5-25-77 -. ' .- 1. Doorkeeper Koebler: ''A11 persons not entitled to the House floor please retire to the gallery. Attention, Members of the House, the House wilt conveke in five mfnutes.'' Speaker Redmondt OThe llouse' will cowe to order,Members please be in their seats. Let the record show that Representative Ceo-Karis j' hasn t quite made it yet . Be 1ed fn prayer by the Reverend Krueger, the House Chaplain/' Reverend Krueger: MIn the name of the Fatherz the Son and tbe Holy Ghost. Asen. 0 Lordy bless thïs House to Thy service thls day. Amen. Br/ther Lawrence Auote: 'We ought to act with God fn Lhe greatest sfmplfcty, speakfng to Him frankly and plainly , and imploy- ing H1sassistance in our affairs justas they happen', Let us ' j pray . Almighty God, Thou?ho art ever-present in our midst, Thou whose power and mfght prevail;weask Thee to hear ourprayers I this day for the Members of thls House of Representatfves. May they turn to Thee: 0 Lord for the day-to-day guidance that is needed as they consider legfslatfon for the gbod of this state. Be with ' . l th ema 0 Lordy and hear their supplïcations; and grant to them the I strength to receive Thine aid and assistance to the perfecLfon of Thy Kingdom here upon this earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Speaker Redmond: HMessage from the Senate? Message...message from the Senate-'' l $ Clerk O'Brien: Mèissage from the'senate by Mr.WrigbtySecretary. l l >Ir. speaker, I am directed.totnform tbe Housè of Representatlves that the Senate has passed .Bills of the following titles y in tbe passage of which I am fnstructed to ask the conturrence of tlae House of Representatives to wit:Senate Bt1l //39,Senate Bf11 36, Senate ) . Bï11 1036 , SenateB1l11303, 1308, 1310, .1314,1319, 1322, 1332, l . 1343, 1345, 1357, 1359...1358 and 1359, 1364, 1365, 1366, 1373,' ) 1379, 239, 366, 367, 368, 369,497, 509, 565, 566, 573, 629 , 636, l 637 , 638,641,6*2,6t5,652.665, 672,673,674s676,677,678, ( 682, 685, 688, 690, 692, 710, 741, 755, 778, 795, 821, 848, 856, 900, 905, 906. 922, 932, 933, 963, 1039, 1068, 1071, 1087: l0S9, 1090, 1096, l112y 1119, 1146, 1156, 1189, 1194, 1195, 1197, t220, ........ .. . . ' . . . . ... G EN E1). A L A SS E51B 1- Y S' r 8TE ofJI LL i r4 ol S

1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

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Page 1: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

5-25-77 -. '


1.Doorkeeper Koebler: ''A11 persons not entitled to the House floor

please retire to the gallery. Attention, Members of the House,

the House wilt conveke in five mfnutes.''

Speaker Redmondt OThe llouse' will cowe to order, Members please be in

their seats. Let the record show that Representative Ceo-Karis

j'hasn t quite made it yet. Be 1ed fn prayer by the Reverend Krueger,

the House Chaplain/'

Reverend Krueger: MIn the name of the Fatherz the Son and tbe Holy

Ghost. Asen. 0 Lordy bless thïs House to Thy service thls day.

Amen. Br/ther Lawrence Auote: 'We ought to act with God fn Lhe

greatest sfmplfcty, speakfng to Him frankly and plainly, and imploy-

ing H1s assistance in our affairs just as they happen', Let us'

j pray. Almighty God, Thou ? ho art ever-present in our midst, Thou

whose power and mfght prevail; we ask Thee to hear our prayersI

this day for the Members of thls House of Representatfves. May they

turn to Thee: 0 Lord for the day-to-day guidance that is needed

as they consider legfslatfon for the gbod of this state. Be with' .l th

ema 0 Lordy and hear their supplïcations; and grant to them theI

strength to receive Thine aid and assistance to the perfecLfon of

Thy Kingdom here upon this earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Speaker Redmond: HMessage from the Senate? Message...message from the


l$ Clerk O'Brien: Mèissage from the'senate by Mr. Wrigbty Secretary.l

l >Ir. speaker, I am directed.to tnform tbe Housè of Representatlvesthat the Senate has passed .Bills of the following titlesy in tbe

passage of which I am fnstructed to ask the conturrence of tlae House

of Representatives to wit: Senate Bt1l //39, Senate Bf11 36, Senate) .Bï11 1036

, Senate B1l1 1303, 1308, 1310, .1314, 1319, 1322, 1332,l .1343, 1345, 1357, 1359...1358 and 1359, 1364, 1365, 1366, 1373,' )

1379, 239, 366, 367, 368, 369, 497, 509, 565, 566, 573, 629, 636,l637

, 638, 641, 6*2, 6t5, 652. 665, 672, 673, 674s 676, 677, 678, (

682, 685, 688, 690, 692, 710, 741, 755, 778, 795, 821, 848, 856,

900, 905, 906. 922, 932, 933, 963, 1039, 1068, 1071, 1087: l0S9,

1090, 1096, l112y 1119, 1146, 1156, 1189, 1194, 1195, 1197, t220,

......... .. . . ' . . . . ...

G E N E 1). A L A S S E 51 B 1- YS 'r 8 T E o fJ I L L i r4 o l S

Page 2: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


j z I1236, 1271, 1295, 1324, 1325, 1330, 1336, 1338, 1342. Passed

by tbe Senate, May 24, 1977. Kenneth Wrighty Secretary.

A message from the Senàte by Mr. Wrighty Secretary. Mr. Speaier,

I am directed to inform the House of Representatives that the

Senate has concurred- with 'the' ào--use in fh-e ado-p-tion bf thefr Amend- ' -

ment //1 to a Bilt of the fotlowing title to .wit: Senate Bill 486. i

Concurred in by the Senate, May 23, 1977. Kenneth Wright, Secretary. i

A message from the Senate by Mrv'Wright, Secretary.

Mr. Speaker, T am dlrected to inforu the House of Representatfves

that the Senate has concurred with the House in the adoptfon of I

!the following Preamble and Jofnt Resolutfon. to .wit: House Joint

Resolution //38. Concur/ed in by the Senatey )hy 2Ay 1977.

Kenneth Wright, Seeretafy.

Message from the Senate by Mr. Wright Secretary.. #

Mr. Speakery I am dtrected to inform the House of Representatives

1 the senate concurred wtth tbe House in the' adoption of the followingI .Preamble and Joint Resolution to' wit: House Joint Resolution //36.

Concurred in by the Senatey May 24, 1977.l

Kenneth Wright Secretary.>

Committee Reéorts:l .Representative J. M. Houlihan, Chairman of the Commlttee on State

Government Organization to which the following Bills were referred,. . . j

action taken May 24, 1977, reported the same back with the following jf . (l recommendations: do pass as amended, House sill 2397 and uouse Bi11 ll . .

2 39 8 . . '

l l M Barnesy Chairman of the Conaittee on Approprsa- 1Representative E. . I. . !

', tions 11 to which thJ following Bills were referredz action taken 1

I '. 11y.24 1977 reported the same back v/ith tbe following recommendation:l> : .

do pass House Bi11 2384, Senate Btll 428. Do pass as amendedy . '

House Bill 1226, House Bill 2391, Senate Bi11 346 and Senate Bil1. 1098.11' . . j -'

Representative è/tijevich, Chairman of thi Cémmittee on Appro- I

priations I to which the followlng Bills were referred action taken. j '

. May 24, 1977, reported the same back with the following recommendations:

do pass House Bill 2371, House Bill 2383 and House Bill 2396. Do

pass as amended, House Bi11 1736, House Bi11 2369 and llouse Bill 1- j

)..N ..J ' cu. py . - p.z % G E N E R A L A S S E 5 1 B t . Y' tt'sz. -

-.'?:?'ï .q (..-- s s v . v s o v ' u u ! ,; o , sî

kk 'i 'k. . -:' ..). ,x . ...L.< .

Page 3: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


l 3.1Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee

on State Government Organization, reported the following Committee

' Bill for introduetion, House Bill 2409. Action taken May 24, 1977.1Introductions and First Readings.

House Bill 2408, Daa Houlihan. A B111 for an Act to make an appro-

priation to the Supreme Court for the pay of certain offfcers fn theI

Judtcial System. First Reading of the Bill.

Senate Bill 2409. Select Committee on State Government Reorganization.

A B1ll for an Act relating to State Ftre Marshall. Ffrst Readlng of

' the Bi11.

Senate Bills First Reading.

Senate Bill 1136. A Bill for an Act to amend the School Code.

First Reading of the Bi11.

Senate Bill 418. A Bill for an Act to amend the Minimum Wage Law.

First Reading of the Bi11.

Senate Bill 733. A Bill for an Act making appropriations to the

Kankakee River Commission. First Reading of the Bi11.

j Svenate Bills First Readfng.ISenate Bil1 1310. A Bill for an Act to amend the Crimlnat Code.

First Reading.of the B111.

1j Senate Bill 1319. A B111 for an Act to amend :he EnvlronmentalI .

l' Protectfon Act. Ffrst Reading of the Bi11.l .

Senate Bill 1332. A Bi11 for an Act to amend the Unified Codel

of Correctfons. Ffrst Readfng of Dhe 5111.I l

Senate Bill 1343. A Bill for an Act to aoend thë Boat Registration jand S#fety Act. Flrst Reading of the Bâll.

Selate Bi11 1358. A Bill for an /ct to amend the Eleetion Code.

Firat Reading of the Bi11.

Senate Bi1l 1359. A B1l1 for an Act to establish the Illinots

Bcard of llearing A1d Dealers and Fittçrs. Firsi Reading of the Bill.

Senate Bill 1364. A Bill for an Aet in relation to the filing of

returns by taxpayers having monthly tax liabiltty for certain occu-

pattons and use taxes. First Reading of the Bi11.

Senate Bill 1373. A Bill for an Act to amend the Revenue Act.

First Reading of the Bill.

Senate Bill 629. A Bill for an Act to amend certain'xcts named


Ljh.syl'kr G E N E lt A L A S S E 51 B 1- 4,(j' h.c:ttR. .n1-'.. -) ; .:k . 1. s x . v s c, s , u u i ,: .$ s

j. . . . . a. ,.% +V N ' p # b: O LJ S E o Fr 54 E P R t. :F .: N T #h T I v f: S

Page 4: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


4. '. ?

tberein. Flrst Reading of the Bt11.

Senate Bill 636. A Bill for an Act to amend the Insurance Code. ''

' Flrst Readlng of the Bi11.!

Senate Bi11 637. A Bill for an Act to amend the Insurance Code.

Ffrst Reading of the B1l1.

Senate Bill 638. A Bill for an Act to amend the Insurance Code. .i

First Reâding of the Bi11. . i

Senate Bill 641. A B111 for an Act authorizihg the Department of

Transportatton to convey land in Rock Island County. Firit Reading

of the Bill.

Senate Bill 642. A B1ll fov an Act authorlzlng the Department of

. !

. Transportation to execute agreement in St. Clair County. First I

' . l

. ' 2Readfng of the Bi11.

Senate Bill 645. A Bill for an Act to amend an Act in relation to !

regulation of rivers and lakes and streams. First Reading of the t' . . j

Bi11. ' !

Senate Bi11 665. A Bill for an Act to amend the Vehicle Code.

) ' First Readfng of the Bi11. 'il senate Bill 673. A Bi11 for an Act to amend the SlaughterbLivestock f

Buyers' Aet.' First Reading of the Bill. f

Senate Bill 674. A Bill for an Act to amend the Illinois Bovine 1i

4Eradfcation Act. Ffrst Readfng of the Bfll. I' I 1

Senate Bill 676. A Bill for an Act to amend the Civil Adminlstratlve !

Code. First Reading ?f the Bill. '. .

. !

, Senate Bill 677. A Bill for an Act to amend the Illinois Fertilfzer

' Act. First Reading of the Bi11.1 . j ,' Senate Bill 678. A Bill for an Act to amend an Act making appro- il .

' . j

priatlcn to the Department of Agrfculture. First Reading of the B1;1.

Senate Rill 682. A Bill for an Act to amend tbe Illinois Insurance I1

. Code. ' First Reading of the Bill..

' . . j ,

Senate Bill 685. A Bill for an Act to amend the Insutance Code. jI

First Reading of the Bill. . I' t

l Senate Bi11 688. A Bf11 for an Act to amend an Ace crearfng :he 'I$ . Ikj Department of Children and Family Services. First Reading of the1

Senate Bill 690. A Bill for an Act to amend the Child Care Aet.

é-*j;:!...s''i- G E N E R A 1- A S S E 51 1) L Y: (. - ..-,% L , ; . . -' ' 'i.jt IJS . . r ' ; *. Qw s 'r n r e' a & r K. u l r.' o d s' (.. ' ...7.

yj. . x jo u j ., g o j. j . t j.j,, j .. .. , a. . , &y y sj1 i '< .. '... . ..... . . .. ..

Page 5: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



- . Flrst Reading of the B111. . - ' . - -

Senate Bill 692. A Bill for an Act to amend the Medieal Pfactice

Aet. Flrst Reading of the Bi1l. '

Senate B111 848. A Bill for an Act to amend the Seafor Citizens'

- ' Disabled Persons Property Tax Relièf Act. FiYst Reading of the Bill.

Senate :ill 1087. A Bill for an Aet to amend the Illlnois Munfcipal

Code. First Readfng of the Bill. 'I

Senate Bill 1089. A B111 for aa Act to amend Section of an Ac: iII

ia relation to Lbe acqulsitfon, coatrol, oaintenance, improvement, liI. -

yyss: ueading of I' Protection Of state parks, nature preserves. I!

the Bitl. !II

Senate Bi11 1090. A Bi1l for an Act to amend an Aet in relation iII

to state ffnance- tirst Reading of the Bil1. !IISenate B1l1 1096. A Bill for an Act authorizing the Department of I

. i' jTransportation Lo eonvey land in Dupage County. Ffrst Reading of

the Bill. '

Senate Bill 1112. A Bi11 for aa Aet in relation to the abolftion' j

) * 1of the United States Veterans Bureau Funds. FiTst Reading of i

t . 11the Bil1. .I

ISenate Bill 1295. A Bill for an Ac: to amend the lllinois Income I


Tax éct. Ftrst Reading o: the Bi1l. ,j i!

. Senate B111 1330. A Bill for an Act to amend the WaLer Well Pump !. 4 . l

Installation Contractorês Lieense Aet. First Readlng of the Ri11. ii( !1 senate B11l 1336. A Bill for an Aet to amend the Snowmobile Regis- '1I . . .l ' .. . i

' j( tration and safety Act. First Reading of tbe Btll. ' 1i . . j!

d che vehicle codp. Iseaate Bill 1338. A Bill for an Act to ameni


. Il . .

First Readtng of'the Bill. 'l

senate Bi11 1342. A Bill for an Act to amend the Fish Code.

4 Fzrst neadznz of the atlt. .4

Senate Bil1 1035. A Bill for an Aet to amend SecLions of the, l I1 - I

' jIllinois Educational Facllitfes Authokity hct. First Readfng of j

' jthe Bi11. . . I. i

senate Bill 1322. A Bil1 for an Act to ameud the Sections of the

Illinois Ineome Tax Aet. Flrst Readfng of the Bi11. . I' j1

senate Bill 713. A 4i11 for an Act to amend Sections of an Act II

ln ubllc utilities. First Reading of the Bilt.concern g P

s * ç..!' . ** ç G E N E R A L A S S E > ! B L Yout -57-7 e .ikt. . 1i' tC...k '.. J vw j s v ..k v s o jr r ,- u @ r. o I s!. . J E

.)J' s o o s c o != R ec e fv b- s ï: r 4 a' zx n' , v ls s .Y . X' '

Page 6: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following




Senate Bi11 715. A Eill for an Aet to amend the Civll Adminlstrative' j

Code. First Reading of the Bill.!

Senate Bill 1174. A Bi11 for an Act to amend the Struetural TestI

Control Act. First Reading of the Bi11.HI

Speaker Redmond: '1Ro11 Call for attendance.''I

Clerk OlBrien: ''Senate Bill 1308. A Bill for an Act to amend thei

Illinois Public Aid Code. Flrst Reading of the Bi11.O

Speaker Redaond: ''Representative Telcser/'

tî ' 1 1Telcser: Mr. Speaker, I wonder if I could be recorded as votfng aye

on House Bill 787?0

Speaker Redmond: HDoes the Gentleman have leave? Hearing no objection,

. leave is gr'anted. Representative Diprima. Representative Diprimae''

' Diprtma: ''Mr speake' r. . . .''

' speaker Redmond: ''Give the Gentleman order. Please break up the caucus

over there .''

Diprima: ''Ptease give me your attention. As you know Monday, Memorial>

' Day, and in conjunction with that we always sell popples here annually

. in tbe House ebambers. How, ln 1962, the late President, John F.

Kennedy, was reminded durlng a Public address of Lhe o1d verse,

seroll on a' Sentry Boxy more than tbree hundred years ago and lt'

t as follows: 'God and soldier, a11 men are there; in time of. wen'

trouble and uo more. For when war is over and a1l things are rlghted. . '

God fs neglected and the o1d soldiers slighted'. Recent events bear

out the late Presldent's belief that the more distant tiae moves

from the sound of battle, Lhe more d1m public memory becomes of the

. sacrifices exacted at the prfce of victory and the greater incllnatlon'

j' to cballenge the veterans' programs oncé accepted as just and reasoa- .

. able. Nowy I've got the fqllowing Members that are going to go around

'selllng poppfes. On the Republlcan side we have Representative Co1-

lins, Represeatative Wolf Representative Geo-Karis ynd Representative>


Kent, who represen' t the Quiney Home for the veterans where the'se '

poppies were made. And the Democratic side, we have Pouncey, Repre-

sentati've Muleahey y 1:0t1: llarivnes . Peggy Breslin and Mcclain who also

represent the Quincy llome in . . i . wterans ' lltorae in Qulncy . Tlle big-

gqq.t donation we ever receivçd wap f fvç. dollars f rom tlle f o rlnc' r l ielnlper I

Ira Colltzy but it was tied today by Representative Lee Daniels. 'So .

u'iaz '' .ss%% . ;

k' Gw gnx. G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Yo,.f -,p - .t . : -( v.( t .l US' e ' ' 'vb 2 . a j S Y A R E O F 1 1- L I N D l Sf . '7. ' hl O LJ S PJ G F' 1 ï k 'Y F'l C t) .Z (% T Z T 1 V C S. x. /

x -.-.iz

Page 7: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


I . 7.weîve had one Republican and one Democrat Lhat donated five dollars

for a poppy. And durlng the '20's we had a preaeher by the uame of

Bélly Sunday,who was the Bllly Graham of hïs day, when he seut them

around in the eongreaatlon with a tin plate, hefd always say, 'we

don't want to hear a sound'. 1 doa't want to heak a sound. In oeher

words, you know the veterans make these poppies and they aet paid1

about ten cents for each one'and then the cans and everythlng else, ,

so you figure it zost about fffteen cents by the tïme ve're through. !

And then the money tbat we collect goes back into tbe veterans' I

Ihospital for the rehabilieatfon prograa. So opea your hearts andI

do what's right for the hespitalized veterans. Ibank you/'

speaker Redmond: HThe electrician has asked me to eaution you not to

put the poppy in the microphone. Some people have done that in the

past aad..w.dlsyster. Agreed Resolutions.''

Clerk ofBrien: ''llouse Resolutfon 270, Diprlma, et a1. Kouse Resolutlon

271, Dlprlma, et al. House Resolution 273, Wa11.1'

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Giorgiz?

Gtorgi: ''Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 270 by Dtprima honors Major Errol

E. clark. 271 by Diprlma talks about a reunïon of Cempany '3'

Fourth Marfne Battalfon. House Aill 273 is from Representative

John Wall and lt notes the birthday of Herbert V. Huskey: our cpl-

league, who marks his 61st birthday. And 1 move the adoption of i

ehe Agreed Resolutlons.''1

' S eaker Redmond : . îlArty discussion? The questlon ' s on the Centlemane s lP I

motlon oï the Agreed Resolutions. Those in favor say fa'ye' 'ayel ' l3 ' j' @lopposed lnol.. The fayes' have it. The motfon carries. Agreed $

' j.

. j y .

l Resolutions are adopted. ceneral Resoluttons. . .j '

l1 ' ''House Resolutlon 2 72 . Sf rtuns . '' l

clerk 0 Brien :1 . . ' !ISpeaker Redmond: ''Committee on Assignments. Any excused absenees, (

' Representatlve èudlgan ?' . l' ' ld t11 e r e c o r d s' 1a ow t h a't Re r e s e n t a t i'v e s '

Ffadigall ) Mr . Speake r , WOu p

Kornowlcz and Domieo and Mann are exeused 'because of illness ?

' And that Representatfve Cappdrelli is excusede'f

HThe records so show. Representative Telcser, the fSpeaker Redmond; . p

Republieans a11 hale and hearty today?'? ' '

Telcser: ''Al1 hale and hearty as usualy Mr. Speaker/'' - . . - . . .. - -

. . ---

. ,.-es..ç:-(;z-.':- G E N E R A 1- A S S E 51 B L Y

'z/4v:..; '-ï ,1 , .... 1,: s.r ,. .r y: o v 1 u !., ,., vo , s. '' t .â. . . . j

.; f ' N . a s! u. l./ r . . . . . . . : '7 , . I s

Page 8: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



Speaker Redmond: ''House Bills Third Readlng. Rouse sflls Thfrd Readfng' >

House Bill 48 Representative Maut'ino'. Mautino 48. 1 wouldappears . ,

suggest that ue pazs as many of these Bills over to the Seîlare as we

11Can .

' Clerk o'Brien: HBouse Bill 48. A Bill for an let makfng an approprfaelen

for the Agrieulture, Economic Falr Coamlssion. Thixd Reading of the

6 i 1. 1 . f f ISpeaker Redmond: HRepresentative Mautino. Is tbere a companion Bill !

!to thfs? Any substantive Bills? Representatfve èkutlno.l' !

Mautino: ''Thank you: Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Centlemen of the House, I(

House ;f11 47 fs fn the Senate whfch fs a companlon Bil1.,..H '. (

l S eaker Redmond: OOkay. Proceedz' fP i

. '

. . jMautfno: ''Thfs fa :he approprfatlon Bill for tbat particular fund and f!

it was amended to be $l2,500...got the Amendment there, Jatk?

Excuse me : l'fr. Speaker. ''

!, ?, '

Speaker Redmond: Representative Mautfno.

èlutino: ''I'd lfke ec mcve House B11l 48 from Third Reading back to

Second Reading for purposes of an Amendment.n

Speaker Redmond; S'Does :he Centleman have leave? Hearlng no objectlon

! leave is granteds 48 is returned to the Order of Second Reading.

Read the Amendaenc.''

clerk O'Brien: 'lAmendment //1, Mautino. Anends Bouse R1l1 48 on line

5 by cbanglng '$25,000: ro '$12,50Of,''

Mautino: HMr. Speaker, Ladies and Centlemen of the House, that appro-

priatfon' cuts ft exactly ln half. That's exactly what 1 said in

! 'the Appropriation Committee, itls the fundfng for one year fnstead

of two. And I would move for tbe adoption of Amendment //1 to

House Bill 48.''

speaker Redmond: f'Question's on the Gentlemanrs motion for the adoption

f Am' dment /J1 to Hopse Bill 48. Those fa favor say 'aye' 'a e'o en > y ,

. opposed 'nol-' The 'ayes' have it. Motion earries aud the Amendment's

adopted. Any further Amendmentsr'

, ?p ' 11Clerk 0 Brien: No further Amendments.

speaker Redmond: ''/lll'd Reading. 107? Representatfve E. hf. Baraesz'

clerk o'Brien: ''House Bi11 107.11.u . '-- ' . - - . El .. . . . . . . . . . u .. . . . .Speaker Redmond: ''OuL of the record. 217. Representatlve Pouncay.e,/'

. . ' x* > X J * <.** '-zL 's G E N E 11 A L .4 5 S E 51 13 L Yq:,:t1t z.,

'7- -.? lœ4 -%..- ' x);. 'j sv xx s o s . ut- , ,4 o , s. cu. - . (J . .1 k .. ' '- ; . i < ta k r s E. o >w pl jc f> la F: s E N T A 'r , v' e SS. .

Page 9: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



clerk O'Brien: ''Bouse Bill 217.....'! '

Speaker Redmond: uRepresentative Pouncey, 217.'' '

Clerk O'Briea: ''A Bill for an Act making an appropriatlon to the Depart-

ment of Local Government Affalrs. Third Readlng of the Bi11.H

Speaker Redmond: 'lRepresenLatlve Poun'cey on :he floor? 217/t .

. Pouneey: C'Thauk you, Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemea Of'the Housez

217, aouse R111 zl7 is the approprtation of $1,250,000 co butld a' Ltndblom Park. This Bill passed the House last year favorably and '

' !I' tr ing to get ït out this year f

passed the Senate favorably. 1 m y 11

and..esiùned by our present Governor. So any help that 1 caa get ll

1, II appreeiate it. I

. . ;

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Pouneeyy do you desire to put the ques- I1

. .


tion on the passage of House Bill 217?:' ')I

' Ppuncey: HYess Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House../'

speaker nedsond: ''nuestion 1s, shall tbés Bill pass? Represantatlve iI.

. I

Telcser. Representatfve Telcser, I ean see Representatfve Telcser.'' J1Telcser: HMr. Speaker and Members of the House, House Bi11 217, I belfevey i

now has three Amendaeam added to it, eath one for anothe/ park in f1

a Membergs distriet. Now, Mr. Speakery Members of the House, the I' j

. ?total price tag on Rouse Bill 2l7 the way it stands now is some 1I1

' three million ftve hundred thousaad dollars for four parks. There I


. .

lare a number of reasons why the Membcrs ought to look very closely I

' J1

at this piece of legfslation before votiua. In the firsty itls i'


tbrMe mlllion, five hundred theusand dollars out of General Xevenue I.

' . jlAat is . . .not only not ln the Governor 1 s Rudget in terms of the dol- ' 1t


1' j

' lars but certafnly fs money rhat perhaps ought to be used fn ather /.

. I. . ,

. . gof our priority areas. Secondly, I m sure that every Member of thls .

Rouse would like to have a park for their district. Perhaps they

weren't aware that the Bill is moving along the legislative path

' d didn't have a chanee to offer Amendments. I frankly don't see '' ,( fan

, l

' . I

' !uhy we should obligate tbe Department of tocal Govirnment Affairs to I'' /

gfve money for four speqific parks. 1 think chat wfth the Bills lII

wepre passfng for the Chfeago Park Distric: this Session, that is lI I

. !the increased tax levy, there qcill be enough money to 14elp Representa- lI

. tive Pouncey get the park which be so desperately wants and needs. '

.. t 7J certalnly respect and eommend Representative Pouncey for working ) l

-.u.sa..''...- -, r; Ij x p: R A L. .4 s s c. ss IJ k- 4-tz -..ierx,r c u-' 2 fi' S T A r d' t? lr l 1. L l N O l S

I . .Zl

Page 10: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


i 5-25-77' 10.

so hard to get thfs park for the people ln his distriet but tlae

state ceneral Revenue just doesnlt have the money. And tbe samel holds true for the other Members ltke Representative Houlihan who

are trying to get a park for their partic kiar area. I don't thiukII

we bave rhe money. I thlnk thfs B111 should be defeated and tbe

matter should be left up fn Chicago' Park Distrfet who can better set

priorities as to what neighborhoods uould and would aot ge: parks

at any given point fn ttue/'

Speaker Redmoud: OAuy further discussfon? Representatïve Lefnenweber/ê

Leinenweber) ''Welly Mr. Speaker, tbi: is the thfrd time, to my knowledge,

that the House has been asked to vete on this measure. Unfortunately,

' in my opinion, two previous times the House acceded to the Gentlemaa's

wishes and passed this Bi11 out. And as I understand it also, was

passed out of the Senate but tbe Governor of his own party eouldn't

even stouach this use of General Revenue Funds and saw fit to vetol

this 3i11 on previous Xquestionsf. Now.x..occazions....l don': see

why in the world we should continue Lo use a 1ot of paper and time

of tbis House and the Senate in passing Bills out that have absolutelyt

no chance at allz and shouldnlt have any chance at all) of being

signed into law. This is au improper request. 0ne of the reasons

lwhy Chlcago was pxovided with Lbe abilfty to establish a park distrfct1lwas to construct parks and field houses and that sort of thing: Now $

' (I

why in the world the Chlcago Park Dfstrict doesn't feel that Lind- !.

. , ,. tblom Park deserves a field house, I don t know. Rut I thlnk it s

@improper to ask the General Assembly to do s0. And so 1 Qould urge 1l

? y ... ... w ... $ ' 'a. 1'tO %' f.z L. tzz . . j

. f

ker Redmond: ''Representative Martin/' 'Spea .

Martfn: ''Thank you very much, Mc. Speaker. ...f rfse fn support of l. l

House Bi11 217. Manv of vou will recall in tbe 78th General Assembly !.

'' 'e - 1' . . j

I fntroduced the same kfnd ef leglslatfon and ft was passed in the t

Senate aud the llouse and the Governor refusèd to slgn 1t. Therd

is soze....something like aboutk.exover 20:0-00 people uould be using I. ' j

thls...this facilitiesy should you see f1t to pass it here. And '

. particutarly for some over A,000 young people. We know how important' jtt is for young people in our community to have a leisure place to

---- )g0, a Place Lo go rather than running the strcet and becoming j

- - - - .- . - .1

'. % g . * .y ( . jj N j j jj 4 j. y j; g jj y j jy ( yy/j .- ) G w..w x .J . . .z i-. .' -.: j'iT .g . 2 ..4 k s a. .1 y s o s 1 uu j oj o j si / x ' w v., : .'' ' .

r % t- 1* . -

Page 11: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


involved in crime. I'm sure that crize would eost us œore than a

field house. And f would certafnly urge and encourage each and

every one of you to keep fn mind a...a shack where...vwhat's better

for size of a room the children are now using and vote for House

Bi11 217 Lo allow young people and al1 of the people a place to

congregaee. I urge you to please support House Bill 217/'

' Speaker Redmond: MRepresentative Pouncey to close/'

Pouncey: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Ladles and Centlemen: I just want .'f

to reiterate on what the former Ceglslator sald. lhis is a mucb I>

much needed park tn a dfstrïct I come from. It fs a very poor distrfctI

and you have to glve the people something.-.so.-e.thek can look for- jI

ward for our future to bring up their children. So any favorable 'I'

jsupport, I ask for your favorable support on thïs House :111 217/1I

Speaker Redmond: nThe questioa is, shall thfs Bill pass? Those in favor I1

vote laye'. opposed vote luo'. Have a1l voted who uish? Have al1 1voted who wish? Have a11 voted who kiah? Representative Taylor

to explafn h1s votew''

Taylor; ''Mr...Mr. Speaker and Members of the Housey f rfse ln support

of House B111 217. Lindblom Park happens to be fn py distrlct,

one where you have some ten, twelve thousand people ln a very klose

close area and there isn't any other park facility tbat is close to. .

' . jh i 1 r area. Yet you have the Lindblom lligh School ipst at at part cu a . l

lblock oc ko awày from the park. You have the kids there every day. $

' laylng football and basketball and running track and we don't have l. P . . j

l, ' any facilities just for tbe purpose of even cleaning. '1 know that 1t

. - l.

this Bi11 ls needed and f soifqft your support for House Bill 217.13

Speaker Redmond: ''ilave a11 voLed who wish? Hepresentative James ')Roulifan to explaln h1s vote/' ' . 1

I j', .flou.l fhan , J : 'lhlr. . . Flr. Speaker and tadies. and Centlemen o f tl-ie House y 1 /I

. . :

- f lk rise ln support of Representative Pouncey s lezislation. I was one

I . of tse zndlvzduazs that worke, wttu Represenrative pouncey to addi! ..ï an additionat item on this Bi11 and I think tbat when we review the l' ji ti ' 1

process, the leglslatlve process, everyone is able to look at a

lcglslarlve ltem Lhat coues rhrough a commltree or comes through the 1 ;

1 1. House and it is clearly those Members that were working with Repre- à :

.. ;j.'Kntœcycpotlnuey-thau M ad-mu -rn'r su ar hn tzas-goqna'ous-enouah 1

.jj/)tjjt * t '',a. ,! ,- ....- 's G E N E 11. A L ..$. Fî S E 51 1$ 1- Y. g .;y u , . .tC , ' 1. 'J z s'r A. 'r E o F 1 t. L. ù r4 o I sXj .w. . ,&. . . 4 - . ' ./ ' f t .1 S. L .4 p , l e ' t > i . . : @ t 3 t u' t. s

'' :

Page 12: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


to assist us in trying to address a particular problem in our

district and I would vrge a few more green lfghts so that we could(


Ipass this legislation. I thfnk lt's not a partfsan legislation.


I nepresentatlve Martln has sponsored Representative Pouncey hasI

sponsored it and we a11 know that Pepresentative Pouncey was one

of the true independents ln the Legislature. So I would urge a few

more fayeï votes for Representative Pouneey.''

Speaker Redmond: HHave a11 voted who wlsh?-clerk wkll take the record.

Representative Pouncey.''

' Pouncey: ''Mr. Speaker, could I have it on Postponed Consideration; pleasek''

Speaker Redmond: 'Tostponed Consfderation. 409, Representatfve Richmond.

0ut of the record. 613 out of the record request of the Sponsor.# .1

688, Representative Tuerk/r' clerk OêBrien: ''House Bill 688. A Bill for an Act making an approp/fatfon

u !to the State Board of Education. Tbird Readfng of the Bi11.

Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Tuerk/'

Tuerk: ''Mr. Speaker, Members of the Hou'se, House Bill '688 appropriates'

y$208,615,000 from the Common School Fund for the state s contri- .

bution downstate and chicago Teacber's Retirement System for fiscal

'78. Thfs amount of money will meet the normal pay out, the commit-' l

menty the state has toward making such paymenks Lo Teachers' Retire- l

lment. 1 would ask for your favorable vpAe.''

speaker Redmond: ''lny dlscussion? The question 1s, shall this Bill pass?

Those favor vote 'aye' opposed vote 'no'. Have a11 voted lcbold 0 tbls question the're's a Iwish? Clerk will take the redor . n

astitutional 1,l40 'aye' and no 'nay'. Tbe Bill having received the Co'

u tAljority hereby declared passed. 767, RepresentatiYe Mugalian.clerk O'Brien: ''House Bi11 767. A Bill for an Act making an appropriatfon

!1 to the Land Resources Management Study Colmtission. Thfrd Readlng of; .

' t b e. B :i 1 1 . ' '

. )Mugalian: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker, the...Bil1 that creates...creates the

Land Resources Management Study Commlssion has passed the House and

is in the Senate now wfth a Senate Sponosr. And this is the appro-

prtatioa Bill whieh is for a total $55,000. I ask for your affirm--L- V

ative vote.''I

S eake r Re dmo nd : : 'A.(!v d 1 s cu a.s :17 on ? The q ue s t n' on 'te s . . . . Rep re spn f' n t -1 v.e......- -=- . p .

.XJ.. ' c- ' ' ' ' ' ' , ; G E N E R A L A S S E 5 l B L Yz* J$ tg e-olrn :jè'(bh . .. . ; : s 'r A v e: o s l u t. 1 rq o I s'y 'y - pzI. x. ,.z)

Page 13: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



jy -Leehowiez.

Leehowicz: HThank youy Mr. Speaker, will the Sponsor yield to a

estionk'' 'qu

Speaker Redmond : ''lle will . 21

Lecholdcz : '' I no ti ce that . . . . ''

Speaker Redmond: ''Please give the Gentleman order/l' Leehowicz: ''I notice that the Bill calls for a $55,000 lump sum appro-

priation. Could you give us some indication because none of the

. commfssfons as-...been comfng through here have been broken.down.I

Has there been an lmendmentk''

' Mugalian: ''It is, yeah. There is an Amendment //1 that's on the Bi11J'

Speaker Redmond: ''Anything further? Representative Ebbesen.î'

. Ebbesen: ''Yes is this in the Governor's Budget?''>


' Mugalfan: ''1...1 don't thlnk it's ïn h1s formal budget. As far as.l

know, 1 would think that tlae Governor would approve of this legis-..




lation but I donAt...it's not in his formal budget, no/' i

speaker Redmond: t'Question 1s, shall this Bill pass? Those in favor. 1

vote 'aye' opposed vote 'noê. Have a11 voted who wfsh? Have

all voted who wish? Clerk will take the record. On thts question

there's 95...96 'aye', 32 'no'. And the Bill, having recelved the l: ' jConstitutional Majorlty, hereby deelared passed. 7987 Out of tbe

' record. 885, Representative Tipswordoo '' j

'Brfen: 'Qouse Bi11 885. A Bfll for an Act making an appropriation )' 'clerk 0l . ' I

to the ordinarv and continnent expense of the Commission on'Economic' - Y-' * .. j

. I' Development. Third Reading of the Bil1.'' 1

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Tïpsword.'' ' !

''Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen, this fs the ordïnary and . l. Tipsword: 1

co'ntlngent expenses for the Commission of Economic Developmenty tbe '

Advisor'y and Cooperating Commission with the Department of Business jl - . ' ,. J

and Economic Development. It is a line item in t17e Bill although l '

it is left in the hundred thousand dollar limitation. And .1 would ). move for the adoptlon by the House/'

' I'speaker Redmond: ''Any discussion? Representative McBroom, you seek ' l

recognition? The question is, sball this Bill pass? Those ïn

f avor Dv'ote ' aye ' opposed vote 'no ' Have a11 -voted who wisb'l Have

al1 voted who wish? Clerk wilt take the record. 0n thts questlon

s ' è ''' .k.Y .:' '' '' r'.z: . ..-- ec , . G E N E R A L A S S E h. I B L YLp.L : =' 't , j ss;i .. ) ' lt STA'I'E OF L'L'NOI t

1 1 1 -' ' 4 cw f F * 6: r'a F G' (: P f: 'C N C p1 'r A 'r l W IJ 58!

Page 14: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


14 . . .

tlaere's a 140 'aye' and 2 vlno' and the Bill laaving received the

Clerk O'Brien: ''House Bill 956. A Bill for an Act making an approprlatlon

for the Illinots Insurance Laws Study Commfsslon. Third Reading of

' the Bil1.H ' '--'

' d d ''Representative Epton/'Speaker Re mon :

. Epton: ''Thank youy Mr. Chairmany Ladies' and Gentlemen of the House,

' in Representative Yourell's absence he asked me to proceed with this

: b111 so lt could Join the appropriate Bill over at tbe Senate. Thfs

is the appropriations for the Illinois Insurance Study Commlssion.

Anda again, it is asking a....the absolute minimum proposal of..vof)

' ...believe it's 70,000 but 1et me eheck his notes and I'll'show....

exactly..-on this he requests $85,000. The Commission does not

rent space either fn Chlcago or in the Capic 1. The services are

provided free by our 1aw office in Chieago and by the...a....a...S tate. l' j

Offlce Buildlng here. We have three employees who get the mfnimum jl

. $salarles and over the nine years 1 think that we have produced legisla-

tzon wbicb bas Ret favor with this House. I ask your favorable

a roval/'PP .

Speaker Redmondr ''Representattve Ebbesea/' li'

Ebbesen: ''Yes, would the Sponaor yfeld?'' I'. 1

Speaker Redmond; HHe wjllJ' . j' u ' !Ebbesen: Yes Representative Epton, now last week wben we were discussing''

. )'s Comp and insurance rates 1 heard an....thank youy Mr. lWorkmen

S eakerx...l heard an auful 1ot o'f dialogue relatfve to the insurance ''P f, l

industry as tttrelates to insurance rates, especlally as it relates t. - ?

' j' to Workmen's Comp. And is there sufffcient money in bere to carry ll

t the wishes as far as thfs Ceamission 1n.,.in some type of research 1ou

of the fnsurance lndustry as to whetber tbese rates are justifiable 1

and the profits and so forth? 0.r is there lnadequate and insuf- f- *' t

. '

jfl.cient :oney in here for this purpose?n I' .- . j

Epton: ''1 appreciate your asking tbat question. Actually, Lhe Commlssion s'yeac' jmost of.n or a. good part of last year's budget on thae ve'ry questlon. tnur

report which was released fn an Interim Study Repprt rather tlaan

await for the regular repörtïng date fndïcated the changes that we

f e lt that we re neces sa ry t o caus e y and perhaps no t only a s tabili za t Lea1' J

xx J) 'u . Ij x E R & j. x s s E !$1 B L YG G za ..j op c ..r v-.ujg , . cj .Qu . . . .p ; s 'r ,t. v c o s ' ! - t. T pk o 1 s: !-- ' '- ', ï : . 9 . - . . . .v j: sj

, x. . / ' I r7 t 1 t t- z't fr < > r3 F4 rr s; e' ,4 4- zk h' l

- . - e. 7

Page 15: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

5-25-77î :

. 15. . i

of the rate, but a reduction of the çate. That Commission and the

Subcommission, incidentallya was clAa'lred by a Dembcrat wllo' is sponsored

by..-whose chief sponsorship is labor. It was chaired by a Gentle-

many Representative Mautino, who went into it thoroughly with Repre-

sentative Schuneman and Senator Bruce and Senator Belly so that !

: you had both management and industry and labor represented. At tbat) .

l time tbey came out with recommendations. Those recommendatlons wouldl have been tmplemented ln one of the Bills wbich unfortunately did not!

i s thts House. on the other hand, Representatzve Mautlno dsd present .pas. '''



a good deal of the recommendations. In answer to your specific ques- 1I

* .

tiony yes, we do have sufficient money.o.yesy we do have sufficient

' money to conclude our...our study of the problen. ' I sbould add that

' at that time we hope we can satisfactorily answer to those of you

who read our reportsy we can satisfactorily answer whether the insur-

ance industry fs ripping off the consume r or whether it's a combinationIf .

of the Legislature or whether a combination of Legislature, the1!1 , Iindustry and inflation


Ebbesen: ''Thank you.''j . .I .

''Representative Adams/' . l! Speaker Redmond:< 1' it Adams: ''Representative Epton, d1d you bave a date on when tlaat report II 1!

was coming out?''. I

Epton: ''The report has alreahy eowe out on the worumen's compensation.j ': 1 believe it came out early in March: I think, it was March 15th. l

lIt was...placed on every Representative's desk. The full report of l11. .

. .

. jtbe commlssion which shounld have been due March 15th was delayed ji , . jI v


and we asked an extensipn to June 15th. But tbe Workmen s Compensatlon!4 . . l

l ' rI l' Report has already been flled and is on your desk. :1 .


. 1' Adams: ''Io at I'm referring to is the insurance parto''t -- .

Epton: ''The insurance part whlch was partially covered by that reportt

' . . ' 1 .will be completely cogeved in the lnsurance Study Cocxissfon Report, '

t 'uhich should be on your desk June 15th.'' 't

p yyyjjayj.jq you . f tt Adams : -

Speaker Redmond: 'rAnything furtber? The question isy shall tbis Bill

pass? Those in favor vote 'aye', opposed vote 'no', Have a11 voted

. who wish? ...A11 voted who wish? Clerk will take the record. 0n

this questlon tbere's a 136 'aye' and 10 'no'. The Bill having



; ''' . *xojy. * ru. ;.' . . G E N jj R A j. A g g (j2 N j j; j. Y.ô er e- - .àD c .? Qîtf2. 1. . . à x y: o s y u ul x o $ s....e S T Jt,' . > .'7' ' ' 1 ' t:l tl s r.: c) 1 ' 'Z? :: r' R r r ' ' ' ' 'r Z- 'r t V' ç: SW

Page 16: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following




received the Constitutionat Majorlty hereby declared passed. 964, !

Clerk O'Brien: ''House Bil1 964/ A B1ll for an Act making an approprlation

to the bepartment of Law Enforcement, Third Reading of the Bt11.O '

' Speaker Redmond: ''Representative McBroomo''! . Meqroom: ''Yesy Mr. speaker. Members of the House, House Bi11 964 relates

.1 to the one hundre; dollar across <be ioard pay increase that took

place two years. When this took placea Mr. Speaker', there was an .l oversight on lncreaslng the longevity for seate policewen and that's *

the effect of this Bi11. 1t passed the Appropriations Committee I ,?

' thtnk ,21 to 1, something llke that. And I'd apprecfate a favorable

Roll Call. ''

''Any discussion? Representatlve Mulcahey/' lSpeaker Redmond:' I

. Mulcahey: ''W:f.11 the Sponsor yf eldî'' lSpeake r Redmond : ''He wi 11 . '' '

ll. Muleahey: ''Representatfve NcBroom, hov much of thfs tcral budget eomes

from tbe Road Fund?'t l

'Mcnrooa; ''IL a1l...1t a1l cones from the Road Fund, Just a Dlnût'e. :ne

' rjhundred percent is my understanding Representatfve Mulcahey.

Mulcahey; ''one hundred pereent of thïs partieular.v-lt's from the Road

iBudget itself....of the Road Fund itself. And do you know if thls is l' j

ïncrease or a deerease from the Road Fund from last yearyl' ian . . ll jl McBroom: MThree bundred and thirty...somewhere around $330,000, Representa- lj

. l1' tive Ffulcahey, is what iL amounts to/' 9

.. ' . )

ltls tbat...is that over and above last year's appropriation from lIMuleahey: l


- u . jthe Road Fund? . 1,

' . j'

t ' '!f e s , i t f s . ' ' . l. $ MeBroom:l !. ltpyuleahey: ''z see. Mr. speaker, way 1 speau to the Bi11?,'f ISspeaker Redmond: OProceed/'

' . rr !Mulcahey) I know this is a very- .very common Ri11. It...something we

. ' . j

. , , j. pass every single yea: but '1 for one am going to vote no on thfs1 ' : 1t

- '

! particular Bi1l. Rot because 1'm ùot for the Commlssion, not..onot

for that particular agencyy not becauke I don't understand thelr

needs but because as a symbol tbat this Road Fund year after year is

being raided. tt's tlae we h-a-ve to stop, ttae we bave to start

taking care of the secondary roads Lhroughout this state. lt's tihue

x-% 'k.j' c .

' - v . G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B 1- Y. y. s . - . r .z :..7 1!. '.2 ' .-' ' j ST 'v T E D F I L.L.4 r4 D 1 S .

ks /' ? . ' > ' J ' Q CJ r @ . L r' 1 % '. '' ' thl W' e''. T' l Y' r S,.. z'. 2

Page 17: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


17 .

that the Road Fund has to be used we have to 'use those funds the uay' j vthey re intended to be used. Therefore, it s more of a symbolic

' vote than anything else. I*n going to vote 'no''on'this partleular

issue-'l ' - - -

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Friedrich. Friedrichy you'seek recogni-

tfon? You seek recognftfbn? Your llght was on/'

Friedrich: ''I'm sorry, 1....1'

Speaker Redmond: ''The question is, shall this Bill pass? Those in favor

xote..-Representative Kempiners. I ean't see himy will youq..please

. sit down'? Those standing between zepresentative Kempiners and tbe

chair. Representative Stearney, Representative Steele Representative

Cunnfngham. Representative Kempiners.f'

Kempiners: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the llouse,

the tssue that has been raised is reakly a false issue beeause this.r '

was brought up in Committee and lt vas demonstrated beyond any

reasonable doubt tbat any pay that the state police get copes from

the Road Fund. An aetempt was made to amend thls and take thls

money from the General Fund but it wXs demonstrated beyond any doubt

that ft has to eome from the Road Fund. So I think that this is

really a false fssue and 1 would urge support of this legfslation/'

'S'peaker Redmond: MQuestion is shall this.a..Representative Mcclain/' 1>

Mcclain: ''Thank vou, Mr. Speaker. In support of Mr. Mulcahev, I think' ''' ''' '' * '' )

Mr. Kemplners missed hïs whole point. Hels not saying that tbe !. . 1l

$334,000 is aot legitimate. He ts not sayfng that this is not the $' . '' t' usual practice. lcat Mr. Mulcahey fs saying it's a practfce that

. 3' ought to be stopped and tbat monles.- in support of operattons and- 1'

' j' ' jfunding'for state police should not come from tlAe Road Fund. And 1I

. thatîs Mr. Mulcahey's posktion. Itls a pokkcy decislon. It's elther lup and dokn kind of situation for the Members of General Assembly. (

i . i

't sooething that.is not supported 0r' can't be 1' It certainly isn - 1demons trated . '' ' ' ' .I

- . . l

speaker Redmond: ''Representative Kosinski. Representative Huskey, you're 'j

. standlng between the Chair and....H

Kosinski: ''Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the'Hotlse, if therels an

attack on paying the state police from the Road Fund so be it, and. ; .I

it should occur :4 t: that point J.u time wlaere we ac tually f und the.. . . - ..J

,)L6 ' o, ', ... G E N E R A L A s s E 5 1 B t, W.zP.u -.w -jj' (y. . : . rt x .: .s j u s. , x ., sj . .. ST A. k y . .'' H D t.t s I:7 o rJ 17 C r' G if S t- 'J 'r J. T l %' r s

Page 18: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


l8. . I

state police. But I 'don't think it should occur here where longevity

which was established on the...under the usual rule of payfng for the

..x.should be attacked. And I say we should vote for tbis measure.î'.

Speaker Redmond: NRepresentative Lechowicz, were kou'seeking recognitionkl'

Lechowicz: ''Thank youy Mr. Speaker, I stand in support of House Bill

964. Itls an item that was overlooked inadvertently by this General I

Assembly. We approved the meakure as far as increasing the longevlty

period for the state polfce but unfortunately we do not provide the!

money out of the proper fund.. There were zwo sults flled in court '

and thls Bi11 addressed the court action and in turn has come in with

the . readlusted lower amount than the two suits that it claims for.' And urge the support of this House and I recommend an 'ayef voteo''

lSpeaker Redmond: ''Representative Friedland/' ' i

. )Friedland: 'rThank you very much, Mr. Speakery I move the previous question/ '

' speaker Redmond: ''The question is shall the main question be put? Those#

in favor say 'aye' 'aye' opposed 'uo'. The 'ayes' have it. Repre- iF >II

sentative McBroom.'' I. McBroom: 'tWe1l. very briefly in closingy Mr. Speaker and Members of the


hink Representative Kosinski and Representative Lecbowicz, I iHouse, I t . f

1 I appreciate their remarks, and I said it...they said it all. Now we!

committed ourselves to a pay increase tuo years ago and now we're

fsayiag, 'Yes, welre going to give you the pay increase with certain 1

' A d this longevity is built-ln and this is not the 1 lexceptions . n l I' fault of the state polije. '1t's....1 don't care to place blame whose )

fault lt might be but itls c'ertainly not the fault of tbe state pol'ice t. and we committed ourselves .to this. And I'd appreciate a favorable l

, !'

. Roll 6a11.G ' 1. 1'

11 this Bill pass? Those in favor )speaker Redmond: t'The question is, sba' . j' j

vote 'ayely opposed vote 'no'. Have a1l voted who wish? Have a11 l' . (

ho wish? The Clerk wilt take tl:e record. On this question l. voted w. . '

.Jtbeke's a 140 'ayef and 6 'no' And the Bill having received Lbe ' '

Constitutional lhjority is hereby declared passed. I went over to 798.'

clerk O'Bfien: ''llouse Bil1 798. A Bill for an Act making an appropriation

to the Department of Registration and Education. Third Reading ofI f

the Bf11.''1l speaker Redmond; t'Representative Bradley, is 797 a companion Bill7''

L- 7 x/:j' J.z ..-' ' ' .- G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y

1/.?'.:.1 L> 12 y.u. . ..z.. ,) sx, x.sg co e , .-,-, x o!si 1y,,

7 -.... ' .

... ::,.' j. ..s:: .s ra (,. e a s , c. ! , v. , .- ! , , .. s. =.. ..: . .r

Page 19: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

5-25-77 . @' g-

. j19.'. Bradley: ''yes, sir. 1'd like to take Lhem b0th together w1th....''

speaker Redmond: ''Does thc Gentleman have leave to consider 797 and 798

together? Hearlng no objection leave is granted. Read 797.''

Clerk oîBrien: ''House Bi11 797. A Bill for an Act ln relatlon to the

regulation of athletic trainers. Third Reading of the Bil1.H

' 1' ,,Speaker Radmond: Representatfve Bradley.

Bradlev: ''Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Centlemen of the House. 797 creates: '' ''' ' .. I

the Illinois Athletic Trainers Act. Provides for the licensing of ''

jtrainers who meet certaln qualifications, pay the required fees to E1the Department of Registration and Education. The Act.p.the Act also ' ' 1

. Iestablishes a Board of Athletic Trainers and requires administrative

fhearinx subjec' t to Judicial review where a llcense is denied, revoked

or suspended. It's the same B111 that House Bi11 366 was introduced

and was passed in the 79th Ceneral Assembly. Did not have time really

to get a decent hearing in the Senate and was not adopted in tbe

' Senate. But the Bilt would require a1l junior bigh school and college

athletic trainers to be lieensed by tbe department. Now, let me sayI

that therels a differenee between those people wbo are athletie . j' 1

traiaers and who are doing some . . .some work as . . .0r shoul.d we say ' '


j! udoin: the wurk that a. . . .athletic trairker might do? rfhe . . .i a c.oac i. j'

for instance ls wrapping an ankle he is not putting himself aeross '.' j :'

. as an athletic trainer and therefore is not subjeçt to tbe-- the lj

1Act. But if there is sonebody wbo is saying. 'I'm an athletic trainerls'

. . l

and is being paid as such then we think they should be lïcensed so? ' ' jthatwe know that they ve had the actual education. And they do have ,

(. courses in many of our universities througbout the Stata of lllinois. )

. )' providing for the athletic trainer to become certified and to becdme 1tl

a specialist, which they definitely are, and we thlnk that ge should t' j

Te should have them fn effect be lfcensed. And ft...wesre not J. . . ïsI <. . . j' . the first state to do this. Other states have doie it and it's worked

. . tout very suckessfully.. There are certaia requirements, examinations,

fees: in the Bill. And there is a $17,O00...seventeen, five....appro- lpriatfon to the department for the initial.start of the program, of

the licensing and I would suggest....request a...#aye' vote/'

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Cunningham.''

cutlnïnghani ; '1is'111 the Spons or yleld ? ''

xevtjzzz. u. v. c jj x pg jk A j. A s s E 51 jj J. yà .' '.Q. 1-):7- A:/ t ' - , s u. p x u o s 1 ) . u , :4 o ) st ? . .- .

Page 20: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


20. II

cunnlnghaffl; '741.11. the Sponsor yleld?'.'I

Speaker Redmond : l'Ile wi11..':

Cunningham: ''Representatlve Bradley from whou have complaints come as 'II to the present statusz umy the ùeed for the Bi11?''$ . .

Bradley: 'lWe11, the athletic-tralners. tbemselves, have come forth with

o o sa 1 . . . . ''a 1) r P:

Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Lechowicz, for what purposç do you rlsek'l i. 4 j' Lechowicz; 'tpoint of order. Mr. Speakery the aubstance Bill passed? I p

u Itheught it was on Postponed.... ,

speaker Redmond: nconsidering- .wefre considering them togethert He I

got leave to have them considered together.''1

Lechowicz: A11 righty thank you. .

Speaker Redmond: nProqeed, Representatfve Cunnfnghaz. Well leave was

'requested and it was not denïed. Representatlve Cunningham. Now'

dley kf that was a....whatîs yourlpointthat was....I asked Representative Rrayf 'Walsh: My point is that if this R111 Isyas on Postponed Consideration, you

should have asked leave to go to another order of business. You d1d

. not ask that and when 'you....doy lf you do, 1 object/'' Speaker Redmond: ''....There...Mr. Walsh, leave was gr' anted by the Body

to consider .these Logether. Now if you don't pay attentfony that's t.

lnot my fault. Representative Cunninzham. Representative Cunninzham.n i

. ''' '-'' *' '-'' l

cunningham:. '74111 the Sponsor respond to the question?'l

Bradley: ltYes, 1'11 be happy to. Mr. Walsh, itfs not on Postponed Con-' . . )

s'fderation so 1t' s . ''9 * * * *

Speaker Redmond: ''Xoulre not paying attentfon, Mr. Walsh. Representative 1l'


' j' Cunninghamy proceed.) ' ' ' l

''Yes, it's on the la'st Bf11 on page 4 on Short Pebate, was where 1.Bradley:j '!


l the other Bill., no t. Postltt,rled Consfderatlon . Tsrlaat was the question ,

. Mr Cunningiam? ''l '

Cunningham: My questiop....'

. . jBradley: 'L..AS to'the athletic trafners themselves came forth and sug- '. )i ..j 'zested that we do this-''

Cunnlngham; HAre ve correc: in assuming tbat no otber group is demandïng

that just these who seek professional status?''

; Bradley: NWe1l, there are some other groups ioncerned about ït. The

therapfs ts were coneerned as to lvhtd elver' we were ove rlapp lng s taklngl -. s %.;; u. .

X V f YR Y 'z Q.4:. . , , . $. : s a. a v lu o s 1 u u y ju o 1 s* :7 4 ''- 2l .t ï . ''' a .. T' . ' l.l o Ll r; E t'A fr ,.' 82 i 14 Et s E èM 'F % a 1 V E Fqx - )-: .



Page 21: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



' 21.

' away some of their work aud we worked out tl4e Amendment with tbe

therapists so that we thlùk we laave excluded them and they're vexy

' happy wlth the Bi11J1

Cunningham: ''What is the department's posftion ln regard to the Bil1?''

Bradley: ''I have ng ldea. The Department of Registration, I hake not

talked with them.'l.

cunninahan: ''Mav I speak Lo the Bfll Just for a moment?l' !' I

Speaker Redmond: ''Proceed/' ' ''' J

''Many times over the weeks we conslder tbe nunber of unnecessary lcunningham:. d

professions that are being regulated. The last eounta 1 believe it !

was Representative Walsh, had it up in the eighties. I went te the. J

.' .

Department of Registratlon, Education, I found it ,was in the thirties.' !

But be that as it may, there are fary far too many, tberè is absolutely I

no reason whatever for addfng yet anorher to thfs long discouraging. ' j

list. Itîs a.eeconceded by the Sponsory that the only group tbat lxave

come forward and say...and said they wish to have thfs are those who '

would be benefftted by the creatlon of another monppoly. The explan-

ation is that it gives them professional status. But that fs a .

euphemism for creatfng. a sltuatfon ln which tbey can cbarge more for .. (

their servlces. I respectfully urge Lhat the publiefs nged has not

been demonstrated exeept to protect itself against unnecesfary expen- lI

diture. Joile the amount budgeted hçre is very small for this year , '. ) .on the tax- )it is safe to predict that if tbis new group is belng put

lpayer's back the annual burden w11l increase as the years go by. If 1. . . $

youlre for economy, reaponsible'government for your constituents, (

t: 1 ' ''. VO e no . .. l'

. ) ,, ,, . . !Speaker Redmond: Representative Polk.

'Po1k: HMr. alairman, Ladiès and Gentlemens I normally never vote untfl' $

1 look up on the board and see what my distinguished colleague from I1.

. Lawrencevill is going to do,but however in this tnstance 1...1 feel. - $

necessary to vote before he does. Tbe lssue tbat we have before us

is one that is indeed pressing. It is an issue where people are lj

putting themselves out as one type of a trainer wlzen in fact they .

are not. We have worked with the physical therapists, as you know

with my statement from last week: I do some part-tfme work in a bospital.

1 wo rk wf f:h . . . wk t h trhe rapi s t s at Mo l.ine Pub ltd an d tuthexan . We

..z:p . i' l '( ''t''=z.jL x . ' 4 o.' G E N E R A L A S S E h 1 B 1 - Yi t ;7ml U: : - '. z . tl s 'v .''t 'r s o s ) u u I z..l o l si- : < '''


Page 22: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



have everybody that is in...w14o are professional in this fïeld who

were concernedy now looking forward to this legislation being passed.

It nc way mandates that any school systeay junior highz grade school

or high sehool, must have a trainer. It siaply says that if a.v.if a

' man or a woman is'a trainer has taken the college courses, they may>

now say tbat tbey are an official trainer. So no school has to have

a trafner but those that have the qualffied ones, the people may

indicate they are a trainer. It ts an excellent Bi11. It will brlng

up standards. It w111 see that your children and'mine will be much...

will get the proper carey will get the proper care when they are on

and off the athletlc ffeld. I Ieould slncerely request your laye'

tj e I 1 ' iV (7 .

Speaker Redmond: NRepresentative Grefman/'

Greiman: ':Wi11 the Oentleman yield'for a question?'r

Speaker Redmond : ''lle will. '' 2

Greiman: 'îls it my understandingy Jerry, that this applies just to people

wlao are to work in schools? Is that right?l' I

Bradley: ''Ue have a....no, not only ln schools, vanybody' ln Illlnols that

1 meets the requirements of the Aet and we axe..-and 1'm in receipt of:

i' I

1. a letter from a trainer of the Chicago Blackhawks who is fn support i

' of this legislation also/'1 . ,Greiman: ''In otber worhs. to be......do sonething tbat is called a

' trainer. vou would havexthe Blackhawks couldn't hire someone who' is 1' - -' - j

' ja trainer unless be....J' .

. . ù .t !f Bradley: ''No. /o, they could go ahead and hfre somebody kf rhey wanted t

fto even tbough he was not eligible to be licensed. Thï: does not 1

. 1t . . I

. prohibit that. It's just tbat if you do have 'the training, the l. . l

1 background and the experience to become licensed they shall licensel1 . I ,,i r y/u. Y0u knoJc.-..

' ' , Greiman: ''And how aboqt the schools, could they license anybody? I mean, 1J ( ' .

they could hire somebody who has...that wasn't certifled alsok'ï

Bradley: S'They could...this does not...this does not lnandate that schoolj '' ' d thletic triiner-'' I? hire a license a

Gretman: ''Could they- .could, if they wantedy have an athletic trainery

could Lhey hire-an unlicensed athletie téainer?d'' - ' - --

Bradley: ''If they so desired/'...- -

.- ..- M

i z ' -',r& ' '.,. G E x E R A t, x s s E sl B t. v44 .., - .-

tîh -'-. -! -1772 t% t . .. ) svn v s o p- I u u , N o I s'J ! ' r: l ' '' i) 'n 1 17 r: r* :. ::s 1: Nl 'r Jt 'r ! v E'S '

. . ' . z )

Page 23: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



I Greiman: ''The district could blre an unltcensedm-.-''i

Bradley: ''Sure. We-p-weVre not trying to impose thatln every selzool system

in the State of Illlnois beèause that kould be #roblbitiveue/'

Greiman: OOh I understand. A11 right, on'the B111 if I migbt': I thtnk# . .

the three aost rarely used words ln thls Body ls probably, Cunnf/gham

ls rigbt. And 1...1...1 suspect in this case that he' fs rigbe. I

thlnk'we are proteeting a group and..eand I thfnk we are cutting out

.carving out a niche and eventually itbll be mandated and 1 can't

even understand why the Office of Education shouldn't be the one who

handles that program and that eertiffcation to'really protecting

young people. Thatîs who we care about, in high schools and ln

grammer schools. And if the Department of Education...office of

Education was eertffyfng trafners I might be frfendly eo:gard the B111>

I mighta..it wakes sense 'cause it fits fn...wfth young people. But

to have certifications at large by R & E makes no sense to me at a11J'

îr tSpeaker Redmond: ''Representative Deavers.

Deavers: nèlr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the Housey rfse ln

support of this Bi11. As you can see, 1'm a Joint.sponsor. And as

an ex-high school football coach, 1 ean see nothïng wrong with this

because in mobt systems you have the coachy the Janitor, tbe trainer,

l t'he taper, anythéng else that you can ehlnk of. And anyway they're Iupgraded professlonally and if some courses are available to make 't

' !

these people better trainers and better able to take care of tha tathletic inluries without further inlury to the participant tben 1 'I ' - 'tthink itês aot to be a good Bill and I think everybody ought to sup- I


iport tt. ,

'!! !, .Speaker Redmond; Representative Ebbesen.f

Rbbesen: ''Mr. Speaker, 1 move the previous question.'' '

Speaker Redmoud: '%êi11 you hold that one for a moment, 1...1 fear for

my life. Representative Keats/' j.

. 1Keats: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Ladieé and Gentlemen of the Bouse, will

the Sponsor yield?''

Speaker Redmond: ''Proceed.''

Keats: '?Mr. Sponsor, f would lfke to ask a question. How dfd thfs bad

Bill get past the deadliae? I'm still tryfng to ftgure that out. k

don ' t ask ehap as a partisan question , I juse don ' t see how' we' re votingE- -

- .DI -.t ... sss r ; 'w , . G E N E R A j. A s s Iï M B L Y ? '-!t d N77 % . ? 7Jq.,-1 ,. i s v Jk v e: o s # s u ) sp o j st

..- ' .

. k. . .y H C) k l G E: o Ir Fk (1: P rw tc S I.: b1 T H T 9 k' kc S

Page 24: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


. 24 .

i ' on it . '' l

Bradley: ''Well, we're...we're...we have an appropriatfon Bill along with

the substantive Bill and we/-we sald we'd hold this substantive

Bill and go alona with the àppropriation Bi11. And I don't thinkE


I it's a bad Bi11J'

Keats: 'lokay. Wella thank you for answering the question. Tbat does

answer because I couldn't understand tbem- .that's a loglcal reason.

. Tbe second...then 1et me speak to the question, Ladfes'and oentlemen,

we need this Bill like we need a broken leg, to use à pun. What

' we're doing right now is setting up an excluslve type of trainer

and ln three years we're golng to mandate every school fs going to have

to have it. Wefll be increasing our mandates three years from now

and increaslng the cost of edueational athletic sometbing we cannot

afford to do in the long run. I ask you to please vote 'nol/'

Speaker Redmond: ''Now Representative Ebbesenîs motiohy the questfon 1s>

shall the mafn question be put? Those in favor say 'aye' faye'' >


opposed 'no'. The 'ayesf have it. Representative Bradley to close.

Please come to order. Give the Centleman order/'

Bradley: ''...Mr. Speaker, I think Mr. Keats used a good word wben he said

a broken 1eg because I happen to have a son who was participating in I

a college basketball program and some people were talking about welré$

doing something to trainers, 1 think we ouqht to do somethina for tbe i

boys and girls wbo particlpate. Anyway, in the the seeond game of his l1

l...yeary in basketball in his juaior year, he jumped in the air and

turned and came doym on his 1eg and popped tbe cartilagè ln bis knee. t' k


Wells we didnlt have an atbletic trainer at this school at that time !

and we didn't have anybody qualifiad that could....whetber...and the j', lcoaches didn t determine it was a torn cartilage. He played s1x

. Imore games on that torn cartilage not knowing it was torn because we

. did not have somebody qualified, and 1 bope Mr. Keats is listening.

At that time then we had to go to a specia11st and go to Oklahoma

city and have Lbat 1eg operated on and he missed the rest of the year.

If that leg, if weld had somebody there that could determlne that there

was a torn cartilage that 1eg c'ould have been operated on the next: .

day and he could have been back in action in about three or four weeks.

So we're not talklng about tlle atbletic trainers. That's not my

ç.' rz' J! l ; t,t ' j. sj-'..k-'.. G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y 1tf.k Ji' f:..k 'as.'.e 1 . svgk.r tc cn s ! '- u I r4 o I s i

1 'x ' '.'e.Kv

Page 25: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


25 !. i

inLeres t in Lhis Bi11. My interest in thls B ill is tlxat we have ' Eu

1 l the say theylre qualified that they are quallfied to Ipeop e wzen y j

make some determinatlon as to how severe an injury is and also to

make a determination how quickly Lhey can take care of Lhat ïnjury

whether it be a sprained ankle, a torn cartilagey a break, whatever. :it might be

. If you have hot been to a high school or college foot-

ball game at the local and the small schools where they don't have

a...an athletic trainer and you see a boy that's injured and youiwonder why in the world somebody's not dolng something for them.

' ji

I think that this Bill mightm..aight help a great deal in bringina I

that about that there will be somebody there that ls qualified,

that wilt be able to take a looky diagnose the injury and...and

proceed to take care of that injury. It's not for the athletic

trainers it's for the boys and girls that participate in athletics

that we should be passing this Bi11. I urge the support of the

Members of the House. It's a good piece of legislation. It's some-

thing that sqe should be doing because we have Dore and more people

participating at the high school level. We have more girls involved

. in the high school and tbe college level and we certainly should be

helping to p'rotect them as if we...if we at a11 can. Until youRve

gone through something like this yok really don't realize how severe Ilit is and ho< important it ls that we have somebody there that can

diagnose that injury and give that person some help. And I simply

very respectfully and earnestly ask for tbe support of the Members. . ;

on tbis Bi11.H

'Speaker Redmond: ''The question is, shall this Bill pass? Those inl'

. jfavor vote 'aye' opposed vote ênor. Have al1 voted who wish? 'j.;

l Representative Skinnera'' . l

ltskinner: ''I would respectfully suggest whenever a1l the members of a pro-

' !1 1,fession agree on a Bill that the.... . .

Speakqr Redmond: ''RepresentaLive Leinenweber/'

Skinner: '' Ought to be....M

. Speaker Redmond: NProceed.u.

skinner: ''Thank you very much.' contrary to what Representative Cunningham

.- has suggested there are not...tbere are'more.than thirty licensed l$



professlons in the State of Illinols there are approximately a hundredt.--j c.:u- ..7....I s'xv z ''' s. G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Yt c

r =.A . : . t T--: .t h j s'CkQ . - . . s w A 'r s o e I t- u 1 rk o

l $ . . , z s. 1: C> U L b o fr f7 (D :> 1 . ! S FJ N'F A T l Y Tx'Nsx z' z

Page 26: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

! 1r .

5-25- 7 7 .'

' 26 I!

and eighty. Only thirty of them are in the Department of Regls- ' ' !

tration and Edueation. I would suggest that next year if this passes 'I

werll have the toenail cllppers ïn wanting their own gutld.'' '

Speaker Redmond; t'Have a11 voted who wish? Have a11 voted who wish?

Representative Walshy do you seek recognition? Representatfve

' Caines, do yOù seek recognftion?''

Gaines: îfI rise fn opposftfon to this legislation. I think that when you

' glve soneone this kind of color à title, people will think theyfre

' some klnd of doetor or something. And l've known many good athletic

trainers who eouldn't take tests. 'chaffy' Blackburn who was trainer .

I' for Joe Louis, the greatesL .ftghter that ever, fought. .He could not pass any

of these kfnd of tests but yet I donît think anyone would ever say 1I

' d trainer. And I know many men and women' who are goodhe wasn t a goo

as trainers but are not doctors. And I thfnk that these kfnd of ''

. ldiagnoses that I've been hearing about, these trâiners who want todo, are medlcal diagonses and they should call for the doctor. And

j 'I 11 not thlnk that a good trainer has to have this kind of test


because many of them who grew up around the gyms of tl4ls stace are

good at trainlng and manfpulatfng ypraflks and helplng people keep

fn good condftfon bue theylre not doctors. And I think that when

you deal with this kind of exam you make them feel that they are


Speaker Redmond: ''Have a11 voted who wish? clerk wi1l take the record.

Oa this questton there's 89 'ayef and 43 'no' and the Bill having.

' . j' . . jreceived the Constitutio.... Representative Walsh.î'. . j

u î, ITêalsh: I request a verification Mr. Speaker. :.

; j. Speaker Redmond: l'Gentleaan has requesteb a veriflcation. Representative

Bradley requests a poll of the absentees/'

Clerk O'Brien) ''Antonovych, Jane Barnes, Caldwell, Campbell, Capparelli,

Catania, Collinsj Dawsony zomico, Doyle, Ralph Dunns Dyer, Ewing,

Friedrich, Gaines, Roleufnskfy Jfm Houlihan, Huff Emtl Jones, Katzy

- Kornowicz, Leverenz, Levln, Madison, Mann, Peggy Smith Martin, McBroom,

Molloy, Mugalian, Peters, Sehlickman.../' l

' Speaker Redmond: lïRepresentative Molloy, faye'. Representatfve Yourell,

'ayel. Mugalian, do you seek reeognfLlon? îAye'. lhtijevleh.l'I

lotijev:i nb : ''tlharlge me f rom ' 11o ' to ' aye ' please .''

x x ',s - -.w' ' ' o G E N E R , & L A S S E 51 B t. Y .ej...:.c 'bf -, ,.' . j svaxu o e , uuI lu o, s1 I .

. . t ' . ) . . . . .1 1 'D t J '- I x : k' ' n e 1 1 ' t't 'C Zk X ! W t? 5s /

Page 27: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



Speaker Redmond: HAye. Proceed. Represeatatlve McBroomy for what

purpose do you rtse?''

McBroom: ''Record me as 'ayef Mr. Speaker, please.''>

Speaker Redmond: HReeord the Gentleman as 'aye'. Request for the

verfffcatfon has been wfthdravn. What's the score, Mr. rlerk?

On this question there's 94 'ayet, 43 'no' and the Bill havlng

received the Constitutional.-these Bills havlng recelved the Consti-

tutional Malority hereby declared passed. Representative Mahar,

for what purpose do you rise?''

Mahar: NThank youy Mr. Speaker, I rise to request a Republiean Conference

ia Room l18 immediatelyv''

Speaker Redmond: ''Re'presentative Cunningham, for what purpose do ybu

L*%SC î ' ' l

cunningham: ''We11, before tbey do tbat and whfle 1 repain indignant, 1

want to rise oa a point of personal prfvilege. Tbese' character

assasslns hear wbat they wish whea I speak but it was pointed out a '1moment ago that I had unjustly accused my great friend Representative

Walsh by correetly givfng the number of people who were regulated

by the Depattment of Registration as being fn the thlrtles. The

tapes will Qerify what I've said. I want to repeat that strongly.

Ny mother aad I would appreeiate if a11 future couments would be of

a more complimentary nature from Representative Skinner and Walshl

tn that regard.'! j'speaker' Redmqnd: ''The Republicans have requested a conference. Repre-

sentative Huff: for what purpose do you risekll rl

Huff; ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker, I'd like. to have leave to be included

on that last previous Bi11, 798 and 1....0 lj

speaker Redmond: ''Does the Gentleman have leavq? Representative Martiny

Lhe same request? Representative Matijevich.''t .èltijevich) :'Yes, Mrz Speakery could we. determine the tfme on Lhat because

Appropriatfons'comnfttees are meeting at two. Are they goïng to be

baek or are ue back here or what?'d '

speaker Redmoad: ''We11, the plan is that vzhen the Republicans have their

conference that we will not return to the floor uutil 5:30 aud that

!:111 give the Appropriationsa-çoœmittees a chance to meet at 2 o'elock .

and T don't know Sehether thqt's enough tlme but we have so much floor

,%VR 'Ak .. G E N E R A L A S S E ô1 B L Ye uvz: t ..-c. .;. J f '.'...-

.I : - . . 'j s v s, x s o g. l t. t. I p ; o ) s7 )- ! t-F. , , ..m R ' ' 9 i .1 C'' f' C7 C ! 1 17 l ' IV F Qt Pt N T' *% V l V Pl Sk x . . vfv

Page 28: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



' business here that it would seem to pe that we must meet more so

we will be back at 5:30.''

' Matijevich: HAII right/'

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Friedrich.'' .

Friedrich: HMr. Speakery may I be recorded as voting îaos oa 798 please?l'

Speaker Redmond: ''What was that? The totalk''

Friedrich: '' ..I wanted to be recorded as voting fno' on the last....O

Speaker Redmond: HGentleman asks leave tp be recorded as 'nof. Does

he have any obqectioa? Heartng none-..Representative Katz/'

Katz: ''Yes, I want to be reeorded as 'no' also, Mr. Speaker/' '11 Ir l

Speaker Redmoad: What was that?

Katz: ''I would like to be recorded as êno' on that B111, please/'l ',' Speaker Redmond: HAny objeetion? Representative GW e sheimer.''

jGrfesheimer: HMr. Speaker, I..ojust an inquiry. Ts the Sessfon at 5:30

erfuncto'ry or . . . . ''. P i. i

Speaker Redmond: nNo it is not. It is a Regular Séssi8n.'l#

gxiesheimer: ''l was just wondering under the circumstances, Mr. Speaker,. ( 1as T understand it, the Illfnois Manufacturers have changed their j


cockLail party about three times to accommodate :he House and this l !I I

is when it's set for, just wondering if that has been taken into 1Ir lr .



Speaker Redmond: ''I wonder kf they took us into consideration when they. j I

' 1 (


set their tine? Representative Barnes. Iîm perfectly willing to '!

make it earlier but I understand the Appropriations Committee needs '. l

. ' ! ,'

that kind of time.'' ' ' 1I 1: 'Barnes: ''Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Yes, I wanted to follow that 1 '

. '

j. ;

. up not so much to a question of :he chair but perhaps to the Minority llLeader. Does that Dean that. the Members, fhp Minority Members will

. .


jbe back by 2 o'clock fqr the meetlng Lo start then? So I can have an l

. idea to t:e 11 Iny Meznbers . ''

speaker Redmond:' ''Ibve 'never had any' complaint about the F/nority Members

not belng prompt-''

Barnes: Ookay. So we will go back at 2....,9'I

Speaker Redmond: H...The Appropriatlons Commfttee w111 meet as postedy j1

j i2 o clock. And 4he House will be back here at 5:30. .Mr. Clerky. . . j' wi11 you tell us what we needkl'

..c.'f:. 'k v ; .'xwkrt %x . . G E N E R A L A S S E M B L YJ .t5 '--x '<z ;c'i.. :# '. t'<.x. ..D > s T A. T E o p' ! t. L j N O I St :-.. . ' .z$ -' ' z *z i-i G U tR r: ta fr (q C.e 44 fi S.K f'2 'C A T $ %' E S

î ,y

Page 29: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



Clerk OîBrien: ''About five minutes Perfunctory Session right noQ to

read Senate Bi11s....D

ker Redmond: ORepresentative Geo-Karisy for what Purpose do you rfse?îlSpea

Geo-Karis: ''Mr. Speaker, Ladles and Gentlemen of the House, we have

a lot of constituents, every Member in this House t think who are

...leho are gofng to be here thts evenlng. Is there any possibility

we could come back at say three o'clock or four o'clock or....H

Speaker Redmond: l'The Appropriations, two Appropriations Committees are

meeting at 2 o'clock and they advise me they need....theyrll need

that time. In fact, they weren't happy that we were cutting them

short at 5230. So ft Tzas a questfon between that and maybe thls

evening at 7 o'clock an'd.l didalt think many p' eople would like that.

Representative Madigan for a motion.''

lhdlgan: ''Mr. Speaker, I move that we recess for the purpose of a

Republican Conference imœediately and for the 2 o'clock Committee

meetings and that we return at 5:30 thls afternoon/'

Speaker Redmond: OIhe question's on the Oentleman's motion. Those in

A r v f , , ! f'favor say aye , aye , opposed no . The ayes have it. Motion

carries. We now will be fn Perfunct for about five mlnutes and

then we stan'd'recessed until 5:30 thls afternoon. AppropriationslCommittees will meet as posted.''l

j l v


y rOlerk 0 Brien) Senate Bills First Reading.

lSenate Bill 843. A Bill for aa Act to amend the Tllinois Securities 'j

lLaw. First Reading of the B111. l

t $


j'. ù11 Senate Bill 1122. A Bil1 for an Act to amend an Aet to legalize i! l l1 i

and validate appropriatYon Bills and tax levy ordinances in cqrtain jl .countfes. Ffrst Reaàfng of the Bil1. Ji

;Senate Bill 1123. A Bill fqr an Act to lenalize and validate

appropriations and tax levy ordinances in certain forest preservel

l Idlstricts. First Reading of the Bill.1

l .Senate Bill 1129. A Bilt for an Act to amend the State Comptroller

Act. First Reading of the Ri11.

Senate B111 1303. A Bill for an Act to amend the Fish Code.

First Reading of the Bill.

senate B1ll 239. A Bill for an Act to make-.ea B1l1 for an Act

to make Casimir Pulaski's Birthday a holiday. First Reading of the Bil 1.

.x.x% t 12 f w y x G E N jj R A j. A g g E Nj j; L yS X 2-7.7.- Y '':f t'.$:- , ' . t ) svav.c c) s j uu, ,. ots. > z1 $ --' '. , z o ta s s o s yv s e 24 p: s c sl v A 'r f v c. s

,'' .ê

Page 30: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


1 5-25-7730. '

Senate Bill 755. A Bill for ah Act to amend the Illinois Vehicle

- - Code. First Reading of the Bi1l. '-- '-

Committee Report.

i Representatlve lutijevleh, chairwan of the committee on Appropriations1.

1 I to which the following Bills were referred, action taken May 25,

1 1977, reported the same bacu wsth the following reeommendation: doIi llamisenate Bill 342. Do pass as amended House Bill 1047 and House

i Bi11 2368. '

Senate Bills First Reading. '

Senate Bi11 1121. A Bill for an Act to amend the Pension Code.

First Reading of the Bi11.

Senate B&l1 1119. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections of the

Illinois Pension Code. First Reading of the Bi11.1

NO furtber business the House now stands in recess/î

$ RscEsst jl .1 , r lSpeaker Redmond: House will come to order. Senate Rills First

Reading . ''

y :t 'Clerk 0 Brien: Senate Bill 509. A Bill for an Act to amend the1 ' !

Pharmacy Practice Aet. First Reading of the Bi11. .

Senate Bill 795. A Bill for an Act to amend Sectfons of an Act' j

. $to provide for a bonus for Illinois residents who were held l

I. prisoners of war in Southeast Asfa. First Reading of the Bi11.

Senate Bill 906. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections of the Law1 .1

Enforcement Officers Civil Defense Workerss Civil Air. Patrol

Members, Paramedics and Firemen's Compensation Act. First Reading j 'I tI of the si11. . I1 ' .

1I . !1 ' senate Bi11 1220. A Bil1 for an Ae't to amend sectsons of an Act l'

. # .

1 he ranting of assistance to ipdigent kqar veterans' 1f to regu ate t g Il . . I

1 and their families. First Reading of the Bi11. )I .

Senate Bill 1236.. A Bill for an Act to amend tlle Metropolitan 1.

' Transit Authority Act. First Reading of the Bi11.

Senate Bill 1324. A Bill for an Act to amend an Act in .relatlon jl

. to the adoption of persons. First Reading of the Bi11.H

i speaker Redmond: MRepresentative Sandquist, do you want to go on 966?lj l' How about 1.593, Represeppltive Deavers? 1593, Representative Deavers. t' I

t1594, Representative Simms. Will you go dokn to 118 and see if tlle

-7U f ' ' e: G E N E R A t, A S S E M B L Yv.o a : cp.. y'! j q q-.-j,: - ; ., . . =; s v w v. Is cj s i u u î rq o I s$' $

.. .-L . . u ! :- s s a. g v j w s s1.4 'a u n o e 5 ; : e .J J r' I

Page 31: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


' 3l.I

Republfeans are stlll in conference? 991, Representatfve Tuerk.'l . !i

clerk o'Brienl ''House Ri1l 991. A Bill for an Act makfng an appropriation1 I

to tbe Department of Local Government Affairs. Thfrd Readfng of the/

16 i i 1. . 1 î

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Tuerk. Tuerke''

Tuerk: ''Mr. Speaker, Members of the Houses House Bi1l 991 is the appro-

priatfon ûil1 to accompany 990 which was passed out of here a l41

to 2 about three weeks ago. lt appropriates a hundred thousand dol-

lars to Bepartment of Local Governmental Affatrs to fmplement the

provisions of 990. I would ask for your favorable support/'

Speaker Redmond: ''Is there any discussion? The question is, shall this

Bi11 pass? Those in favor vote 'ayel, opposed vote 'no'. Have al1

voted wlzo wish? Have all voted who wish? The Clerk will take the

record. 0n rhis question there's 115 îaye' and 3 rnol. And the

B1l1 havlng received the constitutional Majority hereby declared

passed. 1008. Representative Brady.'f

Clerk O'Brfen: ''House Bi11 1008. A Bf11 for an Act makfng an approprlatfon

to the ordinarv and eontfnqent expense of the LeMlslative Audit Com-

' ission. Third Reading of the Bill.'' 'm

Speaker Redmondl' 'tRepresentatlve Brady.''

Bradyt MYesy Mr. Speaker and fellow Membersy the annual app'roprfatfon ll

fo r the Legislative ludit Commission....the Legislative Audit Commis- jIsion's functions is the General Assemblyls representatlve in review

. . jof the State Auditing Program. Principle and duties are involved in tbè


. . janalysis and consideraeion 'of al1 audit reports prepared by the j

l t. Audftor General and I urMe your favorable support/' I

' ''-'' '' '' '' ' j. l

' Speaker Redmond: HAny discussion? The question isy shall thts Bill pa:s?l . l

Tbose tn favor vote 'aye' opposed vote 'no'. Have a11 voted who. >

wish? Have a11 voted who wish? Clerk will take the record. 0n. . . ; . . j

' - - . this question there's a 124 'aye' and l :1401. And the B1l1 havin:

ceived the Constfeutfonal Majorlty 'bereby declared passed. 1034re ,

Representavfva Williams.''

clerk O'Brien: 'tHouse Bill l03i* A Bill for an Act making an approprtatfon to the ordinary and tontingent exvense from the Water kesources Com-

ndssion. Third Reading of the B111.''

Speaker Redrûond : ''Wf 11 you hold tha t: ? Represen ta tive Ryan . . . . 10 37 . ''

-..v aqr ,'' . IKxsp - '', s x . G E N jy- R A j. A s !; E M B L YJ' '': * '.r'' ': jJz 'Vzz. '' , . t svwv.u ros , u!.I uoks 'q>.

4 i i - . . . n : , . . r. t.. rp p jv s s s: w! x s. a. I xe w- s. .:. x . g

Page 32: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



clerk OlBrien: ''House Bi1l 1037. A Bill for an Act making an appro-

priation to the ordlnary and eontingent expense for the Pollution

Control Board. Third Reading of the Bt1lJ' J

Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Barnes/' /'fMr Speakery Ladies anJ fentlemen of the House, this Bi11 i

sarnes, J: .I

was thoroughly dfscussed in the Appropriatfons Commfttee and was

recommended do passa twenty-one to zero. And I would llke a /

favorable Roll Ca11Z' -I

speaker Redmond: ''Any discussion? The question is, shall thls Bf11 pass?

Those tn favor vote 'aye' opposed vote 'no'. Have a11 voted who I#'

: J

wish? ...Al1 voted who wfsh? clerk vill take the record. 0n this I.

I' 1 1 X ' 1 '

' '

question there s a l28 aye and 5 no . And the Bill having reeeived )Constituttonal Majority hereby declared passed. 1038/'

: j j!Clerkuo Brien: House Bill 1038. A Bill for an Act to make an appropria-

tion to the ordinary and contingent expense for the State Emptoyees'1 .

Retlrekent System. Thfrd Peading of the Bi11.ïîI

. Speaker Reduond: ORepresentative Jones. %*o can handle that for Repre- '

' sentatlve Jones? Representattve Skinner, can. you handle that?

' 1 1 s teo contingent and ordinary expeuses.''State Employees Ret rerent ys ,

Skinner: ''The speaker has said it all. I move do pass.n

. Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Barneso''

Barnes: ''Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. House Bi11 1038 is the

' Retfrement ). ordinary and contingent expense for the State Employees


System. It's request was $1,964,400. There was no Amendments,no' j. . !

deduction. I would move for the adoptfon of House Bill 1038.0 I' j

!Speaker Redmond: ''Any diseussion? Tbe question 1s, zhall this Bi11 pass? j. !

. g r 1 , a , , .q yy votea wuo 4Those fn avor vo e aye , oppose vote no . ave a $

' )wish? Rave a11 voted who wish? Clerk will take the record. On this 1

question there's . 143 'aye' and uo 'nay'. The Bill having received. j

' . .

GonstftuDfonal Majority hereby declared passed. 1039/ï i.

clerk OlBrien: ''House Bill 1039. A Bill for....n ' )Speaker Redmond: f'Representatives Anderson and Christensen, uill you l

sét down please? Hepresentative Geo-Karis/'

clerk olBrient ''A B111 to provide for the ordlnary and conrlngent expense

co rhe Department of Agfng. Third Reading of phe B111.''

Speaker Redmond; ''Representatlve Ceo-Karis.''

?i '. j. ''j ''' .

x,;4 'f1 v .7'.... G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Yy .u . 'c,x. q .t.':7'A ' . : l u u j s/ c, j s. s w zv T c o Ir

I . . ?3 .: '. q-.'l : t: t; : 1) . . ' t 'r '. 77 ) v' L s;

Page 33: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



ceo-Karis: ''Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentleéen of the House, this is

the budget for the appropriations for the Department of Aging. It

involves a total of $20,866,000 of the General Revenueds $2,835,500

from it and the rest is from the Federal Crvernment. I move the

adoptlon of....''

speaker Redmond: ''The question is, shall this Bill pass? Thoée ln favor

. vote 'aye' opposed vote 'no'. Have a11 voted who wish? Have a11

ivoted who wish? Clerk will take the record. On this question there's

a 140 'ayeî and. no 'nayl. And the B111 having received the Constitu- !

tfonal lljorfLy hereby declared passed. 1064.1'i

clerk O'Brien: ''House Bill 1064. A Bill for an Act making iertain appro-k . . Ië priations to the Teachersl Retirement System. Tlaird Reading of the

1: . !nyyl. q

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Mahar.'' I. r

IMahar: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I request leave to hear 1064 and 1065 :

together since they're b0th public schools.- /'

Speaker Redmond: HDoes the Centleman have leave?''

Mahar:. ' Pension....

i S eaker Redmond : ''llearing no obj ection leave is granted . Read' 1065 ,.P

Xr Olerk . '7' ''

, ,,' Clerk 0 Brien: House Bill 1065. A Bil1 for an Aet to make aa appro- !l !l

I priation for certain retirement benefits for teachers. Third Readlngl , .tr $of the Bill.

' ' 1 ,6 , , ' , !'l Speaker Redmond: Representatlve Mahar.

. j . ' . . . j'lohar: ''1064 approprfates $12,469,000 for the Downstate Teachers' Penslon j ''. '

jl Fund, Retérement Fund. There are no Amendment: to the B1l1. 1065 'lappr'opriates $900,000 to the Retirement Fund fo: the City of Chicago.

. ) .. There are no Amendments to that Bill. I move adoption of b0th Bi11s.H. . l

Speaker Redmond: ''Representattve Schneider/'

' scbneider: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker.. Is 1065 the $900,000 for the Chfcagg. ,1

h rs while they're out on strike?'' Iteac e :

lfahar : ''Beg pardoo î'' -

. schneider: Hlcas that the.- is that a supplemental for the teachers that

were out on strtke- .-'' .

Mahar: ''so. That- .that's for supplemental retirement for plze...for the 1' retlrement benefit.''

. ' -:. ,. ..-. .zrl.,.y- . ' , , G E x I:. R A !. A s s s 5 1 B t, v/ .$ n-''' ;: c -i-- . - .j . . .IM SxD . . j l s 'r yt 1' E: o jr l k. t. I èl o 1 si Td o t.l s tl o r- fR E P Fk F' z L. rl 'C .n. < ! u' S. s. )

Page 34: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

5-25-77 .- . . -.- . .. .. . . . ... -.--.-.E 34.

Scéneider: ''Thank you.''

Speaker Redmond: ''kuestion 1s, shall thepe Bï11 pass? Those in favor

vote 'ayef opposed vote 'no'. Have al1 voted wbo wish? Have a11

voted who wtsh? Clerk wfll taka-the record. On this question there's

l39 'aye' and no 'nayî. The Bf11 havïng recefved the Consrltutional

Majority hereby deelared passed. 1034, I understand the hold order

has been released, is that correct? 1034, Mr. Clerk.''

Clerk oîBrien: t'House Bill 1034. A Bill for an Act makfng appropriation

to the ordinary and contingent expense for the Water Resources Com-

mfssfon. Thfrd Readfng of :he Rf1l.''

Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Williams/l

Williams: HKlank you, Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Centlemen of the House,

I this is the annual appropriation for the Water Resources Commissionyseventy-five thousand. think everyone knows the work that this

Commission does. Weêve had seven pfeces of legfslation as a dlrect

fresult of their commission and I ask your favorable Roll Call on I)tlais Bill . '' 1

Speaker Redmond: 'fThe question isa shall this Bill pass? Those in favor

'aye'a opposed vote 'no'. Representative Totten/' lvotelTotten: '1I...Mr. 'Speakery 1 wanted to ask a question of the Sponsor but

. l' j? I wonder kf I could youîre pretty. fast on''.this. rigbty wouldxr. ''.

' -' ' - ' jIls the Sponsorls intent to line item this budget when it gets over 1

1' '(, ,to Lhe Senate whïch is what we asked for? I don't have an Amendment..j

' jSpeaker Redmond; UIndfcates he will. He's got it there. Kave a1l I

voted who wish? Clerk will rake the record'. On tbis question there's '16

a. 1,35 'aye' and 3 'no'. rhe Btll having received the constitutional I. l

Malority hereby deelared passed. 1071: Representative Macdonald.'t lClerk O'Brlen; AHouse Bill 1071. A B1l1 for an Acr maklag appr/prfation

z ' l;i to the ordinary and contingent expense of the Insrltute for Environ-

lj meatal Quality.. Third Reading of the Bi11.H 1

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Macdonald/'

Macdonald: ''Tbank you, Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Ilouse,

House Bill 1071 is the approprlatfon B111 for the Instftuee of Fnvfron-

mental Quality for the amount of $2,387,800. That Bill passed out

of-committee unanimously and I ask for your pppxoval/'

Speaker Redmond: ''Mly discussion? The question is, shakl this Bi1Y pass?< . .

x'mrltl * cu '' .,kX .m.''c G E hl E R A L A S S E 5! B L Yj cpc-k . t ' v.s o s , s. ,., r.r o , s- . . .e , s 'vpbj $. . - ( . .. a . . . y , m g - . v, ,. sZ ' ' x' Q/ : C C-J ' J ' i: r'N) 'xw-

Page 35: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

5-25-77' 35

Tbose in favor vote 'aye', opposed vote 'no'. Have al1 voted uho

uish? clerk will take- .-oops, have al1 voted who wish? The Clerk

will take the record. This questfony l4l fayef aqd 5 'no'. And

the Bill having received Constitutional hhjority hereby deelared' ''ter or Von Boezkman. Von Boeckman?'' Ipassed. 1099 Representative MeMas I

Clerk OfBrien: ''House B111 1099. A ;ï1l for an Act makfng an appro- j'. !

priatioa Lc the Tovmslaip Government Laws Commisslon. Thfrd Reading 'II

o f the B:i.11. 'f !I

speaker Redmond: ''Representative Voa Roeckman, are you...will you handte II

that Bill? And dp you want 1098 considered together wïth itk'' I' I

yI , !

Von Roeckman) Yeah, I d ltke to bave them b0th consldered together, I

fMr 'speaker .''* . 1

1 speaker Redmond: ''Does tho Gentleman have. leave to have 1098 and 1099

ionsidered together? Theylre substan.... Hearlng no objections

leave is granted. Read 1098/$

Clerk O'Brien: ''House Bill 1098. A Bil1 for an Act to create the

Townshfp Covernment Laws Commission. Thlrd Readfng of the B1ll.'f

Von Boeckman: DWe11y Mr. Speakery we need this money to cod. ify the' j ,

'' township laws and 1 ask your favorable support.''

Speaker Redmond: ''012 there any dtscussion? Representative Totten/î

Totten; OWel1y Mr. Speaker, wefre just running through these Appropria-

tion Bills like we had.all the money in the world. : think it'd just

be a good idea if the Sponsor would explain how much money is in. 1 1 1.l 1

the Bill and what.it's for and what the inerease is over last .year.'' fI

'h 11 t' he Bill it's only $l0 000 An d the Bill passed 1Von Boeckman: We , ... y . . $ I' j fIthe House and Senate last year but the appropriation failed to follow 1I

( . Ifj up and so we have one more year to codify these laws. Ahd it's 1 I

. ''' I

only $10:000 and I ask your favorable support.'f

Speaker Redmond: 'tAnything further, Representative Totten? Tbe question

is > s14all . . . '' '

Totten: 'V'las the...yesy one other question. We had asked the Sponsor, '

as T. thlnk we had a1t othersa to line item the budget and I don't...

I'a trying to find an Amendment here for 1t. I just wonder kk heîll

do that la the Senate if we haven't done it here. I thlnk the

,? Ichafrzan.of Lhe Approprlatioqy. I ls aware of chat also.... ï

Ivon Boeckman: ''Yeah welll take care of it.'' - . '

.. . , '..g/*

. & x . - .r.- # .y G E N E R A L A S S E 5 1 B L Y

Lïi. .- .. Jf +. 'rt ' e ) s w A w b: o p. I u u 1 N o ! s'. .1 . -. &' I'S 1 J S E & F 117 C P l''' F2 cl C N 3 % Y l 1/ f S

1 N N. : /

Page 36: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



Speaker Redmond: HThe question ié, shall these Bills pass? Those fn

favor vote 'aye' opposed vote 'no'. nave a11 voted uho wish?

Bave a11 voted who wish? The clerk will take the record. 0n this

quesrlon, 128 'aye' and 10 'no'. : And the Bllls having recelved

constituttonal Aujority hereby declared passed. 1O9A, understand

that the hold has been released, is that correet, Representative

: Winehester? 10947'1

- Winchester: ''No Sir. That was 993 and 996.e'

Speaker Redmond; 1'994.''

Winchester: ''l'd like to have leave to have 993 heard at the same...-t'

yySpeaker Redmond: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Has

the hold been released ou ehose?

Winchester: Hïesy Sir. Yes, Sir.''

Speaker Redmond: HOkay. 993, 994> Mr. Clerk. Now the Gentleman has

asked leave to have 993. the substantive companion Bi1l, heard together

with 994. Does he have leave? kearing no objection leave is granted.

Will you read 9930''

. ' clerk O'Brien: ''House Bill 993. A Bi11 for an Act relatfng to state

: iovernment. Thfrd Reading of tbe Bi1lJ'

speaker Redmond:' ''Representattve Winehester.'''

j: clerk o'Brien: ''House si11 994. A Bill for an Act making appropriation. j .

I to the Department of Geaeral Servlces for the opqration of the Forms jI

' 1 Management Center. Third Reading of the Btl1J' 1llli11. j1l Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Winchester.''j '

'. f' .. .' Winchester: ''Yes, thank you, Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of thel1 nouse, uouse Bills 993 and 994 is' the Forms Management Bi11. 993 1

. Jj .

j passed out of ExecuLtve on a 23 to zero vote 1nd 994 passed out ofltj Approprlatfons f on a 26 to zero vote. It appropriates $143,:00

to Lhe Department of General Services to implement the Forms Fhnage-'

jment Program/'spaaker Redmond: ''Is thete 'any discussion? Representative Byers/'

Byers: ''Wi11 the Sponsor yfeld for a questionk''

speaker Redmond: ''ne witt-''

' Wlnchester: ''Yes.''

Byers: ''Representative Wtnchester, is that money la the 6ove rnorls Bgdget?n

' jszinches ter : ''It 1 s not itz the Governor ' s Butlget . I have talked with the

., 'XJ. ' w < 4 . G E N It R A L A S S E 5 l B L Yu(: --i'(- T''ij . . ..',, j ' s'ra 'r e: o s 1 k. uî r4 o i s$ ï - .- . '' - >d otzss o r.- Iqztzearusp:'ryv-r: nt rs.x >/

Page 37: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

5-25-77 '

37 II

Bureau of tbe Budaet. The Bureau ok tbe Budget and Department of

General services wholeheartedly supports the Bt11, Representative

B rs '' 'ye .

B ers: '''zuey support the appropriatton?''y

Wfnchester: HYesy ehey do, Sfr.''

Byers: ''We11, Mr. Speaker, if 1 might address the Bill7H

Speaker Redmond; ''Proceed.''

Byers: ''We've been in Appropriatioas Committee a11 day and the.--the

Rureau of the Budget people have been telling us how little moaey

they have and they safd- -say we donft have any money for education.

Sô Id11 leave it up to everybody to decide what they want to do.n

Speaker Redmond: ''Representakive Luft.l' ' !l! '.

Luft: ''Thank youa Mr. Speaker. In reponse to tbe last speaker, if he II

would have been ln Appropriations I yesterday and today, I thïnk we I

'r Isaved the state enough money to go on wlth thls worthy cause. I.1 !l T , ISpeaker Redmondk Anything further? The question is, shall these Bills 1

p' pass? Those in favor vote 'aye', opposed vote 'no'. Have a11 1

. 1voted who wish? Rave a11 voted who wish? Clerk will take the record. . I

. l' 138 îaye' and 3 'no'. And the Bills 1On thls queation there s . I

having received the Constltutional Majority hereby declared passed.l

1102. Representative McAulfffe on the floor? Representative Bar'nes 1iI

' . or Matljevlch can you handle.... Representattve Kosinski/' t

jj clerk o'Brien: ''House Bill 1102. A Bill for an Act to provide for the !

I(ordfnary and centlngenr expense ok the Local Governmenral Law Enforce- !

' . lment Officers Trafning Board. Third Reading of the Bi11.H

' j. ' )

Speaker Redmond: ''Reprasentative Kosinskf-'' d

kosinski: ''This appropriates $2,066,900 from the Local Governmental Law '. . L

' IEnforcement Fund to the Loca1...Zf l

' ' jspeaker Redmond: f'Representative Ryan, for what purpose do you rise?î'

t 1 j .,4 1 ' :' Ryaq: ''I?e11 Mr. Speakera I can apprectate your eagerness to get a1l of l

'- j. '

. . jthese Bills off this Calendar but I'think you ought to...J'

Speaker Redaond; OXou object to Representaeive Kosinskie-./'' 1 1Ryan: ''1 think you ought Lo respect tbe Member that.a.that has Lhe

sponsership of the Bill and at least 1e: him have tlle opportunityIto hold it or pass ft or do whatever he uants.....O 1


jSpeaker Redmond: ''Representative Ryan. Representative Rvan. Representative .. - -

' .

' . - .r

..- -:.:,-: . '

' x xh4:.g4. - î's . %

. A G E N >- R A L A S S E M B L Yqn$ ( 7D'. c;/?.. kzk-'j'- ; ..- .-9 svw v. e: c, s l t. ,- , ra o 1 s'y tf -

. N u z(/

Page 38: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


5- 25- 7 I

I . 3 8 .

. Ryan objects to proceeding with 1102. Take it out of the record.I

110 6 . ' l -

j ' Clerk O'Brien: ''House Bt11 1106. A Bill for an Act making an appro-p .

II priation to the Board of Trustees of the SLate University Retirement

! System. Third Reading of the Btl1.'' ' -- - - -- 'I .iI Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Ralph Dunn/'t Dunn, R: MThank you, Mr. Speàkery Members of the House, Bouse Bill 1106

appropriates $1,649:000 from the State Pension Fund to the State

Universities' Retirement System for FY-78. This is escheat money

from unclalmed property and appropriation is to reduce the unfunded

llabllity of the retirement system. I urge its passage/'

! Speaker Rednond: ''Is there any dfscussfon? The questlon 1s> sha11....1 .

Representative Bradleyos'

. Bradley: HWould...would tbe Sponsor yfe1d....H .

Speaker Redmond: 'fHe will/'

Bradley: HIcxat was the...what was the amount of the appropriation:

. just one million what?'' . - - -- --

Dunny R: ''Six hundred and'forty-nine.o..this is escheat funds from

unclaimed property and itîs just a formality to put into the....H

Bradley: HFine. Okay. Thank you/'

Dunn, R: ''lt's not the-..it's not the appropriations for the whole...J' .

Bradley: 'nYeah fine, tiank you.'' '.% .

Speaker Re dmond: ''The question is, shall this Bill pass? Those in favor

vote 'ayel, opposed vote lno'. Eave a1l voted who wish? Have a11

voted who wish? Clerk will take the record. 0n this question there's !' j

I! I ''l49 aye' and no 'nay'

. The Bill having received Constitutional ! '' . . j

Majerlty hereby declared passed. 1115: Representative Friedrich,

f ' d? Out of the record request of the Sponsor.out o the recor ,

1 1127, Represencatlve.-will yo-u please stand up back thore? I can't . .

tt # 'See yOu.

clerk O'Brien: ''House B%l1 1127. A Bi11 for an Act making approprfatlcns -

to the Board of Trustees of the Ceneral Assembly Retfrement System. l

Third Rlading of the Bi11.'

speaker Redmond: 'fRepresentative Bartulis. Stand up, Representative


Bartulis: ''Can you see me now, Mr. Speaker?l' '

K. - .!; t ..z-, -e . . G E N E R A L A S S E 5 1 B L Ywa (-. -. &t .1 7 ' l g ) ca 1 ) s r' (.4 J' ' j-l ' ;* j C < T ' : .t 4 ' zk 'r l l ' S


. I

Page 39: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

5-25-7739. '' !

Speaker Redmond: ''Yeah now I can see you/'>!

Bartulis: HThank you. Members of the House, llouse Bill 1127 approprfates )j

' a total of $880 200 to the General Assembly ReLiremenc System. Noc f

in April of '77 there were 141 retirees receiving rettremeat annuities I

totally 91,650 per month; 94 survivors receiving 20,400 pet month. i

Since there are no Amendmentq I'd appreciate a favorable Rol1 Ca1l.H '

' lr ISpeaker Redmond: Any discussfon? The question isy shall this B111 pass?

- Those ln favor vote 'aye', epposed vote 'no'. Have a11 voted who

Iwish? Have a11 voted who wfsh? Clerk wfll take the reeord. 0n thfs 1

question there's v 144 faye' and 2 'no'. And the Bill haviug received

the Constitutional Majority hereby declared passed. 1180, Repre-

sentattve 'aylor on the floor? 0ut of the record. 1220, Repre-

l ,,sentative bunn. 1 2

tlerk O'Br1en: ''House Bill 1220. A B1l1 for an Act making an appropriation p'

to the Secretary of State. Third Readlng of the Bf11J' f. l f' ) .

Speaker Redmond: 'îRepresentative Ralph Dunn, 1220.14 1 jI .

' nn R; HThank...thank you Mr. Speaker and Meabers of the House 1220 'u $ y z

appropriates $2,000,000 to the Secretary of State. Is the State' ILibrary and for makfng Publlc Library Construction Grants under pro-



grams set up by House Bfll 1218 vhfch amends the Tllinois Library

System Act. I urge the passage of House B111 1220/' 1(


j 'Bpeaker Redmond: 'îAny dis'cussion? Thi Question is; shall this Bi11 pass? k

. l

I , , , ' IThose in favor vote aye , opposed vote no . Bave a1l voted Tehoc ) . 4i

wish? Have a11 voted who wish? Clerk will take the record. 0n this ' ,

' questton there's 1l7 'aye' 15 'no'. And tbe Bill baving received ' .

l . . , 1' ' l

' TI !the Constitutional Majorfty hêreby deelared passed. 1393. f. )

clerk O'Brien: ''House Bill 1393. A Bill for an Act oaking an appropfiation l' . j'

jto the ordfnary and contingent expense of various commissions, boards. 1

fes of sLace government. Yhlrd Readlng of the B1l1.'i )( and agencl . ' ' ' ' j'speaker Redmond: ' ''Representatlve Mozubowskl.''

. ,, ' '1ozubowski: Thank you very much Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlenen of


the Pousey House Bill 1393 is a transfer 5111 ee &he commkssion on .fIntergovernmental Cooperation. This Bills transfers a eotal of

. I$16,686 among various line items without changtng the total FY-77 !1

- Appropriatfon. IU passed ehe Apprepriatlons I Committee, 24 to nothfng,

and I would ask for. a favorable Roll Ca1lJ' '

,v -y't z sqh - .J 's. . G E N E R A L -4 S S E li l 13 L Y? '' :Z'J )r'' '' . , ) o k s! - 7 * ' 2 S T A T t1 O F ' t- ' - ' N$$ ' .j' ' -,.- y - ., .- '.'- u c, .- p r:--!.'- .. .-l :'''z. '. $ %' :.' . /

Page 40: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

h 5-25-77 40.i,

Speaker Aedmond: ''Any discussfon? Representative James Houlihan.''

. r, v1I 1 oulihan J: Representative...will the Representative yield to a question?I :

oaubowski : îîcertainly will.'' -. - - - . ' - ..

i' oulihan J: ''Representative Kozubowski you tndicated various line items.# '

Could you specify those line items from where itls being transferred

to what....lfne fcem ft ks belng transferred to?''

ozubowski: ''Certainly can. This Bill is necessary and the transfers are

. necessary in order to meet our obligations to the Council of State

Government and the National Conference of State Legislature. The

' monies are coming from certain line items including personal servicest

ln the amount of $14,0009 retlrement, $6009 correspondfng amount in

social security for $86 and printing 'for $1,000.''

Houlihan, J: ''Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentleaen of the House, I rise

in support of this legislation. I believe that the Council has done

some of the most effective work that this..-staff work that this '

Legislature has seen/'

Speaker Redmond: ''Anythinn further? Representative Cunninnham.''' ''' ''' '''' ''' '-'


! .cunningham: ''Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House, the aoount

ls very small here, maybe .we shouldn't even mention $16.600. And I 11

recognize the importance of the conference of the National Councit. I) I?

' But 1 was interested to observe and 1îm sure that you were to0 to '.> A j' j. note the annual dues that are paid by the State of Illipois for par- I


1for thq Councll; 48 000 for the Natl.onal Conference. The proposal

. . :, !j ' . . .

is to add $8,000 to each of those considerable due's payments. Within I!

the last few days you have seen headquarters pictures from the.... 1

. . .. '

:headquarters of these groups at Lexington, Kentucky. IThen you saw lI

those you recogniz.ed that the taxpayers in tllinois have made a con- 1.' l

tslderable investment fn the aggrandlzement of the organïzatfon ln

. (' that faraway state. 1111 respectfully suggest that we probably have f

' tenough investment as it is without transferring these funds. It is t1

true that tbe Sponsor said that it does not increase the total overalll' expenditure. But the irony is that the transfer is being requested and l

:wi.Ll probably be authorized because those fa charge have decided thac

we shopld have, quote, full funding, quote, for our participation

in these governnlental bodies. The irony is that we do not have fult

. u .. ,.ox,>yk .. ..sr (; E N E R ,4 1. a s s E M 1$ !. Yc . -Pzlilt-é, ,.. . 1 sxwa.s o s l ut-, Nol s1-. ..I l

Page 41: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

. * ..r. A' .. - , . - .- e

.x> '- -- J :

4 ty ....-


. - y . 7- .. h im ortant aspects of government, namely, education.fundlng in ot er pso the questlon 1s, do you' want the money to lapse lnco the General !1

I'for'expendfLkrûs here Or eO be lnvestfd ïn Payln8 '

Fund to be available f1j'the dues fn full to these two groups Lhat have their headquarters in

Kentueky? Thatfs why It11 be votfng Slo'obï' -

Speaker Redmond: OThe question is> shall thfs Bill pass? Those in favor

' e ' d vote 'no'. Have a11 voeed who wish? nave a11vote aye a oppose


fl voted who wish? Clerk will take the record. On this question there s

121 eaye'...23 'ayef and 19 'no'. The B;11 havfng received thei Constttutfonal Majority hereby deèlared passed. 1418. Representa-

tive Kane-''

l 'nrien: ''uouse Btll 1418. A Bill ror an Act to provlde for' thesclerk Ul ordlnary and contingent expense of the State Comptroller. Third

Reading of the Bi11.'' '

t . 1, 11Speaker Redmond: Representative Xane.ij -' ane: HMr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of tbe Houses..w.have leave to

pull thfs B11l back to Second Readfng for the p urpose of an Amendment?'!

Speaker Redmond: T'Does the Gentleman have leave? Hearing no objectlon

' leave is granted. be returned to the Order of Second Reading. 1418. lRead the Bills Mr. Clerkz?

Clerk û'Brien: 'fAmendoent #3. Kozubowski. Amends H' ouse Bill 1418 on page

' 2, line 6 and so forth-''.

I . . .Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Kozubowski.'l'

I I' Kozubowskl: 'tefhank vou verv much. Mr. Speaker and Ladles and Centlemen ofI ! ''' '''' ' e' .

.. . ) ?l ' ' ' '' the House. Amendment #3...Mr. Speaker- wtlr. Speaker. . f

- , Speaker Redmond ) ''Representatfve Ryan. t'

1 1 . I' '. R : '%Ir. speauer, has the Amendment been passed out? ue dont't seem to f

l . I yanl , ( .l . ' have ;f. c . ''1)


1 ' speauer Redmond: ''Yes, tt has. centlewan desires to table Aoendment #2y' 2' l ( -;' '' ' - ' ls tbat correct? .

, . ( , . . , , ' b skl. : ''That' s correct .'fKozu ow .

i j vl * .,tSpeaker Redmond: A1l in favor indicate...Representatfve Totten. I j o t ten : ''l.lhat J-s . . .wha t - . . thank you , >fr .. Speaker . Is/llat is I'ïe goïîlg t:o

i do bef ore we cable the Commit tee Amendmertte?''

r '' ztm dment ?/2 has a teehnl ca1 e. rro r vzlllch t:he s t:a f f. o zubowski :- - Don a en


po int e d out to me and Amendmen t II3 me re ly tzor re c ts that trefnhtlitnti

ggcys.h â s . .sz ,o. ' ...- e- G E N E R A t- A S S f-- 5 1 1$ L Yfz'''rr'' -' . . t'k sx ,q a..: o fz , u t- ; ,.4 o k s '

j . 1 t .'à% ) d s ! y.'à y'' z' ' r'' ''t c r'' r ! r rn 'r $ %r c s

Page 42: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


42 !* '!I

- ) ' t l , ' ' ' - ' ' ITotten: Okay.!

. Kozubowski: ''There's no chanxe in the amount of the Amendment/' 11

' Speaker Redmond: ''Question's on the Centleman's motion. Those in favor .i

' ' ' ' d 'noî The 'ayes' have it. Motion carries. Isay aye y aye , oppose . !i

Amendment //2 is tabled. Further Amendment?'' iI. (clerk O'Brien: ''Amendment //3. Kozubowski. Amends House Bill 1418 and !i

lyso forth.

Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Kozubowski.''

Kozubowski: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the-1

t -

jHouse, Amendment //3 makes the following reduction in contractualII

services, they minus $51,500. Of this $51,500, $35,600 is transferred 1!;

' 4009 linto the following line items: personal services, plus $30,

t retirement, $2,2009 social security, $1,8009 commoditiesy $1,200 for

a total of $35,600. This Amen dmenps makfng a net reduction of

l $15,900 to bring it in line to what the committee wished. I would :1j . tI move 1ts adoption-'' .


Speaker Redmond: Mouestionfs' on the Gentlemanfs motion to...that adoption '' . k

of Amqndment //3. Those in favor say aye , aye , oppose no .'

' f h it Motion carries the Amen dment's adopted. Any iThe ayes ave . ,

furtber Amendhents?nI I .9 I 1 ,' ' (j t: r; tt .! Clerk 0 Brien: No further Amen men .


j 1 (j r j. tyj.j. . lSpeaker Redmond: Third Reading. 1115, Representative Frie

Representative Friedrich oa the floor? Welly I think that the problem

bas been resolved and we.... 1180, Representative Taylor on the

floor now?'' . Iclerk o'Brien: 'tRouse Bill 1180. A B111 for an Act making an appropriation .

i ' ' 1: 'I for Medley s Moving and Storage. Tbird Reading of the Bi11.

l Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative James Taylor/'

j 1, 'Taylor: Mr. Speaker and Members of the House, could 1 have leave to11 return House Bill 1180 to Second Reading...'f . .Speaker Redmond: HDoes tbe Gentleman have leave? Hearing' no objectioq

leave is granted, be returned to the Orde'r of Second Reading. Rqad

t:he Amendmen t y Mr . Cle rk . 1'

clerk O'Brien: ''Amendment //2. Taylor. Amends House Bi11 1180, as amendedy

on page 1, line 5 and so f'orth/' -- .

speaker Redmond; ''Representative Taylorot'lx x . ..

t xx.k'-yizt-i..' (; s x (jj R A j. A s s E M B L Y. s ç' - s.y. . ,; zp.,;.zo. y!? cot . ;.... sv g a. s; o lr I t. 1- I si o I sj . R' . 'f'z . .. . t / .. . 1 C' t ? 1 F.' D F 80 :': P r4 E K; E7 '? T' %' T l W t7 S.. . .yy

Page 43: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

5-25-77 . .

' 43.I . I

Taylor: ''Amendment //2 deletes this appropriation by $18,600 and that's

a11 ft do- .lt's the legal fees Lhat the Court of Clafms dfd not

pay therefore Ifve taken that out of the Bill. I solicit your sup-

port for Amendment (2 to House Bill 1180.''

Speaker Redmond: nQuestion's on the Gentleman's motion for the adoption!

of Amendmene //2. Those fn favor say 'aye' 'ayef opposed 'no'. I. I

' The 'ayes' have it. The Amendment's adopted. Any further Amendmentsr'

clerk oêBrien: ''No further Amendments.'l

Speaker Redmond: HThird Reading. 1462. 11l5y Representative Friedrich,

. do you want that one ealled now? 1115z 1 understand your differences

have been ironed outy is that correct?''

' Friedrich: ''Righty Sir/' ' '

' clerk O'Brien: ''House Bill 1115. A Bill for an Act to make approprlatlon !!

i ' for the ordinarv and continzent expense of the Attorney General. '; . '' --' . l( Third Reading of the Bi11J' 5:s Ii '' ive Frtedrlchp'speauer Redmond: Representatt!ê Friedrich: HMr. Speakery Members of the House, this is the annual appro-Ij '

priation ror the office of the Attorney General. The differences we$ll$ had on some of the figurqs have been worked out with the staff and

the Members 'on both sides of the aisle. The...it is an appropriation

as amended of $11,304,000. We made substantial reductions in the ' iI

.o.t1ae area of the Prosecution Assistant's Pronram and we have some' '-'' jj ') assurance from the Attorney Oeneral tbat thét program is going to

ij be reduced and be do:m at a selective basis. I would point out to d1 . ' . 1

that the Attorney Ceneralls Offfce is' a revenue prdducing officeo' iyou:

That in addition to other things it does it produces about ten dollars )i ..1 . 1 . . 't 'for every one it spends and that the appropriation request is signi- lkli . .. . l' f b1e states. 1'd appreciate your vote/' l4 ficantly below that o compara

l . -- ,- 1Speaker Redmond: MAy discussion? Representative Byers.

1 ' Byersp ''Yesy if &he Sponsor would yields Mr. Speaker.'f '1 . .l ' tl f' ' '

Speaker Redmond: He will. .t . .

Friedrich: NYes I will/' .

Byers: ''Representative Friedrleh, how does this compare to last year's

budget ? ''

Fvke drf clq : ''Thf s f s an ïncrease over 1as t year.ls' b udget by about a .. . . . . .

million do llars . .1 -

xeqt- , o. u. s j j.y jw vx ' g . y G E N E R A L A S Sî'f*Lyls.l ,7D. .1.- sv z.v ,s: ... , q.u . ,J ., sj : ,. ' ,).-'- .r yvjjl. . . ra .. .. qj $a r, rg rs r. . q.a , . j t % o s$t k ....7 <'

Page 44: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



Ryers: ''noes that include that supplemental that was finally passed?l'

Friedrieh: fîlt is that....it does not inelude the supplemental. It would

not be that much over'and above that/f

Byers: ''Okay thank you/?' Speaker Redmond: 'fAny further discussion? The question is, shall this...

Representatfve Lechowicz/' I

Lechowicz: ''Would the Sponsor kindly take this Bill out of the record

f or a moment? '' Isi

Friedrich: ''Ffne.''

Lçchowicz: ''We11, I don't believe their...our problems have been resolved,

. ceorgeou

Friedrich: ''Yes, they have. T think, Represéntative Lechowfcz, as far as

l ive Leverenz was handltng that Bill on your sidej I know Representat

l of the aisle. And as far as I know ue have met the objectfons and' !

there has been a reduction in total of $274,000 over the original

request .''

Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Leverenz/'

Lechowicz: ''I stiil presist in my request, Mr. Speakero''

Speaker Redmond: ''Okay, take it out of the record. 1462. Representative .

' Richmonda 1462.î:

Glerk O'Brien: ''House Bill 1:62. A Bilt for an Aet making an appropriation

' to pây the mileage for presidential electors. Third Reading of the

I l s:i.zz.--l t( . .1 l ,, ''D Speaker Redmond: Representatfve Rfchmond. Richmond.

' t t ' . . .' j I ..Richmond: nThank you, Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House,t

' j . .' this is a very simple Bill and it provides that every four years! .' j . . Ithe presidential eleetors are required by 1aw to meet in the City of 'I ,.' Springfield to east electoral college ballotsto choose the president.

Sectfon 21.4 of Chapter 46 of :he Illfnots Revised Statuces requfres. l

that thcse electors be reimbursed at a rate of fifteen c/nts per

i1e for their travel to and from thbis meeting. The 1aw furtherm

specifies to be paid on the warrant of the State Comptroller out of

' any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Aa a consequence

a supplcmental approprkatkon fs required. Thls was heard ïn the

. Appropriation I Colunittee and passed 23 to nothing. I wpuld appreeiate

your supporto''

.u. -.i- > '

x ' ' ,.2- -.J&- G E N E R A L A S S E 5 1 B L Y 'j -Y : - # . 'j .'4 (.j.:. . . x g v s o fr j u u l s o l sj. . > t 5h. k. 'J ; 'yJ ' ' ' I o ta s b: o fr ge i: p r7 F2 s c pk T Jk T I v lcsX .. z /

Page 45: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

5-25-77 '

' 45

' ' speaker Redmond: ''Any discussion? The questlon 1s, shall thls 5tll

pass? Those in favor vote 'aye' opposed vote 'nor. nave a11 voted .>

' who wisb? Rave a1l koted who wfsh? Clerk wfll take the record. 0n

thls question there's 137 'aye' and 2 'no'. The Bill having received

the Constitutional Malorftv hereby declared passed. 1595, Dave Jones/'

clerk O'Br1en: ''House Bill 1595. A B11l for an Act to provide for tbe

ordlnary and contingdnt expense of tbe State Fair Agency. Third

Reading of the B11l.''

' ff 11 ' lSpeaker Redmond: Representative David Jones.

Jones, J.D: ''...For che State Fair Agency. It came out of the committee Ii

. . 19 to zero and I'd appreeiate the same proportion of votes on the I


l 1' , I ' Ifloor at this time. '

ISpeaker Redmond: ''Representatfve Jones. Any discussion? The questfon j .

,1 I1s, shall this Bill pass? Those in-...Representative Lechowicz. I

. techowicz: UWï1l the Sponsor yield Lo a question?'' 'i'

.1 jl speauer Redwona: ''ue wzzlp' .I

' I' , Lechowicz: Hlmendment //1, I believe, was adopted, ls that correct?'f 1I

''Yes J.t: was , Sir-'f . . IJones , J . D : , I'

1 .techowiez: ''And. the money comes out of ceneral Revenue Fund, an increase l

l I

of 4 71,000*? Is that eorrect?'' ) 'ji . j 1Jones, J.D: ''Repeat the question. Welly the AmendDent had to do that ( I




t Ithe.- in regards to tbe livestock breeders. The men..otbe language I Il !

! of the B11l sald ft was for purses. For purses to be run but it 1 ilshould have been for areards to llvestock breeders and tbat's tbe ' I I

l . ' l I' ' statutory part o, tu'e Act

. It's tee.n prevazzina each yeav cor the l ,t I

. i livestock breeders, $200,000. And ls incorrectly stated in the . I) . ' I

' '' ortginal Bi11.'' ' ', 1' l I

. Lechowicz: ''I believe it clarifies and defines the area of Purebred '. l(1 1ss'a rd . l î ' 1 1j B re (-1 e rs 1

' l ' i' E Jones J.D: HThat's tight/' ' '.- .

' ..

. . ,

. .

, jLechowicz : ''lihich hxas missing last time . My ques tion though i s , why isn t

this money coming from the Agrlcultural Premium Fund instead of !' t

General Revenue Fund?'l . l

Jones, J.D: ''Wel1, the orlgïn of rhis fund is one that has been in the... .l If I

. - - prevailing over the years in thls and this.-vthere's !1o ch ange/' l !

Iuecltolelcz : ''We11, 1' d . . .no , I believe these are covering tlzree items- - - - 2

I'SUQJ z'z --'%xj

' . j G E N E R A L A S S E h 1 B L Yj z. :j' 7 itt'' : .. t :; TA 'r E (7 ir l 1. L I N 17 1 5. l r 4 (.x u l q. r . , a s. v . $: $ a :.4 . - x:k c j 4 ..r s. 'r , v I : s

Page 46: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

! 1I!

5-25-77 '


in 'Amendment //1. 0ne is tbe Purebred Breedersl Awards, you reappro- 1

prtate 471,000 for entertaioment and you fdeatify 554,000 for fiscal .

t ..J


a ' ' ;iI

Jone s J . D : ''Tl-tat ê s rf ght . ''* ii

Lechowiez: 'CAnd I'm just asking that one speciftc portion of that, LI

believe, eould be addressed to the situation of the Agriculture II

Prelnlum Fund . '' li

Jones, J.D: ''Is your recommendation tbat it be--be amended to cbange :'

;tbe funding? We d be glad- -we 11 so do if you recommend it. I

2 II

Lecbowicz: ''Why don't you bold it?''

Jones J .D: ''Sir? ''I

' Lechowicz: ''tTïy donft you hold it temporarlly?''

Jones, J.D: ''No problem/' '

,: ' IrSpeaker Redmond: Out of the record. 2163: Representatlve Willer.I ... .

1 lerk () 'Brien: ''jlouse Bi1l 2163. A B1.1l f or an A' ct: to make an appro- jc. . .

!ypriation to the Judiclal Inqutry Board. Third Reading of the B111.lSpeaker Redmond: ''Representative Willer.''


Willer: ''Yes tbank you, Mr. Speaker, Ladies anJ Gentleaen of tbe Housey#

House Bill 2163 is the annual appropriation for...for the Judicial1

Inquiry Board in the amount of $219,800. It was amendbd in Coamittee

and was reduced by 36,672 w' hich left an increase over last year's

approprfation of $20,535. I would ask your approvalw'' jSpeaker Redmond: ''/ny diseussion? Representative Cunninghamon

j Cunnfngham: OMr. Speaker, Ladies and Centlemen of the 'House, I wanted youio know why 1111 be votlng 'no' on this particular Bi11. Itîs a t. . !' ' jnoble idea but something happened yesterdqy in Chlcago that indeltbly

ldeseribes how imposstble and futile it Xs. A craven Judge there by

. the name of Frank Wilsons.motivated either by persoaal fear or...or '

Compietely turaed aSide...J'j '' S eaker Redmond: ''Representative Houlihan for what purpose' do you risg?''(' P >

' Boulihan: ''1Ir.' Speaker, thls isnlt a forum for a public attack o'n a'

- jurist.''

speaker Redaond: ''Xou are correct. Please confine your remarks to the

Bi1l, Mr. Cunningham/'. 1cuaningham: ''If I may proeeed , Mr. Speaker, those deelss-ons show that !

1. t ' 'rhïs fnqufry Board, though it's great for punlshlng Judges tbat order..!

. ' j>5.D

//'a:4 . ' Yk . G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Ya/'c . - , Asc( ' s'rn.'r c: ty e ! u t. k ?* ol s


Page 47: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



offenders to bave haircutay can neveY rid tbe bench from people

there that are not suited to serve the public. And the only way

the you#re ever going to have that you can have ft for free fs to '

elect Judges rather than pursue the lmpossible courae of hiring

watchdoz's to keep them honest and do their duty. Vote lno' on this

B1l1 and vote 'yes' on a11 Bïlls to elect Judges.o

T t ' 1 ,Speaker Redmond: Repkesentatlve Waddell.

Waddell: ''Would the Sponsor..w/'

Speaker Redaond: ï'She will/'

Waddell: tfWould you telt me if the aeetings tbat they hold are open to

the public and to the press?''

' Willer: 11No absolutely not/l

Waddell: H/nd whyr'

' Wtller: MThe Constitution mandates that a11 proceedings are confidentialo'f

Waddell: nAnd how come that the rest of the government has to go by the

Open Meetings Law and not them?''

Willer: ''No, there...you have, you have Dany closed meetfngs invblvfug

personnel, the hlring or firlng, and this...you certainly would not

want to bring a Judge into disrepute when someone charges.him with

sometbing and the charge is totally frlvolous and the publlc gets

a hold of it I think would be very unfair to Judges.''

I ktWaddell: 1 think that the procedure works boeh, ways. And 1, for one,

1 , t,'am going to vote no .

Speaker Redmond: HAnything further? Representative Skinner/'

Skinner: Hïêould the Sponsor yield for a question or twok'' !l I''ne will.-she wsll.'' lSpeaker Redmond: I

. lSkfnner; NI'd lfke Lo knaw how many Judpes lïke Trank Wilson w111 be l

Iremoved from office as a result of the Judicial Inquiry Board action '

. ll

over the next fiscal year....'' l' I

S ker Redmond: HYoulre out.of order Repres'entative Cunninglxam or 1, pea , y

i Skfn'ne/ please conftne your remarks to the Bï11.è' 'Representat ve

'lat ls totally relevant to tha 1. skénner; ''I beg your pardon, ur. speaker, t l

Bill . I wan t to know how many Judges . . . . ''

Speaker Redmond: H1 think that yourve drawn a conclusion. Youfve indicted,

ou' ve accused, you' ve convicted a mgn who has no opportunity toJ'

defend hfmielf . . . . 11 -

G E N E R A L A S S E h 1 B L YS T A 'r E o F 1 L 1 . $ N O j G

b! Ch tJ & 1- O F R <' r' r7 f: 12 L *1 T #. T h Yz Es

Page 48: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

5-25-771 l .

. ( . 4 8 . ,j '

. j

iSpeaker Redmond: ''It would seem...it would seem to me that you should I

Iconfine yourself.nconfine yourself.../f I

1Skinner: ''He'1l be up.-he'll be up for...reelecLion. I would like to I1

knOW hOW many Judges does the Judicial fnquiry Board Plan t0 remove i' j

from office as a result of this..othïs approprlation we are going :II

' to make. Certainly they must have some reason to be fn exfstence and '1I

I would assume it is the xemovat of Judges or the disciplining of

them. Now, Mr. Speaker, would you care to rule that is not relevant

to the B11l?H

Willer: ''I am happy to respond to that, Mr. Speaker. There are 30 cases

being invèstlgated right now. They expect on the basis of past figures

l ,1

to have about a 150.l ,1 '' , 1t bt

was indsscrimsnately cut off and z wassuinner: I m sorry, my gI .distraeted. Could you xepeat your answer?''

Willer: HI said there are 30 cases being investigated right now. 0n the

basfs figures they expect to bave approximately a 150 for the coming

11year . . .

skinner: ''And what fs the breakdown between Cook County and the rest of

the state?o '

uiller: nI'm sorry, Representative Skinner, I do not héve that.'' 1

I skinner: ''You think how'aanv bave been rewoved as a result of tbe Board's( * ' . '


.twelve months/'' tactivitles in the last fiscal-.wells in the last. j ' I

. Iuiller: ''Well in the last twelve ponths I'm....four were sent to the

Court Commission this year but I honèstly don t know the results.. . ' j

'1 k d on the quality of his decisions 1. Skinner: May a Judge be quest one' l I i. l' . before the Judiclal Inquiry Boardsand kf so, how may one brïng such

4 . . I' :: )' an inquiry? .

' Ilciller: '%4etla T would think that you could file a eomplaint with the ))


.1 . ll Board

, Representatlve sktnner, ltke everyone ezse. Tbe ordinary'

d laint will be lfstened 'citizen has the right to do this an your comp (t0 Znd 2 Pfziimizarx QZVCSEY;ZVYOK WOU1d bc Dade.O

l sklnner: ''Mr. Speaker, kf I might address the Ri11. I think that Repre-l !1 senLative Cunningham and those who are fn favor of electing Judges

and those who are in favor of a...a merit system of Judges are ,Iaddressing the wrong end of the proiess. Tt seems to me that good

-' b u. .-.t uk G E N E R A L A S S E 5 l B L Y '. ( < . , .. tq( $' . x sv gk a. s o Er 1 u k.) .1 ta l s! .. J$ $ . / . . . ; c x j x gs v l w s s#a 1 l t r' o F rz r: r) rh z. z/

Page 49: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

i ' 1. 5-25-77

&Q '

!. Judges can elther coie through the elective process or through

1. the appointive process. And the real thfng that people who are2

' interested in the quality of Judges ia this state and the qualfty ofI

justice tn this state should be addressing ls the getting r1d of

roeten Judges. And I think the Judictal Inquiry Board is Just a

quantum step ahead of what was...eof the method of removal under the

old Constitutfon wblch tended to be deaf. And I certaialy would con-

mend the passage of this Bill to the Legislature and hope that the

Judicial Tnquiry Board has the guts to eithero..even move farther fnto

the removal of Judges than it has done so faran .

Speaker Redmond: MAnything further? The questlon fs, shall this Bill:


j' ' pass? Those in favor vote 'faye' opposed vote 'not. Have a11 voted' who wish? Have all voted who wish? Clerk will take the record. On

this question there's a l23 'aye' and 10 'no'. The Bi11 having

reeeived the Constitutional Majority hereby declared passed. 2341, jIç' Representative cunninghaa.


Clerk O'Briea: ''House Bi11 2341. A Bill for an Act to make approprfatlon

for the ordinary and contingent expense of tbe Illinois Economic and.


jFlscal Commission. Third Reading of the Bi11.n

Speaker Redmond:' 'tRepresentative Cunningham/' j. Cunningham: ''Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the Bouse, the

. I Ij Economic and Fiscal Commissfon needs $288,300 to contfnue its cxem- .

' z' 1: .'' ''plary service to the State of Illlnois under the splendid leadersbip

of Representative Lechowicz for.... I urge that you vote fayet forl ' .

11 ' - ' lI Ted. I'

j . ' j. l Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Byers.'' I

' )v ' 1

Byers: ''Mr. Speaker, will the Sponsor yield for a question?'! :

Speaker Redmond: ''He uill/' .

Byers: ''Representative, what was the appropriatton for this Cowmisslon

cunniagha' m: ''T!zo years ago tt was $288,400, so it's down a hundred éollars

' from that appropriation/'

. Byers : 'ttfhat was :i.t last year , Representa tive Cunninglàam? 1'

cunningham: U1 misunderstood, I guess. Well, it's up just a little from'

!(last year.

B er ) ''llow much? ''I )' Il --. . . . . .-= --- - a

wz''-/.'.)c: ot' y G E N E It A L A S S E 5 1 B 1. Y

; ( :. . , yj'. (y . .. . '' k: ' S 'r /i 'r C o F I L. '- $ N t:p 1 S

S,.L - . ' .z??. ' '' ' R ' ' ' ' ' '' %-k 'r ' < f ' : P >' r ! e- ' ' - ' ' ' - 'q;#



Page 50: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



cunnlngha'm: ''It was $269,200 but the services are being expanded as! you well know if you participated in the hearings of the Commfssion.

i I couldnft be more persuaded about this.''

Byers: ''How sany dollars is it up, Representative cunningham?''

Cunningham: HThe difference between 269,200 and 288,300 which is.....n

Ryers: ''Wel1 you know the Democrats aren't too fast with figures some->

times like that, Lhe Republfcans are.''

Cunningham: HThis is Representative Lechowicz's Bill, Representative

B e rs . ' 'y

Byers : ''How come he got you handling it?''

speaker Redmond: ''Representative Bradley, do you seek recognition?''

Bradley: ''A question of the Sponsor if helll yield.''

cunaingham: lfpleaseo'î

j Bradley: ''Roscoe, I just left the Appropriations Committee where you werequfte vehement fn objectfng to any fncreases fn Appropriatfon Bills

and quite disgusted with the Sponsor for eoming in there with...with

an increase in the condition the state is ia and I'm quite amazed

that you would be rising here this afternoon, even though it's a token' . t

fncrease, but a man of your stature after: I was eakfng sincerely ?1Iand very clole to my heart the remarks you made in that Appropriation

Committee regarding the state of the state financially. And 1...1

l' can't help but say I'm quite amazed this afternoon that-..that...

Lhere must be some reason Lhat y0u Vould eome fn with an increase/l. -' l

' cunningham: ''uell, Representative Bradley, Dethinks you protested over- i.

. ' .

much. Tbe Secretary of State wasn't all that marked up but a11 of' ttI

. you have to make apologies for him and- .and assault my favorite 1. l i' Represenlatlve-'' l

l speaker Redmond:, ''Anything furtber? The question is, shall this Bill(

pass? Those in favor vote 'aye', opposed vote 'no'. Have al1 voted.. ,, jj'

t who wishy' Representative Cunningham, for what purpose do you rise7ît I' .

' 1' j

cunningham; HI was afrald 1 needed to explafn, but a11 is well Mr.#

Speaker. Thank you for your kfadness.'l

Speaker Redmond: NClerk will take the record. on tbls question therels

136 'ayel, 8 lnol. Bill having received the Constltutional Majority

llereby declared passed. 2355, Representative. James Tayloru'î.

clerk O'Brtçn: ''llouse Bill 2355. A B111 for an Act to make an appropriaLico

y(.. . k .p ,. % x -.7t.', G E N E R /% L A S S E 51 B L Y,''-'':-.,/.- . .


. . . . -h-:.j;t$ . .

Page 51: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

5-25-77 .

5y. j

: for certafn claims against Lhe State of Illlnofs in conformity with'

jy jawards made by the Court of Clafms . Thlrd Reading of the Bf1l .

S eaker Redmond : f'Representative James Taylor. James Taylorot' lP .

Taylor : t'Mr. Speaker and Members of the House y I would like to tiake House 1

Bill 2355 öut of the record . ln Amendment has just been f iled to I'

jthat 3f1l.'' i; .

iSpeaker Redmond: OOut of the record. How about 2358 while youfre up?'' I

Clerk O'Brfen: f'House Bill 2358. A Bill for an Act to make an appropriatiog ' 11

to the Court of Clafms Fund. Third Reading of the Bi11.!'

Taylor: ''iouse Rill 2358 is an appropriation of $500,000 from tbe Court $5

of Clafms to pay for awards from November of 1976 to March of 1977.'. . . j'I move for the adoption of the Appropriation Bill for the Court of

claims . ''

speaker Redmond: HIs there any discussfon? The questfon 1s, shall this

Bil1 pass? Those in favor vote faye', opposed vote 'no'. Have al1

voted who wish? Clerk will take the record. On this question

thereês a 130 'aye' and 7 êno'. And the Bill havlng received Consti-

tutional Majority hereby declared passed. 1102, Representatfve

. McAuliffe.''

l Clerk O'Brien: ''House Bill 1102. A Bill for an Act to provide for the

lordinary and contingent expense of the Local Goveramental Law Enforce- Iment officers Training Board. Third Reading of the B1llJ'

S eaker Redmond: 'fRe resentative McAuliffeo'î tP P t

McAultffe: Oèlr. Speaker, House Bill 1102 appropriates $2,066,900 to'

Bnforcement officers Trainipg Boardy reimburse 1Local Government Law

local communities and police departments for trafning that they give l' . $

' to their polfcemen. And I...ask for a favorable Roll Ca11.H

Speaker Redmond: 'rls there any discussion? Any discussfon? The questlon

is, shall this Bill pass? Those in favor vote 'aye', opposed vote

'no'. Have alL voted who wish? Elerk will take tbe record. On tbis

questlon there's 154 'aye' and 1 'no'. >ad the Bi11 havfng recelved '

- the Constitutional Majority hereby declared passed. 2360, Repre-

sentaclve llhar.'' .

clerk nfBrsen: ''House Bill 2360. A Bill for m Act makfng an approprlatlonl1to the Legislative Advisory Committee to the Northeast

ern Illfnols .lPlanning Commission. Third Reading of the Bi1l.''-

ffF V'Z,,f )s. . - s -% s G E N E R .4 1- A S S E 51 B L. Y

. ..'.. Sh . .;./J/; . , j svwxs fos , uk-lp, o . si ' / .

iz '

Page 52: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



' Speaker Redmond: 'tRepresentative Mahar/' '

Mahar: HThank you, Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House, House

Bill 2360 appropriates $5,000 to the ordinary and contingent expense

of the Legislaiive Advfsory Committee to NIPC. And I urge it's


' Speaker Redmond: HAny discussion? The question is, shall this Bi11 pass?

Those in favor vote 'aye', opposed vote 'no'. Have a11 voted who

wish? Have a11 voted who wish? Clerk will take the record. 0n I

this questioa therets 123 'aye' and 17 'no'. And the Bi11 havfng .lj ;

received Constitutional Majority hereby declared passed. 2362.

Clerk o'Brien: HHouse Bill 2362. A Bill for an Act to make an appro-

priation to the Illinois Motor Vehicle Laws Commission. Third keading

of the Bill .''

Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Gtglfo.'l

Clgkko: UMr. Speaker, Ladles and Gentlemen of the House, this ls tbe

appropriation for the Motor Vehicle Laws Commn'ssion. lt's been

line itemedo.eKmendment //1. It's uader a hundred thousaad. I

would'appreciate your favorable support/'

Speaker Redmond: ''Any discussion? The question fsy shall this Bill pass?j

l Those in fav'or vote 'aye', opposed vote 'no'. Have a11 voted who '' I$ wish? Have al1 voted who wish? Clerk will take the record. Whoopsy '

' j ,

1) back up. No, no, no. Have a11 voted who wish? clerk will take '. . l j . jl the record. on this question there's 111 'aye' and 20 'no' And' r *


. ) ! 'j the Bi11 having received the Constitutional Majority hereby declaredl assed . 2363. Representative Totten . '' 1Pj' . . $jl Totten: HYeah', I question on that last Bill. The Calendar doesn't show l

that it was amended. I remember seeing the AmendYent on ay desk 'I' j

' d ft >as amended. I'd Just 11ke....H 1and the Sponsor saf

Speaker Redmond : ''Mr. Clerk-''t . . .

I ! k, d tj j, ' .Clerk 0 zrlen; No. No Amendment ls'recor e . . .

Totten: HThe Sponsor had indicated ln his presentation that he had amended

it. I do remember seeing the Amendment on my desk.''

' Gizlio: ''We11, if you want to pull it back or leave it go, amend it in' -'' I

the Senate. But thatfs. the same lmendment, Don, it hasnît been

' changed from what it was on your desk.ll

To tten : ''I kno!c > but it wasn ' t adopted . The Amendment wasn ' t adopted . '' '

sz'W ' < * 'p!j . Q q . G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y.'; . ; 'J7 . u.. . . y . j.. I t. t.j rj t; j :;. . s n A. 'r c o

1 . h.. ld C7 LJ 17 !1 C> fr !:e b. 0 ! : ! . f 9 N 'F z Y ! * ? I ' S1 . z '

Page 53: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following



53. '

speaker Redmond: ''The Amendment was not adopted. The Amendment is here/'

Giglio: HCaa we pull it baek?''

. Totten: DCan...can we do that? Pull it back and get it amended?''

' Speaker Redmoad: Hsle bave to have somebody who voted on the prevailing

side, I assume, tbe vote to reconsider the vote.l--' . -- - - -- - - .

Giglio: ''1e11 pull it back/'

Speaker Redmond: Sîokay. Representative Giglio having voted on the pre-

vailing side by which House Bil1 2362 was passed, now moves that that

vote by which it was passed be reconstdered. Those fn favor vote

'aye' opposed vote 'not. ....The Board. A11 in favor vote 'aye'.

: Clerk will take the record. On this question there's 133 'aye'yI

' 2 fnoî. Motion carries and the vote by which House Bill 2362 carried

l ii Bills Mr. Clerk? I knor; 1t. 'be reconsidered

. Will you read t e ,

' d it now first? okay. The Oentleman has asked iDon t you have to rea i

leave to return it to the Order of Second Reading. Does he have( . .. 7 4l zeave? Hearina no oblection- leave zs granted. uouse B111 2362 zs i. r, ireturned to the Order of Second Reading. I

. clerk O'Brien: ''Amendment //1. Giglio. Amends House Bill 2362 on page 1,

by deleting llne 5 through 8 and so forth/' .

Speaker Redmond:' 'îRepresentative Gigllo to explain the Amendment.''

ciglio: ''We1l Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House, the Amend->

ment should- - - bveaks it down line item and I think it's very self- I'

, , u l 1explanatory. lf there s any question I d.... j1 ker Rçdmond: ''Representative Totten.'' 1

. Spea

' T tten: ''yo that's fine The Amendment's agree-- .'' 'I O > .; . !l '

. 1, Speaker Redmond, HRepresentative Skfnaer-'' l'

I' 1 I' ski

nner: ''I just woader how you ean'possiwly spend $94,0:0 on this IlIcommission-''

l '' ' t think tf you look at tbe.. .l think maybe wbere you- .you' ' Giglio: Well,

mizht be having làang-um tlàere , Representatiye , is w'hat we d1d , we

moved $25,000 from tbe personal services in the contractual servfces/'

Skinner: ''That terrifies me even more.u ' .

ciglio: ''We11, the last tlme we had any personal services for the sfmple I1

reason that the person we had hired to be our executlve director

was on the state payroll,and he now is going to retlreiand the person . . I

we may hlreywe'd rather hire on a contraetual basis.zNnd he may not

zf-b''z/-d' . ....-.-4q ' - G E N E R z & L A S S E 5 1 l I L Y'

Jp. ':3 .j iV-. o' . ' , ' ) q s 'r '. 'r c o p' . u L. ' rq o ' s' ..? . . , io u #q c o p. Ir. ,.e u zus s 14 v zx 'r $ v. s j; .(

. x . ...z'

Page 54: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

5-25-77. I


want to be a pe rmanent employee of' the State of Illinois 'and he

would want to work just on contractual basis/'

Skinner? HI sure vfsh we cou1d....I àûrd Vfsh- Ye'dould pay that kfnd of I' !

money to our Transportation staffers and our Motor Vehlcle stafferso'' '

Speaker Redmond: ''The question's on tEe'Centfeman's moYion for the .' adoptéon of Amendment //1. Those ïn favor say 'aye', taye', opposed I

pno'. The 'ayes' have it. The Amendment's adopted. Aay further 'I

. . IAmendments?''

1 clerk O'Brfpn; ''No further Amendments-n 1l .

Speaker Redmond: ''Thfrd Readfng. Representative Matijevieh/'

Matijevich: ''Mr. Speaker, 1...1 think now we ought to have leave to

d rhe rule I think it's 35-8 where' in a Bi11 shauld repainSuspen , y

on a Calendar for a day, wedve already voted it out. Suspend that

rule so we ean immediately Lear the Bi11 on Thlrd. Could we have

leave and use the Attendance.../'

Speaker Redmond: ''The Centlemans..the Gentleman has sugaested that we

have leave to suspend the Rules requlrfng the Bill to remain on the

Calendar for a day after it has been amended. Representatfve Rypn/'. f

R 41 11 thank you Mr. Speaker wbato...is this an emergency ofyan: We , , ,

some kind? W'hy do we have to start thfs now with this Bi1l? I '

don't understand- ./'

Matijevich: ''Only because we already passed it. Georae.'' yj . .Ryan; 1'Well; I think we can Just leave ft there for another day, it won't

. lhurt anythfng.o..l' 1

. f'

. . ' jj ' .

' Mati,j eivch : ''All right . '' ;1' t

S eaker Redmond ; '12363 Representative Kozubowskl.'î 1P . A l

. ( ., ! , ' y. .

.t ...)6 a 1 : iClerk O Brien : House Bil . . . . l

Speaker Redmond: t'Representative Mudd/' .. )1' )$ ' 1: Bill for an Aet making an appropriation to the Commission$' Clerk 0 Brien: Al ' . . .

' on Intergovernmental Cooperation. Third Reading of the Bi1l.H. , J

Spçaker Redmond: ''Representaeive Vozubowski.'î ' - '

Kozubowski : ''Thank you very much > è:r . Speaker -and Lédfes and Gentlemea

of the House, House Bill 2363 appropriates the sum of $356,700 for .

the expenses of the Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation for

12Y-78. This budget reflects an increase from the FY-77 Budget ofI

some $40,100.. I$d ask for a favorable Roll Ca1t'.O' - ' ' ''''''''-'--'- -'- ''''- '''''

''-''l (t , , , g'25X' - .';' ; -- f ; If N lf R A L A S S rî 5 1 B L Y

tt ' . c n-. c/./ C:E . ' . , i sv .'. vc o s. l u u , ,-' o t s' ' ...L . ,,


..., , . , .. . . . . , , x . v ,. x;qk. s zz ' '

Page 55: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


Speaker Redmond: ''Any discussion? Question, shall this Bill pass?

. Those fn favor vote 'ayeê opposed vote 'no'. Have al1 voted'who

wish? Have a11 voted who wish? Clerk will take the record. On

this question there's 123 'aye' and 15 ênoT. The Bill having

received the Constitutional Majority is hereby declared passed.

Representate Kaney will you come to the podium? Kane. Representa-

tive Madigan, motion. Any announcements? Representative Matijevich.''

Madigan: ''Mr. Speaker are there any announcementsk''. ?

Speaker Redmond : ''Any announcements? Who are you pointing to? Repre-' ' sentative J. David Jones . I would like , while yout re waiting f or

.y '

thls, I would like to remind you that the Manufacturers have got

skittles ànd beer over at the Forum 30. And got a little what=for

because we called a meetfng for 5:30 tonfght. So L would apprecfate

it and consider it a personal favor if you would go over and eat

#em out of house and home. Representative Jones/' il

Jones, J. D: ''Mr. Speaker and Members of the House, and after you finish I

. there, remind you that ke have the special preview of the Sound and lLight Show on the south side of the O1d State Capitol in which there

...a speeial showing for a1l the Members of the Legislature'and

. starting at'9 oîclock. So be sure to take that in to see what was jproduced on behalf ofa..of an appropriation which 'you so kindly passed

last yearz'i . . !

l S eaker Redmond : f'Representative Madigan . Don ' t f orget . Beer and skittles 1P

on the house at the Forum 30, save the Speaker's neck.''

Madigan: NAfr. Speaker, does' the Clerk hake any announcements?'''

! ,!clerk O'Brien: ''Five minutes Perfunctory.I

i Madigan: HAllowing five minutes for the Clerk, move tbat we adjo'urn

j until 9:30 tomorrow morning.''l 1 $1Speaker Redmond: ' Representative Diprima, for what purpose do you rise?l )l Diprima : ''Yes , Mr . Speaker , I want to thank a11 tbe l'Iembers of the House

and Senate ând the lobbyists for their kind contributions that we

have for the hospitalized veterans.''

speaker Redmond: ''Questionls on tbe Gentleman's motion. Those in favor

say 'aye' 'aye' opposed 'no'. Tlze layes' have it and the motioa.9 >

carrfes. Yokq stand adjourned utztil 9:30 eomorrow morning. We wlll

no t work Friday and we will not wo rk next Monday . ''

œXs l ' ' z .. G E N E R A L A S S E h 1 B L Yh 2 e-'xJ U. -- ' : '- . 't s x. . x c o s . u u , ,4 o I s


Page 56: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

5- 25- I T

) 56.clerk O'Brien: nCommittee Reports.

Representative E. M. Barnes, Chairman of the Committee on Appropriatfon

11 to whfch the following Bflls were referred, acelon Daken l1y 25,

1977, reported the same back with the following recommendations:

do pass Senate Bi11 1200.

Senate Bills First Reading.

Senate B1l1 653. A B111 for an Act to amend the Crfmfnal Identfff-

cation and Investfgatfon Act. Ffrst Readfng of the Bi11.

Senate Bill 743. A Bill for an Act to amend Real Estate Brokers and

Salesmen License Act. First Reading of the Bill.

Senate B11l 744. A B1l1 for an Act to amend Real Estate Brokers and

Salespen Lfcense Act. Flrst Reading of the Bi1l.

( senate Bill A Bill for an Aet to amend the Real Estate Rrokers

! 'lft and Salesmz n ticense Act. Ffrst Reading of the Bi11.( .Senate B111 746. A Bill for an Aet to amend Sections of the Real

' Estate Brokers and Salesmen License Act. First Readfng of the Bi11.I .1 senate Btll 793. A B11l for an Act in relation to certain inutru-

I) ments of credit. First Reading of the Bil1.

Senate B111 870. A Bill for an Aet to amend the rate of interest and

1 other charge: connected with sales on credit and lending of money.'

First Reading of the Bfl1, lSenate Bill 879. A Bill for an Aet to provide srants for employment 1

I11 of additional students by public and nonpublic institutions of higher( .t education. First Reading of the Bi11.. 1l .' Senate Bill 905. A,

Bi11 for an Aet to make an approprfatfon éo thell Comptroller for disbursements to Mary Graves. F' frst Reading .of the l' I . . jl


Senate Bill 963. A Bill for an Act to amend the Election Code.

'( Ftrst Reading of the slzl.! I .I SenaLe Bill 1162. A :111 for an Ac: to amend rhe Public Comannlty

j .'College Act . Firs t Reading of the Piil . .

Senate Bill 1299 . A Bill f or an Aet to require certain types of

' Bills introduced in the ceneral Assembly have provided a note indi-

cating ffscal effects upon state ffnances. First Xeadlng of the B1;1.

No furtber businessy the House now stands adjourned.n

G E N E R A L A S S E N 1 B L YST AT i: C) F t LL 1 N o I %

l I o kl s; lQ C) F R E P f 1 r' :$ F. N 'r P. 'r 1 V E S

Page 57: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


1.l Plgq Tfme Speaker Information=

l 12:00 Speaker Redmond House to order

1 Reverend Krqeger Prayer

1 Speakqr Redmond

1,2,3,4,5 Clerk OêBrfea Messages from the House

6 Speaker Redmond

6 Clerk .obBrfen Coqmittee Reports.Introductfon & First ReadingsSenate Bills First Reading

6 Speaker Redmond Roll Call for attendance

6 Clerk o'Brfen Senate Bills First Reading

6 Speaker Redmond

6 12:19 Telcser Leave-eaye' on HB 1787

j 6 Speaker Redmond Leave granted6 Diprima 'Memorial Day poppiesï

7 Speaker Redmond Agreed Resolution

' 7 Clerk O'Brienl7 Speaker Redmond

7 Gforgf

7 Speaker Redmond Resolutfon adopeed

7 Madigan Exeused absenee

8 Speaker Redmond HB 48 - 3rd Reading

8 Clerk O'Brien

8 Mautino Leave to return to 2nd for Amen.

. 9 Clerk O'Brien Amendment //1l 1

10 12:25 Speaker Redmond Amendmeny adopted-3rd Reading 'jï 1

10 Clerk O'Arïen HB 217-3rd Readlng )i I!v l

11 Speaker Redrnond j1. l

11 Pouncey i. -- jL; .t z.>'; :zJS' x .. .

â xc u#.'. t' -;p, rs G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y1' 1 çi- ''kk. p-)., , 2z 1. s x. w v e: o s I u t. 1 x o ! s

' h.. t-z;p) ' e, z. . .t. . .I %* wpf . s o w s s o s a n p a e s a s m x v 1w s s) X%xw..X.<.2:JJ''..%J;,*. = 'i . ...


Page 58: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


2. Page Time Speaker lnformation

11 Speaker Redmond

11 Taylor Support-explain vote

11 Speaker Redmond

11 Houlihan, J. Support-explain vote

12 Speaker Redmond

. 12 Pouncey Fostponed Considerattoa

12 Clerk O'Brien HB 688 3rd Readfng -.

12 Speaker Redmond

12 Tuprk

12 Speaker Redmond HB 688 passed

12 Clerk O'Brten HB 767 - 3rd Readina

12 Speaker Redmond

12 Mugalian Spoasor

13 Speaker Redmond

13 Lechowiczl

13 12;A0 Speaker Redmond Passed !'

!13 Clerk o'Brlen HB 885 3rd Readfng

13 Speaker Redmond

13 Tipsword ll$

13 Speaker Redmond Passed

14 Cterk O'Brien HB 954 - 3rd Reading

14 Speaker Redmond

14 Epton

14 ' Speaker Redmond

14 Ebbesen

, . 4)g.,. 4 z @ , . y ..7xc %e' c s x Iï R A. t. .x s s E, M ($ :. vl,.t.: ? 7.:/:Jf jvz

... j.-; .,.' . w . s v . x s, o s , u u 4 ,q o j sk s . J s .b x gjl :: , ' .. ' l,4 (0 u s c c p' ;R e fv r4 E s E pf r A. 'r l v / s..%' s a. .. r'.''!.

Page 59: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

- -. . .


1 .

a. t ';#A&q Time Speaker Information15 Spcaker Redmond '

15 Adams ) .'

)15 Epton ) $( '15 Speaker Redmond Passed 1 '

I16 clerk O'Brien HB 964 - 3rd Reading i

16 Speaker Redmoad ' 1. l I

. i I16 McBroom )k 116 speaker Redmond ) I

f16 Mulcahey )) Il I16 L2:48 McBtoom ) I

i17 Speaker Redmond' . I

) J17 Priedrich 'Sorry' ! I

f17 Speaker Redmond l17 Kempiners $17 Speaker Redmond . .t

117 Mcclafnll

17 Speaker Redmond ' )l

17 Kosinskit

d I18 Speaker Redmon' !

l' 18 Lechowicz .

l18 Speaker Redmond ç'

. j. '18 Eriedland Moves prevlous quest on

18 speaker Redmond

.18 ' . AltzBroom '

' 18 SPeaker Redmond Passed . 1. 118 elerk O'Brien HB 798 - 3rd Reading j

18 ' Speaker Redmond

ks y...i ' =Jz..rf- ve c E x 1: R A t. A s s E 5, B t. vJ t.t . 8 VX 1 ': ' g ?<Y . s ! u u I x o l s. ! . . j $ T A. T E: c). .zr,%) . - f .. ' . +. '

L. - - - .------ - '.'.!'.r;.zi..a+.:..' . -. -. ... .

Page 60: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


j 1 '

* jPage Time S eaker . Information I.

- I

19 ' Bradley Leave to taue 797 too

19 '- Speaker Redmond Leave granted i' . j

19 Clerk o'Brien HB 797 - 3rd Readingi

19 Bradley Sponsor of Bills II !

19 Speaker Redmond ' Jl ECunningham ) ' !20 ( f

) l J20 Bradley ) l .

- l

20 Lechowicz 1$

20 Speaker Redmond f

f order ' (20 Walsh Point o )20 Speaker Redmond l

' )120 cunnsngham ) j

) f20 Speaker Redmond ) l

t ') . . f' 2z Bradley ) . i:

21 Speaker Redmond '1

21 Polkl

22 Speakar Redmond f

22 Creiman ) ') . k


- ;23 . Speake r Redmond) i

) 8' j 23 Bradley ) l

)l23 Speaker Redmond .

123 Deavers

23 Speaker Redmond

' 23 Ebbesen' . . Moves previous question :

2 3 Speake'r Redznon d llold th at ';'

)' p j

' 2 3 Re a t;s ) . . .) t2/1 Rradley '

- - ) -- ------ -- ...z

>x''nr'.-..p..2. ?; spaaker nedaond) 'Xe

.,k * :- q G E x p: R A L, A s s E 5 l B L v. -, u . . . r: .

j p %:g: - . ... ) .v. . .s cj s j u. , , jx o j s'-qt- - . -.r :. . w . r - -. . . . .- .' $x* - **X Y a s x p

. .

H O U S E: f7 SS R V P R Y. Y C H Y H T 1 V E S

Page 61: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


- - - - - a

t .-.1 .Fage Tlme Spcaker Information

24 Bradley To elose

25 1:10 Speaker Redmond

25 Skinner

26 Speaker Redmond

26 Gainesl

26 Speaker Redmpnd '(26 Walsh Requests verfficaefon t

)26 Speaker Redmond i

26 Clerk o'Briea Polls absentees

26 Speaker Redmond ll

26 Matflevlch fI 27 Speaker Redmond 1l


27 McBroom Record me 'aye'

Speaker Redmond Verification withdrawn-Bills pasked

27 Mahar Requests conference

27 Speaker Redmond

27 Cunningham

27 Speaker Redmond

27 uuff Leave of House

27 Speaker Redmond


27 Speaker Redmond Back at 5:30

28 Friedrich Vote fnoê

28 Speaker Redmond

28 Katz lno'

28 Oreisheimer

.28 1:16 speaker Redmond

. j â' . fjsu * v-/?.?t'.;o,J -'-', ,..'.$), G '' N '' R '& '- ''& S S '' 7,: B L' Y

.. . S T .% T E (D F , L k , N c I s$ - r-t.-. u. ' ?? . ' .t . si o uz s s c, s s? s s a u: s s x v s. v ' w ec s

Page 62: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


' j6.paae Time speaker Jméqxmiukqq .1

28 ' Barnes Question j

28 Speaker Redmond

29 clerk OsArien

29 Speaker Redmond

29 Ceo-Karïs

29 Speaker Redmond l29 Madigan MOVe recess-back a2 5:30

29 Speaker Redmond

lerk OîBrien l '29,30 C

. i30 1:27 RECESS

f f30 5:30 Speaker Redmond House to order-at ease-call o'

1:he chalr !

l30 Speaker Redmond 1

l30 Clerk OlRrien' )( .

30 Speaker RedDond 4 .

131 5:45 Clerk O'Brfen HB 991 - 3rd Readfng 1i

ï31 Speaker Redmond 131 Tuerk

l 1.

)I31 Speaker Redmond Passed '

l.31 ' ctexk o'Brfen HB 1008-3rd Readfng t

( I31 speake' r Redmond : I

' J31 . 5:47 Brady


' : j31 Speaker Redmond Passed

31 Clerk O'Brien HB-103#-3rd Readfng t. .


31 Speaker Redmond Hold that '. 1* j

32 Clerk O'Brien . HB 1037-3rd Reading ' 1 !2 .

32 Speaker Redzond

sii-inz'. '

j sc..y uy) oVooc-.' .js, ..1.è O E N E R A L A S S E 58 B L Y .kI1 . sxavs o s ! I.u1 x olsiF:Fqy' y:.-r.... :-t

. * e.WJ y! o u s e: o lr IR s: p gl b: s p: lu 'r Jk 'v 1 v E s.t ' .s . .X 1 1 Y

Page 63: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

.. ' . . ' ''' -


) ' IPaRe Tfme Speaker Informatlon k '!

l I

32 Barnes . l !( ;

S ket Redmond Pâssed f '32 pea

I' 1

j2' ' clerk O'Brten HB 1038-3rd Reading ;r

32 . Speaker Redmond :


J. ) .32 caldwell :t

4 '; !32 Speaker Redmond Passed 'j :

9 '2 clerk O'Brien IIB 1039-3rd Eeading 'i 7.x ' ) r32 speaker Redmond

( /'

. !

' j33 Geo-Karis'


33 Speaker Rednond Passed )'

tê Briea IIB 1064-3rd Readiag 1.

. 33 . Clerk 0

' !

33 Speaker Redmond 6


j33 Mahar Leave to hear 1065'

( 1.33 Speaker Redmo'nd


. , $

33 olerk 0 Brien RB 1065- 3rd Readlng

33 Speaker Redmond L


33 5 )51 . Mahar ) i f'


)33 Speaker Reduond) .

) .4 Sckneider )

l3 . i34 Speaker Redmond Bills passed ,

3% Clerk OfBrien HB 1034-3rd Re'ading )


' . j34 Speaker Reinond , I

34 Wtlliams3/$ j eaker Redrccmd '


34 ' Totteu ).

- )' 36 ' Speaket Redpond) Passed

34 Clerk O'Brien ' HB 1071 - 3rd Reading l

..,4 , a 277 .' xj 4171..

' -.)7a *r G E N E R A L. ,4 S S E 5 f B L Y

/'jrf 1C@;;;' --'. .L .? . -. 1k .$ Fz.p . * s'r m-rë: n tr ! ut-l x o Isï V, r -.' =. Y . . ' 'k .z . .

uocl@;c fos Rupacse x'r A.'r tv q:s

Page 64: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


8Paqe Time Speaker Information

34 Macdonald

34 Speaker Redmond Passed

35 Clerk O'Briea HB ï099-3rd Reading

35 VOn BOCCkD8n Leave t0 hear ZR 1098

35 Speaker Redmond

35 Clerk O'Brfen HB 1098-3rd Readïng

35 Speaker Redmond

35 Von Boeckman

, 35 Speaker Redmond

35 Totten ))

35 Von Boeckman)

36 5:55 Speaker Redmond Passed

36 Wlnchester Leave to hear 993 & 99Y

36 Speaker Redmond

36 Clerk o'Brien HB 993-994-3rd Reading

36 speaker Redmond iit

36 Uinchester /

36 Speaker Redmond

37 Byers

37 Speaker Redmond

37 Luft

37 Speaker Redmond Passed

37 Clerk O'Brfen RB-1;ê2-3rd Reading

37 Speaker Redmond

37 Kosinski'

s eaker Redmond37 p

?7 Ryan- .. .- . .. - J. .-. -L

, ...j. % . ; y y

- --' J -- > g s x p) It A j

. .A s s E 5f B t. vyy. j -7-. cj! . yu . l -tz - : s.. z s r %. 'T E o rr l L !. ! r4 o l G:. ...,, ,.,... ..,,j)M> ( .G *. . *j...( H o kz s c fo Fr p? ks p .: u: s c ?q T x 'r I v bz s

Page 65: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


-. -- -- )' j9.

Paae Time Speaker - lnformation ' '

37 Speaker Redmond 0ut of record !Ik

' 38 Clerk O'Brien HB 1106-3rd Reading!

38 Speaker Redmond ;

38 Dunn, R.

38 Speaker Redmond E

38 Bradley ) : i. )) 1. I .'

38 Dunn, R.) l -8 speake'r Redmond Passed !3

. p I. I

38 clerk O'Brien HB 1127-3rd Readfng 'l 'ës eaker Redmond '1 I39 p

I( l I39 6:01 Bartulis

ii39 Speaker Redmond Passedl .

t E39 clerk O'Brien HB 1220 - 3rd Reading . .: I p'

j I39 Speaker Redmondlf


139 Dunn, R. ' 1

l :39 Speaker Redmond Passed jl!

39 . Clerk OlBrien HB 1393-3rd Reading t)



1 1-39 Speaker Redmond 1 .

l ;39 . Kozubowski I1 . t' l i

,1 40 ' speaker nedmond .

$ !40 Houiihan, J. ) ,'

) .40 Kozubowski )j '40 Speaker Redmondi I . ,41 Kozubowski '


. , j41 Speaker Redmond Passed. .

.. ! j4t ' clerk O'Brlen HB 1:11-3rd Reading. l


r) 41 Speaker Redmond -.ttq-r.rt -

.p.*- G p2 x p: R A L. A s s E ),1 B L yJzc;r7 c . y)7' c's!- ''. '.'>z . s.r s 'r s o s , u u I l.4 o l s . .. '''y . ' x. '- . . t. . .' Xx - . bt o t7 s E fo F Iv L B F? F; s E N T e% w I v E s ,.' . . .b . .

Page 66: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

. II

œaauscuzk-vzou zxosx onlrs, .5-25..u . . . - - --- ---.- ' --- - . . -.' - --- -- -. ----'-- - . r

l0. ! Page' Time Speaker fnforaatlon 'li 2 d 1 41 Kane Leave to reLurn to n II

, N'sxien Amendmept //3 l '--

41 clerk o ' '- .. 41 Speaker Redmond

41 6:10 Kozubouskt Table //2 1l)

41 Speaker Redmond t.


41 Ryan :.)

f41 Speaker Redmond I


41 Totten )' ) t

42 Kozubowski ) ' ''

' 42 Speaker Redmond Amendment #2 tabled

42 Clerk O'Brlen Amendment //3

42 Kozubowski '

42 Speaker Redmond Amendment adop:ed-3rd Reading N

42 Clerk o'Brien HB 1180- 3rd Reading '

' 42 s eaker RedmondP

43 Taylor Leave to return to 2nd

43 Speaker Redmond Leave graneed

43 Clerk ofBrlen Aaendment ?/2

. 43 . Speaker Redmond

43 Taylor

43 Speaker Redmond Amendment adopted-3rd Reading

43 Clerk OfBrfen HB 1115-3rd Reading

43 Speaker Redmond

43 ' Friedrich .

43 Speaker Redmoud

' 44 . Byers ) .) '

44 Friedrich)- ''

. . . . j,sV. x Jé Q T / o v j(c'c..tr 7.7.-*7 G E N E R A t. A s s E 51 B t. Y 1

.1 j4t:-,' .: , . . ) I11 . . sm A'r s co s 1 c u! s; o I s jL-=< ... . . . . .

. * W . ' pj o u s c o tr sl E: p R c s E p4 w Jk + 1 v 6: s l

' .r : .x'F. ' ' .

x f; .- . . x

Page 67: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following

! I


1. .1 . i 'Paqe Tlme Speaker lnformation l

htb Leehowfca ) - Out of the record)

' 44 Friedrich )

.4Y - Speaker Redmond . 0ut of record

44 6:15 Clerk O'Brien HB 1462-3rd Reading

44 Speakef Redmond

46 RicLmond. 1

45 Speaker Redmond Passed l45 Clerk e'Brlen H8-1595-3rd Reading i;

45 Speaker Redmond

45 Jones, J. D. 1

, 45 Speaker Redmond

l i46 techowicz ) 4l ) 1

4.6 Jones , J. D.) 'l46 Speaker Redmond' 0ut of record tà46 . Clerk O'Brien HB 2163-3rd Reading 1,


46 Speaker Redmond !46 Willer

. ' t46 Speaker Rednond i

)' !

46 Cunningham. I

46 Speaker Rednond

46 Houlihan, D. Point of order

. 46 Speaker Redmond

46 Cunningham l47 spexker kedmond . l!.

4 7 6 ; 21 Waddell )' ) . -

9.7 Wilier )I '*7 Speaker Xedmond ' ;

vv:spz k7,' ...2 wvV q 'y' f) G E N E R A L A S S E 51 8 L Y

- ,t.fà,t, ,:,,,:,) . . k:, î:k g'F '' ;.jj1'1. 1 s.r ax s o s. ( c. u ! x o j s$ v Y. . Q' M.y( e s o kl s s r.j t z a s ' p y? s s k7 s v wt 'r l v c s:us

Page 68: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


1l2. . jPage Time Speaker Informatfo-n j48 Skinner )

) i46 Speakir Redmond) 5

48 Skinner-l)Y6 VYIICY 1 ik


49 Speaker Redond HB 2163 passed j

49 Clerk O'Brien HB 2341 - 3rd Readingt

49 speaker Redmond 11

149 Cunnfngham149 Speaker Redmond il

49 Byers ) l) lI

50 Cunningham) j

50 Speaker Redmond 'l

50 Bradley ) '!) I

50 ' Curmf ngham ) '

50 Speaker Redmond50 Cunningham !


50 Speaker Redmond Passedl

50 clerk O'Brien HB-?3:5-3rd Reading

51 Speaker Redmond .

51 Taylor out of record

51 6:30 Clerk O'Brien HB 2358-3rd Reading

' 51 ' Speaker Redmond ' i


f51 Taylor l


l. . j51 Speaker Redmond Passed

I51 ' clerk o'Brfen HB 1102-3rd Readfng i..

i1 ' s eaker Redmond '5 , p

j sl xcwulj-ffe. ' . . .-V-zlc' 77.-7*- G E N E R A L A S S E 51 'B L Yjr jpjzy- ip7 . ' .g. -,.. . q(! ' / e . s 'r A. 'r E o F 1 u !.. j N o t sY- Wz 'W . . Y .* .>'. . . ' . ' pf o uf s E f:l e- R' E7 e ;R p. G y: N T' A. 'r r v *2 s .'$: t . '.'.dh

X:U - - - .

Page 69: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


1 I. ' j13. ' ;Page Time Speaker Infcrmatlon

51 Speaker Redmond Passed

51 clerk O'Brien HB 2360-3rd Reading .

. 51 Speaker Redmondî

52 Mahar

) I52 Speaker Redmend Passed .. ? 1!

52 clerk o'Brien HB 2362-3rd Reading I;r !

S ker Rcdmond l '52 Pea j ji I

52 Gfglfo l '1 I' 52 Speaker Redmond Passed ' 'l 7t !sz rotten ) ( !

) x t ,l 52 Clerk () 'Brfen) 1. l I

' ) . Ii .52 Ciglio ). l I

1Giglio moves vote be reconsidered I53 Speaker Redmond' I

Motfon carrfes-HB 2362 returnedro seeond f

' )

53 clerk O'Brien Amendment f/1 .

53 ciglio Explains Amendment ,l

53 Speaker Redmond ,. ' ;

53 6 : 35 Skinner ). )

' 54 Cf glfo ) '154 speauer Redmond Amendment adopted-3rd Readtng .

54 Matilevich

5: Speaker Redmond .. I1

' 54 Ryan ) i) . 1

Matijeirich) ' !54' . . j j

54 Speaker Redmond ,r. 1

54 Clerk O'Briea HB 2363-3rd Reading .

54 Speaker Redmondwi''''i z A z ., r '

. t:>.' -,s.sz '' o c jy x jr jt x j. .4 s s E h f ' 1) L Yjox . a -p- cj'

: j5/ ît''C -. -r- - ï ,) l s 'r /M T E o F I t. L. I N o 1 S$ . V ) V > . .e w. *5x . ' pd o ta s E: o F yk îc p a E s c. lq 'ç JK 'r I u e: sXv%nhxx..d 'L- 1 ' 3 W %Y

Page 70: 1. - Illinois General Assembly Home · PDF file5-25-77 l1 3. Representative J. M. Houlihan and Kane, Co-chairpen of the Committee on State Government Organization, reported the following


16.Pa e Time Speaker .. Informa tion

54 Kozubowski

55 Speaker Redmond Passed

55 Madigan

55 Speaker Redmond

55 Jones, J. D.

55 Speaker Redlnond

55 Clerk Q'Brien 5 mlnutes Perfunctory

55 Madfgan Move adjourn-9:30 Thursday

55 Speaker Redkond Adlourn

56 Clerk OlBrien





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