1 The Post 9/11 World The US unleashes a global war on terrorism, we will not distinguish between terrorism and an act of war. October 7, 2001: Operation Enduring Freedom Begins with the invasion of Afghanistan This operation has 3 Objectives: 1) destruction of terrorist training camps 2) capture al-Qaeda leaders 3) stop terrorist activities in Afghanistan

1 The Post 9/11 World The US unleashes a global war on terrorism, we will not distinguish between terrorism and an act of war. October 7, 2001: Operation

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1 The Post 9/11 World The US unleashes a global war on terrorism, we will not distinguish between terrorism and an act of war. October 7, 2001: Operation Enduring Freedom Begins with the invasion of Afghanistan This operation has 3 Objectives: 1) destruction of terrorist training camps 2) capture al-Qaeda leaders 3) stop terrorist activities in Afghanistan Slide 2 2 Global War on Terror January 2002- 1200 US troops push to uproot terrorist forces in the Philippines October 2002- US troops patrol and seek out terrorists around the Horn of Africa Horn of Africa Slide 3 3 The Taliban Control Afghanistan between 1996-2001 Governance includes extreme interpretation of Islamic Law Includes: banning music, television, internet, sports, dancing, harsh judicial penalties, amputations for stealing, public executions, and the treatment of women Slide 4 4 Taliban Treatment of Women Taliban feel they are upholding the honor of women As far as the males are concerned, Women. Cannot leave house without male escort. Cannot work outside the house. Cannot receive any type of education. If caught with nail polish could have fingertips cut off. Slide 5 5 The Taliban after 9/11 September 20, 2001- the US creates a 5 point ultimatum for the Taliban 1)Deliver to the U.S. all of the leaders of al- Qaeda, including bin Laden 2) Release all imprisoned foreign nationals 3) Close immediately every terrorist training camp 4) Hand over every terrorist and their supporters to appropriate authorities 5) Give the United States full access to terrorist training camps for inspection Slide 6 6 Results 2002- the US removed the Taliban from power and made large gains in weakening both Taliban and al-Qaeda power. Late 2002- the Taliban (many of which fled to Pakistan) begin to reorganize and form stronger opposition against the US Slide 7 7 Results October 2004- Hamid Karzai elected President US continues to train police, military, and security forces so Afghans may protect themselves Currently outside of Kabul order is not restored and Karzais government has little control Slide 8 8 Operation Iraqi Freedom Objective- to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction and remove Saddam Hussein from power March 2003- Invasion begins May 2003- occupation period begins Slide 9 9 Iraq as a Threat The main reasons for the Invasion of Iraq were: 1) Claims that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction 2) Iraqs support of Palestinian terrorists 3) Iraqis human rights abuses 4) Effort to spread democracy Slide 10 10 These are some highlights of a long list of evidence against Iraq: 1995- admitted to producing biological agents 15,000 unaccounted artillery rockets 550 unaccounted artillery shells Interest in nuclear development Violence against women, children, torture of innocent Iraqis Censorship Worst record of missing people Slide 11 11 As of Today in Iraq and Afghanistan The United States is still engaged in fighting two wars. Troops are beginning to withdrawal from Iraq, as Iraqi security forces take over the protection of the country. General Stanley McChrystal will receive 30,000 more troops in Afghanistan to try and secure the country from the reemergence of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. No end is in sight for either conflict any time soon. Slide 12 12 Yemen (2010) It is the poorest country on the Arabian Peninsula. It is a country of impenetrable mountains and wide expanses of desert, strong clan and tribal loyalties. Yemen's coastline looks out on one of the world's major shipping lanes, from the Suez Canal to the Indian Ocean. There is a resurgence of al Qaeda, there is a long- running Shiite rebellion in the north and a separatist movement in the south. You have multiple political, ideological and tribal fault lines that are pushing the country into all-out war. Slide 13 13 Yemen (2010) Yemen's al Qaeda problem first came to light when the USS Cole was attacked in Aden Harbor in October 2000, killing 17 U.S. sailors. More and more extremists have crossed from Saudi Arabia, forming al Qaeda in the Arabia Peninsula and easily obtaining training and weapons. It was a Saudi citizen who had fled to Yemen that tried to assassinate Saudi Arabia's deputy interior minister (hidden bomb in rectum) this year (2009). Yemen had been under the radar, as attention has been focused on Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq. Slide 14 14 Yemen (2010) This nation has become a major part of the fight against terrorism and against al Qaeda. 23-year-old Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab is the suspect in the Christmas Day (2009) plot. He is from Nigerian and attempted to detonate an explosive (hidden in his underwear) on an international flight into Detroit, Michigan. He has been linked to a terrorist organization in the country of Yemen.