Ethics (Share) 11-06

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  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06


    ExploringExploringEthics in EMSEthics in EMS

    Chris Le Baudour Chris Le Baudour -- used by permissionused by permission

  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06


    (C) Chris Le Baudour(C) Chris Le Baudour Used by permissionUsed by permission

  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06


    (C) Chris Le Baudour(C) Chris Le Baudour Used by permissionUsed by permission

    Today's GoalToday's GoalTo inspire and prepareTo inspire and prepare

    you to explore the topicyou to explore the topicof ethics in your ownof ethics in your ownclassroom.classroom.

  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06


    (C) Chris Le Baudour(C) Chris Le Baudour Used by permissionUsed by permission


    Define key terms related to ethicsDefine key terms related to ethics

    State at least 3 reasons for exploring ethicsState at least 3 reasons for exploring ethics

    in the EMS classroomin the EMS classroomIdentify your personal core valuesIdentify your personal core values

    Given examples from popular culture identifyGiven examples from popular culture identify

    the ethical dilemmasthe ethical dilemmas

    Identify potential areas of ethical conflict inIdentify potential areas of ethical conflict in

    the EMS classroomthe EMS classroom

  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06


  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06


    (C) Chris Le Baudour(C) Chris Le Baudour Used by permissionUsed by permission

    AnyoneCan TeachAnyoneCan Teach


  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06


    (C) Chris Le Baudour(C) Chris Le Baudour Used by permissionUsed by permission

    In your own words,In your own words,

    define these two terms:define these two terms:



  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06


    (C) Chris Le Baudour(C) Chris Le Baudour Used by permissionUsed by permission

    Some Key TermsSome Key Terms

    EthicsEthics refers to principles that definerefers to principles that definebehavior as right, good and proper.behavior as right, good and proper.

    Making Ethical Decisions, Wes Hanson

    Such principles do not always dictate a singleSuch principles do not always dictate a single

    moral course of action, but provide a means ofmoral course of action, but provide a means of

    evaluating and deciding among competing options.evaluating and deciding among competing options.

  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06


    (C) Chris Le Baudour(C) Chris Le Baudour Used by permissionUsed by permission

    Some Key TermsSome Key Terms

    ValuesValues The inner judgments orThe inner judgments orbeliefs that determine how a personbeliefs that determine how a person

    actually behavesactually behaves

    The terms The terms EthicsEthics and and ValuesValues are are

    NOTNOT interchangeable.interchangeable.

  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06


    (C) Chris Le Baudour(C) Chris Le Baudour Used by permissionUsed by permission

    Lets Boil it Down Some MoreLets Boil it Down Some More

    Ethics =Ethics = BehaviorBehavior

    Values =Values = BeliefsBeliefs

  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06


    (C) Chris Le Baudour(C) Chris Le Baudour Used by permissionUsed by permission

    Why is a discussion regardingWhy is a discussion regarding

    ethics important?ethics important?

    Ethics is an important part of being a goodEthics is an important part of being a goodpersonperson

    Students will be exposed to situationsStudents will be exposed to situationsrequiring ethical decisionsrequiring ethical decisions

    Medical advances are occurring fasterMedical advances are occurring fasterthan policies regarding medical ethicsthan policies regarding medical ethics

  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06


    (C) Chris Le Baudour(C) Chris Le Baudour Used by permissionUsed by permission

    What areWhat areyouryour

    core values?core values?

  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06


  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06


    (C) Chris Le Baudour(C) Chris Le Baudour Used by permissionUsed by permission

    Managing Ethical IssuesManaging Ethical Issues

    in theClassroomin theClassroom

    Know your core valuesKnow your core values

    Model ethical behaviorModel ethical behaviorBe fair and consistentBe fair and consistent

    Challenge students to define their valuesChallenge students to define their values

    Encourage ethical discussionsEncourage ethical discussionsDevelop personal and class missionDevelop personal and class missionstatementsstatements

  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06


    (C) Chris Le Baudour(C) Chris Le Baudour Used by permissionUsed by permission

    Share Your Most RecentShare Your Most Recent

    Ethical DilemmaEthical Dilemma

  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06


    (C) Chris Le Baudour(C) Chris Le Baudour Used by permissionUsed by permission

    Students chose these valuesStudents chose these values










  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06


    (C) Chris Le Baudour(C) Chris Le Baudour Used by permissionUsed by permission

  • 8/6/2019 Ethics (Share) 11-06
