +inf or to ask for rrpornych, rrpOCHIIIhCg; rro- p

a/Ha +a 8332. CKYJibllTOp sculptor 8333. yrrHpa Thcg i B +a to lean (against); come yrrepeThcg p

up against 8334. YIIOJIHOM6qeHHhiH plenipotentiary; person

m participle authorized 8335. rna:H6a washer; (hockey) puck 8336. IIITa TCKHH civilian (adj) (not

military) 8337. IIITbiK bayonet g S g IIITbiKcl 8338. anh66M album 8339. Borop6,nHu;a the Virgin 8340. o6Ii,neTb p +a to offend, hurt o6Ii)l(y, o61f,nHIIIh ; o6H)I(a Th i 834 1 . BanoB6:H gross (adj) BanoB6:H ,nox6,n gross income;

BaJIOBOH HaiJ;HOHclJihHbiH rrpo,nyKT gross national product

8342. ron goal (sport) nom pl ron:b1, g pl ron6B 8343. rpy3qHK (3q = In] docker; freight handler 8344. .llBYCTOpOHHHH double-sided, two-way;

bilateral 8345 . ,neBaJihBau;Hg devaluation 8346. ,necgTHHa desiatina (about a

hectare) 8347. K03blp(e)K peak (of cap) g sg K03blpbKa; B3gTb 110,[(

K03bipeK to salute 8348. cy6oeKTHBHhiH subjective 8349. BO)I()I(a rein nom pl BQ)I()I(H, g pl BO)I()I(eH 8350. raMMa scale; gamut, range 835 1 . KapHH3 cornice; ledge 8352. ,npeBeCHHa timber 8353. orrp6c survey; questioning orrp6c o6rnecTBeHHoro MHeHHg

opinion poll 8354. Ka TOJIHqecKHH Catholic (adj) 8355. KOMeTa comet 8356. JIHTepaTop literary man, man of

letters 8357. rrepea63Ka transportation g pl rrepeB63oK 8358. IIO,llBH)I(HbiH mobile, agile 8359. rrpoeKTHbiH planning (adj); projected


8360. paKOBHHa

836 1 . CeMeqKo 8362. cepa 8363 . CMeTaHa 8364. Cy)I(,LJ;eHO +d +inf

8365 . BBO,LJ; 8366. BHeiiiHeiiOJIHTHqecKHM 8367 . spe,n;:HTeJih m 8368. ,LJ;OTaUHR 8369. )I(HJieTKa 8370. 3a6oneBaHHe 837 1 . 3aKanKa 83 72. 3aJie)l(h f 8373 . 3epHOBOM 8374. H3rOTOBJI}]:ThCSI

8375. HHCIIeKUHSI 8376. KOJIJieKTHBH3aUHSI 8377 . KOHCTPYKTOpCKHH 8378. KoonepauHR 8379. JieCHHqHif m adj 8380. JIHIIIeHHe 838 1 . npOH3BO,LJ;HTeJib m 8382. <f>eHOMeH 8383. pa,n;HCT 8384. ynpoqeHHe 8385. ypaH 8386. xaM (coli) 8387. xpycTaJibHhiii 8388. aJIKOrOJIHK 8389. qpeBaThiH +inst

8390. reorpa<l>HR 839 1 . ,n;yrneBHO 8392. H3BeCTh f 8393. KOHIDIIIHSI 8394. Kpyna 8 395 . JIRryiiiKa 8396. MeTaJIJIYprHR 8397. MhiC 8398. o6cne,n;oaa Th i/p +a 8399. oTpe3

(sea)shell; sink, wash-basin

(small) seed sulphur sour cream it is fated

bringing in foreign-policy (adj) pest subsidy waistcoat illness physical training, fitness (mineral) deposit grain (adj)


HaM cy)l(,n;eHo 6hiJio scTpeTHThC.H We were fated to meet

to be manufactured; get H3roTosn}]:eTc.s:; H3roTOBHThCR p ready

inspection collectivization design (adj) cooperation forest warden, ranger deprivation producer phenomenon radio operator strengthening uranium boor crystal (adj) alcoholic (noun) fraught (with)

geography mentally; cordially lime (chemical) stable groats (grain) frog metallurgy cape, promontory to investigate cut

JIHIIIeHHe cao66,n;hi imprisonment

3To qpeBaTO OITaCHOCThlO This is fraught with danger

g pl KoHffirneH

g pl JISiryrneK

pr sg Ha MhiCe or Ha Mhicy o6cne,n;y10



8400. nepeM:HpHe 840 1 . IIJIOT 8402. npe,[(yCMaTpHBaThCg i

8403. IIpHHY)I(,[(eHHe 8404. npHpOCT 8405 . pa3ra,[(aTh p +a 8406. paCTBOpHTh p +a 8407. peaKTHBHhiH 8408. pbiCh f 8409. p10K3aK 84 10. CBji3HCT

84 1 1 . CHHTeTHlfeCKHH 841 2. COCTpa,[(aHHe 8413 . CTapT 8414. cyrnHTh i +a 84 15 . ,[(eKa,[(a 84 1 6. 3aBoeBaTeJih m 8417 . Ka TYIIIKa 84 1 8 . KHTa(e)u 84 19 . KOMeH,[(aTypa 8420. KOTJieTa 842 1 . MaTeMaTHlfeCKHH 8422. MHKpO<flOH 8423. o6ocTpeHHe 8424. IIHpaT 8425 . IIJiaBKH pl 8426. IIOBapeHHhiH 8427. rrpecTapenhiii

8428. nypra 8429. pa3naraTh i +a

8430. penopTep 843 1 . CBHHCTBO ( coll) 8432. ceKpeTaprna (coll) 8433 . Tae)I(HhiH 8434. y6e)l(,[(eHHOCTh f 8435 . IIIOTJiaH,[(CKHH 8436. rnnara 8437. rnTa6H6ii 8438 . mena

8439. 3B0m0l(Hg


truce raft to be envisaged,

be stipulated compulsion Increase guess, work out to open; dissolve jet-propelled trot; lynx rucksack signaller; communica-

tions engineer synthetic compassion start (sport) to dry (sth) ten-day period conqueror reel, spool Chinaman

g sg IIJIOTa

pa3ra,[(hiBa Th -TBOpiD, -TBOpHillh ; paCTBop}}:Tb i

Ha phic}]:x at a trot g sg piOK3aKa

cyllly, cyiiiHillh; Bhi- p

g pl Ka TyllleK g sg KHTaHl(a

commandant' s office cutlet; meatball, hamburger mathematical microphone intensification, sharpening pirate swimming trunks g pl nnasoK culinary aged, of advanced years

blizzard to break down,

decompose, corrupt reporter swinish trick (female) secretary taiga (adj) conviction Scottish sword staff, headquarters (adj) splinter, chip


noBapeHHag KHHra cookery book ,[(OM ,[(Jig npecTapenhiX old

people ' s home no pl pa3JIO)I(HTh p

nom pl menhi, g pl men, d pl menaM

8440. 3KBaTOp 844 1 . }JTHeH( 0 )K 8442. aBCTpaJIHHCKHH 8443. aHTHCeMHTH3M 8444. 6o6 8445 . 6ynaaKa 8446. saTara 844 7. B033BaHHe 8448. BCeMepHhiH

8449. �e6roT 8450. ecTeCTB03HaHHe 845 1 . MHJIOCep�He 8452. Kapycenh f 8453. KOH�HIJ;HOHep 8454. xo3pacqeT 8455. qyThe 8456. HaKaJieHHhiH 8457. HOBaTOp 8458. OllTHMclJihHhiH 8459. OCTOB 8460. OTCeK 846 1 . npHmypHThcg p

8462. npo6er 8463 . npocne3HThcg p 8464. CKyJia 8465. paKeTHbiH 8466. pe3h6a 8467. po�OBOH

8468. COQHaJI-�eMOKpaTH-qecKHH

8469. TyaneT 8470. <flyT60JIHCT 847 1 . qeMO�aHqHK 8472. IIIOBHHH3M 8473. IIIOphi pl 8474. aBaHC 8475. aTeHCTHqecKHH 8476. 6a6yiiiKHH possessive

adj 8477. BhirOBOpHTh p +a 8478. r:HncOBhiH 8479. epech f

equator lamb Australian (ad j) antisemitism bean p1n band, gang appeal utmost, every kind of

debut natural science mercy, charity merry-go-round, carousel air conditioner self-financing


nom pl grHMTa, g pl grHMT

g sg 6o6a g pl 6yJiaBOK

aceMepHag n6MOIT(h all possible assistance

scent; instinct, intuition )l(eHcKoe qyThe female intuition white-hot; tense innovator optimal framework compartment to screw up one' s eyes,

half close one ' s eyes run, race to shed tears cheekbone rocket (adj) carving ancestral; generic; birth

(a�j) social-democratic

toilet footballer small suitcase chauvinism blinkers advance (payment) atheistic grandmother' s

to pronounce, articulate plaster heresy

npHIT(ypHBa ThCg

npocJie)l(ych, npocne3HIIIhcg nom pl CKYJihi

g pl iiiop

B 6a6yiiiKHHOM )l;OMe in grandmother's house

BhirosapHBaTh i



8480. 3aCTeH(O)K 848 1 . Ke<f>:Rp 8482. H3BeCTHTh p +a

(bookish) 8483 . Kanaq

8484. K.JI:RqKa

8485. , KOJIOKOJibqHK 8486. KOMII03H:QHM 8487. KOHTYP

8488. KOOp,nHHa:QHM 8489. KQqKa 8490. Ky6HK 849 1 . Kypa (coll) 8492. KycTapHHK 8493. ne,nHHKOBhiH 8494. nerrHTh i +a 8495. JIHpHKa 8496. Me,nJIHTh i 8497 . MHJieHhKHii 8498. M03aHKa 8499. HarpeBaThCM 8500. 06HOBJieHHe 850 1 . rro3HaTh p +a

8502. rrpHOCTaHOBHThCM p

8503. paCIIHCclHHe 8504. ca)l(a 8505 . CBeTHJIO 8506. ceqeHHe 8507. CJIHBa 8508. CHOIIIeHHe 8509. Tyiiia 85 10. yrrp}]:)I(Ka

85 1 1 . yTorr:RqecKHii 85 1 2. xo,noa6ii

85 13 . qyBCTBHTeJihHOCTh f 85 14. qy,n:HhiH 85 15 . <f>apa


torture-chamber kefir, yoghurt-type drink to inform, notify H3Bemy, H3BecTHIIIh ; H3aemaTh i

kalach (small white loaf) g sg Kanaqa; TepThiii Kanaq old hand

nickname; name (of pet animal)

small bell; bluebell composition contour; outline;

electrical circuit coordination hummock child' s building brick hen bushes, shrubs glacial to model, mould lyric poetry to be slow, tarry sweet, nice, dear mosaic to warm os, warm up renovation to get to know,

experience to stop (for a while),


timetable soot luminary cutting; section plum intercourse carcass team (of horses, dogs);

harness utopian

g pl KJIHqeK

nerr.mb, nerrHIIIh ; Bhi-, c- p

II03HaBclTh i


CHOIIIeHHM dealings, relations

(coll) popular; xo.noa:b1e MHeHHM popular operational, working opinions

sensitivity wonderful headlamp


85 16. 11IJII03 lock, sluice 85 17 . III( 0 )B seam 85 18 . rnpaM scar 85 19 . 3MHrpaHT emigrant, emigre 8520. a36T nitrogen 852 1 . apHCTOKpaT aristocrat 8522. 6ec demon 8523. 6ece�Ka summer-house g pl 6ece�oK 8524. 6JiaroycTpOHCTBO equipping with amenities 8525. 6oJIOTHhiH marsh (adj) 8526. 6pOIIIKa brooch g pl 6p6rneK 8527. BaphHpOBaTh i +a to vary, modify sapblipyiO 8528. BeTBHThC.si i to branch pa3- p 8529. BHIIIh look! 8530. BO�OIIpOBO� water-pipe 853 1 . B036y)l(�clTbC.SI i to become aroused B036y,n;HTbC.SI p 8532. BOCKOBOH wax (adj) 8533. BOCTOpraThC.si i +inst to be delighted (with)

8534. KHHOTeaTp cinema 8535. �OCTYII K +d access (to) 8536. 06'heKT object; construction site,

building 8537. ry6epHaTop governor 8538. ,ll;BOp.HHCTBO gentry 8539. ,UHBHThC.si i (coli) +d to wonder, marvel (at) ,UHBm0Ch, �HBHIIlhC.si; no- p

8540. �HKTaTOp dictator 854 1 . )l(eJio6 gutter, chute nom pl )l(eJio6a 8542. BOeHHO-MOpCKOH naval 8543 . )I(HJIKa vein poMaHTHqecKa.si )I(HJIKa

romantic streak 8544. H3MeJih qeHHhiH crumbled, chopped up 8545. HCIIapeHHe evaporation 8546. KaTep cutter, launch (boat) nom pl KaTepa 8547. TeKCTHJibHbiH textile (adj) 8548. TIOK bale g sg TIOKcl 8549. OTBclJI slag-heap, dump

).1;0 OTBaJia to satiety 8550. HCTeqeHHe outflow; expiry, 110 HcTeqeHHH +g on the expiry

termination of, after 855 1 . KepOCHHOBhiH kerosine (adj) 8552. KOHYC cone 8553. KpeiiOCTHHqecTBO serfdom 8554. Jie�OBhiH ice (adj) 8555. JieiiernKa flat cake; scone; lozenge, g pl JieiierneK




8556. JieCHHK 8557. MaKCHMYM 8558. MaiiiHHHCTKa 8559. o6meHap6,n;HhiH

8560. opHrHHan 856 1 . opHeHTau:u�

forester, forest ranger maximum typist national, of the whole

people original; eccentric (noun) orientation

g sg JieCHHKcl

g pl MaillHHHCTOK

8562. oc:bniaTh p +a +inst to shower (s.o./sth with sth) oc:b1rrmo, oc:birrJieiiih ; OChiiiaTh i 8563. rrephiiiiKO (coll) (little) feather nom pl rrephlillKH, g pl rrephiilleK 8564. rrern:uii ad j 8565 . rr:HTepcK:uii ( coll) 8566. rro6e,n;OHOCHhiH 8567. IIOKapaTh p +a 8568. IIOJIKOBOH adj 8569. IIOIIOJI3TH p

pedestrian, foot (adj) St Petersburg (adj) victorious to punish regimental to crawl

8570. rrp:urr:HcKa (written) addition 857 1 . rrpoMe)l( ( coll) +g or inst between 8572. pe3(e)u cutting tool; incisor (tooth) 8573. perrpo,n;yKUH� reproduction 8574. pHCOBclThC� i 8575 . pyKo}{TKa 8576. ceprr 8577. CHpeHh f 8578. co6aq6HKa (coll) 8579. COIIpHKOCHOBeHHe 8580. CIIJiaB 858 1 . cpe3 8582. CTOK 8583. CTpyifKa 8584. Chip 8585. TepMOMeTp 8586. TpaHCIIOpTHpOBKa 8587. TplOM 8588. yr6,n;he

8589. yuenearn:uii 8590. yqacTHHUa 859 1 . HMeHHe 8592. HHCTHHKT 8593 . HHTeHCHBHhiH 8594. HCIIaHCKHH 8595 . HCIIOJIHHThCji p


to show off, pose; seem handle sickle lilac little dog contact alloy cut; cut edge flow; drain thin stream, trickle cheese thermometer transportation hold (of ship) usable land

surviving participant (f) estate instinct intensive Spanish to be completed, be





p:ucyiOch g pl pyKo}{TQK g sg ceprra

g pl co6aq6HOK

g pl CTpyeK pr sg B c:b1pe/a Chipy, nom pl ChipLI

g pl yr6.n;:uii; rroneBhie yr6,n;h� arable land; ox6THHqhH yr6,n;hj{ hunting grounds


8596. H3B63qHK 8597 . Hccne�oBaTenhCKHH 8598 . KaBKa3CKHH

8599. Ka3apMa 8600. KanKaH 860 1 . KaphepHCT 8602. KaCTpiDJlSI 8603 . Karn(e)nh m 8604. KHH)I(all 8605 . KHIIIKa 8606. KllHH( 6 )K 8607 . Kn6yH 8608. K.rry6( 6 )K 8609. K06eJih m 86 10 . K6e-KaK6H

86 1 1 . KOMMepqeCKHH

86 1 2. KOJIJieKQHOHep 86 1 3 . KOJIO�(e)Q 86 14 . KOllOTHTh i +a 86 1 5 . KoJIIbqKa 8616 . KOMIIJieKT 86 17 . KOHBOH 86 1 8. KOHhKH m pl 86 1 9. KOHh}):K 8620. KOOp�HHHpOBaTh

i/p +a 862 1 . KOIIOIIIHThCSI i 8622. KonqeHhiH 8623 . KOIIhe 8624. KOponeBCKHH 8625 . KOMMyHaJihHhiH

8626. KOCMOHaBT 8627. Kpa6 8628 . KpaCThCSI i

8629. KpOTKHH 8630. Kpyro36p 863 1 . KPY)I(HTh i 8632. KpbiMCKHH

carrier, cabman research (adj) Caucasian, of the

Caucasus barracks trap careerist saucepan cough dagger gut, intestine blade clown ball (of wool etc . ) male dog some, certain


collector well to batter prickle set, complete set escort skates cognac, brandy to coordinate

to swarm smoked spear royal communal

cosmonaut crab to creep

gentle, meek horizon, outlook (+a) to spin; circle Crimean


g pl KHIIlOK

g sg Ko6en}): OH coo6mlln K6e-KaKHe

HOBOCTH He gave us certain items of news

KOMMepqecKHH Mara3HH privately-owned shop

KOJioqy, KOJIOTHIIlh; IIO- p g pl KOJiroqeK

g pl KOHhKOB g sg KOHhSIKa KOOp,nHHHpyiO

nom pl KOIIhSI, g pl KOIIHH

KOMMyHanhHaSI KBapTHpa communal flat (shared by several families)

Kpa,nych, Kpa,neiiihCji, past KpancSI, Kpanach



8633 . Ky�p.siBhiH 8634. KypChl m pl

8635 . naa:HHa 8636. naMrra.ua 8637. naH�IIHl$T 8638 . nerKOMhiCJIHe 8639. neTOIIHCh f 8640. n6BJijf

864 1 . JIO)I(HhiH 8642. I�Yrra 8643. .rnbnhKa 8644. Mar:ucrpanh f 8645. MarHMT 8646. MaMHH (possessive adj) 8647. MapTOBCKHH 8648. MaCKHpOBKa 8649. Max 8650. Maj{THHK 865 1 . MrHOBeHHhiH 8652. Me�HK 8653. Me,UJIMTeJihHhiH 8654. MeCTh f 8655 . Merarh i +a 8656. MeTKO 8657. MeXaHH3MpOBaTh i/p +a 8658 . MHpa)l( 8659. MH<f> 8660. MHOroaeKOBOH 866 1 . M06HJIH3aQHjf 8662. MopiiUIHa 8663. M(o)x 8664. Mypaaeii 8665. MYTh f 8666. MhiCJieHHhiH 8667. MhiqaTh 8668. Ha6ar 8669. HaBeKH 8670. Harnhiii 867 1 . Ha,UCTpOHKa

8672. HaeMHHK 8673. HaJIIfqHhiH


curly course, courses (of

study) avalanche icon-lamp landscape thoughtlessness chronicle catching

false magnifying glass cradle main line; main road magnet mother' s March (adj) disguise, camouflage swing, stroke pendulum instantaneous; momen� doctor; medical specialist slow revenge to throw, cast accurately to mechanize mirage myth centuries-old mobilization wrinkle moss ant sediment mental to moo; bellow alarm bell for ever impudent additional storey;

superstructure mercenary available; cash ( adj)

g pl KypcoB

g pl n6Benh; p:bi6Hajf JIOBJijf fishing

g pl nJbneK

f MaMHHa, n MaMHHO

O.UHMM MaxoM at one stroke


pr sg BO Mxy g sg MypaBh.si, g pl MypaBheB

g pl Ha,UCTpOeK

HanlfqHhie .ueHhr:u cash; HaJI:HqHhiii pacqer cash payment


8674. Harrp.SIMHK (coll) directly; bluntly 8675. Haca.ruiTh p +a Ha +a to fix (sth onto sth) Haca)l(y, Haca,nHmh;

HaCcl)I(HBa Th i 8676. HaceneHHhiH inhabited HaceneHHhiH rryHKT locality, place 8677 . HaCHJihHO by force 8678. HclCMepTh to (the) death HcrryraTh HacMepTh to frighten

to death 8679. HaCTOpO)I(HThC.SI p to prick up one ' s ears, HaCTOpcl)I(HBa ThC.si

be on one ' s guard 8680. HacLimaTh i +a +inst to satiate; fill (sth with HaChiTHTh p

sth), saturate 868 1 . HaChimeHHhiH saturated; rich (in content) 8682. HaTe (coll) here you are, take it 8683 . HaT.SIHYTh p +a to pull tight; pull on HaT.SIHy, HaT�Hemh;

HaT�rHBaTh i 8684. He6narorrpH�THhiH unfavourable 8685 . HeBeCeJihiH joyless 8686. HeBecTh (coll) no-one knows HeBeCTh rroqeMy God knows why

8687. HeB3paqHhiH unattractive 8688. HerpaMOTHOCTh f illiteracy 8689. HeJaMeHHMhiH irreplaceable 8690. HeMHHyeMO inevitably 869 1 . Heo6o3pHMhiH immense 8692. Heo6hit{HO unusually 8693 . HeOCTOpO)I(HhiH careless 8694. HeOT'beMJieMhiH inalienable, integral 8695 . HerrorrpaBHMhiH irreparable 8696. HerrpeMeHHhiH indispensable HerrpeMeHHoe ycn6BHe sine

qua non

8697. HerrpHJIHt{HO indecently 8698 . HepaBHOMepHhiH irregular 8699. HeCJIO)I(HhiH uncomplicated 8700. HeCOMHeHHhiH undoubted 870 1 . HeTp6HyThiH untouched 8702. Hey,n66CTBO discomfort,

inconvenience 8703 . HeycT6HlfHBhiH unstable 8704. HerrpHeMJieMhiH unacceptable 8705. HOTKa note (sound) g pl H6Tox; H6Txa He,nosepu.s�

note of distrust

8706. HY,[(HhiH tedious 8707 . o6,nyMhiBaTh i +a to ponder, think over o6,nyMaTh p 8708. 06H)I(cl ThC.SI i to take offence o6:U,neThC.SI p 8709. o6H)I(eHHhiH offended 87 1 0. 06HTaTh i to live, reside



87 1 1 . o6JIO)I(HTh p +a

87 1 2. 06H.HTbCji p

87 1 3 . o6oraTHThCj{ p

87 14. o6oram;aTh i +a 87 15 . o66H pl 87 1 6. o6opoH.HTbCji i OT +g 87 17 . o6pa,LloBaTh p +a 87 1 8. o6peqeHHhiii 87 1 9. o6pOHHTh p +a

8720. o6CTO.HTeJihHhiH 872 1 . o6cTpen 8722. o6yqaTh i +a +d 8723. 06 hi,LleHHhiH 8724. O)I(HBclTh i 8725. OKHHYTh p:

OKHHYTh B3rn.H.n:oM 8726. OKKynaQHOHHhiH 8727. OKOBhl pl 8728. OKpcliiiHBaTh i +a 8729. orrepe,LlHTh p +a

8730. OIIpclBHThCII: p 873 1 . opraHH30BaHHOCTh f 8732. opraHH30BhiBaTh i +a 8733. opy .n:lfiiHhiii 8734. OCB060)1(,LleHHhiH 8735. 6ceHhiO 8736. OCKOp6HTeJihHhiH 8737. ocna6eTh p

8738. ocnenlfTeJihHhiii 8739. OCHaCTHTh p +a +inst 8740. OC03HclTh p +a 874 1 . OCTaJibHOe n adj 8742. OCTplfqh p +a

8743 . OCTpOB(O)K


( 06 KJicl,[lhiBa Th i) to put round; ( o6naraTh i) assess (for tax)

to embrace one another

to become rich

to enrich wallpaper to defend os (from) to gladden, please doomed to drop (and lose);

let fall

detailed, thorough bombardment to teach (s.o. sth) ordinary to come to life

to glance over occupation (adj) fetters to paint, colour to outstrip; forestall

to recover good organization to organize gun, cannon (adj) liberated, free in autumn insulting to become weak

dazzling to equip (sth with sth) to realize the rest, remainder to cut, clip


o6JIO)I(y, o6JIO)I(HIIIh

o6HHMYCh, o6HHMeiiibCSI, pl past 06HjiJIHCh; o6HHMclThCji i

o6oram;ycL, o6ora THIIIhCji; o6oram;aTLc» i

o6oraTHTh p g pl o66es o6opoH.HIOCh; o6opOHHThCji p o6pa.n:y10; pa.n:osaTh i

o6pOHID, o6poHHIIIh ; no i ; o6poHHTh 3aMeqauHe to let fall a remark, comment

o6yqlfTh p

O)I(HTh p OKH.lJ:hiBa Th i

g pl OKOB OKpclCHTh p orrepe)l(y, onepe,LlHIIIh;

onepe)l(a Th i onpasn.HTLC» i

opraHH30BclTh p

ocna6e10, ocna6eeiiiL; cna6eTL/ocna6esaTh i

OCHam;y, OCHaCTHIIIh ; OCHaiiJ;clTh i OC03HaBclTh i

OCTpHry, OCTpH)I(eiiib, OCTpHryT, past OCTpHr, OCTpHrna; CTpHqb i/ OCTpHrclTh i


8744. OT60H beating off, repulsion; retreat

8745 . OT6hiTh p (+a) to serve (a period of OT6y Jl.Y, OT6y }J,eiiih, f past oT6hiJni; time); (bookish) depart OT6hiBaTh i

8746. oTsara courage 8747. OTBaJIHTh p +a to push away (sth heavy); OTBa.mb, OTBaJIHIIIh;

cast off (boat) OTBaJIHBa Th i 8748. OTBeCHhiH steep 8749. OT3hiBaThC.si i (Ha +a) to respond to; OT03BaThC.si p

affect; (o +pr) give an opinion of

8750. OTKJIHK response 875 1 . OTpbiB(O)K excerpt 8752. OTTaJIKHBa Th i +a to push away, repel OTTOJIKHYTh p 8753 . OThiCKHBaTh i +a to find, seek out OThiCKaTh p

8754. ornli6oqHhiH mistaken 8755 . naHHXH}J,a requiem 8756. nap6M ferry 8757 . naCCHBHhiH passive 8758 . nea(e)u singer 8759. neneJihHHUa ashtray 8760. nepe6p6cHTh p +a to throw over nepe6p6IIIy, nepe6p6cHIIIh;

qepe3 +a nepe6pachiBaTh i 8761 . nepe}J.yMaTh p to change one ' s mind nepe}J.yMhiBa Th i 8762. nepeKphiTh p +a to cover again; block off nepeKp6ro, rrepeKp6eiiih;

nepeKphiBaTh i 8763 . nepeneT flying over; migration

(birds) 8764. nepeHOCHThC.si i to be carried (over) nepeHOIIIYCh, nepeHOCHIIIhC.si;

nepeHeCTHCh p 8765. nepeo}J,esa ThC.si i to change one ' s clothes; nepeo}J,eThC.si p

disguise os 8766. nepenneTa ThC.si i to be interwoven nepennecTHCh p 8767. nepepa66TKa reworking 8768. nepeceqh p +a to cross, cut across nepeceKy, nepeceqeiiih,

nepeceKyT; past nepeceK, nepeceKna; nepeceKa Th i

8769. nepecTynHTh p +a or to step over nepecTynmO, nepecTyrrHIIIh; qepe3 +a nepecTynaTh i

8770. nepCH}J,CKHH Persian 877 1 . nepcoHan personnel, staff 8772. llHmfTh i +a to saw; (coll) nag llHmO, llHJIHIIIh 8773 . nnacTifqecKHH plastic (adj); artistically

expressive 8774. nJieHHTeJihHhiH captivating



8775. IIJIOTHOCTb f 8776. rro6aHaaThcg i +g 8777. rrorpeTbC.SI p

8778 . rrorpy3HThC.SI p

8779. rrorpy3Ka 8780. IIO,[(aBJI.RTb i +a 878 1 . IIO,[(IIepeTh p +a

8782. IIO,[(CTaBHTb p +a IIO,[( +a

8783. IIO,[(CTaBJI.RTb i +a IIO,[( +a

8784. IIO,[(TaJIKHBaTb i +a

8785 . IIO,[(T.RHyThiH

8786. IIQ,[(qHH.RTb i +a +d 8787. IIO)I(epTBOBaTb p

8788. IIOKJI.RCTbC.SI p B +pr or +inf or qTo

8789. IIOKpbiBaJIO 8790. IIOJIOBHQa 879 1 . IIOJIO)J(HTbC.SI p Ha +a

8792. rroeyqKa ( coll) 8793 . IIOJibiH 8794. IIOMaXaTb p +inst 8795 . IIOMe,[(JIHTb p 8796. IIOMepem;HTbC.SI p (coll) 8797. IIOMCT 8798. IIOMeTKa 8799. IIOMOJIHTbC.SI p

8800. rr6rrpHm;e 880 1 . IIOIIYTHO 8802. IIOIIYTHbiH 8803. rropa,[(oaaTh p +a 8804. rropa,lloaaThcg p +d


solidity; density to be rather afraid of to warm os

(i rrorpy)l(aThcg) to immerse os; (i rpy3HTbC.si) to get on board, embark

loading to suppress to prop up

to put under

to put under

to push slightly; ( coll) urge on

self-controlled; well turned out, smart

to subordinate to (+a) to donate; ( +inst)

sacrifice to vow

cover; bedspread floorboard to rely on

pay, wages hollow to wave (for a while) to delay, hesitate to seem dung, droppings mark, note to pray

field (of activity) on the way; in passing accompanying; passing to gladden, please to be glad (at)

rrorpewch, rrorpeeiiihc.SI; rpeTbC.SI i

rrorpy)l(yCh, rrorpy3HIIIhcg

IIO,[(aBJI.RIO; IIO,[(aBHTb p IIO,[(OIIpy, IIO,[(OIIpCIIIb , past

IIO,[(IICp, IIO,[(IICpJia; IIO,[(IIHpaTh i




IIO,[(qHH.RIO; IIO,[(qHHHTb p IIO)I(epTBYIO; )l(epTBOBaTb i



IIOMaiiiy, IIOMaiiieiiih; MaXaTb i Me,[(JIHTb i MepeiUHTbC.SI i



rroiiyTHhiH BeTep favourable wind IIOpa,[(yiO; pa,[(OBaTb i IIOpa,[(yiOCb; pa,[(OBaTbCg i

8805 . nopa)l(eHHhiii 8806. nopyqaTh i +a +d 8807. llOpbiBHCTO 8808. nocneBaTh i (coll)

8809. llOCTHqh p +a

8810 . llOTeMHeBIIIHH 88 1 1 . llOTeqh p

88 1 2. llOTOJIKOBaTh p (coll) o +pr c +inst

88 1 3 . llOTOMCTBeHHhiH 8814 . llOTpgceHHhiH 88 15 . noy)I(HHaTh p 88 1 6. n6xopOHhi pl 88 17 . no-qenoBeqecKH 88 1 8 . noqeM (coll)

8819 . noqTaJihOH 8820. noqTeHHe 882 1 . nogcH.si:Th i +a 8822. npeBhiCHTh p +a

8823 . npe,ZJ;( 0 )K 8824. npe,ZJ;cKa3aHHe 8825 . npeMhepa 8826. npen.si:TCTBOBaTh i +d 8827. npHrJig,ZJ;eThcg p (coll)

K +d 8828. npiiropo,ZJ;

8829. npH,ZJ;YMhiBaTh i +a 8830. npHeMHhiH 883 1 . npH3eMHCThiH 8832. npHKpbiBaThCg i +inst

8833. npHMeHHTeJihHO K +d 8834. npHMhiKaTb i K +d

8835. npHllO,ZJ;HHMaTh i +a 8836. npHnO,ZJ;Hj!ThiH 8837. npHCTaBaTb i K +d

8838. npHXBaTHTh p (coli) +a

defeated; astounded to entrust sth to s.o. jerkily; suddenly to be on time; keep up

with; ripen to comprehend; befall

darkened to begin to flow

to have a talk about sth with s.o.

hereditary staggered, stunned to have supper funeral like a human being how much?; how?

postman respect to explain to exceed

ancestor prediction premiere, first night to hinder to look closely at

suburb to think up reception (adj) ; adopted stocky, squat to use as a cover,

hide behind with reference to to join, side with; (i only)

adjoin, be adjacent to to raise slightly elated to adhere (to); pester

(s.o.) to grip; fasten; take


nopyqliTh p

llOClleTh p

nocTHrHy, rrocTHrHernh, past llOCTHr, llOCTHrJia; llOCTHraTh i

llOTeKy, IIOTeqernh, llOTeKyT, past noTeK, noTeKna; Teqh i


y)I(HHaTh i g pl noxop6H, d pl noxopoHaM

IJoqeM BHHorpa,ZJ;? How much are the grapes?

nogcH.si:IO; nogcHHTh p npeBhiiiiY, npeBhiCHIIIb;

npeBhiiiiaTh i

npen.si:TCTBYIO npHr Jig)l(yCb, npHr Jiji,ZJ;HillbCg;

npHr JI.si:,ZJ;biBa ThCji i

llpH,ZJ;yMaTh p

npHKpbiThCg p


npHllO,ZJ;H.si:Tb p

npHcTaro, npHcTaeiiih; npHCTaTb p

llpHXBaqy, llpHXBaTHIIIh; npHXBaThiBaTh i



8839. rrpuquH.RTh i +a 8840. rrpoaHaJIH3HpoBaTh

p +a 884 1 . rrpo6y,z:uirh p +a

8842. rrpo6hiTh p

8843 . rrporoJio,LJ;aThC.si p 8844. rrpo�suraThc.s� i 8845 . rrpo,n:OBOJihCTBeHHhiH

8846. rrpo,n:yKTHBHOCTh f 8847. rrpoe3� 8848. rrp63BHm;e 8849. rrpeCTYIIHOCTh f

8850. rrpoKaT 885 1 . IIpOKJI.RTHe 8852. rrpoJie3Th p B +a

8853. IIpOJIHBclTh i +a 8854. rrpOJIO)I(HTh p +a

8855. rrpoMeH.RTh p +a Ha +a 8856. rrp6Mhic(e)JI 8857. rrpOH3HTeJihHhiH 8858 . IIOJIHOUeHHhiH

8859. rrpocBeT 8860. rrpOCTHTeJihHO 886 1 . IIpOTHBOIIOCTaBHTh

p +a +d

8862. rrpoT.R)I(HO

8863. rry6JIHKaQH.si 8864. rrycK 8865. II.siTepKa

8866. pa36HBaThC.si i 8867. pa3BHTOH m adj 8868. pa3rOBOpHThC.si p 8869. pa3HHYTh p (coll) +a 8870. pa3JieTeThC.si p


to cause to analyse

to awaken

to spend (a certain time)

to get hungry

rrpHqHH.RIO; IIpHqHHHTh p rrpoaHaJIH3Hpyw;

aHaJIH3HpOBaTh i rrpo6y)l(y, rrpo6y ,n:Hrnh;

6y ,n:IiTh i/rrpo6y)K�a Th i rrpo6y�y, rrpo6y�ernh, past

rrp66hiJI, rrpo6hiJia, rrp66biJio

to advance, move forward npo�BHHYThC.si p food (adj) npo,n:oBOJihCTBeHHhiH Mara3HH

productivity thoroughfare; journey nickname crime, criminality

hire curse to climb through, go

through to spill to lay

to exchange (sth for sth) trade, business penetrating genuine, complete, of

good quality shaft of light; aperture pardonably to contrast (sth with sth)

slowly, lingeringly; with a drawl

publication starting up, launch the number five;

excellent (exam mark) to get broken developed, mature to become talkative to gape to fly away; shatter

food shop

opraHH30BaHHa.si npeCTYllHOCTh organized crime

npoJie3y, npoJie3eiiih, past npoJie3, npoJie3Jia; npoJie3a Th i

npOJIHTh p npOJIO)I(y, npOJIO)KHIIIh ;

npOKJicl,llhiBa Th i npoMeH.RIO; npoMeHHBaTh i

noJIHOUeHHa.si nlima proper food


pa3eBaTh i; pa3HHYTh poT to gape pa3Jieqych, pa3JieTHIIIhC.si;

pa3JieTa Thc.s� i

887 1 . pa3orpeTh p +a

8872. pa3paCTHCh p

8873. pa3pe3aTh p +a

8874. pa3y3HaTh p +a 8875. pa3ne3A 8876. pa31>.siCHeHHe 8877. pa3n.sicH}]:Th i +a 8878. pacKpbiThC.sl p

8879. pacnpomaThC.si p (coll) c +inst

8880. paccnpocHTh p +a

888 1 . paccTp6eHHhiH 8882. paCTBOpHThC.sl p 8883 . paCXcl)I(HBaTh i 8884. pBaHyTh p +a

8885 . peKOHCTpyHpOBaTh i/p +a

8886. peJibe<}> 8887. penpeccH.s�

8888 . pHCKHYTh p 8889. po�HTeJibCKHH 8890. po�HHK 889 1 . pOMclHTHKa 8892. pearlipoBaTh Ha +a 8893. py6HHOBhiH 8894. py6pHKa 8895. pyKono)l(aTHe 8896. pbi60JIOBHhiH 8897. ca�OBO� 8898. CclMKa 8899. caMor6H 8900. CaMoy6HHCTBO 890 1 . caxapHbiH 8902. c6e)l(aTh p

8903 . CBeKJia 8904. CBeprHyTh p +a

to heat up

to grow, expand

to cut up

to find out departure, dispersal explanation to explain to open, open up;

be revealed to say goodbye (to s.o.)

to question (s.o.)

upset to open; dissolve to pace up and down to tug; (coli) jerk into

motion to reconstruct

relief (geog, art) repression

to take a risk parents ' spring (water source) romance, romanticism to react (to) ruby (adj) heading, rubric handshake fishing (adj) gardener female (animal) home-made vodka suicide sugary to run down; run away

beet to overthrow


pa3orpeiO, pa3orpeemh; pa3orpeBaTh i

pa3pacTeTCSI, past pa3pOCCSI, pa3pocJiach; pa3pacTaThcSi i

pa3pe)l(y, pa3pe)l(emh; pa3pe3aTh i

pa3y3HaBaTh i pa3ne3�hi travels

pa31>SICHsiiO; pa31>SICHHTb p pacKp6IDch, pacKp6emhc.s�;

paCKpbiBclThC.sl i also pacnpOCTHThCSI p

paccnpomy, paccrrp6cHmh; paccnpamHBa Th i

paCTBOp}]:ThCSI i


cTaJIHHCKHe penpeccHH Stalin's purges

pHCKOBclTh i

g sg po�HHKa

pear:Hpy10; npo-/ oT- p

g pl CclMOK

c6ery, c6e)I(HIIIh, c6eryT; c6eraTh i

cBeprHy, cBeprHeiiih, past cBepr, cBeprJia; cBepraTh i



8905 . CBeTaTh i

8906. CBeTCKHH

8907. cs6iicTBeHHO +d 8908. CBg3biBaThCjl i C +inst

8909. cropaHHe 8910 . cropjlqa 89 1 1 . C�BHHYThiH 89 1 2. c�ep)J(aThcjl p

89 1 3 . C�ep)I(HBa TbCjl i 89 14. cBiiTep 89 1 5 . CeKTOp 89 16 . cephe3HOCTh f 89 17 . CH6Hp}):K 89 1 8. CHTO 89 1 9. CKB03HOH

8920. CKJI}]:HKa 892 1 . CKOBOpO�Ka

8922. CKOllHThCji p 8923. CKOporOBOpKa

8924. CJiaBHThCji i +inst 8925 . CJiaB}]:HCKHH 8926. CJIO)J(eHHe

8927. CMhiTh p +a 8928. CHHMaThCjl i

8929. co6aqKa 8930. co6mo�aThCjl i

to get light, dawn

(high) society (adj) ; secular

(it is) characteristic (of)

B HIDHe cseTaeT paHo It gets light early in June

to communicate with; CBj13aThCjl p ( coll) get involved with

combustion in the heat of the moment shifted to control os

to control os sweater sector seriousness Siberian sieve through (adj)

phial, bottle frying-pan

to accumulate tongue-twister; rapid

speech to be famous for Slavonic build, composition;

addition (arithmetic)

c,n:ep)I(HBa ThCjl i c�ep)l(a Thcjl p nom pl cBHTepa

CKB03HOH BeTep draught; CKB03HOH n6e3� through train

g pl CKJI.HHOK g pl CKOBOpO,LJ;OK; dim of

cKosopo�a frying pan CKOIIHTCji; CKOIIJI.S:TbCjl i g pl cKoporos6poK; rosopHTh

CKoporos6pKoii to gabble CJiaBJIJOCh, CJiaBHIIIhCjl

to wash off cM6IO, cM6eiiih; CMhiBaTh i to be taken off; cH}]:ThCjl p

move off; have one ' s picture taken

small dog; trigger; catch g pl co6aqeK to be observed, be

adhered to 893 1 . coseToBa ThCji i c +inst to consult coseTyiOch; no- p 8932. conpHKacaThCjl i c +inst to adjoin, be in contact

with 8933 . copH}]:K 8934. cocqHTaTh p +a 8935 . COTBOpHTh p +a 8936. COQHaJI-�eMOKpaT


weed to count to create social democrat

g sg copHj{Ka cqHTclTh i TBOpHTh i

8937. coqeTaTh i/p +a c +inst 8938. crra.u 8939. cneKyn}):uHji 8940. CTieiiiHO 894 1 . crreiiiHhiH 8942. CTapaTeJihHO 8943 . CTaji 8944. cTep)l(( e )Hh m 8945 . CTHpKa 8946. CTHXHYTh p 8947. CTpaTerHji 8948. CTpOIIHJIO 8949. cyesepuhiH 8950. cyxonyTHhiH 895 1 . cyir(HH (coll) 8952. CIOPTYK 8953. Ta6nJiqKa

8954. TaKTHqecKHH 8955. TaHKOBhiH 8956. Tapa 8957. TaTapCKHH 8958 . TBopqecKH 8959. Teneu(o)K 8960. TOJIKOM (coll)

896 1 . TeopeTJiqecKH 8962. Tep3aTh i +a 8963 . TeCHOTa

8964. TeXHHKYM 8965 . THrp 8966. TOMHTeJihHhiii 8967 . TOHKO 8968. TOPT 8969. TpaMTinHH 8970. TpeBO)I(HThCji i 897 1 . TpeyrOJihHHK 8972. TpHHa,UUaTh 8973 . Tir(aTeJihHhiH 8974. ThiKaTh i 8975 . y6HpaThCj{ i (coli)

8976. yroB6p 8977. yKa3aHHe

to combine (sth with sth) fall, slump speculation urgently, hurriedly urgent diligently, painstakingly flock, pack pivot, rod washing (of clothes) to abate strategy rafter, roofbeam superstitious ground (adj) (troops) real, absolute frock-coat door -plate, nameplate,

plaque tactical tank (adj) packaging Tatar (adj) creatively calf clearly; properly

theoretically to torment; pull about tightness; cramped

conditions technical college tiger tiresome thinly; delicately; subtly cake spring-board; ski-jump to worry triangle thirteen thorough to prod to tidy up; clear off,

make os scarce agreement; persuasion indication; instruction


past CTHX, CTHXJia; CTHXaTh i

cyir(ajl rrpas.ua the honest truth g sg CIOpTyKa g pl Ta6nJiqeK

TaHKOBhiH ITOJIK tank regiment

nom pl Ten}):Ta, g pl Ten}):T Ou TOJIKOM uHqer6 ue c):lenaeT

He won't do anything properly

BC- p

Thiqy, Thiqeiiih; TKHYTh p

y6paThCji p



8978 . y.naneHHe 8979. y,npaTh p (coli)

8980. yKa3hiBaThC.si i 898 1 . YKJIQHqHBO 8982. YKOp 8983 . yKyTaTh p +a 8984. yneqhc.s� p

8985. ynyqrnaThc� i 8986. yMeJibi:H 8987. yMeHhiiiHThC.si p 8988. YMHo)l(aTh i +a 8989. yH:biH:ue 8990. yn6pCTBO 899 1 . ynpaBHThC.si p (coli)

c +inst 8992. ypery .rrHposaH:ue 8993. ycaThiH

8994. ycJIOBHThC� p C +inst o +pr/inf


8996. yCJihiXaTh p +a

8997. ycMaTpHBaTh i +a s +pr

8998. ycTpeMHThC.si p Ha +a

8999. yTeiiiHTh p +a 9000. yTpaqHBaTh i +a 900 1 . yxsa THTh p +a

9002. <f>aKen 9003. <f>aKTifqecKHH

9004. <f>epMep 9005. <f>:u31fqecKH 9006. <f>ne:M:Ta 9007. <f>opM:uposaTh i +a 9008. XH)KHHa 9009. XHXHKaTh 9010. XJia,LJ;HOKpOBHhiH


removal to run away, do a bunk

to be indicated evasively reproach to wrap (s.o.) up to lie down; (p only) calm

down; (p only) settle to improve skilful to diminish, decrease to multiply dejection, gloom persistence; obstinacy to cope with

regulation; adjustment with a moustache;

whiskered to make an arrangement

(with s.o. about sth/to do sth)

conditionally, provisionally

to hear

to see (sth in sth), interpret as

to rush, dash; be fixed on, aspire to

to console to lose to seize

torch actual

farmer physically flute to form shack, cabin to giggle cool, calm, composed

y,nepy, y,nepemh, f past y,npana; y.n:upaTh i

yKa3aThC.si p

YKYThiBa Th i yn.sirych, yn.si)KeiiihC.si, yn.siryTc.si, past

ynerc.s�, ynernach; yKna.nhiBaThC.R i y JIYqlll:UThC� p

yMeHhiiia ThC.si i YMHO)K:UTh p

ynpaBJIIOCh, ynpaBHillhC.si; ynpaBJI.siTbC� i


YCJihiiiiY' YCJihllllHIIIh; = ycn:biiiia Th p


ycTpeMmOCh, ycTpeMHlllhC.si; ycTpeMJI.siTbC.si

yTeiiiaTh i yTpaqy, yTpaTHIIIh; yTpaTHTh p yxsaqy, yxsaTHIIIh;

yxsa ThiBa Th i

<f>aKTifqecKoe npH3HaHHe de facto recognition



901 1 . xpa6pOCTh f bravery 901 2. xpllnJio hoarsely 901 3 . xpllnJihiii hoarse 9014 . u;apliu;a tsarina, empress 901 5 . qacTeHhKO (coll) quite often 901 6. qacTJiqHo partially 9017 . qepBh m worm g sg qepB}}, nom pl qepBH, g pl

qepaeii 901 8 . qepHOMOpCKHH Black Sea (adj) 90 1 9. qy,n:HO wonderfully 9020. qyTKHH sensitive 902 1 . rnaJiarn cabin (made of branches) g sg rnaJiarna 9022. rnaMnaHcKoe n adj champagne 9023. rnaxMa THhiH chess (adj) 9024. IIIKa<}> qHK small cupboard 9025 . lliJieiTHYTh p +a to smack rnJiena Th i 9026. rnocceiiHhiH highway (adj) 9027. meJIKa chink g pl meJioK 9028. ll1;HT shield g sg II1;HTa 9029. 3KOHOMHO economically, thriftily 9030. 3HepreTHKa power engineering 903 1 . 3CTpa):(a stage 9032. 3THKa ethics 9033 . jiHTapHbiH amber (adj) 9034. jiHTaph m amber g sg IbHTap}] 9035 . a):( hell pr sg a a):(y 9036. aKKOp):( chord 9037. aKTHBH3ai.J;Hji acti vization 9038 . aJITapb m altar g sg aJITap}] 9039. aHTeHHa antenna; aerial 9040. aneJihCHH orange 904 1 . anOCTOJI apostle 9042. apMeHCKHH army (adj) 9043. accHrHoaaHHe allocation accHrHoaaHHg Ha Hap6�Hoe

o6pa3oaaHHe funding for education

9044. 6apaH ram (sheep) 9045 . 6a}]H bayan, Russian accordion 9046. 6e3rpaMOTHOCTh f illiteracy 9047. 6e3,n:Ha abyss; (coli) +g great 6e3�Ha ):(eJI a huge number of

quantity things to do 9048. 6e3):(YlliHbiii heartless 9049. 6e33aBeTHO selflessly 9050. 6e3MOJIBHO silently



905 1 . 6e3HaKa3aHHO 9052. 6e30IIHI6oqHo 9053 . 6e3ycnernHo 9054. 6enlina pl 9055 . 6epeqhc� i

9056. 6eccne.nHo

9057. 6eCCTbi,[(HO 9058 . 6H3HeCMeH 9059. 6narononyqHhlH 9060. 6narocnoBHTh p +a

906 1 . 6Jia)l(eHCTBO 9062 . .nonycTHMhiH 9063. 6JIHH,[(a)l( 9064. 6mb.neqKo 9065 . 6oraq 9066. 6o.npo 9067. 66HKO 9068. 6oM6HTh i +a 9069. 6pacneT 9070. 6pO)I(eHHe 907 1 . 6poH� (6pOHh)

6poHj{ 9072. 6poc( o )K 9073. 6y.nKa 9074. 6yKBaJihHhiH 9075. 6yTep6po.n 9076. 6yxranTep [buhaltyer] 9077. 6ropoKpaTiiqecKHH 9078 . 6IOpOKpaTH� 9079. Br JI�,[(eThC� p B +a

9080. s.npe6e3rH 908 1 . seH(e)Q 9082. secenliTh i +a 9083 . BeCOMhiH 9084. se�HQa 9085. B3aHMOBhirO,[(HhiH 9086. B3hiCKaHHe 9087 . BHHOrpa,[(HHK 9088. BHHT


with impunity correctly, accurately unsuccessfully whitewash to be careful

without trace

shamelessly businessman successful to bless

bliss permissible dugout small dish, saucer rich man cheerfully, heartily boldly, briskly to bomb bracelet ferment reservation, booking armour-plating throw; bound booth literal (open) sandwich bookkeeper bureaucratic bureaucracy

g pl 6en:Hn 6eperych, 6epe)l(eii1hC�,

6eperyTc�, past 6eperc�, 6epernach

Hcqe3HYTh 6eccne.nHo to vanish without trace

6narocnos.rnb, 6narocnoBHI.IIh; 6narOCJIOBJIRTh i

g sg 6JIHH,[(a)l(a

g sg 6oraqa

6oM6.rnb, 6oM6Hrnh; pa3- p

g pl 6y,[(OK

to look closely at, peer at sr JI�)I(YCh, Br JI�,[(HI.IIhc�; Br JIR,[(hiBa ThC� i

to pieces crown, wreath; halo to cheer up; amuse pa3- p weighty little thing, knick -knack mutually advantageous penalty, punishment vineyard screw; propeller g sg BHHTa

9089. AO.JirocpoqHhiH 9090. BHUe-npe3HAeHT 909 1 . BJieBO 9092. BHYIIIHTeJihHO 9093. BOBJieKaTh i +a B +a 9094. Bo,n;onaA 9095. BOe,n;HHO

9096. BOeHIQHHa 9097 . BO)I(clK 9098. B03BhiiiieHHhiH

9099. BOJI 9 100. BOllHIDIUHH

9101 . BOpOBCTBO 9 102. BOpOHa 9103 . BOpqJIHBO 9104. BOCeMhCOT 9 105 . BCe06'heMJIIOI.UHH

9106. BYJILrapHLiii 9 107 . BXOAHOH m adj 9 108. Bhi6HBaTb i +a 9 109. Bhirpy3HTh i +a

9 1 10 . BhiAaBaTbC� 1

9 1 1 1 . BhiAaqa 9 1 1 2. BhiABHraThC�

9 1 1 3 . Bbl)I(H):lclTCJihHO 9 1 14 . Bhi)I(HAaTCJihHhiH 9 1 1 5 . Bhl)I(HAa Th i +a 9 1 1 6. Bhl)I(HMclTh i +a 9 1 1 7 . Bhi3AOPOBCTh p

9 1 1 8. BhlKJiaAhiBaTh i +a

9 1 19 . BhiHblpHyTh p 9 1 20. BhiCOBhiBaTh i +a 9 1 2 1 . BhiCOKOKaqecTBCHHhiH 9 1 22. BhiXBaThiBaTh i +a 9 1 23 . rep6HCKHH

long-term vice-president to the left impressively to involve (s.o. in sth) waterfall together

militarism; militarists guide, leader elevated; lofty

ox flagrant, scandalous

stealing crow grumpily, querulously eight hundred comprehensive,

all-embracing vulgar entrance (adj) to knock out, dislodge to unload

to stick out

issue, giving out to move out; go up in

the world expectantly waiting, expectant to wait (for) to squeeze out to recover, get better

to put out, set out; (+a +inst) face, cover (sth with sth)

to come to the surface to thrust out high-quality to snatch; pull out heroic


co6paTh BOC,UHHO to bring together

BO)I(aKa B03BhllliCHHhiH CTHJih elevated

style g sg BOJia BOnHJbmee 6e3o6pa3He

absolute disgrace


BXOAHa� nnara entrance fee Bhi6HTh p Bhlrpy)l(y, Bhirpy3HIIIh;

Bhirpy)l(a Th i BhiAaiDCh, BhiAaeiiibc�;

Bbi,Ua ThC� p

BhDKAaTh p Bhi)I(aTh p Bb13,UOpOBeiO, Bhl3,11;0pOBeeiiih;

Bh13AOpaBJIHBa Th BhiJIO)I(HTh p

BhiHhlpHBaTh BhiCYHYTh p

BhiXBa THTh p



9 1 24. r JIHHHCThiH 9 1 25 . rJIOT(O)K 9 1 26. rHyTh i +a 9 1 27 . ro,n;HhiH 9 1 28 . roJIJiaH,LJ;CKHH 9 1 29. rOJIOJie,n;

9 1 30. ropJihiiiiKO

9 1 3 1 . ropqlfua 9 1 32. rpo3HThC,SI i (coli) +inf 9 1 33 . rpoxoTaTh i 9 1 34. rp,SI,n;a 9 1 35 . rpH,n;Ka

9 1 36. ry6:HTeJihHhiH 9 1 3 7. ,n;eBCTBeHHhiH 9 1 38 . ,[{e)l(ypHTh i 9 1 39. ,n;eTBopa (coli) 9 140. ,n;eMHHe (bookish) 9 14 1 . ,n; o6po,n;yiiiH o 9 1 42. ,LJ;06hiBclThC,SI i 9 143. ,[J;OBepHTeJihHO 9 144. ,[{OBepHTh p +d

9 145. ,[J;OBepHThC,SI p +d 9 146. ,n;osepqHBhiH 9 14 7. ,[{ 0 )I(,[{HK 9 148. ,ll;OKJicl,[{qHK 9 149. ,LJ;OKTpHHa 9 1 50. ,n;oHeceHHe 9 1 5 1 . ,[{OCTOBepHhiH 9 1 52. ,LJ;OXHYTh i

,LJ;OXHYTh p 9 153 . ,n;omeqKa 9 1 54. ,LJ;OMpKa 9 1 55 . ,n;pO)I(h f 9 1 56. ,n;y6:HHa

9 1 57. ,n;yra 9 158 . ,n;y,n;Ka

9 1 59. L{hiMOBOH 9 1 60. L{hlpMBhiH 9 1 6 1 . ,[{hHBOJihCKH


clay (adj) gulp, mouthful to bend suitable Dutch covering of ice; icy

weather neck (of bottle); small

throat mustard to threaten to thunder, rumble ridge; bed (garden) bed (for plants) ,

flowerbed destructive virgin (adj) to be on duty

rHy, rHeiiih; co- p HH K qeMy He ro,n;HhiH worthless

g pl ropJihiiiieK

rpo)l(yCh, rpo3HIIIhC,SI; no- p rpoxoqy, rpox6qeiiih; 3a- p nom pl rpM,n;hi , d pl rp,SI.[(aM g pl rpH,llOK

kids no pl act, action kindly, good-naturedly to be obtained ,n;o6:biThC,SI p confidentially to trust; (+a +d) entrust ,n;oBepHTh p

(sth to s.o.) to trust (in), confide in ,n;oBepMThC,SI trusting shower (rain) speaker (at conference) doctrine report, dispatch reliable to die (of animals) to breathe nameplate; small board milkmaid trembling cudgel, club; blockhead,

idiot arc, curve pipe, fife

smoke (adj) full of holes devilishly

,[{OXHeT, past ,[{OX, ,[{OXJia; no- p ,[{OXHy, ,[{OXHeiiih; ,[(hiiiiclTh i g pl ,n;omeqeK g pl L{OHpOK

nom pl ,n;yrH g pl LlY.LlOK; (coli) ,[(y,n;KH ! Not

likely ! No way !


9162. e,LJ;HHO,LJ;YIIIHO unanimously 9163 . )l(aJio6HhiH plaintive; complaints )l(ano6HaSI KHHra complaints

(adj) book 9164. )I(HByqHH hardy, enduring 9165. )I(HBheM (coll) alive 9166. )!(liTHe life, biography 9167. 3a6opMoTaTh p +a to mutter 3a6opMoqy, 3a6opM6qernh;

6opMOTaTh i 9168. 3a6pOCHTh p +a to throw, cast; abandon; 3a6p6IIIy, 3a6pOCHIIIh;

neglect 3a6pachiBaTh i 9169. 3aBepiiiaThCSI i to be finishing, end 3aBepiiiHThCSI p 9170. 3asern:a Th i/p +a +d to bequeath (sth to s .o.) 917 1 . 3ara,LJ;oqHo mysteriously 9172. 3arJIOXHYTh p to die away; stall past 3ar n6x, 3ar n6xna;

(engine); go to seed rJIOXHYTh 9173 . 3aroH.siTh i +a to drive in 3aroH.slw; 3arHaTh p

3aroH.siTh p +a to tire out 3aroH.siiO 9174. 3arp66HhiH beyond the grave 3arp66HhiH MHp the next world 9175 . Ja,LJ; back, rear; rump, pr sg Ha 3a,LJ;y, nom pl 3a,LJ;hi

backside 9176. 3a,LJ;6nro long before 3a,LJ;6nro ,LJ;O KOHu;a long before the end 9 177 . 3a,LJ;OXHYThC.si p to suffocate 3a,LJ;hiXaThCSI i 9178 . 3a)I(Hra ThCSI i to light up, be lit 3a)l(eqhcSI p 9179. 3a)I(MypHThCSI p to screw up one ' s eyes; )I(MypHThCSI i

half -close one ' s eyes 9 1 80. 3aHHTepec6BaHHhiH interested (in)

B +pr 9 1 8 1 . 3aKHITeTh p to boil 3aKHITHT; KHITeTh 9 1 82. 3aKna,LJ;Ka laying; bookmark g pl 3aKJia,LJ;OK 9 1 83 . 3aKphiThC.si p to be closed; close 3aKp010Ch, 3aKpOeiiihCSI;

down; cover os 3aKphiBa ThCSI i 9 1 84. 3aMOTaTh p +a to wind, twist; tire out 3aMaThiBaTh i 9 1 85 . 3aHoqesaTh p to spend the night 3aHoqyw; HoqesaTh 9 1 86. 3aOKeaHCKHH transoceanic 9 1 87 . 3anaCTHCh p +i to stock up (with) 3anacych, 3anacernhCSI, past

3anaccSI, Jarracnach; 3arracaThCSI i 9 1 88 . 3aiTO,[I;03pHTh p +a to suspect (s.o. of sth) 3ano,LJ;a3pHBaTh i

B +pr 9 1 89. 3ano3,LJ;aTh p c +inst to be late (with) 3arra3,LJ;hiBaTh 9 1 90. 3arrpeT ban 9 1 9 1 . 3anpSiraTh i +a to harness 3anp.siqh p 9 1 92. 3aiTyTaThCSI p to get confused 3anyThiBa ThCSI 9 1 93 . 3ap6CIIIHH overgrown 9 1 94. JacecTh p (coll) to sit down, lodge os 3acR,LJ;y, 3aCR,LJ;eiiih, past 3acen,

3acena; 3aca)I(HBaThCSI i



9 1 95 . 3aCJIOHMTh i +a 9 1 96. 3aCTeHqHBhiH 9 1 97 . 3aTaHTh p +a

9 1 98 . 3a TPY ,[(HMTh i +a

9 1 99. 3aTM)I(Ka

9200. 3ayJihi6aThCSI p 920 1 . 3aypM,[(HbiH 9202. 3eneHeTh i 9203. KOHCTaTHpOBaTh i/p 9204. 3HaMeHHTOCTh f 9205 . 3HOH 9206. 3penhiii 9207. 3peTh i 9208. HMIIOpTHbiH 9209. H,[(HJIJIHSI 9210. H,[(OJI 92 1 1 . H36HTh p +a 92 1 2. H3JIHIIIHe 92 1 3 . HJIJIIOCTpaQHji 92 14 . HMeHHHhl pl 92 1 5 . HHepUHSI 92 1 6. HHOCTpaH(e)U 92 17 . HpOHifqecKHH 921 8 . HCKaHHe 92 19 . HCIIhiTaHHhiH 9220. HCTeKaTb 922 1 . HCTepHSI 9222. HCTOK 9223. HCTpe6JieHHe 9224. HCTpe6JIMTh i +a 9225 . ucqeprraTh i +a 9226. Ka6ana 9227. KaM6pKa (coll) 9228. Karrpli3 9229. KaTOp)I(HbiH 9230. KayqyK 923 1 . KcljiTbCji i B +pr 9232. KBepxy 9233 . Klirra 9234. KHT 923 5 . KJia,[(Ka 9236. KJieT'IaThiH


to conceal, screen shy to conceal

to make difficult, complicate; trouble

delay; inhalation (smoking)

to start smiling ordinary, mediocre

3aTaHBaTh i; 3aTaHTh ,ll;hiXaHHe to hold one ' s breath

3aTpy,[(HMIO; 3aTpy,n;HHTh p

to tum green, look green 3eJieHeeT; rro- p to ascertain; certify KOHCTaTHPYIO celebrity hot weather mature, ripe to ripen, mature 3pe10, 3peernh; co- p imported idyll idol to beat up H306hiD, H306heiiih; H36HBaTh i excessively illustration name-day inertia foreigner ironical search tested, tried

g pl HMeHHH

to flow out; expire (time) HCTeqh p hysteria BoeHHaSI HCTeplfji war hysteria source extermination to exterminate to exhaust slavery; servitude small room caprice hard-labour (adj) rubber to repent upwards pile, stack whale laying checked

g pl KaMOpOK

KaiOch, Kaeiiihcj{; pac- p

Klina 6yMar pile of papers g sg KHTa KHpiiH'IHaSI KJia,[(Ka bricklaying

9237. KJrnMaTifqecKHH 9238 . KJII0KBa 9239. K.ruiqa 9240. Ko6Lrna 924 1 . KOJICCHKO 9242. KOJieqKo 9243 . KOJihi6eJih f 9244. KOHCepBaTOpHSI

9245. KOHCepBHhiH 9246. KOHTppeBOJIIOQHOHep 9247. KOpMHThCSI i +inst

9248. KOpOJieBa 9249. Kop6Ha 9250. KOpbiCTHhiH

925 1 . KOCTSIHOH 9252. KpaTKOBpeMeHHhiH 9253 . KpameHhiii 9254. KpHBJIRThCSI i ( coll) 9255 . KpHBO 9256. Kpy)l(eBO 9257. KpynHO 9258 . KY,[(PH pl 9259. KyrniHhe or KynaHHe 9260. Kyne n indecl [kupe] 926 1 . Jia,[(HTh i c +inst 9262. ne6e,[(h m or f 9263 . neraJihHhiH 9264. Jie,[(HHK 9265 . JieCeHKa (coll)

9266. necopy6 9267 . JIH3clTh i +a 9268. JIHMOH 9269. JIHCa 9270. JIHCTaTh i (coll) +a 927 1 . JIH<l>T 9272. Jlhr6Ta 9273 . Jih,[(HHa 9274. JII066BHhiH 9275. Me,[(Be)I(HH

climatic cranberry, cranberries nag (horse) mare little wheel; cog little ring, ringlet cradle conservatoire, music

academy canned food (adj) counter-revolutionary

no pi

nom pl KOJICCHKH, g pl KOJICCHKOB nom pl KOJieqKH, g pl KOJieqeK

(p no-) to be fed, eat; KOpM.m0ch, KOpMHIIIhCSI (p npo-) ( +inst) live on

queen crown self-interested,

mercenary, selfish bone (adj), made of bone brief, short-term painted; dyed to behave affectedly crookedly, squint lace on a large scale curls bathing compartment (train) to get on with (s.o.) swan legal glacier small staircase; short

ladder lumberjack to lick lemon fox to leaf through lift, elevator privilege, advantage block of ice love (adj) bear 's


also Kpy)l(eBa pl

Jicl)I(Y, Jicl,[(HIIIh; no- p

g pl ne6e,[(eii:

g sg Jie,[(HHKcl g pl JieCeHOK

nom pl JIHChi

Han6roBhie JihrOThi tax relief

f Me,[(Be)l(hSJ, n Me,[(Be)l(he; Me,[(Be)l(hSJ ycn}'ra dubious benefit



92760 Me)K +inst (or g) 9277 o Mepeii.lHTbCjl i +d

of person 92780 Mep3HYTh i

92790 MepHTh i +a

92800 MepQaTh i 928 1 0 MCX 92820 MeXaHH3HpOBaHHhiH 9283 0 MeXaHHqecKH 92840 MemaHCKHH

9285 0 MemaHCTBO

92860 MHKp66 9287 o MHH)J;aJih m 9288 0 MHHHMaJibHhiH 92890 MHOr03HaqHTCJihHO 92900 MOJIOT 929 1 0 MOJih6a 92920 MOHapx:UqecKHH 92930 MOHOnOJihHhiH 92940 MOTaThCg i (coll) 92950 MOTOpHbiH 92960 MOTOUHKJI 9297 o MOIIleHHHK 92980 My)J;peQ 9299 0 My3eHHhiH 93000 MycopHbiH 930 1 0 MqaTh i +a 93020 HaBec 9303 0 HaBemaTh i +a 93040 HaBgJaTh p +a +d

9305 0 MRCHOH 93060 HarH6aThCji 9307 0 HarpeBaTh i +a 93080 Harp.HHyTh p (coll) 9309 0 Ha)J;6aBKa 93 100 HaeMHhiH 93 1 1 0 HaKa3hiBaTh i +a 93 1 20 HaKaiiJIHBaThCg 1

93 1 3 0 HaKJIOH


between to imagine

to freeze

to measure; try on (clothing)

to twinkle, flicker fur mechanized mechanically bourgeois, petty

bourgeois; narrow­minded

petty bourgeoisie, lower middle-class

microbe almonds; almond-tree minimum (adj) meaningfully hammer entreaty monarchic monopoly (adj) to sway; rush about motor, engine (adj) motorcycle swindler wise man museum (adj) rubbish (adj) to rush, speed along awning to visit to impose (sth on SoOo)

meat (adj) to bend down to warm, heat to come unexpectedly addition, supplement hired to punish to accumulate incline, lean

= Me)K)J;Y no- p

Mep3HY, Mep3HCIIlh; past Mep3, MepJna; Ja- p

H3- p; no-I npH- p

pr sg B Mexy; nom pl Mexa

g S g MHH,n:aJI.H

no g pl

g sg My,n:peua

HaBCCTHTh p HaBg)Ky, HaB.H)KCIIlh;


HarHyThCg p HarpeTh

g pl Ha,n:6aBOK


93 14. HaJicliKHBa Th i +a 93 1 5 . HaMeKHYTh p H a +a 93 1 6. Hano)1;66He +g 93 17 . HaiiOJIHHThCg p +inst 93 1 8 . HapacTaHHe 93 19 . HaceJI.si:Th i +a 9320. HaCJie)];CTBeHHhiH 932 1 . HaCOBCeM (coli) 9322. HaCTclBHHK 9323 . HaTBOpHTh p (coll) +g 9324. HaTOJIKHYThcg p Ha +a

9325 . HaXclJihCTBO 9326. HagBy 9327. He60CKJIOH 9328. HeBMeiiia TeJihCTBO

B +a 9329. HeB03MOiKHOCTh f 9330. Hayra)]; 933 1 . HeBOJihHhiH 9332. He)];ocT6iiHhiii 9333 . HeiKeJIH (old word) 9334. He3aKOHHO 9335. He3Jl0pOBhiH 9336. HeKoro +inf

9337. HeJieno 9338. HeiiOBTOpHMhiH 9339. HeiiOCTHiKHMhiH 9340. HenpaBhiii

934 1 . HeiipHBhlqHhiH 9342. HeiipHKOCHOBeHHhiH 9343 . HerrpOXO)];HMhiH 9344. HecpaBHeHHO 9345 . HeTeprreJIHBhiH 9346. Hey)];aqHo 9347. HeyMeCTHhiH 9348. He<t>TenpOBO)]; 9349. HeXOTSI

9350. HHqTOiKeCTBO 935 1 . HOBH3Ha 9352. HOiKHK

to adjust, put in order to allude to like, resembling to fill (with) growth, increase to populate inherited for good, for ever mentor, tutor to get up to, do (sth bad) to run into, come up

against impudence while awake; for real horizon non-interference (in)

impossibility at random involuntary unworthy than illegally unhealthy there is no-one

absurdly; it ' s absurd unique, exceptional incomprehensible wrong

unaccustomed, unusual untouchable, inviolable impassable; (coli) utter incomparably impatient unsuccessfully inappropriate, misplaced oil pipeline unwillingly;

unintentionally nonentity novelty, newness small knife, penknife

HaJicl)];HTh p HaMeKclTh i

Hacen.si:IO; Hace.rrHTh p

= HaBcer )];a

coH Hagsy daydream


HeKoro cnpocHTh There ' s no-one to ask; Eii He c KeM HrpaTh She has no-one to play with

short forms Herrpas m, Herrpasa f; Herrpashi pl



9353. HO)I(HH:Qhl pl 9354. Hop a 9355 . HOCHK

9356. HoqJier

9357. Horn a 9358. 06BO,[(IiTh i +a

9359. o6HTaTeJih m 9360. o6JierqaTh i +a

936 1 . o6Jie31IhiH (coll) 9362. o6MeH}]:ThCj! p +inst

9363. o6Ha)l(aTh i +a 9364. o6Hapy)l(eHHe 9365 . o6ocHoBaHHe

9366. 060CHOBaTh p +a

9367 . o6ocTp}]:Th i +a

9368. 66pa3HhiH

9369. o6pyiiiHBaThCjl p

9370. o6yTh p +a

937 1 . o6xo,IJ;HTeJihHhiH

9372. o6meH3BeCTHhiH

9373. 66m:RHa [either stress]

9374. 06'heKTHBHOCTh f 9375. o6hiBaTeJih m

9376. 06hiCK 9377. OBa:Q:Uj! 9378 . oroJieHHhiH 9379. oropqeHHe 9380. oropqnTh p +a


scissors g pl HO)I(HHU burrow nom pl HOphi , g pl Hop, d pl HopaM small nose; toe (of shoe);

spout spending the night,

night' s lodging burden to take round; (+inst)

surround (with) inhabitant to lighten; simplify;

make easier shabby, scruffy; mangy to exchange

to bare, expose revealing; discovery basis; grounds,

justification to substantiate, justify

to intensify, worsen, aggravate

graphic, evocative; figurative

o6BO)I(y, o6BO,ll;HIIIh; o6BeCTH p

o6JierqJITh p

06MeH}]:eMCji; 06MeHHBaThCjl i; 06MeH}]:ThCjl B3rJI}]:,naMH to exchange glances

o6Ha)I(HTh p

o6ocHyib, o6ocHyeiiih; o60CHOBhiBaTh i

o6ocTp}]:w; o6ocTpHTh p

to cave in, collapse; (Ha o6pyiiiHThCji p +a) fall upon, attack (s.o. or sth)

to put shoes on s.o. ; o6yw, o6yeiiih; o6ysaTh provide with shoes

courteous, well-mannered

well-known, generally known


objectivity man-in-the-street;

philistine (official) search ovation bare, exposed distress to distress, disappoint

KpecTh}]:HcKajl o6m:RHa (hist) peasant commune

oropqaTh 1

938 1 . o,neprnaaTh i +a

9382. O,[(HHHa,nnaThiH 9383 . O,[(HHOqHhiH

9384. 03HpaTbC.SI i 9385 . 03nHThC.SI p (coli) 9386. 03JI66neHHhiH


to straighten (clothing) ; o,nepHyTh p (coll) call to order, tell s.o. to be quiet

eleventh individual, single,

solitary to look round to get angry embittered

O,[(HHOqHWH 66pa3 )I(H3HH solitary lifestyle

9387. 03HaKOMJieHHe c +inst familiarization, getting to know

9388 . OKa3aHHe 9389. OKKynlfpoBaTh i/p +a 9390. 6nepHhiH 939 1 . Oll03,[(aHHe 9392. onpOKH,[(hiBaTh i +a 9393 . OpHeHTHpOBaThC.SI i/p

9394. OCBe,[(OMHThC.SI p o +pr

9395 . OCBeiQaThC.SI i 9396. OCHaiQeHHe 9397. OCHOBaTeJihHhiH

9398. OT6HBaThC.SI i OT +g

9399. OTBOpaqHBaThC.SI i OT +g

9400. OTOllJieHHe 940 1 . oTneqa Ta Th p +a 9402. OTnpaBKa 9403. OTpeqhC.SI p OT +g

9404. OTpy6HTh p +a

9405 . OTCTaBaHHe 9406. OTCTpaHHTh p +a 9407. oxna)l(,naTh i +a 9408. naKOCTh f 9409. naJihqHK 941 0. napiiiHBhiH 941 1 . nepe6pachiBaTh i +a

rendering to occupy opera (adj), operatic lateness to knock over, overturn to find one ' s way; (Ha

+a) be orientated towards

to enquire about

oKa3aHHe n6MOIQH assisting OKKynlfpyiO

onpOKHHYTh p opHeHTHpyiOCh


to be illuminated, light up ocBeTHThC.SI p equipping; equipment well-founded; solid;

thorough to break away from;

repulse, beat off; stray

to tum away from

heating to print (off) sending off, dispatch to renounce (sth)

to chop off

lag, lagging behind to push aside; remove to cool dirty trick; filth small finger mangy; shabby, nasty to throw over

neqaTaThloTneqaThiBaTh i

OTpeKyCh, OTpeqeiiihCSI, OTpeKyTCSI, past OTpeKCSI, OTpeKJiaCh; OTpeKaThC.SI i

0Tpy6.m0, OTpy6HIIIh; OTpy6aTh i

OTCTpaH}):Th i OXJia,[(HTh p

nepe6p6cHTh p



94 1 2. neperHaTh p +a

94 1 3 . nepe�BHraTh i +a 9414. nepe�enaTh p +a 9415 . nepe,neJihiBa Th i +a 9416 . nepe�HHK 9417 . nepee3�

941 8 . nepeHrpaTh p +a 94 19 . nepenHBaThc� i

9420. nepen6M

942 1 . nepeH6c

9422. nepeHOCHhiH 9423. nepenHcaTh p +a

9424. nepenpasa

9425. nepecemiThC� p 9426. nepecTaBJIRTh i +a 9427. nepeTh i (coll) 9428. nepexsaThiBaTh i +a 9429. nep(e)u 9430. nepc6Ha

943 1 . IIHCaTeJihCKHH 9432. nJiaBHhiH 9433 . IIJiaHOMepHhiH 9434. IIJiaqymHH 9435. nneMeHHOH 9436. IIJIOTh f 9437. IIJIRCKa 9438 . no6JIH30CTH 9439. no66pHHK +g

9440. rro6y)l(�eHHe 944 1 . nosa�Ka (coll)

9442. IIOB03Ka 9443. rrorna�HTh p +a


to outdistance, outstrip; drive (sth swh); distil

to shift to remake, alter to remake, alter apron; pinafore crossing; removal

(change of residence) to play again; overact to flow (swh);

overflow; (i only) glisten, play (of colours) , modulate

break, fracture; turning­point

transfer, carrying over; hyphenation

portable; metaphorical to rewrite; copy out

crossing; crossing-place ford

to move, migrate to shift; rearrange to shove, barge, push to intercept pepper person

writer's , literary smooth, flowing planned, systematic tearful tribal; thoroughbred flesh dance nearby; hereabouts champion, keen

supporter (of) motive, stimulus habit, (habitual)

behaviour cart, carriage to stroke; iron

neperoHib, neper6HHIIIh; neperoHRTh i

rrepe�BHHYTh p nepe�eJihiBaTh i nepe,nenaTh p

nepelirphiBa Th nepeJIHThC� p

rrepenHrny, rrepenlfrnernh; nepenlichiBaTh i

nepeceJIRThC� nepecTaBJIRIO; nepecTaBHTh p npy ' npernh, past nep, nepna rrepexsaTHTh p

o6e� Ha �ec�Th nepc6H dinner for ten


g pl llOBa,[{OK

g pl IIOB030K nor Jia)l(y, nor na�Hrnh;

r Jia,[{HTh i

9445 . no,n6p6cHTh p +a

9446. IIO;:J:BHHYTh p +a 9447. n6Jih30BaHHe +inst 9448. no,n,naThC}l p +d

9449. IIO)l:)I(HraTh i +a 9450. noHaqany (coli) 945 1 . IIO)l:HQ)I(He/ IIO,llHQ)I(he

9452. IIO;:J:OKOHHHK 9453 . no,ncn)'m:uaaTh i +a

9454. IIO;:J:'heMHhiH

9455 . no)l(eBaTh p +a 9456. no)l(eqh p +a

9457 . II03HaBaTh i +a 9458 . II030pHO 9459. IIOKphiBaThCR i +inst

9460. llOJIOCaThiH 946 1 . IIOJihiXaTh i 9462. IIOMaJIKHBaTh i (coli) 9463. IIOMeCTHThCR p

9464. IIOMeiUHqHH adj 9465 . IIOMOCT

9466. noHH3HTh p +a 9467 . noo6emaTh p +a +d 9468. IIOIIOJIHeHHe

9469. nonyTqHK 9470. IIOpOBHY 947 1 . nopO)I(HHH (coli) 9472 . nopyraThCR p

9473 . IIOCJie3aBTpa

giving; serve (tennis)

to throw, toss (up) ; jolt; add

to move use (of sth) to yield, give way (to)

to set fire to at first foot (of mountain etc.) ;

pedestal window-sill to eavesdrop (on s .o.) ;

(p no,ncn}'ma Th) overhear

lifting ( adj)

to chew to burn up

to get to know, experience disgracefully, shamefully to cover os (with),

be covered (by) striped to blaze to keep quiet to go in, fit in; install os

landowner' s platform, rostrum;

scaffold to lower; reduce to promise (sth to s .o) replenishment;

reinforcement( s) fellow-traveller equally empty


no,naqa T6nn:uaa fuel supply; no,naqa n6Mom:u assistance

no,n6p6my, no,n6p6cHIIIh; no,n6pachiBa Th


no,n,n;aMcg, no,n;,n;aiiihCR, no,n,nacTcSI, no,n,na,niiMcSI, no,n,na,nHTech, no,n,na,nyTcSI, f past no,n;,nanach; nonnaaaThCR i

IIO,ll;)l(eqh p

no,n'heMHhiH KpaH crane; IIO;:J:'heMHbiH MOCT drawbridge

IIO)I(yiD, IIO)I(yernh; )l(eBaTh i IIO)I(ry, IIO)I()I(ellih, IIO)I(ryT, past

IIO)I(er, llO)I(r Jia; )l(eqh i no3Halb, no3Haernh; rro3HaTh p



f IIOMern;:uqhSI, n IIOMern;Hqhe

rroHH)I(Y, noHH3Hrnh; rroH:u)l(aTh o6emaTh i

to swear; (c +inst) (coli) pyraThCSI i have a row with

the day after tomorrow



9474. IIOCTHhiH

9475. nocTyKHBaTh i 9476. IIOTOMCTBO 9477. noTpe6n.siTh i +a 9478 . IIOQCJIOBaThCg p 9479. npe6hiBaTh i

9480. npeBOCXO,LI;HTh i +a

948 1 . rrpeBOCXO,LI;HO 9482. npe,[(IIHCaHHe 9483 . npeL(npHHHMaTeJih m

9484. rrpeo6na,[(aTh i 9485 . npecTynHhiH 9486. npHBeTnHBhiH 9487 . rrp:HropOL(HhiH 9488 . npH,llBHHYThCjJ p K +d 9489. rrp:uL(ep)KHBa Th i +a 9490. rrpHeMHag f adj 949 1 . rrpH3HaHHhiH

9492. np:uMeqaTeJihHo 9493. npHMHpeHHe 9494. npHna,n;( o )K 9495. npHnachi m pl

9496. npHIIO,llHHMaThCjf 1

9497. IIpHIIOMHHaTh i +a 9498. IIpHCBaHBaTh i +a

9499. IIpHCOe,llHHHThCjJ p K +d

9500. npHcgraTh i B +pr +d

950 1 . npo6en

9502. rrpo6HTh p +a 9503 . npOBOKaTOp


lenten, meatless; without meat or milk; (coll) lean (of meat); (coll) gloomy, glum; (coll) sanctimonious

to knock, tap, patter posterity, descendants to consume to kiss each other to be (swh)

to surpass , excel

splendidly order, instruction entrepreneur,

businessman to predominate criminal ( adj) affable, friendly suburban to come near, move up to hold back, check waiting-room acknowledged,

recognized (it is) noteworthy reconciliation fit, attack stores, supplies;

provisions to raise os slight! y to remember, recall to appropriate; (+a +d)

confer (sth on s.o.) to join (a group)

to swear an oath (of sth to s.o.)

blank, gap

to pierce agent provocateur;


IIOTpe6n.siiO; IIOTpe6HTh i nouenyeMcg; uenosaThcg i npe6hiBaTh y BnacTH to be in

power npeBOCXO)Ky, npeBOCXO,LI;HIIIh;

npeB30HTH p

IIpH,llBHra TbCjf i IIpH,n;ep)KaTh p

npHna,n;oK rHesa fit of anger g pl IIpHIIaCOB


IIpHCjfrHyTh p; npHcgraTh B BepHOCTH to swear an oath of loyalty

npo6en B 3HaHHjfX gap in one 's knowledge

npo6hlb, npo6beiiih; npo6HBaTh i


9504. nporpeMeTh p to thunder, resound nporpeM.mb, nporpeMHIIIh; rpeMeTh i

9505. nporyJI.siThCSI p to take a walk 9506. npo,nBHHYThCSI p to advance 9507. npo,neMoHcTp:HpoBaTh to demonstrate, show

p +a

nporyn.slroch; nporyJIHBaThCSI i npo,nBHraThCSI i npo,neMOHCTplfpyro;

9508. npoe3)KaTh i to drive through/past ,neMOHCTpHpOBaTh i

npoexaTh p 9509. npo3BaTh p +a +inst to nickname (s.o. sth) npo3oBy, npo3oBeiiih, f past

np03BaJia; np03hiBaTh nponeTeTh p 95 10. npoJieTaTh i to fly through/past

95 1 1 . np6Max miss; blunder 95 12 . npoMe)l(yToqHhiH 95 1 3 . npOH3HTeJihHO 95 14. nponaraH,n:HpoBaTh

i +a 95 1 5 . nponop:QHOHclJihHhiH 95 16 . npocMaTpHBaTh i +a 95 17 . npocnaTh p

95 1 8. npOCTHpaThCSI i 95 19 . npoCTOpHO 9520. npocTy,nHThCSI p

952 1 . npOTHBOllOCTaBJI.siTb i +a +d

9522. npOTHpaTh i +a 9523 . npOTSIHYThCSI p

9524. npOXBOCT (coli) 9525 . npOXO)I(,neHHe 9526. npouBeTaTh i 9527. npOSICHeHHe

9528. npyTHK 9529. nycKaThCSI i B +a 9530. nqena 953 1 . nmeH6

intermediate piercingly; stridently to propagandize, promote nponaraH,n:Hpyro

proportional to look through to oversleep

to extend, stretch (it is) spacious to catch a cold

npOCMOTpeTh p npocn.mb, npocn:HIIIh, f past

npocnana; npochinaTh npocTepeThCSI p

npOCTY)I(YCh, npocTy .D:HIIIhCSI; npOCTY)I(HBaThC.H or npocTy)l(a ThCSI i

to contrast (sth with sth) , npoTHBonocTaBn.siro; set sth against sth IIpOTHBOllOCTclBHTh p

to rub; rub through npoTepeTh p to stretch out; extend

scoundrel passing, passage to flourish clarification, clearing

up; clear period (weather)

twig, switch; small rod

npOTSIHYCh, npoT.siHeiiihC»; npoT.sirHBaThCSI i

no p

to start, embark (on sth) nycTHThCH p bee nom pl nqeJihi millet

g pl llhRHOK 9532. nh.siHKa (coli) 9533 . llSITa 9534. pa36e)l(aThcsr p

binge, booze-up heel to scatter; take a run-up

nom pl llRThi, g pl ll.HT, d pl ll.HTaM pa36erych, pa36e)I(HIIIhCSI,

9535. pa3Be,nhiBaTeJihHhiH reconnaissance (adj); intelligence (adj)

pa36eryTcsr; pa36eraThCSI i pa3Be,nhiBa TeJihHasr CJIY)I(6a

intelligence service



9536. pa3BeCHTh p +a

9537. pa3,n;p66neHHhiH

9538. pa3JIHBa ThC.SI i 9539. pa3JIHqaThC.SI i +inst 9540. pa3Mem:aThc.SI i

954 1 . pa3Mem:eHHe

9542. pa3HOp6,n;HhiH 9543. pa3orHaTh p +a

9544. pa3opHTh p +a 9545 . pa3oqap6BaHHhiH 9546. pa3pacTaThc.SI i 9547. pa3hirphiBa ThC.SI i

9548. paCH3M 9549. paCKYCHTh p +a

9550. pacrrop.SI,n;HThC.SI p

955 1 . paCCTHJiaThC.SI i 9552. paCCTpOHCTBO 9553 . pacchirraTh p +a

9554. paCTHTeJihHOCTh f 9555 . pacuBecT:U p

9556. peaJIHCTHqecKHH 9557. pe6.H:qHii 9558 . peBHHBhiH 9559. peMeCJieHHHK 9560. pemeT6

956 1 . por6)1(a 9562. pO)I(( 6 )K

9563. pOMaHC 9564. pbiHOqHhiH


to hang up (a number of things); weigh out

shattered, splintered, disunited

to spill; overflow to differ to take one ' s place; be

accommodated placing, allocation,

accommodation heterogeneous to disperse

to ruin disappointed, disillusioned to spread, expand to romp; warm up,

get into one ' s stride; (storm etc.) break, rage


pa3Bemy, pa3BecHIIIh; pa3BeiiiHBaTh i; pa3BeCHTh 6enhe to hang out the washing

pa3JIHThC.SI p

pa3MeCTHThC.SI p

pa3romb, pa3rOHHIIIh, f past pa3orHana; pa3roH.H:Th i

pa3op.si:Th i

pa3pacTHCh p pa3hirpa Thc.SI p

to bite through; (p only) pacxymy, pacxycHmh; ( coll) suss out; get to the heart of sth

to give orders; ( +inst) deal with, manage

to spread out disorder to spill, scatter

vege!ation to blossom, bloom

realistic child's ; childish jealous craftsman; hack sieve

matting small hom; hom

(instrument) romance (song) market (adj)

pacKyChiBa Th i

pacrr op .SI)I(YCh, pacn op .s�,n;H:mhc.SI; pacrrop.SI)I(a ThC.SI

pa30CTJiaThC.SI p

paCChiiiJIIO, paCChiiiJieiiih ; paCChiiiclTh i

pacuBeTy, pacuaeTeiiih, past pacuBen, pacuaena; pacuaeTaTh i

nom pl pemeTa; 1Jy,n;eca B pemeTe! Incredible !

pbiHOqHa.SI 3KOHOMHKa market economy

9565 . ca.mbT

9566. CaMOKpHTHKa 9567. CaMOC03HclHHe 9568. c6epeqh p +a

9569. CBeCHTb p +a

9570. cropaTh i 957 1 . CeHCclUHSI 9572 CeHTj6pbCKHfi 9573. cepBH3 9574. cepHHHbiH

9575. CH,lleHHe

9576. CHHjK 9577. CKaJIHCThifi 9578 . CKaH,llA.JThHhiH

9579. CKOp6b f 9580. CKOCHTb p

958 1 . CKpOMHO 9582. CKpOMHOCTb f 9583 . cJiaTh i +a 9584. CJIOBUO ( coll)

9585 . c.rryra m 9586. CMeiiiHTb i +a

9587 . CMeiii( 0 )K 9588 . CMYTHO 9589. CMbiBclTb i +a 9590. CHapSI,llHTb p +a 959 1 . CHHCXO,z:J:HTeJibHO

9592. CHHCXO,z:J:HTeJibHbiH

9593 . CHOCHTb i +a

9594. CH}]:TbCSI p

salute; firework display (in honour of s.o. or sth)

self -criticism self -awareness to save; protect

to lower, let dangle; (p only) (coli) weigh

to bum, bum out sensation September (adj) service, set (of dishes) serial

sitting; (preferably cH,n:eHhe) seat

bruise rocky scandalous; (coli)

quarrelsome, rowdy grief (+a) to mow; twist;

(rJia3aMH) squint modestly modesty to send word; apt remark,

witticism servant to make (s.o.) laugh,



c6epery, c6epexd�lllh, c6eperyT, past c6eper' c6eper na; c6eperaTb i

CBeiiiy, CBeCHIIIh; CBeiiiHBa Th i

cropeTh p

cepHHHOe npOH3BO,z:J:CTBO mass production

g sg CHHSIKa

g pl CKOp6eu

IIIJIIO , IIIJieiiih; no- p ,n:JISI KpacHoro cnoBua for effect

nom pl cn)'rH

chuckle cMeiiiKH jeers, jokes vaguely, dimly to wash off CMhiTh p to equip CHapSI:>KY, CHapSI,n:HIIIh; CHapSI:>KaTh i condescendingly;

leniently, indulgently condescending; lenient,

indulgent to take down; carry CHOIIIY, CHOCHIIIh; cHeCTH p

away; demolish to come off; act in a CHHMYCh, CHHMeiiihCSI, past

film; be photographed CHjJICSI, CHSIJiclCh; CHHMa ThCSI i



9595 . COBepiiieHCTBOBaThCM i B +pr

9596. co,nep)l(aTeJihHhiii

9597. COMaTHK 9598. COJIH,nHO

9599. coopy,n:HTh p +a

9600. COOTeqecTBeHH:UK 960 1 . COIIOCTaB:UTh p +a

9602. COnyTCTBOBaTh i +d 9603. cop6Ka 9604. coce,nCK:UH 9605 . COCJiaThCM p Ha +a

9606. cocpe,noT6qeHHO

9607. COCTaBJieH:Ue

9608. cocyJihKa 9609. ClleiiiKa 96 10. CIIphirHyTh p C +g 96 1 1 . cpe3aTh p +a

96 12 . CTaKaHq:UK 96 1 3 . CTaqKa 9614. CTeKOJibm:UK 96 15 . CTeHHOH 96 1 6. CTOHKO 9617 . CTpaHCTBOBaTh 961 8 . CTpeJIKOBhiH

96 19 . CTpy)I(Ka 9620. CTpyHThCM 962 1 . CTblqKa 9622. cy,nopO)I(HO 9623 . cyKa 9624. cyKHO 9625 . cyMpaqHhiH 9626. cyxaph m

9627. CIO)I(eT 9628 . TaHHHK


to improve os; improve cosepiiieHcTsywch; y- p one ' s knowledge (of)

rich in content, profound, interesting

toy soldier solidly, substantially,

weightily to build, construct

compatriot to compare

to accompany magpie neighbour' s to refer to, quote; plead

(give as an excuse) intently, with

concentration formation, making,

compiling icicle haste to jump off to cut down, cut off;

shut s.o. up small glass strike (= 3a6acT6BKa) glazier wall (adj) steadfastly to wander, travel shooting (adj) ; rifle,

infantry (adj) shaving, shavings to stream skirmish; squabble convulsively, feverishly bitch cloth gloomy; dreary piece of dried bread;

rusk subject, plot hiding-place

coopy)l(y, coopy ,nHIIIh;




COCTaBJieH:Ue CJIOBap}} compilation of a dictionary

g pl cocyJieK

crrphir:uaa Th i cpe)l(y, cpe)l(eiiih; cpe3a Th 1

g pl CTaqeK

CTpaHCTBYIO CTpeJIKOBhiH T:up rifle range

nom pl cyKHa, g pl cyKoH

g sg cyxapj{

g S g TaHH:UKa

9629. TaHKHCT

9630. TeppHTOpHaJihHhiH 963 1 . TeCHHThC.si 9632. TeTyiiiKa 9633 . THTYJI 9634. TH<l> 9635. TOKaph m

9636. TOJIKOBhiH

9637. TOp)l(eCTBOBa Th i

9638 . Tpe3BO 9639 . TPHYM<P 9640. Tp6ra TeJihHhiH 964 1 . TpiOK 9642. Tyr6:H 9643. TYPH3M 9644. Typ( 0 )K 9645. ThiC.sJ:qeJieTHHH 9646. T})TQCTh f 9647 . yBeCHCThiH 9648. yBH,ll;eThC.si p c +inst

9649. y,ll;OCTOHTh p

9650. YKJIOHRThC.si OT +g

965 1 . yKopeHHThC.si p 9652. yKpenHThC.si p

9653 . y nyqiiia Th i +a 9654. yH:uBepcanhHhiH

9655. yHHMaThc.s� i 9656. yrroM:uHaTh i +a or

o +pr 9657 . YITOMHHclThC.si i

tank soldier, member of tank crew

territorial to crowd, jostle auntie; (old) lady title typhus turner, lathe operator

clever, sensible; clear, comprehensible; (cJioBaph) explanatory


g pl TeTyiiieK

nom pl (formal) T6Kap:u, nom pl (coli) TOKap.sl

(Ha,ll; +inst) to triumph TOp)l(eCTBYIO (over); (+a) celebrate

soberly triumph touching, affecting stunt; trick, ruse tight tourism; hiking Turk thousand-year (adj) burden weighty to see each other

(+a +g) to award s.o. sth; (+a +inst) favour s.o. with sth

to avoid, evade (sth)

to take root to become stronger;

become fixed; consolidate one ' s position

to improve universal; versatile,

multi-purpose to calm down to mention

to be mentioned

g pl TypoK

YBH)I(YCh, YBH,ll;HIIIhC.si; BH,ll;eThC.si i

y,ll;OCTclHBaTb i

yKnoH.siiOch; yKJIOHHThC.si p;

YKJIOH.siThC.si OT OTBeTa to dodge a question, avoid answering

yKopeH.siThC.si i yKpen.mOch, yKpenlirnhc.si;

yKpenAAThC.si i

y JIYqiiiHTh p yH:uBepcanhHhiH Mara3HH

department store yH.siThC.si p ynOMSIHYTh p

ynOM.siHYThC.si p



9658. ynop.si.[(oqeHHe putting in order, regulation

9659. ynpasa (coli) control, means of control; (hist) management, administration, justice

9660. ynpomeHHhiii simplified; over-simplified 966 1 . ynp.siMCTBO obstinacy 9662. yca)I(HBa ThCg i to take a seat, settle down yceCThCjl p 9663. ycegTh p +a +inst to strew, dot, litter (sth yceiD, yceelllh; yceusaTh

with sth) 9664. ycTpaHeHue removal, elimination 9665. yTsep)l(,[(a Thcg i to become established yTsep.[(HThC.si p 9666. yTerneHue comfort, solace 9667. yTIOr iron (for ironing) g sg yTIDra 9668. yxa fish-soup 9669. cPHHarr final (sport); finale 9670. cPHHHIII finish 967 1 . cPHHCKHH Finnish 9672. <f>opMa:QH.s� stage of development;

formation 9673. XHJihiH puny, decrepit 9674. XHpypr surgeon 9675. XpHCTHaHCTBO Christianity 9676. xpOHHKa chronicle; news items;

newsreel 9677. :uapanaTh i +a to scratch :uapanHyTh p 9678. :uenecoo6pa3Hhiii expedient 9679. :ueneycTpeMneHHhiH purposeful 9680. :QHBHJIH30BaHHhiH civilized 968 1 . :UhiraH gypsy nom pl :QhiraHe, g pl :QhiraH 9682. qeJIIOCTh f jaw 9683 . qepe.[(oBaHHe alternation 9684. qeTLipecTa four hundred g qeThipexc6T 9685. qeiiiCKHH Czech (adj) 9686. ql{cTKa cleaning; purge g pl qHCTOK

(political) 9687. qHTaTeJihCKHH reader' s 9688 . qHxaTh i to sneeze qJiXHYTh p 9689. qpe3MepHO excessively 9690. IIIaTaThCjJ i to sway; wobble; ( coll)

loaf about 969 1 . IIIaTKHH unsteady 9692. IIIaXMa Thl pl chess g pl rnaxMa T 9693. rnseifHhiH sewing



9694. meBeJihHYThC� p to stir mesemiThC� i 9695. menyxa skin, peel, husk 9696. mepmaBhiH rough (to the touch) 9697. IIIHpHTbC� i to spread, expand 9698. m:HmKa (pine/fir) cone; bump; g pl m:HmeK

(coli) big noise, VIP 9699. IIIJij}TbC� i (coli) to loaf about mn}]:JOch 9700. mn6pa spur 970 1 . IIITa6-KBapTHpa headquarters 9702. , .....

gale (adj) IIITOpMOBOH 9703 . �e�pOCTb f generosity 9704. �enKaTh i (+a) to flick; ( +inst) click, �eJIKHYTh p

snap 9705. �eH(O)K puppy nom pl �eHKH, g pl meHKOB

or nom pl meH}):Ta, g pl meH}]:T 9706. 3JieKTpOHHKa electronics 9707 . 3<}><}>eKTHbiH striking, done for effect 9708 . �HlfHHna fried eggs

[yee-eesh-nee-tsa] 9709. j):pMapKa fair, trade fair g pl }):pMapoK 97 1 0. asHaH6c( e )n aircraft carrier 97 1 1 . aBTOHOMHbiH autonomous 97 1 2. a3apT excitement, fervour 97 1 3 . a36yKa alphabet 97 14 . aKyna shark 97 1 5 . anKor6Jib m alcohol 97 1 6. apeH,na lease 97 1 7 . 6a6olfKa butterfly g pl 6a6olfeK 97 1 8 . 6ara)l( luggage g sg 6ara)l(a 97 19 . 6aK cistern, tank 9720. 6apaxn6 (coll) old clothes, jumble; junk 972 1 . 6�HTeJibHbiH vigilant 9722. 6e�p6 hip; thigh nom pl 6e�pa, g pl 6e�ep 9723 . 6e3�eHCTBOBaTh i to do nothing; stand idle 6e3�eHCTBYIO 9724. 6e30TBeTCTBeHHhiH irresponsible 9725. 6e3p6noTHO uncomplainingly,

without a murmur 9726. 6ecnelfHhiH carefree, unconcerned 9727. 6eCTOJIKOBbiH stupid; incoherent,

muddled 9728. 6HHT bandage g sg 6HHTa 9729. 6noxa flea nom pl 6n6xu, g pl 6nox, d pl

6noxaM 9730. 6onTaThc� i (coli) to dangle; hang about 973 1 . 6pHTBa razor



9732. 6y:UHhiH 9733 . 6hiJih f 9734. 6ronneTeHh m

9735 . B)J;hiXaTh i +a 9736. BeJIHqaBhiH 9737. sexa 9738. B3HOC

9739. BHJIKa 9740. sB:cenHn:a 974 1 . BH.HTHO

9742. BO,n;py3HTh p +a

wild, unruly true story, fact bulletin; ballot-paper;

medical certificate to breathe in majestic landmark; stake, marker payment; fee;

subscription fork; (two-pin) plug gallows distinctly, clearly,

audibly to hoist, erect

9743 . Bo3.n;ep)l(aThC.si p oT +g to abstain (from)

9744. BOH.HTh i +inst 97 45. Boo.n;yrneaneHHe 9746. BOQqHIO

9747. B6pox

9748. BOCK 9749. BTOpraThC.si i B +a 9750. BhipyqKa

97 5 1 . BhiCTYll 9752. BhllllKa 9753 . B.HJihiH 9754. .n;oroaopeHHOCTh f 9755 . rHHTh i 9756. rHyCHhiH 9757. rop6 9758 . rpa.n; 9759. ryceHHna 97 60. .n;aHh f 9761 . .n;eaaTh i (coli) +a 9762. .n;o6po�eTenh f 9763. )J;OMhiC( e )n 97 64. .n;oma Thiii

9765 . .n;yx:M: m pl 97 66. .n;yrnHCThiH


to stink (of) enthusiasm, fervour with one ' s own eyes,

for os heap, pile

wax to invade proceeds, earnings;

rescue projection; ledge tower; turret flabby, limp agreement to rot vile hump hail; (poet) city caterpillar tribute, homage to put virtue conjecture made of planks, board

(adj) perfume fragrant



BO�py)l(y, BO�py3HIIIh; BO,n;py)l(a Th i

B03,n;ep)l(yCh, B03,n;ep)I(HIIIhC.si; B03�ep)I(HBa ThC.si i


BooqHIO y6e�HThC.si B +pr to see for os

nom pl BOpoxa; BOpOX CeHa pile of

hay ; a6pox HosocTeii heaps of news

BT6prHyThC.si p

g pl BhiiiieK

rHHID, rHHeiiih, f past rHHna; c- p

g sg rop6a, pr sg Ha rop6y

.n;eTh p

g pl .n;yx6a

9767. eBaHreJIHe 9768. eBpeii 9769. e�HHOrnaCHO 9770. e)l( 977 1 . )l(aHp 9772. )l(clpHTh i +a 9773 . )KeMlfY)I(HHa 9774. )I(Hp 9775. )I(YTKHH 9776. 3aBcer�aTaii 9777. 3ar llclBHe 9778. 3arc 9779. 3a�6p 9780. 3a(e)M 978 1 . 3aKoyn(o)K 9782. 3an6r 9783 . 3aMeiiiaTellhCTBO 9784. 3clMKHYThiH

9785. 3aOlfHO

9786. 3aiiHYThC.SI p 9787. 3aiilfclCTh f 9788. 3acTerHyTh p +a 9789. H3p}):,n;HhiH 9790. 3axne6hiBaThC.si i 979 1 . 3noyrroTpe6n}):Th

+inst 9792. 3HclTHhiH

9793. 30HTHK 9794. 3hi6KHH 9795 . HBa 9796. HKpa

9797. HCKa)l(a Th i +a 9798. HCKyiiieHHe 9799. licrro,n;BOJih (coli) 9800. KaneKa m/f 980 1 . KaMhiiii 9802. Kap:uH: (soft adj)

gospel Jew unanimously hedgehog genre to fry; roast pearl fat, grease terrible habitue; regular customer title, heading registry office fervour, vigour

g sg e)l(a

3a- p

pr s g B )I(HPY, nom pl )I(Hphi

loan g sg 3aiiMa back alley; nook, cranny deposit, guarantee, pledge confusion; consternation reserved, unsociable;

secluded, private in one ' s absence;

externally (of study for a degree)

to stumble spare part to fasten fairly good, quite large to choke to misuse, abuse (sth)

distinguished, out­standing; (hist) high-born, noble

umbrella unsteady, unstable willow caviare; (nom pl HKphi)

calf (of leg) to distort temptation gradually cripple reed, rush brown, hazel (of eyes) ;

chestnut (of horses) receipt

OKOHlfHTh HHCTHTYT 3a61fHO to take an external degree

3aiiHHclThC.si i

3aCTerHBaTh i H3p}):.IJ:HOe KOJIHlfeCTBO quite a lot 3axne6HyThC.SI p 3noynoTpe6n}]:IO;

3noynoTpe6HTh p

g sg KaMhiiiia



9804. KJieBaTh

9805 . KJieii 9806. KnYM6a 9807. KOBpHK 9808. K6r( o )Th m 9809. Koe-KaK

98 10. KOpeHaCThiH 98 1 1 . KOCOH

98 1 2. KpacHopelfHe 98 1 3 . KpyrneHHe 98 14. KYBblpKaTbcg i

98 15 . KYMHp 98 1 6. KyTe)l( 98 17 . naJeiiKa 98 1 8. naK 98 19 . JiaCTOlfKa 9820. neJBHe 982 1 . JieCTHhiH 9822. JIHKOBaTh i 9823 . JIHUeMepHe 9824. JlhCTHTh i +d 9825 . Ma3aTh i +a 9826. MagK 9827. Mep30CTh f 9828. MeCTH i +a 9829. MH3HH(e)u 9830. MHCKa 983 1 . M030Jlh f 9832. Mj{Te)l( 9833. Ha6p6c(o)K 9834. HaH3YCTh

9835. HanepeK6p +d

9836. HapeKaHHe 9837. Haca)l(,[(eHHe 9838. HaCMOpK 9839. HalfHHKa


to peck

glue flower-bed rug claw anyhow, carelessly;

somehow or other, somehow

thickset, stocky slanting, oblique, squint;

cross-eyed, squinting eloquence wreck, ruin, collapse to tum somersaults, go

head over heels idol drinking-bout hole; loop-hole varnish swallow blade flattering to rejoice hypocrisy to flatter to grease, smear lighthouse; beacon vileness; sth disgusting to sweep little finger; little toe bowl corn (on foot), callous rebellion sketch, rough draft by heart, from memory

contrary, counter (to), in defiance (of)

reprimand planting; propagation cold (in the head) stuffing, filling

(of pie etc.)

KJIIOID, KJIIOeiiih; KJIIOHYTh p; xneBaTh H6coM to nod, be drowsy

g pl KOrTeH

g sg KyTe)l(a g pl na3eeK

g pl JiaCTOlfeK

JihlUY, JihCTHIIIh; no- p Ma)l(y, Ma)l(eiiih g sg MagKa

g pl MHCOK

BhiYlfHTh HaH3YCTh to learn by heart

Hanepex6p cy,[(h6e in defiance of fate

9840. HeBeCTKa

984 1 . He3BaHhiH 9842. He3hi6JieMhiH 9843. HeHCTOBbiH 9844. Henona,n;Ka

9845. HenpHHY)I(,D;eHHbiH 9846. Hepa36epllxa (coli) 9847. HeCOBMeCTHMbiH 9848. HecnpocTa (coli)

9849. Heyp.si,n;Hua (coil) 9850. HHqeif

985 1 . HpaB

9852. HbiTb i 9853 . HIDXaTh i +a 9854. o6a.siHHe 9855 . o6y3,n;aTh p +a 9856. 03a66qeHHbiH 9857 . OJieHb m 9858. OMep3HTeJibHbiH 9859. OMYT

9860. oneKa

986 1 . OllHJIKH pl 9862. OllJIOIIIHOCTb f 9863. onpaBa 9864. onp.siTHbiH 9865 . ocnapHBaTb i +a 9866. OT66pHbiH

9868. OTMeHHhiH 9869. OTpaBJI.siTb i +a 9870. ornenoMHTh p +a


daughter-in-law; g pl HeBeCTOK sister-in-law (brother' s wife)

uninvited unshakeable frenzied fault, defect

relaxed, unconstrained muddle incompatible with an ulterior motive,

not without a reason confusion

g pl Henona,n;oK; Henona,n;KH (coli) quarrel

Heyp.si,n;HUhi squabbling no body' s f HH'Ih.si, n HH'Ihe; HH'Ih.si drawn

game; HH'Ib.si 3eMJI.si no man's land

nature, disposition (of THXHH HpaB quiet nature; HpaBhi person) manners, customs

to whine, complain; ache HOIO, H6ernh to smell, sniff (sth) no- p

charm to curb, restrain worried, preoccupied deer disgusting, revolting

o6y3,n;aro; o6y3,n;hiBa Th

pool, deep place in river; B THXOM 6MyTe qepTH BO,D;.SITC.SI whirlpool Still waters run deep

guardianship, trustee-ship; surveillance, care

sawdust; metal filings slip, blunder mounting, frame tidy, neat to contest, dispute selected, specially

chosen ( OT +g) to get rid of;

( +inst) get off, escape (with)

excellent to poison to stun, astound

bag, plastic bag

g pl OllHJIOK

ocn6pHTh p

OT ,n;eJibiBa TbC.SI i; JierKO oT,n;enaThC.SI to get off lightly

OTpaBJI.silO; OTpaBHTb p ornenoMJIIb, ornenoMHIIIh;




9872. rraJIHca,nHHK 9873. IIaHeJih f

9874. rracMypHhlH 9875. rraChiH( 0 )K 9876. IIeKJIO (coll) 9877. rreneHKa 9878 . rrepe,nhnnKa

9879. rrepeq( e )Hh m 9880. rrepH:Ha 988 1 . rrepp6H 9882. IIHp 9883. IIHpO)I(HOe n adj 9884. IIHII(aTh i 9885. rrnacTMacca 9886. IIJieCeHh f 9887. rrnecKa Th i 9888. rreqeHh f 9889. IIJijf)l( 9890. rro6y,nHTh p +a

+inf or K +d 989 1 . rr6.n,naHHhiH m adj 9892. rro.n6rnaa 9893. rro.nc66HhiH 9894. II03HTHBHhiH 9895. IIOKJIOHHHK 9896. IIOKOpRTh i +a 9897. IIOJIOBOH 9898. IIOJITOpacTa 9899. IIOMeCThe 9900. IIOMH,[(Op 990 1 . IIOOII(pRTh i +a 9902. IIOIIOJiaM

9903. rropoceH( o )K 9904. rropTHOH m adj 9905 . IIOCJIOBH:Qa 9906. IIOCnYlliHhiH 9907. IIOCTaBmiTh i +a 9908. rroTexa 9909. IIOXMeJihe

99 1 0. rr6qecTh f 99 1 1 . IIO IIIJihiH


front garden; stake fence pavement; panelling,

panel cloudy, overcast; gloomy stepson scorching heat; hell nappy, diaper breathing -space, rest,

short break list, enumeration feather-bed, duvet platform (railway station) feast cake, pastry to squeak, squeal; cheep plastic mould to splash liver beach to prompt, induce (s.o.

to do sth) subject, citizen sole (of shoe, foot) subsidiary, supplementary positive admirer to conquer, subjugate sexual a hundred and fifty estate tomato to encourage in half, half-and-half

piglet tailor proverb obedient to deliver, supply fun, amusement hangover

honour, mark of respect vulgar; trivial, banal

g pl rreneHoK g pl rrepe,nhillieK

pr sg a/Ha rrHpy, nom pl rrHphi

rro6y)l(y, rro6y.nlirnh; rro6y)l(,na Th i


g/d/inst/pr rroeyTopacTa g pl IIOMeCTHH

rroorn;p.Hro; IIOOII(pHTh p c rpex6M rrorronaM after a

fashion, only just nom pl nopoc.HTa, g pl nopoc.HT


6hiTh c rroxMeJibg to have a hangover

991 2. npaBOCJiclBHhiH

99 1 3 . npa,lle.ll 99 14 . npa3,llHOCTh f 99 1 5 . npe,llocy ,llHTeJihHhiH 99 1 6. npeCHhiH

991 7 . npH,ll;HpclTbCji i K +d 991 8 . npHeMneMLiii 99 19 . npH3Ha TeJibHhiH 9920. npHKH,llhiBaThCji 1

(coli) +inst 992 1 . npHIDT 9922. npos6pHhiH 9923 . npOJIHB 9924. npOHH:QaTeJihHhiH 9925 . np6co 9926. npy.ll 9927 . nTeH(e)Q 9928. nyx 9929. llhiJI 9930. nLinec6c 993 1 . pa3BO.ll 9932. pa3,1l;Onhe

9933 . pa3HTeJ1hHhiH

9934. pa3na� 9935 . pa3p03HeHHhiH

9936. pa3LirpaTh p +a

9937 . pacKaT

9938 . pacKagHHe 9939. paccy .ll( o )K

9940. pacTpenaHHhiH 994 1 . pHHYThcg p

orthodox (religious term); (as noun) member of Orthodox Church

great-grandfather idleness reprehensible unsalted; flavourless,

bland to find fault with acceptable grateful to pretend (to be sth)

shelter, refuge quick, agile strait penetrating; shrewd millet pond nestling, fledgling down, fluff heat, ardour vacuum cleaner divorce expanse, open space;

freedom striking

discord; disorder incomplete (of set);

scattered, uncoordinated

to perform; raffle, draw lots (for sth); play a trick (on s.o.), fool

rumble, roll, peal

repentance reason, ability to think

dishevelled; tattered to rush, charge, dash

npaBOCJiclBHag QepKOBh Orthodox Church

npecHag Bo,lla fresh water

npH,llpa ThCg p


g sg npy ,lla, pr sg B npy .llY

pr sg B nyxy pr sg B nhiJIY

pa3HTeJ1hHoe cx6,1l;CTBO striking similarity

pa3p03HeHHhiH KOMllJieKT broken set; pa3p63HeHHhie BhiCTpeJibi isolated shots

pa3hirphiBaTh i

pacKaT rp6Ma rumble of thunder; pacKaThi x6xoTa loud peals of laughter

r6noc paccy ,ll;Ka the voice of reason; JIHiliHThcg paccy ):(Ka to go out of one 's mind

no 1



9942. p03Hb f

9943. pOKOT 9944. pyKaBHUa

9945. pbi,[(aTh i 9946. CBepCTHHK

9947. cene,n;Ka

9948. CKBep 9949. CKB03H.siK 9950. CKHTaTbCg i 995 1 . cKopnyrra

9952. CKpe)l(eT 9953. CJibiTh i +inst or 3a +a

9954. cmoHa

9955. CMe)I(HbiH

9956. CMeTa 9957. CMgTeHHe 9958. CMj�Tb p +a 9959. CHOBclTb i 9960. CHOpOBKa

996 1 . co6na3HHTh p +a 9962. COJIOBeH 9963. CIIJieTHH f pl 9964. crrpaaoqHHK 9965 . CTa)l(

9966. CTy)l(a (coll) 9967. CYTYJibiH

9968. CliiH6HTh p ( coll) +a

9969. Ta3

9970. TaJIOH


difference; discord, disagreement

roar, rumble mitten, glove (without

fingers) to sob person of the same age,

contemporary herring

public garden draught to wander, roam shell

grinding (noise) to have the reputation

of, be considered


adjacent, adjoining, connected

estimate confusion, disarray, panic to crumple, crush to dash about, scurry knack, skill

to tempt; seduce nightingale gossip reference book, guide period of service, period

of work or training icy cold, severe frost round -shouldered,

stooping to knock down

basin; pelvis


g pl cene,n;oK; dim of ceJih,[(h f herring

g sg CKB03HgKa

nom pl CKOpJIYIIhi; glfqHag cKopnyrra eggshell

cnhiBY, cnhiBemh; rrpo- p; OH cnhiBeT qy,n;aK6M He is considered eccentric

also in the form CmOHH pl, g pl CJIIOHeH

cMe)I(Hhie KOMHaThi adjoining rooms

COMHY, COMHemh; Mj�Tb i cHy!O, cHyemh Heo6xo,n;lfMo HMeTh cHop6aKy

You have to have the knack co6na3H.siTh i g sg COJIOBb.si, g pl COJIOBheB nom sg CIIJieTHg; g pl CIIJieTeH

rrpOH3BO,[(CTBeHHhiH CTa)l( industrial experience

CII1H6y, CII1H6emh, past CIIIH6, ciiiif6na; cmH6a Th i ; ciiiH6HTh KOrO-HH6y,[(h C HOr to knock S.O.

off their feet pr sg a Ta3y or a Ta3e,

nom pl Ta3LI

997 1 . Tema

9972. TJieTh 9973 . TJneTHO 9974. yiiMa (coli) +g 9975. yMepeHHhlH 9976. yrrpyrHii 9977. yp6� 9978 . YCMOTpeHHe

9979. yTeqKa 9980. yToM:HTeJihHhiH 998 1 . yxMhiJI.HThC.SI i (coli) 9982. cpe.s� 9983 . XJIOIIh.SI pl 9984. qa.s�HHe 9985. qecaTh i +a 9986. qTHTh i +a 9987. rna6n6H 9988. rnapKaTh i +inst

9989. llieCTBHe 9990. lliHYP 999 1 . rnTa6eJih m 9992. rnycTphiH (coli) 9993. meKoTaTh i +a 9994. meTHHa

9995. myKa 9996. mynaTh i +a 9997 . mypHThC.SI i

9998. 3JieKTplfqKa (coli) 9999. 3Ta)J(epKa

10000. .Hphiii

mother-in-law (wife ' s mother)

to rot; smoulder in vain lots (of) moderate elastic, springy freak, monster discretion, judgement

leak tiring; tedious to smirk, grin fairy flakes hope; expectation to scratch to honour cliche; routine; pattern to shuffle

procession cord; lace; flex, cable stack, pile smart, quick, agile to tickle bristles , bristly surface;

stubble (of beard) pike (fish)


no pl

no BallieMy YCMOTpeHHIO as you think best

g pl yreqeK


g pl XJIOnheB

qerny, qernernh; no- p qry, qTHrnh; no- p

rnapKHYTh p; rnapKaTh HOraMH to shuffle one 's feet

g sg lliHypa nom pl rnTa6en.H

to feel, touch (sth), probe no- p to screw up one ' s eyes, co- p

narrow one ' s eyes suburban train bookcase furious, raging; fervent,


g pl 3JieKTp:HqeK g pl 3Ta)J(epoK .Hphiii IIOKJIOHHHK fervent admirer




a 1 1 . and, but (slight a,n;pec 1425. address

contrast) a,n;pecoBaTh 7 1 53. to address (sth to s.o.)

a6co.rnbTHO 1 1 55 . absolutely i/p +a +d

a6co.rnbTHhiH 2054. absolute a,LJ;CKHH 568 1 . hellish

a6cTpaKTHhiH 5093 . abstract a)l( (coll) 8296. even

aBaHrap,ll; 492 1 . vanguard a3apT 97 1 2. excitement, fervour

aBaHC 8474. advance (payment) a36yKa 97 13 . alphabet

aBaHTIOpHCT 801 9. adventurer a31Hl TCKHH 4245. Asian (adj)

aBapHg 5679. breakdown; accident a36T 8520. nitrogen

aBryCT 2599. August aii 3072. oh! (fear, surprise)

aBHaH6c(e)u 97 1 0. aircraft carrier aKa,ll;eMHK 1 623. academician

aBHaUHOHHhiH 8020. aviation (adj) aKa,ll;eMiiqecKHH 4080. academic

aBHclUHg 4092. aviation aKa,ll;eMHj{ 1 106. academy

aBOCh 5473. perhaps aKKOp,ll; 9036. chord

Ha aBOCb on the off -chance aKKypaTHO 2952. thoroughly; tidily

aBCTpaJIHHCKHH 8442. Australian (adj) aKKypa THhiH 5096. exact, punctual; tidy

aBCTpH(e)u 8 1 92. Austrian aKT 8022. act (of play);

aBCTpHHCKHH 8 1 93 . Austrian document

aBT66yc 3870. bus aKTep 21 86. actor

aBTOMclT 2217 . slot -machine aKTHB 5682. the activists; assets

aBTOMaTH3aUH.H 4456. automation (financial)

aBTOMaTHKa 7 1 52. automation; machinery aKTHBH3aUHj{ 9037. activization

aBTOMaTHqecKHH 2454. automatic aKTHBHCT 4629. (political) activist

aBTOMalliHHa 3269. car, vehicle aKTHBHO 2455. actively

aBTOM06HJib m 1424. car aKTHBHOCTh f 448 1 . activity

aBTOM06HJibHhiH 3695. car (adj) aKTHBHhiH 1660. active

aBTOHOMHhiH 97 1 1 . autonomous aKTpllca 5475. actress

clBTOp 744. author aKTyaJihHhiH 4093. topical

aBTOpHTeT 1 677. authority axyna 97 14. shark

aBTOpHTeTHhiH 5680. authoritative, clKUHg 6467. share (in company)

trustworthy aJIH (coll) 8023. or

clBTOpcKHH 5474. author' s aJIKOfOJIHK 8388. alcoholic (noun)

ara [aha] 208 1 . ah (yes), aha aJIKOfOJih m 97 15 . alcohol

areHT 2375. agent aJIJiej{ 3434. avenue

areHTCTBO 4 1 1 3 . agency anMa3 8 1 85. (uncut) diamond

arHTaTop 8308. agitator aJIMa3HbiH 4453 . diamond (adj)

afHTaUHg 5094. agitation aJITapb m 9038. altar

arHTHpOBaTh 802 1 . to agitate, campaign anhiii 5476. scarlet

arpapHLiii 5922. agrarian anh66M 8338. album

arperaT 43 1 8. unit, assembly aJihiTHHCKHH 8309. alpine

arpecCHBHhiH 2245 . aggressive aM6ap 4265. bam; storehouse

arpeccHg 1 704. aggression aMepHKaH( e )u 766. American

arpeccop 2732. agressor aMepHKaHCKHH 55 1 . American

arpoH6M 2333. agronomist aMHHCTHg 6784. amnesty

a.n 9035 . hell aHMH3 1 168. analysis

a,nBOKaT 4628. lawyer aHaJIH3HpOBaTh i +a 4482. to analyse

a,nMHHHCTpa THBHhiH 4038 . administrative aHanor:HqHhiH 6 1 7 1 . analogous

a,D;MHHHCTpaUHg 5095. administration aHan6rHg 7565. analogy

a,nMHpaJI 4460. admiral aHapxHg 4784. anarchy



aHreJI 5477. angel accouHaiJ;JHI 5924. association

aHrJIHHCKHH 734. English; British acTpOHOM 8226. astronomer

aHrJIHqaHHH 1 720. Englishman acTpOHOMHqeCKHH 5685. astronomic(al)

aHeK,LlOT 6468. anecdote, joke acTpOHOMH.SI 8025 . astronomy

aHKeTa 5478. questionnaire, form ac<PaJihT 6785 . asphalt

aHcaM6Jih m 4246. ensemble a TaKa 1 979. attack

aHTeHHa 9039. antenna; aerial aTaKOBaTh i/p +a 5925. to attack

aHTHCeMHTH3M 8443. antisemitism aTeHCT 6 1 74. atheist

aHTHqHhiH 5479. ancient a TeHCTifqecKHH 8475. atheistic

aneJihCHH 9040. orange aTMoccpepa 1 092. atmosphere

anno,n:HpoBaTh i +d 4483. to applaud (s.o. or sth) aTMoc<PepHhiH 8274. atmospheric

aiiOCTOJI 904 1 . apostle clTOM 4050. atom

anna paT 1 059. apparatus aTOMHhiH 1 174. atomic

annapaTypa 441 5 . apparatus ay,nHTOpH.si 3214 . auditorium

anneTHT 5683. appetite acpop:H3M 7 1 56. aphorism

anpenh m 1978. April a<l>pHKaHCKHH 3 1 50. African (adj)

anTeKa 5923 . chemist 's, drugstore ax 730. ah! , oh !

apa6 8205 . Arab aXHYTh p 4923 . to gasp

apa6CKHH 5684. Arab (adj), Arabian a3po,np6M 2600. aerodrome

ap6y3 5480. water melon a3pon6pT 6786. airport

apryMeHT 8024. argument

apeHa 2274. arena 6a6a 988. peasant woman; (coli)

apeH,na 97 1 6. lease old woman, woman

apecT 2 1 87. arrest 6a6Hii (coli; sexist) 4267. women's

apeCTOBaHHhiH 4302. arrested, person 6a6Ka (coli) 8278. grandmother; old

arrested woman

apeCTOBclTh p +a 2082. to arrest 6a6oqKa 97 17 . butterfly

apHCTOKpaT 852 1 . aristocrat 6a6yiiiKa 522. grandmother

apHCTOKpaTifqecKHH 6469. aristocratic 6a6yiiiKHH 8476. grandmother' s

apHCTOKpclTH.si 4094. aristocracy 6ara)l( 97 18 . luggage

apHcpMeTHKa 6172. arithmetic 6arp6BhiH 647 1 . crimson

apKa 7 1 54. arch 6aJa 67 1 . base; depot

apMeiicKHH 9042. army (adj) 6a3ap 3215 . bazaar, market

apMH}I 465. army 6a3HC 8026. basis

apM.RHCKHH 5097. Armenian (adj) 6aK 97 19 . cistern, tank

apoMaT 7566. scent, aroma 6arr 463 1 . ball (dance)

apceHan 6173. arsenal 6anaHc 4284. balance ( econ)

apTHJIJiepHCT 8244. gunner 6aneT 5926. ballet

apTHJIJiepHR 4066. artillery 6anKa 5686. beam, girder; gully

apTHCT 2300. artiste, performer 6aJIKOH 2792. balcony

apxeonor 7 1 55. archaeologist 6ann 7 1 57 . mark (exam)

apx:Us 4922. archive(s) 6aJIOBaTh i +a 6787. to spoil (s.o.)

apXHTeKTOp 4630. architect 6aJIOBaThC.SI i 8027. to play about, indulge

apXHTeKTypa 4430. architecture OS

apXHTeKTypHbiH 4447. architectural 6arrTHHCKHH 7567. Baltic

acnHpaHT 4266. postgraduate (noun) 6aH,[(a 4785. band, gang

accaM6Jie.si 6470. assembly 6aH,[(HT 6 1 75 . bandit

aCCHrHOBclHHe 9043. allocation 6aHK 2903 . bank (for money)

accopTHMeHT 4484. assortment 6aHKa 409 1 . jar, can



6aHKHp 548 1 . banker 6e)l(aTh i 370. to run

6aHR 3435 . bath-house 6e)l(eH( e )u 8206. refugee

6ap 8028. bar 6e3 +g 109. without

6apa6aH 4485 . drum 6e3BeCTHhiH 8033. unknown

6apaK 7 1 63 . hut 6e3rpaMOTHOCTh f 9046. illiteracy

6apaH 9044. ram (sheep) 6e3rpaMOTHhiH 8034. illiterate

6apaxn6 (coli) 9720. old clothes, jumble; 6e3rpaHH'IHO 7569. infinitely

junk 6e3rpaHH'IHhiH 7 1 59. limitless

6ap)l(a 4095. barge 6e3�eHCTBOBaTh i 9723. to do nothing; stand

fiapHH 3 1 5 1 . landowner, barin; idle

gentleman 6e3�eeyrnKa 8035. knick -knack, trinket

6ap6MeTp 6472. barometer 6e3�eJihe 7 1 60. idleness

6appHKa�a 6788. barricade 6e3�eJihHHK 8036. idler

6apCKHH 6789. lord's , barin' s 6e3�Ha 9047. abyss; (coil) +g great

6apxar 5927. velvet quantity

6apxaTHhiii 8029. velvet (adj) 6e3�0MHhiH 7570. homeless

6apbiHR 437 1 . lady 6e3�0HHhiH 8037. bottomless

6apbiiiiHR 3 1 52. young lady 6e3�YIIIHhiH 9048. heartless

6apbep 6473. barrier 6e3)1(ciJIOCTHO 5687. pitilessly, ruthlessly

6ac 7568. bass 6e3)1(aJIOCTHhiH 7 1 6 1 . pitiless

6aCHR 5928. fable 6e33aBeTHO 9049. selflessly

6acceiiH 2376. pool, swimming-pool; 6e33aBeTHhiH 6177. selfless

basin (geog) 6e33BY'IHO 5688. soundlessly

6aTaJihOH 4096. battalion 6e3JIID�HhiH 6790. lacking people,

6aTapeR 1 930. battery; radiator unfrequented

6aThKa m (coll) 441 6. dad, father 6e3MepHO 757 1 . immensely

6aTIOIIIKa m 2 138. father 6e3MOJIBHO 9050. silently

6aTR m (coli) 83 10. dad, father 6e3Ha�e)I(HO 6178. hopelessly

6arnKa (very coli) 4097. head 6e3Ha�e)I(HhiH 6474. hopeless

6arnMaK 803 1 . shoe 6e3HaKa3aHHO 905 1 . with impunity

6aiiiHR 3696. tower 6e3o6pa3He 3782. ugliness; scandalous

6a}}H 9045. bayan, Russian 6e3oroB6p0'1HhiH 5689. unconditional

accordion 6e30IIaCHOCTh f 177 1 . security

6�HTeJihHOCTh f 6 176. vigilance 6e30IIclCHhiH 7 162. safe

6�HTeJihHhiH 972 1 . vigilant 6e30TBeTCTBeHHhiH 9724. irresponsible

6er 3535. running; race 6e30IIIH60'IHO 9052. correctly, accurately

6erarh i 1 844. (p no-) to run around; 6e3pa66rHn;a 3698. unemployment

(p c-) run there and 6e3pa66THhiH 6179. unemployed

back 6e3pa3IIH'IHO 679 1 . indifferently

6ernhxii 3697. quick, fleeting 6e3pOIIOTHO 9725 . uncomplainingly,

6erCTBO 5482. flight, escape without a murmur

6e�a 1 08 1 . misfortune 6e3yMHe 4422. madness

6e�HO 8032. poorly, cheaply 6e3yMHhiH 5929. mad

6e�HOCTh f 5483. poverty 6e3yrrpe'1HhiH 5270. irreproachable

6e�HOTa 4632. the poor 6e3yCJIOBHO 2507. undoubtedly

6e�HbiH 1 209. poor 6e3yCJIOBHhiH 527 1 . unconditional

6e�H.Rra m (coll) 7 1 58 . poor fellow 6e3ycrrernHo 9053. unsuccessfully

6e�p6 9722. hip; thigh 6e3biM.RHHhiH 6475. nameless

6e,ZJ;CTBHe 2953. disaster 6enerh i 6180. to grow white, be white



6eJIHJHa 6 1 8 1 . whiteness 6ecrroma,n;Ho 6 1 84. mercilessly

6emlna pl 9054. whitewash 6ecnoma.n;Hbiii 3270. merciless

6enxa 7 1 64. squirrel 6ecnpe.n;enbHbiH 6793 . boundless, unlimited

6enoxypbiH 5690. blond, fair-haired 6ecrrperr.si:TCTBeHHbiH 804 1 . unimpeded,

6enopyccKHH 6476. Belorussian (or unhindered

Belarusian) 6ecCHJibHbiH 5693 . powerless

6eJIOCHe)I(HhiH 1 884. snow-white 6eccne,n;Ho 9056. without trace

6eJibiii 2 19. white 6eccMepTHe 4423. immortality

6eJibe 3073. linen 6eccMepTHbiH 3537. immortal

6eH3HH 5484. petrol 6eCCMhiCJieHHO 6479. pointlessly,

6eper 293 . bank, shore meaninglessly

6eperoB6ii 6477. coastal 6eCCMhiCJieHHbiH 7 1 66. senseless, meaningless

6epe)l(mlBOCTh f 8038. thrift 6ecc6BeCTHbiH 5694. shameless,

6epe)I(Ho 5098. carefully unscrupulous

6epe3a 3074. birch 6ecc6HHHQa 7572. insomnia

6epe3Ka 5272. little birch tree 6ecc6HHhiH 5930. sleepless

6epe30BbiH 569 1 . birch (adj) 6eccn6pHo 387 1 . indisputably

6eper 8039. beret 6eccn6pHbiH 4924. indisputable

6epelfh i +a 2083. to look after 6eccTparnHe 6480. fearlessness

6epe'lbCjJ i 9055. to be careful 6eccrparnHo 8042. fearlessly

6ec 8522. demon 6eccrpalllHbiH 3872. fearless

6ece.ua 867. talk, discussion 6eCCThi.LJ;HO 9057. shamelessly

6ece.nxa 8523. summer-house 6eCTOJIKOBbiH 9727 . stupid; incoherent,

6ece.uoBaTb i c+inst 2 1 88 . to talk, converse (with) muddled

6eCKOHelfHO 2415 . endlessly 6eCQBeTHhiH 264 1 . colourless

6eCKOHelfHOCTb f 5692. infinity 6ecuepeM6HHO 6794. unceremoniously

6eCKOpbiCTHhiH 6 182. unconcerned with 6eC1fHCJieHHbiH 2602. innumerable

personal gain, 6ecmyMHo 593 1 . noiselessly

disinterested, 6eTOH 4 1 02 . concrete

unselfish 6eTOHHbiH 4786. concrete (ad j)

6ecnapTHHHbiH 6478. without party 6emeHo 4925 . madly, furiously

affiliation, 6ellleHCTBO 8043 . fury; rabies

independent 6ellleHbiH 2733 . mad; furious

6ecnelfHhiii 9726. carefree, unconcerned 6H6JieHCKHH 7573. biblical

6ecnnaTHo 8040. free (without payment) 6H6JIHOTeKa 1 66 1 . library

6ecnnaTHbiH 5485. free (of charge) 6H6JIH.SI 7 1 67. bible; the Bible

6ecnn6.UHhiH 4268. barren; fruitless 6H3HeCMeH 9058 . businessman

6ecnoBop6THO 6792. irreversibly 6HJieT 2084. ticket

6ecnoK6HTb i +a 3536. to worry 6HHOKJib m 36 18 . binoculars

6ecnOKOHTbCj! 1 535 . to worry, be worried 6HHT 9728 . bandage

i o +pr (about) 6Horpa<f>H.s� 2642. biography

6ecnOKOHHO 5486. restlessly; disturbing 6H6nor 8044. biologist

6ecnOKOHHbiH 3617 . anxious, agitated 6HOJIOrH1feCKHH 5274. biological

6ecnOKOHCTBO 3436. agitation, anxiety 6HOJIOrHj! 7 1 68 . biology

6ecnoneJHo 5273. uselessly 6Hp)l(a 8045 . exchange; stock

6ecrrone3Hhiii 260 1 . useless exchange

6ecrr6MomHhiH 6 183 . helpless 6HTBa 1 624. battle

6ecnop.si:.u( o )K 3437. disorder, mess 6HTbiH 5695. beaten; broken;

6ecnop.si:.n;o'IHhiH 3783. disorderly whipped



6HTh i 761 . to beat, hit 6.m0.no 4023. dish, course (of meal)

6HThcg i 2009. to fight; to beat 6o6 8444. bean

6Hq 648 1 . whip; scourge 6or 593. God

6naro 1 8 14. good (thing) 6oraTo 8053. richly

6naro.napHTh 1 235. to thank (s.o. for sth) 6oraTCTBO 8 1 9. wealth, riches

+a 3a + a 6oraThiii 688. rich

6naro.napHOCTh f 3873. gratitude 6oraThlpcKHH 7576. heroic

6naro,IJ;apHhiH 2853 . grateful 6oraThiph m 4098. bogatyr, hero

6naro.napi +d 1 705. thanks to 6oraq 9065 . rich man

6nar6ii 6482. good Eorop6.nHua 8339. the Virgin

6narono.rrYq:ue 3784. well-being 66,npo 9066. cheerfully, heartily

6narono.rrYqHo 434 1 . safely, well 66,npOCTh f 5932. cheerfulness

6narononyqHhiH 9059. successful 66,nphiH 7 1 72. cheerful, in good form

6naronpHRTHhiH 230 1 . favourable 6oeB6H 899. fighting, battle

6narop6,n;HhiH 2 1 16 . noble 6oenpHnachi pl 8054. ammunition

6narop6.ncTBO 6795. nobility 6o(e)u 1 3 17 . fighter, soldier

6JiarOCJIOBeHHe 7574. blessing 6o)J(eCTBeHHhiH 7577. divine

6JiarOCJIOBHTh p +a 9060. to bless 66)KHH adj 2644. God's

6narOCJIOBJIRTh i +a 7 1 69. to bless 6oii 628. battle

6narOCOCTORHHe 4327. well-being, prosperity 66iiKHH 7 173. smart, lively

6naroycTpOHCTBO 8524. equipping with 66HKO 9067. boldly, briskly

amenities 66ifHg 8055. slaughter -house

6Jia)KeHHhiH 6796. blessed 6ox 1 397. side

6Jia)KeHCTBO 906 1 . bliss 6oxan 2793 . wineglass

6JiaHK 8048. form (document) 6oKOB6ii 4486. side (adj)

6ne.nHeTh i 8049. to tum pale 6onBaH 6 1 85. blockhead, idiot

6Jie,LJ;HhiH 2603. pale 66nee 254. more

6necK 2643. shine 6oJie3HeHHhiH 5488. unhealthy

6necHyTh p 7 1 70. to flash 6one3Hh f 1439. illness

6necTeTh i 2904. to shine 6oneTh i 1678. to be ill; to hurt

6JieCTRIUe 7 1 7 1 . brilliantly 6oJIOTHhiH 8525. marsh (adj)

6necT RIUHii 1 236. shining, bright, 6oJIOTO 1 8 1 5 . marsh

brilliant 6onTaTb i 4487. to shake, stir; (coll)

6JIH)I(HHH 2954. near chatter

6JIH3 +g 3438 . near 6onTaThcg i (coil) 9730. to dangle; hang about

6JIH3HThCji 8050. to draw near 60JITOBHR ( coll) 6797. chatter, gossip

6JIH3KHH 729. close, near 60Jih f 2645. pain

6JIH3KO 945. it is near, it is not far; 60JihHHUa 2508. hospital

near, close; closely 66JihHO 1 569. painfully; it is painful

6nH3Heu 4247. twin 6onhH6ii 10 18. ill; sore; (as noun)

6JIH30pyKHH 805 1 . short-sighted patient, invalid

6JIH30CTh f 3699. closeness 66Jihiiie 127. more

6JIHH 7 1 65 . pancake 60JihiiieBHK 404 1 . Bolshevik

6JIHH,n;a)l( 9063. dugout 60JihiiieBHCTCKHH 83 1 1 . Bolshevik (adj)

6JIHCTa TeJihHhiH 5487. brilliant 66JihiiiHH 3 1 53. bigger

6JIOKHOT 4633. notepad 60JihliiHHCTBO 745 . majority

6noxa 9729. flea 6onhiii6ii 57. large

6ny)l(,n;aTh 8052. to wander 66M6a 1 548. bomb

6nro,neqKo 9064. small dish, saucer 6oM6ap,llHpOBKa 5933. bombardment



60M6ap�Hp0BlllHK 6 1 86. bomber (aeroplane) 6pHThC.SI i 5935 . to shave

6oM6e)I(Ka (coli) 6798. bombardment 6pOBh f 4250. eyebrow, brow

6oM6HTh i +a 9068. to bomb 6po.n;HTh i 2794. to wander

6op 5215. pinewood, coniferous 6po.n;}]:ra m 5099. tramp, down-and-out

forest 6poiKeHHe 9070. fermentation

6op(e)u 2055. fighter; wrestler 6p6H3a 6800. bronze

6opMOTclTh i 2734. to mumble 6p6H30BhiH 3216 . bronze (adj )

6opo�a 1 845. beard 6pOH.SI (6pOHh) 907 1 . reservation, booking

6opo�aThiii 3075. bearded 6pOHR armour-plating

6op6�Ka 5696. small beard 6pocaTh i +a 1 1 56. to throw; to abandon,

6op6ThC.SI i c +inst 697. to struggle (against) give up

6opT 3499. side (of a ship) 6pocaThc.SI i 1 679. to rush

6opm 5276. borshch, beetroot soup 6p6CHTh p 689. to throw; to give up

6oph6a 384. struggle 6p6CHThC.SI p 1452. to rush, throw oneself

66piOm;HHC.SI 5277. struggling 6poc(6)K 9072. throw; bound

6oc6ii 3932. barefoot 6p6rneHHhiH 6 1 90. abandoned

60THH(O)K 4099. (low) boot 6p6rnKa 8526. brooch

66qKa 5278. barrel 6pornropa 3272. brochure

66.SI3HO (coli) +d +inf 8056. afraid 6pyc 8288. beam (of wood or

6oR3Hh f 5934. fear metal)

60RThC.SI i +g 3 12. to fear, be afraid 6pyc(6)K 8262. bar, ingot

6paK 327 1 . marriage; (no pl) 6pbi3rH f pl 5489. spray

defective product(s), 6piDKH pl 3874. trousers

reject(s) 6proxo (coli) 6485. paunch

6paHh f 6 187. swearing, abuse 6yr(6)p 3273. mound

6pacJieT 9069. bracelet 6y�HTh i +a 3350. to wake

6paT 326. brother 6y.n;Ka 9073. booth

6paT(e)u 2905 . old man, mate (form 6y.n;HH pl 6 1 9 1 . weekdays

of address) 6y�HHqHhiH 7 1 74. weekday (adj) ; dull,

6pa THIIIKa m (coli) 7578. little brother everyday

6paTCKHH 1 30 1 . fraternal, brotherly 6y.n;TO 502. as though, allegedly

fipaTCTBO 4352. brotherhood 6y.n;y�HH 344. future

6paTh i 419 . to take 6yiiHhiH 9732. wild, unruly

6paThc.SI i Ja +a 1789. to take hold of; start 6yKBa 22 1 8. letter (of alphabet)

work on fiyKBaJihHO 2416 . literally

6peBeHqaThiH 7579. made of logs 6yKBciJihHhiH 9074. literal

6peBHO 3349. log, beam 6yKeT 4296. bouquet

6pe� 6483. delirium; rubbish 6yKCHp 8238. tugboat; tow-rope

6pe3rJIHBO 6799. squeamishly 6ynaBKa 8445. pin

6peM.SI n 4787. burden 6ynKa 7 1 75 . small loaf

6pecTH i 6 188. to plod along 6y JlhliKHHK 8058. cobble-stone; cobbles

6peiiib f 8057. breach 6ynhBap 4 1 14. avenue

6pHra�a 2006. brigade, team 6yMara 435 . paper

6pHra�lfp 35 16. brigade leader; 6yMaiKKa 2550. piece of paper;

foreman banknote

fipHJIJIHclHT 6 1 89. (cut) diamond 6yMaiKHhiH 3786. paper (adj )

fipHTaHCKHH 3785. British fiyHT 5936. revolt, rebellion

6pHTBa 973 1 . razor 6ypiKyaJH.SI 8 1 83 . bourgeoisie

fipHTh i +a 6484. to shave 6ypiKya3HhiH 4069. bourgeois

31 4


6yp)l(yH (coll) 8235. bourgeois (noun) output (econ)

6ypKHYTh p ( coll) 8059. to mutter, growl BarreH( 0 )K 4303. felt boot

6ypHO 6486. stormily; energetically Ba..rnfTh i +a 3440. to topple; heap up

6ypHhiH 1 93 1 . stormy BaJIHThCR i 4634. to fall

6yphiH 3439. greyish-brown sanos6ii 834 1 . gross (adj)

6yph}]:H 6487. weeds, tall weeds Ba.JIYH 6802. boulder

6ypR 2 1 17 . storm, gale BaJihC 8224. waltz

6yTep6p6.z:r; 9075. (open) sandwich BaJIIDTa 8060. currency; foreign

6yThiJIKa 1 885. bottle currency

6yThiJIQqKa 680 1 . small bottle BaJI}]:Th i 528 1 . to drag; to roll

6y<t>eT 3016 . snack bar sa.rr}]:iiTe ! (coll) go ahead!

6y<l>eTqHK 8297. barman BaJI}]:ThCR i 3217 . to roll; lie about

6yxranTep 9076. bookkeeper BaHHa 5698. bath

6yxTa 4388. bay sape)I(Ka 6803. mitten

6yrnesaTh 6488 . to rage sapeHhe 7582. jam

6hi 1 89. (conditional particle, BapHaHT 2377. variant

'would') BapHTh i +a 4488. to boil, cook by

6hiBarro (particle) 5697. used to, would boiling

(coll) (repetition) saph:HposaTh i +a 8527. to vary, modify

6hiBaJihiH 6 1 92. experienced saT a 6 193 . cotton wool

6hiBaTh i 233 . to be (repeated! y) sa Tara 8446. band, gang

6hiBIIIHH 1036. former BaTHhiH 806 1 . quilted; cotton-wool

6hiK 1 860. bull (adj)

6biJI6ii 4926. former, past BaXTa 8207. watch (on ship);

6hiJih f 9733 . true story, fact special work shift

6hiCTpO 22 1 . quickly sam 128. your

6biCTpOTa 3017 . speed s6eraTh i s +a 2456. to run in

6hiCTphiH 887. quick, fast B6e)l(a Th p B +a 8062. to run in

6hiT 1 264. way of life, everyday B6JIH3H 3788. close by

life BBe.z:r;eHHe 2956. introduction

6hiTHe 2 1 89. existence BBepx 1426. upwards

6hiTOBOH 2955 . social, everyday BBeCTH p +a 1 398. to bring in, introduce

6hiTh 10 . to be BBH,IJ;y +g 4635. in view of

6JO,IJ;)I(eT 5280. budget BBO,ll; 8365. bringing in

6IOJIJieTeHh m 9734. bulletin; ballot-paper; BBOLIHTh i +a 21 18 . to bring in

medical certificate BBO,ll;HThCR i 4927. to be introduced,

610p6 n indecl 1 549. office brought in

6IOp0KpaT 758 1 . bureaucrat BBhiCh 8063. upwards

6IOpOKpaTHqeCKHH 9077. bureaucratic BrJIY6h 7583. into the depths

6IOpOKpaTHR 9078. bureaucracy Br JIR)J;eThCR p B +a 9079. to look closely at,

B (BO) 2. (+pr) in peer at

(+a) into, to Br JI}]:,IJ;hiBa ThCR i 3789. to gaze at, study

sar6H 1 256. carriage, coach, wagon B +a

BaroHqHK 4 1 00. small wagon, coach B,IJ;aneKe 7584. in the distance

Ba)I(HO 1 386. it is important B,IJ;aJIH 2735. in the distance

Bcl)I(HOCTh f 3787. importance B,ll;BOe 3 1 54. double

Ba)I(HhiH 582. important B,ll;BOeM 3700. together (as a

saJa 444 1 . vase twosome)

san 255 1 . billow; rampart; gross B,IJ;06aBOK (coll) K +d 5490. in addition (to)

31 5


B,IJ:OBa 43 1 1 . widow BeH(O)K 7590. wreath, garland

B,IJ:OBOJih 7585. in abundance; enough BeHCKHH 8065. Viennese

B,IJ:OfOHKY (coli) 8064. in pursuit sepa 1 387. faith, belief

B,IJ:OJih +g 1 29 1 . along sep6mb,n; 5700. camel

B,IJ:OXHOBeHHe 7 1 76. inspiration sepesKa 3218 . rope; string

B,IJ:OXHOBeHHbiH 6 194. inspired BepeHHUa 5938. file, line, string

B,IJ:OXHOBJigTh i +a 7586. to inspire BepHTb i 642. to believe (+d) s.o. or

B;J;pe6e3rH 9080. to pieces sth, (B +a) in s.o.

s,n:pyr 153 . suddenly or sth

B,n:yMaThC» p B +a 7 1 77. to ponder on BepHThC» i +d 8066. to believe

B)J;biXaTb i +a 9735. to breathe in BepHO 650. faithfully, truly; it is

Be,IJ:aTb i +inst 6 195. to manage, be in true

charge of BepHOCTb f 5282. faithfulness, loyalty;

se,n:eHHe 344 1 . conducting, conduct truth

Be,n:eHHe authority, control sepHyTh p +a 1 79 1 . to return

Be,IJ:OMOCTh f 7 1 78. list, register BepHyThC» p 289. to come back

Be,IJ:OMCTBO 4333. department (of BepHbiH 1 1 30. faithful, correct,

government) reliable, sure

Be,n:p6 2736. bucket BepogTHO 912 . probably

se,n:ymHii 3076. leading; presenter (of BepogTHOCTh f 4024. probability

programme) sepo�THhiH 5492. probable

se,n:h 1 6 1 . you know (expecting sepcH» 8067. version

agreement) sepcTa 2646. verst (slightly over a

se,n:hMa 7587. witch kilometre)

seep 7 1 79. fan sepTeTh 3933. to twirl

Be)I(JIHBO 6196. politely sepTeThC» i 4788 . to rotate

Be)I(JIHBOCTh f 7575. politeness BepTHKaJibHO 570 1 . vertically

Be)I(JIHBbiH 5699. polite BepTHKaJihHhiH 5283 . vertical

Be3;J;e 2085. everywhere sepToneT 7 1 80. helicopter

Be3TH i +a 2457. to transport BepyiOmHH m adj 7 1 8 1 . believer

BeK 6 12. century; age, era sepx 2692. top

seKo 4636. eyelid sepxHHH 1 2 1 0. upper

BeKOBOH 3790. centuries-old Bepx6BHhiH 1 907. supreme

seneHHe 549 1 . command sepxos6ii 6489. riding

senerh i/p +d +inf 1932. to order (s.o. to do sth) sepx6she 7 1 82. upper reaches (of

BeJIHKaH 5 100. giant river)

BemiKHH 334. great sepx6M 759 1 . on horseback

seJIHKonenHe 7588. magnificence sepxyrnKa 3619. top; (coli) the bosses

BeJIHKOJiellHO 4928. splendid(ly) seprn:UHa 1 1 89. summit, peak

BeJIHKOJiellHhiH 2086. magnificent sec 1 237. weight

BeJIHqaBhiH 9736. majestic BeCeJIHTh i +a 9082. to cheer up; amuse

se.rnlqecTBeHHhiH 3442. majestic BeCeJIHThC» 6804. to make merry

seJIH:qHe 2906. greatness seceno 1 145 . merrily, cheerfully

BeJIHqHHa 1 790. size seceJibiH 5 1 5 . cheerful, merry

BeJIOCHIIe,n: 5937. bicycle Becenhe 3538. merriment

BeHa 7580. vein seceHHHH 2 1 90. spring (adj)

BeHrepCKHH 5 1 0 1 . Hungarian BeCHTh 4235 . to weigh (intrans)

seH(e)u 908 1 . crown, wreath; halo secn6 5939. oar

BeHHK 7589. brush, bundle of twigs BeCHcl 829. spring (season)

31 6



BeCTH i +a



BeCTh f

sechi m pl

BCCh rn/BCH f/BCe

n/Bce pi



BeTBh f














BeqHOCTh f



serna Th i +a




semh f

Be.siTh i






B3aHMOllOMOmh f


B3aMeH +g


B3BeCHTh p +a

B3BeiiiHBa Th i +a

. B3BO)l;

Ha B3BO)l;e

4637. in spring

9083 . weighty

388. to lead

6490. lobby

8068. messenger

1487. piece of news

649 1 . scales

1 2. all

703 . very, extremely

8528. to branch

2458. branch

37 1 . wind

441 1 . veteran

4025. breeze

3 1 55 . branch

4 1 20. twig, sprig

6492. ancient, dilapidated

6805 . ham

9737. landmark; stake,


238. evening

6493. party

1 680. evening (adj)

570. in the evening

3274. eternally, always

7592. eternity

1 463. eternal

4638. coat hanger

3275 . to hang

7 1 83 . substantial, material

937. substance, matter

9084. little thing, knick-knack

533 . thing

6 1 97. to blow (wind), flutter

6806. mutually

1 908. mutual

9085. mutually advantageous

4 1 2 1 . interaction

3620. interrelation

7 1 84. mutual assistance

5940. mutual understanding

370 1 . in exchange (for),

instead ( ot)

5284. to climb up

6 198. to weigh

6494. to weigh

4929. platoon

drunk; agitated



B3BOJIHOBclTh p +a


4122. anxiously

321 9. anxious, agitated

5493. to disturb, worry

B3r JI.si)l; 413 . look, view

B3r JI.siHYTh p Ha +a 772. to look, glance (at)

B3rJIR)l;hiBaTh i Ha +a 7593 . to look at

B3.nop (coli) 5285. nonsense

B3,[(0X 4123 . sigh

B3)l;OXHYTh p

B3,l1;parHBaTh i

B3,l1;pOrHyTh p

B3,n:yMaTh p (coli)


B3)l;h1Xcl Th i

B3JieTclTh i

B3JieTeTb p


B30HTH p Ha +a


B30pBclTh p +a

B30pBclThC.si p



B3pbiBclTh i +a

B3hiBclTh i K +d




B3.SITh p

B3RThC.si p 3a +a


BH)l;aTh i (coli) +a


BH)l;eTh i

BH)l;eThC.si i c +inst












BHHHTh i +a B +pr

1277. to sigh

5494. to shudder

4639. to start, flinch

3443. to decide suddenly

335 1 . to sigh

7 1 85 . to fly up

7 1 86. to fly up

9738. payment; fee;


3934. to ascend

2275. look, glance

3539. to blow up

8070. to explode

1625. adult

1 190. explosion

6807. to blow up

7 594. to appeal to

9086. penalty, punishment

807 1 . taking, capture

8072. bribe

1 32. to take

1427. to take hold of; to take

up, get down to

278. view, look; species

4280. to see

4464. vision

89. to see

3 791 . to see one another

1 362. evidently

4930. visibility; appearance

3509. visible, evident

3352. to be visible

42 1 . evident, visible

168 1 . eminent

6199. scream

7 1 87. to scream; squeal

3077. official visit

9739. fork; (two-pin) plug

2552. guilt

8073. to accuse (s.o. of sth)

31 7



B.HHOBaT short adj










BHCeTh i




BHXpb m






BKJia,llhiBa Th i +a

BKJIJO�aTh i +a








sna.uen( e )u


sna,n;eTh i +inst

sna,n;hiKa m




BJiaCTh f


sne3a Th i B +a

BJie3Th p

BJieTeTh p

sne�h p +a

31 8

2 1 19 . wine

4789. guilty; sorry !

6808. guiltily

1 19 1 . guilty, to blame

5702. culprit

6200. guilty

7 1 88. grapes

9087. vineyard

9088. screw; propeller

4049. rifle

9740. gallows

1414. to hang, be hanging

493 1 . temple (ear to


3540. shop-window;


5286. to wind, twine, twist

9089. forelock

594 1 . whirlwind

9090. vice-president

5287. cherry (adj)

7595. cherry

8529. look!

3353. contribution

4932. to insert; invest

3078. to include: switch on

7596. to join; be included;

be switched on

5942. inclusion

2693 . to include; switch on

2 1 9 1 . taste

8074. tasty

4933 . tasty

5288. damp, moisture

3 1 56. owner

4248. possession, ownership

2957. to possess; have

command of

5495. master, ruler

4 124. damp

8076. imperiously

8077. imperious;


603 . power

909 1 . to the left

7597. to climb in

6495 . to climb in

7598. to fly in

8078. to draw; attract



BJIHRTh i Ha +a


BJIOJKHTh p +a B +a

BJII06HThCji p B +a

BJII06JieHHhiH B +a

1 1 69. influence

7599. influential

4489. to influence

5 1 02. enclosure (in letter);


620 1 . to insert; invest

5289. to fall in love with

4490. in love (with)

smo6JIRThC}I i B +a 6496. to fall in love (with)

BMecTe 1 7 1 . together

BMecTo +g 974. instead of

BMernaTeJihCTBO B +a 3444. interference (in)

BMernaThCj{ p B +a 4934. to interfere (in)

BMernHBaThC}I i B +a 3935 . to interfere (in)


BHe +g


BHe,n;pHTh p +a B +a

BHe,llpRTh i +a B +a



2604. at first

2378. outside

2334. inculcation; putting

into practice

6497. to inculcate; introduce

7 1 89 . to inculcate; put into


1 682. suddenly

2694. sudden

BHecT:H p +a B +a 2417 . to bring in

BHernHe 6809. outwardly

BHelllHenoJIHTH�ecKHH 8366. foreign-policy (adj)

BHeiiiHHii 1 1 1 6. exterior

BHeiiiHOCTh f 68 10 . exterior

BHH3 1 4 1 5 . down

BHH3y 2605. below

BHHKa Th i B +a 6202. to investigate

BHHMaHHe 391 . attention

BHHMaTeJihHo 1 6 1 1 . attentively

BHHMaTeJihHhiH (x) 449 1 . attentive, considerate


BHOBh 1 030. anew, again; newly

BHOCHTh i +a 2276. to carry in, bring in

BHYK 4640. grandson





BHyrnaTh i +a +d


BHYIIlHTh p +a +d


BOBJieKa Th i +a B +a

8 1 1 . inner, interior, internal

1 8 16 . inside

5703 . inside; inwards

354 1 . granddaughter

3542. to instil (sth in s.o.)

9092. impressively

6203. to instil (sth in s.o.),

put sth in s.o. ' s head

974 1 . distinctly, clearly,


9093 . to involve (s.o. in sth)


BOBpeMj! 2795 . on time Ha +a put pressure on

so Bee 875 . at all B03,[(ep)l(clThCji p 9743 . to abstain (from)

BO-BTOpbiX 1 72 1 . secondly OT +g

BO,[(cl 99. water B63,n;yx 422. air

BO,[(HTeJih m 4492. driver B03,[(YIIIHhiH 1 59 1 . air (adj)

BO,[(HTh i +a 4493. to lead B033BclHHe 8447. appeal

BO,[(HThCji 7600. (c +inst) to associate B033peHHe 8227. opinion, outlook

with; be, be found B03HTh i +a 3276. to transport (around/

so.n;Ka 1488. vodka there and back)

BO,[(HhiH 3445. water (adj) B03HThCji i c +inst 4125. to fiddle (with)

BO,[(OeM 7 1 90. reservoir B63ne +g 882. by, near

BO,[(Ollcl,l1; 9094. waterfall B03JIO)I(HTh p +a 6204. to lay on

BO,[(OllpOBO,[( 8530. water-pipe Ha +a

BO,D;OpO,n 8266. hydrogen B03Me3,[(He 7 194. retribution

BO,[(OpOCJih f 8079. seaweed B03MO)I(H0 1 007. possibly; possible; it

BO,[(OXpaHHJIHIUe 4475. reservoir is possible

BO.n;py3HTh p (+a) 9742. to hoist, erect B03MO)I(HOCTh f 478. possibility

BO,[(jiHOH 4372. water (adj) , aquatic, B03MO)I(HhiH 1 230. possible

water-powered B03MYTHTh p +a 8084. to anger, outrage

BOeBaTh i 1 363 . to wage war B03My�eHHe 3079. indignation

BOe,[(HHO 9095. together B03MyiUeHHO 529 1 . indignantly

BOeHHO-MOpCKOH 8542. naval B03HHKaTh i 954. to arise

BOeHHhiH 443 . military, war (adj) ; B03HHKHOBeHHe 5 1 03. beginning, origin

soldier B03HHKHYTh p 2 120. to arise

BOeHI.QHHa 9096. militarism; militarists B0306HOBHTh p +a 7602. to renew

BO)I(clK 9097. guide, leader Bo3pa)l(a Th i 3080. to object

BO)I(,[(h m 3875. leader Bo3pa)l(eHHe 68 12 . objection

BO)I()I(cl 8349. rein B03pa3HTh p 4935. to object

B036y,nHTh p +a 760 1 . to arouse B63pacr 1 336. age

B036y)l(,[(clTh i +a 3543. to arouse Bo3pacTa Th i 3354. to grow

B036y)l(,[(cl TbCji i 853 1 . to become aroused B03pacTaJOI.QHH 4495. growing

B036y)l(,n;clJOIUHH 8080. arousing, stimulating B03paCTH p 2958. to grow

B036y:>K,n;eHHe 2087. excitement, arousal B03p0)1(,l1;eHHe 5705 . rebirth, revival,

B036y)l(,n;eHH 0 808 1 . excitedly renaissance

B036y)l(,neHHhiH 5496. aroused, excited BOHH 3544. warrior

B03BO,[(HTh i +a 7 1 9 1 . to raise BOHHCKHH 4412 . military

B03BpaTHTb p +a 7 1 92. to return BOHHCTBeHHhiii 7603. warlike

B03BpaTHThCji p 4494. to return BOH 7 1 95 . how 1; wailing

B03Bpai.Qa Th i +a 6498. to return BoiiHa 291 . war

B03Bpai.Qa TbCji i 793. to return, come back BOHCKa n pl 900. troops, army

so3BpameHHe 3446. return BOHTH p 3 1 3 . to enter

B03Bhllllcl TbCji i 7 193. to rise BOK3M 2246. (main) station

B03BhiiiieHHhiH 9098. elevated; lofty BOKpyr +g 407. around

B03r JiclBHTh p +a 68 1 1 . to head BOJI 9099. ox

B03r naBJI}]:Th i +a 5290. to head, lead BOJieBOH 5292. strong-willed

B63rnac 5704. exclamation BOJI)I(CKHH 68 1 3 . Volga (adj)

B03,[(BHrHyTh p +a 8082. to raise, erect BOJIK 3 1 57. wolf

B03,[(eHCTBHe 4476. influence, pressure BOJIHa 63 1 . wave

B03,[(eHCTBOBaTb i/p 8083. to affect, influence, BOJIHeHHe 2553. agitation; disturbance

31 9


BOJIHOBaTh i +a 2796. to worry, excite Boc(e)Mh 526. eight

BOJIHOBaThCg i 1 886. to worry BoceMb,Uec.SIT 362 1 . eighty

BOJIOC 968. (a) hair BOCeMbCOT 9 1 04. eight hundred

BOJIOCa ThiH 7 196. hairy BOCK 9748. wax

BOJIOC(O)K 8202. (a) hair BOCKJIHKHYTb p 308 1 . to exclaim

BOJIIIIe6 HhiH 5 1 04. magic BOCKJIHUaTh i 8087 . to exclaim

BOJibHO 4790. freely BOCKOBOH 8532. wax (adj)

BOJibHbiH 3936. free BOCKpeceHhe 2554. Sunday

BOJI.SI 839. will; freedom, liberty BOCKpeCHYTb p 8088. to come back to life;

BOH 883. out, away; over there revive

BOHRTh i +inst 9744. to stink (of) BOCKpeCHbiH 5944. Sunday (adj)

Boo6pa)l(aTh i +a 5497. to imagine BOCITHTaHHe 969. upbringing

Boo6pa)l(eH:ue 2647. imagination BOCITHTa TeJibHbiH 6499. educational

Boo6pa3HTh p 5293 . to imagine BOCITHTaTb p +a 3355. to bring up, educate

Boo6�e 641 . in general BOCITHThiBaTb i +a 2854. to educate, bring up

Boo.uyrneBJieH:ue 9745 . enthusiasm, fervour BocnHThiBa Thcg i 8089. to be brought up; be

Boopy)l(a Th i +a 7604. to arm fostered

Boopy)l(eH:ue 1722. arming; arms Bocn6Jih30BaThcg 3082. to make use of

BOopy)l(eHHhiH 2 1 39. armed p +inst

BOopy)I(HTb p +a 5943 . to arm BOCITOMHHaHHe 2 1 92. memory, recollection

Boopy)I(HThCg p 8085. to ann os BOCllpHHHMaTh i +a 5295 . to perceive

Bo6qJno 9746. with one ' s own eyes, BOCITpHRTHe 5498. perception

for os BOCITpOH3BO,UHTb i +a 7607. to reproduce

BO-nepBbiX 1 536. firstly, in the first place BOCCTaHaBJIHBaTh 5706. to restore, reconstruct;

BOITHID�HH 9 100. flagrant, scandalous i +a (+a npOTHB +g)

BOIIJIO�eHHe 6205 . embodiment set s.o. against s.o.

BOIIJib m 7605. wail, howl BOCCTaHHe 1 376. uprising

BOnpeKH +d 464 1 . in spite of BOCCTaHOBHTb p +a 3356. to restore

BOIIpOC 163. question BOCCTaHOBJieHHe 3792. restoration

BOp 4642. thief BOCTOK 1 723. east

BOpBaThCg p B +a 3702. to burst in BOCTOpr 2509. delight

Bopo6(e)ii 4337. sparrow BOCTOpraThC.SI i +inst 8533. to be delighted (with)

BopoBaTh i +a 68 14. to steal BOCTOp)l(eHHO 7 1 97 . enthusiastically

BOpOBCTBO 9 10 1 . stealing BocTop)l(eHHhiH 5707. enthusiastic, rapturous

BOpOHa 9102. crow BOCToqHbiH 2335. eastern

BOpOHKa 5294. funnel BOCXHIIJ;aThC.SI i +inst 7608 . to admire

BOpOT 4643. collar; winch BOCXHIIJ;eHHe 5708. rapture, admiration

Bop6Ta nom pl 1 1 3 1 . gate, gates BOCXO.U 7 1 98. rise

BOpOTHHK 3937. collar BOCXO,URIIJ;HH 6206. rising

BOpOTHHq( 0 )K 7606. (small) collar BOCbMOii 553. eighth

B6pox 9747. heap, pile BOT 3 1 . here, there (pointing)

BOpoqaTh i 68 15 . (+a) to move (sth BOT-BOT 4644. just, about to

heavy); ( +inst) have Bna.uaTh i B +a 68 17 . to fall in

control of BITa,UHHa 5709. hollow, depression

Bop6qa Thcg i (coli) 68 16. to tum, toss and tum BIIaCTb p B +a 8090. to fall into

BopqaTh i 4269. to grumble; growl BnepBhie 504. for the first time

BOpqJIHBO 9103. grumpily, querulously Bnepe.u 5 1 7. forward; in advance

BOCeMHa,nua TbiH 8086. eighteenth Bnepe.u:U 1440. ahead

BOceMHa,nua Tb 479 1 . eighteen BneqaTneH:ue 1 107. impression



BIIJIOTHYID (K) 4 1 27. close up (to) BcepocclfiicKHii 8096. all-Russian

BIIJIOTb (�0 +g) 3277. right up to Bcephe3 2797. seriously

BIIonr6noca 4496. in an undertone BCeCOI03HhiH 8 196. all-union (relating to

BIIOJIHe 720. fully, entirely all the republics of

BIIOCJie,llCTBHH 2555. subsequently the USSR)

BIIpaBe: 6hiTb 4645. to have a right to Bcecrop6HHe 720 1 . thoroughly

BIIpaBe +inf BCeCTOpOHHHH 3794. all-round; thorough

Bllpe,llb 4380. henceforth, in future BCe-TaKH 500. all the same, for all that

BIIp6qeM 855. however, but; or rather BCKclKHBaTb i 4497. to leap up

BIIpRMb (coli) 7 1 99. indeed BCKHHYTh p +a 5296. to throw (upwards, up

spar 725 . enemy Ha +a onto)

spa)l(,lla 809 1 . enmity BCKOpe 144 1 . soon

Bpa)l(,lle6HO 8092. hostilely BCKOliHTh p 2460. to jump in

Bpa)l(,lle6HhiH 5 1 05 . hostile BCKpHKHYTh p 6208. to cry out

Bpa)l(eCKHH 5499. enemy (adj) BCKphiBa Tb i +a 7609. to open; reveal

spa3 (coli) 68 1 8. all together BCKphiTh p +a 7202. to unseal; disclose;

BpaTb i 1 642. to tell lies; talk dissect

nonsense BCJie,ll 3a + inst 12 1 1 . after

spaq 1 238 . doctor BCJie,llCTBHe +g 2277. because of, owing to

BpamaThCR 5945 . to revolve BCJIYX 2695. aloud

spameHHe 6500. rotation BCMa TpHBa TbCR 4 128. to look closely at

spe,ll 5 1 06. harm B +a

Bpe,llHTeJib m 8367. pest BCIIJieCK 7203. splash

Bpe,llHO 4792. harmful BCIIOMHHaTh i +a 808. to recall, remember

Bpe,UHhiH 2459. harmful or o +pr

Bpe3aThCR p B +a 3622. to cut into BCIIOMHHaThCR i 4646. to be remembered

BpeMeHHO 3357. temporarily BCIIOMHHTh p +a or 544. to remember, recall

BpeMeHHhiH 3220. temporary o +pr

BpeMR n 62. time BCIIOMHHThCR p 650 1 . to be recalled, come to

sp6,lle +g 904. like, such as mind

Bp03h 8094. separately BCIIOMOraTeJihHhiH 5946. auxiliary

spyliHTh p +a 3793. to hand, hand over BCIIhiJIHTh p (coil) 76 10. to flare up

spyqHyro 68 1 9. by hand BCIIhiXHBa Tb i 3447. to flare up

BphiBaThCR i B +a 5 1 07. to burst in BCIThiXHYTh p 2855 . to blaze up

BpR,ll JIH 1 736. (it 's) unlikely BCIIhiiiiKa 3876. flash

BCcl,[(HHK 8210 . horseman BCTaBaTh i 1 302. to get up; stand up

see 1 1 2. all; all the time BCTaBHTh p B +a 6820. to insert

BCeB03M0)1(HhiH 5500. all kinds of BCTaBJI.RTh i B +a 682 1 . to insert

scer,na 1 80 . always BCTaTh p 444. to get up, stand up

scer6 1000. in all , altogether; only BCTpeTHTh p +a 520. to meet

BCeJieHHaR f adj 825 1 . universe BCTpeTHTbCR p 1292. to meet

BCeMepHO 7200. in all possible ways BCTpeqa 477. meeting

BCeMepHhiH 8448. utmost, every kind of BCTpellaTh i +a 1257. to meet

BCeMHpHbiH 2737. world, worldwide BCTpeqaThCR i c +inst 1 170. to meet (s.o.)

BCeHapO,llHhiH 6207. national BCTpeliHbiH 4647. oncoming

BCeHOI.UHa.si f adj 8095. night service (church) BCTynaTh i B +a 2247. to enter, join

sce66mHii 1453. general; universal (organization)

BCe06beMJIIDJ.UHH 9 105 . comprehensive, BCTYIIHTh p B +a 2088. to enter, join

all-embracing (organization)



BcTynneHHe 6822. introduction BhiB03HTh i +a 62 12 . to transport away;

BCXmfTibiBa Tb 761 1 . to sob export

BCID.IJ:Y 1 592. everywhere BhlfJI.SI,LJ;eTb i 1 8 17 . to look

BC}]:KHH 400. any Bhlf JI.R,LJ;biBa Th 5950. to look out

Bc}):qecKH 4 129. in every way possible Bhlr JI.SIHYTh p 62 1 3 . to look out

Bc.siqecKHH (coli) 7612 . all kinds of BhirHa Th p +a 2857. to expel

BTOpraThC.SI i B +a 9749. to invade BblfOBclpHBaTh i +a 8099. to pronounce; (coli,

BTOpJKeHHe 5947. invasion i only) tell off,

BTOplfqHO 6502. secondarily reprimand

BTOplfqHbiH 6503 . second; secondary BhlfOBOp 62 14. reprimand;

BTOpHHK 5297. Tuesday pronunciation

BTOpOH 1 1 9. second BhlfOBOpHTb p +a 8477. to pronounce,

BTOpOCTeneHHbiH 7204. secondary, subsidiary articulate

B-TpeTbHX 2856. thirdly Bhiro,n;a 3623 . advantage

BTpoe 6209. three times (as much) BhlfO,LJ;HO 595 1 . advantageously

BTpOeM 6823. as a threesome BhlfO,LJ;HhiH 241 8 . advantageous

BT}IHYTh p +a 7613 . to pull in BhlfOH.RTh i +a 8 1 00 . to drive out, expel

BY3 5298. university, institute Bhirpy3HTh i +a 9 1 09. to unload

(higher education Bhi,n;aBaTh i +a 7206. to give out; give away,

establishment) betray

BYJIKaH 4457. volcano Bhi,LJ;aBa ThC.SI i 9 1 10 . to stick out

BYJihrapHhiii 9106. vulgar B:bi,n;a Th p +a 2 1 93 . to give out, issue; betray

BXO.IJ: 2798. entrance B:bi,n;aqa 9 1 1 1 . issue, giving out

BXO.IJ:HTh i 252. to enter Bhi,LJ;aiDJI(HHC.SI 2 1 94. eminent, prominent

BXO.IJ:HOH m adj 9 107. entrance (ad j) Bhi,LJ;BHra Th i +a 4 1 30. to move out; put

BUeTIHThC.SI p B +a 6504. to grip, grip hold of forward

Bqepa 742. yesterday Bhi,LJ;BHraThC.SI i 9 1 1 2. to move out; go up in

BqepaiiiHHH 2648. yesterday' s the world

B-qeTBepTbiX 7205. fourthly Bhi,LJ;BHHYTh p +a 3704. to move out, put

Bbl 19 . you (polite/pi) forward

Bhi6era Th i HJ +g 5948. to run out Bhi,LJ;eJIHTh p +a 3358. to assign, allot; pick out

Bhifie)l(a Tb p H3 +g 4936. to run out Bhi,n;en.RTh i +a 3278. to pick out; allot

BhifiHBaTh i +a 9 108. to knock out, dislodge Bhi,LJ;eJI.RThC.SI i H3 +g 3083. to stand out (from)

BhifiHpaTb i +a 2 140. to choose B:bi,n;ep)l(aTh p +a 1 86 1 . to withstand

BhifiHTh p +a 5949. to knock out, dislodge Bhi,LJ;ep)I(HBa Th i +a 5710 . to withstand

B:b16op 2379. choice B:bi,n;ep)I(Ka 4793. self-control; excerpt

Bhi6opHhiH 8097. electoral; elected Bhi,LJ;yMaTh p +a 3222. to make up, fabricate

Bhi6opbi m pl 5 108. election Bhi,LJ;YMKa 3938. invention; fabrication,

BhifipaChiBa Th i +a 62 10 . to throw out lie

Bhi6pa Th p +a 2302. to choose Bhi,LJ;yMhiBaTh i +a 3 1 58 . to invent, fabricate

BhifipaThC.SI p H3 +g 3703. to get out BhieJ)I(a Th i H3 +g 550 1 . to leave (by transport)

Bhi6pocHTh p +a 322 1 . to throw out BhieMKa 83 19. taking out; collection

Bhi6hiTh p (formal) 8098. to leave (of letters)

H3 +g BhiexaTh p H3 +g 3279. to leave (by transport)

BhiBe3TH p +a 7614. to transport out, export Bhi)I(a Th p +a 761 5 . to squeeze out

BhiBecKa 62 1 1 . signboard Bhi)I(H,LJ;a TeJihHO 9 1 1 3 . expectantly

BhiBeCTH p +a 246 1 . to lead out Bhi)I(H,LJ;a TeJihHhiH 9 1 14 . waiting, expectant

BhiBO.IJ: 1001 . conclusion, deduction Bhi)I(H,LJ;aTh i +a 9 1 1 5 . to wait (for)

BhiBO.IJ:HTh i H3 +g 3545 . to lead out; remove Bhi)I(HMa Th i +a 9 1 1 6. to squeeze out



Bhi3Ba Th p +a

Bhl3)l;OpOBeTh p


Bhl3hiBaTb i +a

Bhl3hiBa ThC.SI i

BhiHrpaTh p +a


BhiifTH p

BhiKHHYTh p +a

BhiKJia.LJ:hiBa Th i +a

BhiKJIIOqaTh i +a

BhiKJIIOqJITh p +a

BhiJie3a Th i

BhiJie3TH/ BhiJie3Th

p H3 +g

BhiJieTa Th i

BhiJieTeTh p

BhiJIO)I(HTh p +a

BhiMeCTH p +a

BhiMhiC( e )JI

BhiMhiTh p +a

BhiHeCTH p +a

BhiHHMaTh i +a

BhiHOCHTh i +a


8 10 1 . to survive

859. to summon; cause

9 1 17 . to recover, get better

3359. summons; challenge

868. to summon; cause

5952. to volunteer

3 1 59. to win

2056. win

172. to go out

8 1 02. to throw out

9 1 1 8 . to put out, set out;

(+a + inst) face,

cover (sth with sth)

8 1 03 . to switch off

7207. to switch off

5299. to climb out

3360. to climb out

6505 . to fly out, take off

3705. to fly out, take off

571 1 . to lay out

8 1 04. to sweep out

4937. fabrication, fantasy

6506. to wash (thoroughly)

25 10 . to carry out; to endure

2649. to take out

2959. to carry out, take away;


621 5 . ability to endure,


BhiHOCJIHBhiH 6824. resilient

BhiHY .LJ:HTh p +a 3624. to force, compel

BhiHy)l(,n:aTh i +a +inf 3018 . to force

BhiHY)I(.LJ:eHHhiH 4794. forced

BhiHYTh p +a 1 863 . to take out

BhiHhiPHYTh p 9 1 1 9. to come to the surface

Bhina,n:aTh i 57 1 2. to fall out

BhinacTh p H3 +g 3084. to fall out (of)

BhiTIHBaTh i 5953 . to drink (alcohol)

BhiTIHCaTb p +a

BhiTIHTh p







7208. to write out; subscribe

to (periodical)

1060. to drink, have an

alcoholic drink

8 1 05 . payment

1 864. carrying out

1044. to carry out, fulfil

1 002. to carry out, fulfil

8 1 06. to be fulfilled

7209. to become straight,


BhiTIYCKaTb i +a

BhiiiYCKa ThC.SI


BhiTIYCTHTh p +a

Bhipa6a ThiBa Th i +a

Bhipa6oTaTh p +a


Bhipa)l(a Th i +a

Bblpa)l(a ThC.SI i



Bbipa3HTh p +a

Bhipa3HThC.SI p

BhipacTa Th i

BhipaCTH p

BhipaCTHTh p +a

Bbipa�HBaTh i +a

BhlpBa Th p +a

BblpBaTbC.SI p

Bhipe3aTh p +a

BbipyqHTh p +a

BhlpbiBaTb i +a

BhlpbiBa ThC.SI i

BhiCa.LJ:HTh p +a

BhiCa.LJ:HThC.SI p


BhiCKa3aTb p +a

BhiCKa3a TbC.SI p


BhiCKa3biBa Th i +a

BhiCKcl3hiBa ThC.SI i


straighten up

8 107. prominent, bulging;


2089. output; issue

1 593. to release, let out

7210. to be released

4403. final-year student,

graduate; school­


1772. to release

4 1 3 1 . to produce; work out

3625 . to produce; work out

4306. working-out;


1756. to express

3 1 60. to express os; swear

1 537. expression

721 1 . expressive

1955. to express

4498. to express os;

( coll) swear

4499. to grow, increase

1 192. to grow

4648. to grow

5502. to grow, cultivate

3706. to pull out

2738. to tear oneself away

57 13 . to cut out

5300. to rescue; make


9750. proceeds, earnings;


7212. to pull out

4938. to tear oneself away

7616. to set down, land

6825 . to disembark, land

530 1 . landing,


2739. to express

72 13 . to speak out

7214. utterance, statement

57 14. to express

6826. to speak out, state

one's opinion

BhiCKclKHBaTh i H3 +g 4939. to jump OUt

BhiCKoqHTh p 25 1 1 . to jump out

BhiCJiaTh p +a 5302. to send out; exile, deport

BhiCJIYIIIaTh p +a 3939. to hear (s.o.) out

BhiCIIYIIIHBa Th i +a 6507. to hear out



BbiCOBbiBaTh i +a 9 120. to thrust out Bhnne 4458 . higher, above

BhiCOBhiBaThC.SI 6827. to thrust os out, poke BhiiiiH6HTh p (coli) +a 621 8. to knock out, kick out

one ' s head out BhlliiKa 9752. tower; turret

BhiCOKHH 205 . high, tall Bhi.SIBHTh p +a 5279. to reveal, expose

BhiCOKO 773. high (up); highly; it is BhlSIBn}}Th i +a 8 1 09. to reveal, expose

high BbHICHeHHe 7620. explanation

BbiCOKOKcll.feCTBeHHbiH 9 1 2 1 . high-quality Bhi.SICHHTh p +a 2556. to clarify , establish

BhiCOTa 955. height Bhi.SICHHThC.SI p 3 1 6 1 . to become clear

BbiCllaThC.SI i 7617 . to get enough sleep Bhlbra 7218 . snowstorm

BbiCTaBHTh p +a 3940. to display, put forward B.SI3clTh i +a 762 1 . to tie; knit

BhiCTaBKa 2740. exhibition B}}nhiH 9753 . flabby, limp

BhiCTaBmiTh i +a 621 6. to display, put forward fclBaHh f 8 1 10 . harbour

BhiCTpen 2 1 4 1 . shot ra,n; (coli) 4940. swine, rat (of person)

BhiCTpeJIHTh p B +a 72 15 . to shoot, fire (at) ra,n;aTh i 5956. to guess; tell fortunes

BbiCTYll 975 1 . projection; ledge fcl,D;OCTh f 5 109. filth; dirty trick

BbiCTyna Th i 8 1 2. to appear in public; ra3 1 045 . gas

protrude ra3eTa 228. newspaper

BbiCTYllHTh p 1 3 1 8. to speak (publicly); ra3eTHhiii 328 1 . newspaper (adj)

appear in public ra30BhiH 4 1 1 5 . gas (adj)

BhiCTynneHHe 1 364. speech; (public) ranepe.SI 5957. gallery

appearance ran6rna or Kan6rna 5753. galosh, overshoe

BhiCYHYThC.SI p 5954. to push os forward; raJICTYK 4795 . tie, necktie

lean out fclMMa 8350. scale; gamut, range

BbiCIIIHH 1550. highest, supreme rapa)l( 65 10 . garage

BbiTclCKHBa Th i +a 336 1 . to drag out, pull out rapaHTHpOBaTh 2 142. to guarantee

113 +g i/p +a

BhiTaiiJ;HTh p +a 2 1 2 1 . to drag out rapaHTH.SI 6509. guarantee

BbiTeKclTh i 3877. to flow out rapMOHHl.feCKHH 6829. harmonious

BhiTepeTh p +a 3280. to wipe, wipe dry rapMOHH.SI 7622. harmony

BbiTeCHHTb p +a 5503 . to force out, displace rapM6rnKa ( coll) 8320. accordion

BbiTHpclTh i +a 2907. to rub dry; wipe rapHH30H 62 19 . garrison

BhiTh i 4032. to howl racHTh i +a 57 15 . to put out, extinguish;

BhiT}}ruBaTh i +a 7618 . to stretch out cancel

BbiT }]:ruB a TbC.SI i 7619. to stretch out raCHYTh i 2960. to go out, be

BbiT.SIHYThiH 5955. stretched extinguished, fade

BbiT .SIHYTh p +a 2858. to stretch out fBap,LJ;H.SI 4060. Guards

BbiT.SIHYThC.SI p 62 17 . to stretch out rBo3,n;h m 3707. nail

BbiYl.fHTh p +a 721 6. to learn r,n;e 70. where

BbiXBaTHTh p +a 72 17 . to snatch, pull out r,n;e-Hu6y,n;h 3085. anywhere

BbiXBclThiBa Th i +a 9 122. to snatch; pull out r,n;e-TO 934. somewhere

BbiXO,LJ; 889. exit reKTap 1 233 . hectare (= 10,000

BhiXO,LJ;HTh i 408. to go out square metres)

BhiXO,D;Ka 6508. bad behaviour, reHepan 6 1 6. general

escapade reHepanhHhiii 2419 . general (ad j )

BhiXO,D;HOH 30 19. exit (adj) reHHMhHhiH 7219 . brilliant

Bbll.fHCnHTeJihHbiH 82 1 1 . calculating, computing reHHH 2859. genius

Bbll.fHCJIHTh p +a 6828. to calculate reorpa<}>lfqecKHii 4796. geographical

BbiiiiBhlpHyTh p (coil) 8 108. to throw out, chuck reorpa<}>u.SI 8390. geography

+a out re6nor 4074. geologist



reonor:HqecKHH 5 1 10 . geological rnyx6ii: 2248. deaf; indistinct,

rep6 8 1 1 1 . coat of arms muffled; remote

repMaHCKHH 3502. Germanic (of place)

repOH3M 7623. heroism rnyiiih f 65 12. backwoods, the sticks

repo:HqecKHH 2860. heroic rn:b16a 6220. large lump (of rock,

rep6ii 534. hero ice etc.)

rep6HCKHH 9 1 23 . heroic rnj{.ueTh i Ha +a 6 1 1 . to look (at)

rep6HCTBO 8 1 1 2. heroism r JI}}HyTh p Ha +a 2557. to glance (at)

rlf6enh f 20 10 . ruin, destruction rHaTh i +a 1934. to drive; to hunt,

rlf6KHH 7624. flexible persecute

rH6HyTh 57 1 6. to perish rHeB 3 1 62. anger

r:uraHTCKHH 2 1 22. giant (adj) rHeBHhiH 5719. angry

r:u.upocTaHQHjJ 7220. hydroelectric station rHe3.u6 3709. nest

fHMH 7625. hymn, anthem rHeT 5 1 1 2. oppression

fHMHa3HCT 83 1 3 . grammar-school pupil rHHJIOH 5504. rotten, decayed

fHMHa3Hj{ 4290. grammar school, high fHHTh i 9755 . to rot

school rHyCHhiH 9756. vile

fHMHaCTepKa 5 1 1 1 . soldier 's tunic fHYTh i +a 9 126. to bend

fHMHaCTHKa 8 1 1 3. gymnastics fOBOpHTh i 39. to speak

r:urr6Te3a 7626. hypothesis fOBOpHTbCji i 1489. to be said

r:urrc 821 2. plaster (of Paris) ro.u 5 1 . year

fHIICOBhiH 8478. plaster fO.UHTbCji i 2336. to be fit (for), be

ru:Tapa 4797. guitar Ha +a/JlJijJ +g usable

rnaBa 9 1 7. head, chief; chapter r6.UHhiH 9127. suitable

rnaBHoe n adj 1 933 . the main thing fO)lOBOH 3362. yearly

rJiaBHhiH 224. main fO)lOBIIJ;HHa 5958. anniversary

fJicl)lHTh i +a 3626. to stroke; iron ron 8342. goal (sport)

rJia)lKHH 3878. smooth roneH:Hm;e 7628. top (of a boot)

rna.uxo 6830. smoothly roJUiaH)lCKHH 9 128. Dutch

rna3 87. eye fOJIOBa 1 36. head

rna3(6)K 4 1 32. small eye; peephole rOJIOBKa 41 33 . small head

rJiaCHTh i 65 1 1 . to announce, say roJIOBHOH 5303. head (adj)

rJiaCHOCTh f 3708. openness r6JIO.U 2220. hunger

rn:H:Ha 4288. clay fOJIO)la Th i 7629. to go hungry

r JIHHHCThiH 9 1 24. clay (adj) roJIO.UHhiH 2908. hungry

r JIHHj{HbiH 4798 . clay (adj) roJione.u 9129. covering of ice; icy

rn66yc 5717 . globe weather

fJIOTaTh i +a 7627. to swallow r6noc 1 8 1 . voice; vote

fJIOT(O)K 9 1 25 . gulp, mouthful fOJIOCOBaHHe 7630. voting

rny6HHa 822. depth fOJIOCOBaTh i 3282. to vote

r ny6HHHhiH 57 1 8. deep; deep-water; rony6oBa ThiH 683 1 . light -bluish

remote rony66ii 992. light blue

rny66KHH 726. deep roJiyfiqHK (coli) 8 1 14. my dear

rny6ox6 1 008. deep; deeply r6ny6h m 5959. pigeon, dove

rny6h f 722 1 . depth r6JihiH 1757. naked

rnyrro 3223. stupidly r6HKa 4307. race

fJIYIIOCTh f 2219 . foolishness roHopap 8 1 1 5 . fee; royalties

reyrrhiH 1 355. stupid, silly roH.RTh i +a 5505. to drive, make (s.o.)

rnyxo 4649. indistinctly run



roH}]:ThCH i 3a +inst 8 1 16. to chase (after) fOCTh m 276. guest

ropa 679. mountain, hill rocy .n:apCTBeHHhiH 685. state (adj)

ropa3�o 106 1 . much (with rocy.n:apcTBo 550. state

comparatives) rocy,n;aph m 5506. sovereign

rop6 9757. hump rOTOBHTh i 1 5 19 . to prepare; to cook

rop�HThCj� i +inst 3546. to be proud of fOTOBHTbCj� i K +d 1 8 1 8. to prepare (for)

r6p�o 622 1 . proudly fOTOBHOCTh f 3363. readiness

r6p,n;ocTh f 2337. pride roTOBhiH 57 1 . ready

r6p,n;hiii 2696. proud rpa6HTh i +a 5507. to rob, pillage

rope 1 538. grief, sorrow rpa,n; 9758. hail; (poet) city

ropeBaTh i 7222. to grieve rpa,n;yc 1 909. degree (0) ropeTh i 1 258. to bum, be alight rpa)l(,n;aHHH 107 1 . citizen

ropeqb f 5304. bitterness rpa)l(,n;aHKa 8 1 1 8 . citizen (t)

ropH30HT 1 737. horizon rpa)l(,llaHCKHH 1 193. civil, civic

ropH30HTMhHhiH 7223 . horizontal rpaMM 4 1 34. gram( me)

r6pKa 4799. hillock rpaMoTa 6222. literacy; document,

ropKOM 832 1 . town committee deed

r6pno 25 12 . throat rpaMOTHhiH 4942. literate

r6pJihiiiiKO 9 1 30. neck (of bottle); rpaHaTa 4943 . shell; grenade

small throat rpaH,11;H03HhiH 2420. grandiose

r6pHHqHaH f adj 8249. maid (servant) rpaHHT 8263 . granite

r6pHhiH 1416 . mountain (adj) ; mining rpaH:Hua 1 175 . frontier; limit

ropHRK (coli) 8368. miner rpaHh f 4 1 35 . border, verge; facet,

r6po,n; 84. town, city edge

ropo�(6)K 3627. small town rpacp 5 1 1 3 . count (title)

ropo,n;CKOH 1417. urban, town (adj) rpacpHK 5 1 14. graph; schedule

ropo)l(aHHH 7224. town-dweller rpacp:UH 763 1 . carafe, decanter

rop6x 5305. peas rpe6(e)Hh m 465 1 . comb, crest

ropcTh f 5960. handful rpeK 6223 . Greek (man)

ropqlfua 9 1 3 1 . mustard rpeMeTh 4944. to roar, resound

roprn(6)K 3086. pot rpeTh i +a 4945 . to heat

r6pbKHH 2697. bitter rpeThC.si i 8 1 19 . to warm os

r6pbKO 3547. bitter(ly) rpex 2090. sin

ropffiqee n adj 494 1 . fuel rpeqecKHii 222 1 . Greek (adj)

rop}}qHif 856. hot rpeiiiHhiH 4500. sinful

ropHqHThCH i 8 1 17 . to get excited rpH6 3448. mushroom

ropHq6 2057. hot(ly) rp:UBa 6224. mane

ropRmHii 4103. burning (adj) rpHIIII 7226. influenza

fOCITHTa.Jlh m 4406. (mil) hospital rpo6 2799. coffin

fOCITO,llHH 597. gentleman; Mr rpo3a 3087. thunderstorm

rocn6,n;cTBO 2698. domination, rp03HTh i +d 2278. to threaten (s.o.)

supremacy rp03HThC.si i (coli) +inf 9 1 32. to threaten

fOCITO,llCTBOBa Th i 4650. to dominate rp03HO 6225 . threateningly

Ha,n: +inst rp63HhiH 2650. threatening

fOCIIO,llCTByiOmHH 4365 . ruling, predominant rpoM 3795 . thunder

fOCITO,llh m 993 . God, the Lord rpoMa,n;a 5720. mass, bulk

fOCTeiipHHMCTBO 7225. hospitality rpo Ma.llHhiii 905 . enormous

fOCTHHaH f ad j 596 1 . sitting-room rpOMKHH 2909. loud

fOCTHHHUa 2558. hotel rpOMKO 1 337. loudly



rpoM 03,ll;KHH 7632. cumbersome, bulky rycT6ii 201 1 . thick, dense

rp6xoT 2462. crash; rumble rych m 3449. goose

rpOXOTaTh 9 1 33. to thunder, rumble ry�a 7634. dregs; thicket

rporn 5 1 1 5 . half-kopeck, farthing .na 44. yes; ( coll) and/but

rpy6o 3879. coarsely ,naBaii(Te) 1080. let 's

rpy6ocTh f 572 1 . rudeness ,naBaTh i 140. to give

rpy6hiH 2004. coarse, rude ,naBaThCR i 3942. to be given; come

rpy.na 5962. heap, pile easily (to s.o.), be

rpy,nh f 1 1 1 8 . breast learnt easily

rpy3 1475. load; cargo ,naBHTh i Ha +a 3880. to press, put pressure

rpy3HHCKHH 7227. Georgian on

rpy3HTh i +a 7228. to load ,naBneHHe 1 887. pressure

rpy30BHK 3710 . lorry, truck ,naBHHH 3 163 . long-ago (adj)

rpy3oB6ii 5306. goods (adj) ,naBHO 423. (since) long ago

rpy3tiHK 8343. docker; freight handler ,naBHhiM-,naBHO 6833. ages ago, very long

rpynna 295. group ago

rpyCTHO 3548. sad(ly) .na)l(e 92. even

rpyCTHhiH 3088. sad ,nanee 2279. further

rpyCTh f 394 1 . sadness .naneKHH 1259. distant, remote

rpyrna 4368. pear ,naneK6 557. far

rpbi3Th i +a 5722. to gnaw ,nanh f 4652. distance

rpR,na 9 1 34. ridge; bed (garden) ,nanhHeBOCTOlfHhiH 5963 . Far Eastern

rpR,nKa 9 1 35 . bed (for plants), .nanhHHii 1082 . distant, remote

flowerbed .nanhiiie 368. further

rpR,ny�HH (bookish) 65 1 3 . future ,naMa 1643. lady

rpR3HhiH 209 1 . dirty ,naHHhie pl adj 296 1 . data; qualities

rpR3h f 242 1 . mud; dirt ,naHHhiH 869. given

ry6a 994. lip ,naHh f 9760. tribute, homage

ry6epHaTop 8537. governor ,nap 41 36. gift

ry6epHHR 5 1 1 6. guberniya, tsarist ,napHTh i +a +d 5723. to give, present

province (now (sth to s.o.)

66nacTh) .napoM 7635. free, gratis

ry6HTellbHhiH 9 1 36. destructive ,naTa 3943 . date

ry6HTh i +a 7229. to ruin ,naTh p 155 . to give

ry,neTb i 2 1 95 . to hum; hoot ,naTbCR p 5964. to be given; get caught;

ry,n(6)K 3628. hooter, car hom; (+d) come easily

hooting (to s.o.), be learnt

ryn 2380. rumble easily

rynKo 8 1 20. resonantly; with an ,naqa 450 1 . dacha, holiday cottage

echoing sound ,n;Ba 66. two

rynRHhe 8 1 2 1 . festival, fete, open-air ,n;Ba,nua ThiH 388 1 . twentieth

party ,nBa,nuaTh 124. twenty

rynRTh i 1 683. to take a walk; (coll) ,ll;Bcl)l(,ll;hl 2910. twice

take time off ,nBeHa,nua ThiH 5307. twelfth

ryMaHHTapHbiH 7633 . humanitarian; ,nBeHa,nuaTh 1684. twelve

humanities (adj ) ,n;Bepua 4800. small door, car door

ryMaHHhiH 6832. humane ,n;Beph f 129. door

ryceHHUa 9759. caterpillar ,ll;BeCTH 566. two hundred

rycTo 3549. thickly; densely ,nB1IraTenh m 1 8 19. motor, engine



,n;slfraTh i +a 5508. to move, set in motion document)

,lJ;BHfaThC.si i 1 093. to move ,lleHCTBHTeJibHhiH 25 1 3 . real, actual; valid

,[{BH)I(eHHe 389. movement, motion ,lleHCTBOBaTb i 830. to act, function, affect

,lJ;BHHYTh p +a 5724. to move, set in motion ,lleHCTBYIOIUHH 280 1 . functioning

,lJ;BHHYTbC.si p 2559. to move )leKa6ph m 2303 . December

,n;B6e 1 980. two )leKa,lla 841 5 . ten-day period

,lJ;BOHKa 6226. the number two; fail ,lleKJiapaiJ;H.si 723 1 . declaration

mark (in exam) ,lleKpeT 4418 . decree

,lJ;BOHHOH 4502. double, twofold ,llenaTb i 1 10. to do, make

,[{BOp 286. yard, court )lena Tbc.s� i 1 265 . (+inst) to become; be

.uBop(e)u 1 1 32. palace done

.UBOpHHK 4653. caretaker, janitor; ,lleneraT 2699. delegate

( coll) windscreen ,lleneran;HR 2802. delegation

wiper )leneHHe 4353 . division

.UBOp.siHHH 5509. nobleman, member of ,llen(e)u 8 1 23 . wheeler-dealer

the gentry ,llemfTh i +a 5309. to divide, share

.UBOpRHCKHH 6834. gentry (adj) .ue.TIHThC.si i +inst 3882 . (Ha +a) (pa3- p) to be

.UBOpRHCTBO 8538. gentry divided (into) ;

.UBYCTOpOHHHH 8344. double-sided, two- (c +inst) (no- p)

way; bilateral share (with)

.UBOIDpO,llHhiH 7230 . (related through ,lleno 53 . matter, business

,llBOIDpO,n;HhiH 6paT grandparent) cousin ,lleJIOBHTO 5727. in a businesslike way,

.ue610T 8449 . debut energetically

.ueBaJihBauH.s� 8345 . devaluation ,lleJIOBOH 2222. business (adj)

,n;esaTh i (coll) +a 976 1 . to put ,lleJibHhiH 6227. businesslike

,n;eBa ThC.si i 5726. to get to, vanish ,lleMOKpaT 5 1 17 . democrat

,ueBIIua 2962. girl ,lleMOKpa TH3aUH.si 6228 . democratization

,n;eBifqHif 5308. girl ' s, maiden' s ,lleMOKpa TlfqeCKHH 1 388. democratic

,ueBxa (coli) 2800. girl ,lleMOKpaTH.si 1 644. democracy

.ueBoqxa 490 . little girl ,lleMOHCTpaQH.sl 4802. demonstration

,n;eB"'IOHKa (coll) 198 1 . girl ,lleMOHCTpHpOBaTh i/p 5728. to demonstrate; (+a)

,UeBCTBeHHhiH 9 1 37. virgin (adj) show, display

,n;eByrnKa 145. girl .UeHe)I(HbiH 3 1 64 . money (adj) , monetary

,n;eBlfaTa pl(coll) 4473. girls .lleH(e)K 7636 . day (dim)

,ueB.siHOCTO 480 1 . ninety .ll(e)Hh m 8 1 . day

,UeB.siTHa,n;ua ThiH 8 1 22. nineteenth .UeHhfH f pl 47 1 . money

,ueBRThiH 3450. ninth ,llerryTaT 1 846. elected representative

,n;eB.siTh 1490. nine ,llepraTh i +a 7637. to tug

,ueB.siThCOT 1 9 1 . nine hundred ,llepeBeHCKHH 4654. village, country (adj)

,n;e.u 786. grandfather .uepeBH.si 45 1 . village; countryside

.ue.uyrnKa m 1 55 1 . grandfather .uepeBO 309. tree

,Ue)l(ypHTb i 9 1 38. to be on duty .uepeBRHHhiH 1 645 . wooden

,ue)l(ypHhiH 371 1 . duty (adj); person on .uep)l(asa 1 520 . power (powerful

duty country)

,n;e)l(ypCTBO 5965. (period of) duty ,llep)l(a Th i 5 1 2. to hold, keep

,n;eHCTBeHHhiH 5966. effective ,llep)l(a Thc.s� i 1 399. (3a +a) to hold on

,ueHCTBHe 605 . act, action (to) ; (+g) keep to

,n;eHCTBHTeJihHO 397. really, actually ,llep3KHH 7232. cheeky; daring

,n;eHCTBHTeJibHOCTh f 1 552. reality; validity (of a ,llep30CTh f 8 1 24. rudeness; audacity



�epHyTh p +a 6835. to tug ,LI;It:peKTOp 401 . director

�ecaHT 65 14. landing (mil, by air ,llHCK 4503 . disk; discus

or sea) ,llHCKYCCIHI 4946. discussion

�ecKaTh (coll) 3883. (indicating reported ,llHCCepTaiJ;IHI 5968. dissertation, thesis

speech) 'he said' , ,llHCTaHUH� 41 38. distance

' they said' etc. ,llHCUHllmiHa 1 773. discipline

�eC�THJieTHe 2463. decade ,llHTe (very coli) 6229. child

�eC�THHa 8346. desiatina (about a ,llHT}]: n 970. child

hectare) ,llHqh f 4947. game, wildfowl

�ec}]:T(O)K 804. ten; a decade �JIHHa 1 1 37. length

�ec}]:ThiH 2803 . tenth �miHHhiH 437. long

�eCRTh 27 1 . ten .zunfTeJihHOCTh f 8217 . duration

�eTaJih f 1 1 57. detail; component (of �JIHTeJihHhiH 270 1 . lengthy

machine) MHThC� i 4655. to last

�eTaJibHO 7233 . minutely, in detail �JijJ +g 4 1 . for

�eTaJihHhiH 7638. detailed �HeBHHK 2963 . diary

�eTsopa ( coll) 9 1 39. kids �HeBHOH 274 1 . day (adj)

�eTeKTHB 6836. detective story �HeM 4504. by day; in the

�eTH pl 225. children afternoon

�eTHIIIKH pl ( coll) 6229. children ,nH:Hme 65 17. bottom (of vessel)

�eTCKHH 523. children' s ,llHO 935. bottom (of sea, river,

�eTCTBO 1 539. childhood well, vessel)

�eThC� p 53 10. to get to, vanish �0 +g 69. up to; until

�e<}>HUHT 7639. deficit; shortage, ,ll06aBHTh p +a K +d 1 820. to add (sth to sth)

shortages ,llo6asKa 6838. addition

�e<}>HUHTHhiH 65 15 . scarce, in short supply ,llo6asn}]:Th i +a 8 1 25. to add

�eiiieso 5729. cheaply ,ll06HBaTbC� i +g 1935. to strive for; to get

�erneshiH 2700. cheap ,ll06HpaTbC� i ,llO +g 764 1 . to reach, get to

�e.siHHe (bookish) 9 140. act, action ,ll06HThC� p +g 1009. to obtain, achieve

�eRTeJih m 1 194. agent, figure .ll66necTh f 7234. valour

�eRTeJihHOCTh f 73 1 . activity ,llo6paTbc� p .n:o +g 2422. to reach

�eRTenhHhiH 5 5 10. active ,ll06p6 1 570. good, good deeds;

�iKHHChi m pl 7640. jeans goods (coli)

�HaMeTp 4270. diameter ,n:o6pos6JI( e )u 4505 . volunteer

�11an6r 5725 . dialogue ,ll06pOBOJihHO 5969. voluntarily

�Hana36H 5730. range, scope ,n:o6poBOJihHhiH 55 1 1 . voluntary

�It: BaH 1 4 1 8. divan, couch ,n:o6po,lleTeJih f 9762. virtue

�HBH311� 2304. division (army) ,n:o6po,nyiiiHO 9 14 1 . kindly, good-naturedly

�HBHThCR i (coll) +d 8539. to wonder, marvel (at) .uo6po,n:yiiiHhiH 7235. good-natured

�HKHH 2027 . wild ,n:o6pOCOBeCTHO 7642. conscientiously

�HKO 6837. wildly; absurd �o6poTa 8 1 26. goodness, kindness

.[lHKTaTOp 8540. dictator ,ll06p6THhiH 7236. high -quality

�HKTaTypa 4077. dictatorship ,n:66pbiH 458. good, kind

�HKTOBaTb i +a 5967. to dictate ,no6biBaTh i +a 2423. to get, obtain

�HllJIOM 4104. diploma, degree ,ll06biBaJ:bCR i 9 142. to be obtained

�HllJIOMaT 3944. diplomat; attache-case ,no6hiTh p +a 3 1 65. to get, obtain

�HllJIOMaTHqeCKHH 4 1 37. diplomatic ,no6biqa 2196. booty; mining

�HllJIOMaTHR 573 1 . diplomacy ,llOBepHe 2223 . trust

�HpeKTHBa 65 1 6. directive �OBepHTeJihHO 9143. confidentially



,[(OBCpHTh p +d

,[(OBCpHTbCj{ p +d


,[(OBep}]:Tb i +d

,[(OBeCTH p ,[(0 +g

,[(OBeCTHCh p (coli)

+d +inf


,[(OBO,[(HTh i ,no +g

,[(OBO,llHTbCj{ i ( coll)

+d +inf



.[(OBOJihHhiH +inst


i +inst

,nora,[(aTbCj{ p


,[(Ora,[lhiBa TbCj{

,[(OfHaTh p +a

,[(OrO BOp

,[lOfOBOpeHHOCTh f

,[(OrOBOpHThCj{ p

c +inst

,noroH}]:Th i +a

,noexaTh p ,no +g

,[(O)I(,[la ThCj{ p +g


,[(O)I(,[(h m

,[(O)I(H,[(aThCj{ i +g

,ll;O)I(HTh p ,ZJ;O +g


.[(OHTH p


.[(OKa3aTh p +a

9144. to trust; (+a +d)

entrust (sth to s.o.)

9 145 . to trust (in), confide in

9 146. trusting

4 1 39. to trust (s.o.)

2249. to lead to

5732. to chance to,

manage to

2742. argument (for sth)

53 1 1 . to lead to, take as far


6839. to have occasion to

6230. prewar

778. fairly, rather;

contentedly; (+g)


2280. satisfied, pleased


623 1 . to be satisfied (with)

1 936. to guess; ( +inf) have

the sense to

4506. guess, conjecture

345 1 . to guess

2702. to catch up (with)

1454. agreement; treaty;


9754. agreement

3629. to reach agreement


65 1 8. to catch up

65 1 9. to reach

2743. to wait (for)

9147. shower

1 195. rain

3550. to wait for

5733. to live (till)

8 127. prehistoric

1 303. to reach

2744. proof

1 250. to demonstrate, prove

,[(OKa3hiBaTh i +a 2560. to argue, prove

,[(OKaTHThcg p ,no +g 6840. to roll to, come to

.[(OKna.n 4 72. report


,[lOKJia,[lhiBa Th i +d




9148. speaker (at conference)

3630. to report (to s.o.)

579. doctor

9149. doctrine








,n6JDKeH m short adj


,lJ;OJDKHO 6hiTh





,lJ;OJIO)I(HTh p 0 +pr

,non6:H +a






,lJ;OMHlliKO m





,lJ;OHeCTH p

,[lOHeCTHCh p ,D:O +g

,[lOHOCHThCj{ i



1 293 . document

8 1 28 . documentary (adj)

7643. documentation,


1 389. debt; (sg only) duty

964. long (in time)

287. for a long time

9089. long -term

1 25 . ought, obliged, must

256 1 . one ought to


2424. post, job

4397. due, proper

3224. valley

1 540 . dollar

2038 . to report (on)

6520. down with

1 54 1 . portion, share; lot, fate

78 . house

378. at home

2305 . domestic

265 1 . cottage

684 1 . shack, hovel

8 1 29. blast furnace

364. home, homewards

9763 . conjecture

9 1 50 . report, dispatch

55 1 2. (+a ,no +g) to carry

(sth to) ; (+a +d)

report (sth to s.o.);

(Ha +a) inform (on

s.o.) , denounce


8 1 30 . to reach (of sounds)

3089. to reach (sounds etc.)

4 1 40. (of the river) Don

6842. additionally

,D:OIIOJIHHTeJihHhiH 3225 . additional

,n:oiipalllHBaTh i +a 652 1 . to interrogate

,n:o11p6c 4507. interrogation

,n:oiiycKaTh i +a K +d 3364. to admit (s.o. to);







allow; assume

9062. permissible

1 9 10 . to allow

427 1 . pre-revolutionary

1 74. road

3712 . dearly

374. dear, expensive


,nopO)I(HTh +inst 6522. to value .LlomeqKa 9153 . nameplate; small board

,nopo)I(Ka 2 1 97. path; track ,LlORpKa 9154. milkmaid

,nopO)I(HhiH 5 1 1 8 . road (adj) ,LlparoueHHOCTh f 4804 . jewel; something

.noca,na 363 1 . annoyance valuable

,[(OCcl,LlHO 8 1 3 1 . annoying .LlparoueHHhiii 2225. valuable

,[(OCKa 527. board ,Llpa3HHTh i +a 6523 . to tease

.nocpoqHo 53 1 2. ahead of schedule ,LlpaKa 3 1 66 . fight, braw 1 ,nocpoqHhiii 5970. early, ahead of .LlpaMa 4141 . drama

schedule ,LlpaMa TlfqeCKHH 7645. dramatic

,[(OCTaBaTh i +a 2224. to get ,Llpa Th i ( coll) +a 8 1 34. to tear; thrash; fleece

,[(OCTaBaThCR i +d 8 1 32. to fall to s.o. ' s lot; ( coll) ,LlpaTbCR i 2562. to fight

catch it (be punished) ,LlpeBeCHHa 8352. timber

,[(OCTclBHTh p +a 2 1 98. to deliver ,LlpeBeCHhiH 4508. wood (adj)

,[(OCTclBKa 6843. delivery ,LlpeBHHH 1 108. ancient

,[(OCTaBJIRTh i +a 291 1 . to deliver ,LlpeBHOCTh f 5735. antiquity

,[(OCTaT(O)K 7644. sufficiency; prosperity ,LlpeMaTh i 6524. to doze

,[(OCTaTOqHo 870. sufficiently; enough .LlPOBa n pl 4075. firewood

,[(OCTaToqHhiH 2 1 99. sufficient ,LlpOrHyTh p 4805. to shake, waver

,[(OCTclTh p +a 1 072. to get, obtain; take out; ,LlpOrHyTh i to be chilled

reach ,LlpO)I(a Tb i 1 82 1 . to shiver

,[(OCTclThCR p +d 355 1 . to fall to s.o. ' s lot .LlPO)I(cliiJ;HH 4948. trembling

,[(OCTHraTh i +g 201 2. to reach .LlPO)I(h f 9 155 . trembling

,[(OCTHraThCR i 6232. to be achieved ,Llpyr 1 30. friend

,[(OCTHrHyThiH 53 1 3 . achieved ,Llpyr .Llpyra 507. each other

,[(OCTHrHyTh p +g 1 862. to achieve ,Llpyr6ii 47 . different, other

,[(OCTH)I(eHHe 1 304. achievement .upy)l(6a 895 . friendship

,[(OCTHqh p +g 2338. to achieve; reach .LlPY)KeCKHH 3796. friendly

( = ,LlOCTHrHyTh) ,Llpy)KeCTBeHHhiH 2964 . friendly

,[(OCTOBepHOCTh f 8 1 33 . authenticity, reliability .LlPY)KHHa 55 13 . militia

,[(OCTOBepHhiH 9 1 5 1 . reliable .LlPY)KHTh i c +inst 7646. to be friends (with s.o.)

,[(OCTOHHCTBO 1 982. merit, virtue; dignity; .LlPY)I(HO 37 13 . in harmony,

value simultaneously

,[(OCTOHHO 6844. worthily, properly .LlPY)I(Hhiii 6525 . amicable;

,[(OCTOHHhiH 2464. worthy simultaneous

,[(OCTOTipHMeqa- 5734. sight, place worth .LlPY)K( 6 )K ( coll) 4806. friend

TeJihHOCTh f seeing ,LlpRHh f ( coll) 3884. rubbish

,[(OCTORHHe 4803. property .LlY6 3283. oak

,nocTyn 8535. access .Lly6:HHa 91 56. cudgel, club;

,[(OCTYTIHhiH 3365. accessible blockhead, idiot

,nocyr 6233 . leisure .Lly66BhiH 8 1 35 . oak (adj)

,[(OTaUHR 8368. subsidy .Llyra 9 157. arc, curve

,ZJ,OXHYTh i 9 152. to die (of animals) .LlY.LlKa 9 158. pipe, fife

,[(OXHYTh p to breathe .n;yMa 3797. thought; duma

,[(OXO.Ll 25 14. income (Russian

,[(OXO,LlHTh i ,LlO +g 238 1 . to reach parliament)

,noqKa 2092. daughter .LlYMaTh 93. to think

,noqh f 798. daughter AYMaThCR i 25 15 . to be thought

.nomaThiii 9764. made of planks, MHe .n;yMaeTCR I think

board (adj) .Llypa 3552. idiot, stupid woman



,u;ypax 1073. fool e,n;HHO,LJ;YIIIHO 9 1 62. unanimously

,u;ypa�KHii (coll) 6845. idiotic e,LJ;HHCTBeHHO 3945 . only

,u;ypaq(6)x 7647. idiot, half-wit e,LJ;HHCTBeHHbiH 87 1 . only, sole

,u;ypHTh i ( coll) 8 1 36. to be naughty, fool e,n;HHCTBO 201 3 . unity

about e,n;HHbiH 1 506. single, sole; united

,u;ypHO 7237. bad(ly) e,n;KHH 5 1 20. acrid, pungent;

,u;ypH6ii 2465. bad, evil sarcastic

,UYTb i 3226. to blow ee 55 . her (possessive)

,u;yx 1019. spirit; breath e)l( 9770. hedgehog

,u;yx:U m pl 9765. perfume e)l(er6,n;Ho 29 12 . annually

,u;yxoBeHCTBO 5 1 19 . clergy e)I(C,LJ;HeBHO 3553. every day

,u;yx6BHhiH 1428. spiritual e)l(e,LJ;HeBHhiH 7239. daily, everyday

,u;yiiia 409. soul e)l(eJIH (obs or coll) 1 984. if

,u;yiiieBHO 839 1 . mentally; cordially e3,LJ;HTb i 1 662. to travel

,u;yrneBHhiH 2226. mental; sincere, eii-66ry (coli) 4949. truly, indeed

heartfelt eJie 2039. barely, only just

.llYIIIHCThiH 9766. fragrant eJIKa 4807. fir tree

,u;yrnHTh i +a 7238. to strangle; to perfume eJib f 8 1 4 1 . fir; spruce

,u;yrnHO 6846. stuffy eMKOCTb f 8 142. capacity

,u;yrnHhiH 7648. stuffy epecb f 8479. heresy

,u;y3Jih f 6526. duel epyH,n;a (coll) 4808 . nonsense; trifling

,llhiM 1 338. smoke matter

,llhiMHTh i 6847. to smoke ecJIH 65 . if

,llbiMHThCjJ: i 7649. to smoke ecTeCTBeHHO 2250. naturally

)lhiMKa 6527. haze ecTeCTBeHHhiH 2703 . natural

,llhiMHhiH 8 1 37. smoky CCTCCTB03HclHHe 8450. natural science

,llhiMOBOH 9 159. smoke (adj) ecTb i +a 656. to eat

)lhiM(O)K 5514. puff of smoke exaTb i 420. to go (by transport)

,llhiMqa ThiH 8 1 38 . smoke-coloured e�e 35 . still, yet

)lhlpa 6528. hole )l(a,LI;HO 5 1 2 1 . greedily

.llLipKa 7650. (small) hole )l(a,[(HOCTb f 7240. greed

,llhip.9:BhiH 9160. full of holes )l(a,LJ;HhiH 309 1 . greedy

,llbiXaHHC 2306. breathing )l(a)l(,n;a 3798. thirst

)lhirnarh 1 774. to breathe )l(cl)I(,LJ;a Th i +g 6848. to thirst for

)lb.9:BOJI 3632. devil )l(aJieTh i +a 1 400. to pity, feel sorry for;

)lb.9:BOJihCKH 9 1 6 1 . devilishly (o +pr) regret

)lh.9:KOH 8 1 39. deacon )I(MKHH 3227 . pitiful

.ll.H.llhKa m (coli) 8 140. uncle; man, bloke )l(clJIKO 1 3 19 . pitifully; it' s a pity;

,n}]:,u;g m 449. uncle (+g) be sorry for

eBaHreJIHe 9767. gospel )1(3.Jio6a Ha +a 3284. complaint (about)

eBpeii 9768. Jew )I(M06HbiH 9 1 63 . plaintive; complaints

eBponeiiCKHH 1 983. European (adj )

er:HneTCKHH 8289. Egyptian )l(ciJIOBa TbCjJ: i Ha +a 2 1 23 . to complain (about)

er6 50. his; its )l(clJIOCTb f 4656. pity

e,u;a 3452. food )l(aJib 1 738 . it ' s a pity

C,llBa 896. hardly, scarcely, only )l(aHp 977 1 . genre

just )l(ap 53 14 . heat

C,llHHH�a 3090. unit )l(apa 3714 . heat, hot weather

C,llHHOrJiaCHO 9769. unanimously )l(apHTb i +a 9772. to fry; roast



)l(clpKHH 3633 . hot )J(H,llKHH 4236. liquid; thin, feeble

)l(clpKO 3366. hotly; it' s hot )J(H,llK OCTh f 4444. liquid

)l(clTBa 724 1 . reaping, harvest )J(H3HeHHOCTh f 7242. vitality; lifelikeness

)l(aTh i +a 3946. to squeeze )J(H3HeHHhiH 1956. vital; life (adj)

)l(fyq:uif 8 1 43 . burning )J(H3Hepa,llOCTHhiH 8 147. cheerful, happy

)I(,UaTh i +a/g 203 . to wait (for) )J(H3Hh f 68. life

)l(e 1 99. (emphasizes )J(HJia 4369. vein

preceding word) )J(HJieTKa 8369. waistcoat

)l(esa Th i +a 55 1 5 . to chew )J(HJIHI.Ue 5 1 22. dwelling, habitation

)l(enaH:ue 1 339. wish, desire )J(HJIHI.UHhiH 5972. housing (adj)

)l(enaHHhiil 5736. wished for, welcome )J(HJIKa 8543 . vein

)l(enaTeJihHo 8 1 44. (it is) desirable )J(HJI6i1: 4143 . dwelling, residential

)l(enaTh i +g 820. to want, wish )J(HJihe 6529. accommodation

)l(enaiOm:u:U 765 1 . person in teres ted (in )J(Hp 9774. fat, grease

doing sth) )J(HpHhiH 5973. fat, fatty

)l(ene3HO,llOp0)J(HhiH 2745 . railway (adj) )J(HTeHCKHH 55 1 6. worldly; everyday

)l(ene3Hhiil 965 . iron )J(HTenh m 1739. inhabitant

)l(ene3o 1442. iron )J(HTHe 9 166. life, biography

)l(eno6 854 1 . gutter, chute )J(HTh i 1 14. to live

)l(ellTOBa TbiH 7652. yellowish )J(paTb i (very coll) 5974. to eat

)l(enThiil 1 239. yellow )J(YK 7243 . beetle

)l(eey .ll( o )K 4950. stomach )J(YllHK 3947. petty thief; cheat

)l(eMqy)J(HHa 9773 . pearl )J(ypHan 1 10 1 . magazine, periodical;

)l(eHa 430. wife journal, register

)l(eHaThiH 5737. married (of man) )J(ypHaJIHCT 1 594. journalist

)l(eHHTbcg i/p Ha +pr 2339. to marry (of man) )J(ypHaJIHCTHKa 7244. journalism

)l(eHHX 4 142. fiance )J(YTKHH 9775. terrible

)l(eHCKHH 2040. female )J(YTKO 6235. dreadfully

)l(eHI.UHHa 306. woman 3a 2 1 . (+a) for; (+inst) behind

)l(epn6 8 1 45 . mouth, muzzle 3a6aBa 6849. amusement

)l(epHOB 8 1 46. millstone 3a6aBHO 6530. amusingly

)l(epTsa 2 143 . victim 3a6aBHhiH 5739. amusing

)l(eCT 2466. gesture 3a6aCTOBKa 3455. strike

)l(eCTKHH 4657. harsh 3a6seH:ue 8 1 48. oblivion

)l(eCTOKHH 2058 . cruel 3a6eraTb i 5975. to run in; (coll) drop in

)l(eCTOKO 3453 . cruelly 3a6eraTh p to start rushing

)l(eCTOKOCTh f 5738. cruelty around

)l(eCTgHQH 6234. tin (adj) 3a6e)J(a Th p 8 1 49. to call in; run off

)l(elJh i +a 4809. to bum 3a6:upaTh i +a 3885. to take hold of; take

)I(HBO 2 1 44. quickly; vividly away

)I(HBOH 450. alive, lively 3a6:upaTbcg i 6236. to get to, climb

)l(HBOllHCHhiH 597 1 . picturesque 3a6:UTh p +a 495 1 . to begin to beat;

)I(HBOllHCh f 4509. painting, paintings hammer in; block;

)I(HBOT 3 1 67. belly, stomach cram

)I(HBOTHOBO,llCTBO 4304. stock-raising 3a6ny,llHThCg p 653 1 . to lose one's way

)I(HBOTHOe n adj 2 145. animal 3a6ny)J(,lleHHe 4658. delusion

)I(HBOTHhiH 3454. animal (ad j) 3a6onesaHHe 8370. illness

)I(HBY'IHH 9 1 64. hardy, enduring 3a6oneTh p 3285. to fall ill

)I(HBheM (coli) 9 1 65 . alive 3a66p 2382. fence



3a6opMOTclTh p +a 9167. to mutter 3aBO,LJ;CKOH 4308 . factory (adj)

3a66Ta 1 340. care, trouble JasoesaHHe 3 5 1 5 . conquest

3a66THThCg i o +pr 3020. to worry about, 3aBOeBaHHhiH 6237. conquered

concern os with, JasoesaTenh m 8416 . conqueror

look after JaBoeBaTh p +a 1 937. to conquer

3a66TJIHBO 8 1 50. solicitously 3aBOeBhiBaTh i +a 7249. to conquer

3a66T JIHBhiH 7245. solicitous, caring Jascer ,n;a Tail 9776. habitue; regular

Ja6paTh p +a 3092. to take hold of; take customer

away 3clBTpa 335. tomorrow

3a6paThcg p s/Ha +a 3799. to get, climb 3clBTpaK 3886. breakfast

(into/onto) 3clBTpaiiiHHH 3948. tomorrow's

3a6peCTH p 8 1 5 1 . to wander in, drop in; JasgJaTL p +a 48 12 . to tie; start, get

stray involved in

3a6p6CHTh p +a 9168. to throw, cast; Jara,n;Ka 3635 . mystery; riddle

abandon; neglect Jara,n;oqHo 9 1 7 1 . mysteriously

3a6hiBclTh i +a 16 12. to forget Jara,n;oqHhiii 4659. mysterious

Ja6hiBaThcg 5976. to be forgotten; doze 3arap 8 152. suntan

off; forget os 3arnasHe 9777. title, heading

3a6:biThiH 3634. forgotten 3arn6XHYTh p 9 1 72. to die away; stall

3a6:biTh p +a or o +pr 425 . to forget (engine); go to

3aBarrHTh p +a +inst 6532. to block, cram seed

3aBapHTh p +a 7246. to brew 3ar JIYIIIHTh p +a 7250. to drown (a sound)

3aBe,lleHHe 3800. institution 3ar n}]:,n;hiBa Th 2804. to glance

3aBe.llyrouurli m adj 2965. manager, head (of) 3arJI.siHYTh p 2227. to glance

+inst 3arHaTh p +a 55 1 7. to drive in

3aBepHyTh p 4144. to wrap; to tum (a 3arHyTh p +a 8 1 53 . to bend

comer) 3arosop 4660. plot

3aBeprna Th i +a 7653. to complete 3arOBOpHTh p 1419 . to start speaking

3aBeprnaThcg i 9 169. to be finishing, end 3aron6s( o )K 55 18 . title, heading

3aBeprneHHe 48 10. completion 3aroH}]:Th i +a 9 1 73 . to drive in

3aBepiiiHTh p +a 45 10. to complete 3aroH}]:Th p +a to tire out

3aBeca 6850. screen 3aropaThcg i 6238 . to catch fire

3aBeCTH p +a 3286. to take somewhere; 3aropenhiii 5977. suntanned

start 3aropeThcg p 466 1 . to catch fire

3aBeCTHCh p 7247. to start; (coli) get 3aropo,llHTh p +a 8 1 54. to fence in; obstruct

worked up 3aroT6BKa 8214 . state order (for goods);

3aBeTHhiH 5 1 23 . cherished, intimate stocking up

3aBemaTh i/p +a +d 9 170. to bequeath (sth to 3arpaHHqHhiH 725 1 . foreign

s.o.) 3arp66Hhiii 9 1 74 . beyond the grave

3aBH,llOBaTh p +d 302 1 . to envy 3arpy3Ka 8 155 . loading

3aBHCeTh i OT +g 103 1 . to depend (on) 3arpg3HeHHe 3637. pollution

3aBHCHMOCTh f 228 1 . dependence 3arc 9778. registry office

B 3aBHCHMOCTH depending on 3ary,n;eTh p 7252. to start hooting/

OT +g humming

3aBHCHMhiH 7248. dependent 3a,n; 9 175. back, rear; rump,

3aBHCTh f 48 1 1 . envy backside

3aBO.ll 530. factory 3a,n;asaTh i +a +d 380 1 . to set, assign ( sth to s.o.)

3aBO,llHTh i +a 5740. to take (swh); start, 3a,n;aHHe 1 377. task, assignment

start up; wind up 3cl,LJ;aHHhiH 685 1 . set, assigned



3a,ruiTh p +a +d 3093. to set, assign ( sth to 3aKa3hiBaTh i +a 7654. to order (sth)

s.o.) 3aKarrKa 837 1 . physical training,

3a,n;aqa 369. task, problem fitness

3a,n;eBaTh i +a 6533. to touch; to catch (on) 3aKaHqHBaTh i +a 53 1 6. to finish

3a,n;ep)l(aTh p +a 3802. to delay; arrest 3aKaHqHBaThC.SI 4663. to finish

3a.n;ep)l(a ThcR p 3094. to be delayed 3aKaT 2652. sunset

3a.n;ep)I(HBa Th i +a 53 1 5 . to delay; arrest 3aKHHYTh p +a 7257. to cast, toss

3a,n;ep)I(HBaThCR 4952. to be delayed 3aKHTieTh p 9 1 8 1 . to boil

3a.n;ep)I(Ka 8 1 56. delay 3aKJia,n;Ka 9 1 82. laying; bookmark

3a,n;eTh p +a 4953 . to touch; catch (on sth) 3aKmoqaTh i +a 3804. to conclude; enclose,

3cl)l;HHH 2383. rear (adj) imprison

3a,n;6Jiro 9 1 76. long before 3aKJIJOqaThCR i B +pr 2036. to consist of

3a.n;6p 9779. fervour, vigour 3aKJIJOqeH:ue 25 16 . conclusion;

3a)l;OXHYThC.SI p 9 1 77 . to suffocate confinement

3a.n;paTh p +a 7253 . to tear to pieces; to lift 3aKJIJOqeHHHH 4145 . prisoner, convict

up (coli) 3aKJIJOqlfTeJibHhiH 48 15 . final, concluding

3a,n;pO)I(cl Tb p 7254. to start shaking 3aKJIJOqHTh p +a 1 57 1 . to conclude; to

3a,n;yMaTh p +a 3367. to think up; plan enclose, imprison

3a,n;yMaThCR p 0 +pr 1 740. to think deeply (about) 3aKOH 624. law

3a,n;yMqHBO 2606. thoughtfully, pensively 3aKOHHOCTh f 7258. legality

3a,n;yMqHBhiH 4662. thoughtful 3aKOHHhiH 3805. legal

3a,n;yMhiBa ThC.si 3803 . to become thoughtful 3aKOHOLJ;cl TeJihHhiH 5317 . legislative

3a.n;yrnliTh p +a 55 19 . to strangle, suffocate, 3aKOHOLJ;clTeJibCTBO 48 1 6. legislation

stifle 3aKOHOMepHOCTb f 3 1 68. regularity, law

3a)l;h1Xcl TbCR 48 1 3 . to suffocate 3aKOHOMepHbiH 7259. regular, predictable

3a(e)M 9780. loan 3aKOHqeHHhiH 7655. complete;

3aexaTh p 4814 . to call in consummate,

3a)l(aTh p +a 5520. to squeeze professional

3a)l(eqh p +a 3228. to set fire to 3aKOHliHTh p +a 149 1 . to finish

3a)I(Hra Th i +a 3636. to set fire to 3aKOHqHTbCR p 3554. to end

3a)I(Hra ThCR i 9 1 78 . to light up, be lit 3aKoy JI( o )K 978 1 . back alley; nook,

3a)I(HTOqHbiH 6852. well-off cranny

3a)I(MypHThCR p 9 1 79. to screw up one's eyes; 3aKpenliTh p +a 574 1 . to fasten, secure

half-close one's eyes 3aKp:uqaTh p 1 74 1 . to shout

Ja3BeHeTh p 8 1 57 . to begin to ring 3aKpy)I(HThCR p 7656. to begin to spin

3aHrpaTh p +a 552 1 . to start playing 3aKphiBa Th i +a 1 847. to close

3aHMCTBOBaTh i +a 7255 . to borrow 3aKpb1BclThCR i 6853. to be closed

3aHHTepeCOBaHHOCTb 7256. interest 3aKphiThiH 3287. closed

f 3aKphiTh p +a 1 083. to close, shut; to cover

3aHHTepec6BaHHhiH 9 1 80. interested (in) 3aKpb1TbCR p 9 1 83 . to be closed; close

B +pr down; cover os

3aHHTepeCOBclTb p +a 3456. to interest 3aKynKa 6854. purchase

3aHHTepeCOBclTbCR 6534. to become interested 3aKypHBaTh 53 18 . to light up (cigarette

i +inst in etc.)

3aHTH p 1 305. (K +d) to call on s.o. ; 3aKypHTh p +a 3022. to start smoking

( 3a + a) go behind, 3aKyCHTh p 5523. to have a snack, have

set (of sun) some food

3aKa3 1 9 1 1 . order (for sth) 3aKycKa 7260. hors-d' oeuvre; snack

3aKa3aTh p +a 5522. to order (sth) 3aJI 5 1 1 . hall



3ana.uHTh p ( coll) 8 1 58. (+a) to keep repeating i/ Bhi:HTH p 3aMy)l(

(sth); ( +inf) get into 3a +a

the habit of 3aMbiC( e )JI 2747. scheme, idea

3arre)l(h f 8372. (mineral) deposit JaHaBec 1 572. (heavy) curtain

3aJR�3Th p B/Ha +a 4664. to climb, get JaHaBecKa 3096. curtain

(into/onto) 3aHeCTH p +a 48 1 8. to bring in; raise

3aneTeTh p 8 1 59. (B +a) to fly in; (3a 3aHHMa TeJibHhiH 6856. entertaining,

+a) fly behind interesting

3aJIHB 4400. bay 3aHHMaTb i +a 1 075. to occupy

3aJIHBaTh i +a +inst 7657. to flood (sth with sth) 3aHHMaThC.si i +inst 3 14. to occupy oneself

3a.rrHTh p +a +inst 48 17 . to flood (sth with sth) 3aHOBO 5 1 25 . anew

3aJIHThCR p 8 1 60. to be flooded; ( +inst) 3aHOCHTh i +a 6240. to bring in; raise

start to do sth 3aHoqeBaTh p 9 1 85 . to spend the night

vigorously 3aH}]:THe 438. occupation;

3an6r 9782. deposit, guarantee, (pl) classes

pledge 3aH.siThiH 2467. occupied, busy

3aJIO)I(HTh p +a 3095 . to put behind; lay 3aH}]:Th p +a 8 1 5 . to occupy

down, found; (+inst) 3aH}]:ThC.si p +inst 204 1 . to take up

block (with); pawn, 3aO,UHO 4665. together; (coll) at the

mortgage same time

3aMaHqHBhiH 45 1 1 . tempting 3aOKeaHCKHH 9 1 86. transoceanic

3aMaCKHpOBaTb p +a 8 1 6 1 . to disguise, camouflage Jaoparh p 624 1 . to start yelling

3aMeHa 5 1 24. replacement 3a6qHO 9785 . in one's absence;

3aMeHHTh p +a +inst 2 1 24. to replace ( sth with externally (of study

sth) for a degree)

3aMeHRTh +a +inst 53 19. to replace (sth with sth) Jarra.u 1 889. west

3aMepeTh p 6855. to stand still; die away Jana.uHoeBpone:HcKHH 5 1 26. Western European

3aMep3aTh i 7658. to freeze 3ana.n:HhiH 876. western

3aMep3HYTh p 726 1 . to freeze 3ana.uH}]: 8 1 62. trap

3aMeCTHTeJih m 2059. deputy, substitute Jarrac 1 023 . stock, supply; reserve

3aMeTHTh p +a 357. to notice 3anacHo:H 29 1 3 . spare, reserve

3aMeTKa 2653. mark, (written) note ( = JanacHhiH)

3aMeTHO 2340. noticeably 3anacHhiH 7262. spare, reserve

3aMeTHbiH 2805 . noticeable (= 3anacH6:H)

3aMeqaHHe 3887. remark 3anaCTHCh p +i 9 1 87 . to stock up (with)

3aMeqaTeJihHo 4954. remarkable; Jan ax 1 724. smell

remarkably JanepeTh p +a 3097 . to lock

3aMeqa TeJihHhiii 930. remarkable, splendid JaneTh p 5 1 27. to start singing

3aMeqaTh i +a 1 146. to notice 3aneqaTneTh p +a 7659. to imprint

3aMeiiia TeJihCTBO 9783 . confusion; 3aiTHCclTh p +a 2468. to note down

consternation 3aiTHCKa 1 278. note (written)

3aMHpclTb i 6239. to stand still, die away 3aiTHCH6ii 4955 . note (adj)

3clMKHYTbiH 9784. reserved, unsociable; 3aiTHChiBaTh i +a 2563 . to note down

secluded, private 3cliTHCh f 29 14. recording; written

3clM(O)K 3457. castle record

3aM(O)K lock JannaKaTh p 286 1 . to begin to cry

JaMonqaTh p 1 888. to fall silent 3annaTHTh p 3a +a 4 146. to pay (for)

3aMOTclTb p +a 9 1 84. to wind, twist; tire out 3aiTHYThC.si p 9786. to stumble

3aMy)l(: BhiXO.UHTh 2746. to marry (a husband) JarroBe.n;HHK 4477. reserve, nature-reserve



3allO,ll03pHTb p +a 9 1 88. to suspect (s.o. of sth) Jace.uaH:ue 1 553. meeting, conference,

B +pr session

JanoJ.uanhiii 7263 . belated Jace.na Th i 6860. to sit, be in session

3an03,llaTh p c +inst 9 1 89. to be late (with) JacecTh p (coli) 9 194. to sit down, lodge os

3an6JIHHTh p +a 4666. to fill in, fill up 3aCJIOHHTh p +a 8 1 66. to shield, screen

3allOJIHslTb i +a 6857. to fill in, fill up JaCJIOHslTh i +a 9 195 . to conceal, screen

3allOMHHclTb i +a 7264. to memorize, commit 3ac.rr)'ra 3 1 69. service, merit,

to memory achievement

3allOMHHTb p +a 2564. to commit to memory JacJiy)l(eHHhiH 4668. deserved;

3allOMHHTbC.SI p 6535. to stick in one' s distinguished

memory JacJiy)I(HBa Th i +g 4669. to deserve

JanpeT 9 1 90. ban 3acJiy)I(HTh p +a 4148. to merit, to achieve

JanpeTHTh p 48 19 . (+d) to forbid (s.o.); by merit

(+a) ban (sth) JacMe.si:ThC.SI p 1 378. to laugh

Janpe�naTh i 4 147 . to forbid, ban JaCHYTh p 3229. to fall asleep

Janpe�neH:ue 5524. prohibition, ban 3aCTclBHTb p +a +inf 1 2 12 . to compel, force

Janpe�neHHhiii 5742. forbidden JacTaBJisiTh i +a +inf 1 52 1 . to force, compel (s.o.

3anp6c 3368. official request to do sth)

Janp.s�raTh i +a 9 1 9 1 . to harness 3aCTclTb p +a 3230. to find (a person)

JanyraTh p +a 6858. to intimidate JacTerHyTh p +a 9788. to fasten

JanycKa Th i +a 6242. to thrust; start 3aCTeH(O)K 8480. torture-chamber

JanycTHTh p +a 5743. to launch, throw; start 3aCTeHqHBhiH 9 196. shy

up 3acT6ii 4036. stagnation

3anyTaHHhiH 6859. confused, tangled JacTpemiTh p +a 7266. to shoot dead

JanyTaThC.SI p 9 192. to get confused JacTpsi:Th p 686 1 . to get stuck

JanqacTh f 9787. spare part 3aCTbiBcl Tb i 5980. to thicken, congeal,

3apa6aThiBaTh i +a 6243. to earn stiffen

3apa66TaTh p +a 2862. to earn 3aCThiBIIIHH 7267. congealed; frozen

3apa60THhiH: 82 1 9. 3aCThiTh p 5744. to harden, thicken;

3apa6oTHa.s� nnaTa pay, wages, salary (coli) become

3apa6oT( o )K 4667. earnings stiff

3apa3a 8 1 63. infection; (coli) pest JacyHyTh p +a B +a 6244. to thrust (sth into sth)

JapaJHTh p +a +inst 8 1 64. to infect (s.o. with sth) Jacyxa 4956. drought

JapaHee 2806. in advance 3aChlllclTb 2915 . to fall asleep

3apaCTH p 5978. to become overgrown; JaChlllclTh i +a +inst to fill sth, cover sth

heal (of wound) with sth

Jape so 6536. glow 3aTaHTb p +a 9 197. to conceal

Jape3aTh p +a 8 1 65 . to kill 3aTBOpHTh p +a 8 168. to close

Ja p6 .llhiiii 4442. foetus; embryo 3aTeBaTh i (coli) +a 7660. to start, organize

3apOCJib f 45 12 . thicket JaTeM 558. after that, then

3ap6CIIIHH 9 1 93 . overgrown 3aTepsi:ThC.SI p (coli) 8 169. to go missing, be

3apnnaTa 5979. pay, wages, salary mislaid; vanish

Ja py6e)J(Hhiii 3023. foreign JaTe.s� 7268. venture, undertaking;

Japsi: 2307. dawn; sunset game, escapade;

Japsi:.u 45 1 3 . charge, cartridge embellishment

3ap.SI,llHTh p +a 7265 . to load (weapon); 3a Te.SITh p (coli) +a 5745 . to undertake, start

charge (electrical 3aTHXclTh i 6537. to die down

equipment) JaTHXHYTh p 5746. to die down

3ap.SI)J(eHHhiH 8322. loaded (of weapon) 3aTKHYTh p +a 7269. to stop up, plug



3aT6 1 356. in compensation, on application

the other hand 3a.siBJI.H:Th i o +pr 3024. to announce

3aTOllHTh p +a 6538. to light (stove); to 3a(.s�)u 2704. hare

flood, sink 3BaHHe 1 596. title; calling

3aTparHBaTh i +a 766 1 . to touch, affect 3BaTh i 428 . to call

JaTpaTa 3806. expense 3Be3�a 1 084. star

3aTpaTHTh p +a 5 128. to spend, expend 3Be3,LJ;HhiH 7270. star (adj) ; starry

3aTpy�HeHHe 4957. difficulty 3Be3�oqKa 4 1 50. small star; asterisk

3aTpy�H}]:Th i +a 9 1 98 . to make difficult, 3BeHeTh i 3949. to ring; ( +inst) j ingle

complicate; trouble 3BeH6 2565 . link

3a TbiJI( 0 )K 3458. back of the head 3Beph m 1 685. wild animal

3aT}]:ruBaThC.si i 7662. to drag on; inhale 3BOH 2808. ringing

(when smoking); 3BOHHTh i +d 1 597. to ring, telephone (s.o.)

tighten one ' s belt 3BOHKHH 5 1 29. ringing, clear

3aTR)I(Ka 9 199. delay; inhalation 3BOHKO 6540. ringingly, clearly

(smoking) 3BOH(O)K 1 2 1 8 . bell, ring; telephone

3aT.siHYTh p 4149. to tighten call

3aT.siHYThC.si p 598 1 . ( +inst) to be covered 3BYK 1 686. sound

(by); drag on; inhale 3BYKOBOH 6864. sound (adj)

(when smoking); 3ByqaHHe 727 1 . sound, sounds

heal (of wound); 3ByqaTh i 1 687. to sound

tighten one's belt 3�clHHe 559. building

3a y Jih16a Thc.si p 9200. to start smiling 3�ech 74. here

3a yp.H:�HhiH 920 1 . ordinary, mediocre 3�eiiiHHH 3716 . local, from here

3aXBclT 5747. seizure, capture 3�0pOBaThC.si i c +inst 323 1 . to greet

3aXBaTHTh p +a 1 595. to seize 3�0pOBO 1 775 . (coli) splendid(ly),

3aXBaTqHK 5748. invader great

3aXBa ThiBaTh i +a 5525. to take, grasp; seize 3�0p0BO healthily; (coil) hi !

3axne6hiBaThC.si i 9790. to choke 3�op6BhiH 1476. healthy

3aXJI6nHyTh p +a 8 1 70. to bang, slam 3�op6Bhe 1 25 1 . health

3ax6� 6862. sunset; call (at a place) 3.llpaBooxpaHeHue 45 14 . health care, health

3aXO�HTb i 2 125 . to call in service

3aXOTeTh p +inf 1455. to want 3,n;paBCTBOBaTh i 5 16. to be healthy, prosper

3aXOTeThC.si p 3715 . to start to want 3�paBCTBYH( Te) Hello/How are you?

3atiaCTYIO (coll) 6863 . often JeBaTh i 8 1 72. to yawn

3aqeM 327. why, for what JeneHeTh 9202. to tum green, look

3arnara Th p 7663. to stride out green

3arnyMeTh p 6245. to make a noise 3eJieHOBa ThiH 6246. greenish

3aiUHTa 1 176. defence JeneHhiH 5 1 8. green

3aiUHTHTh p +a 5526. to defend 3eneHh f 3888. greenery

3aiUHTHHK 2807. defender 3eMeJihHhiH 7272. land (adj)

3amliTHhiH 6539. protective 3eMne�en( e )u 4249. farmer, peasant farmer

3amumaTh i +a 1 758. to defend 3eMne�eJIHe 4396. agriculture

3amumaThC.si i 8 1 7 1 . to defend os; defend 3eMne,neJih qecKuii 8 1 73 . agricultural

one's thesis (for a JeMJieTp.siceHue 6247. earthquake

higher degree) 3eMJI}]: 1 38 . earth, land

3a.siBHTb p 0 +pr 946. to announce 3eMAAK 5983. person from same area

3aRBKa 5982. claim, official demand 3eMJI.siHOH 5527. earthen, earth (adj)

3a.siBJieHue 1 848. announcement; 3eMHOH 1 024. earthly, terrestrial



3epKano 1 792. mirror 30JIOTO 1 1 33. gold

3epKaJihHhiH 654 1 . mirror (ad j) 30JIOTOH 947. gold, golden

3epH6 1 003 . grain, seed JonoqeHhiii 625 1 . gilded

3epHOBOH 8373. grain (adj) 36Ha 2748. zone

3epHhiiiiKO 7664. grain 30HTHK 9793. umbrella

3HMa 1 390. winter 30pKO 8 1 75 . sharp-sightedly,

3HMHHH 1 725. winter (adj) vigilantly

3HMOH 4670. in winter 3paq(6)K 5750. pupil (of eye)

3JUfThC.H: i Ha +a 6248. to be angry (with) 3penHrn;e 4820. spectacle

3JIO 1 706. evil 3peJIOCTh f 7273. maturity

3n66a 467 1 . spite, malice 3penhiii 9206. mature, ripe

3JIOBeiiJ;HH 5749. ominous, sinister 3peHHe 860. eyesight, vision

3Jio,LJ;eii 8 1 74. villain 3peTh i 9207. to ripen, mature

3JIOH 1 507. evil, wicked; bad- 3pHTeJih m 2014. spectator

tempered, fierce 3pHTeJihHhiH 443 1 . visual

3JIOCTh f 6249. spite, bad temper 3p.H: (coli) 2015 . for nothing,

3JIOynoTpe6JIMTh i 979 1 . to misuse, abuse (sth) pointlessly

+inst 3y6 840. tooth

3HaK 1 957. sign 3hi6KHH 9794. unsteady, unstable

3HaKOMHTh i +a 5528. to introduce (s .o. to 3.SITh m 8 176. son-in-law; brother-

c +inst s.o. or sth) in-law

3HaKOMHThC.SI i 3807. to become acquainted If 1 . and

c +inst with, meet :U6o 1074. for (because)

3HaKOMCTBO C +inst 291 6. acquaintance (with), liB a 9795 . willow

know ledge (of) Hrna 575 1 . needle

3HaKOMhiH 464. familiar; an :Uro 6866. yoke (oppression)

acquaintance HrOJIKa 4821 . needle

3HaMeHa TeJihHhiH 6542. significant Hrpa 445. game

3HaMeHHTOCTh f 9204. celebrity HrpaTh i 328. to play

3HaMeHHThiH 93 1 . famous HrpoK 2749. player

3HaM.SI n 2 146. banner HrpyiiieqHhiH 6867. toy (adj); tiny

3HaHHe 583. knowledge HrpyiiiKa 3950. toy

3HaTHhiH 9792. distinguished, H,n:ean 3459. ideal

outstanding; (hist) H.n:eanH3M 8 1 77. idealism

high-born, noble H,IJ;eaJihHhiH 6868. ideal (adj)

3HaTOK 5 1 30. expert H,n:eiiHhiii 8236. ideological; containing

3HaTh i 43. to know ideas; progressive;

3HaqeHHe 69 1 . meaning, importance high-principled

3HaqlfMOCTh f 7665 . significance H.n:eonor:UqecKHii 4 15 1 . ideological

3HaqlfTeJihHO 1 366. significantly, H.n:eon6rH.SI 4425. ideology

considerably H.n:e.SI 753. idea

3Ha qlfTeJihHhiH 836. significant H,IJ;HJIJIH.SI 9209. idyll

3HaqlfTh i 1 82. to mean H,LlHOT 4373. idiot

3HaqHThC.SI i 6543. to be, figure H,IJ;OJI 9210. idol

3Haq(6)K 4958. badge H,IJ;TH i 64. to go (on foot)

3HalOIIJ;HH 6250. knowledgeable H3 (H30) +g 26. out of, from

3HOH 9205. hot weather H36a 1938. peasant cottage

3ona 8230. ashes, cinders H36aBHTh p +a 6545. to save (from)

30JIOTHCThiH 6544. golden OT +g



H36aBHThC� p OT +g 4822. to escape from; get rid H3JIIfiiiHe 92 12 . excessively

of H3JIHIIIHIIH 4674. superfluous

H36era Th i +g 3808. to avoid 113JIO)KeHIIe 4823 . exposition

H36e)KaTh p +g 5 1 3 1 . to avoid 113JIO)KHTh p +a 395 1 . to set out, expound

H36HpaTeJih m 5984. voter 113.rryqaTh i +a 8290. to radiate

H36HpaTh i +a 8 1 78. to elect; select 113m06JieHHhiH 7667. favourite

H36HTh p +a 92 1 1 . to beat up 113MeJihqeHHhiH 8544. crumbled, chopped up

H36paHHhiH 5320. selected 113MeHa 7274. betrayal

H36paTh p +a 2917 . to choose, elect 113MeHeHIIe 1 2 1 3 . change, alteration

H36biT(O)K 4959. abundance; surplus 113MeH.HTh p 1 742. (+a) to alter; (+d)

H3Bep)J(eHHe 6546. eruption betray

H3BeCTIIe 3232. piece of news 113MeHHTbC� p 2042. to change

H3BeCTHTh p +a 8482. to inform, notify 113MeHHIIK 6548. traitor

(bookish) 113MeHRTh i 3952. (+a) to change, alter;

H3BeCTHO 746. it is (well) known (+d) betray

H3BeCTHOCTh f 5529. fame 113MeHRThC� 3555. to change

H3BeCTHhiH 567. well-known 113MepeHIIe 532 1 . measurement;

H3BeCTh f 8392. lime (chemical) dimension

H3BHHHTh p +a 1 252. to pardon 113Mep11Th p +a 6549. to measure

H3BHHHThC� p 4 152. to apologize 113MepRTh i +a 6550. to measure

H3BHH.siThC� i 3809. to apologize (to) 113MepRThC� 7668. to be measured

nepe,ll; +inst 113HYTPH 655 1 . from inside

H3BJieKaTh i +a 4672. to extract 11306HJI11e 4675. abundance

H3BJieqb p +a H3 +g 5530. to extract (sth from) :uJo6pa)KaTh i +a 2918 . to depict

H3BHe 6547. from outside 113o6pa)KeHIIe 1 776. depiction

H3BQ3qHK 8596. carrier, cabman 11306pa3HTeJibHhiH 6869. graphic; decorative

H3BOJIHTh i +inf 2863 . to wish, desire 11306pa3HTh p +a 37 1 7. to depict

H3rHaTh p +a 7666. to expel, banish 11306peCTH p +a 4960. to invent

H3rOTOBHTh p +a 4355. to manufacture 11306peTaTeJih m 5752. inventor

H3rOTOBJieHHe 2093. manufacture H3o6perarh i +a 5 1 34. to invent

H3rOTOBJI.siTh i +a 4673. to manufacture 11306peTeHIIe 3556. invention

H3rOTOBJI.siThC� i 8374. to be manufactured; H30JIRUII� 6552. isolation; insulation

get ready 113-TIO,[{ +g 1 367. from under

H3,ZJ;aBaTh i +a 5 1 32. to publish; emit · 113pacx6,ZJ;oBaTh p +a 7669. to spend, use up

H3,1J;aBa ThC� i 8 1 79. to be published H3pe,nKa 2919 . occasionally

H3.llaBHa 8 1 80. since long ago 113 p .si,n;HhiH 9789. fairly good, quite large

H3.a;aneKa 3369. from a distance 113YMHTeJihHhiii 496 1 . amazing

H3.llaJIH 3 1 70. from a distance 113YMJieHIIe 6553 . amazement

H3,llclHHe 25 17 . publication; edition 113YMJICHHO 8 1 82 . with amazement

H3,lla TeJih m 4 1 16. publisher 113yMpy,n 83 14 . emerald

H3,1J;aTeJihCKHH 8 1 8 1 . publishing (adj) 113yqarh i +a 140 1 . to study

H3,llclTeJihCTBO 2566. publishing house 113yqeH11e 1 23 1 . (detailed) study (of)

H3.llaTh p +a 3098. to publish; emit 113yqHTh p +a 25 18 . to learn, master

H3,lleBaThC� i Ha,ZJ; 553 1 . to mock (s.o.), make H3R�HhiH 4962. elegant

+inst fun of HK6Ha 4676. icon

H3,ZJ;eJIHe 698. (manufactured) article 11Kpa 9796. caviare; calf (of leg)

H3-3a +g 426. from behind; because of HJIII 82. or

:uJnararh i +a 5 1 33 . to expound, put in 11Jim0311� 3 1 7 1 . illusion

words IIJIJIIOMIIHaTOp 7670. porthole



HJilllOCTpau;Hg 92 1 3 . illustration HHTepBhiD n indecl 5324. interview

HJilllOCTpHpOBaTh 767 1 . to illustrate HHTepec 617 . interest

i/p +a HHTepeCHO 1 1 59. interestingly; it is

HMeHHe 8591 . estate interesting

HMeHHHhl pl 9214 . name-day HHTepeCHhiH . 262. interesting

liMeHHO 398. namely, exactly HHTepecoBaTh i +a 2864. to interest

HMeHOBaTh i +a 7672. to name HHTepecoBaThcg i 3370. to be interested in

HMeTb i +a 240. to have (with non- +inst

concrete object) HHTOHan;Hg 6252. intonation

HMeTbCg i 1 109. to be, be available HH<l>OpMan;Hg 2147. information

HMIIepaTOp 4393 . emperor HpOHHqecKH 6870. ironically

HMIIepHg 3025 . empire HpOHHqecKHH 9217 . ironical

HMIIOpTHhiH 9208. imported HpOHHg 5 1 35. irony

HMym;eCTBO 2920. property, possessions HCKa)l(a Th i +a 9797. to distort

HM.si n 236. (first) name HCKaHHe 9218 . search

HHaqe 762. otherwise HcKaTh i +a or g 646. to search for, to look

HHBami,n 7275. invalid for

HHBeHTaph m 7673. equipment; inventory HCKJIIoqaTh i +a 4679. to exclude

HH)J;HBH,nyaJihHhiH 4677. individual HCKJIIOqeHHe 2469. exception

HH)J;HHCKHH 5322. Indian HCKJIIOqHTeJibHO 2094. exclusively;

HH.llYCTpHaJihHhiH 4678. industrial exceptionally

HH,llyCTpHg 4 1 53 . industry HCKJIIOqHTeJihHhiH 2750. exceptional

HHeii 7276. hoar-frost HCKJIIOqHTh p +a 37 1 8. to exclude

HHepu;Hg 921 5 . inertia HcKonaeMhie pl adj 7675. minerals

HHJKeHep 414. engineer U:cKoca (coli) 5325. sideways

HHJKeHepHhiH 5985. engineering (adj) licKpa 3638. spark

HHHD;HaTHBa 1 9 1 2. initiative licKpeHHe 3639. sincerely

HHor.na 393. sometimes U:cKpeHHHii 3233. sincere

HHOH 577. other licKpeHHO 687 1 . sincerely

HHOCTpaH( e )u; 921 6. foreigner HCKYCHO 6253. skilfully

HHOCTpaHHhiH 1429. foreign HCKYCHhiH 6254. skilful

HHClleKTOp 5323. inspector HcKyccTBeHHO 5326. artificially

HHCIIeKUHg 8375. inspection HCKyCCTBeHHhiH 2043. artificial

HHCTaHn;Hg 7277. instance, stage HCKyCCTBO 756. art

(in legal HCKyllleHHe 9798. temptation

proceedings); HCIIaHCKHH 8594. Spanish

department HCIIapeHHe 8545 . evaporation

HHCTHHKT 8592. instinct licnoBe,nh f 5 1 36. confession

HHCTHTYT 329. institute; institution licno,nBOJih (coli) 9799. gradually

HHCTpyKn;Hg 4 1 54. instructions HCIIOJIHHCKHH 6255. giant (adj)

HHCTpyMeHT 1 939. instrument; tool HCIIOJIKOM 4283. executive committee

HHTeJIJieKTyaJihHhiH 7674. intellectual (adj) HCllOJIHeHHe 3640. fulfilment;

HHTeJIJIHreHT 4374. member of performance

intelligentsia; HCIIOJIHeHHhiii +g 7676. full (of)

professional; HCIIOJIHHTeJih m 7278. executor; performer

intellectual HCIIOJIHHTeJihHhiH 5532. executive (adj);

HHTeJIJIHreHUHg 2567. intelligentsia; efficient

professional people HcnoJIHHTh p +a 4824. to carry out, fulfil;

HHTeHCHBHhiH 8593. intensive perform



HCIIOJIHHThCR p 8595 . to be completed, be HTaJib.HHCKHH 4076. Italian (adj)

fulfilled HT6r 1 542. sum, total

HCIIOJIH.HTh i +a 2809. to carry out, fulfil HX 79. their

HCIIOJIH.HThCR i 6554. to be fulfilled HXHHH (very coli) 5987. their

HCIIOJih3oBaHHe 1 34 1 . utilization HIIIh (coli) 2865. look (drawing

HCIIOJih30BaTh i/p +a 799. to make use of attention to sth)

Hcn6pTHTh p +a 28 10. to spoil HIDJih m 2426. July

HCIIpaBHTh p +a 3953. to correct HIDHh m 2752. June

HCIIpaBJieHHe 7677. correction K (KO) +d 17 . towards, to

HCIIyr 7279. fright Ka6aJia 9226. slavery; servitude

HcnyraHHO 3099. fearfully Ka6HHa 5533 . cabin

HCIIYraHHhiH 37 19. frightened Ka6HHeT 723 . study, office

HCIIyraTh p +a 5986. to frighten Ka6eyK 6874. heel

HcnyraThCR p +g 2425. to take fright (at) Ka6hi ( coll) 4 1 1 7 . if

HCIIhiTaHHe 12 19. test, trial; ordeal KaBKa3CKHH 8598. Caucasian, of the

HCIIhiTaHHhiH 92 19. tested, tried Caucasus

HCIIhiTaTh p +a 3026. to test; experience Ka,n;p 337 1 . frame; cadre

HCII:biThiBaTh i +a 275 1 . to test; experience Ka,n;phl (pl only) staff,

HCCJie�OBaHHe 1050. investigation; research personnel; trained

Hccne�oBaTenh m 2966. researcher workers

HCCJie�OBaTeJihCKHH 8597. research (adj) Ka)l(,n;hiH 7 1 . each, every

HCCJie�OBa Th i/p +a 4825 . to investigate Ka3aK 3505. Cossack

HCTeKaTh i 9220. to flow out; expire (time) Ka3apMa 8599. barracks

HCTeKIIIHH 5327. past, preceding Ka3aThCR 149. to seem

HCTepHKa 7678. hysterics Ka3aqHH 822 1 . Cossack (adj)

HCTepHR 922 1 . hysteria Ka3eHHhiH 3720. belonging to the State

HCTeqeHHe 8550. outflow; expiry, Ka3Ha 5988. (State) Treasury

termination Ka3HHTh i/p 6256. to execute

HCTHHa 1 646. truth Ka3Hh f 45 1 5 . execution

HCTHHHhiH 2967. true KaK 1 5 . how, as, like

HCTOK 9222. source KaK-HH6y,n;h 372 1 . somehow; anyhow;

HCTOpHK 4826. historian sometime (in the

HCTOpliqecKHH 848. historical; historic future)

HCTOpHR 375 . history; story KaK-HHKaK (coll) 6555. nevertheless, all the

HCTOqHHK 849. source same

HCTpe6HTeJih m 6872. fighter (plane) KaKOB 3 1 00. what, what kind of

HCTpe6HTh p +a 7280. to destroy, exterminate KaKOBOH (official 3372. which

HCTpe6JieHHe 9223 . extermination style)

HCTpe6JI.HTh i +a 9224. to exterminate KaKoU: 45. what (kind of)

HCXO� 4963. outcome, end KaKOH-JIH6o 28 1 1 . any

HCXO�HTh i H3 +g 2016. to issue from, proceed KaKOH-HH6y,n;h 82 1 . any, any kind of

from KaK-TO 8 1 3 . somehow; ( coll) once,

HCXO�HhiH 6873. initial at one time

HcqeJaTh i 1 1 19 . to disappear KaJiaq 8483 . kalach (small white

HCqeJHYTh p 1 647. to vanish loaf)

HcqepnaTh i +a 9225. to exhaust KaneKa m/f 9800. cripple

HcqepnhiBaiOJ:nHH 7679. exhaustive KaJieH,n;aph m 4964. calendar

HTaK 1402. so, so then KaJIHTKa 43 19 . gate, garden-gate

HTaJih.HH( e )Q 7680. Italian KaJiorna or raJI6IIIa 5753. galosh, overshoe



KaMeHHhiH 1 648. stone (adj) KapyceJih f 8452. merry-go-round,

KaM(e)Hh m 590. stone carousel

KaMepa 3027. chamber, room, cell Kaphepa 4155 . career

KaMern( e )K 5754. pebble KaphepHCT 860 1 . careerist

KaMHH 5534. fireplace Kaca ThC}I i +g 1037. to touch; to concern

KaMOpKa (coll) 9227. small room KaCKa 5756. helmet

KaMIIclHif}l 5535. campaign Kacca 4827. cash desk; ticket -office

KaMbiiii 980 1 . reed, rush KaCTpiDJlj{ 8602. saucepan

KaHaBa 6875 . ditch KaTaCTpocpa 3557. disaster

KaHa.u(e)Q 8279. Canadian (man) KaTaThC}I i 6259. to roll around; take a

KaHa,!J;CKHH 5328. Canadian (adj) trip

KaHaJI 1 260. canal; channel Ka Terop:HqecKH 6880. categorically

KaHaT 768 1 . rope, cable KaTer6pH}I 3028. category

KaH,UH,!J;clT 28 12 . candidate KaTep 8546. cutter, launch

KaH,UH,!J;aTypa 6876. candidature KaTHTh i +a 7683. to roll

KaHHKY Jlhl f pl 4680. holidays, vacation KaTHThC}I i 3288. to roll

KaHyH 728 1 . eve KaT(O)K 5536. skating-rink; roller

KanaTh i 5989. to drip KaTOJIHqecKHH 8354. Catholic (adj)

KaneJihKa 468 1 . droplet KaTopra 4272. hard labour, penal

KaiiHTclJI 1 062. capital (financial) servitude

KaiiHTaJIH3M 758. capitalism Ka TOp)I(HhiH 9229. hard-labour (adj)

KallHTaJIHCT 1 822. capitalist KaTyiiiKa 8417 . reel, spool

KallHTanHCTHqecKHH 6401 . capitalist KayqyK 9230. rubber

KallHTaJIOBJIO)I(eHHe 7682. capital investment Kacpe [fe] n indecl 3954. cafe

KallHTMhHhiH 45 16 . main, most important Kacpe.upa 1759. department (university)

KallHTclH 1 248. captain KaqaTh i +a or +inst 3 1 72. to rock, shake

KaiiKaH 8600. trap KaqaTbC}I i 3810. to rock, swing

KanJI}� 1 626. drop Ka qecTBeHHhiH 4342. qualitative; good-

Kanpli3 9228. caprice quality

KanpH3HhiH 6877. capricious KaqecTBO 661 . quality

KanycTa 6257 . cabbage Kaiiia 3955. kasha (porridge of e.g.

Kapa 6878 . punishment buckwheat,

Kapa6KaThC}I i (coil) 6258 . to clamber semolina or

KapaBaH 8323. caravan; convoy oatmeal)

KapaH.uaiii 1 726. pencil Kaiii( e )Jib m 8603. cough

KapayJI 5755 . guard, watch KcllliJI}ITb i 7282. to cough

KapayJIHTh i +a 6879. to guard; lie in KaffiTa 4470. cabin (on ship)

wait for Kcl}ITbC}I i B +pr 923 1 . to repent

KapeTa 5990. horse-drawn carriage KBa,!1;paT 7283. square

KapH:H (soft adj) 9802. brown, hazel (of eyes) ; KBa,!1;pa THhiH 3 173. square (adj)

chestnut (of horses) KBaJIHcpHKclQH}I 6260. qualification

KapMaH 940. pocket KBanHcpHQHpOBaHHhiH 599 1 . qualified, skilled

KapHH3 835 1 . cornice; ledge KBapTaJI 2654. block (of buildings);

KapTa 901 . map, card quarter of year

KapTHHa 273 . picture KBapTHpa 358. flat, apartment

KapTHHKa 2968. picture, illustration KBepxy 9232. upwards

KapT6cpeJih m 45 17 . potatoes KBHTclHQH}I 9803 . receipt

KapTO'IKa 4965. card KerrKa 5992. cloth cap (soft, with

KapTOIIIKa (coli) 3722. potatoes peak)



KepOCHH 5329. kerosine KJIHMa TH�ecKHH 9237. climatic

KepOCHHOBhiH 855 1 . kerosine (adj) KJIHH 4828. wedge

Ke<P:Hp 848 1 . kefir, yoghurt-type KnHHHKa 7687. clinic

drink KJIHH(O)K 8606. blade

KHBaTh i +inst 3373. to nod KnH�Ka 8484. nickname; name

KHBHYTh p +inst 2470. to nod (of pet animal)

KH�aTh i +a or +inst 688 1 . to throw KJIOK 6882. rag, shred, tuft

KH�aThC.SI i 4682. to throw os, rush KJIOll 6557. bedbug

x:HescKHH 7684. Kiev (adj) KJIOYH 8607 . clown

KHJIOrpaMM 3234. kilogram KJIO�(O)K 6558. tuft, scrap

KHJIOMeTp 669. kilometre KJIY6 542. club

KHH)I(aJI 8604. dagger KJIY6(6)K 8608. ball (of wool etc.)

KHHO n indecl 234 1 . cinema KJIYM6a 9806. flower-bed

KHHOTeaTp 8534. cinema KmOKBa no pl 9238. cranberry, cranberries

KHHYTh p +a 364 1 . to throw KJIIO� 1 554. key; spring, source

KHHYThC.SI p 2866. to throw os, rush KJI.RCThC.SI i 4966. to swear, vow

KHna 9233. pile, stack KJI.RTBa 5758. oath

KHlleTh i 38 1 1 . to boil, be boiling KJUI�a 9239. nag (horse)

KHll.SIT(O)K 7685. boiling water KHHra 1 79. book

KHpllH� 28 13 . brick KHH)I(Ka 1 160. (small) book

KHpnH�HhiH 45 18 . brick (adj) KHH)I(HhiH 3289. book (adj) ; bookish

KHCJIOpO� 4467. oxygen KHOnKa 4 1 18 . button, knob;

KHCJIOTa 8 1 90. acid; acidity drawing -pin

KHCJibiH 6556. sour KHYT 6559. whip, knout

KHCTh f 5757. bunch (fruit); brush; KH.SI3h m 4 1 56. prince

tassel; hand KOanHUH.SI 4967. coalition

KHT 9234. whale K06eJih m 8609. male dog

KHTa(e)u 8418 . Chinaman Ko6:b1na 9240. mare

KHTaHCKHH 3374. Chinese KOBapHhiH 5994. crafty

KHTeJih m 823 1 . military jacket, high- KOB(e)p 3460. carpet

necked tunic KOBpHK 9807. rug

KHIIIKa 8605 . gut, intestine KOBIII 4 1 57 . scoop, ladle

KJia,n; 45 19 . treasure Kor�a 46. when

Kna�6Hrue 4375 . cemetery Kor�a-JIH6o 4829. at any time; ever

Kna�Ka 9235 . laying KOr�a-HH6y�h 2970. ever; some day

KJiaH.SIThC.SI i 2969. to bow KOr�a-TO 1 573 . at some time, at one

Knacc 668. class; classroom time

KJiaCCH�eCKHH 2867. classical K6r(o)Th m 9808. claw

KJiaCCHhiH 7686. class (adj); first-class K6�eKc 8228. code, codex

KJiaCCOBhiH 8 1 84. class (political) (adj) K6e-r�e 4683 . here and there

KJiaCTh i 1 777. to put Koe-KaK 9809. anyhow, carelessly;

KJieBaTh i 9804. to peck somehow or other,

KJieBeTa 38 12. slander somehow

Kneii 9805 . glue K6e-KaK6ii 8610. some, certain

KJieH 626 1 . maple K6e-KT6 5759. somebody; certain

KJieTKa 2060. cage; cell (bioi) people

KJieT�a ThiH 9236. checked KOe-�TO 2095. something

KJIHeHT 5993 . client KO)I(a 1 865. skin; leather

KnHMaT 2868. climate KO)J(aHhiH 5 1 37 . leather



KO)I(YX 8347. leather jacket KOJIRCKa 7286. pram; carriage

Ko3a 7688. goat KOM 7287. lump, ball

Ko3(e)n 4389. goat KOMaH,na 48 1 . team, crew; command

K03blp(e)K 8347. peak (of cap) KOMaH,nHp 2008. commander

K03hiph m 7689. trump KOMaH,nHpOBKa 5539. business trip, study

Koii (coli) 2228. which trip, assignment

KOiiKa 2427 . bunk, berth KOMaH,nHpCKHH 41 58. commander's

KOJI 6262. stake (wood) KOMaH,nHhiH 656 1 . command (adj),

Kon6aca 5537. sausage, salami commanding

Kone6aHu:e 1 890. hesitation KOMaH,nOBaHHe 2568. command

KOJie6aThCR 3558. to sway; hesitate KOMaH)l;OBaTh i 1688. to command

KoneHKa (coli) 7690. knee KoMaH,nyromu:ii n adj 4366. commander

KOJieHO 948. knee KOMap 7692. mosquito

KOJieCHKO 924 1 . little wheel; cog KOM6aiiH 439 1 . combine harvester

Konec6 1 522. wheel KOM6U:HclT 4292. combine, industrial

KOJieqKo 9242. little ring, ringlet complex

KOJie.si: 7284. rut KOM6U:HclUU:R 5995. combination

KOJIH (coli) 2705. if KOM6HHe30H 7693. overalls

KOJIHqecTBeHHhiH 4684. quantitative KOMe,nu:R 5760. comedy

KOJ1HqecTBO 673 . quantity KOMeH,naHT 4685. warden (of hostel) ;

KoJIJiera m/f 3642. colleague commandant,

KOJIJierHR 6263 . board (administrative governor

body) KOMeH,naTypa 841 9. commandant' s office

KOJIJieKTHB 2007. group, team KOMeTa 8355. comet

KOJIJieKTHBU:3clU.U:R 8376. collectivization KOMHCCU:R 1 232. commission,

KOJIJieKTHBHhiH 3956. collective committee

KOJIJieKUU:OHep 861 2. collector KOMU:TeT 274. committee

KOJIJieKUU:R 4449. collection KOMMeHTclpHH 4968. commentary

KOJIOJl:( e )U 861 3 . well KOMMepqecKHH 861 1 . commercial

KOJIOKOJI 2308. bell KOMMYHclJihHhiH 8625. communal

KOJIOKOJihHR 5330. bell-tower KOMMYHH3M 666. communism

KOJIOKOJihqHK 8485. small bell; bluebell KOMMYHHCT 674. communist

KOJIOHHclJihHhiH 8 1 99. colonial KOMMYHHCTJiqecKHH 829 1 . communist (adj)

KOJIOHU:R 5 1 38. colony KOMHaTa 1 33 . room

KOJIOHHa 35 1 1 . column KOMO,n 7694. chest of drawers

KOJIOC 5538. ear (of com) KOMllclHU:R 1760. company; group of

KOJIOCCciJihHhiH 346 1 . colossal friends

KOJIOTHTh i +a 8614. to batter K6Mnac 4273. compass

KOJIOTh i +a 6264. to chop; stab K6MnneKc 4328. complex

KOJillclK 7285. cap K6MnneKCHhiH 4322. complex, consisting of

KOJIX03 487. collective farm several parts

KOJIX03HU:K 3029. collective farmer KOMllJieKT 8616. set, complete set

KOJIX03HhiH 3030. collective farm (adj) KOMll03HTOp 4334. composer

KOJibi6eJih f 9243. cradle KOMll03HUHR 8486. composition

KOJihiXa ThCR 6560. to sway; flutter KOMllhiDTep 4520. computer

KOJih (coli) = KOJIH 2705. if KOHBeifep 7695. conveyor belt

KOJibUO 1477. ring (i .e. small hoop) KOHBepT 6265. envelope

KOJIIDqHif 769 1 . prickly KOHBOH 8617 . escort

Konffiqxa 861 5 . prickle KoHrpecc 4407. congress



KOH,llH:QHOHep 8453. air conditioner KOHh m 985. horse

KOH(e)K 5996. small horse; hobby KOHhKH m pl 8618 . skates

KOH(e):Q 2 10. end KOHhRK 8619 . cognac, brandy

KOHeliHO [shn] 1 57. of course KOHIDIIIH.si 8393. stable

KOHeliHhiH 25 1 9. final KoonepaTHB 6266. cooperative

KOHKpeTHO 6883. concretely, specifically KoonepaTHBHhiH 7700. cooperative (adj)

KOHKpeTHhiH 1 598. concrete KoonepauH.si 8378. cooperation

KOHKypeHT 5997. competitor Koop.n;HHa:QH.si 8488. coordination

KOHKypeH:QH.si 7288. competition KOOp.llHHHpOBaTh 8620. to coordinate

KOHKypc 41 59. competition i/p +a

KOHHhiH 452 1 . horse ( adj), equestrian KOllaTh i +a 7701 . to dig

KOHCepBaTOpH.si 9244. conservatoire, music KOIIaThC.si 533 1 . to rummage; dawdle

academy KoneiiKa 2385. kopeck

KOHCepBHhiH 9245 . canned food ( adj) KOIIH.si 6267. copy

KOHCKHH 5 1 39. horse (adj) KOIIOIIIHThC.si i 862 1 . to swarm

KOHCTaTHpOBaTh 9203. to ascertain, certify KOIIlJeHhiH 8622. smoked

i/p +a KOIIhiTO 5999. hoof

KOHCTHTYUH.si 4105 . constitution KOIIhe 8623. spear

KOHCTPYKTOp 4335. constructor, designer Kopa 2706. bark, rind, crust

KOHCTPYKTOpCKHH 8377. design (adj) KOpa6eJihHbiH 6000. ship (adj )

KOHCTPYK:QHj{ 405 1 . construction KOpa6Jih m 667. ship

KOHCYJI 8 1 9 1 . consul KopeHaCThiH 98 1 0. thickset, stocky

KOHTaKT 4687. contact KOpeHHOH 2342. fundamental

KOHTHHeHT 2384. continent K6p(e)Hh m 767. root

KOHTOpa 3957. office Kopeiii( 6 )K 4436. back (of bookbinding);

KOHTponep 7289. inspector small root;

KOHTpoJI:HpoBaTh 5998. to check counterfoil; ( coll)

i +a pal, mate

KOHTpOJih m 1 627. checking KOp3HHa 2520. basket

KOHTpOJihHhiH 4830. checking, monitoring KOpH.n;op 1 543. corridor

KOHTppeBO�:QHOHep 9246. counter-revolutionary KOpHlJHeBhiH 4522. brown

KOHTppeBOmO:QH.si 8292. counter-revolution KopKa 4688. crust; rind

KOHTYP 8487. contour; outline; KOpM 3375. fodder

electrical circuit KOpMa 4428. stem (of ship)

K6Hyc 8552. cone KOpMHTh i +a 252 1 . to feed

KOHcpepeH:QH.si 2044. conference KOpMHThC.si i +inst 9247. (p no-) to be fed, eat;

KOHcpeTa 5 1 40. sweet (p rrpo-) (+inst)

KOHcpHCKOBaTh i/p +a 7696. to confiscate live on

KOHcpJIHKT 4686. conflict KOpMOBOH 8225 . stem (ship - adj);

KOH:QeHTpa:QHj{ 8232. concentration fodder (adj)

KOH:QepT 2 148. concert Kop66Ka 38 13 . box

KOH:QepTHhiH 7697. concert (adj) Kop66o1JKa 6268. small box

KoH:unareph m 7698. concentration camp Kop6sa 1 727. cow

KOHllaTb i +a 2149. to finish KOpOJieBa 9248. queen

KOHllaThC.si i 2655. to end KOpOJieBCKHH 8624. royal

KOHliHK 576 1 . tip, point KOpOJih m 2753 . king

KOHliHHa (formal) 7699. decease, demise Kop6Ha 9249. crown

KOHliHTh p +a 1478. to finish; graduate KOpOTKHH 1 456. short

KOHliHThCj{ p 1 574. to end, come to an end KOpOTKO 1 849. short, briefly



K6pnyc 1 728. (nom pl Kopnyca) KpaHHOCTh f 6886. extreme

corps; building; KpaH 1958. tap; crane

(nom pl K6pnychi) Kpacas( e )u; 6887. handsome man

body, frame KpacasHu;a 3 1 74. beautiful woman

KoppecnoH,neHT 877. correspondent KpaCHBO 3376. beautifully, attractively

KoppecnoH,neHu;H� 4689. correspondence KpaCHBhiH 402. beautiful

K6pToqKH pl: cH,neTh 5762. to squat KpaCHTh i 7705. to paint, colour; dye

Ha K6pToqKax KpacKa 1729. paint

KOpbiCTHhiH 9250. self-interested, KpacHeTh i 6002. to tum red, blush

mercenary, selfish KpacHoapMe( e )u; 8200. Red Army soldier

KOphiTO 7290. tub; trough KpaCHOBa ThiH 7706. reddish

KOCa 297 1 . ( a K6cy) plait; (a KpacHopeqHe 98 12. eloquence

Kocy) scythe KpaCHhiH 253. red

K6cseHHhiii 6562. oblique KpacoTa 1 342. beauty

KOCHTh i +a 729 1 . to mow; twist KpaCThC� 8628. to creep

KOCMiiqecKHii 4343 . (outer) space KpaTep 8273. crater

KOCMOHaBT 8626. cosmonaut KpaTKHH 28 14. short

KOCMOC 4454. cosmos, space KpclTKO 7293 . briefly

KOCHYThC� p +g 3889. to touch KpaTKOBpeMeHHhiH 9252. brief, short -term

KOCO 7702. squint, askew Kpax 7707. crash; failure

KOCOH 98 1 1 . slanting, oblique, KparneHhiii 9253. painted; dyed

squint; cross-eyed, KpeMJieBCKHH 6269. Kremlin ( adj)

squinting KpenKHH 1 823. strong

KOCT(e)p 2 1 50. bonfire KpenKO 1 39 1 . firmly

KOCToqKa 7703 . stone (of fruit) ; small KpenHyTh 554 1 . to get stronger

bone KpenOCTHHqecTBO 8553. serfdom

KOCThiJih m 5540. crutch KpenoCTHOH m adj 2569. serf

KOCTh f 292 1 . bone KpenOCTh f 1778. fortress; strength

KOCTIDM 2428. suit; costume Kpecno 1 555. armchair

KOCT�HOH 925 1 . bone (adj) KpecT 2200. cross

KOChiHKa 6884. headscarf KpeCTHK 6564. little cross

KOT 4 160 . tomcat KpeCTHThC� i/p 6565 . to be baptized;

KOT(e)JI 6563 . boiler (p nepe-) cross os

KOTeJI(O)K 4969. pot; bowler hat KpeCThRHHH 888. peasant

KOTeH(O)K 7704. kitten KpeCTb.siHCKHH 1959. peasant (adj)

KOTJieTa 8420. cutlet; meatball, KpeCTb.siHCTBO 1985. peasantry

hamburger KpHBJIRTbC� i (coli) 9254. to behave affectedly

KOTJIOBaH 8293 . foundation pit, trench KpHBO 9255. crookedly, squint

KOTOpblH 32. which, who KpHBOH 3723. squint

K6cpe m indecl 6000. coffee KpH3HC 2973. crisis

K6cpTa 6885. blouse KpHK 1240. cry, shout

KQqKa 8489. hummock KpHKHYTh p 1 599. to shout

KOIIIKa 2972. cat (t) KpHTHK 5332. critic

KOIIIeJI(e)K 600 1 . purse KpHTHKa 2096. criticism

KOIIIMap 7292. nightmare KpHTHKOBaTb i +a 5763. to criticize

Kpa6 8627 . crab KpHTHqecKH 6270. critically

Kpaii 779. edge; region, area KpHTHqecKHH 6003. critical

Kpaii:He 2 1 5 1 . extremely KpHqaTh i 394. to shout

KpaiiHHH 1 120. extreme KpOBclBhiH 3377. bloody



KpOBaTh f 1 89 1 . bed Ky6(o)K 5545 . goblet, bow 1 KpOBHhiH 6566. blood (adj); vital Ky6oMeTp 8298 . cubic metre

KpOBh f 805 . blood KYBIIHlH 6890. jug, pitcher

KpOJIHK 8264. rabbit KYBblpKa Thc.SI i 9814. to turn somersaults,

KpOMe +g 535. except, besides go head over heels

KpOHa 8324. crown (of tree); crown Ky.[(a 222. where (whither)

(currency) KY .[(a-HH6y .[(h 3643 . anywhere

KpOTKHH 8629. gentle, meek KY.[(cl-TO 3462. somewhere

KpOXOTHhiH 483 1 . tiny Ky.[(pH pl 9258 . curls

Kp6rneqHhiH 6888. tiny KY .[(p.siBhiH 8633 . curly

KpOIIIKa 7708. crumb KY3Heu 6567. blacksmith

Kpyr 794. circle KY30B 77 10 . body (of vehicle);

KpyrJihiH 1492. round basket

Kpyro36p 8630. horizon, outlook KYKJia 2656. doll

Kpyr6M 1 707. around KyKypy3a 8280. maize

Kpy)l(eBO 9256. lace KyKyrnKa 6568. cuckoo

Kpy)I(BTh i 863 1 . (+a) to spin; circle KyJiaK 976. fist; kulak (rich

Kpy)I(HThCSI i 5 14 1 . to whirl, spin round peasant)

KPY)I(Ka 5542. mug, tankard KYJIHChl 7294. wings (theatre)

Kpy)I((O)K 446. circle, club KYJihT 77 1 1 . cult

Kpyna 8394. groats (grain) KYJihTypa 479. culture

KpynHHKa 5543. grain KY Jib TYPHhiH 1 457. cultured� civilized;

KpynHO 9257. on a large scale cultural

KpynHhiH 543 . large, important KYMHp 98 1 5 . idol

KPYTHTh i +a 3290. to twist KynaHhe or KynaHHe 9259. bathing

KPYTHThCSI i 5764. to tum, spin KYllclThC.SI i 5 143. to bathe

KPYTO 4970. steeply; sharply Kyne n indecl [kupe] 9260. compartment (train)

KPYTOH 2309. steep; severe Kyn(e)u 1 940. merchant

KpyiiieHHe 98 13 . wreck, ruin, collapse KyrreqecKHii 4832. merchant (adj)

KpbiJia ThiH 6889. winged KYDHTh p +a 97 1 . to buy

KpbiJIO 1 793 . wing Kynon 4523. cupola

KpbiJihUO 1708. entrance steps Kypa (coll) 849 1 . hen

KpbiMCKHH 8632. Crimean KypraH 8299. barrow, burial mound

KphiCa 3235. rat KYPHHhiH 689 1 . hen ' s

KpbiTh i +a 5765 . to cover KYPHTh i 1 689. to smoke

KphiThCSI i B +pr 5544. to lie (in), be concealed KYPHUa 4 1 19 . hen

(in) KYPHOChiH (coll) 5767. snub-nosed

Kphiiiia 1 266. roof Kypc 1 16 1 . course, course of

KpbiiiiKa 3378. lid study; rate of

KpiOq(o)K 4439. hook exchange

Kp.SIXTeTh i 7709. to groan; grunt KypCbl m pl 8634. course, courses

KCTaTH 1420. incidentally, by the KYPTKa 3724. (short) jacket

way; opportunely KycaTh i +a 7295 . to bite, sting

KTO 52. who KYC(O)K 1 177. piece

KTO-JIH60 5 142. anyone Kycoq(e)K 2974. small piece

KTO-HH6y.rlh 2282. anyone KYCT 2045 . bush

KTO-TO 547 . someone KycTapHHK 8492. bushes, shrubs

Ky6HK 8490. child' s building brick KyTe)l( 98 16 . drinking-bout

Ky61iqecKHH 5766. cubic KyxapKa 8222. cook (t)



KYXHR 977. kitchen Jie,IJ;HHKOBhiH 8493. glacial

Kyqa 28 1 5 . heap ne,n:6BhiH 8554. ice (adj)

KyqKa 5 1 44. small heap; small ne,ZVIHOH 247 1 . icy

group Jie)l(aTh 259. to lie

Kyrna Th i +a 3379. to eat ne3BHe 9820. blade

Jia6HpHHT 7296. labyrinth ne3Th i 1663. to climb

na6opaT6pH» 3504. laboratory neiiTeHaHT 43 17 . lieutenant

JiaBHHa 8635. avalanche JieKapCTBO 38 14. medicine

naBKa 2754. bench; small shop JieKUHR 19 13 . lecture

naBoqKa 4524. small shop; small JieHHBO 77 14. lazily

bench JieHHBhiH 577 1 . lazy

narepb m 463 . camp neHTa 2472. ribbon, tape

na,LJ; 4525 . harmony, tune; manner JieHTOqKa 6893 . small ribbon

na,LJ;HTh i c +inst 926 1 . to get on with (s.o.) JieHh f 6273. laziness

Jia,LJ;HO 852. harmonious! y; all right JierrernKa 8555. flat cake; scone;

Jia,LJ;OHh f 1 05 1 . palm (of the hand) lozenge, pastille

naJeiiKa 98 1 7. hole; loop-hole nerrHTh i +a 8494. to model, mould

Jia3HTh i 6892. to climb nee 209. wood, forest

naiiHep 77 1 2. liner JieCeHKa (coli) 9265 . small staircase; short

naK 98 1 8 . varnish ladder

naKeii 8239. lackey; servant IIeCHHK 8556. forester, forest ranger

naMna 872. lamp necHifqlfii m adj 8379. forest warden, ranger

naMna,n:a 8636. icon-lamp necH6ii 4046. forest (adj); forestry

naMnoqKa 3559. (light) bulb (adj)

naH,LJ;llla<PT 8637. landscape necopy6 9266. lumberjack

nan a 5 145 . paw JieCTHHUa 1794. staircase; ladder

Jiaii( 0 )Tb m 5768. bast sandal JieCTHhiH 982 1 . flattering

nacKa 5769. caress; weasel neTaTh i 2707 . to fly around

JiaCKOBO 2429. affectionately neTeTh i 1 523. to fly

JiaCKOBhiH 3 175. tender, affectionate IIeTHHH 2657. summer (adj)

JiaCTOqKa 98 19 . swallow JieTO 146. summer; (after

na THHCKHH 497 1 . Latin (adj) numbers) years

naypeaT 5333 . prize-winner JieTOM 4690. in summer

JiaRTh i 627 1 . to bark JieTOlllfCh f 8639. chronicle

nraTh i 3725. to lie, tell lies neTyqHii 356 1 . flying

ne6e,n;h m 9262. swan JieTqlfK 2708. pilot, airman

n(e)B 5770. lion neqe6Hhiii 7298. medical, medicinal

JieBhiH 1 147. left; left-wing neqeHHe 4274. healing, treatment

neranhHhiii 9263 . legal neqlfTh i +a 4526. to treat, cure

nereH,n:a 3560. legend JieqHThCR 77 15 . to undergo treatment,

nereH,n:a pHhiii 7297. legendary be treated

JierKHH 906. light, easy neqh p 1 368. to lie down

nerK6 6 1 8 . easily; it i s easy JI)I(HBhiH 657 1 . mendacious

nerKoe n ad j 77 1 3 . lung Jilf 98. (question word);

JierKOMhiCJieHHhiH 6569. frivolous whether

JierKOMhiCJIHe 8638 . thoughtlessness .rnf6o 1 102. or

JierKOCTh f 6570. easiness; lightness .rnfB(e)Hh m 6272. downpour

n(e),11; 1 94 1 . ice .rnf,n:ep 28 1 6. leader

Jie,LJ;HHK 9264. glacier Jllf3clTh i +a 9267. to lick



JIHKBH,UaiJ;IUI 4354. liquidation, JIOBKHH 6005. dexterous, skilful,

elimination smart

JIHKBH.UHpOBaTh i/p 4 1 6 1 . to liquidate JIOBKO 329 1 . skilfully, deftly

JIHKOBaTh i 9822. to rejoice JIOBKOCTb f 6006. dexterity, smartness

JIHJIOBhiH 6894. violet, lilac JIOBJijl 8640. catching

JIHMOH 9268. lemon JIOBYIIIKa 5 1 47 . trap

JIHHeHKa 77 1 6. line (on paper); ruler JIOrHKa 2570. logic

(for drawing lines) norlfqecKHii 6572. logical

JIHH3a 8294. lens JIO,UKa 1 094. boat, rowing boat

JIHHHH 755. line JIO)I(HThCj� 143 1 . to lie down

1IHna 5 146. lime tree JIO)I(Ka 28 17 . spoon

nHpHKa 8495. lyric poetry JIO)I(HhiH 864 1 . false

JIHplfqecKHH 828 1 . lyrical JI( 0 ))l(b f 303 1 . lie, lies

JIHca 9269. fox n63yHr 2386. slogan

JIHCT 637. (pl JIHCTbj{ JIHCTheB) JIOK(O)Th m 2430. elbow

leaf (of plant); JIOMaTh i +a 2607 . to break

(pl JIHCThl JIHCTOB) JIOMaThCR i 6007. to break; (coli) put on

sheet (of paper) airs ; ( coll) be

JIHcTaTh i (coil) +a 9270. to leaf through awkward, make

JIHCTBa 4106. foliage difficulties

JIHCT(O)K 2283. small sheet (of paper) ; JIOMKa 6897 . breaking

small leaf, leaflet JIOH.UOHCKHH 77 17 . London ( adj)

JIHCTOq( e )K 6004. small leaf JIOIIaTa 3292. spade

JIHTepaTop 8356. literary man, man of JIOIIaThCR i 730 1 . to burst

letters JIOIIHYTh p 5 148. to burst

JIHTepaTypa 759. literature JIOCKYT 77 18 . rag, scrap

JIHTepa TYPHhiH 1430. literary JIOXMclThiH 6898. shaggy

JIHTP 7299. litre JIOIIIa,[(HHhiH 6274. equine, horse (adj)

JIHTh i +a 5772. to pour n6rna,nh f 1 076. horse

nHThCH i 4972. to pour nyr 2709. meadow

JIHcpT 927 1 . lift, elevator ny)l(a 5547. puddle

1IHxo (coli) 6895. dashingly, with spirit JIYK 5773. onions

JIHXOH (coil) 4973. dashing, daring; IIyKaBhiH 6275. sly

skilful IIyHa 972. moon

JIHxopa.uxa 6896. fever; rash IIYHHhiH 4325 . lunar

JIHu;eMepHe 9823. hypocrisy nyna 8642. magnifying glass

JIHUO 1 56. face; person nyq 630. ray, beam

J1HqHo 2 126. personally nyqrne 206. better

JIHqHOCTh f 1 960. personality; individual nyqrnHii 320. better; best

JIHqHhiH 484. personal Jlhi)I(H pl 4465. skis

JIHIIIaTb i +a +g 7300. to deprive (s.o. of sth) Jlbi)I(HHK 6899. skier

JIHIIIeHHe 8380. deprivation IIhi)I(HhiH 6900. ski (adj)

JIHIIIeHHhiH +g 77 16. deprived (of) JlbiCHHa 7302. bald patch

JIHIIIHTh p +a +g 2522. to deprive (s.o. of sth) IIhr6Ta 9272. privilege

JIHIIIHThCH p +g 5546. to be deprived of, lose IIh.UHHa 9273. block of ice

JIHIIIHHH 16 13 . extra, spare JihCTHTh i +d 9824. to flatter

JIHillh 1 84. only (= TOJihKO) JII06e3HO 77 19 . obligingly,

n(o)6 1 357. forehead courteously,

JIOBHTh i +a 2658. to catch III06e3HhiH 5334. obliging



mo6:HM(e)u 5335. favourite MaHH4lecT 6573 . manifesto;

mo6HMhiH 1 649. favourite proclamation

Juo6:HTenh m 3 1 0 1 . amateur; lover MapKa 3726. postage stamp; brand,

(of sth) trade mark

mo6HTh i +a 173 . to like, love MapT 1600. March (month)

JII060Bcl TbC� i +inst 28 1 8 . to admire MclpTOBCKHH 8647. March (adj)

or Ha +a Maprn 2869. march

JII060BHhiH 9274. love (adj) MaprnpyT 3958. route

J11060Bh f 978. love MclCKa 4974. mask

J11066ii 505. any (any you like) MaCKHpOBKa 8648 . disguise, camouflage

JII060IIhlTHO 5 1 49. curiously Macno 2343 . butter; oil

mo60IIhiTHhiH 243 1 . curious Macca 627. mass

J11060IIhiTCTBO 225 1 . curiosity MaCCHB 6010. massif, mountain-range;

mO�H pl 76. people large area (of sth)

JIIO,D;CK6ii 2755 . human (adj) MaCCHBHhiH 7303. massive

JIIOK 8252. hatch, hatchway, MclCCOBhiH 1 320. mass (adj)

manhole MaCTep 32 1 . master

nffinhKa 8643 . cradle MacTepcKa� f adj 2344. workshop, studio

JIIDCTpa 6276. chandelier MaCTepCTBO 3294. skill

JIIDThiii 6277. fierce MaCIIITa6 196 1 . scale

JI}IryrnKa 8395 . frog MaTeMaTHK 6903 . mathematician

Mara3HH 936. shop MaTeMclTHKa 4834. mathematics

MarHcTpanh f 8644. main line; main road MaTeMa T:HqecKHH 842 1 . mathematical

MafHHT 8645 . magnet MaTepHan 619. material

MafHHT04lOH 3293 . tape-recorder Ma TepHanhHhiH 986. material (adj)

Ma3aTh i +a 9825 . to grease, smear MaTepHK 5 1 50. mainland

Mail 1 730. May MaTepHHCKHH 601 1 . maternal

Maiiop 8 195. major MaTepH� 4054. matter

MaHCKHH 690 1 . May (adj) MaTOBhiH 6280. mat( t ), dull

MaKCHManhHhiH 469 1 . maximal MaTp6c 7304. sailor

MaKCHMYM 8557. maximum MclTYIIIKa (coll) 4237. mother

MaKyiiiKa 7720. top; crown (of head) MaTq 2229. match (game)

ManeHhKHH 1 5 1 . small MaTh f 1 67. mother

ManHHOBhiH 6278. raspberry (adj) Max 8649. swing, stroke

Mano +g 337. few; not much MaxaTh 1 +1nst 3727. to wave

MMOCTh f 6008. a bit, a little MaXHYTh p +inst 2473 . to wave

MclJihiH 7 1 1 . small MaqTa 628 1 . mast

Man:hirn ( coll) 6009. child Marn:HHa 1 3 1 . machine; car

MclnhqHK 144. boy MaiiiHHanhHO 7722. mechanically

ManhqHrneCKHH 5548. boyish; childish MaiiiHHHCT 4323. engine-driver

MaJihq:HrnKa m (coll) 2037. boy, small boy MaiiiHHHCTKa 8558. typist

MaMa 493 . mother; mummy MaiiiHHKa 7305 . (small) machine

MaMarna (coli) 4324. mother MaiiiHHHhiH 4078. machine (adj)

MaMHH (poss adj) 8646. mother' s MaiiiHHOCTpOeHHe 4692. mechanical

MclMOqKa 6902. mummy engineering

MaHeBp 4833 . manoeuvre MaiiiHHOCTpOH- 7723 . mechanical

MaHeBpHpOBaTh 772 1 . to manoeuvre TenhHhiH engineering ( adj)

MaHepa 2922. manner Ma.siK 9826. lighthouse; beacon

MaHHTh i +a 6279. to beckon, lure Mcl�THHK 8650. pendulum



Mrna 3562. haze, gloom Mep30CTh f 9827. vileness; sth disgusting

MfHOBeHHe 27 10 . moment MepHTh i +a 9279. to measure; try on

MfHOBeHHO 5 1 5 1 . instantaneously, (clothing)

instantly MeponpH}]:THe 1 962. measure; function

MfHOBeHHhiH 865 1 . instantaneous; (reception etc.)

momentary MepTBhiH 1 306. dead

Me6enh f 3 1 02. furniture Mepu;aTh i 9280 . to twinkle, flicker

Me� 5549. honey MecTeqKo 5774. place; small town

Me�anh f 1986. medal MeCTH i +a 9828. to sweep

Me�Be�h m 2870. bear MeCTHOCTh f 4693 . locality, district

Me�Be)I(HH 9275. bear's MeCTHhiH 1 0 1 0. local

Me�HK 8652. doctor; medical MeCTO 1 2 1 . place

specialist MeCTh f 8654. revenge

Me�HKaMeHT 7306. medicine MeC51U 288. month; moon

Me�HUHHa 4835 . medicine, medical MeT ann 3506. metal

studies MeTaJIJIHqecKHH 4047. metallic

Me�HUHHCKHH 220 1 . medical MeTaJIJiyprJiqecKHH 8300. metallurgical

Me�JieHHO 506. slowly MeTaJIJiyprll51 8396. metallurgy

Me�JieHHhiH 3 1 03. slow MeTaTh i +a 8655 . to throw, cast

Me�JIHTeJihHhiH 8653 . slow MeTaTbC51 5775 . to rush about

Me�JIHTh 8496. to be slow, tarry MeTenh f 5 1 52. snowstorm

Me�HhiH 23 10 . copper MeTHTh 7726. (+a) to mark; (B +a)

Me�h f 4107. copper aim (at)

Me)l( +inst (or g) 9276. between MeTKO 8656. accurately

Me)I(�Y +inst 24 1 . between MeTna 6906. broom

Me)l(�yHapo�HhiH 662. international MeTO� 842. method

Men 4975. chalk; whitewash MeTp 837. metre (measurement)

MeJIKHH 747. small, petty, fine MeTpO indecl 4 1 62. metro, underground

MeJIKO 7724. finely; pettily MeTpOllOJIHTeH 8496. underground railway

MeJIO�H51 4027. melody Mex 928 1 . fur

Menoqh f 3236. trifle, minor matter; MexaHH3aTop 4405. mechanization expert;

small change machine servicer

(coins) MexaHH3aUH51 4404. mechanization

MeJih f 7307. shoal, (sand)bank MeXaHH3HpOBaHHhlH 9282. mechanized

MeJihKaTh 6904. to be briefly visible MeXaHH3HpOBaTb 8657. to mechanize

MeJihKHYTh p 5336. to be briefly visible i/p +a

MeJihKOM 7725. in passing MexaHH3M 2 1 52. mechanism

MeJihHHIJ;a 4294. mill MeXaHHK 2202. mechanic

MeHee 841 . less MexaHHKa 8325. mechanics

MeHhrne 1 32 1 . less MexanJiqecKH 9283. mechanically

MeHhllllfH 1866. smaller MexaHJiqecKHH 1 892. mechanical

MeHhlllHHCTBO 6905. minority MeXOBOH 5776. fur (adj)

MeH}]:Th i 1987. to change Meq 7308. sword

MeH}]:TbC51 23 1 1 . to change; (o6-/no- MeqTa 1 322. dream, daydream

p +inst) exchange MeqTaHHe 60 12 . day-dreaming

Mepa 606. measure MeqTaTh i 0 +pr 1 294. to (day) dream (about)

Mepell(HThC51 i +d 9277. to imagine MernaTh i 853. (+d) to disturb, hinder;

Mep3aB(e)u (coll) 4275. scoundrel (+a) stir

Mep3HYTh 9278. to freeze Mern(o)K 1479. bag, sack



Mei.QaHHH 7309. petty bourgeois , lower MHpHO 6015 . peacefully

middle class person; MHpHbiH 962. peace, peaceful

philistine MHpOB033peHHe 4976. outlook, philosophy of

MernaHKa 7727. lower middle-class life

woman; philistine MHpOBOH 635. world (adj)

Mei.QaHCKHH 9284. bourgeois, petty MHpomo6HBhiii 4450. peace-loving

bourgeois; narrow- MHCKa 9830. bowl

minded MHCCHR 5337. mission

Mei.QaHCTBO 9285. petty bourgeoisie, MHTHHr 3728. political meeting

lower middle-class MH$ 8659. myth

MHT 3 8 1 5 . moment MHIIIeHh f 82 18 . target

MHraTh 5550. to blink, wink Mna.neH( e )u 4528. baby

MHfHYTh p 7728. to blink; wink MJia.ZJ;IIIHH 3563. younger; junior

MH3HH(e)U 9829. little finger; little toe MHeHHe 503 . opinion

MHKp66 9286. microbe MHHMhiH 6575. imaginary

MHKpOCKOll 5777. microscope MHOrHii 491 . many

MHKpo$6H 8422. microphone MH6ro +g 10 1 . much, many, a lot

MHJieHhKHH 8497. sweet, nice, dear MHOfOBeKOBOH 8660. centuries-old

MH.JlliUHR 2975 . police MH6roe n adj 1628. much

MHJIJIHap.ZJ; 1 575. 1 000,000,000 MHOf03HaqlfTeJibHO 9289. meaningfully

(American billion) MHOfOJieTHHH 5338. lasting many years;

MHJIJIHMeTp 4527. millimetre long-lasting,

MHJIJIHOH 6 1 3 . million perennial

MHJIJIHOHep 6907. millionaire MHoroo6pa3He 73 1 1 . diversity

MHJIJIHOHHhiH 6574. millionth; containing MHOroo6pa3HhiH 7729. diverse

a million MHoroqncneHHhiH 2 1 53 . numerous

MHJIOCep.ZJ;He 845 1 . mercy, charity MHO)I(eCTBO 160 1 . large number

MHJIOCTHBhlH 73 1 0. gracious, kind M06HJIH3aUH� 866 1 . mobilization

MHJIOCThiH� 6908. alms M06HJIH30BaTh i/p +a 4836. to mobilize

MHJIOCTb f 3032. favour Morlina 644 1 . grave

MHJihiH 680. nice, dear MoryqHif 1 307. powerful

MHJIR 601 3 . mile MorymecTBeHHhiH 5339. powerful

MHMO +g 823 . by, past MorymecTBo 3959. power, might

MHHa 4437. mine, shell (mil) M6.na 5340. fashion

MHH.ZJ;aJib m 9287. almonds; almond-tree MO.ZJ;eJih f 2659. model

MHHepaJibHhiH 3 1 76. mineral (adj) MO)l;HbiH 69 10. fashionable

MHHHa TropHbiH 6909. miniature (ad j) MO)I(HO 95. it is possible

MHHHMaJibHbiH 9288. minimum (adj) M03aHKa 8498. mosatc

MHHHMYM 6014. minimum M03f 2046. brain

MHHHCTepCTBO 1025. ministry (government) M030Jlh f 983 1 . com (on foot) , callous

MHHHCTp 800. minister (government) MOH 67. my

MHHOBaTb i/p 38 16. to pass, pass by MOKpbiH 19 14. wet

MHHYBIIIHH 28 19 . past MOJI 1 867. he/she/they said

MHHYC . 4463. minus; disadvantage MOJIBa 7730. rum our

MHHyTa 1 85 . minute MOJIHTBa 3645. prayer

MHHYTKa 1 743 . moment MOJIHThC� 534 1 . to pray

MHp 272. world; peace MOJIHH� 2976. lightning

MHpa)l( 8658 . mirage MOJIO.ZJ;e)l(b f 1005. young people

MHpHTbC� i c +inst 3644. to be reconciled with MOJIO.ZJ;e)I(HhiH 3237. youth (adj)



MOJIO,[(eHhKHH 5778. young and attractive; MOTHB 2608. motive; motif

very young MOTOp 1 308 . motor, engine

MOJIO.[(( e).Q 2 1 27. fine fellow; well done ! MOTOpHhiH 9295 . motor, engine (adj)

MOJIO,[(OH 106. young MOTO.QHKJI 9296. motorcycle

MOJIO,[(OCTh f 20 17 . youth M(o)x 8663 . moss

MOJIOKO 43 1 . milk MOXHaThiH 73 1 5 . shaggy

MOJIOT 9290. hammer MOlfh i 38 . to be able

MOJIOT(O)K 555 1 . hammer MOIIIeHHHK 9297 . swindler

MOJIOlfHhiH 5552. milk (adj) MOIIJ;HOCTh f 1 893. power

MOJilfa 1 392. in silence, without MOIIJ;HhiH 1 343. powerful

speaking MOIIJ;h f 3463 . power, might

M OJilfanHBhiH 3646. taciturn MpaK 73 1 6. darkness , gloom

MOJilfaHHe 1 178. silence MpaMop 4 1 63 . marble

MOJilfaTh 376. to be silent MpaMOpHhiH 7733. marble (adj)

MOJib6a 929 1 . entreaty MpalfHO 5553. gloomily

MOMeHT 795. moment; feature (of a MpalfHhiH 287 1 . gloomy, baleful

situation) MCTHTh i +d 3a +a 73 17 . to take revenge (on s.o.

MOHapXHlfeCKHH 9292. monarchic for sth)

MOHapxHg 82 15 . monarchy My,n;peu: 9298. wise man

MOHaCThlph m 691 1 . monastery; convent My,n;pOCTh f 5342. wisdom

MOHaX 3647. monk My,n;phiH 5780. wise

MOHeTa 3033. coin MY)I( 750. husband

MOHOIIOJilfg 8 1 87. monopoly My)l(eCTBeHHhiH 4 1 64. manly, courageous

MOHOIIOJihHhiH 9293. monopoly (adj) My)l(eCTBO 3295 . courage

MOHTa)l( 5779. assembling, MY)I(HK 78 1 . (Russian) peasant

installation, MY)I(H.QKHH 7734. peasant (adj) ,

mounting peasant' s

MOHyMeHT 773 1 . monument MY)I(CKOH 2523. masculine; male

MOHyMeHTaJihHhiH 8265 . monumental MY)I(lfHHa m 643 . man

MOpaJih f 1493. morals, morality; My3e:H 94 1 . museum

moral (of a story) My3e:HHhiH 9299. museum (adj)

MOpanhHO 73 12 . morally MY3hiKa 956. music

MOpaJihHhiH 19 15 . moral MY3hiKMhHhiH 1 824. musical

MOpfHYTh p 73 1 3 . to blink; wink MY3hiKaHT 578 1 . musician

M6p.n;a 3817 . snout, muzzle; (coli) MyKa 2203 . torment

face MyKa flour

Mope 379. sea MyH,n;Hp 4694. uniform

Mop6)1(eHoe n adj 6282. ice-cream MypaBeH 8664. ant

MOp03 1942. frost MYCKYJI 69 12 . muscle

MOp03HhiH 6016. frosty My cop 6283 . litter

MOpCKOH 86 1 . sea, marine; naval MycopHhiH 9300. rubbish (adj)

MopnuiHa 8662. wrinkle MYTHhiH 38 18 . turbid, clouded

Mopm:HHKa 7732. wrinkle MYTh f 8665 . sediment

MOp�K 1 12 1 . sailor Myxa 2474. fly

MOCKBHlf 73 14. Muscovite MylfaThcg or 6017 . to be tormented;

MOCKOBCKHH 1 148. Moscow (adj) MYlfHThcg i worry, torment os

MOCT 1480. bridge MYlfHTeJihHO 691 3 . excruciating! y

MOCTOBag f adj 5 1 53 . roadway MYlfHTeJihHhiH 73 1 8 . excruciating

Morarhcg i (coli) 9294. to sway; rush about MYlfHTh i +a 4977. to torment


MqaTh i +a







MhiC.JlliTCJih m

MhiC.illiTh i

MhiCJih f


MhiTh i +a

MhiqaTh i




Mhllllh f









Ha6epe)I(Ha.si f ad j

Ha6HpaTh i +a

Ha6liTh p +a +inst

Ha6JIIO ,D;a TCJih m

Ha6nro,D;aTh i +a





Ha6paTh p +a

Ha6paThC.si p +g


930 1 . to rush, speed along

3034. to rush

1 6. we

60 1 8. soap

8397. cape, promontory

5554. mentally

8666. mental

73 19 . thinker

3564. to think

275 . thought

6284. thinking

3238. to wash

8667. to moo; bellow

5 1 54. armpit; mouse

3035. thinking

6407. muscle

2977. mouse

1 458. soft; gentle

3 177. softly

9305. meat (adj)

2345 . meat

9832. rebellion

4978. ball (for games)

4. ( +pr) on, at; (+a)

onto, to

8668. alarm bell

4276. embankment; sea-front

4695. to gather, assemble

5782. to stuff (sth with sth)

60 1 9. observer

1 1 38 . to observe, watch

3648. to be observed

2230. observation

7320. awry, on one side

483 7. set, collection;


4696. to gather, assemble

6576. to collect

9833. sketch, rough draft

HaBaJIHTh p +a 7735 . to heap up, pile

HaBanHThC.si p Ha +a 5555. to fall on; lean on

HaBeKH 8669. for ever

HaBepHo 1 379. probably, most likely

HaBepHoe (=HasepHo) 1 1 79. probably

HaBepH.siKa 4165 . for sure; safely, without




taking risks

3649. upwards

3296. above; upstairs

9302. awning

HaBeCTH p +a


HaBell(a Th i +a




HaBCTpeqy +d


HaB.s�JaTh p +a +d

HaBH3hiBa Th i +a +d





Har JIH,D;Hhiii

HarHaTh p +a

HarHyThC.si p

HafOBOpHTh p


Harpa,D;HTh p +a

HarpeBaTh i +a

HarpeBa ThC.si i

HarpeTb p +a


HarpHHYTh p (coil)

Ha,D; +inst



Ha,D;eBaTb i +a



Ha,D;ena Tb p +g

Ha,D;eTh p +a

Ha,D;e.siThC.si i

Ha,D;36p 3a +inst

Ha,D;JIC)I(a Th:

Ha,D;JIC)I(HT i +d of

pers +inf


5 1 55. to guide (to); evoke,


7736. for ever

9303. to visit

732 1 . to overhang

7737. manure

2 1 28. for ever

1443. towards

6020. skill, technique

9304. to impose, foist

(sth on s.o.)

7322. to impose, foist

(sth on s.o.)

9306. to bend down

7738. tightly, firmly

8670. impudent

4838. clearly, graphically

3890. clear, graphic

6577. to overtake, catch up

4376. to bend down

5783. (coli) (i HaroBapH-

BaTh) (Ha +a) to

slander s.o.; (+a or

+g) say a lot of

3 297. reward

7323. to reward

9307. to warm, heat

8499. to warm os, warm up

7739. to warm, heat

389 1 . load; workload

9308. to come unexpectedly

1 35. above

9309. addition, supplement

7740. to draw near

3 1 78. to put on (clothing


777. hope

2346. reliable

3960. to make; (coil) to do

2 1 29. to put on

1403. to hope

5556. supervision;


602 1 . it is necessary

5557. proper, fitting,


75. it is necessary



Ha.uo6Ho ( coll) 774 1 . necessary HaKaiiJIHBaThC}I 93 1 2. to accumulate

Ha.LJ;06HOCTh f 3892. necessity, need HaKH,lJ;Ka 8326. cloak, mantle, cape

Ha.uoecTh p +d 2432. to bore HaKHHYTh p +a 5559. to throw on

Ha.u6nro 4 166. for a long time HaKJIOH 93 13 . incline, lean

Ha,[(IIHCh f 2097. inscription HaKJIOHHThC}I p 3650. to bend down, stoop

Ha.LJ;CTpOHKa 867 1 . additional storey; HaKJIOH}]:ThC}I i 6288. to bend, bend over

superstructure HaKOHeU 338. in the end

Hae.uHHe 4979. in private; alone HaKOIIHTh p +a 4697. to accumulate

HaeMHHK 8672. mercenary HaKOIIHThC}I p 7327. to accumulate

HaeMHhiH 93 10 . hired HaKOIIJieHHe 4277. accumulation

Ha)l(a Th p +a or 6022. to press aaKphiBa Th i +a 5560. to cover; (Ha cTon)

Ha +a lay (the table)

Ha)I(HM 7324. pressure; clamp HaKphiTh p +a 3565. to cover

Ha)I(HMaTh i +a or 5784. to press Hana.LJ;HTh +a 4839. to put in working

Ha +a order, set going

Ha)I(HTh p 6285. to gain, make HaJia)I(HBa Th i +a 93 14. to adjust, put in order

(money) HaJieBO 3465 . to the left

Ha3a.u 36 1 . back, ago HaneT 3729. raid; thin coating

Ha3BaHHe 1095. name; title (book) HaneTeTh p Ha +a 4698. to swoop on; run into

Ha3BaTh p +a 780. to call, name HaJIHBa Th i +a 3239. to pour out, fill

Ha3n6 69 14. out of spite; (+d) to HanHTh p +a 2609. to pour out

spite (s.o.) HaJIHU6 7328. present, visible

Ha3HaqaTh i +a 4529. to fix, arrange; appoint HaJIHqHe 3730. presence

(s.o.) Han.HqHhrH: 8673. available; cash

Ha3HaqeHHe 1 508. appointment (to a Han6r 5 1 56. tax

post); purpose (for HaJIO)I(HTh p +a 6023. to lay sth on sth, put on,

which something is Ha +a superimpose

intended) HaMeK 4530. hint, allusion

Ha3HaqHTh p +a +inst 2347. to appoint (s.o. as sth) HaMeKaTh i Ha +a 7329. to allude to

Ha3hiBaeMhiH 2660 . called HaMeKHYTh p Ha +a 93 1 5 . to allude to

Ha3hiBaTh i +a +inst 58 1 . to call, name HaMepeBaThC}I i +inf 7330. to intend

Ha3hiBa ThC}I i 1 1 96. to be called HaMepeH short adj 5785 . intend

HaH66nee 764. (the) most HaMepeHHe 2978. intention

HaH60JihiiiHH 4980. largest HaMeTHTb p +a 365 1 . to plan

HaHBHO 7325 . naively HaMeqaTh i +a 556 1 . to plan

HaHBHhiii 3464. naive HaMeqa ThC}I i 498 1 . to be planned

HaH3YCTh 9834. by heart, from HaMH6ro 6289. by a lot

memory HaHeCTH p +a +d 2756. to inflict (sth on s.o.)

HaHJI)'qiiiHH 7326. the best HaHHMaTh i +a 7742. to hire

HaHMeHOBaHHe 69 15 . designation, name HaHOCHTh i +a 4699. to pile up; inflict

HaHTH p +a 234. to find Hao6op6T 1 1 22. on the contrary, vice

HaHTHCh p 1 234. to be found, tum up versa, the other way

HaKa3aHHe 6286. punishment round

HaKa3aTh p +a 5558. to punish Hana,n:aTh i Ha +a 69 16 . to attack; come upon

HaKa3hiBaTh i +a 93 1 1 . to punish Hana.ueHHe 26 10 . attack

HaKan 6287. intense heat; intensity HaiHlCTh p Ha +a 5562. to attack; come upon

HaKaJieHHhiH 8456. white-hot; tense HanesaTh i 453 1 . to sing; sing quietly,

HaKaHyHe 6758. the day before, on the hum

eve Hanepe,n: (coli) 733 1 . in front; in advance


HanepeK6p +d

HaneqaTaTh p

HaiiHCclTh p +a


HaiiHThC.si p +g

HanneBa Th p Ha +a

Hano.n66He +g

HaiiOHTh p +a

9835 . contrary, counter (to) ,

in defiance (of)

2979. to print

362. to write

6579. drink

3380. to drink one ' s fill; get


6290. to spit; not to give a

damn about

93 16 . like, resembling

7743. to give to drink; to

make drunk

HaiiOJIHHTh p +a 2872. to fill

HaiiOJIHHThC.sl p +inst 93 17 . to fill (with)

HanoJIHRTh i +a +inst 5563 . to fill (sth with sth)

HaiiOJIOBHHY 5343 . half, by half

HaiiOMHHclTh i +d

o +pr

HaiiOMHHTh p +d

o +pr


HaiiOCJie,[(OK (coli)

HanpaBHTh p +a

HanpaBHThC.sl p



1432. to remind (s.o. of sth)

2 1 54. to remind (s.o. of sth)

6580. pressure

7744. in the end

1 894. to direct

5344. to make for

902. direction

5564. directed; purposeful

HanpaBJIRTh i +a 2387. to direct

HanpaBJIRThC.si i K +d 261 1 . to make for, head for

HanpaBo 2820. to the right






Haiip.si)I(eHHOCTh f


Haiip.siMHK (coli)

Hanyra Th p +a

HapaBHe c +inst


HapacTaTh i



HapHCOBclTh p +a





1 850. in vain

573. for example

27 1 1 . opposite

2204. tension

69 17 . with strain, intensively

5 1 57. tension

261 2. tense

8674. directly; bluntly

5565. to frighten

7745 . level (with), on equal

terms (with)

93 1 8 . growth, increase

5566. to grow (on); increase

658 1 . growing

9836. reprimand

5345 . to draw

1 58. (the) people

28 1 . people ' s

266 1 . deliberately

435 1 . outer, external


Ha pyrna Th i +a

Ha pyrna ThC.si

HapyrnHTh p +a

Hapbl pl



396 1 . outside

3819 . to disturb, violate

69 18 . to be broken, be


338 1 . violation, offence

5 1 5 8. to break, infringe

8282. bunk, plank-bed

4700. attire, costume; order,


3 104. well-dressed HapRAHhiH

Hap.s�.ny c +inst 3298. equally, alongside

Haca.nllTh p +a Ha +a 8675. to fix (sth onto sth)


HaCeKOMOe n adj



HaCeJIRTh i +a





9837. planting; propagation

7332. insect

774. population

8676. inhabited

93 19. to populate

257 1 . violence, force

8677. by force

6582. violent, forcible

4532. through

HaCKOJihKO 2 155 . how much; as much

HacKopo (coil) 7746. hastily

HaCJia)l(,[(clTbC.si i +inst 7332. to delight in, get

physical pleasure








5786. physical pleasure

5787. legacy, heritage

6919 . heir

9320. inherited

5788. inheritance

8678. to death

4982. taunt

4167. mockingly,


6024. sarcastic HaCMeiiiJIHBbiH


HaCOBCeM (coli)


9838. cold (in the head)

932 1 . for good

6583. pump

Hacnex 7333. hastily

HacTaBHHK 9322. mentor, tutor

HaCTaHBaTb i Ha +pr 3652. to insist

3653. to come (of seasons



HaCToifqHBOCTb f




7747. wide open

2757. insistently

5789. persistence

4 70 1 . insistent

1 868. so much



HaCTOpO)I(HThCSI p 8679. to prick up one ' s ears, HaXO;::J:Ka 4702. find

be on one ' s guard Ha:QHOHaJIH3M 5 1 59. nationalism

HaCTOHTh p Ha +pr 7334. to insist, get one' s own Ha:QHOHaJihHhiH 683. national, ethnic

way Ha:QHOHaJihHOCTh f 484 1 . nationality, ethnic

Hacro.si:mee n adj 5346. the present group

HaCTOHI.UHH 243 . real; present Ha:QHSI 2047. nation

HacrpoeHHe 1404. mood Halfano 509. beginning

Hacrp6HTh p +a 5790. to tune, adjust; (Ha HalfaJihHHK 268 . head, boss

+a) put s.o. in the Ha lfaJihHhiH 4 169. initial, primary

mood (for sth) HalfaJihCTBO 2433 . the management, the

Hacrynarh 1943. to advance; to tread authorities

on; to come, begin HalfaTh p +a 1 59. to begin

HacrynHTh p 2572. to tread on; come (of HalfaThCSI p 340. to begin

time, seasons) HalfHHanwe 6027 . undertaking, initiative

HacrynneHHe 2348. offensive, advance HalfHHaTh i +a 355. to begin

HaCyi.UHhiH 5567. vital, essential HalfHHaThCSI 600 . to begin

Hacqer +g 1988. about, concerning HalfHHKa 9839. stuffing, filling

HacqHThiBa Th i +a 6920. to number, total (of pie etc.)

HacqHThiBa ThCSI i 7335. to number, total HalfHCTO (coli) 5568. completely

HaChiTih f 4168. embankment Ham 33 . our

Hachii.UaTh i +a +inst 8680. to satiate; fill ( sth with HallieCTBHe 6584. invasion

sth), saturate HaSIBY 9326. while awake; for real

HaChii.UeHHhiH 868 1 . saturated; rich (in He 3 . not

content) He6eCHhiH 2573. heavenly, celestial

HaTBOpHTh p (coll) 9323. to get up to, do (sth He6naronpw.si:THhiH 8684. unfavourable

+g bad) He6o 5 19. sky, heaven

HaTe (coll) 8682. here you are, take it He6onhrn6ii 545 . small

HaTHCK 6025. onslaught; pressure He60CKJIOH 9327. horizon

Ha TKHYThCSI p Ha +a 6026. to run into, stumble He6och (coli) 3036. probably

upon, meet He6pe)I(Ho 4533. carelessly

unexpectedly He6hiBaJihiH 3820. unprecedented; (coli)

HaTOJIKHYThCSI p 9324. to run into, come up inexperienced

Ha +a against HeBa)I(HO 6028. not very well; it

Harypa 2980. nature, character doesn't matter

HaTSIHYTh p +a 8683. to pull tight; pull on HeBe)lOMhiH 3466. unknown

Hayra.r:�: 9330. at random HeBe)l(eCTBO 6029. ignorance

HayKa 589. science; scholarship HeBepHO 5 1 60 . false(ly)

Ha yqHThCSI p + i inf 586. to learn (to do sth) HeBepHhiH 6030. incorrect; uncertain;

Hayqllrh p +a +i inf 2 1 30. to teach (s.o. to do sth) unfaithful

HaylfHO 7748. scientifically HeBepORTHO 6585. improbably

HaylfHO- HeBepORTHhiH 579 1 . improbable; incredible

HCCJie;::J:OBaTeJihCKHH 4073 . scientific-research HeBeceJihiH 8685. joyless

(adj) He Beer a 2349. bride; fiancee

HayqHo-TeXHHqecKHH 8283. scientific and technical HeBeCTKa 9840. daughter-in-law;

HaylfHhiH 633. scientific, scholarly sister-in-law

HaXaJihCTBO 9325. impudence (brother' s wife)

HaXMYPHThCSI p 4840. to frown HeBeCTh (coli) 8686. no-one knows

HaXO;::J:ETh i 1 197. to find HeB3palfHhiH 8687. unattractive

HaXO;::J:HThCSI 609. to be situated HeBH;::J:aHHhiH 3962. unprecedented



HeBH,[(HMbiH 23 1 2. invisible He)I(HbiH 2389. tender, gentle

HeBHHHhiH 6586. innocent He3a6hiBaeMhiii 7750. unforgettable

HeBMellla TeJibCTBO 9328. non-interference (in) He3aBHCHMO 3895 . independently

B +a He3aBHCHMOCTh f 1 309. independence

HeB03MO)I(H0 1 198. impossibly; it is He3aBHCHMhiH 2574. independent

impossible He3a,[(OJITO ,[(0 +g 6293. not long before

HeB03MO)I(HOCTb f 9329. impossibility He3aKOHHO 9334. illegally

HeB03MO)I(HhiH 282 1 . impossible He3aMeHHMhiH 8689. irreplaceable

HeBOJihHO 2388. unintentionally He3aMeTHO 2390. imperceptibly

HeBOJibHbiH 933 1 . involuntary He3aMeTHbiH 5569. imperceptible

HeBhiHOCHMhiH 692 1 . intolerable He3aqeM +inf 7339. there' s no point

HeBhiCOKHH 3963. low, short He3BaHbiH 984 1 . uninvited

Her,[(e 5792. there is nowhere He3,ll;OpOBbiH 9335 . unhealthy

HerO,[(OBaHHe 603 1 . indignation He3HaK6Mhiii 27 1 2. unfamiliar

Hero,[(Rii 5 1 6 1 . rascal He3Ha qJiTeJibHbiH 3965 . insignificant

Herp 7336. negro He3hi6JieMhiH 9842. unshakeable

HerpaMOTHOCTb f 8688. illiteracy HeH36e)I(H0 2874. inevitably

HerpaM OTHbiH 6587. illiterate HeH36e)I(HOCTh f 4534. inevitability

HerpHTRHCKHH 7337. negro (adj) HeH36e)I(HbiH 3 105. inevitable

HerpOMKO 2475. quietly, in a low voice HeH3BeCTHO 206 1 . (it is) unknown

He,[(aBHHH 2873 . recent HeH3BeCTHbiH 2062. unknown

He,[(aBHO 350. recently HeH3MeHHO 4984. invariably

He,[(aJieKHH 5793 . near; dim, dull-witted HeH3MeHHbiH 5570. invariable

He,ll;aJieK6 3 1 79. not far HeH3MepHMO 6922. immeasurably

He,ll;apoM 5 1 62. not for nothing HeHHTepeCHO 7340. (it's) uninteresting

He,[(eJIR 529. week HeHCTOBbiH 9843. frenzied

He,[(66pbiii 5794. hostile; evil HeHTpaJIHTeT 734 1 . neutrality

He,[(oBep:ue 5 1 63 . mistrust HeiiTpaJihHbiH 5795. neutral

He,[(OBepqHBO 7749. distrustfully, HeKHH 373 1 . a certain

suspiciously HeKor,[(a 1 744. there 's no time; once

He,ll;OBOJibHO 5347. discontented! y HeKoro +inf 9336. there is no-one

He,[(OBOJihHhiii 4983 . dissatisfied HeKOTOpbiH 352. some, a certain

He,[(OBOJibCTBO +inst 7338. dissatisfaction (with) HeKOTOpbie 6589. some, certain (people)

He,[(6nro 3893. not (for) long HeKpaCHBbiH 6033. ugly

He,ll;opa3yMen:ue 6032. misunderstanding HeKTO 5 1 64. someone, a certain

He,[(OCTaBaTb i +g 629 1 . to be lacking HeKy,n:a 382 1 . there is nowhere

He,[(OCTaT( 0 )K 1 267. defect; (+g or B +pr) HeJierKHH 4535. difficult; heavy

shortage (of) HenerK6 3382. (it's) not easy

He,[(ocTaToqno 3240. insufficient(ly ) ; (+g) Heneno 9337. absurdly; it ' s absurd

not enough Henenbiii 4536. absurd

He,ll;OCTaTOqHbiH 3964. insufficient HeJIOBKHH 4843. awkward

He,ll;OCTOHHbiH 9332. unworthy HeJIOBKO 2758. awkwardly

ne,n:ocTynHhiii 3894. inaccessible HeJIOBKOCTb f 6034. clumsiness

ne,[(oyMen:ue 4842. bewilderment HeJih3R 256. it is not allowed; it is

He,[(OyMeHHO 6588. uncomprehendingly impossible

ne,ll;pa pl 4 170. depths, bowels (of the HeMano 1 358. not a little, a good

earth) many

neJKen:u (old word) 9333. than HeMaJihiH 3822. considerable

HeJKHOCTb f 6292. tenderness HeMe,n:JieHHO 1 1 39. immediately, forthwith



HeMe,nneHHhiH 4985. immediate HellOHRTHO 4987 . incomprehensible/ly

HeM(e)u 768. German (noun) HellOHRTHhiH 1 629. incomprehensible

HeMeUKHH 1 140. German (adj) HenonpaBHMhiH 8695 . irreparable

HeMHHyeMO 8690. inevitably Henocpe,ZJ;CTBeHHO 2252. immediately

HeMHOrHe pl adj 324 1 . few (people) Henocpe,ZJ;CTBeHHhiH 2476. immediate, direct,

HeMH6ro +g 554. a little, not much spontaneous

HeMHO)I(KO 1494. ( coll) a little, a bit HellOCTH)I(HMhiH 9339. incomprehensible

HCMOH 7342. dumb Herrpas.na 261 3 . untruth; untrue

HCMhiCnHMO 6590. unthinkably HerrpaBHJihHO 3823 . incorrectly

HeMhiCnHMhiH 775 1 . unthinkable HenpaBHJihHhiH 3824. incorrect

HeHaBH,UeTh i +a 3 1 06. to hate HenpashiH 9340 . wrong

HeHaBHCTHhiH 6294. hated, hateful HerrpeKJIOHHhiH 7755. unyielding, adamant

HeHaBHCTb f 2822. hate HenpeMeHHO 1 690. without fail

HeHa,n6nro 6923. not for long HenpeMeHHhiH 8696. indispensable

HeHOpMaJihHhiH 7752. abnormal; mad HenpeO,ZJ;OnHMhiH 7756. insurmountable

HeHy)I(HbiH 5 1 65 . unnecessary HenpepeKaeMhiH 5 1 66. unquestionable

Heo6o3pHMhiH 869 1 . immense HenpephiBHO 2524. continuously

He06XO,llHMO 796. it is essential; it is HerrpephiBHhiH 2048. uninterrupted

necessary HellpHBhiqHhiH 934 1 . unaccustomed, unusual

He06XO,ZJ;HMOCTh f 1 220. necessity HellpHeMJieMhiH 8704. unacceptable

He06XO,llHMhiH 695 . essential HenpHKOCHOBeHHhiH 9342. untouchable,

He06hiKHOBeHHO 4986. unusually inviolable

He06hiKHOBeHHhiH 3299. unusual HenpHJIHqHo 8697 . indecently

He06biqaifHO 5348. exceptionally HerrpHMHpHMhiH 4844. irreconcilable;

He06biqaifHhiH 4537. exceptional uncompromising

Heo6:biqHo 8692. unusually HenpHHY)I(,ZJ;CHHhiH 9845 . relaxed, unconstrained

He06hi'IHhiH 3966. unusual HerrpH.siTeJih m 6925 . enemy

Heo6'hRTHhiH 5796. immense, boundless HenpHRTHO 4 1 7 1 . unpleasant(ly)

HeorpaHllqeHHhiH 557 1 . unlimited HerrpHRTHOCTh f 3733. unpleasantness

HeO,UHOKpaTHO 4703. repeatedly HerrpHRTHhiH 3242. unpleasant

HeO)I(H,LI,aHHO 1 1 80. unexpectedly HenpOXO,ZJ;HMhiH 9343 . impassable; ( coll) utter

HeO)I(H,LI,aHHOCTh f 4538. surprise HepaBHOMepHhiH 8698 . irregular

HeO)I(H,LI,aHHhiH 1 869. unexpected Hepa36epllxa (coll) 9846. muddle

Heonpe.neneHHhiH 6295. indefinite, vague Hepa3phiBHO 6592. inseparably

HCOCTOpO)I(HhiH 8693 . careless HepB 27 1 3 . nerve

HeOT JIO)I(HhiH 7343 . urgent HepBHHqaTh 4704. to be nervous

HeOT'heMJieMhiH 8694. inalienable, integral HepBHO 5572. nervously

Heox6Ta 6924. reluctance; (coll) (+d) HepBHhiH 3968. nervous

to be unwilling Hepe,llKO 1 709. often

HeOXOTHO 659 1 . unwillingly HepelliHTeJihHO 6296. indecisively, hesitantly

Henn6xo 3566. not bad(ly) HepelliHTeJihHOCTh f 7344. indecisiveness

Hennox6:H: 4539. not bad HeCKOJihKO +g 1 52. a few, some

Heno6e,LI,HMhiH 7753. invincible HeCJIO)I(HhiH 8699. uncomplicated

HellOBTOpHMhiH 9338. unique, exceptional HeCJihiXaHHhiH 7345 . unprecedented

Heno.naneKy 3732. not far away HeCJihllliHO 7757. inaudible; inaudibly

Heno,nBH)I(HO 3967. motionlessly, still HeCMeTHhiH 7346. countless

Heno,nBH)I(HhiH 2875 . motionless HeCMOTpR Ha + a 975 . in spite of

Henona,nKa 9844. fault, defect HeCOBMeCTHMhiH 9847. incompatible

Hen6nHhiH 7754. incomplete HeCOMHeHHO 1 779. undoubtedly



HeCOMHeHHhiH 8700. undoubted HeqaRHHO 6930. accidentally;

Hecnoc66HhiH 6035. incapable unexpectedly

HecnpaBe,il;JIHBOCTh f 6297. injustice, unfairness Heqero 1090. there is nothing

HecnpaBe,llJIHBhiH 6593. unjust HeqJicThiH 6597. unclean, impure

HecnpocTa (coli) 9848 . with an ulterior motive, HeqTo 1 524. something ( = qTO-TO)

not without a reason He.si:CHO 6598. unclearly

HecpaBHeHHO 9344. incomparably He.si:CHhiH 3896. unclear

HeCTepTIHMO 6036. unbearably HH 1 54. not a

HeCTH i +a 8 1 4. to carry HHBa 5349. field, cornfield

HeCTHCh i 3383. to rush HliT,lle 2253 . nowhere

HecqaCTHhiH 239 1 . unhappy HH)I(e 1020. lower, below

HecqacThe 2923. misfortune HH)I(HHH 1 630. lower

HeT 54. no; (+g) there is no HH3 6038. bottom, lower part

HeTepneJIHBO 4540. impatiently HH3KHH 1 163 . low

HeTepneJIHBhiH 9345 . impatient HH3KO 169 1 . low

HeTepneHne 4988. impatience HHKaK 1038. in no way; by no

HeTOpOIIJIHBO 6926. unhurriedly means

HeTopOTIJIHBhiH 6927. unhurried HHKaK6ii 448. (absolutely) no

HeTp6HyThiH 870 1 . untouched HHKOr,lla 263. never

HeTpy,llHO 2924. it' s not difficult HHKTO 202. nobody

HeTy (coll) +g 4 108 . there isn 't/aren't HHKy,lla 2614. nowhere

(= HeT) HHCKOJihKO 4705. not at all

HeyBepeHHO 6594. uncertainly HHTKa 2823. thread

Hey,llaqa 4989. failure HHToqKa 5797. thread

Hey,llaqHHK 6298. failure HlfTh f 3384. thread

Hey,llaqHo 9346. unsuccessfully Hnqer6 595. nothing; all right,

Hey ,lla qHhiH 6037. unsuccessful not too bad;

Hey,ll06HO 3467. uncomfortably, never mind

awkwardly HHqe:ii 9850. nobody' s

Hey ,ll06CTBO 8702. discomfort, HHqT6/a, g HHqer6 1 00. nothing

inconvenience HHqTQ)I(eCTBO 9350. nonentity

Hey)l(enn 897. really? i s it possible? HHqTQ)I(HhiH 1989. worthless

Hey)I(TO (coli) 7347. really? HHqyTh (coll) 3969. not in the least

Hey JIOBHMhiH 6928. elusive HHIIJ;eTa 3825 . poverty

HeyMeCTHhiH 9347. inappropriate, HHIIJ;HH 20 18 . destitute; beggar

misplaced HO 23. but

Heyp.si:.llHUa (coll) 9849. confusion HOBaTOp 8457. innovator

HeycTaHHO 5573. tirelessly H6BeHhKHH 693 1 . brand-new, nice and

HeycT6iiqHBhiH 8703. unstable new

HeyTOMHMhiH 7758. tireless HOBH3Ha 935 1 . novelty, newness

He<!>TenpOBO,ll 9348. oil pipeline HOBHHKa 5 1 67. novelty

He<I>Th f 2392. oil, petroleum HOBHq(6)K 6039. novice, beginner

He<I>T.si:HHK 6595. oil worker HOBOrO,llHHH 4332. new year (adj)

He<!>TSIHOH 454 1 . oil (adj) HOBOpO)I(,lleHHhiH 7348. new-born

HexBa TKa (coli) 6929. shortage HOBOCTh f 1944. piece of news

HexopOIIIHH 6596. bad HOBhiH 58. new

Hexoporn6 1 825. not good Hora 2 1 1 . leg/foot

HeXOTR 9349. unwillingly; H6r(o)Th m 5350. fingernail, toenail

unintentionally HO)I( 1 1 17 . knife



HOJKHK 9352. small knife, penknife HbiTb 9852. to whine, complain;

HO)f(Ka 3970. leg; stem (of wineglass, ache

mushroom) HJOXaTb i +a 9853 . to smell, sniff (sth)

HOJKHHIJ;bl pl 9353. scissors H.siHhKa (coll) 5353. nurse

H03,Up.si 535 1 . nostril H.siH.SI 4 1 72. nurse

HOJlb m 3567. zero o (o6/o6o) +pr 27. about, concerning

HOMep 403 . number; hotel room 66a m, n/66e f 473 . both

Hopa 9354. burrow o6a.siHHe 9854. charm

HopMa 1 990. norm 06BHHeHHe 3734. accusation

HOpMMbHO 6040. normal, OK o6BHHHTb p +a B +pr 7349. to accuse (s.o. of sth)

HOpMaJihHbiH 2205 . normal 06BHH.siTb i +a B +pr 3735. to accuse (s .o. of sth)

HOC 466. nose o6BO,D;HTb i +a 9358. to take round; ( +inst)

HOCHK 9355. small nose; toe (of surround (with)

shoe); spout o6,D;yMaTh p +a 7760. to consider, ponder

H OCHJIKH f pl 6932. stretcher o6,D;yMhiBaTh i +a 8707. to ponder, think over

HOCHTh i +a 12 14. to carry (around); o6e,D; 1 7 10. meal; dinner

wear o6e,D;aTh i 5 1 68 . to dine

HOCHThC.SI i 604 1 . to rush around; float, o6e,D;H.SI 6299. mass (church service)

drift o6e3h.siHa 6042. monkey

HOCOBOH 6933 . nose (adj), nasal o6eperaTh i +a 776 1 . to protect ( s.o. from

HOC(O)K 535� sock; toe of boot OT +g sth)

HOT a 3568. note (music) o6epHyThC.SI p 1 602. to tum round

HOThi sheet music o6ecneqeHHe 2759. securing, providing,

HOTKa 8705. note (sound) provision (with)

HoqeBaTh 3385. to spend the night o6ecneqHBa Th i +a 223 1 . to provide (s.o. with

HoqJier 9356. spending the night. +inst sth)

night' s lodging o6ecn6tiHTh p 1242. (+a + inst) to supply s.o.

HOqHQH 1 323. night (adj) with sth; (+a)

Hoqh f 25 1 . night assure, guarantee

HQqhlO 1 85 1 . at night o6e:r.QaHHe 6300. promise

Horna 9357. burden o6e:r.Qa Th i/p +d 1 1 99. to promise (s.o.)

HO.si6ph m 2206. November o6)f(eqh p +a 7350. to bum; bake, fire

HpaB 985 1 . nature, disposition (bricks etc.)

(of person) o636p 5574. survey, review

HpaBHThC.SI i llO-p 548. to please o6li,D;a 1 495 . offence, insult

HpaBCTBeHHOCTh f 8216. morality o6H,D;eTb p +a 8340. to offend, hurt

HpaBCTBeHHhiH 3386. moral o61f,D;eThC.SI p 8708. to take offence

HY 482. well o6H,D;HO 4706. it hurts, it ' s annoying

HY,rJ;HhiH 8706. tedious 06lf)l(aTb i +a 4542. to offend, hurt

HyJK.ua 199 1 . want, need 06 H)l(a TbC.SI 2477. to take offence

Hy)f(.uaThc.SI i B +pr 2434. to need, be in need of o6H)I(eHHO 735 1 . resentfully, looking

HY)f(HO 168. (it is) necessary hurt

HYJKHhiH 265. necessary o6H)I(eHHbiH 8709. offended

HYJih m 3897. zero o6HJIHe 6934. abundance

HbiHe 1 544. now; today o6HJibHbiH 3569. abundant

HhiHCIIIHHH 1 576. present, present -day 06HT£iTeJih m 9359. inhabitant

HhiHqe (coll) 124 1 . now (= Teneph); 06HT£iTh i 87 10. to live, reside

today o6HXO,D; 7762. use; custom, practice

HhiPHYTh p 7759. to dive o6na,D;aTh i +inst 1 444. to possess



66naKo 1405. cloud o6o)l(a Th i +a 6937. to adore

o6naCTHOH 4330. oblast (adj) , provincial o6o)I(,D;aTh p (coll) +a 8233. to wait

66nacTh f 60 1 . oblast, province; area, o663 8295. string of carts; military

field (of activity) transport

66naqHhiH 7763. cloudy o603JIHThC� p Ha +a 7353. to get angry (with)

o6nerqaTh i +a 9360 . to lighten; simplify; o6o3HaqaTh i +a 7768. to denote, mean; mark,

make easier designate

o6nerqeHHe 5798. (feeling ot) relief; o6o3HaqHrh p +a 4990. to mark, designate

making lighter; o6o3pesa TeJih m 5799. observer

simplification o6o3peHHe 6302. surveying, survey

o6nerqlfrh p +a 397 1 . to lighten o66H pl 87 15 . wallpaper

o6ne3JihiH ( coll) 936 1 . shabby, scruffy; o6oiiTH p +a 3570. to go round; avoid

mangy o6oiiTHCh p 20 19. to manage, get by

o6nHrauH� 8223. bond o6on6qKa 436 1 . cover, envelope

66JIHK 3 1 80. look, appearance, o6opaqHsaThC� 357 1 . to turn round; turn out

image o6opsaTh p +a 3972. to tear off; interrupt

o6nHTh p +a +inst 7764. to pour sth (inst) over o6opsaThc� p 5 1 69. to snap; stop suddenly

sth (a) o6op6Ha 1945. defence

o6JIO)I(HTh p +a 87 1 1 . ( o6 KJia,D;hiBa Th i) to o6op6HHhiH 7354. defence (adj)

put round; o6opOHHThC� i OT .. +g 87 16. to defend os (from)

( o6naraTh i) assess o6op6T 3736. turn, revolution;

(for tax) turnover; reverse

o6JIO)I(Ka 7765. cover (of book etc . ) (of page etc.); tum

06JIOM(O)K 3 1 8 1 . fragment of phrase

06MaH 3468 . deceit, deception o6opy,D;osaHHe 176 1 . equipment

o6MaHyTh p +a 26 15 . to deceive o6opy,D;osaTh i/p +a 6599. to equip

o6MaHhiBaTh i +a 3387. to deceive o6ocHosaHHe 9365. basis; grounds,

06MeH 2760. exchange justification

06MeHHBaThC� i +inst 7352. to exchange o6ocHosaTh p +a 9366. to substantiate, justify

o6MeHj{ThC� p +inst 9362. to exchange o6ocTpeHHe 8423. intensification,

o6Ha,D;e)I(HBaTh i +a 8 1 67 . to give hope (to), sharpening

reassure o6ocTpj{rh i +a 9367. to intensify, worsen,

o6Ha)l(aTh i +a 9363. to bare, expose aggravate

o6Ha)l(eHHhiH 7766. naked o66qHHa 6303. roadside, kerb

o6Ha)I(HTh p +a 630 1 . to bare o6pa6aThiBaTh i +a 3973. to process, work on

o6Hapy)l(eHHe 9364. revealing; discovery o6pa66TaTh p +a 7355. to process, work on

o6Hapy)I(HBa Th i +a 4 1 73 . to discover (sth)

06Hapy)I(HBa ThC� i 4543 . to be revealed o6pa66rKa 3508. treatment, processing

o6Hapy)I(HTh p +a 1465. to reveal; discover o6pa,D;osaTh p +a 87 17 . to gladden, please

06Hapy)I(HThC� p 4 174. to be revealed o6pa,D;OBaThC� p +d 2876. to be glad (at), be

06HHMaTh i +a 27 14. to embrace pleased (about)

06HOBJieHHe 8500. renovation 66pa3 452. manner, way, shape,

o6Hj{Th p +a 2049. to embrace image

ofiHj{ThC� p 87 1 2. to embrace one another o6pa3(e)u 142 1 . model, pattern

o6o6ma Th i +a 6935 . to generalize 66pa3HhiH 9368. graphic, evocative;

o6o6meHHe 7767. generalization figurative

o6oraTHThC� p 87 1 3 . to become rich o6pa3osaHHe 857. education; formation

o6oramaTh i +a 87 1 4. to enrich o6pa36BaHHhiH 5 1 70. educated

o6orHaTh p +a 6936. to overtake, outstrip o6pa3osaTh p +a 1664. to form



o6pa3oBaThcg p 1692. to be formed o6yqaTh i +a +d 8722. to teach (s.o. sth)

o6pa36BhiBaTh i +a 6938. to form o6yqeHHe 4 1 75 . teaching; training

o6pa3UOBhiH 7769. model, exemplary o6xBaTHTh p +a 6941 . to encompass

o6paTHTh p +a 1 870. to turn o6x6.u 6304. evasion, going

o6paTHThCg p 1 380. (K + d) to tum to; round

(B +a) turn into; o6xo,UHTeJihHhiH 937 1 . courteous, well-

( c +inst) handle sth, mannered

treat s.o. o6XO,UHTh i +a 4 1 76. to go round; avoid

o6paTHO 1 324. back (adv) o6XO,UHThcg 3470 . to manage; treat; turn

o6paTHhiH 2350. reverse (adj) out

o6pamaTh i +a 2254. to tum o6rnllpHhiH 2255 . extensive, vast

o6pamaThcg i 1 285. (K + d) to tum to; 06I.UaTbCg i C +inst 82 1 3 . to associate, socialize

(B +a) turn into; (with)

(c +inst) handle sth, o6me)I(HTHe 3827. hostel

treat s.o. o6meH3BeCTHhiH 9372. well-known, generally

o6pamenHe 2098. (K +d) appeal (to); known

(c +inst) treatment; o6menap6,aHhiH 8559. national, of the whole

circulation people

o6pe3: (+g) B o6pe3 6939. cut edge: none to spare o6menHe c +inst 580 1 . social intercourse,

o6pecTH p (bookish) 5800. to find contact (with

+a people)

o6peqenHhiii 87 18 . doomed o6meCTBeHHOCTh f 2824. the public

o6pOHHTh p +a 87 1 9. to drop (and lose); o6mecTBeHHhiii 614 . social , public

let fall 66mecTBo 594. society

o6pyrnHBaThcg p 9369. to cave in, collapse; o6meqenoBe'IecKHii 4469. universal, of all

(Ha +a) fall upon, mankind

attack (s.o. or sth) 66mHii 399. general

o6pyrnHThCg p 7770. to collapse, cave in 66mlfna 9373 . community

o6phiB 4544. precipice o6ne,uHHeHHe 4067 . union, association

o6phiBa Thcg i 6940. to snap; stop short o6'he,UHHeHHhiH 3388. united

o6pR.U 6600. rite, ceremony 06be,UHHHTh p +a 3655. to unite, combine -

o6cepBaT6pH.SI 830 1 . observatory 06be,UHHHThC.SI p 6305 . to unite

o6cne,[{oBaTh i/p +a 8398. to investigate c +inst

o6cJiy)I(HBaHHe 3654. service o6be,UHHRTh i +a 3656. to unite, combine

o6cey)I(HBa Th i +a 3737. to serve (s.o.) 06beKT 8536. object; construction

o6cTaHOBKa 1 22 1 . environment, situation; site, building

furniture o6'heKTHBHO 6306. objectively

o6CTORTeJihCTBO 1 577. circumstance 06'heKTHBHOCTh f 9374. objectivity

o6cTo»TeJihHhiH 8720. detailed, thorough o6beKTHBHhiH 2 1 56. objective

o6CTORTh i 3826. to be o6neM 1 1 58. volume; capacity

o6cTpen 872 1 . bombardment 06b.SIBHTh p 1 826. to declare

o6cy ,UHTh p +a 3 1 07. to discuss o6n.SIBnenHe 660 1 . announcement

o6cy)l(,[{a Th i +a 3469. to discuss o6b.SIBJIRTh i +a or 5 1 7 1 . to announce

o6cy)l(.ua Thc.SI i 5354. to be discussed o +pr

o6cy)l(,[{eHHe 2525 . discussion 06b.SICHeHHe 2 1 57. explanation

66yBh f 3974. footwear 06b.SICHHTh p +a 1 004. to explain

o6y3,[{aTh p +a 9855. to curb, restrain 06b.SICHHThC.SI p 6602. to explain os;

o6yTh p +a 9370 . to put shoes on s.o. ; be explained

provide with shoes 06b.SICHRTh i +a 2 1 3 1 . to explain



06'hSICH}}TbCSI 276 1 . to make o s understood; orpaHHlleHHe 6942. limitation

be explained orpaHHlleHHOCTb f 6943. narrowness

o6n»THe 6603. embrace orpaHHlleHHbiH 3898. limited

o6hiBaTeJih m 9375 . man-in-the-street; orpaHHliHBaTh i +a 6307. to limit

philistine orpaHHliHBaTbCSI i 5575. to limit os (to); be

o6bi,[{eHHhiH 8723. ordinary +inst limited (to)

06hiKHOBeHHO 4 109. usually orpaHHliHTh p +a 4992. to limit

06hiKHOBeHHbiH 1496. usual; ordinary orpaHHliHThCSI p +inst 4709. to limit oneself (to)

06hiCK 9376. (official) search orpoMHhiH 380. enormous

o6:bJ11aii 3738. custom oryp(e)u 4409. cucumber

OfihiliHO 1 295. usually O,[{eBa TbCSI i 7357. to dress

o6:bi11HbiH 1 085. usual o.ne)l(.na 2435 . clothes

o6}}3aHHOCTb f 2063 . duty, obligation o.neprHBaTh i +a 938 1 . to straighten (clothing);

o6}}3aHHbiH 2478. obliged (coli) call to order,

06SI3aTeJihHO 1 026. without fail, definitely tell s.o. to be quiet

o6SI3aTeJihHhiH 3739. compulsory o.nep)l(aTh p +a 3472. to obtain, gain

06SI3clTeJihCTBO 23 1 3 . pledge O,[{eThiH B +a 2284. dressed; wearing

o6SI3aTh p +a +inf 347 1 . to oblige s.o. to do sth o,ZJ;eTh p +a 2526. to dress (s.o.); (coll)

o6»3hiBa Th i +a +inf 4707. to oblige s.o. to do sth put on

OBclUIISI 9377. ovation o.ne}}no 3 1 83. blanket

os(e)c 6043. oats O,[{HH 30. one

OBJia,[{eBaTh i +inst 6604. to master; take O,[{IIHclKOBO 3657. identically

possession of O,[{IIHclKOBhiH 235 1 . identical

osna.neHHe +inst 4708. mastery (of) o,ZJ;HHHa.nua Thiii 9382. eleventh

osna.neTh p +inst 3 1 08. to master O,ZJ;HHHa,[{UaTh 3658. eleven

OBOIIJ;II pl 4845 . vegetables O,ZJ;IIHOKIIH 26 16. solitary

ospar 4386. ravine, gully O,ZJ;IIHOlleCTBO 4545 . loneliness, solitude

OBUa 3300. sheep O,ZJ;IIHOliKa m/f 6045. person on his or her

or JISI,neTh p +a 499 1 . to look over, inspect own, single person

orn».nhiBaTh i +a 4278. to inspect, look over O,[{IIHOliHhiH 9383. individual, single,

Or JI}]:,[{hiBa TbCSI i 23 1 4. (ornS�,neThCSI p) to solitary

look round; 0 ,ZJ;Hcl)l(,[{hl 56 1 . once, one day

(OrJISIHYThCSI p) O,[{HclKO 433. however

look back O,[{HOBpeMeHHO 1406. simultaneous! y

or JISIHYTbCSI p Ha +a 3 1 82. to look round, glance O,[{HOBpeMeHHhiH 777 1 . simultaneous

back O,ZJ;Hoo6pa3HhiH 7358. monotonous

orHeHHbiH 5355. fiery O,[{HOpO,[{HhiH 6944. homogeneous, of one

oro [oho] 3740. oho ! type

orOBOpKa 7356. reservation, proviso; O,ZJ;HOCTOpOHHIIH 7359. one-sided; one-way

slip of the tongue o.no6peHHe 4993. approval

oroneHHhiii 9378. bare, exposed o,n66pHTh p +a 4546. to approve

oroH(e)K 2575 . light o,no6p}}Th i +a 6308. to approve

or(6)Hh m 623. fire; light O,ZJ;OJieTb p +a 6945. to overcome

orop6.n 3243 . kitchen-garden (for O,[{OJI)I(HTh p +a +d 6605. to lend (sth to s.o.)

vegetables) O)l(epenhe 6946. necklace

oropllaThCSI 6044. to be sad, distressed O)l(eCTOlleHHhiH 6046. embittered, bitter

oroplleHHe 9379. distress 0 )l(liBa Tb i 8724. to come to life

oropliHTb p +a 9380. to distress, disappoint O)I(IIBHTbCSI p 6606. to become lively

orpa.na 4846. fence O)I(IIBJieHHe 5 1 72. excitement, animation



O)I(HBJieHHO 7360. animatedly, excitedly oK6rneqKo 63 10 . little window

O)I(HBJieHHhiH 7772. animated, excited OKOillKO 2436. small window

O)I(H,llaHHe 3975. waiting; expectation OKpaHHa 3389. outskirts

O)I(H,na Th i +a or +g 1 1 10 . to wait (for); to expect OKpaCHTh p +a 5576. to paint, colour

O)I(H,llaThCR i 5356. to be expected oKpacKa 4429. colouring

O)I(IfTh p 6047. to revive, come to life OKpalliHBaTh i +a 8728 . to paint, colour

03a66qeHHhiH 9856. worried, preoccupied OKpCIIHYTh p 6048. to grow stronger

03apHTh p +a 6947. to illuminate OKpeCTHOCTh f 5577. environs, vicinity

63epo 1279. lake OKpeCTHhiH 7773 . surrounding

03HMhiH 8247. winter (of crops) 6Kpyr 6950. okrug, region

03Hpa ThCR i 9384. to look round OKpy)l(aTh i +a 1 780. to surround

03JIHThCR p ( coll) 9385. to get angry OKpy)l(aJOIUHH 2762. surrounding

03JI06JieHHhiH 9386. embittered OKpy)I(CHHe 63 1 1 . encirclement,

03HaKOMHThCR p 4994. to acquaint oneself surrounding

c +inst with OKpy)I(HTh p +a +inst 2393 . to surround (sth with

03HaKOMJICHHe C 9387. familiarization, getting sth)

+inst to know OKT}]:fiph m 1 38 1 . October

o3HaqaTh i 1693. to mean OKT}]:6phCKHH 2479. October (adj)

030pH6ii (coli) 736 1 . mischievous OKyp(o)K 695 1 . cigarette end

030pCTBO (coll) 6948. naughtiness OJICHh m 9857. deer

03H6HyTh p 7362. to get cold, chilled OMep3HTeJihHhiH 9858. disgusting, revolting

oil 1459. o; oh (surprise or OMYT 9859. pool, deep place in

fright) river; whirlpool

OKa3aHHe 9388. rendering OH 6. he

oKa3aTh p +a 3 109. to render, give OHa 14. she

OKa3aThCR p 324. to tum out (to be) OHH 1 3 . they

OKa3hiBaTh i +a 2285. to render, give OHO 305 . it

OKa3hiBaThCR i +inst 979. to tum out to be; to find OIIa3,z::.t;hiBa Th 7365 . to be late

oneself OITaCaThCR i +g 3659. to be afraid of

OKa}]:HHhiH 7363. cursed OIIaCCHHe 63 12 . fear

OKeaH 102 1 . ocean OIIaCKa ( coll) 7774. caution

OKeaHCKHH 6309. oceanic c orraCKOH nervously,

OKHHYTh p: OKHHYTh 8725 . to glance over cautiously

B3rJI}}:,z::.t;oM OIIaCHO 4547. dangerously

OKKynaiJ;HOHHhiH 8726. occupation (adj) OITaCHOCTh f 1 325. danger

OKKyrraiJ;HR 6949. occupation orraCHhiH 1 445. dangerous

OKKYIIHpOBaTh i/p +a 9389. to occupy OIICKa 9860. guardianship,

OKJIHKHYTh p +a 7364. to hail, call (to s.o.) trusteeship;

OKHO 1 88. window surveillance, care

6Ko (bookish, poetic) 5357. eye 6rrepa 4548 . opera

OKOBhl pl 8727. fetters orr epa THBHhiH 5358. energetic; operative

OKOJIO +g 404. near; about orrepe,z::.t;HTh p +a 8729. to outstrip; forestall

OKOHqaHHe 2662. end, ending orrepeThCR p Ha +a 6607. to lean on

OKOHqaTeJihHO 1497. finally, definitively 6nepHhiii 9390. opera (adj) , operatic

OKOHqa TeJihHhiH 2825 . final OIIHJIKH pl 986 1 . sawdust; metal filings

OKQHqHTh p +a 298 1 . to finish OIIHpaThCR i Ha +a 3 1 10 . to lean on

OKQHqHThCR p 5802. to end OIIHCaHHe 3390. description

OKOII 4297. trench onllcaHHhiH 5359. described

OKOpOK 8 1 94. ham, gammon OIIHCaTh p +a 3244. to describe



OUHCbiB3Tb i +a 3828. to describe opraH organ (musical

OUJiaTa 5360. payment instrument)

OUJIOiliHOCTh f 9862. slip, blunder opraHH3clTOp 3660. organizer

0003.llclHHe 939 1 . lateness opraHH33UHOHHhiH 6050. organizational

0003.llclTb p 4 1 77 . to be late opraHH3clUHB 492. organization

OUOMHHTbCjf p 63 1 3 . to come to one's opraHH3M 1 827. organism

senses opraHH30B3HHOCTb f 873 1 . good organization

on6pa 3976. support opraHH30BaHHhiH 536 1 . organized

onpasa 9863. mounting, frame opraHH30BclTh i/p +a 1 280. to organize

onpas.naHne 5803. justification; acquittal opraHH30BMB3Th i +a 8732. to organize

onpaa.na Th p +a 2763 . to justify opraHH'IeCKHH 4053 . organic

onpaB.llhiBa Th i +a 5578. to justify; acquit 6p.neH 23 1 5. (nom pl op.ueHa)

onpas.nhiBa ThC.SI i 63 1 4. to justify os; make medal, decoration;

excuses (nom pl 6p.neHbi)

onpaBHThC.SI p 8730. to recover order (society)

onpe.n.eneHne 3829. definition op(e)n 6954. eagle

onpe.neneHHo 4847. definitely opex 47 1 0. nut

onpe.neneHHhiH 1 052. definite; certain opnrnHan 8560. original; eccentric

onpe.nenHTh p +a 1 3 1 0. to define, determine (noun)

onpe.nenHThCjf p 6608. to be determined, be opnrnHanhHhiH 4848. original

defined OpHeHTcli.\HB 856 1 . orientation

onpe.neJI})Th i 1 795. to define OpHeHTHpOB3ThCB 9393. to find one 's way; (Ha

onpe.nen})ThCB 3037. to be determined, be i/p +a) be orientated

defined towards

onposepraTh i +a 6952. to refute OpKeCTp 2925. orchestra

onposeprHyTh p +a 7775. to refute, disprove opoCHTeJihHhiH 4178. irrigation

onposep)J(eHne 7776. refutation oporneHne 4550. irrigation

onpOKH.llhiB3Th i +a 9392. to knock over, overturn opy.nne 1046. instrument; implement;

onpOKHHYTh p +a 4549. to overturn (field) gun, piece of

onp6c 8353 survey; questioning ordnance

onp}iTHhiH 9864. tidy, neat opy .UHHHbiH 8733. gun, cannon (adj)

OUTHM(}JlbHhiH 8458 . optimal opy)J(He 749. arms, weapons

ony6JIHKOBtlTb p +a 27 1 5. to publish OCa.U(O)K 824 1 . sediment; deposition;

onycKaTh i +a 374 1 . to lower after-taste

onyCKclThCB 3 1 84. to lower os OCBclHB3Th i +a 63 1 5. to master

onycTeTh p 6953 . to empty, become OCBeJ].OMHThC.SI p 9394. to enquire about

empty o +pr

onyCTHTh p +a 1 78 1 . to lower, drop OCBeTHTb p +a 3 1 1 1 . to illuminate

onyCTHThCB p 5804. to lower os, sink OCBeiUclTb i +a 2982. to illuminate

onymxa 5805 . edge (of a forest) OCBellla TbC.SI 9395. to be illuminated, light

onymeHHbiH 7777. lowered up

ODbiT 427. experience; OCBeiUeHHe 2877. illumination

experiment ocsemeHHhiH 63 1 6. illuminated

OllbiTHbiH 1 9 1 6. experienced OCB060.UHTeJILHbiH 7778. liberation (adj)

on.siTh 239. again OCBOfiO.UHTh p +a 2576. to liberate

opaH)J(eBLiii 6049. orange (adj) OCB060.UHTbCB p 2764. to free os

opaTop 3830. orator, speaker OT +g

OpclTb 2480. to howl, yell OCB060)f(Jl.clTb i +a 4995. to free

6praH 3503. organ (bioi, political) OCB060)f(.llclTbC.SI i 6609. to become free



OCB060)1(,IJ;eHHe 1946. liberation OCTaBJI.SJTh i +a 1 556. to leave (sth)

OCB060)I(,IJ;eHHhiH 8734. liberated, free OCTaBIIIHHC.SI 7783. remaining

OCBOeHHe 3473. assimilation, mastery OCTaJihHOe n adj 874 1 . the rest, remainder

ocBOHTh p +a 5362. to master OCTaJihHOH adj 862. the rest (of)

oc(e)JI 605 1 . donkey OCTaHaBJIHBaTh i +a 330 1 . to stop

OCeHHHH 261 7. autumn (adj) OCTaHaBJIHBa ThC.SI i 1 694. to stop

6ceHh f 1 509. autumn OCTaHOBHTh p +a 1 557. to stop (sth)

6ceHhJO 8735 . in autumn OCTaHOBHThC.SI p 524. to stop

OCKOJI(O)K 3 1 85. splinter OCTaHOBKa 3392. stop

OCKOp6HTeJihHhiH 8736. insulting OCTaT(O)K 1 828. remainder

OCKOp6HTh p +a 7779. to insult OCTaThC.SI p 242. to stay

OCKOp6JI}}Th i +a 7366. to insult OCTOB 8459. framework

OCJia6eTh p 8737. to become weak OCTOpO)I(HO 1433. carefully, cautiously

OCJien:HTeJihHhiH 8738. dazzling OCTOpO)I(HOCTh f 6054. caution

OCJIO)I(HeHHe 7780. complication OCTOpO)I(HbiH 383 1 . careful, cautious

OCMaTpHBaTh i +a 339 1 . to look round, inspect OCTpHe 6055. point, spike

OCMaTpHBaThC$1 i 778 1 . to look round, get one 's OCTpHqh p +a 8742. to cut, clip

bearings OCTpO 5363. sharply, intensely

OCMeJIHThC$1 p +inf 6052. to dare OCTpOB 957. island

OCMOTp 7367. inspection OCTpOB(O)K 8743 . islet

OCMOTpeTh p +a 3899. to examine; look round OCTpOTa 661 1 . sharpness; witticism

(sth) OCTPOYMHhiH 7784. witty

OCMOTpeThC$1 p 6053. to look round, see OCTphiH 1 695. sharp

where one is OCThiTh p 7368. to cool down, get

OCMhiCJIHTh p +a 7782. to make sense (of sth), cold

interpret ocyJJ;HTh p +a 4996. to condemn

OCHaCTHTh p +a +inst 8739. to equip (sth with sth) ocy)I(JJ;a Th i +a 3 1 1 2. to condemn

OCHaiiJ;eHHe 9396. equipping; equipment ocy)I(JJ;eHHe 66 12 . condemnation

ocH6Ba 787. base, foundation ocymecTBHTh p +a 1 9 1 7. to carry out, execute

OCHOBaHHe 1039. foundation, basis; ocymecTBHThC.SI p 7785. to be fulfilled, be put

founding into effect

OCHOBaTeJihHO 6955. solidly, soundly, ocymecTBJieHHe 1 63 1 . carrying out

thoroughly ocymecTBJI}}Th i +a 3 1 86. to carry out,

OCHOBa TeJihHhiH 9397. well-founded; solid; accomplish

thorough ocymecTBJI}}ThC.SI i 4849. to be brought about

OCHOBaTh p +a 2618 . to found OChinaTh p +a +inst 8562. to shower (s.o./sth

OCHOBHOH 615 . basic, fundamental with sth)

oc66a 5806. person; personage OCh f 430 1 . axis ; axle

oc66eHHO 266. especially OT +g 36. from

OC66eHHOCTh f 12 15 . peculiarity, special OT6HBaTh i +a 7786. to break off; beat off,

feature repulse; get by force

oc66eHHhiH 1466. special, particular OT6HBaThC$1 i OT +g 9398. to break away from;

oco6HRK 6610. detached house repulse, beat off;

oc66o 2437. specially; separately stray

oc66hiH 699. special OT6HpaTh i +a 7369. (y +g) to take away

OC03HaTh p +a 8740. to realize (from s.o.) ; select

OCnapHBaTh i +a 9865. to contest, dispute OT6HTh p +a 4997. to repulse; remove;

OCTaBaThC$1 i 588. to stay break off

OCTaBHTb p +a 654. to leave; to abandon OT6JieCK 63 17 . reflection



OT66ii 8744. beating off, repulsion; OT,n:eJIKa 5365 . finishing, fitting-out,

retreat decoration

OT66p 7787. selection OT,n:eJihHO 3977. separately

OT66pHhiH 9866. selected, specially OT ,n:eJihHOCTb: 661 8. taken separately

chosen B OT,L(eJihHOCTH

OT6paCbiBaTb i +a 47 1 1 . to throw off; discard OT ,n:eJihHhiH 807. separate, individual

OT6pOCHTh p +a 455 1 . to throw off; discard OT,n:emiTh i +a 47 1 2. to separate

OT6hiTh p 8745 . (+a) to serve (a period OT,L(eJI.siTbC,SI i OT +g 7788. to separate (from)

of time); (bookish) OT,L(OXHYTh p 2099. to rest, have a holiday

depart OT.ll:hiX 19 19. rest; holiday

oTBara 8746. courage OT ,L(hiXa Th i 27 1 6. to rest; take a holiday

OTBa)I(HhiH 4998. courageous oT(e)u 195. father

OTBaJI 8549 . slag-heap, dump OTeqeCTBeHHhiH 3572. of the fatherland;

.n:o oTBana to satiety Russian

OTBamfTh p +a 8747. to push away ( sth OTeqeCTBO 3573. fatherland

heavy); cast off OT3hiB 5807. opinion, response;

(boat) review, criticism

OTBe3TH p +a 661 3. to transport away OT3hiBa ThC,SI i 8749. (Ha +a) to respond to;

oTBepra Th i +a 3900. to reject affect; ( o +pr) give

OTBepHyThC,SI p OT +g 3 1 1 3 . to tum away (from) an opinion of

OTBepCTHe 4320. opening OTKa3 2765 . refusal

OTBeCHhiH 8748 . steep OTKa3aTb p +d B +pr 408 1 . to refuse (s.o. sth)

OTBeCTH p +a 261 9. to lead away; to assign OTKa3aTbC,SI p 1 326. ( +inf) to refuse (to do

OTBeT 525. answer sth); (OT +g)

OTBeTHTh p 1 62. to answer renounce (sth)

OTBeTCTBeHHOCTh f 1 745 . responsibility OTKa3hiBa TbC,SI i OT 2766. to refuse

OTBeTCTBeHHhiH 2256. responsible +g or +inf

OTBeqaTh i 267 . to answer ( i) OTKHHYTh p +a 7372. to throw away, throw

OTBJieKaTh i +a 6614 . to distract back

OTBJieqeHHhiH 7370. abstract OTKHHYThC,SI p 6956. to lean back

OTBOllHTb i +a 4 1 26. to take aside OTKJiallhiBa Th i +a 47 1 3 . to postpone

OTBOpaqHBaThC,SI 9399. to tum away from OTKJIHK 8750. response

OT +g OTKJIHKHYThC,SI p 7789. to respond (to sth)

OTBOpHTh p +a 737 1 . to open Ha +a

OTBpa THTeJihHhiH 5364. repulsive OTKOC 4552. slope

OTBpameHHe 661 5 . disgust OTKpOBeHHO 2767. frankly

OT,n:aBaTh i +a 1 578. to give back; to give OTKpOBeHHOCTh f 7373 . frankness

away OTKpOBeHHhiH 2927. frank

OT ,n;aJieHHhiH 2926. distant, remote OTKpbiBa Tb i +a 1 1 23. to open; to discover

OT,D;aTh p +a 806. to give back, return OTKpbiBaThC,SI 1762. to open

oT,n;aqa 66 1 6. return; performance OTKpbiTHe 1 1 34. opening; discovery

(at work) OTKpbiTKa 5366. postcard

OT,n:eJI 1 9 1 8. section, department OTKphiThiH 926. open

OT,n:eJiaThC,SI p 9867 . ( OT +g) to get rid of; OTKpbiTb p +a 587. to open

( +inst) get off, OTKphiThC,SI p 2232. to open

escape (with) OTKy.L(a 686. from where

OT,D;eJieHHe 1 992. department, section OTKy,Ua-TO 6619 . from somewhere

OT ,n;eJIHTh p +a OT +g 6617 . to separate (sth from OTmfB 7374. ebb, falling tide; tinge,

sth) tint, play of colours



OTJIHBclTh i +a 5808. to pour off; cast OTn6p 6057. repulse, rebuff

(metal); (no p) (+inst) OTnpaBHTb p +a 1 603. to send off

be streaked with (a OTIIpaBHTbC.SI p 2020 . to set off

colour) OTnpaBKa 9402. sending off, dispatch

OTJIHlfclTh i +a 4179. to distinguish OTIIpaBJieHHe 47 16 . dispatch; departure

OT JIHlfa ThC.SI i 1 382. to distinguish os; (of train)

(oT +g i only) differ OTIIpaBJIHTb i +a 63 19 . to send off

OTmllfHe 2233. difference; distinction OTIIpaBJI.si:TbC.SI i 3303. to set off

OT JllilfHTb p +a 6056. to distinguish OTIIYCK 2577. leave (from work)

OTmllfHO 1 782. excellent(ly) oTnycKaTh i +a 3742. to release

OT JIHlfHhiH 2257. excellent OTnycTHTb p +a 23 16 . to let go, release

OT JIOX<IITb p +a 2620. to put aside; postpone OTpa66TaTb p +a 6960. to work off (debt etc.),

OTMaXHYTbC.SI p 6957. to brush off work (shift etc.) ,

OT +g finish working

OTMeHa 6958. abolition, cancellation OTpaBJIHTb i +a 9869. to poison

OTMeHHTh p +a 6620. to abolish, cancel oTpa)l(a Th i +a 2827. to reflect

OTMeHHhiH 9868. excellent OTpa)l(clTbC.SI i 3832. to be reflected

OTMeTHTb p +a 1 558. to mark, note, record; OTpa)l(eHHe 3743. reflection

to celebrate OTpa3HTh p +a 58 10 . to reflect; repulse

OTMeTKa 6959. note, mark OTpa3HTbC.SI p 662 1 . to be reflected

OTMelfaTh i +a 2 100. to note, mark; mention oTpacJih f 1 268. branch (of science,

OTMelfa ThCH i 5809. to register, sign one ' s industry,

name government, etc.)

OTHeCTH p +a 3302. to take (somewhere) oTpe3 8399. cut

OTHeCTHCb p K +d 4553 . to treat, regard (s.o. or oTpe3aTh p +a 3245 . to cut off

sth) OTpelfbC.SI p OT +g 9403. to renounce (sth)

OTHHMclTb i +a 47 14. to take away oTpHuaHHe 779 1 . negation

OTHOCHTeJihHO 2352. relatively; (+g) OTPHUaTeJihHO 5579. negatively;

concerning unfavourably

OTHOCHTeJibHhiH 5 1 73 . relative (adj) OTpHUcl TeJibHbiH 3980. negative

OTHOCHThC.SI i K +d 958. to relate to; to regard oTpHUaTh i +a 3 1 14. to deny

OTHOIIIeHHe 52 1 . attitude; (pl) relations OTpy6HTb p +a 9404. to chop off

OTHhiHe 5 1 74. henceforth OTpbiB OT +g 7375. tearing off; isolation

OTHID.LJ:h 2663 . not at all (from)

OTHHTh p +a 2394. to take away OTpbiBa Tb i +a OT +g 5367. to tear off, tear away

OT06paTh p +a 3978. to take away; select OTpbiBclTbC.SI i OT +g 4554. to be tom away; tear

OTOBCID.LJ:Y 7790. from everywhere os away from

OTO,ll;BHHYTb p +a 5 1 75 . to move aside OTphiB(O)K 875 1 . excerpt

OT03BclTbC.SI p 2768 . (Ha +a) to respond to; OTp.si,n: 4064. detachment (organized

( o +pr) express a group of soldiers or

view of workers)

OTOHTH p OT +g 1407. to move away (from) OTCeK 8460. compartment

OTOIIJieHHe 9400. heating OTCTaBaHHe 9405. lag, lagging behind

OTOpBaTh p +a 2826. to tear off OTCTaBaTb i OT +g 3574. to lag behind

OTOpBclTbC.SI p OT +g 3979. to be tom off, break OTCTclBHTb p +a 8327. to set aside

away OTCTclBKa 696 1 . retirement, resignation

OTIIepeTb p +a 47 15 . to unlock OTCTaHBaTb i +a 4850. to defend

OTIIelfaTaTb p 940 1 . to print (off) OTCTclJibiH 5580. backward

OTIIClfcl T( 0 )K 63 18 . imprint OTCTclTb p OT +g 3038. to lag behind


OTCTO}}Tb p +a

OTCTpaHHTh p +a

OTCTynaTh i OT +g






OTTaJIKHBa Th i +a


















OThiCKa Th p +a

OThiCKHBa Th i +a






o<fl6pMHTh p +a


o<flopMJI�Th i +a


OXBaTHTh p +a

OXBaThiBaTh i +a

oxna)l(.uaTh i +a



oxoTHThCji i Ha +a




6320 . to defend

9406. to push aside; remove

2395. to retreat; deviate (from)

5 1 76. to retreat

5368. digression; retreat

1 920. absence

6622. to be absent

1 1 35 . from here; hence

8752. to push away, repel

2878. shade, nuance

2 1 0 1 . for that reason

7376. to push away

1 650. from there

6962. departure

2064. to move away

485 1 . paternal

5369. partly

2828. despair

5 1 77 . desperately

398 1 . desperate

1 993. why

6058. patronymic

2983. report

6963. clear, distinct

8302. report (adj)

243 8 . departure

58 1 1 . to seek out, seek and


8753. to find, seek out

1 87 1 . official

663 . officer

433 1 . officer' s

558 1 . officially

5 1 78. waiter

7377. to put into proper form

5 1 79. registration; putting in

required form

7792. to put into proper form

1 579. oh, ah (regret,


3246. to seize, envelop

4852. to envelop

9407. to cool

446 1 . cooling

1 852. desire; hunting

632 1 . to hunt

1 872. hunter

4555. hunting (adj)

2829. willingly


oxpaH}}Th i +a

on;eHHBaTh i +a

on;eHHTh p +a







oqepe,Uh f



oqlfcTHTh p +a

oqHmaTh i +a

oqKif pl


oqyTHThCj� p


OIIIH6a TbCj� i





omyTHTh p +a

omymaTh i +a

omymaThcR i



Tia,UaTb i






TiaKOCTh f






naJIHTh i +a



1963. protection; guard

3833. to guard

5370. to evaluate; appreciate

248 1 . to evaluate, appreciate

27 17 . assessment

3834. hearth

1 164. obviously

3393. obvious

56. very

1796. next; regular

483. queue, tum

3394. essay, study

537 1 . outline

6623. to clean

7378. to clean, purify

23 17 . glasses, spectacles

8267. point (in scoring); (pl)

glasses, spectacles

6322. to regain


3982. to find oneself

9870. to stun, astound

2207. to make a mistake

2928. to make a mistake

1253. mistake

8754. mistaken

7793 . perceptible

6323. to feel, sense

47 17 . to feel, sense

7794. to be felt

357 5. sensation, feeling

8328. pavilion

942. to fall

3304. fall

7383. ration

6324. bosom

406 1 . packet; bag (paper or


987 1 . bag, plastic bag

9408. dirty trick; filth

4556. chamber; ward

4999. tent

4557. executioner

672. finger; toe

9872. front garden; stake


7379. (p c-) to bum, scorch;

(p o-) singe

2527. stick



naJioqKa 4558. small stick, baton nacCHBHhiH 8757. passive

nany6a 4065. deck (of a ship) nacT:H i +a 738 1 . to graze; to shepherd

nanhMa 5 1 80. palm tree nacTh p 3039. to fall

nanh TO n indecl 1 797. overcoat nacTh f maw, jaws (of animal)

naJihqJIK 9409. small finger nacxa 2830. Easter

naMj�THHK 2353. monument naChiH(O)K 9875 . stepson

naM.siTHhiH 3576. memorable naTpHOT 1 994. patriot

naM.siTh f 927. memory rraTpHOTH3M 5 1 8 1 . patriotism

naHenh f 9873 . pavement; panelling, rraTpHOTHqeCKHH 3578. patriotic

panel rraTp6H 3395. cartridge

naHHKa 47 18 . panic rraTpynh m 8329. patrol

naHHXH,IJ;a 8755. requiem rray3a 555 . pause

naHopaMa 7795 . panorama nayTifHa 7798. cobweb

nana m 3 1 5 . dad; Pope rraxaTh i +a 47 19 . to plough

nanarna m 3577. dad naXHYTh i +inst 1 947 . to smell (of)

nanHp6ca 1 798. cigarette naqKa 4 1 8 1 . packet, pack

narrKa 2879. file, folder IIaiiiHj{ 4 1 82. ploughed field

nap 1 5 10 . steam rreB(e)n: 8758. singer

napa 1 1 8 1 . pair, couple rreBifn:a 7799. singer f

napa.[( 6624. parade rre.[(ar6r 6966. pedagogue, teacher

napaJ(Hhiii 4238. ceremonial; main rre,[(arorlfqecKHH 5 1 82. pedagogical, education

napa.[(6Kc 4279. paradox (adj)

naparnibT 6964. parachute rreii:Ja)l( 4560. landscape

napeH(e)K (coil) 44 17 . lad rreKJIO (coli) 9876. scorching heat; hell

nap(e)Hh m 405. lad, boy rreneHKa 9877. nappy

napH)KCKHH 4559. Parisian rreHa 5000. foam

napHKMaxepcKaj{ 6625. hairdresser's , barber' s rr.eHHe 3474. singing

f adj neHCHOHep 7382. pensioner

napK 2258. park; depot neHCH.si 3396. pension

napnaMeHT 6059. parliament rr(e)Hh m 5582. tree-stump

napnaMeHTCKHH 7796. parliamentary rren(e)n 5372. ash, ashes

napHHIIIKa m (coli) 6965 . lad rrerreJihHHQa 8759. ashtray

napoB63 4299. locomotive, steam- rrepBeHCTBO 4720. first place (in

engine competition);

napoB6ii 7380. steam (adj) championship

nap6M 8756. ferry rrepB1fqHhiH 4359. primary

napox6J( 1 1 1 1 . steamer rrepB06hiTHhiH 500 1 . primitive

napTa 7797. school desk rrepBOHaqaJihHO 7800. originally

napTH.si 237. party (political) rrepBOHa qaJihHhiH 5 8 1 3 . initial, original

napTH3aH 4070. partisan nepBOCTeneHHhiH 58 14. paramount

napTHHHhiH 884. party (adj) rrepBhiH 48. first

napTHep 6325 . partner rrepe6HBaTh i +a 3305. to interrupt

napyc 6060. sail nepe6HpaTh i +a 5 1 83 . to sort out; look

naprnHBbiH 9410 . mangy; shabby, nasty through; go over

nacMypHhiH 9874. cloudy, overcast; rrepe6HTh p +a 2354. to interrupt

gloomy nepe6pachiBaTh i +a 94 1 1 . to throw over

nacnopT 4 180. passport rrepe6paTh p 7384. to sort through; to take

nacca)K:Hp 2396. passenger in excess

nacca)K:HpcKHH 58 12. passenger (adj) rrepe6p6cHTh p +a 8760. to throw over



rrepeBe3TH p +a

rrepeBepHyTh p +a

rrepeBecTif p +a


rrepeBO,[(HTh i +a



rrepeBg3a Th p +a

rreper JIHHYThCH p

c +inst

rreperHa Th p +a

rreperoBophi m pl



rrepe,n +inst

rrepe,D;aBa Th i +a


rrepe,D;aTh p


rrepe,D;BHraTh i +a


rrepe,D;ena Th p +a


rrepe,D;eJihiBa Th i +a



nepe,D;H»g f ad j


nepe,D;pa3HHBaTh i +a

rrepe,D;yMa Th p


rrepeexa Th p

nepe)I(HBa Th i +a

780 1 . crossing; mountain


7385. to transport across,

from swh to swh

6967. to tum over

23 18 . to transfer; translate

3 1 1 5 . translation; transfer

3306. to take across; transfer;


8357. transportation

2 1 58. coup

7386. to bandage; tie up

58 15 . to exchange glances


941 2. to outdistance, outstrip;

drive (sth swh);


2578. negotiations

6326. partition

456 1 . overload

1 4 1 . in front of, before

1 763. to transmit

5373. to be transmitted

802. to pass, hand over;

transmit, convey

1 73 1 . transmission

941 3 . to shift

6968. movement

9414. to remake, alter

7802. alteration

941 5 . to remake, alter

3579. front (adj)

94 16. apron; pinafore

1 746. entrance hall

1 124. advanced; progressive

6969. to mimic

876 1 . to change one 's mind

9878. breathing-space, rest,

short break

9417 . crossing; removal

(change of


6626. to drive across; move


5583. to drive across; move


5002. experience, emotional


2528. to experience; suffer

nepe)I(HT( o )K

nepeHrpaTh p +a

nepeiiTH p +a or

qepe3 +a

nepeKHHYTh p +a

qepe3 +a

nepeKpeCTHThCg p

nepeKpecT( o )K

nepeKphiTh p +a




nepeJ1HCThiBa Th +a



nepeMeHHTh p +a

nepeMeHHThCg p




nepeHeCTH p +a


nepeHOCHTh i +a

nepeHOCHThcg i


nepeHRTh p +a

nepeo,D;eBaThcg i

nepenHcaTh p +a



nepennera ThC» i


nepenyraTh p +a


6327. survival, relic (of the


3475. to live through;

experience; outlive

9418 . to play again; overact

1 1 12 . to cross

6627. to throw over

6328. (i KpeCTHThCj� ) to

cross os; (i

nepeKpemHBaThCH )


7803. crossroads

8762. to cover again; block


8763 . flying over; migration


7804. tint; play of colours

9419 . to flow (swh);

overflow; (i only)

glisten, play (of

colours), modulate

5374. to leaf through

9420. break, fracture;


2529. change

4853. to change; transform

6329. to change

6970. to move

697 1 . displacement, shifting

8400. truce

3040. to transfer

942 1 . transfer, carrying over;


3835. to transfer, carry over;


8764. to be carried (over)

9422. portable; metaphorical

7805. to copy, adopt

87 65. to change one's

clothes; disguise os

9423. to rewrite; copy out

5 1 84. correspondence

4562. binding

8766. to be interwoven

9424. crossing; crossing-

place; ford

6972. to tangle, confuse



rrepepa66TKa 8767. reworking necTphiH 2929. many-coloured, motley

rrepepe3a Th p +a 5 1 85 . to cut necqaHhiH 4398 . sandy

rrepephiB 3580. break, interval neTJI}): 5003. loop; hinge

nepeca,llKa 7806. change (of transport); neTyx 5375. cock

transplant( ation) neTh i 383. to sing

rrepeceKaTh i +a 5584. to intersect IIeXOTa 4399. infantry

nepecenHThC.SI p 9425 . to move, migrate neqanh f 5 1 86. sorrow

nepeceqh p +a 8768. to cross, cut across neqciJihHO 4855 . sad(ly)

nepecMoTpeTh p +a 6973. to reconsider neqaJihHhiH 2208. sad

rrepecnpocHTh p +a 7807. to ask again neqaTaTh i +a 3476. to print

rrepecTaBaTh i +i inf 6974. to stop neqaTaThC.SI 7390. to be printed,

nepecTaBJI.SJTh i +a 9426. to shift; rearrange published

nepecTa Th p + i inf 959. to cease, stop neqaTb f 1 222. seal, stamp; print,

nepecTpoiiKa 2234. restructuring printing

nepecTynHTh p +a 8769. to step over neqeHh f 9888. liver

rrepeTh i ( coll) 9427. to shove, barge, push neqKa 1 665. stove

nepey n( o )K 6330. lane neqh i +a 9 1 3 . to bake

nepexBa THTh p +a 7387. to intercept neqh f stove

nepexBa ThiBa Th i +a 9428. to intercept neiiiHH ad j 8564. pedestrian, foot (adj)

nepexo)l 1 393. crossing, transition neiiiKOM 3477. on foot

nepexo.uHTh i +a 1 580. to cross, go over nemepa 4468. cave

nep(e)u 9429. pepper IIHaHHHO n indecl 4336. (upright) piano

nepeq( e )Hb m 9879. list, enumeration IIHBO 390 1 . beer

nepeqllcJIHTh p +a 606 1 . to enumerate; transfer IIH,ll)l(aK 2579. jacket

(funds) IIHJia 633 1 . saw

nepeq�:�cn}):Th i +a 7388. to enumerate; transfer IIHJIHTh i +a 8772. to saw; (coli) nag

(funds) IIHp 9882. feast

rrepeqHThiBa Th i +a 7389. to reread IIHpaMH.[(a 6332. pyramid

nep:Hna pl 4854. handrail , banisters IIHpaT 8424. pirate

nep:HHa 9880. feather-bed, duvet nHpor 5 8 1 7. pie

nep:Ho.u 892. period IIHpO)I(HOe n adj 9883 . cake, pastry

nepHO)lHqecKHH 7808. periodic, recurrent IIHpO)I(( 0 )K 7809. pie

nepo 2 1 59. feather IIHCa TeJih m 647. writer

neppoH 988 1 . platform (railway IIHCaTeJihCKHH 943 1 . writer's , literary

station) IIHCaTh i +a 1 64. to write

nepCH,llCKHH 8770. Persian IIHCaThC.SI i 5585. to be written; be spelt

nepcoHa 9430. person IIHCTOJieT 4062. pistol

nepCOHcl)l( 6975. character n:HchMeHHhiH 283 1 . written; writing (adj)

nepcoHan 877 1 . personnel, staff IIHChMO 1 65 . letter

rrepcoHanhHhiH 6976. personal IIHTclHHe 1 696. feeding, food

nepcneKTHBa 23 1 9. perspective; prospect IIHTa TeJibHhiH 4427. nourishing

nepcneKTHBHhiH 58 16. promising, having IIHTaTh i +a 5 8 1 8 . to feed

prospects; long-term IIHTaThC.SI i +inst 6062. to feed (on)

nepqaTKa 4039. glove (with fingers) n:HTepcKHH (coli) 8565 . St Petersburg (adj)

nephiiiiKO (coli) 8563 . (little) feather IIHTh i 677. to drink

n(e)c ( coll) 4 183 . dog nllma 1 853 . food

neceHKa 3983 . song IIHmaTh 9884. to squeak, squeal;

IIeCH.SI 235. song cheep

nec(o)K 846. sand nHmeB6ii 739 1 . food (adj)









rrnaKaTh i


IIJiclMR n




rrnaHiipoaaTh i +a









rrna Te)I(Hhiii

rrna THTh i +d 3a +a







IIJieBaTb i







IIJieHHhiH m ad j


IIJieCeHh f

rrnecKaTh i

IIJieCTH i +a

IIJieT( e)Hh m




4356. swimming; sailing

2 102. to swim; sail

8425 . swimming trunks

78 1 0. smoothly

9432. smooth, flowing

78 1 1 . floating

4338. poster

9 1 8. to cry, weep

6333 . burning (adj)

1 873. flame

244. plan

1 666. planet

3478. planning

5376. to plan

4 1 84. planned, planning

9433 . planned, systematic

4 72 1 . layer; stratum

2664. (gramophone) record;

flat piece of metal or

other material

8773. plastic (adj); artistically


9885. plastic

3 1 1 6. payment

8304. payment

8303. payment (adj)

2259. to pay (s.o. for sth)

1 1 82. shaw 1, kerchief

5004. platform

1 799. dress

6334. weeping

9434. tearful

6628. raincoat; cloak

6335. to spit

9435. tribal; thoroughbred

2482. tribe

6063. nephew

3397. captivity

8774. captivating

324 7. film, (recording) tape

445 1 . captive

432 1 . plenary session

9886. mould

9887. to splash

6629. to weave

4 722. hurdle, wattle (fence)

339. shoulder

6336. stove, cooker; slab

1032. fruit















IIJI6ma.llh f


IIJihiTh i






IIO +d

II06aHBaThCR i +g


rro6e)l;HTeJih m

IIo6e)l;HTh p +a


IIo6e)l(aTh p

rro6e)l()l;aTh i +a



no6ece,l.(oaaTh p

c +inst


5005. fertile, fruitful

78 1 2. fruitful

3398. flat

4 185 . flatness; plane (surface)

840 1 . raft

4419 . dam

4723. carpenter

3399. tightly

8775. solidity; density

2580. compact; solid

9436. flesh

585. badly

1063. bad

2530. ground, area

1064. square; area

8256. plough

2665 . to sail; swim

5586. to spit

5 1 87. plus; advantage

9889. beach

5 1 88. to dance

9437. dance

25. along; around;

according to

8776. to be rather afraid of

675 . victory

25 3 1 . victor

1434. to defeat, conquer

8566. victorious

2065. to run

4563 . to defeat

6977. defeated

3902. coast

6630. to have a talk (with)

no6HTh p +a 5006. to beat; break

IIo6naro,l.(apliTh p +a 5819 . to thank

no6ne,n;HeTh p 7392. to turn pale

rro6necKHBaTh 6978. to gleam




II066pHHK +g

rro6o.siThCR p +g

or +inf

no6y.llHTh p +a +inf

or K +d


4724. a bit closer

9438. nearby; hereabouts

3984. a bit more

9439. champion, keen

supporter (of)

7393 . to be afraid, not dare to

9890. to prompt, induce (s.o.

to do sth)

9440. motive, stimulus



no6hiBaTh p B +pr 1 995. to visit (a place) llOBhllllclThC.SI i 6064. to rise

no6hiTh p 3985. to stay for a while IIOBhiiiieHHe 1 14 1 . rise, increase;

noBa,nKa (coll) 944 1 . habit, (habitual) promotion

behaviour IIOBhiiiieHHhiH 2985. raised

noBap 3479. cook rroBR3Ka 698 1 . bandage

llOBapeHHhiH 8426. culinary rroraHhiH 6632. foul, vile

no-BarneMy 4 1 86. in your opinion; as you rroracliTh p +a 582 1 . to extinguish, put out;

want cancel

IIOBe,naTb p +a 6337. to relate, tell rroraCHYTh p 5588. to go out, be

llOBe,neHHe 1 65 1 . behaviour extinguished

IIOBe3TH p 366 1 . (+a) to transport; (+d) rrorH6aTh i 5 1 89. to perish

be lucky rrorli6HyTh p 1 6 14. to perish

llOBepHTh p 1 1 7 1 . to believe ( +d s.o. or rrorH:6rnHii 6633 . lost, ruined

sth) (B +a in s.o. or nor na,nHTh p +a 9443. to stroke; iron

sth) norJIOTHTh p +a 6635 . to swallow, absorb

llOBepHyTh p +a 2 1 32. to tum IIOrJIOIIJ,clTh i +a 2483 . to swallow, absorb

IIOBepHyThC.SI p 1 800. to tum around norn.s�,neTh p 202 1 . to look

IIOBepX +g 5007. above IIOfJIR,[lhiBaTh i Ha +a 3663 . to cast looks at

llOBepXHOCTHbiH 7394. superficial rrorHa Th p +a 6338. to drive, chase

llOBepXHOCTh f 944. surface IIOrOBOpHTh p 1 022. to have a talk

IIOBeCHTb p +a 2930. to hang noroBopKa 5589. saying, proverbial

llOBeCTBOBclHHe 78 13 . narration phrase

llOBeCTH p +a 1652. to lead noro.na 1 559. weather

IIOBeCTKa 6979. notification noro.nliTh p 1498. to wait a little

llOBeCTKa .D:H.SI agenda llOrOH 4362. shoulder-strap

llOBeCTh f 1948. story, novella rroroH.SI 6982. pursuit

llOBH,[lclTb p (coli) +a 5820. to see rrorpaHifqHhiii 78 17 . border (adj)

nO-BH.D:HMOMY 2832. seemingly n6rpe6 5 1 90 . cellar

llOBHHOBclThC.SI i +d 7814. to obey norpeThC.SI p 8777. to warm os

IIOBHCHYTh p 7395. to hang, dangle; droop, norpoM 7396. pogrom, massacre

sag norpy)l(aThC.SI i B +a 6636. to immerse os (in sth)

llOBO,Ll 1 223. cause, grounds norpy3HTh p +a 4377. (i rpy3HTh) to load;

IIOBO,[lHTb i +inst 78 15 . (i) to move, twitch (i norpy)l(aTb)

llOBO,nHTb p +a (p) to lead about immerse

llOB03Ka 9442. cart, carriage rrorpy3HThC.SI p 8778. (i rrorpy)l(aThC.SI) to

IIOBOpaqHBaTh i +a 3662. to tum immerse os;

llOBOpaqHBaTbC.SI i 2984. to tum round ( i rpy3HThC.SI) to get

llOBOpOT 2 160. tum on board, embark

IIOBpe.LlHTh p +d 4856. to harm, damage norpy3Ka 8779. loading

llOBpe)f(,LleHHe 663 1 . damage nory6liTh p +a 5590. to destroy, ruin

llOBCe,nHeBHhiH 5008. everyday noryJIRTh p 3903. to take a walk

IIOBCID.LlY 3836. everywhere no.n +inst 9 1 . under

IIOBTOpHTh p +a 1 5 1 1 . to repeat no,naBaTh i +a 1 525. to serve, present, give

IIOBTOpHhiH 6980. repeated IIO,[laBa ThC.SI i 5822. to move, shift; be

IIOBTOpRTh i +a 1 383. to repeat served (of food)

llOBTOpRThC.SI i 358 1 . to be repeated IIO,[laBHTh p +a 6065 . to suppress

llOBhiCHTh p +a 2880. to raise no.naBneHHe 6339. suppression

llOBhiCHThC.SI p 78 16. to rise llO,[lclBJieHHhiH 559 1 . suppressed; depressed

llOBbiiilclTh i +a 5587. to raise IIO,[laBJIRTh i +a 8780. to suppress



rro,naBJI}]:rorn;Hii 5377. overwhelming rro,n)Keqh p +a 6984. to set fire to

no,naJihiiie ( coll) 3904. a little further ITO,[()I(HraTh i +a 9449. to set fire to

rro,napHTh p +a +d 2355. to give, present (sth to no,n3eMHhiH 3248. underground (adj)

s .o.) no,nlf (coll) 3582. probably

no ,nap( o )K 1 895. present rro,nJie)l(aTh i +d 782 1 . to be subject to

rro,naTh i 1 269. to give; to serve (food) ITOMeU 3583. scoundrel

rro,naThCR p 5823. to move, shift ITO,[(JIHHHO 7398. genuinely

rro,naqa 9444. giving; serve (tennis) ITO,[(JIHHHhiH 1 896. genuine

rro,n6eraTh i K +d 5378. to run up (to) ITO,[(JIO)I(HTh p +a 7399. to put under; add

rro,n6e)l(aTh p K +d 78 1 8 . to run up (to) ITO,[(JIOCTh f 6342. mean behaviour; dirty

rro,n6HpaTh i +a 4725. to pick up; select trick

rro,n6op6,n( o )K 4 1 87. chin ITO,LI;JihiH 50 1 1 . mean, underhand

rro,n6p6cHTh p +a 9445. to throw, toss (up); ITO,LJ;MHrHyTh p +d 5 1 9 1 . to wink (at)

jolt; add no,nHecTH p +a 5592. (K +d) take to; (+d)

IIO,[(BaJI 3400. cellar, basement present to

IIO,[(BepraTh i +a +d 4564. to subject (s.o. to sth) ITO,[(HHMaTh i +a 960. to raise, lift

IIO,[(BepraThCR i +d 3 1 1 7. to undergo, be ITO,LJ;HHMaThCR 785. to rise, climb

subjected to ITO,LJ;HO)I(He/ 945 1 . foot (of mountain etc.);

IIO,[(BeprHyTh p +a +d 6340. to subje<.;t ITOAHO)I(he pedestal

IIO,[(BepHyThCR p 5009. (coli) to tum up, crop ITO,LJ;HOC 5379. tray

up; be rolled up; be ITO,LJ;HOCHTh i +a +d 6343 . to bring, present (sth

sprained, twisted to s.o.)

(foot) no,n;H}]:THe 6637. raising

IIO,[(BeCHTh p +a 78 1 9. to suspend ITO,[(HRThiH 5380. raised

IIO,[(BeCTH p +a 634 1 . to lead up; (coli) let ITOAHRTh p 412 . to raise

down ITO,nH}]:ThCR p 536. to rise, climb

rro,n;BHr 1949. feat, heroic deed no,n6611e 6066. resemblance, likeness

IIO,[(BH)I(HhiH 8358. mobile, agile no,n66Ho +d 1 829. similar (to)

IIO,UBHHYTh p +a 9446. to move rro.u66HhiH 706. similar

IIO,[(BHHYThCR p 6983 . to move; advance rro,no6paTh p +a 2666. to pick up; select

IIO,[(BO,na 4 1 88 . cart rro.uo)l(,naTh p +a or g 893. to wait for

IIO,[(BO,[(HTh i +a 3307. to lead up; (coll) let rro,no3peBaTh i +a 3308. to suspect

down no,no3peHHe 6344. suspicion

IIO,[(BOAHhiH 2397. underwater 110,[(03pHTeJihHO 538 1 . suspiciously

IIO,[(rOTOBHTeJihHhiH 5824. preparatory IIOA03pHTeJihHhiH 7822. suspicious

IIO,[(rOTOBHTh p +a 2484. to prepare IIO,[(OHTH p K +d 308. to approach

rro,nrOTOBKa K +d 1467. preparation (for) IIO,[(OKOHHHK 9452. window-sill

rro.u,naBaThCR i +d 7397. to yield (to) no ,non 6985. hem

rro.u,naHHhiH m adj 989 1 . subject, citizen IIO,[(OJirY 7823 . for a long time

rro.u,naThCR p +d 9448. to yield, give way (to) ITO,ll;OpBaTh p +a 6986. to undermine

rro.u,nep)l(aHHe 7820. support, maintenance IIO,[(OIIIBa 9892. sole (of shoe, foot)

IIOMep)l(aTh p +a 258 1 . to support IIO,[(ITepeTh p +a 878 1 . to prop up

IIO,[(,[(ep)I(HBa Th i +a 1 732. to support ITO,[(IIHCaTh p +a 1996. to sign

IIOMep)I(Ka 1 7 1 1 . support IIO,[(ITHChiBa Th i +a 5 1 92. to sign

rro,nenaTh p ( coll) 3480. to do IIO,[(IIHCh f 3744. signature

HHqer6 He it can ' t be helped IIO,[(ITOJihe 50 12 . underground

IIo.uenaeiiih IIO,ll;ITOJihHhiH 3837. underground (adj)

IIO,[(eJIHThCR p +inst C 50 10 . to share (sth with s.o.) ITO,ll;pa)l(aTh i +d 50 13 . to imitate

+inst IIOL(paThCR p C +inst 6987. to have a fight with



llO,ll;p06HO 2485. in detail no,IJ;qepKHBaTh i +a 2486. to underline, llO,ll;p06HOCTh f 2769. detail emphasize no,IJ;p66HbiH 6638. detailed no�qepKHBaThC� i 6639. to be emphasized llO,ll;pOCT( 0 )K 6067. juvenile, youth no�qepKHYTh p +a 340 1 . to underline; no,IJ;pyra 2286. (female) friend emphasize no-,IJ;pyr6My 7824. differently no�qHueuHe 4726. submission, subjection no,IJ;py)I(HThC� p c +i 7825. to make friends with no�qHHeHHhiH 6068. subordinate llO,ll;py)I(Ka 6345 . (female) friend (dim) rro�qHHHTh p +a +d 3746. to subordinate, subject llO,ll;phiBaTh i +a 7400. to undermine (s.o. to s.o. or sth) no,IJ;phiBHOH 740 1 . undermining; no�qHu}}rh i +a +d 8786. to subordinate to

subversive IIO�qHH}}ThC� i +d 6069. to submit, be subject to no,IJ;p}}� 4565 . in succession; no�'he3� 5 194. entrance, doorway

contract IIO�'he3)1(aTh i K +d 7403. to drive up (to) llO,ll;CKa3aTh p +a 3986. to prompt, suggest IIO�'heM 1 7 12 . rise llO,IJ;CKa3hiBaTh 6988. to prompt; suggest IIO�'heMHhiH 9454. lifting (adj)

+a +d (sth to s.o.) IIO�beXaTh p K +d 5593. to drive up (to) IIO,IJ;CKOqHTh p 7826. to run up; jump up rro�biMaTh i (coli) +a 3 1 1 8 . to raise llO,IJ;CnYIIIHBa Th i +a 9453. to eavesdrop (on s.o.) ; llO�hiMaTbC� i (coli) 3402. to rise; climb

(p rro�ceyrnaTh) rroe�IIH( o )K 783 1 . duel overhear rr6e3� 1 065. train

IIO,IJ;C06HbiH 9893 . subsidiary, IIOe3�Ka 2 1 03 . journey, trip supplementary IIOeCTh p 3403. to eat a little

llO,IJ;CTaBHTh p +a 8782. to put under IIOeXaTh p 386. to go (by transport) ITO,IJ; +a no)Kanerb p 2667. (+a) to pity; ( o +pr)

llO,IJ;CTaBJI}}Th i +a 8783. to put under regret non +a IIO)KaJIOBaTbC� p 5 1 95 . to complain (about)

ITO,IJ;CTYII K +d 7827. approach Ha +a no,IJ;cqeT 5 193. calculation IIO)KaJIYH 878. very probably llO,IJ;CqHTaTb p +a 3745. to count up, calculate rr o)Kanyiicra 467. please, please do; llO,IJ;TaJIKHBa Th i +a 8784. to push slightly; (coli) don't mention it

urge on IIO)Kap 1 807. fire llO,IJ;TBep,ll;HTh p +a 2532. to confirm IIO)KapHbiH 4727. fire (adj) ; fireman llO,IJ;TBep,IJ;HThC� p 7828. to be confirmed IIO)KaTb p +a 3042. to press, squeeze llO,IJ;TBep)l(�aTh i +a 3309. to confirm IIO)KeBa Tb p +a 9455. to chew llO,IJ;TBep)I(,IJ;a ThCil 7829. to be confirmed IIO)KeJiaHHe 4567. wish llO,IJ;TBep)K�eHHe 6989. confirmation IIO)KeJiaTb p +g 4568. to wish (for) llO,IJ;T}}HyThiH 8785. self-controlled; well IIO)KeHHTbC� p 6070. to get married (of a

turned out, smart couple) llO,IJ;T»HYTh p +a 6990. to tighten; pull up IIO)KepTBOBa Th p 8787. (+a) to donate; ( +inst) no,IJ;yMaTh p 223 . to think sacrifice no,IJ;yTh p 7402. to blow rro)Keqb p +a 9456. to bum up no,IJ;yrnKa 2287. pillow; cushion IIO)KHJIOH 2 1 04. elderly llO,IJ;XBaTHTb p +a 3584. to pick up, take up IIO)KHMaTb i +a 5 1 96. to press, squeeze llO,IJ;XBa ThiBa Th i +a 4566. to pick up IIO)KHTb p 3 1 87. to live for a while llO,IJ;XO,IJ; 2356. approach rr63a 6346. pose llO,IJ;XO,IJ;HTb i 652. (K +d) to approach; II03a60THThC� p 607 1 . to worry about; take

(+d) to suit o +pr care of ITO,IJ;XO,IJ;}}I.QHH 304 1 . suitable rro3a6hiTh p (coli) 5825. to forget no,IJ;qac 7830. sometimes +a or o +pr



rroJaBqepa 699 1 . the day before IIOKa3hiBaTh i +a +d 556. to show (sth to s.o.)

yesterday IIOKa3hiBaThC.si i 3249. to show os, be shown

rro3a.ll:H 2 1 6 1 . behind IIOKapaTh p +a 8567. to punish

II03Ba Th p +a 1 950. to call, summon IIOKaTHThC.si p 6347. to roll

ll03BOJIHTh p +d 693 . to permit (s.o.) IIOKatfaTh p 3905. to rock, swing

II03BOJigTb i +d 1 200. to permit (s.o.) IIOKatfHBaTh i +a or 6642. to rock

II03BOHHTh p +d 2439. to ring; telephone (s.o.) +inst

ll03,1l;HHH 262 1 . late IIOKatJHBaThC.si i 5015 . to rock, sway

II03,ll;HO 475 . late; i t i s late IIOKH,llaTh i +a 3747. to abandon

II03,ll;OpOBaTbC.si 5014. to greet rroKHHYTh p +a 27 1 8. to abandon

c +inst IIOKJIOH 4728. bow (greeting)

II03,ll;paBHTh p +a 3043 . to congratulate (s.o. IIOKJIOHHThC.si p 4 189. to bow

c +inst on sth) IIOKJIOHHHK 9895 . admirer

no3,1l;paBJieHHe 6072. congratulation; IIOKJI}]:CThC.si p B +pr 8788. to vow

greeting or +inf or tJTO

II03,ll;paBJI}):Th i +a 2622. to congratulate (s.o. rroKOHThC.si i Ha +pr 5016. to rest, repose (on)

c +inst on sth) IIOKOH 1764. peace, quiet

II03HTHBHhiH 9894. positive IIOKOHHHK 4569. dead person, the

II03HUH.si 1053. position deceased

noJHaBaTh i +a 9457. to get to know, IIOKOHHhiH 33 1 1 . calm; late, deceased

experience IIOKOJieHHe 1 359. generation

ll03HaKOMHTh p +a 5594. to introduce (s.o. to IIOKOHtfHTh p c +inst 2833. to finish (with), do

c +inst s.o. or sth) away with

II03HaKOMHThC.si p 1 394. to become acquainted IIOKOpHO 5 1 97. humbly, obediently

c +inst with; meet IIOKOpHhiH 6643. humble

ll03HaHHe 348 1 . know ledge, cognition IIOKOp}):Th i +a 9896. to conquer, subjugate

II03HaTh p +a 850 1 . to get to know, IIOKOCHThC.si p 5826. to become crooked;

experience (Ha +a) look

II030p 4857. disgrace sideways at

II030pHO 9458 . disgracefully, IIOKpacHeTh p 3585. to become red; blush

shamefully IIOKpOB 4448. cover

II030pHhiH 6640. disgraceful IIOKphiBMO 8789. cover; bedspread

IIOHHTepeCOBaThC.si 7832. to take an interest, IIOKphiBaTh i +a 3748. to cover

p +inst wonder IIOKphiBaTbC.si i +inst 9459. to cover os (with), be

IIOHCK 1 270. search covered (by)

IIOHCKa Th p +a 664 1 . to look for IIOKphiTh p +a +inst 1 830. to cover (sth with sth)

rrollcTHHe 3 3 1 0. indeed IIOKphiThC.si p +inst 7404. to be covered (with)

rroHTh i +a 8245 . to give to drink (to IIOKphiiiiKa 6644. covering; (coli) lid

s .o./sth) rroKy.lla (coli) 8305. while

rroU:MaTh p +a 2066. to catch rroKyrraTeJih m 5595 . customer

llOHTH p 79. to go (on foot) IIOKyrraTb i +a 288 1 . to buy

IIOKa 2 1 6. while rroKyrrKa 5017 . purchase

IIOKa He until IIOKYPHTb p 7833. to have a smoke

IIOKa3aHHe 5382. testimony; reading IIOKyrna Tb p 7405 . to eat (polite usage)

(on instrument) IIOJI 83 1 . (pr sg Ha IIOJIY, nom pl

IIOKa3aTeJib m 35 1 7. index, indicator IIOJihi) floor;

IIOKa3aTb p +a 3 16. to show (nom pl rr6Jihi, g pl

IIOKa3aThC.si p 9 14. to seem, to appear, to IIOJIOB) sex

show oneself TIOJia 6992. flap (of coat etc.)



llOJiaraTh i 1 526. to suppose, think llOJIO)I(HTeJibHhiH 3 1 2 1 . positive

llOJiaraThCR i Ha +a 2770. to rely (on) llOJIO)I(HTh p +a 727 . to lay, to put

noJIBeKa 5 1 98. half a century llOJIO)I(HTbC.si p Ha +a 879 1 . to rely on

nonr6.ua 3404. half a year llOJIOMclTh p +a 6994. to break

llOJI,lleHh 3838. midday llOJIOCa 1 697. strip

none 249. field TIOJIOCa ThiH 9460. striped

noneBOH 1 5 1 2. field (adj) TIOJIOCKa 2623 . strip

none)l(aTL p 7834. to lie for a while TIOJIOTeH:Qe 3664. towel

llOJie3HO 4858. useful(ly) TIOJIOTHO 6995 . canvas (painting);

llOJie3HhiH 1435. useful linen

llOJie3Th p 3 1 19 . to climb nonTopa numeral 1446. one and a half

noneHo 6993. log TIOJITOpaCTa 9898. a hundred and fifty

llOJieT 3482. flight nony6cTpoB 6996. peninsula

llOJieTeTh p 33 1 2. to fly TIOJiylfaTb i +a 782. to receive, get

n6JI3aTh i 6073. to crawl about TIOJIY'IaThCR i 9 19. to turn out, result

llOJI3TH i 3906. to crawl TIOJIY'IeHHe 1 803. receiving

noJIHBaTh i +inst +a 5383. to pour (liquid on sth) nony'IHTh p +a 207. to receive

llOJIHKJIHHHKa 5827. clinic, health centre TIOJIY'IHThC.si p 1 142. to turn out, work out,

noJIHpOBaHHhiH 7835. polished result

llOJIHT610p6 n indecl 7836. Politburo nony'IKa (coli) 8792. pay, wages

llOJIHTHK 2986. politician TIOJIY'IIIIe 6646. a little better

llOJIHTHKa no pl 68 1 . politics ; policy, TIOJiyiiiapHe 7406. hemisphere

policies nonyiiiy6( o )K 5829. half -length sheepskin

llOJIHTH'IeCKH 7837. politically coat

llOJIHTH'IeCKHH 629. political nonqaca 3749. half an hour

llOJIHUeHCKHH 35 14. police (adj); (adj used n6Jih3a 1 027. use; benefit

as noun) policeman TIOJihiH 8793. hollow

llOJIHUHR 2 105 . police TIOJihiXclTh 946 1 . to blaze

llOJIK 1 327. regiment n6Jih30BaHHe +inst 9447. use (of)

n6nKa 2582. shelf n6Jih30BaThCR i +inst 907 . to use

llOJIKOBHHK 4287. colonel TIOJihCKHH 4367. Polish

llOJIKOBO.ll( e )U 5828. military leader TIOJil06HTh p +a 2260. to fall in love with

llOJIKOBOH adj 8568. regimental TIOJil060BclThCR p 50 19 . to admire

nOJIHO (coli) 3 1 20. enough; ( + g) lots +inst or Ha +a

llOJIHO full TIOJIIOC 7407. pole (geog)

llOJIHOCThiO 1 328. fully, completely IIOJIBK 4859. Pole (Polish man)

llOJIHOTa 5596. fullness; stoutness IIOJIBHa 4729. glade, clearing, forest

llOJIH OUeHHhiH 8858. genuine, complete, of meadow

good quality IIOJIBpHbiH 4394. polar

llOJIHO'Ih 50 1 8. midnight TIOMclJIKHBaTb i (coli) 9462. to keep quiet

n6JIHhiH 302. full noMaxaTh p +inst 8794. to wave (for a while)

llOJIOBHHa 850. half IIOMe,llJIHTh p 8795. to delay, hesitate

llOJIOBHUa 8790. floorboard TIOMeHhiiie 6075. a little less

IIOJIOBOH 9897. sexual IIOMepeTh p (coli) 3 1 88 . to die

nonorHH 6645. gently sloping IIOMepei.UHThCR p (coll) 8796. to seem

llOJIO)I(eHHe 610 . position IIOMeCTHTh p +a 293 1 . to accommodate, place

llOJIO)I(eHHhiH 6074. agreed, fixed IIOMeCTHThCR p 9463. to go in, fit in; install

llOJIO)I(eHO 6634. one is supposed to OS

llOJIOJKHTeJihHO 7838. positively IIOMeCThe 9899. estate



DO MeT 8797. dung, droppings nOHRTHhiH 1 667. comprehensible

DOMeTKa 8798. mark, note llOHRTh p +a 229. to understand

noMexa 7839. hindrance noo6e.n;aTh p 7409. to dine, have a meal

OOMenni Th p 2834. (+d) to hinder, noo6em;aTh p +a +d 9467. to promise (sth to s.o)

prevent; disturb; no6.n;arrh 7410. at some distance

(+a) to stir noom;pRTh i +a 990 1 . to encourage

OOMeiiJ;aTh i +a 6076. to place, accommodate non 1 83 1 . priest (coli)

llOMeiD;aThC.SI i 5020. to be located; find nona.n;aTh i 2022. to hit; to get (to)

space nona.n;aThCJI 3 1 22. to be caught; tum up

OOMem;eHHe 1 854. accommodation nonaCTb p 476. to hit; to get to

OOMeiiJ;HK 2357. landowner llOllaCThC.SI p 5386. to be caught; be found

DOMem;HqHif adj 9464. landowner' s nonepeK +g 3044. across

llOMH,D;Op 9900. tomato nonepeqHhiii 4190. transverse

noMIInosaTh p +a 5384. to pardon llOllHTh p 784 1 . to have � drink

llOMHMO +g 2668. apart from nOITJihiTh p 6649. to sail; swim

llOMHHaTh i +a 6077. to mention; recall nOITOJiaM 9902. in half, half-and-half

llOMHpaTh i (coli) 6997. to die llOllOJI3TH p 8569. to crawl

llOMHpHThC.SI p 6647. to make peace, be nOllOJIHeHHe 9468. replenishment;

c +inst reconciled reinforcement( s)

llOMHHTh i +a/O +pr 282. to remember nonpaBHTh p +a 3750. to correct

llOMHHThC.SI i +d 7408. to be remembered nonpaBHThC.SI p 741 1 . to get better; correct

llO-MOeMy 1499. in my opinion; as I os; put on weight

would have it nonpasKa 5 1 99. correction

OOMOraTb i +d 372. to help nonpaBJIRTh i +a 6348. to correct, put right

llOMOmfThCJI p 8799. to pray no-npe)I(HeMy 1 832. as before

llOMOJiqaTh p 1 172. to be silent for a while nonpHm;e 8800. field (of activity)

110M OCT 9465. platform, rostrum; nonp66osaTh p +a 1 369. to try, taste

scaffold nonpocHTh p +a +inf 120 1 . to ask (s.o. to do sth)

llOMQqh p +d 260. to help n6npocTy (coli) 5200. simply

llOMOIIJ;HHK 1 500. assistant nonpom;aThC.SI 4730. to say goodbye (to)

llOMOIIJ;h f 3 1 7. help p c +inst

noMqaThc.SI p 5597. to rush nonynRpHOCTh f 5600. popularity

llOM.siHYTh p +a 5598. to mention; recall nonynRpHhiH 4 1 9 1 . popular

llOHa.n;o6HThC.si p 2882. to be necessary nonyTHO 880 1 . on the way; in passing

llO-HaCTORIIJ;eMy 5599. properly, in the right nonyTHhiH 8802. accompanying; passing

way nonyTqHK 9469. fellow-traveller

rroHaqa.rry (coli) 9450. at first nOnhiTaThC.si p +inf 2 162. to attempt (to do sth)

llOHe,D;eJihHHK 7840. Monday llOllhiTKa 1 329. attempt

llOHeMHOry 6078. little by little nopa 23 1 . it is time; time,

llOHeCTH p +a 3405 . to carry season

llOHH)I(eHHe 6648. lowering nopa66TaTh p 3665 . to work for a while

llOHH3HTh p +a 9466. to lower; reduce nopa6om;eHHe 6998. enslavement

llOHHMaHHe 1 874. understanding nopaBHRThC.SI p 7412 . to draw level with,

llOHHMaTh i 175 . to understand c +inst come up to

llO-HOBOMY 5385. in a new way nopa.n;osaTh p +a 8803. to gladden, please

llOHpaBHThC.si p +d 1 897. to please (s.o.) nopa.n;osaThC.SI p +d 8804. to be glad (at)

llOHRTHe 1408. concept, notion nopa)l(a Th i +a 3 1 23 . to strike; astonish

llOHRTHO 928. understandably; I see ! nopa)l(eHHe 3 1 89. defeat

I understand! n opa)l(eHHhiii 8805. defeated; astounded



nopa3HTeJihHO 6079. strikingly, llOCBjJI..Qa Th i +a +d 520 1 . to devote, dedicate

astonishing! y (sth to s.o. or sth)

nopa3HTeJihHhiH 3666. astonishing llOCeB 4363 . sowing

nopa3HTh p +a 3586. to strike; astonish; noceJIHThCj{ p 7000. to take up residence

rout noceJI(o)x 1 805 . settlement

no-pa3HOMY 4570. in different ways nocerH:reJih m 375 1 . visitor

nopBaTh p +a 3839. to tear; break off noceTHTh p +a 3 3 1 3 . to visit ( a place)

n6poBHY 9470. equally nocei..QaTh i +a 6350. to visit (a place)

nop6r 16 15 . threshold nocei..QeHHe +g 5024. visit (to), attendance

nop6,na 350 1 . kind, type, breed; (at)

rock (geological) llOCej{Th p +a 7001 . to sow

nopo,nHTh p +a 473 1 . to beget, engender, llOCH,lleTh p 2320. to sit for a while

generate llOCKOJihKY 1 898. since, because, in as

nopoiK,naTh i +a 502 1 . to beget; engender; far as

generate nocxopee 4732. a little faster; hurry up!

nopoiKHHii (coli) 947 1 . empty llOCJiaTh p +a 995 . to send

nop6ii 3250. at times , occasionally nocJie +g 1 22 . after

nop6K 5022. vice; defect llOCJieBOeHHhiH 6650. postwar

nopoceH( o )x 9903. piglet llOCJie,llHHH 1 92. last

no pox 6349. gunpowder llOCJie,llOBaTeJihHO 4 1 92 . consistently .

nopoquhiii 7842. vicious; defective ll OCJie,llOBa TeJih- 5202. sequence; consistency

noporn( 6 )K 4413 . powder HOCTh f

nopr 127 1 . port llOCJie,llOBa TeJihHhiH 43 12 . consistent; successive

llOpTHTh i 5023. to spoil, damage llOCJie,llOBaTh p +d 3406. to follow

nopTH6ii m adj 9904. tailor llOCJie,llCTBHe 3483 . consequence

nopTOBhiH 8330. port (adj) llOCJie,nyJOIUHH 2669. subsequent, following

nopTpeT 1 395. portrait llOCJie3aBTpa 9473. the day after tomorrow

nopr<PeJih m 2533. briefcase llOCJIOBHUa 9905 . proverb

nopyraThCj{ p 9472. to swear; (c +inst) (coli) llOCJIYiKHTh p +inst 3587. to serve (as)

have a row with nocJiyrnaTh p +a 1 3 1 1 . to listen

no-pyccKH 6080. in Russian; in Russian noceyiiiHhiii 9906. obedient

style llOCJihiiiiaThCj� p 5387. to be heard

nopyqaTh i +a +d 8806. to entrust sth to s.o. llOCMaTpHBaTh i 4733 . to look (at) from time

nopyqeHHe 3840. commission, errand Ha +a to time

nopyqHK 8248. lieutenant (tsarist llOCMeHBaThCR i 4 1 93 . to chuckle

army) llOCMeTh p +inf 3987. to dare

nopyqJITh p +a +d 3045 . to entrust sth to s.o. llOCMeRThCj� p 5203 . to laugh

llOpUHR 7413 . portion llOCMOTpeTh p 1 69. to look

nop:biB 4860. gust; impulse noc6611e 7002. financial assistance;

llOphiBHCTO 8807. jerkily; suddenly textbook

nopx.n(o)x 453 . order llOCOBeTOBaTh p +d 2932. to advise (s.o.)

nopR,noqHhiH 325 1 . decent, respectable llOCOBeTOBaThCR p 3988. to consult (s.o.)

noca,nHTh p +a 226 1 . to plant, seat c +inst

rroca,nxa 4028. boarding (of plane etc.); noc( 6)JI 4410. ambassador

landing; planting llOCOJihCTBO 5830. embassy

llOCBHCThiBaTh i 6999. to whistle nocneBaTh i (coli) 8808. to be on time; keep up

llO-CBOeMy 457 1 . in one ' s own way with; ripen

llOCBRTHTh p +a +d 1964. to devote, dedicate llOClleTh p (coli) 7843 . (K +d/Ha +a) to be in

(sth to sth/s.o.) time for; ripen


rrocnenniTh p


rrocpe,nli +g

rrocpe,nliHe I

nocepe,nliHe +g




c +inst







665 1 . to hurry

6652. hastily

3 841 . in the middle (of)

5204. in the middle (of)

7844. mediation

5025 . by means of

7414. to quarrel (with s.o.)

1 747. post (job)

432. to place, put (in a

standing position)

5388. delivery

9907. to deliver, supply

608 1 . supplier

741 5 . to decide, resolve

635 1 . placing, setting;

staging (of a play etc.)

rrocTaHOBJR�HHe 33 14. resolution, decree

IIOCTapaThC� p +p inf 2358. tr__, try

rrocTapeTh p 6352. to grow old





rrocTiiqh p +a






ITOCTpa,naTh p



IIOCTp6HTh p +a


ITOCTyrra Th i


7 4 16. as before

277 1 . bedding

1 344. gradually

7003. gradual

8809. to comprehend; befall

94 7 4. lenten, meatless;

without meat or

milk; (coil) lean (of

meat) ; ( coll)

gloomy, glum; (coll)


2583. outside, not directly

involved; outsider

1 224. constantly, perpetually

1 149. constant, permanent

1 653 . to stand for a while

583 1 . to suffer

4239. construction

3667. building

908. to build

9475. to knock, tap, patter

1 560. to act; (B +a) enter


1 668. to act; (B +a) enter


6353 . joining (an


arrival (of goods)


IIOCTyqaTh p B +a


IIOChiJia Th i


IIOCbiiiaThCR p



llOTeMHeTh p

IIOTeprreTh p

IIOTepRTh p +a


IIOTeqh p

llOTHpaTh i +a

IIOTHX6HhKY (coli)


2624. action, act

5205 . to knock (at)

1 997. crockery, dishes

2023. to send

5026. parcel; errand; sending

7845 . to pour down

3315 . sweat

7846. in your opinion; as you

want it

8810. darkened

7847. to go dark, get dark

3668. to be patient

1 806. loss

989. to lose

9908. fun, amusement

88 1 1 . to begin to flow

7848. to rub

7417 . slowly; quietly;


noT( 6 )K 1409. stream, flow

noTOJIKOBaTh p (coli) 88 1 2. to have a talk about

o +pr c +inst sth with s.o.

IIOTOJI( 6 )K 2487. ceiling






rroToMy qTo


IIOTpe6HTeJih m


IIOTpe6JI.siTh i +a


rroTpe6osaTh p +g

IIOTpe6oBaTbCj{ p

IIOTpeBO)I(HTh p +a

l10Tpy,nHThCR p

l10TpRCaTh i +a





rroTyiiiHTh p +a

noTRHYTh p +a


rroy)I(HHaTh p

88. then, next

6653. descendant

88 13 . hereditary

9476. posterity, descendants

201 . that is why


7418 . to sink; drown

4572. consumer

827 1 . consumption

9477. to consume

1 654. need

2534. to demand

3842. to be necessary

7849. to trouble

7419. (+inf) to take the

trouble (to); do

some work

7004. to shake

7005 . staggering, astonishing

6354. shock

88 14. staggered, stunned

560 1 . to shake

5389. to extinguish

4734. to pull

4240. to stretch; stretch os

88 15 . to have supper



noyqaTh i +a 7850. to lecture (s.o.) ll03TJiqecKHH 2584. poetic

noyqJITenhHhiH 5602. instructive llOJTOMY 356. consequently

noxBana 7006. praise DO»BHThC» p 528. to appear

noxBa.nHTh p +a 7007. to praise llO»BneHHe 2359. appearance

noxn6naTh p 7420. to slap, clap llO»Bll}]:ThC» i 8 16 . to appear

noxMenhe 9909. hangover DO»C 1 734. belt, waist

llOXO.ll 10 13 . campaign; walking llO»CHHTh p +a 5206. to explain

tour, expedition; llO}ICH}]:Th i +a 882 1 . to explain

cruise npaB)la 245 . truth

llOXO,llHTh p 1 733. to walk about npaBHllO 1 669. rule

llOXO,llKa 6654. gait, walk npaBHJihHO 568. correctly

llOXO)I(e (Ha +a) 6082. it looks like npaBHllhHOCTh f 5207 . correctness

llOXO)I(HH 5 10. resembling, similar npaBHllhHhiH 1 096. correct, right

noxopoHHTh p +a 742 1 . to bury npaB:HTenh m 6656. ruler

n6xopoHhi pl 8816. funeral npaBHTeJihCTBeHHhiH 6084. government (adj)

nouenoBaTh p +a 2670. to kiss npaBHTeJihCTBO 653. government

nouenoBaThCR p 9478. to kiss each other npaBHTh i +inst 701 1 . to rule

noueeyii 6083 . kiss npaBneHHe 2288 . government; board

llO'IBa 1 1 62. soil, earth (of management)

no-qenoseqecKH 8817 . like a human being npaBO 365 . right; law

noqeM ( coll) 88 18 . how much?; how? npaBocnaBHhiii 9912 . orthodox (religious

noqeMy 1 37. why term); (as noun)

noqeMy-To 1 765. for some reason member of

llOllepK 5390. handwriting Orthodox Church

noqeCTh f 9910. honour, mark of npaBhiH 743 . right; right-wing

respect npaB}I�HH 425 1 . ruling

noqeT 7422. esteem, respect npa,lle.ll 991 3 . great -grandfather

llO'IeTHhiH 2987. respected npa3,llHHK 390. holiday, festival

noqlfH 4573. initiative npa3,[(HHqHhiH 3 1 90. festive

noqHHHTh p +a 7008. to repair npa3,llHOBaHHe 7424. celebration

noqHTaTh p +a 4735. to read a little npa3,llHOBaTh i 701 2. to celebrate

TIO'IHTclTh i +a to respect npa3,llHOCTh f 9914 . idleness

no 'ITa 2835. post office; post, mail npaKTHKa 1 26 1 . practice

noqTallb6H 88 1 9. postman npaKTJiqecKH 2440. practically

noqTeHHe 8820. respect npaKrJiqecKHH 1 1 83 . practical

TIO'ITeHHhiH 539 1 . respected npax 6355. dust

llO'ITH 208. almost npefihiBclHHe 33 1 6. stay

llO'ITHTellbHO 5603 . respectfully npefihiBclTh i 9479. to be (swh)

TIO'ITOBhiH 7009. postal, mail (adj) npeB30HTH p +a 6356. to surpass

noqyBCTBOBaTh p +a 2024. to feel npeBOCXO,[(HTellhCTBO 8234. excellency (title)

noqy.JlHThCR p (coli) 701 0. to seem; imagine npeBOCXO,llHTh i +a 9480. to surpass , excel

noqyRTh p +a 7423 . to scent, sense, feel npeBOCXO,llHO 948 1 . splendidly

TIOlllllhiH 991 1 . vulgar; trivial, banal npeBOCXO,llHhiH 5604. superb

TIOlliYTHTh p 6655. to joke npeBOCXO,llCTBO 5208 . superiority

noma)la 5392. mercy npespaTHTh p B +a 267 1 . to convert, tum (into)

noma.llHTh p +a 785 1 . to spare npespaTHThC» p B +a 2050. to tum into (sth)

llOJ3H» 27 19. poetry npespa�aTh i +a B +a 2988. to tum (sth into sth)

TIOJMa 4736. long poem npespa�aThC» i s +a 1 632. to tum into

TIOJT 1 243. poet npespa�eHHe 1 899. conversion



npeBhiCHTb p +a 8822. to exceed npe.n:noqHTaTh i +a 4862. to prefer sth to sth

npeBhirna Th i +a 2772. to exceed +d

nperpa.n:a 7852. obstacle npe.n:npHHHMaTeJih m 9483 . entrepreneur,

npe.n:aHHe 5832. legend businessman

npe)laHHOCTb f 6357. devotion npe.n:npHHHMclTb i +a 7855. to undertake

npe.n:aHHhiii 7425. devoted npe.n:npHH}]:Th p +a 3752. to undertake

npe.n:aTh p +a +d 6657 . to betray; hand over npe.n:npH}]:THe 5 1 3 . enterprise, factory

npe.n:sapliTeJihHO 6358. beforehand, in advance npe.n:paccy .n:( o )K 5835. prejudice

npe.n:sapliTeJihHhiH 33 17 . preliminary; prior npe.n:ce.n:a Tenh m 692. chairman

npe.n:sH:.n:eHHe 7426. foresight npe.n:cxaJaHHe 8824. prediction

npe.n:sli,n:eTh i +a 5605 . to foresee npe.n:cxaJhiBa Th i +a 6086. to predict

npe)lBLI60pHbiH 8093. election ( adj) npe.n:cTaBH:TeJih m 817 . representative

npe.n:en 1 1 84. limit npe)lCTclBHTb p +a 769. to present

npe.n:enhHo 7427. maximally npe)lCTclBHTbCR p 5028 . to introduce os;

npe.n:enhHhiH 7428. maximum (adj) present itself, occur

npe)lHCJIOBHe 7853. foreword npe.n:cTasneHHe 1 3 12 . presentation;

npe.n:nara Th i +a +d 1 436. to offer, propose performance;

(sth to s.o.) notion, conception

npe.n:naraThCR 5393. to be offered npe.n:cTaBJIRTh i +a 645. to present, introduce

npe.n:n6r 5027. pretext; preposition Tipe)lCTclTb p nepe.n: 5395. to appear (before)

npe,nno)l(eHHe 909. offer, suggestion; +inst

sentence (grammar) npe.n:cTo}]:Th i +d 2262. to lie ahead (of s.o.)

npe.n:JIO)I(HTh p +a 1 028. to offer; to propose npe.n:cTo}]:mHii 3843. forthcoming, imminent

npe.n:MeT 932. object, article; subject, npe.n:ynpe.n:H:Tb p +a 2934. to warn, tell in advance

topic npe.n:ynpe)l(,na Th i +a 33 18 . to warn

npe.n:HaJHaqaTh 5833. to intend (for), npe.n:ycMaTpHBaTh i 4 194. to envisage, stipulate

MR +g or Ha +a earmark (for) npe,n:ycMaTpHBaThCR i 8402. to be envisaged, be

npe.n:Ha3HaqaThCR i 701 3 . to be intended (for) stipulated

)lJIR +g or Ha +a npe.n:ycMoTpeTh p +a 4574. to envisage, foresee

npe.n:HaJHaqHTh p 486 1 . to intend (for), IIpe.n:qyBCTBHe 6658. presentiment

Ha +a/)lJIR +g earmark (for) IIpe.n:rneCTBeHHHK 6360. predecessor

npe.n:(o)K 8823. ancestor IIpe)liiiecTBOBaTb i +d 7856. to precede

npe,n:ocTaBHTh p +a 3 1 9 1 . to grant sth to s.o. npe)l'hRBHTh p +a +d 7857. to show, present

+d (sth to s.o.)

npe.n:ocTasneHHe 6359. giving, granting npe)lbRBJigTb i +a +d 5210. to show, present

npe,n:ocTaBJIRTh i +a 5209. to give, grant (sth to (sth to s.o.)

+d s .o.) npe)lhi,ZJ;YIIIHH 272 1 . preceding

npe.n:ocy )lHTeJihHhiH 991 5 . reprehensible npe)l(.n:e 459. before

npe)lOTBpaTHTh p +a 6085 . to prevent, avert npe)I(HHH 1 286. former

npe.n:oTspameHHe 7854. prevention npe3H)leHT 1 345. president

npe.n:nHcaHHe 9482. order, instruction npe3H)leHTCKHH 7430. president's,

npe.n:nonaraTh i 2720. to suppose presidential

npe.n:nonaraThCR 5394. to be proposed, npe3H.llHYM 2025 . presidium

intended rrpe3HpaTh i +a 6087. to despise

npe.n:noJio)l(eHHe 2933 . supposition npe3peHHe 4737. scorn

npe,n;noJIO)I(HTh p 3588. to suppose npeHMyllleCTBeHHO 4738. primarily

npe.n:nocLIJIKa 7429. prerequisite, npeHMymecTBO 2235 . advantage

precondition npeKpaCHO 1 998. fine, excellent(l y)

npe,n;noqecTh p +a +d 5834. to prefer (sth to sth) rrpeKpaCHbiH 990. beautiful, fine



npexpaTHTh p +a 244 1 . to stop, discontinue np:u6e)l(a Th p 7017 . to run up, come

rrpeKpaTHThC$1 p 5029. to cease running

npexpa�aTh i +a 7014. to stop, discontinue npH6HTh p K +d 6366. to nail, fix (to)

npexpa�aThC$1 i 4863. to cease npH6JIH)I(a ThC$1 i K +d 2883. to draw near

npexpa�eHHe 2398. stopping, ending npH6JIH)I(eH:ue 701 8 . approach

npenecTHhiH 6659. charming npH6JIH3HTe1IhHO 3484. approximately

npenecTh f 5396. charm np:u6.mf3HThC$1 p K +d 4575 . to approach

npeMH$1 2836. bonus; prize npH66p 3507. piece of apparatus,

npeMhepa 8825 . premiere, first night gadget, instrument

rrpeMhep-MHHHCTp 636 1 . prime minister np:u6paTh p +a 7019 . to tidy up; (coli) take

npeHe6peraTh i +inst 7858. to scorn over, pocket

npeHe6pe)l(eH:ue 743 1 . scorn, neglect npH6pe)I(HhiH 7860. coastal; riverside

npeHH$1 n pl 7859. debate, discussion npH6biBaTh 5836. (bookish) to arrive;

npeo6na.ua Th i 9484. to predominate (coli) increase

npeo6pa3oBaH:ue 4195 . transformation; reform nplf6hi1Ih f 2360. profit

npeo6pa3oBaTh p +a 6362. to reform; transform np:u6:biTHe (bookish) 5837. arrival

npeo.uoneBaTh i +a 521 1 . to overcome np:u6:biTh p (formal) 1 6 1 6. to arrive

rrpeO,llOJieHHe 4864. overcoming npHBe3TH p +a 2209. to bring (by transport)

npeo.uoneTh p +a 2989. to overcome npHBeCTH p +a 732. to bring (s.o.); (K +d)

npeno.uaBaTeJih m 4865. teacher, lecturer lead to

npeno.uaBa Th i +a 7432. to teach npHBeT 3670. greeting

npengTCTBHe 2837. obstacle npHBeT JIHBhiH 9486. affable, friendly

npengTCTBOBaTh i +d 8826. to hinder npHBeTCTBHe 6367. greeting

npepsaTh p +a 5030. to interrupt npHBeTCTBOBaTh i +a 2722. to greet

npephiBaTh i +a 7015 . to interrupt npHBHTh p +a 786 1 . to inoculate; inculcate

npecne.uosaH:ue 6363 . pursuit; persecution npHBJieKa TeJihHhiH 6089. attractive

npecne.uosaTh i +a 3 1 24. to pursue; persecute np:uBnexa Th i +a 2625 . to attract

npecnosyThiH 6364. notorious np:uBJielfeH:ue 7434. attraction

npeCHhiH 991 6. unsalted; flavourless, npHBJielfh p +a 3844. to attract

bland npHBO,llHTh i +a 1 56 1 . to bring, lead

npecca 3 125. the press npHB03HTh i +a 7862. to bring (by transport)

npeCC-KOHcpepeHQH$1 5397. press conference npHBhiKaTb i K +d 3 1 92. to get used to

npecTapenhiH 8427. aged, of advanced npHBhiKHYTh p K +d 1 58 1 . to get used to; get into

years the habit of

npeCTH)I( 6660. prestige npHBhllfKa 1 833 . habit

npecT6JI 5606. throne npHBhllfHO 5607 . in the customary way,

npecTynneH:ue 2585. crime as usual

rrpeCTYllHHK 3669. criminal npHBhllfHhiH 2773. customary

npeCTYTIHOCTh f 8849. crime, criminality npHB$13aTh p +a K +d 503 1 . to attach (sth to sth)

npecTyTIHhiH 9485 . criminal ( adj) npHB.si3aThC$1 p K +d 7020. to become attached to

npeTeH.ueHT (Ha +a) 6088. claimant, aspirant (to) np:urnacHTh p +a 2774. to invite

rrpeTeH,llOBclTh i Ha +a 7433 . to claim npBT Jiaiiia Th i +a 3 1 26. to invite

npeTeH3H$1 3989. claim np:ur narneH:ue 4866. invitation

npeyseJIHlfHBa Th i +a 6365. to exaggerate npHr II$1.lleThC.si p (coli) 8827. to look closely at

np:u +pr 166. in the presence/ time K +d

of; attached to np:uroBap:uBaTh i +a 6090. to sentence (s.o. to)

np:u6asHTh p +a 3753. to add K+d

np:u6asngTh i +a K +d 7016 . to add np:uroB6p 3754. verdict, sentence

np:u6era Th i x +d 3907. to run to; resort to np:urO,llHThC$1 p 3485. to be useful



npHr6,n;HhiH 666 1 . useful npll3paK 6092. ghost

npliropo.n; 8828. suburb npH3hiB 192 1 . call, appeal; call-up

npllropo,n;HhiH 9487. suburban npH3hiBaTh 2990. to summon; appeal

npHrOTOBHTh p +a 33 1 9. to prepare npHHTH p 1 26. to arrive (foot)

npHrOTOBHThCj! p 6662. to get ready npHHTHCh p +d 508. to have to

+inf or K +d npHKa3 1 1 50. command, order

npHrOTOBJieHHe 5608. preparation npHKa3aHHe 4326. order, command

npH.n;aBa Th i +a +d 2535. to impart, give (sth to npHKa3aTh p +d 1 040. to order, command

sth) +inf s.o. to do sth

npH,n;a Th p +a +d 3589. to impart, give (sth to npHKa3biBa Th i +d 3990. to order s.o. to do sth

sth) +inf

npH,ll;BHHYThCj! p K +d 9488 . to come near, move up npHKH,ll;hiBa ThCji 9920. to pretend (to be sth)

npH.n;ep)I(HBa Th i +a 9489. to hold back, check (coll) +inst

llpH.n;ep)I(HBa ThCjl i +g 521 2. to keep to, adhere to IIpHKJIJOqeHHe 5610. adventure

npH,n;Hpa ThCjl i K +d 99 17 . to find fault with npHKOCHOBeHHe 4867. contact

npH,n;yMaTh p +a 1 468. to think up, invent npHKpenHTh p +a 7864. to fasten (sth to sth)

npH.n;yMhiBa Th i +a 8829. to think up, invent K +d

npHe3,LJ; 3590. arrival npHKphiBaTh i +a 3252. to screen, shelter ( sth

npHe3)1(a Th i 1 965. to arrive +inst with sth)

npHe3)1(HH m adj 5609. non-resident, passing npHKphiBaThCji i +inst 8832. to use as a cover, hide

through, visiting; behind

newcomer, visitor npHKphiTHe 6368. cover, screen

npHeM 879. reception; method, npHKphiTh p +a 3486. to screen; shelter

device npHJiaB( 0 )K 702 1 . counter (in shop)

npHeMJieMhiH 99 1 8. acceptable npHnaraTh i +a 5840. (K +d) to add, attach

npHeMHajl f adj 9490. waiting -room (to) ; apply

npHeMHHK 5032. radio set npHJieTeTh p 521 3. to arrive (by air)

npHeMHhiH 8830. reception (adj) ; npHJIHB 7435. rising tide; influx

adopted npHJIHqHo 6663. decently

npHexaTh p 304. to arrive npHJIHqHhiH 6369. decent

npH)I(aTh p +a K +d 3046. to press, clasp (sth to) npHJIOJKHTh p K +d 3253. to place in contact

npH)I(aThCjl p K +d 609 1 . to squeeze up against with; apply

npH)I(HMa Th i +a 5838. to press, clasp sth or IIpHMaHKa 5399. bait; inducement

K +d s.o. to npHMeHeHHe 1 3 1 3 . application, use

llpH)I(HMa ThCjl i K +d 5398. to press os (to) , npHMeHHTeJihHO K +d 8833. with reference to

snuggle up (to) npHMeHHTh p +a 359 1 . to apply

npH3 7863 . prize npHMeHgTh i +a 232 1 . to use, employ

npH3BaHHe 5839. calling, vocation npHMeHgTbCjl 2723. to be used; (K +d) to

npH3BaTh p 2838. to summon, appeal adapt os (to)

npH3eMHCThiH 883 1 . stocky, squat IIpHMep 707. example

npH3HaBaTh i +a 2442. to recognize IIpHMepHO 1 783. approximately

npH3HaBaThCjl i B +pr 4576. to confess npHMeCb f 5214. admixture

npH3HaK 2026. sign, indication npHMeTa 7865 . sign

npH3HaHHe 22 1 0. confession, admission npHMeqaTeJihHO 9492. (it is) noteworthy

npH3HaHHhiH 949 1 . acknowledged, npHMeqa TeJihHhiH 7022. noteworthy

recognized IIpHMHpeHHe 9493. reconciliation

npH3Ha TeJihHhiH 991 9. grateful npHMHpHThCj! p 7023. to be reconciled with

TipH3HaTb p 1 545. to admit; to recognize c +inst

IIpH3Ha ThCj! p B +pr 2399. to confess IIpHMHTHBHhiH 584 1 . primitive



npHMhiKaTh i K +d 8834. to join, side with; IIpHCBaHBaTb i +a 9498. to appropriate; (+a

(i only) adjoin, be +d) confer (sth on

adjacent to s.o.)

npHHa,n;Jie)l(a Th 1422. (+d) to belong to; npHCBOeHHe 7437. appropriation;

(K +d) be a member conferment

of npHCBOHTh p +a 7866. to take over,

IIpHHa,n;Jie)I(HOCTh f 5842. (K +d) membership appropriate; award

(of); (pl) equipment, npucecTh p 2322. to take a seat, sit down

accessories npHcnaTh p +a 1 582. to send

npHHeCTH p +a 456. to bring npHCJIOHHThC.SI p K +d 6372. to lean (against)

IIpHHHMa Th i +a 788. to accept, take, receive npHcnyra 4309. servants

npHHHMaThC.SI i 3a +a 3845 . to get down, start work npHCJIYIIIaTbC.SI p 52 15 . to listen closely (to)

on K +d

IIpHHOCHTh i +a 1922. to bring npHCJIYIIIHBaThC.SI i 2 1 64. to listen carefully

IIpHHY)I(JleHHe 8403. compulsion K +d

IIpHHU 5843. prince IIpHCMaTpHBaTb i 7867. to look after, supervise

npHHUHII 1 125. principle 3a +inst

IIpHHUHIIHanhHO 5400. on principle; npHCMaTpHBaThC.SI 5844. to look closely (at);

fundamentally K +d get used (to)

IIpHHUHIIHanhHhiH 4577. of principle, npHCMOTpeTbC.SI p 6665. to look closely at

fundamental K +d

IIpHH.9:THe 6370. taking, acceptance npHCHHThC.SI p 6666. to see in a dream

npHH.SIThiH 637 1 . accepted npucoe�HHHThC.SI p 9499. to join (a group)

IIpHHgTh p 436. to take, accept, receive K +d

IIpHH.9:ThC.SI i 3a +a 3407. to start on, get IIpHCOe�HH.9:ThC.SI p 4868 . to join

down to K +d

npHo6pecTli p +a 367 1 . to acquire npucnoc66HTh p +a 5845 . to adapt

npHo6peTaTh i +a 2 163 . to acquire npHcnoc66HThC.SI p 6667. to adapt (to)

npHo6peTeHHe 540 1 . acquisition K +d

IIpHOCTaHOBHThC.SI p 8502. to stop (for a while), IIpHCTIOC06JieHHe 4739. adaptation; device

pause IIpHCTaBaTh i K +d 8837. to adhere (to); pester

IIpHOTKphiTh p +a 5402. to open slightly (s.o.)

npHna,n;( o )K 9494. fit, attack IIpHCTaBHTh p +a 7025 . to place sth against sth

npHnachi m pl 9495 . stores, supplies; , K +d

provisions npHCTaJihHO 3320. fixedly

IIpHIIHCKa 8570. (written) addition npHCTaJihHhiH 7868 . fixed, constant

IIpHIIHChiBa Th i +a +d 6664. to ascribe (sth to npHCTaHh f 2626. jetty, pier, wharf

sth/s.o.) npHCTaTh p K +d 7026. to stick to; pester

IIpHIIO,llHHMaTh i +a 8835. to raise slightly IIpHCTpaCTHe K +d 7438 . partiality; weakness

IIpHIIO,llHHMaThC.SI i 9496. to raise os slightly (for)

IIpHII 6 )J;H.SIThiH 8836. elated IIpHCTynaTh i K +d 3672. to start on, get down to

IIpHIIO,n;HgTb p +a 428 1 . to raise slightly npHCTynHTh p K +d 2884. to get down to, start on

npHIIO,n;HgThC.SI p 7436. to raise os slightly npHCYTCTBHe 1 966. presence

IIpHIIOMHHaTh i +a 9497. to remember, recall IIpHCYTCTBOBaTh 3673 . to be present

npHIIOMHHTh p +a 7024. to remember npucyTCTBYIO�HH 7869. present

npHpo,n;a 625 . nature npucy�uii +d 3408. inherent (in)

npHp6,n;HhiH 2839. natural npnchiJiaTh i +a 5846. to send

npHpOCT 8404. increase npuc.s�raTh i B +pr +d 9500. to swear an oath

IIpHCa)I(HBa ThC.SI i 4 196. to take a seat (of sth to s.o.)



IIpHTBOp.si:ThCj{ i +inst 6668. to pretend (to be sth) npo6:biTh p 8842. to spend (a certain

rrpHTHXHYTh p 6669. to quieten down time)

rrpHTOK 7439. tributary; inflow nposaJI 667 1 . failure, collapse

rrpHTOM 3409. besides, in addition npOBMHBaThCg i 7443. to fall through; fail

rrpHyqlfTh p +inf or 7870. to train (to do sth) rrpOBaJIHThCR p 3846. to fall through; (coli)

K +d fail (exam); (coli)

rrpHXBaTHTh p 8838. to grip; fasten; take vanish

(coll) +a nposepHTh p +a 2067. to check

rrpHXO,ll 4740. arrival nposepKa 474 1 . check(ing), inspection

IIpHXO,llHTh 348. to arrive (on foot) nposep.si:Th i +a 2323. to check

IIpHXO,llHThCR i +d 416 . to have to nposecTH p +a 1086. to lead, conduct; spend

rrpHXO)I(aR f adj 5403 . entrance hall (time)

npHq3.JI 4433 . mooring npOBHHIJ;Hj! 2775. province; provinces

IIpHqeM 1 7 1 3 . and furthermore np6so.n 4578. wire

rrpHqecKa 787 1 . hairstyle npOBO,llHTh i +a 737. to lead, conduct;

rrpHqHHa 488. reason ( +g for), cause spend (time)

IIpHqHH}]:Th i +a 8839. to cause npOBO,llHThcg i 2488 . to be conducted, take

npHqy ,llJIHBhiH 7872. odd, whimsical place

IIpHIIIHTh p +a K +d 7440. to sew on npOBO,llHHK 6672. guide, conductor

IIpHmypHThCR p 846 1 . to screw up one' s eyes, npOBO)I(a Th i +a 2400. to accompany, see off

half close one' s eyes npOB03r JiaCHTh p +a 7027. to proclaim

rrpHIDT 992 1 . shelter, refuge nposoKaTop 9503. agent provocateur;

rrpH}]:TeJih m 2536. friend provoker

npH.si:THO 1 804. pleasant npOBOKaQHR 5216. provocation

rrpH}]:THhiH 2236. pleasant npoBOJIOKa 4 1 10. wire

npo (coll) +a 26 1 . about (= o +pr) npos6pHhiH 9922. quick, agile

rrpoaHaJIH3HposaTh 8840. to analyse nporJIOTHTh p +a 7028. to swallow

p +a nporHaTh p +a 3487. to drive away; banish,

rrp66a 744 1 . test, trial throw out

npo6er 8462. run, race nporH63 524 1 . forecast

rrpo6eraTh i 6373. to run (past/through/a nporosopHTh p 4420. to say

certain distance) nporoJio,naThCR p 8843 . to get hungry

npo6e)l(a Th p 5847. to run past, run nporpaMMa 803 . programme

through nporpeMeTh p 9504. to thunder, resound

rrpo6eJI 950 1 . blank, gap nporpecc 1 633. progress

rrpo6HBaThCR 7873 . to fight one ' s way nporpeccHBHhiH 2443. progressive

through nporynKa 6374. walk; outing

rrpo6Hpa ThCR i 3592. to make one ' s way nporyJI}]:ThCR p 9505 . to take a walk

through npo,nasaTh i +a 299 1 . to sell

npo6HTh p +a 9502. to pierce npo.nasaThcR 5848. to be sold, sell os

npo6HThCR p 6670. to force one' s way npo,naB( e)U 7029. salesman, shop

through assistant

np66Ka 4339. cork; plug; fuse; traffic npo,na)l(a 3674. sale

jam npo,naTh p +a 1 999. to sell

rrpo6JieMa 664. problem npO,llBHraThCR i 8844. to advance, move

np66osaTh 2 1 65 . ( +inf) to try; (+a) test; forward

taste npO,llBH)I(eHHe 7444. advancement,

rrpo6paThCR p 7442. to force one' s way progress

npo6y,nHTh p +a 884 1 . to awaken npo,nBHHYThCR p 9506. to advance



npo,n;ena Th p +a 4869. to make, do, IIpOH30HTH p 626. to happen; originate

accomplish IIpOHCXO,lJ;HTh 75 1 . to happen; to originate

rrpo,n;eMOHCTpHpO- 9507. to demonstrate, show IIpOHCXO)I(,D;eHHe 2840. origin

BaTh p +a rrpoHcrnecTBHe 3847. incident, occurrence

npo,n;OBOJihCTBeHHhiH 8845 . food (adj) rrpoiirli p 193 . to go through, pass

npo,n;OBOJihCTBHe 6673. provisions rrpoiiTHCh p 2776. to take a walk

IIpO,D;OJI)I(clTb i +a 353. to continue rrpoKaT 8850. hire

npO.UOJI)I(aTbCj� i 2444. to continue IIpOKJia,D;hiBa Tb i +a 5034. to lay, construct (a

npo,n;oJI)I(eHHe 2885. continuation road)

npo ,n; OJI)I(HTeJihHhiH 4474. prolonged IIpOKJIHHclTh i +a 7445 . to curse

npo,n;OJI)I(HTh p +a 7030. to prolong IIpOKJHITHe 885 1 . curse

rrpo.uyKT 1 296. product rrpOKJI.siThiH 2489. damned

rrpo,n;yKTHBHOCTh f 8846. productivity rrpoKypop 3 1 27 . prosecutor

npo,n;yKUHj� 873. production, output rrpone3Th p B +a 8852. to climb through, go

npo,n;yMaTh p 5849. to think through, over through

rrpoe3,n; 8847. thoroughfare; journey rrponeTaTh i 95 1 0. to fly through/past

npoe3)1(a Th i 9508. to drive through/past rrponereTh p 4742. to fly through/past

npoeKT 1 7 14. project rrpo1IHB 9923. strait

rrpoeKTHpOBaHHe 83 1 5 . planning IIpOJIHBclTh i +a 8853. to spill

rrpoeKTHhiH 8359. planning (adj) ; IIpOJIHTh p +a 7032. to spill

projected rrpOJIO)I(HTh p +a 8854. to lay

rrpoexaTh p 399 1 . to drive through or rrpoMax 95 1 1 . miss; blunder

past rrpoMe)l( (coli) +g 857 1 . between

rrpo)l(eKTop 4579. searchlight; floodlight or inst

npO)I(HBa Th 5217 . to reside; (p rrpO)I(HTh) rrpoMe)l(yT( o )K 4 1 0 1 . interval; space, gap

live for a specified rrpoMe)l(yToqHhiH 95 1 2. intermediate

period rrpoMeH�Th p +a 8855. to exchange (sth for

npO)J(HTh p 2935 . to live (for a specified Ha +a sth)

period) IIpOMOJiqaTb p 7033 . to keep silent

rrp63a 5033. prose rrpOMhiC( e )JI 8856. trade, business

npo3BaTh p +a +inst 9509. to nickname (s.o. sth) rrpOMbllliJieHHhiH 1 370. industrial

np63BHme 8848. nickname IIpOMbllllJieHHHK 6674. industrialist

np03ByqaTh p 703 1 . to sound npOMbllliJieHHOCTh f 648. industry

npo3paqHhiH 1 670. transparent npoHeCTHCh p 6675. to rush through/past

npoHrpaTh p +a 3410. to lose (game etc.) npOH3HTeJibHO 95 1 3 . piercingly; stridently

npOH3Be,n;eHHe 575. a work npOH3HTeJibHhiH 8857. penetrating

npOH3BeCTH p +a 2 1 33. to produce rrpOHH3hiBaTh i +a 7446. to pierce, penetrate,

npOH3BO.UHTeJib m 838 1 . producer permeate

npOH3BO,D;HTeJib- 1923 . productivity npOHHKclTb i B +a 2 1 06. to penetrate

HOCTh f npOHHKHOBeHHe 7447. penetration

npOH3BO,lJ;HTeJibHhiH 4289. productive rrpOHHKHYTh p B +a 284 1 . to penetrate

npOH3BO,lJ;HTh i +a 16 17. to produce IIpOHHUa TeJihHhiH 9924. penetrating; shrewd

npOH3BO,lJ;HThCSI i 4340. to be produced rrpo H ocHThCj{ i 7448. to rush past

npOH3BO.UCTBeHHhiH 35 1 3 . production (adj) nporraraH,n;lipoBaTh 95 14. to propagandize,

npOH3BO,lJ;CTBO 682. production i +a promote

npOH3BOJI 5404. arbitrariness, abuse of rrponaraH,n;a 2000. propaganda

power rrpo rra,n;a Th i 2586. to vanish, be lost

npOH3HeCTH p +a 2445. to pronounce rrponacrh p 1 527. to vanish, go missing,

rrpOH3HOCHTh i +a 3675. to pronounce be lost



np6nacTh f precipice, abyss IIpOCTOTa 4580. simplicity

npOIIHTaTh p +a 6676. to feed; saturate IIpOCTpaHCTBO 1 287. space, expanse

nponoBe�oBaTh i +a 7874. to preach; advocate npocTy ,lUIThCg p 9520. to catch a cold

npOIIOBe�h f 521 8 . sermon npocTyna Th i 6376. to come through, show

nponopu;HoHaJihHhiH 95 1 5 . proportional through

np6nycK 8240. (nom pl rrponycKa) IIpOCThiHj} 7880. sheet

pass, permit; npocqeT 7037. miscalculation;

(nom pl np6nycKH) counting

blank, gap IIpOChiiia Thcg i 4743. to wake up

nponycKaTh i +a 2490. to let through np6cb6a 16 18. request

nponycTHTh p +a 3 1 93 . to let through; omit, npoTeKa Th i 6377. to flow; pass (of time);

miss leak

npopsaThcg p 7875. to break through; tear npoTecT 3593. protest

npope3aTh p +a 7876. to cut through IIpOTeCTOBaTh 4197. to protest

npop6K 5219 . prophet IIpOTHB + g 59 1 . against; opposite

npopbiB 6093. breach IIpOTHBHHK 1 583. opponent, adversary

npocBeT 8859. shaft of light; aperture IIpOTHBHO 3047. disgusting(ly)

npocBeqHBaTh 7877. to be translucent; shine IIpOTHBHhiH 3908. disgusting

through IIpOTHBOIIOJIO)I(- 6378. opposite, antithesis

npocBern;eHHe 3488. education; HOCTh f

enlightenment IIpOTHBOIIOJIO)I(HhiH 4198. opposite; contrary

npOCH�eTh p 6094. to sit (for a specified IIpOTHBOIIOCTaBHTh 886 1 . to contrast (sth with

time) p +a +d sth)

npOCHTh i +inf 283. to request, ask IIpOTHBOIIOCTaBJij}Th 952 1 . to contrast (sth with

npOCHThcg i +inf or 833 1 . to ask for i +a +d sth), set sth against

B/Ha +a sth

npocKoq:UTh p 7034. to rush past; slip IIpOTHBOpeqHBhiH 5405. contradictory

through IIpOTHBOpeqHe 1604. contradiction

npocnaBHTh p +a 7878. to make famous IIpOTHBOpeqHTh i +d 5220. to contradict (s.o. or

npocnaBHThcg p 7035 . to become famous sth)

npocnaBneHHhiii 6375. renowned IIpOTHBOCTOj}Th i +d 7038. to resist

npocne�HTh p +a 6095. to track� trace npoTHpaTh i +a 9522. to rub; rub through

npocne3HThcg p 8463. to shed tears IIpOTOKOJI 788 1 . protocol; minutes (of

npOCMaTpHBaTh i +a 95 1 6. to look through meeting)

npOCMOTpeTh p +a 7036. to look over; overlook npOTRrHBaTh i +a 2069. to stretch out

npOCHYThCg p 2068. to wake up npoTg)l(eHHe 332 1 . extent; expanse

np6co 9925. millet Ha IIpOTR)I(eH:RH +g during

npocnaTh p 95 17 . to oversleep IIpOTj})I(HO 8862. slowly, lingeringly;

npocneKT 561 1 . avenue (wide street) with a drawl

npocTaHBaTh 7879. to stand idle npoTgHyTh p +a 1 875. to stretch out

npOCTHpaTbCjJ i 95 1 8. to extend, stretch IIpOTRHYThCg p 9523. to stretch out; extend

npOCTHTeJihHO 8860. pardonably npocpecCHO HaJihHhiH 341 1 . professional (adj)

IIpOCTHTh p +a 843. to forgive (s.o. or sth) npocpeccHg 1 876. profession

IIpOCTHThCg p C +inst 6096. to say goodbye (to) npocpeccop 1066. professor

np6CTO 1 97 . simply np6$HJ1b m 4870. profile

npocT6ii 574. simple npocpcoro3 1900. trade union

npocT6p 2263 . space, expanse npocpcoro3Hhiii 2264. trade union (adj)

npocT6pHo 95 1 9. (it is) spacious IIpOXBOCT (coli) 9524. scoundrel

npocT6pHhiH 3 1 28 . spacious npoxna�Hhiii 5850. cool



npox6.n 7039. passage; passageway np.H:TaThC.si i 2995 . to hide

npoxo,nHTh i 424. to go through/past IICHXOnor:RqeCKHH 43 1 3 . psychological

npoxo)l(�eHHe 9525 . passing, passage IICHXOnOrH.si 5036. psychology

npOXO)I(HH m adj 2992. passer-by nTeH(e)u 9927 . nestling, fledgling

npouBeTaHHe 522 1 . flourishing; prosperity nTiiua 562. bird

npouBeTaTh i 9526. to flourish IITHqHif 5222. bird ' s

npoue.nypa 7882. procedure IITHqKa 7883 . small bird; tick (v') npoueHT 832. percent, percentage ny6nHKa 2887. public

npouecc 632. process; trial, lawsuit ny6nHKaUHR 8863 . publication

npoqecTh p +a 1 5 1 3 . to read ny6nHKOBa Th i +a 638 1 . to publish

np6qHii 880. other ny6n:RqHhiH 6382. public

npoqHTaTh p +a 1 584. to read (= npoqecTh); nyraTh i +a 2996. to frighten

npoqHo 458 1 . solidly nyraThC.si i +g 6097. to take fright (at)

np6qHOCTh f 3489. stability, solidity, nyroBHUa 429 1 . button

durability ny� 43 14. pood ( 1 6.38 kg)

np6'1HhiH 2 107. firm, solid ny3hrp(e)K 447 1 . bubble; phial

npO'Ih 2537. away ny3:biph m 4583. bubble

nporne�rnHii 4582. past (adj ) nyneMeT 2001 . machine-gun

npornenTaTh p 6677. to whisper ny neMeTHhiH 6680. machine-gun (adj)

npornnor6�HHH 6379. last year 's nynhc 7884. pulse

np6rnnoe n adj 1 330. the past nynhT 745 1 . control panel; music-

np6rnnhiH 3 1 8. past stand

npomanhHhiH 5035. farewell (adj), parting nyn.s� 2672. bullet

npomaHHe 585 1 . farewell, parting IIYHKT 1 634. point

npomaTh i +a 2587. to pardon nypra 8428. blizzard

npoma ThCR i 1 95 1 . to say goodbye nycK 8864. starting up, launch

npomeHHe 6380. pardon nycKaii (coli) 7885. let

npORBHTh p +a 3048. to display, manifest nycKaTh i +a 1 28 1 . to allow; let in; let go

npORBHThCR p 5852. to be revealed, show IIYCKaThCR i B +a 9529. to start, embark (on sth)

itself nycTHTh p +a 973. to allow; let in; let go

npo.s�BneHHe 2886. manifestation, display IIYCTHThCR p B +a 6098. to set out, start

IIpORBn.H:Th i +a 2993 . to display, manifest or +inf

npO.siBJUIThC.si i 3490. to show itself, be nycTo 3848 . (it ' s) empty; emptily

revealed IIYCTOH 1 097 . empty

IIpO.siCHeHHe 9527. clarification, clearing nycToTa 3849. emptiness

up; clear period nyCThiHHhiH 349 1 . desert, deserted

(weather) IIYCTLIHR 2070. desert

npy� 9926. pond rrycT:biph m 7886. waste ground

npy)I(HHa 7449. spring (mechanism) IIYCTh 284. let

npyTHK 9528. twig, switch; small rod nycT.H:K 1 967. trifle

np:biraTh i 2994. to jump nyTaHHUa 668 1 . confusion, mix -up

np:brrHyTh p 7450. to jump nyTaTh i +a 6099. to confuse, mix up

nphi)I(( 6 )K 487 1 . jump rryTaThC.si i 6383. to get mixed up

npR,nh f 6678. lock of hair nyTesKa 440 1 . voucher for travel and

npRMO 3 1 9. directly, straight accommodation

npRMOH 966. straight, direct rryTeM +g 5406. by means of

npRHHK 6679. biscuit or cake with nyTeiiieCTBeHHHK 4 1 1 1 . traveller

spices nyTeiiieCTBHe 207 1 . journey, voyage

npRTaTh i +a 221 1 . to hide nyTeiiieCTBOBaTh i 5037. to travel



rryTh m 2 1 8. way, joumey paBHO,ll;YIIIHe 7454. indifference

rryx 9928. down, fluff paBHO)l;YIIIHO 5613 . with indifference

rryq(o)K 4344. bundle; bun (hairdo) paBH o.n;yiiiHhiH 3676. indifferent

IIYIIIHCThiH 3909. fluffy, downy paBHOMepHO 6683. uniformly, evenly

rryiiixa 1 802. cannon paBHOMepHhiH 7040. even, uniform

rrqeJia 9530. bee paBHOIIpaBHe 704 1 . equality

IIIIIeHHUa 1 077. wheat paBHhiH 949. equal

rriiieH:HqHhiH 7452. wheat (adj), wheaten paBHRTbCg i 4872. (ua +a) to emulate;

IIIIIeHO 953 1 . millet (+d) be equal to

IIhiJI 9929. heat, ardour pa.n; short adj 12 16. glad

IIhiJiclTh 7887. to blaze pa.n;H +g 1054. for the sake of

rrhiJiaiOmHii 6682. flaming, blazing pa.n;HKaJibHhiH 7888. radical

IIhinec6c 9930. vacuum cleaner pa.n;Ho n indecl 1033. radio

IIhiJih f 1 165. dust pa,ll;HOllpHeMHHK 6385. radio (set)

IIhiJihHhiH 2997. dusty pa.n;HOCTaHQHg 4199. radio station

IIhiTclThCg i +p inf 890. to attempt pa.n;HCT 8383. radio operator

IIhiTKa 7453. torture pa.n;oBa Th i +a 5614. to gladden

IIhiiiiHhiH 391 0. luxuriant pa.n;oBaThcg i +d 3594. to be pleased (about)

rrheca 2673. play pa.n;ocTHo 3050. joyfully

IIhRHHUa m/f 6384. drunkard pa.n;ocTHhiH 3595. glad, joyful

IIhRHKa (coli) 9532. binge, booze-up pa.n;OCTh f 1 047. joy

IIhRHCTBO 5223 . drunkenness pa.n;yra 5224. rainbow

IIhRHhiH 1 50 1 . drunk pa.n;y)J(HhiH 7889. iridescent; radiant

rrgTa 9533. heel pa3 80. once; a time

rrgTepxa 8865. the number five; pa36er 7890. run

excellent (top exam pa36e)J(aThcg p 9534. to scatter; take a

mark) run-up

Il$ITHJieTKa 8 1 88. five-year plan pa36HBaTh i +a 5407. to break, smash

rrRTHThcg p 561 2. to back away, step back pa36HBaTbCR i 8866. to get broken

IIRTHa.n;ua ThiH 5853. fifteenth pa36HpaTh i +a 2998. to take to pieces; sort

rrgTHcl,ll;QaTb 1 924. fifteen out; make out

rr.si:THHUa 5038. Friday pa36HpaTbCR i B +pr 3322. to investigate;

IIRTHO 1 968. spot understand

IIRThiH 330. fifth pa36HTh p +a 1 90 1 . to break, smash

IIRTh 1 60. five pa36HThiH 391 1 . broken

IIRTh,ll;eCRT 2027. fifty pa36HThCR p 6386. to break (into pieces)

IIRThCOT 2936. five hundred pa366ii 789 1 . banditry

pa6 240 1 . slave pa360HHHK 424 1 . brigand

pa66Ta 60. work pa360HHHqHif 7892. robber's , brigand's

pa66TaTh 83. to work pa36pocaTh p +a 6387. to scatter

pa60THHK 659. worker, s.o. who pa36y.n;HTh p +a 2888. to wake, rouse

works pa3BaJIHHa 6684. ruin

pa66THHUa 6 100. female worker pa3BaJIHThCR p 7042. to fall to pieces

pa66qHif 657. worker pa3Be 34 1 . really

pa6CTBO 3049. slavery pa3Be . . . He surely

paBeHCTBO 2937. equality pa3Be.n;xa 3 1 94. intelligence service;

paBHHHa 4472. plain reconnaissance

paBHO 540. equal, alike pa3Be.n;qHK 4079. secret agent; scout,

paBHOBeCHe 4383. balance prospector



pa3BeJJ;biBa TeJihHbiH 9535. reconnaissance (adj); pa3JJ;en 5040. division; section

intelligence (adj) pa3,n;eneHHe 4200. division

pa3BepHyTh p +a 2627. to unfold; develop pa3JJ;eJIHTh p +a 3755. to divide

pa3BepHyThC.SI p 4873. to unroll; expand; pa3JJ;eJI}):Th i +a 5616 . to divide; separate;

swing round (make share

a U-tum) pa3JJ;eThc.SI p 7900. to get undressed

pa3BepTbiBaHHe 7043. unfolding; pa3JJ;OJihe 9932. expanse, open space;

development freedom

pa3BepThiBa Th i +a 6 10 1 . to unfold; expand pa3,n;pa)l(a Th i +a 5617 . to irritate, annoy

pa3BepTbiBa ThC.SI i 6388. to unfold; expand; pa3,n;pa)l(a ThC.SI i 7046. to become irritated

swing round (make pa3,n;pa)l(eHHe 6687. irritation

a U-tum) pa3,n;pa)l(eHHo 7896. with irritation, crossly

pa3BeCHTh p +a 9536. to hang up (a number pa3,n;p66JieHHhiH 9537. shattered, splintered,

of things); weigh out disunited

pa3BeCTH p +a 3992. to separate pa3,LJ;YMhiBaTb i 6390. to change one ' s mind;

pa3BeCTHCh p 7893 . to get divorced; breed (i only) (o +pr)

pa3BHBcl Tb i +a 2402. to develop ponder

pa3BHBa TbC.SI i 1460. to develop pa3,n;yMhe 4040. meditation, thought

pa3BHBcliOIUHHC.SI 5854. developing pa3HHYTh p (coli) +a 8869. to gape

pa3BHTHe 592. development pa3HTeJihHhiii 9933 . striking

pa3BHT6ii m adj 8867. developed, mature pa3naraTh i +a 8429. to break down,

pa3BHTb p +a 3993. to develop decompose

pa3BHThC.SI p 7044. to develop pa3naraThc.SI 6688 . to decompose,

pa3BneqeHHe 7045 . entertainment disintegrate

pa3BOJJ; 993 1 . divorce pa3naJJ; 9934. discord; disorder

pa3BOJJ;HTh i +a 3254. to separate; dissolve; pa3neTaThC.SI 7897. to fly apart; scatter,

breed shatter

pa3BOpaqHBaTh i +a 6389. to unfold; expand pa3neTeThc.SI p 8870. to fly away; shatter

pa3B.SI3aTh p +a 5855. to untie pa3JIHBa ThC.SI i 9538. to spill; overflow

pa3raJJ;a Th p +a 8405. guess, work out pa3JIHqaTh i +a 5408. to distinguish

pa3rap 5615 . height, climax pa3JIHqaThC.SI i +inst 9539. to differ

pa3r JI.SIJJ;eTh p +a 5039. to make out, perceive pa3JIHqHe 2777 . difference

pa3rm,n;hiBaTh i +a 3255. to examine closely pa3JIHqHTh p +a 5857. to distinguish

pa3roB6p 285. conversation pa3JIHqHhiH 634. different, various

pa3rOBapHBaTh i 1087. to converse, talk pa3JIO)I(eHHe 4346. decomposition,

pa3rOBOpHThC.SI p 8868. to become talkative disintegration

pa3ropa Thc.SI i 7894. to flare up, blaze up pa3JIO)I(HTh p +a 5409. to spread out; to break

pa3ropeThC.SI p 7455. to flare up down

pa3rp6M 4584. crushing defeat; pa3JI}'Ka 5410. separation

devastation pa3Max 2588. scope, range, scale

pa3rpOMHTh p +a 5225 . to rout; wreck pa3MaXHBaTb i +inst 5858. to swing (sth)

pa3JJ;aBaTh i +a 7456. to give out, distribute pa3Mep 1 088. size, scale, extent

pa3,naBa Thc.SI i 3 1 29. to resound pa3MeCTHTh p +a 6 1 03 . to accommodate

pa3,naBHTh p +a 5856. to crush pa3MeCTHThC.SI p 7898. to be seated, placed,

pa3,naTh p +a 6685. to distribute accommodated,

pa3JJ;clThC.SI p 2842. to resound pa3MemaThC.SI 9540. to take one ' s place; be

pa3,nBHraTh i +a 7895 . to move apart accommodated

pa3,LJ;BHHYTh p +a 6686. to move apart pa3Me:I.QeHHe 954 1 . placing, allocation,

pa3,neBa Thc.SI i 6 102. to undress accommodation



pa3MhiiiiJieHHe 5859. reflection, thought pa3p03HeHHhiH 9935 . incomplete (of set);

pa3MhiiiiJI}]:Th i 0 +pr 420 1 . to ponder (on) scattered,

pa3HH�a 2889. difference uncoordinated

pa3HOBHL(HOCTh f 7899. variety, type pa3py11IaTh i +a 5226. to destroy

pa3HornacHe 6 1 04. disagreement pa3py11IaThcg i 6391 . to fall apart, be

pa3Hoo6pa3He 3323. variety destroyed

pa3Hoo6pa3HhiH 1 034. various, varied pa3py11IeHHe 2724. destruction

pa3HOpO,ll;HhiH 9542. heterogeneous pa3py1IIHTh p +a 3994. to destroy, ruin

pa3HO�BeTHhiH 3596. many-coloured pa3phiB 2491 . break, gap; shellburst

pa3HhiH 269. various, different pa3phiBa Th i +a 7905 . to tear up

pa3o6naqaTh i +a 790 1 . to unmask pa3p}]:.ll 43 1 0. discharge; category

pa3o6na qeHHe 7457. exposing, unmasking pa3y3HaTh p +a 8874. to find out

pa3o6naqHTh p +a 4585. to expose, unmask pa3yM 2447. reason, intellect

pa3o6paTh p +a 2628. to take to pieces; make pa3yMeThcg i 1 225. to be meant

out, understand pa3yMHO 6689. sensibly

pa3o6paThcg p B +pr 1 80 1 . to sort sth out pa3yMHhiH 3 1 3 1 . sensible

pa3orHaTh p +a 9543. to disperse pa3'he3.ll 8875. departure, dispersal

pa3orpeTh p +a 887 1 . to heat up pa3'hRCHeHHe 8876. explanation

pa30HTHCh p 3850. to split up pa3'hRCHHTh p +a 4875. to explain

pa3oM (coli) 4586. at once, at one go; in a pa3'hRCH}]:Th i +a 8877. to explain

flash pa3hirpaTh p +a 9936. to perform; raffle,

pa3opBaTh p +a 4587. to tear up draw lots (for sth);

pa30pBaThCR p 7902. to break; explode play a trick (on s.o. ),

pa3opeHHe 4282. ruin fool

pa3opHTh p +a 9544. to ruin pa3hirphiBaThCR i 9547. to romp; warm up, get

pa30pHThCR p 7903 . to be ruined, bankrupt into one's stride;

pa3opy)l(eHHe 1 1 1 3 . disarmament (storm etc.) break,

pa3oqapoBaHHe 5618 . disappointment rage

pa3oqap6BaHHhiH 9545 . disappointed, pa3hicKaTh p +a 504 1 . to seek out, search for

disillusioned pa3hiCKHBa Th i +a 7458. to seek out, search for

pa3pa6aThiBaTh i +a 3324. to develop, design; pail 4202. paradise

cultivate paii6H 264. region

pa3pa66TaTh p +a 2446. to work out, devise, paii6HHhiH 2002. regional, district (adj)

develop paKeTa 1 104. rocket

pa3pa66TKa 3 1 30. elaboration, working paKeTHhiH 8465 . rocket (adj)

out; design; paKOBHHa 8360. (sea)shell; sink,

mining washbasin

pa3pacTaThCR 9546. to spread, expand paM a 4001 . frame

pa3paCTHCh p 8872. to grow, expand paMKa 3 1 32. frame

pa3pe3 4874. cut, section paHa 3492. wound

pa3pe3aTh p +a 8873. to cut up paHr 4421 . rank

pa3pe11IaTh i 3325. (+d +inf) to permit paHee 541 1 . earlier

(s.o. to do sth); paHeHHe 5860. wounding, wound

(+a) solve paHeHhiH 2629. wounded

pa3pe11Ia ThCR 7904. to be permitted; be paHHTh i/p +a 2778. to wound, injure

resolved paHHHH 2589. early

pa3pe11IeHHe 2538. permission; solution paHO 790. early; it is early

pa3pe1IIHTh p 1 089. ( +d of person) to paHhiiie 33 1 . earlier

allow, permit; solve paca 7906. race



paCH3M 9548. racism pacnopJDKeuue 2028. instruction, command

paCHCTCKHH 6392. racist (adj) pacnpasa 5228 . reprisal ; harsh

pacKausaTbC.SI i o +pr 7907. to repent (of sth) treatment;

paCKa.TieHHhiH 5042. scorching, burning hot punishment

pacK aT 9937. rumble, roll, peal pacnpaouThC.SI p 7909. to deal with; straighten

paCKcl.SIHHe 9938. repentance c +inst out

pacKHHYTh p +a 7908. to stretch out, ex tend pacnpe.lleneuue 2 1 66. distribution

paCKHHYThC.SI p 5619. to stretch out pacnpeJleJJHTh p +a 7462. to distribute; allocate

paCKJJcl,llbiB3Tb i +a 5620. lay out; spread pacnpeJleJJ}]ThC.SI i 705 1 . to be distributed

paCKOJJ 7047. split, schism pacnpocTpaueuue 2492. spreading,

pacKpbiBaTb i +a 4203. to open wide; expose dissemination

pacKpbiBaThC.SI i 5227. to open; be revealed pacnpocTpaueHHbiH 5043 . widespread, common

pacKpbiTbiH 7459. wide-open pacnpocrpaHHTh p +a 4588. to spread

pacKphiTh p +a 2237. to open wide; reveal pacnpocTpaHHThC.SI p 7463. to spread

pacKpbiTbC.SI p 8878. to open, open up; be pacnpocTpaH�Th i +a 5412 . to spread

revealed pacnpocTpaH�ThC.SI 3 1 95 . to spread

pacKyCHTh p +a 9549. to bite through; pacnpomaThC.SI p 8879. to say goodbye (to s.o.)

(p only) (coli) suss (coli) c +inst

out; get to the heart pacnycTHTh p +a 5863 . to dismiss, disband;

of sth let out

paCOBhiH 7460. racial paccseT 22 12. daybreak

pacna.n 562 1 . disintegration pacceuBaThC.SI 7052. to disperse; give os a

pacna.naThC.SI 586 1 . to fal l apart, break up break

pacnaxuoaTh i +a 5862. to throw open paccep.nlfThC.SI p 305 1 . to get angry (with)

pacnaxnyTh p +a 6690. to throw open ua +a

pacnucauue 8503. timetable pacce.Siuuo 669 1 . absent-mindedly

pacnucKa 7048. receipt pacce»HHhiif 4589. absent-minded

pacnnaquoaTbC.SI 7049. to settle up, pay pacce»Th p +a 5044. to scatter

pacnonaraTh i 236 1 . ( +inst) to have paccKaJ 460. story

available; (+a) paccKaJaTh p 1 94. to tell , talk (about)

(pacnoJ10)I(HTh p) paccKaJhiBa Th 226. to tell , talk (about)

to arrange, set out; paCCJJhllllaTb p 7464. to catch (sth said)

win over paccMaTpuoaTh i +a 1 360. to examine, consider

pacnonaraThC.SI i 5622. to take up position; paCCMaTpHBaTbC» 5229. to be considered

make os paccMe�ThC.SI p 3756. to burst out laughing

comfortable p aCCMOTpCHHe 3995 . examination, scrutiny

pacnoJJo)l(eHue 4252. arrangement; location; paCCMOTpCTh p +a 3 326. to examine; make out

liking; inclination paccnparnusaTh i +a 3493 . to question

pacnoJIO)I(eHHhiH 746 1 . situated; ( K +d) paccnpocHTh p +a 8880. to question (s.o.)

inclined, disposed to paccTaoa ThC.SI i 6692. to part (from s.o./with

pacnoJJO)I(HTh p +a 1969. to arrange, set out c +inst sth)

pacnOJJO)I(HThC.SI p 4876. to take up position; paccTaBHTh p +a 5864. to place; distribute

settle oneself paccTasn}jTh i +a 7465. to place, set out; move

pacnop.SI.LUiThC.SI p �550. to give orders; ( +inst) apart

deal with, manage paccTaTbCB p c +inst 3677. to part (with/from)

pacnop�.n( o )K 7050. routine paccTerusaTh i +a 7466. to unfasten

pacnop.SI)I(aThC.SI i 6393 . ( + inf) to give orders; paccTeruyTb p +a 7053 . to unfasten

( +inst) be in paCCTHJJa TbC.SI 955 1 . to spread out

charge of paccTojjuue 1 748. distance



paccTpen 6 1 05 . execution (by firing- pBaHyTh p +a 8884. to tug; (coli) jerk into

squad) motion

paccTpeJIHBa Th i +a 6394. to execute (by pBaHyThC.SI p 7055. to dash

shooting) pBaHhiH 6106. torn

paccTpen}]:rh p +a 3597. to execute (by psaTh i +a 3327. to tear

shooting) pBclThC.SI i 3679. to tear, burst; want

paccTpoeHHhiH 888 1 . upset strongly (to do sth)

paccTp6HTh p +a 6395. to upset pearU:poBaTh i 8892. to react

paCCTpOHCTBO 9552. disorder peaKTHBHhiH 8407. jet-propelled

paccy.n;HTh p +a 7467. to arbitrate (between), peaKQH.SI 1 925. reaction

judge; decide pea.rm3aUH.SI 6695 . implementation; sale

paccy.n;(o)K 9939. reason, ability to think pea.mf3M 791 1 . realism

paccyx.n;a Th 2938. to reason; ( o +pr) pea.rmcTifqecKHH 9556. realistic

discuss peMhHOCTh f 4747. reality

paccyx.n;eHHe 3757. reasoning, argument peciJibHhiH 1 585. real; realistic

paccqHTaTh p +a 341 2. to calculate pe6eH(O)K 639. child

paccqHThiBa Th i 2072. to calculate; expect; pe6p6 6396. rib; edge

Ha +a/+inf rely on pe6s1Ta (coll) 489. children, boys

pacchiiia Th p +a 9553 . to spill, scatter pe6.SITHIIIKH ( coll) 4242. children, kids

paCChiDaThC.SI p 4744. to scatter; crumble pe6slqHii 9557. child's; childish

paCTcl.SITh p 5045 . to melt pes 5623. roar

paCTBOpHTh p +a 8406. to open; dissolve peBeTh 3996. to roar, howl

paCTBOpHThC.SI p 8882. to open; dissolve peBHHBhiH 9558. jealous

paCTBOpsiThC.SI i 4745. to dissolve; to open peBHOBclTh i 5047. to be jealous

pacTeHHe 1 0 1 1 . plant peBHOCTh f 6107. jealousy

pacTep.SIHHO 341 3 . in bewilderment peBOJihBep 4347. revolver

pacTep.SIHHOCTh f 7468. bewilderment, dismay peBOJIIOQHOHep 5624. revolutionary

pacTep.SIHHhiH 5046. perplexed, bewildered peBOJIIOQHOHHhiH 708. revolutionary

pacTepsiThC.SI p 4746. to get lost; panic peso.rriD UH.SI 599. revolution

paCTH i 486. to grow pery nslpHo 791 2. regularly

paCTHTeJihHOCTh f 9554. vegetation pery JisipHhiH 7913 . regular

paCTHTeJihHhiH 8242. vegetable (adj) pe.n;aKTOp 3598. editor

paCTHTh i +a 7054. to grow, raise pe.n;aKQHOHHhiH 7056. editorial, editing

pacTpenaHHhiH 9940. dishevelled; tattered pe.n;aKQH.SI 1469. editorial office; editing

pacTyiUHH 3678. growing pe.n;KHH 1 635. rare

pacxaxHsa Th i 8883. to pace up and down pe.n;Ko 2238. rarely

pacx6.n; 2590. expenditure pe,li;KOCTh f 4205. rarity

paCXO,li;HThC.SI i 2289. to disperse, split up peXHM 1 562. regime; rules,

pacx6.n;osaTh i +a 7469. to spend, use up regulations; diet

pacnsecT:H p 9555 . to blossom, bloom pexHccep 4878. producer (theatre),

pacuseT 6693. bloom; flourishing director (cinema)

pacuseTaTh i 7910 . to bloom pe3aTh i +a 3052. to cut

pacueHHBaTh i +a 6694. to assess pe3eps 4048. reserve

pacqeT [ cq = m] 1437. calculation pe3(e)u 8572. cutting tool; incisor

pacrnHpeHHe 3 1 33 . expansion (tooth)

pacrnlipHTh p +a 4204. to broaden, expand pe3HHOBhiH 6696. rubber (adj)

paCIIIHpsiTh i +a 5865. to expand pe3KHH 1605 . sharp

paCIIIHpsiThC.SI i 4877. to broaden, expand pe3KO 12 17 . sharply, abruptly

paUHOHclJihHhiH 541 3 . rational pe30.JIIDUH.SI 5414. resolution



pe3yJihTaT 578. result penruTeJibHO 1 563. resolutely; definitely,

pe3h6a 8466. carving absolutely

peiic 259 1 . journey (of vehicle) pern:HTeJihHhiii 2265 . decisive

peKa 676. river peiiiHTh p 1 78 . to decide; solve

peKnaMa 3414. advertisement penniThCSI p Ha +a 2266. to bring os to, risk; be

peKOMeHJJ;aUHSI 5866. recommendation or +inf decided

peKOMeHJJ;OBaTh 3997. to recommend p)KaBhiH 791 5 . rusty

i/p +a pHMCKHH 5416 . Roman

peKOHCTpylfpoBaTh 8885. to reconstruct pHHYThCSI p 994 1 . to rush, charge, dash

i/p +a pHC 1 33 1 . rice

peKOpJJ; 4748. record pHCK 3998. risk

peJIHrH03HhiH 4879. religious pHCKHYTh p 8888. to take a risk

peJI:HrHSI 3328. religion pHCKOBaTh i +inst 5417 . to risk

pellhe<J> 8886. relief (geog, art) pHCOBaTh i +a 5049. to draw

pe1Ihc 4253 . rail pHCOBaThCSI i 8574. to show off, pose;

peM(e)Hh m 4590. belt seem

peMeCJieHHHK 9559. craftsman; hack pHCYH(O)K 980. drawing

peMecn6 6697. trade (profession) pHTM 523 1 . rhythm

peMOHT 2073. repair; redecoration po6eTh 7916 . to be timid

peMOHTHpOBaTh 7914. to repair, redecorate p66KHH 4880. timid

i/p +a p66KO 459 1 . timidly

peMOHTHhiH 5415 . repair (ad j ) pOBHO 1 855 . evenly; precisely

penJIHKa 6698. rejoinder, retort p6BHhiH 2843 . level; even, equal

penopTa)l( 7057. reporting por 5867. hom

penopTep 8430. reporter por6)Ka 956 1 . matting

penpeCCHSI 8887. repression po.n 99 1 . family, kin; birth,

penpoJJ;yKUHSI 8573. reproduction origin; sort, kind;

penyTaUHSI 5048. reputation gender

pecH:Hua 5230. eyelash po,nHMhiH 7059. native; dear

pecny6JIHKa 220. republic pO,nHHa 833 . homeland, native

pecny6JIHKaHCKHH 8272. republican land

pecTaBpaUHSI 7058. restoration po,n:HTeJih m 2 1 67 . parent

pecTopaH 3758. restaurant po,n:HTeJihCKHH 8889. parents '

pecypc 2725 . resource po,n:HTh p +a 3852. to give birth

pe<J>6pMa 4254. reform po,nHThCSI p 14 10. to be born

peuenT 7470. recipe; prescription po,nHHK 8890. spring (water source)

peqKa 4749. small river po,nH6ii 1 04 1 . native; own; (as noun,

peqH6ii 4255. river (adj) in pi) relatives,

peqh f 385. speech relations

perna Th i +a 1 272. to decide; solve po,nH.sl 4206. relatives

pernaThCSI i +inf/ 2324. to bring os to, risk; be pOJJ;OBOH 8467. ancestral; generic;

Ha +a decided birth (adj)

pernaiOIUHH 2592. deciding, decisive pO,nCTBeHHHK 3329. relative

perneHHe 569. decision; solution p6,nCTBeHHhiH 5625 . family (adj), kindred

perneTKa 2890. grating, grille, po,ncTBO 6699. kinship

railings p6)1(a (very coli) 6397. face

perneT6 9560. sieve po)KJJ;a Th i +a 5232. to give birth (to)

pelliHMOCTh f 385 1 . determination, pO)KJJ;aThCSI i 2362. to be born

resoluteness pO)K,LleHHe 1 970. birth



po)I((O)K 9562. small hom; hom pyKoaoro{TeJih m 996. leader, manager;

(instrument) instructor,

p(O))I(h f 6700. rye supervisor

p63a 2403. rose pyKOBO,L(HTh i +inst 2675. to manage, supervise

p03Hh f 9942. difference; discord, PYKOBO,ll;CTBO 1 1 73. leadership; guide,

disagreement manual

p630BhiH 2448. pink; rosy pyKoa6,n;cTBOBaThcg 4750. to be guided (by)

p03hirphiiii 7917 . (lottery) draw; i +inst

practical joke pyKOBO,L(RinHH 3415 . leading

pOKOBOH 791 8 . fateful PYKOllHCh f 3999. manuscript

pOKOT 9943. roar, rumble pyKono)KaTHe 8895. handshake

pOJih f 1 202. role pyKORTKa 8575. handle

poMaH 1 1 5 1 . novel; love affair, pynea6ii m adj 5419. steering (adj);

romance helmsman

pOMclHC 9563. romance (song) PYJih m 4256. steering-wheel; helm

pOMclHTHKa 889 1 . romance, romanticism pyMRH(e)u 7060. flush, rosy complexion

pOHRTh i +a 6 1 08 . to drop PYMRHhiH 747 1 . rosy, ruddy

poca 6398. dew pycno 6399. bed (of river), channel

pOCKOIIIHhiH 791 9. luxurious pyccKHH 349. Russian (adj); (as

pOCKOIIIh f 670 1 . luxury noun) a Russian

p6CJihiH 7920. tall, strapping pychiii 6702. light brown (hair)

pOCCHHCKHH 2999. Russian (of Russia) PYXHYTh p 488 1 . to collapse

poeT 765 . growth, increase; pyqaThc.SI i Ja +a 6703. to vouch for

height pyqe:U 4207. brook, stream

pocT(O)K 541 8 . sprout, shoot pyqKa 2404. small hand; handle;

p(o)T 1 244. mouth pen

p6Ta 4329. company (of PYlfH6ii 4000. hand (adj); tame

soldiers) pyiiiHThcg i 7472. to collapse

p6ma 3256. small wood, copse pbi6a 1 346. fish

poRJih m 4395. (grand) piano pbi6aK 35 1 2. fisherman

py6axa 2674. shirt phi6alfHH 6109. fishing (adj)

py6aiiiKa 2290. shirt pbi6Ka 5868. small fish

py6e)K 3 1 96. boundary pbi6HhiH 5233. fish (adj)

Ja py6e)I(OM abroad pbi60JIOBHhiH 8896. fishing (adj)

py6HHOBhiH 8893 . ruby (adj) pbiB(O)K 6704. jerk; spurt

py6HTh i +a 3599. to chop pbl,ll;clTh i 9945. to sob

py6Ka 4408. felling; chopping; pbi)I(HH 2109. red-haired

deck cabin pbiH(O)K 2267. market

py6nh m 741 . rouble pbiHOlfHhiH 9564. market (adj)

py6pHKa 8894. heading, rubric phiCh f 8408. trot; lynx

pyraTh i+a 3000. to abuse, scold phiTh i +a 706 1 . to dig

pyraThcg i 2726. to swear pbiThCg i B +pr 792 1 . to dig, rummage (in)

py,n;a 8277. ore pbiXJihiH 7473. friable, crumbly; ( coll)

py,n;HHK 8268. mine (for minerals) podgy, flabby

PY)I(he 2 1 08. gun, rifle pbiUaph m 5869. knight

pyKa 1 03 . hand; arm pbilfar 6 1 1 0. lever

pyKaB 1 655. sleeve pbllfclTh i 5626. to growl

pyKaBHUa 9944. mitten, glove (without p10K3clK 8409. rucksack

fingers) piDMKa 4438. wineglass



pg.n; 608. (pr B pj{.uy) row, line c6e)l(aTh p 8902. to run down; run away

(pr B p}]:.ue) series c6epeqh p +a 9568. to save; protect

PAAOBOH m adj 3494. ordinary, rank and file; c6HBaTh i +a 5628 . to knock down;

(as noun) private distract, confuse;

soldier beat, whisk

p}}.n;oM 258. alongside C6HBaTbCjJ 7474. to slip; go wrong, get

c (co) 8 . ( +inst) with; (+g) confused; huddle

from, off together

ca.n; 3 10. garden c6HTh p +a 3330. to knock down;

ca.n;HTbCg i 440. to sit down; get into confuse; whip,

(transport) whisk

ca.n;oBOJJ; 8897. gardener c6HTbCj{ p 5234. to slip; go wrong, get

ca)l(a 8504. soot confused; huddle

ca)l(aTh i +a 4002. to seat; plant together

carro 4029. fat, lard c6JIH)I(eHHe 6 1 1 2. rapprochement

ca.rr<t>eTxa 5870. napkin; tissue; c66xy 39 1 2. from the side

serviette c6op 475 1 . collection, gathering

cambT 9565. salute; firework display C66pHHK 2325. collection (book of

(in honour of s.o. poems, stories,

or sth) articles)

caM m/ caM a f/ 1 1 7. self c66pHbiH 4466. collapsible,

caM6 n/caMH pl prefabricated;

CclMKa 8898. female (animal) mixed, combined

caMoBap 205 1 . samovar (team)

CaMOfOH 8899. home-made vodka c6pachiBaTh i +a 5629. to drop; throw off

caM o.n;ep)l(aBHe 6400. autocracy c6p6CHTh p +a 3759. to drop; throw off

CaMOJJ;ejJTeJihHOCTh f 5627. individual initiative; c6biT 5630. sale

amateur activity CBclJJ;h6a 3001 . wedding

CaMOKpHTHKa 9566. self-critic ism CBanHTb p +a 6705 . to throw down; pile up

caMoneT 563 . aeroplane CBanHTbCjJ p 39 13 . to fall down

CaMOJU06He 2844. pride, self-esteem CBapHTh p +a 563 1 . to boil, cook;

CaMOOTBep)l(eHHhiH 7922. self -sacrificing (i CBapHBaTb) weld

CaMOC03HaHHe 9567. self -awareness CBe.UeHHe 1 749. information

CaMOCTO}]:TeJibHO 4882. independently CBe)l(eCTb f 7062. freshness

caMOCTO}}TeJihHOCTb f 4033 . independence CBe)I(HH 1 528. fresh

caMocro}}TeJibHhiH 2493. independent CBeKJia 8903 . beet

caMoy6HHCTBO 8900. suicide CBeprHyTh p +a 8904. to overthrow

CclMhiH 72. the very, most CBep)l(eHHe 7063 . overthrow

CaHaTOpHH 6 1 1 1 . sanatorium CBepKaTh i 2676. to sparkle

CclHH pl 4392. sledge CBepKaiOmHH 3 1 34. sparkling

CaHHTapHbiH 7923. medical, sanitary CBepHyTh p +a 333 1 . to roll (up); tum

CaHTHMeTp 3053 . centimetre CBepcTHHK 9946. person of the same age,

can6r 1 098. boot; jackboot contemporary

cap ail 3 1 97. shed CBepT(O)K 438 1 . package, bundle

caxap 2 1 10. sugar CBepx +g 3054. above

caxapHbiH 890 1 . sugary cBepxy 2052. from above

c6eraTh p 587 1 . to run somewhere (and CBeCHTb p +a 9569. to lower, let dangle;

return) (p only) (coll)

c6eraTh i to run down, run away weigh



CBeCTH p +a 3853. to take (s.o. some- cB6iicTBeHHO +d 8907. (it is) characteristic (of)

where); bring ca6iicTBeHHhiH +d 4593. characteristic (of)

together; ( c +g) CBOHCTBO 77 1 . characteristic, property

take down, away ca6noqh f (coll) 3760. swine

CBeT 360. light; world CBhiiiie 1952. from above; (+g) more

CBeTaTh i 8905. to get light, dawn than

CBeTHJIO 8505 . luminary ca}]:3aHHhiH 4883. connected; bound

CBeTHTh i 2845 . to shine CB.SI3clTh p +a 844. to tie; to connect

CBeTHThCj� i 2029. to shine, gleam CBj�3aThCj� p C +inst 7478. to get in touch with;

CBeTJIO 6706. it' s light get involved with

CBeTJihiH 1 1 66. light, bright CBj�3HCT 8410. signaller;

CBeTOBOH 8275. light (adj , as in ' light communications

year') engineer

CBeTCKHH 8906. (high) society (adj); ca}]:3hiBaTh i +a 3257. to connect; bind

secular CBg3hiBaThCj� i C +inst 8908. to communicate with;

CBeT }]:I.QHHCj� 8254. luminous ( coll) get involved

cseqa 2 1 68. candle with

CBeqKa 7475. small candle CBj�3h f 640. connection, link,

CBH.L(aHHe 1 273 . meeting, rendezvous communication

CBH.L(eTellh m 3055 . witness CBj�TQH 1 698. sacred; saint

CBH.L(eTeJibCTBO 2846. evidence; certificate CBj�ThJHj� 7479. sacred place or thing

CBH.L(eTellhCTBOBaTh 3495. to show, be evidence . CBj�I.QeHHHK 2539. priest

i o +pr (of) CBj�I.QeHHhiH 3855. holy, sacred

CBHH(e)U 5420. lead (metal) croaopHThCjl p c +inst 5633. to make an

CBHHCTBO ( coll) 843 1 . swinish trick arrangement (with

CBHHUOBhiH 5632. lead (adj), leaden s.o.)

CBHHh}} 289 1 . pig cropaHHe 8909. combustion

CBHpellhiH 7476. ferocious cropaTh i 9570. to burn, burn out

CBHCT 4592. whistling cropeTh p 61 1 3 . to burn

CBHCTeTh i 2892. to whistle cropjlqa 891 0. in the heat of the

CBHCTHYTh p 7064. to whistle moment

CBHCT(O)K 6402. whistle c.n;aaaTh i +a 3600. to hand in, hand over;

CBHTep 8914. sweater rent, let; surrender,

CB066.n;a 809. freedom give up; take (exam)

CB060.L(HO 3854. freely c.n;aaaThCj! 4003. to surrender, give up

CB066.n;HhiH 752. free c.n;aTh p +a 1 834. to hand in; pass (exam)

CBO.L( 6403. arch, vault (root); c.n;aThC.si p 6404. to surrender

collection of texts c.n;aqa 4753. handing over; change

CBO.L(HTh i +a 3332. to take (s .o. some- (money returned)

where); take away; C.UBHr 5634. shift, displacement;

bring together change,

CBO.UHThCj� i K +d 4208. to reduce (to) improvement

cB6.n;Ka 4752. report, bulletin C.UBHHYThiH 891 1 . shifted

CBOeBpeMeHHO 7065. in good time C.UBHHYTh p +a 5872. to shift

CBOeBpeMeHHhiH 5235. timely c.uena Th p +a 1 1 6. to do, make

cBoeo6pa3He 7477. peculiarity, c.uenaThCji p +inst 2030. to become

individuality c.uenKa 4884. deal, transaction

CBOeo6pa3HhiH 2 1 69. distinctive, individual c.uep)l(aHHo 7066. with restraint

CBOH 28. one ' s own c.nep)l(aHHhiii 5236. restrained



c)lep)l(a Th p +a 5050. to restrain; keep ceHTR6ph m 2540. September

(promise) ceHTR6pbCKHH 9572. September ( adj)

C)lep)l(a ThC.SI p 891 2. to control os cepa 8362. sulphur

C)lep)I(HBaTh i +a 4594. to hold back, restrain cepBH3 9573. service, set (of dishes)

C)lep)I(HBa ThC.SI i 8913 . to control os cepJle'IHhiii 4756. heart (adj) ; heartfelt;

ce6eCTOHMOCTh f 4345 . cost, cost price warm-hearted

ce6.R a pronoun 105. self cepJlHTO 1 808. angrily

ceB 4595. sowing cepJlHThiH 4479. angry

CeBep 1 750. north cep,llHTbC.SI i 1 75 1 . to be angry

ceBepHbiH 1 529. north, northern cepJlue 345 . heart

cer6JlH.SI 147. today cepe6pHCThiH 5873. silvery

cerO)lH.SIIIIHHH 2213 . today's cepe6p6 4209. silver

ce.nHHa 7924. grey hair cepe6p.siHhiii 2677. silver (adj)

ce)ln6 5635. saddle cepe.n:UHa 1 699. middle

ceJl6ii 3056. grey (of hair) cep:UiiHhiH 9574. serial

ce)lhMOH 474. seventh cepH.si 2593 . series

ce36H 4298. season cepHbiH 8284. sulphuric

ceii (bookish; used in 735. this cepn 8576. sickle

set phrases) cepbiH 1 167. grey

ceiiqac 6 1 . now, right now cephe3Ho 1 067. seriously

ceKpeT 2 1 70. secret cepbe3HOCTb f 891 6. seriousness

ceKpeTaprna (coll) 8432. (female) secretary cephe3Hhiii 770. serious

ceKpeTaph m 322. secretary CeCCH.si 7928. session; examinations

ceKpeTHhiH 7925. secret (adj) cecTpa 1 203 . sister

ceKTOp 891 5 . sector cecTpeHKa 7067. little sister

ceKyHJla 1 297. second cecTh p 343. to sit down, get into

ceKUH.SI 7926. section (transport)

CeJleJlKa 9947. herring CeTKa 4082. net; string-bag

ceneHHe 505 1 . settlement, village CeTOBaTh i 6707. to lament, complain

cen6 854. village ceTh f 203 1 . net; network

ceJibCKHH 704. rural, country ce'leHHe 8506. cutting; section

ceJibCKOX03RH- Ce.SITb i +a 3680. to sow

CTBeHHhiH 1 298. agricultural C)l(aTbiH 6708. compressed

ceMeHHhiH 2363. family (adj) C)l(aTh p +a 5636. to squeeze

CeMeHCTBO 6405. family C)l(e'lh p +a 3416 . to bum

ceMe'IKO 836 1 . (small) seed C)I(Hra Th i +a 5874. to bum

CeMHJieTHHH 542 1 . seven-year; seven- C)I(HMa Tb i +a 5637. to squeeze

year-old C)I(HMa TbC.SI i 7480. to tighten, clench

ceMHaJluaTh 3 1 35 . seventeen C3cl.llH 2939. from behind

ceMh 564. seven CH6HpcKHH 2940. Siberian (adj)

CeMh)leC.SIT 4754. seventy CH6HpRK 8917 . Siberian

ceMhCOT 7927. seven hundred cHrapa 5875. cigar

ceMh.si 461 . family cHrapeTa 7068. cigarette

ceM.SI n 863 . seed CHrHciJI 2405 . signal

ceHaTop 4358. senator CH,lleHHe 9575 . sitting; (preferably

ceHH pl 4357. entrance hall (of cH.neHhe) seat

peasant hut) CH,[leTh 143. to sit

ceHO 4755. hay c:Una 1 70. strength, force

ceHC'li�H.SI 957 1 . sensation CHJIY3T 5052. silhouette



CHJihHO 864. strongly; very much CKJia,[J;hiBa Th i +a 4597. to pile up, put together;

CHJihHhlH 366. strong, powerful fold up; add up; put

CHMBOJI 748 1 . symbol down

CHMBOJillqecKHH 7482. symbolic CKJia,[J;hiBa TbCj� 376 1 . to be formed; club

CHMllaTHj� K +d 3914. liking (for s .o.) together

CHHeBa 5053 . blue colour, blueness CKJIOH 2779. slope

CHHHH 80 1 . dark blue CKJIOHHTh p +a 7929. to bend, bow

CHHTeTifqeCKHH 841 1 . synthetic CKJIOHHThcg p 5237. to bend, bow

CHH.siK 9576. bruise CKJIOHHOCTh f K +d 707 1 . tendency (to); aptitude

CHpeHa 6406. siren (for)

CHpeHb f 8577. lilac CKJIOHHhiH K +d 5056. inclined (to)

CHpOTa m/f 7483 . orphan CKJIOHRTbCj� i 7484. to bend, bow; be

CHCTeMa 636. system declined (gramm)

CHCTeMa TlfqecKH 5876. systematically CKJI.HHKa 8920. phial, bottle

CHCTeMaTJiqecKHH 6 1 14 . systematic CKOBOpO,n;Ka 892 1 . frying-pan

CHTO 89 18 . sieve CKOJih 67 1 1 . so

CHTyaQHjl 4757. situation CKOJih3HTh i 5422. to slide

CH.HHHe 4758. radiance CKOJihKO +g 204. how many, how much

CH.HTb i 3 1 98. to shine CKOJihKO-HH6y,n;h +g 5423. any, any quantity of

cKa3aTh p +a 40. to say CKOllHTbCj� p 8922. to accumulate

CKa3a ThCj� p Ha +pr 4759. to have an effect on CKOllJieHHe 5424. accumulation

CKa3Ka 1 926. fairy-tale CK6p6HhiH 7485. mournful

CKa3oqHhiH 391 5 . fairy-tale (adj) CKOp6h f 9579. grief

CKa3hiBa TbCj� 42 1 0. to have an effect ( Ha CKOpee 1099. quicker; rather

+pr on); proclaim cKopnyrra 995 1 . shell

oneself CKOpO 296. soon

CKaKaTh 5877. to skip; gallop CKOporOBOpKa 8923. tongue-twister; rapid

CKaJia 229 1 . crag, rock face, cliff speech

CKanHCThiH 9577. rocky CKOpOCTHOH 4455. high-speed, express

CKaMeHKa 3333. bench CKOpOCTh f 709. speed

CKaMh.H 3417 . bench CKOphiH 2630. fast

CKaH,n;aJI 4596. scandal CKOCHTh p 9580. (+a) to mow; twist;

CKaH,n;aJihHhiH 9578. scandalous ; (coli) (rna3aMH) squint

quarrelsome, rowdy CKOT 3057. cattle

CKaTepTb f 294 1 . tablecloth CKOTHHa 5238. cattle

CKa ThiBa TbCj� 6709. to roll down CKpe)l(eT 9952. grinding (noise)

CKaq(o)K 7069. leap CKpHII 7072. squeak, creak

CKBa)I(HHa 4760. chink, hole CKpHneTh 5878. to squeak, creak,

CKBep 9948. public garden crunch

CKBepHO 7070. badly CKpHIIKa 61 15 . violin

CKBepHhiH 67 1 0. lousy CKpOMHO 958 1 . modestly

CKB03HOH 8919. through (adj) CKpOMHOCTh f 9582. modesty

CKB03H.HK 9949. draught CKpOMHhiH 2893. modest

CKB03h +a 920. through CKpbiBa Th i +a 2678. to hide, conceal

CKeiiTHK 8253 . sceptic CKphiBa TbCj� i 3058. to hide os, vanish

CKHHYTh p (coli) +a 5054. to throw off CKpbiThiH 4004. hidden

CKHTaThCj� 9950. to wander, roam CKpbiTh p +a 2406. to conceal

CKJia,LJ, 2 1 7 1 . warehouse, store CKpbiThCj� p 2679. to hide os, vanish

CKJia,LJ,Ka 5055. fold, crease CKY,LJ,HhiH 7486. meagre



cKyKa 3004. boredom CJIOBO 86. word

CKyJia 8464. cheek-bone CJIOBOM 3 1 36. in short

cKy nacThiii 7487. with high cheek -bones CJIOBUO ( coll) 9584. word; apt remark,

CKYJihllTOp 8332. sculptor witticism

cKynhnrypa 5879. sculpture CJIO)I(eHHe 8926. build, composition;

CKYllOH 5638. miserly addition (arithmetic)

CKyqaTh 4885. to be bored; (no +d) CJIO)I(HBIIIHHCR 7075 . developed

miss (s.o. or sth) CJIO)I(HTh p +a 3 1 37 . to put together; fold;

CKyqHO 2 1 72. boring set down

CKyqHhiH 3418 . boring CJIO)I(HThCR p 2494. to be formed; club

cna6o 3916. weakly together

CJia60CTh f 368 1 . weakness CJIO)I(HO 793 1 . complicated(l y)

cna6hiii 1 37 1 . weak CJIO)I(H OCTh f 5880. complexity

cnasa 825 . glory, fame CJIO)I(HhiH 687. complicated, complex

CJiaBHThCR i +inst 8924. to be famous for CJIOH 98 1 . layer, stratum

CJiaBHhiH 2449. glorious CJIOMaTh p +a 476 1 . to break, fracture

CJiaB.RHCKHH 8925. Slavonic CJIOMHTh p +a 4598. to break

CJia)lKHH 3002. sweet CJIOH 67 1 2. elephant

CJia)lKO 39 17 . sweetly cnyra m 9585. servant

cnaTh i +a 9583. to send cJiy)l(aiUHH m adj 2 1 1 1 . office worker, white-

cneBa 2074. on the left collar worker

cnerKa 2894. slightly cny)l(6a 85 1 . service

cne.u 1 1 14. footprint; trace, vestige CJiy)l(e6HhiH 6 1 1 8 . working

CJie)lHTh i 3a +inst 1 347. to watch, keep an eye CJiy)l(eHHe +d 7490. service (to), serving

on CJIY)I(HTh i +d 65 1 . to serve

CJie)lOBaTeJih m 7488. investigator cnyx 1 809. hearing; rumour

CJie)lOBaTeJihHO 1204. consequently, cnyqaif 280. case, occurrence,

therefore chance

cne.uoBaTh i no- p 480. to follow; cnyqaifHo 1 700. by chance

to be required CJiyqaifHOCTh f 4599. chance, chance

cne,lJ;oM (3a +inst) 7489. behind occurrence

CJie)lCTBHe 360 1 . consequence; cnyqaifHhiH 3258. chance (adj), fortuitous

investigation cnyqaThCR i 2594. to happen

CJie)lyiOIUHH 950. following, next · CJiyqlfThCR p 580. to happen

cne3a 933. tear c.rr)riiiaTh i +a 2 17 . to listen to

cne3aTh i c +g 5057. to climb off cnyiiia TeJih m 3 5 1 9. listener

CJie3Th p C +g 61 16. to climb down, climb cnyiiia ThCR i +g 2680. to obey

off CJihiTh i +inst or 3a 9953 . to have the reputation

cnen6ii 3496. blind +a of, be considered

cnecaph m 42 1 1 . metal worker, fitter cJihiXaTh i (coli) o +pr 2364. to hear (about)

CJIHBa 8507. plum cn:bnnaTh i +a 250. to hear

CJIHBa ThCR i 6408. to merge, join together CJlhiiiia ThCR 2365 . to be heard

CJIHThCSI p 8046. to merge, join together CJihiiiiHO 3762. audible, audibly

CJIHIIIKOM 457. too, too much CJihiiiiHhiH 3520. audible

CJIH.RHHe 7930. confluence; merging CJIIOHa 9954. saliva

CJIOBapb m 6 1 17 . dictionary CMe)I(HhiH 9955 . adjacent, adjoining,

CJIOBeCHhiH 7073. verbal connected

cnoseqKo (coli) 7074. word CMeJIO 3259. boldly

CJIOBHO 373. as if CMeJIOCTh f 3856. bravery, courage



CMeJihiH 1 766. brave, bold CMMTh p +a 9958. to crumple, crush

CMeHa 1 48 1 . changing; shift (e.g in cHa6,UHTh p +a +inst 588 1 . to supply (s.o. with

factory); replacement sth)

CMeHHTh p 42 1 2. to replace CHa6)1(aTh i +a +inst 5427. to supply (s.o. with sth)

CMeHHThC}I p +inst 5425 . to be replaced (by) CHa6)1(eHHe 4364. supply, supplying

CMeH}):Th i +a 7076. to replace, change CHapy)I(H 6120. outside, from outside

CMeHRThC}I i 4083 . to be replaced CHapR,Ll 1 8 1 0. shell (mil)

CMepTeJihHhiH 5426. fatal CHapR,LlHTh p +a 9590. to equip

CMepTHhiH 2895 . fatal; mortal CHapR)I(eHHe 5882. equipment

CMepTh f 700. death cHaqana 469. at first; from the

CMeCh f 4378. mixture beginning

CMeTa 9956. estimate CHer 342. snow

CMeTaHa 8363. sour cream CHC)I(HHKa 67 16. snowflake

CMeTh i 1 902. to dare CHe)I(HhiH 3005. snow (adj), snowy

CMeX 1 1 52. laughter, laugh cHeCTH p +a 8047. to demolish; take

cMerna Th p +a 7932. to mix down, take off

CMerna ThCR p 7933 . to mix, mingle; get CHH)I(a Th i +a 5883. to lower

mixed up CHH)I(a ThCR i 67 17 . to go down

CMeiiiHBa Th i +a 67 1 3 . to confuse, mix CHH)I(eHHe 2896. lowering

CMeiiiHTh i +a 9586. to make (s.o.) laugh, CHH3HTh p +a 7492. to lower, reduce

amuse CHH3HThCR p 641 1 . to come down, fall

CMeiiiHO 2450. comical(ly) CHH3Y 3419. from below

CMeiiiHOH 2326. funny, ridiculous CHHMaTh i +a 1 282. to take off;

CMeiii(O)K 9587. chuckle photograph

CMe}]:ThCR i Ha,U +inst 696. to laugh (at) CHHMaThCR i 8928. to be taken off; move

CMHpHThC}I p C +inst 6409. to submit; resign off; have one 's

oneself (to) picture taken

CMHpHO 2942. quietly CHHM(o)K 1482. photograph

CMHpHhiH 6 1 1 9. docile CHHCXO,LlHTeJihHO 959 1 . condescendingly;

CMOJia 7934. tar, pitch leniently,

CMOTp 749 1 . inspection, review indulgently

CMOTpeTh 1 02. (+a) to watch, (Ha +a) CHHCXO,UHTeJihHhiH 9592. condescending;

look at lenient, indulgent

CMOqh p 560. to be able (pf) CHHThCR i 4213 . to appear in a dream

CMyrJihiH 641 0. dark (of complexion) cH6Ba 1 87. again

CMYTHTh p +a 67 14 . to embarrass; disturb CHOBaTh 9959. to dash about,

CMYTHThCR p 3602. to be embarrassed scurry

CMYTHO 9588. vaguely, dimly CHOpOBKa 9960. knack, skill

CMYTHhiH 7077. vague, dim; troubled CHOCHTh i +a 9593. to take down; carry

CMymaTh i +a 7935 . to embarrass; trouble away; demolish

CMymaThC}I i 5639. to be embarrassed CHOXa 5239. daughter-in-law (of

CMymeHHe 67 1 5 . embarrassment husband's father)

CMymeHHO 3260. with embarrassment CHOIIIeHHC 8508. intercourse

CMymeHHhiH 7936. embarrassed CH}ITh p +a 95 1 . to take off;

CMhiBaTh i +a 9589. to wash off photograph; rent

CMhiCJI 740. sense, meaning CH}]:ThCR p 9594. to come off; act in a

CMhiTh p +a 8927. to wash off film; be

CMRTeHHe 9957. confusion, disarray, photographed

panic co6aKa 1 245. dog



co6alfHii 4600. dog's COBMeCTHO 5058. jointly

co6aqKa 8929. small dog; trigger; COBMeCTHbiH 3763 . joint, combined

catch COBOKYIIHOCTb f 5430. totality

co6alf6HKa ( coll) 8578. little dog COBIIa,IJ;aTh i c +inst 4887 . to coincide (with)

co6ece,n;HHK 3420. interlocutor, the person COBIIa,IJ;eHHe 7938. coincidence

one is talking to COBpeMeHHHK 3200. contemporary

co6Hparh i +a 1 372. to collect, gather COBpeMeHHOCTb f 6 1 2 1 . the present age

co6Hparhc� i 468. to gather; intend to; be COBpeMeHHbiH 658 . modem, contemporary

about to COBCeM 1 50. completely

co6na3HHTh p +a 996 1 . to tempt; seduce COBX03 4052. state farm, sovkhoz

co6JII{),n;arh i +a 4886. to keep to, adhere to COrJiaCHe 4005. agreement

C06JII{),IJ;aThC� i 8930. to be observed, be cornac:Hrhc� p c +inst 1 143. to agree (with) (Ha

adhered to +a to)

co6niO,n;eHHe 641 2. observance COrJiaCHO +d 4602. according to

co66p 342 1 . cathedral cor nacHhiH 2 1 73 . in agreement;

co6paHHe 307. meeting, collection consonant

c66paHHhiH 7937. disciplined; precise cornacoBaTh p +a 6 1 22. to coordinate

co6paTh p +a 1 530. to gather, collect COr Jiaiiia ThCR 4762. to agree ( c +inst)

co6paThc� p 109 1 . to gather; to intend to, with/( Ha +a to)

to be about to COr JiaiiieHHe 1 835 . agreement

C06CTBeHHHK 5428. owner corHyThC� p 7078. to bend; stoop

C06CTBeHHO 1 5 14. strictly, properly corperh p +a 67 1 8 . to warm

C06CTBeHHOCTh f 1470. property (something co,n;eHCTBHe 641 3 . assistance

owned) co,n;ep)l(aHHe 1 384. content (noun)

c66CTBeHHhiH 2 1 2. (one's) own; proper co,n;ep)l(a reJihHhiH 9596. rich in content,

co6:biTHe 72 1 . event profound,

COBaTh i +a B +a 5429. to thrust, poke (sth into interesting

sth) co,n;ep)l(aTh i 1 636. to contain

coaeprnaTh i +a 3059. to accomplish co,n;ep)l(a ThcR 4382. to be maintained; be

COBeprnaThC� i 2847. to be accomplished contained

COBepiiieHHO 497. completely, perfectly CO,n;py)l(eCTBO 5059. commonwealth

COBeprneHHhiH 254 1 . perfect coe,n;HHeHHe 1 502. joining, combination;

COBepiiieHCTBO 5640. perfection joint, join (tech)

COBepiUeHCTBOBaHHe 3334. improvement coe,n;HHeHHhiH 1 656. united

COBeprneHCTBOBaTb 5884. to perfect, improve coe,n;HHHTh p +a 421 5 . to join, unite

i +a COe,IJ;HHHTbCR p 564 1 . to join, unite

COBepiiieHCTBOBaTbCR 9595 . to improve os; coe,n;HH}]:Th i +a 3764. to join, unite

i B +pr improve one 's COe,IJ;HH}iTbC� i 3682. to join, unite

know ledge (of) CO)I(aJieHHe 1 262. regret

COBepiiiHTb p +a 2407. to accomplish, CO)I(pa Tb p +a 7493. to gobble up

complete C03BaTh p +a 6414. to convene

c6BecTHO +d 4084. ashamed co3,n;aBaTh i +a 1 029. to create

c6Becrh f 1 752. conscience C03,IJ;aBaTbC� 326 1 . to be created; arise

CO BeT 227. advice, council C03,IJ;aHHe 938. creation; creature

COBeTHHK 460 1 . adviser C03,IJ;aHHhiH 543 1 . created

COBeTOBaTh i +d 3 1 99. to advise (s.o.) C03,IJ;aTeJih m 5885. creator

COBeTOBaTbC� i C +inst 893 1 . to consult co3,n;arh p +a 621 . to create

COBeTCKHH 35 1 . Soviet (adj) C03,IJ;aThC� p 6 1 23 . to be created

COBell(aHHe 929. meeting, conference C03H,IJ;a TeJihHhiH 67 19 . - creative



C03HaBclTb i +a 4888. to acknowledge, be coo6�aTh i +a +d 1637. to communicate ( sth to

aware of s.o.)

C03HclHHe 1 283 . consciousness coo6�aThCR 5240. to be communicated;

C03HaTeJibHO 5886. consciously communicate with

C03HclTeJibHOCTb f 7494. awareness coo6�eHHe 1 7 1 5 . communication

C03Ha TeJibHbiH 2727 . (politically, socially) coo6�HTh p +a +d 1 8 1 1 . to communicate (sth to

conscious; s.o.)

deliberate coopy .D:HTb p +a 9599. to build, construct

C03HclTbCR p B +pr 641 5 . to confess coopy)l(eHHe 1 877. construction

C03peTh p 5642. to mature, ripen COOTBeTCTBeHHO 641 6. correspondingly

C03hiB 7495. calling, summoning COOTBeTCTBHe 3765. accordance

(of meeting) COOTBeTCTBOBaTb i +d 2239. to correspond (to)

COHTH p c +g 1 927. to go down (from) COOTBeTCTBYIO�HH 2240. corresponding

COHTHCb p 4006. to meet COOTe'leCTBeHHHK 9600. compatriot

COK 320 1 . juice COOTHOllieHHe 6720. correlation

COKOJI 5887. falcon COIIepHHK 4086. rival

COKpaTHTb p +a 4603. to reduce COIIeTb i 7498. to snuffle

COKpaTHTbCR p 5888. to decrease, be reduced c6nKa 672 1 . knoll, mound; volcano

coKpamaTh i +a 7939. to shorten; reduce COIIOCTclBHTb p +a 960 1 . to compare

COKparuaTbCR 7496. to be reduced; get COIIpHKaCclTbCR i 8932. to adjoin, be in contact

shorter c +inst with

COKpameHHe 3006. reduction; abbreviation COIIpHKOCHOBeHHe 8579. contact

COKpOBHIUe 3335. treasure conpoBO)I(JlclTh i +a 3203 . to accompany

COKpOBH�HHUa 7079. treasure-house COIIpOBO)I(,llcl ThCR i 5645 . to be accompanied by

COJiraTh p 7497. to lie, tell a lie +inst

COJI,llclT 598. soldier conpoBo)l(,n:eHHe 6722. accompaniment

COJI.D:clTHK 9597. toy soldier COIIpOTHBJieHHe 1 97 1 . resistance

COMclTCKHH 3007. soldier' s COIIpOTHBJI�ThCg i +d 5646. to resist

COJieHhiH 5643. salted conyTcTBOBaTh i +d 9602. to accompany

CO.JIH,llclpHOCTh f 5644. solidarity copBaTh p +a c +g 3 1 38. to tear off

COJIHllHO 9598. solidly, substantially, copBaThcg p 5647. to break away; (coll)

weightily fail, go wrong

COJIH,llHhiH 4604. solid, sound; reliable COpeBHOBclHHe 2003. competition

c6nHeqHhiH 1 042. sun, solar; sunny COpeBHOBclTbCjl 7499. to compete, vie (with)

c6nHue 377. sun c +inst

COJIHhllliKO (dim) 4007. sun copH.RK 8933 . weed

COJIOBeH 9962. nightingale c6poK 246. forty

COJIOMa 4085. straw cop6Ka 9603 . magpie

COJIOMeHHhiH 5432. straw (adj) copOKOBOH 708 1 . fortieth

COJih f 1 068. salt COpT 268 1 . grade, quality

COMHeBclTbCR i B +pr 2 1 74. to doubt COCclTh i +a 7082. to suck

COMHeHHe 1 606. doubt coce,ll 1 7 1 6. neighbour

coMHHTeJihHhiH 7940. doubtful, dubious COCe,llKa 6 124. (female) neighbour

c(o)H 1 069. sleep; dream coce,llHHH 1 246. neighbouring, next

COHHbiH 7080. sleepy coce,llCKHH 9604. neighbour's

coo6pa)l(a Th 4889. to think out, COCe,llCTBO 421 6. vicinity

understand COCKQqlfTb p C +g 4890. to jump off

coo6pa)l(eHHe 2943. consideration, reason COCKyqHTbCjl p 6 125 . to get bored; (no +d)

coo6pa3HTh p 3202. to realize, work out miss



COCJiaThC.SI p Ha +a 9605. to refer to, quote; plead CO'IeTaThC.sl i C +inst 7083. to combine (with)

(give as an excuse) CO'IHHeHHe 2 1 75 . composition, essay

cocoa 42 1 7. pine-tree CO'IHHHTb p +a 6 1 26. to compose

COCHOBhiH 6723. pine (adj) CO'IHH.siTh i +a 2366. to compose, make up

COCpeJlOTO'IeHHO 9606. intently, with CO'IHhlH 8306. juicy, rich

concentration CO'IYBCTBHe 589 1 . sympathy

COCpe.UOTO'fHTh p +a 263 1 . to concentrate ( sth on CO'IYBCTBOBaTh i +d 5433. to sympathize (with)

ua +pr sth) COJ03 290. union

COCpe.UOTO'IHThC.sl p 794 1 . to concentrate (on) COJ03HHK 2495. ally

ua +pr COJ03HhiH 8259. allied; of the USSR

COCTclB 757. composition, make-up cna.n 8938. fall, slump

COCTclBHTh p +a 1 288. to make up, compose, cnaJihH}( 7084. bedroom

constitute cnacaTh i +a 3857. to save

COCTaBJieHHe 9607. formation, making, cnacaThC}( 7085. to escape, save os

compiling cnaceHHe 2682. salvation, rescue

COCTaBJI.siTb i +a 982. to make up, compose, cnaclf6o 724. thank you

constitute cnaCHTeJihHhiH 7942. saving, lifesaving

COCTaBHOH m adj 4763. com�site; component cnacrlf p +a 2032. to save

COCTO.siHHe 738. state, condition; cnaCTHCh p 7500. to save os, escape

fortune cnaTh i 300. to sleep

COCTO.siTb i H3 +g 7 1 5. to consist (of) cneKTaKJih m 2327. (theatre) performance

COCTO.siThC}( p 1 6 1 9. to take place cneKyn})nT 8260. speculator

coCTpananHe 84 1 2. compassion cneKyJI.siUH.st 8939. speculation

COCT.SI3aHHe 489 1 . competition cnepsa (coil) 2292. at first

cocy.a 8 1 86. vessel cneTh p +a 3858. to sing

cocynLKa 9608. icicle cneUHa.JIH3aUH.sl 64 1 8. specialization

cocymecrsosanHe 8246. coexistence cneUHa.JIHJHpoBaHHhrH 8203. specialized

COC'fHTclTh p +a 8934. to count cneUHa.JIHCT 1 1 36. specialist

COTBOpHTb p +a 8935. to create cneuHanhno 2944. specially

COTH.SI 826. a hundred cneuHanhnocTb f 3766. speciality; profession

COTpyJlHHK 2632. employee, official cneuHanhHhiii 997. special

coTpynuuqecTBO 4443. collaboration cneUH<jHf'leCICHH 5434. specific

COThiH 5889. hundredth cnewHTh 1 878. to hurry

c6yc 5890. sauce cnemKa 9609. haste

coxpauenHe 2780. preservation cnewuo 8940. urgently, hurriedly

coxpanHTb p +a 1 607. to preserve cneWHhiH 894 1 . urgent

coxpaHHTbC}( p 3204. to be preserved CllHHa 1 0 1 4. back

coxpan.siTb i +a 3262. to keep, preserve cnHHKa 3422. back (of chair etc.)

coxpan.siTbC.SI i 64 1 7. to be preserved cnHpanh f 5242. spiral

COUHcln-.UeMOKpaT 8936. social democrat cnHpT 7943. alcohol, spirit

COUHan- 8468. social-democratic cnHpTHOH 8030. alcoholic (adj)

neM oKpa TH'IeCKHii COHCaTb p +a 7086. to copy; write off

COUHaJ1H3M 2035. socialism cnlfc(o)K 2 1 76. list

COUHaJIHCT 4462. i socialist cnu'le'IHhiH 7087. match (adj)

COUHaJIHCTH'IeCKHH 4063. socialist cnH'IKa 1 586. match, matchstick

COUHMbHhiH 967. social cnnas 8580. alloy

CO'feTaHHe 2897. combination cnneTnH f pl 9963 . gossip

CO'feTaTb i/p +a 8937. to combine (sth with CnJIO'IeHHe 4402. uniting, strengthening

c +inst sth) CllJIO'IeHHOCTh f 750 1 . unity, solidarity



CIIJIOlleHHhiH 7944. united properly)

CIIJIOIIIHOH 2268. continuous cpasHeHHe 1 564. comparison

CIIJIOIIIh 3336. completely cpaBHHBaTb i +a 4764. to compare

CIIOKOHHO 498. calmly, quietly cpaBHHTeJihHO 2329. comparatively

CIIOKOHHhiH 1 332. calm cpaBHHTh p +a C 2728. to compare (sth with

cnoK6ilcTBHe 4605. calm +inst sth)

cnop 1 836. argument cpa)l(aThC.H: i c +inst 5246. to fight

cn6pHTh i 1 767. to argue cpa)l(eHHe 4606. battle

CIIOpT 1 768. sport cpa3y 1 83 . at once

cnopTHBHhiH 5 14. sporting cpaM 61 30. shame

cnopTcMeH 4446. sportsman cpe.na 1 546. (a sg cpe,ny, d pl

cn6co6 92 1 . way, method cpe,naM)

cnoc66HOCTh f 1 105 . ability Wednesday; (a sg

cnoc66HhiH 922. able, capable cpe,ny, d pl cpe,naM)

CIIOC06CTBOBaTh i +d 2 1 77. to promote, further (sth) environment, milieu

cnoTKHYThC.H: p o +a 6724. to trip, stumble cpe,nH: +g 279. among

CIIOThiKaThC.H: i 0 +a 7088. to trip, stumble cpe,nHea3HaTCKHH 709 1 . Central Asian

CIIOXBaTHThC.H: p (coli) 6 1 27 . to remember suddenly cpe,nHeBeKOBhiH 7092. medieval

cnpasa 2 1 1 2. on the right cpe,nHHH 367. middle; average

cnpase,nnH:so 39 1 8. justly, fairly; correctly cpe,nCTBO 705 . means; (pl) resources

cnpase,nnH:socTh f 2293. justice, fairness cpe3 858 1 . cut; cut edge

cnpase,nJIHBhiH 2328. fair, just cpe3aTh p +a 96 1 1 . to cut down, cut off;

CIIpaBHThC.H: p C +inst 2 1 78 . to cope (with) ; (o +pr) shut s.o. up

ask about cpoK 1055. period (of time); (last)

cnpasKa 5243 . piece of information; date, deadline

certificate cpOliHO 352 1 . urgently

cnpaBJIRThC.H: 5244. (c +inst) to cope with; cp6liHhiH 3767 . urgent

(o +pr) ask about cphiBaTh i +a 4892. to tear off; wreck

CIIpaBOliHHK 9964. reference book, guide CpbiBaThC.H: 7945. to break away; go

cnpaiiiHBa Th i +a 301 . to ask (s.o.) wrong

cnpaiiiHBa ThC.H: i 6 1 28. to be asked cc6pa 3522. quarrel

cnpaiiiHBaeTc.H: the question is cc6pHThC.H: i c +inst 5648 . to quarrel (with s.o.)

cnpoc 5245 . demand (opposite of CChiJiaThC.H: i Ha +a 4765 . to refer to

supply) CChiJIKa 4214. exile (inside Russia)

CIIpOCHTh p +a 108. to ask (s.o.) CTa6HJihHOCTh f 83 1 2. stability

CIIphlrHyTh p C +g 961 0. to jump off cTaB( e )Hh m (also 7946. shutter

cnp.HTaTh p +a 2033 . to hide CTaBH.H:)

cnp}]:TaThC.H: p 3423 . to hide CTaBHTh i +a 789. to stand, put, place

cnycK 6725. descent; slope; release CTaBHThC.H: 6419. to be placed

cnycKaTh i +a 7089. to lower CTaBKa 5435. rate; stake (gambling);

cnycKaThC.H: i 2 1 79. to go down headquarters (mil)

CIIYCTHTh p +a 3603. to lower; release CTa,nHOH 4607. stadium

cnycTHThC.H: p 3263. to go down, descend CTa,nH.H: 3523. stage (of development)

cnycT}]: 1 784. later (= qepe3) cTa,no 4370. herd

cnyTa Th p +a 6 1 29. to confuse, mix up CTa)l( 9965. period of service,

CIIYTHHK 1 289. travelling companion; period of work or

satellite training

cn.HmHil 7090. sleeping CTaKaH 1 226. glass, tumbler

cpa66TaTh p 7502. to work (function CTaKaHliHK 961 2. small glass



CTclJIKHBa ThC� i 4008. to collide (with) CTHJih m 2683. style

c +inst CTHMYJI 2684. stimulus

CTaJib f 224 1 . steel CTHMynllpoBaHHe 6420. stimulation

cTaJihHoii 2595 . steel (adj) CTHpclTh i +a 642 1 . to wash (clothes); rub off

CTaH 4608. figure (human); camp CTHpKa 8945 . washing (clothes)

CTaHHI(a 8276. Cossack village CTHCHYTh p +a 6 1 3 1 . to squeeze

CTaHOBHThC� i +inst 622. to become; to stand CTHX 891 . line of poetry

CTaH(O)K 3003. machine, machine tool CTHXaTb i 7094. to abate, die down

CTclHI(H� 494. station CTHXHHHhiH 5649. elemental; spontaneous

CTapaTeJihHO 8942. diligently, painstakingly CTHXH� 5060. element, elemental

CTapaThC� i 572. to try force; chaos

cTap(e)u 4459. elder CTHXHYTh p 8946. to abate

CTapHK 10 12. old man CTHXOTBOpCHHe 5436. poem

CTapHHa 6726. bygone times; (coll) CTO 2 1 3 . hundred

old fellow CTOHMOCTh f 1 4 1 1 . cost, value

CTapHHHhiH 1 5 1 5 . ancient CTOHTh i 7 1 8 . to cost, to be worth

CTapHq(o)K 4034. (little) old man cToiiKa 4893 . bar, counter; stance

CTapOMO,ll;HbiH 6727. old-fashioned CTOHKHH 6729. stable; steadfast

CTclpOCTh f 3768. old age CTOHKO 961 6. steadfastly

CTapT 8413 . start (sport) CTOHKOCTh f 4609. firmness, steadfastness

cTapyxa 939. old woman CTOK 8582. flow; drain

cTapyrnKa 1928. old woman CTOJI 1 39. table

CTapiiiHH 277. elder, senior CTOJI6 2269. pole, pillar

CTapiiiHHcl m 4286. sergeant-major; leader CTOJI6HK 6730. small column

CTclphiH 176. old CTOJICTHe 2633 . century

CTaTy� 4243 . statue CTOJIHK 2408 . small table, restaurant

CTaTh p 59. to begin; become table

CTclThC� p (coli) 7093. to happen CTOJIHI(a 1 205 . capital (city)

CTaTb.H 701 . article (newspaper, CTOmiqHbiH 5437. capital (adj)

journal) CTOJIKHOBCHHe 3524. collision, clash

CTaqKa 961 3 . strike ( = 3a6acT6BKa) CTOJIKHYTb p +a 7949. to push off; to knock

CTaiUHTh p +a 6728. to drag off; (coll) together

pinch CTOJIKHYThC� p 3919 . to collide (with)

CTcl� 8943. flock, pack c +inst

CTBOJI 1903. trunk (tree) ; barrel CTOJIOBa� f adj 1 5 16 . dining-room; canteen,

(gun) refectory

CTeKJIO 775. glass (material) CTOJIOBhiH 5438 . table (adj)

CTeKJI.HHHhiH 4285. glass (adj) CTOJih 961 . so

CTeKOJibi..I(HK 9614. glazier CTOJihKO +g 1 078. so much, so many

CTeMHCTh p 7947. to get dark CTOH 7950. groan

CTeHa 323. wall CTOHclTh 5892. to groan

cTeHKa 1 1 85. wall, partition, side CTOll 795 1 . stop !

CTeHHOH 9615 . wall (adj) CTOpO)I( 1 879. watchman

CTCTieHh f 898. degree, extent CTOpO)I(eBOH 673 1 . watch, guard (adj)

CTeTIHOH 4257. steppe (adj) CTOpOHa 148. side

CTeTib f 783. steppe CTOpOHHHK 3920. supporter

cTepeTh p +a 7948. to rub off; grind down CTORHKa 6732. stop; parking

cTep)l(( e )Hh m 8944. pivot, rod CTORTh i 1 04. to stand

CTeCH.HTbC� i 421 8. to be shy cT6�mHii (adj ) 6422. worthwhile

41 0


CTpa,UaHHe 4009. suffering cTpyKTypa 3205 . structure

CTpa,UaTb i 2634. to suffer CTpyHa 4895 . string (of instrument)

CTpaHa 123 . country CTpycHTb p nepe,U 6733 . to be cowardly

CTpaHHI(a 760. page or +g

CTpaHHHK 5893. wanderer CTPYR 2946. jet, stream

CTpaHHO 1 565. strangely; it is strange CTy,LleHT 297. student

CTpaHHhiH 1 299. strange cTy .ueHqecKHii 506 1 . student (adj)

CTpaHCTBOBaTb 9617 . to wander, travel CTy)l(a (CO 11) 9966. icy cold, severe frost

CTpaCTHO 5650. passionately CTYK 2409. knock

CTpaCTHhiH 565 1 . passionate CTYKHYTh p +a 3424. to knock, bang

CTpaCTb f 2496. passion CTyn 1 373. chair

CTpaTerliqecKHH 6423 . strategic cTynaTh 1 880. to step

CTpaTerH.SI 8947. strategy CTyneHh f 3206. step, rung; (g pl

cTpax 952. fear cTyneHeii) stage,

CTpaiiiHO 88 1 . terribly; (it is) terrible level, grade

CTpaiiiHhiH 827. terrible, dreadful CTyneHhKa 3525. step

cTpena 2945. arrow CTYllHTb p 6734. to step

cTpenKa 4894. arrow; hand (of clock) CTyqa Th i B +a 2 1 34. to knock (at)

CTpeJIKOBhiH 961 8 . shooting (adj); rifle, CThi,U 3207. shame

infantry ( adj) CThi,LlHThC.SI i +g 5062. to be ashamed of

cTpenh6a 4305 . shooting CTbi,LlHO 1 567. it is shameful; ( + d

CTpenRTh i B + a 1 290. to shoot (at) of person X) X is or no + d ashamed

CTpeMHTeJihHO 3769. swiftly; impetuously CTbiqKa 962 1 . skirmish; squabble

CTpeMHTeJihHhiH 461 0. rapid; dynamic CTRHYTh p +a 5653 . to tighten; pull off

CTpeMHTbC.SI i K +d 1 043. to strive (for) cy666Ta 3008. Saturday

CTpeMJieHHe 14 12. striving, aspiration, cy6neKTHBHhiH 8348. subjective

desire cysepeHHTeT 6424. sovereignty

CTporHH 1 566. strict, severe cyrp66 5894. snowdrift

cTp6ro 147 1 . strictly cyry6o 6 132. especially; exclusively

CTpOrOCTh f 7095 . strictness cy.u 1423. court (of law); trial

CTpOeHHe 4058. construction cy.ue6HhiH 421 9. judicial, legal

CTpOHTeJih m 454. construction worker, cy ,UHTh i/p o +pr 10 15 . to judge; (+a) try (s.o.)

builder CY.LlHO 3526. vessel, craft

CTpOHTeJihHhiH 1 785. construction cy.uopO)I{HO 9622. convulsively,

CTpOHTeJihCTBO 690. construction feverishly

CTpOHTh i no- p 552. to build cy.uh6a 604. fate

CTpOHThC.SI 2685 . to be built cy.UhR m/f 3337. judge; referee

CTpOH 797. system, structure; cyesepHhiii 8949. superstitious

military formation cyeTa 5439. bustle, fuss

CTpOHKa 429. building; building site cyeTHThC.SI 7952. to run around, fuss

CTpOHHhiH 3770. harmonious; well- about

proportioned cy)l(.ueHHe 7503 . opinion, judgement

CTpOKa 1 837. line (of text) cy)I(,LleH6 +d +inf 8364. it is fated

cTponlino 8948. rafter, roofbeam cyK 6425. bough

CTpoqKa 5652. line (of text); stitch cyKa 9623. bitch

cTpy)I(Ka 96 19 . shaving, shavings cyKHH poss ad j 5440. bitch' s

CTPYHThC.SI 9620. to stream cyKHO 9624. cloth

CTpyifKa 8583. thin stream, trickle cyKOHHhiH 7953. cloth (adj)

41 1


cyJIHTh i +a 5895. to promise (sth) CXO,L(HThC.si i C +inst 6 1 34. to meet; form a liaison

cyMacnu!,r:UIIHii m ad j 2686. mad with; agree

cyMaT6xa 6426. confusion, turmoil CXO,L(HhiH 4897 . similar; (coll) fair (of

cyMepKH pl 3264. twilight, dusk price)

cyMeTh p + p inf 1 254. to be able to, manage to CXO,L(CTBO 401 0. similarity

cyMKa 5063 . bag, handbag cueHa 834. stage (theatre) ; scene

cyMMa 2034. sum cqacTmiB(e)u 7954. lucky man

cyMpaK 7096. dusk cqacT.mfBo 3772. happily

cyMpaqHbiH 9625 . gloomy; dreary cqacT miBhiH 792. happy; lucky

cyH,n:yK 4293. trunk, chest cqacThe 739. happiness, luck

cyHyTh p +a 2542. to thrust cqecTh p +a 461 1 . to count; (+a +inst or

cyn 7097 . soup 3a +a) consider ( sth

cynpyr 7504. spouse, husband to be sth)

cynpyra 4896. spouse (wife) cqeT 702. bill, account; count,

cyp6BO 5064. severely score

cyp6BhiH 2075. harsh cqeThi pl 7955 . abacus

CYTKH f pl 170 1 . 24 hours cqHTaTh i +a +inst 392. to count; consider

CYTYJihiH 9967. round-shouldered, cqHTaThC.si i 1 447. ( + inst) to be

stooping considered; (c + inst)

cyTh f 2848. essence take into account

cyxaph m 9626. piece of dried bread; CIIIH6HTh p (coli) +a 9968 . to knock down

rusk CIIIHTh p +a 6427 . to sew

cyxo 3604. drily C'be3,L( 537. congress

cyx6:H 1 5 17 . dry C'he3,L(HTh p 6735 . to travel there and

cyxonyTHhiH 8950. ground (adj) (troops) back

cyrna 8307. (dry) land C'beMKa 7 1 00. shooting (of film);

cyrneHhiH 7098. dried surveying; taking

cyrnHTh i +a 8414. to dry away

cy�eCTBeHHO 7505 . vitally, essentially C'beCTh p +a 2849. to eat

cy�eCTBeHHhiH 22 14. essential; important C'heXaTh p 7 1 0 1 . to drive down; (call)

cy�eCTBO 1 1 86. essence; being, slip

creature chirpaTh p 2596. to play

cy�eCTBOBaHHe 1035. existence ChiH 325. son

cy�eCTBOBclTh i 722. to exist ChiH(O)K 4258 . sonny (form of

cy�eCTBYIO�HH 3338. existing address)

cy�HH (coli) 895 1 . real, absolute ChiiTaTh i +a or +inst 7506. to pour, strew

cy�HOCTh f 1 7 1 7. essence ChiiTaThC.si 6428 . to pour out

B cy�HOCTH in essence Chip 8584. cheese

c<}>epa 2 1 80. sphere ChlpOH 3060. damp; raw

c<}>opMyJIHpoBaTh 7099. to formulate chip be 4059. raw material

p +a ChiThiH 401 1 . replete, full

CXBaTHTh p +a 1 348. to seize, grab CIO,L(a 303 . here (hither)

cxBa THThC.si p 3a +a 6 133 . ( 3a +a) to seize; CIO)I(eT 9627. subject, plot

(c +inst) grapple CIOpnpH3 7 1 02. surprise

with CIOPTYK 8952. frock-coat

CXBclTKa 5065. fight, tussle Ta6aK 3 1 39. tobacco

CXeMa 377 1 . diagram Ta6aqHhiH 7507. tobacco (adj)

CXO,llHTh i c +g 2242. to go down (from) Ta6JierKa 6736. pill

CXO,llHTh p to go and return Ta6mlua 4044. table

41 2


Ta6JIHt.IKa 8953 . door-plate, nameplate, TBOH 232. your (familiar)

plaque TBOpeHHe 5656. creation

Ta6ypeTKa 5654. stool TBOp(e)n; 7509. creator

Tae)KHhiH 8433 . taiga (adj) TBOpHTh i +a 6 135 . to create

Ta3 9969. basin; pelvis TBOpHThC.si i 6 1 36. to be going on, happen

TaHHCTBeHHO 7 1 03 . mysteriously TB6pqecKH 8958. creatively

TaHHCTBeHHhiH 3009. mysterious TBopqecKHH 1587. creative

TaHTh i +a 461 2. to conceal TB6pt.IecTBo 1620. creative work

TaHThC.si 6429. to be concealed TeaTp 776. theatre

Taiira 1 856. taiga (northern forest) Tea TpaJihHhiH 5442. theatrical

TaHKOM 5655 . secretly Te3HC 6 137. thesis, proposition

TclHHa 1 1 26. secret, mystery TeKCT 3859. text

TaHHHK 9628 . hiding-place TeKCTHJihHhiH 8547. textile (adj)

TclHHO 6737. secretly TeKyiQHH 5657. current (adj)

TaHHhi:H 3208. secret (adj) TeJieBH,lleHHe 3605. television (medium)

TaK 29. so TeJieBH3HOHHhiH 3606. television (adj)

TclK)Ke 4 1 5 . as well TeJieBH30p 1 103 . television set

TaK6B (m pronoun) 2076. such Tenera 1483. cart

TaKOBOH 4087. such TenerpaMMa 1 857. telegram

TaK6ii 37. such Tenerpa<P 4088. telegraph

TaKCH n indecl 6430. taxi Tenerpa<l>HhiH 7958. telegraph (adj)

TaKT 7 1 04. rhythm, time; tact TeJieH(o)K 8959. calf

TaKTHKa 306 1 . tactics TeJieCKOII 7 105. telescope

TaKTHt.IeCKHH 8954. tactical Tenecp6H 885. telephone

TaJiclHT 1 786. talent TeJiecp6HHhiH 3062. telephone (ad j)

TaJiaHT JIHBhiH 2367. talented TeJIO 257. body

TaJIOH 9970. coupon TeM 828. (by) so much

TaM 85. there TeMa 983. subject, topic, theme

TaM6)KeHHhiH 6738. customs (adj) TeMHeTb 5066. to get dark

TaH(e)u; 1 568. dance TeMHO 2635. (it's) dark

TaHK 2497. tank TeMHOTcl 1 349. darkness

TaHKHCT 9629. tank soldier, member TeMHbiH 7 13 . dark

of tank crew TeMII 1608. rate, speed

TaHKOBhiH 8955. tank (adj) TeMnepaTypa 736. temperature

TaHn;eBanhHhiH 544 1 . dance (adj) TeH,lleHIJ;H.si 4035. tendency

TaHIJ;eBaTh 2 1 8 1 . to dance TeHh f 1070. shade; shadow

Tapa 8956. packaging TeopeTJiqecKH 896 1 . theoretically

TapaKaH 7956. cockroach TeopeTHt.IeCKHH 2330. theoretical

TapenKa 2498. plate TeOpH.si 987. theory

TaCKclTh i +a 461 3 . to drag TenepeiiiHHH (coli) 3 140. present (adj)

TaTapHH 4614 . Tatar Teneph 77. now

TaTapCKHH 8957. Tatar (adj) Tennlfu;a 6740. hothouse

TaxTa 7957. divan Tenn6 1284. warmly; it is warm;

TaiQHTh i +a 2 1 82. to drag (noun) warmth

Tcl.siTh i 7508. to melt TeiiJIOTa 4259. warmth

TBep.UHTh i +a 6739. to repeat TeiiJIOXO.U 4452. motor-vessel, motor-

TBep.uo 1 7 1 8 . firmly ship

TBep,llOCTh f 4766. firmness Tennhiii 953 . warm

TBep,llhiH 1 1 53 . hard, firm, solid TepeTh i +a 75 10. to rub

41 3


Tep3aTh i +a 8962. to torment; pull about TKaHh f 2370. cloth

TepMHH 5896. term (specialist word) TKHYTh p +inst B +a 5444. to prod, jab ( sth into

TepMOMeTp 8585. thermometer or +a B +a sth)

TepnemiBo 5897. patiently TJieTh i 9972. to rot; smoulder

Tepne.rniBhiH 7959. patient TO 1 1 3 . that; then

TepneHHe 5658. patience TOBap 1 1 88. commodity, article

TepneTh i +a 2294. to be patient; endure TOBapHI.Q 298 . comrade

Teppaca 8250. terrace TOBapHI.QeCKHH 5445. comradely; friendly

TeppHTOpHaJihHhiH 9630. terri to rial TOBapHhiH 3860. goods (adj)

TeppHTOpH.SI 14 13 . territory Tor�a 142. then, at that time

Teppop 5898. terror TOr �aiiiHHH 3683. then (adj)

Tep.HTh i +a 1 5 1 8 . to lose TO)I(e 1 07 . too

Tep.HThC.SI i 3527. to get lost; lose one ' s TOK 4348. electric current

head TOKaph m 9635 . turner, lathe

TeCHHThC.SI i 963 1 . to crowd, jostle operator

TeCHO 278 1 . tightly; crowded TOJIK 237 1 . sense, point;

TeCHOTa 8963. tightness; cramped understanding

conditions TOJIKclTh i +a 3010. to push, shove

TeCHhiH 1 8 1 2. tight TOJIKa ThC.SI i 643 1 . to push, jostle

TeCTO 7960. pastry, dough TOJIKHYTh p +a 3922. to push

TeTKa 5067. aunt; (coli) woman TOJIKOBaHHe 75 1 1 . interpretation

TeTpa�Ka 4767 . exercise book TOJIKOBclTh i +a 6 1 38 . to interpret, explain

TeTpa,n;h f 2782. exercise book TOJIKOBhiH 9636. clever, sensible; clear,

TeTyrnKa 9632. auntie; (old) lady comprehensible;

TeT.SI 998 . aunt (CJIOBaph)

TeXHHK 5068 . technician explanatory

TeXHHKa 470. technology TOJIKOM 8960. clearly; properly

TeXHHKYM 8964. technical college TOJITia 1 503. crowd

TeXHHqeCKHH 791 . technical; engineering TOJillHThC.SI 7 1 06. to crowd, throng

TeXHOJIOrHqecKHH 407 1 . technological TOJICThiH 1 858 . fat

TeXHOJIOrH.SI 2368. technology TOJiq(O)K 796 1 . push; jolt

TeqeHHe 748 . flow, current; course Tonma 6432. thickness

Teqh i 3063. to flow TOJII.UHHa 3339. thickness

Teqh f leak TOJihKO 34. only

Te�a 997 1 . mother-in-law (wife ' s TOM 1 048. volume (book)

mother) TOMHTeJihHhiii 8966. tiresome

THrp 8965 . tiger TOMHThC.SI 5899. to languish, suffer

THll 1484. type; (coli) bloke, TOH 1 154. (nom pl TOHhi, g pl

fellow TO HOB) tone,

THnHqHhiii 392 1 . typical musical tone;

THnorpa<f>H.SI 5443. printing-house, press (nom pl ToHa, g pl

THpa)l( 4768 . number of copies; TO HOB) colour tone,

draw (lottery) tint

THTYJI 9633 . title T6HeHhKHii 5069. slim

TH<f> 9634. typhus TOHKHH 865 . thin, slender; fine,

THXHH 1 1 27. quiet, calm subtle

THXO 332. quiet TOHKO 8967. thinly; delicately;

THXOHhKO (coli) 2369. quietly subtly

THIIIHHa 1 1 87. quiet, silence TOHKOCTh f 75 12 . thinness; subtlety

41 4




Ton:H:Th i +a


T6noJih m




ToproBaTh i +inst








TOpM03HTh i +a

TOpOnHTh i +a













TOqHTh i +a





858. ton ( 1 ,000


3923 . to sink; drown

5247 . to stamp; (coli) go

(on foot)

5070. to stoke; heat; (p no-)

sink; (p y-) drown

2499. fuel

5659. poplar

2783 . axe

6433 . sound of footsteps ,


7962. to stamp

241 0. to trade (in)

7963. trader

1 67 1 . trade (adj)

1 588. trade

4769. ceremonially; festively

241 1 . ceremonial;


4220. celebration

9637. (Ha,ll; +inst) to triumph

(over); (+a)


7 1 07. to slow down, impede;


75 1 3 . to hurry (s.o.)

1485. to hurry, be in a hurry

3425 . hastily

8968. cake

1953. to stick out

2372. melancholy,

depression, ennui;

(no +d) yearning


7964. drearily

7965 . depressed, depressing

5900. to be miserable; (no

+d) yearn for, miss

5660. toast

22. that

2687. that' s it, that ' s right

1 255 . immediately

590 1 . to sharpen; gnaw at,


7 1 7. dot, point; full stop

538. exactly; punctually

2270. precision; punctuality

1 227. exact, precise



TpaBHTh i +a
















TpaTHTh i +a



Tpe6oBaTh i +g

Tpe6oBaThCj! i


TpeBO)J(HTh i +a

TpeBO)J(HThCj! i








TpenaTh i

TpeneTa Th i




TpeTh f


TpemaTh i



4770. emaciated

1350. grass; herb

67 4 1 . to exterminate, poison;

damage; hunt;


5446. tragedy

6 139. tragic

3773. traditional

1 753. tradition

75 14. highway; route

6434. inn

3497 . tractor

4295. tractor driver

4244. tractor (adj)

3924. tram

8969. spring-board;


1 859. transport

8586. transportation

6742. transport (adj)

8220. route, course (of road


4434. to spend

1 274. demand

7966. demanding

665. to demand

1 672. to be needed

1 88 1 . alarm

3426. to alarm; disturb

8970. to worry

3607. anxiously

4898. worrying; worried

9638. soberly

7 108. sober

826 1 . trainer, coach

4260. friction

7967 . training

544 7. to rumple, tousle; pat;

(co 11) natter

6140. to tremble

4 77 1 . crack; crash

8208. trust; group of


200. third

7968. third

897 1 . triangle

7 5 1 5 . to crack; crackle

4 772. crack, cleft

1 1 1 . three

41 5


TpH6yHa 5248 . platform; stand (in TCC 7973. shh ! keep quiet!

stadium) TyaneT 8469. toilet

TpH6yHarr 6435. tribunal Tyro 4899. tight; difficult

TpH.n;Ua ThiH 75 16. thirtieth Tyro if 9642. tight

Tp:H.nuaTh 270. thirty Ty.na 495 . there (thither)

TPHJK.ll;hl 507 1 . thrice, three times TYJIYII 4480. sheepskin coat

TpHHa.n;uaTh 8972 . thirteen TyMaH 1 247. fog, mist

TpHCTa 2500. three hundred TyMaHHhiH 6 142. misty

TPHYMcP 9639. triumph TyM6a 7974. pedestal; bollard

Tp6ra TeJihHhiH 9640. touching, affecting TYH.[(pa 426 1 . tundra (treeless

Tp6raTh i +a 1 882. to touch northern wastes)

Tp6e 227 1 . three, threesome TYHHenh m 75 1 8 . tunnel

Tp6iiKa 5902. three; group of three; TYIIHK 3064. cul-de-sac, dead-end

troika Tynoii 5449. blunt; stupid

TpOH 7 109. throne TYP 6745 . round (sport)

Tp6HyTh p +a 2784. to touch TypeUKHH 6 143 . Turkish

TpOHYThC.si p 7969. to set off TYPH3M 9643 . tourism; hiking

Tpona 6 14 1 . path TYPHCT 386 1 . tourist; hiker

TpOIIHHKa 5448. path TYPHCTCKHH 6746. tourist (adj )

TponlfqecKHii 6743. tropical TYPHHp 4432. tournament

Tpoc 7 1 10. rope, cable Typ(O)K 9644. Turk

TpOCTh f 75 17 . cane, walking -stick TYCKJihiH 5250. dim

TpoTyap 3925 . pavement, sidewalk TYT 96. here (like 3,[(ech)

Tpo<Peii 6744. trophy; booty Ty<Pn.s� 5903 . shoe, houseshoe

Tpy6a 1609. pipe Tyqa 2 1 1 3 . storm cloud

rpy6Ka 733. tube, pipe; telephone TyqKa 7975. small cloud

receiver Tyrna 8509. carcass

rpy6oqKa 5072. small pipe, tube TYIIIHTh i +a 6747. to extinguish; stew

rpy.n 1 1 5 . labour ' TI.Ua TeJihHO 2785 . thoroughly

TPY .ll;HThC.sl i 1657. to labour TI.Ua TeJihHhiH 8973 . thorough

Tpy.ll;HO 346. (it is) difficult TruecnaBHe 7 1 1 1 . vanity

Tpy.ll;HOCTh f 1 3 14. difficulty TIUeTHO 9973. in vain

Tpy.n;HhiH 963 . difficult Thl 24. you (familiar)

rpy.n;oB6ii 1448. labour, work (adj) ThiKaTh i 8974. to prod

rpy.n;oeMKHH 6436. labour-intensive, ThiJI 2543 . rear

laborious ThiC.sJ:qa 97. thousand

TPYMillHHC.sl 4026. working ThiC.sJ:qeJieTHe 3774. millennium

participle ThiC.sJ:qeJieTHHH 9645 . thousand-year (adj)

TpyJKeHHK 2597. toiler, worker ThMa 2295 . darkness

Tpyn 4773. corpse Th$y (coli) 525 1 . (expresses dislike or

rpyc 5073. coward scorn) yuk ! , ugh! ,

TPYCJIHBhiH 7970. cowardly pah!

TpiOK 964 1 . stunt; trick, ruse TIOK 8548. bale

TPIOM 8587. hold (of ship) TIOpeMHhiH 6 144. prison (adj)

rp}}nKa 2898. rag TIOpbMa 1 6 1 0. prison

rp.s�nhe 797 1 . rags T.si:ra 6748. locomotion; (K +d)

Tp.siCTH i +a 5074. to shake thirst for, attraction

Tp.siCTHCh i 5249. to shake; tremble towards

Tp.siXHYTh p 7972. to shake T.si:rOCTh f 9646. burden

41 6


Tjl)l(eJI6 1 35 1 . heavily; gravely; it is yBepHTh p +a B +pr 6437. to assure (s.o. of sth)

hard, painful yBep.HTh i +a 3685. to assure

T jl)l(eJihiii 4 17 . heavy yBeCHCThiH 9647. weighty

T }})l(eCTh f 3265 . weight, burden yBeCTH p +a 4774. to lead away

T }]:)I(KIIH 3608. heavy, serious YBH��Th p (coll) +a 3340. to see

Tj{HYTh i +a 146 1 . to pull, drag yBII�eTh p +a 198. to see

Tj{HYThCji i 1 838. to stretch yBII�eThCjl p c +inst 9648. to see each other

y +g 1 8. by; at (used in 'have' yBJieK� TeJihHhiH 5662. fascinating, absorbing

construction) YBJieK�Th i +a 6438. to distract; fascinate

y6er�Th 2544. to run away YBJieK�ThCjl i +inst 3926. to be keen on

y6e�HTeJihHO 4012 . convincingly, earnestly yBneqeHHe 3528. enthusiasm; hobby

y6e,UHTeJihHhiH 5252. convincing; earnest yBneqh p +a 3609. to carry away;

y6e,LJ;HTh p +a 250 1 . to convince fascinate

y6e�HThCj! p B +pr 1472. to convince oneself, YBO�HTh i +a OT +g 3927. to lead away

become sure (of sth) YB03HTh i +a 7 1 13 . to transport away

y6e)l(aTh p 1 702. to run away yB6JIHTh p +a 6145. to dismiss, fire

y6e)I(��Th i +a 3 1 4 1 . to persuade yBoJihHeHHe 6146. dismissal

y6e)l(�� ThCjl i B +pr 401 3 . to convince oneself YBhl 5663. alas !

y6e)l(�eHHe 2850. conviction, belief yra��Th p +a 3686. to guess

y6e)l(�eHHO 5904. with conviction yr��hiBa Th i +a 6749. to guess

y6e)l(�eHHOCTh f 8434. conviction yrnep6� 8 1 97. carbon

y6e)l(�eHHhiH 4900. convinced yrny6neHHe 7 1 14. deepening; depression,

y6HB�Th i +a 2 1 35 . to kill hollow

y6HHCTBO 3862. murder yrny6JI.HThCjl 7 1 15 . to become deeper; ( B

y61iiiua m/f 4014. murderer +a) go deep into,

y611p�Th i +a 490 1 . to take away; tidy become absorbed in

y6HpaThCjl i (coli) 8975. to tidy up; clear off, yrHeTaTh i +a 7976. to oppress

make os scarce yrHeTeHHe 422 1 . oppression

y611ThiH 3427. killed yrHeTeHHhiH 3209. oppressed

y61iTh p +a 894. to kill; to murder yroB�pHBaTh i +a 4222. to persuade, urge

y66r11ii 7 1 1 2. wretched yroB6p 8976. agreement; persuasion

y66pKa 3684. tidying up; harvest yroBOpHTh p +a 3864. to persuade

y66pHajl f adj 5905 . lavatory; dressing- yro�HTh p 6439. (+d) to please; (coli) get

room (in theatre) into, end up (p only)

y6p�Th p +a 233 1 . to take away; tidy up yr6�HO 1972. to your liking

yfihiT(O)K 3863. loss yr6�he 8588. usable land

yBa)l(�eMhiH 3775 . respected yr(o)JI 434. comer

yBa)l(� Th i +a 221 5 . to respect yroJIOBHhiH 3776. criminal (ad j)

yBa)l(eHHe 1 638. respect yron(6)K 3 142. comer, nook

yBe3TH p +a 566 1 . to take away (by yr(o)Jih m 1 333. coal

transport) yrocTHTh p +a +inst 5906. to treat (s.o. to sth)

yBeJIHqeHHe 1 839. increase yro��Th i +a 75 19. to treat, entertain

yBeJIHqJIBaTh i +a 46 1 5 . to increase yrpO)I(�Th i +d 2688. to threaten (s.o.)

yBeJIHqJIBa ThCj� i 3266. to increase yrpO)I(�IO�HH 7520. threatening

yBeJIHqJITh p +a 2545 . to increase yrp63a 1473. threat

yBeJIJiqJIThCjl p 2502. to increase yrpJbMO 2786. gloomily

yBepeHHO 3065 . confidently yrpJbMhiH 4902. sullen, gloomy

yBepeHHOCTh f 1 904. confidence y�aB�ThCji i +d +inf 1973. to succeed (in doing

yBepeHHhiH 1438. confident, sure sth)

41 7


y.LlaJieHHe 8978. removal ye3)IGiTh i 1 62 1 . to leave

y.[(aJIHTh p +a 6750. to send away, remove yexaTh p 1 228. to go away, leave (by

y.[(aJIHTbCj� p 5075. to move away transport)

y ,[(aJIHTbCj� i OT + g 6147. to withdraw, move y)l( ( = y)l(e) 496. already; really

away (from) y)l(ac 1 639. horror

y.Llap 1 1 15 . blow, strike y)l(aCHO 1 840. terribly

y.LlapHTh p +a 1 504. to strike, hit y)l(aCHbiH 1 974. terrible

Y.LlclpHbiH 5907. urgent; attacking; y)l(e 42. already

percussion (adj) Y)I(HH 3341 . supper

y.LlapHTh i +a 7977. to strike, hit y)I(HHaTh 4616 . to have supper

y.LlaThCj! p +d of 886. to succeed y3(e)n 2947. knot; junction; bundle

person + p inf y3en(6)K 5077 . small knot; small

y.Llaqa 5253. success bundle

yJJ;aqHo 7 1 1 6. successfully Y3KII:H 1 3 1 6. narrow

yJJ;aqHbiH 3687. successful Y3HasaTb i +a 2899. to recognize; find out

y L(eJIHTh p +a +d 7978. to allot, give Y3HaTh p +a 248 . to recognize; find out

y .LJ:eJIHTh i +a +d 5076. to allot, give y36p 4223 . pattern

yJJ;ep)l(aTh p +a 285 1 . to hold back, retain yiiMa (coli) +g 9974. lots (of)

y .Llep)l(a Tbcj{ p 4015 . to stand firm; restrain YHTH p 1 90. to leave (on foot)

oneself yKa3 6753 . decree

yJJ;ep)I(HBaTh i +a 5664. to hold onto; retain; yKa3aHHe 8977 . indication; instruction

restrain yKa3aHHbiH 5078. indicated, specified

Y.LlHBHTeJihHO 2272. surprisingly yKa3aTh p +a or 1 735 . to point out

y JJ;HBHTeJihHhiH 1 53 1 . surprising, astonishing Ha +a

Y.LlHBHTh p +a 5665 . to surprise yKa3biBa Th i +a or 1 589. to point out

y ,[(HBHTbCj� p +d 2636. to be surprised (at) Ha +a

Y.LlHBJieHHe 2503 . surprise yKa3biBa TbCj� i 8980. to be indicated

Y.LlHBJieHHo 3529. with surprise yKna.n 6442. organization, structure

y JJ;HBJieHHbiH 675 1 . surprised (of life, society)

Y.LlHB.rnlTh i +a 6752. to surprise YKJiaJJ;hiBa Th i +a 5666. to lay (down); pack,

y ,[(HBJIHThCj� i +d 2546. to be surprised (at) stack

Y.Ll66Ho 3610. comfortably; yKna,nhiBa Tbcj{ i 7522. (y JIO)I(HTbC� p) to

conveniently pack one' s things;

yJJ;66HbiH 2504. comfortable; (B +a) fit (into sth);

convenient (y neqhc� p) lie

y.LJ:o6peHHe 4414. fertilizer; fertilizing down, go to bed

Y.LJ:06CTBO 6440. convenience YKJIOH 7523 . slope; deviation, bias

yJJ;oBnerBopeHHe 2729. satisfaction YKJIQHqHBO 898 1 . evasively

Y.LlOBJieTBOpHTh p 3777. (+a) to satisfy; (+d) YKJIOHHTbCji i OT +g 9650. to avoid, evade

be in accordance YKOJI 6443 . jab, injection

with YKOp 8982. reproach

Y.LlOBJieTBOpHTh 752 1 . to satisfy yKopeHHTbC� p 965 1 . to take root

Y.LlOBOJihCTBHe 1 3 1 5 . pleasure yKop:H3HeHHo 7980. reproachfully

Y.LJ:OCTOHTh p 9649. (+a +g) to award s.o. yKpa,nKOH 7524. stealthily

sth; (+a +inst) yKpaHHCKHH 4224. Ukrainian

favour s.o. with yKpaCHTb p +a 6444. to adorn

sth yKpaCTb p +a 6 148 . to steal

yJJ;oqKa 7979. fishing rod yKparnaTh i +a 4775. to adorn

Y.LlPclTb p (coll) 8979. to run away, do a bunk yKparneHHe 5079. decoration

41 8


yKpenHTh p +a 401 6. to strengthen YHHBepcHTeT 1 622. university

yKpenHTbC.SI p 9652. to become stronger; YHH)I(a Th i +a 7983. to humiliate

become fixed; yHH)I(eHHe 6755. humiliation

consolidate one' s YHHKanhHbiii 4225 . unique

position YHHMaThc.SI i 9655. to calm down

yKpenneHHe 1 263. strengthening yHHqTo)l(a Tb i +a 353 1 . to destroy

yKpenn.siTh i +a 3928. to strengthen YHHqTo)l(a Thc.SI 7984. to be destroyed

YKPhiTbC.SI p OT +g 6 149. to take refuge (from) YHHqTo)l(eHHe 2730. annihilation,

yKyTaTh p +a 8983 . to wrap (s.o.) up destruction

yneTaTh i 7 1 17 . to fly away yHHqTO)KHTh p +a 1474. to destroy; do away

yneTeTh p 7525 . to fly away with

yneqbc.SI p 8984. to lie down; (p only) YHOCHTh i +a 361 1 . to carry away

calm down; (p only) YHhiJihiH 5083. sad, cheerless

settle YHhiHHe 8989. dejection, gloom

ynHua 1 77. street yna,n(o)K 5908. decline

ynHqHhiH 4379. street (adj) ynacTh p 1 206. to fall

ynoBHTh p +a 7526. to catch; detect ynHpaThC.SI i B +a 8333. to lean (against); come

yno)KHTh p +a 3865 . to lay up against

ynyqrnaTh i +a 9653 . to improve ynoJIHOMOqeHHhiH 8334. plenipotentiary

ynyqrnaThC.SI i 8985 . to improve ynoMHHaTb i +a or 9656. to mention

y nyqrneHHe 1 352. improvement o +pr

y nyqrnHTh p +a 3688. to improve ynoMHHclTbC.SI i 9657. to be mentioned

ynhi6aTbc.SI i 9 1 5 . to smile ynoM.siHyThiH 6756. previously mentioned

yn:b16Ka 1 353 . smile ynoM.SIHYTh p +a or 6446. to mention

YJihi6HyThC.SI p 584. to smile o +pr

YM 7 1 9. mind, intellect yn6p 5450. prop

yMeno 6 1 50. skilfully ynopHo 4776. persistently

yMeJibiH 8986. skilful yn6pHbiH 2787. persistent

yMeHHe 2689. ability ynopCTBO 8990. persistence; obstinacy

yMeHbiiiaTbC.SI 5080. to diminish, decrease ynopR,noqeHHe 9658. putting in order,

yMeHbiiiHTb p +a 7 1 1 8. to reduce regulation

yMeHbiiiHTbC.SI p 8987. to diminish, decrease yrroTpe6neHHe 545 1 . use

yMepeHHbiH 9975. moderate yrroTpe6JIRTh i +a 4617 . to use

yMepeTh p 1 0 1 6. to die yrrpaBa 9659. (coil) control, means

yMeCTHO 798 1 . appropriate! y of control; (hist)

yMeTb i +inf 359. to know how to management,

YMHpaTh i 508 1 . to die administration,

YMHHUa m/f (coli) 5082. clever person justice

YMHO 6445. intelligently yrrpaBHThC.SI p (coll) 899 1 . to cope with

YMHo)KaTh i +a 8988. to multiply c +inst

YMHbiH 9 1 6. intelligent yrrpaBneHHe 824. management;

yMOJIRTh i +a 6 1 5 1 . to implore administration;

yMCTBeHHhiii 3530. mental, intellectual control

YMbiBa Tbc.SI i 7527. to wash os yrrpaBJIReMhiH 7985. controlled

YMhic(e)n 7982. intention yrrpaBJIRTh i +inst 2296. to manage, control

YMhiThC.SI p 6754. to wash os yrrpaBJIHTbC.SI i 7986. to be controlled;

yHeCTH p +a 4017 . to carry away ( c +inst) deal with

YHHBepcanhHhiii 9654. universal; versatile, yrrpaBJI.siiO IIJ;HH 8 1 98. manager

multi-purpose m adj +inst

41 9


yrrpa)I(HeHHe 3866. exercise ycHJIHThC� p 6758 . to become stronger,

yrrpeK 5084. reproach increase

yrrpeKaTh i +a B +pr 4903 . to accuse (s.o. of), YCKOJih3aTb i 7530. to slip away

reproach ycKopeHHe 5254. acceleration

yrrpoqeHHe 8384. strengthening YCKOpHTb p +a 6 1 53 . to accelerate

yrrpom;eHHhiii 9660. simplified; over- ycJIOBHe 596. condition

simplified ycJIOBHThC� p C +inst 8994. to make an

yrrpyrHii 9976. elastic, springy o +pr or +inf arrangement (with

yrrp}{)I(Ka 85 10. team (of horses, dogs); s.o. about sth/to do

harness sth)

yrrpRMO 4018 . stubbornly ycJIOBHO 8995 . conditionally,

yrrp}{MCTBO 966 1 . obstinacy provisionally

yrrpRMhiH 6447. stubborn ycJIOBHhiH 7 1 20. conventional;

yrryCTHTh p +a 7528. to let slip; miss conditional;

ypa 2547. hurrah, hurray tentative

yparaH 6757. hurricane ycnyra 4019 . service, favour

ypaH 8385 . uranium ycnhixa Th p +a 8996. to hear

ypery nHpoBaHHe 8992. regulation; adjustment ycnhnna Th p +a 1 056. to hear

ypoB(e)Hh m 847. level; standard ycMaTpHBaTh i +a 8997. to see (sth in sth),

yp6,D; 9977. freak, monster B +pr interpret as

ypo)l(aii 1 84 1 . harvest ycMexaThc� i 3066. to smile slightly, give

ypo)l(aHHOCTh f 83 16. crop productivity, a short laugh

yield ycMeXHYThC� p 1 905 . to smile slightly

yp6K 255 . lesson ycMelllKa 2948. slight smile; sneer;

ypoHHTh p +a 5909. to drop smirk

yc 2077. whisker YCMOTpeHHe 9978. discretion, judgement

yca,[lh6a 3342. country estate ycHyTh p 3210 . to fall asleep

yca)I(HBa ThC� 9662. to take a seat, settle ycrreBaTh i +inf 3343. to have time to

down ycrreTh p +p inf 396. to have time, to be in

ycarhiii 8993 . with a moustache; time

whiskered ycrrex 455 . success

ycBOHTh p +a 59 10. to adopt, acquire ycrrelllHo 1 769. successfully

(habit); master, ycrrelllHhiii 2949. successful

learn ycrroKaHBaTh i +a 753 1 . to soothe, quieten

ycep,LlHo 4904. conscientious! y ycrroKOHTh p +a 5255 . to calm

yceCTbC� p 6448. to sit down, settle ycrrOKOHThC� p 2 1 83 . to calm down

down ycTa pl (poetic) 7 1 19 . mouth, lips

yce�Th p +a +inst 9663 . to strew, dot, litter ( sth ycTas 5667. regulations, statutes

with sth) ycTaBaTh i 6 1 54. to tire

YCHK 7529. whisker; antenna, YCTclBHThC� p B +a 4226. to fix one ' s gaze (on),

feeler stare (at)

ycHneHHe 46 18 . strengthening ycTano 4905. wearily

ycHJieHHO 7987. intensively YCTclJIOCTh f 7 1 2 1 . tiredness

ycllneHHhiH 7988. intensive, intensified ycTanhiii 5086. tired

ycHJIHBaTh i +a 6449. to strengthen yCTaHaBJIHBaTh i +a 3778. to set up, establish

ycHJIHBa ThC� i 6 1 52. to grow stronger, ycTaHclBJIHBaThC� 7 1 22. to become established

increase ycTaHOBHTh p +a 1 1 28. to set up, establish

ycllnHe 754. effort ycTaHOBHThC� p 6 1 55 . to become established

ycliJIHTh p +a 5085. to strengthen ycTaHOBKa 1 590. installation; purpose



ycTaHOBJR�HHe 4262. establishment yTpaqHBaTh i +a 9000. to lose

ycTaHOBJieHHhiH 5668. established, prescribed yTpeHHHH 321 1 . morning (adj)

ycrapeTh p 8069. to become obsolete, go YTPO 462. morning

out of date YTPOM 2 1 15 . in the morning

ycrarh p 1 787. to tire yTror 9667. iron (for ironing)

ycTHhiH 83 1 8 . oral yx 4906. ooh!

ycr6ii 591 1 . foundation, support yxa 9668. fish-soup

ycToifqHBOCTh f 6450. stability yxa)KHBaTh i 3a +inst 7535. to look after; make

ycroifqHBhiii 4227. stable advances (to a

YCTO�Th p 5669. to remain standing; woman)

hold out yxsaTETh p +a 9001 . to seize

ycrpaHsaTh i +a 2 1 36. to organize yxsaTHThC.si p 3a +a 645 1 . to grasp

ycrpaHsaThC.si 4228. to work out well; settle yxHTpHThC.si i (coll) 7989. to manage (to do sth)

down +inf

ycTpaHeHHe 9664. removal, elimination YXMhiJI�ThC.si i (coll) 998 1 . to smirk, grin

ycrpaHHTh p +a 46 19 . to remove yxo 1057. ear

ycTpeMHThC.si p Ha +a 8998. to rush, dash; be fixed yx6.u 361 2. departure; (3a +inst)

on, aspire to caring (for),

ycrpeMJI�ThC.si i 6 1 56. to rush maintenance (of)

ycrp6HTh p +a 1 385. to arrange, organize yxo,UHTh i 1 86. to leave

ycTpOHThC.si p 4030. to make arrangements; yu;enesrnHii 8589. surviving

settle down; get a yu;enerh p 6452. to survive

job yqaCTBOBaTh i B +pr 1449. to take part in

ycTpOHCTBO 2 1 14 . organization; yqacTHe 1 144. participation;

mechanism sympathy

ycTynaTh i +a +d 3267 . to cede, give up (sth to yqaCTHHK 1 532. participant

s.o.) yqacrHHn;a 8590. participant (f)

ycrynHTh p +a +d 3779. to yield, give up, cede yqacT(O)K 2005. plot of land; district

(sth to s.o.) yqacTh f 7536. fate, lot (in life)

ycrynKa 5256. concession yqamHiic.s� participle 5453. student

ycThe 7532. mouth, estuary yqe6a 3690. study, studying

yrsep,UHTh p +a 3689. to confirm yqefiHHK 5670. textbook

yrsep)K.ua Th i 1 883. to affirm, maintain yqefiHhiH 2950. educational

yrsep)K.ua ThC.si 9665. to become established yqeHHe 1 354. learning, study,

yrsep)K.uenHe 3067. assertion; confirmation instruction

yreqKa 9979. leak yqeHHK 38 1 . pupil

yrernaTh i +a 6 1 57. to console yqenhiii m adj 649. learned, scholarly; (as

yTerneHHe 9666. comfort, solace noun) scholar,

yTelliHTh p +a 8999. to console scientist

YTKa 5087. duck; hoax yqecrh p +a 3532. to take into account

YTKHYThC.si p B +a 7 1 23 . to bury os in; bump yqer 3 143. calculation; stock-

into taking; registration

yroMifTeJihHhiii 9980. tiring; tedious yqlfJIHme 1 547. college (vocational)

YTOHYTh p 8075. to drown yqlfrenh m 1 36 1 . teacher

yronlfqecKHii 85 1 1 . utopian yqlfTeJihHHIJ;a 2637. teacher (f)

yroqHHTh p +a 7533. to make more precise; yqlfThiBa Th i +a 241 2. to take into

verify consideration, bear

yTpara 7534. loss in mind

yrpaTHTh p +a 5452. to lose yqlfTh 576. to learn; teach



Y�HThC.SI i 1 34. to study cpHnoc6cpH.SI 1 249. philosophy

y�pe)l(.ueHHe 1 334. establishment, cpHJIOc6cpcKHH 2900. philosophical

institution cpHJihM 1 770. film

ymeJihe 59 1 2. ravine cpHHaJI 9669. final (sport); finale

ymep6 301 1 . damage <I>HHaHCOBhiH 2638 . financial

YIDT 7990. comfort, cosiness cpHHaHChl m pl 6454. finances

yffiTHO 799 1 . cosily cpHHHIII 9670. finish

YIDTHhiH 7537. cosy <I>HHCKHH 967 1 . Finnish

y.s�cHHTh p +a 7992. to understand cpllpMa 22 16 . firm, company

ct>a6pHKa 395. factory cpnar 1 975. flag

cl>a6pli�HbiH 7538. factory (ad j) cpnaHr 8285 . flank

ct>aJa 7539. phase <PneiiTa 9006. flute

ct>aKen 9002. torch cpnoT 866. fleet

ci>aKT 7 10. fact cp6Kyc 4777. focus; trick

ci>aKTH�eCKH 5257. in fact; practically <PoH 3 1 44. background

cl>aKTH�eCKHH 9003. actual cpoHaph m 1 906. lamp

ci>aKTOp 2373 . factor <I>OH.U 3 145 . fund; stock

cl>at<:y nh TeT 5088. faculty cpOHTaH 6 1 58 . fountain

cl>aJihiiiHBbiH 7993. false cp6pMa 53 1 . form

cl>aMHJIH.SI 1 658. surname cpopMaJihHO 6 1 59. formally

cl>aHTa3H.SI 2548. imagination <l>opMaJihHhiH 6759. formal

cl>aHTaCTHKa 2690. fantastic, fantasy cpopMaUH.SI 9672. stage of development;

cl>aHTaCTH�eCKHH 2413 . fantastic formation

ct>apa 85 15 . headlamp cpopMHpOBaHHe 4089. formation

cl>apcp6p 7994. porcelain cpopMHpOBaTh i +a 9007. to form

ct>aca.u 7995. fa�ade <l>6pMyna 4778 . formula

cl>aiiiH3M 3268. Fascism <1>6pTO�Ka 7 1 25 . ventilation window

ct>arnH:cT 4045 . Fascist cp6To n indecl 245 1 . photo

cl>arnHCTCKHH 2078. Fascist (adj) <PoTorpa<I>H.SI 1 374. photograph

cl>eBpanh m 2297. February cppa3a 1 754. phrase

ct>enepauH.s� 7540. federation cppaHUY3 43 1 6. Frenchman

ct>enbeT6H 5454. satirical article <l>paHUY3CKHH 728. French

ci>eHOMeH 8382. phenomenon <I>POHT 8 1 8. front (war)

ct>epMa 4349. farm cppyKT 6 1 60. fruit

ct>epMep 9004. farmer <I>Y 4620. (expressing disgust)

ci>eCTHBMh m 6453 . festival ugh!

ct>ex 9982. fairy cpyH.UaMeHT 4055 . foundation

cl>Hrypa 1 207. figure <I>YHKUHX 4 1 1 2. function

cl>HrypKa 7 1 24. small figure; figurine <I>YHT 3 146. pound (money/weight)

cPH3HK 4445 . physicist cpypa)I(Ka 4387. peaked cap

cPH3HKa 4072. physics <l>yT60JI 8269. football

cPH3HOHOMH.SI 59 13 . physiognomy, face; cpyT60JIHCT 8470. footballer

shape cpyT66JihHhiH 4779. football (adj )

cPH3H�eCKH 9005 . physically <l>hipKHYTh p 7 1 26. to snort

cPHJHqecKHH 1486. physical XaJiaT 3 147. dressing -gown;

cPH3KY Jib Typa 8317 . physical training overall, white coat

cPHJIHan 4907. branch (of xaM (coll) 8386. boor

organization) xaoc 5455 . chaos

cl>Hn6co<P 3212 . philosopher xapaKrep 694. - character



xapaKTepH30BclTh 369 1 . to characterize XMypo 7542. gloomily, sullenly

i/p +a XMYPhiH 676 1 . gloomy

xapaKTepH30BclThC� 7996. to be characterized (by) XO,D. 539. movement

i +inst XO,D.HTh i 247. to go there and back;

xapaKTepHCTHKa 3780. description; reference walk around

(for job etc .) XO,D.OBOH 85 12 . ( coll) popular;

xapaKTepHo 6760. characteristically operational,

xapaKTepHhiH 2298. characteristic (adj) working

XaTa 4384. peasant house xo3pacqeT 8454. self-financing

XBaJIHTh i +a 6 1 6 1 . to praise X03siHH 447. master, boss, owner

XBclCTaTbC� i +inst 591 4. to boast (of) xo3RHKa 1 533. owner, proprietress;

XBaTclTb i 8 1 0. (+a) to seize; hostess

(xBaTaeT +g) be X03siHHHqaTh 59 15 . to be in charge; throw

enough, suffice one's weight about

XBaTHTh p 1 300. (3rd person +g) to be X03RHCKHH 3692. owner's; boss ' s

enough X03siHCTBeHHhiH 4042. economic

XBOHHhiH 754 1 . coniferous X03RHCTBO 406. economy

XBOCT 2243. tail XOKKeHCT 8209. hockey player

XH)KHHa 9008. shack, cabin XOKKeH 6458. (ice-)hockey

XHJihiH 9673. puny, decrepit XOJIM 2505 . hill

XHMHK 4440. chemist XOJIO,D. 3069. cold

XHMifqecKHii 4043. chemical XOJIO,D.HJihHHK 4908. refrigerator

XHMH� 403 1 . chemistry XOJIO,D.HO 32 13 . coldly; it' s cold

XHpypr 9674. surgeon XOJIO,D.HhiH 684. cold

xliTpo 6455 . cunningly XOJIO,D.( 0 )K ( coll) 7999. coolness; cool place

XHTpOCTb f 6 1 62. cunning, guile; ruse; XOJIOCTOH adj 6459. unmarried

( coll) ingenuity XOMYT 6164. horse' s collar; burden,

XHTpbiH 301 2. cunning yoke

XHXHKaTh 9009. to giggle xop 3929. chorus; choir

XHmHHK 5456. beast of prey; bird of xopOHHTh i +a 591 6. to bury

prey; predator xop6rneHhKHH 7 1 28. pretty

XJia,D.HOKpOBHhiH 901 0. cool, calm, composed xoporneHhKO ( coll) 8000. properly

XJiaM 7 1 27. junk xop6IIIHH 1 1 8 . good

xne6 387. bread xoporn6 94. well; it is good

xne6HyTh p (coll) 7997 . to drink XOTeTb i 73. to want

xne6HbiH 4780. bread (adj) XOTeTbC� i +d of pers 499. to want, feel like

xnecTaTh i +a 6456. to whip XOTh 638. even if, if only, even,

XJIOIIaTb i +inst 3344. to bang, slap, clap although

XJIOIIHYTh p +inst 3068. to bang, s lap, clap XOTR 292. although

XJIOII(O)K 478 1 . cotton XOXOT 5457. loud laughter, guffaw

XJIOII(O)K clap, bang XOXOTclTb i 2374. to guffaw, laugh loudly

XJIOIIOTclTb 7998. to bustle about; make xpa6pOCTb f 901 1 . bravery

efforts xpa6pbiH 6762. brave

XJIOIIOThl pl 567 1 . trouble, efforts xpaM 4020. temple, church

XJIOIIh� pl 9983 . flakes xpaHeHHe 5458. keeping; storage

XJihiHYTh p 6 1 63 . to gush xpaHHTh i +a 3345 . to keep, store

XM (or rM) 2299. hm! (hesitation) xpaHHThC� 5459. to be kept

xMeJih m 6457 . hops (for beer) ; xpe6(e)T 5460. spine; ridge; mountain

tipsiness range



xp:uneTh i 800 1 . to wheeze u;eHa 984. price

xpHIIJIO 9012. hoarsely u;eHHTh i +a 2852. to value

xpHIIJihiH 9013 . hoarse u;eHHOCTh f 2332. value

XpHCTHaHCKHH 8002. Christian u;eHHhiH 1 842. valuable

XpHCTHaHCTBO 9675. Christianity IJ;eHTHep 4424. 1 00 kilogrammes

xpoMaTh 8003 . to limp IJ;eHTp 874. centre

xpoM6if 8004. lame u;eHTpaJIH30BaHHhiH 7544. centralized

XpOHHKa 9676. chronicle; news items; IJ;eHTpaJibHhiH 999. central

newsreel u;enJIHThcg i 3a +a 49 10 . to clutch (at); catch (on)

xpyiiKHH 546 1 . fragile u;en6lfKa 5464. small chain; series

xpycTanh m 8255. crystal, cut glass uerrh f 1 375. chain

xpycTaJihHhiH 8387. crystal (adj) u;epeMOHHg 5258 . ceremony

xy,n;eHhKHH (coll) 7543. slim, thin u;epKOBHhiH 36 1 3 . church (adj)

xy,n;o 4909. bad, badly u;epKOBh f 923 . church

xy ,ll;O)J(eCTBeHHhiH 546. artistic u;ex 3500. section of factory,

xy,n;O)J(HHK 214. artist shop

xyLl6ii 3428. thin; bad IJ;HBHJIH3au;Hg 3867 . civilization

xy ,llOI.IJ;aBbiH 7 1 29. thin IJ;HBHJIH30BaHHhiH 9680. civilized

XYLlliiHH 8005 . worst IJ;HKJI 4782. cycle

xy)J(e 1 505 . worse IJ;HmfH,llp 43 1 5 . c y Iinder; top hat

xyJIHraH 6165 . hooligan IJ;HpK 5259. circus

xyTop 8270. farm; Ukrainian IJ;HTaTa 7545 . quotation

hamlet ull<f>pa 1 7 19 . figure, number

uapana Th i +a 9677. to scratch UhiraH 968 1 . gypsy

uapiiTh i 5917 . to reign IJ;hiiiJieH( 0 )K 7 1 33 . chicken

u;apllu;a 9014. tsarina, empress UhiiiOliKH pl: Ha 7 1 34. on tiptoe

u;apcKHH 1976. tsar's ; tsarist . IJ;hiiiOtiKaX

u;apCTBO 290 1 . kingdom qa(e)K 6 1 66. tea (dim), nice cup of

uapb m 1 208. tsar tea

IJ;BeCTH i 7 1 30. to flower, flourish qaif 7 1 2. tea

UBeT 784. colour; blossom; prime 11aiiKa 8 1 89. seagull

u;BeTHOH 1 640. coloured lfaHHHK 2639. teapot; kettle

IJ;BeT(O)K 4 1 8. flower qaifHhiH 5673 . tea (adj)

IJ;BeTOlfHhiH 7 1 3 1 . flower (adj) qac 1 96. hour

IJ;BeTyW:HH 8006. blooming; flourishing 11acos6ii 35 1 8 . hour (adj) ; watch,

u;eJiecoo6pa3HOCTh f 8007. expediency clock (adj) ; sentry

u;eJiecoo6pa3Hhiii 9678. expedient (adj used as noun)

u;eJieycTpeMJieHHhiii 9679. purposeful llaCTeHbKO (coli) 901 5 . quite often

u;eJIHKOM 2598. entirely lfaCTHUa 4056. small part; particle

u;eJIHHa 5462. virgin soil, virgin land lfaCTHlfHO 90 16 . partially

u;eJioBaTh i +a 1462. to kiss lfaCTHliHhiH 7546. partial

u;enosaThC.SI i 5089. to kiss (each other) lfaCTHOCTh f: B 1 977. detail : in particular

uenoe n adj 5463. the whole; (also lfaCTHOCTH

uena.SI) integer lfclCTHhiH 2079. private, individual

ueJihiii 294. whole qacTo 44 1 . often

uenh f 620. target, purpose lfaCTOTa 49 1 1 . frequency

u;eJibHhiH 7 1 32. entire qacTyiiiKa 8257. chastushka, witty u;eMeHT 5672. cement rhyme

u;eMeHTHhiH 6763 . cement (adj) qacThiif 402 1 . frequent



qaCTh f 299. part qeTKHH 5467. clear, precise

qac:bi m pl 924. watch, clock qeTKO 49 13 . clearly, distinctly,

qarna 6764. cup; chalice precisely

qarnKa 3346. cup qeT:bipe 2 15 . four

qama 6 167. thicket qeT:bipecTa 9684. four hundred

qagHne 9984. hope; expectation qeT:bipHa,z::rua Th 3 1 48. fourteen

qer6 (coll) 2549. why qerncKnii 9685. Czech (adj)

qeif 1 534. whose qJIH 3868. rank

qeif-TO 3533. someone' s qJIHHTh i +a 5674. to repair

qeK 7 1 35 . cheque; receipt qJIHOBHHK 3014. bureaucrat; official

qeJIOBeK 63. person qlfcJieHHOCTh f 4229. total number, quantity

qeJioBeq( e )K 6460. little man qlfCJIHThCjJ i 7549. to be, be listed; ( +inst)

qeJIOBeqecKHH 678. human (adj) be considered (to

qeJIOBeqeCTBO 903 . mankind be sth)

qeJIOBeqHOCTh f 8008. humaneness, humanity qJICJIO 670. number; date

qemocTh f 9682. jaw qlfcTHTh i +a 5468. to clean

qeM 501 . than qlfcTKa 9686. cleaning; purge

qeMo,n;aH 1 755. suitcase (political)

qeM o,n;aHqnK 847 1 . small suitcase qlfcTO 1 843. purely, cleanly

qeMTIHOH 2080. champion qJICTOTa 393 1 . cleanliness; purity

qeMITHOHaT 4478. championship qlfCThiH 439. clean, pure

qenyxa 3347. nonsense qJITaTeJih m 763. reader

qepBh m 9017 . worm qnTaTeJihCKHH 9687. reader's

qep,n;aK 49 1 2. attic qJITaTh i +a 230. to read

qepe,n;oBaHne 9683. alternation qnxaTh i 9688. to sneeze

qepe,n;oBaThcg 7547. to alternate qJieH 354. member

qepe3 +a 1 20. across, via, after qpeBaThiH 8389. fraught

qepen 7 1 36. skull qpe3BhiqaifHO 2244. extremely

qepecqyp 5465 . too, excessive(ly) qpe3BhiqaifHhiH 3429. extreme; exceptional

qepHeTh i 8009. to turn black qpe3MepHO 9689. excessively

qepH:HJia n pl 5466. ink qTeHHe 269 1 . reading

qepHOMOpCKHH 9018 . Black Sea (adj) qTJITh i +a 9986. to honour

qepHhiH 333. black qTo 7. what; that

qepnaTh i +a 113 +g 6765 . to scoop, draw (from) qT06hi 49. in order to

qepT 660. devil qT6-JIH6o 6168. anything

qepTa 1 275. feature, trait; line qTO-HH6yn;h 644. anything

qepTe)l( 4057. technical drawing qTO-TO 602. something; ( coll)

qepTHTh i +a 7548. to draw, draw up somewhat,

qepTOB adj 80 1 0. devil ' s somehow

qecaTh i +a 9985 . to scratch qyBCTBHTeJihHOCTh f 85 13 . sensitivity

qeCTHO 301 3 . honestly qyBCTBHTeJihHhiH 7550. sensitive

qeCTHOCTh f 6766. honesty qyBCTBO 382. feeling

qeCTHhiH 1 049. honest qyBCTBOBaTh i +a 835. to feel

qeCTh f 925. honour qyBCTBOBaThC.si 526 1 . to be felt

qeTBepr 5260. Thursday qyryH 646 1 . cast iron

qeTBepKa 6767. four; group of four qyryHHhiH 6768. cast-iron (adj)

qeTBepo 3930. four, foursome qy,n;aK 36 14. eccentric person,

qeTBepThiH 4 10. fourth crank

qeTBepTh f 2506. quarter qy,n;eCHO 5262. wonderfully



qy .n;ecHhiH 1929. wonderful IIIBhiPHYTh p (coli) 4914. to fling, hurl

qy,n;HThC� i (coll) +d 7 1 37. to seem, imagine +a or +inst

qy,n;HO 9019. wonderfully IIIBhlpj{Th i ( coll) 677 1 . to throw, fling

qy,n;HhiH 85 14. wonderful +a or +inst

qy,n;o 1 396. marvel, miracle IIIeBeJIHTh i +a or 491 5 . to stir, move

qy,n;OBHille 801 1 . monster +inst

qy,n;OBHillHhiH 462 1 . monstrous IIIeBeJIHThC� i 3869. to stir

qy)I(6HHa 8012 . foreign land rneBeJihHYThC� p 9694. to stir

qy)l(,n;hiH 4622. (+d) alien (to); (+g) IIIeJiecT 7 1 4 1 . rustling

devoid (of) IIIeJIK 6772. silk

qy)l(oif 838. someone el�e' s ; IIIeJIKOBhiH 4916 . silk (adj)

foreign IIIenyxa 9695 . skin, peel, husk

qyJiaH 755 1 . store-room, box-room IIIeiiHYTh p 6773. to whisper

qyJI(O)K 7 1 38. stocking III eliOT 2053 . whisper

qyMa 7552. plague IIIeiiTaTh i 3070. to whisper

qyTKHH 9020. sensitive IIIeiiTa ThCj{ 5263 . to whisper

qyToqKy (coll) 7553. a little IIIepeHra 8014 . rank, file, column

qyTh 3 1 1 . hardly, just IIIepCTh f 49 17 . wool

qyThe 8455. scent; instinct, intuition IIIepCTjiHOH 6 1 70. woollen

qyTh-q}'Th (coll) 7 1 39. a little bit, just a little IIIepiiiaBhiH 9696. rough (to the touch)

qy�Th i +a 5675. to scent, smell; sense IIICCTBHe 9989. procession

ma6JI6H 9987. cliche; routine; pattern IIIeCTepKa 8286. six; group of six

mar 541 . step IIIeCTHa,IJ;u;a ThiH 801 5 . sixteenth

maraTh 1954. to step, stride IIIeCTHa,n;u;a Th 5469. sixteen

marHyTh p 3430. to take a step IIIeCTOH 442. sixth

ma:H6a 8335. washer; (hockey) puck IIIeCTh 41 1 . six

maifKa 6169. tub; gang IIIeCTh,IJ;eCHT 2273. sixty

maJiam 902 1 . cabin (made of IIIeCThCOT 7555. six hundred

branches) rne<f> 8287 . boss, chief

maMnaHcKoe n adj 9022. champagne IIICj{ 1450. neck

maHc 6769. chance rnli6Ko (coil) 6774. very

manKa 1 703. hat (without brim) IIIHHCJih f 1 673. greatcoat

manoqKa 6770. small hat IIIHIICTh i 6462. to hiss

map 1 64 1 . sphere IIIHpHHa 5676. width; gauge

mapHK 4230. (small) ball IIIHpHThCj{ 9697. to spread, expand

mapHTh i B +pr 7 140. to grope, fumble IIIHpMa 8258. screen

mapKaTh i +inst 9988. to shuffle IIIHpOKHH 336. wide

rnap<f> 820 1 . scarf IIIHpOKO 1 229. widely, broadly

maTaThc� i 9690. to sway; wobble; ( coll) IIIHpOTa 378 1 . width

loaf about IIIHTh i +a 5918 . to sew

maTKHH 969 1 . unsteady IIIHIIIKa 9698. (pine/fir) cone; bump;

maxMaTHhiH 9023 . chess (adj) (coli) big noise, VIP

IIHlXMaThl pl 9692. chess rnKa TY JIKa 7556. casket, box

maXTa 4350. mine, pit IIIKa<f> 2788. cupboard

maxTep 8013 . miner IIIKa<f>lJHK 9024. small cupboard

mamKa 4360. sabre; (rnarnKH) IIIKOJia 485 . school

draughts IIIKOJihHHK 363 . schoolboy

mBC,LJ;CKHH 7554. Swedish IIIKOJihHhiH 549. school (adj)

mBCHHbiH 9693. sewing IIIKypa 3693 . skin, hide



rnnena Th i +a 7557. to smack w;a,lJ;HTh i +a 8018 . to spare

IIIJieiTHYTh p +a 9025. to smack me.n:po 6776. generously

IIIJII03 85 1 6. lock, sluice me.n:pocrh f 9703. generosity

rnn}]:na 2452. hat (with brim) me.n:phlii 7 146. generous

IIIJIRThC» i (coll) 9699. to loaf about meKa 1 335. cheek

IIIHYP 9990. cord; lace; flex, cable m;eKOTaTh i +a 9993. to tickle

rn(o)B 85 17 . seam meJIKa 9027. chink

IIIOBHHH3M 8472. chauvinism menKaTh i 9704. (+a) to flick; ( +inst)

rn6pox 7558. rustle click, snap

rn6phi pl 8473. blinkers meJIKHYTh p 6777. (+a) to flick; ( +inst)

rnocce n indecl 4623. highway click, crack

rnocceiiHhiH 9026. highway (adj) menh f 2789. chink, fissure, slot

IIIOT JiaH,LlCKHH 8435 . Scottish meH(O)K 9705. puppy

rno<l>ep 565. driver men a 8438. splinter, chip

rnnara 8436. sword merH:Ha 9994. bristles, bristly

IIIITHOH 6463. spy surface; stubble

rnn6pa 9700. spur (of beard)

rnpaM 85 18 . scar meTKa 7559. brush

IIITa6 3498. staff (mil); HQ mH pl 5470. cabbage soup

IIITa6eJih m 999 1 . stack, pile IIJ;HT 9028. shield

rnTa6-KBa prH:pa 970 1 . headquarters myKa 9995. pike (fish)

IIITa6HOH 8437. staff, headquarters mynaTh i +a 9996. to feel, touch (sth),

(adj) probe

IIITaMIT 7 1 42. stamp, punch; cliche m;ypHThC» i 9997. to screw up one's eyes,

IIITaHhl m pl 301 5 . trousers narrow one's eyes

IIITaT 1 276. staff (of institution); 3BOJIIDUH» 8439. evolution

state (of the USA, 3rOH3M 6778. egoism, selfishness

Australia) 3ii 273 1 . hey ! (attracting

IIITaTCKHH 8336. civilian (adj) (not attention)

military) 3KBaTop 8440. equator

IIITOpa 801 6. (window) blind 3K3aMeH 1 8 1 3 . examination

IIITOpM 4434. gale 3K3eMITJIRp 3615 . copy (of book etc.)

IIITOpMOBOH 9702. gale (adj) 3KHH ( coll) 59 19. what (a)

IIITpa<l> 7 143. fine 3KHITa)l( 4385. carriage; crew

rnTyKa ( coll) 2453 . thing 3KOHOMHKa 10 17. economics; economy

IIITYPM 7 1 44. storm, assault 3KOHOMHCT 547 1 . economist

IIITyqKa (coll) 7 145 . thing, object 3KOHOtdHTh i +a 7560. to save, economize

IIIThiK 8337. bayonet 3KOHOMifqecKH 7 147. economically

rny6a 3694. fur coat 3KOHOMifqecKHH 655. economic

rnyM 1 058. noise, din 3KOHOMHO 9029. economically, thriftily

IIIyMeTh i 1 659. to make a noise 3KpaH 2640. screen

rnyMHO 5264. noisily 3KCKypCHR 49 18 . excursion

rnyMHhiH 4624. noisy 3KCITe,1J;HUHR 2 137. expedition

rnyprna Th 8017 . to rustle 3KCnepHMeHT 423 1 . experiment

rnycTphiH ( coll) 9992. smart, quick, agile 3KCnepHMeHTaJihHhiH 4783. experimental

rnyT 6775. jester, clown 3KCnepT 8204. expert

IIIYTHTh i 1 674. to joke 3KcrrnyarauH» 35 1 0. exploitation

rnyrKa 1 675. joke 3KCITJiyaTHpOBaTh i 5472. to exploit

IIIYTJIHBO 5090. jokingly, facetiously 3JieKTplfqeCKHH 1 129. electric



3JieKTpH'IeCTBO 509 1 . electricity wr 2790. south

3JieKTpH'IKa ( coll) 9998. suburban train Ibro-BOCTO'IHhiH 85 19 . south-west

3JieKTpOHHKa 9706. electronics IO)I(HhiH 145 1 . southern

3JieKTpOHHhiH 8237. electronic IOMOp 678 1 . humour

3JieKTpOCTaHnH» 3 1 49. power station IOHOCTh f 1 788. youth

3JieKTp03HeprH» 5265 . electric power IbHorna m 1 365 . a youth

3JieMeHT 9 10. element IOHOIIIeCKHH 6782. youthful

3JieMeHTapHbiH 5266. elementary IOHhiH 36 16 . young

3MHrpaHT 85 19. emigrant, emigre 10pH,L1;H'IeCKHH 4090. legal, law (adj)

JHepreTHKa 9030. power engineering IOpHCT 7562. lawyer

3HepreTH'IeCKHH 4232. power, energy (adj) » 5 . I

3HeprH'IHO 6779. energetically M6JIOKO 295 1 . apple

3HeprH'IHhiH 5267. energetic M6JIOH» 5092. apple-tree

JHeprH» 607. energy M6JIO'IKO 6465. little apple

3HTY3Ha3M 5268. enthusiasm .SIBHThC» p 9 1 1 . to appear

3HTY3HaCT 6780. enthusiast .SIBJieHHe 7 14. phenomenon

3IIH30,l1; 5677. episode .SIBJIMThC» i +inst 532. to be

Jn6xa 1079. epoch, age (formal)

3pa 4625. era MBHO 2 1 85 . clearly, obviously

3CTeTH'IeCKHH 5920. aesthetic MBHhiH 3348. obvious, overt

JcTpa,lla 903 1 . stage MBCTBeHHO 7563 . clearly

3CTpa,LI;HhiH 7 148. stage (adj) »rHeH(O)K 844 1 . lamb

3Ta)l( 2902. floor, storey Mro,LJ;a 7564. berry

JTa)l(epKa 9999. bookcase »,LJ; 7 1 50. poison

3TaK (coli) 5269. this way, thus; M,LJ;epHhiH 4068 . nuclear

approximately .SI,LJ;OBHThiH 592 1 . poisonous; venomous

JTaKHH (coli) 4233 . such »,LJ;p6 4426. nucleus; ball

JTan 2 1 84. stage, phase .SI3hiK 347 . language; tongue

JTHKa 9032. ethics .SI3hiKOBOH 4263 . linguistic

3THKeTKa 756 1 . label »H'IHHna 9708 . fried eggs

JTO 9. this, that »iin6 4022. egg

JTOT m/3Ta f 20. this MK06hi 3432. allegedly

JTO n/JTH pl MKOph m 4390. anchor

J<!>lfp 8229. air (broadcasting); ether MMa 3534. pit, hole

3<PcpeKT 307 1 . effect »HBapCKHH 6783. January (adj)

3<l><lJeKTHBHOCTh 343 1 . effectiveness; .SIHBaph m 1464. January

efficiency .SIHTapHhiH 9033 . amber (adj)

3<lJ<lJeKTHBHhiH 4626. effective .SIHTaph m 9034. amber

3<l><lJeKTHhiH 9707. striking, done for .SIIIOH(e)n 4234. Japanese man

effect .SillOHCKHH 279 1 . Japanese (adj)

3X 1006. eh ! oh ! (regret, MpKHH 845 . bright

annoyance, MpKO 2414. brightly

reproach, HpKOCTh f 4264. brightness

amazement) HpMapKa 9709. fair, trade fair

3xo 7 149. echo MpOCTHO 7 1 5 1 . furiously

3IIIeJIOH 6464. echelon; special train HpOCTHhiH 5678. furious, frenzied

I06HJieil 4037. jubilee, anniversary MpOCTh f 3433 . rage

I06HJieHHhiH 4300. anniversary (adj) MphiH 10000. furious, raging;

106Ka 491 9. skirt fervent, rabid


}]:cJIH pl 6466.

}]:cHO 7 1 6.

}]:cHOCTh f 4627.

}]:cHhiH 943 .

creche }]:cTpe6

clearly; it is clear .s�qeifKa

clarity }]:II.lHK


4920. hawk

8243 . cell

1676. box, crate


Rullian language/linguislics

ISBN 0-415-13792-6

II I II II I I I II 9 7 8 0 4 1 5 1 3 7928