1 Nutrition Your Health. 2 Bell Ringer - #1 Biggest Nutrition Bang For Your Buck Read the Article Answer the Questions on the Back of the Article

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3 Nutrition  Definition of Nutrition:  The process by which the body takes in and uses food.  Nutrition is one of the most important factors in keeping a healthy long living body.

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1 Nutrition & Your Health 2 Bell Ringer - #1 Biggest Nutrition Bang For Your Buck Read the Article Answer the Questions on the Back of the Article Watch Video: Eating Healthy on a Budget Eating Healthy on a BudgetEating Healthy on a Budget 3 Nutrition Definition of Nutrition: The process by which the body takes in and uses food. Nutrition is one of the most important factors in keeping a healthy long living body. 4 3 Keys to Healthy Nutrition 1.Pay attention to what you eat. 2.How much you eat. 3.When you eat it. (Timing of food) * If you can control these three things your eating habits are off to a great start! 5 Healthy Nutrition Definition of Calories: A measure of energy in food & in our body. What is a Caolrie What is a Caolrie What is a Caolrie What 200 calories looks like What 200 calories looks like What 200 calories looks like 3,500 calories=1LB of Fat 1,500 calories=1LB of Muscle 6 Healthy Nutrition Definition of Hunger: An unlearned, inborn response which is a natural physical drive that protects you from starvation. Definition of Appetite: Is a desire, rather than need, to eat. Activity #1 Number Where Your Mouth Is Create a list of the last 10 times you have eaten Mark each instance with a H next to times that is was based on Hunger and an A for the times that is was based on Appetite. 7 8 Daily Review: Definition of Nutrition -process by which the body takes in and uses food. 3 Keys to Nutrition 1. Pay attention to what you eat. 2. How much you eat. 3. When you eat it What is a calorie? How many calories in 1lb of Fat, Muscle? - A measure of energy in food & in our body. -Fat=3,500 cal, Muscle=1,500 cal What is the difference between hunger and appetite? -Hunger is need, appetite is want What to Eat? Healthy Food Items Watch Video: Eating Dried Fruits and Nuts Eating Dried Fruits and Nuts Eating Dried Fruits and Nuts 10 Bell Ringer - #2 Read the Article Answer the Questions on the Back of the Article Watch Video: which-fruit-fights-cancer-better which-fruit-fights-cancer-better Which Common Fruit Fights Cancer Better 11 Metabolism Definition of Metabolism: The total amount of calories burned in the body to sustain life. You can also think of it as- energy that your body uses to stay alive. 12 Metabolism Factors That Affect Metabolism- There are many different things that can cause the metabolism to speed up or slow down. 1. Age- as one get older metabolism slows down. 2. Body type- those with more lean muscle mass have a higher metabolism. 13 Metabolism 3. Fasting or starvation- lowers the metabolism. 4. Exercise- the more physical activity you do the higher your metabolism is. small meals a day- increases your metabolism. Metabolism: Body Types Endomorph: Big boned, soft & round body. Has a high % of body fat. Finds it hard to lose weight. Mesomoprh: V or square shaped body with muscular characteristics. Low % of body fat and finds it easy to lose or gain weight. Ectomorph: Small frame, thin muscles, low % of body fat. Finds it hard to gain weight. 14 15 Metabolism: Body Types 16 Metabolism: Body Types Ectomorph Mesomoprh Endomorph Metabolism The Automobile Example We all start out with a certain body type. Which is the first key in burning calories. 17 18 Metabolism The Automobile Example Fuel= Food (Calories) Good Calories = High Octane Bad Calories = Low Octane 19 How do we get our engine to burn more fuel? How do we keep from storing excess? How to Speed Up Your Metabolism 20 Daily Review What does Metabolism do? -Burns calories in our body What 5 factors affect your Metabolism -Age, Body Type, Starvation, Exercise, & # of Meals. What are the 3 Body Types -Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph What are the 3 Keys to Nutrition? What is the definition of a Calorie? 21 ARTICLE/KWL Respond in your reflection Journal Why doesnt dieting work? Why doesnt dieting work? What have you done in the past? What have you done in the past? What will you do in the future? What will you do in the future? WHY DIETING DOES NOT WORK THE STARVATION RESPONSE 22 Watch Video: Healthy Nutrition What is a Nutrient? Substance in food that provides structural or functional components or energy to the body. What is an Essential Nutrient? Substance that must be obtained from the diet because the body cannot make it in sufficient quantity to meet its needs. Substance that must be obtained from the diet because the body cannot make it in sufficient quantity to meet its needs. 23 24 6 Essential Nutrients 1. Carbohydrates. 2. Protein. 3. Fat. 4. Vitamins 5. Minerals 6. Water 25 Carbohydrates Definition- the starches and sugars present in food. Carbs are the preferred source of energy, which means the body will try and use this nutrient first to produce energy. 26 Carbohydrates Carbs provide 4 calories per gram. Ex. If an apple has 15g of carbs then it has 60 calories from carbohydrates. Depending on their make up- Carbohydrates are classified as either Simple or Complex. 27 Simple Carbohydrates This is a type of sugar that is added to many food products like: pop, candy, cookies, cake, doughnuts, and any kind of snack food. These are the carbohydrates that we do not want to eat too much off!!! 28 Complex Carbohydrates Found in whole grains, seeds, nuts, beans and potatoes. The body must break down complex carbohydrates into simple carbohydrates before it can use them for energy. These are the Carbohydrates that we Do Want to eat, they are very healthy for us!!! 29 Carbohydrates Role of Carbohydrates: Your body converts all carbohydrates to Glucose (which is a simple sugar that is the bodys main source of energy). Glucose that is not used right away is stored in the liver & muscles as Glycogen. When more energy is needed Glycogen is converted back to Glucose. 30Carbohydrates Role of Carbohydrates: It is possible to eat more carbohydrates than you need or you can store. When this happens your body converts and stores the excess carbohydrates as body fat. 31 Daily Review How many calories are in 1 gram of Carbs? 4cal/g Whats the difference between simple & complex carbs? complex carbs are better for you because they provide sustained, long-lasting energy What does the body convert carbs into? Glucose If you do not burn the glucose, what does it convert to and where is it stored? Glycogen, liver and muscles Can glycogen be converted back to glucose and burned? Yes If the glycogen is not burned, what is it convert to and stored as? Fat Whats the definition of a calorie? What does metabolism do? What body type has a high % bodyfat and finds it hard to lose weight? Endomorph How many calories in 1lb of Fat 3500 cal 33 Fiber Fiber??? That sounds boringisnt that what old people eat? ActuallyFiber is Extremely Important! It can help a person with constipation, it will also reduce your risk of heart disease and can help a person control their diabetes. 34Fiber Fiber is found in many complex carbohydrates. Such as: whole fruit & vegetables, popcorn, nuts, whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole grain cereal, etc. You should get at least grams of fiber a day. 35 ARTICLE/KWL HIGH FIBER Watch Video: Summarize or write a shortened version of this video containing only the main points in your journal. 36 37 Protein Proteins are essential to building muscle. Proteins are made up of 20 Amino Acids. Your body can make 11 Amino Acids. The other 9 that your body cannot make are called essential amino acids, which you must get from foods that we eat. 38 Protein Complete Protein: Contain all 9 essential amino acids. Comes from an animal source. 39 Protein Incomplete Protein: Lack 1 or more of the essential amino acids. Come from foods of non-animal origin. 40 Protein Eating a combination of incomplete proteins, Forexample: Rice & Beans = a complete protein!!! Brown RiceKidney Beans 41Protein Although Protein is not the major source of energy for the body, it does provide 4 calories per gram. Consuming too much protein or too little can be dangerous to your health. Examples: Excess body fat, Kidney & Liver Problems. 42 Daily Review Protein provides ___ cal/g 4 Proteins are made up of? How many? 20 Amino Acids There are 9 ________ amino acids that the body cannot make, thus you have to eat them. Essential ________ protein contain all 9 essential amino acids and come from ______ sources Complete/Animal ________protein lack 1 or more essential amino acids and come from ___- ______ sources Incomplete/non-animal (plant) What are the 3 Keys to Nutrition? _______ is an unlearned inborn response which is a natural physical drive that protects you from starvation. Hunger What are ways we can boost or increase our metabolism? Exercise & eat 5-6 small meals/day 43 ARTICLE/KWL HIGH PROTEIN 44 Watch Video: Summarize or write a shortened version of this reading containing only the main points in your journal. 45 Fat Fats or Lipids- Are a fatty substance that does not dissolve in water. Fats provide 9 calories per gram. 46 Fat Thats more than twice the calories of carbs or protein. We classify fats in two groups: 1. Saturated Fats 2. Unsaturated Fats 47 Saturated Fats All fats contain hydrogen atoms. Saturated Fats hold all the hydrogen atoms it can. Saturated Fats are also solid at room temp. 48 Unsaturated Fats Unsaturated Fats are missing some hydrogen atoms. Unsaturated Fats are liquids at room temp. This fat has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. 49 Saturated Fats 1. Beef 2. Pork 3. Egg Yolks 4. Cheese 5. Butter 6. Palm Oil 7. Coconut Oil 8. All Fried Foods 50 Unsaturated Fats 1. Olive Oil 2. Canola Oil 3. Soybean Oil 4. Corn Oil 5. Peanuts/Butter 6. Walnuts 7. Almonds 51 Role Of Fat Fat has a great amount of stored energy. It also has other purposes such as: 1. Transports vitamins A,D,E,K in your blood. 2. Improves growth & healthy skin. 3. Adds flavor to food and satisfies hunger. 52 Cholesterol Although fat does a number of good things for us, it also can hurt us. Cholesterol- Is a waxy substance that circulates in our blood. circulates in our blood. Your body uses only a small amount of it for important amount of it for important functions, the rest is dumped functions, the rest is dumped off to your arteries. off to your arteries. Which increases the risk of heart disease. 53Cholesterol Cholesterol Clip- 54 Daily Review Fat provides __ cal/g 9 Two main types of fats? Saturated and unsaturated What is the role fat plays in our bodies? 1. A,D,E,K 2. Tissue & Skin 3. Flavor Two types of Cholesterol HDL=Good, LDL=Bad Too much bad cholesterol leads to? Heart disease Candy Bars have what type of carbohydrate? Simple Chicken is what type of protein? Complete Olive Oil is what type of fat? Unsaturated (good) Butter is what type of fat? Saturated (bad) 55 TRANS FAT 56 Bell Ringer - #7 Nutrition Quiz 1 Take 10 minutes to review your notes for the quiz. Good Luck! 57 Vitamins Vitamins- Do Not Contain Energy Are compounds that help regulate many vital body processes, including the digestion, absorption, and metabolism of other nutrients. 58 Vitamins Water Soluble: B Complex C Fat Soluble: A, D, E, K Vitamin A Helps your eyes adjust to light changes and develops and maintains things in the body like the skin, bones and soft tissue. Liver & Fish Squash,Carrots Yams, Sweet Potato Any Orange Vegtables Dark Leafy Greens 59 Vitamin D Helps your body absorb the minerals calcium and phosphorous. Liver and Egg Yolks Fortified Foods Dairy Products Some Cereals Body Absorbs Sunlight to make its own Vitamin D. 60 Vitamin E Acts as an antioxidant It is a substance that protects the body from damage due to a chemical reaction called oxidation. 61 Dark leafy greens Vegetable Oils Almonds Sunflower Seeds Vitamin K Helps your body form blood clots so you stop bleeding when wounded. Liver Leafy green vegetables Broccoli Brussel Sprouts Green tea 62 B - Complex B1 Thiamine B2 Riboflavin B3 Niacin B5 Pantothenic acid B6 Pyridoxine B7 Biotin B9 Folic acid B12- Combined Cyanocobalamins B Complex - Foods Fruit & Vegetables Fruit & Vegetables Beans Beans Whole Grains Whole Grains Nuts Nuts Meats Meats Dairy Dairy Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid Aides in healing and helps the immune system function properly. Acts as an antioxidant 65 Citrus foods and juices Broccoli Dark greens Tomatoes Strawberries Cantaloupe Red Peppers Minerals Minerals are solid chemical compounds found in nature. Theyre inorganic, meaning they dont come from plants or animals. 66 Ca K Mg 67 Minerals Minerals- Do Not Contain Energy Are substances that the body cannot manufacture but that are needed for forming healthy bones, teeth and for regulating other body processes. Minerals Major Minerals Calcium Phosphorus Sodium Potassium Magnesium Chloride Sulfur Trace Minerals Iron Iodine Fluoride Selenium Zinc Manganese Cobalt Copper Molybdenum Chromium 68 69 Water Water is the most important of all the nutrients. Waters two most important jobs are to eliminate wastes and regulate your body temperature. 70 Water A normal healthy individual should drink at least 64 oz of water a day. That is just 8 glasses of water a day!!! Individuals that are involved in strenuous physical activity like- running, biking, playing sports, strength training.Individuals that are involved in strenuous physical activity like- running, biking, playing sports, strength training. Should drink at least oz of water each day. (24-36oz of that coming from Gatorade, PowerAde, sport drinks etc.)Should drink at least oz of water each day. (24-36oz of that coming from Gatorade, PowerAde, sport drinks etc.) 71 Daily Review What type of fat do nuts contain? Protein? Unsaturated/Incomplete What type of fat is in a cheeseburger? Saturated What type of carbohydrate is brown rice? Complex What do vitamins and minerals do? What is the most important nutrient? How much do you need daily? Water, minimum 64oz, active people 96oz or more What are the two types of vitamins? Water & Fat Soluble 72 Dietary Guidelines For Americans Is a set of recommendations for healthful eating and active living. These recommendations are broken up into three groups: known as the ABCs. The ABCs will help you stay fit and will ensure variety, balance and moderation in your food choices. 73 Dietary Guidelines For Americans A: Aim for Fitness Aim for a healthy weight and/or body fat %. Try not to gain extreme amounts of weight or body fat as well as not to loose extreme amounts of weight or body fat. Both are very unhealthy. 74 Dietary Guidelines For Americans A: Aim for Fitness Be physically active each day. Try to become or stay physically fit by getting at least min a day of physical activity and/or exercise. 75 Dietary Guidelines For Americans B: Build a Healthy Base Make your food choices carefully. Choose a variety of grain products, especially whole grains. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables daily. Keep food safe to eat. 76 Dietary Guidelines For Americans C: Choose Sensibly Choosing a diet that is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sugar. Choosing and preparing foods with less salt. Choosing more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. 77 My Plate 78 Daily Review The ABCs stand for? Aim for Fitness, Build a Base, Choose healthy foods What type of fat lowers your risk for heart disease? Unsaturated Carbohydrates are converted to: Glucose What is the preferred source of energy? Carbohydrates Fat transports which vitamins? A,D,E,K What are the 6 nutrients? Carbs, Protein, Fat, Vitamins, Minerals, Water 79 Bell Ringer - #10 Nutrition Quiz 2 Take 10 minutes to review your notes for the quiz. Good Luck! Activity #2 Nutrition Project pg 158 My Fitness Pal 81 Healthy Eating Patterns Importance of Breakfast!!! While you sleep your body uses energy and in the process you have gone quite a while without any food. So you need to break-your-fast!!! break-your-fast!!! 82 Healthy Eating Patterns Studies show eating a nutritious breakfast improves: mental & physical performance while reducing fatigue later in the day. Finally it jump starts your metabolism. 83 Healthy Eating Patterns Nutritious Snacks: Not potato chips, pop, cookies, and candy bars. (These foods contain a lot of calories but hardly any nutrients.) They are loaded with sugar & fat. Instead a snack could consist of: whole grain products, fruits, and vegetables. 84 Healthy Eating Patterns Popcorn (without the loaded butter & salt) Apple 1/4 cup hummus, 3 carrot sticks hummus Fiber One Bars Fruit Smoothie Sugar Free Jell-O Oatmeal Squares Pretzels Low fat Yogurt Persuasive Paragraphs Take a Stand Persuasive Element Take a stand, state your opinion, MAKE YOUR POINT Make a counterpoint, counter argument, acknowledge the other side. SLAM it back down, restate your point! And support it with 2-3 details from the article. 85 86 Nutrition Labeling To eat a healthy diet, you have to know what you are eating, what is in the food you are eating, and how much of it there is. To find this information you can always rely on the Food Label. Which you will find on all packages/containers of food that are for sale. 87 Label Alerts Stay Away or reduce: High Fructose Corn Syrup Trans Fat (partially hydrogenated oils) Sugar Sodium Saturated Fat Eat a lot of: Whole Grain Unsaturated Fat Fiber 88 Daily Review What 3 things happen when you eat breakfast? Jumpstart metabolism, improve academic & athletic performance Give examples of healthy snacks What do labels tell us? Whats in the food & how much of it Give the 5 Label Alerts to Avoid HFCS, Trans Fat, (3 Ss) Sugar, Sodium, Sat Fat Give 3 Label Alerts to Eat a lot of: Whole Grains, Unsat. Fat, & Fiber 89 Label Activity Notebook pg. 155,157 Use example labels to answer questions. 90 The Weight/Body Fat -Calorie Connection Tipping the balance of the energy equation will result in weight loss or weight gain. If you take in fewer calories than you burn, you lose weight. If you take in more calories than you burn, you gain weight. 91 The Weight/Body Fat-Calorie Connection Eating 500 fewer calories per day than you need to maintain your weight will result in the loss of 1 LB of body fat after one week. (500 calories X 7 days= 3,500 calories) Burning an additional 500 calories per day through physical activity instead of eating fewer calories would result in the same weight loss. 92 Health Risks Being Overweight or Having a High % of Body Fat is a serious problem and could cause health problems. 1. Excess body fat forces the heart and lungs to work harder and increases the risk of high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol. 2. It can also increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, asthma, heart disease and some cancers. 93 Healthy Weight/Body Fat Loss Strategies To prevent these health risks from happening be sure to: 1. Get at least min of anaerobic or aerobic activity 3-5 days/wk. 2. Strength Train 2-4 days/wk(the more muscle you have the more fat you burn) 3. Eat 5-6 balanced meals (including snacks) 94 Healthy Weight/Body Fat Loss Strategies 4. Drink Plenty of Water (64 oz/ 8 glasses a day) 5. Eat a variety of low-calorie, nutrient dense foods (whole grain products, vegetables and fruits). 6. Stay away from the Pop, Candy, Chips and Fast Food!!! 95 Healthy Weight Gain Strategies 1. Increase your calorie intake- choose foods high in complex carbohydrates, such as breads, pasta, and potatoes. Also include foods high in protein, such as chicken, turkey, fish, beef and eggs. 2. Eat often and take second helpings- choose more than the minimum number of serving from each food group in the food guide pyramid. 96 Healthy Weight Gain Strategies 3. Eat nutritious snacks- snack two to three hours before meals to avoid spoiling your appetite. 4. Build Muscle- Strength Train. 97 Daily Review What is body image? How is it influenced? The way you see your body; media, parents, friends To lose weight you: Decrease calories & increase activity To gain weight you: Increase calories What are the 6 steps to losing weight? 1.anaerobic exercise 2.strength training meals 4. Water 5. low-cal/nut. Dense 6. avoid junk What are the 4 steps to gaining weight? 1. increase cal(bigger meals) 2. Eat often 7-8 meals 3. nut snacks 4. strength train What steps to losing or gaining weight are common? 98 Maintaining a Healthy Weight/Body Fat % Body Image: the way you see your body. It can be affected by media images (TV, Magazines, Music, Movies, Internet), and also by your family and friends. 99 Fad Diets If you see an ad like the one shown here, think twice. Such ads are often for fad diets: weight-loss plans that are popular for only a short time. 100 Fad Diets These diets are often hard to stick with because they limit food variety. Some fad diets are costly because they require dieters to buy certain products. Fad diets that severely restrict the foods a dieter eats fail to provide the body with the nutrients it needs to be healthy and grow. 101 Fad Diets Diet Pills- many diet pills work by suppressing appetite. They may cause drowsiness, anxiety, racing heart rate, or other serious side effects, even death!!! Once you stop taking the pills, your body cannot boost its own metabolism anymore, it has to rely on the pill!! You dont want that!! 102 Fad Diets You dont need any special diets, or pills to help you lose weight/body fat and gain muscle. All you need to do is eat right, strength train, exercise and make sure you get enough sleep. There is no magic pill or diet!! Hard work and determination will lead you to your goals! Sometimes a persons concerns about weight loss can get out of control. Becoming obsessed with thinness can lead to eating disorders Eating Disorders About 90% of those with eating disorders are female ranging from years old. Eating disorders are a serious problem and people who suffer from them need professional help Anorexia Nervosa- is a disorder in which the irrational fear of becoming over fat results in severe weight loss from one starving themselves. Anorexia develops most often in teenage girls and young women. Symptoms Include: extremely low caloric intake, obsession with exercise, emotional problems, distorted body image, denial of problem. This can cause serious health problems/death. Bulimia Nervosa- is a disorder in which some form of purging follows cycles of overeating. A person with Bulimia often follows a strict diet and then quickly consumes large amounts of food. After eating the person vomits or takes laxatives to purge the food from the body. Repeated binging, purging and fasting can cause serious health problems or even death. Movie 110 Daily Review Why dont diets work long-term? Because they arent supposed to! Restrict food, lose muscle, lower metabolism, gain more weight back What tips you off that its a fad/gimmick diet? Why shouldnt you take diet pills or drinks? What are the 6 steps to losing weight safely and keeping it off? Anaerobic exercise, Strength training, 5-6 meals, Water, Low-cal/nutrient dense foods, Avoid junk food. Bell Ringer - #15 Nutrition Quiz 3 Take 10 minutes to review your notes for the quiz. Take 10 minutes to review your notes for the quiz. Good Luck! Good Luck! Video Forks Over Knives 113 Activity: Review for Test Nutrition Study Guide 114 REVIEW for NUTRITION TEST Study Guide 115 Nutrition Exam plant strong diet