Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved. Introduction IS 340 – Information Assurance Lecture # 1 M. E. Kabay, PhD, CISSP-ISSMP Assoc Prof Information Assurance School of Business & Management Norwich University [email protected]

1 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved. Introduction IS 340 – Information Assurance Lecture # 1 M. E. Kabay, PhD, CISSP-ISSMP Assoc Prof Information

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1 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.


IS 340 – Information AssuranceLecture # 1

M. E. Kabay, PhD, CISSP-ISSMPAssoc Prof Information AssuranceSchool of Business & Management

Norwich University [email protected]

2 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

TopicsGoalsClassesTextbookWeb SiteGradingTerm paperResearchCitationsPresentationExams

Online DiscussionsExtra WorkMoviesHonesty &

Attendance Introductions &

PhotosSQ3RReadings for next

classMovie This Friday

3 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.


Lay foundations for working effectively in information assurance (IA) in military, government, business & academia

Contribute to public discussion of laws governing behavior when using computers and networks

Stimulate interest in IALead to successful careersHelp protect friends and family against

computer crimeHave fun in class with challenging ideas &


4 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.


Don't be late for classProf won't be lateProf won't make you late

Don't miss classAttendance taken at start of class>2 unexcused absences = OUT

Read before you arriveQuestions in classParticipation graded (10%)

5 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

Textbook Bosworth, Kabay & Whyne (2009)

CSH5 – Computer Security Handbook, 5th ed.

Also useful to build up biceps & triceps

Can be helpful in propping doors open or to raise monitor to eye level

Eric Whyne Graduated from NU in 2004

Major in Computer ScienceMinors in Mathematics, IA,

EngineeringServed in Iraq as Captain in US Marine

CorpsCurrently working in high-tech


6 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

Web Site


All information, documents about course

Lecture materials

Schedule in syllabus

Extra readings

Guidelines for papers

List of topics to be presented by students

7 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

GradingTerm paper 35%Presentation 5%Quizzes 20%Mid-term exam 15% (in-class)Final exam 25% (exam period)Extras: added to final score

Essays (1 pt/500 words)Articles (extra)Presentations (1 pt/20 minutes in class)Online discussions

0.1 pt/good contribution (e.g., w/ reference)Max 10 pts increase to total score

8 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

Term paper

Features3000-4000 words longAcademic standards for writing & sourcesSee Term-Paper Guidelines

Complete stages BEFORE deadlinesSep: Choose topicOct: OutlineNov: Drafts & discussions with prof.Dec: Final submission

9 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.


Kreitzberg Library DatabasesWikipedia only as source for

primary referencesSearch-engine articles OK but secondary to

academic research articlesMay include hands-on projects using virtual

laboratory (see instructor for arrangements)Use CATA™ to organize information

Computer-Aided Thematic Analysis™http://www.mekabay.com/methodology/CATA.pdf http://www.mekabay.com/methodology/cata.pps

10 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.


MUST cite all information that is not your own creation

Use automatic (NOT MANUAL) footnotes (not endnotes)

Word 2007 has bibliography featuresWill generate Works Cited

list for youMLS, APA or CMS styles

acceptableBe consistent

11 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

Presentation 20 minutes Max 15 slides unless you obtain special

permission by demonstrating talk to instructor

Dark letters on light background OR light letters on dark background

Purple letters on blood-red background will make instructor violently ill

Slides are point form, not full text Don’t read the text on the slides! Don’t look at the screen – use the laptop Tell us what you found most interesting Relax – everyone wants you to succeed

12 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.


No tricks: no attempt to fool youCan include multiple-choice, short-answer,

essay questionsQuizzes are closed-book, 10 minutesMid-term is 70 minutes open-book in class

(multiple-choice or short-answer only)Final is 150 minutes open-book during exam

periodYou may use point-form answers instead of

full sentences for short-answer and essay questions

13 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

Online Discussions

MoodleAccessible through my.norwich.eduWeekly postings of questionsOPTIONALExtra points

Up to 10% of final gradeFun!

14 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

Extra Work

Ask prof for approvalCan write review articlesSpecial projectsAnything that helps you learnShould be fun!Can compensate for mistakes in some other

area500 words of good writing = 1% on final grade

15 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

Honesty & AttendanceAll dishonesty will be reported to Academic

Integrity CommitteeCheating in examsInterfering with other

students’ workPlagiarism

Permitted no more than 2 unexcused absencesArriving after sign-in sheet

removed = absentNotification that 3rd unexcused absence

will result in expulsion from course with F grade

16 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

Introductions & Photos

Background of each studentProf will take

photo to help remember

Mind is going!Brief intro to

professorHopes to

remember his own name

17 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

The SQ3R Method


18 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

Background to SQ3R

Effective studying does not consist merely of reading and rereading

Oberlin College studies in 1960s → SQ3R





19 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

SQ3R: Survey

1st pass: entire document2nd pass: section3rd pass: chapter4th pass: 1st sentences

of paragraphs

20 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

SQ3R: Question

Jot down ideasPicturesDiagramsLegends

21 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

SQ3R: Read

One paragraph at a timeBoldface Italics

22 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

SQ3R: Recite

After every paragraphStop, look awaySummarize main ideasOwn words If not clear, reread

23 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

SQ3R: Review

At end of each study periodDailyWeeklyMonthly

24 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.

Readings for Next Class

CSH5 = Computer Security Handbook, 5th Edition by Bosworth, Kabay & Whyne (eds.)

Chapter 1 – History and Mission of Information System Security

Chapter 2 – History of Computer Crime

25 Copyright © 2010 M. E. Kabay. All rights reserved.