004 3 Лекция English Развитие информационных технологий 3. Lecture: development of information technologies The given lecture is devoted to development of information technologies. The basic stages of development and principles, connected to them, and concepts are considered 004 3 1 History and Development of IT 004 3 2 Information Technology and Russia's Futur e

004 3 Лекция EnglishРазвитие информационных технологий 3. Lecture: development of information technologies The given lecture is devoted to development

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Page 1: 004 3 Лекция EnglishРазвитие информационных технологий 3. Lecture: development of information technologies The given lecture is devoted to development

004 3 Лекция EnglishРазвитие информационных технологий

3. Lecture: development of information technologies

The given lecture is devoted to development of information technologies. The basic stages of development and principles, connected to them, and concepts are considered

004 3 1 History and Development of IT

004 3 2 Information Technology and Russia's Future

Page 2: 004 3 Лекция EnglishРазвитие информационных технологий 3. Lecture: development of information technologies The given lecture is devoted to development

3.1. Information technologies

The information technologies (IT) are the most important component of process of use of information resources of a society. To the present time IT some evolutionary stages have passed, which change was determined mainly by technical progress, occurrence of new technological means of search and processing of the data. Last on time the stage frequently named new, is characterized by change of an orientation IT from development of means on creation of strategic advantage in business.

004 3 3 Competitive advantage

004 3 5 Microsoft_Insights_BuildingStrategicAdvantageThroughIT.pdf

004 3 4 Competitive Advantage Definition

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3.2. Precondition of fast development of information technologies

Until recently information was not considered as a major active for the company.

The process of the organization activity management in the large degree depend on personal influence of the first persons of the companies without extensive process of the efforts managers coordination and analysis of the data. The business decisions were accepted by the first persons of the companies more often on the basis of experience and intuition, and the business decisions were accepted only in small number of cases - on a basis of the specially prepared information, containing variants of the decisions and an estimation of probability of their practicability.

004 3 5 Chang et al 2.pdf

004 3 8 9 4 sources of data and information

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Only powerful companies could afford to have the analytical centres, preparing a material for acceptance of the decisions. The development of computer facilities cardinally has changed of an business environment.

004 3 7 it development in other country

004 3 8 1 Technology and Social Change Is a Two-Way Street

004 3 4 9 types of information system

004 3 8 9 1 introduction what information does a business need?

004 3 8 9 2 introduction what is ICT?

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Globalization and the development of integrated industrial economies greatly enhances the business. Information technology and information systems (IT / IS) provides mobile access and analytical power, which satisfy the requirements for conducting trade and business leadership across countries and continents. This creates a threat to national and regional firms: global communications and control systems delivered to the consumer information about the proposals, the quality and prices and make transactions and allow orders 24 hours a day in any place where there is access to the network.

004 3 8 2 Globalization

004 3 8 3 Global information system


004 3 1 1 Global Information Systemshttp://www.is-link.org/contacts

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004 3 8 9 5 methods of data storage

004 3 8 7 Recent Projects.

004 3 8 5 Global Information Systems University of Jyväskylä

The University of Jyväskylä has its origins in the first Finnish-speaking teacher training college, founded in 1863

Jan M. Pawlowski (IS:link Director/CoordinatorUniversity of Jyväskylä)Jyväskylä, Keski Suomi, FinlandProfessor for Digital Media / Global Information Systems at the University of Jyväskylä - working on Global Information Systems, specifically the influence of cultural aspects on knowledge intensive processes.

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The international agreements and standards competition, based on speeds of acceptance of the optimum decision, decrease of cost of the bargains at the expense of information marketing.

Thus, the world market becomes open, any of firms can not feel in safety. To become the effective participant of this market, the companies require powerful information support and modern systems of communication.

World market becomes open

Jan 11,2011, Fujian Province " Two session" opened. Facial biometric recognition technology- key places facial surveillance and tracking system successfully applied to the security.

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System successfully applied to the security

Jan 11,2011, Fujian Province " Two session" opened. Facial biometric recognition technology- key places facial surveillance and tracking system successfully applied to the security. This system directly use the existed city global eyes cameras, especially the cameras that around the conference. They can automatically collect the facial information who pass by the camera, and real time match with the back-end database. Once found the suspect, it will alarm and remind the security staff to ensure the security of the session.

004 3 1 1 2biometric recognition surveillance system

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3.3. Stages of development of information technologies

3.3. Stages of development of information technologiesThere are some opportunities of classification of development IT with use of computers, which are determined by various qualitative attributes of division on stages. The basic purpose of the IT application becomes satisfaction of corporate and personal information needs.

3.4. Problems worth on a way informations of a society

Stage 1 (before the end of the 60s of the twentieth century) is characterized by the problem of processing large amounts of data in the limited capacity of software and hardware.

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2 stage (up to the end 70s.) is connected to distribution of the computer of a series IBM/360. A problem of this stage is opportunity of use of the large universal computers (Mainframe) only by powerful corporations in view of their dearness and complexity of operation.

3-rd stage (from middle 80s.) - the computer becomes the tool of the not professional user (first personal computers), and simple information systems (IS) - means of support of acceptance of the decisions. Problems are necessity of the maximal satisfaction of needs of the user and creation of the appropriate interface of work in computer environment, development of the applications for corporate and individual usage.

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4-th stage (from a beginning 90s.) - development of modern technologies of creation large IS, local, regional and global networks. The problems of this stage are rather numerous.

Most essential of them are:

4.Organization of protection and safety of the corporate information.

1.Development of the agreements and establishment of the standards, protocols for computer development and telecommunications;

2.Necessity of development distributed IS;

3.Organization of access to the strategic information;

5.Tasks and processing of the information.

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Stage 1 (60-70th. Of the twentieth century) - data processing in data centers in a shared mode. The main focus was the development of the IT operational automation of routine human actions and the development of automated control systems for manufacturing (CAM) systems and process control (DCS).

Stage 2 (80 - present) - the creation of IT to address the strategic objectives and implementation of the information systems process management (PMIS), and business decision-making support (DSS).

CAD/CAM Software is optimized for toolpath control.

Tasks and information processing

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3.4. Advantage of application of computer technologies

Stage 1 (early 60's. The twentieth century) is characterized by a very efficient processing of information when performing routine operations with a focus on centralized collective resource use data centers. The main criterion for evaluating the efficiency of IP was created by the difference between the input to the development and savings resulting from the introduction of means. The main problem at this stage was psychological - a difficult interaction between users who set up the IP and developers because of the differences in their attitudes and understanding of the problems to be solved. As a consequence of this problem, create a system that users do not perceive, and, in spite of their rather large features, not used to the fullest.

Realization of a principle reception of the information " in one place and now ".

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Stage 2 (mid-80s.) Associated with the emergence of personal computers. Changed approach to IP - focus shifts to the individual user to support its decisions. The user is interested in the ongoing development, being established contact with the developer, there is a mutual understanding of both teams. At this stage, is used as a centralized data processing, which is characteristic for the first phase, and a decentralized, based on solving local problems and work with local databases in the workplace user.

004 3 1 2 Automation in Construction

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3.5. Realization of a principle " in one place and at any time "

Third stage (from the early 90's.) Is associated with an understanding of the strategic advantages of computerized business and is based on the achievements of communication technology and distributed information processing. IP are designed to not only increase the efficiency of data processing and support managers, and the creation of highly efficient production. Used IT to help companies survive the competition and gain an advantage.

Realization of a principle " in any place and at any time ".

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3.6. Tool technological means

Stage 1 (before the second half of XIX c.) - "Hand" technology: pen and ink, books, basic hand tools account. Communications carried by horse-mail delivery of letters, packages, telegrams, European countries used a mechanical telegraph. The main purpose of technology - presentation and transmission of information in the required form.

Stage 2 (end of XIX c. - 40-ies. The twentieth century.) - "Mechanical" technologies: a typewriter, adding machine, telegraph, telephone, tape recorder, equipped with more sophisticated means of delivering mail. The main purpose technologies - the provision of information in the required form more user-friendly tools, reducing costs to correct the loss and distortion.

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Third stage (40 - 60s. XX c.) - "Electric" technology: the big computer and appropriate software, electric typewriters, teletype (telex), photocopiers, handheld dictaphones. Organization of information delivery at a specified time. Changing the purpose of technology. The emphasis in IT starts to move with the presentation of information on the formation of its content.

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Step 4 (70-s. - Mid 80's.) - "E" technology, the basic tools which are great computers and create on their basis of automated control systems (ACS) and information retrieval systems (IRS) equipped with a wide range of basic and specialized software systems. "The center of gravity" technology is even more shifted to the formation of meaningful information for environmental management of various spheres of public life, especially the organization of the analytical work. Acquired experience in the formation of meaningful management information has been prepared and professional, psychological and social bases for the transition to a new stage of technology development..

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5th stage (mid-80s.) - "Computer (new)" technology, their main tool is a PC with a wide range of standard and customized software products of wide application. At this stage, the personalization process control systems (ACS), which is manifested in the creation of decision support systems at various levels of government. Such systems have built-in elements of the analysis and artificial intelligence, implemented on a personal computer and use network technology and telecommunications for the network.

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6th stage (mid-90s.) - "Internet / Intranet (latest)" technology. Widely used in various fields of science, technology and business distributed systems, global, regional and local computer networks. Developing e-commerce. In connection with the transition to microprocessor base are significant changes in communication technology, the means of domestic, cultural and other purposes.

3.7. Tendency of development IT

In the traditional approach to the organization, when specialized functions included in it, one after another, as in the relay, high efficiency is unattainable.The speed of reaction on external changes requires constant cooperation between the different specialized departments and services.

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The application IT allows considerably to change style of management and business - processes and considerably to improve the basic parameters of activity of the company . The former rules of business dealing promptly become outdated. The companies, which be not capable "to see" the importance of these changes, risk strongly to lag behind .

004 3 8 11 16th International Conference

Constantly communicating and exchanging the information, they can work quickly, in coordination and simultaneously in the most different directions. The information technologies are extremely useful in case of such co-ordinated process.

04 3 8 10 Why are information systems so important in business today?

Coordination and simultaneously in the most different directions

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The complex work according to situations can be carried out only with the experts work of the expert the expert of a general structure can carry out expert systems.

It is necessary to choose between centralization and decentralization the distributed work in groups, telecommunication and network is possible simultaneously to receive advantages from a combination of two forms of organization of management and manufacture .

All decisions are accepted only with the bosses and responsible managers the acceptance of the decisions becomes a part of work of each employee adequate for the site of work of a means of support of acceptance of the decisions, access to bases and storehouses of knowledge, system of knowledge.

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For search, reception, analysis, storage and the transfers of the information are required the specially equipped rooms the experts can send and receive the information from that place, where they are internet/intranet-technologies, оптоволоконные and satellite systems of communication, mobile systems.

The best contact to the buyer is personal contact , the best contact to the potential buyer is effective study of features of the buyer interactive interaction, database, system of interrogation and revealing of preferences.To find a certain essence, it is necessary to know, where it is of essence speak you, where they are systems of search.

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Mobile agent-based system

The plans are not reconsidered or the plans are reconsidered under the force majeure pressure are reconsidered and the expert systems, system of flexible planning and management of risks, high-efficiency computers are corrected operatively, as required and adequately to requirements of the consumer .

The IT-departments in firms and corporations began to be put forward on the first roles.

Such an attitude towards IT and their role in the business forces us to reassess the traditional answer to the question "What is the main objective of information technology?". The former response, satisfying the requirements of 1980-1990-s, - "Improving labor productivity, savings finance the search for new forms of interaction" - is now to how to achieve operational and tactical advantages.

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This was promoted by three factors, which were to the full showed per 1990 years:

1. The needs of business began to render the increasing pressure on the analytical departments and IT departments to increase their contribution to the overall result of the company; pressure on analytical departments and departments IT with the purpose of increase of their contribution in general result of activity of the company;

2.Computer paradigm of work, focused on the mainframe data centers and powerful with a great staff, becomes obsolete and is replaced by a new paradigm - distributed computing (network clusters) which, in turn, leads to the creation of new IT;

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3. The reorientation from technology on the consumer has resulted in necessity of psychological reorganization of the manager and to formation of new discipline - strategic planning of development corporate IT for overlapping strategy of business and information strategy.

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3.8. Strategic IT role in the modern world

Strategic role IT in the modern world - to promote management, adequately to react to changes of the market, to create, to support and to deepen competitive advantage (Сompetitive Advantage) with the purpose of extraction of the maximal benefit.

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The modern condition IT can be characterized by the following situations :

1. Presence of a plenty of hardware-software complexes and platforms for effective management and support of the manufacture industrially functioning databases and storehouses of knowledge of large volume, containing the information on all directions of activity of a society;

2. Presence of technologies, ensuring interactive access of any user to the information and resources - by a technical basis for it serve open (Free) and corporate systems of search of the information (Information Retrieval Systems - IRS), state and commercial systems of communication, global (Global Network Systems), national (NNS) and regional (RNS) information networks; the international agreements, standards and protocols of an exchange of the data;

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3. Expansion of the IT functionalities, bases, ensuring distributed work, and storehouses of the data with the data of various structure and contents, multi object of the documents, hyper media ; creation local and integrated problem-oriented IS of various assignment on the basis of powerful servers and local - computer network;

4. Inclusion in IS of the specialized interfaces of the user for interaction with expert systems (Expert System - ES), systems of support of acceptance of the decision (Decision Support System - DSS), system of support of execution (Executive Support System - ESS), system of machine translation (Translating Computer System - TCS) both other technologies and means.

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3.9. Development IT

In development IT it is possible to allocate five basic tendencies.

1. Globalization. Companies can use IT to do business in the global market, anywhere, instantly get detailed information. There is the internationalization of software and information product market. Getting the benefits due to the continuous distribution of information costs on a broader geographic region is an essential element of the strategy.

2. Convergence.The distinctions between industrial products and services, information product and means of its reception, their professional and household use are erased. Transfer and reception digital, sound and video signals are united in one devices and systems.

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3. Complication of information products and services. The information product as hardware-software means, bases and storehouses data, services of operation and expert maintenance tends to constant development and complication. At the same time interface part IT at all complexity of soluble tasks constantly becomes simpler, doing more and more comfortable interactive interaction of the user and system.

4. Ability to interaction . Problems of an optimum exchange data between computer information systems, between system and users, problem of processing both the transfers of the data and formation of the required information have got the status of conducting technological problems. The modern hardware-software means and protocols of an exchange of the data allow to solve them in more and more complete volume.

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5. The elimination of intermediates (Disintermediation). Developing the ability to interact clearly leads to a simplification of delivery of information products to the consumer. Becomes unnecessary chain of intermediaries, if you can place orders and receive the required directly by IT..

3.10. With reference to business

With reference to business it means the following:

1. Realization of the distributed data processing, when on a workplace there are enough of resources for reception and analysis of the information;

2. Creation of the advanced systems of the communications, when the workplaces are incorporated for maximum fast transfer of the messages;Elimination of handicapes in system of integration " organization - external environment ", direct access in world information flows;

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3. Creation and development of systems of the electronic orders and trade;

4.Support of social networks.

The considered above changes of the requirements for groups of interests in the IT sphere and information culture of the company are caused by changes of development of the enterprises and external environment and result in functional changes in a control system. The basic aspects of this development and their influence on a IT role in operation of business consist in the following.

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3.11. From data processing - to management of knowledge

Already for a long time has disappeared necessity to consider IT only as a means of data processing. With the help of technologies from the data it is necessary to take the information for needs of the user, and the arising in this connection problem " of information overloads " requires modern high-speed means of selection, further processing and updating of the information. Thus it is necessary to think over a question on commercially favourable and convenient interfaces, and also about interaction of the shared knowledge between organizational divisions and partners in cooperation.

004 3 8 12 Definition of Knowledge Management

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The fast integration of networks of local systems with regional and even by international structures results in refusal of classical working fields of computer science and wide attraction of means of telecommunications. It conducts to "washing out" of information borders of the enterprise. All becomes more difficult for defining, where it begins and where comes to an end.

Creation and operation of the appropriate communication structure for similar " of the virtual enterprises " concern to tasks of information management, as well as classical function of maintenance of production or development of the goods and services on the IT base . The business thus consists not only in processing the information, but also in rational distribution and use of knowledge. The knowledge should produce a profit and, if it is possible, today!

Rational distribution and use of knowledge

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Besides the workers and chiefs of the enterprise should take into account at a professional level all new and important for IT aspects. The example can be served with a question on technological and economic importance of technologies Internet/Intranet. On the information-technological service the responsibility for creation of a platform lays, on which becomes the possible corporate management, including the qualified preparation (including psychological) personnel.

3.12. Decentralization and growth of information requirements

The orientation of the maximum closer to the client demanded that the companies move to the horizontal, decentralized structures. Decision-making in the context of decentralization has led to a sharp increase in demand for information on the process of production of goods and services.

Professional level

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There was a need for a more detailed introduction of a third party with the state of affairs in their respective business areas and systems of implementation of the quality of the product. In the new situation to provide information on all fronts must function flawlessly.

The use of IT is designed to neutralize the organizational complexity of the enterprise. Previously this was achieved by laying on the computers of complex calculations and processing of documents in very large quantities. Now the question is to continually increasingly complex models of horizontal and vertical linkages (structures which, in turn, are constantly changing) improved by using new communication technologies.

Introduction of a third party

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Earlier at the enterprises the powerful computer centers, preparing huge amount of the digital reports, were established on the basis of which in subsequent the management of economic activity was carried out. Now task of IT-services of the company is to develop such technology, with which help it would be possible constantly to hold in a rate of events of the managers and their partners, accepting decision in conditions of decentralization.

The new information-technological systems should provide not any abstract economic system, but concrete partners, which in the various forms participate in economic process.

Various forms participate

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3.13. Integration of decentralized systems

The information at the enterprises is processed within the framework of the diversified systems, which have been not connected with each other frequently. The maintenance of their wide availability for all employees (and also external partners) and simplification thus of acceptance of the creative decisions can become the critically important factor of success for many enterprises. At the same time the association on a vertical and horizontal of the information-technological systems, which have arisen in conditions of decentralization, seems almost impossible. Anyway, in the classical IT areas the experience on this task is absent. Nevertheless, the integration should take place.

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The statement of the similar purpose is necessary for maximum management for real management of changes. The organizational level in its achievement can become virtual, design and working groups incorporated by common interests of performance of the current projects and the decision of long-term tasks. Probably, such groups can even effectively operate functions of the distributed departments of the company and accompanying their the IT activity .

The purpose in this case could become the integration approach to the interconnected technological, social, functional and economic processes of the company.

Distributed departments of the company

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3.14. Capital investment and risks

The capital investments in IT today entail numerous consequences. On the one hand, they open the certain prospects, and with another - can deprive the enterprise of perspective opportunities in the future because of the dependences connected to fast technological changes and "binding" to any one technology or the certain supplier. Therefore decisions on capital investments in IT should not be accepted, the risks of application of those or other computer and telecommunication means will not be appreciated yet and the professional advice will not be received, on what ways there will be a development of the following generation of technology. At planning capital investments in IT, it is necessary in the obligatory order " to hold in mind " a ultimate goal of their purchase and expansions - as far as the IT realizations will promote business - strategy of the enterprise.

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3.15. Psychological factor and language levels

It is natural, that the new technology raises productivity, helps firm to achieve the best economic results. Alongside with it the managers should know, how think and as the people using new technology work. The firms, to which it is possible better, can hope for the large feedback from means enclosed in IT.

Manufacturers of information technology and integration team must learn to make suggestions, not only in highly specialized terms. At the talks will be a partner to raise issues of fundamental importance to senior management in his company.

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It is important that both parties have reached a new level of negotiation, the parties would speak the same language. We are in this case is not so much about the quality of technology and the quality of IT services. Technique, of course, must work well and be strong. However, its manufacturer must feel on the site manager, who with the help of IT seeks to achieve competitive advantage.

The clean seller " in system of selling IT leaves in the past. The similar situation should develop and at the enterprise, is especial when the speech goes about versatile manufacture or rendering of various services. Skill of the IT-manager find common language with the managers of divisions should to cease be by art of the singles, and to turn to daily practice.

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3.16. Development IT and organizational changes at the enterprises

New information technologies and implemented based on these information systems are a powerful tool for organizational change, which "forced" to redesign its business structure, region of activity, communication, resources, ie carry out a complete re-engineering of business processes to achieve new strategic goals.

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The organizational processes and document circulation become simpler, as administrative influences движутся from a paper embodiment to digital

The introduction of information technologies can result in organizational changes of a various degree: from minimal up to far-reaching. All depends on strategy of the company, subject domain of its activity, from a level of development of a network of business - processes, from the integration degree of information resources and, certainly, from determination and persistence of the top management of the enterprise to finish the transformations to the logic end.

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The IT observation and control provide detailed observation of performance of processes and control of execution of administrative influencesThe integration directly unite parts of activity in the interconnected processes, which occured to participation of the intermediaries and intermediate administrative parts earlier.

In geographical and telecommunication IT quickly transfer the information for performance of processes irrespective of a place of their performance

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The most widespread form of organizational changes with the help IT - automation of business - processes (Business Process Automation - BPA). The first application, developed with the help IT, have mentioned financial operations and document circulation, as it is the most formalized part of business processes of the company. Accounts and performance of payments, control transaction and moving of the documents, direct access of the clients to deposit - standard examples of early automation. The risk of introduction of these technologies was minimal, prize - very large.

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The deeper form of organizational change already touching structure of manufacture is the rationalization of working procedures or improvement of processes (Business Process Improvement - BPI).

For prompting about in the complex and distributed procedures and processes it is necessary to change the order of their performance. Essence of changes - rational building of technological procedures, economy процессного of space and time. The rationalization nor introduces of the large additional risk, as it can begin with local procedures and processes and only after reception of economic benefit to be distributed to all enterprise.

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New IT is ultimately intended to change the nature of the organization, transforming its mission and strategic aspirations (Paradigm Shift - PS): for example, the development of entirely new market niche, opening subsidiaries in other countries, the acquisition of another company's merger with a partner, etc.

Such organizational changes have the greatest risk, but they carry also the best feedback. The management of the company realize the changes of such type, understanding all measure of the responsibility for the accepted global decisions.

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The basic tendency consists in development of information systems of the enterprises now in the increasing integration IT/IS for the maximal feedback, increase of efficiency of use and growth " of return of the investments ".

3.17. Control questions and tasks

Name the main preconditions of rough development of information technologies and systems of their application in operation of business in the end ХХ - beginning XXI of centuries.What basic stages of development of information technologies?On the basis of what computing devices the first information systems were based?

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What administrative tasks decided(solved) with the help IS per 70 years ХХ of century?Characterize the basic tendencies of development IT/IS.How the style of business dealing of the modern company changes at an effective utilization IT/IS?What factors lead to the need for reengineering of business?What organizational changes in the companies occur under the IT influence ?What from organizational changes at information of the enterprises has the greatest risk and why?How are combined decentralization and integration at information of the enterprise?How would you characterize the company in accordance with the successful introduction and application of IT technologies?For what the IT-manager should be able to find common language with the managers of administrative and industrial divisions of the company?

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