06 5-2 Ethics Statement

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  • 7/29/2019 06 5-2 Ethics Statement


    Jeff Brown

    Michelle Pultoraks Class


    July 24, 2013

    Ethics Statement Unit 5 Assignment 2

    As a Class assignment I've been given the task of stating my own Personal view of the ethics of

    Communication in an Intercultural society. After Identifying and analyzing different interpersonal

    Communication styles in various cultures, I've come up with some different impressions of which I was

    not aware of in my own life. I was both a little surprised, but happy to see that I'm naturally kind of a

    sensitive guy when faced with these kind of things. The feelings and impressions that people of other

    cultures have upon being in the presents of a "traditional American," like myself can otherwise be quit the

    issue, if unintentionally left unchecked. I've asked myself, "Can I truly determine right and wrong from

    across cultures and the great divide that show up through life experience? Not even everyone can agree

    on even just the definition ofEthics. To me, its probably fare to define ethics as the moral standards by

    which actions may be judged good or bad, right or wrong. Ethics deals with rightness and wrongness

    specifically in our interaction with others. And like it or not, morality refers to the right or wrong of any

    behavior in and of itself.

    What seems important to a culture in many cases is individualism and / or collectivism. What we

    feel within our own selves compared with all that we have taken into our own selves through the life

    happenings we have experienced. Personally, I believe that "Perception" plays another key role in

    deciding whether or not we can truly bring people together from different cultures. If I met someone new

    from another culture I'd make my best attempt to patiently "perceive" the overall meaning behind any

    ways and or traditions that are different from my own. I also think that the ethical judgments we

    ultimately make are more about the degrees of rightness and wrongness in human behavior

    What emotions expressed that we tolerate, and what feeling we can't get over from someone. Its the

    feeling of being completely offended by someone, whether they meant it or not.

  • 7/29/2019 06 5-2 Ethics Statement


    Jeff Brown

    Michelle Pultoraks Class


    July 24, 2013

    Whether or not we can apply the same ethical dimensions to all cultures, or whether each culture has its

    own standard, remains to be seen, unless of course you have permanently moved to another country.

    In that case you would have no choice but to meld in with all the others.

    Whatever the case for you or me, it doesn't really matter. We are all still left with the choice, or

    even the "burden" of flexing for our attitudes towards our new neighbors that show up in our lives, in

    some cases, unannounced. Be prepared regardless. No excuses now. Youve been told!

    In conclusion, I think it is best we all try these four step towards a better and more peaceful world we all

    live in: Try each day to increase your motivation to always strive for harmony across any intercultural

    divide. Increase your knowledge of self and others around you. Avoid Stereotypes that might find their

    ugly heads up. And finally, just accept people the way they are. It's a good ethic, if not even just a good

    attitude for all.

    Source of some of the material: http://my.ilstu.edu/~jrbaldw/372/Ethics.htm