0331 Exercise, Transfer & Mobility

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  • 8/19/2019 0331 Exercise, Transfer & Mobility


    Exercise, Transfers &


  • 8/19/2019 0331 Exercise, Transfer & Mobility



    Mobility refers to a person’s ability to move about freely.

    Immobility refers to a person’s inability to move about freely.

    Mobility & immobility are the endpoints of a continuum with manydegrees of partial immobility in between.

      mobility immobility

    ome clients move bac! and forth, some clients remain absolute.

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     Ability to Move

    The ability to move & function is a function most people ta!e for granted.

    The level of mobility has a significant impact on an ind.’s physiological,

    psychosocial, & developmental well"being #$amilton & %yon, ''().

    *hen there is an alteration in mobility, many body systems are at ris! for


    " +ardiovascular functioning  –  orthostatic hypotension

    " ulmonary complications  –  pneumonia

    - romote s!in brea!down, muscle atrophy etc

    uch changes can lead to altered self"concept & lowered self"


  • 8/19/2019 0331 Exercise, Transfer & Mobility


    Medical +onditions that can

     Alter Mobility


    0eurological conditions  –  spinal cord in1ury, head in1ury

    2egenerative neurological conditions  –  Myasthenia

    gravis, $untington’s chorea

  • 8/19/2019 0331 Exercise, Transfer & Mobility


    0ursing Measures

     Attempt to maintain and/or restore optimal mobility as well as to decreasethe ha3ards assoc. with immobility.

    " Muscle & 1oint exercises

    " re4uent repositioning – 

     4 5 hrs" luid inta!e/fiber inta!e

    6uidelines7" +hec! activity order 

    " 8now client’s past medical history & limitations" 9aseline vital signs are necessary

    " 9ecome familiar with assistive devices

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    Ma1or concern during transfer : afety of

    both the client and the nurse

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    ;ange of Motion Exercise


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    Two urposes of ;

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    +ontraindications to ;

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    erform Exercises in $ead to

    Toe ormat

    tart with the head and move down, always do bilaterally

    2o not grasp the 1oint directly

    +up the 1oint gently #prevents pressure)

    2o not grasp fingernail or toenail

    Important 1oints  –  thumb, hip, !nee, an!le

    ;eturn to correct anatomic position

    Move 1oint through movement ( times/session

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    tart at the 0ec! & p. ?@

    Neck Flexion  –  look @ the toes

    Extension  –  look straight ahead

    Hyperextension  –  look up @ ceiling

    Lateral fexion  –  look straight ahead, tilt head to shoulder

    Shoulder Flexion  –  raise arm orward o!erhead

    Extension  –  return arm to side o "ody

    #"duction  –  raise arm to side to position a"o!e head withpalm away rom head$

    #dduction  –  return arm "ring across chest

    %nternal rotation  –  el"ow fexed, rotate the shoulder "ymo!ing arm til thum" is turned inward toward the "ack&'ngers to the foor(

    External rotation  –  el"ow fexed, mo!e arm until thum" isupward lateral to head$ &'ngers point up(

    )ircumduction  –  mo!e arm in ull circle &arm straight out,mo!e hand as i to draw a circle$

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    El"ow Flexion  –  "end el"ow

    Extension  –  straighten el"ow

    Hyperextension  –  "end lower arm "ack as ar aspossi"le

    Forearm Supination  –  turn lower hand so palm is up

    *ronation + turn lower hand so palm is down

    rist Flexion  –  "end wrist orward

    Extension –  straighten wrist &'ngers, wrist arm insame plane(

    Hyperextension  –  "ring dorsal surace o hand asar "ack as possi"le

    #"duction &radial fexion(  –  "ring wrist mediallytowards the thum"

    #dduction &ulnar fexion(  –  "end wrist laterallyth

  • 8/19/2019 0331 Exercise, Transfer & Mobility


    ingers & Thumb

    Fingers thum"

    Flexion  –  "end 'ngers thum" into palm make a'st

    Extension  –  straighten 'ngers thum"

    Hyperextension  –  "end 'ngers as ar "ack as

    possi"le#"duction  –  spread 'ngers apart . extend thum"laterally

    #dduction  –  "ring 'ngers together. thum" "ackto hand

    )ircumduction –  mo!e 'nger.thum" in circular


    /pposition  –  touch thum" to each 'nger o samehand

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    Hip Flexion  –  mo!e leg orward &0/1 23+453 deg(Extension  –  mo!e leg "ack "eside other leg

    Hyperextension  –  mo!e leg "ackwards &0/163+-3 deg(

    #"duction  –  mo!e leg laterally away rom "ody&0/1 63+-3 deg(

    #dduction  –  mo!e leg "ack to medial position "eyond i possi"le &0/1 63+-3 deg(

    7nee Flexion  –  "ring heel toward "ack o thigh &453+463 deg(

    Extension  –  return leg to foor

  • 8/19/2019 0331 Exercise, Transfer & Mobility



    #nkle 8orsifexion  –  mo!e oot so toes are pointed upward*lantarfexion  –  mo!e oot so toes are pointeddownward

    Foot %n!ersion  –  turn sole o oot medially &0/1 43 deg(E!ersion  –  turn sole o oot laterally &0/1 43 deg(

    Flexion  –  curl toes downward &0/1 63+93 deg(

    Extension  –  straighten toes &0/1 63+93 deg(

    #"duction  –  spread toes apart

    #dduction  –  "ring toes together

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    Spine Flexion  –  when standing  –  "end orward romthe waist

    Extension  –  straighten up

    Hyperextension – 

     "end "ackwardLateral fexion  –  "end to the side

    0otation  –  twist rom the waist

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    Types of ;

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    Isometric/Isotonic Exercises

    In addition to ;

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     Applying Antiembolism toc!ings

    #Elastic) & p. ?=5

    Thromobophlebitis  –  the development of a thrombus or clot

    along with the inflammation of the vein & may be classified as

    superficial or deep.

    Three elements contribute to the development of a clot.

    . $ypercoagulability of the bld  –  clotting disorders,

    dehydration, pregnancy & st B wee!s postpartum if the

    woman was confined to bed, oral contraceptives.

    5. Cenous wall damage  –  local trauma, orthopedic

    surgeries, ma1or abdominal surgery, varicose veins,


    @. 9lood stasis  –  immobility, obesity, pregnancy

  • 8/19/2019 0331 Exercise, Transfer & Mobility


     Antiembolism stoc!ings

    romote venous return by maintaining

    pressure on superficial veins to prevent venous


    revent passive dilation of veins

     Application of antiembolism stoc!ings #refer top. ?=( &)

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  • 8/19/2019 0331 Exercise, Transfer & Mobility


    Therapeutic ositions

    +hair  –  feet flat on floor, footrest if unable to reach floor, !nees & hipsflexed '" degrees. 9uttoc!s at bac! of the chair, spine straight, pillowsat side to prevent leaning.

    owlers  –  supine, $

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    Therapeutic positions cont.

    %ithotomy  –  supine flex both !nees so that feetare close to hips, separate legs, feet in stirrups.tili3ed for perineal & vaginal examinations

    Trendelenburg  –  supine, entire bed frame tilteddown with head @ deg below hori3ontal.

    " ostural drainage

    " Increase venous return in case of shoc!

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    ositions and ses

    2orsal #supine)7

    F lace patient on bac! with head and shoulders are slightly elevated.

      F sed for physical assessment , to provide comfort , & change position.

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    ositions and ses

    2orsal recumbent7

      F lace patient on bac!, legs flexed and slightly rotated outward

      Fsed for pelvic examination, female catheteri3ation, perinal care

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    ositions and ses

    emi"fowlerGs position7

      F itting position with or without positioning pillow at head =("B

    degree. used for eating and facilitate breathing.

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    ositions and ses

    $igh fowlerGs position7

      F$ead & trun! are raised B"' degrees, used for some people

    with heart problems or having difficulty breathing.

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    ositions and ses

    rone position7

      F %ying flat on the abdomen, arm flexed toward head, & head

    turned to one side. seful for some unconscious patients.


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    9enefits of roper ositioning

    Maintains body alignment & comfort

    revents in1ury to musculos!eletal system, prevents


    rovides sensory, motor & cognitive stimulation

    revents pressure sore #decubitus ulcer) & 1oint


  • 8/19/2019 0331 Exercise, Transfer & Mobility



    Transferring is a nursing s!ill that helps the client with restricted

    mobility attain/maintain mobility & independence.

    9enefits of transfers

    " Maintains & improves 1oint motion

    " Increases strength

    " romotes circulation

    " ;elieves pressure on the s!in

    " Improves urinary/respiratory function" Increases social activity

    " Increased mental stimulation

  • 8/19/2019 0331 Exercise, Transfer & Mobility


    Transfers " afety

    afety is a ma1or concern when transferring. alls are a commonha3ard. If a patient starts to fall  –  do not try to stop the fall, insteadassist the patient to the floor while protecting the head from in1ury.This will reduce the ris! of patient as well as staff in1ury.

    +omplete a thorough nursing assessment before you move thepatient to determine if she/he has suffered any in1uries.

    revention of in1ury is the !ey, be aware of the client’s motordeficit, ability to support their body weight and use effective bodymechanics & lifting techni4ues.

    *hen in doubt regarding the patient’s ability"6ET AITA0+E

  • 8/19/2019 0331 Exercise, Transfer & Mobility


    0ursing rocess " Transfers

    #ssessment #cti!ity orders

    )lient capa"ilities

    *lanning 8ecide appropriate transer techni:ue

    Explain procedure to the patient

    %mplementation ash hands

    *osition chair ;- deg angle to "ed on clients strongerside

    Lock "ed "rakes, lower "ed, raise H/< as high aspatient tolerates

    Lower side rail

    #ssist to sitting &lit upper "ody swing legs around(

    #ssist with ro"e slippers

    *osition eet on foor

     =ake wide stance, "end knees, grasp patient

     “4 5 6 stand”

    *i!ot to chair

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    0ursing rocess #cont.)


    Of note:

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    +lients who have been immobile even for a short time may re4uire


     A client may re4uire the use of an assistive device to aid in


     Assistive devices

    " Increase stability

    " upport a wea! extremity" ;educe the load on weight bearing structures> hip, !nees

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     Assisting the patient

    imple assist. lace arm near patient under the arm & at the elbow &

    grasp pt’s hand, synchroni3e wal!ing with the pt #moveinside foot forward at same time as pt’s inside foot)

    5. 6rasp pt’s left hand in nurses

    ’ left hand & encircle pt

    ’s waistwith the rt hand & synchroni3e wal!ing as above

    @. sing a transfer belt #held at the waist from the rear by thebelt  –  helps maintain balance)

    0urse to stand on the pt’s wea! side. The nurse provides

    support with his/her leg to the pt’s wea!ened one if necessary.2o not allow the pt. to place their arm around your shoulder.

    *al! slowly, even gait, synchroni3e your steps.

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    $elps maintain balance by widening the base of support increases a pt’ssecurity.

    hould be held on stronger side

    " hould have rubber tip  –  prevent slipping

    " $eight #from greater trochanter to the floor allowing ("@ deg of elbowflexion.

    6ait  –  place cane B" inches ahead, move affected leg ahead tocane, place weight on affected leg and cane, move unaffected legahead of cane.

    tand from sitting" +ane in hand opposite affected leg, grasp arm of chair & cane in other,

    push to stand, gain balance

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    *ide base of support, provides great stability &security. sed for clients who are wea! or whohas problems with balance.

    " atient should have at least one weight bearing leg andarm

    " ic! up wal!er is more stable, wal!er with wheels easierfor pt’s who have difficulty with lifting or balance, however

    can roll forward when weight is applied." $eight  –  upper bar of wal!er should be slightly below the

    client’s waist with arms flexed ("@ deg

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    *al!er #cont.)

    To stand  –  wal!er in front of seat, push up off arms ofchair #wal!er is less stable, chair is lower pt. can pushwith more force. $ands move to wal!er one at a time.

    To sit  –  bac! up to chair, reach bac! with one arm toarm of chair, then with the other arm and lower to chair.

    6ait  –  wal!er ahead B"? inches, weight on arms. artialweight on affected leg first.

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    *ooden or metal staff that reaches from the ground to

    /5  –  5 inches below the axilla. *hen standing tip of

    crutch rests ="B inches in front & ="B inches to side of


    2o not rest on top of crutches  –  pressure on axilla

    nerves  –  can lead to paralysis called crutch paralysis

    #numbness, tingling, muscle wea!ness)

  • 8/19/2019 0331 Exercise, Transfer & Mobility


    +rutches #cont.) & p.?('

    @ point gait  –  able to wt. bear on one foot, full wt. on

    unaffected leg then on both crutches  –  begin in tripod

    position, move crutches & affected leg ahead, move

    stronger leg forward and repeat.

    = point gait  –  #most stable crutch wal!) weight on both

    legs and both crutches  –  muscular wea!ness,

    improves balance by providing a wide base of support,lac! of coordination, move each independently  –  rt

    crutch"lt foot"lt crutch"rt leg

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     Assisting with Ambulation

     Assistive 2evices

    "+anes "+rutches "*al!ers