1 Space Science Chapter 16

1 Space Science Chapter 16. 2 Universe –everything physical that exists in space. Galaxy –Collection of stars bound together by gravity

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Page 1: 1 Space Science Chapter 16. 2 Universe –everything physical that exists in space. Galaxy –Collection of stars bound together by gravity


Space Science

Chapter 16

Page 13: 1 Space Science Chapter 16. 2 Universe –everything physical that exists in space. Galaxy –Collection of stars bound together by gravity


The Big Bang Theory•If the universe is constantly expanding outward, then to go back in time would bring all matter to one point of origin.

•This would look like a giant explosion.

•According to this theory the explosion released all of the matter and energy that exists in the universe today.

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Red Shift & Blue Shift

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Where is the Universe headed?•The universe is expanding, but at what rate? •Is it happening faster or is it slowing down?•The 3 possible results depend on how much matter there is in the universe.

1)Expand forever2)Slow but never stop growing3)Collapse back into itself

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•Depends upon the temperature, size, and distance from Earth.

•Stars don’t just produce energy in the form of light.

•They also produce High frequency x-rays and low frequency radio waves.

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Nuclear Fusion and Stars

•Stars are massive balls of hydrogen and helium.

•They are held together by the gravity caused by their own mass.

•Extremely high pressure and temperature result in nuclear fusion.

•This in turn releases energy outward.

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• The cloud of gas begins to collapse due to its own gravity.

• As it collapses the cloud begins to spin.

• As the cloud gets smaller it spins faster.

• The center reaches high temperatures and pressures and the electrons are driven off of hydrogen.

• Nuclear fusion begins and a star is born.

• Fusion reactions produce an outward force.

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Balance of forces in a Star•The inward force of gravitational pull is balanced with the outward force of the energy of nuclear fusion in the center of the sun.

•Estimates are that this balance of forces on the Sun has existed for 5 billion years and should continue for another 5 billion years.

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Life cycle of the Sun• When fusion of hydrogen slows the

center of the sun will contract while the outer layers expand.

• The sun will then be a red giant.

• When the red giant begins to reach the end of its course it will become a white dwarf.

• When it cools completely it will become a brown dwarf.

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Stars larger than the sun

•These stars (1.4 times larger than the sun) become Supergiants.

•Due to the mass of these stars fusion stops, resulting in a massive explosion known as a supernova.

•After a supernova the star will become either a neutron star or a black hole depending upon its mass.

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• “Eight planets” orbit the sun(Copernicus)• The planets are:

• Planets move in elliptical orbits (Kepler)• They are visible due to the ability to reflect light.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,(Ceres) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, (Pluto), (Charon, and 2003 UB 313)

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• My• Very • Excellent • Mother• Just• Served• Us• Noodles

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Pluto is no longer a planet! The giant asteroid Ceres, Pluto's moon Charon, and a large outer-solar system object called 2003 UB313 fall into the same category as Pluto (Dwarf Planets)

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• These planets are relatively small and have rocky surfaces.

• Why are they called the inner planets?

They are located inside the asteroid belt.

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• Larger than inner planets and composed of large gas clouds.

• They are called the gas giants.

What is the largest planet?


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• Solar eclipse– When the moon blocks

out the suns rays.

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Lunar eclipse

When a full moon has the suns rays blocked by the Earth.

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Summer and Winter Solstice• In the Northern

Hemisphere winter solstice is the shortest day of the year.

• In the Northern Hemisphere summer solstice is the longest day of the year.

• What about the southern hemisphere?

June 21 or 22

December 21 or 22

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