1 Control Theory Aspects of Power Control in UMTS Fredrik Gunnarsson *,** , and Fredrik Gustafsson * , (*) Control & Communication, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Link¨ opings universitet, SE-581 83 LINK ¨ OPING, Sweden. Email: [email protected], [email protected] (**) Ericsson Research, Ericsson Radio Systems AB, P.O. Box 1248, SE-581 12 LINK ¨ OPING, SWEDEN. Email: [email protected] Abstract The global communications systems critically rely on control algorithms of various kinds. In UMTS (universal mobile telephony system) – the third generation mobile telephony system just being launched, power control algorithms play an important role for efficient resource utilization. This survey article describes and discusses relevant aspects of UMTS power control with emphasis on practical issues, using an automatic control framework. Generally, power control of each connection is distributedly implemented as cascade control, with an inner loop to compensate for fast variations and an outer loop focusing on longer term statistics. These control loops are interrelated via complex connections, which affect important issues such as capacity, load and stability. Therefore, both local and global properties are important. The concepts and algorithms are illustrated by simple examples and simulations. Keywords: power control, wireless networks, distributed control, stability, time delays, Smith predictor, disturbance rejection I. Introduction The use of control theory applied to communication systems is increasingly popular. More com- plex networks are being deployed and the critical resource management constitutes numerous control problems. Wireless networks are for example pointed out as a new vistas for systems and control in (Kumar, 2001). This paper describes standardized power control in UMTS and provides control theory aspects of the same with an extensive list of citations. It gives an overview from a control perspective of achievements in the area to date with some illuminating examples and pointers to interesting open issues. The power of each transmitter in a wireless network is related to the resource usage of the link. Since the links typically occupies the same frequency spectrum for efficiency reasons, they mutually interfere with each other. Proper resource management is thus needed to utilize the radio resource efficiently. Several aspects discussed here are generally applicable, but the focus is on UMTS. More on Radio Resource Management in general can for example be found in (Holma and Toskala, 2000; Zander, 1997), and with a power control focus in (Gunnarsson, 2000, 2002; Hanly and Tse, 1999; Rosberg and Zander, 1998). This work was supported by the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA) and in cooperation with Ericsson Research within the competence center ISIS, which all are acknowledged.

1 Control Theory Aspects of Power Control in UMTSusers.isy.liu.se/en/rt/fredrik/reports/02CEP_wcdma.pdf1 Control Theory Aspects of Power Control in UMTS Fredrik Gunnarsson;, and Fredrik

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Page 1: 1 Control Theory Aspects of Power Control in UMTSusers.isy.liu.se/en/rt/fredrik/reports/02CEP_wcdma.pdf1 Control Theory Aspects of Power Control in UMTS Fredrik Gunnarsson;, and Fredrik


Control Theory Aspects of Power Control in UMTS

Fredrik Gunnarsson∗,∗∗, and Fredrik Gustafsson∗,

(*) Control & Communication, Dept. of Electrical Eng.,

Linkopings universitet, SE-581 83 LINKOPING, Sweden.

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

(**) Ericsson Research, Ericsson Radio Systems AB,

P.O. Box 1248, SE-581 12 LINKOPING, SWEDEN.

Email: [email protected]


The global communications systems critically rely on control algorithms of various kinds. In UMTS (universal mobile

telephony system) – the third generation mobile telephony system just being launched, power control algorithms play

an important role for efficient resource utilization. This survey article describes and discusses relevant aspects of UMTS

power control with emphasis on practical issues, using an automatic control framework. Generally, power control of each

connection is distributedly implemented as cascade control, with an inner loop to compensate for fast variations and an

outer loop focusing on longer term statistics. These control loops are interrelated via complex connections, which affect

important issues such as capacity, load and stability. Therefore, both local and global properties are important. The

concepts and algorithms are illustrated by simple examples and simulations.

Keywords: power control, wireless networks, distributed control, stability, time delays, Smith predictor, disturbance


I. Introduction

The use of control theory applied to communication systems is increasingly popular. More com-

plex networks are being deployed and the critical resource management constitutes numerous control

problems. Wireless networks are for example pointed out as a new vistas for systems and control in

(Kumar, 2001). This paper describes standardized power control in UMTS and provides control theory

aspects of the same with an extensive list of citations. It gives an overview from a control perspective

of achievements in the area to date with some illuminating examples and pointers to interesting open


The power of each transmitter in a wireless network is related to the resource usage of the link.

Since the links typically occupies the same frequency spectrum for efficiency reasons, they mutually

interfere with each other. Proper resource management is thus needed to utilize the radio resource

efficiently. Several aspects discussed here are generally applicable, but the focus is on UMTS. More

on Radio Resource Management in general can for example be found in (Holma and Toskala, 2000;

Zander, 1997), and with a power control focus in (Gunnarsson, 2000, 2002; Hanly and Tse, 1999;

Rosberg and Zander, 1998).

This work was supported by the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA) and in cooperation with Ericsson Research

within the competence center ISIS, which all are acknowledged.

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The radio access network in UMTS is based on DS-CDMA (Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple

Access), where the links in the system share the same frequency spectrum and are assigned codes to

allow the receivers to recover the desired signals. A simplified radio link model is typically adopted

to emphasize the network dynamics of power control. The transmitter is using the power p(t) to

transmit data scrambled by a user-specific code. The channel is characterized by the power gain g(t)

(< 1), where the “bar” notation indicates linear scale, while g(t) = 10 log10(g(t)) is in logarithmic scale

(dB). Correlating the received signal with the code, the receiver extracts the desired signal, which has

the power C(t) = p(t)g(t), and is also subject to interfering power I(t) from other connections. The

perceived quality is related to the signal-to-interference ratio1 (SIR) γ(t) = p(t)g(t)/I(t). For error-

free transmission (and if the interference can be assumed Gaussian), the achievable data rate R(t) is

given by (Shannon, 1956)

R(t) = W log2 (1 + γ(t)) [bits/s],

where W is the bandwidth in Hertz. From a link perspective, power control can be seen as means to

compensate for channel variations in g(t). The link objective with power control can for example be

• to maintain constant SIR and thereby constant data rate

• to use constant power and variable coding to adapt the data rate to the channel variations

• to employ scheduling to transmit only when the channel conditions are favorable

This also depends on the data rate requirements from the service in question.

A. Example: Two users in a single cell

Power control objectives are rather different when considering networks and not only links. Further-

more, the situation is also different in the uplink (mobile to base station) and in the downlink (base

station to mobile).

Consider the simplistic downlink situation with two mobiles and a single base station in Figure 1.

Apart from information dedicated to each mobile, the base station also broadcast information to all

users in the cell. This common information is transmitted with the power PC(t), while the dedicated

information to the two mobiles is transmitted using the power PD(t) = p1(t) + p2(t). The downlink

power is limited to Pmax. Hence

PC(t) + PD(t) = PC(t) + p1(t) + p2(t) ≤ Pmax (1)

All the signals from the base station to a specific mobile have passed through the same channel.

Therefore, it can be motivated to use orthogonal channelization codes to reduce the mutual interference

between the signals. Due to non-ideal receivers and channel effects, this orthogonality is not fully

maintained, and the fraction α1, (0 ≤ α1 ≤ 0) still remains. The SIR at mobile 1 is given by

γ1(t) =p1(t)gB1(t)

α1(PC(t) + p2(t))gB1(t) + ν1(t), (2)

where ν1(t) is the thermal noise at mobile 1. If the downlink is fully utilized (i.e.all base station power

is used to provide services and the hardware investment is fully utilized) user 1 is interfered by the

1In dB: γ(t) = p(t) + g(t)− I(t)

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power Pmax − p1(t), which is independent on the power of the other user. The interesting question is

thus how the dedicated power PD(t), and the resulting service quality and data rate, should be shared

between the users.

In the uplink, the two signals from the mobiles pass through independent channels to the base

station. Therefore, it is not meaningful to use orthogonal codes, but rather codes with good correlation

properties. Assume that the mobiles are using the powers p1(t) and p2(t) respectively. The SIR of

MS1 is given by

γ1(t) =p1(t)g1B(t)

p2(t)g2B(t) + νB(t), (3)

where νB(t) represents thermal noise power at base station B. Hence, the connections are mutually

interfering, and this fact restricts the achievable SIR’s to (see Theorem 3)

γ1γ2 < 1 (4)

Limited transmission powers might further restrict the achievable SIR’s.PSfrag replacements







Fig. 1. Simplistic uplink and downlink situation with two mobiles connected to one base station to illustrate fundamental

network limitations and objectives.

Each connection-oriented service is typically regularly reassigned a reference SIR, γ ti(t) (note the

switch to values in dB). This value reflects the desired data rate and error rate of the connection. Power

control is used to maintain this SIR based on feedback of the error ei(t) = γti(t)− γi(t). The feedback

communication uses valuable bandwidth, and should be kept at a minimum. Let f(ei(t)) denote the

feedback communication (essentially quantization). With pure integrating control, this yields

pi(t + 1) = pi(t) + βf (ei(t)) . (5)

The default power control algorithm in UMTS uses single-bit quantization, and hence f(ei(t)) =


B. Aspects of Power Control and Paper Outline

Being subjective, the list below with pointers forward to related sections constitutes important

aspects of power control:

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• Objectives. It is vital to clarify the aim of power control. As indicated in the example above,

throughput maximation leads to different control strategies compared to fair objectives where all users

experience roughly the same quality of service.

• Centralized/decentralized control. Centralized power control is not practically tractable. As

discussed in Section V, it mainly serves as theoretical performance bounds to the decentralized algo-

rithms in Section IV. However, due to the distributed architecture of power control, some information

is not available where it is used, which means than some semi-centralized processing takes place in

controlling nodes in the network as further explored in Section III-F.

• Feedback bandwidth. The feedback bandwidth should be stated as the number of available bits

per second for feedback communication. Then, this becomes a trade-off between error representation

accuracy and feedback rate as discussed in Section IV-A

• Power constraints. The transmission powers are constrained due to hardware limitations such as

quantization and saturation, which is in focus in Section IV-B.

• Time delays. Measuring and control signaling take time, resulting in time delays in the distributed

feedback loops. The time delays are typically fixed due to standardized signaling protocols, and are

further treated in Section IV-B

• Disturbance rejection. The controller’s ability to mitigate time varying power gains and mea-

surement noise is an important performance indicator further discussed in Section IV-B.

• Soft handover. One important coverage improving feature in UMTS systems it that a mobile can

be connected to a multitude of base stations. This puts some specific requirements on power control

which are briefly touched upon in Section III-E.

• Stability and convergence. Studying stability and oscillatory behavior of the distributed control

loops as in Section IV-D is necessary, but not sufficient. The cross-couplings between the loops also

have to be considered. This is addressed in Section V-C.

• Capacity and system load. As indicated by the example above, the available radio resource is

limited and have to be shared among the users. An important distinction in Section V-A is therefore

whether the network can accommodate all the users with associated quality requirements.

II. System Model

Most quantities will be expressed both in linear and logarithmic scale (dB). Linear scale is indicated

by the bar notation g(t).

A. Power Gain

By neglecting data symbol level effects, the communication channel can be seen as a time varying

power gain made up of three components g(t) = gp(t) + gs(t) + gm(t) as illustrated by Figure 2.

The signal power decreases with distance d to the transmitter, and the path loss is modeled as gp =

K−α log10(d). Terrain variations cause diffraction phenomenons and this shadow fading gs is modeled

as ARMA(n,m)-filtered Gaussian white noise (n is typically 1-2, m = n− 1 , (Sørensen, 1998)). The

multipath model considers scattering of radio waves, yielding a rapidly varying gain gm (Sklar, 1997).

The simulations in this paper considers mobiles at 5 km/h in a fading environment sampled at 1500 Hz.

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0 5 10 15 20






PSfrag replacements gp



Travelled distance [m]Pow





Fig. 2. The power gain g(t) is modeled as the sum of three components: path loss gp(t), shadow fading gs(t) and

multipath fading gm(t). Here this is illustrated when moving from a reference point and away from the transmitter.

B. Wireless Networks

Consider a general network with m transmitters using the powers pi(t) and m connected receivers.

For generality, the base stations are seen as multiple transmitters (downlink) and multiple receivers

(uplink). The signal between transmitter i and receiver j is attenuated by the power gain gij. Thus

the receiver connected to transmitter i will experience a desired signal power Ci(t) = pi(t)gii(t) and an

interference from other connections plus noise Ii(t). The signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) at receiver i

can be defined by

γi(t) =Ci(t)



j 6=i gij(t)pj(t) + νi(t), (6)

where νi(t) is thermal noise at receiver i.

Depending on the receiver design, propagation conditions and the distance to the transmitter, the

receiver is differently successful in utilizing the available desired signal power pigii. Assume that receiver

i can utilize the fraction δi(t) of the desired signal power. Then the remainder(

1 − δi(t))

pigii acts

as interference, denoted auto-interference (Godlewski and Nuaymi, 1999). We will assume that the

receiver efficiency changes slowly, and therefore can be considered constant. Hence, the SIR expression

in Equation (6) transforms to

γi(t) =δigii(t)pi(t)

j 6=i θij gij(t)pj(t) +(

1 − δi


pi(t)gii(t) + νi(t). (7)

From now on, this quantity will be referred to as SIR. For efficient receivers, δi = 1, and the expres-

sions (6) and (7) are equal. In logarithmic scale, the SIR expression becomes

γi(t) = pi(t) + δi + gii(t) − Ii(t). (8)

Uplink. In the uplink, the mobile sends control information (for example a pilot signal for uplink

channel estimation and control commands for power control of the associated downlink channel) using

the power pci(t). The remaining power pd

i (t) = βipci(t) is used to transmit data. Hence pi(t) =

(1 + βi)pci(t), and the value of βi depend on the data rate and is signaled to the mobile at call setup.

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It can be changed during the lifetime of the connection when the network signals the mobile to change

the data rate. The base station actually estimates SIR of the control information and use it for power

control. This means that the power control is not affected by data rate changes (change of βi) or by

discontinuous transmission, where the mobile not fully utilize the assigned data rate all the time. In

dB, this only means a power level offset, and we will proceed as if SIR of the total signal is used.

Downlink. As with the uplink, SIR is estimated on the dedicated control information. Note that

there are both common control information for the entire cell and dedicated control information to

each mobile in the downlink. The same discussion as above applies and we will use SIR of the total

signal. However, since many of the interfering signals go through the same channels, it is instructive

to discuss an alternative model to equation (7). Let Pk(t), k = 1, . . . , B denote the total powers of

the B base stations and ki denote the base station which mobile i is connected to. Furthermore, the

interfering signal powers from the same base station are attenuated by αi due to the effect of the

channelization codes, which are orthogonal on the transmission side. Then, the downlink SIR is given


γi(t) =δigkii(t)pi(t)

αi(Pki(t) − δipi(t))gkii(t) +

k 6=kiPk(t)gki(t) + νi(t)

, (9)

where gki denotes the power gain from base station k to mobile station i. For example, by dimensioning

the system based on a certain load assumption in terms of base station powers, one can get a rough

idea of the downlink situation in a cell planning phase.

C. Power Control Algorithms

We adopt the loglinear power control model in (Blom et al., 1998; Dietrich et al., 1996) to embrace the

power control approaches. The cascade control block diagram of a generic distributed SIR-based power

control algorithm is depicted in Figure 3. The receiver computes the error ei as the difference between

the reference SIR γti and SIR (measured, subject to measurement noise wi and possible filtered by the

device Fi. (In practice, the desired signal power and the interference are typically filtered separately,

which is discussed in Section III-A. The error is coded into power control commands ui by the device

Ri, affected by command errors xi on the feedback channel and decoded on the transmitter side by

Di. The control loop is subject to power update delays of np samples and measurement delays nm

samples. Since the controller Ri causes a unit delay, the total round-trip delay is nRT = 1 + np + nm.

Typically, np = 1 and nm = 0 and hence nRT = 2. An outer loop adjusts the reference SIR to assure

that the quality of service is maintained. Outer loop control is typically based on block error rate

(BLER), which is the error rate of received and decoded data blocks considering the effects of coding,

interleaving etc. Also the bit error rate (BER) provides relevant information if available, especially

since there are more bits than blocks, which enable better estimation performance (Olofsson et al.,

1997; Wigard and Mogensen, 1996).

III. Standardized Power Control Algorithms

Several power control algorithms are standardized by 3GPP to be used in MTS (3GPP, 2001,

document 25.214). The feedback channel is implemented as a transmitter power control command bit

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PSfrag replacements


Σ ΣΣ+−


pi(t − np)ei(t)γti (t)


Ri Di

δi + gii(t) − Ii(t)xi(t)










Fig. 3. Block diagram of the receiver-transmitter pair i when employing a general SIR-based power control algorithm.

In operation, the controller result in a closed local loop.

si(t) transmitted at 1500 Hz. The operation of power control is affected by the network architecture

in UMTS, which is briefly illustrated by Figure 4.

. . .

. . .

PSfrag replacements


Node B


Fig. 4. A simplified picture of the UMTS radio access network architecture sing the notation as in the standard. The

mobiles (UE - user equipment) are connected to one or several base stations (Node B), which in turn are managed by

a radio network controller (RNC). The resources are coordinated by the RNC, which thus setup and remove links to

base stations through the lifetime of a connection. In large networks, several RNC’s are used, which means that there

is also an interface between the RNC’s to coordinate resources and to manage mobile that uses resources controlled by

different RNC’s.

A. SIR Estimation

Little is standardized with respect to SIR estimation. It is stated that the uplink SIR estimate

should reflect the control information, and it is proposed as relevant to do the same in the mobile

on the downlink. The pilot information among the control information is located so that it would be

possible to estimate the SIR and transmit feedback information as fast as possible so that the power

can be updated with minimal round-trip delay, as illustrated by Figure 5. We note that the estimation

accuracy is strongly dependent on the number of bits considered in the estimation and therefore the

delay. Typically, estimates in practice are biased (Freris et al., 2001; Kurniawan et al., 2001).

In practice, SIR is estimated as the ratio between the powers of the extracted desired signal and

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PSfrag replacements













t − 1

t − 1

t − 2

t − 2



Fig. 5. Typical situations in UMTS describing time of estimation (over pilot bits and possibly some data bits), power

command generation and signaling (PC), and power update. The relatively long estimation and processing time to

favor estimation accuracy in a) result in a time delay np = 1. This is avoided in b) by considering fewer symbols in the


the interference, which are estimated separately. The average interference is assumed to change rather

slowly, why it is low-pass filtered. To minimize the power control round-trip delay, the desired signal

power is not filtered. Therefore, the generic power control model in Figure 3, is not completely accurate.

B. Fixed-Step Power Control

The power level is increased/decreased depending on whether the measured SIR is below or above

target SIR, and implemented as:

Receiver : ei(t) = γti(t) − γi(t) (10a)

si(t) = sign (ei(t)) (10b)

Transmitter : pTPC,i(t) = ∆isi(t) (10c)

pi(t + 1) = pi(t) + pTPC,i(t) (10d)

This is the default choice both in the uplink and the downlink inner closed-loop power control. The

uplink situation is slightly modified when the mobile is in soft handover. Then, the mobile receives

power control commands from every connected cell. To ensure that the power is adapted to the best

cell, the mobile only increases the power if all commands are equal to +1, otherwise the power is


C. Uplink Alternatives

This alternative algorithm is a different command decoding than above and is denoted ULAlt1. It

makes it possible to emulate slower update rates, or to turn off uplink power control by transmitting

an alternating series of TPC commands. In a 5-slot cycle (j = 1, . . . , 5), the power update pTPC,i(t)

in (10c) is computed according to:

pTPC,i(t) =

∆i (j = 5)&(∑5

j=1 si(j) = 5)

−∆i (j = 5)&(∑5

j=1 si(j) = −5)

0 otherwise

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D. Downlink Alternatives

There are two downlink alternatives, both aiming at reducing the risk of using excessive powers.

In the first one, here denoted by DLAlt1, the control commands are repeated over three consecutive

slots. The second one, denoted DLAlt2, reduces the controllers ability to follow deep fades by limiting

the power raise. As with the ULAlt1, the commands are decoded differently than in Section III-B,

described as an alternative to (10c):

pTPC,i(t) =

−∆i si(t) < 0

∆i (si(t) > 0)&(psum,i(t) + ∆i < δsum)

0 otherwise

where psum,i(t) is the sum of the previous N power updates and N and δsum are configurable param-


E. Soft Handover

One core feature in DS-CDMA systems is soft handover, where the mobile can connect to several

base stations simultaneously. For best performance, the mobile controls its power with respect to

the signal from the base station with the most favorable propagation conditions. Intuitively, the

mobile only increases the power if the TPC commands from all the base stations require it to do

so. When command errors occur, this might lead to unwanted effects. The algorithm of the TPC

command combination in the mobile is not standardized, put some performance requirements are

provided in (3GPP, 2001, document 25.214). The problem is also addressed in Grandell and Salonaho


In the downlink, the mobile combines the signals from the connected base stations. For power

control, all these base stations adjusts its powers according to the received TPC command from the

mobile. Thereby, the relations between the base station powers are maintained. However, the TPC

commands might be interpreted differently in the base stations due to feedback errors, changing the

power level relations. To compensate for this drift, a centralized power balancing is proposed in the

standards, see (3GPP, 2001, document 25.433). It is not fully standardized, and the following should

be seen as replacing equation (10d)

pi(t + 1) = pi(t) + pTPC,i(t) + pbal,i (11)

The base station computes the average transmission power over a time frame pave,i and and computes

the balancing term as

pbal,i = (1 − r)(pref,i − pave,i), (12)

where the adjustment ratio r and the reference power pref,i (possibly individual for each link) are

signaled to the base station by the RNC.

The need for the central controlling node RNC in Figure 4 is evident when considering soft handover.

Since the uplink information is available in two different base stations, the actual quality of the service

can only be evaluated in the RNC. Essentially, the RNC selects the data blocks from the base station

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with the best SIR (selection combining). As noted above, there is a need to balance the transmitter

powers in the downlink to avoid drifting powers. This is also managed by the RNC.

F. Outer Loop

SIR might be well correlated to perceived quality, but it is not possible to set a SIR reference offline,

that results in a specific quality of service in terms of the data rate and the error rate of the connection.

Furthermore, the SIR estimate could be biased. Therefore, the inner control loop is operated in cascade

with an outer loop, which adapts the SIR reference for a specific connection. The exact algorithms are

not standardized, but the interfaces and performance requirements are. In the uplink, the outer loop

is controlled in the RNC and the SIR reference is signalled to the connected base stations. To detect

saturated mobile powers, the base station reports back the SIR error in an event-triggered fashion

when the absolute SIR error exceeds a pre-defined level, i.e.when

|γti(t) − γi(t)| > elim

In the downlink, both the inner and outer loops are contained in the mobile, and the mobile is

essentially only provided with a reference BLER.

IV. Distributed Power Control

This section further discusses control theory aspects of power control, primarily with respect to

the standardized UMTS power control algorithms in Section III, but also relates to more academic


A. Feedback Bandwidth

The feedback signaling bandwidth is limited in real systems. Typically, the communication is re-

stricted to a fixed number k of bits per second. The evident trade-off is between error representation

accuracy and feedback command rate. A single bit error representation allow k feedback commands

per second, while me bits error representation allow k/me commands per second. This comparison is

further explored in (Gunnarsson, 2001).

Different error representations are proposed, for example: single bit (the sign of the error) (Salmasi

and Gilhousen, 1991), k-bit linear quantizer (Sim et al., 1998) and k-bit logarithmic quantizer (Li et al.,

2001). All these correspond to quantizers and decoders in the devices Ri and Di in Figure 3. Note also

that the error representation is related to the command error rate on the feedback channel. Single bit

quantization is primarily used in UMTS as discussed in Section III-B. In the alternative algorithms,

aggregated bits are used to provide better protection error and not to increase the granularity of the


B. Inner Loop Power Control Design

Early work such as (Foschini and Miljanic, 1993) addresses the problem in linear scale based on

iterative methods for eigenvector computations (Fadeev and Fadeeva, 1963). Thereby, it is closely

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related to the global aspects in Section V. In logarithmic scale, this is the special case β = 1 of an

integrating controller

pi(t + 1) = pi(t) + βei(t) (13)

The algorithm proposed in (Yates, 1995) can be interpreted as the controller above with an arbitrary

β. A comparison to Figure 3 yields the following interpretation considering the academic example of

perfect error representation:

R(q) =β

q − 1, ui = pi, Dipi(t − np) = pi(t − np). (14)

This has motivated the alternative linear designs of R(q) as PI-controllers and more general linear

controllers in (Gunnarsson et al., 1999). Perfect error representation results in a linear distributed

control loop with closed loop system Gll(q) and sensitivity S(q) given by

Gll(q) =R(q)

qnp+nm + R(q), S(q) =


qnp+nm + R(q)(15)

In the typical delay situation nRT = 2 and with the integrating controller in (13), this yields

Gll(q) =β

q2 − q + β, S(q) =

q2 − q

q2 − q + β(16)

With the single bit power control command as in Section III-B, the integrating controller becomes

pi(t + 1) = pi(t) + β sign (ei(t)) (17)

The transmitter power is constrained in practice, typically quantized and bounded from above and

below. Grandhi et al. (1995) proposes an algorithm to deal with powers bounded from above. In

log-linear scale it is given by

pi(t + 1) = min pmax, pi(t) + βei(t) (18)

This can be interpreted as one out of many possible anti-reset windup implementations for PI-

controllers (Astrom and Wittenmark, 1997), which thus can be employed to more general transmitter

power constraints.

Time delays are critically limiting the closed-loop performance of any feedback system, and so also

with power control. They therefore have to be considered in the design phase. The time delays are

known and fixed, since the signaling and measurement procedures are standardized, and propagation

delays are negligible (except possibly in satellite communications). For example, the typical delay

situation np = 1 and nm = 0 yields

γi(t) = pi(t − 1) + δi + gii(t) − Ii(t) (19)

Since the delays are exactly known, time delays can be compensated for using the Smith predic-

tor (Astrom and Wittenmark, 1997) as described in (Gunnarsson and Gustafsson, 2001b). Essentially,

it is implemented as a measurement adjustment

γi(t) = γi(t) + pi(t) − pi(t − nm − np) (20)

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The actual power levels are not available in the receiver considering the UMTS algorithm in Section III-

B, but rather the power control commands si. However, since the adjustment is based on the difference

between power levels, it can be employed as:

γi(t) = γi(t) + ∆i



si(t − `) (21)

With the Smith predictor, the closed loop system and the sensitivity becomes

Gll(q) =R(q)

qnp+nm(1 + R(q))(22)

S(q) =qnp+nm

qnp+nm(1 + R(q))(23)

In the typical delay situation nRT = 2 and with the integrating controller in (13), we get

Gll(q) =β

q(q − 1 + β); S(q) =

q(q − 1)

q(q − 1 + β)(24)

The local behavior of the controllers above is illustrated in simplistic simulations in Figure 6a-d. We

note that the disturbance rejection is satisfactory with most controllers. Furthermore, the benefits of

using the Smith predictor are more emphasized with single-bit error representation, see Figure 6c-d.

Roughly the same effect is obtained with linear design, see Figure 6b. This is in line with the results

in (Kristiansson and Lennartsson, 1999).













PSfrag replacements





e i(t


B]e i


B]e i


B]e i



time index

Fig. 6. Local performance of the algorithms (13) in a-b and (17) in c-d subject to the typical delay situation nRT = 2.

a. β = 0.9 b. β = 1 and the Smith predictor (dashed) and β = 0.34 (solid) c. β = 1 d. β = 1 and the Smith predictor.

The Smith predictor might compensate for some dynamical effects, but the controllers still show

delayed reactions to changes in the power gains. One approach to improve the reactions is to predict

the power gain using a model-based approach. Power gain predictions are further studied based

on linear model structures (Choel et al., 1999; Ericsson and Millnert, 1996) and nonlinear model

structures (Ekman and Kubin, 1999; Tanskanen et al., 1998; Zhang and Li, 1997). It is hard to give

a general answer to whether linear or nonlinear models are most appropriate, or whether it is most

suitable to predict g(t) or g(t), since it depends on the fading situation and the controller objectives.

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C. Outer Loop

Reliable communication can be seen as low BLER requirements, which in turn means that it is very

hard to accurately estimate BLER. The errors appear rather seldom and it takes long time before the

BLER estimate is stable. One approach increases the SIR reference significantly when an erroneous

block is discovered, and decreases the SIR reference when an error-free block is received. Niida et al.

(2000) provides experimental results of outer loop power control using this method.

One block comprises many bits. Therefore, it is easier to obtain a good BER estimate. Then the

relation between BER and BLER can be utilized to predict BLER based on BER measurements (Kawai

et al., 1999).

Since the SIR target is computed in the RNC, this algorithm has limited observalibility, for example

of saturated mobile power levels. Therefore is the signaling of high SIR errors from the base station

as described in Section III-F important to allow anti-reset windup implementations in the RNC.

D. Inner Loop Power Control Analysis

Local stability analysis is straightforward when the error representation is ideal, since the local

control loop is all linear. E.g. root locus of the poles to Gll(q) in (15) and (22) can be used to address

local stability (Blom et al., 1998). It is easy to see that time delays make the choice of β in the

I-controller crucial to ensure local stability. For example in the typical delay situation in (16), the

local control loop is stable for β < 1. With the Smith predictor, local stability is improved (24) and

β = 1 yields a dead-beat controller. See also Figure 6a-b.

The single-bit error representation can be seen as relay feedback in a linear system. This explains

the observed oscillatory behavior, which can be approximated by using discrete-time describing func-

tions (Gunnarsson et al., 2001) as outline below:

Assume that there is an oscillation in the power control error by making the N -periodic hypothesis

e(t) = E sin(Ωet) = E sin





where E is the amplitude of the oscillation and Ωe is the normalized angular frequency. Discrete-time

describing function analysis yields the equation of the oscillations as

Yf (E,N)G(ei 2πN ) = −1, (25)

where the discrete-time describing function Yf (E,N) of the relay is obtained as

Yf (E,N, δe) =4

NE sin(


)ei( πN−δe

2πN ), δe ∈ (0, 1) (26)

and the linear part of the closed inner loop system is given by

G(q) =∆i

qnRT−1(q − 1)

On the unit circle G(q) is equal to

G(q)|q=e2πi/N =∆i

2 sin(π/N)e−i(π

2+ π

N+ 2π

N(nRT−1)) (27)

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Defining that only oscillations with even period N are possible (odd N are seen as transissions between

even-period oscillations), these expressions leads to the conclusion that the oscillation period in samples

as N = 4nRT − 2, and the amplitude E = Nβ/4. Hence, the longer the delay, the more emphasized

oscillatory behavior. Since the Smith predictor reduces the round-trip delay to a minimum, such

oscillations are therefore reduced. This is illustrated in Figure 6c-d. Further details are provided in

(Gunnarsson et al., 2001). The relay feedback controller is also locally analyzed in (Song et al., 2001),

where the relay is approximated by a constant and an additive disturbance yielding the same relay

output variance.

E. Downlink Issues

As indicated by the introductory example, downlink power control objectives can be rather different

and specific. The power control objectives depend on the policies of the network operator, and can be

differentiated in terms of service requirements, resource utilization, subscription conditions etc. Revisit

the introductory example in Figure 1. Some natural policies are:

• Aim at equal data rate (γ1(t) ≈ γ2(t)).

• Aim at equal power usage (p1(t) ≈ p2(t)).

• Use all power to transmit to the user with highest power gain (i.e. mobile 1 as indicated by the

figure) to maximize throughput.

• First use power to meet the quality of service requirements of users with more expensive subscriptions.

Use the remainder to low-fare subscription users.

Various downlink power control and resource sharing issues are brought up in (De Bernardi et al.,

2000; Lu and Brodersen, 1999; Song and Holtzman, 1998; Vignali, 2001).

Another problem is uneven traffic distributions that are not supported by the cell layout. In such a

scenario, some cells might be overloaded, while others are under-utilized. The users select base stations

based on measured pilot powers from the different base stations. By controling the pilot powers, the

cells can be made larger or smaller. This is often referred to as cell breathing (Hwang et al., 1997).

V. Global Analysis

For practical reasons, power control algorithms in cellular radio systems are implemented in a

distributed fashion. However, the local loops are inter-connected via the interference between the

loops, which affects the global dynamics as well as the capacity of the system. An important global

issue is whether it is possible to accommodate all users with their service requirements. The power

gains reflect the situation from the transmitters to the receivers, and the results are therefore applicable

to both the uplink and the downlink. To illustrate the sometimes abstract concepts, the two-mobile

example in the uplink from Figure 1 will be used throughout the section. The γ t1 = γt

2 = 0.20 (which

corresponds to a rather high data rate, especially when considering the uplink, but it is chosen to

considerably load the system).

Sufficient conditions on global stability are derived, including the effect of the system load and time


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A. Performance Upper Bounds and Feasibility

The individual target SIR:s and the power gains are considered constant in the global level analysis,

where the latter is motivated by an assumption that the inner loops perfectly meet the provided SIR

reference, and thereby mitigate the fast channel variations:


j 6=i gij pj +(

1 − δi


pigii + νi

= γti , ∀i (28)

Note that values in linear scale are used in this section. The aim is to characterize the system load,

and a few definitions are needed. Introduce the matrices

Γt4= diag(γt

1, . . . , γtm), Z = [zij]







∆4= diag


δ1, . . . , δm


and vectors

p4= [pi] , η = [ηi]







The network itself puts restrictions on the achievable SIR’s, and there exists an upper limit on the

balanced SIR (same SIR to every connection). This is disclosed in the following theorem, neglecting

auto-interference and assuming that the noise can be considered zero.

Theorem 1 (Zander, 1992)

With probability one, there exists a unique maximum achievable SIR in the noiseless case

γ∗ = maxγ0 | ∃ p ≥ 0 : γi ≥ γ0 , ∀i.

Furthermore, the maximum is given by

γ∗ =1

λ∗ − 1,

where λ∗ is the largest real eigenvalue of Z . Note that λ∗ > 1 implies that γ∗ > 0. Moreover, the

optimal power vector p∗ is the eigenvector of λ∗ (i.e. kp∗ for any k ∈ R+ constitute an optimal power


Considering the noise, the following can be concluded:

Theorem 2 (Zander, 1993)

In the noisy case and with no power limitations, there exist power levels that meet the balanced SIR

target γt0 if and only if γt

0 < γ∗.

In the example, we have

Z =


1 1

1 1


, γ∗ = 1 (29)

Since the SIR target γti = 0.20 < γ∗ it is possible to find power levels that meets the requirements of

both users. This is generalized to multiple services below.

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The effects of auto-interference are considered in (Godlewski and Nuaymi, 1999; Gunnarsson, 2000).

The requirements in Equation (28) can be vectorized to

p = Γt



Z − E)p + ∆−1


, (30)

where E is the identity matrix. Solvability of the equation above is related to feasibility of the related

power control problem, defined as:

Definition 1 (Feasibility)

A set of target SIR:s Γt is said to be feasible with respect to a network described by Z, ∆ and η,

if it is possible to assign transmitter powers p so that the requirements in Equation (30) are met.

Analogously, the power control problem(

Z, η, ∆, Γt


is said to be feasible under the same condition.

Otherwise, the target SIR:s and the power control problem are said to be infeasible.

The degree of feasibility is described by the feasibility margin, which is defined below. The concept

has been adopted from Herdtner and Chong (2000), where similar proofs of similar and additional

theorems covering related situations also are provided. Herdtner and Chong used the term feasibility

index RI and omitted auto-interference.

Definition 2 (Feasibility Margin)

Given a power control problem (Z, η, ∆, Γt), the feasibility margin Γm ∈ R+ is defined by

Γm = sup

x ∈ R : xΓt is feasible

A motivation for introducing the name feasibility margin is to stress the similarity to the stability

margin of feedback loops. While Theorems 1 and 2 address the case when all users have the same

service, the feasibility margin describes the situation with multiple services. The following theorem

captures the essentials regarding feasibility margins.

Theorem 3 (Feasibility Margin)

Given a power control problem (Z, η, ∆, Γt), the feasibility margin is obtained as

Γm = 1/µ∗

where µ∗ is

µ∗ = max eig


Z − E)


Moreover, if Γm > 1, the power control problem is feasible, and there exists an optimal power assign-

ment, given by

p =(

E − Γt(∆−1

Z − E))−1



Proof See (Gunnarsson, 2000; Gunnarsson and Gustafsson, 2001a). 2

The power assignment above can of course be seen as a centralized strategy. However, since full

information about the network is required to compile Z it is not plausible in practice. The result

mainly serves as a performance bound.

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The feasibility margin can also be related to the load of the system. When the feasibility margin is

one, the system clearly is fully loaded (only possible when unlimited transmission powers are available).

Conversely, when the feasibility margin is large, the load is low compared to a fully loaded system.

Thus the following load definition is plausible.

Definition 3 (Relative Load)

The relative load Lr of a system is defined by

Lr =1


(= µ∗ in Theorem 3).

Feasibility of the power control problem is thus equal to a system load less than unity. For a more

detailed capacity discussion, see (Hanly, 1999; Zhang and Chong, 2000), where receiver and code

sequence effects also are considered.

In the example we have

Lr =√


t1 = 0.2 < 1 (31)

Again, the power control problem in the example is feasible. It is interesting to note that the unbalanced

situation γt1 = 1.5 and γt

2 = 0.2 also corresponds to a feasible problem (Lr = 0.55) despite the fact

that γt1 > γ∗.

B. Approximative Downlink Capacity

As mentioned in the introduction, some crude planning at network deployment can be employed to

approximate the downlink capacity. This discussion is partly adopted, but reformulated, from (Hiltunen

and De Bernardi, 2000).

Reconsider the SIR expression in equation 9, assume equally ideal receivers (δi) = δ,∀i and the

same orthogonality properties at every receiver (αi = α,∀i), and introduce the inter-intra interference

power ratio Fi as

Fi =

k 6=kiPk(t)gki(t)


. (32)

Then, the downlink SIR at receiver i is given by

γi(t) =δgkii(t)pi(t)

(α + Fi)Pki(t) − αδipi(t))gkii(t) + νi(t)

, (33)

If we suppress the time index t for clarity, solve for pi, assume that mobiles i = 1, . . . ,m1 are connected

to cell 1 and all have the same inter-intra interference power ratio Fi = F , and compute the total base

station power of cell 1 P1 = PC1 +


i=1 pi we obtain

P1 = PC1 + P1

( α

δ+ F





1 − αγi

+ N1

P1 =P c

1 + N1

1 −(


+ F)∑m1



, (34)

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where N1 is a term related to the thermal noises. If we assume that unlimited base station power is

available, the capacity requirement is obtained as




1 − αγi

α + δF(35)

If the base station power is limited by Pmax, and if we neglect the noise term N1, we can rewrite (34)




1 − αγi


α + δF


1 −P c





If one single service is available corresponding to the SIR γ, it is thus possible to maximally the

following number of users

mmax,1 =1 − αγ



α + δF


1 −P c





C. Convergence and Global Stability

The WCDMA algorithm described in Section III-B with single-bit error representation never con-

verges to a fixed point. As disclosed in Section IV-D, the relay feedback and the delays cause an

oscillatory behavior around the reference signal. Instead, it converges to a region characterized by the

following theorem.

Theorem 4

If the power control problem is feasible, the algorithm without and with the Smith predictor (subject

to a round-trip delay of totally nRT = 1+np +nm samples, nRT = 1, 2, . . .) converges to a region where

the SIR error for every connection is bounded (in dB) by

Without Smith: |γti − γi(t)| ≤ 2nRTβ

With Smith: |γti − γi(t)| ≤ (nRT + 1)β

and β is the step size. The results also hold when subject to auto-interference.

Proof The result without the Smith predictor is provided in (Herdtner and Chong, 2000), while the result with the

Smith predictor is from (Gunnarsson, 2000; Gunnarsson and Gustafsson, 2001a). 2

Note that the error bound is tighter when using the Smith predictor, and also when using smaller

β, which can be interpreted as the step-size. There is thus a trade-off between small tracking errors

and fast responses to changes.

VI. Conclusions and Future Work

Power control in the UMTS standard is surveyed, and the power control algorithms are put into

a control theory context to relate to the control nomenclature. With this common framework, it

is natural to address critical properties such as stability and convergence. The ambition with the

extensive citation list is to provide, yet subjective, an overview of central proposals, and pointers to

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interesting open problems. Still many problems remains to be solved, and in short, a subjective list of

interesting problems include

• Quality estimation and prediction. Quality of service is a subjective matter, which is relevant to

map onto more objective quantities. Signal-to-interferences and power gains are commonly used, and

much remains to be done to provide accurate and reliable estimates and predictions thereof.

• Soft handover. Since soft handover is a central part in third generations systems, power control

algorithms have to consider all aspects and situations.

• Downlink power control. The objectives and limitations are very different with the downlink and

the uplink. The operators are eager to fully utilize the investments to provide services, and therefore

complex trade-offs between fairness, throughput, efficiency, policies, services and pricing are prevalent.

VII. Biography

Fredrik Gunnarsson received his PhD degree from Linkopings universitet, Sweden 2000. Cur-

rently, he work on methods for power control field trial evaluation and with higher level radio resource

management for UMTS at Ericsson Research. He also holds a research position at Linkopings uni-

versitet, and is responsible for the telecom projects within the competence center ISIS led by Prof.

Lennart Ljung.

Fredrik Gustafsson is professor of the chair in Communication Systems at Linkopings univer-

sitet. His research interests include adaptive signal processing with telecom, avionic, and automotive



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