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 TUIHILLCRESTThe English School that takes you to the next level! 

1807 Robinson Ave, Suite 201, San Diego, CA 92103 | 1(619) 291 3304 | [email protected] | www.tuihillcrest.co

Everyday Dialogues

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.


Ruth:   Iʼm out of sugar and flour. Iʼm going to the

grocery store. Can I get anything for you?

Anna:  Uh, let me think. I need some bread.

Ruth:  How much do you want?

Anna: Iʼd like two loaves.

Ruth:  Do you need anything else?

Anna: No. I think thatʼs all. Do you want me to pay

you now?

Ruth:  No. Thatʼs okay. You can pay me when I get


Anna: Okay. Thanks. See you later.

Ruth:   Bye.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions and words in

the fields below.

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Everyday DialoguesMaking a Grocery Lis

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turnsbeing each character. Practice your intonation and


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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Iʼm out of sugar and flour.

I donʼt have any sugar or flour.

I need some sugar and flour.

Iʼd like two loaves.

I need two dozen.

one jar.

one tube.

three bars.

two small cans.one box.

one large bottle.

Can I get anything for you?

Do you need anything?

Would you like me to pick up anything for you?

I need some bread.

Iʼm out of bread.

I donʼt have any bread.

Iʼd like some bread.  

Could you get me some bread?

How much do you want?

How much do you need?

How much should I get?

a. tuna

b. peanut butter

c. dish detergent

d. cereal

e. eggsf. toothpaste

g. soap

h. bread

I need some bread.

some eggs.

some peanut butter.

some toothpaste.

some soap.

some tuna.

some cereal.

some dish detergent.

Everyday DialoguesMaking a Grocery Lis

2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substituting the different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

Do you need anything else? No. I think thatʼs all.

Is that everything? thatʼs everything.

Is that all? thatʼs it.

Do you want me to pay you now?

Should I pay you now?

Should I give you the money now?

No. Thatʼs okay. You can pay me when

I get back.

No. Thatʼs fine. You can pay me later.

Iʼll get it later.

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Ruth: _________________________________________________________________ sugar

and flour. Iʼm going to the grocery store. ___________________________________


Anna: Uh, ________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

Ruth: How much do you want?

Anna: ___________________________________________________________________


Ruth ___________________________________________________________________?

Anna: No. I think __________________________________________________________


Ruth: No. _______________________________. _______________________________


Anna: Okay. Thanks. See you later.

Ruth: Bye.

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with appropriate expressions.

Everyday DialoguesMaking a Grocery Lis

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice thedialogue and present it to your class.

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.


Andrea: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the

post office?

Man on the street:   No, Iʼm sorry. I donʼt know. Iʼm from

out of town.

(a minute later)

Andrea: Excuse me. Do you know where the post office


Second Man:  Sure. Itʼs not far from here. Walk straight

ahead until you get to Main street. Then…

Andrea:  Sorry to interrupt you. How many blocks is that?

Second Man:  Itʼs about two or three blocks. Itʼs the first

traffic light you come to. When you get to Main Street, turn

right and walk one block to Broadway. Then turn left and go

about half a block.

Andrea: Which side of the street is it on?

Second Man:  Coming from this direction, itʼll be on your

right side. Itʼs in the middle of the block, next to the

Sweets Ice Cream Shop. You canʼt miss it. Do you want

me to repeat any of that?

Andrea:  No. thatʼs okay. Iʼve got it. Thanks a lot.

Second Man:  Youʼre welcome.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions and words inthe fields below.

New Words List ✎

Everyday DialoguesAsking for Directions

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turnsbeing each character. Practice your intonation and


2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substitutingthe different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

Can you tell me how to get to the post office?

Can you tell me where the post office is?Do you know where the post office is?

  the museum

the theater... continued on the next page 

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

How do I get to the bank?

to the zoo

to the school  to the train station

2. Practice - continued ☑

Walk straight ahead until you get to Main Street.

Walk down the street…Walk three blocks…

Walk up the block…Keep walking in this direction until…

Iʼm sorry. I donʼt know. Iʼm from out of town.

Iʼm afraid not. I donʼt live here. Iʼm just a visitor.

Iʼm afraid I can

ʼt. I really don

ʼt know the city very well.

Sure. Itʼs not far from here.

Yes. Itʼs quite close to here.Itʼs only about a ten minute walk from here.

How many blocks is that? Itʼs about two or three blocks.

How far is that? Itʼs about a five minute walk.

Itʼs the first traffic light you come to.  Turn right.

Itʼs the second intersection you come to.

Turn left.

Itʼll be on your right side.

Itʼs on your left.

Itʼs in the middle of the block.

Itʼs at the end of the block.

Itʼs on the corner.

Itʼs next to the Sweets Ice Cream Shop.

Itʼs beside the bank.

Itʼs between the pharmacy and the bank.Itʼs across the street from a big church.

You canʼt miss it.

Itʼs easy to find.

Do you want me to repeat any of that? No. Thatʼs okay. Iʼve got it.

Is that clear? Itʼs okay. I understand.Do you understand? Yes. Itʼs very clear.

3. Review ✎

In the space below, draw a neighborhood map with streets and avenues. Include several buildings such as abank, post office, grocery store, pharmacy, school, beauty salon, restaurant, gas station, etc. Then work with a

partner and practice giving directions to different locations. Use the following expressions: walk along, turn right,turn left, go two blocks, it ̓   s on the corner, it ̓   s beside, it ̓   s next to, it ̓   s in the middle of the block, it ̓   s on the corner,

it ̓   s across the street from , etc.

Everyday DialoguesAsking for Directions

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Andrea: Excuse me. _________________________________ the post office?

Man on the street: No. ____________________________________________________

(a minute later)

Andrea: Excuse me. __________________________________ post office is?

Second Man: Sure. Itʼs ________________________________________________


_____________________________________________ Main Street.

Andrea:   _______________________________________________________ ?

Second Man: Itʼs about two or three blocks. Itʼs the first ___________ you come to. When you get to

Main Street, _____________________________________________



Andrea: Which side of the street is it on?

Second Man: Coming from this direction, _______________________ _________side. Itʼs

___________________________of the block, ___________________________ the

Sweets Ice Cream Shop. ____________________________________



Andrea: No. Thatʼs okay._________________________________. Thanks a lot.

Second Man: Youʼre welcome.

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with appropriate expressions.

Everyday DialoguesAsking for Directions

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from

page 2. Then practice the dialogue and present it to your class.

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

 Customer:   Weʼd like a table for four, please.

Hostess: Do you have a reservation?

Customer:  No, we donʼt.

Hostess: Iʼm afraid there will be about a ten or fifteen

minute wait.

Customer:  Thatʼs okay.

Hostess:  Would you like smoking or non-smoking?

Customer:  Non-smoking, please.

Hostess: And would you prefer a table or a booth?

Customer:  It doesnʼt matter.

Hostess:  Would you rather sit inside or on the patio?

Customer:  The patio would be nice

Hostess: Okay. Iʼll take your name and call you when the

table is ready.

Customer:   Itʼs Montague.

Hostess:  Could you spell that please?

Customer:   M O N T A G U E. Could we look at some

menus while weʼre waiting

Hostess:  Certainly. Here you are.

Customer:   Thank you.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions and words inthe fields below.

New Words List ✎

Everyday DialoguesAt a Restauran

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turnsbeing each character. Practice your intonation and


2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substitutingthe different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

Weʼd like a table for four, please.

Do you have a table for four?

Is there a table for four available? ...continued on the next page 

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Do you have a reservation?

Have you got a reservation?

Did you make a reservation?

2. Practice - continued ☑

Would you rather sit inside or on the patio?

Would you prefer to sit inside or on the patio?

Would you like to sit inside or on the patio?

No, we donʼt.

No, we didnʼt.

Iʼm afraid there will be about a ten or fifteen minute wait.

Iʼm sorry, but you may have to wait about ten or fifteen


It doesnʼt matter.

We donʼt care.

Itʼs not important.

Thatʼs okay.

Thatʼs fine.

No problem.

Would you prefer a table or a booth?

Would you like a table or a booth?

Would you rather have a table or a booth?

Iʼll take your name.

Iʼll write your name down.

Can you please give me your name.

Iʼll call you when the table is ready.

Iʼll call you when the table is available.

Iʼll call you when you can sit down.

Could you spell that please?

Could you spell your name for me please?

How do you spell your name?

Certainly. Here you are.

Of course. Here you go.

Sure. Have a look at these

Could we look at some menus while weʼre waiting?

May we look over the menu before we sit down?

Everyday DialoguesAt a Restauran

Would you like smoking or non-smoking?

Would you prefer smoking or non-smoking?

Would you rather have smoking or non-smoking?

The patio would be nice.

Weʼd prefer the patio.

Weʼd like the patio.

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Customer: _________________________________________________ for four.

Hostess: _______________________________________________________?

Customer: No, ____________________________________________________.

Hostess: _______________________________________________________


Customer: _______________________________________________________.

Hostess: _______________________________________________________

smoking or non-smoking?

Customer: Non-smoking, please.

Hostess: __________________________________________________a table

or a booth?

Customer: _______________________________________________________.

Hostess: ________________________________________________sit inside

or on the patio?

Customer: _______________________________________________________

Hostess: Okay. __________________________________________________

and call you when the table is _______________________________.

Customer: Itʼs ____________________________________________________.

Hostess: ___________________________________________________spell


Customer: _______________________________________________________.



Hostess: ________________________________________ . Here you are.

Customer: Thank you.

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with appropriate expressions.

Everyday DialoguesAt a Restauran

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice the

dialogue and present it to your class.

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.


Dr. Barnes:  Good morning, Mr. Perez. How are you

feeling today?

 Mr. Perez:  I have a bad sore throat.

 Dr. Barnes:   When did it start?

 Mr. Perez: Three days ago.

 Dr. Barnes:  Do you have any other symptoms?

 Mr. Perez:  I have a slight fever.

 Dr. Barnes:  Okay. Iʼll have a look at your throat. Iʼm

going to give you a prescription for an antibiotic.

 Mr. Perez: How often should I take it?

 Dr. Barnes:  Take a pill three times a day for seven

days. Youʼll probably start to feel better in a couple of


 Mr. Perez: Thank you, Doctor Barnes.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions and words inthe fields below.

New Words List ✎

Everyday DialoguesAt the Doctor’s

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turnsbeing each character. Practice your intonation and


2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substituting

the different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

How are you feeling today?What seems to be the problem?

Whatʼs bothering you?

Whatʼs the matter?

...continued on the next page 

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

I have a bad sore throat.

I have a terrible cough.

I have a migraine headache.

I have a stomach-ache.

I have a rash on my arm.

I have a slight fever.

It hurts when I swallow.

I have a bad cold.

I feel nauseated.

I am vomiting.

Itʼs very itchy.

I have the chills.

Everyday DialoguesAt the Doctor’s

2. Practice - continued ☑

When did it start?

How long have you had it?

How long has it been bothering you?

Three days ago.

It started last week.

Since Monday.

About three days.

Do you have any other symptoms?

Does anything else hurt?

Is anything else bothering you?

Iʼll have a look at your throat.

Let me look at your arm.

Iʼll examine your ears.

Iʼm going to give you a prescription for an


Iʼll write you a prescription for some cough syrup.

Hereʼs a prescription for a pain killer.

Hereʼs a prescription for an ointment.

Take a pill three times a day for seven days.

Take the cough syrup before bedtime every night for a


Use these drops twice a day for ten days.

Apply the cream to your rash twice a day until it


Youʼll probably start to feel better in a couple of days.

Youʼll probably start to feel better by the end of the week.

Youʼll probably start to feel better by three or four days.

It will probably clear up in a few days.

a. sore chest

b. canʼt swallow

c. canʼt walk

d. purple skin

e. canʼt bend

f. red, itchy skin

g. sneezing

h. vomiting

i. fever and chills

 j. bleeding

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Everyday DialoguesAt the Doctor’s

Doctor: Good morning,________________, ________________________


Patient: I have ________________________________________________

Doctor: _________________________________________________________________


_________________________________________________________________Doctor: Is anything else bothering you?

Patient: _________________________________________________________________


Doctor: Iʼll have a look at _______________________________________.

Hereʼs a prescription ________________________________________________


Patient: _________________________________________________________________

Doctor: _________________________________________________________________




Patient: _________________________________________________________________


4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with appropriate expressions.

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice the

dialogue and present it to your class.

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.


Customer:   Iʼd like to have this prescription filled


Pharmacist:  Have you taken this medicine before?

Customer:  No I havenʼt.

Pharmacist: You have to take one pill three times a

day for seven days.

Customer:  Are there any side effects?

Pharmacist: Yes. You may feel drowsy.

Customer:  What about precautions?

Pharmacist:  Donʼt drive when you take this


Customer:  When will the prescription be ready?

Pharmacist:  You can pick it up about three oʼclock.

Customer:   Okay. Thank you. See you later.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions and words inthe fields below.

New Words List ✎

Everyday DialoguesAt the Pharmacy

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turnsbeing each character. Practice your intonation and


2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substituting

the different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

Iʼd like to have this prescription filled please.

Could you please fill this prescription for me.

I need to have a prescription filled.

...continued on the next page 

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

You have to take one pill a day for seven days.

Youʼve got to take one tablet with each meal.

You should take two teaspoons before bedtime.

You need to apply the ointment daily.

2. Practice - continued ☑

You can pick it up about three oʼclock.

It will be ready this afternoon.

You can get it later today.

Are there any side effects?

Will there be any side effects?

Will I feel any side effects?

You may feel drowsy.

You may feel sleepy.You may get a headache.

You might feel dizzy.

You could feel a little nauseated.

When will the prescription be ready?

When can I pick it up?

When will it be filled?

a. feeling like you have to vomit

b. a kind of medicine used on skin

c. be more than

d. a mother giving her milk to her baby

e. suggested

f. sleepy

g. expecting a baby

h. amount of medicine to take

i. feeling like everything is turning

 j. taking care so something bad doesnʼt happen

Everyday DialoguesAt the Pharmacy

Donʼt drive when you take this medicine.

You shouldnʼt drink alcohol when you take this medicine.

Donʼt take this if you are pregnant or nursing a baby.

Donʼt exceed the recommended dosage.

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Customer: __________________________________________________________filled please.

Pharmacist: ___________________________________________________________________?

Customer: No I havenʼt.

Pharmacist: You should take ______________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________.Customer: _____________________________________________?

Pharmacist: Yes. You may feel_______________________________.

Customer: What about____________________________________?

Pharmacist: ___________________________________________________________________

  _____________________________________________ .

Customer: When ______________________________________________________________

  _____________________________________________ ?

Pharmacist: ___________________________________________________________________


Customer: ___________________________________________________________________

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with appropriate expressions.

Everyday DialoguesAt the Pharmacy

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice thedialogue and present it to your class.

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.


Postal Clerk:   Can I help you?

Customer:  Yes. Iʼd like to send this package to Toronto,


Postal Clerk:   How would you like to send it?

Customer: How much will it be by airmail?

Postal Clerk:   Let me weigh it and check.

(a minute later) Itʼll be $18.50.

Customer: How long will it take to get there?

Postal Clerk:  It should take about four or five business days.

Customer: Okay, Iʼll send it by air.

Postal Clerk:   Please fill out this customs declaration form. The

postage includes $100 insurance. Would you like to buy any extra


Customer: No thanks. Thatʼs enough.

Postal Clerk:  You forgot to put your return address on theparcel.

Customer: Oh, thanks. Iʼll do that now.

Postal Clerk:   Is there anything else youʼd like?

Customer: Yes. Iʼd like to buy a package of 25 stamps. 

Postal Clerk:  Okay. Here you are. The total bill for the parcel and

the stamps is $28.50.

Customer: Okay. Here you go.

Postal Clerk:  Thank you. Hereʼs your receipt. Your trackingnumber is on the receipt.

Customer: Thanks. Oh, by the way. Where is the mail slot? I

have some stamped letters to mail.

Postal Clerk:   Just below the counter. Have a nice day.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions andwords in the fields below.

New Words List ✎

Everyday DialoguesAt the Post Office

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turns beingeach character. Practice your intonation and pronunciation.

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Can I help you?

May I help you?

How can I help you?

It should take about four or five days. 

It will probably take about four or five days.

IIt will be delivered in about four or five days.

How much will it be by airmail?

by parcel post?

  by ground transportation?

by special delivery?

by express delivery?

by registered mail?

by overnight delivery? by priority service?

Let me weigh it and check.

Let me see.  

Letʼs see.  

Iʼll check.

2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substituting the different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

Itʼll be $18.50.

That will be $18.50.That will cost $18.50.That comes to $18.50.

You forgot to put your return address on the parcel.

You forgot to write the zip code.You forgot to include the postal code.

Where is the mail slot? Just below the counter.

Can you tell me where the mail box is? Right outside the door.

Here you are.

Here it is

Here they are.

Here you go.

Is there anything else youʼd like?

Would you like anything else?

Can I get you anything else?

Is there anything else I can do for you?

Everyday DialoguesAt the Post Office

Iʼd like to send this package.

Iʼd like to send this parcel.

I want to mail this letter.

How would you like to send it?

How do you want to mail it?

Yes, Iʼd like to buy a package of stamps.

Iʼd like to purchase a money order.

I want a change of address form.

Iʼd like to have my mail held for two weeks.

Iʼd like to send a registered letter.

Iʼd like to buy some packing boxes, string and tape.

I need some padded envelopes.

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3. Expand Your Vocabulary ✎

A. Odd One Out - Underline the word or expression in each group that does not belong and explain why.

1. postal carrier, mail slot, mail man, letter carrier

2. zip code, return address, postal code, registered delivery

3. stamp, post mark, mail slot, address

4. string, mail box, tape, package

5. express, priority, stamp, airmail

6. postcard, letter, parcel, mail slot

B. Fill in the Blanks in the following sentences with the correct word from the dialogue or practice section

of the lesson.

1. A fast way to send a letter is by __________________________________.

2. If you send something very valuable, you should buy _________________________.

3. If you want the person who will receive the letter or package to sign for it, you can send it by

___________________ mail.

4. If a parcel you send gets lost in the mail, the ________________ number on your receipt will help locate it.

5. If you want to send money safely through the mail, you should purchase a _______________________.

Everyday DialoguesAt the Post Office

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Postal Clerk: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes. ________________________________________ this package to


Postal Clerk: How ____________________________________________________?

Customer: How much will it be ________________________________________?

Postal Clerk: ________________________________________________________.

(a minute later) ________________________________________________________.

Customer: How long will it take to get there?

Postal Clerk: ________________________________________________________.

Customer: Okay, Iʼll send it ___________________________________________.

Postal clerk: Please fill out this _____________________________________ form.

The postage includes $100 insurance. Would you like to buy any extra insurance?

Customer: No thanks. Thatʼs enough.

Postal Clerk: You forgot to ______________________________________________.

Customer: Oh, thanks. Iʼll do that now.

Postal Clerk: Is there anything else ______________________________________?

Customer: Yes. ____________________________________________________.

Postal Clerk: Okay. ___________________________________________________


Customer: Okay. Here you go.

Postal Clerk: Thank you. ______________________________________________


Customer: Thanks. Oh, by the way. ____________________________________?

I have some stamped letters to mail.

Postal Clerk: ________________________________________________________.

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with the appropriate expressions.

Everyday DialoguesAt the Post Office

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice thedialogue and present it to your class.

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Postal Clerk:   Can I help you?

Customer:  Yes. Iʼd like to send this package to Toronto,


Postal Clerk:   How would you like to send it?

Customer: How much will it be by airmail?

Postal Clerk:   Let me weigh it and check.

(a minute later) Itʼll be $18.50.

Customer: How long will it take to get there?

Postal Clerk:  It should take about four or five business days.

Customer: Okay, Iʼll send it by air.

Postal Clerk:   Please fill out this customs declaration form. The

postage includes $100 insurance. Would you like to buy any extra


Customer: No thanks. Thatʼs enough.

Postal Clerk:  You forgot to put your return address on theparcel.

Customer: Oh, thanks. Iʼll do that now.

Postal Clerk:   Is there anything else youʼd like?

Customer: Yes. Iʼd like to buy a package of 25 stamps. 

Postal Clerk:  Okay. Here you are. The total bill for the parcel and

the stamps is $28.50.

Customer: Okay. Here you go.

Postal Clerk:  Thank you. Hereʼs your receipt. Your trackingnumber is on the receipt.

Customer: Thanks. Oh, by the way. Where is the mail slot? I

have some stamped letters to mail.

Postal Clerk:   Just below the counter. Have a nice day.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions andwords in the fields below.

New Words List ✎

Everyday DialoguesAt the Post Office

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turns beingeach character. Practice your intonation and pronunciation.

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Can I help you?

May I help you?

How can I help you?

It should take about four or five days. 

It will probably take about four or five days.

IIt will be delivered in about four or five days.

How much will it be by airmail?

by parcel post?

  by ground transportation?

by special delivery?

by express delivery?

by registered mail?

by overnight delivery? by priority service?

Let me weigh it and check.

Let me see.  

Letʼs see.  

Iʼll check.

2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substituting the different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

Itʼll be $18.50.

That will be $18.50.That will cost $18.50.That comes to $18.50.

You forgot to put your return address on the parcel.

You forgot to write the zip code.You forgot to include the postal code.

Where is the mail slot? Just below the counter.

Can you tell me where the mail box is? Right outside the door.

Here you are.

Here it is

Here they are.

Here you go.

Is there anything else youʼd like?

Would you like anything else?

Can I get you anything else?

Is there anything else I can do for you?

Everyday DialoguesAt the Post Office

Iʼd like to send this package.

Iʼd like to send this parcel.

I want to mail this letter.

How would you like to send it?

How do you want to mail it?

Yes, Iʼd like to buy a package of stamps.

Iʼd like to purchase a money order.

I want a change of address form.

Iʼd like to have my mail held for two weeks.

Iʼd like to send a registered letter.

Iʼd like to buy some packing boxes, string and tape.

I need some padded envelopes.

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3. Expand Your Vocabulary ✎

A. Odd One Out - Underline the word or expression in each group that does not belong and explain why.

1. postal carrier, mail slot, mail man, letter carrier

2. zip code, return address, postal code, registered delivery

3. stamp, post mark, mail slot, address

4. string, mail box, tape, package

5. express, priority, stamp, airmail

6. postcard, letter, parcel, mail slot

B. Fill in the Blanks in the following sentences with the correct word from the dialogue or practice section

of the lesson.

1. A fast way to send a letter is by __________________________________.

2. If you send something very valuable, you should buy _________________________.

3. If you want the person who will receive the letter or package to sign for it, you can send it by

___________________ mail.

4. If a parcel you send gets lost in the mail, the ________________ number on your receipt will help locate it.

5. If you want to send money safely through the mail, you should purchase a _______________________.

Everyday DialoguesAt the Post Office

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Postal Clerk: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes. ________________________________________ this package to


Postal Clerk: How ____________________________________________________?

Customer: How much will it be ________________________________________?

Postal Clerk: ________________________________________________________.

(a minute later) ________________________________________________________.

Customer: How long will it take to get there?

Postal Clerk: ________________________________________________________.

Customer: Okay, Iʼll send it ___________________________________________.

Postal clerk: Please fill out this _____________________________________ form.

The postage includes $100 insurance. Would you like to buy any extra insurance?

Customer: No thanks. Thatʼs enough.

Postal Clerk: You forgot to ______________________________________________.

Customer: Oh, thanks. Iʼll do that now.

Postal Clerk: Is there anything else ______________________________________?

Customer: Yes. ____________________________________________________.

Postal Clerk: Okay. ___________________________________________________


Customer: Okay. Here you go.

Postal Clerk: Thank you. ______________________________________________


Customer: Thanks. Oh, by the way. ____________________________________?

I have some stamped letters to mail.

Postal Clerk: ________________________________________________________.

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with the appropriate expressions.

Everyday DialoguesAt the Post Office

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice thedialogue and present it to your class.

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Clerk:   Can I help you?

Customer:  Iʼm just looking right now, thank you.

Clerk:   Everything in this department is on sale today. If I can

be of any help, just let me know.

(ten minutes later)

Customer:  Can I try this sweater on please?

Clerk:  Certainly. The dressing rooms are over there.

(a few minutes later)

Clerk:   How was it?

Customer:  Itʼs a little bit too big. Do you have a smaller size?

Clerk:   Did you check the rack?

Customer: Yes, but there werenʼt any.

Clerk:   Iʼll have a look in the back. Iʼll be back in a minute. 

(a minute later)

Clerk:  Yes. We have one.

Customer: Great. Iʼll take it.

Clerk:   How would you like to pay for that?

Customer: Do you take debit cards? 

Clerk:  Yes, of course. But if you would like to open an account

with us today, youʼll receive 10% off your first purchase.

Customer: Okay. That sounds good.

Clerk:  Just fill out this form and Iʼll give you a temporary card

today. Your actual card will be mailed in about two weeks. With

the sale and the extra 10% discount, your purchase comes to

$49.99, including tax.

Customer: What a bargain! Thank you.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions andwords in the fields below.

New Words List ✎

Everyday DialoguesGoing Shopping

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turns beingeach character. Practice your intonation and pronunciation.

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Can I help you? Iʼm just looking right now.

May I help you? Iʼm just browsing.

Can I try this sweater on please? Can I try these pants on please?

May I try this dress on please? May I try these shoes on please?

blouse   these boots

suit   these pajamas


these shorts shirt

If I can be of any help, just let me know.

If you need anything, just let me know.

Do you have a smaller size?

Do you have a bigger size?

Do you have any other colors?

Do you have any other styles?

Does it come in other colors?

2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substituting the different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

The dressing rooms are over there.

The fitting rooms are right here.

The change rooms are at the back.

How was it? How were they?

How did it fit? How did they fit?

How did you like it?

How did you like them?

Yes, of course. That sounds good.

Yes, certainly. That sounds great.

Did you check the rack?

Did you look on the shelf?

Iʼll have a look in the back. Iʼll be back in

a minute. 

Iʼll check the storage room. Iʼll be right back

 Itʼs a little too big.

too loose

too longItʼs a little too small.

too tight

too short

I donʼt like the color.

I donʼt like the style.

How would you like to pay for that? 

How do you want to pay for that?

Just fill out this form.Just complete this application.

Everyday DialoguesGoing Shopping

Everything in this department is on sale today.

All the sweaters are on sale today.

Everything in the store is 25% off today.

Do you take debit cards?

Do you accept Visa?

MasterCard? American Express?

personal checks?

What a bargain!

What a good deal!

What a savings!

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Clerk: ________________________________________________________?

Customer: Iʼm ______________________________________right now, thank you.

Clerk: ____________________________________________________today.

___________________________________________, just let me know.

Customer: Thanks. I will.

(ten minutes later)

Customer: ________________________________________________________?

Clerk: Certainly. The __________________________________ are over there.

(a few minutes later)

Clerk: ________________________________________________________?

Customer: ________________________________________________________.


Clerk: ________________________________________________________?

Customer: Yes, but there werenʼt any.

Clerk: ________________________________________________________


(a minute later) Yes. We have one.

Customer: Great. Iʼll take it.

Clerk: _______________________________________________________?

Customer: Do you take______________________________________________?

Clerk: Yes,___________________. But if you would like to open an account with us today, youʼll

receive 10% off your first purchase.

Customer: Okay.____________________________________________________.

Clerk: Just _________________________this form and Iʼll give you a temporary card today. Your

actual card will be mailed in about two weeks. With the sale and the extra 10% discount,

your purchase comes to $49.99, including tax.

Customer: What a ____________________________! Thank you.

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with the appropriate expressions.

Everyday DialoguesGoing Shopping

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice thedialogue and present it to your class.

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Bill:  Hi, Sara. Itʼs Bill. Do you still feel like going to a

movie tonight?

Sara:  Sure. How about you?

Bill:  Yes. Iʼd like to. What movie should we see?

Sara: I heard that Imagination is very good.

Bill:  Whatʼs it about?

Sara: I think itʼs a sci-fi movie.

Bill:  Do you know whoʼs in it?

Sara: No, I donʼt.

Bill:   Okay. It doesnʼt matter. Whereʼs it playing?

Sara: Itʼs at the Capital on Broadway. Do you want to go to

an early show or a late one?

Bill:  Iʼd prefer a late one. How about you?

Sara: Thatʼs fine. Hold on a minute. Iʼll check the listings 

in the newspaper. The late one starts at 9:45. Do you want

to meet at the theater at 9:30?

Bill:   Sure. Thatʼs great. See you tonight about 9:30.

Sara: Bye.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions and words inthe fields below.

New Words List ✎

Everyday DialoguesGoing to a Movie

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turnsbeing each character. Practice your intonation and


2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substitutingthe different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

Do you still feel like going to a movie tonight?

Do you still want to go to a movie tonight?

Are you still in the mood for a movie tonight?

Are you still up for a movie tonight?

...continued on the next page 

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Sure. How about you?

What about you?

Do you feel like it?

2. Practice - continued ☑

Okay. It doesnʼt matter.

I donʼt care.

Itʼs not important.

It doesnʼt make a difference.

What movie should we see?

What movie would you like to see?

What movie do you want see?

I heard that Imagination is very good.

Imagination is supposed to be very good.

Imagination is getting very good reviews.

I think itʼs a sci-fi movie. I think itʼs a sci-fi movie.

a science-fiction. a detective movie.

a drama. a western.

a comedy. a documentary.

a war movie. an animated movie.

an action movie. a cartoon.a mystery. a foreign film.

a romantic movie.

Whatʼs it about?

What kind of movie is it?

Do you know anything about it?

Do you know whoʼs in it?

Do you know who the actors are?

Do you know whoʼs starring in it?

Whereʼs it playing?

Whereʼs it showing?

Whereʼs it on?

Where is it at?

Do you want to go to an early show or a late one?

Do you prefer an early show or a late one?

Would you rather go to an early show or a late one?

Everyday DialoguesGoing to a Movie

Iʼd prefer a late one.

Iʼd rather go to a late one.

Hold on a minute.

Wait a minute.

Hang on a minute.Iʼll check the listings in the newspaper.

the show times

  the schedule Do you want to meet at the theatre at 9:30?Would you like to meet at the theater at 9:30?

Should we meet at the theater at 9:30?

Letʼs meet at the theater at 9:30.

Sure. Thatʼs great.Sounds good.

Thatʼs fine.

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Bill: Hi, Sara. Itʼs Bill. ________________________________________________


Sara: Sure._________________________________________________________?

Bill: Yes. Iʼd like to. _________________________________________________


Sara: ______________________________________________________________


Bill: _____________________________________________________________?

Sara: I think itʼs _____________________________________________________.

Bill: Do you know ___________________________________________________


Sara: No, I donʼt.

Bill: Okay. ________________________________________________________.

Whereʼs it _____________________________________________________?

Sara: Itʼs at the Capital on Broadway. ____________________________________


Bill: _____________________________________________________ a late one.


Sara: Thatʼs fine. ____________________________________________________.

Iʼll check _________________________________________________ in the

newspaper. The late one starts at 9:45. ______________________________

_________________________________________at the theater at 9:30?

Bill: Sure.___________________________________. See you tonight about 9:30.

Sara: Bye.

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with appropriate expressions.

Everyday DialoguesGoing to a Movie

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice thedialogue and present it to your class.

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Frank:   Hello. Iʼm Frank Roberts, the Accounts manager. What

can I do for you?

Mark: Hi. My name is Mark Johnson. This is my wife, Lynn.

Weʼve just moved into town and would like some information

about opening a bank account.

Frank:  What kind of account would you like to open?

Mark: We want to open a checking account.

Frank:  How much would you like to deposit today?

Mark: I have $500 in cash as well as a payroll check for $800.

Frank:  Okay. Iʼll get you the application forms to fill out.

Youʼll receive your new bank cards in about two weeks. Once

you have chosen your PIN, youʼll be able to use the bank

machine for deposits, withdrawals, bank transfers and payment

of bills.

Mark:  Is there a service fee for this type of account?

Frank:   There is no fee for a regular checking account. However,for a small fee of $7.00 a month, we offer two hundred

personalized checks, full on-line banking services and a $500

overdraft protection. Would you be interested in that service?

Mark: Yes, that sounds good. Weʼll take it. Do you have a 24

hour ATM?

Frank : Yes, of course. We also have a 24 hour drive-through

service at the side of the building.

Mark:  When do you send out the monthly statements?

Frank : On the 5th of every month. Iʼll take your forms now. You

can endorse your check and go over to the teller. Sheʼll handle

your deposit for you.

Mark:  Thank you very much. Youʼve been very helpful.

Frank :  Youʼre quite welcome. Hope to see you again soon.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions andwords in the fields below.

New Words List ✎

Everyday DialoguesGoing to the Bank

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turns beingeach character. Practice your intonation and pronunciation.

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Hello. Iʼm Frank Roberts. What can I do for you?

Hi. My name is... Is there anything I can do for you?

How do you do? Iʼm ..... How can I help you?

What kind of account would you like to open

What kind of account do you want to open?

What kind of account are you interested in?

We want to open a checking account. .... a checking account.

Weʼd like to open a checking account. .... a joint checking account.

Weʼre interested in a checking account. .... a savings account.

How much would you like to deposit today?

How much do you want to deposit today?

I have $500 in cash as well as a payroll check for $800.

in addition to a travelerʼs check for $800.

and a money order for $800.

Youʼll receive your new bank cards in about two weeks.

Youʼll get your new bank cards .....

Weʼll send you your new bank cards...

Iʼll get you the application forms to fill out.

Here are the application forms to fill out.

Iʼll get you the application form to complete.

Everyday DialoguesGoing to the Bank

2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substituting the different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

Once you have chosen your PIN....

your personal identification number...

your personal security number....

Is there a service fee for this type of account?

Do you charge a service fee .....................?

We offer two hundred personalized checks and 

on-line banking services.

We provide two hundred checks and fullcomputer Internet services.

Would you be interested in that service?

Would you like that service? Yes. That sounds good. Weʼll take it. 

Do you want that service? Yes. That sounds fine. Weʼd like that.

Do you have a 24 hour ATM?

...a 24 hour automatic teller? ...an automatic bank machine?

...an automatic cash machine?

We also have a 24 hour drive-through service at the side of the


drive-in window ....the back of the building.

....the rear of the building.

Weʼd like some information about opening a

bank account.

Could you give us some information about

opening a bank account?

Sheʼll handle your deposit for you.

Sheʼll look after your deposit for you.

Sheʼll take your deposit.

When do you send out the monthly


When do you mail out the monthly statements?When will we receive our monthly statement?

You can endorse your check and go over to theteller.You can sign your check and go over to thecashier.

Thank you very much. Youʼre quite welcome.

Thanks a lot. Youʼre very welcome.

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Manager:  ________________________________, the Accounts manager.

_________________________________________________ ?

Customer: ________________________________________. This is my wife, Lynn. Weʼve just moved into

town and ___________________________________________________ a bank account.

Manager: What kind of account ___________________________________________________________?

Customer: ____________________________________________________________________________ .

Manager: Okay. ____________________________________________________________ deposit today?

Customer: I have $500 in cash ________________________________________________________for $800.

Manager: Okay. Iʼll get you the application forms __________________________________________

______________________. _________________________your new bank cards in about two

weeks. Once you have chosen your ____________________________, youʼll be able to use the

bank machine for deposits, ____________________________, bank transfers and payment of bills.Manager: There is no fee for a regular checking account. However, for a small fee of $7.00 a month, we

_______________________ two hundred personalized checks, full _________________________

and a $500 ____________________________ protection.  

________________________________________________________ in that service?

Customer: Yes, ____________________________.________________________________________. Do you

have a 24 hour _______________________?

Manager: Yes, of course. We also have a 24 hour drive-through _____________________________________

___________________________________________________________________ of the building.

Customer: ________________________________________________________ the monthly statements?

Manager: On the 5th of every month. Iʼll take your forms now. You can _________________________ your

check and go over to the __________________. ________________________________________


Customer: Thank you __________________________________ . Youʼve been very helpful.

Manager: __________________________________. Hope to see you again soon.

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with the appropriate expressions.

Everyday DialoguesGoing to the Bank

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice thedialogue and present it to your class.

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(At the Airport Taxi Stand)

Taxi Driver:   Would you like a taxi, sir?

Gentleman:  Yes, I would.

Taxi Driver:   Do you have just the one suitcase?

Gentleman: Yes, thatʼs it. Iʼm going downtown. Is there a flat

rate or do you use the meter?

(The taxi driver picks up the suitcase and carries it to the trunk).

Taxi Driver : I use the meter.

(In the Taxi)

Taxi Driver:   Where would you like to go?

Gentleman: Iʼm going to the Claremont Hotel on 5th andBroadway.

Taxi Driver:   Okay.

Gentleman:  About how long will it take to get there?

Taxi Driver : Oh, at this time of day, it wonʼt take long… aboutfifteen or twenty minutes.

Gentleman:  What do you think the fare will be? 

Taxi Driver :  Probably around twenty five dollars.

! ! (Fifteen minutes later)

Taxi Driver :  Here we are.

Gentleman:  How much is that?

Taxi Driver :  Thatʼll be $22.00. 

Gentleman:  Hereʼs twenty five. Keep the change.

Taxi Driver : Thank you. Iʼll get the suitcase for you.

(The taxi driver opens the trunk.)

Taxi Driver : Here you go. Have a nice day.

Gentleman: Thank you.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions andwords in the fields below.

New Words List ✎

Everyday DialoguesHailing a Tax

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turns beingeach character. Practice your intonation and pronunciation.

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Would you like a taxi, sir?" " " Yes, I would.

Do you want a taxi, sir?" "   " Yes, I do.

Would you like a cab?" " " Yes, thanks.

Do you need a taxi? " " " Yes, I do.

Are you waiting for a taxi?" " Yes, I am.

Is there a flat rate or do you use the meter?Is there a set rate or do you use the meter?

Is there a fixed rate or do you use the meter?

Is there a fixed fare or do you use the meter?

Do you have just the one suitcase?"" Yes, thatʼs it.

Do you have any luggage?" " " No. Just my computer. Iʼll keep it with me.

Do you have any bags? " " " " Yes. I have these two.

2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substituting the different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

Where would you like to go?Where are you going?Where to?

About how long will it take to get there?

Is it far?How long a trip is it?How long does it take?

Here we are.

Here you are.This is it.Okay. Weʼre here.

What do you think the fare will be? "Probably around twenty-five


What do you think it will cost?" " Itʼll probably be about….

How much do you think it will be?" It might be about…

At this time of day, it wonʼt take long ...about 15 or 20 minutes.

The traffic is light now, so it shouldnʼt take long.

The traffic is quite heavy, so it may take awhile.

How much is that?" " Thatʼll be $22.00." " Hereʼs twenty-five.

How much is it?" " " Itʼs $22.00." " " Here you are.

Whatʼs the fare? "  " Thatʼs $22.00. " Here you go.

Iʼll get the suitcase.

Iʼll get your bag.

Iʼll get the luggage.

Everyday DialoguesHailing a Tax

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3. Expand Your Vocabulary ✎

A. Odd One Out - Underline the word or expression in each group that does not belong and explain why.

1. taxi, " " " bus, " " " elevator, " " " subway

2. bag, " " " cart, " " " suitcase, " " " luggage

3. automobile, " " boat, "" " car, " " " " vehicle

4. fare, " " " cost, " " " rate, " " " " expensive

5. fixed rate, " " set rate, " " variable rate, " " flat rate

Everyday DialoguesHailing a Tax

B. Fill in the Blanks - Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the sentences.

meter - tip - passenger - stand - trunk - fare - luggage 

1. I gave the taxi driver a big __________________ because he was very nice.

2. The airline will only allow you to take two pieces of __________________.

3. You canʼt park your car there. It is a taxi __________________.

4. The taxi driver told the __________________ to put on his seat belt.

5. The taxi driver turned on the __________________ as soon as he started to drive away from the house.

6. It is a long way from the airport to the center of the city, so the taxi __________________ will be very


7. Our new car has a big __________________, so we can take a lot of suitcases.

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(At the Airport Taxi Stand)

Taxi Driver:" " _________________________________________________ ?

Gentleman: "  " Yes, I am.

Taxi Driver:" " _________________________________________________ ?

Gentleman:"" Yes, ______________________________________________.

(The taxi driver picks up the suitcase and carries it to the trunk.)

 " " " Iʼm going downtown. Is there a __________________ or do you use the meter?

Taxi Driver:" "

I use the meter.(In the Taxi)

Taxi Driver:" " _________________________________________________ ?

Passenger: " Iʼm going to the Claremont Hotel on 5th and Broadway.

Taxi Driver: " Okay.

Passenger: " _________________________________________________ ?

Taxi Driver:" " Oh, _________________________________________, so it might take awhile.

Passenger: " _________________________________________________ ?

Taxi Driver:""

Probably around twenty five dollars.(Fifteen minutes later.)

Taxi driver:" " Here we are.

Passenger: " __________________________________________________?

Taxi Driver: "" ______________________________________$22.00.

Passenger "" _______________________________. Keep the change.

Taxi Driver: "" Thank you. Iʼll get __________________________ for you.

(The taxi driver opens the trunk.)

" " " Here you go. Have a nice day.Passenger: " Thank you.

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with the appropriate expressions.

Everyday DialoguesHailing a Tax

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice thedialogue and present it to your class.

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Amy:  Mom, Iʼd like you to meet my roommate,


Mother: Hello Jennifer. Itʼs nice to meet you.

Jennifer:  Hi Mrs. Baxter. Iʼm very pleased to meet

you. Amy has told me all about you.

Mother:  Amy has told me all about you too. Iʼve

been looking forward to meeting you for a longtime.

Amy:   Well, now that youʼve finally met, why donʼt

we sit down and have a cup of coffee?

Jennifer:  Sounds great.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions and words inthe fields below.

New Words List ✎

Everyday DialoguesIntroduction

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Taketurns being each character. Practice your intonation and


2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substituting

the different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

Mom, Iʼd like you to meet my roommate, Jennifer. 

Iʼd like to introduce you to my roommate.

Let me introduce you to my roommate.  

I want you to meet my roommate.

this is my roommate, Jennifer.

...continued on the next page 

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Iʼd like you to meet my roommate, Jennifer.

• my husband • my wife

• my son • my daughter• my colleague • my classmate

• my friend • my boyfriend

• my girlfriend • my neighbor

• my fiancé • my cousin

• my uncle • my aunt

• my nephew • my niece

• my grand father • my grandmother

• my father-in-law • my mother-in-law

2. Practice - continued ☑

Itʼs nice to meet you.

Iʼm happy to meet you.

Itʼs a pleasure to meet you

Hello Jennifer. Itʼs nice to meet you

Hi. Iʼm glad to meet you.

How do you do? Iʼm pleased to meet you.

Amy has told me all about you.

Amy has told me so much about you.

Iʼve heard so much about you.

Well, now that youʼve finally met… 

Well, now that youʼve finally been introduced…

Well, now that you finally know each other…

a. person I study with

b. amy fatherʼs brother

c. person I live beside

d. my husbandʼs mother

e. person I am engaged to marry

f. my uncleʼs daughter

g. my sisterʼs son

h. person I share my apartment with

i. my fatherʼs sister

 j. person I work with

k. my brotherʼs daughter

l. my husbandʼs father

Everyday DialoguesIntroduction

Iʼve been looking forward to meeting you for a long time.

Iʼve wanted to meet you for a long time.

Iʼve been hoping to meet you for a long time.

Why donʼt we sit down and have a cup of coffee?

Letʼs sit down and have a cup of coffee.

have dinner.

  have a chat.

Sounds great.

Sounds good.

Thatʼs a good idea.

Iʼd like that.

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A: ______________________, _______________________________

___________________________ my _______________________ ,


B: ______________________________________________________

______________________________________________________ .


______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

has told me ____________________________________________.

B: _________________________has told me ___________________

___________________ too. _______________________________

__________________________________________for a long time.

A: Well, now that __________________________________________



C: ______________________________________________________

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with appropriate expressions.

Everyday DialoguesIntroduction

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice thedialogue and present it to your class.

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 Interviewer:  Hello, Mr. Stevens. My name is John Phillips. I ʼm thepersonnel director.

Applicant:  Iʼm pleased to meet you.

Interviewer:  Please have a seat.

Applicant:  Thank you.

Interviewer:   According to your resume, you have several years ofoffice experience.

Applicant: Yes. Iʼve had over ten years experience.

Interviewer:  Tell me about your qualifications.

Applicant: I can type 100 words per minute. Iʼm proficient in many

computer programs. I have excellent interpersonal skills, I am wellorganized, and Iʼm a very fast learner.

Interviewer:   I see that you have excellent references. Do you have

any questions about the position?

Applicant: Yes. What are the responsibilities in this position?

Interviewer : Weʼre looking for someone to supervise two officeclerks, handle all the correspondence, arrange meetings and

manage the front office. Have you had any supervisory experience?

Applicant: Yes. I supervised three typists in my last position. Whatare the office hours, Mr. Phillips?

Interviewer : 8:30 to 4:30, with an hour off for lunch. What are yoursalary expectations, Mr. Stevens?

Applicant: I expect to be paid the going rate for this type of

position. Can you tell me about the benefits you offer?

Interviewer : Yes. We provide full medical and dental coverage, a

pension plan and a three week holiday per year.

Applicant: Thatʼs very generous. When is the position available?

Interviewer : Weʼre hoping the successful applicant can start at the

beginning of next month. Weʼll finish our interviews tomorrow andmake a decision by the weekend. Weʼll contact you next week.

Applicant: Thank you very much. Itʼs been a pleasure meetingyou. I hope to hear from you soon.

Interviewer : Thank you for coming in to see us, Mr. Stevens.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions and

words in the fields below.

New Words List ✎

Everyday DialoguesJob Interview

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turns beingeach character. Practice your intonation and pronunciation.

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My name is John Phillips. Iʼm the personnel director.

Iʼm John Phillips. Iʼm the manager of Human Resources.

Iʼm in charge of hiring.

According to your resume, you have several years of office experience.

Your resume tells us that you have several years of office experience.

Please have a seat.

Please sit down.

Tell me about your qualifications.

What are your qualifications?

What qualifications do you have?


I have excellent interpersonal skills.

I get along very well with people.

I can type 100 W.P.M.

Iʼm able to type 100 W.P.M.

2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substituting the different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

I am proficient in many computer programs.

Iʼm able to use many computer programs.

What are your salary expectations, Mr. Stevens?

What salary do you expect?

Can you tell me about the benefits you provide?

What benefits does the company give?

Have you had any supervisory experience?

Have you ever been a supervisor?


What are the responsibilities in this position?

What are the duties?

I expect to be paid the going rate for this type of position.

I expect to get the usual salary for this type of work.

Iʼm pleased to meet you.

Iʼm happy to meet you.

Itʼs nice to meet you.

We provide full medical and dental coverage.

We give health and dental insurance.

Weʼll contact you next week.

Weʼll get in touch with you next week.

Itʼs been a pleasure meeting you. I hope to hear from you soon.Iʼve enjoyed meeting you. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thatʼs very generous. When is the position available?

Thatʼs very good. When does the job start?

Everyday DialoguesJob Interview

Do you have any questions about the position?

Would you like to ask anything about the job?

Weʼre looking for someone to supervise two office clerks.

We want someone who can manage two office clerks.

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3. Expand Your Vocabulary ✎

Match the words on the left with the correct meaning on the right.

_____ 1. personnel director a. duties

_____ 2. hire b. manage, be in charge of

_____ 3. resume c. usual pay for a certain job

_____ 4. qualifications d. money paid for work

_____ 5. proficient e. get in touch with

_____ 6. position f. give a job to, employ

_____ 7. responsibilities g. open, ready to use, ready to do

_____ 8. supervise h. skills, experience, education

_____ 9. salary i. person who can tell about you

_____ 10. benefits  j. person in charge of hiring

_____ 11. contact k. able to do something, skilled

_____ 12. going rate l. written summary of your skills, education, and experience

_____ 13. available   m. things you receive from an employer in addition to salary

_____ 14. reference n. job

Everyday DialoguesJob Interview

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Interviewer: Hello, ________________________. ________________________________________


Applicant: ______________________________________________________________________ .

Interviewer: ______________________________________________________________________ .

Applicant: Thank you.

Interviewer: ________________________________________you have several years of office experience.

Applicant: Yes. Iʼve had ______________________________________________ experience.

Interviewer: __________________________________________________ your qualifications.

Applicant: ______________________________________________________________________



Interviewer: I see that you have excellent references. _____________________________________

________________________________________________________the position?

Applicant: Yes. What are the ______________________________________ in this position?

Interviewer: Weʼre looking for someone ________________________________________________


Applicant: What are the office hours?

Interviewer: _____________________________________________________________________ .


Applicant: I expect to be paid _______________________________________________________


Can you tell me about the benefits you offer?

Interviewer: Yes. __________________________________________________________________


_____________________________________________________________________ .

Applicant: ______________________________________________________________________


Interviewer: Weʼre hoping the successful applicant can start at the beginning of next month. Weʼll finish

our interviews tomorrow and make a decision by the weekend.

_________________________________________________________ next week.

Applicant: Thank you very much. ____________________________________________________


Interviewer: Thank you for coming in to see us, Mr. Stevens.

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with the appropriate expressions.

Everyday DialoguesJob Interview

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice the

dialogue and present it to your class.

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Ellie: Hi, Iʼm calling about your ad for the apartment for rent.

Landlord:   Oh yes.Ellie:  Can you give me a little more information, please?

Landlord:   Sure. What would you like to know?

Ellie:  How many rooms does it have?

Landlord:  It has an L-shaped living room dining room, a smallkitchen, two bedrooms, one large bathroom and a small one off themaster bedroom.

Ellie:  How much is the rent?

Landlord:  Itʼs $600.

Ellie: Is it carpeted?

Landlord:  No. It has hard wood floors throughout.

Ellie:  Is there a parking spot?

Landlord:  There are two spaces available.

Ellie:  Is parking included in the rent?

Landlord:  One space is included. If you want the other spot, youʼllhave to pay an extra $20 per month.

Ellie:  What about utilities?

Landlord:  Heat, water and electricity are included. You just have topay for cable and telephone.

Ellie:  Do I have to sign a lease?

Landlord:  No. You just have to give one month notice if you want tomove out.

Ellie:  Is there a damage deposit?

Landlord:  Yes. Itʼs $300, half a monthʼs rent.

Ellie:  Is it okay to have a pet?

Landlord:  Small pets are allowed.

Ellie: One more thing. Is it close to a major bus route?

Landlord:  Yes, thereʼs a bus stop just one block away.

Ellie:  Great. When can I see it?

Landlord:  How about 2:00 this afternoon?

Ellie: Thatʼs fine. Oh, I forgot to ask. When is it available?

Landlord:   Itʼs available immediately.

Ellie: Okay. See you at two. Thanks.

Landlord:  See you. Bye.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions andwords in the fields below.

New Words List ✎

Everyday DialoguesLooking for an Apartmen

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turns being eachcharacter. Practice your intonation and pronunciation.

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photocopied by members of ESL-Library.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Iʼm calling about your ad for the apartment for rent.

the house

the townhouse

the duplex

the bachelor suite

What would you like to know?

What do you want to know?

What information would you like?


How much is the rent?

Whatʼs the rent?

2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substituting the different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

How many rooms does it have?

How many rooms are there? bedrooms bathrooms

Are there appliances?

Does it have appliances?

Is it okay to have a pet?

a dog? a cat?

Is there a parking spot?

Does it have a parking spot?

Do I have to sign a lease?

Do I need to sign a lease?

Is it necessary to sign a lease?

Can you give me a little more information, please?

Could you give me a little more information, please?

Could you tell me a little more about it?

Is it close to a major bus route?

a school?

a shopping center?

a park?

a bank?

Great. When can I see it?

Good. When will I be able to look at it?

Is it carpeted?

Does it have carpeting?

Does it have blinds?



Everyday DialoguesLooking for an Apartmen

Is it air-conditioned?

Does it have air-conditioning?

Does it have a balcony?

a fireplace?

in-suite laundry?

Is there a damage deposit? 

a security deposit?

Do I have to pay a damage deposit?

Thereʼs a bus stop just one block away.

Thereʼs a school nearby.

Thereʼs a shopping centre down the street.

Thereʼs a bank at the corner.

Thereʼs a park on the next street.

How about 2:00?

Is 2:00 okay?Is 2:00 convenient?Do you want to come at 2:00?

When is it available?

When will it be vacant?When can I move in?

Itʼs available immediately.

Itʼs vacant now.You can move in right away.

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3. Vocabulary ✎

Match the words on the left with the correct meaning on the right.

_____ 1. landlord a. heat, electricity, water

_____ 2. tenant b. floor covering

_____ 3. lease c. ready to use

_____ 4. damage deposit d. close

_____ 5. available e. person who rents an apartment

_____ 6. bachelor suite f. written rental agreement

_____ 7. utilities g. window coverings

_____ 8. appliances h. apartment owner

_____ 9. convenient i. fridge, stove, washer, dryer

_____ 10. nearby  j. security deposit

_____ 11. blinds k. small apartment for one person

_____ 12. carpeting l. easy to use, easy to do

Everyday DialoguesLooking for an Apartmen

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Caller: Hi, Iʼm calling about your ad for ___________________________for rent.

Landlord: Oh yes.

Caller: _________________________________________________________?

Landlord: Sure._____________________________________________________?

Caller: How many _______________________________________does it have?

Landlord: __________________________________________________________

Caller: How much_________________________________________________?

Landlord: Itʼs $____________________.

Caller: Does it have _______________________________________________?


Yes, it does.Caller: Is there ___________________________________________________?

Landlord: Yes, there is.

Caller:   Is ___________________________________ included in the rent?

Landlord: __________________________________________________________.

Caller: ___________________________________________________utilities?

Landlord: __________________________________________________________


Caller: ______________________________________________ deposit?

Landlord: Yes. ______________________________________________________

Caller: __________________________________________________________

Landlord: Small pets are allowed.

Caller: One more thing. Is it close to__________________________________?

Landlord: Yes, thereʼs________________________________________________.

Caller: Great. When can I see it?

Landlord: _________________________________________________________?

Caller: Thatʼs fine. Oh, I forgot to ask. When ____________________________


Landlord: _______________________________________________ immediately.

Caller: Okay. See you later. Thanks.

Landlord: See you. Bye.

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with the appropriate expressions.

Everyday DialoguesLooking for an Apartmen

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice thedialogue and present it to your class.

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Receptionist:  Doctorʼs office.

Patient:  This is Ruth Perez. Iʼd like to make an

appointment with Dr. Barnes.

Receptionist:   Why do you want to see the doctor?

Patient:  I have a sore throat.

Receptionist:  How long have you had it?

Patient:  Iʼve had it about three days.

Receptionist:   Can you come in tomorrow morning

at 11:00?

Patient:  Yes, thatʼs fine.

Receptionist:   Okay. Weʼll see you tomorrow, Ms.


Patient: Thank you. Bye.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions and words inthe fields below.

New Words List ✎

Everyday DialoguesMaking an Appointmen

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turnsbeing each character. Practice your intonation and


2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substituting

the different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

Iʼd like to make an appointment with Dr. Barnes.

Can I make an appointment with Dr. Barnes.

Is it possible to see Dr. Barnes this week?

...continued on the next page 

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Why do you want to see the doctor?

Whatʼs the problem?

Whatʼs the matter?

2. Practice - continued ☑

You can pick it up about three oʼclock.

It will be ready this afternoon.

You can get it later today.

I have a sore throat.

  a fever.

  a rash.

  a back-ache.

  a bad cold.

How long have you had it?

How long have you been sick?

When did it start?

Can you come in tomorrow morning at 11:00?

Is tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 convenient?

How is Thursday at 2:00?Is Friday at 12:30 okay?

I could fit you in today at 1:00.

What about this afternoon at 3:00?

a. Since Friday.

b. How about tomorrow at 3:00?c. I have a bad headache.

d. Yes. Thatʼs fine.

e. Last week.

About three days.Iʼve had it for a week.

Since Monday.

It started two days ago.

Everyday DialoguesMaking an Appointmen

Yes, thatʼs fine.

Okay, thatʼs good.


Could I come in sooner than that?

I canʼt make it then. Is there another time I could come?

Iʼm sorry. Iʼm busy then. Is there something else available?

Weʼll see you tomorrow.

Weʼll see you on Friday.

See you this afternoon.

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Receptionist: Doctorʼs office.

Patient: _____________________________________________________________


Receptionist: _____________________________________________________________



I have _______________________________________________________Receptionist: _____________________________________________________________


Patient: Last Friday.

Receptionist: _____________________________________________________________


Patient: Iʼm sorry._____________________________________________________


Receptionist: _____________________________________________________________

Patient: Okay. Thatʼs fine.

Receptionist: _____________________________________________________________

Patient: _____________________________________________________________

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with appropriate expressions.

Everyday DialoguesMaking an Appointmen

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice thedialogue and present it to your class.

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Waiter:   Can I take your order now?

Customer: Could you give me a few more minutes?

Waiter:   Certainly. Take your time.

(a few minutes later)

Waiter :  Are you ready to order now?

Customer: Yes. Iʼd like an 8 oz. steak please. 

Waiter  Would you like potatoes or rice with your steak?

Customer:  What kind of potatoes do you have?

Waiter:  We have baked, mashed, or French fries.

Customer:  Iʼll have French fries please.

Waiter:  And how would you like your steak done?

Customer:  Medium-rare, please.

Waiter:   Would you like anything to start? 

Customer: Iʼll have a salad please.

Waiter:  We have Greek, Italian, and Caesar salad, as well as a

house salad.

Customer:  Iʼll have the house salad with oil and vinegardressing.

Waiter:   Would you like a beverage?

Customer:  Iʼll have a large diet Coke.

Waiter:  And would you like anything for dessert?

Customer:  What do you suggest?

Waiter:   The apple pie is my favorite.

Customer:  Okay. Iʼll try that.

Waiter:  Iʼll put your order in and be right back with some hotrolls and butter.

Customer:  Thank you.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions andwords in the fields below.

New Words List ✎

Everyday DialoguesOrdering Food

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turns beingeach character. Practice your intonation and pronunciation.

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Can I take your order now?

Would you like to order now?

Are you ready to order now?

Have you had time to look at the menu yet?

Could you give me a few more minutes?

Can I have a few more minutes, please?

Iʼd like a few more minutes.

Iʼm not quite ready. I need a few more minutes.

Iʼd like the roast beef please. 

fried chicken grilled salmon

Certainly. Take your time.

Of course. Donʼt hurry.

Sure. Iʼll come back in a few minutes.

Iʼll have baked potatoes. 

Iʼd like

Iʼll take

2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substituting the different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

Iʼd like an 8 oz. steak please.

Iʼll have a 12 oz. steak please.Can I please have the rack of lamb.

Can I have the pork roast.

How would you like your steak done? Rare, please.

  medium rare medium

medium well

well done.

Okay. Iʼll try that.

Iʼd like that.Iʼll order that.

Iʼll take that.

Iʼll have the house salad with oil and vinegar dressing.

Thousand Island dressing.

Italian dressing.

French dressing.

blue cheese dressing.

Would you like anything to start?

Would you like anything to begin with?

Would you like an appetizer?

soup?a salad?

What do you suggest?

What do you recommend?

Whatʼs good?

Any suggestions?

Iʼll be right back with some hot rolls and butter.

Iʼll be back in a minute with your water.

Iʼll be back right away with your cutlery and napkins.

Everyday DialoguesOrdering Food

We have a Greek, Italian, and Caesar salad, as well as a house salad.

in addition to a house salad

We have a Greek, Italian, Caesar and house salad.

Would you like a beverage?   Iʼll have a large diet Coke.

Would you like anything to drink?   a cup of coffee.

Will there be anything to drink?   Just water, please.

The apple pie is my favorite. 

The chocolate mousse is delicious.

The lemon cheesecake is wonderful.

The strawberry tart is fantastic.

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

3. Expand Your Vocabulary ✎

Work with your partner. Fill in the chart below with as many food items as you can think of.

Appetizer - FirstCourse

Entrée - MainCourse

Side Dish Dessert Beverage

Ex. salad steak French fries pie coke

Everyday DialoguesOrdering Food

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Waiter: _________________________________________ now?

Customer: _____________________________a few more minutes.

Waiter: ___________________________________________________________ .

(a few minutes later)

Waiter: ____________________________________________ ?

Customer: Yes. ____________________________________ please.

Waiter: Would you like ____________________________ with


Customer: What kind of potatoes do you have?

Waiter: We have _____________________________________ .

Customer: ______________________________________________French fries please.

Waiter: And how would you like your _______________ done?

Customer: ______________________________________________, please.

Waiter: ___________________________________________________________ ?

Customer: Iʼll have a salad please.

Waiter: We have Greek, Italian, and Caesar salad, as well a house salad.

Customer: ______________________________________________the house salad with


Waiter: _____________________________________________?

Customer: _________________________________large diet Coke.

Waiter: And would you like anything for dessert?

Customer: What ________________________________________?

Waiter: ______________________________________________

Customer: Okay. ________________________________________________________ .

Waiter:   Iʼll put your order in and _________________________


Customer: Thank you.

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with the appropriate expressions.

Everyday DialoguesOrdering Food

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice thedialogue and present it to your class.

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Bill:  Hi Amy. Itʼs Bill.

Amy:  Hi Bill. How are you doing?

Bill:   Not bad. Iʼm calling to talk about the weekend. Have

you got any plans yet?

Amy:  No, not yet. What did you have in mind?

Bill:  How about going to a hockey game on Saturday


Amy: I donʼt really feel like a hockey game. I did that last


Bill:  Well then, what about going out for dinner?

Amy:  Iʼd rather go to a movie.

Bill:   Okay. That sounds good. Do you want me to pick

you up?

Amy: No. Thatʼs okay. I can meet you at the theater.

Bill:   Okay. Letʼs talk on Saturday morning and arrange

the time.

Amy: Great. Iʼll talk to you then. Bye.

Bill:   Bye.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions and words inthe fields below.

New Words List ✎

Everyday DialoguesWeekend Plans

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turnsbeing each character. Practice your intonation and


2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substituting

the different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

How are you doing? Not bad.

How are you? Pretty good.

Howʼs it going? So so.

...continued on the next page 

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Iʼm calling to talk about the weekend.

  to find out about the weekend.

  to see about the weekend.

2. Practice - continued ☑

Iʼd rather go to a movie.

Iʼd prefer to go to a movie.

Iʼd like to go to a movie instead.

What did you have in mind?

What were you thinking about?

Did you have any ideas?

How about going to a hockey game?

...playing golf?

...playing tennis?

Would you like to go to a baseball game?

Do you want to go to a bar and listen to some music?

I donʼt really feel like a hockey game.

Iʼm not really in the mood for a hockey game.

I donʼt really want to go to a hockey game.

a. at the bar

b. at the arenac. at the course

d. at the restaurant

e. at the court

f. at the theater

g. at the stadium

What about going out for dinner?

...going to a concert?

Everyday DialoguesWeekend Plans

That sounds good. Do you want me to pick you up?

That sounds fine. Should I pick you up?

That sounds great. Should I come and get you?

No. Thatʼs okay. I can meet you at the theater.

Thatʼs alright. Iʼll meet you at the theater.

at the bar.

at the arena.

at the golf course. at the tennis court.

at the concert hall.

at the stadium.

Letʼs talk on Saturday and arrange the time.

Iʼll call you on Saturday morning and we can decide what tim

to meet.

Iʼll call on Saturday morning to make definite plans.

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Bill: Hi Amy. Itʼs Bill.

Amy: Hi Bill. ________________________________________________?

Bill: ___________________________. Iʼm calling _________________

  ___________________________. Have you got any plans yet?

Amy: No, not yet. ____________________________________________?

Bill: _______________________________________________________

______________________________ on Saturday night?

Amy: ______________________________________________________.

  I did that last weekend.

Bill: Well then, ______________________________________________


Amy: _______________________________________ go to a movie.

Bill: Okay. __________________________________. ______________


Amy: No. ___________________________________________________.


Bill: Okay. __________________________________________________

Amy. Great. Iʼll talk to you then. Bye.

Bill: Bye.

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with appropriate expressions.

Everyday DialoguesWeekend Plans

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice the

dialogue and present it to your class.

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Clerk:   Can I help you?

Customer:  Yes. Iʼd like to return this jacket. 

Clerk:   May I ask why youʼre returning it?

Customer:  I bought it for my son, but itʼs too small.

Clerk:   Do you have your receipt?

Customer: Yes, here it is.

Clerk:  Iʼm sorry. This jacket was on sale. There are no

refunds on sale items. You can exchange it for

something else or we can give you a credit note.

Customer: Do you have the jacket in a larger size?

Clerk:  Let me check.... (a minute later) Iʼm afraid

weʼre all sold out.

Customer: Okay, Iʼll take a credit note. How long is it

good for?

Clerk:   Itʼs good for a year.

Customer: Okay. Iʼll come back next week and see if I

can find something else he might like.

Find New Expressions ✓ 

Write down any useful or new expressions and words inthe fields below.

New Words List ✎

Everyday DialoguesReturning an Item

1. Dialogue Reading 

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turnsbeing each character. Practice your intonation and


2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substitutingthe different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

Can I help you?

May I help you?

...continued on the next page 

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photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact [email protected] complete details.

Yes, Iʼd like to return this jacket.

Yes, I want to return this jacket.

this coat. these pants.

2. Practice - continued ☑

This jacket was on sale.

This jacket was reduced.

May I ask why youʼre returning it?

Can I ask why youʼre returning it?

Could I ask why youʼre returning it?

Is there something wrong with it?

I bought it for my son, but itʼs too small.

my husband

my daughter

my friend.

Do you have your receipt?

your bill

sales slip

a. available to buy

b. trade

c. give back

d. no more available to buy

e. able to use

f. bill, proof of purchase

g. reduced price

h. give back money

i. look for

 j. paper stating a certain value of merchandise a

store owes you

Itʼs too small.

It doesnʼt fit.

He didnʼt like the color.

She didnʼt like the style.

Everyday DialoguesReturning an Item

There are no refunds on sale items.

We donʼt give refunds if the items are on sale.

We donʼt give you your money back if the item is on sale.

Do you have the jacket in a larger size?

a smaller size.

in a different color.

Let me check. Iʼm afraid weʼre all sold out.

Let me see. Iʼm sorry. Weʼre all sold out.

Let me look. Iʼm sorry. We donʼt have any more.

How long is it good for? 

How long is it valid for?

How long can I use it?

When do I have to use it by?

Itʼs good for a year.

Itʼs valid for a year.

You have a year to use it.

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Clerk: _________________________________________________?

Customer: Yes. _____________________________________________ .

Clerk: _________________________________________why youʼre returning it?

Customer: I bought it for ______________________________________

_________________________________________________ .

Clerk: Do you have your __________________________________ ?Customer: Yes, here it is.

Clerk.: Iʼm sorry. This jacket was_____________________________.

____________________________________________. You can exchange it for

something else or we can give you a credit note.

Customer: Do you have the ____________________________________

_________________________________________________ ?

Clerk: _________________________________________________ .

(a minute later) _________________________________________________ .

Customer: Okay, Iʼll take a credit note. ___________________________


Clerk: Itʼs ______________________________ for a year.

Customer: Okay. Iʼll come back next week and see if I can find something else he

might like.

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with appropriate expressions.

Everyday DialoguesReturning an Item

5. Write your own dialogue ✎